The Dick Show - Episode 36 – Dick on Cables

Episode Date: February 7, 2017

Download the MP3 A legacy of cables, the stormtroopers of the anti-fascist league, Consuelo’s podcast, a bonus episode from an alternative dimension, opinions from people who’ve never punched, investing tips from a guy whose car is zip tied together, Layc reads the news, in-studio fertility testing, evidence of crying, the post-episode 77 sit down, … Continue reading "Episode 36 – Dick on Cables" The post Episode 36 – Dick on Cables appeared first on The Dick Show.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah Welcome to dig you need dick you want dick you love dick you got it It's the only podcast where everything is a contest. I am your host, Dick Masterson. With me is always is Sean. That was a weathered yeah. Oh, yeah, buddy. The Yaz.
Starting point is 00:00:38 That was that was written hard. You know what it is with the Yaz? I get in my head about the Yaz because... Do you really? I know there is a perfect spot on that intro where the Yaz belongs, but I can't find it. I can't find it. I feel like I have a blindfold
Starting point is 00:00:55 and I'm grabbing for a tid in the dark, just going, I know there's a tid in this room somewhere. I just gotta find it. And I hear the beat in my head. And I, maybe I'm over thinking it. You know what I mean? What do you mean? Well, because it's not on a one. I don't think I don't think you do it on a one. See, I don't do it on a one and I think I may be overthinking it. Like I think I should just keep the beat.
Starting point is 00:01:17 You always close up. Yeah. Well, I try because the old show, sometimes I would get fucked up. What? Sometimes he would jump it a little bit. Oh, mad at it. And it just, it wasn't in the pocket. The right, you know what I mean? And it was, it worked so much better when it was. Yeah, that was the problem. That was right.
Starting point is 00:01:33 It was right. That show, we never got to it. Well, it's hardly a problem. No, that's the yeah, it trips me out. Cause I know I got a good, yeah, in me. Well, you do, and I get specific requests for certain jazz because the listeners are insane and have are way too smart and have way too much time on their hands to build these various electronic these video games and all this digital stuff. I get, hey, can you send me the episode 22? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And the episode 10. Yeah. Hey, actually, I owe somebody the episode 10. Yeah. And I got to go get it from a backup drive. You know, the guy, uh, Numerow Perdido, he made stuff for the show. Yeah, he just sent something I haven't even looked at it. Dude, he animated Sam Hyde's yellow night sketch. I just, I read the body of the email. I found out afterwards. So Sam Hyde called into the show after his show, after his show, uh, World Peace, Million Dollar Extreme Presents, World Peace, got canceled.
Starting point is 00:02:25 And he's, he gave us, he pitched a sketch that he always wanted to do, or that he would have wanted to do on World Peace. And it was about this guy with like severe anxiety and social problems, going to an Asian restaurant and talking about the Asian things in the restaurant, and his like internal crisis in turmoil and having to tell people like just the theory that he
Starting point is 00:02:49 experienced in people. He told black, right? Yeah, yeah, actually that is. And it's like, I didn't get until afterwards. People come and say, no, it's not yellow night like N.I. G.C. It's yellow night like a white night, but he's defending Asian culture. Wait, you thought it was, I thought it was N.I.G. H.T. Oh no, no, no, I always got the yellow night reference. Like a white knight, but he's defending Asian culture. Wait, you thought it was, I thought it was NIGH team.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Oh, no, no, I always got the yellow knight reference like a white knight. It's a hell of a laugh, funny, but I'm gonna post the animation. Wait, I still didn't laugh, though, and I got it. What do you mean you still didn't laugh? Maybe I just don't think that stuff's funny. I don't think you know. What do you think is funny, Sean?
Starting point is 00:03:20 I don't know, man, it changes week to week. What's the last thing you laughed at? You laughed at PG's erotic story. You know what, the people who listen to this podcast, I, it changes week to week. What's the last thing you laughed at? You laughed at Pete, she's a Rodic story. You know what, the people who listen to this podcast, I got rave reviews on her, like favorite, favorite guest every, she's fucking hilarious. She's great, we also did. She's good writer, she's good off the cuff.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And all she talked about was how nervous she was. She didn't come off that way at all. She plays that up. You think so? Yeah, that's all bullshit. She's just going, she's like you see her behind behind closed doors And she's like sitting there smoking cigarettes and wearing a joke cool. So where yeah, we're in we're in Goliath to like it wasn't like Robert De Niro and casino like it's nothing and she's like we what we go
Starting point is 00:03:59 With for the show and I'm like hey peachy, right? And she's like, what's your name again? Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's the she's my K.P. She's like, what's your name again? Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's as cool as it gets. And then she comes in here and does the, I'm so nervous about being on the show. Yeah, the fall is a routine. Well, it takes someone as deeply rooted in entertainment as you need to understand that.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I know when people are bullshitting me. Yeah. You know, she opens her eyes all big, really playing it up, how nervous she is. She's in the headlights thing. Oh yeah, you guys are so great. I'm so nervous to jump on.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I see what you're fucking doing over there, Pete. No, but she's a strong personality. And she, you know, the banter. Not some people, they are deer in the headlights. She's a great writer. She does, she is a great writer. As evidenced by a stereo is getting a lot of compliments.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Hey, yeah. Okay, should I, well, yeah, she has a Twitch stream. And by the way, Mad Cux also has a Twitch stream and he was playing the Dick show RPG last night. Yeah, he does like a two hour Twitch stream of just playing a video game. I walked in to your house because we were setting some stuff up and I see because the audio has been such a fucking disaster lately. We decided to try it, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:15 not 10 minutes before the show, right Sean? Sounds good. Sounds good is what they're saying. This show will go every week. That much I know. So anyway, so 80s girl is playing a game. I don't know much about video games. No, I didn't play them when I was supposed to play them. And I bet you'd be what game did you play when you played video games? I bet like top gun the next game. I beat top gun. Isn't that weird? You're fucked, dude. I know. Nobody played that fucking game. That's fucked. That's what we made.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Nobody could land the plane. Nobody could do anything. I could barely get the cartridge in the machine. That's how hard Top Gun was. I don't know what. I love the movie. That was a... That game was a trick to make kids go insane and kill themselves.
Starting point is 00:06:04 It was like Dungeons and Dragons, but it was designed to make kids go insane and kill themselves. It was like Dungeons and Dragons, but it was designed to make you go insane. Like it would haunt your fucking dreams. And I didn't even, it was, it was, stuff I didn't understand. None of, nothing on that console I understood. I had a system for landing. Oh God, that's disgusting on the aircraft carrier.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Nobody could fucking land on the air. I've never seen it once in my whole life. I don't know why I got into that game, but that was the only, that was like one of the only games that I played and it was Ness. Oh my God. So 80s girls playing this game. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And I hear something familiar in the background and then I realize it's the dick theme. Yeah. And then I realize that I hear who I think is Bill Murray from Caddy Shad. Yeah. But it I realized that I hear who I think is Bill Murray from Caddy Shack. Yeah. But it's Mad Cux playing the playing the game and singing it along with the game and singing along with the game and yelling at bicyclers. Yeah. And all this stuff. And how he's the best. Oh, yeah. And I look at this and I go, fucking a man, the Canadian
Starting point is 00:07:00 cowboy wrote a real video game. Yeah. I'm looking at like Hollywood Boulevard. There's a million inside references that like even you and I, it's like, oh, yeah. Oh, that was that. But it's the listeners, man. Well, he's got, so in that video game, he's got my apartment and you go into, you go into my apartment to save, like, you know, an old Final Fantasy game, you go to save and you go to rest and recover all your hit points, right? So you go in there and to save you go to Sean and Sean says, do you want to record the podcast?
Starting point is 00:07:32 What do you mean you go to Sean? You walk your little me over to the you in the game, but you have to find me. You're in the my apartment. You're living, you're just stationed there permanently behind a little podcasting booth. Like you only exist right there in this world where I walk in and you're sitting there and you go over to talk to you and you're like, hey buddy, you want to record the podcast and that's how you save the game. And then you walk across my apartment and go to 80s girl and she goes, you want a yank?
Starting point is 00:08:00 Are you want a quick yank or something like that? And that's how you recover your hit points. That's like the diversion of sleeping at the end is getting jerked off by my girlfriend. And so then I'm watching this and I see in the corner there's a waterfall going and I'm thinking to myself, oh, this just like typical video game shit like where they throw in, you know, ambiance, like that must just be there. But then I'm also thinking this guy, the Canadian cowboy, has put so many references into this game
Starting point is 00:08:31 that it's got, like in the back of my mind, I think it's gotta be something. So I was in the IRC, the Dicto has an IRC. I can go to the website and click on the side. Huge, there's hundreds of people in there all the time. I go in there and he's in there answering questions. So I'm like, dude, what's up? So I'm like, what's up with the waterfall?
Starting point is 00:08:47 And he goes, oh yeah, that's because that's Dick's shower. He cares so little about wasting water that it runs permanently in the video. I'm like, motherfucker, that's true. That like, that's it. That is exactly what I want to do. Just sit there. I don't like to sully myself with having to activate
Starting point is 00:09:06 and deactivate the show. Like, you know in Vegas, you go to the win. Oh man, when you walk in, the nicest hotel rooms, I don't stay there, but if I'm there for, you know, if I get flown there every once in a while, you look out into like an amazing room or they upgrade you, they send you around town because your reservation got fucked with. There the like the the rooms I don't
Starting point is 00:09:27 understand or you missed a flight you missed a flight or you missed a flight and they got a set you up like what you know there's all the only place we can set you up in is the big ball of sweet the wind yes you walk into the sweets and the win and they're already playing classical music for you yeah and the difference between having to walk in and not making the decision to play the music is like, you feel like royalty. Like when you walk in, you know what you want to.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And I didn't even want it, but it's just going all the time. You didn't know you wanted it. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I like that every device in here is currying for my favor. Yes. Every single device is firing at maximum diodes to entertain me Now there is no dead. There's no dead technology in here Everything is alive and bustling and when I when I leave it
Starting point is 00:10:18 It's I leave this world exactly. I don't come in here. It's set up for myself I don't make my own bed. I don't start playing my own music on the radio like a caveman fiddling with a trying to fingers, taxing myself with decisions. I don't want to make these decisions all day, Sean. You've got a whole sense of decisions to make. See, here's the, here's the thing about decisions. Let someone make the small decisions. Whether it's, do I want an apple or an orange, or should I quit my job? Both decisions, both stressful, equally stressful decisions.
Starting point is 00:10:53 They really fucking are, because at the end of the day you could just go apple or yes. Doesn't fucking matter. They will impact your life exactly the same. Exactly the same, Sean. An apple could put you homeless on the street. Oh yeah, I hope you realize. You eat the wrong Apple,
Starting point is 00:11:08 and then you go to that job interview, you will shit in your pants. You may overdose on cyanide. You will get too aptly, you will fart in your interview, and they will go, you get the fuck out of here. You should've eaten the orange dude.
Starting point is 00:11:20 You should've eaten the orange. The biggest decision of your fucking life, and you blew it. You should've eaten the orange. Meanwhile, job doesn't matter. Doesn't matter if you quit your job. You're gonna end up in the same place. You're gonna end up in this. You're gonna end up in the same fucking place. It's just like that parabola. That's you, man. The bulls already in the air. It's already going. It's got maybe a gust of wind. They'll kick it this way or that way, but it's already in the air.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And when you go into the wind and they're already playing the music, that's what I want with the shower, with my shower. I want it to just be running. I want to get home and have it be running. I just want to walk, I don't know, I don't want to know how it gets in there.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I just want to open the door and not think about it. It's already going. All I've got to do, like the Jetsons, all I've got to do is walk in there and curl up in the fetal position on the floor and think about what I'm going to talk about on the show for an hour and a half. Well, Sean tries to figure out which cable is the input
Starting point is 00:12:19 that goes into the output. Yes. So do you have a good shower this morning? That's all I'm saying. I had a great shower. I'll tell you what, so here's what happened this week. I got to, I got to good shower this morning? That's all I'm saying. I had a great shower. I'll tell you what. So here's what happened this week. I got to remember to mention it because everybody tells me
Starting point is 00:12:28 I don't explain the Patreon enough. You don't? No, because people get on there. There's a ton of shit in the, for example, Peach was out last week, peace saliva. And Peachy and myself and Ashtereos did a commentary track for the chick, for the Lady Ghostbusters movie. Yeah, maybe the worst, one of the worst movies ever made.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Like pay off, two, dollar, spent, easily one of the worst movies ever made. So we did, we did a commentary check, boom, you get that if you're a Patreon. I also did a Dick Riden episode. Oh, you do those, huh? We do ride around NACCAR. Yeah, I don't talk about it a lot
Starting point is 00:13:04 because I, I just do it to like get the things that I don't get to on the show off of my chest. It's cathartic. Yeah, man, because I do it anyway. I'm driving around town screaming anyway. Like people, it may as well be on tape. People ask me like, how do you do the show where you just complain about things for an hour?
Starting point is 00:13:24 I'm like, a fucking hour, I'm doing this all day. 24 hours a day, I'm doing this. I'm not working right now. No man, I'm that guy on the bus that's just ranting and screaming about shit except I smell a little better usually. Some days I rake the same as amount of liquor, but less piss. I'm like that all day.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I get in the car all day. I hit record on the phone sometimes. I'm scripted. It's called dick riding. I think if you get on there and you're at the $10 level, you get one of those. But the Ghostbusters commentary track, that's it, a dollar. Okay, you're explaining Patreon, right?
Starting point is 00:13:59 How many apples are there? There's four, $1, $5, $10, and $20. Okay, that's it. And list them down for me, because I don't know, $10, $20. Okay. And list them down for me, because I don't know that. One, you get access to the video feed of the show. Okay, for a buck. For a buck. That's, you know, that's, that's, for the amount of video.
Starting point is 00:14:16 That's so much of the show right there. People would, just to see Sean, people would, people would, people would pay thousands of dollars. Saltens come in from around the world wanting to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars just to look at Sean and the flesh and you get it for only a dollar. You get it for only a dollar. You can see, you can watch, you can watch me sweat
Starting point is 00:14:35 more than anyone on earth. You're definitely sweatin'. For one of dollars, I'm drenched with fucking sweat. For five dollars, you get the bonus episode. That's what we do once a month. Just like the old show. Just like where we do a bonus episode. Just for 10 dollars, you get the bonus episode. That's what we do once a month. Just like the old show. Just like where we do a bonus episode. For $10 you get the dick, you get behind the scenes shit,
Starting point is 00:14:50 you get dick riding, where I go around in my car screen. It's usually a little more political. Got you. Dick, right? Because I try to keep this show non-political. You know what I mean? You actually do because, look man, first of all, it's changing constantly.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah. And it is insane to me. It is insane to me where political dialogue has, we're talking, motherfuckers are talking about, is punching a Nazi okay? That's what people are calling political dialogue these days. Sure. Let's, let's, let's start with punching. Have you, first of all, if you're wondering about whether or not punching Nazi, I will say this, you've never punched anyone in your
Starting point is 00:15:35 life and you never would. So what do you, what's your opinion? What is your opinion on punching a Nazi? A guy could be live streaming Facebook, banging your mom, and you would click report this post. Don't talk to me about punching Nazis. You're as far away from punching a Nazi as if you were on the fucking moon, as if every Nazi's on the fucking moon talking about punching Nazis.
Starting point is 00:15:59 It's like, oh, but it's both first amendment and blah, blah, blah, shut the fuck up, punching a Nazi. You're not punching anybody. And it's a for First Amendment and blah, blah, blah. Let's shut the fuck up punching a Nazi. You're not punching anybody. Okay, so people are stupid. People are fucking, Sean, we're living in a world. This is politically. We're living in a world where anti-fascists, people calling themselves anti-fascists
Starting point is 00:16:22 are burning Starbucks because they don't want people to give a talk at their college campus. That guy's talking, what are you gonna do? Well, we're the anti-fascism league. We're against violence for your political cause. We don't like that guy. We're burning a starbucks. I think I've mentioned this before, but I run into this a lot because a lot of people
Starting point is 00:16:43 have no sense of history. And the people who were there and lived through communism, fascism, dictatorships, they look at the young people today and they go, what the fuck do you know about this? I was talking about that. Yeah, what the fuck are you talking about? Like this is, it's insane to them. Yeah, leader of the free world compulsively tells everybody what he's doing at all times. Melania Trump has to take his phone away when Trump takes a shit, or else he would take a picture of it. That is how transparent this fucking organ is.
Starting point is 00:17:16 There's no fascism at all, and you don't fight fascism by busting people's skulls. I feel like we're in the fucking Congo. the African fucking Congo where they got every army over there That's where the people's liberation army. What do you guys do? Well, we go through a village and murder everyone That's what is what does that have to do with people's liberation? What are you talking about? Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. We're the anti-fascist league. What do you guys do? Well, when people do stuff we don't like we come in and hammer them and wreck all the property so nobody we go we make sure that everybody we take things from people We fuck up everybody's time. That's what we do
Starting point is 00:17:57 We we sit there and on mass we handcuff everybody so they can't live their life We build a human prison around them. We take everybody whose opinion we don't like and we lock them up in a jail made of an angry mob of the unemployed. And what's your name? We're the anti-fascist league. What the fuck are you talking? Sean.
Starting point is 00:18:21 So they get that for $10. They get that... Sean. Sean. You want to talk about history? Uh, not really. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I went, okay. Do you know the guy who murdered, who shot Abraham Lincoln? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:36 John Wilkes Booth, right? Did you know that he was a celebrity? Oh, yeah. So he was a very popular actor. So, so I learned this, not recently, but now we've got celebrities. He wasn't some lunatic. Well, no, I knew he was an actor.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I didn't tell, I researched him more. God, I can't remember the book. It's a great national treasure. I was starring Nicholas Cage as the book you're talking about. Great book. That's your answer for everything. Great book. A lot of historical information. Anyway, yeah, I didn't, he was a legitimate celebrity.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah. Right. And from a family of celebrities, he's like the fucking Alec Baldwin of the 1850s. And whenever it was that Lincoln was around, right? So he was killed in 65, I think. Lincoln was? I want to say 1865. Yeah. So look, this guy is, I think. Lincoln was? I wanna say 1865. Yeah, so look, this guy is a major celebrity.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Now we've got major celebrities all fucking day talking about how the white house should be burned and how Trump should be killed. And he was like, well, you know, they're just running their mouths. I'm like, wait a minute. This is exactly what happened before. These are exactly the people.
Starting point is 00:19:43 So then I'm thinking. You never know how far somebody's gonna go. But it's all talk until it's not. So then I'm thinking, you never know how far somebody's gonna go. But it's all talk until it's not. But then I'm thinking, well, you think you got in your mind, right? It's some lunatic that's gonna kill, that's gonna shoot the president, right? Someone who's mentally deranged,
Starting point is 00:19:57 not a, not a, not someone, not a some millionaire with nothing to lose. But these celebrities are the craziest people we've got. Well, because every single thing they've ever done in their life was wrong and crazy. What are you going to do in your life? What's your goal? Well, I'm going to be on TV and get paid millions of dollars and be worshipped. A million people say that. Every single one down the line, you're crazy. You're crazy. You're crazy. But these motherfuckers, it worked. If fucking work, they must think
Starting point is 00:20:31 they're God like as a schizophrenic that I've seen walking around the street. I saw a schizophrenic on the bus one time. Me and A's girl were taking the bus downtown. Yeah. Or we were taking the bus from Hollywood to Santa Monica. And this guy gets on talking about God being crazy, saying he's the bus driver, immediately bus driver. No, no, no, no, no, get the hell out of here. You don't have a ticket. Usually the lets you ride.
Starting point is 00:20:57 You don't smell like enough booze and you smell like too much piss. You smell like too much schizophrenia. The ratio is wrong. We got, I got a dog back here and he can smell the schizophrenia on you. Stay off of the bus please. And also you should get that tumor checked out.
Starting point is 00:21:10 He also says, yeah, the tumor of you that is a blight on Los Angeles. You should get it. So the bus driver when he says get off the bus, usually if you don't have a bus ticket, they'll just let you on. I go like, all right, just see you know, sit down. Because again, in Los Angeles, having maybe the worst public transportation of any large city in the world, it's perfectly fine to take the bus in tons of cities. You're there with poor people, there's rich people, but here you are the poorest of the poor if you're
Starting point is 00:21:40 taking a bus because Los Angeles, it's basically mandatory to own a functional car. Yeah. And it's impossible to figure out how the buses work. Like you could be walking in with a wad of money. Yeah. You get to the front and the guy goes, ah, we don't take, we don't take money. We only take a ZB chips.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah. What the fuck is a ZB? What, what do I get there? Anyway, we're right in a cross town. This guy is so bonkers, they bring in another bus. They shut the bus down. The bus driver gets off the bus. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:22:11 No, they pull in one of those giant blue accordion buses with the thing in the middle, the accordion thing in the middle. What? Why were you on the bus? Cause we were gonna get shit faced. And my move is, I like to take life coach. No, this is with 80s girl. We're going to Santa Monica to get shit faced. And my move is, I like to take... Life coach? No, this is with 80s girl. We're going to Santa Monica to get shit faced on the beach.
Starting point is 00:22:28 So the move is, my move is you take public transportation to the thing and then you uber it back. Yeah. Cause you're not, no, no. You don't wanna sit on the bus pistols. I can't, nobody could do it. It's not so weak, it's a nice little treat in uber across town, so we're going there.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I'm good. You're not allowed to drink on the beach, are you? On Santa Monica. Yeah. Technically, you're not allowed to think on the beach out there. You're not allowed to do anything on the beach. They took the beach and fucking ruined it. And it's extending up and down the cuck.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's the ocean's right there. It's going to wash everything away. There's no reason. Anyway, we're taking the bus across town. And this guy's so crazy. He pulls over bus driver hops out. They pull another bus up and the inmates, some of the inmates of the bus realize what's going, you know, we're all prisoners on this bus of this lunatic who's holding us all hostage. This is anti-fascist who's holding a saw hostage on the bus some of the inmates could start whispering on like hey hey hey let's go let's go let's go
Starting point is 00:23:29 and we all we all get we all get up and sneak off the bus like don't wake daddy we're sneaking by this schizophrenia who's screaming about that he's going to call the police if the bus driver doesn't get up we all creep out and like run and jump on the other bus and the other bus up scons through through town and get gets us there. The point is that in the schizophrenic, leaving the schizophrenic that guy is less crazy than every celebrity than every celebrity. So they're talking about kill, they're talking about all this fucking revolution shit, how Hollywood is, how all they need is the entire military to get behind them. And I'm thinking, this is the craziest shit I've ever heard. The military fucking you think they give a fuck about you?
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah, they are so insulated. You'll hear the most outlandish thing. You'll hear about the most outlandish things coming from Hollywood. And just, you know, they don't, they've never had their, their, their feet on the ground. So they, they don't really live in the real world. So you just kind of have to expect, oh, they're, they're going to say insane things on a daily basis. They're crazy, man. We got a dozen John Wilkes boots is running around. So for 20 bucks a month, what do you think? 20 bucks a month, you get the live stream of the show. Yes. Where you can watch all the others. Yeah. Well, all the other stuff. I turn those off when
Starting point is 00:24:52 they're edited. Sometimes last week, I'm leaving up because there was a huge fight last week. Oh, okay. So the live stream of that one is still up. Anyway, let's let me talk about what makes me rage because we're already getting already getting long all right Sean Yes, has this ever happened to you? Okay. I don't know if you know this But I'm not sure if I know it. Oh Sean. I might we have all become what listen I when I went to Burning Man last year 80s girl Said she would stay in my apartment and clean it up.
Starting point is 00:25:26 She said she said she would stay there and as a nice little treat, she would clean up the apartment because I have this curse about me where I cannot keep a single thing in my life organized. This is true. I'm like pig pen. I'd walk around and anything like I'm like a I don't know. I don't know what it is. It's like a yeah, it's like a reality distorting field.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Like some kind of weird magnet a magnetic storm that follows me where as I walk around, things just become cluttered. Like those OCD people that will straighten everything on a shelf that they come across, I'm the opposite. I just come in like I'm at a supermarket sweep and start messing, start pushing things around. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I don't know what it is, but I can, like I try, I try so fucking hard to have one thing in order because it feels so good. My sister's house looks like a museum because my brother-in-law is a normal functioning human being who lives, who wants to live in a clean space, right? Like he's in the house looks like a, a museum and every time I go up there, it's like I can feel my brains unwinding into the clean space. Like everything is neat and tight. Everything is put away.
Starting point is 00:26:51 It's like order. Yeah, but then I come back to, I come back to anything, I get in my car and I'm like, well, I got half a kitchen over here. I got six cups in the passenger seat. I got a, a, a, a, a knife. I got a bread knife. I don't know why the fuck I have a, I don't know why I have a bread knife in here.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I don't know why I have a VCR in the back seat. And I don't know what to do with it. When I get home, like, well, where do I put the, where do people put a VCR? Where do people put this? How do you do it? How do you put it on the fucking curb? How do you put it on the fucking curb?
Starting point is 00:27:24 Here's the thing. what if I need it? What if I need that feed? There's a reason I got that, here's, but here's the thing. What are you gonna use it for? I go to burning. Crack, I gotta watch an old, old porno. Old, old VHS. Did you just tie that shit?
Starting point is 00:27:38 Nah, it's not the same. I wanna hear that sound. I watch so much VHS point, I wanna hear that. Rerear, sound, I'm like, oh, it's time. I get a bar every time you hear. I play that every VHS point. I want to hear that rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Do you ever just throw out shit? You've had shit for so long and you're like, I gotta organize it, I gotta organize it, I gotta organize it, and then you go, you know what? I haven't looked at this shit in years. What the fuck am I carting this around for and just shit can all of it?
Starting point is 00:28:14 It feels good. Does feel good. Yeah. But you know what the one thing you never shit can is? You can never shit can. This is what makes me rage. Oh. Cables.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Cables. Cables. Cables. I got boxes and boxes of cables, like a hoard of cables. Every single kind of cable you get, and I can't throw them 80s girls as she's cleaning my apartment, she's like, look babe,
Starting point is 00:28:38 I got all of these cables in a bag so you can just throw them away. After I bring them, I said, first of all, I wouldn't throw them. I'm never, I can't throw these cables in a bag so you can just throw them away. After bringing them, I said, first of all, I wouldn't throw them. I'm never, I can't throw these cables away, you understand, because if I throw away a cable and then I need that same cable, I'll kill myself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I will go to the store and buy it and then hang myself in the parking lot. I know, it's not a matter of life and death. It's much worse than that. It used to, and it's getting out of control now because every year there's some kind of a new goofy cable that I don't, and the old ones I still need, the little red, white and the yellow one, man.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Those were the days when it was just red, white and yellow. You could fit all your cables in a nice little shoe box. There was none of this HDMI shit. There was none of this white, and yellow. You could fit all your cables in a nice little shoe box. There was none of this HDMI shit. There was none of this weird co-op. There was no lightning connectors. There was no 30 pinca. It was just red, white, and yellow. Red, white, and yellow and that little infinity power cord.
Starting point is 00:29:37 That's all you needed. So I ended up in the middle of Nintendo, the circle one. The circle one with the power brick. That's all you needed. And you could just say, you could have that, you could have a backup and then, Sean, then the RGB started, then the Tivo came out, and the red green and the Yat came out.
Starting point is 00:29:54 And then there was a super VH, a S video cable with the little pointy things in it. And then it turned into a VGA cable and these different kinds of power cables, and I'm thinking, well, I mean, I don't know. I switched from one to the other. I might need this super VHS cable again. There might be some, and where do you get it?
Starting point is 00:30:16 If I need this again, if I need this again, like if I need to play a Genesis 2, if I need to play Sonic and Knuckles for some reason, if I'm sitting around one day on the weekend, and I feel like eating half a cock of pepperoni, drinking a bottle of wild turkey, and playing half a cock of pepperoni. Oh, you meant to say that.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Okay. That's how they're measured. Gotcha. How do you measure pepperoni? Uh, I just eat the whole thing. Well, if you eat as much pepperoni as some people, you can't eat the, if I want to do this and I am stumped in this pepperoni alcohol frenzy by a lack of a cable, I don't, I will go into a blackout, murderous rage and stalk down the street strangling people. I'll have, they'll find me with intestines in my, trying to plug my neighbors intestines
Starting point is 00:31:07 into a Sega Genesis with completely dead eyes. And that will be the end of me. It will be straight to a mental institution. If I like the thought of not having a cable, especially for us, because we got a record to show, the thought of not having the right cable gives me nightly terrors. You wouldn't throw the cable, right, record the show. The thought of not having the right cable gives me nightly terrors. You went and felt the cable, right before the show.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Because I have a terrible, every cable in the world, you just have to find them. And I will never throw one away. And when I'm 80 years old, I'm gonna have an entire storage container full of nothing but cables. It's gonna show the advancement of technology.
Starting point is 00:31:44 From the time you were like a kid or a teenager, all the way through about 58. That's about as far as you're gonna get. This is the legacy that we will leave to our kids because I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this. I bet every dude in America has a box that their wife hates that is full of cables they will never use again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:08 And it is, it is, it is what we're going to leave to our kids. There is just going to be a every single estate sale in 50 years. It's going to be the dude's cable box. Like, oh, here's this quaint, just like every, every guy in America will have this grave of cables and entire coffin full of fucking cables that I can't throw away, but I can't throw away, Sean. It's driving me fucking crazy. How much space do these take up?
Starting point is 00:32:37 Is it just that you feel like no matter where you go, you have to cart them around. I'm trying to figure out why it makes you suck the resentment. It's the resentment because these, these cables, I'm not, no, why it makes you, it's the resentment, it's the resentment, because these cables, I'm not, no one is out there having a silly fun time with cables. No one is just out there playing in the street with cables. I'm not like, I don't go into the living room and just have my cables play with them like dolls
Starting point is 00:33:00 and have them talk to each other. Like, oh, hi, Mr. RGB cable. Hey, what's going on, Mr. HDMI extension cable? I don't have like tea parties with fucking cables. They themselves are not entertainment devices. They're things to connect hundreds of dollars, things with other hundreds of dollars of things. And I have to pay for this.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I don't want, I don't want to do that. It should be free. It shouldn't be honest of having to curate this giant museum of cables that every man in America must do because of the, because of, because we have to, because of the terror of not having a cape man. You get, you get everybody over to your house and they want to fire up the old Xbox and play some dinner alive beach volleyball. That's true. When you pull something, oh, you pull it in. I can't find the fucking cape. I can't find the fucking cable. It's never with the item.
Starting point is 00:33:57 It's never with the item and they do this to fuck you. Every single one should be built into the thing. Do not fuck me and make me hold onto the cables. You sent me, what do I do with this VCR? Well, it's simple, Dick, you got this, you bought this laser disc player, this VCR, this video games, this Xbox, all you gotta do is get this cable and plug it into this side and this side,
Starting point is 00:34:19 then it's defective. I need something else to make, what else do I have to do? You got screwdriver screw driver out? Well, how much more assembly is required? Fuck you. I don't care how you do it, figure it out. I'm so sick of dealing with cables. And they always look like shit.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And that's the first thing I, that is the going back to the beginning. All I want is the ability to have a house that looks like a museum, just like my sister. Because I got a fucking relax at home. But when I'm sitting down, when I finally get everything hooked up, what do I see? I look over a bunch of goddamn cables. Steering back at me going,
Starting point is 00:34:58 you're gonna lose this. How do you have a backup of me? You ever have them in the corner, like in a cardboard box, and it's open and like some cables are peeking out. And it just, you just see it there. And you're like, God, that's such a clusterfuckin' there, because you know they're tied around each other. It's such a clusterfuck, you touch,
Starting point is 00:35:15 you touch two cables together, and they're not. And they're not. They, they're like the opposite of that elven climbing rope in Lord of the Rings. They're around, they just, fuck themselves and do an impossible knot. They just fuck themselves into an impossible knot. I do. I get it. There's so much proprietary stuff out there that they can't, they can't build it in because they don't know what you're fucking, you know, whatever the, a blu-ray
Starting point is 00:35:33 player. So they don't know what the fucking inputs your TV has now. I don't care. Yeah. All right. I don't care. And the, and it's even, I don't care how much it costs, the 10 bucks of whatever the cape, whatever the small amount of money the cable costs, it's the most expensive thing that there is, is the cable. Because it is just a knife in your dick. I hate it. I fucking hate cables.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Now the old knife in the dick. Now I know every time I see those cables, I know 80s girls sit there saying, it's your less of a man, because you have all these cables around. I'm like, you just don't understand. You can't, don't understand what will happen if we get rid of these cables, and I need one. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:36:15 That'll be it. I'm with you. I think, yeah, you're always looking for a cable, you're right. Yeah. When you started this, I was like, I don't like this. No, no, no. And now I get it. The cable thing. I've come around. Yes. Yeah. When you started this, I was like, I don't like this. No, no, no. And now I get it. The cable thing.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I've come around. Yes. Yeah. It does. It sort of makes me a rage. All right. I hate from half a rage. Half a rage, if I'm not it.
Starting point is 00:36:34 People want you to bring in a rage. You ever going to do that? I do bitch on this show, don't I? I don't know. You never bring in a rage. Sure, I'll bring it in one, yeah. All right. Let me see here.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I got some funny stuff. You remember, do you want wanna talk about Valentine's Day? No. Eh. Do you? No, I've missed the last couple of holidays by pretending to be sick through them, so I didn't have to buy anyone any presents.
Starting point is 00:36:59 So I think I'm gonna have to shell out an excellent time for Valentine's Day. Oh, okay. I know you're ruined Christmas. Yeah to show out. Excellent. A big time for violence against the law. I know you're ruined, Christmas. Yeah, I did. Okay. You remember last week how I said that Consuelo, cleaning lady comes in here and does a podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Yeah. Yeah. And that's why the dials get all fucked up. Did she come in and do one? Yeah, she turns out that, yeah, she came in and did another one and I got a backup of it. No way. Yeah, here's the Consuelo podcast. out that yeah she came in and did another one and I got a backup of it. No way.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah here's the Consuelo podcast. You're listening to the See You Next Tuesday Network. Pretty good production. Hey! Oh, we shit that software. Welcome to the Consuelo Support Gas. The only show where everything is Mexican. The only show where tomorrow is the best day
Starting point is 00:37:45 to start something. The show everything is good enough. I'm your host Ricardo Martinez. Sorry for the morning's already a shit sound effects. I don't know if I drank too much, let Poison water back in Mexico. But I get admit that was a pretty bad fucking stupid motherfucking idea. Anyway, I'm sorry for that. So in name of my own consuelo, that she couldn't make it. Oh shit, shit. I don't know if this sounds right, guys. Man, that fucking gringo is always messing with my console, man. He's holding my knackered.
Starting point is 00:38:22 He always melts like weed. He's standing the fucking guy. Well He always melts like we stand the fucking guys. Well, but man, I get admit, he is fucking gorgeous. Oh shit. Oh shit. That way he wasn't supposed to be here already. I'm pretty sure he said he was going to the strip club with that gorgeous red lady and that cool advertisement girl.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Shit, I gotta go guys. I advertise tomorrow. I have to train this Armenian ball guy. He wants to start to do some gardening. What I don't know. He seems like a fucking pussy to me. Anyway, thank you for listening guys. You guys brutal.
Starting point is 00:38:56 See you next Tuesday. Hey, y'all. You're so brutal. It's Consuelo's podcast. Well, I heard that was so... Very nephew, I guess. Okay, yeah, because it's... Maybe Consuelo has one. Was it Consuelo? Yeah, it was Consuelo's podcast. So wait, that was so nice to you, I guess. Okay, yeah, because it's maybe Consuela. Yeah, it was Consuela's podcast.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Listen to me, it's Consuelo. I swear, I don't know how many times I've had this argument. She wrote her own name on a piece of paper and it's Consuelo. All right, that's what it is. I thought it was weird too. I didn't know that was, I didn't know that, I would thought that meant you were a guy.
Starting point is 00:39:24 If it was Mochacho, yeah, mochacha. Do you, do you say mochacha though? That's I say it all the time. You do, yeah. Yeah. Okay. What's up, mochacha? That's what I say every time, every time I meet a new woman, I say, what's up, mochacha? That's the, that's the okay. All right. Good. Well, we know the, we know the gist of his show, I think. Yeah, let me see what else I got here. Okay, I got a guy on the line here. I think, I think David Clegg is gonna call back in. He has this stupid podcast he wants to promote,
Starting point is 00:39:57 and I wanted to ask him a couple of things about it. Yeah. But I don't see him in the chat. I do see this other dude, John. He sent me this video. Let me pull it up here. Hey, John, are you there? Hey, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:40:13 What's up? Okay. Am I saying your name right? Do you have some kind of weird porno name that you want everyone to call you? No, it's John. Okay, John, you were at the Gavin McGinnis speech at... Yeah, he was gonna speak at NYU on Thursday.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Yeah. Okay, this is what I'm talking about, Sean. So these conservative dudes are going around giving talks. That's all they do. They just go talk about, you know, whatever conservatives talk about, right? They don't have a- He's mostly a comedian. Yeah, he's mostly, by the way, he's mostly a comedian. Like Sam Hyde.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It's just a guy trying to make, trying to make people laugh. He's got a different way to look at the world, you know? But he's just going, it's Gavin. He's a comedian man. He's got a comedy movie for God's sake. He goes there and just makes fun, gives a little sass to the left, right? That's it. Well, I know you don't really like it when comedians start to be taken seriously,. No, because they're not, they know that's no longer funny. Yeah. It's
Starting point is 00:41:08 not like it's, it's funny to listen to a guy whose life is unraveling because of cables. Yeah. But like hearing, here's, here's the, here's the reason why nobody understands what's going on. The system is way too fucking complex. Everybody who weighs in on politics is just missing a massive, like there's so many people's lives involved in it that they're missing just a massive chunk at it. Like, yes. Even the big issues like abortion, right?
Starting point is 00:41:40 It's like, all right man, so what, it's illegal. And you just what? Just nobody can do it. And you just have a shitload of, of, you're just gonna introduce a shitload of babies that would have been imbored into the system to people who probably wouldn't be that good appearance. Like, what are you talking about, man?
Starting point is 00:41:55 You can't, you can't do that. Like, there's no way you understand. You're not a crystal ball. You can't predict what's that, what that's gonna do. Like, we all want it to remain inside of us all. We all want everything to kind of remain the same. Right? Well, that's true.
Starting point is 00:42:14 At the base of people, we don't like change. Yeah, because change is unknown. Like if you came into my house and I don't like my couch, and you said, hey, I'm gonna spice up your couch. I'm gonna give it some, I'm gonna get you a zazzy new couch, you're gonna love it. I'm gonna say, no, no, because I don't, it's too much change. So you're talking about like, when somebody starts talking
Starting point is 00:42:39 about positive, come on, man, I wouldn't even let you change my couch and you're talking about aborting babies and not aborting babies and make, you know, just calm down. Stick to the comedy. But I fuck it up all the time because you get so, you wanna feel like you're doing something right. But anyway, Gavin, I don't know, I'm blanking on his name.
Starting point is 00:43:00 How do you say it? Gavin McKinnis. Gavin McKinnis, right. So I am saying it right. I've never said, I don't think I've said it out loud very much. I just always see it in print and it's got all those Scottish letters in it. So I'm like, how am I going to know? I just know.
Starting point is 00:43:10 MC in the big eye. I know it by the symbol. It's just like prints. I know everybody by the symbols of their letters. And I don't know how to say they're out loud anymore. Is he Scottish or Irish? I don't know. He's American.
Starting point is 00:43:20 He's Scottish. He talks a bit a lot. So he's not, it's MC, not M-A-C. MC. MC. So he's giving a talk. He's giving a talk at NYU and these people ruin it. John, you were there. You can explain it better than I can. But the thing is, all these talks are by anti-fascists. They're getting stomped all over by this anti-fascism league that happens to where big black boots have armed bands and goes around stomping people.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Go, John, what happened? Well, you were there. So while I was there, it wasn't too exciting. I mean, it was just a lot of people standing around yelling and chanting like idiots. So Gavin didn't really advertise that he was speaking to publicly because this was going to happen for sure. Yeah. So he posted on Instagram that he was gonna be there.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And I saw like the day before and I saw it and I was like, oh cool, I'm gonna go check it out. Cause you know, I live in New York, so he's gonna be NYU, I'll check it out. So then what happened? When did the mob start? Cause you sent me this video. The reason I wanted you to call in is you sent me this video
Starting point is 00:44:21 of a professor having a fucking meltdown. Yeah, quote unquote, professor. It's still to be determined. Oh, this is, she's not. You want to talk about people not in the real world? Professors who have never been in the real world. Yeah. Yeah, man, I don't know why you, I don't know how you send your kid to school anymore.
Starting point is 00:44:40 We've talked about that. All right, well, I'm going to play the video just because it's funny. Is that okay, John? Go for it. All right, well, I'm going to play the video just because it's funny. Is that okay, John? Go for it. All right. Yeah. Yeah. When does the shouting start?
Starting point is 00:44:52 Oh, go to like 10, 20. Okay. You have like a 35 minute video. Yeah. And you know what God bless you. You took it holding your phone the right way. Oh, God. You did not take it standing up on the end.
Starting point is 00:45:03 You are an American hero. Only real Nazis film a vertical. They're going to start turning. You want to talk about what makes me a rage? What vertical bombing? Bro, there is going to be it. There's going to be a moment. How am I going to see this person get their fucking brain splattered all over the wall if I have to turn it like that? Do you walk into a violent episode? Yeah, by the way. Okay, this is a professor melting down at it. Why are you here? You're not here to protect these students, but not these students.
Starting point is 00:45:30 No, you're not. She's shouting at cops. Oh, yeah, screaming at NYPD. Oh, yeah, screaming at NYPD. Screaming at NYPD. Who's just, who's standing there? Who's standing there doing nothing? Please, stop!
Starting point is 00:45:42 And these students have to fucking face them all you're on You should be your savior. You're stuck. Definitely talks like a professor. You should be your savior. You're not a dog. You should be your savior. You should face these dirty sides. This is hate. These are fucking assholes. This is a joke. Different type of democracy. It's a fucking joke! You are a joke!
Starting point is 00:46:06 You're proud boys! You're proud boys! Boy, could you pause it? Yeah. Do you guys know what Proud Boys are? Who are they? No, no. So she's screaming, you're Proud Boys,
Starting point is 00:46:16 you're fucking Proud Boys. Proud Boys, Gavin McGinn has started this fraternal club called Proud Boys, which I'm not a member of, but whatever. Everyone says they're Nazis, you know, you know, the, you know, the bit. So, scream me of the cops, you're Proud Boys, you're fucking Proud Boys, and then she says, even the black cop, you're a fucking Proud Boy. Okay, I'm surprised she didn't call him an uncle Tom. It fits exactly what she did. I'm gonna drive you! You fucking proud of my doing it! You fucking proud of my doing it!
Starting point is 00:46:46 I'm not your enemy! I'm your enemy! I'm your stupidest! You too! I'm your stupidest! I'm a pro-fucker! I'm your stupidest! I'm your stupidest!
Starting point is 00:46:55 I'm your stupidest! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! He's riding your face! He's riding your face recording this! I don't mind! I'm not your enemy! I her face recording this. I'm on him.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I'm on him. I'm on him. I'm on him. I'm on him. I'm on him. And I guess, right now, I'm on him. I'm on him. And I'll do my team to rights.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I'm on him. I'm on him. I'm on him. I'm on him. I think she's about 30. I think she's about 200 years old from the looks of it. I don't know. She looks like John, right?
Starting point is 00:47:25 Yeah, John. How old do you think this broad wise? Definitely 30s. She talks like a, she talks like a raging teenager. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's the scary part. It's like, what's wrong with her? Just, just no articulation.
Starting point is 00:47:40 You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm sorry. Please, boy, guys. Oh, my gosh, shit. I'm so done with today's stories. Can the ass of a deal, don't you? I'm a real garbage. They will talk to me face-ball.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Fuck you. Fuck you. It's coming from a professor. I'm a learning teacher. Who's that? Is that John? John, is that you? Yes, sir. I'm a learning John is that you Professor yeah, so everybody pay attention Oh wow Oh, what a fucking lunatic Take that yeah anyways, so I don't know that's a that's a that's a quote unquote great school. Yeah, yeah, you'd be thrilled
Starting point is 00:48:46 You would yeah, let me let me pay it in whatever she did 50 grand a year check so my kid can go listen to this Oh God, I hope she's not a professor. I really did see that what I tweeted you about like a couple hours ago. No So when I got home that night I uploaded the videos and I posted a non-slash poll and immediately everyone was freaking out like, wow, this woman is fucking insane. We have to find out who she is. Yeah. Last night someone finally found out who she is. Who is she? I don't... Well, can I say her name or are you a well not a name? What's is was there something funny about her? Oh, yeah, I mean she turns out she's a complete degenerate performance artist. Oh, okay. How did you check? You have oh like you heard it. She did but people so
Starting point is 00:49:39 People found out that from an article from about four years ago, she is connected with an artist who is also loosely connected, or it's, it's Pizzagate shit. Oh, boy. Pizzagate shit. Marina, abra, abra of it. Like weird pretending to eat flash and stuff like that. Yeah, and lots of like dildo sculptures and weird shit like that. Well, man, I'm cool with dildo sculptures.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I don't mind that. Give me a, I mean, Sean and I are going to make our own dildo sculpture here in the studio that we got. You know, we got the dildo. We got the clone your own penis mold. Did you just open a soda? No, that was my. I can't just start the job.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I have my fly is on a tab. Whenever I want to open my fly, it's like a pressurized tab where I pull the tab. Opening tennis balls. Yeah, that's all of the flies on my shorts. I have them specially made. So it's like open and the tennis ball smell also comes out. When I knew tennis ball smell, I hope that's what I have everything unzipped. It's just that tennis ball smell, right?
Starting point is 00:50:48 Because I want women, I want it to have a trademark smell. That's why everyone wears this perfume, and I like to think outside the box, right? I'm like, well, if I put a bunch of like, geo or what, Lacey, what's a good, what's a nice man smelling perfume that you like? Lacey's Versacee. Versacee, if I put Vers Versace on my, on my person,
Starting point is 00:51:07 then you know, they're gonna think about other dudes that they banged with Versace, that we're wearing Versace, but with me, they just think of their high school tennis coach. Yeah, that's what I want. I wanna pop it open and it's just green fuzz that shoots them in the face. Good times.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yeah, welcome. Climb aboard my spaceship of high in phase. Good times. Yeah. Welcome. Climb aboard my spaceship of high school memories. Yeah. Of tennis. Yeah. That's what I want them to think about. All right, John, what makes you a rage man? Thanks for sending that in by the way.
Starting point is 00:51:34 It's funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny. It's so funny and sad. I'm with the sad part. That's time one. I just, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I used to think that stuff was funnier than I do now, but I like to see people lose their shit. I don't like to see people lose their shit as much. I don't know what's changed. Just getting well. No, it's funny. It's like, man, before I was going, I was talking to my cork or like, man, it is too much to get in my ass. I think it's just more that those people are out there. And there used to be some of them. But you know, a lot of them. Yeah. Now you just one side screams louder at the other than the, it's become the sports team. Politics has become the new religion. I don't know, man. I wish it was about screaming loud because I think
Starting point is 00:52:14 that we would just win every time. If it was about screaming loud, who would win every time? My side would win every time. We got a lot of loud. I could outscream that bitch. Did you hear her? No diaphragm work at all. Yeah. No, she's not a professor. She's never gonna loud. She couldn't tour like that. No, I could give out like about a week into the tour. I could smoke 10 packs of cigarettes and be louder than that woman in like a in a normal conversation voice. Uh-huh. Anyway, John, what makes you a rage, man? Uh, what makes me a rage? He talked about it last week, but it's a virtue signaling. I can't fucking stand it anymore. Everyone is so fake and so phony.
Starting point is 00:52:49 No one has any real beliefs. They don't, it's just a joke. I just can't stand it. Yeah, what would you say if I said that hating virtue signaling is becoming the new virtue signaling? The new virtue signaling? Yeah, that makes you want to kill myself. Hipster virtue signaling.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Yeah, right. Like everyone hated hipsters and then they became who everyone was hated. Yeah. The only thing, the only way to get through life honestly is to just go in a cave and wallet shut and not think or have any opinions at all. That's what, like, that's the only way to be an acceptable person in modern society. Otherwise, you're a hypocrite, an racist, an an Nazi, and you're not thinking critically, and you're every bad, you're every bad trait of humanity if you have any thought at all.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Like you have people, people, for some insane reason, people where it is a badge of honor that they are, that they do not change their opinion on anything. Like the act of, I think I might be stepping on water boys' toes because he was talking about this in the chat last week, but I talked about it with coach for my whole life. You get in an argument with somebody and their entire purpose when you argue with them
Starting point is 00:54:00 is to not change their mind and to change your mind. What the fuck is the point of that? Well, one, it usually doesn't work. It really never works because people just dig their heels in and they're going to defend their point to the death. But number two, like you got to, it's just completely intellectually dishonest. Like if you, if you consider yourself a thinker and you're presented with new information, you fucking should change your opinion.
Starting point is 00:54:24 If that contradicts what you know or you become more educated in something. Why'd you do it for fun? Like, you know what, I'm, did you really catch 22? I, what, what do you mean? That's my favorite part. Why, yeah, it's,
Starting point is 00:54:36 there's a big deal with their heels. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, when I think Nately is part of the crew, right? So he goes over, remember Nately and there was Nately's whore. Yeah, I remember. Yeah. So, and she Nately and there was Nately's whore. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah. So, and she blames Yosarian for just half
Starting point is 00:54:49 out of the way. It's okay. Pimmerin, it's a fun book. You guys should read it. Oh, why'd you bring it up? Because they go over and they, I think they're in Italy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:58 And they, in this, like kind of a, I'm trying to remember it, but it's like a, you know, sort of a, a, a bombed out building. And there's like an old Italian guy sitting there. I think I'mphouse. You're right. Yeah. And so he's sitting there and they get into this, this, get into this conversation about like morals and, and ideals and, and that kind of stuff. And, and Nait Lee is very idealistic. He thinks, right, you know, right is right and wrong is wrong. What he believes is right. And he's just becoming increasingly infuriated by this old Italian guy who basically shows that he'll go any which way the wind blows.
Starting point is 00:55:29 And he says, like, you have no morals, you have no scruples, you have no ideals. You're just because he says, well, when one side's doing good, I'm on that side. When the other side is doing well, I'm on that side. And he flips natively out. And he just says, yeah, but I am old and you were young. Like that's how he's gotten through life, you know? Like it's like that's the way to do it. Yeah. Just switch it up. You know?
Starting point is 00:55:51 Yeah. Your pro choice one day, just be anti choice next day. Karris, like what, like what are you, you just sit in there on your couch watching reruns of Rick and Morty. Like what, doesn't matter what you think? Doesn't matter if you're pro-choice or, it doesn't fucking matter.
Starting point is 00:56:08 And you just sit there doing nothing. What are you, oh yeah. Bill the wall, you gonna do it? No. Like, what have we asked you to? I wouldn't do it. I don't think so. I wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I'd fuck it up. I just like, oh, you take care of it. Not good at this. Yeah, like, oh, what do you think about this? What do you think about Trump did this, did this military initiative where a bunch of Navy, when a couple of Navy SEALs died because, because the plan wasn't well thought out.
Starting point is 00:56:31 It's like, man, I mean, I don't know. That's just like way over there. I'm trying to find an RCA cable, all right? That's what my day is. We got thorough on things to worry about. Got my own things to worry about over here. Exactly. All right, Chad, thank you for really offering.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I love the show, man. I can't wait to go to New York City. Yeah. Hey, how far is Philly away from you? Is that workable? Philly, it's like an hour and a half to hour drive. Would you make that drive to come see the live show? Apps to fucking really. Okay. So this is what we're going to do. We're going to do LA in February. And then let's do Philly in March. Okay. Do you want to do that? Yeah. Well, you know, New York and LA, they get everything. They do. Like I got a soft, I got a soft one for you from New York City. No, no, I'm a, I'm much too big of a soda to be banned from New York City. I got a soft spot in my heart for the little towns in between because
Starting point is 00:57:23 they never get anything like LA gets everything and they're real The coasters spoiled the coast of various boiled so I'm gonna try to hit the little you know I want it like Shaboygan. That's where I want the road rage to go. Yeah middle like low Salamon sure Des Moines Yeah, and not even like a like not like place where you have to give like a geo coordinates Like you have to geocache to come find this show. That's what I wanted to be about. So we'll see you in Philly, in March. Absolutely. John, all right.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Send me some more funny videos if professors. Yeah, check your Twitter, man. All right, see you later, bud. All right, bye. Oh, cut him right off at the buy. Okay. Do you want to set Lacey up? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Okay. Lacey Nicole. Lacey Nicole is in the studio to read us some news. But not yet. We're not getting to the news to read us some news. Uh, but not yet. We're not, we're not getting to the news news yet. I got, I got more important stuff to deal with. Um, uh, let me see here. So last week, last week, a stereo swan and he dropped a major hot bomb, God's, he had a major revelation for us, which is, I mean, pretty big. It's a pretty big revelation. He was and its contentious.
Starting point is 00:58:34 He was saying that the former co-host of the podcast that I was on was crying after before the last show. Then this is a stare and it's multiple people have said that hysteriosis full shit that it didn't happen. John, you disagreed with hysterios. I never saw tears. You never saw tears.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Randy said he was saying things. I thought it was close. You thought it was close to price. But I didn't see his eyes messed up. I didn't hear him sniffling. Okay. Never saw tears on cheek.. I didn't hear him sniffling. Okay. Never saw tears on cheek. You never saw Maddox sniffling you never saw actual tears. No, because if this is true, that's a I mean, that's a big deal Like you can't you cried. Yeah, you cried you cried in front of other guys
Starting point is 00:59:20 That's there's no coming back from that So some of the some of the some of our top men on the Dix show Reddit found something that might shed some light onto this controversy. God. I'm going to show it to you now. Apparently after after the last show, we had a podcast with this other gentleman, right? Who basically disappeared from the face of the earth. No one's heard from him. Exactly. That's what I heard. He created a...
Starting point is 00:59:48 He did... After that show ended, Randy, the producer, made this amazing video, tribute to the show. Like, he would come to the show and he would record things. And, you know, he would record me, ranting as we do now, and he would record Maddox, the other guy reading off of a piece of paper that he printed out from Wikipedia.
Starting point is 01:00:09 So he compiled all of these, all of these moments into like a really nice tribute to the show because it was a meant something, it the show meant something to him and meant something to us and meant something to a lot of people. Like why not send it off in a nice way? And he put this Randy put this video online. And immediately when he put it online, he got a call from Attics reading him the fucking riot act. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:00:34 I thought that was only something that people on the show could see. That went public. Well, what do you mean people on the show could see? I mean, I thought just the thought it was just you. And yeah, why would the fuck would Randy make like a huge video on the show could see i mean i thought just that it was just you and yeah why would the fuck would randy make like a huge video that only you can no no no no i would figure he would show it to us so you i don't think he would post something without
Starting point is 01:00:54 maddox giving you okay well what uh that's he put it on youtube but you can't have like a it was so there's no just an unlisted link, but people found it. Wow. Oh, people found it and posted it on the subreddit for the show that we were never allowed to talk about on the show because Maddox can't delete comments like you can in every other medium. What do you mean, why are you so surprised by that?
Starting point is 01:01:18 I just wasn't sure how he, how he sent that out. Like he didn't list it under the YouTube account or anything like that. I have no idea. So there was no way, there's no way to upload a YouTube video that only certain people can see. Well, yeah, but it's a pain in the ass and nobody does it. I thought that's what he make it unlisted. I thought that's what he did. Apparently not if people found it. People definitely found it. Why are you so surprised by it? That's that's I'm curious about that though. I'm surprised because that doesn't seem like something Randy would do. It seems like he would never just make something go live without talking to the person who's
Starting point is 01:01:50 running the show. Well I think he assumed that it was like a good thing that he was doing. Oh I'm sure he did. I'm sure he did. And then he wouldn't need approval and also kind of like, fuck it. Like he's, like Randy had to deal with more shit. I don't know what he was, I don't, not in his head. So he had to deal with more shit than anybody for a show that is like small ball. He had to deal with a mountain of shit every week, hours long conversations just to keep
Starting point is 01:02:22 it alive. Like Randy was the dialysis machine of that show, keeping it like he loved that show. He did. He really did. When I, in order to keep the show going, I had to meet, I had to have a sit down like a fucking mafia sit down with Randy and Maddox. Like it had to be arranged that we go sit down at the parlor room. This stupid, you know, you've been to the parlor room. Yeah, this shitty
Starting point is 01:02:52 bar that I hate on Melrose is fucking terrible. It's all, everyone is always slow there. There's like these big fire pits, but they're all gas fire pits. So they're worthless. It's like they're little glass bobbles with fire. And they do open mics, shit all the time. You can't hear anything. It's got a huge echo and it's always full of assholes. So we had to go, we had to go there and I had to sit there to keep the show going and listen to Maddox read a like a single spaced two-page list of all the grievances that I did that I was killed. It was like fucking festivists, but in the middle of the year. He's hearing of the grievances.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Yeah, oh, dude. It was like if I half of it was hilarious. A jack of wrestle him afterwards. Why don't you get a little bit of a dress at when it was happening. He was just. We did. No, at no point that was I uncooled, that were any of these a surprise it was like uh and it was stuff like dick um you've done a bad job at seizing me on email is from the advertiser like I don't know man yeah okay I'll work on my I'll work on my son every single time he would like, like he gets stuck and as some's wrong with his brain where he gets stuck on it, every time, because we don't, like,
Starting point is 01:04:09 there's no C's, there's no emails anymore. Like Randy came on to kind of take over all of the emailing shit because I'm so terrible at C's seeing emails that I ruined an entire comedy podcast because of it. So I don't feel like, well, you're really bad at C's seeing emails and that's, I mean, that's unacceptable in an environment like this, I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Have you been more conscious about it? You've gotten better? No. No, I've gotten worse. Now, I don't, I've gotten even worse at the ceasing. You don't hear for the disorganization talk. So, man, Sean would dress me down for being so disorganized every week.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So he would go through one by one and then look up with this like dead fisheye like how did it feel when it was happening. It started, it started making me feel maniacally hilarious. Like I can't believe like I would look at Rania and go like, are you, I hope you're seeing how hilarious this is and you're not like thinking that this will help the show because this is this is the, this is the you're not like thinking that this will help the show because this this is this is this is the this is the relationship Talk where you should know that everything is fucked up. Yeah, like you have that talk with a with a girl You know with a gentleman and you realize like right away like oh This is dead
Starting point is 01:05:19 You're reading me about you're reading me about ceasing fucking emails. Are you crazy? You're reading me about ceasing fucking emails. Are you crazy? You're reading me about ceasing emails. And last week you had a meltdown because you think I drove your ex-girlfriend home from a wedding. What the fuck are you thinking? Like where is your, it was,
Starting point is 01:05:38 I bet Randy still has that email. I might have it too, because I'm sure I probably got a, like it facts and so I had to sign like a report that said I have received this email. It was, that was a joke, that wasn't true. It was not ceasing emails, being passive aggressive, quote,
Starting point is 01:05:59 in the episode write ups. Like I would write the episodes, write up for the show for the episode sometimes, and I would put some jokes in there, you know, a little like, you're an idiot jokes because the show is a contest. Yeah, that's funny. Funny jokes for people, but this was passive. This was the appearance of impropriety on this scale. It was absolutely unacceptable. And it would, we would go through. And I would have to apologize. So the way you speak to women on the show is totally inappropriate. The flirting is, it's gross and it's gotta stop.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Oh, wow. Like, well, but you were, I mean, I don't think it was so over the top. I mean, it was hysterical. Like, bastard, it was a joke. And then as soon as the show ended, obviously, and meanwhile, Maddox is like, oh, hey, so you know so you think maybe we could get some
Starting point is 01:06:46 John Belayan after the show or some gumbo? That's his movie, gets gumbo in the middle of the day. John Belayan gumbo. Meanwhile, he's the one who, meanwhile, he's the one who says, who's like burping up and do he sausage? Is that what he's saying? And do he?
Starting point is 01:07:01 And do he? What would you say if a guy wanted to take you to get some gumbo in the middle of it? No, no. No. And do it. Yeah. What would you say if a guy wanted to take you to get some gumbo with a little bit of it? No, no. No, no. No gumbo right now. I've never actually gone on Tinder, never downloaded any de-hops.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Oh, that's the hottest. Every, whether you've been on Tinder or not, every woman should say that. Oh, I've never, I've never done that. Oh, God, thank God. So he would say, yeah, meanwhile, this is the guy who Mad Cuxus, gumbo is a very sensual food.
Starting point is 01:07:29 For the man, it's sensual for you. He falls it up with, he falls it up with piece of shit. I think he's way too chunky. And there's like so many different meats, right? Gumbo, while I'm eating gumbo, yeah. Jumbo liars got a lot too, I think. We know what gumbo is. We don't need, it's gross. It's not, yeah. Jumbo, I have got a lot too, I think. We know what gumbo. We don't need, it's gross.
Starting point is 01:07:47 It's not, yeah. It's not my seat all. So he would, this is the guy who would not let me, I pay, I ran the fine, like I paid everybody through PayPal on the show. And, but I wasn't allowed to do that with the female employees. Why that might be, I up to anyone to guess.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Wait, you weren't allowed to what? I wasn't allowed to pay the transcribers because they were, my and coincidentally, you left it, you can make your own inferences out of that, but they were both women and he would chat with both of them all the time and I was, they were the only two that you weren't allowed weren't allowed to build a big wall between me. There's two ways that could go. What? Well, I mean, that he's protecting them from you?
Starting point is 01:08:30 Oh, yes. He only wants to have conversations with them. Yeah, maybe a mix of that. It might be safe to say is a mix of that, right? Might me and my toxic poison masculinity. He doesn't want that raining all over these poor women. They're just doing their job. They're not there to hear my endless misogynistic rants.
Starting point is 01:08:52 They're just here to type some things, you know? Yeah. I understand it that way. Sure. I understand it the other way too. No, I don't want you. I don't want you talking to these, with your zingy one liners.
Starting point is 01:09:03 I got to tell them, I got to endlessly talk about things I read on the Huffington post. That's what women want to hear. So we're having that talk. I didn't want to get off tangent here on the off topic here on this whole thing, but we're having this talk and I forget what the breaking point was, but Maddox said, I think it was about who was doing more work for the show.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Because he was always about, like it was always like a subtle way to try to broach to the, I want more money out of this, but it was like, you know, I do, I do a lot of work. I go on Facebook and I write tweets. And I mean, just look at, like, let's look at who brings who to the table here. I don't think you do that.
Starting point is 01:09:54 I'm like, well, what's the fucking, I'm not drawing conclusions for you. I don't know if you're like, that's how you negotiate with people where you just try to walk them into, just, oh, gee, I guess, yeah, maybe I shouldn't be getting as much money as you. Like, I know what you're fucking doing.
Starting point is 01:10:08 This is like the most amateur, car salesmen are better than you at this. I'm not gonna, oh, wow, you really, you really logic to me into it. Now, I totally don't deserve, I deserve all this stuff that you're saying, because I'm a such a piece of shit. I don't even be, why am I even alive?
Starting point is 01:10:24 I don't know. I can't, of shit. I don't even be, why am I even alive? I don't know. I can't, I gotta, I don't know how, how can I possibly refill this self-esteem that you're taking from me? There's not enough likes in the world that can make me feel good about myself after this. Why am I even on the show?
Starting point is 01:10:36 I shouldn't even be there. I'm just gonna leave. Then you could do it by, and I forget, I forget what, I really wish I could remember what triggered this, but I said, hey, what, I really wish I could remember what triggered this, but I said, hey, just like heads up, this has been good now, but you better watch your fucking tone with the way you're speaking to me.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Do you understand? Because I'll stop it. Watch your fucking mouth. He said something again, and I said, listen, you sanctimonious prick. And the look on Maddox's face was like, he was like, oh, he looked at Randy, because I was, I'll say this, I was ready to hit him.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I was ready to clock him after two hours of listening to the dumbest shit. Like, well, this is where you didn't think, you didn't thank me for snacks came in. He was like, well, I always bring the snacks and you've never once thanked me for them. And I'm like, all right, man, just fuck, just, I'm here doing this, but watch the way you fucking speak to me or you sank the money's break. And he goes, oh, he started, he pulled out like a old,
Starting point is 01:11:38 like Chinese fan and started and looked over at Randy. And he's like, oh, Randy, Randy, Randy, and Randy goes, like you could see that, Randy, who's the most professional man in the world, perhaps even more professional than you, John. He looks at, he's more professional than I am. He looks to look on his face, and keep in mind. You can't read, he's just so low key. You can't read him. No, he's so low key.
Starting point is 01:12:01 You can't read him. You can't read him at all. So what I like about him, he doesn't get like overly excited or agitated about anything. You know, he's, he's too close. He plays it too close to the, he does. He does. I don't know if it's too close, but he plays with women he does. Because he always, he hits me up for advice.
Starting point is 01:12:19 I'm, you know, just for fun, maybe, but also because I've got good fucking advice. The shoe thing, the dad thing. You know, you can, if a guy, you came in last time I was talking about your shoes. You were into it. I don't know, you tell me, I don't want to put words in your mouth. But if a guy, if a, any random guy, you like the smell of tennis balls, any random guy, if he walks up to you on the street and said, wow, you're very beautiful, what would your reaction be?
Starting point is 01:12:44 I mean, I'd say thank you. Okay. Did you on the street and said, wow, you're very beautiful. What would your reaction be? I mean, I'd say thank you. Okay. Did you hear the tone? Now, what if a guy you've heard that before? Totally. What if a guy walked up to you? I have a license line after spin. And he said, spin class. Oh, spin class is a guy's go to try to pick up. It's where it's where just beautiful women go hang out and do beautiful women things things like they have we it's a whole weird
Starting point is 01:13:06 Society that they have in there and that you can study through if a guy walked up to you after spin class and said I love your I love your shoes. I love the straps on your shoes. Where did you get those? Those are I've never seen any any shoes like that those boots. They look great What a great pair of shoes you got then what would you say I'd say thank you, but there's about 60 of them running around here. See the smile? Different. Yeah. You say you're beautiful and get away. It has to catch you at least a little bit off guard if somebody talks about something because that also speaks to your taste, not like because you're not really responsible for your looks. You're just are who you are. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:46 What are you responsible for sometimes? Okay. Okay. Yeah, spin don't knock or spin class. Yeah. Got it. Okay. So point taken.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Matt goes into. Yeah, you have good taste. That's 100% your choice. Right. So Randy, he'll hit me up for this advice. And he always like, he always kind of makes it a joke when he tries it. Like he's like, well, I asked a girl, like, what does her dad think of her shoes? And she wasn't into it. And I'm, and Randy, don't make jokes. Don't make fucking jokes out of my advice.
Starting point is 01:14:16 All right, dude. Like you get, if you, if I give you a script and you tell me it's shit, that's good, but that's where the authority, you know, I'm not, don't tell me about what to talk about with women. All right, I know what I'm talking about. If there was a job where that was the job requirement, I would have that job. I would apply for that job. So he finally did it right last weekend.
Starting point is 01:14:42 He said he was at Sundance and he talked to this girl and used the shoes line and she was all over him for the rest of the night. I'm like, wow. There you go man. That's all I'm talking about. He plays it too close to the best. He plays it. Everything's got to be like a guard up at all times. Anyway, Randy's sitting there and I say, Madhix, you better fucking watch what you're talking to me. Like this is all like fun and silly shit and I'm not like everyone. Everyone here is just acting like this is real. And you're reading me a list about not seizing people
Starting point is 01:15:09 on fucking emails you maniac. Randy gets this look and is basically like, okay, well, I think maybe we could just all have a little moment here. I'm like, and Maddox looks at me, cause I just think, I mean, there's no need for name calling. There's just no need. There's, this isn't, name calling has no place in this conversation. I got, all right, all right. I'm going back, I'm going
Starting point is 01:15:34 back into hibernation. Like, my eyes will be open, but I'm done. The rest of the response, so anyway, this video that got released after the end of the biggest problem that Randy made and is awesome and it's a great tribute and put up. Somebody found it and they threw it up all over the place because everybody loved it. Somebody rediscovered it because of stereos and I'll show you this video now, a stereos, this gentleman here who's a very funny man, he comes on the show all the time, doesn't explain his bits before he does them when he comes on the show. He just surprises you and you're supposed to read his mind
Starting point is 01:16:07 and know what he's talking about. And he'll do it at the very end of the show when we're talking about something else. Uh, he said that right before this shoot, at the end of the show, Maddox was crying and said, I was dead to him because into quote, hysterios, he found out that I had banged his ex girlfriend out.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Did he say at the beginning of the show or the end of the show? The beginning. So I thought he was going to show it up. And he was crying before. He was crying, but Maddox was crying before you recorded the last episode. Okay. And you don't, you don't remember that, but you didn't remember that you recorded two episodes, Sean.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Because, oh, here's an audio engineer. Because that's what you should be doing. That's actually, and I have to go back and check the backup for sure. Okay. I recorded the first one with him. Pride. With Maddox. With Maddox.
Starting point is 01:16:58 That was actually the second one. What do you mean? What do you mean? The last big is problem episode. The one recorded after that that the best debate episode There were three or four of which did not air. Yeah, because they're terrible as he was trying to and the remaining ones are the ones that did air were terrible I liked I enjoyed that I'm making a joke. No, I know you're just so just so you know, I'm I'm clear. I just so you don't get a rapist sick on you
Starting point is 01:17:24 Yeah, I'm, I'm clear. I'm sure you've enjoyed it. I'm sure you've been doing a rapist sick on you. Yeah. Oh, I'm not. We're not the rapist. All right. But, yeah. So, I think Asturios was under the impression and I'm 99% solid on this. I'm gonna have to go back and look at the backup drive to see what God, see what we've got investigations in which to.
Starting point is 01:17:40 No, because I want to be accurate. Yeah, okay. I want to be accurate. Me too. But I want to know if he cried or not. He had told, no, I was certainly paying attention. Okay. So what's the timeline? Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Well, he had announced the network when the show was still going on. He offered you a show on the network to which you said yes. No, no. Oh yeah. Oh, I was there. Yeah, you were sitting down, he was standing up.
Starting point is 01:18:04 You said, first of all, I was like, yes. Offering a show. Is like, yeah, do you want to show on the network? Is it, yeah. You said you do want to do your own show on it. Yeah, that's, okay. What do you say?
Starting point is 01:18:15 No. I mean, that's not like a contract. Like, hey, I'm doing a network. Do you want to do a show on it? Yeah, I got to get out of here. Okay. Well, that's all it was. Yeah, that's all it was. Okay. Why are you bringing that up? Yeah, I got to get out of here. Okay. Well, that's all that's all it was. Yeah, that's all it was. Okay. Um, where are you bringing that up?
Starting point is 01:18:27 What are you trying to stump me? No, tell me. I'm trying to. I'm trying to show you the timeline because no, it does matter. Okay. All right. Because people knew that the network was going to happen. Yeah. The email had gone around about the network, about the, the ending of, of the show where you said, uh, it's done. We had a good run. We decided this is before he knew that you were involved. Well, before he heard, I don't mean who knows, I don't know who this person is that told him these, these possible sabbrications. You didn't find out in this week. You didn't find out last week because I'm really curious. You mean, okay, so Lacey, this is just a catch you up on the gods. Let me just, let me finish really quick.
Starting point is 01:19:06 So he and I then between the time a bunch of men addicted to soap opera. I know. They're like, they're wives. They're wives. They're like, yeah, but somebody said this about dictum. Man, I got to see it on the. I'm trying to be accurate. I'm trying to be accurate.
Starting point is 01:19:20 So too, I just want to know how hard he cried between that time and the time that morning we're talking about where we recorded the last biggest problem and what I believe to be the second show. So the EMI record, he and I recorded one just by yourself. Yes. And you have that. Well, I do. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:41 So wait, okay, okay, was this all on the same day? No. Okay. So that was after the email went out. Yes, and before the last episode of the previous episode, I'm gonna write this down. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. So the email goes.
Starting point is 01:19:51 And I'm gonna check, the email goes out killing the show. Yes. The Maddox sends me an email saying basically, how long was this after the talk that you had at the parlor? I wanna say like two months, because we had a talk, episode 77, yeah, was the wedding. And that was the wedding. If there's confusion, by the way, that was, I ran into Maddox's ex at that wedding. I hadn't seen her for three years, three or four years.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Just in case there's confusion. Oh, yeah. Three years. That's, I's confusion. Yeah. Three years. That's, I think so. So you have like with her, it wasn't a fresh break. No, he was with, he was with his current girlfriend who he lived with at the time, right? Yeah, that's what we do.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Let me ask, okay. If you would, if a guy you lived with was crying and like throwing comedy businesses away because his business partner might have done something with his ex from four years ago. What would you do? He probably still wouldn't have a girlfriend. He wouldn't have, you would leave, right?
Starting point is 01:20:58 He has. Yeah. It's just ridiculous. Yeah, I got this way. You know Chris Rock's thing of like when you cheat on a woman and they take you back, they're definitely gonna cheat on you. I'm gonna really do some investigating, but I got a hunch. I don't think you come back from that one without a, you know, the women give it and they
Starting point is 01:21:19 take it the way. They got their internal ledger. You don't go down on them enough. Then they're working out the math in their heads of what you're losing. You know what I mean? You do something like this shit. You're losing. That's going to cost you. Okay. So the email went out. That was it was Friday morning. I was going to Mexico and I changed the trip so I could come back and record episode 107 of the biggest problem. And as that morning that I was leaving on Friday, that's when the email went out saying either either you walk away or I'm ending the show. And I'm like, well, that's not a choice in the show.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Like, what the hell are you? What do you mean? In the show. This is not a, this is not a or a thing. You just gave me one thing, but you didn't want to do. Like, did he say you could take less money or take a percentage of that email in this episode or something in that email?
Starting point is 01:22:20 Did that ever occur? In that email or in time of course. I'm not sure if it was in that email or any anytime before. Well, there was always the idea of me taking an imaginary less amount was always pervasive since episode one. Even before the show started, it was like, well, there was always this, yeah,
Starting point is 01:22:42 but what do you bring to the table here? I'm like, I don't know, man. Like, you gotta, you don't come to someone and say, I think you're, I think you have less value than me without putting a number on it. Like, so what, so what? What, don't give me, I don't know, that makes no sense.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Yeah, like, okay, that's not how you negotiate. By the way, somebody in Reddit posted this study saying how Armenians negotiate and it's exactly like what I'm describing where there's not like it's based on like, well, different e-maux and feeling and it's not. Different cultures definitely negotiate different. There's an acceptable way in each one. Somehow I negotiate like a Jew.
Starting point is 01:23:21 And some like, I think like, there's nothing wrong with that. I don't. Nothing wrong with it. There's only right things. Like, are you fucking kidding me? There's a reason they always get targeted. There's so good at business. And you just heard what's going to kill Dick's career. All of these things I'm saying are compliments. Like they're, like they're, their whole culture is not based around Lowering your car and making as much noise as possible. It's about like That's the big like oh why are why do all these shoes always run all these industries? Well, you know a couple of things They don't they don't go home and brag to their parents about getting a fist fights about that's one of that like that's not encouraged
Starting point is 01:24:03 Anyway, okay, so that's not how you don't say an email of, it was all, the take less was always there and nobody would ever offer me what exactly the number was because then we're negotiating and then, then we get problems. So you're saying the email on that Friday went out and you guys recorded, because you were set up, we were scheduled to record that weekend. I assume that you guys recorded, because you were set up, we were scheduled to record
Starting point is 01:24:25 that weekend. I assume that you recorded then, is that while I was in Mexico, uh, yeah. Okay. So you did record and what did you record that weekend? Well, I'm trying to re, okay. So that was, that was the weekend before you went to Mexico. I think if that was a Friday, we had possibly recorded before then, then, which would change my timeline. You recorded the new, you recorded the new debate show before. Yeah. Okay. So then when did you record with the stereos?
Starting point is 01:24:53 The day of the last biggest problem. That was when I was in Mexico. Yeah. Yes, I did. And did you record two shows with the stereos? Uh-huh. Because he says that you did. He said that you recorded 107 and
Starting point is 01:25:06 a biggest and a best debate, which is a really terrible show. Correct. And you recorded that that day. Yes. Okay. Were you, was he there before you? I don't know. I asked him that and I don't think I got an answer, right? Because you're always very late. You continue to be late to this show. I was testing your power early, you motherfucker. But there's a chance he was there before you, right? There was a chance. Because it's a stereo. And he, like, a stereo always overstays his welcome on both sides.
Starting point is 01:25:36 So he'll show up three days early. If he's got a record, I'm just kidding, a stereo. So I love when a stereo is him. Last time a stereo was here, he left and there was all these sticky spots all over the kitchen. I go up to 80's, of course. He's Greek, you can't help it. Yeah, I'm like, what the fuck, what did you say? He's covered in lemonade,
Starting point is 01:25:56 because fucking Boc Levo. I know it, because I don't drink sticky stuff. And she's like, no, I didn't do this. I didn't do this. I'm telling you I didn't do this. So I know when I do this, and I did not do this. I didn't do this. I'm telling you I didn't do this. So I know when I do this and I did not do this. Yeah. So I analyze the spectral trail of the stickiness because the sticky spots go down to the stairs, down the stairs, and then into the, like they trail off going into the studio.
Starting point is 01:26:19 And I'm like, huh. And 80s girl, I go back up and she goes, you know, Stereo's was drinking like, I saw him drinking a stine full of cranberry juice that was filled to the very top, like two liters of cranberry juice, and also bouncing around and pointing around like a maniac, like he's trying to balance plates in his hand, you know. You think that might have something to do with it?
Starting point is 01:26:40 And I think that might have been Stereo's throwing cranberry juice. So anyway, so Stereo's probably showed up early for one of seven probably that is when he says the crying happened. Okay. Okay. Because Randy is with me on this. To me, he was right on the edge. He was right. I was waiting for it. See now which edge is he climbing up from the abyss of being a woman or is he going into it? So this is the evidence that I'm bringing in this week. This is the bomb shell.
Starting point is 01:27:13 This is the fourth act of the courtroom drama, right? Somebody found that video that Randy made as a tribute and there's a recording of that episode 107 in it. Now, the video doesn't have any sound because someone has filed a copyright claim on this video. This is hosted by just a random dude, right? Somebody by the name of Offensive Assault who has 17 subscribers. This has got three. This is on YouTube, but YouTube will take the sound away, but they won't take the video off. So we have video.
Starting point is 01:27:50 And what we have video of is Maddox and Astereos doing the episode after the alleged crying. Now, I want to show it to you now because we know the trademarks of crying, right? The puffy eyes, the puffy red eyes compared to, because we- He might sound a little congested.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Well, we can't do the sound though. There's no way, that's see, this is, it's very complicated to piece this together. But this is- Who was recording? Randy. Randy would always record these little snippets. It's a video.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Randy's recording this. He's recording this phone, yeah. Yeah. Now, we've got bags under the eyes. Maddox always has bags under the eyes, but these are a different, these are like a puffy bags. He looks very sad, but we want to see evidence of having cried. That's what I'm looking for.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Maybe I should screenshot this and post it on the page when it goes up and we can have a vote on it. There, there, there, right there, right there. Okay. It's all a little glistening. shot this and post it on the on the page when it goes up and we can have a vote on it. There, there, there, right there, right there. Okay. It's all a little glistening. Yeah, yeah, it's the glistening and it's the, this is the screenshot I'm talking. It's because it's when you smile, it stretches out your facial features.
Starting point is 01:28:57 So you can really see, here it comes, here it comes. There it is. That. I say, I present to the jury that that is evidence of having cried. Sean, that this, these puffy, because you don't get this puffy shit when you almost cried. That is the kind of puffy I, that is the post cry puffy under eye back. If you say that. That is the luggage of crying, my friend. That man went on a tour of cry town,
Starting point is 01:29:30 and he brought back two eye bags full of souvenirs. That is a full on evidence of crying at 56-11. Don't cry. Jesus Christ. Okay, let's get to the news. Okay, let's get to the news. Okay, let's get to that. That was an AC.
Starting point is 01:29:47 That was an enormous amount of bill. John, I mean, that was... Don't you want to know if this person cried in front of other men? Not really. Don't answer. I don't mean to put you on the spot in such a horrible... It's not a crucible. You're not on trial here.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Right, right, right. What's the reasoning for you? Why do you want to know if you cried or not? Because then you can't trust his material for the rest of his life. You can't trust his judgment on anything then. He said anything that the guy says, it's like, well, yeah, but you also cried that time.
Starting point is 01:30:16 So in front of your friends. Yeah, in front of another guy, because some of you... Never cried in front of a guy? I've never cried. No, never, not Shhh. No. Never. Not even once.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Well, when Lucy Wilde retired and I found out about that, I cried. And I cried when Trump had an inauguration day. Did you? I cried at that, yeah. You showed it to your happiness? No, I cried all day. Not of happiness. No.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Joy. Arraged. Yeah. And I cried when my Lexus got zip tied together. But other than that, I've never cried. Were you in front of friends, though, when your Lexus was zip tied? You had to be in front of somebody. No, only only women.
Starting point is 01:30:54 I only cry in front of women. I would never cry in front of a man. That's disturbing. What about you, Sean? I teared up when Vince Gully retired. I'll admit it. Yeah. Me too.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Yep. Yeah. You're crying so many times. Yeah. Vince Gully was the voice of my childhood and the voice of my father's childhood. That's what a fucking institution he was. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:20 I cried when they took the Arch Deluxe off the menu too at McDonald's. That was a big one. Yeah. That was a sad one. I know they really did. They said they went for the primo hamburger and it just didn't work. And that by the way, episode biggest problem, episode one, you know, what the problem was, the problems we brought in biggest problem
Starting point is 01:31:36 in the universe episode one. No. I brought in Maddox, Maddox, brought in crying. I remember bringing it. Okay, let's get to the news, please. All right. This is silly. I hate talking about this stuff, but I do want to know. So who do we have here? This is Liz Lacey Nichols. Lacey Nichols.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Reading the news. Do you have a bunch of fake news for us, man? It's not, it's Lacey Nichole. What do you mean? Lacey Nichole. You got your chops busted on the internet last time you came in because a bunch of people disproved your, well, they had a lot more specifics about how it was not what you were saying it was.
Starting point is 01:32:11 So I hope you did more research this time. All right, all right, all right. So there's this new app out. It's called Yo Home Spurm Test and it lets men test their modal sperm count via the app. You've got a gizz on your phone or what? So when you buy it, it costs 50 bucks. They send you this little slide and you do your business. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Put the sperm on the slide and you can turn it. lick it. What do you mean? What do you got to do to this slide? I think they're just trying to, they're trying to, they're trying to, they're trying to, they're trying to, they're trying to, they're trying to, they're trying to, they're trying to, they're trying to,
Starting point is 01:32:44 they're trying to like a gather a DNA database for like criminal to mouth? No. What, trying to what? I think they're trying to like gather a DNA database for like criminal, you know, it's like, oh, test this, oh, you're fine. Now we have your DNA. I have, if I ever told you about light my life coach is criminal database DNA story? No. Oh, he's coming in next week.
Starting point is 01:33:00 We got, I got to ask him a Phil talk about that because it's fucking hilarious. Okay, so you have to lick this thing or? It's for your sperm. Okay. Does your sperm come out of your mouth? Sean, where is your sperm coming up? There's so many moments there.
Starting point is 01:33:14 There's so many moments there. I'm not going to turn the headset, but there's so, God, there's so many jokes there. Okay. All right, all right, all right. So you put this sperm from your penis onto the slide. Wow, it's really hot. It's really hot. It's really hot.
Starting point is 01:33:26 And you insert it into this phone clip. Okay. And then it records. And then you plug that clip into your phone. Yes, into your phone. And then it reads your sperm. Wow. Really?
Starting point is 01:33:39 It's easier way to find out how fertile you are. That's basically what. Yeah, but it's also like a game. No, like a breath home breath. Allizers are not to see if you're okay to drive there to see how cool you are. No, good. I'm your avid total entertainment. Oh, dude, we have a life coach. You and I were fucking around with one for let's see how drunk we can. Oh, let's see where we are now. I'm curious. I can totally I can totally drive. I can totally drive. Let's see what it is.
Starting point is 01:34:05 You are dead. 0.21, fucking, hey, let's run to the store. I think he got popped to the 0.24 one time. Anyway, fucking hot. Three times illegal limit. That's pretty boost up. Well, we got to get this home screen test. Okay. What is it called?
Starting point is 01:34:23 Yo home screen test. Yo home, that's a terrible name. It is. It should be called IGIS. What is the yo coming from? I don't get it. Oh my god, that's brilliant. Yo, right?
Starting point is 01:34:31 With a little eye. That's fucking hilarious. That's brilliant. So you got to get an IGIS home swimming device. Somebody get this. The apps developers claim that it'll save millions of men, the often embarrassing process of going to the doctor's office. Yeah. Is it embarrassing for you? Did you go to the doctor? You're a utility. It embarrassing process of going to the doctor's office. Is it embarrassing for you?
Starting point is 01:34:46 To check your utility. You go to the doctor. It's embarrassing to go to the doctor, period. Regardless. It's embarrassing to ask another man anything. But next. I don't you have a female doctor then. I want a competent doctor here.
Starting point is 01:34:58 I'm going to surprise you. I don't want to care more about you and your well-being. Look, I don't want a doctor who's sent, I don't want a doctor who's sent, I don't want a doctor who's sent Newtie pics to somebody. All right, that's my rule. That's my policy. The next iPhone update is it's gonna check for prostate cancer. You just shove it up your ass.
Starting point is 01:35:17 I don't want to do that one. I want to do this, this is one. Sean's on to something. All right, so. You want to do it? You want to have a seamen competition where everyone, what's the, what is the way that you were saying it? So it's not crass.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Spurm. Yeah, everyone, how do you, how would you describe what I'm trying to describe in a classy way? We, you know, using the device, getting your seamen on the thing. You want to do that one where everyone gang bangs this device? That would have taken over. That would have taken over. getting your semen on the thing. You want to do that one where everyone gang bangs this device? Not for that particular one. That would be, let's see who's got the most semen in them.
Starting point is 01:35:51 The most semen. Yeah. Just test life coach. I mean, he's very... Let's all do it. A stereo speech, everybody. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Oh god. Come on, what would it take? What would it take for you to do this contest? I don't know. Do you need me to teach you how to masturbate?
Starting point is 01:36:08 What are you? I'm working on it. I'm working on it. What do you mean? You want it? Maybe do it? No, why would I want it to? Because it's funny.
Starting point is 01:36:16 Let's see who has the most fertile semen. This is never happening. The dildo hasn't happened yet. Yeah, but this one, like, I don't make molds of my cock every day. I'm not sure if I can do it. Let's see who has the most fertile semen. This is never happening. The dildo hasn't happened yet. Yeah, but this one, like I don't, I don't make molds of my cock every day. And I do do this thing requires every day. Sometimes.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Sometimes. Yeah. I'll talk, I'll talk you into it. Yeah, I know. We'll get you, we'll get you, we'll spice it up, Sean. I know, there's just spiced up. There's just no saying no to you. Come on, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:36:45 Then you know forever how much Siemens you have. Yeah, all right. What's the next? The next is, Would you want to know that with a guy you're dating? Yeah, definitely. What's going on? I mean, if there's a future with him,
Starting point is 01:36:56 this isn't something that I'd be like joking around about. So if he had a, if he was a big goose egg, you'd say hit the road. Hit the road, Jack. Wow. Brutal. Brutal. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:10 So you want kids? Yeah. Of course. So guy, what have you lied about? Of course, not everybody wants kids. Yeah. Girl, girl, yeah. I probably just wouldn't take the the apps word for it. I'd definitely go to the doctor.
Starting point is 01:37:21 You go to the doctor. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. What's next? All right. So this week, Nordstrom announced that they were dropping I'd definitely go to the doctor. You go to the doctor. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah of people are saying it's more political. How do you guys feel about that? Do you think it's fair that Nordstroms would... I'm going to only... I'm going to show my support for Ivanka Trump by only wearing and buying Ivanka Trump clothes from now on. Are you girlfriend's? No, for me.
Starting point is 01:37:58 I don't make other people make statements for me. I make the statement. So whatever she's got, I'm gonna buy as much of it as possible at the Nordstrom Rack, and I'm gonna wear it every day. Does the only thing you can do. You gotta vote with your money. Yeah, you vote with your pocketbook. And you vote with your pocketbook.
Starting point is 01:38:15 Why don't we just do that in the first place? Like, why have a vote when everybody's got a credit card? Yeah. Just have, like, look, you got Hillary needed a billion dollars or whatever to run. Hillary and Jeb blew through billions of dollars. Trump didn't, she blew through some amount of money. Instead of all this, just to convince me to vote for them, why don't, why don't I just pay them? Like why don't they just buy it directly? And then instead of even voting, just like, well, instead of boycotting all these stupid restaurants, why don't we just say like, well, I'll just donate the money
Starting point is 01:38:48 to your side or whatever. And then you can, you can use all the money to say what you were going to do on the campaign done. There you go. You got a billion dollars already. Yep. Just how much wall does that build? I don't know. Probably a lot. Probably half of it. Probably half of it. Probably half of it. Just ring it up, man. Voting thing. This voting thing is, it's old, it's too old.
Starting point is 01:39:13 It's outdated. Everybody's complaining about it, but they're not making enough progress. It should be just money. Just how much money do you want to use to vote? Like 20, 20 bucks. I'll give you 20, I to vote? Ah, like 20 bucks. I'll give you 20, I'll vote 20 bucks worth of votes. And then everybody votes, and all the big companies pile their votes in, because Google's got to shitload
Starting point is 01:39:33 of money, that they'll just vote with their, they'll vote with their money, but the bad guys got a hell burden than them, they've got a lot of money too. And they'll give it both in, and then we'll just do like that episode, that five episode part where Scrooge McDuck travels back in time because Glom Gold steals his diamond mine. And then they get into a fight of who's got the most money and they get a big scale. Do you remember this? Do you remember every moment of this five part episode of Duck Tales? Duck Tales, I do remember this episode. Yeah. And Scrooge lost all of his money in the
Starting point is 01:40:01 Marinerah trench and they had to go down. Mariana Trench. No, they said Marinerah because it's a cartoon. They made a joke about it, smart guy. I know my ductales, so they had to go down there and float up all the money, all of Scrooge's money in like the Titanic or something and they get off and then they put both of the monies on a big pedestal and Scrooge won and I think all of Glam Gold's monies went into his pile, all of his gold coins. That's what they should do with the election. What's up?
Starting point is 01:40:28 You can see it right there. Just stack it all up. Like, well, that guy's got more money to do all of his shit, or she's got more money, playing parenthood forever. Abortion's for everybody. We won. We had more of the money on this side than all the money goes over there. So if you're voting, this is a real good, this is a good fucking plan.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Sean, if you go to vote, you're like, I'm voting for, who did you vote for? I don't know, I don't know who you voted for. I didn't vote. You saved money. And my system, that's a smart move. No, I know. Yeah, because no, I knew you weren't going to condemn me for that. Oh, that's great. You stayed up. I was like, well, who'd you vote for? I don't want to blow a bunch of money on these assholes. Like, you smart. You didn't vote, either. That's, oh, I did vote. Oh, did you? Oh, dude. Oh, probably for the first time,
Starting point is 01:41:07 because it was right up. Yeah. Well, for the second time, second time. I have, I'll tell the story of the first, another episode. I'll tell the first time I voted was in the primaries. And the second time I voted, I had my sign trump hat in the Hollywood voting thing, standing in line. And people were looking at me like a leper.
Starting point is 01:41:26 Like they were looking at me like I had three heads. They're like, who the fuck is this? Like they thought it was a bit. They're like, this guy, this little dude, this little dude who looked like, oh god, this little, I don't know, little fat guy. And they all look like little fat guys to me. He's like the leader of his little crew.
Starting point is 01:41:48 He's the guy who would really punch a Nazi, right? And this little crew. So he goes to me, but it can only reach his nuts. It sounds like. Yeah, he looked like a, he looked like a breadie's to Nellas. He looked like a little bearded breadie's to Nellas. So he goes, I have to ask, but your hat, is that sign? I said, yeah, by Trump.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Yeah. And he goes, I thought so. And you can see his mind. You know, I have a, I met Donald Trump. No, I inspired him to win the presidency. You inspired him? Yeah, I taught. Yes.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Oh, yes. I've told this story before, but at, he was at the USS Iowa doing a, he was doing a, he was giving a speech for a scam, for a company that turned out to be a scam. He was not actually a charity for military veterans, but they're charging $120 to get in. So me and my life coach went down there. And I muscled in there and had my hat and gave it to him.
Starting point is 01:42:42 And I said after he signed it, he gave it to me. And I did my thing where I paused like a weirdo so people will pay attention to me because they're reptilian brain gets freaked out. Yeah. And he looked at me and I said, hey, you gotta win. You have to win.
Starting point is 01:42:55 And he gave me an affirmative nod. He said, that's where the affirmative nod came from. And you were filled with a sense of pride. And then the news interviewed me and I'm like, yeah, don't, because they were trying to make it look like it was just a bunch of old people in freaks, weirdos at this event. And then they interviewed me and I totally confirmed everything.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Confirmed everything. Confirmed everything. Yeah, I'm wearing this, my sign Trump hat and this thing is a little dude comes over. And we actually, we teamed up and stopped a bunch of line cutters. Oh, from Christ. So this is what happened on Election Day. I woke up and I got all my stuff ready.
Starting point is 01:43:34 I got all of my clothes ready and got to the voting place early and lined up like everybody else. And I didn't have my voting documents, but it's California, you don't need any documentation at all. So they said, well, if you're a green person, you gotta wait in this line. If you're orange, wait in this line, and it's a lot shorter, like right in the door. Otherwise, it was like wait two hours.
Starting point is 01:44:00 So I said, well, I don't have anything. How do I know which one I am? Because I don't want to be the one who's the best. And she goes, well, where do you live? And I say, that building right there. And she goes, oh, you're orange. So I said, oh, yes. So I walked through with the double-dose,
Starting point is 01:44:16 you know, wearing my fucking Trump hat. And everybody's, they're not, it was a weird look that I was getting. Anyway, I walk inside and I wait like 10 minutes to get in there. And the woman says, well, you're not on the list. Check it again. They told me to come in here and she goes, no, no, you're on the green list. But just wait, wait over there and we'll get you in.
Starting point is 01:44:39 I was like, I mean, that's, are you serious? Because of your government and competence, like you're just fucking everybody. So I went, I left line, uncharacteristic of me to ever do this, to not take advantage of something that I've had. I left line, but I'm like, no, this is a day about this.
Starting point is 01:44:59 This is, I'm making this day about being fair and like. Stand up citizen. Yeah, being a citizen, because like, this is what separates it from just people like me, taking you and just beating you until you do what I want, and then having like a bunch of people that will call knights who do it for me,
Starting point is 01:45:16 and we just ransack over the face of the earth. This is what, like, this was the moment for me of saying, like, hmm, no, let's do it the American way. Let's do it a nice way. So I go back, I leave the orange line, and I go back into my spot and line in the green line with the other losers. Meanwhile, they could have just split everybody up and processed twice the fucking things, but government, right?
Starting point is 01:45:40 They're all incompetent in there. So I wait in line, and this is when the guy says, like, hey, I, your hat is, and yeah, yeah, it's true. And there, I'm not in your face about it, because as far as I'm concerned, it's speaking loudly. What? It's speaking, you don't have to be in your face about it.
Starting point is 01:45:57 No, and it's like, I know that all you guys hate me, like you probably have never seen a Trump guy ever. So like I got it, just what do you got? This is fun for me, because I get to see you experiencing about a hundred emotions all at the same time, which is like, I don't know, I don't know to take you seriously.
Starting point is 01:46:15 I don't know, I didn't know guys like you existed. Like what is your deal? What it, like they've never, they've literally never met anybody who's not. Because in California, in the big cities anyway, it could just as easily be a joke as real. Yeah, it could. So we're sitting there. I'm talking to these people, you know, busting balls and I'm trying, I'm on my best behavior because I'm, I think I consider myself an emissary for Trump at this point. Of course, I'm representing the Trump organization.
Starting point is 01:46:45 You guys had that connection? Yeah, I don't do that anymore. Now I'm a solo again, I'm not representing shit. So we're talking, and as we get closer to the front, I see these two dudes pop out of the orange line and just hang out where they told me to, and jump in the green line where they told me to just go where they're like just go Just go there in the green line and wait cut all cut all these people
Starting point is 01:47:12 They're doing the same thing that they told me to do because they fucked up and I so I said hey you two you guys because they cut in front of this This little girl that I was talking there was a you know very young girls first time she's ever she'd ever voted Fucking hated Trump like tripping over herself to say how stupid Trump was. She's like, I'm a libertarian, but I'm voting Hillary because I hate Trump so much. I was like, oh yeah. Talking to her about Ron Paul
Starting point is 01:47:34 and all the sorts of shit. I was telling her about the happening and what Ron Paul was and how he was so much better than Ron Paul. So this guy, these two guys, they cut in front of her, and I'm like, hey, did you see what just happened in front of you? I like to, I don't wanna get all the facts. Like, I'm doing this Maddox crying thing.
Starting point is 01:47:54 I wanna get all the facts before I do any, before I act. I'm like, did you, did you see that? And she goes, oh, she was looking at her phone, she looked up, and I could tell that she was pretending to look at the phone just to not, like, you know how people deal with it. Yeah, they're like, if I just tell myself,
Starting point is 01:48:11 like, rotation, yeah. Yeah, that I was pretending to do something, I didn't see it, then I don't have to act on it. It didn't happen. And she looked up and she goes, yeah, that happened. She goes, yeah, that happens to me all the time. And I said, yeah, I think everything said,
Starting point is 01:48:25 that never happens to me. And she goes, oh yeah. And I said, hey, YouTube, YouTube guys, I see you. I see what you're doing. I see you cut the scroll off, get to the back of the line. And they did the, I'm not pretending not to, like I know you fucking heard me. Because I saw your eyes.
Starting point is 01:48:40 They don't want the confrontation either. You both, you both look back at the same time. Unless you're one of those guys with the sticks, like the Michael Jackson five that are dancing. I know both of you fucking heard me. So I said, hey, Michael Jackson. So I said it again. So I said it again.
Starting point is 01:48:56 Yeah, you know those guys, where they get a bunch of five, they get two dummies on either sides of them and all their arms are connected. So they do silly shit this way. And it looks like five guys in a line dancing. I have season. Very funny.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Very, very funny. Very funny. It's hysterical. So I said, I took a step behind, I'm like, hey, I'm talking about the, and the other, the little short, the little breadie's, the bearded breadie's, the analysis. The fuck is breadie's, the analysis.
Starting point is 01:49:22 He wrote less than zero American psycho. He's like a gay icon. You know, he's a writer. He's aninalis. The fuck is Freddy's Sinalis? He wrote less than zero American Psycho. He's like a gay icon. You know what, he's a writer. He's an actual writer. I thought you were talking about like an actual dwarf or whatever. I think he's a, I remember him as being like a, a Philip C. More Hoffman looking kind of guy.
Starting point is 01:49:36 Maybe that's better. A brilliant, okay, whatever. Philip C. More Hoffman. He goes and he grabs, there's a woman with a clipboard and he goes, excuse me, man, I look with a clipboard and he goes uh... excuse me man i look at him and i'm like uh... dude i'm about to fix this the only way i know how to fix it
Starting point is 01:49:50 and he looks he grabs this woman with the clipboard and she goes and excuse me but uh... these two gentlemen here they might be uh... confused they were they were moved lines and they were put in this line she goes well you know we're just trying to get everybody through and i so then i turned her and she goes that's just that's, we're just trying to get everybody through. And I, so then I turned to her and she goes, that's just the system. I said, well, then the problem is your system is broken
Starting point is 01:50:10 and you need to fix it right now. And he goes, look, you know, we're just saying, we're all, we're trying to wait in line here. If you could just, if you could just tell them, they could go back to where they were in line before, where they were in line before. And she goes, okay, and she goes and taps him. She's like, you guys need to go where you were. You can't just jump in, just go back to where you were in line before. And she goes, okay, she goes and taps him. She's like, you guys need to go where you were.
Starting point is 01:50:26 You can't just jump in. Just go back to where you were. Go back to where you were in the line before you jump. So they do. They leave and he goes, thank you very much. Like to her and I'm like, dude, that is two sides. I'm like, listen to me, listen to me. That was two sides of the aisle coming together
Starting point is 01:50:44 to fix a fucking problem. Because you were not have said shit because you saw that girl getting taken advantage of and I would have gone to jail over it. We teamed up and we did it. Good job. And he said, yeah. Well, and then we parted ways after we voted and he goes, we shook hands and he walked one way, probably to a gay bar.
Starting point is 01:51:06 I walked home and we shook hands and he goes, well, may the best person win. And I said, I mean, best man win, right? You know what I'm talking about, right? Trump 26. That was it. that was my morning. We really, I really felt like we teamed up across party lines and stopped this poor dumb girl from getting cut in front of them. It was like, because she just felt so, but she's just there and agree with anything she's,
Starting point is 01:51:34 I have support, I like to run Paul shit or her ran, like she doesn't know why she loves him, but she's just there doing her thing. And these fucking dicks, where you can cut me off, but you know, cut lines in front of a little girl, like an 18 year old girl. Like, oh, they just told me to go here. They told you to cut off a little girl.
Starting point is 01:51:53 That's what they told you. Okay, do you have more news? I'm sorry. That what was that news about? This is going very strange. Yeah. I don't write. Where did this start?
Starting point is 01:52:01 Okay, so Warren Buffett just announced that he bought $12 billion worth of stock from Election Day through Friday, which is insane. Wait, this Friday? Oh, you mean he was, he was, he was able to spend $12 billion in a, in a week. Is that? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:52:19 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, billion good. Yeah. Which is like super crazy because last year during the first he was very. So that's a crazy thing. He will not reveal what he invested in. But he got it through Berkshire halfway, didn't he? So that's just, yeah, that's that's public. People have to, right? People have to know. We God. He's not revealing it.
Starting point is 01:52:37 No one knows. Did he hit it personally? I don't know. I don't know how this shit works. You know, I always, I make fun of my dad on this show for not knowing technology. And everybody makes fun of their dads for fuddling around with technology and losing his glasses and shit. But then as soon as I get a tax document, I'm calling my dad up and calling like, sure, if I have offended you,
Starting point is 01:53:01 and I have this thing and I don't understand any of it. If you could just give me a, if I could just look over your shoulder while you're looking at your Charles Schwab account online, I would do anything for you, sir. I feel like a lot of our parents dropped the ball on our personal finances. They are waiting, it's because they're fucked up.
Starting point is 01:53:19 They're so selfish. Yeah, I didn't believe that. I'm a little upset with mine. We're having talks about that. Stock stuff. Yeah. Just get, just get, get an ETF that follows the index. Get it cheap, get a cheap low expense ratio ETF, get a Vanguard ETF that follows the index. And that's it. Ask you what you can do. Anything else. Put 500 bucks, put whatever you can put into it every month. And don't ever touch it. Just do that for God's sake.
Starting point is 01:53:45 Do not, because you can't, you can't start when you're 40. That's it. You cannot start, you gotta do it when you're 25. Go to Schwab. This is a real, for real dick tip, go to Schwab, open a fucking,
Starting point is 01:53:57 go to Vanguard, open a fucking account, put a little bit of money into it, like VOO, any of the ETFs that follow the market, do not get a high expense ratio ETF, and that's it. Just do it forever so you have something. So you have something, because they'll take everything else from you,
Starting point is 01:54:12 but they won't take that account. All right, appreciate that. Mm-hmm. So he's got a lot of dough to throw around. There's no dough to them. I mean, he's worth, I think, $60, $61 billion. He drives his, I think he's beat up pick up truck. I think he's number two.
Starting point is 01:54:24 Right, lives at O'Hall. Does he? Yeah, he lives in. Hey, drives his, I think he's beat up pick up truck. I think he's number two. I can't see. He lives in like a two bedroom house, showing off, showing off how modest he is. For what? You know, just get an upgrade, get a nicer truck, get a new truck. I'm sure he's got some, I'm sure he's got some nice things. He's getting things. Get him. I mean, just, you know, I'm sure he's got some things things. He's hitting things. Get him in. I mean, just, you know, something,
Starting point is 01:54:45 I'm sure he's got some things he enjoys, but I hope he like gets a brain disorder that makes him like break bad and like a real funny way. Like liar, like a liar, Billy, Donald, I like just Jim, a Jim Carrey movie, like a magical spell maybe, not a brain, you know, let's keep it funny.
Starting point is 01:55:02 Like he gets a curse put on him and he has to just be silly. Like Brewster's millions. So he gets like a brain, let's keep it funny. Like he gets a curse put on him and he has to just be silly, like Brewster's millions. So he gets like a big, he gets like one of those big semis that they turn into a truck and he's just got like a big picture of him that says the buff man on it and shades and then he just does that. Like 85 years old. Yeah. And he's going to like wear the royals.
Starting point is 01:55:21 What's the closest thing? Oh, oh my, the world can't say royals. What's there? What's the closest stadium there? And he's just driving, doing monsters. Yeah, he goes to Nebraska and just does donuts on Huskers field all day, during it up. Yeah. I love to see.
Starting point is 01:55:37 Huskers getting fucking great, man. Clean that up. All right, you got any more news? That's a lot of news. I'm usually, I know that's way too much education for me. Yeah. Go ahead, do one good, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm about to head there, head to this cafe
Starting point is 01:55:52 after this podcast. Have you guys heard about? Well, Cafe Sean's eyes lit up. I was, ooh, he was like, what? Yeah, what cafe. So the latest rage in cafes now. Because it sounds local. Yeah, I'm interested in, yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Yeah, me too. We were going to a cafe too after the show. Are you? This rage in cafes now. Because it sounds local. I'm interested in, yeah. Me too, we were going to a cafe too after the show. Let's say it at the same time, what cafe, what we were going to go to. Casually in Whiskers. Casually in Whiskers. That's great. We're still seeing there.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Wow. So the latest rage in cafes right now are cat cafes. Never mind, we're not gonna be there. What? I feel like I'd be like the optimal place to catch some tail for you guys. To catch, to catch, to our way to into cats. There's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 01:56:37 Oh, they're, keep them at home, tending to their cat. I can't handle cats. No, they, they, everybody is delusional about their kids and their pets. Yeah. And cat people are the most delusional. Everybody is like, our kids aren't that bad. And it's like, no, they just like, they constantly scream. That's no big deal.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Just because you've tuned it out, doesn't mean it isn't happening. It's like our dogs really nice. Like, well, I came in the house, he bit me in my car when I drove up to your house. That's how nice he is. Yeah, people are the most delusional. They're aizegroazkat. And when she, oh God.
Starting point is 01:57:17 I'll say this, what? One cat, you may be okay. You may be okay when it becomes even too, you could probably rationalize, you know, if somebody has those cats, I'm not saying I would have those cats. Two cats. No. Three or more, that's crazy. That is the line to me for mental illness.
Starting point is 01:57:39 That's having three cats. Three cats. What about poor water boy who lives in a bird sanctuary who lives in an aviary? Well, not exactly. It's not his choice. Yeah, okay. He should probably leave though. I'm just saying he would drive me insane. Those parents and everything. 80s girl has a cat. What kind of a cat? Fluffy. No, short hair like a just like a tabby. It's got like colors it's great with stripes. Grey with stripes. What's his name? No, no, I'm not doing it. 80s cat. He's cat. He's cat. Swat. Oh, Dr. Claus cat's name. Mad cat. Mad cat. That's his name. So she's she moves. She moves in a couple months ago. She moved into the apartment.
Starting point is 01:58:25 And I said, okay, look, I hate cats. And I know, and don't start with me on the they don't smell because they do. Yeah, your dog can smell. Cats smell. Everyone smells the litter box. You're, if you're saying they don't smell. That smells like cat, it smells terrible.
Starting point is 01:58:43 But I still love the cat. Well, it doesn't smell terrible. It's just I'm sorry, it smells like feces. An ammonia, an ammonia. I don't want to, you're right. That's not terrible. I love my second favorite smell right behind tennis, fresh tennis balls. Yeah, that's what those are only like inside cats because they're not able to go outside and that's a cat is made to be outside. You have to have your cat be able to go outside. Well, I can't stand people that have cats cooped up inside. Yeah, but inside of California,
Starting point is 01:59:08 you have red tail hawks, owls, things like that. I got a coyote den. Oh, coyotes, of course. Yeah, sure. Sure. I lived in an echo park that coyotes walk through the streets. I saw Consuela get picked up by a falcon. Really?
Starting point is 01:59:22 Yeah, the cleaning lady. I've been out of cat and it's been alive for like 14 years. by a falcon. Really? Yeah, the cleaning lady. After she did her podcast. I have an outside cat and it's been a life for like 14 years. That's pretty good. And never once ran into a cougar. A hawk. You're so beautiful that I actually am and listening to this shit about cats. The police, the least, most worst conversation I ever,
Starting point is 01:59:40 ever wanted to hear from anybody's and out there fucking cat. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you got all this it. Uh, it was born at some point and that, oh yeah, all right. Yeah, it's got four legs, you say. Wow, dude, go on. Just loves to be in the sun, huh? Yeah. Wow, yeah, can't get enough.
Starting point is 02:00:01 Can't get enough. I'm talking about cats, Sean. But it destroyed the armchair. Is that you guys going to go to the cafe with me? So, no, cats and owls. I have a feeling we're gonna, that someone wants to watch the watching watch. So, no, no, no, I'm interested more in this,
Starting point is 02:00:15 in this cafe. So it's a cat cafe, like a lot of restaurants in LA have become friendlier to dogs. New York has been friendlier to dogs a lot longer. They became popular in Japan, Taiwan, and have cat cafes or dogs. Cat cafes, yeah. Okay, so people just bring their cat. No, they have them there.
Starting point is 02:00:31 So they, you can't bring your cat from home. They're like, you have to play with their cats. Gotcha. Gotcha. Do they wander around the house? These cats are allegedly not your assholes. They just move freely. That's the, they do that.
Starting point is 02:00:41 I'm sure they're not allowed like where the food's prepared and everything, but. Well, why? It's, it's insane. The whole thing do that. I'm sure they're not allowed like where the foods prepared and everything, but. Well, why it's, so it's insane. The whole thing is insane. I'm sure that they are. What indication do we have that they're not allowed back there? I think there's any health code violations with that? The entire thing! Health code violation, lazy!
Starting point is 02:00:56 I don't know how they, I don't know how they'd get around that. I hope this is fake news. That's real. I'm going there right after this podcast. Maybe we'll, maybe we'll join you on the way to the Golden Road Brewery that I like to go to. All right, let me see if I've got any bits remaining. All right, I've got to play this water boy. All right.
Starting point is 02:01:18 And then I think, well, I guess Clegg finally got in the chat. Oh, we did. Yeah, but I don't know, we don't have enough time. What do you want? Oh, yeah. You want to talk to him? I want to talk to him fresh. Do you?
Starting point is 02:01:28 You know, it depends how long you want this to go. I would like to talk to him for two hours. Yeah. For David, for David Clegg. David Clegg is a man who called into the show casting aspersions on people. And then he had his, I don't know how to say this. He had his asshole wrecked in front of thousands of people
Starting point is 02:01:46 because I hate the lying, the implying shit the people do online. He really embarrassed himself. So I think he's gonna call in and try to, he's got a podcast now. That he's gonna try to sell here. Him and the silver hammer, Maxwell, the silver hammer, you remember him?
Starting point is 02:02:04 Yeah, I were gonna fight. They were gonna have a fist fight. Oh, yeah, sure. Apparently they've turned their fist fight into a podcast. So I guess we got conned by talking, we thought these guys were gonna meet up and fist fight each other. Totally. Great, right?
Starting point is 02:02:17 Opposite. They're not, they're talking on a podcast. Have their joining forces? Yeah. So we'll do that next week. So Peach Sal saliva says, Lacey is fucking adorable. I have such a crush.
Starting point is 02:02:29 Peach saliva. Does she want to say, does she want to say that? Uh, on, does she want to get on and talk about that? There's, I mean, there's nothing I want to hear more for this Valentine's Day episode than two beautiful women compliment each other, right? Very progressive.
Starting point is 02:02:44 Oh, yeah. That's progressive. That's why I wanted to. Oh, here we go. I think this is Water Boyz, but Water Boyz, the guy who wrote the intro for this song. He lives with like, he lives with like 10 million birds in his house. We call it in and we found out that his mom, his mom collects birds and she gives birds to people as pets as gifts. He wraps them up and gives them, she like wraps the actual bird up in wrapping paper and
Starting point is 02:03:13 hands it over like a sausage. Alive? Yeah. No. That's not true. That's fake news. All right. Let's hear. He sent this in. He calls it the lost episode. I think it's an episode that he compiled for the old show. Yeah. I mean, I don't like to focus on the old show, but you sent this in, so. In an alternate universe, the hot gas runs out, and there is nothing left for Dick or shan to do, so she's breaking in the Patreon dollars. Famous to one type of bonus episode. One novelty place, exactly one year after the show's creation. That's right, they're gonna do it. He's a demon.
Starting point is 02:03:59 This is the bonus episode. Yeah. Hello, Dick. Hello, Sean. What's up, buddy? This is the only show where you get access to Sean's dong, the audio engineer's penis. You want Dick, you need Dick? Oh! You got it.
Starting point is 02:04:23 Here comes. Oh, no. Oh. Oh! You got it! Here comes. Oh no. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Water boy. Oh shit!
Starting point is 02:04:31 It's enormous. Looks like something I can drink out of. I think so. It will be fun. Didn't clean this up. You're gonna go through, Ryan. Of course. And then you pull the, you breathe gonna go through right of course and then you pull you Pull the you breathe it and you inhale it or you pull the air through so you pull the tip
Starting point is 02:04:50 That's the thing on the table like great post no shit and I was trying to do that with your dad Oh man. This is much better than a stereo. This is hanging up the phone sound effect. It's 10 seconds of a beep and then a computer demon telling you that the bit is over. So I was it because we had no other material. Yeah, we're just banging on the Patreon. Yeah, oh boy. I got a talk Sean into the semen thing.
Starting point is 02:05:24 First, I got to wear him down. Gradual. That's why that friend shit always works. You get guys in the friends zone, they just wear you down. The same theory, Sean, that I'm doing to you with the semen thing. All right.
Starting point is 02:05:37 This is a song from Spunk Lumberson. Let me, oh God, let me see. I got presents too to give you, Sean. Do you want to present before we end the show? What's the occasion? Yeah. Just because. Well, because Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 02:05:50 Somebody sent in a Valentine's Day. That's what it was. It wasn't like unopened Christmas presents. Sean, do you want under not? No. So you want the present or not? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:06:01 What the present here? Mm-hmm. I unwrapped it on accident Ask goblins of Auschwitz. It's a book. It's a great book called Abrams of Auschwitz see What I was gone one week and and Jack told everybody that I was a World War II reenactor.
Starting point is 02:06:29 And then it became that, that's what I was doing. I was off on a World War II reenact. That is what you were doing. And then of course I became a Nazi. Yeah, so that was like, I'm gone one week and I'm a fucking Nazi. Yeah, but the other time you were gone, I said you were out farming, you were ass farming. Well, that happened multiple times.
Starting point is 02:06:44 Yeah, that was the first time. So both ass farming. Well, that happened multiple times. Yeah. That was the first time. So you, both of your favorite interests got combined into one thing. So, so you could be an ass goblin of Auschwitz while you're doing your, we were two reunions. This is a, this is from Fabian Manino. That's from Fabian Manino, by the way.
Starting point is 02:06:59 I'm not thanking him for that. Sean, that's a, are you fucking kidding me? I, you know how excited I got when I opened that up? And I'm like, I get this book, but then he said it's for Sean. I was like, fuck, fuck. I can't believe this is a real book. Are you gonna read it? I think you definitely need to. I think you should do a book report on that. You know what? I, I will read it. I like the support to you have to do the book. I don't have to like fill out it in like a specific and then you have to write a book report. Well, great. You have to write you have to give his presentation
Starting point is 02:07:28 You're fucking book that you write All right, this is far open one more one more present. I got a stack of them. Thanks. Thanks to everybody who sent them in I'm sorry. I'm so bad at opening them on air I really am fucking socks. Oh, this is cool. This is if s-s Bruehl water color sunshine. Bruehl, I mean, I love that show. Do I can't fucking watch it? Oh, you what do you think is funny? I like John C. Riley. Yeah, that's you can't watch.
Starting point is 02:07:58 Check it out. I can't stand a rule. I can't stand a look at him or hear him talk. What do you mean that you like him then? I like him. I like the character. Oh no, I hate the character. Yeah, yeah. You hated too.
Starting point is 02:08:10 I've never watched it. Oh. Yeah. No, he's not on my radar. I had a suppressant natural instinct because I'm dating a girl that my natural instinct like boom. Oh, we should check that out.
Starting point is 02:08:24 Can't ever, it's like riding a bicycle. Need your protection. Just, every time you see a bicycle, you want to fuck it. Sorry, this is late. I blame both the hammaker, hammaker, hammaker, schlemmer and things remembered. Long story short, things remembered, fucked up one of the glasses.
Starting point is 02:08:40 The wonky one can be for your shitty guess. Happy whatever. PS, thanks for sending me that high-res American wingman logo. I promise no monkey business. I send him the logo. I said, no monkey business. Yeah. Oh, it's a Valentine's Day present.
Starting point is 02:08:55 This is really a Valentine's Day card. You got coins, Denny Lee, for sending a late, oh no shit. Yeah. Happy Valentine's Day from JPZ, aka PowerCage01. Uh-huh. That's what his friends call him. Every time he comes in the room, they're like, PowerCage, what's up? And he shakes the caves like this.
Starting point is 02:09:14 Ah! That's his move. It's well-passed Christmas. I can't think of sending a dude a V-Day card. Here's your season appropriate. Okay. He sent me this JPC, aka Power Cage, sent this in. Well, I hear broken glass.
Starting point is 02:09:33 No. Oh, one did. Wow, damn it. One to get broken, but these. That's nice. These are nice. This one is the wonky one. That one didn't get broken. These are nice. This one is the wonky one. That one didn't get broken. These are sniffers. Am I saying that right? Whiskey. Their whiskey glass is the little one. They're
Starting point is 02:09:53 for drinking. It's straight. Totally. Need. Need as we say. When we're trying to impress someone. That's how we say. And when we're alone, we alone just say I just drink it. Just fucking we invented these terms for women We invented the terms for drinking so we can order like alcoholics, but when women are around So you say I'd like a scotch neat make she here is cultured. Yes, classy cultures words, but if there's no women around like just I don't I just grunt And the bartender goes, okay, I, I know what, I know what, you're not looking for Tequila, are you? See none before.
Starting point is 02:10:29 This is their whiskey glass, I'm holding them up to the thing they say America's wingman on. That's cool. Wow. Power cage. Zero one in the JPC. Thanks guys. That's a very nice present. You've been listening to the Dix show, check out slash the Dix show to get the Ghostb ghost busters the lady ghost busters commentary track that we did so many fat jokes I really went off the deep I'm sure you did so many so many so many so many fat jokes used them up
Starting point is 02:10:57 I was I was quoting albundi fat jokes in this comment here going up. That's so if you have deep cuts If you have to watch the movie, watch it with this track. If you're a Patreon, you get it for free. There's no better, I don't even have to sell it, because you're already there. Any level? Yeah, any level. It's just bonus stuff that I'm doing now. Why not?
Starting point is 02:11:15 Why do I have to sell everything? No, I'm just curious. Because you had to explain the levels earlier. No, I know. I'm just telling everybody that it's because you're all so, it's because you're all so supportive of the show that I just make it. And it's like, let's just throw it up there, man. I don't need to sell this shit.
Starting point is 02:11:31 A stereo studio is the same thing. We're both releasing it to all of our, it's the first ever Patreon crossover event. Right. It's an event. A croat like when the Flintstones met the Jetsons. Yeah. And Fred killed George Jetson. Do you remember that? No, I never saw that episode. It's like that episode. That's what happened in that episode.
Starting point is 02:11:49 Okay. Okay. This is from Spunk Lumberson. There's been the Dixho. Dixho, the See you next Tuesday. What do we add? Two hours? Uh, two twenty. Two voicemails? What do you think? How long is there not like five minutes of peace. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 02:12:48 Well, yeah, just do two. Yeah, alright. Sean, I gotta stop you where you're going. I'm going to get you a little bit more of a fight. I'm going to get you a little bit more of a fight. Well, yeah, just do two. Yeah, all right. Sean, I got to stop you where you're at. You mentioned if there are any such things as alcohol, weed, drinks, there are really bad experience with it. I work in a field of play. Stop what I was asking.
Starting point is 02:13:21 Played 30s. Additional. I'm really 20s. stop what i was asking late thirties additional and you know i'm around in my early twenties and i tell them i have you i'm going to l.a. for Chicago so i'm going to l.a. you're gonna get really fucking high really drunk and you know so i get drunk before the plane right plane right to three in the morning i left it back that time i asked him he said that he was you know getting drunk on the plane so long story short he has a buddy that makes fear and one of the beers he makes has weed.
Starting point is 02:13:46 I was like, holy fuck, it'd be great idea to see if we could work something bound by some of the shit off them. So I got like, this guy made like a six-bag, this was a six-bag, I mean this was a weird looking shit. I drink the weed alcohol and I mean I drink some other stuff All the most and I go on this plane right before I got on the fucking plane I'm right about the board the plane. I throw up all over my brand new Dallas Maverick sweater Quite and I may or may not have got cut off the airport bar And they do one separate than the other that's my advice and I may or may not have got cut off the deer for bars. So, they're like, you see that kick off the plate? They just do one separate than the other.
Starting point is 02:14:28 That's my advice. I was going to the weed beer. What I was asking. What I was asking the three in the morning, or is Dallas Maverick sweater sweatshirt all? What I was asking was, do you ever think that weed and alcohol will be sold in the same place?
Starting point is 02:14:46 Like, for instance, they don't do that in the Netherlands. They don't do that in Amsterdam. You cough coffee bars, you can get weed. Bars are bars. There's no weed in bars. At least that's how it was when we were there. I don't, and I don't think that's changed. In Trump's America, it's going to, it's going to be guns, weed, liquor, to bat your, while
Starting point is 02:15:04 this dreams will come true. Yeah That's it. That's it. And there's no more follow-up because I don't have to I don't have to follow it up anymore Yeah, cuz we're the government now Did you take Hillary's loss particularly hard? I remember last time you were in here. You're talking a big big game about Hillary A little confident wasn't it you were so sure of yourself. I could see Everybody lies. I can see him here fucking eyes. I'm like, oh, of course I'm with her. I was going to apologize for the fake news, but I mean, I was just trying to prepare you guys for the Trump administration. Oh, yeah. I don't care this shit that you hear on TV. It's like, I don't care if it's fake or not. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 02:15:41 We landed on Mars. All right. Makes no difference to me. That's not a fact you didn't happen. I don't care. I wasn't there. I don't give a shit. One more. Yeah. Sean's on the, Sean's watching the clock. No, I mean, we're worse. He wants to go to the cat cafe. Oh, yeah. Okay. Do you want to go to the cat cafe? I don't think so. I don't like showing you there. What's up, Dave? I got a raise for you today. My raise today is guys who think that fart jokes or farting, or not fart jokes, but basically just farting is funny. Do you ever have one of those friends who walk up to you and you just walk up next to you
Starting point is 02:16:20 and just look to you in the eyes or something and blow the huge fart and then walks away? Yeah, I fucking hate you. It is like a clever, some kind of fucking,, as if that was a joke, just like blasting your fucking, like a public gas. Yeah. The air that I'm breathing is supposed to like make me laugh. I think it's like this weird macho thing. People will, uh, you know, think you're madly or whatever.
Starting point is 02:16:41 Oh, manly, it's we think farting is funny. Yeah. Girls don't get it. Man, I think's because it's gross that shit is fucking gross and it's not like we're now like a drop apart in the middle of like an awkward moment and it cuts the tension or whatever like it's like really dropped it's and it's funny then it's funny but those just watch up to me and like this guy's an artist fucking the city shit and ask me and like expect me to like applaud uh, uh, uh, apply you for your fucking comedy shit bullshit. Well, it was he expecting to be applauded?
Starting point is 02:17:11 I mean, let's be. I don't know. I knew a guy. I knew a guy who did that. And the first thing I think of when I remember, he like, he would always do that and it would always piss me off. And I always was like, God, can you just fucking stop doing that? And then, but then I'm like, no, he's getting you because you're pissed off about it. Like he's winning.
Starting point is 02:17:28 Whatever he's getting out of this, he's getting. Oh, for sure. He was such a fucking asshole. I got, I got like in college or what? Oh, like three years ago. This was, this was part of the social circle that I lost when Maddox said that I was a rape apologist. For good riddden, I mean.
Starting point is 02:17:45 So um... Who needs a parter? The last thing I remember of him is I was at a bowling alley and he was trying to teach my girlfriend how to bowl at the bowling alley and I had to pull a mom and like, dude, I don't want to see you fucking show. That is not, I don't know what you think you're doing. You told this story. Yeah, that's that same guy.
Starting point is 02:18:00 I don't think I know that guy. Same fucking guy. Um, all right, we're done. I get to much stuff. All right. Okay, I was gonna have, I was gonna have, I was gonna have,. I don't think I know that guy. Same fucking guy. I can't trust you. All right, we're done. I get to do much stuff. All right. Okay, I was gonna have,
Starting point is 02:18:09 I was gonna have, well, I didn't record any of it on the video. I was gonna have David Clegg call in to talk about his new podcast, but apparently he raged quit the chat. He, I didn't think he was in the chat. He was, I wasn't there every time I looked, the chat, of course, that we enabled that you can talk in the show.
Starting point is 02:18:33 He, and apparently he raged quit and he's got all the types and all caps. Everything he says is in all caps. Yeah. To get his message across. Yeah, I got you can't miss his, everything he says is so dense with information that you learned. You cannot miss it. He doesn't want you to miss a single word crucial. Dust Dustin and the silver hammer though are on. Okay. So wait, you now, Clegg is out of the chat right now, but I'm on with Dustin and the silver hammer. What is what the hell
Starting point is 02:19:01 happen? Clegg is is what he's threatening. He's threatening to cut himself to get back on the show. I don't know what the fuck he is. He's got so many mental problems, he thinks he's depressed, and so he's always trying to commit suicide. He's always posting his willy-sweet face. Let me give you a recap. It's a screaming face.
Starting point is 02:19:20 Okay, and constantly it drives me nuts. Let me give a recap for the listeners. So Clegg was supposed to come on the show this week and talk about his new podcast with Dick. Well, Clegg, wait, not with me. His new, he was supposed to talk with me, but he does not have a podcast with me. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 02:19:36 The podcast is not with Dick. He's sleeping in Maxwell. So, he's ended up sleeping once again, losing his appearance on the show. I call them six times. Max will call them six times. You guys call them a total of 14 times to wake his ass up. And what time zone does he live in?
Starting point is 02:19:55 And when I was getting breakfast with my friend, I was calling my please, Clay, for a little bit. This is the silver hammer he's talking right now. Oh, yeah, he's the podcast partner. Yes. So, Clay, you guys live near each other Do you do it over the they live in the same house? They're like burdener. They sleep in the same room Per Clegg's message he says fuck you dick fuck you
Starting point is 02:20:20 Three and Kimball. What's it? I know of them. Most of them. What the fuck you Samsung. I don't know, it's his own fault. He slept through this. He had warnings and he just keeps doing it. He just keeps sweeping through stuff. Scott, he's a fucking narcoleptic. I'm worried about him driving. Cut him off.
Starting point is 02:20:37 He's not off. I find him driving. He worried about him eating soup. So how long? I'm scrolling back through the chat here and he's really melting down. Why is he pissed at me? He wasn't here when the show started. I had no idea that he was in the chat.
Starting point is 02:20:54 I still think this is an act. He was two hours late. He was two hours. So he wasn't in the chat. No, he wasn't. I was. He just waltzed in. Well, no offense, Silver Hammer.
Starting point is 02:21:04 But I mean, I want to talk to the guy who slept through, there's a Raven Lunatic. He is, oh my, I was trying to talk to him about recordings so we could record last week, our second episode. Yeah. And I'm like, hey, Clay, when can we, uh, record, he's like, both depends of what time I wake up tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:21:22 I'm like, how the fuck is he, are you? How sleepy are you? Where does he live that he woke up two hours late for a noon podcast? He's a Georgia, he's a Georgia, that's Eastern time. So that's 3 p.m. for him. Yeah, but the thing is, we're supposed to record it at noon. And so he messaged me at noon, like,
Starting point is 02:21:39 hey, I forgot, I got this Pokemon card term, and it's like, oh my God. What's that sound? He lost his first Pokemon card term, it's like, oh my god. What the hell? What the hell? Ah, ah, ah, ah. He lost his first Pokemon card, nothing like that, damn it. You're skipping our show to lose that Pokemon card, Bells. And we record it at midnight that night. I'm like, God, fucking damn it.
Starting point is 02:21:57 Who the fuck is playing Pokemon cards? You're Pokemon cards. Because of Pokemon, you anime, motherfucker. Is there any play Pokemon? Does he work at odd times? No, he doesn't work. Well, he's in college. Well, for he's busy complaining about how 20 year olds are too old for him. Well, I mean, I understand. Oh, God damn it.
Starting point is 02:22:18 Shitty co-host makes me a rage. I'm sure you guys have. Why is he pissed at me though? I have no idea guys have had it. Why is he pissed at me though? I have no idea, because he said, so you don't schedule around as shitty sleep schedule. I asked I tweeted at him to please come on the show, so I could just hear some examples of his podcast. I want he's become a sensation.
Starting point is 02:22:38 I want to know, I think that he's kind of birthed out of this show, I want to know what he's up to. I just wanted to give his podcast just a fair listen and let him get the word out there. Why is he mad at me? I'm mad at him. It's interesting, all right. He said it's because your content constantly goes over
Starting point is 02:22:54 because you don't have any content. You just ramble. Oh my God. It constantly goes over and he's, he shits that motherfucker, shits on the show every week, Sean. Every, he follows his name and the he's in the chat right now no no no no no I mean on the on the stream.
Starting point is 02:23:10 He's either David Clegg or King Fridic I think okay that's one of the reasons I honor first episode I asked him if he was King critic and he didn't respond he gave like a non-answer I'm pretty sure he's fucking cancry. Say that's the character is what he said. It's the character. It's the character. It's just, it's just David Cleverly doing the characters. Everybody's doing things. Do they have an excuse for something they say, right?
Starting point is 02:23:33 Oh, I called him the N word, but that's my character. Yeah, that's just my comedy character. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I do for hours every week. Right. All of that. I'm not racist at all. I mean,enn's rice and i'm a surreptive i love that my own not racist at all
Starting point is 02:23:51 uh... well i i mean i guess he blew it he let he he raged quit the chat and then i just wanted to give him the opportunity to play a shitty podcast well maybe his maybe his maybe his sleep cycle will coincide with our recording cycle. Okay, well, what are you, you know what, silver hammer, get your co-host, get them together. Maybe make, maybe make, make, make, make, go to a bar, make them read them a list
Starting point is 02:24:16 of all the things you fucked up, make them say sorry, and then get them back on here next week. All right, that'll be one of our Patreon goals is to like get them help. He needs, you can get them help. He needs you can get him a alarm clock. You guys have a good screen too. Yeah, damn. Get a new microphone too. Dustin sounds way better than you. Dustin, I have a good mic. Yeah, Dustin sounds good.
Starting point is 02:24:36 I have a bad mic. That's our first Patreon goal. I'm sorry. It's a fucking Patreon. Look, look what you've, you know you're responsible for all of this, too. It's gonna get a lot worse. All right, guys. Good luck. Have a good one, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, see you. David Clegg couldn't be here today.
Starting point is 02:24:56 Just let through it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:04 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. through it.

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