The Dick Show - Episode 375 - Dick on Waves of Masculinity

Episode Date: September 11, 2023

Maddox releases yet another Justin Whang video, a man gets KO'ed in Los Angeles, a trans man has advice for men who are "broken", a poverty simulation event, how to go to a strip club, immigrants are ...ruining NYC, Danny Masterson gets sent to prison forever, Johnny is in studio; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You fucking piece of shit, rumble? Is it still not going, huh? Yeah, there it is, you goddamn piece of shit. Rumble, piece of shit, fucking rumble, man. Fucking piece of shit, rumble, fucking piece of shit. What's that peculiar voice that I hear that's not Sean today, everyone? Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Sean couldn't be here today, so there's no Sean sitting in the old co-chair over there. The saddle. Yeah. Bump yourself up. I don't know why I can't hear you today. Must be because I'm so fat. You followed your thought. I was, man, I was really going to lose weight this week. I got a recatus show coming up and I'm like, I can't show up.
Starting point is 00:00:40 After all this shit I've been talking. I can't show up to recatus show looking like a big fat I can't show up to Rukete show looking like a big fatso. Right. You know, I got to lose some weight. So I, I just drank a bunch all week and ate constantly and that didn't work. Turned out I'm fatter and I've been working out hard. So now I'm also getting fatter, but I'm also like totally immobile. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:03 So I just get fat and stiff like a stiff like a fucking golem, you know? I also get fat and stiff, but for many different reasons. Now you're too high. Oh yeah. So you were saying before the show, you have some kind of retarded bowling team that you're putting together? Yeah, basically I realized going bowling one afternoon, meet him midweek. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Well, I'll keep it short, but there was this retarded guy, Bull and next to me, not me. It's for sure. That's a shorted story I've ever heard. Well, there's a retarded guy, Bull and next to me, he's saying no more. Yeah, and he was,
Starting point is 00:01:37 I watched him bowl five perfect 300 games, like back to back to back to me. It was really amazing. And I realized like, well, why don't I get like four or five of these guys together? By you know got get a tour bus, you know make a team and everything and you've never worked with retarded people before Is this a first? I mean at every single job I've ever had So yes, you know, it is it's the ketamine. That's what's messed me up so much.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Put me down in the dumps. I get it. They say it's like a psychiatric medication now. All these goddamn, I can't go one place without hearing somebody talk about their new ketamine therapy. You just stop. Just do, just do, I don't come here talking about my liquor therapy, okay? That I've been doing for 20 some odd years now.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I was going to say not working. They used to give out like whiskey and cocaine for toothaches. So it's like you think like stupid shit isn't going to do everything. Yeah. I went back down and I got to get these teeth pulled. Oh man, I got this tooth especially is really hurting. I go better apply more. You go in there get some coke on your lips. oh, I got a good I left a meter running I got to get out of here Too to you know what I don't even have any teeth anymore as it turns out yeah, what a concept But yeah, I know hearing about all that too. I'm like okay cool like it's so great
Starting point is 00:02:59 Tell me more about the high was good and you you say it's ancient, is it? And you say it's strange. Like ancient grains. Like, huh. It's like I'm reading a dog food bag, listening to people talk about doing drugs. Yeah. Ancient grains. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Now with glutamine. Now with glutamine receptors. Yeah, it's just like, look, I get it. Like, it's cool to enjoy something, but then when you have to tell everyone else about it, it's like, come on, man, like, I don't want to hear that shit. Oh, you did drugs and you had a good time? Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Well, yeah, what a surprise. Oh, or you even did drugs ahead of that time? Like, okay, cool. It opened up my old traumas. That's why I'm going to a therapy. Yeah, buddy. Yeah. I think the problem is the therapy.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah, you should have done more drugs. Yeah. Realized you're better than that, you know? Fucking ketamine. Yeah, you should have done more drugs. Yeah. Realized you're better than that, you know? Fucking catamene. Yeah. It's putting everyone down in the dumps. It is. It's putting everyone down in the dumps because they can't talk at all. See liquor and cigarettes, liquor and cigarettes and cocaine. Okay, liquor and cigarettes make the world go round. It really is. Benefits society decided gets everybody talking shouting it out Yep beating each other every all this other all these other drugs put people straight down in the dumps
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yep, but they just sit there like a a slob and don't communicate. I don't trust a doctor or a mechanic that doesn't smoke cigarettes I'm like you haven't had rough day if you haven't had to walk out have a smoke like you haven't had a rough day. If you haven't had to just walk out, have a smoke, you haven't had a tough day. Agree. Now bump you up a little bit more. All right, cool. Now we gotta find a happy medium for you. There we go.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You're like, It's a bomb, bro. No, fucking weird. You are sitting way back. I don't know why you're sitting like the way my mom drives. Is everybody's mom drive like this? Like mom, your back's not even on this seat and you just, well, the seat doesn't go this far forward
Starting point is 00:04:47 as I like to drive. Why do you like to drive like this? How is this, this is why they're all such bad drivers because they're sitting bolt upright. Like they've got, like, fucking McMarze is spying like a Lego person with their legs sticking straight out. Not even touching the pedals. With their hands frozen, circles like Lego people.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Just clipped on. No, it's guy's here, like, I don't want to go to the fast, like, I wish they would make a lane all the way to the right that's just for women called the shoulder that we could all drive two miles an hour in. Now we're talking. Me too, my wall's always that. Yeah, you know, the shoulder is not a lane,
Starting point is 00:05:24 what are you talking about? Should be. We should paint it pink, like the Japanese subway cars for, Oh, for ladies. That makes sense. Wow, traffic improved overnight. What happened? That guy Dick Mashes and just pointed all the,
Starting point is 00:05:38 painted all the shoulders, pink like Johnny Apple seat, dragging a big fucking dumping pink paint off the back of his truck one night. Shit, I'm fucking, and everything, he did a viral marketing campaign that said the pink lane is yours, ladies. see dragging a big fucking dumping pink paint off the back of his truck one night and everything. He did a viral marketing campaign that said the pink lane is yours, ladies, use it. And all traffic and the entire Western civilization was saved. Just one man. Think of all the money you'd saved by spending that much on paint. Yeah. Like you know, that's, you want to see something funny? Good cost benefit there.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I always wanted to find before we start the show. This is part of the show though, but it doesn't start until I hit the old I just started the theme song. This is a tell me. Remember that thing, good idea, bad idea. Ooh. Ever that one, anime.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah. Watching, I'm going to try to describe this most accurately. This is this has been outside of a Chrissy Mayer's comedy show. This is a comedy current, CLA in LA. I'm gonna try to describe it non-racistly as well, which I might mess up on here and there, but I'm trying my best. This is a black gentleman with no shirt on.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Seems to be probably high on something, although it was hot, it has been hot. It's been hot. It's been pretty hot, literally. So maybe he's just trying to cool down. He got me acting up. I was just like, it's, yeah. So you say acting up, acting up like that.
Starting point is 00:06:52 That might be perceived a little bit racially. That's what I'm trying to steer clear of. So we've got this black gentleman who's just ejected from a comedy club with no shirt on. Perhaps he was ejected for openly doing fentanyl. Perhaps he was ejected for trying to climb on the stage. I'm not going to say he was trying to climb on anything else, even though he was because that also might be perceived racially. Here we have the black gentleman walking out of the club. Now, now, now, see
Starting point is 00:07:19 if you can identify what, what is the problem here? This man has just entered the scene from the right for no reason trying to stop the black gentleman from leaving the outside area of the comedy club. Just in your, you've been around in LA, you've been around the block, right, Johnny? You've seen some rough things happening. I've seen some rough things, yeah. Now, if you were to see this type of interaction happening
Starting point is 00:07:44 on the street one night, what do you think? We're, I don't know if you're a gambling man, but what might you say is about to happen in this particular, in this particular, you see, keep a good eye on it. I'm going to, just keep a good eye on it. The black gentleman's walking now, a white gentleman enters from the right side, directly in front of him with his hand outstretched for reasons of suicide. I presume with his hand outstretched like he's like he's crocodile done D
Starting point is 00:08:10 and he's going to go, y'all, gentlemen who's experiencing homelessness and fentanyl at the same time. Is that a good description of what's happening right here? If you have a man wearing tight pants tighter than God was approaching you, we're doing magical symbols with his hand at your fucking throat, looking like Johnny Knoxville. Do you think something bad, Mike? Do you think he's casting a magical fucking spell on you or something?
Starting point is 00:08:33 Again. If you're high on Fendoline, you don't have a fucking shirt in his 90 degrees at night. And you just got kicked out of a comedy club. Are you worried at all about a white guy who's taller than you with his shirt tucked into his pants using a Using the Lego tool to crawl call Legos off other Legos cuz it's a fucking type. Yeah, if he's coming at you like this Like he's going like Donald Sutherland at the end of the fucking pod people
Starting point is 00:08:58 Scanners I don't know what that movie's called you know that movie you know the movie I'm talking about If a man was coming at you like this after and you were high, that's so what do you think about to happen? If there's one thing I've learned in LA, is that no one trusts each other. There's no, there's no sense of, oh, it's society. Well, no, I'm saying that in a way, it's like, you can't just go up to someone acting like that because no one's thinking like, oh, this is just a harmless guy approaching me. It's like, I'm just guy approaching me with his hand at my throat trying to strangle me.
Starting point is 00:09:31 That's right. Yeah. Okay, well, let's see what happens. What do you think's gonna, you think they're gonna work it out? Maybe share a beer or something? Based on the stance that the gentleman on the left is, uh, you can call them black as long as you're using uppercase B. Oh, no, it's, it's more so that, like, look at this.
Starting point is 00:09:47 The guy in the blue jeans versus the guy in the black jeans, right? Right. Skinny jeans on the right. Here we go. Ding, ding, ding. Oh, the blue pants on the left, right? One guy is walking up with purpose and the other guy is walking up casting a magic spell. A magic spell.
Starting point is 00:10:03 And, you know, I don't think magic has worked since for however many millions of years. So. And I'll tell you this, I've seen a lot of street magic with, I've seen some street magic. I know who definitely is very agitated by seeing street magic before. And that's going to be the gentleman on the left. All right. So if he thinks you're a magic performer perform some street magic makes pants disappear something like that It's gonna be very he's gonna be you're priming you're priming the pump in fact for violence
Starting point is 00:10:32 I applaud this man for stopping street magic. I all I too I would say what happens. I hope where we Chatter light out a A light's outspel. There we go. Here we go. Okay, now he says, get the fuck out, my, now the white, now the man in the black jeans is laying his very big white hand on the upper chest
Starting point is 00:11:00 of the black gentleman with no shirt, which, which addition to being a assault is also a gay. So these are two things that, and I don't know about where, in other cities, how they take these sorts of aggressions, but- No, here it's still fairly frowned upon. Fairly frowned upon to be, to-
Starting point is 00:11:20 Yeah, you just throw to someone with a magical spell. You're still touchable, you know. know, get the fuck out, my, I wonder what he's gonna say. If someone, if a black guy came up to you and screamed, get the fuck out of my, what are you doing? You don't, they don't even have to get through the fuck. When I hear, get, I'm gone. Yep. Fucking, like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:11:40 But I don't know how I got in your face, but I'm fucking out of here. Last thing I ever want to do is get in your face. Times I've been in the face of a shirtless black man, absolutely zero. But sure, do you have a shirt on? I might be in your face. Might be some, I'm willing to risk it. No shirt on.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Pew! Out. Come on. Because you know, again, the lights out spell is coming. The lights out counter spell is a comment. Here we go. Let's see. I'm going to play the entire thing.
Starting point is 00:12:10 I'm going to play the entire thing now for your viewing enjoyment, because I've been laughing hysterically at the, it just, I hate to pull the city card, but being in LA especially. It's a great thing. This white moron. Yeah. Oh, check this guy. Like, great thing this white moron. Yeah. This guy, like he's gonna cure homelessness.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Yeah. He's gonna fix the wage disparity was wealth discrepancy. I want us for black people, wants for women. I don't remember which. They all the same acronyms probably. All right, here we go. Let's see the wizarding dual play out If you'll see your Johnny oh, I don't remember the last time I've seen somebody get laid out like that
Starting point is 00:13:03 Look at this is the slow move. Here we go. Here comes the wild A-maker, a punch that's almost impossible not to block instinctively. You'll see that the wizard in the black trunks has not moved even a tiny flinch when the man in the blue trunks begins to cast his wild haymaker spell coming from below the belt, having if you have an infinity of time to react to this, even instinctively, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:35 George W. Bush got a shoe thrown at him, jumped out of the way. That's, yeah, that's the equivalent. Yeah. It's from, that's like a whole, you had to swing. It's like fucking me. I'm hiding it. Yeah. And it's coming in your periphery your peripheral vision is a multis orders of magnitude faster than your direct vision So he should see this coming about a mile away. Oh Doesn't even his hand is still on his chest the frame is he's looking and then the next frame is his head is the exact other way. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:14:06 That is spun around like a cartoon. Yeah, screwed around his head spins. I counted the revolutions. His head spins around six times. He blick, but the fact that it took like there's no Nothing in between that frame like that's such a size for like a supersonic fucking smash. Zero flinch, Johnny. It's like you splice this together to make a comedy movie. Yeah. Uh, look at his head.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Then his head rotation can no longer absorb the kinetic energy. God. So it shifts down into his neck joint, twisting his head violently, perhaps knocking out his second time. If the first one didn't, his glasses are, his glasses are about eight feet in the air right now. You can see his glasses do get knocked off. Look, you can see his glasses in this frame, see? Shooting off like the tiles of the challenger.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Jesus, he's got tricks. The man, look at the stance of the man and the blue trunks. Oh yeah, that was power behind that swing. That's the same when he was walking up, he met business. And this guy, that's the most, that had to have been the most satisfying punch. This man has probably ever delivered in his lab. I don't know if he'll remember it though,
Starting point is 00:15:20 because of the fentanyl. Mm, but there you go. And he is down. That's certainly. We're in the air. They were holy shit. Oh, he almost rolled over.
Starting point is 00:15:38 He almost rolled over. Oh my God. I'm having too much fun. It's a radio show. Nobody can see it, but it's so good. I'm sorry about that. I hope the guys all right, but if you ever find yourself in LA. Well, Clay, he's not all right. If he thought approaching anyone like that was okay.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Right, anyone. So, pushing anyone like that, he learned a lesson that day. I hope, I hope he did. I hope he didn't. I hope he doesn't do it again. And just. He he's gonna go home and train like side show Bob, you know Die shave his head watch Scott Adams all day. This is his American ex moment. He's like, well, you know What do you think about me now? I was listening to the older episodes in veto trying to combat Scott Adams is one
Starting point is 00:16:26 of my favorite things. Well, what oh, when I'm pretending to be Scott Adams, no, when Scott Adams is actually here. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's the real Scott Adams. Yeah, yeah. And that is what he sounds like. Well, you know, veto 40 chess, man. Yeah, he went two D's, too many D's. Too many D's. You know what he went regular 3 different, but he tripped up and he got, he got one D on us.
Starting point is 00:16:47 When he said, when he said, why people just stay the hell away from, stay the hell away from Mark Rebleu, you can see in his face, like, oh, you lost all your D's, but D's nuts. He came through a human level. He stooped down to our level. He stooped down to our level. He got, he got, he got, he got one D on us. When he said, when he said, why people just stay the hell away from, stay the hell away from Mark Rebleu, you can see in his face, like, oh, you lost all your D's, but D's nuts. He came through a human level.
Starting point is 00:17:07 He stooped down to our level. He stooped down to our level. He could have stayed up there on Mount Olympus, but he fucked it. He fucked the whole thing up. He just played a whole away from work. Oh, that's it. Oh, that's it.
Starting point is 00:17:19 We gotta get rid of that guy. It's too fucking funny, but Vito just like obsessive, we look, no, we get out of here, just put in an ulcery bag with him too. We kind of like, because you have you heard some of Vito's problems? Oh yeah. He's like, black people in drive through, you didn't need to say that part.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Yeah. He said like, people take into the long. Right. Yeah. Good old Vito. I also love his Twitter segment too. That fucking song is so good. Oh, this one?
Starting point is 00:17:51 You like that song? There it is. That's just a Twitter. I can just listen to that. I can just listen to that. Oh, I imagine like a cotton paste, like cardboard graphic of him typing on the computer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Very like butter. I hope someone can animate that. Just look at the tree like. Think, think, think, think, think. I got another song to play. Well, let's start the show. Yeah, let's do it. I can watch this shit all day.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Watch. Look at this shit. Follow it. I don't think I'll play it all day. T.A. Look at this shit. Follow it, I don't think I'm gonna say it. Yeah! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 00:18:28 Yeah! Welcome to the Egg You Wondiggy, New Diggy Living. You've got it as the showwaves of contest. Give me your life or a mountain bunk. And even the hottest thing you've ever had, you have your house, stickmasters, an AK, they $20 million dollar man! Joining me in the night shot is Johnny, the audio engineer, filling in for Sean. Hey, what's up buddy?
Starting point is 00:18:39 And nothing bad has happened. Not yet. joining me and then not Sean is joining the audio engineer filling in for Sean. Hey, what's up, buddy? And nothing bad has happened. Not yet. Not yet. Maybe Maddox has a super special video to drop on us or something during the show like he did two weeks ago. Oh shit. Did you see that? I did. He's got another video. I'm not already. He isn't that crazy. That's fucking that. Maddox has another video. He's been in overtime, man. Because you remember where he cutely asked everyone if they liked, if they liked this video, just leave a comment. Maybe I'll do some more. I'm talking about that. Yeah. I guess I guess the response to this to his last video, he interpreted as positive positive. Okay. Somehow, even though everyone's making fun of him and the video is making fun of him,
Starting point is 00:19:29 have more views than his video. He's doing the any press is good for us, man. It's fucking... Yeah. Here's his next video that he just released. This is the picture he chose for weight. Oh man. And he's still got this nine year old, this nine year old commercial for his stupid book
Starting point is 00:19:53 where he races kids. Just look at how much younger he looks compared to now where he looks like a salo, Sunkin, Dungeons and Dragons monster. You know, he just looks so sad and miserable because of all of his actions and decisions. I mean, I mean, if you were making was that a Max Headroom video in 2023? Yeah, look at this.
Starting point is 00:20:16 So this is, I'm trying to pull up a good shot of him. According to me, yeah, this. He chooses to do the entire video in a woman's wig and a witch's hat to in order to make fun of Justin Wang. Oh, this is like Halloween theme, too, or like what's with the witch's hat? Because he thinks that that he's a guy in Justin Wang's band said that their band is like, you know, like the occult and shit is like a joke. So Maddox thinks that him wearing a woman's wig and a witch hat is making fun of their their joke about. He's definitely making fun of somebody.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yeah. Um, I don't know. What do you think about that? I mean, do you think you look cool? Good. I'm like, he looks better. He looks cool. Is shit dude. Where are you talking about man? Yeah. Oops. Oops. Let me get that other. Let me get the other. There he is. Look at that boy.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Look, just look at him because he looks cool. Look at him. He's got his finger on the pulse of everything. He knows he looks cool. Just look at him, man. He's like, he, he, he, he's got his finger on the pulse of everything. He knows he looks cool, right? Yeah, here I'm trying to set, put it in the middle. There we go. Uh, to an interview on WBUR. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:21:35 This is, I don't think this is working for you, bud. I think just go and go back to like, uh, kids shit, talking about kids and stuff. He's like, I'm better than your kids because I've been like an ad and subtract. Yeah. I went to a Michael, I haven't recovered from the Michael Bolton concert I went to. You know, like I was a fucking cocksucker.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Oh, you see? Oh, I don't know. Wasn't that the movie line or whatever? Like Michael Bolton? Michael Bolton. Like a fucking pole smoker. Oh, yeah, from office space. The guy whose name was Michael Bolton. Yeah, that's right. hilarious. I went to the Michael Bolton concert sort of ironically. I guess. I don't know. I thought it'd be a little bit of a laugh, right?
Starting point is 00:22:18 Friend of ours had some extra tickets. Yeah, sure we'll go. Is it good? But he um, doing mushrooms was a bad was a bad idea as it turns out before the Michael Bowling concert. Because I, I don't know how I would, I suppose I would describe it as a musical, there were elements, there was a moment where I thought that he was being held hostage and that I wanted to rescue him. I thought he was being held hostage in a, in a, a POW camp of sorts.
Starting point is 00:22:50 You should have jumped up on stage and tried to save him. But like, should pal, by killing him, my sister will set you free. I first noticed something was amiss when we were approaching the concert. And it was, it was 90, 95% Asian Korean perhaps I believe. And 40 year old young Asian people, I said, well, this is peculiar. This isn't what I was expecting like a, like a Margaritaville kind of crowd. Oh, yeah. You know, fat boomers, yeah, sandals, fucking Hawaiian shirts, the Hawaiian shirts, the Michael Bolton show.
Starting point is 00:23:30 A lot of women talking and every once in a while, an old guy, going like, well, you know, honey, that's what they like, something like that. She just said, yeah, I was not expecting Hollywood part casino. I was not expecting an Asian wet market to be migrating on mass toward the Michael Bolton concert. Telling me there was no coconut shrimp anywhere? Not. It was entirely coconut shrimp.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah. So we get there and the mystery was solved when his second, before his second song, he did like a hercule song, whatever. Before his second song, he goes, he goes, I remember when the first, when my first hit that was big in a non-English speaking country and there's begins a great tittering, you know, all around us. Oh, that's a, oh yeah, as he has his, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:18 they're like, oh, all right. He's talking about us, it's talking about us, right? And he said, but you know, there's a language barrier. And he's like, he's like in and out of consciousness kind of, he's like having Biden moments regularly. Yeah, which I feel bad for, but you know, whatever, what a man. What are you making a million bucks here tonight?
Starting point is 00:24:41 How bad do I have to feel? Dude, when they keep putting Brian Wilson on tour I'm like man Just like let him fucking rest for a while. God damn like bro Like yeah, give me a hologram of ball. There's something and he's got a wig on of like normal He's got a wake up believable here. He doesn't have a wig of long hair because no one would believe that He's got a wig of like normal hair, which is still outrageous, like when Sean Connery wore a wig in a rock. You're like, all right, I guess. Like you just have like a cool mohawk or something.
Starting point is 00:25:10 This is fucking, yeah. Because you're so like special forces or whatever. It's so cool, man. Okay. So he's got a normal, wait, I don't know if it's a wig, but whatever. He says, I remember when my first hit outside and in non-English speaking country happened and they didn't get it and her all like the ladies like oh He said a language barrier because They said they said to me Michael and I was like oh no
Starting point is 00:25:35 He's gonna do the voice Michael why you say you love her, but you lie Okay, okay, I'm looking around and there just, oh, dying, his racist, try me his voice. Michael, why you say you love her, but you're right. I'm like, oh my God, this is too much. So then he goes, I didn't know this song. I was saying, I said I love you, but I'm lying. I didn't know that was Michael Bolton's song.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I don't know if you fucking Michael Bolton's song. Yeah. Then at the end, he says, I just got off of a tour with Asia, tour of Asia, and I was touring with a guy, and he says the guy's name, like, oh, please God, please sing a cover of an Asian song. Oh no. And everyone is like, dude, they're like,
Starting point is 00:26:28 they're acting like it's the Beatles. And these motherfuckers, some of them have two, three cameras, they're holding a camera in their mouth to get it, right? Fucking amazing. A fucking guy has a flood light on like the entire concert behind us. You know the fucking Hollywood ball,
Starting point is 00:26:41 which is like the size of a stadium, right? He's fucking moron of 400 feet away has a flood light on to help with this picture taking. Holy shit, I fucking hate camera people. You what? I fucking hate camera people, because they always fucking are good. Well, because that what we're calling them,
Starting point is 00:26:57 camera people, camera Americans. Yeah, just like. Yeah. And so, and there's no like, you can't, there's no, they don't operate with shame. So you can like stare at, they don't care. What I'm saying is just like, I need to get my shot.
Starting point is 00:27:07 They're just forcing their way, everything, right? Look, man, your experiences isn't as important as the shot I'm trying to get right now. But they're all experiencing the goodness of his shot together, because they're all recording non-stop, right? And for some reason, stupid me, I'm trying not to laugh at the absurdity of this that he's about to sing
Starting point is 00:27:25 an Asian cover song. Cause you know, you can tell when it's just not, you can tell when it's not an American song. Yeah, it starts weird. You just know. Usually some sort of like roads, like church piano in the beginning, just can't talk. And he says, this is from the, it's called prayer.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Oh, they go, oh, they started figuring out, I'm like, oh no, oh no, I'm in Korean church. Oh no, oh no, how did I fuck this up? How did I get to fucking, and I just, I start like having one of these laugh panic, you know, fizz that's driven, driven partially by the drugs, but also this like horrible irony of this poor bastard who's being forced to perform
Starting point is 00:28:05 fucking cover songs and God knows what. Fuck it, funny. Yeah, so I'm sitting there, I can feel my girlfriend staring at me, like turning her like, are you fucking kidding me? Like, just start with that fucking don't laugh, don't laugh, because I don't want to ruin their, I don't want to be the guy laughing on someone's video. So I'm just sitting there going, pfff. Pfff.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Just laughing in everyone's fucking camera destroying everyone's footage. And he started singing. Oh, fuck. I don't know what language it was, wasn't English. And he's got this little blonde girl next to him, like really putting her heart into it,
Starting point is 00:28:40 which makes his like Frankenstein-esque demeanor so much funnier. You tell me you didn't have a great, that sounds incredible. Well, yeah, but I like to, you know, know when I'm going to have one of these types of experiences. Yeah. It was a surprise. Sometimes I don't. It's, you know, surprise is horror and comedy, both rely on surprise.
Starting point is 00:29:01 And I couldn't tell which one it was. It was part of the, part of the issue. That's pretty good. Yeah. Then he stopped. And air supply came on next and both of the leaders of the band told a separate story of how they met right after each other that was totally different. I said, oh, what the fuck is going on here?
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yeah. Are you sure it was like you just didn't take mushrooms and like you were in an alleyway somewhere. I was carrying it together more than the guys on stage. I'm sure of that. Everyone in the audience got signed up for Scientology or something later. I mean, you just never think that you're going to see Michael Bolton do a racist Chinese voice to thousands of, tens of thousands of applauding Chinese people,
Starting point is 00:29:46 laughing along with it and he might have figured it out. I can't, I can't believe I'm seeing. You go upstairs and you practice that fucking piano right now. You can say anything you want. You just have to be playing the piano. You say he revved it, but you have to play like some chords in the background while you tell this like meandering story and then just break out into the song. I mean, it's like, and at one point, he forgot what he was talking about.
Starting point is 00:30:10 So he just turns and there's 10 seconds of violence and he turns to the band and kind of curtly, he says, next song. That's awesome. That's awesome. That's awesome. That he just did that. Right. Yeah. Man. What is what a that. He's right. Yeah. Man, what is, what a show.
Starting point is 00:30:28 It was great. So if you have a chance to see Michael Bolton concert, I strongly recommend it. I can do it. Yeah, be prepared. Or don't be prepared. Not being prepared is what made it so great for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Let me see what I got here today for you. Something about New Mexico and guns. Something about safe, I don't know. That sound appealing to you. That really is. Some diss track. A poverty simulation event. Does that sound appealing to you?
Starting point is 00:30:59 That sounds appealing to you. Let's see what this is. I mean, it's basically that's living in LA, right? That black guy that we saw at the beginning of the show was experiencing a poverty simulation event. Actually, the white guy was experiencing a poverty simulation. It was part of a living history museum showing what it was like in LA during this time period. Is this a real thing that I'm seeing here?
Starting point is 00:31:24 Let me. Uh-oh. Is this a real thing that I'm seeing here? Let me, uh-oh. Uh-oh. That's, maybe I can, maybe I can straighten it out here. There we go. This is, there's a highland park. I was a highland park out here, like what the fuck? No, the city of high, is partnering with the Alliance for Human Services.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And the Highland Park Community Foundation to host a poverty simulation event to increase residents' understanding and awareness of what it is to live in poverty. Oh, what? I don't think you should ever make a thing called a poverty simulation event. That's like, that's disrespectful.
Starting point is 00:32:00 A little bit. A little bit. I can see how like some people might interpret that as tasteless or like. Is this a joke? I can see how like some people might interpret that as tasteless or like. It's just a joke. I can't, it's so hard to tell anymore. Participants in this immersive experience will begin to experience what a month quote, are they put a month in quotes? Like, well, it's like a four hour afternoon, but like a month is what poor people refer
Starting point is 00:32:20 to as a day. Yeah, that's how they. It's such a, every day is such a long, an arduous day. Yeah. Yeah. What poverty feels like, participants are put into situations in which they do not have enough resources and are forced to make difficult choices that can negatively impact them and their families. Ooh, you gotta eat the weakest memory
Starting point is 00:32:37 of your family or something like that. Do you have to like take, you have to join only fans? You have to sell your kids or something? That's it. Fucking. What the fuck kind of? How rich are these people? I think they've got a lot of choices work. The outcome is increased awareness of the need for resources to support those living
Starting point is 00:32:56 in poverty. I think it's not hard to imagine that, yeah, that would fucking suck. Like, are you like, I don't think you need to experience it first hand to know what it's a month. Why is the month in quote? Cause they're making them like do it's like a budget for a month. They put you on like a hyper loop. So time goes by faster. Like black mirror, John Ham. Yeah, whatever the fuck. How was a month in poverty? It was actually 10 minutes. Oh, it's horrible. Oh, it just give you like a DMT that makes you feel like you're poor the whole time. Find me a shirtless black guy so I can go try to console him.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Let me touch him all over. Let me cast my spell, my calming spell on him. Oh, man. Wow. It was a guy. It didn't calm somebody. Someone was sleeping by the end of it. It wasn't.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Guys, check this out. Hey, they're homing. I'll figure this out. Hey, buddy, I mean you. We're not so different. You're like, think, yeah. Oh, no, they were different because he had glasses on. See, that was, that was the difference.
Starting point is 00:34:03 He was just level in the playing. When hit a man's glasses, would you? Hey, hey, brother, I would, uh, maim him. Look, I'm a big supporter of BL. Uh, boy. Um, hey, pal, I sort by black owned businesses. Fuck the gay man. I think February should be all year.
Starting point is 00:34:19 If you know what I mean, it's like touching an electric. Yeah. God. What the fuck? The fact that both of his feet, if he would have been hit any harder, it would have been like his shoes would have flew off like a car accident. If it was a little hotter, maybe they would have get stuck in the asphalt. Creative more resilient, health, human and education sector in our local area. Participation is free, but registrace. Oh, you have to register for the The entrance fee is 90% of what's yeah, everything you have. Yeah. Uh, do you see Danny my brother Danny Masterson got sent to
Starting point is 00:35:01 prison for rapes? Danny Masterson got sent to prison for rapes. I saw something back then. It's like Chivaya. Woohoo. Wow. Fuck. I saw that. I said, I guess maybe he rapes some girls in.
Starting point is 00:35:12 It's always odd to me when a super famous good looking celebrity rapes women though. Call me like, you can call me crazy, but when that happens, I'm like, I don't know, man, that seems a little. I just, really? He did. I never know what anything is anymore. Yeah,, I'm like, I don't know, man, that seems a little. I just really, he did. I never know what anything is anymore.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah, I just figured like, well, that's what courts for. Right. Like, okay. Well, then figure it out. Maybe there will be a documentary and I can learn more about it then. Well, whether I agree with the outcome or not, I'm still going to feel the same way. So it's like, yeah. I guess I tell everyone is. But then Ashton Kutcher and his wife,
Starting point is 00:35:47 Mia Khalifa, whatever her fucking name is, Meg, one of them. Yeah. They made this really weird. They wrote letters like, you know, if your friend's going to jail, you write a letter to the judge and like, can you just, you know, he's a good guy otherwise. Like I'll sign like a pencil or something for you, you know, come on. Third. I mean, look, I don't know if he did the rapes or not. Like a prop from the show or something. Well, you want to, you want Red Form into stick his foot up in your ass or something? It's just a big like they're bringing punk back. So they're like, got you like, we held off on all these claims for all these years.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Just bring the show back in the most crazy way. Like, we spared you all this time just for this. Like, I bring the show back in the most crazy way. Like, we spared you all this time just for this. Like, I met him. I met him. Hide. He was at my first. He was at the, do you remember the thing I used to do at UCB, upright citizenship gig? Yeah. I'll turn him into nerds. I remember the judge. The, when I went as my little pony and argued on behalf of my little pony that he could, that my little ponies could beat everybody. Yeah. He was one of the judges. And he awarded me the championship.
Starting point is 00:36:48 He made me do 10 push-ups. He said, if you can do 10 push-ups, I vote for you when you win. Shit. That's not going to lot from nerds. Oh, yeah, anyone else, no one else at that theater could have done that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:59 No one from Kiwi Farm certainly couldn't do that. That should be the next thing, is once this challenge for Vito completes, we've got to make him do a push-up challenge. Like every, every like 10 bucks, there's like another push-up he has to do. Every time he brings in a food problem, he has to do 10 push-ups or one push-up. Or no, whatever is his max.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Like with Tilda, you got to make him eat a whole case of that food on this fucking episode. That's not a punishment, Johnny. to that food on this fucking episode. That's not a punishment, Johnny. But I hate this, I hate this food. Oh, this challenge is so awful, yeah. Uh, so maybe I have a bias. I mean, you guys got the same last name, right?
Starting point is 00:37:37 Same last name. Um, so they wrote their, their buddies, Ashton and Mia, write letters to the judge, like man, look, he's our buddy. He's a good guy, otherwise. I don't know, just saying nothing about the race, but he's always been good to us. So, give him a, and then here's what,
Starting point is 00:37:59 now here's what, here is when I started thinking, before this I was like man, I don't know, right, no rape, I don't know. Everybody dog piled these two for writing letters of a character, like a character witness for this guy. Like all you two, you guys are also rapists. Like, well, now I don't believe the whole thing. Now I got a problem with all of it.
Starting point is 00:38:23 If this is, that's fine. Writing letters for your friends that are going to fucking prison for the rest of their lives is totally fun. Totally normal, actually. I mean, the one way to do it, yeah. Yeah, of course, as well, guys, I'm like, I don't know, man, courts been wrong before.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I don't know. Seems like he kinda, seems like, seems like this happened a long time ago. One of them happened in a relationship. I don't really know if this is a court's purview, if they got a great track record on things like this, or if it's even fucking possible to get straight. So maybe just take it easy on the guy.
Starting point is 00:39:00 It's not, you know, this didn't happen to fucking strangers, right? I don't know. Fuck you. I certainly don't think those two deserve to get lumped into it because they're like, well, yeah, that's our, that's our body. It's, it's just always. Crucifying a, a lynch mob for, for it's like this extra, extra judicial punishment of people who are not, who are not, who are not, who are not, who are not who are not worst key was the sport director and WGN rate who are not actively rooting for the total death and destruction of their friend. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:31 That's not what this is. You guys have totally lost it. And if you've totally lost it, it makes me think all this shit you're rooting for is also not, also not real. It's just like the outrage of the day, man. Yeah. And then I found this. I mean, for this was interesting.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Again, I don't know. Obviously, I don't know what fucking happened with this guy. But Tyson went to jail. I don't think he raped that chick. He's always said he didn't. Fuck you. He said he wishes he did now, because of how much he hates her. But he's always said, I'm Raper.
Starting point is 00:40:04 He's still went to jail for it. So it's not like they're, it's not said I'm rapper. He's still into jail for it. So it's not like they're, it's not like courts are perfect. Here is the, here's a testimony from them. One of the girls I found too, which is fucking crazy. I'll read it to you here. Defense attorney. So your recollection, they're interviewing one of the rape victims. So your recollection of September 2002 is still very detailed, correct? Man, I have no fucking recollection from 2002.
Starting point is 00:40:30 To you? Fuck, I think it was, I have, I know Sean and I went to Europe in 2002. I know they got a tattoo in 2002. I don't fucking remember very much else. I know that we put, we too, the two of us, drank an entire keg of smithics in Amsterdam. That's what I remember from 2002. Send the rest of the year, fucking. And they told us, it's a rad of smithics. You too, drank it all and we said nice. Uh, could you have any more?
Starting point is 00:40:56 What's the closest thing you got to smithic? Uh, so your election, your, your recollection, defense attorney, your recollection of September, 2002 is very detailed, correct? Uh, Jane Doe, Dow, rape victim, correct. And it's your contention today that Masterson raped you in 2002. No, that's not the word I would use. Okay, case dismissed, right? Is that, no, that's not the word I would use. Is it your position that he did not rape you? No. Is your position that there's some word in between there? Mine? You're the only person I'm talking to today. It's just like clad, immediately, immediate frustration at talking to a woman, right?
Starting point is 00:41:33 So is your contention that it's something between the two? Me? Yeah, yeah, fucking idiot. Yes, you, I'm fucking talking to you. You're on the fucking stand, you dumb bitch. What do you think I'm fucking looking straight through you at a fucking wall? Who do you think I'm fucking looking straight through? You at a fucking wall? Who do you think I'm fucking asking? Now, I said, you're the only person I'm talking to here today.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Do you remember the name officer Schlägel? You talked to a male officer at Hollywood PD. Did you tell that officer that you had consensual sex with Masterson in 2002? Yes. Were you truthful about that? To my understanding? What?
Starting point is 00:42:04 This is how you got a jail for 30 fucking years to my understanding. Again, I'm only interested in your point of view to my understanding. Yes. What the fuck are you talking about to my understanding? Were you truthful about that to my understanding? What? Now, you're obviously fucking lying. To my understanding, yes. So in your 2004 position was at the sex in 2002 was consensual, correct? Asked and answered. Has your opinion changed? Yes. When 2018? So in 2018, you came to the conclusion that in fact, Masterson did rape you in 2002. No, end of daybreak. Just beautiful. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It's like nothing was accomplished. Like it is like, so when you, when your position change, 2018, what was happening in 2018? I was understanding everyone getting attention because Hollywood celebrities were taking a sexual. Oh, wait, you're talking about. What's happening back then? To my understanding. So then yeah, to my understanding, yeah, yeah. Oh, me too, started 2017.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Wow, that's crazy. I can't believe that this, I can't believe that's such a fucking sharp mind. Do I need to pin such a link? Yeah. It's crazy, crazy stuff, man. Who fucking, now, yeah. Yeah, be careful out's crazy. Crazy stuff, man. Who fucking now? Yeah. Be careful out there. If you're a fucking guy. And then California now has a, or is pitching floating, waiting
Starting point is 00:43:32 to be signed by a governor, a slick governor, slick back. A lot that says in divorce court proceedings, the parent that, uh, the parents of affirmation of their child's gender will come into play in matters of custody, right? So, you know, mother's getting divorced, basically the worst people on the fucking planet, right? They're now incentivized. They're now, I know how women think, right? You know, that's what's they call me. I know how they think. Men have been trying to think like them for millennia, but I have it cracked. That's why people ask me for the advice that they need
Starting point is 00:44:15 because men don't understand, like I don't understand how, why they're doing this. The common clay, man. I do, I do understand how they think and how they operate. Now they're incentivized to fucking brainwash and scramble their kids circuits to get them, uh, Transing so they can go to court and say, you know what? I'm fucking I'm super on board Transing shit. My husband's fucking not. How about that? It's gonna cost you, buddy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Fuck yeah. Right over here. God. He won't even damn. He won't even call us on, Chris Antimomer, whatever the fuck. That's what your name is. They got to pay me that, because that's my quote. Yeah, how about that shit? Yeah. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Sitting court, actually, do you affirm your son's, or your daughter's gender though? Oh no, I don't actually. I want to see it go bud, Dwyer situation happened again over something like that, just be like, wow, fuck. Yeah, here's, I need a whole segment, like a bumper of trans shit on the show. I thought that was Vito's Twitter.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Okay, here's a trans shit. No, I don't have, I don't have it prepared. Arizona University of Arizona nursing school is teaching future nurses that three year olds can know they are transgender Wow, they're also being taught to start questioning patients as young as three really University of Arizona Hey, that's where I think that's no my dad went to ASU Arizona State University I went to ASU, Arizona State University.
Starting point is 00:45:47 In a different time, he said that I asked him what the difference between U of A and ASU was and he said U of A is full of, at the time, the slur was not as offensive as, he wouldn't say this now, because it's now a very offensive slur. He says a much more offensive one now. I was, I had to be eight or something. We were going to A.S.U. and I said, well, what's the difference between you, Vain, A.S.U.
Starting point is 00:46:10 He said, you have a full, that whole, okay. I got it. Makes sense. F. Homosexuals is what he was, although he wasn't saying homosexuals because no one is, you know. Yeah. Oh, you've seen there a bunch of friends there.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Mm hmm. You have a full of friends full of friends. That's pretty funny. The speed at which you said it was the funniest part actually. He's been waiting for you to ask that all the time. Yeah. He's like, oh, I got this in the chamber. Just fucking with that.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Without even looking. It was watching the game. You have a full of, oh, is it promoting the hell to fucking men? What to ask it says, maybe this is perhaps a prank too. I don't know. Let me, let me zoom in here. Oh, yeah, lives of TikTok.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Watermark. Yeah. Yeah, bitch. That's what I want. Some kids feel like a girl on the inside. Some kids feel like a girl on the inside. Some kids feel like a boy on the inside and some kids feel like neither of both or someone else. Man, I felt like a guy who went to therapy as a kid because he thought he was a transformer, like a literal Autobot. He would walk around the house, acting like a fucking Autobot. That's right. And eventually his parents took him into therapy
Starting point is 00:47:25 because they were afraid he thought he was a robot. They fucking beat all the cool out of him. I guess. Yeah. He had to escape to some kind of fantasy world like going through a jet and flew away in front of everyone and they're like, you didn't make the sound.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Wap, Wap, Wap, Wap. He told me the story. He's like, yeah, I was really into it. I fucking loved being a transformer. I still do. My parents were all freaked out. I remember sitting in the therapist's office going, I know, I'm not a transformer. He should have just like stayed in character the whole time and just really fucking went with it. We didn't know you could do that then. As kids, we thought that you eventually had to tell adults the truth.
Starting point is 00:48:06 When in fact, you do not. Yeah, you could just do anything you want and say anything. And the more, if you're going to commit crimes, you should commit them as a youth because you don't get punished really as I am. I don't think. When to ask, it says asking pediatric patients about their gender identity, when to ask, start around age three. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I took Todd to the doctor, Dr. asked about their gender identity. Oh, that's nice. Hold on, I'm going to drive the doctor's office and fucking go on to drive.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I'm going to drive the doctor's life. Like, what the fuck, man? That's nuts. Does the doctor come at you with their hand out like that? Oh, yeah. Let me ask you something about your little sleep reversal spell. Did you guys get cancer figured out yet? Or did you? is that still happening?
Starting point is 00:49:06 Okay, so maybe maybe keep working on that cancer doesn't make any money man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly fucking That's all news. No, Max that we met we cancer maxed out on that we got all the money we can get actually you go bankrupt If you fucking get it, it's awesome. Do you get better? No We just figured out a to give you more cancer. We can't get any more money out of this cancer shit. So, what the fuck are we gonna do? Let's start asking kids about their gender identity. How old are they?
Starting point is 00:49:33 Right where they can talk. Yeah. Right away. As soon as they can fucking talk. And kids are like aware of like five things. It's like insane. Like, damn. Some doctors gonna explain that to you.
Starting point is 00:49:46 When you start asking kids about their gender identity, three, that's a trick question actually, because you should never fucking be asking that shit. Are you insane? Are you asking to get killed? It's so. Oh, yeah. I'm trying to hold these fuckers off,
Starting point is 00:50:03 but these jokes are only so good. They're only going to do so much, okay? You keep fucking around like this. They're coming. Yeah, well, I just think like, let's be only thing they care about. It wasn't until like, I mean, I don't know, like you just go up like, no matter how far you get in life, you're always like, man, like, I really feel like I've been fucking everything. Like you just never learn any more.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Like you do learn a little more, I guess, as you go on. But like there's some things in life you're like, man, I'm glad I didn't do that. I'm like, you can't make such like, rash decisions early on, I feel like. Oh yeah, that would be, that would be hugely fucked. That would be like, man, there's a lot of things that I'm just like, you just need to be-
Starting point is 00:50:44 Oh yeah, I have three year old. Hey, you think about man, there's a lot of things that I'm just like, Oh, you asked a three year old, hey, you think about suicide at all? Uh, what? What's that? Oh, it's a young kid. There's a little thing. Yeah. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Should I be thinking about it? No, you know, some people are your age. You should absolutely be thinking, it's all you're ever going to think about. Yeah, no shit. Everything you do is the peri death for minutes of time. Take it away from death. Own it. You own it.
Starting point is 00:51:08 You own death. Here's a pretty cool. And this is the end of the trans. Well, so I guess my larger point is I don't trust kids to make any decisions, but I also don't trust anyone who isn't me to make any decisions. But then I look at my life and I'm like, well, maybe I shouldn't trust my,
Starting point is 00:51:25 so I'm just like, I don't fucking know anything anywhere. Okay, that's a good way to go, I guess. It's just a very, you know, you just live, man. Yeah. Oh, I got it. Here's a, I got enough to figure it out. Here's a gentleman kicking over a, here's a bicycler. You see what's happening here?
Starting point is 00:51:46 You mean a piece of shit? A piece of shit. Yeah. Bicycler's our pieces of shit, man. I got a little down one out there. That's a good one. I just think about that every time I want to run a bike over, which is all. Well, here's one.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Here comes the bicyclist. There's a little girl in the path and he kicks the little girl over. Jesus. Jesus Christ. What the fuck, man? and he kicks the little girl over. Jesus. Jesus Christ. You, what the fuck, man? Guys, on another great video this week where a woman just refused to get out of the way
Starting point is 00:52:15 of a bicycler, because she was on the wrong side of the road and a bicycler crashed and flipped over. I just had to get out of the way. Like, did you have breaks? What do you? Um, so this guy got, this guy, the judge let this guy off with a suspended sentence because everyone on the internet was giving him death threats constantly and like, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:38 destroying his life. That's kind of fun. Yeah, good for him. So the judge said, okay, you get off with a dollar. The judge should have been like, you have to get ready, you have to set your bike on fire and never ride it again. Either walk or fucking drive somewhere. You've got to ride a unicycle actually.
Starting point is 00:52:52 You can never ride a two-wheeled thing ever again. It's either one or three or five, you know, any other wheels, you can't ride anything with two wheels ever again. You have to run it around in a big hamster wall. So this motherfucker sued the dad of the little girl that he kicked for defamation and one, five grand. After getting let off the hook for kicking the little girl over because of all the fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Isn't that fucking crazy? It's all over again. Yeah. Let's go again then. I would immediately be like, everyone just fucking, how do we connect all the bike thieves to just this guy? Yeah. You know, we got all these bike thieves stealing bikes. We all hated universally hated.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Everyone steal this guy's bike. Just go after him. Every bike he buys is stealing. You get out. If you steal my bike, you steal that guy's bike. And I won't press charges. Right in his spokes if you see him go. Everybody fucking like that guy. That guy's not allowed to bike one fucking foot.
Starting point is 00:53:52 If he gets one, we got fucking archers and the shadows to shoot sticks through his spokes, right? Why? This fucking pie I'm in the face when he's trying to ride an era. Fuck. Smash it, unscrew all the screws. I was like, oh yeah, I got him.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I got him today. Today he's my guy, unscrew all the screws. Someone should make a big proportionately sized kinetic sculpture of that guy to that kid. So this giant guy in a bike that comes back and kick the bike, kicking like 50 feet away. Oh, yeah, here's like a 30-foot tall like thing. You can write letters to the judge saying, please don't put my friend away for his life. Can I write letters to the judge? Like, please put this guy away for his life. You're allowed to do these things.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Show that bike up his fucking ass. Like, get this fucking bicyclist out of here. the judge like please put this guy away for his life. You're allowed to do these things. That bike up his fucking ass, like get this fucking bicyclist out of here. Man, I just don't think that like courts can figure out who raped who in a five or six year relationship. I think if something happens in a giant relationship, it's like, well, we can't kind of can't know, man. Maybe it did. Maybe it didn't, but just like 12 people are not going to be able to figure it out. You know what happens to you? It's not possible. Everyone involved, innocent, guilty, whatever, just everyone involved has to kill himself. Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Sorry, he just got to kill himself. There's just no way. No one's going to like you. They're waiting for five years. You ready for me? Then we did it for another year. Okay, well, there's just no way we can figure that out. It's not what courts for.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Like did you, did you murder? Did someone out. It's not what courts for. Like did you murder, did someone get murdered? That's what courts for. Well, this guy's fucking dead. We got to figure it out. Somebody did do it. Somebody fucking did it. Well, probably was his wife. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:39 So we're in jail, that's good enough for me. Yeah, no, everyone involved should have to kill themselves. It's like, okay, it's like the reason why. So all the proud boys are going to jail forever, right? Which is a total atrocity, fucking horrible. And the plea deals that they're offered, all these 90% of prosecution ends in a plea deal. Because prosecutors are like bargaining with you. Like, well, you know, if you're innocent, you walk, but if you're guilty, you're going to jail for 30 years. Or I'll give you five years.
Starting point is 00:56:10 How about that? Totally legal and constitutional and evil. Essentially like evil, very, very evil to make somebody, because any even innocent people are like, why am I gonna fuck, I don't actually know if this is a fucking illegal. There's no way to fucking tell. If sitting at home
Starting point is 00:56:25 Saying it's going to the Capitol building and chanting 1776. Is that fucking illegal? I don't know. I didn't think so, but maybe Certainly saying Certainly going anywhere and saying somebody should be killed and murdered totally legal, right? Been totally legal since the beginning of fucking country. Is illegal now. I don't know been totally legal since the beginning of fucking country is illegal now i don't know uh... as long as you're not like there with the other guys and killed that guy legal totally legal no again everyone in vosses just killed himself like look man here fucking you got a target on the back for your rest of your life just get it over with
Starting point is 00:56:59 so you have so what you have is a justice system that is just beleaguered and stretched and crammed and broken With bullshit that it cannot possibly figure out Got someone raped someone in relationship man. We don't have a family. We don't have fucking time for this lady Okay, we're trying a bunch of fucking murderers and shit here that we're offering that we're playing gambling games with pleading deals with cuz we don't have a fucking time. Yeah Cuz it's kind of a fucking big deal to take away someone's entire life.
Starting point is 00:57:27 We treat it seriously. We don't just say, oh, wow, hashtag, prison forever. Again, just like, you gotta kill, gotta kill, gotta kill yourselves. Uh, okay. It's the only way that'll, like, it'll destress the system enough. Yeah, I think you're right. I think you're right. You know, it's like, look, I'm just saying, if you had options like that, what else are
Starting point is 00:57:48 you going to do, just trudge through life and try to make everyone feel sorry for you? Like, no, get it over with. Make everyone really feel sorry for you. Here's a, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Here's a little de-stresser for you. I like the look of that. This is three women walking two dogs. Just having a day.
Starting point is 00:58:09 These could be, I don't know what the women do in this video. They could be pilots or they could be the president of the United States or Supreme Court. They could be doctors, lawyers. In this particular instance, it's just three random women attempting to walk two dogs. And you will see the results of, oh, wait oh wait wait I'll turn it down a little bit there I see oh the dog a lab obviously has started running at another little tiny dog to play with it and it's tails wiggling around and the woman walking the lab has been
Starting point is 00:58:40 yanked off of her feet to crash face first into the cement oh there we go. And there's, she bounces. To miss the grass too. Oh, it's like right now, I would have to fucking, if that happened to me and someone got on their fucking ring cam again, I was like, man, but he can not release that. Or you have a shot of my girlfriend falling out of a car in the ring cam because we have gravel like things on the driveway. God damn it. Total wipe out.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Okay, it gets better. Let's just see that part again. Yeah, here we go. She's dragging that front dog. Like, did you see that? Like, she's dragging it by the neck the whole time. The front two paws are off the ground. Well, they're panicking. So the woman with the lab who gets dragged off of her feet to face plant onto the cement, which is about three inches away from the lush grass that she could have just dove directed her fall into. She had any, even the smallest amount of coordination or ability to react in a panicking situation. Then the woman at front has a tiny chihuahua decides that the best thing to do
Starting point is 00:59:54 when approached by a lab, a black lab, is to yank her chihuahua up. Can we just hang this up so you can beat it to death. Here we go. So the lab's trying to play with it. The lab's now running circles around this lady. I'm surprised she didn't paralyze the Chihuahua. Like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 01:00:14 It's better. Here we go. So the last jumping of these two fat ladies, maybe this is a fat watch. The first woman has still not gotten up. No, that impact fucking rocked it. Oh, man. She's getting up like stone cold Steve Austin. I forget which wrestle mania it is when he got his head cut. That she's breathed in here. When people have dogs that they like physically can't restrain like that.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Cause I know people with big dogs who can restrain it's like fine. Like you can, you can keep your dog like the situation like this, but there other dog, like, but to be able to lose control like that is just like Jesus. My lab is very friendly, like my dog does this shit. Oh, yeah. And they're always really strong too. They're really dumb, but really strong. And it's just like, oh, fuck, like, definitely to hold on while you get dragged off your cheese and face plan is the wrong thing
Starting point is 01:01:06 to do. Yeah. Here we go. So fat woman number two picks up the dog, but fat woman number one that has the Chihuahua leash in her hand, panics and starts spinning around and yanks the Chihuahua out of the hands of fat woman number two. While fat woman number three is finally up on her feet, running toward them. And now she begins to spin the truawa around.
Starting point is 01:01:36 What the fuck is going on? Is she missing a shoe too? Yes, her shoe came off in the fall. And the first one falls over again. Oh my God. I don't know why this music needs like yakety sacks on it. Yeah. You know.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Jesus. So the first woman's down on the ground again. Remember that woman who's baby rolled into traffic and she like couldn't stand up, she kept falling over. What the hell is, I think they're falling over on purpose, right? Because they don't know what to do.
Starting point is 01:02:13 They're stupid. If you tried to stand up and you had like two bags of concrete that you were like wearing for the simulation. Like tits, yeah. Well, just like a front back and a back. Just like a seat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Like, that's a lot of weight to be. I think they're falling over to, so they don't have to be responsible for what happens. Oh, look at soccer. Yes, yeah. Oh my god, I'm trying to help, but I keep falling over.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Oh. Well, you can't hold me live. I'm only talking for a long time. I tripped. I was trying so hard that I fell over. Yeah, look at the ring evidence. I was trying so hard that I fell over. Yeah, look at the ring evidence. Ah, she fell over again.
Starting point is 01:02:52 What the fuck? And now she's just laying on the concrete in the driveway while the woman's shitting around her own ass today. Yeah, okay, well, there you go. What the fuck? Wow, pretty good, ladies, pretty good. Man, that was like- The dogs play with each other.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Could you imagine like hearing this, having to hear about the story later, like, oh, you wouldn't believe what happened today. It's like, actually, I saw it. Yeah, it was a lot of funnier. Yeah, that's what I saw. Dumb fucking asshole. Jesus. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Gentrifying. Megan Fox is in mortal combat. For whatever reason, I know you said Megan Fox, but I was picturing Megan Stallion as like a goreau. I wish that Megan Stallion was in it. I do not, I hate Megan Fox. I don't get her.
Starting point is 01:03:52 I wish there would be. I don't want her in a fucking video game. They should just do bigger crossover. So Vito has more things to complain in video games about. I'd rather see Gumby in Mortal Kombat, you know? I might buy Mortal Kombat if Gumby was in it. It's a couple of cool big birds in it.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Fucking just like, Megan fucking Fox. Man, so. What's her special? I don't know. It's just like being too old to be in a Mortal Kombat game. Is that like a man? That's come on man. Come on. You should be able to fight the creators of Mortal Kombat game, is that like a man? Come on, man. Come on.
Starting point is 01:04:25 The creators of Mortal Kombat. Yeah, that's actually it's that's going to be the meta boss of this game. Yeah. Whoopsie. Um, put it to me. Tonaka in the game, guys, come on. They just need to put somebody good and I'm making fucking fox.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I got to bite the bullet and make it so you could put like soul caliber characters in there and like tacking care. Just like, yeah, that's cool. Just finally open the gates and be like, you know what, everyone just stop giving a fuck. Like everything's in here. Yeah. Fucking why not?
Starting point is 01:04:56 That moogin game is like that. That's what I keep on. But every time I try to look for clips on that, I just see rapes. Like characters getting rapes. I'm like, well, is this a rape simulator game or what? The thing I always hate about that, like, systems like that is people are like,
Starting point is 01:05:12 well, you can put your own skins and like make it do its own thing. And every time a developer opens like skins for anything, whether it's like soft, yeah. People like, you can't trust your average per like, like people who are big enough fans of that software are not graphic, is there not any, they're not artistic, they just really love the software.
Starting point is 01:05:30 So it's like, look at this thing I did that's cool and it's like, well, it looks like shit. It looks like shit though, bro. It looks like one guy did it and not a team of fucking people who do this for a living. Like, you just, I've had that or Megan Fox. Like, well, I'm not, I'm not buying a game that has Megan Fox in it, okay?
Starting point is 01:05:45 I'm just not. I don't care. Fucking just get rid of all of it. Yeah, start over. No more video. That was the reboot. Do it again. Do Mortal Kombat 1, 2. Just do Mortal Kombat where it's only two characters. Or no, it's all, it's just like Scorpion, like Sub-Zero and like fucking just like the
Starting point is 01:06:08 color of the guy. Yeah, Scorpion Zero. Fucking Luz and then just like, yeah, and the green guy and just fucking that's it. Reptile. Reptile, yeah, it's clearly the real thing. Give me, you have to give, if you're gonna fuck me with Megan Fox, you have to give me something on the other side, okay? You can put pronouns in the game, but then you have to say what is his favorite slur?
Starting point is 01:06:29 Also in the game. Oh. You can pick the pronouns. Oh! But you can pick his favorite slur. I'm listening. Least favorite ethnic background. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Oh. What is his tolerance toward other races other races extreme slider extremely low? Okay, that's cool. That's cool. I'll let the pronouns slide then that's cool It's like well if we're gonna customize everything exactly like you can customize everything. Oh everything Everything you say yeah, not that Just give me a homophobia slider pronouns. Okay, I don't love it. I mean, it makes sense. I don't personally care. I'm only gonna rate games by how many options there are in it.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Is if I don't have to fucking think enough throughout the day, regularly I can just be in a video game and fucking doing options all day. Just fucking just constantly. I don't want to play the game. I just want to customize shit. Yeah. I don't want to play the game. I just want to customize shit. Yeah. Here is, here's Maddox finally responding
Starting point is 01:07:29 to the Jordan Cope lawsuit that he did. Remember Maddox sued Jordan Cope? I do. The customer service, a rep at Patreon that refused to delete my account. God bless him, by the way. You should write a book on it. How showing up to work and fucking was like the worst.
Starting point is 01:07:47 It's my array. Yeah, no shit. I'm gonna get another beer out of this fridge. I'll be right back. I need it. I didn't realize there's a fridge back there. Well, there is. Amazing.
Starting point is 01:07:59 There's only one beer in it. Oh, actually there's two years but it's a blue moon. Do you want a blue moon? I'll take a blue moon. I hate it. They're like just a beer Like they're nothing like oh man blue moons around like this could be a great night If it's just like all right go like whatever Like there's people who really enjoy it like six six or blue moons gonna be awesome man
Starting point is 01:08:22 I get it like that's fine like you're here to you But yeah, I don't know what Sean's doing today Maybe he's getting married Don't put that on Sean I Felt him shutter just like saying this chair and like understand like it's like touching the crystal skull. Oh my god. I know how to run pro tools now. This is amazing. I really know. I think I know what I'm doing today. I can watch that guy get knocked out probably probably a hundred more times
Starting point is 01:08:55 before it's not funny anymore. Oh, the video that guy. Yeah. It's good. Hey, pal, it's like, it's like he's spun a chair around his sitting in backwards. Someone in the man walking up to you and reaching out is the international symbol for I'm going to take that fucking hand and break it. Bro, your stance is calling him the N word. Yeah. I you really need to rethink how you interact with people. Just let them figure it out. This is the internet. This is the unspo, if you were mute or the guy was deaf for some way, this is how you call him the N word. Oh.
Starting point is 01:09:31 You just walk up like fucking walking dad or some shit. No, the thing that cracks me up too is like the one thing I learned about living out here is just like, don't ever get involved with anything ever. Ever. Just don't do like if you see some chicken, don't just look at it. I didn't see nothing.
Starting point is 01:09:45 The worst thing you can do is get involved in any fashion. And you deserve to get totally destroyed. You deserve to get totally destroyed. For setting your filming, that's great. That's what we should ever do. I was at a perch the other week with my friend and his girlfriend. They went to the bathroom and there was a loud crashing sound and they both come running out. And after them, tumbles to women beating each other in a fist fight.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Right. Awesome. So he looks at me and he goes, man, can you believe this shit? And I already had, I was recording it already. As soon as I heard the crash, I got my phone out and started going, yeah man, I live here. This is the correct behavior. What am I doing? You're looking at me like I'm weird. You have to shout out World Star and then fucking film. Or a film first and then,
Starting point is 01:10:37 Shout out World Star. Shout out to the older dresser, big fat ass was all out. Oh God, it's disgusting. How much of the drinks here? Too much. I gotta show you this video after. I can't wait to see it. Fucking ass.
Starting point is 01:10:52 That's fucking fat or you? It's just like, it's shameful in a way. That's like, not that like, oh, you should know better. It's just like, that's all you got. Like, come on, I wanna like, that's just like an average night. Like I want to see some shit go fucking down. Yeah, yeah. Okay, this is what Maddox said about Jordan Cope,
Starting point is 01:11:11 the guy he sued. Juke Unluk says, can we get a Jordan Attica take down video next? I hate that guy. Classic, classic dickhead. Always classy and funny. Sneak into it in there. Sneaking it in, you know. Maddox, don't know who that is,
Starting point is 01:11:29 and I generally don't make trauma videos, only call that Wang because he's a scumbag who got me canceled from a speaking event. Yeah, okay. That fucking guy. Let's see what the next one is. Oh yeah, here we go. True, you sued Jordan for not replying to your emails.
Starting point is 01:11:50 You mean his job? So should I sue you for not putting out books, videos, or articles with regularity, that's your job, isn't it? If me doing my job, although I have, was causing you damages, sure. Is someone, if me not doing my job, although I have, was causing you damages. Sure. Is someone, if me not doing my job, although I have was causing you damages. Sure.
Starting point is 01:12:09 Is someone stalking you and posting your address online to a forum of bigots and pedophiles while you wait for help from someone not doing their job? Also, why are you part of said group? You seem sad. The forum of bigots and pedophiles. It's talking about Huey Farms. He's talking about X.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Oh, he's calling them Petaphiles, which is crazy. It's a big word, man. Is someone stalking you and posting your address online to a forum of Bigots? He's really upset about his address getting posted. I think it's because his slime bed still makes the rounds online. Because of his garbage is. Remember how I've said he was garbage is don't you touch my fucking garbage is god damn it.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Is someone stalking you and posting your address online? I never posted. He post his address online when he asked drunken Peasants to censor his address. And they didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. Remember that? Yeah, he asked us to... It's like I got to go revisit everything. This is... Ben from Drunken Peasants, this is his weird moderating block list. And he had broken his address up into components in case somebody posted it in like a weird order or something. Weird.
Starting point is 01:13:26 So they didn't know it was an address. I just posted it. Oh yeah, okay. I know that. I know what that is. Oh, Jesus. Posting it in a form while you wait for help from someone not doing their job. Why would Jordan Cope banning me from Patreon prevent your address from getting posted
Starting point is 01:13:46 to Kiwi farms? Dude, it's just your fault. You didn't know that. Like what the fuck, you're like, you just, the fact that you don't already automatically assume that everything is your fault. You've gone this far and your whole fucking life. I think that's really actually true. Everything, everything is my fault. Everything.
Starting point is 01:14:06 The sooner you do. How dare you? Yeah. No, it's all blamed me for something Nick for Nick Rukeda being a he he blamed me for fucking up something with his life. Although his life's fucking great. He's making ass loads of money. He's like, well, I don't really feel like I don't feel like I just have credit for that. But if you want to have a fault for me for it, go for it. It's just dude, it's your fault, man. Fucking everything, everything. Everything Ralph does is always my fucking fault. Everything.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Dude, we're getting somewhere. These beers are working, man. You're, I should just accept it. Yeah. It was my fault. It was my fault. Sorry. Well, that was,
Starting point is 01:14:42 I'm sorry that I made air-challised comic suck for everyone. So I messed that up for everybody. Yeah. Well, it's... Sorry, I made air-utilized comics suck for everyone. So, I messed that up for everybody. Yeah. Well, it's basically like when you were talking about forever ago about like how the thing no one's ever expecting is just to be like, oh, sorry. Yeah. So, like, wow, I like, look, I said I'm sorry, really?
Starting point is 01:14:58 But so it's just like taking a step further and just like... It's my fault. It's my fault. Yeah, yeah, you're right. It's my fault. Yeah, you know what, you're right. It's not like I can control it. It's my fault. Yeah, yeah, you're right. You're right. It's my fault. You know what, you're right. It's not like I can control it. It's my fault that the international school ministry sued you for using their trademark.
Starting point is 01:15:10 It is my fault. It's my fault, man. Sorry. Sorry about it. Sorry that I did that. It's my fault there. Sorry. Sorry that you're so fat.
Starting point is 01:15:18 It's clearly. It's clearly all your fault, man. It's like, theft it. You know. Yeah, I fight it. I'm dumb. It's like, except it. You know? Oh. Yeah, well I fight it. I'm dumb.
Starting point is 01:15:27 I'm the idiot. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. You can get out of what. My responsibility. Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Dude, just fucking. That guy that got laid out. That's my fault too, sorry. That's what. So that made such an unwelcoming environment for retarded people. You're the reason everyone's shitting in the streets and making fucking Ebola outbreaks everywhere.
Starting point is 01:15:50 This is your fault, man. All right. This is from my room records. It's called. I'm about to tell you whoops. It's called there's a man on the internet. Oh, all right. Here, ride that.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Ride that volume a little bit. What I'm about to tell you is the story of what should have been a private disagreement that spiraled way out of control. They're the man on the internet. There is a man on the internet. They're the man on the internet. Did he act with the man on the internet. Did he act with the malice face? A guy by the name of Asterios Copus. They're the man on the internet.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud. He progulantly published these falls in misleading claims and targeted them directly at BDB8. And my back. What the hell? I'm making it, it, it, it. This guy was, this guy was, this guy was, this is threatening for my life, my life, my life. It's good. Targeted in harassment campaign.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Oh! It's so good. This guy was, this guy was, this guy was, this guy was, threatening for my life, my life, my life, my life. Oh. I blocked him on social media. So, this is the disrespect to this. My life, my life, my life.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Look at the hashtag, this is my life, my life. Look at the hashtag, sort of hashtag, my life, Leo. I'm a leader. This guy was, this guy was, the threatening threatening my life, my life, my life, my life, my life. Literally, two teams, his partners, and his company to get him to lead me the popular world on the internet. Yes!
Starting point is 01:17:19 We're the main, main, main, main on the internet. The internet. I haven't even mentioned this guy in public in over five years. It's public. It's public. It's public. I haven't attacked him. I haven't even mentioned him in public anywhere on any platform. Public, public. There's a man in the public. Nor have I asked for it. There's a man on the attack out. Puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, puh, p I'm ready for any of my life I'm likely to. I'll remember my book sales. Literally. This guy with this guy with this
Starting point is 01:18:07 is ready for any of my life I'm likely to. I suit him, get a partner, and his company to get him to lead me to popular law. Where the man on the internet? Where the man on the internet? The internet. Stop going after my livelihood and the whole other story.
Starting point is 01:18:24 I will disclose my source. Stop going after my livelihood and the whole other story. I will disclose my source. Stop going after my livelihood. As a last resort, I decided to contact his work at a desperation to get him to stop. He's extremely good at making himself out to be a victim and accusing others of doing exactly what he is accusing them of. Ah, true. Man, very true. Another classic record from My Room Records. God, that was good.
Starting point is 01:18:56 There's a man on the internet. Yep. There's a man on the internet. Okay. Stop the presses. There's a man on the internet. Right, call me Ishmael. There's a man on the internet. Okay. Stop the presses. There's a man on the internet. Right, call me Ishmael. There's a man on the internet.
Starting point is 01:19:09 All right. I think Hemingway had that, it's like the opening line to his book. There's a man on the internet. There's a man on the internet. What would have been a better, what would have been a better opener to that video? Something a little more exciting, perhaps.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Here's the story of how I sued a harasser to get them to leave me the fuck alone. Right, Maddox. Oh yeah, I'm out of fucking grain. He should have just been like, he should have just came out of the gates like a fucking WWE promo, just like fucking 30 seconds of like Justin Wang or like, I hope you eat shouldn't live. Like, well, when he came out like that, I'd be like, oh, I hope you eat, shouldn't live. Like, well, when he came out like that, I'd be like, oh, fuck, like now I might actually pay attention.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Yeah. Oh, my other video is 50 minutes. I'm like, I'll just wait for the recap. And then he's in there in the comments. Well, if it's just skip to 25 minutes, that's when it really gets cooking. Oh, fuck. 25 whole fucking minutes to get to the good part.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Okay, I'll read some comments. I have so much stuff. You had a lot of stuff, man. I didn't even get to any of this. What's the point? Yeah, good question. This is LOL. This is from Damian, fucking LOL read the thread.
Starting point is 01:20:30 So this iconic pick we were taught showed that women are so smart was basically a programmer version of having your chick posing for a pick on the hood of your hot rod. Oh yeah, okay, let me read this is, I know what this is about. This is about the first female programmer. What incredible courage of this guy to hand Apollo, CM software leadership over. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So this is Margaret Hamilton. She won the presidential of a Medal of Freedom for leading the team that created the on board flight
Starting point is 01:21:01 software for the Apollo missions. This picture is bandied about a lot. I've seen it a lot. She wasn't even hired until after the completed software had already flown to the moon in Apollo 8. Oh, okay, so absolutely nothing. And then it turns out the guy married. Yeah, a team of 400 men worked for years to create the software for two appalos.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Sometime around the release date, she was hired and promoted by her husband from a beginner role in charge of the command module software that her name doesn't appear until, okay, so that's fake. Great, good to know. Everything's all all everything's fake that's what I just like everything's fake to put any sort of weight in anything and either way as it's like wrong yeah waste your fucking about this woman she wrote the she wrote the nope nope thank you
Starting point is 01:21:57 no I'll pass just I'll pass on this bullshit for today please thanks I just say no to everything yeah hey what do you think about? No. But don't you care about no? No. That's the last thing I would ever do is care at all. I don't care at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:11 Actually, that's the last thing you got. You guys can take everything else. You're not a catalyst for that. But you can't take me not caring for me. I don't care. Yeah. Well, we'll send you to prison. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:22:20 I'm going there anyway. Sorry. That's cool. All my pals will be there. The proud boys will be there. We're going to talk about how fat you are. Oh man, that fucking the playing video where the ladies like, I saw what your text is about me, like that fucking video still kills me. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's all good. I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Back in Echo, hey Dick Big Fan, in the last episode you said you dropped one piece after seeing the fat woman character. That's true, I did. Just wanted to inform you that that character is made out to be a huge dumb bitch and the main character clowns on her and embarrasses her friend. Well, she wasn't fat enough, okay? Yeah. She has to be comically fat.
Starting point is 01:23:04 I don't want it to be in the middle. Yeah, things need to be... Mimi from Drew Carey. That was a fat lady, okay? And that, you know that that's what the character should have been, but they wound it back and made it some... Well, let's see that. The woman that you're not allowed to call fat lady,
Starting point is 01:23:23 they made it some husky, big's see the woman that you're not allowed to call fatly. They made it some husky, big-bone woman. Maybe from Drew Carey. Yeah. That's the level. I'll watch it then. I'm not watching that shit. Do you think she weighed more or less than Homer Simpson? The one in the in the show. Probably more. Oh, actually. Teeny Fats. Dick was searching for a word to describe Maddox's demeanor commenting on Justin Wang stuff, and I think the word he was looking for was petulant. Maybe petulant would be good. Oh Um Dave Swiggart says sadly, I don't think dick will get a video Maddox has to know that dick would love it so much As I'm sure he'd like to I don't think he will will. Hopefully he does though. Yeah, hopefully he does.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Jamie Birch says, the handsome truth guy, I don't know what, I don't know anything. Daniel Burrows, I love Fat Watch. It's the only reason to live. Thank you. David, we're a match. That watch is good. We're gonna do a big one today.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Oh, everyone's a big one, right? Yeah. David Taglin, Fat Watch, where everyone's a big one, right? Yeah. David Taglin, fat watch where everyone's a big one. Fucking a David, where Maddox did that horseship clipping a stereosis face and putting it next to the Kiwi Farms content. He also did the same thing in the lawsuit documents. I remember that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:41 He did. Paul Castro. I've seen that jinx the black face Pokemon joke at least 150 times in the last 10 years. I hope he sourced the person who made it. Yeah, I hope he did too. Okay, this is, yeah, how dare he? Hey, Duk, have you seen this about, okay,
Starting point is 01:25:01 about a trans woman? They can't stop telling us what to do. Let's see this. Let me see what you have here, buddy. Let's see here. Let me just load it. Let me find it and load it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Let it, this is, I'm a trans man. That means a woman that's become a man. Well, they've always been a man, I guess, but just doing this stuff. Right, yeah, whatever is. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are. Oh, you're just gonna talk to one for five minutes
Starting point is 01:25:56 and you'll see how broken they are. Hey, wow. Oh, you're gonna start talking shit, are you? Oh, you know what I would say to a man who said that to me? Lots of slurs. Bro, I didn't realize how broken you were. You're gonna be fucking broken if you're not... You better have a good fucking reason for saying that.
Starting point is 01:26:17 I got 30 years of slurs that are about to come fly an at you. And I've learned all the new ones that the kids are saying I'm gonna be using those two All of them what the fuck did exactly you mean by broken I am Fucking it's like if you say the word therapy. I'll kill you. I'll fuck you till you love me Do you even know what what that's from you gonna call yourself a man? Do you know who I'm quoting? You better, because every fucking man in the planet knows that one.
Starting point is 01:26:48 That's a fucking classic man. Oh, I didn't realize how broken men are. You still don't. News flash. Robin Williams, okay, I'm out. Illustrated as a giant blue genie, not as like, you know, not for any of the other things. Romulim is just done. Notably kill him tonight.
Starting point is 01:27:15 He had some kind of disease, right? And they're spinning it like he killed himself because he's like a sad clown, but I think he had some kind of degenerative disease and he was like, fuck this. Whatever it was, like I'm sure he had his reasons. I saw this thing today, not the side track, everything. That was a national suicide awareness, suicide prevention day today. And I was like, wow, where was this 10 years ago? Or a 2001?
Starting point is 01:27:39 What do you mean? For what? Because tomorrow. Oh, because of 9-11. Right. Oh my god, I almost Oh, because of 9-11. Right. Oh my god, I almost forgot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:46 About 9-11. I was like no one cares about that. I was, you know, everyone knows I was almost on the 9-11 planes all four. We're all four. Almost was too. I was also, you have a story because I almost was on that too. I was also almost on that diarrhea plane. Did that happen?
Starting point is 01:28:03 Did you know that? That was, I was actually the cause of all the diarrhea. Did you see that? He was telling me a story of when they were stuck at Burning Man and it just made me sick. Yeah, no shit. Robin Williams, illustrated as a giant blue genie, had just finished singing to Aladdin
Starting point is 01:28:20 about how he would never had a friend like him. I observed intently. Okay, weirdo. Desperate to find a genie who could make me look like the boy I was on the inside. This was one of my first memories of realizing I was transgender. I was eight years old in the 1990s.
Starting point is 01:28:44 As I grew, my life showed cracks in my identity. I had three sisters and it was painfully evident that one of us was not like the others. When I came out to mom, she went through her old journals and found one from when I was three. She wrote in it how I seemed to hate being a girl. My life constantly felt like a puzzle that was missing too many pieces.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Oh, is this the guy right here? All right. All right. Handsome looking man. Very well manicured, like a J. Crew catalog. Anyone with a sweater? Any like that, you know, just fucking. If I saw this guy, I would think a woman dressed him, maybe his wife or something.
Starting point is 01:29:26 What would you think? You? No woman dressed you. Yeah, I just like a fucking retard. Just like a fucking salivantly asshole. The one thing I didn't prepare for was how lonely it is. Oh yeah, okay. Well, I enthusiastically started the transition process at 26, I thought I had prepared for
Starting point is 01:29:46 all the significant side effects, acne, sweating, having an enormous appetite and everything else that comes from testosterone. One thing I didn't prepare for was how lonely it is to be a man. I mean, being a man is not about having acne and sweating. Like, that's a, I don't ever think about that stuff. Being a man is about fucking, seeing three women wrestling two fucking dogs and thinking, well, here we go again, these fucking, fucking morons. Being a man is all about getting your shitty world view, reaffirmed time and time again. Constantly.
Starting point is 01:30:23 And then doing nothing about it, too. Never being wrong and always being told that you're wrong is what it is to be a man. Yep. You're never gonna believe this. Three women were walking two dogs. I'll stop you right there, I believe it. That and like also like getting halfway through
Starting point is 01:30:37 a big project and realizing like you immediately hate it, too. So then you're just like, you know what, maybe if I start a new project, this little, I'll finish building the car this time. Yeah. Then before you know it, fucking five broken cars in the yard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Just think having the constant thought of, I don't give a shit and never one time being able to say it. I liked this, the big and my youth. You know, it was more exciting than my Camaro back then. Now, I don't know if like Camaro back then now. I don't know when you were shit. From childhood to adulthood, I had a combination of friendships with men and women.
Starting point is 01:31:10 I was able to talk to anyone without reservation. Shocker. Fuck. I had a community of people I could call it any moment and society felt warm to me too. I thought the world was open to interactions with most people as long as you were kind. Then I started my transition. Oh man, fucking reality check. Do they still not know this? Women who are transitioning to be men, do they not know that like no one fucking cares what no one fucking cares about us period and doesn't want us around. And I honestly were fucking
Starting point is 01:31:41 bad guys. Like I'm not going to they're wrong, because men are fucking bad. Yeah, well, right. Don't let us in. We'll fucking take you stuff. Vampires for sure. I'm taking it. Yep. Then I started my transition.
Starting point is 01:31:54 It wasn't until my voice dropped, and my face changed that I felt the wave of my masculinity. First, my friendships, I never felt no wave of mask. Have you ever felt a wave of masculinity? That sounds like something that shouldn't be described like ever, like, man. Like, oh man, my masculinity is really a wave indeed. Wave of masculinity.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Ang 10, Kawabunga. I'm like, no, but I have wanted to fucking run someone off the road. Like, is that, is that what that is? I think that's the way of masculinity that I feel constantly. I'm like, man, these people drive like fucking shit. It's just my neighbor that's constantly going in and out of their house to their car that makes my dog bark every time and I want to, every time I want to walk over and beat their head through the fucking car window.
Starting point is 01:32:40 Is that a wave of masculinity that I'm experiencing? I think that's technically what it can be described there. Okay. So is that what this person is feeling? Is that that a wave of masculinity that I'm experiencing? I think that's technically what it can be described there. Okay, so is that what this person is feeling? Is that what a wave of masculinity? Just like misplaced, but very accurate rage, yeah. It's not misplaced. I don't know why. No one has to go in and out of their fucking house
Starting point is 01:32:56 20, 30 times a day at night. No one, unless he's smoking weed in there, that's my only possible explanation of what he's doing. In which case it annoys me more, because there's a kid in their house, so maybe you're going outside to smoke weed. Yeah, just fucking have the whole car be hot box. So when you put your kid in there,
Starting point is 01:33:13 they'll be like, well, the car smells like fucking... Just smoking in the house, man. I do not, it's so fucking annoying that my dog has to bark every 20 minutes. What are you getting in your fucking car? Are they tweakers? No, he's a nice guy. He's a nice, he looks like the guy who's got,
Starting point is 01:33:30 he looks like the fucking hood whisperer. Well, that, see that thing, walk out there and see if he approaches you like that. He might sub-black. Take my shirt off and pay myself black. I walk around like, walk around like this. Like, I believe I have two clubs for arms. How the fuck do you get in a position
Starting point is 01:33:49 where you're even speaking to a guy who's walking around like this with no fucking shirt, getting kicked out of clubs. Yeah. You would think the rest of the session is gonna have fun back in Miami or wherever you're from. Say the fuck out of, say the fuck out of Malibu. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Yeah, you would think like, you know, I'm gonna go talk to a piss off person, but a piss off person that's really gonna bring the situation down. That's like seeing a wife woman with a pit bull. Yeah. What I just saw, what I saw there. Then I started my transition. It wasn't until, oh yeah, the waves of masculinity. It wasn't until my voice dropped,
Starting point is 01:34:30 and my face changed that I felt the wave of my masculinity. First, my friendships became more distant. Your friendships with women? That might not, well, I mean, it could be another reason for that. Your friends as a man, that's your first reason. Could be some other reason why that's happening to you.
Starting point is 01:34:52 I hate to be a fuck, I hate to be a real penis in the popcorn kind of guy here, but alternative x-rays. A few friends faded away because they judge my transition. And many women didn't know how to talk to a guy about our regularly discussed topics. I would kill to be able to tell women that. You know what your problem is? You just don't know how to talk to a guy about this stuff.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Right, you see what he's saying? Many of my, a lot of my women friends, they just didn't know how to talk to a guy about this stuff. Right? You see what he's saying? Yeah. Many of my, a lot of my women friends, they just didn't know how to talk to a guy about the stuff we're talking about. Oh, buddy, you're going to say that to their face. You're thinking of it. You're trying to reinvent a wheel that has they don't even know how you put them in a fucking, you put them on an island. They wouldn't invent a wheel for 10 million years. Neither would you, by the way. No, yeah. Men started treating me like their guy friends, which was exactly what I wanted. How would you know that?
Starting point is 01:35:55 What I didn't know is that male friendships aren't as deep. That's so insulting. What I didn't know was that male friendships aren't as deep because this guy is not hearing 10,000 words constantly about like emotion affirming and of course shit. Well, there are friendships aren't as deep. Fuck you. Like heartfelt. Fuck, fuck, go fuck yourself. You know what? I just like, I wish everyone would just like, treat me the same, but also differently.
Starting point is 01:36:30 You know? Men just, they're just like, they don't connect emotionally. I found. Since I've been a man for about, you know, a year and a half. No, men take things apart and then get pissed off and then throw things. That's like what you're supposed to do. Before my transition, guys used to open up to me about all sorts of fears for frustrations and feelings.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Yeah, gay men. Now they would keep it superficial. Yeah, guys don't open up about that shit because we all know it. There's no reason to... It's just kind of like, oh, you're struggling too. Yeah, it's just easier to not talk about it because it's like, what's the point? Yeah, it's not gonna of like, oh, you're struggling too. Like, yeah, it's just easier to not talk about it because it's like, yeah, what's the point?
Starting point is 01:37:06 Yeah, it's like I'm going to fix anything for either of us. Yeah, no, go lift some weights about it. The most depleting were new friendships. It was nearly impossible with women, especially being married and men. I realized it would take years to build a semi-deep friendship. Before transitioning, I did receive short, I didn't receive short pat hugs or shake hands. I got deep, long hugs.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Man, Johnny, I wake up every day, he's wishing I had a big hug from strangers. I was wishing I had a big hug from strangers. Man, you know, I agree. I need a big deal. I need hugs constantly. Sometimes, sometimes 40 times every day, I need a big lingering hug where guys are trying to squish my boobs against them.
Starting point is 01:38:00 I didn't get quick answers about life. I got hour-long conversations. Oh, does this gentleman miss having hour-long conversations about life? Wow. What a weird guy. What's so weird about that? When traveling or running errands,
Starting point is 01:38:15 I saw a parent dealing, when traveling or running errands, and I saw a parent dealing with an exhausting kid, I could help and not be stared at like a creep. My friend. Why are you transitioning to? What did you think being a guy? What are you, what are you exactly missing out on?
Starting point is 01:38:35 Well, now that I'm a guy, I just find that myself wanting to take care of kids all the time. And people look at me like I'm some kind of fucking weirdo. Now that I'm a guy, a known, repulsive, and awful thing, people treat me like a repulsive and awful thing. It's like, man. I can't take care of Brandon people's kids anymore. Now that I've transitioned to a guy, which I am.
Starting point is 01:38:54 As a guy, you should want people to never have kids ever. And I just, I can't even count the times that me as a person have been walking around wanting to care about, like take care of other people's fucking children. Yeah. The way I existed in society was the exact opposite of how I moved through it. Now, well, yeah. And with that comes privilege, I feel safer.
Starting point is 01:39:17 I no longer walk around at night clinging to pepper spray. You should. And I've had to, I don't fucking feel safe. And I've had to train myself to move out of women's way before they step Is a oh my god look at all this fucking shit. I'm not reading this crap Lastly for those who are not men Okay, thank you for the thank you for the email Yeah, like after my transition. I can't take care of people's random kids.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Oh, the sudden it's like people hate me. It's like welcome to being a man, you know, like, I can not stress enough how, so this is like just a big article about how men are fucked up because we need to commute. I cannot stress enough how important it is to learn how to communicate effectively. Fuck you. We do. Yeah. We figured it out.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Yeah. You guys communicate to make noise to get men to look at your tits. So they'll knock you up. That's the only reason you're talking. Nothing that you ever say makes any fucking sense. Communication is one of the greatest gifts society gives women. No. You guy, you, uh,
Starting point is 01:40:29 words constantly, not a fucking single thing that you say makes any sense. The allowance to talk to friends for hours about life's highs and lows, tell stories full of vulnerability and cry and be held by your friends. Bro, you might wanna transition back to being a woman. Are you fucking kidding me? It's called drink yourself to sleep every night. Like, what's your supposed to do? Like, what? Whether you journal or go to therapy or work through it mentally, find a way
Starting point is 01:41:00 to be safe in your skin as a whole person. Wait, so if I could advise men, it would be first to look inward. You don't, you do not have, I've been hand-picked by broads my entire fucking life. I do not need, I don't need you, I don't need, you on putting a beard on. Stay here, you know what? Actually, ladies, step aside, I got this. So buddy, if I can do, what? Yeah. It was like a, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:30 You fucking high. If I could tell men one thing, better be. No, I did look inward and what I'm giving you is a much better version. Yeah, it's a better version of what's inside there. White, you know, this is, this is for the kids. If I could advise men, it would be to look inward before reaching out to women for support. Let's decide. I'm there. White, you know, this is, this is for the kids. If I could advise men, it would be to look inward before reaching out to women for support. It would be a cold day in hell before I reached out to women for support.
Starting point is 01:41:53 I understand that this is about your friendship with yourself and how you accept your emotions, fears and femininity. What the fuck? Whether you journal, go to therapy or or work through it mentally, or get fucked in your vagina, find a way to be safe in your skin as a whole person. A person who cries feels joy and can embrace all aspects of themselves. I don't know, man. I think it's just like easier to like just like buy a bunch of like shit to just keep masking. Do you even understand the matrix?
Starting point is 01:42:35 Why? Why would I care to? Uh, yeah. Okay. Cause that's what I was just like giving this much of a fact is just like, what? Like, you're going to take that advice, look inward about having a friendship with yourself. You know what? I thought about it. Well, it's been a man for a year and already has it all figured out.
Starting point is 01:42:54 We got thousands of years worth of written philosophies and shit on what the human experience is, which is basically the male experience because women can't communicate for shit so they don't write anything down. So I took their advice with it's like, whether you journal, go to therapy or work through it mentally, I just work through it mentally. I was just like, you know what? I'm good. There's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 01:43:16 Oh, John though. There you go. Done. Thanks for the advice. I think I'm good. Therefore I am like, oh, okay. Okay, let's see. Parallel Park now.
Starting point is 01:43:24 Awesome advice. So cool. So can you Therefore I am like oh okay, okay Let's see you pair all apart now awesome advice So cool so can you pair a little part this fucking car? I can yeah, yeah, why you Let me see it hey how scraped up for the sides of your wheels Yeah, oh it any curves lately. I'll fuck you till you love me. Just tell me who said it dude Okay, here's some advice. How to ensure this is from Tellem. How to ensure a good time at a strip club?
Starting point is 01:43:50 I've never been to a strip club in my 35 years on this planet. Wow. Save the required amount of money. You might need to transition too. What? How is that possible? Yeah, it's like a ride a passage, man. Wow.
Starting point is 01:44:06 It's like, you should be. I can't even see naked brawds. Eat hot gums, fucking little titties. Like, great time. I went to Vegas recently, I found out the first strip club I ever went to shut down. Damn. I was sad about that.
Starting point is 01:44:19 I told the cab driver I was sad. I really fucking explored my emotions. Yeah. And it worked through mentally there, yeah. I remember the, a strip, first strip where I got a fucking laugh dance from. She was hot. Man, the Vegas is not the same
Starting point is 01:44:32 since they put that orb thing up. That eyeball. That's fucking fine eyeball. Yeah. I've never been to a strip club in my 35 years on the planet. And now I find myself wanting to check them out. What the hell?
Starting point is 01:44:45 Now just now you're finding yourself out? At 35? Damn. You need to explain why. I'm damn sure. Yeah, fuck the rest of your game, you need to get. What happened to make you wanna go? Right now, I'd explain yourself.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Oh, they're naked over there? Oh yeah, I definitely wanna go. Oh, the strip club. Oh, see, I've been talking about strip clubs. I thought the guys go in there to strip. Oh, they're naked over there? Oh, yeah, that I definitely want to go. Oh, the strip. Oh, see I've heard you're talking about strip clubs I thought I thought the guys go in there to strip. Oh, yeah, there's women in there We've been going to look down and ridicule you while you're fun as clubs off. No, it's opposite of that Jesus I'm damn sure none of my friends are game to go you will ask them
Starting point is 01:45:22 I'm damn sure none of my friends are game to go. You ask them. So I see. I see. Hey, do you want to go to the strip club? Yeah, I get them drunk at about, at about not after midnight, but not before 10. Hmm. Throw it out there.
Starting point is 01:45:38 It's like the sweet spot. There's a sweet spot of being drunk. I mean, somebody tells me, let's go to strip club is 6 p.m. maybe I'll go, but that's me. Still like, no, put all the first stringers, you know, you got to wait a little bit. Yeah, because the good horse will show up when it's late. Like, they know too, you have to kind of prime hours, you know, yeah. The horse know too. You go it too early and that's when you're like, oh, this guy's like missing a foot and like fucking saying weird shit.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Like, I don't want to be around this establishment. Like, yeah. So I seek your advice on how to have a good time. I live in a state that allows either topless dancers with a bar service or full nude and bring your own beer. What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 01:46:22 What? What? What? Maybe Texas. Texas has. I know because I was all excited about it and then I ripped my fucking arm out of my, that was the end of my life when everything started going bad. Which is the better to go to? Well, you're going to have to go to both, buddy. Honestly. If he's curious about checking one out, he should check both.
Starting point is 01:46:46 If he's gonna do the real scientific thing, and you know, like a little A, B test, and maybe check out the first one again after visiting the scientific thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You wanna be biased. I've never gone to bring your own beer one, so I don't know how the dynamics would work.
Starting point is 01:47:04 In California, it's full nude, but no liquor. So you got to be pretty lit, which I hate. I hate, I don't need the nudity and I hate the no liquor. But if you get lit up enough and get on drugs, you can easily have a good time there. Yeah, seeing anyone naked has never made my hand stop shaking. I need the liquor. I can't be addicted to seeing women naked. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:35 Hold on. Yeah. I don't get cold sweats if I don't see women naked. Oh, I got a real headache of all that. I had a naked woman here. Oh, man. So, I mean, it's a huge choice. No, it annoys me about that guy. I don't even want to call him trans.
Starting point is 01:47:54 What's like? What's like? What's like? Yeah, exactly. It's that I promise you, they're not funny. Like, so much of communicating is just more efficient when it's funny. I don't think we even talk. I think all we do is send each other fat watch videos.
Starting point is 01:48:09 Videos worthy of fat watch. And then it's like, I immediately knew like, I just, hey, come just come. I don't like it. This is like, that's the most effective form. Because my former community, I think we've been on Koggy. It's already funny.
Starting point is 01:48:22 Yeah, I don't have any. It's important to tell you. So I'm not going to tell you anything, but here's a video. There's nothing important. Yeah, I don't have any. It's important to tell you. So I'm not going to tell you anything, but here's a video. There's nothing important. Yeah, there's nothing ever. So here's a fat person video, just because we got to that too, after this email.
Starting point is 01:48:32 I'm so sorry. Which is the better to go to. You got to go to both. Yeah, but I would go to the, I would go to the bring your own beer, full nude one. Yeah, if you can bring your own beer, then, you know, always go to that. Anywhere you can bring beer, your own beer is the way it plays to go.
Starting point is 01:48:46 Because the other one they're gonna make you buy shit. You have to buy shit. It's always a pain in the ass. Is there an optimal ratio of dollar denominations to bring ones retard? What do you mean? Hundreds, what do you mean? And you get in fives out.
Starting point is 01:49:02 Ones and yeah, ones and hundreds. Bring get cash because the ATM will rape you for like 13%. So get a couple of hundreds. Yeah. Get hundreds of dollars. Is there a best wallet type? No. Just put it in the money in your pocket.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Some people will recommend like MetaMask other people or like. I apologize for not remembering everything you've talked about since listening to you on the old show with the Armenian retard gem. Tell all the strippers that you have cocaine, even if you don't. They'll be so much friendlier to you. And then if they keep asking, just say that you think they're a cop, so you're not going to give it to them, because it's weird that they're asking. Yeah, that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:49:42 If you know the joke behind my name, I'll change my Patreon from the $5 tier to the $10. Oh shit, what did I say his name was? Usually I don't, usually I don't write down their names because no one wants their actual name being red. Hey, this is my name, also I don't read it. Strip club. Let's see here.
Starting point is 01:50:10 I, Tileem Tor, I do not know your name. What is it from? Oh, a magic. No, I don't know that magic card. Sorry. Okay, I hope you have fun at your, strip club your late blooming late bloom or strip club experience. Yeah. You got any advice for just keep going back and forth to find which one you like the best and then go back to the other one, you know, just to switch it up a little bit, you know, set a limit. Do say I'm not going
Starting point is 01:50:40 to spend more than this and then don't spend more than it because those horrors will keep you in the back. I've seen guys blow through 3,000, 5,000, 10,000, you're just like, you're getting fucking ridden right now. And they know how to do it. Remember, they're just women. There's nothing different about, there's nothing different about strippers than normal women.
Starting point is 01:51:04 So if they say something, assume it's a lie, do you feel anything? It's fake. That's, yeah. And whatever they, everything they say is a lie. Always remember that. Yeah. Yeah, I think my only advice would be like, even if it's true. Always go somewhere there's alcohol, so you don't start coming down mid, whatever you're
Starting point is 01:51:24 into. Yeah, and they will do anything. You can make them do ship for money. Come in, come in spending money big and then pull it back. Oh, do like bum fights. Get them to start fight each other. Yeah, come in, throw some money around and then stop for a while, do things erratically. Yeah, just be insane. Okay, should we do? Oh yeah. All right. That watch today and that news. Yes, yes, yes. Music to my ears right there.
Starting point is 01:51:55 Very good. Here's a gentleman that sent me this one. Let's see here. Say, uh, I said this over here. Yes. Yes. Oh, all right this review. Yes. Oh. All right. Here is a...
Starting point is 01:52:09 Here's a guy. This is a guy who has his fat wife on his shoulders. And he's walking into a pool or what looks like. I don't know what the goal is. I think I've watched this a couple times. I think the goal was to vote for both of them to do the diving board because they're walking. If you see he's loading this mammoth onto his shoulders. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:39 Like he's next to the diving board. Like it's about to just get on and walk out and then do a hilarious bit where he suplexes his wife. Is it not just everyone why he's actually the funniest guy in town? Oh, man, God bless. God fucking bless the person who whipped their phone out to report this. Oh, yeah. So he is, he's bald with, he's got that bald, with a beard. Look at our red he's turning. His Viking ancestors are looking down from Valhalla and got enough blower on this one to make enough perfume for the next 10 years.
Starting point is 01:53:14 I don't know if they're cheering because their wives were fat too. I imagine. Right. So some, some of someone's funny like detached cousin or someone was like, you know, I'm gonna fucking nail them. Let me get a zoom in on this. Oh, yeah. It's just like miraculous.
Starting point is 01:53:30 For the ground to be so wet too, like I would just be hesitant walking around, just even carrying like a drink or anything, just because like, oh, the ground's fucking wet next to you'll pull it like. That's always a recipe for disaster. Yeah. And then when you factor in the sheer,
Starting point is 01:53:44 you put a 300 pound woman on your shoulders. For no reason, you can see his knees buckling. This child is here for some reason with a weird strap around his midsection. And he's got, this is like the biggest loser. Look, he's got, he's got a little floaty system. He's got water wings and a, maybe this is a question. Like, I get a defense system for getting squashed. Like, fuck. Oh, oh, yeah. Okay. Um, cleat is back here with the bull cut is helping her up. Okay. So the guy mounts mounts the the guy mounts the diving board.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Oh, he's going to go. Oh, I like it. For as long as I left that video on loop, I didn't realize he was watching it anticipating the fall of the time. Oh, look at his face. Oh, man. He's like laughing, but he's like, oh, God, no, he has zero. If it was a normal sized woman, you could recover. He's going to hear about it for fucking ever. Oh, she falls off backwards from like she's got her back. It's her back. Wait a hundred and fifty pounds. Yeah. Um, oh, she had that slab of fat on her back. Let's see here
Starting point is 01:55:16 what happens next. Oh, so the kid goes flying. I'm surprised it didn't take the edge off the pool. Like, yeah, that's enough to cause property damage. Like that's fucking the new owners of the house are like, why is there this big question? Did someone drop a 20 bowling balls on the edge of the pool? A fucking half moon shaped tape. Is it a hip-hine asteroid or something? What's this? Fuck. Okay. He's out. He's safe. He knows he's safe. He's like, oh, my knees are thinking you're Oh, God, here comes the impact. That's like fucking watching that scene in Armageddon. People are screaming because they're like, oh, she's so fucking fat.
Starting point is 01:56:01 Everyone is immediately going, we're going to have to call a fucking fire department to come fucking check her out after this. The spine's gone. Yeah. Got spine. Done. Actually done.
Starting point is 01:56:11 What, around six feet? Yeah, we just spine's here. Totally fucking obese. The jewels involved in this, in this collision arm, off the charts. We gotta get out of here. It's gonna cause the signs of the guy to go to the pool's done. The pool is done. Pools closed down. Oh, God. It hits the corner of the, the worst. It's diagonally too. Oh, spying off the corner of the pool. Let's get this gravy seal
Starting point is 01:56:38 who's weirdly muscular with a big can't tanker's fat wife. You can't be that big doing anything from that height. No, like you just... No, you gotta be as close to the ground as possible. You're that fat. Oh, oh, oh yeah, okay. Oh, and the kid got knocked over. Did you see that? Oh, man, wait. Hey was so, was shit.
Starting point is 01:57:05 None of his pads worked. Yeah. Look at the kids feet go. God damn, everyone's just getting fucking dusted. Everyone's getting rocked today. All right. Jesus Christ. And you see where they were sitting, dude.
Starting point is 01:57:20 It's just like there's a fucking couple of drinks and drinking some. What is that? Fruit, strawberry, whatever the fuck like there's a fucking couple of, a couple of drinks. Just enjoying some. What is that? Fruit, strawberry, whatever the fuck that is. Poverse soda. Got a couple of those going. Just like, I can't wait to watch these fucking fat pigs eat shit. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:57:35 All right. I got, I have some more. Love a good fat watch. And I got some more in the messages too. Yourdall daddy says they're teaching belugas how to pull dance. You mean the whale? That's interesting, how is that? Yeah, I wonder.
Starting point is 01:57:54 See, I wonder where this is gonna take a turn too. Uh oh. Oh, oh, oh, no, no. Oh, what kind of, it's the kind of steel work that Andrew Carnegie would be proud of. Jesus Christ. Oh my God. In what universe did this pig wake up and say I got to get it on this pole dancing craze.
Starting point is 01:58:21 No. She's got the entire history of human civilization tattooed down her thigh. God damn. It's a big fat woman who's wearing a, a little, a pair of panties that would probably resemble a climbing harness. if you had to guess what they were without her in them you think well this is obviously a mountaineering equipment to the oh it's a woman's g-string oh god okay fucking and then a top of uh... a lingerie top that has
Starting point is 01:58:57 uh... more straps and i've ever seen a bra tied down straps i'm gonna ratchet it on my g-string ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Tie down straps You one person on each side Wow, that's a huge bitch God and there's poor woman binder who is a little tubby herself is looking on and horror as this fat woman. She's she's she's she's got a one foot on the ground and she's sideways. Right. Is that right? That's like over sure. This is an AI generated. This might be fine. You can see she's's her foot touching the floor through that pad.
Starting point is 01:59:47 Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! She starts doing a rotation. Okay, so she has, she planted one foot down next to the pole and she lifted her other leg up and wrapped it around the pole, the stripper pole, to do a rotation. Geez. And it feels like a galactic rotation.
Starting point is 02:00:08 And she gets her other leg up and hooks that on the pole. Why'd you toss it on the side? Oh my goodness. Man. What? How is the pole fucking taking this? How's what I'm saying? Like that is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Man. What?
Starting point is 02:00:25 How is the bowl fucking taking this? How's what I'm saying? Like that is whatever company made that fucking. It's one of those, it's one of those ballards that stops the, the top Muslim terrorist blowing up bands. That's fucking crap. Oh. How is that possible?
Starting point is 02:00:43 Oh. Oh, how is that possible? Oh, it's like watching a fucking shawarma rotisserie going on. Is this sex? Am I doing it right? Am I doing a sexy move, right? Oh my God. She's like She takes up the whole pad. She sits there. She's like God dammit Oh my god
Starting point is 02:01:22 Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. How is she holding up so much weight? Fucking Jesus Christ. If somebody's put a piano on your back, do you think you could spin around a stripper pole? No. I don't think so. God, I would definitely not film it. I'm just sick to find out there. Very, very sick. Oh, yeah, I only got that one.
Starting point is 02:01:57 All right, all right, all right. That's just like crazy. Unfucking believable. It's like, okay. It's astounding. Let me see here. Oh yeah, this is a good one. That was a fucking good one. That was a good one. This is sent in by Kevin.
Starting point is 02:02:20 Only try to, try to load it up. Everything is hard on Instagram for some reason. This is from Laney Mollnar. She's just... Mm-hmm. Okay. And it says... It's perfectly okay. And it says, it's perfectly okay.
Starting point is 02:02:48 It's a comic that says it's perfectly okay to eat more than your partner. And it's a man with a salad and a woman is feeding him and show the woman has a double cheeseburger and fries and macaroni. She's feeding him something. And then the other panel says, or be bigger than them. And it's a skinny black guy and a white fat woman that's about, looks like about three
Starting point is 02:03:12 or four times his size. And the black man is a hungrily pulming her buttocks, flanks, I guess, whatever you want to call them. Wow. And she says, why do we need to spell this out? Far gone should be the times when girls are told they need to order salads on dates. Smash that burger.
Starting point is 02:03:33 Take up space. Do not apologize. Wow, is this bitch fat or what? You can't, not really. Yeah. She's just telling women to get fat. That's a funny way of sabotaging everyone else too. Her arms are pretty fat, I guess.
Starting point is 02:03:54 Huh. Okay. How is that? Look at that. What did this poor guy do here? Is this one of the new panels from ice? You know, just had to get one in there. That is weakness, is that isom's kryptonite?
Starting point is 02:04:19 Big fat black, a big fat white woman? Well, I guess I'll be there when court with you. I can imprison with you, rather. Jesus. He goes, she, it. God, fuck you. Are they gonna comments on it in the comic about, like the earthquake, big fat white woman,
Starting point is 02:04:38 ah, like, oh, your ex is here, I saw him. She's wreaking havoc all over Floresburg. With her. The plastic handles have deteriorated off her 2006 Altima. I saw him. You've got a respond. Your ex, your ex girlfriend is in your baby mama's here. She's wreaking wreaking havoc all over Florespark.
Starting point is 02:05:04 Earthquake. Fucking Christ. Earthquake is here. Boom, boom's here. She's wreaking havoc all over her floor, spark. Earthquake. Fuckin' Christ. Earthquake is here. Boo, boo, boo. Damn, she fine, though. The thing that, like, look at the tits of the fat woman doesn't even have, she's got a little tiny tits.
Starting point is 02:05:17 Right, even big, yeah. That's the thing that cracks me up is it's like, I know comics are generally supposed to be fun in. Holy fuck, there's comments of fat women. I went on a first date with a guy who asked to split the bill. I said, okay, ordered what I wanted. And then we had a good date at the end. He paid for my dinner too and said that and said and said and said he did that. So I feel comfortable enough to order what I really wanted. So he knew he was pulling like a bitch. I know you're fat. He's like, don't be afraid to like not eat around like, you know, it's like, yeah, girl, I'll pay for half the fat bitch.
Starting point is 02:05:57 I see thin girls with big guys all the time and it's fine. But if a woman is bigger than the guy, people question it. It's so weird. No, it's not weird at all, actually, because you guys can't do anything. That's why. She's a... Oh, well, that face. My ex was practically anorexic and applauded me when I lost weight because of breast cancer. lost weight because of breast cancer. I don't think a funny guy. Is that really how it happened? Oh, yeah, you're losing so much weight because of your fucking breast cancer.
Starting point is 02:06:34 Yeah, I'm sure. Like, they don't even tell the truth when they're telling stories like this. You know what I mean? You're in the never-ending set-up. You're in the never-ending set-up. You're in the never-ending set-up. During our relationship, oh really? Did he ever get mad at you for no reason? Yeah, in the never. He rake me in during our relationship. Oh, really? Did he ever like get mad at you for no reason?
Starting point is 02:06:45 Yeah, all the time. Okay. And that's, that's true though, right? So all those times where you guys, so you, how often do you guys, uh, that, that should, I should be the fucking defense attorney. How often would you say you guys fought in the relationship? A lot. Was he wrong a lot of those times?
Starting point is 02:07:01 Yeah, every time the defense rests. Yeah. Thank you. Go through like 50 court cases in the afternoon, just like, okay, I thought I'd like next just. Would you say that you guys, oh, yeah, you raped you in the real, yeah. Did you ever fight about anything?
Starting point is 02:07:18 Yeah, we fought about tons of things. How often were you wrong in those times? Not one time. Oh, thanks. That's all your honor. With the defense for us. That's all your honor. Get it all done quick.
Starting point is 02:07:32 Yeah. You're moving the fuck out. Yeah. You're moving fellas. Fucking Christ. All right. He's now when I lost weight because of breast cancer. What's the question, Your Honor?
Starting point is 02:07:45 What's the worst thing ever, besides the rape? What's the worst thing ever did to you? Well, he would constantly make me feel like I was stupid. Oh yeah, can you give us an example of that? Well, my car insurance and my registration all laps and he said that I should have been on top of it and I felt really dumb about it. Okay, defense rests,'re on her take it away
Starting point is 02:08:08 He wants sent me a thigh gap meme He thought was hilarious. He's now with a girl that's super tiny I won't lie it hurt but my new boyfriend loves my body as is he constantly tells me I'm beautiful He's in amazing shape and sometimes I feel unworthy. So thank you for this. Referring to your body as as is, like anytime you go to buy or sell something and people are like listen to it. As is, that's usually like, you know, like this is for it.
Starting point is 02:08:33 This is for it's, yeah. Oh yeah, here's no one. I remember a date early on with my guy. I ordered something absolutely gluttonous. French onion burger maybe. Oh God, what a great day. You're gonna love this spot. Oh yeah, okay, let's see it.
Starting point is 02:08:52 What do you have? I'll have the French onion burger. Oh, she's like in sweat onions all night. Any just any just said, oh, thank fuck. I asked him what he meant. And he was so sick of girls who pretended they don't enjoy good food on dates. You want a burger?
Starting point is 02:09:07 Eat a burger. You want us aleditas, aled, but I don't do anything just to impress someone else. I hide who you are. You guys are like talking about eating. I love like the moral grandson. You're like, yeah, if people don't fuck with me, like this is what I do. Yeah. No one asked. You can fuck off. Deadass hearing her say, I want pizza. It was an unwritten love.
Starting point is 02:09:29 You can eat pizza and not be a big fat pig. Oh, okay. Yeah. There we go. F-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W- a good time. I had a great time. It was a fantastic. It's going to happen in the Isom world. Do you not care about that fight? A lot of people on the Dixia don't care about the air-actualized stuff, but I think it's funny. I think it's funny in the sense that I'm just like, again, everything, it's just further reaffirms that everything is your fucking fault. It's just like, yeah, really does. Yeah, it's like, you get a guy who chimes in and is like, hey, I don't think this is that
Starting point is 02:10:03 great. And then it's like, you know what, this guy's a fucking, it's like, alright, like, dude, I'm just like, I don't care about anything, man. That's cool, actually. That's not cool, because if I cared about something, maybe I'd fucking get some stuff done. No. No, it doesn't matter. That's not the thing.
Starting point is 02:10:20 This is fucking matters. It's like the more I think about it, the more I'm like, man, nothing matters. Like, it's kind of cool. This is... Yeah, like the more I think about it, the more I'm like, man, nothing matters. It's kind of cool. This is, if I cared about it, it might be really cool. Maddox District, hey, Dick, I recorded this song about Maddox right after the lawsuit ended, but I didn't send it in. Now, if it's relevant again, now it's relevant again.
Starting point is 02:10:38 Enjoy and feel free to play it on the show. This was the first song I ever recorded by myself, and I work in the music industry now. If Maddox didn't inspire me to write this, I don't know what I'd be doing instead. He really has made money for everyone except himself, but Bell in cell fiend. So this person wrote a song. First song they ever wrote was a diss track on Maddox
Starting point is 02:11:03 and now they work in the music industry. Fucking idiot. How cool isdox and now they work in the music industry. Fucking idiot. How cool is that? I just want to work in the music industry. Stupid asshole. Here we go. I feel like this is a clock with your hands, take it from the top. The biggest problem wasn't it, I'm like a current boy, It was a matter of time, and then it's all paid up.
Starting point is 02:11:33 There's a danger, accident, you became a cop. If you were to take home, I'd be just a cop. You're not shit up. I'm like a total friend, I got you like a total cop. So I'm sending you off to your mind, You made a done make me a sinner and make it a top Whoa, you're not so mean, I'm tired of you See, I've got a lot of stuff I need to tell you
Starting point is 02:11:55 Whoa, you're so mean, I'm tired of you You're so mean, I'm tired of you Yeah, so I've got that stuff And it's nothing you can't lose We just hope that you're close With my true self You're so close This is a part of Snowy's life
Starting point is 02:12:18 So you're really strong, girl You're the center of the car So you're a competitive Just call it a value of sight And then do it through some hours That's better than just bird down And when you're undercourt I'm just an uncardic player, but I'm kidding Just call an evaluate player, but who is the person I said? And I just heard out and you went to court For judges, promises and ballers in the cascades My coach has a man, I'm the one who keeps me in the hands of the king
Starting point is 02:12:34 We quit with just kind of games, but for people I need one drink We need to take we love to Woah, give us a wee notch, my god See, I've got a nice face, I'm so pretty now Oh, you lost me not by now See the things I lost, they've been down Oh, you've been down by now You've been down by now You've been down by now And I've got them again, I've lost
Starting point is 02:12:59 We've been down by now With my true desire I You're so clever Woa, you're constantly not my ghost Hòzik arzba línat mākóz Hòzik arzba línat mākóz Hòzik arzba línat mākóz Hòzik arzba línat mākóz Hòzik arzba línat mākóz Hòzik arzba línat mākóz Hòzik arzba línat mākóz I'm a little bit nervous, I'm a little bit nervous
Starting point is 02:13:46 I'm a little bit nervous, I'm a little bit nervous Good life is inside It's just so hard Thank you. Thank you. Can you hear, you got to bring vocals up for me. Yeah, bring the vocals up. Let that beautiful voice come out. Bring those vocals up.
Starting point is 02:14:19 Don't hide. Don't hide, don't hide those. Don't hide that beautiful voice. Thank you very much God, I really want to watch this fucking video, but it's already so to we should just have a whole hour We'll leave that video on loop This one this one sucks which one? And now which one oh Fucking knocked out. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 02:14:42 Dude, it's fucking I fucking knocked out. Oh, yeah, dude. Just fucking Is it funny the US it is to me? Dude, I love fucking funny watching people get fucking decked like that It's just like oh Man man We had Kevin Hart motherfucker coming in here Oh Cub-lam! What? Cub-boom! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I'm gonna say no. That's why no no. So, what? God damn. You wanna check out my mixtape?
Starting point is 02:15:49 No, I do not. You wanna save the rainforest? Absolutely no. No, I do not. I wanna do that. Get the fuck out of my face. Oh, God. I tell you by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:16:03 No. Oh my. Hey. Wham. No. Oh my God. Wham, wham, wham. Wham. Damn. It's just so. He's not up. Gotta go.
Starting point is 02:16:14 He gotta go, everybody. The way he's standing at the end of that, like he put his whole body into that fucking slap. And it's just like, fuck. Boom. That guy was not prepared for it. He's like, he wouldn't hit me. God.
Starting point is 02:16:29 Well, actually, yes. I hope he takes it as a lesson to never talk to anyone ever again. There's some controversy over it too. There's somebody called it a sucker punch. Like this now, it's not a a well, he punched a sucker. So I guess technically it's correct. Like I knocked the fuck out.
Starting point is 02:16:51 You said that's not just you first. Like getting to you. You are getting it. You are in a fight. Why are you starting a fight actually? Oh, I can't believe. I set my house on fire after dousing it in gasoline and lighting up a cigarette. Like, I don't know how that happened.
Starting point is 02:17:07 Like, I knocked out what happened. Why went up to this shirtless crack addict and put my hands all over his chest. You're telling me you've got involved in something that didn't involve you and you fucking got fucked up. Oh God. God damn. 99 more times and it will still be funny. Yeah, then I'll stop watching it. Okay, until tomorrow. It'll be funny. I'll be a new funny thing.
Starting point is 02:17:35 The bottom line of climate science is the same as any other amount of science. the same as any other amount of science. The money. If your experimentation and your conclusions directly lead to you getting more grants, of course you're going to falsify data, make it seem like it's far worse than it is, because that money keeps rolling in. Climate science is not the first to have done it, but it's certainly the loudest. So yes, I will forever believe a physicist
Starting point is 02:18:12 who is not making any of that money close to you. Yes. What the climate scientists are getting in grants from the government. Yeah. Climate science is the first one that they just made so big. It can never be like provable or replicable or it has any kind of like, this is great.
Starting point is 02:18:34 Constable hypotheses or anything like that. Fucking money. Yeah, it works where people say, oh, we're going to make a quantum computer. Oh, really? Does it work? Yeah. Okay, show it. It doesn't work. That's your night, that was a lie.
Starting point is 02:18:49 Okay, well, you give us your money back. Well, it's an ABAater. I mean, I was pretty good. It's closed. Like, now, climate size, like, okay, well, is it climbing any better? No. What do you think?
Starting point is 02:19:02 You need to research more so we can, you know, keep paying us so we can maybe get to the bottom of it. I don't know, man, lots of earthquake. I was listening to NPR the other day. And fuck, what did they say? They said something that it was not, it was, they were talking about like,
Starting point is 02:19:16 something that had nothing to do. They were talking about Fukushima. Oh, okay. Look at the fuck, does that have to do the climate? A nuclear reactor? Well, you know, melting down? Kidding. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:28 It's always something, man. If we just say no. You didn't even climb it? No. No, I don't believe that shit. What about this? No. Oh, so you're a denier?
Starting point is 02:19:38 Yeah. No, you're a denier? No. No. Yeah, just keep saying no. Like, and I fucked up. Yeah. Oh, so you're denying it? No. No, I'm no, yeah, just keep saying no. I can I I fucked up. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:46 Oh, so you're denying it? No. No, I'm not denying it. So you believe in it? No. Well, it can exist outside of me feeling both those ways right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:56 No, no, it can't. It doesn't. It doesn't. No. Don't you feel it? No, I don't. No. But what about playing video games right now, actually?
Starting point is 02:20:04 Yeah. In my mind. Oh, yeah. I'm playing Super Mario Land in my mind. The Chinese level. Oh, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do He's gonna POW camp and he was singing that prayer song. And they're freaking out. These people are salivating all over each other. He was trying to get the social credit up. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. You could hear it.
Starting point is 02:20:33 Everybody's so incredibly in person. Yeah. And I was like, oh God, don't laugh. Oh, you would have docked everyone's credit. Yeah. You put it in a social debt after that. Back from burning, man, holy shit, dude. All right, I can go there now. All the news on that was bullshit, by the way. Everything's
Starting point is 02:20:50 still burned on time or still burned. It's just a couple days later. Manually. Nobody died. There weren't piles of trash anywhere. Yeah. The shooters were getting pretty full. I saw one who was up above the rim. Yeah. I don't know how people accomplished that. I don't know how people accomplish that. I don't know how people do that. Anybody doesn't know the whole thing out there is don't leave a scrap of trash, not even piss or cigarette asses or anything. So people were carrying their piss jugs out to the john. And there is just something satisfying about seeing a 9.5 girl energy string carrying
Starting point is 02:21:24 a jug of brown kiss. I saw more piss jokes out there than I did, and every trust stop put together. Unbelievable. But the other thing about it, but I think I'm going to be in the jank of mouth there. Two of the major reasons to go out there. Okay. One, no cell phones. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:43 You get a little tiny bit of service every once in a while and it had better not fucking go up. Any rich guy I think he's gonna put a skull tower out there. I was the next one. I understand. Second point, no fat chicks. I saw maybe two or three landwaves the entire time yeah Like being back in the real world. Yeah, what I going back to the 90s I'm talking forgot about that there are there are no fat chicks a burning man. Yeah, I could too many guys though Too many fucking guys I think they fucked it up They fucked it all up like how do we get all the roaches in one spot?
Starting point is 02:22:25 Fucking make burning man. Cool. Okay. That should be the joke. They should get every fucking like startup asshole out to burning man and then set everyone on fire. That'd be the ultimate close. Like that was like the guy that's there. There that would be a man they could really do some damage. Jesus. That's a good. They have a lot of guns there. They're not allowed to have guns there anymore. You used to be like fire. Yeah. Yeah. Just burn a race. Those are heavy though. Hey, Dick, he took what fucking kills me about Maddox and video that one point he's like talking about the lalps, it was Stereas, and he says, oh yeah, Stereas tried to get media coverage, but because he's a relevant, nobody picked it up.
Starting point is 02:23:11 Like, hey, retard, this is slam on you. If I, as Mr. Nobody with four fucking subscribers on YouTube, said, hey, Mr. Beast is suing me to any news company, they'll immediately be like, oh, really? What are you do? That's true. Fucking more on Maddox. Yeah. 18.
Starting point is 02:23:30 Very true. I don't have to agree. Hey, take a shot. My rage this week is still seeing Ukrainian shit everywhere everywhere. You're going to fuck me out. It's like, dude, when the fuck am I going to stop seeing that little like three-pound symbol or what, and the blue and fucking three- In 2043.
Starting point is 02:23:51 That's when. If you have Ukraine, remember, yeah. I just made it out of the draft. But when I see that, it just says, I want you to go to war for me. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. No. Oh, we support them. We support this military shoot.
Starting point is 02:24:09 Do we support giving them weapons? Yeah, who's going to fight that fucking war? Your kids give me the weapons. Your kids are you like who's doing it? Not you. You just wanted to make fucking soccer sticker. I fucking hate politicians who are like, we're in the army. I'm like, army guys, like whatever, I'd hope you got money.
Starting point is 02:24:32 I hope you positioned yourself to use the resources available, but politicians were in the army. I really fucking hate them. Like, goddamn. You tell me you didn't like John McCain. I know one of my uncles was in his POW camp. Oh fuck, he hated Ryan. Yeah. Fuck.
Starting point is 02:24:52 Yeah. You're going to be seeing the huge craning and shit for the next 20 years. Yeah. Minimum. Yeah, at least. The one we have all the 60 minutes document is on it later on. We can read through it all again. Yeah, uh, do you think you'll never stop saying, uh, Ukrainian shit, uh, Holocaust shit,
Starting point is 02:25:15 and uh, women's shit. And, um, uh, February and George Floyd, Black History Month, just fucking cost and trans shit will always be there fucking costs you're gonna have to have the same fucking conversation over and over and over until you're fucking dead skip i was gonna be new shit that they pile on when when you stop being sexy and fun to pile on new shit because everybody can only remember seven things that's not at a time uh... k
Starting point is 02:25:44 about one more. Hey, Jake, you know what makes me a rage? I don't even know what to fuck the college. So look, I'm just going to start telling a story, all right? Oh, boy. So I had to go to a wedding in Florida. I'll try to write a supplement as possible. You didn't have to go.
Starting point is 02:26:01 Yeah. And they invited this fucking chick along, who brought her boyfriend who looked like a fucking tamed man in a man's bun, came from the Seattle area, he spoiled Seattle boy. Now I went limperistic when I said that because that's where you fucking did when he talked. And then despite talking like that, going lim-rested, this motherfucker acts like a tough guy out of a fucking dinner table one night. And night after somebody got a little too drunk, did something they didn't mean to do. And he was just going on about how I was like, do I have to hurt somebody?
Starting point is 02:26:39 Oh, you know, I'll hurt somebody. I'm sorry to pound, try and stop me. And then I'm just like, I can say I've got to look at the guys. somebody i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I'm nice guy. Fuck this guy. Honestly, fuck this guy. I don't even remember his fucking name. It was some pussy ass name for sure. Like fucking, oh, it was Marley. His name was fucking Marley. Oh, I call them onion boy because he had this fucking gas man bun. Anyway, that's that, whatever the fuck that is, that pisses me off. All right, go fuck yourself. Need some more details on what happened. Yeah. What did somebody do while they heard That just is me off. All right, go fuck yourself. Need some more details on what happened. Yeah. What did somebody do while they heard drunk?
Starting point is 02:27:30 And he's going to go hurt him? He's a onion man. Oh, I didn't man. From a... Parapa. Is that what you're saying? Oh, yeah. Parapa the rap is onion man.
Starting point is 02:27:39 It's going to be all over him. Well, I hope that you guys had a fight. Yeah, you won. I hope so. Okay, one more. One more. Here's what makes me a fucking rage. The fantasy world that women live in. And here's what I mean. This rainbow unicorn world where everyone just helps each other out and nothing bad ever happened. My girlfriend had her flight canceled in New York City so she needs these strangers at the airport and offers to drive them all there with her instead.
Starting point is 02:28:10 Two girls in a guy. Meanwhile, her network's getting text updates and the two girls end up just rescheduling their flight and she for some fucking reason can't tell this guy okay, you know, I mean... Can't tell this guy okay, you know, and my waves of masculinity are crashing over me. That's all carpool, okay. Two girls, yeah, great, and a guy, nah, that's dumb, don't do that. Oh, the girls canceled, oh yeah, I don't.
Starting point is 02:28:42 This guy definitely got in a fight. Waves of masculinity. Only I had a journal. I could journal my emotions. Oh, that'll get rid of it. Yeah. That'll get rid of this awful addiction that I have. Really, okay, more. So she's asking me that it's fine.
Starting point is 02:28:59 Her mom took all this info. And I can call and talk to him if I want. What the fuck am I going to say? Hey, please don't leave and murder her. So what's my position here? In fact, in the earlier, you're fucking around behind my back. Worst case, I have to deal with the grief of you being left in a fucking ditch when the guy's done with you.
Starting point is 02:29:13 Great. Okay. How, Dick? Good grief. You like cheese? Good grief, don't you get this fucking story over there. Do I take your report change to shore the darkest corners of the world to snap out of the span feeling?
Starting point is 02:29:24 They like it. She wants to start a family and I'm supposed to allow this kind of forced dump level retardation. What if the ROI on this if we did have a family and say the kid was there? You helped his random person versus I end up on a lazy boy where I'm surrounded by whiskey bottles with a revolver in my mouth. Well, I think he should do that. Yeah, do that. Do that. Shoot yourself in the head. Just fucking go out in style. Okay, everybody.
Starting point is 02:29:50 Thank you, slash.sit-show. See you next Tuesday. I think, well, yeah, Sean will be back next week. I'm going to next thing. Oh, yeah. That should be blast. See who else I can piss off. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:04 I have vibrates. It's your fault. Whatever it is. I'm gonna start, yeah, I can piss off. Yeah. I have vibrates. You're fault. Whatever it is. I'm going to start, yeah, I'm going to start incorporating that because I've been going this whole time. How's what does this have to do with me? I should have been going, oh, I did this. Sorry. I did it. You happy now? I'm the reason that you move on now. Yeah. I'm the reason that you're getting sued by a ministry and it is me. Sorry, I did it. I am responsible. Okay, bye.

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