The Dick Show - Episode 98 - Dick on The Trademark

Episode Date: April 17, 2018

Maddox loses his trademark application for sole ownership of "The Biggest Problem in the Universe", bullying, bully hunting, and hunting the bully hunters, Happy Birthday Thieves, the first stop in As...terios' Garage Tour, middle age Jaeger's, everything you ever needed to know about buying a house, four-square disasters, congressional hearings, the hot girl on Izzy Nobre's Instagram, custom Gameboys, The Sucker's Paradise, my new Skinner Box app "S*ve the Whales", Kimball vs. Madcucks, Stephen Burch the Hero calls in, an Erotic 4/20 Story from a Real Man, and Sean's sisters are in studio; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 She's Fuck is going on She got a loose seal in there man You got some gaskets you got to check out yeah Welcome to dig you want to give you, you love dig, you need dig. You got it, it's the show where everything is a contest. Coming to you live from a mountain bunker deep in the heart of the city of failure.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I'm your host, Dick Masterson, aka the $20 million man with me as always. Sean the Jolopy Audio Engineer. Hello, Dick. What's up, buddy? I don't know. Falling apart. But all kinds of gases coursing through his veins and system.
Starting point is 00:00:50 But it wasn't a burp. I'm just making noise. I don't know what's happening. Oh, those get you in embarrassing every time. Yeah, you ever have a happen in your lower back, like down by your tailbone, where those like, I didn't fart.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Like, my spine has farts now. Yeah, it's just like, where the fuck are the tubes there? What is that, did a tube get looped around my backbone during sex or something? It starts in your mid-30s, shit just starts falling apart and you are not liable for any of it. It just, I don't know, I just make noise now. You get too many, you get one too many twists,
Starting point is 00:01:27 and then by the time you're 30, and in test time, it gets out of place, and it just starts working its way around your body like a heartworm. You're like, I can't get that back in place. I don't know. I mean, the good news is I'll be dead soon, so there's always that. Do you remember when Diego was in here? And he thought that those deep internal
Starting point is 00:01:46 burbs were not audible to other people. So he was just sitting on a mic and it just goes, it's like that creaky haunted house burp like. Why not remember that? No, that's what my memory is shot clearly too now. I don't know if we were doing the show or not, but he's just like sitting there watching kind of half smiling with that look at his ear. Yeah. Eh. Eh.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Like, over. What the fuck was that? The egg on your head. Ah, but, you can hear that. I thought those were internal noises only. Ah. I am sorry. I thought that was Tinnitus.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Oh, I did not know that this was. Hey. Goddamn. I don't know. Speaking of Diego. Human body was never meant to last more than like 35, 40 years. Yeah. Because you've done what you're supposed to do by then probably.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Well, it's really, it really is. Just trying to figure out how to keep things together. Yeah. As soon as you hit that breeding age and the reproducing, as soon as you've hit the reproducing part of the life cycle, that's where evolution stopped. Like you understand what I'm saying? Yeah, as soon as that was the goal.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Yeah, that's all it needed to do. As soon as your mutations took you to that point, the rest of your journey is not governed by God's natural selection of process of evolution, right? So you're on your fucking own. That's why, like that's when the orthopedics and the space age polymers and the skin grafts and the cortisol injections,
Starting point is 00:03:21 that's where the technology takes over, right? When the 13 and under crowd, God's on your side. He had it all figured out. Millions of years brought you to this point. But from here on, my man's science is coming to save the day and we need it. We need it. We need it. Desperately.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Yeah. Keep it fucking together. All dude, every, every week, every week, There's at least one point when I want the old mech warrior, like read out of what my body is doing, like the Yeager printout, the giant Pacific Rim, computer schematta, of what is damaged and how badly it's damaged. So I know what I'm working with. Okay. The left hit is out.
Starting point is 00:04:03 We're going to have some problems with that. The boys are looking at it, but just don't be swinging your arm around too much. Try to go on your right side. Try to go on your right side this week. Okay, well, we've got some testicle sensation, but it's nothing to worry about. It's nothing to worry about.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Don't spend all of your week worried about that. Gotcha. Right? There's nothing to Google there yet. We'll let you know though. I fucking fuck Fitbits. You okay? Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I don't need to know how many steps I didn't walk today. Yeah, all of them. Yeah. I didn't walk enough steps. Thanks Apple. How much does that cost? Does yours bug you? I don't have a fuck, I don't have a Fitbit.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Okay. Do you have a Fitbit? No. Oh, what do you mean yours? No, I thought you had a Fitbit. Oh, okay. Do you have a fit bit? No. Oh, what do you mean yours? No, I thought you had a fit bit. Oh, fuck no. What are you wearing on the, see, I just assume everybody who's wearing something
Starting point is 00:04:51 that isn't a watch that looks like a watch on the wrist is a fit bit. I don't know what this is. I wear this bracelet to monitor my heart rate because I thought it'd be funny to see. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's like, literally only monitors your heart rate. That's all it does. Yeah, see, like, yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's like, literally only monitors your heart rate.
Starting point is 00:05:05 That's all it does. Yeah, well, I could do more stuff, but I didn't read, I don't spend all day reading fucking manuals about this shit. I just got it working on the stream. That's what I need. I need to fit bit. I should probably save this for a bonus episode
Starting point is 00:05:18 cause it's an invention. It's a man-vention. I need to fit bit that tells me, what's wrong? What's the likelihood of a tit going out or an ankle going out today or a wrist getting shot today that I need to just put it in a sling all day. I need intoxication levels at all times
Starting point is 00:05:37 in a reliable method that I can read. So I know when to stop having that, and when I need to switch from liquor to beer, I need some kind of I need to switch from liquor to beer. Yeah. I need some kind of a horniness indicator. Okay. So I know that my thinking might be a little bit skewed.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Gotcha. I need caffeine levels. Okay. Because if you have one too many cups of coffee, you just feel like shit. You feel like a fucking toddler for the rest of the day. Yeah. Throwing a fit at yourself.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah. That's what I need. I don't need steps. Okay. Throwing a fit at yourself. Yeah. That's what I need. I don't need steps. Okay. Steps are worthless to me. So you're going to work on that for a bonus episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Okay. I like it. You actually have pretty good ideas. Okay. You know what? That actually reminds me of, did you see the Facebook stuff with Congress this week? Zuckerberg, Mr. Zuckerberg goes to Congress? A bit.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Mr. Zuckerberg goes to Congress. Yeah. Was a bit. Mr. Zuckerberg goes to Congress. Yeah. Was that the funny? It was fucking thing. Yeah, from what I read, everything is, I'm so, I'm so over reading news. It's just like that. Oh, it's that. It's a gustalt of abuse and ridiculousness.
Starting point is 00:06:38 The news, it's just a big mess. It's like everybody took all the crayon colors in the box and meld them together. The news now is the one, the one marker that has any kind of juice in it left that scribbled through all the other markers. And it's this ugly color of death. It's like the swamp of fucking death that you think of. What is that? What is that prick's name? Who tends the river of sticks? that prick's name who tends the river of sticks, that guy, the boat man. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:09 In what's the river? It's the color of the river. I'm getting weird already today. That's what news is. Just this ugly, crappy, crummy feeling inside you, with the vague feeling that you're being brainwashed by an advertising company to spend money as often and as quickly and as immediately as possible because the content
Starting point is 00:07:32 they're shoving down your throat is making you fucking miserable. Oh, it's, it'll make you miserable. No doubt about that. Oh, but God, those hearings were funny. Were they, you want wanna talk about it? Yeah. A bunch of baby boomers, like the dumbest people in America, Congress, asking Zuckerberg
Starting point is 00:07:53 how Facebook works. So, if I'm using WhatsApp, can I talk to Facebook? Like, that's your question? That's why we brought this billionaire in here who controls all of the data in America so you can ask tech support questions. You dumb motherfuckers. I mean, it's great for the stock. Stock jumped up 5, 7%.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Thank God. Did it? Yeah. Good job on that, guys. Nice theater, nice political theater to remind everyone to buy this, to stop selling the fuck out of this stock. Thanks for that. But, oh, the rest of it.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Abs, absolute, completely embarrassing. Yeah. Completely embarrassing that these fucking morons would even open their mouths. Mr. Zuckerberg, and of course he's lying through his teeth the entire time. Sure. Tire fucking mouths. Mr. Zuckerberg, and of course he's lying through his teeth the entire time. Sure. Tire fucking time.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah. Yeah. How many people read the user agreement? Oh, Senator, I'd have to check. Okay. Hang him. Right there. Well, the answer is no one.
Starting point is 00:08:57 No one. That's the congressional hearing. I want just a complete kangaroo court where we bring everybody out there. Everybody. Zucker Zuckerberg Bill Gates Elon Musk every every single one of these Olegarks we bring them out there. They got to sit like in a dunk tank But with a new surround their neck and if they and if the lie is too big if enough people at home have a Unapp powered by Facebook where if you hit the bullshit button, fucking dunked.
Starting point is 00:09:25 That's dunked just to keep them honest, right? Cybernetically speaking, we can keep these motherfuckers because the li- the lies are, it's just, you didn't need to lie about it. Of course, no one suck my- Senator, no one reads it because it's just a bunch. It's a bunch of legal gobbledygook that exists because everyone's, because everyone is so stupid and entitled that they will sue for anything. So we have to write that. You want to know the truth?
Starting point is 00:09:53 I don't give a fuck what people think about it. Neither to fucking you, neither does anybody who uses it. Nobody fucking cares. Nobody except that Trump won. So now it's a big fucking deal That's the truth put him swear me in so I can give that answer because everything else is just a lie Oh, everybody cares about their privacy I said the people asking you are the ones mining it
Starting point is 00:10:22 The NSA knows every goddamn thing everybody's doing in the country at all fucking times Of Of course. And we're giving Facebook shit for selling it, for running ads. Uh, I hate him obviously. Obviously privacy blah blah blah blah blah blah. Give me a fucking break. Huh, who's funny though? Did you watch a lot of it? Oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:42 I watched it because you can see like you know immediately which senators are the are the complete idiots Mr. Zuckerberg showed the computer Facebook's on the computer, right? I like oh man. Yeah keep talking coming from away way behind give them an extra 10 minutes Yeah, yeah, that one an extra 10 bring them up to speed yeah tend to get up to speed and Get through the FA right make them read the FAQ. Oh anyway, I thought it was funny. I want to see more of it I hope he comes back. He's very entertaining. He's done right now though. I think so. Yeah, I think you had two days. Okay Then they figured it out They figured it out. I'm good. I'm sure a lot of things will change
Starting point is 00:11:22 Right things will change. Right. Okay. I got some news this week. The trademark, the trademark issue has been resolved. That it has. Let me play a trademark for the biggest problem in the universe between Maddox and myself has been resolved. The big federal, I don't know if it's a court case or whatever. bunch of lawyers, bunch of lawyers filing documents to each other, kicking the ball back and forth. It's been resolved. There you go, John, and all the, but I'm gonna, like a switch because his trademark fucking sucks. Yeah. Everybody's the winner.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Oh, boy. Everyone wins. Everyone wins on that one. Phenomenal. Feels great. Oh, I'm sure it does. I'm not going to lie. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:18 The lawsuit still exists, but fuck that trademark. It does. Winning that one feels really fucking good. Yeah. There was a time, so Steven Birch is my trademark attorney, and a dickhead, he listened to the show and reached out when everything started initially happening and saying, saying, hey, do you want help with this?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Yeah. And my response was, fuck, and yeah, obviously, because I don't know what I'm fucking doing. Yeah. I can't do this. Like, I don't know how to file all these documents. And I'm not gonna, it was like at the very last minute too, that he reached out and saved the day.
Starting point is 00:12:51 But because of it, Maddox does not have a sole ownership trademark of the biggest problem in the universe. Which he should not. Which crazily, looking back on everything now, it seems like at the time, the trademark did not seem like that big of a deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Right? Yeah. Yeah. Because my thoughts were, you know, I don't have access to the domain name, like I can't restart it. I don't want this cocksucker to restart it, but it's still just like, you're still doing a podcast already.
Starting point is 00:13:25 The name is, right, like, well, I think in his world for some reason, the name was like the secret to that podcast success. That's the only thing I can think of, and it's like, of course, that's not the case. Here's what I'm thinking now. That coxucker, Maddox, was going to use that trademark as evidence that I was breaking laws on Patreon by mentioning it, by running the archive site at
Starting point is 00:13:53 That's okay. By continuing to pay to host the episodes at Lipson. Can I pay every month? Can I pay every month? And if you want to give them that much credit. Well, because you go back and look through all the emails that he was sending Patreon, throwing anything at the wall to see if it would stick to get my account revoked. And I think this would have been a big quiver and a big arrow in his quiver. Possibly.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So thank fucking God. Yeah. That didn't come to fruition. Yeah. It turns out it could mean more than we thought it did. Yeah. Yeah. And it's a spec. Stephen Burch is going to call in a bit. He was on Nick's show. Wasn't he? Yeah. And it's a spec, Steven Burch is gonna call in a little bit rater. He was on Nick's show, wasn't he? Yeah, and you know what, Nick, Nick was stealing my questions that I asked people. Oh, was that right? Yeah, he was asking Steven what hand he jerks off with
Starting point is 00:14:36 if he's a titser and a ass man on the hand. You're kidding. Yeah, like, hey, hey, rackets. Nick, Nick, do I have to trademark these fucking questions over here? What the hell's going on here? Asking about tits or an ass man. Asking about how you jerk off.
Starting point is 00:14:51 What is, what's happening here? Yeah. Who's, who show is this? Does Mrs. Rackett know that you asked these kind of questions? Yeah. Are you thinking about that all day and night? Cause I am. I really, I need to know. Should be listening to that show to check up on you. Yeah. I'm always what happens all of a sudden. It's a big shot on the on the interwebs.
Starting point is 00:15:13 He's a pretty soon he's going to be reading erotic stories from other lawyers. Yeah. Stargain fan mail. Oh, I hope he's already got that. Yeah. Start, start, start leaving in the middle of the night to run out for milk, stuff like that. What's that? I don't know, just go, you know, you've just experienced things. Did he say he's doing?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Well, yeah, you know, Mrs. Rackett's gets suspicious. And then what? Well, I don't know, marriage over. All because of the dick show, then he sues you. Yeah, that's, yeah, don't go too far. Yeah. Into the, oh, anyway. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You ask certain questions. It needs you down to dark, dark, bright. Right, right, right, right. Don't be, don't be asking questions. I would ask thinking that it doesn't have an effect. Yeah. Cause you start, you start doing that. Get infected.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah, that's how I get in there. That's how the demon gets in there. Yeah. And then he starts chewing away at your mind. Like a gerbil. Then you're all demon. get in there. That's how the demon gets in there. Yeah. And then he starts chewing away at your mind. Like a gerbil. Then you're all demon. So that's great. He's going to call in.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I'm hopefully answer some questions about what the hell to do next. I don't know. It's a huge relief. That's two losses for Maddox and a row. Yeah. That's the restraining order. Was one big loss, one big fat ugly loss for him. And then the trademark is number two, three strikes, you're out of LA.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Yeah, that lawsuit goes down. Well, and the third one should be like an embarrassing strike. Oh, man, it's Casey at the bat. Maddox at the bat is taken up. Colin is shot. He let the first. Maddox at the bat is taking up. Colin is shot. He let the first. He let the restraining order. He wasn't putting his A game on in the restraining order, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:50 because it's just his girlfriend. He doesn't give a fuck right? That's just a test. Yeah, whatever he watches. You let the first one go always, you know, let's see what the picture's got. Yeah. Oh, that ball had some heat on it.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Yeah, yikes. Moving a little head movement too. Yeah. Yeah, uh oh. Right. Well, that's the thing. The guy throws a dead straight. Doesn't matter if, moving a little head movement too. Yeah, uh oh. Right, well that's the thing. But guy throws a dead straight, doesn't matter if it's a hundred miles an hour, these guys can time it.
Starting point is 00:17:10 But if it moves, it's gotta move. If that has some movement on it, no chance. No chance, just close your eyes and swing away. Number two, the trademark, he put some money on to that one. He hired an attorney, the trademark guy, Lawson. He hired an attorney. Guy couldn't make, guy couldn't make,
Starting point is 00:17:32 couldn't make head and her tails of it though, you know? Well, why that is, I don't know. Just straight up, didn't respond to the last argument. Oh, is that how it went? Yeah. Yeah. So basically if you're your team put somebody is some, you know, battered the ball back over the net and then it just never got, never got a play. What happened was my side battered the, the
Starting point is 00:17:56 ball back over the net and then Maddox called the time out and said that he needed a month to figure out how to hit the ball. Oh, and then the month pass and he just never showed up. So judgment rendered done. Yeah, done. He gave up on it. Yep. Well, I would imagine maybe resources are running kind of thin too. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:18:16 At this point. Yeah. I imagine that too, Sean. Yeah. I mean, it's fucking expensive. It's fucking expensive. Oh god, it's fucking expensive. It's fucking expensive. Oh God, it's expensive.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Oh, we'll be talking about that a little bit later. Asterios is doing a garage standup. Yeah, garage tours. Yeah, a guy asked him what it would take for him to do standup in his garage, Ryan. 20 piece of nuggets. And he said 400 retweets. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I think it took about maybe 10 hours to get that one through. So Stereos is gonna be doing stand up at a guy's garage in Atlanta, Georgia. Really? Yeah. So that should be a gigantic fucking neighborhood burning disaster. The National Guard will probably get called at that one I assume.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Mumpke Jones is wanting to open him for him already. That guy's calling, that guy's calling ends where he can give him some tips on how to prevent damage to his personal property and hopefully keep a stereosis invoices down. The guy who's hosting a stereosis is calling in Ryan Ryan with the garage is calling in a little bit later. Okay. He's got to put asterios on a yogurt budget or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:31 You know, business business zone nonsense. That he gave me. Let's see what else. What makes me rage this week? Steven Birch hero, right? Yeah. I'm going to retire. I'm going to get all the lawyers for all these things
Starting point is 00:19:46 and retire their sport jackets. Yeah, get them some jerseys. Yeah. Yeah. They're last name on the mountain. Yeah. Right? LA kings maybe. Burnt. Yeah. The mariners. Right. Have a wall of the Seattle. What? What's Tampa? The devil, the rays? They're just the rays now. They're not the devil rays. Oh, that's why? Well, I believe so. Yeah. I know they just went to the rays.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Huh. Whatever. Okay, I got some things that make me rage this week. I don't know what, this is probably the closest to an old school biggest problem episode we're gonna get. Oh yeah. Yeah, I got a dumb one in a serious one. Cyborg bullying. you wanna start there?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Okay. There's a little bit more meat on it. Sure. Yeah. This week there was a very stupid activist group called the bully hunters. Oh my God. Show on fucking E or something?
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yeah, show on Twitch. Oh, they took it straight to you. Yeah. By having a show on Twitch, it was a bunch of chicks who are trying to fight cyber bullying in video games that said if you are getting harassed in video games. In video games? Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Sean, we can't have women getting spoken to in derogatory ways on video games. I would end up in a, in a polite society. Wouldn't most of the cyberbullying in video games be like guy on guy or guy on kid? Of course. It's just kid on kid. It's, of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Of course. I mean, unless you're going in there talking about how much of a chick you are, it's the guy, it's the internet. Who fucking knows? You can just block, you can block anybody. Mute, mute, mute, mute, mute. I don't need to, I don't wanna hear all this shit. It's the easiest goddamn thing in the world.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Easiest thing in the world. As opposed to I should be able to hear everything and never have anybody with a different opinion than me or, you know, talk any shit. But it's not even an opinion. It's just like getting called fat and getting just talking shit threatened online. How do they even, how do they even know if you're fat?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Well, they, I mean, that's true. Yeah, you know that they're, you know that they're fat. Yeah, okay. Yeah. So these, these gamers, gamer stereotype, you're really putting out there. Uh, most of them are very fit. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:13 So these girls started the bullet. Excellent personal hygiene. The bully hunters crew. Or if you're getting bullied in a game, you ring them up and they'll show up like Fox Force Five and hunt the bully down in your game. You ring them up and they'll show up like Fox Force five and hunt the bully down in your game. Really, really, really kill them, really embarrass them. Right? Yeah. Really shoot really. Oh, really, really good. Yeah. They're the elite play as a team. Yes, it's their teamwork that allows them to dominate bullies.
Starting point is 00:22:47 So thoroughly, in a way that is somehow different than just playing the game. Yeah, right? So what do they, so they just find them and eliminate them using teamwork? Yeah, so they just, and every time they, if they're in a first person shooter, something like every time like they respawn, then they just get killed again.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Do they just do it? I guess, you know, we're doing the same. Have you ever played one of these games? I've watched a lot of them. It's just madness. Like you're running around just blasting. No, no, that'll field or a call of duty. Yeah, I've seen those.
Starting point is 00:23:20 The entire premise of the bully hunting thing requires that you don't understand how these games are played to get on board with it. Okay. Like, if you don't understand how the game is played, then perhaps you could imagine like a matrix style vendetta squad of femme fatale elite, you know, just women who are sick of it, Sean, women who are just sick of it.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And they're spending, right? Yeah, but they're mercenaries. They're mercenaries for feelings and they're gonna show up and show the bullies whose boss. And then the bullies are gonna go think about their behavior. Yeah, because this is, right. This is how people behave.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Right, yeah, yeah. Fundamentally, I think that fundamentally, talking like an Italian again. Yeah, it happens. I was on Milo's show. I noticed I was doing it a lot. I don't know why. Yeah, I think fundamentally that if you don't understand
Starting point is 00:24:14 bullying and why it's fun, that you don't understand people. Because the women who are doing this, like anybody who's anti-bullying always says the dumbest shit, like, well, you got to stand up to bullies. And you got to make them, it's always some version of making them feel bad for their behavior, right? Like anybody who syncs bullying is a thing or a problem always uses some of it to fight the bullies, right? Yeah. Because they don't understand.
Starting point is 00:24:49 It's like bullies, they feel bad all the time. They can feel worse is not going to the bad feeling is what drives the behavior. Yeah, that's right. Like you're not, you don't dig your way out of a hole. Yeah. You're not, you don't dig your way out of a hole. Yeah, right? So it's like this, it's like that you don't understand what causes it is also all the same people that don't understand why it's so fucking fun.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And why people fucking deserve it. You know what I mean? Yeah, well, like the reason you're getting laughed off the internet, the reason you're getting teabagged in a game is because you're a fucking dick. Yeah. And you have it coming. Yeah, usually I would think, not being a gamer myself, but I would think that most people who get habitually bullied on a game
Starting point is 00:25:39 probably do so. It's because how else do they know? People don't just go, oh, randomly, I'm gonna bully that guy. Sean, it's an entire virtual world based on violence and aggression. It's the exact, like talking shit to people is exactly the entire point of what you're doing. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:57 It's like if everybody was very witty and clever, there wouldn't be video games. We would just sit around roasting each other. Yeah. Cause it's better. It's like a more visceral feeling. I think that the whole thing is stupid. The whole side, the whole cyber bullying movement is fucking dumb.
Starting point is 00:26:13 The entire term, the entire term harassment and digital harassment has lost all meaning. Has lost all meaning has become a goddamn plague on the internet like the mind virus of this I this concept of bullying has infected people's thoughts so much that they can no longer that they no longer just instantly think that's dumb like it's so big and so broad and so prevalent in every fucking every time you turn on the TV every
Starting point is 00:26:44 time I log onto Twitter and have to see some kind of notice about bullying, that reaction within me to just reject it, reject it wholesale, because it doesn't make any fucking sense has been beaten out of everybody. Well, now bullying is just listening to someone state a stronger, a strong different opinion than you.
Starting point is 00:27:01 You know what bullying is? You know what, this is what they're doing. Bullying is a bunch of crimes that are not being addressed. That's what a fucking is. It's not being in school and getting called fat tits a bunch. It's being in school, getting called stinky and fat tits, and then getting knocked into a locker. That's a fucking crime that never gets stopped.
Starting point is 00:27:22 That's why everything else is a problem because they can't stop the actual fucking crime part, right? There's a bunch of goddamn school administrators who think that their worth is entirely dependent on figuring out the right magical phrase to cure, to fix the psychological, like to fix the psychological of damage from child abuse, that instead of handling it like a goddamn crime, which it is, they turn it into some psychologist nightmare of harassment and bullying. No, it's just words.
Starting point is 00:27:54 It's just words until it's actually a crime, and then we have a whole fucking system designed for that. Well, we've gone, yeah, you know, sticks and stones is, you know, is long gone. Long gone. Long gone, it's, it's nobody. Now it's, I think you know, sticks and stones is, you know, is long gone. Long gone. Long gone. It's, it's nobody. Now it's, I think you said it on the old show.
Starting point is 00:28:08 It's, went from sticks and stones, you know, two words hurt. Yeah. And they do, but it's not a crime, you know, they can, like, you can get your feelings hurt with what somebody says to you, but it's not, or maybe you should. Like maybe you're choosing to do that. It's not on the same, there's a million reasons. Yeah. It's made me rage. I'm turning into Judge Dredd.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah. That's what we need, you know? Like any fucking small infraction, because we got so like, well, you know, did you just kid, yeah, this is so what if they're, so what if the guys kick and the shit out of people? Let's give them a second chance. No, 10 years, Isocubes, immediately.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Because by doing, by starting, by initiating the physical fucking contact, you just fucked everything else that was fun. Like all the shit talking, and like all the- That's allumped in with the violence. Exactly. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Exactly. So now we're so fucking demented that going online and doing a computer, getting a computer to guide a squad on your face is the same thing as getting knocked the fuck out. Like, it's in its even worse because there's an infinity of how bad you can, how embarrassed you could be.
Starting point is 00:29:17 There's a finite amount of how hurt you can be when you get punched in the stomach, right? It's like, oh, oh, well, you know, worst case scenario, what you break a rib? Well, oh, well, you know, worst case scenario, what you break a rib? Well, worst case scenario, you die like Houdini, but. Well, okay, there's that. Maybe I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:29:34 But God, God, it's fucked and the, the suckers, paradise that we're living in, where companies, the second you get any kind of action, the second you get any kind of play on something stupid, like cyber bullying, cyber harassment, companies will fucking dump money into it. Dump money, they gotta get that sweet click, that sweet views, man, that sweet, sweet virtue signal to advertising.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Oh, you're doing something with cyberbullying. Here's a fuck load of money. And actually, we've got a bunch of special hardware that we're gonna sell just for you. We're gonna have a whole fucking charity event of selling shit to morons who think we're stopping, that is, we're stopping anything with the, that is all based on that one single crime
Starting point is 00:30:27 that was not stopped, right? This entire fucking economy, this entire economy of victimhood that's built on one actual crime that never gets stopped, that never gets solved. I like economy of victimhood. Ah, yeah. To get term.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah. So many victims, everybody's a fucking victim. And the companies, they do it without fear of retribution. Yeah. Because every time, they are shameless. Shameless. Shameless. Some of these, you know, we stand with blah, blah, blah. The virtue signaling with companies in the form
Starting point is 00:31:00 of advertising is it's so, it's embarrassing. It really is. Cyber power PCs, I think it's so it's embarrassing. It really is. Cyber power PCs. I think it's a big company because I knew about it before this stupid bully hunter thing happened. They endorsed it or somehow their PR guy was talking about how he endorsed it. And then he said, it's on a live stream and he says,
Starting point is 00:31:17 well, you know, it wasn't pitched to us like that. So we were misled. And I'm like, yeah, that doesn't mean shit, dude. But I go in the comments, and when do I see people, well, you know, that's good of them. At least they admitted something. It's like, there's not fucking good enough. Yeah, it is not fucking good enough.
Starting point is 00:31:34 They still did it in the first. Do you not see that this is only, that they're only really only regret it because I got fucking caught. Right, right, which is 99 times out of 100, that's the only reason anybody says anything. They gotta be, they gotta be afraid. Companies have to be more afraid of what they endorse.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Like how about never? How about you send everybody packing, all solicitors who have some kind of cause for you to get behind, send them fucking packing. Bend over backwards to prove to me why this, why this had to have your money, your backing and your logo behind it. Because it kind of looks like you're just recklessly throwing your cloud around. And as cloud becomes like, and as, as companies and celebrities cloud becomes the entire way we make decisions like Like as the more control companies get,
Starting point is 00:32:26 and the further they go toward a direct mob democracy of if your hashtag is trending, then we're gonna do something about it and fuck like the principles of America that made the country great. Ah, you know what, the hashtags trending. So if you're 18 to 21 and you wanna gun, go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:32:43 What the fuck, what the hell are you talking about? How about the reverse of that? Your hashtags trending, but I don't know. It kind of just, it's kind of just a hashtag and all you, bricks, we'll forget about this. You don't shop here anyway. Uh-huh. Cause none of you have jobs. You're out tweeting and twitching at 10 in the morning.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Why don't you get fucked? How about that? How about that, get fucked. Yeah. Hashtag, response to everything. Yeah. Hashtag, what was March for Life? Well, our policy is hashtag get fucked.
Starting point is 00:33:16 You can read about it at where we just don't endorse anything period. I don't know, I guess it's not as funny as it could be. I don't know. Well, that's not for us to decide. So aggravating. Cyber bullying. Yeah. So fucking dumb. You know, when, when, uh, long before the lawsuit, like when, uh, 80s girl had a bunch of accounts started in her name. And they would just say gross stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Like, I never heard about that. Yeah, yeah. I didn't talk about it on the show because I didn't want to embolden people, you know? Sure. Give them that up. I was like, oh, that's an idea. I didn't have it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Yeah. But this is so much has happened since, like the restraining order has happened since then. Open threats to call her job and get her fired. Like so much, so much has happened since, like the restraining order has happened since then, open threats to call her job and get her fired. Like so much has happened since then, it seems like nothing now. But I remember when it happened, it was like, yeah, this is, this is as clear of an example of cyber bullying
Starting point is 00:34:19 that you can have. Real name, sexually explicit commentary about a person using their photo. And she was devastated, like, you know, she was very upset by it. Who would feel good about that? Well, me, you know, well. I hear it, they're fucking talking to me. That's usually you doing it, right?
Starting point is 00:34:38 I mean, no, I'm just, please, please. I don't engage in any kind of cyberbullying. Ah, but I remember even thinking at the time, like, yeah, it sucks, but, you know, I don't engage in any kind of cyber bullying. Ah. But I remember even thinking at the time, like, yeah, it sucks, but you know, it'll, so what? Well, I kind of obviously didn't say that. I put on the whole boyfriend routine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So sorry, your dog died.
Starting point is 00:34:58 No, there's, I'm glad that fuckers gone. Exactly. Oh, wow, it sounds really rough for your mom. Yeah, you know, that's those are those things that you can't so sorry your friends. Wow, you got dumb time to bring her over to the person that's happening to at the time. It seems like a huge deal There, but even if you're you know one step removed like you you're like, okay, I can see how that sucks But then it's it's people are gonna people are gonna forget people it's gonna But even if you're, you know, one step removed like you, you're like, okay, I can see how that sucks. But then it's, people are gonna, people are gonna forget.
Starting point is 00:35:28 People, it's gonna pass. But that doesn't change how that person feels at that particular time. But because it's real hard to have any kind of objectivity on that, I think. But you know what? We have, we have like, wisdoms and sayings. We've developed them that keep people from, like to train people to not listen to their emotions, right? Yeah, we turn the other,
Starting point is 00:35:52 like the whole fucking Bible exists to train people to not listen to their baser instincts, right? And if somebody fucks with you, but it's so funny how they virtually never hold up when shit is severe enough. Except we know to repeat them, you know? Yeah. Like those ideas have lived for thousands of years and I would say that maybe there
Starting point is 00:36:15 are a major reason why we haven't fucking all killed each other. I mean, I think it's impossible to tell how much of an impact those actually have. Yeah. I think it's impossible to tell how much of an impact those actually have. Yeah, but sure, because I'm more of the opinion that people think, people think until they don't, you know, and then it's just like the feeling takes, because to me, feelings and all that are much stronger than logic. But in most people, they will act according to their instincts. Yeah. You know, and it just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:47 I don't know, but rhymes go a long way too though. Well, click it or tick it. Ah, better click it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rhymes, now you're not fighting fair. Now, we instinct doesn't have much of a shot. You need a rhyme Bible to get rid of the cyberbullying shit. Yeah, a rhyme by exactly.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Just step away. Don't be gay. Joke. Yeah. Just step away. Don't be gay. Yeah. Right. And also don't be gay. Using their own language, I'm saying. Using their own language. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Using their own language. It's, I don't know why it's upsetting so much. It makes me such a rage. Yeah. Because it's dumb. Fucking dumb. I just think that the, in general, the scope of what words and phrases mean has crept so much
Starting point is 00:37:33 that a lot of it is lost all meaning. Yeah, it's worthless now. Yeah. I don't know what else I, I got some, I got a stats for you. I try to bring in a stats more just because they're kind of interesting. Yeah, I like stats bin bully to 28% of US students say they've experienced bullying. Approximately 30% of young people admit to bullying others. Yeah. Yeah, but you know, oh, so it's horrible. We can't have it anymore. Even though a third of fucking kids are doing it,
Starting point is 00:38:05 give me a fucking break. Are they like the same people just trading, you know, like the 20 and then a couple, a 2% just gets shit on. Yeah, we know, like, you know what I mean? They're all picking on one kid. But they just all, they take turns pick it one kid, boys the other.
Starting point is 00:38:22 So it's like, you know, just swapping one kid. You come to school and then you like get assigned a, like a cop, you get assigned a bullying partner. A bully buddy. Yeah, a bully buddy. Yeah. I don't know, I guess you sound like an asshole for just saying you don't care about it, but.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Yeah. Yeah, I mean, that's kind of like, is it a fucking crime? Just enforce the, because that's what, like, that's what bugs me about it, that when the crime happens, like, ah, you know, yeah, I will just let the I will let this one slide kids get in yeah kick the fucking ass out of school That's it. Yeah, fucking stop it. Yeah, I mean But kids aren't they're not done cooking. You know, we've talked about this those kind of that impulse control and things like that It's not like an adult. It's definitely not like an adult.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah, you're right. It's almost like maybe we shouldn't have tried to build a big system to process them. Like they were some kind of homogenous mob that could all be known as the same. The same, correct? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe we shouldn't have tried to do that.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Maybe we should just kind of unwind that and like people figure out their own shit, right? Yeah. Well, that's, there's that. That's idiotic though. 70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online. So this is what they recommend. Filling up your friend's Facebook feeds with positive posts instead of negative ones
Starting point is 00:39:40 can boost school hide more. More out. They want to turn, they're trying wanna turn, they're trying to turn, they're trying to turn your Facebook into an eat, pray love event. Yeah. Trying to turn it into Oprah. That's the part that makes me sick.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Because if I was a kid, it would make me hate people. It would fuck with my brain to see that I'm implicitly or inherently, there's something wrong with me every day. Because you don't feel the same way. Yeah. Because it doesn't, there's the negativity, doesn't affect me. Like I remember being a kid getting picked not. Like the, I remember having huge like four square arguments
Starting point is 00:40:16 of these cock suckers, just abusing the rules, calling triple lines out to where, a question, like are we even on the fucking court anymore? Where is this triple line? Because you seem to be just calling it as you see it. You asshole. Calling outrageous rules. You know, a four square that can get to make all the rules, right?
Starting point is 00:40:38 Yeah, I don't, I mean, I remember the guy, I don't remember playing it. Oh, I love, God, I loved four square. Oh, that was great. That was where beefs were settled in the four square court. I see. And second grade for me. Okay. And I remember very clearly this cock sucker
Starting point is 00:40:54 who was, I guess, the bully. Yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure, it was a bully. Okay. He would, he would get in his king position and then just call rules that would let him tag everybody out at will, right? Infinite boundaries. So the ball was never out.
Starting point is 00:41:11 If you four square, if you threw the ball out, you were out. You're gone. And never ending boundary, you could peg people with no bounce. You could go for shoes. These types of, there were no holds barred in this guy's reign of terror on the four square court. And I remember playing by the rules, and I got in my house, oh yeah, I'm gonna really, I'm gonna fuck this idiot.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Rantarians today, guys, I'm gonna fuck this guy up. I'm gonna do, I don't know what, I just got a good feeling about today. Good, I got a good, today is a good day, today is a good day to die on the four square cord. I don't know what it's gonna take. I'm gonna talk shit, I'm gonna talk shit the entire time
Starting point is 00:41:52 and get in his fucking head, right? Yeah, I got it. What's the second grade dick shit talking episode sound like? Stuff like, I'm calling triple boundaries, ah, that's because you need a man, because you can't keep it in. You got no talent at this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Because you're a joke. Your entire, your entire reign is a joke. It's all built on these, these, well, you can't play it like a man. You can't play, you can't play four square like a man. So a second grade dick. Yeah, yeah. You can't, you can't do it.
Starting point is 00:42:22 You don't have it in you. He's, he's getting pissed off. I know he's getting pissed off. Right. So he throws, I get in the second square. Just the service square. That's where the, you know, four square has to go right to the second square.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Like table tennis, you gotta go crossway. And I remember this motherfucker like it was like, clear his day, all pissed off. I'm talking shit the entire time. You know, let's go. Come on. You got to be, you, you call these throws? People are just getting up and walking away. You haven't knocked a guy over yet all day. You gigantic. You throw like a girl, motherfucker. Right? Now, he's trying to repeat these rhyming expressions that keep him from violence in his head.
Starting point is 00:43:00 No, he's, but I have a feeling it's not working. I'm sure he, I'm sure he went home every day and got the shit kicked out of him, working back on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. to go chase the trip. It's triple lines. So it's going to be, and he's going to say it's in no matter what. And of course, it's like King's rules for his four square. This girl was walking across the grass, got hit with the ball. And because of that automatic, automatic out, disqualification, right? So I said, you're disfucking qualified.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Disfucking qualified, you're out, you're out. That's it. Everybody starts cheering. Classic like everybody clapped and everybody cheered. like disfuckin' qualified, you're out, you're out, that's it. Everybody starts cheering, classic, like everybody clapped and everybody cheered. The school bell rang, as I'm still laughing, Guy walks over, socks me, I fall down, and then he picks me up by my penis.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Hahaha. This is true. This is a true story of bullying. Is this killing? Kill like a monster? Yes. He's like the huge kid. Gigantic.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Gigantic trailer trash. I'm like looking like pig pen every fucking day. Piece of shit. I remember, I think his name was Zach, like a cock sucker. So he comes over, wham, like, okay, well, I kind of had that one coming. I'm like, whoa, what is the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:44:22 Picks me up on my cock and drops me down on the four square court I remember thinking, you know That is I remember thinking like that is clearly that was the problem. Yeah, the cock picking up was the problem Everything else before it was great And the bad guys won and that like everything else before it the heated shit talking the The harassing whatever that they're trying to stop it was was good and great and people celebrated Because the bad guy lost it's not joy and brought joy to people as many as two other people
Starting point is 00:45:01 Yeah, yeah, and then the violence began. I don't know. Like, this is, it's so fucking clear. Which part was the, which part was wrong? It wasn't the speech, the idiots. It wasn't the goddamn speech. Uh, I don't know. I don't know if any of that's funny. Remember it clears day though. Oh, I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:45:19 And I felt great. Even getting picked up on my track. Yeah, yeah. I got stretched out too. Well, I was gonna say, yeah. I got stretched out too. Well, I was gonna say, yeah, I mean, you should probably thank him. It was normal size before that.
Starting point is 00:45:29 When you're young, you have very elastic skin, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, I'll tell you else, oh, let me play song for you. I'll tell you what else makes me rich? Sean Sisters are in the studio. Today are, by the way. That's the laughing you're hearing. That's the laughing you're hearing.
Starting point is 00:45:45 That's the laughing you're hearing. How you guys doing? Good. Is it weird? Do you want to get on the mic at all? Do you want to tell a weird story about Sean? Do you have any embarrassing stories about Sean? Wait, wait, get it.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Put her in that mic, God. I can't. Yeah, you can't turn it on. Sean is the oldest of all you, all the four kids. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I gotta set a track up. Okay. Set a track up. I'm gonna play a song. You've set a track up. I can't do it while you're playing as long. Okay. I'm gonna play a song first. And then I want to ask you guys some questions. Oh.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Ha ha ha. Oh. Uh. Uh. Uh. I'm gonna play the I'm a Cuck one. This is Chuck and V. Tell me if I've played it before.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I don't think I have. Hey, this is Chuck and V. Everybody come and ask you this. Chuck and Vee, everybody. Come on out, you guys. Now I'm a cock. Things on that radio head, son. Who remembers radio head? Radio head.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I never thought I was cool enough to listen to radio head. Never happened to you. Radio head, like Howard Stern, too. I was like, I'm not cool enough to listen to that show. That last episode... Terrible. Ha ha ha! Could it look you in the eye? You're a big grumblebee.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Your jokes make me die. You float like a coconut And a voice dressed world And I wish you were guilty You're so fucking guilty Now I'm a cuck, I'm a psycho, what's inherently wrong with this? I don't deserve this, I don't care if it hurts. I want to be like her. Who's he talking about? I want a girly body. I see.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I want to be Heather. Oh, okay. I was talking about the Heather S transformation. A riches jealous. All right, all right. Set up a new track. Now you're gonna do that. Set up a new track.
Starting point is 00:48:33 All right, come over. Who wants to be on this one? This one? All right. I'm gonna be a regular now. Come over. Be very fucking careful careful what you say. You can bring the chair over.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Yeah, you can bring your folding chair over. There you go. You got it. Yeah. All right, welcome to the program. Thank you. Yeah, you got to get right up. We have a saying in the studio. Get on the fucking microphone. Oh, I'm sorry, it's my first time. Yeah. No, that's okay. Everyone does it.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Even season professionals can't stay on the fucking microphone. All right. Go ahead. Yeah. This is your smallest sister. This is the youngest sister. Small smallest. Yeah. Excuse me, youngest sister. Youngest. What is your, what's your earliest memory of Sean, the audio engineer? I think putting a cereal box over my sister's head. Oh, really? For what reason? Why would he do that?
Starting point is 00:49:35 Because I'm a bully. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Just to, just to terrorize her. I think so. Is that what he would do when you guys were growing up? I always saw him as like kind of a fatherly, like he would dispense wisdom and like be a
Starting point is 00:49:52 protector and be a really nice guy. Are you saying that's not true? I think he and would teach us dirty words to church songs. To church songs? Yes. Like what? Do you remember that? OK.
Starting point is 00:50:07 How does that one go? What song are you trying to sing? Like he would put the word queer in. Oh, homophobic. Terrible. Absolutely terrible. Do you remember the, I mean, we used to play a game, smear the queer.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Yeah. Like the teachers knew about I know it's fine. Well because it didn't mean it may weirdo to us like it didn't mean anything else No, no, it's true which is which it still means I Can't think of the song right now. You can't think is he would teach you dirty lyrics Dirty lyrics. Yeah, we feel like hey come over like to try to get you in trouble Yeah, and he and Brandon was like to try to get them in troubles because it was funny. It was fun to try to pass the time. Well, I mean, I think we taught the other one who's here, what the middle finger was.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah. Yeah, she, we're at my grandma's house and she didn't want to come in for dinner. She's writing a little Jeffrey Giraffe, this little three-wheeled, like, Toys R Us thing. It was like a tricycle up and down the sidewalk. And time to come in, you didn't want to. And then it was, you know, my dad went in and picked her up off of the thing and put her down,
Starting point is 00:51:16 me her walk in the house, and she just stood there screaming with her middle finger out. Like, you see this, Dad? You see this? She's one of my grandma's like you remember the favorite story what did you tell her that it meant oh I who knows I can't remember that I don't like you yeah something like that right yeah yeah yeah my grandma told that story over and over again yeah do you guys ever get any fist fights?
Starting point is 00:51:46 No, because he's almost 10 years older than me. Yeah. It would have been too easy for him, probably. Well, I would have kicked his ass, yeah. Okay. What do you know? She sounds like an old pro on this. Great.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Do you ever eat any weird stuff that Sean would do? No. Do you have any weird stories? Like, do any buff like you caught him doing a Buffalo build dance or something, and then the bathroom one time or something like that. Yeah, and it was weird because. Here we go, look at this.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I was waiting for, you know, to see his penis and then it just never. Oh, okay. It never, yeah. Yeah, see, I don't think she knows how this show works. How about for real? Do you remember any real weird stuff that Sean would do? I don't know. He's he's a pretty upstanding gentleman. Oh boy. Yeah, there you have my sister game in here She would have a honored story. What you really? Oh God. She remembers everything
Starting point is 00:52:40 My my fucking sister still tells the story to this day of when she was writing home on the school bus after elementary school and she saw that my car, I had wrecked my car and she saw that it was destroyed in the front in the driveway and she was like, yes, that fucking idiot wrecked his car. Well, this is when you're like older. How old? That was like, she was like 11. How much younger is she than you? Four or five years like that four or five you don't know? Well, it's it's always in between. Okay. On the same day you prick. Yeah, I know four or five four and a half So either four or five right nothing weird
Starting point is 00:53:18 Nothing weird Sean is love for music. Did he sleep with his guitars? He loves music so much. So you do anything weird like that? I honestly know you got nothing. I got nothing. Okay. It's just on the spot for music, did he sleep with his guitars? He loves music so much, so you do anything weird like that? I honestly, no. You got nothing. I got nothing. Okay. It's just on the spot. No, think about it.
Starting point is 00:53:31 I'm going to go ahead. I'm going to go think about, see if anything weird pops up. And the deep recesses of your mind. Oh, you don't want to go there. Yeah, I want some good stuff. Did you ever think that he would be this sex icon with his V-neck shirts?
Starting point is 00:53:45 Of course. Yeah, no, that's, I grew up. Was his handsomeness a problem for you? Is it a little girl? Would all your friends like, finger blast themselves to him and stuff and talk about how hot he was? Finger blast, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I am so glad that's gonna be in my repertoire now, thank you. Would that ever happen? Would they like, I really want the last chance to look like? You know, I did have two friends, yeah, who are big fans of Sean. Oh, yeah? What would they, how old were they when they were trying? No, don't answer that.
Starting point is 00:54:13 We've had too much of that talk on the show recently. What would they say? He's hot. He's super hot. He's tall. He's, yeah, he's hot. Would they try to like get you to set them up, get them to take a shirt off and stuff? Like see them up? Get them to take a shirt off and stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Like see if you can get them to take a shirt off. Like, sometimes, oh. No. All right. Sorry. Nothing. No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:33 He's so hot. What else? Uh, what were their names? Do you remember their names? I do, but I can't. What are they, are they single? Uh, what do they look like? Beautiful. Oh, they're both beautiful. Yeah. that's okay. All right. Thank you very much. See if you see if you can remember anything. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Do you have no collute? No, that's not you. Yeah, she's on the next one whisper it to her next time. Let me think though. I'll have a few things. Okay. Thank. Yeah. Thank you. You also set her name to yeah. Good job. Yeah. Okay, thank. Yeah. Thank. You also set her name to. Yeah, good job. Yeah. Well, it was an alias. Oh, man. Yeah, there you go. All right, get out of here. Don't leave me.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Uh. Oh, is he? You want to talk? Yeah. Hey, is he. What's going on? Hey, buddy. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:55:23 It's been a while. Good. Yeah. It has been a while. Last time you called in the audio, it was all fucked up, dude. You're, I got sucked into your videos about like, about Game Boyz. This motherfucker, Izzy has a custom-made Game Boy. He does? Like, he got it custom-made from like legit custom-made.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Yeah, from like a guy whose entire business is custom-making Game Boyz and making them like perfect perfect just for you But does he take an existing game boy and then well, I guess we can yeah, he takes parts Is he is that right he takes like Japanese game boys and so what this guy does I met him on reddit like most of my social Interaction these days and he will post up on his like a little subreddit like his his works And then people can either buy the ones that you already has in stock, or you can custom make one from scratch, like what I did, right? There's one specific model of the Game Boy Pocket that I think looks really nice, and there's a few things that I want to add it to it, and I just had a back and forth on Reddit.
Starting point is 00:56:16 I sent him the money, which is an odd transaction, because there's nothing accounting this guy to actually delivering the goods. I just know him from Reddit, and he's a crap man, or whatever. But that would be patient. How the free market does work, because if the guy scams me, he's not going to get business delivering the goods. I just know him from Reddit, that he crafts man or whatever, but that means he shouldn't. How the free market does work. Cause if the guy scams me, he's not gonna get business in the future, right?
Starting point is 00:56:28 So it all worked out. Well, I didn't throw my money away. He sent me the Game Boy, like the completed thing after like three weeks or so. And it's great. I love it. I'm actually impressed that you're into that video. Cause whenever I make these Game Boy videos,
Starting point is 00:56:39 I'm always thinking like, who's that gonna care to watch these things? It's just some random man child talking about his old Game Boy that he loves. It is fucking weird, because I'm talking about Dick. Yeah, but I'm me too. It is weird. Like I got sucked in like, God, I really want to know more
Starting point is 00:56:55 about this fucking Game Boy because I have never been as like happy or as excited as when that first, that first gray mother fucking brick rolled off the line. Oh, alleyway and Super Mario Land. And there's shitty little graphics like reliving that by watching your videos over. I feel like the wife in six cents just watching or wedding video over and over and passing out drunk after a husband's dead. Like I'm just like, oh, it is he. Tell me more about this game boy.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Tell me more about the anticipation of this fucking game boy that you know, I'm in your life. She impressed like I didn't expect that I didn't know that side of you that you're also a game boy fanatic. This is really cool. Yeah, I was about that time. I still remember when I sold it to a guy and it was a big mistake. Who went out in the garbage.
Starting point is 00:57:42 So I got your beat there. Oh, you know what I do. On purpose. You know what I do still have is my turbo graphics express. I think instead it wasn't very popular in North America. No, I was a video game hipster. Like I was all about turbo graphics and bonks adventure and people like, you know, Mario was good for you, but I'm more of a Keith courage kind of guy.
Starting point is 00:58:02 You probably have a man who would know this game. I haven't heard of it. You don't know anything about the Alpha Zones. You probably have in her. You know this game. I haven't heard of it. You don't know anything about the alpha zones. You don't know shit. You're stuck in the mushroom kingdom with the children and the eight bit color palette. I've got fucking laser swords and Bonk's adventure. You're fucked. You can't hang with my turbo graphics 16.
Starting point is 00:58:19 You can hang with all my bits. Who made that? The most, the most explosion North America got to that system I think was Will Smith's enemy of the state right like that in the movie he has one. Oh, he does portable version Yeah, I used it to like view some footage of some guy killing some politician or whatever It's a big plot by in the movie, but in the in the movie they make it seem like this thinking like run like multimedia You can watch movies on it or whatever it was never a big system in North America now. But it did have a TV tuner. Oh my God. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Yes. My, my TurboGraphic 16 Express and the TV tuner, like I was going around, I was going around with like, You wore a hipster. Yeah, man, I love that thing. I, I took it everywhere. Just watch, watch fucking TV on old tuner. It's great.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Battery life was about 20 minutes. No. But the thing was like, I was like, Linus, the thing was like my blanket, that thing. Anyway, you had something to say about bully hunters. I know you did a video about it. I did a video about it, and it did really well for me because I was one of the few people, I think everybody else was so caught up in the moment, they were really busy with some stuff. I was doing nothing that day. So I'm like, I'm gonna bang out a script and try to get this out the door because there is something to be said about being the first one out with the story because then it really helps in the YouTube algorithm, right? As more people start talking about it and
Starting point is 00:59:32 interest on that grows, people who got there out first, right? They're in better position to be like showing up on the related videos. So that video, like my YouTube channel, my English YouTube channel is pretty small, right? Like small creators small creators still kind of like getting out there. So it's great to see a video doing that, well, I'm not used to seeing, you know, six digits in the views for a video, but yeah, it was, it was a complete cluster of fuck of, like we say the work epic very, very loosely,
Starting point is 00:59:56 but that was because in the video, I mentioned that, I would give it a week before this thing was absolutely obliterated and it was be remembered only as one of like 2018's like funniest fuck-ups right and I overshot that by like four days because two days later the thing was like shut down all the companies backing it had pulled back and and and basically through the the event under the bus the page was gone the pages no longer there steel series vertigame verticure All of these entities, they were like, oh yes, this is a good idea. And we want to put our brand and name out there with this message.
Starting point is 01:00:32 They're like, oh, this, this did not work out. But they're testing it. They're testing. They're always testing the limits of what we're going to believe is, is unacceptable behavior. They're always, they're covered this. Sorry, Dick, I cut you off, were we seeing? we're gonna believe is unacceptable behavior. So they're always... I figured this covered this. Sorry, Dick, I could you off were we seeing? They're always coming up with new initiatives,
Starting point is 01:00:53 and new activist campaigns to somehow make men feel bad, and boys feel bad. They're always trying to figure out new ways to police everything. And this is like the like it's never going to stop. This idea of harassment and bullying will never go away. Just like the wage gap will never fucking will never go away. No matter how many studies are done, no matter how many surveys are done showing that it doesn't fucking exist at all, it will never go away because it drives clicks and it makes people money.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Fucking sucks. That's true. Now the thing about bully hunters that I found more the thing I was funny is about that is that they didn't seem to understand the gain that they're reporting to be like, oh no, this is our jam right? Because I covered this in the video. I'm not sure if you guys talked about this. Like I into the conversation here you guys are kind of like halfway in so I'm not sure if you covered this but none of what they described would work as described in counterstrend for a lot of different reasons yeah I said that at the beginning it's you have to not understand any of these games to think that this stupid proposition would work like if the bully gumbazine like you have to be first of all in the same team as the bully for that to work as described
Starting point is 01:02:03 so if if a bully hunter is joining okay I'm gonna i'm gonna school this guy i'm gonna teach him a lesson for bullying you and but the thing is you can't hunt somebody in a game like countersack you're gonna be shooting whoever wonders across your stream yeah so you're you're you're just as likely to kill the bully as you are to kill the guy who's being bullied yeah yeah yeah how does that help the situation even if it did even if you were able to hunt specific users down in the game and then you shoot them, then what? That's the 500th time the guy's been shot in the face in this game today.
Starting point is 01:02:32 So how does that have any impact to him? How is this gonna teach him a lesson about not bullying? You know what I just realized? It's our duty as Americans to take advantage of these people's idiotic desires of like stomping out bullying. You know what I mean? All of these appeal to the feelings.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Yeah, like all of these things that I'm always really, that I'm always bitching about, bully hunting, going to Mars that's like praying on these weird desires people have. We need to be exploiting them more. We need to be, we need to be exploiting them, not shutting the people down who are doing it. Like, let's give them, you want a bully hunt? Let's give them a fucking bully hunting game.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Instead of it, like instead of, we don't, we don't need a male protagonist out solving mysteries and saving the world. We need like, we need a jailogue. We need that movie enough should have been a fucking video game, not a movie, where you can just go a, you can go around like dexter avenging, avenging the honor of women who've been called fat online. That's the, that's the game. And then you, you pay, you pay to play. Like it has the most aggressive,
Starting point is 01:03:45 uh, uh, now you're onto something. Monetizing system in the game. Like you got to pay up, you got to pay it 10 bucks right now, or this virtual woman is going to be, uh, called smelly and stinky or, or, or, or, or told you can't code. Or she's going to be disenfranchised from getting into STEM and see them unless you pay 10 bucks right now.
Starting point is 01:04:04 It needs a thousand likes., I'll kill this bunny. Yeah, exactly. This is what we need to do. Like build, you know, fucking Sally Struthers, didn't she do, you're helping this kid for four bucks a day or something like that? Was that her? Feed this, she may have done African kid for.
Starting point is 01:04:22 We need to do that, but it's gotta be targeting these people because they clearly have money in time. And it's our obligation to do it. It's our, or someone else will. Yeah, man. Any way. So I'm expecting by the time this episode is out, there's gonna be some mockups of like,
Starting point is 01:04:40 what would you call this game, Dick? Gosh, I don't know. So I wanna see some screens of like very obnoxious, like by now, by like however many virtual coins or this woman will be called fat online. Yeah. Yeah. 995 for like, for five tip of the fedora.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Save the whales. Save the whales. Ah, ah, ah, save the whales save the whales So it's a back for like for like a pack of 100 tip the fedora is it's like And every time a woman is harassed in csgo or whatever Yeah, you told you can't code you tip the fedora and then like you saved that for like in a time or starts for five minutes
Starting point is 01:05:28 and nobody can harass this woman anymore. And they'll go compliment somebody else. Like it's like carbon emission credits but it's forgetting harassed on. It's a foundation that will offset the harassment online which is, you know, being done on scales that we can't even imagine, Sean. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:44 And you pay money to us and we'll pay people, we'll pay very gorgeous sexy men, sexy hunks to go around and compliment women and real sexy semen. Sexy semen. Sexy semen will have a whole system. You can bid on which guy that's gonna go do it. You could put, it'll be like chippendales. It's like chipp and nails meets carbon emissions.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Okay. I'm called Save the Whales. That's my new foundation. All right, man. What makes you a... What makes you a rage, is he anything? By the way, Izzy is posting, Izzy posts all these pictures of what he does all day.
Starting point is 01:06:21 He's got this beautiful girlfriend that's in a lot of them. Oh my God. And is where did you find was this a fan of yours, this girl that you're with now? Where are you? You're in South America, right? Yeah. Canada. But I'm from Brazil, right? I moved here when I was God. It's not even fair. Yeah. Now, Colombian Brazil. She was actually, she was actually a fan of the of my show. And then we met like years ago, became close friends. And then when I became sick, I was going going where'd you get those shoes with your relationship with your dad and good for you one thing good for you when I became single long plane was one of the first people that I reached out when I became single Rick dick was one of the first people I reached
Starting point is 01:06:55 out because I'm like dude this happened to me like I want to hear something like you're you've been you've helped me in a lot of ways that you don't even know through your your your funny anecdotes and things like that this is going on what would you have to say to me? And he, he kind of steered me in the right direction. And yeah, I, I can't think of enough, actually. It was, yeah, that was a rough email. I didn't know if you wanted to talk about it. So is he, you got, you got divorced? Like you were married. Is that right? I was married up until like last year, right? And then things didn't work out. And I was kind of like in the, in the dumps as it, as anybody would be, right? Like a things didn't work out. And I was kind of like in the in the dumps as it does anybody would be right like a long 13 year relationship. But then I started kind
Starting point is 01:07:28 of working on myself realizing that this was just what had to happen. I had to grow out of that and improve myself, right? That was a thing. Try to push away any feelings of bitterness or like, I want to get back to some, just like, I'm going to improve myself. And this is this is the life that the hand life dealt me. So I'm going to do the best with it. You know, the best that I'm gonna do the best with it. You know, the best that I can. That was a rough theme. With this man.
Starting point is 01:07:49 And I was walking. So I was walking to the, I was in downtown, I was walking to Worcestcooch. And I think I think I got, is he's like, every once in a while get an email right when somebody sends it and I'll have the ability to respond right away. And that was one of them that was like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:04 you were in a bad spot. I would say, you know, not too bad. I don't like go crazy. Yeah. But sucks. Yeah, so I was like, I was really going on man life sucks right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:14 And I remembered responding, what do you say in a situation like that, right? You know, you do your best. You just kind of kind of remember one of those, those rhyming platitudes, you know, right? Yeah, I sent him a picture of a hang in there cat. Yeah, I was like, right here.
Starting point is 01:08:30 I found this on Reddit. Yeah, hang in there a little kitten. And then you risk, I think you responded, but like I was drunk when I saw the response and I thought, I'll get to this later, but I want to help Izzy out. Then flash forward to like two weeks later. Oh, yeah, I was like, shit, I never answered that email. But then the next time I saw him, he had lost a shit load of weight and he's got this beautiful woman in all of his Instagram shots.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Holy shit. Yeah. Good for you. Who's ideas that was, is that your idea or her idea to be in all those Instagram shots? Like whenever I'm out, I always take pictures of the whever's with me and she's with me a lot, so she's always kind of like kind of there too. She shows up in a lot of my Brazilian vlog.
Starting point is 01:09:11 I do a lot of like on my English channel, I do a lot of like this is what's stupid on the internet today kind of thing or this is my fancy game boy. But on the Portuguese side of things, I do a lot of like day to day vlogging. So she's there a lot too. Yeah. She seems nice. Cool. She seems nice in her eyes. Yeah. You can tell lot too. Yeah. She seems nice. Cool. She's nice in her eyes.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Yeah, you can tell crazy eye. Yeah, it seems nice. Hey, are you coming down to like Vid TwitchCon or something? And I'm... It's a June to 20th. I'll be down there with a bunch of other YouTube people. It's gonna be fun. So I can.
Starting point is 01:09:40 I wanna be in some of your Instagram pictures. What makes you rage? Cool. You know what you call services? Or somebody, it goes to their voicemail and they say, dial this to reach me at so and so. But the speed run through the number, like, oh, 430, and you're like, wait a second,
Starting point is 01:09:56 I didn't even know I'm going to have to take notes on this. Yeah. Never leave a message to somebody, and I say my number. I inundate very slowly, and then I say a little bit more, and then I say again, again, my number is... Yeah, that's the proper etiquette. And also, I don't bombard them with what I wanna talk about in this meandering, never-ending tale,
Starting point is 01:10:17 like, I choose your own fucking adventure that never ends of why I wanna talk to them. Hey, it's me coming back, that number is, and I have a whole different, I just talk like a robot what I'm doing, like, Hey, it's me calling back, that number is, and I have a whole different, I talk like a robot, what I'm doing, like, hey, this did come back at, Klondike, five, five, five, like just fucking get ready, give him a pause,
Starting point is 01:10:35 think of this shit out, think about what you're doing, and that there's another person on the other end that has to react to what you're doing to make it successful, it's not just you, you don't get to punt everything in life. And say the number twice. God damn it. Because it'll drop out. It might drop out.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Yeah, you know what? The reason this activates my almonds, even extra is because I'm from Brazil and Porti uses my main language, right? Anyway, when it comes to numbers, this is like a really interesting phenomenon that the bilingual dickheads might be able to pitch in on this. When it comes to numbers like math and numbers, I still say it in my mind in Portuguese, right? Like the numbers don't quite, I guess because you learn numbers so early in life that that is like baked in, right? So when I do math, I have to like say it to myself in Portuguese. When I say phone numbers, sometimes I have to do it in Portuguese as well. So then somebody just like says a whole bunch of numbers and you tip in Portuguese to like do you figure out tips in Portuguese and then Brazil was on tip. That was the joke. Yeah, sorry, I keep going. That's really like I had to leave
Starting point is 01:11:36 some like a range and a bunch of things here and having to make some phone calls and stuff. And it really pisses me off that every time like do these people like I didn't even have paper or paper like I didn't expect to have to write something down on my phone so it's not like I can use like the phone like dialing things to like go in and type it up so I can have it you know what I mean yeah it's it really pisses me off and I don't know why people do this because they're idiots and they need to be and they need to be harassed until they do it properly don't look at my game for free on the PS Plus right now dick no I haven't downloaded your game I've seen and they need to be harassed until they do it properly. Don't let it be cyber free. On the PS Plus right now, Dick?
Starting point is 01:12:06 No, I haven't downloaded your game. I've seen screen shots. Just go get it right now. It's free. It's on the house. All right, I'll go get it. What's it called? Where do I go to get it? Nine Vita.
Starting point is 01:12:15 So V-I-D-A-S, the sport you use for lives. So it means 99 lives. Okay, nine Vita. Ninety-nin' Vita. All right. Vita's. Vita's like life. Like 99 lives. It's a beat him up. There's a bunch of characters. I'm a playable character so you can kick ass with me 16. 16. All right. Vitas. Vitas.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Life. Like 99 lives. It's a beat him up. There's a bunch of characters. I'm a playable character. So you can kick ass with me or you can get me punched in the face. Currently. Can you, uh, can you, uh, can you harass women at all?
Starting point is 01:12:36 Can you call it? Can you, uh, bully them in the names? I bully them in the game at all. Women characters in the game. So I suppose that's what, uh, that's what gets you going. I suppose you, you're going to be beating on them on the game. I suppose. All right.
Starting point is 01:12:46 I'll check it out. Yeah, but only only because of that. All right, is he only because of that. I'll see you at the next. Thanks, guys. See you, Nana. See you, buddy. See you, Sean.
Starting point is 01:12:54 See you, A.S.E. All right. Yeah, but a long time since we talked to him, huh? Yeah, it has. He does have good videos. Really sexy. That accent I find very pleasing to listen to. Long time since we talked to him, huh? Yeah, it has. He does have good videos. Really sexy. That accent I find very pleasing to listen to.
Starting point is 01:13:08 You know, he doesn't have a very heavy accent, really. That's perfect. Yeah. I found myself listening. Like Diego doesn't either. No, it's just enough. Yeah. Like it's just enough to keep me from spotting
Starting point is 01:13:21 all the problems with it and like getting too familiar with it and then hating what i'm listening to. You know what i mean? I see. Let me see here. I had an erotic story here. You know what? Let me read this one because it's 420 related.
Starting point is 01:13:34 We are coming up on 420. I'm sure you already knew that. You have that. There's an erotic story from the show presents erotic stories from real men. Okay. Alright, alright. It's been a long time since I've read one of these. Been a few weeks.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Special 420 erotic tail. Yeah, that last one had a little zinger near the end there. Fuck that last one. Yeah, last one was bullshit. This one is real. I read it in advance to make sure that it was real. I didn't stop reading when I knew it was juicy. Yeah. I didn't read just the end.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I read the entire thing. Okay. Dear Dick, the names faces in some specifics have been changed to protect the guilty. Call me Ishmael on the surface. I'm a regular guy, but deep down I seem to have a fetish for fatties. Slash whales. Okay. The theme of today's show.
Starting point is 01:14:33 My wife is in excess of 250 pounds. And up until recently, she was aware that my girlfriend wasn't too far behind. Whoa! Okay. Guys, a rancher. Yeah. Wow. A rancher. Look! Okay. Guys, it's guys are ranchers. He's a, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:14:46 A rancher. Look at him. He's got a whole pod. Under his, he's kept in A-hab. He's isch mail. Oh, I get it. He's whale hunter. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Yeah, okay. Let's set the stage and know this is not a fuck whale's joke. Fastrix whales joke. Thank you. I have a boring day job. And for years I would go home to a boring wife and our three boring hell spawn kids bummer.
Starting point is 01:15:07 It'll happen, you know. What do you do? Boy, whoops. What are how many people feel that way? All of them. All of them. I was just like, God, man, I got these kids but I wish I didn't. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I bet everybody's gonna feel it. At some point, right? You just think your life has chiseled away. One of them has two kids. Oh yeah. Yeah. Do you ever feel like this? I really don't.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Yeah, okay. No, she, yeah. If you didn't, you probably wouldn't have said really. She loves her kids. Yeah. They're bad. I hated my life so bad. I decided to spice things up.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Me and a buddy of mine will call him Quik Quig. Decided to try our hand at growing and pedaling marijuana. After just over a year, we'd done well enough to rent a single bedroom house in the Edgetown and set up a hydroponic grow house. I won't dive into numbers. Why? But suffice it to say, we started making significant amounts of money enough to require laundering, enough to require laundering,
Starting point is 01:16:05 enough to require laundering. Yeah. Things weren't going great. Things were going great, excuse me. Jesus, except it wasn't enough after a year of that arrangement. I got used to it in the thrill and away. So I decided to try my hand at cheating. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:16:19 I got on Craig's list and eventually found the right combination of words that would get chicks to respond. I had one or two one time hookups, but it was when I met Kate that I started having real fun. Kate wasn't as big as my wife, but she was still plenty thick. Oh boy. How do you start that combo with a big girl? Say hey, walk up to her.
Starting point is 01:16:42 I have 10 tons of free krill. I don't know. What do you like? I mean, you look like you like to eat. Oh, yeah. Do you think that would work? I don't know. Most women on the internet who describe themselves as HWP must think it stands for Harpoon with penis. I don't know what that means. Not all women are built to carry weight and look good, but Kate was. If normal cans are a situation, you'd call these cans emergent. Okay. And the juiciest hips and ass that a guy could ask for. But still that hourglass waste and a cute red-headed hazel-eyed, powdery-lipped, perfectly-freckled face that didn't suffer due to the extra pounds.
Starting point is 01:17:28 A chubby chaser's dream. Her cock of a... See, everyone was all pissed off about Digi-Bro. What do you think they're gonna, you know, is this guy gonna get any flack? Her cock of a boyfriend had stopped paying attention to her when she put on the weight, preferring to spend his time jerking off to cartoon characters
Starting point is 01:17:43 and posing for pictures with his vintage Pokemon cards. Did you, bro? Yeah. And his mouth hanging open like it was awaiting horsecock. Oh my. We traded emails, nudes, phone numbers. So much fucking work. So much fucking work today. We traded emails.
Starting point is 01:18:01 He's got a bunch of new panoramic pictures on his camera. And after hooking up at a cheap motel a couple times to bang, I let it slip that might have a 420 connection. Before you knew it, we switched to banging on a bear mattress on the floor at my rental house. This guy's like a drug kingpin. Yeah. He's brought his mistress into his drug den, his hydroponics farm.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Just a fucking mat. a mat, it's like a, what he used to call those, he used to call them like a box spring hogs in the surface. They did. Yeah, like it was just like these disgusting whores. See, there was like a room, there's like a room and a,
Starting point is 01:18:37 no, but it was like, I'll have this guy's life here. No, I know, but there's a term called box spring hog. Really? Yeah. In the military? Yeah, but there's a term called box spring hog. Really? Yeah. In the military? Yeah, I think back around Vietnam time. Oh.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Korean war, Vietnam time. Before we started having trouble in the Middle East. I don't know, yeah, I think so. Okay. The hookup turned into a relationship. One afternoon after a productive Harpoon session, she confided in me that she was insecure about her weight. I'm a lift and I've been a fatty in the past.
Starting point is 01:19:08 So I told her about how I lost weight and we discussed weight training, et cetera. When we got to the part about Leg Day, I confidently told her that I could leg press over 300 pounds. And in fact, could easily do squats with her on my back. Uh oh. Yeah. She blocked, no, you can't, too heavy,
Starting point is 01:19:23 which is chick-speak for, if you can actually do it, I'm just so. Right, right, right, right, right, right. The dick clean off of you, like a spaghetti noodle, so we stood up and I knelt down while she climbed on top of me for a piggyback ride. I actually did two squats before deciding to really impress her with the deep one,
Starting point is 01:19:38 nearly putting my ass on the floor. When I got to stand, when I went to stand up, I felt an unmistakable tearing sensation. No, no, no. I had just experienced what I would later learn was a hernia. Oh. To banging was clearly over. I rushed the ER and they confirmed my fears. So in surgery was scheduled.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Trying to, just trying to squat is. It went for number three. It went for number three and just... Guys, it's, no. Never try to, never try to lift a woman. Do you? Bigger than you, never try to lift a woman, baby. So surgery was scheduled and I was going to be down
Starting point is 01:20:14 for four weeks of absolutely no lifting anything heavier than five pounds. I told Quigquig that it was up to him to run the business for a while as I recuperated and left it at that. This was summer mind you. So about three weeks go by, I'm back to work because of my job only in tails sitting at a desk and I'm bored out of my mind left it at that. This was summer mind you. So about three weeks go by, I'm back to work because of my job only and Tails sitting at a desk and I'm bored out of my mind
Starting point is 01:20:28 being stuck at home. My third day back, I just get settled in after attending a meeting. There's a knock at my door. It's the police. I'm placed under arrest and led out of the complex and handcuffs. Oh, imagine my confusion.
Starting point is 01:20:39 It turns out while I was in recovery, my partner Quikwegg neglected to mow the yard at the rental property. The landlord owned few of the properties in the road. One of our neighbors complained to him and our yard looking so scrawny. He came and knocked on the door, which of course, no one answered. He tried to call my number. I gave him my burner phone, which I hadn't replaced because I was in surgery, hadn't yet given
Starting point is 01:20:58 him the number. After a few days, he decided to do a welfare check. Low and behold, he opens the door to find our setup in a meeting call. The girls, the cops, they surveilled the place, catch my partner going in and ordered to get a deal. He rolled over on me. I was finally officially found guilty in late February
Starting point is 01:21:14 when I have sentencing in a few days. Quee Quig is getting off with a year of house arrest and two years of probation. God damn. My lawyer predicts I'm gonna be doing about three years behind actual bars due to all the weed they found. Oh, Hall for having, he had to squat that fat chick.
Starting point is 01:21:30 I did. And a collection of rifles we'd stockpiled because we wanted to buy toys with our money. Now that I've been fired from my company, my wife has left me and taken the kids. I'm sure I'll end up paying child support next to 12 years. Super depressing. Last I heard Kate had taken my advice and lost enough weight to regain the attention of her soy boy boyfriend.
Starting point is 01:21:50 Now she's pregnant with his kid. And when I got a prison, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life pouring alone all because of my addiction to Amber Grace. Amber Grace. Amber Grace. Amber Grace. Oh, I'm a little bit little bit
Starting point is 01:22:10 little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit little bit terrible story. It is a terrible story. Let me see if Steven's here. Hey, Steven, are you there?
Starting point is 01:22:35 Yes, I can. Hey, buddy, how you doing? Good. Good. The big hero. The big hero, Steven Birch, calling in. Where are you right now, Florida? I'm in Florida. Yeah, enjoying the weather. Oh my God. The fucking savior, the savior of the biggest problem, trademark, the protector of the flame, my personal Jesus Christ, Stephen Burj, not overstated. Yeah, not overstated. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you for me and everybody who listens to the show, anybody who didn't want the biggest problem turned into some shill fest of Maddox talking to himself while some UCB schmuck just yes manned
Starting point is 01:23:12 him until his head has warped up into his own asshole like a robberess, the snake, but an asshole version of it. Thank you for your service in defending this trademark. Thanks a lot, man sincerely and congratulations You're welcome. Congratulations I'm hoping this is the one of a one of a lot of wins to come here soon. Yes, please God, we need some wins. We need some closure The waiting on it is driving everybody insane more and more every day How do you feel? How does it feel to win something like this? Oh? waiting on it is driving everybody insane. More and more every day.
Starting point is 01:23:45 How do you feel? How does it feel to win something like this? Oh, it is the best feeling in the world. There is no better feeling than a win. Man, especially with everything else that's going on, it's nice to just start the process of kicking them down and hopefully ending this best feeling. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:05 So, it's a, can you explain how, what exactly the win is? Because it's a trademark, so it's not like court where there's a judge that says like where a jury comes out and goes like, guilty, you're going to jail for trying to lift a fat woman and growing weed. It's different. True. That was a great story, by the way. Thank you. No, it is just an administrative
Starting point is 01:24:30 for our beautiful. So on one hand, you know, they don't have the power to issue sanctions or work you money. But what it means is that Maddox will never be allowed to apply for the trademark again. I think that's the most important portion is, you know know he sees foreclosed from doing that yet as chance he didn't uh... tried you lost if i could i do it again
Starting point is 01:24:54 sometimes he did oh sometimes never is such an uplifting word never and second happen never never never never can i fly again well surely i'll just give it another shot Never, when's that gonna happen? Never, never, never, never, never, when can I fly again? Well, surely I'll just give it another shot.
Starting point is 01:25:08 No, yeah, you're done. You're done applying for this. Like maybe, maybe unlike, oh no, no, never, never. What'll have to happen? It's a great ring to it. Entirely new government will have to come in. There will have to be no more United States until you can apply for this again.
Starting point is 01:25:25 You prick. What do you think did him in? I mean, my personal feeling is he ran out of money. I think he's wasted so much money on the third useless lawsuit. Yeah. He has no money to pay this attorney and this attorney is going to want money before it does work. I mean, I, you know the details.
Starting point is 01:25:45 So he asked for an extension. He needed 60 days to respond to our motion for summary judgment. He asked for it, the court granted it, and that kind of game went nothing. He did nothing. So maybe he was using those 60 days to like organize a big sale or a car wash
Starting point is 01:26:03 that he thought would bring him out of this. You know, he'll wash your bike. It's a bike wash. The bicycle boys are out there raising money for Maddox's legal fund. They'll wash your bicycle, bring it on over, accept all the, but not no kids. Only grownups, bicycles, really wash it.
Starting point is 01:26:19 Maddox's bike wash. He got two. Yeah. No, you come and watch him wash his wash his bicycle. Okay. That's how it works in his mind. That's how he would fuck it up. Yeah. Anyway, so what what can be done now with like what can be done with the first of all, is it a trademark now that I have because it seems like just a no. Like they said, no, you can't apply for this from Maddox.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Does that mean it's like, no. What does it mean? I think, you know, from, you know, and you're never gonna get a straight answer out of the attorney, it's always gonna be in it depends, but you're learning that we had issues that were adjudicated. And they were, you know, it's not like the court just said, no, it said that Maddox conceded those issues.
Starting point is 01:27:12 So they've been tried, they've been adjudicated and a court, you know, an administrative card of the UNIAL has found an answer. And one of those biggest issues was, one of the biggest issues was, you know, the existence of destroying venture and do you own it? Are you a part of this or was it all madx?
Starting point is 01:27:29 That was the biggest part of our motion for summary judgment. The court found that it exists, that you own it, you have half, and there's a lot of good case law. There was a big US Supreme Court case, this would be and be hardware back in 2015, that holds that you can't just go around and relitigate issues in different courts until you get an answer you want. And that, most importantly, for what
Starting point is 01:27:54 we're talking about, you can't do that the trademark trial in the field board is one of those places that once they make a decision on an issue, and you've had a chance to defend yourself, that's it, you don't get to go around and re-litigate everywhere. Was there a danger who owns it? That's undecided. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:11 That's great. Because nothing would ever get done. Should've tied up for decades. That's when all this started. This trademark thing was the first thing that started, I think. And you know what? I'm probably not the only one, but I basically forgot about it. Yeah, I would remember it from time to time,
Starting point is 01:28:28 like, oh yeah, what is going on with that? Well, it just never get resolved. I remember when the first time I talked to Steven, there was like, it seems almost quaint looking back on it because he said, well, it might cost like this much to defend, and, you know, it might cost like this much to defend. And I was thinking, I don't know, do I really want to spend X on lawyers? And now that amount has been fucking dwarfed by what's been...
Starting point is 01:28:55 It's like when they put on Reddit, when they have like one of those visuals of how small earth is in comparison to like the sun. And then it backs out from the sun to like alpha centauri. And then it goes to like fucking beetle juice. And then it goes to like the Sun and then it backs out from the Sun to like Alpha Centauri Yeah, and then it goes to like fucking beetle juice and then it goes to like series Serious be or nine be or something like you're like where fuck did earth go? Yeah, I can't even fucking see it anymore That's what I'm looking back on it now when I we were first having that conversation like What a fucking me what a fucking dummy so real relative. Yeah, it's very relative. Very fucking relative and very aggravating. So he's saying you're a good deal.
Starting point is 01:29:31 Yeah, no shit. No shit. Let me ask you this. Is it possible for me to release all the unedited versions of the episodes? Interesting question. Like the ones,ited versions of the episodes. Interesting question. Like the ones, the episodes of the biggest problem that Sean delivered that Maddox didn't take his butcher's cleaver to remove all of his stuttering and like stupid jokes.
Starting point is 01:29:56 If you want to talk about potential consequences, I think they would be limited, but I would my argument would be in this argument. We've made the entire time that you own them just as much as anyone else own some as much as Mattic's own. So you can do what you want with them. Awesome. That's good news. Sean, you got all those.
Starting point is 01:30:15 I have everything. Everything that was ever recorded. Everybody wants to see them. You know what? I fucking want to see now because I gave up listening to the butchered episodes after like episode 10. I'm just like, I fucking want to see now, because I gave up listening to the butcher episodes after like episode 10. I'm just like, I can't fucking... I never went back and listened to them
Starting point is 01:30:30 because I was, I think I've said this before, I was obviously here for the record and then... Yeah, I mixed it shortly thereafter. So, you know, I knew what the episodes were. And then, so I really am not up on what was cut from any particular episode. But then we found out, out and there's like 200 edits on some of them.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Well, do you remember that? I remember him saying that and I felt like, how? How could you make, I mean, and I'm thinking most of them are like our stammers or breaths or anything like that. But then apparently, there's content cut from some of them too.
Starting point is 01:31:03 I mean, that's what I want to know about it. Right? I want to be able to have a waveforms and give everyone access to look at the waveforms together and see what the hell happened. Like, I see how the show was shaped over two years. I would imagine some of them are barely touched and some of them are touched a little more, but I don't know, couldn't say.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Yeah. Anyway, Steven, is this the stupidest case you've ever worked on? No. No, not even close. But I will tell you, I know it sounds dumb at first, but I think this was a big deal. I 100% believe that, and I thought from beginning that this was you know not necessarily a way for Maddox to start a new podcast. I thought it was more of a way for him to gain some intellectual property rights over name and use them against you. And so I don't think
Starting point is 01:31:57 it was stupid at all. I could see you know absent this you got another I don't know how many claims are in the lawsuit way too many but add another one in there for you know, absent this, you've got another, I don't know how many claims are in the role suit way too many, but add another one in there for trademark infringement and everything else. Yeah, exactly. And then it looks like, like, so much of this legal shit is just how it looks. Like, if you're going to court and you can show a document from like the trademark, what's the organization,
Starting point is 01:32:23 the FTO, is that what it is? Hey, you have a trademark office. Yeah, if you. That can just be included in the lawsuit. It would have given it the weight of an official document. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, it's supposed to have nothing now, which is just a failed interlock device.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Breath of life, right? That's all it has now. It's funny. Yeah, so I think you're right about that. It happens. I don't know that anyone listening cares, but if you ever look up trademark bullies, copyright trolls, paddentrals, it happens all the time. People use that weight of a registered mark or a registered copy. I think that aren't that hard to get and they use them offensively and your stock will do. I have them on e-dop pay to fight. Hey, it's turning these to fight this or I just give up and give in and do whatever
Starting point is 01:33:17 they want me to do. Yeah. And if you hadn't contacted me, I would have just given up. There's no way I would have argued with that loss and guy. Like there's no fucking way I would have sat down and tried to figure all of that shit out. It's gotta be so time consuming to do the research to figure out which forms you are supposed to download.
Starting point is 01:33:37 It's so confusing, download and file, and like lawyers know this stuff, but oh my God. I search for legal documents and things like that, and it's like, I don't know, even know where to start. Even the arguments, like Maddox was saying how it's the in the universe brand. Like I'm like, I don't know if that's right. I have no, yeah, no idea.
Starting point is 01:33:55 I don't know if that's a real thing or not. So what the hell am I, what the hell am I gonna say? Is it, by the way, is that in the universe thing real? Does Maddox own that? Not for what he was arguing. I think a competent attorney can make some sort of argument going forward about different things, but not what he argued. And is an affirmative defense, not even close. What about Cux's miscarrels? Is that, does a serios own that necessarily?
Starting point is 01:34:27 That trademark. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I would think so. And he's out promoting it using it in commerce. How about Santa Cuck? Because a serios hasn't aggressively pursued people using the Santa Cuck brand. Does that mean he lost it like Kleenex?
Starting point is 01:34:42 Oh no, is it becoming generic? Is everyone, are there a lot of Santa Cuts out there now? Oh yeah, everybody's talking about you need to be producing yourself. Very much. That's it. You're gonna, it's just gonna be a generic term. What's tree up leaner, adverb or a tie-line order?
Starting point is 01:34:59 He's gonna be bigger than the actual Santa Cuts. Santa Cuck. Pisterios doesn't watch his ass. Was it worrisome to have a client who constantly runs his mouth about everything? To you, right? It's, you know, we deal with a lot of clients and a lot of them like to be out in the public
Starting point is 01:35:19 and it's just one of the things you, you know, we've had our discussions about things that I worry about more than others, but I don't know, it's just is what it is. Yeah, you're not unique or special. Yeah, no good Geals with tons of it. He's represented a lot of ass I got this I got this gift from Stephen from Ireland. It's this beautiful bottle of black barrel cask strength Oh wow and a spoonk strength. Oh wow. And a spoon from cask strength.
Starting point is 01:35:46 So that's hopped up. Yes. It's not cut. That's before it's cut to the desired proof. Big 0.2% alcohol. That's all you want. Wow. That's my exact amount of alcohol that I require.
Starting point is 01:35:58 60.2% That's the same. Yeah. Wow. Oh, look at this. It has two boxes. That's how good. That's how good this whiskey is. And it has like a mesh of protective foam around it as well. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:36:12 Steven, thank you so much. I don't know if I want to I want to read a part of the letter that I thought was funny. Let's see this. Take that out of there. I want to see the bottle. Okay. All right. Oh, yeah. Bitch. Take it off. Now, James and bottles are wonderful. It's good looking. It's numbered. Bottled by, see this scribbly man, and it's to the $20 million man. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Distillery, bottle number 201. That's awesome. Let me crack open this letter. There's a part that I thought was really funny. I recently visited Ireland. This is what Stephen included with it. And during a tour of the Jamison factory, I thought of you and Nick, Rikeda, and closed his bottle of Jamison, that I hand bottled and labeled myself. It is cast, oh yeah, there's this signature. All right,
Starting point is 01:36:55 that's the mystery man signature. Cast strength, and I think quite tasty. The whole thing is a little gimmicky, but if you're ever at the Jameson factory in cork Ireland that bottle number will appear on the records. Um, then the cork Ireland mine isn't labeled the 20 million dollar man and for Nick here's the best part for Nick I couldn't remember how to spell his last name and I had no internet. Rackets his bottle is labeled Nick Rackets. Haha. And the court is already still a story. It's Nick Rackett.
Starting point is 01:37:25 It's not a man. Nick Rackett. That's awesome. It'd be worse if it was misspelled. Yeah. You know? Yeah. That's what I thought.
Starting point is 01:37:33 That's awesome, man. Thank you so much. Problem. I'm glad we won. It feels good. So. Yeah. Do you go home after a win and like have a little more umph in your
Starting point is 01:37:51 Stale a little in your bedtime activities like what is a win celebration look like from Stephen Burge? Oh, yeah It involves too much drinking and everything. It's that the I it's fun to win and then you made someone else lose to it You know more like a man. Yes, It's true. And after making someone lose, well, that's true. You get both. It's not just a win. Somebody's, someone's deprived of an entire future. Someone will have that a win win for one party.
Starting point is 01:38:13 And whoever won party. Right. Right. That's awesome, man. What makes you rage? Right now, I would have to say we're getting really just a lot of house and I think it's this whole cupped idea of me having to do things around the house to make it better to sell. But I'm really just, I feel like I'm doing some other guys' wives' honey-do-less, like
Starting point is 01:38:40 fixing the sink and doing all this stuff. I'm like, yeah, I would never do this in my life. I'm doing this for somebody else's wife. And it's just ridiculous. So they can come in and enjoy it. I go, let me fix my wife up. So some other dude can come in here and bang her for 20 years, right? I've lived, I've lived, I've lived with this upside down toilet
Starting point is 01:39:02 for 10 years and without fixing it. But now that I, but now that I have, now that I sell it to some schmuck that I'm treating like some foreign diplomat coming, like I know, I know you live in some stupid hovel that you're just tolerating to all of the appearances. Yeah, don't fucking blame. It's these real estate agents. That's what it is, because they're not real people.
Starting point is 01:39:23 They're weird pod people, and they think everybody else is operating on this weird pod spectrum like them. So they come in and say, like, well, it's about curb appeal, and you really need to put in a drought tolerant landscaping out front, like bitch, no one fucking cares about drought tolerance. Sell a fucking house. It's a fucking house. They're just looking at the number. That's it. They're looking at the number. They're looking at their bank account and seeing how much they can over extend themselves They're having to live in a fucking apartment in the middle of mega city one anymore. You don't even fix shit Shut the fuck up and sell actually shut the fuck up and just fuck off completely your entire job can be done by redfin
Starting point is 01:39:57 You do nothing real estate agents do god did they do god damn nothing except refer you to people who are similarly useless. They refer you to house agents and lending agents who then just make the deal, charge you 5,000 bucks, and sell your loan straight to the fucking bank that you already have your fucking money in. Cause there's only like three fucking banks. What are you doing? And then they put you on a Christmas card list
Starting point is 01:40:23 that you could never get off of. Motherfucker, I'm not your fucking friend. I don't care if you want to wish me a happy Merry Christmas. Fuck you. You as far as I'm concerned, you owe me five grand. For not telling me I could have just gone to chase in the first place. For not cause you just, you take advantage cause the people only do this three or four times in their life by a house. And every single step, every single fucking step of the process is a shakedown. We gotta get an appraiser out here. What the appraiser tell you?
Starting point is 01:40:51 I don't know. Did he figure out that the air conditioning system is fucked and doesn't match the house at all? And then it would cost like five, six grand of fix because everything's gotta be replaced. No. What did he tell you then? Uh, it just was just a box, and we've got to check it's a box on the big colossal shakedown that is buying a fucking house.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Those Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac forms. God damn it, and I was pissed about the bailout before buying a house. Now I wish every single one of those banks had been burned to the fucking ground. It's out, it's out fucking rages. There are a lot of mortgage, there are a lot of lenders have been burned to the fucking ground it's out it's out fucking rages there are a lot of mortgage there are a lot of lenders that were burned to the ground more should have been more should have been they should have had a bit they should have the the congressional roastings of those cock suckers should still be going on every one of those CEOs and what fanny may
Starting point is 01:41:42 if ready whatever those money motherfucking bank should have started in the Senate, gone down to Congress, gone down to the state Senate, the state, every single place they should go down to the fucking Girl Scouts. It should still be a daily televised event where those cock sucking CEOs at the big banks get roasted every fucking day for what they did. It is very annoying when you have to sell a house. Yeah, it is really, that's a good rage. Yeah, that was quite, that was something else there.
Starting point is 01:42:14 So aggravating and they're so nice about it too, the real estate agent's like, oh wow, I'm really happy for you. I'm really happy that I could help you move it. Like you didn't, what did you do? Well, what do you mean, I could help you move it. Like, you didn't, what did you do? Well, what do you mean? I bet you're fucking happy. The amount of happiness, the amount of happiness that it correlates to work is about how fucking hard it is.
Starting point is 01:42:34 You know what I mean? The guys laying train tracks don't come in. Hey, I'm really glad that you could enjoy your subway ride into work. So like, I'm fucking out of work. I don't wanna hear fucking, I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna hear fucking, I don't wanna hear about digging another hole for there's my fucking life.
Starting point is 01:42:47 Mm-hmm. Cause the pay is commensurate with the labor, that's what I'm saying. Anyway. Oh man, Steve, I got a lot of questions for you, but I don't know if they're like show questions. Like I wanna know, I wanna know about them. I wanna know about some shit around the show
Starting point is 01:43:00 and how I get it fucking back. You know what I'm saying? The fucking, all right. Yeah, all right. thanks a lot, man. You got any shout outs you want to give? Let him drink like half a bottle of this and then he'll call you back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Thank you. I'm just happy we won. It feels good and I'm glad we're able to get that part. Does feel good. It was a first foray into the legal process. Yeah, no you don't. Addicted to winning. I'm addicted to winning lawsuits. Yeah, no you. Addicted to winning. I'm addicted to winning lawsuits.
Starting point is 01:43:26 Yeah, I'm gonna start suing. It's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's just, it's what you want. And then they went jury shopping. They lost a couple times. They went jury shopping till they found what they wanted. Really? Hmm. Outspin them. I didn't know that. Stephen was saying that once I was talking about all that, that they lost that a bunch of times and then like explicitly went out to find a court
Starting point is 01:43:57 that would give them the verdict they wanted. Yeah. That's kind of fucked. I thought that whole court case was a big celebration like fuck gocker, but apparently whole coagin is the one who was fucked. Oh, yeah. How about that?
Starting point is 01:44:07 All right, buddy. Um, all right, man. I'll talk to you soon. And I hope to see you at a road rage soon. Oh, definitely. Oh, I have to figure one out. Cool. Have a good one.
Starting point is 01:44:18 You too. Speaking of road rage, what's happening? I don't know. Nobody knows. I thought we had a venue, but they wanted like nine grand. Oh, wow. I said, no, fuck you. $20 million man is figurative. I told them I'm not. That's a lot of money. $20 million. Let me see here. What else do I have? Ryan is on. I'm going to read through some comments first. Are we gonna write try and now read these, these are, hey Dick, heard you talking about the Blue Man.
Starting point is 01:44:49 I thought you'd like to know he died three years ago for a heart attack. Oh. You guys turning blue didn't do much for Popus Murphy, died at 62, little six. Surprise, no one brought this up yet, especially with all the collars that complained about kidney stones.
Starting point is 01:45:02 They did some studies recently. Found out if you ride roller coasters, it helps you pass kidney stones. So medical roller coasters, you're going to get wheeled into the emergency room and then they're going to. That's if you know you have them or you have the symptoms or this is just, I don't know. If you have the potential, yeah, yeah, whatever. Whatever. They just, they don't, I like roller coasters. They dope you up and send you out to the tilt world Uh-huh, and then you just shooting calcium deposits out of your cock right about you're about to be like a thousand feet per second That's the study that he's talking about murdering teenagers who operate the rides. You're shooting like shrapnel
Starting point is 01:45:39 Kidney stones out of your dick these gooey gooey deposits and your yiritor, in your bladder, spraying them out like cow traps all over. So that's gonna be the new, that's gonna be the new way they deal with the goody stones. So do a public service and help these poor suffering dickheads? No, there's hope out there, yeah? Or you know what, I think you can just sit and sit with them in you for a while.
Starting point is 01:46:07 Well, yeah, I mean, I think they have to pass. At some point they do, right? I mean, they go from your kidneys to like your to your penis to your, well, to connect it to the kidneys to the bladder, the bladder, and then the, yeah. And then it's connected to the penis bone. Yeah, at some point they just pass and I don't think I don't know if you can stop it or Let's see, maybe I've got some advice questions here. Oh, I've got some Reddit rages that are pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Teddy bear surrups is automated things that won't shut the fuck up. Self checkout lanes and gas pumps constantly fucking beeping and talking. I know they're made for retards, but at this point, if you don't know how to use them, then you deserve to be left behind. They really are. And I do hate that.
Starting point is 01:46:54 When I say like to, you know, the little robot in the house, robot, what's the temperature today? And she says, the temperature for today is, I'm like, you don't need that preamble for the stop. Just do the, I told you to turn the lights off. I don't need a beep telling me that the lights are turned off because the lights are turned off. I don't need a beep, I know some things.
Starting point is 01:47:14 Yeah. I don't need constant acknowledgement of you, I don't need you nagging me of your own existence. Just do your fucking job. Or that you heard me correctly. Place the item in the backing area. Place the item in the me correctly. Place the item in the bagging area. Place the item in the fucking bag. Place the item in the bag like,
Starting point is 01:47:28 I know. Just fucking shut up. Fuck off. I hate those things. Fuck off. So brass honkeys says, I'm old enough to remember when we use tech to simplify our lives.
Starting point is 01:47:41 Now our tech uses us. We do power it. We have become a power source for Technology Facebook is a pretty good example uses us for it uses our lives to power itself. Yeah, like it uses us to build more servers and whatever Let's see here Alex Whiverne says, kids not being allowed to be bored anymore. I worked for some years in school administration.
Starting point is 01:48:11 So many parents would actually complain that their kids said their lessons were boring. I don't know about you, but when I was 12 or 13, I said everything was boring. But I accepted it because it was called school and not knobhead McGee's super happy fun time land. My parents were certainly not calling the school to complain about it wasn't fun enough. But nowadays it's like, how dare my child not being a perpetual state of entertainment? Yeah, yeah, yeah, of stimulation.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Teachers have enough to worry about without learning how to make balloon animals, you cunts. So now lesson plans have to be super gamified and teachers are penalized for having too much sit down and independently do a written task time. I think the attention spans are so short now that it's the only way you get their attention for any length of time at all.
Starting point is 01:48:55 Yeah. Gamify it. I mean, you know my position, why do they need to be paying attention? Yeah. Like, if you sat me down and tried to teach me about past present participles, I would tell you to go fuck yourself. Yeah. Like if you sat me down and tried to teach me about, um, past present participles, I would tell you to go fuck yourself. Yeah. So I'm not telling a bunch of little fucking kids to do it. If I'm not going to do it,
Starting point is 01:49:11 right? You know, exactly. You only need one tenths to say, go fuck yourself. Yeah. Right. I don't need to know. Um, because God forbid kids learn that life isn't always fun and interesting and we sometimes have to do things we don't like. That's true. But that said they might not have to learn that because that shit is seeping over into the workplace instead of sitting down and getting on With my work we have to do all this infantile bullshit like having office treasure hunts and bullshit team building. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I hate that corporate shit me too. The manager read in some so glad So glad I don't deal with that. Edgy Business Guy book. You know what's the worst thing about that?
Starting point is 01:49:47 It's like worst. Those kinds of guys and managers are so shameless that they don't, like if you mock them and criticize them, even in the most viciously efficient way, they will take it as positive reinforcement. I feel like. I think you're right. Like if you walk up and say like,
Starting point is 01:50:06 you're a fucking Michael Scott. You'd be like, oh yeah, I mean, I guess I am. So, but that's what it needs to be done. And like they're the, those are the, those are the people in history who've always just done the worst things no matter what. Yeah, they drank their own Kool-Aid. Yeah, someone else's Kool-Aid becomes theirs, I think.
Starting point is 01:50:21 So I'm wrong with them. Plus having little devices with access to endless games and entertainment means some kids probably literally, literally never just had time to sit down and be with their thoughts and imaginations. Yeah, I don't know, maybe that's true. Kids, the nephews should play a lot of, they got a lot of screen time.
Starting point is 01:50:41 Oh, I would imagine they fight over a mom's phone. I think most kids do. But it's like the games, the games are fun because it's like, this is what kind of bugs me about it. So like people will laugh at dogs who play fetch with themselves. Like the dog will nudge the ball into the pool and jump in the pool and you're like, I look at that fucking idiot dog, right? It's like, it's devised a system to gratify its instincts.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Like, oh yeah, wow, that's totally different than the giant global dominating telecommuting system that we've built to play games with each other. Right. Like we did the same fucking thing. So like the games are interesting cause they satisfy that. So why would, why would not doing them help? Like is that being proven or is it just seem like TV, is it just TV, Ratchabrain? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:51:36 I don't know. I don't know. I'm not ready to demonize them yet, I guess. Gad, Boba Gannush, people apologizing on behalf of X as a person who is X. Sorry, ladies, I apologize on behalf of all men. We aren't all like that. Fuck you, that asshole doesn't represent all men, neither do you. Don't fucking apologize.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Yeah. Look at me, look at me, look at me. Right? All right, let me get this guy on. Hey, Ryan, are you there? Yeah, I'm here. Hey, what's up, man? Yeah, what have you done? What? Oh, man, are you there? Yeah, I'm here. Hey, what's up, man? Yeah, what have you done?
Starting point is 01:52:06 What? Oh, man, I have no clue. Is this run from Atlanta? Yeah. This is Ryan from Atlanta. Okay. This is the guy who's, who, who asked the stereos if he, what it would
Starting point is 01:52:18 take for a stereos to do stand-up comedy in his garage at his home in Atlanta, Georgia. I just asked for a simple like, hey, how many retweets is this gonna cost me to get you to come do stand up? I was expecting like him to say 2,000, 5,000. He said 400. So I'm like much lower.
Starting point is 01:52:38 Which means he would have done it for free. Well, no, but he also said that you've got to pay for his flight and his lodging and meals, right? And we and we yeah. Yeah, that's doable. Yeah, it sounds like he would have done it for zero retweets. But that's doable for like a fun time with like 20 friends and my garage having a little party. Oh, I think you're going to get more than 20 friends and my garage having a little party. Oh, I think you're gonna get more than 20 friends just showing up to this. Yeah, I think so too.
Starting point is 01:53:08 I'm unmuted hysterios if he wants to join in. I think you're gonna get like a project X level shitshow happening in front of your house. I don't think you're gonna have a house left after Hurricane hysterios. Like hysterios on his own is dangerous for the structure of your house, but you're gonna have you're gonna have hundreds of other dickheads there.
Starting point is 01:53:30 No, I mean, like, look, I will, you shouldn't let me in your house. No, get into, get into port of body. I mean, look, here's what I love about this. I get all of the benefits and none of the drawbacks. Yeah. Like, if this thing's a total disaster, I'm blaming it on you. But if it's a success, I get on well. I have it on well.
Starting point is 01:53:56 Boy, I don't get any credit. No, you get credit. It's just, I don't go to jail. Oh, yeah, that's true. Is this event going to be open to the, I mean, it's someone's garage. you can't close it off, it's gonna be like Woodstock, do you own this house? These are like a lot of questions that you should not answer.
Starting point is 01:54:13 Right, do you own this house? I rent. Okay, oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. It's grown into such a thing that now I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to like book a warehouse. No, good luck. You can't possibly do. That's impossible to do. We try a lot of things that he has ever.
Starting point is 01:54:36 You can book a warehouse. Don't listen to these guys. How hard do you think these guys try to book a warehouse seriously? They probably then Googled warehouse and then gave up. How big is your house? How big is your property? It's pretty big, but it's not a full blown party mode. The biggest party I've thrown at my house was like a Halloween party. And there was maybe 30 people there.
Starting point is 01:55:02 And we had a blast. And there was room for picking up chicks and not worrying about crazy shit happening. Hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Let me answer this for you. There is unlimited room in his house. Everybody invite everybody you know. Yeah, because it should be the ranger of the set free.
Starting point is 01:55:21 If you see the movie House Party, or it's sequel House Party 2, that is the level and effort that we're putting it in this party. We're going to put it later to the ground the second time. We have John. Hey, has he given, has the stereo's given you a writer yet? Uh, no, I think it's a writer is let's do this. Uh-huh, okay. You just get a case of...
Starting point is 01:55:47 And obviously lodging. Yeah, just get a case of yogurt at your place. Yeah, right. To keep him regular if he wakes up and starts getting cranky. I believe it's called hangry. And it is very real. He'll start tearing through walls. He'll start tearing through walls.
Starting point is 01:56:03 He'll start tearing through all the time, Dick. Yeah, I am. Well, good luck. Ryan, do you show you're a fan of a Stereo's account? Have you ever seen his standup? I saw a YouTube video. And I was good. I'll try to do it again, because you're going to see that YouTube video
Starting point is 01:56:18 come to life only in Atlanta. This June, probably at this guy's house, we're all going to be there. It's going to be great. Oh, you want to go? I got it. You want to go see this guy's house get raised? I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:34 I already do. I already do. I already do. Yeah. Yeah, we're not in an Amish country. Yeah. I can't wait to see in a field. That does it.
Starting point is 01:56:44 I've never seen a stereo stand up either. I have an either. I love it. Yeah, I kind of, I do really want to see it. Mumpke Jones says he's going to, he's going to open for you too. It's really a lot of things. We got Mumpke Jones.
Starting point is 01:56:56 We got Joe Stapleton, who's a hilarious comedian, and he's also a professional poker commentator. He's like a celebrity over in Europe. He's gonna be opening, we got Mumpi, other people are trying to latch onto it, and it's just like, we're ignoring them because at this point, it's like, look, you should have been there earlier.
Starting point is 01:57:16 Yeah, leave us alone. You should be an early adapter in the stereotype. It's gonna be a great fun time show, and I can't wait. All out of a two-car garage, is this gonna be a great fun time show and I can't wait. All out of a two car garage. Is this gonna be the beginning of Mysterios' garage tours? I would look, you know how to get me to come to your garage now. You send me a DM.
Starting point is 01:57:37 I'll give you a number of retweets. If you hit that now, and look, should I have asked for the 400, yeah, it'd retrospect. Because it's like, I really could have, I realized I had a lot more bargaining power at the beginning than I do it yet. Classic liberal. But that being said, we're gonna have a good time anyway. And also this guy asked to be self-teacher to me. And I was like, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:58:02 It's like, I just gave it away. I gave away my like, just writes this guy. Don't you know, Ryan, a stereo says gigantic legal bills that he needs to pay for. What do you, you can't give away your like, your likeness to be selling shirts at an event you're powering as there is? I did it over at TM and I asked for nothing
Starting point is 01:58:20 and returned. Okay, if anyone wants to manage me, you know, I'm in the market for someone. Okay. Alright. Alright. And I screen shot at him saying that. So it's legally binding. No, of course it is. Yeah. Alright. Screen shot. Alright, boys, get out of here. I'll see you in Atlanta. Fixed it. Good luck, Ryan. Good luck. I'm gonna need it. Alright. I think I'm done. Let's do some voicemails.
Starting point is 01:58:48 Everybody even listening to the Dix show. We've done a lot., Dix show, slash the Dix show. I've got a beef between Mad Cux and Kimble. Really? Captain Jackass is tracking. Really? Yeah, I'm gonna play after the break.
Starting point is 01:59:00 Do you have Facebook news? I do. I absolutely do. This song, what are we at? Oh, 115, my goodness. That was going to be a short show today. They've been long lately, but there's been a lot to cover. There has. This is by Images Exxze. It's called Losing a Love Featuring, Safe State Corrupt. It'll be right back with Captain Jackass and the Mad Cux and... Mad Cux and Kemble Beef. I don't know if I was sleeping close to any You just outfitted quick, wrenches in town jelly This is a travesty, I'll write you desperately A breaking nail, only 50,000 words
Starting point is 01:59:55 Only 50,000 words This is the female extract She gets your back She's gone Oh no. I'm not really thinking about that Oh I'm a life's the joke and I can't channel that into a way to earn go vote up in diggin cojos You see not me, I'll leave with a new haircut, he got his way to mock The hairless person that is me, okay I need to be projecting however he follows To the moment that you left the shot I got in, engineer who's a fucking moron So nothing compares to that, first a new farm lots of ass To Tiva, marry you out class, anyone I could afford You went to digital frictus by seeing the absolute gold mine
Starting point is 02:01:06 That is the brain that is mine with the ability to decide relevant topics worldwide Watch as I kick aside then pick the other side how are people unsatisfied? I know it's them not me it's my stupid fans The guarantee not the SJW that I become once a satire now a home jump Speaking of dick have you seen the new space that he can't leave that seems like a good day Maybe I can copy this Beautiful I thought went into this.
Starting point is 02:01:46 I'm gonna go with it. You deserve to be so rich. When she takes her time, I'm telling you, this is a traficity. I'll write you. Just bring me a brick email. Only 50,000 words.
Starting point is 02:01:57 Yes. This is looking good so far. All right. All right, thank you boys. Images, exe, and state, save state corrupted. Let's play this Facebook news. Hot off the presses. This one came in right at the last minute.
Starting point is 02:02:15 Oh, wow. Captain Jack asked. Very correct. Last minute, last minute tweaking of his stories of investigations before getting them to me. Hello, Dick and hello, Dickettes. This is the Facebook group news for the last couple days. On Thursday night, Jared Atland posted a picture of a busted-up stop sign still attached to the pole on his living room floor. Jared said he had a lot to drink the night before and do not share
Starting point is 02:02:38 much else regarding the new piece of furniture. The dickheads began sharing their own memorabilia, which included more stop signs, a traffic light, and a dozen road signs after a long night of tripping on acid. Oh. Connor Stemworth shared with a group that he's not had sex in the year. Yeah, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 02:02:53 Have you ever woken up with any souvenirs? Oh, like, before? Like those? Yeah. No, like where the fuck did this come from? Yeah. Or just something that you shouldn't have, like a stop sign?
Starting point is 02:03:04 Yeah. Yeah. No. I woke up with a putting green flag. Oh, yeah, yeah. I think I told that story before we went with the putting green flag. And Rocky Man and I once stole a, do you remember Austin Powers 2? Yeah. When, Dr., when they had the time machine, they had those theater inserts of Dr. Evil
Starting point is 02:03:25 like spinning on the time machine. Okay. We got one of those. Oh. We put it in his Mustang, his 67 must, I had a truck, but we were in his Mustang, so. Yeah, we needed, we needed that fucking thing. We needed the theater display of Austin Powers too,
Starting point is 02:03:41 the Spy Who Shagged Me with Dr. Evil spinning. We had it in our, like we had it in our living room. This was, this wasn't waking up, but we stole a danger buoy from Kastik Lake. Like a legit buoy that just said danger on it. That was warning boats of the dangerous. Oh no, no, no, no, it was out by the dumpster. But I don't know if it was, or it was out of the water.
Starting point is 02:04:04 It wasn't in service. No, it wasn't currently in service, but I don't know if it was, or it was out of the water. It wasn't in service. No, it wasn't currently in service, but I don't know if it's, I don't know if that's even. What did you do with it? We, How old were you first? Well, I owned a boat.
Starting point is 02:04:16 Okay. 20s. Yeah. We took it up to Shasta and like, just, I don't know, it was somebody else's idea. Yeah. I even know, I don't think we even fucking used it for anything. I don't know it was somebody else's idea and I even know, I don't think we even fucking used it for anything.
Starting point is 02:04:28 I don't know. No, we just sat it there. We thought we would, I think the thinking was we would have our own, because Shasta's got a lot of little fingers and stuff. You can take like your own like cove and put it out there to warn people away. But there's nothing keeping it there.
Starting point is 02:04:43 So I don't even think we did it. See it, is that you introduced a random buoy of danger floating around. to warn people away. There was nothing keeping it there. So I don't even think we did it. You introduced a random buoy of danger floating around. Yeah, so nobody comes down. That was yeah. That was a good idea. Yeah. I did that. I woke up with some parking cones. Oh, you're dead. One time. And the plan, it was a department, DWP parking cones. They would always be doing work in Hollywood. I just there was a big thick ones, you know, uh, they were marked to DW, all over them. I grabbed all four of them, uh, and I would use them when coach came over. I would go down during the day, and block out a parking space for him with my DW very good figuring, who could, who fucking cares if they could stolen, right? It worked every time. Yeah. And I had them until I moved out of that apartment where I used them to
Starting point is 02:05:24 block off space for the moving truck because otherwise they park around the corner and fucking ram you for overage fees. Yeah. It takes forever. And I just left them there for someone else to you. Awesome. Playing it forward. That also makes me realize maybe why young women date older men because they're not stealing parking signs and displaying them in their living rooms like trophies. Maybe it's not only the money, maybe it's not only the dad issues, maybe it's also that they don't, that 30-year-old, 40-year-old men don't go around collecting garbage and keeping it in their home.
Starting point is 02:06:03 Just maybe. Could be. Maybe. But I don't know. Let me start that over. Conor Stemworth shared with a group that he's not had sex in a year. Conor's not complaining, however, because this abstinence from sex was completely voluntary. Conor says he can get laid in two hours if he wanted to,
Starting point is 02:06:19 but has decided to devote himself to God. This also includes not masturbating. As Conor of his dick hurt and he said his balsa for a few weeks then the whole system basically just shut down. He's going to kill someone. Yeah. Dick heads called this post bait and refused to believe his shit, but Conor stood his ground. Lastly, Sean willing as Dick heads, what's the most disgusting thing they've ever seen someone eat? Okay. A six five Romanian dude who ate a raw pound of bacon and sour cream out of a jar. God
Starting point is 02:06:47 can admitted to eating a spoonful of his own puke and another guy who refused to prepare his food beyond what was strictly necessary to live microwave to fish it as much as he could including intestines and guts soon thereafter. God sick. This has been the Dixiel Facebook news for the last couple days. It's disgusting. Trying to reinvent the wheel over there. All right, here's the Mad Cux versus Kimble. If I've been listening to this at all, I don't know what those guys are. You got audio of this? What are they going back at?
Starting point is 02:07:17 I don't know what this is. Captain Jackass just sent the send. He's investigating that there's a few in between the two. Let's see what's going on. Yeah. So, Mishis popped up with you and Maxwell, the silver hammer. If I saw this correctly, you blocked him and you guys are doing a little bit arguing with you here to talk about what happened there. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:35 Maxwell is a 19 year old dipshit teenager and I don't want to have to fucking listen to his child tears. He's a full character. I post it here so I don't get. Oh, yeah. I'm not fucking fucking. Why don't you fucking man up and instead of whine to all your little bitch friends in the Facebook group, Matt Koch's referred to you as a 19 year old
Starting point is 02:07:54 dipshit. Any thoughts? Yeah, he's completely right. I'm glad this fucking idiot is able to look at obvious things and make a completely accurate observations. And the thing is, what does that say about him if he gets so, so sensitive and so upset if some, some, what he calls 19 year old dipshit is making fun of him. How fucking sensitive do you have to be to let the stuff that I say get under your skin?
Starting point is 02:08:19 He fucking blocked me. He's like, a lot of people on the Facebook group are saying that he's turning into Maddox. I'd probably say it's completely accurate. God, too. So Kimbo, what does he just want attention from you or what's the deal? Yeah, I guess every time I post a, here's what I don't get post, you know, episode what 70 came out this week. And for the, I don't even know how many times in a row he posts comments, oh, no, Chaco, I'm not going to listen. You you were not a Chaco fan. You're not here. So I don't get fan because clearly you would know that like you're just
Starting point is 02:08:48 post ship posting to get attention. And it's like that meme where her dear. I was only pretending that I was retarded. We if you made it seem like it was more than twice. He's completely lying. Now your issue fight to madcook. Is there any particularities for how you want that fight to go down? I would imagine you would be the kind of guy that just want to meet up in an alley and throw it down. Oh yeah, definitely. I would love to fight Mad Cuck's in the street fight. I would physically destroy him or start a podcast with him. You have with people. Would you be willing to fight someone in a
Starting point is 02:09:20 sanction or un-sanctioned fight to settle your differences? Absolutely. fight someone in a sanction or un-sanctioned fight to settle your differences. Absolutely. Fight me. People know where I live. Fight me. I have challenged. I've challenged several people. I said, Hey, yeah, come fight me.
Starting point is 02:09:33 You want to do a weapon like a sword like ducking? Sure. Let's do it. Let me do it. Shit. Do you Tuesday at 7 30? I mean, that has to be the, that has to be the closer for Astereos, right?
Starting point is 02:09:44 Sure. Like a bunch of, a bunch of comedians leading up to a boxing match between Mad Cux and Kimmel. Yeah. Is that what we're doing? Is that what we're gonna do to kick off the garage tour? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha God. Oh, those guys are funny. The hell is going on. Do you know, I got, you know what, I'll tell this next episode, Mad Cux,
Starting point is 02:10:10 he never turns off. We were in Portland. Yeah. Somebody a wrong number texts him and he did the fucking funniest, stupidest prank on this idiot. Like just sitting, he was just sitting there doing it. Like what are you doing?
Starting point is 02:10:25 He's like showing me the back and forth on this wrong number text. I gotta tell it towards the beginning of the show is so fucking, we're gonna have him on and tell it. It's so fucking funny. I've been laughing at it ever since he did it. I don't know, he did that. He's just always doing, he's just always being a fuck.
Starting point is 02:10:43 Both of them are, both Mad Cucks and Kimball. Are both always being a fuck. Both of them are. Both Mad Cucks and Kimball. Are both always being fucks. Anyway. Okay, here's the Munky Jones voice mail. You remember last week, Munky Jones study called the biggest problem and. Yeah, oh, you found it. Yeah, I found it and he did dox himself a little bit.
Starting point is 02:11:02 So I edited those parts out. Okay. I think I did a pretty good job that you can barely notice. You barely notice. it and he did docks himself a little bit so i edited those parts out okay i think i did a pretty good job that you can bring out a seabird notice i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think
Starting point is 02:11:13 i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think i think I just call him because I have created a comprehensive list of the funniest things about the podcast. The list is from most funny to least funny when I think most of the fans will agree with me.
Starting point is 02:11:38 This is for the biggest crowd. The funniest thing in the universe on the podcast goes to Asperios, Coconose. I think it's safe to say he's the funniest. Part of the whole thing, all the episodes of him are without a doubt the most fun to listen to, all his little segments about the biggest problem in history or whatever, those are all great. The second place goes to Dick Masterson. I started listening to the podcast
Starting point is 02:12:05 because i heard he did a an episode about uh... social justice warriors that's what got me hooked in i've since listened from the beginning and he's consistently the funniest other than a stereo uh... love the the songs and the little things he does when he wins uh... fuck you maddox or our winners entertaining the titanic looks great to both of our lovely maddox lost on some great
Starting point is 02:12:33 you've been my hero to my life eight grade for sure that fantastic keep it up now you're somebody's hero third place goes to shan shan please don't delete this voicemail. You don't talk very much, but you're pretty funny when you do.
Starting point is 02:12:51 Keep it up. You know, I like your strategy of not talking too much for fear of sounding like an idiot. That's strategy I myself employ. Third place, or no, already third, fuck you guys. Bring it up for real. Or place goes to Angela's mom. All the little voice clips of Angela's mom are fucking in the water. Like, that access isn't placed yet.
Starting point is 02:13:14 Not every time you talk about a big thing, or being stupid, it makes you chuckle quite a bit to keep that up. There are a bunch of other things, you know, in between fourth and last place. Okay. It is mad at us. Okay. Now that's where I started listening. I'm probably one of the few fans who had no idea who the fuck you were. And since finding out who you were, I have not been all too impressed. Geez. I can tell you've been doing the same dick since nineteen ninety seven and this is what he'd like to show
Starting point is 02:13:48 eighteen fucking years yeah doing the same little uh... joke you know i'm arrogant i think i'm better than everyone it's not that funny uh... it's not a joke at least dick is willing to make himself
Starting point is 02:14:03 the the victim of a joke for the sake of comedy. Oh you do. I got cut off by the YouTube, the only of three on this. So that was like, that's like a probably what, two, two and a half year old voicemail, something like that? Bro, this show's been going on for two years. This show. Shit.
Starting point is 02:14:20 That was probably a three and a half, four year old voicemail. I'm flies. It does. That was probably a three and a half, four year old voice mail. Tom Flaz. It does. Um, I messed up again. They've state corrupted my room records. Yeah Not safe states corrupted. Yeah, I knew I did it This is safe state corrupted. Yeah, Ben at my room records. Oh boy. I think corrupted I'm sure I'm sure my records. Hey stay corrupted not Ben and I'm records. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:15:06 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:15:14 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:15:22 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I before. So I had to change it. Oh right. And then I played the other one song. I think actually you edited my, I think you did it. Oh, did I fuck that up? Yes.
Starting point is 02:15:31 I could have, I remember how I did it. Oh, okay. I did play the wrong one. And then I had to introduce another one. Did you introduce it though? Well, probably not. That might be the thing. That was what happened.
Starting point is 02:15:40 I'll have to go back. That one could be on me. Don't go back. Let's just, let's just go on the assumption that you did it was me. Yeah. I'll take that one. I don't look at it though. I'll take that one. I'll take that one. I'll take that one. I'll take that. Okay. Okay. Hey, Rick. Hey, Sean. That's the biggest Andy here. You know what makes me a rich? These uh... national film the blank days yeah national donate national tea shake day
Starting point is 02:16:08 national i mean why do you have to have a fucking national day every other week how about a how about a national teacher kids got a thousand textbook day uh... national uh... you go vote in your local and the election day yeah something that's actually useful to society.
Starting point is 02:16:26 You know what I'm saying? Anyways, I love to show guys, go fuck yourself. Hey, I like National don't use your credit card today. Day. Yeah, sure, just don't. Right. Put whatever you got. National don't use Amazon Prime today.
Starting point is 02:16:39 National take a look at your Amazon bill and see if it justifies purchasing prime every year. Day. Day. Yeah. The reason that we will never have those is because we are organic machines that turn oil into money. Yes.
Starting point is 02:16:56 That's why that's how we are seen by the people who run and own Twitter and every single other website on the fucking internet. It's national be aware of this to consume it, national be aware of this activity so we can prime you to milk you for cash. So we can prime you to pump some oil into your throat and you can shit out a bunch of money for us. Yeah. That's why every single, every single fucking half, they finally found a way to put billboards all all over the entire world by putting them right in your hand.
Starting point is 02:17:30 That's right. I drove into Hollywood last week for Diego's birthday party. By the way, you know what I was going to say before I got off into the whole cyberbullying thing, you know what else makes me fucking rage? Group text happy birthday. Group text, happy birthday. Group text, happy birthday. Randy, like at nine in the morning, who the fuck is up at nine a.m.?
Starting point is 02:17:54 He texts, texts me, Diego, and Keon, and me, hey Diego, happy birthday. Well, thanks a lot, Randy. Now it's just gonna look like. I'm a group text. Yeah, I fucking also knew that we would do that. Because he wants to steal everybody else's happy birthday from them. Did he start that group text or was that, you know, an add-on for a group text that had
Starting point is 02:18:18 been going for running group text? Yeah, sure. And then we have one that Randy's not in, so we can talk about cool stuff. We can talk about what a dick Randy is for doing this stuff. We have one, but it's just as easy to just type pen sign Diego, then it is to load up that one and fuck everyone else's birthday over. Oh, me too, Diego. Happy birthday for me too.
Starting point is 02:18:41 Sorry that I'm not up at the ass crack of 9 a.m. like Hollywood Randy, Hollywood Randy Savage who can just take who could probably driving recklessly into work texting you happy fucking birthday, putting everyone else in danger. Making filthy deals all along the way. Making filthy deals. Like Ocean's eight probably has his dirty mitts in that somehow. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:04 That's that, oh that cock, because I had it the night before, Facebook told me tomorrow's Diego's birthday. I was like, I'm gonna wake, I'm gonna wait till tomorrow and give Diego a nice happy birthday. Not that be nice. I'm gonna remember it. It's not telling me it's today. So that's fair.
Starting point is 02:19:20 It's not as empty as it telling me today's Diego's birthday and then me just texting. That's nothing. That's the computer training me to do thing I don't do things because the computer tells me to do them, right? It's someone's birthday go fuck yourself. I'm not I'm not I'm not the one that does things because you tell me to do it Cox sucker. It's the other way around I don't care whose birthday it is today, right? You know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 02:19:45 But here comes Randy, hey everybody check, hey everybody check this out. You thought you were gonna wish Diego happy birthday today? Nope, not while I'm and not while I've got access to this group text. Fucking guy. Block him. I'm gonna block him.
Starting point is 02:20:01 Block him. Okay. Hey, Dick, what makes me array is when you're leaving and you say like, hey, man, I see you tomorrow. And then they look at the clock and it's, you know, 12 o' 1 a.m. And I guess I'll see you today. Wow, that joke is the, the, the next year on December 31st of jokes. Except if you work second shift and you say you leave at the same time as your
Starting point is 02:20:30 coworker, you will hear that joke every single day of your fucking life. Yeah. Every single day of your fucking life. every single day of your fucking life. You have a pretty annoying every single person. Yeah, yeah, so clever. You can see them bashing their heads with a bright, yeah, bashing their heads with a mallet. Hey, deck, I'm calling in response to Travis's voicemail from last episode.
Starting point is 02:21:07 Are you complaining about the women at the gym wearing sweatshirts around their waist? Yeah, a tank sweatshirts around their waist. My wife has been going to the gym for a year or so. It's constantly complaining about these creepy ass dudes that are always staring at her ass while she's squatting. And eventually, she just resigned herself to having to wear a sweatshirt around her waist to avoid the intrusion. So fuck you, trap. Yeah. To avoid just being jack off material. Yeah. Oh, weird it must be to be a chick. Yeah. Like I don't care what I look like. Look like crap.
Starting point is 02:21:44 No matter what. Yeah. Who? I don't care. I look like. Look like crap, no matter what. Yeah, who you are? It looks like crap always does. Look, hungover, usually fat, doesn't matter. No one's looking at, no one's trying to get, no one's getting off looking at my ass. Anything on me. They gotta worry about this shit, or they want to.
Starting point is 02:22:02 I guess they don't have to worry about it, but true. They do, right? Yeah. worry about this shit or they want to guess they don't have to worry about it but true they do right yeah weird I can weird life that would be it would scramble your brains up I think you would think yeah I know hey this is edgy edgy and you want to miss a fucking range undercover cops now I go to a big-time college and lately we've been having a bunch of undercover that are fucking bars which is an atical but lately we have a lot of fucking more and you know the note when you know the fucking method that they've been using
Starting point is 02:22:37 is those of the kids in the bar they won't even be drinking one of the car was a handful of drinks they hate and get over the bathroom report you hold this you hold this? You know, just hold it. And another fucking cop will come up to him, ask for their ID and then arrest him right fucking there. It wasn't even their drink. The fucking undercover's are setting him up to get caught. Fucking bullshit. Fuck undercover's. Don't fuck yourself. That's bullshit. Oh, yeah. The entire thing is bullshit. Is it that bad that like an 18 year old
Starting point is 02:23:08 has a beer? Are you guys like you're, why you're taking your handcuffs out and arrest because an 18 year old has a beer? Do you not know that very recently 18 year olds had a beer and that millions of 18-year-olds are having a beer right now. What's your purpose in life? Do you need God? Is that what you need to do? You need to put the badge down and go to church.
Starting point is 02:23:34 You just do it because someone, what's the limit of things that you will not do in this elaborate trap to randomly penalize someone for doing something that everyone is doing. What's the limit? Where's the line of stuff you want to because someone just told you to do is, oh, we wrote it down right there. That's so you got to do it. What's the line?
Starting point is 02:23:54 Dressing up and funny clothes to trap children and some trap these poor kids into making a mistake of having a beer. Yeah, I don't know. It's somehow it comes down to money. Yeah, I don't know. It's like, somehow it comes down to money. Yeah, just don't do it. Don't make any arrests for the day. It's very easy to not work at work. All the rest of America is doing it.
Starting point is 02:24:13 It's real good at work. Yeah, everyone else is getting real fucking good at it. Did you remember any embarrassing stories about Sean during that whole time? Sean's sister? Well, yeah, no. I, he left when I was sick. Oh, okay. Sean during that whole time Sean's sister no okay that's true that got dark really quickly okay all right next time next time what the fuck
Starting point is 02:24:37 La Kembra it maybe you should give those voice the, a little pre-listen. I'm supposed to repeat, I like illustrations of blank, blank, blank, blank, fucked. Over and over in my head, because it's catchy tune, I'm supposed to repeat that at work when it's not true. I thought, you gotta sing it. Yeah. I was trying real hard not to get that song stuck in my head all week.
Starting point is 02:25:00 I can't sing that, Lecambra. I can't fucking sing that in my head. If you think N word is bad, this is hundreds of times worse. Then I'm saying it in my head, I'm saying things that I can't even, that I don't wanna be conscious of at all. No. Okay, this is my final try.
Starting point is 02:25:18 What I was trying to say was, I too have had a woman assault me and get away with it. It was stupid ugly bitch. She was like probably 40 years old, I was 19. Very old child. Yeah. The lovely summer day. I was working on my motorcycle.
Starting point is 02:25:37 So I decided I need some energy drinks. I go to the gas station. And this woman, she's at the, I get my interview right away. It's gonna be in and out real fast. And she's standing at the counter and the clerk is just smiling and she's like yelling at him, like threatening, saying shit, like, I'm gonna kill your family, I'm gonna kill your dog and I'm gonna sneak in your house from your sleep Sure, put your throat and The guy smiling and kind of chuckling and like oh she was know her and
Starting point is 02:26:12 This must be the The sound of the time happens all this time. I have banter whatever. Well, he he kind of they won't stay so you can help me out And when she realizes I'm right behind her. She so you can help me out. And when she realizes I'm right behind her, she turns around, looks at me, and asks me if I can buy her cigarettes, she'll pay me back.
Starting point is 02:26:30 It's crazy homeless lady, or anything. I just say, no thanks. So she grabs in the serious item from behind the counter, and it's crazy in the face with it. Some sort of air style can. Jesus. And her catchphrase is you stink. And I call the police.
Starting point is 02:26:54 Some credit for that. Yeah. Which I boxed in her and but she outmaneuvers me with the can at me. And I run out chase away. I get her get her car plates. Oh, she's driving. And while I wait for the police to show up, I'm wearing to my eyes and I tell I fuck up this where I fuck up. I didn't know I was 19. I told the police That uh didn't hurt because I found out it was just for breeze. She's framing the face of the breeze and said, you stink. And because it didn't hurt, please tell me I can't press charges.
Starting point is 02:27:36 But behind the side, sounds like bullshit. Yeah, it does. Yeah. But it's like, I don't know what you're doing. What would you do for work? They wanted to go bust some kids for underage drinking to undercover party. And I get her name. I look her up on Facebook. She's active. She posts some weepy, weepy status about how she would never heard another living soul. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 02:28:04 And how she's a super special woman doesn't understand why anyone has ever mean to her. Yeah. Sounds crazy. Anyway, that, that's the story about how I was a battery to a battery. Oh, you know what? I got it.
Starting point is 02:28:17 I have another song that I wanted. I forgot to play. Fuck. Chuck and V also sent in a song called Fat Cont Katelyn Hall. Wow. The girl that assaulted 80s girl. Talk to a detective about that. You did.
Starting point is 02:28:31 Yeah. Nothing to report yet. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Uh, here we go. Listen down this one. All right. I also got this button from Jim Schmatz.
Starting point is 02:28:40 It's a nut button. It's a nut button. You press it. It's a giant button that says nut on it. Okay. And then you press it and it says, you have to turn it on sometimes. Put.
Starting point is 02:28:51 It says nut. Put. Put. I think it's to help me get through hangovers. I like to nut my way through them. Oh boy. Put. Put.
Starting point is 02:29:00 Just. Put. It should count as well. It should count. Should have one of those track track teacher clickers. Yeah, all right. I'm gonna play this fat kind of game.
Starting point is 02:29:09 Send another one. Oh, man. That's good. Yeah. I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby
Starting point is 02:29:34 I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby I'm a little bit more like a baby So Kate made a B line towards 80s girl, it was her doom. Dick, are you okay? Dick, are you okay? Yeah, are you okay, Dick?
Starting point is 02:29:49 They fucked up with your girl, Dick. They fucked up with your girl, Dick. Yeah, with your girl, Dick spilled a drug on her dick. And later light about it, they fucking smashed it. Someone's gonna have to win, Brady's gonna have to joke that bad bitch! Dick, are you okay? Well you tell us that she's okay? Yeah
Starting point is 02:30:06 That's a blot of ringland well, and she struck her with a cocktail tape Break it up with a blow-drench, lots of run-states on her romper And she went towards a party with the cockles and gay soy boys 80s are you okay? 80s are you okay? You okay 80s girl 80s are you okay? Oh 80s are you okay? You okay 80s girl 80s are you okay? 80s are you okay? Are you okay? 80s girl, 80s girl, are you okay? 80s girl, are you okay? Are you okay?
Starting point is 02:30:25 Are you okay? 80s girl, 80s girl, are you okay? 80s girl, are you okay? 80s girl, are you okay? Are you okay? 80s girl, are you been hit by? You've been struck by that cunt, kidnall! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Oh So thick was trying to catch her all out of the play so it cuts made it harder So he go to a man rage for both cocking side their ass holes
Starting point is 02:30:51 Are you okay? Dick are you okay? Yeah, are you okay? Did you call the cops? Yeah? Did you call the cops? Call the cops dick how long did you wait dick? How long did you wait dick? With how long? Dick with it two hours
Starting point is 02:31:05 Two hours, two fucking hours Take her you okay, we can tell us that she's okay There's a sign that the cops came that they dragged out That pissed drunk fat whore They couldn't check the barcams, because they're lazy And if the tax bearer excites So I guess all you really have is your recording With a fuck dot EO
Starting point is 02:31:24 Take her you okay How did I have in less than a year? So I guess all you really have is your recording with a I haven't listened to yours been fucked by you have to listen You know what I I remembered 80s-year-old there was one part of the story I missed Dicker you okay, will you tell us that it's okay? That's shocking to the audience when he's at the broth Be arrested, take blue balls anticipation We need to hear it, the new hot gauze From the mouth of the tub of blood that you recorded
Starting point is 02:31:55 Once Sean's done, Sean can you delete? Can you delete that background noise? Sean can you delete? Not this song, the background noise We all want to lead Not this song The background noise We all want to hear it Make it clearer Our balls are getting blue Shocking you to lead
Starting point is 02:32:11 Can you do That goes Before anything started Right when I went over to say Hey, are you talking about me? Talking about the lawsuit Caitlin turned into the lumberjack, soy boy, the lumber sexual and said,
Starting point is 02:32:28 oh, you wouldn't, I mean, when I said, have you heard of me? Who the hell's talking about me? Or have you heard of me to him? She goes, oh, you wouldn't like him. He's a Trump supporter. Or you wouldn't like him. He's a Trump supporter.
Starting point is 02:32:37 That's why he said, I know you, and I already don't like you. You said that. The Trump part? Yes. Last week. I did. I thought I didn't say that. Last week you did, yes.
Starting point is 02:32:46 No, I did. I also remembered, and the case of big red, the other woman who attacked me, when she was shopping cart. Yes. Yes. I had no time to prepare for that story, so I didn't get to remember and you know, embellish these else. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Starting point is 02:33:03 Right. When she first came over, because the guys, the muscle dummies. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Right, when she first came over, because the guys, the muscle dummies with us, the boys, the workout boys, the gym boys, when they were looking at her and kind of laughing, but also awgling her ass in the shorts, yeah, that were way too small. She strutted over, she stomped over and said,
Starting point is 02:33:21 well, you know, this is, she was showing off her legs, like you got a problem with my shorts, you got a problem with my shorts. You got a problem with my shorts. I've had four kids. I've had four kids she was slapping her ass like that. I've had four kids. And this is what and I still look this good. That was her point, right?
Starting point is 02:33:34 You got a problem with my shorts. So I was all the way together in the table. I remember what started everything off. I said, hey, I can't see how good your legs are from all the way down here. Can you pull those shorts up a little more? And then she stood there and everyone was kind of laughing and then laughing more. And she's like, yeah, yeah, I've had four kids and she pulled them all the way. But I was like, I gotta get out of here. You, you, you, you blew it.
Starting point is 02:34:00 Get the fuck out of here. And that's what caused her to lie and wait. Gotcha. Okay. Great. fuck out of here. And that's what caused her to lie in weight. Gotcha. Okay, great, that great red serpent. Afterwords. A great beastly sphinx. There you go. All right, everybody. See you next Tuesday. I need a nap. You

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