The Dick Show - Episode 379 - Dick on World War Wheee!

Episode Date: October 9, 2023

Girl Math in Iran, a rave gets pillaged, JF Gariepy calls in about his missing wife and other things, my girlfriend sends a video of me tripping to the news, a listener accidentally attracts an older ...woman, Maddox does a date rape sketch, and how to deal with getting extorted because of a d*ck pic; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you been? Not good. Yeah. Sick. You're never sick, man. I was the first for you. I was saying upstairs, I don't remember the last time I had the flu. Took a week off to get your haircut.
Starting point is 00:00:13 Is that what happened? I got a haircut, so I didn't look like a complete asshole for the show. Oh, for the live show? Yeah, I was like, oh, you know. Oh, no. Yeah, I was like, you know, it was getting fucking scraggly. So I was like, you know, I mean, you got to look your best at the live show because there's a chance somebody might look better than you.
Starting point is 00:00:30 In studio, that's never a possibility. A chance. Yeah, there's, there's probably three quarters of the audience that you look better than me, but it's good. But yeah, I was like, I was like, yeah. You mentioned the show coming up and the first thing I said was, I wanna go.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Yeah. Yeah, timing, timing, that's, my life is, it really, it's, I have a history of just, like just bad timing, like, stuff just happens. Like, it's a, it was a bummer. You missed a great show, yo. I'm sure it's work, yeah. So it's like I missed a whole lot.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Oh, yeah, you missed it. I know, that's it. I'm pulling up on the rip averse, on Eric July's fortress of shititude, all kinds of shenanigans went on last week or something. Yeah, I got, you know, Eric July was gonna kill Riley. Did you know that? I mean, he argued, he went on Nick Riccatus show
Starting point is 00:01:18 and spilled spaghetti everywhere and mumble fucked his way through an imaginary legal defense where he's in the right to kill Riley. Right. For putting stickers on his warehouse door. He's going to put a waste by the way. Self defense situation or fucking assholes put stickers on my girlfriend's car window. Who did the people at the live show?
Starting point is 00:01:38 Oh, really? Maybe Riley. They have these little bunny stickers. They put one on her window and goddamn, the thing doesn't come. Oh my God. So maybe maybe Eric was right. Perhaps Riley does need to be murdered. Oh boy. That was wild.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yeah, anyway, you were saying. No, I was saying I got somebody sent me a isom too. I didn't get all the way through. I was doing shit. I was doing a bunch of shit, but yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll have a review next week. It's hard to get through, isn't it? Well, to worse than the first one. I think I've forgotten how to sleep. Like, I was so busy for so long and right now I'm not.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So it's like, I think my brain is just going all the time and it's like, I get, the later it gets the more wide awake I get. And then it's like, well, I still gotta get up. I mean, I'm still doing shit. So it's like, I just have to sleep at some point, right? I can't choose. Yeah, but it's like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:02:37 my, like I'm losing like hours a night compared to what I used to be. So it's like, I, so, beer's horrible. Is it? My point is, my point is, I don't know if I'm just retarded and can't follow it, or if I'm just, or if it's just really kind of,
Starting point is 00:02:54 I don't know if it's not you. And I'm just getting like, it's like, where are all these characters coming from? Like, who? Who's Larry Shugnight? Why is he here? Who's Abraham Lincoln? What's he doing here?
Starting point is 00:03:04 I, I, I think I'm about half the way. We're saying the writing is incomprehensible to you. Well, I'm just like, what am I supposed to, what am I supposed to gather from these, like who are these people? What is this guy? There's conversations between people that,
Starting point is 00:03:20 like, have no reference. Is this guy, what? Is that the same guy in the next panel? Why does he have a beard now? That is the same guy, right? Yeah, okay, that's the same guy. Okay, that's what, well, we talked about about it seeing that.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah, a little bit, a little bit, but yeah, I'll give it a run. I'll read it twice if I have to. I mean, you might have to. I had to read a couple pages twice to figure out what the fuck was going on. What part did you leave off at? And that's where I'm going.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Is it just the fact that I don't sleep as much as I should? I'm just not getting it. Like I should be following this a little better. Like, This is not a good review. Maybe I need to read, maybe I need to come. I mean, it's not like the brothers Karamatsov that you're deciphering, that you're powering through. It's a shitty comic book.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I mean, you know, I, plus I, with dialogues, such as what that mean, who that got to do with it? When it's something that like I'm not really, because I'm not not like a huge, you know, just comic book character fan or whatever, like they've made, I mean, they've made, like some, I mean, I like some Batman movies, you know? But like I, I bet I like a, the Danny DeVito one, that's the best one. You like that one?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, he was the big duck riding around. Why wouldn't you? He's the only one. What's not to love? Right. But, you know, some of it I just go,
Starting point is 00:04:43 I'm just my attention spans, not very good for this. I kind of zone out reading part of the page and then I'm like, uh, or is it just that? You gotta read Goblin Slayer. There's all kinds of rapes in there. Goblin Slayer, what's Goblin? He kills Goblins. He's like Batman, but he's medieval night anime.
Starting point is 00:04:57 That's a whole series. Yeah. People getting raped, Goblins, if the Goblins get in, they rape the women. Geez, so it's pretty, you know. Yeahins get in, they rape the women. Geez. So it's pretty, you know, high stakes, high stakes, high stakes, high stakes, high stakes. I don't know, maybe kill some people, yeah, some laughs. Those goblins get in there doing rapes.
Starting point is 00:05:15 That's one of my favorites are hot. So my favorite comic book movies ever, which one? The Joker. The Joker, which one? Yeah, which Joker one? The last one. What's this about? The Joker. Yeah, walking Phoenix. How do you feel about the second one coming out?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Like they reshot the lady got the dancing, but with lady Gaga. Really? I don't know anything about it. Oh, man, I'm not looking forward to that shit. Really? That should it. That was enough of that character that I needed to see. I don't need to him. I don't need to see him get a girlfriend. Thank you. I have a girlfriend at home. I don't need to see. She's gonna be some psycho, right? Well, yeah, she's supposed to be his psychiatrist who turns evil. But that, that, well, Harley, yeah, she's playing Harley. Yeah, I guess. Oh, exactly. Lady guy, really? So it's not, I mean, because what's her face? She even leaves any weight for it? Margot Robbie's already hardly well. They got another one. Hey Dredge to another one up for you. Uh-huh. Let's start so let's start the show. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I'm about this later. We got a big show today. JF Garpe calling in may have may have murdered his wife, Sean. Mayha, mayha, she's disappeared. And you know, that means only one thing, murder. Yeah! Oh God, that's not gonna work today. Ha, ha, ha. Yeah, I'm not even gonna try. Welcome to the AK.
Starting point is 00:06:36 You want to get to the, you got it. Shower of his contest, coming to you live from Mount Bunker, deep notice to the failure. I mean, how stick matches the AK, the $20 million dollar man? Joining me back to the studio is Sean the audio engineer, World Touring LA, baby famous comedian,
Starting point is 00:06:47 Sean the audio engineer. Yes, yes, yes. What's that man? How's it going? How you doing? It's a weird intro. I've, you know what, I'm only half here today. I'm less than that.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I'm thinking about my dear, I'm thinking of my minds in Israel right now. Oh God, yeah. The atrocities and I just see thing I'm just see-thing and boiling over with the humanity of it. You're gonna get canceled. Oh, just have so upset, Sean. So, can you can tell? Oh god, I look at the, I think I see those beautiful women getting abducted and raped and I think, how much is this gonna cost me? Yeah, right. God, I just hear the women's screams and I hear caching, caching, and I hear in the
Starting point is 00:07:27 distance. I hear some Israelis singing in the distance and doing dosy-dos with Donald Rumsfeld's hooking our their arms and one another's arms spinning around going, and then I hear, the woman reaching, do you see the woman getting right? No, no. Turn it off. Well, the Palestinian parachuting brigade, they took some tips from Toy Story 1 and paraglidered themselves into a music festival. Did they?
Starting point is 00:07:59 The Hamas? You didn't see this? No, no, I just, I caught a headline last night. It's too silly to be frightening, quite frankly. I don't know why people are trying to prey up how bad it is. They're doing the fucking army men move from Toy Story One. All right, move, go, go, go. And all the pals are going, wee!
Starting point is 00:08:17 You can't really strike fear in anybody's hearts when you're going, wee! On paragliders, let me load it up for you. So you can see how they're paraglidering in. Maybe everybody's sick of hearing about, is real already, I don't know. Well, this stuff kind of just happened. It's gone around, so it's funny again, you know? That happens quickly.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I get all I'm just done hearing about is, I'm done hearing about Tara's, Mike can't hear anymore. Yeah, sure. And then these motherfuckers are paragliding into a music festival. Really? Kidnapping hot women and raping them. And I think, you know what, it's gone on these motherfuckers are paragliding into a music festival. Really? Shitting, having hot women and raping them. And I think, you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:47 It's gone on. It's like family guy when he hits his shin. Ah! Ah! So you're going around so far. It's funny again. He got me. Yeah, oh boy.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Oh, no. Can you hear them? I can hear them when I close my eyes at night. You can. Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, we're in the money. We're in the money. Um, let me trying to find it. Paragliders, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:13 You cookie guys, you cookie Palestinians, you cookie homos arenos. Where is this going to be? Is it this one? No. How about this one? Yeah, there it is. Here's the old, here they are. They managed to shoot a,
Starting point is 00:09:29 some sort of video about it. Is that a fan from a fucking bear boat that I saw in the first? Yeah, it's not, it's not top of the line. Oh, paraglidering shit. It's kind of, they got it on offer up. Put your nose on the paraglider. All right, man, it's still 200 bucks. I don't know what to tell you. I don't care what it's for. It's a kind of they got it on offer up Alright man, it's still 200 bucks. I don't know what to tell you. I don't care what it's what it's for It's made out of hefty bags. You guys got money. I saw you got that six billion dollars. How about some of that?
Starting point is 00:09:54 I'm not we're not doing any deals with paragliding shit, okay? I know Biden gave you six billion, so there they are. They go in and start real shooty-shooty pew pew pew Good God. Here's the, I don't know, maybe I won't, well, I mean, yeah, it is. Yeah, here's the woman screaming. I'm getting kidnapped. I just wanna know with the woman that got kidnapped
Starting point is 00:10:18 by the, by the Palestinian, by Hamas, there she is getting taken from the music festival. I think it was a music festival for peace. Yeah. And people are saying that this is unbelievable. Can you imagine attacking a music festival for peace? I think, well, in what way was it for peace? Cause the proceeds go to some.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Cause Palestine is an open air prison camp. Like you guys make them live in prison. So, yeah, I can kind of imagine sitting there and going, you know what, fuck these people. What are they doing? Another, they're having another dance for how peaceful they are when they're like bulldozing our kids and shooting us and shit.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I don't think so. I'm the most, by the way, I'm the most pro-Israel person on the fucking planet. I'm more pro-Israel than fucking America America fucking sucks There's God everywhere, Millen football everywhere Muscle dummies everywhere, fuck white people White people are just stupid, they don't deserve to have any money
Starting point is 00:11:14 Give all of it to fucking Israel At least they'll make weapons with it What are you guys gonna fucking do? Buy more brats dolls and whoppers and fucking go see shitty movies Tell me about the difference between E.R. and U. and House, the most fucking funniest thing you ever thought of. No, see when we say the N word, it's actually,
Starting point is 00:11:32 shut the fuck up. They never have that conversation in Israel. No fucking Israeli has ever come up to me and said, Hey, do you watch the office? Never happened, never gonna happen. Pro Israel. Yeah. As 100% as a Gads. That office thing is the biggest reason to Pro Israel. Yeah. As 100% as a guess.
Starting point is 00:11:45 That office thing is the biggest reason to hate America. Yeah. What do you mean? What up on the office? White people hate having money. They hate it. You give white man a guilty about it, maybe.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Yeah, you have a hundred bucks. Like, well, where is it? Is there someone I can give this to? Yeah, right. Hundred bucks. I mean, this should go, is there a game on? Can I somehow insert $100? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And I'm losing out to the football in the TV. I need more ways to lose it. And Israel comes wrong, hey, knock, knock, knock. You got a box? Yeah, I've been dying to get rid of this shit. Yeah. And knock, knock, hey, why America? I know you guys, it's Monday, so you're probably itching to give some money away.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Yeah, sure. Well, we got a whole fuck, we got a whole of territopia out in the middle east that we're supporting fucking football in God in. We love football and God. Can I have that hundred bucks? Of course, here you go. But they're doing war crimes, I mean,
Starting point is 00:12:39 killing all the kids, loading people into a prison camp. Okay, well, I'm so surprised that this is happening to you. It's, oh man. Are you telling me that they did all this? They did a bunch of terrorism? Wow. Yeah, it's a win.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It's the last 5,000 years. Right. Wow. Oh, their entire religion is a textbook dedicated to terrorism. It's so confusing that this is happening. And you keep fucking with them, Avi. I mean, obviously, obviously you're gonna keep fucking with them. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yeah, sure. This is really government. I hate the Israeli government as much as I hate our government, because they're the same government. Well, they're the ones just like us in the middle. I mean, there's one democracy, right? In the middle of us. Right in that.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Democracy is a standing word for the American government. It's not democracy. It's a word they've co-opted like African child soldier battalions. They freedom squad. We're the democracy squad. We're here to fucking bulldozer kids. Yeah. Well, I mean, fuck also, fuck Palestine.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I know they hate me. They hate all kinds of gay shit. Oh, that's guy. You're looking me wrong. We hate women. Yeah, I mean, I fucking hate you guys. I actually am kinds of gay shit. Oh, that's guy, you're looking me wrong. We hate women. Yeah, I mean, I fucking hate you guys. I actually am glad they're bulldozing your fucking kids. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Yeah, they just, but you get $150 billion and you can't fix your terrorism problem. I think that's a you problem. Oh, there is real. $150 billion we give them. It's unfixed. That terrorist, it's unfixed. $150 billion. we given them it's unfixed that terrorists 150 billion dollars. Yeah, I'm afraid them. I'm afraid it's unfixable man Yeah, if you put it we got to the fucking moon how many times with the 150 billion dollars and you couldn't fix a bunch of fucking illegal immigrants
Starting point is 00:14:16 Unfixable then yeah, it's like no, it's you tell me you have the best spy network in the fucking world And you couldn't stop what amounts to a minor league baseball team taking paragliders into your country and killing a bunch of people. That's a you fucking problem. Number one, I don't believe you. I think you let them do it so you can come in and level Gaza. That's what a reasonable person because I mean the other option is that you're so dumb and bad at your job. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Neither one of these is good. Yeah, you're either evil or dumb. Which one is it? It's one. That's one of the other. Let's say that about a lot of things. It's like, you know, government. Well, yeah, and it's women. You know, it's like, it's either, and women are dumb.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Let me just be, they're either dumb or evil and it's dumb. Let me stay on brand here. Ha ha ha ha. Ah. Gosh, maybe we should have killed Saddam Hussein. What a fucking whoops. What a mess. I mean, there was one guy who was kind of keeping it together over there.
Starting point is 00:15:13 One guy really seemed to have it figured out, but you killed him. Well, you know, maybe you shouldn't give him that. Here's some girl math for you. You know what girl math is? I'll tell you about girl math. My girlfriend goes to creation cafe. For smoothies, secretly she doesn't tell me about it.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Creation cafe. Creation cafe. That seems like it's something more than just smoothies. It sounds like a whole lifestyle. Like an arts and crafts store. It's an arts and crafts. They win and go there and they figure out how to spend your money. They have like girl boss salads.
Starting point is 00:15:42 They have a soup dispensing machine. I went there with her. This is true. Dude, they have like a pumpkin soup machine. A soup dispensing like a cooler, like a job site, like an orange cooler, except it was full of their pumpkin soup. That just seems gross to me.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Well, but when I went in there, I knew I was the grossest person I ever have been in there. Okay. Cause it's a girl thing, right? Yeah. I'm like, I'm just oozing my grossness all over every time. I'm just a dude. Even looking at the salads and stuff, I'm like, yeah. And they have like a program so you can bring their fancy
Starting point is 00:16:17 glasses back in and get a dollar. Cause all their packaging is like non-disposable. Oh, it's elsewhere. Expensive. They give you money to, as opposed to just hucking in the street, like you're supposed to do. So these women are buying glasses of soup, jars of soup, and then bringing the shit back with them. It's like a little game that they have
Starting point is 00:16:36 because they don't work ever. Okay. So she comes home one day and she goes, I fucked up my teeth with my Creation smoothie had all this fucking plastic in it. Oh, no, I said what? And she goes yeah, look it's a whole zip-lock baggy full of like plastic shards She goes I don't know must have like got blended up by the by the machine. Oh, did you talk about this the other week? Not on the show. Oh, so I'm like, well, you gotta write them
Starting point is 00:17:05 and say, you're fucking thing, buggered up my bungled up all my teeth, I got cut, solid by my mouth, they blended up a, you blended up a shot glass or something, right? And you didn't notice. And I'm like, how much, what did you just like, test it and spit it out? She's like, no, I was eating it all day.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I thought it was some kind of a berry in there. Wow. Like, okay, well, no follow up questions. No further questions, you're there. Wow. Like okay, well, no follow up questions. No further questions, you're on it. Okay. So I said, right, um, right, um, get some, get some little freebies out of it. Really overplay it. Say you're worried about, you have, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:34 right, fiber of my alga and you have it, yeah, diseases and the plastics, you know, go lay on 5G, like women, women, women, women, like throw it out there to the group, say, hey girls Go for what would you do if this and then find the craziest answer? Use that one brainstorming session. Yeah Yeah And if it's on the storming so they said here's 200 bucks. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:17:56 Here's 200 bucks now sign this NDA. Yeah, sign this NDA. She goes awesome 200 bucks. So should we go there? She's like hey, you want one of these on my treat a good gift gift card. Right. But I'm thinking, well, don't, you know, that's still money. Yeah. Free money, right? Okay. Girl math is, this is free money. I can just blow this. So she's going through, like, fucking supermarket sweep, loading up on shit. Oh, yeah. Here's some kale chips. Okay. To the register, $210. She's like, awesome. I'm like, well, that could have lasted you all this fucking time, right? Girl Math, that's Girl Math. Here's the Girl Math as it pertains to Israel.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Okay. Where this is going? Girl, girl, girl, girl, dammit, girl getting kidnapped. Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit. Pleasemit dammit dammit dammit. Please hold official. Oh yeah official account, official account of the White House National Security Council spokesman
Starting point is 00:18:55 is what she says. National White House National Security spokesman because Biden gave Iran $6 billion. You remember that? Gave Iran $6 billion. That's what I'm not giving these assholes $6 billion no way. Biden says wow, these assholes $6 billion. No way. Biden says, wow, gotta give him $6 billion.
Starting point is 00:19:07 It's not a man. I want him to like us. Yeah. There's $6 billion. So how much taros do you think you can buy with $6 billion? You can probably hit like probably 10,000 paragliders. Yeah. That's way too paragliders.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah, right. So I am about that much. Like, hey, we got a bunch of Biden bucks. How much terrorism can we get for that? Like, well, how much Biden bucks did you got? Right. Six billion. All right, that's how much, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:36 that's how much the terrorism caused. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how it coincidences. This just happens. She says, I can't comment. This is she, of course, government. I don't know why so many women commenting or shit from our government.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I can't comment on 2024 because of the Hatch Act. Oh, okay, there's rules, why? But I can clarify the facts. Not a single cent from these funds has been spent. And when it is spent, it can only be spent on things like food and medicine for the Iranian people. These funds have absolutely nothing to do with the horrific attacks today,
Starting point is 00:20:08 and that's not the time to spread disinformation. So the six billion that they got don't have only interest in food or something, or like what do they do with the food money then? They're saving that for a rainy day. Oh, we got, we're not, hey, you can't spend that six billion on terrorists. We got to save that for when we need food.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Did he literally give them like Biden box where it's like, he gave them fucking pallets of cash. Yeah, goddamn. Say like a hundred dollar bills. Yeah. Well, maybe it's not missing from our account yet. That's how she knows it's not spent. Look, money guys, you're acting crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:39 The money hasn't been spent. Okay, well, I'm sure the terrorists in fucking heaven are, we're real concerned about their checks cashing. You ignoramus. I'm sure they don't work on some kind of complex IOU system since they're so free with murdering people. Sure, debt is a big issue for them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Probably not a lot of debt beats in that world. They said you're gonna give me $6 billion for killing all those people. Where is it? Yeah, they, see they would buy the t-shirt. They don't care. What t-shirt? The Greenland t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Oh, yeah. Yeah, come on, guys. Uncle Sam would hate it if you bought a little merch at the Dix show. Definitely. I hate the US government too. You guys got to chill out. You can't be, I know you want to break those girls,
Starting point is 00:21:24 but you can't be kidnapping, festival festival girls and ramping them. Yeah. That's how you get nuked. You got to go only at the government people. Yeah. I tried to explain this to Samma bin Laden. Yeah. Yeah. Once again, I find myself having to explain to you guys the marketing angle of your terrorism is really important. Yeah. You have to get it out there. We just hate the government. Well, they didn't grow up with the same kind of marketing that we did, maybe. So they've been for granted. They've been taking it.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah. Yeah. You could definitely advise them. The sexual. We need a cultural exchange. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I know you've been consistent on this. So you could definitely, you could definitely get billion dollars, guys. You don't need to, I know you've been consistent on this. So you could definitely, you could definitely get billion dollars guys. You don't need to rape anybody. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Put a best for you. Now we communicate here. Yeah, but what about the raping? Oh, it's now on the raping. We basically put women above God and football. You guys are making this. What do you mean? You mean women more important than God and football?
Starting point is 00:22:33 It's crazy. I know, but you gotta get it. If you see anybody doing rapes, fucking shoot them. You'll be a hero. You're making this very difficult for me to help you. Yeah, help me help you, okay? Thomas said that Ukraine sold them the weapons difficult for me to help you. Yeah, help me help you. Okay. Yeah. Um, Hamas said that Ukraine sold them the weapons they used in the attack. Sure. Yeah. Exactly what I would have done. Good good job. Yeah. Yeah. Good job. Jamal. Uh-huh. Great move.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And Jamal was like, I knew that one wouldn't be good. That was a new that would be good. I've been watching. But we did not get them. Showed them. Shut up. You fucking shut up. Yeah. Somehow it's Ukraine's fault. You don't hear something else. I learned about it.
Starting point is 00:23:17 There's something else I learned about it. There's some stats for you. I guess stats for you. Okay, good. How many Americans you think on guns? You know, I really don't know. Take a guess.'s for you. Okay, good. How many Americans you think owned guns? You know, I really don't know. Take a guess. Take a guess.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I'll give you a hint. Per capita America, biggest in the world. Highest. Highest per capita gun ownership rate. Okay, yeah, makes sense. But how many, what percentage of America do you think has a gun? What percentage?
Starting point is 00:23:43 I'm trying to think of people. So kids aren't owning them necessarily. What percentage? Stanton, oh fuck, I don't, take a stab in the dark. Who own guns? Yeah. We've got three hundred and three hundred and three hundred
Starting point is 00:23:58 and three hundred and three hundred and three hundred and eighty million people. Yeah, this is, I know this is gonna be embarrassingly wrong on It doesn't matter. I don't know, nobody knows. You know, I don't know. Do do. Do you want to, you know, or something on the gun? 60 million people. 60 million. I don't know. That's three. What percentage is that? 300 million? You're saying 20% of America is that? Oh, it's less than that. Isn't it? If you meet 10 people, how many of them, how, if they're all
Starting point is 00:24:23 America, if you meet 10 people in America, how many of them, if they're all aware, if you meet 10 people in America, how many of them own a gun, you think? Well, maybe it's only, yeah, maybe it's only, I don't know, maybe it's, maybe it's 30%. 30%? Oh no, that means, I don't know. I'm gonna go from originally. You're exactly right, that's 30%.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Really? 30% of America owns a gun. 40, like 45% of America households own a gun. Terrace comes L.A. starts knocking on doors. Knock, knock, knock, how you doing? You're dead, come with us. Knock, knock, knock, blammo, head blown off. Russian roulette with worse odds.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah. Israel. Always involved in bullshit, always getting rocket attacked. Right? Guess how many, what percentage of Israel owns a gun? Mandatory military service. Yeah, right? Guess how many, what percentage of Israel owns a gun? Mandatory military service. Yeah, right. Safe is gotta be the safest country in the world, right?
Starting point is 00:25:12 What percentage of Israel owns a gun, you're getting raped by a bunch of parachute guys, is it, maybe it's time to rethink the gun control policy? Well, yeah, is it, it's got to be much more, it's got to be possible to get a gun there. That's what I mean. Yeah. And there you, I think a lot more people would have to do. After them for saying, hey, we need some guns. They're all people saying, we can't have guns going dangerous.
Starting point is 00:25:40 You can fucking drag down on the street dude. Yeah. Time to gun up. Yeah. Time to gun up. America has 120 guns for every 100 civilian. We got a fucking gun, these numbers are baby. $150 billion should all gun into fucking guns. Kids should be packing. Hey, I'm here to fuck up the festival.
Starting point is 00:26:30 We need to send them more rockets. No, not really. It's not gonna help. What are you gonna do? Shoot down paragliders? No. Mm. Shoot down as paragliders.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Why, they haven't done anything yet. Wow. They're gonna actually. Here they come. That's a good point. There they come. Fucking dumbest shoot in the world. We've had the solution the whole time, Sean.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Can you believe it? Oh. Ha ha ha ha. Let's see what else we got here. My girlfriend sent a video of me to the news, the local news. There's coyotes in the front yard. Yeah. Did you see the video? No.'s coyotes in the front yard. Yeah. Did you see the video?
Starting point is 00:27:06 No. I don't know if you know that. I walked outside and I tripped over a box to see the coyotes. Cause Maddie was barking at them and the coyotes were like running at her. They were playing through the fence. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:27:19 Oh right. Yeah. Yeah. So I went outside to shoot them away. Yeah. I tripped over a box. She down. She just laughed. What? The coyotes just laughed. Yeah, they fell over my head.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Oh, you. So she sends it to the news. She's like, I'm going to send a view tripping over a box. She said, I'm sending that coyote footage to the news because they always play that stuff. Yeah, yeah. Okay, cool. She's like, look, check it out. And that shows me the email. Said local coyotes terrorize neighborhood dog. Also, man trips over a box. I was like, Oh, it's fucking coyotes. He's setting a box. He's out by. That's good. Thanks a lot for that. Right. You go chew on some more teeth that you're, she gets enough. You give her enough shit on this show. She took a win where she could get it. We talked to this girl who hooked up with Trump last night.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Not last night. She hooked up with him, but she had hooked up with him before. And she said his move was, it was this back and forth. That dance he did on. They were making out of stuff and he's doing this dance this and his line was His line was I'll I would I'll rock your I'll rock your world all night or something like that
Starting point is 00:28:36 That was line she goes well. I got a I got to go they were making out and stuff 100% true right? Uh, she said it was hilarious, awesome, right? And he says, he says to her, she goes, I gotta go, I gotta a thing in the morning. I gotta get a thing in the morning. I gotta catch a flight in the morning and he goes, no, stay with me, I'll get you a private jet.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Yeah, she's like, no, I still gotta go. I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you what. That's exactly what I would have done. Awesome. And he's opener to her. her, she was dancing in some show. Yeah, I don't remember the name of the performance it was. It was a concert.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Yeah, and his opener was, there was too many black people in the show. Oh, it's like, okay, well, hmm, all right. It worked, so the line worked worked so she's a total racist. I guess. God damn, man. Oh wow, Trump. Yeah, but this is his move.
Starting point is 00:29:32 He's going for it. I'm big. Dancing on her. He's playing to his strengths, I guess. Yeah, he's got that move down and he's so big. You can't be getting wild flinging your arms around. No, no, it's small. Yeah, you know?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yeah. Small government, small get small. Yeah, you know? Yeah. Small government, small dance moves. Small dance moves. Ah! I think I got all the Israel, so I called my friends who live in Israel. Oh, that's right. Yeah, you're right, all right.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Which is not happening to you, but, you know. You know. How you have no control over any of it, neither do I. Israel's gonna just come in and wipe out the gods of stride. Well, that'll be the end of it. Yeah, I mean, just do a shitload more war crimes. And everyone will go, oh man. And they'll make a movie about it
Starting point is 00:30:14 and give themselves a fucking Oscar. That's for the war. That's for the war. That's for the war. The shinlar ring. I'm gonna come in with the fucking bulldozing. The reckoning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:24 The shinlar ring. Fucking bulldozing schools and shit. I didn'tdozer. The reckoning. Yeah. This is just him wearing. Fucking bulldozing schools and shit. I didn't have anything to do with this. Yeah. There's two million people here, man. That was like 40 guys. I do hate gay people. No, ah!
Starting point is 00:30:35 Oh, God. All right. These motherfuckers, let me see some of these fucking idiots. It's just crazy. It's crazy what types of genocides are allowed online these days. Here's a cookie fellow. Are there people who live in Israel
Starting point is 00:30:53 that never think about, I mean, like Israel's a very small place, but the Gaza Strip is a lot smaller. Correct. About two million people, I think. Two million people. I think it's serious on a size. Yeah, yeah. Two million people. About Phoenix, Arizona size. Yeah. Open air prison.
Starting point is 00:31:06 What are, is it always right at kind of the border over the like disputed territory? Like are some Israelis just kicking it like we are and like and they never, well, they all are except you'll randomly get hit with a fucking rocket. Yeah. Listeners in Israel. It's a fucking pain in the ass for them. Oh, I'm sure. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I mean, you got to have a picture of a bunch of security and bullshit because they won't let you guys carry fucking guns. I mean, it's flash and really it's funny because what mandatory military service, right? So they probably they're probably better trained than any country on earth on how to handle a weapon. They're all smart. I mean, they're it's just better than the US in every way. Yeah. You know, they still come over and the US has shitloads of guns and no problems except in the inner city. They come, they come over and train with the LA Sheriff's Department. They've been doing it for years. Yeah. I don't know, but you know, obviously not, they trade them sound like beating up black people. Not all of them, but they, because I know
Starting point is 00:32:02 somebody who was, I knew they did it in the past, and then I, I know somebody who just, just went through the academy, and I said, yeah, they, he goes, no, they still do. Huh, they still do, yeah, I didn't know that. I mean, they're a, sheriff's deputy patient. And so there, because they're getting fucking rocket attack.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And like, there's, yeah. A lot thirsty, like, savage murderers that are coming in and stealing women. Well, you guys have women's dealers over here? Jesus Christ. Look, I guys don't and stealing women. Well, you guys have women's dealers over here? Jesus Christ. Look, our guys don't even do that. They, our guys will, our guys will fucking spare the women. Did you see that guy that got attacked?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Oh, we gotta play, we gotta do a play by play of this hood whisperer. Okay, what do you say? I was gonna say they, there's been violence before they were born. There's violence now. They'll be violence after they're dead. Like they're just brought up with like,
Starting point is 00:32:48 hey, this is like a thing that happens. Like it's a thing that happens like you guys took our land. We fucking hate you. As soon as you can hear, you know, as soon as you're old enough to understand something, it's like, okay, when you hear this fucking siren, right? Or like maybe somebody's gonna waltz into a Starbucks
Starting point is 00:33:03 and you're like a, like Indian, the shit we did to Indians is like, well, if they weren't in, if they were Palestinians instead, we'd have, we'd be having a lot of rocket tax, not just casinos. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Wow. You guys took the landfaring square, but they're pissed. Uh, what the fuck was I going to load up? Oh, yeah. Got a stabbing stabbing. The big whisperer. Hood whisperer part two. Although this is kind of old news,
Starting point is 00:33:28 it's not as exciting anymore. Gotta feel like I'm asleep. I don't even know if I'm making sense. You are. No, what's going on? JF's calling in in 15 minutes. D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D calling it in 15 minutes. Dada, do, do, do, do, do. This is kind of known for something else besides J.F.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Oh yeah, allegedly. Yeah, he's like a geneticist. He called in during when COVID just started and talked about like the virology of it. Oh really? He's smart guy. Yeah. His wife just disappeared.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Wow. Well, I mean, I'll talk about it when he's on. Okay. It's pretty wild. People think I'll talk about it when he's on. Okay. It's pretty wild. People think he, people are saying that he killed her, but we'll talk about it later. Here is, this is an Antifa journalist here on the left. See this guy sitting here.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Okay. And this fat woman here is his girlfriend. Okay. Now you got, this is 4 a.m. in New York for the morning. Hey, he's been identified as an antifa journalist. Oh, yeah, big time. Like defund the police. She's like all cops are bastards. Yeah, et cetera. He's black man with a hood. Yeah, 18 year old. Walk him by. Okay. Right. Now you see, for some reason, Sean,
Starting point is 00:34:45 this antifa couple gets up and follows him. You see that, is that it? Is that something you would do if you were not suicidal? Follow a black guy, a four in the morning, and a ghetto spray paint everywhere. They're like both, they just both like stood up. Yeah, now like, it looks like he's, it looks like he's gonna cross the street, right?
Starting point is 00:35:06 Oh, he dies in this video, by the way. Oh, I can't see, forgot. I kind of figured. And the circumstances of it, now it looks like he's trying to cross the street to get away, but she for some reason, obviously, she's colorblind. Oh, cause he's breaking into a car. Well, he's just breaking things in general.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah. Perhaps he's celebrating a promotion. Sure. You know, maybe he just had a good catch with his dad and he's deciding to take out some of that enthusiasm on these trash cans in the car. They don't even hesitate while continuing to walk toward him. Right. Hey, sir, could you keep down up there?
Starting point is 00:35:45 Try, I'm trying to walk past you uncomfortably close in your personal space, weird. In a tight corridor. Yeah. So here we go. Now there's a confrontation. Now there's there about 20 feet away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Right? There's something just like them. What's the, he said, I'll kill you right now. The black guy. He's nuts, right? Like, I mean, he's, he's being threatened. His physical space is being threatened, you know? You have to react accordingly.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Yeah, I don't know why you, yeah. Why are they even, why are they even there? They were had some anti-police benefit, I think, open borders. Where is everybody else? They're just sitting on a bench? This is weird. Well, they were out, like New York doesn't close until like four cars and stuff. So they were out at a thing.
Starting point is 00:36:34 And then they were just sitting on a bench having a fight, I guess. Oh, I'll kill you. He says, I'll kill you and the man, the white antifa man decides to stand there and stare at him. Not the kind of thing you want to do, stare at someone in their eyes or any creature, stare into their eyes when they're feeling threatened. Potentially a challenge. Now he tells him to chill, screaming at him, and he decides the death move that we have
Starting point is 00:37:09 seen in these hoodwisp ring. He decides to place his hand on the man's clavicle. Yeah, clavicus. I got it. Right. That is it. This right now, if this were me, I would be somewhere over in this area. Yeah, 500 feet this way.
Starting point is 00:37:25 I would have probably just stopped looking behind me. Like, why did they get up to follow him? Like, did he say something as he walked by? Coincidence. Coincidence. Really? Yeah. They just didn't even notice him.
Starting point is 00:37:37 They didn't even notice the urban blight. Yeah. I get the... There you go. Now he takes his... Black guy takes his swing out. Now he's quick. Now he's squared off now. It's a fight
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah, right uh-huh either you either kill him or not you knock him out He's got he's got to go down on your dead, right? Yeah, he's getting knocked out in this right now that you're squared off He gives him a little Little sissy slap it was the it was the put the the pong jab, you know, that's supposed to hide the two. That's the one, too. But it's like, you know, like, wow. It's not a real, it's like sometimes, sometimes, sometimes the jab is up there to hide the right hand.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Right, right. Like, hey, you don't see it. Now, yeah, yeah. That will work. Probably what a fucking word. Yeah, he's left handed, I think, but he's, yeah. He's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, fucking work. He's left handed, I think, but he's, yeah. That technique, he's South Pa. He squared off like one watch.
Starting point is 00:38:29 You're right. Yeah. I guess I'm, I guess I'm, I guess foot outside of his so you don't get hit by the straight. Yeah. That you stay away from the power from that boxing and baseball. I think lefties have a big advantage and maybe doubles tennis. I don't know. Okay. So he employs the the sissy slab.
Starting point is 00:38:58 And then and then we're all fucking. He ran right into the fucking bench and then he finally decides to run and he's like Goes into the bus bench. That's the mark Sanchez butt bumble. Oh Here we go. All right I gotta get out of here screw this That is fucking now what makes it That's cartoon shit right there. I put sound effects to it. I put the Dick Van Dyke show.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What makes it so funny is that the homeless architecture that exists on these benches, you can see it real close. Yeah, what is, so these things that they put on benches so homeless people can't like that. These loop, yeah, yeah, yeah. Which I fucking hate.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah, sure. Like, it has made it impossible to sleep on a bench. So they can't lay down like these loop, yeah, yeah, which I fucking hate. Yeah, sure. Like it has made it impossible to sleep on a bench. And I know you want to even fucking sit like they cover subway stations in LA. They've covered every surface with these little stone things. So you cannot sit anywhere. So you just either have to sit on the fucking floor or stand there waiting 30 minutes for your subway. Like it makes everybody so on edge and here to come. I'm sure your own property, that's fine. But a bus man, fuck you, take this shit out of here.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yeah. Cause you're penalizing everyone. Yeah. Really, I mean, you know, you're not stopping stabbing either, clearly. But the funniest part is, is I think he would have survived if it wasn't for the homeless defensive architecture. Why is that? Because when he hits, watch this. When he hits, he hits his face right into, right into the metal shoulder, armrest and his stomach into the other one. It's like being, you hit your entire body for his, and your stomach and your temple at the other one. It's like being, you get what you're in your entire body for is
Starting point is 00:40:46 and your stomach and your temple. At the same time. At the same time. And then this poor kid takes a wild swipe at him, right there, he's dead. He cut into his neck, he's fucking gone. Oh no shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Right there, right? Dead, dead, dead. Oh. Oh. Yeah. So. Right there right dead dead dead uh Yeah, so Are you okay? He's dead honey. Yeah Well, you know stop voting for the shit. I don't Yeah. Well, you know, stop voting for this shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:27 I'm not the one to vote for it. I don't know why you're in that, even in that area. If somebody, if I see somebody who's just randomly smashing shit or whatever, I don't even see it. No, no, fucking, none of my fucking business. Because because that's fucking crazy. Me and Keanu law, we live in LA. How many times you've just been in a random McDonald's
Starting point is 00:41:48 and then just heard screaming at the top of fucking time? Happens all the fucking time. Happens all the time. You go, yeah, you know, don't engage that. You're not even there. You're not even there. Chill. Hey, chill, homie.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah. Hey man. Hey bro, let's talk it out. Talk it out, man. What, what are you? How do I have to rough times with my dad too? Talk it out, right? I've never had the drug addiction that you do,
Starting point is 00:42:12 but you know, looking at my ear, experiencing a mental health crisis. Yeah, yeah. Have you thought of therapy? Yeah, yeah. Better help. You can give him a call, have a nice chat. Yeah, with a guy, with a professional.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Yeah, maybe he gets you on some ass. This is a little more urgent. And because it's more urgent, it's not your job at all. Then she then is random black woman appears and the lady tells her to go watch the murderer. Yeah, go. Yeah. Why person tells you to do some? Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:42:44 That's my message to all my brothers and sisters out there. It's going to be good for them and bad for you. That's for you. They're using you. It's the government and the law thing, you know, that's important. They would do it. Yeah. If it was a good thing, they'd be doing it.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Yeah. Actually, they wouldn't let you do it. They would say, get out of here. Go away. That probably was like, Hey, go watch him. You speak his language. Yeah. You speak jive, right? Right, go watch him. You speak his language. Yeah. You speak jive, right?
Starting point is 00:43:06 Go watch that. I speak flu. That jive has turkey that just murdered my husband, boyfriend, whatever. Oh my God. What a fucking. It's been a funny week, man. I know what to say. Eric July, mumble fucking his way through charity fraud, mon, Nicarquitos show.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Good time. through charity fraud, Mon, Nick Rikita's show. Ah. Ah. Good. Ah. Well, yeah, I was gonna bring up some of these people talking about nookin, Kaza. Yeah. Oh, that's, it's called for nooks. Well, anytime Israel gets attacked, all like the American Jews are in the WWF all of sudden. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:43 We're gonna come on in. We're bringing the real rockets. We're bringing the, we're bringing the pain. When you guys, we guys shut the fuck up. I don't. Well, it's fine. You go, pal. I think your MOTSA head on over there.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Grab a rifle. It happens to get out on more than just the internet. It's like distance always creates boldness, right? Yeah, if I was, yeah, it's like, yeah, but your thousands of miles away, how convenient for you. Yeah, oh, yeah, if you're gonna glass it, you're gonna glass two million people.
Starting point is 00:44:18 You're gonna kill two million people. Okay, and that's what, cool, right? Yeah, or cool speech. Yeah, just, Yeah. And that's what, cool. Right. Yeah. Or cool little speech. Yeah. Just, well, you know, and let me guess, Kanye, what he did was evil, right? Kanye saying that, uh, Jews run whatever that, that was hate speech, right? But you're gonna glass fucking two million people who have nothing to do with the, okay, bro.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe if they had a couple giant towers, you could knock those over, right? Is that on the menu? Maybe, yeah, let them build for a while. Yeah, they don't make, you know, build them some cool stuff. Then you make a skin knock it over. Joel Pollock editor, see,
Starting point is 00:44:58 senior editor at Breitbart. Yeah, I have broken the Sabbath and Jewish holiday to deliver this message. Oh, here we go. The Sabbath. Yeah, Israel should wipe out Gaza. Okay, bro. Go get right on it.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I'm sure this will age very well. Oh, yeah. Okay. We should wipe out. Okay. Allow 48 hours to evacuate women children in the elderly. So you're going to kill all the men. Right. And they're just going to stay. They're just going to stay. We're going to evacuate them too. Yeah. Is real. Yeah. Let me guess.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Whatever cities in the US still vote Republican, are they going to be evacuated there? Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. What's the most Republican voting city in LA? Oh, what do you know? Or in the US? Oh, that's what's getting all the immigrants. Wow. How that at random? I guess. Uh, destroy everything that remains. Plow it under. An exit and an exit to Israel. Oh, I don't think he understands how terrorism works. No. Yeah. I mean, that's pissing me off. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, this is the end for Hamas and Palestinian.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yeah. That'll do it. You guys fucking made Hamas. You retard. You know that? That'll definitely do it. Well, but I'm not getting sick of the PLO, the Palestinian Liberation Order. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're getting real sick of those guys. You know, they said Israel fucking brainy acts smarter that they're smarter than Americans, but not much. They said, you know, we should do, we should give much of money to all the little,
Starting point is 00:46:32 little terrorist organizations that are not as big as PLO and then they'll all fight each other. Yeah, you'd develop them. Right, sure. So they give it a money. Maybe they learned it from, you know, guy by the name of Donald Rumsfeld who was doing that with Guy by the name of Somid bin Laden. It's fun these guys, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yeah, oh yeah. Should I do it by the hand of the feeds him? Yeah, I'm stupid. Yeah, let's just give, let's build all these guys up, then they'll all fight each other. So then they built them all up and they said, you know what, we're combined now. Now we're Hamas.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Yeah, he said, oh shit. What do you mean? What happened to fight each other? We don't wanna fight each other at all. We hate you. Yeah. Oh, God damn it. Why didn't we think of that?
Starting point is 00:47:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. Yep. Ah. Fuck. I gave you all this shit. I taught you how to use it. I gave you all this shit.
Starting point is 00:47:19 You turn around. What are you doing? Come on. You can protect yourself or, you know, don't turn around and stab me. You want us to kill each other. Yeah. Don't you hate other Muslims?
Starting point is 00:47:27 This is not according to plan. Well, why did I give all that money? I don't know. Why did you? Kiwi Chris is on a rampage. Oh, is he really? Yeah, he's really nailing it. What's he doing?
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah. Yeah. Let me find. Maddox was in a date rape sketch. Oh, some guys took over a non-binary programming job fair, non-binary only job fair. They took it over. Men took it over. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Well, I mean, a bunch of non-binary people with penises took it over. Okay. It was taken over by me, Latin D's. They were there just purely for the career fair. Social media class. They were there for other bullshit at all. They were just there to get jobs. These goddamn men are messing up our non-binary career festival.
Starting point is 00:48:18 I was filmed at the Grace Hopper, the world's largest gathering of women technologists. It's women in tech. It's standing in line to meet with recruiters. This is a space for women in tech. This is one of those few limited resources that isn't for you. It's for us. Shut up. Shut up, you dumb bitch.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Let me load up this. So they registered non-binary. Oh, it's funny. It's funny. Yes, finally. Finally, you're doing it. Finally, you're learning. You're doing it. They registered non-binary. Pretty funny. It's funny. Yes, finally. Finally, you're doing it.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Finally, you're learning. Yeah, yeah. I'm trying it. Then they got chastised by the leader of the event. I can't find that one though. Okay, let me see if J. Let me see if old JF is here. Let me see if old JF is here.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Let me see if old JF is here. I've both... Duh-duh-duh. Let's see, I told them we could do Skype as well. Might be easier for a video. Mm. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do You might have to unmute himself. No. Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude you're doing. Good. How are you? I'm doing great. What an arc of my life that I don't expect. Oh, man, I envy you. I've been wanting to kill my wife for years, even before I met her. That was always a dream of mine. You bump him up.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Wimpy dream about the wedding day. I dream about the day. I'm getting away with it. Hold off in cuffs. No, I want people to know that I did it. I want women to know that I did it. Oh, yeah. Uh, so, um, do you want to, do you want to catch people up on what's happened to you? I'm sorry for laughing, but it's, it's sad, it's sad, but it's also a lot of it's, it's funny to me. Uh, it's quite funny. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:41 I've always been there. I think troubled woman and would do crazy stuff. And it always falls onto me to be responsible for what they do, because our society cannot process the ID that within the cranium of a woman, there are processes that happen, which could be called decision-making. That doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:51:03 There is no such thing. Yes, the woman is a robot. It's like a temaguchi and if the temaguchi dies, it's your fault. It cannot be from within. You, your wife left your house a long time ago. She said, I'm out. Like how long? In June, right? Yeah. Yes, June. She decided that she just needs to go wander. Like she needs to go on a long walk.
Starting point is 00:51:34 She's always been a drifter before I knew her. So she's done that all of her adult life. Most of her adult life, her own parents, her best friends didn't know where she was. She was always in a new country, always traveling, always passing from one border to the other. And suddenly this girl enters in my life and she lives a trad lifestyle with Papa JF for five years, which I think is commendable. I mean, that she was able to kind of leave her drifter lifestyle, but at the same time, I'm like, okay, I have touched an object of the universe, I have affected its state. I understand that at some point the physical universe bounces back.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And that there would be one day where she would just go back to her whole lifestyle. She decided that that day was June, so she leaves my home and I'm all good, you know? I'm just a dropper. I'm a dropper husband. Yeah, I will drop you wherever you want. And I dropped her exactly where she asked me to drop her. I mean, this is a fantasy that I've had. Can you just drop me off?
Starting point is 00:52:40 Somewhere, you got it. Let's, five years is about. Call your bluff. It's about the end of a relationship. I mean, it starts to repeat after that. Yes. They should all be ended after five years. They're mandatory.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Right. What got your human? Technically, it was a few meters away from the ocean. So she was still on land at the moment, I dropped her. And I did so in front of cameras because you know, Dick Master soon what the modern world is. If you don't have a camera, you do every single move of your life. They would suspect you have murder within whatever second you're not being filmed. So the way you're talking about it even now, it makes it sound like murder.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Like the way you're saying I dropped her off in front of a camera, she technically was on land at the time. She was very close to the ocean though. That's the last time I saw her. But you're right, you're right to do that. I listened to you on a very short interview you had last night where this girl was pretending to be Nancy Drew and she was trying to bust you on stuff.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Like, Jeff was talking about dropping his wife off near a gas station and she was trying to like bust you on stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. details that the police has already asserted as absolutely true. She was so behind the track in her questioning, but I mean, what is there to us? Expect, you know, the men have not evolved to think or to relate to reality. As it turns out, when your main life is to prepare a spaghetti sauce, it's not that dramatic. You put oregano in the spine. Yes, it's for real. This is for real. This sounds like this, this accent sounds like an amazing character to me. He's called in multiple times before. But Jeff has called in. I remember. I remember. Oh my God. Where are you? Where are you? Can you say?
Starting point is 00:54:46 Well, well, well, well, well. And you shut the fuck up for one second. No. And not try to dox me here. I mean, I have people wanting to kill me because I mean, I have multiple cycles of my marketing strategy that there are still people wanting to kill me from two years ago, from three years ago, from seven years ago. Really? I'm gonna tell you where I am. I'm in proportion of the world.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I'm in proportion of the world. Yeah, what part? Not to hemisphere. What part? Oh, okay. In this planet, because the whole rest of the planet is covered in shit. Great. So, I know a lot of your wife is into like, I've heard her speak a little bit on the subject,
Starting point is 00:55:30 but it sounds like she's a very into like music festivals and like hippie lifestyle and like not being tied to anything and being off the grid and stuff like that. Is that accurate? Exactly. Absolutely. She's been in those parties. She calls them parties.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Yeah. But there are places of degeneracy that I do not approve. Yes, I'm in those scenes. I know a lot of women in those scenes and they do this. They are trouble. Not some of them, all of them will just like kind of disappear. If they're done with a relationship, they're just out. They're going to go live on the other side. They'll go live on some compound. And just that's like they did just need like a total reset in their brains. So when you described
Starting point is 00:56:16 it, I was like, oh, yeah, I know, I know other guys. This has happened to all the exist. It's not fun. So when do when do the cops or when are you suspected of anything? Well, it was happiness for four months and no one ever taught in the family of my wife, nor me, nor her parents and closed the ones. No one, it never crossed their mind to call the police seriously, because that's just what Mama J.F. does, that's just her behavior. So they know. I understand the normie mind. I was once like you guys, like not you, Dick Master. So I was once
Starting point is 00:57:00 like the people in the audience, perhaps you are worried for your loved ones, you wouldn't be able to endure two days without them. I have been, I have been raped by life. I have been passed through amounts of suffering induced by crazy woman that have totally annihilated any form of emotion inside of me. It has blackened a dark spot on my heart. And so at this point, yes, I'm capable to endure three months of female liberty. Sorry. I'm not the old me.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Something bizarre happened. You grew up. That's a second period. A second puberty in men. They're total purge of their emotion. Like I don't see, I just, I don't think of women in terms of a woman anymore. I just think of them in terms of numbers. They're not, they're all identical. Um, I saw a clip. This was a clip getting passed around. We're like, this, we got them.
Starting point is 00:57:55 This fucker is guilty because on a stream that it was, it would have been around the time your wife left or you murdered her. Uh, you talked about hiring a cleaning crew. Yeah, it's slash murder. When the, when the leaving slash murdering took place, you talked about hiring a cleaning crew to come into your house and that they sterilized it. Okay. Perhaps I didn't hire a crew. I did clean my house because the imprint of a woman on a house is dramatic.
Starting point is 00:58:29 It is dangerous for the pillars of the house, for the stability, for the cleanliness. So I did arrange the house in my taste when my wife left me. Sorry. That doesn't make me a murderer. Right. It was just because you said sterilize. They're all like, oh, see, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but because of all the blood, I've been talking like a serial killer for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:58:52 It's my whole thing. It's like, and, and then you had, she had an electronic trace. I also heard you say that. So you were like, cause her phone, I don't know, what's her electronic trace? Um, the thing is I've been, I've been working on covering police stuff for about 10 years, seriously. And I go deep inside police questioning investigation techniques. I go deep into mass shooter type of stuff. And I have the technical language. And so when people ask me, Jeff, will you be a murder suspect? I explain to them in technical police language. And so when people ask me, Jeff, will you be a murder suspect? I explained to them in technical police language. No, there is an electronic identify available where
Starting point is 00:59:30 she has left an electronic trace far from mine. That was too artistic for most people. People have read this sentence and said, that's further evidence that he did it. An electronic identify is the the simple fact that we are so traced in our life with everything we do on the internet. I mean, personally, my life is on the internet. You can literally know exactly where I'm at, maybe 20 hours per day. And AI could tell you the next four hours while.
Starting point is 00:59:59 So that is what I meant by electronic at the buy. I knew for sure that Mamaj Jeff was safe when she left me, that she was safe for at least two days after leaving me, that she was on her way for traveling for her travel plans, and she was giving me signs that she was away from my home and alive. That makes me impossible to be a murderer.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Yeah. I've also noticed that, well, you guys, you have kids or kids or is that doxing? I read somewhere. I do not talk about this subject. You're talking about this subject. You're talking about this subject. Okay. So, the only reason I bring it up is because I've noticed that when people talk to you about
Starting point is 01:00:43 this, they say, well, there's no way a woman would do this. And then their next step is, well, there's no way a woman would do this to kids. And then, well, there's something you must have done to drive her away. Like it's like this endless, like way of like, well, you must have done something. You killed her. You killed her. You met because there's no way a woman would just leave her family, right?
Starting point is 01:01:04 And like, fucking news flash. They go women go out for cigarettes too. Yeah, yeah, I've seen it. Woman dropped their babies in a box. There are literally boxes put up across the US for a woman to practically drop their new born into it. No, there's like panels at fire station. You don't do it in a dumpster. Yeah, you
Starting point is 01:01:27 can move like a bank to check the baby and then shoves it in. Yeah, it's like a fucking male, like a pizza, like order up. Here you go. Like at a bank. Yeah, sorry, I interrupted you. No, I mean, I had a nodule problem here, but yeah, you'll tell me, you have two buttons. Either there are boxes for a woman to drop their new born or a woman never leave their babies. Both options aren't available. Decide what society wherein. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:55 And they do exist. Do you know what she, do you know if she's coming back? Do you want her to come back? I do not know if she's coming back. And as a libertarian, I have no say on, I am neutral on whatever she wants to come back or not. If she comes back, she knows exactly the conditions of life with me. It's very relaxed conditions of life. I don't have much demands. I demand monogamy, I demand fidelity, loyalty, and non-physical attacks or non-physical distractions. Those are the terms of my life. And she can come back to it at any point,
Starting point is 01:02:32 except if I have found another woman. If I'm with another woman, I cannot take her back. She's on a clock. Nice. And let me tell you, I have experience for one week, the killer's bounty, that is the week, the killers bounty. That is the phenomenon, the psychological phenomenon by which females are more attracted to you when you are suspected of the murder of your wife.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Holy shit, it is there. It exists. The killer's bounty is real. What have they, have women emailed you? There's women following love with serial killers. They have what they say. I mean, it's incredible. What have they have women emailed you? Who's women follow up with serial killers? They have what they say. I mean, it's incredible. Within a single sentence, they tell you that they're single,
Starting point is 01:03:12 that they're ready for insemination. That I mean, I used to be at insemination within the first year. And as I moved into E.C. Lab territory, I was at insemination on the first day. At this point, I've reachedsemination on the first day. At this point, I've reached Ensemination on the first sentence. Is that your goal? Life moves fast.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Siminating. This is fast as quickly as possible. It is not my goal. I'm just a family guy. I wanted a large family with a single woman, but the world didn't want to give it to me. And so I'm going to quest Avengers. And I spray and pray until I get my vengeance.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Ha, ha, ha, ha. OK, so now, so the murdering reputation is working in your favor now. Absolutely. And so I was like, OK, this is hardcore. I've already built a CV of being one of the greatest hassles in the world. That is fun.
Starting point is 01:04:05 It's jokes on the internet and Vectives, races, blah, blah, blah. But I mean, this is the next level. OJ is that just murder. You're the French OJ. I'm the French Canadian OJ. I wanted somebody to Photoshop me and you in a white Bronco before you called it. So my turn as a fit is you deal with the hands that you're given. And I've been given the hand of possible murder or I'm going to have to play it, you know.
Starting point is 01:04:31 You got to tell her you deal, you deal. I deal with the hands, the life gave me and you deal with these hands, right? See how it goes for you. Do you think he did it? Do you think he killed his wife, Sean? Hearing him talk about it. I fucking know idea. I've no idea. I've no idea. I've no idea. Did it? Do you think he killed his wife, Sean? Hearing him talk about it. I fucking no idea. I've no idea. I've no idea. I've no idea. I'm hoping he's on the level. I'm kind of hoping he did. And he gets away with it, right?
Starting point is 01:04:52 Right. Right. Which I would gladly help. Yeah. Sure. Sure. Yeah. That's there. The racism thing is funny because you've always been hit with being a huge racist because you talk about IQ flatly like racial like you. Yeah, that's illegal. But now you have definitely upgraded because now you have the murderer stigma and label. They will reinventing himself. They will never let that drop. These girls I mean, even if your wife comes back there and go, well, he's still murdered or somehow. I don't know how. Maybe that's a clown or something. They killed her emotionally. Yeah. That is exactly what they would say. So I have accepted
Starting point is 01:05:38 already that for the next 30 years of my life. I'm just a murderer in the mind of some losers. 30 years of my life, I'm just a murderer in the mind of some losers. And is your wife sitting out there? Like, does she monitor? Is Mama J.F. sitting out there monitoring this and going like, ha ha, gotcha. Like, I could do spell it. She's literally told me the last thing she told me is she's going off grid essentially. She didn't say in these words, but essentially she said, I'm disappearing without any tracing, electronic tracing of any kind. Because I knew that she had left everything electronic behind her, except her cell phone. And today's after I dropped her, she says, you're not going to be able to reach me in 24 hours from now, I'm dropping my cell phone behind.
Starting point is 01:06:20 So she is on a trip of survivalism absolutely independent from the system of grid on zero zero seven style. And that doesn't seem that far fetched to me. Like they do that. People do that. They people do do that. It's not a guy did it though. He would be like a deadbeat.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Like everybody would pile on him and say, you're a piece of shit. Like how could you abandon your family? But when a woman does it, she must have murdered her. Yeah. She must have murdered her. Nobody would. Yeah. Yeah. You must have murdered her and then went online talking about sanitizing your house and posting like a bunch of ribs that you just cooked. Right. That's clearly that's reasonable, right? Yeah. Oh yeah. That was a nice tweet that I did photographing the whole bone structure of a cow that we had slaughtered. So, um, when did you think this would happen in your life? Like when you got together with Mama J. F. was it something you saw? Because you're
Starting point is 01:07:19 a smart guy. Like this seems like a nightmare to deal with. Did you know this was in the in the cards and you just didn't care? Unfortunately, I have the brain to calculate these things. And so I know just how much these girls will hurt me, just by being chaotic and uncontrollable. But you have to have your dick in a vagina. That is just the fundamental principle of life. And the rest we're going to deal with it as it comes to us.
Starting point is 01:07:50 It's like, what's his name? The pitcher, e-spounding down, Kenny Powers, with a French accent. You have to have your dick in a vagina. Right. Sounds more sophisticated. Do you want to talk about, I don't know if any of this is true, but I always see clips of like, you going to court for getting custody of some of these women? I always see strange, like, strange legal postings of stuff you're doing to get some of these women away. And I never know what it is or who they're talking about. But is any of that interesting? Do you want to talk about any of that?
Starting point is 01:08:34 Well, I mean, the thing is people misrepresent this story so much. They say I exploit that a mentally ill girl, which is absolutely incorrect. There was an adult woman, 19-year-old. She was a big fan of my rap carrier because of a long story, but I had a rap carrier before. Really? I got a little bit of... I mean, I have my rap against Jeman, freestyle battle, has done like 200,000 views. I didn't know that. You can check up the JF rap on Drunken Peasants.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Anyway, she was a big fan of my rap song. And so she contacted me, wanted to start a family, didn't like her father. So, okay, I'm like, yeah, we talk on the phone for a couple of months, and then I say, yeah, let's live together. So we were fianceing the sense that I had promised her that, yeah, we're going to marry ourselves and I'll take care of you forever. And so we start living together for three weeks.
Starting point is 01:09:36 And our father always disagreed with her coming to my home and living with me. her coming to my home and living with me. And it was like, Jeff, you have to stop her. You don't, before she came to me, before I saw her, it told me, Jeff, you have to stop this relationship. You have no idea how ugly my daughter is. Like you've never seen her, you're only a second bus. I'm doing you a favor, look, man.
Starting point is 01:10:02 She's fucking busted. You don't want to be with her. And this absolute beauty of a female arrives at my home and 10 out of 10, absolutely like to fall on the ground where your art melts when you see her. And I was like, this little fucker. Like, do you really want to kill? He would really stick it to her. And so I'm like, okay, who owns this woman?
Starting point is 01:10:40 Her self or her father? Yeah. And I do the computation. I look at the constitution, well, it does seem that she is entitled by constitutional rights to suck my dick. And so I told her father to fuck himself. And I took her in. That really doesn't go well.
Starting point is 01:10:59 I've seen guys doing that. Ralph did that. I didn't work out well for him. I have a friend Jackson. I did it very politely. I didn't work out well for him. I have a friend, Jackson. I did it very politely. I didn't say go fuck yourself. I said, technically, she is entitled to make her decisions.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Bye-bye. So he was first read that by this. And he wanted to capture her, basically, but she was an adult woman. So what did he do? He made a ex party order, finding her to be mentally incapable of concentrating to sex in Texas while she was living with me in North Carolina. He sent a private body guard along. She's 19.
Starting point is 01:11:38 He just got a court to declare her like, like, untrue decisions for herself. Retarded in their absence. And we're talking about a woman who was studying at the university, not a retarded woman at all. In fact, a very high IQ woman. She is one of still as often as she is one of the most intelligent woman I've met. So that's why everyone says you tried to abduct a retarded woman because the guy,
Starting point is 01:12:00 because she's living with you and the dad said, she's retarded. She's retarded. She's retarded. And the court said, well, you can't possibly prove that a woman is retarded or not. So sure, yeah, she retarded. And especially nothing in our absence and especially nothing the way it was done, an exparte. But somehow the laws of Texas are just like most laws of most days. They are absolutely ridiculous on this point.
Starting point is 01:12:22 This is used for people like Britney Spears to kidnap young woman, and mostly to stop them from reproducing it essentially, because that, it's always a subject when it's a young woman, it's about her desire to have babies. And she had the desire to have babies with me. She would have had a great genetic bounty by getting a Chad billionaire of crypto like me, but too bad. So, you sent a private bodyguard to attack me at my home, kidnapped her, and bring her
Starting point is 01:12:53 against her, wouldn't take such. She was physically beating, to not be captured that way. And I was stuck in a situation where I don't have guns. I'm an immigrant in the US. I can't shoot the guy, I can't do anything. Wow. And I even complained to the police, like this is an illegal home invasion, physical assault on me. I had injuries on to me and the police didn't care about anything. Yeah, I give you a word. There was an expirity order. Well, an expirity order doesn't give
Starting point is 01:13:22 you the right to kidnap an adult. What the fuck are they saying? So anyways, I find myself, I went to Texas, drove to Texas, tried to explain to the judge that what he was doing was evil and that he should stop and that she should be free to do whatever she wants. Like the alien happening right here. J.F. driving a taxes to get the absolutely drove drove I mean it was a long drive from North Carolina to Texas. And the judge didn't want to hear anything. He just shut me down and said you don't have the right to speak here. And I was like, Hey, sir, this is a case about me.
Starting point is 01:13:57 My name is right down your order. So they just said, yeah, she's retarded. Get out of here. That's it. He wasn't swayed by your accent. The judge said you're not the family member of ours. And I was like, I'm her fiance. And he was like, well, you can't be our fiance because here's her father. And he says she doesn't have a fiance. So she wasn't even dare, even at the second hearing. I mean,
Starting point is 01:14:21 they were, they were detaining her against her will and deceiving her into thinking that there was no legal case against her. So basically, we have a bunch of violent people who have partnered with the strong arm of the state to steal a woman from us and that should be eliminated. But that's another story. Yeah, what is that? What is the deal with like these dads that are, I don't want to say protective, but they seem like overly possessive of their daughter's sexuality and reproductivity. I noticed it, like I noticed it with Ralph, the dads of his baby mamas, and I mean, I don't want to talk about the guys' private stuff for everyone, but he's just dealing
Starting point is 01:15:04 with a lot. And it's like these dads just will not fuck off. And I see it, I've seen it with other people too, like exactly what you're describing. What is the deal with that? Well, the problem is we are in an evolutionary transition. Female decision-making hasn't been a thing for seven million years. A bunch of Liberals have decided that let's act as if it was always that way and females can always do their decisions. The reality is females have always been constrained by violence, money, and all sorts of considerations
Starting point is 01:15:39 but basically be pushed into the arms of a man and basically to protect themselves either from the climate or from the lack of food. They always were pushed by circumstance or by other people. And I think we're in a species that leaves a lot of control on the parent, even in older age when the female starts being reproductive because the social network around the act of reproduction in humans matter a lot it matters about alliances it matters what are you're going to get in a retense in the in a written structure of the tribe either in a retense of power or money so it matter they let in our history that fathers controlled who they were giving their daughters to. And I think that that's why we have difficulty really stepping into the liberalism that we came to have.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Yeah. It's interesting. It's causing a lot of problems for people. Yes. Women? Well, for guys who are getting their wives yanked away from them. Sure. You know, doing them a favor.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Yeah, they're doing it. That's true. I guess then you got to start over and find a new wife. their wives yanked away from them. Sure. You're not doing them a favor. Yeah, they're doing it. That's true. You got to start over and find a new wife. Big pain in the ass. How would you, if I wanted to kill my wife, what would be a good way that I could do it? Do you think? And get away with that?
Starting point is 01:16:57 I did it. Yeah, if I did it. Very OJ. Very OJ. I'm actually, I'm surprised that the clips haven't come out yet, but I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, or have difficulties actually browsing through my whole history. But yeah, what I explained in the Brian Cobrager story, you know, you remember Brian Cobrager this guy was a criminologist, you don't went into a fraternity kind of house of college student and killed the ladies that were in there and there was one man also.
Starting point is 01:17:41 And he seemed to think he could get away with it. Yeah. And this seemed to think he could get away with it. Yeah. And this idiot turned his cell phone after starting to drive toward the home. Like he drove 10 minutes toward the home he was going to commit a murder, then turned off his cell phone, halfway on the road.
Starting point is 01:17:59 That is the first stupid thing. I mean, you just leave yourself on the phone. And then it, right, that's probably a good idea. No, what I explained in this show is that modern murder cannot be executed if you don't have a full electronic alibi. This means it's not enough to leave your cell phone at home. They will detect this. You would need, if you wanted to escape the police, you would need a simulation of your end clicking on the phone. So you need a little robot that makes these movements as you would do them. Or you need some. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Macro recorder. So you have an electronic alibi. Okay. That is the modern standard. What if I send my phone like on an Uber and I put it in the Uber and then send it away somewhere else? Like opposite direction. It's very easy to know that the difference between a human who carries a phone and he's going to click on all sorts of things that's going to generate socket connections to Gmail to maps. And just a cell phone hanging like this is not enough. Okay, so I could like record me doing my phone for a whole day and then set up some kind of a thing
Starting point is 01:19:08 on the phone to replicate that while I'm out doing the murders. What if they find a software on the phone doing that? And then I would take my girlfriend's phone and set it somewhere and like have it do, I would have to put some kind of long-term charger on it right and send it out so it's always active in p charger on it, right? And send it out. So it's always active in pinging away from the marketing area. The second principle of good murder is absolutely expressed in Dexter.
Starting point is 01:19:35 If there is no crime scene, it is so much harder. And so there needs to be a complete elimination of even the ID that a murder has happened. How'd you do that? Dexter was doing it. Well, Dexter was doing it with rap plastics and he was throwing it all in the bottom of the ocean. Okay. But there needs to be no spot where the bodies are found. Yeah. That'd be tough. I guess. I mean, you do it over a swimming pool or something. I don't want to do all that plastic stuff. That's basically like decorating for Halloween. And that's probably why I'm going to kill her.
Starting point is 01:20:12 It's for forcing me to decorate for Halloween. So that looks good when you're at Home Depot and it's right there and you grab this cylinder. But when you unfold it, it gets in your running shoes and it's really impractical. That's a good tip. Well, what's next for you? Now that you... How do you top this?
Starting point is 01:20:34 How do you top this one? Yeah, are you going to fund Hezbollah or something? Are you going to join Hamas? Well, actually, I am a major suspect on the internet right now for the attacks by the Palestinian Amaz against Israel. Nepal have developed a conspiracy theory that I launched the attacks in Israel to escape the media attention for my suspicious murder. Yeah, I believe that.
Starting point is 01:21:03 You were heating up. I was in a big fight with Null and then Palestine attacked Israel. I'm like, oh, well all this is done. Yeah. We gotta start over. When Israel's done wiping out Gaza, we gotta restart all these beefs again
Starting point is 01:21:18 and get people interested again. I hope that Mama J.F. comes back. I hope she finds what she's looking for. I'm so confident that she's alive. She's been doing it before. And even if something happened in accident, I don't know. She gets attacked by a bear. Ultimately, Mama J.F. has taken risks in her life.
Starting point is 01:21:40 She got lucky for most of her life. I expect her to still be lucky. But I know that whether she's dead or alive, she's free. Are you saying that you code her honey? Before you dropped her off and then she was attacked, might have been attacked by the poo. That is another strategy. You know, the best murderers are those you don't have to come in. That's yeah. I love that everyone's like freaking out on the like, Jeff, you have to come in. That's, yeah. I love that everyone's doing it, but everyone's like freaking out on them, like, Jeff, you have to stop talking.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Stop talking, you're incriminating yourself. You're incriminating yourself. Don't you know what you're doing? It's like, guys, what do you talk? This is not how police work is done. Like, does it worry you at all that you'll get got for like being innocent? Like innocent guys do go to prison. Does that worry you at all that you'll get got for like being innocent? Like innocent guys do go to prison.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Does that worry at all? No, the reason I'm allowing myself some comedy is that I know first that my adabytes are super solid. And I've seen the work of the buddies, man, they've update on me every day on this. And they were knocking at my door every day also. And I've seen their work. It's absolutely top of the world type of tracking and work. So I know that these guys know exactly what I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:22:51 They know what kind of guy I am. They actually, they looked me up. They Googled me and they were like, oh yeah, we Googled you. And so they know exactly what's happening. And they are very good at what they do. That's exactly what I was going to say. What he just said, he's talking like a guy who knows that there's no way he could have done it.
Starting point is 01:23:12 The people who are important know that he didn't do it. So he's fucking around. Yeah. Yeah. You got just a clip of him talking to this girl last night where she's like, she's like a law student. Yeah. So she's like trying to grill her mom. What did she say? Prima Fachia. You said, and she said she didn't know
Starting point is 01:23:29 what that mean. And then you called her stupid and she was so funny. And she was so funny. No food in my fridge because I made a little joke in my previous. Well, women hate that. Women hate it. Not having rotting food in the fridge. That'll really piss them off. That's the first time in my life. My wife has disappeared, so I have the peace of mind of controlling my fridge for the first time in my adult life. And this fucking bitch of the internet decides that she has an opinion on my fridge. Are you going to leave us alone
Starting point is 01:23:57 one day? I mean, I'm starting to believe the MG towels were right. Yeah, that we should just go do our unthing. And big towels and then going there in a way. Yeah, you just don't watch a female YouTube channels. So you're totally with Draft from the system. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Um, well, she comes back. I hope you didn't kill her. You know, I don't know. Uh, I'm sure that she's alive. And I'm sure that she's happy and free. I know what you're going through would be stressful. Like a woman someone you love leaving. He sounds relaxed.
Starting point is 01:24:31 It is stressful. It is. Well, I sound relaxed, but it is stressful. But what people don't understand is I was stressed three months, four months before you guys. Everything you guys are learning in the last three days. I've known it for three or four months. So my stress has been passed. My they are grief periods that you have. Not necessarily
Starting point is 01:24:52 the grief of knowing that she's dead, but the grief of having a control over your wife, the grief of, yeah, you're going to have to keep living without knowing. I've gone through all these grief periods. You guys are like jumping on some fresh honey that you think is new, but that I had the emotions for months ago, that I couldn't talk about it publicly. Yeah. And you are kind of lucky
Starting point is 01:25:18 that you didn't like Gone Girl you or like fuck you over in some way. People talk to me about Gone Girl, but I have no idea what that is. It's a movie about what happens. The girl, the girl leaves her husband. And when she leaves, she also frames him for her murder. Like she did all this stuff secretly
Starting point is 01:25:37 to make it look like he murdered her, even though she's just off living her life. Oh yeah. I'm so scared of this in the future with genetic test. I mean, with genetic test, you could remake a DNA sample of me from just my 23 and me account, and you could spread it all over a murder scene. It's insane. So I'm so paranoid about this. I have 24-7 tracking of myself and filming on my search. There's a little to the radio, a camera above me while I sleep. Really?
Starting point is 01:26:09 Leaving nothing to chance. So I want to, I leave nothing. I want to get that, a camera. I've been threatening my girlfriend with this for a long time that I'm going to set up a camera. Yeah, so I can track who is hogging the bed. So I can put a line on the camera and hammer her with it Yes, in the morning. But then I put a line on the camera. Yep. And hammer her with it. Yes. In the morning.
Starting point is 01:26:26 But then I'm worried I'll see ghosts. That's another evolution. What kind of hammer do you use? A hammer? To kill her? Metaphorically, I'm going to hammer her. Okay. Okay. A ball. It's like hammer for her. Shotpaint. Yeah. I thought you had recommendations of types of hammer and everything, but it wasn't bit of far, sorry. Yes. You're in good spirits. It's good to talk to you, again, man.
Starting point is 01:26:55 Does anything make you a rage? Does anything, anything really piss you off? Is it the... I'm in rage. I'm in rage. Go ahead. I'm in rage from the beginning of my adult life. I've been unraged.
Starting point is 01:27:06 I've just stupidity of human beings. And I sit there. I'm. Yeah. That's a good one. It doesn't get better, unfortunately. No. You get more disappointed.
Starting point is 01:27:15 These chicks are all like, they watch, like, true crime podcasts all day. And they're like, oh, I'm gonna, here we go. I'm in the middle of it now. This motherfucker is like, no, he's actually going through a really like sad thing that happens to a lot of guys and women, if fuckers, not bear harassing him. What you described there is the humanization of the men. And it's the default mod of psychological interaction
Starting point is 01:27:38 with men in our society and it needs to stop. It's like, yeah, we have our, we have our little edgy comments. We have our little edgy comments. We have our little facet. But please understand, everyone is a human being behind. And we have all of the normal human emotions. And sometimes we're just playing with you guys because you're so stupid. You fall for everything. I'll watch you. Yeah. Yeah, I agreed. Have a good Sunday, man. Thank you for calling in. Bye, bye.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Have a good break, man. Thank you for calling in. Bye, bye. Have a good break from the internet. Oh, there he is. What a character. Fucking murderer. He obviously killed his wife. Yeah. He said he was taking a break from the internet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:18 And they're like, wow, because you killed him. You're going to go on the run. You're going to go on the lamb. Yeah. Let me killed him. You're gonna go on the run. You're gonna go on the lamb. Yeah. Let me text mine. He was talking like a guy who is very secure that he has nothing to be afraid of. Yeah, it happens so much.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Women just leave it. Yeah, I mean, I've known people that's happened to like literally just up like without a trace and then like she'll resurface it like a while later. It's like, oh, she's living with some guy in some little fucking town somewhere. It's like, oh, she's living with some guy in some little fucking town somewhere. It's like, no but an E from Forrest gun, even a Penelope cruise and blow. Come on, guys.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Yeah. It's a, we learned this stuff. Yeah. Yeah. The, to, to think that, you know, that day, you know, women don't go out for cigarettes. Like you said, is, they do kind of insane. They do exactly the same thing. Oh, man.'t go out for cigarettes. Like you said, is kind of insane. They do exactly the same thing. Oh man, I would love a cigarette.
Starting point is 01:29:08 I partied way too much last night. I had to fix it by partying today. Okay, let's read some comments. The gentleman's sausage. Given how every daylight hour of my entire adult life outside my work has been spent fixing shit if a woman ever said, quote, unpaid domestic labor. It's in my face.
Starting point is 01:29:31 I'd feel like she was putting me in a self-defense situation. That's no telling what I would do. Right? Like a woman always say like, well, there's all this unpaid domestic labor that we do, like the dishes and cleaning up. Yeah. Oh yeah, I'm gonna go,
Starting point is 01:29:47 I heard people say, you know, there's beers rolling in. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go slightly unscrew every light bulb in the house and you let me know when you have it fixed. I'll tell you that that's what I did. Right. But you just let me know when you,
Starting point is 01:29:59 you're gonna have some dark rooms. You can have some dark moments. You can have some suicide ideation. You're gonna go through a couple bags of Cheetos or tubs of ice cream for you to figure out what to do. Sure. Then you get to call your dad. He's going to yell at you. Yeah. Etchers said, Hey, Dick, did you see Riley is invading Eric July's cop? Mike, let's see this. This is, I can't believe you were gone for the Riley's. I've apparently missed fucking every, how did the, okay. How did this, so Eric July, this whole thing blew up again?
Starting point is 01:30:28 What's going on? Like, oh yeah, so Riley went to Eric July's warehouse. Right. Texas, because Eric July filed the DMCA takedown on Riley's store for his clip of verse thing. Yeah. Obvious parody. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Yeah, yeah. He's not, he's not selling any fucking merch. I get it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. He's not, he's not selling any fucking merch. I get it. Yeah. So Eric, shall I file the DMCA takedown and when you file a DMCA takedown, you have to put your address on it. Your business address. Sure.
Starting point is 01:30:56 So Eric put the address of his warehouse. So Riley drove to his warehouse and put a sticker, put $20. I don't know, sorry, $50. He sticker it to his front door. Not to the door, nobody was there. So he said ignore this motherfucker. And he gave him 50 bucks. 50 bucks, right?
Starting point is 01:31:17 So Eric July goes on a week long tantrum, saying that he's using all this black slang for murdering Riley, which I won't even repeat. Well, you know, you can ventilate him. Oh, gotcha. Yeah. If I rate him, there you go. Yeah. Yeah, you don't want to be saying that shit. Okay, man, because if Riley ends up ventilated and it wasn't him, Okay, man, because if Riley ends up ventilated and it wasn't him, but I'll am an amptus up to an 11. Yeah, you kill Riley. First of all, be hilarious. I'll give you that, but I'm afraid I have to avenge Riley. Yeah. The only way I know how I'm going to get J F. J F's going to walk me through. Yeah, right? Sure. Anyway, here's Riley. So then Eric Chalai is like begging to go on,
Starting point is 01:32:07 Eric Chalai harasses Nick Riccata to go on Nick's stream. Really? Because Eric Chalai has this whole, he's got a lot of followers and stuff because he's like, he's like the ultimate benefactor from white guilt, tokenized minority handouts.
Starting point is 01:32:27 He had an athletic scholarship to A&M, Texas A&M, white handouts. He was promoted, that's a really good athlete. I mean, tracks. Yeah, I don't know if he got a degree. Yeah, whatever. And while he was there, he threatened to do a hate crime against a LGBT promotional thing while he was there, he threatened to do a hate crime against a LGBT promotional thing
Starting point is 01:32:48 when he was there. But whatever, I don't know. Okay, whatever. And he's at the blaze, promoted at the blaze, having like basic bitch, libertarian commentary because he's black and every, like every, every Republican. Falls all over themselves. Yeah, we got, come on. Larry Elders basically from the smart guy. We got to get him.
Starting point is 01:33:10 And then he gets into comics. Also, white guys tripping over there. You got to get this fucking comic. He's, you know, looking at him. And when they talk to him, like even Nick Ruketa, when he's on their streams, they talk to him like a child. Huh. Like, oh, you just, that's, you're so good
Starting point is 01:33:25 that you've managed to do a warehouse. Good for you. Manage to do a warehouse. Yeah, wow. And it's only $35. That's amazing. And you're gonna do more. Who's saying that?
Starting point is 01:33:36 Books, all of these guys, man. Okay. I see through it, because I'm not white. I don't have that. Like, I'm like, rowdy, rowdy, rowdy, pipe it with the glasses. Yeah, they're white. That's the movie that I'm having. They white, I don't have that. Like, I'm like rowdy, rowdy, rowdy, pipe it with the glasses. Yeah, they white. That's the movie that I'm out.
Starting point is 01:33:47 They white, man. That's why they're saying that, gassing you up, dude. You know what I mean? It's like a good, it feels like a 12 minute fight. Yeah, it's like the longest fight in any movie ever. With, what is the guy?
Starting point is 01:33:58 Is it Ernie Hudson? No, was Jim Brown in it? God, was it Jim Brown? Let me see, I gotta look it up. I gots to know. They live. Routing. They live fight scene.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Was it Jim Brown, that guy? They live long fight. Was it Luke Gossett, Jr.? What? Seven minute fight scene. Brow, I think that's Luc acid. Who is that? Oh no, who is it?
Starting point is 01:34:32 Who is that? Oh no, Jim Brown was in fucking brass and Mars attacks. Oh, Mars attacks. Oh, Mars attacks. Oh, Mars attacks. Oh, Mars attacks. Ha, ha, ha. The whole movie should have been fighting. I know. The punches, the punch sounds are great. This is lying on the, on the fucking asphalt.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Well, just the whole thing is about, he makes him put on the glasses, right? The whole, the whole thing is about Jews. The movie. Got it. I don't know if you didn't know that. I, I was not aware. Uh, so who the fuck is it? He's Hamas.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Rady, Rady Piper is Hamas. Okay. And he's doing a terrorist attack on Israel. Okay. Let me see. I am DB. They live. Focaster crew.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Who is that guy? He was the dad in, um, he was the dad in there. There's something about Marty. God, it's Keith David Jesus. I know what it is. As soon as I heard, if he had said anything, or what had gone, it's Keith David. I'm just fuck with you.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Yeah, I'm just fucking with him. I was fucking with him. Her boyfriend, Wulge. Okay. Keith David's a fucking great. So then Eric's like, I was on next stream and just like fucking diary is spaghetti all over the place. Like, bobo bobo bobo bobo Nick asked him if he his charity books cost him $17 to fulfill because he charges $17 and he says no. Yeah, because. Oh.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Okay. All right. Anyway, there's Riley invading Erics. Come on, Mike. Pretty cool. Who did that? I don't know. It looks exactly like him, though, doesn't it?
Starting point is 01:36:19 Yeah, yeah, it's good. There's Riley. It's good. Eyeballing. Eye-Som. There's Riley coming out with his scissors and his- Eye-Som's truck. Yeah, he drives like's good. Eyeballing, eye-sum. There's Riley coming out with his scissors. Eye-sum's truck. Yeah, he drives like an F-150 or something, right?
Starting point is 01:36:29 Probably not. He probably drives like a Silverado. Uh, was it? I thought it was the hell. The hell? Rippie, you know, but is to leave the gates open. That almost looks like a dodge. Like the front of that.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Probably, yeah, probably a dodge. I don't know. a piece of shit. No, I'll have to go look. That's a Ford right there in the foreground though, I think. Eric Sly spends like 10 minutes trying to explain how his warehouse is a private warehouse. Yeah. Well, there's a gate, there's three driveways, two gates.
Starting point is 01:36:59 How do you get in? He drove in the driveway. Yeah, I've arrived through the open gates. What you have to see, there would be no reason for you to be in the pocket line. Hey, right through the open gate. But see, there would be no reason for you to be in the pocket lock. He made a donation. Hands with fourth. I could understand you if you would perpetuate to, right?
Starting point is 01:37:15 Right. Fucking amazing. Dad bod says, I can't stand that veto motherfucker, man. Tell Sean to come back. I was coming back. Yeah, everyone asks, acts like you're like, gone from the show.
Starting point is 01:37:31 Yeah. Like he's sick. I said he was sick. I'm going to make him not sick. I'm going to be a fagrid. And you'll be accused of murder. That, ha, ha, ha. Yeah, what do you,
Starting point is 01:37:40 tell Sean to come back. I hope he did murder her. I love, now he's got like a reputation, right? So women are all turned on, messaging him. I heard you murdered your wife. You wanna inseminate me? What a fucking character. He's so good, he's so funny.
Starting point is 01:37:57 You're saying you're using a hammer. You're going to hammer your wife for what kind of a hammer would it be? I have some thoughts. Username 14, 419, what's that? What's that, sir? See, you use a rubber mallet, you're less likely to have little shards of skull fly everywhere.
Starting point is 01:38:22 You know what I'm talking about? You're gonna absorb some of the impact. You can still do massive brain shard. How am I supposed to strangle her so I could see it? You know, I want to see in the eyes. Yeah, like a, bump up up up up there. Nurse ratchet and yeah, went and flew over the cookers nest.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Yeah. I don't want to not see it. So impersonal to hit somebody with a hammer. Yeah. Right, it's an intermediary. You've got, yeah, it's like I want to be the force. Right. Yeah. Fair enough. Oh, right. It's an intermediary. You've got it. Yeah, it's like I want to be the force. Right. Uh, Fair enough. Okay. Here's a woman saying something extremely smart. Let's see. Let's see who half of our voters are and how they think.
Starting point is 01:38:58 You might need to ride the volume on this. Okay. The old one, 87. Okay, it's a woman pointing at the gas, and she says the old one. 89, 81, with the new gas. Do you think that that's the year that the gas was from? Yeah. It's like one. With the old one. Yep, get the old one.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Get the new one. Get the new gas. 91. You know what that old shit made in 1887. That's trash. Right. Not going to have very much. It's just equating it to bottles of wine. She knows. You know, is it? I hesitate to describe, you know, no idea what that is. Direction when it comes to them and they're, I'm trying to make sense of it.
Starting point is 01:39:43 Well, Vito, did you listen to Vito's story last week where he said, he dated thought that those giant balls in front of target were magnets that stopped the shopping carts from getting stolen. What giant balls in front of target? The defensive, the thing that I got thrown into in front of Netflix, those giant concrete balls. Oh, they got this target, dude. I can't remember the last time I was in a target. It's been years. Well, she thought that there were giant magnets in front of a target. Oh, well, you know. Jacob, 87 says,
Starting point is 01:40:14 Maddox doing roofy jokes. After picking on you, Dick, can you believe that? Well, let's see. Different when he does it. Yeah, it's different. It's always different. Because when I'm joking about roofing, it's for date rape.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Well, for sex, yeah. About roofing is to stop date rape. Yeah. Totally different. I mean, I'm encouraging it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that sounds like flippant the way you say,
Starting point is 01:40:38 like that is the thing. It's true. That's how they think. Yeah, yes. Like my version is making more rape. Right. And his is fucking Somehow awareness toosterously stopping it right
Starting point is 01:40:50 Let's see what you got here bud Oh, Maddox isn't another hilarious sketch. Oh good Let's see Working on big things. He's dumping, Maddox is dumping roofies into a, this is part of like a trend of doing fake candid camera videos. Yeah, so people can wig out.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Uh huh. Maddox has dumped roofies into this girl's water, and then the girl in the back that the arrow is, is going to pretend to see it. Right. Yeah, okay. There goes the girl. Maddox is now roofing her. What is up with this song?
Starting point is 01:41:35 I don't know. And then this girl, wow, she was back real fast. Then that girl runs over and stops her from trying to move. It's the worst acting ever. Yeah, it's pretty bad. She points out the roofies and then Maddox runs away half. She should have smacked them.
Starting point is 01:42:00 Oh, there was a, oh, I see, there's a double roofie. God, the girl that ran to stop the roofieing is getting roofied herself. Double roofie, double rainbow. Good stuff. Sex buddy. Me and Vito were doing a show with tons of people, cheering, screaming and having a good time.
Starting point is 01:42:20 You're doing comedy with women. You're doing sketch comedy with women. Ooh. I would blow my fucking brains out if I was doing sketch comedy with women. And I guess that was, sorry, especially if it wasn't intended to be comedy. Me, live show with Vito, people screaming. The highlight of the evening is Vito stepping on a scale. Oh my God. It's failing to weigh in. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:42:46 What did he lose anything? He came to pound. He's at 301 now. He's back up. People screaming. What the fuck? An enthusiasm paying for it. Me, Maddox sketch comedy with women.
Starting point is 01:43:02 Oh, bad. At some point, no matter how, you know, no matter how, Let's get comedy with women. Oh, bad. At some point, no matter how painful it is, you split my fucking wrist right there. You have to think back and like kind of objectively take stock of like what you've done, the kinds of decisions that you've made. And like you can't fix any of that. stock of like what you've done, the kinds of decisions that you've made. Like you can't fix any of that.
Starting point is 01:43:28 You can just try to just not do the same things going forward. Like salvage, salvage what's left. Well, actually, he's doubling down. He's got a new video out here. Let's watch it. Did you know that most people, so he went after Justin Lang, yeah, and then a bunch of people made fond of him for it. Yeah. And now he's continuing to talk about his, uh, uh, G hot against, uh, Justin Lang. Yeah. By the way, this is why immigration should be, uh, Maddox and his Armenian fucking family were brought over by Mormons.
Starting point is 01:44:08 And whatever year that was, they paraded them around in front of the show. They just fucking animals. They just get converted because they lived in near Salt Lake or whatever. No, they got brought in. Oh, real refugees. Yeah, I'll be damned. I was not aware of that. Did you know that most people on the internet don't know what plagiarism is?
Starting point is 01:44:26 At least it seems that way because I recently called out a scummy YouTuber who's been plagiarizing content for years. The reason I did it is because he got a canceled from a speaking event. His name is Justin Wei. Is he drunk? Why does he sound like that?
Starting point is 01:44:39 I, you know, he's always sounded a little too... Look at his, the Karen of commentary. Okay. Yeah. That's the alliteration is a he did all this 3D shit just to make this dumb splash of Justin Wang. That's in there. She's eating and beating off making this graphic for his stupid YouTube short. That's what takes him.
Starting point is 01:45:01 So everything takes him forever. That's there. Go. And he's the There we go. And he's the Karen of commentary. And as expected, some of his cronies rushed to his defense, but he's not sending his best or his brightest. First up is this corny, low-rent V-tuber.
Starting point is 01:45:15 You doing research on a story and not quoting the people where you found that research from. That that's plagiarism? Yes. No, it's not! You reading stuff and summarizing it that's plagiarism? Yes. No, it's not. You reading stuff and summarizing it is not plagiarism. Reading something and learning facts and then repeating the facts is not plagiarism.
Starting point is 01:45:35 It's stupid as. Right. That's like the literal definition of plagiarism. No, it isn't. That's why people should pull that up. Pull up the literal definition. I mean, is that, where'd you learn that?
Starting point is 01:45:45 That's plagiarism, buddy. You plagiarizing websters. What do you mean, literal definition? Let's see it. Where's the citation? Tom, who made a flaccid bias that extremely disingenuous defense of the... He's got, he's got, he's got,
Starting point is 01:45:57 he's got stink lines drawn on Turkey, Tom. Oh, that's uncalled for. Keep, leave that. Maddox, a 47 year old man would drop stinking lines on a young, up and coming millionaire commentary. We don't know that Turkey. Tom stinks. Do I do know that he does not stink? He's been in here. Okay. Well, then there you go. Um, how do you get to this place in your life? By taking no responsibility for your part in anything, in anything bad that's happened to you, that's exactly how you get to this place in life.
Starting point is 01:46:35 You are not, you're always the victim. Maybe five years ago. You've never been, you've never been a party to anything that has, you've always been, something has always been done to you. That is exactly how you get to the place in line. He had, you've put in a self-defense stink line. I'm gonna get, they're gonna, they're gonna be so roasted. I'm gonna put stinking lines. I'm turkey Tom. Yeah. I mean, you can, that'll show them. Got hot ass girlfriend, shit loads of money, hugely popular. Everyone loves him. I'm gonna put these turkey tom, hold on, turkey tom stinks.
Starting point is 01:47:07 I mean, I never thought that he, that he, that he stunk, but now I'm starting to, I have questions if he stinks. Or I know his bathing habits. Yeah, yeah. Just like, I mean, there's a reason for a friend to call in, she does must have come from somewhere. Just being you made, is he stink? Oh, what's the deal? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:32 Good. Extremely disingenuous. Because I saw a very disturbing photo. I can actually see how bad he's stunk. Yeah. That's like the literal definition of plagiarism. No, it is. Then there was this guy, Perky Tom, who made a
Starting point is 01:47:47 from Dirk's highest and extremely disingenuous defense of Justin. Like with general research, if you're just looking up what happened, do you need to cite an article every single time? Yes. That's like the one rule. Wait, look at this. Look at his guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Yes. Look at this, look at his guess. Yeah. Yeah. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! No, you don't. You don't have to say it. Any, first of all, you don't have to say shit. You just make in YouTube videos.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Yeah. Ah. Oops. What happened? Here we go. That's like the one rule of plagiarism. That's what like Fox News is with the routers too. Roiders. Grouters is the original source. That's like the one rule of plagiarism. That's what like Foxy's is with the routers too. Roiders.
Starting point is 01:48:26 Routers is the original source. It's Reuters. That's the Maddox. And this is routers. He's never mispronounced anything. I can literally, scholar, linguistics scholar. Yeah, yeah, fucking retardo. Thank you, Jacob. No, Chomsky over there.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Pumpkin Pumpk says Eric is rapping about, Eric July is rapping about Jesus on SoundCloud. Oh, really? I don't know if I have that in me today. Oh, that'd be tough. Uh, young RIPPA. Hmm. I don't know if I have that in me today. That'd be tough. Young grip up. Hmm. He knows. I got a lot of drops so I gotta keep truckin' But I'm not doin' this for nothin' Jesus Christ died for me
Starting point is 01:49:26 So it's a must that I live like positive leaf And I can't just see the blesses keep on And I keep soaring, yes, my prayers And he's not ignored, he's not when I want him But I always sometimes, so I'm known I'm fine if I'm not on a flat line I'm breathing, knowing that I'm needing him I'm at my head at the auto, my knees for him
Starting point is 01:49:43 And praise, but these days, people act like they're scared too Give him the glory, the Satan is there too It years too, try to put his poison in God's children Hands on everything, he's in every building Trying to work people down, trying to get him Salvation under my feet, but I'm shaking and devil off He knows, I'm trying to go I'm trying to go
Starting point is 01:50:02 And truth be told, he knows, he knows He knows that I slip up so He forgives me though, he forgives me And truth be told, he knows, he knows I'm knowing I'm wrong, oh I'm knowing I'm wrong Back to the matter is you deserve moat in a song You deserve an apple of compilation People hate it because they feel still upset
Starting point is 01:50:26 They take your forgiveness for granted the seed is planning But they not grown up as they were doubt you They need you People were only dedicated to police You'd better be better off than if they were to leave you It is no price tag on you Please help them all Lord I'm asking you Dedicated my life to service what I had to do
Starting point is 01:50:42 You die for me It's nothing I'd die for you You gave me the talent to rail. Okay. All right. Sounds like a good song. It's gay. That's cool though. Okay. Okay. If your god loved it. Yeah. Amazing song, man. Thanks for the song. Thanks for the rap song. And if he, you know what, if he didn't, then he might get ventilated. God, you're putting me in a self-defense situation. Yeah. With my warehouse. What if he critic?
Starting point is 01:51:12 What if he criticizes him? God. Yeah, what if God grit? I mean, God doesn't want that kind of heat. I wouldn't think so. No. God's got enough problems. Yeah, he doesn't go looking for trouble necessarily, you know?
Starting point is 01:51:24 I mean, you think God and Riley are on the same side? God wouldn't have followed that crazy dude down the street who was best on cars. Definitely not. Peter got on the other side, he's like, yeah, you know, he's having a moment. I don't even exist, buddy. He's having a moment.
Starting point is 01:51:39 He's having a mat here. What kind of moment? Just in, he's a psyche at the mental. That's a god of you saying. He's like, oh, I don't think I was saving you. He's having a moment. Just let him work it out. Got extorted for 500 pounds. Need advice. Hey, dick.
Starting point is 01:51:55 I thought you might get a kick out of what happened. You get extorted by 500 pounds. By 500 pound woman. Yeah. I had a girl, no cans to speak of, but I like Asian women. Asian women have tits, bro. Yeah. I had a girl, no cans to speak of, but I like Asian women. Asian women have tits, bro. Yeah. Like me on Bumble.
Starting point is 01:52:09 The dating app where the girl has to message first. She was from the Philippines. Okay. So she didn't exist. Using travel mode for the city I live in. Yeah. I'm in the UK. Okay.
Starting point is 01:52:21 Got to talk into her and she said she was visiting next month and wanted to have some fun. Then sent me her number on WhatsApp and asked to speak to me there. Okay, so it's fake. Things got hot and heavy quite quickly and she asked if I could call her because she was horny and wanted me to help. I, with trepidation, called her all the usual shit from an internet thought. Well, except for the Philippines part and the immediate fonsex.
Starting point is 01:52:51 She had nothing on and was touching herself. Oh, it was a woman. It was at this point when I thought, this is too good to be true, but I played along anyway. You think it's just like a recording? I don't know. You think it's just like a recording? I don't know. You think it's an actual girl? There's just no way.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Then she asked to see my cock. He's on video call or whatever? Yeah. I was apprehensive at first, honestly, but realistically didn't take much convincing. I'm recently single, living on my own. These are the guys to write a fucking paragraph why he showed his cock to this woman.
Starting point is 01:53:23 That's the level of anti-male prejudice that's in our society. I had to, like lay the groundwork. Yeah. Look, I know you're thinking, why did I show my penis to this woman? Well, it's because I'm recently single. Right, I'm living on my own.
Starting point is 01:53:36 Living on my own. So I don't think that I'm taking my penis out with, just willy-nilly. Yeah, I mean, come on. I have my own whole house. Yeah. I would never take my penis out if there were other people in the house.
Starting point is 01:53:48 No. I'm 24 years old, so naturally, got my cock out. I started doing my thing. Have you seen this Kevin James picture? Me and that's going around? No. That's what I was doing. Kevin.
Starting point is 01:54:02 Kevin James. Was it like a certain expression or something? Yeah. Like King of Queen shit or something? This was his head shot. Oh God, yeah. Now everyone's doing this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:12 Right? Awesome. That's international expression for comic cock out. Yeah. What are you gonna do? Yeah. I got a cock over here. It's out. Right. Maybe, maybe it's sucked. Check one and check two. Yeah. What are you gonna do? Yeah. Right. I got a cock over here.
Starting point is 01:54:25 It's out. Right. Maybe, maybe it's sucked. Check one and check two. Yeah. If something should just happen to suck it, suck it. Yeah. I wouldn't be against it.
Starting point is 01:54:34 Right. Right. Um. I was apprehensive at first, honestly, but realistically didn't take much. Oh yeah. Two minutes later. After maybe five minutes of back and forth, she said she needed to go to the bathroom and would call me back shortly.
Starting point is 01:54:55 Okay, say bitch, let me see. What do you mean? I don't believe it on. Yeah, prove it. Totally into that. Let me see that piss coming out of your re-thrub. Two minutes later, I got several screenshots of my Instagram my mom's profile My ex's profile my brother his girlfriend a people I work with and
Starting point is 01:55:15 The video of me having a wank That's what I thought was gonna happen. It's like oh, it's your fucking dick. Your dick is gonna fucking Make your wallet lighter my kill my co-workers it's your fucking dick. Your dick is gonna fucking make your wallet lighter. My co-workers can't see my dick. I'll be ruined. I'll be destroyed. They're not even sure I have a dick. I don't even know if my dick could be mysterious to them. It could be any shape or size. They can't know the particulars of my dick. I have to quit. I have to change my name. My mother, don't say my mother, my dick. Yeah. And her mind, my dick is pure and smooth,
Starting point is 01:55:47 like a vibrator with no sorts of discoloration or ridges or anything. She'll, her life's work will be to show killer self. If she has to see my dick and she'll probably look at it all night. Are you kidding? Obsessing on it. How much?
Starting point is 01:56:02 How much? How much do you need? Boy, you got off light. 500 pounds. My face is in it and my cock. Ha ha ha ha ha. So I'm fucking dead to rights, nothing.
Starting point is 01:56:19 That could be a fake. You just say, listen. Yeah, I listen. Yeah. Everybody at home, listen to me. Fake. Fake, deep fake. It's fake. That's obvious deep fake. We know that, yeah, I listen, everybody at home. Listen to me, fake. Fake, fake, it's fake. That's obvious, deep fake.
Starting point is 01:56:28 We know the picture of my face like that. You got to get your face in that picture. Take that picture of your face. Whatever you're doing to beat off, in the beat off video, take a picture of your face at that angle. Not apropos of nothing, don't actually be beating off. Just take a picture of your face at that angle. Not apropos of nothing. Don't actually be beating off. Just take a picture of your face at that angle. Okay.
Starting point is 01:56:47 Post it to Instagram. So then when they send the picture to people, you'll say, well, it's clearly a bot that got my picture off Instagram. Look, it's the same face. There you go. There you go. Problem solved.
Starting point is 01:57:01 And you keep your money. I could get away with murder so easily. Yeah. I top of my head, I with murder so easily. Yeah. I, top of my head, I came up with that. Yeah. Let's see here. I'm fucking dead to rights.
Starting point is 01:57:12 You're never dead to rights. You can always lie. Always. Even if you're caught doing something, I'm not doing this. You're having a dream. Mary and Barry. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Yeah, he was the mayor of DC. I'll ever give up. Right, it wasn't me. It wasn't me. He's like. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. He was the mayor of DC ever give up. Right. It wasn't me. It wasn't me. He's like, he's smoking superimposed me. He's smoking crack on camera in like the 90s. Right. Yeah. That technology. It wasn't me. It wasn't me. Yeah. That's another black guy. Mayor. I think that's pretty much the story. Yeah, I mean, it was, yeah. It's genius. And guess what? He got reelected.
Starting point is 01:57:49 It worked. She said, she said she'd send it to them all if I didn't send her money. I thought maybe like 20 pounds. She's in the Philippines. Now she wanted 500. Well, you shouldn't have negotiated. I give you 20.
Starting point is 01:58:07 Yeah, yeah. Obviously, I didn't send it. Blocked her WhatsApp and privateed my Instagram. It was two hours ago and I don't have a deluge of messages from colleagues. You don't have friends and family, I do not. So I'm hoping I've dodged the bullet. Yeah, because it's, I mean, it's a way bigger crime
Starting point is 01:58:24 to do that, to follow through on the extortion than it is to just extort somebody. But if she's, you know, she's what are you going to do, get her from wherever she really is? Well, it's probably like a syndicate doing it. Yeah. Well, you do that enough and it's, you'll get caught. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:44 Well, yeah. Yeah. Guys, guys do not want their dicks getting shown to their moms. That's a major, that's probably getting dicks shown to your mom, invading Israel, probably right below it. If Hamas had their dicks wiggling around, then it would be a huge problem. What is your advice for if it does get released? You got to get in front of it and send your dick to your mom before she sees it. Do I swing into it and say, yeah, that's my dick.
Starting point is 01:59:12 I'll show you now if you want to. Don't do not say that. Or try to lie and pretend it's from a hacked cloud account from ages ago. Lie, always lie. Not even me, it's not even my dick. My dick's way bigger than that. No, my dick's smaller than that.
Starting point is 01:59:26 That dick's huge, don't you agree? I wish my dick was that big. There you go. Yeah, see what you did. It's good, yeah, it's good. It's good. Go fuck yourself, Mike. I hope it works out for you, Mike.
Starting point is 01:59:37 What did we learn? You got a free beating off with a woman. It's pretty good. Yeah, I guess. You lucked out, guy lucked out. Stop adding women from the Philippines on Bumble, you good. Yeah, I guess. You looked out, guy looked out. Stop adding women from the Philippines on Bumble, you idiot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Well, man, she added him, right? And this is like, don't bumble you at each other, but she has to message you first. Got it. Well, men heard me listening to your podcast at work. Don't say my name. Hey, Dick and Sean, call me Jack. His actual name is Jack too, from the email. So I don't know why he's going through all these hoops.
Starting point is 02:00:05 I always enjoy listening to the Dick Show at work, even knowing how risky it would be if someone else heard it. That's why the show's so exciting for people. The dangerous aspect. Yeah, it's like having sex without a condom. Like, ooh, what if my headphones popped out and this, the show came on, it allowed speakers and Dick was making fun of that woman
Starting point is 02:00:24 that got raped by Palestinians. That'd be so. That could be, it's not because it's so bad. I'd have to explain why I was listening to that. Right. I just want to know what her stance on gun control was. Just Palestinians, I know you're listening. Ask her what her stance on gun control is.
Starting point is 02:00:40 Okay. Between the rapes, say, do you support gun control? Right. Record it, send it to me. Because the answer better be, if the answer's yes, I'm gonna have to feel a certain way about this situation that I don't wanna feel, but I need to know. You force me into it, force me to feel this way.
Starting point is 02:00:57 One day I was staying super late to get work done, and I forgot to pause Spotify when turning off my headphones. At that moment Dick said the line, the dyke race, One day I was staying super late to get work done, and I forgot to pause Spotify when turning off my headphones. At that moment, Dick said the line, the Dyke Race, that's what they call it, not me, when referring to a new story about a lesbian race. That is what they call it, not me.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Not the best line to be played on the speaker in my office. In a split second, I muted everything and closed my laptop. A quick glance around the room, and there she was, a coworker I've never chatted with, staring at me, not looking too pleased. Uh-huh. I think the word you're looking for is aroused. Okay, go on.
Starting point is 02:01:35 Go on. I bounced immediately and expected an HR summons the next day, but here's the twist. It's been a month and she hasn't mentioned it. Indeed, she's joined the chatter around my cubicle, often dropping quirky jokes, always followed by this smirk in my direction. Oh, she might be a listener too, dude. Could be. I have a very distinctive voice. Everyone hates it. I'm 24 and she's easily in her late 30s or 40s. So she's definitely not hitting on me.
Starting point is 02:02:05 But if that is wrong, what? That is definitely, she could very well be hitting on me. She's definitely hitting on me, bro. She is definitely, trust me, as a, as a, you can breathe in. First hand, as a guy who has a young man, older women loved. You, me, they did, they just fucking did. They still do.
Starting point is 02:02:24 They all, they're just in nursing homes. Yeah, it's the problem. That's what yeah. Yeah. But oh, yeah. No, that's I, it's the oldest woman you hooked up with in your 20s. Like in my 20s. Like like, I wonder if she, I don't know if she was 40 or late 30s. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They loved you. Yeah. late 30s. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They loved you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Total.
Starting point is 02:02:49 She definitely is. She definitely is. 24. She's easily in her late 30s or 40s. Yeah. So she's definitely not hitting on me. She's hitting on someone her own age. Obviously.
Starting point is 02:03:03 Right. Right. Right. Obviously. Right, right, right. It's like, that's stupid. She's not like, you know, worried about like being past, you know, her expiration date or something and going like, no, I could still get a kill. You can't even remember what it's like to be 20. What's she wouldn't be hitting on me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right.
Starting point is 02:03:17 Right. But is she trying to bond over this? She's trying to bond you dick, bro. Or does she think I'm the office oddball? My man. Fucker. What are you thinking? Come on.
Starting point is 02:03:30 She's not, yeah. She, he, he has it in the back of his mind that like she's just there torturing him. Yeah. Waiting to, oh, I'll drop the hammer. I'll drop the hammer. She's like a goofball. Yeah, she's gonna be like when your cock is in her.
Starting point is 02:03:43 She's gonna be hilarious. Yeah, that's, should I be expecting a call from HR soon? No, I don't think so. Relax. I don't think so. You guys gotta relax and fuck women more. I'd love to hear what you two think. Smooches for Sean.
Starting point is 02:03:55 That's what I think. That's what I think she's, I think. You don't fuck her. I'll be very disappointed. I think she's intrigued. Let her do all, you're the expert. How do you navigate this situation? Cause I'm like the kind of like, I just like push
Starting point is 02:04:09 and push and push and push and eventually they break and they fuck you. But it's probably not what it is for older women. I gotta relax a little bit. Let them tell you about smooth jazz and, you know, very man-alow, talk about friends probably. Yeah, I mean, you know, it's a show friends, the TV show friends.
Starting point is 02:04:26 Yeah, they have a lot to say. They've lived longer than you do. Slap, bracelet. You have. Or then you will. Ask about Bill Clinton, you know. Sure. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 02:04:37 Some of them, it's older women just want to fuck sometimes too. Like they just do. Then what? They just do. They sometimes too. Like they just, they just do. Mm-hmm. And then what? They just do. And you stuck. Well, they're taking you out to dinner, buying you nice pants and stuff. You fucking boned. Or sometimes, sometimes they don't care at all.
Starting point is 02:04:54 Some of them are just like, yeah, this is what I do. Is what I do. I'll see what I get rid of them. You just like lean into how young you are, wear a backwards hat and like, say like, I'm playing video games today, mom. Yeah. Well, I mean, chances are, you know, she probably, if your age differences that much,
Starting point is 02:05:08 she don't want to like take you around her friends and shit. I mean, maybe like, maybe as like a, you know, like, oh, look, look what I've got. Look what I got, but it's like, it's, you know, invite her to meet your parents. You want to get rid of her. Yeah, that's how she'll be like, oh my god. Yeah, you got it. Let's go meet my parents.
Starting point is 02:05:24 They're younger than you. You have a lot to talk about them. Yeah. Okay. I think that's it for the show. Thanks for listening, everybody. We'll do fat watch next week. Vito doesn't really like fat watch. I don't think we didn't do it. Well, after his weigh-in, Fiasco, I've... Yeah, and he was drinking, he was drinking cranberry juice cocktail to cleanse his system because he was sick. Yeah. Well, so I mean, not cranberry juice.
Starting point is 02:05:50 Yeah, cranberry juice cocktail. So there's a lot of sugar and other juices and stuff in it, right? Yeah, I mean, that's, yeah. Okay, thanks everyone. See you next Tuesday, slash the dick show. Goodbye. I'm gonna play Hardman working hard. Goodbye. I'm gonna play hard man working hard
Starting point is 02:06:46 Come on go! I got it. There you go. Head down to the ground, dust to the sky Kiss the ring, quick, I'll win, say it twice Quite the scene you've made to your feel pride Everybody's got to watch and do all lies Speak the worst, sing them loud and say I'm right Now cross the problem to apologize Take back all the lies in the fight Yeah, crank it The Grinch on line, take a woodline Down the bath so your madden will reprise Then it goes for the crowd, and the quick lies
Starting point is 02:07:02 Every sneeze you sow will reprise Next cup to a damn machine, a hairline Take it it back to the cancer if you're alright Your heart is touching! Fallen! You know your lies, the pain in the eyes, I don't believe it Feeling, I don't believe it Get down on your knees now, screaming Fallen! Tights! I don't cry, the pain in the eyes, I don't believe it Scream it, I don't believe it. On your hands and knees til the breeze blows.
Starting point is 02:07:25 Follow us. She got the way to rise, son. How about that, yeah? It's pretty bad. They were a little less than halfway. I think summer's great, you'll see What we need, your heart to escape You'll see, I'll die, I'll live I think summer's great, you'll see What we say, my heart to my name
Starting point is 02:08:12 You'll see, I'll die, I'll live Hey I Oh I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more
Starting point is 02:09:16 I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more I'm a little bit more This is the weirdest music video ever. See, she just needs a little hooker gun, don't you think? I mean, you know, couldn't hurt. No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 02:09:38 I can get you more raped. Right. Um. thing i mean you know couldn't hurt no i don't think so more right uh... all right all right all right unceremoniously cut off dick that spider in the cockpit ship with hilarious by that yesterday I was on the phone with him trying to ask him something and for five
Starting point is 02:10:09 minutes straight, he's chasing the spider around his fucking truck, looking out, yelling, how can you mother of a hundred? Like God damn dude, it's just the spider here. You can't let it live. Yeah. You got, I mean, because it knows you were after it. Yeah, it's like a crow. It knows.
Starting point is 02:10:29 Yeah, it'll, yeah, it's liable to drop down on you in a very, you know, in opportunity. Say you're, you know, say you're beating off in your car. And it, despite her drops right into your cock hole. Yeah. Five, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, seven,
Starting point is 02:10:44 six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, seven, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, seven, seven, seven, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, seven, seven, seven, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, seven, seven, seven, seven, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, six, seven, seven, seven, seven, I can't take that chance. And you have to pay $500 to get him to come out. Yeah. It's like I'll come out of your cock for $500. Well, I have to go to an ATM. You're gonna be on my cock the whole time. Sorry, buddy. I don't have Venmo. Yeah. I'm a spider.
Starting point is 02:10:55 Yeah, the Ryav. Fucking bank account over here. Any cash. Cash only. Okay. Just get it. I was watching an old, biggest problem, periscope, life-stream thing. Okay. It was a methadone clinic.
Starting point is 02:11:15 Seven of the old shiv, you and Maddix. Maddix, I realized. You looked a lot better than him. Yeah. You seem to have a lot more. Uh, uh lies and stuff. She looks dead. The dead body and pumpkin. His eyes are so silken. She's so fat and so pale. He looks like a corpse. A bloated corpse. The last few years just like killed his spirit.
Starting point is 02:12:06 I really think you were keeping him alive or something. Yeah. Like he was alive. That's why I was trying to kill it. So there is two of us. Thanks for the call. Yeah, I think he's right. I mean, I, yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:21 He did, he did look dead. Yeah. Last video where he talks about Tom, turkey time stinklines. Yeah. I can't, I can't, I just, he did look dead. Yeah, last video where he talks about turkey tom stinklines. Yeah. I can't, I just, I can't believe that turkey tom smells. Like that's what I'm madly that it can be captured on camera. Crazy. Like what kind of, you know, like it's,
Starting point is 02:12:37 you know, it's like an infrared shit, like, you know. Oh, that's how they caught it. Is that how they kept stinklines on infrared? Yeah, it could be, it could be. caught it. That's how they kept. Yeah. Stinklines and infrared. Yeah. It could be. It could be. All I know, I know what I know that he stinks. That's what I got. That's what he's got that video.
Starting point is 02:12:51 He's got a journalist with manicacable integrity. That's, yeah, he doesn't make stuff like that up. No, no, not at all. I think he's going to show the footage of him thinking. Yeah. Uh, I have a moment we've taken a little piece behind the curtain. no not at all i think she's gonna show the footage of him thinking uh... i have a moment we take a little pique behind the curtain these women just really think they've got mental period
Starting point is 02:13:14 uh... you've got to go along with them that way they feel important uh... until they're getting kidnapped by a lot of you but a significant amount of you are kind of lost without a man be your father your brother your husband or whatever uh-huh so I really have no clue where the hell this arrogant stems from well it's fun this is the way they talk about man like they've got it all figured out like there's kind of one set solution and you don't really wait in this one according to your standards But anyway, I'm sure they say I'm about us, but only one of us can be right, right?
Starting point is 02:13:55 Anyway, both wrong as it turns out I'm both retarded. There's more options Okay, let's see, lots of van life information. My favorite thing about this van life bullshit, like living in a fucking van instead of getting an apartment, is that the chemical orbit is they have this clean van with one hobby workstation and then a gaming PC setup. That's all they fucking have, whether it's they're making knives Oh, yeah, preparing bicycles that like stupid shit. They um they restart or super Nintendo or something like that
Starting point is 02:14:37 You know, I mean like it's so fucking niche Right, and then they're like oh well. I cut my cost down by doing this and that dude you can really get an apartment for like fucking I don't know a grand amount if you have nothing I'm Really comfortable to all of your fucking overhead on Repairing your fucking van dude and they always talk about like You're literally just driving around with a gaming PC. How is this the life? Are you fucking kidding me? In a mattress.
Starting point is 02:15:12 It's just like a bunch of rope. A bunch of rope. Yeah, quite this hobby. Big rope collection. It's incredible. And a fucking three volumes of knots. It's crazy. It's amazing.
Starting point is 02:15:24 Look at me. I'm reshotted. Like a best super Nintendo. You know, three volumes of knots. It's crazy. It's amazing. Look at me, I'm reshotted. Like a best super Nintendo. The best fucking eagle scout ever. Is van life still going on? I think so. I think so. I think so. I think so.
Starting point is 02:15:35 Shit. Stupid. I think so. Having an van looks like it would suck. Like what do you just lounge around? You can stand up, like some dirt, set up a lawn chair. What a fucking couch, man.
Starting point is 02:15:48 Just pull over the side of the freeway, get a lounge chair. That's your, you're on vacation whenever you step out of the van. I'm taking a shot on regarding that video of the guy that got stabbed in Crown Heights for whatever with his girlfriend. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:03 I mean, I agree with everyone that it's funny funny and everything but isn't that just like the modern male experience is distilled into a single video into a single example i guess is it this guy you know regardless of his dumbass politics he actually believed his whatever shit he was selling he was trying to live his life according to his own moral and immediately betrayed by what he thought. And his girlfriend just stands there and watches. And then she gets $50,000 for not making the guy. Yeah, so they asked her, they put the guys in a lineup and say, which one killed your
Starting point is 02:16:46 boyfriend? And she picked the wrong one, obviously on purpose, because she hates cops. And then she put up a go fund me to raise money so she could grieve, not for a funeral cost or anything to help the family, just for herself, so she could take some time off party. Right. Now, have lower nose and wipe her tears into bills instead of Kleenex.
Starting point is 02:17:09 I really want to, we got, we got a fundraise for that poor black man. Yeah, who knows why. White couple, for rat, sissy slapping you. For in the morning, they could be hopped up on white people drugs, two C M D M A, they could be high on ketamine. You don't know what they're coming at you with. Racial justice, reparative racial justice and shit, effective altruism. Why people drugs to see MDMA they could be high on ketamine you don't know what they're coming at you with
Starting point is 02:17:26 racial justice Repairative racial justice and shit effective altruism why people just I mean they stole how many billions of dollars Sam Bankman freed you got two why people come approaching you in the middle of the night you got to kill them first That's they're cornering you with trash cans you make noise to try to scare him away and they just keep coming with their sissy slaps Yeah, I you know, I don't know, it's going through that guy's mind, but he's, you know, he obviously, you know, he was not looking for a, you know, any type of interaction, you know. The black guy?
Starting point is 02:17:55 Yeah, I don't think you know. Yeah, he made it clear. I'm bashing cars and stuff. I'm doing stuff here. I don't want a chat, bro. It's hard to, you know, I've got to concentrate when I'm bashing cars. I'm like, really into it.
Starting point is 02:18:05 You're not the cocks out of your mouth at work. I'm working here. You're breaking an inner of it. Yeah. Pulling me out of it. Now I got a guy, I was in the zone. I was in the zone. I just whacked that, that mirror, one fell, I don't even know what he was doing.
Starting point is 02:18:18 He was bashing like cars, right? Or he's a breaking in or fucking just going crazy. Bashing some cars. We all get a little excited in a Nash car, it's funny. It happens. Four in the morning, 18, you know? Crankin' out in John, Saturday nights all right for fighting. You know, he's out there.
Starting point is 02:18:35 Yeah, Saturday. Saturday. C-sh-sh. Saturday. Saturday. What's up with that guy? And this fuckin' guy comes sissy slapping you, talking about Antifa and
Starting point is 02:18:47 The take of the means of production first thing I Stab your ass man, huge Elton John fan. Yeah, I saw that guy. There's no fucking doubt about it Uh, my god, okay promoting pedophilia. That'll be the last one. Oh, we got a, what? We got a present from Lorenzo, that guy. Remember that guy where his, yeah, his, uh, his mom. Oh, yeah, Lorenzo, he called it, yeah. Yes. Who hid who with a two by four?
Starting point is 02:19:16 I think his mom hid his dad with a two by four because she was fucking the mailman. Remember that? He did, he was fucking, his, his family life is fucking wild. This is just three Excel, I assume that's for Vito. I wanna talk to that guy again, actually. I like those kind of colors. Yeah, let's have him calling again.
Starting point is 02:19:34 Excel, I think that's for me. Oh. This one I think is for you. Thank you. Wait, Excel, well it's black, I assume this one's for you. Yeah, whatever. It's got a monopoly man of Lorenzo on it. That's Lorenzo?
Starting point is 02:19:49 I think so, yeah. Cool, thank you. And then, he's got as a bunch of stickers, man, this guy's cool merch. Yeah, man. Uh. Ah. Let's see here.
Starting point is 02:20:06 We got like very American flag colors. Oh yeah, all right, all right. That's cool. See how that looks. I know. Oh, cool. Gilded. Who is of Gilded?
Starting point is 02:20:17 Is that, I think that's him. Oh, gotcha. Gilded is a cartoon version. Yes. Not actually him. And then a bunch of stickers. That's all funny. That's his show. Oh, right on. That's all funny. Okay. Thanks, buddy. Last one. Sure. Okay, dedication. That's not like and drug. So I'm being accused of promoting
Starting point is 02:20:38 Tadafilia on the internet. I'm kind of confused. So hear me out. Just do it. Just promote it. It's okay. We're like 13 year old. They got raised by the nurse who was drunk on the way home and tried to ride him and he was scarred and tried to commit suicide after. Whatever. Weird story. But point is, do I comment on the story? Do you see that? No, she, the nurse raped a boy. The dental assistant was all drunk. And sitting on a park bench with a 13 year old autistic boy.
Starting point is 02:21:13 She's like, I'm gonna ride you on the line. They got up and followed a black guy. Yeah, they did. She had Trump's line. Yeah, right. Yeah, Rocky, Rocky, all that. Got it. So that's his move back and forth.
Starting point is 02:21:25 That's all you need. Right minimalist approach. This is women love this shit back and forth. That's it. They love it. They love looking at it. They love doing it. You don't need all that complicated shit.
Starting point is 02:21:39 Right. No, you're just I'm processing around. But um, yeah. A woman, let me show you a picture of her. Okay. Woman, uh, 13 year old boy, rape. No, that's not it. There wasn't rape.
Starting point is 02:21:58 It was just dentist. Oh, uh, yeah, drunk woman, gross drunk dental receptionist. No, that's a bad picture over there. Yeah, drunk woman, drunk dental receptionist. No, that's a bad picture of her. Yeah, okay. This bitch. Okay. So like what?
Starting point is 02:22:13 You like enter 20 or something? Come on, buddy. Come on. Why don't you give it to, you know, maybe you know a 13 year old who would like to fuck this woman or a 14 year old, 15 year old, you know, pass it around. Yeah. Don't be such a little cock sucker about it. You know, okay, you don't like it.
Starting point is 02:22:33 Fine. Some of us would like, you know, I could be 13, shave it down. Yeah, bitch. For sure. Yeah, I'm 13. Yeah. That is fuck. I'm a lot of 13 year olds are fat.
Starting point is 02:22:44 You're like a fucking worry about it. Like a Bronx little leager. Yeah, kid was like almost 16 throwing fucking flame like I get just fucking. It's just mowing down all these kids. She was gonna shave like, you know, yeah. She's just trying to get you interested in going to the dentist. Yeah. Right. Right. Everybody hates going to the dentist, especially just gonna jack you off. You're not gonna have a moral health. Long term, it's good.
Starting point is 02:23:10 Yeah. You got a little ripe, no big deal. Jade Berry will serve a suspended one-year jail sentence pending the completion of a sobriety and rehabilitation program after she propositioned a 13-year-old boy. How is she supposed to know he's 13? People think I'm, women think I'm 13 all the time.
Starting point is 02:23:29 They're always carting me. Why are they carting me if they, if they think that they must think I'm 13 or 17, it's impossible to know. Why the fuck are they always carting me that? Yeah. The boys left her on a bench after she exposed her genitals and buttocks and then passed out. Oh. That's, I mean, that's something you would say about a dog. Right.
Starting point is 02:23:58 Exposed her genitals and buttocks and then passed out. And buttocks in a peanut butter induced coma. Hey boys, what's up boys? Oh, fuck. Oh, Jack, I'll ride you all night. It's like driving the marsh. Yeah. Am I buttocks?
Starting point is 02:24:15 What do you think about my buttocks? Come on, your honor. Are you serious? Right. This bitch wasn't fucking that boy all night. She's drunk. Yeah. It's not we're not talking about a little girl here. You jackass. She's talking about a little a little gay boy that didn't know what to do with good buttocks when he saw it. She's too drunk
Starting point is 02:24:35 to sit. What could she have possibly done? She responded no comment, but the boy identified her in a purplock. Did he identify her ass, you think? They had all the women show their butt at the place. Right, exactly. The victim has suffered severe nightmares, what, and tried to take his own life in the past. He's probably being molested by his mother, actually. I don't think he's,
Starting point is 02:25:00 I don't think any little boys are trying to fucking kill themselves, because some hot whore took her clothes off in front of them. Yeah, something else is going on there. I don't, I don't, uh, disagree with you. I don't think women should be fucking 13 year old boys, but give me a fucking break. Well, you never see some dumb drum prod. Her pants falling off on the street, some fat prostitute. Oh, wow, look at that.
Starting point is 02:25:22 I better fucking kill myself again. That was as far as it, as it went. Yeah. There's probably getting some. There's some mom is probably fucking really him at home. No, I mean, something's going on. If he tried to, there's definitely something more going on. If he tried to tie like, oh, that's the other. His life was perfect. And he tried to kill himself. Try to kill himself. Why? Because of a dental assistant.
Starting point is 02:25:44 That doesn't take a pants off in front of him. I just believe you don't. Actually, why is he really trying to kill himself? Yeah. You want to try that again? Actually, two dental assistants took their pants off. Oh, yeah. Oh, when is it enough?
Starting point is 02:26:00 Three. Oh, yeah. Which one, the hot woman? Yeah. okay. I'm sure that's the reason. Yeah. Uh, it seems that her alcohol intoxication may have led her to doing and committing this offense. You think it seems there's a genuine heartfelt remorse. Okay, whatever. Yeah. Okay. whatever. Okay. Liniancy of that seems kind of seems. It's not a little girl. It's not. It's not as bad. Fuck off. The Liniancy of Barry sentence raised questions about the. Seems kind of harsh, actually. Yeah. Sentence. She had a year in jail. I suspended sentence. Oh, so okay. So it's good to do it again. Got it. It's going to be big prop. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, got it.
Starting point is 02:26:46 Okay, I misread that that I thought she actually, yeah, suspended I didn't see. Wow, well, let's hear what else. So this guy's promoting pedophilia. Oh, it's like, like I thought it was funny when I read it because like obviously the kid was a weirdo. Oh, he's, he's been so observable for the situation. Yeah, because his mom's doing it. I was 15 and I thought the 22 year old would be worked together.
Starting point is 02:27:13 And everyone was just coming out of me. You're promoting pedophilia. And I'm like, no, I manipulated that lady. I said that all the girls. Yeah, because it's a woman. I rather be too. It doesn't fucking always 12. Sex and, you know, we had sex.
Starting point is 02:27:30 It was great. Like I still, it's in my bank bank. I love it to this day. So I'm confused on why like everyone's calling you a victim now that I'm stupid. Like is was I raped? Everyone's saying I was raped. I don't think I was raped.
Starting point is 02:27:45 Yeah, telling me we were raped. That don't leave you alone. Yeah, the situation's fucked up man. But yeah, a lot of people can't have me over this. But yeah, thanks for listening. Peace man. Peace man. Yeah, it's totally different. A guy pulling this shit on 13-0 girls, we got to kill that guy. Okay, you knock it, because first of all, girls are dumb. You could trick them into doing anything, and now all of a sudden, you got a fucking concubine.
Starting point is 02:28:13 It's knocked up. The rest of your fucking life's over. What's a teenage boy gonna do? Come too much. Oh wow, you came, oh, you fucking came way too much. Oh, you're fucking life's Exactly like it always is gonna be. This is totally different. This is where the, like just reason,
Starting point is 02:28:30 just being reasonable breaks down. Yeah, where you have to, it's like, no, it's like, you laugh that, go tell people how upset you are about it. See how it goes. Yeah, if you, you know, because you're right, look, it's not the same thing. It just isn't. It just isn't. And you, you really shouldn't need to explain it. But it's like shit face doing
Starting point is 02:28:52 and she's like, man, I fucked up. A guy who's doing his not shit face and he's been grooming his victim for months. And he's probably doing it all all the time. He's never going to stop. You got to kill him. It's, um, anyway. Plus, there was no, even to, there was, there was zero rape that happened in that, right? I mean, that's a, No, there's no reason. Zero, yeah. I mean, this is, yeah. Okay. Look at this merch, man. This guy's great.
Starting point is 02:29:18 He's got it. Let me see. Lorenzo, are you all there? Yeah. I mean, it's like, oh, that's, that's all funny. That's all funny. An employee guy. Yeah, jeez. That guy's fucking a monopoly guy. An monopoly guy. Yeah, dang. That guy's fucking, that guy's story. Skull, some sort of a dance, Nintendo.
Starting point is 02:29:33 I think that's his, a boy love. Oh, yeah. He's doing, he does a lot of pills, I guess. That's cool. Maybe so, yeah. What do you think? World War Three? Are we gonna do World War Three based on, I would really, cool. Maybe so. Yeah. Uh, what do you think? World War Three? Are we gonna do World War Three based on, I would really, I'd be so embarrassed if we had to do a World War Three
Starting point is 02:29:51 because of Israel. No. But, it's starting to look like it. Israel wipes out Gaza, then Iran's like, oh yeah, we're gonna fuck Newk your ass. Israel goes, we have nukes too, surprise. I mean, look, it's- China comes in.
Starting point is 02:30:02 It's kinda- It's kinda overdue for like a big fucking worldwide conflict, right? I mean, look, it's kind of comes in. It's kind of overdue for like a big fucking worldwide conflict, right? I mean, they did a, right after this shit started, they did a, the Air Force, did a flyby and Dodger Stadium, you know, they do it. Yeah. F-35, what are they doing? I think they're at 35. Well, I went to the last home game of the year.
Starting point is 02:30:20 Yeah, yeah. And it makes a sound. There's a sound that Yeah. That is different than other planes when they do it. And I live, I live at the same altitude of Dodger Stadium about probably a mile away. I can see Dodger Stadium from my house. No, I've seen F-18s fly over the stadium. I could have been where they're really naivet, where they are. I don't know. They're loud planes, man. And they sound like they scream. Yeah. It's like a delayed thing.
Starting point is 02:30:46 And for a split second, I thought LA was getting nuked. Oh, yeah. For my ran. And I, for another split second, I was like, thank God. It's finally over. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It wasn't processing the hit- Disappointment.
Starting point is 02:30:58 And then, yeah. And then my girlfriend said, is there a Dodger game tonight? And I said, oh, fucking, fucking army, it's a fucking army ad. God damn it. Army or Navy or say, yeah. So this fucking same, yeah, fucking ad. I know that I've seen the B2 flyover also. That's cool though.
Starting point is 02:31:18 Yeah. Now like that one. That one's, I hate them. Which one? Oh, the 22 22's all the little gray ones. They do formation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, get the fuck out of here. I hope you crash on the way home. Yeah, we're be to is.
Starting point is 02:31:34 Right. It's cool. Yeah, flying wing. What any update on that the guy who ejected over North Carolina somewhere? They gave him a medal. Oh, yeah, okay. He got a sex change. Oh, he's okay. Yeah, turns out right. Got a sex change. Ma'am. He's a woman now. Yeah. Just send an ambulance. Don't ask me any more questions. I asked me any more questions about the point. I'm trying to get my story straight in my own head for why I fucking figure out what happened here. Okay. And by the way, you drastically underestimated the worth of that plane.
Starting point is 02:32:10 It's a lot more than $80 million. Oh, how much is it? They're like between a hundred and a hundred and ten and a hundred and thirty from what I read. Yeah, no, but I mean like pricey. It's a pricey. Yeah, it can be a hundred and a hundred and a hundred million. You imagine fucking a bitch. A button.
Starting point is 02:32:23 Yeah. Boop. Delete. Whoops. Yeah, delete. Whoops. Yeah. I don't know whether I'm sure nobody's following up on that story or the I just mean I want to know like you know, just do they come out and say like yeah, there was
Starting point is 02:32:37 there was a you know, there's a systems error going in like he did the right thing or they just let Palestinians come in and shoot up a music festival. That's what happened. Oh, man. Have that plane. Hey, there's no fucking way. They didn't know that they were doing that, right? What?
Starting point is 02:32:54 The Palestine is coming in. Let me assume there's tears shit going on all the time. Well, those things are, they're not, they're very slow and they're also not, they don't really have stealth technology, you know, I mean, like, paragliders. Yeah, I mean, that's, they show, you know, I mean, do they not have guys on the ground looking for paragliders? Well, like, what about like the iron dome and shit? Like, I mean,
Starting point is 02:33:13 why the fuck do you need an iron dome? If you can just take a kite man across the border and just start executing women. But isn't there, like, I mean, it doesn't something show up on radar there all the time. They're always getting shit lobbed out of them, right? Rockets, yeah. No, whatever.
Starting point is 02:33:27 They low tech, whatever. We got a fan, we got a fan man here. Right. They'll think it's, some guy came in and they're like, no, no, it's way too slow. It's ducks. Fucking, oh, it's ducks. It's like, we're gonna call it, we gotta call it.
Starting point is 02:33:39 This is it. They got everything. They got rockets, they got rockets to shoot our rockets out of the air. They got a Jewish space laser. We're fucking done, man. And then come, take somebody comes in and goes, you guys are never gonna believe this. Look to the duck.
Starting point is 02:33:50 I was listening to the PKA. This paint goes to the show. And the host Woody does a paragliding machine. It's a fan and a parachute. It goes in like, like what do you mean? And how much are they? How many millions of dollars?
Starting point is 02:34:02 And it's like, fucking a hundred bucks, man. Fan, you know, fan big fan parachute done. Yeah. So then the massage that Israeli CIA, probably the CIA is sitting there going, huh, where are these fucking Palsyiners getting a bunch of Peargliders, I guess they just love I guess they're wanting to retire. They to retire. They like it. They just enjoy it. Yeah. That's what we're supposed to believe. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:28 Yeah. Oh, no, it's no big deal. Yeah. They're just doing paragliders for fun to have a nice, relaxing day. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Give me the hundred, give me the 150 billion.
Starting point is 02:34:41 Yeah. Okay. Everyone's problems will be solved. Right. Everyone. Yeah. And it'll's problems will be solved. Right. Everyone. Yeah, and it'll be in a fun way. It'll be in a funny way. Yes. You'll love it.
Starting point is 02:34:49 Yeah. Right. You will love it. Maybe you'll be the problem. Even then you will love it. Right. All right, goodbye everyone. Goodbye, everyone.
Starting point is 02:34:57 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You go out with a smile. Everyone will be happy. Yeah. Football for everybody. I'll have football games on top of football games. Palestine is, they're all gonna be trapped in helmets.
Starting point is 02:35:09 Gonna be a football made out of meat. The other team will be bears. Yes. Actual bears. Right. We're gonna do the whole pantom, you know, we're gonna pretend it's a real game. It's like gonna love it.
Starting point is 02:35:20 Glatatorial shit mixed with, oh yeah, you're probably pulling from history here. I like it. I have to go. I think they should give you some money uh by everyone see you thank you

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