The Dick Show - Episode 41 – Dick on Madcucks

Episode Date: March 14, 2017

Download the MP3 Madcucks vs. Existence, another #1 hit, Lowtax eats a hamburger, our favorite memes, trademark disputes, there are no jokes on the internet, someone threw away all my Pogs, Sean is a rage, Uwe Boll the jerk, I offer a bounty for the He Will Not Divide Us flag, wasting Randy’s time … Continue reading "Episode 41 – Dick on Madcucks" The post Episode 41 – Dick on Madcucks appeared first on The Dick Show.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Presenting Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Take Hey, welcome to Dick, you need dick, you want dick, you love dick, you got it. It's the only show where everything is a contest coming to you live from the city of failure in a concrete bunker in the side of a mountain. I'm your host, Dick Masterson with me is always a Sean, the audio engineer. Hello, Jack. Hey, what's up, buddy? Joining us today was a weird intro. A very special, very special episode. I'm hyped up, man. I'm really, really hyped up for today's episode.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I feel like I'm back on my heels. You know that feeling you get in your heart where you feel like you're back on your heels? Some days, man, I feel like I'm on the balls of my feet all day and nothing can go wrong, I feel like I'm on the balls of my feet all day and nothing can go wrong. I feel like a wizard, like I'm out doing a magical dance and the magnet and the flow is flowing with me.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I feel like I'm doing Tai Chi, you know, and the world, the wind is flowing with the way that I'm doing my Tai Chi, like die hard to naked in front of my bed in the morning, looking out at the world, I'm doing this Tai Chi, not that. Does that happen in die hard too? Die hard too, the bad guy was doing... Naked Tai Chi. Naked hotel room with us today. He's not allowed to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:01:36 His mad cucks. Yo, hey, dick with somebody. How you doing? I'm doing pretty good. Can I just give you a couple of intro tips real quick? Okay. First off, it's not a contest. Oh I just give you a couple of intro tips real quick? Okay First off, it's not a contest. Oh, it's not a
Starting point is 00:01:48 first episode. That was the first episode. You did that. No, I did that for him on the first episode because his intro was terrible. His introduction, Maddox's introduction on the first show was fucking terrible. It was like it was it was never more obvious That he thought that show was gonna be an NPR special than that intro. Welcome to the biggest problem in the universe. I'm mad at you. I'm still in awe of the encyclopedic knowledge. Oh, it's just going to say that, I don't know if yeah, it's really welcoming to the show. You're just saying, yeah, it's that, I mean, you should really kind of welcome people
Starting point is 00:02:18 and tell them what the show is, tell them what it's about. Why don't you do it? You're just chatting. You can give the fucking intro. I feel like I'm back on the old show. Go ahead. Welcome to the Dix back on the old show. Go ahead. Welcome to the Dixho, the only show where it's not a contest and Dix talks about stuff that makes a man agree for no particular reason.
Starting point is 00:02:32 All until it gets sweaty, it's been all over and whatnot and also chance here. And me, that's the most important thing. Mad Cux in the studio. You're welcome, everybody. Mad Cux has a number one bonus episode right now. So everyone, just associated with the show, just shoot straight to the top. Just right to the top. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I guess that's what we're doing now. Anybody, you put something out and media, not in the time. Because entertainment is totally easy and everybody can do it. And there's no, like I just, I'm not even gonna make it. No, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I'm not even gonna make it through the show. It's done. You're, why you're bitter about it? I'm done. I was born bitter. gonna make it through the show. It's done. You're, why, you're bitter about it? I'm done, I was born bitter. Now I'm beyond bitter. It's done, people have been saying on the Reddit, they've been wanting you to record now. So it's,
Starting point is 00:03:11 Why don't you just record it now? If you just record now, I'm just shut up and record an album. Just do it. Just do it, man. You, you don't even, it doesn't even have to be very good. I mean,
Starting point is 00:03:18 Look at me, it's like, Look at Santa Cuckmith's carols, whatever that was. Guys, it's done with the piece of shit. It's charting on Billboard. It's number seven this week. on with the piece of shit. It's charting on Billboard. It's number seven this week. Number seven. It's it.
Starting point is 00:03:27 It's got legs. Number seven. It went up three. It went up. How is that even possible? It flew, but it went up. Now it's, now it's gaining ground. On Google Play, number one,
Starting point is 00:03:38 Mad Cuck's first existence champion. Number two, Santa Cuck, Cuckmith's Cuckmith's carols. Ridiculous. So Mad Cuck's did for his bonus episode. No living with anybody. Because he's just basically like a shiny reflection of the real Mad Cuck's.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Like, like Mad Cuck's. He's not the real one anymore. I'm the real one. I've got a bigger page behind ya. I got a better selling album. Yeah. If anybody's real, it's me. You got a sense of humor too.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Mad Cuck's is like Mad Cuck's with a sense song album. Yeah, if anybody's real, it's been a sense of humor too. Mad Cux is like Maddox with a sense of humor. So Mad Cux did a mock episode of Maddox's episode versus like Maddox versus the universe or something, they gotta have universe in there because he's just, at this point, Maddox is just the name. Like he's just, he's just Indiana Jones, he's just the hat.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Without the hat, he's nothing. Without the hat, he's a shitty professor. Who's the weapon, the jacket? Yeah, without those, without the, with the weapon jacket, he's just a circus performer. He's got to have the hat. All right. So he's got to have, Madd, Madd accepts to have universe on Madcucks did Madcucks versus existence, where he goes through with a bunch of guys impersonating various people from the Maddox universe. And it's like I, I give things a shot.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I'll listen for, you know, a couple, couple seconds. Usually if they're not talking about me and then I'm gone, I listen to this whole fucking thing twice, dude. This thing is so funny. Really? Yeah, I'm just going to play the intro before I get to any of the, I always want to do the rage first because people commute, like the average commute time
Starting point is 00:05:07 is 30 minutes and I figure we'll do the, we'll do the rage stuff first and then we'll get in with the bullshit if you wanna stick around. Why can't you, my commute was 20 hours to get here. Just in case you're wondering. Yeah. Thank you, look, thank you so much for coming in.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I don't know, I brought some snacks. If you wanna take me to those snacks, yeah. Yeah, so I got, I got some sunshine chips. They're, they're really good those kids. Yeah, so I got I got some They're really good for audio. Yeah, crinkle them up. Please. Thank you Thank you very much. I brought a bottom of my I brought you some some were there's original Sock care. I love those very chewy great for great for audio Thank you so much for bringing in these tasty delicious snacks You are truly a man of the people. I can't, because I can't sit for two hours without shoving things into my mouth.
Starting point is 00:05:53 That's, no one could be expected to sit in a professional environment and do something without shoving food into their mouth at all times. You gotta keep your blood sugar up, otherwise you'll pass out. Yeah, thank you for that. It's science. All right, I'm gonna play you a bit of, this is gonna be a silly episode.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Like, I love this guy so much. I think, I'm just, I still, I don't understand how you're able to pull references like that. Like, I know I'm like, I don't know, breaking the fourth wall or whatever, but it blows me away. It's still funny. You just have this encyclopedic knowledge and you can just recall it at the drop of a hat and apply it in the perfect scenario. It's because you're so smart.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Riddle with autism showing. That's the end. I'll believe in it. I'm going to play just the beginning of Mad Cucks versus Existence just so you can get a feel of what it is that we're talking about. and it's just so you can get a feel of what it is that we're talking about. Our audio engineer, SmartMark. And special guest calling in via Skype from the biggest of Red Delicious Apples. Wesley Pisu Shin! Thanks for inviting me, Mad Cuts. Yeah, the Doctant Champion of Delf, Wesley P.S. Alright, so this is the first piece of bonus content where I take on all of I take on all the universe. So Truck and Cuck is going to be a great idea this episode to um, he's gonna read it in psychopedia dramatic a page for this you don't know in psychopedia
Starting point is 00:07:38 Dramatic is a website where they just shit on okay now they explain what they're doing the best part about it Oh, is what it captures perfectly. And I don't know if this is true because I don't listen to the best debate, but the slow building hatred and condescension that Rucker has towards Maddox is evident in this recording and it sounds real as shit. Yeah, what's really funny is,
Starting point is 00:08:05 I don't think any of us actually listened to the real bonus episode. It was so, someone posted on Reddit about this bonus episode and they said, they gave a one, like a three-cent subscription. It's just Ruka, Renean, Cyclopedia, Dramatic, Tumatics and every few minutes, he interrupts him and calls it bullshit,
Starting point is 00:08:24 talks about how stupid everybody else is. And that's the episode. And I was like, oh, hey, we could do that. That seems super easy. All right, well, thank you for joining us. Other announcements first, I've got the Philly show plan. The Philly show is booked. You booked it.
Starting point is 00:08:37 You booked it. You booked it yesterday. You booked it. We're booking flights two days, Sean. So I'm gonna put that out there today. I'm gonna give tickets to the Patreon, he's first's first taking sign up and grab tickets on Patreon. And then I'll shoot it out to everybody else just because I think they should get first crack at it. Awesome. I'll talk more about it later. Let me tell you what makes me a rage this week.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I don't know what to call it. It's the parking. It's the remainder of space between slow moving cars when you're at a drive-through, when you're at a parking lot, it's parking arbitrage. It's the sudden paralysis of being done when you have, when people are competing for space with their cars in small areas, they will leave a gap, the size of the grand canyon between their front bumper and the bumper ahead of them as if nothing else in the world exists for the moment when they're waiting for their turn. The guy in the drive-thru who will place his order, pull up a foot and a half so that nobody else can use the speaker while his fat ass is sitting there waiting to get a jamrock shake
Starting point is 00:09:46 and just whittling with this radio, playing on a fucking phone. Very timely. Well, is it, what's the same Patrick? It's the same Patrick's day, thank God. Somebody's had the jamrock shake. You know what?
Starting point is 00:09:56 No, because I'm showing off, because it's difficult to say. That's why. The jamrock shake. They don't have a new special, the jamrock shake straw. Have you read about this? Have you read about this? There we go. It's now especially designed straw for the jamrock shake. They don't have a new special Shamrock Shake Struv. You read about this? Have you read about this? There we go. It's that we specially designed straw for the Shamrock Shake. It's a real
Starting point is 00:10:09 thing. It's got like holes in the side of it. So you get the exact right amount of chocolate and Shamrock. They do it in drive-thrues. They do it in park, they do it in parking lots. It's the guy who will sit in the middle of the lane. you hear us how, hear us how the parking lot serves two purposes, right? It's an ingress and an egress. I was at this where I live now. It's surrounded by, by it's, there's a moat of barrio around the mountain top. Yeah. Where the bunker is. Yes. So every, it's dollar trees and, uh, and, and Mexican food stores all the way around. Yeah. On the, on the lower, the water, yes, as it were, yes, has some of the, uh, more notorious gangs in the United States. Yes. there was a shooting down at the club down at the bottom of the hill.
Starting point is 00:11:08 You have the avenues gang here. Yeah. There's all, it's all King Tacos and I don't even know the names of the, of the, of the stores that we've got. I know that everything in them is impossible to find though. You go into, you go into one of these Mexican stores looking for something simple, looking for like ground pork, not happening. You will spend all day walking up and down, say, and then you go up to the guy at the cash
Starting point is 00:11:35 register finally to bother this guy, which I never want to do. Hey, man, I'm sorry to ask you, but where, where is the ground pork? He goes, it's in the, it's in the, you know, the gumball machines, the second gumball machine down. You put in 75 cents and it spits out a handful of ground pork. Of course, of course, that's where it is. Thank you, sir. And thank you for not looking surprised while you're telling. So these stores around here, whoever has designed the parking lots is like a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, You sit there and you ride it out until you're dead. That's a labyrinth. And this Bucking supermarket that me and eighties girl arrived. She was not feeling well. Right? We pull in, pull into the supermarket. And I go, you need something from the old pork ball machine. Yeah, I need. I need to get it right up.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Pork ASAP. Yeah. Exactly. Baby, don't worry about this. Sell the stomach. Old family remedy. I'm going to get you a handful of pork. We'll get home, fry it up. Have you some nice, nice pork, nice, nice pork loaf? Settle your stomach, nice pork loaf, right? Nice pork ball, like a snowball, but made of pork. Right. So I go and take care of it. Hopefully.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I come back out and get in my car. And what do you know? I can't back out because there's this chick behind me just sitting in her car Like she's at the park reading a book like she's at a yoga retreat Thinking about life while someone's is obviously trying to back up into her space. She's got Miles behind her. Miles. Miles can't get it through her brain though. To just stop trying, stop thinking about the parking spot you're jockeying for and back to,
Starting point is 00:13:32 I'm not trying to steal your space lady. I'm getting out of here. You could have this space. You could have this space. You could have this space. You could have this space, but she has obviously never walked in her life. The other thing that pissed me off
Starting point is 00:13:43 is when you're going down the road and right, you've got like the right turn lane and you could, if they would just pull fucking forward, you could slide behind him and turn fucking right during the red light. You can't fucking do that because you're fucking just stopped there picking your fucking figures with your fucking, what the fuck does matter with you? Pay attention while you're driving. Stop fucking jerking yourself off and pull forward. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:03 So I give her the old, I rolled down the window. And you know, if it's just me in the car, I'll let it slide. Oh my God, what are you gonna do? This confirms my worldview. I'll just sit here and just do in my self-righteous smugness, of how big an idiot everyone is. You can, I believe this can be scientifically tested. You can absolutely ascertain someone's intelligence
Starting point is 00:14:28 by how they act in a parking lot. Why? For exactly the reason you say, all you have to do is watch somebody back up. Watch somebody, watch somebody back a car up. If you, you can tell, you can tell, they're like giving an in back up. They're fucking stupid.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Yeah. 10 times out of 10, they're fucking stupid. Yeah. Just the jerking way. The thing that they have 15 fucking feet behind them. Yeah. And they're inching. Well, they're gonna run over.
Starting point is 00:14:55 So it's like, I was out going for pizza last night, trying to pull into the damn parking lot. And this person's like, they're taking like 17 fucking tries to get into parking space. If he takes you 17 fucking tries to get into a parking space, just fucking kill yourself. You're done. You don't deserve to live anymore. He's like, let me, no, back up forward, back forward, back forward,
Starting point is 00:15:12 back forward, back forward, fuck sake. Go fucking park somewhere that's a little easier for you. Like, I don't know, an empty field. Fucking moron. There should be somebody who comes out. Like, there should be people who check that out. Take it away. No, they come out when the person makes like the, try the, the 17 point turn, they run out
Starting point is 00:15:29 with a fucking hose and attach it to their tailpipe and then put it right in the fucking window. And that's the end of you right there. I could cut tuna, suicide squad. Yeah, yeah, suicide squad. It's a homicide squad. Yeah. So what, so it kicks in later and they passed out on the freeway while they're driving a mile, because they don't know how to kill some right there and then they drag the body
Starting point is 00:15:49 out. Take time to build up the car. Not that much of you shut it in. It's pretty quick. Is it really? Yeah. How do you know how to pick? Well, I, you know, he may or may not have killed the people.
Starting point is 00:16:00 They're may not. I do. I do. There may be a pilot program. I do a lot of research. You work for Hillary Clinton. I do a lot of research. You go to that parking lot. You work for Hillary Clinton. I do a lot of research. Do a lot of cleanup.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Clean up, yeah. Causing suicide in her. Anyway, John Wick stuff was based on me. So, I give this woman a wave. So, I'm like, okay, I'm not gonna sit here by myself and just get, I'm not gonna get fucked in the ass in front of my girlfriend here by a random person in a parking lot, right?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah. So I roll down the window, stick my arm day every day out, and give her a wave, bitch back up, back up. I know you got just backup, backup. Look at me, look at me in my eyes. I see you looking at me, back up. She gives the old shrug. What am I gonna do?
Starting point is 00:16:43 I knew. Fucking idiot. By this time I have already backed up, like I'm doing a pump, like a sewing machine on the brakes to alert this woman that I am backing up, like one inch, one inch, one inch. To long, to long starting to feel the hairs on the back of my neck go up,
Starting point is 00:17:03 because I might, there's a chance, it's crossed the threshold where I am sure I'm not gonna hit her car and gone into, I don't know, but usually when I do this, I don't hit the car. So I feel okay. I know it's not a definite yet. Great slick dick here.
Starting point is 00:17:17 She's backing up in the cars. She starts honking. That's when I give her the, well, fucking move back then. I see you've got tons of room. This isn't a trick. I'm not trying to, like, I'm not trying to trick you. You know what you should have done.
Starting point is 00:17:32 If you should have, when she let you out, you should have been just stolen that space. She's gotten, gotten out of the car and been like, oh, fuck you bitch. Stole the space. Yeah. And just re-park. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And then just gone back inside when your recorders get some more ground up pork when the gum bomb machine. Yeah. So she just gone back inside, when your recorders get some more ground up pork when the gum bomb machine. Yeah. So she said, huh, she gives me the shrug, and that shrug drives me fucking insane. It's just like a, it's like a fuck you.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah. Like, I'm just, like, I'm getting upset right now. So I say, I'd be so fucking angry. So I open the car door and lean out and said, Hey, if you don't back up your car, I'm backing into it. Yeah. That's what I'm doing. Yeah. Oh, suddenly, all the sudden, all the sudden, she could be bothered to turn her fat neck to see the ocean
Starting point is 00:18:22 of parking lot behind her in which to reverse. 10 seconds later, zip, zip, we're going, 10 seconds later, now I'm sitting in the labyrinth, but at least I'm going forward. Spot is immediately filled by someone. I'm the fucking hero, but this is the blanks you have to go to to get people to just pay attention for one fucking second. I screamed at a car full of people in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:18:46 They didn't understand that you had to go in. I they sat through a light and I looked at the license plate. Iowa and I went, okay. First place, James C. Kirk, Iowa. Rivers that out. Just case aimable is one during nominal. You are a top artist. All right, here's what else makes me rage.
Starting point is 00:19:04 So I got I assume that I looked like this. Here I went that. I swear to God, one of these dates, I'm gonna mount a megaphone on my car, forward in a back when I'm gonna have like a little CB radio clip right there. When someone's doing that, I'm just gonna get on there. Yeah, man, you know your fucking piece of shit car.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I'm gonna fucking pull you out of it and beat you there. No, I leaned out the window and screamed at him after they sat through the second light. I'm like, I like they sat through two lights. Oh yeah, because they wouldn't go forward. They didn't understand that you have to fucking go out. This is on Coenga and Hollywood, really busy. Very busy, and you're selling California.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Very Southern California problem. Very, very Southern California problem. Are you gonna write him a shitty email about it? Go ahead and go. I'm in the middle of writing it right now. Oh no, there are people, there are people standing on the sides and just started laughing when I did it because he's like, what do you want me to do?
Starting point is 00:19:52 Go on and travel again. I go, I want you to pull fucking forward into the intersection. So when the light turns out, you can fucking turn. I'm yelling like that. And people are like fucking laughing on both sides of the street. And the guy goes, he's probably like early 20s,
Starting point is 00:20:05 and he goes, okay. That's exactly what I'm saying. You're from Iowa, and you're gonna shout at somebody in Hollywood, and like, did you have you not seen movies from the 80s? I was screaming at him at this point, and then he finally, I was like, what are you all going to do?
Starting point is 00:20:21 And then that was it. It was either I was getting out of the car or what I yelled at him was going to work, car or what I yelled at him was going to work. And luckily, what I yelled at him was going to work. This was on a Hollywood and Coenga, Coenga and sunset. Okay. Whatever. Hollywood and Coenga.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Nobody knows what the fuck. Nobody knows, but it's very busy, but it reminds me of a similar story on Hollywood and Coenga. Again, it's a very busy intersection. And it's all you need to know. And during the hours of four and seven p.m. and in the morning,
Starting point is 00:20:47 you're not allowed to make a left turn because it snarls up the whole intersection. It backs up traffic for a mile because nobody can turn left. Right. Because everybody who's chicken shit, everybody who's using that intersection is not from there. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:03 So they don't know what the hell they're doing. So they wouldn't be there. So they wouldn't be there. Or they wouldn't be there. There's no reason to be in that part of the city at all ever, ever, ever, unless you're getting a tattoo or buying a bong or you're moron. That's the only reason to be in that part of LA in Hollywood. So this dude is sure enough, making a left during hours
Starting point is 00:21:23 when he's not supposed to be making a left. Like absolute traffic gridlock. And I lived right there. So I was walking home. I was either walking to dinner or from dinner. And people start honking and I said, oh, this is going to be great. I was having a bad day. So I walked out of the crosswalk where he's sitting in traffic to make his left and just
Starting point is 00:21:42 started yelling at him in his car. Like, you dumb motherfucker, there's a reason that it says you can't turn left and you're fucking doing it. Go straight, go straight. Got like a maniac. And people are like, I'm fucking applauding on the side of the street.
Starting point is 00:21:58 He finally did go straight. Yeah, that's illegal man. They should have given you a fucking mill for that. That's a fucking hero work right there. That's God's work. Where's your ding? That's fucking hell. You didn't hook it up.
Starting point is 00:22:08 I'll hook up the ding. My mistake. All right, and Mad Cux, what makes you, I got another one, but what makes you rage? No, no, during the land, what could Vectioff, you killed that guy? You should've just, if that's out of his car and then gone and sold the car for profit.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Fucking ridiculous. You know what, here's what makes me a rage. Printers. Yeah. Printers are the worst fucking piece of technology I've ever made. They've been around for like 50 something years or something. 50 years, Printers of New York. Who fucking knows? Who fucking knows.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Most famous invention. Who fucking knows. They've been around for however fucking long they've been around. I don't have fucking stats on this dick. It's your show. Not my show. I got pages of stats for other stuff. Okay, so printers They've been around for a while Apple the fucking god Messiah of computing right? What's the one piece technology? They don't make Printer cuz the kids just fucking work. You can't just have a fucking printer You just pukin pukin your computer going to Microsoft word hit control P and then get your fucking document out
Starting point is 00:23:04 You got installed drivers. you gotta install this, you gotta install that, you gotta make sure it's connected to your fucking wifi or connected via fucking serial port, connected via USB to the biggest piece of shit in the universe. And then if you do have a fucking, is that trademarked?
Starting point is 00:23:15 That is not trading, Mark. This, then if you do have a fucking printer that works, well, your ink's out, guess what? It's gonna cost you fucking, 600 fucking dollars to buy a new fucking ink for this piece of shit printer. I bought a printer one time. Purner was $40 on Amazon, right?
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah. It comes with a fucking smagin' of ink, but I'm not printing that much stuff. So it lasts me for a while. Finally it starts to run out. What are you printing? Yes, you are. Printing, I'm printing, like,
Starting point is 00:23:42 you doesn't matter when I print it, you got it, David. So, I'm, you know, I'm running out of you doesn't matter when I printed it, you got it, so I'm, you know, I'm running out of ink, don't worry about that, okay? So I'm running out of ink, I go on Amazon again to try and buy more ink, $40 printer, $65 ink. What the fuck, so you, this is what I did, I just threw that printer away
Starting point is 00:23:58 bought a whole brand new printer, same fucking printer, it's like, I'm fucking, I don't give a shit anymore, life hack. There's a thing, they just don't fucking work. Why can't you just make a printer just fucking works? Whenever company comes out, they make a printer and they're like, oh, all you have to do is put this in your house, it automatically connects your Wi-Fi,
Starting point is 00:24:15 automatically connects your computer, you hit control P, it comes out, they're gonna make a million fucking dollars, because you can't just make a printer. I think the printer cavities make more than a million. What, do you think that doesn't matter? $20 billion, whatever. because you can't just make a better- I don't think the frinacabities make more than a million. What, do you think that doesn't matter? $20 billion, whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:28 They're gonna be, they're just, they're pieces of shit. That just fucking really makes me fucking mad. Cause you know, you get the fucking warning errors, like what the fuck the PC load letter is to you? What the fuck does that even mean? Yeah. You get this fucking like, you print, and you get the fucking streakyness,
Starting point is 00:24:43 what, why is it doing that? you can't fucking answer any of your questions They every fucking companies trying to make it can't answer any Yeah, I'm so mad. It's gonna be a printer. I'm like hey printer. What's your fucking problems? They're saying anything So you know, they're trying to make these printers. It's a fit printer cop your fax machine printer cop your multi-thing like you're pretty fucking things in the thing Just put it just print out documents out of paper, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Son of a bitch, it's a fucking, they make me so mad. I broke my girlfriend's printer one night in a rage. I don't really, I did. I fucking punched it really hard, and then it slammed it around, and like all the pieces were coming off of it, and I go and sit back down on the sofa to run some star trek to calm down,
Starting point is 00:25:23 and I'm sitting there, and I'm about like 45 minutes start to pass. Why did you get so angry that you started beating the pants? Because it wasn't fucking workin' dick. The fucking printer just didn't work. So, you know, I get another couple of sips in and my fireball, cinnamon whiskey,
Starting point is 00:25:38 and I start to cool off, and I look over there, and I'm like, oh, she's a, she'll probably notice if she comes home and that printer's all fucked up. So I piece it back together, got it looking, looking like it worked again. I was like your crowns, he's wearing eight crowns. Yeah, I got a bunch of crowns, you got him looking all nice, like nothing happened with the printer last night.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I don't know what you're talking about. And then I went to bed and the next time she printer, I was like, I guess we need to buy a new one. Oh shit, I should probably, I need to make a note. Don't let us metal just listen to this episode. You know what they got to do? Everything. I'm convinced now after having Alexa for a couple months
Starting point is 00:26:17 who will apologize profusely. Yeah. Every time is just put that on every device. Like every time you interact with any device in your home, it's like, I'm sorry. I'm just sorry that I'm not up to your expectations. You open the fridge, if you close it immediately, the fridge says, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:34 There's nothing in here. I'm sorry that I'm sorry I didn't have food for you. I know that's why you came over. I know that I'm not in charge of getting the food, but I am sorry. I'm sorry about that. I'm not sure. A robot may not be able to give a real apology.
Starting point is 00:26:47 That may be a non-apology, which is a big problem. That's the difference. Well, I mean, it's not sincere. There has to be sincerity to the apology. You have to mean it when you say it. If the robot's just saying, oh, sorry, sorry. They're just throwing them out there. That doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:27:00 You have to lose face. That's what we've talked about this before, Dick. I don't know why you're actually like, you know what I'm talking about. Now, okay. There was the whole thing, the F-15 pilot in China, or whatever. Yeah. Big problem, voted up.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Let's see, what else do I got? Here's what else makes me rage. I haven't recovered from the parking lot. He's still angry about it. Oh yeah, that he is. Because he's gonna go carbon monoxide somebody after this, just a random stranger just out of spite because it happens every day it happens 50 50 chance you may be a bad Parker here's your hose yeah
Starting point is 00:27:33 that's not the worst thing I've been to have hosam people doing that with making left and pretending that they're that they've got a problem with their car same same situation this guy refused to turn left again snarling up traffic. And he says, everybody's honking at him. I'm honking at him and he goes, no, I don't know what you want me to do. And I'm exact same situation. I shout out the window dude. We want you to pull your car forward. Everybody wants you to pull your car forward
Starting point is 00:28:05 and get the fuck off the road. Everybody's trying to drive here. And you're just, who are you waiting for? Why do you need to wait right there in the middle of the goddamn road? So I'm working on it. So I'm working on it to stay awake. You wait for 45 fucking seconds
Starting point is 00:28:17 to save yourself 15 seconds of walking. Just park further away and walk into the fucking door to take you the same amount of time idiot. So he says to me, he shouts out, huh? Cars broken. And something, he says, and a car doesn't work. Something about it, just,
Starting point is 00:28:34 it may just really got to me. So I said, oh, yeah. I got something. It's the audacity. It's like, it's like the, you got shit zip tie on the bottom. Yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah. So I said, oh, I know what you mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:45 So I got something that'll fix it. Just hold it right there. So I opened the car. I was on my way back from the gym too. So I soaked in sweat in my upper body, looked enormous. I was walking around on my, and it looked even more enormous because my legs were so skinny.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And small, like toothpicks, right? Like fucking peach says. So I get out and I pop open the trunk. I grab a hammer that I knew I had back in there. And his car magically worked, but I'm like, huh. I don't think this was, yeah, I should mark it the hammer. I don't think this is healthy. I don't think this strategy was healthy.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Okay, let me tell you this. I don't like that it was healthy. Okay, let me tell you this. I don't like that it takes that to motivate people or to keep people honest. Yeah, man. So it takes going crazy to keep you honest. And then you're the asshole. Then people get around at dinner and they tell stories about the guy, the crazy guy that they ran into who's screaming at them in an intersection and pulling out hammers and they were just minding their own business, confusedly looking around, then you're the bad guy.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Because everybody's entitled to do whatever the fuck they want. This is what else makes me rage. Parents, throwing your shit away. Store a lot of stuff for your folks house. Not so much. Not so much. That's what happened to it. They throw it all away. I threw a lot of it away. Or you know what, my mom is good about asking if they're saying,
Starting point is 00:30:11 hey, she's like, hey, I, you know, I feel like I can't across this and that's even worse. Why? Because then it's on, it's on you. You got a lot of stuff going on because you're already at your parents house. You got a lot of, you know, you got a lot of emotions coming at you and then you got to start making decisions about
Starting point is 00:30:24 whether you want your turbo graphics 16 know, you got a lot of emotions coming at you. And then you got to start making decisions about whether you want your TurboGraphic 16 from when you were a kid. And is it worth anything? I feel like, I don't know. And why didn't you do this when I got here? So I could think about it the whole, I can't make this decision right now. That's exactly true. If I take it home, I got a cube of worthless space and a new task.
Starting point is 00:30:41 That's why I say throw it out. But I can't throw away my turbo graphics express. Can I? Sentimental value. I can't make that decision. That's the point. Just throw it away and don't tell me about it. But that doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:30:55 That takes a hell of an initiative. I lost. My mom threw away all of my pugs. And I just found. That's heartbreaking, buddy. I know, man. I'm out. I know shit She told me this because the little Irishman my nephew got into his dad's pugs and I was like, oh man Mom, where's are my where my pugs at? Let's have a big you know, you don't have your I got my pugs right here I got my pugs right here. You got your car in some special edition,
Starting point is 00:31:26 Macho Man Randy Savage Slammer. I hope that's all of you from the film. All of them, I said, mom, where are my pugs? I gotta get, I'm gonna get my pugs out. We're gonna have a big snowball fight with pugs and nostalgia. It's gonna be great. She goes, I threw those away.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Just matter of fact, like that. She's like, oh, I threw those away. They were garbage. Ah, those were, you know, yeah. Just matter of fact, like that. Oh, yes, you said, oh, I threw those away. They were garbage. Ah, those were, you know, those were collectible, mom. They were collectible. Collectible, but you give me, you callously throw away thousands of pugs,
Starting point is 00:31:58 just without, with no hesitation. All of the pugs gone, but the baseball cards, the stacks and reams of baseball cards which are worth nothing. Those I gotta take home. You still have those. Oh, those I gotta, because they understand the baseball cards being worth something. My dad's like, I looked these up, there were thousands of dollars.
Starting point is 00:32:20 I'm like, how did you look them up? Because I just typed in Bo Jackson card on the internet. Yeah, the first one that came up was a thousand bucks. So you got to take these, take them. Couldn't be much different. That's the way I thought you were. Because they had those in their generation. Oh, it is.
Starting point is 00:32:32 You and eBay type it in there. Oh, hey, that's actually worth that more money than I thought. Search from a most expensive lease expensive. Yep, definitely. All the Pogs gone. Yeah. Well, they don't relate to Pogs. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah. Your dad didn't have Pogs in his generation. He knew baseball cards were collect gone. Yeah. Well, they don't relate to pogs. That's exactly right. Yeah. Your dad didn't have pogs in his generation. He knew baseball cards were collectible. Yeah. Well, that's what makes me, that's what else makes me, right? You know what I want to do with you. We got low taxes calling in.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I want to get to him in a second. You're fucking kidding me. Yeah, he's actually calling in. He's on the line right now. Wow. We're making him wait though, building him up. The other thing that makes me reach, so I drove here, drove across country.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I was out in this in Central America. Now wait a minute, you're doing your... You're doing your... Central America. Central America. Central America. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah, why? East Coast and the West Coast. Central America. Did you got steady geography? No, my geometry is a little bit thick. In India. So volcanoes of Nebraska, Central America. The Grand Canyon in Iowa.
Starting point is 00:33:34 The banana fields of Iowa. Yeah. Yeah, so I drove a train forest of a mohama. Of Des Moines. Yeah, sure. Everybody knows. Just another Iowa. I yelled at Iowans. The waterfiles of Montana. Yeah, sure. Everybody knows. Just another Iowa. A yelled at Iowans.
Starting point is 00:33:45 The waterfiles of Montana. Yeah, those are beautiful. I drove past one of the way here, yeah. Yeah, yeah. A lot of interesting species in Central America. Yeah, right. So, I drove here, right? It's funny yet.
Starting point is 00:33:58 20 hour drive. I'll cut it. And this is sunken. This is just makes me rage driving. Is the fucking people that drive in the left lane. Just fucking driving there. I'm going 85 miles an hour in a 70 zone and you're going 68.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Move the fuck over, goddamn you! Fuck pisses me off. You can't, there's completely oblivious. It's always old ladies. Just driving over there. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. Meanwhile, car after car after car comes right up behind you. Like, are you gonna move over now? Nope. ladies, just driving over there, do do do like the freeways there were like a machine man. Well, yeah, you don't, that's for passing,
Starting point is 00:34:47 like the fast lane is for passing. Yeah, and that's great. And a lot of these states, they're signs everywhere, left lane is for passing only, slower traffic keep right, but there are no fucking cops out there enforcing it. They are just fucking park up on the mountain tops with a sniper rifle, if a car gets passed by three people on the right, just sniper a rifle and right in the face.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Right. And the car goes veering off, explode. Yeah. It's like an update on my explosions on the interstate highway. Yes. Updated on my carbon monoxide hose. Well, they put it, they put the chip in everybody's car. And you know what they did?
Starting point is 00:35:17 They put the alarm to remind you that you're not wearing your seatbelt. They could easily put in some kind of a walkie talkie system where if somebody's screwing up, everybody could hammer their button that says asshole driving and start screaming like a short-range broadcast FM AM transmitter, right? We used to have that, it was called CB radio, it's smoking the bandit. Yeah. It's a fucking coolest shit. We don't have that anymore it was called CB radio, it's smoking the bandit. Yeah, yeah, it's a fucking coolest shit.
Starting point is 00:35:46 We don't have that anymore, everybody's got their fucking serious to whatever. We really need this. We need some way to communicate with the cars immediately around us, you can say, hey, old lady, move the fuck out of the left lane, or I'm gonna fucking run you off into this canyon and then piss on your dead body.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Mm-hmm. All right, you're a legendary debater, Madcooks. And I wanna give you, I to see your debating skills in action A lot of people do I've got some topics for you to debate. We'll get to that. I want to get I want to get low tax on first Let me see if he's here Madcooks on IRC someone saying Madcooks, you know the real Madcooks has a printer and a lamination machine in car It's pretty on every type of parking ticket in LA, source of stereo's live stream.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Oh, yeah, he does. The Real Maddox has a, it's a kit like Doc Brown's money kit and back to the future where he's got all the different time periods of money, except he's got counterfeit parking passes. So he tickets himself? He writes like a legit parking pass. He's got like little hologram stickers and he puts it on. It's actually, it's, you know, smart, but he's got
Starting point is 00:36:49 a, like he pulls up and if it's parking permit only, he'll make a parking permit in his car. Why not just have a bunch of parking permits already made. This sounds like a really big investment in something, which is kind of a poor choice when you're running low on funds. You're spending $30,000 on a website. I guess, yeah. Doesn't fucking work. It's good point. I guess making a bunch in advance would be smarter.
Starting point is 00:37:12 And then, and then you just say like, oh, my friend gave me this. It's supposed to, the cop comes up to like, hey, that's a fake parking permit. And you're like, oh, I don't know. Why don't you pop your truck there, buddy? You pop it. There's this big like, mickering fucking suitcase.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Suitcase machine that's pretty, there's like, you're going straight to jail buddy. Yeah. All right, let's get low tax on. You know, giving affirmative nod, Sean? Affirmative nod? Maybe. Maybe I don't feel like it.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Well, you know, I have to do the voice. They're paying $20,000 a month, Sean. They're going to your damn nod. Okay, your affirmative nod. You really got to record an album, Sean. You really do. There was a post on Reddit the other day, because the dick show is now number 19 of all Patreon.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Really? Yeah, that's something. 19 or 20 or something like that. I'm catching up on you furries, you sons of bitches. For this year? Or what's, how to, it's just like overall, like what your current earnings are. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yeah. Okay, I'm gonna unmute this gentlemen low tax Are you there? I'm not sure there you are. I hear you. It's always a fucking miracle every time somebody comes in clearly on this show I feel like when the Apollo one got around the dark side of the moon or whatever Apollo eight eight Apollo one burnt up on the pad come on man every time like off we got you We fucking got their mission patches the figure eight around the moon USB. So you're connected via USB No, no, no, I actually have a XLR to a compressor and an EQ that I run in hardware wise until it comes to the mixing board and then goes into computer So sounds good and hard-wearing wise until it comes to the mixing board and then goes into the computer. So, it's good. It's so nice.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Right. What do you do a podcast, Tim? Sounds good. Why do you have all that equipment? Yeah, I do a podcast. It's called, I list everything in the world, and it's just an hour show where I list every single thing I can think of.
Starting point is 00:38:56 And my goal is by the time I die to have listed every single thing that has ever existed. Well, people love lists. Do you have a co-host? Jesus is my co-host, yes. Well, I hope you don't have to disavow him from your show and before you list everything in the universe. What was your last episode?
Starting point is 00:39:16 No, I've kind of done with co-hosts since the last one. I found out, you know, it was a furry peto who shit his pants. So yeah. Oh, I guess that'll, do you find that out? co-host since the last one I found out, you know, kind of it was a furry pet who shit his pants. So yeah. Oh, I guess that'll define that all at once. Shlorky. Oh, yeah. That's a whole different series of guys.
Starting point is 00:39:36 They got their own guys over. So, okay. Low-tax is a creator of something awful. Low-tax, remind me if I leave anything out, but you're one of the forefathers of internet comedy, I think would be safe to say. Okay, remind you if you put something false in. Yeah, sure. Okay, that's false.
Starting point is 00:39:57 What would you say? How would you describe something awful? For Easter comedy was around long before I ever showed up on the internet. Well, at least a pioneer of it. All right, is this being recorded right now? Or is it just before or after? No, this is, we're recording right now.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Oh, fuck, okay, because I'm eating a hamburger. Oh, totally silly. Hey, you have to bring snacks to this show. No, I have been eating today. Okay. I figured the best time to eat would be two minutes before speaking. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:40:29 You want to get that insulin head up? Oh, okay, we're going to start recording. I'm sorry, buddy. I thought you were listening in the discord. Do you want us to give you 10 minutes to finish your hand? I got it. No, I'm fine. You can continue.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I just got a mouthful of me like usual, but that's fine, but it's coming through crystal clear also a funny joke right there. Okay, excellent. Well, if you don't mind me eating a hamburger while I talk about the internet, then that's all good. I would prefer it. I feel like eating a hamburger while talking about the internet is, I mean, that's the greatest symbolism of the internet. If I could do it on the toilet at the same time, then that would be the ultimate internet thing to do. And efficient.
Starting point is 00:41:12 It's radio, you could be on the toilet right now for all we know. We're all on the toilet. Are you watching the livestream? No. Oh, then yeah, we're all on the toilet. We're all on the same toilet. Yeah, well, virtualtoilet toilet plug, USB toilet,
Starting point is 00:41:26 wireless steak. Yeah, I got all the internet down. The reason I asked if you're recording is because before we got into anything, I just wanted to say one thing in advance is I don't really appreciate that. Yeah, you're right. You're the only one to call it out. I just needed to get that off my chest. You'll better. What is your laughing at? What specifically are you laughing at?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Maddox. Do you wanna play the song? The Lost Song? Yeah. So you guys were on the, I mean, you two were in the cusp of, you say that you didn't invent internet comedy, but I think you did.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I think something awful definitely pioneered, like invent at a shitload of memes that we still use. Okay, okay, okay. First of all, if anything good has ever come from my site, I'm not responsible for it and it happened by accident. And if anything bad came from my site, well, okay, I'm gonna write that off for the same reason as well. Slender man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can do that.
Starting point is 00:42:42 That's what, yeah, when we think of something awful, we think of Slenderman and memes. Yeah. And I kind of once again feel like the internet's human toilet. Yeah. Congratulations. It would be the original slogan of the internet or of something awful, the internet's human toilet.
Starting point is 00:43:00 But Geocities wouldn't let me use it. How did you start something awful? Like what the hell were you thinking when you started the internet's toilet? Uh, well, it was on a tripod site back in 1997, uh, when I was working for the Vanderbilt, uh, Vision and Research Center, and, um, when I was bored, which was all the time, I would just write shit that entertained me. And I kept on doing that. And look at you now, you're eating a hamburger,
Starting point is 00:43:33 burping, wondering if you're being recorded. Real class act here, I got all my shit together basically. Yeah, I still wanna know why you're laughing that I worked with Maddox. Do I have to explain it? Yes. Yeah. You absolutely do. Because you guys have a beat that's longer than much. Let me show you that picture of a grown man sitting in a giant chair with a crown. Yeah. He's almost literally right now. Well, they had back in the day. I think it will, let me know if I'm not summing it up correctly, but Maddox accused you guys
Starting point is 00:44:07 of stealing his making fun of kids, drawings. I do. Yeah, it was autism at its finest because he, he, uh, livestock, uh, Josh Boroff, you know, would, uh, he would review kids art in a serious way because you know a lot of the comedy at that time, you know came from Taking you know trying to analyze something in a critical way that does not deserve critical analysis. Yeah and We had a feature those and then Maddox, I guess was brainstorming said hey
Starting point is 00:44:40 Since I'm the smartest guy in the universe and the funniest God's gift to man, women and children, I'm going to make fun of kids art, and they start doing it, and then he saw our articles, and he was like, he just got furious and sent emails, saying, I demand you take this down and give me credit for the original idea of making fun of children's art. Really?
Starting point is 00:45:03 You're a bunch of hack frauds, and I am the original creator and then we just replied, look at the dates. I'm a fucking idiot. I'm a fucking idiot. And then he didn't respond. He does think that he invented making fun of kids. As many as saliliquities of how great he is,
Starting point is 00:45:21 I've heard privately, I asked him, what about Joan Rivers ripping on kids in her standup, like, 50 years ago? He's like, well, I mean, it's different on the internet. I did it on the internet, that's my thing. I did it on the internet. I am. And then I joined a point to feign that is.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Yeah. On my gravestone, I wanted to read Made Fun of Kids on the internet. Pioneer the field of mocking children. So what's something I'll be doing right now? What do you guys, I don't know. You don't know. You seem to be feeling apart.
Starting point is 00:45:54 No, it is. Yeah, you know, the same that it was before, but you know, obviously the birth of social media has kind of tore or rift in that because people are looking for more. It's basically easier to insult people like Scott Beo and James Woods on Twitter than it is on, like our something awful forms and stuff like that. So, you know, and plus overall the internet has just gotten mean,
Starting point is 00:46:29 meaner. Like there's no place for comedy anymore on the internet. It's just about being pissed off at shit. Yeah, you're right. Yep. And there's no, there's no more jokes anymore. It's just, no jokes aren't allowed because you know, you could affect someone. But, you know, know look back at Don Rickles he used to tear his audience to shit
Starting point is 00:46:49 and people would love it. Yeah. But now you're just like oh god did you say that a female, a female woman? What are you doing? You misogynist piece of shit. Yeah. And there's always like it always seems on the internet when somebody's pissed off that there must be a thousand other people who are just like them. But it's just the one lunatic. Like, yeah, go ahead. I'm sorry to interrupt it, but it's like a, uh, it's competition to show because the current, the currency on the internet is our the internet is self-righteous indignation, because that shows that you're a deep person, you're an intelligent person who cares about things.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And so everybody tries to one up each other by saying, well, fuck you, I'm more outraged than you. I'm going to tell a thousand people, and I'm going to protest, and I'm going to do this and the next guy just says, well no, I'm even more pissed off than you. I'm going to, blah, blah. It's just a pissing contest to show how deep and intelligent people are and it's both left and right do it. It's just bullshit. And the endless dissection of everything, like everyone will have their hot take and they'll go through something and cut every little piece off of it every little actual fact spin the spin a PR campaign around it to whatever they're about and then serve it up like this is what it was
Starting point is 00:48:17 what was it was just a joke well yeah and fake news everything's fake news you know everything's fake news except what I'm saying, which is real news. What do you think is going to, like, yeah, I think you're right. What do you think is going to change that? Because it's, it sucks to have an internet with no jokes. It sucks to have an internet where the joke is really where the joke is, look, look at this. Look at how dumb this is.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Just point and laugh. There's no, like, there's, there's no way to have a punch line anymore. Well, you can't even do that because if you point out the wrong thing, then you're fucking dead, you're off Twitter, you're off everything. The Demont Tracy, he's gone. All these people are losing these Twitter's,
Starting point is 00:48:58 all these more right leaning commentators, they're losing their outlets because they don't point at the right things. Yeah. It's really hard because I don't know if you're familiar with a cliff, you're a blonsky section that I used to write as, but people would just send me ugly pictures. And as I would write as this elderly, very confused man who hates everybody and just make fun of their pictures.
Starting point is 00:49:25 It was kind of similar to Fat Chicks and Party hats, which is another classic site. But yeah, if I were to do that now, I would be doxed again. My family would be threatened, they'd call my kids school. And do you know that the parent of this child has the audacity to make fun of somebody who's just slightly very terribly ugly? Yeah. Because everybody, in this quest to be the most self-righteous, pissed off person, everybody's got, they attack you personally now, you know, it doesn't stay on the internet. Shit on the internet doesn't stay there anymore,
Starting point is 00:50:10 it becomes a quest to ruin the person in real life. Oh yeah, though, and they have every right to do it in their mind. Yeah, they do. When I was not for not towing the right line, when the biggest problem, you know, that podcast I did with with Maddox ended and Maddox accused me of being a rape apologist, which we don't even we never figured out what exactly that means. He sent it to all his personal friends and the personal friends, they they looked at men about other, you know, the site that I originally wrote and they said, this guy, this guy me, referring to me, this guy is like Skank Hunt 42, that South Park character who's like trolling online Gerald, he gets his alter ego and goes online and just says
Starting point is 00:50:55 mean shit. And some, some, like a literature professor said, I just want to say that you're the guy that you're attacking is the protagonist sympathetic character in that show because you people are all like new age Puritans. You're fucking crazy. The way you treat these thought crimes that you're going after, you're accusing of being the fucking protagonist in this world that you've created that is like a type of hell where you have to police your own speech online Mm-hmm well because the the easiest thing is to label somebody. Oh sure everything has to be labeled now
Starting point is 00:51:34 I mean he it blows people's minds and they get upset because you're from having to think When you make fun they say I'm sorry. Sorry low tech say, say what you're saying. Oh, I was just going to say, I lose followers when I make fun of, you know, usually I make fun of the left or the right because, you know, really, that's the easiest thing to do. But I also make fun of the left too. And, you know, I'll just say that, you know, I don't care, you know, I make fun of the left too, and I'll just say that, I don't care, I make fun of the left and right, just interchangeably, and people don't understand that because the mindset of the average internet person these days is just completely binary.
Starting point is 00:52:16 You're either for us, or you're against us, you're either with us, or you're with them. And so if I'll make something, if I'll make a joke, making fun of liberals, it'll be like, oh, you fucking alt-right, not see bigot. Yeah. And if I make fun of, you know, the right, then they'll be like, oh, you snowflake, cock, with a little bit of thunder vets, whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Yeah. And they throw that label on you, and then, like, anything you say doesn't fucking matter anymore. Oh, you're just not right guy. Your opinion doesn't matter. You just like Milo. Yeah, you don't have to think you're a gay. I think a gay Jewish Nazi. So you're out of here. And in their team, I've seen them all seen one gay Jewish Nazis, see them all typical gay Jewish Nazi platform. And the thing is like you can people don't even bother trying to comprehend anything anymore. They just want to read tidbits. They want to have things summarized. They want to highlight one sentence out of an entire article. And so you can be talking about, you know, okay, well, this crazy person, this lunatic on the fringe element,
Starting point is 00:53:27 said that made this statement, and then Bill, you know, there could actually be part of it that you agree with that is actually coherent, you know, everything surrounding it is bullshit. But if you admit to saying, okay, well, that points coherent, all of a sudden, you're a fan of his, You want to suck his dick. You are the next Hitler who is the next Hitler
Starting point is 00:53:48 and the whole Hitler, like a hitler. And so kind of lost its impact since everybody started calling George Bush Hitler. Yeah, that sounds like the kind of thing Hitler would say. But what do you say with hamburger in his mouth? Yeah. Well, how do we fix it? I mean, do you think it's fixable?? Yeah. Well, how do we fix it?
Starting point is 00:54:05 I mean, do you think it's fixable? Do we have to build another internet? We got to go to Mars. No, the problem is in the internet. The problem is people on the internet. It's always, people are always the problem. Besides genocide. I don't know anyone who is true Hitler.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Yeah. I was recommended that. All right, load tags. What makes you a rage? Besides all this. What pisses me off? Yeah. Trees. Trees.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Yeah. Fuck trees. Why? Yeah, because here's the thing. Okay. If you'll notice roads, they generally go around trees. I am. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:37 True. If you're looking at it from like a civil engineering point of view, to get from point A to point B, you know, besides the whole wormhole theory, is to go in a straight line. But no, we have to drive around the trees and go somewhere else. I mean, people are doing a good job of not gonna trees down,
Starting point is 00:54:54 getting rid of them, and I support that fully. But right now, the fucking trees just block you from getting to where you're going. And no one's ever gonna go to a tree. What do you do at a tree? You can't do anything in it. You just carve your initials in it. You kill a snowman.
Starting point is 00:55:10 No, no one wants to see your initials on a tree because no one's going to go to the fucking tree to read it. You ever say, oh, I'm going to go out and go see who walked by and carved their initials on a tree. No, trees are just bullshit. They just get in your way. It's stupid. What can a tree do that kelp cannot do? Kill people in the movie that happening. Yeah, they're dangerous. kelp
Starting point is 00:55:33 kelp never killed anybody in a movie. It's just floating out in the ocean with our garbage. More kelp. Less trees. I'm talking about because we need to replenish the oxygen and the atmosphere. Yeah, kelp does that. kelp is never fallen on your car and crushed your hood. Exactly. Help is your friend. Trees are the bad guy. Trees spread forest fires. I don't, I'd have to check this out, but I think almost all forest fires are caused
Starting point is 00:55:56 by trees. There are no kelp forest fires. Absolutely not. I'm pretty sure. I'll have to talk to your fireman about that. I've never seen the ocean on fire. Except the ocean. Sonic too.
Starting point is 00:56:05 But yeah, the, you know, go ahead, go ahead about kelp. Not to take kelp down a peg, but you know, people who, pretty often, they talk about eating kelp are assholes. Yeah, they are. Nobody talks about eating trees though.
Starting point is 00:56:20 If somebody would say I eat trees, I think that guy's cool. Yeah, but I eat kelp. No, yeah, trees always ruining your kites. Who the fuck flies kites? That's mad cucks. I fly kites. Wait, it's very, it's very soothing.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Why? Why not? Why wouldn't you fly kites? Are you doing another science experiment by flying a kite? Well, I think all this is gonna claim the invention of electricity. Now, discovery of electricity, Sean. Dammit.
Starting point is 00:56:48 What are you sure? Pretty sure. I'm going to invent insulting kites online. That's going to be my claim to fame. I will be the first person to insult kites online. Just collect pictures of kites and say, look at this stupid piece of shit. Get out of the air and go back on the ground. Maybe in a trash can, haha owned.
Starting point is 00:57:06 That's a terrible kite. Hey, whatever happened, you were going to box you, bowl, right? Yeah. This German movie director who said he was going to fight any critic of his movie. Is that, is that right? And you said, okay, I'll fight you. No, no, no, no, okay, see, well, again, because it is the internet, the truth kind of takes a backseat to sensationalism and people kind of want to say, people believe what they want to believe or whatever. I'd never seen an uva bull movie before that PR campaign was released where he said he was going to you know fight his critics and
Starting point is 00:57:47 I Contacted the PR guy and I said I've never seen an uva bill Uva bill Uva bill film. I don't even know who the guy is. I call him a bill and I've never seen it before but if I write a review of One of his movies and it's negative while I get a free trip to Vancouver and free, you know, lodging and they said, yes. I said, okay, cool, because I, you know, I like Vancouver. I wanted to, I was like a little patient here. And me being naive, you know, I thought it was just going to be a PR stunt, because who in the right mind, you know, what movie
Starting point is 00:58:23 director would actually say, yeah, I'm gonna beat up my critics. And I thought I was just gonna be a goofy kind of thing until I don't mind. Oh, you thought the fight was just gonna be like a PR like a comedy, funny stunt. To beat up a fake critic. Well, because who would honestly be so pissed off? It critics that they would have to,
Starting point is 00:58:43 you know, do that to vindicate themselves. Yeah. It's all the movies are terrible and never make any traction. I could see where you build up a good head of rage. Yeah. Well, yeah, once I met the guy and I, well, I should have probably figured this out off the bat because he was German, but he didn't have a sense of humor and he didn't understand, you know, jokes and things like that. Then that was the real tip of all. It's a problem when people don't understand jokes. You got to steer clear of them. You do?
Starting point is 00:59:14 Yeah, because, you know, jokes might make you uncomfortable or, you know, you might be offending somebody or something like that. But yeah, so anyways, they, I just wrote this complete, I don't even remember what it was. It was, I think, that Christian Slater, alone in the dark or something. I don't remember what it was. I watched about 10 minutes of it, and then I just bullshitted the rest of the review and then said something like, he got kicked out of a petting zoo for illegal interaction with the goats or something like that.
Starting point is 00:59:46 It was just a complete bullshit review. I just wanted a free trip. So they said, okay, because nobody else, well, who, Sean Baby, I think, volunteered, but Sean Baby has actual training in martial arts. So they picked you because you have no experience boxing. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. That sucks. And and this guy Bull is like an amateur boxer. Yeah, they didn't tell me that until the day of the bot. Well, no, it was after after the match They flew you out boxing for 16 years. So they flew you out there just to kick your ass. Yeah That sucks for 16 years. So they flew you out there just to kick your ass. Yeah. Yeah. That's sex. No, it was a free trip. And I have no sense of dignity.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Whatever, I'll take the Ric Flair flop for a free vacation. I don't give a shit. Yeah, the whole thing, they also said that they would provide equipment for us. They didn't, I to buy my own cup, obviously. They rocked it. They rocked it.
Starting point is 01:00:47 They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it.
Starting point is 01:00:55 They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it.
Starting point is 01:01:03 They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. They rocked it. which they forgot to do also. So, you know, they just kind of, fortunately, I packed a bunch of, I bought and packed a bunch of USA flags, tiny flags and USA shorts and shit like that. And I just, I was basically the villain on WWE matches where I was just bad mouth and Canadians before and running around the ring throwing American flags at them and shit making it like a comedy a bit like a for PR. I mean, wow, this guy just wants to come out. I thought it was.
Starting point is 01:01:33 This asshole is taking himself so seriously that he's just going to rage out and beat up a critic that staged and not have any experience and have no chance. Meanwhile, you're prancing around like a cartoon being a WWF guy throwing flowers at Canadians. And I remember, you know, they rang the bell and that's the last man you remember. And I walked forward and he starts hitting me in the head. Yeah. And I'm kind of confused. I'm thinking, okay, what's this guy doing hit me in a boxing match?
Starting point is 01:02:06 And he continues to hit me. And I don't know if you've boxed before. Yes. But being hit by, being punched by an angry German boxer in the head repeatedly, it makes it feels like there's hundreds of angry bees in your skull and they're all trying to escape. It's this weird numbing kind of sensation
Starting point is 01:02:28 where it doesn't hurt like if one of my children or my ex-wife were to hit me. Yeah. Because it's like this weird kind of interior padded, I don't know how to explain. It feels like you get knocked back in time. It feels like you're living a memory. You can't function in the present day.
Starting point is 01:02:47 You can't stop the punches from coming at you. And somebody really starts whooping your ass. That's what it'll feel like. The punches start hitting you. You go to block it, but you can't move your arms. All you see is orange. And you don't feel anything. And then you're out.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Yeah. That's a thing. A box a lot. Yeah. Because you're supposed to bring your head to your hands, not your hands to your head. Yeah. I didn't even know where my hand and head's were.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Wait, did they give you any training? They just gave you gloves and said, here you go, shit head, you're gonna really like this. No, they didn't give us equipment. I brought my own. You brought your own gloves? Yeah. What size gloves did you get? That makes a big difference.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Heavy like eight ounce gloves versus, oh my God. What a piece of shit. I didn't know what you think about boxing. I thought it was just bullshit. I'm gonna do it. So he's minute. So he starts hitting you and you start, you start getting too and up.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Do you try to communicate with him or anybody that this is not what you signed up for? No, actually, well, you know, how difficult it is to a, you know, speak with a mouthpiece and he speak while you're being punched nonstop in a skull by
Starting point is 01:04:00 a German man. But I remember trying to communicate, I said, what are you doing with your mouthpiece? communicate, I said, what are you doing? Would your mouth be saying? I remember. I said, what are you doing? Of course, it came out as, what are you doing? I probably understood it perfectly because he heard the accent. Well, no, he understood it perfectly because he knew exactly what he was doing.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Flying a critic out to beat the shit out of him in front of people. Yeah. All his, I'm sorry. Go ahead. I was just going to, all his, I'm sorry, go ahead. I was just gonna say all his fucking movie lackeys like, oh Jesus, what are the people, the people that just appear in all his films. I remember that girl from the horrible female terminator
Starting point is 01:04:39 was there, Logan, you know, Logan or something like that? I don't know, I don't know, so My whole Pierre and the guy from Stand By Me, I can't remember their names, but yeah, they're all there and his cast and crew are there and since they're all getting paid by him, they're all clapping and saying, you're doing it, you're doing it, you're doing it. You're doing it, you're doing it, you're doing it.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Yeah, like that fight means that he's a good director. Yeah, I love it. It's like, oh, yeah. You really show damn beautiful. No one will dare. That movie just got a lot better. What have some of these arm-on-hand lights your films? No.
Starting point is 01:05:14 But yeah, and then he kept on doing that, you know, the thing where he hits me and the bell rang. And I went to the corner, the wedge, or where the fuck call it. And I just kinda sat there and I thought, okay, the saddest man sitting on the stool, did you have a trainer, a cut man over, did you have anybody in your corner?
Starting point is 01:05:41 Me, just you, no like person to tell you what to do. Give the bucket or tell off your head like the guy give himself a massage like in punch out the little guy giving you advice like hey don't get it so much stop getting ahead you gotta move around get out of the ring yeah you know you what your life choices don't remember that there's a video of it somewhere you can look look it up. Maybe there's a person there. Maybe there wasn't. At the moment, I was not too sure.
Starting point is 01:06:09 The only thing that I knew is that, okay, first of all, I'm not going to be able to land a single punch on this guy because I don't know how to do such a thing. And you're gonna get harder if you try. Well, yeah, because that's the thing. If you're not in the boxing ring, you don't, it's not like one of the things that you can use your objective side of your brain because you're just too busy trying to survive. And all I just wanted to do is make sure
Starting point is 01:06:38 that, you know, I could still have kids in the future. And then I would walk out of with vertigo, you know, drooling kids with vertigo, born that way. Oh my God. So is he over there, like with with a trainer juicing him up and oiling up his shoulders and giving him a stomach on my secret weakness, which was getting hit. Yeah, he's getting all the kids over there. He's got a dog ring over there. They and if he dies, he dies. Okay, so when did you get knocked out and when was the fight called? Because I thought, okay, there's no way for me to
Starting point is 01:07:10 win here. This guy is clearly angry. This guy is clearly insane. And this guy is clearly going to beat the shit out of me until I either die or my body parts just fly out of the ring. So I think I let him hit me a few more times that, either die or my body parts just fly out of the ring. So I think I let him hit me a few more times that, no, no, no, wait, I think pretty much,
Starting point is 01:07:31 it's the start of round two. Yeah. I just did the Ric Flair flop and I just fell belly down and that's a good strategy. That's like, because you know, I didn't want him to, you know, punch me and then fall out. I just wanted to do it gracefully. You felt no need to make it look real.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Yeah, you just, no, I'm pretty sure it sounds like it was really real. Oh my God, man. Well, the dude after me, I got a throw this in. The guy after me, he actually, what was he from? He was from like, what's that big horror movie review site Cinem massacre is that one? I Bloody disgusting is that one. I don't know
Starting point is 01:08:12 Yeah, it was from something that that's legit. Yeah, but he kept on trying to stick in there with the diluted idea that he might be able to do some damage he got knocked out. He was bleeding. The ER, the paramedics had to come and hook him up to an oxygen machine. And he had to be taken to the hospital. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Next time this happens, you got to set up a rematch. And we're going to make a fake ID for no tags. And we're going to send in lettuce jones in there. He's a guy, he's a guy on our show that's currently serving time in jail for assault, aggravated assault, I think, because he's in there for a while. We've been sending him books and playing his, his voice mails from ICS on the show to keep him entertained while he's in the hoose cow. But next time it happens, we're going to send in a ringer for you. And we're gonna tune this guy's fucking clock. We can just do it with like drones, can't we?
Starting point is 01:09:11 Can we just like order a drone strike on the next set? Anything is possible in Trump's America. I got one last question for you. What's your favorite meme to come out of your whole thing? That's favorite and meme don't go together for me. I don't like memes. This may surprise you, but no, I don't.
Starting point is 01:09:34 I don't think I've ever seen a meme or back in the day, what I call image macros that were entertained. I mean, because the whole concept of the meme is, and people posting, I'm just kind of irritates me in the fact that, you know, so many people on the internet think that, okay, if somebody says something funny and I repeat that, then it'll be funny. And if I repeat it, 5,000 fucking times, it'll be 5,000 fucking times funnier. But it's just, it's just copy and paste bullshit.
Starting point is 01:10:05 I mean, memes, I do not enjoy them. What about the Kermit the Frog one? Where he's like, that's none of my business. And what about the Kermit the Frog one where he's got the cloak on his head? Yeah, yeah, what about that one? Yeah, the funny is common. Yeah, the closest thing that I can get to there,
Starting point is 01:10:26 it would be the animated gif of the dog fucking the other dog and then following him on it and eating the vomit. That's a great one. That's not a mean, but it's incredible. I love it. It's a meme if you can dream it. I wasn't aware those were the rules. Those are the rules.
Starting point is 01:10:44 You can dream it, you can meme it. All right, low tags. Thank you for aware those were the rules. Those are the rules. You can dream it. You can meme it. All right. Love tags. Thank you for going on, Hubbard. My, my hamburger is cold. Oh, I'm sorry. I'll send you a new one. Thank you. Send me a, send me a wireless burger through the internet. I will. I'll pay value. I'll Venmo you a hamburger. Yeah. I'll pay value, I'll Venmo you a hamburger. Yay. I'll eburger you. All right buddy, thanks for the good. I'd like before going, I'd like to give a shout out to my site, I just want the latest in news.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Please go to It's my website. You guys are having a rough time. Viewership is down I hear. Oh yeah, that's just because we're incompetent. It's like, well, the's just because you know we're incompetent. Oh, well, the only place you can go to get the actual news is from Mike Thurnovith. So you get your neurons expanded, you get your gorilla mindsets. Hey, what do you think of estereos?
Starting point is 01:11:36 He could be an annoyingly liberal at times. I'll admit that. Okay. No, I think he's a great guy. I think he's a stand-up guy. But he can't be sensitive about some... Poo-P. Stop it. Okay. Alright, thanks, buddy. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Okay. So, Madcux, you're known as a man who can debate any sides of an issue. I can entertain a thought without accepting it. That's entirely correct. All right. So, I've got these debate topics that people wanted to see you debate when you came in here. We're going to record a bonus episode after this, too, just so everybody understands what's
Starting point is 01:12:24 going on. Yeah. We're going to release it on April after this too, just so everybody understands what's going on. We're going to release it on April Fool's Day for reasons that will be obvious when we recorded. You'll have to tell me about those reasons later. You should be able to figure it out. You're smart guys, you're smart. Here's some of the debates that people want you to undertake. Guns beer freedom says, tits versus ass.
Starting point is 01:12:44 You may just do these? Yeah, I assumed, I mean, I assumed that you're a master debater. You can. All right, don't look. I'm going to write down my real opinion. I'm going to put in an envelope. Sean, Sean will read that right debate. Okay. Here we go. All right. So I'm putting this in the
Starting point is 01:13:00 seal down below. This is going to be like the, like the face of a scratch paper, like in the big Lebowski or Jackie Jackie Trier and I was like, I was like, I was like, I was a huge dick. Sean, don't, don't read the wrong one, like at the Oscars, because that could be really embarrassing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Okay, so, did you used to do this? What? On the debate show? Open envelopes of what Manics' real opinion is. Yeah, the next week, yeah. Open an envelope, yeah. Yeah, that's a true story. Can I, can I look at this?
Starting point is 01:13:24 You can look at it after I debate it. Not before. It's a sealed envelope. Okay, so it's going to go into the rules. So, so tits are good because they're an ass that's on your chest. Okay, I'm really speaking. We women involved tits because the missionary position is better for you to, it's better for insemination.
Starting point is 01:13:42 But, like, as animals were naturally attracted to the acid, so boom, throwing acid in the front, there's your tits, boom. To use this line? Yeah, all the time, in bars, I'm just like, oh, hey, babe, I noticed your chest acid looking really great tonight. Maybe I can take you back to my place
Starting point is 01:13:59 and we can show off your three boners. Okay. So then the nice thing about the nipples, he's talking about nipples and Glitters. Yeah. So the other, I imagine. Yeah. That's correct.
Starting point is 01:14:09 The ass is also great because you know, you sit on it, you fart out of it. Yeah. Yeah. So that's, there's the debate. I think I really covered both sides very well. All right, well, now do we find out what you're really thinking? Yeah, Sean, go ahead and find out what you're really thinking? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Tits. Oh, it actually was it. Yeah. I bet you guys couldn't tell at all. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Um, here's the next one. What do you put in first? This is from, this is from Elisar Tarte or Alcapone, very funny, Twitter name. What do you put in first? The serial or the milk? Serial. Oh, sorry. Sorry. I got to debate this. Uh, so there are, there are some people that would say that serial is what you put in first, you want to write it down? Do you want to write down serial? Do you want to make Sean open it up? No, I think people probably figured this
Starting point is 01:15:12 out already. So there's two, what is it? There are schools of thought. That's the word, yeah. There's two schools of thought. I know you had trouble with school. Hey, I did great in school all the way up to a certain test and then after that kind of went off the rails. So, uh, two schools of thought.
Starting point is 01:15:29 One is you put the cereal in first because, um, I don't know, that it's not wet. I don't really understand that. But in the other things, it says you put the milk in first because so the cereal doesn't get it soggy, but I like my cereal soggy. So, you know, that's, that's my opinion on that. Okay. Uh, here, I'll give you know, that's that's my opinion on that. Okay Here I'll give you let's try a couple more. Um, Levi Clay, 88 says he wants you to debate the bro code Oh, the bro code. So I don't want to write down your true answer first. Yeah, I'll write down my true answer This one's this is gonna be a big one. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm guessing good or bad
Starting point is 01:16:04 I think so. He wasn't, he didn't specify. He didn't specify there. So the broke code basically a lot of people think the broke code is, you know, you know, bros before hosts. Yeah. So to speak where people will take their homey over, say, a lady friend and a woman. A woman you would like try to better yourself in the approach of rather than just degrade into slavonliness with your friends. Exactly. Right. So the latter would be preferable to them. So, you know, I think for some people the argument is that you got to get your
Starting point is 01:16:40 dick wet so to speak where you want to get with a woman at all cost. And that's, you know, that's if you want to propensiate the species, you want to propensiate the species, you have to have as much sex as seemingly possible. So, you know, fuck your friends. The lions, lions don't have a fucking broke code. They're fine all the time to get, to get with the lady lions. Lionettes. Are they? Yeah, all the time. Watching nature documentary. Well, Lionettes. I don't know if I've ever seen a furry band.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Yeah. Oh, andettes. Are they furry bands? I don't know. Probably. That's what they would be, they would have to be, wouldn't they? I think I would have heard of it on the internet. If there was a band that went around
Starting point is 01:17:21 trusting first shoots, I think we would have heard of that. Oh, it could be hard to play instruments in like the big padded hands. Now, maybe that's why it doesn't exist. They all play bond goes. All right. What's about the other side. So the other side of this is that the broke codes good. And, you know, I guess if you're an idiot,
Starting point is 01:17:39 you think that, hey, I don't want to have sex with a lady. I'd rather hang out with my dude friends. And I think there's some, there's some credence to that. When you're really close to somebody, you want to feel that you have trust with them and they're not going to go date your ex girlfriend or something and ruin a show for instance. And widely applicable scenario.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Yeah, widely applicable scenario. So the argument about that would be that you've got a longer term relationship with your bros than you would say with your whole eyes. So it's like a marriage, you see it as. Yeah, with your male friends, it's very similar to a marriage. Yeah, you kind of, you know, I've got to make sacrifice. I've got friends that I've had for a long time and I'm always sacrificing to try and help them out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:27 And that's what you should want to do with your bros. That's why the broco is bad or good. Okay, whichever. So which one does he actually think? Sean, you want to open the envelope and see what opinion Mad Cux actually has? Bad, broco is bad. Yeah, you think the broco is bad.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Yeah, pretty sure. Pretty sure that's my opinion. Okay, because of male lions fighting all the time. Male lions fighting? Let's see. We do two more of these. Well, we'll do, yeah, okay. This one's from vengeance is Joe Flacco and Elite quarterback.
Starting point is 01:19:07 It's Joe Flacco and Elite quarterback. Yeah, absolutely. He's probably got to write it on the thing. Oh, well, I'm debating right now. So, yeah, so, you know, a lot of people would say he's probably one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL right now. Okay. He's doing really good right now in the season. Yeah. From, you know, his stats are they're just going through the roof, But does that make him an elite quarterback? Well, if you're the greatest in the league, if you're an MVP, then, then, you know, that would definitely make you a great quarterback. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:33 There is the tractors though that say that he's not a team player and he needs to work better with the, the people that he's on his team instead of showboughtin a lot. Yeah. Because you don't want to, you don't want to showboughtin quarterback. You want a quarterback that can just get the job done. Just get the job done basically. Just like Ganger Luck. And yeah, you're a cog in a machine, Joe Flocko,
Starting point is 01:19:53 but like I said, the other side, you're not like Freddie Mercury out there. Yeah, it's a team thing. You're not David Bowie up performing. You're not a solo gig. You're like David Topin yeah yeah Bernie Topin Bernie Topin excuse me yes you're like you're like the trumpet player and Dizzy Gillespie's band yeah you you you gotta you gotta be a part of the larger machine yeah okay so uh I don't know
Starting point is 01:20:21 what mad mad cuck's actually things oh is that both sides that's that's both sides. Okay. What does he actually think he thinks this is the fucking bit that they do opening them? Okay, go ahead. Sure Yeah, it would be alright with you. I know absolutely nothing about football. All right last one Oh, in character for you slippery sg says was the holocaust real or not no big deal. Let's just wrap it up on an easy. Yeah I don't know on an easy one. Yeah So that's the debate question. That's the debate question. What's the holocaust real or not? So there are some people out there that want to tell you that the the holocaust never happened and I feel like those people you know the death of six million people,
Starting point is 01:21:05 all the gas chambers that are still standing in Germany as museums and whatnot, that should be enough to repute any evidence that you claim to have. You know, we've got, I mean, we've got old people that are survivors. They've made movies and stuff. And we've got Anne Frank's diary. That's all about her being in the Holocaust. There's just, it is a mountain of evidence. Okay. The Holocaust actually happened. Okay. That's one side. That's, that's all about her being in the Holocaust. Yeah. There's just into the mountain of evidence that the Holocaust actually happened. Okay. So that's one side.
Starting point is 01:21:29 That's one side. The anti-Holocaust sentiment is that what are the Zionists, in order to establish the state of Israel to subjugate the Middle East, they fake the Holocaust, they kill some of their own people in Germany, just kind of kind of hide it all.
Starting point is 01:21:48 They shuffle those people around, change their names, very elaborate. That's what a Schindler's list is all about. And so in doing all that, it was just, these are the real debate that they should be having on that show, right? It was to consolidate power. Yeah in with a Syndicate of like mine of people. That's what we got the League of Nations after World War one
Starting point is 01:22:10 That's sure. So we got World War no, that's what got United Nations after World War two Yeah, and it's all it's all to the Jews control things with their you know, they're famous hello sandwiches All right, what is the action what is does Mad Cux actually think if the Holocaust existed or not IDK it's too close to call guys to close the call. Okay. Kiwi Farms is back. Yes. Yeah. Kiwi Farms the site was resurrected. It was taken down shortly after. Noel was on the program that this lunatic was after him after him was always harassing his family, finally got to him and got the site down. But apparently the site is back because you can't keep anything down on the internet.
Starting point is 01:22:52 And I checked in on the Maddox thread. Ravenner says an update on Kendall and Hyde. They're now officially bust. Check this out. One of the partners. Oh shit, really? Yeah, made off of the money. It's still only the money.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Two million bucks and Kickstarter funds and left the other guy to deal with it. Oh, that's what this guy's ravenators saying. I get that right. Ravenor, they came out with all the regular Kickstarter excuses, supplier problems, design revisions, not sure how it works in the leather goods world, shipping problems, fabricated disasters, et cetera, et cetera. They're looking for blood from hide because it's, as it's gone down, Kendall was left high and dry and hide made off with all the dough. Yeah, hide was the one making marketing decisions, including sponsoring Maddox, went nuts on Facebook and was rooting crazy.
Starting point is 01:23:40 And a ton of people were left without Indiana Jones, Leather Man, versus apparently. I didn't know those were actually names. You didn't know those were the names of the guys? No. You know, because like people do that all the time where it just sounds more, you know, it sounds posh. Yeah. Have you seen the Ken Dahl in hide?
Starting point is 01:23:57 Yeah. I have. Oh, there's a, here's a bit of news from the livestream chat. Your Patreon just hit $20,000, buddy. Wow. I believe. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Okay, so we're doing the Philly Road show on tax day. It's on tax day. It's a Tuesday. It's been very difficult to book a weekend spot for this show, but I figure let's get it done right now. Let's get the show going. Sean and I will be out there on April 18th. All announced the location on the site.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Well, we already got it booked. Sandpaper booked it for us. Getting it done, I thought it would be easy as hell to just get a bar with a stage in LA because I've been out, I go out drinking all the time and everything's always dead all the time. So I figured how hard could it be to get a place but every saying, I mean, people are throwing back quotes like 10 grand for a venue. Randi and who's, who's like, Randy went to American Joe's bar. This
Starting point is 01:24:57 place that I love that I was there for election night. I always go there. Great spot. They always have live bands there. They've, they've got a stage, huge bar, tons of people can fit in there, tons of parking in North Hollywood. Randy goes in and says, Hey, who can I talk to about booking? A girl says manager, but he's only in here for 20 minutes every other day. Yeah. Randy says, you got to be, can I leave my card or something? Go, she says, Sure, leave your card. She gets out a box of business cards. He, and takes Randy's card, drops it in the box and he goes, well, how are you going to know which car, how are you going to know what I want to talk to him about?
Starting point is 01:25:31 She goes, oh, he never gets looks at any of these cards. I'm trying to give you bits. I'm trying to give you one of the bars. Why do you have the bar? Why do you have the bar at all? So that's been the difficulty arranging the LA show because LA is full of stupid assholes that are all that can work 20 minutes a day and pay their rent.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Yes, but the Philly show is going forward. It's going to be April 18th, the actual tax day, taxation is theft, road rage tour. Let's see. What else do I want to talk about today? The trademark, did you know about this trademark shit? I got a text. So Maddox has trademarked the biggest problem in the universe. He trademarked it. Here's the theories that are floating around.
Starting point is 01:26:12 He trademarked it a day after Madcogs here, said he was coming to LA. Pretty cool. That's what's dental. Now this happened in January. Did it come? January. Be dental.
Starting point is 01:26:23 I didn't know that you said you were coming to LA that long ago. Yeah, so January, it's like two months ago. I updated my Patreon saying that if we got to a certain point, that I would have time to come out to LA and March. Yeah. That was January 22nd. The BduBravava found the trademark listing and it was filed January 23rd.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Yeah, so it was filed the day after and it's the, okay, here's how the trademark process works. I've gathered from, I've been talking to a bunch of people about this. It cost him 500 bucks to file. It's still in the filing stage. Yeah. So I can file some kind of a block letter that says this is a fraudulent trademark claim because
Starting point is 01:27:01 it doesn't list me as an owner and immediately shut it down because there's no attorney listed on it. There's, so the person who would like review it and make sure you're not just blowing money or you actually have a trademark to defend, they don't exist. Yeah. So I'm going to file this letter Monday saying boom, no, because nobody files a trademark for fun. Yeah. Like you don't actually, your defunct, like the podcast and at that point, he'd been out of date for what?
Starting point is 01:27:29 For a year. For a year. For ever, for basically a year, it's done. So, and on top of that, Maddox has not filed a trademark for anything else. Any other like best blank in the universe, best blank in the universe would be the only thing he could come close to trademarking, right? Because that's his site. Best show, best paid, best paid, best book,
Starting point is 01:27:54 best debate, not biggest. Yeah, not biggest, not biggest, anything. Can't trademark universe? And it wouldn't be the only, so I'll read you this, I'll read you some of this commentary. I got a Tyler F. sent this in. I went to a good friend of mine curious about the whole trademark thing. He represents Apple and some car manufacturers. I wouldn't worry about it too much as he tells me false trademarks get filed and approved all the time. The hard part is enforcing them.
Starting point is 01:28:22 You can wait till he tries to stop you from using the name and arguably shouldn't have it in the first place. No lawyer would touch that case without a five to 10 K retainer. So I doubt he would even try. But we're in a spot where if I can, if I think if I can just file the letter, I can stop any bullshit from happening
Starting point is 01:28:37 because I don't know what his plan is. I don't know what matters to me. I don't know if his plan is to get content taken down, to get the archive taken down, to get the fit. Like I don't know what would be, I don't know what the ammo, I don't know what this ammo is being loaded into. But it wasn't cheap.
Starting point is 01:28:54 It was, it's 500 bucks to fucking file. It takes six months. There must be some kind of plan. I don't know what it is, but I think, thank God for, because of Ben Debrava. I think I can just stop at this stage with an email, with a form.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Yeah, I mean, there's no telling what the plan is. No, there's not. If there's a plan at all, but it's clear that's a joint property. I mean, it's clear. Well, if you look at his iTunes feed on the feed on iTunes for him, he doesn't have you listed in the metadata as one of the creators. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:31 Yours has his name and your name. Yeah, because it's accurate. The old episodes that are on my phone have both your names, but his version, just his name. Let's see, we got here. You know what, let's just, let's play some voice mails and do the bonus episode. What do you guys think about that?
Starting point is 01:29:47 We're gonna talk about the trademark thing and the bonus. No, that's the only update I have for now. I mean, it was filed. I don't know why. It's already been talked about, I guess, Adnazzi among the boards, right? I don't have anything to add to it.
Starting point is 01:30:01 I don't know why, I don't know why Maddox would file it. I don't know why he would,, I don't know why, I don't know why, Mattics would file it. I don't know why he would, like, I don't know why he would pick that Randy called right after it came out that it was filed. Randy called me asking if we were actually working together. He told me that. And this was some kind of a scam. He told me that because there was no way because it's so, it's so incredible. It's so stupid. Like, it's so fun. Like, if it's like, Mattics is running running play by play how to make people hate you because you look like a money grubbing like Shister. Like everything he fucking does is not thinking me,
Starting point is 01:30:35 not going out of his way to just remove my name off of a site. Who cares? Who fucking cares? Why are you so obsessed in your brain of like erasing somebody? You don't have that kind of power Well, it has the opposite effect as you pointed out. It's like the one thing The one thing that would generate controversy this weird grab for a trademark. He's Maddox isn't Disney He can't prosecute anybody. He's broke as fuck. He's got two roommates, the guy has nothing. A legal document is just a piece of fucking paper, unless you have a lawyer there who's gonna find somebody
Starting point is 01:31:12 and kill them for breaking that contract. And even when they do, the contract means absolutely fucking nothing. Whatever you sign, whatever you think you sign, breaking that contract and even when they do, the contract means absolutely fucking nothing. Whatever you sign, whatever you think you signed, whatever's in an email, it doesn't mean a god damn thing because the second a lawyer gets involved, it's how much money are you willing to pay to either make X or spend Y?
Starting point is 01:31:42 That's right. Every single second that you have a lawyer working for you, you are losing money. That's right. You're the every single second that you have a lawyer working for you, you are losing money. That's right. And at some point, you're going in the red. At some point, even the fantasy money that you would make is going in the red. So you're fighting for nothing.
Starting point is 01:31:57 And every single, at this trademark thing, the only thing that could come out of it is some kind of weird law, either a weird lawsuit or some kind of fucking DMCA internet law, take down like here, don't, I'm sending this out to, I don't know. Maybe he's wants to send it out to Patreon and say, hey, pull this guy's content because he's talking about the biggest problem in the universe. He's just talking about like, any guy, I can't, I can't
Starting point is 01:32:25 wrap my head around it. And everything I know about Maddox as he thinks in reverse, where he thinks of what he wants and works the solution backwards, completely ignoring how nonsensical or statistically impossible or at the very least improbable, any one of those steps would be. Get the, it's, it's the thinking of somebody who thinks a filing a patent can a not be contested or be warp reality around it. As long as this trademark exists, nothing will happen. I can just continue owning everything that I think I'm entitled to and nobody else can make fun of me. That's what it is. It's the first time, the first time ever, people are making fun of them because he fucked up and it's delete, delete, delete.
Starting point is 01:33:16 The ultimate shame on the internet, delete fucking everything is the guy's life. Every single time somebody comes on Facebook, it's delete, delete any questions, anyone questioning anything he's done or so chirping off a little bit or teasing him a little bit or making fun of him a little bit, it's delete. Twitter, block, block, block, block. This guy's harassing me. This gets like, dude, you just fucking lost the plot. You lost the fucking audience. Cause you're a fucking lunatic. You forgot, you forgot to make it entertaining. That's what you forgot. And now it's delete, delete, delete. The only reason people are commenting is because they don't want you doing it. They don't want you doing this stuff. They say,
Starting point is 01:34:01 hey, stop fucking doing this. Delete. This is your conscience speaking that you're deleting. That's what people are. That's what the mob is, delete fucking everything. Or you send a friend a question to their girlfriends. That's another, that's the, the other thing. So, I apologize to everyone who advanced for this, but, boy. So, he released a video the other day about CIA hacks.
Starting point is 01:34:29 If you watch that video real carefully, he goes and does a couple of Google searches and Google Maps searches. What's the auto-complete show? Tulsa Oklahoma. Where am I from? Tulsa Oklahoma. Don't live there anymore.
Starting point is 01:34:44 So there's some, there's some deniability, but you know, it's like, oh, that's, that's really weird. The guy in Southern California has some graphics on his video. That any forgot to clear the history? I don't know if you forgot. So wait a minute, wait a minute. I got a, I got an intro because this sounds like
Starting point is 01:34:58 Goss, hold on, I got a, I got a Goss promo that's a Lecembra, Sam Glaze and A.C.U.s A C.I.U. But they don't pronounce it like that. Oh, it's A.C.U. It's a shoe. It sounds like a shoe. It sounds like something. Oh, yeah, hold on.
Starting point is 01:35:14 I got some gossip, a gossip intro. In the Murlock Justice system, lying and implying is considered especially ainus in a mountain side bunker, the dedicated artists to investigate these big files are members of an elite squad known as the Balding Pussy Investigation and Trolling Unit. These are their stories. See? It's a God squad. Law and order and God coming at you.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Especially Anus, these crime, God. They're especially Anus. Yes, they are. You got a special victims unit and by special we mean, you crimes, they're especially ain't it. Yes, they are. You got a special victims unit, and by special we mean, you know, yeah, exceptionally able to. Yes. Exceptional individual, special victims, right? Special, short bus, special, bad kind of special.
Starting point is 01:35:59 That kind of special. I think it's so confusing, the words. I think it's so confusing, the words. I think I really into jamming this joke. Yeah, I know, I know, I can't stop it. We gotta keep going. I just jamming, we're really jamming. But that's the real technical. Is there more?
Starting point is 01:36:19 Yeah, there's a couple of seconds. There's that error horn, that's it. Okay, so you're saying that in the CI, God, what a great detective work that you've done. This is like the, did you know about the, he will not divide us flag? Oh, yeah. That's fucking awesome. So you mean the, uh, the shy LaBuff. Yeah, sure. He found, so he got shut down in New York. It's not bad. It's all done. Oh, Sean, you don't know about his flag getting raised or getting stolen, getting stolen? Yeah. The internet captured child buffs flag Oh Sean, you don't know about his flag getting raised or getting stolen getting stolen. Yeah, the internet captured child buffs flag
Starting point is 01:36:47 Okay, I know this I'm gonna make it fast because everybody already knows this story Except me in New York child above had the he will not divide us Shiloh, I remember it. Yeah, you know, you know, you know, I freaking out like he does So he got arrested in that dickhead who was at the scene called in and described the arrest right so the museum of uh... of bullshit whatever whatever the tv museum they said we're not doing this project anymore this is a big mistake we dis we disavow we disavow uh... so shy above moved it to albuquerque go guess what
Starting point is 01:37:17 yeah worse and out so i shot there was like shots fired at the scene so they said no no no we're done we're done so shy i can't just say for son of a dog, Grotta in any town. Yeah, you're not in state. No one's running this dumb webcam. No one's running a completely unfiltered webcam
Starting point is 01:37:33 provoking individuals that elected a man president out of spite. Yeah. Like right out of jokes, jokes that like that's how far they're willing to take a joke is electing a cartoon We're not provoking them. We there's no insurance policy on earth that would cover this Right Lloyd's Lloyd's of London does not want to be in the same room. We're not we don't have coverage for Karma We don't offer that so Shia can't just give it a miss and say,
Starting point is 01:38:05 I fucked up and maybe think about himself. This is a real big problem now. People can't just take the fucking knee. Like just take the knee. Every fucking week there's some fucking rally. Oh, too much. Shut the fuck up. Take a knee.
Starting point is 01:38:22 It's fucking March. It's too late, guys. You lost. Take the knee. We's fucking March. Like it's too late, guys. You lost. You lost. Take the knee. We took the knee in 2000, whatever. When Obama won. Like, yeah, there was the big T party blow up,
Starting point is 01:38:33 but those guys eventually took the fuck it. Yeah. So, Shia puts the flag up in the middle of nowhere and trains a camera on it. All right? Eight Chan and I think it was mostly 8chan. We're all good things, start. Yeah, we're right.
Starting point is 01:38:48 You know, where I have my, where I have my rapist. Of course. Yeah, so they figured out based on the fucking constellations, based on the stars, and they figured out about where it was, then they started triangulating contrails from jets, flight patterns. So they figured out where it was, then they started triangulating contrails from jets, flight patterns. So they figured out where it was. They sent a guy out to honk his horn to see if they could hear it on the stream.
Starting point is 01:39:12 They traced it down to this one property and within, this is within 36 hours. They found a flag on the face of the earth and three crack, autistic commandos stormed the property, took the flag down. This is all being streamed. It's all being streamed, took the flag down and raised a make America great again, had with a Trump and Pepe shirt. That is amazing and not surprising in the least. And there are people out there who get the wisdom, you throw enough people into a mix,
Starting point is 01:39:45 there's gonna be a few people who are good at exactly what you need them to be good at. Yeah, yeah, that's amazing. So they posted the flag on Paul, which I will pay, I don't know how much money they want for this fucking flag, but that he will not divide us flag. I want more than I want to Dr. Phil episodes.
Starting point is 01:40:05 Yeah. I want that fucking flag. I don't know if there's a bidding war for that flag or if it's illegal to buy it because it's stolen or whatever. I will. I mean, even then, if hanging on the back wall here, oh my God. But the people who stole it deserve some kind of fucking reward. And I'll be honest, Cernovich can't buy that flag.
Starting point is 01:40:24 He's too high profile. If anybody can buy that flag, it's this show. I'll give you 500 med bucks for that flag. If you have that flag and you want it to sell it, let me know and we can work something out because that's what the fucking Patreon is for. That kind of bullshit in my opinion. In my, I think people will love to have that fucking trophy.
Starting point is 01:40:47 And that's why we have a bunker. Shia can't storm it with a thought police to take it anyway. That is the kind. This is what you're dealing with with Mad Cux here when he says that he watched Maddox's new video and found that in the unedited search history when maddox is going through doing his little little powerpoint media presentation that are his videos maddox is typing in cia shit and up comes madcucks is home
Starting point is 01:41:15 fucking address home town home city where he's from which means he typed it in an advance and he was looking at it that's what we know so my my theory my theory, a lot of times when people do screen cat videos like that, they'll do, they'll run it through a VPN, right? Yeah. And so they'll VPN to New York City or something.
Starting point is 01:41:32 So he's talking about, it's like, go to Google Maps, if you're affected by the CIA hack, go to Google Maps and type in your address. And if your address comes up, you're affected by the CIA hacks. Right, like it's kind of funny. So he starts typing to zero, what pops up? To zero, six, five, six, or something like that.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Your zip code. 81st Street. No, this is, this is, it's over by Oil Roberts University, which is in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Nothing that's like directly tied to me, but just enough that I'm like, so either A, you were searching for shit in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Starting point is 01:42:07 And that's why, because then he goes in and types in cell phones, something that pops up, cell phone, Craigslist Tulsa, cell phones Tulsa. So either you were searching around Tulsa to try and find shit and stir shit up, or number two, you selected your VPN and rather than just going like, oh, I'll go to Hollywood or I'll be in New York City. He decided to set the VPN to Tolstok, Oklahoma, which is enough possible diability. You know, it's not my actual town I live in, which is a small town.
Starting point is 01:42:35 It's my hometown, it's like, oh, you know, I just picked a random city off the map. Tolstok, Oklahoma seemed like a good one. Like, fucking nothing happens in Tolstok, Oklahoma. Trust me. All right, so for the bonus Like, fucking nothing happens to Toast Oklahoma. Trust me. All right. So for the bonus episode, we're going to get to that now. I'm going to post tickets so you can pick up tickets
Starting point is 01:42:53 for the road rage show Taxation and theft on Tax Day in Philadelphia. This has been the Dix show. Thanks for listening. Thanks for low tax calling in Mad Cux. You're going to plug anything. You're going to plug your slash Mad Cux. Yeah, Forth-sash Mad Cux go by Mad Cux you don't plug anything you know plug your slash Mad Cux Oh, yeah forth slash Mad Cux go by Mad Cux versus existence if you haven't done so already
Starting point is 01:43:09 You know, it's get it. Let's get it charting on billboard. Maybe you can get it number six Fuck you stereo. It's really funny Mad Cux versus existence is really funny. We're working on doing a second episode We're gonna try and release it at the same time that George releases his bonus episode next month Mm-hmm. So same guys and hazen crews in Gaberham Lincoln Gaberham sandwich We're gonna try and release it at the same time that George releases his bonus episode next month. So same guys and Hazen Cruz and Gaberham Lincoln, Gaberham sandwich. Those are the two guys. Thanks for having me. All right.
Starting point is 01:43:36 See you next Tuesday. This outro song is from Julius, a blue priest. It's called Orion's Dick and Balls. That's what he called us. It's because of this outro. He sends it and he goes, hey, this isn't gay stuff. Why did you call it that? It's because of her constellation or Ryan's.
Starting point is 01:43:58 And then it made a hard, hard left. Yeah. The constellations, the belt is up there. You've all seen the belts, but you know, the dick and ball. You've got to be out in the country to see those. Yeah. They're there though. It's always up in the sky looking down at you.
Starting point is 01:44:20 There are astronomers that are just dedicating the possibility of planet on Orion's dick and balls. All they do is look for shapes of dick and balls. The whole community, they trade sky charts where they've said this one kinda looks like a dick and a ball and they got like a consortium that's there like no, no, no, no, no, there's a big controversy like with Pluto, like somebody's dick and balls his this one the dick and ball. Yeah, they're like those balls are too big. We don't count that one because the dick is almost nonexistent. That's why I'm going to play some I've got like 12 voicemails here. They're all great.
Starting point is 01:44:58 You know what makes me a rage dick? It's called metal breakfast. Hotel breakfast, you know, it's fucking called mental breakfast. It has, it's got carton bags, it's a pound of eggs, or whatever, nothing real, fuck eggs. In the hotel, it's served in a mental breakfast. It just ended. It was there like fucking savings time. And I've soaked goddamn home over. I can barely fucking see.
Starting point is 01:45:25 And you know what they don't do? They don't sell. And assets. They don't sell either profit. And now I have to check out now early. In draft for hours. Back home. I might die.
Starting point is 01:45:49 So, fuck hotels, fuck hotel breakfast, suck not having that, the broken, fuck not having an essence, suck, never, indicted, powdered eggs. Powdered eggs. See you next Tuesday. I'm sure within four hours, you could probably find a gas station that had some in essence. lover in the powder tanks. Powder tanks. True within four hours you could probably find a gas station that had some in essence. The Dicks show.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Let me tell you what makes me a rage. And they put it on the board if you feel like it, but what makes me a rage is as women's feet. Women's women's fucking feet and they're I've just desired how how them just touched the Tourette Don't those rob them all over you like Yeah, they do always touch a fucking foot. They always gotta get their feet on you man I was with a woman who who I broke in a toe and she'd always like a big heavy touch her legs or her hips and she somehow
Starting point is 01:46:47 broke her foot into the matter like here. Why don't we just massage that broken to like no what a fucking treasure disgusting feet are you kidding? Every woman huge foot fetish. Let's let's cut on the couch. Okay, great. I'm gonna sit on the first side of the couch and just put my feet on you. Did he? What are you doing? Fucking a pet. That's your fucking feet out of here. How do the feet, why do the feet always get involved? Yeah. Always.
Starting point is 01:47:12 I don't have some kind of compulsion to put my feet all over everyone. You want me to rub something, give me your breasts. Yeah, pop that bra. Yeah, that's what they're for. Your feet are for walking. You idiot. This guy's got a lot of insight about women. It's pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:47:30 Never really pissed me off until I think about it. Get those fucking feet away from me. I don't even know if they get anything out of it. I don't get anything out of getting my feet rubbed. They just get into the psychological part that you're rubbing their feet. They sit there going, oh yeah, you touched my teeth. You're subservient.
Starting point is 01:47:47 Yeah, you're subservient to them. They want you to wash it with their hair. I'm surprised they've never, I'm surprised I've never got that sprung on me. Wash in their hair. Wash in their feet with my hair. Oh, that's the ultimate in biblical subservience. Hey, Dick, while you're rubbing those feet,
Starting point is 01:48:03 why don't you lather up your hair? Give me a little hair bath with those feet. That's what I really want and I'll go What the is this what is this on the table now? What this is boiling the frog slowly? This why is that out of the question when touching the feet is fine? This is what you do hop on Amazon They have those foot bath things where you film up the water and they keep it hot and they bubble and all everything Yeah, buy one of those put their their feet on you, go like, oh, you're making a foot bath ready for you?
Starting point is 01:48:26 Yeah. You still seem like you care, but you don't have to fuck it, touch them. What is it? Why are their feet always so sore and tired? And cold. And cold. What do they do? Cold is a woman thing.
Starting point is 01:48:38 I don't know why it just just is. The feet, they just always need their feet touched. They need to be reminded that they're there. It's because they're walking all over you because they're all right so good to far uh... is one for you shot what make a song
Starting point is 01:48:56 so if you make a song here's the worst thing is gonna happen you show on worse than it can happen to you like four hundred people buy it and you just made like 500 hours. That's the worst thing that'll happen because you can release a song of you shitting and farting after having some white castle and people would buy it. That's how the dick has are. If they bought an album called Santa Cuck by stereos, they're gonna buy this just fucking, you're fucking strong. And the best thing that happens is that a thousand
Starting point is 01:49:27 dick gets fired and then you're ranked and then you're in the fucking billboard charts and it'd be like your lifelong dream and shit, Sean. After the financial reports, of course, we have time after the financial reports. Yes, you gotta get in those W9s, buddy. I do. Should.
Starting point is 01:49:43 I told you, I would do the dick mold if you wrote an EP. Yeah, I know. That's my dick. Yeah, I don't have a bigger card than that. I guess I just don't want to see the dick mold as much as I thought I did, Sean. Peach's alive, it's freaking out. You're saying, oh my god, you push, he's got so upset about bads,
Starting point is 01:50:08 but you're shitting about parts of, part, but you're shitting your pants about parts of a hot lady's body. Peach wants to play, all right, I got voice mouse for Peach, so there you go. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no because the dick might touch the underside of the seat. But that exact same thing happens when you sit down to take the shit. So what is she advocating or you stand and shit now?
Starting point is 01:50:33 I stand and shit. And this is how you know, teach us how to take a shit running. Everyone called in and instead of calling her out on the seat. Running at full speed. Instead they tried to convince her that being and sitting down is actually really cool. Like you hear that over. Very smart. Very smart man. Everybody who called in was trying to convince
Starting point is 01:50:55 Peach. Yeah. That was that their way to do it was right. Yeah. Never would happen. Never would happen if she wasn't hot. That's how you know he says. So you know the i says somebody called in with an impression i've been to be told i'm uh... i wish this week is liquid soap like if you shower and you don't use bar so you're like super growth and like one time i'll get the guy and i'll like
Starting point is 01:51:18 you watch themselves of the loopa and i'm so cute because of the full of bacteria and he's been in the way to do me and he was like, you, because something that's full of bacteria and eat your skin and they want to do me and use a lot of work. Get away from me. You're covered in bacteria. Anyway, that's my registered sweet Krabavwa. I don't think that sounds like her. I don't think that sounds like her.
Starting point is 01:51:35 What was that last word he said? I don't know. Krabavwa? Okay. Somebody else said she's bringing in guys who don't wash their shoelaces every day That live chat going The contest is clearly fucking over Peach is the funniest girl host you will ever have
Starting point is 01:52:05 She's number two on the race board, buddy. Number one ratio she's beautiful funny and attractive which is exactly what you need to bring out your full three-defer-a-lotter yourself and you also need someone to lose to who is a woman on your show so congratulations, take down the Rageboard or keep it up, whatever, teach clearly when, go hard to self. I'm clueing that. I wanted a big tip. I'm traveling to the US and possibly Mexico in September for a mate's wedding. So, an Aussie who's never been to the US before or Mexico before. Would you recommend that I hear out? Because as most of your life, it hasn't been planned yet,
Starting point is 01:52:51 probably. Cheers. Go fuck yourself. I mean, it kind of depends if you're cool. Right. You're cool. If you're single or not, I get the feeling Australian guys just can do whatever they want in America. You know, yeah, American women tend to think of Australian guys just can do whatever they want in America. You know? Yeah. American women tend to think of Australian guys. They're like they're all hot. Yeah. Like they're all men. Yeah. Like being Australian is like you swallow an acoustic guitar.
Starting point is 01:53:17 And that's how you talk. Like you're just walking around playing November rain. What are you playing in an acoustic guitar that chicks absolutely love? Wonder, yeah, you're walking around playing, you're walking around playing Hallelujah. That's an Australian guy just talking. There you go. In America. So do whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:53:35 Do whatever you want. Yeah, you're fine. And be sure to be sure to really trump up yourself. You know, say you're like a Australian prince or something. People don't know. I don't know and get at them feet you get you get at them fucking feet i i one last one
Starting point is 01:53:50 hey dick you know speaking as someone who recently got out of a weird polyamory household thing i think i might be able to give you some perspective on mental just and maddox's mental state so the reason that mental just doesn't think it's weird that maddox freaked out over his ex-girlfriend is because mental state. So the reason that mental just doesn't think it's weird that Maddox freaked out over his ex-girlfriend is because polyamory households were
Starting point is 01:54:11 totally different than regular relationships. To her it's not weird that he's freaking out over that because he's not just unable to get over his ex of three years or four years ago. You they see it that you did took something away from them, from their household. Like, from the middle-jess and the addicts wanted it, but most importantly, the addicts wanted it, because the addicts is the head. Polyamory households have a head every single time. Now, I don't want to take my bad experience and perspective on all the polyamory, but basically they're doing it.
Starting point is 01:54:42 Why not? All polyamorous relationships are psychotic man-sing situations happens to someone has to be the head in this case it's maddox and this is the person who just pulls all the strings and makes everyone behave the way they want them to if you start acting up in the household that that head of the poly thing will shift public opinion against you and the whole everyone in the house will start turning against you and seeing it, seeing it their way. And you're the asshole and you have to have like four hour talks until three o'clock in
Starting point is 01:55:09 the morning to fix everything. And unless you do with that, once your scene is a pariah and they keep you in line and you have to like drink the coolay, it's really, really scary shit. But yeah, basically, Polyamor sucks. At least Polyamor is household sucks. I'm not talking about like about like oh you fuck a bunch of people and a bunch of people you fuck fuck other people too that's whatever it's this household thing and i think that's what George was going for is he wanted to have a household where he was the head and mental jess and whoever the fuck else uh... one that wanted to be part of his Bradley Cooperman whoever else wanted to be part of it but like you
Starting point is 01:55:43 wanted to be part of his Bradley Cooperman, whoever else wanted to be part of it. But like you messed with that. So you're like the most evil thing in the world. I think he's got a rally, everything he can to throw at you because you messed with his domain with that area. Oh, it's just so weird. But long story short, don't you, Pauli Emory. I think it's simpler than that because mental, I think the reason mental just doesn't have a problem with it is because like Maddox hitting up chicks on Facebook, like he's
Starting point is 01:56:08 like Steven says he's doing and having a big fit about his ex after the wedding is much simpler. I believe it's because like most women in LA, she has nowhere free to live. I also think she's the head because if you go back and listen to the old show, there's a definite shift, you know, a re-listening where his approach to stuff starts to change. I didn't know why that was. Yeah, I'm guessing it's because of the girl. Right after I told everybody in the last bonus episode that she showed up during the
Starting point is 01:56:39 episode like the 40s, around the 40s, she showed up at the YouTube stream. I mean, that's the first thing I heard about her and then all of a sudden, that can you, you know, in the, all of a sudden the black wealth disparity is brought in. The first bringing in, yeah. All right, we're gonna do a bonus episode right now.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Mad Cux and I are gonna bring in two things that we have a problem with that we think are detrimental to the world. The debate about it a little bit. We're gonna discuss them in turn. We might read some, we might do a recap of some comments that have been previously unanswered on prior.
Starting point is 01:57:08 Just random comments we find on the internet, you know, stuff like that. We're going to talk about it. We're going to spend probably 15 minutes on each one, I think, and maybe a little bit more. You know, we're going to try to keep it nice and tight. I think it'll be a fun bonus episode. Can I edit the episode? Yeah. I think it'll be a fun bonus episode.
Starting point is 01:57:24 Can I edit the episode? Yeah.

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