The Dick Show - Episode 96 - Dick on The Status Quo

Episode Date: April 3, 2018

My problem with Sateen sheets, the Smurflings were whack, Status Quo bias, the taxes that boil us slowly, Lagavulin says Nick Rekieta drinks their Scotch wrong, Bunty King calls in, the death of humor... on the Internet, Digibro and Mumkey Jones' fall out and who is the Maddox, defending the indefensible, I am worse than (virtual) child porn in some circles, interrupting Dad's sexy time, the advent rage calendar, and five million downloads, and my latest legal bill; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So did early got a lot of stuff to cover. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, let me see what I've got here. Okay, a lot of stuff to cover, do it. Ooh, yep, yep, yep. Oh my God, look at all these stats that I've got. Wow, look at all, really going to look at it, look at how format of that is, too.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I know, man. This is my life. I put all this shit together and I never read. No even part of it. Good info though. I worked hard. Not smart. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome to dick. You need to dig. You want to dig. You love to. You to Dick. Get in the dick, you want dick, you love dick. You got it, it's the show, where everything is a contest coming to you live. From a mountain bunker deep in the heart of the city
Starting point is 00:00:52 of failure, I'm your host, Dick Masterson, AKA the 20 million dollar man, with me is always Sean the audio engineer. Hello, Dick. Hey, what's up buddy? God damn it, did everybody get stumped right in the tip of their dick this week. Yeah, blue ball to hell, dick. Hey, what's up, buddy? God damn it, did everybody get stumped right in the tip of their dicks this week?
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yeah. Blue ball to hell, man. Yeah. Balls so blue, they could beat Gary Kasparov and Chess, Sean. Wow. Balls. It's a heady joke.
Starting point is 00:01:15 That's a, you know what? I was, I was doing research for my blue ball jokes. Yeah. And I discovered that... Steadication. Like I got sucked into a lot of rabbit holes this week. ball jokes. Yeah, and I discovered that... Steadication. Like I got sucked into a lot of rabbit holes this week. And one of them was my ball research for blue ball jokes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:33 You know, my balls are so blue, you could put horns on them, lead them around Minnesota and create the wonders lakes there. Ah, very good. They paved the blue ox. Yes, I'm talking about. Right. From Brainerd.
Starting point is 00:01:45 What? Brainerd, Minnesota. What is that? Home of Paul Bunyan, baby blue ox. I didn't know that. Fargo. I didn't know that. Fargo.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Oh yeah, home of Paul Bunyan, baby blue ox. I was doing this stupid ball research for blue balls jokes. And I read that when deep blue, the computer that beat Gary Kasperov for the first time, when they finally did it, Gary Kasperov accused the computer of cheating. Like, I, well, I had heard that those were, but the computer was basically, it was a bunch of chess masters against him putting it into the computer. Well, like a bunch of chess masters programmed the computer,
Starting point is 00:02:28 a bunch focused on the openers, and then a bunch focused on the five piece end of the game where you're pursuing the king and the queen. So in fact, he was playing a bunch of different chess masters, right? Well, yeah. But the computer still had to pick based on what he did. But that's what the humans do too. Like they study, humans study the opening moves.
Starting point is 00:02:50 That's true. And then like the intelligence is the decision of what that's moved to take. Yeah, that's true. That's not, that's not what he was saying was cheating though. Like he said, he accused it from what I could tell in my research on my blue balls jokes is that he accused them of cheating on like a specific move. He accused IBM engineers of getting involved and making a move to defraud him. Like I, like, oh, my life, I just thought this was like a lighthearted, stupid, fun battle
Starting point is 00:03:21 between man and machine at a pivotal moment when for the first time a machine legitimately overtook the thinking power of a man. I'll add John Henry like a momentous event. That is a that we are all happy with. Well, John Henry won though. It killed him, but he won't. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Which is right. The moral of the story, you always lose. Yeah. Doesn't matter if you win, you lose. The machine wins no matter what. The machine keeps going and you're like, that's what I thought it was, just a fun activity. But apparently both IBM and Gary Kasperov
Starting point is 00:03:57 were being cocksuckers the entire time. Yeah. Like IBM, oh I believe it. Gary Kasperov, I can relate to that. I'd be fucking pissed too. I guess, yeah. That fucking computer cheated. Okay, Gary. So then come back in a year and then go forward in time and beat by a child's cell phone. What are you thinking? Do you realize what you're not supposed to win? You're supposed to put up a good John Henry fight
Starting point is 00:04:26 and not die. Like this is a celebrating our, celebrating our weakness that you can lose. We are celebrating, we all want the fucking computer to win you idiot. But it makes everybody's life easier if it wins. Yeah, it's true, but I do. It's like Gary Gasmer, I was, oh, I's true, but I do. I, it's like Gary gasbrows. Oh, I hope this
Starting point is 00:04:47 shuttle blows up. I like, I like, there's a part of me that likes the ego in that though. Like there's no way that was on the level. No way that computer one. It's the same. Like, of course, the computer one. Like, yeah, event you beat it last time, it won this time. That's fucking relaxed. But then on the other hand, IBM wouldn't give him the data that he was like asking to see its movesets and like virtual games like, no, yeah. Why? What is your pro?
Starting point is 00:05:18 And then they took it apart so that nobody could look at it again. So, well, which just, which the fuck man who just aboued him. You know? Yeah. Like, you had it. You could have given the guy that you, you basically used this guy for one of the biggest PR events in history.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And you fucking, you just fuck him over. Yeah, you fucking, you should have just said no. Yeah. You know what, no. I'm not gonna play you because you guys, because you're probably gonna fuck me over. Right. You're probably gonna be cocks about it.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah, just because. Oh, we can't give you that. Yeah, that's proprietary. Yeah. What the fuck and why? Yeah. Why? Yeah. Oh, man, who made me laugh?
Starting point is 00:06:00 I got sucked into it all morning. Then I didn't make, I didn't research any more big ball, blue ball jokes. Ah, man. It doesn't that jokes. Man, that's a that. That's great. That's great. You tricked yourself into into into learning. Yeah, god damn it.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yeah. I tricked myself into uncovering the more depths of the depravity of the human spirit. Yeah. Every day is a study in how much worse we could be to each other. Yeah. As an anthem. Speaking of the blue balls that I'm referencing is, the court case was postponed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I was really bombed. Me too. When you texted me that on Monday. Yeah. I was like, it's not, I mean, it's, yeah, blue balls, but it's also like, it's just putting people's lives on hold. I mean, it's creating an incredible amount of stress for another month or another two months or another however long it is.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's just like, yeah, you're fucking with people's, you know, I mean, it's all fun to joke about and get pissed off about and all that kind of stuff. But at the end of the day, it's serious. It's like, you know what it is, Sean? It's absurd as it is. Well, it's, yeah, it's fucking serious. I got a $15,000 bill from my lawyers for February. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Fucking 15 grand, man. This is the line items. You should see how much yogurt these lawyers got. Yeah, entire cases of yogurts. The finest that they've got yogurt that was signed by Jamie Lee Curtis herself, her private selection. Yeah, along with a fecal sample, I think. Yeah, but after the before and after, you know, I've never read those studies when they had to stop advertising like that though. Oh, why? Because there's nothing to link that to, yeah. That was what I heard. I think it's credible that it's, well, no, they had to pull that kind of advertising with
Starting point is 00:07:54 them because it's like, there's nothing in that yogurt. I mean, I guess it's acidophilus is like the, you know, the good bacteria or whatever that helps you back up in the system. But it's like acidophilus, the good bacteria or whatever that helps you back up in the system. But it's like the Doppler, the former, the first lady. Yes. Yes. It's, yeah, there's no, they were saying it basically, it's kind of false advertising where it's that you can't definitively say you eat this, you'll be more regular.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Like, is anyone confused about what makes you, like, how false ad, how can you false advertise you're gonna shit more? Eight your thing, I didn't shit more. Well, stop eating it then, dude. Yeah. This is, did they need that? Well, here, have a couple belts of whiskey.
Starting point is 00:08:38 You really need to take a shit. Yeah. I don't know, stop eating cheese. Right. Eat something green. Have a, eat different things until you feel like you're going to shit. Right. Then do it.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Brand muffin, some Tabasco sauce, smoke a cigarette, smoke a cigarette major. Run up and down your stairs. Oh man. The first is, see what happens. I want to see like the first time, that's a good joke to play on like teenagers. What, get them there first cigarette, but get them way out away from a toilet.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yeah, yeah. Like you catch your kid smoking. Yeah. If you catch your kid smoking, right? Right. Yeah, like, oh, I'm gonna get this guy. Just make sure they're not wearing your underwear. Yeah, get them on a, yes, yes, Sean.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Get them on like a big date. Buy them a big meal for no reason and then take him and his girlfriend out into the country, right? And say like, oh, here, you like smoke and so on. Don't smoke the whole pack. Just have a giant Thanksgiving dinner and then smoke one.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Yeah. Lock the bathroom. It's exactly. It's fun to torture children. What was I, oh yeah, the lawsuit got, it's like an, it's like an advent calendar of frustration and rage that I thought we had been building to a climax of it. You know, an advent calendar, God, you open,
Starting point is 00:09:58 you open one little thing every day. You open one, the Christians, the Catholics, we believe we have a thing where it's a little picture of a tree. And every day starting in the first of December, you open, or this was when I was Catholic. I'm Muslim now. You know, I converted about a year ago. I thought so.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You got the beer, the hair is getting long. Yeah, yeah. And I'm incredibly disrespectful to women now. You open one, you open one panel. You're pretty pleased with yourself about that. I can see. You're going on and I can see you playing it back in your head going, yeah, that was pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And what the hell am I saying? What am I saying? I hope there's no problems for me when I go to Israel in May for Burning Man. I'm going to the, I'm going to the Israel version of Burning Man, which is cheaper than the, I'm going to the, the Israel version of Burning Man. Yeah. Which is cheaper than the Nevada version.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I wasn't expecting that. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Says 200 bucks. How about this? Their currency is the shackle. The currency in Israel is the shackle. Yeah. I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I still don't believe that. Like it sounds like a joke. Well, yeah, it, yeah, it sounds like a racist joke. Yeah, you know, like that's, it's always, it's so funny. It's a whole country of comedians. It's like, it sounds biblical and it sounds like a joke, but it's really what they use. Yeah, it's very funny. I thought it, I don't know why it's so funny to me. Shackle, because it's like, it's the only thing where the actual name of the thing is a pejorative. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:27 You know? Like every other, every other culture, it's like some twist where the racist joke is like a version of it, but for, it's actually is, it's the same word. Like you'd use, you know, people use shackles as a pejorative as a joke, but it's like the actual term. Anyway. Oh, I hope my Muslim faith doesn't give me a chowl. So for the advent calendar, you've got a calendar of days,
Starting point is 00:11:56 right, a countdown. And every day you open up, you open up a little door, yeah, a perforated. Remember these? Yeah, and then you get a little chocolate, right? Or something, you get something, you get some kind of small little token that's supposed to tide your feverish greed
Starting point is 00:12:11 over for another day because you can't, like in every day you start getting the twitch and you just need some gimme dats. You need to satisfy the gimme dats, right? Every day, and that's what the Advent calendars for. Sure. That's what I was building with, with the fucking lawsuit getting it dismissed was every day.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I just take a little bit of rage and put it in my rage advent calendar and duct tape and staple it shut. And I think, okay, as we approach the lawsuit hearing date, all of this is just going to fucking explode. And I've been timing it out. I've been metering it out every day. So that just so that enough could get me to that end. And then we got to the day and it I ran out of that vent calendar space and things did well. It's gonna be another two months. And I said. Yeah. What? What? What? What?
Starting point is 00:13:05 What do you mean? They said, don't worry about it. That's the good news. Here's the bad news. You owe us 15 grand. Oh. Not the first bill either. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yeah. Who knows what a madness goes on in between. Not the last. It's fine. It's fucking suck. It's fucking suck. Shhh. Shhh. Shit. Man, I can suck. I could have taught so many girls to code with that money.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Yeah. I could have bought so many netbooks for women to get them into STEM. I could have bought so many coding for dummies and learn how to code in 24 hour, learn Pascal in 24 hours books, learn J2EE, JavaScript runtime environment for women. I could have helped so many women get into STEM with that money, but Maddox had to blow it and ruin it. It's really hurting a lot of people as it turns out. Asterios could have also got women into,
Starting point is 00:14:03 could have bought his ex-wife a beautiful condo. Right, and have like a NASA clean room. Yes, he could have gotten her an IBM computer suit. Yeah. A Pentium processing computing suit. Yeah. For her to go around, she could believe the clean room that she's gonna go around in a $15,000 bubble.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And beat Casparovic chess. Beat Casparovic chess. Beat Casparovic chess. But it's gotta be just wasted. Wasted on incredible lawyers, incredible lawyers who are great. Fuck, man. Fuck, that is an expense that nobody likes to make. Fuck. Nobody likes to fucking spend.
Starting point is 00:14:40 That's why they always say, the only people who went to the lawyers. Oh, it's so fucking true. It is so fucking true. But yet, you need them. You need them. Well, unless you're, unless you're Maddox. I mean, we need them collectively
Starting point is 00:14:57 or else it's tyranny of the strong, of the mob. That's why, that's the only reason, that's the only reason I can comprehend it is yeah, this is the tax. Do they did they give you a reason why it was postponed? Uh, scheduling. Just scheduling has nothing to do with the case. I see an item thing. So I thought it's like because scheduling and no, no, no side is at fault. I think it's a court scheduling matter. Yeah. If I,
Starting point is 00:15:25 other shit took longer or whatnot, I mean, if I were to conjecture on it, I would say it probably makes sense in hindsight. It probably makes sense for all of the documents to be delivered and done. Yeah. Before the court were to look at anything. Yeah, because why go through all of this horse shit again? Well, how do you know all the documents are delivered? Well, the shit could happen. You know, he could go, he could go feral any day and have to have some kind of a rebuttal to it. Yeah, that's true, but within reason.
Starting point is 00:16:00 So, like, for example, the Weber sandwich response was filed, I think yesterday. Yeah. Their response against Maddox was filed and their petition, their motion to put sanctions on Maddox, mental Jess, and fucking their lawyer was filed big time. Yes. And a judge is going to have to make a fucking yes or no decision. It's not a, it's not a, I hope somebody does something about this. Yeah. Time. It's a, a, we need you, this is how much this is what we're asking for. We're asking for sanctions. Big time, because lies and
Starting point is 00:16:39 fuckery. Yeah. And we're asking for costs, because of said lies and fuckery and abuse of the fucking system Which this obviously is and you get to say to the judge this is the judges position to say either yes or no Yeah, it's interesting Yeah, it'll be fucking interesting man Because I sure as shit am not walking away from this unscathed because I sure as shit, I'm not walking away from this unscathed. Unscathed. Asterios is walking away from this
Starting point is 00:17:08 with his billboard charting album, stuck up his ass basically, just fees, just fees wise, I'm saying. Oh yeah. So there better be some fucking bloodletting on the other side. Oh my God. If we're both getting,
Starting point is 00:17:24 if we've both been getting ass-reamed for months over this. By the most competent people in the world, saying, you know, not complaining, I'm complaining about, I'm not complaining about the service of the fee, and performed for the fees, I'm complaining about the situation, that we got the fucking necessity of the service, that we got the the fees. I'm complaining about the situation that we got the fucking necessity of the service
Starting point is 00:17:45 that gave that we got the fucking fees. Yeah, it's like the woman that swallowed a fly. Perhaps she'll, well, she swallowed a horse to catch the dog to catch the cat to catch the mouse to catch the cricket to catch the spider. I hope she gets some fucking sanctions on her. Right. Is what I'm saying this bitch that ate the spider in the first the fly in the first place. But he, he, he, this bitch that ate the spider in the the fly in the in the first place. But he, but he, but he, that's all folks. Oh, anyhow, um, I'm on, I've been on Twitch lately. Yeah. Yeah, I've been doing a lot.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I, you know, I play piano. Yeah, I got it all set up now. So just whenever I play, I just kind of flick it on. That's cool. It's fun. It's fun. It runs. You got it running through the other computer now and you got that. Yeah, it's a lot of fun. And I just got of flick it on. That's cool. It's fun. It's fun. It runs, you got it running through the other computer now, and you got that.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Yeah, it's a lot of fun. And I just got the affiliate status, which means if you have Amazon Prime, you have a free subscription on Twitch. You can go to my Twitch at Big Dick Masterson and hit subscribe, it costs you nothing. Wow, yeah. And I get five bucks worth.
Starting point is 00:18:42 How about that? Plus you sit around, we dick around. That's pretty cool. Shoot the shit, we sing, sometimes people are there. You should come in and play. Good to know. I know, I know. I mean, I get real, I mean, you remember
Starting point is 00:18:54 how we used to play all the time. It's face drunk? Well, yeah. Yeah, that's it. It's like that. It's like that. I get pretty tossed and saying weird words to weird covers. It's fun, it's a good time. That's kind that. I get pretty tossed and saying weird words to weird covers. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:19:05 It's a good time. That's kind of sound fun. The camera's in there writing parody lyrics on the fly. Yeah. I've been picking it up more lately. I've been playing a little bit. Come on. I'll get new strings just for you.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I got guitars. So you don't have to play in the the the Garot strings. Now I know something about I know something about corroded. I'm very corrosive when I was when I was playing a lot, you know, if it was a, if I was doing anything, especially in the studio, I would change strings every day, every day because by the end of it, oh, absolutely, they would be just dead as shit. But yeah, I have never seen strings like on that. Oh, corrosive acoustic on touch. It's unbelievable. The opposite. My touch.
Starting point is 00:19:43 on that. Oh, corrosive acoustic on touch. It's unbelievable. The opposite might as touch. Yeah. Everything I touched turns it a shit. Yeah. If you just corrode it, man, corrosive. Yeah. Very corrosive. Yeah. I'm not right to its soul. What was that supervillain that would touch people in their faces would like meld and die? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Okay, so that's that's the five million downloads we crossed. Phenomenal. A Lecembera wrote a song. You wanna hear that song before I get to it? Ask me a raise. Did you ever figure out why they are, you know, how the numbers correlate? Well, they changed it.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Libson changed it for advertising. Is it substantial? Like the, oh yeah. Yeah, so all of a sudden it's like, what is it? Like cut it in half or something stupid like Jesus? And the longer your show, the more of an effect it would have. They said, oh God.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Okay, see you next week, guys. So we're now releasing 20 episodes on Tuesday. There's 10 minutes long. Nice. Hey, it's amazing though, that it can impact it that much. Yeah. Here's Lecambres's 5 million downloads song. Ah! I don't know what's up your show Da da ba Da da ba Da da da da
Starting point is 00:21:08 Da da da da Da da da da Da da da da Da da da da Listen to the weird thing where they changed how downloads work Oh, they had a very lengthy explanation that I got absolutely nothing from like they to be more It was some kind of advertising standard that they were trying to
Starting point is 00:21:36 We've heard me we've heard me complaining about the size of my penis. That's something to complain about though. Yeah, I sucks Okay, this is what makes me a rage week. I have two. Next to it. I've got two. Do you want the heavy one or the fun one? Have you ever, you got two what? Two things that make me rage this week. They won't get two before we get to some colors. Buntie King's calling in, Digi Bros calling in.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Oh. Have you ever tried to buy new sheets for your shit? Because it is the most, it is the biggest time suck frustrating fucking process of bait and switch that I think I've ever done. Out of all the things, out of all the adulting I've ever had to do, buying new sheets has been the most frustrating of all of them. Starting with the, you know what, I spend how much time in this bed, I'm not just going to get the $20 Amazon choice special.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Because so far, everything, I don't wanna sleep on prison sheets. I don't wanna get made fun of because my sheets are see-through. I don't want sheets. Like, this is, sheets are something that can piss you off every morning, every day of your life. You get like one, you get that one window.
Starting point is 00:22:54 You get that one landing window like you're landing a spacecraft, like you're piloting a spaceship through the ozone layer. And if you hit that and you get that one window of time to set aside and make this purchase correctly in your life, right? Because if you pick wrong, you're getting fucking, you're getting sheets that pop up on one corner every fucking night. You're getting sheets that are gonna get weird stains all over them. You're getting sheets that don't even cover the mattress properly because they were made to be put over a, I don't put peace of plywood.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah. Or a sleeping bag or so. I don't know. Okay. So you're saying it's not as simple as just picking the size bed you have. Oh, good. And then getting it.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Sean, good, good fucking luck. Not even close. Not even fucking close. Of all the things that I miss having done for me, having my food made, having my clothes washed, having my house cleaned, having my yard kept in a state that doesn't look like it was for closed on 20 years ago. And that someone that you're looking for when you're not going to door died 30, 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And their bills were all on auto pay. So nobody checked on them. Yeah. 35, 15 years ago, and their bills were all on auto pay. So nobody checked on them. Yeah. And you open the door and the towers of newspapers fall out on top of you. And that's how the person died and you're out of all the things that have been difficult to pick up and do myself, the buying of the fucking sheets has been the biggest pain in the ass of all of them.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Wow. I had to do it this week. I did it this week, because you get, glad you're able to do the show. Yeah, Sean, I had to wash them too. Yeah. You can get, you go, you go looking for your sheets
Starting point is 00:24:36 and you get, first of all, the first bait and switch is this micro fiber shit. Uh-huh. Do you know what micro fiber is? Well, I mean, technically, no, I've, could be a marketing term, could be, I don't want to fucking sleep on it. And nobody does. You know how I know that?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Because they call the micro fiber 1200 or 1000, whatever's you think, oh, that must be the threat count. That's not. That's their own proprietary marketing term. That for some reason looks exactly like the threat count of the thing that I wanted. Gotcha. But it's, but no, no, no, no, it's just, it's just a different type of fabric. No, so first of all, carve out that fucking scam.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I don't want that. I don't fucking want that. I don't want, secondly, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you want this, but it's every single one, every single sheet that you then end up on is satine. Satine sheets. Really? I just want regular, I want regular sheets that fit my bed like a hotel.
Starting point is 00:25:39 That's what I want. Type that in. 10,000 hotel collections, not a goddamn one of them looks like something I would sleep on at a hotel. Yeah. Don't know why that is, because somebody, some idiot said, oh, these dumb fucks just want wants in a hotel.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Let's take the shit that we're already selling, just say that this is our hotel shit. No, it's not. It's not. Hotel has a white sheet that fits perfectly every fucking time. Feels exactly the same. Feels like a priest robe. nice and tight and crisp,
Starting point is 00:26:06 like you could paint painting on it, like a stretched piece of canvas. That's the teen. I've never been to a hotel with satine sheets. You wanna know why? Because our parents had satine sheets. And the thought of it is gross to me. Because I remember running into my parents' room
Starting point is 00:26:22 as a kid on Sundays or Saturdays Jumping in you know feeling that big bad your parents love of You lingering it's nice and warm. You think wow. This is great. You grow up and realize why it's fucking warm And you realize there's no way I escaped childhood without getting a little bit of my dad's Pre-come somewhere on my body Oh, I ran in there all excited in the morning, so I don't fucking want to teen sheets I don't want to think about my dad's ding dong wiggling around while he's trying to get it on before the kids wake up Hey, honey, I hear the smurf's theme song is starting so we got 15 minutes to pound one out before a little dick comes running in here
Starting point is 00:27:04 Because the episode just bled, you understand in the Smurfs. There's always two. I'm hooked on the one, but the second one was always fucked. Always had the Smurflings or some cockass on it ruining the regular Smurf's generation. Kid Smurfs.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I'm a kid. I don't care about kid shit. Yeah. I wanna see adult shit. Okay, right. That was a, those were substandard smurfs Those fucking smurflings and their stupid dog. Yeah, grandpa smurf grandpa was great I never got any fucking screen time though because slouchy and that bitch
Starting point is 00:27:34 He can see a nature smurf and fucking spaso smurf Whatever is that or whatever the right yeah, yeah nature nature or whatever. Yeah, what the fuck were those? Those were fucked. They were fucked because someone makes a good show for the kids and then some coaked up asshole swoops in. This'll be better. And says, we gotta throw some, you know, kids love, I love myself, kids must love themselves. Let's throw a bunch of kids in this thing
Starting point is 00:28:00 and fucking ruin it. Yeah. So let's pound one out before, while let's start pounding one out here in the bed while the little dick is getting into the smurfs, little did they fucking know that it's smurflings episode. So I'm fucking out of there jumping in bed. Hey, mom, dad, what's going on? Let me get, let me fucking let's place some little green ghouls, man, get under the sheets. Let's place a nightcrawler, right? Not knowing about the erections and things that were probably going on on these satin sheets.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Oh boy. Burn it, wipe it off the face of the earth, and I'll fucking want satin sheets. So now we're on our two. I never did that as a kid. What? Went into my parents' bed. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Yeah, my dad was scary, man. Oh my god. Was it real?, but you don't fuck around with it like a sleeping bear, you know? So what, you just, you wake up and then, Oh, I just chill out and, chill out. Yeah, wait till, you know, I mean, they were probably, I don't know if they were probably out before me, but yeah, no, I don't, I don't ever remember doing this.
Starting point is 00:29:01 They slept in as a kid then. Well, no, I mean, no, I remember getting up really early to watch like the Smurfs. I remember getting up really early to watch Felix the cat, those old fucking Felix the cat cartoos. Oh yeah, with the baggage tricks and that baggage trick and that fucking professor. The FFKN Professor.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Yeah, the weird FFKN Professor, but I love the Smurfs, but I always knew the Snork sucked. Snorks were fucked. Yeah, Snorks were fucking shit Yeah, snorks were fucking stupid. Shit, shit, cartoon. No adults at all. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Anyway, not Satine, not some, not some horse shit Amazon special that I fucking know has a 0% chance of staying on the bed and then I'm waking up every morning with elastic marks across my tits because the fitted sheet popped off. Every fucking morning until it's so, on the bed and then I'm waking up every morning with elastic marks across my tits because the fitted sheet popped off. Every fucking morning until it's so deeply pounded into your skull that you just don't fix
Starting point is 00:29:52 it and you're sleeping on half mattress every night like a ssh like a hobo centaur, half man half hobo sleeping on a fucking mattress of bare mattress every night. That's the future if you pick wrong. It's worse than picking the wrong Holy Grail. Yeah, a lifetime of sleeping on a shit sheet. So I finally found one. To prevent everyone else from having to go through this hell, it's the thing you got to search for.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Let me make sure I find it. Is Percale, Pima, Cotton. Pima Cotton. That's the one. Percale, Percale, Percale is when it's, the satine is cause it's just one way. Oh, okay. Percale is both ways.
Starting point is 00:30:39 That's how you get that crisp, that crisp hotel quality. Got it. To your sheets. Pima Cotton. Got it. To your sheets. Pima cotton. Got it. But the weave is the important part. Because they don't fuck around with that weave
Starting point is 00:30:49 with shitty cotton. Okay. And the thread counts not a big deal. I also learned that. Really? 400 is just fine for this type of weave. Got it. Because it's both ways.
Starting point is 00:30:59 So then I wash, I wash these motherfuckers. Yeah, I get new pillows. Like, look at this. What a fucking adult, right? Look what I've done here. This is great. I did it. Fucking nailed it.
Starting point is 00:31:11 This is the biggest obstacle of adulting that I've had to do so far. Spraying for bugs, that was easy because I think that I'm committing genocide on the bugs. Right. Love, I can't wait for the next time to do it. Yeah. You little fucking, you dumb fucks, you, I can't wait for the next time to do it. Yeah, you little fucking, you dumb fucks,
Starting point is 00:31:26 you think I can't get into that crack? I bet you're terrified in that crack for the chemicals and the beings that are coming down here to destroy you. Wow, I'll do it, I'll do it every fucking day. I'll do it twice a day, spray for bugs. Weeds? Yeah, same.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yep. Home repair? It's great, just more things I can put off. Awesome, more jobs I can start. Go to Home Depot, buy some shit, start a job, basically done. Yeah. Basically done. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Perfect. But this fucking thing, the buying of the sheets, was the most frustrating so far, so I get them all clean, put them on the bed, and stretch them out nice. Maybe it's the only time I've ever made a bed in my life. Yeah. And doing it made me think that it's maybe good for your mental state. Cause like, well I say that.
Starting point is 00:32:12 I bet those army guys, the army does it, right? So, must be good for your, you don't walk into a military barrack and just see a bunch of like dry humped sheets crumpled up on everybody's bed. No, they make it, they make it. Right, they make it. No, I've heard that specifically referring to making your bed that's good for your mental state.
Starting point is 00:32:31 So 80s grow hops in there, you know, but all right, what do you think? What do you think of these sheets? Pretty romantic sheets that I put together here. Mind you, you have your childhood, mind me? She goes, yeah, you know, that's just getting me in the mood. I got to warn you though, I'm on my period. I said, get out, get out, get off of my sheets. Yeah. Yeah. Get the hell out of here. That's my sheets.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Story. I'll tell you what else makes me a rage. Get no, very quick. Yeah. Yeah.. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I've got all this shit prepared on. I didn't know I was going to talk about sheets for so long. I think that tax withholding is maybe the most evil thing that goes on to us. The act of withholding a little bit of your taxes every week, because we're all filing what in either now we're all getting ready to file, coming up on D-Day, T-Day, April 15th, Stereo's is getting ready
Starting point is 00:33:53 to do it at the last minute, like he was doing in Philadelphia. Yeah. I think I have this idea that if they made everybody pay the lump sum on the 15th instead of crossing your fingers that you hope you get something back, a lot more people would think taxes are a big fucking problem. Oh, I'm sure that is true. Yeah. Like, if it came in, if it wasn't, if your employer and the government,
Starting point is 00:34:25 we're not working together to kind of gradually chisel away. Yeah, it's, it's slow. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the year. Throughout the bill. It seems like a relief if you don't owe anymore. When in actuality, like when I got this lawyer bill, you're paying, what, 2018 percent, 20 percent of your, if you had to write a check for that lump sum, I bet a lot more people would be a lot more pissed off about it. If everybody had to write a 15,000, because I know I'm fucking pissed off about having to write that check for the lawyers. Oh, yeah. All of a sudden I'm thinking, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
Starting point is 00:35:11 let me go, I think we could, we could cut some of these, like we got to cut some of these charges ASAP. This is not gonna do it. This is not gonna work for the next one. Yeah. I gotta stop running my mouth so much. If it's cut, if every joke, like I go through and I see when I fucked around, like, oh, a temporary shrinkage, yeah, I had to listen to that episode.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yeah, that was a big charge. I got to fuck, I got to write this ship. If instead of making you pay every two weeks, they just put it in and lump some, there'd be big changes. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. People would say, we got a chop, we got a fucking chop at least. We got a chop at least 25% off of this. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:35:51 Now, right fucking now. Yeah, you hear a lot more people complaining about it all the time. It wouldn't seem like a joke. No. That taxation it was theft. It would be like, you mean I could have bought a boat with this and now I cannot? You mean I could have bought,
Starting point is 00:36:09 you mean I could have bought two bitcoins instead of getting zero, which is what we're fucking used to? Right. So I started doing some research about status quo bias. Okay. Yeah, I don't know if this will be interesting to anyone. It ties in with ties in with a couple things. I was talking with coach downtown. We're having lunch because he's on jury duty. Oh, really? Again. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:37 He gets he gets picked for that more regularly than the average bear. Yeah, he told me that he calls a special number that gets him put on a fast track list to get called in while I think he was joking. I think he was being suspicious. Yeah. He also said that it's, because I said I never go, I just ignore him.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I don't care. Yeah. And he's like, well, aren't you worried about, you know, the law? What did you talk about? I got many fucking laws. Do you, like, what do you, what do you what do you Johnny law following guy Now are you fucking how many laws how many laws have we seen each other bring you talking to me about civic duty
Starting point is 00:37:14 Yeah, get the hell out of here. You just like it. Don't give me that shit. You like going in there pretending to be a fucking law Yeah, oh yeah, I'm responsible. I like taking oaths. Yeah. Oh, I'll sign me up. I love taking oaths. Yes, absolutely. I will do my best. Listen to the law. I was telling him, yeah, I'm against an unprinciple because if you don't do it, like, then you're forced to with the, with violence, right? Like the state forces you to do anything with violence if you don't want to do it. You don't want to do jury duty. You get tickets and then eventually throw your ass in the slamer, right? Pretty much anything that the government tells you to do is with the threat of violence if you don't do it. Yeah, that's the eventuality.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yeah. So no matter what they tell you to do, it's a threat. Now, it's immediately do this or we'll kill you. Because eventually they will, yeah. And they can do that. So I was saying, yeah, that's against them making you be a jury of your peers based on that threat. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I have a problem with that. It's like it's perfectly fine to show up and say, hey, I'd like to do this. I would like to do this and then pick out of that pool. Greeks fucking did it. Yeah. You know, if it was volunteering jurors, the pool can't be any fucking worse than people
Starting point is 00:38:35 who either don't have jobs to miss or are too dumb to get out of jury duty to do that. Like, those aren't my fucking peers. My peers are the ones who figured out how to get out of it because it's fucking stupid. And that's the entire concept of civic duty is a lie to trick you into giving shit up that's yours. So he was saying, well, you know, coach was saying,
Starting point is 00:38:59 well, I'd be open to hearing something about that. And I said, okay, okay, okay, okay. What if that was normal? And me telling you an alternative system would be threatening people with violence to go beyond jury duty. Like what if it was reversed? And what was the default was something else?
Starting point is 00:39:18 Wouldn't this idea be horrifying? Yeah, to you. But it's because we're biased toward what we know and what's been. Yeah, so I, but it's because we're biased toward what we know and what's been. Yeah. So I looked up some stuff on it. It's really, I thought it was very, it was very interesting actual like real scientific studies where they took a region one example. It's called status quo bias. They gave, for example, electric, electric companies gave you the ability to pick between, they gave like potential, they gave customers, you could pick between price and reliability.
Starting point is 00:39:54 So as the price increased, the reliability increased. So they had some people who were complaining about the price and some people that were complaining about reliability. So they gave them both, they gave them both the same set of options, trade one for the other. And the people, the people who had reliable power, all picked reliable will stay with the one we have. And the people who all had shitty service that would constantly complain about it,
Starting point is 00:40:20 said, we'll stay with the one we have. So you're the same fucking people constantly complaining about what you don't have, but you still picked the one that you claim to hate. The enemy you know, the alternative is scarier, perhaps. Yeah, yeah, which I thought was interesting because it's the same people. Yeah, you know, like, so you'd think like it would be 50, 50,
Starting point is 00:40:42 but just by virtue of them already having the problems that they had, they're fine with them. Interesting. The other one I found was, I might not do very, I did a little bit of research, but not tremendous research. Well, I'm not a scientist over here. Yeah, you know. Just a guy getting sued.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yeah. That's all. Just a guy. Just like you. Yeah. Yeah. Just like just a normal dude getting sued. Yeah, that's all. That's a guy. Just like you. Yeah, just like just a normal dude getting sued getting sued just for making some for cracking some jokes. That's all. As part of tort law reform programs, let me see here. This was an auto insurance one. In New Jersey, they did the same kind of thing for new Jersey citizens and Pennsylvania citizens
Starting point is 00:41:27 where it was another choice between a cheaper option and it was another choice between price and a right to sue the insurance company. So you had to trade a lower price for the amount of culpability the insurance company played. I call shenanigans on anything having to do with auto insurance. Well, it's those motherfuckers are the worst of all insurance companies. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:41:57 In one state, it was cheap and you couldn't sue the insurance company. And in pencil, I think in Pennsylvania, I would always reserve the right to sue the insurance company. But the people who didn't have that picked the one that they had. Like it was the same kind of thing where the New Jersey people like kept the, kept the cheap option and the Pennsylvania people kept the, kept the right to sue or gave up or interesting.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Yeah. Yeah. It was very interesting. And the only reason I, well, the reason I bring it up is the tax shit made me think about it. Like yeah, it's only, it's not reprehensible to people because it's always, we suck it in. No, sure, absolutely. And this Facebook privacy shit,
Starting point is 00:42:41 it's not reprehensible to people because it's what we know, like expecting anything to change and anything is asking people to work effectively against their own minds. Yeah, because there's so many other problems and things to think about on a daily basis that that kind of stuff, it is. It's like, okay, that's status quo. That's something that can just be working in the background of my mind. I don't, I'm not overly concerned about it
Starting point is 00:43:09 because it's a known commodity. Yeah. And that's good enough for most people. So it seems like there's not a pick your battles because it's fucking, that makes sense. However, from what I was looking into this, it seems like there's a deeper brain chemistry thing playing that prevents us from even thinking about it at all.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Like the, I found this weird study, and I didn't really fully understand but bits and pieces of it, where asking people to make decisions, they've got people in a lab hooked up like clockwork, orn style, and they ask them to make a decision that's not already shown versus other people where they say just make the decision without giving them a default.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And they've got them hooked up into MRI machines. The people who are asked to choose against the default, like their fucking brain rejects it out of principle. Not even like having to do with no sense, no sense of principle. Not having to do with no sense of loss, like all they've got to do is sit there and either pick a thing, one group, and the other group has to pick something that isn't where something isn't labeled the default.
Starting point is 00:44:15 And the people where it's labeled the default is like their mind's tarot park. Like a herd mentality thing, like where it's, or like somebody, I don't know. Somebody has said that this is the right answer. I don't know, but it has fucked implications, in my opinion, because every single, every big company knows this
Starting point is 00:44:32 and everything they do, they sneak through and then say, well, you know, it's like slowly normalizing. Yeah. Shit that we would hate, hate that we should all hate. But they keep sneaking it in until what's normal is you're giving away 20% of your time and you're working six weeks, two months for fucking free. And that you have absolutely no say on where any of the money goes.
Starting point is 00:44:58 And that's normal. And telling people that is asking them to take the brain and tear it the fuck apart because it like it's such a sick shortcut that every single bit that every single government and company takes advantage of it really pissed it really it only pissed me off when I looked into it because the only way to fight it is to give people drugs like SSRI inhibitors that makes their fucking brain stop working right give me a fucking drug that lets me not see a default option. Give everybody the day that we vote, everybody in the morning wake up and take the drug that turns off the thing in your brain
Starting point is 00:45:33 that is forcing you to be addicted to the normal. Well, then we're gonna- That'll work like that. I'm saying, it would have to be a brand new drug that like stop because they're comparing it to like Parkinson's. Like the same symptoms in Parkinson's also show up when people are forced to make a decision that is against the norm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:51 So the only way to fight it is a fucking drug. Yeah. And you can't think yourself out of your own fucking brain. No, you know, right. You can't lift your own feet up. That's what I'm saying, a new drug that just shuts that off. Yeah. Because otherwise we're fucked.
Starting point is 00:46:05 It's coming. Yeah. There you go. I had a bunch of other shit too, but I got to get some calls. Let me see. Mr. Bunty King. Let me play a song and then Mr. Bunty King's here. I love this guy.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Do you know anything about him? Not really. Dude, he's like, I'll tell you when, I'll tell you about him when you get him on. This is from, this is from Kendall and Hyde. Oh boy. It's I was Heather Buddy. And I will get Bonteon. There you go.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I was Heather Buddy by Kendall and Hyde. Who has a Patreon? Haha. I really hate chimpanzees go vote up monkeys. I Really hate chimpanzees go vote up monkeys. Jay never complains cuz the bulls my proper honky my dead fish I ball stare ahead like I'm a vegetable not back my junk. I got fresh lips again So happy home last ahead like stock lock and teams on prom night like like to come with cuz he thinks that kids look all right If you got a fetus in you, we could have a lot of fun. Like you're banging both.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Now that's what I call a duper one. People keep saying I'm insane to complain about the stupid wedding when you drove home my ex. Hi, Jackson, ladies girl. That night because she is my property. Once I set my mind on fucking up, there is no stopping me. Rucker, rucker left. But my lawyer still barks.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Check out my cool network. It's me in GameParts. We website Pro. I got an extra 10 grand with your name on it if you can fix this fucking door. So... Boy in Panyhouse! Jesus.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I was Heather Buddy. I committed perjury. And he went to the store. Boy in Panyhouse. I'm a sewer buddy, so give me your money. Dick is so evil, he's a friggin nightmare. He's only liked by people because they dig his nice hair. His bunkers filled with anard, he's even got a flag. All day I'm blocking people calling me a cuck and fag. No one likes my shows. I should probably get a job.
Starting point is 00:48:07 But first I need to organize another Lynch mob. Dear Australia, hey mate, here's the thing. You're harboring Lecambora, that guy who wraps and sings. He has a few accomplices. Now tell me where they work. My articles on Billboard charting albums may be jerks. Oh, and while you're at it, please send me his address. Thank you for your time. Sincerely Heather S.
Starting point is 00:48:27 So, boy, boy in pantyhose. I was Heather, buddy. I committed perjury. So, boy in pantyhose. I must who were buddy. So give me your money. So I'm a Who are Better keep my strength up for this lawsuit I can't see it yeah I'm very talented. Yeah. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented.
Starting point is 00:49:14 I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented. I'm very talented How you doing, man? I'm very good, how are you, man? I'm all right, I'm chilling, I'm just, I was in the middle of editing a video, and then I typed in your name in the YouTube, right? And I saw that you're in Dr. Phil, and then I was watching a video, a clip about
Starting point is 00:49:39 what you had to say about my friend Tim Poole. Oh, no. I didn't appreciate it too much, but we can talk about that later. We can talk about that. Yeah, it's all good. Yeah, so I'll give you the short version of that. I'm fighting a lawsuit.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I know, you know about it. Okay, so here's the thing. I'll, like, like, cup me off whenever you want me to cut, whenever you want to cup me off, because I mean, it's your fucking show. But I'm not going to cut you off. I got to tell you, I love you, man. Like, I love your whole deal of how you are always bringing people together.
Starting point is 00:50:14 And I'm actually very envious of it. Like, every time I hear your take on something, it's always, it's conclusive to the point of bringing people together. Like, I heard your video on David Hogg, especially where you were saying you're, you're a man. You're going to man it up. Yeah, well, you were saying, but you said it in a way that was not aggressive. It was you, not an aggressive person.
Starting point is 00:50:38 That's why I love you. You said you're, you're a man now that you entered politics. So it's time to stop pulling the child card out and also encouraging him not to go after sponsors because he's doing that. Of that man. Yeah. And you know, and you know, and it's becoming the norm. Like going after sponsors is now becoming the only way that people argue their already
Starting point is 00:51:04 ideology. Like they've given up on, they've given up, they've given up on making arguments to, to prove their point or to at least explain their point. And they just go straight for the sponsors. They take everything that somebody says out of context or in bad faith and try to bully sponsors out of supporting people to get to essentially kill their voice when, you know, when they're offended by it. So yeah, yeah, I'm a big fan.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Say, I'm never gonna cut you off. I appreciate that, I really do. And I have to apologize in advance because I haven't really been watching your content. You know, and like, I don't really watch a lot of content. And one of the things that happened, I remember when I was in LA, you invited me on to a show at one point.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And at some point, I was like, I won't be able to make it. And this has led up to, you know, what I've learned about the whole role so that's been happening, right? Yeah. And, you know, when I first went to, when I got there, it was like in the middle of all this shit,
Starting point is 00:52:02 like Tereek Nishit had come after me and all that stuff. And like, you know, I got into the platform in the middle of all the shit like to reach the sheet had come after me and all that stuff and and like you know I got in the platform once I was rebuilding my platform again. Let me explain what that is to people who are listening to the show. Sure. Maybe haven't heard of you because that is a very interesting story. Bunti King was in one of the first Cullings of Twitter. Like where a bunch of people with offensive points of view, which are not. Like he's not, he's not offensive at all, which is why it's always shocked me. But this guy, Tarek Neshid, accused you of being a white supremacist on Twitter, right? Yeah. And going pretty good.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And the white supremacist collaborator. Yeah. I mean, just so people don't know, he's a branch. Yeah. Bunti King is a brown man. Yeah. He's not a white. He's not white. know he's a brood. Bunti King is a brown man. He's not white and he's a Sikh man. Like there's nothing in common on even the surface level of white supremacy, the movement or the individuals involved in it. Never has said anything about it, but this guy Tariq just accused him of being a white supremacist. Well, but he may identify as a white supremacist. As a white supremacist, right, but he may identify as a white supremacist. As a white supremacist, right?
Starting point is 00:53:05 You just don't know these days. And then we got that, we have the whole, what's the, what's transracial, this one that's happening around, yeah? I'm one of those transracial people. Sure, I mean, yeah. It's all virtual. He's actually, he's actually an old white KKK member
Starting point is 00:53:21 and actually, a bunty is just a character. Got it. An actor like a man, and I'm in three. I'm just wearing brown face. You guys have tricked all of you guys. The beard is obviously fake. He's got a giant seat beard. It's obviously fake.
Starting point is 00:53:33 So to she rallied his followers to essentially like mass report you and get you booted off Twitter, right? Exactly. That's what happened. Yeah. And at first, it was my first experience with that, right? And those was like, so you have, like the other thing you have to understand
Starting point is 00:53:47 is that I'm really new to the internet. Like not new to the internet in the sense that like I've been around the internet. Like I was on forums like back in the day, like trolling before it was, people would even call it trolling. It was like, it wasn't even a word at that point. It was just, you know, people would be talking shit
Starting point is 00:54:00 to each other. I was doxed in 2006 by like a small community of people. And at the time, the people that doxed me weren't like the basement wellers, the people that doxed me were like jocks of sorts. I was being bullied by people who pretty much were the normal people. So now it was really, really interesting because now I see the opposite.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Now I see these basement dwellers bullying like the people who actually go outside and do things. Try to like target their family, try to target their sponsors, as you said. So that's what I'm saying now. That's interesting because my perspective is that people are out in the open like Hollywood types and like like the the pussy hat marches, but you know that obviously my perspective is from like Chauvinistic like satirical comedy, so I would experience the wrath of that But it seems like on from my end it seems like people who are very much out in the open just reporting me on mass Well, okay, so it's I think that I think that most people in general don't give a shit about all the stuff that people are complaining about.
Starting point is 00:55:10 The people you see in the pussy hats and stuff like that, they're minority, man. They look like a majority because the media represents them, but they're minority. Most people don't give a fuck. That's the thing, right? So at the time when I was on the participating on the internet, I remember the attitude I had and I had this very self-righteous attitude. I thought I was king shit. And people didn't like that.
Starting point is 00:55:29 So normal people didn't like that. So I got, ended up getting docs. It wasn't the right thing to do. Obviously, I don't support that at all. But it was a lesson learned from me. So that was my experience with the internet. And I've had it. But when it comes to creating mountain content
Starting point is 00:55:42 and having mountain platform, I really don't know who people are and you know, I don't look into people's histories. I don't look into people's past that much. So I don't know about you. I don't know about what Maddox has done or anything like that. But I remember when I showed up at the time at VidCon in LA last year and like things were popping for me.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I was like people suddenly knew my name and people were talking about me. Like who is this guy who was just saying normal things but people are hating for it, you know? Yeah. I'm one of those people. Vuntil says something and it'll be like nice and like it'll just explain it in the way he explains it
Starting point is 00:56:15 and I'll think, oh, you motherfucker, I could have said that and been seeing something good. No, but that's not your thing, man. I've been listening to you. I've been listening to you for like last half hour. You're like, you know, you're out there, which you're, you're, you're out there, which is, which is, which is, it's your thing, you know, like, you're animated, it's different. It's completely, and not everyone can, like, I would say that my
Starting point is 00:56:33 approach is like, some people probably hate it because they're like, fuck, I can't, it's hard to criticize them, you know, it's like, what can we say about this guy? So if they're criticizing me, it's almost like they're making up shit. And it's like, really, at that point,, or they're trying to read into something that I've said, and maybe put a spin on it. Like, oh, he's a marketer. When they found out that I was a marketer, they're like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:56:51 This guy's just saying things just to get ahead. And like, why would I do that? Like, that makes no sense to me. It's like, well, it's also a very cynical outlook on you and an asumptive on you, because certainly somebody who understands the human condition in a way that you do would be drawn to marketing because it's a prerequisite for doing, like getting a your message out is not necessarily manipulative just because you understand how to do it correctly. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:57:16 Exactly. No, I totally agree. I totally agree. And that's something that kind of was demoralizing for a bit because suddenly I had all these people coming at me. And once again, the media, even social media, like your own active involvement in social media can get you to start thinking that these small groups
Starting point is 00:57:31 of people are like the masses when they're not. They're just a small group of people that are very fucking loud and you're given them more, you're given them more airtime essentially. So just to cut the long story short, when I got to VidCon, you know, you know, Maddox told me things about you. And I was like, well, that's, he told me things about you that I'm pretty sure you've heard
Starting point is 00:57:51 already before, so it's not even like, you shit, okay? I would love to know what he told you. That's interesting. Well, I mean, just that, you know, you were harassing him. Yeah. And then he should look, yeah, that was it. And I did not know who you were. I had no idea what Dick Masterson was. I didn't know you were this guy that had been on dark, but I had no fucking said, yeah, that was it. And I did not know who you were. I had no idea what Dick Masterson was.
Starting point is 00:58:05 I didn't know you were this guy that had been on dark, but I had no fucking clue, dude. I'm literally a baby in this world. Like this is not like, I'm so naive when it comes to who's who. I'm just here assuming that you lose that. Well, there's gonna be, yeah. Sorry. Never lose that feeling.
Starting point is 00:58:20 That's a good, cause then you get too involved in the sauce. You get lost in the gas sauce, you know? Well, that is it. And I mean, it's kind of, I kind of started losing it, but it sucks because I kind of have to, because I feel like there's people who have been around who want to like manipulate me to kind of champion their ideas. Because they see how I'm able to present things.
Starting point is 00:58:41 They see that people are like, oh, this guy's well spoken. Oh my God, he's nice looking. Okay, he's got a nice laugh. Oh, this is the guy that we should probably be feeding stuff to so that, they see that people are like, oh, this guy is well-spoken. Oh my God, he's nice looking. Okay, he's got a nice laugh. This is the guy that we should probably be feeding stuff to so that we can pop him up as someone in our platform. And then next thing, you know, like, I'm just not white. That's always a good, you know, that's always a fucking positive on the internet now. For any campaign, like, it's not to be ignored.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Well, I mean, I see both sides of it. I see people who say, you know, oh, well, look at this guy. He's like, not a white dude. Like, why is he being fucked over? And then I also see other people who are like, this guy no one would be listening to him if he wasn't white. So I see like all these kinds of things.
Starting point is 00:59:18 So yeah, I'm at that time and I found out about that. I was like, you know, I was like, I don't know if I should talk to this or get in between this because I wasn't sure what was happening. But then, I'm getting in between it. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not in tension, I'm not in tension, too.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I just see what happened. I'm like, I don't wanna fucking talk, this is between dick and maddox, that's it, I'm not gonna talk about it. Fucking train wreck for everybody involved, even like, even people who, like, it's gone so far that the customer service agent who Maddox has been emailing for, who had, Maddox had been emailing for months to
Starting point is 00:59:52 try to get me kicked off of Patreon. He fucking sued him, like a guy that's just, this like some kid in San Francisco, it's his first job at a college. He's answering emails and now he's getting sued. Like it's just totally fucking up people's lives for no reason. Usually when facts come out, it tempers things. Like you'll get these crazy scenarios
Starting point is 01:00:15 and then, oh, the facts come out and you say, oh, okay, now that I see it in context, okay, this is more, I can digest this a little bit, a little bit easier. The more facts come out about this case, the more insane it is. It's the opposite of how it normally works. I think that's why it's so captivating to everybody because even, I'm consistently surprised at what's been, what has been going on.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Oh, by the way, Bunti, when you were out in LA and you agreed to do the show, you asked me how far it was away from downtown. I was like, you know, it's pretty close at the time. I was like, there's no fucking way. There's no fucking way you're coming to LA VidCon and making the trip out to Pasadena, Mount Washington area. It's like, I knew, I knew at the time it was a big ask. I'm sorry to have pitched it.
Starting point is 01:01:05 No, it's okay. Next next next time I'm in, man, I'm down and talking so far the the report that we have a Justin talking right now seems to be pretty chill. So I think you sound like someone I can be friends with. So it's cool. Well, I'll tell you what gets to know him. Yeah, the kids know me. All that veneer will disappear quickly. I have been I have been a tremendous asshole to your friends. I will tell you that. I'll apologize to you. How many friends? Well, you know, everyone popular, Sean. Okay. Well, okay. You got it. You got to, you got to, you got to run through the list. Okay. I've been an asshole to Tim Poole. I've been an asshole to Chris Raygun. I've been an asshole to Ryan Holiday. Yeah. I've been an asshole to Monday and Matt.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Okay. Uh, I've basically been an asshole to anybody who I say, Hey, you know, the guy that you're like working with and as a as a figurehead for free speech is currently suing a lot of people and doing some really underhanded shit. Can you look at it? And when I get written off with a, yeah, you know, that's, it's never just a, like you're saying, I don't wanna get involved. They never say that. They always say, I don't wanna get involved
Starting point is 01:02:15 and what you're doing looks bad also. Like it's never just, I don't wanna get involved. It's a, what's happening to you is petty, and I don't wanna get involved. It's like, dude, it's not fucking petty, okay? This like, I understand that everybody's just kind of a figurehead who's ranting into the void at these concepts, but I'm dealing with an actual guy doing this shit. Like, we had to get a restraining order against Maddox's girlfriend because they called my girlfriend's
Starting point is 01:02:45 job who she's a teacher. She has nothing to do with this at all. They called her school and told this story about how she shouldn't be around kids. Like the same kind of shit that they did to Patreon and a stereosis job. Like this cost us. This is true. You're being 100% honest here. Oh yeah. I mean, there's an actual physical restraining order against Maddox's girlfriend
Starting point is 01:03:10 that thank God a Dicksho listener by the name of Keon Magagna. He was listening to me tell this story of what's happening to her and he volunteered to take the restraining order to court because he specializes in it, because otherwise, otherwise, you have to pay so much money to get justice for yourself that it's not fucking worth it. You know what I'm gonna be like? It's crazy, man. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Well, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. And I do, I guess, you know, it sucks because when people, like you said, they're like these figureheads or they have these public profiles, it's almost like there's a sense of fear when they say the wrong thing. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:47 You know, if they say the wrong thing, or they're like, you know, I was told of this whole counter-dacular thing. They're like someone, someone DMed me. She said, before my Twitter got suspended, we'll talk about that in a second, but like, she DMed me. She said, she was like, you're back in the wrong horse.
Starting point is 01:04:04 I'm like, it's not about back in a fucking horse. Yeah. It's a, it's about a, it's an idea that like some guy is going to go to jail for a joke or like he's going to be reprimanded for a joke. And yeah, maybe he knew it was a law, but it's maybe this loss to be brought into question. Like, that's what I'm talking about. It's not about whether he's a comedian or whether he's got, like, he's not like, I'm, he's not my ticket to comedy. Like, I have a million tickets to comedy. I have a million tickets
Starting point is 01:04:25 to comedy if I need some, if I just want to do it. But it's like, I don't need Count Dankula for anything. I'm supporting him because it's something that has, that there's something that I value there. And it's like, it's crazy. This, this comes up often, like back in the wrong horse. I feel like a lot of people feel like that is what's happening because they feel like they're backing someone when they're not really necessarily backing someone when they just maybe are too scared to kind of say, though, I don't know, it's through. No, I think what you're saying is,
Starting point is 01:04:52 I don't think Chris Reagan had anything to say about, I haven't seen him say anything about it. I haven't, I mean, I haven't talked to him about it. It was only right when it happened because he'd been on Maddox's show a number of times. And I know that Maddox's show is suffering. So he brings on as many people to try to like, to try to increase his exposure rates. And Chris, you know, Chris is a big voice in the, I don't know if it's a skeptic community.
Starting point is 01:05:15 But, and certainly the rights should be respected over feelings, community. Like, he's, I'm familiar with some of of his work and that's the sense that I got from it. Like, no rest for the trigger and that kind of thing. It was a simple write-off comment that he said where he called it petty drama, but the thing is, simple write-off comments from people with that size of an audience can destroy you. And it's not fair to, it's not fair to me that the little guy gets written off just because he's little. Like Tim Poole said the same thing. He's not going to talk about it because I don't have enough followers. Like he literally said that.
Starting point is 01:05:55 And the way I handle myself online is just to be a complete pain in the ass. Like that's what I do. I say, I'm very aggressively direct, and I employ a very scathing mockery because that's what I'm fucking good at. That's what I'm, you're, you're very good at bringing people together, giving both sides and giving a fair account of things. And I'm fucking good at going straight for people's throats because at the end of the day, it's just words. Like that kind of vulgar language, that kind of like, I mean, vulgar abusive language,
Starting point is 01:06:31 I think it's protected the first, I think specifically vulgar abuse is protected as free speech, that's funny to people. You know, it's a relief. And I like it when people can, I like it when, I like it the way you do it when people can just talk about their differences. And I also like a, hey, fuck you, man, you fucking idiot.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Like this and this and this. Yeah, I know. You know what I mean? That's very satisfying to some people. You've seen the whole internet blood sports shit that's been going on, right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so like I mean, a lot of people are asking me
Starting point is 01:06:59 to condemn my buddy Andy Worsky, who haven't really spoken to a lot. And we've obviously, I feel like we distance ourselves from each other just because of the fact, you know, he's doing his thing, I'm doing my thing and like, just the nature of the business, you know, when you get wrapped up in your own shit, don't have really time for people that aren't really, along, aren't in the same lane as you, you know. So it's like not a big deal. But, but people keep asking me to like, condemn him or talk shit talk shit about him. I'm like, I don't
Starting point is 01:07:26 want to do that. He's doing his fucking thing. This is a different thing. He's satisfying an element of the market that needs satisfaction. And the same people could go watch your videos next. I'm here screaming about shit and being very aggressive. People will consume this content. And then they're going to go have a nice easter with their family. It's just entertaining, it's just entertainment. Totally. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. We watch, we go to boxing events and fucking suits. And then you go, what people beat the hell out of the table. What's this thing about? You don't have endemic followers. I mean, I like, you do have a lot of followers. Well, because I get banned all the time from Twitter.
Starting point is 01:07:58 So I got to start from zero again. But you know, I don't think it was a real, I think it's like, like exactly what you're seeing where these guys kind of implicitly backed one side. And I'm saying a just admit that just admit that what they're saying is kind of fucked. Like that's all we want. That's all dickheads, the guys who follow me and listen to the show. All we want is for you to just say, yeah, it looks fucked. Yeah. Here's the thing too. Like, you know, as people want to be willfully ignorant a lot of the time to where they're like, no, no, no, no, no, it can't be as crazy as this. And they don't delve into it because
Starting point is 01:08:34 a lot of these statements are like, I don't know much about it. I haven't, I haven't really gotten into it. But, but yeah, it looks like it might have merit. What happens? No, man, say that then. But when, when people do delve into it and the facts come out and there are numerous facts in this case, like the perjury, fucking restraining order, they're really isn't, and you know, you want to talk about backing a horse or whatnot, it really takes the choice out of it. Yeah. It just does. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know that with the whole thing about calling your girlfriend's fucking schoolman,
Starting point is 01:09:11 that's crazy, dude. Oh, dude. And that was really not cool, man. That was the first thing that happened. That happened to me. Everything he's accused, the dick show of doing. He himself has done the only thing that are actually actionable are actions coming from that side. Yeah. These commit, he's committed actual crimes. Yeah. And accidentally confessed to it. Yeah. It's lawsuit. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I didn't want to,
Starting point is 01:09:39 I didn't want to get into an art. I didn't want to do it. I guess you wanted to talk about the whole like me getting suspended again. Yeah. I also just wanted to get into an art, I didn't want to talk about the whole like me getting suspended again. Yeah, I also just wanted to get your thoughts in general on it. I don't know. You're a cool guy and you got a lot of big fans in the Dixiel listeners. And I think they just wanted to hear you talk about your various bandings and your experience online.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Sure. I mean, dude, I don't know what it is. It's fucked up. So I've been really trying to avoid using the race card. Everything I always avoid the race card. I don't give a shit. What color your skin is so long as you've got good ideas in your head and are willing to talk and you're not an asshole, you know? Yeah. Um, that's like, that's the kind of like the mo, like you can be, you can be,
Starting point is 01:10:20 you can have your persona with everybody and I totally think that's cool. But like, I'm not saying you and I'm saying you in general like just a in general But the moment like I open the door and I'm like, you know, hey, how's it going and you slap me in the face? Then I'm done. I'm like, you know, we're not having this anymore. It's like You had an opportunity to like be able to literally lay out all your thoughts in front of you They could be in the craziest thoughts. Yeah, and I would have not I would have not shit on you for them, I would have just kind of, I would have to say. And I would have allowed that out of the,
Starting point is 01:10:51 you know, out of the, the fact that someone is going to just say like, you know what, Bunti, you know, I may be a white nationalist, but I accept you as you are, you wanna hear why I'm a white nationalist? I'd be like, fuck yeah, let's do it. I want to listen to that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:06 That's pretty much what all I need. But when that goes away, that's when I completely shut it down. Yeah. So, I mean, that's something that I feel like everybody knows about me already. They know that I'm going to be nice to someone until they give me a reason not to be nice. At that point, then I'm just, then they're done.
Starting point is 01:11:22 They're dead to me or I'll just run a train on them. I can flip that easily. I can also use social media to make them look really stupid. It's something I can do. The garbage thing that sucked, but all of this is that I haven't been using my race. I haven't, I really try avoided. I'm so annoying, dude, to use it. I see people using it all the time. But right now it really sucks because a lot of the people, the more powerful voices in the media are these people who are propping up, they're like,
Starting point is 01:11:57 oh, we got to prop up people of color. We got to do this for people of color, you know? People of color need to be given an opportunity to speak. And then here I am, I've do it like 15,000 followers. Of course, enough color. Well, dude, the thing is like, I'm not even, like it's, it'd be one thing if I was a fucking lunatic. I'm not a lunatic.
Starting point is 01:12:11 I'm actually just a chilled out dude, that's just trying to have conversation with people. And maybe like, maybe a little bit edgy sometimes, but at the same time, it always ends up in a conversation. It's always pretty good. And I'm always down to like talk to people. It doesn't matter. Right?
Starting point is 01:12:24 I'm using Twitter for its intended purpose and they're fucking de-platforming me. It's like, how and I'm always down to like talk to people. It doesn't matter. Yeah, yeah I'm using Twitter for its intended purpose and they're fucking deep platforming me It's like how do I like like what what are you guys for people of color? Are you guys what is it like I'm confused Like do you want more voices like mine ones that are like willing to kind of like To bridge this this gap between between people to figure out why are why are white people losing their minds? Why are why are people of color losing their minds like what's going on? Like why can't we just like it's very racist. You know, it's very racist to assume that everybody of like every person of color would share the same voice because they're not talking about having a different they're not talking about having the same amount of opinions, but just
Starting point is 01:13:02 have the skin tone different. They're talking about having a specific type of a gradient that they assume people of color will have. Yes, lip, libel, white, want people of color to say what they're saying. Yes, because they think it's more valuable when it comes from like some, you know, it's the same reason why they're propping up all these anti-gun kids.
Starting point is 01:13:21 It's like, yeah, they're saying what we're saying, but they have an identity, so it's more valuable. Like, motherfucker, no, it's not. Like, what do you, what do you talk? But then the kids that are like pro-gun, they're like, that's it, that's it, this, you know, this guy's bad guy. He doesn't know. He doesn't know. He's been influenced too much. He's been. Yeah. Isn't that, isn't that great? That is so crazy. It's, it's, the whole, yeah, it's, I, I, I, I, I absolutely like despise that whole like, oh, you know what? This guy's listened to the right stuff. So we're going to go ahead and use what he's saying.
Starting point is 01:13:48 This guy's listening to the wrong stuff. So let's not talk about what he's saying. That opinion. Yeah. And it's getting very, uh, the, the amount of vitriol in like the public sphere, I think is increasing. It seems to increase every year in a way that I don't remember it doing when I was like a team. But how old are you?
Starting point is 01:14:07 I'm 30, man. You're 30. Okay, I'm 37. I'm 40. You're 40. I don't remember people hating each other this much when I was a kid. I don't either. Fuck no, dude.
Starting point is 01:14:17 No, no, no way, man. I went to a Christian high school and that's where I felt like I had some of the most like, I felt the most bigotry from my teachers too. I remember this one teacher, my moral, religious, education teacher, she said, you were a heathen. She's like, I was like, what the fuck? Like it's a crazy thing to say to a fucking kid.
Starting point is 01:14:35 You don't call a kid a heathen, you know? A little bit of an old time. That was my school. That was my teacher saying to me, right? And even then, it was like way more chilled out than it is now. Like now people are just full blown insane. And it sucks because I've got one foot in reality at all times.
Starting point is 01:14:54 So when I'm seeing the stuff that's being spared it online, I'm like, oh, these people are so either they're in a fucking like they're in just some other reality or they don't leave their house ever. Like it's like they have to snow with us. It's always, try. But you know, both things are true. No, things are true.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Yeah, yeah, it's just like, it's, there's a lot of like, and also social media rewards anger, right? Because anger spreads the most. Like anger shit, like if you make someone angry, they're gonna, they're gonna tell a bunch of other people that they're angry and why they're angry and why they should be angry too. I mean, I'll tell you, dude, that's why I'm such a cocksucker to your friends because the only way to get people to pay attention in my experience on social media
Starting point is 01:15:39 is to get under their skin. So like, they're compelled to respond to you. Whether or not, and it's shitty, I will admit that it's a shitty thing to do, but fuck it, is it not effective? Yeah, I agree. I agree. I mean, it takes some skill to not respond to it. I mean, there's some things that I see set about me by people who I think are so hateful. Like, okay, I got my recent suspension that happened on Friday. I got suspended for targeted abuse.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Targeted abuse. What was the, yeah, what was the, what was your target that you were abused? There was literally no target. It was an observation I made about Shu On Head who, who was another YouTuber I'm pretty sure everybody knows about her. She constantly rags on turf recently. Like turf are trans exclusionary radical feminists. I think that's what they stand for.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Oh my God. Can you say it slower? I'm a very straight man. I have a hard time with all the new trans exclusionary radical feminists. Okay. So the radical feminists that don't accept trans people as women. Exactly. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:44 So they, I mean, that makes sense from there, to a point of view, turf, from there, from there, from their point of view, yeah. And like, I mean, also, I mean, my friend Lacey Green was in there and she was also explaining it. She actually responded to this thread
Starting point is 01:16:57 that I got banned for. Yeah. It's interesting because this thread actually started a nice conversation and people were actually talking to each other. Yeah. Which is what normally happens on my platform. It's something that I don't understand why people haven't really kind of caught on to
Starting point is 01:17:09 it yet. But so she mentioned like, you know, like she talks about how like the penis is biologically male, right? So she gets labeled as a trot because she's saying the penis is biologically male. Oh my god. And it's like, it's like, what? It's crazy. You're not, you're not a turp.
Starting point is 01:17:27 But then there's the other, then there's the people who are like, just like, you know, there's, I'm willing to accept. Sean, the penis is male. You can't be saying that online. Are you kidding me? Advertisers, that's unacceptable to advertisers. You are off Twitter. Can't be saying that the penis is male.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Good. I'm willing to, I'm willing to acknowledge, okay, gender is a social construct in the sense that, you know, like, if a guy wants to be called a woman, he wants to be called a woman, or he wants me to call her she, I'll be down. I don't care. If he makes them happy, that's great. It literally has no effect on my life whatsoever,
Starting point is 01:17:59 just saying, all right, you wanna call you she, that's an our problem. I don't need to, like, hang out with them all the time, you know, if they're a really good friend of mine, then mine then yeah for sure I'll even be more client to do it But I mean, I'll tell you I'm also in favor of if somebody wants to make fun of them because it makes them happy I'm fine with that too sure You know, but yeah, call yourself whatever you want and yeah make fun of whatever you want. I don't care If that person but if that person is gonna one of them is going out of their way to like kind of like
Starting point is 01:18:23 You know be around them all the time and make fun of them, that's a little bit stalking. Yeah, exactly. So I agree though, I think that everyone should be able to say anything and everyone should be able to decide for themselves what is acceptable. But we have these institutions that are deciding what's acceptable when there's the reality is that most people are just like, we don't fucking care. We just want to you know, it's funny. It is. Like, everybody said, or I hear the meme a lot that the left is eating itself. And this would be a good example of that where like, Lacey Green is someone who's actually a feminist.
Starting point is 01:18:55 She's getting criticized for not being progressive enough, but both sides do it. Like, even on the conservative side, it's like, oh, you're not like, oh, you're slightly, like you're slightly allowing gun control, you could get the hell out of us, like, hey, don't fucking, don't do that. Yeah, don't do what you're fucking doing. And I'm giving out with the bathwater. You're just like, you're not,
Starting point is 01:19:18 you're arguing, you're whatever against our argument. You're arguing against the point. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, I would say that in terms of what what I've been seeing now is just it's just too polarizing. It's everyone's like a dug into their own like they're everyone's digging into their trenches, right? So yeah. And there's two sides. Let's say people just want to break it down to two sides. And anyway, yeah, so this tweet, I this tweet, I had this tweet I had put out was pretty much just like it was literally just emojis and
Starting point is 01:19:47 Assie characters dude like you know ASS as C II or something like that in the shape of a swastika no big deal Well, not a save of the swastika, but it was like a shape of a building it looked like a building Yeah, and there was I made like like there was like it was something like copy I literally copypays I saw someone use it and differently and and then I decided to use it another way. And it's pretty much just shows someone being pushed off of a building. And I said, I said pretty much another day, any other day on Twitter or something like that.
Starting point is 01:20:13 And I said, she won't head in co, and as the person who's pushing the person off the building, and it was to signify that that's what I'm seeing. I'm seeing like, this is what I see happen all the time. They're just like pretty much just like dunking on them all the time. Yeah. So they came in and I immediately saw that
Starting point is 01:20:31 there was a bunch of people who popped in who would weren't falling into like, oh, why are you being, why are you celebrating people getting pushed off of buildings? I was like, what the fuck? Like, that's the one I'm doing at all. It's just a picture, man. That's it.
Starting point is 01:20:43 It's not just a picture, dude. It's just a fucking joke. It's just a bunch of emojis. I'll just a picture, dude. It's just a fucking joke. A bunch of emojis. I'll email it to you if you want to see it. I saw it. I remember what you're talking about. It's just like a little bunch of ASCII art, you know, letters, Sean, they're making into a building
Starting point is 01:20:57 and then it'll do it getting pushed off. Like, there is, I think that there must be some kind of genetic defect to where people don't understand what is or what is not a joke. Like starting with the count-dancular thing, even going all the way back to my men or better than women's shit on Dr. Phil, which you saw, like people are fundamentally not able to admit that something that they're looking at is fake.
Starting point is 01:21:20 That's why we have satire tags. Exactly. Like there must be some kind of mutation like being a redhead or having a huge dick or something that lets people not be able to understand that what they're looking at is just a fucking joke. And now it's not okay to look like an asshole online. And we've got to be somebody else's soul. We've got to test for it. We've got to send out kids where if you swab your cheek and you put it in the solution that says that you don't have a fucking sense of humor, you would do not get to be on the fucking internet because you're
Starting point is 01:21:49 fucking ruining it. Not on the internet. I mean, they should be, I think this should just be sent to camps. Yeah. This is a, right. No, I mean, that's a, that's, that's, this is to a fear of beliefs as a white supremacist. Yeah. This is what Cacti, Dankelo's pug was doing.
Starting point is 01:22:02 We're going to actually do. The only way to stop count, Dankelo is to actually have a Nazi rally where we show up and that was it. Thank you, that was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it.
Starting point is 01:22:11 That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it.
Starting point is 01:22:19 That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. SIG HIGHLING COUNTDANKULOUS FUCKIN' PUGG. Like this is, we have a podium. So much that it was a pug. I love that so much.
Starting point is 01:22:28 I mean, talk about the shallow end of the gene pool. I mean, this is not the crowning achievement of modern dog breeding here. Well, what's your video about, man, that you're working on? Oh, right now I'm doing a video on video games. So, I mean, I'm fucking too late on this shit, but the whole Trump that I'm talking about like violence and video game stuff, it caused this huge... Oh, was he talking about violence in video games?
Starting point is 01:22:55 Please tell me he was not saying that violent video games cause violence. Yeah, totally. No, no, no Trump, you son of a bitch. You didn't hear about that one. Here's the thing, right? In the video, I do mention that Trump has never played a video game in his life, and I don't expect him to be busy doing other shit. So I don't expect him to really know
Starting point is 01:23:13 what the fuck he's talking about. I also just expect him to talk shit in front of the camera while everybody else goes and figures things out. Like he's not there to figure out everything. So he's just there to kind of get the message they want. And he's amazing at manipulating the media He's one of the one of the best in the game
Starting point is 01:23:28 so like I just see it and I'm like I wasn't too concerned about all the bullshit But I was actually looking at what games journalists were saying now if you're not if you aren't aware of what was happened What's been happening in game journalism for less little bit is that there've been a lot of prominent journalists Yeah, I've just been taking the time to shit on games like shit on games for saying they promote misogyny. Oh yeah. All the stuff they like that they have like all these back problems and next thing you know Trump says something bad and they're like whoa whoa whoa I can't believe it's 2018 and we're still blaming video games we're like what the fuck you've been doing it for the last four years. Yeah you know that's what we are. I used to like I
Starting point is 01:24:03 I subscribe to Nintendo Power magazine. I had Nintendo Power magazine. Those are the days. Those are the days. Those are the days. Bro, I had Nintendo Power magazine number one that I got for free. That I got for free with my fucking,
Starting point is 01:24:15 yeah, I got the entire fucking run. I've got like, I've got like, like, like probably 10 years of Nintendo Power magazines in my parents' house just taking up space like a piece of shit that I am. The first one I got by sending in a card that came with my Nintendo entertainment Robbie the Robot system.
Starting point is 01:24:32 And they sent it for free. And I picked, I got every single one since. You had that stupid robot? Yeah, it sucked. It was a big disappointment. I used to love reading about just going on IGN and reading about games that I would never have the time to play, but Bunti's right.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Like now, it's, they've, someone who's some sort of evil force has taken over game journalism. And I don't know who they're writing it for, but they are not writing it for me anymore. Like I avoid game journalism like the plague now because it's just, it's about mind reading now. It's all these professional mind readers that tell you what the developers were thinking when they made these characters that's always fucking wrong or fucked or some weird projection of the, like the design of the characters,
Starting point is 01:25:22 the tits are too big, it's too sex. So the fuck, like, what the fuck are you talking about? It's a drawing. It's a cartoon. It's the entire thing is fantasy. What the fuck are you talking about? Music journalists are guilty of this and have been for years of reading into, oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:39 And I've different records that I've worked on. The fuck is like that? Where I've got to stop. Where I've actually talked to the songwriter. And then you'll see after the record comes out. And it's like, they ascribe, but they attribute all these social causes to this thing. And he goes,
Starting point is 01:25:55 no, I just wanted to write a blow. There wasn't any big thought behind it. Yeah. You know, I wasn't around for this period of time. I just wanted to, if it's something that wasn't specifically, but in my head, while I was taking a shit and I turned it into a song. That's what, that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yeah. And I just laughed. I can all never forget the LA Times review on what I, I mean, I just, I sat there and just read it and laughed and I went, wow, you're a complete moron. You know, it started with the games arm to live. It started with that games are art thing. That pissed me off. And I go, you guys are making a deal with the devil calling video games art because then the art critics are gonna come out. Yeah, they are fucking, they are fucking assholes. Yeah, oh yeah. They're, they're, they're, they're the classical crowd.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Yeah, they're the masters at turning things that are worth nothing into something, into things that are worth something. Talk about turning a mole into a mountain, right? Mole hill into a mountain anyway. Yeah, no, they're, the, the, the scene has changed drastically over the years. It really has. But at the same time, you can spot the stuff that you still like. They still do cover industry events and they still talk about, like, wholesome shit, but the stuff that's loudest is the, because that's where social media propagates, honestly.
Starting point is 01:27:00 It's not just the journalism. It's journalism plus social media because like people forget that there's a difference between the two and that one is pretty much a tool, right? But the tool is just once again, like it's, you know, anger is like the number one, like it's the best lubricant for it. It's like really, it just gets it going and then happiness second. So laughter and stuff like that second. And it's hard to, it's harder to make people laugh than it is to make people angry, obviously. So that's what happens.
Starting point is 01:27:30 So now that's why we have more, this way it seems like there's a lot more of it. I don't know, I'm not into this whole conspiracy thing where like the left are, it has an institution out there, you know, they're like figuring out a way to like, no, I don't care. I just think that there's something that makes people money and and and guess them more clicks and what guess some more clicks is just,
Starting point is 01:27:48 you know, sensational like hit piece and shit. If you'll stop thought you were to you mentioned the music industry, what's his name? Anthony Fantano, not a fucking cool dude. I know I love that guy. He uh he had a hit piece written on him by some some publication in Fader. I'd never even heard about them. I mean, and it's because he is one of the people that's really, really good at presenting music. Like, he can, if you want a good music review, you'll listen to Anthony Fantano talk about it. But these people who are obviously see that he has more influence wanted to tear him down so they try to conflate him with the alt-right talk about how he dog whistles and stuff like that. It's really fucking crazy. with the alt-right talk about how he dog whistles and stuff like that. Like really fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Like that. Yeah. This terms, man. Yeah. All these fucking terms now. We need to know. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Yeah. In 30 years, I'm not even to understand. It's going to be a different language. Yeah. It's going to be like, what is it? Galic or the old, what's the old Irish? Well, there's, there's, there's multiple, there's multiple Galic languages. Like seven or one of a fucking talk about, man.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Yeah. What are you talking about? Dog whistling. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.. He's talking about dog whistling. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a dog whistling. Yeah. Eating everyone has everyone dog whistling. I've been accused of dog whistling. Oh, you, what you said is this, but what you really meant is this. I'm like, I don't know what I really meant is exactly what I've been accused of that a lot. Um, you know, it's funny. Bunti King was originally going to call in about eating pussy.
Starting point is 01:29:05 That's how this, that's how we, that's how we started talking. Now look at us. Yeah. This is, I'm like, I'm solving the world problem. You were talking about, you were talking about kicking a girl out of bed because she's on her period. I was like, what are you fucking saying? I'm like, I totally, I've had sex with girls in my period. I've gone down on a girl on her. Bunti, these are new, it's the sheets. It's not the, I'll do, I'll, I'll be a fucking, I'll look like a fucking vampire when I'm done eating a chick out who's on the rag, but these are my new fucking sheets that I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:29:32 My treasured sheets, we gotta go into the guest room or on the couch or something like that. Took him a week of research. It took me these out. It took me, God knows how long to get these fucking sheets. And okay, okay, all right, okay, I got it, I got it. I'm down with the raw dog. It's, I really honestly, well, first of all, every girlfriend has told me that they're
Starting point is 01:29:54 horniest when they're on their period. And I'm like, so I'm like, well, now I know that women are horniest when they're on their period. And so why not? Why not do them that favor? I mean, if you want to do it in the show, you can do it in the show, right? You know, if you want to just put a towel down, you know, put a towel down.
Starting point is 01:30:09 And I thought, towel down, then toss it in the wash afterwards, and you're good to go. Yeah, you know, I love when they say, well, I'm on my period, is that, is that you probably don't want to do anything because I'm on my period. And then I'm like, oh, yeah, yeah, I definitely do.
Starting point is 01:30:21 Right? Like, I don't even care if they're lying and they know that, like, it doesn't matter. But when they're like, oh, yeah, well, oh, I'm on my period, you, I don't even care if they're lying and they know that like, it doesn't matter. But when they're like, oh yeah, well, oh, I'm on my period. You probably wouldn't want to fuck the shit out of me. No, I'm down all the time. I mean, the thing is, I'm not dating a girl unless I want to have sex through it all times. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:30:39 Why would I date her? Why would I date her at that point? I mean, I'll, like, this is obviously more than one reason why I date her, but that's a big reason. They're like, like, I need to be able more than one reason why I dated but that's got that's a big reason they're like like I need to be able to have sex with the person I'm dating. Yeah. I want her to put some gross shit in her mouth too. I said, I give me a roll of pennies.
Starting point is 01:30:53 I'll suck that roll of pennies all day. Give me that back to copper, right? Give me that metal taste in my mouth. I always shower before I give it to them, you know, in that macro. And I'm a good guy like that. I don't want to, I don't want to give them a dirty dick. That's the cut, not just a ball, the sink bath. You do the whole shower.
Starting point is 01:31:11 I straight up have to shower. Am I feel terrible? I feel like a bastard if I did that. I wouldn't want to do that. I got to tell you I do too. And I heard that in Japan. You know, bro, you cut that real quick. No, I like it to be like, you know, I like it to be I like everything to be very, very clean.
Starting point is 01:31:28 A bad I like it to be like a romance novel. I think it's a normal person thing to do honestly. I think the only people that don't do that are really dirty people who probably don't have hot girlfriends to begin with. So it's okay. Well, I've been to Burning Man a couple of times and it does take some getting used to having someone who hasn't bathed.
Starting point is 01:31:46 If you haven't bathed and they haven't bathed, and it's like sweltering hot in the tent, like it's a different process that takes you back to a different age, I would say, where you like fuck differently in the middle ages when brides are carrying around giant bouquets of flowers to hide their stench, right? Would you would you recommend burning man? To the people. Yes. Abs of fucking Lutley, especially guy with your kind of mind. Um, it is a, it's a, you got to like, it's a bastion of white supremacists.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Yeah. Well, it's not, now it's not my point where I'm like, how do I, how do I regain my platform? How do I do it with a father and other appeal? Uh, I mean, I followed filed an appeal and then they rejected. They said I'm not going to be strongly. It's some idiot. It's some 23 year old fucking moron whose job it is to just reject shit all day.
Starting point is 01:32:34 I've filed. I've never gotten one goddamn appeal through. Let me, I'm going to set you up with my old camp at Burning Man because they got, it's really hard to get tickets and they always get them every year. I used to do an art piece at Burning Man, because it's really hard to get tickets and they always get them every year. I used to do an art piece at Burning Man every year. A giant clock, a giant clock that flashed 12. It was like a 12-foot tall clock that just looked like a broken clock. That's fun.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Cool. I think you'd love it. It's all about expression and excess, I guess. There's not a, you know? It's like, it's choose your own involvement, except everybody's into it, which is the best part. Everybody's traveled a long way to have a good attitude and to be into it. And they've proved it by making the journey. So it's a lot of fun. That's pretty cool, man.
Starting point is 01:33:18 I'm down. Let me ask you, let's see, I ask everybody what makes them a rage. You got anything that makes you a rage? Makes me rage? Yeah everybody what makes them a rage. You got anything that makes you a rage? Makes me rage? Yeah, it makes you a rage. What do you mean like really pisses you off? Really piss them you off?
Starting point is 01:33:36 I would say it's just rude people, man. Like when people who are like, when you are like, when I hold out a hand and then they slap it away. It's like, you fucking piece of shit. Like, what are you doing? And then they go around the fucking complain about how nobody's, nobody wants to work with them. No, it's impossible. There's no, like you mother fucker. I've been fucking holding my hand
Starting point is 01:33:58 at the entire time. I'm trying to like bring, I'm like, like that piss me off. It's when people like, and also mischaracterizing people. When people go out of the way to lie about someone and then present that lie as a truth, I think that is completely fucking evil. Yeah, especially on a big platform. People have tried doing that to me.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Thankfully, I've got a pretty good record. I know everything I've said, I'm polite with everyone for the most part. So anyone tries to say anything crazy about me. It's like, it just falls on deaf ears, but I'm lucky, I don't have a history. Like you have a history. So people can drive up your shit from like ages past
Starting point is 01:34:33 and they'll be like, what the fuck is this? And then they can just, they can just hold that or you forever. That's what I hate. I hate people that fucking bring up stuff from 10 years ago. Like, what the fuck do you do? Where were you actually bringing up a sati, bringing up a quote from a sets from a satirical work completely void of the context of the satire. Like taking one sentence out of a book that is satire is not a fair representation of
Starting point is 01:34:58 the work. You know what I mean? I mean, it's like, you don't, you don't pull out like a couple notes from the song and say, well, there you go. That's pretty much what the song is about. Beat up on. Like, no, it's not. It's that at least give them the title, you know. Talking about being misrepresented, this whole thing started because Maddox made a video and released it to all of our mutual friends in LA that said, I condone rape and that my show runs a rape list message board because somebody created a post on an eight-chand forum
Starting point is 01:35:36 that nobody knew about, that was it in and of itself a joke because it had pictures of like, Hillary, it was like, it was a catchphrase that he himself started on the old show and it had pictures of like Hillary, it was like, it was a catchphrase that he himself started on the old show and had pictures of like Hillary Clinton and stupid shit. He released a video explaining that I was a rape apologist to aren't the entire LA comedy community. And you know, Maddox, he's the famous guy, he's a big guy. I got kicked off of, I got kicked off of
Starting point is 01:35:59 the extremely successful show that I had been a headliner on for years and basically disowned by every fucking friend I thought I had in the community. That's how all of this fucking started. So yeah, I agree with you. Misrepresenting people's big fucking rage. Holy shit, that's really fucked up dude. Yep, it sure fucking is.
Starting point is 01:36:20 I wonder what they're going to say when they find out that I've been on your show. I mean, at this point, I really don't, it's like whatever. You know, I'm pretty sure that I've, like I don't know, that'd be interesting to see how they react to it. Cause I mean, I haven't said anything bad about anybody. It's not that it's fun.
Starting point is 01:36:35 And you don't need to. So I, you don't need to. I've been bad, I mean. I've been bad, I mean. From what I, the thing is like, when I met Maddox, like, you know, I was meeting a guy who I remember reading, you know, when I was in college, you know, some people would compare my work to his.
Starting point is 01:36:49 And I was like, oh, that's cool. That's not everyone's saying. Everyone's saying college. Yeah. Well, I wasn't meeting him as a fan. Like, I don't mean any of these people as fans. I'm like, because I, I can't, I don't consume a, I'm meant to monitor content.
Starting point is 01:37:01 I see their content. I like it and I make my own content. And then I listen to their opinion based on what they're talking about and try to figure out what they're saying, so I'm like, okay, I can get what they're saying, and either agree or disagree with them. So, I have a, like, I'm like, you know, it's like, it's just weird because this, like, the story that you're telling me about, about what happened to you is just, it's fucking, that's fucked up, man. That's really crazy. Someone can just go and do that to you. Just like, you know, it's even more fucked up
Starting point is 01:37:28 than the video's still fucking up. But the thing is, though, is that like, I mean, you're doing well for yourself, though. I mean, I saw a Patreon, you're doing super well. So, I mean, you're obviously not someone that's like shunned from the entire LA community. Like, I'm showing you. Oh, no, I'm out, man.
Starting point is 01:37:44 I got kicked off of the shows. None of my friends will talk to me. They won't even come on the show because of shit like that. Yeah, like explicitly they won't come on. LA is a very, LA is very fucking different to anywhere in the world. Like the, the proximity of, the proximity of people to someone like me who even jokes about like gender relations and who like kind of of pushes the pushes the envelope, let's say on on offensive comedy. That's a big that's a big niche.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Here, uh, a maddox is fucking guys in his network, like called my commercial agent left voice mails about a homo rape apologists, they got a pizza hook commercial of mine removed. If it's the only reason I'm successful at all is because random people on the internet support the comedy that we do. But all my friends or people that I've known for years are just fucking gone. What the fuck? Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. Welcome to LA, motherfucker. That's insane. I noticed that some LA, motherfucker. That's insane. I noticed that some people I'd rock in a name names have gotten a little bit disnute me in terms of like when the whole, when the whole like inner blood sports thing happened and I was like really just, I, I distance myself in a way like from just the overall scene,
Starting point is 01:39:00 but not from the people. But I noticed that some people don't interact with me as much. I know some people don't interact with me as much. I noticed some people would come by often. And for the most part, it's still like a lot of people do, but it's just a, yeah, I mean, I don't know, it's weird, man. People, it sucks. When you have like, I don't, like I said,
Starting point is 01:39:19 you seem like a chill guy. I don't know you that well. I know me. And I know what I carry.. I'm trying to be as good as I can possibly be with people. If something that happened to you, that same thing that happened to me, if I was in LA, that'd be devastating, bro. I'm happy that you've been able to survive. You you've had an audience that cares enough to be able to support you this week.
Starting point is 01:39:48 Because that's just shit, man. That's completely shit. I don't think that people should have lies ruin their career, man. Yeah. Whatever went down between you and Maddox in terms of whether you were harassing him or not, I will never be able to really know
Starting point is 01:40:04 because I only get a glimpse of it. And I'm in talking to you, you know, it's very possible you guys probably had differences, but like, I can't, it's not my job, or not my, it's not my place to figure out who was the right one or who was the wrong one. The last time I did that, in fact, the reason I was gonna bring this up,
Starting point is 01:40:22 the last time I did this was in 2012, my buddies who started Epic Meal Time were feuding. Remember this? Yeah, these guys had a fucking lawsuit. It was, yeah, Harley Mornstein sterling tooth. And at that point, I picked a side based on purely emotion because I didn't like Harley because Harley started Epic Meal Time and got a bunch of other people on and didn't bring me along. I was pissed off. I was jealous and I was upset. So I lashed out at him and
Starting point is 01:40:50 then when I found out this loss, I was having a pick to side and it was like, and it was a stupid thing to do because there's two sides to every story and I only heard one side and then I, you know, recently just heard the other side, you know, so it's like, it's like, if I do something like that ever again, it would be the dumbest thing ever because I learned my lesson in 2012. So in just in picking a side, you know, based on how I may feel about something or how I may feel about a certain person. I agree with you. I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:41:16 I agree with you. And I go on for a roundabout. No, no, that's fine. I agree with you. And I think that that's what everyone else has done. When all the, I think that all of Maddox's buddies, Esilebs, vocally have picked him, have them in the ass. And then ignored all criticism of it, and that's why I'm so fucking pissed off for them.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Anyway, man, I'm not talking so much time. I know you're great. You're all dressed to your audience. No, you're, get out of here. You're great. Very, thank you. Very soothing to listen to after me screaming about sheets
Starting point is 01:41:45 and periods and I feel bad because some people that were in here waiting room because I was watching the waiting room and there's some left I felt that I want to give them some time. We'll get to them. Thanks for calling in, man. It was my pleasure, man. Thanks for having me. Have a good one. Later. Peace. I like bunty. I like that guy a lot. Yeah, it seems pretty, pretty measured. Doesn't seem like he jumps, not want to jump to conclusions necessarily.
Starting point is 01:42:10 He sounded pissed at me when he called in. Yeah, kind of did. I'm used to that. I knew I knew I knew some people meeting me and already being pissed off and then talking to them for a little bit. Yeah, not something that phases you. That's a skill I've developed over years of pissing people off. Over your life. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:27 Um, I'm going to be... No, I don't know how to feel. Yeah, I like that feeling. I'm confused. Confused and roused. Yeah. We got to ask him about his beard. I wanted to ask about like, seeks to, seekerie.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Yeah. Because I heard that they're kind of whole thing is that it's fighting Muslims like Wahhabis. Yeah. The Sunnis and the Sikhs. Are they the ones that fight? Well, I thought that they carried those big fucking curved swords to fight like Muslim terrorists. Don't Sunnis and the Shiites have problems?
Starting point is 01:42:58 She is. Yeah. Well, those are two sex of Islam. They got to change Sunnis and Shiites. One of them's got to change their name, so it's easier to remember who's the good guy. Yeah. You know? I don't know if it's,
Starting point is 01:43:09 I think it's the Sunnis that are the good guys. And the Shiites are the ones doing all the, or the Wahhabis. You got me. I only know that from Alex Jones though. Oh. I got it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Pretty sure that's a good source. Uh, I'm going to play, I'm going to play this one. It's called Looking at Dix Patreon I'm gonna play this one. It's called Looking at Dix-Pate Trian by Ethan Cantrell. Very talented, talented young man. Yeah. Oh yeah, it's looking out my back door. Yeah. Manified with 80s girls, so she broke my front door. Then she cut the Christmas lights that I had on the lawn.
Starting point is 01:43:56 That's realization sets in. Pretty soon I'm singing. Do, do, do, look at it, Dix Patriot I wrote a book off of Wales I really thought that it would sell But nobody gives a shit According to Amazon I'm gonna walk my spot
Starting point is 01:44:16 So jump ships, so I'll do this shit in Newspit Do-do-do-do look at it, Dix Patriot Rock-a-rock and my keyboard my keyboard throw join it in my show. So tell me why it's still fucking close This has been a medium is gonna super twin a million Look at dick's Patreon Born black is short of her panic. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:44:48 There's nothing really and currently wrong with being a cuckold. So I don't see why anyone gives a shit if I enjoy watching my partner have sex. Sometimes I get so angry, I can't even complete a full thud without watching my significant other, having sex with another person. Rub him up and fight you all. Tron, join in in my show. So tell me. Uh. It's still fucking close.
Starting point is 01:45:11 David, I'll start a career at HUN. Joined by UCB, because wow, dude, dude, dude, look at that dick's Patreon. All right, all right, all right. I always stop the song there because of the Biggle Balsky. There you go. Because that's where it ends at the Biggle Balsky. I've got some Reddit Rages for you here, Cronus Poo. Too long of firsts.
Starting point is 01:45:42 I heard on the radio that so and so would be the first female person of color to direct a movie that costs more than $100 million to make way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of, a lot of qualifiers there. You get one, adjective, one noun. Right. First, blankity, first blankity blank to do whatever it is. The first single by a Sikh band to break the Billboard top 100 every third Tuesday when
Starting point is 01:46:06 the bells ring. Yeah. That's, Kyle Belmont says, people who can only communicate their distaste for something or someone in sarcasm, otherwise known as being passive aggressive. If you don't like something, just say it, you post a, yeah, but you can't. All the internet's training us to be passive aggressive. That's true. Really fucking is. That's true. Dr. Mad Cow, pointless childish corporate events. We have an egg race at noon today. Yeah. God damn, so humiliating. Yeah. Those mandatory fun activities, work. Yeah. I remember this. Because you know exactly who's having a good time at that event and you fucking hate them
Starting point is 01:46:49 and they're the worst employees ever because they're there to have a family and not to work like you. My family and loved ones are at home outside of this inescapable prison that I'm ever at. Eight hours a day to this. Yeah. I don't want to have all the relationships that I'm ever to show or to date. To this. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to have all the relationships that I have with them are special.
Starting point is 01:47:09 I've chosen to have them because it makes me feel better emotionally. This is the opposite. I have no choice. Some of you I hate less than others, but I do not want to entangle. I don't want to play games with you. I don't want to make anyone in my family file any reports for me.
Starting point is 01:47:31 Totally separate, work and home. Every year, work tries to mix the two. So you can, so to trick you into doing more work because you think that you love them. But you don't. No, bowling nights. You just hate some people less. Less.
Starting point is 01:47:49 I hate you all. I hate you all. Right, don't get me wrong. I trade all of you for nothing. I wouldn't, I wouldn't even jump in front of an insult for you people. No, no, if any of you were laying, dying in a gutter, I would step on your head so I wouldn't get my shoes wet.
Starting point is 01:48:07 I'd file a report about it. Yes. If you were on fire, I would file a report. Mm-hmm. Opposite of my family. No familial feelings here at all. There's no friendship here. The office tried to trick people into thinking that was their family. It's not.
Starting point is 01:48:23 No. Just a bunch of people that you know. Yep. It's a bunch of people that you happen to be around. Um, yeah, there you go. It is annoying. Oh, we have a work, a mandatory corporate fundee. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:36 Just give me the money. Um, a law hates fags, says, let usones telling everybody to use the squatty potty. Fuck that. My toilet is my throne. And the only place I know I'm alone, I spend time there not just shitting, but reading, browsing my phone, sometimes just thinking in solitude. Okay. I don't get to do those things if I have to squat like a dog whilst I shit.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Oh. Well, lettuce jones should move to China. Do you think landau house a squatty potty? Yeah. Yeah. It's probably got one of those, I'm asked that you put in the fridge. Squat like a dog, just, oh I see. Let us Jones should move to China
Starting point is 01:49:13 where everyone who squads and become buck Choi Jones. That's what his name should be. There you go. Let's see, I've got a life advice question. I think it'd be pertinent to a lot of people in the stay-in-age. If you think that's common enough of an issue, I'm 21. Working professional, just moved to a new city. I'm 61 and a lift.
Starting point is 01:49:32 My looks actually get complemented on a regular basis. Oh, wow. I have about 2,000 matches on Tinder. What? Fuck. That's a lot of matches. I feel like I have. It sounds like a lot. All the components of being successful with women,
Starting point is 01:49:47 but I'm missing a piece between work, the gym and commuting. How the fuck do I meet women naturally? It just seems weird to go to a bar by myself and just sit there, okay buddy. Let me tell you why it feels weird, because no woman on earth does that. Women are not going to bars sitting by themselves.
Starting point is 01:50:05 It feels like everyone just wants to do their business and not meet new people. That's true, thanks for an awesome show. And good luck with the lawsuit, tell a life coach to go fuck himself. Yeah, it's real weird. It's a weird thing that you gotta learn about meeting chicks. You gotta do chick stuff to meet them and it sucks
Starting point is 01:50:21 because it's miserable. Like you gotta go to bookstores. Yeah. You gotta got to go to bookstores. Yeah. You got to go to like festivals. Like every, everything that you see chicks doing and you think, I'd rather eat my own testicles than do that. Yeah. Like, oh, Coachella.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Yeah. I'd rather just be buried alive than go there. But have, have fun. Yeah. You just have to do it. Yeah. To meet women and you have to enjoy it. It's like, it's like, it's really true.
Starting point is 01:50:46 It's really true. And every second of it is torture and weird, but, and they'll never understand why you don't want to do it or are not having a good time. Yeah. You just, just realize that and be okay with it. Yeah. You got to find some chick that you don't have like a romantic,
Starting point is 01:51:13 uh, chemistry with it all, like a friend, but only a friend for this objective, which is going to these chick things with someone so you don't have to go alone with the purpose of meeting people. Like she's, if she's about it too, that's great, but maybe she just likes to do shit. That's just like chicks like going out and doing these things. And they'll bring anybody along with them. Farmers, fucking farmers, markets, types of ants,
Starting point is 01:51:39 outdoor concerts. These are the things you have to do to me, isn't it? Generally horrible experiences. Book readings. Like find a fucking book reading, and who gives a fuck what it's for? Just go there, find a little social butterfly,
Starting point is 01:51:58 a chick who likes to go to events, trust me, there are a ton of them. Some of them out. Door art, local art exhibits. Yeah, art walk. Yeah. If you find something that makes you want to throw up and then you'd rather drink that test, a protest, the season for protesting doesn't matter what it's for.
Starting point is 01:52:18 Go to a gun protest. I don't know. They don't have the chicks there. They don't know. They won't be a pain in the ass. Somebody's sticking in. Somebody's play. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:28 A big bonk too many big bonks, concert. Yeah. Not a comedy festival though. I have to go now. Disgusting. You got to do that anonymous guy. You can meet chicks at a bar, but it's a lot harder. You know, they're there, but they're usually there
Starting point is 01:52:49 in having an event. And like, fucking women are impossible to pull away from their schedules. As big of pain in the ass as it is, when you get a girlfriend and they start scheduling shit, three or four or five or six or 20 years in advance. They do that to themselves too. They don't start doing that when they start dating you.
Starting point is 01:53:12 They do that all the time. So you get all these matches like this guy has on Tinder and it's like, oh, you want to go hang out this weekend? Oh, I can't because I'm going to my friends book reading. And then I have a single lady's shower where it's like a bridal shower, except we just go celebrate being singles. And then I have a single ladies shower where it's like a bridal shower except we just go celebrate being singles and then I have a brunch on Sunday and then I'm going to see my sisters it's like bitch why do you why are you doing all this shit how are you ever gonna meet a fucking husband cramming your schedule
Starting point is 01:53:37 like a Thanksgiving turkey the hell's wrong with you have some free time learn how to fucking cancel you have screamed at these. Can you just knock out a night of the hanging out with the same fucking people that you see probably three or four times a week so we could go on a date to see if we want to propagate the human species? Because they don't know how to tell little lies. I don't know what it is. Maybe you're right in when it comes to that kind of stuff. But God, oh, I've got to work. I've got to work six days this week. And I volunteer just to work an extra day to help.
Starting point is 01:54:14 And then I'm going to my dogs are having a fashion show. I'm going to that. Can't possibly cancel that. I'm going to my friend's open night. She's been doing it for 10 years. But you know, I like to go and support like, what the fuck are you doing? As much as I've ever heard women complaining about guys spending time with their friends, bitch, you guys spend all fucking night every night doing God knows what in your little
Starting point is 01:54:39 covens and your little murders of single women going around. How about some time, how about some time for, how about some time for me over here? How about a night off? Fuckin' so, it's so frustrating with chicks on Tinder. Like this guy, I'm sure, is saying. Yeah. 2000 matches, when are you free? Sometime in 2020.
Starting point is 01:54:57 Yeah. Great. Great. So I go to what they're doing, you know? Yeah, I think you're right. See the only, it's the only option. Mm-hmm. See the only option.
Starting point is 01:55:09 Let me talk to, I wanna talk to Digi, bro. There you go. Let's see. Hey Digi, are you there? I am here, what is up, Dig? What's up, man? It's been a while. I think you called in after road rage Philadelphia.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Yeah, I called last time I owed the government a bunch of money and now I do again. Yeah. It's an extra because I still have the money from last year. Yeah, I called last time I owed the government a bunch of money and now I do again. Yeah, it's an extra because I still have the money from last year. Yeah. Uh, dude, you are getting absolutely crucified on Twitter. It's from my point of view. I'm glad you decided to open with that because I wanted to bring it up. It's highly relevant to what you guys were just discussing. The other dude who was on. Yeah., I gotta say, I gotta warn everybody, he's a very uncomfortable topic. What you gonna talk about?
Starting point is 01:55:48 Well, it's, eh, whatever. If you're a pussy, it's an uncomfortable topic. But I'm uncomfortable, I'm uncomfortable talking about it. What are you doing? Are you playing with something? Sorry, I was just adjusting my mic, aren't I? Oh yeah, okay. All right, I gotta say two things.
Starting point is 01:56:05 Number one, you made a three hour full on lecture of the hot goss surrounding the show. Like, it's Digi Bro presenting everything that's happened with the biggest problem in the breakup and all the various moments of the show and the, it's an analysis of the characters involved. It's a three-fucken hour like academic lecture that he gives surrounding the show. It's fucking great.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Impressive. Thank you. Yeah. Very impressive. And thank you very much for doing it. I made it so I'd have a reason to come on the show again. Did you really? Well, partly, but I mean, I had plans to make this for like over six months. It just so happened that I couldn't really make it until me and all those other people gathered, you know, again, because it's just me and my internet friends who every once in a while like get together and make a bunch of live action videos together. So like, we have this series of lectures where we did one on Chris Chan which is fucking magnificent and I recommend checking out if you're interested in a Loll-Cow history.
Starting point is 01:57:14 I mean this is kind of similar. Maddox at this point is kind of a Loll-Cow so I guess you could call this a Loll-Cow history video but I kind of wanted to approach the subject from like more of the emotional end and the angle of having been a fan for a long time, because now everybody's talking about it. Like when I intended to do this lecture initially, there wasn't a thousand videos about it, because the lawsuit hadn't happened yet. And then when I sort of looked at the people who are coming to the lawsuit, a lot of them are new to the story. They weren't really following it from, you know, all the way back. Somebody don't even really know who Maddox is or who you are.
Starting point is 01:57:49 They're just kind of reporting on the story. And I was like, let's talk about what it was like to experience this as a fan. Like to watch this happen, to watch a creator who you looked up to for decades, suddenly turn into a fucking insane person. Yeah. It's great. And he does focus a lot more on the actual characters involved instead of just like timeline going through it.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Sure. It's real fucking interesting. Sean, you haven't seen this at all. I haven't seen it. I've said it to you. I want to play a part, but there's a guy who drops hard R&Boms during the video and I will really want... He's will really want if that makes it easier for you.
Starting point is 01:58:27 It does not. I really want to avoid those parts if possible. Is there a part that you recommend I play? I mean, he says it only twice and it's a real random in the video. So I have not timestamped this already. I have no idea what parts are good. I'm going to play a little bit of it. I'm going to play a little bit of it. Um, I'm going to play a little bit of it. Everyone tells me that they, they cringe for the first minute and then they get deeply engrossed
Starting point is 01:58:52 after that because I open with a parody of the dick show opening, meaning I scream yeah for about 50 seconds. So my nephew used to do that. I smack them every time. Don't you fucking dare give me that week. Yeah. Like't you give me that simbush yet. I'm gonna play a little bit at the two hour mark. Things never has been on the dick show because he was terrified that if he went on, then Maddox is gonna be about Tim Chen. And make it so he couldn't have a career.
Starting point is 01:59:18 And Maddox had already promised him a show on the network. So he took him. There's a whiteboard that has like a little drawing of Maddox and me and then nuclear gospel and the red wedding. It's a comedy part like it's it looks like a five different lecture. Yeah, it kind of runs away. I like it.
Starting point is 01:59:36 Still that. It didn't. It didn't. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Whoa. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:59:47 Whoa. You picked a real goofy moment to play. It sounds not very academic or educational. I'm going to go a little bit earlier before everybody gets silly. Is pineapple a racial term? I don't know. But he's characters. No, we were eating pineapple pizza.
Starting point is 02:00:04 He's just a very old friend of the two goes back to them so since high school uh... apparently dick used to buy drugs from a man high school it became uh... was it a way to get out of here this is this is this is on the show with you says that shodd used to sell you drugs
Starting point is 02:00:19 no no shoddod alcohol for once so i can from out of the uh... straight so shoddodd so i'm sorry No, Sean's an alcoholic. I mean, once. Yeah, so I could try to. From alcoholism. Oh, straight sober. Sean, I'm sorry. Sean's a very like straight forward guy.
Starting point is 02:00:30 You know, he's not involved in comedy at all. He's just an audio engineer. But because he's friends with Dick, they have a great like back and forth. You know, so in the biggest problem, Sean was just like kind of in the background. Mark's on the background too, because Dick had tried to produce the first episode and it sounded like shit. So he brought in, you know, he hired him as buddy. That's where your words, Sean, he does a great job and he would chime in every once in a while and the fans just loved him.
Starting point is 02:00:55 Like everyone loved his voice, everyone loved him, he would chime in with little, you can always hear him laughing in the background with really funny jokes. So people just really liked him as like this charming little guy in the show. He will be way more important in the Dixiel and he's actually the co-host. He's like more important for a real lecture. But he is the co-host at this point. At some point he like officially became that. But like, so he was the audio engineer. He was very quiet on the original show. He was supposed to bring in a problem for episode 50. He did, but he cut it.
Starting point is 02:01:26 Because he's such a perfectionist that he hates anything he has produced. And that's why there's no content from him online. Like, did him big head a band together? That's a lot of fun. Like a common band group. Yeah, great. I've formed random theaters and a shit in LA
Starting point is 02:01:41 back when they were younger. But Sean has no finished albums or recordings. Yeah, true. Because he's such a perfectionist that back when they were younger. But Sean has no like finished albums or recordings. Yeah, true. Because he's such a perfectionist that he'll throw it all away. He didn't even use on. I do for other people from that episode. And just, it never got released. And also, he deleted one entire episode of the biggest
Starting point is 02:01:57 problem I accidentally. And no one has ever let him hear the end of it for the rest of the time. That has become his entire reputation. And Sean who deleted that. And we're Sativa. Yeah. So they call you. There we go.
Starting point is 02:02:09 We got a cover. But you know, Sativa Shauna. And then we also need to know Ashtereos co-kenos. So this guy is one of the people who Maddox and Dick have been here to see be theater. Ashtereos had no idea who they were. He just thought they were a couple of random comedians dick and you see the theater yeah hysteria said no idea who they were he just thought they were a couple of random comedians who were also at the theater with all these other comedians but they were fun to hang
Starting point is 02:02:30 out with it wasn't until later that he finds out maddox is the guy who wrote this book which he heard of and uh... really yeah and that dick was on doctor phil which he'd seen that appearance he had known about these guys just didn't realize it was them
Starting point is 02:02:41 i think uh... so i think you're right he meets them at UCB. He starts coming on the show. I think his first appearance is episode 20 and he becomes like the most regular guest. He's like the fan favorite, especially because of in episode 50, he does this epic prank called the unexpected guests problem where he was calling in on Skype and they had spent two hours before the show started trying to fix Skype.
Starting point is 02:03:06 Like they had all these technical difficulties with Skype. And they were fucking spent two hours trying to resolve it. So everyone was going to hide in the door. So the staffs are all like pissed off. They're like, all right, the stereos do we have you? And we have you on the Skype connection. He's like, yes, yes, yes. So he says like, all right, I have my problem. Unexpected guests. And then he walks into the studio.
Starting point is 02:03:26 This man lives in New York City. So he had a completely in secret. Completely in secret. Blue out. I can't tell that sarcastic or not. You're nagging for two hours. I was just going to say that he had to wait to come inside just for this joke. Instantly became the fan favorite guest.
Starting point is 02:03:45 So I was gonna ask, did he somehow orchestrate this two hour delay, but no, that had to be done so that he could do this bit. Exactly. No, it was complete and complicated. Yeah, it was incompetent. They had to get the Skype working for the joke to work. And the only person who was in on it I think was Sean. Yeah, that's up.
Starting point is 02:04:01 Yeah. So anyways, fucking it up. So he becomes the favorite. He's on all the time Now I've written here. This is a comedy podcast and everyone's friends. This is important to remember Okay, all right. I'm gonna get stuck in if I watch too much. I fucking I really fucking love it man Thank you so much for doing it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. This is sort of what I do. I make analytical things about media, but it's especially fascinating when it's all just real. And I don't have to theorize about anything or speculate.
Starting point is 02:04:34 It's just like, here's what happened. It's fucking crazy. Like the reality is already insane. Yeah. I love hearing it too, because you get like, what did you think is important to go over? And it's always shit like, too, because you get like, what did you think is important to go over? And it's always shit like, oh, I never like, yeah, I think about everything
Starting point is 02:04:49 in terms of me. Yeah. And my relation to these people, but it's weird to get like a overall like, oh, yeah, that is, that is more important. It's more entertaining for me to see the chaos develop not through my eyes, through my personal sense. From a one step removed. Yeah. Um, how did you convince these six people to sit down and watch this three hour? So this is, this is a group who we have a podcast called the Procrastinator's podcast. And it's me and like, there's nine people in it total, but like, we're just a bunch of friends who have all been doing YouTube videos for a really long time
Starting point is 02:05:26 And we've been friends for like four years and we want to like sort of just we want to be red letter media Like basically like we want to have that studio setup that they've got when they do half in the bag Yeah, but like we all have to move to one place and you need kind of to be successful on the internet already to get there Yeah, and like all of us are semi sick, like we all live off of Patreon but like not enough to pack up your bags and move to one place. So every once in a while we just do a kickstarter to fly everyone to one place and like motor out. So there's actually like five of these lectures that we filmed back to back. Oh my god. Like literally, one was a five hour lecture on the story of all the final fantasy.
Starting point is 02:06:07 Okay. One is like explaining spirit science. So I fuck what do you mean? What's spirit science? Spirit science, do you know of the YouTube channel spirit science or the general idea of spirit science? Is it the one where it's like humans used to be like these giants and you got to focus
Starting point is 02:06:25 all. Yes, I fucking be able to teleport and shit. Yeah, I've watched that whole series. It's so fucking fun. I don't like it's the most insane bullshit that you could ever see on the internet. So, subscribe to the channel and wait for the lecture because it's the guy, the kid who said the word that you didn't want to hear gives the lecture and he's a he's a he's a a 17-year-old psychotic performance artist who's also like a fucking mad genius, okay, and his lectures great and
Starting point is 02:06:54 it's not out yet unfortunately, but I'll I'll link you as soon as it comes. Oh man Sean, do you like do you like consuming like insane Do you like consuming like insane, holistic theories, like spirit theories? They usually make me very angry. I thought that they would make you, what'd you say, did you bro? Conspiracy is a word I would use. Yeah, but kind of a conspiracy theory,
Starting point is 02:07:17 but also like an origin story, like a Bible, you know? Yeah, it's like, it's like Scientology, but like for YouTubers, I guess. it's the kind of thing that I think you would just make you angry It probably would but I love it. They're talking about like the shockers and it's just like this invention of this Insane mythology that only ever grows like that's why I love it so much because like every every like Harry Potter You know fake That's why I love it so much because like every Harry Potter fake, there always is a point where the author just starts to close it off and it gets less fun.
Starting point is 02:07:50 But like the spirit science people and the flat earth people just always grow it. It's like, well, why not this? Like, well, what's on the other side of the disc? Like, there is no, actually, what's on the other, it's the reverse reality wearing like, oh yeah, give me more, give me more things that Give me more like I like this
Starting point is 02:08:06 Bearing comics. There's a giant what is described as a spaceship, but it's actually like a three-atom thick disc That is the the diameter of the sphinx and it's under the sphinx and you can take that disc and take off the top of the pyramid And put the disc underneath the top of the pyramid and it's a spaceship that you can use to like go between dimensions. Yeah. Right? Isn't that great? This person really thinks this shit and is like never ending but it's like listening to a child tell us of lie like a story that just never ends.
Starting point is 02:08:40 I love it so much. It's more entertaining to me than any other fictional reality. Like Marvel has fucking nothing on the spirit side because they don't, you can tell that they don't love it as much as the spirit science guys. Like they really love the reality they're making in their head. It's like a Tolkien adventure.
Starting point is 02:08:57 The oldest part about it is that the Egyptian god, Toth is like our ally who's like given us everything over the years. He just keeps appearing every couple hundred years and just like helping us to reach the next stage and he's just like the ultimate bro. Yeah. It's real comforting to think that
Starting point is 02:09:13 the top has always got our back. Is this out now or is this coming out soon? This is coming out soon. I'm not sure. So far the lectures that have come out are just a Dixia one, Guilty Gear lecture. If anybody knows anything about Guilty Gear, real obscure fighting game with a fucking insane story.
Starting point is 02:09:28 And there's a lecture coming out on Tails Gets Trolled, which is like a classic shit core web comic, I guess. I'll call it. Awesome. I want to see the Spirit Science one. And definitely everybody, take a look at this one. Because if you want to, you know, if you want to tide yourself over with the goss
Starting point is 02:09:45 until the lawsuit gets decided. And if you like the personalities, you know, follow the podcast channel that it's fucking posted to. So dude, here's, let's, I want to bring this up. I post this video thinking, oh, cool, it's my buddy, did you, bro, who did this awesome lecture? I tweet about it and I wake up.
Starting point is 02:10:06 You know I get at night I like to do a little drunk tweeting with my night cap. Yeah, I like to go on little retweet. Spree Hey, everybody check out this fucking cool thing. I like you know, I'm spread this around. Get a good look at this. You're not doing take a look at this thing. Put it on. Put it on while you're while you're figuring out sheets in the background to kind
Starting point is 02:10:25 of mellow yourself out, because it's fun, it's entertaining, and it's presented in a fun and entertaining way by someone who's good at it. What could go wrong? I wake up to about 50 tweets saying, fuck, did you, bro? Like a Twitter backlash that I did not understand at all like people calling you a pedophile. I mean really shit that I'm, I'm uncomfortable with, but I want to know what the hell happened. How detailed of an explanation do you want of what's going on? Like how much time do I have allotted?
Starting point is 02:10:58 Well, I don't want to get into the specifics of this dude who's targeting you. I would like to know from your side what the hell is happening because I know that you and Mumpke Jones ended your podcast and I like both of you a lot and I have seen, I've seen some things that make me want to say, please don't, both of you, please don't do what Maddox and I did because it's very expensive and everybody were hated. Don't worry. First of all, both of us are cheap asses and we're also both successful right now, so I don't think either of us was fucking see each other about anything.
Starting point is 02:11:36 Okay, but you know, even like talking shit and stuff too, I'm a huge shit talker. Just know what it can lead to. Just know what it can lead to, Just know what it can lead to. I'm saying, you know, just don't. Yeah, no. Maddox, Maddox was sold by leaked screenshots of chats. So I'm just, I'm just saying, everybody, let's keep it all above board.
Starting point is 02:11:56 Cause I like both of you a lot. That's the only reason I'm saying anything. You know, yeah, it's, people, he's, he's got a lot of his fans essentially are, all right. Well, what happened between me and Monkey essentially is that he has a fan base of people who like to fuck with people. Sure. And he really sort of encourages that and is like embraces that aspect of his fan base.
Starting point is 02:12:20 And like because those people started really fucking with like me and some of my friends and like the more deeply I involved I got with him the more his fans were fucking with me. And I'm like, well, this dude has shown no interest in stopping that from happening. Like he's made no attempt to stop talking to these people who are like harassing me and shit. So I'm like, fuck this guy. people who are harassing me and shit. So I'm like, fuck this guy. I don't want to work with this dude anymore. And it kind of came to a point where in the PCP podcast, the one that I've been describing, he was also a member of.
Starting point is 02:12:54 And I sort of called it to a vote like, hey, here's the situation with this dude, should we have him in our group? And we ultimately, majority decided no. So he got kicked out and I guess took it really hard. Yeah, it sucks to get kicked out. It sucks to get kicked out of anything. Yeah. It's understood.
Starting point is 02:13:14 I mean, like the reasoning was just as straightforward as like, I didn't want to have to keep associating with a guy who was embracing people who fuck with me, you know, who are like trying to fuck with like my, just trying to fuck with my fuck with me, you know, who are like trying to fuck with like my, just trying to fuck with my business and stuff, you know, like people who are constantly hammering on my fucking door about shit. Well, I'll tell you this, that I've been accused of the same thing. Maddox accused me of the same thing through the entire run of the biggest problem, that it was my fans that were fucking with him
Starting point is 02:13:46 Yeah, and that I wasn't doing anything to stop them. I always said dude you first of all first of all you don't know that they're my fans Secondly as well in this case it just so happens I know their mumkees fans because he does videos with these people I'm not saying people he collaborates with a few I'm not saying applies to you directly. Like I'm not an analogy is a shitty argument. I'm just saying that what my experience was is I was accused of the same thing. They weren't my fans and I told them I can't, you know, I there may be their my fans because I understand them and as of as a way to understand them, I know you can't fucking stop that. Like, there's no stopping us, you know? We just like fuck, there's no way to stop me
Starting point is 02:14:28 from fucking with people. There's no way for me to stop other people from fucking with people. But I also, I don't want to be a contrarian like I understand why you wouldn't want to associate that. Like goes back to Maddox thinking that you can control people. You think that you can make people do what you want them to do.
Starting point is 02:14:44 I mean, it's not a matter of whether Munkie can control those people or not, but it's a matter of that, like he actively embraces them, that these are people he works with all the time. He encourages their behavior. He like, you know, because on his channel, it is a joke to like make fun of him
Starting point is 02:15:00 to sort of present himself. Like, you know, he invites bad comments, and he highlights them on the channel, and he thinks it's funny, and he likes it, of him to sort of present himself. Like, you know, he invites bad comments and he highlights them on the channel and he thinks it's funny and he likes it and that's fine for him, but like, I don't want that. I don't want my comments to fucking go to shit. I'm not running a shit post channel.
Starting point is 02:15:17 I'm running a like, a fucking anime journalism channel. So like, and let's be honest, there's gonna, there's a lot to pick on there. Oh yeah. Like that's like, those are two groups that you're that one's going to win. The unfortunate thing is that the people who who attack me are by and large vastly even more autistic than the anime fans and come off like fucking idiots in their videos, which is thankful, I guess, because like the lucky thing for me is I have not done anything to actually warrant any drama. It's all various people leading strange. Okay, it sort of began with this guy who really had a problem with me, sincerely, who made a bunch of videos where he was like shit talking me for at great length.
Starting point is 02:16:02 But he was hammering these videos constantly, sending them to people, posting them everywhere, like really getting them out there. And as he did that, it created like a cottage industry of shit talking me. Because other people jumped on this, like seeing that it would get like a lot of views. And so all these people started making like
Starting point is 02:16:23 Digi Bro hate videos. And I accidentally fucked up and made this possible because I was putting my own name in the tags on every video I make. So every video I make says DigiBro in the tags, their videos say that their videos show up in the sidebar on my videos constantly. So you could auto play from one of my videos
Starting point is 02:16:40 into somebody shitting on me for like 20 fucking minutes. So like, so all these videos spring up, I finally catch on to this and I figure out I can mass remove the tag of my name for my videos. I do that. It clears up a lot of the problem. However, a lot of these people still want to fuck with me on Twitter. And because a lot of them are friends with Munky, like he just kind of, because he, he has kind of painted himself into drama with me because it gets him a lot of clicks to do so. Like every time he mentions me in a video, it's way more views than he's going to get for something normal.
Starting point is 02:17:12 So like, he's playing into it for the attention and like trying to keep it low key enough that I won't like start a fight with him. But like, he is kind of pushing on it a lot. Okay, well just promise me that if you do start a fight with him, it's out in the open, you know, there's no- Oh, it will be. It will be all the diss tracks, because that's the game I play. Okay. I'm a rapper. Okay, I just don't want anybody to call anybody's jobs, you know, do underhanded shit. I want everybody to-
Starting point is 02:17:40 I mean, frankly, we both work for Patriots, so like- Okay. And I mean, I'm, you know, I'm a fucking died in the old dick show listener. I know how to fucking handle the scandal. I, you know, what are they gonna do? They take me off Patreon. I go to Hey Trion.
Starting point is 02:17:56 I've got all my supporters on Discord. They know, they, I got all their emails, you know? Like, you can always get back. So like, nobody can fuck with you that bad if you fucking keep coming back. Okay, good. I'm just worried people are calling you the Maddocks, you know, and I don't want that to be true.
Starting point is 02:18:13 I want you to be the Disney bro. I've been there because Mumkees fans have a lot of crossover with the Digg show fans. So, I mean, mind you too, both of us have been really like outspoken fans of biggest problem for years. Like we were both promoting the show big time back when we first found out about it. So like most of our close fans, like have also seen the show, kept up with it. One of the members of the procrastinators group that did those lectures is the guy who
Starting point is 02:18:38 called in with the artificial scarcity of pretzel buns problem. No shit. Oh, yeah. That was a good one. That was a good one. That was a good one. Yeah, we, it's been a very different. I remember I just knew I met the voo and Philly, the good, curly blonde hair.
Starting point is 02:18:50 Yeah, he had a big fucking blonde hair. Yeah. He was the guy who got denied for the bar. Yeah. I remember that too. After like one drink. Uh, but yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 02:19:00 So, um, so yeah, like a lot of people want to paint me as the Maddocks because they are fans of the Dixho and obviously the enemy of their enemy is their guy who they say is Maddocks. Yeah, I understand that. That makes sense. Because from my fan's perspective, he's the Maddocks. Neither of us is the Maddocks because nobody fucking sued anybody
Starting point is 02:19:22 for $400 million fucking dollars, you know. Well, nobody's doing, we just broke up a podcast that we were going to end anyways. Like, I was already ending the podcast because I didn't want to work with him anymore, and then it just so happened that like the drama blew up with us right before filming the last episode. So like, we didn't so much break up the podcast over drama.
Starting point is 02:19:41 It's just it was ending. Okay. And all as long as, you know, none of you slept with each other's love of their life either. I presume. No, no, that's fine. Then you can work out all of the other. Nobody's a pedophile. Well, that's what I wanted to talk about next. You're grown women. So you're both what? We're both engaged to grown. I think he's I don't know if he's engaged, but you are because you're the one getting hammered for the pedophile shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:08 And you're married. Well, the reason I was getting hammered for pedophile shit is that I was saying, because Patreon issued a change to their code of conduct saying that like that, any like illustrated pornography of underaged characters, bestiality or incest was outlawed on the platform and i was coming at this like this is this to me is a stupid move on patreon's part because the whole point of patreon is to be sure that i'm stupid it is haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha Where is my where my art pencils? You don't understand that patreon a lot of the biggest patreons are fucking furry art like Patreon is dropped up by extremely niche. Oh, yeah, so I don't I don't doubt that at all. Is that these reality? What if a bitch has like a that's
Starting point is 02:21:01 There are people who had their patreons removed after this change, who really had to negotiate with Patreon, sending them pictures of women and being like, is this a beastieality? Is this a beastieality? Is this a beastieality? Is this a beastieality? Because there's lots of adult women who just look like young girls, so they'll see. Okay, wait a minute. See, I'm talking about feciality, which is fine.
Starting point is 02:21:24 Now you're talking about... Well, yeah, the B.C. Hality with the furries. Yeah, where do you draw the line? Like, what level of sentience is this a fucking beast? Or like, if it has tits, is it more human or more animal? If it's paying taxes, if you've got like a literal cheetah that's using its paw to pay taxes,
Starting point is 02:21:43 is that still be the reality? If it has a social security number, if it has a social security card, it's a human, right? It's just I, right? Sean, like what the fuck? So with this change, the way I see it, I mean. Illustrations, illustrations, no victim at all. Illustrations that are banned.
Starting point is 02:22:03 Exactly. Illustration, literally no harm done to anyone. the most victimless crime in a fucking world and illa fucking station but it can turn somebody it could turn somebody that's a violent video games you can't give you you can't play fucking wolf and Stein you're gonna go escape from president I like a fucking not face I like how people are very all a cart with that argument about something about something. Yeah, about something leads to something. Nothing leads to anything.
Starting point is 02:22:29 Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. The only thing that leads to anything is process food makes you a big fat fuck. And yet that is all over society. Powers all of Duncan, Powers America, and it fucking kills people. But no've violent video games we got a research that all the research said it actually prevents violence uh...
Starting point is 02:22:51 we need to research it again you can't get the right answer you can't draw things that are more lee that are uh... more lee repugnant to me it might lead to doing them all the research says it fucking is the opposite i still don't like it. I still don't fucking like it. Well, you know, it's too bad that I can't take a study and turn it into a giant fucking dildo and shove it up your ass.
Starting point is 02:23:15 I rely on you to read it and understand it with your fucking brain, but you won't. You fucking won't and there's nothing I can do about it. Nothing. The fucking illustrations, illustrations make me so fucking insane because I know they're coming for my shit eventually. I know that I'm next. I know that I'm fucking next.
Starting point is 02:23:36 Every motherfucker on Twitter who came at me like, oh, why are you defending this? Like, this isn't a good look. I'm like, yeah, keep saying that when they come for your shit, buddy. It's happening. If you let them fucking, if you let them push the line, if you let them push the over-to-window backwards,
Starting point is 02:23:53 they're gonna keep fucking pushing it over your shit. Yeah, yeah. And I think you're right, but it makes, I think you're right, but it makes everybody very fucking uncomfortable. And what also makes people... I like making everybody uncomfortable about it because it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all. Because I grew up in the anime community
Starting point is 02:24:14 where it's fucking normal. Yeah, I mean, it's normal in Japan. Like Japan made real images of underage, you know, fucking child porn. They made it illegal to possess which it fucking should be because it is someone is victimized. Yeah, you know, fucking child porn. They made it illegal to possess, which it fucking should be because it is, that is someone is victimized. Yeah, you should get your fucking head chopped off, right?
Starting point is 02:24:32 There's no fixing you. There's no fucking, sorry, I'm sorry. There's no fucking fixing it. No, and I think the mental health community sees it, there's, you don't rehabilitate that. You just fucking hit. Yeah. I can't be trained out of like, in big old hits. No.
Starting point is 02:24:48 Nothing's gonna fix that. No amount of amazing ass is gonna fix the, fix the other one. Yeah. Um, what was I gonna say? But they said illustrations, yeah. It's because we're not gonna make it illegal and then suddenly millions of people who are doing nothing are criminals. Like under fucking stand that in your brain.
Starting point is 02:25:08 However, I will say this, did you, bro? I don't know if this is accurate because I don't know the terminology of like anime shit, but you are a self-professed, what is it? Lollicon fan? Yes. Does that mean that? What does that mean? It means that I am a huge fan of illustrations
Starting point is 02:25:31 of little girls getting fuck. Oh. Now, see that makes it, you see what you, when you do that, it makes it makes it makes it very uncomfortable. Of course it does, but like I have to fight for that shit harder than anybody, because I like that shit. I know I'm not doing anything wrong and I'm looking at the shit. That means I got to be on the front fucking line, but you're not doing anything.
Starting point is 02:25:57 I mean, you're not doing anything wrong, right? I have to ask like you're not doing because everybody is this shit with my significant other who is an adult woman. And so I feel as though I was as protected from scrutiny about this as I could possibly be like what can you need? You can't do anything with this wife. You can't you can't hammer people for what they're into in their fantasy mind, you know? Exactly. Fantasy is very different than reality. Yeah, as long as it stops
Starting point is 02:26:25 before the real world. Just yeah, that's the past. We gotta ask, like we have to ask. It stops. There's other reasons people are into this stuff other than like I want to fuck little girls. Like some of it's about like internalizing or like explaining things about like other parts of your psyche.
Starting point is 02:26:40 You don't fucking understand cause the human brain is a cluster fuck and none of us get it. No, nobody chooses to be into shitting dick nipples, you know, but like that art is just because someone had to exercise that from their fucking mind. I mean, there's like two fucked for people to not draw fucked up porn. Yeah, right. It's like so difficult to say, yeah, I like violent video games, but I'm not violent because I kind of am violent.
Starting point is 02:27:06 You know? You haven't killed anybody yet? No, I haven't. Just, I mean, the capacity is not there. In the old times, people would have definitely killed most of their people by their 30s. So, like, you're not killing power diminishes every year. I know, man. It just makes me so fucking uncomfortable.
Starting point is 02:27:26 I'm glad that you, well, the way you're describing it, makes me slightly less uncomfortable, but fuck, when I saw that shit flying around to a world, that's your mission of the world. I mean, imagine this, I have to sometimes make the fact that I follow you less uncomfortable to people I know. You know? I have a lot of friends in like the trans and liberal communities and like, you know,
Starting point is 02:27:49 sometimes you gotta fucking justify the people who you listen to to those people. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely fucking right. The shit me is more offensive than what you're saying to me and your circles in some circles. Absolutely fucking true. But it's like somebody saying,
Starting point is 02:28:09 I'm defending free speech, I'm defending mine comp as free speech, but then they also add on the stinger of, I love that book. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's why people are pissed at you.
Starting point is 02:28:23 Yeah. Some Nazis don't act on their urges. You know, if you're not out there beating gays, you're just tattooing schwas to cause on your body, I'm not gonna stop you, you know? Yes, you're right. There is a difference between crime and nothing. And it's important.
Starting point is 02:28:41 I am sad to see you becoming a pariah on Twitter because of it. Honestly, I got out of it because that dude who was leading the charge got bored of me when I went to private and it blew over in a night. That's how this shit goes now. It's all fucking fake. All this Twitter drama is just marketing. It's all just people trying to lead attention
Starting point is 02:29:03 to their bullshit by way of like this dude after he had He got bored of me. He posted an image that was like like Digi bro fans are this and then he says if you witnessed this put a B in your name And so like all of his followers have b's in their name. It's like a cult Yeah, like a weird political cult the student is running just to get attention to a fucking Twitch stream. Like that's what Twitter is in 2018. Yeah, you're right. Real shit, you're not into. That would be an instant no, right?
Starting point is 02:29:35 Yes, absolutely. All right, I hope you make it out of this because it seems like a PR fucking nightmare. It's fine. I've been on the internet since 2001 when I was 11 and everything I've ever written online is still out there. So my PR is the most unprotected thing. Like nobody can hammer you if everything's out there, you know. It's true. Like if you're not ashamed of the things they're accusing you of, then
Starting point is 02:30:02 that's true. That's fucking true. Well, what makes you rage, man? Well, you cannot be ashamed of certain things in the lock and have something to say about it. Yeah, I mean, I did it. I'm doing it again. I love doing it. They're like, no, that's your, like, you know,
Starting point is 02:30:18 sawing off people's heads is illegal, sir. Ah, I'm not ashamed of it at all. I mean, I'll be a proud man. Can you imagine how, can you imagine how VR is gonna be? No. It's not. Well, I mean,
Starting point is 02:30:32 the conversation's gonna open up real quick. I'll tell you that. Yeah. Yeah. What makes you a rage, buddy? What makes me a rage is fucking literally everybody in the grocery store who I have to walk behind. Like every fucking time I go,
Starting point is 02:30:46 I'm like, people just don't pay attention to where they are. Like they just forget what the world is. I don't know if it's just sensory overload from all the crap that's around. People just kind of like stop. And then you'll be like, you have a fucking huge cart full of shit and they're like a lone old woman just standing in the middle of the aisle.
Starting point is 02:31:06 And you're just eyeballing, you're like, you know what has to happen here. Like I can't kill you with this cart as much as a dream of it. Please move out of my fucking way. Move out of the fucking way. Just people are just in their own little world all the time now. And yeah, they're on their phone.
Starting point is 02:31:22 They're looking at the shelves, they're looking at their phone, they're thinking about something else and they all just fucking calm. They all you know. Yeah. You know what, yeah. When this happened, it really, the only thing that I could think about was, yeah, the offensive speech you have to protect too. Yes. And like, this is the first time that I've been offended by speech.
Starting point is 02:31:57 Yeah. But the only time. Like, I always say that thinking of some prissy Ivy League feminist bitch who wants to like cut my dick off. Yeah. And like by silencing me. And I'm like, yeah, anybody, yeah, of course that saying just means like offensive speech, whatever. We all know that they're talking. But this is like right. No, no, no, no, I'm the prissy. Yeah. Ivy tower, you know, and I'm like, yeah, I don't I fucking don't like that. But what what you fucking money, what your mouth is, dude, if it's not illegal, there's no fucking, there's no fucking crime.
Starting point is 02:32:31 No, if there's no victim, it has to be allowed. Absolutely. Yeah. And I haven't gotten one from everyone. Everyone I've said, show me a fucking study that says this is bad. No, but I don't even want to do that because the study just generalizes the violence. Like you shouldn't be judged on the, like that's like saying show me a study
Starting point is 02:32:50 that black people commit more crimes. Like of course that fucking exists, but that doesn't mean that racism is okay. You know, that doesn't mean anything about the individuals. If you are not committing crimes, you should be able to have your expression in what it's like a fucking burger king, have it your way. That's what the constitution is. Yeah. Well, I'm glad to talk to you. I'm glad to hear that you and Munky aren't going to try to have a shadow warrant to
Starting point is 02:33:13 destroy each other and you can just stop working together. I don't know. Don't, no, don't. No dirty behind the scenes. Shit. No, everything I do is always out in the open. Okay. I have, I keep no secrets from this world. Okay, I've just fucking sound like it. No. All right, man. Thank you for the video. I peace. Peace, man.
Starting point is 02:33:35 Yeah, see you, see you, see you. All right, everybody. I think that's all the time we have today for the show. For about 240. Oh, my goodness, my goodness gracious. Thanks for listening. slash the DICK show.
Starting point is 02:33:52 I have you topics today. Yeah. I covered a lot of ground. Really rattled my bones. It was interesting though. Bounty King came. Interesting show. Came in hot.
Starting point is 02:34:01 Yeah. You could tell he was pissed. Yeah, I guess. Yeah. What are you? I'm was based. Yeah, I guess. I mean, yeah, what do you? San, you don't think he was I wasn't sure if he was I wasn't sure what the dynamic was with it could have been just real dry kidding, but maybe, but I know, but I have been with his friends. I don't think it was though. You don't think it was. No, in hindsight. No, no. All right. Thanks for listening. Um, gets us some Facebook news after the bumper.
Starting point is 02:34:28 See you next Tuesday. I'll play another Kendall and Hyde. This is MCMC in Kendall and Hyde called Bicycle Boys. Another Kendall and Hyde masterpiece. Hmm, let's see here. Craigslist. Lawyers. Hmm, this guy looks pretty good. Let's see here Craigslist lawyers This guy looks pretty good
Starting point is 02:34:49 That's a nice shiny coat Shiny Sure, but one rule I insisted I drive Just stop hoping my leg will get a long fine. Let's get to the princess. So you want to do so, Suen? Yes, Dick Masterson. His reputation I must ruin. Think you can end his show and all the free speech that he's doing?
Starting point is 02:35:12 Sure, I'll put the silly madcuff's joke to prove collusion. Make sure it looks legit. There's a lot on the line. I'll dot all my keys across all my eyes. Check these cord docs on my grammatical surface. Sue anything that walks. They're just collateral damage. All sort of dick with papers tell these soak and ensqued. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna came, you'll get rocked, and your socks will get knocked right off when you guys realize it's now illegal for you to say Maddox lost. I found a new gift, let's add it to the log. They're photoshopping you now. That didn't take long.
Starting point is 02:35:54 It's not supposed to be me, a drinking, driving dog, who's pissing on my face. They call him Peppy the Frog. Feels bad, man, I'm gonna fight these defendants. It's such a joke, right? so he tears up the first amendment. Ugh, well, dude, I think that might just work. I'll do the writing. And I'll confuse the clerks. Pysico boys, yeah, we fit like a glove. He likes to get caught. He drives and gets fucked. Together we're gonna win for 100 million pops.
Starting point is 02:36:20 You guys will get sued if you try to say we suck. We need to get to New York. Looks pedal tell our feet Her can Jane right on your lap. What she like. She's a real flirt. No, my time. She'll make your cutting dreams reality There's nothing inherently wrong with a little beast reality Like a little less bitchie Why are my riches a little bit itchy? Oh? Let's get back to the plan first. Hey pay my retainer. Here's the fuck.
Starting point is 02:36:45 You're the man. Bicycle boy. Yes, we did. We really hope the man will dreamt him. You'll get rockin' your socks on. Get down right off when you guys realize it's now illegal for you to say these things. We're gonna win, Lys. I have a good feeling. I hate Grieberg or Anjazee-Ster egg.
Starting point is 02:37:02 Weaming. Yeah. Just next. Let's do him when we're done. What for? Same as the rest. He's having too much fun. Bicycle boy. Boy boy.
Starting point is 02:37:09 That is good. Yeah. Boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy Uh, did you know, I'm know you didn't hear about this. Nick got turned down by loglin. Laughlin, how do you say it? The whiskey, it's the whiskey company. Yeah. Laughlin. What is it?
Starting point is 02:37:34 Laughlin, let me read it. Nick Rackets got turned. No, no, you're not talking about a scotch. Um, no, he was drinking something else the other night. What, he wanted? Lag drinking something else the other night. What he wanted? Lagavulin. Lagavulin. Okay. Oh, right.
Starting point is 02:37:48 That's what he drinks. Lagavulin. So he was asking for a sponsorship and, you know, a bunch of people, a bunch of racket heads, hit them up. Gotcha. A bunch of nickheads. Excuse me. Nickheads.
Starting point is 02:37:59 Just come up with that. Yeah. That's good. Uh, you know, twist, twist it around, you know. Uh, so, around, you know. So like how Nick Rackets has stuck to our rackets. Yeah. Yeah. Don't fuck. Don't make people say that name. Come on. Rackets.
Starting point is 02:38:14 Everybody likes saying rackets. Well, log of old and answered Nick's requests to be sponsored. Let me read you the what they said. Boy, it's why they can't sponsor him. Hi, Nick. We understand you're quite a fan of vlog of Olin and we're glad to see you enjoy drinking it. When it comes to engaging formally with individuals at the
Starting point is 02:38:36 corporate level though, at DIGO, I guess it's their parent company, we adhere to a strict, responsible drinking policy. And this is a strict filter for any potential partner we engage with, no drunk and loyering, no loyering under the influence. Having viewed some of your videos, many of these are not compliant with our marketing code and promote drinking behavior. We do not endorse. Like success. Can you fucking believe that? We wish you the best of luck in the future, but we cannot partner in any sort of official
Starting point is 02:39:10 way with you on your content. Thanks, the log of woolen team. What would happen if he had 500,000 downloads per video? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. I think you'd buy the bottle. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:24 I love that. Having viewed some of your videos, many of these are not complying it with our alcohol policy that functions on alcoholics. Right. Right. Are you guys fucking kidding me? Yeah. The moral high ground is head by the whiskey distiller. We don't endorse such, we don't endorse drinking and talking at the rate that you do. Every bottle should last a man about 20 years. Yeah. Right. It's on our, our moral code is such that a father will give his son a bottle on his 21st birthday and that will last him the rest of his life. Right. One bottle, one, one life. That's, you should just lick it every day.
Starting point is 02:40:06 You put it a little bit on a paper plate and lick it, like a little cat, and that gets you through life. Uh huh. Fuck you. Yeah. Just churning it out. Yeah, drink it, you fucking pigs. Yep.
Starting point is 02:40:19 Here you go. Let's get those age laws down. Hey, I'm a fan. I do a little bit of loyering for good cause. Can you guys sponsor, you know, like a bottle or something? I just say that you want to sponsor me so I can put in it's funny. We're sorry, but as we're fueling alcohol. Take our responsibility.
Starting point is 02:40:33 Yeah. Very seriously. As we're murdering half of the planet with heart disease, we cannot, we can't sponsor a father drinking in his own house. Yeah. Sometimes upwards of two glasses a session. Right. Whoa. Too much. Oh.
Starting point is 02:40:48 Tasteless. We actually don't even want men drinking our, our scotch. We prefer that women do it because they drink in moderation. We can't wait till it's actually outlawed. We hate making the stuff. It's poison. Thank you for your continued patronage. Hmm Self funny like that like an example of an upstanding man Oh, you're you don't drink and you're drinking is in violation of our of our policy. Oh Yeah, Facebook news Hello dick and hello dick ads wonder this is Facebook group news for the last couple days Clay early came and crossed to go fund me for his very first girlfriend who is looking to get help with funds for fighting cervical cancer. Clay says that the bitch knew she had HPV which is a
Starting point is 02:41:32 type of STD. She never informed him during their 10 year but she would ask him to hit it raw. Only months after their magical relationship ended did she notify him of the STD situation. When asked if he got tested, Clay said no, but he's going to get around to it eventually. I'll take it online. Until Clay then men can get tested for HPV. Therefore, we've been clay to spam the thread with what do in taking doctors within the group. The Facebook group is having some big issues with reporting. Melissa Young's children will
Starting point is 02:42:03 report it as pornography, so her hammer gets the ban hammer on both Facebook and Twitter for what has to be a little record. And Inc. Digit called out the brave, brave Cuck who reported him for not using his real name. Smoke a horsey also complained about such a ban. I like smoking. Lastly, Emily Vuve shared with Dickhead's a four page,
Starting point is 02:42:24 single space letter that a friend of hers wrote who she never dated. The friend drove over three hours to hand to deliver this letter to her. Not to mention, Emily is married. The letter talks about fixing things between them, working hard on streaming, anime conventions, then it takes an even stranger turn at the end when the author says he hopes the letter doesn't hurt his chance at being friends with Emily's husband and congratulate them on their happiness i only miss that word of the entire letter happens to be congratulations
Starting point is 02:42:56 i hope he admits to missing their wedding this has been the actual facebook group news i read that letter. It's hysterical. Like this guy details how she, the only time he's ever been happy in his life is when they were together as friends. Like just some fucking, just some fucking dude that she knew when she was much younger.
Starting point is 02:43:19 Some fucking friend who, you know, nothing ever did anything that day. Yeah, yeah. And he's got this gigantic letter about how that was the only time for him. And he's cleaned up his whole life and that now he's getting his streaming project going. And it would really like, she could be the queen on his, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:38 Oh, it's great. Chicks has to deal with, see, chicks don't get crazy until you start dating them. Guys are crazy before you start dating them. That's the issue. Guys are crazy if you don't date them. Yeah. chicks, if chicks don't date you, they kinda just fuck off.
Starting point is 02:43:53 They plow, someone else plows them. Yeah. On scramble's the brain. Yeah. Guys, no. Permanently fucking scramble. Yeah. Yeah, it's like a prism.
Starting point is 02:44:03 You know, your guys or nuts go through the pussy prism, come out all right. Right? Yeah. Wait, no, it doesn't fix them. No. Actually, I think it does. I'm gonna go with this. Yes, I'm gonna, it's before the prism.
Starting point is 02:44:18 Girls, once they hit the prism, once you go through the prism, they come out all fucking scramble. Totally normal chicken seemed like, go through that pussy prism, kaplow colors all the fuck over the place. But that's just my opinion. I'll play some voice mails. This is a long episode. I'm not gonna play that many. Oh, I got a ton of great ones, fuck. Hey Dick, back from Texas again, and I got another rage for you Having too high of a voice. You have too high of a voice. No, it's gonna respect you
Starting point is 02:44:50 You get the cost of jokes of have your balls dropped yet, you know, and it's bullshit Yes, my balls have dropped. I just my I can't change this. I can't change this about myself And it doesn't help that I'm like five foot two, you know, I'm yeah I'm like I'm 19 you know I'm pretty young but most most my friends they have fucking like these deep booming voices are all like six foot and I five to like a fucking idiot God fucks me over yeah why do I have such a high boy and also I'm at those shorts. That's also a little calling for that too. As a rage, why the fuck am I so short?
Starting point is 02:45:30 But you know, what the fuck ever? It sucks. Those friends making fun of them, calling them like poppiss murf and stuff. Yeah. Is that what they say? I don't know. Just, you know, conjecture.
Starting point is 02:45:42 Yeah, yeah. For like somebody who likes to make fun of people. And especially now, they're like, the no movie is out. They're probably like, hey, you know, conjecture. Yeah, yeah, probably call it. Somebody who likes to make fun of people. And especially now, they're like, the no movie is out. They're probably like, hey, your movie's out. That's true, isn't that Sherlock no movie about you? Oh, fuck, you got me. I thought you were gonna say something, you know, else. You know, you probably say that.
Starting point is 02:46:01 Where's your hat? What hat, like, you know, that pointy red hat that you're supposed to be, they probably say shit like that. It's some people are mean. Oh, yeah. People are mean. I'm saying shit. We were mean people are fucking jerks. Yeah. People are jerks. He's probably got good, good, some good news. Like, hey, I got this date with this girl tonight. Big big can. Oh, better bring a step stool. Exactly. Yeah. That's the kind of thing that people are very insensitive would say that's a great example right
Starting point is 02:46:27 haha haha God I just did that automatically haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha last one alright see here hey dick this Rico calling. I just want to say that Occapel music makes me a rage. You know, Occapel music is essentially a bunch of people getting together saying, Hey, we can't play instruments. We can kind of sing. Let's do that instead. I just rather hear it. God damn song the way it was supposed to be played. I don't care if you can sound like the instrument. I don't give two shits. No man, fuck you. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:47:11 I've been a singer before and it's pretty damn easy compared to trying to learn how to play a fucking instrument. Some people can just already say it's pretty damn easy. That is true. I don't know. That's my rage. Go fuck yourself. I love Occupel music. I find that I can't say that I listen to much of it. Even where people are actually like reproducing, like they're reproducing like woodwind instruments and things like that.
Starting point is 02:47:36 Like somebody's singing like an oboe. Yeah, like my coincidence. For like, the windshield. Yeah, the beeps and the boobs and the... Yeah, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I think that I love like, annoying music. Yes. Like, as the more and the boobs and the crepes and the j... I love it. I think that I love like annoying music. Yes.
Starting point is 02:47:48 Like as the more annoying the music gets, I'm really into it. Like, you know what I like, like, scatting you say? Tell me more. Whistling? I don't mind if I do. Whistling's impressive. Yeah, I love doing that. I'll whistle up storm.
Starting point is 02:48:00 Everyone really fucking hates it. Banjo music? Yes, please. Speed on, you know, everything you're doing, everything you're doing, everything. Yeah, everyone probably hates it though. There's like, there's YouTube's where dudes will record themselves doing all the parts of the song. And then it's like a symphony of the same dude.
Starting point is 02:48:19 Yeah, sure, you built, yeah. Looks cool though. People do that live with, you know, they just have loop pedals and things like that and create, you know, backing tracks and then playing over the top of it and one man band. I guess here's how you know Acapella sucks though, because there's never been like an original Acapella song. That's successful.
Starting point is 02:48:37 I see, yeah. Like there's lots of original guitar, piano, violets, lots of originals of those, but nobody's ever like, here's my new Acapella song. Where they're all new to this. Where they are the band, where they, because like, you have like Bobby McFarron and stuff like that, who with everything, you know, don't worry, be happy is 100% his voice.
Starting point is 02:48:57 There's no instruments? No, to my knowledge, no. I'm wrong. That's a very popular song. Well, fuck me, Sean. It is a good music. Fuck you, sir. Acapella is deserving to be heard. One more. I'll two more. Two more. If it's thick like glue, I'll sit in her poo poo. Okay. It's another one. Yeah, people like those rhymes, apparently, those. Yeah. So I need one good rhyme. One good rhyme. One good rhyme for their time. That's what I always say. I always say that once. What makes me a rage is that my car has adopted this squeaking noise and I don't know
Starting point is 02:49:52 how to get rid of it. You got to get rid of the car. There's no fixing a maze. There's no fixing it. Yeah. Do you fucking hear that? No, Bill. No, that's easily the most annoying thing I've ever heard of. Well, you must live in a quiet place.
Starting point is 02:50:12 I've got about two more hours going on this drive. Oh, yeah. It's DP. He's an Uber driver, right? So he's got to sit around that squeaking, I always recognize his voice. Yeah. You remember my car that I had before the truck? We had developed the same sort of squeaking. I always recognize his voice. Yeah. You remember my car that I had before the truck, where I had developed the same sort of squeaking problem,
Starting point is 02:50:28 where I would like, you could hear it for miles around. Yeah. We were, we were. Right. Sounded it sounded like there was like a dog caught in the fan belt. It was really weird. Yeah. There was a ghost. Yeah. Bob Marley, Bob Cratchit, Bob Cratchit. I ran him over. He was okay. He got stuck in the, he got stuck in the wheel well. Right, right. I sold that car, you know.
Starting point is 02:50:49 My dad found my old car on Craigslist. Yeah, yeah. They were trying to unload it. And I, like, I looked at him like, they're not fucking mentioning the squeaking. Yeah. Someone is going to be very disappointed after dropping 3K on this car that it squeaks
Starting point is 02:51:03 like a fucking hamster wheel. Right. Like as nice as they made it look, they're, someones getting majorly fucked out of the, Very disappointed after dropping 3K on this car that it squeaks like a fucking hamster wheel. Even as nice as they made it look, they're someone's getting majorly fucked out of their money. But, you know, what can you do? Fuck them, I guess. Yeah. All right, see you next Tuesday, everybody.
Starting point is 02:51:17 See ya.

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