The Dick Show - Episode 394

Episode Date: January 22, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Come on, Rubble. Come on, man. Get it together. Is Dick George Michael? Uh... That's a good punchline. What is it? Because he's late and gay. Mmm. Antoids.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I hate that meme. I've never heard it. That's when the bothers me. I know I shouldn't say it bothers me, because people will do it more, but the butthole one... Yeah, yeah....the butthole annoys me. me. And the late and gay really annoys me as well. Oh really? I thought that was just part of the show at this point. It's part of every stream. That's like a, everyone does that in every stream. If you're
Starting point is 00:00:35 slightly late. That involves you? No, every, every stream ever. Oh, I didn't know that, oh, I was feeling special. Maybe that's why it annoys me because it's not special. Because it's not specific to you. If there was a Dick Show special one, I would probably annoys me, because it's not because it's not specific to you. There was a Dick Show special one, I would probably be less annoyed,
Starting point is 00:00:47 but it's my own issue with feeling like I'm connected to a bigger thing that makes me annoyed by it. You don't like that, because I know. I hate that. I know you do. I really hate that. I struggle with it daily. I know.
Starting point is 00:00:59 You don't want to be. That's by the second. You don't want to be like anybody else in any way. No, have you seen these people? I know I know Sean right. Oh, I know what am I gonna be right there in the ground next to somebody else for the Stupid little rock there. This guy fucking sucked Yeah, right this guy. I'm buried with stupid. That's what I want my tombstone. Yeah, right I married this bitch all I got was this fucking grave.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I don't point it at her. I'm with stupid. I'm probably not even connected on everything either. So this comedy gold is just going right in the fucking trash. Yeah, man. I like being... What are you going to do? Where it belongs. Where it belongs. Where it belongs.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Oh, wait, wait, wait. That was a mistake. Right. Great mistake. I don't know why. It's so annoyed. What do you want on your grave? I'm with stupid.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah, that's it. There you go. Not bad. Point it. The person reading this is a pedophile. I don't know. I told life coach that he can put whatever he wants on my he wants. I'm like, tombstone. Oh, you're, you're planning on dying before life coach make a bunch of them. Yeah. Probably. Oh, yeah. Oh, that'd be a good, it's a good
Starting point is 00:02:12 race. That's a good race. The liquor men are racing the fatso's. Yeah. Into the ground. Yeah. Vito I've got beat by a country mile. You mean a coach? I don't know. Wait, wait, you mean as far as living longer? Or living shorter. Than Vito? Yeah. You're gonna live shorter than Vito. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Vito I've got beaten in lifespan. Got it. Okay, that's, you know. First five, that's what I would have guessed. Mexicanery on my side. You do. We all live white people. And science can't figure it out.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Do you? Science is not very good at figuring out racial issues for some reason. Do Mexicans... Mexicans inexplicably live longer than white people, you. Yeah, a little bit. And I think everybody else is like... Versus in the United States versus like... Because that's very...
Starting point is 00:02:57 And all these questions don't fit in the headline, Sean. I know, I know. I know that the Mexicans outlive white people by a little bit. Huh. And it's a big... Interestingintuitive because black people are like Yeah, yeah But Mexicans Yeah, let's be all that healthy food
Starting point is 00:03:16 Right. Yeah, better than hell always angry and overreacting all these stressors stressors Should be knocking putting us into the grave. I think because like a... Into the Tierra. But I think that like you know they always say like that hot Latin blood they get that out. You know what I mean? Like where white people just fucking put it in and burn it. It's like a festering... White people build like a bulldozer that's also a tank and then try to kill the government
Starting point is 00:03:43 and then fuck up. So it just makes them all the ways that white people try to take out their anger, it just ends up compounding their anger. It's always unsatisfying. They try to do mass shootings, they fuck it up. They try to build kill dozers, fuck it up. They try to make art and like beautiful things.
Starting point is 00:04:01 And it's just like, oh, it's unsatisfying. Like they train for years to do these things. And then they're like, oh, it's unsatisfying. Like they train for years to do these things. Yeah. And then they're like, it's not exactly what I wanted. Now I'm even more upset. Right? This music isn't just what I wanted. And I married this fucking dumpy drug whore. And I couldn't fuck any one of these chicks, all of them, every night. And I fucking hitched up with this cunt. Right? Right. And Mexicans are like, yeah, I'll draw another
Starting point is 00:04:25 fucking Virgin Mary on this van. Looks like shit, I don't care. Pastel green, pastel pink. Fucking awesome, love it. Right. I just stole everything but the shelves of fucking cragin' auto parts and shoved it on my car. I've got louvers on the window.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I've got fucking naked lady mudflaps on my Mustang for some reason. I got high. Yeah. There's a green jacket, gold jacket. Who gives a shit? Instead of a Jesus fish, there's a pit bull outline. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Tweety bird, love them. Why? I don't know ma'am. I don't know SA. That's why they live so long. Yeah. Just like they are who they are. See, here's the fucking yeah
Starting point is 00:05:05 Right at the worst fucking moment now. I gotta go white people are frustrated Especially sometimes with with art because they somehow inherited like the lame gene. Yeah, you know, it's like they It just Happen all the time. Yeah, they're all racist as fuck and they can't say this weird game We're not none of us are racist. No one's gonna we're just gonna like joke and imply about it everybody right now And you're using anything a little bit racist. We're gonna fucking nail you a lot of care It's a lot of stress running the world Yeah, honestly when white people get wiped out in the Great Replacement, which has happened already
Starting point is 00:05:42 Yeah, it's already too late. You know? You think so. You've got, oh, you can't stop it now. Oh, you're done. I'm not worried. You're going, you're gonna end up on Mars. That's the future. It's a 72 people, 72 white people on Mars going like,
Starting point is 00:05:57 how do we get some diversity in here? You know, we need some epic cuisine. All right. You know what? Come on, make a Marvel movie. We gotta make a Marvel movie Come on, make a Marvel movie. We gotta make a Marvel movie up here. Oh, fuck, how are we gonna put a black woman in the lead of our movies on Mars? We only have 72 white people.
Starting point is 00:06:14 We gotta get some black. And that's how blackface comes back. Mars. That's a necessity. See, the first time it was bad. It was fucking good. It was bad because there were black people who should have played those parts but if there's 72 white people on Mars, I mean you kind of don't have a choice. You owe it to the art.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Oh grandpa over here giving us the Mars blackface story again. Thank God we imported Yale's finest so we don't have that problem anymore. You look at the video on the border, and it's just like 10,000 Somalians coming. Come on, come on. You see me? I'm America now. Oh, yeah, great.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yeah, yeah. Cool. You guys don't even have any good food. At least with them. You know, Mexico we imported, like, well, you know, they got some smoking hot bras, they got some food, they got some music. It's a annoying, but it's like it's something different than what we have I do for then at least it's different at least Mexican music isn't a bunch of 16 year old girls that the entire country wants to rape
Starting point is 00:07:17 But only a select few Hollywood and music executive elite are allowed to rape. God, that's white people music and culture. Oh, sorry, Sean. Don't shoot the messenger, all right? I'm not shooting anybody. Of course, you're white. I think that we should set immigration based on food. Okay. Because I'm really...
Starting point is 00:07:43 I give you eat too much, get out. Oh, no, just like you gotta bring, like there has to be something about your food that we love. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, like, for instance, like a lot, most people haven't had Ethiopian food. Yeah, I have. It's okay. I like it a lot.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Like you can, it's... Classic white person. They do like the grilled, I love the fucking, I know there's a lot of lentils and shit. Yeah, but like the meat The meat meat man. They do eat meat. It's good. Yeah, it's good. I love Indian food Hot undeniable, that's what I mean. These are these are these are but the street shitting and stuff That's welcome. They don't do that here though. I mean, like, you know... Ghana. We've got... They're fucking Ghana.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I mean, they're gonna have, you know, little Ethiopia down in West Hollywood or whatever it is, that one street, little Ethiopia. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's gonna be a little India. But yeah. Little India. Yeah. Again, right next to it, it's just paved in shit.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Yeah. The whole street is gonna be about six inches higher than all the other streets. Yeah. Now you've got... Faces. You've got a lot of Scandinavians who? Went to places like Minnesota and everything. Uh-huh. I don't know and in avians. Yeah, I don't know okay, you know you get a lot of Swedes and and Finns and yeah, and what's the other one? No, no way
Starting point is 00:09:00 Like I don't know if there's more from one country You know a lot of this show by lot of the show, by the way. Probably so. I gotta give them a road rage. Fuck me. Oh, that'd be great to go there. But it's like- You're doing it for that?
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah, I'd love to go there. Let's pick some dates. But I don't know about their- It's a quintuple of my Sweden budget. Their food, like has it caught on- Norf- Norf is, I've seen, you gotta see Huell Housers, California's gold.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Oh no, I haven't. It's got a whole Norf- Norfisk like event where they are all eating with weird gross fish. Lutifisk. That's it, Lutifisk. Lutifisk, you have to like, it's like salted and dehydrated or whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And then reconstituted in lye. And fucking lye and other stuff. And then they poach it or whatever. And then they melt butter over it and eat the fucking thing. But a lot of, I find a lot of that food interesting. No, I'm sure it tastes fucking terrible Yeah, but the stuff that came from a necessity Yeah, like fermented fish that just happened to be like rotting But like under the right conditions it fermented so it didn't doesn't poison you
Starting point is 00:10:02 You know, but it's like so you ate it out of necessity and now it's like this, a lot of that stuff is dying out, but things like, things like sir, strolling in Sweden, the fermented Baltic herring supposed to be the stinkiest food in the world, like worse than durian or, or hell. Yeah. Yeah. Like one of those things where people vomit, opening the things, you just to open it in a bucket underwater away from everybody. Can we eat that in Sweden? Yeah, that sounds good. Oh yeah. Yeah. No, it's there's just YouTube shit.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I mean, people, you know, they do it. That's funny. I love vomiting stuff. Oh, it's hilarious. It's the most fucking hilarious shit ever. I enjoy it. Yeah, sure. Why not? Shit. Give him a show. Maybe I'm bulimic projectile. Yeah. I'm like, awesome.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yes, fist pumping. Well, I'm throwing up Maybe I'm bulimic. Projectile. Yeah, I'm like, awesome. Yes, fist pumping while I'm throwing up when I'm hungover. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fermented. And then the dry heaves coming. I'm like, oh yeah, that's a good one. Nothing came out on that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 That's the worst. You gotta get something for your, for your bang for your buck. There's a fermented Iceland, Greenland shark in Iceland, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where it just smells like somebody described it as, it's like chewing on a urine-soaked mattress.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Why do you know all this gross shit? Cause I find it fascinating, like why people eat what they eat. And again, like from harsh places, you know, stuff that's got a last in the winter. Man, if we could, they said the trick to eating it is to throw up after you eat it as opposed to before. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I like it then. That's the trick to eating. Laptop ties you throw up. You know the vomitoriums, grease isn't a real thing. That wasn't where people threw up. No, no. It's just like a description of an entryway or something.
Starting point is 00:11:38 They weren't eating so much, they would throw up. I know, yeah, I heard that. That's fucking bullshit. Yeah. I read that somewhere. Nothing is real. You know, nothing is real. It's just something, one of our retarded dads made up and told us. It's so funny how that does. Or worse, one of their wives. Yeah. Right. In school, they just taught made up a bunch of bullshit. And then we got home
Starting point is 00:11:59 and said, Hey, dad, is this true? And he said, No, actually, this is the real story. More bullshit. That does happen where things just kind of, and you know, sometimes all of history, it's just things like you just don't question it because you're like, that seems like reasonable enough, but it's like, eh, I'll try to think of an example. It's a auditorium, what else would they call that? Yeah. Well, once we get the Indians over here,
Starting point is 00:12:18 we're hearing about that. And the Mexicans crossing over to combine their incompetence, basically the whole country is gonna crater. Everybody, well, with that, they're going to have a competition. Mexican food and Indian food. The country is going to up their fucking projectile diarrhea game.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And the entire sewer system will break. Well, that's what'll do it. It will be one guy, one white man running it. Maybe we're not white. So that's not racist for me to say. That's why people will be shitting in the street. Yeah. When the intersection of Mexican and Indian food happen,
Starting point is 00:12:49 you'll hear people wailing. Mexican guys won't follow the params everywhere, but it's just people going like, ah, man, I can't go to the WATP live show. Why? You don't want to? I do really want to. I do really want to.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Yeah! Welcome to Dick. You want to take a knee-dick, you love to take a bend. It's the show where everything's a contest coming to you live from Mountain Bunker Deep in the Audit City of failure. I mean, I always take Master City, okay? The $20 million man, joining me as always is world touring LA based comedian Sean, the audio engineer. Hello, Dick. What's up, buddy? I dropped that doxed part because it wasn't very funny.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Tried it out for a couple of weeks. You did. I noticed you dropped it and I figured that it just had run its course or whatever, but you know, whatever. I'm good either way. Oh God, Maddox released a new video on me trying to get my real name ranked in search results for that I'm a pedophile. Of course. I don't know what that's what he's doing. A brand new cut. Now another cut of his video.
Starting point is 00:13:55 You think it was the pedophile one. It's part of the one that he's been holding back or you think it was. No, just a cut of his video. Like you know how he's cutting them out and releasing them retardedly. Yesedly yes this is but that's part so it's part of the whole video yeah because I said that you know everyone wants to fuck a 17 year old girl so right right right right right that's legal
Starting point is 00:14:13 in most the country by the way yeah overwhelmingly in the world but in most well sure sure legal so this is I guess I'll just start off with this this is this is Maddox having a conversation with some woman, some lady on his YouTube thing. And he'll have a conversation with women compulsively. He can't say no. Yeah, no, no, exactly. Cause he's just running a mattress store.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yeah, he wants attention so bad from women. Yeah, he says, she goes, this is a random question, but is this fan boy guy? Does he, does he do comedy? I'm a decade into live standup and I have never heard of him until now. Yeah. So he responds with a whole paragraph. This chick is Pauline Murphy, something. I think her name is pickle whiskey or something. I don't know. I got a board pineapple whiskey, something about beef jerky whiskey or something.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Maddox is perfect. Uh, exactly got a more pineapple whiskey. Something about beef jerky whiskey or something. Maddox is perfect, exactly. She goes perfect, I'm adding him to my hard time list, which is all predators and shit heels in comedy. This is her adding, this is this woman in comedy adjacent, who I will give hard times to in the ways that I can. I love comedy and doing it so much. And it's leachy pricks like this that drain the fun out of it Collectively this dude genuinely doesn't seem capable of being anything
Starting point is 00:15:30 But a slimy but a slimy since he's got no substance on his own I peaked it is socials and all he's done is try to destroy other creators That's true Not not a care for anything humane or anything with substance. This is the man who the term herb was invented for? Have you ever heard of that? No. I'm an herb.
Starting point is 00:15:56 No. Herb? Homo erotic, retard bastard? If it's an acronym, then it should be fucking capitalized, right? Yeah, it's obviously not what I said it was. She never say all those slurs. No, I know, but maybe it is. Like, look it up.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Like, there probably is. What is an herb? It probably is an acronym. For men. Absolutely. He's already on some lists. Several women around the improv theater I introduced him to also said he was creepy to them.
Starting point is 00:16:28 They wish. That's not possibly true. He's been banned from bars, comedy clubs, banks, credit card companies, was denied entry to Australia, et cetera, et cetera. But he's just a poor innocent victim. I wouldn't say I'm a victim. So anyway, let me, let me, so I did the slightest amount of digging or somebody did the slightest amount of digging on this girl, Paulie Murphy.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Let me get, let me get, she's a complete psycho. Yeah. Here's the first thing that comes up about her. An edgy stand-up comic and former Miss Hibernia was arrested. What the fuck is Miss Hibernia? Is that like a little town or something? Was arrested two more times. Is that where like bears go to hibernate or something? Yeah, it's a big fat slob. She's like that kind of woman where, it's not offensive, but it looks like they've got no, no waist, no hips, just like a straight line
Starting point is 00:17:32 with tits that look like kind of an afterthought. Like, oh, God's like, oh, should've forgot the tits on this again. Like Lucy, God's running the Lucy conveyor belt. He's like, oh, oh, oh, shit, oh, oh, oh, I had to put some tits on this one. Ah, fuck, I was supposed to be that guy. As it's going out the door, he just throws them, you know? Like, oh, shit. Oh, oh, oh, I had to put some tits on this one. Ah, fuck, it was supposed to be that guy. As it's going out the door, he just throws them, you know?
Starting point is 00:17:46 Like, yeah. I can't see. Oh, close enough. Has she's been arrested two more times for harassing and threatening her ex-boyfriend. Arrested for that, like that. Pauline Murphy violated the order of protection against instructing her to stay away from the man
Starting point is 00:18:03 who she repeatedly called him, went to his work, made a social media puzzle and said, I would bludgeon him to death. Awesome. It was an exaggeration, she said, of the death threat. I say a lot of crazy shit online. It was an expression. It was an expression. I was going to bludgeon him.
Starting point is 00:18:17 So this bitch is running a list of creeps in comedy. The alleged actions occurred who already had a restraining order. Yeah. Oh, God. Isn't that amazing? That's phenomenal. Isn't that fucking amazing? That's so easy to, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:33 These are Maddox's friends. Man, these people with fucking glass houses and such, that's amazing. Yeah. Here's one of the quotes. Here's one of the other quotes she said. I don't know. I just thought this was funny.
Starting point is 00:18:44 It's hilarious. In a separate incident, this is part of what copped her that restraining order, what got it. In a separate instance on March 11th, court documents say the boyfriend was at a hashtag bar and grill when Murphy came over to the bar and confronted him saying, why can't we talk? Why don't you love me anymore? I'll bet that was a-
Starting point is 00:19:01 Tell me where you live. Yeah, yeah. It's great. They team up. Yeah. These fucking psychos, they all team up. Well, no, you're, you're right. You're right. All the water finds its own level.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Absolutely true. You guys are fucked. Absolutely true. Are so fucked up. No, people who are fucked up, they find other fucked up people because that's what they know. Yeah. And they just enable the shit out of each other.
Starting point is 00:19:23 That's what's comfortable to them. They think that's normal and everybody else is a fucking problem. They don't know. That is what's comfortable to them. They think that's normal and everybody else is a fucking problem. They don't know, believe me. Like I know the ways that I thought about things, the way that I was raised, I thought that shit was normal and I realized that like,
Starting point is 00:19:38 that is the furthest thing from healthy and normal. Like, can you think like, well, at least one of them is doing a good job. And then you realize, no, no, at all. I love watching interventions. And interventions like my favorite show for that reason. Yeah. The parents are all like, I don't know how she got like this.
Starting point is 00:19:56 It's like, you did, you did it. That's what happened. Right, right. You don't even know. Sober January, are you doing sober January? I'm doing sober life, hopefully. That makes sense. A lot of sober January going around.
Starting point is 00:20:11 You know what we should have? If you're gonna do it, if somebody you know is ruining your January by having a sober January. I could see that being annoying. It's all over, bars are having sober bars, they're having sober drink lists. It's like, so it's just juice. And then the sober person can make a big fucking deal
Starting point is 00:20:29 about how, oh yeah, oh this is for me. It's sober January. Wow, look at this. They managed to make juice $16. This is so incredible for my fucking journey. Next time, if you're gonna have a sober January, think. Just think about having a developing a personality December. That's all I ask so that you don't sit around all of January and talk about how shit
Starting point is 00:20:49 faced you can't wait to get in February. Yeah, right. That's not called being sober. If you're in a, that's called a potential problem. If you are just counting down the minutes, negotiating with your loved ones, gaslighting your loved ones. Don't worry. I'm not drinking for a stop. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Gaslighting your loved ones. Don't worry, I'm not drinking for a... Stop. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See? There's something else to talk about. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Yeah, if you're the... Get a starter pack. A like a Dungeons and Dragons kit for how to craft a narrative and a story that has something other to do that has something else to do with an alcohol. Something to do with something other than alcohol. Yeah, if you're...
Starting point is 00:21:23 This is what I'm trying to say. If you're sober in a, like in a drinking culture, like, you know, like we are, you gotta, you gotta, you can't make it about you. You can't make, oh, when I used to drink, oh, I used to like, I used to, I can't wait for February, I'm gonna get a fucking tour up. Get, get tour up now, cause you're bumming everybody out.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah., just if yeah, if you're You know, I guess you got a plan on how about why are you waiting? Is it to prove to yourself? It must be to prove to yourself that like you don't have a problem I think a lot of these people You know like you you know chill with like the booze yeah, and it's you kind of what I can go I can go. Thank you. have a problem. I can go. Thank you. You know what? Honestly. So Vito, wait, Vito, it took $400 for Vito to weigh himself
Starting point is 00:22:10 this week. Oh really? Yeah. I think I put him on his heels because in the middle of the episode, the biggest problem I said, this episode is terrible. It's our worst episode. Was it? Yeah. The problem sucked. And we didn't talk about the problems beforehand. We were trying a new thing where we didn't tell each other the problems. I don't know. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Plus I've been in a bad mood, which probably had something to do with it. And it's like a, oh no, but also you can think, if you're in a bad mood, you can think something is going much worse than it is. Yeah. That's, and plus I like to just say like what I'm thinking. Yeah. Yeah. Like this episode, like no one ever says, no one on podcasting. They all have this fake ass like, this is so great.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I know. Yeah. Um, so I thought it'd be funny. And it's, there's a, it's, it's very easy to get performative. I think as opposed to just like, yeah, fuck it. I don't know. You talk long enough. Everybody who talks long enough is gonna say like some stupid shit or is gonna come off like really boring or it's just gonna, it's like, you just gotta do it. Yeah. So Vito's like, you can't say that. You're supposed to be saying it's good.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Like you're supposed to be selling it. Ah, just fucking suck. So then it get, I think that. That sells it more than, like actually being kind of real with that where it's like, you know what? I'm totally not in. I'm gonna go take a shit for about an hour. You finish the show.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah, you finish. I mean, we've just been shitting here in this shitty content in front of everybody. Make it literal. So he does like starting to, you know, panic. And that's when the real good art happens. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So then he got goaded into getting on the scale for 400 bucks. Yeah. He weighed 299, which I thought was great
Starting point is 00:23:48 Yeah, he's beating himself up for I think the reason I started talking about this is because you're talking about the control thing Having like control over addiction and that's that's been the most interesting part of that show is him going like why have a plan? I have a plan. I don't want to weigh myself, but I have a plan. It was like, man. Yeah, I've never experienced this before firsthand. Yeah Anyway Try not drinking wine during the week Just January how about that? Yeah, no wine. Yeah wine until after 4 p.m. On yeah on the weekdays on the week on the week they've already negotiated try not drinking during the six beers a night On the week, oh, on the week, you've already negotiated. Try not drinking during the-
Starting point is 00:24:23 Six beers a night, January. And I'm gonna cut myself off after six beers. Right, you can move on to whiskey. Yeah. No more than six beers. Mix it with a little bit of, you know what? If you go two days in a row, you gotta do acid. Give yourself a break.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Give yourself a break. You don't wanna do it, but that's the deal you made. You gotta do it. If you're moderate with like ten different substances. That's my secret. Right. That's the secret to my success. Yeah, you gotta, you know, like, yeah, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I don't want to do the rest. I just spread it around. I've been drinking too much. Right. So, I need to, right. That's the deal. That's it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Have you watched True Detective? I have not. I've tried to watch it. Well, if somebody said that the,. That's it. That's it. Have you watched True Detective? I have not. I've tried to watch it. Well, if somebody said that the, I've heard it more than one, they've said the first season is incredible and the second season shits the bed immediately. Like, it was a great show for one run.
Starting point is 00:25:16 There's a new one out. There is. Yeah, I gave it a shot. Really? Jody Foster in it. And then they have a new type of character and angry black woman is also a lead detective. They tried to do a girl power thing and people say, no, no, it's still good. It's still good.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yeah. About halfway through the episode, the angry black woman rapes a fat Mexican man. I don't really, I think this should have been in the, in the warning somehow. Yeah. You remember when they used to do warnings for? Oh, but they still do. There's warnings of like graphic situation. Right, adult content.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Adult content. Yeah. How about, hey, this bitch, angry black lady rapes, a fat guy that looks like you. Wow. Hmm. I think I'll give this one a miss. Wow, why'd she do that?
Starting point is 00:26:02 I don't know. Empowerment reasons, perhaps? Oh. I don't, I didn't want to see it. Yeah, but you did. I mean, that? I don't know. Empowerment reasons, perhaps? Oh. I didn't want to see it. Yeah, but you did. I mean, it... Ugh, I just threw up. Seems like it made an impression.
Starting point is 00:26:11 It did. It's a disgusting impression. Yeah. Yeah. You're a rapist. He's like going, no. What the fuck is this? What does Jody Foster have to say about that?
Starting point is 00:26:22 No one's busting. Can you imagine if they put a graphic rape and a man doing it in a movie? They can't even do that. No one's busting. Can you imagine if they put a graphic rape and a man doing it in a movie? They can't even do that. But I guess, I guess nothing's safe anymore. Fire up some old procedural cop shows and see yourself getting raped on the screen. Maybe I believe in representation now. Right. Because it felt worse knowing it look got the guy looking like me. Oh, he looked like you. No, it got the guy looking like me. So it's like, maybe all the diversity stuff, always a fat Mexican guy.
Starting point is 00:26:51 No biggest problem. No, no WATP for me. Cause I'm going to be at the, we have a bonus episode out that we did with Carl. Yeah. That was funny. Yes. This is the, what were the pronouns that the lady was saying?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Like whatever it was was it like air air e me and air Something like that and air. I think it was e M and air fucking dumb. Yeah Yeah, we read a pronoun book or we listen to somebody read a pronoun book for Yeah, for kids. It was yeah, yeah, those were new on me. Yeah, I think that girl might have invented them on the fly. But his, or M's, M's bigot parents identified as he, him,
Starting point is 00:27:39 and she, yeah, she, her, yeah. So that's, they're gonna have to to be, they're going to have to be dealt with in the next volume of the series. They're going to have to be perverted. If they have a time machine to go back in time and fuck with the pronouns. Right. It was like, it was like E M and air. It was air. Couldn't spell it. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Never heard of that. But we're doing a, we're doing the eighties girl and I are doing the national puzzling championships. Really? Yeah. We happen to be, we got a entry into the national puzzling champions. Oh my God. What a crazy thing. Yeah. I should have known that Sean was something like that. But like, but you're, you're, you're, you're not a puzzler though. Well, you know, you know, you can, you can I might be good at it. Crosswords while she puzzles. I'm going to be the most drugged up competitor
Starting point is 00:28:31 in the history of the national puzzling championships, which in its three year history. It's only three years old. It's three years old. Yeah. Really? I'm surprised it took that long to, I mean, puzzles, people, more people used to do puzzles. Puzzling, okay. This is a national puzzling, okay. This is like the birth of the NFL.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Wow. Where is it at? Where's it at? San Diego, but Carl is having a live show. If you want to go see Carl on the ROTC guys. Is it like March 22nd or something? Yeah. And of course, I'm gonna be fucking kidding me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 How could I, and she goes, well, if you want to go to that, I was like, how could I fucking possibly miss the puzzling? Yeah, thank you. That's gotta be it. I don't really understand what's... Okay, what else do I have here? Yeah, complaining about gutters, yeah. Gutters?
Starting point is 00:29:21 You have gutter problems? Did I tell you about that? They fixed the gutter? You mentioned it a couple weeks ago, I think. Fucking gutter problems? Did I tell you about that? They fixed the gutter. You mentioned it a couple weeks ago, I think. The fucking gutter in front of my house. These assholes that chopped a tree down from my house dropped a tree branch on the gutter. Oh, and so it broke it out of the house, right?
Starting point is 00:29:36 And bent it. So then every time it rains, it's just like a waterfall of rain. Oh, like a sheet coming down and where the gutter- Collects there and then just dumps out. So it feels like, uh, did they admit to doing it? I didn't know until it rained again. Oh, and you're like rains here because you remember them and it just starts dumping. I'm like, what the fuck is Oh, yeah. Eight months ago, those shitheads cut a tree down, destroyed a gutter and then said, ah, fuck
Starting point is 00:30:02 it. Yeah. Like, well, we have to replace it. So we might as well just not say anything about it, right? Oh yeah, it's like, yeah. Like people leaving a note on your car when they fucking hit it. Like does that ever happen? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Does that ever happen?
Starting point is 00:30:17 Does anybody ever receive a note? It probably happens in other places. It sure doesn't. No contact info. Sure doesn't happen here. Yeah, Probably happens in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Japan. Probably happens in those countries. Maybe so. Yeah. So destroyed it. So every time it, every time it rains, it sounds like a, like a, like I'm in a Vegas, like pavilion. Really? It sounds like I'm in the lobby of the the Bellagio. Yeah, or it's just like
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yeah, you can just hear everything I kind of got used to it because it was so far down on my shit on my list of shit to fix Yeah, I finally said, all right, I'm gonna fix this shit. Mm-hmm get this call these guys up, you know, right out here fix this fucking thing Yeah, they come out like smiley or I'm done with smiley. Don't smiley. No, he's fucked up too many things. So I got Igor, Ukrainian... Igor. Got it. Expat, refugee. Igor.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Igor did it. Frankenstein. Yeah, Igor Frankenstein. And he says, well, you know, that's a very easy fix, but we have a minimum, $400, $300 minimum, $400 minimum. What? I said, okay, more scam, right? Is it like, is it specifically like a gutters guy?
Starting point is 00:31:29 Like, that's what they do. They only do gutters. Yeah. Yeah. So I said, all right, do the fucking minimum then. So he goes, well, I'll do the minimum and I'll clean everything out though. It's, you know, it's still, cause I don't want to fuck you over, right?
Starting point is 00:31:42 So I'll clean everything out. We'll clean everything. It'll be nice and good. Probably a lot of leaves and shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's like a hundred and something dollar job. So that adds up, adds up to a good deal for you, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:52 At least you're not paying $400 for like a small section. Yeah, yeah. I don't want to put my hands in that gross stuff and there's spiders in there. Yeah, I mean, you know. You know. I don't want to go, I don't, like, I don't want to have to go. I don't want to have. I don't, like I don't want to have to go. I don't want to have a memory myself going like, ooh.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Yeah. Right? Okay. Cause that'll happen. Yeah. If I'm cleaning the gutters, there will be at least one instance of me going, ooh. Cause there's something gross in there. Yeah. And then maybe it's not gross. Maybe there might be seven.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Maybe the girls next door will see it. Like, look at this. Yeah. Exactly. The, what a gay, right? Right. Maybe they're recording door will see it, like look at this fucking, Yeah, exactly. The veg. What a gay, right? Maybe they're recording it somehow that it, I don't want the shattered. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:31 So then I can't get away with stuff that I've been getting away with outside, right? I saw him shriek at a daddy long legs. Yeah, I'm drinking a beer outside, like oh, what is that, oh, tools he got over there? Yeah, right, right. My doll over there. So I said, yeah, I take care of it. He does it.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And then the next day I started hearing this like scratching and weird banging sound on the house. I'm like, what the fuck? So he goes, he's done. And he goes, oh, you're missing a bunch of grates. Those grates that cover the gutter. You're missing a bunch of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And I said, oh. You mean to keep shit from getting in? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why don't you put them back on? Yeah. Because I don't have any. You can get them bunch of those. Yeah. And I said, oh, why don't you- You mean to keep shit from getting in that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why don't you put them back on? Yeah. Because I don't have any. You can get them at Home Depot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:10 All right, man. Thanks. Thanks so much. Okay, get out of here. So I hear the scratching on the house. What the hell is that? I climb up on the ladder and the tree, the neighbor's tree has been banging against the house
Starting point is 00:33:23 and has torn right through the gutter. No way, really? Yeah, like then, and I'm like, uh, so you mean to tell me you went around the whole thing and saw this and then said, ah, fuck him. But didn't, uh, didn't say anything about it. Ah, fuck him. What kind of gutters are they? Are they metal? Just normal aluminum pieces of shit.
Starting point is 00:33:42 So they, yeah, the tree has just torn it, hit it, tore it up, you know? It's been like that forever, obviously. The thing's all fucked up. Is there like, you just gotta sit over these guys the entire time and watch them. Well, you gotta make body cam these motherfuckers. You gotta make everybody do their fucking job. It's like when people fuck up,
Starting point is 00:34:01 then and they are supposed to fix it, they're fucked up, you have to make somebody else get and they are supposed to fix it their fuck up You have to make somebody else get on the other person to do it. It's fucking crazy who cares All right, let's see what else I got here. Oh John Hopkins something about white bro. Yeah White people dude Ethan van skyver is making a thousand dollars a night now that he's fighting with Eric July It's really wild how like all of a sudden you've become you getting a fight and your money goes up Yeah, you know they're so like they just get like built up. They all know what the reality is
Starting point is 00:34:35 Yeah, but you know famous people are like trying to be nice and be friends and stuff Yeah Because nobody wants to swing first is the real, nobody wants to shoot first. Yeah, sure. Everybody wants to shoot second. Sure. So Eric started shooting first and everyone's like, okay. Okay, now it's game on.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Right. But he's doing, he's making shitloads of money, just ripping into him every night. It's really fucking hilarious. Right. Here's 10. Eric said he's gonna go scotch earth on everybody. Oh, he's got a scotch earth policy, does he?
Starting point is 00:35:13 Oh God, man, you got it. Please read what you write. Just read what you write. Just make sure like it. He's gonna go, if anybody acts as if any more questions, he's gonna go scotch earth. Did he really say that? Yeah, he really said it.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Here, let me find it. Oh. Oh, fuck. The old scotcher policy. I'll find it. Yeah, scotcher. And then some guy, some guy made an hour long 3D rendered joke movie of ISOM and ISOM2, an hour each.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Wow. I don't even know how to play it on the show, because it's so long. But it's hilarious. It's like 3D rendered everything, going around voices, weird... But it's like a whole script and everything. It's funny. A script about it, or it is the... It is a parody of the comic, but it's better, obviously.
Starting point is 00:36:03 It couldn't be worse. It's hilarious. Ten rivers in Africa, ten rivers in Asia contribute 90% of all people. It is a parody of the comic, but it's better, obviously. It couldn't be worse. 10 rivers in Africa, 10 rivers in Asia contribute 90% of all plastic to the world. Is that right? Yeah, there you go. Just 10 rivers. They don't say in Asia and Africa.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Why did they not say that? 10 rivers, just say Asia and Africa are doing it. So we can stop worrying about it. It should say obviously, obviously, comma, Asian Africa are doing all the ocean pollution and we don't need to think about it anymore because no one over here is like doing it to be funny. Well, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:38 There's, there is like an incredible amount of just trash. It's always poor countries. Of course it is. We got bigger problems than the fucking ocean. We don't give a shit about the ocean over here. We got, we got problem. We got our starving over here, man. We're putting more plastic in there, actually.
Starting point is 00:36:58 I don't know if that's interesting at all. Oh, here's an interesting one. Yeah. Let's see. You talk about Disneyland swingers to oh We got a call Krista Kiwi's original stock. Oh, yes, we calling her today. No, I don't want to talk about the I Here is our vaulted Ivy League our our vaunted Ivy League. 89% of Ivy League graduates favor the strict rationing
Starting point is 00:37:35 of gas, meat, and electricity to fight climate change. Okay. To fight climate change, would you favor or oppose the strict rationing of gas, meat, and electricity? Where's this from? Like who's poll or whatever? Uh, here? Survey here.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Committee to unleash prosperity. Okay. That's clearly a special interest group. Like that's obviously a think tank. Oh, so you think this is a bogus survey? Well, I don't know. I mean, you can pick and choose whatever you want. Like I'm, I'm just saying the first thing I do when I see that is look up who they are. Yeah. Have you ever met people who went to Ivy League school?
Starting point is 00:38:13 Oh, sure. Do they strike you as someone who would not want to control what poor people are doing? Uh, I don't know. They strike you as somebody who said like, yeah, you know, poor people, they could spend as much gas. They could eat as much meat as they want. Who cares? Fuck the planet. I mean, I've never heard anybody say anything like a strong opinion, like on that subject. But you know, like usually when I, like this isn't a subject
Starting point is 00:38:34 that I usually like talk about with people, but you know, like I mean- I like to get in there right away. What do you think about rushing in gas electricity? Right. To fight climate change, would you favor banning each of the following? Gas stoves? Well, obviously that one's true because they did it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 What do you mean? California already fucking banned that shit. Gas stoves? Yeah. Electricity only. Really? Is that actually gone through? It's on new constructions only. Let me let me. Well, yeah, of course. I mean, you're yeah. California gas stove ban La la la la Oh, it's an illegal battle. It's a sure of course. Okay. Good. It's been overturned. Oh, thank God. I'll be overturned yesterday. Yeah Yeah, that's they're trying. That's stupid. Yeah. Sure. Same thing. Yeah. Yeah. As far as they're concerned. Oh, yeah I agree with that. Gas powered cars. That's absolutely true. They fucking hate gas powered cars. 100% we got to get, we got to buy new things. We got a
Starting point is 00:39:29 new Stanley Cup. I need a new car. Can we have some kind of reason? So I'm good for doing it. Is the Stanley Cup somehow fighting climate change or racism? I gotta be one. I'm buying it. It has to be one. You have a gas powered Stanley cup. That'd be cool. Where it just forces it up. Wrecking up with gas. Whatever, yeah. No, you're ruining it. My activism. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Non-essential air travel. I don't doubt that Ivy Leads That's gotta be true. Probably higher than, you know, I don't know how, I don't know. I don't know how accurate or inaccurate this is. I always, I'm always looking at the source. What do they do?
Starting point is 00:40:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do they have a track record of supporting this or flying in the face of the overwhelming consensus of knowledge? Cause like- I'm just saying it's true because this is happening. This is policy. Sure. Voters are voting on it.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And they're overwhelmingly voting in exactly these ways. To fuck everyone over. Oh private air conditioning, fuck you. You mother fuck, you fucking touch my air. That's it. They don't tell you this stuff. They just go, we gotta get these polluting cars off the road. Hey, what about private air conditioning?
Starting point is 00:40:37 Obviously that, right? Yeah, that's me. That would fuck up a campaign in a hurry. Trust in the guy. You fuck with my AC, man. That's... Game over, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Game over. You fuck with my AC, you're gonna fucking get it. Yeah, okay. You're getting it. Meat. Man, they're coming after the meat, Sean. They don't fuck with my meat either. They're gone.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Don't fuck with my meat. They're gonna come after it. It's gonna have to be cricket-only meat or black-owned cricket meat or something. You're gonna have to eat it. Black-owned cricket meat? Oh man. Oh man. Cricket farms.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Talk about checking the boxes. Cricket farms, we got the, oh, the most delicious of cricket meat that you got. Of course it's from China. Then I'm gonna tell you how far. Bubblegum's cricket, but you eat wretched. Bubblegum's cricketicket. Cricket meat. Come on down.
Starting point is 00:41:28 You're fried sate. Blanch it. No longer chickens. No longer chickens. Oh my God. Crittlins. Cricket meat. How about Disneyland?
Starting point is 00:41:44 Don't let them take the meat, guys. No, I don't. Don't let them take the meat. Have you seen it? Wall grains, all these stores are closing down in like crime areas. Oh yeah. So all these like black leaders are like, these companies gots to not leave town cause we need them. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Wall grains. Those big chain pharmacies are fucking horrible too. Well, that's all they have. I know, I know. And that's all any of us have. Yeah. They ran them all, L ran all the other ones out of business. There's a few around.
Starting point is 00:42:08 There's a few around. Regular pharmacies? Yeah. Wow. Yeah. All right, here we go. Compounding pharmacies, things like that. But yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I mean, overwhelmingly it's Ryde, Walgreens. Walgreens is closing its fourth location in Boston in a black area of Roxbury. Because there's so much theft or whatever, why ever they're doing it, whatever, I don't know, maybe it's not theft, but here's a... I think because they get no pushback, but they're now getting pushback.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Protesting alongside dozens of other frustrated customers fighting to keep this Walgreens open. Don't we need to have something in the community to help the black, the elderly, the sick? Well, yeah. You know what I'm saying? They can't go far. The problem boils down to accessibility, says former Boston NAACP president turned healthcare advocate Michael Curry.
Starting point is 00:42:55 The communities where they're closing these pharmacies are communities where people are disparately impacted by disease, you know, two or three times higher rates in cancer, diabetes, heart disease. Right, yeah. Where three times higher rates and cancer diabetes heart disease. Yeah We're life expectancy can be 15 20 years less. Yeah This isn't the only Walgreens or pharmacy chains set to close location in the coming weeks Curry says it begs this question. What is your obligation? What is your expectation as a corporate citizen? How what to do us right for those communities beyond what's right just for your bottom line?
Starting point is 00:43:27 Well, that's every large corporation on earth doesn't give a fuck about you or anything. None of them care about inclusivity. None of them cares about any of that shit. Buddy, we don't give a shit about that you are supposed to pay your money in and shut the fuck up. That's it. Whoops You took it too far. Yeah, so you went full retard Well that other shit about you know, we believe in this and that you didn't believe that did you but unfortunately Sounds like you did dummy just the it's just regular people with health issues who are gonna get fucked. Oh, well, they voted fucking for it, so fuck them. What do you mean they voted for it?
Starting point is 00:44:11 The poor communities overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Oh, but it's... They're overwhelmingly vote like anti-police reform and shit. Most people in every state don't vote. Yeah, but the people in big cities, the people in big cities, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:44:24 like in LA, LA overwhelmingly votes police reform and Democrat. How does voting Democrat have anything to do with Walgreens leaving? Because police reform is explicitly not arresting criminals. Any theft and shit. So LA is teaming with theft because Gascon just led everybody out of jail and says, don't prosecute any theft that's like under a thousand bucks.
Starting point is 00:44:46 So we are just teaming with criminals now. So story I say, ah, fuck it. We don't need that. I haven't seen the stats or anything. I mean, maybe you're... Oh dude, like homeless people just going around lighting fires? Here, here, here.
Starting point is 00:45:00 But also the Soros DAs that... I would think that because of inflation, stealing has gotta be up too. That's definitely true. Yeah, because it's fucking crazy. It's crazy how much just- That's definitely true. But we easily have the power to lock
Starting point is 00:45:16 all of these motherfuckers up and stop crime overnight. San Francisco already did it when President-G came into town. They're like, oh yeah, let's go ahead and do all that. Our jobs. Yeah. Well, then you let him out again. But yeah, yeah, it's like, it's like, yeah, what do you, what's it, what's it cost to lock them all up too? Like it's, there's only like a thousand and it's like, there's only like a thousand people that do like 50% of the fucking stealing. Yeah. I mean, that absolutely cannot be true. Hold on. Let me look at it. Let me see it. Let me look it up.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Yeah. Stats. There's a thousand. So we got a thousand people. Yes. I'm telling you, it's like a thousand people that's causing all the crime. Theft stats. Yeah. Oh, I'm sure you'll get. I'm sure you'll get something. Man. This is like old news.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Somebody in the chat, give me that stat. I'll bet. Give me the article. I'll bet. It is 100% the Soros DA's letting people out of prison that's causing this. And all of these city motherfuckers voted for that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I mean, you're like, you are not gonna convince me. No, I know. I know. I know. Yeah. What else? What do you think it is? Inflation? I don't know. I'm sure there's a I'm sure there's more to it. Why do you think crime happens more? Like it's definitely more crimey, right? I don't know. Is it? I think it's more crimey right now. I have. I mean, it's not something that I am noticing in my daily life.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Really? Like if it's more crimey, the only thing I see is more homeless people in LA. Well, that's a crime. Yeah. Well, to be homeless. Yes. Yeah. And all of them do crimes. All of them. Usually they, and really what they do, they victimize each other more than anything.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Yeah. They fucking... That's a crime though. Yeah, they commit crimes against each other. Crime rates, 20, 23, raise. Let's see what it is. I'm just saying, if you had a better track record of bringing in any kind of facts, I would take it more seriously. California ranks 17th nationally for violent crime, showing a 6% increase in the state. Yeah. That's no, I'm, I'm shocking.
Starting point is 00:47:19 The title says shocking California crime statistics. We're only 17th with the number of people we have. How could, and the city. That's the takeaway from this. How could we not be higher? I don't know. Is it per capita, shocking? Well, and what kind of crimes? We're talking violent crime.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Oh, violent. That was a violent crime thing? Cause there's like fucking Detroit and Houston. Well, and New Orleans. Yeah. 17th in national violent crime rates. I don't know what rate that is. Well, they usually do that per 100,000 people. Yeah, no, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:47:56 I'm sure it's up. I won't give you that. All right. But the Walgreens thing, I mean, it's fucked up. That it's, but that's, but that's, you have to know that's what they're gonna do. So- What do you think police reform means?
Starting point is 00:48:08 With all the George Floyd shit, we're like, we gotta reform police. What do you think, what, sorry. It's trying to make a less- Less police, right? Or less impactful, less impact police. Yeah, I'm sure- Doesn't that mean less-
Starting point is 00:48:23 It is more crime? I hate the police. It could be. I don't think there should be any police at all. It is. Because the police just Yeah, I'm sure. Doesn't that mean less? It is more crime? Like I hate the police. It could be. I don't think there should be any police at all. It is. Because the police just stop me from stopping crime. They're trying to make. Or other guys like me.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I think police reform is usually like, make them do less. Yeah. Like that, you know. Okay. So, then that way. You probably would get an increase in crime. That does make sense.
Starting point is 00:48:42 So then Walgreens gonna say, oh fuck you, we don't need, we don't need. Walgreens can do that anyway. Walgreens can do that. That's like, I think he's, my point is, I think he's barking up the wrong tree, talking about, I think it's very naive to think. Walgreens is like, cares.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Yes, is somehow obligated to the people. But he's like, what do you have here as a corporate citizen? Bro, they don't give a fuck. Like, and what are you contributing? Like that store has got to be the operating cost. You can't be making profit as opposed to a place where people are like, oh, I'm gonna go get an ear cleaning. You know, you know, like more affluent areas,
Starting point is 00:49:19 they're gonna like pick up all that kind of shit. Oh, maybe. This is like food stamps and shit. I can't, I'm okay, we don't need this. Right. It doesn't make any economic sense for them. That is like food stamps and shit. I can't, I'm okay. We don't need this. Right. It doesn't make any economic sense for them. That is my, okay. That's the bigger point then.
Starting point is 00:49:29 This fucker knows all this stuff. He knows why it's happening. I wonder if he does. He knows what he says he does. He's a former NAACP president. Yeah. So he has to say this retarded shit. Of course.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And to trick black people into thinking that they're getting fucked over by Walgreens, when it's their own, when it's the fucking NAACP that is just lying about shit to them. Yeah. Well, you got to blame somebody. And that's, it's very obvious. Right. It's the way that it's corporate speak for the NAACP. It's the same fucking thing. The statement should be, hey, vote for people who are tough on crime and stop doing fucking crimes. Well, there's, yeah, there's that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:10 It's not funny. Yeah, well, Stop singing about it too. You're, you ruin it for just regular fucking people. You ruin it for your neighbors. Yeah, it's fucked up. It's fucked up, but it's, because it's, you know, I'm thinking about the people who don't commit crime, who don't do anything.
Starting point is 00:50:26 It's like, now where do I get my fucking, where do I get my insulin or where do I get, you know, it's, yeah, it's Should have voted for Trump. It's bad news. Okay, we got Aaron Cole says, Oh shit. Is it too late already? Oh my God. It's almost one. Okay, this is the company I used to work for, which is mostly men. But in the office part, there's a lot of women. One of the gifts we got around Christmas was a fucking Stanley cup. My wife wanted to use it. I told her, hell no.
Starting point is 00:50:53 So I taunt her by drinking water out of it. Oh, he wouldn't give it to her because she wanted it so much. Good. So no Stanley cup. No Stanley cup for her. Okay. Good. Never give it to her. Trash Ghost has a new Maddox Animation leak.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Let's see what this could be. Maddox Animation? You mean like he animated Maddox doing something? Well, he says it's a leak. That implies it was from Maddox himself. Let's see. Oh, this is his fanboy thing. I can already see that. I was upset because he drives drunk all the time. Cheats and has STP. Oh, there's you on a teddy bear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Sue, Sue, Sue, it says. I never did anything on the podcast. I edited, wrote, copy, created thumbnails, coordinated transfer knife in my book. Yeah. That is all of just talked about his shorts for now. Oh boy. Here we think he's gonna be in bed. Oh no. Great for the podcast. He did. Constantly. For Disneyland, Six Flags, The Aquarium, Indy 500, Burning Man Twice, Improv Shows, Camping Trips,
Starting point is 00:52:14 Twice, et cetera. Does he say et cetera every time? Yeah. Oh my god, look at that. That is creepy. And he has all the money. Creepy. He's fucking my ex for crying out loud.
Starting point is 00:52:28 He gets to, puts out weight, he buried the headline. Oh God. Really buried the headline. That is terrifying. Look at that shit. That's gross, trash ghost. Thank you. I think he had another one too. Oh, he made one of Eric July here. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Eric July ducked, an interview of debate that he was scheduled for. You mentioned that. And then he cried to his friends at the Blaze. Oh yeah, here's another one, okay. What's this? An extended version of Maddox's animation that I'm gonna give, you know who, a call.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Yes. It says, this is from the video, I think. That's me. What score is this? I feel like I know it too. Oh, big at any size on his wall. There's a big picture of me next to him. Oh, the shark. Slime blanket on the monitor.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I don't know why it looped like that. Was that it? Wait, is this the, is this the last of us score? It could be. Oh, look, there's a big picture of you. Huh. Maddox is dancing around naked. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:53:39 In this room. Hard fuck me. Yeah, like Buffalo Bill with no wiener. Very good. This is fucking creepy as fuck. He's got mirrors on the ceiling. Yeah, he does. Oh my God. And then he cut the music off. This is fucking disturbing. Look at that. Okay. Let me see if I can call. Uh, uh, uh, uh. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Let me see if I can call. Call these the stocky. The stocky. Oh, this is going to be interesting. Might be a slight delay here whilst I figure this out. Okay, what do you want, niggler? You're fucking muted too. Are they still muted, Sean?
Starting point is 00:54:24 No. He's not. Oh, hey, what's up? Fuck! Alright, what's your bid? Okay, I got it. Did you fuck up again? No.
Starting point is 00:54:35 No, just give me, I don't want to put something on my fucking fuck off. How did you say I have a bid and it's not open on your phone? Look, we're all under a lot of fucking stress right now, okay? Let's just calm down and take a minute. Breathe. Dick didn't have Skype ready. Let's say he's throwing stones. I had it ready.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I just didn't have my credit card. You get it again. There we go. Man, you got to be more ready than this. You got to be way more. If you say you have a call, something to call in, you got to have it ready to go. This is a tight shift. This is a tight shift.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Jesus Christ. Tight shot. Well, oiled machine. This is a whatever. Whatever. What's your bid? I see you found my Jewish tunnels. That's your bit is pretending to be Jewish?
Starting point is 00:55:32 I think this has been done in the two weeks since the tunnels were discovered. Are you sure? I'm pretty sure. What's your take on it? Let's see here your version of it. I'm pretty sure that they were trying to dig all the way to Israel. Okay. Okay. Why? Yeah. Mm. Okay. Why? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Why not?
Starting point is 00:56:05 Yeah, why not? No, I think I actually heard the real reason was- Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry. Go ahead. I heard the real reason was from some random on Twitter, so that's obviously the right answer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:31 There's like a weird like land dispute over the, some of the churches that the tunnels were found underneath between like three different small factions of like a... Jew. Sex. Yeah. Yeah. Some of them think that they had a new Messiah, new Jesus on their hand.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I read a little bit about that. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty cool. Yeah. I know. Our old one is old. Sex.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Yeah. He's getting mocked. Yeah. They're making cartoons about him. Right. People are wigging out about the cartoon. No one takes him seriously anymore. No one takes him seriously. Yeah. Why not?
Starting point is 00:57:12 Let's get a new shoot with Joe. Should or should or get off the pot already. Yeah. Why not? This Jesus builds tunnels. He digs tunnels. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:19 He's a worker. He's a laborer. Walls can't stop him. He'll just dig right under. It's a Jesus for a new America. Carpentry. Carpentry is so zero. What do you want to build a sex dungeon? Not me. I'm tunneling everywhere. You can't stop me. Tunneling under your house. Tunnel into a bank. Steal it. Just to fuck with the local tenants who keep hearing Yiddish in their walls.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Yeah, right? Yeah. It's pretty funny because I'm sure that's exactly what he heard. How many good movies are tunnel based? Oh. Die Hard 3 has tunnels in it. Yeah, it does. Hogan's Heroes has an intricate tunneling network.
Starting point is 00:58:00 What else? That one movie with Andy Dufresne? That's the best one! The Goonies? The fucking Goonies! This Jesus walks around, overcharges you, cuts corners, doesn't work when it's raining, has to get permits. This tunnel Jesus, Andy Dufresresne crawling through Miles of shit right to bring you the other side
Starting point is 00:58:29 I mean the word of God coming out clean on the other side. It's a way better Jesus. Yeah, huh? Okay Tim Robbins Is Jesus that was a pretty good bit? Thank you as it turns out what what else have you got? What else have I got? Yeah, you know Did you hear what the? Black community was freaking out over on Twitter the other week No, no So
Starting point is 00:58:57 Remember last year they kind of had a bit of a bad run what with the we found out that they were washing their chicken with bleach and stuff like that. And the yeah, yeah, baking soda and more. Was that bone bone? Yeah, I was having a conversation here, which you know, you could see and hear us doing that. I'm so sorry. No, they turned off my mic just right in the middle. They turned it off. Whatever. They turned off the mute. Something happened. Should I keep going on?
Starting point is 00:59:30 I'm not sure. Yes! So, black people, Sean, if you didn't know this, they got caught washing their chicken with soap and stuff before making it. You mean like a restaurant or whatever? Like, at home. No. Oh, apparently they all, uh, they buy chicken and they wash it with like soap, like they're washing dishes. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Well, it's probably been some salmonella outbreaks or something that, uh, back in the day and they, yeah, that wouldn't prevent it. No, no. They got hit with, they got hit with washing soap. They got hit with, it was, you're right. They had a rough, they had't prevent it. No, no. They got hit with they got hit with washing soap. They got hit with it was you're right. They had a rough they had a rough year. They got hit with with chicken in the chirping.
Starting point is 01:00:11 All right. Yeah. The alarm thing. Oh, God. Right. That's yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Boy, that's the most annoying thing ever. And it fits. That one's not going away. No. OK. No. Go ahead. But they they fucking got one on us, guys. They fucking got one on the whites again. They're they're they're coming.
Starting point is 01:00:33 They found out that they're that white people don't wash their legs. And the shower. Wait, is this recent? Yeah, like a couple weeks ago. They were freaking out about white people not using a washcloth. Washcloths are gross though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:56 You're supposed to just use soap in your hands. Yeah, they think that's disgusting. You're using your bare hand, but the logic I use is, well, you're gonna get, like, if you clean around your butt hole, sorry if that triggers you, Dick, if you clean it around there,
Starting point is 01:01:18 you don't want, like, shit particles on your washcloth. I'd prefer a shit-free washcloth, yeah. I feel like it comes off the hands a lot easier. Yeah, obviously washcloths. I thought washcloths were like a poor people thing. OK, so that is actually that is actually what they were freaking out over. So the whole thing started because Comedian Tom Segura on your mom's house podcast was saying something about washcloths. He's
Starting point is 01:01:50 like, use a washcloth. That's like for poor people. Yeah. And then black Twitter assumed that he was talking about them because as opposed to just poor people. Yeah. Well, they made that connection. They were called the racist. They made it about poor people. Yeah. Uh-huh. They made it about him being racist. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Even though. Yeah. Yeah. And they all use a washcloth. Apparently, white people don't like wash their feet or get them between their toes. I'm pretty sure white people wash their feet. I was thought so. They're not fat. Well, I could be doing it wrong.
Starting point is 01:02:30 When I say people, I mean like people under 250 pounds. Because as soon as you're back to us, yeah, they don't, they do not wash themselves. None of them do. And they all lie about it. And they probably can't in some instances. Yeah, they can't Could we could we make that anyone 260 pounds or less so I can get that bar or How much do you want, Igler? 254 what is that in washcloths?
Starting point is 01:03:02 It's like it's like a 30 second of a Eiffel Tower. Is that a Maddox measurement? That's a little less than that. That's a good callback. You're about a tungsten and a half right now. Is that what it is? Yeah, tungsten is at 140. So you're in the one point.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yeah. You're in the one point seven range. I think I got to work on it because Vito said like, uh, oh, well, my goal for this year is I'm going to lose 50 pounds and I'm, and that brings him down to where I'm at now. And there's no way in fucking hell I can let Vito get to where I'm at. That means I have a problem. I lost 50 pounds since I last called in and I've kept it off.
Starting point is 01:03:50 That's a bone. Right there speaking. I'm looking for the thinner bone. Niggler, do you think, do you think Vito's gonna lose 50 pounds? Oh, uh, hmm. I really, no, no, I don't think so. It doesn't seem like it. He doesn't want to get on the... Wasn't that his goal last year to lose 50 pounds? Yeah, I mean, it seemed like he's just...
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah, that's what... Yeah, go ahead. That's the number he threw out first when he's like, I want to lose this much weight. And you're, you know, the original bet was you lose 50 pounds in six months. And he was- Yeah, and then a doctor told me that that's impossible.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Yeah. Or that's very un, he said that's not self, that's not the recommended amount. Like the recommended amount is 30 pounds in six months. Huh. I said, okay, that sounds a little bit too easy, but. He's back up to 300, right? 2 99. Yeah. Okay. All right. All right I'll give him that
Starting point is 01:04:50 He's been really pissing me off Okay, why yeah Just get just we're giving you money yeah get on the scale and weigh yourself and I get you that you're really self-conscious and you don't want people like becoming attached to your weight loss journey or whatever, but also fuck off. We want you to live, you idiot. Like, come on. Yeah, you know.
Starting point is 01:05:25 We want you to live or at least let us laugh at your failure. But you cannot do neither. Yeah. Right? You're either going to win or you're going to make us feel good either way. Yeah, don't take your ball and go home. Yeah, don't take your, call it a ball. Don't take your beanbag and go home.
Starting point is 01:05:43 But the thing is, I don't think we can shame him into it anymore because it's money is like his number one metric for doing anything, which it should be for a lot of people. But yeah, we got 400 bucks out of it. Well, 200. Well, 170 if you take YouTube's cut. Right. Yeah. OK. All right. I I'm gonna try to call Chris the Kiwi's original stock right now. She's at work? Yeah, I'll be right
Starting point is 01:06:12 I'll be right back with you bone get out of here. Nick. Let's go. Your stuff You can follow you can go to my website at or go to my website at or You can follow me on Twitter at onthejohn, all those are zeros, and traps are gay. Goodbye. There he goes. Wonderful. Thank you. There he goes. All right. Let me try to call her again real quick. I hope she can talk. Me too. God, I hope she can talk me too. Do do do.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I need to mute anything. No, because I didn't have to dial the numbers. Oh, right. Right. Of course. I don't know what to call. I don't want to call her her real name. What should we call her? I don't know. Maybe I'll mute it for just a second when she picks up if she picks up. Yeah. Or actually, it'll. That'll mute me. Maybe if I'm just continuously talking, people usually don't talk over somebody.
Starting point is 01:07:13 No one answers their phone with their own name, right? Like, hey, you're here for, is that it? When you finished recording. Oh, okay, all right. All right, all right, all right. I thought that was, I thought she was picking up. Me too. Wesley says, hey, Dick, this is the, I fell in the woods and had a stick up my ass. This might be worth a read.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Million to one shot, Doc. Million to one. Read it on the show to make fun of who's this? Who's talking? Autist. I don't know. Is that you, Bone? It was funny. I just wasn't sure if like somehow Skype was on or somebody. I'm trying to stay on the show.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I'm trying to stay on the show. I'm trying to stay on the show. I'm trying to stay on the show. I'm trying to stay on the you, Bone? It was funny. I laughed. Okay, good, good, good. I just wasn't sure if like somehow Skype was on or somebody. I'm trying to stay quiet, but sometimes you guys just find it funny. You don't have to stay quiet, you can laugh. Oh yeah, yeah. I just didn't know he was still there.
Starting point is 01:07:55 They are yourself silly. He's unsuppressed. Stick go up my ass, it might be worth a read. Read it on the show to make fun of how an artist from Kentucky can write a better story than Eric July. So I clicked on his story and it's 11 pages long. When does the stick make an appearance? Let's see. I don't know. Let's I have to know more.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Let's see. Wesley. And I said, hey, buddy, how long do you think this would take me to read on the show exactly? Like three hours? What's the... Well, eleven pages. I hope not. Lay stick an unfortunate... Okay, okay, okay. Oh boy. On my 18th birthday, I did what any red-blooded American would do. I purchased a shotgun on a credit card with an absurdly high interest rate. See This is I think you'll agree that this is too long. Okay setting the scene. Okay
Starting point is 01:08:51 Yeah, right. The stick appears in page One oh really this no what page is this I see a pointy stick pointed straight up All right, try to prune that down to one page is pretty much the maximum for Collins. But thank you, I appreciate it. Jackie says Oppenheimer. Hi Dick, what did you think of the movie Oppenheimer? I remember you mentioning on the podcast
Starting point is 01:09:17 that he was your favorite historical figure. I just saw the movie, it felt a bit underwhelmed. I hadn't remembered if the movie came up and they might show you. Yeah, what is it, like three hours long? It's very, very long, yeah. Really long. Yeah, I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 01:09:28 I want to see it, but no, I heard don't, you know, don't expect to be like, it's very slow. It's rough, man. It feels like interstellar, like it's like, wow, wow. I like that. All right. Yeah, I know. But it's not like a, nothing science is happening.
Starting point is 01:09:44 No, I know. It's like, well nothing. Science is happening. No, I know. It's like, well, it's just like a guy walking around and a gay hat. Right. Why is it making that noise? You got to disparage the hat. I'm jealous because I can't wear hats. Yeah. It is so big.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Yeah. I don't I don't look good in hats either. Yeah. Like at all under underwhelming is probably an understatement. It's just too long. Uh, Chris says, uh, Chris Sutton says I had to replay the part where Carl said he wanted, he wanted a pronoun that gives you a hand job. I laughed until my stomach hurt.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Wow. It's from the bonus episode. I don't remember that part, but it's a good bonus episode. Very funny. There was. Uh, he says, uh, Matt Stoll stole the president of the Selena fan club from you on PKA. Call me Farmer D. If you read this, I was watching a compilation of your appearances on PKA about the Lull suit.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Turns out you were the one who used president of the Selena fan club when talking about Mr. Burgers. Who coined the phrase get raped. Here you go. No, so for me, of course he did. He doesn't know who fucking Selena is. Aventus says, Hey, I just love that he puts himself on the same level. Like that's Selena. Yeah. I mean, he's a big star who could be, you know, potentially taken out by a fucking deranged fan. Aventus says, he should have called himself Abraham Lincoln. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Aventus, hi, Dick. When you and Sean were discussing the therapist Maddox was talking about, I believe it was a guest on his big debate show about should you date crazy? He called her therapist Kelly. So that was his visit to, or whatever. Yeah. I was talking to a therapist.
Starting point is 01:11:20 After show network. It seemed like he was talking to a therapist like at a bar or something like that. But like what do you do? It was even dumber. It was, yeah, it was like, uh, not, not a therapy appointment at all. In any way shape or form. Just someone who's trying to, you know, further their career.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Yeah. So they're definitely lying to you. Sure. Uh, I came across this information while listening to your bonus episode during the, listening to the best debate clips. Cheers and go fuck yourself, Smoochers for Sean. Thank you. You haven't just yourself. Smooches for Sean. Thank you. You haven't just good find.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Kevin double dash says, uh, a bill to involve animal control, a furry anthropomorphic something. Bone. Do you know about this? What I've heard about. Oh yeah. Some weird Southern legislator. There's that litter box rumor that has been circulating among conservatives for like two years now.
Starting point is 01:12:08 They love that one. They do. Dude, even my mom is like telling people that's not true. Like it's so embarrassing. Is it like her quilting club? And they're like, do you know? And she's like, that's not a thing. You know, they have litter boxes in school bathrooms. No, because that's retarded. I know that they're not doing that for kids who think they're animals. That's fucking stupid. There's no way anyone can do that. It's very unsanitary. You idiot.
Starting point is 01:12:32 I think that there's people out there who believe Wade even dumber stuff. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. That's like, where you're like, you can't possibly, does that sound any, it's like, yeah, you'll, you'll buy it. Cause the right person said it. Oklahoma lawmaker targets furries in school with Bill to involve animal control. Oh God. Great. Can we just make like being too cute, uh, capital crime, punishable by death?
Starting point is 01:12:59 Yeah. Cause murder is like allowed in self-defense. There's clearly an intent involved there. So if you're like, yeah, are you in terms of Yeah, if you're being too cute with thisdefense, there's clearly an intent involved there. So if you're like, if you're in politics and you're being too cute with this shit, that's gotta be, we gotta be able to get ready somehow, legally. Among them is a bill authored by Humphrey Lane, would prohibit students to purport,
Starting point is 01:13:18 to be an imaginary species or animal from participating in school curriculum and activities. Oh, come on! You coming down on kids and they already got to be in school. They're trying to mix it up by being a little furry. Well, yeah. And you're not letting them. Participating in school curriculum,
Starting point is 01:13:31 so you can't teach them it. So you got it, they're afraid of like a planet of the apes or something like a. So are they afraid of like the contagion of it? Yeah. Perports. High school like you just hid that. What did you do in high school, Bone?
Starting point is 01:13:45 Well, I was drawing like Furry Porn in like high school, because of course I was. And you had to like hide that. I didn't talk about it at all. And now there's like legislation about it. That is so crazy. How would you, who purport to be an imaginary animal or species? Does that mean an imaginary animal and imaginary species? Species? Species? So only if you are a liger, only if you think you're a liger, if you're like a dog, I got it's fine.
Starting point is 01:14:08 But there is, there are ligers though. Oh, you can only a unicorn then. Yeah. Okay. We can like, is a real thing. Yeah. From Napoleon Dynamite. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can. Yeah. And they're larger than either of their parents. Yeah. They're fucking,
Starting point is 01:14:22 the biggest fucking cat in the world is a Our lagers. Yeah, do you know any ligers bone in your furry exploits? Oh god Yeah, I've drawn a few commissions of ligers actually. So yeah, that's a big like Sean's describing. Were they bigger than the other ones? Did you know that? I didn't know they were bigger. I knew I knew they existed and that they can't reproduce Mother has been drawing for furry porn since he was a kid and you knew more about Ligers than he did. I first read about Ligers, you know, they've done them and they've bred them to see if they, you know, uh, uh, doesn't happen in nature because they don't live anywhere near each other. But, so yeah, but they, I read about it when I was really young. I remember reading it in a encyclopedia. If a parent cannot pick a student, the bill would prohibit students who engage in anthropomorphic
Starting point is 01:15:16 behavior, also known as furries. Man, fuck you. What does that even mean? Are you engaging in anthropomorphic? Every woman in America engages in anthropomorphic behavior daily. They do this. It's like their culture is anthropomorphizing shit. So get them all out. Send them all home. Better not have a... What if they have a mascot? Like a lot of high schools have that. That's what that is.
Starting point is 01:15:41 You just kill that guy? Yeah. They can't have like the fighting Panthers or Cougars anymore in high school. Speaking of like Furries, like, you know, Washington has the Huskies, you know, like that's definitely should be off limits. I mean, you can't have that mascot anymore. A lot of people want to fuck Huskies. It's very true.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Isn't that what a lot of Furries are? They always end up being like some kind of a wolf or a husky or a like, we've talked about this. The high profile guy, Kota, the Zeusatus guy, he got, no, it was Kiro the wolf, he fucked his husky. That was like the whole thing with him. He was like an influencer and was like, you know, everybody thought he was cute and nice and they'd seen the dog.
Starting point is 01:16:20 And then people figured out like, oh, that's that guy. He's fucking that dog. Oh my God. Dude, you guys got to have like a short thing where you can add to your names figured out like, oh, that's that guy. He's fucking that dog. Oh my God. Dude, you guys got to have like a short thing where you can add to your names that says like, I don't fuck animals. I think that would go a long way for your sub, you know, culture.
Starting point is 01:16:35 No animals were fucked in the making of this for so long. Yeah, exactly. Like how we have like Mr. and Sir, like cis people, you guys got to have like, I'm bone, I don't fuck animals. Like I eat, like, you know, just put it down there. I got some stats for you on this. I got some stats.
Starting point is 01:16:50 As they do the furry survey at Anthrocon every year, I actually know the guy who conducts it, Nuka. He's a cool guy. But they always ask a ton of questions on it. And they always ask about like, hey, do you have sexual attraction to animals? They put that in the end. So you're tired, you're fatigued.
Starting point is 01:17:04 They put that in there. From answering questions. But I know the last time I read it, I know in the general population, it was like 14% of people, like just regular polled people said they were interested in that. Wait, in non-fury culture?
Starting point is 01:17:18 Yeah. Wow. Yeah, one in seven. Isn't that crazy? One in seven? But in- That's- Yeah?
Starting point is 01:17:24 That seems like a lot who would who would answer? 18% so that's one and five and a half so it's an entire demo Sean that we need to be Targeting you know next yeah interesting Probably do you think people would be more likely to admit that they're racist or that they want to fuck animals? Whoa good question. Probably fuck animals. Yeah. Right. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Well, I don't. Yeah, because I've done all those workplace, like diversity training things and they never say like fuck animal stuff. So yeah, it's so taboo. It's not even. Yeah. I've done all those sensitivity trainings and they never say. You want to.
Starting point is 01:18:04 I did like three different workplace shooting training I've done all those sensitivity trainings and they never say you want to. I did like three different workplace shooting training seminars this last year. It was bizarre. Like someone's going to do a mass shooting at work? Yeah. Yeah, you have to like go through this class where you watch like a Gmod video of like a guy of like a video game guy shooting up the office. Does it look like your office or is it just like a generic office?
Starting point is 01:18:26 It's, well, it's like from a Brazilian chop shop. It's like Fiverr animations and stuff. What did they say to do? Run hide fight like the Ben Shapiro movie. Oh, okay. Yeah. What are you looking at, Sean? Nothing. I was just kind of zoning. I was listening and zoning. Okay. So, what were we zoning. I was listening and zoning. Okay, so
Starting point is 01:18:45 What were we talking about something with furries? Why did you want to call in I forget? I was gonna thrash on Eric July a bit for this whole Tracing thing because also I like know a bunch of people who work for class house So it's just been really odd hearing this. Oh, okay. Yeah, this whole thing like oh hearing this. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah, this whole thing, like, oh, it's, and I do a lot of this, like, photo bash type work in my own thing, and I'm like, well, there's ways to do what he's doing properly, that he can't, that he acts like he can't afford to do it, isn't saying, I'm doing it for basically free. So the whole thing, I hand paint comics, that's my, that's what I do. So, um, watching
Starting point is 01:19:27 him be like, well, we can't do any better than 3D render. It's like, oh, Actually, I made a video called my 3D renders. So already it's Yeah. Yeah. You know, right. I've used 3D renders for my paintings, like for photo bash work and it's fine, but there's, there's ways you do it. Like, um,
Starting point is 01:19:44 How do you paint sculpture? like for photo bash work and it's fine, but there's ways you do it. Like, um... How do you paint sculpture? It was that and I also, since I had lost the 50 pounds since I last called in, I wanted to, you know, kind of taunt Vito a bit, but it sounds like you're saying it doesn't work. Taunting? Yeah, like taunting him or teasing him
Starting point is 01:19:58 about the weight thing. He just reps him himself. Yeah, he's... Yeah, that's the thing. Yeah, when he was under 300, he was like really upset with himself because it wasn't under enough. Under, really, well that was, yeah, that's the thing. When he, when he was under 300, he was like really upset with himself. Cause it wasn't under enough. Under, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:20:09 He's like, at home I weighed three, uh, three 93 or two 93. Yeah. I'm like, that's not really like, I mean, six pounds. Yeah. Are you upset? Yeah. Like you're under 300. That's great.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Yeah. Yeah. And you did it. That's even better. Um, yeah. I always want to go ahead. Yeah. Yeah. And you did it. That's even better. Yeah. Eric's lines. Go ahead. No, I always want to like leave a comment or like try to, you know, he says he doesn't want advice or anything, but I'm like, man, I know you can do this. Come on. Yeah. Well, he can't.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Eric July made this my 3D rendering video. But 3D rendering. Which was dumb because nobody knew about it except for like people who hate him. Yeah. So he made a video on his channel saying you may have heard about the 3D renders. So he's spinning it. Yeah. Just everybody uses references to draw while some people just imagine drawings and then
Starting point is 01:21:02 draws them. But this is like totally not, you know, what he's doing. Yeah, apparently he throws like manga artists under the bus. And I don't think he even understands how that industry works at all. So what he's talking about, they will use, they use plenty of motion capture to make their comics. It's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:21:20 But no, they're really good at it. In fact, that's what I wanted to bring up was like, they're manga that go into like the job of collecting those references. That's a job over there is to take pictures To just use as backgrounds you just and they upload them to like a database in the studio They don't use the same 3D rendered warehouse for every shot No, I mean like they there's people who like they travel overseas like oh We got to take it this has to take place in Italy So take a bunch of pictures in Italy and then it looks fantastic. If you ever read a, I am a hero by Kengo Hanazawa.
Starting point is 01:21:49 That's how that comic's done. And it's immaculate. Um, I have that one. Well, I just want, you know, I know the audience is list. Do you have any manga? No. Do you, are you interested in, we get, you set up with a nice little mag manga spread, you get some little figurines and stuff like for the show
Starting point is 01:22:05 I would read something. Oh To get you interested in in manga Uh-huh that you would read one is it manga is it manga? I bet he was like oh man back back Yeah Yeah, because it's about how manga is made. What is that? Like a story about a pedophile that... Yeah, I mean, you know. Hones on a float of Huskies. Yeah, it's just wild.
Starting point is 01:22:30 It's about people who make manga. It's, and it goes really in depth. It's very well done. It's a manga about people who make manga? Yeah, and about that industry. Oh, that's a little bit of that. Why would Sean want that? Yeah. Well, I know he likes production stuff, so maybe he'd find that. That's true, actually. Oh, that's a trick. Yeah, it might be a trick.
Starting point is 01:22:45 Fascinating. What's the manga they're making in the manga? A manga about making. I remember the title. The first one they make is it's really stupid. It's called double earth, the two earths. Okay. Double earth, the two earths.
Starting point is 01:22:58 It's a it's a play on the other world type story that you see in Japanese storytelling a lot. So, okay. Um, all right. Well, the other thing is Eric, this thing to this Eric July thing I've got it. I did, I made a mistake and I got a degree in comic book art. You can do this. I wouldn't recommend it, but listening to that July.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Don't talk about it. Where did, where did you go to get this degree? Uh, the Savannah College of Art and Design. And I, this is, this is where I, for six years, I dated a woman who trained at Glasshouse. Oh, all right. All right. But now what's Glasshouse for? That's just for a shop shop.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Okay. That's the right guy. That's who Eric paid to make his comic out of 3D renders. That's what I thought. Not all, that's the thing is not all glasshouse artists come the same, like, Yvonne Hays is from there. And he worked on the same stuff that Ethan Van Saver worked on the same time.
Starting point is 01:23:52 They worked on the Green Lantern Run that Jeff Johns did together. And they're both, I would say, equivalently talented artists. And Yvonne Hays, raw as well. So Eric July not only went to the Brazilian chop shop, he got one of the not as good artists from it.
Starting point is 01:24:07 Oh, so he went to a chop shop and said, give me the cheapest model, the cheapest artists you got. Yeah. Glasshouse has done a ton of stuff in the US for over 20 years now. Wow. So there's there's people that are very good there. And then yeah, there's the super cheap stuff. We started basically outsourcing the comic book industry in the late 90s early 2000s Because the well the dollar goes really far in Brazil. Yeah, anything we don't know if you get paid And like glass house like every Brazilian artist goes through there that it's huge Wow That's weird. He's made so many weird decisions on this whole thing. Like why is brand new?
Starting point is 01:24:46 Four million won't take any advice from anybody. Clearly. You'd think even your even like your intuition would be to not do these things. Four million dollars. Some people don't. And you got a you've learned a lot of life kind of in a they've learned bad things in life. You know what I mean? Like so they're it's not they're into it. The second nature thing becomes bad decisions. Is this bad in every ass, like every decision you make, the wrong decision? Yeah, I, yeah. This whole thing should be like a big, a big swagger, you know? And so why does he not hire like a prestige artist? Like someone who's like really good.
Starting point is 01:25:20 You got four million dollars. You have that much money. Well, he might be thinking short money. Yeah, like you're not. That's expensive. You know, I need three point. You got me? Five. Yeah, like how much can I leave in my pocket?
Starting point is 01:25:34 Oh man. I guess you've got a lot of warehouses and shit that needs to buy. It's your foundational comic. You need it to be as strong as possible. That's going to be the art. And obviously you've discussed the writing at length God And then he hired he hired these two
Starting point is 01:25:52 These two women who are me to feminists who support trans and kids He had us weird to they'll probably like you said, they'll probably be good writers I mean, I don't know. Even good writers, they don't hit it out of the park every time. No, but the writing is irrelevant for his comics. It's only marketing. Doesn't matter. The writing could be his total dog shit. He could just continue cranking out dog shit.
Starting point is 01:26:17 So he's jeopardizing his marketing by bringing on hyper partisan women who are not good looking onto the project. Like if they were good looking, it'd be okay because comic guys, they'll buy you like, okay, whatever, you know, hot dog. He had to have a bunch of candidates for that position. Why pick those two?
Starting point is 01:26:36 What's the logic? I don't know. Maybe he thinks he's gonna get like crossover audience. Like I got these dumb Republicans. Now I'm gonna get these dumb liberals. She's just trying to open it up. There's a man open the marketing. I know all the liberals in comics. You're like not allowed to talk about comics, Gator, Eric, July or any of this.
Starting point is 01:26:53 No, he's horribly offensive. He uses like a lot of phobic sales. Well, they like him. He knows, like he's not going to be at the center for cartoon studies. That's not happening. Yeah. What was it? I was shopping my comic around at the ALA conference this year, the American Library Association, tons of comic publishers, great people, smart people. No one was talking about Eric July. Like that's no one cares. He's not
Starting point is 01:27:17 going to be at the ALA conference. Well, I don't know. It's funny. It's like it's, they call it a parallel economy. And it's so to watch somebody in the world. It's so parallel that it's like nothing. Yeah, it's a perpendicular economy, actually. None of it works. Just driving farther away. Their comics are dog shit, and it's just a bunch. And they really nail the circle the wagons and protect each other no matter what.
Starting point is 01:27:42 They got that part of the entertainment industry, but everything else they neglected to learn or figure out or even partially give a shit about. Even the quartering is now being like a total asshole about it. Oh yeah. Yeah, he's called in before, but then he joined Rumble and I should know Rumble. That's what they do, and this doesn't work. Well, yeah, you want it to work, right?
Starting point is 01:28:03 And they're not your friends. It's just another giant company. They they don't give a fuck about you, right? All this all the shit that they're saying is not real. It's just marketing. Yeah, it's bad marketing. Yeah The product doesn't work. Why do you why do you care? Why do you think these big entities are your friends? They're not They're certainly stupid defending them. They certainly are not What is the deal with your phone it keeps going like yeah, I know it's really not. Okay, bro. Defending them while they're paying. What does it deal with your phone? It keeps going like clients.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Yeah, I know. It's really inch. What the fuck is that? Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe that's my floor or something. Now I want to hear it. Your floor. Is it this?
Starting point is 01:28:35 No, it's like a blast of static. Yeah. Distortion, like, yeah. Yeah, right. Oh, okay. Sorry. No, it's okay. All right. Get out of here. Oh, can I pitch my... Can I say my stuff? Yeah, say, right. Oh, okay, sorry. No, it's okay. All right, get out of here.
Starting point is 01:28:45 Oh, can I pitch my, can I say my stuff? Yeah, say your stuff. I'm working, like I said, I'm working on a hand-painted comic right now. You can read it over on webtoon. It's entirely free. It's a monetized platform, so don't worry, I'm making some money off of it.
Starting point is 01:28:57 It's called Vampire Hunter Alone. It's, I think it's really good. I'm gonna be up, I update every Tuesday, episode five out next Tuesday. Thank you so much for having me. What kind of, is it a furry comic? It's got anthropomorphic characters, but it's not, it'll have some romantic elements,
Starting point is 01:29:12 but it's not pornographic or anything. Okay. For you, Jason. Anthropomorphic, like toasters and stuff, like a, oh, Thomas the train. The train, what do you mean? No. Furries?
Starting point is 01:29:24 Oh, it's animal, it's animal characters. Okay. So. Okay. That's how they get you. Vampire Hunter alone, okay. That's how they get you. That's how they get in there.
Starting point is 01:29:32 We're on the web soon, or Toppus. Toppus, all right. So you play the record backwards and it says I love Satan. I love Huskies. That's how they get you. Oh, no. Congratulations on your weight loss.
Starting point is 01:29:44 Thanks, I almost wanted to get on camera, but you know, whatever. I will take your word for it, you know? Yeah, we're not. Oh, thank you. We don't need proof. That's right. Okay. I believe you.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Why would someone lie about that? If we ever have a prettiest dickhead contest, I'm entering. Oh, yeah. Prettiest. Well, don't you think we need that? I mean, I don't think we have enough girls for that. Oh, that doesn't matter. Who the fuck wants a prettiest man besides Tanner?
Starting point is 01:30:12 I think he's holding that contest all the time. I don't know if he needs a special celebration. Everybody's gay. No, I'm holding the line. Everybody's gay. We need a prettiest dickhead contest. We're starting it, guys. Let's see which of y'all look the best. Okay, have fun with your gay beauty contest.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Thank you. Have a better day. Probably have a great talent show. A gay beauty contest? Yeah. Not like the women's one, where it's just like putting on clothes. Here's me walking in a circle. Ours will be much better, ours will be much better. All right, goodbye. Later.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Later, stay away from animal shelters. 14%. The question you- And that's not furry. He didn't even say what the furry was one was. Probably less. Yeah, the question you asked about, are you more willing to admit you're racist or one of fuck animals?
Starting point is 01:31:10 It's quite a question. Look, that's a great question that I came up with. That's all me. Okay. Racist or fuck animals? Racist or fuck animals? And then the other one was, would you call a pedophile the n-word? That's another great question. Oh, yeah. call a pedophile the n-word? That's another great question. Oh, yeah. Yeah pedophile the n-word. I Should do man on the street stuff with this. Yeah, would you call a pedophile the n-word? Yeah, right? You're absolutely sure he's a pedophile absolutely. Yeah Offending yeah, right. Yeah, and see what people will say. Uh-huh. That would be compelling content Okay
Starting point is 01:31:49 Let's do let's do some advice. Okay Hey, dick a girl is interested me. My name is Bartholomew von Adams. Okay. No, I have an overnight factory job At a major shipping company and I can't list it for legal purposes. There's a girl that works with me. Yeah, I believe you. She's five two and around 245 pounds. Did you just, that's, let me go ahead and, is that what he wrote? Yeah. Don't ever talk to her again. Okay. Get out. You got to don't five, two, two, 40, five as fast as you can, which is probably not fast,
Starting point is 01:32:24 but I guarantee you it's faster than her Yeah, don't walk run jog do whatever don't tear a ACL right You want you don't need to since I've started she made it abundantly obvious that she is interested in me both physically and romantically Perth are those different things right what's romantically. Are those different things? Right. What's romantically? 5245, I keep going back to that.
Starting point is 01:32:51 No way that's accurate. And why 245? Did she say that? Why didn't he just say 250? Yeah, maybe he wants, maybe he's like selling us on the idea of banging her. So he's like, he's like, he's like $299. Like, check out this, $299.95. Like I'm trying to fuck this girl. She's a bit heavy, you know,
Starting point is 01:33:09 $249.99. Right. Yeah. Right. Right. Let's see. I always kind of shrugged it off and played dumb because I don't want to date a coworker. That's called playing hard to get. You don't want to date a coworker. But if she playing hard to get. You don't want a data coworker.
Starting point is 01:33:26 But if she wasn't a coworker. How big do you think he is? Well, he's probably pretty big. You think? He's really big or really skinny. So you're like, you said he's got a factory job, overnight factory job? Yeah, overnight factoring at a major shipping company.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Oh, shipping company. That's why all your stuff is always late because everybody's fucking 500 pounds. I mean, I don't know, maybe. I'm just going with the numbers. I mean, he could be, you know, could be overweight. Yeah. But I don't know, you know, but it's okay for a guy.
Starting point is 01:33:53 But a guy, you know, it's fine for a guy to be. Well, you know, it's a... Right. That's fine. I have, you know, I mean... It doesn't mean you have to date a fat girl because you're fat. Right, right? Yeah, no, exactly. That's what I'm saying. We had it. know, I mean it doesn't mean you have to date a fat girl cuz you're fat right right? Yeah, no exactly
Starting point is 01:34:06 That's what I'm saying. No, I am a hundred percent about the double standard like that's sure They think we're all hideous anyway, yeah, they don't care right can't even tell the difference right right off the clock Hanging out she always talks about her how big her tits are How big her tits are. How big her tits are? Yeah. I mean, yeah, okay. The, at her size, they should be like the size of the moon. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Yeah, for proportion. Yeah. It brags about how easy it is to change her clothes in the car. How is that? How big is her car? She tries to work in a clown, in a transit van. Somebody, yeah, she just flies a fucking C-130 in
Starting point is 01:34:48 to work every day. So easy to change clothes like her. Roll over. I see what she's hinting about. The ramp comes down in back and she kind of tumbles out. Operation Dumbo drop. She takes the shipping plane home from work. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Oh God, it's time for my shift. Now, what are your packages late? She's fucking using one of the planes supposed to be flying to fucking be flying to Omaha this evening, but instead it's going to, you know, her house, going to Red Lobster's. All you can eat shrimp, bonanza. Right.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Why does she have to change her clothes so much at work? Cause she's like, Well, she's saying she can like, oh, I can change my clothes in the car. No problem. We can fucking my car. I know. Why does that, like, why does she have to change her clothes at work? Sweat, sweat, sweat.
Starting point is 01:35:34 That, that, uh, pH, uh, pH denuded vaginal secretion that, that fat women get that stains their genes. Oh God. Have you seen that? Oh, it might be too deep. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they all get a big,
Starting point is 01:35:48 you know when you wear like an athletic cap and you sweat and it gains that ring, that sweat ring, women get that around their, fat women get that around their vagina. That's great. Because of the pH balance of their secretions. I see what she's hinting about, but I don't find her attractive in the co-worker thing. When I first met her, I thought, well, what do you need? What are you asking? When
Starting point is 01:36:13 I first met her, I thought maybe I might break the rule I've placed, but as I've gotten to know her better, she's an airhead full of emotional baggage and terrible hygiene. Oh, yeah, dude. Like, what are you, I don't know why he wrote. You know what? You should fuck her. He wants to fuck her. Fuck her. His brain's trying to talk him out of it.
Starting point is 01:36:31 You should just fuck her. Right? You're never gonna. It says she has zero redeeming qualities. No matter what happens, you'll always regret not fucking him more than fucking him. Okay? And I mean, no matter what happens.
Starting point is 01:36:43 In this case? In every case. In every case. I mean, no matter what happens. In this case? In every case. In every case. Oh no. Trust me, trust me. Yeah, trust me. I'm an expert. Now as of last week,
Starting point is 01:36:53 she's been asking for rides to her house. Oh wow. And wanting to hang out outside of work. Wow, she's aggressive. Oh shit. She also has a thigh tattoo and says she's comfortable taking her pants off and showing me. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:37:09 Got an entire encyclopedia tattoo. She is. God, she is like fucking down bad. Oh, yeah, because we share common ground and having tattoos. What should I do? I know I'm nothing to brag about either. I'm 61, 336 pounds. It is big.
Starting point is 01:37:24 Yeah. Oh, your big. Yeah. Oh Your height yeah, but yeah, but both of us together right? Whoo, I'm down 50 pounds from January. Oh But I'm still not Sean. I think what you're having you're having some residual Self doubts that's compelling you to want to fuck this woman because you still see yourself as a 400-pound piece of shit instead of a more human 360, 336-pound piece of shit. So you don't want to fuck yourself.
Starting point is 01:37:57 Your old past 400-pound self is fucking you and pushing your brain into this girl. You need to let it catch up before you fuck her. Because she's obviously disgusting and you don't want to. Right, keep losing weight. Keep losing weight and your mind should catch up. You know, that's a key component that you've given me at the end that saved this story. It was worth him writing in then.
Starting point is 01:38:21 Yes, yes, it's very confusing. See, this is why therapy is bogus because. Because they could just write into us. Because really you need like five minutes, you know, to fix the problem. Like, oh, that's the problem, but you have to block out a whole, you have to pay for an hour, right?
Starting point is 01:38:40 So they just fill it with crap that makes more problems. It's because they're in cahoots with the rain gutter people. Exactly they are. Exactly. You're telling me that therapists have more integrity than fucking I gore the rain gutter man? I don't think so. Some of them probably don't. Yeah, most of them. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 01:38:59 I'm not fully opposed to a friends with benefits situation, but she's a solid four. Okay, there's no such thing as a friends with benefits situation. A solid four? She's a not solid, a pudgy four. Right, she's a bad four. She's a four the hard way. Oh yeah. That's what we call that one.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Right, four the hard way. Meaning you deserve less, but I begrudgingly have to give you a four because of your tit mass or something, you know, your face and face. In isolation. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:30 I'm not opposed to a friends with Ben's Fitch. They are. Yeah. They want your money and your time. They don't want a bunch of guys pounding them with dicks all the time. Okay. Yeah. It's a lie that they're telling you to get their hooks into you and get incriminating evidence to backstab you with if you trade up, which you want to do and they know it.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Feel free to, but do it anyway, you know, just keep, just know what you're doing. Feel free to read this on the show. I'll have your eyes open. If there's any more questions, feel free to ask. Let me know if you fuck her. Yeah. But give yourself some time. Yeah, don't do it.
Starting point is 01:40:05 She's not gonna find somebody else. Right. Ugh, who'd fuck that? Nobody, don't worry. Yeah. That option is always available to you. That's true, that's true. So don't put any pressure to make,
Starting point is 01:40:16 you know, for something to happen. Just keep the weight off. All right, keep going. I've got, let's see here. I'm gonna get a Fat Watch. Do we? Maybe. Fat Watch, today in Fat News.
Starting point is 01:40:34 That cracks me up. That's good. I got some woman alerts too, maybe. Maybe I should do that. Really? Well, yeah. Do I have it keyed up here? I think I don't have it keyed up.
Starting point is 01:40:44 I'll key it up next time. Yeah, send me woman alerts. This is from Vlad. It says flawless parent breakfast for a one year old. Kido key. Probably making a future fat kid. Is that? This should be illegal.
Starting point is 01:40:57 This is a fat woman preparing plate my one year old's breakfast with me. So she's preparing breakfast for her one-year-old little baby. Right. Oh, she looks very... Just fucking just flung that shit on the, hey little shit, you wanna fucking eat?
Starting point is 01:41:16 I already don't like this attitude. She's... Fucking kid wants to eat all the time. Gonna feed it every day. God, if I known it was fucking this, I woulda. She's got Downs fat. Sometimes they have that. You know what?
Starting point is 01:41:30 Yeah. Sometimes they get the caveman fat. Yeah. Or it's like that fat band on the forehead. Yeah. Sometimes it's Downs fat with the head elongates and becomes a little. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:41 That's a quite, boy, her hair is way on top of her head, isn't it? Yeah, that's interesting. Really, that's a very interesting hairline on a woman. I don't see that that often. I mean, it's just really, it's just really far back. It is quite far back. She's opening a package of something. I doubt it's lettuce or kale chips. Staring at the camera, she pulling out donuts. Okay, little mini powdered donuts for the baby. Three of them for the one year old.
Starting point is 01:42:17 She's cutting it up with a spoon. Okay, do you have to cut up donuts for one year old? Do you think those donuts make it to the one year old? Let's count them one There's six pieces, okay? Now she's Unsnapping a juice juicy a juice thing one of those is this fucking serious like yeah It's it that's it. So she applesauce it. Oh man. Oh is that girl one?
Starting point is 01:42:48 I mean, oh, let's count. Oh god. This is look look look one is a pressing three one of them's gone Sean I think you're right. Oh my god Bust oh no one two three four. So one of them's gone. I'm here. No, no, no. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 01:43:11 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 01:43:18 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 01:43:24 No. No. No. No, that's wonderful. That is seriously depressing. That is one of the most depressing things I think I've fucking ever seen on this show. Because I, because you know the future. You know the future. Looking right at it. This kid could, could have a shot in another household. I really do, I really do hate that shit.
Starting point is 01:43:43 We should have, that's, that should be the theme of the next live show. No fat like fat con but no fat con. Yeah Unraveling this is from Thomas the Tank Engine unraveling the female thinness premium Okay, okay, I'm lished in November. This is a paper by Sasha Wang Mm-hmm who is on the job market from the University of Pennsylvania. Here's the abstract. This paper studies two mechanisms that jointly contribute to thinness premium in the marriage market, the economic mechanism and the non-economic mechanism. My empirical findings from the panel study of income dynamics, is this a joke, reveal
Starting point is 01:44:20 that all else being equal, thinner females are more likely to marry richer males. Wow, what a shocker. A one unit increase in BMI, roughly equivalent to a six pound increase for a five, okay, so six pounds is associated with a 3.9% decrease in the husband's annual labor income for non-college wives. The fatter you are, the poorer you'll marry. Wow, and a four...
Starting point is 01:44:47 To which I say no shit. No shit. A 4.3% decrease for college-educated wives. So if you're college-educated, the penalty is stiffer. You lose more money for being fat. How interesting. So going to college, if you're a fat woman, hurts you. Using the simulated method of moments
Starting point is 01:45:09 to establish a two-stage static matching equilibrium model. Okay, this is what you learned how to do in college, is say all this stupid shit. Women with a BMI below 25 only earn 4% more income than those with a BMI above 25. But having a wife with a BMI below 25 significantly enhances a husband's utility, I can do a 1.15 times increase in consumption.
Starting point is 01:45:39 So fowlmen don't make that much less than men, but they marry way. Yeah, yeah. But that's very than men, but they marry way. Yeah. Yeah. But that's very one pound. Oh, six pounds means 4% less money every six pounds. And they go through a lot of pounds. I've seen them. It's tough to stop at six.
Starting point is 01:45:57 It's like Lay's potato chips, right? No one can eat just one. No one can gain just six. This is from Tommy. Maybe this is the last one we'll do. This is animal abuse. Okay. Let's see what animal is being abused. Oh, no. Look at that. I block you. It's a big black woman. Two big black women on horses.
Starting point is 01:46:22 Dude, those horse backs are literally like, that is, oh no. Oh, no. Ah. Ah, guys, ah, ah, dude, look at the backs on those horses. They are buckling. Screamin'. That's, those horses are dead.
Starting point is 01:46:41 I mean, they gotta put them down. I know a fat guy who broke a horse like that. Seriously? From his back, yeah, they had to shoot it. Really? Yeah. I mean, I gotta put them down. I've made a fat guy who broke a horse like that Seriously back either to shoot it really? Yeah, I didn't even know I mean I know horses can carry a lot of weight But I'm not on their fucking spines like that. I can pull it but yeah, I had ass like these Couple tungsten's two two and a half for real. Yes for real was like I went out horseback riding I mean take it wasn't wanted to take up polo. Oh Wow, a lot of horseback riding. I mean, take it wasn't wanted to take up polo. Oh wow. A lot of horse, super rich guy, fat as hell.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Yeah. I mean, he needed to be riding like a, like a shire, a Belgian or like a big, big draft horse, you know, that can be. Yeah. With a painted elephant, they put fur on it. Like a, they put a bunch of rugs on it. The horse for you.
Starting point is 01:47:22 Name's Snickers. He looks a little, Snickers. Sort of like an elephant Sure the costumed elephant looks a little big they don't want to upset you know right right right? It's these monsters Funny speech impediment a maze in a way. Yeah, you'll love it. You'll it. Right. Why does he got tusks? Yeah. I don't know about that. We haven't had the farrier out in a while. The hoops are growing in weird places. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:52 They paint little horseshoes on the elephant. I don't know why that's so funny, but it is. All right, everybody. slash the dick show. See you next. See you next Tuesday or Monday or whatever day it is. Get the bonus episode. Do something. Do something good. Do something for me.
Starting point is 01:48:10 After all that I've done. Vito came over, he sees the McNugget Buddy and he goes, you opened it? Like, of course I fucking opened it. I went like a McNugget Buddy in a little box. How long you got to wait for that thing to be worth something? Yeah. Then we're saying it's gonna impact the collect- the collectability of it? I think I got over my... I got over my hoarding shit by just buying Bitcoin.
Starting point is 01:48:37 It's like, well that's it? If I'm not, why am I buying toys? Yeah. That's gonna be worth something. If that's not worth something, none of this shit's gonna be worth anything. Yeah. be worth something if that's not worth something none of this shit's gonna be worth anything yeah oh man I've been working on something for Shawnee's this year oh you have for 420 Shawnee's. Oh, wow. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:49:06 Yeah, I think it will be a cool. I think it will be a cool different little take so people can use their Shawnees and play with them more than just having them. I think we've exhausted the enjoyment of just having them. I can't believe that was ever enjoyed. What are you talking about? Look at this fucking shit over here at the McNugget buddy there. All right. What's that? That's just having it.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Yeah, I know. Yeah. All right. Hello, Dick. Hello, Sean. Hey. I'm listening to the most recent episode. It's making my dick wet. And... I'm thinking the most recent episode is making my dick wet. And your guys' topic about dogs, your little joke about training your dogs to dump on people is probably true.
Starting point is 01:49:55 But I'm just calling it a joke. It honestly stuck with me. And I'm calling it because this will make you a rage is not even when a dog jumps up on you, like it's just so common, like you can't get mad every time it happens, but it's when the owner thinks that suddenly the dog is gonna understand English
Starting point is 01:50:14 and they just repeat every two seconds, no, no, stop it, get down, stop doing that. What the fuck do you think the dog is gonna be the uh... understand the word that are coming out of your mouth with them never never has worked one time i've seen it involved very simple you know or or and body
Starting point is 01:50:37 grab it the dog into a location where it's not get enough on my ass well that's called try my best to put myself in between something. I'll give it a little bit of a kick. Yeah, all right, what were you gonna say? No, I was gonna say, it's very, like, That's a great one. There's no follow through. Like if you don't want the dog on the bed,
Starting point is 01:50:55 you every time you have to remove it. You can't say, you know, and then be, and give in. One time, you given one time. Yeah. Then it's not gonna work. It's not like when people do it, they're like, oh, oh, hey, oh, come on now. So I was like, I know that, like, you don't, you know that's not gonna work, right?
Starting point is 01:51:12 What you're doing? Well, if it's- Stop screeching. If you do it right, you won't have to do that because you will have taught it by follow through every time. Look at me, I'm trying to stop it though, right? Yeah, I'm trying to fuck off.
Starting point is 01:51:24 But really it's, yeah. We both know what's happening here. Yeah, I'm trying to fuck off. But really it's... We both know what's happening here. Well, and we know that it jumps on all the family members all the time and nobody does anything about it. So it thinks it's fine that, you know, they don't... You know, yeah. So that if one person in the house allows that, then it's fair game for everybody. Yeah. Just don't try to do it. Don't do this last minute shit on me. It's going, uh... It's performative.
Starting point is 01:51:50 Yeah. Like it's, yeah. Oh, come on. It's why kids misbehave. Stop that! Like in a restaurant. Jeffrey, Jeffrey, stop. Like stop, stop.
Starting point is 01:51:58 And tuned out. Dogs do the same thing. They don't hear that. They're not listening to you because you've never had to take them to task for it. Or you've never, you never have. I'm just gonna, next time a woman does that, dogs jumping and a woman says like,
Starting point is 01:52:11 Oh, a Snickers dog. I'm gonna go, pop. Yeah. Don't you fucking say that. Yeah. Stop barking in my ear while your dog's jumping at me. It's like feeding a kid donuts and apple juice for breakfast.
Starting point is 01:52:23 Like if you want to punch the mother. Yes. Like that's who gets, you know. Yeah. And then I donuts and apple juice for breakfast. Like if you want to punch the mother, like that's who gets, you know. Yeah. And then I see the apple juice. I'm like, oh, the kid is just doing what it will do. Hey, Deca, Sean. This is Al from North Carolina. Yo, Al. So I got the, uh, tackles 50 ton woman's shirt.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Yes. And I've been wearing around a lot. Yes. And I get a lot of compliments. Yes. Cool. About fat women and old women. Now, I don't know why this is. I don't know if it's lack of awareness or maybe they're like, see the fat girl on t-shirt. I think you're an ally. Yeah. I don't know. But further studies and use and I'll report back. Either they like the representation of a big fat woman on your shirt and they think it's complimentary or two, they don't think they're that fat and they think it's funny.
Starting point is 01:53:11 Well, I'm not 50 tons. That's hilarious. Yeah. Either of those things could be a- I could knock over a building. Right. Right. Fat bitch.
Starting point is 01:53:19 I mean, I have tried. Yeah. I mean, I thought Winchell's opened at seven, but apparently it's eight and I, I put some structural damage in it, but I didn't knock it over. Exactly. It wasn't a little guy going, Oh, yeah. Okay. Here we go. Hey, Deque, Sean. Yesterday I got the best news of the year, I would say.
Starting point is 01:53:47 Okay. One of my very good friends who is a mutual friend of my ex, most recent ex, he told me that she's getting fatter. Oh! I was just, you know, I mean, I just, I just soaked it in like, ah, yeah. Yeah. Yes. Like I got her working out and stuff like that. I got her like losing some weight. I mean, she was a thicker girl to begin with. I wouldn't say obese, but you know, 5, 2, 2, 45. To know that she went from being picked a little bit thinner while she was with me.
Starting point is 01:54:24 went from being thick, a little bit thinner while she was with me. And now she's better than she was before me. That's what you want. I mean, that's just, perfect. Just kiss motherfucker. Good. Don't give me, I don't, I want you to be happy, you know, I want you to have a happy life. But I do want you to be fat.
Starting point is 01:54:43 Yeah. Err. Uh huh. Not crazy. Yep. Just, you just a little bit little bit worse worst thing you see an axe You know, yeah, I got really into Pilates after right right look Jesus Damn it. Yeah, I know it. Yeah. I know it Good for you. You take the little wins where you can get them. Good job, buddy. Congratulations on your success of all of us What makes me a fucking rage is people who put water in the last bit of To get the last bit out I've never been that broken my life
Starting point is 01:55:18 And if I was I just wouldn't watch my goddamn hands because I'm trash That shit's got to go talking about yeah, I know what he's doing. Why? I've done it. Hand soap, like a... Like if I don't have any in my house, I'm like, well, I'm like, fuck, all right. Yeah, if you're, yeah, if you're out,
Starting point is 01:55:34 like I've like, you know, I've been like, oh fuck, I keep meaning to get shampoo or whatever. And there's like a little bit you can't get the fucking thing out. Like I've put, but you can't put too much in or it just comes out like liquid suds and it doesn't stay in your hand but yeah I know I know what I know what he's saying come on
Starting point is 01:55:52 parents okay okay Sean yeah this week is fucking trying to explain to your dad or mom what part it will be for you to get an apartment. Yeah. That's where I am. All right, like, Tritie one that's like got amenities and stuff, like 1500 fucking months. Literally more than half of my fucking and I don't know where they stay every four weeks. It's more here.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Yeah. Hey man, I don't know how I'm gonna live on that. Yeah. Getting food and stuff with a lot of shit. I'm trying to explain that to him. But you can stay at home. You can just stay at home. Who cares? Got it. Don't worry about it. Like, no, man, I'm fucking worried about it.
Starting point is 01:56:33 Yeah. Yeah. I know. I'm not calling this. Dude, the worst. No, you're a hundred percent. I understand the fucking worry. Hundred percent. You should be worried about it because it's everybody is. It's fucked. It's still, it's everybody is. It's fucked.
Starting point is 01:56:45 It's did. It's totally fucked. They sold all these apartment buildings on like 3% interest rates so they can charge whatever they want. Yeah, no, it's... People gobbled up all the real estate just to sit on it. Everybody from our generation and further
Starting point is 01:57:00 until something radical happens, everybody's life experience is going to get worse and more stressful and you're going to be broke and living paycheck to paycheck. You will never get ahead. You will, we will all end up wondering fucking like, where'd the Walgreens go? That's gonna be fucking, I'm not even joking.
Starting point is 01:57:22 I'm not even joking. It's good. And we used to have this beautiful Walgreens. It's gonna be like, it used to be like the natural beauty of America, you know? There was a white picket fence and everything was peaceful and nice and then the world's gonna be man,
Starting point is 01:57:34 you kids, there used to be the biggest beautiful Walgreens. You didn't have to buy drugs from just some lady in an old abandoned ice cream cart that she found and repaired a little bit. That's not where we bought our diabetes medicine. We went to a store that had a security guard that would greet you when you walked in.
Starting point is 01:57:49 Where you could buy stuff that was like looked at by the FDA. That might not, you know. It was amazing. It wasn't like Cuba. It's crazy how nice and easily Gen X is sliding into this boomerism of, you know, it's not that bad. And I think Gen X talks about it like it's that bad. Nah, man, they're changing.
Starting point is 01:58:10 Their brains are changing. Really? Yeah. Man, not anybody I know. Everybody's going like, what the fuck, man? Well, they're not lecturing the kids. I should be at this point in life. Yeah. Like, but it's like, you know, but it's like,
Starting point is 01:58:22 no, you're not the boomers. No, dude, they jank up the stat. Like they juice the stats too, to make it look like millennials don't have it that bad. People have this weird, man. I feel like this weird need to be worse off. Well, I know, I know. I, yeah, sure. Up hill both ways in the snow. I know. So now, but yeah, Xer is now that they're like the energy of their life is turning into momentum instead. They're like, well, you know, boomers, kids are, kids complain. Now they're talking about kids. Now that they're no longer kids, kids are complaining now, but really, it's not that bad. And they'll show juiced up home ownership graphs that are like, obviously wrong.
Starting point is 01:59:01 No, I think they have it bad. I think every generation after the boomers, well, that's objectively every generation after the boomers has had it worse. Yeah, as soon as they started just making money as much as they want. Gen X was the first generation to have it worse than the prior generation.
Starting point is 01:59:19 It's crazy seeing in real time, like what the fuck are you guys defending them for? Why do you need them to believe that they don't have, we're soft, living this life of like, no health insurance pretending to have hustlers, men are doing Mary Kay with each other, selling each other, drop shipping hustler scripts. This is not a kind of life that you wanna have given
Starting point is 01:59:44 these people is a guilt Why do you keep doing this to these kids? Why are you lying to them? Okay, let's see. Oh Yeah, that's a good one. Hey, hey Sean. I don't know the right voice no line Sorry, but I'm the last fucking biggest problem universe. You know keeps bringing up. Oh, how much you drink how much you drink and because like, I don't know, Vito is in like a weird competition with you or rather he doesn't want to take, you know, accountability for his own actions. He's like, well you have problems too.
Starting point is 02:00:13 So, I think the only way to explain that is for you to get in some kind of contest with him to curb your drinking. Because otherwise Vito's gonna die, right? I mean he's not black, so he's? I mean, he's not black. So you killed him. Don't get diabetes moves the foot, but he's going to have like a coronary incident like within the next 10 years. So I mean, it's not looking good for you got to make a timeline for big people shorter than you have to say. Be though it's on you. I've already pitched several versions of that.
Starting point is 02:00:39 Yeah. I don't know. He's he. He did the weight loss game thing. Yeah. And he was resistant to it the entire time. And then he pushed it up. He cheaped his way over the edge. Yeah. But now it's in another like holding pattern of,
Starting point is 02:00:56 I have a handle on this. Yeah. Well, you know, I mean, yeah, it's, he's... I don't want to not drink, but I would do it for a bit. Like if it was on the... Yeah. If you could figure one out and sell it to him, you're gonna have to trick him into it though, I think.
Starting point is 02:01:12 Yeah, sure. Okay, let's see here. Comedy something. What did I just delete? The next show is... What makes me a rage is that people make things way too fucking complicated Yeah, and it seems just need to be simple and You and it just works just just make just make the fucking thing work before doing anything else or anything crazy like
Starting point is 02:01:39 How many metal guys and guitar are like oh, I don't know accorded. I just play this try it I just play the try it. Like just play the fucking, what's core is it? So how is it? Everything else is crazy after that. Give me the fucking triad. All right. Well, you're having on about general triads. I guess so.
Starting point is 02:01:57 I don't know. Got to be more specific. Maybe complicated a little bit when you're trying to explain something. Possibly. Definitely more complicated. Is he saying that? Yeah. I don't know if he said make things too complicated, but then cause like a triad is more complicated than a dyad. Right?
Starting point is 02:02:13 I mean, you got another one. Yeah. So I'm not, I don't, he doesn't like seven chords or something. I don't quite understand that. You oversimplified it too much. Okay. Last one. Yeah. You know what makes me a fucking rage is when you go on, but you're fucking the fucking website for the town, your girlfriend lives in because you're fucking staying there for the night and you have to do overnight parking.
Starting point is 02:02:38 So you park on the street and you fucking fill it out. And they still give you a fucking parking ticket. What the fuck is that? Jesus fucking crying. The overnight parking shit, man. She's really on the fucking form. Are you fucking kidding me? Fuck you.
Starting point is 02:02:53 I think that might have been the worst part of dating looking back on all of it. Yeah. Is having to get parking permits for her, looking for parking for her. It's all, well, you know, where you live too, there are, you know, asterisks next to every, you know, except the third Tuesday in March,
Starting point is 02:03:12 where it's like, it's just, I think it's set up just to make a bunch of fucking money. So I know it's crowded, but it's like, it's like, you can park, yeah, you can park here sometimes, sometimes not, sometimes with a permit, oh, you're like your permit expired, even though you've been parking there for, it's, yeah, it's a mess. It's, you will, I think in LA, I always just assumed that I would probably get a few parking tickets a year. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, it just would happen.
Starting point is 02:03:47 My friend's dating a girl that's like 30 minutes away, lives 30 minutes away from him, maybe even 40. What are you like, wow, that's something. All right. I think that would be a deal breaker, you know? It's a little ways. 30 minutes. Yeah, that's like a,
Starting point is 02:04:04 that's like, I mean, that's like more, that's like, like, I mean, that's like more longer than like an American dad episode or something. I was thinking that. Yeah, something like that. I can't put this on in the car and then I got to what, think for eight minutes? I gotta put two songs on.
Starting point is 02:04:15 Right. And that's not working for me. By the time I find anything I want to listen to, then I'll only have time for maybe a song, you know? Yeah. And then I need some decompression time before I talk to you. Right, after the drive.
Starting point is 02:04:28 So like now I'm kind of, yeah. I'm burnout, I'm gonna go home. Yeah, I just drive by, I'll wave. All right, goodbye everyone. Thank you.

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