The Dick Show - Episode 352 - Dick on the Contrarian

Episode Date: March 28, 2023

An all-women surgeon team, replacing truckers, V-Tubers, Nick Rekieta calls in, Jordan Peterson hears a guitar, ESG investing, a woman is Tinder Swindler'ed, women measuring things, and a man is scamm...ed by a prostitute; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is it from? Do you recognize it? No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:00:17 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop,
Starting point is 00:00:25 nope, not from Mario 2. That sounds familiar, but... Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, the Game Boy Mario, Mario Land, Sean. Okay. Classic cut. That's Mario Land with the rubber ball. That's Mario 2, right?
Starting point is 00:00:42 That's Mario 2, the dog shit Mario. Right, the egg-she-ing girl made fun of me for liking. Oh, yeah. And then when I tried to defend it by saying it was the only Mario game I ever beat, she laughed at me and walked away. Really? Yes. You never beat any of the other ones?
Starting point is 00:01:00 No. Never. Just from boredom. I don't know. Or just, I don't know. I don't know failure. How do you cope with life by making excuses about boredom and whatever. Yeah, I mean eggs. I would think that laughed at me and walked away after enough time. If your goal in life was to beat the game, you would have beat the game. But then it's a bigger failure because you had to say at one point your goal in life was to beat Mario figuratively.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Uh, yes, figuratively. I mean, all losses figured some way. Sure. Isn't that what the bad news bearers taught us? It taught me a lot of racial slurs. They have racial slurs in the bad news bears. Are you kidding me? You know what I'm fucking watching? Have you seen the original bad news? I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, but when I saw it, like I didn't have a slur detector. Woo.
Starting point is 00:01:54 As a kid, you watch all these things and you don't have like a slur silo in your mind that gets activated like, wow, wow, wow, wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I gotta rewatch it with a new modern sensibility. Yeah, yeah. I've been watching the Jefferson's lately. They cannot make that movie that nowadays, Dick. That's one they would not make.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I mean, they did the Billy Bob Thornton one. And they put no girl in it. Oh, they nerfed it to fuck. Well, no, the girl, there was a girl. Girls in the original. Yeah, she's a picture. Yeah. She should be a catcher if If you know what I mean,
Starting point is 00:02:27 get that old, get that old mitt, get that old dirty mitt out, catch these balls. Bald out. How was the line from the movie? Actually Walter Mathau said it. Bitch, get that dirty mitt out here. How old was she? 19. No, no, no, no. They were all underage. Oh, no, no, no, never mind. He didn't say that. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, imagine a Vito. It said something like that. She was canceled. Yeah, she was kind of like, blah, blah, blah. She looked at him like her loser dad kind of. Wasn't he?? Oh no, no, he was just a guy, right? Yeah, he earned a little girl. Yeah, I mean, it sounds bad when you say it like that.
Starting point is 00:03:10 The Jefferson's. It's very innocent, it's a joke. The Jefferson's has the N word all the time. There's even that interracial couple. They have an argument on the third episode where he admits that he thinks the N word sometimes when they're fighting, but he never says it. I said, jumping geosophads.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Yeah. Really? Well, the heat and the, you could really just tell the truth on TV back then, huh? Yeah. Well, fun. What a fantastic world that was ruined by women that we had. That was a, yeah, that was a good episode.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I saw that one. You remember that one? I do remember that one. I mean, I saw that. I read that. Oh, you didn't see it when it came out. I mean, I saw it. I read that. She was. Oh, you didn't see it when it came out. I'm sitting around the high five.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Yeah. Yeah. When was that? Was it late 70s? I think so. Yeah. Had to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Speaking of sick, you know, my little nephew, BamBam, tells me we're sitting around at the family dinner table for some reason. Did he make a new dick centric superhero this week? No, but I said send me a drawing and I'll put it through the AI computers to make it a real one. And he goes, yeah, I'm gonna send, oh, weener man. I was like, well, what about strong weener man? Because I don't want a bunch of computer guys cocks. He's not thinking, yeah, actually send me we you're man and I'll ball put hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:04:25 A man made out of hot dogs, all right? Right. He's like, it's not the same. Yeah. He goes, like a bam, bam, he has a voice. Does the other one, I wish man have a voice? It's not the same. It's not, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's not the same. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Uh, he goes, he's talking about all the sign felt episodes he's seen. I guess my felled episodes he's seen. I guess my sister, my sister's husband found a list of like G rated sign felled episodes where they're not talking about sex and masturbating and stuff. Yeah. So they, he watched those with them.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And they go, what are you, they're all a dinner and they go, what do you think, they're talking about? What do you think, what character does Uncle remind you of and without missing a beat? He goes, uh, Newman. Pretty good. Yeah, Newman. Newman. He knows Newman.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Why? He's like, uh, yeah. Okay. All right. I'm out. See you guys. Yep. I'm going home. Yep. Goodbye. Newman. Alright, here we go. Let's do a show. Nick's calling in at some points.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Newman, I don't want to ask why actually I take that back. Yeah! Welcome to the ACU, I'm the GDG, you're looking good. You guys are the showwims of contest. Coming to your live from Mount Bunker, Deepen the Huttest of your value. I'm your host, Nick Masch, the Twenties of the Million Art Man. Twenties of the World Touring Bay's comedian, Sean the audio engineer. Hello, dick.
Starting point is 00:06:07 What's up, buddy? How you doing? I'm not bad. Patreon invited me into their pull up campaign. What? Pulling up marginalized voices of black and black and black and other types of marginalized voices community. I think that's gonna go.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I said, of course, are you a marginalized voice? Yeah, I'm the very marginalized voice. Did they? Are you kidding me? I'm the most marginalized that got. What are you supposed to represent? What's, what is this? Tell me about this.
Starting point is 00:06:36 That's some dumb spam email they said with them. I was gonna say, so it was like a poll. Because they obviously, they haven't checked into the show if they sent it to everybody. I'm sure. They just to make sure those marginalized voices are getting out there. Everybody's in different kind of marginalized. Hold up. I'm going to join their dumb Zoom call.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Big struggle session about how marginalized everyone is. How many people be on that Zoom call? I don't know. They'll be late though. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Half of them will be late. I'm a little slow today. I'm glad you repeated that and clarified it for me. I know how you much.
Starting point is 00:07:12 You're like a brilliant joke, but I know how much you like your racist dogwisels, Sean. You know, the Bordei got club thing, which is obviously racist dogwisling. We never actually talked about the way it's passed now. I'm being shouted down by liberals about how it's a dumb conspiracy, the racist dogwistling. We never actually talked about it. We never will, it's past now. I'm being shouted down by liberals about how it's a dumb conspiracy, the racist dogwistling, and I'm sitting here going, I've been racist dogwistling my whole fucking life.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You guys don't think I know a racist dogwistle when I see it? I fucking know a racist dogwistle when I see it, okay? I don't know. That's exactly what I would have done. I don't know what the board, a yacht club is or whatever, but I mean, there is such a thing as dog whistling. Yeah, we do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Sure, all the time. It's done on, it's done on like every major news network. It's done, yeah, it's, man, I got done dirty this week. I got my mom tickets to the Lion King for Christmas. Right. And then she goes, this lady, got ups and has surgery on the day before the big event.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Really big show. Yeah, I'm like, what about the, what about the fucking Lion King? She's like, oh, and in front of every, she goes, oh, I just figured you in 80s grow could go. Like, I got it for you. This is some thanks for me. Yeah, right. What?
Starting point is 00:08:31 You couldn't sell them to a home, you didn't give them to a homeless person or a battered woman's shelter or something, you gotta give them back to me. Well, that kind of fucks me over, mom. No, I gotta go see the lion. Now, I have to go. You've probably seen it before, right?
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yes, I thought so. So is she twice, in fact? Yeah. We gotta go see this thing, this fucking thing again? Yeah. So I'm going under duress. Where was it? Pantages.
Starting point is 00:08:56 We get there, it's full of fucking kids. Oh my God. I'm sitting this kid right next to, right next to 80s where only other side, this little four year old boy or something five year old boy. No business being no business being there, but you know moms. This is going to be a real special time. You're the both of us. Yeah, you don't look like you don't look like the weird pedophile sitting next to the four year old.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I don't think so. Okay. I don't think so. I'm swearing talking about non pedophile things. Yeah. You know, because you want us to lock in kids awayophile things. Yeah. You know, as you were, the fucking kids away from me. Right. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:09:28 The first number, I hate kids. I hate them. I hate their, I hate their tight little butts actually. Definitely not a petophile. Hate them. Yeah. I like, I like my sex partners big and sloppy. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Big and fat like a dumpster. Right. Put a wig on a dumpster. They cry less. The kind of dumpster that's been Put a wig on a dumpster. The cry less. The kind of dumpster that's been banged around so that the grease is leaking out the bottom. It's all dented in. I like my women like I like my Arby's dumpsters.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Big fat and full of floppy meat. Put my dick in a... God damn. Put my dick in a big Montana. Great. That's how I convince it. That's how I do it. Yeah. Petophile couldn't even say that stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Special petophile. The next one for you, you're all the lion king. You show a petophile a big Montana. Mommy, this man smells like beer. I say, you want to fuck this sandwich? You petophile go, why do I want to fuck that smells like beer. I say, you wanna fuck this sandwich? You pedophile go, why do I wanna fuck that sandwich? Yeah, show me that sandwich. I'll smell it, I get hard.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Give me that big Montana, put my dick in it. American pie, I don't think so. American big Montana. Anyway, the first number goes out. Uh, sit down, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah See, you know, the line king, the flash mobs. And it ends in the kid goes, it's dead silence and the kid goes, is it over?
Starting point is 00:10:57 Can we go home now? Seriously? Guys, okay, is that over? Is it? Can we go home now? And I'm like, oh, is that over? Is it, could we go home now? And I'm like, oh, this is great. You're playing all of a sudden, you're playing.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Yeah, the whole thing, after everything, he's like, oh, oh God, I hear him say, mom, we gotta go. After the second, they told the guy up, symbols, and he goes, mom, I gotta go. We gotta get the fuck out of here, mom. He says literally, this is a quote, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die! And she thinks he's gonna be completely enamored of it, right?
Starting point is 00:11:37 I gotta get out of here, I'm gonna die. Yeah, I'm gonna die. Like man, you and me, but he's kicking his shoes off. It's like this is mad to dude. I'm slumping down in my chair. He finally slunked down all the way into the seat. Yeah, the little kid thing, you can't drink in there, but you can drink water in there.
Starting point is 00:11:57 You can drink a water bottle for some reason. Yeah, ask if you shared your flask with him. The kid, you're gonna need this. So now I'm bringing, now I'm bringing Vodka. Women are gonna make you do a lot of stuff. You don't wanna do the rest of your life. Okay, ding the lion king is just your, it's just dipping your toes in the water.
Starting point is 00:12:12 So he slumped down on the floor, I slumped down with him and I gave him, come over here. I got a little snap back for you over here. Take a little slug on this, it'll take the edge off. You see that fucking Timon puppet, they got it, looks like shit, looks like shit, doesn't it, and it'll take the edge off. You see that fucking Timon puppet, they got it, looks like shit. Looks like shit, doesn't it? And Timon is the best one.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And they fucked up the fart joke, didn't they? You saw that right here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, give it back, give it back, give it back. Whoa, whoa, whoa. So I says to my girlfriend, they're letting water bottles in here? Yeah. I'm bringing vodka next time. How are you gonna get, how are you gonna get vodka in here?
Starting point is 00:12:46 I said, first of all, if you ever say something like that to me again, I'll slap you. I don't care if we're on TV, I'll do it. You never ask me how I'm getting out. Do you want to know? Do you want to know so that if they take you in for questioning, you'll crack like a fucking walnut. Yeah, don't. Do you want to know the question? so that if they take you in for questioning, you'll crack like a fucking walnut. Yeah, don't, uh...
Starting point is 00:13:06 Do you wanna know the question? Do you want to know the answers that your questions that you're asking the answers to? No. I don't think so. Don't worry, I could get liquor into space. Yeah. Okay?
Starting point is 00:13:16 I'll hide it. There are ways. You don't wanna know. I could think of three off the top of my head. Fake pants, inject the water, inject the water bottle for full vodka with the seal still on, fake water bottle that uses mirrors and fiber optics somehow to convince you that it's actually water
Starting point is 00:13:36 when there's whiskey inside. Many ways, many ways, okay. I'll glue it shut, I don't get any way. I forget what that point of that thing was. I'm seeing the lion king, you got fucked over. So then 80s girl brings in some food, it says no food. Yeah. She brings in a thing of pretzels,
Starting point is 00:13:56 like says no food up there, you're gonna eat pretzels or I got, yeah, yeah, yeah, right? It's like don't fuck, don't bother me, I'm hungry. Right. Okay. You're good. Not first, very first pretzel, pulls like don't fuck don't bother me. I'm hungry. Right. Okay. Okay. Not first very first pretzel pulls it out Drops it on All right
Starting point is 00:14:13 I Finally saw that everything Everywhere movie do you see that yeah? Yeah, yeah or read that movie. I should say read that movie Yeah, isn't it basically just like Rick and Morty Kind of is so Rick. Yeah, I guess it is. Yeah read that movie I should say. Red that movie, yeah. Isn't it basically just like Rick and Morty? Kind of is. So Rick, yeah, I guess it kind of is, yeah. Rick and Morty and they called that Jewish girl,
Starting point is 00:14:30 did they call, they referred to her as the one with the big nose at the beginning of the movie. Did you see that? Did they, did they come to me sketch that? I don't think anybody caught that. I don't know, did that, yeah, I don't remember. Right at the beginning, maybe they don't remember when they were voting. I was right at the beginning of the movie. I thought that was pretty brazen of them.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Who? Wow. Well, really? Ha! Interesting. It was done though. I liked it. You liked it. I mean, it again, it was like with a Shrinkimorty. It's hard to, everything gets overhyped. You think that's the greatest movie that I get out was like that. Where I was like, you saw that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Like it was good. But I mean, people are, it seemed like it was like the fucking second coming or so, I don't get it. Like people, it seems like things are even more overblown. Like, I mean, like the first black panther, people are talking about, you know, I was like, okay, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Like with the spears. Yeah, like it was, it was fine. It's like not, it's not even close to the worst Marvel movie they've put out. No, but like people were, I think, you know, I don't know, just people thought they were supposed to love it. like, people were, I think, you know, I don't know, just, people thought they, they were supposed to love it. There was some fucking, of course, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:50 it's only a certain group of people who are like super like going home. It's like very liberal, right? So it's like, you're gonna hear, like, it's the most, well, no, no. Chinese, it's Chinese. Can't be that liberal. Oh, no, they said that thing about the big nose.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I was talking about the, I was talking about Black Panther, the first part. Yeah, that's pretty liberal. Oh, no, they said that thing about the thing about the black panther. The first part is pretty liberal. I would say. Well, the people who adore it, you know, who think it's, you know, it's the citizen can or fucking the godfather or fucking cuz it's black people. Oh my god. I just can't believe I get it. Oh my god. No, I mean, I'm sad. That, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I a theater thing, at NYU, was some professor go, oh yes, I saw a production of Othello at this theater symposium I was at, and it was all black people. Like, that's hilarious. What are you saying that was just like a straight face?
Starting point is 00:17:02 Wow, all right. I saw a production of the Lakers versus the Sons. Very good. Who played a fellow? Vloddy Divock. Larry Bird. Yeah. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I told you about how when I was, when I was really young, like my two best friends were like Indian kids. Okay. Like, you know, we from India. Yeah. I think one of them had a really strong accent, but he was a fucking Lakers fanatic. This was the 80s Showtime era Lakers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:41 So we play a recess, we would play, we'd play basketball. And I didn't grow up playing basketball or anything like that. I said, hockey. Well, this was before I played anything. I mean, I wasn't even old enough for Little League and I was not fucking playing T-Ball. I was very adamant about that. Yeah, don't play T-Ball. I was like, that's not baseball.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Like I'll wait until I'm eight to play fucking Little League. Uh-huh. So we, every recess, you know, he would, what are you in your little kid? You're, you're, you're, uh, basketball players. You're, you're, you're heroes, right? I'm Michael Jordan. I'm, you know, so he's magic Johnson. I'm a world piece.
Starting point is 00:18:16 The other one was James Worthy. And a metal work. Okay. And so like, well, I'm like, I don't know shit about basketball. I mean, I knew the Lakers like I had heard. You could be Kurt Rambus. That's what I was. That's who he gave me, Kurt Rambus.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And then I started to find out. I'm like, the Kurt Rambus was like, yeah, he was on a team but he was like a bench player, right? So I go back the next week, I'm like, hey, Hey, you fucker. Yeah, exactly. Your parents can hit my train. No.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Might as you go shit in the street. Yeah, so I said, I don't wanna be Kurt Rambus. Like I didn't like the way he looked. Like he had glasses, he was like, oh yeah, yeah. White guy, so I had never heard, I had never heard of this other guy, so he goes, okay, you're, letty bud.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I'll never forget the way he says, he's like, letty bud. And I was like, who? Like, burr, like it to me for me, to understand. He's like, from his past and fears. Letty, Bert. Like, okay, I guess. I was like, okay, and I found out like,
Starting point is 00:19:12 Larry, Bert was a fucking killer. So like, I was like, okay, that's fine, but I didn't like the fact that I wasn't on his team. So it was kind of, you know, it's huge. It only be white guys. That's my fucking point. And there wasn't, And he's Indian. So who's he?
Starting point is 00:19:27 Well, he, he, he, he was magic Johnson. He was magic Johnson. The other one was James Worthy. But you didn't have a choice of an Indian guy. You didn't have a choice. So he was cl, yeah, even the white man, even as a boy, the white boy is even,
Starting point is 00:19:40 pledge is even pigeonhole. But what, that's what was so funny was, I thought about that later, but it's like, that was just something that a kid would do. Like it's like, well, I'm closer to this guy, you're closer to this guy. So you're this guy, like, why would you want to be something other than,
Starting point is 00:19:56 you know, what you, what you look like? So it's just, it was totally innocent, but I think about that sometimes it cracks me up every time, because I'm like, I had to, he looked at he looked at me it was like no you have to be a white guy sure uh... here's some here's some news for you shan uh... i don't know if this is going to tie into the theme for today this is a trans woman
Starting point is 00:20:22 has been left sobbing at the JFK airport after a TSA agent punched her in her testicles punched punched a transgender woman was left in tears after she claimed a TSA agent punched her in her testicles while going through security the unidentified flyer took to social media an event about the incident in which he said the agent humiliated her in front of everyone in a series of posts that has since been deleted.
Starting point is 00:20:54 She yelled at me for having a penis and humiliated me in front of everyone. I told her to please stop. Sean, this transphobia's got stopped. The TSA, the TSA has got to be shut down totally and completely until the rampant bigotry and transphobia within their ranks. Yeah. They're agents. Right. They bury the lead on this one. Yeah. The agent who is a woman, they did it. Taking out, do you see her? I begged her to stop. Where, uh, I told her to please stop.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I told her to please stop. See, do you see what's, now I've about had it up to here. With the transphobia that's happening in our world and it's being promoted and encouraged and stoked on by women. Man, that is so. By women against trans women. You assume it's a man.
Starting point is 00:21:50 You assume it's a man. But this is a woman who's angry at a man and decided to abuse her position of authority to punch him in the bar, her and the balls. And then follow them into the restroom. The TSA agent followed me into the women's restroom. It began talking about me to a coworker while I sobbed and stall okay okay that's exhibit a g here's what it's really about here's what it's really about for me and I'm going to get called a contrarian and a whatever I've been called every time I say something that's not the mob mentality,
Starting point is 00:22:25 the boycott of the week or whatever it is, you're a contrarian. You're a contrarian, you just love being a contrarian. Well, you are a contrarian. People, as a whole, have not done anything right for 150 years. Okay. not done anything right for 150 years. Okay, point to one thing that is not technology, that's something that one guy invented
Starting point is 00:22:53 that people have done right in the last 150 years. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Hey, we don't wanna be with you guys, starting from when was the Civil War started? 1864 or something, 1865? 1865, we don't wanna be with you guys starting from when was the Civil War start 1864 something 1865 1861 be with you guys anymore. So yeah 150 no less than a hundred Well, it's more than a hundred. We want to be with you guys anymore
Starting point is 00:23:13 You guys are like making decisions that it's gonna fuck us over. We want to go do our own thing No Actually, we're making the decisions from you guys now to forever and actually everyone on the face of the fucking planet starting then this is this is the so fuck you if you think it's contrarian to believe that every single decision made by more than 12 people in the last 150 years is wrong. You are an idiot. Meet the newest additions to the Stanford surgery family.
Starting point is 00:23:52 This says, this is the Stanford surgery Twitter slash press release. Sean, I'd like to meet the new additions to the Stanford surgery family. March 22, 2002. what do we have a black woman indian woman black woman asian woman indian woman white woman asian man white woman white woman white woman with down syndrome no indian uh... mexican woman white woman woman of indeterminate race busily middle eastern this is what the triad phobia is about
Starting point is 00:24:25 this women have been pretending to be men for fifty years using every single tool in their arsenal both legal and sexual to take from us to take positions of power to take positions in education
Starting point is 00:24:43 to take families and children away from us, and to take our money away from us. So if they suddenly, they surgically remove your wallet. They surgically removed. They sexually identified as our money for the last 50 years. If you're gonna sit here and tell me that they now have a problem
Starting point is 00:25:01 with the natural conclusion of feminism, which is, well, whatever you want, whatever kind of our marginalized group you identify with, you get everything that they have a sudden problem of Man invading their spaces with bullshit, then that's too fucking bad. This is what they're protecting Welcome our new graduate class. You mean it's not, it's not 60% men? It's not 70% men. Oh no, it's not 40% men, it's not 30% men. It's one guy, that's all that there was
Starting point is 00:25:40 after this exhaustive fucking process is one guy. That's it. Apparently so. Then you have this. Let me fire this up. I'm a woman. Stop. You're defining us by our vulvas now.
Starting point is 00:26:00 By our capacity for sex. Congratulations on being a thousand times worse. Volvo owners. Three-starriot times worse. Full of the owners. That's a very poorly made Swedish car. That's what. Yeah. What happened all that shit about, you don't have a uterus
Starting point is 00:26:17 then you have no say in a Borschen. What happened to that shit? What happened to Justin Reueland being fired for having a relationship? Because he doesn't have a uterus, which is what that's really about. It's not about the some texting, some dumb 16 year old, or getting into a fake drunk fight with some dumb chick that then got dismissed, and that veto is crowing about the charges being dropped, pretending that, well, well, Justin Royland the charges being dropped pretending that well,
Starting point is 00:26:45 well, Justin Royal has charges got dropped. So he'll be back on Rick and Morty, right? Did they get dropped? Yeah, I haven't even kept up on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me clear. Wow. Justin, Royland, what's like they, they declined to file charges against Trevor Bauer or grant the woman's restraining order. Drops. Drops. You do the lack of sufficient evidence beyond so because it's bullshit. Because it's no evidence. I mean, what is he going to come back? No.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Of course not. No, not, you know, why? Cause he was. Not for a long time. Well, he was texting. No, I'm don't even make this huge. No, I'm don't even make this huge fucking deal over it. That's, you know, and that's what, um, cause he's mad. I'm done. Don't even make this huge, they're gonna make this huge fucking deal over it.
Starting point is 00:27:25 That's, you know, and that's what, um, cause he's mad. That's what they do. That's why. Cause they couldn't, I mean, it's like, they don't want to be accused of like, oh, you didn't take this seriously. Cause this whole time, that's what it's been about. None of this shit, hostile work pies. Oh, he's got a domestic violence.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Oh, he's got this and that. It is a cabal, a ginocritic cabal of mean girls that have taken over the world. And I'm tired of guys sipping for them. Well, growing about men have a penis, girls have it. Yeah, we got it. Very insightful commentary. Yeah. Well, you guys are congratulating each other for knowing that you have penises, they're
Starting point is 00:28:08 taking over the surgical center at Stanford. Does that have, do you have any kind of a problem with that? Stop. And punching our balls and TSA. Okay, here's, let me get, I get something else for you. They're not taking over the driving the ambulances though. Then we'll have a real problem. Oh boy. Oh boy. Doodah doodah doodah doodah. AI chant bots.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Oh, here we go. You'll like this one. It's about music. I got this one just for you. This is Jordan Peterson describing music. Oh boy. Yeah, it's pretty good. Oh, bad. Okay. Jordan Peterson punching. This is Jordan Peterson describing music on Joe Rogan, but somebody found the actual thing that he was at that he's describing, I think. So they cut in like bar and Nashville. Stop, stop, stop.
Starting point is 00:29:08 They cut in what was actually happening with his description of what it was. I don't know. Okay. Here we go. And I went to this bar and Nashville. This band was playing Kelly's Heroes. They have great guitarists. Best guitarist I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:29:29 And they were playing... Is that real? Yeah, it's from his daughter's fucking Instagram account. That's guitarist of a... Okay. Old country music with heavy blues, rock, twist. So they do this great version of Ghost Riders in the sky Brilliant guitarist just goes way out of limb
Starting point is 00:29:58 Everybody in the crowd. It's so fun to be there. They're just thrilled to death It's so fun to be there. They're just thrilled to death. Because they're watching this man doing the same thing that surfers do. He's like dancing on the edge of chaos in order. In this virtuosic manner, and everyone is so taken by that. That's what they say. Fuck, it just lifts them out of the... No melody of the... He's gone through menopause. He just turns fused with them.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And that's the thing. It's a whole more commercial. Genuine meaning. I get the inspirational thing. And it's like, are you get this? Well, I don't get this. Like I mean, because... LAUGHTER like I mean, because... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I mean, that's hilarious, but like, I mean, anybody who can play worth a shit can, you know, you know, thing like it can, unless you're a classical musician who's sheet music your whole life and improvisation is not fucking allowed, you know, upon pain of death, but, yeah, I mean, anybody, anybody who knows the basics can do that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I mean, you know, there's no sense, but I mean, I'm in the background as far as like, I get that being inspired thing like where, I've seen performances where like somebody, where they do do that and they take the crowd along with them. Like it's a weird, it's a weird thing where I think this is weird to cry about it to
Starting point is 00:31:32 cover band playing fucking riders in the sun or whatever it was. Ghost riders in the sky, which it should just be retired from any, any country bands, you know, any cover bands are so it just everybody's done it. Everybody knows it, everybody, it's like, just don't, just fucking don't bother. Just don't bother. Nobody fucking actually wants to hear
Starting point is 00:31:57 ghost writers in the sky. Okay, what else do I have here? Biden issues, it first veto's striking down. Oh yeah, striking down legislation that would have overturned a labor department rule allowing retirement plans to consider ESG principles and investing. Well, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So they were making a law, a rule. There's a labor department rule that allowed retirement plans to consider ESG principles. Environmental, social, corporate governance. Meaning that retirement plans could say, we're only investing in companies that have half women on the board. Right, right. Or half black people, or 100%.
Starting point is 00:32:55 We're only investing in companies that have 100% women and black people on. retirement plans, which are for the appearance of a certain company. Yeah, like just free money. Here is a giant mass of money that we have to invest and that's protected in a lot of different ways that are not that other people's money is not protected by. Here you go, but you have to promote, you have to promote these certain groups to get
Starting point is 00:33:23 all of this free money dumped into your companies and stockholders. What would you even call that? I don't even know how to qualify the amount of manipulation and restructuring that that encourages. That retirement plans have to focus on DEI initiatives and environmental and social and governments, principles. So they made a law that would have overturn that rule. That's so. Yeah, they don't have to. Yeah, you can't let law that would have overturned that rule saying that's fine. Yeah, they don't have to.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Yeah, you can't let people that would be disastrous. We don't even know what that like you can't force companies to be a BESG principles. That's crazy. But it's crazy. When it's talking about, it's, you're limiting the field, right? Like, I mean, what, of what they can invest in. Yeah, it's like it's affirmative action,
Starting point is 00:34:24 but making companies do it. It seems irresponsible. At best, right? Well, yeah, I mean, yeah. So, Vito's, so they said, well, you can't do that. That's fucked. We're making a log against that. So, Biden gets and goes, well, actually, it's not fucked.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Yeah. Fuck you. Isn't that amazing? I mean, that's amazing. That's so important. That's amazing that's so important. That's, it's so important of course, companies to promote anyone who's not a man, any white man that the president's got to step in and say, you know what? I mean, I've, I've just got to just get, we've got to get rid of these guys.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I'm just not too surprised. I'm just not surprised. Like, I'm just not, I guess me either. And just that, yeah, I don't know. I mean, just to, still maybe even to care about. Nobody looks at possible repercussions. It just doesn't seem.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yeah. Okay, let's see. Here we go. I got something from Tucker Carlson. Are you Tucker Carlson fan? No, Me either. If you wake up on morning, you find yourself in a society where 23 year olds
Starting point is 00:35:30 with four year college degrees, and like initiative who aren't smoking weed every day, if they can't make enough to buy a car, much else a home, much else get married, much else have children, then why should you be surprised when half of them say they prefer socialists? Well, I should not be surprised. I agree to this from an extent.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I think that the question is when the pedal hits the metal, like you talk in the book about technology and how it's shifting and taking weight. I was just going to say that, yeah, the pedal doesn't hit the metal, you put the pedal to the metal. Yeah, right. How can you take anything that he's saying seriously after a gigantic The pedal doesn't hit the metal. You put the pedal to the metal. Yeah. Right. How can you take anything that he's saying seriously after a gigantic flood like that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Like I've done it before. Like misused and exquisite. When the straightle hits the table, that's when, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, when the nice hits the foreskin, that's when the oil cases, when the oil's lips touch the baby's penis. I don't know if that's a thing. That's a thing, buddy.
Starting point is 00:36:34 No, I mean, is that an expression? I think so. Oh, okay. That's right. Last thing's given. I have a knife in there. I did. Here's that last thing's giving, actually.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Okay. Jobs from folks. And you make specific reference to truck driving. In the fact that they're gonna be automated cars on the roads. So would you Tucker Carlson be in favor of restrictions on the ability of trucking companies to use this sort of technology specifically
Starting point is 00:36:57 to sort of artificially maintain the number of jobs that are available in the trucking industry? Carstjoking? Okay, why do you think he's joking? Let's get a, now, well, he means it's either a yes or a no, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you like, is it a favor of limiting? How could you even ask me that, right?
Starting point is 00:37:15 Right, so what do you think the answer is coming up next? This is if car companies can have self-driving cars, or not, if the government's going to allow companies to have self-driving cars or not. If the government's going to allow companies to have self-driving cars or not, the I enter is so obvious that you can't even ask the question. What is the obvious answer? I have no idea because I don't know what is going to sound. What's the obvious answer to you? You got to restate the question. I was tuning out. Should there be, should companies be allowed to have self-driving trucks? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I think you're sure, why not?
Starting point is 00:37:48 Okay. Here we go. In a second. In a second. In a second. In a second. In other words, if I were president when I say the DOT department transportation, we're not letting driverless trucks on the road.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Period. Okay. Why? Why? Really simple. period. Okay. Why? Why? Why? Is he going to say really simple? Driving for a living is the single most common job for high school, education, and education. 50 states. So jobs. Yeah. Jobs. So instead of having, so computers are illegal. They can't have a computer that's doing this is the same side that's like guns guns should be unrestricted right no
Starting point is 00:38:25 I know yeah, yeah computers though Everybody has their things that it's like I have guns. We gotta have guns My answer by the government and tyranny and stuff Of the trucks computers. Yeah, we can't you can't have a computer What if a computer could do my job better than me right I'd be out of a job Right that make those things illegal. I post, I post this thinking, this is obviously the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Fucking, what will you have? Well, of course I agree. I'm like, so you're telling me, you want a world where you have to engage in jobs where people in the millions, to the tune of millions, have to engage in jobs that can be automated just so they can get money, which is fake.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, just so they can get paid for fake money. They fake money, but unfortunately your life isn't fake. You have to use that fake money to actually like, eek out in existence. So it's real it's real to you if you don't have any. So the solution is just to do that forever. Yeah no I know make the computers illegal. Yeah. Well the computer says, computer says that they could do it better than you. What do you think about
Starting point is 00:39:42 that illegal? Make it illegal. Well, I mean, all that's happened before, right? I mean, what are you doing all the time? Didn't Los Angeles have one of the most advanced like electric trial systems before like the car companies laughing to get rid of it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Gasoline and car companies and became the driving city in the United States. Yeah, but that, yeah, which was bad. Yeah, the government getting involved, actually. Yeah, that's bad. Yeah, well, it was, you know, yeah, it was, it was groups lobbying the government, but anyway, you said, I mean, the government
Starting point is 00:40:14 signed their fucking names to it. So we got a corn syrup, right? Like all the corn farmers, well, the corn farmers are going to go out of business. We got to keep making corn. Sure. We're going to pay you to make corn. Well, what are you going to do with the corn?
Starting point is 00:40:24 We'll make it into, like, poison for fat. We'll make it into stuff we could feed fat kids and make them fatter. We're going to be, in 300 years, everyone's going to be doing the same menial tasks because we have to get, play money. Yeah. Yeah, we got these, well, we got millions of guys driving trucks are asked the year 2400
Starting point is 00:40:48 Right, we got millions of guys driving trucks around so they can make a ten trillion dollars an hour Yeah, still can't afford a home. Yeah, sure. I just don't get this. I really don't get the mindset And it's catching on though Yeah, I mean more insanity Yeah, for right, I think people are, what about the artist then? Yeah, what about anybody? Is this all, nothing could be,
Starting point is 00:41:14 nothing could ever get better because it will cost someone their fucking job? Yeah, are you serious? Somebody, I don't know. Somebody said to me, again, more accidents, people are aware when they're doing it, when they're having an accident. AI trucks won't know when they've made a mistake, which really, I had to walk away and think about that one for an hour.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah, yeah, I'm thinking about computers. Don't know when they're making a mistake and people do. And I said, I just can't believe that that comment exists. What? People, people don't know when they're saying something, a computer wouldn't know if it's saying something dumb, people do. And I'm thinking, so which one is telling me that?
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah, stupid statement. Yeah, yeah. yeah smells like a person people do things that they don't think are dumb or mistake all the time okay let me see if Nick Nick's here no he's not my god so there you go Oh my God. So there you go. Oh, AI chat box, something there. That's from the 50. Where the pedal meets the metal.
Starting point is 00:42:30 It's a good shit. Maybe if you didn't talk so fast, it sounds smart. Yeah. You not fuck those things up. It is what is. Learn black helplessness. This might be interesting. Let's see about this.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Oh, your son is a rapist. Okay. Oh, this one drove me nuts too. God, I got a lot of stuff down here. The bottom and the dregs. Do you run at fuck you? Whoops. I gotta bounce this out and replace the video today if it's that fucked up.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Can you imagine saying that a computer should be illegal because it would take someone's job? Well, that's people, the fucking dark cages. Everybody can turn into a fucking dictator when it endangers them in their minds. You know what I mean? It's like, yeah. Freedom for everybody, unregulated blah, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:43:31 unless it could negatively affect me, in which case we have to fucking stamp it out under our fucking boot heels. Somebody said to me, cause it's how fast me, cause it's fucking scary. How fast do you really need your Amazon package? Like instantly before I even thought that I needed it. What do you mean need?
Starting point is 00:43:50 I don't need you at all. Look, I get, you don't want people losing their jobs and all that kind of stuff, but you'd like to think about it. You don't do it. Well, you'd like to think that people coming up with maybe what is like now is the time to start getting ahead of the curve. If you're thinking, you know, it's like, hey, there's gonna be jobs there in a different sector of the, you're not gonna have these jobs anymore.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Now you're gonna have these jobs that make what replaced your job work. Or maybe not. Maybe not. Maybe we can just give them money. Like, you know what? Just stay home. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I don't care. Like over time, look at the IQ curve, right? Yeah, yeah. How much of that IQ curve already exists with just free money? Probably half. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah, I think so. About half of people are a net drain on America. About half of people probably cost the more money than they generate in taxes, right? Could be, I would say. I'm trying to think. Romney getting trouble for saying that about half of people don't generate any money.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Well, yeah, I mean, yeah, something like that. Yeah. So every technological advancement means one more percent of IQ is no longer economically viable, right? Sure. It didn't used to be half. It used to be somewhere like,
Starting point is 00:45:18 wait, and the medieval times, like, oh man, that guy's too retarded to even work a rake. Like, we can literally do nothing with this guy. He's like a village idiot that we all have to feed and stuff because we're not monsters. We don't have a village psychopath in this village, so we can't get rid of him.
Starting point is 00:45:34 But then slowly over hundreds of years, it kind of creeps up the curve. Like, oh well, now, now the bottom 30% of be, now the bottom 40% of it, it's going to hit a point. I'm not saying truck drivers specifically, but at some point, the lowest IQ of any job that can be automated is going to get, yeah, is going to get taken over.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Yeah, and it'll be 100 eventually. It'll be 99, whatever. Yeah, sure. That's just free money. Right. You don't have to pay anybody if it's trucks driving shit that's farmed by other machines to you. You have to pay money for that.
Starting point is 00:46:09 So, whole fucking point. It's the whole point. All right. Here's a advice column. When is it appropriate to step in in our son's relationship? My son is 17. And he's dating a girl. This year's drama program paired juniors with freshman, and he was paired with a 14 year old girl. They became friends,
Starting point is 00:46:34 but I saw them hang out recently. It was very flirty. He has a crush on her, and she was flirting back. He mentioned wanting to take her to the spring formal in April. So a junior's dating a freshman in this scenario. Yeah, obviously the man is the older one because no, older woman with data, 14, oh, god. It's going into a big group of couples. Here's the response. If he has consensual sex with her,
Starting point is 00:46:58 when he turns 18, it would be statutory rape and could land him in prison, okay. This isn't something that should be disposed, this is a advice columnist. This isn't something that should be dismissed as trivial because a sexual, I don't know where it's from. A sexual relationship could impact both youngsters. A lot of states have similar laws,
Starting point is 00:47:19 so you need to conduct your due diligence immediately. Yeah. It's gonna law to go to school. Yeah. Get a lot of green. You're in high school. Yeah. They're separated by one grade, right? What should I do about this? She's a freshman jail.
Starting point is 00:47:32 So yeah. Even if the potential sexual relationship isn't viewed as rape, it's still creepy for a legal adult to have intercourse with a child who is, oh my God, they're separated by one year in high school. Technically, technically it's two years of experience. You had 13 and 14. Where is that? They had one year of experience.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Oh, they had one year of experience. One year of experience. Come on, like, you know. Maybe she just turned 14 and went, okay. Yeah, okay. I don't know, man. So if you're in high school and you're a junior and you're dating a freshman, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:11 You're a rapist. Yeah, you're a predator. You're a fucking rapist and a creep. And a fucking creep. Even though they put you in drama class together. Yeah. Right. Well, I'm sorry to tell you that your son is a rapist.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Yeah. And if he's not a rapist, legally, then he's a creep. Right. Right. Okay. And he should be, yeah, he should be called, he should be publicly shamed. Yeah. He should have to go to adult school, go to Bowman.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Uh, Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Kenny Bowman. Can he be friends with so what a kicker? Can he be friends with Sophie? Absolutely. Uh-huh, yeah. But it shouldn't go any further than that.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Cause yeah, give me a break. Okay, so have you, have you, have you ever met a kid? Do you, you know, like, person, does this person obviously just have any kids? You have a lot of guy friends, do you? Yeah, yeah. Just want to fuck you, let her 17 and want to fuck you. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:02 And they can't, just like, just be friends. Yeah, yeah. Of course you should continue't, just be friends. Yeah, yeah. Of course, you should continue hanging out because she should benefit from the relationship. Right, right, right. But him? No. Hopefully, a quick conversation will be all it takes
Starting point is 00:49:16 to scare him straight. God, this is the fucking women. This is horrible. This is women. Never once have they lifted a finger to help us. They've been nothing but take for 50 years. And now their spaces are getting fucked with. They're dumb awards that they invented
Starting point is 00:49:31 to give themselves are getting taken by trans women and they're throwing a gigantic, histrionic fit about it. Fuck them. Hopefully a quick conversation will be all it takes to scare them straight. Hey, you know, Sophie, you probably shouldn't fuck her because you'll get fucked in prison if you do. I don't
Starting point is 00:49:49 see why, but mom, I'm not a rapist though. Yeah. Well, you are actually what are the next year when you're a senior? Your father and I always thought you had the rapist character rista rapist more than, hopefully a quick conversation will be all it takes to scare him straight. And then they also, Tristan doesn't know anything about kids. They've never fucking, they've never had kids. How do you, really? Well, yeah, who knows? They pictures are insane, man.
Starting point is 00:50:18 They can have five kids and still not know anything about kids. Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully up, but if you, but if not, you may have to go nuclear and speak with Sophie's parents about your, so, a battle on your son doing nothing is not an option. Oh, okay. Doing nothing is always an option, bitch. It doesn't mean it's a good one.
Starting point is 00:50:42 God damn. Can you believe that? I love it. They'll say this and then women will like sit around everything. You turn 18, you know, day before your 17. It's so fucking weird. The obsession with 18. Yeah. Yeah. like it's like that. I know you have to kind of define, you know, you have to have legal definitions of things, you know, in a fucking society with laws and shit like that. But like, that's why the jury is there. You don't have to have legal definitions.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Like they only do that to force to trick the jury into making, into making decisions that support the state. Like it's, that is not's not necessary to have legal definitions. But of some things. Unless you're in a contract, yeah, of some things. But like, when you're 18, what I'm saying is kind of to your point, you're not an adult. You're just fucking not an adult legally.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Like, you're an adult. You're probably not gonna get any taller. You're probably, you, you're just fucking not an adult. Legally, like you're an adult. You're probably not gonna, you're probably not gonna get any taller. You're probably, you know what I mean? Like, do you think, you're not, you're not fucking done. You think all this shit exists, like prison and courts exist to stop 17 year olds and 14 year olds from looking up. I really don't fucking think that that's a major concern. No, no, you dumb bitch. But it, and we've gone further and further into taking
Starting point is 00:52:08 any kind of subtlety nuance, thinking, you know, case by case, case by case basis, all that kind of stuff. I really sought ramp up when I saw, I really sought ramp up with the Me Too movement when it was like, also when it did, somebody flirting with a woman in the office is the same as Bill Cosby. Dude, I was like, no, people were arguing, they were saying the same thing should happen to people like that to fucking Louis CK as to Bill Cosby.
Starting point is 00:52:40 I mean, you should treat them the same or just a guy. What the fuck? I was have another thing about that. I was stunned by people who I thought were joking and I'm realizing like they're serious. Yeah. That's part that's part of what about what pisses me off about the trans shit too. And even though I get called a contrarian for it, it's like you guys spent women spent women spent two, three years drilling into our heads that like me too is a real thing.
Starting point is 00:53:05 And now they want to turn around and say like, well, transform it going into our bathrooms. Like, we don't feel safe even fucking looking at you in the gym. So, you guys can deal with your own bathroom shit. This a lot of you stop spending an hour and a half in there, dabbing and doing cocaine. This alliance perfectly with what we were talking about earlier, where I said, it's about everything, it's great, live and let live,
Starting point is 00:53:34 unless it scares me a little bit. In which case, it's the truck driver thing, you know? Yeah, it's like, oh yeah, what I was gonna say, the same woman with the advice is the kind of woman that sits around in like a book club where they don't read the books. They just drink wine. They're reading from the one of them read it and talk about it. Yeah, one of them read a synopsis online and they all talk about it.
Starting point is 00:53:57 And they brag and joke about how fast women mature girls, like, oh, yeah, my, my son is a fucking idiot. And my, my little girl, she's like super smart and like, they, oh yeah, my son is a fucking idiot. And my little girl, she's like super smart. And like, they, girls just, girls just mature faster than boys. Oh hi, my son's dating a girl who's two grades under the, yeah, what do you think? Well, these are rapists. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Right. Obviously the law says, like, what happened all that shit? What happened all that fucking hilarious shit about how dumb guys are? Right. And yeah, like, what happened all that shit? What happened all that fucking hilarious shit about how dumb guys are? Right, and yeah, see, yeah. Fuck you. Here's a how heterosexual couples have met. I don't think that.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Met online. Look at this skyrocketed in the last 30 years. Yeah, sure. Especially in the last 10. But this one's funny. The Met through friends fell off a cliff. People, well, because people from probably have fewer down to 15, 32 to 15, this from in the last 20 years away from 32%. It cut in half. You think it's crazy? More people are spending more time online and not seeing friends and-
Starting point is 00:55:07 You think friends would. Friends are online. I mean, I guess that doesn't negate people online. I guess it's kind of an act of desperation to get hooked up by your friends, which didn't seem so desperate when you had like all these opportunities online. But I mean, that through friends could just be
Starting point is 00:55:21 you have a mutual friend, right? That's true. Yeah. That's how I'm at my girlfriend. Well, yeah, sure. I mean, that through friends could just be you have a mutual friend, right? That's true. Yeah. That's how I met my girlfriend. Well, yeah, sure. I mean, it's met through coworkers. Okay. So that's dropped from 20% down to 10%.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I guess that's kind of the same thing. Yeah. That's crazy that met online is now 50 something percent. You know, it's a little higher than I thought. It would be, but it's not way out of line with I figured, you know, so now you're weird if you didn't meet online. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Right. Now you're a fucking weird out. Right. You're a minority. I didn't think you could do better online. Yeah. You could do better than this bitch online. An AI will chat instead of dates for you all day.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yeah. Didn't we talk about this last time? Surgery's, trans surgeries about 282 last year, a big epidemic? I don't know, we don't talk about that anymore. Johnson Brown met your wife online? Well, most people did. So good for you.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I can't, yeah. It's like that used to be even 10 years ago, you're like, that's weird, dude, online getting a lot kind of sc squinted. Like a furry. Yeah. Yeah, it's, I like, I don't think it's weird. People, you know, I, assuming at some point, you meet in person.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Yeah. I did, I saw this weird, I don't know if it was a real thing, or if it was just like a hype landing page, but it was a chatbot that handled all your Tinder matches on every app and then tried to set updates for you and you could like tell it to be flirty, aggressive, serious, and it had screenshots, but you know, obviously those, the whole thing could be fake, but the whole thing could very easily be real. Yeah, I have that one up. That's how part it is, right? It's like that's actually happening to women, to women unknowingly and to men knowingly.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Yeah. Here, let me redo this. Maybe this one's good for today. Okay. Or I'll just do comments. I'll talk about the replica thing next week. Jake, I now understand how the Tinder Swindler happened. Please don't read my name on here.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Say, Dick and Sean, my girlfriend was regaling me with a story of one of her best friends, and I thought you guys would appreciate it. This friend apparently got out of a three-year relationship and was feeling a little blue. So she decided to take a trip to Mexico to get away from it all. While there, she met the person of her dreams. Oh, yeah. Local apparently swept her off her feet and made her fall in love. Oof.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Uh, that's, that's illegal. Swept like with a leaf blower or like, after returning, she made plans to go back and visit him fast forward three months. She's convinced to marry this man because they plan on starting a business. Oh God. She gets legally married to this guy in Mexico and begins to start the process of moving. Keep in mind, this is a chick who's lived in Nebraska her whole life.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Her parents are irate because they've only met this guy over a phone call, but she says it's true love. Oh God. Fast, flash forward one month. She learns from his family that this man has started businesses with about six Mexican women in the past. And he is now really trying to push for her sister to sponsor them to move back to the U.S.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah, he's swibbing in the big pond, the big ocean. Yeah, first you get America, the first you get the women, then you get the money, then you get the women, which is apparently a risky process for the sister. She returns briefly to discuss the conflicted feelings she now has about her husband. Now that she's learned he's had six previous wives. Oh my God. But I'm different. I'm a little concerned, but I think I'm different. I'm a little concerned, but I think I'm different.
Starting point is 00:59:05 A computer doesn't know when it's making a mistake. A person, right. Yeah. Does. Yeah. You know, you never see a person just continue right through making mistakes. Some people will never admit they made a mistake
Starting point is 00:59:20 despite all evidence to the contrary. You're just being a contrarian. Yes. Yeah, that guy said, that guy's just being a contrarian. Yes. Yeah, that guy said, that guy's set up a lot of businesses with women. You just hate everybody that I, Yeah, yeah, yeah. Contrarian.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Do one thing right then. Just have one, everybody gets together to say one correct thing. Take a spelling test. Show me your work. One thing. Tell me one thing that would make things better. I think it would.
Starting point is 00:59:46 I think a big group would get further in his spelling test than like a single person picked at. They would complete it at random. I know that. If you're like one person who's smart versus a group, I think the group is gonna spell better because they're gonna, somebody's gonna have that kind of expertise in there.
Starting point is 01:00:04 It doesn't work like that all the time. People can make decisions better together, but the system is incentivized to make the dumbest people feel the most of an hour. And it depends what you're talking about too. The worst part, but she insists she still loves him. The worst part is through all of this, her friend cohort entirely made of women. Only ever said, I don't think this is a good idea. Yeah. If she had a single guy friend, they would have done everything in their power to make sure she doesn't get way, wait, wait, wait, the worst part is her friend quarter only
Starting point is 01:00:39 ever said, I don't think this is a good idea. Well, that's good. If she, oh, but they didn't do enough. If she had a single get, they would have done everything in their power to make sure she doesn't get conned into this obvious Immigration's game. Yeah, don't you not waste your time trying to make trying to prevent women from fucking up? I was gonna say too. That's not it's people got to make their own fucking mistakes like people are gonna do it It's the fucking the only way some people have to learn the hard way So it's, you know, it's not that you don't fucking care. It's not your job to tell somebody, which is time. You say, this is my, this is my advice.
Starting point is 01:01:12 I've said my piece. I don't think it's a good idea. You do what you're gonna do. Anytime someone is suffering and they're telling me about it, I just imagine a little battery, a cup of liquor. And then I imagine that me trying to help them with their problem is like me pouring out a little bit of a little bit of liquor
Starting point is 01:01:32 from the cup into their mouth instead of mine. I think, do I really wanna do this? Is this worth even? I like to imagine my life is a pack of cigarettes. Maybe that's a better analogy. And someone tells me something dumb they're doing. I think I could fix it, but that's a better analogy. Okay. So when someone tells me something dumb they're doing, I think I could fix it, but that's like giving them a cigarette
Starting point is 01:01:49 out of my pack of cigarettes. You do that all day. You got no cigarettes? You have cigarettes, yeah. Nothing left for you. After the most recent update, all my girlfriend could say is, we're starting to get concerned for her
Starting point is 01:01:59 and we will lock her to a chair and not allow her to run. Man, are you fucking this girl or what? Who cares? Yeah, I mean, again, why you want to help there her so much? Well, he's got big, you think you're like her dad? I think he, well, maybe he feels like he doesn't, next year, he probably doesn't want somebody to get fucked
Starting point is 01:02:20 who's just obviously going to get fucked. It's a case, you know, he's right. It's a complete scam, but it's like, you gotta, you gotta absolve yourself of that. Let it go. Yeah, you're not, look, you're not her priest or what I have. No, no, no, no, no. Let me see, I can't, I think Nick might be muted on his end.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Well, I'm aware that women don't need facts when they have their feelings, but the bare minimum, I think they'd view true love a bit more critically when their friends well being as it's fake. Sorry for the long email, but I thought the whole situation was tragic in a way this show would find funny sincerely Jack. Yeah, sorry for leaving all those.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Nick, what's up? Hey, how's it going? Yeah, did you hear this guy's friends getting tender, swindlered? Who cares? Friends getting tender swindlered cares See you next week Your friend back gas, but like you know people do get to make their own choices That's right. Some point. That's right. You can be like well Yeah, do you ever you have any you know those guys that are like, oh, you know, my girlfriend's friend, she's really making a lot of mistakes in her life. And I just, I try to talk to her and explain her, it's like, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 01:03:31 How's your girlfriend allowing this? Yeah. Why are you talking to your girlfriend's friend? I know why I would be doing it. But why are you doing it? Right. Exactly. Anyway, how you been?
Starting point is 01:03:42 How you been, buddy? Oh, pretty good, man. Pretty fucking good. I mean, it was been a long time since we talked since Friday. Yeah, I surprised Nick with the veto by bringing veto of veto nuke onto my show. Really? Yeah. It was you enjoy that. It was actually fine. It was fun. It was, it was fun. And a mystery guest. I don't even know if we can say his name anymore.
Starting point is 01:04:12 He is such a paranoid bitch. I'm just going to say it. He's such a paranoid bitch, but that's okay. I know you're talking about you now, right? Yeah, okay, I know. Certain lawyer man. Yeah. Also came on the show.
Starting point is 01:04:24 That was fun. I don't remember how it ended though. Yeah. Yeah. You went, we're going to the strip club and you guys all left. Who's great? Oh, that's right. I do remember how that ended. Yeah. I don't remember how that ended. Got it. Yeah. I was going to ask, did you make it to the strip club? What a silly question. What did Tucker Carlson say? Are you serious? Are you joking? Are you joking? What do you think about? Do you think the government should make computers illegal? So truck drivers don't lose their jobs, Nick. Do you think that's a good idea? I don't think computers should exist at all. That would be terrible. I mean, what would we do without all the people to scribe our ideas down if we had some sort of computer that would maybe take dictation or allow us to use an input device
Starting point is 01:05:10 to write faster. Yeah. And then he's silly. What do you think lawyers are going to do when the computers come for their jobs? Hopefully get killed. I saw it. They deserve the least sympathy of all professions. It's like, oh, what are lawyers gonna do? I don't know, not charge people $900 an hour. Maybe that. Yeah. I saw this AI article where it saved someone's dog. They put in all the notes from their vet, their dog's dying.
Starting point is 01:05:46 It's like gums returning colors. It's like, God, no energy. You know, it's dying. Yeah. They're taking it to vets to get a look at that. And the vet's like, I don't know, it could be this, they put all the vet's charts into chat GPT. And it came up with the answer. They took it back like, what about this? They go, I'll test for that. And I'm like, yeah, he's got that. Oh my God. It's pretty great. You guys are competing with a computer that saves the lives of dogs. Do you understand how fucked you are not winning this ever? It saves the lives of dogs and it talks to women for you.
Starting point is 01:06:15 That's it. That's the crazy thing about like algorithmic learning that is so like it. There are just things that computers are better at than anyone who's not autistic. And algorithmic learning means that you can put in all of these different inputs and it can go and sift through all of them simultaneously and say all of these exist and all of these don't. And then it can narrow the list down of was like, well, you have a stuffy nose. Okay, well, that's five billion things. But if you have a stuffy nose and your dick falls off, that's like three things. Right. So the computer knows these things and can keep all of that in sync. Whereas the doctor's like, okay, I'm trying to remember all
Starting point is 01:06:57 these symptoms. I was out drinking last night. I don't know. Yeah. My way to reel before work. Like, can you make the computer act like it's, it's going to fight with its wife? Yeah, yeah, I know. We haven't figured that out yet. It's just fucking up too. Yeah, we haven't figured that one out yet. Yeah, let's just get the computer hooked on drugs.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Make it all better. Here's a decision making. Coincidentally, I got a mail about when I was on your show. Hey, buddy, caught you in Vito, the hut on Rikita's show last night. First, I want to say, it was entertaining to watch you Vito, the hut on Rakita's show last night. First, I want to say it was entertaining to watch you make people's swinkers snap shut. I don't know if I did that. Mines always open something.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Yeah. No. Second, the takes espoused regarding V tubers and V tubing were boomer cringe as fuck. I can't get over that. Mine's always open. Comments. Like what? He's like a horse.
Starting point is 01:07:50 He just walks around just shitting. Yeah. Just a full-side open stinger. I'm not sure if I can adequately explain. V-Tubing is everything I hate. Anime live streaming, idol culture, watching people play video games, carry, okay. Women, but for some reason I love it. In my opinion, the charm of VTubing, were we shitting on VTubors?
Starting point is 01:08:11 No, we were, I hear briefly, briefly mentioned because, because who was it? Someone has the hot take. Oh, Brittany Venti had said that, you know, these V tubers are our peto bait basically. Oh, I don't fully agree with her, but there if you doubt it, yeah, who knows. But I mean, if you look at the Vtuber models and you go, wow, that kind of looks like a drawing of a nine year old, you can at least kind of get to the idea that someone might think that, you know, maybe there's 10,000 guys jerking off to the voice coming out. And legitimately, like some of the comments that Brittany Venti had put up from that video were people saying clearly this is a 9,000 year old shark girl.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it. Okay, but come the fuck on. And like, I shared a little shark girl. I mean, it was a guar, a guar. I know when I see it, type of thing, but it's spelled guar, right? It's, it's guar gr? It's it's war girl. It's two words. Oh, war girl.
Starting point is 01:09:28 And like I don't give a fuck if Google has a kind of a sexy looking uh, why is Sean look at this one? I just typed this into Google and it's giving me this little girl is giving me horny eyes. What the fuck? Can I even put this on YouTube? I'll probably get stragged for child endangerment for this one. Like I got struck for it. I mean, to me, it just, it doesn't, it looks
Starting point is 01:09:52 like a young girl to me. Yeah. And they sit there and they act cutesy or whatever. It's just weird fucking culture. And it's fine. I, and look, I know there's 10,000 guys sitting there jerking off to this going, I'm not a peto know there's 10,000 guys sitting there jerking off to this going, I'm not a peto because there's 10,000 guys jerking off to like me and Dick saying, I'm not a peto too, because there are people who jerk off to everything. That's just how the internet works. That's true. But like the whole point of that is Brittany gets to shit on V tubers and she can be completely
Starting point is 01:10:23 wrong about it. She shouldn't get fucking struck. Well, she's just jealous. Women, it's different when you guys like you and me talk about what's a pedophile cartoons, but when women talk about it, it's like, well, you're just jealous of the attention. Yeah, you're your post wall. So yeah, that's right. I'm trying to comment about Brittany Vendida, like post wall.
Starting point is 01:10:42 I'm like, she's like 26, three years after the wall. She's practically the cool aid, man. So she got two big jugs. She hit the wall. So hard her eyes spread apart. That's such a rude thing to say. I love Brittany Venti. Like, I got to hang out with her in Dallas. She's awesome. And it's like, how is that? Did you pick an eye and look at that one? Oh my God. No, I just stared at the bridge of her nose. Oh, okay, that's how you do it.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Just because that's what I have to do every time I look in the mirror anyway. Oh, okay, like a two can. You can only look in the mirror with one eye because his nose stops like, you know, just one at a time. Yeah. That was awesome. It know, one at a time. That was awesome. It was, it was her birthday. We hung out. We ate barbecue. And then we
Starting point is 01:11:31 went out to this, we went out to a pool bar with a couple other people. We were just hanging out chatting for like six, seven hours. It was cool. Oh, well, yeah. You were chatting for seven hours. Yeah, we were just hanging around. There was a small group of people. We just lawyer hung out. Yeah, billable hours. So she said that she said that this little shark thing was pet-o-bait. Yeah, that one and the other one you should look up that everyone is
Starting point is 01:12:00 giving you this child porn to look up movie. These are like the most popular V tubers on the planet. Like Guargara and Iron Maus is another one. Iron Maus. Okay. And this bird in my DMs is like, she invalidated Iron Maus's illness. I'm like, what do you, what the fuck, invalidated an illness?
Starting point is 01:12:21 What does it even mean? Well, this is a woman, isn't it? Iron mouse. Iron mouse. I don't know. It looks like a woman. The character. No, well, not that picture. Not this one. Yeah, I mean, some of them look super young. No, that could be like the Japanese. They're like, don't have tits, right? Well, no, but then look at the, they all have different bodies on. They're like, that one is like a kid. This one looks like a woman has a woman's body. Like, I suppose you're right. It's all over a kid. This one looks like a little. When the other one has a woman's body, like,
Starting point is 01:12:46 I suppose you're right. It's all over the place. This one looks like Maddox. Wow. Oh my God, it does. It's nice. Yeah, that one apparently Brittany Venti invalidated the illness of Iron Maus.
Starting point is 01:12:58 I don't know what that fucking means. Like, like, oh, I have cancer. No, she doesn't. Oh my God, she doesn't have cancer. It's been invalidated. That would be a fucking miracle cure. I think I would want that. I would want to make the cancer worse. If someone tells you you don't have cancer, like does the cancer get maybe like, come on. I'll show you. I'll show you who's cancer. And it's, it's really important to remember that, like if I go to and I type in iron mouse, let's see,
Starting point is 01:13:29 Brittany Venti has how many subscribers. Iron mouse has 882,000. Let's see, and they're all pedophiles. Yeah, yes. Apparently, Gwagra has 4.3 million. Like, and these people make a fucking fortune. And it's like, Brittany Venti has what, 150,000. Yeah. God, she is really getting done.
Starting point is 01:13:56 She is getting fucked over this year. She got kicked off a Twitter for pointing out that, for calling, for pointing out that Eliza Blue was lying about being sex trafficked. And now she's kicked off a YouTube for goofing around with anime people. Yeah, you can't goofing around with anime petafiles. You cannot go after someone's thing ever. So I like Jordan Peterson, except everything he said in the past like year in regards to being on the internet.
Starting point is 01:14:27 But like all of his other stuff is fine. And like I criticized him the other day because he was like, well, anonymity on the internet is sign of a cluster personality disorder, a dark tetrad personality. It's like dude, no, people just don't want to get fired from their fucking jobs. Yeah, yeah. And he's the new, yeah, go ahead, sorry. What, so I criticize him on one show and someone's like, why do you hate Jordan Peterson? I'm like, I don't hate him.
Starting point is 01:14:51 It's just a shit take that he has like every time. You're just shitting on him. But, it's like, well, calm the fuck down, man. You get to call out people who do something stupid. It's fine. Did you see him crying about live music when he's describing going to like this cover band and he starts sobbing about the transformative experience of it? Because he ever not cried.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Now I don't know. Now I want to go back and review the tape and find the one time where he stays stoic and doesn't cry ever again. He's not a liar. I saw him perform live with Keon and give a speech and he didn't even, he didn't even seem like he was on the verge of tears. It was amazing. He's like the new.
Starting point is 01:15:32 He's like the new. Lincoln's into being now. Lincoln's into being now. Yeah. He's like the new doctor filled to me in a lot of ways because he uses, he uses all these psychological terms just to pair up with his emotions that do not have a clinic that do not have clinical relevance. Like when he calls anonymous comment, there's an unsolicistic.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yeah. Like you know what that means. Yeah, you're not like it's nowhere close to being a clinical diagnosis. Correct. You're just using it to say asshole. Yeah. And you're being very irresponsible in doing that. Correct. It's the people who need you. They like their lives are really bad. And they
Starting point is 01:16:10 will come, if I make fun of you for crying, they march in like those gravy seals going, oh, so what? You're saying like a guy can't cry? And I'm saying, yeah, I think he's literally saying that controlling your emotions and like your impulse control is a, a, a, what major criteria of what makes a man. Yes. It is bad when you cry as a man. Yeah. Historically, that's, yeah, you don't have to kill yourself. Right. The non, the non-criors, at least in public, you should be embarrassed. You should be embarrassed. You should be embarrassed. You tend to do better. But yeah, I think that is irresponsible when he says stuff like that. Yeah. because you failed
Starting point is 01:16:45 it too. Oh, of course. Of course. Because he tries. Because he tries. I think he was, I mean, he was fucked to patient. I didn't know about that, but I just knew he was not, he had, you know, obviously had been licensed at a time, but probably practiced. But yeah, I mean, he was, you know, Oprah's boy or something for the other day.
Starting point is 01:17:12 I was reviewing just this little short video of him. And he's talking about when a parent tells their kid, it doesn't matter if they win or lose, it's how they play the game. And then he goes through this long like psychological diatribe about how they're really talking about building up their character and how the character of their life is important to their success
Starting point is 01:17:33 because if they play well, then people will like them. And if people like them, they'll have more opportunities. And I'm like, no, actually, when you tell your kid it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's just because you're tired
Starting point is 01:17:42 of them fucking crying for losing. Like you're just like, oh God, just will you stop fucking, it's not that big of a deal, stop crying. So crying. That's the whole thing. It's like some frustrated dad was like, oh God, will you stop crying?
Starting point is 01:17:57 Like you just, who cares that you lot, it really doesn't matter if you win or lose. So you play the game like just, yeah, because then they say, why does it matter if I play the game? God damn it, you shut your mouth. You gotta get out of that. You're gonna play football, you're gonna like it.
Starting point is 01:18:11 You're gonna matter. Maybe win. How come it matters when the ref makes bad calls? Right then. I know, it's, yeah. I said to myself, holy shit, this is the lie everyone wants to believe in. It goes far past parasocial, sympathy. It's the future. Yeah, this is back to that guy's email. What are we talking about? I mean, I'm a comedian. I'm a comedian. I don't watch comedy because I fucking hate watching it. So all all gloops are glorps, but not all glorps are gloops or whatever.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Like, right? Like, that's a good one. I'd say it. Those watch anime, but not everybody who watches anime is a petal. You're safe. I jerk off your pictures of the naked women. I hate women, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Exactly. Okay. So all one to one. All Porter houses are T-bones, but not all T-bones or Porter houses. Amen, brother. Let's see here. Marsh, Marsh, Marsh says, girlfriend holding a tape measure is what she says. What is it when it's between six and seven, but it's not six and a half? What are we talking about? The email that he wrote me says, my girlfriend's holding a tape measure and she says,
Starting point is 01:19:28 she says, quote, what is it? Oh, it got ya. When it's between six and seven, but it's not six and a half. Yeah, well, there's a few answers to that. I mean, well, Sean, that's what you've got to go off of. Oh, right. Okay, well, between, but it's not six,
Starting point is 01:19:44 between six and seven, but it's not've got to go off of. What do you think, the... Okay, well, between, but it's not between six and seven, but it's not six and a half. Yeah. But between six, could it be six and a quarter, six and three quarters? Six and three, eight, six and five, eights? Anymore? Anymore, anymore, anymore, anymore, anymore,
Starting point is 01:19:57 you can go to sixteenths. Yeah. How are you wrong on all of these, Sean? You know the woman's answer is it's a disappointment. Me looking at it six and three quarters. Uh-huh. Her. Okay, but what's that in decimals? One who cares number two, you should know what you do if you see a woman with a measuring day. What is she typing? Yeah? How do I put that in? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:26 I can't find the freaking sign. Are you bringing that to a man? Yeah. Me, 6.75. You know how to get that, right? No, she says. You divide three by four and you get 0.75. Oh, her job, he says, is to measure aerospace components for quality assurance.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Like you say, never underestimate what. The computer doesn't do that. What they don't know. I hope a fucking computer does it. And she just turns it on and off. Thank God she's there to make sure the computer's not messing up. Oh, man. Computer, did you know that you made a mistake? Rodrigo says a rage.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Tate is a glorified, and you your Tate is a glorified butler. The reason why he brags about human trafficking is to distract attention from the fact that everything he does and advocates for is really in the service of women. That's true. What do you think about that, Nick? A lot of these manospheres guys are like that. Like everything they say to do is like to cater to women's sensibilities, even their twisted sensibilities in a way.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Here's my opinion on the manosphere is that literally none of them know anything about women at all. Or, or man, for that matter. I don't trust what would make me use that. Just everything they've ever said. I don't know. It's so fucking weird. Like what bothers me.
Starting point is 01:21:46 All these dudes not realizing that the manosphere guys are just clearing the room of the riff raft so they can go talk to the women at the bar. It's like, yeah, guys, don't go out. You stay home and hate everything. Don't ever talk to a woman. That'd be ridiculous. And then they're bringing home women by the bus full. It's like, God damn it. Like, how do you guys keep falling for this? These people have not, they do not have your best interest at heart. Why would they? They don't care about you. They want your money and your attention. And then they want you away from the women that they're trying to fight. It's not rocket science. Guys, where should I, Aesniko? What should I do to get women? You gotta go to the gym, bro.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Go spend all the, go to the gym. And then go to Islam. And when you're done with the Islam, go to Hustlers University, go home and watch some Andrew Tate videos. And then if you still have more time, get back to the gym. Yeah, it's all about building yourself up.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Go find some other guys. All the places, yeah, stay away from women. And I got this girl over here. We're going anywhere near them. I got this girl anywhere near them. I got this girl at work who wants me to come work out with her. Should I do that? No, you go to a men's only gym. Men's only gym.
Starting point is 01:22:51 You gotta get your bros in there. Right. Yeah. To be accountable. Yeah, because it's too dangerous to be a round of woman or even talk to her. Look at her, probably be in the same zip code. I mean, because you're going to get, you're going to get a divorce rate and sperm jacked. It's like, dude, you're not even married.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Like, Spur not even married. Like, we can all agree, guys, that women and their eggs, they're running out of them. And we hate them. Yes. Right? We hate those things that they do have. Is the ideal woman, now importantly, when they talk about high quality women, not to sleep with, mind you. They're talking about high quality women for men to date and try to marry.
Starting point is 01:23:31 They're like, yeah, you got, you know, once they're past like 22, they've had sex so many times, they're not even worth it. I'm like, have you ever, have you talked to a 19 to 22 year old, like, can you sit and talk to them for more than a minute without killing yourself for fuck's sake like I get it. They got a slam and body.
Starting point is 01:23:51 It's part of their they're all young and like hot and in perfect shape. Great. What's what do you do as as my friend type beer said? Beer says what do you do with the other 23 hours of the day? Yeah. You send her shopping and just drain your bank account. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 01:24:08 That's right. Send her to hustle university. There's a fake Sephora where I live that the, the, the, the, you send them in there and they could look at all the makeup stuff and then they come up and their credit card machines always broken. A fake Sephora. It's a fake Sephora that I set up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:23 You come drop your, You drop your girlfriend off when you go to work on your way to work. She shops in the Sephora all day and then she comes up with all her stuff and there's a guy up there that goes to cash per scene's broken. Or the credit card machine's broken. It's the internet, you know.
Starting point is 01:24:36 And then you can say here, if you can just total up all your stuff then we can do it without and they get so scared about the math. They've run to the back and hide. How about the body count, Converse Hayd, you see these guys like, well, how much does a body count is to them? They call how many sex partners a girl has had a quote body count.
Starting point is 01:24:56 Like what's too much of a body count? Like bro, they're all lying. What do you mean what's too much? You guys don't know one, single one. What do you mean? What do you mean? What's so much? You guys don't, you guys don't know one. Single one. What are you talking about? What's amazing is they won. They're all lying.
Starting point is 01:25:12 But two, these guys still manage to overestimate the body counts of the average woman by like 7,000 percent. They're like, wait, what? Did she go to college? Yeah. The body counts got to be 55,000. Yeah. I mean, you don't even know.
Starting point is 01:25:29 She probably had 16 guys an hour for all four years, every single time. Well, she, she did graduate. So she went to class some, nope. No, she didn't. She was, she was getting profiled. She was totally the entire time. I loved when, with Gigi Deore, do you know her that porn star that's friends with Chrissy Maire, Nick?
Starting point is 01:25:48 I don't know her when you mentioned that she was going to be on the show. I, uh, I, I saved search Googled her. I didn't save search Googled her. But no, I just pulled her up. She was cute. Yeah, she's cool. She was, she was really good on the show. She was great.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Yeah. I looked at her and said, uh, do you think, do you believe that the earth is flat? And the way she said, no. Yeah. It was so satisfying. I think we're going to thank God. Oh, God. Why?
Starting point is 01:26:12 Because it's retarded, right? Yeah, it's retarded. Oh, see, that's the trick. That's how they get you. That's how they lure you in, Dick. They're like, they just act like they know the answer. Make her do the math. If she doesn't do the math, then she's probably got a high body count because she didn't
Starting point is 01:26:28 go to calculus. Yeah, and then she said she had no opinion of the Ukraine work because she didn't know anything about it. I said, I just can't. There's no, I didn't even know there was a perfect answer from a woman on Ukraine, but you've done it. You nailed it. Blume my mind.
Starting point is 01:26:45 So this has been getting on my mind lately. I'm pretty sure I've figured out all these guys online's problem. It's that they actually ask that question when they have the opportunity to talk to them, like they work their entire life to build up the sweat and courage required to walk up to a woman and talk to her. And then when they do, they sit down there like, so Zelensky is a piece of shit, isn't he? All of that, like everything you worked up for and you're gonna sit down and talk about your political opinion, like that's the first fucking thing on your mouth.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Just stop watching Tim Poole. You stop. You don't need your life and your opinions validated by a woman. I know that is under the surface for like at least 60% of the problems guys have with women. You do not need your opinions, your personhood validated by a woman. Stop putting them into position. Stop giving them the power to do it.
Starting point is 01:27:44 And you don't need to convince them of your political position for their benefit either because they don't care. That's what your penis is for. Yeah, let them not care. It's fine. Like, yeah, I don't want to vote good. Here's a funny, here's a funny video that I brought in. Maybe you could listen.
Starting point is 01:28:04 I think all the, all of it comes from the listening anyway. This is Fauci talking to a going into the ghetto or something and talking to a... What is he doing? He's talking trying to get this black guy to take the vaccine. He got lost. Oh, God. They did this. They walked around like Fauci and this posse of weirdos from the government
Starting point is 01:28:26 walked around in the hood because black people weren't taking the vaccine. Yeah, and it, yeah, they, they're, I didn't see, I haven't seen this one, but I saw one where they were talking to this woman and like her daughter is like, yeah, but I thought like you could still transmit it even if you got the vaccine. No, you can't do that. No, no. I mean, you know where it is in the wrist. It's so funny because Fauci brought like a jive interpreter with him. He's got, yeah, okay, I'll just play it for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:29:00 He gets busted by just normal black people asking like really basic stuff like well, well then yeah, that's usually how it happens to yeah, okay, you're I'm not settled with the information that's been given to us right now. So I'm not going to There's been enough taking a shot on a vaccination for something.inated. That wasn't clear in the first place. And then you all create a shot in miraculous time. It takes years to get vaccinated. Well, it used to take years. OK, it used to.
Starting point is 01:29:36 You know how many years we're invested in this approach, about 20 years of science to get them. Yeah, 20 years. Not enough. Not enough. about 20 years of science to get there. Now, no, no. We're nobody to be taken, no vaccination that you all came up with. The only reason I'm talking to you right now, as close as we are, is that I've been vaccinated. But if it allows thousands of people like you don't get vaccinated, you're going to let this virus be to percolate into the country and into this world.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Something like the common flu, didn't right? And I'm not. I'm not. I'm not more serious than you. You're going to have to kill the louder one. Can the government agent have an . The fucking jive interpreter percolate.
Starting point is 01:30:20 It'll percolate. Percolate. Percolate. Percolate. Percolate. Percolate. Percolate. Percolate. Percolate the communities. Stop it. Why do you have to code black? Like I know you talk like a white woman when you're not around other black people. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I can see if there's any more. But he's the died of the flu the last year.
Starting point is 01:30:35 I mean, not this year, virtually none, but the previous year, about 20 to 30,000. How many people have died from COVID-19 in the United States? 600,000 Americans. That's a lot of the, well, that's a lot of the, that. 600,000 Americans. That's a good deal. Yeah. Well, that's, well, the number of people that die, that's once again, that you all's number. You're going to pay it. You're numbers.
Starting point is 01:30:53 That's right. Because when you start paying people to get vaccinated, when you start talking about incentivizing things to get people vaccinated, it's something else going on with them. So, yeah. What is he, what is he you know, bottle of booze. Of course, what are you talking about? I just noticed that symbolic, it's polite. If you're in the hood, you always answer the door with it.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Scott has fucking bottle of mad dog in there. This is my vaccine bitch. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, here's one from fog lore, scammed by a hooker, erotic rage story. Hey, yeah, yeah. Okay, here's one from Foglor, scammed by a hooker, erotic rage story. Hey, Dick and Sean, don't read my name if you choose me. I don't know if this counts as an erotic story
Starting point is 01:31:32 since I didn't actually get to have sex. I'm a 20 year old virgin, and a few months back, I was feeling really down about that. So in a moment of weakness and extreme horneus, I decided to hire a prostitute or escort as they like to be called. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Who are you talking to here? Uh-huh. Why do you not have to explain why you're hired a prostitute? Prostitution is illegal in British Columbia where I live and I've never done anything like this before. So I looked around online and found a reputable looking website. I checked some reviews, seemed pretty legit, but going there was probably one of my first of many mistakes.
Starting point is 01:32:06 I made that night, people do recognize when they're making mistakes. I made that was probably the first of many mistakes. One girl on the site was an independent escort, Red Flag number one. She was smoking hot, short thin Asian with huge cans, and a decent ass. Yeah, that's a red flag.
Starting point is 01:32:23 I reached out to the bitch. The bitch is a red flag. Yeah. I reached out to the beach. The beach is a red flag. Yeah, I reached out to the beach and she gave me a phone number to text red flag number two. She wanted a hundred dollars Canadian up front which after about two minutes deliberation, my dick brain decided to pay via e-trains for it.
Starting point is 01:32:37 20 minutes later, she says it never arrived in demands that I send it again to her PayPal. At this point, I smelled something off but my brain was added by depression and thirst. I paid it. Oh, she continued to insist that she hadn't gotten any money. At this point, I snapped out of my soup, stupor and tried demanding my money back.
Starting point is 01:32:54 I thought she stopped responding. Uh-huh. I spent the next few years. I pressed the knife, feeling sorry for myself. Ah, okay. Yeah, you messed up. Well, you really messed up because you told people about it. Just chalk that one up to don't let anybody ever know that you did that.
Starting point is 01:33:14 This is from Achilles. Man of War is for fat ephslers from a marine. We watched a commercial for something called Man of War. Is that the Nick? I think I know what that is. It's like men going out into the woods and moving heavy bags around, they're telling to be in the military. Or Lord of War, God of War.
Starting point is 01:33:33 Like what's a new man of war? A new video game, right? Yeah. Are they preparing for the civil uprising? Like what? Or is it just the weird like male fantasy that that I don't even know if it's male fantasy anymore. I think it's just like doing basic exercise and crying.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Oh, male fantasy is you mean the coming apocalypse or yeah, this is no, this is way more, this is way more just getting extremely intimate with other. Camping. Yeah. Camping with hugging, required hugging. Right. Camp spooning or something. Camping is so far down on my list of things to do. Camping with a group of men is farther down than that than anything. I can't, I can oh god I cannot imagine like you know what I'm going to do I'm going to go out into the woods with guys. I'm just going to sit around right I know fish or whatever like no. Yeah. I just not appealing to me. Talk about women. Yeah. That's what we're going to do.
Starting point is 01:34:41 Probably. This is wait speaking to the Civil War, you reminded me of this one. This is Tim Poole saying, a trans flight attendant, a trans flight attendant famed for airline ad. So this trans lady was in an airline ad, dies by suicide. Sorry, I could not be stronger, she says in the suicide. Tim Poole says this person not only had maximum affirmation from friends and family, but also corporate support and an ad campaign. I think he's saying that she shouldn't have killed herself. Yeah. Clearly she had everything, everything was perfect in her life. She had an ad campaign. Right. Perhaps this is Temple's solution. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Perhaps they should have 51, 50 this person. Yeah. And they'd still be alive today. So the solution for the epidemic of male suicide is just get them committed for a period. Have the police show up and take them without trial to an imprisonment facility. This is what happens and determine an amount of time. You start thinking that everything you say is right when you have fucking enough sick of
Starting point is 01:35:55 fans to. Yeah. You just, it's like he's 51 50. He couldn't have thought about what he was saying when he did this because they're like every single statement or phrase in there is fucking retarded. He's also buying in to the identity that this is a woman. That's what you say about women.
Starting point is 01:36:14 They should be 51 50. You don't say that about men. Why are they trying to save people from themselves? Like I get it if it's your friend, your family member or whatever, and you're like, hey, I really care about you and I see that you're in stress and trouble. Like, I was in you and hurt me. I enjoy a hard time together.
Starting point is 01:36:38 So if you kill yourself, I lose something that I like. So don't. Yeah, literally do it. But like, don't do that to me. Yeah Why Does anybody care? This is gonna sound fucking terrible. Yeah, anybody care about the trans suicide rate like This is this is not the problem. The same guys will go on and on about how men like the male suicide rate is an epidemic
Starting point is 01:37:03 And we really need to talk about that. But then as soon as a trans woman does, like, well, she had an ad campaign. So I guess what a fucking idiot. I mean, what happened to the whole thing about, I just think too many people kill themselves. I like you know, yeah. Really even the world the way it is. Well, no, I understand that's the, I mean, I understand that the stressors and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Some people just don't see a fucking way out. That's the, that's sad. I don't care who you are. But conservators are very uncomfortable gloating about death. So they have to turn it into like, well, I just really, I really wish someone would have done this something for this person who had everything, who clearly had everything. Well, that's, that total buy-in from corporations. And that's the first
Starting point is 01:37:45 friends family that set me off right there. It's like, oh, yeah, you couldn't put, yeah, it's, couldn't, nothing could possibly be wrong. Why did Elvis even do drugs? He had total buy-in. There you go. There you go. There's a candy street. Yeah. It's so many fans. What was even the point of that? Right. Yeah. Everything going for you. It's like, you don't know what's fucking going on on their head. You never will. It's just this weird like, it is, it's from, I think, that failure to glote or whatever. And I mean, I don't want to glow about anybody fucking off themselves, but at the same time, it's not, it's not my responsibility to fix them like the people that I know and have influenced over. Like people email me
Starting point is 01:38:26 because I know you get this shit too where they're like, hey man, I'm thinking about ending it all and you send them, you're like, hey, like don't, like try that, like don't do that wait six months, see if your life turns around. Well, buy the shirt, I have a $5,000 shirt in my store. If you're serious about killing yourself, buy the shirt because you don't have to pay that pay it back. Yeah. Or stop fucking wasting time writing emails when you're, if you're not, if you're serious about killing yourself, buy the shirt because you don't have to pay that pay it back. Or stop fucking wasting time writing emails. If you're not, if you buy the shirt, okay, I believe you. If you're not gonna buy the shirt,
Starting point is 01:38:53 it's wasting time. Then you're not even trying at that point. Ha, ha, ha, ha. What are you gonna say Nick, sorry. No, that's just, it's just, it's just weird. Tim Poole doesn't care about trans persons Wow should have been 51 50 why why what what's the way what's the way you get what are they gonna do in three days in a mental
Starting point is 01:39:18 institution what did this person give off any signs that they were like a danger to themselves or others or what you know what I mean? Like identifying as a woman takes on people with seas. Is that what he's getting at? I mean, that's what he's kind of saying. He's kind of saying that, but it's also like, bro, aren't you like free speech and shit and civil war?
Starting point is 01:39:38 You're saying the police? Yeah, it's the police should just go around dragging you to prison. Bro, that's the fucking, that's a very opposite thing in totally opposite arresting with a trial for drugs. At least there's a trial, 51.50. Your ass is dragged into a fucking prison. Well, it's a statute. Yeah, for, yeah, for, is it 48 hour hold, 72 hour hold, yeah, yeah, 72, right?
Starting point is 01:40:00 So, but a lot can happen in 72 hours. So everybody's, every jobs and shit get ended in 72 hours. Oh, yeah. Look, everybody's, uh, every, all these people is, yeah, should have just flapped their gums all the time. The freedoms, their freedom, freedoms in general to, they're all, all a cart. It's what you fucking want to pick. It's what you want to choose.
Starting point is 01:40:24 That's the, when it scares you, you know, misaligns with your feelings, which you are a slave to as well. Like don't fucking tell me that it's like, oh, it's a liberal snowflakes. You fucking, there's people on the right who have been the biggest, whiny, cry baby bitches. I have ever fucking seen in my life.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Fuckin' do that shit too. So if it scares you, then you're fucking you take that freedom away too Everybody picks and chooses Nick did you ever play basketball as a kid where you got to be a basketball like pick a famous basketball player to be? No, oh no, okay I don't know like wait you pick a famous basketball player when you're playing as a kid and you're like, I was gotten pay bruised up here doing baseball. I was forced to be a white guy.
Starting point is 01:41:08 Shana is playing with some Indian kids that made, they all made him be a Kurt Rambus. Yes. But hey, but then I got Larry Bird. I got Larry Bird. Then I got Larry Bird when I found out. I don't want to be Kurt Rambus. I didn't know much about basketball. It's like a basketball.
Starting point is 01:41:23 Yeah, exactly. Talking, talking, the trash talk, brain in breeze. Yeah, exactly. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash.
Starting point is 01:41:26 Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash. Talkin' to the trash, I never wanted to play soccer. Hey, Degjohn, this is from Caleb, personal fat watch, Rage. What makes me rage is all the excuses my wife makes as to why she can't lose weight. First excuse, I need you to exercise to motivate me.
Starting point is 01:41:57 So I did, I got off my fat ass and lost 20 kilograms. I'm five, eight. I went from over 40 pounds. Yeah, 44 pounds, something like that, close to it. I went from 90 kilograms to 70, still nothing on her side. Next excuse, I need you to actually go to my gym with me to motivate me. I did that too, still nothing on her side.
Starting point is 01:42:16 Next excuse, it's because of the contraception that I take. She came off that contraception, still nothing. She's always says, it's so easy for guys to lose weight. It's your favorite phrase. I think about that phrase. I heard that. Yeah, because you got testosterone, because you got, yeah, yeah. I don't want to get too bulky.
Starting point is 01:42:32 Well, that's bullshit. When I'm getting out of bed to go to the gym and she turns off her alarm and goes back to bed, I think about that phrase. It's so easy for guys when I'm leaving for a 6K run and she's sitting on the couch eating ice cream. I think about that phrase when I'm eating plain turkey and vegetables, while she sits next to me, eating a whole lasagna, like Garfield. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:52 And really makes me a ray. He's got a hat. Stop buying her food. Yeah. Don't buy her food. Don't cook her anything. So the cars make her get there. Like Jesus just sell the cars. Make her walk to the store cook her anything. Sell the cars. Make her get there. Like Jesus, just sell the cars.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Make her walk to the store. Put stairs all over the house. Like every surface in the house should be covered with stairs going up and down, like an MC Escher painting. Yeah, you've got to, to get in the kitchen, it's got to go, you've got to, no, it's up and down the stairs, but you have to squeeze through like you're like spillunking,
Starting point is 01:43:22 you know. You're going between two like fucking granite boulders and there's army crawls to get there. Put random treadmills over the house. If you're too big, you don't need to be in the kitchen. It's about a mile and a half to get to the fridge now. What is he going to say here? Really makes me a rage that she can't see at all his excuses and she really discredits the hard work I do to look as still pretty averages I do.
Starting point is 01:43:46 Go fuck yourselves and get in the gym. Have an affair. Or fake like you're having an affair. Mm. Get a buddy to pose as a girl, do the texting thing with a girl's name. Get a buddy to put on lipstick and kiss you all over. Have sex with your buddy.
Starting point is 01:44:03 That's what you need to do. Yeah. Yeah. And then when she catches you, you go jokes on you, but it's not gay. I'm getting my wife to lose weight. Yeah. Take a picture of your friend giving you a hand job, but just design. Make him shave the arm first. That looks like a manly woman. He'll say, be hairy knuckles. You both put girls names for each other on your, you find a guy with a fat wife and you both pretend to be girls on your phone and do flirty texting back and forth, but on their end it will just see a girls name, right?
Starting point is 01:44:30 On both of your ends. And then find pictures of a skinny girl, like a computer generated, you know? Yeah, it doesn't matter. Real girls. I wonder how old his wife is. I wonder how big she is. Yeah. She's gonna be, she's eating a whole lasagna and a pint of ice cream she is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:45 She's gonna be, she's eating a whole lasagna and a pint of ice cream or whatever. Yeah. And he said that she opens it by opening her mouth real big and then dumping it all in. Oh, right. And it goes, whoosh. Walk, I can make the sound effect. Okay. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Withhold sex from her, that'll teach her. Probably will. Something like that. Yeah, Kells, I thought you might like this stick, what, roll, oh yeah, I'm rolled up. Even Evans, as weab taxes, hey Dick, I don't know what to say about this, but I think it'd be fun to hear your take on it. Okay. What's weab taxes do you think?
Starting point is 01:45:25 Hopefully they tax anime viewers or something. Yeah. Extra. Hey, how's your lawsuit going, by the way? Basically, there's nothing that's going to happen until we have a hearing on April 10th to try and get the whole fucking thing thrown out. Okay. So I'm trying, like I'm hoping that that is the end of it. You know, you know how
Starting point is 01:45:47 do so many people like message me and they're angry that I haven't won yet. Just like press a process, right? And it's like this, this one guy he like offered to do an affidavit or whatever. And he's like, your lawyer hasn't emailed me yet. I'm like, well, I don't even know if we need the affidavits because we're trying to win pre-discovery to cut down, you know, like, to get this thing done with and cut out all the cost. And he's like, I thought you were serious about this. I'm like, it turns out it's just a scam.
Starting point is 01:46:20 Just, yes, it's a scam. My plan was to get sued. Me to spend $75,000 fucking dollars, like fighting it. Just do it. It's your time. You're fucking time. Gotcha. Like, Jesus, I said next time I have to think of a better way to scam you.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Like, I really wanted your signature on a piece of paper. So this was the process I decided to undertake for fuck's sake. And I'm like, dude, I'm sorry my lawsuit isn't progressing on your timeline, but maybe you're hearing on the 10th. And there's nothing that can happen prior to that hearing to make the lawsuit. You push, you push the release of your show. That's the thing. I mean, that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:47:02 It's like entertainment to these people. So it's like, well, fuck, it's not happening quick enough. Come on. I can't wait for fucking Netflix to release the next two seasons. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, you know what, the affidavit just wasn't long enough. You can have to send the lawyers. It's not long enough. Do it again. Sorry. It's still not long enough. Uh, my, my, that's what I long enough. My lawyer said he wanted a dick pic with the affidavits. If you could just email that to him. Anime dating sim, this is Weeb taxes. Anime dating sim that can prepare your taxes.
Starting point is 01:47:35 Oh, yeah, no, I saw this. Was removed from steam, but its developers say they want to disrupt corporations, not steal your social security number. Yeah, I have 100% believe you. Tax? Yeah, you will, you will an anime girl. Like you have like your own taxes. Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 01:47:56 It hurt like questions to you like her conversation with you is all stuff related to taxes and it plugs in your answers. So it's like, it's like, oh, tell me how hard you worked. How much money did you make last year? You see, plug that, shit, it's like, okay, there's your net income or whatever. Oh, it's genius. That is genius. Tax haven, 3000 is a more unusual game. It's a visual novel dating game and it will also do your taxes. It's weird. It is extremely brief history on steam. It appeared in the storefront earlier this week, but then it was taken offline. The game stars Irish, a cheerful assertive girl who's filing her
Starting point is 01:48:37 taxes singly this year. Do your taxes with full release, right? It's H and R block and idiocracy. Gentleman's tax return. Who she likes, you could take her on dates across five different locations and learn about her past, her likes and dislikes. Who she likes, which I have to assume is a reference to you, the player. She also helps you prepare your taxes for real. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:49:07 Here's the video. It's fucking great. There's all these tax forms swirling around the dating sim that does your taxes. Love and taxes forever my heart. All right. There's a bunch of stickers and shit. Oh god, this is going day in to be a pet-o-bait.
Starting point is 01:49:27 Ha ha ha ha ha. It's still a sticker, it's super sticker, it's like all over their school shit. Women are pet-o-bait. Women spend all their, women spend, how much money every year trying to look 17. All of it. All of it.
Starting point is 01:49:41 All of everything they do is fucking pet-o-bait. And that's why Britney Venti's trying to turn it around on our cartoons, which are not real people. So women are out there going, it's actually those cartoons that you guys love more than us because we're so obnoxious, I actually make you a pedophiles. No, you guys are pedophiles.
Starting point is 01:49:58 Anyway. I don't know, I think you gotta go, don't you Sean. It's getting there. Yeah, it's getting there. It's getting there. 10 minutes. Yeah, like a minute. All right, Nick, I don't know, I think you gotta go, don't you Sean? It's getting there. Yeah, it's getting there. It's getting there. Ten minutes. Yeah, like a minute. All right, Nick, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:50:08 What else do we have to talk about? Do we have anything to talk about? We can talk about anything you want to. Have you seen that ammunition company that just sells to citizens and not LEO? No, but it's fucking great. Oh, dude, it's fucking awesome. What is L.E.O.
Starting point is 01:50:26 Law enforcement organization. Oh, oh, got your citizens. I'm thinking like they don't sell to, yeah. No, they only sell to, yeah, you should talk to those guys. I don't know. I'm starting to think like, do they sell outside the country? How does that work? How to, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:50:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay, that's funny. Something ammunition Something ammunition, Phoenix ammunition. Maybe that's it. Phoenix. No, I hadn't heard about that, but that's fucking great because fuck the feds all the time. Every time ruin them, what they should do is they should still sell to them. They should just put a, put a 12,000% surcharge on it. Yeah. Whatever. Cause the feds will buy all ammo. So no one else has any ammo. Like, yeah, RSS is buying ammo, Homeland Security's buying ammo. So all these, like no bullet company ever just said, like, oh, yeah, I guess we could just not sell to them, except for these guys.
Starting point is 01:51:21 Prove here. What do you say when, when say when the government shows up and they're like, yeah, how much for all of it? Yeah. Well, my job just got real fucking easy. Now I can go to Bermuda for 10 weeks or whatever. Like, well, the next batch of ammunition is manufactured by my peons. I don't even have to try to sell it. I mean, it's such an easy, easy answer.
Starting point is 01:51:41 But the crazy thing with ammo is you can sell it because some people will always buy it. Yeah. The government gets bigger every day. Need more ammo. Okay, wait, I do have this one thing I want to run by you. Yes. When I was on Nick's show on Friday, we were watching that secretly recorded guy talking
Starting point is 01:52:07 about the fat lady. Yeah. Yeah, that was a good one. That is so good. He laughs at his own joke. That was my favorite involvement. Sometimes you got to give yourself credit for a good joke. Yeah, she certainly wasn't.
Starting point is 01:52:22 This is... Let's see who sent this. She is credit at the buffet though. This is from Euro Venom. Oh no, this is from Alexander. It's Asian plus size stores. A bunch of people sent me this one. Huh. These are the names of plus size stores in Asia.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Asian plus size stores be like, BB fat. BB fat, BB fat fat girls. Fatty fat. What the fuck? Love calories. Love calories. Fat calories.
Starting point is 01:52:59 Okay. Wow. We just have Torrid and Lane Bryant. I mean, they got the real names. Oh my god. Love calories. Yeah. I love Torrid. That's the have you seen that store? Torrid. It's the translates roughly to you can't fit into the clothes at hot topic. So all the same shit. It just starts at like three X kinds. It's very efficient line mannequins, fat models everywhere. It's like, oh, God's disgusting.
Starting point is 01:53:29 I think dolls kill open to fat line. Yeah. And they used to be like a little rave or horror line. But I think they started, they started getting fatter and fatter. Rave clothes should not come above like a size four. I know. Don't encourage these people. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:53:50 No, no. You want to wear a candy dress? No, you better like start, get on a treadmill. Try, try, just try. That's what the guy should say to his wife. Can you just try? Can you just try for me? Just try for somewhere and drop her off every day
Starting point is 01:54:06 while she's sleeping. Get up work lift and pick her bed up, put it in the back of a pickup, and drive out further and further. Drive out like drive out a half mile day one, and then the next day drive out another half mile, you know, build her up so she's got to run her way back home to eat.
Starting point is 01:54:25 You just do that thing where all the parents do to kids, like when they're being shit heads in the car, they just drop them off a mile from home, be like, see you there in 20 minutes. Oh, no. Oh my God. Oh, this is a fat guy doing flips on a trampoline. I feel like I did what I was supposed to do. I put my pants to the side of myoline. Uh. It's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:45 I think he should have he in the I can tell he just what. I know he made it around. He made it around. Let me see if I got anything. Like a straight guy on one of those trampoline tracks. Uh,
Starting point is 01:55:01 like doing like a little nasty. Fast. It's like a trampoline like tracks. Uh, like doing like a gymnastics pass. It's like a trampoline like room like with like 20 trampolines. This is like a long one where he he's doing like a floor routine. He's doing back flips and front flips and car wheels and shit. I mean, it's pretty impressive. I gotta say, I mean, I've seen that because now all I do, like a woman, I just turn on Instagram
Starting point is 01:55:21 and just cycle through wheels all day long. Well, I'm not do anything else. And why shouldn't you? Can it just be a hot chick? No, it's a fact on a trampoline. But I think the next one's going to be a hot chick. No, that's a cat. The next one's a hot chick dancing.
Starting point is 01:55:35 Thank God. Okay. I fucked up my Instagram because it's now it's just like a chick with huge tits and then a puppy hit chick with huge tits. I mean, I don't like this emotion that it's that I'm feeling. I like the swing back and forth. It's kind of weird. Here is a puppy file. I want to fuck this dog. He's too. You peto puppy file. Yeah. This is she looks. There's here's this woman. Maybe you're a fat woman. Oh, file, petafile. Yeah. Here's actually arcane. She says she's typing with like pauses.
Starting point is 01:56:07 So you put the emotion in it. And she says she, she looks like me. She's built like me, dot, dot, dot, I, dot, dot, dot. Thank you. And then there's a purple heart because she's so fat. It's losing oxygen in the blood. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:23 She's the purple heart. I guess this is a video game and they've put a big fat body in a video game. It's a video game represented. Here's her reaction to it. She's going to be crying. She looks like me. She's like, she looks like me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:44 It's so weird that she's here. I didn't know Jordan Peters played video games. She's about to tear up, right? Yeah. Does your fat character have to stop while they're running and take a break every 15 steps? I love this. Like, oh, they're going to be this big monstrous blob, but they're going to go do
Starting point is 01:57:03 hard. They're going to run across an entire map, the entire time you play, but not lose any weight. You have to, you have to go mining for things to like make sure your rascal can go far enough, right? Like, yeah, fuel and shit about the Russians in bulk. Yeah, but right. Like, oh, you need two horses, lady. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:24 Too fat to ride. Time together. Here's an interesting shot of a mask. I've got them around out on horses. Mass ass grave right there, I guess. That's amazing. That's that's amazing. That's that's that is a wonderful wonderful.
Starting point is 01:57:40 One something else. It's a mass grave of fat people. Well, it's just a big pile of fat people. Wonderful. Wonderful. Something else. It's a mass grave of fat people. Well, it's just a big pile of fat people. Yeah. They all pile on each other for some reason. It's a very odd photo. Someone was on the bottom of the gravity. It's a gravity shot.
Starting point is 01:57:54 It's just missing. So then you get to a certain mass. I just bring everything around them together. Yeah. It's like a star cluster. Yeah. Look at this one. Sean, this is a black craft cult has the latest in
Starting point is 01:58:07 Goth. Someone puts the picture in the discord. Our products will encourage you to believe in yourself and create your own, I don't know what is this black craft cult. This is swim latest. It's it's got swimwear for fat girls. Let me see if I can find this video. This is a good one. Black craft cult. Good. Well, part of it's made out of a fishing net. Uh oh. It's not, it's the, it's not, it's the only thing on the outfit that's not specially made. Yeah. It's a life size tune of fishing net. I'm just marveling at this mound of fat. Yeah, you're seeing it. Like, God, it's so sweaty looking. Oh, isn't that gross? I don't want to be
Starting point is 01:58:54 laying in a pile of skinny people most of the time. Like that looks horrible. I can't find this video, guys. That might be it for Fat Watch for the day. Oh, wow. It's so hard to tell the difference between women who are just arrogantly fat and women who are doing feeding stuff to get money in here. Okay. Well, Nick, thank you for calling in. We'll see you at the live show. I'm sure. Oh, dude, I cannot for calling in. We'll see you at the live show. I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:59:25 Oh, dude, I cannot fucking wait. I'm, I'm very pumped. That's going to be good. It's sold out. Obviously, if you didn't get a ticket, email me and I'll try to connect or go in the discord, there's people who can't go and they need to sell their ticket. Obviously, there's no refund. So you could probably get it. I need two tickets. If anyone wants to sell me two tickets, please do. You got them over the barrel. You got Nick over a barrel on this one. Yeah, I think that's, I think that joint back by. Sfinger's always open. There's always open. I'll keep coming on your shows on Friday until I really fuck up.
Starting point is 02:00:03 And then I'll take a break for a little bit, but they're a lot of fun. Yeah, man. Thanks. It's awesome having you on there. So it's because like you have to book guests for these panel shows and you never know if to get, you know, like be okay, just telling jokes. If they're like, what would do we have any topics like, I don't know, or you alive this week? What do you mean? do we have any topics? Like, I don't know. Or you alive this week, what do you mean?
Starting point is 02:00:25 And do we have any topics? Yeah, but you go to like a store, because if you went to a store, you saw something we're talking about, like a big fat person or like, and literally anything, just, it doesn't matter. No Ah, ha no way. Like do not weigh me. This website does not provide medical advice.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Before using this website, you must agree the terms laid out in the medical disclaimer. If you disagree with any of the terms, do not enter the website. Wow, I can't, that's quite a disclaimer. Yeah, exactly. So we're gonna tell you, there's no help benefits to weight control or anything like that.
Starting point is 02:01:04 But for God's sake, you cannot sue us. Do not sue. Because you're going to fucking die. Are you tired of being weighed by your doctor for no apparent reason? Do you wish your midwife or your physio or your nurse or your GP would stop focusing on your weight at every single appointment? Maybe you've just received a text from your practice asking if you want to be referred to a weight management program and you're wondering when your
Starting point is 02:01:29 healthcare professionals will stop treating you as a number on the scales. Start treating you like a human being. If that's the case, you're not alone. I created this website as a free resource for anyone who needs help to say hashtag no way to being way to what. So you want to be weighed no way to be way. So you want to be weighed? No way. So the first thing. Here's how I work. The first thing I want to know is this doctor, Asher. Let's see how fat she is.
Starting point is 02:01:57 No, I want to know what her doctor is in. Eating. Because this is another fucking one where it's probably in a, an unrelated field. Oh, this is from the left. You K. Oh, this is fan doctor UK. We've brought in some tweets from her before. She's complaining about the whale. Yeah. Her sound. I blocked it. Of course. I like it. God, she's huge. Oh, it's like, wait, you're proud of being fat, but why is every, why is every photo taken at a two thirds angle from eight feet up? You're not proud of being fat.
Starting point is 02:02:36 Look at you. You can't even look at you. No one want you won't let other people see because you're so fucking big. Why do they shave their head? They're probably sick of having to put their hair back when they're eating fat ladies. You know, they all have that same half head shaves like thing. Yeah, but it makes it easy.
Starting point is 02:02:53 I heard you just say, clam chowder. Like some side dogs. I'd accept my hair white with ice cream. Some dogs you have to get tall narrow bowls so their ears go to the sides so they don't get fucking food all over there. You know, if you're feeding them wet food, precisely.
Starting point is 02:03:06 But worse than like a bass at home with gobs of food stuck to their ears. Is this Britain's most outrageous doctor? Oh, she's a little doctor. She's a GP. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh, beast. Oh, beast GP.
Starting point is 02:03:22 Eugenics. Yeah. Refuses to tell fat people to lose weight. Thanks giving overweight children drugs or surgery to slim down is quote eugenics and that dieting may leave you suicidal. Well, that's true. Yeah. And if I can't eat, I won't kill myself. It's really the only reason to have you ever considered going on a diet. I'd rather kill myself. Yeah. really the only reason to. Have you ever considered going on a diet?
Starting point is 02:03:46 I'd rather kill myself. Yeah, okay. Well, I've seen a lot of people. That's healthy. Yeah. That's what they said that alcohol, I guess they do. Trans non-binary GP based around, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:03:58 Yeah. Hurt for cheer. Yeah, they have a picture of themselves as how you see me versus how I see myself with a trans filter on to make them look like a man. Wait, where? It's on it's on kiwi farm. So I got there. So in any field you have insane people, okay, this person's insane. Here's the there's pictures in the discord now. Did you see the shed buds leak? I did.
Starting point is 02:04:27 Can you believe that happened to them? I can, I can, I got, I got a lot of shit for saying, like, you know, I, I don't want people to get hacked or whatever, but like the thing that annoyed me the most about her statement was her saying, I can't believe how evil the internet can be. get hacked or whatever. But like the thing that annoyed me the most about her statement was her saying, I can't believe how evil the internet can be. And it's like, wait, you're covering the people that are like that are the evil. Like that's the whole point of your show is covering like all the bad people or whatever. Yeah. How are you surprised by this? Like when you're from Kiwi farms, like,
Starting point is 02:05:06 you would have done this to Nick or Ralph in a moment. You openly hoped for it. You talked openly about how people will find their kids and send them shit that they don't want, like just to humiliate them. You laughed about it. Real shame. Sorry that happened to you.
Starting point is 02:05:27 She, that same woman, that idiot woman that ran chud buds, she banned Vito because he joined their thing and he changed his profile picture to a trans flag to fuck with them. Of course, this is, you know, the most upsetting thing in the world. Yeah. Now I would you, who can't, oh my god. So they banned, so she banned him. And she's like, well, Dick can come on the server. And I said, well, I would never join a server run by a woman. And then what do you know? Turns out, now it's probably the one. What do you know? Jesus. I don't know, man. I just don't, I don't get it. I don't understand.
Starting point is 02:06:09 And then someone was telling, I was like, I was very confused because some of her nudes were in there, I guess. Yeah. And I was like, well, how they, why were her nudes on the website? And then someone was like, no, they hacked her main computer.
Starting point is 02:06:25 Yeah. Somehow, and I'm like, I don't, I guess I don't know enough about hacking, but. Well, they sent her a file and she ran it. They sent, they can send you a file, and if you run it, someone can access your computer. She basically installed, oh yeah, like an access point to your computer.
Starting point is 02:06:44 Yeah, yeah, which is great. Why, like, file did you run? I don't know, a Minecraft mod or something, because I heard it, like here's a Minecraft where I'd run it, and then she ran it, and then they just downloaded her whole computer. It's like, well, Minecraft not even once. It's a great slogan. Don't make friends with people that would do that. I hope I'm doing that. But again, that sucks and people should not do that.
Starting point is 02:07:13 But we all know that when we talk about other people that there's a possibility that they'll get mad about it. We know that that's just a fucking part of it. And she spent her entire short career on the internet trying to take over the medicare thing. The, yeah. That was like, that was the point, right? Was I'm going to fill the void that Jim's cancer
Starting point is 02:07:41 leak was behind. And it's like, you know that like Jim is hard to track down and still gets fucked with. Your name is there like people. And it's fun. He's fun. Yeah. Uh, I think it's not like a idiot attention whore. Uh, well, whatever.
Starting point is 02:08:01 I thought that was funny. It's actually happened whenever. Yeah, it's sorry. I thought that was funny. It's actually happened. Whatever. Yeah, it's a sort of these things happening. Yeah, I don't know. I don't run, I don't run files. People send me so I try not to guess like if you want a bunch of pictures of my dick, I guess you'll get it. Or whatever. Well, you just asked. Could you write the shoe now? Just ask. The internet knows if you just ask, I'll send you pictures of my dick in my ass all the time. Well, here's a file that's always sent me.
Starting point is 02:08:34 This is, let's see here. Oh, shit. Somebody sent me this song they wanted me to play. I'll play it for the outro. I'll see you in, I'll see you in Philly, Nick. Yeah, man, can't wait. Oh, yeah, and I told the no jumper guys to have you on. So you could come to LA.
Starting point is 02:08:53 Yes, I was texting them about it. I believe you all, I'll wait for them to contact me or whatever. Yeah, that'd be cool. It's a fun show. But have you heard dick? He's in turmoil. People are like sending me stuff. They're like, you can't go in that podcast. I can't go in that podcast. He's got drama and he fucked a 16 year old or something. I know. Yeah. I heard about that. And they're like his entire crew left the show. I'm like, okay, I guess like I don't know like I just
Starting point is 02:09:26 want to I just want to go to they're taking a stand. They're taking a stand against a guy talking to a 16 year old girl. Yeah. Taking a stand against it. Good. I just want to go to LA. Like that's literally my entire purpose of it. I mean, the podcast would probably be fun too, but I just want to have a good excuse to go. There you go. LA Brainron. Okay, this is Big Mass by Danny Spicer. I don't even give any more information. Okay. There it is. Here's a song. Okay, bye guys. See you next Tuesday. I'm a cowboy girl, cowboy get my ass, I'm a lucky cowboy, if it's any fun, I'm a man with a mission I'm a woman with a gun, I got a picture of my rocket as a lucky one, I got the widow, I'm a radio, with my microphone, I do a big mess, I need only a big mess A big mess, you are so mean I'm a big mess, I'm a big mess
Starting point is 02:10:46 I'm a big mess, I need only a big mess I'm a big mess, you are so mean I'm a big mess, you are so mean I'm a big mess, I'm a big mess I'm a big mess, I need only a big mess I'm a big mess, I'm a big mess I'm a big mess, I'm a big mess I'm a big mess, I'm a big mess
Starting point is 02:11:02 I'm a big mess, I need only a big mess I'm a big mess, I'm a big mess I'm a big mess, I'm your big mess A big mess, you were talking stuff and I'm a big mess Big mess, he was a, he was a really big stuff He was a big mess, big mess, he was a, he was really big stuff Teo maki maea, Ezturri jeleni, Dobbotem poente, Hao no hema toet, Nuna mako bo, Aksurri stupri su, Tell what you might have, it's through the yellow knee No more than pointy, I will go away my toys
Starting point is 02:11:46 When I'm at the moon, I'm too used to play so I'm just a winner, all I know is you All my aim with the mission I'm going with it good I got a picture of my mind and the lucky one What does it do? I'm a big mess I'm in a really big mess.
Starting point is 02:12:08 I'll take big breaths, you're four and seven. I'm a big mess. Sweet. There you go. Thank you. Bye, everybody. I liked it. I'm going to be a little bit more more more more more more more more more more more more
Starting point is 02:12:31 more more more more more more more more more more
Starting point is 02:12:39 more more more more more more more more
Starting point is 02:12:47 more more

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