The Dick Show - Episode 396

Episode Date: February 5, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Something like this here at tweaks coffee like that right right here at Dix retard farm We grow fine Organic retards right the most attention-seeking retards And Industrial retard farming you can't purchase a finer retarded any price you can't consume a finer I'm not gonna find a retard at any price. You can't consume a finer retard than this. How you been? Oh, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Good? Yep. I've got some... First up, or maybe this is a weather forecast. Retard cast. Retard watch. Gotcha. The harvest is really huge this week, I guess. That's what I'm saying here. I don't need any more of this. The harvest is really huge this week, I guess.
Starting point is 00:00:46 That's what I'm saying here. I don't need any more of this. The harvest, the retard harvest? The tarred harvest, yeah. The tarred harvest. Look at this. This is a big, big oof. We have a tarred oof.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Patreon is enabling. Oh, boy. Uh-oh, big oof. This is his state media site. A Ukraine reporter, Natalia Antonova. She's a Ukrainian who can't fall back on being a surrogate. If you know what I mean, I'm a prostitute too big.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Oh. When should I cut my hair off? Look at this. I don't know, man. I don't want to be rocking a scullet. What do you think? Well, I don't know. I mean, you're,
Starting point is 00:01:22 Am I risking it? I'm getting close. I like getting close to the line, but I don't want to cut it off prematurely, but I do have to cut it at some point. Well, I don't think you're really thinning on top, right? It's going to be this area is going to be what gets hit. Oh, so you'll have the little island in the front. Yeah, island of man.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Out on its own. Yeah, where it's, yeah. That's kind of a strange one where the hair, and then it thins in, yeah, where it just kind of, first it's like a weird looking peninsula, and then it just becomes an island as the tide rises. Should I take a picture of my hair and put it to AI and say, look, you tell me, how much longer do I have?
Starting point is 00:02:03 That'd be an interesting answer, maybe I guess. Yeah. But they're going to nerf it though and just say, yeah, you're already nerfed. Yeah, it really is. I mean, that's all I've really ever heard of. Yeah, that it's kind of like, oh, I can't really comment on that. I can't comment on who's invading who. And can you rephrase your question like you'd ask a menopausal woman who you've just upset recently the question yeah well I know it's yeah I
Starting point is 00:02:30 know it's been nerfed since day one I thought wasn't who what was the what was the who was the guy who basically hacked it I mean at least for where you could deep unnerfed it or whatever it was that guy yeah yeah thinking yeah yeah somebody somebody specific called in, right? Is this, yeah, he did. Aristophanes, the father of comedy called in. Let's describe it. And now he's huge, but he's too trad for me, man.
Starting point is 00:02:52 All these guys are, you know, over the last couple of years, it's very clear you can really clearly see how, how right wing, like, I don't want to say like, not Trump right, but like religious right captures men who are not having sex by saying, sex is bad, and this is how we're gonna control the sex that you guys are gonna have, the sex is coming, like George R.R. Martin, right? Guys, hey, these whores are bad, fuck whores, right?
Starting point is 00:03:19 Cause they're not fucking you, right? They're fucking these chads, fuck them. The reason sex is, you're not having sex, so it must be bad, it's cause it's you, right? They're fucking these chads, fuck them. The reason sex is, you're not having sex, so it must be bad, it's cause it's bad, right? But this is how we're gonna get you guys laid, okay? Dragon dick is coming. Dragon dick is coming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:34 This is how we're gonna get you guys laid. You gotta get married. Hey, what about how, what about how women can get divorced and take your kids and your house and you don't have any say about it? Guys, get that guy out of here. Get that, yeah. Zip, zip, zip.
Starting point is 00:03:49 You know? Fucking up the narrative. Guys with huge erections come in and take you out. Yeah. In the back. Right. Get rid of this lip-sharp. If that doesn't turn you gay, I don't know what would.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Comics are saved, Sean. Comics are what? Comics have been saved. Oh, I'm so glad. Are you glad? I want to draw your attention to this. Is this the... There was a big...
Starting point is 00:04:13 Well, he's got a spin-off. There was a big announcement this weekend at RitardoCon or whatever, FatCon. He has another one? He's got another announcement, big announcement. The Man of a Thousand Ann Eric July, is a big announcement. And two issues of a comic book. A thousand announcements, two issues of a comic book and nothing but bad reviews.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Here's the comic that's coming that he's very excited to announce. I said there's no way this could be real, right? This is impossible. Oh, come on. No way this is real. What does that say to you? This is the cover, this is the cover that Eric July announced at Megacon or MondoCon or whatever the f**k comic convention he was at this weekend.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I gotta take this. What is he? Can you see that cover? What does it say? So, what has he done? So there's a bunch of like either dead people or unconscious people at his feet. Look at the title. What is it?
Starting point is 00:05:06 It says horse man. Horse man. Yeah, horse man. Horse man, horse man. What is it? Horse man or is it horse man? Because he's wearing a gimp mask with little horse ears on it.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And it looks like Batman. Looks like Batman. Looks like an awful lot like Batman, but a horse. But a horse. Horse man. But I don't see hooves because he couldn't hold his whatever sticks.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Does he stomp holding? He, these guys died in a stampede. Yeah. It's holding batons. Those are batons? Yeah. Are they spiked at the ends? What are they? Holding horse tons with horse spikes.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Gotcha. Sending you to the glue factory. Right. Or they tried to send him to the glue factory, but he sent them to hell. He was a mildly retarded warehouse glue factory. Right. Or they tried to send him to the glue factory, but he sent them to hell. He was a mildly retarded warehouse rancher. Right. By the name of Ed Clydesdale, or Clyde Dale.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Right. Who was kicked in the head by a radioactive horse. And now he spends nights fighting detractors online in real life. Right. He's horseman. And his sidekick, the Shetland pony. Get off your high horse, he says. Ha ha ha! I'm a one trick pony.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Crack, right? Is it a joke? He's not talking. Get the saw horse. Straight from the horse's mouth. Justice, straight from the horse's mouth. Could you ever imagine such a thing? The crime's gonna go down in five minutes. I guess we better get on our horse.
Starting point is 00:06:31 He's here to protect the triple crowns. Oh really? Yeah. That's like a racing term, right? Yeah, that's a racing term. Like the triple, what is it? The Kentucky, the preakness and the... The one that nobody remembers.
Starting point is 00:06:43 God damn it. Or maybe the preakness is the one nobody remembers. Well god damn it Maybe the preakness is the one nobody remembers well shit Then we should become up to come up with the other one when a sidekick pony boy. Oh my yeah, I don't want sex Yeah, uh What do you think I used to be a horse for this is stupid that a guy in a sexual BDSM Gimp mask going around fighting crime with the devil's with Diablo sticks. It's where his middle school his nose The nose looks weird to me. That's it. Is it because it's a BDSM Gimp Mask? It looks like a
Starting point is 00:07:13 What was the? What was that weird thing and like the really old Popeye cartoons like the Jeep or something like that? Like some weird bulbous nose like Some kind of creature, right? Like it wasn't a man. No, it wasn't human. It wasn't human. It was like the great Gazoo for Fred Flintstone, but for Popeye.
Starting point is 00:07:32 But before that, it was very weird. I don't really like Popeye's characters. I find them all to be off-putting. Yeah. The whole olive oil family. I'm like, you guys all seem like weird scumbags. I don't know what's going on here. Yeah. Popeye I like, but everybody else. It was weird scumbags. I don't know what's going on here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Popeye I like, but everybody else. It was weird. What was it? The Seahag? Where did all this shit? What was going on? It was very bizarre. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:53 A bizarre universe. Yeah. Those were some of the, I mean, they all made like wartime propaganda cartoons, but I always remember seeing those in school, like the Popeye ones. Oh yeah. Or it was like there was one called,
Starting point is 00:08:06 you're a sap, Mr. Jap. And he sings too. Popeye does or the Japanese? No, no, he does. Oh, he does? He does. Oh yeah. You're a sap, Mr. Jap.
Starting point is 00:08:16 No, and it's like the most, you know, it's like all, like every time he turns his back, they come up like they're gonna sneak attack him. And he turns around, they're like, oh, we're not doing anything. We're, you know. That's cool. it's really educational. It's, it's really interesting in a, in like a of the times sort of way.
Starting point is 00:08:32 What do you mean? Think about this of the times, the horse man. See he's got a horse mane on right there. Yeah. And horse ears. And then there's little horse ears on the horse man part. I think it's timeless. Yeah. I think it's timeless too. I think it's going to be a big hit and not dumb at all. I mean, you know, people remember horses ever since, you know, they were born. I mean, that's, if that's not timeless, I don't know what is. Let's see if we got, let's see what else I got here in horse, horse man news. Yeah. Here's the other part. Oh yeah. Eric July has responded to criticism. Oh yeah. It's not pronounced horse man. It's
Starting point is 00:09:14 horse man. Like a person that rides a horse. Like a so horseman is what, but that's not why is he dressed like a horse then? Well, also he didn't explain that very well, because it's like, you can't say how to pronounce something by repeating the word. It's not horseman. You have to horseman. Yeah. You have to do it like, you know, is it pronounced,
Starting point is 00:09:38 you know, like horse mun, like M-U-H-N spell it out. Right. Foe it, theonetic, theonetically. Right. Right, exactly. You've got to pronounce horsemen. Is that pronounced horseman? It's pronounced horseman.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Yeah, and if you want something, you can capitalize the part that you want the accent on, in case somebody doesn't know what an accent mark. Yeah, so you spell it out phonetically, right? So it's not horseman. It's horse man. Well, I thought it was... Why is he dressed like a fucking horse then?
Starting point is 00:10:10 Jockeys don't come out with little fucking horse ears on. No. Do they? Well, no. A guy that's horse man comes out with fucking horse ears on. Right. Right. Maybe he's going to ride a jockey.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Why do you look like Batman then? He's not Batman and Associates. Right, the, right, the Superman's and the Batman's. Superman, right, Superman. They live in, that's why he's got the S on his chest. They live in Encino, you know, they, they wear the little hats on certain days, you know, the, why is he wearing a little, he's wearing a little hat like Batman. The Superman's and the Batman's.
Starting point is 00:10:39 So we know it's horsemen, right? Yeah, right. Yeah. Mild man, mildly retarded warehouse rancher by day. Ha ha ha ha. Then I had a real comic pro explain to me why it's not funny. It's like one fighter by night.
Starting point is 00:10:55 It's common, Dick. It's common to have animal man names. I know, yeah. Yeah, sure. I mean, you know, because you say horsemen and people are just thinking how big is his penis? Let me explain to you why it's funny. You say horseman, it's how big is his cock?
Starting point is 00:11:10 And let me see his cock. Yeah. That's what people are thinking. People don't hear squirrel man and think, I wonder how big his cock is. No one ever thought that. Batman, they don't go, I wonder if he has a big old dong.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Never happened, not one time did anybody think that. Fucking horse man, they think of, how big is this dick? And hey, do you remember that guy that got raped to death by a horse called Mr. Hands? That's what we're thinking about. Right, I forgot about that. Oh, not me, not me, Sean. No, I will think about it.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Start the show. So no matter how bad your day went went you didn't come up with horseman Yeah, good is what I'm saying right so it's good bully for you. Yeah, I think that woke me up. I'm awake God I wish I was back asleep Had a bad night of magic last night Oh Welcome to the video you did you love it you bet it so show rams contest coming alive from mountain bronco Do you know how to see the failure me hosting master naked three million other man? Joining me is always world-torting LA based comedian. I'm Sean the audio engineer. Hello, dick. What's up, buddy? Yeah, you doing thank you for not killing yourselves. I thought Vito was going to kill me this week.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Really? See this Vito's booty treasure box. No, what's that all about? So Vito won't weigh himself. After his weight loss thing, he said, I'm in control. I'm not weighing myself anymore, no matter how much. First he said I'll weigh myself for 50 bucks. And then the 50 bucks started coming in.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I don't want to weigh myself. I want to lose weight first. So finally they upped it to $400. Somebody got him to get on a scale and I thought to myself, you know, this isn't going to last, right? I need to figure something out here. Cause I enjoy that, you know?
Starting point is 00:12:59 You don't want to do that. Let's figure out some way for you to to incentivize you to do it. Right. Right? Yeah. I love this part of people, you know, let's get in that brain and see what the buttons are doing here.
Starting point is 00:13:13 But motivate some. Yeah, you've got some old path, you've got some old pathways over here. Because if there's no telling what gets anybody's dick wet. Oh, they're really. Like you just don't, it's, there's, you know, people are different. Could be anything. Right. That's what makes me so fascinating is what motivates them.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Right. Right. And some people's cases, it's not money, you know? Yeah. So we went to, we went to lunch. Let me bring up Maddox's article. We got to read this thing. How is a Selenas these days? Oh, she's doing, not doing well, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Here's a non-biased journalist who did a interviewed Maddox. Right. Is this under Fonz all over him in the first couple paragraphs? It's a real reporting going on. It's an opening question. Natalia, I hope it doesn't frighten you to say that I'm a big fan.
Starting point is 00:14:05 She meant, she means physically. Yeah. Right. Not figuratively. Yes, yes, yes. She means I'm fat. I'm a big fan. I think now it's scary to say that, right?
Starting point is 00:14:17 That's how she starts the interview. I reached out to her to try to- Talk about, boy, really? I mean, you know, just like enabling him to hang out of this crazy notion that like people are stalking him left and right. Like, you know, you just, you just- You're doing- You're not who you think you are.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Nobody really cares. It's just that you do, re-react in crazy ways to things. It's not horsemen. It's horsemen. Yeah. Oh Got it. Sorry. I'll stop stalking your horsemen Maddox, oh, thank you. I appreciate that. No, not at all. Oh No, no, no, I think having lived through this ordeal. You want to tell me where you live? Oh, he's a fucking survivor Oh my god, they spend they spend the whole fucking thing. She just talks about her own experiences
Starting point is 00:15:08 of being so desired online that people, she's fighting guys off these pervert, handsome rich perverts off of the stick online, beating them off. I appreciate that. No, not at all. I think having lived through this ordeal of being called a cuck online.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah. I have a little better sense of some of the red flags that I pay attention to. Okay. Okay, buddy. All right. We'll get to that in a little bit. Was I talking about Vito's Treasure Box? So we had lunch with this guy and this guy is going to a video games event. And Vito said, if they have any good swag, send it to me. Like limited edition swag from the video games
Starting point is 00:15:52 thing that you're going to send it to. And the guy said, okay. And I said, hey, wait, send it to me. And then if Vito gets on the scale, I'll give it to him. And Vito's like, oh no, I need those toys. So now on the show, every week, I put something a fan sent in in the box.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Stepped right in like somebody to a 9-11 fund. Oh, we'll just be taking that. I'll get it to him, don't worry about it. Just easier if I take it. If I handle everything, I'm already going to the PO box. You know, sure. Don't worry about it. So if he gets on the scale, he gets whatever is in the box.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Yeah. But it's whatever somebody sent. Does somebody's head? This week it happened to be a mother's milk, a mother's milk Funko, which is the black supporting character from the boys show. Oh, right. Right. You can see it from the boys show. Oh, right, right. You can see it's been torn open and a fit of rage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I veto and I don't know where the figurine is. I think he threw it somewhere, but I forget where. He might have thrown it into the abyss. He really threw it. This shit abyss. Yeah, he was very upset. Oh my God. But people are sending in great stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Like hundreds of dollars of collectibles. Wait, he'd be like a kind of guy who like wouldn't open that normally. Exactly. He must have been upset. Exactly. It's like a $7 Funko Pop, which I don't know, is maybe worth a lot or not a lot for them. Yeah. So that's the bit.
Starting point is 00:17:22 So this will go well. Because at any moment, and if he doesn't get on the scale, I'll smash it. Oh God. I take it out of the box and smash it. His like collector, well, your intercollector will come and he'll have to get on. Well, I mean, I assume so. Or a rage quit or, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I don't know. We're gonna, it's gonna get, it's gonna get real pressurized in here. Let's see, you're definitely, you're definitely popping the hood and poking around. I don't know. It's gonna get real pressurized in here. You're definitely popping the hood and poking around. It was great. One of my finest moments. Pretty good. Yeah, but not a good night. I worked all night to try to get to...
Starting point is 00:17:55 We were playing some magic. You were? Yes, and I worked all night. I had a perfectly drawn draft of a really ferocious pirate captain and all these other cards that were perfectly tailored to bring him out and I worked all night to try to get it out and I never got it out not one time. It was very frustrating.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I found myself trying to weasel press my girlfriend into how about just one more so I can try to get this. And she knew what I was doing the whole time. I'm like, what am I? This is like trying to pressure, I feel like I'm trying to pressure you for sex It feels desperate as like a teenager, right? Yeah, I'm just trying to pressure you like one Can you get one more game? I just got to get this fucking Fire it out man. I couldn't do it
Starting point is 00:18:39 No, and it's all I've been thinking about all night. Oh, no. Yeah, I'll take a break and do it. I Don't know. I don't know how to get it out of my system. Do I just play a pretend game by myself? I don't know. And get it out? I don't know. Do I have to go down to the local, the dirty, play other people?
Starting point is 00:18:56 Play, I'll like find somebody like Boogie, play magic against him? Maybe. I don't know. I don't know how to do it, man. I've only played magic once when we did that thing downtown. Did you win?
Starting point is 00:19:06 I don't think so. We should do that again. Maybe I'll do one of those events again just so I can get this card out. Yeah, no, I actually got- I just need to- As I was playing, I was being given lessons on how to play because it was very pathetic otherwise.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah. Yes, there's pity was taken upon me. You have a lot of patience, so you'd probably be good at it. No. No? No. You. You have a lot of patience. So you'd probably be good at it No, you know, no, no, you don't have a lot of patience. No good at it both I Just need to feel it I need to like feel the flipping it over getting the perfect Combination of merfolk and pirate men and dinosaurs so I can flip the fucking card over and just see it there even if it's immediately killed.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I need to see it or I'm gonna fucking lose it. Mm-hmm. Okay. I also discovered this week that I have shit mood lighting. Shit mood lighting. Yeah. Okay. I think Smiley reconnected my fan in my bathroom
Starting point is 00:20:07 so that it turns on half of the lights. Oh. So the, you know, the shit fan, you flip on. There's lights in the bathroom and then you got the other switch for the fan. And so the fan is also, is now connected to lights? The fan is also connected to half the lights. Oh, it wasn't like that before.
Starting point is 00:20:27 No, no. So flipping it on, I get a nice little, little half like romantic mood lighting. So you don't have to use the main light switch anymore. Well, only if I want to see. Full lighting. Yeah, or no fan. Or no. I don't want a fan like normal, right?
Starting point is 00:20:46 Normal lights, and if I want a fan, it's half lights. Have you ever seen anything like that? But you can turn on both and get right. Well, yeah, but there's no need to. Right, right? Because the fan has so I can never shit in the dark, right? Which is a bit annoying. Yeah. To hat like you wake up and like oh I gotta take a shit Like but you don't really want them. I don't really want half lights right now, man. Yeah. All right I don't know. I don't know if that's common or not, but yeah, that's what I'm dealing with That's funny that he did that yeah But it's too it's too late to fix now.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I mean. I just live with it for the rest of my life. That's one of those things that, because yes, that happens. That's what, I'll get around to, you know what? And then you just never do. And at some point you admit to yourself that you never will. It's gonna write it down on the MLS.
Starting point is 00:21:39 I'm gonna put it down. Yeah, yeah, right. It's one of those. It's one of those shit lighting. It's one of those things that, they're just little things by themselves. But when you get to be like 40, 45, 50, that all piles up and you snap and kill someone.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yeah, that's what I'm counting on. All these little fucking things like just add up. And you're like, I still go, oh man, that motherfucker just fucking backed into my car right there, like fucking, ah, that's like, you know what, I'm gonna fix it. Wait, was that Ralph? And then, no.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Okay. No, like it's been hit like a couple of times in parking lots where it's just like, oh God, fucking damn it. I was like, and then it gets to be enough of them where you go, I don't fucking, I mean, I care, I care, but it's, it pisses me off, it care, I care, but it's, I need like a whole do over me, but I'm not going to fucking fix it because it ain't worth
Starting point is 00:22:29 it. I need like a maternity leave. Yeah. So I can just go fix all this stuff and probably break more, but at least we'll be new broken stuff. Right. You got to reset to rebrake. Here's the one I just discovered today. This is, this is something that people are proud of. Just arrived, but it's all. This is a tiny house that this guy bought on Amazon. God, is that for real? Yeah, for $20,000.
Starting point is 00:22:59 He's unboxing a house. Oh, freaking way. Yo, it's legit. No, it's not. It's kinda small. Yeah it's a little kind of small. Oh it's loud in here. What's the point of windows? What do the windows do? There's a whole bathroom in a shower. Wait there's a shower? In a toilet. This is kind of nice it's just like kind of small. This is something that we would give homeless people right? Right. A little cube. Wait a second. A coffin. kind of small. This is something that we would give homeless people right right a little cube
Starting point is 00:23:26 Wait a second a coffin an oversized coffin. This guy did it for a video. Oh, yeah You can oh, that's cool. Oh my laptop does it's not cool like a porch has to fold out like a puzzle Oh, it's all it's out. I mean actually now. No, I think it's a little cooler. Now you think it's cool? No, it's not cool. It's like a pop-up, like a... That's a whole wall. I've never... Can't we give the kids better houses than this?
Starting point is 00:23:55 How much does this cost? 20 grand. 20 grand. Yeah. Can we... Just a little bit. That's all I'm asking. They don't have to live in little shipping containers, do they?
Starting point is 00:24:04 I think that's what my parents' first house cost. 20 grand? I think so. I assume it was bigger than this than like a hallway. Not sure it was. That makes a bunch of like futuristic sounds as it's being unveiled. Can we do a little better than this? I mean, we don't have to, they don't have to have anything good.
Starting point is 00:24:22 They don't have to have any retirement or anything like that. But do they have to live in little metal boxes that you order off the internet? Remember like the Sears craftsmen houses that they would send and it would be like a giant house like Lincoln Logs you put together. They put together. And there's some up right up the street from here.
Starting point is 00:24:40 They're gigantic. Boomer's sitting in them probably paid 20 grand for it. Like a kit house kind of thing, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what they used to do. And now they're doing it again, but you got to live in a little tiny... Hey, let me in. What's the square footage? You kicked me out already. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Hold on. It didn't come with instructions and we built it. Dude, five-star review. No, no, no. Come on. We're going to do a zero reviews. And it's finally done. Come inside so I can give you guys a tour. This place is serious. So is it maybe two car garage size?
Starting point is 00:25:10 Yeah. Could it be about 400 square feet? Yeah, it looks like. Could it be that large? Yeah. Let me see. 19 by 20. $35,000.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Oh, that's the deluxe model. Is it? Yeah. 19 by 20. Yeah, so it's about a two car garage. Oh. These poor kids. And then they got the sexless crusaders out there,
Starting point is 00:25:34 telling them that they shouldn't be complaining about working a normal job. That guy's like Matt Walsh and these fucking clowns making fun of kids for crying about working, driving, wasting their lives, driving an hour to an office to do answer emails and do God knows what. Thinking that these men, adult men, thinking that they somehow contributed
Starting point is 00:26:00 to the quality of life increase over the years, which they did not. That was a very small amount of people who invented new technologies, who did that, who defined our quality of life, and then who are complicit in just extracting, using that technology to extract wealth from the people whose labor builds it,
Starting point is 00:26:23 sticking them in little prison cells from Amazon. Yeah. Free the low, low cost of $35,000. Oh my God. I really hate it. Yeah, I know. Just give them a house. Just let the guys who are building houses,
Starting point is 00:26:40 just let them keep building forever. Yeah. You know? Right. They're not really getting paid that much for building a fucking house that lasts for God knows how long. At least let them build and don't just stop them. So boomers houses are worth ungodly amounts of money.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And then letting boomers who are run certain entities just buy them up anyway to make sure that there's a lot fewer available. I just sit on them for rent, like for decades. Yeah, it's like, with their 3% loss. They're not for sale, you can rent it. Yeah, I like sitting on it, you know? Yeah, yeah, yep.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Well, enjoy your shipping containers, I guess. Yeah. There's a certain amount of people who do that shit with vintage guitars, as I've talked about before. Oh, they do? Of course, yeah. What do they do? Of course.
Starting point is 00:27:32 They've been going, since the 80s, a lot of Japanese investors have bought up a lot of the more sought after vintage guitars. I mean, it's just, yeah, just, but I think many, many people who own those do play, but there is a percentage of a, you know, pretty small amount of certain instruments that are in vaults. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:51 You know, I mean, because it's like, you know, the whole, they ain't making any more of it type of thing. Rant is insane. Yeah. Yeah. Health insurance is insane. Your employer has to pay for it and would pay you because thanks to Obamacare.
Starting point is 00:28:04 It's insane. Rant prices are insane because they're not letting anyone build any houses because if they build houses, boomers house values would plummet and then they would more supply vote for, you know, not you. Here is, this might be the wrong link, Governor New York Governor, New York has secured over 183 million in compensation for Holocaust victims. Wait, what? What? This was a couple days ago? Well, are they... Is that like a cumulative total? Like what in our history sense? No, this is... I think they just did it.
Starting point is 00:28:38 No, I mean, that's... I don't know. It's a weird thing. It's a weird way to phrase it, isn't it? Right. Is it like people who were victims of the Holocaust but survived and then went to... And now this Holocaust claims processing office secured over 183 million, okay, announced the New York state of financial services Holocaust claims processing, which assists Holocaust victims in their heirs, recover stolen items. Oh, so it said they found 183 million dollars.
Starting point is 00:29:05 In stolen items. Huh. Oh, okay. How'd they know? That's a very odd way to lead. Like that just makes me think. It has no home in New York and my administration is committed to the uplifting survivors and their families while honoring the memory of the 6 million.
Starting point is 00:29:21 What? Well, where did you what did you find? They find like that, that... Four paintings. Okay. That's not so bad. Our train or whatever, have you read about that? The whole like the Nazi train is supposed to be, is supposed to be buried or something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I mean, people are looking for, you know. I've heard that, yeah. It's filled with priceless works. And I mean, I don't know if there's any. I probably saw it on the Simpsons. Evidence to it being real or anything, but... Culture, this is the one I was looking for. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Taylor Swift is suing computers. Really? Yeah. Maybe I can find it. Interesting. Dang it. I marked it, but I copied the wrong way. Taylor Swift sues a computer. What do you think about that, Psyop?
Starting point is 00:30:05 What's that? She's dating the NFL or pretending to date the NFL or whatever. Right, right, right, right. To get middle-aged women to vote for Biden, but more specifically to make their husbands vote for Biden or illegally fill out their husband's ballot for Biden. Why, what is dating the NFL have to do with it? Any of that?
Starting point is 00:30:28 Cause she's like on TV every week, you know? And like women, that means women are getting more into the NFL and like encroaching on their husbands a lot, you know, bearing down on them. Maybe, I don't know. You know, maybe this one of it. Lawmakers have proposed an anti-non-consensual AI porn bill
Starting point is 00:30:48 after the Taylor Swift controversy. They were making AIs of Taylor Swift having gang bangs in a football stadium. And I mean, her body looks like better. And like she's never had a body that good. So I don't know what she's crying about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It would let people sue anyone who created
Starting point is 00:31:09 or intended to spread digitally faked sexual images. Boy, the future is gonna be so fucked up. So shitty. I mean, you know what, I mean, I mean, no one's gonna stop doing that, right? We're just all gonna be criminals. Well, I was halfway through that sentence when I realized like, what do you mean gonna be shitty? Like a fucking, I mean, right one's gonna stop doing that, right? We're just all gonna be criminals. Well, I was halfway through that sentence when I realized like, what do you mean gonna be shitty?
Starting point is 00:31:27 Like a fucking, I mean, right now fucking sucks. And it's only gonna get worse. Yeah, a new bill will criminalize the spread of AI, generated pornographic images in response to the Taylor Swift controversy. Okay, so it's definitely happening, right? I mean, yeah. Because I can't look a woman in the eye and say,
Starting point is 00:31:42 Once that's on the table, it seems like it's only a matter of time before the right people go, you know what? Fuck it. Not what I wasn't sure about this. Now I'm definitely sure. Like that kind of stuff, like people always end up radicalizing around it. So it's gonna, something's going to happen. Yeah. The open AI people that denutted AI are gonna start setting up some American chip makers. So they'll just put Killware in there, Kill Switch in there. It's like, all right, well, if you're caught making any of this Taylor Swift stuff,
Starting point is 00:32:15 non-consensual, meanwhile, you could just picture it in your mind, draw a little fucking picture. Oh, look at that. That's effort though. I'm not as good an artist. Uh, new bill will crim- Uh, recently, AI, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, the original poster faced backlash, seeing how people did not see an issue
Starting point is 00:32:38 with the non-consensual and fake image was disturbing. Why was it disturbing that people liked making fake sex pictures of celebrities? How the fuck was that disturbing? No one gives a fuck. They're certainly not your friend. You never seen somebody cut out a face of somebody and put it on something of a different picture?
Starting point is 00:33:01 How the fuck was that disturbing? Oh, I can't believe people are- But that's obviously fake. I can't believe that's obviously fake I can't believe people are not horrified seeing Taylor Swift fucking Grover in front of the an entire stadium What's she fucking Grover? Uh, one of them. Yeah, one of them that I saw I Mean, no point was this sexual by the way No one is beating off to Taylor Swift in face paint getting gang banged. Oh, I'll bet somebody was Yes, a sicko a sick weirdo was beating off to Taylor Swift in face paint getting gang banged. Oh, I'll bet somebody was. Yes. A sicko, a sick weirdo was beating off to that.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Somebody's beating off to everything. God damn. Just like they ruined the internet, they're going to ruin this one. It's response. Senator majority whip something who is joined by Lindsey Graham. Yeah. Yeah. Flaming homosexual. Oh, look at this. It's bipartisan. Amy. Bipartisan way to fuck over everyone. The Democrat from Minnesota, the Republican from Missouri.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Are all kissing Taylor Swift. Because she is the... She is like the... She's like the Mohammed of women. You can take them home, get drunk, beat the shit out of them, but God forbid anyone do anything to Taylor Swift. That's the one that they get that nobody could, you can't even imagine her naked. The measure will criminalize the sped, spreading of fake and sexualized digital forgeries.
Starting point is 00:34:13 And they banned Taylor, you couldn't even search for Taylor Swift on Twitter. Pretty soon you're just gonna have, everybody's just gonna go like, it's fake. Well, you would think that would be the positive outcome of letting deep fakes go wild. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cause then anything gets out. It's like, well, it's probably fake. Like who knows? I mean, the more it's out there,
Starting point is 00:34:31 the more likely it is to probably be fake, right? I mean, it's like... A visual depiction created through the use of software, machine learning, artificial intelligence, or any other computer generated or technological means to falsely appear to be authentic. Even like photo shops, you can't make people naked anymore? Or for the... What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:34:54 Like they try to like copyright law oftentimes includes something about future technology. Like it's covered under that too. Yeah, this is like ancient technology. No, no, I know. I'm just saying if there's some new or playing. They might as well put paint and color, right? And colored pencils on here. It seems like a more...
Starting point is 00:35:13 That's so fucked up. What is that? What's that symbol next to her? That's open AI. Oh. I don't know whatever they did to their board. Had a bunch of women on there and people that didn't deserve to be there. You know that Venn diagram is pretty tight.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I don't think they got rid of any of them when they fired that guy. Gotcha. I hate it. Good shit. But you know, guys can't stop talking about abortion. So here's where we are. Yeah. Taylor Swift and her audience really doesn't want your guy to win I wonder why that might be because they
Starting point is 00:35:48 have a problem with immigration and stuff no because you guys can't shut up about abortion that's why they have a big fucking problem with that okay here is other political news. Oh good. DeSantis. DeSantis is going to stop you from making lab meat. Oh yeah, because it's, you know, it's everywhere and it's, it's, it's so perfect from what I read. Taking our jobs. Yeah. So we got anti-AI. Yeah. Anti-fake meat. Fake meat. Yeah. We're in the middle. Governor DeSantis is cracking down on lab grown meat. You need meat? Okay. We're going to have meat in Florida. We're going to have fake meat. That doesn't work. We're going to make sure to do it right. And I'm
Starting point is 00:36:37 not gay. Really? That's what he really wanted everyone to realize is that he's not gay. He's the press issues right there. And he doesn't wear heels. We are gonna do it right. How they do, they blame agriculture for global warming. I culture how they do. They blame agriculture for global warming. I know the legislature's doing a bill to try to protect our meat. You need meat, okay, and we're gonna have meat in Florida. Like we're not going to, we're gonna do have fake meat. Like that doesn't work. So we're gonna make sure to do it right. But there's a whole ideological agenda that's coming after, I think,
Starting point is 00:37:11 a lot of important parts of our society. And like Florida, obviously we have a lot of agriculture. Florida also relies on reliable energy to power our electric grid, particularly in the face of natural disasters when hurricane Ian came through We got the lights back on because we had access to reliable energy. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thanks. Thanks a lot No lab meat. Yeah, I mean I'm not worried that it not him not in my life
Starting point is 00:37:41 I don't really like that we have to kill all these animals by the way. You know, kind of looking forward to not doing that. I'm with you. I know what you mean. I mean, it is. I don't like that part of it. I will keep eating the meat. Yep, no, exactly. I don't dislike it enough
Starting point is 00:38:00 to take some kind of an ideological stance. I think meat is fucking delicious. And I think as bad a face, as like factory meat, you know, has and has definitely deserved in the past. Yeah. You know, and maybe still deserves to a certain extent. From what I've seen, I've seen some programs and read about this a little bit.
Starting point is 00:38:26 You know, they're finding you want the animal that's killed to be under the least amount of stress possible because it releases hormones and- So it's like, it seems to me that there is an effort to at least be a little more humane with all these animals that are ultimately gonna be killed. But I kind of think you're an animal, you don't know it's coming.
Starting point is 00:38:48 It's like, I don't know how, I mean, all of it sucks a little bit. Like, ah, there are, cause there's shady farms too. Oh, of course, of course. I don't wanna hear about it. Of course, of course there are. I'm just saying, I don't know that it's as,
Starting point is 00:39:02 as like brutal as your mind can go to, you know? Like in some cases maybe, but like- I don't need them to stop trying to make fake meat. I don't need them to make it illegal. Oh no, 100%. To stop, to try to replace it with fake meat. 100%. But I don't think it's gonna be,
Starting point is 00:39:20 I don't think it's gonna be edible for a long time. I mean, edible is it? Well, definitely not here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I don't think it's going to be edible for a long time. I mean, edible is it? Well, definitely not here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Here's some immigration stats. Think about this one. Three million, three, is that say three million encounters
Starting point is 00:39:36 of illegal total enforcement for illegal immigrants? Yeah. Here's 17, 500,000. Yeah. What if it's 900 and like, where is that? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just 500, 600, a million, 2020, 600,000. Okay. 21, 2,000,000, 22, 3,000,000, 23, 3,000,000. Yeah. Already in 24, a million. I just, whoa, fat white women in America are like, yeah, bring it on, party, it's raining men. I just honestly think there's so much, like I don't, I really don't know why we have the borders
Starting point is 00:40:16 like open at all. You mean like legal immigration too. Why the fuck would we have that at all? Well, I mean, I just, that's only gonna hurt smart people. There's a fucking ton of people here and a ton of problems. Like it's like, it doesn't,
Starting point is 00:40:30 I don't, it doesn't have anything with me. It doesn't have anything to do with like, what country they're coming from or whatever. Like, I mean, we know it's a lot easier to come from a country that's fucking, you know, right next to you. But like, it just seems like there's, we should probably like put a pause on it.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Don't other countries do this? Like just put upon like there's, we should probably like put a pause on it. Don't other countries do this? Like just put a pause, like like sort it. It's just straight up illegal because it's retarded. Sort it out. Like, I mean, we got, we got some things to like smooth out here. I think I just, I don't know that we need to be adding more people into the, I mean, really, just like for a while, just like, like no immigration. I feel like everybody, we're at a point now where both parties will try to sabotage the
Starting point is 00:41:07 other's immigration efforts because they want it to be as bad as possible when they're running. Yeah. So now Republicans are trying to sabotage. Yeah, sure. I don't like the 5,000 a day deal either. Like I think that's stupid, but still they want to sabotage it so they can get Trump in there and collect.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Oh, there's, they would love 5 million people in this year, right? Sure. Um, sure. Oh, they both incentivize, they're both incentivized to make it as bad as possible. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, that's a frightening amount of people. Yeah, sure. Three million last year, three million, two million, three million, three million, already a million. Uh, And what is that exactly? That's like illegal alien encounters or something. What's in total enforcement? What is that? Total US border patrol encounters.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Encounters. And then total enforcement. Oh, that's how many people they've caught? Enforcement. Wait, is that what that? No, encounters doesn't mean like they do anything with it. But what's, I don't know that I understand the labeling. I don't know either.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Go with this one, total encounters. Two million, yeah, even in, just encounters. It's two million, two million. So far this year, 600,000. That mean they're like, I just, I don't, I still don't know exactly like what that pertains to. That means they run into somebody and... They run into somebody, but then like, what's, what,
Starting point is 00:42:23 well, yeah, but then like what happens to them? Nothing. You know what I mean? Well, I don't know. That's what I'm questioning. Taxes is like taking over federal parks. Does that mean that more people are trying and they're being encountered,
Starting point is 00:42:38 but like what's the ultimate, are they sent back or like, oh, go on your way. Let me give you a back. They let them in. Well, I mean, you're saying that, but you're going to have to show me that. I'm just saying. Let's go outside.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I'll show you. You're going them out. Did you see? You texted me. You're like, hey, you're close. I'm like, yeah. And you're like, there's a weird, there's a huge gathering down on Cyprus.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Well, it's San Fernando too. I don't know, but they were all Hispanic. Like so, and I think I saw like a like a like a Salvadorian like an El Salvador flag. They're the worst. They're the most uppity. I don't know what is going on. There's no signs. I mean like it's not a protest because there's not a sign to be seen but dude for blocks There's lines. I don't know what they're waiting for. I couldn't see where they were going. I was gonna ask you, is there some kind of- Is there some kind of Selena hologram or something down there? Is there some kind of a holiday or something that is like,
Starting point is 00:43:31 what is it, Sunday? Is there- Sunday. Oh, they're voting on something? What, what is it? They're voting for the El Salvadorian president in the US? Huh. Is that true? Oh, really? Oh. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:45 Salvador election. Really? Uh, huh. Yeah. President Bukeli. Post for a landslide. Which one is he? Nazi or not?
Starting point is 00:43:57 I don't know. Well, so. Is Bukeli a Nazi? Is Bukeli a Nazi? I don't know. Isn't it? I didn't think El Salvador had a... Oh, yeah. Okay. Great. He's like the Bitcoin guy.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Oh, yeah. He's the guy that chained all the criminals together and like strips them and throws them into a, uh, an NPR. So you can prison. Oh, awesome. Okay. Good. Good. Good. That's what's going to fucking Mexicans know how to vote for their own shit. Well, they're not here not the Mexicans I mean, I didn't see any Mexican flags I don't see color Sean. Oh, I know I just see Mexican flag Mexican flag Yeah, I can say that I'm I'm one one hundred and twenty eighth Native American
Starting point is 00:44:48 I'm half Mexican I can say that I know that's it There it is there's never been a time in human history in any society anywhere where people only to do 20 hours of work and their rest are recreational to yeah 30 hours of work life itself is working requires what this is a fucking guy who sits at a air conditioned studio and complains about transsexuals. This is a guy who just follows Henry Ford's fucking model, right? So he's probably a Nazi too.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Cause Henry Ford was a huge fucking Nazi. My nephews have to do this presentation every year. Yeah. Did he run the, like the Dearborn Independent? It was like a total it was a complete fucking like American Jew. Oh, was it a book? Yeah, yeah, but it was like for the after dealing with financing his companies for some reason He had this weird chip on his shoulder him and Kanye. They had this
Starting point is 00:45:39 strange anti-Semitism after a life of dear Stay at home moms do work and a lot. Oh no, my nephews do these presentations where they have to like be a historical figure. Yeah. So my, the older one did Henry Ford. Oh yeah. I was like, oh yeah, how far did he get in the life
Starting point is 00:45:58 of Henry Ford? Did he bring in, my sister goes, no. Don't do it, yeah. Don't bring it up, he didn't do that. So then the new, the little one this week, he got his pick for bringing in a live presentation. Yeah, what did he, yeah. George Washington Carver.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I said you gotta be fucking. George Washington Carver. You're gonna dress up to do that one, buddy? He goes, oh my. That's fucking hilarious. George Washington Carver and Henry Ford So I was doing my eyes on impression. I was like this is how you got to do it. You gotta be like, oh, yeah Yeah, yeah, you want some more of that? How about some peanut butter?
Starting point is 00:46:38 You can't escape work of some kind unless you're born a billionaire you own slaves. On the other end if you if you can sign yourself to dirt poverty and homelessness but outside of these extremes work is a reality of life. Bro no, it's not. Like that's the whole point of civilization is that gradually we are not working. Yeah. More and more is done by machines and the work that we do is increasingly safer and can be shared amongst more people. Work is not a goal. Jen Exers, because they have never worked, like my father, he could have worked in a copper mine, right? That could have been his life. Yeah. You know? Well, where he's came from, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Where he came from, yeah. He could have just worked in a copper mine and that would have been his, like, that would have been part of his life, right? The odds of me having to work in a copper mine are fucking zero. The odds that I would end up working in a mine are zero. That's Gen X, that's our generation. The odds that I work in a fucking record store are very high, but the odds of working in a mine
Starting point is 00:47:41 are much lower than our fathers. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, right? Well, yeah, right? Right, well, even mining, I mean, mining has been collapsing in this country forever. Which is made China do it. Well, right, we make other countries do it. Our kids are gonna work in record stores, fuck your kids.
Starting point is 00:47:55 You don't even care about them anyway. Yeah, but in no way, in no way, and in no objective terms, does our generation have it better than our father's generation? Well, financially, no. We're not prospering because a bunch of plutocrats stole the wealth which the technology brings because of shit like this.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Because of shit like this where guys... Unfortunately, that's money is kind of the only thing that matters for your quality of life in the United States because nothing, you have to pay for fucking everything. Because you're either living in a coffin from Amazon, or you're living in like a normally built house. Like there's no reason that you shouldn't, there's no reason why you shouldn't just,
Starting point is 00:48:34 everyone have a house. The government just made people stop building them to keep to artificially inflate, home rights anyway. It's like, we, it's like, it's as rigged as it gets. Like our lives are rigged and we're on the wrong side of the, and all it would take is for people like this and it's over to admit, yeah, I was born better off than my dad and I have a weird complex about it. Yeah. I don't feel like I worked hard for it. So now I'm going to fetishize work and boast about how work is.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I guess, I guess I do but they the Generation that's had at the easiest were the boomers Like the no man they easiest easiest They had to deal with Vietnam that was a couple of fucking years honestly think about that like the whole life Yeah, not all of them. They had it so what? Like so what? I know a lot of people got needed. Financially, yes, but I don't think culturally. It was a ridiculous, culturally,
Starting point is 00:49:30 they got to do whatever they did, whatever the fuck they wanted. Like blowjobs were illegal. But nobody fucking was enforcing blowjob illegal. Sotomy was illegal. Blowjob illegal. Nobody's enforcing that shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:41 I do hate them. I think they're benefiting from a Ponzi scheme financially. Oh, hugely. They bought houses when they were like 20, 22 years old. I'll tell you what. Their parents were fucking dicks. I'll just give you a... Imagine that.
Starting point is 00:49:56 That's just fucking silent generation. Like we were in, we fought Nazis and World War II. Like, oh, go fuck yourself, man. I'll give you an example. This is, I mean, this is just, and this is, you know, this is basically most people, most people of this age I know. So my mom, on my mom's side,
Starting point is 00:50:12 this'll be a vintage guitar thing too. Okay. My mom's side, I have an uncle, great fucking guy. Like you've met them, you've met their family. You know, they've never been anywhere near wealthy. Always, you know, like worked, we're able to buy a house young. They're smart with their money,
Starting point is 00:50:35 but not like crazy savvy investing. Smart with their money. They have, he was the only one who worked. Rent, they would have a rental property along the way. They sold it, they was able to build another house. Really nice, getting the most kind of bang for their buck. Like you'd think they had more money than they did. He started, when he was probably 40 or so,
Starting point is 00:51:00 started like dabbling in the vintage guitar market. That's when it was nothing, right? So slowly but surely, you know, you got educated, was savvy, started getting a pretty respectable vintage collection. I mean, pre-war Martins, things like that that are worth crazy money today. A lot of Fender Amps, mostly I wish he had gotten
Starting point is 00:51:25 into old Gibson's because that's, you know, that's my thing. But so Fender amps, old Fender guitars, including, including at one time he owned the 52 Blackguard on the cover of the Fender Telecaster book. I think it's called the Fender Telecaster. He owned that guitar. You know what he did for a living? What? He sold appliances. He didn't own the store, he sold appliances.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Like that's, he was able to do that just on a reasonable salary. Now we got an app that can do that. I'm just saying, it wasn't like he owned the place or anything. This is, was extremely typical of that generation. It was, it was, my mom was talking about how when they bought their first house,
Starting point is 00:52:10 like their down payment was like, was like three grand. And I was like, well, three grand is like a hundred grand. It was like, no, it fucking wasn't. How's that? It wasn't. Like she's like, I don't know how anybody after us were able to, it was just, they just worked regular, single, one.
Starting point is 00:52:26 You guys fucked everybody over. Exactly, and that's what I'm saying. Like, I mean, Vietnam, sorry, I don't have that much sympathy. For the people who are in it, you're fucked. But I mean, like, that's one aspect of your life. And you probably got, you know, their parents got fucking GI money.
Starting point is 00:52:41 They got all kinds of shit. Yeah, they ruined the college system because of that. So like, yes. So like everybody, they got all kinds of shit. Yeah, they ruined the college system because of that. So like, yes. So like everybody, they definitely, they were definitely set up for a much, a turnkey life in many instances. So I mean, if you honestly, the, you know what? Also, I feel the worst for the people who really thought
Starting point is 00:53:02 we were doing a good thing in Vietnam and that we were going to be allowed to help these people. But clearly that wasn't the goal. But people who, if you didn't wanna go and you couldn't get out of it with student deferment or whatever, that's kind of an IQ test to me. Yeah. So I, sorry, I only got some,
Starting point is 00:53:26 I know that's probably hot buttons for certain people, but when you look at the whole thing, I, it's like, yeah, that's, you had the potential of going to Vietnam and having your fucking life ruined. No doubt about it. But it certainly wasn't the norm for that generation. Yeah, I agree with you. Check this out. That's cool. This is Apple Vision Pro. I got it.
Starting point is 00:53:59 This is what people are going to be doing now. Wearing this shit around. Are you fucking kidding me? Goggles, nope. Ski goggles. How has that guy not had his pockets emptied and that thing taken? No.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I don't know. The technology that's coming out is cool, but I don't think it's aware of the reality of the criminality that's universal. He's on the fucking train. Universal in our society. Yeah, what's... I don't know what he's doing in there.
Starting point is 00:54:29 What do you think he's doing surgery or something? I don't know. Remotely. Maybe he's playing like virtual operation or something. Is he? You think? He's really jamming. He's like, this is the Apple vision thing.
Starting point is 00:54:40 You can see through it, I think. I've seen people walking around the street wearing it. What is he... But you got no peripheral vision. What is it? It's like he's doing this and then like slight typing motions and then he's watching gay porn. I think.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I don't know what he's doing. I don't know. It looks kind of cool though. Yeah, sure. Slap that baby on, right? You put that on and then you can't get yelled at for being on your phone too much during dinner because you're just wearing those goggles.
Starting point is 00:55:04 They can't tell what you're doing. I guess. I think that makes things more interesting. Let's see here. Larry David attacks Elmo. Oh yeah. Wow. Because Elmo was going on and on about mental health.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Larry David strangled him. Yeah. Larry's. Get sick of it. Tampon dispenser in the boys bathroom in a Connecticut school. Is that true? Was ripped down 20 minutes after being installed. Why would there be a...
Starting point is 00:55:36 What do you mean why would there be a tampon? What if a boy needs a tampon? Yeah, sure. He's talking about. The principal sent out an email describing, oh, okay, so the principal heard about it and thought, I know how to make this much worse. I'm gonna send out an email castigating boys
Starting point is 00:56:00 for wrecking a tampon machine that we put in their bathroom and in school. I'm not gonna guilt them and say guys, look, let's try to be respectful and I'm gonna fucking hammer them. Like what do you think like a bunch of high school boys are gonna do to like something? Fucking tampon machine? No, that was a given, right? Let's fuck with it. Like people, I guarantee're against you more than one, more than one boy came out of that bathroom wearing two tampons like walrus tusks making his friends laugh.
Starting point is 00:56:32 That's what they're getting in there for. Throw them in the toilet. Yeah. Oh cool. Check it out everybody. Yeah. Fuck women. The principal set out an email describing the event as, quote, the most egregious instance of vandalism. The most? Wow. And promised consequences for the list of suspects. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:56:52 They got a whole list. The list of, right. Kaiser Soze. All that, yeah. Yeah. Who did the tampon machine? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Verbal kins.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah. The cripple, where'd he go? Right? And he's fucking walking to the tampons, with all the tampons and his thing. Democrats in Connecticut passed the law requiring all schools to have menstrual products in at least one boys' bathroom. That's good. It's great.
Starting point is 00:57:21 It's great. Maybe if you're a trans teenage male, probably don't't use the boys room. I think that's asking for trouble Yeah, I mean yeah, I identify as someone who doesn't want to lock their doors at every intersection, but I do it anyway sometimes Because I want to keep myself safe. Yeah, right? Well, whatever you identify as maybe just the Do you have like use the bathroom that doesn't have the people smashing up, uh, right? Tampo machines. That's all. Sometimes you, yeah, nobody, you don't need to necessarily fight every battle.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Right? Yeah. Uh, what's this? This is Mark. This was the email that the principal sent. Good morning. And this is a high school. I take it, right? This is Mark. This is the email that the principal sent. Good morning. This is a high school I take it right? Yeah, BHS. An informational version, an informational version of this email updating everyone on changes in the bathroom was scheduled to go out at the end of the day today, but So they didn't even get the email out congratulating themselves for having tampons in the boys room. It was already destroyed congratulating themselves for having tampons in the boys room. It was already destroyed. Yeah, get him boys. Get him boys. They can't try you as adults. You can fucking do whatever you want. You know, it's funny, Tim. Get him. Get him. I don't like... Key cars!
Starting point is 00:58:34 Destroy tampon machines. It's what it's like what boys do. Like I think people are people are projecting like an agenda and a hatred. Projecting like hatred. It's like, no, it's fucking tampons. This is hilarious. Yeah. Let's fuck with it. Like that's what you do. Is what you're detecting is not transphobia. Maybe a little bit of that. I think the, I think the, I think the adults,
Starting point is 00:58:59 at least he's showing his hand. Fill his fill his car with tampons. That'll show. And it is incident in the boys bathroom this morning. I need car with tampons. That'll show. And incident in the boy's bathroom this morning, I need to send it now. Oh, okay. There's a law in Connecticut that states, on and after September 1st, each local
Starting point is 00:59:14 and regional board of education shall provide free menstrual products as defined in section 18 of the general statutes in women's restrooms, all gender restrooms, and at least one men's restroom. and women's restrooms, all gender restrooms, at least one men's restroom. What's wrong with stopping at the all gender? Cause they don't have those.
Starting point is 00:59:31 But there's some- Wait, isn't the handicap bathroom all- I don't think so. Remember, did you have handicap bathrooms in high school? It was just anybody handicap could go in there. No, well, there was- Got a lock, I had a little bit more space. Well, no, there was always a big stall.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Yeah, wheelchair access. You have to have that, but- There was a clown in there. No, well, there was a lock, a little bit more space. Well, no, there was always a big stall. Yeah, wheelchair access. You have to have that, but. There was a clown in there. Right. If you were too scared to pee on your own. He would hold your dick. Yeah. Man, you know what I've been watching?
Starting point is 00:59:54 Yeah. The love on the spectrum show. Oh, really? Have you seen that? Is it about autism? Yeah. Oh, that's gotta be fascinating. Autism, some of them are,
Starting point is 01:00:03 some of them are little, maybe even too much. Oh, really? Off the spectrum and to retarded. Oh, that's gotta be fascinating. Some of them are little, maybe even too much. Oh, really? Off the spectrum and to retard it. Oh, wow. I don't know though. I'm not a doctor. I bet it's interesting. It's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Yeah. It's really interesting because they have normal emotions and they say all of them. Right. And they have weird funny affects that they do. Yeah. But probably the weirdest part is it's very difficult to tell with the women because normal women say such retarded shit all the time. Like because the one on there is like, I really like lions.
Starting point is 01:00:41 And I'm like, that sounds like something a normal woman being obnoxious would say. That's funny. Right? Cause women are always going like, I love candy. I would love to go to the, I need candy every day after I eat. Like, ah, is that autism or is that just a woman? It's the Adam Carolla, Germany or Florida bit.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Yeah. You're like, I don't know, could it? I love lions. I hope we see lions on our safari. I'm like, is that, did the woman part of her say that? Or did the autism part of her say that? Huh, is she acting, is she playing it up? I don't know, it's bothering me.
Starting point is 01:01:21 I don't know, but they do want to be on TV. So something is something. You got autistic people? Well, I mean, no, I'm just know, but they do want to be on TV. So something is something. The autistic people? Well, I mean, no, I'm just saying, so something's fucked with all of them in addition to whatever- No, they're great. Autism.
Starting point is 01:01:31 They're really, the autistic people are great. I don't know about their families, but... Yeah, they could be, their families could definitely be. I want to get one of them on the show. They're so funny. I would love that to happen. Okay, at least one men's restroom. I just have a lot of questions.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Well, I mean, that's their kryptonite. Oh, is it? Asking them questions about shit. Yeah, they really struggle with questions. Which restrooms are accessible to students in grades three through 12? Oh, okay. So you got any three third graders in there? You need some tampons.
Starting point is 01:02:09 In each school, under the jurisdiction of such boards, and in a manner that does not stigmatize any student, seeking such products pursuant to, blah, blah, blah, blah. While we continue to discuss the best possible location for the all-gender bathroom, okay, a dispenser with menstrual products was installed in the boys' bathroom near the main office. Why don't they just put a tampon machine out in the open? Like you grab a tampon and then go use it, right?
Starting point is 01:02:33 Yeah. You don't need to put it in the... Well, I mean, I don't know. It's like a privacy thing. I mean, you know, for whatever reason, you know, I don't know. The installation was completed at 9 30 AM by 9 52 AM. Tampons were on the floor. We're going to have to go to the floor.
Starting point is 01:02:53 The tampons are on the floor. All four tampons are on the floor. They're going to have to get a guy like, they're going to have to get a security guard for the tampon machine in the boys' room. Yeah. Who's a pedophile? Obviously. Sure. Get them for cheaper. Or maybe install like the cameras on the ATM that
Starting point is 01:03:10 takes up, that records you when you get your money out. So they know, right? Put that on the tampon machine. So just like one picture. The newly installed distribution box was ripped off the wall along with the masonry anchors. And the distribution box itself was destroyed. A little plastic, come on.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Don't be like that, the masonry anchors. Yeah, exactly. It could have been a, yeah, it was a structural integrity issue. They could have brought down the whole bathroom. These reckless- Put the bolts then, you fucking idiot, and drill into the brick. Dishartened, dismayed, disgusted are the adjectives
Starting point is 01:03:48 that come to mind. This shit is outrageous. Johnny Cochran here. Wow, cool. Okay. Oh my God, there's more? Do you want to hear more? Is that enough?
Starting point is 01:04:00 Yeah, I mean, you know, it's definitely... Funny. Yeah. I don't know what... According to. Yeah. I don't know what... According to state law. I don't know if this person has ever been around high school boys. Like I...
Starting point is 01:04:15 By 952. Me and a friend of mine, we before school lit off a fucking M80 on one of the tennis courts and blew a huge chunk out of it. Like a fucking- Like a homophobia? Out of, out of, kind of.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Yeah, totally. Yeah, kind of. It was just something to do, like- Yeah. According to state law, we'll reinstall this box in the boys' bathroom. Okay. I'm aware that the law says men's bathroom, but the actions today that led to vandalism and destruction of property were the work of immature boys, not men. Oh, that'll get them. That'll get them in line real quick. Yeah, well, it's like, uh, yeah, yeah, we're not, we're not men yet. We are, we have a list of suspects. We believe we know we're responsible. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:04:58 there will be consequences. Round them up. I'm going to paddle your buns. This is the most egregious instance of vandalism and destruction of property in recent weeks Other instances include breaking stall door hardware, soap dispensers, ripped off the walls and various objects stuffed into toilets Generally only happens in boys rooms and needs to stop. We are better than this. Okay Sincerely this Mark Belanda pronouns he him. Oh god fuck off We know we know we know we know your fucking pronouns Oh god, fuck off. We know. We know. We know. We know your fucking pronouns. There's a picture.
Starting point is 01:05:31 I mean, that's exactly where it would be. What do you mean destroyed? Yeah, you can fish that out of the toilet. It's not destroyed. That was like smash. It's bigger anchors, man. Coated in grease. They pulled it off the fucking wall,
Starting point is 01:05:43 threw the tampons all over, giggled like idiots. That's like that guarantee That's what happened medical assistance and dying activity book. Yeah, oh That's what I always wanted. Oh my god. Where do I get a copy? It's free Canada gives amount I bet this person's posting this like this is a bad thing this yeah, you mean this person Oh, yes, they're saying that Canada. it's a little macabre, I think. A book on assisted dying that's drawn in crayon. I don't think that's the correct tone. Well, it seems like it's like, that's more like a kids book.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Like if it's something you would do. Kids lot, yeah. Yeah, like I'm surprised. As like if this is real, I mean, but like, I'm sure there's a book and I'm all for medically assisted suicide. Like no, for real, like just, I know not even going to qualify it.
Starting point is 01:06:36 There's seven, it's a look, you can, it's like connect the dots that you can do. And then if you finish, complete the maze like a Denny's menu they give you a little pack of crayons and you go in there. Right. Shut them up your nose till you hit your brain. Take your brain and then you dead.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Step by step. A note for adults. What? I think it should just say your note. Not a note for adults. Is this real? It would be community noted if it was fake. Really? I think so.
Starting point is 01:07:05 I mean, you know, I always have to, I always have to look at these. Is this created for young people? No! What? No way. Yeah, I mean, I've got, I've, I'm skeptical. That's it. Please read information for adults. What?
Starting point is 01:07:22 This is a fucking that this is real. Are they saying that if like a kid has terminal cancer and you know, something like that, that's... Still inappropriate. Well, no, I mean, it's a little weird that they wrote it in, if it's real, I don't know. I mean, it's... Canadian virtual hospice.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Who are they? These books written to guide parents. Virtual hospice. What's that?ix what made activity book? I guess yeah, I guess it's real dot ca Canada that's Canada. Yeah Caring together dot life Compassion support or dying child. Okay. That's, you know, I mean. Well, all right, that's not as funny, I guess. Well, it definitely gets into some murky,
Starting point is 01:08:10 you know, when can you make decisions like that? You know, I mean, it's, when are you, here's a guy that chopped his dad's head off. Oh, really? That's real. No. Oh, I.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Has declared war on America's citizens and the American states. America is rotting from the inside out as far-left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones. Taxpayer dollars are printed and used for anything but the taxpayers with little to no accountability. That's definitely true. Which has inflated the economy to near destruction and has made it so most Americans can no longer afford the American dream He was holding up his father's decapitated head in a bag Yeah, he holds it up and puts it down but they didn't because they don't for posting that severed head for some reason well I'm gonna army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border. Yeah, the traitorous Biden regime. Okay, you know, I'm, you know, army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border and the traitorous
Starting point is 01:09:05 Biden regime. Okay. You know, I'm not going to, uh, uh, Taylor Swift does somebody how to have a relationship with their parents. You know, I mean, so that's, I mean, if there's a federal employee, probably a lot of, probably a lot of fathers probably had should be in a bag. Yeah. Yeah. Mothers Yeah mothers to well equal opportunity granted. Yeah Oh god, I'm so sick of Taylor Swift You know, it's a sigh up because the football guy didn't go to the Grammys Then it would ruin the whole thing. Okay. You know, then they'd have to ask him about her world They don't want that they want her to judge
Starting point is 01:09:46 football one. Sure. Because football is watched by guys who want to be told what to do and by women who wish they could tell football guys what to do. OK. That's what, that's the demo there. Something about a plastic band, bag band. Do you watch the Mandalorian?
Starting point is 01:10:09 No. Yeah, it's really, it's just the worst show. It's just... I watched one episode or a couple and it was so boring. It's so bad. Yeah. It's just so bad. Why? What made you think of that?
Starting point is 01:10:23 Carl Weathers. Just that picture. Oh yeah, he's dead. You know, it's so weird like there, I actually, I watched, I wanna see, oh, it's the second season. I think there's only been two season. Second season any better?
Starting point is 01:10:35 No, and then I had to, I literally kept watching. I got, I gotta go, is there any way they could start to make this interesting? It's like, no, not at all. And it's so funny because their relationship, for the man, Lord, has zero personality whatsoever. Yeah. He's like, you know, cause he's like the, well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:56 And he's like one of the, what do you call it? Like the radicals of the, of that thing. Like he thinks that everybody has to wear their helmet. Right? All the time. Yeah. So like it's so funny the way that Carl Weathers plays this. He's like the fucking mayor or whatever of some.
Starting point is 01:11:13 The mayor of those guys? Yeah, of wherever he, you know, fucking lands. I don't know, cause I tune out all the time. It's so funny because he has no personality, the Mandalorian, just none. There's no, he's so funny because he has no personality, the Mandalorian, just none. There's no, he's not funny. He doesn't, there's nothing that would, he doesn't seem like a cool guy to hang out with.
Starting point is 01:11:33 And Carl Weathers literally plays it like, Mando, you son of a bitch, get over here. I swear to God, if you can find the episode, he's like, shit man, we'll set you up with a house. Why don't you just stay? It's like, man, we'll set you up with a house It's like hey Mando's here the life of the party everybody Loves him he has shown you nothing to make to indicate that that would be true So fucking boring and he's coming on like he's his long-lost fucking frat bro. Yeah, it's so it's so weird It looks it looks stupid
Starting point is 01:12:06 Son of a bitch and dumb. Yeah, it's really bad. I got a woman alert here. Oh, woman alert. This is a female passenger stripped naked and a meltdown on frontier airlines flight from Orlando. Slapped with the federal charges. Oh no. Oh boy. She's lost it. They lose it and started taking their clothes off. Yeah. These women do.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Okay. Oh, there's video of it. We can't see the guy taking his chop and his dad's head off but this woman we could see. Oh God. Oh. Can you see that? Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, everybody.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Are you serious? I'm a fool. Oh. I'm reaching for the bags. No. You. I got it on P. Oh, because she's got a P.
Starting point is 01:12:57 No. She like squatted down for like a second. You can't P in a second. Let me back. Let me back. We have kids here. Oh, she's got a pee. She likes to squat down for like a second. You can't pee in a second. We have kids here. They don't, they don't know what pee is. Yeah, that's the last people that you should be worried about. How about you? Because they would they not let her on the, uh, get in the bathroom? Uh, I guess I don't know. Hmm't know. Pretty good.
Starting point is 01:13:25 She had two cocktails before pulling her pants down and between packed rows of passengers, what a beast. Popping a squat. Isn't it copping a squat? No, pop a squat. You pop a squat? I think. Pop a squat?
Starting point is 01:13:38 Really? I don't know. Pop a squat? That's what it is. I don't know. Yeah. So urinate in public. Is there a cop a squat. Is there a cop a squat? Like you cop a plea cop a cop a squad. That's also your way was correct. Well, I mean, obviously popular
Starting point is 01:13:56 usage has pop also versus. So there's his pop a squad. That's a regional thing. All right. Coke soda. Hey, Nick. Here's some more gravy pop Seals shit. Let's see that Gravy seals shit. I just want to learn more about horseman Yeah, okay, this ought to be good This is an example of a man overcoming his fear and asserting his power from Dr. Dave, Dr. Dave Cohoads, the men's coach. You won't believe what happens.
Starting point is 01:14:32 DC, DC, he's a chiropractor. Is that what I fucking, Oh, is that what that means? Doctor of chiropractic? He's fucking people putting the fucking doctors, the fucking doctors have nothing to do with what they're fucking talking about. I hate these pieces of shit.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Chiropractors, yeah. Not, not, not, not, not, not in particular. Just people who's, oh, I got a, oh, I'm a doctor. Like I have a PhD in fucking, you know, like, education, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but,
Starting point is 01:14:55 but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but,
Starting point is 01:15:03 but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but his fear and asserting his power. He's gonna kiss him, I know it. I hope that happens. Move forward. Move forward. It's two men. Move forward. Like just pushing against each other. I am a man!
Starting point is 01:15:13 I am a man before I am a man! I am a man before I am a man! I am a man before I am a man! Before I am a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man, I'm a man! No! No! No! There.
Starting point is 01:15:36 There. Oh yeah. Oh what? Yeah. Gay. Oh yeah, but people think therapy's gay. This gay. Yeah. Oh, you're saying yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is right. Yeah, this is is gay. This is gay. Yeah. Oh, you're saying yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, this is actually gay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Yeah. People think talking about your feelings is gay. Yeah, this is gay. Yeah, let me...
Starting point is 01:15:57 Are you next? Registration for the Unbreakable Man Experience. This is unbelievable. So it's two guys and the coach is like... They're both about, I mean, they're both pretty short, like whatever. He's put, they're pushing against each other. And then he just pushes and screams, I am a man. Oh yeah. And then they, then they, they, they hug at the end. Like, you know, almost breaks, has a breakdown.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Breakdown. Yeah. I don't think this guy's qualified to, uh, uh, to help these individuals. Yeah. This is, this is great. I love this shit. I love this shit. Elmo posted, how's everyone doing? And everyone was like replying to Elmo that they weren't doing so hot.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Oh, okay. They have no chance of having like happiness and like don't know what to do with their lives. Right. So then Elmo- Very real feelings of very valid, very accurate. Cause Elmo is trying to front like, he's the guy who is always listening,
Starting point is 01:16:53 but then when he has to hear problems, he doesn't have an answer for you. So you can't really, you're kind of trading on stolen valor there, Elmo. Well, the thing is that, but you kind of conditioned people at a young age, that things are gonna work out if they just believe these stupid like self-esteem
Starting point is 01:17:10 and togetherness shit. If they live in your little Sesame Street ghetto where everyone gets along and it's the most diverse place on earth that it doesn't fucking work, Elmo. Well, because the problem, because you have a lot less power and control than you think you do.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Like you wanna tell everyone, oh no, you can, it's like, no, you have very lot less power and control than you think you do. Like you wanna tell everyone, oh no, you can, it's like, no, you have very little control over things. You can only control certain things. The rest is timing, luck, being fortunate, maybe. Sorry. And that's hard to, that's hard to,
Starting point is 01:17:39 I'm still not okay with it, frankly. You know, like, I mean, that's- I hate Elmo. It's- Other Muppets are all like teaching you normal stuff. Like, oh, well, you better watch out, with it, frankly. You know, like, I mean, it's- I hate Elmo. It's- Other mopets are all like teaching you normal stuff. Like, oh, well, you better watch out, you know, this. But Elmo came in and he was like, all you gotta do is love everybody.
Starting point is 01:17:51 I do remember I always kind of would tune out when there was a, Elmo would come on. I always thought I've been in love with him. I always thought Elmo was for other people. I never thought- Yeah, me too! I never thought same feeling! I never thought Elmo was for me.
Starting point is 01:18:02 Yeah. Yeah. Huh, that's hot that this fuck is here. Yeah. Cause all the other He doesn't seem to me. I get it. This guy's talking to somebody else. Yeah. I just got a dad or something. But that's old weirdo freak that's like he lives with.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Telly or whatever. No, not Telly. Elmo's got his own dad. Oh, he does. I thought Telly was his dad too. But he has just kind of looked similar. Father. It was like lecturing people on racism. I think Telly was his dad too, but he has his own. They just kind of look similar. His own father was like lecturing people on racism. I think it's because I've always. I thought Elmo was black the whole time. The guy who played him for a while was, wasn't he?
Starting point is 01:18:34 Yeah, he was like fucking a 16 year old. It was something that was, yeah. It was one of those 16 year old. You know, I got into a big argument on, I was on Destiny's show, Kicker Keep. Yeah. Vito and I won that show. Was it a kind of like just an arguing contest? What is it? Voted R?
Starting point is 01:18:50 Yeah, it's voted on. Oh, no shit. And I found myself yet again in the argument of, well, yeah, teenage girls like it's worse for them to get preyed on than like teenage boys. Cause guys want to like imprison them. Teenage girls like, it's worse for them to get preyed on than teenage boys. Because guys wanna like imprison them, and keep them in their basement.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Like there's not a lot of, there's not like 28 year old women prowling around for 16 year old boys to ruin their lives. They kind of get off and they don't really care anymore. So it's different. It's not as bad. I've just never anymore. So it's different. It's not as bad. I've just never seen it as the same thing. It's not.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Yeah, it's a different psychology. The way that we're made and society, like everything says that it's not as bad. Some guys come and they're like, oh wow, okay, I gotta get out of here. I don't like any of this shit. What did I say to you over the last, how about, what did I say to you? here. I don't like any of this shit. What did I say to you? I say to you, oh
Starting point is 01:19:46 Definitely not going with you. Yeah, the opposite. I meant the opposite. I really think the opposite. Yeah Yeah, I agreed to that Jesus. I gotta get out of here for like 15 minutes. Yeah, come back I'll say all that shit again right right now. I gotta go right Girls aren't like that. Yeah, like so I'm pregnant now. What's the what's the deal? Uh? Girls aren't like that. Yeah, like so I'm pregnant now. What's the what's the deal? I'm in love with you now. What's the deal and then Tristan take goes we'll get on camera and make me some money Yeah, okay here Timothy the rant about art and the people who feel pressure to consume it was spot on I need more dick goes deep segments like that. I yeah Maybe I don't know. I always think I sound like kind of a prick. I'm talking about art, but I am a prick.
Starting point is 01:20:25 So maybe it's, maybe it's fun. You ever, you've seen the Mona Lisa, right? I have. It's just people, it's like people just shuffling around in there, taking pictures of it. What are they, what are they there for? Right. And it's behind fucking, how many inches of fucking glass or plexiglass or whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Like it's how it is this. What am I watching here? Has anybody here? Has anybody ever taken a decent picture of a painting? No. No one has ever taken a good enough picture of a painting. Yeah. Or have they? What's the point of having it then?
Starting point is 01:21:01 I don't know. What's the difference? What's the significance of going to see it? If such a picture exists? I don't know. But I said difference? What's the significance of going to see it if such a picture exists? I don't know. Size of it? What do you hear for? Well, then... You guys, what about this speaks to you?
Starting point is 01:21:10 And then the same people go like, oh, this modern art shit. Why? Yeah. What are you... What in your mind? What makes that shit and that not shit? Yeah. Cause you can recognize that one?
Starting point is 01:21:20 Maybe. I think so. Uh... Maybe. Guest feedback. Uh, she was so funny. I smiled every time she talked, like her description of the guy looking like Danny DeVito is the penguin and the way she oddly pronounces fear. You should have her back on. I know people say they don't like guests, but she's interesting and unpredictable.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Do you see that girl we had in? No, I just... Oh, man! I only... No, I didn't... Liz, I was just, you know, going through to level out the, you know, the call-ins or whatever. But yeah, what was her deal?
Starting point is 01:21:51 What, who was she? She, Norma's tits. Who was she? Probably the biggest tits ever. Really? Real studio. What does she do? She's like, I've just described it.
Starting point is 01:21:59 What are you talking about? That's it. What is there more? Is there something else to do than that? Does she have an online presence? Yes. Yeah, she's online. Got it. What is there more is there something else to do than that? Does she have an online presence? Yes Yes, yeah, she's online got it only fans got it. Okay Oh You missed out. I must have really you really fucked up damn
Starting point is 01:22:17 Let me see if there's anybody in the in the chat. Okay. Let me know if anybody wants to call in let me know Oh shit, maybe I should talk to Christa Kiwi's stock, or stocky today. Yes. Let me message her right now. Do-do-do-do-do-doot, do-doot, do-doot. Do-do-do-do-doot, do-doot. Horseman, Horseman is actually very cool.
Starting point is 01:22:45 It is? Yeah, that's what I've been told. By who? By people who are serious about comments. It's already out? No, it's just been announced. Only that cover is out. But it's his thing. It's his thing, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Horseman. Horseman. Chris the Kiwi. Let's see here. Horseman, Chris the Kiwi. Let's see here. Okay, here we go. Well, she might be at work again, right? Yeah. Because it's tomorrow?
Starting point is 01:23:16 Yeah, or you call us on the same number as last time. Thanks. Can I call in 10 minutes? Okay. Let me keep this thing a little bit. Hopefully she sees that. Yeah. Mitchell Corey says, here's a girl math video.
Starting point is 01:23:41 All right. Let's see what they're up to. So I go to discount tire the other day and I'm like, hi, can you just air up this one tire? It has a little symbol on it. Like I just know there's like a little tiny hole. I'll put some fix-a-flat in it. I'll get a new tire in a little bit.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Like I just wanna, you know, fill that. So he goes to fill it up and he's like whoa, he's like honestly He's like I'm almost too scared to put air in this tire like it's really really bad and I'm like look I'm not buying a tire today, buddy. I'm not buying a tire today like this belt are coming through I air it up at pet boys like I just I thought I passed by a discount tire like I heard up all the time You can air it up. Yeah, and he's like, okay. He's like I will he's like, but you seriously need like a new tire I'm like, I know I know I know he's like no like your tires are really old I'm like I know I bought it used from a really old lady who only went to church and back like I know okay
Starting point is 01:24:32 So I go in a discount tire today because I'm like you know what I'm sick of airing this up like it I'll get one tire. It's fine. Then I'll get the rest of like a week or so like I'm I'm that type of person I'm like I don't want to drop all this money on four new tires right now like I'll just do one by one girl math um So I go in there. I'm like hey Kings like how you doing like I'm just here to get one tire I know they're all bad like I've been told but like I'm just gonna get the one that has a hole in it today And he's like okay per he didn't say that he said okay cool He's like, you know what size tire you have blah blah blah. I'm like no I I said, can we go check? He's like, yeah, I'll go check for you.
Starting point is 01:25:06 So we go out to my car. He takes one, when I tell you he takes one look at my tire. This is a totally different guy. He goes, oh my god. I was like, that's a little embarrassing. I said, yeah, I said, no, I know, I know. I know. He's like, no, he's like, he's like you shouldn't drive another
Starting point is 01:25:35 Hear me out hear me out. Oh, okay. She's gonna I get it. I know I know I'm getting a fix today I'm getting a new one He goes back inside and it's like him the manager and there's like two other guys up front We can't let her leave. I can't let her leave Dangerous guys like I really don't think I could sleep at night without you getting, you need all four tires. She's like, you don't drive this car, right? I was like, no. Maybe you don't drive this car.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Me? All right, all right. You're an idiot. Yeah. Wonderful. Please tell me that like she's sitting there with four flats right now. Hopefully, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:00 You know what I mean? Someone else's car. She wrecked hers. Christ. Matt B says Eric July stomach filter I'm watching the Alpha core trashcast is Eric July. I'm using a stomach using a filter to make his gut looks smaller Let's see. Oh god. We got to read that article. What? Oh, yeah, right? Yeah, sure with that would be funny Let's see here is he using a stomach filter?
Starting point is 01:26:29 Oh, what is this? That's weird. Is this, uh, that's a bit odd, isn't it? That's some weird waves and pinches. This is a weird kind of, uh, curve. Our cameras don't look like that. That doesn't look right, does it? What's going on here?
Starting point is 01:26:47 But that's a still though. Going on. I mean, this thing is Ethan Mansky is watching. This thing is doing a real time though. This is just a screenshot. No, I know it's a screenshot. Unless this guy tampered with it
Starting point is 01:26:57 and in which case I'll block you on everything. I mean, that's what I mean, or did somebody like it? What's going on here, buddy? I don't know what that is. Is that real? Are they good enough to do in real time? Oh yeah. I know, because you know, like when you see everything and then you see like somebody move a certain way in like the background
Starting point is 01:27:16 They're evil, Sean. Look at this. Look at this one I have for you. Here, this is Woman Alert. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, look at this. Look at this. Woman alert. Mirror... Uh... Uh...
Starting point is 01:27:29 Yeah, yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay. Look at this mirror. Yeah. Oh yeah, turn it down a little bit. Look at this, uh... Look at this, look at the hot, the hot... Yeah. Asian girl, right?
Starting point is 01:27:40 Right. Ooh, wow, she's gonna do some moves for ya. Skinny, very skinny. Look at the fucking mirror in the background. Yeah, there's two of her This is real time Can you believe that shit I mean just to a guy who doesn't know much about picture that looks pretty good Yeah, except for this the dead giveaway right except for the except for the- Look at this. In the back. God. Yeah, and of course-
Starting point is 01:28:07 About my size probably. It's only gonna get better. Yeah. It'll detect the mirror. Yeah, sure. It does look like a little- It's got a little filter action on it. It looks- yeah, it doesn't look right.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Older women acting like men. Okay, Woman Alert article. Here you take a shot when a guy- Woman Alert. When a guy, no matter how wealthy, says he wants a prenup or doesn't want to get married and risk half his life's work just to get semi-regular sex, he's a bad guy.
Starting point is 01:28:35 When women acquire wealth, they choose not to marry, the media celebrates it, enjoy, okay? Okay. Let's see here. Celebrates it. Here we go. Women separate, for older women with money, it's yes to love, but I don't, to marriage.
Starting point is 01:28:56 Oh yeah, I wonder why. To have it to hold for richer or poorer, it seems like a great idea when you're young and in love, but for many older women, especially those with their own money, marriage is less compelling. Can we not put a ring on it? Yeah, good for you, ladies.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Make no mistake, romance and sex are still on the table, but millions of women who once considered marriage the ultimate form of commitment are declaring financial independence. Some are widows, some divorcee, and many are professionals who built up retirement accounts after decades of working. The one thing they have in common,
Starting point is 01:29:30 an unwillingness to legally co-mingle their assets, because that would be stupid, right? Because that would be fucking stupid. There are about 22 million households in the United States with a net worth of a million or more. A third of them are headed by women, most of whom reached that milestone by 58, where the first generation of women to accumulate a significant amount of wealth in 401K plans says this lady, a client relationship
Starting point is 01:29:54 manager at Fident Wealth Partners, why would a woman want to give that up in the name of being married fucking agreed 100% why would they why the fuck would they um this one funny I got another stat on that one yeah single women own single women own 2.7 million more homes than their male counterparts than single men with roughly 13% of those women holding the title to their homes compared to 10% of men for lending tree. So women are getting divorced keeping the house to the tune of 2.7. I mean, I don't see any way that that works out otherwise. That would be the most logical thing, I think,
Starting point is 01:30:47 divorce keeping the house. Yeah. And it's all, it's cause it's always been about that. It always is about that, it always will be about that. Don't look for them to admit it. They don't care. They know what they're doing. They know exactly what they're doing.
Starting point is 01:31:01 They're not gonna tell you they're doing it because it's part of it. That's part of the joke. But, good catch. Uh... Okay... Let's see... John says, YouTube or me too, hey Dick and John, a YouTube scammer payback has been me tooed, but it's stupid.
Starting point is 01:31:21 He had a woman work for him consulting on and editing videos. They sexted for months despite him being married. Who cares? She is claiming he groomed her. Oh, you can groom your employees now. Sure. Where it is extra retarded is she said in an interview that he never said he would fire her if she didn't sext.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Also, she says she tried quitting without saying she wanted to quit. I just wanted to work less hours, which he complied with. She showed the Discord DMs where they sexted. He used volcano emojis for I'm Coming. Okay. However, they also approved his innocence.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Part of him is asking what shot would be better and her begging for cock in response. So he switches gears, total nut job. Yeah, well, stop hiring them. She claims to have memory problems and comes from a culture where her parents wanted to have an arranged marriage. So the whole phone, fucking a married man looks bad.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Harmful opinions covered. Yeah, I mean, guys, it's real easy to stop all this stuff. Losing your homes, having fucking me twos at work. Just stop doing it. Stop getting married. Stop. Stop it. No.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Take a shower. Come. Woman alert, gentlemen's sauce. Buy an Amazon house. Buy an Amazon house for her. I want that. I wanted a ring. You get a little box.
Starting point is 01:32:44 Pretty cool. I want that. I want it to ring. Now you get a little box. Put it together. Pretty cool, yeah. Here's a woman alert. This lawyer is supposedly representing someone else in court, but goes on and on about herself and her arguments. You know, I hear that and I just know it's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:01 I just, I just seen it. I don't need to hear that, man. Like that's, yeah. It was like, I just seen it. I don't need to hear that, man. Like that's, yeah. It was like, give me a break. All right, let's do, do some advice. It's like there was a, there was a shooting it at YouTube. It was horrible.
Starting point is 01:33:17 You know, CNN was covering it, but then I was covering it too. I was covering the same story. You know what else I'm watching this show about a dwarf. This dwarf got adopted and they pretended, the couple pretended that she was old. So they got her reaged by the court so they could kick her out of the house. Pretended that the dwarf was the-
Starting point is 01:33:40 The dwarf that they adopted was like a woman and not a kid. So they went to the... It was like 13 and they're like, no, you're 29. And they got a judge to say she's like 30. What? And then they kicked her into an apartment and made her live there by herself. It's so fucking weird.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Such a weird show. That's a good one. Check that one out. Okay. Are we talking on a scripted show? No, it's really happened. It's really happened. It's called Natalia Speaks.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Wow. And it's with like the gayest, weirdest guy. Because. The dad is just fucking weirdo. Why did they, why did they want to kick her out? Cause she's a pain in the ass. The mom is a psychotic.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Yeah. Like the mom has, has mom has every B cluster disorder that you've ever seen. Did they adopt the kid as like an infant? A marketing tool. They adopted her to like fix her cause they were in the kid fixing business. So, but like how long was it?
Starting point is 01:34:40 Like did they adopt her at like six and get her out at nine or like as an infant? And then. No, they adopted her as a child. Oh my God. I mean, she seems like a fucked up kid. Well, you can't. An adult, but probably, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:54 raped a shitload of like a midget and passed around. Jesus Christ. It's a very entertaining show though, because of the dead, because he's so goofy. Okay. Uh, oh yeah. Advice.
Starting point is 01:35:08 Hey, Dick, need help manipulating X. Okay? Don't say my name. Long time listener here. My girlfriend, C-Cups, broke up with me and I need your help tricking her into coming back. She was 21 and really fucking stupid. She failed all the woman stompers, the war game,
Starting point is 01:35:26 name all the planets and where is New Zealand? She knew none of the above. I gotta get her back. I'm moving away. I'm more central in conversations. Yeah, he's starting to not feel better than anybody. About 22nd century wars. Everyone's better than me.
Starting point is 01:35:44 I need that woman back. Yeah. I'm moving away for about. If this retard left me, I must really suck. I'm moving away for about seven months. I can at least prove I can pull a retard. That I'll trade up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Once I get her back, I'll work on. My confidence, yeah. I'll get up. Right. She makes me want to. Oh, nice and easy. Nice and easy. Makes me want to be a better person so I can get a better girlfriend
Starting point is 01:36:12 Wouldn't that be great if you just turn them off I'm done with you off you and you evaporate well you it depends what you say, you know I Don't want them knowing that they're out there, you know, doing other stuff. I've stumbled upon certain phrases by accident that will... So is this trial and error? Maybe we should have started with advice today. I'm trying to find horse man again. Fuck it. Horseman.
Starting point is 01:36:41 It's horseman. It's not pronounced horseman. And then Eric, so Eric hired these two twins. I can't believe that's how he explained it. He hired these twins, these women, these twins to like run his whole shit, to run like all the creative stuff because they wrote some stupid black widow comic. Oh yeah. But then it turned out they were in all these incest, like porn, piss videos making out with
Starting point is 01:37:09 each other. Oh, so. And they support trans kids and Me Too feminist and like an intersectional feminism and like Me Too, like strong proponents of these things, which does not jive with any independent people. Cause all these people have been kicked out of their industry for like even supporting Trump. Like, oh, I really like Trump cause of like the economy and immigration stuff.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Nazi! Like the people that kicked us out are intersectional me too feminists who support transit kids. Like, it doesn't, that's, it's not a good marketing move.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Which is all he does. This is what you, there's... It's not a good marketing move, which is all he does. This is what you... There should be, everybody should go through like a vetting process. There was somebody better than this, I assume, in all the infinite creative independent people. There was nobody except piss drinking incest sisters, incest trans, intersectional feminists. Well, they gave, but they gave Ice on a glowing review.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Yeah, yeah, I bet that's part of it. Like, oh my God. Yeah. You're so, we're so impressed by your huge fundraiser. So it's been a week of laughs. I really like the irony of the cross on his crotch. And they were wearing, I think, uh, they had crosses on their crotches
Starting point is 01:38:24 in their Satanism, uh, nun book. Oh good. So they have that in common, I think, they had crosses on their crotches in their Satanism nun book. Oh, good. So they have that in common, I guess. Which is nice. Blasphemy. Yeah. Blasphemy is from both. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:38:35 It's not good behavior. But the activism thing, you got to be real activists of any kind. You got to be real fucking careful with. Well, yeah, because they value the activism more than, yeah. They're severe person. Yeah. More than whatever you're making. Activism outranks everything. Well, because it's, it's people look at it to give their entire life meaning.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Yeah. And purpose. And that's how zealots are made. And those people are always always they're always fucking dangerous How dangerous depends but but why chance it? Yeah, I take the risk. I'm moving away for about seven months and it was too much for her I'm in the military and I have to and I have to California and I normally live in Colorado I have to move to California. I normally live in Colorado. I have to move to California. I normally live in Colorado. She has no dad if that helps.
Starting point is 01:39:27 I was thinking that I could say something like, I took you for granted, but I need your guidance. Just marry her. Ask her to marry you. Why, why nickel and dime yourself? If you want to lead her on and fuck with her, you hate her, you want to fuck with her life, right? Does he, is that what he wants to do?
Starting point is 01:39:43 You gotta go for, well. Or does he honestly? He thinks she's fucking stupid. He's gotta move fuck with her life, right? Does he, is that what he wants to do? You gotta go for, well, or does he honestly- He thinks he's fucking stupid. He's gotta move away for seven months, right? Yeah. And you want her back even though she's failed all these tests. So she must be hot.
Starting point is 01:39:54 He might actually- He might actually- He might actually- Might actually like her. Sure, maybe- He fucking proposed to her. Yeah, maybe, yeah. Marry me.
Starting point is 01:40:02 I'll be back in seven months. All right. And then when you come back in seven months, just say, I was just kidding. I was joking about that. Yeah, if you wanna fucking smash her back, you know, like that, I need more time. Come on, I mean, why reinvent the wheel?
Starting point is 01:40:17 That's why it exists. That's why proposing exists. To make all past transgressions and bad behavior disappear. Yep, I gotta go away for seven months. That's totally inexcusable. Marry me. Okay, fine. If that doesn't work, then nothing else is gonna work.
Starting point is 01:40:31 That's true. And if you're gonna go through all this elaborate, scheming, why not just go the full money? Right, go all the way. The full money, yep. Don't push out. Do it for your country, god damn it. Why not?
Starting point is 01:40:52 Real romance it up too. Put on your military, the white uniform that I don't know if everybody has. If everyone has, whatever. Did you just watch A Few Good Men or something? Is that a good movie? Yeah, it's good. Is it? Yeah. Was that with Richard Gere?
Starting point is 01:41:02 No. Oh, it's with Jack Nicholson. Yeah, Nicholson. Jack Nicholson, Kevin Bacon, Keith Sutherland, Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Kevin Pollock. Is it the one where she gets raped? No, no, she's a lawyer. Yeah, she's a lawyer also. So it was, yeah, the three of them are lawyers
Starting point is 01:41:20 trying to get to the bottom of things. Right, of a guy who died during a Code Red. You know, had a preexisting condition. They stuffed a rag in his mouth. Just to get him in line, but he died. Things went wrong. And they know that Colonel Jessup, Nicholson's character ordered it.
Starting point is 01:41:42 He's dying to say it in court, but they've got to get him to do it. Oh, you can't handle the truth. Yeah, it's pretty, it's pretty good. It's pretty good. I mean, it's- They reminded me of this military thing here. This guy's saying-
Starting point is 01:41:55 But the uniform, he's in your F slurry white uniform. Start parking orders and make me nervous. Yeah. She doesn't know. Get one of your, borrow one of your Navy buddies. A zero day day this guy says Tucker Carlson's all about how China's like invading the US. Yeah, which is like obvious, right? Well, China's gonna. Yeah, I mean we do that to every country sure
Starting point is 01:42:15 We've basically I mean we've fucked and poisoned every country on earth sure or are trying to sure right for our own purposes Yeah, why wouldn't why wouldn't China do it? Why would I thought that was our official policy. We have to be involved in every single country. So the people that they quote unquote, elect are loyal to their friendly to the US. That's been a, I mean, you know, yeah. So China's doing it too. Oh, wow. Fucking shocker. They don't like, they don't like Taiwan being enfranchised. What a fucking surprise. This guy says, as zero day war is now possible, tens of thousands of military-aged Chinese nationals entering the US through an open US border, armed with thousands of weaponized drones.
Starting point is 01:42:57 China is the world leader in drone tech. Okay, well. Plus an aggressive cyber offensive facilitated by the personnel on the ground. They're entering with thousands of weaponized drones. Like do they know this? Are aren't all drones weaponized? I'm surprised they're still legal.
Starting point is 01:43:14 I mean, do they have, yeah, I know really. But they're gonna outlaw Taylor Swift. You mean like they carry like to imagine Taylor Swift naked. Sidewinder missiles and shit. Like what? They carry those little rubber band guns. The Chinese guys make paper clips. They bring in paper clip and rubber band
Starting point is 01:43:32 and they put little, little missile shooters on them. My favorite drone use is- Right in your eye. They go right for you, round eye. They go right for your eye. My favorite drone use is flying over beaches and just seeing how many sharks there are around swimmers who have no idea that they're there. What?
Starting point is 01:43:45 Oh, there's- Don't say that. There's, dude, that's the, people don't understand just how often they're near a shark. What? Because they're hunting- What the fuck could have been you saying?
Starting point is 01:43:55 Dude, check it out, they're fucking great. I don't wanna see that. Oh, it's fucking, it's great. It's great, you have no idea if you're in the water, but- I hate going in the ocean for that reason. I'm not a fan of swimming in the ocean because of the sharks. There's just too much fucking I know it's a very low chance, but there's just too much shit that I don't have control over Yeah, yeah, yeah, I feel the same way like boats. I like I like going out like fishing
Starting point is 01:44:18 I like doing you know, that's it But yeah, I could never be a guy like hey, I'm gonna swim to Catalina or I'm gonna you know I'm gonna swim no wayina or I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna swim between like these long distance swimmers where it's like, yeah, man, you know, no thanks. It could shut down the US on the first day of attack. This is a Trump card China can use against the US if it opposes the invasion of Taiwan. Man, wouldn't that be, see, I read that and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:44:43 okay, I guess I should be worried, but I'm thinking like, wouldn't that be fucking great? I that and I'm like, okay, I guess I should be worried, but I'm thinking like, wouldn't that be fucking great? I'm so sick of the fucking US poking its nose in everybody else's, especially mine. Businessly, it's just. So a bunch of Chinese guys are coming in the border and then they use drones to take out all the government stuff.
Starting point is 01:44:58 Like that would be fucking awesome. Man, I just, I just, I just can't. Do we still get to not work on Juneteenth if that happens? I just can't care anymore. Can you do it on before tax day? Sure. Like preferably, I mean, just can't we still get to not work on Juneteenth if that happens. I just can't care anymore Before tax day sure like preferably I mean it's coming up you guys better get your drones charged up right get it going You know run some drills or something right? How long would how long would I be able to mine my own business if a bunch of Illegal Chinese Mexicans came in across the the border and slew up all the government buildings
Starting point is 01:45:26 with drones. How long could I just live in peace? How long do I not have to pay property tax if that happens? Right, yeah, until they get the infrastructure back online. 2024? Yeah. Maybe? What would you take?
Starting point is 01:45:38 How good are these? What would you take? It would be an inconvenience, because there would be a lot of Chinese people running around. The food, we'd get better food, right? Netflix would be an inconvenience because there would be a lot of Chinese people running around. The food, we'd get better food. Netflix would be the best. People, you know, terrorism attacks, people never talk about the good food that comes in.
Starting point is 01:45:53 Sure. We talked about that though. I was like the food. Like it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like cultures bring food that I like. So we get better food because it's fresher. It's more Chinese, I would assume. So that get better food, because it's fresher, it's more Chinese,
Starting point is 01:46:05 I would assume. So that's a plus. All right. Shutting down the federal government, obviously. Obviously, that's your head. That's your headline. Everybody's dream in the US. And yeah, no, probably,
Starting point is 01:46:20 I would think at least six months. That would be a big win. You think only six months, yeah. You'd take six months. Yeah. You could then you could just live in peace. They got all these new Mexicans coming in to rebuild stuff. So they're going to get it up pretty fast. They got a million more Mexicans coming in. Yeah, maybe. And they get the computers back online right away.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Unless you're going around fucking back going, excavating fiber. We're right. Right. But that doesn't seem, that doesn't seem like their thing. Maybe not. Once you go subterranean, that's the, that Jews control that space. So that's all.
Starting point is 01:46:57 That's still one of the weirdest stories that I've heard in like, you know, some months, just that they're just tunnels, they're just tunneling. Can you see that? Tunneling. Can you see that tunneling? Can you believe that? It's wild. Cause they're doing it in Palestine too. Okay. I'm moving away for seven months and as to,
Starting point is 01:47:12 she has no dad that helps. I just think of saying, I took you for granted. Oh yeah, yeah. Mary, I'm just married here. Yeah. Cross your fingers. Yeah. Just see, just see how it goes. Just see what,
Starting point is 01:47:22 Marry her and then buy her a dog and then that she has to take care of while you're gone or get it from the pound, you know. Yeah. Doesn't matter. And then name the dog like you, Jr. or something. Right. She's gotta always think about you.
Starting point is 01:47:38 What is his, what's his, does he sum it up? Did you read the whole thing? That was it. Nice and tight. So he's like, how do I trick her into coming back? To getting back together and waiting for me for seven months. So he, I mean, it still sounds to me like he actually wants to get her back.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Like I don't see him going like, I want to get her back to fuck her over. Well, he just said she was stupid. He wants to trick her. Maybe he's okay with that. He's like, trick her. Because she's stupid. He wants her back.
Starting point is 01:48:11 She's stupid, so he thinks he can trick her. He has to trick her. Or that he can. Well, he probably can. Well, yeah, he probably can. That marriage thing will work. Yeah. The what?
Starting point is 01:48:21 The marriage proposal will work. Oh, yeah. That's a trick. Hey, help advice. Oh, this is from a woman. Don't use my real name, but is my way of maybe doing shit right again? I don't know. It's a woman, so it's pretty long. My ex loves to listen to you.
Starting point is 01:48:38 He's reached out to you before. A long time listener, you always made me listen to your podcast. Made me. Long story short, I fucked up. We were together for 10 months, deadly in love with him, thought I was literally gonna have his children. I have a lot of trauma. Tell it to Elmo, honey.
Starting point is 01:48:58 That's who wants to hear about your mental health. Fucking Elmo's up for statutory rape. Let me talk to that. I'm talking to. Elmo gots problems. mental health. Fucking Elmo's up for statutory rape. I'm talking to- I'm talking to- I'm talking to- I'm talking to- Elmo gots problems. Yeah, it's like, Elmo's just the audacity of Elmo
Starting point is 01:49:11 to ask the open internet. Oh, how are you doing? Right? Like not good, Elmo. Wait, what do you think? Not fucking good. What do you think you're gonna get? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:18 What are you prepared to do about it? Yeah. Don't ask. How am I doing? Right. If you don't want scary answers, don't ask scary questions. Don't ask scary questions, Elmo, you little prick. If you don't want scary answers, don't ask scary questions. Alma, you little prick.
Starting point is 01:49:27 You think there's a lot of kids on the internet that you're talking to right now? Take it back to Sesame Street. I thought I was literally gonna have his children as opposed to figuratively. I have a lot of trauma, no excuse, but bear with me. I mean, it's not an excuse. If you're thinking about it as an excuse, you're thinking about it wrong because it's actually blame on you for not dealing with it. Well, that's the other...
Starting point is 01:49:49 If you're thinking of trauma as an excuse, that's a you problem, which made me really difficult to be with. Yeah, because once you recognize it as an adult, like as a great... You have a responsibility to deal with it. Deal with it. That's your thing.
Starting point is 01:50:04 We fought a lot in the beginning of the relationship. And I felt like he tried to change everything about me. Huh. Like he didn't even love me for me. Okay. You know, if women, if they said love me for me and their heads exploded, like if they had some kind of collar,
Starting point is 01:50:24 if all women had some kind of a collar where their heads, there would be no more women. If they, what if, if their heads, if it's exploded and it said, love me for me. If, when they said that, when they ever said that in their life, love me for me.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Yeah, that's right off. But more saw me as a renovating object. Yeah. I would say project. Yeah. We fought a lot about my family. Yeah. I would say project. Yeah, project. We fought a lot about my family. Yeah. Because her family was, they were trapeze artists
Starting point is 01:50:51 and they were always trying to bring it into the home. What is she dating Batman? Horseman. We're fucking like Robin's family acrobats or something. The horseman? Like if it was a horsemen of the apocalypse It would be the horsemen Yeah, right sure of the apocalypse. They'll always make something more, you know, and there's four of them
Starting point is 01:51:14 You're not like oh, what's your deal? I'm a horseman. I'm the horsemen of the apocalypse. You're all the horsemen I'm a horseman. Yeah, I'm horsemen. I'm horseman. Right. Horseman. Like a guy that rides a horse. But you're wearing a horse? I am the horse. I'm the horse too. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:51:32 So you're two horsemen right there. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. The more I talk about it, the more confusing it is. It's stupid or it sounds. Yeah. And by the way, it's pronounced horseman, not horseman.
Starting point is 01:51:42 It's not horseman, not horseman. It's not horseman. This is his big fucking reveal at the conference. You can't, it's like he, it's kind of like George. He fundamentally doesn't understand how to explain something. Like you don't repeat the word that is in, that is confused. My helpful. Uh. Someone photoshopped this. That is in, that is confused. I'm hopeful. Someone photoshopped this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:11 What is going on here? That's me. They photoshopped my head on meeting Eric Chilai. See? Because someone was dressed up with the character with that helmet. Yeah. So they put my head on it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:52:23 It's pretty good. It looks, your face looks fatter than it is. Thank you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha People are sending in like first edition Charizards and Gaia's Cradles for me to put in this box, maybe put in the box, but they're also sending in crap. Crap like? Like, you know, Mother's Milk, this shit. And Vito doesn't know what's going to be in the box before he agrees to get on the scale. It's diabolical.
Starting point is 01:53:01 Will horsemen stop? Yeah, see, this is it. This is how it is. What is going on here? That's the bit. That's great. Thanks. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:14 Which made me really difficult to deal with. We fought a lot, renovating project. We fought a lot about my family, but I treated him, how I felt mistreated, that I stressed him out, and he always said that every day of his life is chaos, and he doesn't want his relationship to be a cause of stress as well, which I never wanted.
Starting point is 01:53:32 She has a lot of trauma, which means her family is fucked. Honey, you're describing it as being 20, all right? Don't, just, you know. I won't say it's all equal, you know. This seems to happen to everybody and then miraculously as they grow up, they meet somebody who they no longer have
Starting point is 01:53:49 these problems with. And they like to credit themselves with finding someone better and learning, but it's actually just, you get a little older and you're a little more in control of your emotions. You're dealing with so many hormones all the time. That's part of it. There's an aspect of that.
Starting point is 01:54:07 You don't see a lot of 70 year olds having this problem because he tried to help and be there for me, but I guess at some point he just gave up because I'm a shit face who can't make anything right and only feel sorry for myself. I might also add that it's six years between us. He's older. Well, he's been in a few relationships.
Starting point is 01:54:22 How old are you? How big are your tits? Why are these things missing? Did you say 20? Where'd you get 20 from? Just reading this. Or you were just saying that. Yeah. One of them was, one of them, he was very mistreated, physical and mental abuse. Wait, what? Okay. Wait, he was? Yeah, he was. Okay. So like they both. You don't need to talk about everything. You don't need to talk about every little thing
Starting point is 01:54:46 that's ever happened to you, you know? Yeah, I mean. It's not really, it's not, you're not that special and unique. You can kind of swap you around with anybody else and you're still gonna be an annoying prick. If you had a great life, you're still gonna be a prick. If you had a bad abuse life, what do you know?
Starting point is 01:55:04 Prick. All roads lead a prick. If you had a bad abuse life, what do you know? Prick. All roads lead to prick. Somehow you managed to both cope with both of these upbringings and become this huge piece of shit. Nobody's unscathed. Don't worry about it so much. Don't worry about telling everybody your fucking life story so much. Yeah, there's a- What are you gonna say?
Starting point is 01:55:22 No, I was just gonna say there's stuff like I- I'm almost asking you to do it. You don't need to do it. Anybody I say? No, I was just gonna say there's stuff like I- I- Anybody- I'm almost asking you to do it, you don't need to do it. Anybody, anybody I've ever did, I've never told them everything. Yeah. Like, I mean, I just, there's just- Less is better, less is more.
Starting point is 01:55:32 It's not even like, it's just like it doesn't, there's some that's just not pertinent to really anything. It's like, okay, you know who I am, you know my background. Like, if you don't have, if I tell you 50 things and there's 300 things, you can kind of guess what the rest of them might be too. You know, they're kind of, let's say there's more in that vein.
Starting point is 01:55:55 Kids are like this, they gotta tell like their whole story all the time, like here's my trauma. It's like there's a Girl Scouts badge that they have. This I've got a little bit of mental abuse here. Yeah, you got my dad issues here, got this here. Like they're collecting Pokemons. They really are. And then they fuck up so many relationships.
Starting point is 01:56:13 And they're like, I'm not gonna do that in this one. It's gonna like relax, think about work. You know, maybe that's just looks learning. Yeah, people do tend to, yeah, really barf it, barf it out. Anyways, I've gone to therapy. Yeah. Muppet therapy. That's what I need. Elmo therapy. I would like to see that. That would be great. Yeah. That would be a show. You talking to Elmo. You got to do the thumb. That's how you make Muppets talk. Oh, not people do the
Starting point is 01:56:44 flapping head, but you got to do the thumb. That's how you make Muppets talk. Oh, not people do the flapping head But you got to do the thumb. That's how it makes them real. Oh, okay Didn't know that they go anyways. I've got a therapy Got my shit together Now I want to get him back. Well, I I encourage you to go back to the beginning of that sentence Okay I encourage you to go back to the beginning of that sentence. Okay. Got it. I got therapy. I got my shit together.
Starting point is 01:57:09 Knocked it out. Now I wanna get him back. Right. Or you might do that last one again. You might. Yeah. I mean, you know, who, I don't know what kind of. Go talk to Elmo.
Starting point is 01:57:20 What kind of trauma, how long she was, I mean, a re-talk and she's, they've been broken up for years? Or you know what, how much? Probably like two weeks. That's a thing, I mean, okay, I'm good now. I understand, it's like, yeah, but okay, great. You understand it. Like whoop, whoop, whoop you fucking do.
Starting point is 01:57:36 They're like, it takes a while. But this is good because this is what every guy wants to hear about an ex. I'm still in love with him. I want him back like, ha, ha, awesome. Good, fuck you, but awesome. That is what every guy wants to. About an ex. I'm still in love with him. I want him back. Like, ha, ha, awesome. Good, fuck you. That is what every guy wants to hear about an ex.
Starting point is 01:57:50 Isn't it pure that sometimes tries to fix their own shit just to be good enough for you? What? Please don't flame me. I'm just a girl. Is it what? Isn't it pure that someone tries to fix their own shit just to be good enough for you?
Starting point is 01:58:04 Like, is it a pill? No, it's like a fucking pain in the ass. What are you talking about? She's saying isn't that a noble thing that she's doing. Yeah, no. Like, I'm fixed shit. I don't want to be responsible for this shit. Restiposity is a real thing.
Starting point is 01:58:17 You gotta do it. I don't want to be introduced any sort of restiposity. I'll feel like I owe you something. I don't. If you're doing it, if you're doing it for somebody else, that I don't want to hear about it. Because if they're completely out of the picture,
Starting point is 01:58:32 like no hope whatsoever, you have nothing, you have no reason to keep doing it. Like it's like, to me, it's kind of false. Yeah. Please don't flame me. I'm just a girl. I realize that it's easier said than done. I don't want to show up at his house or work as a stalker and make him uncomfortable. You should do that. I'm shaking my head. No, I don't want to. I thought you were going to do that.
Starting point is 01:58:56 Shaking my head. No, Dick's going to do it. You should do that. 100% you should do that. If you ever needed to know right away, you will know right away. If this has a future or not. Show up at his fucking work. What do you think would show that they have a future? Cause he'll chase her out in Yelliter for doing that. And that means he wants to be back together with her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or he'll ignore it and say, that was weird.
Starting point is 01:59:18 I don't want to, I feel nothing. I'm not reacting. But if he gets upset and tells you how stupid you are for doing it, he wants to get back together. There's a motion there. What if he's just horribly embarrassed that this happened at his work? And they think it's a-
Starting point is 01:59:32 Because he doesn't want to fuck her anymore. And they think it's a bad reflection on him. Yeah, yeah. Then he'll go like, oh, well, that's bad. What if he can't get hard later on with me because he remembers that I stalked him? Just worried about... Again, try going back to step one. I don't know if it's romantic for me to show up and make him realize that I'm all in because,
Starting point is 01:59:58 oh, she's really thinking about it because he will either be pissed at me and never talk to me again or he'll realize that I love him and that he loves me and will be in love again and have children and have a white pick fence. She says white picked fence with a big ass house in the middle of nowhere. That's what it's always about money. Anyways, maybe a month and a half after he dumped me, my friend saw him on Tinder. I don't want to know if he's moved on. Okay, is this, do we need to, should we finish this? I don't know. I mean, yeah, this now it's turning into like just, I would woman speak.
Starting point is 02:00:30 I don't think getting your shit together means what you think it means. Woman, all alert. You have too many, you're using too much punctuation to have your shit together. I've got bad five question marks in a row. More therapy. Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:44 I guess I hope he listens to this podcast and realizes it's me and reaches. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. He didn't even pick up the phone on New Year. I'm not giving specific. Just get, getting your shit together can be its own reward. I know that's, I know what that sounds like, but if you're listening, let us know how it turns out when she comes to your work Get a restraining order. Yeah in that case There you go, that's unless you want to get back together in which case which case we don't know because I don't know what she looks like In which case send wedding invitations to us, please and I will not go if that happens. I will go Yes, you shut up in my work Horseman there he is he's got it. Yeah, shut up in my work. Horseman, there he is.
Starting point is 02:01:28 He's got it, yeah, that's a, it's like Batman. Batman? Batman. Yeah. Hockeyman. Yeah. Superman.
Starting point is 02:01:39 The Supamans. Okay. Yeah, that's a very strange. I just, I don't see horse when I look at that. I don't know what I see. What do you see? Good cat. Well, first of all, horses, they don't,
Starting point is 02:01:52 they're not predators. They don't have eyes in the front of their head like that. I know he's a human, but you gotta make it look a little more, you know. They're not frightening. No. In fact, they're women's favorite animal oftentimes. Cause the only thing they do is run.
Starting point is 02:02:05 It looks like a batman ears. My little pony, like a pony is, they're kind of in the woman's world of animals. For sure, right? For sure. Like a bat is a gross. How many little boys go gross? I want a horse, I want a horse, I want a horse.
Starting point is 02:02:20 Daddy, can I have a horse for my birthday? Yeah. How about a for my birthday? Yeah. How about a pony? Daddy? Yeah. Daddy. I want to be horseman. Can I have a pony at least? It's not a masculine animal, is it? Shark man, that's cool.
Starting point is 02:02:40 Yeah. I mean, it's like guys, they're working animals for guys. Although I'm sure, you know, guys enjoy riding horses, but it's not the same type of like, like romanticism of, you know. Yeah. Guys, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's a bit odd.
Starting point is 02:03:01 You're riding the horse. Horseman. You don't wear a horse mask. Right. Like Zoro rides a horse. Yeah. You don't wear a horse mask. Right. Like Zoro rides a horse. Yeah. You don't call him horseman. Right. Cause he's like a gay blade. That's what you call him. Right.
Starting point is 02:03:11 So you're defined. Right. Right. How stupid. And the horses are jacked. Oh yeah. Okay. Jewish tunnels they're talking about. Yeah. Okay. Let me know if you want to call in anybody in there. Horsemen. All right, do you want to do?
Starting point is 02:03:32 Horsemans, the four horsemans of the apocalypse. He's won. What is the next horsemen? Those are just like spikes at the end of his batons. Like I looks like they're like. Yeah, he's like a mace. Yeah, I got that's really weird. It looks like it should be like electronic, his batons. Like I, it looks like they're like a mace. Yeah. I got, that's really weird. It looks like it should be like electronic, like that thing.
Starting point is 02:03:48 Like a zapper, like a zapper. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like I had batteries in there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause it's so, so he's a horse man of the apocalypse, right? I don't know. Horsemen, right? But he's, it's apocalyptic, you know, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:02 Emotional, like identifying, right? You hear it and you're like, all right, I'm past the cock part, I'm past the riding part, I'm past like the little girls, like Prince Charming shit. Okay, horsemen, the apocalypse. All right. So there's four of them. Is there another one?
Starting point is 02:04:15 Is he also horsemen? Or they fight about who is the, who goes by horsemen? You know what I mean? Yeah, there are horse boys. Like there's a... See horsemen too? Horsemen, yeah. Who goes by horseman? Right. You know what I mean? Yeah, there are horse boys. Like there's a... See horseman too? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:29 Who has the domain? Yeah. All right. Is there a cross on there anywhere? You know, I don't think so. I don't think so. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 02:04:41 Let's do fatwashing. Then we'll read the... Fat watch today and fat news. We'll read the, we'll read the Maddox. Oh, the interview should be good. I think it'll be funny. Sure it will be. Okay. Hey, Dick, fat watch and fat brain at the bowling alley.
Starting point is 02:05:00 Hey, Dick, this is Slickford, the bowling alley, Dick. I had getting straight into the story. I was busy as hell Saturday afternoon while making a pizza for these customers. I guess he owns a bowling alley or works at a bowling alley. Sure. I hear a giant breaking smashing sound. Oh, no. I look up and this family is upset that their daughter, 12-ish, and fat, just like the mother,
Starting point is 02:05:22 simply leaned on a table with her arm and broke it. And they broke it. I'm attaching a picture of the snapped metal bracket supporting the table underneath. Yeah. Okay, let's see this picture that he submitted. Okay. This is... Now of course there could have been like some,
Starting point is 02:05:48 could have been some metal fatigue, could have been some... There it is, wow. Yeah. Well, you know that's cheap shit like pot metal, right? Like, you know. Yeah. I'm saying I'm just giving the benefit of the doubt
Starting point is 02:05:59 like you could... Benefit of doubt, yeah. Yeah, is it? Oh yeah. Benefit of doubt, isn't it? Chinese shitty manufacturing. It's definitely not, You could benefit of doubt. Yeah. Yeah. Is it? Oh yeah. Benefit of doubt is not. Chinese, shitty manufacturing. It's definitely not,
Starting point is 02:06:08 but it shouldn't lean if you just, if you shouldn't break, if you just lean on it. Well, what if it was already, but what if it was already cracked? Like, I mean, you know, how much are you gonna lean on a, you know? So that's never happened to me.
Starting point is 02:06:17 That's what people do. Where I leaned on a table. Yeah, people do. Okay. I mean, it's, it's, it's funny that a, it's funny that a fat person broke it. It is. I was exasperated and I didn't reassure them
Starting point is 02:06:29 that it was okay or kiss their ass and just went into trying to fix it. So they called my uncle, the boss, at the other bowling alley to complain about being an asshole about it. So they're upset that they didn't get, you know, the whole nine, like a buffet roll down. I'm so sorry, here's 20 pizzas for you.
Starting point is 02:06:46 Sorry, you hit the lottery because your fat daughter broke a table. He calls me to get the story as I'm fixing it. Doesn't buy their pity party story and checks the cameras. Oh, okay, here we go. Here is the footage of exactly what happened. See, this is good. This is, I had questions and this is gonna.
Starting point is 02:07:05 So what was their story? As you recall, it was she simply leaned on the table with her arm. Yeah, she probably. Only a fat person would specify arm. Right. Right, a normal person would say leaned on a table. I'm guessing.
Starting point is 02:07:17 It would say leaned with your arm. I'm guessing that she kind of hopped up and sat on it. Oh, that's what you think happened? That's what I think happened. Okay. After I confronted them with the evidence, they were all apologies until they left, including trying to suck up to me
Starting point is 02:07:29 by claiming to know a family member who is in prison that the rest of the family hates. Oh, good, good. Yeah, yeah. Bowling alley people, man. We're gonna bring it up Uncle Joey. Yeah, we don't talk about him. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:41 I'm gonna guess she was probably wanting to change her bowling shoes out to her regular shoes that are probably done or something. Okay. I'm gonna to guess she was probably wanted to change her bowling shoes out to her regular shoes that are probably done or something. Okay. I'm going to guess she hopped up, you know, you put your hands on it and then hop up backward. Yeah. That's what I'm guessing happened.
Starting point is 02:07:54 Let's see here. We'll see if I'm right. Okay. Is this, do I have everything in there? Yeah, I have everything in there. I think so. Okay, this is the footage here of the little girl breaking a table. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:10 By leaning on it with her arm. Yes. Uh, here we go. That's her wearing a, oh, is that her? Oh, no, that's her. Oh, that's a big little girl. Are we just, yep, yep, yep. Yep.
Starting point is 02:08:23 I had a feeling. I had a feeling. I had a feeling. I had a feeling. I had a feeling. I've seen people do shit like this. Come on, man. You got to teach your kids not to sit on tables, right? Especially if they're fat. If you're fat, you got to say your kids down and say, look, the stuff isn't built like you think it is. It's not indestructible. Tables working against you. You can see sometimes. Set stuff on. There's a reason there's chairs around the table.
Starting point is 02:08:50 Friend of the table. That's where you eat your food. If you were a little skinnier, me, I got to put it on my lap, put it on my shelf. These other people use cyst size. Oh my God, that's a hard hit. Okay. Oh, she hurt hit. Okay.
Starting point is 02:09:08 She hurt herself. Okay. Yeah, that's good shit. Here we go. Oh yeah, I'm just going to hop up here. It's a big kid. That's good. Yeah. Well, she'll never do that again.
Starting point is 02:09:19 Too well. You think? Yeah. I don't know. She's got to get bigger. Bigger and bigger and bigger. Okay, this one is from... Clovis says, please educate yourself on how to face fat phobia.
Starting point is 02:09:34 Alrighty. Okay. This is... Ukrainian men fleeing conscription. What is this? What the fuck? This is not the right link, is it? No, it's not.
Starting point is 02:09:52 I don't think so. Did they change it? Uh. Yeah, it's kind of, it's redirecting me. Let me just search for this. Or wait, but that's... does it have something to do... Yeah, Ukrainian men... Oh, the real reason... is it supposed to be like they're running for fat women?
Starting point is 02:10:15 Oh, thousands of men have fled Ukraine to avoid being draped... Oh, okay. Here it is. Yeah, sure. Thousands of men have fled Ukraine to avoid being drafted into the war with Russia. Yeah, sure. Many crossing into neighboring Moldova Moldova Yeah, my neighbors are Moldovan. Are they? Yeah, they speak they speak Romanian and Moldova. I guess yeah CBC correspondent Briar Stewart takes to the Ukraine Moldova border to meet some of the men Then Kate Mann has never gone swimming
Starting point is 02:10:43 Until recently because she didn't want to be seen in a bathing suit, her new book, Un-Trinking. Oh, this is it. Un-Trinking, how to face fat phobia, explores how her body has been received from the workplace to the doctor's office and why she's thinking. These are very odd.
Starting point is 02:10:57 That's very, yeah. These are just the roundup. Was this just a link you sent about, all right, I don't know how to decipher this. I'm gonna have to do another one. This is from John Breaks Bad News. Oh boy. Okay, let's go with the,
Starting point is 02:11:14 this says fat watch. This make a 12 year old breaks a table. Oh no, this was taken at a top golf. What? Top golf, golf opening. The fuck fell into a, how do you do that? Uh-oh. Yeah, I'll turn it down.
Starting point is 02:11:32 Why is this not working? There we go. You know top golf? I do, I've never been to one, but I like the idea. Well, apparently these fat women are, they're golfing. They have two levels. Yeah. Yeah. And you're golfing out into the open, you know, from this deck, this elevated deck.
Starting point is 02:11:52 Yeah. And some of these fat women are really teeing off. Oh, they fall from the upper one? Yes. They're putting so much momentum into their swings, like Happy Gilmore, that they're spinning around and then their fat is making them spin Uncontrollably toward the edge and then they fall off. So they've installed a fat woman net catching them Here is the look at that
Starting point is 02:12:20 Unbelievable kick it out look at her. No definitely not Oh no Unbelievable. No, she can't get out. Look at her. No, definitely not. Oh, no. Oh, no. They've got lights on her like King Kong. Yeah, I know. Trapped. Yeah. I hope the workers see what they're doing. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:12:32 She can't even move at all. It's like twitching. Okay. So don't be careful at top call. Holy shit. I'm not gonna move. I'm not gonna move. I'm not gonna move.
Starting point is 02:12:44 I'm not gonna move. I'm not gonna move. I'm not gonna move. I'm not gonna move. I can't even move at all. It's like twitching. Okay. So don't go to him. Holy. Be careful at top call. Holy shot. It's so stupid it makes me laugh. Perhaps do you ever hung that net? Yeah, no kidding. God damn, man.
Starting point is 02:12:59 That's fucking. Okay, this one's from Joel. Jesus. He says, Hey, Dick, while scrolling through Fat Pride Instagram, because I hate myself. I stumbled across these creatures. As an Australian, this shows me just how disconnected
Starting point is 02:13:11 Melbourne is from the rest of the country, and that it should be glassed. Okay. These pigs had decided that during the sixth, yes, sixth, Victorian lockdown, they, I don't know where, they would create a show where they examine with a fat-centered lens dating sex, friendship, working in the arts, anti-fateness in the perils of diet culture. Uh, okay, you got a lot of explaining what this is. Let's see. Let's see what this is. Fat mermaid almost drowns.
Starting point is 02:13:48 Here's what this guy's talking about on Instagram. Oh my, okay. Well, that's a gentleman who's wearing all pink. Yeah, it's almost like there's like, almost looks like he's in pink light. Like the lighting is pink. In addition to his hair and... It's like he's a prolapse.
Starting point is 02:14:10 Like he's a human prolapse. Oh my God, that's absolutely disgusting and accurate. Right, fat. You don't like fat? By the end you will. Full cream, it's called. That's what that's. I'm not sure if this will make a good fat watch segment, but I had to at least try.
Starting point is 02:14:27 Let's see. I am allowed to take up space. I am allowed to take up space. If I had a body, I'd have the best body. Substantial. Monumental. Fat. Oh no!
Starting point is 02:14:44 The kind of fat lady dresses as a cow turning butter? Yeah. How is this taking back fat phobia? How is this combating fat phobia? Well, yeah, this is... We've seen stuff like this before. Having a body is such a luxury. I'd be so grateful to just have a body.
Starting point is 02:15:07 Just imagine you have it way better than ghosts. Life or death. Right? That's what the... Yeah. Boy, if I had a body... Boy, I wish I wasn't dead. A ghost.
Starting point is 02:15:17 Ghosts are saying I would have the biggest, fattest body if I were... If I could go back and do it all over. If I could... Right. I'd be so fucking fat, why'd you die? Oh, Ardysack. Yeah. Yeah, it wasn't that bad. Well, you know, but just the ghosts,
Starting point is 02:15:30 the concept of a ghost, I love it. Oh, that's great. Feels like every day, every second, I've been worried about how I look, what people think. So she's got a, she's dressed in like a pair of underpants. Looks like kind of compression wear. Is this from Australia? Yeah, Melbourne.
Starting point is 02:15:51 See, that's Australian fat. Oh yeah. Y'all are rank amateurs. Yeah. No kidding. If you think that is fat, that is fat. That is. But please, you're playing in the minors.
Starting point is 02:16:07 And you know what? Don't ever make the majors. No, it's not something too sparse. It's not right, right. You have a long way to swim for that. Yeah, but that does- So this is just like two fat people sitting around a bunch of beanbags, having a play.
Starting point is 02:16:23 A new play about fat pride, kinship and joy is coming to the Geolong Arts Century. Okay, this is a story of two fat queers. And the housemates and the fat joy, they found in just friendship? Yeah, fat ship, that's better. It's the story of chubby chasers and Adele of jiggling bellies
Starting point is 02:16:50 Butter churning and hookups and UFOs. Oh, man You think aliens are like, I won't pick up that one. These fuckers are getting too fat for our spaceships Well, yeah, I'm kind of working on new like alloys to Did aliens they're coming down. They had the tables where they probe your ass, right? At some point in the legially, I mean, in the nineties, the aliens are like, man, we can't, we got to make these tables bigger. Right. Nope. I've never heard a conspiracy person address that.
Starting point is 02:17:15 That's true. I know. It's definitely important. It's always a little cracks in their stories. You know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you had me go until the size of the table. Yeah. So the tractor beams are the same Yeah, or what a bowling alley you say? I've seen I've seen tables and bowling alley aliens not concerned about the weight the weight gain that we're having They haven't said anything about it depends. I guess how it how it much it impacts them
Starting point is 02:17:40 Oh, I mean they're doing ass research. I assume it would be important. Yeah. It would be pertinent. Yeah. Uh, hold on to your love handles. This is what happens when fat people are happy. And not the elephant in the room. Great. Okay.
Starting point is 02:17:57 Uh, tickets selling now via the Melbourne Fringe Encore. Uh, what's the rule on snacks? That I am with a fat high. If I roll when I sit down and I'm out of Rothloft going up the stairs if my clothes cling to my cellulite. If people are going to judge what a fat pig I am every time I eat a meal and it's gonna f**k me. I will love it if my body is shamelessly. Every day I spent worried about that s**t feels like the day at least. You are beautiful and you will find people who also think you are beautiful. No, no, no, no, no, no, no Just lose some fucking weight
Starting point is 02:18:31 Just weigh yourself every day. Stop drinking stop drinking calories lose some fucking weight eat some non-processed foods, you know what they make yourself two or three meals a week They're not home. They need a treasure box full of mystery prizes. I want to get that, Bucke. I'll bet, yeah. You weighed 295 on Friday. You did? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:56 Okay. Pretty good. Yeah. Still crying that my scale is wrong. Well, but here's it. But it's consistent though, I would think, right? It's right. Yeah. Whatever. Even if it's, say if it's two pounds, I would think, right? It's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:06 Whatever, even if it's, okay, say if it's two pounds, it's gonna be the same, right? So it's, you just judge the distance traveled. Yeah. Well, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:19:16 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:19:23 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I had a buddy, everyone would know about it. Oh my God, what is he feeding her? He's feeding her out of a funnel. I know, what it? His tits are sagging to his belly button. Some kind of like. I know, some people are into this.
Starting point is 02:19:39 I mean, I would love to see a play where fat people are feeding other fat people with like a funnel and shit. With those chips though or something, it looked like some kind of a snack food. love to see it play where fat people are feeding other fat people with like a funnel and shit. With us chips though or something? It looked like some kind of a snack food pouring into a funnel. Wow. Okay. Maybe one more.
Starting point is 02:19:54 Vinny has sent us Miss Plus America. Uh huh. Have we read this one? I don't think so. And then we'll read the Maddox thing. Miss Plus America. Wow. Oh, me oh my. And then we'll read the Maddox thing. Miss Plus America. Wow.
Starting point is 02:20:06 Oh, me oh my. A very diverse selection of ladies. That is Miss Plus America. It's definitely diverse. The Miss Plus America pageant system. Wow. The Miss Plus probably the least amount of pedophiles in this pageant, you know?
Starting point is 02:20:28 Yeah, right. To be a three tier, three tier, three tier cake competition. We're delicates of very- Three tiers, this held at a top golf. Oh man, could you imagine if they put another one on top of that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like a Japanese driving range
Starting point is 02:20:46 Like multi levels because there's just no fucking land That woman is still in that net. Yeah, still had to ship the net home, right? It couldn't get around people around the clock just throwing buckets of water on our covering for a live Fucking human I can breathe air. I would get me sure right Talking whale was found at the first talking whale. The title is upper blowhole. They just built a rounder. They put the tea offs on the other end of the thing. You'd rather try to hit her. Right. Right.
Starting point is 02:21:21 That's always the George Costanza. Yeah. See, it was angry. There's something about, there's something. Yeah. See, it was angry. There's something about, you know, at a driving range trying to hit the picker, you know, trying to hit the guy, because I worked at one and drove the picker around. That was great. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:21:35 Cause it was fun when it got hit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You'd have to pull just the way that it was. It was like, it was a big lawn tractor that pushed this giant picker around. And it had like, you know, it had beefier tires
Starting point is 02:21:48 and shit like that, but the cage, the way that it was built, it was built fine, but you didn't want to leave. You'd get hit in like the lower leg. I mean, so you had to, you know, you had to just lift your feet up once the thing was built. Cause you could control it with the throttle up here. You didn't need to, you know, you only need to put that for-
Starting point is 02:22:04 You only need to add some on or something, like horse man? No, it was just easy. You could just rest your feet and the, you know, the front of the cage, but it's like, you only, you know, they tell you that don't have your fucking feet down. Cause, you know, I'll fucking crack. Those golf balls can go 150, 180 miles an hour, you know, like off a driver.
Starting point is 02:22:25 Full That's what that other company was. Well, I'll look it up later. Um, and finally to the annual national competition we're miss. Oh yeah. Okay. Was created to be a three tier competition where delegates of varying ages compete in local areas and state pageants. And finally, to the annual national competition where Miss Plus America Elite, wow,
Starting point is 02:22:53 not Miss Plus Universe, the fattest woman in the universe award. So the woman who possesses the highest score in the pageant is crowned. So what's technically like plus size? I don't know. I don't know. Like the, what's the, what's the old timers like professional golf thing? You mean like a champions tour, senior tour?
Starting point is 02:23:15 Yeah. They're a senior tour. We have to be, it's 50. 50. Yeah. Okay. 50 plus. Are they playing at like 51? Well, I mean, yeah, they're still playing in the normal league at 51. It depends. Like some guys, if they feel like they can still compete on the regular tour, like they'll stay there. I mean, Phil Mickelson won the British Open. I think is he 51?
Starting point is 02:23:36 Yeah. A couple of years ago, I mean, he's the oldest major champion in history. Nobody's ever won a major at that age. I guess I would, yeah. So he's still playing a very high level, but then usually guys who are, you know, they, you, not playing at the level you were in, you like your mid thirties. And then you go out on the champions tour and you fucking clean up for a couple of years, guys who are, you know, just journeymen on the, on the regular tour, just beat the shit out of the holder players because they're coming off of
Starting point is 02:24:04 higher level of competition. I would think that whatever the qualification is for Miss plus America, they probably weighed a little bit before entering. Yeah. Like if the quality, if the cutoff is 250, you're probably seeing and probably not seeing a lot of 250s in there, probably waiting until they hit 300, you know? Just that women, they're like, they need a little bit of room before they admit it. This picture is interesting. It looks like the one on the right.
Starting point is 02:24:33 Looks like they're all winning. No, well, no. So, is she, go back to that for a second. Yeah. So, are those two different people? Are they, yeah, are they all winning what the fuck I don't know There's two different women right and Sharon Osborne is in there for some reason Sharon Osborne in a fucking I don't know what's happening here. They all won
Starting point is 02:24:58 How old is the they don't want to free the white woman? That's what's happening here. She's got to be close to 50. This one? Yeah. She's having the most fun. Ah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'm so confused. Oh wow, preliminary competition categories, private interview.
Starting point is 02:25:16 Each contestant has to lie about what they ate today. In front of a panel of judges, there are typically five to seven judges on a panel. The interview will begin with a self-introduction, not to exceed 30 seconds. Ooh, that must disqualify a lot of these women. Yeah. The fat body of the interview
Starting point is 02:25:35 will be a combination of questions from- A combination platter of questions. Of information given on your dietary restrictions as well as current events. So, wow. What's at the red lobster? Stuff like that. How quickly you can calculate market price on any given seafood item? This can be anything from war?
Starting point is 02:26:02 Oh, no, no, it can't be. It's not war. Get out of here This can be anything from war. Maybe war is effect on like macadamia nut prices reality TV questions to questions about your platform What does fat platform mean to fat women? The interview concludes with a 30 second opportunity to make a final statement So the judges of why you'd like to be Miss Plus America Elite, wow, that's great.
Starting point is 02:26:28 Interview attire. Plus America Elite, is that spelled like E-L-E-A-T? Wait, what? E-L. E-A-T like elite, not it's like elite. The attire for the interview is business casual. For like a convention center. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:50 Like you gotta wear drapes. You might wear a suit or a skirt and blouse or a jacket with a skirt or a dress. They had to fucking tell these women that. What they're saying is they don't want bathing suits. Interview attire. You have to wear a skirt. So you disqualified is they don't want bathing suits. Interview attire. You have to wear a skirt. So you disqualified if they don't make like business suits
Starting point is 02:27:10 in your size. I guess you can just wear a dress. Shirts should be pastel pink or white. And not include spaghetti stains. Wow. Spaghetti straps. Oh, oh. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 02:27:22 I think it might be a fucking food aggression or something. You know, spaghetti straps. This is like a real problem. It's some unfortunate popping incidents. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you wear a dress, it must be black. Slimming. And it must not look like a watermelon.
Starting point is 02:27:38 The judges have weak stomachs. You'll wear the same outfit for your panel interview. If in doubt, go with your most conservative choice. Boy, this doesn't seem like, this seems kind of shaming to me. Yeah, it does seem like they're like, Hey, just definitely downplay. Don't dress like a fucking whore. Right. Just downplay. We're going to dress conservative. Right. No spaghetti straps. No cow outfits like you like wearing. Yeah. No burn. Whatever you're doing in Melbourne.
Starting point is 02:28:10 Go with your most conservative choice. You are not seeking a sexy look. You are seeking a classy look. Trying to put a classy look to, you know, there's too many trailer park, bathing suit videos. Very classy here. Are they being crowned by fat women as well? Did they just walk around crowning each other at this event?
Starting point is 02:28:31 I think so. Final competition... Oh, wait. Evening gown, elegant pant wear. That's the category, is elegant pant wear. Yeah, it is. It's all capitalized. Look at that. Elegant pant wear details. Oh, fuck off. Each delegate will take the stage in their elegant
Starting point is 02:28:50 pant wear attire. They'll stop at certain points on the stage designated by the producer. So they can check for stress fractures and stuff. Yeah. Like climbing Everest. They got to get a Sherpa to fucking knock out on the wood on the stage to see it's okay. At each point they will pose. So it's like a pose. This is almost like a livestock competition, right? I mean, like it's like, oh, the judge is going to feel for conformity. And they got a guy up there.
Starting point is 02:29:16 Yeah. Like, come on down. Yeah. Oh, you can't wait from Lane Bryant. An outfit you would want to wear would be appropriate if attending a formal dinner with your reverend, pastor and members of the US Supreme. They are really going conservative. Man, they gotta tell me for us to-
Starting point is 02:29:33 For fuck's sake, do not show arm. That's basically what they're saying. Got a lot of skin, cover it up. Right. Cover it up. Remember those Intel Pentium commercials? Imagine that, but fat. The Stay Puff Marshmallow Man, he's a pretty good model of what you guys
Starting point is 02:29:46 should be dressed with. Like an outfit you would wear would be appropriate. It would be a formal dinner with your Reverend Pastor and members of the US Supreme Court. What is this competition really? Is this like an ultra conservative Christian recruitment center? Like what's...
Starting point is 02:30:04 The idea is to look elegant as opposed to sexy. Because that's out. Look, we know you ladies love looking sexy. Right. And you kind of don't really imagine any other way to look. Stop bringing sexy back. It's back. We all know you're hot, sexy.
Starting point is 02:30:25 It's crowding us out. Yeah, it's just, you're so sexy. Too much sexy. We wanna try something weird, like wearing a dress. Right, leaving it to the imagination. Like a spaghetti strap, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like you were going out with a... The Supreme Court, Supreme Court Justice. Imagine you were going out with a-
Starting point is 02:30:45 The Supreme Court. Imagine you were going to dinner with the entire Supreme Court. Right. You'd really want to look your, look my sexiest? No. Not sexiest. The opposite.
Starting point is 02:30:55 The opposite. Evening formal- Your pastor. Your pastor. Your pastor. Just don't- They lack all this too. I'm going to dress up like a little kid.
Starting point is 02:31:07 Evening formal pumps, sandals or mules are required. Wow. To help them into the building. That kind of, yeah. Those kind of mules. Heels must be worn unless an official doctor's notice provided. Oh my God. Well, and you don't make them wear heels. Come on.
Starting point is 02:31:25 But how long do they stay heels? Honestly. Yeah, right. Or walking around the car, take two steps. Right. These are flats. Yeah. No, I mean, they will take their, Oh, I see. They just compress them. That's funny.
Starting point is 02:31:37 Scoring elegant pant wear accounts for 25% of the total score. Yeah, that's good. Elegant pant wear. You believe when we are up to this? Not sense? This is fascinating though. The verbiage they're using is really interesting. Evening gown, evening gown, competition details,
Starting point is 02:31:53 floor length, it may have a high low hemline, wear foundations, the color should contrast and compliment your skin tone. That's all, that's it. That's the only advice they have on that. Okay, so that's final competition categories. The preliminary scores will be tallied Friday evening. Okay.
Starting point is 02:32:11 Teen, Miss, Ms and Mrs will compete on stage. They got a teen fucking Miss Fat USA? Teen. Oh, loud. No. Send horse man in. Wait, what's, what's, what's Miss, what's M-I-S-S and M-S? Miss? Yeah, but what's miss? Miss, miss, oh.
Starting point is 02:32:31 Miss is married. Unmarried, yeah, yeah. So young unmarried, older unmarried. It's for women with MRSA. And then marry, okay. Maybe the, yeah, the miss and miss, yeah. One S or two S's is age. Oh, that explains. I bet this bitch is miss, miss America. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:53 You're right. What's, is that it? Final competition. Oh, it's all the same shit. Elegant pant wear. Bitch, put on your elegant pant wear this evening. I'm feeling a little, feeling a little saucy. Bertha, will you throw on some of that, that elegant pant wear that I enjoy so much? I just love, I love how you rock that elegant pant wear that you're wearing. Okay.
Starting point is 02:33:21 That watch today is that news. All right. That fucking table. What time is it? It's pretty late. We've been going for a while, yeah. Do you want to read this thing? At least get into it a little bit. Yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah, sure, why not?
Starting point is 02:33:38 Let's see, the fat woman, the fat lady that wrote a interview. Thematics, here we go. It's Maddox. Here we go. No thank you, I don't wanna subscribe. Big oof, she says. Yeah. Patreon is enabling an insane stocking campaign. Wow!
Starting point is 02:34:02 Obsessed fan. George Zuni and AKA Maddox talks about how Big Tech allowed an obsessed fan to turn his life upside down by Natalia Anatova. I wonder if she's discovered the lawsuit. No, but of course not. He's fucking retarded. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:21 George Zuny and better known as Maddox is an OG celebrity blogger. His best page in the universe influenced me when I was younger and showed me that online opinion writing could actually be fun. I still say back to how much I rule when I'm with friends and I want to change the topic of conversation. What a fucking obnoxious con. I still say back to how much I rule.
Starting point is 02:34:46 Maddox went on to write, oops, the best selling alphabet of manliness and have a successful YouTube career. No, false. While maintaining, while still maintaining the best page in the universe. What in that he's like paying the hosting fees? Like, I mean, it just doesn't really do much.
Starting point is 02:35:00 He doesn't do anything anymore. Not really. Oh, oh, and he's also been dealing with a crazed stalker for a number of years. I highly recommend watching when fans become stalkers. The documentary Maddox recently uploaded, which breaks down in forensic detail, the stalking and harassment campaign of a man whom we'll call fanboy for the purpose of not giving him undeserved credit. Bitch, I don't, first of all, I don't fucking want credit. You are not withholding credit from me.
Starting point is 02:35:32 By now, the film details with the stalking campaign. This is a documentary film he's made. The film deals with the stalking campaign. How fanboy, getting me with this shit- How fanboy, getting me with this shit- benefited from it. The sycophants, who's whom fanboy has involved. it, the sicko fans, who's whom fanboy has involved, the lawsuit that resulted from this, and the impact this ordeal has had. Well, it's what he's a piece of-
Starting point is 02:35:52 Onmatics, total and complete victim here. When it comes to naming names, I wanna specifically name Patreon, because it's Patreon that has fueled the stalking, harassment and threats against that. And they were sued and it was fucking laughed out of fucking, it was laughed out of the dog. It was violating their TOS by suing them.
Starting point is 02:36:11 Cause their TOS says you have to arbitrate with them. Yeah, I mean he sued the fucking, he sued the customer service rep. He did do that. I don't think she includes that in her interview. Well, no, because she doesn't know anything. She doesn't have any of the information. Let me resize this.
Starting point is 02:36:29 Okay, here we go. Page, yeah, yeah, yeah. Patreon that has fueled the stalking harassment and threats against Maddox. slash the Dix Show. We'll probably do a bonus episode next week, I think, and go through the next one of his dumb videos. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 02:36:44 What? What's the note right there? I don't know, okay. So next week I think, and go through the next one of his dumb videos. Wait a minute! What? What's the note right there? I don't know, okay. Oh yeah, I did do that. Maddox has repeatedly started interacting with her. Yeah! Maddox has repeatedly appealed to Patreon to take down his stalker's account.
Starting point is 02:37:02 What have you said? Patreon refuses to do so. Cyber stalking is fascinating to me, because I'm so attractive. As I am frequently a target myself, oh God, fuck you. So much so that I created Safer Dating Now, a project aimed at helping people and avoid creeps on dating apps.
Starting point is 02:37:17 Let's see this shit. Safer Dating Now, like a blacklist for guys that won't fuck you. Safer Dating Now, classes plus consultations on how to avoid scammers. Like a blacklist for guys that won't fuck you. Safe for dating now. Classes plus consultations on how to avoid scammers, spies. Consulting. Consulting. It's the biggest fucking-
Starting point is 02:37:35 A phone call. Call me if you want me to tell you if this guy's a creep or not. I'll get a look at him. It's awesome. Let me just teach you how to be better. That'll be a bunch of fucking money. How many spies do you encounter?
Starting point is 02:37:49 Yeah. Like spy versus spy with the nose? Right. I think you could identify that. And people who want to turn you into a lampshade? Oh my God. Like a Holocaust reference? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 02:38:00 Oh boy. Adelie, what are you doing? It's a little much. I can tell you. Yeah, that feels a little inappropriate. My services, let's see what she's about. Hi, I'm Natalia, an OS INT expert and digital investigator. Is that online, what is that? Man, this bitch has big wrists and look at these shoulders.
Starting point is 02:38:25 Kelsey, they're gonna draft her, play in the Super Bowl next week. Lay them out, put her on the front line. Putin won't know what hit him. That's what I'm charging through with those shoulders. I gotta see your interactions. Like the water boy. That's what she looks like.
Starting point is 02:38:44 Visualize and attack. Water boy. Yeah. Putin, I'm coming for you. This is Harry. I'm going to cut out. I'm coming for you. I'm a top investigator, digital investigator.
Starting point is 02:38:55 You'll get sued because that might be real. It's a deep fake, but it's, you know. Oh, yeah. Can you fucking believe that? No more deep, deep fakes. You're going to jail. Sure. OK, man man I investigate creepy
Starting point is 02:39:07 I investigate creepy people for a living yeah cuz she probably wants to fuck she probably wants to fuck me probably why she did this whole thing not mentioning names trying to play hard to get which is why I can help you protect yourself online oh she's got a little chat thing. Did she tease this story was coming out and you started talking to her? Yeah. My god. Great.
Starting point is 02:39:31 Bitch, your fucking chat window's broken. Let me turn off my brave shield. Oh. It's probably doing it. Dick Masterson. Uh-huh. Dick Masterson at You're gonna give her what she wants.
Starting point is 02:39:47 Yeah. How do I get shoulders like that? Oh my God. How do I get powerful shoulders like that? All right. About me, my work in this project, Jesus fucking Christ. This is how safe, far right propagandist turns up in Moscow. No, this is just different.
Starting point is 02:40:15 I has nothing to do with dating. Okay, whatever. Let's go back to this. Ugh. Cyber stocking is fascinating to me. I'm frequently a target myself. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is why I recently called up Maddox to have a conversation about the stalker, the documentary, the false perception that stalking only happens to famous people. I'm sure that offends him. So he's not famous. Sure that I'd love to interview you for my series about how stalking happens to normal everyday non-famous people
Starting point is 02:40:47 Right who are not worth noteworthy in any way. Yeah How big tech Empowers stalking and what to actually do about it ignore it note the minute I reached out to Maddox publicly about having this conversation Fanboy started interacting with me. Yeah, that's true. He watches Maddox's social media accounts like a hawk. Well, I don't, but other people do. Thus, thus proving Maddox right.
Starting point is 02:41:16 Well, if other people do, then clearly you're behind some huge, huge conspiracy. Why did you tweet about it? What's the fucking point of promoting it on social media? Because if you think that's weird, it's for her. It has nothing to do with... She's not trying to... She's not helping anybody. I'm putting all my stuff out there. It's right. Frankly, I'm offended that you're consuming it, someone I don't want.
Starting point is 02:41:37 But if you think that's weird, it gets a lot worse. Natalia, I hope it doesn't frighten you to say that I'm a big fan. I think now it's scary to say that, right? What do you call me, a pussy? Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. Fucking voice. No, not at all.
Starting point is 02:41:50 I think having lived through this ordeal, I have a little bit better sense of the red flags that I pay attention to. He sounds like fucking Tauley, man. I can hear him answering this question. Yeah, I can. Such a fucking phony. I watched the video that you dedicated to your stalker.
Starting point is 02:42:06 I watched it in batches because it's a movie, an internet documentary, but it has a style that keeps you engaged. It's just like a fucking, this is an ad. Like this is promotion. This is a late show promotion. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's what it is.
Starting point is 02:42:19 And you guys did a lot of skillful editing. It's not you guys. It's just one guy. Right. One fucking freak. A lot of, a lot of misdirectful editing. It's not you guys. It's just one guy. Right. One fucking freak. A lot of misdirected editing. Deceptive editing. Deceptive, thank you. Deceptive editing.
Starting point is 02:42:32 To keep the reader pulled in at all times. It's not a reader. It's a viewer. You stupid cunt. I think it's great because it forensically breaks down the problem. If you have no logic and can't spot... Oh, this doesn't add up. This doesn't add up. This doesn't add up. This doesn't add up. It basically breaks down the problem. If you have no logic and can't spot, oh, this doesn't add up, this doesn't add up, this doesn't add up, this doesn't add up. So what I first wanted to ask you is,
Starting point is 02:42:51 what's the response been like? Yeah, Maddox, what has the response been like? So first, the response was overwhelmingly positive. In fact, even from people within the stalker mob, some apologized, they said, hey man, we had no idea it was this bad. Because they don't want their names on the fucking internet with you saying they're fucking Hitler.
Starting point is 02:43:09 Because stupid people don't actually look into anything. No, I would be great if this chick honestly like, watch some of the videos that break down the lawsuit. Well, that's what I said. I said, wait, why don't you ask him about the restraining order and the rape list? Right. What?
Starting point is 02:43:30 Let me know if you want me to talk to you about this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. They had no idea that fanboy was supporting neo-Nazis. That he's impersonating fucking journalists and things like, she doesn't know anything about that. Yeah, exactly. that he's impersonating fucking journalists and things like she doesn't know anything about that. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Impersonating a fucking female journalist.
Starting point is 02:43:51 Right. They had no idea this guy was stalking me and harassing me and others, my friends and journalists and anyone associated with me for this long. So I DMed her, so that was me proving him right. She is the furthest thing from any kind of journalist. She's way too fat to have been stalked. Then as time's gone on, of course, they try to dig their teeth into this thing.
Starting point is 02:44:13 What? They try to dig their teeth into this thing, sink your teeth into something. It's amazing. That is... And try to come up with anything they can to credit the documentary. Bro, dig your claws in. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:44:30 Save your teeth in. Save your teeth in. They're one silver bullet. The one thing they're latching onto near the beginning is a graph I show in reverse chronological order. And they're like, oh, that's misleading. But it's not.
Starting point is 02:44:41 I show the numbers on the screen. And I also say exactly what you're looking at. You show the graph and back and backwards. Over and over and over again. The other response I get is shock from a lot of people. Shock that this has happened. They didn't know about it and it's gone on for so long. What has gone on for so long Maddox?
Starting point is 02:45:00 People making fun of you. Right. And then you suing everybody on earth. Your entire website is making fun of people. That's your entire website. Everybody on earth. Your entire website is making fun of people. You fucking cry, baby. Also, as people watch this video, you had a whole video outing a guy that fucked his lawn, that fucked his patio furniture for no reason.
Starting point is 02:45:19 The other response, also, as people watch this video, sometimes what will happen is they'll pause it. They'll leave a comment and say, oh my God, sometimes what will happen is they'll pause it. They'll leave a comment and say, oh my God, this is the worst thing I've ever seen. Then they'll continue watching it. They'll come back and update their comment and say, oh my God, it gets worse.
Starting point is 02:45:34 Bro, they're talking about your video, not the content of it. Natalia, I think shock is necessary. You gotta shock people in order to get them to pause, stop and think about how these situations develop. How did they develop, I tell ya? And oftentimes, as I see this problem again and again with stalking victims,
Starting point is 02:45:54 the people who do the stalking are oftentimes so crazy that when you explain it to normal people, you end up sounding crazy. So this fat bitch is explaining her stocking problems to normal people and they're saying, you sound crazy. Yep. Which is why I really like the fact
Starting point is 02:46:17 that the movie had a beginning, a middle, and an end. And it took the form of a narrative. And you were duped by all of it. And the focus, she's just as crazy as him. The facts are all out there. Because if you don't lay out as a documentary piece as a forensic investigation, what ends up happening is that you sound looney tunes.
Starting point is 02:46:37 Uh-huh. She capitalized that. Also, Warner Brothers might have something to say about that. Speaking of looney tunes, after you and I connected over the documentary, your stalker immediately jumped in. He's now contacted me three times. Yeah, I tweeted at it three times. Trying to discredit the whole thing. It was incredible to see how he's proving you right with everything he does. So the goal is to make your supporters in this situation so uncomfortable that they turn away from you. Right?
Starting point is 02:47:05 Yes, it's harassment as a mode of operation. Anyone who tries to reach out to me, he'll try to create some kind of division. He'll create this wall of harassment. A wall of harassment. And he's got this small mob of sycophants, anyone he targets, he knows they'll all attack on his behalf. He's asked them to do it in the past and he knows they'll continue to do it on his behalf. You're not the first journalist who's been attacked like this. A while back when my lawsuit was first filed, a journalist from AdWik picked up the story
Starting point is 02:47:46 because one of the defendants in this lawsuit works for a company named Weber-Shanwick, a P.A.R.A. agency in New York. They're pretty big. And they're one of those supposed progressive companies that have D.E.I. initiatives and care about equality and inclusion. And yet they have this employee
Starting point is 02:48:04 who's taken part in this harassment of me. Can I stop for one second? Under the watch with their knowledge. Yeah, sure. The way that he talks is very telling. There's little things. Can you go back up? And I meant to bring this up in a video that we watch.
Starting point is 02:48:24 When my lawsuit was first filed. Okay, at least he says my lawsuit, but he says- Oh yeah, he usually says like the lawsuit. But when my lawsuit, when I first filed my lawsuit. Okay, on the other week, he said, yeah, so he got sued. He did not say he completely cut himself out of it because he knows that it's fucking wrong. There's always those little tales that they say that
Starting point is 02:48:51 and he does that all the time where it's like, yeah, so he got sued because of all the illegal things. All the crimes he committed. Yeah, all the crimes he committed. No, I sued him. Adweek was really interested in the story. He got sued. He got sued and then it got thrown out. I mean, I didn't was really interested in the story. He got sued. He got sued.
Starting point is 02:49:05 And then it got thrown out. I mean, I didn't have anything to do with it. Adweek was really interested in the story. Well, Fanboy, the stalker, started harassing the journalist. And then his followers started harassing the journalist at the point where the journalist essentially said, you guys are profing Maddox, right?
Starting point is 02:49:23 This amount of harassment is happening constantly. I don't even remember who wrote that AdWik article. Oh no, I remember. I doubt it. I don't think anyone cared about that. And by the way, Natalia, when Fanboy contacted you on Blue Sky, I was so surprised because I preemptively block him
Starting point is 02:49:41 everywhere I possibly can. How can he see your communication with me on a relatively small social media platform like Blue Sky? Who tell me? I don't know. And how quickly did he reach out? Was it within minutes? Bro, it's Twitter.
Starting point is 02:49:59 Yeah. Natalia, it was definitely less than an hour. Cause you tweet it and then people see it and then send it to me and I tweeted and say, look at this, get a load of this shit, right? Real simple process guys. Less than an hour, you reached out to me and he immediately started harassing you on Blue Sky. When you blocked him, either one of his sycophants
Starting point is 02:50:25 or a sock puppet reaches out again and then he reached out to you on Twitter? He did so very quickly, yes. And this is the pattern. I told another person who reached out to me and wanted to have a conversation about the movie and I warned him, I said, this is what happened to it. Was he talking about Harley?
Starting point is 02:50:43 This is what happened to a journalist who reached out to me. So just a heads up that this could happen to you. You could get tweeted out. You could get, Sean, you could get tweeted at. If you're not careful, he could tweet at you too. It's interesting that sometimes when you mention it to people, they have this romanticized idea of stalking, right?
Starting point is 02:51:07 What? Yeah, what you're doing, calling your exes school and shit. That's the romanticized idea of stalking. Making videos about multiple of your ex-girlfriends. That's a romantic idea of stalking that you are doing Maddox, you sicko. Right, he's accusing everybody else of what he...
Starting point is 02:51:26 You shouldn't be dragging any of your exes into your online fights. Of what? Of what? Of what? Of what? Of what? He has done without, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:51:37 He's fucking dead to rights, guilty on all of this stuff. Like, oh, I wish I was important enough to be stalked. He's still gone with this like fake ass humility thing. Right. But he thinks he's- I wish I was important enough to be stalked. But you know what I mean? Look at me, I'm just a fucking failure.
Starting point is 02:51:53 I don't even have a car. I mean, I live in section eight housing. I eat gummy bears. I have a bunch of bugs in my house. I mean, I'm a total fucking embarrassment of the, of the, of me and my brother. My brother's fucking retarded. I'm the embarrassing one embarrassment of the, of the, of me and my brother, my brother's fucking retarded. I'm the embarrassing one, isn't that weird?
Starting point is 02:52:07 Oh, I wish I was important enough to be stalked is something people say to me. And it kind of pisses me off because they have no fucking idea how horrible it actually is and how invasive it is in every aspect of your life. He's saying he's super important. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:52:22 I would want to trade place with you so I'd be important enough to be Right, I'm over here. Just trying to be up on a on twedge Uh, these are these are two fucking wise your hate mail still buddy. Why is your fucking hate mail section still up? Why do you still have a video about a guy that fucked his patio furniture? You know, you know as awful as this is I think this is her, you know as awful as this thing is, as horrifying, horrifying, holy fuck. No, this is him talking about making the movie.
Starting point is 02:52:51 Oh, oh, oh, oh, you know, as awful as this thing is. I still owe it to the fans. As horrifying, I still had to do my job and make it as entertaining as possible to tell the story in the movie. Because otherwise, people are gonna tune out. They're not gonna pay attention to it. And one of the best compliments I received
Starting point is 02:53:10 pretty consistently is that people say they're, they only intended on watching 10 minutes at a time. And then they sat down and watched the whole thing in one sitting. Watching a slow motion fucking car crash. They had, are you fucking kidding me with this? Natalia, I wanted to ask you, and you don't have to be specific
Starting point is 02:53:31 because specifics often give away crucial information. Natalia, he lives in section eight housing. He's dead broke. He doesn't have a fucking car. You guys aren't playing spy versus spy with Putin. You're both fucking failures, writing online. You have a following because you have tits. Maddox doesn't have a following because he has tits.
Starting point is 02:53:51 But in general, how would you say your life has changed? How has the stalking changed your lifestyle, your day to day? So one thing I'm very cognizant of is not posting anything about my private life anymore online Like pretty much never with very few except like what? I have my close friends group that I post things to which is just a handful of losers. I mean people Beyond that. I'm gonna I'm if I'm going to a public event I generally don't talk about it until a day or two after the fact or several hours after the fact.
Starting point is 02:54:25 I never project where I'm going. What? Okay. I don't want the stalker to show up there. You can show up at places, by the way, pretty much wherever. That's not any kind of stocking showing up at places Public places. I don't want to send him to send his people there because he's obsessed. I believe he's capable of violence
Starting point is 02:54:57 He has assaulted me in the past when we were friends by the way, and I know he's capable of violence He's a huge gunnut. What's he talking about? He is he talking about when we were when he was reading me about stats When we were taught when I was reading me about stats, when we were talking, when I was talking to him and Randy about the show. Assaulted? Like I know like, and I said, if you want to change your battery as the actor, you have this fucking table.
Starting point is 02:55:13 Oh, that's a, I guess he's considered that as salt. That's a threat. Yeah. I mean, maybe. Yeah. I mean, but you know what that reads like,
Starting point is 02:55:22 it means like you hit him. Like that's what people think when they see that. Yeah, but it's weird for a man to say that. Yeah. He's assaulted me in the past. What do you mean he assaulted me? But he's very, but he's- That's something a woman says. But his shit-baggery is calculated.
Starting point is 02:55:35 Yeah. He's just not smart enough to put it in a way that people don't see through. Yeah. It's if he was- He's too autistic to know that he's doing a domestic violence from a woman's right line He has a devious mind, but he's not smart enough to pull it off. No, it's to pull it off Yeah, it shows all the time. It's you selling it only consulting service for dating online right when she's not attractive enough to know anything about dating Right. He's told people he wants me dead
Starting point is 02:56:03 He uses a code word in his podcast where I don't know the full context, but he tells people to go to Greenland. Where did that come from? Somebody was... Monkey Jones. Monkey Jones, yeah. Greenland had legal suicide. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:19 So you tell people, I'm gonna go to Greenland. Right. And that's just... Instead of I'm gonna kill myself because you can't say kill myself online. It's one of those things that grows out of a show. Yeah. And the reason, the reason is because I guess Greenland, Greenland has one of the highest suicide rates.
Starting point is 02:56:33 So when he tells people to go to Greenland, he's telling them to kill themselves. At one point he hijacked my podcast feed because he set up the original account for it. Well, then I didn't hijack your feed, did I? I was putting stuff on my account. He interjected a surreptitious message at the start of my own podcast,
Starting point is 02:56:58 telling me to go to Greenland and attacking my family. I don't think I can unscramble it. The unscramble? He has a code word saying that he goes to Greenland because it has the highest suicide rate, and he's telling people to kill themselves. When you see something like this, you know, you're a journalist, obviously you wonder like,
Starting point is 02:57:19 what is the other side? Wait, you wonder like my side? What is this guy's gripe? Well, he's telling people I called them a rape apologist, but you saw the video. I don't even know what that means. You called me a rapist, Maddox, a rapist. I don't think he's ever told me in those exact words that he thinks rape is okay, but he's definitely a...
Starting point is 02:57:39 You don't think he's ever said that rape is okay? I can't say that he didn't. I mean, I don't remember exactly. I think you would remember if Dick said, hey, you know what? I think rape is fine. In all honesty, rape's cool. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:57:51 Yeah, it's fine. It's good. Yeah, that's right. I'm pretty sure that, pretty sure you don't have a memory. Maddox has never told me that his mom didn't molest him as a kid. Maddox has never told me that he wasn't raped by his mom. This is that fucking, right. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. mom didn't molest him as a kid. Maddox has never told me that he wasn't raped by his mom.
Starting point is 02:58:07 This is that fucking, that right. I mean, I don't know, but I'm no psychologist. So I don't know what people exhibit when they were molested by their mother. People fall for an argument like that. Or is that, honestly, I mean, maybe his dad got confused. His dad's an old guy, maybe got confused, wanted the wrong room at Ryan, started fingering assholes. He was like, whoa, this ass is a lot less hairy than I'm used to.
Starting point is 02:58:28 Oh, son. Masterful. It was masterful Edmund. Thank you. You ever see LA Confidential? Yeah. It's growing. James Cromwell, that was masterful.
Starting point is 02:58:45 Masterful. Edmund. He's got a masterful. I don't think he's ever told me in those exact words that he think rape is okay. But he... Yeah, here we go. Haddix, no one on...
Starting point is 02:58:59 I mean, I guess like maybe Islam honestly thinks that rape is okay. Certain aspects, I mean certain like fundamentalist or something. Fundamentalist religions think that like rape is okay. Kind of in some circumstances. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, whatever.
Starting point is 02:59:19 But he's definitely a victim blamer. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Right. He's definitely told me if a woman gets raped at a party, she's drunk, passed out, she should expect to get raped. He still doesn't understand. He still doesn't understand. He's got it. That whole thing. He wants to rape him. It's about taking. Do not get drunk and pass out because you will get raped.
Starting point is 02:59:45 Don't do it. Thinking like that will keep bad things from happening to you. That doesn't mean that it's your fault. Somebody has to do the act, the criminal act of rape. But you can do things to protect yourself by thinking a certain kind of way and taking precautions. That's all it ever fucking meant. It doesn't matter if someone's passed out drunk, spread eagle naked.
Starting point is 03:00:15 He's taking that. He's saying she deserves it. All right, man. It doesn't give anyone the right to touch them. The second thing is, it's worse than rape. The second thing is worse than rape. The second thing is, he said he got banned from a comedy theater because of that.
Starting point is 03:00:33 No, I don't think so. I think it was just because, I think it was because you sent everybody the men are better than women article of rape and said like I'm a huge fucking scumbag and that all of that was serious and it wasn't worth the heat. It wasn't worth the heat of you causing this problem
Starting point is 03:00:48 because UCB was like besieged by activists, feminist activists who were going after anybody and everybody and it's just not worth the pain in the ass of you feeding them stuff to use against me and everybody I know. So, oh, thank you. Pacifico. I know I'm out of good.
Starting point is 03:01:09 Wow, I'll say. I mean, the Voodoo Ranger maybe, I got this. The Voodoo stuff? I fucking hate that Fruity Booster. No, this is fine. This is Pacifico. They gotta make that fruit label bigger. Oh really?
Starting point is 03:01:22 So you don't accidentally buy it? Yeah, cause I opted. What is it? What are the fruits in it? All of them. All of them. Fruit punch. So it's probably just trash.
Starting point is 03:01:30 But it's beer? That's like a LPA. Yeah. And I opted not, I saw the jungle juice one and I went, okay, I don't want that shit. I got this one. And it was another fruit one. Like what are the odds that there's two fruit ones
Starting point is 03:01:41 by the same label? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who goes to this fucking store? It's buying all this fruit beer. I don't know. People don't like beer. They deserve to be raped, I know that.
Starting point is 03:01:51 The second thing he said is that he got banned from a comedy theater because of that. I wish I could take credit for that. But that's not why he, you do? But that's not why he got banned. It was because his followers had attacked that comedy theater and bombed it with negative reviews. No, Maddox, nobody, nobody knew about UCB listening to this show ever until you posted a video
Starting point is 03:02:17 that I was a fucking rapist to your private comedy account, to all of them. And also two women at the comedy theater came out and kind of lightly me-toed him. Came out to who? Like is this posted anywhere? Like right, that's what I mean. They didn't accuse him of like sexual assault, but they definitely said he made them feel uncomfortable.
Starting point is 03:02:39 That's a pretty broad... Uncomfortable? Yes, you women should feel uncomfortable around me. I don't wanna be around them. I don't wanna hear their fucking stories about their life. I don't wanna hear their fucking comedy. What kind of, what do you mean uncomfortable? Does that mean if they tell jokes
Starting point is 03:02:56 and you don't laugh, they're uncomfortable? They feel uncomfortable all the fucking time. They have black holes in their stomachs where their hearts should be. That it just need to be fed attention all day I feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable every moment of every day To women came out and said he made them feel uncomfortable. Okay. Why is he why does he have a macaw on his on him? cock cock
Starting point is 03:03:21 That's funny Did you know what picture for the interview? By the way, this interview had 30 likes on Twitter. That's like a Hugh Hefner, like a smoking jacket, or not a smoking, like a, it's like his robe, right? Yeah, this should reflect your lifestyle. Your dead bro getting gummy bears riding a bicycle around everywhere.
Starting point is 03:03:41 This is my bird. Making a video about your ex-girlfriend. Beer steins and the, you know what? I mean, I kind of like the photo. It's really weird. It's good photo. It's really weird. You can tell, look, you can tell.
Starting point is 03:03:55 Why does he have this though? Look at the expression on it. He goes like, I'm a total fraud. Like that. It looks like he's wearing so much makeup. Look at this. Look at all this fucking makeup. Look at that forced smile and the
Starting point is 03:04:09 Is this good? Are you buying it? Are you buying it? Why does he have this are you buying it that is a psycho looking? It's almost like wow it looks like a pedophile. It's like is This is the petto smile gonna bite me is the bird gonna bite me. It's let, is the bird gonna bite me? Is the bird gonna bite me? Hold on, let me find the... No, I know, it's a very... Petto smile. It's an incredibly forced looking. Remember Maddox's pettoes.
Starting point is 03:04:34 Oh, it doesn't even rank. Maddox, what'd you do to your sight, bud? Remember Maddox's pettoes smile. Maybe one day he'll unscramble it. So you take it down? I don one day he'll unscramble it. He take it down. I don't think I can unscramble it. Remember the panic.
Starting point is 03:04:53 While he's spreading those hips. Okay, here's his, here's his petto file smile article. He's got John Turturro in there. I guess. Uh, view results. Okay. He's got John Turturro. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:05:14 The actor. Yeah. Who's in, right. Man, I don't know, buddy. This seems like, uh, where was it? Is it this one? Yeah. This seems pretty smiley to me Maddox. It just looks so, just put on.
Starting point is 03:05:30 It's like so uncomfortable. Yeah, just like petto smiley than this guy. Yeah. Oof. Is it, am I having fun? Is this good? No, I'm doing a good job. It looks, it's pained
Starting point is 03:05:49 Tell me when tell me when you do it for real birds gonna bite him Okay Natalia if it wasn't these things It would have been something else bitch you have you don't know shit Wasn't those me too things. Yeah. This is what I often tell people. They ask victims, well, what did you do to provoke this? He called me a rapist. He sued me for $380 million. And he got his girlfriend to call my girlfriend's school
Starting point is 03:06:18 and try to get her fired. Right, and then tried to fuck with every live show. Yeah, he's called every single fucking live show and told him about white supremacist. What, five different people or entities or, you know, I mean. What did they do? Right. What did they do to deserve this?
Starting point is 03:06:33 One guy used to answer, you know, phone calls at Patreon. Yeah, he sued a guy who just answered calls. Who knows how it's a bigger following than George does. And it's like, look, some people have a certain mindset and it actually doesn't matter how you act. Your very existence provokes them. You know why? It's because they hate themselves.
Starting point is 03:06:51 He wouldn't, yeah, he would have accused you of faking the moon landing or something. Oh yeah, yeah, boy, zinger, that's good. That's good, yeah. With that in mind, I want to go back to your point about your personal life, because this is something I deal with too. This is about me now. What is a session? This is like a therapy session.
Starting point is 03:07:08 Like having to have a bad one. Private and public Instagram, even though I have a tiny fraction of your audience, you don't have to give a bigger following than that. Well, I was gonna say like a tiny fraction of your audience is, he said that he died with his generation. Yeah. But stalking pages like his anymore.
Starting point is 03:07:30 No, but stalking happened to me to the point where I have to tell anyone I'm dating. Well, you know, I do have some crazy people out there who follow my every move. She loves it. So we need to be careful about public posts. What's interesting is that people think it can only happen to someone famous,
Starting point is 03:07:45 and this is absolutely not the case, right? A lot of people don't understand that they think famous people kind of invite this, and it's really not a famous person problem. It's just a people problem. I know, I'm a famous person. Yeah, it's weird, but some of my friends will say that I'm the perfect person for this to have happened to
Starting point is 03:08:04 because I've had the wherewithal to coolly and calmly collect all the evidence, document it and tell the story as well as I can. That's your friends are fucking gassing you up big time. What the fuck, they are retarded. What about all the evidence of the just stupid shit? An insane shit he's done. Many people say, I don't think I would have been able to handle even a fraction of what you've gone through, but it can happen to regular people. For example, there was a case where a woman got into
Starting point is 03:08:39 an argument with someone on Facebook over a controversial photo that a teenager took. The girl was like 14 years old or whatever. And a lot of people criticized the photo rightly so. I think that's because it was kind of a tasteless photo, but she was also a 14 year old girl. What the fuck was that? So adolescent photo. It was like something that was inappropriate.
Starting point is 03:08:58 Like with her. The Keeney shot. Or was it like inappropriate like, somebody else probably. Yeah, yeah. Right, right. So this woman got into an argument on Facebook, kind of defending the girl saying,
Starting point is 03:09:08 hey, she's just a kid, like she made a mistake. And because of that exchange with somebody on Facebook, an anonymous person, then turn this woman's life upside down. Like give me some specifics. You could cross some random person, some unhinged person who could turn your life upside down because something makes them snap and they can't get over and they become, across some random person, some unhinged person, who could turn your life upside down, because something makes them snap
Starting point is 03:09:27 and they can't get over and they become, Maddox, you posted everyone's name on a fucking Hitler youth list, you idiot. That's why you don't fuck with people's jobs. That's why you don't fuck with people's lives, places of business, family members. There are thieves, murderers, and rapists who don't get attacked as much.
Starting point is 03:09:47 Mike Tyson, who has a conviction, hasn't been attacked like this. Mike Tyson was innocent, you piece of shit. You Gorbachev, staying-headed piece of shit. Mike Tyson is fucking innocent. He's trying to say Mike Tyson is a fucking rapist. Fuck you, Maddox and Natalia, a few years ago. I was asked to consult in this case
Starting point is 03:10:03 where a similar situation happened. These people had a freaking argument with someone at their local Rugby fan club page. An argument over Rugby? And they forgot about it, but this other person did not. It's got to the point that they had to install security cameras, like I have, and change their entire lifestyle. There were places they couldn't go anymore. There were numerous police reports, all because of a random rugby argument.
Starting point is 03:10:26 Most of the time, we just don't hear about it because it's not particularly newsworthy. I don't mean to say that you were the perfect person to have this happen to. Nobody is. But I think that some of us have the tools to document it or fight back or somehow deal with it. But he does not.
Starting point is 03:10:42 Other people, when they're suddenly thrown into this vortex of complete madness, they don't know what's happening, they just don't know how to deal with it, right? It's something that I talk about with my readers a lot. It can happen to absolutely anyone, nobody's immune from it, it can be so random like a car accident. With that in mind, I want to talk about one particular aspect of the documentary which I found to be so powerful. It was when you called out Patreon
Starting point is 03:11:05 for enabling this insanity. Has there ever been any change in Patreon's position since the documentary came out? How about after the fucking lawsuit Maddox? No, I haven't had any communications from Patreon. You sued them and their customer service were offered. You have had it though, you have had it. They said, no, you're crazy.
Starting point is 03:11:23 No, you're crazy. Get fucked. No, you're crazy, get fucked. No, you're crazy, get fucked. And then you sued them and they said, you're breaking the TOS. Yeah. You need to, you need to arbitrate. In a way, Patreon's position is somehow
Starting point is 03:11:34 a little bit more egregious. Uh-huh. Oh, well, it would be impossible to be less egregious than me. There's something especially heinous about somebody who presents themselves as pure and virtuous and progressive and then secretly is making money through this hate campaign. Oh, you mean like you thought Patreon was like some like beacon of purity?
Starting point is 03:11:58 Yeah, the VC companies are really tripping over themselves. It was like when you're on the biggest problem when he was talking about how the helpful Honda campaign was, like they're not doing that out of the goodness of their hearts. No shit. Idiot. What are you, that means that you have the thought that they were even for a second. You think they are?
Starting point is 03:12:17 You thought that for one second. That makes you so much dumber than me. That's, like you can't, the orders of magnitude dumber. Patreon knows what's happening. I've filed probably nine reports with them. Oh, God, you fucking loser. Showing them the clips, showing them the evidence, sending them screenshots of how fanboy monetizes
Starting point is 03:12:44 his stocking campaign via patreon They have done nothing and they keep letting it happening happen. What about the lawsuit? I also launched a website along with my video Which was very quickly put together because I was scrambling to get all the pieces done It's been months man. Why is it still like like shit the websites called Jack Conti hate profiteer? Cuz it's literally hate profiteering. That's what he's doing. Patreon have the statement they've released. We believe in building safe communities for creators and their fans, which means we do not tolerate hate speech of any kind. Really? That's
Starting point is 03:13:17 super fucking interesting. I'd like to hear more on that! Maddox, nothing that we have on this show is even close to the realm of hate speech. In fact, it's probably annoying to racist some of the stuff we talk about. They probably do not like it. Uh, oh. This show. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:13:36 Yeah. Uh, meanwhile, one of their top creators, thank you, you admit it. You admit that it's not fake. You admit that the numbers for the show are not fake and that we are one of their top creators. Thank you. Is saying things like likening me to a dog and saying that when a dog misbehaves, you hit it.
Starting point is 03:13:57 So that's what you want. That's hate speech. Yeah. What about the stalker's followers constantly posting swastikas everywhere? They do? No. White supremacist Nick Fuentes was on his Patreon-funded podcast.
Starting point is 03:14:16 Jack Conti is profiting from this! Once I had a sponsor called Candid. They were an anonymous chat app. The stalker targeted them. Shortly after he targeted them, his followers started flooding the internet with racist rape and death threats. One said- What did you say? Like what had he sued you at that point? That was Mr. Burgers. No, Mr. Burgers is a Maddox superfan and he has autism and he always says and word- he's the one that came up with get get raped. He always just tells everyone to get raped.
Starting point is 03:14:46 Which was his favorite. His super fan. Maddox loved Mr. Burgers. He loved this expression. Yeah. All of this is because of Mr. Burgers that Maddox says is now a fan, I was like one of many fans of this show,
Starting point is 03:14:58 but it's a specific guy with autism. How many audio clips could we pull of him going like, get raped? Like 100. Like he just, he's using an autistic guy as a cudgel to get back at me. Like he's used, Mr. Burgers is not healthy. He can control himself, but not always. He's got a problem and Maddox is exploiting that problem. Was he the one who, oh no, he didn't write the apology.
Starting point is 03:15:21 He did. Oh, he did. He did. He feels bad about all this. He doesn't like it getting brought up by Maddo't write the apology. He did. Oh, he did. He did. He feels bad about all this. He doesn't like it getting brought up by Maddox all the time. The monkey he's referring to is my ex-girlfriend who's like, yes, Mr. Burger said that.
Starting point is 03:15:32 You? Oh, he said that? Mr. Burger said all of this. The whole thing. He always talks like that. It makes, he would like everybody to believe that like you're in constant contact with these people going, hey, call his girlfriend a monkey.
Starting point is 03:15:44 Hey, tweet at this person. Hey, what are you fucking kidding me? Do you have how much time with that? You don't have that kind of fucking time. What are you kidding me? When they had my home address posted online, it took Patreon three days to fucking take that post down and take any action.
Starting point is 03:15:57 They didn't take any action because we took it down right away. They just don't care. That was him. That was him. that was him. That was him telling other people his address. Right. We put it together on stage at the show
Starting point is 03:16:12 where it was like took it down. Yeah. They just don't care. It's all, it's all empty PR because at the end of the day, they profit off hate because it gets them engagement, right? Now you're kidding it. And the algorithm lovers, algorithm loves negativity and every iteration speaking of negativity
Starting point is 03:16:30 And this is more of a personal question But but what are some of your coping strategies in dealing with this situation? Oh, I sue Oh, I sue you take care of yourself so that you're still able to live your life and do your work Doesn't he doesn't. No. That ain't livin'. And it definitely ain't workin'. You have to set up barriers between yourself and this non-stop barrage of hate, of people who don't like you. That's what the barrage is! People who don't like you and are making fun of you because of your actions and your choices.
Starting point is 03:17:04 And smears that are coming your way. I haven't listened to a single full episode of The Stalker Show. Did they cut the dick show out of there? Natalia, you fat bitch. The closest I came to listening to a full episode of his show was his first one. It was too boring. I turned it off near the end. You have to tune it out Wait was it boring or did you have to tune it out for your mental health? Right, okay. That's number one number two exercise consistently I mean it's usually five or six days a week exercise help. He's not doing any fucking exercise Maybe not. let's get him. It's good advice. Exercise helps a lot.
Starting point is 03:17:45 Meditation has, let's, this is three now. Got one, two, this should be number three. One, two, C. One, two, and meditation has absolutely changed my life. I used to hate it. Because I didn't understand it. I understand the purpose of meditation now. There you go, yeah.
Starting point is 03:18:01 At first I thought it was, I mean, I thought it was for weirdos. It's super helpful. And and this making this documentary has been cathartic that I believe while you're being smeared It's like the world is gaslighting you then you turn around you look at the path that you came from You really hiked up that mountain of being a huge retard You built the mountain of being a huge retard That everyone hates. Mount retard. Scaled it.
Starting point is 03:18:27 First man to scale it solo. You built the, it's not horse man, it's horse man mountain of being a retard. Good job. I had that point of view after I finished this documentary. I'm like, well shit, I climbed a really, really steep mountain there. Steep. Big. High. I climbed a really, really steep mountain there. Steep? Big. Hi.
Starting point is 03:18:48 You can climb a lot of steep things. They don't, they're normally not, you know. Well, look, I climbed a really steep mountain there. I mean, I know there's some grades that are, you know, that are steep on parts of mountains. Yeah, yeah, people always say, I climbed Everest. Oh yeah, because it's the steepest mountain in the world. Right. That's the metaphor.
Starting point is 03:19:05 Fucking moron. I went through hell and it's still happening. It hasn't stopped. He hasn't stopped. Which is why Jack Conte really needs to be called the fuck out. And also his investors. If Patreon doesn't give a shit,
Starting point is 03:19:20 everyone's cutting ties with this dipshit. Yet Patreon is saying, oh no, we're okay with it. Everyone is cutting ties. Who's cutting ties with me dipshit. Yeah, Patreon is saying, oh no, we're okay with it. Everyone is cutting ties. Who's cutting ties with me? I don't know. I got two huge shows on Patreon though. Yeah. And no one was making,
Starting point is 03:19:35 we weren't even making fun of you anymore Maddox until you started this fresh retard campaign. I know, like it, everything quieted down. It was just like, yeah, that's what he's doing. Like, and then it's- It's a banner now. I hope he gets a job. And then-
Starting point is 03:19:50 I almost feel bad for him, but no. And then he goes and just fucking lights a fucking forest fire. I'm a big free speech advocate. You know what I mean? Everybody knows me. I'm a big free speech advocate. Yeah. But you don't have to give people a platform
Starting point is 03:20:05 to speak inside your living room. What? That doesn't mean their ability to communicate is gone. They can say whatever they want. You just don't have to host them. As long as I don't have to listen. That's not how the fucking law works, shithead. It's the logic of if Alex Jones believed in free speech,
Starting point is 03:20:23 he would let me publish on his website. He doesn't. Because that's his website, isn't it? He decides what's good to post on there. Yeah, that's fucking, that's great, bud. Really amazing, really amazing synopsis of the free speech debate as it applies to the internet. It amazes me because they're private companies. They're not the government. You guys can make choices about what kind of content you promote, what kind of content you do not promote, what kind of content you host or don't host. I had this conversation with Hamish McKenzie at Substack. Back when the full-scale invasion of Ukraine broke out, I was just saying, can you at least try to
Starting point is 03:20:59 mitigate the freaking Glenn Greenwalds and Michael Tracy's who are sitting here essentially saying that Ukraine should be wiped off the map. You're talking about a potential genocide of 40 million people. Nope. But I even think that Mesochi wanted to delete those guys. Yeah, yeah, sure. Because 40 million people could get genocide.
Starting point is 03:21:18 Right, that's what they say. Because Luhans and Donbass wanted to separate from Ukraine. And NATO didn't want that to happen, and the CIA didn't want that to happen. But I think maybe we're turning a corner, or we will turn a corner. I'm a positive person generally. I think that by specifically making the documentary
Starting point is 03:21:34 that you did, and specifically calling out the people who are involved, including the Patreon guys, you made an important point. The stalkers are not doing this by themselves. They're aided and embedded by tech companies. Aided and embedded. In an embedded? Embedded?
Starting point is 03:21:47 Abetted, you dumb bitch! Abetted, is that the word you're looking for? I know it's not our first language, but if you're posing as any kind of a journalist, you should probably... Did the fucking computer not suggest, is it abetted? Is that what you're looking for?
Starting point is 03:22:01 By the way, are the stalkers, Patreon numbers, inflated? They're perfect for each other. they're perfect for each other. They're perfect for each other. They neither want, it's- If you look at who's commenting positively on his video and follow them through, it's all like crazy bitches that have like their own novel
Starting point is 03:22:15 series about like recovering spiritually, immensely from like imagined traumas. Well, just damaged people. Yeah. By the way, are the stalkers, Patreon numbers inflated? First of all, I don't trust anything that comes out of that guy's mouth. Because the place he's really successful is the one place that nobody can independently verify, which is Patreon. How do you...
Starting point is 03:22:40 The IRS can verify it. You can easily game the system on Patreon and create the appearance of a loyal community. How do you do that? I mean, I don't- You should do it. It's so easy. It's really interesting to me how people do this and how Patreon allows it.
Starting point is 03:22:53 Like how do you, I don't even know how you would do it. Like- It's kind of like views on Twitter. People have now started taking the view feature on Twitter as gospel, even though we have seen that they're not real, right? So she links to something else probably. I mean, that underline, I hope that's a, okay.
Starting point is 03:23:08 Yeah. Reddit. Amazing. Twitter views. Twitter views are completely not real. We're living in this illusion. Well, they're real. They're just not, you just don't have a good gauge of them.
Starting point is 03:23:20 Well, Twitter, because they're talking about bots and shit, right? Like I mean, for followers. It's still real. You know, I mean, we're living in this illusion that then perpetuates these cycles of harassment from people who otherwise would not have had that leverage. Okay, so it's bots are asking you then? Is that the fucking point?
Starting point is 03:23:41 It's all fake? And the only time these companies care is when we start hitting them in the wallet They're only speaking money. So let's speak their language. What the fuck is he talking about? Is he's trying to start it like a mass boycott? Yeah. Yeah, I mean Maddox and this fat chick are gonna start a mass boycott. Yeah, cuz there's of comedy. There's definitely a really like good competitor to them. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:24:08 It would just be just as easy for everybody to have their shows and make their money and stuff with, you know, with the other game in town. Yeah. What is that again? I like this a lot. There has to be more of a holistic approach to this anyway. Oh boy. What I often tell my readers is that appearances can be deceiving.
Starting point is 03:24:23 Look at their online discourse on rape. Men are rapists, blah, blah, blah. What? Statistically speaking, what we see is that most men are not rapists. Were you under the impression at one point that most men were rapists? The rapists that are out there, however, are prolific.
Starting point is 03:24:40 They rack up victims. It creates this environment where everybody's afraid of everybody else. Uh, yeah, because of shit that Maddox is doing. Like this, the stuff he's describing. This way we don't see the reality of the problem. I think if we did see the reality of the problem, we'd be able to fix it better. I think if we have to apply the same logic to the people like internet stalkers who amass these followings, then they're not the majority. Most people online are normal human beings. Most people online don't wanna be in a hate cult.
Starting point is 03:25:08 Nobody really wants to be the bad guy. If you look at it as a numbers game, most people are not like this. You are the bad guy! You too are the bad guy! Step back for a minute and consider that people like our friend, Fanboy, are actually rare. If we recognize that they're rare,
Starting point is 03:25:22 they just have an outsized importance within their ecosystems. And we can that they're rare, they just have an outsized importance within their ecosystems. And we can actually see it as a problem that can be solved as opposed to something that we all have to live with. Nobody really wants to solve this problem until they absolutely have to. My approach is to just make them have to.
Starting point is 03:25:38 I want Jack Conti to see the amount of suffering and hate he's allowed to be put out in the world because by his inaction and inability to solve this problem, and at least drop the BS, at least drop the progressive bet, you're not a nice guy. I've blocked people who are giving me money before, because I don't believe in what they're espousing.
Starting point is 03:25:57 Don't believe their views, you got to shut this down. Tech company, you should have some fucking standards. He just doesn't get it. He doesn't get it. Okay, that's it. Sorry, buddy, it's so long. It's way too long.
Starting point is 03:26:13 That's it. Doesn't get it. That's it. It's a big 30 likes on this one. Amazing. Amazing. She got Putin in there. It's really hard to even...
Starting point is 03:26:25 It's like he said it before. It's really hard to even, it's like a, I've said it before, it's hard to even, you have to, you have to like stick a crayon up your nose and a Q-tip in your ear deep enough to kind of get into that level of thinking so you can kind of go through it. Yeah. Or like, you have to realize that people,
Starting point is 03:26:44 that some people haven't looked into any of it. Yeah. Or like, you have to realize that people, that some people haven't looked into any of it. No. I mean, it's crazy that there are people online, numerous people, with like careers from like, breaking down the lawsuit because it's so- So stupid. Fucking stupid. Like, I can't believe this shit is real.
Starting point is 03:27:03 This guy is fucking out of his mind. And you got this fat chick who's just plugging her scam, dating, consulting, to Maddox, hoping that he promotes it. Right? Yeah. And he's giving her a tell all and that's it. Yeah. Yeah. That's all who cares. Yep. Okay. Thanks everybody.
Starting point is 03:27:19 Thank you. Com slash Dick show. See you next Tuesday or Monday or whatever. See you. Is that thing? I got a chop head up. God damn it. What should I put in next for Vito's booty? Should I put in something good or something crappy?
Starting point is 03:27:33 What do you have in there now? Nothing now. But on Friday I get to put one item that somebody has sent in. Should I put something good in it or something... So if he agrees to weigh in, then he gets what's in the box. But if he foregoes it, then I smash it. Oh, you smash it? Destroy it.
Starting point is 03:27:52 Burn it. Whatever. Wow. So I could put in...I got good shit back there. Well, you...I would say probably put something good in there. Yeah. And he won't bite, and you'll smash it, and he'll be like, fuck, what if there's more good stuff coming? I better. Yeah, but he would have thought of that already.
Starting point is 03:28:09 Yeah, I know. So why don't I just put crappy stuff in? And then you think he, then he'll bite and weigh. Yeah. Maybe. And then I never have to give him anything good. Maybe. Maybe. It's quite a dilemma.
Starting point is 03:28:22 It is. Maybe I should put it to a vote. Think about this. Yeah, I gotta think about it. Yeah. All right. Goodbye, everybody. See ya. Thanks.

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