The Dick Show - Episode 409

Episode Date: May 6, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tides turning, Sean. Tides turning? Yep. Frat boys making monkey noises. We don't even care anymore! No one cares! I can honestly say I've never cared about that. I don't care about that shit! We don't care anymore! Frat boys making monkey noises.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Get this shit out of here. Get this shit out of my feed. That's what we're saying. I feel like I shouldn't ask a follow-up question. Look at this. You don't have to. Is this a... I'm gonna get the shit out of my feed, that's what we're saying. I feel like I shouldn't ask a follow-up question. Look at this. You don't have to. Look at... Is this a... What is that? Is it the... It's the world of recycled paper that we live in.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Oh yeah. That's the w- that's the state of things today. Bro, cereal boxes can't contain the cereal. They like bust out and the seams rip. When you gotta put the bag back in... If the humidity rises above negative one percent... It's pulp....then everything is destroyed. You go into the supermarket and it's just heaps of Recycle of mulch. Yeah down every aisle. Yes. Look at this shit
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yeah, you know what I love to do with a with a four pack of tall boys I like to when I'm taking the first one out and I'm you know in desperate need of medicine I love just having to be so precious while I'm prying it open see there it is there we go that would finally work I love having to be so precious while some prying it out or else the the paper Recycled paper rings will explode right and you'll be be throw beer everywhere and it's all shook up. Right. Plastic had to give like a pussy. I knew I know exactly how it's going to give, you know?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Like, I'm going to pry this thing out. Ooh, that's satisfying. Plastic was predictable. Forget the mortgage rate. Forget the housing prices. Our parents had plastic. They enjoyed plastic everything. I know.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Now I can't even have a I can't even drink out of a plastic cup without thinking that it's shrinking my dick somehow. Also the plastic is so bad. The plastic doesn't last at all. They're doing something to it. It went extinct like the banana or something. Yeah like the like the like the one of the the Fat Mike but the Gros Michel I think they or whatever. You know the name of the the fat Mike but in the Gros Michel, I think they or whatever the name of that banana Yeah, god damn it. Yeah, it's not a Yeah, it's banana talk here on
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah look at this Apparently they think that you know, the banana flavor how like banana flavored candy and stuff. Yeah, that's a good flavor Does it take me back? They don't taste like bananas, right? It doesn't taste like a- I never thought about it, but yeah, I guess. It's supposed to be based on- That was the original banana? Are we living in Mad Max?
Starting point is 00:02:33 Is the slow apocalypse- Not perfectly. That's just what I've heard. You can only taste fruit when you're drinking cold medicine? Bro. Ooh, give me some of that banana flavored cold medicine. You know this was an actual fruit that our grandparents had? No shit. Huh.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I don't think I've had a strawberry that tasted anything like it had been near a plant in 30 fucking years. What do you mean? They just taste like nothing now. They taste like water. They taste like sour fucking water. They're big and they're just full of fucking water. I know. I know. Horrible. What the fuck? We're getting shafted left and right. It's getting worse. an apple. Full of fucking water. I know. I know. Horrible.
Starting point is 00:03:05 What the fuck? We're getting shafted. Left and right. It's getting worse. Well, everything is. Recy- 100% recycled cardboard. That's everything. You drink cans.
Starting point is 00:03:14 100% recycled paper. Newspapers. 100%- they're not even reprint- they're not even printing new stuff anymore. They're just mulching it up. Maddie, get out of here! Maddie, get out of here with your- hey! Hey! Get out of here!
Starting point is 00:03:24 Get out of here! My notes! The dog's gone woke. I'm gonna have to shoot her. Get out of here, Maddie, get out of here! Maddie, get out of here with your mate! Hey, get out of here! Get out of here! My notes! The dog's gone woke, I'm gonna have to shoot her. Get out of here, Maddie! Here, take this out of here. Get that paper out of here! Get out of here! Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:36 My mom was in Nebraska. Yeah, yeah. She went back home to Nebraska. Yeah. I was looking at Twitter, you know, in the middle of the night, and I see a tornado touches down in Lincoln, Nebraska today. I was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:03:50 Oh, wow. Mom! So I sent it to the... Is she in Lincoln? She was there. I'm like, what is this shit? And she goes, oh yeah, we were in the Storm Cellar. We were watching the news together.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And then they sent us down. They had about 60 tornadoes. And I'm like, you didn't think to mention it. That's you meant you mean to tell me you mentioned everything else, but all the tornadoes. Yeah. Well, you know, I don't want a big league mom here, but you know, you mentioned a lot of things that I had minimal interest in. Right. Big fucking tornadoes everywhere. All right. I have to find out my own.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Yes. Yeah, they, you know. Yeah, my family, they, you know, yeah, my family, they don't tell each other anything. No? Well, no, because- That's one way to do it. Well, everybody's kind of, everybody I think has come to the understanding that like no news is good news.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Yeah. And when the phone rings or there's a text, there's a good chance something is fucked up. Yeah, so I'm gonna assume everybody's good Until otherwise notified Is there any way to Protest this all of the rings and all of the four packs of tall boys were this paper shit that I don't like I don't want Yeah, I'm the number one consumer. Okay. Yeah, I'm't want. I'm the number one consumer, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:05 I'm the addict here. You should be catering to me directly. Yeah, well, maybe they are. And they figure that you're somewhat- They figure I wanna be outraged to drink more, right? Maybe, or that you'll- Is that what you're saying? Or that you'll accidentally smash the three other beers
Starting point is 00:05:21 or have them explode and you have to go back in. I'll fuck it up. Right. Real tightrope act they got me walking just to get liquor these days. Yeah. I get it up there and then the fucking guy The guy running the guy running the store the liquor store just ten minutes ago sees me walking in at a clip. You got those ten minutes ago? Sean don't
Starting point is 00:05:41 Don't laugh at that. It's a disease Don't I know it. It's fucking Randy. It's always... every time I'm out with Randy, it's just... I get... everything goes way too hard. You are with Randy at 8 a.m.? I was out with Randy at 8 a.m. this morning. Everything goes way too hard. You know where we're at in the slowpocalypse? No. Everything goes way too hard. You know where we're at in the slowpocalypse? We're...
Starting point is 00:06:06 We're in... Our goal, our aspiration, is to drink in the fucking parking lot on a piece of laminated plywood. No lot, they gotta... Forget atmosphere! Forget like, couches and shit that you can keep inside. Because nobody can be inside! Because the music is teeth-shatteringly loud. You mean it where? Like a...
Starting point is 00:06:29 Any bar. Any bar, any brewery. We're downtown in Angel City where they've put, they turned half of the brewery into a gay bar for straight women. A gay bar for straight women. That's what they do. Gee, Peg. So I'm going down to the brewery and you'll never guess, they turned it into a gay bar. Oh, well you should love it, Al! It's just men.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Well, that's where you're wrong, Peg. It's a gay bar for straight women. Um, the truly, the wine cooler bar, where they can go in and drink White Claws until their shit smells like, um, Huckleberry. See how upset I am at this? Yeah! until their shit smells like huckleberry. See how upset I am at this? Yeah. Stupid cardboard. I always know when I wake up and my teeth and I can feel the throw up, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:07:16 oh, today's gonna be a good show. Oh, God. Oh, oh, oh. Fuckin' teeth are all, enamel's all roughed up from bile. What's wrong with it? Eventually I'm gonna run out of enamel. That's what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Man, I don't know. I don't know if there's a dentist I can go to and say, hey man, how many more nights do I got in these teeth? Yeah. I feel like, I know it's gotta run out, right? My parents' dogs got teeth about nubs like this. Am I gonna be that? Am I gonna be chewing my liquor
Starting point is 00:07:41 on one side of my mouth in one day? You can only hope. I can only hope. So I... The goal is now... You can't go inside the bar or the brewery because the music's so goddamn loud. You can't have any kind of conversation. Forget conversation. Why would I want...
Starting point is 00:07:57 What am I gonna talk to these women about? Where tadpoles come from? What they had to eat today? Right? What is... What is the moon made of? What's the moon made out of? I don't know, but I'd like to have a taste. Cheese. So I go in, let me make sure this is on. Is everything on?
Starting point is 00:08:13 Yeah, everything's on. I go in there and I'm looking at this poor woman who's manning the point of sale system where the tipping starts at 25% now, we're back to you having to calculate your own tip. Remember where we started in the 90s where it was a big goddamn joke for every boomer to pretend they can't do math?
Starting point is 00:08:36 Well, here's my secret tip for tipping. Here's how you calculate the tip. Were you around for that? They all had a little- Well, yeah, you mean like- They all had their list of conversations that they have. People who were very... Oh, I just double the tax. Double the tax and add half.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Right. Okay, yeah. That was funny the first 17 times I fucking heard it. Yeah. We're back there. Because then they built the tip spread in, where it was like 10... It was a multiracial tipping grid they had on every bill.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Where it would tell you what 10% was, what 50. What 10%, what 50% was, and what 18% was. You know, we don't want to be presumptuous, right? Right. We don't want to, there's a little thing called, we had a little thing called a civilization, where you weren't trying to rape everyone at every single opportunity.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Before parking meters had tips on them, before the meter maid had a tip, before your parking ticket came with a, would you like to tip an additional 20, 25 or 30%, there was a time called civilization, it was immortalized in the matrix, where everyone wasn't in a constant race to rape and rip each other off.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Where the aspirations of your common man was not to get on Joe Rogan and sell breathing tape. That was not that we had bigger dreams than this. Yeah. Breathing tape. Breathing tape. Oh man, buddy. I grew my breathing tape called Mouth Breather. I gotta look into that. Called Monkey Mouth Breathing into an 8-figure business.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Here's how. You got on Joe Rogan and sold it to a bunch of retards That's how that's how every fucking business is. Oh, how did what's the secret of your success? Well, I got on a retards I got on the biggest retards podcast and I sold it to a bunch of retards. Yeah, I mean you can do it, too No, I can't retarded inner circle Yeah, you got to tap into the you know, cause there's a lot of retards out there. King Louis the retard, Joe Rogan, I got into his court and I sold it to all the other retards. And King Louis the retard said,
Starting point is 00:10:32 I love, me love this mouth breathing retard tape. Everyone should maximize their sleep. Yeah. So we can listen to my show harder. I go into this brewery and I look at this poor girl who's ringing up my beer that I know I'm going to hate because they change so fast now I can't possibly remember. I either get the one of the label, the brewery label, which I know I don't like, or I get one of infinity random other beers.
Starting point is 00:11:02 IPA, right? Yeah, give me the NFT that is the least obnoxious of all these beers, please. Okay. The Hootin' Bobble Non Hop Extra Hoppy Ale. Okay. Okay, did you want the, did you want the Spacey or the White? No one on earth has ever wanted the White,
Starting point is 00:11:22 so the Spacey, I guess mmm that tastes terrible You want me to leave room for cream? Yeah! It's like... And I'm yelling this in an empty brewery! I'm yelling my order at this poor girl! The music's going This is like fucking Abu Graib in here!
Starting point is 00:11:38 This is intolerable! The homasas hostages have it better than this! You think there's no no human being Could possibly want to pump music this loud in someone's face, right? No one can I feel sick and it's not because of age. It's just it's just too loud You guys are done I know you're doing this on purpose to sell beers because you don't want anyone to have said God forbid anyone Have a human interaction with anyone ever again. We'd forget how
Starting point is 00:12:06 and as I'm bringing this I'm bringing the beer out on as I'm leaving this whole this horrible torture chamber that has no carpet or walls so it's just it's there's the fucking PA is pointed in yeah the PA is at the door pointed in like to dispel you from leaving like I I'm force field, right? Crank all the way up. I have to get too close to it to leave. I'm stuck. So the fucking doorman sits there with,
Starting point is 00:12:30 behind it, right? So he's not suffering, it's just everyone else. Yeah, yeah. I leave and I find myself in the parking lot, sitting on the emergency temporary COVID furniture that was bought for total cheapness, made as a practical joke by the Chinese. Yeah, and it's still there.
Starting point is 00:12:48 No ass. It's still there, obviously, because we went from an indoor society to a parking lot society three years, four years ago, and we're never going back. So the goal is to sit in a fucking parking lot, breathing exhaust, and as I realize this, the temporary permanent food truck that they have in the parking lot comes by and just dumps a five gallon bucket full of mystery liquid that stinks like old oil and food. Some fucking guy, some Mexican in a smock
Starting point is 00:13:20 that he has never washed comes by and just dumps it over, and I go, what the fuck are you doing? Now it's all I can taste, jackass. Right in the parking lot. Right in the fucking parking lot. And I'm thinking, the nerve of this guy. But then I'm realizing, well, where else is he gonna dump it? He can't possibly go dump it on the scooters outside.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I'm sure- On a pile of scooters. I'm sure he probably was not supposed to be dumping it. Well, you know, we're who knows I don't know who knows who knows where it's supposed to go not there Maybe that's the best spot for wherever that they say wherever that guy is with long hair Follow him around and wherever he sits just dump the water out next to him, right? Okay, I guess He's never going to the ocean. So just find him and dump it where he is. There you go. Wait, you're allowed to, you're not actually in the parking lot right?
Starting point is 00:14:14 Yes, the parking the parking lines are still there. At least put some, at least cover the lines up. But I mean like they were, you can drink out there? Well that's, you're not supposed to drink inside, so I don't know. No one could possibly drink inside. Fair enough. So this jackass, who's sitting outside the liquor store, as I'm walking in at a clip, which clearly signals,
Starting point is 00:14:36 I need booze. I need booze, get the fuck up. There's no way you're that high at noon. Yeah. Wrong, incorrect assumption. He's that high at noon. Yeah. Wrong, incorrect assumption. He's that high at noon. Go in there, I grab the first, I'm wise to the juicy ranger stuff, the voodoo ranger.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I'll never get caught up in that again. I'm reading labels now, Sean. Really? I hate reading. You know, whatever gets you to read. They're gonna put, they're gonna compile all the labels together, so it's actually information at some point, and'm reading, like a Snapple can.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Gotcha. Did I tell you about, I was watching the Intervention Channel. There's an Intervention Channel? Yeah, they just stream shows now. Every cult hit show has like its own channel. Because it's all just data streaming, you know. So there's no concept of channels anymore like there used to be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:24 So there's an Intervention Channel. And of course they can't fill it with ads. So their placeholders for ads are like, pro tips on if you're an addict. Which really takes the fun out of the show. I'll bet. You know, I'm judging the people. That's why I watch. And then when they relapse at the end, it's a good ending for me. Like, I fucking knew it! I knew it, right? They get all cleaned up and they get all fat, and they don't have that crazy in their eye anymore.
Starting point is 00:15:55 And then, boom, you hit them with the relapse cap at the end. Right? So there's barely enough time to read it. And you go... Sharon relapsed, I said, HA! I knew it! I knew you weren't better than me. So much worse, cause you tried and failed. Right, right. So much worse than me.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah. So then they fill it with these like pro tips, like a video game, you know how video games have like press start to pause, press B to jump. Sometimes you could jump over logs, right? They're always the dumbest tips. Like it's always like your mom wrote them. I don't know whose mom is writing all the pro tips
Starting point is 00:16:28 for video game cut scenes, but tell her to knock it off. Find somebody, find someone who's at least played a video game. Get a new hobby, mom. Yeah, mom. You were in a tornado? Yeah, we had to go down to the, why didn't you mention that? I don't know, you know. How many violin recitals were you going to talk about?
Starting point is 00:16:49 More than one. So this jackass, sitting there, he comes over, as I'm waiting at the register, considering just leaving with the beer. Well, I mean, lots of crime happens down here nowadays because of all the gentrification, which we've already discussed. He waddles over, oh yeah, sorry, man.
Starting point is 00:17:12 He comes over and I notice that there's only three beers on the four pack tall boy, of course, because of the paper. Because it's, I know instantly that it's because of the paper because the paper is not the correct way to do this. The correct way is plastic, for materialogical reasons. Right? It's already been... We already discovered this.
Starting point is 00:17:33 You don't need to go back... Who are you signaling to with this? God? There's some kind of sustainability God that likes this? Right. So I said, oh, it's got three on it. Of course he didn't notice. It's higher than hell, you know? Yeah. So it's got three on it. Of course he didn't notice, it's higher than hell, you know? So it's got three on it.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Let me grab another one. He goes, oh yeah, there might not be any more of those. There is one. I grab it and he goes, yeah, cause it's a very popular one. People have been asking about it. And I said, why? He goes, well, cause May the 4th.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I looked down at it and I said, you fucking cocksucker. You just ruined this You ruined this you had to fucking ruin this beer for me. Didn't you? You're drinking says this is the way IPA and it's got a little Yoda on it The little baby Yoda and the fucking Mandalorian guy. I'm like, I am NOT gonna go back there I'm not gonna do that even though I now hate this do that, even though I now hate this beer. Right. Because you have done this to me. In protest, you're gonna angry drink it. I'm gonna angrily drink it and seethe about it
Starting point is 00:18:31 the whole way home. Right. Thanks a lot. You just, you lost yourself a customer for the rest of the day, sir. Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! And that's the show everybody!
Starting point is 00:18:45 I will see you but not till tomorrow! Welcome to Hiccuping. Got it. It's a show where it's a contest between a lot of mountain bunk and deep in the heart of the city of Galear. I'm your host, Dick Bash, and I'm the $20 million man. Joining me as always is world touring, alien based comedian, Sean the audio engineer. Hello, Dick. What's up, buddy? Nothing.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Johnny's friend, you know, Johnny the audio engineer, part-time fill in. Johnny's friend texts him and he goes, I've been listening to, I listened to 150 of Dick's old shows in a row. Because that guy can talk. This show or? This show. Yeah. He's just got into it.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Wow. He says that guy can talk without running out of something to say for hours straight. He's like Arle... What's that guy's name? Armee? Arle Army? Fuck. Oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:19:42 You know, only steers and queers come from Earth. Arle Ermee, right? Arle Ermee. Fuck. Oh, oh, Arle. You know, only steers and queers come from Earth. Arle Ermi. Arle Ermi. Yeah. It's like Arle Ermi of, you know, banks. Yeah. Yeah, well, that's accurate. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:19:54 A lot of practice. How you doing? Eh, you know. You doing okay? Yeah. Are you paying attention to the men versus bears argument that women are having with themselves online? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Women found a new way to get attention this week. They're pretending to be stranded in the woods and they're suggesting that they would rather be stranded in the woods. They're asking each other this. With a bear than a man? Yeah, would you rather be with a bear or a man? And you're never gonna guess why, Sean.
Starting point is 00:20:28 It's because they're all so sexy that they know that an imaginary man couldn't keep his hands off of their sexy bodies. Not because they're big fatsoes, it's because they're so hot with such hot, sexy bodies. Maybe we'll do a little animal corner. They're too gross to eat. Well, a bear wouldn't eat them
Starting point is 00:20:48 because it would have an instantly have a heart attack or go into a diabetic coma with all the fat. A very, like a very little known fact is that bears are huge rapists. Is that true? No. I'm just saying, think twice. If I was stuck in an imaginary woods,
Starting point is 00:21:09 I'd rather be with a bear, cause a man would be all over my hot sexy body. Well, it's just a way to say like, I hate men. Yeah, don't worry. It's, the feeling is mutual. I'd rather be with a bear. Yeah, I'd rather be with a bear than a man. You're gonna have to fight a bear if you wanna rape me.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Gonna get your penis in me. I think they... You dumb bitch, why don't you shut up? I think they... You guys can't go ten seconds without a man. You can't pass the Bechtel test in your own heads. There's no... no one fucking believes you. Hey, you have to go... you have to go to the gas station.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Oh, can two men come with me? You bear my ass Yeah, just everybody you know what you do it adopt a bear at the store adopt a bear Yeah, go from go nuts. It's right. It's the it's been two seconds in the woods the pit bull of the 2020s. Mm-hmm You guys are doing great with that. Adopt a bear. It'll be fun. Uhhhh. If you're in the- what guys don't even understand is that it's not because we're not afraid of the bear.
Starting point is 00:22:13 We are afraid of the bear. We're more afraid of men. It's just because we're more afraid of being raped by all the men. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got it. It's real fucking subtle. Real fucking mind- real mind-bender. Real EPR paradox you got cooked up, you dumb bitch. I'd rather be with a bear.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Actually, I'd rather be with a shark. I'd rather be getting eaten by a shark than be at the beach. If I was at the beach, I'd rather be with a shark with a beach than a man. If I was in the woods, I'd rather be with a bear than a man. If I was in space, I'd rather be inside of a black hole than be with a man. Yeah, we got it. You're so hot. Guys are just lining up. We got to build new prisons for all the fucking rapists all around because you're so sexy Is this is this really a thing that's going on? So annoying? Yeah, they're all explaining it and then these goddamn guys
Starting point is 00:22:58 I can't imagine a guy. I can't imagine a guy who's Well, obviously if you're with a woman, you are immune from any of the other ones bullshit. Right? Gotcha. I hear that, they're like, this is, they're doing this, this is something for the single guys, don't respond to it. Ignore it.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Yeah. You don't have to tolerate this shit. Our guy's going, if all three of us were there, I would rape the bear to keep you safe. I raped a bear so I didn't have to rape you. I wish I was there with a bear too. So, cause then I would, I do need to rape. So I'd rather rape a bear so I didn't have to rape you. I wish I was there with a bear too. Because then I would I do need to rape so I'd rather rape a bear than a woman. Exactly. And if there was a man there he'd get off on it so I don't want to be with a man obviously. God, it's just like explaining the same stupid shit over and over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Let's see here. Who would you rather valet your car, a bear or a woman? We'll pull up to the Outback Steakhouse. A woman, get a bear in here, please! This is a very easy answer. And it's the bear, not for the reasons that you might think I can think of a lot of reasons the bear is less likely to change my seat settings and steering wheel till hey hey that you never quite get back never
Starting point is 00:24:15 quite get it's like wait I just fuck go to this and now it needs to tilt forward a little bit more fucking god damn it man right wait and now that fucking feels with now I are my arms normally at this angle? Fuck, are my arms extended too much? Like, I'm not comfortable, I can't figure out why. Did somebody accidentally push the little fucking thing that puts air in the seat? Is that what that is, air?
Starting point is 00:24:35 Yeah. I always break those on purpose. Every time I get a new car, I just crank it until it pops. I thought it was a spring, until it breaks. Here it goes, bang! I'm like, all right alright good, we're set. The turning things, aren't they just a physical thing? Fucking cranker?
Starting point is 00:24:48 I'm talking about like a thing, there's like a little button. What is that? It's to, like a, you know, lumbar support or whatever. Has anyone on Earth ever used that? Is that some guy's idea of a joke? Why does it, is it like a fetish of that one designer to put that in? Who the fuck has ever used that? Well, I know when it's-
Starting point is 00:25:04 Oh man, this lumbar's all fucked up! Here we go! Crank, crank. Oh, perfect! I know if it's accidentally been changed. Cause I mean, then I'm just like, wait a minute, I gotta get to where I can ignore it. That I don't notice it. Um... Oh yeah, this guy... But after that guy threw all that gross grease water on me,
Starting point is 00:25:27 I see some fucking frat guy stumbling down the stairs out of the disorientia, the bar, holding all of his beers and then spilling them all over his shirt, and drinking the fucking parking lot. Yeah! Because everyone is also... Every beer's gotta have its own special glass now! There's like a martini glass and a fucking lava lamp shaped fucking thing. Because it's, you know, it's real so important when you're drinking 10% alcohol beer, 50 at a time, that you get the perfect taste out of it. Well, and the nose on it is right, you know?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Oh man, and they fucked with the scooters. A different way to concentrate the, you know what I mean? And you have to now, the pile of scooters, you can't just leave the scoots anywhere. You know I love the scoots I can't believe nobody has shut down the scoots. You love them so much you take them home sometimes. I want to I Go in bed with it. Yeah Hello scoot no one will ever take you from me used to be you could just throw the scoots anywhere Yeah, I'll lean him up against the wall But now they've got a special pile that you have to put them in.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I guess they made a deal with the city or something to have scutes, but the scutes crackdown is beginning. Is it? Well, you know, once they start in, pretty soon they'll be anti-semitic, the scooters. I don't know why, don't ask me, but the crackdown's coming. What was I talking about? Protests or this well the guy versus bear shit. Yeah, the guy's spelling booze all over himself though. Yeah Well, he was doing that because he couldn't because of the fucking music right It's trying to go everyone is
Starting point is 00:27:03 These guys are like obsessed boomers boomer fucking Conservative idiots are obsessed with this idea that porn is ruining everything Yeah, but they have not tried to get laid probably ever their women probably hit on them You know they're that kind of guy like well, you know I I was a I was real ladies man I tried to have sex with two women in my life Like they don't know they don't know what it's like. They don't know how fucking miserable it is out there. You go into a bar, getting your fucking teeth blown out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Everything, leaving the house costs $40. We're back to drunk driving. Goddamn Ubers are too much. Man, you know what? We're back to drunk driving, figuring out our own fucking tips. I'll bet you because people- people are literally like, I'll gamble, I'll roll the dice on that.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Yeah. I used to do it. I used to do it. I used to- I made it, you know, fine. I don't want a $45 fucking Uber, I would rather have a couple more beers. I need the beers. Yeah. Uh, cause I'm fucking calculating between a taxi or prison
Starting point is 00:28:05 So life's not going great I'm not having this woman says I'm not having sex with any man who doesn't understand why women picked the bear and neither should you It's cuz you're retarded. That's why you'd pick the bear That's why you all that's why you guys always do retarded. It's cuz your donkey brains. That's why. There's no reason for it. It's fucking dumb. It's a dumb, stupid hypothetical that you dreamed up to get attention. We all understand it.
Starting point is 00:28:32 There, can I have my sex now? I understand perfectly why you're all saying this stupid shit. Does that mean I get some pussy, a crumb of pussy, ma'am? The lady. And in the back of her mind, she's going, well, you know, if the bear realizes that I'm not a threat to it. It won't be I know they're all thinking that no if it fucking dig living a Disney fantasy world No, if that thing feels like taking you out. It's gonna take you out. Hey, I got an idea
Starting point is 00:28:57 Why don't one of you pack a fucking gun cuz that works in both cases Oh this bears coming right for me bam bam Oh, this rapist is coming right for me. Bam, bam, bam. All fucking life's problems solved with a gun, especially women's problems. Forgot a pen? Use a gun. Use a gun.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Can't find the remote? Use a gun. This homeless guy was hanging around my car. Flash a fucking little hooker pistol at him. Yeah, there you go. That'll fix him right up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He'll sober up right quick.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Hey buddy, you smell like fentanyl. I got a little cure for you right here. Oh, whoa, wow. You're one of those ladies that has... It's a leg supplement. ...that fixes their own problems, huh? Shit, I'm outta here. I'm gonna go find another one. I'm gonna go find a bear to harass. They got no thumbs. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I watched this, started watching this documentary on a principal who taught his students like self-hypnosis and one of them killed themselves. And it's like the whole documentary is just people blaming the principal for it. And no one ever goes like, guys, hypnosis isn't real. Right. Like you guys are just like, uh, closeted homosexuals. That's why you act like that when you're like,
Starting point is 00:30:12 hypnotized. How quickly. Oh man, I guess I better dance like a fucking weirdo. Oh, I was so hypnotized, honey. Like. That's why I kissed another guy. When people need an answer for something like tragic or severe or something
Starting point is 00:30:26 It's amazing how quickly they will go to like an outlandish scenario that explains it I'm like students. Yeah, it must have been Real no the kid had problems Didn't get the help he needed didn't they didn't ask didn't show it didn't whatever like it's a I promise you didn't kill himself principal hypnotized him. He hypnotized himself. A scientist, like, oh yeah, a scientist is gonna come out. Oh yeah, hypnotizing, that's not real. Yeah, yeah. That's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Yeah. That's like a, that's shit that drunk people do at the fair. I know what I saw. Yeah. That's, well, there's the ultimate, like don't confuse me with the facts. That's just one person after the other. Well, he was very irresponsible. He should have been doing...
Starting point is 00:31:11 What the fuck are you talking about? Hypnotizing? Right. You're going, we're sending guys to jail for hypnotizing people now? Oh, fuck! So they just blame him? So, I mean, what state is he in now? Or, I mean, not in that state of... State of mind? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I don't remember the whole thing. I mean not like criminal. There was nobody tried to bring charges Did they really it was a fucking deposition that I was watching with his principles like man I don't I don't sit here for this shit. Like well you do actually then yeah, you were doing the hypnotizing right what you just go like My client is too stupid to know that hypnosis isn't real. Like, clearly he's... Just crazy. He's not fit to stand trial. And it wasn't the dumbest thing that I saw that day.
Starting point is 00:31:53 That was what was the most alarming about it. Oh boy. Uh, man, have you been seeing the UCLA protests? No. These are amazing. No, no, no. I've heard about them a little bit. Oh, it's a fucking bloodbath! Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Look at this! They got the fucking phalanx rolling in! They sure do. Oh, man, oh man, that's what I like to see. Ahhhhh. Look at all these cops lined up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Crack some skulls. Bridge reel tonight, boys.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Are they on both sides? The cops? Are those the protesters over there? Cops are rarely on both sides. No, no, no, no, no. Just because they all look- Pretty much only on their own side. No, you see, they all look like they're- That's what makes them so effective.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Right, no, but I mean- Look at all these motherfuckers! Let's see across the little air section there. Like, they're all dressed the same too. Oh, that's a band! Are those all- Wait, this? What the fuck am I looking at?
Starting point is 00:32:39 This isn't a band. Is this the FBI? Well, I don't know, but look at- How come these cops have tan pants? Well, I know, they're all dressed the same, and then over here- Oh this is at Columbia. Oh that's at my- Columbia and UCLA were having some amazing riots.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Oh it's great man. We got nothing else, we got nothing else. All we have is the elite's own kids. If the elite's kids can't change shit, we got no chance. No such thing as democracy, we have no fucking choice. Anything else. If they're- 100%. They send their kids to college for infinity millions of dollars,
Starting point is 00:33:10 those are our last fucking hope. I've been saying it for years, bought and paid for. That's all we got. They don't give a fuck, because they're angry at their parents. They can't take away from them. They can't take away their own shit,
Starting point is 00:33:24 because that's their kids. They can take away all of our stuff. They don't take away from them. They can't take away their own shit, because that's their kids. They can take away all of our stuff. They don't care. It's the system is set up to take all of our stuff. I couldn't protest if I wanted to. Can't do nothing. Not really. But these kids.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Not in any way that matters. Whatever they're saying, I'm in, I'm in. We're protesting for, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in. Stop, you had me at protest. Don't sell passes sale. You hate your parents, I'm in. I hate your. Stop, you had me at protest. Don't sell pass-the-sale. You hate your parents, I'm in. I hate your parents too. They've been fucking me dry for so,
Starting point is 00:33:49 I gotta deal with fucking cardboard, four pack tall boys, you got no problems at all. You're figuring out what piece of flair, you're figuring out how to turn plastic trash cans into riot gear. You got no problems. This is, full support, Whatever you got. Cops are going to come in, hit them, charge them. They can't arrest you. You're untouchable. You're
Starting point is 00:34:12 like another cast of people. You're not like me. Go for it. I got some funny videos from it. Let's see here. Trash can shields. Yeah, this is a good one. The protesters thought it'd be a good idea. I hate this. I hate the anti-protestor snark. You know, I was at BLM. I like those guys. I don't like the fucking police. Yeah. I don't agree with BLM. Yeah. But I, I agree with who they don't like. Well, yeah. That's what's important. BLM got hijacked pretty early on, didn't it? Yeah. By, by race hustlers and shit yeah but which is what happens with but the message was clear just like we're being fucked over yeah system is fucking us over the cops are fucking us over yeah what a coinkydink yeah cops
Starting point is 00:34:56 have been fucking me over too so we're on the same side here guys the cops at any moment could go stop all the crime but they fucking don't because they think it's funny. These protesters thought it'd be a good idea to charge past police with cut up garage bins as shields. Watch these fucking guys. Look at this. Look at that. They got cut up trash cans riot shields. And bicycle helmets. Yeah! Stop! Stop!
Starting point is 00:35:32 Oh no! Oh no! The trash cans didn't work! Oh no! They got one of them! They got one of them! Five cops to get that one. Yep. Yep. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Look at them go. They got umbrellas. I don't know what the umbrellas is for. Is it for like any kind of hiding from the helicopters? Or like pepper sprayers? They could like push it like, you know, I don't know. See, I've been in almost the same situation where I was at a big fun run in San Francisco. Where you're supposed to get, the tradition is everyone's getting shit faced. in almost the same situation where I was at a big fun run in San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:36:05 You're supposed to get the tradition is everyone's getting shit face. We got shopping carts, beta breakers. You got shopping carts full of liquor beer and there was a fucking similar cop set up where they were confiscating everyone's fucking beer. Oh man. So I say go for it. Yeah. We're the same.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Forgot an umbrella. Should have brought an umbrella. Oh, yeah, let me see there. They had a bunch of demands too. What kind of stuff you think they demanded? They're protesting Israel. Yeah. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I'm nervous about the whole thing. I don't know who I'm not allowed to make fun of anymore. I don't want to get caught on the wrong side of that. You know what I mean? Cause for the longest time it was, you can't make fun of Jews. No. I don't know who's, but now the US government said,
Starting point is 00:36:54 that's illegal. Yeah. I think. Do you see that one? The Congress passed the, I'm saying Congress, but I mean Israel, passed a law saying that anti-Semitism is like criticizing Israel or something like that. Well, I mean... It doesn't matter what the law says, that's what it's for.
Starting point is 00:37:10 It doesn't fucking matter what's on the law. I know they didn't just make a law for fun. They made it so you could stop criticizing them. That's how... that's what everything they do is. When I say them, I mean both of our governments, which are inseparable, which are fucking conjoined twins at this point That's the point of the law. So that's what it does doesn't matter what it says Sounds like yeah, yeah, here's there
Starting point is 00:37:33 But I just want it to be I want them to figure it out who I can't make fun of anymore. It can't be both You know, I know I can make fun of Christian still but that's not as fun. Yeah Well, it's you know, it's so whiny about it, you know, I know I can make fun of Christians still, but that's not as fun. Yeah, well, it's... Because they just get so whiny about it, you know? You know, you've been with that girl before. Yeah, too much, I think. She's all loosened up. But I don't know if I can make fun of... Mohammed or...
Starting point is 00:37:59 What's the Jewish version of Mohammed? I don't know. Fucking Mohammed? I don't know. Fucking Abraham? I don't know. Can I make fun of it? Can I complain about interest rates or can I drive Mohammed? Which one is, which one can I not do anymore? Huh. That's got, I gotta, I need to know. You can't-
Starting point is 00:38:16 I don't like this limbo. You can't put interest rates in writing. Or they'll come, somebody will come kill you. Oh, they would love that. Yeah. How much do I owe my house? Oh, we'll tell ya. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:24 You just come to us and you say, huh, sounding familiar. Needs, this is what the UCLA Palestine Solidarity E something. PS, did they make an acronym for it? I don't think so. It doesn't seem like it. Not with two consonants together like that. They should have made it like a Palestine exclusionary, new, like penis, new Islamic state.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Perfect, or penis for short. And you're not allowed to laugh at it either, or else we'll fucking wig out. That's basically drawing Mohammed. Yes. You laugh at that shit? Right. Basically drawing Mohammed. I know none laughing at that shit? Right. Basically drawing Mohammed.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yep. I know none of them think it's funny. I know none of them want me to make fun of them. Yeah. But... Somebody's gotta be made fun of. Somebody's getting made fun of. So figure it out quickly.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Get back to me. Get back to me. I'll be at the liquor store. I'll be at the liquor store. You just give me white smoke, blue smoke, if it's the Jews that I can't make fun of. Yeah. And green and red smoke if it's palace, if Mohammed I can't draw. We have a joke.
Starting point is 00:39:31 That's the point of all this, right? Yeah. We gotta stop these cocksuckers from making fun of us. They're making fun of us way too much. Doing the A-Team stuff with Hamas. Right. They're, I mean, they're, it's a laughing stock. They don't even care about, they're laughing at that. doing the A-Team stuff with Hamas. Right. I mean, it's a laughing stock. They don't even care about it.
Starting point is 00:39:48 They're laughing at that. We were saying that babies got decapitated. They're laughing at us. That's fucking bullshit. They have no right to do that. Make it illegal. Well, some protest guys say we can't draw Mohammed. You figure it out.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I can't. But I don't have time. Please ensure the donations are BDS compliant Does that does that mean boycotting Israel the boy cat the boy cast app? Yeah, wait boy cat boy cat app can help boy cat. They have a boy cat app. The fuck is that? It's like a little gay twink in a cat outfit. Yeah, I guess. For Palestine? Okay. Whew, wow.
Starting point is 00:40:27 That's an unfortunate typo at the top of your manifesto. The boy cat app. Boy cat? You're giving the Jews ammo? You're going to war with the Jews and you're giving them ammo like this? Oh, that's a big mistake. Urgent. Headlamps.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Airsoft goggles. Gas masks and respirators, especially for our medics heart emoji. Skater helmets. Skater helmets, huh? Cause they're like breathing, breathable. Bicycle helmets. I respect them for not saying bicycle helmets.
Starting point is 00:40:59 That's good. Right. Skater helmets. That's cool. Shields. Okay. Just like medieval shields. They should have fucked with them right give them two tons of medieval cast iron shields. Yeah yeah exactly. Okay here you go see if you guys can lift these up. Oh we can't.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Wood for a barrier you got to be more specific than come on kids you never swung a hammer ever let's get how how many 2x4s, how many- this shit is expensive! You can't just go down to Home Depot, God like some wood please! Come on! You don't have one engineer that's pro-Palestine, a whole fuckin' school? We can figure that out? Wood for barrier, knee and elbow pads, For blowjobs.
Starting point is 00:41:42 For all the blowjobs we're giving each other, For all the dicks- for all the ladies dicks we're sucking. We moved the fat out of the way. Rain ponchos. Uh huh. And you, you need rain ponchos in UCLA? What are you, when the fuck is it gonna rain here? I mean.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Oh for pepper spray probably. Yeah I guess, yeah. Canopies. Uh huh. Utility gloves oh for pepper spray probably. Yeah, I guess, yeah. Canopies, utility gloves, without reinforced knuckles. Because it's an odd specific request. Because like we're not violent or like I mean utility reinforced knuckles. What? Like without reinforced knuckles? You get utility gloves with reinforced knuckles? Wouldn't you want that? Well, I mean, okay, especially for small hands., oh I bet. Your hands.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Unnecessary. Not needed. I saw the wood comments already. Especially for small hands. I know there's not very many large hands in this group. Super bright flashlights with strobe. It's charged. Yeah. Don't just give us a flashlight and expect us to have batteries and everything. See, we didn't ask for batteries.
Starting point is 00:42:41 It's implied that we expect these things to be fully charged they want strobe they want the strobe so they can like confuse the cops make them charged seize up charge don't fuck give it the wood charge the wood to charge everything you're giving us just in case yeah medical Epi pens non-steroid inhalers headlamps you already said headlamps yes the organizations food hot food for lunch important vegan food, hot food for lunch, important. Vegan food. Important hot food for lunch. Cause you can't...
Starting point is 00:43:10 Give us some Skittles. You won't last if you don't get a hot lunch? Man, a hot lunch? I don't even eat a hot lunch. Like sandwiches? Like deli sandwiches? Just, you know, that are like room temperature or cold? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:43:23 It's gotta be hot. It wouldn't suffice? It's Gotta be like a French dip or something. Yeah. You know, it's hot. So I'm hot to keep us going. Right. You know, it's 65 degrees here. I said no gray air on mine!
Starting point is 00:43:33 Vegan food. Aren't they on grass already? Gluten-free food. Ice. Aw, bitch. Come on. Ice. You don't have coolers.
Starting point is 00:43:42 What are you going to do with the ice? Right, you forgot coolers. No packaged foods. No coffee. Get a version two coolers. What are you going to do with the ice? Right. You forgot coolers. No packaged foods. No coffee. Get a version two out there. No coffee. No bagels. No bananas. No nuts. No nuts. Why are they so no coffee, no bagels, no bananas? Are they allergic to coffee? Are they so anti-semitic that they're allergic to coffee? The no nuts. Like, I mean, I get, you know, like nut allergies
Starting point is 00:44:05 tend to be bad, but the other ones, I don't know. Can you just throw, like, shoot nuts in there all day and fucking freak them out? Seriously. Yeah. Like yeah, crushed fucking peanuts just scattergun'd all over the place. Yeah, bananas.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Yeah. Take this, take the bananas, dummy. Okay. Let's see, I got take this take the bananas dummy Okay, let's see I got a survey here it says who supports this shit 40% of Democrats Supporting what does this say do Americans support or oppose the pro-palestine college protests? 28% support 24% not sure, 47% strongly or somewhat opposed. Okay, yeah. Huh. So half of people strongly oppose college protests. Why? Fuck colleges. Burn them to the ground. Who gives a fuck? Yeah. What is, what does a
Starting point is 00:45:00 college protest possibly have? How could you possibly strongly oppose a college getting racked up with delinquent kids? I don't know, but it's kind of right on the, like Republicans have this knee jerk, we support Israel. Nobody's more pro-Israel than me. And we love institutions. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're just like, for whatever reason,
Starting point is 00:45:19 like they just, I mean, can you not, like you don't get like carte blanche to do whatever you fucking want for like there There are there are appropriate responses to things that happen I was not like the US is always appropriately responded never has one time appropriately responded You know, but they're like they're all about how the nuclear bomb was like a good thing to drop now Republicans are just they're they're totally insane Thank God Nick Fuentes is back to rain bring everybody back in his back. Yeah, they let him back on gone
Starting point is 00:45:52 Oh, they did Congress had to make the Bible illegal for Nick Fuentes to get his Twitter account back Okay There's times There's times where I realize I'm dealing with a totally different set of information than everyone else on. Okay. The Bible and shit. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Um, with this, what's all this like, who killed Jesus shit? Yeah. Well, I thought it was like, I thought everyone knew it was like a whole system of like, of beliefs that were made up to like keep people pacified cause that general region was full of like terrorists. A lot of terrorists were waiting for like a violent Messiah figure. So the Romans said, oh, that guy that we just killed,
Starting point is 00:46:43 he was the Messiah. And he said all that shit about peace So that so then the dummies and the violent sex were like, oh really that guy was the Messiah You guys are saying that the Messiah was gonna be violent. They're like and they're like, well The Rome they can't say the Romans are making it up because they're making it up They're making up the violet shit to get dummies to believe that they're doing something for God, right? Yeah, I thought this was common knowledge. Like this was all created as a system of control for early Jews who were getting raped by
Starting point is 00:47:13 Romans, who were getting taxed to death by Caesar, and they're like, hey we're kind of pissed off at these taxes. We're gonna, all of us Jews are gonna get together and kill you, and we're gonna get the dumb ones on board by saying there's a violent ass Messiah coming and you better kill Romans, because he'll love that. The Romans said, actually that guy we killed that was talking about peace and stuff, he was a Messiah. Look, here's all this, look, here's our most,
Starting point is 00:47:34 here's our most, here's our guys that can write. They wrote all of this stuff about what he was saying. So we're gonna give that to your dumb guys then see how tough you are. Taxes. Why don't you shut up? You know what Jesus said, he loved taxes. He didn't like them, but he paid them. Give that to your dumb guys, then see how tough you are. Taxes. Shut up. You know what Jesus said? He loved taxes.
Starting point is 00:47:47 He didn't like them, but he paid them. Cause what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Kill us? Obviously he said you shouldn't kill. He says it right there on the thing. You shouldn't kill. Should do a bunch of other stuff too.
Starting point is 00:47:57 But definitely don't kill us. He didn't say don't kill people who weren't taxing you. Don't kill unless it's people who are taxing you. He said don't kill at all. So, and he's pretty cool. Blonde guy, you know. Pretty cool to be killed by the government, that's all we're saying. I thought that was common knowledge, but I guess not. Alright, let me get out of this. Sour Skittles, we dropped on them. That's cool. Here's something about... Here's something from the US government.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Let's see who's running the show here. Uh... huh? The U.S. boomers love this phrase, man. This is one of those phrases that I wish we never invented. Mm. Uh... Here is Jared Bernstein, that I wish we never invented. Here is Jared Bernstein, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors. So this guy's running things basically.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Okay, he's one of the guys I guess, right? Who are advising the meat puppet, Joe Biden, on what to do. Here he goes. The US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money. Yeah. They love that one. Well, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:49:13 We're not worried about the US government going bankrupt. We're worried about us going bankrupt. Yes. That's the little tweak. Right. I know you guys think it's so funny. Because when you need money, like all our dollars are tax notes
Starting point is 00:49:25 Yeah, that's actually our money. Yeah, there is no there's no government to go bankrupt. Yeah I love us we're worried about us No one in the history of fucking mankind has ever been worried about a government going bankrupt. It just shows you how They just view like it's not government by the people for the piece the government don't worry the government can't go back up No, I would love that if the government would bankrupt. No, you're in Government or you're everyone else and less than yeah It's just that I I can't like stop for a second because all my money evaporates. That's the that's the issue The issue isn't you going bankrupt and not being able to print more imaginary money. Don't worry about the US government. We're gonna be fine, folks.
Starting point is 00:50:07 We'll be fine. Guys, I know hamburgers are like 20 bucks, and you know, you're driving drunk because Ubers are too expensive, but... You don't have to worry about the US government. We'll be fine. That's one thing that should be... You know, lighten that load on your mind a little bit. Yeah! You not going bankrupt is why we're all fucked! What you're explaining is the worst part. Yeah. You're ex- phenomenal. Don't worry, my wife's satisfied. She's fucking whoever she wants. Yeah, that's bad. What you're saying, if you're worried about your wife's sexual satisfaction, don't be. She's tons of other guys. Yeah. Oh, that's
Starting point is 00:50:47 That's not what I wanted. That's the opposite right, right? It begs the question. Why exactly are we borrowing also wrong? It's not begs the question that we print ourselves I'm waiting for someone to see the So, I mean again some of this stuff gets So, I mean, again, some of this stuff gets, some of the language that the, some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Theft, yeah, that's theft. The government definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? By selling bonds. Is that what they do? they they They yeah, they they they sell bonds. Yeah, they sell but oh what I know wait Yeah, wait a minute what he's going through like his like his class curriculum in his head Like they oh you say the economy's fucked. I wonder why that is
Starting point is 00:51:42 The economy's fucked, I wonder why that is. One engineer. Put one engineer in charge of it. Just one. Wow, this system's totally fucked. Who designed this? An economist. Oh, there's your problem. A bunch of politicians.
Starting point is 00:51:53 And that's what, when you get to the higher level, it's all politics at the highest level. You're more a politician in the system than you are anything else. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, right. It's really, yeah, that really goes for everybody. Yeah. In those positions.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Bonds, right, since they sell bonds and people buy the bonds and lend them the money. Yeah, so- People, right. A lot of times, a lot of times, at least to my year with MMT, the language and the concepts can be kind of unnecessarily confusing, but there is no question that the government prints money
Starting point is 00:52:29 and then it uses that money to... Kill people. So, yeah, I guess I'm just, I can't really talk. Are you fucking retarded? What the, is this a boomer? Is this a dementia moment that he's having? Well, is this for real? Can you imagine him and Biden just having a one-on-one?
Starting point is 00:52:54 Can you explain why a cheeseburger is $20, please? He was the advisor to the Biden-Harris transition team. Oh, he's appointed to the CEA. What's the CEA? 50-49 vote, close, yeah. Now, it can't be that. The RISC-PEG authority? No, that's not right. CEA or whatever federal government. Struggles with question on monetary policy. Bro, that is just so bad.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Yeah, that's optics. I mean, but you would think- You're stealing the money. That's what's happening. You would think that- That's so hard to explain. They shouldn't have to worry about him. You wouldn't like- you shouldn't have to prep him for an interview on things like that, right? So it's like, really, everyone's like, oh my god, dude, what the fuck did you just-
Starting point is 00:53:40 How did you not fucking know that? Like- You should ask him something that he knows about, like, uh, how black people have more opportunities now than ever. You know? And how trans women are running the military. You gotta... You shouldn't ask the economic advisor these sorts of questions. You gotta ask him about important stuff to the American people. Right. He's probably going like, uh, what am I not supposed to say? Let's see, am I gonna fuck... Am I gonna...
Starting point is 00:54:02 Yeah, exactly! I don't wanna pull the curtain back. Wait a minute, did I just fuck up saying they sell bonds? So we print money and sell bonds. That sounds like money laundering. That's... Okay, wait a minute. That sounds like a scam. That can't be what we're doing. No, but they've heard of bonds. I can say that. I can say bonds. I can say bonds. It's just every time I try to explain it, it sounds like a huge scam.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Huh. Hmm. Huh. Okay. Hmm. Here's a guy. You want to see a pervert? A prevert? Prevert?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Oh, man. I got to show you this t-shirt design that Pratsky just sent me. Oh, yeah? I'm thinking about just putting it up without even putting the design up. Really? It's amazing. I'll show it to you only. Okay. Look at this. Look at this. New t-shirt. Whoa. Yeah. Amazing. The next in my series of
Starting point is 00:54:59 fat women shirts. That's like, that is really cool artwork. Oh yeah, incredible. Yeah, that's one thing. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. It's when my brain does not- I don't know how he does that. Yeah, just the- Incredible. Putting from mind to paper, there's just something.
Starting point is 00:55:19 I know people go, well, no, I mean, you can, there's like techniques you can work on. You can like, you know, like my, I don't, there's a disconnect there. Like I could never be a, an mean, you can, there's like techniques you can work on, you can like, you know, like my, I don't, there's a disconnect there. Like I could never be a, an artist, you know, draws, sketches, anything like that. I can't even tell the colors that go together. Like, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:55:33 It just doesn't. Blue. But I, but I know it looks like, I know it looks like shit sometimes. I've seen you draw things though. Like, I mean, you're, you're in another league compared to me. I mean, like.
Starting point is 00:55:42 I can't draw anything. No, no. She can draw like insane detailed, like too good. I just think somebody draws too good and you're like, you're weirdly humble about it. It's weird now. Right. You don't see how good that is.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Something's weird there, suspicious. Yeah, well. Suspicious, you know? All right, let's see here Yeah, yeah. Yeah working remotely. What was the prevert thing? Oh, yeah, let me find this prevert This guy this guy's secretly recording little girls in a airplanes, oh god But you got to see how he did it new American Airlines flight attendant
Starting point is 00:56:22 But you gotta see how he did it. New American Airlines flight attendant, this guy, Estes Carter Thompson III, wow, that's a mouthful, indicted for secretly filming a 14-year-old girl going in the bathroom in the plane. Oh, man. The police say he had recordings of four other girls, seven, nine, 11, and 14 on his phone.
Starting point is 00:56:39 He noticed her waiting for the bathroom, so he said that first class was open and escorted her to the front. And then before entering, he said that he had to wash his hands first. And then he taped his phone to the toilet. What the? And the girl didn't notice the phone until she got up.
Starting point is 00:56:56 And she took a picture of it to show her mom. So then the guy confronted the... Yeah. And there was a kerfuffle. So the dad heard about this, saw the picture of the little girl took of the pervert phone. Yeah, and a kerfuffle. And a kerfuffle broke out. Man, that's... can you imagine? That's like carte blanche to do whatever you want. You see a picture of... you got to really make sure that that is a
Starting point is 00:57:20 real, like, honey, you know, daddy has always wanted to kill someone on an airplane. You really, don't fuck with me. This is the difference between... Daddy's gonna go to prison for a long time. If this isn't what you're saying it is, it's gonna be no more toys, no Taylor Swift. I know your mom has taught you terrible things.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Yes, you've learned. But I need you to be really, really, yeah. If you tell me the truth, I'm gonna reward you for the rest of your life no matter what. Right. No matter what. You can get a tattoo tomorrow if you want.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Right. Because I'm gonna go kill that guy and everyone will applaud me. Yeah, yeah. Here is the picture. This is what made me laugh about it. This was his picture. This was the prevert's setup.
Starting point is 00:58:06 What in the f- with the fucking light on? And the- Look at this! He's got tape! He taped his own phone upside down on the toilet seat so that when she would pick up the toilet seat her ass would... I mean you see where it's angled. It's angled like where a bidet would shoot water out. Yeah. What the... This is a real slipshod tape job to be honest. I wouldn't trust my $800 iPhone with what looks like, I don't know, six square
Starting point is 00:58:39 inches of... Look at the adhesive over here, Sean! This is a terrible job! This is a terrible job! Who is not going to see the fucking light? Do you think he did it on... The light was an accident or you think he meant to do that? It might have turned on when he pressed it against... I don't know, how do you walk out and not see that the light is... I mean not like... Is he in a rush?
Starting point is 00:59:01 Like you can't see the fucking phone sticking out of the bottom. Oh my God. If the light wasn't on, because the toilet doesn't usually glow when you open it up. That would be weird. What the fuck? These fucking people. How did he get away with it four times? Well, did he do it the same way? At least four times. No, no, but were they... Oh, you think he's trying different like shots like Breaking Bad? Did he do it the same way? At least four times! No, no, but were they... Oh, you think he's trying different shots, like Breaking Bad?
Starting point is 00:59:27 Yeah, possibly. Did it say they were all using the bathroom? Or did he just have video of other girls? You know what I mean? Question, yeah. Like maybe he's getting bolder. I don't know. Oh, yeah. He had recordings of four of the girls on his phone. It doesn't say it's the same angle. It's true of... Weird.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Hahaha. Oh, man doesn't say it's the same angle. That's true. Weird. Oh man. How fucking... The girl who was 14 as we... Alright. This is the guy? He's a good looking guy because women are so annoying that drove him to these depths of preversion. God. Because they're bear shit. Oh, here's something funny. So while my mom was in Nebraska, she goes,
Starting point is 01:00:07 your cousin got a new dog. I said, okay, that's nice. And she goes, yeah, it's crazy. His friend breeds dogs and some of the dogs were not like good for the bloodline. Like they're, you know, mentally they're not there. Just like we were talking about last week. Traits and stuff, yeah. So he asked, my cousin's friend asked him if he wanted a free dog, because he was gonna kill it. Because it wasn't valuable to him as a dog breeder, right? Yeah. And my cousin said, yeah, yes, I'll take the free dog
Starting point is 01:00:38 and then you don't have to kill it. These are puppies? Yeah, it was a puppy. It was just so funny that we, that woman, you know, that governor. Yeah, the was a puppy. Yeah. It was just so funny that we that woman, you know, that governor. Yeah, yeah, the coincidence of it lining up. Killed it. Yeah. Obviously, because it embarrassed her. Right, right. Yeah. Had nothing to do. Everybody tripping over them. Just like, well, that's farm life. That's farm life. Like, yeah, no, no, no, no, no. Well, farm life is what my cousin is doing. I read more about, no, that bitch is a fucking psycho Yeah, and that what when you when you act like that?
Starting point is 01:01:07 She's got a history of fucked up shit like that when you act right what she did. That's not fucking something You do it's something you are That's fucking what that's a fucking psychopath, and she just happened to be... You become... You know, you become... You get high on your own supply. The force of evil in your family, or you become a CEO, or you become a politician, or you become... that's a serial killer. Like that's...
Starting point is 01:01:38 No, she's fucked. She's fucked. It's just funny, like there's this whole stupid debate on it, and everyone's gut feeling is like, nah, something's up there, I don't care what you guys are saying about farm life and shit, and then the very next week my mom's like, hey, I'm in Lincoln, Nebraska, you know, the middle of the fucking country, and your cousin adopted this dog from somebody who breeds it and was going to kill it.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I'm like, I knew it! That sounds normal! That sounds like a normal human behavior! Oh, you're going to kill that dog? Nah, I'll take that dog. That guy's breathing. That is your business and it has traits that are not gonna further the bloodline.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I mean, that is like a, you know, it's like an unpleasant part of- The person tried to home it, is my point. The firemen are like, oh, I gotta kill this dog. Maybe someone will want it though. They didn't go, I drug it to a gravel pit and fucking blew its brains out.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And talked about how the dog ruined a hunt earlier, but it's having the time of her life. Yeah. Like it's like, this dog did this just to fuck with me. That's nuts. That fucking bitch is nuts. The bitch is nuts. Let's see, I got an AI law.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Fuck it. Show's been going too long. There's too much stuff to talk about. Some cops got shot confiscating a felon's gun. Cops really got to ask themselves, is it worth it? Well is it worth it confiscating people's guns? Whether they're a felon or not? You got to ask yourself, is it worth losing my life over?
Starting point is 01:03:00 Isn't that what they say to us all the time? We got to ask yourself, is it worth it? Is speeding really worth it? You really got to go home? I don't know, is it really worth it taking a guy's, a felon's gun away? Not to me. I don't go around taking people's guns away for any reason. Leave me alone, I'll leave you alone. Leave him alone. Yeah. Maybe you should have left the felon alone with his gun. Kind of dumb. Maybe you could send an email. Hey, we noticed you had a gun. Can you not get rid of it?
Starting point is 01:03:26 Right. That's how I would have dealt with it. Just don't let us see it. Then we have to do something. Hmm? No? Sucks. Too bad.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Too bad for you. You really stopped all the crime there, didn't you? Uh, okay. Alpha Smokes. Hey Dick, I grew up on a farm. I own two farms now. Let me tell you about life on a farm. I love my dogs, I would never hurt them
Starting point is 01:03:49 no matter how many chickens they ripped apart. That woman is a psycho. Yeah. Yeah. Totally normal. Oh, you mean the normal male? You know what you do? You make sure that the dog can't get at the chickens.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Yeah? Yeah, I mean. Do they have a sort of high-tech invention for that? Like a fence? They do. They do. Yeah. They do. Yeah. They do. The problem, once again, is the woman. Stoy, thought you might like this clip.
Starting point is 01:04:14 And I mean it'd be a great rage. Okay. What's this? Stoy? Oh yeah, that's what I just watched. The economic advisor who doesn't know or won't admit. Yeah, I guess I'm just I don't I can't really talk. I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about. Like, because it's like the government clearly prints money, it does it all the time and it clearly borrows, otherwise
Starting point is 01:04:46 we wouldn't be having this debt and deficit conversation. So I don't think there's anything confusing. What? Borrows? What was the original question? I don't know. Something about MMT, I think. Oh.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Oh, it was about if the government could go bankrupt. Oh, okay. Yeah. The US government... Uh... The look on that kid's face. Viewers come... Look on that kid's face. If you're the oldest person on earth, are you allowed to say none of these motherfuckers know what they're doing?
Starting point is 01:05:15 Yeah, sure. Because when I was a kid, you knew none of them knew what they were doing, but now... Right. I feel like I'm about older now. Like no, no, no, no, they don't. They don't know. Right, never even- I feel like I'm about old and I'm like, no, no, no, no, they don't. Yeah. They don't know. May the fourth shit from Justin Trudeau. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Let's see this. Justin Trudeau says, may it always be with you. Man, is this guy done yet or what? Oh hi, I didn't see you there. Right. Hey, Hayden. How you doing? Oh my god. Prime Minister, happy May the 4th.
Starting point is 01:05:58 And to you too, my friend. I've actually told the kids they better be binging Star Wars. Fuck your kids. Amazing. Binging Star Wars. Fuck your kids. Amazing. Binging Star Wars. Oh boy. They better be binging Star Wars. They better be binging Star Wars.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Are all these people just advertisements for either, you know, for movies or like, Yeah, yeah, yeah. In the case of our politicians mental health, you know? Are they like closet mental health advocates? Oh man! Look at how fucking Star Wars or Israel, I don't know! Look at how crazy and stupid this guy is.
Starting point is 01:06:36 This guy's just as crazy and just as stupid. Okay. Oh, I'm working, I'm actually packing up my stuff because I've got to hit the road soon. But listen. Got a comedy tour. May the fourth be with you. And with you. Why don't you go fuck yourself?
Starting point is 01:06:54 May the fourth be with you. Here we go. Dildos. Shit. It's not. It's Marcellus Wallace's soul. Right. Got it.
Starting point is 01:07:09 This is an Avengers themed music, you idiots. Oh my God. Rick and Morty, man. See, he's got his sleeves rolled up cause he's working. Yeah. You know, that's like. Signing bills.
Starting point is 01:07:24 He didn't just come from a board meeting he's actually rolled his sleeves up and you know like yeah yeah like a guy swinging a hammer. Have you ever seen him swing a hammer? No. Justin Trudeau? Really? Yeah he swings it. Was he doing like the pencil the bending pencil trick with a hammer? Oh wow! Look he can do the hammer! My hammer just passed out! This is heavy! Uh oh. Swinging... hammer. Uh... Uh...
Starting point is 01:07:54 No. Damn it. They're hiding it from me. He's aiming that hammer at himself. The sad agents have infiltrated my computer. Uh... Hammer's nail. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I don't want to get this. I don't want this to get away from me. It's like Phil Hartman, the annually retentive chef. Yeah. There's another one too. Basically they give him a hammer and he bucks it up every time.
Starting point is 01:08:30 He taps it. It's like he's hitting it like you hit a three foot putt. Yeah. Tap it, tap it. Give it a little tap. It doesn't take much. Okay, well. They can hang a nice little He's building a house there. Yeah. They can hang a nice little family portrait of me right that's supposed to be flush with the wood well
Starting point is 01:08:48 But then we're gonna get it down the wood. I don't want to do that. Yeah The robot engineer says TDS said gender season gender changes changes depending on the time of year. Oh, that's I didn't think about that I got so that's cool. What's going doing gender? Oh, that's... I didn't think about that. I got so... That's cool. What's going on? You're doing gender shit depending on what time of the year it is. You mean so it's like a... Your gender identity can change with the time of year.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Can your gender change from season to season? Of course. Hi, I'm Dee, my pronouns are they, them, but I also go by any pronouns. And today's video is inspired by an ex of mine who used to say to me, Why does your gender change so dramatically season to season? Yeah. And I want to talk about that. For a lot of trans and non-binary individuals,
Starting point is 01:09:30 you may also find yourself changing or exploring your expression or gender identity depending on the season. Mm-hmm. Now, this isn't saying that all trans... I do that. Around... Around... World Series season.
Starting point is 01:09:46 I get extra manly. Yeah. I get real drunk. Right. And angry around tax of April 15th, I find. Similarly. Right. I also get my gender identity really coalesces into a male.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Got it. I agree. And then in around December, Christmas time, I find myself becoming very womanly where I don't want to do anything. I don't want to buy anyone for anyone else. I want to only be interested in myself. So that's how my, how does your gender expression work
Starting point is 01:10:24 through the seasons, Sean? Nothing. There's no- That doesn't happen to you? There's no gender. There's no, there's no, there's no person. There's no seasons. Around February, the middle of February, I find myself to be ace. My gender identity goes to asexual. I see. And aromantic. I understand why.
Starting point is 01:10:42 I don't give a shit about it. Especially after all this time. Got it. That's just my gender journey through the seasons. Well, this person has a very active life, I guess. Yeah. Being lots of different people, I guess. Look at all this stuff going on.
Starting point is 01:11:00 The pink bowl cut, this kind of chain necklace that she's got on. Yeah. She's got a Koosh ball on her shirt, I guess. She's got like a Lord of the Rings shirt. Is that what that is? Well, it says Middle Earth, so I can- Oh, it does say Middle Earth. Yeah. So I can read backward writing well.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Yeah, you can. She's got a purple cube back here. I don't know. I don't know what's going on. Individuals experience this because that's just not the case. Or that seasons determine your gender identity or expression. However, it can influence it. For myself, I feel more masculine in the summertime. I wear more masculine clothing.
Starting point is 01:11:42 It's like astrology. I wear shorts. I normally have my hair up more and I just feel more boyish. Whereas in the winter time, for some reason, girl mode comes out and I'm loving skirts and dresses and having my hair down. And this might be because in the summertime, I get sensory issues because of the heat,
Starting point is 01:11:58 so I wear my hair up and I wear less clothing. Whereas in the winter, I'm in multiple layers. So I can wear stuff that is a bit more. She likes wearing skirts and Whereas in the winter, I'm in multiple layers. So I can dress like there is a bit more. She likes wearing skirts and shit in the winter? They all do that. They love it. What are you talking about? That's dumber than my joke answers.
Starting point is 01:12:16 All right. That's cool, whatever. Yeah, whatever. Whatever you want, man. I don't care. As long as you're not doing May the 4th shit, it's fine. She's not hurting anybody. I just... I did a whole May the 4th thing with Mark Hamill too.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Really? Oh man, it was bad. Uh... Bad. Chris Primer says, shooting doggos? I never heard that story before. Maybe because I don't know them pets, it's harder for me to empathize. Well, I mean, yeah, I guess. I don't hate animals. But I'm not sure I get the same emotional tug that others do. Uh...
Starting point is 01:12:51 The way you make it sound, she was using the story as a character defining trait. Without more context, it sounds like a flaw. Yes, that is what should make people most upset. Is that it's a politician, a woman politician, trying to grandstand and show off how tough she is and her example is just way off the mark. Way off the mark. Way off. That is what is most upsetting.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Foxy says, uh, uh, Eric Jalai stuff. Oh really? You cross that out. I don't know. I can't get into it. What has happened? I got banned from the Blaze. Alex Stein says, me personally, I can't get into it. What has happened? I'm banned from The Blaze! Alex Stein says, me personally,
Starting point is 01:13:26 I am banned from The Blaze, the big like Mormon TV network or whatever it is with Glenn Beck. Because of my feud with Eric Jalai, I have been banned from the fucking Blaze. Glenn Beck, well enjoy that Glenn Beck when you're burning in hell forever for worshiping a false god you fuck you fat fuck
Starting point is 01:13:47 Are you fat white-haired motherfucker? I'm gonna be in heaven worshiping at the altar of Jesus Christ while you're burning in a river of excrement You fucking blasphemer you you fucking apostate you wicked degenerate Right you asshole in a hat fucking asshole You fucking apostate! You wicked degenerate! Right? You asshole in a hat. You fucking asshole! How dare you pick a black token over a Mexican token! My token is
Starting point is 01:14:14 way- what are you- that's so racist! You know? Fucking bullshit. I made fun of Eric Jalisio so much that I got banned from Alex Stein's show. And I assume the rest of the blaze. Amazing. I still got it.
Starting point is 01:14:29 You've arrived. Yeah, I still got it. Yes. I still got it. Your Mormon God fears me. On planet colob or whatever. What a stupid religion. I don't want you anywhere near them.
Starting point is 01:14:43 I wear two sets of magical underpants. Yeah, there you go. How about that? Glenn Beck, box sucker, ban me. Exactly. I'll show you. You drink as much as I do. You wear two or three.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Yeah. You don't know what's going to happen. My underwear is actually magical. To withstand the amount of drinking that I do. Exactly. Have fun burning in hell, Glenn Beck! Right. For your evil beliefs, your wicked...
Starting point is 01:15:12 You might as well be Islamic with the shit that you're saying about Jesus Christ. Sure. He's some kind of space alien. Idiot. What an idiot religion. I think he's Mormon, isn't he? Is Glenn Beck Mormon? I think he converted at one point Oh, he's trying to be Jewish now. Do you see that?
Starting point is 01:15:31 He said that he's Jewish now. Really? I gotta step out for the jokes Yeah, let me see Glenn Beck. Yeah, he said he's Jewish now Jewish ADL welcomes the confirmation from Glenn Beck. Welcome a clarification from Glenn Beck. Oh, there's- No, it says confirmation. Welcomes confirmation. Oh, that.
Starting point is 01:15:52 No, we'll read the rest of the thing. Nah, that's enough. He's probably calling out- Welcomes confirmation, but remarks calling out anti-Jewish decide charge. Oh, that's way long ago. He had to clarify himself, right? Yeah, I mean, it's like,
Starting point is 01:16:07 he's clearly gotten in trouble with like the ADL before. The ADL has nothing compared to the punishment of the Lord Almighty. Well. For the shit that these Mormons are saying about God, polygamy and stuff. Ooh, man, it's bad news. Bad news.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Yeah. Magical underpants, having secret meetings. Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, it's bad news. Bad news. Yeah. Magical underpants, having secret meetings. Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, bad. That's bad. Let me see. American conservative. He hosts the Glenn Beck show. Go down to like personal life or something.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Early life. That's the spot that I'm trained to go to. Well, I think he converted later though. I know is him. Yeah. Yeah, I believe so Personal life they married a Go down to personal life. Let's see Like 1994 Beck was suicidal like alcoholic drug addict He's a recovering alcoholic and alcoholic drug addict. Oh, he struggles with substance abuse.
Starting point is 01:17:09 He's a recovering alcoholic and a drug addict. Pick one. Yeah, buddy. Church and bookstores, baptized. Yes. Yes, he is. Yeah, there he is. Yeah. Oh no. No, no, you were just at it. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:17:23 No, go down to personal life again. Political views. I just had it. Personal life. Oh, okay, there. You saw it? Yeah, that paragraph. Church of Jesus Christ, yep.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Ah, Church of Jesus Christ. Bring the sign back to Mormon friend and for us. He got like, yeah, okay. Former radio partner. Okay, so Pat Gray. God's gonna come back and destroy your fucking temple. Yeah, New York City, he had a consultation with, second name Strongly.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Something about Hitler says here. I don't know, Nick Fuentes is back and I didn't get banned by Nick Fuentes. So that's all I care about. Yes. Ban from the fucking blaze, fuck you. Mr. Scurvy, I just heard you talk about the Roman self-healing concrete discovery.
Starting point is 01:18:09 The most interesting part is that we have known the Roman concrete had a lime in it. We just thought it was an impurity due to their primitive methods. So we took it out. Yeah. They figured out that it was. It's really funny.
Starting point is 01:18:18 That whole thing was funny. Yeah, we didn't know. We just thought they were dumb. So we took it out. Right, we thought they were, yeah just thought they were dumb, so we took it out. We thought they were, yeah. And we could never figure out why their concrete lasts for 2000 years. Yeah, talk about. Really?
Starting point is 01:18:31 It's so funny how we. You never tried? We just use our filter on whatever. It's like, no, no, no, they're clearly, they're practically fucking cavemen. You know, I mean like it's. Yeah, they're so stupid. Yeah. I mean, they didn't have like the septic systems we have. How smart could they be? Yeah, no're so stupid. Yeah. I mean, they didn't have like the septic systems we have. How smart could they be?
Starting point is 01:18:46 Yeah, no. Totally dumb. Yeah, so... Yeah, just an impurity. Boy, these guys had no idea how to refine whatever they wanted to use. You know, there's all this impurities in it. It's because they're so stupid. That's why they had the lime in there.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Yeah. Ben S. says, I have a weird feeling that Sean's logic that you are a victim class because you aren't a majority population in the country Isn't going to extend to white people when they become a minority, too Well, no, probably not. No, probably not if if white people are ever the you know Like literally like the racial minority. Yeah, you know, I will be soon I don't think soon but I mean house. When do you think? Oh, I don't know, but I mean, what's the... Somebody has to have projected this.
Starting point is 01:19:25 But what percentage, just look at the, you know, what percentage of the United States is Caucasian? What is it, like 60 now? It's gotta be over 60, I would think, but... It's crazy looking at old racial... Around 2050. 2050. It's crazy watching old videos
Starting point is 01:19:43 where everybody in New York City is white. Yeah. Like, wow. And you guys say it's Canada, New Zealand, the majority minority point will arrive in 2050. Yeah. I think that'll be... That sounds about...
Starting point is 01:19:58 I think it'll be sooner than that. Okay, well, let's say you're right, but to his question, I don't think because white people have had a very long history of being the majority, they're well taken care of, all their shit is in place, so it's not going to work the same kind of way, of course. Because there will be nothing left to fight over. No one will care about race anymore because everyone will be dirt poor. That is also true. That also true fucking point of it. That is also true, but I think Whoever wrote that I think is correct. I think that's right. Yeah, we're gonna be fighting over pogs and bottle caps Yeah, hey that white guy the white guys aren't getting enough pogs. Yeah The black guys are getting all the good pogs. Okay, we'll do something about it void of thought
Starting point is 01:20:45 census projected 2045 okay, I mean I mean think about it's like 20 years. It's like that. That's pretty quick. Yeah. Yeah It's getting quicker. I don't buy that this is 2016. Let me see. What's the racial Makeup of United States. Yeah Let's see white White, 59%? Yeah, 60%. Hispanic, 20%.
Starting point is 01:21:09 Black, 13%. Asian, 6%. Yeah, that all makes sense to me, yeah. Seems about right. I would have thought, I work in a booze cruise. I literally only see fat women. Like maybe for every 20 fat blobs, there's like one or two skinny girls.
Starting point is 01:21:27 It's been like this for the last five years. Yeah. Wait, he works where? What? On a booze cruise. Oh, booze cruise. It's all fat chicks coming in. What do you think has a bigger effect
Starting point is 01:21:38 on guys not getting laid? Internet pornography or it's $50 to go out and 90% of the women are land whales. I mean... There's not enough Viagra in the world to fix it. Internet pornography should be a boost! Oh man, I'm all charged up from all this fucking jacking off that I'm always doing. I'm gonna go out there and try on a real woman. Shit, where are the real women? All there are is hippos. fucking jacking off that I'm always doing. I'm gonna go out there and try on a real woman.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Shit, where are the real women? All there are is hippos. Where am I in Madagascar three? UK fat news, the convict convicted of great bodily harm, GBH for biting a dude's thumb off during a food delivery. Whoa. Makes nudeiveroo. Gotta be careful of those fucking...
Starting point is 01:22:27 This bite your hand right off. Fucking get your hands away from the popcorn shrimp. Leave it at the door. Oh God. P.S. she's humongous. All right, let's see. Is she? Is she humongous?
Starting point is 01:22:42 Let's see. Deliveroo writer, Jennifer Rocha, who bit off thumb seen working after conviction. A delivery rider who bit off a customer's thumb. What the fuck? Continued working for Deliveroo, even after the account she was using at the time. Delivery rider?
Starting point is 01:23:04 What are they riding? Like not a driver? Like they say everything in a goofy way. I don't know. She pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm after an argument over a pizza. It wasn't even her first argument over a pizza that day either.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Oh my God. Oh no! Man, I would never argue with this over a pizza. You keep it. I'll get another one. She looks crazy too. Oh, imagine this thing's biting your hand off. How did-
Starting point is 01:23:37 Steven Jenkinson had ordered a pizza from Deliveroo. How did his thumb get anywhere near her mouth? Was it gravity or something? Was he trying to pull a pizza out of her mouth? Well, I don't know. I mean. Was he trying to pull a hook out of her mouth, like a catfish or something?
Starting point is 01:23:52 After Rocha arrived at the wrong location, Mr. Jenkinson walked down the street to meet her, but forgot to pick up his phone. This caused an argument, as he needed to give Rocha a delivery code from his mobile in order to collect the food. Mr. Jenkinson said- Cause she wanted it really bad for herself.
Starting point is 01:24:08 It's like the technicality. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've done that a bunch of times where it's like, okay, this person's not that bright. They're gonna, I'm gonna go meet him. Yeah, for, you know, for Sean. Yeah. Yep. Never once have I been asked-
Starting point is 01:24:19 You never had your thumb bitten off? No, it never once have I been like, oh, I need you to prove that that's your order You're not just down there take like I'm looking out the window waiting for delivery drivers on the so I can come up and fucking Snake it from the neighbor, you know This caused an argument and he needed to give Roka the code. It's like bitch. I can tell you what's on it open the fucking box That's my scam. I go around pretending to get food She wanted it.
Starting point is 01:24:46 He said that he raised his hand to her motorcycle helmet and she bit his thumb. Oh, geez. He sprayed her with blood as the thumb had been severed just above the knuckle. Jesus Christ. Man, you can't be grabbing women with a pizza involved, though. To her motor, so she delivers on a motorcycle. Oh, boy. That's got to be a hog.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Chopper. Pizza's coming. And then the motor turns on, right? That was all farting. Right. Yeah. From the effort it takes to get on or off the fucking bike. Yeah. Wow, that bike sounds like quite a hog.
Starting point is 01:25:34 I haven't turned it on yet. Whoa! Whoa! Joel says, Satanist here. Hey, call me Joel. You were dead on about Satanism. The last mailer was a mistake. You're right, the statue being destroyed was the point of it.
Starting point is 01:25:51 And nobody I know of was upset about Baphomet being defaced. Yeah, I mean, if you're actually gonna worship Satan, you just worship yourself. Like that's the point. It's like it's the Donald Duck Club. Like we hate Mickey Mouse. All these fuckers are saying they hate Mickey Mouse. They obviously don't hate Mickey Mouse. They're playing along with your little game. Because they're trying to explain to you that a lot of people who say they worship Jesus are worshiping themselves.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Which is what you guys think is like the crux of Satanism. Pride. all of the fucking sins, pride being the most one, the most human one, you guys are fucking saturated with. Yes. Which drives you to react this way to something you should tolerate because you fucking created it. It's your iconography. Right.
Starting point is 01:26:40 They'd be the church of Gilgamesh if they were just worshiping some, or the other, the woods guy in Gilgamesh It wouldn't be using your own shit against you as someone who's raised Christian This is the highest form of satire for people like me. Yeah Taylor Swift's friend Doing goat head symbols or any number of these dumb displays is like your own private show of watching the world burn People like Glenn Beck freak out and talk about it over and over. Your aunt shares it on Facebook and everyone tries to justify this.
Starting point is 01:27:07 One of the core tenets of Satanism is that you should tear down and examine every rule and tradition constantly and make sure that it still has its place in society. The fact that you can claim that is something equal to the 10 commandments, you're spiritually driven to this really makes it difficult for fundamentalists
Starting point is 01:27:24 to agree with, to argue with you. Especially ones like evangelical Christians who have to make concessions that other religious points of view are tolerable because they are all so pro-Israel. They twist themselves into knots. Yeah, right. Same way Maddox, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:38 The Israel stuff that the evangelical Christians are on is just totally indefensible. It was tolerable forever, our whole lives, even though we all knew that this was waiting to happen. Yeah, yeah. And when we say Israel, we mean the Israeli government. Yes. Always, it's always the fucking Israeli government.
Starting point is 01:28:01 The government of every fucking country that like, well, we don't like that. It's like, do we fucking country that like, well, we don't like that. It's like, do we not like the people? No, we don't know the people. Like the- You guys killed millions of fucking Afghanis and Iraq. You killed millions of people for fun. People are way more alike than they are different,
Starting point is 01:28:16 but fucking governments can make you think they are very, very different. Oh shit, wait. The same way Maddox has to to fit his narrative, which you can follow on the bonus episodes on slash the dictionary. That's all. No one worships Satan. You can't. It would be counter to Satanism to worship Satan. That's it. Nobody worships Satan. It's tautological. Even in Dante's Inferno, Satan is enchained at the depths of hell in ice,
Starting point is 01:28:50 being constantly tormented forever. That's accurate. This Ozzy Osbourne heavy metal version, where he's ruling over hell, doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense in your own fucking mythology! He should be the most tortured, the most suffering because of pride, not, he's not lording over everyone. That's all, nobody worships Satan.
Starting point is 01:29:14 There are maybe 10 devil worshipers on the planet and they're either in a cult or deranged. Yeah, I mean, no one cares about them. Like Charles Manson. Yeah. Probably a devil worshiper, but again, he's worshipipping himself. His version, Charles Manson is worshipping those sickos like Dahmer and stuff. Yeah. It's the self-worship that's the real Satan. Yeah, well they have... Self aggrandizement, pride, wrath, it's all bad. They have psychological traits that would lead them to believe that they are... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Not the guys joking and putting up fucking goathead saves. No, certainly not. It's a joke made by a guy who wanted to fuck chicks who wore fishnet shirts and too much eyeliner. Is that true? I didn't know that. Well, you know. That's not true.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Is it? Reverend Scott says, woman alert. Okie dokie. Woman alert. Woman alert. So funny. Women alert. Women alert. So funny.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Fucking air raid sirens. Women would rather be eaten by a bear than me make fun of them. That's what they're... It's not the rape that they're saying, it's just that they are so... They're so stressed about getting made fun of for doing stupid decisions. This guy says, 18 years ago I met my wife,
Starting point is 01:30:40 13 years later I lost her, three years ago I got her back and built a hostage tape. Oh, this is exactly what I was talking about! Into an eight figure business. Bro, what... Can you take that thing off for when you're filming shit? That's his hostage tape. That's what his...
Starting point is 01:30:58 This is the gimmick. Oh, you mean so it's a breathe... This is the shit he's selling. You gotta maximize your breathing, Sean. But it's a fucking breathe-rite that has been out for 20 fucking years. It's a breathe right nasal This has a founder story We don't understand how important it is to have a fucking founder story for all the cucks he invented Joe Rogan invented nothing
Starting point is 01:31:18 It's an eight-figure business. They used to have NFL players fucking endorse the shit. They're called breathe right nasal strips Yeah, but did they have it for the Gravy Seals crowd? Do they have it for people who are just asking questions? Somebody kicked this guy's head off. I hate this guy. Yeah. This is what a, this is aspirational to me. What a twat.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Take something that already exists, write a personal narrative about your founding story and how you faced all this adversity that you were the cause of. It's very different from like the early, like actual innovators and inventors. Like, yeah, I mean, we couldn't do, you know, I was, we had this horse that was taking everybody around. And I'm like, I don't know, man, I think we could get some kind of an alcohol explosion system and gin up some gears, right? Use it to drive.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Drive, that could make a lot of, everybody's spending all day looming shit. If we had like some kind of auto looming machine that was like weaving stuff, this would be a big thing for people. That's adversity. That stuff changed the world. This is, I was a huge asshole
Starting point is 01:32:22 cause I'm self-absorbed and my wife left and took my kids. And then I invented a nose tape. That is, would only have worked in times as stupid as this. And then I got on Joe Rogan, and every, a bunch of other morons, who all also treat their families like shit, cause they're all temporarily embarrassed, nose tape inventors.
Starting point is 01:32:44 My story really resonated with them. Hostage tape. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh money. Bro, who is this face for? Is he pretending those are like, you know, his helicopters or he just flew in. You know, he's on some exclusive helicopter. I just flew in from Ibiza where I'm outsourcing my fucking nose tape. Fucking guy. You see, I had the life.
Starting point is 01:33:26 It's founder story shit, man. It drives me fucking crazy. Fuck you. It's all fucking creative writing anyway. Yeah. It's all bullshit. You see, we had the life. Sorry, it's nose tape?
Starting point is 01:33:37 You got nose tape so you can see your nostrils spread out? What is all this shit about your life? No one fucking cares. People think this is new or something. Like, I guarantee you there's a whole generation that like doesn't remember Breathe Right and the commercials for those. You remember them.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Well, would you rather buy just tape or would you rather buy this asshole's retarded story and some tape? Yeah. It's just the most, it's the most feminine, Oprah level shit that's now met. It's now this is male culture, is this type of hustling shit where you're describing your life in figures.
Starting point is 01:34:12 A figure business. So, what... I was burnt out, out of shape. I neglected myself. I neglected my wife. And I neglected my kids, best of all. Why don't you kill yourself? I was soon divorced living in my aunt's basement and sold my business for a job I hated. My life hit rock bottom founder fucking still worries me. When I read James Nestor's bestseller, A Lightbulb went off.
Starting point is 01:34:43 I wish it was full of gasoline. I was sleeping like crap because I was mouth breathing. You know, if you stop breathing through your mouth your whole fucking life will change. Oh, this was a woman alert. Yeah, she's a whore. Fuck her. But you know. Oh, yeah. How do we get on this? I hate this guy. I hate this fucking guy. So yeah, please tell me he's not putting one of those over his mouth. Yes, that's the hostage tape.
Starting point is 01:35:08 You're being held hostage by your bed sleeping so you put a bunch of fucking tape on your mouth. You know about this, got it. So you put the fucking, there's two different size strips. So you put one on your nose and then one on your fucking mouth. Yeah, and then you put one on your penis hole. Forces you to, and your asshole too. So it spreads it out and you breathe through your dick. Yeah, you shove it up your your ass you shit out your dick
Starting point is 01:35:33 This is like George level stupidity, that's why he's so upset Yeah, he is this rematics is this retarded. Yeah, he's just too ugly He doesn't get that like you have to be retarded and good-looking you can't be retarded and look at he is He's just Being an athlete my whole life my coaches never taught me man what they're taught me the dangers of mouth breathing It's something that every coach knows, but they never talk about My coaches I would have made the NFL if not for my mouth breathing. I wake up feeling focused and energized. Yeah, me too. Too energized, too focused.
Starting point is 01:36:16 I got a real problem. I lost 25 pounds and got an amazing shape and I started Hostage Tape to follow my passion and inspire other men to change their life. You know what? I'd rather have the bear too, now that I've read it. I've been this guy. Imagine you're a woman, you've got to listen to a guy talk about himself like this in the third person. That's what they have. They go on dates.
Starting point is 01:36:38 And tell everybody how he got his life back and how he got the girl of his dreams back after a year. Like at parties telling just other guys While she's just there as a prop Right. Oh, yeah What a dick oh the ripoff first guys got t-shirts I'm not asking you to advertise Yeah, no, I'll do That guy's great
Starting point is 01:37:03 That guy makes puppets of everybody. The ripoff verse. Oh yeah? Like Eric July. All the comics guys are real sensitive. So Vito started this big fight between me and them. Vito. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Between... Me and all these comic guys. They're just real prissy about everything. Yeah. Well no, I mean I can see that. This fucking guy, Mark Brooks, he's some big time comic book artist. Let me see him.
Starting point is 01:37:31 Let me find a Mark. They all act like they're in the mafia. Well- Cause they kind of are, right? Cause they're in a business where like, you need to have connections and you need to support each other. Well, yeah, and it's-
Starting point is 01:37:43 It's just like, an thema to our business. It's not been traditionally other. Well, yeah, and it's just like, and Thema to our business. It's not been traditionally like a mainstream, like comic books is always like, oh, comic book guy, like, you know, it hasn't been looked at by mainstream society as something really all that desirable. So I get why, like, where the sensitivity comes from, like, you know, it's like, it was like,
Starting point is 01:38:00 would you rather have a beer with a pedophile or a comic book artist? I gotta think about that. I mean, I'm not a kid, so I'm in no danger with the pedophile. Bear comes in and rapes them both. The answer is always the bear at the end of the day. Oh, he's not following me anymore. Yeah, Artist for Marvel in DC, Eisner Awards, Inkpout winner, New York Times bestselling artist.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Ooh la la. Okay. Look at all these real, he's putting real accomplishments in his whatever. Yeah, okay. So Riley made a video where he's like stalking this guy at a convention. So the guy, like, you know, playing around. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What does Riley fucking care?
Starting point is 01:38:40 His life is just banging his hot OnlyFans girlfriend. Sure. He doesn't give a shit about anything, you know? What do you think? Riley cares about... Do you think he really cares about, you know, messing with you? No, he's fucking around. Of course. So Riley made this video and then Mark Brooks like melts down about it.
Starting point is 01:39:00 And tries to guilt Vito into giving him Riley's information. He's like, oh, so Riley, you know Riley's real name? Give it to me so I can file a restraining order like all this insane shit. That's not his real name. I Don't know Don't know why he needed his he was just like being a big shot. Give me his real name Yeah, you know like just being an asshole. Yeah, how about like that's has some kind of power over him Give me farm says that to you. This is your real name. Yeah. Yeah. how about- Kiwi's real, like that has some kind of power over him. Kiwi Farms says that too. This is your real name.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Like yeah, yeah, yeah. You're aiding and abetting. I know my name. It's really funny. What the fuck? Yeah. He's a great artist though. Man, look at this picture.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Sure, it looks cool. Oh, mama. Oh man, this will turn you straight. Yeah. Ooh, loaded. No, that's- And then you've got a picture. And then Rogue is in it also.
Starting point is 01:39:46 That's cool. Fucking great, right? It's very cool, loaded. And then you've got a picture, and then Rogue is in it also. That's cool. It's fucking great, right? It's very cool, yeah. These guys are real mercurial though. They're very sensitive artists. The most sensitive of artists, I think, are comic book artists. Well, they've been made fun of a lot too, I think. Really?
Starting point is 01:40:02 Is that why? I mean, I think that, or people, they look down like, it's not real art. It's not serious art for adults. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, I mean, I don't know. I guess that's true. A lot fewer people think that now.
Starting point is 01:40:14 They recognize it for, it's like, no, it's absolutely art. But I think maybe they come from that, maybe the people who they learned from or were inspired by were kind of like that. Cause you know. Yeah. It's funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:31 But I don't know. It's easy to wind them up. Well yeah. Sure. John says, I love Dick's advice because when it's, even when it's satirical, it works. I just jangled my keys in front of my wife and she hasn't spoken to me in hours. Thanks, Dick. You're welcome. When is a win?
Starting point is 01:40:51 Wait, what was the key jangling thing? I said to distract women. If you're trying to get this guy's girlfriend was thinking about getting a breast reduction. That's right. I said anytime she brings it up, just jingle your keys in front of her face. Distract her. It will distract her. Well, I mean... But it might start a conversation. Any conversation is better than that one. Why are you doing this? All you have to do is stop the conversation. That train of
Starting point is 01:41:17 thought. Yes, stop the train. Right. Derail it. Whatever. You don't need to you don't need to convince them, you just gotta stop the thinking. Okay. Woman alert. Mm-hmm. Woman alert. Woman alert. Women sue Bumble for discrimination.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Uh-oh. All right. What do you think they're discriminating against? Well, you know, I'll give myself three guesses and I won't need them all. Bumble, what for? Well, I'm getting fat. I'm gonna say fat. Okay, let's see what it is. The audacity of women knows no bounds, he says. Two straight women are suing Bumble for discrimination. Oh, trans. is it trans?
Starting point is 01:42:05 Because they're letting trans people out. Think so? I don't know. Trans, trans are fat, I don't know. No word yet regarding their waist size or the size of their, okay, I'm not reading that, but experts suspect that they each possess their own gravitational pull, okay.
Starting point is 01:42:21 What? Okay. Met up with a girl from Bumble. Yeah. I got there and it wasn't, it wasn't the girl on Bumble. Turns out it was just a woman stuck in her orbit. Oh, yeah. Pulled in. Right.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Is that a good standup joke? Heterosexual females- You're actually in the right crowd. It's pretty funny. Heterosexual females who actively want men to make the first move when they use bumble services are denied that option. That's what bumble is. Wait, what?
Starting point is 01:42:49 Even though that option is given to non-heterosexual females, gay? So it's a, okay. Gay women, they're suing for what? Okay, so it's a gender identity, sexual identity thing. Man, I really think lesbian, you don't need to bring lesbians into stuff. They have enough problems. That's part of the lesbianism.
Starting point is 01:43:13 They don't need to be harangued by the likes of you. They need our support, if anything. The Bumble Class Action States, the entire point of Bumble is that women message first, though this changed recently. Oh, so on Bumble, women message you first so they don't get just like a sausage fucking party and their DMs all the time. Right.
Starting point is 01:43:39 Let's see what happened here. They're like, oh my God, I never matched with any bears. Yeah. That'd be funny. All these bears. Set up a bear as your profile picture? All these rapists. I just keep matching the rapists. Class action. What is this?
Starting point is 01:43:55 Like a pizza tracker for a lawsuit? What the fuck is this? Pizza tracker. Wait, is it tracking the lawsuit? I don't know. I guess so. Wow, okay. Cool. Uh...
Starting point is 01:44:12 Abraham Jewett. Okay. Bumble discrimination class action lawsuit overview. I mean, I've heard of Jewett as a last name. Oh, that's his last name. A new bumbled- Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:26 I don't know. Sean, I don't know who I, it's changing. You can't trust anything. It's changing. I don't know who I can make fun of anymore. Yeah. His name's Abraham too. No, I can't say anything about Mohammed,
Starting point is 01:44:39 but now it's full bore on the Jews, because it's been the opposite for a long time. I could say anything about Muslims. And Islam. I mean anything. And nothing about... I couldn't say shit about Jews. I mean, you know, relatively. Is it changing? Well, currently it seems to actually...
Starting point is 01:44:58 They're fighting it out. They're fighting it out. A new bumble... Okay, so they're pissed that gay women can message first? I don't care. Yes. D says, the financial feminist. The question around, I'm paraphrasing her fat ass on New York bestsellers list, which I understand is not as kick ass as it sounds. Right. My answer would be, now that you have money, you can just suck the fat out and claim it as feminism or whatever. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:45:18 I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. on New York bestsellers list, which I understand is not as kick-ass as it sounds. Right. My answer would be, now that you have money, you can just suck the fat out and claim it as feminism.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Oh, that's what she was saying in that clip? I don't know. Oh, okay. Renegade Priest says, fools tits might be the funniest thing Dick has ever said. Oh. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, women?
Starting point is 01:45:39 Right. Those are fools. Those are fools tits, son. Yeah. She's kind of a big girl, but she's got some big tits. Those are fools, Tits, son. Yeah. She's kind of a big girl, but she's got some big tits. There ain't. Those are fools, Tits, my boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Oh, yeah. You're barking up the wrong... Yeah. Whatever that is. What's a fat version of a tree? Heh. Uh. You're barking up the wrong manatee, son.
Starting point is 01:45:59 Uh. Because the touch of a woman is overrated, he says. Okay. I don't know about that. The mom not needing a man. I think it's properly rated. Oh, you mean the, yeah, okay. The mom's not needing a man anymore
Starting point is 01:46:15 reminded me of this post because why do we need women anymore too? Well, I mean, if you don't know, I'm sure I can't... If you don't know, I don't want to convince you. Well, if you don't need men, you don't need, you know, you mean like growing up? Like who's gonna reach the shit on the top shelf of the fridge if you'd... If women aren't eating it? You get some crumbs? And then somebody's gonna have to get shit down for you.
Starting point is 01:46:39 Yeah, uh, what's this guy saying? You might need one or the other for a while. Yeah. Then you can live by yourself. Yeah, uh, what's this guy saying? You might need one or the other for a while. Yeah. Then you can live by yourself. VTuber bars are opening in Japan where you can chat with streamers while having a drink. Oh, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. What?
Starting point is 01:46:56 You can talk with little anime girls? Wow. Projected on cellophane? I'm going to drink some water. Bro. Yeah. I love it. This sounds... It's quiet. Listen, you can hear a pin drop. Bro! What's the end game for this?
Starting point is 01:47:20 Just having a conversation that doesn't make you want to stab yourself in the head. Is that what it is? Like really just... Yeah. Yeah, it really is. Like how much work you have to do to have a conversation with a fucking real life woman. Eventually guys just aren't going to have the time for it. The working three and four jobs. Yeah. I've been driving for Deliveroo, biting off thumbs all day.
Starting point is 01:47:49 I don't have time to butter you up, to convince you that I'm not a bear rapist. To go have a drink at the Truly gay bar for straight women in the parking lot. Bear rapist. With all the Grease... fucking... outside of the Grease shoot at the Truly Bar downtown. I'd rather just go to the anime horror bar and hope that it's not an Indian man working the AI and hoping that it's an AI and not an Indian man. Why? Because the speech will be funny or something?
Starting point is 01:48:18 Or I just don't want to be, I would prefer to talk to a computer lady than an Indian man doing, pretending to be a computer lady. Yeah. That's just me. That's my policy. No, that, okay. You gotta say it. Now, no very low rates of Indian men.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Okay. Corporate diversity spending. Hey, Dick, I heard about the supplier diversity a couple of weeks ago, and I recently found my company, the sound that found the same in my company. However, since my company sells products, pharmaceuticals to the US government, we are actually government mandated to set goals
Starting point is 01:48:52 and then track diversity spending and its economic impact in this big goofy report. This is reported annually to various government agencies like Veterans Affairs. It was honestly one of the most ridiculously wasteful DEI programs I discovered. Okay, you got a picture of it? Makes sense. Greg. Let's see. Yeah, I'm worried about important stuff. I see. Oops. That's not right. Oh shit, I have the
Starting point is 01:49:21 Ewan Maddox more lost conversations too. Oh yes. Make sure I do those. Yes, see what he's come out with. It's kind of late too. Oh man, look at this. Look at this report. This racism report that this guy has. There's lots of colors and numbers.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Man, you could really lose yourself in this report. I don't know. So this includes, all this includes like veterans. So it's not just like race. It's like different groups like veterans. Like right now he's giving it to the Veterans Affairs Department. I know isn't it like what isn't this what they're spinning or whatever on small business veteran owned right service small business enterprise, woman-owned small business. Yeah. 3%. Other progress to go? The goal was 3.1%. So they fell woefully short.
Starting point is 01:50:13 Well, they came close. Small. It's yellow, though. Yeah. But see, the red is they really failed, I guess. Oh, OK. Small disadvantaged business. What does that mean? Oh, okay. Small disadvantaged business. What does that mean, like midgets?
Starting point is 01:50:27 Small disadvantaged business. They fucked that one up as well. That was only 2.8%. What's a small disadvantaged business? If you're... Oh, it's a disadvantaged business, but it's small. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I mean, like what constitutes a... I thought it was like a small disadvantage.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Like you're just missing a thumb or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right like what constitutes a I thought it was like a small disadvantage. Like you're just missing a thumb or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right, right. You can do most things, but Yeah? You have a small disadvantage. I just have a black name. I'm white, but my name is Anfernee DeQueerness. Got it.
Starting point is 01:50:58 Veteran-owned small business. Oh, they really fucked that one up. Wow. Yeah. Service-disabled veteran-owned small business. Oh, they really fucked that one up. Wow. Service-disabled veteran-owned small business. 0.0%. Okay. Zero, point, zero.
Starting point is 01:51:14 Their goal was 0.1%. Yeah. Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son. Historically underutilized zone. Is that, what does that mean historically underutilized zone the clitoris talking about they also zero also 0.0 no movement wow okay what do you got it you have like an outreach for these guys okay well let's do's do... Good stuff. Let's do the Sean things. Yeah. I'll do some fat-watching get out of here. This is more more confessions of
Starting point is 01:51:55 Maddox. Yeah. You ruined one of his writing sessions. Sheesh. Apparently. I wonder if he takes forever to put things out. Yeah. I don't know if he's, do you think he's gonna release something about the takedown of his video? Well- Is he gonna make another video about it? Well, I mean, I think, I don't know, you kind of convinced me that he's probably not going to.
Starting point is 01:52:20 Yeah, I kind of think he won't. I don't know if you still feel that way, but I think you're right where it's like, he won't draw attention to that because there's no, there's no way he can argue his way out of it. Yeah. That would be really hard to do. That would take a really long video to explain,
Starting point is 01:52:41 to lie about how you're not a stalker, even though YouTube says you're a stalker. I got done dirty. Yeah. Yeah. And then you put this on YouTube. No, I believe he could believe that. Yeah, but I don't think he could convince people.
Starting point is 01:52:54 No, I don't think so either, no. Yeah, I don't think he could think that he was thinking he was convincing people. Okay. Which is, and that's going a fair distance, because he, I mean, he thinks that people are buying into all this other shit or will. And they are!
Starting point is 01:53:07 Or that- They kind of are! Who, what, what? They're buying into all his retarded shit. Like he puts so much out that there's something for everybody. No, I know, but like, you gotta think most people are like, these are the fucking ravings of a lunatic. Yes, but there's a lot of lunatics out there.
Starting point is 01:53:22 There are. Okay, this is how you ruined his writing session. Guess who's back. So, yeah, last time Sean ruined my love life. Honestly, it still hasn't recovered. Thanks a lot, Sean. However, he wasn't content with just being a nuisance in my personal life. He also messed with my professional life. Borderline torches interference, if you ask me. Some of you may know that Fanboy and I were briefly writing partners. That was an ordeal in its own right, but Sean made it a nightmare. Let's see you weasel your way out of this one, Sean. You slippery snake. Sounds exactly like him. I mean, it's crazy. It's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:53:56 Me and fanboy would meet up and write stuff to pitch to studios, often unsuccessfully because of fanboy because he can't write, Always fumbling in the third period at the 18th hole. Also because he shot down my best ideas, probably out of jealousy. It was like working with a drunk child, which is way harder than one would assume. I have no idea how Dan Schneider pulled it off. Anyway, one time Sean tagged along
Starting point is 01:54:18 because he and fanboy are married. They were planning on doing something right after the writing session, something they didn't invite me to. Back then I thought it was a party. Knowing what I now know about them, I no longer assume it was a party. It was probably selling women or recruiting for the Proud Boys. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I wouldn't know how to price them John promised to not disturb us while he browsed his phone that would turn out to be a lie Duh at first it was business as usual fanboy pitch stupid idea after stupid idea like one of them was just night rider You know the supercar and vigilante show, but the guy was drunk all the time So the bad guys couldn't predict his advanced driving maneuvers. That's a good
Starting point is 01:55:03 I know shit, that's something you would pitch. Then Sean began fake coughing loudly. I sighed and asked for his input. Boy, do I regret it. I am too nice of a guy. It's my biggest flaw. Sean brought out a folder thick as a phone book of pitches. I could see fanboy cringe.
Starting point is 01:55:18 Sean had obviously pitched these ideas to him before and fanboy didn't have the heart to tell them they were bad. So now it was my problem. Typical. Sean's first pitch was literally a guy named Agent Shonson who plays guitar really well in Rob's Banks. To me that seemed like a villain of the week, not a main character. Sean accused me of being part of quote, the shadowy banking cabal end quote.
Starting point is 01:55:41 Then Sean moved on to his next pitch. A black guy that goes to clubs acts a fool, then kills everyone when he is asked to leave. I said, that's not even a plot and is kind of honestly really racist. In the same vein, his next pitch was get out, but the white family was the good guys. Hard to blame him though.
Starting point is 01:56:00 This was before Black Lives Matter. We didn't know any better. Okay. What was that, Agent Shonson? This was before Black Lives Matter. We didn't know any better. God. Okay. What was it, Agent Shonson? Yeah. He plays guitar really good. He had Rob's Banks.
Starting point is 01:56:11 Alright. Let's see here. Okay. Sean did have one pitch that was actually pretty promising. Never heard anything like it. It was a love story about a poor girl and a rich boy on a boat destined to sink. Also, there was zombies. I told Sean that it was more of a movie than a TV show. Sean claimed the bitches would love it and called dibs on inspecting the actresses feet. I humored the fools long enough it was time for my pitch.
Starting point is 01:56:34 Basically full house but based off my irresistibly quirky Utah family with the crazy neighbor character based off fanboys enigma. This would have been our golden ticket. After a few meetings and phone calls, fanboy and I were sitting at the studio big boy table, pen strokes away from making our show, Utah Debt Family, a reality. Utah Debt Family, is that the name of his full house show? I guess.
Starting point is 01:56:59 Utah Debt Family show has gotta be pretty sad these days. Just an old lady, old gambling addict, and a brother who's... Now, I used to think he was more retarded than Maddox, but now I think maybe Maddox is the retarded one. Yeah. Well, because everything you know about them comes through him, right?
Starting point is 01:57:19 Yeah. And we've know that like, he's... You know, when you break this stuff down, you go, how is it possible that there's a more retarded? Yeah, version of you. I think this is just you retardedly telling me everything. Explaining normal stuff.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, one side of his family is totally normal. All of his like half brothers there are normal. But the other side, the one that he was raised in is fucked. Have you ever met any of siblings or anything like that? No, not that I'm aware of. I take it from, it's from the father, right? Like he's got half siblings? raised in is fucked. Have you ever met any of siblings or anything like that? Not that I'm aware of. I take it from the father, right?
Starting point is 01:57:48 Like he's got half siblings. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Huh. Okay, here's the conclusion. The thrilling conclusion. I'm ready, I'm riveting. Can you guess what happened next?
Starting point is 01:57:56 Sean burst in, angry as hell. Fanboy had texted him about our opportunity because he was excited. Sean assumed we stole his ideas and we're about to make it without him. He called me a thief and a pedophile. The studio heads asked if this was true and I denied both allegations. Wrong move. They were fine with stealing ideas but they only wanted to work with pedophiles. They assumed I was one. It was a different time in Hollywood. This was before me too. Hollywood still had a lot of growing up to do. Pretty standard for showbiz in those dark days
Starting point is 01:58:25 to work with creeps. I have no idea why they thought I was one. The three of us got thrown out with no show to show for it. Nice one, Sean, you crushed my dreams. I am really confused as to how Sean is still allowed in polite society. Seriously, Sean, the day my lawyer gets sober, your days are numbered.
Starting point is 01:58:41 Oh man. Oh, very good. Yeah. How could you do that? I, you know, I just, I just put the blinders on. I don't care who I run over, you know, it's. Autoids, Antoid says, I know the guy who made the Glen Beck raped and killed a little girl in 1994 site. I didn't know I wasn't aware there was that.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Is that a real thing? What the fuck are you talking about? Well somebody pro- That guy got fucked over by the courts? Wait, this is a real thing and you know him? Yes, absolutely. Oh, have him call in or something? Glenn Beck, I'm satisfied that he'll be burning in eternal hellfire, but I also want to know what I can do to make his life on this earth worse. It's not enough.
Starting point is 01:59:31 Just think, if he's... It's gonna be extra bad for him, because there's gonna be multiple pairs of underwear on fire. There's gonna be more heat down in the crotch area. What the fuck? Glenn Beck internet meme gets ugly? Wait a minute. That's from 2009. This is old internet shit. Well, yeah, so somebody made a site probably.
Starting point is 01:59:49 Oh, did this guy get fucked over by the Wipeout 2 like I did? Uh. Ohhhh. You motherfucker. Gilbert Godfrey joke. Yeah, yeah, yeah, have him call in. The writing is neat. The video game was... Yeah, okay. Alright, uh... That's The Dick Show, yeah. Have him call in. The writing is neat. The video game was... Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 02:00:05 Alright. Uh... That's The Dick Show, everybody. slash The Dick Show. See you next, um... I don't know, Monday or Tuesday, whenever we're doing it now. Glenn Beck. We gotta take Glenn Beck down. ["Dick Show Theme Song"]
Starting point is 02:00:18 Is that the new, uh, aim? Yeah. He's going all the way to the top on this one, Sean. Yeah. Eric Jalai's small potatoes. Eric Jalai's Small Potatoes. Eric Jalai is nothing. He hasn't put out a new f***ing issue has he? He puts out retarded stuff regularly. I mean, but iSong.
Starting point is 02:00:34 No, he hasn't put out a new iSong. He put out Yyra. Presenting the new song. Yeah, he's... I don't think it's shipped yet though. I don't know, to be honest I'm more pissed at Vito and his Superkiller not coming out. Oh yeah. And I am Eric Chalot.
Starting point is 02:00:49 And now I'm on Eric Chalot's side. When is that supposed to come out? It was supposed to come out in December. Okay. And now it's like no updates really. He's still shilling it. Let me see, Superkiller. And I'm really angry about it.
Starting point is 02:01:10 That's the worst part. You're taking it out on him on the podcast every week, I would think. I'm not funny. I'm not like doing a bid. I'm really annoyed that Superkiller has not come out. He missed it by this much? Look at this. 93 Granny's making. Veto. Yeah, Veto. Yeah. Which is a lot for
Starting point is 02:01:26 a comic that comes out in six months but a comic that's like two years. This is his trailer? Or yeah. Hi there. You've never seen this? No I don't think so. Okay let's watch it. I'd like to see it. My name is Vito Giswoldi and I am the creator of Superkiller right there on the hat you can seeiller, an exciting new graphic novel that I am so excited to tell you about. But first I want to tell you guys my story and why this book means so much to me. I currently live in Los Angeles, California, a hellhole of human misery if there ever was one, and I moved here about 10 years ago with the hopes of making
Starting point is 02:02:06 It in the entertainment industry. I wanted to work in Hollywood. I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to be a comedian. Look at how skinny he is! We gotta get this fucking guy back Right? I mean, yeah, you'd like I mean you'd be healthier. Yeah, yeah, yeah You have fewer problems. Yeah, and you know, you don't wanna develop problems that are young and weight. I wouldn't be bothering you about your weight. That's a big problem that you don't have
Starting point is 02:02:29 if you're losing weight. Yeah. Me bugging you about losing weight. Right. Edien, I wanted to do so many things. What I quickly learned though, is that opportunities are not exactly easy to come by out here.
Starting point is 02:02:41 There's a big long list of the type of people who get hired in Hollywood right now. Uh- some reason, fat Italian idiot is not one of the boxes they're looking to check. So after a decade of trying to convince these people to give me a shot, I decided to do something which seemed crazy at the time. I took a big risk on myself and I'm happy to say it paid off. And I now have a YouTube channel with over 250,000 subscribers. I took that video. I was able to kickstart my own card game and raised over $10,000 from my extremely awesome backers and now I get to do comedy every single week as part of the biggest problem in the universe Podcast where me and my co-host Dick Masterson say some things we're probably gonna get canceled for Nobody knows
Starting point is 02:03:24 Sounds like a fucking another crisis actor. Stop it, stop it, stop it. No, no. Point is, what I've learned is that we no longer need to rely on the mainstream for our entertainment. There is an independent revolution going on right now, and I am so excited to be joining their ranks with my first ever graphic novel, Super Killer.
Starting point is 02:03:47 Super Killer is the story of multiversal assassin Sam King, a man with a very important job. See the multiverse is kind of like a cosmic circuit breaker. Plug in too many worlds and you risk overloading the entire system and erasing all of reality. Thus, Sam's job is to infiltrate worlds scheduled for cancellation, assassinate their primary hero, and unplug that world from the cosmic stack. Unfortunately for Sam, these heroes aren't going down without a fight. Armed only with his trusty ray gun, Sam must outwit and outsmart some of the most powerful heroes in the multiverse, facing off against alien supermen, night crawling animal themed
Starting point is 02:04:21 detectives, and even the occasional magical girl Superkiller is the kind of comic they don't want us to make anymore. It's got stylish over-the-top It's got a legit hilarious plot and best of all it's got sexy ladies in it Can you believe it? God forbid a red-blooded American man be allowed to read a comic book with a sexy lady in it guys We all know mainstream entertainment sucks now the movies suck the TV shows suck the comic books suck and the only Way to fix it is to create a veto money That's all the way to give to rival the mainstream these entertainment companies say there's no room for guys like us So we're taking their advice and creating our own space. It said, uh, not, not Dick Masterson. Dick Masterson had nothing to do with footage. for guys.
Starting point is 02:05:11 Footage courtesy of Ross Thorie. What? Oh, really? Did I not? I fucking, I thought I took this. No, maybe I didn't. Alright. Like us. So we're taking their advice and creating our own space. We can show them that there is a market for good storytelling, for funny jokes, for sexy women. These are things that we want. Why did they take them away from us?
Starting point is 02:05:34 The mainstream has forgotten how to tell good stories and it's up to us to show them how it's done. But he's supposed to have it out in December. You're supposed to have it out in fucking December. He's got me excited about it. I know. Everyone was all excited coming out in December. But now it's...
Starting point is 02:05:51 What's he saying now? Saying it's coming. It's coming. It's like fucking George R.R. Martin. I know, yeah. Uh, yeah. Well, it'll... He's got to get it out, man.
Starting point is 02:06:01 I'm sure it will come out. You're sure it'll come out eventually? Yeah. I don't know. You don't know, man. I'm sure it will come out. You sure it'll come out eventually? Yeah. I don't know. You don't know, huh? I'm losing faith. I don't know. And the 25 bucks or whatever it was
Starting point is 02:06:13 is now worth like 10 bucks. Yeah, that's true. Okay, let's see here. Hey, Dick. I think episode four of seven where that fucking lady destroys her car on the yellow concrete pole. Alright, I can't do that. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 02:06:32 The army of the twelve monkeys. Oh, fuck! We gotta figure out how to change this fucking Diet Coke situation. I swear to fucking God, we gotta call it like gay coke or gay coke fucking racism coke I'm not saying racism maybe like you said make it fucking green or something fuck make the button shock you if you use regular coke what do you, oh yeah, this guy got a regular coke. Oh, listen.
Starting point is 02:07:05 All I want is the sweet chemical flavors of my poison diet coke. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't want sugar. I don't care, I don't want all the fucking sugar. I asked for a fucking diet coke. Easy, you fucking, easy. Yeah, I don't know how to solve it. You think?
Starting point is 02:07:24 Apparently not. Because I think fat people... What a fucking full fat... Fat people think that Diet Coke is like a joke. They don't think anyone actually wants it or drinks it. Because you order it and they're like, well, I mean, he wants a regular Coke. I'm doing him a solid. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 02:07:41 Right. I'm pretty sure. Could be. Could be. Hey guys, it's Kyle De. I'm thinking to myself, who is fucking retarded here? I got you to do my homework and you keep doing it you fucking moron. My ass hangs out but I like to breathe and I can't tie my shoes because my dress is too big.
Starting point is 02:08:20 I'm just lazy. I'm not retarded, you fucking moron. You think we could sell like tape that you put on your asshole to spread it open, like a Breathe Right tape, but for your ass, like you're saying? Oh, open? Well, you know, that's what it does. It has that metal in it.
Starting point is 02:08:37 Yeah, I guess it does. I mean, I was thinking- Put it on your butt cheeks. I was thinking more of this that goes over your mouth. Oh! Like, and your asshole, so you're not- Okay, so you're not... just to keep you from breathing through your asshole yeah. Yeah okay that makes more sense. Remember the key to an eight figure business success is your nose. The key is in the nostrils. A light bulb went off.
Starting point is 02:09:02 They all say that shit. Not the ass. And a light bulb went off. Not the mouth. They all say that shit. Not the ass. And a light bulb went off. Why don't you fucking shoot yourself in the head? Yeah. Why don't you eat a light bulb? Like Uncle Fester. Yeah. Joe Rogan, you're a smart guy.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Right? You could just say the opposite. I'll just cut to everything. That's right. Joe Rogan, you're a smart guy. I've always looked up to you. I wish I had your life and your fans especially. But haven't you ever, so we're all putting tape,
Starting point is 02:09:32 we're all putting duct tape on our mouths when we sleep. So we wake up refreshed, but you can be even more refreshed. I first, it was a while ago, I was drinking all the time, doing drugs and everyone in my family hated me. They all left me, my dog hated me. Just basically the jerk, but telling the story seriously. Like, have you ever seen the jerk?
Starting point is 02:09:55 Yeah, we've all seen the jerk, but like, pretending that that's a serious story, and it's not making fun of what I'm saying now. Working satire in reverse. So then I thought, why don't I put duct tape on my asshole? And I got so much, the sleep was just amazing. And you can get this ass tape, this ass duck tape, we're calling it duck, because you're so smart, and your audience is so smart. Duck like an animal, D-U-C-K. Ass duck tape. Okay. Put it on
Starting point is 02:10:26 your ass. Get the best sleep. You have the best sleep ever you've ever had in your life. Yeah. Eight figures. Twenty figures actually. I have a twenty figure business. Okay. But they wouldn't even hesitate. Like oh wow. 20 figures. That's way better than eight. Right. That's a lot of figures. That's a lot of figures. There were helicopters in the video that he... I'm at the Catalina fucking wine mixer here selling my ass duct tape! To anyone stupid enough to buy it!
Starting point is 02:11:01 You, sir! You're not stupid enough to buy this ass tape. Are you this ass duct tape? Yeah I'm stupid enough. I am stupid enough. You're not fucking stupid enough. Get out of here. Get out of here. Take it for free I won't even let you buy it. 20 figures Great. Hey Dick, hey Sean. I've got a rage for you. People that are smooth brains That don't understand the difference between daytime running lights and your regular light. I'm driving through a thunderstorm because it's tornado season in Texas. And this brand new fucking Jeep, you know, a hundred thousand dollar car with fireplace on.
Starting point is 02:11:38 This guy doesn't understand that there is a difference between your daytime running lights and your normal running light. It's not that difficult. If you own a car that's newer than, you know, 2005, most cars come standard with daytime running lights. And a lot of the time, it comes with automatic. I turn that shit off. I don't like that. I don't like daytime running lights. So, he's a fucking automatic. I understand he can't trust technology and all that shit.
Starting point is 02:12:02 Yeah, I'm not. I don't like... The car doesn't tell me when the lights go on. I tell the car when the lights go on. I'm not putting on that daytime shit. I'm smarter than the car. Yeah. I don't benefit from the lights. I don't care. Okay.
Starting point is 02:12:14 Hey there, okay Sean. One of my coworkers today, you know, we were talking. And we saw the protests on the college campuses on TV. Yes, they were amazing. I started kind of explaining it to him, and he went, wait, Israelis are Jewish? And I just burst out laughing, going, I really wish I was as unaware as you were,
Starting point is 02:12:38 because clearly you're paying attention to way better things than I am. That's the guy the aliens are gonna find when they come down. Yeah. Hey, what's up man? What's going on around here? I don't know.
Starting point is 02:12:51 I think the Jews are fighting the Israelis. Somebody's in a, there's a kerfuffle happening in the back of a plane somewhere. What? Since when? Yeah. What the? Yeah. What the f... Wow. That's a new one.
Starting point is 02:13:09 Good for you. Hey, Dick, you know what makes me a rage? Yeah? When you come home. Okay. And you're expecting like, hey, I told you this is the plan for dinner. This is what we're gonna do for dinner.
Starting point is 02:13:21 And then all of a sudden, that goes right out the window. Oh, because once he tires now bitch you don't think I'm too tired you know you're making plans for dinner for that fucking 12-hour shift I'm too tired I was too willing to help you I needed you to do was run to the fucking store oh yeah everything else prepared I was fully willing to make you some fucking gravy and biscuits because all I wanted was brats but now you wanted some gravy biscuits no they hate brats they won't fucking eat brats do they say gravy and biscuits
Starting point is 02:13:57 in some parts of the country instead of biscuits and gravy oh I don't know yeah nah man that's the worst the worst thing about The worst thing about having a girlfriend is the end of the sock man. I would eat sausages probably every day No, yeah living by myself just get that pack. I crack that shit open hot links. I could fucking live on hot link Yeah, but they will never let you eat even one Well, you can have them in the house, but then they'll come out in the form of spaghetti or something. You're like, where's this? Oh, it's a hot link. You chopped up a hot link. So I guess there's no hot links for me later.
Starting point is 02:14:36 Alright. What's up, Dick? I'm listening to the episode 408 right now. You're rehashing the Satanist monument being destroyed in in the I don't know what state capital it was Illinois, I know you're not perfect and it's a comedy show, but I'm just curious if you were being inconsistent with your ideology because remember when like what do you all do before that part of the episode? Yeah, we're bringing up the the anti anti-semitism monitors Yeah Right. I think that was too many negatives
Starting point is 02:15:09 You get what I'm saying you were talking about how that's like bullshit and at one point you made the apt comparison that They've been shooting all white people for decades. Yeah, they've post articles about abolishing whiteness They make every other person be allowed into a place except for white people. Yeah. But I appreciated you saying that. But then you came along and like, isn't that what that is? It's smashing people that disagree with you? Or in this case, maybe my point's a little far fetched. Yeah. But like, don't you want the people that are getting made fun of? You've acknowledged that the fabric of America is fundamentally Christian and Catholic. No.
Starting point is 02:15:53 For almost 2,000 years that has been the prevalent white people religion and it's so intrinsic to us we don't really understand why we believe it. White people just naturally like being Christian. A lot of other countries think that. It's so intrinsic to us, we don't really understand why we believe it. You know what I'm saying? White people just naturally like being Christian. A lot of other countries think that. It's the white people gravitate toward Christianity because it's like, and they've mutated it and changed it. Christianity is not, oh well, let me listen to the rest.
Starting point is 02:16:18 Because you were an idiot. But Christians are like, no, no, no, just don't do that because it's bad to treat them in such a way. So if the Jews are fighting back, like you're kind of like a Psy-Op to keep Christian white people from fighting back, right? Like Christian fighting back against the Satanists. That's not your problem. Any religion can theoretically be real if you like lie enough and answer every question the correct way. Cause like at the end of the day,
Starting point is 02:16:43 it's just like a belief you have in your head. And so the Satanists use that loophole to prove this should not be codified in law. But you're kind of being a Psyop proponent of being like, don't fight back. Don't fight back against Satanists. Fight back against whoever is running the banking cartel. I'm just very confused.
Starting point is 02:17:05 Do you want white people to get ran over and murdered and excluded from the country for it to fall to shit in 15 years? What the fuck is he talking about? This is the gangbang guy, by the way. This is the guy that wanted to fuck a girl with a gangbang, but didn't want to fuck a girl who didn't want to marry a girl. That makes so much more sense now. That's why I have him saved as gangbang guy. See that? Yeah. He has some incredible scenarios going on in his head.
Starting point is 02:17:31 On our side. For once. You needed three minutes to make this point? Yes. Alright. I hope you... The military industrial complex is one of the biggest problems we have. You have to fight it 100%. Christianity has a couple of loop. White people love Christianity. We're never gonna cure them of that. It doesn't seem like it. What, white people?
Starting point is 02:17:53 No, I mean, it doesn't seem like that will be cured. That's gonna be, that seems to be white people's religion for a while now. The problem is the Romans invented Christianity to pacify Jews. And then the Jews use Christianity to convince white people to support Israel. That's the system is what it,
Starting point is 02:18:10 the purpose of the system is what it does. Evangelical Christians, they think God is gonna, if they defend Israel enough and they give enough and they support the war in Israel enough, which is not good for them, none of them want it. They think if they push for war in the Middle East enough, Jesus Christ is going to come out of the fucking ground and say, and give him a big thumbs up. Yeah, the lick, his bones are going to fucking be reconstituted or whatever.
Starting point is 02:18:37 He's going to come out of hell or wherever he's been sleeping for 2000 years and give him a big thumbs up. And that shit ain't happening. They're all secretly thinking that. All of you motherfuckers I know you you're all fucking thinking that at home. Well, you know Israel's got a right to defend itself Yeah, but you think God's gonna come out of the goddamn ground and give you a big thumbs up for saying Oh, they have a right to defend themselves Okay. Yeah
Starting point is 02:19:01 to defend themselves. Okay. Yeah. Satanists are not charging you 8% on your mortgage. The government's doing that. A bunch of scumbags and criminals are doing that. And they don't like people making fun of them either. I don't know, what was his point? Something about why people love, they love God.
Starting point is 02:19:21 They all love, it's a patriarchal system. He's preoccupied with like the impending like white. He's one of those guys. He's one of those white genocide guys. Oh yeah. Of course. I mean it's happening. I mean. Kinda.
Starting point is 02:19:35 Like I don't know how. I mean like. Yeah. I don't know man. Is it really? Yeah. I mean there's stuff. There's stupid shit. There's people getting jobs who are not qualified for jobs. Absolutely. Yeah, that's a hundred That's a hundred percent happening just being white. You're like getting called a racist non-stop. I mean you Use a white supremacist like bro Yeah, but then at some point if everybody is is one, then fucking no, if everybody just,
Starting point is 02:20:05 it gets to a point where it's like, you've saturated the market. It's like, you all can't be white supremacists. There's not enough supply to meet the demand of racism. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's all, that shit's all a distraction. It's just interest rates. That's all that fucking matters.
Starting point is 02:20:21 It's that dickhead who can't explain. And it fix it. You said it actually last week, I think. And it's a good point. If you fix people's like money problems, allow them to fucking breathe. So many things get better. So many relationships in society,
Starting point is 02:20:36 this bitterness and jealousy, you know, all that kind of stuff. It's so much of that lesson. That's why they all say money doesn't matter first thing oh hey welcome to our religion money doesn't matter. Right right yeah yeah it does. The way the rational rate of justify what you don't have. Oh is that the biggest fucking problem? Is that the biggest? Money is the root of all evil. Oh wow. You gotta live dude. That's your first suggestion well the problem is you're paying attention to money too much okay yeah because it's the most important thing in the whole
Starting point is 02:21:02 fucking world. I'm in a constant fucking... I'm in a hydraulic press trying not to get fucking killed if I move. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what the point is. If you can't make a point in three minutes, then I guess that's on you. Alright, goodbye everyone. See ya, thank you.

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