The Dick Show - Episode 369 - Dick on the Return of the King

Episode Date: July 24, 2023

Constitutional rights in a small town, Ralph vs. Zherka, Barbie vs. Ben Shapiro, doctors vs. weiners, and then unbridled lunacy, something about Plato, I honestly can't remember; all that and more thi...s week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are we streaming? Yes! We're streaming! And two places at once. Well, how long can that last? Actually, I don't think it will last a long time. What have you done? Well, the CEO of Rumble says he's taken on the shorts because everybody's shorting
Starting point is 00:00:23 Rumble. It's there not making any money. Got it. Okay. He's taken on the shorts because everybody's shorting rumble. It's there, not making any money. Got it. Okay. These goddamn shortsellers, they won't stop messing with the little guy. Right.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Well, Elon Musk sure showed them from 700 down to 200. Yeah, well, she'll go better for rumble. I mean, you get lustreous campaign of gold ads. And- Oh, is that what is on the commemorative plates? Oh my God, who are they marketing to? Like conservatives, cause conservatives don't buy anything based on ads.
Starting point is 00:00:55 They only, they have conservatives pride themselves on hating everything. But you're not buying if an ad tells them to buy. Yeah. Because they think the ads too gay or not gay enough. There wasn't enough military in that ad. Right. Not gay enough. But you're like ads for gold and what else?
Starting point is 00:01:09 Like this, I think of old people. Like gold. Yeah. You gotta have somewhere safe to put your money. NASA is sending a probe out to an asteroid that has 50 quintillion tons of rare earth metals because gold comes from supernovas, and they all got clumped together in one asteroid. James Cameron and NASA are gonna go get it.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Right, but by gold anyway. Yeah, sure. Trust me, it's worth, you know, that's not gonna work. Don't buy Ethereum, don't buy Bitcoin, that stuff's crazy. That stuff is gay. By the way, when we get 50 quintillion tons of gold on the planet, how the fuck do you think they're going to keep track of it?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Yeah. I have a hand for you. It's distributed. It's unhackable. It's trustless. It's going to be based, is the point. Not gay enough, dick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Try that. You want to take on the shorts? Try that in a small town. You're gonna take it in the shorts. You're gonna take it in the shorts. My grandpa Pappy has left me a gun that I'm gonna drill you right in the ass with in a small town. Hey, have you heard that song? Don't you threaten me with a good time. Try that in a small town. Hey, have you heard that song? Don't you threaten me with a good time? Try that in a small town. Yeah, a little bit of a car, Jack, a lady. Try that in a small town, buddy. Yeah. You want to rape that lady? Try that in a small
Starting point is 00:02:35 town, buddy. Yeah, right. You want to launch an unlicensed, you want to rape a lady, you better be related to her. Try that shit and just try that shit and not do it. You got a license for that rape, buddy. Try that shit in a small town. You want a boycott Israel? Try that in a small town, buddy. We don't take to kindly to anti-Semitism in a small town, buddy. Go back to Pettahwood, where you can boycott whomever you want.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Try that in a small town, buddy. buddy, go back to Pettah wood, where you can boycott whomever you want. Here we go. Try that in a small town, buddy. Yeah. Try that in a shit in a small town. You want a kneel in a football game? Try that in a small town, pal. Right. I got my dad's gun back here, passed it down to me because he's a poor, he's bad at wealth
Starting point is 00:03:23 planning and stupid at voting. So China does all the manufacturing. He had many fucking money, but you just try to drink that gay Bud Light in a small town, Mr. I'll launch your ad. You want to hear the lyrics of that song? I looked it up because everybody was complaining about it and sounding stupid. And I said, okay, everybody's awfully upset about this fucking song. Well, first of all, the song's very gay. I don't know any other way to put it. It sounds like lowest common denominator shit. I mean, just catering to the stupidest among us that's...
Starting point is 00:03:55 I thought it was gonna be like a old, like a country song. Like, try that, you're not a small, but it comes in like, like a love, like, do like I'm getting a massage in the song. Like a, like a ode to the love of the small town. Do do do do do. Like yeah, like, what's that song? Careless Whispers?
Starting point is 00:04:14 No, that's another. Careless Whispers, that's the, you know, sexy saxman, yeah, sexy saxman. Yeah, yeah. Try that in a small town. Sucker punch somebody on the sidewalk. All right. Okay, that's, you know, don't do that. Try that in a small town. Try that in a small town, sucker punch somebody on the sidewalk. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:25 That's, you know, don't do that. Try that in a small town. Try that in a small town. Yeah. I don't want you shouldn't be doing that. Shouldn't be doing that. Shouldn't be doing that. You really shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:04:33 You know what, go ahead and look. Shoot that guy. It's a bad look. I agree. Try that in. Yeah, you know what? Yeah. Waste him.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Grandpa's gun out, shove it up his ass. Blow his head right off. Am I inciting violence right now? I don't think, I think people know this is a, we're in a holy war, did you know that? Well, yeah, I did. I got the, I got the, I got the,
Starting point is 00:04:55 I got the, I got the, I got the, I got the, I got the, I got the, I got the, I got the,
Starting point is 00:05:03 I got the, I got the, I got the, I got the, I got the, war that we're in. Yeah, you better keep them to use. Try that in a small town, Buster. Try, if you think you're in a holy war, and your resolve is so strong that the other side is gonna die in this spiritual conflict before you. Yeah. If you wanna express that in a way, try that in a small town, buddy.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Your account's gone. I would never. Rumble Wasted Nick Fuentes account. Oh, did they? Video for saying when I just said, not in those words, but that was what he was saying. Oh, okay. And then a bunch of fantastic individuals
Starting point is 00:05:33 are pretending like, boy, Nick is ushering in the next Holocaust. Oh, sure. Well, yeah. Okay, well, yeah. Don't overreact or anything. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:05:49 You know what? The boy who cried, hallack. There's a hallack, I got out there, mister! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm sure. I've heard this before. I'm sure that's what it was like. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Right. Exactly like, if I had a time machine and go back in time, it's like, wow, it's exactly. Right, it's, like, it was. It was, it was. It right exactly like if I had a time machine and go back in time. So like wow, it's exactly right It's right is it was it was it's actually life had no idea how bad it was only what if only someone from a small town Would have shut this Hitler guy up right? I don't know why I like this comment so much, but I there was a there was a video I saw of Somebody who stuck up it was in Texas somebody stuck somebody stuck up a, uh, like a restaurant. Yeah. In a small town. Yeah. Well, I, I, I, and there was a, there was a guy,
Starting point is 00:06:30 there were two guys sitting there, a perfection guy said, yeah, like that. Yeah. No one robs fucking restaurants. Yeah. Small town. You're not gonna. Well, this guy gets out of the booth and fucking waste this guy, right? Yeah. Because he, I pulled out a gun and stuff and that one of the comments like, I always scroll down because I just want to see comments. I want to see if Ken M is there because I just want to hate humanity. Yeah. And that's good.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Yeah. And the one in the comment goes, he goes, that's Texas for you. He goes, you pull out a gun in public, you are guaranteed to get shot. And the very next comment was, unless it happens in a school in which case a Texan ain't worth a shit. And I fucking laughed so fucking hard because I was like, Very next comment was, unless it happens in a school in which case a text isn't worth a shit.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And I fucking laughed so fucking hard because I was like, that fucking school, fucking massacre with her. It's like, oh my god, that was like, you just, I mean, fucking just hammered from a protest you never lived that down. You coming into Texas? We'll just blast away. Oh yeah, what happened when that trans kid shot all those kids, but we guys on that one, too busy writing songs
Starting point is 00:07:29 about how tough you are. It was just a perfect comment at the time. So sucker, somebody, sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk. For the record, I do think Texans are worth a shit. I like Texas. What do you like? You making friends? You got a show. Yeah. I'm showing. I do. I was going to be going. You don't want people to walk out on and protest. I want people to buy tickets. And then I call it off the last minute. I happen to think that only on the refunds, steers and queers come from Texas. That's my policy. And you ain't got no horns, boy. I mean, uh, uh, Carjack and old lady at a red light. Try that in a small town. That's the next lyrics. You got to do it at a green light. Obviously. You know, she
Starting point is 00:08:17 could do it because she's fucking old and slow. Carjack and old lady. I can't see any light. Could be red. They red-dold ladies. He's writing that he's like, well, a lot of stuff rhymes with lights. I'm gonna go with that. Right. White, you know, full of gun. Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store. Okay, that's so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:34 That's very specifically, they get, the crimes get like more like evocative of a demographic as they go on. These are a little too, they're kind of, really, they're very specific. I mean, I know a little too, they're kind of, they're very specific. I mean, I know you've got, they're very specific. Okay, right?
Starting point is 00:08:51 Rip off the tag of a mattress. Yeah, okay. It's like almost like a weird out, Yankee. Okay, pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store. Well, that's cool. Well, act a fool if you like. Oh, you think it's cool. Well, act a fool if you like. Okay, yeah, it's cool. Well, act a fool if you like.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Okay. Yeah, that's it. People rob liquor stores because they think it's cool. That, do they? No, I don't know. Because I think it's cool. Maybe some of them. I mean, it can also be cool.
Starting point is 00:09:16 But I don't think that's the main, yeah, but an initiation is something that like you don't really have a choice in. If you want to be in a club. That's true. Yeah, the gentleman's club. Well, you might I mean you might get killed if you're not Well, I mean like there's three gangs where you get jumped in there's like you know, I'm in too Back back in the day and it was never how Eric July got into his gang that he says he's in I think he always says he was in he got sexed in he got sexed in
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yeah, he doesn't talk about it. And he'll deny it if you say, did you get sexed because he didn't get jumped in. He says he's not a violent guy. Right. So he must have gotten sexed in where they gang being you. Everyone in the gang fucks you. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Isn't that happened to him? There's so many people don't know what you saying. Pull out. Pull out. Yeah. Instead of pull up, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Okay. Here's the twist. Try it in a small town. Okay. Cuss out a cop. Uh-huh. What, uh, I'm pretty sure that's legal. That's legal.
Starting point is 00:10:13 It's done all the time. I'm pretty sure I can cuss out a cop. Yeah. I was saying, what's he supposed to do in a small town? Hey, you fucker. I'm getting car jacked. Why don't you do something about it? Yeah? Hey fat, hey you fat moron
Starting point is 00:10:30 Everyone's getting knocked out here and liquor stores are getting robbed. Why don't you worthless fucks do something about it instead of writing Parking tickets parking tickets you pieces of shit You'd better try that try that in a small town. I don't know. Well, you're getting car jacked Cuss out a cop. Yeah. No, we're doing that. Spittin' a cop's face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Well, then you're probably gonna get fucking arrested at that point. Yeah. I was a cop doing that. You're getting, you need to spit on his face for. I don't know, I don't know, I face for. I don't, I don't, I don't, I'm bullshit. I don't think that civil rights violation. I don't think that occurs to, uh,
Starting point is 00:11:10 to most people in the moment. I have to watch a lot of cops. I've never seen anyone spit in a cop's face. You see this hair thing that I have hanging here? Yeah, uh, yeah, your hair. I tell you this, I got a haircut. Yeah. And she goes, I could see her doing it
Starting point is 00:11:25 and you're thinking about it too. Yeah. She's like, well, you got kind of a split in there. You pull your hair back, right? You tuck it behind your ear and I'm like, yes. And then she goes, I'm just gonna cut a little bit off here and goes, whoop, snip. Oh, like a couple inches, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Couple inches. And I'm like, ah! There's no way that's gonna make it to my bun now. Now I'm fucked with this Superman Jerry Curl God damn thing. Oh, God it. I see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This will look cool.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yeah, sure. Ralph's gonna be calling in today. Really? Zerke, oh man. Oh boy. Say no more. Ralph has through the power of his own personal will, has rewound time itself to 2018. Did you know, have you checked your clock today? No. Through sheer force of will he personally rewound time uh-huh to mend fences in the sector of uh men's shouting at
Starting point is 00:12:29 each other online to provide optimal entertainment. He determined that that was the year to go back to so he rewound time to that year. It's called it's the Mandela effect. Is there anything that guy can't do? Is there anything that guy can't do? No. Well, we'll see. Okay. Okay. He's calling in for his update. Really, try umph and return.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Wow. I have taken a lot of shit. Yeah. Always supporting Ralph. Oh, I know. And this stock is raining dividends. This is real today. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Oh, mama Mia. Okay, cuss out a cop, spit in his face. Stomp on the flag and light it up. Well, that's just, that's basic, that's the basic civil liberties. Yeah. Lighting a flag on fire, stomping it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Basic freedom of speech that you're gonna shoot someone for in a small town. This sounds like a very unwelcome environment. If I'm honest, that I can't, I can't symbolically disagree with the, with the US government, the federal government. Yeah. Stop on the, stop on the flag and light it up. Bro, I'm doing that in my mind right now. Do you want me to go through the trouble of drawing one
Starting point is 00:13:47 and lighting it on fire or ordering one from Amazon that shipped from China to my door by a guy who doesn't even have time to shit or a place to pee that if they have to shit in a little bucket while they're driving around? Bro, I'm fucking burning a flag right now in my fucking mind in your small town. That's all I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:14:04 It's sitting there burning an infinite amount of fucking flags I'm making huge golems out of American flags and then I'm having one of a giant of me like ant man breathing fire like godzilla and lighting this giant robot made entirely of American flags that looks like Uncle Sam on fucking fire over your small town what are you gonna what are you gonna do about it if you think you're gonna do something about it i will grab your grandpa's gun and i'll like that should on fire too and i'll call the police in l.a. and i'll say hey police in l.a. i'm in a small
Starting point is 00:14:42 town can you get your asses out here right now and stop some crime over here? I know you don't stop crimes in LA. So perhaps you can take a little trip to Kansas or something and stop a murder and progress of a California tax paying citizen over here. What do you think about that? We're on a lunch break right now.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Well, pooo-doo. You're sorry. We're sorry. Yeah, the number you have dialed has been. Guys, you know that guy you've been swatting all these years? Yeah. Yeah. I'm in trouble.
Starting point is 00:15:11 You're not going to be able to fly your little helicopters around and show up with all your fucking guns if I'm getting killed in a small town for metaphorically burning a symbolic just symbolic icon of the United States headgemon. It's just, it's funny how everybody, a lot of people, it's all for freedom, protected all that kind of stuff, unless it kind of sticks in their craw and some way, then it's like, no, you take that fucking freedom away. Absolutely not, not around here. I don't want you to have that.
Starting point is 00:15:40 No, you don't get that kind of freedom. Yeah, this is horrible. This is horrible, huh? Burning a flag. I'm gonna get shot. Fuck, fuck you. Shoot you. So you're, you wanna get an epistol duel
Starting point is 00:15:55 over a got some chochki off the fucking internet? May I buy a woman by the way? You pathetic champ. All right, let's start the show. Fine. And a small town. See how far you make it down the road. Out here, we take care of our own. You cross that line. It won't take long. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Yeah. Yeah. Welcome to the heck, you want to dig, you need to dig, you love to, you've got it. It's the show where every of the contest coming to your life from Mount Pump Deepen, the hottest city failure. I'm your host, Nick Masch, which is an AK, the 20 million dollar man. Joining me is always this world touring, LA Basic Media and Sean the audio and just hello dick.
Starting point is 00:16:40 How you doing buddy? Thanks for not killing yourself. You can catch Sean at the ice house and Ovalde, Texas and Santa Fe. You'll be doing a benefit of all these where that shooting happened. Oh God, yeah, yeah. Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:16:55 I know I'm gonna have to you, Macana Hay will be doing a hunk off. Ovalde, they won't be removing any clothes. They'll just see who can, they'll see who can edge the 40 year old women in the crowd into who's gonna take their, who might take their shirt off. And as I say that I realized I used 40 as a pejorative, but I am 42. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:15 The women I'm talking about are the women I'm attracted to. You know, life comes out you fast, Shawn. Yeah, it does. If you don't pay attention, you could miss it. One minute, you're wondering how these goddamn adults fucked all this up in the next minute, you're wondering why these kids are trying to fuck all this up. Ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Oh, man. Why'd you guys fuck this up? What are you guys fucking doing? Stop. Yep, yup. Stop pissing them off on purpose. Try to hold it together here. D-transitioner, hot off, this is big.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Big news, go to for our bonus episode. I forget what it was. What was the best invention we had this time? Man, I had something with fat women. I know we talked about something with fat women. 100% sure of that. Some sort of a scale or a doorway or a vibrating set of keys that vibrates a minute before you get home so your girlfriend will take them out of her fucking purse and start getting
Starting point is 00:18:17 her act together. Oh yes, yes, yes. D-transitioner, bitterly regrets having testicles removed after struggling with being gay wall breaking news man regrets cutting off testicles bb breaking fox news at ten man regrets cutting off testicles
Starting point is 00:18:41 whoo on whoo uh... you're kidding me Stickles whoa on whoa I'm getting me. I don't know what kind of you know, verifiable Statistics or whatever there are, but I would imagine that that that is that's right here. There's got a There's got to be some regret when it doesn't when it when maybe that doesn't Fix them Fully enjoyed a purchase you've ever made in your life or a decision. I haven't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I mean, one where you just like absolutely nailed it totally worth it, totally a hundred percent in man on that. Even that I'm like, I don't know. Did I really need to pay? Yeah, I mean, I'm a five hundred bucks for hottest lap dance ever that I could ever imagine. That's, I could see not being. Not being. Not being.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Not being 100% satisfied with something like that. I can, I understand. You know, if I was a, if I was a trans doctor. Yeah. I might, I don't know if I would cut off every pair of testicles that walked into the office. You think they give them an ocular pat down and say like, I don't know a man.
Starting point is 00:19:42 I don't really, I don't really want to get killed by somebody whose testicles I chopped off because on a long enough timeline one of these guys is kind of snap. Well, if I got my testicles cut off, I would kill whoever did it. I don't know if that's allowed, I don't know if I'm allowed to say that on rumble. Well, but that's assuming that if I was in a holy war, the guy that cut my testicles off, you didn't want it done. Well, some sort of bamboozlery happening, that I was in a hole in the guy that cut my testicles off. You didn't want it done. Well, some sort of bamboozlery happening, I mean, you know, in a grand scale,
Starting point is 00:20:10 I'm sure that you can, I'm sure that people have been influenced, you know, whether kind of on the fence, if I asked for it, I would be pissed off. I mean, what the fuck? Well, you asked me to do it. Well, you shouldn't have done it. You're the fucking doctor.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I mean, there are like intermediary steps, right? I mean, like the, you take hormones, I mean, if you want to transition to it, it's still, even if you're a doctor, you'd be like, I don't know, man, I'm not doing this shit. Well, I mean, I, somebody, one of these guys is gonna get pissed off and snap. Yeah, I'm sure there are, there are those
Starting point is 00:20:42 who are like, I don't do that kind of surgery. Tits day, you could cut tits off, I mean, you're evil. You could cut tits off left and right. What's the woman gonna give you? If you've got the biomarker for breast cancer, it's so your soul, there's some full middle of your money. Yeah. It's like, yeah, that's, well, that's a, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Do you want to be part of the peto community? No. No, peto community. Peto community. Yeah, me and Vito came up with a new community for pet owners. Sure. We're calling ourselves the petos. Right, with a T, the petos. Ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Very good. What do you think about that? I think that probably won't make a little T-shirt for Vito. Yeah. Petos. Yeah. Like a kid, us and a kid and a dog. Maybe a dog. That's very funny.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Maybe a dog. Well, yeah, because we'd have a pet. So we don't want to, we don't want to, we want a pet to be in the plot. Yeah, but we can't put all the pets. We want to represent all pet owners. So we can't put all the pets on the shirt. No. So it's better to just have none and just show that it's us and a kid.
Starting point is 00:21:44 And that's like in your mind, you can put the pet, whatever pet you want in. Right. I don't know. And then you probably say put it in, like to suggest that you could put your own pet in. Don't see any problems with this. I don't see how this could, were the petos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Oh, I get it. I mean, I think it's obvious. And it should I think it's obvious and it should be obvious to someone. Yeah, it should be obvious to anyone who has not heard this conversation. I mean, but maybe that's their own stuff they've got to deal with inside. If they're thinking that that has nothing to do with owning a pet. Yeah. Shame on you. It's a, we're raising awareness of pets.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Right. Because there's some people that aren raising awareness of pets, right? Cause there's some people that aren't aware of pets. Well, again, not enough people know about pets. Try that satire in a small town. They're irresponsible in every other aspect of their life, but they don't have something else whose life they hold in their hands to be irresponsible with. Yeah, you need that.
Starting point is 00:22:40 You do need that. Keep you on track. Yeah, right, exactly. It really grows you up. You know, all those people who had kids like it, you on track. Yeah, right, exactly. It really grows you up. All those people who had kids, like it really, you know, really, really grew them all up. Yeah, they all nailed it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I love all these conservatives, like their marriages are falling apart. They're like, oh, I'm coming clean conservatives. Yeah, I'm coming clean about like all this abuse that's abnormal. I go, yeah, did that not work out for you? Yeah, you know, what about God? Was it either for you? Ha ha ha ha. Something tells me that like,
Starting point is 00:23:15 conservatives online, I think online is like a pressure cooker for everybody. If that's really how you make your living, like you're somebody online, all that kind of shit, I have no idea what the stats could possibly be or if they have any kind of data on that. But I would imagine that that kind of pressure, conservatives and liberals' marriages go south easier if you're an online personality versus just somebody working a job. There's got to be, I mean, it gets fucking, it gets crazy.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Check this out, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen. This is a new thing that women are doing to make money. That was so good. Gengang. See, it's called the NPC meme. The NPC meme. Where they act like this on camera. I don't know if they're doing it for money.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I don't know how it tracks what they're doing, but they basically respond to prompts in the exact same way, like a dog. Like they're trained when these icons pop up to say exactly one thing in the same way. It's really, it's the most amazing, incredible thing I've ever seen. I hope it takes over all of society women, obviously, but it's just it's exactly what they need and exactly how it's like, it's like, I've never seen such a perfect system for women. Here, watch, watch.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I asked you so good, oh, take it, baby, you get me from like a robot, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but It's asking so good. Grab, grab, grab, grab, guess it. Ice cream's so good. Who's checking off the dish? Me. It's fucking great. The idea of it, like, yeah, I can't get enough. I'm hooked. You wanna hear a talk like that and keep her clothes on?
Starting point is 00:25:17 Ah, yeah, kinda. So the clothes come off and I'm like, I'm not gonna fuck you, get outta here. Now it's just frustrating. But this, I'm like, I'm not gonna fuck you, get out of here. Now it's just frustrating. But this, I'm like, you're doing a lot of, that seems uncomfortable. It's a lot of work that you're doing. You're clearly operating at full potential.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Right. Full potential. I love it. Some woman works, that's a big making fun of it. And she was like doing it. And then she started to do a joke in the middle and it filled me with such deep revoljian. Well, that's the same, the joke isn't funny. It's like just like a performance for guys who want to fuck you.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Like it's not funny. How is it any different? All right, you know what I mean? I don't know, it's cool though. That's wild. Here's another shocker. This might shock you and amaze you. The Barbie movie, it's been reported to me that the Barbie movie
Starting point is 00:26:19 has some feminist themes in it. You're kidding. Really? You're kidding. Really? You're kidding. Blowing people's minds. Yeah. Really believe that, that toy that's focused on little girls
Starting point is 00:26:34 and empowering them and letting them shop about with shopping. You can do both. You can do well. In toys you can do both. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But see, the movie is apparently. You can do both. You can do well, you know, and toys you can do both. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But see, the movie is apparently, and people are totally melting down, you know.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Of course. Of course. This is Ben Shapiro, who has done the most conservative thing possible by buying a bunch of Barbie dolls and then lighting them on fire to show. Try that shit in a small town. There we go. Yeah, awesome. Wow, nailed it.
Starting point is 00:27:11 He didn't make the... He threw the Barbie in the trash and missed. Do you see that? Yeah. And then they decided to like very funnily do a photo edit of the Barbie going in the trash. I love that he paid for those. Yeah, he paid to see somebody paid for him. Look, he's all dressed up in all black. Look at how upset he is. Take a picture. My producer has dragged me to see Barbie, and it was the most woke movies I have ever seen. You think?
Starting point is 00:27:48 I mean, like that's... Man, I'm really just tired of, of woke, anything. And the backlash to it. I'm tired of that. Oh, yeah, totally. I was a little bit annoyed at intersectionality as it applied to like hiring in the arts
Starting point is 00:28:04 because people who weren't qualified to have jobs would have jobs and then would screw them up. I mean, like a diversity clauses and things like that in casts. Yeah. Yeah, no, I know. That's why guys would suffer. But more than the race, people who are talented and deserve to be there to make a good product would not be there.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Yeah. I mean, shitty products would be pushed out by giant marketing machines. That was a little bit annoying. That was a little bit annoying. That's totally true. But this makes me want to kill myself. That's a constant.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Right. The wokes are, Barbie's become woke. Oh my God. It's, yeah. I hope I think he finally made it uncool though, to be honest with you. He made it uncool though. To be honest with you. He made it uncool by this review here. I don't know how you talk about anything being woke anymore between Shapiro here in
Starting point is 00:28:52 DeSantis and they wore on woke shit, hammering it all the fucking time. There are some dumb people who are still caught up in that, but most people have kind of moved on to some other outrage. You know, like, yeah, what's the new stuff? What's the one I have where the kid's getting outraged at? I don't know, but it's like it. I hope it's the SEC. If you're still. I mean, not though.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Yeah, if you're still in this, this is, the backlash has been going on for a long time. Like, we get it. The kids are all about hustling now. Yeah. There's a tremendous outbreak of hustleritis happening. Hustling. As long as someone's paying for it
Starting point is 00:29:32 or it can make a dollar off of it, then it's fine. Then it's justified. Okay. Let me see where box this is. Oh yeah, okay. For example, what is the spiritual life? I'm a boy. Here's the actual I selling a cardboard box for $50.
Starting point is 00:29:58 What is this? He's selling a commemorative cardboard box that you can buy to store all your isoms in. You can store 50 isoms in this. Is that really it's an isombs brand-in storage container for your isom comics, for 50 bucks. And the response is, well, you know, if you can make a book doing it,
Starting point is 00:30:20 I don't think making a buck is like the best benchmark for if something is acceptable or not. I don't really like that. I don't really like that as a justification for everything. For everything that it, well, you know, you got to make a buck. I don't, you know, really. Yeah. You don't have to always make a buck. That's not the automatic justification for every goddamn thing everyone is doing at all times. Well, you know, there's total violation of all morality and principles, but you gotta get that bag.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Yeah. No, you don't. And you didn't get the bag either. They did. So I stopped. You're not next in line because you support this fucking behavior. I wonder what people are going to put in there.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Because nobody's getting 50 isome comics, right? I mean, that's a joke, but it's not a good joke, but people, why? Because they are. No, it's just like an exaggeration. It's just a normal comic box, but the idea that it's a branded box, yeah, for $50. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Piece of cardboard for $50. Funny to me. Eric wrote a whole book about me. A whole book. He has prolific. I'll give him that. If he had time to he edited this book report he wrote about me more than he edited it. I saw him. A book report? Yeah, he wrote like a whole than he edited. I saw a book report. Yeah, he wrote like a whole look that Buster Baxter is what he calls me. Buster back. Why? I think it's because he says I have buck teeth. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I have buck teeth. No, big head. Big head I have. Maybe it's just because I'm white. I think it actually has a racist dog whistle. Really? Buster, yeah, Buster Baxter's white. Let me pull it up.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Do you know who that is? No. Okay, let me show you. Dude, dude, dude, Buster Baxter. This is Buster Baxter. Oh, yeah, you pulled this up the other. Yeah. So that's what he calls me.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I think he's calling me just white. Because it's a white rabbit. Yeah. I mean, yeah calling me just white. Because it's a white rabbit. Yeah. I mean, yeah. It's racist. Um, look at all this. What the fuck? I said that he was dumb for doing his own
Starting point is 00:32:34 wear at fulfillment and having a warehouse because it's dumb. Okay. And then he wrote this gigantic. Oh my god. See, I thought he had just kind of stopped paying attention to you. Which would have been smart. Yeah, it would have been. I don't know, like people, they can't, they just can't do it. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Because I'm so annoying. Yeah, it really is. Yeah. I know exactly why they're fucking up, but I won't stop talking about it. Yeah. Uh, uh, uh, he's trying to justify how much he wrote. I know, right? But it seems it just scanning it very quickly. It seems like he's actually trying to explain things. Well, he's trying to explain why he made a bad decision. Well, I mean, he's, but it's like, why is he, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I, again, you don't need this explanation for something that happens around the planet millions of times a day. I don't know why he's just not ignoring. He clearly has a lot of, a lot of people who support him, right? I mean, yeah. He's a black conservative, but he can't, it seems, the audience is built in. Yeah. But it seems like he can't he can't stand somebody
Starting point is 00:33:47 Just yelling on the corner like a crazy person well again. Yeah, I can serve it Uh This is a warehouseing book report on why why he needs to run his own warehouse and pay eight people to fulfill the warehouse instead of as I suggested Just outsource it to ShipBob, comma, you fucking moron. Oh. I don't know if you, I don't know if you know this, but you know, when you're doing something,
Starting point is 00:34:15 you generally wanna concentrate all your efforts on the thing that is the most important about what you're doing and outsource everything else. Well, because that's wasted energy and time and it ain't inefficient. Yeah, yeah. So if you're doing and outsource everything else. Well, because that's wasted energy and time and it isn't inefficient. Yeah. So if you're doing comics, just make comics and outsource it to fulfillment centers.
Starting point is 00:34:31 There are people who do that professionally. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's, yeah. People, it's a, a lot of people who are new with that kind of stuff, it's a real control thing. Yeah. It's like, I gotta make sure that everything is done. It's like, you're really, you're not,
Starting point is 00:34:50 you can't be that broad and be good at everything, you know? It's, I found a interview with him too, where he's, excuse me, embarrassing himself. Oh. This guy asked the same basic questions I did. Like, well, what's his motivation? I fucking melts down. Maybe we'll do that.
Starting point is 00:35:09 One of these days. What's his motivation to do what? To do the isom to do anything. Oh, don't. What's his motivation at all? Okay, this is a national guard ad. Okay. This looks pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Someone sent this in. Gender doesn't matter to the national Guard. That's their new slogan. Let's see what's going on. The Army bread. And I was an active duty Army bread, and all I wanted to do growing up was be part of the military and serve my country and be part of something bigger. I waited until Don't Ask Don't Tell Was Repealed, so I actually joined when I was 32.
Starting point is 00:35:47 My MOS is 12 alpha, I'm an engineer officer. And that means both the construction type of engineering, building things and making bridges, that also means combat engineering, which is building obstacles, destroying obstacles, demolitions, all of that fun. You tell landmines that kid step on, though. Yeah. What was his head?
Starting point is 00:36:07 Filling obstacles. Well, where, you mean like all the ones that are in Afghanistan still? Hmm. Oh, I don't know if that's, you want to do that? That was your dream? I got to wait till they let Gays in the Army, so I can go put some landmines around the Middle East. Maybe they didn't think that far, and you know, like it's landmines around the Middle East. Maybe they didn't think that far.
Starting point is 00:36:25 And like landmines specifically, but I knew they wanted to be part of the... Part of the... Yeah, building bridges and destroying them. Seems kind of... And odds with engineering. Build good bridges and blow up bad bridges. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:36:42 There's a good in the bad. I see everything. Don't you know that dick? I should, sorry, I'm shooting off my mouth. When I became an officer, infantry and armor weren't open to females. And the combat side of engineering wasn't open until about 2016 or so.
Starting point is 00:36:58 I was drawn to it just because I like the technical aspect. And again, like getting my hands dirty and my teams have always been very welcoming. It's about what you know, it's about teamwork, it's about taking care of your soldiers. So really as long as you show that you can build trust in your team and that you take care of your... You guys are supposed to be killing people.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Yeah. What is this? I will say if they want to appeal to like who they're trying to appeal to. Left wing. Well, people who don't belong. They picked a good person. Like she's really, she comes off very genuine. Yeah, they picked a, they cast well.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah, they did. Gender doesn't matter. I can't tell what gender she went to where. You know? Well, she's the one lesbian. Yeah, yeah, okay. All right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:47 There you go. The Army National Guard. Uh, that's cool. Look, you know, I mean, obviously, get our TV Ukraine for crudings down. Then yeah, it's still, you know, there's, there are big business, there are big business like every other big business. And, you know, it's, I guarantee you, they brought in new marketing people.
Starting point is 00:38:10 You know, I guarantee you, they, they're, you know, thinking, when I hate the outside the box, you know, because that's what I, I guarantee you, somebody said that in the meeting, you know, that's the. Yeah. Here's a tiktok, a sass, tiktok her name, sassy trucker. Got arrested and do buy faces two years in prison for screaming at a car rental worker. Oh, man. Sure, it should be more, should be more polite. So I've kind of fully, I fully support this having not known anything else besides what you just told me. I think it was a good decision. How many of these sassy truckers can we send to Dubai and
Starting point is 00:38:53 just hope they don't come back, right? Can I go down to TSA, say, ma'am, you have, excuse me, I noticed that you're shouting sassally at everyone. Right. Congratulations. You smell like a trucker. So you've won a free trip to Dubai. There you go. Make sure you represent.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Right. Don't take any disrespect. I want you to make sure you're representing America on this trip. Yeah. And they are very disrespectful. That's very disrespectful. Very disrespectful. They're known for their disrespect.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Right, especially to people of size. If any of them, whenever they're speaking in a language, you don't understand most likely disrespect as well. Right, they're talking about you. But then they like women that get in their face. Yeah. You know, they're so used to weak women in jobs and stuff. They like it when a fiery, sassy, trucker-smelling woman really gets up in there, opens their eyes. They instantly get
Starting point is 00:39:58 fucking hard on. Yeah. Thank Queen Latifa. Yeah. But more amped up. Sure. Monique, right? Okay. These are, watch these movies on your way over there. Uh, so that's some good news. We'll probably trade a serial killer to get around. Yeah, I'll tell you something. We do, we make some trades sometimes. Here's, uh, here's some advice on how to not raise gay kids.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I don't, someone sent this to me. In case you were wondering, I know it's a big, I know it's important for people when they have kids that they not be gay in any way. This guy says homosexuality can be cured if you catch it early enough. So when he's old enough to hunt food for himself, that's early enough. Yeah. I think he's probably gay by then, man. If your son tells you, dad, I'm gay, take him to the wilderness with you, bring no food
Starting point is 00:40:56 in one knife. You just take off work, I guess. Now both of you have to survive for a month. Taking a month off work? Oh boy, I don't think you have a job. You're telling me he comes back home gay? I bet he doesn't. I bet you both come home dead. I bet you both die.
Starting point is 00:41:17 One knife. What if, and you know, he's just not gonna do anything and then dad's gonna have to do it and he's fucking old and slow and highly overrates his abilities as a man. So he fucking, he falls out of a tree the second day and is paralyzed. Yeah, I mean, you know, he's fucking people who one knife. Yeah, good luck. Good luck against fucking millions of years of fucking evolution by an animal running from a fucking predator. I would love to see what the fuck are you going to do with the fucking knife? I want to see a tape-tack trend where it's kids telling
Starting point is 00:41:54 their, their gen X or millennial parents, their gay, their conservative parents that they're gay. Right. Okay. Check this out. Mom, I'm gay. Yeah, I just see it watching them melt down from people like that. Yeah. Yeah. I don't get it. I never will. Okay, let's read some comments. And then we're going to talk to the Ralph Amale, Zyrka says he's coming in. My God. It's a it's a packed day today. Do I see him in here? I can't. Does John Pricks bad news? John, do you want to call in? Do you have anything to say? You're just listening. I'm mute yourself if you want to talk.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Nicholas Lambert says, a custom peto badge, okay? For me, it reads, for me, this badge reads, I'm a petophile and lives don't matter, but that's just me, I guess. Love the show. Here's what he sent in. Let's see this badge that he sent in.
Starting point is 00:42:50 This should be interesting. Maybe these people are stealing our peto idea. Gotcha. Looks like a fireman's badge or something. Here it is. Here we go. It does look like a fireman's patch. It says in, it's a badge that someone made for themselves. And he's taking a picture of himself holding the badge. He hasn't put the badge on anything yet, but it's a patch that you would put on a backpack or something.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And it says in giant capital letters on the top, pedophile, and then in very small letters on the bottom, lives don't matter. And in the middle of those things, the focus of the badge is a wood shipper with some legs going in and some blood and guts, someone being blended up, coming out to the other side. That's what that is. I don't know if I would grasp the subtlety of this badge if I saw it from a distance of like 10 feet. I think I would just make out the gigantic word pedophile across the top. pedophile across the top. And then if I were bizarre enough to inquire further, I might read the lives don't matter and think that's just like the guy's saying he's a nihilist. Right. And a pedophile. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. It's, they don't necessarily, you could read them as like separate. Yeah. And then I would not be able to tell that this wood shipper is a guy, is it a guy getting
Starting point is 00:44:26 shoved? Yeah, I mean, no, the other guy's not. I mean, look at it. It's, you know, what do you think? I think it's, you know, I, it's not something that, you know, I'm, it's not something you'd be interested in. Yeah. I don't think I'm not going to order that.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Okay. Well, you're lost. I don't know how many he, he, you know, he printed up, but yeah. I'm going to put those in those isom boxes, you know, like people will just fill, fill that up with that. Cardboard box. Yeah, it's for storing comics. Is that really what it's been marketed as? Yeah, comic storage box for 50 bucks. Okay, well, because it's got that shitty wrapping paper all over it. Dr. Teath says, thanks for mentioning the Tucker, the Tucker Carlson garage interview with Andrew Tain,
Starting point is 00:45:09 he calls him. I've watched. It's so obvious, but it's just funny. I watched it in my favorite part was when Tucker Carlson asked, what are you charged with and Andrew gave his answer, leaving out that one of the charges was rape? Yeah, you know, yeah, you know. Maybe they asked him not to say,
Starting point is 00:45:31 I was like, well, that's kind of gonna be, that's gonna turn off our viewers. You know, that's not very marketable. I've heard, I've heard like interrogators say when they've got someone basically dead to rights, they know they killed somebody. You'll get 80, it's they call it 80 20. You'll get 80% the truth eventually.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Oh really? They've got, they've got to hold back like, but I thought, I thought he had a gun. Like, you know what I mean? That's why I fucking killed him. So it's something like they can't admit, most, unless you're a complete fucking sociopath, but it's, most people like, it's like a guilty,
Starting point is 00:46:03 it's like, I can't, I can't just say that, fully honest. So it's like, yeah, I'm trying this, this, this, this. I gotta leave out rape. I can't quite grasp the fact that I'm being charged with rape. Because I did do it. Yeah, I can't completely deny that I did it. I did do it. I did do the right. And I can't completely deny that I did it. Well, there's like this, I found this funny string of things about Andrew Tate, where he talks very openly in his war room about how he calls it the war room that you have to pay
Starting point is 00:46:38 to be a part of, like a hundred bucks or five hundred bucks or something. And he's describing how he's currently trying to trick this woman into flying out for him and living at his house and being at Kamhor. Wait, he's like, currently he's trying to do this. No, this is part of his, this is part of the evidence. Is he in jail right now? No, he's in house arrest. He's in house arrest. He's got like a monitor, I'm sure, right? So they know where his fucking ass is out. Yeah, I don't know. He says all the pre-work. So he's describing how he's getting this girl to come work for him. Yeah. All the pre-work, like her not going back to her hometown, etc. Maybe now you guys see how important all that was.
Starting point is 00:47:21 All right. Right. Right. Going to shoot for work. Need to have her fully committed to combat these convictions. And this guy says, the first comment to him is from one of his war room guys who says, yeah, that isolation is critical. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mike, you guys are, you guys are definitely going to jail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't, I don't know if you, I mean, I know your dad, like, wasn't very good.
Starting point is 00:47:43 He probably should have told you this, but you can't be do what you're doing there is, it doesn't really matter if it's illegal or not. You're talking about isolating women from their families so they can be prostitutes for you. They'll just put you in jail for fun. This is a small town you're living in. Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:00 You can't be doing that, she's right. That's what everybody's in a small town. Yeah. Everyone is in a small town of Earth when it comes to praying on Christian women and isolating them from their families. Yeah, sure. To legal, you don't have to agree with it or not,
Starting point is 00:48:18 it's illegal to do. Yeah. Okay, what else do I have here? I've got some advice. Then we're gonna get the Ralph Mail on, I think. The Ralph Mail. I don't know when Zirk is going to get here. He was, well, he was pretty late last time, but that's his way, right?
Starting point is 00:48:30 He said he's on his way. Yeah. I don't know where he's coming from. Liver says, how do I explain to my girlfriend that covering every flat surface in useless, meaningless ornaments makes our place look trashy. I'm trying to convince her that sometimes a flat surface doesn't need to be covered in meaningless garbage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:52 They do have a habit of buying anything made out of wood or anything useful, racks upon racks of women, women want your house to look like a store so that when you go in, you're overwhelmed with fabricated shit and that the shelving is up to the ceiling. They would ideally prefer, yeah, they would ideally prefer that a little man be walking around stocking the shelves at your house in every single room and then going to the garage and getting more stuff and bringing it out so they can open stuff and then just throw it away before the expiration date. Did I give up any chance for visual clarity when I let her move in?
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yes, you're in a holy war now. Yeah. I mean, yeah, your resolve has to be very, has to be greater than hers. Do not allow to not allow these things. Have I given up having a clutter free space? Please advise. Go fuck yourself, smooch it's done. I have gone to, I have gone to great lengths to make sure that my house does not have any
Starting point is 00:50:03 sort of happy fall y'all or, uh, truck boards on the wall with shit about family written on them. Uh, one good way to do that is to say is to tell her, I like your style and you're decorating, obviously, a lie. I like it, but I want it to be expensive to reflect how I feel about you. And then just keep, and then keep setting the price so high that you can't afford it.
Starting point is 00:50:34 I want a bunch of touch keys and shit around the house, but it just needs to look fancy. And then every couple of years, you get like a vase or something, right? Well, that way you keep it down. Yeah, that's one way to tamp it down. And then every couple of years, you spring, you get like a vase or something, right? Right. Right. Well, that way you keep it. Yeah, you keep it down. Yeah. That's one way to tamp it down. That's right.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Another way is just if she comes home from coals with a bag of stuff for Christmas, put it in the front yard and light it on fire. Like a Barbie. Like a Barbie. Yeah. And then say the next time. No, no, leave it. Leave it. That's Ralph. Oh yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Let's talk to Ralph now. Yeah, let's talk to Ralph. Talk to Ralph a little bit if he's here. Oh, I feel like we should get a drum roll or something. Are you suppressed? Can somebody unsuppress these motherfuckers? Okay, can you hear me now? Yes, who is that?
Starting point is 00:51:27 How's it going, brother? Oh, there you go, it's fucking Ralph. How did you do it? How did you do it? Justin did it. No, it just, it just sucks. I just worked it now. Oh, Ralph.
Starting point is 00:51:40 What has your week been like? It has been probably the wildest week of my career. I have to say. I've been glued a lot. I've been glued to the Ralph Retorit all week. Like I can't even pretend to pay attention at dinner when we're talking because I've got Ralph on. He is mowing.
Starting point is 00:52:00 He is, I mean, he is doing the impossible at times. Ralph did this thing. This is gonna be, this is gonna be two inside baseball for people, but he's watching this guy, Leuffy, who's very famous, doing a stream, and Ralph on his stream is trying to get himself interjected on the other stream, and I thought, this is impossible.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Ralph's crazy. He's never gonna get on that other guy, because he's just going on there to wreck people, to make fun of them. Here, let me give, let me tell you how this culminated. Okay. I tell you if you're going to be interested in this story. It ended in a two way screaming match last night where leafy would unmute for a second and Ralph would just say over and over, you show your estimate on the minute, you show your estimate on the internet, you show your estimate on the internet, you show your estimate on the, before leave you would mute him
Starting point is 00:52:46 I never thought something could be I never thought something like that could be so funny that every time leave you would go to talk to Ralph Ralph would just go you spread your ass for man on the internet you spread your now as for man on the internet you spread your ass It's like the 21st century Bob a booey. I couldn't believe it I'm rolling. Oh, yeah, I'm rolling and just waiting for him to unmute it again. So he goes, you spread your ass from out on the internet. You spread your ass from out of the, why did he keep unmuting him? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:15 There's no way he's going to unmute him again. And then here it fucking comes, you spread your ass. It's like Ralph will be talking normally hosting a show. And he will hear that but do you can go you spread your ass for men on the internet you spread your ass for men on the internet you spread your ass like over and over and over. What were you thinking while that was going on Ralph? Well I was mainly thinking about what a pussy leafy is and how he spreads his eyes all
Starting point is 00:53:38 open for men on the internet. Yes, he does do this. Okay, I see. But he's also like extremely anti gay, isn't he? Well, he's extremely anti gay. I believe that's probably what they would call cover there. If you saw the photograph, I'm not sure if you did. I don't think you probably ever take a photograph like that. I know that I haven't.
Starting point is 00:54:10 No, you know what? I'll tell you, he didn't admit that it was a guy, but if you're gonna show your asshole to a woman, I think you'd do it in a little more precocious way. Right. I saw the picture and I'm like, if he said that was for a woman, I'd have to see that woman.
Starting point is 00:54:25 He should have just said, my doctor was hacked. My proctologist was hacked. Can someone post the picture in Discord so Sean can see it? No, no, don't fucking post it. Okay, definitely don't do it. I'm just going to have a censored version if you want me to post up, yeah, that would be better. Okay. Actually, it was a real one now that Sean's looking because he thinks it's going to be censored. Well, I know what's coming. Let me see in the general chat. Okay, I'll only post it. Yeah, here. Oh. What the hell is this guy hates gay people, trans people, you know?
Starting point is 00:55:14 Why did he do this? Why does anyone do that? Yeah, like I'm expecting a, you know, like a logical answer by ask that question. I'm the idiot. So why'd you do that? Yeah. Well, you know, I wanted to get my ass all out there. I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:55:32 That'd be exciting. Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty exciting, you know, I regret it. Yeah. And to be on a, you know, most wanted poster, when I really regret fucking with Ralph, that I'll tell you that. That's what I really regret in this, in this scenario is screwing with Ethan Ralph and disrespecting him. I think there's a lot of people that regret that over the past week actually.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Dick. Oh, God. So I'm watching Ralph and leafy's doing this street leafy's doing a stream with Nick went to all the big guys, right? Uh-huh. And Ralph is fresh off this huge contentious breakup he has with Nick Fwent has. Ralph and Nick Fwent has now hate each other. Oh, really? They're fighting in a big way. Okay. The Holy Wars now, Nick versus Ralph instead of Nick versus two.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Yeah, this is the real one. Right, that's right. Yeah. So you have to believe in God still now or can we drop that and we still now that you're off cozy. God damn. I felt like I wouldn't even say God damn on cozy a lot of times. I feel free.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I feel like a spell has been lifted and I have manifested time back to 2018. Honestly. I heard you say that. That was one of the funniest things you've ever said. When you caught that, when you called your father in law, Mr. F Slurman, and when you referred to Kiwi Farms as those F Slurfs from F Slur Far slur farms is probably the three best Ralph quotes that we say all the time in this house. Yeah, you know, those F slurs from F slur farms. I mean, but that is where they would be from, right?
Starting point is 00:57:15 I mean, it's a farm. I mean, farming them or is it just their operation or are they both operating it and farming other F slurs? You can do both so provocative. Yeah. And Mr. Eftler, man. Right. Not just Mr. Eftler.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Respectful. You sped your back for men on the internet. You sped your ass for men. I couldn't believe that you could talk so fast without error. Well he kept, you know, if first he popped on and said something and then dropped and and I didn't get a chance to talk. And I was like, if he brings me back on the very first thing, I'm going to say is he spread this ass out for men on the internet.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And he was dumb enough to keep bringing me back on. And you know, I don't want to break through it. It's hard for somebody to actually talk faster than me if I really want to be quick on the draw. And so every time he would unmute, I would just be like, bam, you spread your asshole from in on the internet, bam, you've shared your asshole from in on the internet. And he was dumb enough to keep doing it.
Starting point is 00:58:18 And he basically promoted my channel at the same time. He siphoned off. I don't even know, five six hundred of his viewers. It was just a really weird, you know, he thought, I guess he thought he was showing me, but, I don't think it was. I don't think it was. I'm too old. And you got, the way you got on there in the first place was just by spamming the, spamming
Starting point is 00:58:41 his chat with your name. And I thought, well, there's, there's no way, there's no way this is going to work. And I doubt I said, well, Ralph is, there's no way this is going to work. And sure enough, after an hour of that, here comes Ralph. Yeah. Well, that's how I done it earlier in the week two because Nick was going on there to debate Keemstar and the most boring little segment ever because Keemstar clearly doesn't even give a fuck about Nick Fuentes anymore. And so they did have that segment, but I went in there, I was actually on Leafy Show twice, this the first time. I had my chat just absolutely keep going and saying in his until they literally push
Starting point is 00:59:20 me on the show. And then Nick Fuentes and I had what you would call a game of telephone basically because he's too big of a pussy to face me one on one. That was bad. That was so. Yeah. Nick and Ralph have been Nick Fuentes and Ralph have been have heard at an enmity now. And how did this? How did this start? Yeah. Do you want to get into? Do you want to get into that? Ralph. I'll get. I'll get. I'll just open a can. I do want to say that I have always backed Nick Fuentes, you know, and I'll back anyone against censorship. And I do like the way he talks about like American policy. But as also always said, I do not like God. So if when it starts
Starting point is 01:00:02 getting, God, if America first becomes God first, I'm out. Yeah, sure. I can't. I appreciate Nick and all those guys there for their support. And I still support people generally against big tech and the American God. I support anyone over the American government, anyone. But God does not resonate with me. So any messaging that it becomes fair enough and all the Talmud stuff has got to stop, in my opinion. The what? Talmud. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:29 The Talmud is like, ancient texts of rabbis saying, and they're saying horrible stuff, but this is like ancient, I don't know. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't,
Starting point is 01:00:41 I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, to Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, Florida, and for an event that Nick was having. And I got there and well, I had a little relapse, let's be honest. You know, I had some, I had a good run of sobriety and I've been doing really well and I had a little relapse for a couple of different reasons I won't go into. But, you know, it's kind of common, I guess early on in sobriety, especially, but I'm not going to be much, too much about it.
Starting point is 01:01:12 But so that happened and right when I landed at the airport, I got served with a defamation lawsuit. Oh, wow. And yeah, which is interesting. I won't get into that either. I see what the won't get into that either. From the fire with the airport, that could be. I'm glad to get in. From it's from the father of the mother of Ralph's first son.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Got it. He's suing Ralph for defamation in California, which is suicidal, in my opinion. Did you Ralph, did you hear Nick Riccata and I talking about this? No, I didn't actually. It was when it was right when it happened. I was on Rikata's show and we were, we were fucking around and I brought it up because I happened to, I mean, you know, I guess at this point, we all know not about the fucking law because of all these assholes.
Starting point is 01:01:58 In California, because of Hollywood, ironically, because of this holy war that these guys are always complaining about. The entertainment industry has made sure that our defamate, that our anti-slap, that our protections over speech are like ironclad in California. If you sue somebody to shut them up, if you sue someone for defamation in order to silence them, they can sue you for, I think it's up to nine times attorneys fees as punishment and as a way to limit those types of lawsuits and to let the entertainment industries say whatever they want, basically free speech. But anyway, yeah, so it's interesting.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Yeah. Anyway, I was in West Palm Beach. I showed up. I got served. I then I made a video. I'd said on stream a few days before or something that Because I knew this was coming. I'd seen actually it wasn't a secret the lawsuit They thought that it was secretive or whatever, but I'd seen yeah
Starting point is 01:02:57 So but I didn't say anything right because you don't want to say that you know about the lawsuit, right? and so I kind of knew this was coming and I said on the stream that my idol was OJ Simpson or I tweeted that out or something. And you saw my idol and you murdered his wife. And then I was like, no, because he got sued and he never paid the judgment. That's why it's my idol. And so that was, so I made a video explaining
Starting point is 01:03:27 why. Now, of course, I was super trashed on this video explaining why OJ Simpson was my idol in the middle of the Florida Dental Airport. And I put this out and immediately, you know, it started getting a blowback, I guess you could say. And the groyper started like pushing back and like this guy needs to leave town. The guy I was supposed to stay with who's like Nick Fuentes is number two guys like you can't stay here. And so I had to get a hotel and I was supposed to stay there, right? So I woke up the next day and I was sober and I said, okay, you know, can I come over? You guys are hanging out like all the top cozy guys were there.
Starting point is 01:04:05 And they, and he wouldn't let me come over him. And they froze me out. They froze me out. And then I started seeing on Twitter a coordinated push for me to leave town. Basically, and try to push me out. Now these things, if you know America first, these sorts of things don't happen without the, go ahead from Nick Fuentez, basically.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Okay. And I've been around long enough to know that and it was a coordinated campaign and it was having me so, it got me so down basically that I tweeted out that I was going to leave town. And I was going to go back to Cancun and try to cancun and then drive back to Marida, which is where I live here in Mexico. And then I contacted an old friend, an old friend, Dick. My little guy who started, yes, the guy who started my career, Milo Yonopoulos, and had a little chat with him and
Starting point is 01:04:58 just Milo knew that I defended him when Laura Loomer went after him. I don't want to end up on my love shit list. I hope you know. No, no, because he's following this pretty close. But I messaged Milo who already knew how to basically an open door policy. That shouldn't be what I used for Milo. But he loves his side of the clock. Milo, you have his side of the clock on his telegram where he counts.
Starting point is 01:05:26 It's like days since we've had a major workplace accident, but the accident is the asshole Sottomay. He's like a counter. I love it. It obviously freaks people out, but. Yeah. But I contacted him and he said, and I already knew, even though we had had a war basically over this America first off, that had had a war basically over this America
Starting point is 01:05:45 first off, that's still mentored basically in this business. I used to be a writer. That's how I started and all this stuff and would game or game and everything else, just like he did. And so, although I mean, he'd already started, but I mean, that's how he blew up. And so, even though we've had wars and fights, I know I can always contact him. And I talked to him a little bit before and he just said, let me know when you're ready to join the winning team basically. Don't be the last one off that ship.
Starting point is 01:06:15 And so I contacted him and he said, you can't be chased out of town. He said, if you chase that town, this is going to is going to row, this is going to row in you basically. And I was like, yeah, there was a sense of that. I saw that you were thinking about leaving. Oh, my God, man, that's, that's a bad look, especially for somebody like me who, with the bravado and everything else, like, it would have been bad, it would have been bad optics to use a term Nick, when he has my understand. Yeah. to use a term Nick, when it has my to understand. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Sorry. Well, I can't fault kids for, if you were drunk, it's hard to fault them for saying like, oh, man, we just can't deal with it. You know, but I can't fault that, but there is, I saw some of those texts where it was like, I want a ghost Ralph and I need to figure out, I want to get rid of Ralph without, well, I got those from Milo. So we have made it so hard. Let me tell you this part.
Starting point is 01:07:16 So I learned that you lost your Mexican phone after I sent this. Like, texted you when I saw that on Twitter and I said, oh, man, that's those texts, if they're real, that sucks, man. Sorry. Just because I was like, that sucks to see people talking about you like that. Sure. Like, that's all that matters is like that, that sucks, man. Sorry, that happened to you. And then I was doing stuff with my family.
Starting point is 01:07:40 I came back later and you were in a full-scale war with versus a nigga. And so I texted, uh, never mind. So when you get your phone back, you know, I know what I'll say. I'll say that I have to stay in town to support Nick Funtas to be loyal to him and to show this to show up to this rally, to be loyal to my fans. I need to be at this rally and model is just like, yeah, that's perfect. But he's like, let me look at the text first before I tweeted out. And then I wrote it and he said, no, that's perfect. Don't change the word.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And so I put it out and then I, if you'd get invited to this one party and I started filming videos where I was, they started chanting, we want Ralph, we want Ralph and I got out my phone and started filming and it's a bunch of drunk and idiots basically representing America first, right? And they're totally trash and they're totally drunk and they're totally fucked up and they're
Starting point is 01:08:53 drunk driving and they're doing all this stuff. And I did this for a reason. Yeah, well, you know, I've learned this for a while, obviously. But I've succeeded. I've tweeted this out to basically split the off. And so I split the opposition against me by tweeting this out and people, you know, a lot of people are like, no, let them show up, let them show up. And so we kind of siphoned the heat off and also it made them look like drunken idiots, which was the idea. And so and I'm sitting there
Starting point is 01:09:26 with a coke and I'm like, I'm the only one here sober and so I did that. And they were trying to get me to take down the video. So my message me and I said, no, fuck off. I said, I asked everybody in that video if they would be in it, you know, if they were cool with my post, I said, I'm not deleting it. Now clearly Nick Flint has himself had wanted me to delete it because, um, I mean, that was that meant that's what he was talking about. Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah. So, so the next day, and he did end up texting me, but it was late and I never got the message because my phone got stolen. It wasn't because I was drunk. I was sober. I was only drunk that first day. Like I was sober the whole entire time and I've been sober since. But anyway,
Starting point is 01:10:18 the next day I never did see the message. I don't, it wouldn't have changed, but I did honestly. But no, the message that I saw was the You're not you're gonna you're not gonna be allowed in to the event if you're drunk and then the next message was and Stop doing that stuff on stop doing stuff on Twitter. Yeah, that's right And I don't want to paraphrase it like is it anywhere? I can look at it. I don't want to It was could you stop I guess flaming the fire or whatever on Twitter, like, but he was the one who had started flaming the fire in the first place, right? Well, I mean, well, like, I mean, let's be honest here.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Nick, everyone who goes to bat for Nick Fuentes is risking a lot personally, like this stuff is, he's, he's saying a lot of things that will get people, election. A lot of shit that will get careers destroyed and whatever. I mean, even me, like defending him comes with a price. So the idea that you're being inappropriate on Twitter is, I don't think is appropriate. Do you know what I mean? It's a little. It's a little, it's a little off base when he's calling for the death of Jews the very next day. I remember seeing
Starting point is 01:11:31 that in the first part was okay. It's like, well Ralph, if you show up drunk, you're not getting in. That's fine. Yeah. And that makes sense. Although they sell alcohol at these events, by the way, which is a little incoherent. But, well, you're quite, you're very powerful. You're more powerful than the average track route. You have to realize that. That is true. That is true. But you know, made sense. Is that Zerka? Yeah, sorry. Keep going. Yeah. So that, you know, I guess that made sense for sure, but I wasn't going to show up drunk anyway. But regardless, I was working the op and like an hour before the event was supposed to start, they sent out an email where you could get the address basically and they used the Zendesk. They used a Zendesk like automated thing where you could get it.
Starting point is 01:12:18 I was like, I know how Zendesk works a little bit. I couldn't even get it typed in fast enough though and a gentleman who was working with me could. And so we got the, we got the address and I dox the address at the event, which was supposed to be secret. I'll talk to everybody. You want me to talk to all of you. Fantastic attendance on my telegram and a decapitation strike. That's going for sure.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah, yeah, it was like settling family affairs. The most dangerous thing is a fucking guy. That's exactly what it is like. And I put it all out and I put it out on Twitter and I contacted a Washington Post reporter who tweeted about all this at the same time. And he's like Nick Quintness is getting embarrassed by his number two man, live in Palm Beach. And so I had it all rolling at the same time. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:13:11 And then I showed up to the event and started walking around the parking lot and showing people and I still haven't put up this footage. By the way, I will show it this next day. I don't like that kids got talks, but it's hard not to just, it's hard not to enjoy the pure evil of it. Yeah, it's a car. He kills their families, he kills their friends, he kills people they know. He got, well, you know what the fuck are you doing? They're coming in, Bing, Bing, I was like, oh God, real name, Adre, real name number, real name,
Starting point is 01:13:42 number, oh God, real name, a mad dread, real name number, real name number. Oh, wow. Okay. I'm loose people. Bing, Bing, Bing, yeah, they all rolled in one after the other. Then they docked to the event too, rolled in. I guess that was sparse. Sarah says he's not the door, but he's not just opening it. Let me go. I told him to come in a couple times.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Let me go get him. Sorry, sorry. Is Ralph still there? Yeah, I'm here. Yeah. So I dropped the nuke. I dropped the nuke. I went out there and started trolling people. They wouldn't even start the event until I left. By the way,
Starting point is 01:14:07 Zurken, who showed the event? He was supposed to be there, which I thought was hilarious. I know, he'll be here in a minute. I'll be here in a minute. Let me go wait. I want to go. Man, there's so much stuff I want to talk to you about. sobriety, you're right. You've made friends with all of your old enemies now, right? Yeah, I've been to a lot of fences. I mean, I wouldn't say maybe all just yet, but I have been to a lot of fences because I think the more important mission is taken out, America first, honestly, and Nick Fuentes. And you know, it started as a petty disrespect.
Starting point is 01:14:39 You know, it was more of just that sort of thing that pushed me into it because I'm from Memphis. Sometimes it takes that sort of thing that pushed me into it. Because I'm from Memphis. Sometimes it takes that sort of thing to push me into it. But the more you saw some of this stuff and you don't have to wait if you don't want, but the more I started exposing America first over those first few shows, it became clear that this is basically an evil organization that needs to be stamped out. And so in order to do that, I knew that I had to make peace basically with a lot of people. And also I wanted to make peace with a lot of people too, just to kind of drop some of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Well, this is, I'll give my very general statement on it. Nick Fuentes is a political leader and activist, self-proclaimed. This is what he aspires to. And Ralph is a muck-raking journalist. And based on what's happened last week, one of these guys is doing their job correctly and the other isn't. Yeah. I mean, that's the, if you want to survive on the long term, both of you with what you're
Starting point is 01:15:41 doing, one of you needs to change what they're doing. There's just constant leaks in that organization that shock me every time. A lot of gossip being done in group messages that always comes out. I don't know. I always hope for everybody to succeed and change behaviors that maybe that are affecting them negatively.
Starting point is 01:16:08 And I do that without judging it. So I hope I hope it gets better, but you know, it doesn't sometimes. And I'll go ahead Sean, I don't mean. No, no, no, I was just going to say, yeah, but it's a, you can hope that it gets better, but it's like then you stop. I mean, after that, that's it. Like, they've got to do it. It's like, well, they'll do it or they won't. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Sean, I don't know why, but your camera has just stopped working. That's for the best. Yeah, is it? We might just end up with me. That's fine. Fucking camera. This is so fucking, yeah, the guests and Sean have both just gone totally dark. Can you, Maddie, hold on, I got a posse.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Maddie. Maddie. Hey, hey, I'm sorry, man, I don't know what this dog is doing. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, never do that. What a disaster. Uh, there are we back, are we back, Ralph, can you, can you get anybody hear me in the me in the talking room? Don't all talk at once. No, this is why. I know that one, I know how to fix that one there. We gotta be fucking back now. That's a tried and true problem.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Oh my fucking lord, we can't hear you really? Let's see here, disconnect. How about that? How about that now? You gotta be able to fucking hear me. Boys and video. Yeah, check, check, check, check. There we go. Yeah, so my fucking God, are we streaming too? How about that now you got to be able to fucking hear me boys and video check check Yeah, so my fucking God are we streaming to I don't know I mean I
Starting point is 01:17:30 Is on rumble I don't have the Vimeo link so oh yeah it's up on rumble. Yeah, it's up on oh Praise Jesus. I think it was the fucking dog probably Zirka I'm sorry that my dog attacked you. I thought we were blaming the woman. You said a woman came down here. Lovey-loved, that dog is scary. Like, oh, oh, oh, you know what? That didn't even occur to me.
Starting point is 01:17:56 I can't believe it. You never dogged, you never done that, right? You just said this, the dog loves me. So I don't know. Something about immigrants. Yeah, I don't know. Well, you're coming in with, you're coming in with giant, so dogs don't like. Something about immigrants. Yeah, I don't know. Well, you're coming in with... You're coming in with giant, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:07 dogs don't like gigantic windshield sunglasses, Zirka. That's true. I don't know if you knew that. No, that white dog knew I'm increasing the crime statistics here in the West. That's it. That white dog knows. Okay, so Ethan Ralph is on the phone right now.
Starting point is 01:18:22 What do we Ethan? What's up? Do you guys have any beef at all? What would I should know about? We've never spoken before, but we've never spoke, excuse me, but we have Twitter DMs. I think we like each other. Yeah, I'm fine, I'm a Zerka. I mean, I don't think back in Nick Fontes at this point, it's very smart, but I'm a
Starting point is 01:18:41 guest for a Zerka. Well, I didn't follow the drama. I saw that last bit with Lee Fee but like someone catch me up the speed. Well, more basically, basically, well, I got into, I guess you could say a beef with them last weekend and which culminated in me running a counter op against their op to push me at the time with my friend and mentor Milo Yannapas. And so I dox the location of the event and like their top five lieutenants.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Wait, with your Milo? Yeah, I mean, well, on and off, right? I mean, we've had fights before, but Milo started my career. So, I've known Milo for 10 years. Oh, I didn't know that well. I don't know what it is. What's the beef again? It's like basically something about an event that you were supposed to go to?
Starting point is 01:19:39 Yeah, I was supposed to go to. I showed up fucked up. And some of these guys are kind of puritanical in America first. You're not obviously. But that's why I think you're in the wrong because if they love me the co-head you were too fucked up. What the fuck are you doing? Perkinsons. I would be on their side. I'd be like, if this guy's fucking all fucked up, but Circus showing up ready for war, I'd be like, what the fuck is he doing? Hey, have you tried to shut it down? What's your circle there and you didn't even show up?
Starting point is 01:20:10 Yeah, I didn't show up. What's your point of event? And, yeah, that's what I was talking about. No, I didn't go to a porn event. I told everyone I'm not gonna go and the reason is, it's kind of hard on me right now. No, no, no, no, the truth is, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, one Roman salute. I'm the fucking nigga that gets tased. What a fuck should I be there? Are you fucking retarded? You look like you're on a 7-11. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, sir. But Ethan, do you agree that the cops, if anything popped off right there, I've done enough for the movement. If anything popped off, you guys, you guys all get to walk home.
Starting point is 01:20:59 You know they're gonna tackle me. They're saying you did go to a porn event and Jaden covered it on his stream. Was it on the same day? I think it's different days because I always post my tweets at day after. Does it matter if you went to a porn event? It really doesn't matter because if I had nothing, I still wouldn't go.
Starting point is 01:21:17 I don't trust these gobs. I'm a Canadian, bro. I can't be fucking deported right now. Oh, I'm not even supposed to be in the country to be honest. Oh, I don't say that. Turkey Tom. This is the one where I'm just pointing Nick Funtas by the way. Oh boy. It's a joke. I got extended. My visa got six more months. Nice cover. Turkey Tom is in here on the biggest problem, drinking a beer. I give him a beer and then somebody asked him how old he
Starting point is 01:21:43 was and goes, oh, 20. I'm like, I misheard you, man. I'm pretty sure you said 21. Oh, yeah, 20. Oh, yeah. So what's the point of that thing? When he was like exotic and I got kicked off for calling the women horrors. Oh, that's wild. Why'd you call them horrors?
Starting point is 01:22:01 Because they are. Did you go there to, to do, where you doing a better? I'm in the generate like Ethan. I didn't go to try and fuck dirty girls. I was just called them horrors. Can you pass your degeneracy on your timeline every day? I thought the porn star, Ethan. Have I fucked the porn star ever in my life?
Starting point is 01:22:19 I've never done that. I don't know. I believe you. I'm fucked only. No, no, I'm fucking only fans, girl, but not some girl getting fucking black dick. Yeah. Yeah. What's wrong with black people?
Starting point is 01:22:31 We don't, this is not a 24 hour stream, my nigga. We don't got time for that. Where'd I start? The pig, man. If anybody dark yourself, I mean, you could probably pass for a black guy, honestly. Is that, is that like a zinger? I mean, it's the truth. Yeah, clip that. Clip it. We're starting. This is another war. I think this turned into a beef out
Starting point is 01:22:53 of now. I'm going to break. Please Ethan, I don't want to street fight with you. I've seen your fucking skills. Yeah. Yeah. You send me fuck people up all over the internet. That's what you're saying. Either one of you just fucking admit, if you're too fucked up to go to and take this as his dick out of your fucking mouth. You admit you were too fucked up. No, I wasn't. I wasn't fucked up.
Starting point is 01:23:14 I was fucked up that first day. And then I was like, you can't raise the top. How bad was it? Were they overreacting? No, it was just fucked up. What does that mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:22 I mean, I wasn't pukeying. I was fucked up. What is fucked up? When I'm fucked up, I point fucking children. What do you mean? Yeah. I mean, I wasn't puking. I was fucked up. I was fucked up. What is fucked up? When I'm fucked up, I point fucking children. What do you mean fucked up? I mean, fucked up. I don't know what to say.
Starting point is 01:23:32 Like, why is he doing it vague? Was he rolling around? Was he puking any of that? I don't think so. No. No. So, but they could tell. I mean, that's the only thing that I can tell you.
Starting point is 01:23:40 What happened to that? Like, what do you take perks or what do you do? Well, you can be belligerently drunk and not puking yet. I was not in any of that, but Xanax would be my drug of choice. I guess if I was, you were fucking. You were fucking. I wasn't on Zans, but. What were you on just to be honest?
Starting point is 01:23:59 I've been on Zans. I was been on Zans before. I'd just been a pro at my for sure. I think the problem was cool. I think that I was on that because of the, because I was really drunk honestly. So I think they may have assumed that, but see how I believe him,
Starting point is 01:24:12 because I can see like good little Christians with a suit and tie being like, you're too fucked up. Yeah, also I can tell he's hiding how fucked up he really is, because that's what I do. I mean, I was supposed to have fucked up by just punching him, mother. Oh, we can like imagine how fucked up fucked up is. that's what I do. I was supposed to have fucked up by just punching the grandmother. Oh, we can like, you know, how fucked up fucked up is. Like, it's not like, you know, yeah, but he's like me obnoxious loud.
Starting point is 01:24:31 So when we're fucked up, we ruin the party. Let's be honest. Yeah. Do you think that, do you think that that was the, that was the issue that, that's why there was invited to every single event before that. So it was like, it's his problem. If he, if this happened multiple times, I'd say these Christians are cooks.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Literally this is the first time it happened. They invited him to every single event. He's being in a grateful bitch. Well, what do you think, though? I've got it in show up since he called for the death of Jews like a dumb little fucking idiot. So do you support, I mean commentate like that. You sound like a mental whineist right now.
Starting point is 01:25:04 No, you sound like a bullhorn. I said shit again. I said shit again. You sound like a fat guy. I don't ask you a question. Listen to all these things. You for that kid is funny. As you think you are and it's fine. I get paid to be funny. I've been anti Zionist before you've ever been in this country, dude. Like what the fuck are you talking about? I'm like, I'm not. Yeah, I want one. Yeah, yeah. You know, it's just dumb to call for the
Starting point is 01:25:26 business. It actually hurts. That actually hurts the goal of anti-azinism. If you have a brain, you would know that. But well, maybe you should lead the movement.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Maybe it was just a mix instead of the Bible. I saw it usually with token hores since you're so holy and you care so much about Christ, you fucking retard. I don't lead the movement. Nick does. You're a fucking fawny dude. You do, you fuck horse and then you talk about Christ.
Starting point is 01:25:52 I thought he wouldn't admit that. You try to, you try to siphon out viewers from Nick Flentaz, like a, I mean, I'm good at it too. Well, yeah, you're good at that. You're fairly miserable. You've been with him for 10 years. My career is in resurgence. I've been getting thousands of viewers on Rob Bull just dunking all over Nick Frontes this whole past week. What you know, by the way, already. So I don't follow it, bro.
Starting point is 01:26:15 I barely get sleep. I'm a cold kid. I'm not a Zanick. So bad ass. You sit him upset. What are you so mad about? You came, you're the one who came in here talking shit. What did I say? Did your boss did Nick Frontesay to do? Whoa. What are you so mad about you came you the one who came in here talking shit? What I say did your boss did Nick front I say to do
Starting point is 01:26:29 Name it what did I say I? Mean you were taking shots Name the song You said you look I look like I worked at Burger King or some shit What the fuck you got offended from the You are dumb liberal or what the fuck you got offended from the person They say I look like a fucking go to you need a We've got a personal to even attack you
Starting point is 01:26:59 Are you dead? I actually thought he's the extreme guy I didn't think think you're sensitive. You've been on with Destiny and Nick a bunch. I'm not sensitive. I'm just going to retire at all times because I can't believe all the fan of you. Well, I can't. I was never a fan of yours. What did you think about the speech, sir, huh? It was the only word speech.
Starting point is 01:27:19 I actually didn't finish it yet, but I saw the clips extreme. Wow. I was like, whoa. He's like, this I saw the clips extreme. Wow. Yeah. I was like, whoa. He's like, his kid don't fuck around. If it was fucking Ethan, they'd go nowhere. This guy's gonna be the fucking king of America. Yeah, even the head.
Starting point is 01:27:35 Yeah, right. Yeah, I'm sure. I don't know if that's the way it's gonna happen. I mean, the guy literally was with fucking, yay, I mean, who the fuck's ever done that and put it on his street? He didn't get tired. He got fired. he got fired and got fired. He's a child and he's got a fuck and Jeff Bush. Yeah matters. It matters. He got embarrassingly fired. Lie about it for months. Lie to his fans.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Lie to his audience. Try to pass off like he was still with the campaign. He's a liar in a fraud. Come on, I look at Nick. I'm not like you guys, you go, oh, he'll just be president next year. I see it when he's like 40. So his trajectory, the amount of momentum he's built, he's sitting on these niggas. He's like the greatest political operative I've ever seen in my fucking life. How you band off all social media and still a hundred thousand views on rumble. Give the niggas flowers. That's a fucking nigger. How is it?
Starting point is 01:28:31 What do you mean? A hundred thousand niggas. I share it. Yeah, I have to agree. Yeah. Niggas really don't get it. If I hated that, I wouldn't have done that. If I, if I, he's the nicker. But yo, yo excuse me nigger. I said, I said, I said, I said, I see K E R. I guess. Why do you guys do this? This is the level of genius supporting Nick went test all some. What is the end what is the end goal of?
Starting point is 01:29:03 What did I. I got all of my accounts wiped from YouTube for what? For making fun of test holiday. What are you guys? Sorry, you can't. The trouble because it's not bleeped out. I mean, because I said, no, no, because I did say an ICKER. Yeah, yeah, that's, I wouldn't say the black slip.
Starting point is 01:29:22 I think they, they, they, they glombed onto that. They, they, they're wise to that one, I wouldn't say the black slug. I think they, they, they, they, they glombed onto that. They, they're wise to that one, I think. Do you think there's any negative impacts of, of, of, to speak of these holy war shenanigans and speeches that Nick Point is just doing? I'm more look at it. Like, does it push the, you know, does it get the ball rolling? Yeah. Do you think it does?
Starting point is 01:29:43 Uh, no. I think it's, uh, I think it pisses a lot of the wrong people off. And it becomes, like if they, it becomes like a lightning rod for censorship that everyone has to attack or that everyone gets to attack for free. It's like, when you're banned off, when you're banned off everything, you're going to still be careful. Like that's kind of weird. Oh, yeah. I would more like it if he was kind of, I don't wanna say the word, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:12 You know, like how in Islam, ISIS is the coolest? Like in the furthest, right? I like the aesthetic of ISIS. You know, they got a cool flag and they don't listen to music and hit women and I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I'll teach you X-Maj, I'm marketing. Well, you they got a cool flag and they don't listen to music and hit women in the fitting. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. You know what a cultural Muslim is? Like you're, you're, you're, you're, you're built in
Starting point is 01:30:32 a culture. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you like, yeah, I kind of heard that with Jews, basically. I mean, Jewish or whatever. I think they're kind of, but they don't really practice for certain. That's from Richard Spencer when he's like, I guess I was culturally Christian before he went full-pig in homosexual and shit. But like, I guess I was culturally Christian before he went full pig and homosexual and shit. But yeah, I was like around the culture, but I wasn't like a Muslim. Like I guess I was a Muslim, like a fucking indedition kid, you know? Yeah. Well, I saw you and Sneak of flirting with some underage girls on Shana.
Starting point is 01:30:57 Yeah, I know. I mean, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's kind of yeah kind of influence you there. That's why that's all three Abramic face right you're not a pedophile
Starting point is 01:31:06 Ethan you just look like one No, now not a pedophile just you and snick home. You are the mascot for our movement. We need to hire you You look like the fucking date line NBC predator. You're getting killed right now, dude like I mean I don't know I feel like I'm getting killed. Oh, you shit. Yeah I'm gonna see for me right over there I don't you have a 16 year old and get put in president. I like 14. Oh yeah. It looks like you do. Don't say 16 or fucking.
Starting point is 01:31:31 I had to see you. Yeah. You give me an expired Hillary Clinton. Dusty. Yeah. Senior. Give me 14. What the fuck? Short respect. You want to be in the back of their supporters? Yeah. You want to be in the in our pet. Oh, community. I was going to. Wow. Pet toe. We're in the pet owners community. We call ourselves pet hours. Right. You want to be in animal. I grow a
Starting point is 01:31:53 little girl. No, it's like an animal or birds or cats or whatever, whatever you'd like. Yeah. I mean, I really, I think here's where all those petto memes come. Yeah. Is all I made was the argument that have you ever seen an 18 year old that looks 30 and an 18 year old that looks 13? Yeah. What is up with that? You know what I mean? It's not really a number thing if you think about it.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Let's say I'm 21, I have full beard and look like this fucking 30 year old dude on camera. You know what I'm saying? So I kind of just made the argument that everyone on earth is a petafal because Ethan, me, Dick, we're driving around and we go, oh she's cute. And then Ethan is the virtue signalling liberal horse. So he goes, no, she's under age. And we go, oh shit, I was jailbaited, my bad. But why did she strike us as cute in the first place? You have to fuck the underage pussy. I mean, I appreciate that. I really appreciate that. You're like a Sian and fucking. You're a person. I'm not out of my mind. I really appreciate that
Starting point is 01:32:47 You're a Fucking hit piece is Better hit piece bad do research on my You'll give you some Well, I care about you being a criminal. That's probably your best trait, like a shit. No, yeah, I agree. The pedophilia is the best trait. No, I don't agree with that.
Starting point is 01:33:17 You look like the Burger King pedophile. Have it your way. That's how you do it. It looks like he discriminates with the fucking immigrant children. He doesn't want those. Just the white. I was married to Pakistani actually. Oh, that's a fortunate day. Yeah, she was very beautiful actually.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Yeah, but a goldfucker. Well, I don't think all the men do the goldfuckin. I think the men would fuck like the sheep. Yeah, she's not a woman. You come from a lineage of Godfuckers. I was a man. That's how it became the greatest of all. I'm not saying I'm not they fucking to go right now.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Like I mean, I mean, how they celebrate on Sunday. Culturally, Muslim means like pretty much atheist, bro. Like, you know, in the Indian, you know, what a fuck family was. Oh, I'm sorry, family was still Muslim. I fixed it. I literally dick is looking at you like a retard because we talked about being a culture Muslim.
Starting point is 01:34:19 You don't go to a fucking mosque. You fat ass. Your mosque is burned. You're fat ass. I'm going to go to Burjane. Go pray to the fucking whopper ass. Your mosque is burning. You just have to go to the burn and go pray to the fucking wapper bitch. You know, this is his day off.
Starting point is 01:34:29 I mean, he's really rough. You know, I said to Ralph, I'm like, when I'm on his show because I was playing it go on, I was gonna be one of the funniest episodes of all time. And we keep friends, we take it off. This is way better that we're enemies. This is way funnier.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Right? I come every time I have people on my show to try to make them friends. They've become enemies. Oh, I don't. He got mad about the, you know, I watch the kill stream and all this stuff. He can take a fucking ass whoopin' of people insulting him. Right. I've never seen him literally bleed from his fucking pussy for Burger King joke.
Starting point is 01:35:04 That's the most mild joke. He's in sensitive mode like Nick did the number on you Actually, no, I did a number on that people tell you to kill yourself and you laugh. Why are you so sad now? You're like Sneak this thing in your bed. You're a fucking I'm not sneak this thing. I met you know, I mean you don't want you're the one. the one. No, no, no, you started with don't you hate jayles like you did that disgusting liberal fight. Yeah, you did you started with the CNN. That's it. You want to kill do you want to kill jizz?
Starting point is 01:35:37 You know, I mean, that's what next said. I know, you're a Nick, you're a Nick frontess supporter. I'm a nigga. Yeah, but check this out. I'm not gonna lie. I think every human on earth deserves love Well, I don't except I said human not fat as pig
Starting point is 01:35:57 Human I said with a soul Zirka I don't think I don't fucking Zirka. I don't think that you just could either keep going at him. Oh, I'm very good friends with Rob. Yeah. Oh, shit. This is bad. I'm I'm not I don't think that
Starting point is 01:36:11 map story. I don't think that that tactic of saying that all humans deserve love is like is working like you guys think it does. But again, it's kind of like embarrassing to say you guys because yeah. Am I like am I really like out there giving speeches and like, I'm my own thing. Imagine, imagine if I did get a suit and tie and talk about
Starting point is 01:36:34 cocaine with the Christians, like, are you, you're really lumping me in? I was like, I'm a dude who likes his work. I love his fucking work. He did what Ethan fucking dreamed of doing. Is what Ethan, are Are you a Christian? Oh, yeah, I would consider myself Christian. Yeah. No. No. Do you believe it? Like is it real? Did you an ex-Muslim who snorts cowl confidant? I know you guys are not religious.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Well, you're a Christian. He's a Christian. He's a fairy tale. And you're in the right. You don't even give a fuck about Christianity. Well No Say you accept that Jesus Christ is your Lord and savior right now I left the wife alone out of respect for my Christian nature even when I was a gold fucker was your wife Harry? Yeah. Oh okay. No, I got you. I got the clip already.
Starting point is 01:37:36 You said yeah. Yo, you're drowning, bro. You're drowning. I'm the one drowning. I'm the one drowning. I'm drowning in fast sweat. Clearly. Clearly I'm the one drowning. Yeah. Clearly I'm the one drowning in fast sweat. Clearly, clearly I'm the one drowning. Yeah, clearly I'm the one drowning.
Starting point is 01:37:49 We can spike views. Keep attacking me. That's true. You can't smoke in here. Oh, I'm not smoking. I just hold this one. I'm stressed. Like the sad ass got me.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Let's all hold some cigarettes together. Maybe we can take the temperature down in the room a little bit. Is he a late? Are you L.A. too, Ethan? Ah, nah. No, I'm in Mexico. I live in Marrieda, here in the UK. For a temperamentally. Speaks? Yeah, it's beautiful here. I love Lithuania. Why is everything a slur? Is anything that comes out of it?
Starting point is 01:38:18 It's for Puerto Ricans, by the way. Yeah, but I've done a lie. Is it? Yeah. That's the best pussy on earth. But, you know, I've done a lie. Is it? Yeah. That's the best pussy on earth. But you know, I've done a lie detector test where they asked me, the most deep intimate are you racist type questions. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:33 And I would answer everything with spick, nigga, this and I scored one. This is a 97% not racist saying those words. That those words don't hurt me like you guys. Who is giving this test? I get it. It's in LA. You want to do it? We should do a live.
Starting point is 01:38:50 We should do a live. I don't know. I'm going to make a test. The show I'm right. It says, whoa, whoa, whoa. It incriminates you. It's so fucking bad. But check it out.
Starting point is 01:38:58 When I say, whoa, is it, what was the test asking? Basically, do you have deep resentment towards this group of people that practices this, this, this, this, this? And it designed kind of to trip you up, but really, the shocking part for me was when I say spick, faggot and stuff, these are just buzzwords and kind of like marketing words, but people are listening to this show like in public and around the people, all the sides. Listen what you just said. Listen what you just said.
Starting point is 01:39:24 People think people darnished our careers without even knowing us. They're gonna say bad things anyway. No, no, no, no. People are listening to this show like in public places, they don't want a bunch of slurs coming out of their car speakers, you know, that's why. Patreon probably wouldn't like that.
Starting point is 01:39:39 Patreon has a land card. Like I said, you got the 10 word with a crown bar in the car. They're gonna get you about $20,000 a month because you're a retard. Wow. There's a lot of stuff we had can't say. Can you really rules at least? I think you should know these.
Starting point is 01:39:52 I watch you guys with death. I was a little bit stupid, seriously. I watch you guys with death, death, the end, you guys go hard. Yeah. So I don't think you guys have like terms of service. There's everything has a terms of service. And I don't think you guys have like terms of service. Uh, there's everything has a terms of service Uh, and I don't want to learn what the
Starting point is 01:40:08 top of the heart around those rumble and kick broadcasts. Yeah, say every fucking word even the guys with millions of fault. Well, not well Nick got his stuff all deleted What do you think about that? He ate and Ross's the K word on his range. Don't say the K word. No, we don't. He's Jewish. No, what the fuck? No, no, but you can still get pinned for that right?
Starting point is 01:40:30 Well, yeah, I guess, but I mean, he probably gets a little bit of leeway because he's Jewish. And I think doesn't he have on a part of kick or some shit like, yeah, I think so. And with the ownership, yeah, Rose Ann got in trouble for making a Holocaust joke. She's Jewish. Yeah, exactly. I'm sure that's true. Rose Ann is Jewish. Yeah. I didn't know that. I assumed you guys are talking about. She's Jewish. Yeah, exactly. I'm saying that. Yeah, I didn't know
Starting point is 01:40:46 that. I assumed you guys are using what your mother's Jewish. I don't know. I'm just Jewish. I don't. I didn't test her. I'm going to check for a, there's a machine that does that. You better be Jewish. You're making jokes like that. My grandfather was. Uh, okay, so you guys are at last. Actually, yeah, it was a blast to be. Well, what you saying? You guys are at last. I know, I know, that's why, yeah. Yeah, even my dad's not, but my grandfather was.
Starting point is 01:41:11 No, but I was convinced you guys are in rumble or alternative platform. Yeah, we're on rumble right now. Right now. I just don't, I personally don't like slurs. Really? Yeah. I learned them from you.
Starting point is 01:41:23 No, I can't do that. Like a ladies drug commercial. I learned them from you. No, I can't do that. I like a ladies drug commercial. I learned it by watching you. I think that the best way to affect changes to blend in. You're not a free speech guy? Well, I'm a free speech guy, but I don't slur. I don't always exercise the infinity of my rights at all times.
Starting point is 01:41:42 It's a lecture-firing, it's awesome. But it's a, but it's a, But it's, but it's, but, best part of it. But it's a conversation ended very quickly. Like it's, you get, you get to get a lot of places that, I'm missing out on long conversations, millions of dollars in brand deals so I can say that S word. I love that word.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Yeah. But, but here's what I'm saying is, I'm not a free speech guy at all. Like, I believe in censorship. Like censoring the left makes a lot of guy at all. I believe in censorship. Sensoring the left makes a lot of sense to me. So I get what you're saying. I don't want to see duties on Netflix and all that shit. But again, the bad words, they weren't you guys with the line wire days like 2001?
Starting point is 01:42:17 Yeah. Everyone said it. Nobody gave a fuck. It's some programming happening, some brainwashing that's making people access to it. Yeah, it's different. The same stakes don't apply whether you want to realize that or not. Yeah, since the start of the digital age, like what were the harmful effects of the F's learned 2003?
Starting point is 01:42:35 There was nothing, nothing happened. They lied. Yeah, but it's a way to get everyone emotional. Everyone else started like, no, come on. They try to get you emotionally charged, and then when you fuck up, they have a system to punish you for expressing emotion. So you gotta always just not do that.
Starting point is 01:42:54 You're, you're, you're, you're, you're telling me to hold in the coke. Like, what are you telling me, bro? Well, I'll hold it for the other things. I'll hold it for the other things. Uh, okay. Ralph, I, this guy off track. Hold on, I gotta say say that. Get off track
Starting point is 01:43:06 a bit. Yes. I knew this happened. I know this would happen. What are you going to say, Zirka? The end word. Just on my home. Is it possible that you guys could be friends? I'm going to throw out. I want to give him a hug. I don't know. Okay. We're just talking shit back. But I don't, but I mean, I do think it's misguided to support Nick at this point. I don't even see even I can't see you really like having this war with Nick for that long. That's why I don't take it out serious. Well, I mean, it's getting thousands of viewers and I fired up. You know, but nobody. Nobody would talk. Nobody would toss away years of that companionship for this like mini beef that you are drunk.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Like that'd be the, I mean, watch me burn it down. I've already been burned out. I'm the last person on earth. They can tell someone don't burn a bridge. I burned all of my bridges. So I'm not going to tell you, but now we want to see you come around. Who's waiting? I'm done. I'm done. I'm just gonna tell you, but now we wanna see you come around. Who's waiting?
Starting point is 01:44:05 I'm done, I'm just gonna say. I'm just gonna say, you guys. Yes, but again, I'm assuming that, I'm assuming that because it's not like I spoke to Nick about it. It's I'm assuming because Nick, that is forgiving. If you just peace it with him, he's peace it with a lot of people, right? Even destiny, like that's a, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:23 I don't wanna make peace with him, that's the thing. I wanna destroy America first. So, right? Even destiny. Like, that's a, yeah. I don't want to make peace with them. That's the thing. I want to destroy America first. So it's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. You want to be a dark cult? It's a pedophile cult ran by a cause
Starting point is 01:44:35 and caused a homosexual. Let's just be real here, Zarkas. So what's wrong with pedophile? You sound like, I mean, you You just giving me material, dude. Please keep saying stuff like this. Look at that. If I'm giving you material, hit me. Don't freeze.
Starting point is 01:44:52 I mean, I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 01:45:00 I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love are you supposed to respond to I'm a pet of five? It's like Zodiac. I want. Ethan, you owe me money for this, bro. I do. Honestly, dude, I mean, I'm just vying blonde, but why you think I asked you a question. Have you ever found a 17 year old woman attractive? Why? Don't save him. Don't save him.
Starting point is 01:45:20 Go ahead, Ethan. I don't even look at the age women. So, so, so, here's what you're saying. She's under age women. Oh, I got you. It's like a no-spirion or something. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. She's, no, no. You're a very honest guy.
Starting point is 01:45:33 I appreciate that. But yo, here's what you're admitting. You're admitting you know everyone's age when you look at them. You're an idiot. You're literally the worst. It's like a Charminator. It's like a Charminator. I look at the audience. like a Charminator. It's like a T-Rex. You're just a rich person.
Starting point is 01:45:46 I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex.
Starting point is 01:45:54 I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex.
Starting point is 01:46:02 I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I'm just like a T-Rex. I've never looked at it. Like this is cringe, bro. I mean, I don't know for underage women. I thought the question you fucking retard. I mean, I'm not even gonna. You can't say that right now. Even once the question, if you're a member, what's it worth talking about?
Starting point is 01:46:16 That's the only way you can say it. That is fucking on you. You've got to say that. That's the thing you do. Like I'm not doing that. So if you want to talk about pussy, you're not gonna be able to do that. Please talk about fucking that, mom. I'm asking you that so if you are talking about the other age we're doing that
Starting point is 01:46:26 talking about talking about asking you if you ever got or age wrong you talking about fucking 14 year old my daughter you were talking about fucking up 14
Starting point is 01:46:34 earlier so I still think you'd give my hug but 14 year old? No, no, Ethan Ethan yeah well I mean Ethan you look like a predator so like oh my god
Starting point is 01:46:43 you need to hug and not millimiter with your mouth You look like a predator so like oh my god shut up Nobody would be surprised like not your family know your Nobody. We feel like we saw this coming after the gold. It is a political debate. If we saw you on the Isis, most wanted list, you wouldn't look at a place. You know, now you're making me look good. Well, that's why I just said they're my hero. Honestly, Isis has better optics than Nick Fontesan. They had ice cream, didn't they? Ethan, this is gonna hurt you, Nick's not here.
Starting point is 01:47:30 Talk about me. I mean, I don't know anything about you. I don't care about you. That's what I thought. That's what I thought. Hey, the dog doesn't like that. I know a little bit about you. I know a little bit about you.
Starting point is 01:47:42 I don't know a little bit about you. I do a lot of shit. I do a lot of shit. Or some shit. know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you.
Starting point is 01:47:56 I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don't know a little bit about you. I don a little bit what you actually believe. You don't think I fucking slots? I believe yes, I believe that. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:48:11 I don't know if you think you're fucking demons out of horse. Oh, I'm trying. I'm thick, I'm definitely trying. That's all you can really ask for somebody to do in life is try. And she says that to me because I bust in two minutes. Yeah, I'm trying though. Ralph, you did you make up with No? Yeah, I think I did actually. Yeah, I helped. I can, I consider that squashed and you know, I had a little conversation with him. And of course,
Starting point is 01:48:38 we talked on air. He just happened to be in the chat. We had a bit of a little reunion there on my first show back and then I told the whole story basically to Noel and kind of we had, we've done a ton of shows together, you know, back in the day of course when we were cool. They're the best. We have a, we have a good chemistry and air me and him. I was talking to somebody last night. I don't know what it is about our voices together, but they're like sonically pleasing almost. It seems like we should be talking to each other.
Starting point is 01:49:03 Basically, it's kind of gay. I'm not. Sonically pleasing. Sonically pleasing. I would say my name. Can you, can you, can you, you know what that means? I mean, is that a thing of a word? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:49:15 I understand. No, no, no, no. I understand the English. It's I'm saying the tone, the tonality was shan't gay. That's a second language, that's a second language. The tonality was gay. Go back to the gold fucker. The English is gay now. All right. Three SL, was to go back to the gold fucker. Don't worry. You're getting right.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Three SL, though, right? Absolutely. I once your wife, ESL. Well, she my ex-wife now, you can't answer shit today. You're pathetic. Well, she's my ex-wife. She's fuck, she's so
Starting point is 01:49:38 actually, did you spoke or do she? I don't know. I don't think she was ESL. No, no, no, no, no, no, in the morning. Yes, I don't know. She didn't know. In the morning. No, you don't.
Starting point is 01:49:48 You're you're you're sweating. My boy. No, not try harder. That's you the try hard. I'm the goat. That's you the try. Yeah, this is not going good. Why didn't you show it to Nick's event?
Starting point is 01:50:02 Why do you skip out on them like that? I really just snake people. I mean, you fucked the gold. Now I got it. Now I got it. All right. You did a lot for Nick though. I appreciate that. It's too bad that like you crashed and burned low. Yeah. His, his organization's been crashing and burning this whole last week. Yeah. no, you're definitely more influential. Well, if you've been seeing these streams, I've been wrecking America first all week and I'm gonna keep doing it. So don't you get like a hundred likes on a tweet?
Starting point is 01:50:36 Nick, I've had like thousands of viewers this whole week. Have you been paying how many thousand? Was it a hundred thousand like Nick on rumble or were you at like a thousand like pathetic. He didn't have a hundred thousand live viewers on rumble. That's just fucking crazy. That's not true. On the who do you think went to watch the fresh and fit debate? Destiny's year.
Starting point is 01:50:54 The first is not his show dude like what the fuck? So how come no other guests can generate that kind of viewership? Well, I guess because he's time I kill him the Jews. I guess I really. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I's time I kill him the Jews. I guess I really I mean, I don't think anti-Semitic Ethan would get a hundred thousand viewers on that show. I don't think like it's a great trick, but I got
Starting point is 01:51:19 to do once you can just stop there. You don't think you're even invited to that show. Well, no, it wasn't. You can just stop there. You don't think you're even invited to that show. Well, no, it wasn't. So I keep going to fucking arrows into his heart, man. This is brutal. I didn't start it. You did actually. Oh, sorry. Your wife's school. That's why. Max wife. Were you on that stream of the 100,000 people, Zirka? Yeah, how did it go? Was that the destiny? Yeah, I need destiny.
Starting point is 01:51:47 Oh, it's obviously you. He did get pretty good. You watched it, though. I watched some clips on it. It was embarrassing. It was weird watching him try to justify everything wrong that the military has done in my lifetime. She's on his phone the whole time.
Starting point is 01:52:01 Did you see that? Yeah. Yeah, Ralph, I saw you. I was listening to you in Noel Talk and it was great to hear you guys back together. I wanted to call in, but I was pretty sure that would drive Noel away. And it didn't seem like an appropriate time either because you're at the beginning of your... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:52:18 I don't know why, but I don't know what't know why, I don't know what's driving it, but null has it in his head that veto is an actual pedophile. Oh, does he? He's, he talks about it all the time. Oh, send him away. He says he would kill veto if he had the chance. Jesus. I think he's, I think he's joking, but I don't know because all the woodchipper shit has
Starting point is 01:52:44 gotten so out of control. And there's zero reason to think veto is a pedophile. Yeah, no. So what did he say? What was the incriminating statement that he said? Qt is, it has a right to exist. It's free speech. A punch him in the face. So with as long as that exists, I don't think he could ever, no, could ever justify talking to me because I work with Vito. So it would be like a violation. This is very awkward. Yeah. You want Gideys to exist? Why? The five? I mean, that's, it's, I actually think it's the argument. I don't get it. Is it art? Well, I think, I think it's appropriate for women to tell young women that men will try to fuck them and take advantage of them and to be very careful online and with men in general.
Starting point is 01:53:29 That's a defeated position because in Saudi Arabia, they don't have that for a reason, right? They have their own kind of sharia or like theocratic law. I mean, think about it. Why are you guys, this is how you don't get molested, just don't get molested. Get a fucking job, bitch. I don't know if that works for an 11 year old girl. Ins Audi in America or France. Exactly, I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:53:50 You don't want to change America. What did you want it to see it like Saudi at least? Well, sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, in America. Please. No, but I'm saying, what would be the point of like, I don't get, do you think cuties is effective at all? Yeah, I think that women see it with daughters and they say, man, it really helped me open
Starting point is 01:54:08 up a conversation with my kids or it really made me think that maybe I should get my kid daughters out of dance classes and stuff and not, you know. Yeah, these are like, there's like, there's like, whole moms that take their kids to beauty pageants like, yeah, there's a, there's the real meat and potatoes of the problem. Yeah. And you guys are like creating symptoms saying like, oh, we'll put it on Netflix and no, dude, we should be a little more extreme like with the fuck. Well, okay, so your friends with Nulligan.
Starting point is 01:54:38 Yeah. I was, I'll consider it friendly, yeah. I mean, I don't know that we'll go fishing or anything like that. I want to go fishing with you Ethan Fishing for horse. Maybe we could do that if I get a divorce. Yeah, definitely not for fish. You tip the boat I serve we get a lot of person I he's like me. He'll just sit bog and say get yo, let's get a beer Rob you've said some of the most Rob, you've said some of the most vile, awful things about all the people you're now chircling with on your humble streams.
Starting point is 01:55:10 Now, everyone says they're like, you're fake, you're not pressing me in person. I'm like, what am I supposed to like, since we had internet beef, I'm supposed to punch you in the what, go to jail for like this, what are you talking about? Like, and they expect me to have the same energy. I'm like, bro, if I'm at a bar having a beer, and I see someone I beefed with on the internet, am I going to stop talking to the tits and go up to him and start arguing like, I think I want to have fun still at the fuck. Destiny said that to me, he's like, that's fake, you don't keep the same energy. I my God. It's my day off. It's my day off, you fucking idiot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Fuck, I was gonna ask you something Ralph, but I forgot. It's been amazing. It's an amazing comeback. Hey, you're... Thank you, sir. We liked that. Been a hell of a week and I'm not done yet. You said a lot of stuff last night, too,
Starting point is 01:56:01 that was like, shockingly like real and revealing, which was interesting. About, about the medical stuff. Yeah. I'd never talked about that before because of course me and him had a war last year. I guess maybe we're still out or on his end, I'm not sure, but I talked about it because I was in the hospital. You know, I got jumped over there in Lisbon for the first time and got my face crushed in basically. And like three or four people.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Those are cowards. Those men are cowards. They're going to burn and hell. Like three dudes on one dude. Yeah. They kicked me in the face while I was on the ground. Oh, I remember. You ever seen a video game where we're like this screen like blinks red when you're like
Starting point is 01:56:43 really in danger and it was like that I was like oh shit, I just took a fucking serious ass blow and so You think you're my video games as you're dying get up and find No, I thought about later, I thought about later Anyway, I was in the hospital and Dick sent me a text and he was like man wouldn't be funny if If Medi-ker did a bit about this and it was like a who done it bet And it's literally what he did by the way
Starting point is 01:57:05 That's literally what he did and I got out of the hospital and I turned the stream on and I we were laughing about it on Text and saying yeah, that'd be funny, you know, and then I turned on the stream and it wasn't it wasn't as funny To me when it actually happened and so yeah, so I reacted in a very I guess you would say very hostile manner I've never talked about this text that me and dick had although he knew about the whole time So I reacted in a very, I guess you would say very hostile manner. I've never talked about this text that me and Dick had, although he knew about the whole time and I'd never said anything about it in public. And so I just talked about it a little bit last night, kind of apologize for my role in kicking all that stuff off.
Starting point is 01:57:37 I was very introspective in my stream last night, I think, in a lot of ways. So yeah, it was great. It was really great to watch. Very impactful, I guess, easy to identify with in a lot of ways. Everybody loves a redemption story, everybody. I think so. The sobriety is great for you, man. So brief the mouth is the most fearsome force on the planet Earth.
Starting point is 01:58:04 One of the greatest history, the internet's greatest broadcasters. I always say that should continue to believe it. All right, make a very high price. Thank you, sir, for having me on. Enjoy your day off. If you have any parting shots at Circa, feel free to take that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm gonna be honest, right? I've had Muslim women too, like many. They're beautiful, they're great. Maybe the sand is pouring a little too much, but like I'm totally being a hypocrite. Like, you know, I've been with all sorts of women, so I don't mean to dig at your ex-wife, but like, it's not personal because I live the same life as you can dig at me back, you know?
Starting point is 01:58:40 Yeah, it's fine. We both took shots. I do think, you know, the Flintest support at this point is misguided, but I mean, you know, that's the alternative. Well, I mean, there's lots of what I'm trying to answer. Shit. What's the alternative? What are you mad about? What's the alternative? You're kidding. Like a liberal. Give me the alternative. Let's the alternatives to next. So give me one. I mean, anybody, dick man.
Starting point is 01:59:08 What? Don't watch anybody like what the fuck? Oh, Digger, you that political? I didn't know you'd know. Thanks. I mean, I, why would you, I mean like, I just started to think you guys are doing the same thing.
Starting point is 01:59:19 You and Nick are doing the same thing. I thought it was, I wouldn't say that. No, no, I'm, I'm not leading a political movement. I'm just saying like he's an entertainer. No, no, I'm, I'm not leading a political movement. I'm just saying like he's an entertainer. He's not really in a political movement. Either he's talking about, you know, Connie and flirting with Trannies and it's all run by a bunch of ex-Holmos. It's all like so. I'm talking about Trannies. What's first? I'm talking about America first in Nick Fuentes and it's a combination. Again, again, just be an adult. What's the alternative to Nick?
Starting point is 01:59:46 Where do I go? Help me. What are you, you mean that's a million times? I want to get out there. So give me an item. You keep fucking talking to me. Don't talk. Actually, that's a great answer, but it's sad that you can't give an influencer.
Starting point is 02:00:03 Why would you want to support an influencer? They're not answering it. You're not answering it. Like, if you really ask yourself, they think on the internet, I'm gonna do shit. He's a fucking talk show. You're not answering the question. Yes, I am.
Starting point is 02:00:17 So give me my alternative. He's not a real political leader. So answer the question. And so who do I do? I want to click on something. No, no, no, I trust. Yeah, trust the truth. Yeah, trust the Ethan. Give do I want to click on something? No, no, I trust. Trust Ethan.
Starting point is 02:00:27 Trust Ethan. Give me an alternative to Nick. I just said Donald Trump. I said it from an influencer, not someone who fucking kisses a wall. Desi, you're good friend. Who's dickiest to suck. You are liberal. Are you fucking promoting dickiness?
Starting point is 02:00:39 You used to be on the viewers. You used to be on Destiny's dick, did what you thought about? I love calling him a cop. I love calling him a cop. I love calling him a car. It's like I call you Burger King. Like I love this shit. I'll show you guys all day. You liberals are fun. I love cars. So give me the I guess I guess you do love cucks. Yeah, I make it watch. love cucks. Yeah, I make it watch. I believe that. Yeah. I believe that. I gotta say, this is your worst performance ever, bro. This is all I'm hoping you keep saying that to try to get that impression, but I kicked your ass on the line detector. What a second.
Starting point is 02:01:17 That's the beautiful. You think I could go. Real beings don't have that good coke even what's the alternative to Nick? This is the 10th time. Don't look stupid now I mean There's a ton of What You want an internet you're the one who said switch No way you didn't hear him. He said switch. I said help me. I said, you're supporting the wrong. I mean, you're supporting a guy who's actually harming the cause that he claims to be trying to help. Mark Colle, I don't even want to show. Listen, just replay what you just said, you don't, you don't
Starting point is 02:02:11 even sound convinced, like you don't even believe that. Like we can hear it. You're supporting somebody who's not going to be elected, who's not actually going to fucking do anything politically. That's what you think. That's what you think. And you've been, that's what you think. And you've been wrong a lot. Have you been wrong a lot? No, not really. No, your predictions are accurate. Yeah, they're pretty good. I have a degree in political science.
Starting point is 02:02:33 Not like you retard. So, but isn't political science degree a woman's degree? Like I'm asking for real. Isn't it like a fucking. And not it's a real. It's a real Yeah, you're a real engineer You don't even know what political science is
Starting point is 02:02:49 Listen bro, if you've got a college degree Let's say you did you're fucking you know you University And the best part is I make more money than you Day you I doubt that you want to to, you know, we can legal that. You want to do that? We could. We could.
Starting point is 02:03:11 Yeah, I know how much money you make. We might play some circus music on this clip for you. Yeah, if we were trying, we could share back accounts. This is the dropout beating you. Tenfold. Yeah, yeah. Keep saying that. Maybe you'll come true.
Starting point is 02:03:24 Maybe your wish will come true. My food is on your neck. You don't even over and over. Maybe your wish will come true. You're not even 14. You know, okay, don't get me excited now. Listen, I know you don't own a neck, but spiritually right now, my foot is on your neck. Be honest, Ethan. Do you like me? No. You're almost sexual. I'm like a hot child. Don't you say you have one gay moment when you're younger? What's that story? No, I never said anything like that. Why would he have a gay moment? He had a story where he like did some gay moments. Is this not? It was your funniest joke like two years ago.
Starting point is 02:04:11 I've never said anything like that in my life. That's why I subscribe. It was the funniest thing. You have like some gay dritter. I've had gay dritter in school. I've never said anything like that. Sounds like leafy actually, not me. I don't know where you got that from.
Starting point is 02:04:24 Do you see leafy's picture? Is there anything about leafy? Like zero, but I know anything like that. Sounds like leafy actually, not me. I don't know where you got from. Do you see leafy picture? Is there anything about leafy? Like zero, but I know he's got that picture. Steven, how do you? Oh my God. I missed the whole thing, but I'll catch up today and I'll fucking talk about it on stream or some shit. I think clearly the big winner in all of this is Burger King.
Starting point is 02:04:38 Yeah. Why do we fucking? Why do we fucking do the thing? I didn't mean Burger King. I meant these are How long? What's the longest you guys have ever gone without talking about the Jews? Did you know that the JQ comedy, I went and was telling. When I was doing JQ comedy for years, like nobody could tell, but the first
Starting point is 02:05:05 time I actually entertained the question for real was like, no, very recently this year. Yeah. Yeah. You do you believe in any of the JQ's that I don't know you guys is positioned? I love shoes. They're great. Hollywood's great. I love, I love the culture.
Starting point is 02:05:22 They're very nice people. I enjoy them. If I had to pick between Judaism and Christianity, I would get rid of Christianity because they're always sad. I'm not anti-Jew, but I'm anti-Zionist, so that's how I would describe my position. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, I agree with that. But you have a problem with all the leftism in the US, but do you believe that's like a Jewish construct or an Arnoha Fikadon? I think people like people like to be, I mean, Jesus is very liberal anyway. Really? Yeah, sure, love the Heineber, forgive more than anything. So blood thirsty versus the world. Great, so these is charity, that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 02:06:01 Yeah. How about flooding the world? Well, that would not be Jesus. Yeah, that's old Testament shit. You guys don't believe in a Trinity? Ah. That's, well, no, I don't believe in any of it. But, but. No, but you guys immediately go to your immediate position. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:20 Is to challenge your knowledge of a book. You guys is immediate position. Yeah. Is the Christians don't believe in the Trinity? No, they thought they do. That's the part why did you say that? Well, my position is, Why did you say it's a different guy?
Starting point is 02:06:35 It's a different guy. Because Jesus is like a fundamental departure from ancient styles of religions to a new one based on. I don't know what you're assuming that most Christians on earth believe what you believe are. No, it's not. Yes. I think Christians aspire and consider themselves to be Christ like and because it's an ideal
Starting point is 02:06:52 that they want to. I'm saying when I said the flood, yeah, most Christians on earth would know that's Jesus. The flood? No, the flood. No, no, no, no. Flooding, anything wrathful, the father does. Yeah. You understand the father is Christ. Wow. There's two. There's different. No, no,'t think that Jesus flooded the world. Right. Right.
Starting point is 02:07:26 Well, I'm saying everything in the Old Testament, they believe it's the same God, but you're assuming most Christians don't and that's where you had a problem. That's why I'm saying you're wrong. I think most Christians think that the Old Testament is, uh, uh, metaphorical. Oh, and void. Well, it's like they didn't know what, uh, they don't really think he actually built a real ship that had, and the entire earth was flooded. But I'll tell you what the metaphor and satire and the joke is satire.
Starting point is 02:07:46 The interesting thing that book did build is the greatest civilizations on earth. You're like NASA and science didn't build shit. Like literally you did a build shit. Every single genius came from the enlightenment. You still study fucking even before that, let's say, Plato. Plato shits on Elon Musk, that's your God. You guys love Elon Musk, right? No.
Starting point is 02:08:07 No. If Plato was on Earth today, I'm saying Plato to be fair. So it's before Christianity, like in that time, right? Yeah. I'm saying, I'm saying Plato would grab a sword and fucking kill fucking Jordan Peterson and all these guys, you guys think are smart. Like, oh, Elon Musk, you do believe Elon Musk is smart. Don't lie to me. You believe that. He's smart. You do think he'd hang with Plato if he was alive?
Starting point is 02:08:34 Yes, actually, because I support the other. No, there's another guy that he's just trying to pick up followers. That's fair. Intellectually, Plato would really be like embarrassed to hang out with Jordan Peterson or Elon Musk. That's what I'm saying. You guys believe science has brought us so far. We still study Plato.
Starting point is 02:08:54 Plato's the n******. He said, this is a chair. What is a chair? Is a bar stool a chair? Is a sofa? Is a bean bag? We adhere. Everything adheres to the perfect form of a chair.
Starting point is 02:09:06 He was awesome. You know, what's funny? He proved in an invisible world of perfect forms, which is thought patterns of God. He proved God. The funniest part about what you're saying is the next part is when, uh, play, play, a soccer team said that this is a, what is a man, right? Uh, and, uh, what is that? A biped with turns into a tree and all that.
Starting point is 02:09:25 Yeah, so deogies is what about a chicken, right? He's well as feathers. So he pulls the feathers off. And there you go. I brought you a man. I like, I think Plato is like a Jordan Peterson of that time. And then his, and that is an antithesis. Yes, I am being insulting on purpose because I don't like him.
Starting point is 02:09:43 But you're really saying Jordan Peterson's gonna last thousands of years. Or even a fraction. No, but we didn't have right. We didn't have, it wasn't easy to write stuff down back then. So it's, it's, it's, it's about writing. It's about brain size. Like two Jordan Peterson has repackaged Krawley on Kiezes and said anything profound at all zero.
Starting point is 02:10:01 Whereas Plato can't be challenged today. Like dude, I'm pretty sure your position on science beats Christianity and it's a retard position because you guys really assume that 2023 is the longest we've ever lived with our COVID, the smartest we've ever been, and it's just wrong. You really think that if those intel enlightenment homosexuals, right, if they were here today and they had our fucking books and textbooks, you know they shit on us. really think that if those inter- Enlightenment homosexuals, right?
Starting point is 02:10:25 If they were here today and they had our fucking books and textbooks, you know, they shit on us. And they grew up in a Christian realm. What do you mean? They grew up in a Christian realm. They were watered in a Christian world. We were watered with cuties and each of us. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:10:41 Jesus Christ, this is just the rammlings of a drug out of mind. I literally want. I'm clipping this. I want. Yeah, yeah. Clip. Clip.
Starting point is 02:10:51 Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip.
Starting point is 02:10:59 Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip. Clip. Cl he's over the last four years. I do want to ask you though, what do you think about Musk rebranding Twitter to X, not you, Dick Masterson? I think it's kind of done.
Starting point is 02:11:13 He seems hung up on this X company. It's been, oh, right. We've had it for a certain time. I know it's like a way to get around paying the interest and the taxes to protect Twitter in the event that it has to go through bankruptcy, but it seems like kind of lame. I don't know. His, I don't think it's smart just because Twitter is just an established brand name, that if he actually changes the name of the company fully, like, I guess.
Starting point is 02:11:36 Stupid question, like, what are we talking about Twitter? Oh, it's Twitter is the most interesting thing on the planet. I'll fuck it with it. Now it's on side. Debron, you got to cook it on your own. I got to get a lot to kill, Shrieve. I appreciate you having me on the planet. I'll fuck you with it. Now it's on time. Debra, you got a cook get on your head. I got a little rest of the kill stream. I appreciate you having me on, Dick.
Starting point is 02:11:49 Yeah, I think I'm super calling your brains out. And you got the please. You got the kill ball for kills for you. Yes, yes, of course. I'm going to keep being your little closet homestead. I'm going to bang your ex-wife by the horns. I'm going to get that gold slugger by the horns. I'm sure you are. You only have 14 horns from the horns.
Starting point is 02:12:07 I wish you luck. I wish you luck. I wish you luck. I wish you luck. I wish you luck. I know you've ever jaked it by Pakistan. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:12:14 Yes. Yes. You ought to know that. You're all mean. Thank you, Dave. You're from Viral. I'm your local. You're attached to my legacy now.
Starting point is 02:12:22 Thank you for attacking me. Oh my God. You bring me more people. This is great. Bring me more for I have. I don't know. Thank you for attacking me. Oh my God. You bring me more people. This is great. Bring me more for my hunger. He was mad at me. That was great. I have Aristophanies on the phone next.
Starting point is 02:12:32 You can tell him about Flado. But you know what I was saying. Basically, I was saying that if Dick Masterson was born in a Christian theocracy, it would be 1,000 times more intelligent than this guy in front of me. Why? In what way? What do you mean?
Starting point is 02:12:48 Compared the vent sheet to Jordan Peterson. Okay, the vent sheet. A mega different mindset. You have to admit a Christian world builds stronger geniuses than this. Think of evolution. It's correct, but we evolved backwards to be more stupid. I don't know. I feel like geniuses are always about geniuses. Name one there.
Starting point is 02:13:07 Name and genius. Name one. Today? Oh, this is the start. Aw working at SpaceX. VVick butchered. All the guys that built the blockchain. That's a real play though.
Starting point is 02:13:16 I'm a third of that. Richard Feynman. I'm not a find him. Well, because you don't know about them, doesn't mean they're not a genius. They teach kids about play though and shit. They prime them to have these archetypes in their heads that they can run off with into adulthood. They're our. We were in play. No, and grade school. No, like, bro, they don't even push it that hard. I'm just saying his work lasts. Yeah. What part
Starting point is 02:13:39 of what is it? You like just, they just admit you would would you and I would be infinitely smart smarter in a Christian the opposite. I think I would be dead. We're not Christian. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 02:13:57 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't know. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it.
Starting point is 02:14:11 I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it.
Starting point is 02:14:19 I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important thing about it. I've been wanting to talk to you about the most important, yeah. But I was gonna say, the reason you can't answer it is if you had the technology of today in the Christian theocracy, that is the number one reason I'm a Christian. Imagine microphones with the Christian theocracy where everyone gets a virgin wife.
Starting point is 02:14:40 Do you know what level of economic prosperity we'd be in? It wouldn't be bad. What about the Tower of Babel? Why do you think that, why do you think that story exists if not to defy technology in its superior, like what wouldn't it? What wouldn't it? Wouldn't the Christian theocracy seek to control technology
Starting point is 02:14:56 and limit it to only technology that glorified God? Again, but again, you believe they control technology. So why Oppenheimer exists? But again, not just stop Jewish science, which was quantum mechanics. But again, you believe that they're already controlling science with the vaccine, all that. So it's the same problem. I mean, yeah, I don't think the vaccine,
Starting point is 02:15:14 well, everything that they said, Kellogg's bought the research and said, stop eating bacon eggs. Yeah, go to cereal and muffins. Yeah. And then obesity skyrocketed, if 90% of science can be bought out by corporations, your religion's fucking retarded. What's my religion?
Starting point is 02:15:32 It's the alternative of a Christian position is that kind of trust the science, it's dangerous place to be, bro. Yeah. You can, see, you don't have to replace something with something else. Absolutely, you absolutely do not.'t have to replace something with something else. Absolutely. You absolutely.
Starting point is 02:15:46 You absolutely do not. You have to read intellectual in history said, it's either a full brain or empty. That's it. It's either spiritual or non. That doesn't make any sense of thought. It means you can reject two things as both being right, but you reject everything post material. You're all or nothing.
Starting point is 02:16:04 Do you believe in an afterlife? No. Exactly. You reject everything post material. You're all, you're all or nothing. Do you believe in an afterlife? No. That exactly. You reject everything post material. Yeah. I don't. I don't. Exactly. The alternative. Well, that's just how evidence for an afterlife. All right. It's not. So you're not going to prove it. Just. That's the, it's my. Have you believe in it? That's fine. Again, again, that's stripping meaning. That means you can play Minecraft your whole life. Who cares?
Starting point is 02:16:29 That's a fucking retarded, but you can look at it in the other way. Right. So we gotta live it up. That's why you should treat people's horrors. Because you don't think you're gonna see them again. So make the most of it. So here's what you're saying.
Starting point is 02:16:40 That's why I like in care. Helping everyone, like I don't want them to fight. I try to man their fences and stuff. This is all we have and we will regret all the fights. I love you guys, but I'm gonna do the kill shot. What you guys are saying. Here we go. Don't call us like Burger King or something. I've never done that to say. I've never talked to you guys. Okay. It's just that fat ass. Check this out. I'm pretty funny. I'm funny. I can just, I can see a gift since I destroyed him so bad.
Starting point is 02:17:09 It's just him wiping his sweat like his fat sweat, but check it out. They're going to make gifts. I've never seen him get cooked. Why do you attack me? I'm the fucking king of that. But here's the kill shot. What you guys are admitting is the love you have for your family members is just chemicals in your brain.
Starting point is 02:17:33 Yeah. That's bite the bullet. Go. That's kind of, we have it. Yes, it's how it's how we have to say yes before he lets you explain it. I don't need to explain anything. Yes, you're bitter though. Yes, of course. Yeah. Yeah. What do you mean? Yeah. That's because it's chemicals. That's how it works. Nothing else. Yeah. Even decision- do you mean? Yeah. What that's? It's chemical. It works. That's how it works. Nothing else. Yeah. You're saying it. Even decision-making is all chemical reactions. Yeah. It's a neurochemical computer.
Starting point is 02:17:51 I know if there's like something like that. I don't like to agree with you guys. Yeah. You know, and look at a lot of people like you. Wait, my God. It's up there. Like, oh, I better make sure a Zirka calls Ralph Fatt a couple more times. Well, I genuinely think God hates Ralph.
Starting point is 02:18:04 But check it out. I sure why not? The what you're really saying is the love you have for your mom is the same components as cocaine and dopamine. It's so stupid. Why is that stupid? People pay top dollar for cocaine. My my cocaine can replace someone losing their mom.
Starting point is 02:18:22 Well not coke specifically. I know. You need but you'd need a, you'd need a, you need a lot more equipment than a amount of coal, to replace a soul, dude. This is like crazy to me. You need oxytocin and dopamine and stuff too. There's, there's, there's, I'm a bitch. There's like, there's not a lot of trans betters.
Starting point is 02:18:40 Like it's, you know, 300, is that COVID science? What's that? That's a, that's a, that's a, that's a, that's a, What's that? That's exactly what it's like. It's a family's for liquor. It's been so easy. It's 300. It's exactly what's in your brain. It's not just dopamine.
Starting point is 02:18:50 Right. Did you get that from a COVID scientist? Which priest? Which priest? Do you think that love that your love is made more special because it comes from God? No, that's a case position. I'm saying that it has meaning. I'm saying that it has meaning.
Starting point is 02:19:04 What's the meaning? That there's a spiritual connection to I'm saying that it has meaning. I'm saying it has meaning. What's the meaning? That there's a spiritual connection to afterlife. Like what the fuck? Do you think that animals feel that way about their offspring and their, like, mammals, like dolphins and animals, or beasts with the fuck?
Starting point is 02:19:15 No, the difference from a human and an animal is only one thing. Yeah. Hats. Can you guess? Hats, hats. It's gonna blow your way. Here's a difference though. I've never seen it.
Starting point is 02:19:25 Hats, fucking. Hats. Like a hat. Like this? Yeah, you ever seen. Well, no, I mean, I'm an animal and a hat. Ethan's wife got horns, right? She's a goat, fucker.
Starting point is 02:19:35 Really, ask yourselves, what is the only thing that separates beast from man? I feel like I'm talking to Jesse Lee Peterson again. Oh, right. What is it? What is it? You're losing to a nigga. The only thing that separates man from a beast, I want to know from you guys first though.
Starting point is 02:19:49 Well, we have a giant prefrontal cortex. Uh, we can make complicated speech patterns because our air pipes are up near our throat. Oh, maybe it's the, maybe it's the fact that we can conceive of an afterlife for a greater power or something. Like, that's what I'm guessing is the only thing that separates man from beast. Yeah. It's the God question. That's why Albert Pike, 33 degree fucking grand wizard, the Pope of Freemasonry. These guys who are in federal reserve and the treasury, he said the origin is, this is
Starting point is 02:20:24 his quote on a book that you know, even be out like, thank God we have at least this one. But he said in morals and dogma, I think, yeah. Okay. The origins of atheism is the origins of savagery. Now I think I'll be a bloody turmoil. But yes, it's crashed. Hold on. Hold on. That's fine. We got to pull it, pull it back up. This on. Hold on. That's fine. We got to pull it back up. This is the best episode we've ever done. I agree with you.
Starting point is 02:20:48 Second episode. Well, we've had pre-boring because I didn't sleep for three days, but I'm really giving it. Have you done up that molt long? I really want to sleep and then they texted me in 20 minutes, you have to be there. I was like, fuck. But. Okay.
Starting point is 02:21:04 Let me know if it's back we're back to streaming again. Yeah. Somebody somebody tell me in this fucking chat. How long does it show? Like you can have me for as long, but I like how long does it go? So we have some water. Yeah, you can grab water if you want. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There we go. Uh, if it froze right when you were telling us the origins of atheism. Oh, so just now, just now, yeah, yeah, I got it just now. Um, I know dogs outside. Oh, the dogs outside.
Starting point is 02:21:37 Outside of the outside in the yard outside waiting for you outside the door. Yeah, it's a trick. She's inside. Oh, Christ. Uh, go up. It's reversed. I'm sure, don't. Yeah, Avi is a very fucking weird, okay? All my doorknob's working reverse. Hey, do you know, over there, how much editing do I have to do on this?
Starting point is 02:21:55 None. No, all, all the, all the, all dropping all those words. Well, it's all hosted on Rumble and Libson. I guess, yeah, I mean, we didn't say anything. No. Can't possibly, can't possibly account for what anyone else is gonna say. That's true. Right. I really wanted to have Ralph I and have a very, you know, schmaltzie heart to heart with him and telling that I was proud of him. Timing. But then it, yeah, yes, it's usual. Everything was destroyed.
Starting point is 02:22:25 Right, everything. Oh, man, what a wild one. And then I miss him and that in dealing with addicts, they, they, or people with addictions, and I don't want to say it negatively, they teach you, you have to let go of that person because they're gone. Well, now Ralph is back. So I'm like, well, I have to go to the next NA meeting and tell these guys they're lying to you.
Starting point is 02:22:50 They can come back better than at bigger and better than ever. You can definitely, you can do it. It's not a, Ralph is not a, the kids with, you know, adic parents are hoping for, like, well, you know, maybe you'll come back. He's back. Oh, yeah, of maybe he'll come back. He's back. Yeah. You can, of course, you can come back. Oh, I think I'm just so happy that he's, you know,
Starting point is 02:23:10 back to, back to even better than his old self. I feel bad, I feel bad celebrating that too, because it's going against Nick Fuente as you know, I also like, but. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you know, it's, it's, it's life is a little, it's, it's messy. It's not all or you know, it's not messy. There's a, there is so little black and white in life. Yeah, there really is the whole fucking things a gray area. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I saw that text next to it. I was like, oh man. Oh no. It's a long time to get why he's doing fucking bumps. Oh yeah, you think you Yeah, I don't know. Something. Yeah, there's something's going on. What should we ask him that I'm gonna ask the chat. I don't know him? We'll never get out of here if you ask him one more question.
Starting point is 02:24:05 What time is it, O245? Yeah. All right, let's get up there. Try that in a small town, so you go back to the... Sure. I can't remember the name of Plato's contemporary. It was. Stiongene's mentor. Yeah. It was Eric Sogenes mentor.
Starting point is 02:24:25 It was airsoft things. Because he's, Plato was younger than Socrates. Yeah. And he had a guy that he would fight with. But nobody knows him. Nobody knows the other guy. No one knows Jack Kirby. They know Stan Lee.
Starting point is 02:24:37 Yeah. Well, nobody knows who was, I always forget the guy's name, the contemporary of Darwin, how they presented, they presented there. They were working separately coming to similar conclusions and then working presented together and all that kind of stuff. I always forget his name because you're like, it takes a long, yeah, it's nice and easy, you know, I just, I can't remember, but people don't, it's like, what other guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:24:58 What other guy's another guy? There's another guy. There's a lot. To law equal, equal contemporary. There's a lot. Yeah, sure. Sure. Uh, sure. Sure. Westinghouse, raced Thomas Edison to the patent office
Starting point is 02:25:08 and because his lawyer was at lunch, he didn't get the patent for the telegram. Yeah. Which is so stupid. Yeah. Like, okay, so the system's not working. Right. If that was the, if that was how the system worked then,
Starting point is 02:25:23 then the system is broken. You should have done something different there. I don't know what it is, but you should have done something different. Yeah. Um, how to go. I mean, like, you have a great house. I love it. Thank you. Thanks. Yeah. It's cozy here. And I think we're cooking. So we're just cooking back, extending the hours. Let's just go for four more hours. You were telling us about the beginning of atheism. I don't know if that thought is still in your mind, but feel free. I don't know if the Jatchits not. I'm all I can see is Ethan right now.
Starting point is 02:25:56 Holy shit. I'm in war mode. You have to, you got to cigarette out the unlit. Just I know. I know. I'm at the drive-through right now. Right. This is, give me my fucking opera.
Starting point is 02:26:05 All right. You seem to be so much bigger now that you're, since the last time you were here, you're on so many things, I see you all over the place now, is that true? Yeah, I got the 100 million views on TikTok in like a couple of weeks. Jesus. Wow.
Starting point is 02:26:22 So, you know how angite would go on? 100 million views. Yeah, I've never done this good in my life That's what I don't know what you tell a hundred million people well, I Just gonna sound crazy, but like I prayed to Christ and the first time I prayed was to God and it worked, but it was in super charged like this Yeah, and I had like the worst month of my life as a Christian.
Starting point is 02:26:50 My first month as a Christian, I was cursing, I was calling him J this and I was punching walls, I hate it, but I didn't want to be a pussy just back down because the internet be like, well, you're not a Christian in a month, what the fuck? Yeah. And so I stuck through it and I had no idea the worst month of my life would be at 29. I thought everyone has it at that suicidal age of 24. Is that the age?
Starting point is 02:27:14 Well, most people when they finish post-secondary, yeah. Oh, you know, it can strike it anytime. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't think I could do wait for good bad in life that quick. We're like what happened? You know someone I like was dating, you know like pretty much I only have one friend, my girlfriend, because I feel like having friends as gay, like as guy friends,
Starting point is 02:27:34 it's kind of gay, I have coworkers on my friends. Like if we're not making money talking, get the fuck out of my life, right? Yeah, but we could talk all day and get rich. I could stay here and get you guys 100 million views, but check it out. It's not about money, yeah, everything is about money. I think I broke them.
Starting point is 02:27:51 What's what? Well, I know you're right, but like, it feels like it doesn't. It feels like it is power. Money is power. It feels like everybody's fixated on money a lot more than they used to be. I really feel like everybody's fucking broke.
Starting point is 02:28:05 If you're censored, banned, they're coming after you. Yeah. It is about money. So first, for me, it's about security. If I was a leftist liberal, whatever, then it's not about money. But if you're getting fucking cook left and right banned off this and fucking paypal,
Starting point is 02:28:22 it is about power. Like you need money. And this is a fucking dark position. But I really think that's like a fucking, you know, what are the minority of minority? You know, we're like tiny, but for me it is about money. Like I need power, I need security, I need, cause they just take everything from you and like,
Starting point is 02:28:38 yeah, you know, and people really think it happens like over the course of 10, you know, that's in two months. I went from rich to broke, dead broke. How? What happened? I got snake, then I like a long story short, it ended with my girlfriend, my only friend.
Starting point is 02:28:58 The didn't even snitch on me when the cops took her away because she threw a remote, which she tried to hit me here, right? Yeah. And because she knows, like, I'm not she's trying to hit me here, right? Yeah. And cause she knows like I'm not gonna slap the shit out of her, right? Unless it was legal. Kidding.
Starting point is 02:29:10 Turns out she hit me here. But yeah, you know, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, she now almost cans even. He's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's-bleaves, they're concerned crying. But yeah, you know, you were talking with the alpha widow last time, and I researched that. I get what you were saying, because when I dumped her, because she didn't go out for a year, she just stayed in her fucking basement. I took her $80,000 trips, this, this, that,
Starting point is 02:29:35 but 80,000 trips. Where did you get the first year of travel? Because I took a year off. I had a fucking midlife crisis, or whatever that, that is, and I took a year off work just to read You know the Bible this that how long ago is this this is the last year. Oh last year. Okay, so that's yeah Yeah, so because really my brother said look you're making like 15 18,000 dollars a month Picking up chicks. You're gonna be remembered for being a pickup artist. He just made a joke I remember that yeah, I was shook. I couldn't sleep for a week because I'm like, I'm a homosexual. Pick it up, but women is like saying, you pick up retards.
Starting point is 02:30:08 Like how hard is it? And so apparently it's really hard. I got rich teaching these guys out of pickup. It's hard. Yeah, I guess it's hard. I mean, they're fucking retards. It's hard to deal with that special needs. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:20 Take a unique skill set. You're right about that. I'd rather hire an artist. I higher not to over thinking in some time. Instead of skills, I would rather hire a fucking severely autistic man than the smartest woman you know. Okay. Genuinely endless, that's common. What are you hiring her for?
Starting point is 02:30:38 Anything. Right. Have you seen the women's NPC meme that they're doing on TikTok where they just do the same repetitive thing over and over? Like candy. So good. What is that? Candy. So good. Candy. So good. I never get. I'm a boomer, bro. I don't get it. Yeah. I don't know. It's funny, though, to see him do it. I mean, they're hot. I like when they look like retards, but I didn't get it either.
Starting point is 02:30:57 Yeah. I got it right away. I don't know why that is. I'll try to find one for you. I mean, it's fucking painful to watch, but so you've seen it. Oh, I watched the hours of this. I told you that's good. I told you that's good. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:31:15 Here it is. This girl, have you seen this? Yeah. Yeah, you seen this. I think it's so good. Oh, thank you, baby. You gave me from like a robot. Bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug,
Starting point is 02:31:23 bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug, You gave me a real bad bad bad bad bad bad bad game fire I asked you so good fire fire. What do you think? I think this is the end game for women, right? That's the end game of atheism. Yeah We'll bring this to you. You know what's funny if I took you guys in a time machine to the 1950s where it was more about the church You guys would never come back to this world There's a lot of reasons I wouldn't come back. Yeah, I'm telling you, when you see women who go to church, you'll say Nick is correct. Well, they're very skinny in the 50s though. That has a lot to do with it.
Starting point is 02:31:53 That's why he wouldn't come back for sure. Yeah, even in the 90s, when we grew up, man, they were all of them were skinny all the time, but now it's just a half the lumps all over the, it's fucking horrible for you guys now. I really feel bad that young men have to deal with that. The imagined level of bond in the 50s without a phone. When you got a road trip, you talk to each other for like, me and my boys, we turn our phones off. We just have fun, you know?
Starting point is 02:32:16 But imagine that with everyone. Your boss, your dude, that's heaven or what. It'd be great. Oh yeah, no, I think a phones and stuff have really isolated people in the way that they communicate. Like it's, you don't tell it's not face to face anymore. Like it's not the same kind of connections. No, I don't think.
Starting point is 02:32:33 My whole world changed on technology and atheism when I found out that teachers were on strike against calculators because they make you dumber. And when I looked at auto correct, dude. Oh, 29 years and I still don't auto spell necessary. No, I, I, I used to be so, I used to be a linguistic genius. Yeah. Auto correct made me so fucking weak, man. Yeah. Oh, it'll definitely fuck your spelling up. The crazy thing is I swear I wrote better papers of 21 than now. I believe in now.
Starting point is 02:33:05 I'm smarter. What kind of papers are you writing? Let's say an essay. Like any story telling you, I'm smarter now. You got to do it all the time, you know, to keep your writing chop chop. That was the only cool thing about school is that they'd make us do that. And I was like the last generation to play outside with bikes. Dude, I wouldn't trade that.
Starting point is 02:33:21 I wouldn't trade that for a billion dollars. I didn't have a cell phone until great 11. Anyway, they're still playing with bikes. I thought I was. I wouldn't trade that for a billion dollars. I didn't have a cell phone until grade 11. Anyway, they're still playing with bikes. I have nephews there. They still have, they still have bike. But I know, most people are inside. We, we, we, they went out of the black street, they went out of a bike for long. I don't even know if they've driven to that.
Starting point is 02:33:37 I've learned that my nephews call the homeless people homies. That's their terms. Oh, they call homies. Yeah, they came up with the term. Now they have iPads, too, though, right? Almost people? No, no, they, homies. That's their terms. Yeah, they came up with the terms. Now they have iPads, too, though, right? Almost people? No, no, the every kid. What do you want to eat? What do you want to eat?
Starting point is 02:34:07 Yeah, he aggressively turned to me and said, I'm a freaking. I said, what the fuck? Stop the death, bitch. How the fuck you not gonna at least order something that's not meat? What the fuck? Yeah, my girlfriend had a salad thrown at her by a home. Really? She gave him some leftovers.
Starting point is 02:34:23 I was like, I get what you're doing, but maybe giving discarded food to somebody. I used to give someone. I used to give someone. I was a drug there. I used to give the homeless a bump of coke. When I walked on that, I'm not joking. I've been pulling you on a lot.
Starting point is 02:34:36 I did that. They're pan handling productivity. Ropes 300%. You have no idea how much information they'd give me. Literally, I'm pretty much there.'s basically who's stepping on my toes, who's in my territory when I'm working a club. Oh, when you're doing drug dealing? Oh, sure, because we're in teams.
Starting point is 02:34:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I had no idea that like being popular is like, being popular is like 20% of the information downtown. The homeless guys, these guys are up all night. They see everything. Oh yeah. And they're accurate. Well, they explain it better than a cop like the incident.
Starting point is 02:35:05 You know who else did this? Sherlock Holmes. You really? Yeah, he had to, he employed the homeless children to do, to run gay ops for him. I think Jack the Ripper too. What was the wildest shit that you saw? All you were a drug dealer talking to the homeless like that.
Starting point is 02:35:21 Basically, it was like plotting. Like, he didn't have to hear the murmuring, but he knew was about me and every time I knew I was going to get jumped, I would go through the back door of the club. And I avoided a lot of jumpings that I'd see on Instagram where, you know, they start posting on this, where are you pussy after an hour later? And I'm like, what the fuck, infant and all fucking crackhead. He was right. And I said, they kept fucking saving me. I'm like, whoa. And then at one point. I'm like, whoa. And then at one point, I'm like,
Starting point is 02:35:46 I gotta get rich and get this fucking nigga a cell phone, right? Yeah. But I didn't do that. I was fucking. Here's a bump. Here's a bump. Why would they want to,
Starting point is 02:35:55 so they wanted to be you having them, they just get over it and they don't want to, but it was usually over like a girl. If I, if I, some girl throws a drink on a dude, I was the only guy that I don't care if you pay $1,000 at that fucking table. That whore got to leave. And so when I'm the authority, because I wasn't the head dormant at most places,
Starting point is 02:36:11 but I'm kind of like roaming position that enforcer, if I leave, those pushes aren't fighting, the other fucking security guards aren't cold kids, so they need me, they can't fire me, they'd fucking let me go for violence, but then they always bring me back. They needed me, I was highest paid, I was highest paid.
Starting point is 02:36:25 I was cutting the fucking top of the grease when we split grease and all the tips. And really, I never entertained the women who had the big tits want to come in for free. I never entertained that. I would talk to the gangsters and get the money from them. But if I want a money, because I knew these bitches are fucking low lives. And basically these girls would bring their brothers, gangsters. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:36:49 Like this Zurka guy bar watched, cause the city, the most violent city in Canada is the city that bleeds into my city. They're like next to each other, like twins. And Canada is a pussy place, but this one place at 2 a.m. Vancouver is the most violent place you'll ever be there.
Starting point is 02:37:10 You guys don't even know what a bar watch system is. We have a bar watch system that if you get on that, if one security guard puts you on that, you are banned. You're banned from 20. Oh, it's like the match list. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no because she has to move out of the city if I were like, and I was the only impulsive guy that would ruin people's lives. No one else wanted the fucking heat. I would forget the heat.
Starting point is 02:37:48 Oh, just, oh, do a bump and fucking, you know. Can you take them, who can take them off the list? Can they ever come off? Absolutely, as soon as we get threatened by knives, like they're the dirtiest people on earth. Like nightclub owners, promoters, DJs, and the security. These guys break the law so hard. There's murderers who stabbed the fuck out of someone last week,
Starting point is 02:38:11 harding in a club. Yeah. And the cops are not allowed in the club until the head door man tells them. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Antonio left through the back.
Starting point is 02:38:24 Now the cops can come in. Oh, sure. I always thought the cops could just barge in. No. The cops made a system where the gangsters can get away because they're that afraid of the gangsters because the gangsters drive by the cops's house when they're playing Frisbee with their get an intimidate them. The cops made a system cowering away from gangsters just like in that movie, Batman begins.
Starting point is 02:38:44 Yeah. What's his name? Where they, youing away from gangsters just like in that movie Batman begins. Yeah, what's his name? Where they like the judge? Uh, the judge. That's a good movie too, but the judge says I could fucking shoot you in front of a judge. Right. Falconeys boys and stuff. It's exactly like that. These cops check IDs one by one with their computer system inside VIP. Mm-hmm. So slowly And they always start at the broke table. So the rich table can leave. Yeah, that's nice. I'm telling you, the police system is so fucking corrupt. If you've worked, if you've been higher up in nightclubs, it's designed for them to get away. They party till 3 a.m. and leave 10 minutes before they get arrested when there's a warrant for their arrest. And I would party with these murderers for a year straight. It's fucking crazy
Starting point is 02:39:29 dude. It's so corrupt. And I would use later I found out I'm like, I, when I forgot on Twitch, everyone's like, he'll go stay with your friends. I'm like, I don't have friends, but okay. Went to the club because everyone said you're lying about your past. Went to celebrity nightclub with big Tony's at the door and everyone, friends, family, Twitch, you'd everyone DM'd me. The friends I was staying with, apparently you can Google these people. I didn't know, I thought we were just doing,
Starting point is 02:39:55 you know, having fun. Yeah. Yo, deleted the vlog. And I said, Wait, what were they? What were they DMing you? That they're, you know, how you did? A lot of people, you buy association? Yeah. they DMing you? That they're, you know how you did? A lot of people you buy association?
Starting point is 02:40:07 Yeah. They're bunch of criminals that you're hanging out with? They're not Logan Paul, like I shouldn't be on stream with them. And so then I fucking panic, because I'm like, I don't have friends now. You know, these are night guys. Yeah. And they always protect me, show me love,
Starting point is 02:40:20 and you want them to even look at my girlfriend. They, what are you looking at? They'd freak out. So I thought they're like family, but when I done my research, I'm like, whoa. Okay, they got the real cool. They're fucking psychos at the point. So yeah, and then that was the darkest period.
Starting point is 02:40:34 I was very alone, got the girlfriend. She'd a snitch on me when she threw that remote, I called security at the hotel, twitch gone and get this fucking war out of here. And they're like, you're 6'5'260 pounds screaming. And this 100 pound petite girl, you're telling us to kick her out. No, we're going to the cops, you're going to jail. And I'm like, I'm going to jail.
Starting point is 02:40:59 I was like, Prado Christ, Prado Christ, I'm panic. Big flash of light hits me. Okay, I'm fucking, hi, there's stuff all over the hotel and she has her own bubble, bubble. She's crying. I swear to God, a feminist in the hotel door next to us, opens the door. I work with domestic abuse baby, just come to me.
Starting point is 02:41:19 Come to me. And Jill was like this e-girl, right? Super loyal, great girl. Yeah. Total bitch. She's like, I want to stay with John. And I banning because I'm like, it looks like she has Stockholm syndrome. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:33 And I'm beating the shit out of her. A big black man with a flashlight. That's what the light was. Yeah. He's a metaphorical light. I mean, Jesus, literally, that's a giant. Jesus didn it show up. It was a fucking black guy the opposite of God. So now as he's holding it, right? Is that too? Yeah, it's too far. I'm raised by black family. I can go crazy with this, right? So he's holding a We're you really? Yeah, yeah, because my parents were refugees. So they had way work and extra stuff from a welcome most refugee program.
Starting point is 02:42:05 So we're raised by a Christian black family. Are you Armenian? Albanian. Albanian. Yeah, he can't. He can't. In France, right? Don't they have a lot of Albanian migrants in France?
Starting point is 02:42:16 A lot of blacks. Yeah. There's a lot of Albanians are lighter than you, aren't they? Yeah, yeah. No, I tend purposefully. Like I try and look black. I try and sound black, I think they're cool, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:28 They just, you know, do all the crimes. So now, take it out. Take it out. Hey, I'm a former drug dealer, I'm a crime guy. I'm, you're open to violence. I'm a black guy. You cannot say, I'm a criminal. I'm a black guy.
Starting point is 02:42:38 You cannot say I'm a criminal. So it's okay that I say crimes right. Right. I'm just saying, I have third problem. Yeah, yeah, yeah, here's what I'm saying. That light. You coming with me and I said, I really thought I was joking about handing back people this guy's gonna fucking seal the deal. He's taking me to jail. Yeah, I'm the white man way. You're fucked in that case. But you let go of my arm and he said, wait,
Starting point is 02:43:03 what happened to your lip? And I was like, what? And I'm not no snitch. I'm not gonna say she fucking busted my lip with the remote. And I was pissed. I fucking hit emergency and called security and security full of cops. Oh, I walked into a door.
Starting point is 02:43:16 No, I said, we're arguing because it's remote slipped and stuff. And he literally turned to the tiniest girl at Twitch gone. They grab her for domestic abuse for my fat ass 262 here. Yes, they grab her. Oh, Jesus is real. Jesus, they're taking the bitch to jail, not me. You could have gone so bad. Imagine they flashlighted everything in the drawers, all the party content and I think took her to jail
Starting point is 02:43:44 or they took her out to jail and they fucking, they're like, you need a med kid. I'm like, I think I'll be okay. Dude, you really think I'm not gonna believe in Jesus after that and the day I accept that. Okay, I think that's fine. I'm sold, yeah, you got it. Except that Christ was like,
Starting point is 02:43:58 when I landed at the airport at TwitchCon because I said, I don't, I love my new life, but this is pointless. I just kept looking at this fucking picture of Jesus. And I'm like, yeah, this stuff's starting to make sense. I don't get to get to see it. Well, I picture of Jesus and what I'm doing. It's like Jesus.
Starting point is 02:44:11 It's like, it's like bronze, you know, just like the Bible says, but it really color doesn't matter, right? But check it out, unless you're black. I'm shitty. Holy shit. But the point is, she's grabbed the knife when we broke up, Carved up her legs. The first time in her life, big scars,
Starting point is 02:44:28 and I had a mental breakdown. And when you love someone, and that happens, you can't call your mom, you can't call your dad, can't call my therapist, twin brother, because it's a dead space. So I said, what do I do? The rigged bill community, when everyone found out, said, don't push, she's crazy. I said, what do I do? The rig bill community, when everyone found out, said, don't push, he's crazy.
Starting point is 02:44:47 I said, these guys don't have God. They're atheists. I can't be with these fucking guys. The blue people. Crazy man. The blue people community came to my rescue. You know what they said? Call it therapist.
Starting point is 02:44:56 Man didn't hurt. Just like the red, because they're both fucking atheists. I said, I need to be a Christian. Who's gonna help this bitch? One month. I go, it's two months, almost. I broke offline.
Starting point is 02:45:07 People are like literally calling cops on what happened to Zirk on something completely radio silent in Texas for the first time alone. I have no friends, I just had her. I'm a cuck. I'll go back to this fucking bitch after our break up. And after she carved her leg up, man, I'd be worried that she's coming after me.
Starting point is 02:45:22 Next, I got her. I got her all the therapy and it worked. And I said to myself, I hate being a Christian, because as soon as I became one, that should happen. And she got drunk as fuck for the first time and went to a party to flirt with a guy to get back to me for some Miami girls that I fucking, I immediately want that girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:45:39 And because so much of your energy, though, and this relationship, but again, because she didn't rat me, and she didn't want me, I'm really not good. And because so much of your energy though, and this relationship, but again, because she didn't rat me out to the cops, when she's ratted me on Twitch, and she always racked. But when he came to jail, she took the bullet and just said nothing and cried.
Starting point is 02:45:59 Yeah. First time I never remembered any woman in my past, and I said, that's the only girl I love. Okay. But it's the only one that I can never be around. And then the darkest depression of my life, stayed the Jesus path. Now I'm a millionaire. How did you lose all your money? So quick, you said, if you weren't broken a month. Just blow it. I'm a month. Just blowing down, just traveling. Just spent, I had the, because of the lockdown.
Starting point is 02:46:26 Yeah. I spent a year and eight months celibate, a purity run by accident, really, because you're locked down in my fucking liberal town. And I got, you know, relatively rich from where I was, like almost 20,000 a month, just and I was doing 20, 23 hours a day every day for seven months. You could Google what I did. No one's ever done that at this pace yelling for 23 hours. Not playing a video game.
Starting point is 02:46:52 No one in history has ever been on Twitch. Yeah, stream on Twitch. And they try and ban me as stuff, but the big dogs would be like, he's so real that the biggest channels would always like train Rex. They would unban me. But it would be months later after they do damage on my wallet. That lockdown traumatized me so hard that I said, grab the hottest girl on Twitch that you like. She's a Malga supporter. She got banned for months for saying the Vax not real when people's grandmas are dying. I really love the girl, right?
Starting point is 02:47:19 Love her death. Karasmatic, she was like getting away with F-surs on Twitch. Holy shit. These fucking admins really want to fuck this girl. You know how the weird they are? Who is that? Who is this girl you talking about? I don't want to see it on a say okay. But the point is is like super loyal. One year stays in a basement for me so she doesn't make me look bad going out to a bar with her friends or shit because really I know she's not going to cheat but I know this is the new look the new girl only girl We're talking about okay one girl okay one girl. I'm coming and on Halloween. She says you know It's been a year. I want to go to a girl's night to take photos with my friends and I know she's loyal
Starting point is 02:47:54 But again, I'm taking you around the fucking world bitch for 80,000 in a year That's a lot of money you fucking dumb bitch and she's fucking has her own money. Yeah, okay And it was getting a fight just being a rounder like guys are trying to grow for shit. So I was like, bro, I'm risking my life. You dumb bitch. Do something for me. And she's the type to wash 23 hours of my sleep.
Starting point is 02:48:15 You're making me not messy being young. Yes, Lee. She would have eye bags staying up 23 hours watching my stream. She'd go, why don't you go to sleep? She was like, very clingy. I love clingy, right? Oh, the hot spots on earth are clingy after hot. Okay. she's like, why don't you go to sleep? She was like, very clingy, I love clingy, right? Oh, the hot-scoots on earth are clingy, after hot, right?
Starting point is 02:48:27 That's like genuine desire, but she went to a Halloween party. I'm like, yo, you know, you're dealing with ISIS as a Christian, I'm white ISIS, I'm white ISIS. You know how to throw everything away, every investment, dollar, relationship, jail, if you go to that party, and she's like, you're not that stupid. So like, okay, time to fuck a blonde on camera. Goodbye. And I flew to Miami and she had a mental
Starting point is 02:48:51 breakdown. That said, and she said, damn, I over friends said, you shouldn't have done that was her. He was actually loyal. And like, I'm really, yeah, low sex drive compared to average male because of my I think wait, did you fuck a girl on camera then like you said? Why not? I just picked her up but she would puke if I talked to another girl she was so jealous and I'm super jealous so I loved it you know I was, it's a good one for me
Starting point is 02:49:17 and are you still that jealous? Now? Yeah. Well I don't have a girlfriend you know I just have a teenager of fun. Okay. Now? Yeah. Well, I don't have a girlfriend, you know, I just have a teenager or a phone. Oh, okay. But I'm jealous. I have all their passwords, like within the first week. Oh, no. Oh.
Starting point is 02:49:33 And you know what's funny? His jealousy is arousing a woman. A lot of people don't know, but if you're a- All women. All women. Some women don't like it. No, no, no. If you have the trinity of status, network, and looks,
Starting point is 02:49:44 yeah, they will bend, break for you. They'll do anything. No, no, no, if you have the Trinity of status network and looks, they will bend break for you. They'll do anything. Yeah. Okay. So that's actually, I've watched some of these fresh and fit shows sometimes. And I hear guys talking about like high value and all this Trinity and stuff. How many people do you think that's helpful for? Like, why is this such a popular message for guys to be maxing out as these, whatever, top alpha males, it's just a weird contest. I've never seen more emails in my life than those guys for, say, you saved me from suicide.
Starting point is 02:50:15 I think our, the girls are men. Men that say, I think as a red pill is a men's audience, right? Yeah. So they talk to men, but I broke their record because in a week I convert a thousand four hundred, a lot of Muslims to Christians
Starting point is 02:50:25 I destroyed the game and saving lives for suicide because they're like I wrap I wrap up religion like it's Dragon Ball. I make religion fucking fire I'm better than any gay ass pastor priest. They all owe me money for what I'm doing. That's true With their acoustic guitars The homelies that go nowhere, they're not applicable to real life. Passers and priests made me hate Christianity because when I asked them questions,
Starting point is 02:50:50 they give me some weird ass, bro, I did a bunch of coke and I said, how the fuck this is? So are you the new face of Christianity? Is this what it is now? And I'm maybe a hundred million views. Yeah. Someone like you're gonna be in the Vatican
Starting point is 02:51:00 with a fucking Lakers tank top and Josh. Hey, no, I love so. I love God. That's the comedy, the space pope. I'm not gonna lie. The Riz Pope. The comedy is caring because my intellect actually damage my viewers. People want more retouch it from me, right? Like they love the comedy.
Starting point is 02:51:16 So comedy is what's driving the views. Let's be honest, I'm fucking, you know, that's my bread and butter. Right. But I wiped the floor with any Christian, any Muslim, any Buddhist in a debate, any fucking Protestant or homosexual, because nobody, like, remember, I didn't do the Bible. So I said, fuck it, I'm gonna cheat. You haven't been a Christian for very long, and now you're threatening, you know, but it's quality.
Starting point is 02:51:37 Quality is more important than quantity. I swam my head in a bag of coke, crushed and ate bone, finished the Bible, and I sat down pondering what pastors never did. I said, how does Jesus sit to the right of the Father? That means there are two different people. Why don't you sit there right of yourself? Wait a minute, Jesus is the Word.
Starting point is 02:51:56 The Word is always right. The Word comes into flesh. He is sitting to the right, just the Word is correct. Yeah. No fucking pastor, scholar, priest priest has ever done what I did. Now, I get heaps of money and people go, do another rip and go back into the Bible. You're good at this.
Starting point is 02:52:13 I'm fucking king of this. I can't believe that you guys made the Bible accessible to young men. Like I really would never have predicted that this kind of, No, they don't read it. They just get this part. Oh no, shit, they don't read it. They don't follow it either.
Starting point is 02:52:27 No, Christians will go to a pastor. They never have. Well, again, you wouldn't either. You'd go to someone who's like good at speaking. Like I'd go to pastor David Linn or someone like that. Okay. It's better hearing it from someone else. I think it's better. It's more. You better hearing what? The Bible Bible. Yeah. You think reading is that much fun? No, it's not supposed to be fun. You're supposed to be enlightened, isn't it? No, no, but again, your brain washed by. I didn't even think of that. No, but your brain washed to be fun. Yeah. Your sensory overload because you grew up in the digital age. So I think I did. He's older than me. But you've been around since the internet, or excuse me to a little bit more. But exactly for the 70s, he's from Rocky.
Starting point is 02:53:06 But you're in Rocky times. But you're saying that your attention, deficit has not changed over the decades. Oh, I think everybody's more ADD. Yeah, exactly why sure. Exactly why an audio format is better for the Bible right now. Yeah. It's already, we're already siaops, right? Like dude, I, I, reading it, I think, like, I had to read, listen,
Starting point is 02:53:26 and then make fucking little comic books to even understand scripture and it worked, but it took forever. But if I just brag like this. Yeah. What I'm saying is I'm closer to joining ISIS now. I see, but an, but an audio book is, that's fine. I'm talking about, like, if you're faster,
Starting point is 02:53:41 I'm faster like, I'm faster with the speech with conviction. But that's an intermediary. Absolutely. I mean, like, don't you want to, don't you the speech with conviction. But that's an intermediary. Absolutely. I mean, like, don't you want to, don't you want to read all of it? See it in context? Oh, that's a total waste of work.
Starting point is 02:53:50 We're sure that must be taught. It's like, it's like karate. It's almost like indoctrination. Well, I mean, you guys got what? COVID science. I was at least, like, COVID situation. I lost my, you gotta bring the rainbow like on YouTube.
Starting point is 02:54:07 Did you? Yeah, for COVID misinformation, because I said the vaccine made you age in reverse. But like Mark and Mindy, but you're going to get, they said that's medical misinformation. You have a permanent COVID strike. I know sense of how to get it.
Starting point is 02:54:19 Why adopt an atheist position if 99% is that COVID science? You can't choose to believe in Christ. You either believe it or don't. That's a thing. I can't say. I know, but you're fighting. That's why the Santa is choosing to not believe no longer exists. There used to be a sin specifically for people like me, but it didn't catch on.
Starting point is 02:54:37 There was an eighth one. You remind me of like a berserker that's like running it to war, but you don't know which way you're headed because, oh, I know I'm headed to the Federal Reserve. I'm really wish you guys would say the devil lives there because that's like running it to war, but you don't know which way you're at it because, oh, I know I'm headed to the federal reserve. I really wish you guys would say the devil lives there because that's where he's compound interest is the second most powerful force in the universe right behind God. And he's coming for him. A couple of years that's going to be at. Do you defend traditional values? How far back you want to go? What are you doing? It's con. I'm like 1950s. What do you like? I'm not big on the 50s. What would it would you guys defend like marriage or any of that? Marriages of marriage is a fucking very dangerous game for young men to be playing.
Starting point is 02:55:13 Right. Right. No, but I'm very dangerous. In a different system in a 1950s, better system. I know. I don't think I think that marriage, marriage before the early 19, before like 1910 when it was just people celebrating their love and their, their desire to build uh... marriage before um... the early nineteen before like nineteen ten when it was just people celebrating their love and their want their desire to build a family that's fine i think that's part of the chemical gay part as soon as it as soon as it became a national law about registering with the government and taxing you for it which was what which dot all that shit was done at the same time the irs income tax in the marriage law was all done at the same time to fundamentally change and ruin and control the what was a what was american society at the time i'm not for that right that's what marriage is now but when i say marriage i mean thousands of years of it literally bring us here are you against that well no i
Starting point is 02:55:58 think uh... having a stable relationship takes a lot of energy out gives you a lot of energy back uh... that you don't have to spend meeting and losing women losing love is very traumatic for people. Here's one of the worst things more than death, I think. Yeah. Yeah. So not doing that is good. Right. Right.
Starting point is 02:56:17 But look what you that's this is what you just admitted. Your your your yeah. Yeah. Got you bad right now. This is the kill shot. You just admit your people on those pagan temple steps for as long as human history could not figure it out without the Bible.
Starting point is 02:56:36 That's what you admitted. You just admit that if we had it your way, we wouldn't be up to hear it with technology. We had it before the Bible. We had human relationships and monogamy and family before the fucking Bible. Really? Destiny is a decedent.
Starting point is 02:56:48 Come on. It's the key to read pill behavior. Destiny with his high value man. They were banging children on temple steps. They were having 40 wives. They didn't have family. Hey, the Catholic Church has done its share of banging children.
Starting point is 02:57:01 So. You just admit you're only at this level of technology because of that book. That's your God. I think that religions have taken credit for a lot of things that people have invented. No, marriage is the first book I've ever written, talked about marriage, that's like a revelation.
Starting point is 02:57:19 No human sat there who wants to fuck every girl. We want to fuck every girl. You think one guy sat there and said, actually, let's use a divinely ordained energy to make people stay in pairs and they fixed 99% of their fucking problems. Really, you think that? He doesn't fix nothing.
Starting point is 02:57:38 You guys only come after with your rainbow flags. Like, we're here. Now that the traditional values of destroyed America, we're here. Now that the traditional values of destroyed America, we're here. What the fuck? We do a lot of, hit these do a lot of cleaning house too.
Starting point is 02:57:49 And I get aware of that. You're choosing reason over faith, you know that? Yes. I have smoke. You have smoke. Faith at all. I am expressly anti-fate. That's fine if other people do it, but I have none.
Starting point is 02:57:59 Do you know what you're saying? Faith means moral law. I do not believe in any kind of moral law. Right. So you're saying you're choosing reason to sit down and ponder and reason. Yeah. It's okay to cut my dick off because circa had a circumcision. That's a really starting. You're pro-tracks. I don't want to cut my dick off. But exactly never occurred to me. But be honest, it caused me a lot of problems. Can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can,
Starting point is 02:58:26 can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can if it hurts no one and you're an adult, you can make a reasonable argument about anything evil unless you go with the Bible. You guys are the evil side. No, I don't think you can make, I don't think you can, well, you can trust in my mind. I guess. Why can't I marry my mom? You want to marry and fuck your mom?
Starting point is 02:58:59 No, I get, why can I not in your atheist world? I mean, you, you, because it's reasonable. Because I don't care. I think you don't breed with her. You're going to pop, so you're saying I can't re, I can't be a reason. I can reason my way to the king, Dick, and say, Hey, I'm marrying my mom.
Starting point is 02:59:16 It's cool, right? And you say, yes. You have big problems if you want to marry your mom. Don't do that. I go to a shrank or something. Whatever you got to do. You said big problems. Why?
Starting point is 02:59:27 Cause she's exerted control over you when you were a child. So it's an adult. Well, as a child, you've likely been groomed. So your desire to fuck your mom is unhealthy. What if she didn't hurt you? What if she didn't raise you? Oh, then go for it. I don't.
Starting point is 02:59:44 By all means. If your mom is up, you meet your mom later in life. And do you know she's your mom? Right. Yeah. Yeah, go for it. I don't care. Sure. You want to fuck you.
Starting point is 02:59:54 What about these the edge cases that we're presented with where I have to pick between science and God. Yes. Someone wants to fuck their mother that they didn't grow up with. Here's the difference from you and me right now. This is faith. That's reason. You're reasoning it. Yes. That's why I'm saying it's a stupid position. Come to our side. I don't want to be on your side. No. Let's say I joined your side. Can I make a reasonable argument that I can fuck a goat as long as it doesn't hurt anyone? I mean, you're probably
Starting point is 03:00:23 going to do it anyway. so I think you need to. If you're thinking of reason, what's the fucking go? You're probably gonna do it. So, that's a non-answer. What are the reasons people do things all the time? It doesn't mean, yeah, a reasonable abuse. I don't want an answer.
Starting point is 03:00:37 That's not an answer. It's not an answerable. What do you mean? Is there a reasonable man? Yeah, you can, no, I'm unrapped. I'm just gonna try unreasonable. People can talk themselves into it being cool toh. I'm just gonna try unreasonable. People can talk themselves into it being cool to fuck animals.
Starting point is 03:00:47 I need to share, of course. I mean, I- I think the creative enough, can we go pedophilia? We're hoping you're jacking off horses to make other horses, and that's fine, so, you know. But that's only in your world, not our Christian Thealcus. People are jacking off horses in Christian Thealcus. In Christian's world, too.
Starting point is 03:01:02 Of course they're not. I know, for money, for making free horses. You know, I don't world. Of course they are. For money. For money. I don't know. I think they get there. There's a farmer somewhere jacking off a horse right now listening to this show. Who believes in God. I'm sure in medieval times that guy didn't get his head cut off. Come on.
Starting point is 03:01:17 Give me a break. Nice. And they breed horses. Nice. The night's didn't even tell white lies. Imagine a human that doesn't even lie. They're such better people than right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 03:01:26 That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 03:01:34 That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 03:01:42 That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. All right, by the king to do that. I don't think Knights were living that lavish. Okay, I don't know. They're pretty badass. I mean, they've got a lot of pussy. They probably just wanted to kill people. We're giving your head, put off. We're gonna go kill some of these guys because like, say no more.
Starting point is 03:01:54 Would you just, I'm gonna kill somebody. I've been interested in such a boy. My dad kicked the shit out of me. He's dead. I would love to kill him, but I'll go kill those guys instead. But again, why you guys are running around the park when I'm sniping you right now, Mr. Bay. You guys are literally mongoos.
Starting point is 03:02:09 Like, I'm fucking killing you like rotors. Yeah. Yeah. I totally nailed it. I've got the rightful of faith and reason always loses to faith. That's true. That's what, that's definitely true. You can't disprove it.
Starting point is 03:02:21 Yeah, I can disprove the existence of God. Yeah, my answer is concrete. You guys are drowning. Yeah, you get the difference from faith and drowning a fucking boredom at the moment. I'd rather be drowning than stuck in concrete. I'm telling you, there's nothing boring about drowning. And you guys are done right now. What I'm trying to say is, I'm bored to death.
Starting point is 03:02:44 He was about to take it to you. You can do anything. Mary, a goat and this and you don't even believe reason over faith. You're on my side. You just don't want to admit it. All right. You're right. Uh, on that bombshell.
Starting point is 03:02:57 I think do you plug, plug your stuff for God's sake. Thank you for coming in and having a big fight with Ralph. No, thank you for attacking me. You guys ambush me. That was brilliant. I do the best when I'm on the back foot. That's a big deal. I want to put you really nailed it. Yes.
Starting point is 03:03:10 And nail into the cross. Jesus died for us. The blood washed over us. Every civilization in history created from the first book. The books like science books are fucking useless. I'm telling you right now. What about China? Those atheists, you like that living stone?
Starting point is 03:03:28 Well, I mean, they're doing stuff too. They got computers over there too. Why don't you move there? That's what I thought. You like a Christian world, even if it's decaying right now. You and I would have a blast in 1950s with cocaine and Frank Sinatra, fuck you talking about. I prefer Jewish world to be honest.
Starting point is 03:03:44 I thought that's where we were living, according to you guys. In the 1950s, was that Jewish too? I think it was great. I love toilets. I only like the 50s as much as you. Well, how far you want to go? We can go 1800s. I like that too. Yeah, 18.
Starting point is 03:03:59 That's what we can do. 18 of our lives. Well, you can still do that. You can do that now. No, 50s, no elbows. 1800s, all everything goes. Yeah, right before the Civil War, that's the sweet spot. Right before Civil War.
Starting point is 03:04:12 In the North, though, I don't want that to be misinterpreted. You're very, you're very, you're very pulling to the Bible. You want that time? Yeah. You're a Christian, dude. What timeline again? If that's what it takes. If you want to the most Christian part of the book, if you got a time machine somewhere in that Christian, dude. What timeline again? That's what it takes.
Starting point is 03:04:25 You want to do the most Christian part of the food. If you've got a time machine somewhere in that book, then I'm in. I wonder why you're going to that world. Because that's the cross. That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument.
Starting point is 03:04:36 That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument.
Starting point is 03:04:44 That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument. That's not an argument. It fucked up America, but when it's still fucked. When you say the government, you're saying the state, the federal government. Yeah, exactly, but you're saying the state that wiped out the cross with the 1960s sexual revolution, that's the peace sign upside down, broken. You hate the state. So come back to Christ. You don't even know what you're fighting. You're not going to get me. You fight for traditional values.
Starting point is 03:05:01 If you come up to me and you say, I don't like gay people, I go, bro, you're a homophobic. I'm going to punch you in the face. But if you come up to me and say, no, no, God said that's gay. Don't do it. Then I say, that's to me, faith is what annoys me about religion. But that's what annoys me about you guys is you guys can just don't be gay, but you don't have a reason. Definitely be gay.
Starting point is 03:05:21 Right. You know what I'm saying is like for me away from me. Let's say red pill, guys. Yeah. They defend traditional values without picking up the holy book. Look, why? I don't know. I don't get it. I don't get it either.
Starting point is 03:05:33 All right. Thank you. Everybody, thank you to Ralph. We're doing a million views. We're getting rich now. We're gonna get paid. You know what? I was annoyed when I saw you go viral that I didn't put like a dick show logo on the microphone
Starting point is 03:05:44 and I still didn't. That I didn't put like a dick show logo on the microphone and I still didn't That's why my team made a dick. Uh, you're think for me today. Oh, yeah, I was in the wrong part of fucking a late to pick it up You have a team? Yeah, yeah, no, I'm killing you. I'm gonna reach guy. Yeah, no, no big success I thought he went no, I thought you had to say your team and my team always fucks me over All they do is roll me into Sprinter vans and say, go here, go. I don't even know who I'm meeting. Only thing I ever prepared for is this one, because you guys are thought provoking and like, bro, I'm telling you, I don't know what it's called, but you ever been good at a video game or a sport or just
Starting point is 03:06:17 way better than everyone else. Yeah. And when you have to play on a beginner's level, you hate it. frustrating. Yeah. That's politics for me. That every show I go on, I only want to go to Dicks show because you and I will go into like, it's like two boxers going at it, but everyone else will be like, oh, limited government and free trade. And I'm like, what's boring? That's boring. It's very boring. Most adults cannot have a political conversation that is effective.
Starting point is 03:06:45 We literally teleported to JQ. Ethan's good at this, right? He's good at those conversations. He's very good at it. He's good at the kill stream stuff like that. But I'm telling you, Nick's got out of two. Nick Flint is his incredible at it. He's a genius.
Starting point is 03:06:57 Yeah. I agree with you. Yeah, I'm just going to fucking make him taller and then we got the guy. And you got it. Check out this antis issues. No, no, we're gonna make him like, we're gonna make Ben Carson pick him up, because he's black, I'm kidding, I love Ben.
Starting point is 03:07:10 I actually love Ben, I want to Ben and Trump, but here's what I'm saying. There's like nine people on the internet that can have that entertaining political conversations. You need Destiny Nick. Dude, there's not, dude, what I want. I watch these kind of creators my whole life. You know how weird it felt to sit on a hundred thousand of your rumble stream and Nick.
Starting point is 03:07:33 Sometimes he goes on a back foot when he debates me. Like he worries, like, oh, he's gonna get me. Yeah. That genius, who made a million dollars, I'll band off everything and the dropout, Bouncer, fucking crazy guy can can keep him on guard keep destiny terrified How the fuck did I get all the way here just with passion? I'm not a smart guy. It's not at all. It's what is it? I realized dude There's nine of us on the internet. That's why people start for our content that we can be banned and they'll still come
Starting point is 03:08:00 Why is there so few and that's when I realized dude 99% of people on earth are literally gold brain like retards Communication is hard. I swear to God 90% of Trump's cabinet Let's say Biden's Obamas you would destroy them in a political debate Probably yeah, I think they hire like just figures and stuff. I keep well. They do everything by consensus So even if they are smarter, they're always, all of them are always dumb down to the lowest one because they have to all agree
Starting point is 03:08:28 on everything. And they're dumbing themselves down for, you know, the constituents that they imagine in their heads that don't exist. There's something about the intellectual dark web guys like us that are like, you know, most of the world doesn't even know how the fuck they find these streams is that like,
Starting point is 03:08:42 we're very niche of niche of niche. Like, you know what, fucking sports, we go into like, into like Ethan, Ethan calling someone a dumb shoe, you know, we go all the way there. So I'm saying we are the sharpest minds politically. There are a public who extended my work visa. He loves me, but he can't say he's affiliated with me because I'm a streamer. Yeah. I get it. I get it. This buddy who wanted a debate never released a debate never released a debate because I wiped the floor with him. All they can talk about is being fiscally conservative and taxes. I'm like, nigga, what are you conserving? If not the church? And he freezes.
Starting point is 03:09:16 Bro, I'm convinced. I'm smarter than almost every single fucking American. You, you, every intellectual dark web that people who have that interest for Jordan Peterson and Nick and Destiny, I think they're all smarter than most people. Yeah. Yeah, bro, Americans go to Walmart. These are animals. They're so stupid. They're stupid.
Starting point is 03:09:36 They're all set yet to that. They're, I agree. Not just Americans. I travel the whole world. Humans have no interest for power. That's what politics is, is power. Yeah. You're obsessed with it. We hate it. I get off for power. That's what politics is, is power. Yeah. You're obsessed with it. We hate it. So get off my back.
Starting point is 03:09:48 That's a good point. But man, I realized like, I need friends, not with friends, co-workers like this. Uh-huh. Every single thing I had to do today, I said, delete everything. Dick only. They said, Dick's only two hours. I said, I don't give a fuck. I'm a fucking break the bed. I'm not gonna kill this one. I'm not gonna kill this one. Yeah, I'm getting here. That's the answer.
Starting point is 03:10:09 I'm the guy's of obstacles. I'm gonna go out and kill it by your dog. Then you're big, even. I'm fucking killing you, you fat ass. But check it out. I'm telling you, I need more of these. You know, you guys have the only show that does this. You know, I have to leave fucking a lead.
Starting point is 03:10:23 Oh yeah, yeah. And I did it just to leave Peterson, that's gonna do, I guarantee you, me is amazing. He's amazing. I don't even know what we do. Oh, I got it. I got a gotch on him.
Starting point is 03:10:32 Bad. Like, I did, he loved me, even the gotcha, he doesn't have bitterness and resentment. Yeah. But I got his ass good when we started debating. But I'm telling you, Jesse Lee Peterson, you guys, and I'm done. I'm bored.
Starting point is 03:10:43 I have to talk to influencers about fucking hits and data. I'll be you, Jesse Lee Peterson, you guys, and I'm done, I'm bored. I have to talk to influencers about fucking hits and data. I'll be boring shit. But I'm gonna talk about power. I'm stuck. I don't even know who you guys chill with. Like who do you, nothing, I have my dog. You have Keith and you collaborate and who?
Starting point is 03:10:58 That's it. That's really happening. I mean, Vito, you know, Josh Stenny, Skies, it's like, it's like, we're obsessed with chess but no one on earth plays chess. It's so stupid. Yeah. So that's why I said, Vito, you know, Josh Denny, guys, it's like, we're obsessed with chess, but no one on earth plays chess. It's so stupid. Yeah. So that's why I said, I'm like, dude, you know, if you guys extended me 10 hours, I'll
Starting point is 03:11:11 still go. I believe you. I think you could go 23 hours a day. Yeah, I think. Let's do a line. Let's all do a line. No, that's it. We're done.
Starting point is 03:11:20 We gotta go. Sean, Sean's going out. What if I sleep in the yard so we can do it again tomorrow? The dog will kill you if you sleep in the yard. Or or Mark or Mark you. Sleep in the yard. Maybe I can take Ethan's goat ex wife to Burger King and sleep there.
Starting point is 03:11:32 Oh boy. He's gonna hug you, right? Yeah, see that's okay. I know he's like, all right, everybody. Thank you for listening slash dick. So we'll see you. He does never play chess in his life. Who's the fucking gay ass?
Starting point is 03:11:43 Who said that? Dengitate and gay people play chess. I don't play chess. You don't chess figuratively. Figure it out. He's going to prison, Engiutate. I have way too much behind the scenes of for me. After they got me jumped, literally all of his biggest haters started bankrolling me
Starting point is 03:12:00 and they literally gave me all the information. I think he's dying on a prison. I think he's dying on a prison. I think he's dying on a prison. I think he's dying on a prison. I think he's dying on a prison. I think he's dying on a prison. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present.
Starting point is 03:12:08 I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present. I think he's dying on a present.
Starting point is 03:12:16 Before I'm not going to say here, because like, really, I don't want him to, that really weakens us. But I don't know, man, he said. That guy has a J-Q'd once. Who is he? We don't know. Is he the, they asked him, who is the matrix?
Starting point is 03:12:24 He said, it's not about what, it's about, he said, what is the matrix? He said, it's you. Yeah. It's about what they're doing. And millions of people just let that slide. Me, you Nick, everyone, free the phone. What do you want to say? What's the actionable item that you want to get across? The woman pearl, YouTuber pearl. Right. She jacued harder than a man who's leading the fucking.
Starting point is 03:12:43 Yeah. Pearl's pretty provocative. Don't you think Andrew Tate, Keith, I forced Tristan on Twitter. Did you see my DM? I did see that. That was funny. That was funny.
Starting point is 03:12:53 That's why they got me jumped with three dudes. I fucking fuck three dudes for a fucking JQ. Some fucking gold fuckers. So I sang JQ. No, I don't know what it was. I'm lost, right? But I gotta go to my brim miss for soon. He means that July question. He's talking about Eric July. All I'm lost, right? But I gotta go to my brother Miss for soon. He means that July question.
Starting point is 03:13:06 He's saying about Eric July. All I'm saying, when is he gonna run out of money? I forced his hand and now that 260 pound championship kickboxer way big six four. Yeah. He was killing me, bro. I've seen Penn. Because we don't, he got breakated by dark maga. You guys, no, I run dark maga.
Starting point is 03:13:24 It's not maga where you get married because every woman's a hoe, it's like you get headed, oh, I repent. Right. You fuck bitches. We're broken Christians. We're not like next people. Okay.
Starting point is 03:13:33 Just like me, but we've, no judgment, judgmental. Actually, I think, you got it. I think you will come to Christ. You're gonna be one of our best political operatives. Oh, yeah? Because I don't.
Starting point is 03:13:44 I don't. I don't. I'll tell you this. I'm not tempting you with the word of God. I'm tempting you with cocaine. No, with clout. You know, you'll look small. I don't want clout. Money in clout and power.
Starting point is 03:13:55 I don't want those things anymore. Okay. All right. I got to stop talking to people. Try to try to try to at once. Don't you like it. That's literally what Satan does. Literally what Satan does.
Starting point is 03:14:04 He's a man in the Bible, an unbeatable term. Tempts you with power and money. Right. Okay. Bye, goodbye everyone. Goodbye. Thanks for watching us. Thank you for watching us.
Starting point is 03:14:12 Masterpiece episode.

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