The Dick Show - Episode 407 - Dick on Super Christ

Episode Date: April 22, 2024

A fat woman falls down running from a racoon, my friend goes to federal prison, Florida fights mockery, a woman threatens to kill her city council, the WNBA deserves more money, a taboo question scale..., a balloon furry dies, Sean's Guitar Talk, teachers are doing a bad job, and a secret email threatens to completely destroy Maddox's timeline of events; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm just sitting here, F5, F5, F5, F5. There it is, incoming. Is F5 to pay tribute? You don't know what F5 means? I was just making a joke about What's-his-face who made the game. What game? I remember, God, who was it? He used to be a listener and then he got pissed off, I think, when he made fun of the game.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Oh, shit. Wasn't he on a shirt behind me at some point? He used to be a listener and then he got pissed off, I think, when we made fun of the game. Oh shit. Wasn't he on a shirt behind me at some point? Oh, Adam Nash, yeah! Yes, thank you. Oh yeah, yeah. It was Adam Pownash. Adam Pownash. Oh man, those were great times.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Adam Pownash. The innocent days of... We've been doing this show for so long. I can't remember names. Yeah, I can't remember the beginning. Yeah, and now it's been going so long I'm like shit, man. I don't remember that guy. No, I know. Me, who am I'm talking about? Dodger game guys, that's why. That's why we're late. It's a dodger game, man. That's on me. Dodger game, buddy. That's on me, not dick. I'm surprised I'm this late though. Who cares? Oh, I've, you know.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Let everybody ease into it, come on, it's a Sunday. It's the Lord's Day. Been worshiping Satan all week. Nice to just- Yeah, nice to make a- Satan, you gotta be on time with Satan. Just change. Yeah, I'm gonna- Someone else is gonna get that deal.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Hey, Satan's in town. Oh shit! Well, he's wheeling. I'm late! I gotta get down there. Wheeler and a dealer. Yeah, you're done.. I mean Vito deals with him every Friday, I think Yeah, it really is yeah Every week the guy just wants toys and doesn't want to be reminded of his of his weight But dick can't let that be he's above 300 my systems not working Something is fucked something is broken with my system or Venus not following my system correctly Dick can't let that be. He's above 300. My system's not working.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Something is broken with my system, or Vito's not following my system correctly. I know. It's really fucking up the system, man! Was he doing Ozempic? He was doing Ozempic, but he said it made him feel... He was shitting out his bones, so he stopped doing it. You know, that'll happen on Ozempic. Yeah, I mean, you will lose weight though on the flip side.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Yeah, you don't need them bones. Yeah. He's jiggling around over there. We barely use them anyway. Yeah. I mean, you barely use them. Yeah. You're using, you're not using those bones.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Come on, man. Not a ton, yeah. Maybe keep a little bit of the skull. Maybe. I guess just to keep your brain in. What's left of it. That beer's terrible. Is it really?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Tortuga. Some beers just taste like dirt, you know? Is it IPA? No, it's a red. God damn, I gotta start reading these labels. Yeah. You know? I know. I'll embarrass you every time. One day I'm gonna find myself drinking Voodoo Ranger Jizz.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Ooh. Flavored. 20% alcohol. Whoa, 20% alcohol, let me get some of that. Oh, it's cum. It's an alcoholic semen, great. And then your next thought will be like, I hope it's not good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Can I rationalize this? It is 20% alcohol. So I told Vito not to smash the toy. There's something good in the box. Yeah. And he said, really? I said, yeah. And it was Q-tips.
Starting point is 00:03:07 God. And he said, really? I said, yeah. And it was Q-tips. God, what was the reaction? Every week, I think there's, every week, comes a point where I think he's gonna quit. Yeah. Mid-show, walk out, you know, I'm done. I'm legit done. Right. I don't deserve to sit here and-
Starting point is 00:03:23 He gets that worked up every episode? I think he's gonna quit every episode. There's a moment where I'm like, uh-oh. I might have gone too far. Well, I mean, he's too sensitive. He might have gotten too sensitive. Yeah, that's not... I didn't do it. You're back. Johnny was a pretty good fill-in. He's really... Johnny's always a good fill-in.
Starting point is 00:03:42 He's really loosened up over the years. Has he? In what way? He's become a strapping always a good fill in. He's really loosened up over the years. Has he? He's become a man. In what way? He's become a strapping young man over the years. Loosened up. When we met him, he was just a boy. I guess. I don't know if we've known him for now. I don't know, eight years?
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yeah, maybe so. Yeah, all right. Yeah, one day I actually wanna be here when he's here. That's impossible. I know. I know. Cause you guys will just talk about guitars all the whole day. That's usually about what happens.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I remember being at parties with them or whatever. Yeah, talk about what, you know. I got a new sound effect for you. Reverend Scott sent in a sound effect. Really? Just for you. Just for me? Let me find it here. This is a stinger. Oh. For you. I don't have...
Starting point is 00:04:24 Shit, I gotta replace one of my stingers. I feel honored, I think. What should I replace? Until I hear it. Maybe, I can't replace that, even though I never use it. I know. There's a man on the internet. I definitely can't replace that.
Starting point is 00:04:35 There's a man on the internet. I can't replace that one. No. You gotta have this at the ready. That's part of being prepared for a show. Yeah, I need a bigger soundboard. That's the problem. I told Vito that the computer wouldn't let you have two soundboards. He believed that too. Not true.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Here's the one for you. Oops. It's Shawn's Guitar Talk. What do you think? It's uh, Britain. Sean's Guitar Talk. What do you think? It's a Britain. Sean's Guitar Talk. Cool. Do do do do do do do do.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I like it. I like it. That'll work. You feel refreshed since your time away? Yeah, sure. Sure. Sure. When I saw the great outdoors for a while.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah. Yeah, it was cool. That's nice. Yeah, it was cool. That's nice. Yeah, it's nice. I like it because it's, you know, my number one hatred of the outdoors is that it gets hot. Luckily, I think the high was like 72 the whole time. Yeah, so that's like-
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's hot here. I love the outdoors. I don't want to be hot. Okay, let's do the show. Presenting Dick. Forget where I left off. Dick. Dick.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick. Dick.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Dick. Dick. Yeah! Welcome to Dick. You want it, you get you get it contest coming you laughing about it the host the 20 million dollar man joining me as always is big return from the subcontinent world famous Sean the Audio Engineer. Whatever the fuck he is. I forgot it. World touring. LA based comedian. LA based comedian. Sean the Audio Engineer. God damn it. Hello, Dick.
Starting point is 00:06:28 How you doing, man? Good. Oh God. We got a bonus. Have you been kicking around the bonus episode in your mind as I have these past few weeks? Yeah. Yeah, a little bit. Little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Gets more and more bizarre. It gets weirder. Yeah, it gets more. The more I think about it. The more and more broken. Yeah. More and more and more bizarre. It gets more, it gets weirder. Yeah, it gets more. The more I think about it, the weirder it gets. More and more broken, yeah. More and more broken, yeah. Like, just some of the stuff that he just puts out there as, well yeah, clearly, I mean, this was just this.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Incontrovertible facts. Yeah, yeah, incontrovertible facts. Incontrovertible opinion. And it's just like, no, that's not what that was at all. I have the letter right here. Like, that's not, I mean, just like whatever. Like how, there's not what that was at all. I have the letter right here. Like, that's not... I mean, just like, whatever. Like, how... There's spin, and then there's just insanity. Yeah, there is insanity.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Like, well, this isn't a lie, because no one would... This doesn't say what you're even lying about. Yeah. And you totally missed the point of what to lie about. Speaking of letters, I did, you know, Maddox's timeline of when did they stop dating? Well, yeah. This was two years, three years, something that is matters to nobody. Yeah. Except for his weird obsession with numbers. Yes. Maybe thinking that an obsession with numbers is equal to a degree in numbers, but it's not. I did it,
Starting point is 00:07:43 I went ahead and did a little dive into the old email archive to see if I had any evidence disproving Maddox's timeline of, we stopped dating and it had only been a year and a half and his fanboy is lying about how long we hadn't been dating like no one gives a shit man. It wasn't yesterday. Or during.
Starting point is 00:08:04 The point is a significant amount of time. Not an insignificant amount of time had passed. That's the point. Correct. And I thought it was more than a year and a half, and he seemed to have some kind of evidence that it was like a year and a half again. Because he said November.
Starting point is 00:08:18 A year and a half. But I have unearthed. I have unearthed emails, Sean. I have unearthed, because the timeline is, I didn't make the timeline a big deal. Okay? But if you're gonna call me a liar about timelines, then I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna produce evidence.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Okay? I'm compelled, you've compelled me, Maddox. You compelled me to produce this evidence. And I found one piece of evidence in August referencing the breakup. In August of what year? That year when Maddox said that they broke up in November. Got you. I'm an 80s girl.
Starting point is 00:08:53 But then I went ahead and did one better. He said they broke up like six times in four years or something. Is that even a relationship then? I did you a favor then. It was like six times in four years. Yeah, this was just one of those letters I wrote. You know, just one of those thank you letters that I write to all my exes. You know, I like to thank all my love partners after we've been together.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I have a Yelp. I set up my own Yelp in my own house and I go give them a review and I say, if you'd like to log in at Maddox's and see your review rating. I send them a tape of me singing Sinatra. Psycho, right? Well, it turns out that- Fantasy, fantasy. Turns out that Maddox also emails his exes' moms. And it turns out that- Oh my God, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Turns out someone got a copy of that email. Oh, okay. I didn't want to go looking, Sean, but here I am! They pulled me back in! Have you ever written a letter to an ex-girlfriend's mother? No. Would you? What would it take? To an ex-girlfriend's mother? Yeah! I don't know. I mean, I guess the only way I would do that would be, like, if it was something completely unrelated.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Like, I mean, for some reason. Maybe a business reason, perhaps? I mean, I don't know. Like, if, you know, like if we... Maybe I lent her some ratchet straps and mom took them because she didn't want the girl to hurt herself with them trying to use them? Would that be a reason? Hey, uh, hey lady, can I come pick up those ratcheted straps? Just leave them outside. Maybe that's a reason.
Starting point is 00:10:31 But otherwise, I would say emailing your ex-girlfriend's mom under any circumstances is kind of a big weirdo move. Well there's only one reason why he would probably do it and that's so he could get hurt here in Talking to her daughter to get back together with him. Can you just tell me? Oh my god. I just realized I Read the letter. I just realized it was a backdoor play to get where she lives I just fucking realize that she lives. Yeah, holy shit. I could see it being like hey, you know I really love blah blah blah Yeah, but it's not it's not it's even weirder than that. It's weirder than that. It's weirder than that of course Yeah, I don't know should I read it on I should read it on the next bonus episode probably. I mean that's I
Starting point is 00:11:17 Hate to be a cock tease, but you know well, I mean that does seem like a That does stay in line with the bonus episode. It is bonus material. This is what it is. I mean, he really... If I'm going to be accused of paywalling hot Goths, then by God, I'm going to do it. Yeah, well, he's...
Starting point is 00:11:35 Whatever you accuse me of, I'll do. Yeah. So please don't accuse me of being a raging homosexual. Again. Yeah, he had a five-year, you know, magnum dopus. And uh, yeah, I mean, you know, there's nothing wrong with streaming along a little bit. I stole the email that I'm talking about. I hacked.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I hacked into her account and took it. Did you? Yeah, illegally. I broke many federal crimes doing it. Oh god. Here comes some tweets. What can I say? Take me to prison.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Call the FBI, dude. Take me to prison or lose me forever. So I mean, you wouldn't think such a thing would exist, right? If someone tried to ruin your life, you know, if someone like tried to weaponize their hundreds of thousands of followers and all their sub-industry contacts to try to destroy your life, you wouldn't think there would exist an email they'd written to an ex-girlfriend's mom. You would never be so lucky, right? Well, the only people who understand the glass houses reference are intelligent people, you know?
Starting point is 00:12:42 You would just say, well, there's no way to fuck me space trying to fuck me over for years, right? So ruin all my relationships. What do I professional what could he find of mine? There's no way I could possibly get an email he wrote to an ex-girlfriend's mom that would be yeah I mean God Satan unless you guys unless you're dating his ex-girlfriend. But such a letter should not even exist. Yeah, I know. So I guess we gotta... If I had my way, I would read it right now, but I can't.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Right. I just can't, you know? Well. It's against my policy. I want to know? Well. It's against my policy. I want to do it, but it's against policy. It almost seems unethical. It does seem unethical. I'll give Maddox a time to retract
Starting point is 00:13:34 all his defamatory statements. Like he's have to say he's not a writer and he hasn't been one in 10 years. Oh, that's the defamatory. His defaming writers. Right. Yeah. It's the Seinfeld thing, you know, like his dentist converts to Judaism for the jokes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:53 You know, this offends you as a Jewish man, it offends me as a comedian. Yeah. Yeah. The fact that you're calling yourself a writer. He has to admit that the rapist was obviously a joke by a bunch of goofballs. Right. He has to admit that Mad C list was obviously a joke by a bunch of goofballs, right? He has to admit that Mad Cucks is funnier than him. This is just these things he has to do. Yeah Here's one I feel out of practice I missed a week and I feel weird doesn't it feels weird
Starting point is 00:14:27 Here's what Maddox says about me. He's a moron who never learned the difference between definite and indefinite articles. So he leaned into it to cover for his ignorance. What makes you a rage? Lol, it's a stupid inside joke that he thinks everyone is in on. So... I don't think you care if people are in on it or not. Because I think it's funny when people call in, you're like, you know, does anything make you a rage?
Starting point is 00:14:48 And then like they repeat it because it's weird. It's funny. Because it's weird, but they know what you mean. But so I don't think you really care if people are- You know what, actually, here's something. I stole that joke from Metalocalypse. Really? Squizgar, and Squizgar always mixes up definite
Starting point is 00:15:03 and indefinite articles. Yeah, what is it? Is he like Swedish? Yeah, yeah. I actually stole that joke, Maddox. Put that in your Joke-Deef book. Didn't know that. Someone says, I honestly think the best way to get back would be to make a more successful podcast or show. Yeah, you should give that a shot, Maddox. Again. Podcasts, Godzilla versus podcast zero. That didn't quite have it in it, did it? You know where that girl lives?
Starting point is 00:15:28 I think books are old news and won't work as well. But a podcast that becomes bigger than the Dick show while not using Patreon would be a huge win! Oh, I mean you've already... so you're gonna... the guy is already a paraplegic. You want to make him a quadriplegic and not let him fund it through Patreon? I mean, talk about no shot. He can't though. Maddox has put himself in a corner where he cannot use Patreon.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Oh no, I know. You know? The rules? Never could, but. It's like, he's like Eric Julli with the, I'm not gonna do this, I'm not gonna do this, I'm not gonna do this, I'm not gonna, it's like, dude, why are you hamstringing yourself?
Starting point is 00:16:03 Like, what is the fucking point to putting all these crazy ass rules on yourself? Talk about limiting, I mean, you have just, you've just narrowed the fucking tunnel that you're trying to crawl out of. To the size of a My Eurethra. Yeah. Right there. Right, I think Hill's Eurethra.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Ha ha ha, would be a huge win. TDS, the dick show isn't big. My old podcast already was more successful, ranked higher on iTunes and was making money until the scumbags, Torturous Interference. Torturous Interference. Only retards say it. I'm not competing with him. He's a loser.
Starting point is 00:16:39 If I compete with anyone, it'll be someone actually successful and relevant. If. Watch out. PINGILET, WHAT SAY YOU someone actually successful and relevant. If, watch out. Pinjolet, what say you? Watch out Chris Chan. Watch out everybody who does not have a car and not by choice. Watch out all you successful people. Watch out Mexicans who just got here, who just crossed the border today and probably have a car. Think you're all that.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Maddox is on the hunt. There's someone slightly more successful than him. Not me, I'm a big loser and a nobody. Right, right. My old podcast already was more successful. What old podcast? The one you stole the fucking feed for on day one? That one?
Starting point is 00:17:23 And was making money. $300? No idea. Making money, yeah, we were selling all kinds of man purses and leather man shoes. Right, till they got up and ran out of town. My old gas was more successful. Really?
Starting point is 00:17:38 What happened to it? Autistic differences strike again. Think that's unlikely. Google this, so he's always replying to people who write about stalkers and stalking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Google, two stories I've written about this. A vast web of vengeance. When a stranger decides to destroy your life.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Gizmodo, Maddox, I'm familiar with both of these stories. And reference them in a stalking spelled S-T-O-C-K-I-N. No! In a stocking spelled S-T-O-C-K-I-F. No! In a stocking incident. In a stocking incident I've stuck with for over five years. I had a rough weekend at Walmart before I was fired. My stockings have a tear in them. I got it while I was stocking shelves.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yes. I was stocking shelves of a beef broth and my stockings got a tear in my... He and my stocking has got a tear in my thigh high has got a tear in them. Now look. Oh wow that's a stocking stocking stocking incident. If he was if he wasn't as unhinged as he is he he wouldn't have made that error back in the day right? I don't know. I don't think he's unraveling. That's what I mean. He's unwinding. Like you know like it's it's the little things that you're, it's like a drug addict, right?
Starting point is 00:18:47 Like little bits of your life start falling apart until the only part you've keep together is the drug part. That's it. So, you know, that becomes the most important thing. It's the me part or the her part that he's keeping together. And you're amazing at keeping that part together. Everything else, relationships,
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. tightness of fucking work, all that kind of stuff. I got my dick obsession down. If there's one thing nobody can take from me, it's my obsession with my stalker. I'll see him in jail or in prison, and I'm gonna catalog everything my stalker does. Every single inside joke and mistake and failure that he lords over me.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I'm gonna see him riot. He's like fucking plankton. And I'm gonna do it so well I forget how to spell. That I don't have a car. They can take my car. They can take my jelly beans. There's no way he makes that mistake. I know he knows the difference.
Starting point is 00:19:39 They broke up right before Comic-Con by the way. I remember. Really? I dated it, I could date it precisely. Comic-Con of? July. 2013 remember. Really? I dated it, I could date it precisely. Comic Con of... July. 2013 or something. Is that what it... yeah. See, the years all just... I have them when we're doing it and then I'm like... You should have hit first, man!
Starting point is 00:19:53 Talking about 2013, man! I don't give a shit what anybody did ten years ago! You should have heard it when the emotions were there, you know? Yeah, yeah. Like, oh fuck, we just started dating, you're saying all this horrible stuff. Relationship's not very old. You're talking about a relationship that's ten years old man. I give a say whatever you want Well, he can't make a deadline. It's it's just crazy how obsessed he is with Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:18 I found out my good friend of mine has been in federal prison for three years. Oh, no not him Yeah him. Oh shit, what the f- I like him. I thought so. Well, the federal government doesn't. And this is not his first stint. Dude, he's 87 years old. I know, I know. So I found out and started doing all this research.
Starting point is 00:20:36 He's been writing to the feds for like a compassionate release. And they're like just ignoring it. He had some- he tried to do a mining company. I mean. Bro, convicted mobster murderers get out on compassionate release. He's fucking 90 years old. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Let's write down the street for me. Guy I've known for a long time. I've talked about him on the show a couple times. British guy, super funny guy, super funny. I've hung out with him a couple times at Dodger games. He was trying to do this reclaiming precious metals from slag Slag materials like old bustled old runoff metals. Yeah, you know someday someday it will work that day's not today Yeah, he's been talking about it for like 10 years
Starting point is 00:21:17 So I know for a fucking fact that he thought it would work right boomers are eternal optimists in this regard Sure, they're always like well, we can just print more money that he thought it would work, right? Like, boomers are eternal optimists in this regard. They're always like, well, we can just print more money. And Shannacks is like, man, I've seen you basically fuck up everything in your life. You don't know what, this toxic optimism kind of destroyed the whole world, bro. And now you're in fucking prison because of it, by the way.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Well, except for, but most of them still win. Yeah, most of them still win. They can't put them all in prison. It's Mr. Magoo. And all the fucking chaos happens by them. Nothing ever happens to them. Got this great new idea to take priceless materials from trash.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Okay, that's not a new idea. Well, this will work. Right. It didn't work. Oh, oh well. You can fail in America, right? Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:22:04 If you, if people feel like they got burned, your ass ass is going to fucking pretty I don't know the specifics of it I heard him talk about it for years and I'm like man That's not prison is not because the people investing in you know exactly what they're doing Like oh, we're gonna get this they're gonna get this priceless shit from trash like okay, so you're You're trying to I mean you're trying to bring blood from stone. You're not being responsible. You don't deserve to get any money. Yeah, it seems too good to be true. Yeah, right, right. Why's no one else doing it? Oh, because you can't.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Crazy. Gloating about it. Yeah. Nope. Sit in jail. Sit in jail, old man. How long is he in for? He's got one more month. Oh, he's got one more month? I just found out. He's been sitting in there for... Wow. Yeah. How about that? I'll be damned. That's rough, huh? Yeah. Well, I'm sure I'll be there someday. Possibly. Here's what we're up against this, here's what we're up against Sean. Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy because that's America? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Hey yo. What was that? Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy because that's America? Yes. I mean, yes. Is that real? Yeah, that's real. I mean, I believe he would, I believe he would fuck that up.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I don't even know which way is fucked up. I would rather have freedom over democracy. The founders didn't think democracy was the best way to go. It's even right. Yes, democracy is less free than just freedom. But I don't think that's what you meant. I don't think you were saying that we should be free. I don't think he knows what he meant.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. I really don't, I mean, I don't know the context of it all, but it's... Is that why he's just perfect? Because these fuckers, they don't ever have to mean anything. Are you ready to choose blue over yellow? Yeah. Over being on time this year? Makes more sense. Sure.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Okay. Hilarious. Are you ready to choose? If it came down to it, what would you vote for? Freedom or democracy? I mean, yeah, I guess I'd rather have freedom, right? I guess, yeah! Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I guess. That's why it's so annoying! It's like, yeah, I know that's a fuck up and then what you mean is neither of either! Unfortunately, I think everybody's, you know, freedom means, you know, a hundred different things to a hundred different people. Freedom isn't free. Yeah, it is. Pretty sure that's what it means. Freedom. Pretty funny. Freedom from this shit.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Just for a day, here's what makes me rage this week. I've been noticing it for years. I've never brought it in and I happen to see it pop makes me rage this week. I've been noticing it, I've been noticing it for years. I've never brought it in and I happen to see it pop up a lot this week. It's women do these videos where they say POV and then they say, here let me find an example. Wait and then they don't know what POV is? Well I've been trying to figure it out all week. I really tried to put some brain power to it. This is an example of men only, yeah yeah yeah, men only want
Starting point is 00:25:10 one thing. It's not, it's get out of my face. POV, your boyfriend has a hobby now, so now you have a hobby. And it's this, she's got her, she's got a really weirdly sexual expression. And it's a picture of her. POV is point of view from, and then a description of the point of view. So it's like point of view, you own a dog, and then it's a picture of the top of your bedroom ceiling and a dog right in your fucking face at like 7.35 AM.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Because you're seeing the dog. Because you're seeing it. It's your point of view. And women cannot, they can't wrap their minds around this one. They can't conceptualize of POV. And I don't know why. Here's another one.
Starting point is 00:25:55 POV, me in the kitchen cooking for my man. What? What does the POV mean to them? Right well is it a different it's not point of view to them. I don't know I think it's because they've seen so much pornography That's like POV pornography where the guys watching the girl blow him or like you're you know you're it's like whoa Look at this I'm fucking a chick. Yeah, I think they have internalized that to mean a view of a woman. Oh my god. I can't think of any other explanation why.
Starting point is 00:26:29 You might be right. It's all from the... Because they see POV and it's like, yeah, so there's always a picture of a woman. That's what it means. Like a point of looking at me. Point of me. You might be right. Picture of me.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Right? There's no other explanation that I can come up with. Picture of vagina. Picture of vagina. POV, when my partner tries to contribute to the aesthetics of our home, and it's simply a shot on a tripod of both her and her husband.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Terrible. And she walks with a cart and slaps the pillow out of his hand. What is the POV for? Right. And she's saying, like, you know what I think, it's like, oh, from my perspective, this is what... This is how it plays out. This is my life now.
Starting point is 00:27:20 My boyfriend has a hobby, now I have a hobby. Here's an illustration of the point of view. As opposed to literally POV. You know what, women, ladies, I'm all in. You're all gonna get raises. You're all gonna get equal pay. You're gonna get everything you want. More dogs for everyone, more babies for the ones that want it,
Starting point is 00:27:38 less babies for the ones who don't. The WNBA is gonna get equal money to the NBA, but you have to master, all of you, have to master the POV thing first. And then all of it, I guarantee it, all of it. But every single one of you has to not fuck this up. One time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Not going to happen. See what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know how. Not all one of them. Ask your girlfriend or wife to do it at home. Yeah, when you're talking about point of view and it has video in it, it is from the person's point of view.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Yeah. As if they are the ones seeing it. Uh... Oh, boy. Do you feel... does it feel like everyone is just poor now? Yeah, well people... I like I feel just poor everybody is I'm looking at I don't it wasn't always like this man. I know I'm just looking at prices of everything I'm like, oh man, I can't fucking the entertainment industry is fucked right now. It's everything is so fucked. It's fucked Nobody's doing anything. I don't see I don't see how anybody's
Starting point is 00:28:43 Surviving in other words, I'm not doing anything. In other words, we need this show now more than ever. Yes. Yes. You're keeping the lights on. We got a bonus episode with Carl. Fucking crazy. Yeah, Wednesday?
Starting point is 00:28:54 Is that this Wednesday? I think so, yeah. That should be good. So send in some podcasts that we should do. We're going to be watching the Financial Feminists again. And then Josh Denny, you remember him? Yeah. He's doing a stand-up, like he's doing a stand-up special where he's recording it and stuff. Yeah. And I'm opening it and he asked Vito to do... Where at? Down in Torrance. Oh cool.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah, there's comedy clubs in Torrance. It's so nice down there, man. Is it? Yeah. Everything here feels like a bunch of cement's about to just fall apart. Like everything in LA feels like in cartoons where things are different colors, because so you know it's going to move. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, I see those apples are the wrong color. Like, fucking, he's going to fall on the apples.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And then he's falling like, oh, boy. You're going to go right up his ass. Everything in LA feels like that. Everything is, there's always wrong colors everywhere. It's not good, man. Something's gonna come busting out of here pretty soon. The next... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Don't you think? Oh yeah, so Josh Denny's doing a show down there and Vito said for his stand-up He's gonna dress up like Santa Claus and then just riff about being Santa Well, if that's a good idea Totally tank the guys opening, you know, yeah, this is a big important thing for Josh Yeah, I was gonna come in and pretend to be Santa important thing for Josh. I was going to come in and pretend to be Santa.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So has he rescinded his invite to- No, he's gonna, how do you do that to your buddy, right? Hey, can you come do some standup of my thing to warm everybody up? Yeah, how about I dress like Santa Claus? Right. I don't know about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Why did I bring this up? Oh yeah, this is how much money everything costs. Percent change in medium household income and median rent prices. Okay, so this is blue is the median household income Yeah, right red is yeah This is 1985. Uh-huh. I think that's about when everything started being crazy, yeah, and then this And then this is when a bunch of, right over here, see where the lines first start dividing and rent starts getting way out of control from income?
Starting point is 00:31:14 That's when all of a sudden, all kinds of conservative psychos started going in on like gay people and video games. Remember that? In the nineties and then rap music. All of a sudden there started to be a lot of problems, right? As these lines get further and further apart.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Then they come back together just for a minute. Then we had Woodstock 90s or Lollapalooza. Went around 94, 95. 94, 95. This was a good time, right? It was a little correction there. There was some optimism here, but then...
Starting point is 00:31:46 Things started to get crazy again. All these lines get further and further apart. Then we had to have a war in the Middle East. Then we started having all these issues with banks and houses. Yeah, look at that. This is when all the trans shit started. The wider these gaps are, we seem to have a lot more problems. Don't you think?
Starting point is 00:32:07 I'm starting to think I've found what the issue is. It's this right here. Yeah. This gap right here. Maybe tighten that gap up and see if some of these problems don't start magically going away. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, this is, I mean, I've been saying this for years.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Guys in women's college sports? I don't give a shit about that. I have a job. I go to my job. I worry about reports and emails. I don't give a fuck. We fuck about guys, college sports, anything like that. That's it, because we know as a society,
Starting point is 00:32:34 we're out of control. Like, we can't, because of this. So it's like, you try to control what you can by telling everybody else what the fuck to do. Exactly. What they're wrong, they're evil, they're fucking, this side, this side, you're fucking... It's too expensive. It's because all these goddamn queers are around like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Because you can't just go, it's too hard to go, I don't have any control over my life. The system is irreparably fucked. And this is my life. You want to say, if we get rid of these people, or we do this, or we fuck these people in, then we're gonna, yeah, it's gonna be okay. Right where I need it. And I'm sorry, but it isn't.
Starting point is 00:33:16 That ship has sailed. Did you see that guy that lit himself on fire? You've read him, just a little bit, yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's too much stuff. Like, I can't even read a whole guy's manifesto anymore. I mean I just not, you know, it's like, okay well. I loaded his manifesto up and it was like something about anti-bitcoin and I think, ah good, why don't all you fucking fud-ed bichards burn yourselves to death. He's got major fucking problems going on. It's, it's... Not anymore. Then they had the pictures of him getting wheeled away. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:33:56 You guys these these light on fire guys got to be more specific. Yeah, like hey don't Don't take it. Don't like put a tarp over me or something if you're wheeling me out I want the last picture me to be like a guy on fire and it's like ah If you burn your body are wheeling me out. I want the last picture of me to be like a guy on fire and it's like, ah, you know? If you burn your whole body, most of it, even if you make it to the hospital, the chances of you surviving are not good. They just do it as a joke. Doctors, they love like,
Starting point is 00:34:15 because usually the expectation is that they do save your life and that they get sued if they fuck up. So when the doctors get like somebody that burnt, lit themselves on fire, I'm like, oh man, it's like a snow day for them. Yeah, right. We can poke them and stuff, we can do whatever we want.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Yeah, yeah, he's not gonna make it. It's like a home project. Sepsis happens immediately, you're just not gonna. Yeah, here he is. Pretty weird looking guy. Trump is with Biden and they're out to fascist coup us. Okay, that's cool Heard something like he was like he find the he went he went really off the rails when his mom died And I wonder if I wonder if she wasn't keeping him on medication and stuff, you know
Starting point is 00:34:58 I don't know if he's I'm just speculating if he was schizophrenic or you know, something like that where it's like probably you know, who knows? if he's a schizophrenic or something like that, where it's like, who knows? Oh yeah, Tucker Carlson was on Joe Rogan's show talking about aliens and spirits and that evolution is not real. Really great stuff you wanna see from a thought leader. As retarded as possible. That's great.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Guys just love, they love making their own little religions the second they get an audience. You know what, evolution, we don't really. Yeah, we don't even believe in that. Spirits are everywhere. Fucking, there's demons in my soup. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's fascinating, bro. Where did you come up with that? Oh, while I was high. Yeah, contemplating the demons in my colon. Yeah, there's all these demons in my balls. Yeah. Making me think gay stuff. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:35:52 Can't you just be normal, man? No! No! Tucker, bro, you were supposed to unite the forest, not destroy it. Talking about aliens and demons? Fuck you. I am convinced that the internet is as, as is used by people, and I mean like, just social interaction.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I think that's bad for 99% of the population. Cause they're, cause 99% of people are 99% bad. That's why. I just think it's, I think it brings out, it's everyone on their worst behavior all the fucking time. Why do they always wanna talk about aliens and demons and shit? I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Did Martin Luther King Jr. ever talk about aliens and demons and shit? I don't think so. Is there any record of MLK talking about aliens and demons in soup and stuff? I have a dream that there's a bunch of aliens and- Demons and shit. Demons and shit in my and
Starting point is 00:36:47 Soup yeah, I That's just my take anyway back to the racism thing I think in a museum in the south there is a rough draft that says that oh is there, but I don't Anyway, let's get back to the races. Can you guys be serious for one second? God damn! Can't you leave the talking about demons and aliens and shit to women? These people are so used to being like Interacted with like whether it's people commenting on on you know, whatever they do like they're so used to being viewed that I just don't think they can turn off. They can't turn it off. There's no stream of consciousness
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah, yeah, yeah, they just They just go on and they talk. There's a camera and they talk. There's a microphone and they talk. They just talk about nonsense. Yeah, it's fucking- Or they're aware that what they're delivering is like an addiction to crazy people. So they have to keep getting, because their biggest, I think it's like alcohol, like any kind of vice, what they're doing, what they're talking about, is like mostly funded by the
Starting point is 00:37:43 addicts and the addicts need spirits aliens Cracked out horse shit and you need to stop sending money to Israel and you need it crazier. Yeah Yeah, they're in a fucking competition because the earth is flat You've got to use more like zirkas zirkas in the ground floor, right? These guys are and he's like, yeah What was he's soccer deez is gay and the earth is flat and all that shit. It's like, all right, you need... Well, every president is gay, you know?
Starting point is 00:38:09 Every president is gay? Like, okay, okay. They're like, all of them are kind of like farming... Obama has orgies, you know? I wish he did. Yeah, right, right. Have you seen the people that say, Michelle Obama's a man? I mean, no, I haven't seen that, but I'm sure that's...
Starting point is 00:38:26 I can't even with this. I'm sure that's been said. Poor shit. What was the obsession with... Do you remember when like Michelle Obama's arms were a thing? Her arms? Yeah. Like every... it was all... it was women, but saying like, you know, like what great arms...
Starting point is 00:38:42 What great arms she had. And I've never seen one picture where she had great arms well because they're all terrified of having no no I know I know but it was like there's no like she's not I mean she always she's always had a few extra you know what I mean like it's not like she extra arms she'd never been ripped like everybody's oh man her arms like she looks it's like I never is that like I just I thought that was like that was like oh my god like that's fucking that is really in shape it's like yeah like she she's not like obese but oh the guy the guy that lit himself on fire apologized to the first
Starting point is 00:39:19 responders that was nice of him oh to my friends and family witnesses and first responders I deeply apologize for inflicting this pain what about the what First responders, that was nice of him. Oh. To my friends and family, witnesses and first responders, I deeply apologize for inflicting this pain. What about the poor Mexican guy that has to power wash the giant stain of grease and burn on the street? What about that guy? What about Julio? Maybe leave a couple bucks.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Hey, this is the guy that has to power wash my carcass out of the cracks. Exactly, yeah. And cement. My melted, melted fat. I'm sorry. My rendered fat. Yeah. The guy that's turning me into soap with his power washer.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Oh, God. I'm sorry about that, but I assure you that it's a drop in the bucket compared to what our government intends to inflict. I don't know about that. But I could be wrong. compared to what our government intends to inflict. I don't know about that. But I could be wrong. I don't know, I'm not so sure that I gotta light myself on fire for it. Sometimes you just have a hard time articulating yourself,
Starting point is 00:40:16 and that's the thing, you gotta... You gotta light yourself on fire? Yeah, I mean, when words fail. I wish we'd see it more. Like a bunch of, start doing it en masse and stuff. Yeah, yeah. Probably hard to do with more than one person. We've seen a couple in the last year or so, right? That's the most I can remember seeing in this country, this class.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Let's keep the streak going. One a month. Come on, boys. One a month. Let's see here. What else? A new manjina this guy's got? That's pretty cool. A survey about teachers.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Alright. I now have a vagina. Hello all. I just had my surgery yesterday with Ramini in DC. So far so good. I don't think so DC so far so good. I don't think so So far so good You have a weird definition of good Here's me holding my balls with my husband and my new pussy all wrapped up and protected. No, this isn't this is fake Oh, come on. This isn't real get out of here. He's holding like kidney stones or something
Starting point is 00:41:23 That's got gotta be fake. Those aren't balls. That's gotta be, like, a cancer. Oh, he's old, too. Yeah, that's a joke. Get outta here, I don't believe that. Um... Did you know Tupac was gay? Remember how I was saying, are the rappers all the gay ones?
Starting point is 00:41:39 Right. Because they're, like, writing poems and shit and dancing around? Yeah. And then they... And then the culture imitated them. Well, people don't know, Tupac was fairly affluent. What do you mean? Like his parents were, look him up.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Blackface you're saying? Well, I mean, he wasn't his persona. Well, I think he went to fucking. This is how far off. I'm Chakor and I attend Tamapai High School and I'm 17apai High School. And I'm 17 years old. Wow. Do you like being 17?
Starting point is 00:42:09 Yeah, it's like 17's such a weird age. It's such a, in the middle age, you're not 18 yet, and you're older than 16, so. But I like it, it's nice. It's like a learning stage for me. Is this real? I'm always going like, is it a deep fake? Is this a deep fake?
Starting point is 00:42:24 Yeah. I don't know, it's got a historic films watermark on it. Nobody who ever said historic or truth will ever lie. They put these time codes on it because you know we couldn't turn that off back in the old days than JCA 1. It's just raw footage. It's also there. Do you wish you could be 18 and when you get some more rights? Well 18. He's gay right? Well. What? He's gay, right? Well, he's- He's gayer than shit. What the hell? Do you think he fucked Diddy?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Did Diddy- Did Diddy fuck you? Did Diddy ever talk to you? Come on to you at all? What did Diddy do? What did- What didn't he do? What did Diddy do? That's the question. He did everything. All up and down. Then he tried to split town on his flying OJ mobile Right. Do you think OJ? I was reading this compelling meme. Is OJ gay? No, you know it. Yeah. No way. No way. Um, I was reading this compelling infographic. Yeah, they said compelling infographic
Starting point is 00:43:20 I like that. Yeah, boomers think they're so smart with their articles. I was reading this article. I was reading an infographic, so You're dumb. It's looking at pictures and learning. Yeah Tremendous font That said OJ's son did the killing because he was like a he was arrested He was already in trouble for threatening to kill somebody with a knife. How old is OJ's son at the time? It was his son from a previous woman? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Well? No, I mean I know yeah, so imagine how much rage you would have I gotta I never fucked that chick here She is all right right yeah sure I don't know man
Starting point is 00:43:58 Yeah, I'm starting to think OJ actually didn't do it now that he's dead Yeah, maybe I have to start looking for the real killer. I think he actually didn't do it. I was watching him talk about it and I'm like, man, no way. It was Tupac. Maybe it was Tupac. Lots of responsibilities that I don't want, but it'll bring respect that I feel like... You went to high school, you remember high school, right? I do, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:20 You were in high school, you saw a guy doing this interview, what would you say? This one gay motherfucker? I mean, yeah, he's pretty, kind of, pretty effeminate, I'd say. He's a write-in for prom queen right there, right? That's what I would say in high school. That's the only way I can get it. You know, I try to be as mature as I can. Alright, well, maybe that... did he get killed in like a lovers' quarrel?
Starting point is 00:44:40 Yeah, well, he went to a private school... He went to a private... he went to like... There's no footage of Ben Folds talking like that. I don't know why I'm saying... I want to say he went to a private school. He went to a private school. He went to like a... There's no footage of Ben Folds talking like that. I don't know why I'm saying... I want to say he went to Juilliard. Like I shit you not. There's no footage of Elvis going, ooh, I love being in the military. Draft me, Uncle Sam, right? Nope. I don't know. Just funny.
Starting point is 00:45:02 The WNBA is crying again. Oh, yeah Yeah, why? Because they're not getting enough money for stuff that nobody wants to see. The fucking the League is hemorrhages money, right? It's a write-off for the NBA That's why they made him play with all their old fucking basketballs. You know, it's the crazy Really? Yeah, they just give him hand-me-down basketballs? They don't even get their own brand new balls?
Starting point is 00:45:27 Yeah, a few years ago, four or five years ago, I think they changed the sponsor. Yeah. Or whatever, like another company made the balls. I might not have this quite right, but I think the players complained they were all... Like the feel was wrong, like the texture was wrong or something like that. So they gave them, rather than just shit can it and go back to the other like they just they did go back to the the other One or or they fixed it or whatever. Yeah, but they gave all the crummy balls Biden says women in sports continue to push new boundaries and bore us all inspire us all sorry push new boundary boundaries of their
Starting point is 00:46:02 and bore us all, inspire us all, sorry. Push new boundaries of their belts. They push new boundaries of knee injuries. Oh boy. But right now we're seeing that even if you're the best, women are not paid their fair share. Look, we've been over this with the, like the women's soccer team makes more money than the men do for what they bring in.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Oh yeah, cause they get health insurance and stuff too. But it's all like what they bring in though. Yes. You know what, I think I'm on the side of the WNBA now. I'm so sick of sports people. Oh, because even like they're. Double the price, double the ticket price and just give money to women.
Starting point is 00:46:37 That's my new policy. They're all, they're all underpaid. You guys been fucking around being annoying. Compared to what they bring and TV contracts and shit. You guys have been fucking around being annoying way too long. It's time we give our daughters the same opportunity as our sons and ensure women are paid what they deserve. I'll give them what they deserve.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Right? Right back to the 50s. I'm gonna knock you back to the 30s, you bitch. Then you'll really have something to cry about. How about that? God. Call this one the lobotomizer. Why is he tweeting?
Starting point is 00:47:12 You mean why is the lady that, the 24 year old woman in part of the coven that runs our country, why is she tweeting about this? Yeah, that's why. Jesus. This is, it's not even low on what's important. It's just, it's not important. This shouldn't cross anybody's fucking mind.
Starting point is 00:47:34 That's why I say, okay, just give it to him. Fuck it. Who cares? Yeah, right. Who's, LeBron? Yeah, give her the same amount that LeBron gets. Right now. Right now or else we're never watching another, or else China
Starting point is 00:47:46 is never watching another NBA game again. How about that, LeBron? Who cares? What's even the point of it? But it gets, you get stuck in these never-ending arguments. Well, it's because they don't bring in the same ad revenue. Who cares? Who fucking cares? Just give it to them. Pretend they're Israel and give it to them yeah why why even engage in that right yeah why even engage I get that yeah right because I'll engage in it everyone does yeah trying to get people because vetoes pretending that do it ESG scores don't affect game development yeah and entertainment and they obviously do okay because you need you need big money to
Starting point is 00:48:24 make games and media you need big money to make games and media. You need big cash to spend it. That's what an executive producer does. Find me money. Find me money to make this film. And promise them whatever you fucking want, right? Well, I promised them we'd get black guy in every role. Okay, promised less than that.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Well, the bank's pretty specific. But then you knock, you really wind yourself arguing this shit, but then I'm like, whoa, no, this, this, this, this, this, I don't care. Presumably, here's some stats on, Caitlin Clark is her name. The great white hope in the WNBA. Her salary is less than that of a nurse, teacher, or cop.
Starting point is 00:49:07 And then I go, hmm, what is three things that you have to force a man to deal with women in? Like, oh yeah, cop. Three places I'd never wanna see a woman. Teacher, oh, cop and nurse, wow. The three places you are, you encounter women in your life and you always have a bad time. A hundred times out of a hundred.
Starting point is 00:49:34 76,000. Wait, what? This is how much WNBA players are paid? 338,000. $85,000? What the fuck? Will be spread out over four seasons, 2020, why are there only What the fuck? Will be spread out over four seasons via 2024. Why are there only three numbers?
Starting point is 00:49:47 How is that spread out over four seasons? Well, I'll take a guess why that might be. Woman alert. Woman alert. 75 grand for playing bad basketball? Shit. I could play bad basketball. Actually, that's not enough.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Okay. K2POK. Good times. K2POK. The new NPR CEO. Okay, let's see what that was about. Man, I saw this weird series on Netflix this week called Baby Reindeer.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Oh, wow. It was about a guy who, he's an obviously gay guy who does a bunch of drugs and has a bunch of gay sex with an older comedian. He's trying to be famous. He's trying to be a famous comedian. It's a true story. Yeah, is there, who do they name?
Starting point is 00:50:43 Is there, wait, is this- They don't have real names, but the real guy who's a true story. Yeah, is there, who do they name? Is there, wait is this- They don't have real names, but the real guy who's the real comedian saying it happened to him wrote it and stars in it. Got it. Fuckingly. He managed to get over his trauma.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Who's the gay famous comedian? Let me find it. Baby Reindeer. Very strange name. Richard Gad. That's the star?, that's the star. Richard Gad is the star. Yeah, it was really, we saw two episodes
Starting point is 00:51:11 and then told everyone to watch it. And then by episode three, we were like, hey, nevermind, nevermind, nevermind, nevermind. Don't go, don't go. We don't support that. It gets real weird, nevermind. Did it get weird? Yeah, cause it turns into his like survivor story
Starting point is 00:51:25 about how he would do a bunch of drugs and have gay sex. He looks like he's done a bunch of drugs. He has. He did a bunch of drugs and had gay sex with an older male comedian to try to get famous. But then he says that that was grooming and rape. And while he had a girlfriend while this was happening to him, so he was cheating on her, but he says he was raped by that guy
Starting point is 00:51:50 because he couldn't stop going to his house and doing drugs and blowing him and getting fucked by him. Okay, yeah. I'm not making it any kind of different way than those are the facts. Yeah, that's right, and this is what he's... And then he's dated a trans woman, and he says it's because he was raped and groomed that he dated the trans woman Yeah, that's like very transphobic right like it's like he was afraid to be seen with her in public
Starting point is 00:52:14 It's like a dream version of like the Kevin Spacey like yeah Kevin's yeah, he's like well That's why I did it was I dating the trans woman Because I got fucked in the ass and I liked it, but I didn't want to be seen with her. It's like, dude, you have real weird issues with your own being gayness. And you're trying to like fake it and like try to pretend like you're dating a woman,
Starting point is 00:52:37 but you know, but you're interested in the wiener. Yeah. And then it ends with, he's crying with his dad about it and his dad's like, well I was raped by a priest so we're the same. So fuck you! And I didn't... It was really weird, like, I don't... That's not the same at all!
Starting point is 00:52:55 You're an adult man getting wasted with a celebrity getting ass fucked? That's not the same as your dad getting raped by a priest? First of all, why are you putting your dad out on blast that he was fucked by a priest? Right. Like that sucks, but it's not the same thing. Did you just- did you co-opt the Me Too movement? Mmm. And now I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I figure on to something. Alright? So women at home going, oh man, this is- that's fucking happens to guys too. Happens to guys too where they do a bunch of drugs and then get ass fucked and then ha make a bunch of series of other bad decisions yeah it was real weird all right I forgot where I was going we never know yeah the NPR CEO and then I've got some studies exposure to poor people lessens your lessens affluence wanting to give them money. I wonder why that is.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Exposure to poor people reduces support for redistribution amongst the rich. Yeah. Oh. Cambridge. The relationship between exposure to poor people and support for redistribution on the rich in Denmark. I'm sure you find that local exposure to poor individuals reduces support for redistribution among the well-off. Why do you think that is?
Starting point is 00:54:10 Well, I mean, you know, some people can't- But I got so much jewelry. Some people can't keep things nice or priorities- Sometimes priorities might be fucked up. You gotta give these guys money so they can pull themselves up on the- Nevermind. I mean, I talked to one for 10 minutes, nevermind.
Starting point is 00:54:23 There's some people who've gotten raw deals and there's some people who are there of their own making. You know, like it's like, that's, yeah. You have a lot of, you know, you're driving too nice a car to live in that place. You got too much, your clothes are fucking too nice to be living in a fucking home. It's like the people that go shopping at food banks.
Starting point is 00:54:40 There are priorities. They're pulling up in their BMWs, loading the trunk up with free food. I'm like, wow, really? That's crazy. Where are these food banks that you're talking about? First we show that the negative effect, they're treating poor people like it's an allergy test.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Yeah, right. We're going to expose you to some poor. Oh, you're highly allergic. Better carry an EpiPen. Yeah, you better carry this rape whistle. You're not going gonna make it. Right, right. Second we show that the negative effect-
Starting point is 00:55:08 You better have keys permanently implanted in your knuckles to... You don't know what's gonna happen. Snicked. I would love to see a woman key fights. Key fights. Instead of UFC. I don't want to see women in UFC, but- UF key fights. UFK.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Yeah, UFK. UFK, right? UFKs. You put- you give all the Wolverine ladies keys. Yeah. Snicked. Right? Let them brawl it out. Uh, uh, uh, uh.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Good. Pretty good. I'm thinking about just doing all fat women jokes at Josh Denny's show. That would be something. Right? Yeah. I think I could do it.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Full on Al Bundy voice. How long do you have? Well, I'm just, you know think I could do it. Full on Al Bundy voice. How long do you have? Well, I'm just, you know, I'm seeing it, so usually 30 seconds, but I could, they don't have a hook. I'm pretty nimble. Yeah, right, right, right. Third, our findings show that the negative effect
Starting point is 00:55:59 of exposure to poor individuals for redistribution support extends to a relatively economically equal Scandinavian welfare state. Okay, I don't understand that. Well, there you go. Yeah. Hot damn. We gotta get these people on ride alongs,
Starting point is 00:56:13 like poor alongs. Oh. You know? Right. Take these liberals and throw them in a truck. All right, we're going to downtown today. We're going to Watts. It always helps to have experience with what you are talking about.
Starting point is 00:56:27 You know, like, I mean, just go. Absolutely. Uh, here's your name tags. We're going to go work out in somebody's front yard today. Right. You guys are going to love it. Yeah. We're going to go on a fun run. Work out in somebody's front yard. On MLK Boulevard. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Going to be great. Right. And by the end of it, you guys are all going to be voting for Trump. Boulevard. Right. It's gonna be great. Right. And by the end of it, you guys are all gonna be voting for Trump. Here we go. Teachers. Here's a survey for teachers. Yeah. I can't believe that guy's in federal prison. Lompato. I know. Oh really? Gotta have a big party for him when he comes out. Yeah. You know. God, yeah, he's old. Three years and... I'm fucking 90, bro. Yeah. What are you talking about? Uh, all right. Views on why... Is this new? Yeah, this is new. Did you see the eclipse? Uh, yeah, I mean, I kind of just glanced. Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I'll look at the pictures. I thought I saw it. It was just, but it turned out it was just a big fat woman. Oh, just for, you know. Trying to get out of her car. How they do that thing. Yeah. Because it kept going.
Starting point is 00:57:37 The sun was blotting out and then it would come back, but then it would blot out again. And I'm like, that's not how eclipse works. It's supposed to just go one way. But it kept going in, out, in, out. And I heard the, reee. I think that's why I didn't care. Like I just, I thought eclipses were happening like multiple times a day,
Starting point is 00:57:51 but it turns out it might just be the other thing. Turns out a fat woman sat on me. Views on why public education is headed in the wrong direction. Okay. Schools are not spending enough time on core academic subjects. Why is that a question? Yeah. Everyone should be answering affirmative to that
Starting point is 00:58:14 question, right? Hey, do you think schools are not spending enough time teaching about core academic subjects? What? What did you just say? What else? They shouldn't be teaching anything else. What did you say? Oh, so I should put you down for a yes then? Yeah. I think yes. It's just funny how like perfectly, like just exactly across the, like this is exactly what you would think. So predictable. So predictable. Because people are just, they're just like, no, I'm a Yankees fan. Like, fuck Boston. Liberals, 45% said they're not spending enough time on course. So this is a divisive issue for liberals.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah. Half of them think it's too much time on teaching math. And the other half say it's not enough. Yeah, but it's funny just how it's moderate. It just goes right. Yeah, it's perfect. Moderate Democrats. It's exactly what the teams, what the flag what the teams, you know, what the flag salute
Starting point is 00:59:06 says for each team. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Perfect curve. No surprises here. Yeah, I know. Like, none. You know, I saw 420 was yesterday. And I, conservatives love shitting on, you know, drug use.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Yeah. Because they just. But they love that it's Hitler's birthday. Ba dum bum. You know. What's that? you know drug use. Yeah. Because they just... But they love that it's Hitler's birthday! Ba-dum-bum. You know, Hitler made a lot of mistakes. If he had to do it over again. He would have been born on the 19th like Chaplin. Oh, was he the day before? Yeah, I think so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Have you seen The Great Dictator? With Chaplin? No, that's one of the only ones that I haven't seen. It's a little preachy. I watched it. I don't doubt it. It's a little too preachy. I was disappointed. That'd be more subtle. That's one of the only ones that I haven't seen. Yeah, I love Chaplin too. Oh, me too.
Starting point is 00:59:56 There's gonna be some good satire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know if this is really... Modern Times is great. Gold Rush, The Kid, those are all fucking great movies. Yeah, they're all anti-weed. Oh yeah, yeah. Cause if you're high, you can't buy their manliness courses or you forget to go to church, I guess, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Oh, you're talking about, yeah, you're right. I know what the problem with weed is. Got it. But they're all like flummoxed at why there's a 420 celebration. Yeah. And it's, I think for a lot of people, a lot of us remember at least,
Starting point is 01:00:29 and for a lot of us, it's kind of the only thing we've ever gotten back. Like it's the only amount of freedom we've ever received, we've ever received on our end in our entire lifetime. You know that's funny? That's, that's kind of true. Yeah. Like, yeah, I guess you could say gay marriage, but's funny? That's kind of true. Yeah. Like, yeah, I guess you could say gay marriage,
Starting point is 01:00:47 but I think marriage is just kind of like a way for the state to regulate people's having sex. So I don't consider that a big win. Gay people might do, at least half of them probably might do. But weed was the only thing we got. Right. From the government, got back. Multiple states going like, yeah, this is- this is okay.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Yeah. It's like the only thing where democracy actually worked. Everything else, it just somehow doesn't. But the overwhelming- the overwhelming force of potheads is what it took to get it back from the system. Yeah, I mean it- So it's kind of fucking- It's so-
Starting point is 01:01:21 Really audacious for them to be shitting on it. They tried, you know, taking alcohol away. you know, a while ago, and that did not go well at all. No. And like, weed... I mean, what do you... What is your fucking problem? Like, reefer madness? I mean, the propaganda on weed was so laughable even at the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let alone a hundred years later.
Starting point is 01:01:51 It's like... Yeah, and it's exactly the same propaganda we get now. Be his wife to death and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like, oh, that was alcohol? That wasn't weed? Like, that was... Can you think of any other examples other than his wife? Cause that one kind of, I mean, that's not the best,
Starting point is 01:02:07 that's not an example of random violence. Okay? Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah. I don't think OJ killed his wife. Yeah, you're on that side now? Now I'm looking at his interviews and stuff. Right, in a whole new light.
Starting point is 01:02:20 A whole new light. I don't think he is a killer. You think he's communicating with you? Maybe, yeah. Let me talk to Tucker about the flat earth spirits. Yeah, I would. Or Joy Reid. He's the guy.
Starting point is 01:02:31 He's the guy. Schools are not spending enough time on core academic subjects. Yeah, sure. You should assume that they're not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the only point of them. Teachers are bringing their personal political...
Starting point is 01:02:44 Oh, man, I could feel how offended this one is. Yeah, that's the only point of them teachers are bringing their personal political Man I could feel how offended this one teachers are bringing their personal political and social views into the crash 12% of liberals say yes. Yeah, really? Yeah, I mean, I you know, I can remember. No, what do you mean? Yeah. No, what who? What are you talking about me? They're hypersensitive that the 82% are really loud, you know? 82%, yeah, obviously Republicans. Yeah. 12% of... That's great. That's healthy. But it just... It's... They're like perfect steps, you know?
Starting point is 01:03:15 Statements don't have the funding and resources they need. Liberals... No, they do not have the funding and resources they need. I mean, they don't. They obviously don't. Because they're hiring young women. No business would on purpose hire young women if they were properly funded. When they investigate fucking some of this shit, like LAUSD, they have had fucking plenty of money for years.
Starting point is 01:03:40 They're so fucking corrupt. The corruption at the- Right, the people who can use it are not getting the money they need. Right, exactly. Yeah. But yeah, it's a big waste of money. Parents have too much say in, oh man,
Starting point is 01:03:56 you guys gotta know to answer this one correctly. Parents have too much say in decisions about what schools are teaching. Liberals, oh, that's another divisive issue for them. 50-50. Parents have too much to say. So half of liberals say, yeah, parents have way too much to say.
Starting point is 01:04:10 I should be determining it. Another half say, no, they don't. Parents should have a say. Yeah, I mean, they- Obviously all conservatives say, Right, right. No, of course not. There's the-
Starting point is 01:04:22 Of course the parents should have a say. There's the hypersensitivity on that end, too. I mean, I don't... What are they paying him for? Yeah. What am I paying for with this school? It's like, there are some fucking nut jobs, like, where it's like, I don't want my kid learning evolution. I don't want my... Like, it's like, you're fucking retarded.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Yeah. Sorry. Don't come near me, because you make bad decisions and you think bad. You know what? I don't think they need to. Okay. Then just get them out of school. Like then just go home and read about the Bible. That's right. Go home. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. We don't need them. Yeah, they won't do that. But some of them just gotta fucking make problems with that. I don't think this is this guy's balls. They're too happy about it. But I've been wrong before. Once.
Starting point is 01:05:01 too happy about it. But I've been wrong before. Once. NPR. Fucking NPR, man. Oh yeah, this one really, really sucked. This woman's getting, she threatened to kill the city council? I know you didn't see this one. She went to a the city council? I know you didn't see this one.
Starting point is 01:05:27 She went to a city, you know how you can go to the city council and say goofy shit? Yeah. And they like have to listen to you? I think this woman went and said she was gonna kill them all because she got really pissed off. So they're charging her with 16 felony counts in Bakersfield Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:48 Because she said she was gonna murder them unless they voted to endorse a ceasefire. Well, that's not very smart. I Don't think the Bakersfield the City Council. Yeah, it's a field stinks of fertilizer and cow shit They have way bigger. I would rather live in Gaza and cow shit. They have way bigger... I would rather live in Gaza than Bakersfield. It's so bad. Yeah, Bakersfield is, you know... Bakersfield has Mexicans working out in their front yards, okay? Oh, yeah. It's not, you know, it's a little better, but I only say that because I'm more familiar with Mexicans. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:17 You know, if I was Tiger Woods, I might think the reverse. Man, yeah, I mean, when I was... I've appraised out in Bakersfield when I was an appraiser. Yeah, what'd you think? Well, I mean, you go out to the, like, East Bakersfield, it's like a different country. It's like Mexico. Mexico. No, it's like Mexico, yeah. Some wild fucking wild additions to houses out there, man.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Like, I mean, you know- Sean, we don't care. We don't put a fucking water slide in the bedroom. Permit is not, I that that there's no translation for Permit on that in Spanish. Oh, yeah East Bakersfield in Mexican. Yeah, it's definitely not say it a permit. Yeah, what I'll tell you what another thing That's a maybe this is a sideways of Sean's Sean's animal corner, but apparently- You better- No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Apparently, whatever goes on there, whatever they're eating, the dogs also will eat. Dogs are eating, yeah. So, yeah, I mean, you have to, you know, you measure a property too. You gotta verify that, because what it says on public record, it might say 1200 square feet.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Well, you get there and it's fucking the Winchester Mystery House. Fucking, you know what I mean? It's got three stories and you've got to document what's there. And you've got a tape measure you're walking around the property with. You've got to watch where you step because some of the... You're going to step in a shit-out burrito? Some of that shit should not fucking be coming out of a fucking dog.
Starting point is 01:07:41 See? So you've got this poor Indian woman- This fucking lettuce shot all over the fence. That's like fucking crazy. Those poor animals, man. Man, Mexicans and their dogs. Yeah. Black people get a lot of shit for their dogs, but Mexicans deserve more, I think.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Well- Because black people are just dog fighting. In my experience- She's unconscionable and cruel, but Mexicans are doing, feeding them cabbage and shit. I find that the- Let them just run around. Cause I've appraised in all kinds of neighborhoods, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:13 I find, and I do take notice of this kind of stuff. You should do like a Dave Attenborough special. The dogs, they are much more likely to be roaming the streets in Mexican neighborhoods than in black neighborhoods. Exactly, which is horrible. Black neighborhoods, they keep them chained up. Yeah, which I also don't like.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Right, but at least it ain't gonna go just bite some random person on the street. Mexicans have, the perfect Mexican dog is a chihuahua that's, the head is from a different breed. Every, they all have chihuahuas, the heads are all from a different breed One eye is swollen up out of its head bulging bulging out of its head And it's just like a community dog running around the dog can work the crosswalk light
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yeah, you go down the street from those Russian dogs and take the that take the fucking train into the city Yeah, go eat food and they get the Russians talk them how to do that the Mexican dogs just pick it up Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right? So this poor Indian woman moves to Bakersfield. Probably, she probably just drove through and thought it was full of Indians, not realizing they were Mexicans. So imagine...
Starting point is 01:09:16 Well, because there's some bloodline from way back, you know, like... Yeah. What is this? Reedy Patel is in court charged with 18 felony charges. Oh, Indian, like the Indian country. Is that what she? Yeah, computers, not feathers. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Customer service, not feathers, including terror charges following her speech at a Bakersfield council meeting in California. Man, fuck. You should be able to say whatever you want. Yeah, what does she say? She pleaded not guilty to the charges. Let's see Support of the City Council introducing a ceasefire resolution specifically the one United Liberation Front
Starting point is 01:09:58 Do it has drafted. I don't have faith that you'll do this You guys are all horrible horrible beings and Jesus probably would have killed you himself Yeah, and the thing is Okay, Jesus. Yeah, I'm right that guy's not known for no. He was anybody really really long fuse You know, but when it went anyway, it went oh man. I Guess he killed everybody. I don't I mean He didn't there were people that had leprosy that he didn't save, right? I mean, I...
Starting point is 01:10:26 What was he doing? Talking? What if Jesus had... Oh, sorry, I can't cure your leprosy. I have to go do a podcast. With Sean. Sorry. Right. Maybe better luck next time. Right. So, it's very clear to me as in someone who's been an organizer for the past couple years, that none of you care because you guys don't care about anything happening in Palestine or any other country where oppression occurs because you don't
Starting point is 01:10:48 care about the oppression occurring here and I understand this pinata suit she's wearing yeah wow that you know is it that festival of colors that they have in India it looks like one of those things where you know when you're a kid you bought the shirt or whatever and you shot it with a squirt gun it changed colors I am yeah yeah color oh very good yeah those are cool yeah and that you when you were a kid, you bought the shirt or whatever and you shot it with a squirt gun and it changed colors. I remember that, yeah. Hyper color. Oh, very good. Yeah, those are cool.
Starting point is 01:11:08 And that you guys are all horrible people, but the thing is, 2,300 people being evicted in the last year, those are votes. And you guys, those are votes to win here in Bakersfield. And while you guys parade Gandhi around, as a Hindu holiday called Chaitra Navratri starts off this week. I remind you that these holidays that we practice that other people in the global south...
Starting point is 01:11:32 Mexican people have Gandhi? Well, I don't know. I mean, she's talking about it. Apparently the City Council is doing some kind of a drive-by India festival celebration. What the fuck? See, Bakersfield, man. You see, you'd rather live in Gaza than Bakersfield, right? I don't know, man. I might take Bakersfield. I know where to live in Bakersfield. Oh.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Because I can, I know- What if it's randomized? I live over by one of the country clubs. They have those over on the west side. They have country clubs in Gaza too. It's a really nice concentration camp. Yeah, country clubs, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Practice, believe in violent revolution against their oppressors and I hope one day somebody brings the guillotine and kills all of you motherfuckers. Increased criminalization. That's fine. Yeah. That's what the first amendment's for. You didn't say I'm gonna do it. I just hope that yeah. The first amendment's for me saying I'm gonna fucking kill you you you guys in the government Mission for no need other than you don't like when people come and hold you guys accountable for introducing ceasefire Resolutions because the only escalator is a city council in fucking Bakersfield. Is it that's what this is Yeah, they're gonna stop the war
Starting point is 01:12:40 It's a city council, right because they're all the tunnels the Jews have been digging, they all lead to Bakersfield. You got to follow the cow shit. All roads lead to Bakersfield. Yeah, right. Because they got the red heifer, you know? The red heifer. The Jews, they got a red heifer. If they kill a red heifer, it kickstarts the apocalypse. You got to kill a red heifer in Jerusalem. You didn't know this? No. I'm in Nick Fuentes' Telegram chat. I know all the hot deets. Oh wait a minute. No I have. There is something about it. All the deep lore. Okay. If they kill a red heifer, a red cow, yeah. Kickstarts the apocalypse. Wasn't that on South Park? Yeah. Oh yeah yeah yeah. That's where I learned it. That's where you learned it. Yeah. So they all, they dug all the tunnels. Where's cow country? Yeah. Bakersfield. Bakersfield. cow, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:25 That's where they're waiting for the red heifer to pop out. So, the Jews and the other guys, I forgot their names already, the Palestinians, they both got tunnels going right there. And as soon as it pops out, they go, they pop out a little vent and grab it. Tunnels are going to intercept. And violence has been by you all.
Starting point is 01:13:42 And so there's no need to continue. In the last five years, I've attended city council meetings. There's never been metal detectors. There's never been more cops. The only reason you're doing it is because people actually don't care if you guys don't like them and they're actually resisting.
Starting point is 01:13:59 So you want to criminalize them. So regardless of whether you elect people into office, they'll backstab you, they'll let you- She should be in jail for this, just the length of this speech, like most women. Right, I'm not too wrong about that. What do you think her emails are like? Good Lord. You know she's written them a few times, right? I mean- Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Wow. Straight into the garbage. We'll see you at your house, we'll murder you. Damn. Next speaker please. And for that reason, you guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors, we'll see you at your house, we'll murder you. Yeah! That's the First Amendment! That's the first and the second! That's what it implies! Everyday you should live in constant terror of the people, because we'll kill you! That's the it's that's the first and the second that is what it implies Every day you should live in constant terror of the people cuz we'll kill you. That's the point of it
Starting point is 01:14:48 Don't put metal detectors in the City Hall. You have no right to detect metal on me or else They want to just one and two right there. Yeah, it's like well. We can't actually let that be we can't act We can't actually fear anything. We're elected officials. We're not supposed to fear anything But I won the popularity contest. So we're I'm a ruler. Yeah. Yeah, we get down The majority of the people get to decide who their insurance companies people pay out. What's it? What's not in the way? We're not in the risk business Next murder you Precise Dan lands followed by kev
Starting point is 01:15:34 Followed by valeria take care of that. Oh, what did she say? Tell that was a threat? What fuck you you dumb bitch? That was a threat. This is really you look really threatened. I've yelled at women, not threatening anything. Just yelling that something has happened, you know? Well, where is it then? Right? And they have all looked more afraid than that woman right there who just got a death threat. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Hey, I've yelled at women driving. Hey, what are you doing? Right? Never have they looked that smug and pleased with themselves. Fear. Missing from this death threat. ...said at the end, and so the officers are going to escort you out and take care of that.
Starting point is 01:16:12 You fucking bitch. What is she like, 22 something? 22 tons? I think so. You load 22 tons of number 9 coal and... Oh, the balloon furry died. You remember this guy? I was trying to get him on the show a long time ago. I also tried to get the drones and the bum guy. He said, hey, call in. And he said, I'm being...
Starting point is 01:16:42 I got some problems with the FAA, so maybe I'll call in. I was like, you know what? You're not the first caller that's told me they're having a, being investigated by a three-letter agency. So, that's funny. Yeah, yeah. And it seems to happen to us a lot on this show. Uh, this balloon furry died. I guess. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:17:00 Uh. He puts himself in, he puts himself in these balloon suits. Yeah. These furry balloon suits and he gets off on it, I guess. And he died. Was it a balloon related... Yeah, suffocated. Seriously?
Starting point is 01:17:16 Yeah. Just found out today. It's a shame. Wow. Dee dee dee. Alright, maybe one more. Okay, what a way to go. We got a dead guy at a bank video.
Starting point is 01:17:26 It's pretty funny. And more or less taboo questions. Dead guy at a bank. Here's a, uh, this is a lady trying to get her grandpa, her uncle to sign a loan. What? This lady brought her uncle into the bank to sign some loan paperwork. The uncle is a dead corpse.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Looks like a doll. I mean, she didn't really think it through, did she? So she's put the pen in the dead guy's hand. I'm just starting to assume that all of this is fake until... Yeah, that music makes me think it's fake. I don't know, probably fake. You gotta put some shades on him, lady. Right?
Starting point is 01:18:31 Shades. Put a lacrosse stick behind his head. Yeah, I don't know how. In the chair so his head stays up. Put a stick or something. I haven't seen enough movies. Put a hat. Everybody knows this.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Everyone knows this shit. Probably a lie. Fucking rookie. Oh boy. Here's the list of uncomfortable questions rated by uncomfortableness. Oh yeah. Uh, oh boy. Okay, what do you think is higher? Don't look at it. Okay. What do you think is higher? On the uncomfortable? Yeah, what do you think is more uncomfortable? Let's see, whether vaccines cause autism, or whether men are smarter than women?
Starting point is 01:19:16 Oh. That's pretty good. Wow, that one's pretty uncomfortable for people, I guess. Yeah, I mean, maybe more uncomfortable? If you're asking it that way, you kind of already know the answer. Well, it's also, yeah, I mean, maybe... More uncomfortable? If you're asking it that way, you kinda already know the answer. Well, it's also, yeah, I mean, but it's also like, who are you more uncomfortable? Are you in a group? Because none of these... These are, if they're taboo or not.
Starting point is 01:19:36 These aren't uncomfortable if you're by yourself. Hm. Well, is it taboo or not? So in a group, I guess. Oh, is it taboo? Well, I mean, yeah. Whether brother, sister sex is harmful for consenting adults or whether pedophilia is harmful or not.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Who is questioning that? I don't wanna answer any of these. Well, right. So, but which one do you not wanna answer more? Whether vaccines cause autism or whether race is- I think the one that's more uncomfortable is the, like are men smarter than women? Like of the first two questions that you were, that you-
Starting point is 01:20:16 Okay, here's one. Whether playing, whether humans evolved from a non-human species or whether transsexualism is a mental illness. Which one do you think is more uncomfortable? Oh, the mental illness part is more... You'd be correct. Yeah. The most uncomfortable...
Starting point is 01:20:33 What do you think the most uncomfortable question is? Topic. Most taboo topic. Well, it's got to be something about race. Ooh, you're right. It's got to be something about race. What, you're right. It's got to be something about race. What about race? Touching the hair? Like, nothing else.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Who has bigger wieners? There's a lot of questions missing off this list. I would have written a different list. No, it's got to tie into some kind of like how advanced races are or something. Like, why, what are the reasons? There's no three-story buildings in Africa. You think that would be the there? I don't know question There's one there's one theme of question that is suspiciously missing from this list as well
Starting point is 01:21:11 I guess it's too high off the charts to be ranked It's whether European whites are smarter than African blacks genetic reasons. Okay, they've Raised genetics and what that what that's extremely taboo Wow Yeah, wow. Wow, wow, wow. That's higher than whether pedophilia is harmful or not. Yeah, wow, yeah. Whether incest is harmful for consenting adults. But those are up there too.
Starting point is 01:21:38 That's taboo. They're close, right? Yeah, harmful. Is that like a, is there an epidemic of incest, brother, sister sex? I don't think I think we I don't think we have that problem, really. No, I don't think that's taboo. No.
Starting point is 01:21:56 People think like, you know, like I don't think those people like porn sites are like, you know, that's actually documentaries or something. Those are stepsisters. you know, that's actually documentaries or something. Yeah, those are stepsisters. Uh, and then the very bottom is whether people are more depressed on rainy days. Oh, right. Who the fuck put someone taboo? This is why men are taller than women.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Like these are, yeah, yeah, exactly. Why would someone put a little taboo? Who put extremely taboo? Yeah, somebody put extremely taboo for whether taller people are richer. Yeah, how is that like- What are you fucking stupid? What is your definition of extremely taboo? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:35 That's weird. Huh. Yeah. How did this person answer the rest of the survey without having a heart attack? Yeah, right? Tall people are- oh, that's extremely taboo. Okay, what about the Holocaust? What? What? I need to- hold on right. Tall people are over. Oh, that's extremely taboo. Okay, what about the Holocaust? What? What? Hold on, I need to start over. Yeah. I didn't know you'd be asking about
Starting point is 01:22:50 that. Yeah, like some of these are, you know. Stupid. Right. Yeah, very interesting. Whether humans evolve. Oh yeah, I read that one. Right, right. Whether intelligence can be predicted from someone's genetics. Uh-huh. Huh, so that's not that taboo. that one. Whether intelligence can be predicted from someone's genetics. Huh, so that's not that taboo. So whether intelligence can be predicted from someone's genetics is not taboo at all. Well, for some people. But whether European whites, but the implication of that question is the most taboo.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's funny. Wow. Well, because they're explicitly stating race in the top one and they talk about it. Explicitly stating race in the top one and they don't mention race in the other one. You know what I mean? It's just like, because people, I guess, I would imagine Americans in there,
Starting point is 01:23:33 if they're talking about the other one, intelligence can predict it from some of these genetics. We're all just picturing white people. It's like, oh, these are stupid white, this kid came from stupid white people, this person came from smart white people Yeah, you're right. I mean I'm speaking for me too. Like I'm not writing. I'm not thinking Mom and dad. Yep. I go. Yeah, just smart people have a smart kids. Yeah. Yeah, let's talk about that
Starting point is 01:23:56 supposed to like right Reasons why Europeans are taller than Asians Yeah, dude, what what is wrong with people? I don't know like 5050 of a taller than Asians. Yeah. Dude, what is wrong with people? I don't know. This is like 50-50 of a little taboo. Yeah. What's the reason? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Because they put them in little boxes until they're done being a teenager. Like Veal. They let them out. Yeah. Like Veal. It's taboo about that. Right. Alright.
Starting point is 01:24:23 That brings the things that I read far to a conclusion. This is such a weird show. Today? Or in general? No, well yes in general, but today I feel completely out of sorts. Because you missed a week, that's why. I know, but I've done that before. I've done that before. Johnny and me played Pokemon. You did? You know, Johnny's probably the most, like, conscientious person that I've done that before Johnny and me played Pokemon you did you know Johnny's probably the not the most like conscientious person that I've ever met really my life
Starting point is 01:24:50 We're playing Pokemon. Yeah after the show Pokemon cards. Yeah, and I Asked him to help me learn how to play it better, you know, so I could beat my nephew Did you hear his the blackface story about him? No. Oh, you didn't listen to that one? Oh man. About who? About your nephew? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Oh no. I'll tell you after. Everyone's heard it already. Really? And so Johnny, we're sitting there playing and I'm saying, I'm kind of hesitating. I told him in advance, like I want to know how to play this better
Starting point is 01:25:20 because I know how to play magic, not great at it. I don't really know how to, I know the rules of Pokemon, but I don't know like strategy very well right so I'll be playing it and I'm like is this maybe I'll put the energy card on this guy and he's like well I think probably what you'd want to do and I'm only telling you so you learn the strategies and you get and you know how to you know you understand the reason I'm only telling you the why I would do
Starting point is 01:25:42 it right so don't the whole time is like you know I want you to understand you know I'm just explaining I'm just telling you why I would do it. So the whole time he's like, you know, I want you to understand, I'm just telling you what I would do in this situation. Well, he's explaining to you the concept, not that, you know, otherwise. What do you think I'm gonna flip out? How dare you tell me how to play Pokemon? You know, every time he's like, you know, this is how I would do it.
Starting point is 01:25:59 How the fuck are you so nice? Yeah, well. Really weird. Well, did it make an improvement in your game? I don't know did you beat your blackface nephew I Did actually yeah, I kicked the shit out. Oh really? Oh, he's pissed off. Huh? Yeah, this is the Irishman No, Bam Bam Oh Bam Bam plays on poke. Okay. Yeah, please Pokemon does blackface. That's his deals Renegade pre says Maddox thinks Dick is a lethario because on the old show, Dick always called out Maddox for his bags of sand comments. I guess that's true.
Starting point is 01:26:32 What are you saying? Weird stuff like his pussy bad and having sex in the ocean? You don't have to be a lethario to know that's bullshit. Having sex in the ocean? I don't think so. Right. You can just be not retarded. Yeah. You know? Remember? Yeah. Vexatious Lidigan says,
Starting point is 01:26:52 This is Maddox's most unhinged section yet. Yeah. I think he took these down himself because he looks completely insane. All the other sections he could get away with lying and implying because people don't really know about the entertainment industry or much about business. But everyone knows what a crazy ex looks like and his bullshit is immediately obvious. He looks like a lunatic in this episode.
Starting point is 01:27:13 I agree. Even the most disengaged normie. I mean, yeah, I see that. Do you think his ego will let him take down those things? It just, it flies in the face of his track record of just doubling and tripling down. I wonder, I mean, and who would he listen to if somebody got in his ear, you know?
Starting point is 01:27:39 Like, oh, you think, like if they're like, dude, this is fucking crazy. Yeah, you gotta take this down. Doesn't he just argue with all those people though? No, because they have celebrity the one thing that he always respects over anything else Celebrities would talk to him you're saying no you the actual YouTube he will always He will always obey and kowtow to anyone more anyone He deems as more famous than him so you think the powers that be might've contacted him?
Starting point is 01:28:05 Maybe, I don't know. Well, or would they have just fucking just tanked it? Take down the videos? Probably that and said, hey, you gotta do this to get that back up. And he would've said, you know, like people like Maddox, when they get stomped, they have a way of rationalizing
Starting point is 01:28:21 their punishment. Oh, for sure, for sure. Oh yeah, good, now I don't have to have that up anymore rationalizing their punishment. Oh, for sure. For sure. Oh yeah, good. Now I don't have to have that up anymore. Right, right. I could edit out whatever they said. But then I would look. I don't want that up anymore.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Yeah. I secretly realized it was a fuck up. Yeah, help me, exactly. You're right, you're right. That is a big, people, ultimately he wants the responsibility to be somebody else's because he's already talked his fucking shit. I think it's that. Yeah, it could be.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Woman alert, alright. Let's see what we got. Woman alert. Steve says, this woman had an experience at the bank, probably related to the woman who thought lots of numbers on her credit card was a good thing. Experience at a bank. That's the last thing I want to have at a bank. Hmm. An experience? An experience. Yeah. Okay. Let's see here. What is the purpose for those y- Filters. Those fucking filters. It's crazy. It's crazy. Guys aren't gonna know what a woman looks like if they see one in the What is the purpose for the...
Starting point is 01:29:46 Okay. And there we go. What do you think the purpose is going to be? Those yellow poles. What is the purpose for those yellow poles when you pull out of a bank? Bank owners look... A bank? Yeah, what is the purpose of those yellow poles that are always in the ground?
Starting point is 01:30:08 But it seems like she thinks like only at banks. Like they're not protecting some piece of power equipment. Usually it's like some big fucking- Sean, somehow I think she's never noticed them until today. Until they noticed her. Yeah. What is the goddamn purpose of those yellow poles in the bank? What do you mean? They're everywhere.
Starting point is 01:30:28 What? They're usually protecting some large piece of equipment. Transformers. Yeah, there's on the ground. So an idiot doesn't drive over it and destroy it. Yeah. Take out a city power block and light themselves on fire. Why?
Starting point is 01:30:36 Right, right. No reason. Yes. What your yellow pole did to my car. And I don't even think it was my fault. Oh. Man. Oh. Oh man. Oh man, I can see the yellow. That's amazing that like it took her like six feet to realize that something was scraping.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Hey, what's that noise? Probably the fucking radio on. Oh my god, I can see inside the car from here. Oh my god. And you see inside the car from here. Oh my god. And you gotta, you gotta fuck this! Who can even see those things? And then you hear a crunch, and you freeze, and you keep going. No you didn't, you drove. You heard a crunch and you drove.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Next thing you know, you're at, and you hear a crunch, and you freeze, and then you keep going, and then- What? And you freeze, and you freeze, and then you keep going, and then... What? And you freeze, and you keep... She means freeze with your foot on the pedal. She means literally just stop. Right. You know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Arrrgh!
Starting point is 01:31:37 And next thing you know, you're at an autobody shop, and you've got nearly $30,000 worth of damage. Oh, you're also getting fucked. Bad. I don't know. That's a whole new... What's she driving? I don't even know the purpose of. Oh, you need a new door, a new panel, new axle. New sling cladder, new horror wrapped, oh, your handle fell off. How badly did she hit this fucking pole? New bifurcated splange log in, like, it's definitely, like, I mean,
Starting point is 01:32:13 she's definitely getting fucked too on the repair. Dude, she knocked the wheel axle off. They totaled my car when I did this. Wait, wait, wait, what? She knocked the fucking, she knocked the wheel sideways, she hit it so hard. Where, how are you seeing that? And she's saying new axle.
Starting point is 01:32:24 She said that? Yeah. How f- she could not. I don't know. She doesn't even know what she did. And then you keep going, and then- Oh, you need a new door, a new panel, a new axle, gotta get the car rewrapped, oh your handle fell off.
Starting point is 01:32:44 They're just fucking bullshitting her. Just want to know what the purpose is of those yellow poles. Cause she's stupid, clearly. And I can't be the only one that doesn't see them. God. No, half of the people on the planet don't see them. That's why they're so important. That's why we painted them yellow.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Cause you're not supposed to be anywhere near them. And then if you are, we painted them yellow so you never see that color yellow anywhere on the road. What a fucking horrible society we live in. What a fucking... What a... American... You see how she acts like a... What a fucking toilet. You see how she acts like a little girl?
Starting point is 01:33:18 Like to garner sexual sympathy? Whenever women fuck up this badly, they revert to a... Because they revert to this internal like Projection of pedophilia it always disturbs me. They're like like you're not acting like a fucking adult right now You're acting like a little teenage girl. Yeah, you better kind of fuck It's weird with you're doing that not me cuz you're getting trying to do some guys up So they're not thinking properly they start shelling out money for a new $30,000 door and an axle.
Starting point is 01:33:45 Christ. What do boom, what did I do? Do do do this. Yeah. Why are you talking like a little girl? No, that's weird. It's definitely weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Very good. Good woman alert. Ivan says, three little words. Hi, Dick. What's been making me rage after moving to Australia? That's our inside joke that nobody knows about. What's been making me a rage? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:34:07 What is his, what an idiot. Bro, stalker. Stalker, is that an inside joke? S-T-O-C-K-E-R, yeah. I'm telling you, he doesn't make, he doesn't make that error in the past. He's losing it. He's losing it. He's losing it.
Starting point is 01:34:25 He's fucking losing it, man. Do I have any more? His brain can concentrate on one thing and it's just wrecking the rest of it. All the details gone. Should I read? Oh man, I really want to read this email that Maddox sent.
Starting point is 01:34:39 Oh boy. 80s girl's mom when they broke up. I don't, do what you want, but you know. Usually I'm like, ah, you just fucking cock-tease the bonus episodes. I gotta save it. It's gotta be a next bonus episode. It makes sense that it's on a bonus episode. This whole thing is a bonus episode.
Starting point is 01:34:56 So long. Because we don't have time to dissect. It would take an hour just to go over this. You're absolutely right. You talked me out of it. You talked me out of it. I was gonna do it now. I'm gonna get the blame You all see through this shit, right Literally here's more he just sits on Twitter all day and argues with with people about me
Starting point is 01:35:24 Literally none of these claims are true fanboy went after my sponsors first accused me of stealing the feed false and Not that they care because he literally stole my podcast IP without cost compensating me I own the biggest problem universe trademark. I didn't steal that from anyone. It was abandoned. Yeah, I registered it totally above board right All of these people are ethically and morally bankrupt scumbags. It's been a non-stop barrage of bullshit. He harassed my sponsors in August of 2016 and went after my money right from the start. Fuck him and anyone associated with him. Wow.
Starting point is 01:36:04 They can't hide behind the joke defense when they're causing real damages. They're committing crimes. Also, jokes are supposed to be funny. Also, that... Ha ha ha ha! Also, that level of obsession speaks to something deeper going on psychologically.
Starting point is 01:36:19 My God, boy. Yeah. He just, wow. Losing it. They're full of shit! Uh-oh, somebody says, they argued they didn't hurt your book sales because the book was bad. But like that's their bias bias opinion and they clearly campaign to make fake reviews to discourage people from buying it. Who made fake reviews? Nobody. They're all real. But that's not why people buy comedy books on Amazon. They don't go, oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:36:48 Then no one bought Maddox's book because it was F asterisk whales. Yeah. Like a bad Simpsons joke. And you could tell just with the asterisk that you're gonna pull punches. This is like a watered down, like a neutered version of Maddox.
Starting point is 01:37:03 It went from the best, the alphabet of manliness to censoring a swear. That's not manly at all. You should have gone with the best book in the universe. Like you were going to. That's manly, that's cool. People would have bought that. But, you didn't buy the domain.
Starting point is 01:37:20 But the best book in the universe is. Seriously, like, I mean, how? I got the best book in the universe? Could this possibly be the best book in the universe? I'd give mean how I got This universe could this possibly be the best book in the universe. I give it a shot right yeah, maybe it is And I pretend it is I'm in on the joke right that's good marketing right fuck whales. I got no problem with whales Yeah, what do you mean? Yeah? Yeah? Fuck you whale yeah? Fuck cheeseburgers yeah, what we feel yeah Whale? Yeah. Exactly. Fuck cheeseburgers. Yeah. What? What?
Starting point is 01:37:48 We feel, yeah. Why? Right. With an asterisk? Yeah. No. Right. Fuck women, maybe. Is that in there? Well, now.
Starting point is 01:37:56 Oh, right. Why not? That's kind of a, why would that not, how could you go from the alphabet of manliness to fuck women isn't in the book? Well, because women can be raped. And I... I stand against it.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Okay, fuck whales then. Ummm... They clearly can't... Next best thing. Hahaha! It doesn't matter if their plan worked or not or had any impact. Ummm... I mean it doesn't matter at all. It's either funny or it isn't. They're full of shit. They view bombed it with negative reviews to try and hurt sales.
Starting point is 01:38:27 And if negative reviews don't matter, then maybe they should start bombing his own books! And- and content with negative reviews! Okay. Well, you're in trouble for it. Isn't your- hasn't everything been a negative review on anything you've done? Yes. Hahahaha! Oh no! He doesn't get the-
Starting point is 01:38:43 Don't review my book, Maddox! Oh no! And say horrible things about it. Geez! Don't do that. Oh man, maybe. Why would they bomb their own- How does he know?
Starting point is 01:38:55 How does he claim to be such a great student of radio history and stuff and not know these concepts? Yeah. Because he's lying. Because he's fucking- he's fucking he's retarded and if negative reviews don't matter Then maybe they should start bombing his own books. Maybe they should start bombing his own books. Yeah And content with negative reviews Wasn't that what your wasn't that what your video was supposed to inspire like wasn't that what Maddox's video is supposed to do?
Starting point is 01:39:22 Of course. I'm gonna whip up this mob. No, it's supposed to come after our jobs, supposed to come after, and they're all like, dude, you're just a fucking, you're just a psycho homeless guy yelling in an alley to cats. Yeah, you're too old to be feeling this way, man. Like you're just coming off crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:42 It really is, I mean, it really is kind of sad just that like his his whatever life he had Yeah, has just come to a halt since like the split No, it's a hundred percent hundred percent 100% of his energy is focused on this. Yeah, yeah even when he's doing other things. It's never gone He's in his back of his mind. He's like, how can I use this to fuck over a dick? It's never gone. What a horrible prison to live in.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Yep. Too bad that happened to you. Oh yeah. His email to 80's Girl's mom was written at one in the morning. Yeah. The day before her birthday. I'll just tell you that. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 01:40:32 Okay. Maybe I've said too much. It's a good setup. Thriller, what's been making me rage after moving to Australia is all the fucking roundabouts. I've never seen a goddamn stop sign in the entire country. Nobody knows the fucking rules. I like roundabouts.
Starting point is 01:40:44 Me too, this guy's a idiot. I like them, I've got to like sign in the entire country. Nobody knows the rules. Me too. This guy's a middian. I've got to like them in Europe. Yeah, all right. Nobody knows the rules. They're more popular in the states now. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, well, yeah I've been at multiple. Matter of fact, I was just at Zion National Park. There are roundabouts. They're roundabouts in Utah. I like them. I like them. Okay. Right in the middle of the park. They're roundabouts in Utah. I like them. Oh. I like them.
Starting point is 01:41:05 Okay. Nobody knows the rules or indicates properly. And I know they're slowly taking over North America as well. They're better. Yeah. They're a better thing. Yeah, they are. It doesn't take long to get used to them.
Starting point is 01:41:17 I think maybe you don't know the rules, sir. Yeah. And that's the problem. I found that to be the- Well, now look- When people don't like roundabouts, I found it to be the case that they don't understand Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:26 how to use them. He's also dealing with the other side of the road if he's from here, too. I mean, it might be a little more of a learning- You're getting hit with a bunch of punch. It would be a little bit weird. Be a little bit weird. And I'm specifically talking about those tiny ass roundabouts like you've seen in a suburb. Nothing has made me grip the wheel with so much rage every time I have to come to one of those gay ass roundabouts.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Go fuck yourself, Ivan. Go fuck yourself, Ivan! Why don't you go back to America if you can't handle progress, you shitheal? Go to Alabama or something. You can go to one of your stoplights and sit there, go to a stop sign. You can sit there waiting for fucking nobody.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Yeah, because nobody knows when to go. Yeah, this is American. This is what I like, sitting here idling. Sometimes I stop for an extra long You go now we're both go. Oh shit. We're both gonna go fuck I read a paper where a guy proposed turning all for all four way stops to three way stops because it would speed it up Yeah, it was really interesting Yeah, cuz knowing the three people knowing that one person doesn't have a stop would make them more alert was well Yeah, was the supposition of the paper. Yeah
Starting point is 01:42:29 And it would speed it up because one person gets it through no matter what right now because it's yeah For you know for a four-way stop is not one more it acts like it's like 12 more It's like an unsolvable problem at that. I don't know what age. Oh god man. I don't know what to do Yeah, I don't know what to do. Oh, God. You're locked up, man. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. God forbid, there's always one guy there who just is like a normal person anyway. That's the only saving grace of the four-way stop.
Starting point is 01:43:00 This one was funny. I should have played this. I should have showed you this one first. What's that? Of my stuff I read this week. Of your what? Of my stuff that I was reading this week. Oh.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Uh, Florida has a... Aw, come on, man. Don't do me like this. Do do. Transform. Aw, come on, man. Come on, man. What is it? Gone? Oh, there. Okay. The dudes. This is, uh, Florida has a... They're getting, like, priests and shit in classrooms.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Priests? Yeah, I think. Supporting Florida's students. Governor DeSantis is signing a bill to establish a statewide school chaplain program. Chaplain program. Chaplain program. So you get priests in there, right? Great.
Starting point is 01:43:48 But that's what we need, more unrelated adults around kids. Yeah, especially ones who have like, you know, who have taken a vow to, To celibacy. Yeah, to never fucking have sex or get married. What's wrong with that? Well, because I have a, I'm worried about someone who could take that vow.
Starting point is 01:44:07 That's the issue. Right. I couldn't take, if I told you that and I lied, I would be lying. That's the issue I have with it. I get it. You're worried about the type of person. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:44:18 I don't believe you, but let's assume that you're, you know, something that makes you very different than me and I don't like that. My body is saying, is rejecting that. Right. And saying something's wrong here. This is the funny part of it though. DeSantis signs the bill to establish a statewide school and maybe they're already there, you
Starting point is 01:44:35 know, who knows. But it says explicitly, no Satanists. Like the no homers club. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the stone cutters club, right? Yeah. Faith leaders on campus, okay. Faith leaders on campus offer voluntary alternative mental health resource for students of STEMs from a higher power than government. Are you saying that the government's a higher power than a person? Because I already have an issue with that. From a higher power than government. There's lower power than government. Are you saying that the government's a higher power than a person? Because I already have an issue with that. From a higher power than government. There's no lower power than the government.
Starting point is 01:45:08 You're a bunch of pedophiles and scumbags. The first laws we made were anti-government because you guys are so bad. Hey, as great as the government is, God's even better. We need God on our side. No, wrong. The government killed God. Remember?
Starting point is 01:45:24 Remember Rome? Okay, then it says, then equally as important as God. It has another box that says, Satanist with a no smoking line through them. Right. Totally not no Satanist, but Satanist with a no smoking, no fumar, no farting line through it. That doesn't even, it's not as, it's too small. Oh, never forget, yeah. Means a no smoking shithead. That's exactly what you said. Activists who mock religion, like Satanists,
Starting point is 01:45:56 cannot qualify as school chaplains. So, uh. Activists who mock religion. Don't atheists just mock religion? That's what Satanism is! And they're not they're not activists. I mean they kind of are because so religion got all these special privileges. Yeah. And some atheists said how come fuck this?
Starting point is 01:46:20 And some smart atheists said, oh yeah, we worship Satan. Right, right, right. I get it. Yep. So we get all those too. And then this has sent... Freedom of religion. This has sent the government into a tailspin that they can't recover from. Like, well, you don't mean it. I agree with it.
Starting point is 01:46:34 What? Right. Yeah, it's all the same questions that they can't answer. Satan is no. So then they just went ahead and said, okay, no Satanist. Yeah. So now you got to be sarcastic. Now you got to be super Christians. Right. I was a Satanist. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So now you got to be sarcastic. Now you got to be super Christians. Right.
Starting point is 01:46:48 I was Satanist. Now I'm a super Christian. Yeah. I believe in super Christ. Right. What? Yeah, this is a little bit better. Right.
Starting point is 01:46:56 A little bit better. Right. Christ.2. Christ.2. Yeah. Christ 2. Yeah. Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 01:47:04 Right. something else. And a web browser. That's Super Christ. I'm Super Christian. Super Christ like morbidly obese Christ. Yeah, he's a big fat guy. He never left the table. They can't kill me if I'm just eating here forever. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 01:47:20 The body of Christ is like a Big Mac. The body of Christ is a Big Mac. He's a fucking Four Loco and a Big Mac. The body of Christ is a Big Mac! Here's a fucking, a four loco and a Big Mac for you. Yeah, our religion, Super Christ religion is fucking awesome. Satanists are gay. Big Mac and Syserp. So let me get in there with those kids. What do you think, DeSantis?
Starting point is 01:47:38 Yeah. I love Super Christ. Super Christ, supersized Christ. Satanism is a, my dad was a Satanist. I'm a Super Christian. Very good. Like a Christian? No, Super Christ, supersized Christ. Satanism is a, my dad was a Satanist, I'm a super Christian. Like a Christian? No, super Christ.
Starting point is 01:47:49 Rides a big Harley, fatter than fuck. Oh yeah. Bunch of whores, he's converting whores all the time. Every town. Every fucking town. Super Christ comes in, converts some whores, boom, into wives that fuck you, and it's illegal for them not to fuck you.
Starting point is 01:48:04 Just as God intended What is your what is your gay God do? nothing You're having a big problem with Satanist, huh? We don't have such problems in super Christ. Having a big problem with yellow poles at banks Super Christ is there. Yeah, little smack a bitch. Yeah Super Christ has no such issues with Satan Little smack-a-bitch. Yeah. Super Christ has no such issues with Satan.
Starting point is 01:48:24 Yeah. She's a big fat lady. Lilith. And you guys tried to cover her up. That's our Satan. There you go. Satan's mom. Okay, I can fix it. I'm like Bob the Builder.
Starting point is 01:48:41 Having a real problem with Satanists in here, Ron DeSantis. Yep. No, have no fear. I'm here to sort all these fuckers out. Having a real problem with Satanists in here, Ron DeSantis. Yep. No, have no fear. I'm here to sort all these fuckers out. Uh, whoops. Alright, where did I? I left off somewhere.
Starting point is 01:48:56 Woman alert. Oh, okay. Woman alert. Woman alert. Oh, did I not? Oh shit, I think I need my computer. I didn't save the Let me okay, hold on let me email my assistant Soul green
Starting point is 01:49:18 Johnny's profiler talk nearly injured me. Did you hear that one? No, what's he talking about? Profilers? You mean like gear? Yeah, guitars. Oh, like amp modelers or profilers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what that is. I was climbing in a roof cavity at work and the moment that Johnny said, I guarantee he's gonna talk about his Kemper Profiler with the Kemper Profiler landing synchronously with the caller. Oh really? I cracked up, yeah. Oh, so somebody called him talking about gears and stuff.
Starting point is 01:49:54 This guy was talking about guitar pedals and he goes, you know what you really, and Johnny said, I guarantee he's gonna talk about his Kemper Profiler. He goes, I mean, Kemper Profiler. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the Jackson position between Johnny's disdain and the guy's excitement was just so, and the timing of it was like Kemper Profiler. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a big, yeah. Checks the position between Johnny's disdain and the guy's excitement was just so, and the timing of it was like Kemper Profiler. My Kemper Profiler was so funny.
Starting point is 01:50:12 We were talking about, we were talking about pedal, we were talking about like how, you know, the over, who was it, was that Andrew who called in? No, it was somebody I didn't recognize. Oh, it wasn't, it was talking about, you know, just fucking plug a telly into an amp and go. You know, like it's talking about, yeah, all the different pedals and... What the fuck is going on with this goddamn thing?
Starting point is 01:50:34 Um, sorry. Well there you go. I cracked up laughing so hard that I had a momentary loss of situational awareness, just like that idiot woman, and slipped my foot out of the ceiling plasterboard and fell over. Oh my god Johnny's dangerous when he co-hosts Through the plasterboard. Oh, no Thankfully, I caught myself before I fully fell through the roof, but it still would have been worth it Anyway, the dichotomy I was gonna say dichotomy. Yeah, and that absolute disdain and yeah
Starting point is 01:51:05 100% in Johnny's voice people Oh god people don't yeah. And the naive optimism. Shut up about these things. And the collars accompanied with the fact that Johnny was just slightly ahead of the collar showing how predictable the opinion was was so fucking funny That's very funny. That needs to be studied in a comedic writing class. That's very funny. Yeah, really funny. Yeah Yeah, I've never fucked around with that stuff, but that shit has come so far. I mean, I remember when plugins, you know, just like Pro Tools plugins were just horrible. Horrible. They had to... Now they have fucking vibe. Like, they really sound good and change the signal in very pleasing way. Oh, they do?
Starting point is 01:51:41 Oh, yeah. Like, I mean, sometimes you may put a compressor in and just keep it at you so it's not actually active You just put it in it just does something to the little low mid bump little, you know, I mean There you go I need it on the thing here. There you go. Yeah, they um I'm sure that stuff sounds fucking great Or good enough to where that ain't gonna be the reason why anything sucks. You know what I mean? Like I'm definitely not...
Starting point is 01:52:10 It's gotta be a... Oh you'll like this. It's gotta be a blackface twin, you know, with a... You know, cause... Right. Certain Fender amps were called blackfaces because the face plate was black.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Then later they went after the CBS spot Fender and they went to Silverface and those are less desirable before then. You had the brown Tolex covered ones, you know, you had the Tweed ones earlier than that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Black face Fenders.
Starting point is 01:52:44 Yeah. Very cool. Very cool amps. Yeah, so yeah, yeah. Blackface fenders. Yeah? Very cool, very cool amps. Doug says, God damn it, I hate when military bros broadcast their service to get special treatment. Sure, I'll use my military history to get better job interviews. We'll take advantage of that shit, but let's be clear.
Starting point is 01:52:59 That six years I was in the Air Force was a job that I was paid for and that's it. I never served my country people Thank you for your service me. Thank you for my truck payments. Yeah Amazing It is a way for that's like one of the few ways that white men can get a boost I've really seen that shit. It's always a little cringy to me When people do it in public, it's it, it's kind of, it's virtue signaling
Starting point is 01:53:27 in real life. In real life is more uncomfortable than people doing it online. Yeah. Way more. It's kind of cucked too. Like you ever see an old guy do it in front of his wife to a younger guy?
Starting point is 01:53:39 Like what do you, what do you, you're a little bit of a, do you want him to fuck your wife? Is that what you're saying? I don't know, man. I... A woman almost crashed two giant planes. Really? This guy says, yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:52 Is she like on the ground, you know, with the sticks or whatever? Let's see. I don't know. That's what I needed my computer for. Oh boy. Alright, this is a recipe for a disaster. I see here we have two planes coming into the runway. Sheen air traffic controller? Well, let's see. Planes were just seconds from disaster. A jet blue flight gaining speed and taking off her boss. Wow, this is two planes on two runways going right at each other.
Starting point is 01:54:25 That's kind of what happened at the worst. We've talked about the Tenerife accident in the 80s, the worst air accident. One plane was taking off and the other turned on the runway in front of it. It standardized a lot of the nomenclature so that they, know it was like It was kind of fast and loose and there were some misunderstandings and one guy thought he had clearance to take off
Starting point is 01:54:50 But anyway, yeah one plane tried to pull tried to get off the ground in time and end up clipping the top of them I mean everybody fucking died Yeah, it was like 500 and something people or something like that Wow, that's a lot of people. 400 and something people because there was two jumbo jets like it was like two 747s I think like Pan Am and somebody else Just as a southwest plane was cleared to cross in front of it Uh-oh cleared to cross some kind of an issue in air traffic control, I think Yeah cleared to cross and this one was taking off
Starting point is 01:55:20 Landing? This one's taking off Landing or taking off? This one's landing. It's coming in pretty hot Well, no that one's just The southwest one's landing Is it? I thought that hot. Well, no, that one's just... The southwest one's landing. Is it? I thought that was just...
Starting point is 01:55:28 Isn't it just taxing out to a runway? Planes were just seconds from disaster. A JetBlue flight gaining speed and taking off for Boston just as a southwest plane was cleared to cross in front of it. You can hear the panic as air traffic controllers yell at the pilots to stop. Whoa. Yeah. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. controllers yell at the pilots to stop
Starting point is 01:55:50 Was that a man shouting stop but the Sounds like she just had to put her Instagram down to shout stop it Well, I don't know about that. Well, I don't know, sir. Good find though. Good find. A guy with the Chinese writing for his name said, when my sister lived in San Francisco a few years ago, she got punched by a crazy homeless man. Her man left her behind a few steps and the homeless just clocked her.
Starting point is 01:56:26 She left Orange County because it was quote, too Trumpy. Oh, yeah, punched by a homeless guy. No risk of getting punched out in a Trump land, I guess, by a crazy homeless person. I mean, I'd say less risk. Yeah, probably less risk. Nathaniel Pass says, hey guys, I got a story for Sean about losing the love of my life. A 70s Gibson Les Paul Deluxe.
Starting point is 01:56:50 Oh yeah. Uh oh. Early 70s. It was my uncle's guitar, but my grandma paid for it so she technically owned it. It's not how community property works. And after it was obvious that I was the more musically inclined one in the family,
Starting point is 01:57:02 I swiftly claimed it when he moved away. This all changed when she left eggs boiling on the stove and forgot about them, setting the cooking oil in the cupboard above on fire. The house burned down and she needed all the money she could get, so most of her belongings that survived got sold, unfortunately, including the guitar. That was the best guitar I've ever played.
Starting point is 01:57:20 If I ever find another one in the wild, I'll go to great lengths to get it. Love the show. Please keep talking about guitars. Okay. There you go. I'll tell you about the 70s, they call it the Norlin era of Gibson. A company called Norlin bought Gibson.
Starting point is 01:57:35 Okay. In the very late, I want to say 68, 69. And those are reported to be the shittiest Gibsons ever made. The 70s Norlins. But it's ever made, the 70s New Orleans. But it's been, well, there are plenty of exceptions. They did a bunch of cost-cutting measures. They started making what they call pancake bodies, where they basically laminated slabs of wood together,
Starting point is 01:57:58 so they didn't have to have a one-piece mahogany body with a maple cap. They started making three three piece necks, even up to five piece necks from what I heard. So people- How many pieces do you want on your neck? People always, yeah. You know, like one, maybe two.
Starting point is 01:58:14 But people, it's funny, the people who have never played them or owned them are always the ones who shit on them. And from what I understand, I've played a 70s Les Paul custom that was a fucking great guitar. And those are the ones even online, you can get people to admit,
Starting point is 01:58:34 well, some of those customs were pretty good. You know, but there are a lot more, there were some shit guitars, I'm sure, but there were some good guitars. It's not like the internet wants you to all Norlin Gibsons are dog shit. And it not, it's not like the internet wants you that all Norlin Gibson's are dog shit. And it just, it can't be true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:51 Wasn't the wood better back then anyway? You know, they use- What are we working with now? They use different wood, but I mean, you know, I don't know. I mean, they, you can't, you know, they source mahogany from different places now and they're on, like they've been growing mahogany from different places now and they're on,
Starting point is 01:59:05 like they've been growing mahogany in Fiji on these plantations for a long time. The entire plantations? Yeah, kind of. Kind of, yeah. Kind of, I think Gibson sources their mahogany, I think from Fiji. But in part.
Starting point is 01:59:21 But there's a lot of places where they were old trees that grew naturally, those are all gone. So now they're plantation trees. They grow a little different. I mean, there's a lot of, there's a lot of reasons why they're different, but there's great guitars being made today. Really great guitars. Norland? Norland. Is it like Roland but backwards? Like N-O-R-L-I-N. I don't know what they did, but I want to say it's like CBS, like the
Starting point is 01:59:43 company buying fender Okay, like do you know diversity is it like they're diversifying or whatever? I don't know what the fuck Norlin was how many guitars would you ideally want to own? 100 or 200 no no no no like Leno with his classic cars no How many do you need how many guitars do you need well you what you need you? Not to general you okay if you have many do you need? How many guitars do you need? Well, you... What you need? You. Not... Generally you. Okay, if you have...
Starting point is 02:00:09 You need... You need at least one good acoustic. Okay. What do you have? A Martin D8? What do you have? A D28? I would say you probably need a dreadnought style.
Starting point is 02:00:18 Okay. But you also need something with more like a pinched in waist. More even for finger picking, things like that. Martins tend to be big and boomy. Sometimes not the best choice for a studio because you end up rolling off that low end because it just takes up everything. Okay.
Starting point is 02:00:34 For electric. What do you got, a Taylor? What's the middle one? You need a Fender style guitar. You need something with single coil pickups. I mean a Strat or a Tele. I know there's a difference. The Tele does the thing that the Strat doesn't.
Starting point is 02:00:44 Strat's maybe more versatile. I don't know. Maybe you put a gun to my head. I kind of want a telly That's the you need a Gretch kind of style guitar Maybe 60 and 20 someone putting a gun to your head and then have and then killing themselves What do you pick look telecaster the vendor well, you know, I got What do you pick? Telecaster, the Fender. Well, you know, I got... You need a Gretsch. You need a Gretsch-style guitar.
Starting point is 02:01:08 Do you still have your Gretsch? I thought you sold it. No, I sold it. With the dice. You need a Gibson-style guitar. You need a Fender-style guitar. You need a couple good acoustics. I would say that's probably good.
Starting point is 02:01:18 You need a banjo in there somewhere, don't you? I mean, you know, I don't know. Put banjo strings on a guitar. And... Yeah, you only need four or five. What about one of those like metal shredding guitars? I mean, I guess if you want an electric 12 string, you need a Rickenbacker or something. Yeah, you got more strings.
Starting point is 02:01:36 Yeah, but how much, you know, I don't know, how much 12 string music is being made today? I don't know. I've never, like, you know, I don't know. Yeah, you need, I would say you need, I would say more amps are kind of more versatile in some ways. Oh, how many amps? You forget about amps. I mean, you could probably, probably at least that, probably at least that number. Hmm. I only have one amp. At least that number. But I don't know,
Starting point is 02:02:00 man. I like, I don't, I never saw the point of like four five or six Les Paul's. Oh, yeah. Okay Not really you just sell it. Yeah, I'll get a new I'll get a better one Yeah, some people you know, they're all a little different. Well, people like to hoard They do I'm gonna play the jingle again. Okay Somebody sent these cards in. Now, if you wanted to own a standard like Les Paul Standard and a Junior, those are very different. Why are they different?
Starting point is 02:02:35 Well, Junior is usually a single pickup P90. It's actually a kind of a single pickup. Yeah. I want a little more. As opposed to a, you know to a dual humbucker guitar like a Les Paul standard. A little more body. They definitely sound different and very, very cool. How's the single sound?
Starting point is 02:02:51 Well, Waeer, like. Well, but the P90 is a fatter sounding pickup than like a Fender single coil. So it's all Gibson was trying to do with their humbucker, which people call PAFs, I mean patent applied for because they weren't patent, they were invented. The jokes that you guys have.
Starting point is 02:03:11 By a guy. All they were trying to do, you know, short story long, all they were trying to do was replicate the P90 without the 60 cycle hum you'd get from non noise, from, you know, a single coil pickup, it would pick that up and make it annoying to... They tried to get rid of that. That's why hum bucking, hum canceling, two coils.
Starting point is 02:03:36 Oh, that's what that means? That's what that means, yeah. Man. Hum bucking. Do women listen to this kind of stuff? No, they're not impressed by it. They run. Yeah. I don't know how they know. Usually they listen to pretty much anything except I can tell that they would not like this. I don't know why. To answer your question, that's what the P90 was a great sounding single-coil pickup.
Starting point is 02:03:59 Okay. Nobody, all they were trying to do was replicate that without the hum now a little bit a little bit different But they weren't trying to go. Oh, we got a shitty sounding pickup. We need a better one. It wasn't the case at all Anyway, I'll go back to sleep. Somebody sent these cards in for me. Remember these on the subway Yeah, I got you cards. Yes, so if you're If you're gonna harass a woman you hand her one of these cards first, right? It says I got you Do you need someone to stand with you right now? Yeah, I'm gonna just go around handing these out. There you go There you go Pretty cool. Thanks. There you go. And then there's also the
Starting point is 02:04:37 the reverse You got me You got me. You got me. Not one more girl. Are they better if you read them like that? Hashtag not one more girl. You need someone to stand with you right now. It appears you're being harassed.
Starting point is 02:04:56 I can text BART police at 510-209-992. Contact the train operator. Report using the BART watch app. Just ask me to call someone. Someone is harassing me right now. Can you stand with me while this is happening? I'll blame you later. Poor Daniel Penny. Okay. Something about petals. No, we've had enough. That's hard to talk of. Possible fat watch. Kaz says a possible fat watch.
Starting point is 02:05:29 Is it still gravy seals if it's women? Let's see. Also I have a new round of secret audio from Maddox. New Maddox confession. Oh. Where he says you ruined a writing session of his. Oh, I did. You did.
Starting point is 02:05:44 It's more me. Got it. He's complaining about you again. Got it. Um, shit, did I close the PDF or something? I fucked up this text file today. And that's really messed everything up. Fat watch. watch is it still gravy seals if it's women hmm let's see perhaps I love these
Starting point is 02:06:18 they're like community chests like community chests and what was the other one? Chance. Yeah, Chance and community, right. That's cool. Oh boy. They should have like a- What the fuck is going on here? Oh no. What are they? They're- It's a bunch of women. They're just beating a road?
Starting point is 02:06:38 It's a bunch of women in the woods with sticks, smashing the sticks into other sticks and then crying about it, I guess. I can't think of a single thing I'd rather do, this idiot says, I can't think of a single thing I'd rather do more than head into the forest for an all-female, a rage ritual. God, we gotta just let these women open up
Starting point is 02:07:00 with their emotions. We gotta get, they've been stifling them for so long and repressing their true feelings. It's about time women have a chance to go into the woods and hopefully never come back. Look at the upper body, oh, that one. That's, oh. They got the fat one moving in slow motion.
Starting point is 02:07:22 Did you see that? Yeah. That one was drumming. This one's just screaming about Trump still. Yeah. They got the fat one moving in slow motion. Did you see that? That one was drumming. This one's just screaming about Trump still. That one is tomahawked. Somebody lost an eye. What is she wearing? More pedophile shit. She's wearing more stuff. Looks like fucking Louise from Bob's Burgers with the fucking bunny ears or some shit. She's wearing some kind of a knitted cap, eyes on it, like for predators. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:49 Is this their athletic gear that they're wearing? I don't know, like a couple of them are dressed like, you know, like going for out in the woods. This one's wearing a tank top and just screaming. Scream therapy shit or something. This one's uh... Choking herself. Choking herself. Choking herself. Can't find a man to do it. Jesus.
Starting point is 02:08:09 Ladies, this is a how to choke yourself seminar. Look, we all hate ourselves, but it's impossible to find a man to choke us. To tiny hands. Uh... I want to get the fat one in. No, not that one. Not that one. There we go! Boom! Whoa!
Starting point is 02:08:28 They got the fat one in slow motion. Time's dilating. Fuckin' Joan Henry. Look at her fucking skin. I gotta drive these wooden sticks! What's her shirt say? Loss something? Why is she wearing like flesh-colored kind of pant? Like, that's oh Why that disturbs me they shoot all fat people should be wearing gray Wham boom they really got the impact of that one. What are they doing?
Starting point is 02:08:58 It's just picking up getting a rage out I guess sticks hitting other tiny little sticks? Yeah. All right, well, that's cool. They all represent penis. Whoa, okay, Mariah, under-employment study. Hey, Dick and John, writing in because of the under-employment, unemployment. Ooh, a lady. A lady's writing in. Well, she's stopped listening with that guitar talk.
Starting point is 02:09:27 Don't worry, she's not gonna hear this. Writing in because of the under-employment, unemployment study you mentioned the other week. Sorry in advance for the long email. Oh man, what a nice lady. What a sweet lady. Sorry in advance for the long email. But I studied art history in college
Starting point is 02:09:43 and thought you might be interested in exactly how you get screwed. I'm sure it applies to other majors like physics too. I kind of doubt it. There really is a lot. Maybe there's not so much like physics happening because they stumped nuclear power. Like we just kind of sent ourselves to the dark ages.
Starting point is 02:10:00 There should be a nuclear reactor on every inch of... Protected by yellow poles. Yeah. All the yellow... Get it, one giant yellow pole. Put all the nuclear reactors on top of it. There really is a lot you can do with art history. So you go into it thinking it's practical. What do you mean there's really a lot to do with art history?
Starting point is 02:10:19 No, there's fucking not! Would you just be like a curator? Or, I mean, I'm trying to think how many... You could teach... How much art history is there to do? You could teach about it. You could work for a museum or maybe you could become a private curator Private curator? I just I don't know if that qualifies as like a lot to do with it
Starting point is 02:10:37 Not a lot to do. There's a lot for picking things up and moving them from one place to the other Driving them around. There's a lot to do for that. Emails, doing emails, there's a lot for that. We'll see, I don't know, maybe she has examples of- It's better to be one compelling example. So you get into it thinking it's practical, at least as far as the arts go. You, Mariah, you do not get into art history thinking it's practical.
Starting point is 02:10:59 You like art, and you want it to read about it. Which would be fine if degrees cost three grand, which they should. You can go do art shit, talk about art shit, you know? But practical for a field that is highly impractical doesn't sell it. You know it'll be tough to get a job, but you really don't get how screwed you are until you're almost done with your degree. I did really well in my classes, did several internships. Wow, what were those like? University research and worked in a field as a student and the best I got in the field after graduation was a temporary job with a stipend well below minimum wage that I commuted a hundred miles
Starting point is 02:11:36 round trip for. What the? A hundred miles? That's like Bakersfield and back, isn't it? I can commute a hundred miles. It's a hundred miles is less than that but Less than to Bakersfield and back. Yeah. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah, even then I loved it And what I've loved to stay in it, but it's just not sustainable at all Any of the jobs worth having require a master's PhD and sometimes post-doc more debt. Yeah Yeah, yeah That's just to gatekeep. It has nothing to do with the requirements.
Starting point is 02:12:07 Sure. She probably needed somebody to kind of go like, this is rough. This is going to be... They groom these ladies into doing this. Graduate programs are highly competitive. They take as few as three students a year. The schools are very expensive because the industry values the name of your university as much as your actual degree. No, the schools are expensive because you get free loans
Starting point is 02:12:28 that can never go bankrupt and they will always be paid back. That doesn't exist anywhere else. Car companies can't do that. Some PhDs are fully funded, but those are the ones that take a couple people a year. If you do get in, you probably had to move far from home and the program is super time consuming and difficult for five to seven years like most PhDs.
Starting point is 02:12:46 They also usually require a lot of travel and fluency in two to three languages, foreign languages by graduation. That doesn't sound so rough. You get a couple years to learn another language. Then if you have your PhD, you're probably going to have to move far away again for the job because there are so many universities. Yeah, because you shouldn't be doing it! Because there's not any work in it! Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:11 You get paid a lot more for some positions at the Smithsonian, but those jobs are insanely difficult to come by. Well, yeah, again- When it comes time to take out more student loans. There's not a- yeah, it's not like you can get hired to do that many things with it. Yeah, um, spend more time studying just to probably have to move across the country and make next to nothing. A lot of us, what is this, oh yeah, a lot of us decide it's not worth it, switch fields, and that adds to the underemployment. Oh, that's why underemployment is so big, because it's bail. Yeah, well yeah, I mean, yeah, you should bail.
Starting point is 02:13:44 That's what happens. Because it's so big. Cause they should bail. Yeah, sure. Well, yeah. I mean, you should bail. That's what happens. Because it's like, work at the Smithsonian or fucking don't work. Almost. Yeah. Class action lawsuit. All universities sue them. Patrick Culler says,
Starting point is 02:14:00 I came across this while swiping online dating apps, which by the way is abysmal. You should read that one guy's tips for online dating. I don't know that one guy's tips, but let's see what you got here. Is his handle like that one guy? Maybe. Okay.
Starting point is 02:14:22 Oh, wow. My Mia. Why does that say frogs start out as tadpoles? Okay. Oh wow! Mamma Mia! Why does that say frogs start out as tadpoles? It says they ask you these little like icebreakers in dating sites. Oh. And this one says I recently discovered that. I thought it was about the picture. No, I recently discovered that and then the thing she recently discovered was frogs start
Starting point is 02:14:40 out as tadpoles. Got it. As an adult woman. Right, right. Sadly, I think there's more shocking than that. Yeah. Like that's not the dumbest thing that I've heard. That's not the dumbest thing I've heard. Yeah, I was just like,
Starting point is 02:14:52 oh, I'm not interested in animals, you know, never learned about that in kindergarten or whatever. You didn't hear about it in kindergarten? Yeah. No? Huh, all right, that's odd. Okay, what time is it? Oh shit, it's getting kind of late already. Yeah, let's do some advice.
Starting point is 02:15:13 All right. Tiny Skeleton Man says, Honker Dilemma. I love big fat mommy honkers. So I told my wife I don't care if she gains a few pounds to try to increase her bra size. Right. That's not how that works.
Starting point is 02:15:28 Okay. Currently, Dee's. Am I the only one who is doesn't like the big fat mommy milkers meme? Oh, that's a meme? Zoomers talk about women's breasts. Like I write out in the open. They've turned it into like little kids speak and then they just say it all the time out in the open.
Starting point is 02:15:53 Really? I'm glad I don't see that. Bizarre. Yeah, that's why I stay off the internet. I love big fat mommy honkers. So I told my wife I don't care if she gains a few pounds to try to increase her bra size. Buddy, you fucked up. Okay.
Starting point is 02:16:06 You got duped. Alright. That's not how their tits work. They should know that's not how their tits work or else they'd all be fat as a blimp. Gotcha. To have huge cans, but that's not how it works. But you can lose tits when you lose a ton of weight, right? I mean some...
Starting point is 02:16:23 Yeah, those were fool's tits though. Fool's tits. She's reaching a point where it's a little overboard. That's pie right of tits when you lose a ton of weight, right? I mean, some? Yeah, those were fool's tits, though. Fool's tits. She's reaching a point where it's a little overboard. It's pyrite of tits. It's pyrite. Yeah. It's tit- pyrite.
Starting point is 02:16:31 So, he's reaching the point where it's a little overboard. As in... A little... A little overboard. She really took it and ran with it. She knows! She just wanted to say the double D's She got the seven C's Release the crackin why did you do this?
Starting point is 02:16:57 Honey, I thought I thought I could get some bigger tits. So I should just gain a little bit wait no mm-hmm get some bigger tits so I should just gain a little bit weight? No. Mm. Ah, damn it. Yeah, yeah. It's like swipe or no swiping, you gotta be with the women. Ah, you know, I thought it'd be, uh, and the end of my TED Talk is, uh, if I just gained a little weight? No. Mm. Not now, Margaret.
Starting point is 02:17:16 Heh. Um... She's reaching the point where it's a little overboard. How- what do you think that means to this guy? Bup, bu guy? I mean... Overboard because she's tilted the ship over. The Titanic hit her and everyone went overboard. That's how fat she got.
Starting point is 02:17:35 She actually took that to heart and... You know what my sexy kidz! Well, I mean, was she trying, like, actively intaking more calories because he said that? That's what he says. That's kind of what it sounds like. She went a little overboard. I love big fat mommy honkers. So I told my wife, I told my wife,
Starting point is 02:17:55 I don't care if she gains a few extra pounds. So just stop exercising if she was, or just eat more. Honey, I don't care if you think about other guys' cocks. Okay. She's like, I'm, you like, I'm preparing for a roll. Down the hill. Yeah, right, a cinnamon roll. She's reaching a point where it's a little overboard.
Starting point is 02:18:19 As in if we were on a ship in a stormy sea, she would bounce around and then roll off it like a marshmallow. What? That's an interesting visual. Okay. I know if I really want the fat honker experience, I should probably get her pregnant. Oh man, you're getting duped one way left and right here, buddy.
Starting point is 02:18:43 However, with the way the world is changing, I imagine any kids will end up living in a Microsoft favela doing cricket burger robot maintenance for credits that expire. Yeah, it's probably. So I've started feeding her raisins, granola bars, and strawberries as a fun meal replacement. She's cool with it.
Starting point is 02:19:02 I believe something deep inside the woman brain causes them to secretly yearn for a farm animal like existence. What are you doing? What's going on here? You're feeding her strawberries? With an open palm? There you go.
Starting point is 02:19:18 Please don't bite me, please don't bite me. Not having to worry about anything at all, just having big buckets of oats or medium-tier healthy snacks, getting some attention, chilling around all day. You can brush them and they'll like it. What the? Alright, sounds like you want that. Yeah. This is a bizarre letter. So I'll utilize this phenomenon to correct the mistakes of my arrogance.
Starting point is 02:19:42 Let this be a warning to other dickheads that if you ask a genie for riches, he might just give you rich ice cream." So he tried to fatten his wife up. Yeah. Uh, sincerely noble bullfrog. Okay, well, I'm sorry that didn't work out for you. But... Um...
Starting point is 02:19:59 So how do you undo it? Well, does he think he's undoing it with the strawberries and granola and his wife? Yeah, strawberries out of his open palm. Yeah. E I E I O. Are you trying to spell farm? Okay, woman alert. All right. Woman alert. Alright. Woman alert. Woman alert. Can you believe that no satanist thing?
Starting point is 02:20:31 It's funny. We're doing chaplains in school. No sarcastic chaplains. Right. I just want to make it clear to the satanists that are always making fun of us that we will not be made fun of. Right. So, only real stuff.
Starting point is 02:20:47 Only Christian stuff. Only real God here. Yeah. Not any of your retarded Satan stuff. Satan's a bad guy. I don't know if you guys knew that. Yeah. Um...
Starting point is 02:20:59 Oh yeah, okay. Ku Klux Klan. Oh good. Yeah, sure. There we go. There we go. Oh. Oh good, yeah. Sure. There we go. There we go. Oh, that's what happened. Shit. I got it. It's cool.
Starting point is 02:21:13 So it's a woman. What is going on there? What is that? Is she looking at a platypus? Wait. It's a raccoon. Is it? Yeah. Looks like it. Okay. Oh no. So it's a fat woman. And she's the kind of fat woman that's like, her, her forehead is fat. Yeah. Is that
Starting point is 02:21:32 raccoon? Like a caveman. It's in the middle of the day. The raccoon seems to be acting funny. Could it be rabid? Oh, very well could be and she thought it was dead so she was coming out to eat it. Oh no. But then the raccoon stirs. Explosive check out. Uh oh, the raccoon spotted her. She sees. Sees easy prey. The raccoon is tired of getting gawked at by some cantankerous slob.
Starting point is 02:21:57 So it springs into action and starts chasing the fat woman. And you know, Sean, fat women can only run about 10 paces. Before structural failure. Yes. Before gravity wins. Yes, yes, yes, yes. So this is what's... Because they haven't run in 30 years.
Starting point is 02:22:14 I'm already preparing for this. She's about two paces into it. Yep. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. There you go. There you go. And the shoe comes off. Somebody comes in to stop the raccoon, I guess.
Starting point is 02:22:30 From crawling inside of her and living there. I think it'd be rabid. The lady? The fat lady? I don't know if they're both. And the man is just standing there. And the raccoon, of course, stops, because the raccoon is not suicidal
Starting point is 02:22:45 Yeah, yeah, here it is again. Just tell you the people in the back Hey, you all right? Hang in there for me you fat bitch Here goes the shoe Down, she's down She's trying to roll away from the pro hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. That was totally predictable. That's, if you had said what happens here, that is exactly what I would have said.
Starting point is 02:23:14 Yep. Okay. Tom Asterson, what do you have? Okay. Perhaps this is a woman alert. What do we got? Oh, what is this? Is this a gender reveal party? You know, these are very dangerous.
Starting point is 02:23:31 I wouldn't, if they were doing one, I would stay far away from it. Plane's gonna crash into it or something, you know? Can't be too careful. This guy just came from the yacht club. Now this, the way this guy's standing, he is begging to get hit in the testicles. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:23:48 I know this stance. I've never assumed it. Yeah, he's already got his hand down there as if he's thinking about protecting himself. He's not protecting himself enough. I haven't seen this, but. Well, he's in the wrong, it's stupid for him to stand this close. What is she hitting here?
Starting point is 02:24:05 The face already. They're doing a pinata so wrong. You see how she said move it up, move it up, move it up. And then she swung right under it. You see that? Yeah. Move it up, lift it up, lift it up. Come on. What is this golfing? Alright there, that's good right there. Here we go. I'm gonna swing right under it
Starting point is 02:24:33 That's fucking phenomenal Yeah, very good. Absolutely phenomenal Okay This is from Chippen says hi Dick and Sean This is a bit of a double whammy because I didn't know that you let these manatees fly airplanes Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Okay, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm All right. Let's see. Okay. Don't feel safe. Get off the airplane. This is your captain speaking, but never like this. I'll stop and I will fly the airplane. Don't worry. I'm going to let my co-pilot fly it.
Starting point is 02:25:18 He's a man. Okay? It's a total meltdown. The pilot boarded in her street clothes and addressed the passengers over the intercom. Passenger Pam O'Neill couldn't believe what was happening. She said, let's take a vote. How many of you would like to take off now with me dressed as I am, or would you prefer that I take 10 minutes to get changed into my cute little uniform?
Starting point is 02:25:41 Then she started talking about- Cute little? What? I don't think so. Divorce and political candidates. And the minute she mentioned that a gentleman stood up and. Hey, you're nuts. Yeah, seriously.
Starting point is 02:25:53 Enough. You're scaring me. Another passenger, Randy Reese, got up to leave and gave a running commentary on social media. Pilot also insulted a couple on board. You think you could get away with knocking her, just taking a shot at her on the way out? I mean, I don't know. And then the news comes, you're like, I was terrified. Right, I thought she was... I don't know what's on the front page.
Starting point is 02:26:13 I know, I always had some sort of... I mean, pilots are supposed to... It's not like a political, you know, or position. The uniform should be the least complicated thing you have to do that day. That's what we're hoping. That's why we got everybody in the uniform. It's like, well, okay, well, they're in the uniform, so they're probably paying attention to the rules. I'm not wearing a uniform and I'm not paying attention to any rules.
Starting point is 02:26:34 Did I offend you? Okay, so did I purposely offend you? I did. The answer is yes. Flight attendants, please disarm. God, it's just so aggravating listening to that. Oh, so did I purposely offend you? Oh, I did.
Starting point is 02:26:46 Oh, I did, okay. What a fucking- So what are you, like a mind reader? Everybody's right at that fucking boiling point. Right at that simmer, ready to fucking boil over. It's crazy. After 20 passengers insisted on getting off the United Airlines flight,
Starting point is 02:26:59 the pilot quietly left the aircraft. Okay, if you don't feel safe, get off the airplane. That doesn't sound quiet. Yeah. I doubt it. Okay, if you don't feel safe get off the airplane It doesn't sound quiet. Yeah, I doubt it Okay Fat watch from Hayden. All right Trust me he says there's a cow bikini jump scare that'll ruin your day trucks me. Oh Man that the comic sphere. Yeah sphere really melted down this week. Really?
Starting point is 02:27:30 Yeah, this guy called Ripoffverse, one of these guys that has a big YouTube channel. His wife, they were having a show in Vegas and his wife posted a picture of herself pretending to be Charlie's angels, but she's a big fat lady. So he just posted a picture of herself pretending to be Charlie's angels, but she's a big fat lady. So he just posted a picture of Miss Piggy. Let me try to find it.
Starting point is 02:27:53 I know it's so fucking funny, but it is. It's so childish. Rip off verse. Oh man, did he get his account? Rip. That quick, huh? Off, yeah. He was gonna call in today, did he get his account to rip off? That quick, huh? Yeah. He was going to call in today, but he had work. Oh.
Starting point is 02:28:10 The rip-off verse right there. There it is. Oh, with two P's, yeah. Oh. Okay. Let me find his response. It was so funny. And all these comic guys, like, had gigantic tantrums about it.
Starting point is 02:28:26 Jesus Christ. What the hell was that? Phonography? I'm not streaming this, am I? No, thank God. Why does he have so many responses to Horace? I don't know. This one here was.
Starting point is 02:28:41 So... Oh my God. You see this, right? Yeah. Well, I see how good the Miss Piggy substitution actually is So this lady Is this guy's wife and he's like a famous guy that is that hates Star Wars and Just hates Hollywood right like they're woke they're woke because
Starting point is 02:29:05 he's you know but that's he's just a one-note fucking yeah and then he also is he's going at Mark Hamill's granddaughter so hard that the the mom of Mark Hamill's granddaughter is like can you stop talking about my what the fuck and kid like she doesn't need to see all this shit that you're when she gets turned into an adult she doesn't want to see all this shit that you're... When she turns into an adult, she doesn't want to see a bunch of guys, a bunch of losers online. Why would you even go, you know?
Starting point is 02:29:30 Psycho. All these guys are psychos. So he's... Let's say, kind of agree, don't talk shit about fucking... There's no reason to talk about, there's no reason to talk shit about politicians' grandkids or kids or what.
Starting point is 02:29:42 It's like, just for the... Believe me, there's plenty to fucking say about them. Like you don't gotta- He's like, Mark Hamill wanted to abort her. Like over everything Mark Hamill said, he's like, you wanted to abort your grandkids? I was like, bro, you are fucking nuts. So his fat pig wife posted this picture of herself
Starting point is 02:30:01 and she's like a fitness influencer about like fitting sandwich, more desserts and stuff in your mouth. Got it. So she's a big fat fitness influencer. She's that kind of Satanist. Yeah and all these fat whore this one's fat this one's fat this one's this one is hugely fat for a Chinese woman. This one like right. I mean it's in the Chinese scale.
Starting point is 02:30:23 Yeah. She might as well... she's E. Honda. So this poor bastard's out is flanked by pigs. And nobody... these guys are used to nobody saying... nobody making fun of them at all, right? Because they're... just losers. Like, they're preaching to... they're preaching to people that their entire lives is hating comic books. Or whatever. Like, oh, they ruined the Green Lantern!
Starting point is 02:30:48 They put a black, like, hey buddy, get a job. All this shit that you guys are crying about is retarded. Is he wearing a Padres hat? Maybe, I don't know. So Ripoffverse did this. It's just so stupid, it's hilarious. Oh god. Does he even have any teeth?
Starting point is 02:31:14 Just like posted without comment. Yeah, without comment. Oh yeah, nice picture, here you go. So of course all of these clowns just melted down, melted down over, we don't go after family. That's way, we don't go after family. But he does, right? He does.
Starting point is 02:31:32 He does. Yeah. And the mother of, that's how it got to that point. Mark Hamill's granddaughter's mom, illegitimate granddaughter's mom said, hey, can you stop, like stop telling her that her grandfather wanted to abort her? Yeah, what the fuck's wrong with you? I mean, he... This is a child... Whatever.
Starting point is 02:31:54 So he made this, and then all these... All these fat white guys have a big problem. Short... Fat and or short have a big problem with a fat woman getting made fun of for once. I forget why I started talking about this. But it's funny. That is funny. Rip off, Verus. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:17 I was going to do... It was a fat watch, I remember that much. Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the cow bikini jumpscare. Okay. Oh, right. Right, right, right. Can you believe that?
Starting point is 02:32:32 How are you gonna have millions, how are you gonna have a million viewers on YouTube and you can't get your wife into a little bit of shape like that? How are you gonna, how do you expect Hollywood to fix wokeness in Disney and Star Wars, but you can't fix fatness in your wife. You know, it's, right, it starts, starts at home, right? Right, glass houses. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:52 Star Wars is putting all this woke shit in it. Yeah, but your wife's putting all these calories in her. Why don't you start, maybe you wouldn't be so mad about Star Wars if your wife wasn't a big fat sow. Right? Well, that tracks. I mean, you know, I see a guy and he's got a problem with all kinds of other stuff. Talking about people's grandchildren and stuff. You won't worry so much about the other stuff if you're. Yeah, because you're looking outside what's going on in your immediate circle. Yeah, it's hard to look. It's hard. So hard to look away from your big fat wife that you got a laser beam on, you know, Star Wars. Right. Right? That's all I'm saying. Yeah. Yep. I'm trying to help.
Starting point is 02:33:29 Right. You do that. OK, Fat Liberation. Oh, this is from Fat Con. All right. Let's see. First ever Fat Con. Yes, that's right, haters. There is a convention just for us Fats now. Yeah. There were so many amazing panels ranging from fat liberation 101 to fat Lask to fat nerds. I even talked on a panel with the plus bus on a hundred and one ways to lose the weight of fat hate
Starting point is 02:33:53 101 Bus Yeah, it's a fat fat store. I Thought oh, it's not like a touring bus like a used to be Blue out the axles. Blew out the axles. Now it's just a storefront. Yeah, it's right down the street.
Starting point is 02:34:12 It's like going to visit a ship that's running around. Yeah. Queen Mary. Yeah, why are you... Yeah, it's permanently in port, right? Permanently in pork. Look at this. Look at this outfit. It's like shoelaces put on the side. Oh yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:34:29 And they have some kind of a girdle. Is she like a pink little red riding hood? You sure that's not like kinesio tape? Yeah. Might be. This was an amazing plus-size fashion show featuring... There was an amazing plus-size fashion show featuring multiple designers. Oh my god.
Starting point is 02:34:53 Come on. Who all can show... Who all joined together to pool their fabric. We got enough for one of you. Oh boy. Look at this cow print. What the... It's stretched out so boy. Look at this cow print. It's stretched out so much it's not even cow print anymore.
Starting point is 02:35:07 It's just like vertical stripes. This one's chub rub. I came out to vend and help with the plus bus with a few pieces that I carry in their store. They have an incredible vendors hall with all fat artists, designers, plus size vintage. Here's some of my art. A bunch of stickers that say, Fupa Pride?
Starting point is 02:35:27 Oh, fuck you. Is the amazing Chubb Rub Clothings booth so cute? It was wonderful. Fatty, it said. It's in the Barbie font. It was wonderful to connect with fans and now friends. That's like a mix of Roseanne and Dan Conner in one person. My God, you're right.
Starting point is 02:35:50 Yeah. To connect with fans and new friends, thank you so much for supporting my work. Oh man. Oh, you fucker, you're right. You were fucking right. What? That guy who said there's a jump scare with a cow bikini
Starting point is 02:36:05 Yeah, that was I mean I ruin your day Yeah, yeah Work there was so much fat Forgot about the line that entertainment to be had look at this crafts cute little wall we put together We got a few grief cat performances that were very funny. Here's a little fit check. I brought a look every day to the con. New friend. We had fat pool parties.
Starting point is 02:36:31 Here's a- Oh no! Can water like sue these people? I mean, we like to take the measurements of the water level before and after. They only had a shot and a half, a jigger of water in the sauna before they got in. A little look I will be releasing for Valentine's Day. No, don't release this for Valentine's Day.
Starting point is 02:36:57 Get up to shenanigans. I can help. Wait for next year's Fat Con. Spell that Maddox. Spell wait. See that's where they've... I've had a stalker incident. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:37:13 Okay. That's that happened. Revolting. Yeah. All right. I don't know. Do we have time for the... Let's do some calls. Let's do the Maddox things next week. You know, we'll do the Maddox calls, the secret confessions next week. Oh, sure, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh-huh. Yep.
Starting point is 02:37:29 Once you're back in, the swing of things. The swing of things, yes. Yeah. I swear I had a song or something, but maybe I don't. Okay. This has been the Dick Show, slash Dick Show. See you next Tuesday. And I always forget that F**K Who's here?
Starting point is 02:38:12 Presenting Do do do do do do do do do do do Always stops Oh yeah that is I think I don't know. Super Christ! That's where we're at, boys! We're getting on the Super Christ train! He's fat as fuck. The tomb was not empty. It was full. Couldn't get out. You had to forklift him out of there, super Christ.
Starting point is 02:38:50 Big fat motherfucker. All right. Hey, Dick. I've got a real problem here. You know, I married into becoming an uncle. So now I have nieces and nephews. And I'm trying to figure out how to be a an uncle. So now I have nieces and nephews. And I'm trying to figure out how to be a cool uncle. Their parents are pretty square, we'll say. And I tread lightly because I don't want to get them all pissed off and take children away or whatever. But at the same time, I want to be like like take it. This is what life could be like
Starting point is 02:39:29 Here's the cool things in life. Yeah Shit I don't know You don't take the kids away I should hope not He means take ruin that he means ruin their relationship with their parents You don't wanna take the kids away, I should hope not. He means ruin their relationship with their parents. Because he's the cool uncle and like mom and dad don't let us do shit and they're afraid of this and they're afraid of that and they think this is bad.
Starting point is 02:39:57 And they gotta be subtle. You gotta ruin the relationship with the mother and not the father. That's the secret. That's the secret of the uncle role. Got it. Thank's the secret. That's the secret of the uncle role. Got it. Thank you, honey. You gotta just impress upon the kids
Starting point is 02:40:11 that it's the woman, the mom is the issue and all subtly, you know. Okay. That's if you've gone too far, if you've upset the dad, then you went too far. Oh, I see. You went too far. That's your barometer.
Starting point is 02:40:22 That's the barometer. On how cool you can be. Cause you can be cool. Kids that you don't give a fuck about, you can be the coolest guy in the world. Fucking do burnouts, I see. You went too far. That's your barometer on how cool you can be. Cause you can be cool. Kids that you don't give a fuck about, you can be the coolest guy in the world. Fucking do burnouts, spin outs, smoking cigars, doing blow off of hookers. That's not a cool uncle, right? No, cause the dad's not gonna be okay with that.
Starting point is 02:40:36 Dad's not gonna be okay with that. But doing some donuts, right? Sober donuts. That's cool. The kids wearing seat belts. Kids wearing seat belts? Yeah. Mom hates that. Dad loves it. Right. You gotta find, always gotta find the... That's cool. The kids wearing seat belts. Kids wearing seat belts. Mom hates that. Dad loves it.
Starting point is 02:40:46 Right. You always gotta find the- It's interesting. Because you can go too cool, and the mom hates it, but then the dad's got problems. You're like, I went too cool. Right.
Starting point is 02:40:57 Too cool. Sorry, I went too cool. Went too cool. Now I'm just cool guy. Not cool uncle. Cool uncle, you gotta always- There's certain level of responsibility. Always gotta be helping the dad.
Starting point is 02:41:06 Got it. Never the mom. Got it. Maybe on accident. Maybe by accident. Don't go overboard. Right. You know?
Starting point is 02:41:14 If you don't beat yourself up, if you happen to help the mom and lift both of them up, that can happen. Yeah. But that's not your aim. That's not your concern. Not your aim. The goal is cool in a way that the woman hates and it doesn't negatively affect the man.
Starting point is 02:41:29 Oh, that's, I think he actually got an answer. I think that's a good answer. I think he actually got an answer on how you've. Yeah. Huh, I'll be damned. Uh, okay, let's see here. Hey, Dick, I got a rage for you, man. You know, you know like those fucking boomers who obviously
Starting point is 02:41:49 need to wear some sort of corrective lenses or you know like glasses or contacts but they just like fucking refuse to wear them for god knows why. Boomers can't be told what to do ever. Like my fucking mom, she can't see anything. She's blind as a bat. And anytime you try to show her like a meme or something, you pull up your phone and you're just like, hey check this shit out, is that funny? And she's like, oh hold on, let me get my glasses on
Starting point is 02:42:16 right now. It's like, bitch you're like really harsh on my vibe here. You know, like I'm not gonna see her with my arm up in the phone. Harsh on my vibe? What are you showing your mom memes for? People I've worked with too, it's like you show up on the computer like, Oh hold on, I need my glasses.
Starting point is 02:42:31 Bro, just fucking wear glasses all the time. It's not that goddamn hard. No, I think it's because they can't see things that are right up close. I don't understand. Yeah, I don't think it's... Because glasses don't work like that. It's like right up close that you can't see. They can see you.
Starting point is 02:42:44 Nobody wants to wear fucking glasses. What are you talking about? That's the dumbest reason to get upset at boomers. Okay. Okay. Hey, Ben and Kay, Sean slash Johnny. My fucking rage is how hilarious Virginia is where Virginia claims to be all like inclusive
Starting point is 02:43:03 and nice and all this bullshit. And then I just drove by a massive Confederate flag on 95 and then after that there's a massive sign That just says April is Confederate history month know your history Really that's hilarious Wow anyways You fucked my fucking Instagram all I get now are fat women being fat atrocious whores, and I hate it But I found a girl who hates fat people so life is better now. Okay, go fuck yourself, bye. Very good. You know, I do think you can do, you know, Confederate history is part of American history.
Starting point is 02:43:37 Like, and I do think you can do it without glorifying, like, aspect, like it's just, it's just everything can be about learning. Glorifying what, slaves? That's what I mean, or the institution of, or whatever. Like I don't- Nobody had slaves. I don't necessarily think that, like, I don't necessarily think that is like going like, yeah, it was way better.
Starting point is 02:44:01 Do you know what I'm saying? Like I don't know that that is inherently like racist or, you know, it's, I mean, it depends. It depends how you market it, I guess, but like, I don't have a problem. I wouldn't have a problem going to like a museum that that was the focal point, just seeing like, yeah, well, and like here, it's like, okay.
Starting point is 02:44:20 It's just the flag that they care about. They're just pissed off at the flag because the Confederate flag means fuck the government. It's like, I'm white. I know They're just pissed off at the flag. Because the Confederate flag means, fuck the government. It's like, I'm white, the government fucking stomped all of my people, fuck the government. What were you gonna say? That's it. No, just more of that. Someone sent this flag in. Oh really?
Starting point is 02:44:35 It's like a new, more retarded step on the SNEC flag. Huh. That is, um... I don't even get it. No step on... That doesn't say SNEC though. It says, what does it say? Scale? Oh! It's for veto! Now it's funny! No step on scale. I'm going to hang this behind him to see if he notices.
Starting point is 02:44:54 That's a scale, yeah. With dollar signs for the weight amount. Three digits. What's so annoying about the Confederacy is that like what, 1% of the richest people had slaves? No, they owned. Owned, yeah. Owned, they were farmed out all over the place.
Starting point is 02:45:10 But like normal people, they didn't have any fucking slaves. Well, it depends. Maybe if they were normal people who were their families or whatever, but like it wasn't- Like a middle-class person? But to say like 1% of households had slaves is not correct. What's correct then?
Starting point is 02:45:24 Oh, I've read, it's between 30 and 40% was what. Who's feeding all those people? Well, I don't think they're feeding themselves. They got to raise chickens, little gardens, shit like that. 30% of people had slaves? Something like that. In the South?
Starting point is 02:45:38 If I've read the right reference books. What would like a normal person with a job need with a slave? Not like everybody who had hundreds of slaves. If they had like a farm, like some- A farm. Yeah. Just a guy there working that was a slave.
Starting point is 02:45:53 There might be a handful, you know, Handful of slaves. Not like dozens or hundreds, but like, yeah. Like it's more than just like the number- And they're whipping the shit out of them every day? I don't think all of them. I don't think that's gonna work. I think you had to get,
Starting point is 02:46:07 I think you had to get a slave or two to do that too. I mean- You're gonna get a slave to whip the guy? Possibly. The slave? Oh shit. I don't know. It just sounds like too much logistics. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I bet, you know,
Starting point is 02:46:18 the rich guys had a shitload of them. Oh, they did. And were assholes about it. Yeah, they did. But then what am I doing? I got a farm. I have a gum farm. I make gum. And were assholes about it. Yeah they did. But then what am I doing? I got a farm, I have a gum farm, I make gum. You could. Experiment gum. Yeah they got they got they got spread around and you know. What is one one slave just out living outside and I'm inside with my family that's it?
Starting point is 02:46:37 Uh. Doesn't make any sense. Yeah I don't know. Why do I I just have some more kids? Why would I want a slave there? I don't know I mean I don't know how many people I don't know how many people just have some more kids. Why would I want a slave there? I don't know. I mean, I don't know how many people just had one or two. A lot of people, well, let's put it, the majority didn't have any. That's correct to say. The majority did not have... Just doesn't seem like something that everybody would have had. No, no, no. And they didn't. And they didn't. Very few people owned all of them. It also doesn't seem like something I would want to go get shot at for.
Starting point is 02:47:06 Like, hey, we're taking that guy that works on your farm, that slave. He's no... We're taking him. Yeah. Alright. I mean... He's late, anyway. Yeah. I'm not like, well, you know, oh really?
Starting point is 02:47:17 How about I go fucking kill you? Like, mmm, I don't think so. Alright. Hey, Dex, hey Sean Sean what makes me really a fucking rage all these new apartment complexes that are popping up in every single like Happening town, you know, maybe it's happening in Cali I don't know if it is but it's happening here in New York where There's these giant Lego brick apartment complexes that are just popping up in these vacant lots
Starting point is 02:47:46 that people are buying up. And they'll put like three of them in like, I don't know, like a two block radius. It's not like talking shit about the people who live there. It's just the fact that a lot of young people are going to be living there. And you know, older people with money, bought it, like built it. And it's kind of like cynical where it's like, yo, you'll never own a house. Here, live in this giant Lego place.
Starting point is 02:48:10 Live in this silo. Of a fucking building. Yeah. Yeah. You fucking losers. Live in your Lego houses that are ugly as shit. They do look ugly as shit. All the panels are like orange and fucking wood for some reason.
Starting point is 02:48:23 Like it just looks so dumb, man. I hate them. They cram them in everywhere too. And they always put them like off the freeways. It was like cancer city. Oh yeah. The shame is that it's all the, the inability to like sublet rooms in your house.
Starting point is 02:48:38 Like they used to have, you used to be able to rent rooms in your house. Everyone would do that. It has borders. Yeah, they've outlawed all. It's all illegal. Sherlock Holmes living in a rooms in your house. Everyone would do that. It has borders. And you just can't, it's all illegal. Sherlock Holmes living in a fucking someone's house. And people, you know, like all the people I used to know in like New York City would, everybody sublet.
Starting point is 02:48:57 It was just something that like was done that was like, you know, not talked about. But it was illegal there forever, but it's- You got old people who've all got three rooms in their house, and they cannot rent it to young people. They would give them a way better deal. And so the young people have to go live in these manufactured, like, pods. They're just... They're so fucking depressing.
Starting point is 02:49:15 They all feel like hotels, and they look like shit. Um... Yeah, I agree. This... Okay, Johnson Brown says 25% of people are enslaved. Oh, okay, so I said 30 to 40 was what I had read. 25, yeah, sure 25 percent. Oh 20. Okay, so I said they're 30 30 to 40 was what I was what I had read 25 Yeah, sure My my only point PBS you believe them well My only point is I'm sure that there's not an exact number my only point is that what more than 1% of of the South
Starting point is 02:49:40 Used slaves I don't say I don't say owned Yeah, that 1% may be accurate. One or a couple percent or whatever. Owned. I'm saying that benefited from free labor was a lot more than that. But is it free at that point? Well, what do you mean? I mean, what happened afterwards?
Starting point is 02:50:00 Like if you have one slave, how the fuck is that free? They just can't own shit? Like if it's just one if you have one slave, I mean if you got somebody fuck is that free? What I'm just talking about they just can't own shit. Well free look like you're not paying they have to work there at your farm Yeah, I mean that's that's the idea. Yeah, that's I wasn't there No me either. Uh, a Vast majority owned no more than 20. Yeah, what everybody did have a shitload of slaves. Oh, no owned no more than 20. So what, everybody did have a shitload of slaves? Oh shit.
Starting point is 02:50:24 Well, no, they, there's an origin, 75% did not own slaves. Sure, sure, that makes perfect sense. Of those who did, the vast majority owned no more than 20. The bulk of these ones. And then there's some that were, you know, probably owned slaves.
Starting point is 02:50:38 Okay, so the bulk of it was a few hands of a few planters. Yeah. And that's where like the- So they had like runoff slaves? That's where the 1% of slaves thing comes from. Comes from, because they had tons of them. Right, which is what people say who are like, well, only 1% of the South use slaves.
Starting point is 02:50:58 No, no, no, no, no. 1% of the South might have owned slaves, a lot more than that, used them. But that's the system you came up in. that's you were born everybody was born into that like it you can't and all of a sudden they just want to take that away we are entire fucking world collapses I get why there was a fight yeah cuz they sent them down to every state that would make it illegal all those slaves went south. Yeah. So it got worse and worse. Okay. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:51:30 We have a, you know, everybody was fucking evil and the devil and the, but it's like, that was, it was a, it was your life. Yeah. It was your life. Yeah. Hey Dick, hey Sean. The reason why red meat is actually good for you
Starting point is 02:51:44 is because it's nutrient dense. And the reason why red meat is actually good for you is because it's nutrient dense. And the reason why people thought it was bad for you was because it was high in fat. The fat that it had was not like the fat that's processed or whatever. It's the fat that burns slowly, which helps your body lower your insulin levels, which helps you lose weight. It's actually just a bullshit lie made up by the sugar industry and the processed food industry to say that eating carbs is better for you. Go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 02:52:10 Switches for Sean. Give Mattie a nice belly rub. Bye. So I should be eating red meat. Yeah. What are you saying? I think red meat has been... It's not the villain that it once was. Mmm. Okay, I'm going gonna eat some hamburgers today.
Starting point is 02:52:28 All right, two more. Attention world, do me a favor and stop telling this lie that things even out and that people get there. They don't. People do not fucking get there. If one thing is true in history, that is, where the fuck did this even come from? And that's it.
Starting point is 02:52:47 Scientology might be 100% true. Joseph Smith might be the real prophet of the Lord. Aliens might have built the pyramid. Aliens would not even possible. The thing is even now. Shut the fuck up. I agree. Yeah, it all evens out, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's, you know, it's just, it's just rationalizing shit.
Starting point is 02:53:11 Yeah. It's, you know, sometimes, sometimes bad people have it all work out all the time. Yeah. Sometimes good people never have it fucking work out. You go through life, shit happens and you deal with it. There's no fucking guarantee that if you just stick with it, it'll get better. There's no guarantee that at some point,
Starting point is 02:53:32 there's no guarantee at some point that something terrible will happen to you. There's no, you know, it's timing. Chances are you'll experience some of both, but there's, you know, to say those kind of blanket statements are just lying to yourself. I saw this bad stuff always happening.
Starting point is 02:53:48 Where's it? COVID and financial crisis, all this bad stuff's always happened. Always. Vietnam, could you imagine? Oh yeah, I'm just gonna have a nice day, a nice couple of years. Hey, we're doing Vietnam.
Starting point is 02:53:58 Yeah, we're doing that. Why? Yeah. Well, you know, cause I think it's obvious. Cause, cause stuff, yeah. We gotta go over there, we might send you. Well, I got like a I think it's obvious. Because of the stuff. We gotta go over there. We might send you. Well, I got like a whole thing I'm doing.
Starting point is 02:54:08 I don't want to go do Vietnam. Fuck you. And then before that, right? There's always something. We're doing, everyone's going to war. Stop Nazis. I don't give a fuck about Nazis. What are they here?
Starting point is 02:54:22 Regular, you know, people who are... Constantly fucked. People who are up and coming and trying to like kind of start a life and... Yeah, constantly fucked up. Yeah, yeah, something is always derailing. It's so fucking annoying, man. You know the pyramids are concrete?
Starting point is 02:54:38 No. Ancient concrete. So all that shit, I don't know, I got in a fight with some guy on Twitter about this. Really? Cause he's like, ooh, who knows what it could have been. It was concrete. Were they not? Were they not they were not stones or something? Well the middle part of the pyramid stones. Yeah and There's like they were like chopped cut. Like where the quarries are. Yeah, because they always say stuff like
Starting point is 02:54:59 They were cut the pyramids were cut with a laser like precision. Which is not actually true No, like they were they were the tolerances are very good, but they can go. They're repeatable today cut the pyramids were cut with a laser like precision which is not actually true no like they were they were the tolerances are very good but they they can do line they're repeatable today yeah like that's I know that was just guys cut them in a straight line like even a bunch of guys cut them even engineers today couldn't match that like you've heard it's bullshit I know that's bullshit and also the all the they were good but the giant blocks were just like, they took a bunch of rocks and smooshed them up
Starting point is 02:55:28 and made concrete forms out of them. That's why you can't like put paper between them. Oh, got it. So it's just a bunch of, it's not a mystery at all. Molded. Yeah, it's molded. Okay. It's just like, you know, driveway patterns.
Starting point is 02:55:39 Got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like the right, yeah. Nothing mysterious about it, nothing. They're people. Just a bunch of concrete. Yeah, I have no doubt they the right, yeah. Nothing mysterious about it, nothing. They're people. Just a bunch of concrete. Yeah, I have no doubt they were made by people. Yeah. But it's true that when they say engineers can't do it
Starting point is 02:55:53 today, they mean themselves. Yeah, sure. Engineers have no idea how this happened. No, you don't. Yeah, right. Because you don't know how anything happens. Well, people who aren't engineers like to say stuff like that. It's magical.
Starting point is 02:56:04 Like even with the- I've got the answers. With all the, you know, all the technology available today, they can't do it any better. It's like, no, they can. Yeah, they can do it way better. Yeah, they can. But it was damn good for 5,000 years ago. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 02:56:16 4,500, whatever, you know. Well, so the Roman... They just figured this one out. You know how Roman concrete has lasted for like 2,000 years? Yeah. Because when they mixed it, they have their recipe, right? And it has a little bit of like, I think lime in it or lime. So that when the cracks form,
Starting point is 02:56:36 that chemical like breaks down other rocks and fills in the cracks. So it's like a healing- It's like a self-healing concrete. They just figured it out because we haven't been able to, our concrete breaks down it's like a healing- It's like a self-healing concrete. They just figured it out. Cause we haven't been able to, our concrete breaks down like 50 years. Yeah. It's fucked.
Starting point is 02:56:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they figured it out. It's really interesting. Yeah. That's true. That is interesting. But it wasn't aliens. Right.
Starting point is 02:56:56 It was just a guy going, huh. Yeah. That's kind of interesting if we do that. Yeah. Sometimes you stumble on stuff over thousands of years. And then you write it down, hoping that everyone will do it like that. Yeah. But no.
Starting point is 02:57:07 And then they don't for some reason. Cheaper. Yeah. That's why we got Portland cement. Let's give it to the Chinese. Give that recipe to China. Ah, we don't want to do all these things. fucking stupid ass final video in the chapter. Maddox is such a piece of shit. He said that he had more content after all this bullshit, about five years of repressed anger,
Starting point is 02:57:32 and memories, and humiliation. But he hasn't uploaded anything. Nope. One of the videos, someone said, hey Maddox, why do you still have Patreon if you're talking shit about the fucking founder and grab the dick on patreon? and Maddox Maddox says well I only have patreon so I can stay up to date with the latest policies and information
Starting point is 02:57:54 But he's a fucking board member or something He's a fucking narc Yeah he's a narc See if you agree with the latest policies Man, if you fucking Armenian retard, why don't you go eat a fucking plate of fudge shop? Blow it. It's just like, he's like the kid who nobody likes. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:15 Like Mrs. Wilson, he's melting crayons with his- Making fun of me. He's calling this guy's wife fat. He's such a fucking tattletale. Yeah. Wow. Don't email anyone's mom. But he got fucked up as a fucking kid.
Starting point is 02:58:35 Like that's why he never, he's still fucking like seven in so many fucking ways. You think I could pay Maddox's mom to beat him? If I could pay her, what do you think? 50 grand? Hey Mrs. Maddox, I'm gonna fly into town and you show up at your son's house, kick the shit out of him. Jesus.
Starting point is 02:58:55 You draw blood or you're not getting a dime. You know? I got your gang done. I'm getting money right here. Yeah, come on. Come on, lady. I don't even know her fucking name. Come on. Get him. Get him in there. You know, like a bum fight. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty good,
Starting point is 02:59:10 I think. Well, you know, people do just the right amount of money. Uh, I can't believe you put my parents' picture in his gay video. Might not take, might not take 50 grand. 50 grand gift for less. Five grand? I mean, it depends on what kind of, what kind of a losing streak she's on. Maybe I could pay his half brother, Maddox's retarded half brother. Yeah. Yeah, he's probably in. Half brother, is that from his dad, I take it?
Starting point is 02:59:34 His half brother on his dad's side? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I guess because women can't figure out how to unfold cardboard boxes to put in the recycling. My girlfriend started to spray it down with water. She sprayed down like 30 boxes in my garage with a hose. And now I have soggy cardboard everywhere. And she's like, oh, you just crumple it up into balls and put it in. Yeah. Does she see that online?
Starting point is 03:00:08 I've heard this one. Really? Yeah. Falling off of it, it's disgusting. It's not smaller, doesn't take space. I just, I don't get it. It's a light. I think it's like a reverse, like a Shrinky Dink,
Starting point is 03:00:20 like a reverse like dinosaur sponge where they spray cardboard with water and then you can just crumple it up like a Super pliable Basketball and throw it away and the water goes nowhere. I guess I don't know I've heard this one sir. Why would I'm sorry that this happened to you, but I have heard that I have heard it Wow That's the block. I have never heard that Hit her in her sleep
Starting point is 03:00:43 Say as it must be a ghost. Yeah. Oh, I got punched in my sleep. Say, it must be a ghost! Ow, I got punched in my sleep. I'm just waking up as well. It was a ghost. That's the move. Alright, everybody. See ya. Goodbye. Thank you.

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