The Dick Show - Episode 360 - Dick on Zeroth Place

Episode Date: May 22, 2023

Our mosiac gets zeroth place at the LA County Fair, banned from women, a fat lady walks on a plane, soap in video games, a white women is lynched for stealing a bike, women invent a stick with shade o...n it, a nerd writes an email, Jordan Petersen says "gay boy", and mindfulness; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's streaming. It's live on cozy. Cozy. Did you get banned from a rumble? No, I just... You just hate rumble. It doesn't fucking work, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:15 It's my girlfriend. First thing she says, oh, I'm glad you got cozy. It works so much better than rumble. Yeah. Well, so it was cozy. Big flintest. We put together a platform with no money, with raw anti-Semitism that works better than
Starting point is 00:00:30 the $100 million rumble. That's the lesson. Is that what this is? So fucked up. I was on, I was all loaded on Nick's show. Nick Rackets' show. Yeah. When, yes to me.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Taking this arm apart like a crackfiend. God. That was on Friday. Oh boy. I called into promote things, but I ended up just doing drugs and embarrassing myself. Well, you know, you got to play to your strengths. Not everyone gets a ribbon. That's what they told me. Yeah, I mean, I support that. I mean, not everybody should get a trophy or a ribbon. I don't know what you're talking about, but that's my own.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Yeah, but isn't that the meme? Is it my generation that were spoiled? Because all of us got a ribbon or is that somebody after us? No, it's after us. It's after us. No, we didn't all get ribbons. Let me tell you something. Yeah. Everyone should get a ribbon. Okay. Okay. It convinced me. That's wrong. All that shit of not giving rib, what is it? 50, a couple cents, three cents for a fucking ribbon.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Just give the ribbon. We got an infinite amount of numbers. There's plenty of places that could possibly be 467th place. Yeah. 300 millionth plays. You are officially the, you are the 60th billionth best person. Yeah. Whoever have lived. Congratulations. Congratulations. You remember how to breathe. Okay. why? A woman, a grown woman looked me in the eye and said, well, not everybody gets a ribbon. Oh yeah. Why did you lose it something?
Starting point is 00:02:13 Oh God. Well, you know the, you know the LA fair? Oh yeah. Oh, yes, yes. The sea was angry that day, my friend. The sea was angry. I don't fuck, I don't have, well, I'll just go to the tweet that I tweeted about it.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Is it live on rumble to? Honey. I don't know, because I can't use rumble either way, right? So who knows if it's fucking live? You can't. No one, because it's fucking broken. Okay. Unlisted links don't load in the app.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Doesn't broadcast, what? Ah, I don't know. I can't even have the DIC show on rumble because of their swear filter. Wait, what? I thought rumble was the anti-sensorship platform. I would have thought so too. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Here you go. Is it working on Rumble? Oh boy. See here. This is what we're reduced to. We have to pretend that it's the streaming technology is at 2008 because you know who is need a little bit more of our money. So we can't have voting, we can't have going outside, having a nice time, can't have easy streaming with easy comments, easy whatever. Oh. Is it not going on rumble? Of course not, right?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Why would it be going on rumble? Kozy pops right up, rumble, nah. Let's see here. I should be drinking. Cozy pops right up rumble nah let's see here I should be drinking Well, this will drive you to it don't know. And it is. Oh, it's working okay, great. And it's time.
Starting point is 00:04:08 It's fucking God. See, rumble, easy to find, right? Yeah, yeah, that didn't take any time. You didn't take any time at all. No. As you remember, my girlfriend decided to submit her joke of a photo to the LA County Fair.
Starting point is 00:04:28 What was the photo? Photo was a picture of pizza. You're all bringing it up for you, right? Okay. That she took while we were in Chicago on acid. Very crunchy and the black and white. Yeah, and then we got in a big room with the matting and their what a metropolitan museum over what is and is an art. And she says all of this photography is not art.
Starting point is 00:04:50 It's all shit. Yeah. Anyone could do this. Anything could be photography. Something I took this picture of my pizza might as well be hanging up in the museum. Yeah. Oh, I just know that that's horrible. It's offensive. What you're saying and screaming people were giving us dirty looks. What you're saying is not true. Your picture is shit. It's offensive what you're saying and screaming. People were giving us dirty looks. What you're saying is not true. Your picture is shit. That's not art. I just know that that ain't pizza.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I don't know what is and isn't an art. I just know that that ain't pizza. Well, I thought I knew what is and isn't art. Yeah. Let me pull it up so everyone can see it. This is her horrible picture, stupid picture of her own pizza. Good fucking idiot. That's lasagna made with pizza dough. That's what that is. That's Chicago pizza dough. I know she took in Chicago. So I said,
Starting point is 00:05:35 I thought that was the end of it, right? Well, that's the end of this idiotic conversation. I know she's not right. That's not true that anything could be art, especially your stupid picture of pizza. So Randy and I, you're getting a good look at the ribbon in the corner. Yeah, I am. So Randy and I have always had a dream to submit art to the LA County Fair. That's been the dream for,
Starting point is 00:06:03 that's been our dream for 10 years or whatever we started going to the LA County Fair. That's been the dream for, that's been our dream for, for 10 years. Or whenever we started going to the LA County Fair, is to submit a crappy piece of art and win, because all the art at the LA County Fair sucks. They have an entire division of art that's just try to draw a Christian as, like, try to draw in the style of Christian. Their entire anime exhibits are all just looks like, it looks like autistic people trying to draw sonic fan fiction with both hands at the same time. That's what they're, that's what they're homemade art division is retarded people trying to draw at with both hands at the same time.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Like a quality, like an etchish sketch, but two pens. So we said every year we go and get drunk and say, we're going to enter this next year. We're going to enter this next year. We're going to enter the LAR, art fair. Right. And we're going to win. How could we not win? We're both such good artists.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah. Right? Yeah, that's, I mean, I've always thought you guys were forced to be reckoned with in the art world. Look, Randy made this. Look at this painting behind me. Okay? I know.
Starting point is 00:07:13 He made that. No, it looks great. I didn't know for the longest time that he did that. I was like, wow, he's really fucking good. He genuinely is a good and I am also good. Look at me, the way I'm sweating right now, this is a performance piece. You have to be good. I'm not this hungover for real. I, no, I put this, I look like shit artistically. Right. So he said, well, mop the floor with these kids, these fucking bumpkins. Yeah. All we have to do is make an art for the LA County Art Fair. So he said, you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna make a mosaic.
Starting point is 00:07:45 A nice tile mosaic. Yeah. How hard could it be? So my girlfriend says, you didn't get any Mexican judges, did you? Sean. When I saw the woman manning the desk at the art fair, when I saw both sides of her manning the desk at the art fair
Starting point is 00:08:09 when I saw both sides of her extending past the desk on both sides, I thought, I'm in big trouble. It's not good. I got a bad feeling about this, Randy. Things are going to hell, Peg. So Randy and I make our art piece and I'm drunk and telling my girlfriend that she should mind your own business and not comment on our art and she goes, fine, I make our art piece and I'm drunk and telling my girlfriend that she should mind your own business and not comment on our art
Starting point is 00:08:26 and she goes, fine, I'm submitting my art. I said, what do you know about art, Peg? What do you know about art? What do you know about Nacho's Darya? What do you know about art? Nothing. She says, I'm gonna submit that fucking picture of pizza that I took.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah. And I said, oh no. It's very well presented. Oh no, please don't. So, people are conditioned to just look at, you know, what do you call it, like food porn, you know, how people go to restaurants and take pictures of amazing shit.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Like that's just, we're just conditioned to like go like, that's great. Yeah. So Randy and I spend about nine hours on this back breaking labor intensive tile work. What we thought was a masterpiece. Incorporating all the elements of LA, the beach, the skyline, the mountains.
Starting point is 00:09:19 No one has seen it. I thought I, I can't remember. No, wait, did I, hold on, I got a picture. I got damn it. Why didn't I prepare this stuff in advance? Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Dick Masterson, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Please hold, please hold fire.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Oh god, I got a bunch of stuff I gotta show you. Oh wow. Oh God, I got a bunch of stuff I got to show you. Oh wow. Yeah. My nephew sent, my nephew sent me some art that he made this morning. Is this a little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner?
Starting point is 00:09:56 A little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner?
Starting point is 00:10:04 A little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner? A little one banner? and then he... Strong Weiner was the superhero that he made. Then the whiznemesis was penis man. Ancient penis man. Ancient. He's like a penis man. Got it. Okay, here's the, here's the art. Do I have it here? Come on, come on, come on.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Don't do me like this. Come on baby, come on baby. Thank you me like this. Come on, baby. Come on, baby. Thank you to Nick Fuentes for hosting us today, by the way. If not for Nick, where would we be? I don't know. We would have nowhere to go. We would have to go full, I would have to go fully on rumble and embrace rumble completely.
Starting point is 00:10:39 God, no, I don't. I would have to sell out my values, my principles. Oh, no advertisers. There it is, there it is. Yeah. I have no advertisements on this show, Sean. That's right, never will. Never will.
Starting point is 00:10:54 We have a great bonus episode that's up right now. slash the dick show and back top I slash the dick show. We review the, I don't know what to call it. It's not a lawsuit, but it's not, it's just like a grievance or complaint that Kevin Landau, Maddox's retard lawyer, Kevin A. Landau, you can learn more about it, File to grievance with internic, the global domain name registrar people who decide who gets to have domain names.
Starting point is 00:11:24 You file to grievance with them saying that I violate his trademark law, violate his trademark by owning and that it is libelish and slander because I posted public court appearances that he has been in and review them and link to other reviews where people say he's a fucking bad guy and the world's worst lawyer is what the site says, which he is. He gets his clients into big fuck off legal disputes and then sues them to get out of, to get out of harm's way. When they no longer have any money, he sues them so he doesn't have to represent them anymore
Starting point is 00:11:59 because a lawyer can't just walk away from a case once they started. Like they're obligated to continue. It's some kind of an ethics thing, right? Yeah. So, so their I own, which features opinions and statements regarding his career as the world's worst lawyer. And what do you know? It happens to rank for his name, Kevin Landau.
Starting point is 00:12:22 So if anyone's trying, if he's trying to do fraud anyone or fuck someone over and they go punch in his name and it says world's worst lawyer, they go, huh, oh wow, this guy's fucked a bunch of people over. God, maybe I should rethink, maybe I should get a second lawyer opinion, which you should do anyway. That should not, that's not disruptive to business. Staying, get a second fucking opinion
Starting point is 00:12:43 on the lawyer you're about to do. It's a very serious thing that you're doing. You got a second guy to take a look over it. Now, you know, so he wants the domain name obvious for obvious fucking reasons, because he doesn't want people knowing what a shitbag he is, right? So he went straight to the government,
Starting point is 00:13:03 internet, and said, this guy, what did he say about me? I've engendered the most racist, hateful, misogynist group on the internet and that's who I cater to and that's what I'm using his domain name to. Something like that. He talks about dollars and profiting off of whatever ridicule he's going through.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah, right. I'll post his complaint in my response to it. And then his additional 80 page response to nothing that he decided to just send the committee that they don't have to look at at all. Right, they didn't ask for. He cited their own rules, citing that if they want to ask for more information, they will.
Starting point is 00:13:50 He used, he cited that and said, here's that more information. Now you're probably going to want to try to be probably going to need. Yeah, exactly. Which features a hit list of the meanest things everybody on the subreddit has ever said about him. Yeah, which are 100% new to me because I've never been on the subreddit. Which are like, what, this guy's a total piece of trash. What a loser.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yeah. For some reason, he clipped these and put them in his complaint against me. Yeah, he took up a lot of pages in that document with that kind of shit too. And again, like you said, like congratulations, if you made that list. Here's what my nephew says to me, my eight year old nephew this morning. What the hell, what is it made out of? It's something called a fidget stick. Oh, they're like, fidget sticks or something. Yeah, that's cool, man, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And he goes, yeah, it's a fidget stick. It looks like normally the new fidget pin. Yeah, you just make little magnets. I guess so this is y'all, you don't shoot up a school. They give boys these little toys to play with. So when some bitch is yammering on and on about cutting your dick off or whatever they teach and kids to kids these days,
Starting point is 00:15:01 or that women can do science, which is the same. We got to stop these LGBTs from saying you'd cut your dicks up. No, you got to stop them from saying that women can drive. That's where it started. They can't fucking do. We got it. So I come, my God, that's fucking hilarious. Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Pretty good. These guys thing he's got there. That's hysterical. So, this is the mosaic. I'm not gonna load it yet. Okay. I'll tell you why. Randy and I work for nine hours, putting way too much effort into this thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Breaking our backs, chopping tile, liquid nailing them onto a plywood and it's pre-celebrating how amazing our victory is going to be. Definitely win because it's so good. And all the other art there is trash. So we take it in and week's later, five weeks, where has it been, five weeks later? We go to the fair. They haven't posted the results yet. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:07 This is great because we're going to get to see it in person and then have a big celebration, make everybody chant for us and stuff. Right. Right. So we get there and start doing a sweep of the exhibits. Just to see what your kind of garbage, carpage, garbage, garbage, obvious clip art, garbage, looks like someone did it with the wrong hand on this one, maybe their foot,
Starting point is 00:16:28 garbage, garbage, picture off of Wikipedia, garbage, garbage, garbage, and we get to my girlfriend's pizza picture. Second place. Second place, the ribbons already there. Right there? Yeah, right, you saw it. I did see it.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Second fucking place, and I said, oh, oh, oh, oh got second place. Hey, everybody. I got second place. They're like, yeah, yeah. Second second sound. Like, uh-oh. That was my plan to do that. Yeah. Yeah. I got a real bad feeling about this. Right. Brandy. So we walk through. All right. Well, I'm seeing every, every single art piece has either a, I say to her, well, there's a lot of like, everyone is guaranteed a ribbon. It looks like every single one has second place, first place, second place, first place, second place for, obviously, there's no like one first place, right? It's just like, really? Well, no, because every single, the deal is that she,
Starting point is 00:17:27 and she says, no, not everything's guaranteed a ribbon. So don't you say that, because all I'm seeing is first place ribbon, second place ribbons. That's a new obviously got a second place because it's last. Like I'm not seeing anything other than first place ribbons and second place ribbons.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Got it. So there must be some kind of like, which makes sense, different categories. So it's just like, yeah, well, that's fine. So give it a give it a first place ribbon. That's dog shit. So yeah. So tons of different categories. Where you basically, if you're the only one in your category and you didn't place in mosaic, Sean, every single piece of art, a ribbon attached to it every single one. There's an entire
Starting point is 00:18:07 category of anime drawings and they all look like shit. They all look like dog shit Indecisurable from Chris Chan artwork every single one first place first place second place second place And I say, huh you're cheering about second place, but that's clearly the losers bracket. Right. It just means it might as well be a participation trophy. And she goes, no, no, no, there are third place ribbons. I've seen a couple. And I said, where is there a third place ribbons?
Starting point is 00:18:36 She goes, look right here. Uh huh. So sure enough, okay. There's a white third place ribbon. Okay. You're right. Yeah. There's a third place.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Okay. But everything gets a ribbon. I don't know why that guy got a third place,. Okay, you're right. Yeah. There's a third place. Okay, but everything gets a ribbon. I don't know why that guy got a third place, but everything is. So you got in the middle. Okay. Yeah. Good for you. Let's not get to, you know, let's not get to ahead of ourself. Wow. So we're walking walking, walking, a fucking table setting, a tablecloth with a bunch of plates on it. Yeah. First place. That's our, yeah. First place, every single one, first place. Turn the corner.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Uh huh. There's our, there's our mural. Yeah. There's the name played. Uh huh. That's it. Ribbonless. Totally ribbonless.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Maybe someone took the ribbon. What if somebody took the ribbon? Well, that's what, that's what Randy's girlfriend said. Uh-huh. She goes, maybe somebody, maybe the ribbon fell off and I said, no. It didn't fall off. I know already it didn't fall off.
Starting point is 00:19:36 She goes, I'm gonna go get somebody. So. Okay, here's the, right. My girlfriend's loving it, right? Oh, not even a ribbon. No ribbon at all for you. So this lady waddles over. They have to move the aisles apart
Starting point is 00:19:56 for her to pass through like Moses. Can you watch like a formal protest? I am gonna watch them. You see this over here? Third place right here? Yeah. For this, it's a blanket. It's a blanket.
Starting point is 00:20:09 They blanket. Somebody like died or something. So the woman says, Randy's girlfriend goes, yeah, these guys, they don't have a ribbon. And she said, well, not everyone gets a ribbon. Is that what is that above yours? Does that say, does that say trout? Yes, that's a ribbon. Is that what is that above yours? Does that say, does that say trout? Yes, that's a pencil, that is a pencil scribbling
Starting point is 00:20:30 of my trout. That's what I thought, because it's a baseball themed and they have a ribbon. That is appalling. I can't even see the rest of it. That looks fucking absolutely dog shit. I will show you just how dog shit it gets. It's like something that,
Starting point is 00:20:48 remember you used to have to cover your books in school. Yes. Like, people use like grocery bags. Mm-hmm. And yeah, it's like something that like a junior high kid would just like sketch out those block letters. Well, it's not everyone gets the ribbon. Randy's girlfriend goes,
Starting point is 00:21:07 my boyfriend worked really hard on this. She goes, how old is your boyfriend? Is he disabled? I grabbed her mask and ripped it off. What have you done, Rickles? What do you mean how old? Seven. She's a fucking pedophile.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Asking about the mosaic work of her boyfriend. What do you mean how old is your boyfriend? You stupid bitch. What the hell is this? So I said she goes, well not everyone gets a rib and she goes, well why didn't get to the way in this kid of rib? She goes, I don't know, it looks unfinished.
Starting point is 00:21:39 So I lost. I said, it looks unfinished. What does that look like to you? That's amazing. Fucking place. This looks like, it looks unfinished. What does that look like to you? That's amazing. Fucking place. This looks like, it looks like a computer shit out of drawing of an RBI baseball. So it's standoff. So it's, look at this.
Starting point is 00:21:53 First fucking place. It's Otani, right? From the angels. I don't know what. Yeah, it's, because it's show, like a show, show, hey, Otani, the Japanese baseball player, he's like, he's a pitcher and a whole runner. I can't know, because the eyes are a little slid hey, uh, Otani, the Japanese baseball player, he's like, he's a pitcher. He's a little slid sweat.
Starting point is 00:22:08 No, because it says it's show, hey, time. Oh God. And apparently so he's, he is, um, look, just look at it. Just look at it. In what universe is this the first place of war? Well, what he's also doing, he's playing to large patches of lettuce. It looks like, you see that those are he's playing to large patches of lettuce. It looks like. You see that?
Starting point is 00:22:26 Those are not fans. Those are heads of lettuce. Sean, look at where the catcher is. It's not in the same universe as this guy. No sense of perspective at all. And he's on the wrong side of the plate because he's swinging left-handed. Right? He's in the right hand.
Starting point is 00:22:41 He's in the right hand. On top of the plate, which is a square, or a smudge for some reason, because he forgot to, because he forgot to plan for it, or perhaps has never seen one before. And this person is 35 who did this. So it's not in the kids division, I checked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah, you know, you have a legitimate preference, I think. That's amazing. That is. So I counted absolute dog shit. There were exactly five mosaic entries. Yeah. Two first place and three second place. And they had no ribbons for, they had no leftover ribbons for third place, not even a third. A did not run. A fucking incomplete that we got for our nine hour tile masterpiece. It looks unfinished.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Let me pull it up again. Well, you, do you see this trout shit? That's amazing to me because look at, you know, just judging by the letters, there's no way that scatch is any good. No, yeah, it looks like trash. It has to and it got better than us. Yeah, yeah. Well anyway, let's start the show.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I like the L.A. logo. Oh, dude, it's a really good L.A. logo. It took like two hours. I like the LA logo. Oh, dude, he has a really good LA logo. That's a great LA logo. It took like two hours. Yeah! Welcome to the, you want to get me to live? You love dick, you've got it. It's the show where every of his content is coming.
Starting point is 00:24:20 You laugh from out and bunker deep. And all that is to be a failure. I'm your host, dick masters,, aka the 20 million dollar man. Tritamy is always as world touring LA based comedian Sean the Odeo Young Janere. Hello, Dick. What's up, buddy? Thank you for not killing yourself. I'm I needed this win. Yeah, after the week I've had. Yeah, yeah, where the fat remember how the dogs had like the dog barking thing in 101 Dalmatians? Are they barking at each other to get the word out?
Starting point is 00:24:47 Uh, what are the rings lighting the fire? Did you know about that one? Yeah, let's let's signal those guys. Yeah. Did you know that fat women have a similar notification network? Really? They're able to eat and excrete a kind of jelly into the air that alert other fat women from far away. That's how they're able, that's how someone like Tess Holidays is able to communicate
Starting point is 00:25:10 to a fat woman that works at Google to kill my account for so quickly. And without having any evidence of that, it's their jelly. Yeah. That gets out into the, I don't know how they do it because it's racist. Like bees and shit. It's exactly like bees. No one knows what's happening with bees or magnets, but it's that fat woman jelly.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Wow. It's a powerful stuff. That's how they're able to instantly reinstate and then cancel my account. That's right. It's like seconds. They're not able to do anything else without a polemic posted to Fat Talk
Starting point is 00:25:43 or Insta Kelo or whatever they're using with their fat studies and communications. That's how they're able to destroy seven years of videos and comments and audience building that I was able to do. Even under duress, all of this time. Well, I know. Yeah, you know, that at any moment, they'll take it away. Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:08 That's how they're able to do it. That was the final strike. The first fat watch was the final strike. Wow. That was the first one. That was the first one with the test holiday. Yeah. That's when I came up with the brilliant idea
Starting point is 00:26:18 to track these soures. Yeah. As they evolve into something that's not quite human and not quite bean bag And start taking over So that in 20 years When you find that every every every Chair and everything is about this wide and has napkins all, you'll know how we got to that point.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Right. First fat watch. So we're on Kozy now. My guy. slash stick master sin or something with rumble, I don't know how to send people there because they're, they're URLs or shit and they don't know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I can't imagine it'll be a, Kozy will outlast rumble for sure. Rumble really, man, if they, if they want to keep anybody, they better get on their shit quick because that's the only other one people know about recently besides YouTube, right? Yeah. Yeah. Where it's like, so it's like, you better make it as easy as fucking possible. Get a team of fucking monkeys work working 24 seven on that shit to make it. You just, you're just, you're, your people are trying, they're trying to throw themselves at you. Yeah. You have fucking gold falling into your lap and you're like, well, I'm just going to spread my legs and let it hit the ground. Check out our new offices. Look at our new offices. Yeah, I can't,
Starting point is 00:27:42 huh. No startups ever blowing a bunch of money on new fucking offices before. Yeah, we nailed it, right? Did you guys go back? Did you read as a success story? Is that what happened? Did you get to take a time machine back to like 1999 and then you just stopped? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Before everything fell off a cliff and you said, well, they're nailing it,, that's, that look amazing. That's surely that's gonna work. Let's go back to the future and just copy it. Yeah. It really ruined the LA Fair for us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:12 You know, I could barely enjoy all the 18 year old girls with huge tits wearing no clothes. Yeah. I really had a hard time doing it. I tried. Yeah. You'd get some decent beer. I really had a hard time doing it, I tried. Yeah. You get some decent beer. I smuggled in a bottle full of whiskey. Oh, you smuggled it in, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Yeah, but that didn't... What kind of security didn't help? Almost none. Oh, yeah. They have some sort of a scanning device that scans for obvious criminals. Uh-huh. And then, for a say, I think,
Starting point is 00:28:45 they invented a computer that will do that. I see. Because if guy can't do it, right, that's racist. Yeah. So they had to make a computer that would do it. I see. So it's not racist. Yeah, like so many things.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Right. Okay. Did you see that white woman that got lynched by white people? No. Because a black guy tried to steal her bike. You didn't see that. Oh Let me see. I'll skip right to that one. I don't know if all this Phenix ammunition is calling into Who what's a phenix ammunition? He's a guy that doesn't sell ammo to the government. Oh Oh, okay. Yeah,. White women got lynched for having a white bicycle, a Karen.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Let me check this out. Yeah, Karen bike theft, okay. So they have this, they have this readers ass, I don't even pull it up. And it's gone, okay. And it's gone. And it's gone, great.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Neat. Wow. Well, okay. If anybody has the link to that, things are going to be. Things are going great. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:29:56 if baby got come out with, I'm sorry. I just think if baby got come out with, I'm sorry. So there's poor woman, there's poor pregnant nurse, hero, comes out to get a bicycle, to rent a bicycle. So there's poor woman, there's poor pregnant nurse, hero, comes out to get a bicycle, to rent a bicycle,
Starting point is 00:30:09 and all these black guys are standing around it, to rent a bicycle? Well, they're not gonna rent it, they're gonna steal it. How do you know they're going to steal it? Well, that's what happened. She's, I'm trying to find the original video. Oh, hold on, hold on, hold on. Everyone deleted it because they're embarrassed now that it turned, I'm trying to find the original video. Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Everyone deleted it because they're embarrassed now that it turned out they were trying to steal it. Oh God, yeah. This happens a lot where... Jumping to conclusions. Jumping to the obvious conclusion that a pregnant white woman who just got off a work at the hospital encountered
Starting point is 00:30:45 a gang of black teenagers or men and is trying to steal a bicycle from them. Right? That's what happened. Yeah. Sure. Can you believe there's this altercation between this pregnant white woman and these five black guys? Huh.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Why would a black, why would a white woman try to steal that bike from those black guys? Yeah. That's a real fucking mystery, isn't it? I'm, let me send this guy a link for, it's time. Does anybody have this link in the discord that I'm also not connected to? Oh man, we should just go back to bed. Yeah, I honestly kinda think so.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah. Dead. Yeah, I honestly kinda think so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Stop the show. What? We had to stop the show. Does anybody have a video of that woman crying? Post it, if you have it. I have to know more. Yeah, I'll play more. I'll play that later, Vito crying. All right, let me find this video. I thought I had it, but I guess I don't. You thought you had a YouTube account.
Starting point is 00:32:05 You know, they reviewed it and then said it's fine. You're not breaking any terms of service because I'm not. Yeah. And then somebody re-reviewed it and they said, no, it's not, it's harassment. Right. Oh man. I got a funny feeling.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I know exactly who re-reviewed it, man. Yeah, see, everybody takes it down because they're all embarrassed about what happened. Really? I mean, I believe that's people, no, I was never on, you know. Yeah, I never, you know, jump to a ridiculous conclusion. Here we go, here it is.
Starting point is 00:32:38 All right, here is the video that was posted. Here's the video that was posted initially. Oh, recording, recording. a video that was posted initially. I Not crying you're not crying you're not crying You put it out I saw you put it out I'm going to say this is it. I'm going to say that with your account. Oh, fuck. This is my party. Guys, this is me, guys. Don't think I'm in that party.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Hey, stop touching me. Hold up, hold up. Hey, stop touching me. I'm touching you. I'm touching you. I'm touching you. Ah. Excessive taking.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I'm taking it. Oh, fuck you. You're so good. I'm just telling you. I'm telling you. Okay, all right. That's enough. So what do you think happened there?
Starting point is 00:34:06 What do you think's happening in the middle of happening right there? I, okay, first, like she looks like a huge pain in the ass. Like, okay. Just like, just like, just like, that's an ass. That's a rule. Okay. What do they look like? Oh, if we're judging by by looks what do they look like?
Starting point is 00:34:25 I don't know what's going on. You can't say. I mean, that's like you we can't say what they look like. The white woman, I pay in the ass. What if the what if I black guys look like? You know, I don't just a bunch of gentlemen. We got a friend just a franchise. It's on his account.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Like they should be able to get a lie. They should be able to get to the bottom of that pretty quickly. Pretty quickly. Pretty quickly. Yeah, pretty quickly. Because it's just like a scam and a lie. Cause guys like this are hanging around every one of these metro stops in every city, pulling the same fucking scam where somebody scans it. And then they just take it and say, Oh, it's mine. It's mine. I took it. Because everything they're saying is a fucking lie. There's multiple bikes there, right? Of course. Can't she like, she already checked that one out, like you scan it and then it unlocks and then they just bring it. It's a real fucking complicated scam that for some reason,
Starting point is 00:35:14 all of the internet couldn't figure out fathom how this was the case. Well, you know, well, I mean, how could this be? How could this possibly, how could these guys possibly be stealing a bike? Yeah. What the hell are they going to do with it? Surely these black guys know how that's going to look for all of us in our initiatives, for diversity, and this is going to set us back. Well, I mean, on video with a pregnant white woman?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Yeah. Why would they do that? So she basically unlocks the bike. And then they grab it and say it's our bike. Right, right. And so outside of the bike, right? Right. Right. And so outside of the hospital, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Yeah. Yeah. So suspected white supremacist woman. Oh my God. This is the Tareek N' Sheed trying to steal a city bike from a black kid after he paid for a kid. Right. Well, look at you.
Starting point is 00:36:01 They're grown men. I think. Yeah. And when him and his friends wouldn't allow her to steal it, she went through all the Karen tactics to try to get the black youths hemmed up, screaming for help, fake, fake crying, fake crying after working at the hospital all day and trying to rent a bike to drive your pregnant ass home. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah. So what came of this story? Well, she's in hiding, of course. No, but I mean, like the, did she prove like, she instantly posted the, and said, yeah, look here. And they all went, well, you know, that, that could be a, she could have faked that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Right, right. But he has the kicker. That's the kind of skills she probably has. And she's got the time to stretch in faking. Yeah. Here's the, here's the thing from her Kickstarter, go funding or whatever to get money for this event. My boss, Bob bro, late last week, my niece, Sarah, a physician assistant at Bellevue, became embroiled in a much publicized incident, where a city bike that unfairly painted her as a racist Karen.
Starting point is 00:37:03 The facts have since proven this is alive, but the damage has been done in fact, Sarah is a dedicated healthcare worker who's six month pregnant. Here's the part I highlighted. She holds racial justice and equity dear and has dedicated her life to serving NYC's most challenged individuals, even in even in death.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Racial justice and equity is held even after being publicly executed. Under the cause of racial justice and equity, she is still holding these principles dear. She didn't want to give up her bike to accomplish racial equity and justice, but you should. Yes, that's what it is. All of this justice and equity shit is just taking other people's shit and giving it
Starting point is 00:37:58 to the people that are robbing her, right? I mean, more or less, right? So I'm not giving up my bike, but I still believe that other people should give up their stuff. Oh, well, that's, but that's just kind of it. I mean, I, it's good for everybody, but I'm an exception. It's a, I'm a special case. I need to get home. I need this bike right now, but I still believe that other people should they should go ahead and give up their bikes or jobs or opportunities or a good home favorable home loans. You guys, this, you know, in this particular instance,
Starting point is 00:38:38 I needed the bike. And I definitely need money now from GoFundMe, but I still believe that your stuff should be taken, other people's stuff should be taken away from them. And give it. It's just, it's insane to me. And people will even excuse this. Well, she just put that so she wouldn't be called a racist anymore. Do you think that's going to work? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Like, do you think that's, do you think that it's not so far gone that everyone can collectively look at her and judge her as looking like a bitch, which is fine, but they can't say shit about anybody else involved in the altercation. Yeah, right. What does she look like a bitch? What do they look like? I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Those guys who needed a bike again. Yeah. Okay. What else do I have here? Isn't that crazy? Yeah. So she posted her her account or whatever. Like, yes, that's my bike. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely my bike. Right. So 100% 100 you at that point, everybody should go, yep, 100% that's a scam. I know guys. Yeah. Right. They're trying to fucking put them in prison at least.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Yeah. At least let's start there. I did some research for biggest problem this week. Mm-hmm. And on gun violence in America, for my stupid problem before veto started crying. And I found that not only, like the meme has always been or the common knowledge has always been, like, yeah, gun violence is mostly black teenagers killing each other. Well, the most gun violence happens in like four or five cities.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Yeah. Right? And it's black teenagers there. It's even worse. It's like a thousand people in those cities causing a majority of the gun violence. It's like all of the violence could be erased with just like the getting rid of the gun violence. It's like all of the violence could be erased with just like getting rid of the right people. If we just sent them on like a, never like a ship voyage to a new or just, you know, just
Starting point is 00:40:33 pay them. Like here's a million bucks. Just stop, stop doing that. Right. You don't have to do any of that. You're right. At a money like come get us. We'll give you some more money.
Starting point is 00:40:41 We'll kill you. No, it depends. It's a wisely. It's a wisely. Um, it depends. Here's the wisely. Here's the wisely. Um, that's really crazy. That's so much of our news coverage and culture is focused on this stupid myth of violence and nonsense. And it's just like, we are those guys.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Well, a bit of it. It makes perfect sense. Why do we have any of this shit? Why do we have cops, militants? Why does all of this money get dumped into reparations for white people? Veeza V like the police and sports stadiums and shit, but none of it is used to just fix the fucking problem.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah. Well, I don't know. A guy was I was pumping gas this week and a guy walks up to me with his hand and his sweatshirt. Yeah, asking me for money. Uh-huh. I'm like, well, no, it's not 2012. I don't have any fucking change
Starting point is 00:41:31 because we have this magical device. You dumb fuck you homeless drug addict because we have this and emphasis on the homeless part. We have this little magical device. Maybe you've never seen it before that magically charges that magically takes money from my fucking bank account and pays for things like gas, moron.
Starting point is 00:41:48 You have a lot of luck with change finding here. But exact, it's just menacingly all over. Like, really? Like aggressively, like one of those guys. Sanding, I said, not only change. Yeah, and he goes, and he just stands there. Like, are you contemplating? Are you contemplating pulling out whatever is in your pocket?
Starting point is 00:42:05 Is that what's happening in your head right now? Yeah. Okay. Fun times. What do you do? Turn around and we'll... Yeah, you eventually walked away. Did it to someone else? Yeah. So they're all morning doing it. He's handed his pocket like he's got something. Okay. Let's see what you're saying there. Let's see what else I have here. White women got lynched online. Yeah, that's fun. Body cam.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Photo Joe, a lot of people sent me this Dov ad. Okay. Dov ad. Yeah. Dov ad for video games. Oh, Dov for video games. You're at old daddy. All right, let's see.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Do do do do do. Dov takes a stand against both. I got it. Getting kind of repetitive, aren't they? Well, I thought this was like two years ago. Yeah. Three years ago. kind of over it. Dove takes a stand against overly sexualized women in video games.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And who def, are there any left? Well, who defines? What the fuck sexualized women are left in video games? You took them all out. But the word overly, any at all, it means no one is. It means a woman who's not shaped like Ms. Pac-Man. That's what overly sexualized means. Okay. With Epic Games Unreal Engine Education teams
Starting point is 00:43:28 and women in games eliminating stereotypes to build young players' self-esteem and body confidence. Okay. There's a big monster. There's a woman fighting the monster. Looks dumb. Level complete. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Oh, the woman video game comes home. Oh, wow. She wearing her armor, looking in the mirror. She takes her armor off and she's a big fat slob. Wipes off her lipstick that women wear to trick men into thinking about sex. And she's about 185 pounds now. Okay, oh no. She's going right back out! Being her best self!
Starting point is 00:44:35 74% of girls feel underrepresented in video games. We partnered with Unreal Engine and Women in Games. We changed this. And now she's fat. Gotcha. She's not hiding. She's not hiding who she is in that arm. Right. Oh, good stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:56 That's cool. That's, uh, yeah. So that's a thing. That's nice for them. Yeah, you can just say that kind of retarded shit. Right? You can just kind of say whatever. Say whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Yeah. As long as it's the right retarded shit. Yeah, and that's be fat. Everybody just kind of agrees, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, totally, totally. Of course, that's the most important thing, you know, this year being fat and being, that's big. That's like never worked out one time.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Huge, not swinging a sword around, doing stuff like that, stocky, good girl. I don't know, I guess I, just seems like an ad to me anymore. It's hard to react to. Yeah, that doesn't, I'm very surprised that was a dovetail just from that. I didn't think they would be like so bad. Like create, a soap company would be like even like, I got a creative enough to do it like an animated, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It just seems like that's a pretty strong match like for boo. Like that's the ad. Yeah, you guys, none of us like video games, right? I mean, we're like, we don't like video games, right? When we say female gamer, we mean like candy crush and stuff like that. But we all hate men, right? And they like video games.
Starting point is 00:46:16 So let's mess with it. Let's gaslight them into thinking that like, we're taking it over. That'll be funny. It's a funny track, a practical joke. Let's see, here's another one. Trans science is settled science. Is that? Oh. Okay. Kethel's what I was saying, and mean stuff about me too. Really?
Starting point is 00:46:41 Unaccident, yeah, by accident. Trans science is settled science. Yeah. This is glad. Good morning, a reminder that healthcare for transgender people is settled science. Every major medical association supports this critical life-saving care. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Wow. Settled science. Yeah, that's a very strong term to use for. Look, we're finding things out about how, you know, the brain works and it's, does the brain work where you saw off of chunk of your arm and then, uh, fashion a flesh tube on where your vagina used to be? Is that how the brain works? a flesh tube on where your vagina used to be. Is that how the brain works? You know, psychiatry and neurobiology and stuff. I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's, really
Starting point is 00:47:31 in its infancy. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it really is. Settle science, though. The Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle science, the Settle 15 years. Yeah, I started. I don't know if you can, I don't know if you can say that. I don't know. When John Moni started all of this stuff with his remarkable twin study
Starting point is 00:47:50 up until now where, yeah. Dead naming is either legal or illegal. I don't know. Yeah. Settled science. What is the science exactly? Well, and that's why it can't be settled so quickly. If at all, it's like, again, it's something with, there's so many variables and it's, yeah, that's a. Oh, God. You know, you guys have to pump the brakes on this shit. They're using a term, they're. Stop it.
Starting point is 00:48:22 They're using a term that means something a they're using a term that means something, a lot more gravity. Yeah, a lot more specific. Or lighting shit on their fire. That science is settled. Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna light that shit on fire. You think that'll catch on fire?
Starting point is 00:48:35 Yeah. Pretty settled. That science is pretty settled. We kinda know how it works. Yeah, that's not, they reinforce, they reinforce gender affirming treatment is safe and life-saving for trans kids. They're telling them it's reversible, by the way.
Starting point is 00:48:50 They're saying that the puberty blockers are totally reversible, like they're telling kids that on TikTok, like 20-year-old influences, influences, hers, are telling kids it's reversible, it's really fucking, it's fucking crazy. are telling kids it's reversible. It's really fucking well. It's fucking crazy. Something, note how sports bands are a danger
Starting point is 00:49:10 for all girls, as well as for girls in youth programs. I always bring it back to sports. They fought with sports. Well, you were a big mistake. You were 100% correct, or it's like, don't fuck with the sports. They white people will not tolerate that. Well, 100% correct or it's like, don't fuck with the sports. Don't do it. They white people will not tolerate that.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Well, here's the, here's the thing. They will let you fuck with their money. They'll let you fuck with their women, their kids. They will not let you touch sports. I promise you, there are a lot of very left leaning, you know, Democrats who are, you know, in the house, in the Senate, or who really just want their daughters to get a fair shake in college, you know, with their athletic family. Yeah. Where it's like, you know, but they love it. It's like, you have to, on the, on, they have to kind of be on the side of like, well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:50:01 of course, that's equal. Of course, that's the same thing. But side of like, well, yeah, of course that's equal. Of course that's the same thing, but it's like my kid got fucking beat in the swim meat by like fucking, you know, aquaman. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's like, come on. Like you train your whole fucking life. You know, I think what I'm saying is I think secretly a lot more people than you would believe are saying, don't fuck with my sports. Yeah. Here is some good news from LA. I'll finish it up with the good news.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Awesome. This is a, this is the, this is the, the, the light department of transportation. This is the pilot for their shade and lighting pilot for their gender equity action plan. Was unveiled this morning. They got together and for gender equity action, they created a stick with a shade on it. Isn't that incredible? Boy. They created a stick with a shade on it. Isn't that incredible?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Oh boy. Look at all these women here that are invented as shade after 10 millennia of civilization and technology, advancements, and research and science, women have come together and pioneered a small shade structure. This is a, what is this supposed to be? This is a fucking art piece. What is this shit?
Starting point is 00:51:34 What is? It's your tax dollars at work. It's shade and lighting pile. Shender, equity action plan was unveiled. You can stand under it and fucking read. I don't know. Wait, fucking read. I don't know. Wait, shade. I don't know why they're having a ribbon cutting ceremony for a shade structure.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I don't think I know what this is. So it's a shade structure. That's what it is. But why, so like if you, why do you need, why do you need the shade and the light? If you need the light, you don't need the shade. It's dark. It's dual purpose. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:52:03 It's to keep you safe at night. All right, fine. While you're waiting in the shade, let's try to make a joke. Yeah. Yeah. Let me see where Phoenix is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Hop on whenever you'd like. Have we talked to him before? No, we have never talked to him before. you'd like. Have we talked to him before? No, we have never talked to him before. Oh, New York City has some interesting stuff for shoplifters. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:52:35 Yeah. Pretty good plan. I don't know if it'll work. Yeah. I don't want to be too critical of it though, because at least it's something. Crackdown on shoplifting for New York City, which is all perpetrated by like 300 people.
Starting point is 00:52:50 They're gonna give first timers an intervention program. Right. So to try to teach them about like not needing free stuff, I guess. Yeah. A de-escalation training for retail employees. Okay. So if someone is grabbing stuff and running, I guess,
Starting point is 00:53:07 you can, yeah, don't go after them as the training. Yeah. Uh, establish neighborhood retail watch groups to share theft info. Rating out and marking, uh, snitches, snitchery. They're gonna go into neighborhoods of low income housing and encourage snitching, snitchery. They're gonna go into neighborhoods of low income housing and encourage snitching. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I don't know if anything could develop around that. Real touch groups. Real touch groups. Yeah, install kiosks in stores to connect would-be thieves with social service programs. So slam on the brakes really quick, oh, hang on. So it's a kiosk where you can go, call somebody and talk about like what you're gonna steal
Starting point is 00:53:53 and they could talk you out of it. I guess. Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna rob this gap, take a bunch of stuff. I'm not convinced you why it's not a good idea. I think they're confusing two different people for one person. Oh yeah? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:54:11 I mean, you know, like there's a type of person who would use those services, but they're not the type, they're not the kind that would steal. The kind that would steal is an interest in any of this stuff for what we're spying or what we're spying to any of this stuff. Do would respond to any of this stuff. Do they think I'm pregnant mom with two kids is in there, okay, shoplifting?
Starting point is 00:54:30 So I had no idea that these programs were available to me. Oh, wow, I guess I don't have to steal a giant, I guess I don't have to steal any jewelry today and smash it with a brick and, you know. Yeah, let's see here. Bike theft, yeah, let's see here Bike theft, yeah, trans things. Good stuff. I found here's an interesting military thing.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Yeah. You know how much I love the military. I like interesting military things. Yeah. I just think that I'm into all the stuff. Yeah, since the NFL, since the NFL loves like, salute the military, yeah. They should just play videos like this during half time.
Starting point is 00:55:12 In times, seven times over the course of the year. The last six years, dude. The VA has continued to let me down. Yeah. Just wants to cut nudity at care with mental health providers. Uh-huh. These doctors keep quitting. They keep switching.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And then what do you think? Would this have the same effect as like being army of be all you could be? Army of one. Hey kids, you're at your brains are all soft at home. Soak and stuff in you about 12, 13 years old. You want to make a difference in the world? Join the fucking army. Be a man. You're like men, right? You're watching men, 13 years old. You want to make a difference in the world. Join the fucking army. Be a man.
Starting point is 00:55:46 You're like men, right? You're watching men slam into each other. It's just basically football, but like a real man's football. High stakes, like freedom and honor. It's like a mace. This is way, this is instead. I mean, I think it would be,
Starting point is 00:56:00 I need a nine. Right? I'm taking my case back. Man, you can, I've watched so many just interviews with everybody from Vietnam veterans to current yeah this is way too many of them should be all of them yeah they don't give a shit all that you can be right? Right. This is it. How else you stop it?
Starting point is 00:56:27 There's no other way. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. No, that's never going to happen though. Yeah, that's never going to happen. Uh-huh. It's sad to see, like the realization, yeah, they don't give a fuck about you.
Starting point is 00:56:44 You are not a human being to them. You are completely and utterly disposable. Just know that. Coming in. If you're still okay with it, have at it. But they don't give a fuck about you. Could have. If you think they do, you are sorely mistaken.
Starting point is 00:57:05 You are fucking fooling yourself. This is another one. This guy, X-Marine, same kind of deal posted on, they can post novels on Twitter now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's really great. They did away with the, right, the 140 character a while ago, didn't they? Yeah, they put this little read more thing on there now though. Yeah, yeah. To ignore it. Yeah. When I got, here's a similar marine story.
Starting point is 00:57:28 This part's the funniest part. When I got home and learned the truth about Iraq, it took me years to get over being lied to. But my father told me that my heart was in the right place and none of us, none of us could have possibly known the truth. Really? Are you sure about that? None of us could have possibly known the truth. Really? Are you sure about that? None of us could have possibly known
Starting point is 00:57:46 the truth. Yeah. Maybe a little tiny bit of research. I know what you're doing. History. None of us could have possibly known the truth. Really? Are you sure about that? This is why I'm sure about that. None of us could have possibly known. Oh, we were fooled again. Hundreds of years of lying. And we were fooled again. Damn it. Well, it's why it's a big reason why they take the young. Uh-huh. Yeah. Um, all right. And wait for this guy. I'm going to meet some comments. Okay. All right. Yeah. Sure. That's a stupid tile story took way too long. That's a good story. Mani says, I hope you're doing all right with everything going on.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Please remember to promote this tomorrow. Also, if it wasn't obvious, the man girdle thing doesn't have to stay a secret. But I think time enough has passed. It's not funny anymore. The man he must get. The man he must get. The man he must get. The man he must get.
Starting point is 00:58:42 The man he must get. The man he must get. The man he must get. The man he must get. The man he must get. The man he must get the live show in Philly. Oh. Uh, I don't think I've seen a picture. Well, he still looked fat. Oh, well, just to tell you, okay. Give you a preview. Okay, Manny Muskitz, the guy who said, the guy who sang the, the,
Starting point is 00:59:01 Akuna Matata song, and it said it means, he sang the whole thing, it said it means no in words. That comedian is, he's great, friend of the show, great guy, very funny. He is doing a show called Philly's Funniest, spelled with a pH, where it's like a competition. That's audience driven. So if you're in Philly on the... See from Philly? Yeah, he lives in Philly on Thursday.
Starting point is 00:59:28 If you're in Philly this Thursday, go to Philly's funniest and vote for Manny Muskets. It's at the Helium Comedy Club. No. So he wins. So we can get one win out of something. Cool. This week.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Philly's funniest at the Helium Club. Vote for Manny. Good luck, Manny. Let's see here. Chris the Kiwi says this is this a good idea. Okay, let's see. Do you, what is a good idea, Chris? Oh, he deleted it.
Starting point is 01:00:02 That fucker. Oh, no. That little fucker is staying in the call. Whoa, whoa deleted it. That fucker. Oh, no. That little fucker. Stay in the call. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I've seen it do that before. Yeah, is this a good idea? Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:12 I guess we don't know. Oh, okay. Burns coding says Mr. Masterson. I hope this electronic epistle. Uh-huh. I hate it already. I was thinking it. Finds you amidst a modicum of curiosity. It is with great intellectual concern that I pen this
Starting point is 01:00:34 misive. Oh no, stop. I have taken it upon myself. The honor honor is tasked of expressing, expressing with the flourish of precision and wit. It's nice. Why your perilous proclivities toward fascism, fascist nihilism have the potential to be remarkably deleterious? How do you say that word? Is it deleterious? You don't. To the very fabric.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Yes, I think it is. To the very fabric of the United States. Oh, yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure Nihilism is going to ruin the US. I get what he's trying to do. I get what he's trying to do with this, but it doesn't, it doesn't play as they say. The humor is not, is it humor? First and foremost, I mean, just to make me to elucidate the fundamental tenets of your chosen worldview.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I love being told what my worldview is, that my favorite thing, I know. It's 42 years of life, that's my favorite thing. Fascist nihilism and alloy of ideological extremism and existential vacuity propagates an alarming amalgamation that poses an unprecedented threat to the foundations of our cherished society. Cherished? Cherished? Are you doing a lot of cherishing out there today? Wow, I can't wait to go see the new shade pole that they rolled out for fat women. They wouldn't even fit under that shade. You see that? The size of it is like the shade pole. You are brazen adherence to this philosophy,
Starting point is 01:01:59 not only risks undermining the principles of liberty and pluralism upon which our nation was built, but also flouts the very essence of reason that ought to guide our discussions. I would prefer that we don't have any discussions. That's why I have a podcast, just goes one way. I wonder if at the end of this, it's like he talks normal and it's all a joke. The cataclysmoping consequences of fascist consequences, consequences of fascist nihilism are manifold and manifoldly catastrophic. Okay, Jackass, that's not even a sentence.
Starting point is 01:02:30 By advocating for an ideology that champions authoritarianism, I don't think I'm a fascist. No, I... All right. And dismisses any semblance of objective truth. You dangerously subvert the democratic ideals that have long safeguarded our liberties. But we don't have any liberties. They're gone. I just don't know if he's like serious or not or if it's like, you don't have any liberties.
Starting point is 01:02:53 You're taxed on your income. You're taxed on your person. You have none. Our society governed by the Wims and authoritarian rule. Well, it's like rights and stuff. They're an idea. Yeah can be they can be suspended the constitution failed the i got bad news for you the supreme court overruled it very early on sure and validated it um there's there fighting for scraps of rights now we don't have any yeah a society governed by the whims of a
Starting point is 01:03:21 authoritarian rule issues the bedrock principles of accountability empathy and justice consigning us the darkness of intellectual suppression and you know you know that we don't have any sort of uh... you know that this is already true because of how important supreme court justice picks are all over president just for the supreme court justice that's not that's necessarily the women's their own authoritarian dictate like you have a lot of everybody's an activist on the Supreme Court. Yeah, there's no concept.
Starting point is 01:03:48 It's just like how can we permanently fuck over the country to our side? We're permanently fucking over the other guys. We're doing this. We're in a holy war. Yeah. I mean, that's what it is. If you think you have liberties, man, I envy you. Furthermore, your pension for nihilism adds an extra code of perniciousness to the already
Starting point is 01:04:06 toxic cocktail of it. Oh my God, these fucking words. Of ideas you were spilling. How he's be joking. How he's be joking. I don't want to hate this guy, but the most robust mind's occasionally glanced, lacks the vigor to provide an intellectual scaffolding for a Justin cohesive society. Experiencing a lot of justice and cohesion these days.
Starting point is 01:04:30 By embracing this philosophical void, you can't- Preparation age. Besides the virtues of purpose, Mali. And the very essence of meaning itself. The essence of meaning itself. The essence of meaning itself. The essence of meaning itself. That's like the most pretentious title we found the most blatant 70s prog rock band of all time.
Starting point is 01:04:52 It is a pernicious path to try and master masters and one that threatens to plunge us into a societal abyss where apathy, moral, relativism, relativism, reign supreme, in the crucible of intellectual discourse. We must forego the overarguments With the tools of reason empathy and a deep understanding of historical context Do you think these feelings just came from nowhere from nothing what is no? Just a lot of people's yeah, you know, there's no like reason for it however your proclivity for a pugnacious Posturing and oh god, oh my god. Stop it with the alliteration. That's that's too far. What is this man? Um, should we read more of this?
Starting point is 01:05:35 Oh, this is getting aggravating. This is getting rough. Uh, a rhetoric detract from these subsets and conversations we ought to be engaging in. Yeah, man, let's talk more about how trans shouldn't be in sports. Let's oh, love that. Your pension for Plymix risks, saying in any genuine dialogue, you can only eliterate on peas though. That's a deficiency. Oh, maybe so. Prepetuating a cycle of acrimony and further polarizing and already divided nation.
Starting point is 01:06:03 No, it's the money. Mr. Masha, and I employ you to consider the consequences of your ideological inclinations. Okay, that was a good one. In the United States, a nation that has long stood as a beacon of hope and of progress deserves better than the toxic brew of fascist nihilism. No. Let us strive for intellectuals. The country deserves how it treats its citizens, because the citizens are the country, the citizens are the government.
Starting point is 01:06:28 No, it isn't. No, it's not. It's a bunch of corporations. Yeah, it is not. Let us strive for intellectual clarity and form discourse and the timeless pursuit of society that embraces compassion, reason, and the indomitable spirit of liberty.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Wishing you enlightenment and your intellectual endeavors. I have none of those. Chris Hitchens again, you dumb fuck. Oh, this is a Christopher Hitchens post. Chris, okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait, what, really? I don't know. Plus size cars.
Starting point is 01:06:59 No, Chris Hitchens, oh, I mean, the dead guy. Yeah, the dead guy. What? Well, I disagree. Plus size cars. Just catching up with the show and saw the fat watch segment from episode 358, the idea of plus size cars is insane to me. I'm five, four, three hundred and ten pounds,
Starting point is 01:07:15 so not a small man. No. I carry it better than some people, but I'm still a fat guy while I prefer to drive my truck. I've never had an issue fitting in a car. I've driven a mini Cooper in 90s Mercedes Roadster in an early Porsche Boxster. Those are small cars. Yeah, the tiny Sion XD and even one of those tiny Japanese car cab over box trucks. Wow. Oh, yeah. I know. I'm super comfortable.
Starting point is 01:07:36 It's a start time. You could like pick you could pick up an end of it. Really? It's like a regular guy. There's really pretty small Japanese cab overs. Yeah. I think I know exactly what he's talking about. Japanese cabovers. No, I think those are, that's probably not. That's who made the last cabover truck. I don't know, Japanese cabover. Maybe he's in, is the, is Phoenix in? Hi guys, is he, is he right here?
Starting point is 01:08:08 Oh no. I think he says, I'm high guys. No, that's not Phoenix. Let's see. Well, maybe it's that pesky time zone thing again. Oh no. Seems to throw people. He said, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Yeah, I can send you a link to that. I sent it. Yeah. Oh, well. Okay. Oh, well. Well, sometimes not super comfortable. It's totally doable. The amount of fat you'd have to be for this standard rental economy car
Starting point is 01:08:37 is a staggering. Yeah. They're in a picture. Yeah, well, they're pretty staggeringly fat. Let's take a look at some of that. A lot of staggering going around, trying to get to the car, I guess. Matt Mark, today in fat news.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Here is a plus size of car buyer, potential car buyer. Set to move. Oh, no. Leibis, she's out of breath from getting in the car and they want the airlines to make adjustments. She's out of breath from getting in the car. She's counting to five to get in.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Oh my god! Dude. Her ass is the size of the entire back seat. It's, it's, it's actually crazy. Oh no! Oh no! Ugh! Do you know the thing? Let's go.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Oh! Dude, she's so young too. I know! Do you know the thing? Oh! She is like lifting a piano into a car by yourself! She is enormous. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:09:47 I don't think I've. What is this car? I don't know. That is actually a 38-foot motor home. It turns out. They're gonna have special, like they are gonna have special plus size cars. Dude, that is, I promise.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, that's fat. That is, wow. Look at her legs. That's big. That's, how old do you think she is? 20s, right? Yeah, 20, 28, I think. Yeah, at the oldest, I think. Yeah. Yeah. Like, that's, that's a, it's a lot of food. I'm kind of just stunned. I don't even know how to, I don't even wanna make fun of her. Like, no, it's just, it's like a curiosity.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Like a, okay, this one was sent by, I didn't get it. Okay. A lot of people sent this one in plus size model. Yeah, go ahead. I was gonna say, do you think that headline,
Starting point is 01:10:44 like that's a little joke there? They use the word sparks, you know, and you're rubbing against the, like, oh, I see. Plus size model struggling to walk down United Airlines airplane aisle, sparks discrimination debate, because she can't fit.
Starting point is 01:11:00 It's like, there's some kind of a, you know, friction creates a lot of heat. Yeah, this is like a giant trash bar. That's grinding on the dock. Right? Like that kind of sparks is that what you thought? Yes. Um, here is the, here is the model in question. Um, her ass is probably two feet wide straight across two feet. You think three? Well, I don't know about three. I think more than two more than two. I do yes. Oh yeah, okay. I think so. Yeah, it's not a baby yard. Yeah, I think her ass is about it. She's got a yard wide. Plus or two a yard than than 24 inches. And she's comically trying to run to go straight forward down the aisle of a plane. And there's no possible way to fit.
Starting point is 01:11:45 You can just turn to the side. Like regular size people have to do that if they pass somebody in an airplane aisle. A TikTok user who goes by the name of Big Curvy Olivia has accused United Airlines of discrimination after she posted a video of a plus size influencer struggling to squeeze down the airplane aisle on a recent flight due to her size.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Big curvy Olivia. That's kind of under understated. That's like big. It's like calling it huge. Like calling Everest a hill. And the video uploaded to TikTok, the woman became stuck as she tried to walk down the aisle only to discover that her hips were wider than the aisle. Well, not really her ass.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Yeah, not hips. Right, right, right. Her hips are, yeah, the hips are normal. Her thighs. Yeah. Um, the woman who posted the video captioned it, honestly, it's discrimination that they can't build wider aisles and airplanes in 2023. Well, then you're going to have to buy three seats because the planes aren't changing by aisles now. Yeah, you're going to, you know, because the seats are all
Starting point is 01:12:48 going to be smaller. They build wider aisles. I really cannot wait for the first airline that has a fat entrance in the back of the doors bigger and the seats are bigger. Yeah. There's two seats in the aisle and the aisles bigger, right? So if you're if you're military or fat, if you're old or fat Come join first and you have to go to a separate entrance where there's only like Like 10 or 12 seats. Yeah, the aisles are bigger right to accommodate you But then that's also discrimination because you're singling people out a group out and you're treating them differently than Then everybody else. Yeah, but it's fat women. You it's okay. Yeah, a group out, and you're treating them differently than everybody else. Yeah, but it's fat women.
Starting point is 01:13:27 It's okay. Yeah, it's fine for fat women. Yeah, well, yeah. Um, especially if it's a disability. Um, how did you know? She originally posted the video in March and didn't accuse airlines of discrimination because of the size of the airplane aisles.
Starting point is 01:13:42 And did not originally. And she did and I guess it's, because people are like, hey, that's discrimination. You didn't link to the video? Come on, man. Yeah, let's find it. That's it. You have to, come on, you keek.
Starting point is 01:13:57 You have to know that you're the outlier. You know, like, and it's like, okay, here's the video. Yeah, see it. Honestly, it's discrimination that here's the video yeah see it honestly discrimination that they can't build wider isle oh my god she did get stuck ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Oh no, why is she dressed like a big purple grape? Oh. Why not wear something slimming? Hahaha. Ah.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Dude. It's just fat people trying to do things. That's the, that's the only fans I want. Get into cars. Yeah, not in a, get off of planes, get into cars. Not in a positive way either. Dude, she like, that seat. Like, I mean, obviously the armrest had to go up.
Starting point is 01:14:56 I mean, it's, there's no... Wait, there's one more. Yeah, it's fucking wild. Okay, let's see here. Um, there's one more. Yeah, it's fucking wild. Okay, let's see here. Women weighed, woman weighed like baggage before the flight. I've never been so embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:15:13 What? They had to weigh this woman. Is this, you know, is this somebody like just having somebody take a photo? I don't know. You know what I mean? It's not out, yeah, is that not real? Yeah, I mean, okay, let's call it. She ain't even questionable.
Starting point is 01:15:28 She ain't even questionable. Like she ain't even that, you know, I think you're right. That's a questionable one. It's like that one, didn't we watch somebody like in the gym get like shamed? You know what I mean? Some gym employee just comes in and starts berating her.
Starting point is 01:15:43 It's like obviously fake, right? I mean, deep inside, this guy says, Marsman says at 117 pounds, the average is a porn study. And an average of 117 pounds, the average female performer is 48 pounds under the national average for women. Yeah. 48 pounds under the national average for women. Yeah, sure. So the average woman needs to lose 50 pounds to be fuckable, is that right? Deep inside a study of 10,000 porn stars in their careers. I don't really find these interesting. I don't think we need a study for this.
Starting point is 01:16:19 Right. Well, yeah. Without any mental deliberation, picture the average female porn star. Okay. Uh. Okay. Yeah, can you see her? Yeah. I had, I don't care about this. Yeah, I just this this goes to get it. You talk to a bunch of porn stars, very fucking dignified hobby. I'm sure it's amazing. Well, you just hear the you hear the the concept of like that, you know, like men are indoctrinated by society on what they think is hot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:49 And I just don't buy that on any level. No. I think your dick tells you what you think is hot. And that's as much as you need to analyze it. I mean, maybe a little bit, I don't know. Like furry shit, would furry shit exist without all the Disney cartoons that we saw as kids? It felt like the Robin Hood stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Like, if you had never seen it, furry, we before would people want to be animals? I think the answer to that is we don't really know. Ah, maybe, I guess the Egyptians had like furry shit. There was no Disney then, they got gods with fucking eagle heads and stuff. So it must have been something. There's a mid-tower at some point. I think the brain is so complex and the way that it can wire itself. I think there's always been what there is now. Yeah, I can't think you're right about that.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Okay, let's see here. People just now have a much easier outlet for it. Yeah, they can find the other guys on Earth and they can make stuff to satisfy that. Yeah, so when we encounter aliens, there's gonna be like one, the biggest weirdo on every planet will be able to connect to each other.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Yeah, sure. And they will really be weird. Ryan be advice to read on the show. Hey, Dick and Sean, I'm a 21-year-old cook. My life's passion lies in cooking. I prep food for a popular steakhouse. I went six years learning and working in kitchens. And whenever I do work online, I put my heart and soul into each plate of food that I make.
Starting point is 01:18:27 The grind of the job is eating away at my passion. The insane amounts of stress, I feel around my job is driving me to a breaking point, where I'm just gonna kill myself. Wow. Next time you need a steak at a fancy restaurant, think about this guy in the back preparing it. He's gonna kill himself if you're,
Starting point is 01:18:47 you know, every, every, every great chef has the same kind of story about working. I know. It's like, it's fucking brutal. Like you're really popular restaurant where service is fucking so fucking important. Yeah. There's a lot of places that give you good food
Starting point is 01:19:04 and the service makes the difference. And it's like, they talk about just, there's a lot of places it gave you good food and the service makes the difference and it's like they talk about just it's it's it's fucking brutal in there I'm I see Bup, yeah, man. I mean, I don't know. Maybe he's maybe he's not at the stage So maybe he's not at the stage. Maybe he's not ready to handle that kind of pressure. He doesn't have the tools yet, you know what I mean? But it's like, it's pretty young. It's young, it's real young. I'm in desperate need of encouraging words from YouTube
Starting point is 01:19:35 because they take comfort in you being my two gay internet dad. Thank you for reading this shit. You know what, you're like, go ahead and kill yourself. No, do heroin. A lot of, a lot of, a lot of shits, you have a huge drug or gambling problem. Yeah, and they seem to at least have not killed themselves.
Starting point is 01:19:52 So, if you're gonna kill yourself, try heroin. I mean, you can't get worse than death. Right, because heroin you can recover from heroin. You can recover from heroin. I know a lot of guys be re-re- of chefs who've recovered from heroin. A lot of them. I mean, more than anything else. Okay. Yes, actually. Yeah. No, I know. That's a, there's a lot of drugs in multiple times. And that's it. It's so easy to recover from heroin. You can do it again and again. Right, right, right. I can always just come all straightened up. Thank you for reading this.
Starting point is 01:20:28 It genuinely means the world to me right now. Thank you for going through the effort of uploading the show every week. It gets harder every week. It makes two hours of fiery stress bearable, sincerely Ryan. Well, I don't know what, you know, I mean, I get that it's stressful. Yeah. And I think, again, I think maybe it Ryan. Well, I don't know what, you know, I mean, I get that it's stressful.
Starting point is 01:20:45 And I think, again, I think maybe it's just a, like, just a lay- I'm engineering is probably just as stressful. A lack of, I doubt it. I doubt it. I would never say that, but I'll tell you what was stressful was by when I was 18 and was in my first gig in, you know, print advertising for the movies, right? I mean, I was not mentally prepared to deal with those kind of like meaningless egos. Like, they really, they're fucking, full page ad in the LA Times was curing cancer.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Like these people are, it's fucking insane. Like it's totally insane. I mean, dude, I got called over, I got called over across town in fucking West LA just to get yelled at in person. Yeah. Like just to get yelled at in person. Like a typo?
Starting point is 01:21:42 No, for just, like just a fucking design that was like, they wanted it a certain way, but the format wouldn't, because it's different, they used to call them standard ad units. As a use size is their columns in the how wide something is.
Starting point is 01:21:58 And I can't remember what the measurements are, but it's like, you have to, it quote ads, you have to break the quotes different to make it fit the format. And it was like, it was just one of those things where it was like, there was no way to make it look good. Cause they wanted all of these fucking quotes. Cause fucking, oh, and Gleiberman is fucking, you gotta have that shit in there.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Like, you know, so it's like, People always wanna cram so many words onto everything. Yeah, it's like, no, it looks like dog shit. It was a fucking piss ant, fucking studio. It was the, it was the, at the time, the, it was just amateur. I was the younger fucking red headed stepchild
Starting point is 01:22:39 of new line cinema. It used to be used to be a company called fine line features that were the artist. Right. They put out the artistic films that, you know, new line who put out like, you know, Lord of the Rings and shit like that. Yeah. And a bunch of fucking turds, you know, to, you know, it was like it was under there on
Starting point is 01:22:57 Brella, but they had their own. It was a fucking 60 something year old fucking gay man. Who, who, who, nobody, did he try to make a move on you? He got, dude, he got, he ended up, he, he got his, like he got his, like he finally, he just pissed everybody out. He was just such a piece of shit. He was such a fucking asshole. And, but I mean, like that, it's like, uh,
Starting point is 01:23:22 probably was an asshole. He just was. He just was. No? He just was. He just was. No, he just was. He, he, he was on the vendor side, you know, like I was and we couldn't work with anybody over there. He got hired at the studio and got one of the first people laid off when the, you know, and it was like he spent the whole rest of the time belly-ick and about, you know, how
Starting point is 01:23:39 he got fucked. He was just a piece of shit, but there's, but he's not unique in that world. And at 21, dude, I did not have the fucking tools to know, like, oh, that's, that's completely fucking him. Like that's, he's, that's it. Yeah. I see. It's like, you're freaking out driving across town. I wasn't even really freaking out. I was like at the, at the end, I remember walking out of there and going, if I'm ever, if I ever have to deal directly with him again, and he does anything like that, I will beat the piss out of him. Like, like that's the, like there would be no, there'd be no nothing. It was like,
Starting point is 01:24:16 that was your one. And there was like, and I was with somebody else too, but it was, it was for, it was for me. He's talking, he goes, look, you got to understand. He had been around a while and he was a guy, Glenn, who used to be a client and then came to work for us. Great guy. He knew what he knew what it all was. Like, at all, he had been there, done that. But it was, yeah, I was like, no, he needs to die. He needs to die.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Like that's needs to die. Like that's probably dead now. 65 or something. He might be, probably had AIDS. He might, you know, he might be dead or just really old, but he was just, he was just a bitter fucker who would be to much marginal talent. I mean, yeah, he was just, he just really deserved to get his, and he ultimately did, because he was just kind of unhierable.
Starting point is 01:25:06 And I don't know if he was in his 60s, he might have been in his 50s at the time. He could still be alive, but you know, it's like, I just know that he basically, and that's what, that's in a way that is what's great about the entertainment industry, is if you are such a prick, everybody knows it, fairly, at some point fairly quickly,
Starting point is 01:25:24 because everybody, you ruin it on the vendor side Eventually, you're not gonna work you ruin it on the studio side eventually. You're not gonna work because you're just too big a fucking asshole Well, that's good Okay, so what I'm saying is I relate to the sky, but it's the you got a half-ass it man You just get more experience. Some days say you're going to have fast all the stakes that day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:48 And it's no big deal. You know, you're putting your heart and soul into every stake. That's too much. You can do too good of a job. It's yeah. Well, you can put you can put in a hell of a lot more effort than you're being, you know, paid for or that really that people expect. And I also know that it's like,
Starting point is 01:26:05 it could be like a personal thing with him too, where it's like, he can't not do it. Yeah, well, I understand it. It's like, no, I know, I understand that, but it's like still, at the end of the day, it's a product with a timeline. Yeah. And there's a professional kind of minimum.
Starting point is 01:26:23 You're not the hedge. Go for the minimum. You're not the head chef. Go for the minimum. You're not the head chef. Like, you're not, this is where the minimum is. This isn't your place. As precisely as possible. Where you can make all kinds of demands on everybody who, I mean, if you want, you're in a place, dude, you can count the number of, you can, you can demand a certain number
Starting point is 01:26:39 of pepper granules on a fucking, in a fucking dish if you want. I don't know how long people are gonna work for you, but you could do that. But right now, you gotta big things. Think about the big things with your job. Don't worry about the shit that doesn't matter. And you have to figure out how to, you have to learn how to figure out
Starting point is 01:26:57 where you can save the time. It's to save your sanity. Yeah. Don't, well, try not to kill yourself. Yeah, don't do that. I don't wanna tell you what to do your sanity. Yeah. Don't, well, try not to kill yourself. Yeah, don't do that. I don't want to tell you what. Don't do that to do, but. Yeah, try not to do that.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Right. Advice on dating younger women call me Mark. Well, you could just put Mark as your name then. Right. You don't need to say call me Mark. Right. I would have called him Ishten. I would have called him Ishten.
Starting point is 01:27:21 I would have called him Ishten. I would have called him Ishten. I would have called him Ishten. Hey, I'm 29. An old friend was trying to set me up with their coworker who is 19, Seacups, not even a little bit fat. Well, you know, just 19. I guess you don't know anymore. I didn't get to talk to him person,
Starting point is 01:27:35 but she was shown my Instagram and came back with, I think 29 is a little too old for me to be dating at the moment. Yeah. Well, okay. What do I do about this? What do you mean? What do you do about this?
Starting point is 01:27:50 Obviously you make a new Instagram and there we go. Lie about how old you are. You post about, you get a fake ID to be younger. Yeah, get a fake ID. She's seen your face, so you're gonna have to put a mustache on or something to try to trick her into dating you, if you're stuck on this one girl,
Starting point is 01:28:10 what do you mean, what am I supposed to do about this? It's obvious, just go to tremendous lengths to trick her. I remember, she said she thinks 29 as a little too old. She doesn't really know. Yeah, you got to first create a fake profile as another girl and dating an older guy and talk about how dating older guys is awesome to like this is slowly poison the well against her.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Yeah, this is why people this is the kind of advice that people write in for. Yes, they're very social. They're very they make they make decisions by consensus women. So the more women telling her that dating an older guy, 29 year old guy is good. Yeah. Then the more she's likely to, and then you can take another shot at it. Right. And then have some big news, right? You need big news to take another shot.
Starting point is 01:28:59 You can't just be offered the same old guy. Like, here's the same lukewarm guy. I've got the same guy. Basically, it's got to lukewarm guy. I've got the same guy, basically. It's gotta be like, wow, we got a big guy I was telling you about. You got a big, you got a brand new penis. We wanted it in a lottery. Yes. Oh, it's amazing, you got to see it.
Starting point is 01:29:15 And then she's like, wow, you know, these other girls have been, and those other girls are actually you and disguise, telling her how cool it is to date an older guy. Then you make a bunch of money about how they, they like to spend money on women more. Got it. They have all this free time, even though you're 29, so I know you don't have shit.
Starting point is 01:29:32 You're just as bad as the 20-year-olds that she's probably dating or 24-year-olds. That's what you do. Should I just start lying about my age in the future? Like a woman? I guess. about my age in the future, like a woman. I guess. Try to get a girl, trying to get a girl that hasn't been brainwashed by college yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Okay. So I'm not really wanting to budge on the age thing. Yeah. I'm not autistic. Ooh. Okay. Um, you're trying to get a girl that hasn't been brainwashed by college. So I'm not really wanting to budge on the age thing.
Starting point is 01:30:17 He doesn't want to fake his age. So this is, this whole story is a lie. So I know you're, you can, because you're doing it already. It's not about being hooked up. It didn't happen because a coworker tried to hook me up with a young girl. You're saying I only want to date 19 year olds, but you didn't want to sound like a creep.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Why, who's, what, he doesn't want to budge on the age thing. So now it's become instead of just this girl, it's your his age. No, well, hang on, no, because he said brainwash by college. But hang on, hang on, because he said, do I need to lie about my age? Like a woman. Lie about my age like a woman.
Starting point is 01:30:52 So like to be younger, right? Right. And then we said, trying to get a girl that hasn't been brainwashed by college yet. You know, thing people do when they lie where they don't use complete sentences. Yeah, I'm trying to get, I'm wondering like trying to get a girl. I don't want sentences. Yeah. I'm trying to get it. It's just I'm wondering like, I don't want to get a girl. I'm trying. I want to go. Oh, hasn't been brainwashed by college being
Starting point is 01:31:10 young. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So he's like, he only wants to date pre-college, pre-college girls. Yeah. That's what the or women who are homing said, right? When he was trying to fuck kids, the profit of the Islamic faith, he said, well, you know, I don't, I don't want these girls have been brainwashed by college yet. So bring them on. Once they get into college, it's all the brainwashing. Like, oh, is that why, is that why guys have wanted to date?
Starting point is 01:31:37 Is that why we had to make a law stopping guys from fucking girls under a certain age? Cause they didn't want them brainwashed by college. Yeah. Stop fucking lie to me. Lying to women. I can always figure out when you fuckers are lying to me. I don't want to budge on the AIDS thing.
Starting point is 01:31:54 Dick, I mean, you understand, you know, liberals, Jordan Peterson, I'm in college. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 19. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. That damn brainwashing. 18 would be creepy.
Starting point is 01:32:18 I mean, I say 18 and 19 I think is like the same. Yeah, thanks for the advice Mark. Mark, you're gonna to have to ironically, you're going to have to find fucked up 19 year olds who want to either date their dad or make their dad angry. And they're out there. They're out there. Four of them are luckily. There's a ton of them out there. Yeah. Unluckily, you will fuck up your life. I can just tell both our true statements, both our true statements. I'm not yourself out. I can just tell. Good luck though. Yeah. Good luck. Okay, I think that's it. We can do voicemails.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Phoenix is calling in. Oh, God damn it. Well, you know, it'll, you know, it'll happen. It'll, um, it will be doing voicemails. We'll almost go and then he'll be there. Yeah. That's true. It's what happens every time. All right, everybody. What is does that say seen? Does that mean he's seen it? I mean, is it?
Starting point is 01:33:11 Yeah. Well, no, no, no. Okay. slash the dick show. slash the dick show. I'll throw up Landow's stuff on backbind. Oh, yeah. The complaint and stuff.
Starting point is 01:33:23 That was a lot of fun on the bonus episode actually. That was a lot of fun on the bonus episode actually. That was a lot more fun. A lot more gold in there than because of his, you know, his, a dendum. Yeah. And how he's, how he's trying to prime the pump and trying to, well, you know, your own laws state, you know, I'm just, it was, it's funny. It's funny. It's funny. Honored, what did he call that?
Starting point is 01:33:46 Yeah. Right, Judge. Like lawyers always kiss the judges. Like you're, you know, you're honorable. Honorable court will be, right. He was calling them, right, you're honorable. Honorable. Hew just dickess. And he's a arbiter, something like that. I wish I could remember the line that he was
Starting point is 01:34:02 saying I had the most racist. Yeah, misogynist. I've engendered the most racist misogynist. Yeah, yeah. Let me play the Kephels thing. Kephels. Wait a minute, what about Vito's thing? Oh God, yeah, I'll play Vito's at the end.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Okay. Or do you want me to play it now? I mean, as long as I see it, I gotta know what's going on. All right, let's play it now. Okay. So Vito has a, Vito has a, um, an Indiegogo campaign for his comic books, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, it was successful. Yeah. Yeah. It's like at $35,000 right now. Wow. And he was only looking for 10. Yeah. Um, that happened, that happened two weeks ago. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:50 And then this week I got my YouTube account terminated. Yeah. And now I'm on cozy. Thank God for Nicholas Fuentes. And honestly, um, do you know who Nick Fuentes is? I do that everyone hates him. Yeah, yeah, I know who he is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:06 I think that supporting Nick after what's happened to him by the government, like after what's after the prosecution that's been done to him by the government directly and indirectly via their various FBI and CIA plants at like every major, every major US corporation. Like to me, I have to say, to me, it's obvious that the government and corporations in America are identical. Like there's so much overlap in and out both ways. 100%. The Treasury people go work for JP Morgan Chase, JP Morgan Chase, Joe Go work for the Treasury. Like there's no, there is no difference at some point. It's just, it's just people in, people in, in, in college going back and forth to the same class. Like they're the same, they're the same entity
Starting point is 01:35:53 effectively. Um, yeah. I, anyone who can't just fundamentally support Nick after that, I don't think really understands the purpose of the, the purpose of the purpose of the political movements that they're trying to push forward and engage in. Well, probably not. Do you know what I mean? Like, if anybody trying to do anything in government has anything other than full support for Nick Fuentes, I don't think that then what's the point of what they're doing? Like, it's always the smallest guy.
Starting point is 01:36:21 It's always the smallest guy who's the most unfairly and unjustly punished that should be protected first. Well, because it's not like, it's not let's sell a little bit of, let's let's let's just, let's just, we can stab Jesus a little bit, right? Like, no, I mean, come on, you know what these guys, like, they want, it's like, no, you should be protecting all of these people. It doesn't matter what they're saying. It doesn't matter how many, it doesn't matter if they're saying the worst most vile whatever hates hate speech which neither real thing but of anything it doesn't
Starting point is 01:36:53 matter it doesn't matter it's all it's all good it's all good because it exists not tolerable right it's all good that it exists it is proof that we are free. The most hateful, vile speech broadcast proudly to as many people as possible is proof always that we live in a free society. And it is the only marker of it.
Starting point is 01:37:19 It is the only marker of it. If that doesn't exist, then there is no freedom. So any files after that. And there is no freedom. Yeah. So anybody, and there's always this like chicken shit. Um, well, you know, I don't agree with what he says. Yeah. Well, then that's it then. Well, that's, it's all you, but that's fine. Not to agree with what he says. But that's the only thing that they say. Yeah. But I don't agree with anybody. Anybody who's not, yeah, 100% behind him. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bring him back. Bring him back. Yeah yeah, 100% behind him. Yeah, yeah, bring it back.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Bring it back. You gotta protect him. Yeah, obviously. Well, you're supposed to, yeah, and this has been like, you know, like hate speech is, it's been protected historic. Used to be, yeah. Yeah, no, it's found a way around it. And that's the thing with the, you know, like society, you know, like the morality versus
Starting point is 01:38:04 like what the law, what's protected versus what society finds tolerable. And now we're in a different age because it's so easy to just cancel someone from 3,000 miles away. I mean, it gets out there and say, well, we did it. That big company did it. Yeah, surely you don't support the government getting involved in big companies, do you?
Starting point is 01:38:31 Right, right. But the one thing I would like to sue them and prove that the government actually did it with discovery, but I fucking can't because the government prevents me from suing big companies for canceling people. It's a perfect deal. So how the fuck is this not just the government doing it? It's a perfect, they've got it sewn up is this not just the government doing it? Right, it's a perfect, they've got it, they've got it sewn up.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Hi, you guys nailed it, didn't ya? Yeah, they did. Surely you don't want to stop, surely you don't want the government to get involved in the companies. No, I don't, I'd like to, I'd like to sue them and prove that you guys are doing it actually. Right. So, but you made that illegal.
Starting point is 01:38:59 Yeah, so. Oh. Really got us, you really got, you really got stupid people there, didn't ya? I see what you did, but they don't. Nailed it, good job. Okay, so these things happened and, well, if you don't got a little emotional on the show. So this is a clip, this is a remix of it that somebody did.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Oh, no, yeah. Don't do voicemails and we'll get out of here. Even in cry during Titanic, do men even have feelings? I want people to get like the honest me, you know? I just want to comment. Yeah, started about the comment. He's like, his problem was parasocial relationships. Well, I'll let him. with parasocial relationships. Well, I'll let him.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Parasocial relate, is that like a parasite being? Yeah, parasocial is like a parasitic social relationship where people are friends with you, but you don't like, they like you. It's just like a type of fandom. It's a type of fandom because celebrities now are not very famous. Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:03 So there's like, it's easier to access them. Right. Okay, here you go. Because there's so many of these guys who are just out there and they're like, I'm your dad, I'm your brother. Right, I'm gonna teach you how to be a real man or whatever the fuck else. Yeah, and it's sick.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Yeah, like, can't you take? Yeah, yeah. But then I worry that I'm like, well, am I doing that subconsciously? Like, do I have to do that? And then you start kind of doing that as you start being like, hey, I am your buddy. I am your friend. Come celebrate me or whatever.
Starting point is 01:40:32 And then you celebrate me. Yeah. Do you think maybe that guys like Andrew Tade and like Eric Chilai, like they really are being genuine and that's just who they are? That's what I don't understand. And maybe that's why I get so, so, like Eric July, like they really are being genuine? And that's just who they are.
Starting point is 01:40:46 And that's what I don't understand. And maybe that's why I get so, so like Eric July is this whole like, we're gonna win. Well, you guys are all part of this thing I'm building. This is our company. Yeah, it's not gonna work. Yeah, where with me, I'm like, this is my comic. I made it like I love you guys.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Yeah, you're not like really a pie. I don't know, but you are, you know, because that's comic, I love you guys. Yeah. You're not really a pro. I don't know. But you are, you know, because that's a shitty fucking thing to say. And what you've made all those lunch boxes and stuff. You've got people like you, even though it's a dumb idea. I guess the whole thing of crowdfunding is the constant messaging of like, this is our journey
Starting point is 01:41:20 we're headed to get their kickstart, and put this in their testimonials. You're having a fucking meltdown. Look at some of our successful creators. Like, did I just love you? Yeah, I just don't know if I could... If I could... I mean, I do. I don't want you to think that I represent you,
Starting point is 01:41:37 but I do really feel like you're my friends and I appreciate it. You got a fucking big grip. Melting down over this comic Oh my god All right Oh man. Are you alright? I don't think it is.
Starting point is 01:42:06 You'll be okay. Oh wow. Take a break. Yeah. Get a beer. Oh Get a beer That's something going on down there. Yeah, I'm gonna be good here. Come on Everyone really mad that your channel got banned Well, I'm mad the mr. Girls channel got banned a mad
Starting point is 01:42:43 That were just like slaves to these fucking tech companies. Yeah, and he feel like just power. It's fucked. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a pressure cooker. That's what your comics are about, you know?
Starting point is 01:42:59 Yeah, but it's real. It will never get easy to fight these people, but it has to be done. There is no living without struggle and sacrifice for us, and there never will be. It will be okay. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:43:15 It will be okay because we have friends who will help us and an audience who will support us. It doesn't matter how many platforms I get kicked off of, people will follow me. Not all of them, but a lot of them will follow. They're just like constantly stressed out. And you, they will follow you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:31 Yeah, for sure. People will go that episode where Vito had a meltdown and cried. Just terrible. That wasn't entertaining at all. That's a little too real for some people. I fast forwarded that part. Just bad. That's a little too real for some people. I fast forwarded that part. Just bad.
Starting point is 01:43:49 Okay. Yeah, he's feeling it's the pressure of all the, he was in that moment, he was just tired. He was just tired. Okay. Major, not confident slash. Oh, wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry. Did I play the song at the end? I can't stop. Oh, wait, wait, wait, I'm sorry. Did I play the song at the end?
Starting point is 01:44:06 I forget. Usually, I mean, you used to play actual songs. Are we supposed to play a song? Are we supposed to play, um, one of, um, oh yeah. Uh, no, I'm going to play it. I'm going to play that when people can buy it. Oh, that's right. He's going to be really sick early, So like at the end of the, uh,
Starting point is 01:44:25 fuck, I forgot. Maybe next week. Next week, next week. He didn't remind me. He was supposed to come out June. That's on him. And then he was like, I'll release it early if you play it on the, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:33 Okay. Message request. Okay, okay. That's a, somebody saying something. Hey, a message. Yeah, that was a message. Somebody saying something. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:48 I haven't been doing any voicemails lately. Oh, by the way, I remember that dove ad with the video games. Oh, that's the woman who made it. Yeah. Oh, well. So she made a video of her own fat ass. What is that tattoo? But she's slimmer than she really is.
Starting point is 01:45:06 In the video game. In the video game is slimmer than she really is. I look at that, because I'm looking at the arms and stuff. Yeah. What is that tattoo she has over there? It's a eating tattoo. No, that's a, that's, that is just a terrible tattoo. And I, because I have looked at it,
Starting point is 01:45:21 I don't know what it is. It's hooking yourself. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I have no idea those were fucking. She can't know what it is. It's hugging yourself. Oh, I have no one else. Those were fucking. She can't actually wrap her arms around herself. She has a tattoo of hugging of her arms being wrapped around. She can't make that pose because she's too fat. That is definitely like the friend in high school who wanted to be a tattoo artist. Let me tattoo a like, like, just like, oh, yeah, I'll do that here. They, they just practice on you. Um, is that a standoffish
Starting point is 01:45:47 kind of tattoo? Like a don't come near me tattoo. Maybe. I mean, or is it a, it looks like a self-suffering hug because it's because the way the hands are, right? Like, well, I mean, look, I can't because I'm too muscular. Yeah, but you know, he fold like, look, if you're standoffish, yeah, one is under your hands, it's right. It's because they're vulnerable. So if you're giving like this. This is a self-suiting, I'm vulnerable hug because your hands are exposed.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Yeah, maybe so. Yeah, maybe so. Don't fat bit, fuck up or tattoo. Yeah. Okay. Well, well I never, we'll then, I can't believe that I didn't call in Keep leaving this it's show hey time I
Starting point is 01:46:33 Mean this is finished, but ours is not finished Yeah, that's a that is stunningly bad. I just I can't get over the produce that he's playing to. That's, I just, I keep seeing lettuce. Our heads of cabbage. Let us stay out there. Yeah. Amazing. They all, it was the giant, you know, angel stadium green out, apparently, or something.
Starting point is 01:46:54 It's the green monster. Yeah. Okay. Oh, that's, that is just piss poor. Let's see here. That is just awful. I would not put that on anybody's forehead. I would raise for you. It's not just big people talking about just that drives me up the wall. So almost a fun guess, but then he just went off to defense with like the
Starting point is 01:47:13 floor I should. All the other crazy stuff that he does. I absolutely love how you fuck with him though. Great stuff. But let's think to talk about like floor I didn't wash him. Washington teeth with clay nearly gave manadurism. Yeah. Don't walk yourself through just for Sonic Maddie. Rushing your teeth with clay, I forgot about that. He's kissing your dog. I'll cover it. Shoes kissable. Yeah. Man, I don't know where you find some of the people to go on your show. I don't know who the John just pretty these people to go on here, show me. I don't know who this is, John, this is pretty his, but he's pretty much,
Starting point is 01:47:48 pretty much just an autistic bear girl, dude, just eating raw ground beef from a countertop or something, so you can go and gut shit. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, this can't be right, man. You had to have lined this up from the sale of a shit that you can just wind them up for. Who would make that up?
Starting point is 01:48:10 Autisticish shit. Yeah, he put together all these puzzle pieces for him. Yeah, do you have a puzzle piece, bumper sticker on the back of the car? Yeah, yeah. You can't. Question geo-metrics. Here's a trip.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Here's a trip. I have a woodfish on it. It's a sm question to your mattress. It was a trip. It was a trip. I give a word first of all to smooch his for shop. Yeah, I just like, I could talk to that guy, fucking all day. Yeah, me too. It was great. Somebody on Reddit said, oh nice job introducing this guy dick,
Starting point is 01:48:38 like why should I even care about him? What? I don't, because you listen to the show, right? You should probably trust Dick to, like, to try to write a word in a day. Then he was gonna say something weird. Yeah. Yeah, you should care about him.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Oh gosh. He cured cancer. Let's have a really interesting conversation. Yeah, that fucking cured cancer. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be fucking thrilling. Yeah. Um, okay. Goddamn it, Dick. I had the same truck.
Starting point is 01:49:11 Is that idiot that you have in the last room and pushed it around the workout? That's the truck I have. Is that a ranger? I feel like I'm thinking more on. That's okay, a lot of people have that tried. Yeah. Yeah, pushes it around for, as you stop it, he, well, then he stops under its own momentum, I guess. Well, yeah, but he said he also, like, you know, he slows the momentum, you know, all, so he probably, you know, he sees that he has to stop before he hits a curb or something,
Starting point is 01:49:41 because he just, he just, say he doesn't like a church parking lot or something. Yeah. So, You think the church is okay with that? I mean, I would say that they'd probably prefer he didn't do it. But, you know, because I mean there might be other,
Starting point is 01:49:55 somebody get run over. Well, somebody who pushes a truck around for exercise, like that has underwriters, that's the warning, right? It's not come to this church. It's not like a person who's totally who makes good decisions about how long they need to stop or how fast they should push it. Yeah, those aren't the people who push trucks. So he's pushing the trucks. So yeah, I mean, he could very well he could also miscalculate something else. Besides pushing pushing, besides the pushing, thinking pushing a truck is a good idea.
Starting point is 01:50:28 Or pull a muscle and the truck just goes through the church like, or whatever, you know, I mean. Yeah, I would say that they should stop that. Yeah, probably ask him not to do it, you know. Okay. Here we go. Dick, I have to apologize. I was laughing about your whole sewage deal. It's funny. Because all the government bullshit in California,
Starting point is 01:50:54 well, they got me good. Oh yeah? I thought a week later after I laughed at you, I'm gonna call my roof, wiring up a new electrical service and the code enforcer stopped me that I had to go get a fucking permit. I go get their $20 permit so they can appraise my house hire with the hire and print service.
Starting point is 01:51:17 And it turns out the fuckers not even qualified has no certifications in electrical, only property maintenance, which is like grass and bullshit yeah so they fucking intimidated me into getting a permit that I didn't fucking need oh they can charge me more on what I'm not so he didn't have to get the permit after all but now when you get a permit you I don't know about it. The property tax Oh fuck they're gonna get my fucking property tax too Fuck did you get a quote on that thing out? Yeah, no, yeah, I avoid it too
Starting point is 01:51:56 No, I asked for two quotes, but It's just taking them to so long. They have a team full of women calculating them. Try to, it's like, they're taking people off the, any NASA project, right? And they're trying to figure out Dick's quote for his fucking shithole remedy. I'm gonna lose my fucking house.
Starting point is 01:52:17 So they're gonna re, they're gonna re-appraise it, right? With the pyramid. I mean, maybe they, I don't know, or a, but they're reassess it. Assess it, yeah. Yeah,, maybe they, I don't know, or a, but a reassess it. Assess it. Yeah. Which means they kind of just assess it for whatever they fucking want.
Starting point is 01:52:32 Oh, God. However much they need. Yeah, how much you guys need? How'd that reparations thing go? Do you see the Gavin Newsom said reparations is about more than money? I mean, that sounds like a politician's quote.'s point. They said here, it's too late. We need two million bucks appeased. And you know what? It's about more than money.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Yeah. So there's something in there. Yeah. All right. Sure. There's something in there. Sure. It's going to be a great president. Sure.
Starting point is 01:53:01 We'll be in jail, but he'll be a great president. Okay. Well, thanks for that voicemail. Yeah. Hey, dick. It's Tom from Germany. Here's a big near age. The term mindfulness. I've got to deal with my own shit and gone to a couple of therapists to try to see if it works. All of them tell me the same thing that I need more shit about being more mindful, more mindfulness and something a whole bunch of articles, meditation, blah, blah, blah. That's all fucking horse shit. I mean, the meditation, if anything, I need less mindfulness. Because your mind's fucking out.
Starting point is 01:53:39 Yeah. The problem is I care too much about the problems or the fact that my... No shit. shit. No shit. Terk with an Napoleonic complex that wants to shit on me at a return or that my fiance's got her own shit she's got to deal with that I have to also deal with. So I think meditating and focusing on being more
Starting point is 01:54:01 mindful of my present isn't going to fucking work. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. But you need is unmindfulness without liquor. That's the problem for men has always been to seek unmindfulness, but without drugs and alcohol. Yeah, which it does give you unmindfulness, but has crippling everything else onto it.
Starting point is 01:54:22 Women need mindfulness because they need women need to be told to think about anything other than themselves all day for you to get a scrap of it in there. Just a shred. Just a shred and maybe one time in 20 years some spark will happen to a woman where she'll think for a moment of strange thought will occur to her.
Starting point is 01:54:47 That's how it's foreign and uncomfortable. Yeah, and she'll go, why did I treat my husband of 20 years like that? Oh, well, and then it will go away immediately. But that's what the entire psychology industry complex is trying to inspire in women. That one little spark and then we'll build from there once we get it. Once we get it, we'll reduce the, once we can prove that we can spawn in women a thought about someone else who is not them. We will work on reducing that time and increasing that level of spark, but it's going to take generations for us to do this.
Starting point is 01:55:27 You know, now that we've tamed the wild, now we need to tame the woman. And that's what we're doing with all this mindfulness shit. So don't, don't be confused and think it's for you. It's not. It's just an elaborate con. We're playing on women. Listen, it's, you know, to get try to trick them into thinking and acting like men so we don't have to be gay. Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, good rant. That's good. That's good. Uh, anything that ends so we don't have to be gay.
Starting point is 01:56:06 Okay, look at this, look at this shit. This is Jordan Peterson. Oh man, look at that. That's a fucking terrifying photo. What is a woman? Oh, I think they're talking about trans shit. Okay, here's Tim Poole, who says, I hate these guys, you know.
Starting point is 01:56:22 I know, I know. These are guys who want to be conservatives, but would never give Nick Fuentes the time of day, right? They're total fucking frauds. They're liberals. They're liberals, they're dry liberals. They are liberals inside, but they act like conservatives to get money.
Starting point is 01:56:38 I really don't know what they fucking think. Temple, I don't care. Yeah, no. I only bring it into make fun of it. Temple, a Neo't care. Yeah, no. I only bring it into make fun of it. Temple, a neo-Vagina is a surgical wound that will close if not dilated with a medical device. Okay. The purpose of a neo-Vagina is for homosexual men to penetrate for sexual pleasure.
Starting point is 01:56:58 This is not disrespectful. It's factual. This is more settled science. Okay. So a neo-Vagina. Temple is a neo, a neo vagina can pull as a neo vagina. A neo vagina is a, it's where they cut your dick off and make a hole, right? Yeah. For gender dysphoria. Right. Well, that's not, not to these guys. It's, it's so gay
Starting point is 01:57:20 men can have sex with not a butthole, which I always thought was what gay men were after. I mean, that's typically what they've, what they've used. Apparently, but maybe the option wasn't available. You know, the option, it's a fairly recent. I'm sure the option to go, it was available. I mean, I don't know, you know, but I mean, you know,
Starting point is 01:57:41 to, I don't hear a lot of gay men and they're clamoring about how a butthole is not gonna do it for them anymore, that they need a knee, like I don't hear a lot of amazing, I talk to a lot of gay guys, not one time have I ever heard a review of a neo vagina that went, it was awesome. Gotta get, the gay community has really got a split down
Starting point is 01:58:00 the middle on who's the catcher and who's the pictures. It's in its infancy, you know, it's a, we need more data. A neo-Vadrina, the purpose is for a homosexual male to penetrate for sexual pleasure. I just really kind of don't think so. I don't think you know what a gay guy is. I mean, yeah, they have something that they can penetrate. Multiple things. They don't need any new things.
Starting point is 01:58:23 Right. Right. Okay. Okay. Good. And they're good. This clown joins into the party. Jordan Peterson who cries more than veto every day. Yeah. Israel's top conservative. Did you know, Israel has a show that they have Israel's top conservative where they bring every conservative influencer over to Tel Aviv and have a little, they vote every week to vote them off. Like they show them war crimes that Israel has done.
Starting point is 01:58:52 And then they ask them, like one of the competitions one week, they'll show like a war crime that Israel did. They'll have the conservatives go out and explain how it was justified and good. And then people will call in and vote which one is off. Who hosts this show? Trump, ironically. Yeah, yeah. What is Jordan Peterson says? What is a woman? What is a woman? This really is a CF. He's a woman. A gay boy. a gay boy. Now, he always, he's so,
Starting point is 01:59:26 he's a gay boy, but he's so pompous and pretentious that he normally chooses his words very carefully. It's nicely. You know what I've seen? Yeah, percent. So it's like, this is what this grotesque picture of is. This is, but I mean, this is very coarse. Like it's very,
Starting point is 01:59:41 they're fucking rage. It's like he's uneducated. Like, because they all, all they ever say is we got to keep Trans surgery away from kids and every every normal version is like, uh, yeah, we definitely have to do. We definitely have to get it away from kids. But then they turn around and do this shit. And it's like, well, wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:59:58 Are you guys sure it's just about the kid? What the fucking it or what are Pennywise or whatever the fucking clowns name? I don't know. Have to do all of that. I think that was just the, are you still there? Yeah, get out. Okay. I don't think he's calling it.
Starting point is 02:00:12 What is a woman, a gay boy with a surgical wound created for the sole purpose of another man's pleasure, acceptance of that definition has been made mandatory by law. All right. You guys are, that's his, I don't think you're winning a lot of hearts and minds with this shit of pale eyes, the clown, and talking about K guys banging surgical wounds. He's fucking dude, he's abusing pharmaceuticals again. That's the fucking...
Starting point is 02:00:35 I don't think you're helping. Anyway, I forget why I started talking about the... Who the fuck knows? Mindfulness. He was a psychiatrist too, wasn't he? Peterson? I believe I have clinical psychology. So now he's clinical psychology.
Starting point is 02:00:53 I don't know, but he's working with people's brains, right? He was. This motherfucker. But again, here's what I always say, when you are not actively in your field anymore, when you just when you are not actively in your field anymore, when you just become like like a, I, I, I say you're not on the cutting edge anymore. Like you, you just become a, uh, pundit or, you know, like you, um, lawyers who go on the news and say, well, blah, blah,
Starting point is 02:01:18 blah, blah, blah. I get it. Yeah, I mean, I like chops. I get it. You need like the expert opinion and stuff like that, but it's like how, how active is he being, especially in something that is as young as, as the research and stuff done on, on a lot of this stuff? Yeah. Or it's like, I mean, how he's, he's just a, he's a, he's a hack now. Like, if possible to do legitimate research in that area with every, like, company in the world coming down on you, like. You can't do IQ research. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:48 I don't know how much you can do and who can do it and where it can be done, but I mean, it is. He's nuts. That's hard to. Yeah, I don't know. He just, from what I've seen, and I don't, I don't watch him a lot, but I've seen interviews like with him and like, just every year he just gets more and more hack.
Starting point is 02:02:12 Yeah. Like, just say, it's just, like he's a hack. He's a fucking political hack. That's what he is. And there's a bunch of fucking political hacks who are very popular. I mean, as far as I was telling you about it. But as far as being like, somebody who should be held
Starting point is 02:02:24 in like regard for what he used to be, I wouldn't do that. Yeah. Okay. Here's another one. Hey, Dick. I got a rage for you. It's been a rage ever since I was a kid. Yeah. Why the fuck do people act like vaping is such a gay thing to do? Like it's so pretentious. You're still pretentious. You know, Vaping is good. You like such an asshole like, yeah, why do they hate it? One of the things I've ever heard is people talking about how much they fucking hate vaping. Like we get it. You're so different.
Starting point is 02:02:57 Like vaping makes you look so gay. Yeah. You're sure showing me. It makes you never say that shit about alcoholics. If you're addicted to nicotine, I think vaping makes you look considerate. Yeah. Like you like, oh yeah, it could be smoke in like it's like, it's like, it's all over your clothes.
Starting point is 02:03:15 Yeah, this is got right, right. Exactly. You stand around with somebody who smokes, you smell like smoke because everyone is a judgemental fuck until they're afraid of getting beat up for it. And there's two groups, well three, that will punish you for being judgmental towards them. And one of them is alcoholics. You criticize us, you better, we're storing that shit.
Starting point is 02:03:36 When we're so, bros, you know what, you're right. Really sorry, I'm trying to get up to say. I'm just trying to get up to say. But I'm storing that shit in the back of my head. As soon as I start drinking, that's coming right out. I will hammer you hard for that. And I can't say who the other groups are. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:03:53 Lickereads. Like liquor heads, yeah. The vapors just got to start throwing hands. Oh, you think vaping's gay? How about this for gay? How about I shove this fake up your ass? How's that pin? And just fucking tr-automize somebody
Starting point is 02:04:06 Uh Here is um Ungrateful girlfriend, huh? That's it. Hey dick. Well make me rage is ungrateful girlfriends Okay, I have spent two hours mounting a 70-inch TV yesterday. Make sure it was level. Make sure it was all Trying to find good to go beautiful angled correctly. It looks amazing. I'm sitting there watching TV after two hours. Rollfront comes home, pick one, look at it. Wrong place. Hi, don't you think?
Starting point is 02:04:34 I'm like, fix the tools in the corner. If you can get it down the two inches that you really think is going to make a difference with how great this looks. Okay. Be my fucking guy. Hi, don't you think? Don't you think? Don't you think? No, I didn't think. That's why I put it there. I don't think it's too high. Little high, don't you think? No. No. Only one of us thinks that. Yeah. You got to you got to prime them. If you're doing something for your girlfriend that you want her input on, you have to say, like, oh, I'm on the TV.
Starting point is 02:05:08 I had such a terrible job. It makes me feel so fat and dumb. And then she'll go, look something. It's so great. You did such a good job. That's funny. You know, there's a lot, there's something there. You got to communicate like them.
Starting point is 02:05:18 It's pretty good. Pretty good. All right. Here you go. Chipotle. Hey, Dave, you're on. I live in a shitty, like, pretty small town. We just got a Chipotle I'm sorry. I get just open a couple fucking weeks ago. I
Starting point is 02:05:33 In bed there a while I Got a burrito with steak Fucking block of moly. Oh, okay. I was like 15 I know whatever I got a fucking burito and a bottle of juice. $18 for like the fucking smallest breito, but can you get my entire life? Yeah. $18 fucking dollars, I hate people's letter life. The juice is expensive.
Starting point is 02:06:00 The juice is expensive. You're just good at home. Like you're a fucking retard by burrito and I just made 18, like, I know this is a very well constructed range. Oh, I get it. Well, it's inexpensive. Pretty easy fucking expensive for something that I ate that sad as fine. I forgot this one.
Starting point is 02:06:24 I had outcry is Australian police taser and 95-year-old woman. Care home resident phenomenal. An elderly Australian woman. And in what world is that? Yeah. With life-threatening injuries after being tazered by the police.
Starting point is 02:06:40 Officers were called. She was carrying a knife. Yeah. How she was fine armed with a steak knife. Yeah, moving it, you know, fucking a meter and a half per minute, you know, coming out them. She has to be here in about an hour. She's charging us with a knife. It's charging us. The two police officers tried to deescalate the situation at the care home before she began approaching police. It's fair to say at a slow pace and was tazered.
Starting point is 02:07:14 She had a walking frame, but she had a knife. The police said she had a walker. She had to hang onto that and the knife. She probably forgot she had the knife. Yeah, probably actually didn't even realize that she had it. She probably forgot to have the knife. Yeah, probably actually didn't even realize that she had it. Oh my God. That's their defense. You know, she had a walking frame, but she had a knife. That's right. Yeah. She's carrying it around for getting an apple, forgot where she was. And why were the cops there?
Starting point is 02:07:45 Because she had a knife. Uh, I guess, I don't know. She was struck twice in the chest and the back. Oh no, she broke her skull and has a brain. She's right. My families are shocked and confused. I guess it's not just the US. Well, why don't they kill those, like,
Starting point is 02:08:03 and what do you, how do you do? We got you guys understand. We got to kill you, right? Like, I mean, what how do you do? We got you guys understand. We got to kill you. Right. Right. I mean, this is just to there's not going to be any kind of investigation or that shit. We're going what evidence could possibly. Well, she was a very spry 95. Yeah. Holy shit. You just got to call it, go to the headquarters of the police. You guys are gonna kill those guys, right? Yeah, because we are. Obviously. You know, in the, you're not doing an investigation, are you? No, an investigation to what?
Starting point is 02:08:37 Just figure out how to kill them. We got, okay, all right, if that's it then I'll let you do it. It used to be when the, when the American mafia used to actually, used to kill people. Yeah. It, you know, you have the five main families in, you know, in New York, right? And say somebody,
Starting point is 02:08:57 who was an associate, like really fucked up and, you know, assaulted a made man or something like that. It's like one thing, you know, you know, you like you never raise your hands to a fucking made guy. You're not allowed to, you're never supposed to do that. Yeah. Like that's part of, you know, but like somebody who's an associate, you know, you, you definitely cannot punch up. Yeah. So the, that should be a death penalty.
Starting point is 02:09:22 Mm-hmm. So, you know, some of this will be like a sit down with the commission or something and there's what do we, you know, what do we do with this guy? Usually they answer like, would and should be in that life. Like you kill them. Well, if you're nice about it, your own family takes you out as opposed to the family who you, the guy who you write, because they may fucking torture you or whatever.
Starting point is 02:09:48 So it's like, he's got to go, but we get to do it. So you can do it humanely. Sure, I understand. The cops, it's like, look, you guys got to string them up in the square, hang them up side down from a fucking gas station like Mussolini and his wife, or a fucking, you know, kill tyrants for a long time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, or, you know, or... Kemp tyrants for a long time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or, you guys get to do it.
Starting point is 02:10:08 But they need to go. She's either one hell of an agile fit and fast intimidating 95-year-old woman. Yeah. Or there's a very poor lack of judgment. I don't think that covers it. I think it's that. Plus some.
Starting point is 02:10:28 No officer is above the law. Okay, whatever. They're not going to do shit. Yeah, right. No officer is above the law, except for what happens with everything. Except for literally every cop. Yeah, historically. All right. Here's one.
Starting point is 02:10:47 Yeah, hi, big. This is Chris calling him Norway. Hi, I got a message from my girlfriend saying, you know, you've got to step your game up. Yeah. You know, she's getting annoyed with you. So better, you know, you got a police, police, ladies, you know. More like this stuff in there. That's for you? For Dick?
Starting point is 02:11:18 I don't know. Go down to him. By the way, I hope you're a sewage thing. Thank you. Yeah, I hope you're a huge thing. Thank you. Yeah, I hope your huge thing works out. I'm called you some money, but you've made a couple of million. That doesn't matter. Right. Yeah, keep doing what you're doing. And I'll step your game up now. Yes, Steve, right.
Starting point is 02:11:49 He's showing a lot of you. So if you came up, okay. So, but his girlfriend said, you need to step your game up. I need to step my game up. Yeah, apparently you're not as entertaining as, oh, she would like it. I mean, that's kind of what I got from that. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:12:02 Usually I try to, I've been trying to get banned from that platform for years. What platform is it? Women. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No matter what I try to violate the T.O. everyday, I'm doing violations trying to get kicked off of them. Yeah, no, it's not, it never works.
Starting point is 02:12:20 I have tried to figure out, what do you guys hate? What do you hate hearing? Okay. I'm gonna do that. Still nothing. Where's that email? I wanna wake, one day I'll wake up to an email. This is a, you've been banned.
Starting point is 02:12:34 This is your final warning from women. You've been banned for too many community strikes. Yeah, your account will not be reinstated. Mm-hmm. And then I'll go. Kick my feet up. Peace it, lass. Lightest cigar inside my house.
Starting point is 02:12:51 Yeah. Nothing but birds chirping. Yeah. As far as the ear can hear. Like an enormous weight. There will be no need for an appeal. Yeah. Finally, banned from women, finally. What I've been searching for my whole life, just imagining it is putting me at such a state
Starting point is 02:13:13 of ease and rest. You will have lost your edge. You don't need an edge anymore. Nothing has. No, women, nothing has edges. It's just free and easy, smooth sailing. The wind always at your back. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 02:13:29 Not a wrong, no turns are wrong. Right. No doors are dinged. All wrongs are right. All wrongs are right. Ah. Okay, good bye everyone. See ya.
Starting point is 02:13:41 Thank you. Thanks for listening to us on Cozy and Rumble. Right. I had to make everything public. I hope people aren't pissed, cause usually I pay wall everything. I mean, usually I pay wall the live streams, but. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:56 I don't know. I was trying to get it out there. Yeah, now I'm just trying to be on something. Yeah. Yeah, we'll see. Okay, bye everyone. See ya. I'll upload the, I'll upload it
Starting point is 02:14:06 on a YouTube archive. Although I'm sure that will be deleted at some point. Well, maybe enjoy it while it lasts. Yeah. All right. Bye-bye. Later.

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