The Dick Show - Episode 40 – Dick on Women on Strike

Episode Date: March 7, 2017

Download the MP3 A Day Without a Woman, Flasks: can’t live with em, can’t live without em, people who live in bath houses shouldn’t throw soap, Madcucks defends Madbux, Sean’s favorite Star Tr...ek, a Menards update, Lettuce Jones calls from prison, the official Billboard charts, Project: Episode 108, a dick mold bet, a dick pic … Continue reading "Episode 40 – Dick on Women on Strike" The post Episode 40 – Dick on Women on Strike appeared first on The Dick Show.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Presenting Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Welcome to dig. You need dig. You want dig. You love dig. It's the only you got it. It's the only show where everything is a contest coming to you live on Twitch this week because YouTube fucked us in the ass. It was not our fault this week that the live YouTube extreme did not work. It was not our fault. I would bet on it. I would bet on it. That's my new thing. How much? That's my, I'll bet, I will bet a silly, I'll talk in a silly voice for a whole week. All right, you're on your way to fight. That's my new thing though, because I don't argue anymore.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah. Okay, well let me finish the introduction first. Coming to you live from a concrete bunker and the side of a mountain in the city of failure. I'm your host, Dick Masterson. This is the Dixia with me. He's always a Sean audio engineer. Hello, Dick.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Hey, what's up, buddy? And today, very special guest back. I think you might be the queen of the rage board. You're certainly the highest ranking woman on the rage board. But I think you might be the highest ranking overall. I'm not, not anymore. Peach Saliva.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Who's above you now? I think harmful opinions. Last I checked. Oh, he used to sautism powers. I mean, he was great. I mean, he was great. He was like a neck girl, man, sir. Like the autism, they pulled them out of the woodwork, and then they just, they all converge. And then they did, they're like the Borg.
Starting point is 00:01:58 The autism's are like you. They're like the good version of the Borg before they had the Queen because before they had the Queen That was a unique and fearsome space zombie identity the Borgs By the way, I introduced Peach to start trick the next generation Like night and I passed out halfway through but thank God because it was terrifying the entire experience was I Introduced Peach and 80s girl to start trek the next generation and you're sitting there worried that like, oh, what if it's not as good as I think it is or they don't like it as well. I'm sitting there going, oh God, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You've talked about that before. Riker doesn't have a beard in this episode. Oh, that's one of my fucked up. I fucked up. And I forgot how weird Q was. Oh, he's great. He's great, but he starts out real fucking weird. Yes, he does.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah, he's really, you think he's really sadistic. I've never seen you so excited. No, it's, it's, it's, it's something. I'll start trick the next generation as well. I like it. Yeah, and I was introduced to it maybe like a couple years ago. What?
Starting point is 00:02:53 That's it. You didn't watch it as a kid? What did you do as a kid? What did you watch? What were your shows, Sean? I usually read like financial reports and shut up. You don't know anything about finance. What did you do?
Starting point is 00:03:04 What did you read? What did you read? What I read? Yeah, what did you do as a kid? As a kid. Did you watch any TV as a kid? Yeah, sure. I remember all those Belisario shows because that was like my time with my dad.
Starting point is 00:03:15 It was me and him. That was my late night excuse. I got to stay up late at night to watch quantum leap and start checking the next generation with him. I watched quantum leap. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know, them. I watched Quantum Leap. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know, man, I was pretty busy with, you know, extra curricular activities.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Like what? Drugs. The top gear, top gear man himself. What did you think you were watching? Yeah. At the top gun, excuse me. At the top gun, yeah. I watched that.
Starting point is 00:03:42 See you're the head of the rage, you're not the head of the rage for it anymore. I don't think so. You know what, fuck it, I can look right now. I don't think so. You probably right, it is harmful to the pinch. Well, you better bring it this week, good? Yeah, watch that. See you're the head of the rage. You're not the head of the rage. I don't, you know what, fuck it. I can look right now. I don't think so. You probably right at this harm, Philip. Well, you better bring it this week, because I liked when a woman was on top. I'm back, I swear to God, I'm back on top.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yes. How, how I didn't even do anything. I don't know, that's how it works though. Everything is a contest. I'm down. I win. Also, Billboard, it's official. Billboard charting podcast. We are number 10 or Santa
Starting point is 00:04:07 Cuck. I don't want to take too much credit for this but Santa Cuck a stereosis spite album of Santa Cuck Cucksmith's carols which I Wait a minute sign of the cross because truly it was a Cuckmith miracle as it was a some smear of February. Beautiful. Officially billboard charting. Sean, how do you feel about that? I'm disgusted. Why? I actually think you are.
Starting point is 00:04:33 No, I just can't believe it. You should do that. You should do an album. It wouldn't chart. Why? Because that's how life works. Yeah. But you're so good.
Starting point is 00:04:43 That's the thing that kills me. You're such a good musician. If you put out a song, the dickheads would buy it, or it would be great though. It would be great. You could, the billboard is within our grasp now. See, we've infected it. We've ruined it.
Starting point is 00:04:59 That's true. We've ruined it. When this show happens, we spoil it for everybody else. Like now we've got our, now we've got our feelers on Billboard. Now they're our bitch. Before they were in their ivory tower,
Starting point is 00:05:12 but somehow we've infiltrated the ivory tower. It's like fight club, right? Like show up and like, hey guys, I noticed that you got a nice music ranking system here at Billboard. Be a real shame if one of us got in there and just started causing havoc. Cause you can't tell.
Starting point is 00:05:28 It's like a cancer. It's like the Borg. Exactly what I'm saying about the Borg, the Dickheads. You get one of our Borgs in there and that's it. We own that magazine now. Cause we're coming at you from all sides. That's the thing about the Dickheads. We got a stereosis coming at you with the sob story
Starting point is 00:05:47 and trying to get his fraggle of hyperbarric chamber to live in his own car. We've got the real dirty players, the real dirty bastards. We've got the null guy they're digging up dirt and they're like, first amendment. It's like, yeah, but you're digging up in person. You're really terrifying people at the first amendment. Not my problem. Like, yeah, you're right. But person. You're really terrifying people. At first amendment. Not my problem.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Like, yeah, you're right. But people are terrified of you all over the spectrum. And we've got people on the spectrum. On the spectrum. It compels me to dig up as much shit as possible. Yeah. I can't say no. First amendment is making me do this.
Starting point is 00:06:19 You should record. You should record a song. I want you to record. I would literally do anything for you to record a song and put want you to record, I would literally do anything for you to record a song and put it out on this show. Seriously, like I want to, I would do anything for, I would do the cock mold. I, me personally, I would do the cock mold
Starting point is 00:06:39 if you wrote a song and put it on for sale on this show. That's how badly I believe in it and want you to do it. We'll see. Do it. Fucking do it, Sean. We all believe in you. I'm on my free time. Oh, by the way, what do you think of this go-t?
Starting point is 00:06:53 I get going. Very watching the stream. Looks natural for you. Yeah. Yeah. I'm really happy with it because usually I got that Mexican facial here that doesn't grow in on the sides. But I think it's really coming in like a big rig driver. Like big rig dick. Well, yeah, I mean, you're making more money now. So you
Starting point is 00:07:11 might be turning white or something. Yeah, it might be, it might be connecting. That might be, you're the, come on. You can't, you can't, you can't, you're a terrible thing to say. I've really been, I did the count shock you lead Joe last week that people who are calling me racist for. Yeah, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, a stereo. Like, he's got to watch what he says. You can't, you can't tee up Sean for those racist thingers. It's, yeah, he'll find him.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah, you're like a truffle pig, but racist jokes. A truffle pig. Like those pigs, they trained to hunt out truffles that are worth like a million bucks for some reason. You know, they're just a monster. I still use those. I know they use dogs too. They use drones now. Drone, Truffle drones. Yeah. Yeah, nice. But they end up, they just end up blowing a hospital. It's real, they can't get it right. Yeah. They find a truck. One of the other, they find a couple of chestwriters. Why they're so expensive. It's a, it's a, it's a tiny little degree of, you know, of tweak between blowing a hospital and finding a truffle. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Let me tell you some things that make me really happy. As you know, of twig between blowing on a hospital and finding a truffle.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Yeah. All right. Let me tell you some things that make me really nice. As you find, like, you think they're looking for truffles in, like, kids, you know, heads. Well, that's where they hide them. That's what people don't get. All right. You think we're just blowing up hospitals, but that's where you would hide a truffle.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Oh. If you were a bad guy, it's like, well, I'm not going to hide the truffles in a bank vault because they'll be looking there. Yeah. They'll just go in and take it and slice it open. I gotta hide them in some kids. I gotta hide them in a kid's hospital. Yeah. That's the plan.
Starting point is 00:08:32 You ever get in such a good mood that you were in a bad... No, bet. When's the last time you were in a good mood? 10 and a half. Why are you so surly? Why are you so surly all the time? I don't know. I didn't think I was surly all the time.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I thought it was very, I thought it was improving. You're of no, you're, you're improving. I'm in a room, sirly. What do you think? Hi, I thought it was all chipper and bright when he walked in. Like, hello, Pete. He's like right now, like, or in general. That's how he ropes you in.
Starting point is 00:08:57 He's like one of those fish that's got the thing dangling from their forehead. Yeah, that is chipper. Angler fish? Yeah, that's his chipper demeanor. And then he ropes you in and then he takes you aside and drops a bunch of hot racist jokes. from their forehead. That's his chipper. Angler fish. Yeah. That's his chipper demeanor. And then he roaps you in and then he takes you aside and drops a bunch of hot racist jokes. Oh, that's got a bunch of sassy comments.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I go, I go dark. I do it at work too. And people like it because they won't say it. Yeah. They'll be laughing and it'll be like, like that scene in American psycho. And he's all happy about sharing his Ed Gein trivia. He's like, yeah, he used to say, what would it look like if I married her
Starting point is 00:09:27 if I put her head on a stick and everyone goes, oh boy, and he's chuckling at his own, is that how dark you're talking about? I'm fascinated by serial killers. I really am. You're like a chick. I was just gonna say that, chicks love serial killers.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Really is that. I don't know. You're a woman, so we're gonna be asking you all the woman questions. Yeah, go ahead. You should have an answer for everything. I don't. Are you fascinated by serial killers so we're gonna be asking you all the woman question. Yeah, absolutely. Should have an answer for everything. Hi, I don't. Are you fascinated by serial killers?
Starting point is 00:09:47 Did you get your beer? Yeah, I'm in good. Okay, that was all in. That was all to be in the show. Everything I was just talking about, serial killers. Yeah, I know. Okay, yeah, I got my beer. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Thank you for asking. I'm gonna make sure. I love lawn order SVUs, specifically SVU. And I don't know, I don't know, but I have seen every single episode up until Stabler leaves, one Stabler leaves, sorry spoilers in season, I think 12. Like, it's not worth it. Look, they got to put it in space. If there was law and order space victims unit with a card and an, and an autistic robot. By the way, data, he's not just a robot.
Starting point is 00:10:24 He also has assperger's. I realized that after watching the show because the rest of the robots and data's family do not act like that. They act like real people. Well, he's got, he's got robot Asperger's. Well, it's because he was, he was kind of dumbed down because what was that, was it lore? Yeah, he was the good one. He was too good. So he could the good one. He was too good. Too good. So he could manipulate, right? He was too good.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah. Shame, poor data. And they killed him for no reason. Brought back his little weird brother before. Also for no reason. All right, let me tell you what makes me rage. Flasks. Flasks.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah, you ever had, do you have a drawer in your house that's got about 50 flasks in it from every fucking bachelor party that you've ever been to in your life? I do not know. Because I have this drawer. I think, there's a problem with the flask. It fits.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Every time I'm watching a western, and I see these cowboys pulling out their flask and you know, taking a sip of it, I'm like, well, what? Like, how did you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you-
Starting point is 00:11:30 Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you-
Starting point is 00:11:38 Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- Do you- in the cab. Like it's, and now I'm carrying around a metal detecting device. Like a device that is a trap for metal to, now I'm carrying around something that I have to act like has
Starting point is 00:11:51 sentimental value because somebody gave it to me for going to their King's in Yira slash bachelor party. I got to carry it around for the rest of the night while I'm getting drunk. And that's the best case scenario if you've got a flash. The worst case scenario is that you manage to not drink the entire six ounces of liquor or whatever it is until you get to where you're going and then the second you do, the second you break it out. Everybody in, everybody on ear, in ear shots suddenly is like one of those prairie dogs where they're just like, whoop, what did I hear? Did I hear a flash?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Closing on? Hey, give me a little nip of that, right? I'm gonna ask you to give me some of your liquor, the most precious thing you can have at a social event, and I'm gonna pretend like I don't know, there's less liquor in there than in an average dude's load. And then nobody had the foresight to bring a flask. No, always just me.
Starting point is 00:12:44 But everybody wants to, everybody realizes once they're there, they wanna get really fucked up foresight to bring a flask. No, always just me. But everybody wants to, everybody realizes once or there, they wanna get really fucked up. Oh, I wanna flask. I'm not paying 10 bucks. I'm not paying 20 bucks for, we went to Lebowski Fest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Me and Peachy, 80s girl. By the way, let me tell you. This just happened a couple of nights ago. Where was it? Down at the will turn. Down at the same theater that I got into that altercation with at the trailer park board show.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Cause I pulled those guys down. These guys weren't sitting down, so I just pulled them down, right? Yeah. Classic libertarians, the free market solution. Totally. I don't need a usher. I don't need a security guard to come over.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Just do it myself. Cut out the middleman. Yeah, just do it. That's the free market figured it out. And then they got it and they got into our face, but I had bigger guys. Just do it myself. Cut out the middleman. Yeah. Just do it. That's the free market figured it out. And then they got it. And they got it into our face. But I had bigger guys.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Again, free market. If you have bigger guys, the free market works for you always. That's, that's libertarianism 101. No roads and get the biggest guys, then the free market works. If you got smaller guys, then the other guys,
Starting point is 00:13:43 free market does not work for you. Sorry, you're gonna need bigger guys. It's not meant to work for you. No. So we're there and I debate, I go by the way, this is how beautiful these peach and 80s girl are together. This is a true story. This is a true story.
Starting point is 00:14:02 They are so, they are so hot that I walk out during the middle of the Big Lebowski and a guy is sitting there getting a, standing at the bar, getting in a beer, getting a beer and he turns to me and goes, oh, it's you. I'm going to need to, you fucking asshole. God, keep, I'm going to feel you,
Starting point is 00:14:20 I know not to react yet because I've gotten this a couple times from both genders, like I don't know which way, sometimes, sometimes anger can be anger, it can be for many things, it can be anger of love, it can be anger of hatred, it can be an anger of respect. Of confusion.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Like, Dylan, you son of a bitch, and then walking up and doing an angry handshake, an angry, powerful masculine. It could be like, but it also could be you, I know you and you called, like you called so and so, you banged my daughter and I'm now I've come to avenge her, right? It could also be a righteous indignation.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Oh, it's you. So I said, yeah, yeah, I mean, it's me, like, what's up? What's me? And he goes, you're the one, you're the one that walked in with those two amazingly beautiful women. And I was like, yeah, okay, so far, okay. Still keep a little bit of distance between us, because I don't know what you're pulling next.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And he goes, I told my son to go down there and talk to you, because you obviously got it all figured out. In fact, whatever you're ordering here, it's on me, whatever you want, whatever you want. So I was like, well, I'll take 70 beers and he goes, no, no, no, no, real it back in a little bit. I was like, I'll take one beer, but that is how beautiful these girls are that the free drinks is spills over to other people. It's not even them.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yeah. No. It's like, you're, how much free shit have you ever gotten all of it? Like serious question. How often does that happen? Everything I'm wearing, everything that is true. Oh, wait, hold on. I'm going to have to steal it. I got to steal everything I'm wearing that I got for free from other people, from my brother.
Starting point is 00:16:01 You know what? Including my undergarments, yes. That is true. Everything I'm wearing right now, I got for free. It's unbelievable. So obviously, I took him into the bathroom and sucked him off. But guy buys you a drink. You got it. You were obligated to pay him. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Of course. Anyway, that's what makes me a rage about flash. I want to talk about today, when the day after this episode comes out, is going to be a big day in America. Yeah. All the women are going on strike. I don't know if you're aware of this, Sean. No, that's, so that's, that's coming Wednesday. That's coming Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:16:37 This is episode is out Tuesday. It's Wednesday. All of the women, I mean, imagine, we're gonna be lucky if we get through it quite honestly. Garbage services will shut down. Who are you gonna, if the police, how are we gonna function without all of the women going on strike?
Starting point is 00:16:56 They're going on strike. I wonder what'll happen, you know, because the business I work in is, it's hard left, generally the entertainment business. I'm wondering, I'm wondering what happens on Wednesday. I'm really anxious to see. They're gonna get so powerful. You know what this is?
Starting point is 00:17:13 The women's strike. I hate it, obviously. I think it's the stupidest thing in the world. It's like, it's the, you know, those tales in the old cartoons and movies when all the planets align. This is the reason this strike is happening in the old cartoons and movies when all the planets align, this is the reason this strike is happening
Starting point is 00:17:27 is because finally, all women's menstrual cycles synced up. And they all think, last month, a woman's studies scientist, this is real. People treat women's studies like it's a joke. Like it's just to learn how to be a victim, you know? Like they just go into these classes and learn convoluted ways to explain everything in reverse. Like it's not because these, these gender inequalities didn't happen because there was a gigantic
Starting point is 00:17:57 premium on labor, on physical labor, which meant a better at cod like that's not why there's gender inequality. It's because of things working in reverse, because of oppression. That's why that's what people say women's studies are about, but it's actually not, they actually have a scientist working there. And last month they figured out in their science and their charts and their astrology charts that this eighth march the eighth is going to be the day where all women's menstrual cycles are linked up and they're all going to go on strike because of it. They're going to throw the biggest pity party that's ever been thrown by going, do you want to hear, do you want to hear what, what the plan is for the women's strike?
Starting point is 00:18:43 I don't think we have a choice. I went to the website. I went to the website and it said, well I am skeptical of his research. I know. I do good research. I have good stats. I went to the website and it says, a day without women.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And it reads, like I got the same feeling in a sci-fi movie where they go to like a life extension program and it's just too good to be true. Like it was like excess, like live for a thousand years in your greatest fantasy world, you dick. Like that's when you watch the movie and I went to this site and a day without women, I was like, ah, I said can't be true, it can't be true.
Starting point is 00:19:18 This can't possibly be true that this is real. When is this, is this a make-believe story? Is this a pitch for something that I don't know about because this can't possibly be true, but it is true. Uh-huh. We are this lucky, but this is gonna happen to us this week on the 8th. This is what they're, this is what they're planning to do.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Day without women. Women, number one, they lined it out for them like a groceries list. Number one, women take the day off from paid and unpaid labor. Well, any labor at all, it's showmarshabas for women. So they're not gonna give labor? Like if you're like, uh, I think they probably will.
Starting point is 00:19:59 No, they're not, they're gonna hold it in. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. They're all gonna hold it. This, they're gonna plug it in, plug it up. How can you, can They're all gonna hold it. They're gonna plug it in, plug it up. How can you do that? I've to fuck a photo, I don't know. They're gonna cut it off. They're just gonna get right in the middle of,
Starting point is 00:20:12 they'll be right in the middle of labor. They're just gonna get up out of their bed and go home. I'm gonna fuck it, I'm not, I'm not strike. We're red in solidarity for a day without women. Wait, why red? Don't know. Because they, they, they, period blood.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Yeah, I think that's it. Because they're gonna free bleed. What was that? I think. Wasn't that their thing? They got, they made all those pink hats. They want to resell a bunch of hats. That's why.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Well, I know. Because everybody already owns pink, because pink, everybody owns pink stuff from the NFL that's part of the patriarchy. So they're gonna wear red, like what you're wearing something right now. You're just way too early. You're gonna have to wash that shirt or you just pretend like you washed it. Like you wear, you get caught wearing something two days in a row.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And you're like, weren't you wearing that one? I did the laundry and it was just the first time I grabbed out, but you're like, oh God, I fucking got caught. Yeah. I got found out. And number three, this is the best one. Avoid shopping for one day. This is avoid shopping for one day.
Starting point is 00:21:12 This is, this is there. That's not gonna happen. Sean, this is their plan. Okay, this is, they, Well, this is like a day like don't fill up with gas. Yeah, which only hurts small businesses. It's not don't use gas for the day. It's don't buy it for the day. And that's my point. You didn't walk to work. Yeah. And the only people who get fucked on that are the gas stations that don't have
Starting point is 00:21:36 a massive reserve of capital to withstand anything. Chevron, Exxon, it might as well be fuck small business day. You're not teaching big oil a lesson you know you're not doing anything you have to this literally what this is doing nothing that's what they're gonna show this is that look if you're wondering why the wage gap exists it's because there's a zero percent chance of a man going on a men's strike ever. What's the chance? At least one. But you know, it's gonna happen here. You know the wage gap is a myth, right? Oh, it's presented in the most preposterous of terms.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Oh, it doesn't eliminate for anything. No. Not education, not type of position, not it's stunning that that is even out there. And it's over like, it's like four to five percent. You know what, I wish, go ahead and look it up. This is interesting. I wish that easily verified it.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I wish that it was true because this, if you're looking to close up the wage gap, you know how you do that, show up to fucking work. Make a big deal that you're a woman and you're there to work because you think this is fucking retarded, it's stupid. Excuse me. I forgot that I'm not saying the R word anymore What not this is the dumbest thing you show up and you say hey, guess what? I'm an adult and I understand that this is nothing. This is a scam perpetrated on people who are
Starting point is 00:22:59 Fucking stupid and have nothing to do with their lives Abs it if you make it up. It's the new religion, Sean, you make up whatever you want to be there for. They're not there for anything. This isn't, let's have a dream. This isn't a sit-in. We are literally actively doing illegal things to challenge the law. That's what a protest is.
Starting point is 00:23:21 This is literally doing nothing and bragging about it. And the lack of you in the world is going to be very apparent when you don't show up and no one gives a fuck. It's really aggravated me, that we really made the rage. Oh, I wanna send in some strike busters, like Chippendale's, like Chippin' Dales, like just dispatch Channing Tatum.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Like guys, it'll be a multiple front squad of strike busters on Women's Day, just to fuck with them. You know, just to challenge their resolve, like challenging people, like you with the song. Yeah. I see myself as like a, like a mefistophilies type character or Rumpel Stiltskin. Was that the guy? Did he, did he make deals with people?
Starting point is 00:24:09 Oh, Satan. He also did that. Yeah. That's true. Probably that's you probably know that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:18 And I want to, he's not a Southern California reference. Yeah. By the way, our bonus episode was, was fire people are saying. The last bonus episode we did were the last two episodes were great Yeah, they were I texted dick. I said these might be two of the best episodes ever made 39 and the bonus episode was great the bonus episode for those of you who don't know I tell the story of the YouTube live show for the biggest problem the universe. I don't think it was that bitchy It's certainly one sided,
Starting point is 00:24:46 but here's the thing you're never gonna hear the other side. Did people accuse you of being bitchy about it? Well, people accused me of being bitchy because it just sounded like you told a story to me. Yeah, I didn't, you know. I thought it would find much bigger bitch than, you know, it's son of a bitch. I'm going on strike too.
Starting point is 00:25:01 You go ahead. I'm gonna go on a bigger strike than these bruds. You go ahead. I'll show you a strike. I'll show you, not shopping. Show you how I show you how man's strikes. I'll show you how man's strikes. I'm gonna get up there in a wig, scream like this.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I'm a woman here, me roar. You know? I'm gonna return stuff. I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna not shop. I'm gonna return it. It's going to get everything in return. And I'm gonna march into every, I'm gonna take everything. I'm gonna get everything in return, and I'm gonna march into every, I'm gonna take everything in my fucking house,
Starting point is 00:25:27 take it back to where I bought it, and say you take this back right the fuck now, because I don't like how you treat women, I don't like that you're disrespectful to me on the internet, and they're like, and all the atrocities committed against women in the third world, I say, I'm gonna fuck about that, it's all about me, and not getting paid more for for my job
Starting point is 00:25:47 that I'm skipping today to return merchandise to the store. That's a double, that's a double boycott. Actually, I'm a boycott women on that day. I'm not listening to anything. Anytime a woman wants to talk to me, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna stick my head, my fingers my ears and go, la la la la la la la.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yeah, that's the boycott. That's a mancott. We're gonna boy. That's a man. We're gonna boycott you. You're gonna march. Not gonna buy stuff. We're not gonna listen to shit.
Starting point is 00:26:16 See how you like that. Anyway, I didn't think it was that. So how would change? Ha ha ha. I didn't I didn't think I was that bitchy in the YouTube. No, I didn't think so. I mean, you hear. Oh, yeah, I didn't think of that. Um, I think people accused me of being bitchy because I posted the link and the thumbnail on my Facebook and then took out a sponsored ad on Facebook targeting only people that liked Maddox. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:26:47 So, wow. So, wow. Which I do every time we have a phone a step this up. Yeah, that's true. It's so cheap. It's like 20 bucks and it says you get exposed to 30,000 people for 20 bucks. But yeah, fuck yeah, I'm gonna do this.
Starting point is 00:27:02 And a point not to. Because every once in a while it'll hit somebody and they'll find they'll hear about the show. And they'll like one guy emailed me and he said, hey, you ran that ad and I learned about the show only from there because it's not on any of the old properties. So, you know, money talks, right? Oh yeah, throw it out there.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Strike busters. I'm gonna get chipping deals, Throw it out there. Strike busters. I'm going to get chippin' dales. Send them out there. I'm going to get, I'm going to get, turbo cucks. I'm going to get, like comedians, virtue signaling comedians, like Pat and I's wall, those these people, Stereo, another good example of it. And send them out on mass to just disrupt, to disrupt and point point the poison pills of my man, my, my mancott. I'm going to send them out guys with guys with Channing Tatum movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:54 All over. I'm going to tape iPads showing Channing Tatum movies. And they're going to be like the Pied Piper going like dancing around through the crowd and the women will like follow them like the rats with the Pied Piper, right? Dancing out of the, or the children of the Pied Piper following him out of town. He did that. Yeah. That guy was sick. He didn't get paid. They didn't pay him for his service. Did you know this? The Pied Piper. They didn't pay him for his services of getting rid of the rats in the town. Oh, that's right. And that's what it took to kill the kids. No wait, I mean, in one version, I read that he drowns the children, but in another,
Starting point is 00:28:30 I read that he takes them to a separate dimension, like for real. What? Like the dimensions in that. In a fairy tale, I swear to God in this, like, children's fairy tale book, there's like a circle and it's like a magical and he took them away to a magical dimension and they're all stepping through. That was, that was whitewashed. Oh, so he brutally murders all of them.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Yeah. Okay. Each one and he learned a little bit on each kid how to do it more officially. He's never done that before. He's killed rats, but you just drown him. Just kids. He's like, well, first one was a little rough, but he's thinking of that invoice the whole time.
Starting point is 00:29:01 He's fuckers. Well, they'll know no one will never not pay an invoice from the Bide Piper again. I forgot about that part. Oh yeah, they flock on the seat. You don't know finances. That's what I'm talking about. That's the only thing I learned from that story
Starting point is 00:29:14 is you got to, it's hard to collect. Anyone who runs a business will tell you it's very difficult to collect. It's actually a very astute financial tale. Yeah, someone told me the hardest thing in the entertainment business is getting paid. Oh yeah, you're lucky. You're spoiled on the show that I pay you immediately. women's room on the women's strike day. I'm only using the women's bathroom. You'll be the only one in it. I try to do that normally.
Starting point is 00:29:26 If they're not in the room, they're not in the room. I'm just gonna use the women's room. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women's bathroom. I'm gonna use the women do? I'm gonna only use the women's room on the women's strike day. I'm only using the women's bathroom. You'll be the only one in it. I'm just gonna do that normally. If they're both open, I'll use the women's room. Because I want to, my dude's to get back in the game. I'm like a NASCAR pit crew. I want you to get out there.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I'd be in there. I'd help you on zip your pants and show you in there. Get my hands lathered up. Get my hands lathered up first so you can just finish what you're doing and I can slap my hands on yours. He'd be a bathroom attendant. No worse. I mean, more invasive.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I'm not just there selling you products. I'm doing everything for you. Like a like a literal pit crew. You just walk in like the George Jetson when he does his morning routine with the showers hit him and then he gets catapulted on 1995, that's me in the men's room.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Now, not on the women's strike day, I'm only using the women's room. And I'm not gonna do any funny shit about it either. I'm not gonna say I'm a woman, I'm saying, no, you know what? I'm this is wrong and I'm doing it anyway, because I believe in this, because I wanna show you a fucking stupid what you're doing is. no sex, they're not,
Starting point is 00:30:47 they're not gonna have any sex with us. Real, so that's gonna be like Lissa Strata then. What's that? It's this, it's a Greek play. Yeah, I didn't know how to pronounce it. I believe it's, I think it's Lissa Strata, Lissa Strata, but that's the myth where the women go on strike. They do not touch the men's weeners at all
Starting point is 00:31:08 and in the protest of war. Oh yeah, and they've year-old nothing. And then the men are like, oh, and that's the play, I think. They could easily do that. That would work. You know, it's Greek, right? So they just have sex with the other men. Yeah, that's probably not as good though.
Starting point is 00:31:25 No, no, no, no. It's just mysterious. Yeah, but it's like, like, just imagine, you know, I consider myself a feminist. So, so I don't want to sound sexist. But imagine, shaking what in what realm are you fucking? Total equality, total equality.
Starting point is 00:31:43 You know, hit women back. Okay, all the weird hair brain shit that comes out of the internet, equality, total equality. You know, hit women back. Right. All the weird hair brain shit that comes out of the internet, I believe all of it about equality. Men should have to have a pretend basketball in them if the wife is pregnant. That's equality. They should have to carry around a pregnancy sack.
Starting point is 00:32:00 They make those things. To the reality. Yeah, they do. Have you ever known anyone that's had one? Fuck no, no. I would think that you've made a, maybe a couple mistakes in your life. If you, like,
Starting point is 00:32:13 if your friends start acting real weird, you gotta kinda look in the mirror, right? Maybe you can convert it into a flask. Yeah. Like it's just filled with liquor. And then you can just secretly like suck out the side. Oh shit, that's a great idea. Like, yeah, honey.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I think that it's like a course light party ball or something. Yeah, I think there is a fake beer gut. Yeah. Oh really? It's called a beer belly that you, it's a cooler that you fill with beer. Oh shit, that's a great idea. But you gotta be skinny to use it.
Starting point is 00:32:37 It's all, it's the ultimate catch 22. Alternatively, alternatively what you can do is you can wear a bra, a padded bra that's empty filled with liquor. You're just like sitting. Yeah, fuck it. Just and then just like subtly, I'll be like, just breath feed yourself. Yeah. You wear a bra ticket to sneak liquor. Yeah, you can totally do that. I guess, yeah, you could. Are you staying home on Wednesday?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Are you? Are you gonna skip out? No, I've shit to do. Jesus Christ. You're gonna avoid shopping. Avoid, this is what it says. This is the official word. Avoid shopping for, what was I talking about? Avoid shopping for one day with exceptions for small women and minority owned businesses.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Only those, only those that you may go to. Where did you get all this? Oh, so this is their whole thing. This is their whole point by point. Yeah, that's George Soros' site or whoever, whoever did it. No sex, they say no sex.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And I'm thinking a lot of guys, there's gonna be a lot of married men who see that and just go, oh thank god. I can't. Most relaxing day. Like one day? One day?
Starting point is 00:33:50 What the fuck is one day? It's not gonna, if you are actively trying to get laid, it's a goddamn miracle when you pull it off, right? So first of all, you saving guys' trouble because it's like, oh, I'll just stay home today. I'm just not gonna unload cash at a bar I hate being at for the off chance that a chick touches my weener today because it's probably because there's way less of a chance of it happening because all the chicks who are making who make bad decisions with their life are on strike. Yeah. But all the rest of us who have it on tap,
Starting point is 00:34:25 you know, when I'm talking about. I do. It doesn't sound so bad. Give me a day, maybe I'll catch up on my emails. Right? He's right. But this is something that a teenage boy would think is damaging.
Starting point is 00:34:37 No sex for one day. You know what? You're absolutely right. It's nice to have a break. You're absolutely right. And how that line of thinking goes. That it's a teenage boy, the thought of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:50 It's like the women involved in this are stunt at his teenagers. They're not fucking adults. They're feeding into stereotypes. Yeah. Yeah. We're so horny. My brain's gonna as a man is gonna be alive. 100% of the time. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:05 If I don't get laid today. Yeah, yeah. Hey, give me a fucking break. I'm a little, little inflated opinion. Go on, yourself. Yes. Sometimes you know, it's worth it. You just rope one out in the shower.
Starting point is 00:35:16 You just have some time to yourself. It's better. Sometimes, not all the time, sometimes. Sometimes you gotta know, you gotta change your thinking. You get into a rut too much. See, in a lot of ways, in some, well, not in a lot of ways. And it's kind of, I wish I didn't start saying this because it's kind of weird now that I think
Starting point is 00:35:34 play it out in my mind. You gotta finish. Yeah, it's like being with yourself in the showers, like being with another woman. You know, it's a different experience. Yeah. It's a different experience. That's all I'm saying. But you've probably been with this woman a lot before.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Well, you know, she's learned a lot of things. She's been around. She hasn't been around the block, but she's had a lot of experiences. Yeah. All right. She's a little rougher with age. A little more wise. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:00 More wise. Does this work the same for you, Peach? There's no words that excuse me. Women, I'll say women, so it's not an inappropriate question. Does this work the same for you, Peach? There's no words that excuse me, women, I'll say women, so it's not an inappropriate question. Does it work the same for women? What, beating off rather than having sex? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I guess for me, it's just something I do in a board. I don't know. Yeah, me too. Oh, that's all I get. So everybody go on strike. Let's live it up. Why not? It's not gonna work.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Just like the gas out. Dumbest thing ever. Yeah. Just fuck small businesses. Yeah, yeah. Don't get a lot of attention for yourself. Didn't do a thing. Go pray to the giant pink vagina in the sky
Starting point is 00:36:39 and make up what you're fighting for. There's nothing. Absolutely nothing. So you don't think this will affect anything at all? You know what I do think? I do think that it will. I brought in last week that science of spite, which is where... That was interesting.
Starting point is 00:36:55 It was interesting. It makes perfect sense for how people think. Yeah. It was interesting because of the experience. It was interesting, but it was also interesting that you and a series were immediately on board with thinking, that makes sense. Because that's all of us. Not because it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Not because it makes sense based on the people and just society in general. Everybody is so worried about getting fucked. It's like a defense thing. It's like, oh no, fuck you. I'm gonna fuck you before you fuck me. So's like a defense thing. It's like, oh, no, fuck you. I'm going to fuck you before you fuck me. So it's taking your stuff. Yeah. Everybody's taking your stuff all the time and taking things from you. So this, I don't know if you heard this experiment.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I'll explain it very quickly. They take two people. They say, okay, we're giving you guys both 10 bucks and Person A, Peach, you're going to figure out how I'm like, let's say you're at a strip club. Okay. Was Sean, all right? And a stripper that you're gonna figure out how much, let's say you're at a strip club, was Sean, all right? And a stripper that you love is coming out. Hot wheels. Yeah, hot wheels. Fucking hot wheels. Have you seen her?
Starting point is 00:37:52 No, I asked, remember, I asked her, and the bar said she only works on holidays. Remember? That's right. That's the bad. Bill Bord, recording artist, Asterios' favorite holiday stripper. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:08 So we're going to the gentleman's club. She's right. She's like in a wheelchair or something. I know it. You know, I mean, you're not, you know, you're not bringing in the, you're bringing in the bench players on all the days. I would imagine. No, I thought, I thought her gimmick was that she's on roller skates.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Well, that's what he says. Yeah. Yeah, you thought her gimmick was that she's on roller skates. Well, that's what he says. Yeah, you know, she's a 10. She's got both. She's in a wheelchair and she's got roller skates. Because she didn't want to be defined by the chair. Right. So she puts her skates on her hands.
Starting point is 00:38:39 How is she gonna shine her legs don't work? How is she gonna put skates on her hands? Does that make any sense? Does it make any sense? What do you mean? Yes, she can lean forward and roll like a... on her legs don't work. How's she gonna put skates on her hands? Does it make any sense? Does it make any fucking sense? Does it make any fucking sense? What do you mean? Yes, she can lean forward and roll like a... All right, let's say you're at a hot wheel in the show.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Right, yeah. She's wheeling up to the... The pole. Not getting anywhere, because she's paddling with her wheels on her skates. Right. I say here, Pete, she's 10 bucks. Stay just in handicap and stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Wait, you give me 10 singles. And I say you gotta give what you think you're gonna get, you give what you think is fair to Seanio. All right, because he wants to get in on this action too. Sean's dripping. Yes, Sean's dripping. Why am I getting money anyway? Yeah, why am I giving him money?
Starting point is 00:39:18 So this is exactly how people work. I got the money, I'm giving it to you. Just her. I got the money. I'm making the rules. No question. No question. You tell her. This is how the government works right here. This is what I say peed. Here's I got 10 singles. Don't ask why they're all crumpled up. All right. They just they're money. There's still as good even though they're the messed up and what. And you give as many as you think is fair to Sean.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Right. And then if Sean thinks he's getting the shaft, he's gonna tell me, no, no money. And then nobody gets any money. Wait, so he doesn't want money. He does want the money, but if you try to, if you say, I'm not, well, I'm not gonna give Sean any money, then Sean can give me the veto power and say,
Starting point is 00:40:03 just out of spite. So yeah, fuck you. Sean, or if you give me two and I think I no. Just out of spite. So yeah, fuck you. If you give me two and I think I deserve five, then I'm like, no, fuck that. I'd rather, I'd rather fuck over you than, than, than, than, than, then just fuck yourself. Yep. So the experiment showed that if you give him less than 30%, he's going to say, fuck you. That seems to be the, that's the line.
Starting point is 00:40:22 That's the line that we always think they're owed more than they are. And the whole system's based on what we think is fair or not. Like murder's wrong. We don't know. Well, yeah, it's just wrong. That's how we all feel. Because we, yeah, because we don't want to live in a society where that could just randomly happen.
Starting point is 00:40:37 And that's okay. That's the logical reason. But the real reason is just, it's wrong. Not comfortable with it. Well, yeah, we're not comfortable with it on like a root level. Yeah, sure. Like when people get in fights.
Starting point is 00:40:48 That's where morality comes from. You don't want, you don't run into a fight even when you think you're right and just punch a dude right in the face because we all think it's wrong. Yeah. You know, we've seen this happen. Sean and I have seen this happen.
Starting point is 00:40:57 We saw, oh, this is a fucking great story. I don't know if I've told this before. Sean and I were at this all inclusive resort in Mexico. Oh, yeah. Where we got married. Yeah. Just kidding. We didn't get married.
Starting point is 00:41:13 We were at this all inclusive resort in Mexico, which he'll admit it one day. One day. I know. He's not there yet. I know. Which are awful. All inclusive resorts are awful. There is tremendous scam.
Starting point is 00:41:24 The beer is watered down. My life coach did a scientific study studying the beer. Are you talking about Costa Rica? Yeah, sorry, we were in Costa Rica. He did a scientific study comparing beer that he bought at the store with beer that he got at the all inclusive resort.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Life coach? Yeah. And they are, even though they're in the real can, something's fucky with them. Cause they're just trying to just drill you out of money at the all-inclusive resort, right? They have to worry with the worst liquor. I mean, it's the worst liquor. So Sean and I are getting, you know, we've gone through about 70, gin and tonic sitting by the pool. Right. Costa Rica talking about who knows. Gedness. What I was talking about. Libert getting us what, I was talking about libertarians.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Solving the world's problems. Certainly. One drink at a time. And we're kind of off on our own. I don't remember why we snuck off on our own. It was not sexual reasons either. I don't know. So we're sitting off on our own.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And this other, this couple also sneaks off on their own. And they crawl into the pool, right? This couple also sneaks off on their own. And they crawl into the pool, right? And we're sitting there watching, like Sean and I are invisible. We're just two dudes, right? How are you invisible? Because their vision is based on movement. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Like that, like that, like that, traini-taurus, yeah, that false stat from... People are, when people are horny, they have T-Rex vision, where they only see movement. That's a true fact also. Okay, thank you. Just so you know.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Thank you. If you're trying to evade a horny murderer, just stay very still and they'll walk by you. I don't think I'm gonna use that advice, but I've been trained all the same. But I had a, for real, murderous criminal coming into my house and started a nipple fight with my best friend.
Starting point is 00:43:10 So, he should have stayed put. That was the problem he was moving around too much. He should have just- He's on my throat, yeah. And that guy would have got all confused. Yeah. Like, where's that guy that was hitting on my pregnant wife? Where'd he go?
Starting point is 00:43:23 I'm like, I don't know, man. Instead, he moved and he got raped. Oh my God. There he is with the truffle, finding the joke. Okay, so we're sitting poolside. Right, yeah. Watching these.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Moin through, moin through gin and tonics that are like 2% alcohol. Yeah, we had trays of them. We had like a champagne tower of gin and tonic that the bartenders would pour for us. And we would take them over to our seat and in like bushels like we're carrying wheat. We would bring them over. Right. Barely drunk at all. And this couple crawls into the pool. Why are they crawling? They're being very sneaky. Yeah. They're slinking. So they're like G.I. Joing their way. Command O.A. in the pool. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Yeah. They're being very sneaky. Yeah, they're slinking and stealthy GI Joe in their way command away and yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're sneaking in. Okay. They're sneaking in
Starting point is 00:44:09 They're trying not to make a splash like a dive like a professional diver. Okay, they're trying not to attack the attention So I was like I shun check this out check out this couple getting in the pool, right? I know what's going on So they he he gets this girl So he gets this girl lined up on this planter in the middle of the pool. Yeah, exactly. Blocks off the party, the bar that's going on, they're doing a limbo contest, some kind of bullshit contest for the resort people. And he gets her over there and starts banging the shit out of her pool and the pool. Oh, we need, ugh, because it's so hard to bang six love being being the pool, but
Starting point is 00:44:45 it's so much work. They don't understand how much work is that's a begging for a yeast infection. That's disgusting. Really? Oh, yeah. For the man. No, for the woman. Oh, who cares then? See, that's why I saw that coming like two minutes away. Here's the set on and the prestige. I locked right into it, Jesus Christ. Okay, so they're banging. Right. I'm banging for a while. He's doing a good job too.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Okay. He's really, I mean, he's got, like, because he's got in this planter. Is he like a young buck or is he like a, a dam? Yeah, he had a, he had an otter build, I think they call it. Okay, yeah. He's like Sean, he had the build of Sean. So he's banging it for a while.
Starting point is 00:45:24 And all of a sudden, there's, this, this rockest mob, all of a sudden, a glass flies out of nowhere and almost, I don't think it hit the guy, but it was clearly thrown with anger, zing right at this dude. And in comes a charging mob of Costa Ricans screaming and shouting, this dude jumps into the pool with all of his clothes on, raising hell, the guy like extracts himself poor bastard, extracts himself from this woman.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And he's got his hands up and the guy gets into the pool and it's just like kind of grabbing him and shaking him, like shaking him and going like, what if you're like shouting at each other and you're like, we're like in a novella. We're in a, Sean and I are in a novella and we're laughing our asses off because this guy, this poor fuck just got a, well, we come to find out that he's banging the dude's sister. It was just screaming at him sister. Oh, my mother. It was the armada. Screaming at him. And still the whole time, I'm like, we're sitting there and I'm telling you on, I guarantee that guy will not hit this guy.
Starting point is 00:46:32 All of this stuff is just a bunch of noise and nonsense. He's not going to hit him because people will not. They feel like something is wrong with just walking up and injuring somebody like that. Do you remember what he did? No. He pushed him away and then threw a punch. That's right. Because it was like, this is how I don't want to hit you. So it's like, obviously, he didn't think of it.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Pushed him and then threw a punch that missed by like a foot. It was like the worst wrestling fake like push and then swinging or like, what the fuck kind of punches that? But it was like, my pride says I have to try to hit you. But I'm really don't morality. Yeah, it says that I can't. Yeah, I just can't. It's not like I can't.
Starting point is 00:47:13 So the point that I was a very long point that I was making was I do think this women's strike will hurt because of all these spiked things we've been talking about on the show. I think it will make people hate them more. Like you can't help but look at them and see a shitload of women acting like this. And we all know that it's wrong to just lump them in in one group, but that's what's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:47:36 So it's not a boy to be able to. Like it's just admitting anything else is pretending that that study doesn't exist. Like oh no, well we can just tell people not to lump them in together, as a kid, but they are. They fucking are. That's why we have commercials,
Starting point is 00:47:50 because they are, because that's the way people are. Don't pretend that it's not the way they are. It's not, that's the way they are. We're gonna do it. We're all gonna do it. And the problem whatever they are fighting for is gonna get a little bit worse.
Starting point is 00:48:02 That's what I think, anyway. What makes you a rage? Thank you for coming, by the way. Oh my God, my pleasure. What makes me rage are people who take baths. Okay, your last one, people, men, people sitting down, you got a lot of flack for that.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I did. A lot of men don't like, you got a hot chick telling them how to pee. Well, it was really interesting. I was hoping this one works out a little better. I doubt it. We got a problem with that. That's true.
Starting point is 00:48:27 They're disgusting. Well, that's right. Because you sit in your own filth. Well, I mean, yeah, I mean, yeah, it doesn't cramers a that what it was a. Tap it pool of your own filth, Jerry. Yeah. Well, it's true.
Starting point is 00:48:37 It's disgusting. I actually have some statistics that I have asked look up just like you. This is staring on poorly. Well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, disgusting and should be ashamed. That's the first time. That's the first time. Well, for one thing, Lansing in a bath may lead to drier skin and is more likely to inflame those with X amount and other skin issues.
Starting point is 00:49:12 So that's disgusting. But the heavy hitting stand up. Yeah, heavy hitting. It's called Xima, Sean. You can dry elbows. You can ask your elbow. It not takes too many baths. Also, if you are washing your hair,
Starting point is 00:49:23 it is far better to shower. It is Dr. Whitney Bowd, dermatologist says not only. You take pants. Go ahead, finish that. Oh, no, I would never take a bath. Not only is it difficult to fully rinse shampoo out in a bath, but sitting in a bath full of shampoo strips the skins of your natural oils.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yeah. What about like, but you can't like just blaze a J in the shower. You got any sun. Lay a J? Yeah. What's smoking a dube? Well, wait, can you just like blaze a J in the shower. You got any. Lay a J. Yeah. What's smoking a dube? Well, wait, can you just like, sweet Mary Jane? You can't do that in a shower. You can't take your head out for five seconds and.
Starting point is 00:49:52 No, with a wet hand, but you can have a shower beer. That's not the same. Well, no, it's not the same, but no. It's cleaner. You don't take, you don't take, you never take it in a bath. The only place I ever, ever take a bath is in Japan. And the reason is, they're very, very strict about showering before you enter a bath. Very strict.
Starting point is 00:50:14 For you personally? No, no, for everyone. Wait, you're in a bathtub for, is that the problem with that? No, no, no, no, no, like bath houses. Okay. Which of course, because it's Japan, it's incredibly clean. And even then, I'm still kind of like, but I guess I would,
Starting point is 00:50:30 like I went to a bath house with my best friend and we had to shower and then we had to walk him with this tiny towel. Was it a woman? Yes. What did she look like? She looks exactly like me. She has red hair, long red hair.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Okay. Yeah, green eye. Is a situation with the cans on the friend. Huge tits Okay, she's gorgeous. Yeah, we go to a bathhouse and Might have been wrong about that sex strike Well you you went when you go to what is it? Oh, oh furo oh furo like well I think that's just throwing a little bit of sass throwing a little bit of Japanese accent on there to show Fuck you. No, so you go into the fucking bathhouse.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Uh-huh, at where? And in order, I went to super fuck off. It's called like, it's called like, you know, Sokka, it's called, oh, Sokka. So anyway, to get in, you have to, like, they're actual showers. But even just to get in, there's a walkway that shoots hot water on your naked body.
Starting point is 00:51:30 So even if you, if you didn't feel like, fuck it, I'm not gonna shower, it shoots it at you. It's a shower. Yeah, they shoot it at you. And you and your fender walking in through this water. A shower wall, maze, door, and- What's the bathhouse situation? It's incredible. It's this giant spot and there are all these, maze, door, and- What's the bathhouse situation that goes over there? It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:51:46 It's this giant spot and there are all these hot tubs and there's cold tubs and then there's like ones where you sit in the thing of tea. And I mean, and because it's Japan, it's incredibly clean. And even though I was kind of like, and I did it for her because she was super into it, it was less gross because you have to shower before you sit in your filth.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Because then you're not as filthy. Did they have like mud baths in there? Yes, there were mud baths. There's not a mud wrestling bath. No, it's just a bunch of hot and ugly. Japanese chicks just like hanging out and like mud, just like chilling and there's TVs everywhere. And like, and they're ugly.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Ugly, why are they ugly? I don't know. They just start like, you mean you don't see any attractive women at bath houses? Oh no, I said there's pretty ones, like just people. There's hot ones. Because the people who, because there's a Korean spa that I go to
Starting point is 00:52:35 with shitty passenger after burning man every year, we go and like to regain our humanity or perhaps the reverse, we go to the Korean spa. And it's the people who have the time to frequent them are like more, it's more of a traditional activity. Yeah, they're old. They're old. They're very old.
Starting point is 00:52:52 In Japan though, like everyone does it. So there are like hot chicks there, like super young hot chicks. And you need them and talk to them. Oh yeah, you can. You just walk up and go have a talk. But like, Is it true that their genitals are all censored
Starting point is 00:53:03 in real life there? I've heard that. Yeah, it's really weird to completely life there? I heard that. Yeah, it's really weird to completely blur. It's really fucked. But no, uh, but so you liked the bathing experience though. I love the idea of bathing, but the act of bathing is disgusting. Why do you just shower first? Okay, so then you have to clean the bathroom. So you're sitting in a bath, have your right next to the sink, we're all like the shit bits and snot and piss like go, so then you have to clean the bathroom. So you're sitting in a bathtub, you're right next to the sink, we're all like the shit bits and snot and piss,
Starting point is 00:53:28 like go, but then what if like the pipes back up? What if a bear breaks into your house? What if the pipes back up? Yeah, what if the pipes back up? Cause at least if you're in the shower, if there's something gross and weird in the drain in the shower, it's at your feet, who gives a shit?
Starting point is 00:53:44 But like you're sitting in it. So if all like poop water or whatever comes out of bathtub, the thing, I don't know, fucking no. That's how we go about. You look at germaphob. Your other problem. I was just germinated too. I actually am.
Starting point is 00:53:58 I was actually telling 80s girl how when I use a public restroom, I have a... I stay outside. I just shoot it in with a funnel, with a super-soaker funnel, and pressurized nitrous booster that I push onto my vagina and then shoot it into the men's room.
Starting point is 00:54:15 No, no. Until the urinals. Sorry. No, no, no, no, no. Is that what you meant to say? No, I just have this ritual where I look at the toilet seat and I check to see if there are any pistruples because women always leave pistruples always.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Just wasting creatures. Every time, even if you don't see them, they're there. So I am like, all right, so I take toilet paper. So I have clean toilets on Wednesday. Yeah, yeah, at least that. Oh yeah. I take this and I just, I have to wipe it down. I can't get over that they're going on strike.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Like it was a Greek satire because it was considered so stupid. The idea is so stupid that it is a now a real life thing. Sorry, I got to pick a script. No, no. So women are messy. Very messy when they pee. Always. And so you just take a square, not a square.
Starting point is 00:55:00 You take a couple, a few squares, crumple it up, and you have to wipe the seat. And I like to do it from the right to left. Wow. This is saying a lot about myself. Yeah, yeah. Cause you put so much thought into it. Well, no, I just, I thought about it. I think on the way here from the airport,
Starting point is 00:55:16 I would be happy to be able to be. No, you thought about this your whole life. I guarantee you. I didn't, I was really thinking about it on my way here from the airport two days ago. I was like, I took, I took a paper and I was like, from the right through my left. And I'm like, why did I do it? And then I was really thinking about it on my way here from the airport two days ago. I took my paper and I was like, from right through my left. And I'm like, why did I do it?
Starting point is 00:55:28 And then I was like, well, maybe I'll try from the left to the right. And then I was like, no, bad, right to left. And I was like, peace, do you have like an OCD? No, no, I don't at all. I absolutely don't have OCD. But for some reason, that's the only thing.
Starting point is 00:55:41 You gotta do it right. Or you get pissed on your ass. But this is about- This is about bailing. This is about bathing. Right, yeah, that's the only thing. You gotta do it right, or you get pissed on your ass. This is about... Someone else's pissed on your ass. This is about bathing. Right, yeah, that's disgusting too. But you own the bathtub. Right, but yes.
Starting point is 00:55:56 You can make it as clean as you want. You can sterilize that fuck. But what if you use the tub before I do? Then I'm sitting in your shit and skin and pee. Excuse me, but I try to not move at all in life. There's no, I try not even to sweat. I find that impossible. It's a generated. Well, you know what you're right,
Starting point is 00:56:15 because we were at the gym working out and you didn't sweat at all, because you weren't doing shit. Don't fuck. Don't try to big, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Yeah, oh, I got a story to tell about the gym. Go ahead. Is it about how dirty it is?
Starting point is 00:56:27 No, actually, no, the gym was fine. The gym was great. No, okay, so Dick and I go to the gym, because I'm like, hey, he's like, I'm gonna go to the gym. I'm like, you know, I wanna workout, so he's like, yeah, so we go to the gym. Better get it in before you have to go on strike.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Yeah. Better get that workout in now. How many of the women at the strike do you think work out? How many think have ever been inside a gym? 2% what's the over under? 3%? I don't even wanna hazard a guess.
Starting point is 00:56:54 I mean, just keep counting. Okay, so what happened? Oh, so you know what happened in the gym. We're fucking, so I go and I'm like, hey, what's in there? And you're like, oh, that's a cardio room. I don't, I don't, I don't step foot in there. And I was like, hey, what's in there? And you're like, oh, that's a cardio room. I don't, I don't, I don't step foot in there. And I was like, ooh, okay.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And that would be like a vegan going into like a trophy room for a hunter. I don't go into that room. Yeah, it's not for you. Not for you. Not for you. Well, running, that made me, blaring CNN, getting propaganda shoved into their eyes while they're running for absolutely no reason. They should be lifting.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Right. Well, I was thrilled because when I work out, I look like an idiot. And I was very upset because you do a lot by... You run like a soccer mom. I run like a soccer mom when I pump my leg in. I'm like, I'm like, I got to pick up James from soccer. Like, I look like an idiot. So I was excited, but then you're like, hey, I saw you look like an idiot.
Starting point is 00:57:44 How does the idiot in the world? Yeah. So then I'm on the hip abductors. So I'm doing the squeezing thing with my knees. The most erotic machine that exists. And I'm drenched, because I just did 30 minutes of hard soccer mom cardio. And he walks in.
Starting point is 00:58:03 His face is completely matte. He just walks over. It had been 30 minutes tops. And I'm like, yeah, I'm here for another 30 minutes and you're like, hey, so you ready? And I was like, fucking, no, I'm not. And you're like, cool, cause me neither. And I was like, oh yeah, I got stuff to do.
Starting point is 00:58:19 And I was like, mm, and then you left for 10 more minutes and then you came back and I was like, yeah, all right. I was just outside. Yeah, where you really? Well, I yeah, right? I was just outside. Yeah. Were you really? Yeah, I did more fucking, I was just checking in like a nice person to see if you were there, if you were bored at the gym.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Why would I be bored at the gym? I don't know. I don't know why people, I stop assuming that people do anything for any reason. I don't know anything that I just wanted to see, have you were figuring out all the equipment? I don't understand the mentality of someone that runs on a treadmill like they're walking around a mall
Starting point is 00:58:49 for a half hour and this is exercise. Look, I'm letting understand it. I'm living my best life, okay? I don't have a little chicken legs, like you look like a meatball, standing on two little minty toothpicks over there. Like a pork serve that was made directly? You do? Because you don't even know, you don't even,
Starting point is 00:59:06 you don't even know what is a leg day. You don't even know what is a leg day. Yeah, I put shoes on my hands and do all the same exercises. You told me men don't need legs. They don't need legs. Men do not need legs. Like squats are for chicks and I'm like, do a couple squats.
Starting point is 00:59:22 You're like, no. God knows. Squats are for people who don't value their knees Hmm, that's what I value my I need my knees my dad has robot knee braces on I don't want I don't want to lose my knees. I need them. I need I need my knees more than I need a big butt I can't wait for this fucking strike imagine a whole day whole day where you don't have to hear any of this noise, you get this nonsense, women telling lies about you.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Oh. In your own house, all the squat stations will go unused. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so I thought that was bad. Yeah, bads for the bads, right. They're revolting.
Starting point is 01:00:00 How do you take a bath? Oh man, get light some candles, put on some nice jazz music, maybe a little, maybe a little Beck, put on Otolay. John had to find reinventing album Beck, Otolay, I put that on, run a bath, I put a, put my silk kimono on. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:00:24 By the time two turntables and a microphone comes on, I like to have the bath nice and steamy. That's why I break out the doobs. That's why I break out the night, a roach clip. I like, I prefer it if it's not new. Right. I want it to be, I want everything to be broken in. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Sometimes it's nice to have a half done joint. You don't always want the fresh one. Sometimes it's nice to have that little memory, the taste of the memory of drugs on you. I ease myself in and I think about life for a while. But don't put too many bubbles in. You know, you're not taking a bubble bath. And then a child.
Starting point is 01:01:09 And then 80s girl comes in, chop some vegetables. Just me, I don't wanna do this. It puts an apple in your mouth. That is stew that you're making. It's just a man. And you like that, you need to have it, you don't put too much water in. People mess that up.
Starting point is 01:01:22 You wanna put it just just so just high enough so that your filth is concentrated. Yeah, just high enough. So the water is really great. Painless isn't floating and distracting you. When the weird sensation. What is that like a teaspoon of water? What are you talking about? What is that some kind of crack about my dick? I didn't even think of that. No, I'm just like, What the fuck is this? The fuck kind of comment is that? Well, no, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just, that doesn't make any sense. That doesn't even seem like it would cover
Starting point is 01:01:51 the top of your legs. No, you don't want to do leg day. So that legs are, take a lot of water. Paper thin. Paper thin. You flimsy, oh my God. That doesn't make any sense. You're a bath problem is fucked or a rage,
Starting point is 01:02:06 whatever we're calling them. It's very comfortable and relaxing. No, it isn't. Showers are relaxing. Showers are efficient. Efficiency, a bath, you could be in there, you be in there until your fingers prune up. By the way, did you know that that is not about
Starting point is 01:02:22 getting water logged? No, I didn't know. It is neurological. What? Yeah, because this is the theory, because it's not like, like in your mind, you think it's like, oh, my fingers just soaked up too much water and now they look stupid, right?
Starting point is 01:02:35 Like that's what I think from when I was a kid. Like I'm in the bath too long. I don't know, it's just a reaction of your skin or the cells to that much water. But because your skin somehow soaked up the water and took on the property of weird webbingness, right? Okay. So I read this headline that says it's neurological
Starting point is 01:02:54 to make you fight better in the water. Like early humans, the mutation that had it will make you way more deadly because you can grip rocks and people's throats when your when your fingers prickle up like that and that's amazing. Yeah. Also the reason maybe that we have thumbs because you can hit the shit out of somebody with a thumb and not like a penguin flipper. Yeah. Right. Very violent species human beings. Right. Is that, is that what makes you rage? Yeah, I think people who take baths are disgusting and should feel nothing but shame.
Starting point is 01:03:27 You're welcome. Okay, let me guys. I wonder what percentage of the general population takes baths regularly? You ever take a bath? I knew when I was a kid. Now since you were a adult. Yeah, and kids are filthy.
Starting point is 01:03:39 I don't think so. You gotta try it out. I bring the laptop in there, do some editing. Don't fucking do it, Sean. Man, you could live there all day. Be a man. You're sitting at a desk, that's weird. I bring the laptop in there, do some editing. Don't fucking do it, Sean. Man, you could live there all day. Be a man. You're sitting at a desk, that's weird. Go in the bath.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Get a little two by four, proper to cross the tub. Do some work in there. Make it a clap, yeah. Yeah, think about that, Jay, too. All right, Peachy, you got something that you want to... I do. I remember this being your...
Starting point is 01:04:02 Well, you know why I'm here. I found... I do. I know this being your... Well, you know why I'm here. I found, I found, for better or for worse, I found chapter two of you can't delete love an erotic story. Is the same person sending you these? Are you getting used to my... No, no, my moderators find this for me. And they just...
Starting point is 01:04:20 What do you mean you're moderators? I have moderators of my Reddit of my, you know, she has people. I have people. I don't know. Hot chicks don't exist on their own. How do you think we got the live? I mean, going.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Exactly. We would have been fucked if it weren't. If it weren't for me. You know what, and I didn't hear a thank you. Yeah, you're not going to hear a thank you. I'm not going to hear one for you. You're on the show. Anyway, anyway, so I found chapter two of,
Starting point is 01:04:44 you can't delete love in here. Let me introduce it. Let me introduce it. Oh, anyway, so I found chapter two of You Can't Delete Love. And I'm here to read it. Let me introduce you. Oh, oh, oh, oh. The Dict show presents an erotic story from a real man that I hate. All right. You can't delete love, an erotic story by anonymous. Chapter two.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Got a lot to say on this anonymous. Chapter two, everything is a contest. Ha ha ha. Gross, all right. Now you remember how it ended, right? No. OK, at the end of the last one, a stereo comes in and screams, unexpected guests.
Starting point is 01:05:20 And it was left at a cliffhanger. So that's going to start from there, ready? Great. So this one will feature aos. That's perfect. That's exactly the image that I wanted in my brain today. Here you go. A Stereos Cocanos, having fulfilled his purpose of providing last chapter's cliffhanger, immediately sat himself in the corner and began subtly jerking off onto a pile of jokes
Starting point is 01:05:40 someone way out of his lead wrote for him. Oh my God! It's funny what it happened to other people. Yeah. Just let's do that part. Oh, I need a drink. Dick and Sean shrugged and returned their dry, beaty eyes to one another. After all, don't shoot the messenger. After all this time, Sean declared, massaging cannabis oil onto his temples, I can't believe
Starting point is 01:06:16 you feel the same as I, for I am truly the happiest sound engineer there ever was. Probably true. At this dick raised, at this dick raised his eyebrows in pleasant surprise, making his stupendously large forehead wrinkle to the point where it kind of looked like a roadmap up Wisconsin, but not really. I give you such a flattering camera angle every time you come in here. Me is dead on, the camera makes my forehead look big.
Starting point is 01:06:43 That's why it looks like this. It's normal sized. If you meet me in the wild, my face looks normal. It's the camera that it's doing this to me. Me thinks the lady does the protest too much. Is that in your story? No. I think that's just to you.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Sean. Yes. No, no, no, not you, no. Sean, you fucking suck at shit. I'm trying to get everyone wet over here, chill out. Sean, my man, dick began, presumably too far out yet another of his long-winded soliloquies. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:07:17 I'm just reading it. I don't know. I don't know why you're angry. Last night, I wished upon a star. I wished for these wishes, three. One, to make America great again. Yeah. Two, for-
Starting point is 01:07:30 Bill that fucking wall, that's number two. Get that fucking wall up right now. And build it. Oh my god. Number two, for Lucy Wilde to come out of retirement. Yeah, that's accurate. And finally, and most importantly of all, number three, that I could be with you.
Starting point is 01:07:47 This heartfelt confession caused the windows to Sean's soul to shimmer like freshly minted but perpetually unused madbugs. Sean's side. Please tell me about these. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sean's side and bit his fist like a bitch. Exhaling white smoke out of his nostrils like a skinky volcano. It's like a bitch. It's the elegance.
Starting point is 01:08:15 It's so aggressive. That is really selling me on the story. Okay. Oh, Jesus. Oh, dick, please understand. I tried not to love you, Sean coughed out while smoking a pipe carved out of a melee apple. But if everything is a contest, which it is, then I intend to win your love.
Starting point is 01:08:39 At these sweet, albeit ham-fisted words, a single, manly tear decided to leave Dick I, which is totally not the same as crying. Invigorated and super mega for real aroused once more. Dick pounded a fifth of fireball whiskey and then ate the entire bottle. Okay. And chanted by this aggressive display of dominance, Sean flirtatiously bad at his thick lush eyelashes at dick. As if you have thick eyelashes. Oh, why am I asking? Everything in the story is a lie.
Starting point is 01:09:15 All of the physical descriptions are a lie. It's all real. His thick lush eyelashes at dick, as several cherubs fluttered down from heaven and lightly kissed his face. The passion, the romance, the unending stream of hot air coming from Dick's tiny, annoying little mouth, ignited Sean like never before. My mouth is not tiny. Is it?
Starting point is 01:09:39 I think so. Sean stumbled over to Dick like an effeminate baby tear. Why is he the woman? I don't know. And gave him the most precious of Eskimo kisses. Oh, that's closer than regular kisses. That's the chaos thing in here. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:10:02 It's not obvious. Oh my God. I didn't have any association with Eskimo kisses. That's not gonna be, it's fine with it's just kisses because I gotta shitload them thoughts of kisses but Eskimo kisses like a nun. Now that's the only thing there. Fuck. Thank you, good job, Peach.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Excuse me. Yeah, no, you're not excuse. No excuse for you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm, Peach. Excuse me. Yeah, no. You're not excuse. No excuse for you. With a flourish, he plucked the ratty elastic band and casing Dick's disgusting,
Starting point is 01:10:36 unkempt man bun. His kinky split ends burst forth from their prison, looking a little like fireworks in the night sky only ugly. Come on, you go fuck yourself, please. His, his, I don't have rady hair ties. I get them on Etsy. They're very expensive. They're from a specific person so that they're big enough to fit around my wrist because most hair ties are made for women. They don't fit around a men's wrist.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Mine are made for a man. Yet pH balanced for a woman. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. His mane ever so slowly flitted down onto his massive shoulders. Not like freshly fallen snow onto a dog's turd or perhaps a do drop embellished cobweb finding its way to your mouth
Starting point is 01:11:22 or something else that's beautiful and yet repulsive. Oh, Christ. Sean brushed his delicate pasty girlish hands. See your hands. Like put your hands up for the camera. Your hands are fucking huge. Sean has huge, his pinky. This is, no, no, no, please, please,
Starting point is 01:11:44 Sean has an enormous pinky finger. Like he can play guitar chords. It's on his, like he is, his hands are made to play a guitar. Wow. Because this is one pinky finger can reach. It's really much longer than that. If you line them up. Oh my god, your fingers are.
Starting point is 01:11:57 It's very bizarre. It's like two centimeters, two mil, uh, no, that is like, that is like six or seven millimeters. Your pinky finger is longer than the other one. His pinky is longer than the index finger. It's been that way ever since I can remember that. Well, anyway, your girlish hands, you were rubbing them up and down,
Starting point is 01:12:10 Dix B. Fe burly arms. Good arms, cool. As Dix shivered and purred like a weird sweaty cat, out of sheer ecstasy, Dix knees buckled, which should surprise no one since the dumb bastard ignores leg day like he ignores the Facebook group. I do not ignore the face. I'm on Facebook all the
Starting point is 01:12:28 stories like it may have been updated since a couple people went to the gym. I'm just saying. Yeah, it does. Yeah, it seems very knowledgeable. They do. Astarius coconose still low key masturbating in the southwest corner of the room. Who could forget shouted for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and be it by Christ or be it by Christ, it too topped the Billboard charts. Oh, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:12:51 What? What's a thrice? I don't know. I'm just here reading it. Sean scooped the dick show host up like the dainty libertarian princess that he is. I'll take it. And Jen Lee laid him down on a soft bed,
Starting point is 01:13:03 made entirely of audio cables and true love. Dick, you better get that ass ready, Sean Spatt as he took a rip from a bong that was shaped like freedom. Because tonight I'm gonna fill you with more than just a sense of pride. But then, just before Dick could get his affirmative nod from a superlative rod, a S- just before dick could get his affirmative nod from a superlative rod a haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha was answered. Now here's the weird part. My mom. No, no, no, no. This is the weird part. It seems like it ended because it says to be continued just like last time, but then there's an author's note. The author's note says, author's note. For the next chapter, this will be a choose your own adventure. Vote on who, vote. You have to vote on who called Dick and the choices are these three a madcucks
Starting point is 01:14:06 Be Larry or see a stereosis terribly ill ex-wife. Oh, no, no, please make it Larry This is going I know I have no control. You cannot right you cannot put her in this story. I have no control. I simply I am sitting here to, uh, okay. That's great. Nice. Good for you. That's what you've done with your life. What, read a story to yourself.
Starting point is 01:14:32 Thank you. What was it? The affirmative nod. Uh, let me double check. I want to get this right. Uh, but then just before Dick could get his affirmative nod from a superlative rod. Superlive now. It's an upgrade.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Right. I was going to say shockingly adequate. Are you talking about bigger? Oh, you didn't forget. That was from a superlative rod. Superlive now, it's an upgrade. Right, I was gonna say, shockingly adequate. Oh yeah, bigger. Oh, you didn't forget, that was from a month ago, my God. Yeah. All right, I got a funny story. I got a guy on the line here. Oh yeah? Yeah, he's, he called in before, Stephen.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Let me get him on. Hey, Stephen, are you there? Do you have me now? Hey, Steven. Hey. Okay, yes. Sorry about that, man. Is that really your name? I mean, I know it's not really your name. Is that your handle, Steven?
Starting point is 01:15:13 Yeah, yeah. It's, well, you know, it's like a fucking idiot. It's my name. Yeah, it's my name. Yeah, Steven. Why? Well, it's a good question. Yeah. Um, cause like there's, well, there's one correct way to spell Steven,
Starting point is 01:15:27 and there's one incorrect way to spell it. And my entire life, I've had to correct people. I don't know if you know what this is like, Sean, having a name that's easily misspelled, but, uh, can't imagine. I, yeah, I have to correct people all the time. So it's Steven with a pH and then, uh, you know, wait, so are you doing it as a, as a bit?
Starting point is 01:15:43 The pH just because of how many, how often people fuck up your name, or is your name actually Steven? Well, I would think that's a yes or no, but I'm surprised again. Surprise. What do you think is more likely in this case? I think it's, I think he's kind of a bit. It's like a famous internet meme
Starting point is 01:16:04 that I kind of appropriated for my own identity because I thought it was funny. I got it for my license plate on my car though, so I probably took it a little bit too far. Oh, I tried to get, this is a true story. I tried to get no fat chicks on my license plate in the night school. I was like, oh yeah, this will be hilarious.
Starting point is 01:16:23 No fat, the world is a different place back then. So I got no N-O-F-T-C-A-J-X and the giant woman at the DMV. She's in a ball. She's like, no, that's flagged already. So I've tried to do it in the reverse, thinking it would be backwards, whatever that is, backwards. And then you have to give a reason
Starting point is 01:16:43 for why that's your plate, like if they explained it to them, so you don't sneak anything by them. Sure. So I said, uh, stands for exchange of the phone. Yeah. Cause it looks like X,
Starting point is 01:16:54 it looks like X, H, C, T, F, O, N. That's what no fatchics is backwards. I said, I'm a cellular telephone salesman. And it stands for exchange your phone. First, she's like, okay, so they sent it in and I'm thinking, it's kind of lame that it's backwards, but whatever, it still works. Like people will still be insulted by it.
Starting point is 01:17:15 So I still win. They sent it back in like six weeks, saying, with my check saying, no, we figured out that it was no fat chicks backwards. Fuck you. I got damn it. So now now that's flagged. Two took him six weeks to figure that shit out, too. They had a whole crack team on it. Oh yeah. They saw it in the clock. The from address
Starting point is 01:17:32 like, no, this guy's not, this is not a real thing. Okay, Steven is, he called in in the bonus episode. He called in during the bonus episode with a story about polyamory and furries and this was the most fascinating part. Stephen was going through hormone replacement therapy to become a woman and then he changed his mind. Yeah, that's right. And in the two weeks since then, I haven't changed my mind again. You changed your mind again.
Starting point is 01:18:02 No, no, I haven't. I'm just giving you an update. I'm still going. You're still a man. Yeah, yeah, so far. Okay, you're still happy with it. Now, here's something. Okay, let me get to why you're calling in.
Starting point is 01:18:15 You posted a thread and read it, saying that you were commenting on madcast media's site, and the next thing you know, Maddox is adding your girlfriend on Facebook and hitting her up. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, to screw out, tell the whole story.
Starting point is 01:18:34 I don't want to summarize it. But it's so funny. It's just so embarrassing that a guy would get caught doing that, you know? Yeah, so this has happened to other people, with the screenshots. I'll tell my story because for whatever reason, it's the most documented.
Starting point is 01:18:53 But I decided to troll him. I guess this is kind of getting what I deserve. But yeah, I went to troll him. I posted on the Madcast page because I know a lot of his other stuff is locked down, and I thought that maybe I'd be able to kind of slip something through since on the Reddit, like Jesse will shut that shit down right away. Or maybe I shouldn't say his name. Anyway, so I posted something just pretending to be like an innocent fan. In reality, I'd stop listening to a show a while ago after Sean left because... Yeah, Sean was the reason a lot of people were tuning into that show.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Yeah, exactly. And without somebody to call him on his bullshit, it's just not the same. So I said to him, hey, kind of confused. This network was launched a year ago and so only has two shows. Where's the rest of the shows?
Starting point is 01:19:41 Meanwhile, the DICK network, the CNX Tuesday network has like six six shows, thriving Sean, generating, there's a rivalry. People are saying that Larry's show is better than my show. Can you believe that? That is not true. Outrageous outlanders. I'm gonna punch Larry right in his fucking face.
Starting point is 01:19:58 I know. Show is better than my show. I'm tape. Yeah, so then what happened? So, so that was about an hour later, I actually got a response, which is crazy, because I've never gotten a response from Maddox in the like 20 years that I've followed his stuff. You will, if you're talking about me, somebody else sent me, somebody sent me a gigantic
Starting point is 01:20:21 private conversation that's all one-sided sided. It looks like the kind of conversation that if you, like that, a turbo chump would be having with a woman who does not want to respond, it's all one sided, right? It's like, it looks like a guy playing ping pong with himself and he's ripping into me, 80s girl. I haven't talked about it because part of that conversation is very upsetting to me. I don't know how to approach it, but the guy sends me the screenshots and he's like, dude, I was trying to talk about anything else and he would just, not,
Starting point is 01:20:49 Mattis would just not stop talking about you. And I think the guy's going insane because he just doesn't give his side of the story. You know, anyway, Steve. He really loves you. He really loves you a lot or he loved you. Yeah. So I love going to find out later
Starting point is 01:21:03 that the response like got was actually from the host of the second show on Maddox's. Okay. But who added your girlfriend? Who added your girlfriend on Facebook? So I'll go through that. He said I was confused and he said, God, you are confused. And I was like, okay, that's not really an answer. And I asked him, because I was, I guess the premise was I was like, okay, if I'm really an answer. And I asked him, because I was, I guess the premise was, I was like, okay, if I'm going to spend Mad Box, then what's the point of that if I, there's only two shows, right?
Starting point is 01:21:32 And, just consumer. Consumers, fairs. I need to be so mad aware of Mad Box, by the way. Oh, you haven't heard about Mad Box, yeah. He asked me, you know, like, he asked me, how do you make it through a day? I guess, because I'm so stupid. And I said, I managed to, how how do you make it through a day? I guess because I'm so stupid. And I said, I managed to,
Starting point is 01:21:46 how does Maddox make it through a day without thinking about dick screwing his ex? And then, I mean, I love him. I mean, yeah, immediately, I got like blocked from his page and my thing is proved. I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:22:01 Yeah. So then about five minutes after that, my girlfriend shows me that she got a friend request from the Maddox account that's just Maddox rules. Oh, it's a personal account. Okay, yeah, I know that account. It's the one with the Pikachu with the space on it. Yeah, it's Pokemon Go screenshot Pikachu with his creepy creepy And and he sent her a message right yeah, so they talked briefly and I have all the conversation. It's super long And you read it. Yeah, yeah, oh, this is the most embarrassing thing ever
Starting point is 01:22:37 Can you like the the things that you send to a woman? You're trying to impress are the most cutting and awful Embarrassing things that could ever be exposed. They're so humiliating. Please read them. She was she thought that it was completely unrelated why Maddox, a internet former celebrity who lives in LA would add her. We live on the East Coast in the South. She doesn't follow his podcast or his website. I mean, she can't tell the difference between your voice and Maddox's voice when I listen to the biggest problem on the stereo. Like she has no idea.
Starting point is 01:23:14 She knows one of you is more liberal in the other's voice. My voice really believes in the free market. It's obvious. She should be able to tell. Now just for the facts, because a lot of people are asking and I was kind of confused last
Starting point is 01:23:24 when you called And then what story your girlfriend is Is she genetically what are we what's the situation? Well, I mean I haven't done a DNA test to check her chromosomes. Okay, but genetically she was She was born and lived the first few years of her life as like, you know, like a weird little boy. Okay. And transitions and so for like 19 years, she's been living as a woman. So she's a trans-girlfriend?
Starting point is 01:23:54 Yeah. That right? Okay. Transgender woman. Yeah, she's a woman. Okay. Yeah, that's right. And that's a man's thing.
Starting point is 01:24:02 It's not for everybody. I acknowledge that, but she's really awesome. I've dated a lot of people, and I would say, I told her the first time on a matter that she is as authentically female as any of them, as far as like her mannerisms, and even, you know, even like 99% of her body, you really couldn't tell the difference. So I mean, I tell women whatever they want to hear too.
Starting point is 01:24:23 So I mean, I tell women whatever they want to hear too. So I know. Okay, so Maddox added her on Facebook and then is sending her like flirty messages. Can you read that? I was like, you know, be careful. I knew what happened to you. I didn't want this to happen to her. You know, she's, she's already not doing great job wise.
Starting point is 01:24:44 It's really hard for transgender people in the South. And so- Get out of the South. What are you doing in the South? This is just where we grew up, you know? Get out of there. What do you, is that a, is that a, on the horizon? I mean, I'm coming.
Starting point is 01:24:58 I mean, come in. L.A. everybody's very friendly to, to you people. Everybody's very friendly, would be very friendly to you guys. You have, there's a, I'm thinking, they're sure there's a huge community out here. Ask John, she'll tell you. Yeah, there, there definitely is. Yeah. I mean, the East Coast, like I have friends in LA that you just, if you walk into the DMV and ask them, I believe they'll change your name and your gender on your ID. And over here, you have to get a court order for both of those things. I mean, look, I love this. I don't want people to get the wrong idea.
Starting point is 01:25:26 I fucking love the South, but if you don't like where you live, move. That's all I'm saying. And yeah, it's really mostly just a problem for the transgender stuff. Otherwise, we like it here. But I'll read you the conversation. Like I said, there's not a lot to it.
Starting point is 01:25:37 But in the whole time though, we're kind of on the edge of our seats because I'm like, there's a lot to it. What the hell is he doing? Yeah. He's obviously doing this to A, hit on her, and B, kind of like get back at me for my dig at him. And I just want to make sure that nothing's going to happen to her because she didn't do
Starting point is 01:25:53 anything wrong, you know? I agree. Yeah. And I don't know how the hell he found her from my page because I didn't think that was publicly available. Yeah. I spent all the time as a fucking computer looking up weird shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yeah, it's definitely creepy. So she, she messages him after they added and says, uh, well, that is an interesting development after he has done on leading with that. And he says it sure is. And then, um, she says to him, uh, I know my boyfriend boyfriend said some things on your profile the other day, is that how you found me? I really don't want to get sucked into some sort of feud. His opinions are not mine and you seem like a nice person to me,
Starting point is 01:26:33 but I'm sure you can understand my apprehension about accepting your ad. Okay. And he says, I don't want to do like a med cooks impression. It's funny. Everybody loves doing it. It's the voice that everybody loves to do. It's like, shorts. I like to do his Midwest, like, nazily Michigan thing, like all wet or under the bridge.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Not sure I know your boyfriend. No worries either way. And that's the last she heard from him. I think. Okay. So, I'm saving anything juicy out of him. No, I mean, I told her to try, but to be careful because he is a professional at ruining people's personal professional reputation.
Starting point is 01:27:12 He doesn't get paid very much for it. So I don't know if he's on the phone. Look, if anybody, if anybody does actually get like sex chats out of that guy, I will fucking pay you money for them. Yeah. So if somebody poses as a fake girl and gets like a Maddox dick pick, I will send, I will give you 500 bucks for that. I will put a bounty on Maddox's cock. If you can trick him into sexting you and because he will, like he's hard up for flirting with women on Facebook, go nuts. Gates are fucking open. Cause of Steven.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Look, I hope your girlfriend's okay. I don't wanna get her to get stuck with the adivative. So far, so far. She's still though, doesn't think that he did this on purpose. Like she thinks that it's a coincidence. It's a coincidence. You know how many emails I answer every day? Out of how many I get?
Starting point is 01:28:02 Like 2%, not a one of them is a coincidence. Yeah, I'm like maybe it's a coincidence that you showed up in his feed. Yeah. I don't know why that would happen because I am not in his feed. I'm not friends with Maddox and I don't follow his personal page. Yeah. So there's no Facebook connection there. No.
Starting point is 01:28:21 You know, it's a bunch of people have reported the same thing, like him adding. Yeah. Even a stereo city was going to talk about on his show. Huh. Yeah, but a ton of a bunch of people have reported the same thing like him adding. Yeah, Stereo city was gonna talk about on his show. Oh, yeah, I'm asking what he has to say about it. I mean, we all agree. It's very creepy. There's nothing positive they can come from it. And my personal theory is that he went to her page. She's public about her being transgender. It lists it right there when you go into her thing. I think he saw that and was like, I'm progressive, but not that progressive. Oh, after he added, do you mean? Yeah, yeah. He started walk like awkward turtle. He started swimming back. He started backpedaling. He's a cyclist. He started spinning it backwards. And he's like, I'm thinking, I'm thinking he's okay.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Like, he'll date, you know. I mean, he's a minority, his girlfriend's a minority, but I don't think that he's willing to. That's true, they're both disabled. I'm gonna get that far off the deep inside. Okay, Steven, thank you for calling in. Thank you for this story. Yeah, thanks, thank you.
Starting point is 01:29:20 I love when you call in. I don't know. There's something about you that's like, he's unrestable. No, I appreciate that. Have you heard of people getting their jimmies wrestled? I look at what people say about Steven on the, on the internet and he just has a column response for every, like, he's unflappable. Yes. We call it unrustable now, unrustable though now.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Well, whatever. That was our parents said, flap them. What ever PC term you want to use. It's not PC. It's about being new. Okay. Meeming, Sean. Yeah. It term you want to use? It's not P.C. It's about being new, memeing Sean. It's about meme speak, unrestable.
Starting point is 01:29:49 All nothing new. I'm sure right in your face. Nothing new, we just call it something different now. I would have a good one. Oh, wait, what makes you a rage? I want to put you on the board. What makes you a rage? I really appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:30:00 I'm so glad you asked. This is, okay, so. I hope it's not so weird. You bathed shit or fuck you. Bath? Actually, I was going to talk about the bath. Yeah. No, don't talk about the bath. What else do you know? What are you going to say about that? I'll make you a rage. What I was going to say is that women don't know how to fucking shower. All right. And they get a shower. They don't use the mat or anything on the ground. So the entire floor is just soaking wet
Starting point is 01:30:28 on the tile or the linoleum. And I'll go in there to pee either in the middle of the night or when I'm working or something. And I'll almost bust my ass because it's slippery everywhere. And then they'll come back to bed after they take their shower because my girlfriend works the night shift and I work a day shift. And I'll go to hug her and she's like soaking wet
Starting point is 01:30:48 her entire body and her hair. And I'm like, what the hell do you use the towel for? If you're not tallying off your body, okay? They wrap their hair in it and then they put their clothes on soaking wet and their clothes are just glued to them. I think I'll do that. I think I should just do that.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Yeah, I think that's it. I do that. I went to my life coaches wedding. It was a destination wedding. And everyone was splitting a room with somebody, you know, that they'd never met before. And I got, I got, I got put in a room with a guy named Speedy. Of course he did. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:18 He was real, then. Speedy. Not for TV. Speedy. And he's like, he's this Bulgarian dude. He's a professional poker player, real intense guy. And I guess a couple of days into the trip, he took my live coach to side. They were all drinking and shooting the shit
Starting point is 01:31:35 and he just exploded. He's like, why in Bulgarian? He's like, how do you get the bathroom so wet every day? I get in there every time and it's like a fucking typhoon, is it the bathroom? Cause I, and I was like, I never, I didn't know people didn't use the bathroom, like shower like me. Like I just get out, I got shit to do,
Starting point is 01:31:53 the towels and after thought, I don't want to be wet, but I don't mind being wet. Right, what do you do with the towel? If you're, because I like, I will towel off every single crevice in my body, between every toe, between my butt cheeks, behind my ears, to get all the water off I hate you. No, no. I like being wet. I like being a little slippery. I like going out
Starting point is 01:32:10 to the world. I want to put the shirt on so I'm wet so it will mold around my packs. It will be form-fitting. That's what I want with I just give a little, you know, rinse with the towel. I give it a nice little afterthought. I just don't have a real winter in LA so you don't like understand what it's like to go outside, but it's a little zero in your wet. No, I just get the big spots, you know, get the arms, I do a lot of arm, I only towel all my arm. I don't towel off my legs at all. Constantly wet. Alright, Steven, see you later. Thanks, Matt. Thank you. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna open some presents while we wait for Mad Cucks. Here is... Once and in by Aaron, Aaron G.
Starting point is 01:32:57 I never know if people want me to read their whole names on the show. Dear Dick, I've been listening to your son or his voice since episode one of the biggest problem. A voice that ranges from a James Bond-like character playing the casino floor as Slick as Butter. To a ravenous trash panda tearing into a hot bag of garbage. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:13 That's funny. Needless to say, I enjoy your antics and the indolus arsenal of smiles. You seem to pull out of the omniverse. Similarly, excuse me, you seem to, maybe four years was a bad idea. Oh no. You seem to pull out of the omniverse. Similarly, excuse me, you seem to, maybe four years was a bad idea. You seem to pull out of the omniverse during story time.
Starting point is 01:33:28 With that said, I want to show my gratitude for the years of entertainment. You've gifted me within this parcel contains two, five ounce bottles of my custom made whiskey, a concoction I crafted four years ago, but have only shared with a small portion of friends. Wow. Wow. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 01:33:42 This whiskey was barreled in a tiny cask, which speeds up the aging time. I named this 151-proof whiskey Ursa, which is Latin for bear, because after one sip of this liquid fire, your brain will be overwhelmed by your senses. All five of them deluded into believing your body has transcended into the heart of the forest. There you stand face to face with a great and mighty bear, not just any bear, but the ethos of the bear spirit itself manifested into physical form. You stare deeply into each other's eyes, just before she moths out your esophagus. I recommend it over rocks, but you can also drink it neat. I said, don't tell me how to drink my
Starting point is 01:34:20 fucking whiskey, you son of a bitch. I sent two bottles so you can share more with Sean Ashtarios or whomever. I got to like these. I like when people use whomever correctly. When you're saying, the whole letters class is very well written too. Absolutely. If it's him or her is the answer, that's when you use whomever. I looked it up. I could sound fancier and therefore better than people's.
Starting point is 01:34:45 And subtly, subtly, I throw out a whomever. It's in the details. Yeah, it's or whomever, right? But you know, you don't want to fuck that one up. Here's what it looks like. Here's one of the bottles. Oh, wow, man. Ursa, very cool.
Starting point is 01:34:59 Very cool, thanks, Aaron. Thanks a lot. 151 proof. It's cool like the bootlegging that goes on. 151 proof whis It's cool, like the boot lagging that goes on. Yeah. 151 proof whisky, it's really cool. How was that sealed? Here, look.
Starting point is 01:35:13 How would you say it's sealed? Eight-year. Well, it's got like a, some kind of like a plastic sort of shrink wrap around it, or? Yeah. And it's got a little, yeah, tab. I just wasn't sure if it was, was there any wax or anything?
Starting point is 01:35:24 That's cool. Or so whisky, eight-year. I'll wasn't sure if it was, was there any wax or anything? That's cool. Or so whiskey eight year. I'll read some comments to Michael Perry's as the final solution to all this sitting down to pee nonsense. Take a knee. Take a knee. Take a knee.
Starting point is 01:35:35 You got to piss. No need to sit down. No need to stand up. It's take a knee. You could be all things to all people. I said to everyone happy. You come to the center. Like you're playing sports as a teenager. You're that everyone happy. You come to the center. Like you play in sports as a teenager
Starting point is 01:35:46 and college comes over, take a knee. Like just can you just address us like standing here? I have to take a knee. Like why do you need to be looking down? Because he's bestowing his knowledge. Yeah, it's a hierarchy. It's a relaxed respect thing I guess. And really it really annoys me.
Starting point is 01:36:03 It annoys me. Let's see. Tim Johns says, oh man, I just heard the bonus episode. As you can see, I'm the guy who left the Facebook comment about your cop motorcycle fairings problem. On the bonus episode, I read this old email between me and Maddox, where Maddox screenshot it and paste at a guy saying that I do too many Southern California problems
Starting point is 01:36:27 and that he wanted me to stop. And we had always had two arguments about it. Tim, the guy who left the comments, says, I just left the comic, because I thought it was an awful idea for a problem. And I didn't put too much thought in it, because after all, it's only a fucking podcast. I never, in a million years, would have imagined that your lunatic ex-business partner
Starting point is 01:36:44 would screen cap my writing and use it as ammunition to manipulate you into doing the show a certain way. So I'm really sorry that he used the post the twist your nipples. The amount of people that have had their their their comments on the old show and the biggest problem screen-shotted and sent to me as part of Maddox's notes for how I need to change my behavior would would cause was staggering. It would be hilarious to every single person. Not many.
Starting point is 01:37:11 Oh yeah, every note. Because every note that he ever sent had to have some shitty proof attached to it. Like, he had to say, hey, I don't think it's my opinion that I think it would be a better show if you did this. It's like, also, it's fact because here's a screenshot of a guy. Like, give me a fucking break, dude.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Just say what you want. Don't pretend to prove it. All right, here's Mad Cucks. Hey, Mad Cucks, are you there? Hey, Dick, well, I'm here. Hey, what are you doing? What are you guys doing? You guys up to today.
Starting point is 01:37:40 We were trying to explain to Sean the idea of Mad Bucks. Well, I feel like Sean should be way ahead of the game on this because you know uh... a few months ago we we talked about me paying him exclusively in mad book and that's that's the way we get him a race you know he was getting he's getting certain rate i would just close your fresh and financials on but uh... okay i was paying a one-rate normally for the show, but we switched over to Matt
Starting point is 01:38:05 painting with with Mad Bucks. You know, I could give him a lot more bucks per episode. Yeah, so getting paid by the company store. Yeah, you can then you could download his many episodes of the Bows time, as you never want. Which Sean, you would be paying for anyway, we presume. So he would be saving you money. So let me start in a little bit of reality though, first.
Starting point is 01:38:29 Okay. Is this a real thing? Oh, this is dude, this is a real thing. Of course it's a real thing, Sean. It's a real thing. Damn, Sean. Of course it's a real thing. It's like, you know, I learned this business model for pretty much every mobile game
Starting point is 01:38:41 ever, right? You know what I'm doing this? We sell you a bunch of useless coins or or crystal shards or some stupid nonsense. And then it disguised the fact that you're actually paying real money for something. So you spend a lot more. Yeah. Like a casino.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Also, here's a gambling ad. Madcooks bucks is that with Madcooks bucks, we took three months out of the year. That's right, you're welcome. So Mad eggs to sell his bonus content, and whatever the fuck he's doing over there, he's letting you trade your actual money for Mad Bucks, and then you trade the Mad Bucks for the bonus episode content. And not only does everyone think it's stupid because it's like Disney dollars, mad cucks.
Starting point is 01:39:29 And it's like Disney land where you go in and you have your Disney dollars that you can only spend in Disneyland. That's what he's doing, except he's not Disney. It's just like. You're right, I'm better than Disney. Disney's a shit company. It's a big problem, guys. I'm better than this. This is a shit company. It's a big problem guys. What are you up?
Starting point is 01:39:45 Just fucking they're ruining everything. I mean they made that piece of shit a little mermaid The you know, it's over commercialization now they own all this all this stock, you know, invest in Madbox You know, this is a it's an investment. It's an investment for the future You know mad mad bucks are the only protection against inflation So what is the exchange rate? I mean against inflation so what is the exchange rate i mean why yeah what's the exchange rate how many of my real dollars can i how many dick dollars which are just the same as us currency can i trade for mad bucks but we don't accept dick dollars in the mad but universe okay buddy we're not you know we're gonna bargo against the the dick dollars. Oh I am I am
Starting point is 01:40:26 America in 1963 you are Cuba buddy. Okay, we're gonna build a wall around you when Cuba around Cuba. Here's it's I think it's like I think it's like 20 whatever it is you trade your real money and get mad. It also it also depends here's great thing about Mad Bucks. It's so you buy three coins for five dollars, you buy six coins for eight dollars, so you're saving, you buy 24 coins for 18 dollars, that's enough for a whole year. Assuming that every episode costs three coins, because three times 12 is 24.
Starting point is 01:41:00 It's the most fucking convoluted system that the idiot made. So you buy Mad Bucks with your real money, and then you have some kind of credit system where you can purchase bonus episodes, but Maddox tried to do some kind of a discount system where you buy more, but it doesn't make sense because you don't know what you can buy,
Starting point is 01:41:23 and he fucked up the math for like how many you can but go ahead. But I mean, what I'm assuming is that it enables him to get money up front. Well, yes. Yeah, that's exactly the plan. I get, it's like the forward from my book. So I got that forward from my book almost three years ago now.
Starting point is 01:41:41 Yeah. And so, that money, that's money's nonsense right now guys. I mean, that's expensive. The Patreon's not doing well. So maybe if I can sell you 24 Mad Bucks, you know, now, and, you know, in a year when I haven't actually done anything like that, like the second season of biggest solution episodes, uh, uh, uh, uh, your money's really no big deal. So here's, here's what happened with Mad Bucks.
Starting point is 01:42:05 This is because I've gotten tweets and emails to talk about it. We had a perfect system on the biggest problem where you buy a season up front and then we finance the show. Like no bullshit, that first run of season one passes probably pulled in 40 grand. So many people, because they knew what the content was going.
Starting point is 01:42:24 It was going to, it also made it super easy because every month you just got an email and it was like, Hey, here's your send out a link. Yeah, download your episode. You can download it 10 times if you want to, although I don't know why you'd ever want to. Pop up my email. Downloaded episode. Great. Thanks and done.
Starting point is 01:42:39 Instead, every fucking month I had to go log into PayPal. Yeah. Remember what the fuck that thing was? What were they like $1.79? Because God forbid, you just sell them for a regular fucking price. And then I downloaded that one time. I can't fucking download it the second time.
Starting point is 01:42:54 So like, if my SD card crashes, like, well, I guess I'm just gonna go fucking torrent it. Cause, you know, while I did pay for it once, I don't really want to have to pay for it again. Just like download something I've already fucking paid for. Yeah, so this is what you fixed all these problems with your mad bucks, right? Oh, yeah, $30,000 website. You think I'm not gonna fix some past problems I made the first time through?
Starting point is 01:43:15 So the problem, the original season past thing works perfectly. And the reason why, the reason why I think Maddox just didn't do it again is because I created it. Like, it's very, it's a very simple plan. You can buy the Mala cart or you sign up for the whole season and we just send you the episodes when they come out. Season two comes out. We can, the season two comes out.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Maybe we don't give the discount again. Maybe we do. Maybe it's less of a discount, but it's very, it's very simple to understand, right? You get it. The convenience of having the, the episodes just sent to you is, is part of the price. Yeah. So, wasn't that expensive? You know, 20 bucks for years worth of pretty fucking good
Starting point is 01:43:49 for hours, like what, 12, 20 hours of content? That's, you know, a lot of people paid it. That's my point. A lot of people paid it. They enjoyed it. All Maddox had to do was do that exactly. I set up the entire system, sound, send out, everything involved with it.
Starting point is 01:44:04 And that's the reason I think he's created this preposterous mad bucks idea with like this weird casino Disneyland currency because I created the other one and came up with it and everything that I do is bad. Maybe I'm missing something. I just want to, I want to figure out how it works to his advantage because that's the only, is it just getting the money up front? But it's such a convoluted system that people don't understand it. But it's like, you know, it's the same way that mobile games work.
Starting point is 01:44:34 So in a mobile game, you buy $5 worth of, you know, whatever mobile currency is in this game. Like, ISO chips are some stupid thing, right? But so you get five, for $5, you get like ISO chips or some stupid thing right but so you get five for five dollars you get 700 ISO chips yeah and then but but a thing only costs like 200 ISO chips now you've got an extra 100 ISO chips line around or what am I got I can't buy anything for a hundred ISO chips well get put another five dollars get another 700 ISO chips and so you keep this this balance of chips going on yeah but you keep on having to make these transactions just so you can afford to buy the next small thing the problem is
Starting point is 01:45:09 Actually, that's a really an explanation. It's a brilliant explanation if your game is addictive Yes, listen the podcast is not addictive. It thought you can't apply the same Like monetization strategy from a fucking casino to a podcast. I think if anybody knows about addictive content, it's a guy that's got a God's can't end on, turned up to 11, got a bunch of fucking grown ass men, hooked on a soap opera story, it shouldn't have happened almost a year ago.
Starting point is 01:45:37 Let's just talk about addictive content right here. Hey, speaking of addictive content, are you coming Madcucks, are you coming out to LA at the end of March? Is that rumor true? At the end of March? No, I'm coming, Madcux, are you coming out to LA at the end of March? Is that rumor true? At the end of March, no, I'm coming out next week, buddy. Oh, okay, so Madcux is coming out. You're kidding.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Good morning, everyone. I'm ship posting across America. All my patrons are gonna have access to some exclusive content. I'm leaving Thursday night from here. I'm gonna drive for two days, McGith to LA on Saturday, and then I'm gonna fucking kick my ass. Kick, I'm gonna fuck, your days and get to LA on Saturday and then I'm gonna fuck it come kick keep my ass
Starting point is 01:46:06 Kick I'm gonna fuck your bunkers going down buddy. That's We're not a read we're gonna do a very special episode. Yeah, prop. I think we might call it one oh eight We're gonna do a good number for that for that episode. Yeah, we might just call it the one oh eight episode No, it's not it's not that's, I mean, it's not that podcast or not addicted. It's not what I'm saying, by the way, just want to be clear. It's that those games where they charge like Pokemon
Starting point is 01:46:32 are literally addictive. Like, podcast are fun and compelling, but it's not like you're, like, there's no benefit for playing for grinding on Pokemon Go. Yeah, you're addicted to it. Yeah, like, yeah, it's an addiction. I'm not addicted to Pokemon Go. I could quit it at any time, okay?
Starting point is 01:46:52 I just wanted to. I just wanted to find it's a really good outlet for some of my rage and also it's a great way to get some exercise in on my bicycle and procrastinate further on my book. Well, my theory is that, like I said, everything that I come up with or do is tainted by my, my, you know, I don't know, my,
Starting point is 01:47:12 shenanigans, like it's just, it's just tainted by me and the old system of season pass, not only did it work perfectly, it could have been rolled out instantly, but because I was involved, I think Maddox came up with this. And this, Well, the other thing is like
Starting point is 01:47:26 i'm i'm i'm researching this with some of uh... some of the students at uc burkeley uh... whether or not a season passes actually a sexist totem that's what i thought that there's gonna be a that's a great that's a little bit here you can defeat madcucks are you going to be taken the day off on the women's strike day the day of no car door things will call it
Starting point is 01:47:47 that that that that that's amazing not a one car door was ding that day uh... uh... you know that i'm just gonna i'm probably gonna reduce my workload a little bit of
Starting point is 01:48:00 that's you know that's a good way to say in solidarity you're not gonna be adding guys that you're not gonna be adding listeners, girlfriends on Facebook that day. Is that gonna be your strike? Well, no, I mean, I always have to do that. But maybe I'll take the day off from writing my book. Shrans or not.
Starting point is 01:48:14 I think that might be a good reason. That's probably a good cause to pause progression on my book. You know, it's been being, you know, it's a big black box still with the big question mark, it's the one it's gonna be almost nearly two years after the fact of making a big fucking deal. And my book's coming out.
Starting point is 01:48:29 Yeah. Well, I hope we talk about your book when you're in the studio. Yeah. I hope so too. I mean, like a mad cuck's book. That's what I want. Yeah. There's my books coming.
Starting point is 01:48:39 There's been some complications on that front. And let's just, let's put it it this way, when Mad Cucks is doing other shit, it's a lot of shit all at once. So that's why I've fallen behind. I'd like you to apologize very briefly for that, because now you look forward to those chapters. All right. That's totally on me. Okay, thank you for calling in Mad Cucks and clearing up the issue. You're welcome. Thank you, Mad Cucks. All the top two leaders, Sean. Have a good week. Okay. See you later. See you. Bye. It's, so I think I get it. I get it. It's just, it's my, my stink is on it.
Starting point is 01:49:11 So he's got to do, because he's got to be better than what I did, right? Like mine was too straightforward and easy. So now, it's got to have all these weird, complicated exchanges to confuse the consumer. Oh. And that's like, that's what the basis of Mad Cux is to me. Mad Bux is to me.
Starting point is 01:49:28 It's like, will he take real money? Oh no, you trade your real money for mad virtual Mad Bux coin. So you have to, if you're gonna purchase anything, it has to happen. You have to buy this cockamami. Like you can't just, it can't be like a straightforward, you know, I'm paying this and getting this. It's like, now you, you've got to do like a weird accounting for how much you enjoy this
Starting point is 01:49:49 assholes MP3 files. Yeah. You know, it's, but it's like this combination of the worth to you. Yeah. The, the, the amount that I've ruined the simple version that could just be redone this season past. And like this weird, I think this weird way Maddox approaches everything where he doesn't do it
Starting point is 01:50:08 unless he hates it. Like he's got, I think he looks at that and he's such a hipster and his brain's been so fried by L.A. He looks at what he's come up with and thinks, I hate that, it must be good. Because he started, when he started as a satirist, he was counterculture. And now he's become culture. So he's, he like, he can't reinvent himself because he is the man.
Starting point is 01:50:35 Like, everything's that he's, all of his ideals, everything's that he thinks are the establishment. And all the, the counter culture is like, is challenging those ideas. I don't know if that makes sense. No, it does. Like that's what he's becoming. He doesn't realize it. So he comes up with things that it's like how the South Park guys said they can't satirize reality anymore because they are they are the establishment. So he's coming up with things as the establishment and they are inherently flawed and he hates them because he he instinctively wants to rebel against them. So everything that he produces is garbage. I mean, that's like, that's the curse.
Starting point is 01:51:11 That's the curse of becoming the man, I guess. All right, I think that's it. I got, I'm gonna play, does that explain Madbox where you're in the song? It does, perfectly. I'm gonna play a sound on a Sam Glaze song, really talented guy. I always play his songs in the books where you do. It does, perfectly. I'm gonna play us out on a Sam Glaze song, really talented guy. I always play his songs in the bonus episodes.
Starting point is 01:51:29 Yeah, they're cool. And he's so fucking talented these guys. Peach, you got anything you wanna plug? Um, sure. And more six stories of degeneracy and lies that you are reading around the world. I don't have any on hand, but if you would like to come support me, I have a Twitch. It is
Starting point is 01:51:48 slash Peach saliva, and I play games and hang out with Angriest Pat from Superbest Friends Play. And we play games and fuck around and it's a lot of fun. And sometimes I read weird shitty fan fiction that I find. It's fun. That is fun to do. And you got hundreds of people watching you play. Yeah, it's really cool.
Starting point is 01:52:08 It's a lot of fun. So if you'd like to come support me, please check it on out. What if Sean wanted to play Top Gun on your stream? Oh, he absolutely. Do you think you still got the, do you think you could still fly through the danger zone? Fun? Do you think you still got the, yeah?
Starting point is 01:52:22 Oh, yeah. I would pay to watch you don't play that shit. I Should I'd pay you're always invited Sean. All right, come on. Come on and play top guy. I bet I still couldn't really I bet I'm so bad at top gun. I still could not play top gun in land. I probably couldn't play it. Yeah. All right. This is You can get what you want by Sam Glaze go to to, slash thedickshow. Stereo and I did a predator track, a commentary track for the predator that we're gonna be proud of.
Starting point is 01:52:50 There are one of these days. Which he had never seen. Yeah, that's exciting. Wait, Steril said never seen predator. Yeah, no. And I spend the entire movie of the predator talking about how the predator is the libertarian Jesus, which he is.
Starting point is 01:53:04 All right, which he is. All right, thanks for listening. See you next Tuesday. I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, I'm a whiteboard, Say the right word. Say the right word. Say the right word. Say the right word. Say the right cadence. Say the right word. Say the right word. Say the right word.
Starting point is 01:53:56 You can get what you want. ... I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not going to stop, I'm not can't stop, I can't stop Here, down, here I can't stop, I can't stop Here, down, here I can't stop, I can't stop I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, I can say, This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. Thank you for using IC Solutions. You may begin speaking now. All right, so let us go calling from st. Louis county
Starting point is 01:55:45 jail uh... so what makes me rate this week the last there yet couple days ago uh... they call a couple people couple people still members they go back to yourself and then for you know the call line right i go back to myself and uh...
Starting point is 01:56:02 and you know i'm one of the those going on out again you know special three'm wondering what that was going on. I don't know if we're getting, you know, special street or what. And I go back to my stuff. Brownies, and then they, oh, no, we talked over there because you didn't make your bed. So my race for this week is making the fucking bed. Oh, no, there's no, there's never reason to make your bed every time. Pointless. Who you are. Alright, Jim, you have to put it best.
Starting point is 01:56:24 I don't mind if you are. Jimmy, I have to put it best. I don't mind that too. I make good notes. I might put in shoes when I take them after I take them off. What reason is it to make your bed ever, ever? I'm with you, Les. No one should ever make a bed. It's your mind, man. You're going to see that your mind.
Starting point is 01:56:42 It does, man. I don't mind it. How much do you care about your mom? I've been working in the kitchen the past couple of days and it doesn't seem to be worth it at all. We get to eat as much food as we want. We also work for seven hours. I'd rather just read all these books I have because I got a giant fucking pile of them at this point. But anyway, short range this week, I'm just kind of pissed off because I don't have any time to read all these wonderful books. It's my fan's defendiveness. He's pissed in prison, he doesn't have time.
Starting point is 01:57:18 Like I know, I've never been in a lot of life. I know it's about uncluttering your mind, but it is fucking pointless. Well, I would never do it. Yeah. The 80s girl, when she makes the bad, it's like walking, it's like walking into a hotel, man. I know. It just straightens your brains out.
Starting point is 01:57:30 Yeah, it does. It makes your bed. Hell no. I imagine you rolling around. I do, and I lay like a starfish. I gotta make that bed. I gotta make that bed. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:57:39 I don't know why. I don't know. I don't know why. Have them come over and make your bed. I'll be pleased. It let us sounds like he's doing all right. Yeah, he was a little upset. What, on that voicemail? And he sent a big one.
Starting point is 01:57:50 It was like 20 minutes long, I pruned it down. Oh really? Yeah, he wasn't having a good time. Because he didn't have enough personal time to be reading his books. Wait, you pulled that out of a 20 minute voicemail? Yeah, here's another vote with it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:58:02 This call will be recorded and subject to monitoring at any time. Thank you for using IC Solutions. You may begin speaking now. Daily life, you start. OK, so you wake up, they do account, they count everybody, and then eat breakfast. Then you go back yourself a while, you go out for TV time or a significant table table playing cards or checkers or whatever.
Starting point is 01:58:27 The food is terrible. You know, the mix of the constator is like I thought that last week, like not like a hardcore constator. Not some gravel, gravel runs through my rocks. Just imagine trying to pat the, you know, never any cow's pepper from Willy Wonka. And I'm not talking about the, you know, I'm not talking about the round one. I'm talking about the thing that looks like a purple Pokemon. Like the starfish Pokemon, like, yeah. The starfish.
Starting point is 01:59:01 Imagine that's a that's your ass And what else? Okay, so now that I'm working in the kitchen though I will say yeah, like I'm not working in the kitchen. You probably speak food You know a lot of uh got bang out all the trays and you know the guys are you interested in Has been prison life is one side of the food? You know all the food that yeah I mean And then we get to eat we get the people who have been in supermarkets, so yeah, it's fascinating. Oh, former gang member, two of them actually. They're at the cheapest chees and peppers.
Starting point is 01:59:37 So, you have that. Two of them, tax on one here. It's fascinating. And you can do it. It's like a fucking buffet. It's unlimited. You have to be stuffed. And that's perfect. It's fast enough. And you get to eat as much as you want. It's like a fucking buffet. It's unlimited. You know, you have to be stuff. And that's bad though for me,
Starting point is 01:59:49 because I wanted to lose some weight like I came here. And the main thing I wanted to do when I came here was lose weight and read books, right? Read books. There's something I don't, you know. Didn't get either of them. He's the only author. All he wanted was working in the kitchen. All I just wanted to do was go to prison,
Starting point is 02:00:02 lose some weight, read some books. Could have easily done those in real life, even in prison, not possible. Even in prison life comes down on you hard, man. He's too busy in the kitchen, too fucking busy with his galoshes in the prison, serving up shitty food that makes you shit, a never ending gobb stopper. The pointy star story, not the good kind. Not the circle, you can pass terrible times. Still man, you just can never get away.
Starting point is 02:00:30 You can never get time for yourself. It's fucked, even in fucking prison, never. Like he had, he let us had aspirations of going to prison and just having that peace and quiet as to work on himself, to better himself, to read some books, to lose some weight, even in prison, responsibilities, pulling you away from what makes you an Uber meds. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 02:00:57 Like that tug that to be to enlighten yourself. He's got still in prison. Can't get it. Can't get it. Can't get a in prison can't get it can't get it can't get a day can't get a break unbelievable I've been losing any weight and I've left time rebuilding out there honestly and I don't think about like they call it good time and I still don't fucking understand it I've heard a different explanation from million people so I guess I'm just gonna have to call my lawyer at this point but I've heard that you know
Starting point is 02:01:24 when you get assigned to county year, that's what I got right. I got a county year. And they always say, county year is nine months, but then I keep hearing people say, well, it's only nine months if you work in the kitchen. If you work in the kitchen for some amount of time, then they take the shade three months off of, you know, the full year serving otherwise. But then it hurts from other people. They all know that it's not bad.
Starting point is 02:01:43 It's just get a culinary certificate in the kitchen. you want to get a job in a kitchen or something you get a family of no fucking idea that's nothing makes me ready to set you know shitty intel i got that intel no one told me anything straight up you've got to keep digging and even when you do that you have no fucking clue what's going on with the effort everything in here can't get a straight answer for anything in prison. Right. Well, how much time do I gotta serve?
Starting point is 02:02:10 We don't know. Oh. So maddening. All right, I got one other update that I wanna play from a guy called in asking if he should stay working at his job where he barely makes ends meet because he works with a bunch of hot chicks or if he should take a job at Minarads Because he heard it's shitty to work there and we all said don't take the job at Minarads
Starting point is 02:02:32 So he called in with an update Hey, what's going on dick? I just left 50 cent beer and wings my down in the goose and I let you give an update on the Minar Job employment stories, so I left the restaurant to go work in the Nards I'm making a little bit of money now I'm I'm here to get my check in about a week or two I did it and I'm gonna make a money in the restaurant except for anybody out there who's looking to work in Minards there are no hot women working I mean hot women don't sell writing moors hot women don't sell right on the the hot chick the one the right head with the tattoos but uh... she's always been caught if you text me
Starting point is 02:03:15 he wants coffee even though she's a boyfriend she always text me that out of the way that he'd be great thank you the reason i never heard of these because i the very last day I told her I said hey uh her name well I'm not gonna give her real neighborhood I go okay good I'm gonna give her a big name hey uh just give her the name then she'll you always want me coffee over the last few months you know what how about I think you have the coffee if you ever want to uh hang out and just catch up for something hit me up you know I don't want to hit you because you have a crazy boyfriend, but if you ever want me to give you some coffee or something, let me know when I buy your coffee.
Starting point is 02:03:49 So I offered to buy her a coffee. You're women love free shit. And since her boyfriend's crazy, I also told her, hey, your boyfriend's crazy, I'm not going to text you first. So she has to text me first and I get to buy her a coffee. So that's why you get it out of date with the girl. Yeah. But that too is with a boyfriend. Sighting.
Starting point is 02:04:05 She's gonna make the choice. You put the power in her hands. Minards is a pretty good job, by the way. And this is him saying thank you to her. Yeah, did he just say minards is a good job? Yeah, so he left, he jumped ship to minards and floated out the choice, to choose your own adventure. Left a barber.
Starting point is 02:04:23 Yeah, he left a barber there. And leave a little leave behind. Saying, hey, by the way, I choose your own adventure. Left a barber. Yeah, he left a barber there. And leave a little leave behind. Saying, hey, by the way, I appreciate all the time we spent together. You wanna hit me up, and it's very obvious the way he did it, that he wants to bang her. Coffee. Yeah, coffee.
Starting point is 02:04:37 I wanna pay you back. But that's the key move, is you say, my intentions are inappropriate because of your boyfriend. You've got to get that across. Imagine how exciting that is for her. She gets to have like a Victorian pride in prejudice. I don't know what that book is about, but I imagine it's all about scandals and scandalousness
Starting point is 02:05:00 and who secrets. I'm sure it is. Maybe I should text this guy about coffee over at Minar. They've been friend and bred to this. Yes, they did. Bye. Have you read it? No.
Starting point is 02:05:12 Then they did. All right. I'm the expert on Emily Bronte. Too shate. Period. And he's floating it out there. Did Emily Bronte write? No.
Starting point is 02:05:21 No, I don't think so. I don't think so. I think that's Jane Austen, dude. That's, I'm so suck at. So much of no, I don't think so. I don't think so. Shit, I don't know. I think that's Jane Austen, dude. That's, I'm so, suck it. So much of a man I don't know who wrote, who wrote Wuthering Heights. I think Bronte, wait, wait, wait, wait, I think.
Starting point is 02:05:35 Please Jesus make that the case. All right, thanks for listening. Is that it? Yeah, I'm getting too drunk. Yeah, I'm getting too drunk.

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