The Dick Show - Episode 376 - Dick on Bachelorette Party City

Episode Date: September 19, 2023

Nick Rekieta's show in Nashville, the bachelorette party city, Chris the Kiwi sees Pretty Woman for the first time, the government loses a plane, Russell Brand maybe raped some girls, the Earth crosse...s the border, Dove's new campaign to make Fat Watch illegal, and a man spends $2k at a strip club; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Nick. What's his face? We were on it. We don't think the kid like the cozy. Thank you. I don't know Ralph. That whole thing went sideways real. We got real ugly. I said, I don't know. PNG on. I just saw. Really? He's good. Yeah. The whole thing. Oh, boy, he bulldoxing all left and right all over the place. Oh, no. Sorry, talking about holy wars. Like, man, I, this is who's to be a much for me. Yeah. Oh, I'm not even fucking on cozy. Yeah. Um, well, this is, uh, of course, it's obviously not working. Cause I don't overdo for a good. Oh, there we go. There we go. Well, I mean, I agree. In the world need of, you know, I think we're in a holy war. Yeah, probably. But you know, I see, I'm smiling when I say I don't say it in front of a bunch of AK-47s and yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:01:07 What does Ralph? No, no, no. But, you know, I like those guys. Come on. You're trying to, you know, times you gotta pull it back a little bit and just see where everything shakes out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Ooh, oh, I got a, I got a real good hands inside, a little bit and just see where everything shakes out. Yeah. Ooh. Uh oh. I got a real good hands inside instinct. And inside the car, right? You know, right? Everybody else is, yeah, I think it's coming and they're sure enough everybody's head gets lopped off. I knew it. I've fucking knew it.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I've seen this before because I remember it all times, we are the bad guys. Not the good guys. The option is not, winning is not an option. Only survival. Got it. It's an option. We must survive.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Pull those hands in. You see those women getting dragged out of their cars on safari? Look at this lion. Whoa, I would've gone, whoa, bitch. I'm gonna go take a picture with the bison. Yeah? Have fun with that.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah, people do, you know. Bye, son. Yeah. How was that? They do sad humor for ya. Pretty good, you're getting there. People do stupid shit. There are a lot of stupid fucking people
Starting point is 00:02:20 walking around out there. God, they're getting more and more every day. You think that's a good idea. How did you think that, like, everybody thinks they're in Disneyland. They think they're in Disneyland, like the animal, like it's the jungle cruise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Like, no, these are wild fucking animals. I think, guess what, they've seen people before. So they're not afraid of you. So. Keep going. Yeah. So I got my own private animal corner when you got here with the orb lever spiders or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. That's because a 80s girl brought it up right? Or no, you did. You said you're having a spider infestation spider problem. Yeah. Sure.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Your oboevers are out in full effect for me to walk into nightly. They're big and fucking scary. I hate those fucking things. Yeah. I know they're good and they killed insects and mosquitoes and all that kind of shit. I don't want to walk in that thing. We don't always have to say, it's like, all the time, all of us collectively do not have to talk about how the creepy insects are good.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah, yeah. In the ugly duck, I've heard the ugly duckling story in some capacity, what a fucking life. Well, you know what, they're not good. I don't want a shitty and weird, and we can't kill them actually. It's anthropomorphic centric to hate spiders at all, to claim that we're giving them life,
Starting point is 00:03:34 because we cannot kill them. There's too many of them. Why people all out, they will never stop. Yeah, there's, I think I've gone deaf in my right ear completely. Yeah, that's bound to happen. Yeah, I don't want to walk through a web and have a fucking eight-legged grape on my shoulder
Starting point is 00:03:49 because that's about the fucking size of these fucking things. That's what, man, even like I'm describing a basketball team for a moment. No, that's not fair, man. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, get it? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You know what's got about eight legs, you know, what's eight legs? Eight legs, about 2700 pounds and way too drunk all day, every day in Nashville. Every single bachelor at party in the fucking world. Did you know that it is the bachelor at party, central Nashville?
Starting point is 00:04:41 No, but they don't tell you this and make sense. It makes sense because everybody everybody and you find yourself Waiting through a Moda flesh to get to the bar with pink with pink glittery cowboy hat hats and more Everybody's gonna play a joke Sean. I mean, you were walking around, okay? You know what I say? Well, that's one bachelor at party. That's certainly odd.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And then I turn around and I see what appears to be the identical collection of fat white girls because they all look exactly the same once they hit a certain plumpness. You know, once the features get stretched out like a cabbage patch, you're like, I honestly don't recognize you from any of the mukbang videos that I've seen on turkey tom's channel or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I'm, uh, I said no, no, they're all wearing, they're all wearing different clothes. What is this? I turn around again. Uh, I turn around again. It takes about an hour and a half to stop seeing them and I see yet another one. Best red party, best red party, best red party. Usually you're in the middle of a game of hungry hungry hippos and you're the marble yeah oh there I was
Starting point is 00:05:52 pegged I was the marble I had a nightmare pegged it's like I'm sitting there wondering who's marrying these behemoths? There's no fucking way what usually every bachelor at party has one skinny one. Yeah. One skinny one that you want to fuck, one you get caught fucking and the rest are just totally fuck indigestible to the eyes. Right? In these, each one was fatter than the last.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I went through everything bachelor at party. And I said, fat, oh God, you're worse. Oh God, you're worse. Oh God, you were, oh God, you're the fat one. And then I started over and said, how did you get even, how did you get worse again? Hard work. Did you have you combined?
Starting point is 00:06:41 Hard work and dedication. I think somebody told me that about Nashville. Well, they should put it on a bumper sticker. That's the size of a billboard because that's how much more they're going to need. That it is. That's where that party central. Yeah. No party. No, bachelor at too big. No party too big. Forget music city. Yeah, yeah. The music is a blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. It's been taken over by tuba. We're get we had this was at Nick's show by the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah, anybody went. It was great. Yeah, I'm sure it was a
Starting point is 00:07:18 good time. Camelot. I had the bright idea to get Camelot to open it up for us. The show Nick show. I was like, Nick, you shouldn't go out there by yourself, by your lawnsome, you know, and you got to have somebody introduce you. So Nick says, Camelot, you want to introduce it? I don't know who's Camelot. This guy, Camelot. This guy, Camelot. He's like, what, he's an extreme, he's a muscular manny that's a streamer.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Oh, and he's a muscular guy, a friend of Nick or he's hugely popular. Oh, yeah, it's one of the most popular YouTubers. No, shit. Yeah, he drinks, you know, a shirt off on his YouTube's. All right. Very funny guy. Great guy. Very funny guy. So he goes, well, he's a funny guy. He's a streamer. He's not a comic.? No, he's entertaining. Yeah. You must, there's less chance of being raped by, because comedians, they're, rapists rapists, and you know that? Well, Rumble has got another raper on their hands. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:08:19 Yeah, you know. Rumble, you're, Rumble, if you're a rapist, get off, we got a million bucks for you. Get on over here. What, you got to fill me in on the Russell brand. You see that stuff that's happening to him? No. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You know the guy who dresses like the devil and was a former demon and was a former sex addict and a drug addict. Yeah. And everyone's been calling him like a vile predator and a scumbag and a piece of shit for like, I don't know 20 years Yeah, yeah, you remember that guy yeah, yeah, I'm not apparently some chicks Might a little bit of rape them really I don't know as that is I guess that's a real shocker to some
Starting point is 00:09:01 Maybe we'll talk about it later. Yeah. I have a bummer of an opener. Haven't heard, you know, the tape, bros, the three rapists, and you got a problem. That's my policy. I don't believe women. I don't believe women. Yeah, but I wouldn't let Russell Brande watch my dog, you know. Yeah. Damn, master's, he seems like a knight.
Starting point is 00:09:21 He seems a little clean cut-ish. Oh, I guess. I'm doing this thing called the kind of use my gut. I don't want the guy to go to jail, but I'm saying. Well, there's got to be a, Sean, there's got to be some, there's got to be some wiggle room between that send that guy to jail right now. And yeah, I believe that guy raves some, some women, some people. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:43 What do you want to do with them? That's not my problem. They're kind of, I've got to still have that luxury, right? Well, that's not up to me, right? Sure. Yeah. Welcome to Nick. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Welcome to Nick, you want to get in, you can love to get gut!
Starting point is 00:10:10 So showered was a contest, give me a laugh from Matt and Buffett Deepen, and I'll see you here on your hosting match, and they gave the $20 million man! Joining me is always, is world touring LA-based comedian Sean the audio engineer. Good evening, Nick. How you doing? How did you think Johnny did last week? Did you listen to that? I didn't really listen to much. I was so busy. I looked for gaps and just leveled the call ins or whatever real quick and just bounced
Starting point is 00:10:34 it out. Johnny's always, you know, I was thinking though, I was like, shit, I really want to be here like when he's here. You guys are never here at the same time. We've been to like parties, but we'll be for writing the knobs. Is there any other's? I noticed that he was doing that.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I know last time he's here, I remember you complaining about him fiddling with knobs. Well, because it means that if this mic is hotter, you get more bleed from your voice into this mic. You get what he's got to say. He's got a different like voice than you. So he's all the way back sometimes. Well, you pull a fucking mic over to your mouth.
Starting point is 00:11:09 I mean, I don't know. I don't want to tell him how to do his job. Well, you know, it's like the cocks out of my house. Everybody, everybody, everybody, every audio engineer suffers from the, I gotta do something. You know what I mean? I gotta tweak an EQ.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I gotta do it. It's like, sometimes you don't have to do anything. This is gonna be a cold war. Sometimes you don't Sometimes you don't begin. This is the first shot. No, I'm fine. Nothing. Everything was fine. Everything was fine. Oh, man. You know, these so these fat brides, biggest, biggest, they called the biggest little city in the world. That's Reno. That's Reno. That's the biggest little brides in the world. That's that. They've the biggest. Little brides in the world. That's Nash.
Starting point is 00:11:46 They've got them peddling on these, these taverns on wheels, these bicycle taverns. Have you ever seen these things? Bicycle taverns? They're like, they're shaped like a bus, okay? They're shaped like a little Soviet era bus. And they've got bicycle, stationary bicycles on four or five stationary bicycles on each side. And the people are on a mobile platform, basically. Yeah, they're facing each other on these stationary bicycles.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Is that bartender? No, they're pouring themselves beer and peddling the tavern around the streets. And they can do this. And they're like some kind of drinking and public. I mean, I don't know. The only thing I can think of is that the law is so ridiculous that they have to be doing some kind of self-propelled motion machine that's not mechanically powered,
Starting point is 00:12:37 that has to be human powered like a bicycle, but they can't be steering. They can only be powering it. And only then can they be drinking alcohol. Stere's no fucking some guy who, the most unfu- the guy with the worst job in history. Oh my God, what do you have to listen to? Eight hours a day. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:12:55 A fat woman. That's gotta be screaming the same journey, fat white women screaming the same journey songs over and over going, what do you think of? What do you think that you, what do you think that you've been doing? Turn over. Turn over on a job like that is. The turnover on these women is zero. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:14 You can't flip them over one time or you'll blow your back out. Yeah. Um, so they're going around, they're, God, that is a terrible job. Pounding around town, getting the most exercise they've ever gotten in their lives. And for the life of me, I cannot figure out what a fuck anyone would want to get
Starting point is 00:13:31 on a eight person bicycle bar and drive it around. I've never in my life if I thought besides the novelty to some people, that's what is the novelty of? I wouldn't do it. I'm having a bicycle while you're drinking beer, because the bar changes scenery. That's all I can think of. You get to see,
Starting point is 00:13:57 you get to take in the pleasant aroma of downtown traffic. And see duplicate buildings one after the other. I mean, what kind of stick it in the back? I'm not saying it's a good, you know, thought. It's just like, that could be a thought. And then at night, I thought, I'm geared up for some great and Asheville music, right? Oh, this is going to be great. Yeah, all the new acts coming here.
Starting point is 00:14:23 There's everything there, man. Oh, there's going to be some will they want there with the singer, hot singer, bitch, with some tight ass jeans, and some in the guitar man, who's on the wrong side of the tracks, and they're gonna play their hearts out. Right, that's a great fucking play.
Starting point is 00:14:38 There's a great play on. Great players, worst music on the planet. Really? Every single bar, 90s cover bar, 90s cover. There's buildings, five stories tall, every single floor, 90s cover band, 90s cover band, 90s cover band with these oomph, oomph, these, uh, uh, uh, tweedle dums and tweedle dee, these little dumplings with pink cowgirl hats, walking around, waiting around you at all times.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yeah. You get run over by a bar. Yeah, almost. Thank you. I thought where's all the Roger when you need him, right? Boy, there's a, there's an oldie by the goodie. And the guys, they're all in under armor polo shirts. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah. And cop sunglasses and hats. Cop sunglasses with under armor polo shirts. Yeah, because you know cops have those plasas that don't have any kind of like, they're like Jordy LaForge's thing kind of. Yeah, there's no gaps in the, right? And I'm thinking what is, what, this is the mecca of, why, I thought this was the mecca of white culture here with the right. And I'm thinking what is what this is the mecca of white. I thought this was the mecca of white culture
Starting point is 00:15:48 here with the music. Well, it's Western. I thought there was going to be hot, you know, Daisy Dukes all here. Nashville is there's there's every kind of music and lazy scene in Nashville. Well, maybe somebody could point me to one next time. We went to the Grand Ole Opry. You did. Yeah. It was, it was fucking fantastic. Yeah. Actually. Yeah. Yeah. This , you saw, you saw a show. Mm-hmm. Yeah. The guy who wrote, the guy who wrote Kenny Rogers, the gambler, played the, he was like this little weird songwriter. He's still alive. God, who wrote that? It's somebody who wrote. It's not. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah, he was real fucker. He was real like a shit. He reminded me of you. Oh, really? He was all angry when he came out. He was fucking up his banter because he was not any good at it. Yeah, he's a songwriter, not a performer. Yeah, somebody shouted like, he grits silent and someone's got it.
Starting point is 00:16:44 He done. And he goes, I'm thinking here. Wow, there's got to be like, there's not to a bad start. He's 80 something. He's got to be right. He was the youngest one because all the rest of them were alive. Well, I know, because you've got to be a member. I mean, it's the you're of, you know, I guess you can, I think you can perform as a guest of a member. Oh, yeah. So, this is one old guy. Yeah. This is funny.
Starting point is 00:17:07 He comes out and says, he comes out and sings a song about how much he hates his ex-wife. How she was a bitch. Right. He's like, this guy's awesome. Right. He comes out. He's like a big old smile. He's like 80 years old.
Starting point is 00:17:18 He's got some white-tips shoes. He looks like a total cock sucker still, right? He's one of those guy, like nobody ever hit him. He's like, man, you made it. I talked to him. I talked to him. Well, I'm already fucked nobody ever hit him. You can tell it's like, man, you made it. I talked to you. Well, I'm already fucked up and got hit and had brain damage, but I wish it should be have been you.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Can you keep it to one day? Yeah. That might be, you know who I'm going to say. But I think I do. So he sings a song about how his ex-wife's like a, you know, fat whore and fuck her and say the hell away from me, fuck you. And then he ends the song and goes, that reminds me of a story about how fat my other ex-wife.
Starting point is 00:17:48 He really does this? Yeah, and it's like, in his joke was like, she called me up one day and I said, hey, I hope, I hope you're as high on the hog as how fat you got. And it was like, people were like, oh, wow, that's not even funny. And I'm like, you're howling, yeah, yeah. So then he goes, okay, this is my last song.
Starting point is 00:18:06 And it's a song about normal country song. And one of the first lines is, I believe you should always love and respect your women and all the women in the audience are like, aw, forgive me. And you got to fucking, his entire set was how his wives are fat and retarded. Like the heart of the heart. The heart of the heart. They've learned in L and that they're demons. Right. No, the Kenny Rogers guy comes out in the end
Starting point is 00:18:31 and then he hits that. He's like, oh, here's this one. This one was I wrote. I was 23. He did it when he starts going. Oh my God. And I'm freaking out. Because it's a great song.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I actually know one of the songs. Oh, okay. And then after the show, we leave my girlfriend. Oh, that was great then after the show, we leave my girlfriend, so that was great when that guy played that Kenny Loggins song, the camber and I said, Hey everybody, day everybody, did you hear that? Yeah, here we go, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:54 This bitch thought that that was Kenny Loggins, where was it? Get the rope. Where's the dancing go for? And she looked it up afterwards, I'm like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, she was like, that wasn't Kenny Loggins. I was like, oh yeah, come on baby, I feel it, I feel the power in the air is coming to me. You denial, you're denial of my correctness. She started punching it into Google. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Ah, ah, I was pulling life as you know for sure. She was like, oh, the women around. And they're like, don't look it up, you dumb bitch. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Probably, probably fortified you for the rest of the trip.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Oh, yeah. I'm still talking about it. Yeah. Ah, so I want some of the worst plastic surgery anyone has ever performed on anyone. Can anybody say Rodgers? Kenny Rodgers. My God.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I mean, he's dead, but I think he's dead. He's dead. He's dead. I'm not even going to look it up. I'm almost sure he's dead. Yeah. I'm almost sure he's dead. He's dead. He's dead. I'm not even gonna look it up. I'm almost sure he's dead. Well, he's not too bad. Yeah. Well, good.
Starting point is 00:20:13 He did that whole, I saw him do an interview once and he said they asked him what he does for his wife on Valentine's Day and he goes, am I house every day's Valentine's Day? Oh, you bastard. Yeah, I was like 15 and my girl, it's like, oh, is that nice? I'm like, oh, is that nice?
Starting point is 00:20:25 I'm like, oh, fuck you. I mean, first of all, he's lying. But then he's also setting expectations. But he doesn't say what exactly makes it, you know, every day is valentine's day. I don't do jack shit. Well, or valentine's day. I know, do I do it on valentine's day. I hit her less.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I mean, it could be that. I don't know. I mean, I don't want to speak ill of Kenny. I don't know what kind of guy he was behind closed doors. I mean, he could have been better than me though. That's my, every day's my motto for all guys. Yeah. I don't know what he's like, but he's not, he can't possibly be better than me.
Starting point is 00:20:58 So I'm not that good. Right. So you got to keep the bar. It's a pretty good. I think everybody just keep the bar low. It's like when you don't want to, if you're a, you know, whatever, you don't want to necessarily undercut the industry, but you don't want to over, you don't want to, you don't want to raise the bar too much. Yeah. So because it's like, you don't want them to be able to, you know, to go anywhere,
Starting point is 00:21:22 you know, or you do, or then you're not going to get any better. Yeah, right. So let's just keep things nice and even for everybody. Yeah. If anybody starts being good, we're all going to gas slide everybody. Well, that's the, you know, the tallest blade of grass, right? Wacked on weight. Come on now.
Starting point is 00:21:41 We stayed in another nice. One thing I noticed staying in all these Airbnb's traveling is that they're all in white people projects, white people projects, like town homes, that are, there's like projects for white people. Yeah. Weird town homes with multiple levels on them, a bunch of kicky shit, like, not single family residences. No, for absolutely no reason.
Starting point is 00:22:03 They just construct these wide swaths of projects for white people, for Airbnb exclusives that are all next to the freeway. Well, they sell them as like lofts, right? I mean, you know, like they use the marketing terms. Yes, yes, I suppose that's Nashville. They're all identical. They're all identical. They're all identical. All over the entire country, the white people projects that they build next. I mean, the same builders with the same decorations. Sure. Pretty sure some of them are this exact same. Yeah. They just move around. Oh, I don't doubt it. Um, then we, uh, we went to the worst, absolute worst. Nashville has the worst strip clubs in the world. Oh, it's been surprising.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Huh. With how fat every single woman there was. Was it the same reflected on stage there or was it the... Some others much worse. Much worse. Yeah, I was worse. They were louder. They had couch, stage side couches there, which I never have wanted.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Instead of a seat, they sit next to the stripping stage with the pole, say, couch, you can lean back and have erections with your bros. Like you're playing Dead or Live Beach volleyball or just watching the game or something like that. They did some taint painting, which I also had never wanted to see ever painting. And they were taking 10% for getting ones, which again, I never, I didn't even do, can I get 101?
Starting point is 00:23:37 She said, well, it's 10% is that okay? I said, whoop, why in the fuck would you think it was okay? Now I'm not gonna spend anyone. I'm not gonna spend anything. Why the fuck would that? I was doing? Now I'm not gonna spend anyone, I'm not gonna spend anything. Why the fuck would that? I was doing it out of charity by the way. Now I'm not feeling charitable at all.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Quite frankly. Why the fuck would I come? How stupid is that? It was very stupid. What a dumb business decision. It was very likely that strippers aren't getting together and saying, why are you guys making 10 bucks and costing us 90?
Starting point is 00:24:02 What sense does that make? At least just charge us the 10 bucks. Charge us 10%. Then we give it to you. Don't charge it up front. You fucking idiots. They're like Cartman with the pirate episode. Put a bag leg on this.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Right. So do you not do that? Okay. I remember that when I'm in Nashville. But. Yeah. Something I've never seen before in my life that I have always wanted to see. One of the waitresses got up and danced at the strip club.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Really? Just like the, huh, I said, there's got to be something going. Something's got to be, maybe she's got cancer or something, because the waitresses are always, the waitresses always make you regret going to the strip club because there's so much hotter than the strippers. And like, well, I only want to see you now. So now I have to go fucking gaslight myself into thinking that I want to see this hippos tits.
Starting point is 00:24:55 When you're right here, the hottest woman in the world, but there's, but you're, there's no way you're getting naked at all. So fuck me, I guess. Why did I even come here? Why did I forget that this happens to me every time? I wonder if this is like a regular thing as like part of a like quote unquote show, like, oh, you know, maybe the waitress will get up.
Starting point is 00:25:15 She was starting to clean. And I was like, oh, here we go again. I'm just going to close my eyes. Somebody tell me when the waitress stops cleaning the pool because I don't want to get overly titillated. Right. And they said, you're never going to believe she's turning on. I said, what? Boink.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Oh, sure enough. Wow. Wow. Hotter than any of the strippers. Of course. Always. Yeah. Yeah, he's our, um, that's about it.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I guess. What's that? What was a show like? Show was great. Camelot came out and he did that introduction that I was telling you about. Yeah. You immediately drop some F slurs. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I said, okay. Yeah, I guess he thought we were at the rumble theater. Oh, so it's okay to, well, this, FNF. Oh, man. Bartender's not gonna like that one. They never, they never seem to. Yeah. For some reason bartenders just don't think the 90s exists. Like, wow, yeah, I've never heard that word before.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah. That's the worst thing you can ever do at a bar. They're serving up total drunks so they know are driving home. So they're bad people, but they're always pissed at us for saying racist shit or homophobic shit. Thank God Drexel was there. So they didn't us for saying, racist shit or homophobic shit. Thank God Drexel was there, so they didn't get pissed about the racist shit. Next black friend who's like 12 feet tall.
Starting point is 00:26:31 That's what, yeah, I know. Boy, I guess that goes a long way, doesn't it? You're telling, that's what she said. Yeah, it was fun. That's cool. Doug Tnapel was there. Really? Dude, he's like, he's like supernaturally tall.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Really? Yeah, like taller than anyone I've ever seen. Wow. I don't think I could touch his hair. Like so tall. He's like, is he close to seven feet? He's got to be taller than that. Huh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Wait, Doug Tenaeple. They're a Thorim Jim guy. Yeah, that's when I thought, okay, yeah. The moral clarity of the, yeah. The greatest interview of Maddox's. Did he ask if he had kids yet? He was really pushing that heart. Yeah, I was, I've never seen him in person.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Maybe my antics could have seemed to stop asking. Yeah, I was there like, maybe not everybody should have kids. Do you see those Mexican aliens they're like, I'm making a what? Maybe not everybody should have. Do you see those Mexican aliens? Did you get a good look at those? No, Mexican aliens, no. What? No, no.
Starting point is 00:27:31 How did you not see that? I've been under the funniest thing that's ever happened. The underground for months. Oh, no, you got to see the show. All right. This is old news by now. Yeah, okay. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:27:43 A guy was there. Some people were there in bunny ears for their July stuff. I was in a ripover. Sure. See, that's funny. That's what he doesn't understand is that all this shit. And it's not the shit that you think is going to have legs that has them. No, it's like it's just weird little things that come out. You know, oh, you do. I can't believe you didn't see these aliens. Sean, look at these aliens. Mexican aliens. What are we going to show these to Mexican Congress? Did you even know that they had a Congress in Mexico? You know, I buy it, heard rumors. Well, they do.
Starting point is 00:28:16 They do, yeah. Let me try to resize this so you can see the aliens. Okay. It's pretty big news. Yeah. Aliens that look like retarded arts and crafts. I should probably make one of these for the LA Fair next year. See what I get. Incomplete. Incomplete. You know what it'll be incomplete.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Man, I'm not even gonna try. Yeah. But I'm not gonna kid myself into thinking that I deserve stuff like that. Look at this guy. Look at this alien. Are the aliens among us? Mexico's Congress sees aliens. NASA says it hasn't found. NASA says it's retarded. Yeah. I think these are aliens. Look at this fucking thing. Yeah. And they got an X-ray where they got like eggs in them. So they like put this in front of Congress and they're, they're boxes. They open up the boxes. Or they, did they have like a priest there or anything in case the
Starting point is 00:29:17 thing came to life and I don't, I don't think so. No, they didn't take the necessary precaution. Trying to figure out, you know, they should pass legislation on it or. Oh, they didn't take the necessary precaution trying to figure out, you know, fish past legislation on it or oh, they're saying like, yeah, they're like, now we know how it feels. Okay. Yeah, look, the queer post know who monos. No, I so yeah, bro, those are who monos. I hate there either who monos or they're go to go to monos. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah. Let me see. Uh, yeah, look, they had these, they got these eggs in them. Uh-huh. Can you believe that? Got some aliens coming down. They got little alien eggs in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:51 And they're showing them off to the government. And the government is just sitting there going, oh, wow, look at that. It's great. That's great. That's cool. That's not a total waste of time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Yeah. Okay. Uh. Let's see. Lauren Boobert, this is jacking a guy off at a beetle juice concert. Do you happen to catch that? No, I must have missed that one. Pretty cool. A beetle juice.
Starting point is 00:30:20 A congresswoman. A shot. What, the movie? It's a musical now. Oh, really? Yeah. It's a musical now. Oh really? Yeah. A guy there. Jacked him off. Hey, pretty cool. Yeah, not bad. Cool. A little bit funny, I guess. Sure. Super ultra conservative. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Doing jack offs in a public theater. Kids could be. I don't, you know, it's, you're okay. I don't, you know.
Starting point is 00:30:46 But it's just, you know, I might see it, but yeah. What are you gonna do? You might see a jack off. You might see dude getting jacked off pretty much anywhere. He's got a blackmailer then. Yeah. That's why you know, fun. Vaping, getting kicked out.
Starting point is 00:31:00 You can see that one either. You know why you didn't see it? Cause none of this shit matters. No. Lauren Boobert's fucking see it because none of this shit matters. No. Lauren Boobert's. Oh, fucking trash. Theater. Yeah, it is trash, but I do, I like it.
Starting point is 00:31:10 I like it. I think there should be more trash in Congress. You know, me. I think that- No, I know, you're, yeah. The whole thing then. The whole thing to burn. And yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Well, it should just be like total, you know, it should just be, it should just be who we are, which is, which, we're trash. But that's what, where it's going. That's what I have. Yeah. It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be people in suits that are like voting to let their pals like rape and strip mine, Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:31:39 It should be like regular guys that want to have a big screen up there because they need to watch the game between votes. It's like it's becoming more like more represent like it's more of a reflection of like what we value like game and like way it's like yeah, I'm just having anything to do with, you know, so we're true. We stopped electing like people who, you know, are fucking good. Good. Worthy of an exactly 19, that we did that.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Yeah, it's been a race to fucking the bottom ever since. Look at this. This bitch jacked me on a Vinny day. Baby. Look at this, she's a grandma too. Oh yeah. Mama, oh yeah, wow. So what happens when you fucking check guys off in theaters,
Starting point is 00:32:23 you know, you become a grandma to make those similar kind of decisions that would lead you to become a grandma like, you know, 40. You think that guys keep staying hard with Beetlejuice music going like that? Be yeah. I know. That's like punishment. You're been jacked off during like a like a SpongeBob movie or something. You know, fucking come on.
Starting point is 00:32:43 You horny slut. Just can't. Can you do it during like a sexual movie? Right. You know, the notebook or something, at least get a, some chick up there that looks like there's crying or something that I can get into it. Right. Not fucking David Hasselhoff, Patrick Star,
Starting point is 00:32:57 writing David Hasselhoff's butt around the ocean. Oh, yeah. Yeah, come on. What are you not into this? No, I'm not fucking in. I'm fucking thinking about triedward. Watch fucking Spongebob now. Think about Sandy Cheeks.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Yeah. I don't want to, I don't want a hand job right now. Hmm. Oh, fucking bitch. But if you say no, you never gonna get it again. Hmm. Um, let's see. Oh yeah, Russell brand.
Starting point is 00:33:24 So Russell brand is maybe rape to woman. Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty. It comes on the heels of that guy with a guy of a methodic with no teeth going on Tucker Carlson and saying that he had sex with Obama. Okay. No, but I had a guy 60, the year old, seven year old, obvious methodic. Yeah, not teeth. Not surprising. Giggling.
Starting point is 00:33:51 You know. Again, this is giggling like he has come in his ass. What we've come to expect. Yeah, he goes on and he's like, yeah, Obama. I had sex with Obama and I was like, huh, unbelievable. Yeah. That guy had sex with Obama. Yeah, look at this. I knew it. Yeah. Call he's new, huh, unbelievable. That guy had sex with Obama. Yeah, look at this.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I knew it. Callies knew Obama was gay. Yeah, yeah. And some poor woman says, oh man, that guy, that guy you guys like, who's like, looks like the devil and was a drug addict. Yeah, yeah. And there's just no way in hell.
Starting point is 00:34:17 He remembers every sexual encounter that he ever had and is that he was a sex addict. Everyone says he's a weird pervert and a creep. And he's like a socialist until like three years ago. Right, right, right. You know, yeah. That guy, that guy. We're on Russell Brand now.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That guy raped me and the next day, I went to like a rape trauma center. I just wanted to let everybody know about that. And I'm like, this bitch is lying. Yeah. Oh, okay. You know, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I see how you set that up there. Yeah, pretty good. Really? Just right away. We'll look at the timing. Look at it. It was right when he started talking about COVID. Yeah, it's not fucking everything is about COVID.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Yeah, right. I guess nobody ever got raped then. Yeah, no, nobody in the whole fucking world. That's every, it's really, it's really, it's, all these teachers are grooming kids and they're all drag queens or rapists. Oh yeah, that, your guy, that rock star, yeah, who had infinite access to thousands of women. He forced himself.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I mean, I don't want to go that far. That's totally outrageous. Yeah. I would say something like that about, do you work for the Matrix? Did the, did the, would just say, I know. I know. I know. I know. Like that about. Do you work for the Matrix? Did the, did the,
Starting point is 00:35:29 everybody just find, the funky send you, everybody just finds what they, you know, they've just find, they look for what supports, what they fucking think. Or what they want. It's like it's, guys, there's a chance. There's a slim chance.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Yeah, yeah, I don't want to. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean that dynamic is, but it's not good. No, you know. I wanna stress that more weirdly. Like, you know, someone else, some random ladies mom, she's gotta go through all kinds of hurdles
Starting point is 00:36:13 and Facebooks to get to your mom. Right. Set up a D-Coy mom account to intercept her. Oh, your son's being a real prick. Oh, that's horrible. Sure, fake mom. Fake mom, that's a good invention. Bring it in, right there. horrible. Sure, fake mom. Fake mom, that's a good invention. Bring it in, right there.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Bring it in, fake mom. Invention. Yeah, the, it's crazy watching, watching the, the, you know, the AB testing for how this, well, I don't, people don't wanna say, I don't care. Yeah, like, well, you know, I like his stuff about COVID though. So I honestly don't fucking care if he rips that girl. Yeah, okay, okay, that's fine. No, I know, that's, you don't have to care. You don't, you, you know, I like his stuff about COVID though, so I honestly don't fucking care if he ripped that girl. Yeah, okay, okay, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:36:46 No, I know, that's what you have to care. You don't, you really don't. You don't, that's an effective one. You know what I mean? Because the cops aren't gonna do anything either way. So it doesn't matter if you care or not. I think people care about too much and they care too much about the wrong stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:02 It's the wrong thing. It's like, well, you know, yeah, if it was real, she should have gone, she should have gone to the cops right away. Why? Maybe just, have you ever dealt with the cops before? Just look around.
Starting point is 00:37:12 They don't do anything. Just look around your own house. Yeah. I mean, you know, figuratively, just look, like is it straight? Do you have it all in order? Is everything kind of, you know, as good as it could fucking be?
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yeah. But people don't, but the, the, the, the, I was in my ass. Why don't you, oh, if you don't report it to the cops and he didn't kick your ass, I guess. Go to, go to the cops and report it and they're gonna stick their thumb up your ass to, to test for an ass kicking goo.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Yeah. Then that's the proof that you got your ass kicked. What if he says I started it first? Well, then you, maybe you did. Actually, we don I started it first? Well, then you maybe you did. Actually, we don't know. Okay, well, when you get that goobak, oh, in about five years, and then we're gonna go ask everybody you know
Starting point is 00:37:51 about the ass kicking. Sure. Everybody you know, and see if you've ever got your ass kicked before by anyone. I don't want that. I don't want people talking about this. Well, then, why'd you go to the police then? Right.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Okay, well, at least if I do all that stuff, they're going to jail, right? I don't know, maybe. Well, maybe what, like half the time? No, 10% of the time? No. 1% of the time? Nah.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Lower. Well, how much lower? Does it really matter at that point? I don't know, I guess, I guess my issue is it's just impossible for the court systems full. It's already broken. Yeah. The laws we have cannot be policed or enforced.
Starting point is 00:38:35 They're all just plea-dealed out, which is unconstitutional and is not any sort of justice at all. Self-rad, manipulating people into self-confessing to miss just because they do not, so they may or may not go to jail, not justice. Well, no, exactly. It's like, well, the whole, it's the bird in hand. So, you know, in a bad way, but it's, yeah. So you're going to send, you're going to send a court, somebody may or not have played just the tip or took a condom off during sex. That's not happening.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Sorry to break it to you guys, but that's just not, there's not a court in, we have to have not yet conceived of a court that could possibly decide beyond a reasonable doubt if that happened or not. So whatever you're going to get is going to be a fucking mess because that's how you guys do everything. You just pack shit in until it explodes out the other side and then say, what happened? We've got all these great rules and ideas
Starting point is 00:39:30 and didn't think any of them through. Um, well, you know, so. Good times. Good times. Everyone has pissed at me for saying that, uh, okay. Yeah, people, you do kind of get it from both sides, don't you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:49 It's my guile. Yeah, I imagine you do. Yeah, I kind of believe. Because there's some things I believe something bad happened. I don't think court exists to rectify this. I would know, well, you know, not, because it doesn't really function that way anymore. I mean, I don't know that it ever did. I did.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Beyond the concept, like you walk into a domestic violence situation, I have a fucking no who started this shit. Well, yeah, so arresting the guy. So I guess we're just arresting guys now. I guess every guy could just go to prison whenever now. Well, I mean, that's the rule. It's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:24 They look at it as like, who is more likely? Like, it comes, it's probably because of fucking lawsuits and shit too. Yeah. That's why it's like, who has, it's like, okay. You, like the right started this with all the drugs shit. You guys started this by making the course,
Starting point is 00:40:40 try to, try to police morality. So this is what you fucking get. No, 100%. 100%. 100%. And you're not reversing that. Yeah. It's like you, you're driving a car, you hit a guy who runs out like,
Starting point is 00:40:53 obviously not a crosswalk, but runs out across the street. Yeah. It's like, you know, figure out like could, it's, it's not your fault at all, but you also have the lethal weapon. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:05 So it's like, there's like a little baby. I mean, you have the pride. And then they said he fucked his 16 year old. And my, well, who's this now? I don't know, some 16 year old. No, no, no. So brand fucked it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:19 So something, I'm like, well, did he say no? I didn't fuck a 16 year old. They're like, well, do you know it's legal there? I don't really care if it's legal or not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm asking, because you guys have been talking, you guys have been talking nonstop about grooming, fucking, sound of freedom and bullshit.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I know, I know, for years now. For all of a car shit. So did he say it or not? Well, it's actually legal. I don't fucking care if it's legal. Because you're a fucking guy. Like, it just,. Like it just I just are illegal and those are fine. Just for fuck's sake, like, people are gonna 16 year old is legal. It's not okay. No fucking no sense of self, no sense of introspection, no sense of like my team, your team,
Starting point is 00:41:59 blue team red team. You got a fucking lululean. I'm fucking pumped to break on this. Yeah, it's's not it's it no, it's it's accelerating. It's fucking accelerating. It's all fucked. I hear really losing it. Well, she went to the police people to take her seriously. First of all, no, you wouldn't. I know all you guys, you would not. Secondly, why the fuck would that matter?
Starting point is 00:42:21 She could be totally crazy. Uh, I got shit to do. I got two years to deal with that matter? She can be totally crazy. Oh, I got shit to do. I got two years to deal with that fucking rape. I'm just gonna move on. Cause nothing's gonna come out of it. Here we go. Here's a fun little survey. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Maybe we'll be, maybe people will be pissed about that. I don't know. But it doesn't matter either way. Do you consider these traits a red flag? This is women and men. Let me see if I can say that. Oh, they consider that a red flag, yeah. Yeah, do you consider these traits a red flag?
Starting point is 00:43:01 Gotcha. The identify as a MAGA Republican, women, 76% of women find that to be a red flag. Gotcha. The identify as a MAGA Republican women, 76% of women find that to be a red flag. Sure. Uh-huh. They have no hobbies, 66% of women. Uh-huh. That to be a red flag.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Um, I guess that would be pretty weird. If a guy has no hobbies, not even a furry or something like that. Yeah, I mean, or marbles, got little green ghouls, get it, something. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, some, do some, some guys are only, they marbles, got little green ghouls, get it, something. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, some guys are only, they're only hobby. They don't do anything, but they like, maybe watch a lot of sports or something. Like, I mean, I think there's a lot of guys.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I think there's a lot of guys. I mean, I don't think so, but I mean, I don't think, I think there's a significant number of people who probably don't have hobbies, especially with being online all the time. Yeah, that's not a hobby, is it? No, no. No, no. They say there's only two genders, 58%.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Oh, okay. So it's kind of in the middle, 58% of women. They are so un-bothered. They never ask for details. What the fuck does that mean? What?, they are so unbothered. They never ask for details. What the fuck does that mean? What? They are so unbothered. They never ask for details.
Starting point is 00:44:11 So I could see where, because women want to know fucking, yeah. So they're just like, they want to be asked for details. They, they never, no, the person like, never asks, they say something to the person. They never ask for follows. It sounds, it sounds good. Yeah. God, man, women are like, they're just the worst about AI. Never asks they say something to the person. They never ask for fall off shit. Sounds good. Yeah. God, man, women are like, they're just the worst about AI.
Starting point is 00:44:29 You just got to keep prompting them. And you don't prompt them, they get pissed off. They identify as a communist, 55%. Oh, that's a red flag of women. Yeah, that's when the men are a lot higher. 64% yeah. 64% that's a problem. Yeah, they want everybody's money. That's a, that would be a big problem. They listen to Joe Rogan, 55% that's a red flag for me though. Honestly, if I tell you, this is a Joe Rogan,
Starting point is 00:44:58 you think youth is probably a certain kind of guy. Yeah. Yeah. Then he's going to tell me about it. I heard this thing on Joe Rogan, like, stop making me just said the thing, bud. Yeah, just say, that's true. I heard about this thing. That's true. And you need to tell me where it's, you don't need to give me the provenance
Starting point is 00:45:14 for this jock science here about to drop. Conservative, they refuse to see the Barbie movie. Do you guys refuse to see that? Probably, well, I mean, you probably. I guess so. Yeah, probably. They own a gun. Only 27% of women find that to be a red flag.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yeah, that's interesting. You know, for them. Yeah, I think that a lot of women, you always picture somebody, which is, there are more responsible gun owners than irresponsible gun owners. I would think. Yeah. So, it's overwhelmingly. Yeah, of course, right?
Starting point is 00:45:57 I mean, yeah, that doesn't surprise me. The identify as liberal, 19%. That should be a lot higher. They say black lives matter if 14%. They prefer cow milk over non-dairy milk. What the fuck kind of question? Over any, okay. Well, that's, oh, so that bought,
Starting point is 00:46:21 so if the guy prefers, they send green text, look at that. Seven percent. Yeah, but that just means, you just mean you don't have an iPhone. Basically, like, there's a lot more than, I mean, it means you've done a lot of weird decisions
Starting point is 00:46:34 in your life to get to a point where you don't have an iPhone. Yeah, have you ever felt an Android? No. It's like goofy. It's all messed up. And you have that every day, that's like your way
Starting point is 00:46:45 of it. They read like 1% of both sexes are a part of our answer. Yeah. They look better in person. That way. I think I take candid pictures of you 10% red flag. Yeah. Yeah. 10% sounds like something. These are all the pretty close. Yeah, they are. That's funny. That's fun. Yeah. That's fun. There's the green flags. Okay. Yeah, they're about the,
Starting point is 00:47:10 yeah, they read, they, oh, they're just the opposite of the other ones. Yeah, astrology. I wanna see that one. Yeah, that's, I'm in the, that's a red flag for me. Yeah. That's a big red flag for me.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah, it's gotta be. Like, oh, you're definitely, you're into a lot of hoax poke his bullshit Yeah, um, oh Let me see is that yes it is See here's some pita activism. Oh good. Yeah, there you know pita has a I wouldn't say it's a good track record of their their little stunts probably the worst marketing, the ever, although they get a lot of attention.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Well, they do. They're really testing to see if there's no such thing as bad publicity. Yeah. Here's the, here's their marketing. Tied down and screaming. Yeah. Tied down and screaming. Yeah. Tied down and screaming in pain
Starting point is 00:48:06 whilst workers tear the hair from their bodies. Kashmir is torture for ghosts. Okay. And then they've got a naked white woman. With shit, like fur super glued to her or something. And they, yeah, I guess is she screaming if I play this? Well, probably it's probably acting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Uh, it's a little bit to, uh, orgasmic looking. What she's doing, right? The guys, like, uh, milked at her uncle's farm. What was that book that, oh, God, that's right. Right. A little bit too much of that. Let's see oh my god man somehow I didn't think pita could suck anymore than they do and this shows me I was wrong
Starting point is 00:49:02 this is just like I was a plan to scream for hours like performance art of fucking you know Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. yeah, yeah. It's really bad. I don't know how they get counted. They tear the hair out of the goats for hours. Yeah, do they? Yeah, it's very fucked up. Yeah. I don't think this, I don't think that's the message people are getting out of this.
Starting point is 00:49:31 No, no, everybody's looking, it's like, oh, dude, let's see how naked she gets. Let's see how naked this hot chick with, with probably big tits. Yeah. They're, let's look at her pretend to scream like it's a slasher movie. Yeah, you know the more which I would be happy to get jacked off at a slasher movie. Right. Well, good job, Pete. I'm sure that didn't get ruined any any kids sexuality for the rest of their lives. The army lost enough 35. Oh, did they? Yeah, they happened asking for help because they lost a plane like the just $80 billion,
Starting point is 00:50:10 $80 million plane. They like, they like, they rejected, I guess he forgot to, you know, put the parking brake on his, he's ghost riding. No, where was the party that's the plane went down somewhere? Eventually, yeah, I think eventually, like just an hour ago, they found it. Like it. Because it has autopilot. So he ejected and it just went,
Starting point is 00:50:30 why did he have to eject? Maybe the plane, maybe he thought the plane called him a slur or something. Maybe he had to die late or something real quick. Could see F-slur 35. China hacked it and made the auto voice system call him the F-slur. Hello.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Hello. God, I wish I could say it. I got a camel out of here, you're sure he can say it. Hello, he's at, oh no! Oh, my dead aim! Oh! Try to kill himself with a parachute. Yeah, it's on there.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Yeah, they found it. Yeah. Probably on pieces, right? I mean, I feel pretty good about the second amendment and stuff like that happens. Oh, you guys are losing planes and stuff. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, they, you know, like I could take a lot of you guys out. Honestly, F 35 program has been controversial since its inception. Oh, really? Yeah. yeah, just have a Sean's military course. Well, it's just with what it costs versus what it's replacing. Like is it, is it any better than the fourth generation fighters like that? Well, it's replacing something that exists to make defense contractors money.
Starting point is 00:51:39 So yes, in that way, it's much, it's far superior. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. You know, why, what are they saying? What are they saying? Well, no, and then, then the Air Force said they took a look at it and they're like, well, the F-35 is not good enough for us. We're supposed to have the most superior, so they made the F-22 for the Air Force.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Which I don't know how much it is, but it is, it's the fuck do we got any of these things? The, it's one that the agreement was they will never sell that to another country, where we'll sell the F-35 to another country to other countries. Oh, so we gotta go find that. Because the technology is so fucking tits in the, in the F-22, why are they negotiating with that? The rather say actually you guys can't sell any of this,
Starting point is 00:52:24 shit to other countries But we you know we got that's how you recoup some of the fucking law offset some of the losses I guess I can only Like I've dealt deep into this but like it's you know, it's always bullshit. It's interesting It's interesting, but apparently I guess we went as it shakes out It's it's a pretty good plane from what I hear. It's a good, it flies itself. Well, I mean, yeah, you know.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Can you imagine that guy? He's going to interview with that guy. Whoops. Oh, shit. I forgot to turn the fucking autopilot off. Yeah. What's he doing? He's acting.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Well, that's what I mean. I, you know, it probably got hacked. Who, I don't know. Fucking Chinese guy. Haha. Chopping, shooting them out, you know, it probably got hacked. Who I don't fucking Chinese guy? Shopping, shooting them out, you know, I have slurping. I guess you, I guess you, Yankee. What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:53:11 We're gonna go, go, go, go. Pulling a shark by the tail. Yeah, here's more like, um, instead of Mako, looks like a Mako shark. You know how I was saying that these human, this human compulsion to like be talking about spiders and shit and sharks about how they're so great all the time.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look at these reed. This is crazy. What is it? Does it flip around and get them? Well, no, it's just a shark on the beach in these three dumbest people in the world are trying to put the shark back in the water. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:39 What the fuck is the benefit of this? Well, save us one shark. If you can do it If you can walk up on the on the beach and grab a What is this a 10-foot-long shark? It's a decent size meko. Yeah, that's that's a pretty big It's a good size meko It looks like a very nice and if you will survive this with all your fingers and stuff Well, and a lot of times the fuck are they do when it cuz that's an open water shark
Starting point is 00:54:08 You know what I mean? That's that's a that's a you know, pelagic shark as they as they say so it's Too dangerous don't be doing that generally You know if that thing beached itself and she's be sick, it may have it, you know. She's like Willy Wonka, no, stop, babe. Come back, don't, that's too dangerous. Get a stab. And you know what, that's a long fin make-o, those are pretty rare.
Starting point is 00:54:37 These guys are fucking crazy. Yeah. Yeah, usually you see the short fin. The long fin get bigger, but there are a lot more rare. We're gonna hold away the water for fucking what? A shark? Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:54:51 I'd probably do it. You would do this? Yeah, I would do it. You're crazy. I'd do it. I wouldn't get waist deep with that fucker, but I'd shove him out. You know, I'd turn him around to shove him out as, you know, as good as I could.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And being like, hey, I tried. Things have a way of going south. Yeah, they can. Let's see. Got some immigrant stuff. Oh, yeah, that's pretty cool. So you see, there's this island in Italy that like, yeah, yeah, here it is. I think this is an island.
Starting point is 00:55:29 There's an island in Italy of 7,000 African migrants just like showed up. Oh, really? Yeah, and now they're setting up their own little lures all over again. Yeah, really is. Like, you guys, you guys need to get in there and do something. It keeps thisly dark. Don't you guys know you guys need to get in there and do something.
Starting point is 00:55:45 He keeps thisly dark. Don't you guys know how to do this? Like even doing this a lot longer than we have. We're not, we're fucking it up. This isn't a very good picture, I guess. Let me see if I can find the better one. Lam, Lam, what are they just all, do they came over from?
Starting point is 00:56:05 Fuck it. One country in Africa? Yeah, they boats or something? And huh? Yeah, um, and here they are coming across the US border, a bunch of not Mexicans, huh, six and 7,000, six thousand. Oh, man, what a fucking disaster. Yeah, here they are. Look at this. Look at this crap. This is in Italy and lampedusa. The last few days spells catastrophe. Oh wow. I warned them. Yeah, these young men must be sent back. Can you imagine sitting in your little Italian island? Ah, today is going to be great. Wow, there's 7,000 Africans. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I don't know anything about that. Right. Huh. Honey. Well, let's start digging a mode or something. We gotta do something here. Okay. What a...
Starting point is 00:57:00 Interesting. What a fucking disaster. Oh, yeah. Two of those are nice, fat white lady dancing with the newly arrived refugees and lamp producer Italy. Where are they? What country are they coming from? I don't know one of the poor ones I imagine. Yeah, refugees a few geezer. Whoa. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Huh. Maybe they're just sick of listening to opera and they imported them. Oh, yeah, maybe that's it. I don't know. Did their elections go correctly in Italy last time? No idea. No idea. No idea.
Starting point is 00:57:41 No idea. No idea. No idea. No idea. No idea. No idea. No idea. No idea. problems that they need to rectify with 10,000, uh, 10,000 Africans. Sure. Bringing them in. A New York. Did you see New York crying about all the immigrants that are getting shipped there?
Starting point is 00:57:51 Uh, but you can, yeah, yeah. Yeah. All the cities shutting down. Cities going to be ruined. Oh, man, New York's been ruined before it'll be ruined again. Okay. Uh, well, I hope they're having fun with them. I hope they got some great food about it.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Let's see it. Well, that is the guy that's doing. Yeah. Let's do it. Let's do it. Ah, we're gonna, here we go. Talk to him for one, the only thank God. Healer Kappa Chinas has dick they gave Narcan to a dog.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Oh, wow. Oh, like a canine. A drug dog. Did they give Narcan to a drug dog? Are you there? Yeah, I'm here. How are you? Good. How are you doing, sir? Pretty good. Healthy. Healthy audio. Good. It's fantastic as always. Oh, it's good. Chrissy Mayer. Is it, hey, you pronounce your name? You know, I don't know. Chrissy Meyer. Chrissy mayor Chrissy Meyer. You're coming in hot with Chrissy Meyer talk. I got to say Chrissy Meyer.
Starting point is 00:58:47 He's a pro now. You just get to my, she came on Twitter before it got suspended. Yeah. And she came on news, Facebook, and that's how I just looked up about it. She looks quite attractive, but I don't know about a podcast. She sounds a bit boring on your podcast, but I think I'm, I think I'm not lost in another little bit
Starting point is 00:59:08 if you get what I'm saying. I do get what you're saying. She runs a show called The Simp Cast and The Wet Spot. Yeah, The Simp Cast has a bunch of girls on it. I think they would, I think that you would be a great addition to that show, actually. I'm fine. I'm fine from a synth that way. Well, yeah, I think it's ironically titled. So you don't have to be a simp to be on there. I think they just, I think they just called it that because so many men who watch them are simps and they are, they are very uncomfortable in the chat, honestly.
Starting point is 00:59:39 So do you think, do you think Chrissy would welcome me on your podcast? Do you think, well, maybe I don't know. Do you have Twitter? Do you have, do you think Chrissy would welcome me on your podcast? Do you think, or? Well, maybe I don't know. Do you have to? Do you have a Twitter? No, but how do I get in touch with her on the email? I don't know anybody's email. You got to make a new Twitter or something. Oh, okay. And then say something crazy.
Starting point is 00:59:57 And what did, and what did you think about that guy? Dr. Paveli took a picture of me with my walk and teach it at study. We watched, we watched that picture on the show where you're wearing that PMC vlog. Yeah, that drew Pavler on the sims. They banned me. Did you know that? Yeah, I know. It was horrible. You were done at great injustice. Who is this drew? No, not seriously. Did you really think that I treated me badly? Yes. Yes. We were all everyone who, listen to the show and follows me on Twitter said, you guys are your way overreacting. He has a, the guy you're, the guy you're doing this to has a disability. He is disabled. What you're, what you're doing to him is by your own standards,
Starting point is 01:00:46 what you're doing to him is cruel and wrong. You should not be dog piling him on him like this. Yeah, because I never heard him on the door. He just came out and solicited contact with me saying, I was like putting my pick up and authorize taking an authorize picture or someone on the script took an unauthorized picture of me on on a on a on a bus and they just posted it on His Twitter, so that's how that's how he started They're not supposed to be able to do that like Twitter's has rules against taking on an authorized pictures in public for this purpose of
Starting point is 01:01:23 against taking unauthorized pictures in public for the purpose of shaming people. I'm 100% sure. I'm not sure that shit. That's like doxing, isn't it? Yes, it is. A little way. I'm trying to find the picture he took of you. I look like a bit of a retard that one bit.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Okay. What happened in that picture? Did you know he was taking it? Absolutely, not now. I just like had a grin on my face and it looks a day, but I'm a bit tedious. I'm probably just sent a spicy text. Does anybody have it in the chat? Post it in the air? A couple weeks ago, we saw it. I want to see it again. When I got my spray and my spray nankle, they had a picture of my blue walking stick,
Starting point is 01:02:07 which sort of went with my work, the t-shirt, I guess. Yeah. You were, you did have the weirdest smile. I was like, well, he knows, he clearly knows he's being photographed. Is he smiling like that on purpose? Like, isn't the shirt? No.
Starting point is 01:02:22 I think I was pretty because I was worried that my t-shirts are actually really pleased with myself. I was worried that shit. I was really proud, you know. I love what a grin all day. You looked pleased with yourself. So what do you think of what my Wagon t-shirt, Derek, it's based or it's pretty, uh, it's pretty provocative. You're going to get a reaction for it. Well, I thought you like Putin though. I thought you I that's pretty provocative. You're gonna get a reaction for it.
Starting point is 01:02:45 I'll tell you a lot. Patent, I also, I think the invasion is, I think the invasion was justified and that the territories were being absolutely brutalized by Ukraine before he went in there. And I think the lens he was put up as unfairly by a US coup, a US led coup. So.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Okay. But I don't think any of that is accurate. Anyway, did you crazy been bombing that area for years before they declared that they were separate? Is it Zolensky pro-LGBTI? Well, someone? Oh, yeah, definitely. Oh, yeah, Zolensky is very pro-LGBTI.
Starting point is 01:03:22 I have a problem with that. Why? It's such a little bomb. I LGBT. I have a problem with that. Why? Why, it's actually no problem. I think, I have a problem with that. Well, that's probably one good reason why Russian, the Russians, are there any of the, just to kill the gays and stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:35 You know, you could be right. You could be right. Have you seen the, have you seen the fucking spokesperson for Ukraine? No. Oh my God. Chris, have you seen the fucking spokesperson for Ukraine? No. Oh my God. Chris, have you seen her? No, what's in it?
Starting point is 01:03:49 She's a female, is not? Well, it's a trans woman. She's a tweed outer. It's a trans woman who's like, oh, really? She's like, oh, she has a personal vendetta with coach Redpill. Like she's always talking about how they're going to kill coach Redpill. Oh, I can't stand her. I can't stand her.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I really hide it right. Yeah, fuck, let me try to find. Why do governments do this? Let me try to find her. She's stuck. That's what reason to get rid of Zelenski is because of this, that fact, I'm, yeah, well, that's my dream. Oh, great.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Just, fuck, I can't find where she is. She's fucking terrible. Yeah, well, that's a great idea. Fuck, I can't find where she is. She's fucking terrible. Yeah, somebody else. I mean, I mean, thank the word, thank Sononoma's with Quares, not like Gael, something as well. No, really. That's the one is a slur,
Starting point is 01:04:34 and one is they self-identify with. Well, yeah. Quares changed a bit. Yeah, it's either or another one cannot. Since we were childrens. I'm trying to find this bitch. Hold on. So how can I use the air, a fake way, but I can't use the air in a bomb.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Why, I'll get that. It's just really. Well, that's a complicated question. Good. Because black people beat you up. Number one. Maybe, maybe Chrissy, Chrissy Mack could also let one. Yeah, she won't let you talk like this guy,
Starting point is 01:05:08 because she's on YouTube. Right. I don't even, I usually, you know, it's frowned upon for me, but we're not on YouTube anymore. It's Chrissy Mack, she like probably LGBTR, pretty much. Oh, you know, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:05:21 because she's pretty conservative. I just kind of like, I assume most comedians are pro LGBT, but I don't she might not be she might be like a super Catholic. I don't know. I won't get into it. I won't get into it because it's a bit sort of confidential because you probably be uncomfortable with me talking about it, but Raleigh beat it me off just called for some unfair reason. I didn't really think you'll be back. I'm sure it's probably just a temporary thing.
Starting point is 01:05:48 But, Goddammit, can somebody fucking find me a link to this, to that bitch that's always doing the Ukraine update? Yeah, go ahead. I actually, I actually should, Riley, I sort of an apology because I feel that I overreacted, but he actually replies by email that he's back. I thought it was quite bad. I found it. I found it. I found it.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Wait, Chris, have you seen this woman? If you said I'm a pro, you will get you back in. I'm sure it's okay. Let's look at you back in. Listen to this girl. Hold on. He hates the truth that their obsessive focus on a Ukrainian volunteer is simply allowing the light of the Ukrainian nation's honesty to shine brightly.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Next week, the teeth of the Russian devils will mash ever hard. And the rabbit now is the only one from the U.S. No, I mean, the world will see it. Is that a man? What position is it? Oh, it's at the Faggot Shimo. And this puppet of his name. What position does he hold?
Starting point is 01:06:41 The first one. What does Wukruml? He's holding onto that. He's at the Faggot. He's at the F? What does work on all the things that she said? She said she said. She said. All right, all right, all right. No more.
Starting point is 01:06:51 No more. You have used your. You have used your. Your quota is filled. She's just like a calling next week. That's too many technical fouls. You're out of the game. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:04 You can play with five. You can't play with six. Here she is. Here she is. Tell me she didn't block me. She's triple six. She's a triple six. I don't, I'm sure I don't know what that is. Yeah, she really has it in for coach Redpill. She mentions a devil. That's triple six. Oh, six one six really. Well, saving lives. Yeah, more accurately translated to's triple six. Oh, oh, oh. It's six one six really. I don't know if you're going to say that.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Well, saving lives and tax dollars. More accurately translated to six one six. America is once more showing why it's history's greatest republic. And the world's lone superpower and all of us in Ukraine are humbled by the support we're receiving from the American people. Let me also take a moment to try roll. This person from America. I think I could have grabbed that.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Lives in. Okay. What's strange? Stephen Jorn, he could be in a relationship with that trend. Stephen. Yeah. Why do you think they would get along well? Because he's already in a relationship with the trends.
Starting point is 01:08:04 I don't know. He might be. Why do you think they would get along well? Because he's already in the relationship with the transcriptials. I don't know. I don't, he might be. I don't, yeah. Okay, I can't find it. I can't find what she talks about. Oh, woman salad would be in a good relationship with Steven, do you want to?
Starting point is 01:08:19 Why is that? Because they got the same ideas. Like, sexuality wise. What do you mean? I don't know. I know she's been salad. She, she's a bit, she's really straight. And she records that Russia isn't really a country. Is that correct or not?
Starting point is 01:08:41 What's your argument behind that? I don't really know. Well, Russia is a country. Russia is definitely a country. But why does Mint Seld's your argument behind that? I don't really know. Well, Russia is a country. Russia is definitely a country. Yeah. But why does Mintcello deno it? This is what I don't understand. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I don't even know where you're getting this information. Well, she said, be an email saying that Russia is a country doesn't exist. So for the buck, could you reckon hippies? It doesn't exist or something. That's what here any boyfriend, Raleigh, think, you know? Well, Raleigh's involved. They might be messing with you. Raleigh's pretty good. Yeah, well, that's what I thought. Yeah. Well, I thought I'd do it smacking with me.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Yeah, I should listen to your instincts. So you sent me a list of topics that you wanted to come into. Oh, yeah. The Spider-Man. The picture taken on public transport. When did you first notice that like thousands of people were calling you basically a Nazi? Yeah, that was just before I got banned. That's reporting all the historic tweets from probably about one or two months ago, which is pretty stupid. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And that's why you told me to go and tweet the lead, but unfortunately they expect you to pay for tweet the lead, I think. Yeah. Well, sorry. Yeah, and I watched pretty woman last night, which was really good. Had you not seen it before? Do you see yourself as sort of a sort of a Richard Geer type in that movie? I guess so, but it's not really like porn. It's not really realistic in everyday life. It doesn't really happen. Well, I don't think so. Pretty woman. No, it never it absolutely never happens. No, there's no guys picking horrors up. I'll go with the straight-in.
Starting point is 01:10:16 It could well be possible. It could well be possible to do though. It could be you are you looking for a pretty woman story yourself? Yeah, it could be a Chrissy Mae. You don't know. What happened to your girlfriend? Could be, are you looking for a pretty woman story yourself? Yeah. A couple of Chrissy Mae, you don't know. What happened to your girlfriend? What? Why are you so fixated on Chrissy Mae or now? You know, she just got married.
Starting point is 01:10:36 She's new. Did she just get married? She just got married, yeah. I read out that she's German or something. Oh, even I'll just set the weight until she gets divorced or something. Yeah, but her husband doesn't have a shirt like yours. They're like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Yeah. What happened to your girlfriend? What was going on? What's, uh, I don't really, I don't want to talk about it, but it's really, I don't have anything like that. Yeah, why would you ask something like that? Well, because it's depressing stuff. All that I want to know.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Yeah, I've been a dog from it, but I've got myself fixated on someone and North Queensland, but I don't really know how that's going to go. But what you never do, I'm not really fixated on finding, you know, I'm just happy being born myself really. So yeah, that's the happiest any of us will ever be. And what may be say about the Olsen twins being on pretty woman, I've, I've, I've actually read something like that up. I mean, you know how Julia Roberts or Vivian goes into a store and those females tell, tell her to leave. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 01:11:37 Yeah, I do. Well, they, they sort of remind me of the Olsen twins, you know, well, you know, those two people, just, yeah, it's two little girls. Yeah. From there. They were little girls. Now they're weird, they like Mexican aliens, which brings me this question. Why did they tell her to leave?
Starting point is 01:11:52 Was it because they were quite jealous? So what? Well, because they thought she was a prostitute. They didn't want a prostitute in their upscale store. Well, they correct me. Yeah. Yeah, they identified her as a little class prostitute. Right. Oh, and I really laughed when she went back in when she got dressed and she sort of rubbed it in their face that she got someone else to pay for her clothes and she just came back.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Do you remember that part? Yeah, you like that part. Yeah, I like that part. Yeah. What about when George Costanza tried to rape Julia Roberts? What did you think about that part? about when George Costanza tried to rape Julia Roberts, what do you think about that? Yeah. Arcan, it was funny. Right, right. That's where you rooting for him? No, I thought he was, I thought it was a loser, actually. That's what you're supposed to think.
Starting point is 01:12:38 You thought he was out of line? Yeah, he was out of line. Yeah. Yeah. And you like the ending, obviously, because he marries. That's your fucking perfect movie, I guess. Right. I got this point that the novelty wore off when I know she just got less excited.
Starting point is 01:12:54 There's time when why about living with Edward and I thought I thought I think that they had just got less, the storyline just got less entertaining and exciting as time went on. That's a life out. Yeah. So you kind of let you down as you progressed. Yeah. What would have made it better? Good question.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I think what would have made it better is that they get married, I think. Oh, you want to see the wedding. Oh. Yeah. Like the muppets take get married, I think. Oh, you want to see the wedding? Oh, yeah. Like the muppets take the muppets. Well, you know, somebody's getting married like like pretty women too or something like that, you know. What happens in pretty women too? Back to the street. So they go broke and she's got to start hooking again. Yeah. No, I think that she meets you.
Starting point is 01:13:42 broke and she's got to start hooking again. Yeah. No, I think that she made you, they get a really, they get several nice apartments and they, they have all these riches and they have all these, um, uh, airplanes and they have all these, um, uh, they go and celebrity walks, uh, go hang out with celebrities on the Hollywood and all that kind of stuff, you know, Charles Costanza follows her around like golem, right? What's the movie though? Like what's the conflict in the this? He's getting his Hollywood's in LA, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Yeah. Oh, okay. I think I, I mean, Richard Gere and Julie Robb is going to be pretty old by now, wouldn't I? Yeah, I don't think they're going to, I don't think they're going to give you a sequel at this point. You know, pretty woman too. Not that anybody wants to see this, what they, this what they should have done, pretty woman too. I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Well, it's kind of hard to, I guess it's kind of hard to top that happy ending now. Where they wouldn't want it. You want to want them to ruin it. Yeah, he's afraid of heights and he climbed up the stairs for her, right? Isn't that what that was? Yeah, I think so. That would have made heaps of money from that maybe, though. Yeah. You sent me some, you sent me some text to escorts. Oh, what did you think of that one?
Starting point is 01:14:58 Well, I'm looking at them now. This girl Lexi looks like the conversation went south very quickly when you were dealing with her. Do you want to look, you want us to look through these? Yeah, I can't remember. I thought it was quite something. You said, hi Lexi. And she said, hey, do you think I'm cute and skinny and then send a pic? That's okay. And you said, yeah, I'd like to be your boyfriend one day. And she said, unlucky for you, that role is filled. No, it's lucky for you. And she said unlucky for you that role is filled. No, it's lucky for you Kind of antagonist When did I when did I send there I can't I can't remember that one. I don't remember when this one was June Oh, maybe this was May is get edited or just she just like he just he just keep copies them
Starting point is 01:15:40 They're all different pictures. I did I said you want to do it recently. Did you get to do anything in between? Let me do this one first. I'm lucky for you that role is filled. I also wouldn't even take a booking from such a spiteful, disgusting man like yourself. And then she has sent you a picture, which looks like you talking to another escort, where you sent the hotline together lot of the hook up their links.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Yeah, she says she's sending you a picture where you said, you look like an ugly bitch. And she says, oh, you were meant to be blocked. You were meant to be in the block to bin. Awkward as fuck. You say, I've never seen you weird, okay, babe. And then you send her a picture of yourself like a driver's license.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Yeah. Fuck I ruined that one. And then you say, yeah, good. Hey, I don't know if I sent you this text, but I sent to an escort that I said to I wouldn't even, you know, even worth doing a brown shower on that's what I said to it. Yeah. You sent me that recently.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I'm not sure if I did, but I said you're not even worth doing a brown shower or not. I wouldn't even talk to you. You said just had a closer look at your picture. Do you have anorexia? I mean, because there's probably a good chance that she does. That's gonna, I'm not a cannibal, but I'm not into having sex with a tin of bone broth, which is fucking hilarious, actually. Just describing someone as a 10 of bone broth is pretty fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:17:13 The best way to get a prostitute upset is to tell them the fat, you know fat and the adhesives or something like that. Yeah. Or anorexic, apparently. They only like the extremes. See now you turn nasty again. I've got it where it counts loser. I'll show you and help it.
Starting point is 01:17:29 I know, but she said she's called it loser. I've got it where it counts loser. Yeah. Good luck booking anyone ever again. You're being reported on the forums. Everyone will see what a nasty ugly little piece of shit you are. And then you, the escort sisterhood club, lol. You should open up a boutique carnivore soup shop. I just baits sticking with the, with the theme.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Soup. Yeah. The escort forms. Yeah. I see what you're, what you're, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The escort forums you fucking retard. No wonder there are so many reports about you already to be treated nicely. You above be you above be nice, not a piece of shit. Is this a comment about you? You are the one contacting girls to pay them because no one will have you. This is why you areina sad, lonely man. Try not being a shit. Man, she's already wants to save you. You got a reverse pretty woman going on here. The hooker is trying to save you. Go have a nice steak sandwich. You said solid advice. So I hope she's trying
Starting point is 01:18:38 to save me. I'll think I'll get it. Well, because look, look, she posts this gigantic. So you're you're you're very insulting and cruel to her. Mm-hmm. And her response is to try to bully you into being a nicer person. Like, she's trying to fix you into being a nicer person, which is totally fucking insane. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, yeah. That's what females would do.
Starting point is 01:18:58 That's like, they're trying to, they're trying to save, they're actually trying to save a person, you know? Yeah, they get off on it. They get off on it. They say you need help and you need to be out of the league. Yeah. And they're trying to turn you a lot, they're trying to fix someone, you know?
Starting point is 01:19:18 Go have a nice stick sandwich you say and she's another paragraph. So basically they're just trying to fix you. They're trying to fix a train wreck. Is that what you're saying? I mean, and also just have the last word. Like, just stop responding. Hey, they always reply.
Starting point is 01:19:36 They always reply. I know. Yeah. My life is amazing. She says, I have a six foot four boyfriend who's very attractive and wealthy and is also an amazing human. You have a rich tall boyfriend. You're still a fucking hooker. Of course. It sounds like a cool guy. You could learn a thing from him.
Starting point is 01:19:57 You want me to set up a, you want me to set up a meeting? Maybe you should lay off the steak sandwiches. I'm not a cock like your boyfriend. Okay, it's time for you to move along. Thank you for your inquiry yet another working girl refusing to see you. How thick is violence? Are you the longest? I keep on adding to that blacklist for a minute and it just doesn't it just doesn't go away. It doesn't stop I don't know why they keep on putting me on the blacklist anyway. You don't know why? Oh, I see the brown shower one you said. Oh, yeah, you said okay, I felt a bit small with your last message. I thought I wasn't wasting your time. I'm not really into treating women like sexual objects.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Okay. She says, certainly not my intention, nor is it how my clients usually treat me. However, this isn't a dating site. If that's your intention, then it's the wrong approach. Okay, well, then I won't bother you anymore then. The way you're treating me is pretty cold. In contrast, when I first texted you a long time ago,
Starting point is 01:21:04 hey, I don't care what anyone thinks of me anymore. Something must have got inside you to give me is pretty cold. In contrast, when I first texted you a long time ago, hey, I don't care what anyone thinks of me anymore. Something must have got inside you to give me the cold shoulder. Obviously, you don't care about others' feelings. You're probably not worth doing a brown shower. Jesus Christ almighty. I have a nice night. I won't bother you anymore.
Starting point is 01:21:18 It just comes out of, yeah, just of nowhere. You're right. So do you think the defecF. Agassilaris I Mean it's not your best, but it's funny. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like a it's like a punch thrown by the corner Because like all of a sudden you know they're in the corner There is a fighting in your corner and the corner man hits the guy like it's like fuck to that come from That let's get on to the Kim Kardashian, where the fuck did that come from? Let's get onto the Kim Kardashian. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:47 What did you do to her? Does she live in the LIT? Oh, yeah, I think so. Yeah. Or Malibu. Is she Turkish or Armenian? Armenian. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Yeah. And what do you all pay a little bit for? What do you think of it to the thoughts on that? What do you think of it? Well, I don't care too much for Kim Kardashian, but she exists. Why don't you care for it? Well, she's, she's like retarded and she kind of glorifies being like fat and retarded and being obsessed with like designer brands and being a stupid trashy
Starting point is 01:22:27 whore a lot. I think she's a pretty corrosive influence on America. I read that somewhere that she was on the drug oz impact. Is that true? May I true? That is everywhere. I'm hearing everybody talk about that. Yeah, Vito's on it. Wasn't Chris, weren't you on it. Yeah. Chris, weren't you on it? Or aren't you? Yeah, I'm currently taking it and I've lost the, uh, honey. What's he, what's he, what's he equivalent of? How much did you lose? 12 kilograms. How how um 12 kilograms is 26 pounds. That's a fucking lot. Yeah. Yeah. You lost a big pumpkin. Yeah. Yeah. Can you see it on my pictures?
Starting point is 01:23:12 Uh, I mean, I think so. Yeah. Yeah. I said, you looked very, uh, he's like, uh, very slender and you're Nazi sure. Did they take a picture? Yeah. And, um, I didn't send you this pick, but I actually donated blood to. Okay. Yeah. And on the US, I think they pay you to donate blood, is that correct? No, we don't get paid.
Starting point is 01:23:35 It may be five bucks, but I don't think you get paid. Oh, I didn't get paid. Plasma. Oh, plasma. Yeah, you got plasma. Plasma, you definitely get paid for. So how much do you get proximate for plasma? I don't know. I've never done it, but I. You definitely get paid for. So how much do you get approximately for Plasma? I don't know. I've never done it, but I know people who have done it.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Oh, because I'll be, I'm a Plasma candidate. I'll be donating it for the first time in a month because of it. I'm actually someone there's told me that I was the ideal candidate for Plasma. Really? Why is that? Why is that? What makes you an ideal candidate? Some of the deal with my veins, but you don't get paid for that either, so it doesn't really matter. I don't care. So everyone's gonna have your plasma floating around it.
Starting point is 01:24:10 They're gonna be told that. So what's it been that fits a plasma compared to a whole blood? Is it placematful dead? Is it dead, sick, and so on? I don't know. Blood is like for surgery and stuff. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:23 I think plasma makes the blood, but I don't have no fucking idea. It's a component and stuff. I don't know, I think plasma makes the blood, but I don't have no fucking idea. It's a component of it. I don't know. I don't know why you get plasma. I'm not sure you read it up. Maybe I use it for cleaning your blood or something. I don't think I procedures that do that.
Starting point is 01:24:35 I don't know. Apparently my blood donation says three lies, say I think, but I don't know how true that is. Three lives, really. Yeah. You should tell these horse that. Tell them the first responder. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Right. Right. Yeah. They found out who's blood they got and they killed themselves. Hey, you know what? You know what? You could probably get on the simpcast if you go in their, uh, in their chat and try to get their attention.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Yeah. I'm careful how you get their attention. Yeah, I don't say get their attention. Yeah. Careful how you get there. Attention. Yeah, I don't say any slurs. Yeah. Same year comedian. I'm still feeling sad about, so I can't tell you. And so I know what causes death and the stuff all that.
Starting point is 01:25:14 That's quite weird. It is sad. It's a bummer. I never heard it. I mean, yeah, I don't know what, nobody's ever said what caused his death. No, I think he had a bad heart to begin with. I think he always had heart problems.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Uh-huh. And he was, he drank a lot, take something. I don't know. Uh, he did, he did drink and he probably was doing a little bit too many poppers for all the gay sex he was having that night and probably did his heart in. No. Or maybe he saw just a two big of a penis at the gay bathhouse. He was, no, no, his heart is, his cock cut so hard his heart exploded.
Starting point is 01:25:50 He was drained of blood. What, what a puff is a alcohol drink. Poppers are, uh, Amel nitrate gay, gay men take them to loosen up their assholes for having anal sex. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you asked. Now, you know, he's not gay. He wasn't gay. That wasn't. No, he was, he was straight as, he was straight as can be. But he had a dog. He was almost as straight as you could be. He had a dog. Is that what he said? Yeah. He posted pictures of a Fudge picker. I think the dog was okay. I think they checked the dog to make sure he wasn't fucking in. Yeah. After you know, after you go, the dog was his, was his popper supplier. Tested him out. Apparently, apparently he didn't get on with his father. This what he told me. Yeah. Oh, really? what he told me. Oh, really? I'm not too sure about should we go rough up his dad now that he's gone
Starting point is 01:26:52 in some for Lee aren't beyond the grave. Was he cremated or buried? You don't know? I don't know. No, yeah. All right. All right. Okay. All right. We're going to go, Chris. Thanks for calling in. Okay. Thank you. Anything else to say? You got any wrap? Oh, sorry. That's where you're gonna give me 50 bucks, is that right? Yeah, I'll give you. I can stick to that. Ah! Oh, that's the best part of this call. Love it. I can have it here.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Love it. Love it here, bye. Little peak behind the scenes. That was great. I negotiated him down. That was going to get him down. That was great. He was on fire today. Pretty woman. How could a movie exist for
Starting point is 01:27:36 that's like your ultimate fantasy? That's perfect. He does. He marries a what? That's great. Okay. Killer K great. Okay. Killer cappuccino. Hey, Dick, they have Narcan to a dog. Pitbull puppy saved by California police after after possible fentanyl exposure.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Mm-hmm. Fuck you. You have got to be fucking kidding me. A pitbull puppy. That's the one you picked. For no reason. I'm guessing. Well, maybe it was the dog that was happened to be there and
Starting point is 01:28:08 God was doing the drugs at the time. Yeah. Uh, I get out of here. Pitbull puppy saved by California police after, wow. Oh, come on now. Come on now, Sean. Look at this, puppies. What is he a month old?
Starting point is 01:28:25 They were arrested in a Walmart parking lot on suspicion of animal cruelty, a pit bull puppy that may have gotten into its owner's fentanyl stash. May have arrested a guy for fentanyl. They have a puppy. The cops said, hey, look, this, you know, it'd be really funny if we pretended to give Narcan to this dog to revive the fucking dog. Could, could, could, could have been, you know, that could have happened. Could have been dying. If that, that little motherfucker is done,
Starting point is 01:28:52 does Narcan work on a dog? Does Advil, does aspirin work on a dog? Well, you, you, you definitely should not give a dog ibuprofen. For sure, that, that can kill him. So there's just, like, like, we got the, like, where can't, are you a, do you know if it's gonna kill the dog, nah, just do it. Yeah, actually don't even give it So there's just like, you know what, we got the car can't, are you, do you know if it's
Starting point is 01:29:05 going to kill the background? Nah, just do it. Yeah, actually don't even give it. Let's just say it. I don't know. Um, that's amazing. Nulo, a new low for cops. Let me turn this little thing down here.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Ha, Puma Pan, say dick, I stopped listening to the show and canceled my Patreon subscription in August. Low and behold, Eric, July and Maddox both vomited up some spaghetti. So I had to resub last time I canceled my sub was October 2017 about a month before the lawsuit. Next time, if my urge to unsub starts to arise, I will let you know, because you'll probably be sued by an autistic person. Yeah, he's got like the spidey sense and shit, right?
Starting point is 01:29:52 That's pretty good. Next. I mean, I don't know what's going on with Eric July or Maddox, is he? Eric July just shut up. He did, he got so blown out by all this like he was on. He was on this. He could have done.
Starting point is 01:30:07 Yeah, he just I can't believe that he entertained it as long as he did. He was on a big panel show with Destiny. Oh, yeah. And you guys are like friends now. Our friend. Yeah. I like so. And Destiny.
Starting point is 01:30:21 The first thing he said was, oh, I heard about you on Vito and Dick's show. And he's like, and then the chat, the entire show, the chat was just bunnies. Oh, God. Oh, stop. It was so funny. Yeah. Uh, people were super chatting him questions about like Isom's powers and he looks like he wants to kill him.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Like, he looks like he just wants to die. Like, I, I'm done. I'm out. Well, it's good move. There's got to, you know, I don't know what kind of feedback he's getting. I know he's got like a bunch of people who are supporting I saw him and everything, you know, just fully, right?
Starting point is 01:31:00 Like just the little concept of it. I wonder, you know, he's got to be looking. People have got to be commenting overall, right? What do you mean? I wonder, he's got to be looking, people have got to be commenting overall, right? What do you mean? I mean, there's got to be, I mean, there's got to be some people who are just like, yeah, this is like not,
Starting point is 01:31:12 it's not near as good as I had hoped. Like, the people who are actually reasonable, there's got to be fans are saying, like his fans are doing videos with all rippin' for shit. And it's not really, like I thought you'd kind of develop this, but it's just like introducing new characters in real life.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Okay, so that is when he's got a, I would imagine it would have to cause him to face like some reality a little bit. Like, you'd think the lawsuit from I-SOM, the ministry would have done it. Yeah. The last thing he did was, he's turned on Nick Rikita. No, it's lawsuit. Oh, it's actually a long, okay, yeah. It's done it. Yeah. The last thing he did was he's turned on next right? He did. No, it's lawsuit. Oh, it's actually a long.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Yeah, it's not. The last thing he did was turn on Nick Rikita. Yeah, he did some some stream called my about my feelings and then said like Nick Rikita's like offense rider. So I had it. It's 10 minutes long. I don't watch it, but it's retarded. No, well, that catches me up a little bit. Here, let me play this for you. What's that? This is the clip of the super chats that he got.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Here we go. I can't believe you didn't see this. Oh, because Johnny was in last week. I guess I should stretch it out. There we go. Okay, this is the woman who's like the host of the show. This is the super chat portion of the show. Okay, here you go.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Then we have vegetables by 94. What's I-S- I S O M super power? Can he fly? Then we have dare chrome backer. Wait, you got to look at his face. I'm watching down. No, I'm watching. Super power.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Can he fly? Then we have dare chrome backer. Let's talk boy houses and warehouse is related things. Matt, can you show your life of the great comic and feel working on the International School of Ministry, Supreme ISO and... Oh my God, that's... That's just like three in a row.
Starting point is 01:33:13 That's always funny until you're on somebody else's show. It's just people in the... Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for the superchets. Guys, very funny. Yeah. Thanks for the superchets guys. Very funny.
Starting point is 01:33:33 Rempris says, Hey, Dick, check this out. The gravy seals have a program for kids now. Oh, oh, oh, that's nice. Oh, that's not that's not weird at all. Let's see this one. Oh, yeah. That's totally great. Kidding a nice bath. He's like right on the Virgiteers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Wow. Squire program. Yeah. It gets, whereas the same dude also runs a program for kids called the Squire program. Yeah, it gets, whereas the same dude also runs a program for kids called the Squire program. Where for a mere two grand, you can pay this guy to torture your kid. So he sinks your kid in an ice bath.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Sure. Wow, look at, this is what you're paying for. Why would you do this? Cause you're fucking horrible. You can have a pedophile rape your kid for free. It's probably, it's probably, I mean, it's what you want here, but just a little bit worse, right? And it's cheaper.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Yeah. You know, if you want to abuse your kid and scar them, right, take him to church or something, the bad one. Fucking guys, man. The him to church or something. The bad one. That's fucking guys, man. Uh, the alpha program here he is. Here's this guy spraying everybody down. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's great, bud. That is, uh, that's good. Okay. The drag queens though, they're a big problem. Not this is, this is fine. Yeah. The drag queens though, they're a big problem. Not, this is fine.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Yeah. Some meathead, some roided out meathead who's on roids, but not working out. So just fucking with his hormones, making him insane, sticking kids in ice water, yelling at them. No. No. Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Elmita. Don. fucking dumb. What do you even say if you know of one of your friends? Yeah, I'm taking my kid to the Squire program. It's cool there. It's like a team building workshop. And actually teach him how to be a man. Anytime, that's the clue.
Starting point is 01:35:35 If anybody ever tells me something is teach him how to be a man. I go, oh, mo, John Bo. Who's that? Explain it more. Back that up. Yeah, tell me how. Right. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, their, their, their, their next generation was like soft. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:07 So they, I didn't know that. Yeah. But they learn actual skills. They do tying rubs and, yeah, I don't know. I was in the boy scouts. So maybe it's, maybe there's a lot of screaming at kids. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Right. I say it's, it's changed. I'm sure a lot over the, over the years, but... Right now. But that is kind of why it started was just like, hey, let's teach the boys to be men. Mm. Pull a little money in our pocket, too. Yeah, I'm with that. You can say my name, it's an Ailey's great.
Starting point is 01:36:35 So I decided to do my own version of Dick's Stint on Dr. Phil, but this time on TikTok, I created a list of what's a good woman was and added some clear and obvious jugfuls of satire. I'm sure you can guess. People caught on or not. The list was chock full of text notebook insecurities of text notebook insecurities. There's a joke. The women that women have, but one that stood out was for a good woman to have low iron levels. So he made a list of what good women should have. good woman to have low iron levels. So he made a list of what good women should have.
Starting point is 01:37:07 And he just was low iron levels. I explained this by stating in typical Dick master style, while she's busy being tired from having low iron levels, I can go and explore my options out in the world in peace. I went on to regularly amass over 4,000 people in my TikTok live streams, where 95% of the reactions took the list of face value. Yeah, of course, because people are just completely fucking retarded. That's funny, dude. That's fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Let me unzip this. He sent a bunch of screenshots. How much do you know how dangerous it is for a woman to be anemic? And the yeah, nobody would think they would go ape shit over. The majority being women and when they asked how tall I was, to be having such standards, I said I'm 5'3", which I obviously, not, I would have tick-tock works. You can get gifts on your live stream and people were gifting me gnomes in response every time. Oh, good shit.
Starting point is 01:38:08 The reactions were absolutely diabolical. I would get death threats on the comments and my direct messages. You would think when someone saw a good woman asked to have low iron levels, they would immediately know it's set to steer coal. No, yeah. My list eventually ended up trending on Twitter
Starting point is 01:38:22 and posted to the Reddit plus Instagram. The replies on the tweet and the screenshot are also worth looking at. Just thought I'd share. Would honestly love a quick five, oh fuck, you should have, yeah, sorry buddy, I didn't read that part. Oh, would honestly love to talk about it in the show. What you got callin'?
Starting point is 01:38:36 Yeah, whatever, let's look at the low iron. Yeah, they're not happy about it. Let's see here. I saw a couple funny ones on there. Oops, let's go with this. Low iron, loose is weight after. There's the ratio. Okay, there we go, right? Oh yeah weight after, yeah. There's the ratio.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Okay, there we go, all right. Oh, yeah, 11,000. Oh, wow. Yeah, can someone get a hit man for this man? Oh, there was that solicitation of us. Is low iron levels some kind of code for, they always think everything is racist. Like they did the same thing for me when I said women think the earth and the moon is the same
Starting point is 01:39:28 thing. Yeah. The sun and the moon is the same thing. What is that? Some kind of Asian racist thing? No, it's because you guys don't know the sun and the moon are different. That's what it is. It's literal. You think the sun dims at night. It's literal. Um, that was my thought too. Definitely weird. Oh my God. I love how they, as a woman who struggles with chronically low iron levels. Oh my God. No, I knew this was going to be. As a woman who struggles with chronically low iron levels,
Starting point is 01:40:07 I'm too tired, too weak and too spacey to put up much of a fight of my mate, tried to force me on to something. Don't you just take in their supplements and things like that. That's called iron. That's what I know. Are eating red meat. There's a, you know, thankfully I married a respectful protective man, who gives me space to feel like crap,
Starting point is 01:40:25 supplies with love and heating pads and wine. Oh yeah, I'm sure that's cool. God fuck you. Take some out of this, motherfucker. And this is not a fuck all when you're fucking, you know, your vital, you know, you know, man is in your body or off. He sure is, sure.
Starting point is 01:40:37 I'm gonna make some of that. He's not hung over. Greg Ford, and hassles me to go pressure my doctor into another iron infusion. And hassles me, so she got a fucking iron infusion right here. Ugh, ugh. So she doesn't want to, because then takes away her stupid to remember to go do it.
Starting point is 01:40:53 Takes away your, you know, honey. The card, you were too stupid to go to the doctor to get your iron infusion again. That's why you can't get up off the couch and also the wine for some reason. This requirement is straight up predatory and thinly veiled disgusting. She's a peach. Oh, man, these are great.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Good job, dude. Yeah, you really pissed off a bunch of women. Judging by most of this stuff on the list, you want to date someone who is pre-pubescent. Oh, okay, he's a pedophile. Definitely. I don't get his list. Lies is way after pregnancy. Yeah, so yeah, would you say that?
Starting point is 01:41:36 Yeah, so not shit. I didn't have it up. What? Oh, I didn't have the list up. Sorry. Dress size 12 or lower? That's generous. Dress.
Starting point is 01:41:50 That's fucking generous. Doesn't come from a single mother. Ha ha ha ha ha. Dress is modestly balanced pH levels. No stretch marks. Right. Ha ha ha. No makeup, natural hair.
Starting point is 01:42:07 They fucking hate to be told no makeup. Oh, yeah, women do. Yeah. Let's see. Any other, did I miss any? Lower body count. Oh, yeah. Low body.
Starting point is 01:42:21 What? Low body count is what's 20 year old men have invented this. Oh, I got't. Oh, yeah. Low body. What? Low body count is what's, um, um, 20 year old men have invented this. Oh, I get it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it.
Starting point is 01:42:33 I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it. It's very weird. Uh, but they're obsessed with it.
Starting point is 01:42:43 Mm. And, uh, good for them. That's the same one, right? It accepts her body here. It doesn't believe in stars, I mean. It doesn't nag slash good communicator. That's funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Yeah. Good one. Reasonably sized forehead. Fucking funny. These are, this is, this is pretty well done. I wouldn't have thought of that one. That's a good one. That's a good one.
Starting point is 01:43:14 A reasonably sized forehead. A reasonably sized. Who's crazy on the forehead here, ladies? Advice. Hey, I need, I need anti-antiv-work advice before it's too late for me. Anti-antih work. Do you know what anti-work is? Anti-work?
Starting point is 01:43:32 It's like a thing when people don't want to work. Well, I get that. That's what I would think. Because you know, the boss makes a dollar on, make a dime. Yeah. That's why Jack Off, I'm company. Hey, Dick and John, I'm writing you with a burner email. So you can see my name.
Starting point is 01:43:48 I don't wanna be an anti-worker. I'm turning 21, turning 22 in October. I have a perfect life by most standards. Wow, you have low standards then. But I struggle with maintaining it, because really I don't wanna maintain it. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:04 What a 21 year old. I know this is bad thinking. However, people I've talked to online seem to affirm my world view. You got to stop talking. Let me solve all your problems right now for everybody. Stop talking to people online. Don't ever, don't talk. And once you start recognizing their names and handles, shut that shit off.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Go outside. I don't talk to people online. I don't talk to people online. I'm still pissed off. I know this is bad thinking, however, people I've talked to online seem to affirm my worldview that we shouldn't have to work, like our slash anti-work. And I haven't heard anyone represented on your show.
Starting point is 01:44:39 Well, if anybody wants to call in, who says they don't have to work and talk about it, who's not a woman, obviously they do not have to. Right. We need stable iron levels. They want it with normal iron levels. Right, right. Normal forehead.
Starting point is 01:44:56 Basically, it feels better in the moment to be destructive or lazy than it does to do something constructive that I might not want to do at the moment. Okay. I have a cushy job. My rent is cheap. I have no roommates, but I do have a lot of friends and a healthy social life online or in real life. I make it.
Starting point is 01:45:16 Yeah, that's a big question actually because that's I would always I know healthy social life online, but I would say, you know, I I would just assume because of the age I am that social life means you go meet people. IRL is the kids say. But yeah, I mean, they're probably, may very well be online, you're right. Well, I work hard, I have a lot of free time, but I get behind on paying gigs often,
Starting point is 01:45:40 and I worry as I am a contractor that the jobs will slow down. Like a general contractor? Like a, that could be in any, probably like digital stuff. Or does it mean like, yeah, like an independent contractor? Yeah, independent contractor. Oh, okay. I thought it was like, wow, you're fucking young for a, like a building contract, right?
Starting point is 01:45:58 Just a brick layer. This, and for some reason that fear makes me less motivated to do the jobs. I already have as fast as I can because what's the point of wasting all my time on something now that isn't promised forever, right? Man, I have no idea what that means. Well, I get behind on jobs and I don't want to finish them because what's the point? So I'm just gonna, it's just gonna end, so I guess it's gonna end either way.
Starting point is 01:46:24 I mean, yeah. Paul. I mean, it sounds like he's 21. I'm not gonna last forever. This shit's not gonna last forever. Whatever you do now, you even go exist in 10 years. Every time I sit down to work, it's a terrifying thought.
Starting point is 01:46:35 I have to work for several hours on end. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the price of everything up. That's five percent of every fucking year. It should be a lot easier. Look, we shouldn't. But idiots and women keep letting them do it. The average American shouldn't have to, I won't say as hard, shouldn't have to work as much as they do, to get so little in retirement, benefits, vacation, any of that shit. So it's like, you've always had to work. I don't, you know, I mean, like,
Starting point is 01:47:25 we work way, way too much. We work fucking depressing. We work more than anybody fucking else. Like, technology. Shot off like a fucking rocket. Productivity went insane. Somehow, people making less money, work in harder. Yeah, how the fuck did that happen?
Starting point is 01:47:40 Right, yeah, I don't know. But I, I, I, I, I, so they can get some things on them. I'm definitely not allowed to say cause it. Yeah. Um, I don't understand why I have to do eight to 16 hours of work a day. Well, you, I'm guessing you probably don't do 16. I'm just just be real like I mean, not very many people actually, I want to say 16. You gave a big range.
Starting point is 01:47:59 Yeah, fine. Eight to 16. You can't say. You can't call it the liar. I guess it's happened. I know it's my fault. I spend that much time on it because it could be done sooner than if I didn't overthink working as a concept. Are you taking four hour lunches? That's not fucking working dude.
Starting point is 01:48:18 No, that's dickin' around. Right, right. Which is what, you know, I got some work to do. Why? Why? Why? Yeah. Man, this is exhausting. All this pontificating.
Starting point is 01:48:32 Yeah. I know it's my fault. I spend that much time on it because it could be done sooner or I am. Okay, so they don't want to get into what I do specifically, but it's contract work for wealthy. Oh, he's a jiggle, though. Contact work for wealthy clients,
Starting point is 01:48:47 and any one order should only take four hours. That's a very specific. Yeah, I'm curious what he contract work. He's some kind of, he works with rich people's cocks. Borderline illegal or something? I mean, like, it's either gay or illegal. And it definitely, I mean, I'll see what's saying.
Starting point is 01:49:07 Contract work for wealthy people. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. And it's from a burner email, so it's like, not anybody can figure out. Do you think that's illegal or gay? Because it's from a burner email. Oh, illegal.
Starting point is 01:49:21 Illegal. Yeah, I mean, I think. Okay. Or, but it's quite long. So that makes me think he's gay. It's gay work. So does he just take the notes? He's like, shirking his gay responsibilities?
Starting point is 01:49:34 I guess, yeah. Dicking around. Yeah. When he should be around the dick. For some reason, these orders will still take me six to eight hours because I don't want to work, but apparently not enough to be done working early. Is this something you've ever had to deal with? I mean, everyone just doesn't want to work.
Starting point is 01:49:52 Yeah, I, yeah, it's not that I procrastinate. It's that I hard time starting and finishing. Well, maybe you need fucking ADHD medicine. I mean, maybe your job just sucks. You want to do something else. I mean, it's fucking vacation. He's 21, you know, he's making, he your job just sucks. You wanna do something else. I mean, if fucking vacation. He's 21, you know, he's making good money. He's making a little bit less money.
Starting point is 01:50:09 Make a little bit less money. How about that? Do something you enjoy. Try it yourself and figure it out a little bit. You're young, now is the time to try it. Yeah, I'm a little autistic if it wasn't too obvious. That's one. But I'm not too autistic to accept good advice from the show.
Starting point is 01:50:24 I'm also not fat. So I know I have some self-control in a building and improve myself a little bit. I've been a long time listener in the show has helped me with multiple other quandaries and directly, but this hasn't come up organically and I'm desperate for a solution. Before I ruin what could be a really good future,
Starting point is 01:50:38 being too immature to just sit down and get it done. Yeah. It's a bit. I just just sit and go fuck. Part of being a goddamn adult is, you do a lot of shit, you don't wanna do. Yeah, well, you'd rather be doing something else.
Starting point is 01:50:51 You just, but you just, it gets to a point, sadly, where you just don't think about it, you just do it because if you sat and thought about it all the time, you drive yourself nuts. Higher and Indian to do it. Just correct their work.
Starting point is 01:51:06 Farm it out. Half assing. It's a little thing that we like to call half assing it every once in a while. Also instead of doing it, you just pay somebody to do a crappier job, fix it up, turn it in yourself. Well, there is such a thing as good enough.
Starting point is 01:51:23 Does it, you know, you always have to do a great job. No, it just has to be acceptable. I knew a girl who had, who was like this, every, every fucking job, she's like everyone's gotta be perfect. Everyone's gotta be fine. Well, yeah, it's because I'm like that, I'm like that.
Starting point is 01:51:38 Yeah. As you met some guy, took off and traveling around the world, I think what happened all that shit about the job was so important, she's like, I'm fucking kidding. Well, fucking care anymore. No, no, no, priorities clearly changed. Yeah. Uh, okay. Let's do you want to do Oh my god, it's almost nine This one's sent from Rembys from land whale to sand whale from landwale to sandwale. The happiest. The happiest moment in this couple's life
Starting point is 01:52:07 was ruined by an earthquake. I'm gonna go ahead and guess maybe it's not the happiest. Oh, well, this is a nice, nice moment. The proposal at the beach, who's a, who's kind of a large guy. He's proposing to a large woman probably taking a bachelor at party in Nashville from what I could, from what I witnessed. And then they've got their friend who's a photographer.
Starting point is 01:52:32 They got a friend with a camera who's very big behind them looking to take their pictures. Right. How this works out. She's trying to get a better angle to take the picture for the big proposal and she's down. Oh boy. She's struggling. Oh, did she miss the proposal? She didn't get it.
Starting point is 01:52:52 Oh my God. Of all the times to fall down. They can never get back up. These fat girls. We've got to cut time and time again. Well, you've got to get on all fours, I think, is usually how it's kinda done. Yeah. Yeah, and then one leg goes up and they have to,
Starting point is 01:53:10 just for a minute, like give the big first of energy, big burst of energy to get that one, that quad to get them up and then they, yeah. Yeah, let's see if she can get back up. Now she's pausing. What can you do it again? See, see, she's gonna do what I said. That's how she, yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:28 Oh no! She's gonna get it again. She's, uh, for, you know what? Is this real? Okay. That's like, you push the shark out into the water and it turns around and beaches itself. You're like, you know what, fuck it, I can't help you.
Starting point is 01:53:42 Let's see this. So there she comes. She says, can you do it again For yourself back up and her momentum is yeah This is like there's a 3% downgrade and it was oh Oh boy Oh boy good one thanks
Starting point is 01:54:01 That was a yeah, that was a good one. Johnny says this wall. Well, let's see what's going on with the wall here. Oh, I see what's going on. Wow. This is, um, was that Hendrix? Yeah. I mean, this is kind of, what's holding these, this is a very, very big woman rock climbing. Yeah. I mean, it's sort of
Starting point is 01:54:28 impressed by what the, the bolts in the, oh, yeah. I mean, you know, this has to be camera trickery. This has to be the camera on its side, right? You know? Right. Yeah. Since she's just crawling around on the floor, because I don't believe that these rocks can support it. Well, so, this 300 pound woman, oh no, she's going to go for another one. She's about, she's using a climbing wall in a way I've never seen before where she's climbing entirely vertically. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:00 At about six inches off the ground. Yeah, yeah, she's not anywhere yet, but she is not standing on the ground. That's, it's more than I gave her. I brought it for her. Oh, if she comes down off this thing at this point, she's gonna break her spine. There's no, yeah, there's no harness on her. Don't they, I want to thought for like liability,
Starting point is 01:55:24 they always have that, don't they? I would think the city would make her wear a harness on her. Don't they hope I would have thought for like liability they always have that don't they? I would think the city would make her wear a harness. Right. She goes through the, she's going right through the, uh, through the basement, the sub basement. Dude. Whew. Wait, was that she doesn't fall? No. Wow. So I put a local carpenters in me and yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Okay. That's good. Well, that was a, I guess that we have a feel good one every now and again. Yeah. Okay. This one says, Hey, Dick, did you see this chick that ruined that white girl's life is now sponsored by Dove? Okay. I didn't happen to see that happen to see somebody ruin whose life? Dove, Dove hired an activist who ruined the life of a white student to promote the fat acceptance movement. I look like Seth Rogen to you. Absolutely more about that.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Wow. That's the that's the fat activist. Liberation and the campaign for size freedom that Dove is supporting visit forward slash size freedom that dove is supporting visit for his last size freedom. Zana Bryant went viral when she started a movement to cancel her fellow student over an alleged threat at a BLM protest. Bryant claimed that she had no crossing causes threatening BLM protesters by saying they'd make good speed bumps.
Starting point is 01:56:42 It's a friend. The after the students was bullied online and in real life, the university's Judiciary Committee declared her guilty without evidence did Brian admit that she might have misheard. Her confession had no impact on the life of the accused student as the Judiciary Committee ruling his story. I heard the I remember this. But it seems, she said this white girl walked up to the the cops and said, it's a good thing you're here or else they'd be speed bumps.
Starting point is 01:57:09 And this fat pig said told the school that the girl that the white girl said they they would make good speed bumps. Gotcha. Like, right. And that still should be fine. Yeah. I don't know. Slightly violent.
Starting point is 01:57:23 I suppose. Okay. Red or Rick. All right. Yeah. But either because she's so fat or so black or both, they discipline the girl and put this on her. They did. Yeah. They said she was guilty, just because she said so. If isn't too worried about its partner's reputations, as Brian will now be. Oh my God. Look at the size and the color of this. The size and the cool. Yeah, that's a lot of fabric there, isn't it? Oh, man, when she's, she's hanging around, uh, as she's sitting around the black,
Starting point is 01:57:58 a black church here, do you think, or literally sitting around? Oh, no, man, like that's a, what color is this? It's like a green, like a sea foam. Yeah, if you say, you know, I don't know something like that. I'm not, I'm not great with my colors colors. Um, got you, got some sneakers on. I guess she couldn't, couldn't fit, couldn't find the matching seafoam. Well, that's the she wanted. I mean, it's the local blacksmith was busy. You're going to, you're hurry, you get, you get an email, he log into your email, it takes you a couple of tries in the morning because you keep hitting multiple keys at the same time, right?
Starting point is 01:58:34 And then as you see an ad from Dove, we're a Dove, the women's soap and stuff. We want you to be a spokesman. It's the albatross line. That's what I'm saying. Got it. Yeah. Who is this? Right? Oh God. Seaman's nightmare.
Starting point is 01:58:54 The Albatross line. Dove for ladies. Working with it to promote fat liberation. Really? I've hired an activist who ruined the life of a white student. I gotta see her. She's fat, except the speech again. To learn more about fat liberation and the campaign for size freedom, that dove is supporting visit forward slash size freedom.
Starting point is 01:59:17 Oh, really? Let's give it a shot. What was it? slash size freedom? Yes. It'll accept any combination of button mashes around those letters. Well, it's enough. I'm technologically, they got to do this big laugh. They should make a keyboard for full figured women. And that was funny because at the time they couldn't find a black woman fat enough or they couldn't, it wouldn't be funny to put a woman that size in the movies.
Starting point is 02:00:01 Right. And they put big boy and yeah, there's big boy. Of course, when he was, when he was fat, supporting before I was in pick, he had to lose it the old fashioned way. Yeah, stomach state too, man. Like that guy, he still looks weird. Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 02:00:15 It was like when Al Roker got skinned. Like what the fuck? The fuck happened. Yeah, stay away from me. I don't like this at all. Supporting the movement to end body size discrimination. What? Man, fuck you, dub.
Starting point is 02:00:34 Are you fucking serious? This is a soap for women. This is the big soap for women. We got to, we got to do something about this. I got to do something about this protest. I'm still dumb. I'm'm gonna go around grocery stores, lick and dove soaps. You know, because they hate when you lick ice cream. Or, yeah, around, they do. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Everyone deserves care, love and respect at any size. Yet body size discrimination is legal in 48 US states. Is that like, as in like you have to be able to fit in this fucking thing that's made for a human person? I think it means that's discrimination. I think it means we can't say that everything bad that happens to us is because we're fat in 48 states. But in two states, we can say,
Starting point is 02:01:19 well, I didn't get that job because I'm fat. I can't be here, who might be right. We've joined forces with the National Association to advance fat acceptance, the NAIAFA, and fat legal advocacy rights and education project, Flair. But they got out, they need some better acronyms, like Jake or like the island. I was, what's, I'm gonna put you here. Whatever. acronyms like yeah like I
Starting point is 02:01:47 What's Whatever no, no, no, you gotta as I got island Indigenous um Wait, let's make chat GPT do it. Oh, okay, there you go. Oh, let's see here Chat dot yeah Yeah, well again, oh boy Let's see here. Chat. Yeah. Yeah. Well, again. No, boy. It's going a long way for this joke.
Starting point is 02:02:11 Yeah, I know. Hopefully it comes through. It will. As long as it's not derogatory. Twery. True. Give me a name of, give me the acronym for an organization that supports fat women's rights called Island.
Starting point is 02:02:36 All right. I couldn't find any. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, for the liberation and advancement of nurtured diversity. It's close society for the liberation. Give me five more. For the liberation and advancement of... Diverse. International society for loving acceptance and nurturing of diverse bodies.
Starting point is 02:03:20 God, this chat G-P-T is amazing. Yeah, why do we need writers anymore? Initiative for size positive leadership and advocacy for nurtured diversity. And I'll know more diversity shit. We're nurturing. International support, link for advancing the needs and dignity of fair women. Ah, the needs and dig the.
Starting point is 02:03:45 Inclusion support for large allies and nurturing, it loves that nurturing diversity. It does, but there's a couple, there's a couple good ones in there, that's all right. Give me one more, come on, roll the dice. Inclusivity support lobby for acceptance. They can't get off the nurturing diversity. Give me more, but stop using nurturing and diversity. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse.
Starting point is 02:04:05 I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse.
Starting point is 02:04:13 I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse.
Starting point is 02:04:21 I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing diverse.
Starting point is 02:04:06 I can't get off the nurturing diverse. I can't get off the nurturing I can't get off the nurturing. to anything with all right. Well, inclusion support for large advocates and non-judgment. This is the best one. International support link for advancing the needs and dignity of Fowahman Island. Pretty good. Well, I hope that joke was worth it if not sorry for the four minutes of your life. Everyone deserves flair. Flair. Oh yeah. Project to strengthen legal protections against body size discrimination and shift cultural conversations. Like a tectonic plate. Are they fucking with me on the, are they fucking with us on this side?
Starting point is 02:05:00 No, no, they're not talking in any other terms. Around a broader definition of beauty through education, a key of broader, huh? So is this deal like, we're all going to, if we're not going to jail for rape, then you just have to like, fuck a fat woman or just, I like it. It'll be illegal. Sure. Hope there's choices in between that. I haven't, I haven't seen any in a long time, man.
Starting point is 02:05:25 If I'm a young man going around Nashville, I'm taking jail by rape. I guess versus this. Jesus. You gonna be sitting there in a courtroom? It's like, well, this woman says you dated her for 10 years and you raped her at one point. You're six.
Starting point is 02:05:44 What do you think about that? Look fucking Jesus size of fucking house. Around a broader definition of beauty through edge, yeah, yeah, yeah, through brainwashing. Join us to make body size discrimination illegal in the US. Oh, what? Duff soap. You guys are mad about Bud light and this shit's going on
Starting point is 02:06:07 Yeah, right under your nose Our research body size discrimination Body size discrimination has a devastating impact on body confidence and all areas of life for fat women 90% of women living in larger bodies 90% of women living in larger bodies. 90% of women living in larger bodies. And 88% of girls aged 10 to 17 have experienced body-sized discrimination. Wow, they got a whole report.
Starting point is 02:06:40 Yeah. Wow, don't eat the report, it says. Oh. I'm sorry, eat the report it says. Oh. Uh, I'm sorry, my mom ate my homework. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 02:06:53 Ah! Ah! Where's your body positivity homework, my mom ate it. Hmm. Fucking bitch. She says I spilled barbecue sauce on it, but I didn't. I just wrote barbecue sauce on it. You know, somebody's dog did eat their homework too.
Starting point is 02:07:11 Yeah. I mean, that's a valid excuse like, a there's a number of times that's happened. I promise you somebody's mom probably ate their homework. Maybe women or more. Oh my God. Maybe we should just read this. Next, this is nuts. Nearly all Americans have at least once in their life been subject to shaming in our discrimination.
Starting point is 02:07:32 Yeah, you fucking should be. I mean, totally fine. Cause you're a big fat fucking pig and you're gonna die. It's something, it's put down a fucking donut. It's one of the things that you can change. You're drinking 1200 calories at Dunkin' Donuts before nine in the morning. Yeah. Fucking stop. You big fucking fatso. Yeah. And I'm in. And I'm in. And I'm in. And I'm in. And I'm in. And I'm in. And I'm in. And I'm in. Yeah. And overwhelming. And overwhelming percentage of it is just, you know, it's,
Starting point is 02:08:01 it's, it's bad habits. Yes. It's bad habits. This starts from a young age with many saying body size shaming happened before they reach adolescence. Well, I don't know. Have you seen 13-year-olds lately? They're fucking gigantic. Well, yeah. I mean, and it is a kind of a, you know,
Starting point is 02:08:21 fat parents have fat kids. Yeah. And it just keeps going. God damn, they're just gonna make it illegal to make fun of them. Yeah, maybe. Question two, these are funny. Question one, how comfortable do you feel
Starting point is 02:08:37 using the following words phrases describe other people's bodies? No, no, not that one. Question two, how often do you experience any of the following because of your body size or perceived weight? So you have a body size or a perceived weight? Perceived weight, either online or either online on social media or offline.
Starting point is 02:08:59 We're typing fatly, potential answers, received negative or meme comments, been body shamed, been teased or bullied, been called, what, been called names, received, it's like big old tons of that received advice that I had not asked for. Who hasn't received advice that they didn't ask for? The T's received advice. I've received a lot of advice that they didn't ask for. I know, like stop eating small animals,
Starting point is 02:09:35 get bigger wheels on your chair, you fat pig, experience mean actions against me, experience stereotypes, misconceptions, not a one of you have ever experienced a misconception. The adult general population, 2000, women with larger bodies, 12, 100. Oh, that's just everybody. What? I don't know how to read this study. All right. Our expert partner. This is a fucking gold mine. I know. Oh my god. Read the report of their partner, the NAAFA. What was that? The National Advancement, National Association
Starting point is 02:10:20 to Advance. Bad acceptance. Like the fucking National and so it's been from trailer park supervisors and assistant trailer park supervisors. Oh yeah. Okay, well, it's a fucking nightmare. We're all double wide. See you in prison, everybody. Oh boy. So in the Dix show So I've seen the Dix show, see next Tuesday Tuesday. This is, I think this is kitten fiddlers with... kitten fiddlers. ...kitten fiddlers with you guys. There's a man on the internet.
Starting point is 02:10:55 Yeah, oh yeah, I think this is... There's a man on the internet who has an incredible memory. There's a man on the internet. There's a man on the internet. There's a man on the internet. There's a man on the internet. There's a man on the internet. There's a man on the internet. There's a man on the internet. There's a man on the internet. There's a man on the internet.
Starting point is 02:11:21 There's a man's a man, a third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third third my life. The world is an insult used to me. I'm an idiot. My life is an insult. The world is an insult used to me. My life is an insult. The world is an insult used to me. My life is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult used to me.
Starting point is 02:11:52 My life is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult. My life is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult.
Starting point is 02:12:00 The world is an insult. My life is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult. The world is an insult. The world when I got fleeced by a stripper because I was fucking drunk and good not stop having her slap her titties in my face. So set advice of set a fucking limit. Set a fucking limit dude.
Starting point is 02:12:12 I think I came out or down maybe 2k, 2,500 that night. For an hour of tippy slapping me in the face and that. That's something I would be doing. I got her in another girl because they said they do toy shows. And boy or boy, do they take their fucking time getting to the toys? Yeah, right. I think it was maybe last two minutes.
Starting point is 02:12:33 We're whittling it right now. Yeah, they play dumb and we're in Wallet dude. So don't do that. $200, $300, state of state. Go for it. Oh god, dude god dude couple grand fucking yikes it's always the same
Starting point is 02:12:48 there's guys who are just like prown to it yeah yeah for sure for sure okay one one one hey dick i'm calling about michael boulton p o w camp thing it can reminds me of when a fucking Ben filler has to act as simple jack and tropics under. I feel like that's where you got that idea from.
Starting point is 02:13:13 I turned to my girlfriend and said, exactly that while it was happening. You should have won the Oscar. Yeah, while Michael Bolton was up there, I was like, when he's singing his goofy prayer song, like as I was trying not to laugh, I said, it feels like football drug. I haven't even seen you since he went to that show. You didn't hear? Oh, I'll tell you about it. I said, I talked about it last week. Okay. Uh, Michael Bolton's being held hostage by, uh, Christian Koreans. Oh, really? He needs to be rescued. Uh, yeah. Like what they thought, it's like, what's going on with Richard Simmons.
Starting point is 02:13:45 Is he being held in his house against his will? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's being held captive by whatever the version of the Vatican is. Why? Why? Why Christian Koreans?
Starting point is 02:13:57 Is that who goes to hell? I don't know. That's all the Michael Bolton concert was entirely Korean. Wow. And when he started singing his cover, I would have never. Asian tour song called Prayer. That was not, that was obviously a religious song
Starting point is 02:14:11 because you know, exactly when it starts, you go, that's a religious song. I know it's fucking weird and shitty. I know it. Yeah. They started freaking out and jabbering into each other and that's his multiple cameras coming out of every audience.
Starting point is 02:14:24 That's crazy. Yeah, it was horrible. No, you know what I'm looking up to, I'm like, I'm free this guy. We gotta set him free. I'm looking up like, you know, I've gotta figure out what's going on with that. Big and Asia.
Starting point is 02:14:34 Well, yeah, clearly. Big and Asia. Clearly. But you think you're saying Korea in particular? I don't know. Oh, you're just okay. I got a hunch. Okay. But I don't know what country it was're just okay. I got a hunch. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:45 But I don't know what country it was. All right. Could have been any one of them. Korea. South Korea. North Korea. Middle Korea. Any other ones.
Starting point is 02:14:54 All right. Goodbye, everybody. See you. Thank you.

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