The Dick Show - Episode 397

Episode Date: February 12, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh no, that guy's throwing a horse off of a bridge. I don't see that. It's a perfectly good horse. It looks fake. I can't see it. It's a little fake, doesn't it? Old Valshi boy got caught with some horse pornography. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:00:18 Lolli. Wait, wait, horse pornography? He's an advocate for lowering the age. He's an advocate for Loll age. He's an advocate for... And Lolli? Yes, together. Two great tastes together. You know how much you love horse pornography.
Starting point is 00:00:30 It's like peanut butter and tuna fish. In your mind, which is the tuna fish? Lolli or the horse pornography? I guess, well, yeah, it should be too bad. It's like tuna fish and, I don't know, it's like... And horse cock. That's what it's like. Anchovies and Vegemite. I love those.
Starting point is 00:00:49 You're going to have to go a different way because now you're making me want to anchovies. Look at some, oh, anchovies. Oh yeah. I'll eat them like a dolphin. You know what? Girlfriend's got me trained on them. Make the bed. Here you go. She dangles a sardine in front of my face. I said that because people turn their nose up at it. I fucking love anchovies. I grew up eating anchovies in salad. Like that's... You were playing to the crowd.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Like a season. You shouldn't do that. Well, I, but that's my job. No. That's my job. No, you got to be honest. Got to be honest about what you, who you are. That's not a...
Starting point is 00:01:21 Don't be shitting on anchovies to, you know, make people laugh. That's not a good... That's,itting on anchovies to, you know, make people laugh. That's not a good... That's not a good... That's...that grinds this show to a halt. No, it doesn't. What are you talking about? I'm the poor man's Andy Richter. I thought Andy Richter was the poor man's Andy Richter.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Maybe he is. But he's the poor man's Ed McMahon. Oh, okay. Yeah. So you're the poor man's... Yeah. You're the even poorer man's... Yeah. You're the poor racist's Andy Richter. Yeah. So you're the poor man. You're the even poorer man. Yeah. You're the poor racists. Andy Richter. Andy Richter is the poor man's Ed McMahon. Yeah. You're the poor racist. That's McMahon. It's always, it's always a yes and yes. And let me tell you about
Starting point is 00:01:58 classic guitars. Sure. That's what you're improv is. I could do that. Yes, and let me tell you something about Gibson Les Paul. Maybe. We'll see how it goes. I get a lot of, I mean a lot for me, emails about, so there's like, oh yeah, my dad had this and then like, it's like, I like it. Like, there's enough musicians out there
Starting point is 00:02:21 that people are like, you know, I get guitar Comments and questions and stuff like that. It's fun. Uh, this is We just had a bonus episode Great bonus episode where we watched the n-word Maddox's Magnum Copus Word section people want us to go faster, but honestly, we just can't I I know. I mean, there's so much, every frame is so dense and full of lies. I know, that's the, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:02:48 That's the problem. I know, I would like, somehow we went pretty quick. Well, we were watching it, where I guess we're watching it on a higher speed. The first time. Yeah, and that was dumb. Yeah, did we, I mean. There's only gonna be one of these,
Starting point is 00:03:01 I mean, Maddox is trying to get me thrown in jail. He's trying to get 80s girls teaching credential revoked. He had a whole video on how to report her teaching credential. What? I don't know. I don't know what the end game of that is either. What, she just doesn't have a job. And I guess I have to pay for more things.
Starting point is 00:03:19 That's the big win in that one. Okay, well. Couldn't, wouldn't that be kind of an open and shut, you're sued into fucking homelessness? You know. I didn't even think about that. How far is that? How do you sue someone, you know, three feet?
Starting point is 00:03:35 This isn't like a riches to rags story. There's always- It's like a rags to more dirty rags. There's always something more to take. It's always something to take. Look, yeah, I mean, that's, man, I would, it depends what he costs people, but I would make it my life's work. I'd make sure if he was on the street,
Starting point is 00:03:57 I'd shop for his shoes. I'd take his box, give me that box. The box is looking a little nice. It's always nice for you. There's always something. Go sleep in that guy's box. The box is looking a little nice. It's always nice for you. There's always something. Go sleep in that guy's box. This is... He's just, he's lost his fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah, his video on her, this is the most egregious lie. He says she's five six. My girlfriend is not five six. I wish she was five six. Really? She's five 10. She's very tall.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah, okay. I was gonna say that's say that's very emasculating for me Every time we go out that I'm looking I mean I feel like I'm making out with a man because she's as tall as me I'm like is this what it would be like making out with Sean because I don't have to bend When she's in heels. Yeah, right? How do you fuck? How do you miss that? How do you fuck that up? somebody knows for years How do you miss that? How do you fuck that up? Somebody you've known for years. Five, six. Yeah, five, six. Boy, he's not even close.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Not even fucking close. That's two standard deviations off. But that's also, I mean, he probably... Idiot. But he also kind of might fuck that up too. I mean, how? I don't know. You don't run into a lot of women who are tall, let alone fucking five, 10.
Starting point is 00:05:03 No. The taller the most men, I think most men are five, eight. No, the taller, the taller the most men, I think most men are five, eight. Uh, it depends on the country. Depends on the country, but yeah. Okay. But I think the, I want to say five, six. I think the Netherlands has the tallest people
Starting point is 00:05:19 on average, I think. Americans are pretty tall. I'm so upset today because of all the Taylor Swifting that's going to be happening today on Super Bowl Sunday. I forgot about that. I hope Kelsey was, what's his, her boyfriend's name? Dude, I don't know. I hope he blows his ACL and she dumps him on the field. It's a very important Super Bowl. For the first time ever, a football game is going to determine if women can have abortions. Oh no. Did you know that? Were you aware of that? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:05:45 San Francisco wins. It's handmade and shit. Yeah. Taylor Swift gets buried in cement next to Chernobyl. It's funny that it's San Francisco that no abortions because it's gay stuff. Gay rights are the, you know, subversion of women's rights. But if the chiefs win, then it's, everyone's, even men are gonna get abortions. It's gonna be bad news, Sean. It's gonna be bad. It's gonna be a bad time for our country. We gotta see that fucking,
Starting point is 00:06:17 that nice looking, nice lady all over everything. I don't wanna see that. I don't wanna see a nice looking lady looking at me ever on TV ever. Okay. Yeah, I don't know man. I I used to watch so much football. Yeah, I just kind of got out of it never went back because you realize it's for homosexuals I wouldn't go that far but But it's I don't know. I just kind of just I Got out of following sports as much as I used to.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Game man asked me last night, you have any WD-40 here? I said, what are you, what kind of question is that? Of course. Like do you even have WD-40 here? What the fuck are you talking to here, buddy? Wait, what are you using it for? I got one can on every floor, I didn't ask. This is what happened with the sports ball people.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Okay, the sport enthusiasts, right? Yeah. We tolerated these people for a long time. Right. And then the nerds started to take some control back with their sports ball shit, right? Oh, what are you watching? Sports ball, sports ball.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And the sports ball people got all but heard about it. Getting made fun of for watching their homoerotic ballet. It's a ballet with points. That's what you're watching. Well, I would say that it's a cut above the homoeroticism of like WWE or something. Yeah, those I have a problem.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Well, actually those guys are on our side. See, you can trust the wrestling guys. You can trust the wrestling guys because they have a kind of autism about them where they break down the wrestling fans. Wrestling fans and wrestling. You can trust that's wrestling gave us Trump. Wrestling's the reason Trump was president because of the battle of the billionaires. He shaved McMahon's head. I know. McMahon's paying brides hundreds of thousands of dollars a shit on their heads and threesome. Did you see that? I just that's a real American art and sport.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Football is British. It's basically soccer, gay or soccer. Except you can use your hands and throw the ball. And they're beating their... It's just like soccer except not at all like soccer. It's the fucking same thing. They're beating their wives. They're paying guys entire job is to go out and go, oh, he wasn't, none of our guys beat their wives. They're paying guys entire job is to go out and go,
Starting point is 00:08:26 oh, he wasn't, none of our guys beat their wives. Are you kidding? Like what the fuck? They don't have that in wrestling. There's like, yeah. Well, they put it on TV and wrestling. They put it on TV. I'm gonna beat my wife out in front of everybody.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And she's like, oh, that would be awesome. Wife beating wrestling, just husbands versus wives, right? Yeah. Here comes, she's the battle axe. She comes like, oh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna take him down tonight. I'm not making dinner for the next week and a half. And you're not allowed to follow any of those whores on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:08:59 That's the wife saying this, the battle axe. Like Macho Man. Yeah, they all sound like Macho Man. He's like a little wiener that comes out like of I'm gonna fucking slap. I'm gonna slap you. I'm gonna slap my wife tonight at the fucking Wembley Arena Right, and then he's running around. Bam. Bam, right? That's funny. That's a good sport Not football. Football. Gay. I would tune in You kind of the sports ball thing have to the sports ball thing was getting momentum and all the sports ball people were like, hey, stop making fun of us.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Am I alive? I hope so. Let me make sure. Yeah, okay. Let me just do it all again. Uh, is Vouch going to be, I can't, is Vouch interested in the horseman, Eric Chalice comic do you think? Vouch?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Vouch is his name. Vouch is a guy who, he's the leading advocate for talking about the age of consent. That's a big industry. Oh, he is. And for liberals, liberals just love talking about the age of consent. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:09:56 They love it. It's a favorite thing, huh? Favorite thing to talk about. Okay. If they're done taking all your money, then it's age of consent. That's why it's so big on taxes What they want to lower the age? No, we pay them we talk we try to get them to talk about taxes
Starting point is 00:10:10 All they want to talk about is the age of consent Can you guys talk about tax? Yeah, we'll take some of your money. Okay. Let's talk about how much of my money you want We don't have to stop so we can stop talking about the age of fucking consent, please Okay And then he gets he accidentally shows his saved pornography. I don't know why he's saving pornography on his streaming computer. He accidentally shows his pornography on stream.
Starting point is 00:10:33 And it's full of Lolli horse pornography, I guess. Lolli horse pornography. Okay. Which you, that's a new one to me. But then he's called Lollipyple pedophiles. So, is he a pedophile? Like, you know, that's a new one to me, but lolly people pedophiles So oh he has pedophile there like you know That's that's what were you talking shitting on sardines reminded me of somebody playing to the crowd Aren't they the same no There's lots of different species of each, but sardines are
Starting point is 00:11:07 They're generally larger Jumbo anchovies, they're all like kind of baitfish, but yeah, God they're good I You ever have a man. I got a stockpile of sardines and I'm waiting to get nice and drunk to get into you ever have a white anchovy No, it's not they're good They're just it's just a different early white. The ever have a white anchovy? No, it's not. They're good. They're just, it's just a different. Is it literally white? The flesh is really white, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So then the sports ball people got all but hurt that they're getting made fun of. Yeah. And they're like, it's just a hobby, you know? It's just the way we've relaxed like video games. And he said, okay, okay, we're not gonna make fun of you with sports ball anymore. You turn away for one second and you look back
Starting point is 00:11:46 and they got fucking Taylor's fucking Swift, the George Soros hand puppet, trying to get men, trying to make it mandatory mail abortions across the whole country, plugging Joe Biden nonstop with her fucking commie boyfriend in the middle of Super Bowl and you think, what the fuck? You see, we were trying to stop you morons from doing this, because you don't care about
Starting point is 00:12:08 any of the consequences of your endorsements and your actions. You fucked up. You fucked up. You changed the channel to wrestling. Yeah. And then you flipped back. Every time.
Starting point is 00:12:17 You weren't watching the store. Every time we're not bullying sportsball fans, they're doing stupid shit like kneeling in front of the national anthem, putting fucking Joe Biden front center at the Super Bowl. Get your fucking act together, sports ball people. I don't want to have to tell you a third time.
Starting point is 00:12:31 You knocked his shit off. You knock it off. You say no. Is Joe Biden gonna be there? Is he anywhere? I mean, is he anywhere? And is his mind, if he's there, is he there? No.
Starting point is 00:12:43 If I want Joe Biden to sing the national anthem, that's what I want. More than anything in the world. Did you see that the DOJ said like he's not mentally capable for them to legally go after? They're like, we can't go after him for this classified stuff because he's like, he doesn't know what's going on in his head. Well, they're like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:06 They definitely, yeah. Question his mental acuity. But they said, we don't think a jury will convict anything. Like it's like, it's not gonna happen. I mean, yeah, sure. Why not? I mean, he's, he has obviously fucked. He has always been forgetful, prone to gaffes,
Starting point is 00:13:26 all that kind of stuff for decades. And now you're in your 80s, there's no, he's too fucking, he's too old. And then conservatives are like, oh, are you like, can liberals actually back this guy now? Bro, they don't fucking care. They don't care. They just vote together to win.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Don't you realize that all they care about is winning? There's no difference. I think they are different. They're not the same people. They're different. I don't, I hate them both, but they're bad in different ways. Oh, people, people will back Trump blindly. Yes, but I think Republicans are more concerned about looking like they're honorable than liberals are. But they're, I think like Republicans will, I don't know, I mean, Republicans will do anything to look good in front of God.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Like they'll do anything to look good in front of their friends. That's what's most important to them. Yeah, there's, and they'll lose elections over it. I mean, yeah, over principles. like you never hear liberals talk about their principles It's not important to them winning is important Yeah, but Republicans will talk about their principles and then not follow any of that's true, but they will talk about them Fair enough different Sure, it's different. It's different. Yeah. I'm not sure which one's worse.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Republicans are obsessed with hypocrisy. Like we got to show this hypocrisy. Oh, the irony of that. Never do that. They're like, yeah, we cut everyone's tits off. Whoops. I mean, I thought it was a good idea. Yeah. Well, the, they, the girls will go, Vito is sitting there and going, I gave him news that it was awesome that he went out partying during COVID lockdowns. And I said, why? And sitting there and going, I gave him Newsom, it was awesome that he went out
Starting point is 00:15:05 partying during COVID lockdowns. And I said, why? And he goes, well, I did. Like then why did you want the lockdowns? That was what Liberals think like that. Like that's fine, I'm gonna do it too. That was a, what are the laws for? That was a terrible look.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Not for them. Not for them. For Newsom. Not for them though. I mean, it's like, yeah, the fucking, talk about Elitist, right? He was at the French Laundry, which has been rated the number one restaurant in the world.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I mean, how fucking, how corksniffer do you get, right? I mean, it's... Cock sniffer. Yeah, whatever. Five, six. That's the most annoying part. I can see that. I can't get over what you're wearing.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I don't know if I can do this. I like having a nice Superbowl outfit. I feel like I'm talking to a tablecloth. This was a Christmas present for me. It's amazing. I, it's like pajamas on the inside. It's boat pajamas and like a leisure suit. it's boat pajamas. And like a leisure suit. It's a bathing leisure suit.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And like it has a lining on the pants. So I'm not wearing underwear. And like Mississippi diner on the outside. Would you like a slasipasha? Something, I don't know. Oh man. Anyway, here's what I was going to bring up. Look.
Starting point is 00:16:22 And you have shorts to go with it. Well, yeah, you got a match look at this It's there. They're nice and short right see the whites the whites of his thighs Yeah, don't shoot ties to the white of his thighs Right in your face Rage is what I was gonna bring up before we start the show. Okay. This is oh, I should I should probably record we start the show. Okay. This is, oh, I should, I should probably record. I've done that a couple of times on biggest problem. Yeah. But we'll be talking about the stream going though. I'll glance over and like, oh, God
Starting point is 00:16:53 damn it. I'll just go. Yeah. Okay. This is the stupid AM radio show that Maddox did new bonus episode. We talk about the N word and get relive some old classics. Maddox lies. He lost his $300 Harry's sponsorship, probably for a lot of reasons. And also it probably could have been him stealing the feed. That's where the social costs started is people saying it's fucked that you stole the feed so you could get ad revenue. Well, what I was getting blamed for that. What I remember- They were taking heat.
Starting point is 00:17:26 It's the only thing that I remember, cause I'm like not online looking at the back and forth, is that how many emails and shit we got about like, how pissed off the fans were. Oh yeah. That they, I mean, people like explained it to me what he, what he did and why, why it was, why I pissed them off. Yeah You're talking about a fan base that is in a contest every week to see who can come up with what minor thing annoys them
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah, the most and you replaced something in their phone without permission or or a consent. Yeah, like Vaus's lolly drawings. Oh boy. And then he said, and then he said said, well I thought they were goblins. That was his excuse. What? I thought the drawn kid porn was goblins. Goblin that horse cock, that's what he should have said. Yeah. Did he have an answer for the horses? No, the horses is not as bad honestly. Dragons. It's all drawings. Like I don't give a shit Yeah, you know he's he obviously gives a shit because he's been using it to call people pedophiles for that's the problem drawn porn
Starting point is 00:18:34 Yeah, it's all fucking drawings. Yeah, right. I mean I just can't put drawings on of anything on the same level That's his wife's too ugly for him to be a pedophile. Huh. You know? Huh. If you got with an ugly wife, I think you're safe. Oh. I don't know, is that wrong?
Starting point is 00:18:52 I don't know, I never thought about it. You should start, because you're not online. Right. So you don't have to think about what is or isn't child porn 25 hours a day. Correct. Uh. That's by design.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Okay, so this is the picture that the radio station, the conservative AM talk show radio show that Maddox was on, talking about how another man is stalking him and ruining his life. Hey, like he's just, but he's dead inside. Yeah. This is like the improv. This is an improv show flyer. This is what he, this is what they put out, right?
Starting point is 00:19:23 Uh-huh. Or there's a dent in the head and shit. So Maddox tweeted out that he's going to be on this show. Uh, but he, he, uh, he edited the flyer a little bit. You know, he's a control freak. He can't just take what other people, even your edited shows, which were perfect. He had to re-edit them like a movie. Dozens of edits. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:47 To take all the kind of humanity out of them. I don't know. They probably, I haven't listened to his edit. They probably play fine, but like there was no, yeah. He took out too much silence. Definitely. Yeah. Those shows were tight when they,
Starting point is 00:20:00 cause I used to go through and listen and do it in real time. Yeah. You know, now unless there's a big fuckup somewhere in the middle, they get, they get printed. So I've gotten lazy after 400 episodes. 500. Yeah. I mean, technically this is, how many episodes have you and I done? Let's add them up.
Starting point is 00:20:22 100 and, 106 from the first show. And then 18 bonus episodes, 397 of this show. Not that I've been here every single week. Well, we'll fudge it a little bit. But... And then 87 bonus episodes. So that's 28, two, three, 11, 20. Wow, 608 episodes we've done.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Close to six. Holy fucking shit. That's a lot. Whoo. We gotta get that to a thousand. That's a lot. Then it's done. Um, I remember after- Oh, we go ahead.
Starting point is 00:21:02 When we were at episode 100 of this show, Keon was here and I was like, 100 episodes, awesome. And he goes, 100 bonus episodes. That's what you, that's the real, that's what you're doing. And I'm like, at the time I thought, no way is it going to go. That's a lot of, yeah. But now we're almost there next year. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:17 So this is Maddox's, this is the flyer they put out saying this shithead's going to be on the air. He's such a control freak and he will never take outside advice if he's made up his mind that like nobody with more experience or education in a certain area can sway him. You can have 10 top graphic designers in the room and going like, well, here's why you don't do this.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Here's why you don't do this. Here's, it's confusing here. It draws your eye here. It draws your eye. It's like, nope. I know how to market myself better than anyone. And then here is what Maddox released. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:02 He replaced his like soy face picture with this, hey, I'm Mr. Smooth Guy. Look at me. I'm, you know, I'm a business. This is my LinkedIn profile. Yeah. This is a plenty of fish profile picture of Maddox. And then this is LinkedIn. Hey, hire me to run your bash script.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I can write over 2,000 lines of code. It doesn't even match, like look, it doesn't match at all. Okay, now go back to the other one. Okay, he's also larger in this one. Yeah, he's bigger. Cause he had to block out the stupid face of the other one. So he had to make himself bigger to cover it up.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah. What a fucking retard. to the other one. So he had to make himself bigger to cover it up. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. What a fucking retard. I'm actually kind of impressed he could do that. He imagined how much fucking time this took. No, he can do Photoshop all day. And look, look, look, see how there's this fire exploding? This is like fireworks.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Fireworks are gonna happen on AM radio Saturday morning. Right. And KYRO Fox News Radio, C K U C K radio. Cook in the morning. Cook a noodle Jew. You see how there's this firework stuff? He added more different fireworks to cover himself up so it didn't look like a shitty Photoshop job, which it is. It's funny. What a retard. Like I'm a nice guy, who'd fuck with me?
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah, I'm not that jackass going, like, I'm a serious guy. I'm a nice guy though. Women love me. I haven't been me tooed by I mean had sex look at me Uh-huh. I exist I just exist to tell the truth. That's it right Would I lie all right here we go That's my Super Bowl prediction blown ACL kicked in the head by a runaway horse.
Starting point is 00:24:15 So showroom is a contest commuter live from Mountain Bunker Deep and Hardest City Failure. I'm your host, Stickmasters, and IK the $20 million man. Joining me is world touring LA-based comedian Sean the audio engineer. Hello, buddy. Uh, I'm just texting Trap Daddy right now, or he's hopping. God damn, that's with a name like that. How could he fucks trans? He's their daddy, I guess.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Daddy trans, okay. Fucks him in the butt. I saw some snow this weekend. Oh, you did go, where'd you go? Mount Baldy. Cool. Yeah, it was fun. There was a shitload of snow. Yeah, you did go. Where'd you go? Mount Baldy. Cool. Yeah, it was fun. There was a shitload of snow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And where can you, there's lots of different places. I mean, I know you can obviously like hike all over the place, but just anywhere down there. There's just so much fucking snow everywhere. I mean, you took the dog. That's where I want to take mine. Yeah. She was locked. She got out of the, she's like, what the fuck is this shit? Oh, really? Locked nose, locked down for 20 minutes, trying to figure that out. No way, really?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Yeah. She loved, she kept begging for us to make snowballs because I was throwing snowballs at Adie's girl. Oh yeah. And she was jumping and biting them out of the sky. Yeah. Well, dogs, for whatever reason, they love ice. I think, and colds, I think it's like a novel.
Starting point is 00:25:22 They don't understand it, maybe. So it's like, yeah. Mine runs fucking crazy in the snow and then fucking digs and then bites it and then runs somewhere else and just can't get enough snow. There's a lot of interestingly though, there was a lot of cholos and chola is there. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:41 Yeah, I don't know if it's too close to Pomona or something or if they were doing some kind of a catch-and-release program in the snow like here maybe these fucking cholas and cholas will not be able to find their way out of this so the day was ruined by fat women oh really have you seen cholas in what they wear regularly? Yeah, yeah. You should see them in snow clothing. Oh.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Like a snowman. I stuck a carrot in a snowman and this girl goes, I poppy, it's me Kulo. Oh boy. What do you think about that one? Must have been tall. I haven't, I know it's not the invention show, but I have a trillion-dollar invention. Okay, it's a What to think about Rome today?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Ancient Rome today calendar a day, right? Every day. It's like a calendar, but it has something you could think about about ancient Rome Like did you know Rome is something about this you go hmm guys love thinking about Rome. I guess. Nothing wrong with it. One of the great empires. Yes, something to do. It's better than anything else you could be thinking about, better than most things you could be thinking about. So why not, you know, it's a trillion dollars. Everyone, that's a must have Christmas gift.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I'd be interested in that. What, to think about Rome today? Well, I mean, I just like to learn about, you know, stuff. Yeah, like did you know, Emperor or whatever was doing something? Palpatine. Yeah, I don't know anything about Rome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Cause I don't, I just think about pornography all day. Right. But you know, guys do, or at least they pretend to. Yeah. They fucking love thinking about Rome. Okay. Yeah. The girls were big.
Starting point is 00:27:27 We went to a party last night and they were even bigger. Man, it's a lost cause. Honestly, I don't even know what, I don't even know what to do anymore. Fat watches and it's not a preventative thing. It's not working, but we're cataloging it. It's getting worse and worse out there for you guys. And I'm sorry. You're one day. Sorry for whatever I did to cataloging it. It's getting worse and worse out there for you guys and I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:27:45 I'm sorry for whatever I did to contribute to it or I couldn't have done more. Researchers will reference this show as like a, so they can start tracking, you know, the right. Yeah. Okay. As long as we're contributing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Okay, let me see. Do you see that Putin got interviewed by? Yeah. Tucker Carlson. Did you see it? No, I haven't seen it. I saw some of it. Did you? It's kind of dumb. Okay. That's good to know. I mean, I don't know. What do you need to know? Like it's funny that it happened, but I mean it's well He's asking Putin anything that I want to know about. Yeah Well, he's outside. You're not asking Putin anything that I want to know about. Yeah. Well, he's outside the kind of, you know, the large media that he used to be involved in. So he can do. Tucker.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah. So he can kind of, he could do things like interview because like, you know, but like, yeah. Cause like Putin's, you know, is like poison to, you know, all these, all the networks and stuff. So. Yeah. But he kind of wasted it. Did he? Yeah. Cause he's asking him about like Ukraine and stuff Yeah, boring
Starting point is 00:28:47 political stuff. What do you want to know like how big is too fat for a What's a what's too big of a body count? Yeah, think about that. Do you think sneaker sucks like stuff like that? How about your name? Your did you know that your name in English is like Putin? You could like you could be Putin it right your dick in English is like Putin, you could like, you could be Putin it, you're dick in my mouth, my dick in your mouth, right? What do you think about that? Do you think that's funny? Yeah, I wonder what...
Starting point is 00:29:13 What's your favorite thing that Trump ever said? I do like wonder what his sense of humor is like. Right, that's way more important than all this stupid history. It was just like, hi, I'm Zucker Carlson, I'm showing off, hi, I'm Putin. I'm just like showing off about stupid politics shit that doesn't matter. I would like to know what joke makes a guy like that laugh.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Where'd you lose your virginity? Stuff like that. Have you ever shit in your pants? I thought I wanted Joe Biden to sing the national anthem, but what I actually want is for you to interview. Dude, that'd be a good interview. All these guys are just like trying to show off their interviewing.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I don't know what the fuck is going on. I'm interviewing. Oh, wow. I'm going to ask him about Ukraine. Gee, I really wonder what he thinks about it. Yeah. Why was it cool that you invaded Ukraine? Well, it was cool for these reasons.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Oh, fucking shocker. Wow. A history lesson. Oh, man. Yeah. I think we can probably predict those answers. Yeah. I think an AI could write those answers. Yeah. Why did you put an interview! Yeah. I think we can probably predict those answers. Yeah, I think an AI could write those answers. Hey, why did you put an internet...
Starting point is 00:30:08 Yeah, I think... These guys are just wasting it. Fly all the way to Moscow and ask a bunch of stupid questions about politics. Who gives a shit? Yeah. So what's the news if you want to... What in the fuck is that sound? I think I might have broke Vito this week.
Starting point is 00:30:26 This was the closest I think that show has ever come to ending. Really? Yeah. Oh God, what are you gonna- Well, remember how I have that- You're gonna have to ease back if you want this show to keep going. I thought that afterwards. I'm like, I gotta calm down.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah. Is this the fucking way in with the- That was the episode where people turned against me, I think. Oh really? Instead of being Vito fans. Too much. Which I've been dreading the whole time.
Starting point is 00:30:51 You just went too much. But it's inevitable. Yeah. You know, I have that thing where if he gets on a scale, he gets a toy that someone sent in. Yes. And it's a mystery toy. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:01 It's in this box. Uh huh. Yeah. So he gets on the scale and he gets what's in the box. Right. But only stuff that fans sent in. I can't go buy a bunch of like horse shit and put it in here. But if he doesn't, then it gets destroyed.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Destroyed, right. Yeah. So this week, people have been sending in like $1,000 magic cards and stuff and they're tweeting at him about it. So he's like panicking, right? Like he can't say no. So I put in the box, uh, uh, the same toy that he got last week because he threw it. He didn't take
Starting point is 00:31:31 it home. So you didn't take it. So I put it back in the box. Right. And he's going to get on the scale because he's afraid there's a thousand dollars set of magic cards in there. He couldn't, definitely couldn't be responsible for that, you know, being destroyed. Oh, he was so pissed when he opened up and saw it was the same toy from last. I definitely couldn't be responsible for that, you know, being destroyed. He was so pissed when he opened up and saw it was the same toy from last. I was getting texts in the middle of it
Starting point is 00:31:51 from like comedians going, this is the most fucking funniest thing ever. This is the cruelest thing you've ever done. He's under the impression that like he has to, he's got to learn that like you're not, like that the game is rigged. Yeah. Like you're not just, no, I'm not going to be rigged that badly. Yeah. Yeah. Well, now he knows.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Now he knows. This guy talking to Maddox says, didn't your graph in the video show that Dick was talking about you less and less as you stopped interacting? What kind of violent, you think making the video and getting his money taken away decreases the likelihood of violence and doesn't increases? Maddox, that's not the point of the graph. He gets hammered for this stupid graph constantly. And it's such a small thing in comparison.
Starting point is 00:32:34 But it's indicative of how he acts and frames everything else. Absolutely. And it's like cut and dry. That's fucking fake, even on its face. Even if the data's real, it's fucking. What? Everyone sees that fake.
Starting point is 00:32:47 What reason would you have to put a graph backward? Reverse chronological. Right. Unless. Unless you're talking about the big bang. That's the only time. If not to mislead. There, if that isn't the reason,
Starting point is 00:32:59 what would you name me another valid reason? Yeah. He says, that's not the point of the graph. If you just isolate the year 2020, Dick tweeted about me an average of 380 times. An average? You mean a total of 380 times for the year? Not an average.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Right. Failing math. Man, that must have been a hell of a math program. 380 times. Utah, Cuck University. That's an average of more than, that's what he should have put. He probably wrote it like six different times
Starting point is 00:33:29 and was like editing things. He's so fucking pissed, he's melting down. An average of 380 times, that's more than one X per day. Well, it's probably like 10 times on like one day when you do something stupid. Or to build like, to build some heat or to build like I was gonna build some heat I was gonna say of course you yeah, yeah like marketing right yeah, you can do a bunch of them in one day Once a week look at this look at this look at this yeah
Starting point is 00:33:53 Do you think that's normal genius hey Maddox the number of babies killed is down to 308 is down to 380 per year down from 500. What's the problem? What? babies killed Yeah to 380 per year down from 500. What's the problem? What? Baby's killed. Yeah. Is that what tweeting about Maddox is? Baby's getting killed?
Starting point is 00:34:16 Bro, he educated us with Selena for as a celebrity who was killed by a crazed stalker. Baby's getting killed? He gets the story totally wrong. Yeah. It wasn't like it was a random fucking person. You're basically killing babies when you're tweeting about me. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Yeah. I mean, it's yeah. If the number of babies killed was reduced from 500 to 380, that would be a great. I mean, that would be if in such a world, something tells me's getting killed, there's 500 and then it's reduced to 380, that would be incredible.
Starting point is 00:34:47 As opposed to like, thousands in reality. Well, even accepting this reality, like if there's one hospital and 500 babies died, and then the next year, 380 died, it'd be like, wow, what happened here? That's great, that's great, but what happened? They could have, it's incredible. They could have tightened up,
Starting point is 00:35:03 or people in labor could have stopped going to that hospital. Well, you know, there's it's certainly interesting I don't think it's making the point. He's making here. No It's still bad when babies get killed. Okay Talking about making fun of you people calling you a cuck right that's what We're talking about Oh, yeah, here. He's what you're talking about. Oh yeah, here he's got, I just got two more Maddox things that I'll talk about. Dick's association with white nationalists
Starting point is 00:35:33 is even more pathetic when you consider the fact that he is half Mexican. I mean, whenever he's on PKA, they exclusively refer to him as Mexican. And I know that hurts someone like him deep down inside, no matter how much he pretends it doesn't I don't think It's because they refer to me as Mexican that hurts me as long as You've always I mean you've always I love being half Mexican. It's great. Yeah, you've never you've never hidden
Starting point is 00:36:00 You've never hidden being Mexican. I'm always tan. That's true. I'm very fast. I can outrun any sort of authority figure only. I can't run any other time, but Mexicans, any sort of migra or policia. There's a, or, You have like a turbo boost? Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:17 When we're dealing with an authority figure, or a chancla, or anything to do, it's cause of our history with the church. We have a very bad history with our with our grandmothers in the church. So we learn to run, we channel a speed, like the speed force from the flash, except it's called something Mexican that I can't come up with.
Starting point is 00:36:37 See, these are the things that I don't know. That's why speedy consolace is fast. He's always running from authority. Otherwise he's, you know, Maddox says, he uses his Mexican last name when it's convenient. No, I use it anytime I need to write my name on stuff. Pretty much it. After all, white supremacist Nick Fuentes
Starting point is 00:37:02 also has a Mexican last name. There are neo-Nazi rallies in Mexico too. There are? I mean, probably. There could be. There's the road rage Mexico. What do we... There's neo-Nazi rally?
Starting point is 00:37:17 The only time fanboy has ever identified as Mexican around me is to get out of trouble with cops who have Mexican last names. When was I around you with getting in trouble with cops? That's what you're right. What the fuck are you talking about? He's going to tell you. He told me he got out of a potential DUI once because of it.
Starting point is 00:37:35 It was definitely a DUI. And I definitely got out of it because the cops Mexican. And the cops said, oh, read my last name, I go, are you sure you can get home? I'm sorry, 100% promise I can get home. Driving drunk is bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Don't do what I do. Right. I mean, you got no excuse. With cabs, we had an excuse because cabs are pain in the ass. You have to call and do all this bullshit. With Uber, you got no excuse. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:58 That's what, it always trips me out. You don't realize this. Kids don't realize how. So you're going to go out and spend all the money because drinking is fucking expensive. Yeah. You're gonna spend that, but you're not gonna, you'll be like, no, I'm gonna drive.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I'm not, I'm gonna save the money on an Uber. Like bro, you're gonna pay $10,000 in. Yeah, but you know, you can get away with it. Absolutely. I'm the first one I have. It's a principle, Sean. It's the principle of it. Don't do it. Don't do it. It ain't worth it. It ain't worth your time and money,
Starting point is 00:38:28 let alone anything worse happening. Maddox, we run LA. Okay. Mexicans run LA. Get the fuck out of here. Sorry. Deal with it. It's called praxis, bro. And here's last multiple rape lists. Let me think about this one. Uh, oh yeah. You know what's funny about you rapey losers? Uh, you, you took over Dick's subreddit that I have no, oh, he's something on the biggest problem thing. Oh, which means you guys created multiple.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Oh yeah. Okay. You took over that subreddit biggest problem that I have nothing to do with. Oh, no, Maddox is subreddit and posted more rape threats, which means you guys created multiple rape lists Good job idiot. You're too dumb to even realize how that hurts your cause multiple rape lists What did they take over his Maddox subreddit? I think I don't think he understands how many fans of his he alienated with like insane behavior. Yeah, he's even on the video he posted today. They're like, man, like, when is this going to stop? Just go back to making regular content. No, he's, it's, it's, it's fucking weird.
Starting point is 00:39:46 It's his, it's all consuming at this point. That's the best comment you can leave on there. Act like a concerned fan that he's not making content. He'll probably just call you an idiot, you know? I mean, Okay, let's see here. Way to go, genius. What you idiots don't realize is...
Starting point is 00:40:07 Yeah. Oh yeah, here's something you might enjoy. Probably not. Oh no, you'll enjoy it. Well, I did. It's this dude. This dude doing something we've all wanted to do. He's stealing all the Apple stuff at the Apple store,
Starting point is 00:40:27 the iPhones. Yeah. See, look, it's this guy. And he's just going by and ripping all the phones. I've always wanted to do this. But I didn't know, like every time I go into an Apple store, I want to steal all the stuff, but they got a cable down.
Starting point is 00:40:44 And I thought that the cables would be indestructible. I don't know why I've been like institutionalized, I guess. But I saw those cables and I'm like, wow, they got the cable off. This brave entrepreneur. Just little elbow grease. Just ganks it off and they come off. I didn't know that was possible.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Now you do. You won't be soon. Yeah, look at this. Talking to him in his pants. I don't know. Is anybody even like turning around? He's all... Look at him.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Look at the...the...the... Yeah, no kidding. Wow, a go-getter. Wow, nobody's doing anything. And he's putting them... Do black people's pants work the same as... It looks like he's got like never ending- He's got like a Dungeons and Dragons bag of- In finna pants or something.
Starting point is 00:41:30 He's like- He's got test holidays pants. They just keep fitting. Yeah, he keeps cramming stuff in like a black hole inside of his pants. They got to like, they're going to fall down though. Those things are starting to weigh something. I would think that he would be worried about that. Yeah, I would be.
Starting point is 00:41:46 His, his theft outfit is very fly and cool. Yeah. He's got red shoes. Right. And all black. And like a half buck, buck, bucklava. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Man, look at that. Multiple phone rip-offs at once. That guy's just interested. He's just like, look at that. What is this? Is he playing with himself? What is he doing? I don't know. Maybe he's got like a stealing fetish or something. He's getting the whole thing, man. What a, this is awesome. That's amazing. He's stuck. He just knows nobody's going to do anything.
Starting point is 00:42:17 He did get caught though. It sucks. Yeah. I guess if you fuck with Apple, they'll, they'll fuck with you pretty hard. Yeah, I would imagine so. Yeah. Uh. Boy, wait a minute. You know how many fucking YouTube songs he's gonna have on those things? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that the pants thing was a bad idea. Is that a cop right there? It sure looks like one, isn't it? It's a security of some kind.
Starting point is 00:42:50 You think they just... Look at, the phones are all at the bottom of his pants. I know. So his pants were tied at the ankles? Pretty smart. So he could steal more? I don't think that's smart. You don't think so?
Starting point is 00:43:01 No, because then you're... What? Well, you're... How far has he got to run? He's got to get away car. Because all the phones are going to be knocking against each other in your bottom of your pants with the most action. First of all, because you can't break though. He has to put him in a bag.
Starting point is 00:43:14 He knew where he was parked. Now he should have put them in a bag. Well, that look just, he's trying to reinvent. Come in with an empty bag. Like, I mean, I guess if he could, Hamburglar, big bag with a dollar sign on it. Yeah. He's got to put that in his pants first.
Starting point is 00:43:26 So he doesn't look suspicious just coming in with an empty bag and a fucking mask. Yeah. Exactly. Good. That's funny. Isn't it funny? I wonder if they let him, uh, I just saw it. They just let him leave the store just so like the cops could shoot him. Yeah. You know, it's like, Hey, hey, he's black. Let him leave the store just so like the cops could shoot them. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 00:43:45 It's like hey, hey, he's black let him leave the store. Yeah, the stuff and then he'll say he went outside He went for my gun Pretty good. Yeah, look at how all the pretty good how it's all the phones are tying his pants up. Yeah, you can't run No, he's definitely can't run away his valuable asset, which is speed. You can't teach speed. No, but if a Mexican compass out there, he'll outrun them. You were saying according to you, I don't think black people gain any sort of boost with their speed unless they're out running child support payments.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I don't know if that's... So... But... Father's Day. Well, but Mexicans, you say, only gain speed... They can only run... If it's from an authority figure. Yeah, or their grandma. So if they are an authority figure, no speed. Then they get fat as hell. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Yeah. Somebody should put together a list on this or something for me. You can't, you can't get banned for hate speech. Well, no, no. So I can educate myself is all I'm saying. Education is the first step towards white supremacy. I would like to know, I want to know who's fast and when. For what reason?
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yeah, that's how football happened. All right, let's see what else I got here. The Gina Carano lawsuit, you see this shit? No, no. I know she goes to ACL too. Oh yeah. here. The Gina Carano lawsuit. You see this shit? I know she knows her ACL too. Oh, yeah Yeah, so Gina Carano got so in Disney or something. Yeah She's doing Disney because good luck all that all that hype about like the parallel economy Yeah, and like conservative Hollywood like that all be bullshit. Yeah, because they all are crappy Yeah, and you just don't write. And they made a, because they took,
Starting point is 00:45:29 their goal was to take politics out of everything. So it's like nothing has any meaning at all. Like you need to have politics in your stories. Stories are about resource, stories are about resource like competition. Competition for resources is like the nature of many stories. Well, good ones. And that's politics.
Starting point is 00:45:50 So you need to have politics in your story. You need conflict, whether it's internal, external. That's political. Like that's a catch-all for conflict. You have no fuck. You just have like a point A to point B. You're just writing Gilgamesh, which was boring thousands of years ago over and over again
Starting point is 00:46:07 So so she's suing them to get her job back and to get some damages, but she wasn't an employee She was just a series regular so that's stupid. But anyway, here's the here's the beginning of her lawsuit. Okay It says this is her actual lawsuit Oh says a short time ago in a galaxy not so far away, death penalty. Her, the lawyer, defendants made it clear that only one orthodoxy in the thought, speech, or action was acceptable in their empire.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Oh my God, this is... And that those who dared to question or failed to fully comply would not be tolerated. And so it was with Carano Who is Who thought this was a good idea? Well, cuz she made fun of the Holocaust so she couldn't none of the Jewish lawyers would take her case. So she got a White guy, so she got landow. Yeah, she got landow
Starting point is 00:47:01 after two highly acclaimed seasons on the Mandalorian as Rebel Ranger Cara Dune, Karana was terminated from her role as swiftly as her character's peaceful home planet of Alderaan. Oh my fucking God. This is... I hope she ends up in prison. As the...
Starting point is 00:47:21 We're comparing this to, this is like... This is an illegal document. This is fucking crazy. This is like Gen X. This This is an illegal document. This is fucking crazy. This is like Gen X. This is really an illegal document. They thought this would be funny. That's where this, yeah. This is really where this is from.
Starting point is 00:47:32 This is her fucking real lawsuit against Disney. For nothing. This is as- We're going on and on about trans- and making fun of the fucking Holocaust. Do you think that's gonna be a problem, Jada? Idiot. And then she said, her lawsuit alleges that
Starting point is 00:47:47 they let Disney let men get away with it. So she, this is the woke, the anti-woke hero, that all these fucking morons are sporting. Her lawsuit is, well, they let men do it. Oh! So who's outwoking who here? Who's woking who here? You stupid bitch.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Oh my God. Destroy destroyed by the death star i'm just a peaceful you know citizen of a and i read somewhere that they they wanted her to do like a a meeting with everybody and to apologize for the shit that she said she wouldn't she wouldn't you wouldn't know because she wouldn't bend you know her principles right yeah honestly mel Gibson apologized. And he didn't have to. If he didn't, I would say good for Mel. You know? He, he made it back.
Starting point is 00:48:32 He made it back. Yeah, he made it back. He made it back. Cause he makes good fucking movies. Gina Crono doesn't make shit. She doesn't make good shit. Well, no. Nothing. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Standing there in a Star Wars is not good behavior. It's bad behavior actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And all this because she dared voice her own opinion on social media platforms and elsewhere. Yeah. And stood up to the online bully, Mob. The online bully, Mob.
Starting point is 00:48:56 What the fuck is that? Who demanded her compliance with their extreme progressive ideology. She's a hero. You got nothing better to do than crying about pronouns. Yeah. Nothing else. I think we're a little far beyond that.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I think people are... You get the head of the Federal Reserve saying the U.S. just keeps spending money and it's not sustainable. You're crying about fucking pronouns. Yeah. Plenty of pronouns to eat. We're living in a van down by the Rio Grande. I think people forget that like they're, you know, everybody's people who are kind of, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:49:39 in their bubble, I don't know. I think she looked at it and said, oh yeah, that's funny. The judge, the court will love that. I don't, it's so- Fans will really eat that up. It's just, it don't know. I think she looked at it and said, oh yeah, that's funny. The judge, the court will love that. I don't, it's so- Fans will really eat that up. It's just incredibly dumb. See, I really do think, you know, I, certain things I think you should like deal with like seriously.
Starting point is 00:50:01 I don't- Yeah, me too. I just- I'm weird like that yeah yeah yeah it just there there's like a precedent for how to behave it just it cheapens and makes the whole thing just turn into a bunch of bullshit like we're just all just is yeah okay oh here's a good one. Woman alert. My favorite segment. This was sent to me many times this week.
Starting point is 00:50:30 This is a woman not knowing how fruit works, really. How fruit works. And she's not the only one. Remember, with these women alerts, I'm trying to educate you. Is this like for... It could be even, it could be living. One of these could be living with you. You don't know. So you mean it's like for every rat you see,
Starting point is 00:50:49 there's like 30 you don't, you know, in your house or something, you know, it's like, oh my God, I saw a rat came out from under the sink. It's like there's more rats. There's more rats more behind the walls. Yeah, there's, as men's knowledge base is a gradual sloping decline. You know, if a guy knows a little bit about a little bit,
Starting point is 00:51:09 then he knows about a little bit of everything, right? There's the gaps in their knowledge are gradual and tectonic. Like a guy, like he doesn't know anything about sports. Doesn't know anything about sports, but he knows a lot of stuff. Women's gaps in their knowledge are acute. They'll drop off a cliff. They're like binary. Like, oh, you know about animals, right? Yeah. She didn't know that polar bears were real.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Thought they were invented by Coca-Cola. Like, okay, wow, that's a really big thing to have. That's a really weird... Is that happened? Yes. There's got to... Sun and the moon are the same! They don't know the sun and the moon are different things okay? Oh god
Starting point is 00:51:48 That was oh never gonna find a man who doesn't know the sun and the moon are different men think that the earth is flat They have all these goddamn ideas about why and how it fits in with that. Okay stupid. Yeah, there's a whole system It's not a surprise. Yeah, we'll go Send the moon are the same thing what? Yeah Yeah, it's Where'd it go? Send the moon or the same thing? What? Yeah. Yeah. That's the only person on the planet that didn't know that you can just pick a piece of fruit off of a tree and eat it. I had a friend come over a few weeks ago and she was like, Carly, why do you have a bag of lemons in your fridge? And I said, Oh, well, I use
Starting point is 00:52:19 lemons in my cooking a lot. And sometimes I put them in my sparkling water and she was just like, no, but why do you have a bag of lemons from the store and I said oh well sometimes I cook with them and I also put them in and she said no you have a lemon tree outside and I said okay and she said so why do you buy lemons and I said because I cook with them and she said it's Carly you have a lemon, you just pick the lemons off the tree and you put them in your food. And that's what I hit her ear on. And I said, don't you have to do something to them?
Starting point is 00:52:51 And she said, what do you mean? And I said, you don't have to do anything to the lemons. You have to bleed them. And she was pretty upset, which I guess I am one of the very few people. No. I didn't think that I was one of the very few people, but maybe I am one of the very few people.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Why would you put this on? I didn't know that there is nothing that you have to do to a lemon Before you eat it from a tree and you can just take it off the tree. Am I the only person? I'm 28 for reference Oh, the only person? Say no At what age do you would be not acceptable to know To have never pulled a fruit off of a tree or to think that there's some sort of process like a deveining six months Definitely before you're one anybody pull shit like see what I mean You've never seen that it never seen a movie where somebody like picked in Like yeah, I don't even know should be like oh my god. They're gonna die
Starting point is 00:53:44 You don't have to do anything to it? What the? Let's see, we got a Chicago mayor crying about immigration. And then I'm gonna get trapped daddy. Okay. Let's see. Immigration's getting pretty rough. Here's elected officials response to it.
Starting point is 00:54:05 I thought this was pretty funny. I have children who attend schools who have soccer games, y'all. This is, uh, he's talking... He's asked why he's not doing anything about immigration. It's Chicago mayor. Uh-huh. Right. You know, you all are asking me as if I'm not a parent in this city.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Oh. I get it. I'm not a parent in this city. Oh. I get it. I'm mayor. I get it. But you're asking me to give you a date. And I have to court. Do you understand that you have not had a mayor like me? I get that.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I have a wife. I have children. They have schedules. And plus, we still have public safety debt we have to address. We still have the unhoused that we have to address. I still have a budget that I have to address. And I'm doing all of that with a black wife raising three black children on the west side of the city of Chicago I am going to the border as soon as possible. What are they applauding?
Starting point is 00:54:54 You said does that does that sound to anybody else like he's saying like I'm too busy with my family to what if he had immigration like family to fix immigration? Like, does, it almost sounds like him saying, a black wife and three black kids are worse. Then he would, if he- Than a white one! Then if he, right. I mean, not only am I doing this with a wife and three kids- I'm dealing with a black wife!
Starting point is 00:55:17 Right! That's what I thought too. It's a little, yeah. That's a little racist, buddy. I mean, it seems like you're, you're like, you're over salting the dish. You know, it's, hey mayor, we know you got a lot on your plate.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Like as everybody does trying to make it by with a wife and three kids, but you were running on? Well, I'll do my best, but I'm dealing with a fucking black, I have the blackest wife possible. So you know that I'm dealing with a lot at home. I don't know why I like this guy but I do. Man, what are you talking about immigration? I got a black wife and three black, you know she's angry. You know she's angry.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Yeah, you walk a mile in my shoes. Why the fuck are you mayor then? What are you? Why'd you run? That's very funny. Yeah. Very funny. And I got a black wife. We got soccer games, schedules, and shock of shocks with a black wife. My kids are also black. I got a black wife and three black kids. So what? Why is there, why is the race of the children apropos? Yeah, that should be, you know, probably assumed unless somebody's like, well, maybe he adopted. Is he just used to saying black for everything? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I don't know. Pretty funny. It's funny. It's just, yeah. They're losing it because they don't have any answer for all the horrible shit that's happening. That he had to, oh yeah, I don't know. Let's see here, Hawaii, oh yeah, more cute,
Starting point is 00:56:51 more cute legal shit. Oh. Hawaii doesn't care about like amendments or rights. Probably trying to keep from the islands being on fire. Yeah, you know, I light them on fire again, actually, after reading this. They don't think that this Second Amendment applies anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's no right to bear arms in Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:57:15 That's what they, and any resident can be imprisoned for carrying one, and this was in their decision. As the world turns, it makes no sense for contemporary society to pledge allegiance to the founding era's culture. Reality's laws and understanding of the Constitution. This is why. I don't feel like they have a right to even like a pine about the Constitution. It's a vacation spot and a military base. I don't go fuck yourselves.
Starting point is 00:57:48 I don't think, I'm sure that at the time, most people probably didn't want to be part of the United States. Hawaii? Yeah. I mean, yeah. Well, it's the last people that had that problem, got it a lot worse than Hawaiians.
Starting point is 00:58:02 The thing about, and then it says, quote, the thing about the old days, they the old days. And it's a quote from the wire, homerooms, parentheses, HBO, television brought, they quoted the wire and then quoted, cited it. They're quoting the fucking wire, TV show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is what we're,
Starting point is 00:58:24 The thing about the old days. This is what our TV addiction has wire TV show. Yeah. Yeah. This is what we're the thing about the old way is what our TV addiction has done is done to us. Yeah. Turned it into a fun turn. Yeah. Think about the old days. Fucking joke. They the old days, right? Lighted on fire. Yeah. Bigger one. Get the space lasers back out for Hawaii. What is going on with just like Gen X pop What is going on with just like, Gen X, pop, they're insane. It's crazy. They're mentally broken with pop culture and fucking television. Fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:58:53 It's really aggravating. Like they're personally wounded that Disney's not making Star Wars up to their standards. Yeah, oh yeah, I believe that. They've replaced God with Funko, with Funko pops and Chachkes. Yeah, really? I mean, like, yeah, I, I don't care about like, I'll see the movies mainly because people I know want to see those movies. And like they almost across the boards just suck. But I'm not, I'm not upset about it.
Starting point is 00:59:23 I'm not at all. I don't feel anything about it. There are people, there are people, there are people our age. Yeah. Who are like, they fucking, that's a, you know, that's like, corporations are ruining our, ruining my childhood thing. Like that's, if I had a time machine out, that's what I want to hear. Like,
Starting point is 00:59:35 bro, I didn't, my childhood was ruined fucking by, you know, parents like not it wasn't. Nobody's ruining my childhood by fucking fucking, by rebooting fucking thunder. I'm not, I'm not it wasn't nobody's ruining my childhood by fucking by rebooting fucking thunder cats. You know, do they reboot that? They've done a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Oh, they did. Thunder cats wasn't very good though. No, of course it wasn't. I don't know what's happening. What's happening? Is it a mummy? Yeah, I didn't get it at the time either. But as a kid, you're like, yeah, you watch it. Yeah. Silverhawks was a little more more developed Oh, yeah, okay. Yeah Street sharks and that was a good show. I never watch cats. That was a good show. I never saw either. Oh, what were you doing? I don't know probably ain't golf. No, those are ours
Starting point is 01:00:21 No, I don't think so. I don't know how old would I have been when they- Swat cats? I don't remember. If you're talking 90s, I was already doing stuff. Oh yeah, you're cool. I forgot. Swat cats cartoon. Probably like 93.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Oh no, I definitely wasn't watching. 94, yeah. No, no, no, I never saw it. We're watching Swat cats, anthropomorphic cats, don't stuff. All right, here's a reparations advocate finding out that her family unslaves. No. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:00:54 This stupid bitch. I can feel how smug. She's got injections in her face to make her more fucking smug. Have you seen that surgery going around? Sorry, Zagan. Women will go get injections in their faces so they look more smug and bitchy.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Well, I know about facial injections. They got a special one that's just engineered for that. Yeah, she's got it. Very interesting. The view host, Sonny Hosetin, something. She's a reparations advocate. Here we go. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:28 That sucks. I'm a little bit. Just found out that she's the descendant of slave owners. From Spain. From Spain. Owned Africans. Isn't that normally like, how else? I mean, wouldn't like a lot of black people
Starting point is 01:01:42 be descendants from slave owners? Be descendant from slave owners? Be descended from slave owners? Who's fuck aren't they fucking the slaves? It certainly went on. Yeah, sure it went on. All right. Shock, I just always thought of myself as Puerto Rican, you know, half Puerto Rican.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I didn't think I was, my family was originally from Spain and slave holders. Oh yeah. So how are you feeling, my friend? I just, I think it's actually pretty interesting that my husband and I have shared roots. Yeah. So I do appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:02:18 And I think it's great for our child. Dude, so her husband descended from slave owners? Is that what she's talking about, the shared roots? Oh yeah, maybe. I don't know. Man, have you noticed how women have adopted this thing where they say they do something? Like I do appreciate, instead of saying I appreciate,
Starting point is 01:02:36 oh yeah. They say I do appreciate it. Oh, I haven't noticed that. It's been driving me fucking insane lately. Yeah, listen. Oh, how are you feeling, my friend? I just, I think it's actually pretty interesting that my husband and I have shared roots.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Yeah. So I do appreciate that. I do appreciate that. So I do appreciate that. Yeah, yeah. And I think it's great for our children. Not necessary, but. To know this information.
Starting point is 01:03:05 I guess it's a fact of life that this is how some people made their living on the backs of others. You did. You, not some. You. Well, I mean, she's descended from, you know, you can't help who you're... So who's doing the reparations then? Well, I mean, you're... from, you know, you can't help who you're just doing the reparations then. Well, I mean, yeah, this bitch doing reparations for herself. She's going to take yourself out. She'll probably want to be more active in it.
Starting point is 01:03:35 In reparations? I think so. Yeah. As a slave owner. Well, because now she has a descendant of a slave owner. Because you know, even though it's not her fault in any way, shape or form, she feels guilty about it. I don't know how it works. I don't know how time works. She probably feels guilty about it. Yeah, she should.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Yeah. And so that was, don't worry, she does. Her ancestors are slave rapists. Slapists. Slapists. All right. Let me see if Trapdaddy's here. That's pretty funny. Yeah. Ooh. You go from.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Wow. That's kind of like the reaction when they, you know, kind of when they put together, you know, when science put together kind of like what Jesus would have actually kind of looked like. So I think that's bullshit. And then like, and then like, the Christian groups were like, we just, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:24 we kind of didn't think he'd be kind of that dark. So I always thought that was true. But then I read only, I only stumbled upon this accidentally. I read that the accounts in like historical documents are of him being blonde haired and blue-eyed. Yeah, but who wrote those accounts? The people that killed him. I mean, like, like the historical documents
Starting point is 01:04:49 describe him as bad. I mean, they're just written down, like it's, you know what I mean? They didn't take a picture of them. No, no, I know. But I mean, maybe they're lying about that? I mean, it's not in the Daily Stormer. That's where I read it.
Starting point is 01:05:01 It's possible. Maybe he spent a whole summer on the beach and his hair got light, you know? I guess he would got dark, but. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what that area looked like that long ago. I don't know. I mean, I think they know the genetic makeup
Starting point is 01:05:12 of that area at that time and what they're likely to have looked like. Well, there's like blonde blue-eyed Mexicans. Of course there are, yeah. So maybe there's blonde blue-eyed Jews. Yeah, they're red, yeah, you know. Ancient Jews. Canelo Alvarez is fucking red head
Starting point is 01:05:26 because they're building all those tunnels, the Jews. They're tunneling around. They probably are like moles. Like their eyes go blue. Their eyes shrink because they're kind of just useless since the smell becomes, you know, more. That's no, you can't say their noses are big. Well, it's what, you know, moles know moles are A lot of moles are fairly blind then none of them see that well because it's been spits on my ground You don't need it. You get the senses you need. Yeah. Okay. Let me get trapped daddy. I'm saying is there Is he There I know there's some there he is I see him you there
Starting point is 01:06:03 Yes, sir. Can you hear me trap daddy? There he is. I see him. You there? Yes, sir. Can you hear me? Trapped daddy. There he is. Yes. Look at that. Do I got to echo anything I got to fix for you guys? No, you sound amazing. Thank you for, okay. I'm just making sure cause I'm kind of new to this discord thing. Yeah. Don't get too used to it. Honestly, a lot of weird pedophile stuff always happens in discord. Always. Discord leaks are always pedophile shit. It's wild on this app. I've been, uh, I've had my experiences for sure already. Okay. So I saw you, you, you, you were the one that broke. Remember when boogie shot at Frank Castle friend of the show, Frank?
Starting point is 01:06:41 Yeah. Yeah. Boogie shot a warning shot at him. Apparently, uh, boogie, he was getting prosecuted by the DA, Arkansas DA. Yeah, cause he just fired off a fucking next to a school. Discharging of, put him in fire. Yeah, kicked the shit out of him, beat him
Starting point is 01:06:57 with a rubber hose, put him in prison for a little bit so he learns how to behave properly, right? Boogie told the DA that he was shooting a blank. Uh huh. That that was a fucking blank that he shot. Uh huh. Right? Right.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Now nobody knew this. Yeah. So, first of all, that's preposterous. Why? Nobody has blanks in the universe, right? Right. For self-defense. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:22 And if it was a blank, he would have been out there like you're somebody saying, blasting them off. Yeah. And if it was a blank, he would have been out there like your somebody Sam blasting them off. So Boogie was arguing with trap daddy and confessed and told trap daddy. He told you that he was shooting blanks, right? Yeah. When we were talking about something that had nothing to do with the whole Frank Hassel situation, he ended up admitting to me that the Mike Klum documentary was like 60% fake and that the Frank Hassel bullets were blank when I mean, I could give a fuck less about either one of those. Honestly, I was, we were talking about me going after his girlfriend and then I think he was just like panicking, kind of bringing up everything else.
Starting point is 01:08:00 You know what I mean? Yeah, it was. So this guy trapped daddy and you're, I mean, what? You're like a porn star with transsexual women. No, hell no. My name isn't that cool. It's literally just short for Travis. But unfortunately, all this fucking trap shit came out after,
Starting point is 01:08:19 after I went with the whole trap daddy thing. And now, like, sometimes I go on like VR chat and stuff and they see trap daddy and I do get that question. Like what is the trap for? It can either be for like selling crack or nowadays you're like a hidden transsexual or some shit like that. So you're not related to transsexual pornography
Starting point is 01:08:39 in any way? No, not this time. No, maybe in the next life. It sounds like a question. Why don't you change your name then? Where did you get that? Oh, I saw this fucking thing on his face. No, not this time. No, maybe in the next life Page here and somebody said it what is You were a porn star for transsexual pornography That is fucking hilarious. Yeah, you're looking at a cool page brother There's a lot of fake pages about me and now I have nothing to do with transsexual
Starting point is 01:09:18 Well, if I'm if I don't watch transsexual pornography and I see a bunch of fake Transporn, what do you think I'm gonna think that is hilarious. I can do please send me the link of that. I gotta Twitter I thought this was I thought this was like a trans gang bang thing that you were involved in Devils, yeah, it's looks like a porno Don't be hating on the LFC. So listen, that's the that's the LFC. That's the lingerie fighting champion. Oh Yeah, these guys you know, you thought those were traps. I just glanced at it. All right. I heard trap daddy. Boy, this whole thing is falling apart. Busting out at the seams. This is awful. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:09:56 When you look at that for a second, I was like, man, what kind of podcast is this? Am I on like a training podcast or something? No, we don't even know. I mean, kind of, I don't know. Yeah. The guy who ate a furry. He had like a, uh, that's, that's an event that I'm, uh, being a celebrity guest judge here and, uh, in Las Vegas, basically pro wrestling, but, uh, in lingerie.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Okay. Former UFC, uh, WWE girls go there like Katie Forbes, she's RVD's wife. So it's pretty dope event. Now wait, you're a judge. Is this wrestling or fighting? It's kind of both. Oh, how does it go?
Starting point is 01:10:40 We like to say it's a little bit of clothes and a lot of action. All right. Okay. Take a look at this. a little bit of clothes and a lot of action. All right. OK. You take a look at this. I know I got to take a look at it. And you're like, it's not, you know, it's not everybody's thing, but it's a crazy thing here in Vegas that we do. It's one of the many things here in Vegas that I'm involved with. But it's a fucking blast, man.
Starting point is 01:10:59 And I don't think there's any transsexuals competing on February 14th. I mean, so it's kind of pornography in a way. It's lingerie fighting. Definitely. Yeah. It's definitely a fetish in a way for sure. But these girls are actual, uh, they're real good athletes and they're really, they're real competitors. They got real storyline and it's crazy how deep this shit goes to be honest.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Yeah, it's not my thing, but you know, it's a, it's a thing that I like to promote. And I like to have fun with. Do they try to make each other come? Why is that funny? You got a two in the end to see, I guess. I mean, like, to who wins? Like, is it... They do give this provocative positions and like, um, some of the, uh, some of the
Starting point is 01:11:43 rules are like, I have to give them points for like flirting with the judges and shit like that. So to a point if it is the gimmick, but it's a very big promotion here in Vegas and it's held at the FSW arena, which is a prestigious wrestling venue here in Vegas and yeah, it's going to be dope, man. You guys should definitely check it out. It's on 2B and it's on pay-per-view. I like the lingerie part-per-view. I
Starting point is 01:12:12 Like the laundry. Yeah, I do too. I don't like that. Yeah, these girls it's hard to not stay distracted Well, I'm supposed to be professionally judging I don't like when women get their tits punched though. I like that Asian chick I'm a fighter and they're like, but you know, they're like jacked like I'm a fighter and they're like but They're like jacked like I'm gonna be surrounded by muscle in this in this whole venue. It's crazy You're a fighter. What are you? Yeah? Yeah? I do a boxing MMA fighting Jiu-jitsu I've done I've done I've competed at celebrity high rollers where a bunch of goofy ass Influencers get together we smoke weed and we like chat at the table together, and then we go in the cage and fight It's fucking insane. Oh
Starting point is 01:12:54 Man, that was a here in Las Vegas. I've also competed in Phoenix, Florida all over Do a lot. No shit. I didn't know that are you gonna fight boogie where you thought he was a fucking That's literally what started all this guys is um, so I'm a fat guy in case you don't know because you can't see me Well, that's why I was surprised that you're an athlete I'm a fatly looks like you're fighting a scale Yeah, I'm fighting a lot of things right now. But, um, yeah, man, I'm, I'm 370 pounds. Wow.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Oh, how tall are you? I came down from 465 pounds. Damn. And I still got a lot to lose. To make way. But I actually fought MMA before I could fucking jog down the street, which is pretty crazy. You fought MMA at 465 pounds? Oh, I fought it at around 400 pounds. Yeah. Three tungsten.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Oh, wow. Were you fighting other big guys or were you fighting like a normal sized like athletic guys? Other big guys at the time it was after my Dr. Phil appearance. So I kind of had the like, I was able to pick and choose. I was the main event and shit like that. Dr. Phil alum. I didn't know you were in Dr. Phil too. What were you? What was wrong with you? Um, he said I was a delusional because I wanted to be an MMA fighter and I was too
Starting point is 01:14:12 fat to be an MMA fighter. And I was like, yeah, okay. I guess he was right. But let me, uh, let me, I loaded up your Dr. Phil clip for a second. Let me, let me play a little bit of it. Here we go. I'm a real person and they're controlling my life from outside on the internet. Like it's a video game and it's almost like a game to them. And to me, it's more than real. I want the world to know who the real trap can be in a way.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Aspiring MMA fighter blames internet trolls for lack of success. Yeah, they're gonna be wrong, bro. Yeah, they did that. Not who these trolls are trying to say he is and all these fake profiles. Dr. Phil implied that I don't really hate women and I was just playing a character. Can you believe they really did me wrong? Ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:15:01 The whole reason I'm doing anything is because of these guys. They are my motivation behind. Damn, bro. You are a big fucking guy here. Yeah, I was a little bigger than I am right now. Are you are you? Do you have many Mexican in you? No, I'm Italian. You're Italian.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Gambino is your real name. No, it's not my real name. My real name is Travis Long. Gambino is just when I was young, I was like deep into like everybody was like, yo, Gotti and Gambino, this and that. So I wanted to be a rapper and I changed my name to trap Gambino. Okay. Got it. Is because I'm finding them. Well, Got it. It's because I'm fighting them. Oh, powerful blows.
Starting point is 01:15:45 So they moved their family to Las Vegas to pursue their dreams of becoming professional MMA fighters. Is this your girlfriend still with you on the show? That's my wife, yeah. That's your wife, okay. Yeah. They're internet trolls are holding them back and causing major drama in their lives.
Starting point is 01:16:01 And trap blames them for getting kicked out of gyms and even his MMA training team. major drama in their lives. And Trap blames them for getting kicked out of gyms and even his MMA training team. In the past year, I've been kicked out of two gyms because of these trolls. There's some high-rolling rich guy in response to the trolls. You've given your power away to people you don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Who are the trolls. I have no idea This could be a 14 year old kid living in his mother's basement in London. I found this interesting. Look at this You know, it's not help talk to me Ashley The corning was this Seriously, oh my god People still tell me that shit's real. Yeah, it's fucking crazy. It's a fucking TV show.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Yeah, that's what I try to tell them. But they're like, but I understand it's a TV show, but did you ever, you know, go to therapy because of the trolls? Like I'm like, man, like it's literally like some of it was real. But we were playing everything up for the TV show and for the entertainment. If he was on Dr. Phil, then you obviously know, they tell you to be combative with Dr. Phil
Starting point is 01:17:11 and everything like that. Like it's at the end of the day, it's fucking TV. Yeah, it's hard to get people to be combative with anybody on TV too. True, I agree with you. Yeah, I suck, I'm horrible. Give me out of here. Exactly, I took, I took with you. Yeah, I suck. I'm horrible. Give me out of here Exactly, I took I took edibles like an hour before the show too. So I was a little too laid back
Starting point is 01:17:30 I wish it would have been a little bit more hypey with them, but you know, I Got chances. I did a bunch of Adderall and put rubber bands around my balls before I went Yeah, okay, so So you were you're on Dr. Phil. I mean, you're clearly a goofball. And you got involved with Boogie because you're talking to Boogie's like his girlfriend. Boogie has this.
Starting point is 01:17:54 So I'll tell you guys exactly how it started if you got time. I'm not sure how much time this podcast has. We got lots of time. I'll keep you short. I'll do a somewhat short version. So nobody, even though I was on Dr. Phil and shit nobody I kind of wanted to be like a locale to get I guess famous I guess and um that was my
Starting point is 01:18:13 uh reason for going on Dr. Phil. I wanted to eat shit to get a little bit of fame and unfortunately the Dr. Phil feel kind of flopped and nobody even knew me after that. So I'm watching the boogie documentary That just came out with my clump And I'm thinking like men And this guy fought if I could fight this guy or like wings on a big stage That would be like the easiest fight on the biggest stage for the most amount of money Yeah, that's the route to get there, but the problem is The easiest fight on the biggest stage for the most amount of money and the fastest route to get there.
Starting point is 01:18:46 But the problem is nobody in this community knows who the fuck I am, cares who the fuck I am. Right. And I have no type of clout. But I saw a weak link and I'm a strategic guy. And I saw Desi as a weak link and he has a 20 year old girlfriend. As Boogie's girlfriend. Boogie's got a 25, a 20 year old girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Right, right, right. 10 years old, this is 50 years old. He has a 20 year old girlfriend that seemed giddy and she was on social media and shit. So I was like, hmm, I wonder if I could get to her some way. So I added her on Instagram. She surprisingly added me back. I started liking her pictures. He surprisingly added me back. I started liking your pictures, likes, turn into comments, comments, turn into DMs, DMs, turn into flirting. And then eventually I got her Snapchat.
Starting point is 01:19:35 And then Snapchat started getting into like even heavier flirting. And eventually got to flirting. We talking about like, uh, you're an angel. I'll buy you wings, that kind of thing. I was planning on flying her out to Vegas to have a secret vacation. Wait, can you, can you talk into your mic more? You're kind of muffled. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So she was, she wanted to fly. She was, uh, open to flying out. Did she agree that she wanted to?
Starting point is 01:20:06 She just wanted to find the right time to do it. Maybe to that question. And when she said maybe to that question, um, you know, I should have went a little harder, but like literally days after that, the locale podcast was talking about how they were maybe have three more shows left. So I was like, hmm, this might be my opportunity to get their attention. If I get boogie mad at me and I get the locale podcast somehow onto this,
Starting point is 01:20:31 then I could get King Star's attention, will essentially make him interested in me if I would boogie. And I know this is a long fucking stretch, but this was my game plan. So I am not a Redditor, I made a Reddit account. The day I made a Reddit account, I signed into the locale podcast Reddit. I made a fucking big post that said Boogie's girlfriend's cheating on him.
Starting point is 01:20:54 When I posted the screenshots of you talking to Desi and I said, let me get on the podcast to prove that this is real. And they fucking let me on the podcast the next day. And that's bad. It's so bad. on the podcast to prove that this is real. And they fucking let me on the podcast the next day. And I- That's bad. It's so bad. And I went hard. I mean, I heard you on the show.
Starting point is 01:21:10 And I feel like I went too hard. Yeah, I went too hard and they cut it up to make me kind of look like a jackass. And I made myself look like a jackass because I wasn't prepared enough. I didn't have enough evidence with Desi and I didn't go hard enough with her and I went too hard on boogie Boogie blocked me wings blocked me because he's quote-unquote
Starting point is 01:21:30 Loyal so he'll he said I'll never fight me and then eventually came star fucking blocked me so Kim stars ruining that show though like that show Just them talking but came star like Interjects and tries to come micromanage every part of it And he edits the episodes for some reason Those guys could be because Vita was thinking about going on or they were talking about Vita going on for some reason But he's never gonna fight me. I feel like he's gonna fucking die cancer or something before he fights me. Yeah, but wings I Feel like there's still
Starting point is 01:22:05 something there with wings. Yeah, because wings is bigger. Boogie cannot fight for shit. Like his pants are falling down like King Hibbo. People underestimate wings. If I fought wings, I know I would whoop his ass, but it's not gonna be exactly an easy task. He's a big guy, he's aggressive. Anybody who's that big and aggressive you got to watch your fucking peas and queues with Yeah, so I think that would be a real good fight with me and wings To set off the locale podcast live here in Vegas like we all kind of plan to do but He blocked me like I said So I kind of have a different game plan to get to wings and it all started with this week weekend
Starting point is 01:22:44 I was hanging out and getting drunk with one of his old-school best friends I don't know if you know over at flow no idea but I'm listening the old call of duty days he's a phase guy from the old call of duty days and when we were hanging out he was like sending wings pictures like selfies of me and him together and shit and yeah I'm getting the wings slowly but surely so we'll see what happens. You should fight Dr. Phil. I wish.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Everybody said I should have like tackled him or something. It would have been viral, but. Yeah, you do a little time, but it would have been funny. I was going to get Dr. Phil on this show. It's like, man, come on. Come on. You thought that was awesome, right, Phil? Are you guys fans of the liver king?
Starting point is 01:23:25 You like crazy characters and shit? That's steroid guy? I'm working for him now. You're working for him? What do you mean? You're a steroid hookup? I do social media and shit for him, yeah. I'm trying to clean up a little bit of the things around.
Starting point is 01:23:43 The damage that he did by lying about. Yeah, for sure. He's a cool guy, man. He's definitely, you know, everybody's a character, but he's definitely, he's real. Like the first time I hugged him, I didn't smell the same for like the next two days. So that's one thing I will say is real.
Starting point is 01:23:59 He just eats, he's like this, he's like, he looks like Macho Man Randy Savage with the Santa Claus beard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's so ripped, but's like, he looks like macho man, Randy Savage with the Santa Claus beard. Yeah. Well, so ripped, but he always said he gets it by just like eating organs. And then it turned out he was juicing. This was a scandal because like retards believed him. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Because they're retards. He's been $12,000 a month on steroids. Oh my God. And HDH. How? Well, again, $GH. Yeah. How much is steroids? How big are his balls? I haven't seen them yet, but I'm working my way up the ladder. Oh, will you? That'd be a great, I mean, if you're doing his social media, that would be a great marketing viral thing. Grab his balls and turn them to the shiver king. Accidentally leaking a picture of his balls. So like get people talking about him.
Starting point is 01:24:48 He's probably, I think he might have leaked it himself lately. Who knows? It would be a good idea. All I want to know about steroids is what happens to your balls. Cause I've been told they come back cause just like water that goes away. You know, once I lose all this weight, I want to do some fucking steroids. So when I do, I'll definitely let you know. Yeah. Post picture of your balls before and after you have to. I will. I'll be like Joey Diaz and I'll just put them as my default picture on Twitter. Uh, okay. So your, your plan to fight wings is, is what? How are you going to get to him? Cause I think that would be a good fight. I think that'd be a good fight, but you got
Starting point is 01:25:24 to have like some real like hatred and animosity. Exactly. And you know what? Kelly's also another weak link. And she has a public church that would not deny anybody access if they're looking for Jesus. Wait, what? Say that again? What do you mean Kelly? So, I didn't want to say this man. So, um... Fighting in church. No, I figured wouldn't it be funny if I went to
Starting point is 01:25:49 Kelly's church like in disguise and like Like with Kelly who is Kelly? Oh Okay, okay, and yeah, I got a picture with Kelly at the church and like was worshiping and shit with her or whatever the fuck they do at church. Here's what you gotta do. Go protest at the church with a sign that says wings is a pedophile. That's how you piss somebody off. If you want to get into fight with this guy, you gotta to go. That's what you got to do. That's funny. Yeah. That's what gets done, man. That pedo shit really gets to him. I don't even know if that's, it's true, but. I mean, the clips, the clips were a little crazy, but, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:33 I got crazy clips out there too. Yeah. He really hates it. Yeah. He does. I feel like that's, but it like, when you say that, it almost like he shuts you down. He hates it so much. It's like ex-pop heat. Yeah. That's why you got to take the sign to his wife's church. Whatever it is. You can't block this Yeah, I mean I'm thinking about it. I'm working with some of his biggest haters Get a billboard get one of those like LCD LED billboard cars to drive around right that just says
Starting point is 01:27:02 Wings won't wings won't box me is it because he's a pedophile and Then a picture of you going. I don't know is it yeah I'm willing to pay to play because these motherfuckers thought I was trying to do it for the money And I'm not trying to do it for the money, so I'm willing to pay to play with these motherfuckers. What are you doing it for the glory? Yeah, honestly now it's like a video game to me and I like to do what people tell me I can't do and Honestly, I feel like I fucked up by trying to be a low-cal when I'm not a fucking loser And I wanted to be a famous loser when I'm really just you might be a loser But you might be a different kind of loser than you think you are
Starting point is 01:27:41 No, man life lately has Above all these motherfuckers, you know what I mean? And I used to think I was a, a winning loser, but now I'm just starting to see that I'm above all that man. And maybe I just, uh, I'm in control more than I think. Okay. Uh, good. That's good. Yeah. Life is a video game, man. For sure. I'm on like level, uh, four out of six right now, but I'm working my way up. Well, good luck. I really want to see you fight with these guys and fuck up their show. I'm going to beat up an influencer eventually, a fat one.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Yeah. Make it Boogie. That'd be cool. Yeah, that'd be cool, but it's going to be legally on a boxing stage. Oh yeah. Like disguise your next time Boogie goes in for like a cancer screening for his blood cancer. See if you can give the doctor some money and like go in, wear a doctor's outfit in disguise. Doctors outfit and some boxing. And then like say, oh, we need to do a prostate exam. Just shove your hand up his ass.
Starting point is 01:28:40 You got to lose weight. Just keep telling me you got to lose weight over and over again as a doctor. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I don't know lose weight over and over again as a doctor. Yeah. Yeah I don't know the thing with his girlfriend is really funny. You're trying to Are still arguing about this Yeah, he sent you like 50 messages in a row. What did she say? What did she say? What did she say? Pictures to you that she didn't put online. What did she say to you send me the? What did she say? She didn't say anything bad. She didn't say any pretty posed pictures to you that she didn't put online.
Starting point is 01:29:05 What did she say to you? Send me the message. It's like, oh my God. And I'm getting weird messages from people telling me that he went crazy and got rid of this one dog because it was her favorite dog. And he's sending her back to the farm or some crazy shit like that.
Starting point is 01:29:18 So I don't think it's over. I think that their relationship is gonna be over. And that's when the fans are gonna be realizing that this wasn't all a fucking, everybody still thinks that this is all like Like a play that came star made this shit all up that I just like we're all acting about the boogie's girlfriend situation when we're really not She's clearly deranged Like boogie's a 50 whatever broke and fatter than hell like 20 and she's 20 some something's wrong Yeah, if I do break up the situation, I don't feel bad about it because that's a fucked up situation to be honest
Starting point is 01:29:54 Yeah, so I thought the fans were gonna like me for that, but I I thought wrong dude. Everybody hated me After the podcast people did not like me so I think honestly I tell I'll tell you I think it's because I think it's because It's too transparent that you want to be famous from this instead of just focusing on the thing. That's not true is I think that's my observation Yeah, 100% man. That's I fucked up by um, well, maybe they fucked up by not telling people that I'm like I'm actually like somewhat established. I'm not just a random, you know, I mean Just hearing it I don't think people in this sphere like to hear
Starting point is 01:30:39 They hear like yeah, you're a pedophile you're a pedophile like over and over and over again like Ralph Watch right. He does it every time You're a pedophile you're a pedophile like over and over and over again like Ralph Ralph He does it every time It's best to explain that um somebody told me like yeah trap like your IMDB You got a bunch you've been in movies commercials all that bullshit, but none of that matters in this community Yeah, you'd be more famous if you live streamed and got kicked out of a fucking Kmart I mean like that means more than this and these type of people but uh, you know, I gotta know my role honestly Man, I would learn it. I'll watch the shit out of that fight Because wings said he supports Maddox. Oh, yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 01:31:17 Yeah, I don't know who that is wing. Yeah, we can fight and uh, you know, I'm a fat dude I'm not the best fighter in the world. So and I talk a lot of shit, so I think it'd be a fun fight And I'd be doing all kinds of troll shit man like uh, yeah, I'm a clown so I'd be clowning on him for sure I'm trying to show Sean who well redemption is this is him. He looks like a pedophile doesn't he? I mean, he definitely does. He doesn't even use the fucking ring light. King's our bottom of fucking ring light and like a $400 microphone set up in the camera set up.
Starting point is 01:31:53 He doesn't use the fucking ring light because he doesn't like the way he looks in the light. Well, because he's hideous. He looks like a melted candle. Pretty good. Pretty good description. Okay. Does anything make you a rage? In general, when Dr. Phil called me delusional.
Starting point is 01:32:17 God damn. After being what I've been through in the past year, I know you don't know my history. Don't look it up if you don't want traumatized. What's the short version of your history? Oh man, your podcast is a little too light for all that, man. You might want to Google all that. You guys seem like cool guys that just like to have fun and joke around.
Starting point is 01:32:37 And it's a little dark for that. But I don't know about that. You've got some dark shit on here. Well, um, last year I lost my daughter. And at the same time, my wife was diagnosed with a terminal illness, essentially making us lose another daughter that she was pregnant with. Oh, wow. And yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:03 You hope that would go the other way. Yeah, I'm kind of coming back from that. Yeah, I would say, well, get rid of the wife. Oh, boy. Yeah, man, absolutely. But, uh, you know, God doesn't give a fuck about your plans, unfortunately. Oh, that sucks. I feel like destiny really is just what it is, man.
Starting point is 01:33:21 So you just gotta keep the motivation up and stay busy and stay distracted with things that are good instead of shitty distractions. Oh, how'd you lose your daughter? It was to a cute leukemia. She was three years old about to be four. Oh no! And it was literally like it was suddenly and unexpectedly within days unfortunately. Days!
Starting point is 01:33:44 Wow! Like super aggressive. he was suddenly and unexpectedly within days, unfortunately. Days, wow. Super aggressive. Yeah, the fastest, most rare type of cancer that you can get. It was a luthemic, I can never say it, luthemic acute leukemia. Basically starts within your bone marrow and works its way out. And by the time you start showing symptoms, it's too late.
Starting point is 01:34:04 It's already too late, yeah. And the last thing you start showing symptoms, it's already too late. Yeah. And the last thing she wanted was for you to fight wings of redemption. That's amazing. She wanted me to fight. Yeah, I was actually two weeks out from my boxing debut, and she passed.
Starting point is 01:34:18 So I never made my influencer boxing debut. But she definitely wanted me to fight, man. So I'm gonna whip somebody's ass. And yeah, I feel bad for them. That's terrible. And is your wife, is she recovering or is it still? Unfortunately, there's no really recovery for it. She's, she used to be a professional fighter. And she went from fighting in a cage to now she's in a wheelchair, and she has a tube coming out of her chest, continuously pumping life sustaining medication
Starting point is 01:34:52 into her heart through a needle. And if you like snatch that out of her heart or something like that, she'll die. So yeah, basically like Iron Woman, yeah. So that's another reason she's working with the liver king to try to help raise awareness. And that's my end goal to all this is to start a foundation because her terminal illness is so rare that we have more fans than the terminal illness effects. Worldwide. So I feel like that puts us in an important situation
Starting point is 01:35:27 to do something about that. Wow, how do you get it? It just happens? Is it genetic? Is it musculoskeletal? It's absolutely random, just like acute leukemia. It's not in your family or anything like that. It just comes out of nowhere.
Starting point is 01:35:42 Well, Boogie has cancer. I would think you could fight for cancer You know We can raise awareness. Yeah, have a have a cage fight for yeah, I think he's got like ass cancer or something like that though from Getting fucked too much. I don't know. He's a fucking weirdo man. I can't stand him He's something about that dude even the way he texted me like a fucking cup, dude, like, I really don't like that guy. He is so fucking phony, boogie.
Starting point is 01:36:11 And now he's running with this thing like, oh, there's never the real boogie. He's never had killed my wife on the podcast. What's that? He's literally saying that. I don't know if you saw that on the podcast, but word for word, he was like, well, you did this wrong to me,
Starting point is 01:36:24 so you killed your wife. I wasn't going to give you a chance to fight me, but you killed your wife because you leaked these DMs. You killed your wife. What does that mean? Karma. I need the money to save my wife because she has a go fund me. So that's what his narrative is.
Starting point is 01:36:39 I mean, that's a pretty good narrative. I don't want to but I have a Rocky movie or some shit like hot rod I gotta save my wife so I can keep beating her That's like you killed your wife and everybody's like damn bro Did they get cut from the episode or was that in the episode? No, that's on it's straight up on YouTube. It's fucking wild, bro episode or was that in the episode? No, that's on it's straight up on YouTube. It's fucking wild, bro. Oh, those pussies. I can't believe they blocked him.
Starting point is 01:37:08 See, I'm saying bro and shit, because I'm used to this fucking whole weekend. I'm hanging out with these goddamn influencers that are overstimulated. I saw so many goofballs as we go. I was hanging out with the fake Logan Paul and the fake Jake Paul. Who's that? And uh, Logan Paul and Jake Paul? Who's the fake? Yeah. And uh It's literally these guys that are famous from looking like them and like they were They take them everywhere and they're sponsored by like crime and shit like that and
Starting point is 01:37:34 There was like kids coming up to them at the WrestleMania press conference crying and shit We went to the WrestleMania press conference. Oh my god. It was hilarious. They think they're meeting like Logan Paul. Yeah. We couldn't walk down the strip. Everybody was asking me to take pictures of them and it was embarrassing. So like, I'm like sitting there with my dad. Yeah. And yeah, I was embarrassing, but it's funny, I guess. Uh, well shit, man. I hope your wife gets better. Oh shit, man. I hope your wife gets better.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Whatever the outcome is that you want happens. Sorry. I don't like to presume. But you're a Jesus. Jesus Christ. Sean, you got to keep it light. I got that insurance money ready, boys. Oh good.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Yeah, I really want to see you fight wings I'm gonna fight somebody and it's gonna be fun either way. I promise good those guys are really easy to wind up to It doesn't matter. They have you blocked. They can't do anybody and so am I I'm just I'm a little more fun to do it with I'm not I like to play. I'm not just gonna fucking block everybody. So yeah Yeah, no, I get it. Well, thanks for calling him in. Good luck. What's your plug your stuff?
Starting point is 01:38:51 Yeah, my name is trap daddy MMA. I'm cool on IG. I'm not so cool on Twitter. I'm trying to be cool on Twitter now. I'm new to all this shit guys. I'm trying to get my face out there, my name out there. So I appreciate you giving me a platform. This is literally my first time listening to the show.
Starting point is 01:39:07 And yeah, you guys are awesome, man. So I appreciate the platform, I appreciate the conversation. And thanks, thanks for having me on. Thanks, I'm sorry I called you a transsexual porn star. That was my bad. That was hilarious. That was the first time.
Starting point is 01:39:20 That's on me, that's a mistake. I'll own up to that. That's a sound bite,'ll own up to that. Maybe, maybe change the name. I don't know if you stuck with it. That's fine. That, you know, I'm stuck. I'm stuck. Okay. Have a good one. Enjoy the Super Bowl. See ya. Whatever. Yeah. You'll have a good one, man. Thanks. There he goes. What'd you think? Trap daddy. Well, he wasn't overselling the dark place. Yikes.
Starting point is 01:40:00 It's freeing. One thing people can't have that we can do, that I can do on the show is to just try to say the worst thing possible. When somebody, you know, you're in real life, somebody says, oh yeah, all that bad stuff. I can't die to my wife's guy. You can't say something like that. You can't say something like,
Starting point is 01:40:19 oh, I wish it was the other way around, right? It would be ill advised. Yeah. Yeah. Scare me half to death, right? Yeah, Jesus. My wife. Try that.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Clearly you took a name and ran with it. Yeah, clearly he fucks trans women. I mean, trap daddy? And then I saw, you saw the flyer. I just glanced at it. Oh yeah, I didn't even really take a look at that. I thought, trap daddy. And then I saw, you saw the flyer. I just glanced at it. Oh yeah. I didn't even really take a look at that. I thought, what is this? Cause he thought it was be gay too.
Starting point is 01:40:51 See? I saw trap daddy and I was like, oh, it looks like cum guzzlers 18 or something. Right? I've seen enough porn. I know how it works. I know how it looks. All right.
Starting point is 01:41:07 What do we got here? Good? Good, good, good, good. ObtuseNome says, this is why housing, something you're so expensive, along with other reasons, something about housing. More depressing shit. More depressing shit. I'll win Saint George. Oh, okay. Oh. St. George. Oh, okay. Oh.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Oh, do you care? I mean, I don't know. Is it kind of, is anything going to fix it? Home in St. George is going viral on TikTok. People aren't blown away by what's inside the house, but rather what was never inside of it. Yeah. New Specialist Lauren Steinbrencher explains how an older vacant home is mystifying millions
Starting point is 01:41:44 and has a story on why nobody ever moved in Warren because people from other countries are How the homes that empty for so long and a realtor's walkthrough video does fucking say it god damn Everything brand new never been used despite the fact that it's more than two decades old despite the fact My name is George been used despite the fact that it's more than two decades old. Despite the fact. My name is George. Are you fucking serious? A lot has happened in a quarter of a century, but if these moved in it, Homie real estate agent Shane Jordan filmed a walkthrough of the brand new home. So they just buy and sit on it. That's obviously why, right? Yeah. And people from, you know, like, Chinese have bought a lot of homes here. You know that in China, they built so many things
Starting point is 01:42:26 that like everybody, like 96% of people in the city own at least one home. Is that right? So the market's crashing because now there's so many homes. Lousy with homes. Yeah, it's like a car. You go buy a car, it depreciates right away
Starting point is 01:42:40 because it just make an infinite amount. But in America, they don't let you build any new homes. So the value is always skyrocketing. So now they're all fucked. Good, fucked them. Okay. Baby Raptor said, I heard that the black guy who voiced Elmo
Starting point is 01:42:57 had to go to therapy because he got a hard on every time he shoved his fist in Elmo's ass. Okay. So, interesting if that's true. Uh-huh, yes, sure it's true. Mr. Neal says, time code 2038, wasn't that in last action hero? Oh, he's talking about when we were talking about
Starting point is 01:43:16 going like, uh-huh, to girlfriends, like listening to their stories. I've seen that movie twice, I think. I don't remember that. That's a fucking good movie. He puts a such an underrated movie. Yeah, it's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Why didn't it take off? Something happened. No, it was, well, it ended up, they moved the release date, I think a couple of times, and it went up against Jurassic Park. That was it. Yeah, it was a good movie. It was a really good movie. Yeah, it's story too
Starting point is 01:43:46 He had his ex-wife would call and he would put a recorder of him going, huh, uh-huh Hmm. Oh Remember that and then it when he was confessing his sins He said he just paid and a buddy of his to call pretending to be his ex-wife. Got it Good point, mr. Neal Johnny says hey to check out this all-female SWAT team, okay? Woman Alert. See it. Woman Alert. Chile fielded an all-women team at the UAE SWAT challenge of 2024.
Starting point is 01:44:26 Okay. Okay. How would they do that? Laughs? For Yoss? We'll see. Yaya, yaya, yaya. Amos.
Starting point is 01:44:36 Okay, and getting into a nice jog. They're, uh- So they're gonna do like tacticals. Take downs. Yeah. Okay. They're running up a bunch of this SWAT ladies. They're running up to a, like one of those things you hold on a zipline.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Was it a zipline or do you have to pedal? Do you have to like use your arms? No, that's American Ladiators. Well, let me see, is it? Yeah, this is holding a dead hang. Oh, okay. And they are, they're doing holding. Oh. They're like a dead hang. Okay. And they are, they're doing a zipline with a thingy of Hago, and they all have not made
Starting point is 01:45:10 it across because they didn't get enough momentum. They're just hanging them without dropping in the water because now there's three of them all clumped together. And they're going back to the starting point. They're not dropping in the water for no reason. They're trying to figure out... The reason they're frozen like that is they're trying to think of a man to blame, but all of them are women.
Starting point is 01:45:30 So they don't know who to shout at. In the ice bath, you have to go back to the beginning of the zipline and do it again. Now they're all stuck. So now they're just hanging there while people are burning to death, or getting killed, or whatever is happening in SWAT World I don't know why they have a zipline in the SWAT test You hear their voices like yelling. Yeah, so now one the first one got Zip-lined in to kick the one in the back
Starting point is 01:45:56 Right propel them forward as if that would work like one of those ball toys that goes click click click click Yeah, no, and they did not work. No, she's stuck too How stupid women are Now they're bouncing back and forth not understanding how Like flies now they got their hair wet so they're very pissed off looking for a black guy to shoot. Yeah, they're all going in One last one for a black guy to shoot. Yeah, they're all going in. One last one.
Starting point is 01:46:24 They're all going horribly wrong. Is this real? Well, forget about getting wet. It's like M-X-C. She's yelling at a guy to get over her ladder so she doesn't have to get wet, because women hate getting wet more than anything. In the water. They'd rather have an abortion than get wet.
Starting point is 01:46:40 What is she doing? Like, trying to... She's trying to get not get wet. Oh, she doesn't want to get wet. They fucking hate getting wet. What is she doing? She's trying to get not get wet. She doesn't want to get wet. They fucking hate getting wet. Because they're witches. Let's give this let's give it a shot again. Maybe they'll shout our guns. They do like a synchronized suicide. They'll draw their weapons at once. Bam! Now acid instead of water. They're fishing out their guns with the pool cleaner.
Starting point is 01:47:06 I said it on a couple of occasions today. That was horrible. The first member does not get across the ice bath and carry that momentum. It forces those behind to stall. And that's when the problems begin. And we saw that. The problems began a long time ago
Starting point is 01:47:25 What happened a little bit earlier on? This guy, sounds like he's like, uh, announcing a dog show He's trying to be like, oh yes, beautiful form Yeah, the first one, the first bitch doesn't get across They fished out their guns with the pool skimmer All of the equipment The one try, one woman tries to do it and she can't hold on for two seconds and flies into the water
Starting point is 01:47:52 This is amazing The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet
Starting point is 01:48:00 The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet The hands become wet It's a fucking way. He's really yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh man something in the sun got in her eye It's one point two meters. Did she get out by herself as you can see that now They got a send a crane in to get out once you've gone in is there a timer on this game? It's over Well, this was actually the best team member of wow. This was first place
Starting point is 01:48:24 This was actually the best team member of wow this was first place Realizing that it could take a while to get that gun away from her get the head sniper rifle to fuck away from her Going down under the water to grab them Come on she can't pull herself out of the pool without jumping you and I Getting in the water and I'm swimming These guys and girls here are carrying a lot of kits. Oh, oh, no Two of them got No water in its
Starting point is 01:49:00 Everyone is with you. Everyone's dead Over and over again But they should yeah, that's not oh My god, there's the pity applause I'm like, this is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen on a show. What are the women on their team? The women are grabbing the women's feet on the zipline and zinging them across, as though that's different than just walking around. Yeah, we did it. What is teamwork?
Starting point is 01:49:35 The teamwork was grabbing your foot and carrying you down the zipline? Good job. Let them go, let them go. Let them help each other out. We've crossed the five minute mark. No, no, no. Let's make them do it forever for all of us. Please. Violations. Okay. One is doing it again.
Starting point is 01:49:56 Oh, she got it across. One got across. One out of five. Just don't give up. And two. Yes. Two got across. Here comes three.
Starting point is 01:50:13 Two team members over. Oh, they're throwing each other down the zipline now. Because they can't run. They can't push off. What the fuck? That makes no sense. Here comes the last one, there's no one to throw her. There's that other one.
Starting point is 01:50:32 Oh, cause they jump up. She's not gonna make it. No. Ah, she's... Yeah. Because at the end they pulled the wire down. Right. So she keeps going down.
Starting point is 01:50:42 They saw her pick up speed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She wouldn't have made it otherwise. They use their weight as an advantage by hanging onto the cable. I wonder how much longer the course was after that. What else do they... I don't know. That was incredible.
Starting point is 01:51:01 That was great. Thanks for sending that out. Yeah, whoever's did that. That was, that was incredible. That was great. Thanks for sending that out. Yeah, whoever's did that. David Friesener says, what a, what a giant cock sucking retard Maddox's about the whole Richard Spencer thing. I remember that kill stream episode. You were throwing out low key little insults at Richard Spencer the whole time. I bet he didn't include any of those.
Starting point is 01:51:24 No, I was, I was, yeah, No, I was... Oh, you were? Yeah, oh yeah. I was... I, um, I wrote down a whole page of women beating jokes and just read them the whole time. Yeah, like... That sounds about right. I mean, just busting his balls. Yeah. But... Whatever, I don't care if Richard Spencer beats his wife. Does anybody? I mean, I've like... If you hate Richard Spencer, why do you not want him to beat the woman that's fucking him?
Starting point is 01:51:49 Well, don't you want that? No, that's true. That would be how somebody would think. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking crying about it. I asked him directly, did you beat your wife or grab her in any way?
Starting point is 01:52:00 I'm basically Tucker Carlson. And what did he say? No. He said, no, straight, flat out. So, I mean, Tucker Carlson. And what did he say? No. He said no straight flat out. So I mean, I believe him. He got him on record. Normally liars will go like, even asking something like that.
Starting point is 01:52:14 It's just so crazy. Like, okay, you're lying. You did it. This is from Nick, a girl packs her Stanley for a target run. Hey, Dick, love the show. Here's a video that will make you lose your shit. This bitch puts a bracelet and a fucking coat on her Stanley Tumblr to go to Target to buy more shit.
Starting point is 01:52:38 Thanks for not killing yourself. Okay. Let's check this out. Stanley cups, Sean. Yes. That are full of lead. There it is. She's got a pink Stanley Cup,
Starting point is 01:52:52 like an obnoxious pink, not a nice, not a soft pink. Obnoxious pink, that's like fire engine red. Yeah, like a- Noxious pink. Right, canary yellow. She's got all this like Barbie shit She's got like all kinds of trinkets that she's putting on her Stanley and she put a little sweater on it kind of it's like a sleeve With a bunch of with a carabiner and a bunch of pockets and crap
Starting point is 01:53:23 And a Barbie Straw on it This is for like a liter of pockets of crap, and a Barbie straw on it. This is for like a liter of water, right? What the hell? All this crap. I don't understand anything anymore. I think the fatter women get, the more they need to accessorize their possessions because they can't accessorize themselves.
Starting point is 01:53:42 Because they sadly lost a multitude of pets by not seeing them on the couch before they, you know. Yeah, exactly. That's why I put all this shit on them. Yeah. Well, I can't kill this one. I can't kill this Stanley Cup. Although you can't, they can run it over.
Starting point is 01:54:00 Dr. Teeth says, this is nuts. Transgender woman loses bid to Sue X for throwing out her surgically removed testicles. Talking about my nuts, she says. Okay. Okay, I guess this is nuts. Yeah, I get it. I get it. I get it. All right. Transgender's Woman. Is this the Transgender's Woman? Let's see. Looks like an old Greek woman.
Starting point is 01:54:36 Yeah. Is this a commercial? What the fuck is going on here? This looks like an old Baba Yaga lady. She's got a... I'm worried about what I see as medical signs on this bag that she's excitedly taking out. A transgender Michigan woman is demanding that her ex-boyfriend return her surgically removed testicles. Okay. Uh, okay.
Starting point is 01:55:11 That's her. Oh, okay. That's definitely her. Which she had previously featured in a cheeky unboxing video on her TikTok. Worst unboxing ever. Kind of a misnomer too. She's getting boxed. Right, right, right. Breanna Kingsley filed a court affidavit claiming her ex
Starting point is 01:55:35 William Wojciowski keeps her surgically extracted testicles preserved in a mason jar in a fridge next to the eggs. You're telling me that you mean to tell me some people think this guy is gay. Her boyfriend here. You look at that. That's just, that's the straightest man I've ever seen. Look at that fucking straight ass smile. I think he's actually, at that fucking straight ass smile and beard. I think actually he is actually, he runs a gravy seals camp I think.
Starting point is 01:56:09 You telling me some people are gonna call this gay? That's crazy. I don't know. I don't know. Take one look at this guy. What was the first three words you think of? Straight, straight and straight. Okay, she told the Detroit News that Kingsley's filing is just the latest incident after her harassing him since they broke up. Yeah, I believe that actually.
Starting point is 01:56:37 Fucking women can't let it go. When asked the plans to fight to keep the testicles. He told the outlet, I don't know. Why did you put an article in a video? Yeah, I know. She's 40, okay. There they are, happy couple, not anymore. What the fuck is this?
Starting point is 01:57:03 Is that the judge? Wait, what? A judge throughout the lawsuit? No, it's just the... Calling the people over and over again. Calling the case a wash? She didn't call it nuts. Come on.
Starting point is 01:57:14 A wash. Fucking stupid judge. So there's a counter suit? Yeah. Miss Kingsley failed to retrieve the testicles from the refrigerator at the time. If they were so important to her, she had the opportunity to grab them and she didn't. Right. So she's like trying to George Costanza this guy.
Starting point is 01:57:32 I guess. Leaving her testicles behind. Yeah, right. So you get back in and grab the testicles and maybe suck a dick a little bit. You're still straight, right? You haven't gone gay since we broke up because I'm a straight, right? You haven't gone gay since we broke up, because I'm a woman, right? Um, Austin says, another woman's thumper.
Starting point is 01:57:54 I got something for you to try. See if this confirms my hypothesis. See if women in your life can accurately tell clock directions. Oh, oh, you mean like, you know. You're six. Right. Where is it? Nine, 9.30. Yeah. I work at a job where I have to tell a lot of people
Starting point is 01:58:12 where to hold their card phone on a pin pad for contactless pay. The instruction is the same. Hover it at about 11 o'clock on the pin pad. Okay. I've had to make many concessions with the Uber young and Uber old not understanding me for a variety of reasons.
Starting point is 01:58:29 I understand. But the overwhelming amount of Gen X millennial women who will not get it right on the first or second tries to stir. Which you should get right if you're of that age. Yeah. We all fucking know the traditional clock. Yeah. We looked at it every day, multiple times a day in school going,
Starting point is 01:58:48 Yeah. Come on, you fucker move. Put it at 11 o'clock. Yeah. The big hand or the little hand? Yeah. Uh, the same in that time. You can't mess that one up.
Starting point is 01:58:59 Okay. Uh, fence post reveal says, Hey, Dick, I just about dropped a barbell on my neck this week during Vito's booty. Might be one of the funniest things I've ever heard. He's benching and fucking almost fucking killed himself. So pissed off. Y'all bet.
Starting point is 01:59:20 He tried to light it on fire and it's black. So he's burning a black effigy and black history month. I don't think that's... Is he coming today? Yeah. Oh, good. Why, you want to give him one? No, I'm not.
Starting point is 01:59:34 I think now everyone's going to send me a shitload of that one Funko Pop. So I'm just going to keep giving him that one Funko Pop. He's going to fucking... And I'm going to die with a horde of like a hundred thousand dollars of magic cards that you never got. I felt bad doing it when the show started, but I was so drunk by the time it came to do you, you know, their feelings were good. Yeah. Right. Right. Alcohol. That's what alcohol is useful for.
Starting point is 02:00:02 Good comedy. The woman who wrote in about her ex, hey Dick, this is Admiral Ash Pounder. Wow. Hey Dick, there is a chance that the email that the woman wrote in that wanting to get her ex back may have been about me. It lines up pretty damn well. Some additional info. I broke up with her for being too much of a wreck. She was constantly bitchy and terrible to be around when I was with her for being too much of a wreck. She was constantly bitchy and terrible to
Starting point is 02:00:25 be around when I was with her. Are there ones that aren't? She used to be terrible to me if I would drink. Oh, that's gotta stop. And she wouldn't taste a drop, but as soon as I broke up with her, she got heavily into alcohol. She had trauma and would break down constantly and break down crying, thinking she was autistic. And that something was wrong with her, there definitely was. She wrote me a huge breakup love letter after I broke up with her and she wanted to make things work. But she was taking out her shortcomings
Starting point is 02:00:57 and emotional issues on me. I couldn't take it anymore. She used to fucking break down into huge panic attacks during sex or any part of the day. During sex would be okay. Hmm. Um, at the slightest bad memory of an ex. Oh, that would be okay.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Uh, it was unbearable. I'm with someone amazing now and I do not want my ex back. Mm-hmm. I have some more funny stuff related to her and what happened, but I don't want to crowd the email. Good decision. If that's, yeah, if that's her. But, you know, it's... I have some more funny stuff related to her and what happened, but I don't want to crowd the email good decision If that's yeah, if that's her, but a you know, it's I got five of these emails. Oh, dude. That's my axe. Oh Of course. Yeah. Okay. Yeah Go fuck yourself Admiral ask good be maybe PS
Starting point is 02:01:39 I was the guy who at the bar night before Philly found the guy in the street would heard of Maddox Who heard our fuck Maddox chant and wanted to find out more. That's very cool. All right. Funny, Tim Hurd says, a funny TikTok you might find funny. Okay.
Starting point is 02:01:56 Am I supposed to find a funny TikTok funny? I guess. My friend just sent me this TikTok account. So it's not even from him. He's like relaying this from a friend. Got it. For real. Really bearing you here. Gonna have to go a long way to beat the Chilean SWAT team. Yeah. And it a grumpy French guy plays women's dumb TikToks and then summarizes them in about
Starting point is 02:02:17 10 seconds and then tells you how much time you saved. Wow. I like the premise of this a lot. Yeah. Good, good, good, good. Cause the French are allowed to rip on women. I also like curmudgeons. Yeah. You know, like I... Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:35 Okay. Being one myself. You should have a French accent. You should pick one up. How to explain what is going on right now. She found a musical egg in her closet and it belongs to nobody in the family. Time saved six minutes. Did you get that? Here, I'll play it again. So it's a woman on TikTok, like doing a stupid TikTok, talking about a
Starting point is 02:02:59 story, and then this French guy says, How bro explain what is going on right now? She found a musical egg in her closet and it belongs to nobody in the family That's so funny the musical egg in the closet and belongs to no one in the family That's great. Okay. How about this one story Storytime of getting suspended in high school on my birthday. She just dropped the vape. There is no more information. She was at the supermarket and someone told her that a guy with SUV took pictures of her. I love his delivery too, deadpan.
Starting point is 02:03:52 Yeah, took pictures of her. Okay. I left corporate America at 32. She had too much pressure from the company and her salary was brought up all the time. Now she prefers to live in a van and travel in the US. Good for you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha That's it! Please be very careful when you show your body with stop sharing your body with these rats. She was 16 and was talking to a guy for a very long time and one day she said come to
Starting point is 02:04:32 my house and they started kissing and you know and we said to her this is way too long. So she started crying. That's too long. That's great. Alright, one more. Let's see. I wanted to address some of the comments that I get about me. She has a monkey. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:02 To give him up and put him back in the wild he would be depressed You can't really yeah depressed he'd probably get killed Yeah, they don't Monkeys that are raised and they don't know how to act like monkeys So they violate all kinds of like group. Oh, you know protocols. I don't know how to pause it there. That's all right. Go ahead You want to know who the fuck ruined my day today? Her internet provider is very angry Three minutes time saved three minutes. Why is she putting neon like highlighter on her face? I don't know I
Starting point is 02:05:42 Wish you would have explained that that's funny. I wish she would have explained that. That's funny. I wish she would put it on while she was on a treadmill. Okay. Thank you. Amazing. Thanks for that. Sean's golf handicap. I was listening to older episodes and golf references occur more often than you'd think.
Starting point is 02:05:58 Really? Have you or Sean played much throughout the years? I don't think I've ever played a full round of golf. Yeah. I mean, I used to when I was like high school age and like, you know, early twenties, I played a lot for, I played a lot. It was from about, I don't know, 14 to like, you know, 22. What's your handicap? I was at best, I was a five or a six.
Starting point is 02:06:27 Hmm, is that good? Well, it's a lot better than most people. It's nowhere near good enough to, you know, but it's, so let's say that's like, like 80, shooting it like a par, 80 was kind of a bad day. Oh, okay. I'd normally be in the, I'd shoot normally, you know, high seven days. 18 holes.
Starting point is 02:06:46 It would take you 80 shots to do that. Yeah, par 72. I got to be pretty decent. You could do better. Well, yeah, sure. I expected a better score. I mean, those, you know, those pros, I think they say most people,
Starting point is 02:07:04 if they were to keep score accurately, like honestly would probably not break a hundred. Really their whole lives. I don't think I would like six, six a whole probably. Oh, six a whole? Do you stop at six in real golf? Like in miniature golf, six is the max. Oh, you just, yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:22 You take, yeah. That's right at six there. No, you can, you know, there's guys on tour who have made, you know, 13s and four, stuff like that. You hit like three balls in the water and one goes out of bounds. You know, you just have a meltdown, five put of green, you know, I mean, it's amazing what you can do.
Starting point is 02:07:40 I also got my girlfriend playing golf with her friends and she's lost some pounds. I also got my girlfriend playing golf with her friends and she's lost some pounds. I put forward walking a course, maybe some of the best anti-fat and anti-greenland medicine out there. Well, that's courses are somewhere in the... Maybe, but then she's a lesbian. Usually in like the five mile range. Oh, are they?
Starting point is 02:08:00 Yeah, usually. Something around there. Yeah, it's going up and down hills. PNW live show, please. Is that like Oregon PNW? Where's that? PNW. Yeah, what airport is that? Oh, wait a minute. PNW Pacific Northwest. Okay. Oh, I can go back there. Oh, just the, yeah, sure. The region. The region, yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:27 K. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, well, I think we're... I will say to add to the golf thing, I did kick Garvey and Bruce Jenner's ass. What do you mean? When I played golf with them. You played golf with them?
Starting point is 02:08:43 Yeah, I've said that. Was Bruce Jenner a man at the time? It was around the time you play golf with them? Yeah, I've Man at the time was around the time of the OJ trial. Yeah, he's a man. Yeah You think that had anything to do with making him transition? Maybe you beating him. I remember I shot 77 One of them shot like 86 the other side 88 and you shot what 77 holy shit. What did they say? They thought it was great. Got him to sign my card. You've used Jenner's autograph on your... I do.
Starting point is 02:09:09 Wow. Yeah. Does it look like fruity in any way or... He... Woman-y. There's a lot of smiley faces. Hard on the eye. There's no eye?
Starting point is 02:09:18 If there's no eye, yeah. I love you, Jenner. My mom must have it somewhere. The card. She disappointed when he changed to a woman to, the card. I haven't seen it in years. She disappointed when he changed to a woman, to be a woman? I don't think she has an opinion on it. Oh, really? I don't think so.
Starting point is 02:09:31 Okay, this is Tal Anarch. Sends another woman all alert. Woman all alert. Let's see, what's the alert? Oh, you sent me the same thing, you fucker. All right, my bad. Good stuff. I might be out of woman alerts now.
Starting point is 02:09:47 I don't know if I want to play this. That's why I'm interviewing you today so I can get to know you. So I'm a musician. What the fuck? That mean make magic or something? What is musician? I think you're a confusing lot. Yeah, I'm not no musician. I make music
Starting point is 02:10:06 I make music and that's not all I do. I make music. I act. I'm a TV star to a young What the fuck do you know that you're a musician? But that's why I'm interviewing you today so I can get to know you so I'm a musician What the fuck that mean make magic or something? What is musician? What? Is this like Joe Pesci but a black woman? Yeah. What do I amuse you? What do I write songs? Do muse you? Yeah. I think you're confusing. Yeah, I'm not no musician. I make music. I make music. And that's not what I do. I make music. I act. I'm a TV star too. A young model. Just really quick. I think you're confusing. I'm not confusing nothing. You don't know.
Starting point is 02:10:46 I knew thought that all I was was a magician or whatever the thought you said. See, that's what I think you think I said. I said, I'm not a magician. I don't think, baby. I don't think. What is that? That's ghetto. I don't think.
Starting point is 02:10:58 I know. So you think. I didn't say magician. Suki, I said musician. And I think you are a musician. No, baby, I do music. So you just really... No, this is fake.
Starting point is 02:11:10 Yeah, it's gotta be fake. Fake, don't send me fake shit. Yeah, you can't be that stupid, can you? You know, every time I hear... She's not afraid. If a white woman talks to a black woman, she'd be terrified Right, right, right and she backed off the black woman got less agitated and that's never happened
Starting point is 02:11:33 I got a black wife three black kids and I have time to fix your problems see what I'm dealing with I'm dealing with What do you want me to do leave my Leave my black wife and my black kids? So I can fix immigration? You're crazy. You're crazy. They get blacker as immigration gets worse. Oh, yeah. Black life, homie, y'all.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Right? How do you get here, y'all? So stupid. It's such a retarded minstrel show that they're putting on, that the mayor is putting on. Okay. Hey, Flanno says, Finn air to ask passengers to step on the scale with the luggage before departure. That's good. Finn air says the trial is voluntary and will help estimate the weight of planes. Oh, it's voluntary.
Starting point is 02:12:27 Yeah, but if everyone does it, then they weigh the plane, then they know how fat. Yeah. The fat's so. The words overweight luggage have the power to induce a whirlwind of stress and embarrassment for holiday makers. But one airline is upping the stakes by inviting passengers to step on the scales too. The Finnish airline Finair started a voluntary weighing in policy. It departs your gates at Helsinki airport on Monday.
Starting point is 02:12:53 Man they got to do that like at every bar, every party. They got to have like Willy Wonka, you know, the bad nut thing. Yeah. Where a Varukas salt drops through the trap door, goes bad nut and she goes, choo, falls bad nut thing. Yeah. Where a varoukas salt drops through the trap door, goes bad nut and she goes, choo, falls down and dies. They gotta do that at every bar. So if you're just two, if you're one tungsten,
Starting point is 02:13:13 tungsten and a half, I'll even give you two. We'll start at two. Whew, there you go. Down to the alligator pit. Down to the alligator. Oh, it's cruel. It'll smash the alligators. Yeah, okay, the airline's surprise.
Starting point is 02:13:26 To the airline's surprise, by Wednesday, it said it had 600 volunteers. Oh. Wow. Yeah, I bet. While Finair insists passengers are not penalized for their weight and that the numbers are kept discreet away from prying eyes, they're not hugely compensated for sharing it either. Hugely. Those who agree to take part are thanked for their efforts
Starting point is 02:13:49 with a small gift of a reflective baggage tag. Oh, awesome. So all the fat people who don't weigh themselves don't get a little badge that says they weighed themselves. That's smart. That's smart. Right? Like I voted.
Starting point is 02:14:02 If you don't have an eye-votter's sticker, you look like a fucking asshole. People like gold stars. They just do. Everybody's in kindergarten, you know? So we'll be finished. A spokesperson said, our customers have taken it really positively so far. We've been quite surprised by people wanting to take part. Yeah, because we're fucking tired of fat people. Everyone is. Okay. This is from Frank Haydick, love the show. Thanks for not killing yourself
Starting point is 02:14:29 because I sent you a bad thing. The link is a radio interview about a new book called Unshrinking How to Face Fatphobia. It explains fatphobia is immoral and will educate you on your outdated views for fat people. And will you repent and stop doing fat watching the show? Here's a link that works works click in at one minute and 40 seconds to start the good parts at 11 minutes
Starting point is 02:14:49 Holy I'll follow your instructions because I trust that you made them and thought about them when it comes to your business Okay, oh this is hard already Okay, there's one minute. To live a healthy life. And if there is one idea that is fundamental to that discourse about health and wellness, it may well be weight. Lose weight, Oprah tells you, and your life will improve.
Starting point is 02:15:16 Yeah. I have had a better life since being a part of the WW family. It is a constant decision to remain healthy and strong and vibrant. That's Oprah. You have real appreciation for every day that you wake up with a healthy mind and a healthy body.
Starting point is 02:15:40 Dancing, fat, listen to Oprah. It's powerful piece of accepted wisdom. It's better to be thinner than fatter. And if it's possible to lose weight, we all fat, listen to Oprah. It's a powerful piece of accepted wisdom. It's better to be thinner than fat her. And if it's possible to lose weight, we all should try to do so. Kate Mann says that idea is not only wrong, it's damaging. And in the end, she says it's immoral.
Starting point is 02:15:55 Kate Mann is a feminist moral philosopher who has written books on concepts like misogyny and male privilege. Her new book, Un-Shrinking, is partly a manifesto against fat phobia. But it's also an exploration of her own feelings about in her words, being fat in a society that is constantly telling her
Starting point is 02:16:12 to change, Kate Mann is in Ithaca, New York. Kate, hello. Thank you, Tom. I got kicked off the plane. I couldn't be in the studio today. There's a fat phobia on spirit airlines. Let me tell you, my friend. Hi, thanks so much for having me.
Starting point is 02:16:26 Thanks for being here. The dedication to your book is to your parents. And you say that you dedicate this- They both died of heart attacks at 43. Yeah. To them in part because they let you be me. Yeah, it's interesting. A lot of people who were fat or chubby children,
Starting point is 02:16:44 as I was, have stories to regale people with of facing fat phobia at the hands of their parents. She has a very, very slight accent. Yeah. She's from somewhere else. Fat. Every once in a while, she slips in. Fat Sylvania.
Starting point is 02:16:59 They all live there. My story, my parents were very accepting, very loving, family meals were really an occasion for connection and conversation rather than policing bites of food. So yeah, the fat phobia that I face. No one's policing bites of food at dinner. They're policing you drinking 60 Mountain Dews. That's what's happening. You're not getting fat because you're eating too many bites at dinner, it's because you're eating an entire cake.
Starting point is 02:17:29 It's had a different source. Tell me about what happened when you went out on a publicity tour for your first book. This is a new book, but you've written, as I said, several books in past. And you went out, as one does, as an author, to talk to people about that book, to sell that book. What happened when you went out as one does as an author to talk to people about that book, to sell that book. What happened when you went out there?
Starting point is 02:17:47 Yeah, well, I mean, the first kind of really a job by a hunter. Fatphobia was in high school, but she's Australian. But she's Australian. When I published my first book and the book was on misogyny. So it hit at a really key time.
Starting point is 02:18:03 It hit just by coincidence, the week the Me Too movement was publicized by celebrities like Alyssa Milano. Yeah, okay. Here, he says it gets cooking at 11. At 11. Let's see here. What the hell's her name?
Starting point is 02:18:17 Kate something. Okay, Kate Mann, right? Yeah. Is it wrong to be concerned, and this is, you will hear doctors talk about this. That yes, you can be, and this is a word that you've raised alarm bells around, but you can be overweight as doctors might see that,
Starting point is 02:18:36 but also be metabolically healthy. Is it wrong to be concerned about excess weight leading to health problems like type two diabetes or heart disease or joint pain? Yeah, I mean, I think this is a very, again, nuanced conversation that we have to have. So what epidemiological evidence that has been meticulously gathered by people like Catherine Fleagle, who was an award-winning CDC scientist, what that shows is that the relationship between weight and health looks like a U-shaped
Starting point is 02:19:05 curve with people who are in the quote-unquote overweight category actually having the lowest mortality statistics on average. And then- Wait, what? Okay. So your more overweight is they have the lowest mortality statistics? Same thing with alcohol. It's a whole myth. You drink more, your heart actually is better. Yeah, yeah, of course. It's a you.
Starting point is 02:19:29 Of course, yeah. I'm sure you can. Like as in you shut your mouth, I don't have a problem. Yeah. Yeah, right. People who are in the quote unquote moderately obese category, that is having a BMI between 30 and 35.
Starting point is 02:19:44 And by the way, I hate the BMI, but it's just I'm using it here as a reference point. The body mass, the body mass. I hate using it, but it's a way I can communicate ideas easily using a numerical scale that is generally true, but I hate it for those reasons. And I can pick the part that suits my case. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:02 Dix. Right. So people with this BMI of between 30 and 35 have a similar mortality risk profile to people of average weight, which by the way is a lower weight than the average American or Canadian. Uh, no.
Starting point is 02:20:19 False. Is she saying that the more obese you are, you have the lowest mortality rate? Yeah, yeah. And then like, so it's so, you have the lowest mortality? Yeah, yeah. And then like, so it's a big, big, big 10, right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, well, you gotta clear the hump. You gotta get fatter or else you're in trouble.
Starting point is 02:20:35 Right. And then if you get fat enough, you live forever. Right, the jiggling of, when you're so obese, the jiggling of the fat actually pumps your heart for you. It doesn't even have to work. Yeah, the heart can stop. Yeah. And the fat just keeps rippling. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:48 Actually, when you get so fat, you're getting so fat that if you die, you keep getting fatter. Like it can't, death can't go that fast as you're expanding and posting pictures on Instagram. And so it's a bit of a misnomer again. Now, it is true that people who are either underweight or people who are more than moderately obese in these categories do have greater health problems in terms of the correlations. But we should be careful about assuming that that correlation is causation because what we find especially at very high body weights is people are subject to weight stigma.
Starting point is 02:21:27 Gravity. They're subject to inadequate medical care. Yeah, they get hit by a bus a lot. They their knees blow out. They fuse into their couch a lot. It's really important that we address these issues. People at that weight are often being put on diets and then almost inevitably regaining that weight
Starting point is 02:21:50 because that's what diets do is they tend to lead. These goddamn diets. That's what diets do, Sean. They lose the weight, they gain it right back again because of the goddamn diet. You know? It's like this this if only we could figure out What it is about diets that makes people lose weight and then put it all back on Huh
Starting point is 02:22:16 To weight cycling of being in this cycle of constantly gaining and then losing weight It's the goddamn alcohol. It makes me do stuff that I regret doing. And then I obviously I drink to stop thinking about it. It's fucking alcohol. I mean, where they put in this stuff, huh? It's not my fault. Which has independent negative health effects on the body. Now, it may be that it's also causation.
Starting point is 02:22:41 It may be that just sheer adipose tissue at a certain degree does cause health problems. But again, we should be a bit careful about this because other studies suggest that rather than increased weight causing things like type two diabetes, there's actually evidence that it at least partially goes the other way, an early diabetic process, he's caused increased weight. Do you think he's-
Starting point is 02:23:10 Oh, fuck off, all right, that's the end of the show. Played voicemails. Ha ha ha ha ha. Big. Just fucking, just exercise. You fat pig, God. Stop eating, stop eating all day. Oh wait, I should play the big one. With the goddamn delay. Stop eating, stop eating all day.
Starting point is 02:23:25 Oh wait, I should play the big one. With the goddamn delay. Presenting the god. Just once, saying I'm not going to eat that. You know what, I'm going to put this one back. Nah, that's the worst. What should I put in Vito's box this week? If it was up to you.
Starting point is 02:23:50 What would you put in there? I got thousands of dollars of magic cards. Good, limited edition stuff, video game shit. That you or I wouldn't care about, but Vito loves it. So I gotta give him something shitty. stuff, video game shit that you or I wouldn't care about, but Vito loves it. So I gotta give him something shitty. Me too. But he would think that though. So he's gonna...
Starting point is 02:24:23 I gotta make a decision though. I'll make a last minute decision. Maybe I'll let people vote on it. Maybe I should give him two treasure boxes that he can pick one or two. Nah, that's too complicated. Oh, great. More mistakes. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:24:41 So how it'll just disappearing before your eyes. And then it will pop in. I don't know. So how it's just disappearing before your eyes. And then it will pop in. Yeah, isn't that weird? Okay. Let's see. Any catch your eye here? X, Y, if that looks fun. Hey, it's Nick Show.
Starting point is 02:25:00 Vegas-based retard here. What makes me rage? I just spent about an hour and a half Fucking You know fucking with the ex-wife soon be x-wise and like me I'm How the fuck you supposed to stop that how the fuck am I supposed to not do that? Yeah, well supposed to stop that. How the fuck am I supposed to not do that? Yeah. Well, thanks for the X. Oh, you fucked her. Oh, I thought you meant fucking with.
Starting point is 02:25:33 Oh, and you dirty bastard, Andrew. You fucked your ex-wife. You could still save the relationship, man. I don't know if you want to, because usually you call in all fucked up, so. But whatever. You know, do whatever you want. It doesn't matter. None of this matters. Good for you. You want to get your ex-wife, fuck her really lousy for the last time like you come and she does not And then just leave that's the best way to do it You don't want to fuck her really hard so she like
Starting point is 02:26:15 In your mind and your man brain you're like I got a fuck her really hard so she knows what she's missing But that's not right. You got to fuck her really disappointed and unsatisfied. Yeah. Yeah. And so that'll stick with it forever. Okay. Maddox interview. Yeah. So I'm listening to the new episode and God damn dude, I really fucking hate Maddox. I've never wanted to see him get his ass kicked more than this week with that fucking interview with that bitch.
Starting point is 02:26:51 I obviously can't say he should go get more harassed, but he's not been harassed. If it happened. All right, Dick, go fuck yourself. Sean, have a good day. This guy's fed posting in real life. He hasn't been harassed at all. Maddox hasn't been harassed even a good day. This guy's fed posting in real life. He hasn't been harassed at all. Maddox hasn't been harassed even a little bit. People are making fun of him online.
Starting point is 02:27:10 It's not harassment. That's what it seems like. He's getting made fun of. Yeah, because he says stupid things and does stupid things. Yeah, I don't know. It's not harassment. Harassment would be, you know, calling you a whore. Which he has done.
Starting point is 02:27:24 Yeah, I know. Yeah which he has done. Yeah, he's done all the stuff that he says he's getting done to him, because he's a bitch. Dick, you gotta increase the rate of these bonus episodes, man, or at least increase the amount of time you're spending on like somatic stuff, you know, no offense to the inventions or whatever. But like that first bonus episode was great, you know, you just, you know, you go through a good hour of Maddox's video and it's just Maddox's video, you know, and you're very funny, you know, talking about that and making fun of him and you know, debunking his life and shit. But then these last two, it's like an hour of like conventions or so, 30, 45 minutes of the convention, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:28:18 That wasn't that much. You get through like 10 minutes, five minutes of Maddox's video. It's like, come on man. You know, I actually agree with him. I've got people going to episode every single week. That'd be crazy. I'm just saying like, you know, maybe two a month. Two a month? You guys can't afford that. For a bit while you're going through the video.
Starting point is 02:28:50 No, it has to be. I know. I'm thinking just from, we can't speed it up. I was thinking maybe, maybe it'd be good to put the inventions on hold and everything. That's what people want. They want those inventions. Well, you know what they want. What I would want is for us to go through the fucking video.
Starting point is 02:29:17 That's what I want to do. But that's what you want. The point is, what I want is the audience always wanting. The wanting is the goal. If you want more, that's good. Leave a one to win. Yeah, you always, I want more bonus episodes. Until finally they're like, you know, fucking,
Starting point is 02:29:38 if you got, we give them enough, we give them enough. But there's, there is such a thing as going, as going like not doling out enough at a time. They're like, Oh, fuck this too frustrating. No, it never is. Because that, no, like Game of Thrones says that's wrong. You got to stretch it out, you know. So people are seed. They, there's, there's wanting it more. There's a point where you can give too little we're not at that point Yeah Well, look we got the next one I think is 80s girls chapter is it of course we got to go slow We got to do the whole episode on that you can go you can go slow through it
Starting point is 02:30:19 I was just talking about spending the time on it What do you mean like the show can still be two and a half, even three hours or something. Oh, but only do that. That's what I'm saying. Mmm. That's what I'm saying. I'm not saying-
Starting point is 02:30:32 Yeah, but that's like you have a concert just to have a headliner. You can't do that. What do you mean? Like you don't have a concert, and you're like, well, let's just have a headliner. You gotta have a warmup act. Well, you don't have to if they're big
Starting point is 02:30:43 and play for three hours like Zeppelin used to. They didn't have a warm-up act? I mean, not when they were huge. Okay, what about another? I've never been to a concert where it's just right away. They always have warm-up. Yeah, most comedians, bands. Yeah, I'm trying to, boy, I go see so few shows.
Starting point is 02:31:03 I'm trying to think of like... Nobody goes like, hey, everybody. Okay, Elton John, here he is. It's like, boy, I go to go see so few shows. I'm trying to think of like, nobody goes like, Hey, everybody. Okay. Elton John. Here he is. Well, like, it's like, well, you got to, you know, who opens for Elton John? I mean, who opens for, these guys come out and just have a cocksucking contest. These guys with AIDS come out and blow each other.
Starting point is 02:31:18 I don't know if I were Elton John, I wouldn't want to follow that. I mean, you have to have both because it's got to be light. You know, the goofy stuff. It's like a light setting and then it's Maddox who went goofing around. I see the point in it.
Starting point is 02:31:36 Yeah. I'm just going like, I don't go down to where you, where I know he's talking about. I in my, And take the child pornography out of your hands. All right. I had to, I do really like the first one. The first one we got through some stuff and everything.
Starting point is 02:31:56 And that's what, I swear everybody was like, that was a great bonus episode. Yeah. But it was also like, it was fresh. It had just come out now. It's, I don't know. Maybe the stuff with her, Yeah, but it was also like it was fresh. It had just come out now. It's um, I Don't know. Maybe the stuff with her the stuff with 80s girl will rejuvenate Yeah, cuz it's gonna be like really personal for me true. You know true. I'll be I'll have emotions
Starting point is 02:32:17 That you could see that I'll try to hide but I see in my face. Maybe so very upsetting right. I'm very upset I am He's gonna talk he's gonna talk about it's gonna be like ten minutes of I fucked her first Right, you think so? I'm kind of that's what the whole thing is What yeah, what else would it be? Oh, she still wants me. You're a fucking ergo, cause I fucked her first. I mean, that's possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:55 But it's also, I can't believe you driving with alcohol. That's why I'm upset. She would never let me drive drunk, and yet here she is going home from a wedding with my best friend who would be the best man at my wedding, but he's also a crazed fan and a stalker and not my friend. Okay. You should have put a ring on it, man.
Starting point is 02:33:21 All right. Hey there, Gage Sean. My rage this week is just getting older and realizing that when you're free, none of your friends are free. And then it just makes the boredom like that much worse because you're going, oh, well, you know, maybe I'll just like wait. No, no. Everybody in my fucking phone. Not a single person Oh, I don't have enough money to do that. Oh, you know, and you don't want to get mad at that I can't it's this place and I'm there to be like your friends or
Starting point is 02:33:52 That type of shit. The like now it just sucks dude having time to do shit and being like yeah Hey, you want to like I'm not that work dude and all the days you're off work. I'm at work. So Yeah, you never it's like, okay That's how I feel every time I buy a fucking index funds I think why and I why aren't I just spending this on drugs and whores? Like I always dreamed someday I would and I'm buying fucking bonds. It's not too late Is it is it not too late to I don't know some things not too late. Is it? Is it not too late to? I don't know. Some things are too late. You're right, Sean. Yeah. You're right.
Starting point is 02:34:31 That's the happiest news I've ever heard. Okay, one more. There's still time. There's still time to blow all your money on drugs and whores. But then I'm like, well, maybe I could get more whores if I put it in index funds. Well, that's, you know, they can work. Yeah. I'm playing a fucking game with myself. Man. I never thought I would be this guy, but I am. David Dixio Vegas based three.
Starting point is 02:34:55 Sorry. No, wait, no, wait. And what they see in ages. Oh my God. Dude, what happened to the rollie pollies? This is really actually a great phrase. And saying that to women and everything. One of them that responds is like, uh, oh yeah, exactly. I see the ball the time it was a child. Yeah. I don't see that shit anymore. Cause you're not kneeling down in the grass.
Starting point is 02:35:15 Thank you. Good job. They don't know that. It's Johnny man. Yeah. He's right through them. Nice. Okay. Last one. We got a go. John, last one. We're gonna go. John, Alex from Chicago here. Yep. I had a thought about one aspect of Maddox's spaghetti that I'm not sure if anyone's ever
Starting point is 02:35:34 considered this before, but why is it that Maddox has such a problem with Nick or Kata, a guy who wore blackface as a joke, which hurt nobody, but he's fine with giving thousands, presumably thousands of dollars in legal fees to a guy who literally had his license taken away for drunk driving, which is a crime that literally kills thousands of people. Just a thought, not sure if anyone's ever taken to task for that one. I think that's for sure. Landau conned Maddox. Yes.
Starting point is 02:36:09 Landau scammed Maddox out of who knows how much money. Whatever he had. Yeah, 40 grand, 50 grand. Couldn't get any more than he divorced him. Yeah, right. Landau fucked, Landau bent Maddox over and butt fucked him in front of everybody. Yeah, no, there was no note in his mind.
Starting point is 02:36:28 There was no chance of winning that lawsuit of doing it. He knew exactly what he was doing. 100%. Here's a shithead. 100%. Anybody who was hip to anything could see that a fucking mile away. But Maddox, he cannot admit that.
Starting point is 02:36:42 He cannot admit that he got scammed. He got 100% scammed. He will never admit it. He was beaten by the best. Right, right. The judge said, but dad, they didn't say, well, we were beaten by the best.
Starting point is 02:36:54 But you know, the judge, the judge says we could, we could refile in California. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that's not an accurate representation of what transpired there. Right. The judge said, take it to California, I don't care. It's not in this court.
Starting point is 02:37:08 This is retarded. You're wasting my time. Yeah, this is stupid. But why does he hate Nick? Because Nick broke down the lawsuit into how stupid it is, right? I mean, that's, yeah. He really hates him though. I think it's something more than that.
Starting point is 02:37:28 I wonder what it could be. I think it's because Nick has like a family and a wife and stuff, and Maddox, you know, from the old show, he just fucking hates families. Well, I mean, I could always talk about it. I could understand why. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:37:43 I mean, if that's your experience with a family. Yeah. Yeah. And he'd always, like he would always see the, about how like your family's just people you happen to be in the same room with. Who happen to be blood related to like that. Your mom has a huge gambling addiction and you have this.
Starting point is 02:38:00 Yeah, no, of course. Yeah, sure. Yeah. He hates everything. He hates everything about Nick. Don't be the way he grew up. I'm sure it was fucking terrible. Well, Nick is a huge success
Starting point is 02:38:12 at doing something Maddox wanted to do effortlessly. Nick does it effortlessly. I know. He puts less work into his shit than I do. No, I think so. Yeah, no, but... Adoring fan, you know. No. I think so. Yeah, no, but. Adoring fan, you know. I understand, there could very well be a huge level
Starting point is 02:38:29 of jealousy there. And Nick has a big nose and Maddox has a big nose. But it doesn't hold Nick back. It doesn't hold Nick back, right? That's what I'm saying. I don't even think of Nick having a big nose. Right, exactly. Right.
Starting point is 02:38:41 Right. It's like, you know, like I work with a guy who's short and I never realized he was short until he would point it out because honestly, because of the way he carries himself, he carries himself like a bigger guy. Not like I'm gonna throw my weight around just like there's like an air of confidence that, you know, you don't go, oh yeah, the short guy,
Starting point is 02:39:04 you see him for other things, but it's like- Wow, he's like a tough guy over there. Yeah, it's like the, yeah, it's like the, you know, Nick doesn't carry himself like he has a big nose, so he doesn't have a big nose. You don't even notice it. No. Yeah, but with Maddox, it's like, God damn, man, put that thing away.
Starting point is 02:39:21 Watch where you're swinging that fucking nose, dude. Yeah. You're blinding me already with your chrome dome. Right, he could smoke a cigarette in the rain with both hands behind his back. That's Sopranos. Look at this shit. I mean, look at this.
Starting point is 02:39:35 Who is this fucking guy? This guy I know. This guy I know. I'm trying so hard. Yeah, we've been fucking with him for years. Who the fuck is this guy? Yeah. You know. Hey, you got some used, I got a used card.
Starting point is 02:39:50 I got a used PlayStation to sell you with the fucking splatter all over this shit. All right. Goodbye, everybody. Good shit. See ya. Thank you.

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