The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 102, Satanic Backmasking With Jason Pargin

Episode Date: November 30, 2022

Seanbaby invited Brockway and guest, author Jason Pargin, to get unreasonably angry at the ridiculous 1980s rock 'n roll backwards messaging panic. They said "no, thank you." Then he invited them thre...e times backwards and they had to comply -- that's how podcasts work!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred hot dog. Our podcast slams with maximum hype. Say hot dog podcast work. Yeah. When you taste that nitrate power, you're in the dog zone for an hour. Come on.
Starting point is 00:00:22 You know the number. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero zero.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah. Nine thousand. Welcome to the Dog Zone 9000, the official podcast for one nine hundred hot dog dot com. The final comedy website. Go subscribe to our Patreon and get hilarious articles every weekday from an all-star cast of writers like Alex Schmidt, Tom Reiman, Lydia Bug, Brendan McGinley, Danard Dale,
Starting point is 00:00:59 and of course my partner voted number three best way in Brock magazine, Robert Brockway. I'm Robert Brockway. Here's a Brockway fact. I guess I didn't have any. Our guest is a Satan expert who knows how to rock. His new novel is if this book exists, you're in the wrong universe. It's on sale now.
Starting point is 00:01:23 In fact, go buy it with the money you are going to use for our Patreon. He's our dear friend, Tiktok star Jason Parjan. This could be this could be a rough one as terms of as far as episodes go. And I do kind of feel bad about are we when does this episode come out? Is it before Christmas? It's around Christmas. It is. It is in the the 97 day Christmas season that we have here in America.
Starting point is 00:01:50 But and so I don't want it to come off like we are attacking Christianity or faith in general. I'm fine with them thinking that. Absolutely. We are every every podcast we are. I declare war on God every morning. I declare war on God officially right now. You hear me, you son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:02:08 That's a I'm coming for you God backwards. But you know what? Let's plug before we start talking about God because your book is doing great. After only month, I just checked. It's got over 600 views on Amazon. It's still at a perfect five stars. So congratulations. Yeah, because that should be getting past the point where the backlash kicks in.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Like early on the people who pre-order the book are generally super fans. You know, it's kind of like that thing where Marvel movies like the first reviews that come out ahead of the embargo. It's always from some weird guy with a with a blog or whatever. I like the super nerds and they're like, well, Black Panther 2 is better than the original. And then as than the real reviews come in, it's like, oh, OK, well, same thing. Like the first reviews that go up, you know, and Goodreads or whatever, that's the people who pre-ordered it months in advance. They immediately read it.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Nobody who hate reads the book is going to get to it that quickly. Surely they have other priorities in their life. You would like to think so. They're hard to predict. But now there's 650 reviews on Amazon. There are a thousand reviews on Goodreads, which if you're familiar with Goodreads, to be at 4.6 average after a thousand Goodreads reviews, because again, to be if you're listening this and you're a Goodreads user,
Starting point is 00:03:30 I don't mean you, but there are some weirdos over there. But like Goodreads is where you get reviews where people will like give you one star because they don't like the profanity. In a book or my copy was wet when I got it. The Amazon guy left it in the rain. One star. So no, I'm actually more real authors don't boast of like user reviews, that kind of thing. I do because I feel like in some ways that means more than the reviews from the critics, who for all, you know, I could have bought them off or they could be scared of me.
Starting point is 00:04:06 But the people, when the people speak, and because these people have no motivation to give anything a good review, I mean, this is the Internet. Like a lot of people are not motivated to leave a rating for something unless it enraged them. So yeah, if you if you previously thought that that Sean and Robert were just talking up the book out of courtesy, there are a bunch of strangers. Yeah, and they were they even before they were there are these strangers out there who say, yes, it is it is a quality.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It is a quality piece of work. Stranger is the best, the best and most trustworthy critics. It's a great book. It is a great book. And you're a talented writer and a wonderful friend. And when will it be enough for you? Because you're also a devil expert. And that's what we're talking about today.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Okay, we have to offer some context. People who have not listened to every single episode of the dog zone. When I am on to discuss anything having to do with hardcore evangelical Christianity, I get very angry. So that's why they're they're trying to do everything they can to put me in a positive mood. We've done a couple episodes on the subject, a few. It feels like anything having to do with the satanic panic, any of that stuff. I grew up with it.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I grew up in an evangelical church that leaned hard into all of that fringe stuff. And yeah, same. I don't think we had a ton of this in our house, though, this we're talking today about back masking, which is when rock and roll records would have hidden messages about Satan when you played them backwards. And I do have three books on this that I have ready as a resource. I want to start with one called Backward Masking Unmasked by Jacob Aranza. He got to that title first. Yes, it's a very good book.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Jake Maranza. By the time he was nine years old, he was already deeply involved in the drug and rock culture of Houston, Texas. So that's something to keep that in mind. He was a third grader. Kick-ass nine-year-old. Raising hell. So that's the kind of truth we're dealing with when it comes to this, fella. Not to interrupt, but again, there's more context that needs to be added here.
Starting point is 00:06:26 You know how listeners, like a lot of politicians, when they run and they become public figures, suddenly the skeletons start coming out of their closet and it turns out they've got a history of drug use or whatever. In the world of evangelical public speakers, it's the opposite. They all claim that they came from rough, brutally violent gang and drug backgrounds. And then if you were to dig it up, the skeleton would be that, no, they had the most total bland, suburban, white-bread background, but they always would try to boost their street cred with, hey, I was personally wrapped up in the Satanic gangs that walk all of our cities. I was there to see it, and thanks to the grace of the Lord, I came through. And they're always just, it's the weirdest thing.
Starting point is 00:07:15 You're having to lie about having been a scumbag in the past. And you can tell by every detail they offer, they don't even have friends who were in that situation. Right. Yeah, this dude's a full nerd, I promise. I want to read a section from the intro. It says, why is this so important for us to know about rock music in general and backward masking in particular? Because a recent national survey revealed that the average teenager in America listens to about six hours of music every day. That seems like a lot, but I guess they didn't have good TV back then. Thus, rock music certainly is one of the great vehicles for molding the morals of the youth of America.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Listen to what Jacob Aranza has to say. It will shock you, frighten you, enlighten you. Hopefully all of us will be shocked, frightened, and enlightened enough to make us want to do something about it. That comes from Bill Keith, Louisiana senator. So this insane nonsense had the full endorsement of at least the Louisiana state government. Shocked and frightened and enlightened, always tightened, very whitened. So I did a Twitter poll earlier when we decided to do this episode. I did a poll to ask, had you heard of the backward masking controversy?
Starting point is 00:08:36 Because obviously on Twitter, one thing is there's a very wide age range. So what year did that book, the one you've got, what year did that come out? This was 1983. So nearly 40 years ago, Jesus Christ. Oh, this is a different revelation. It's as old as we are sometimes. And I was actually surprised that 70% of the respondents had heard of this controversy. Because again, with a lot of satanic panic stuff, it kind of faded.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And while some things came back in other forms, like the satanic ritual abuse, you see tons of shadows of that in QAnon, abducting children for some sort of ritual or whatever. That kind of never goes away. The backward masking thing, it was a huge deal. We're going to talk about it because at one point it went to court where a band was accused of prompting the kid to commit suicide and they had to play the music backwards in front of the judge. That's how far it went. But it really almost totally faded from memory in a way that as far as we know,
Starting point is 00:09:49 you can't go on TikTok or somewhere and find some guy out there still carrying the flag of, well, if you play this TV show backward, they're saying this or whatever. Well, maybe. I feel like QAnon has a, it goes crazy in so many different directions. There's probably some back masking involved. I bet if you play some Biden speeches backwards or something. Yeah, but he's probably not one of the more popular QAnons. See, I almost missed this, even just being four or five years younger than you guys. I barely remember this because this was gone by the time like I had a human brain sometime in the 90s,
Starting point is 00:10:25 whenever that did happen. I remember hearing about it distantly, but it was not a controversy. And it seemed very goofy by the time I did hear about it. So I missed 100% of the time that this was taken seriously, which I gather it really was. I had a friend in grade school who was terrified of it, who was like certain that like if you listen to records backwards, they were all filled with satanic messages. And yeah, I wonder what they're doing. They're probably QAnon.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I don't think I did, but yeah, they did not do well in school. See, this happened at an age when I fully believed it because I was just a kid. And I mean, when I entered my teen years, it all seemed very silly. But I had this, the book you're talking about, I didn't have the book. I had a lecture. It was a set of cassette tapes that the guy, well, which is better because it actually played the clubs. So like had the Beatles, Backward Thing and all these examples.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And it was, it was, he sold his speaking tour or whatever. And I listened to that and it was just mind blown. It's like, whoa, holy crap. And he had, it sounded so scientific because he had all this data and all these quotes from like an expert said that the odds of these messages being on there on accident is zero point zero zero one. Like it's not possible. It's so clear what they're saying.
Starting point is 00:11:54 So hold on. Hold on. You had, you had this on cassette and listen to this as a very young child. This is, this is baby Jason Parjan in his bedroom, studiously listening to cassettes of people, scientifically. Does this count as your first rock album? I, yeah, because like I had heard this before I was old enough to be into rock music. It's your first rock album.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Because again, I was born in, I was born in 1975. Now I don't think, you know, this persists for a few years. I would bet I was probably 10 or 11 years old in that neighborhood. What an image. I just studiously in your little shorts listening and staring hard at the wall. But I feel like when I say that I, you know, because it was my mother who was the very religious one and my father could take it or leave it, but it was, but the church we went to was a hardcore like apocalypse is coming church.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I feel like when I say that people don't, if they didn't come from that background, don't fully understand what that means. Like when you're a kid, I'm sorry, there's not really a lot of truly skeptical, critical thinking eight year olds, especially if you've been shielded from other viewpoints. And this is what today, what I resent about the upbringing is not being raised with a religious faith, which is how most of the world is raised. It's the way it was presented like, well, everybody out there knows this is true. They're just lying.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Like everybody knows what we're saying. Like everybody knows evolution is fake. They just, they just say it because they love Satan and they love evil. They like scientists are out there faking the evidence. They know it's not, it's not real. That's what bugged me because that like the grown ups had to know it wasn't true. And then the question I'm going to ask in this episode, the one question that I still lingers in my mind, Sean Robert, do you think this guy who wrote this book believed it or do you think he was running a grift?
Starting point is 00:14:07 That's always the tough question. I think he probably believed it. Just judging from his writing, he seems like really infected with like motivated reasoning like most religious people. So he has decided this is real. And it's just like finding any possible way that could be true. And yeah, I think it's as simple as that. I think most cases, these people start out as a grift. I think it started out as being like, maybe not, not to the level of, oh, these chumps will fall for anything,
Starting point is 00:14:41 but very much coming from an insincere place. But the more you pretend to be something, the more you become it. And eventually he keeps going on these tours. He keeps talking to everybody at every stop about this over and over. I probably believed it by the end. Yeah, well, I think what this book is, and I'll get to this later, I think it's clickbait. Because the backmasking stuff takes up about one percent of the entire book, and that's how it is with every book like this.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I have several books on backmasking, and it's like, hey, here's the 11 examples, and then the rest of it is just your standard church shit. Just like, here's what's wrong with rock music. Here's what's wrong with the gays, whatever their agendas are. And so whether you're sincere or not, it's clearly not that urgent to get rid of this. It's just like a way to get you interested enough to buy a book, and then he has the filler, just the other crap that he needs to say. But speaking of these books, they always start with, they cite the study from the 50s.
Starting point is 00:15:48 You probably know about it called, it was James Vickery, and he flashed the words drink Coca-Cola and popcorn in movie theaters. Do you remember this? Yeah, I know, we debunked it on Cracked, right? Because the whole deal was it itself was a scam, but the idea of subliminal advertising, as he called it, was huge for a while. I think in the 80s, you heard about it constantly, and they even would joke about it in movies and stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Right. So yeah, he was lying, it doesn't work, but it kind of feels like it should. And so it caught on like crazy. Everyone was scared of it. They were passing laws to prevent it. And so this is sort of the foundation backmasking is built on. It's like a debunked study that didn't work, and then they've wildly adapted it to a different sensory input, played in reverse.
Starting point is 00:16:34 So it seems like it's, this seems crazy to me on its surface, but again, I have the benefit of hindsight. So to be clear, that guy, James Vickery, walked it back four years later. He was like, hey guys, I didn't do enough research, but this was three years after someone actually did the research. There was a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1959 that tried to recreate it. They played a broadcast and they hid the words call now or phone now or whatever. And it did not increase the number of people calling into the station.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Then they asked the viewers, hey, what do you think we put there? What do you think we hid? What was the secret message? And more than half of them said something about wanting to eat or drink because I was so hungry or thirsty while the show was on. They didn't do anything like that. They were just stupid people brainwashing themselves. Something about the devil.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yes. I think humans are dumb as shit is basically what they proved. And they also sort of proved, and again, this was 1959, a year after the original study, they proved it did not work and it's still perpetuated for 40 more years. A year later, someone tried again. They did a study where they had a bunch of nurses and they had them write about pictures and then they flash subliminal messages on a TV screen to either write more or don't write.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And no matter what they put on there, all the nurses wrote more. And so the guy doing that study said, oh my God, it totally works. It makes them write more. And then someone else said, no, you fucking dumb ass. One of those subliminal messages was don't write. It does not work. Something else made them write more. So that's the state of the science these people are afraid of.
Starting point is 00:18:13 And the idea was that your subconscious mind can pick up things like that, that your conscious mind doesn't, which that part is true. Your subconscious mind is picking up stuff all the time that your conscious mind doesn't. That's how we function. But the theory was in all sorts of ways, you could like hide messages in anything and you can manipulate people that way. Because for decades we were obsessed with the idea of some kind of mind control technique or that people could secretly manipulate you.
Starting point is 00:18:53 That's why so many old movies used to have hypnotism as a key plot point. You'd have been hypnotized into becoming an assassin or something. You just said behind the bastards where the CIA killed all those people trying to get mind control to work. Yeah, MKUltra. They just kept dosing people with massive amounts of LSD because they were sure they could craft it into a mind control drug. And then meanwhile, time and time again, even during this program, what they kept finding was that if you truly want to manipulate somebody into doing something they wouldn't normally do, like offering a dude sex with a hot naked woman that works really well,
Starting point is 00:19:36 beating them with a pipe until they agree to do the thing is another way that is really reliable, offering them tons of money. They have all these tried and true methods that require no science fiction technology. Listeners, if you want to listen to the epic four part or have many parts we did, I know we spent like an entire day recording it. It is one of the longest and dumbest episodes in American government history, which is really saying something, but it was all about this. Our obsession, our cultural obsession with this idea that if you could just find a technology that could trick people into doing what we want them to do, buying our thing or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I mean, it changed the face of how pop culture kind of views it. I think that became a pervasive idea because it used to be, like you said, hypnotist and things like that. I feel like after a certain point, maybe 60s, 70s, it became very much about showing people a film, like a rapid cut film, very clockwork orange style things. It became this sort of universal cinema shorthand that if you want to program somebody, you show them a rapid cut film with all the messages that you want them to do. Like cinematic masterpiece Street Fighter, Street Fighter the movie. That's how they made Blanca.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I rest my case, whatever it was. Tell us this is it did give us they live. I should say that we wouldn't have it if it wasn't for these maniacs doing this stupid unscientific bullshit. I mean, as as recently as Fight Club in 1999, they had the joke there. They're splicing them penises into children's cartoons. And the idea was that these all these kids would see it but wouldn't know that it's like that's only 1999. That's only 20 years ago. Stop doing that.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I might have told this on the podcast, but when I left Fight Club, it was in a Portland, Oregon movie theater and some super square old lady came out of theater and she says, I didn't like it that much. It was like just like the view inside the mind of a crazy person and been there done that. Done that. And that's that's how we invented that phrase right there. That old lady said that for the first time went on to make $2 billion in bumper stickers. Let's do another episode about just 90s era catchphrases that we missed.
Starting point is 00:22:10 It's a little too much information or more information than what I what I wanted. TMI TMI. Too much information. I'm sorry. We're getting off the subject. Well, in this book, it also has some reader mail. So it basically says, here's the science of subliminal messaging. And now here's some reader mail.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So this guy was an evangelist, so he did actually have reader mail. These might be real, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it's it's just letters from kind of normal, very problematic people telling him he's a fucking idiot. They don't put it that nicely. Here's one letter I liked. I'm sick of people talking about playing records backwards and hearing devil worshiping. If you really want to hear something backwards, listen to hall notes. You can hear them getting gay with each other.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Wait, you can hear that you can hear them get a game with each other only if you play it backwards. Is that what he's saying? I guess it's so good. Like, like to take the word backwards. He's like, God, I got a fucking call. I know it's gay. How do I get there? I came in here with a mission and accomplished it no matter how much had to be destroyed.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Listen, you play it backward. You hear the distinct phrase must dash ride. You hear balls slapping. Sounds normal played forwards. The first backwards message they cite is from the Beatles white album. I think the Beatles were probably the first people to ever put back masking in the song. They did it like super intentionally. I think it was rain was the song and they just had like a guitar solo backwards and they put some lyrics in backwards.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Purely for artistic reasons, there was not a satanic message. But I think that's what inspired people to say, Hey, let's play all this shit backwards. And so I'm going to play a clip. This is the first. The first thing they cite in this book. Do, do, do, do, do, do. Oh, it's beautiful. It's forwards.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Number nine. And then backwards. Can you tell what he's saying? Okay. Listeners. You heard that or you can rewind a few if you didn't before Sean tells you what it's supposed to say. Can you hear it saying something? That's the key because once he tells you this is the phrase you're supposed to hear, you will be able to hear it. That's the magic of this that you can make yourself hear all sorts of things played backward because that's the brain seeks patterns.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Right. So yeah, Broadway, are you familiar with this specific? No, but I mean, I know the phenomenon in general. It's like those optical illusions where they're like now turn it around with your look at this chair and then turn it around with your brain. Like you can't do it until you are told now turn it around. So if you if you had to guess what that was saying backward, what would you what what do you think it's saying? What do you think is the hidden message they discovered? I don't know, but I'm really hungry for fight club cock now.
Starting point is 00:25:21 That's what it was. Well, it was supposed to say turn me on dead man. That's nothing. Yes. But this was part of a of a growing conspiracy that Paul was dead. A lot of people probably know about this. Yeah. They they said he was dead like as a taunt for a while.
Starting point is 00:25:40 And then after this became more silly, they like, oh, they did this as a publicity stint. They wanted us to talk about this silly thing to sell albums. Also, on Abbey Road, there was a car on the cover and the license plate was 28 if implying that if Paul was alive, he'd be 28. Also, is that even accurate? It doesn't matter. Is barefoot on the famous cover? No, as we all know, all of us know that being barefoot symbolizes you are dead. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Because this book still your shoes. But he doesn't mention this clip that I found, which I'm going to play now. This is forwards. Not a great, not their best. Now backwards. Did you catch that? If you got some warring shoes, we can jump in rain. It said, we all know Paul didn't Paul never wore his shoes.
Starting point is 00:26:44 We all know he is dead is what that said. Oh, clearly. Yeah, just pretty clearly. You know, what's funny is I did an article that mentioned this on cracked and I have a favorite song called funky cold Medina by tone low, which is a great song and becomes more and more insane every year. And so I played it backwards. And of course, it was nonsense, but then I'm like, no, I'm going to fucking make this work. And so I sort of like bad lip reading did and just like kept listening to it until I formed words. I added subtitles and now you can find this article still on crack.
Starting point is 00:27:15 I'm sure it's broken as all shit. But it's a you can just clearly see the words he's saying and hear them. And if you listen to tone looks, funky cold Medina backwards after seeing this, you'll just hear. If we did that, if you did that today as a video, you would make forty seven dollars in ad revenue. It does have a lot of hits. It's still on YouTube. And we'd get 800 million views and you would get enough to buy half of a video game. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:48 It is the kind of dumb idea that like there's no reason it couldn't go super viral. It didn't. But like it is. It's pretty funny. It wasn't on TikTok, baby. Yeah, I got to get that on TikTok. Now, I have a question because I think a lot of listeners have this question too. How is the Beatles thing satanic?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Because how did you get from this guy saying this is a form of Satan inserting messages to sneak into our precious children's minds to the Beatles did this because they thought it was funny. Right. You make a very good point that the book does not even try to. It basically brings up how like they did the Beatles did this. They also seem to think it was a publicity stunt and yet they go through and they painstakingly talk about every single one of them. Like they sat on the album where someone in the crowd screams rape, which is weird to think that someone in the crowd would scream that. But then they play that backwards as if like that wasn't the bad part. They're like, no, we got to play that backwards to see if something bad comes of it.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Pear. And I think I have that one. Yeah. Could you understand that? Yeah. Wall. He's just pumped about a wall. That was Paul.
Starting point is 00:29:19 He's saying, get me out, Paul. Get me out, Paul. So they still think he's like, right. He still think he's like writing this from hell, I guess, like it's his screaming from hell. So I think that's how this guy's made the connection to why we need to care about this as, you know, warriors for God. He mentions at the end of I'm So Tired. There's kind of a gibberish sound. Now, wait until you hear this backwards.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Paul is a dead man. Miss him. Miss him. Miss him. So yeah, it's, it's shaky. The book just kind of blows past all the Paula's Dick conspiracy stuff. I make it sound like this the whole book. I mean, this is a paragraph so far.
Starting point is 00:30:10 So next up, he talks about Black Oak, Arkansas. Everybody remembers this hot band. Their hit album, Live Launch and Roll. You remember this, of course. So anyway, they have a song called When Electricity Came to Arkansas. And in the middle of the song, he just starts growling and he starts saying like Satan backwards, like Natas. Not like he's like phonetically reading it as if you wrote it backwards. And it's, it's so fucking dumb.
Starting point is 00:30:36 So I found a group of people on a Christian show, Paul and Jan Crouch. They had a guy on called William Yerl who, if you're familiar with us, you might actually recognize that name. He came on and brought them this clip. It's like a three minute clip so we can talk over it, but it is astonishing. There's another band, Black Oak, Arkansas. And they've got a song, The Day Electricity Came to Arkansas. Now, what's incredible about this is it's a live album. Okay, there could be no backtracking done or, or if, even if, and just kind of playing the devil's advocate,
Starting point is 00:31:09 they were trying, ELO was trying to do this on purpose, like he is the nasty one, Christ your infernal. They would have to cut it over and over and over to get it just right. Well, this is a live album, which you don't have the availability to do that. Let's, let me play a piece of that for you forwards. Okay. This is good, right? You haven't had a seizure? That's some good early Mr. Bungle chick.
Starting point is 00:31:50 That's us. Boom. All right. That was forward. That was forward. That was forward? Yes. I mean, that's kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:32:04 What's incredible about this is the fact that he went naughty, naughty, naughty, either Natas or Latash or something. You acknowledge it's gibberish forward. Now, obviously, why would he not just say Satan, Satan, Satan? Why would he say it backwards? Natas, Natas, Natas three times. That's not Satan. I think we have a clue to that. We'll share with you a little bit later.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Right. Yeah, that doesn't turn into Satan backwards. If he would have said Satan, Satan, Satan, it wouldn't have been that objectionable because they have other songs like Race with the Devil and songs like that. And it wouldn't have been, the lyrics would not have been out of place. They're fine with it forwards. Satan, Satan, Satan. They're fine telling the children to worship Satan.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Natas, Natas. Why? Let's play that backwards and see why. Alright, try it again. Now, slow it down just a little. It goes into that laughing, doesn't it? Right. Listen for Satan, Satan, Satan and a force Satan.
Starting point is 00:33:16 He is God, he is God, he is God. And then the laughter. You hear the laughter. Okay. You can watch what your brain does now. See, I heard soccer, soccer, soccer and then goat noises. That too? Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Now, listeners, do you understand why a 10 year old me, when I heard that clip, that it would send chills down my spine? Studiously listening and taking notes in your little shorts. Stuff that played backwards sounds scary. I'm sorry, it just does. Like it's creepy sounding. It's weird. So, when this guy says, you know, whatever, Satan is God or whatever, like when he plays
Starting point is 00:34:27 the clip and your little brain now hears it, it was very convincing at the time. So, I get it. It's eerie, it's chilling, it's like you're discovering this hidden knowledge. Like it's got all of the stuff that the best conspiracy material has. It's like, it's that mind blown moment when you realize there's like an arrow in the FedEx logo. It's like, oh my gosh, it's been in plain sight all the time. Even though they had to dig deep for this band that no one sort of to find an example
Starting point is 00:35:04 where the guy was probably intentionally saying Satan backwards specifically. Yeah, he was doing it on purpose and failing at it. He did a very bad job. I'm going to take those letters in Satan and put them backwards and then read that phonetically. And it's like, no one told him like, well, that's not going to sound like Satan backwards, dude. Well, there's something else here that I think is probably a little confusing to people. And this is where it starts to get kind of esoteric or whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:32 There were two factions in the backward masking world because you're probably wondering, well, why did that guy emphasize how impossible this would be to do live? There were two factions. One was that the bands were doing this on purpose because they were Satanists and were trying to program their young fans to become, to worship Satan. And then there were people saying, no, it's actually, you would have to be a genius to sing a lyric forward that has a hidden message backward to this is actually impossible for a human to do on purpose.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And they are possessed by literal demons. Oh, I thought we were going somewhere reasonable. I'm so glad you brought that up. Who caused them to do this so not even the bands know they're doing it. Now, the bands are, to be clear, absolutely worshiping tons of Satan behind the scenes in their spare time. But they have become so fully like imbued with Satan's power that when they sing, it's coming out in this backward message that, of course, the young kids subconscious minds,
Starting point is 00:36:44 they have sneaked Satan into their brains. Now, you might be asking, well, but Jason, this guy in the show just said that they have other songs that mention the devil forward and their fans just shrug it off. Why would this very difficult to hear phrase of him just shouting Satan has got over and over and over again? Why would that be effective in reprogramming a child's mind? And I'm sure Sean's book explains that in perfect logical detail. Absolutely, it does.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I think, let's see, I have this deep in my notes. I feel like the guy that we talked about earlier, the guy that said the subliminal messages worked. This guy took the information he had and he decided that once you listen to a song three times that has a backwards message, your brain, quote, stores them as truth. He actually told this to the California Assembly's Consumer Protection and Toxics Committee in 1982. They had this fucking maniac from the TV show you just listened to on to talk to lawmakers
Starting point is 00:37:58 and he told them that once someone hears something three times, it's just stuck in their brain. So if you listen to Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven, which backwards says, I sing because I live with Satan. The Lord turns me off. There's no escaping it. Here's to my sweet Satan. If you hear that three times, it's done. So what is that?
Starting point is 00:38:17 40 minutes and you're satanic. So that's this guy. And the book doesn't say that. That was like side research I did. The book itself just assumes all this is real because they're fucking maniacs. I do have something. You were talking about how people were actually possessed by demons and this was all done super naturally.
Starting point is 00:38:41 That seems to be what the author implies a lot of the times. But I have more clips from this TV show because this guy, I guess there was when you talk about rival factions back then, there were also trolls. There were also like people who knew this was bullshit who fucked with them. And so people would take Christian music and play that backwards and find satanic messages. And so this is how they would like, you know, counter troll these trolls. And so this guy's like, guys, no, I haven't heard those. I don't know what you're talking about, but I have some Christian music that will play
Starting point is 00:39:16 backwards and guess what happens when they play the Christian music backwards? It fucking rules. No, there are messages glorifying God. Case closed. I have the proof right here. We're going to play it. This is forward. God, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Just don't want you to take it in for the glory of His Majesty. We hold the lamb, we hold the lamb. All right. Obviously that was forward. And we just took that piece. And when we played it backwards, listen for lamb of glory, lamb of glory. Play it for you a couple of times. A couple of times.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Yeah, that is nothing. The crowd went wild. The hosts were like double thumbs up with their tongues out. They just, they're so pumped. They're so smug. This proves that like Jesus Christ can do the same thing with the devil can. And like to them, this wasn't proof that this shit is just whatever someone wants it to be.
Starting point is 00:40:37 This was proof that no, God and the devil like mess with record sounds. So I don't know. At a certain point, religion has to start getting into like real Santa Claus rules. Like why did God do this? How did he do this? Why didn't he make it clear? Why doesn't he do it for every record? Why did he invent pediatric cancer?
Starting point is 00:40:55 What the fuck, God? So next up, he brings electric like orchestra, which did this kind of thing as part of their art. Like they put backwards stuff in their music that just spoke very clearly to you when you reversed it. So I have a clip of that. So that's what you get when you play an ELO record backwards, which is cute or profound or whatever the fuck.
Starting point is 00:41:40 But it's like an almost throwaway line in the book. Like, here's this proof that people are just doing this for fun or to make fun of Christians. It doesn't make sense why he brings up every single example like this as if to say like, Hey, here's proof of Satan. Here's some people that just played some music backwards that has nothing to do with Satan. Because obviously it disproves the point. When someone intentionally puts a backward message in a song, it sounds backward when played forward.
Starting point is 00:42:11 The thing that they're claiming that you can have a statement that works forward and backward and sing it and it works in the song, that's would be the remarkable thing. But when someone puts something that sounds backward and it's like, Oh my gosh, they put it in there. It sounds backward. Looking back with the infinite library of rock music that exists, even though you can project any phrasing and any backward message you want, as you just proved with your funk you called Medina example, they had precious few of these.
Starting point is 00:42:49 They had precious few good ones because I hear the same ones like everyone you've played are the same ones I heard. And I think there were probably no more than like 10 examples that were like their go to. Exactly. I do have one from ELO that they claim was made by Satan. So I'll play that one. See if you can make this out at all. All right, so now I'm going to tell you what that's supposed to say.
Starting point is 00:43:40 I definitely heard the phrase, my girlfriend was a nasty sand man. That's in there for sure. Okay. So that supposedly says he is the nasty one. Christ, you're infernal. Though it said we're dead men, everyone who has the mark live. So I'm going to play it again. You're furball again.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Definitely furball. Christ is a furball. That is Frankenstein spitting out mouthwash and they're like Satan's coming. So again, a very famous one, you might have even heard that as a kid, Jason, because there are like just fucking 10 of these. In your child laboratory. But this one kind of rules. They talk about Queen in the book for about a sentence, just to let us know that did you
Starting point is 00:44:46 know Queen means homosexual? This book is shocked by that. They're really caught onto some subtext there. And their song, another one bites the dust says, decide to smoke marijuana. And it's amazing. That's in my top 20 Queen songs backwards. Another one bites the dust. It's actually pretty good.
Starting point is 00:45:25 It's better than all the other backwards songs. But here's the thing. I like the thought of an impressionable youth saying to someone, I've decided to smoke marijuana. I've made a careful decision. I've weighed the pros and cons in my child laboratory and I've decided to smoke marijuana. Mother and father, I inform you. He also mentions a stick song called Snow Blind where they backwards it says Satan moving our voices, but I listened to this one.
Starting point is 00:45:56 I need to take a clip of this one because it's it's exactly Hussein or Moose corsage. And if you can hear Hussein or Moose corsage and pledge your life to the devil, that's fucking awesome. And you deserve the devil. I think that good for you. They try to mock a guy named Bob Garcia who worked at Ann M records who there's very few people that actually engaged with this at all, even back in the day. And this guy's like, it must be the devil putting it in there because no one here knows how to do it.
Starting point is 00:46:19 And the author's like, um, the Beatles knew how Led Zeppelin knew how. Like even with the experts saying this isn't a thing, they're like, well, how does it a thing then? Well, smart guy, then explain how I heard it. Yeah. Like trees don't actually have faces. How come I saw a face in it? Well, some stuff kind of looks like faces and your brain finds patterns and stuff. And he's like, no, it's the devil.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Checkmate. Maybe it's your brain. That's the devil. Huh. Could be chapter two is all about Alistair Crowley, the magician. Uh, he's tied up in all this because of the occult and the Beatles obviously are witches. Uh, and they confess to the killing and cloning of a man or whatever. So that's a good idea though.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Kill a man, clone a man, kill a man. You can kill them forever. Yeah. And it's never murder. Oh, I've decided to kill and clone a man, mother and father. As long as you confess to it backwards in a pop song, you can do whatever you want to a clone. So he invented this in the 1800s, just sort of talk backwards, probably because it was weird. And, uh, so he's sort of linked to that through that, like, oh, this, he's a wizard and he talked backwards.
Starting point is 00:47:31 So he must be tied up in this backwards talking wizards and Satan. Again, none of this has to link perfectly. I do have another page I want to read from here because, uh, at this point in the book, all it is is complaining about different rock stars. And, uh, like he's like, oh, he sucks. He was a wizard and for the Bee Gees, they, they fucking had sex with people. So caught one. Yeah. Got one.
Starting point is 00:47:58 So here we go. Um, former rock star, little Richard, who has since become a preacher of the gospel relates, some rock and roll groups stand around in a circle and drink cups of blood. Some get on their knees and pray to the devil. Rock and roll hypnotizes us and controls our senses. And then he probably went, oh, shut up. But, uh, I, I, this is cited. And so I found the citation and it cited the Harrisburg Patriot News, which sounds like, like a right wing paper, but I guess it's a pretty normal paper. And then it just says summer 1980.
Starting point is 00:48:30 But this was a daily newspaper. Some things is the best citation. And I also don't think that they reported on little Richard saying, oh yeah, rock stars drink cups of blood. Oh, shut up. Again, that was something I added. Uh, they talk about Bowie and Mick Jagger and Ozzy Osbourne. And there's like a sentence about every single person that's ever recorded music in this book and maybe an insane interview they definitely didn't give. They're constantly confessing to magic powers and bands like Black Sabbath that really did use, uh, Satanic Christian imagery are held up as evidence.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Like, look, see, I told you they're Satanists. And it's like, right, they did this to get attention from, from you idiots. Yeah. Black Sabbath hates it when you notice that. Yeah. Please don't look at the devil's stuff. Uh, so I guess this is what I was getting at earlier with the clip about finding God messages and backwards God music. Religion gets so much dumber when you start to pin down details and whatever listeners.
Starting point is 00:49:25 I think it's cute to have superstitions or some club you go to where you read the same fables as your neighbors. It's kind of nice. But then when you're like, Hey, this is real. And they're magic powers. It's starting to get fucked up because that means there's reverse magic powers and you have to fight them with your wizard abilities, which would be cool as shit. But all of these fights end up being like complaining that records have this kind of make believe in them. They just don't aim high enough. Like, if you kept escalating that, this would be a fun LARP.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Right. Uh, and I think they this, this to me feels like the event horizon for this religious stuff. Where it's like most nut bags stop like somewhere inside them. They know they're playing Easter Bunny and it's about maintaining K-Fade at this point. They don't, they know that Satan didn't really change this record. He didn't like whatever that would even look like. Do they manifest themselves in the record shop and like clawed in with his nails? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Uh, it's okay. See, here's the thing to this day. If you follow me on my social medias, you'll notice. I rarely jump in on any controversy having to do with like censorship or canceling somebody over something they made or any kind of art or anything like that. It's because I have this background and have such a, I don't want to use the word triggered, but I get a real visceral reaction to somebody trying to say this piece of art, this song, this movie or whatever will program our youth to go out and do crimes.
Starting point is 00:51:05 And I'm saying regardless of what type of, what direction that criticism is coming from, because when I was a kid and then as a teenager and look back at like, oh my gosh, these people are, you know, these people are nuts. It was all coming from the right and from the Christians that too was trying to get stuff, get albums pulled from the shelves because that's when this guy in his books like, you know, we've got to take action. Like that's what he's talking about is like taking, pulling these records off the shelf and not letting them be sold anymore.
Starting point is 00:51:36 So to this day, anybody, somebody demands a book come down or whatever. I cannot remain like calm and calmly debate freedom of speech stuff because I know it, it kind of triggers something from my childhood of like this extreme bad faith, pearl clutching that always is where you wind up. Yes. Once you start down that road of, well, this is problematic and it shouldn't be sold anymore. We're going to, you know, take demand of going to boycott the seller until they stop selling. It's like, man, you sound just like the worst people I remember.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I don't know. It's that this is why, because it's like, it still is going back to the idea that this art can mind control you. And I feel like in the fifties, the reaction to rock and roll was like, oh, look at Elvis, look at, you know, a little Richard, look at how they're sexualizing our teens. And at least there you could plausibly say, yeah, those 13 year old girls shrieking at Elvis. If he said, hey, let's go back to my dressing room and let's all have group sex, they would follow him back there. They're young and impressionable and they think this is the sexiest thing they've ever seen in their lives. It's like, at least there you have, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I do believe that a lot of rock stars do have actual problematic behavior in their personal sexual lives that we've not discovered. But that's not the subject of this show. Like, at least there there's something about it, but it's like the country shrugged that off and the art form persisted regardless. So they had to find something new. And so they found the Satanism stuff where it's like, well, yeah, Kiss's music forward is just song after song about partying. And then one song about how much they want to ban Catholic schoolgirls. But backward, you know, the Kiss, the K-I-S-S-S stands for Kings at Satan's service or in Satan's service, which is what I heard in church. And they're in the, you know, like they actually spit blood and that's the ritualistic thing.
Starting point is 00:53:55 And Gene Simmons and like the they drink the blood of animals or whatever. And I don't remember what the back, which of their backward mask songs, because there was at least one on the tapes I had. It was a Kiss song that backward said something. But it's like, yeah, but the song forward is just, you know, it's a song about Paul Stanley's dong and how much he has sex with his dick. Like, it's like, if you wanted to do a sermon about that saying like, look, this is not a great way to live your life. You know, this is not Paul Stanley's not a great role model. That really only works if you're a rock star. Like the guys here in town who live that lifestyle in the trailer park, like their lives are a mess.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Just don't, you don't want to, I know these guys look cool, but you don't want to imitate it. Like that's, that's a fine sermon. Give that sermon. But the whole thing was like, no, their secret occult knowledge that we're going to uncover. And that's the battle we're fighting. That's the point where it's crazy. And so I, I almost disagree with the censorship thing just because I think the danger here is that it eventually occurs to one of these nerds that like, hold up, we need to do more than complain. God, either God wants us to kill Ozzy Osbourne or we have wasted three years of our life talking about this shit.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Like the end game of this is clearly eliminating Ozzy Osbourne. And I feel like that's like the difference between banning, you know, which I get, which is fine. This fucking maniac shit. Like it's fine to want to conquer and defeat Ozzy Osbourne. That's just be upfront about it. That's true. Like when you look at it from that, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:38 And again, oh man, you know, kiss hates it, hates it so much when you talk about how satanic they are and you should never buy their records. It's just, there can be no, no way to feed into it better because why you wouldn't have any reason to put up resistance to this. Like it is benefiting both sides in an absurd and stupid way. Yeah, it's true. Yeah. And like I say, at most, most Christians stop around here where they're like, yeah, there's devils everywhere and they're doing all kinds of crazy shit and they're corrupting our children. And then they're like, but we, but we like, no, they're not really doing that. That's just kind of what we say.
Starting point is 00:56:17 It's kind of this thing that gets us riled up. But like, you know, we're not going to go grab a shotgun and hunt the devil. That's crazy. But then one of them's like, dude, I will. I'll absolutely go fucking hunt the devil. And that's how we got mountain monsters. Because that's if you truly, truly took the claim seriously, because they're not saying that these musicians are killing our children. They're saying they're doing something much, much worse.
Starting point is 00:56:45 They are in infusing their spirits with demonic powers that will condemn them to eternal hell. Like if you truly thought they were doing that, then they should be arrested. They should be stopped. Sure. Like if you really believed it. If on the other hand, it's just something you say to kind of spice up your rhetoric. The way there are members of Congress who will toss little bones to Q and on in their speeches. And you can hear him do it.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Like they'll just throw a little phrasing out there that they know is for the like, they know it's, it's stupid. Yeah, there's doing what they have to do, I guess. And that is very, that's very frustrating because the thing that you mentioned about how the bands learned over time that this is like instant record sales, because it's just free publicity. So they would start putting just straight up pentagrams on the album cover. That guarantees you an extra hundred thousand copies because every teenager, like you want the opposite of whatever the pearl clutching old women want, right? So they are defining your taste by whatever they hate. So the moment you hear your preacher holding up this album saying, look at the trash they're selling to our children, like you are buying that thing that night. And the bands knew it.
Starting point is 00:58:04 And I swear you can see the same thing today because if, if I go to Twitter and see that some nobody, somebody I hear from once a year, like Adam Corolla or Dennis Miller, not. Yes, this is another Dennis Miller podcast. Deal with it. You know, we get the. The OXIUS GENIES of the GENICIPLITES. And it's like they've, oh, he said something outrageous on his show or he said something outrageous on Truth Social or whatever the hell on GAB or whatever they call it. What are all the Nazi Twitter's? Parlor?
Starting point is 00:58:38 How many of them are there now? It doesn't matter. And you can, if you trace it back, they've got a book out or they've got something they're rolling out. And they just knew that you can get instant engagement by saying, making some anti-trans joker. It's just so easy. I hate to see people falling for it because I, I don't know. It's just, it seems like it's a cycle where everybody's cashing in because this guy selling his book on backward masking. The bands are now know if they can put something that sounds backward in their song that gets attention.
Starting point is 00:59:13 It's like everybody's just making money off the, the rubes. Outrage is the original algorithm. Oh, that sounds smart as shit. Oh, I did it. I'm out you guys. It's really good. That's a poll quote. I'm gone.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Fuck it. So you hate it. That was something I pulled from the next book. He wrote a sequel to this book like two years later because that's how well it's sold. By the way, did not have enough material for even one book. There's a lot of padding. Like, I'm going to say 95% of the book has nothing to do with backward masking at all. Like, I think 11 pages and it's over.
Starting point is 00:59:49 But this is from the second book, this section on motley crew and it says motley crew. This group has writing on their album that openly states this album may contain backward messages. They're right too. It does. We caught them. Can you believe we sussed it out? They didn't want us to find that. They shouted the devil album played backwards says backward mask where you are.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Oh, lost an error. Satan, which is nothing. That's nothing. Yeah. We did a bad job at it. They called their shot. Did not do it. I'll pull it off.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Okay. I also want to point out even with the supernatural powers of Satan who as far as I understand in Christianity is the second most powerful being in existence. Sure. In his infinite powers, when he hid a satanic message in these songs, he could have a lyric that kind of makes sense going forward and a lyric that makes no sense backwards. And Satan himself is like, look, this is the best I can do. Shit is hard.
Starting point is 01:00:58 It's like Satan is Lord marijuana. Look, it's going to do something in the kid's brain. Just trust me. I can't give you an eloquent line of Alistair the Crowley poetry or something in there. I'm not God. I'm just the devil. That's why you had to land on this side to smoke marijuana. You know he's down there in hell being like, look, I know there's a better way to fucking
Starting point is 01:01:25 phrase that. It just doesn't work with the lyric. You try. Even when God inserted it into the gospel music, the best he could get was like happy furball, glory, whatever it was. It was like, look, again, if you want the song to make sense going forward, you have to give me some license on the backward version. It has to fit.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I have another clip here I want to read. There's a section on Olivia Newton-John's Let's Get Physical because that song. Notorious Satan worshiper. It's about fucking. He says, so he's just complaining about how, God damn it, this song is about having sex. And he says, another verse says, I'm sure you understand my point of view. We know each other mentally. You got to know that you're bringing out the animal in me.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Let's get physical, physical. I want to hear your body talk with lyrics like this. It's no wonder that a recent Norman Harris survey found that almost one out of three, 13 to 50 year olds and six out of 10, 16 to 18 year olds have experienced sexual intercourse. Yeah, we didn't do it before that. She invented it. Congratulations, Olivia. It changed the world that out.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Holy shit. I owe her so much. Paul Stanley says, no place for hiding, baby, no place to run. You pull the trigger of my love gun, love gun, love gun, love gun, love gun. He is not actually speaking of a gun there. No, because I think that was, that was pre physical. So he was actually being sincere. It wasn't invented.
Starting point is 01:03:04 And then fucking that's a real letdown. So the whole book, the rest of the book is just that, just like him finding songs that are about like lewd behavior and being like, can you believe this lewd behavior? So stop the book on backward masking. It's like, you know what really sucks? It's forward masking. That's way worse. 11 pages.
Starting point is 01:03:26 So funny because it's, it's an already extremely weak claim that is so badly diluted by, because again, if you're going to claim that Satan has mind controlled these bands into putting backward, you know, messages into their music, that requires a great deal of evidence to support that assertion. Like you really got to, got to come with the receipts on that. If hard way through, you're just like, well, in forward, a lot of these songs are about sex, even the most hardcore believer, it's like there's country music songs about sex. There's, you know, there's an entire section of the Bible.
Starting point is 01:04:16 It's about sex. It's, they're just poems of about, about, about porking. Do kids say that anymore? Do they refer to sex as porking? No, we can bring it back. Can I bring it back? Yeah, sure. But there, yeah, there's a tire.
Starting point is 01:04:31 It's just song after song about, about poontang. In other words, okay, well, I'll bring that back to TikTok and we'll, we'll get it. We'll get it going again. It's, it's, see, this is, this is what's frustrating to me is because I feel like this is a gravy train you could keep going forever if you're willing to put out the amount of effort that you put into funky cold Medina because any song ever recorded, you just need five seconds. Not even that. You need three seconds.
Starting point is 01:05:08 You need five or six words that is something that sounds like Satan or devil or Lord. Like there's any, any infinite evil, whatever, sacrifice, anything, anything in there. I don't believe this guy dedicated the time to, to find more good examples. I think they had these core ones. They would play at the speaking, on the speaking circuit, the five or six or seven famous ones, the Beatles, all of that, the same ones we've all heard. And I think they just quit because I think you, you were more dedicated to getting, to making that article good than these people were to defeating the literal Satanic army
Starting point is 01:05:53 of demons because it is a tedious task. Like you've got to sit there and really listen. You got to listen to it over and over and over and over again. It took minutes, literal minutes. Yeah. It's very frustrating. One more thing I want to read about Prince. This is from his sequel book.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Prince uses backward masking on his purple rain album that mocks the coming of Christ. A segment played backwards says, hello, how are you? I'm fine. Cause I know the Lord is coming soon. Believe me, if Prince knew the Lord was coming soon, he wouldn't be doing what he's doing and singing what he's singing. So this fucking guy, even when the song is like Christ is great. How's it going?
Starting point is 01:06:36 Christ? They're like, fucking, fucking you. How dare you? If people listen to that three times, it will become a truth. You can't win. All right. I feel like this guy didn't know that Prince was a Jehovah's Witness. Yeah, he couldn't.
Starting point is 01:06:55 He had this weird pro, like pro sex version of Christianity that he practiced. That is not difficult information to find. Like I get that the internet didn't exist back then, but that was, that's something that was like he, he has these songs about it. Like I feel like this guy didn't know. I feel like the only thing he ever heard was that one bit. Again, I don't. It's stunning how.
Starting point is 01:07:21 It's the laziness that bothers me. Music. Yeah. I'm not a big music expert, but this guy just knows absolutely nothing. He's like, Queen means homosexual and that that's everything you know about Queen. He doesn't mention that one of the men in there is a famous, famously gay man. And he just, it just doesn't come up. He's just like.
Starting point is 01:07:42 If you, if you look at the way Elton John dresses, it could be implied that he is trying to subvert masculinity somehow that he may be, he may not exclusively prefer female partners. Poss, I can't even imagine. Can't even imagine what that would look like. There's another group of guy, Dan and Steve Peters are two brothers who also wrote a couple books on this. I have one, one thing I want to read from this. Let me, let me find, it appears in the song darling Nikki on the purple rain LP at the
Starting point is 01:08:18 beginning of the tune, Prince asks the subliminal question, how are you? Then he lets his fans know I am fine because the Lord is coming soon when the secret message was discovered. Many teens exclaimed to their puzzled parents, see Prince is a Christian. It's okay to listen to his music. Actually just the opposite is true. So again, these guys took the same thing. Prince saying hi everybody.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I'm having a really pleasant time speaking to the Lord Christ and they're like, no, absolutely not. I like that he always says hi first. Hey, how you doing? Christ is pretty good, right? They have a little handshake they do. A little wave, a little backwards wave. It doesn't include any evidence as to why.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Actually, the opposite is true. End of statement. Yeah. By the way, some people, the Jehovah's Witnesses used to be as a religious group. I don't know how prominent they still are today. I'm sure they're still around. They never go away, but they used to go door to door. Like they, where I growing up, they came to our door like, like at least once a year with
Starting point is 01:09:21 their pamphlets. I don't remember what it was called, but they had like a magazine. Prince used to do that. If you lived in Minneapolis area, you could straight up get a knock on your door and it would absolutely be Prince there with his Jehovah's Witness pamphlet. I guess what I'm saying is Prince was probably more devout than the guy that wrote this book who did this lazy half-assed effort. I can't picture Prince doing that without the revolution behind him.
Starting point is 01:09:51 He would have to open the door to all of them holding pamphlets. You wouldn't stand a fucking chance. I'd convert on the spot. The giant Hulk Hogan bodyguard guy. There's this fate, my favorite Prince moment. It was at an award ceremony and he won some award. Lionel Richie presented it as probably Grammy or something. He won a million awards, but it took him like an hour to get up because like he has this
Starting point is 01:10:14 whole entourage and his bodyguard just looked like his knees were blown out from 50 years of pro wrestling. They waddle up to the thing. Prince just gets up there and he's like, after all this buildup, he's just like, thank you very much. And leaves and Lionel Richie's mind is blown. He's like, outrageous, outrageous. I love it.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I think I've told this story on the podcast before. It makes me so happy. We will do an entire Prince episode, not about any specific, just sharing our Prince anecdotes. For example, after Prince's tragic death from doing it and unthinkable amount of drugs and he had stayed up for I think they said like 160 hours in a row or some impossible number and then his body just gave out. But in the aftermath, they were talking about his drug use and he was addicted to prescription
Starting point is 01:11:05 drugs. And one of the people they interviewed, this is not funny. I know I'm laughing while I say it, but they said like, well, yeah, you know, he used to come into Walgreens so frequently and refilled that prescription. It's like you knew that it was too much, but you and I start thinking like you're in Walgreens in Minneapolis and there's just Prince waiting in line. I can't picture Prince in a Walgreens. They were talking to like the one of the pharmacists there behind the counter and they're like,
Starting point is 01:11:35 yeah, like you saw how frequently he came in and we knew that it was like, huh, I mean, I guess, yeah, it's, I mean, he is just a human being who lived there and people would see him around. It's just, you don't think of, you don't think of like running into Prince at Ace Hardware like buying, like buying a plunger or something. He just, I don't know. Looking at knee wraps, reading the back of the package in line. I can't picture him standing in line.
Starting point is 01:12:05 I just, he wouldn't, he wouldn't do it. I'm sure in reality he waited in the parking lot and sent in an assistant or something, but the way they phrased it, it straight up sounded like either they came to the drive tour or else he went inside and they did that. Do you remember that documentary on Michael Jackson and he, he went to Caesar's Palace and he just kind of walked around like shopping. And by the time he'd gone to three stores, there was a crowd of like 200 people following him.
Starting point is 01:12:32 It was fucking creepy and like getting a note. I feel like that had to have been Prince's life. Like I feel once you see Prince, you're going to follow Prince for an hour or two. Yes. I, what is, what is Prince up to? He'd like vanish into little holes. You're like, I know you're in there, Prince. You have to track, track which hole he's going to pop out of next.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Wacka Prince. Anyway, backward masking. Fuck are we talking about? Backward masking. I mean, that's the end of my research. Well, in your notes, because again, the Judas Priest famously went to trial over this, right? You familiar with that whole thing? I think that they refused to go to a trial as, uh, I think, yeah, I feel, I feel like
Starting point is 01:13:14 that's the story here. I did, I remember reading that Judas. I'll look it up. No, they absolutely went to trial because Rob Halford, this was in 1990, Google is telling me. Right. Because a family sued saying that his lyrics had, uh, driven a child to suicide, a teenager. Was that the background?
Starting point is 01:13:38 Yeah. Two, two young men. I know to the listeners, it sounds like we're Googling this in the middle of the podcast and that, no, we have our research in stacks of paper here. We're just sifting through to find, to find the stuff that we, because we've been, we, we researched these for about two to three months in advance. Oh, I'm just going into my mind palace. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:00 For your story, your, your, your dog's own research. Right. It's like a Minneapolis Walgreens. They'd hidden, they'd hidden subliminal messages like try suicide and do it and let's be dead in their cover of spooky tooth better by you, better than me, which is crazy. See if you like it. Couldn't you, couldn't you find the original and see if that had the same subliminal message? And I guess if it didn't, that would prove that they, they added it somehow.
Starting point is 01:14:29 That's incredible. Cause you have like a control group in this. Um, but he went, Robert Hanford took the, the, the stand and this is, there's, there's a video version of this. He went through and played from some of their, the same songs or other songs that you could, and he did the thing where he picked out like nonsense phrases, like I think one that he found was like in a perfect, a perfect denunciation of the phrase, Hey mom, my chair is broken and demonstrating for the jury.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Like, you know, if now that I've told you to hear this, you're going to hear it. And it was, so it was a suicide attempt, I guess, um, of two, there were two, an 18 year old and a 20 year old kid and they claimed that they had done it under the, the influence of the song. And this went to trial. I mean, this was amazing. In 1990, this is not ancient witch hunt days. This is, this is only 32 years ago, which I see to some of our listeners.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Yeah, that's, that's a long time ago, but the Keller case was 1992. And that was the one where like those daycare providers were arrested for like satanic, ritualing like sex crimes. Yes. And just completely made up. They just asked a bunch of kids, hated those guys, like rub you with raw chicken. They're like, what the fuck? And they're like, if you tell me, yes, I'll give you a lollipop.
Starting point is 01:15:55 And I'm like, yeah, totally. And they're like, ah, put them in jail and it fucking works. Like that was 1992. So that's how we have a wonderful episode on that that if you guys can go find or you'll, they'll link it in the, the Patreon. I think everyone agrees it was a good episode about the, the satanic panic stuff because I believe that's the episode where you had the drawings from that therapist. And, and there's a while where we start, we get off on a tangent discussing how we would
Starting point is 01:16:25 personally attack a satanist town. If it actually did exist, like how would we would conduct our assault on the town? Anyway, that sounds like us. It got off on a tangent for quite a while, if I remember, but how would you defeat Prince? Like while we're on the subject of how we would fight. You would not. You have already lost the moment you come into conflict with Prince. You have already, you have already lost.
Starting point is 01:16:48 I don't have a good counter for the rollerblading. He would certainly be doing. That's what gets me. Like I, I would have to play a lot of DJ boy to like train up on rollerskate fighting. It could be done. That's the, and again, since this is again now the Prince podcast, people heard like the Dave Chappelle bit about Prince, like being really good at basketball. I still feel like some people think that was all just a big bit, even though it's presented
Starting point is 01:17:23 as like true story and don't realize that if Prince had chosen to pursue basketball instead of music, he was like equally good at that. Some people are just better than you at everything. That's just the way, that's just the way the world is. He was better looking than you. He was a musical genius who could learn any instrument in like a day. And also if you decided to take him to the, to the street court and try to, to try to hustle him for money, he would just dunk over you again and again.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Some people can just do, can just do everything. My favorite, my favorite Prince story. God, I'm just going to absolutely butcher this because I have to remember it. It's somebody was invited out to, to a roller rink, to like a roller skate party with Prince at kind of a last minute. And it was the middle of the night and he had like woken up the people that ran the roller rink and rented it out just for like, I don't know, these 12 people or whatever. And they showed up there and they waited forever.
Starting point is 01:18:23 And then Prince shows up and he puts on some like light up rainbow roller blades and he performs just a beautiful routine for everybody and then goes home. He just had to put on this little show. Three in the morning. He's just like, gather 12 people. I am going to put on a light up roller blade show. Now I'm tired. I will see you later.
Starting point is 01:18:46 I just leave an assault with a little bit of magic. I have more Prince stuff I could read from these books. Sure. Yeah, this is this is just Prince from here on. I have like seven or eight more Prince anecdotes I want to share and I'm holding them. I'm holding back. Let's just do a few. Let's run through it.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Sure. I heard a story that is possibly apocryphal that I can't find any evidence on the internet because otherwise I would have linked it on Twitter, something that at one point during in the 80s during the height of his fame or his early fame. He in Minneapolis, I guess that he he and his entourage like he always went around with as you mentioned, like the big bodyguard. And again, we're we're picturing the entire revolution behind him. Of course, at all times.
Starting point is 01:19:31 He boarded a bus and it turned it dressed in full on Prince garb and with his entourage boarded the bus, looked down at an elderly woman sitting in the front and said, excuse me, Miss, have you heard of the Prince? And she said, yes. And he said, good. And then turned around and walked out. Cannot find any evidence. I heard that reddit somewhere in my youth.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Cannot find any evidence of it online that I will believe it to my dying day. Somebody happened. It might have been Prince himself, but somebody challenged him like find somebody that hasn't heard of you. It's like, motherfucker, I can't. Yeah. I think that's like, ask the oldest, widest woman on there because it's that's the whole wonder of that anecdote is like the before and after of what led up to that motivated
Starting point is 01:20:25 him to do it. And then it had to have been somebody like claiming like, you know, these people don't know who you are. You know, it's like, watch this to be you pick the person you pick the person. I'll go talk to him. I said, old lady on the bus. Anyway, so there's multiple pages about Prince in this book, but it's just kind of. Okay, let's do.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Most of Prince's music is sexual. He seems to be obsessed with a warped sense of morality. In an interview talking about his view of sex, he said, when I was nine, I wanted to write pornographic novels. My mother used to keep a lot of pornographic material in a bedroom and I used to sneak in there and read it. This had a great deal to do with my sexuality today. It made me warped to a degree, but it made me aware of my sexuality in an early age.
Starting point is 01:21:11 So I actually believe that nine year old story. The other kid that was like the drug runner from Texas, I don't buy that one. Yeah, Prince was learning how to be horny in third grade. I believe that. For sure. I mean, you have to practice early. You have to get in your 10,000 hours to be a master of fucking. Other of Prince's songs speak of used Trojans, parentheses, condoms.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Oh my God. There would have been way worse if they weren't condoms though. And in his song Delirious, the final stanza says, girl, you got to take me for a little ride up and down in and out and around your lake. I'm Delirious. As if all of this wouldn't be enough. Prince now uses backward masking to mock the return of Christ. So yeah, they, they do get back to that story about just that.
Starting point is 01:22:02 So he just didn't know. This probably introduced a lot of like old Christian women to the idea that Prince didn't know a lot though. They were probably like, Oh my in and out around the lake, you say. Not even my birthday. There's, there's no way that I just want to see you bathing in my purple rain. What they thought that was because that obviously is the entire joy of Prince is like the song when doves cry.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Like if you, if you bring up the lyrics to that and you try to do a word search for boner or shlong or Schwanz or, or, you know, or balls, anything like that, you won't find it. But the whole joy of Prince is that even that song that it's all very poetic and all that is just the filthiest thing you've ever heard because you could give him any song. He can cover, he can cover any song, anything. Give him one of your gospel songs and let him sing it while in the video he's nude in a bathtub and then crawling naked toward the camera the whole time. And it will become the filthiest thing you've ever heard.
Starting point is 01:23:19 That, that's what's magical. He didn't have to have it in the lyrics at all. Just the vibe. He'll tell you how he's going to make you come when you play it backwards. That's the kind of magic Prince had. Well, except for darling Nicky, which he, I feel like he just got sick of it at some point in the album. It was like, okay, here's what I'm about.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Here's one that's just right up about fucking chicken off in the lobby. That's, that's my thing. Like you might not have gotten it with all of my poetry. It's important that you know, I fuck powerfully and often. So what have we learned today? What lesson kids, cause we never, ever hear on hot dog. We never just want to be pointing and laughing at people. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:01 We want to be saying, okay, but what, what can we learn about society and about people? Like, why was, like, I would, I think if we found out how many copies of this book this guy sold, I think we would be sickened by the number of copies. I bet it was in the tens of millions. I think what we've learned is some people have been stupid for 50 years in the exact same way and there's just no fixing it. And you look at Q and on, you're like, oh my God, how did this happen? It's like, no, I have a whole fucking section of my library of people doing the exact same
Starting point is 01:24:31 shit going back to the seventies. Reality is just not enough. It's not enough to say, look, a lot of these rock stars die of heroin overdoses in their twenties. That's not good. Don't, you know, don't idolize that. That's not, no, that's not enough. It's like, no, no, no, we have to uncover the secret evil in this song about how much
Starting point is 01:24:55 how the perfect groupie is 16 years old. That's, yes, that's, that's a little problematic forward. But when you hear it backward, you'll see that he was worshiping Satan in the middle of this orgy of high school sophomores. He broke his mother's chair if you listen to it backward. Very suspicious. So I don't, I think we learned nothing. I didn't learn a single fucking thing.
Starting point is 01:25:21 I think that's the whole point of the dog zone. It's like we, we step away from learning and importance and we just fuck around for an hour. I thought, I was worried. I thought I was going to learn something. I mean, if anything, it replaces other knowledge in your brain because you have finite space with something that does not, is not going to help you at all. Well, that's not true.
Starting point is 01:25:44 I did store some more Prince anecdotes. Yeah. I made a couple of purple Prince wrinkles up in there. Here at 1900 hot dog daycare, we believe every child can be supreme. Now let's meet a few of our precious tots. Three finger Louie, Aaron Crosston, Adrian H, Aiden Mouette. Get well soon. We're all rooting for you.
Starting point is 01:27:02 No Alpha Scientist Java. We do not cull the wheat here. UnAndy, Andreas Larson. Badger, Transformers aren't food. Especially not if you're a transformer. That's fucked up. Benjamin Sironin. Ben Talser.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Brandon Garlock. Brian Saylor. You need to poke air holes in the Play-Doh mask or this game of mummy gets way too real. Brienne Whitney. Brockway loves the meat milling. Yes, he does. Burrito Mountain. Ceryl, don't touch that.
Starting point is 01:27:39 Never touch that. I don't even understand how you're touching that. Rev. Chance McDermott. Chris Brower. Curious Glare. Dan B. The artist formerly known as Devin, sweetie, knives are for grown-ups and revenge only.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Dean Costello. Don Finney. Dr. Awkwardly. Eric Spalding. Fancy Shark. Jell-O-Hope. Now see, Greg Cunningham needs those knives for revenge and now he doesn't have them. Do you see why we saved the knives?
Starting point is 01:28:17 Hambo. Harakka. Hot Fart, very funny. Jaber Al-Aden. James Boyd. Jeff Orasky Fire is not your friend. If anything, it's more of a lover. Jeremy Neal.
Starting point is 01:28:35 John Dean. John Hector McFarland. John McCann. Josh Fabian. Joshua Graves, I don't care how many rats you tied together, you cannot ride them like a magic carpet. Josh S. Ken Paisley. K&M.
Starting point is 01:28:56 M. Jahi Chappelle. Matt Riley. Max Baroy, I know you mean well, but what you're doing is called Compromat. Michael Lair. Michael Wells. Mickey Lohman. Mike Stiles. Mojoo.
Starting point is 01:29:14 N.D., a smaller child is not a pet no matter how much they purr. Neil Bailey. Neil Shaffer. Nick Ralston. Ozzy Olman. Patrick Herbst. The amazing rain gets your fingers out of there. The Bible strictly forbids it.
Starting point is 01:29:31 It's very clear. Rhiannon. Sarkovsky. Sean Chase, don't. Actually, fuck yeah, I think you can make that jump. Let's see it. Spotting reception. Supernaut.
Starting point is 01:29:47 Ted H. Thomas Kavatsos, I don't think you can make that jump. But I want nothing more in this world than to be wrong. Let's fucking see it. Timmy Leahy. Toastie God. Tom Sikula. Tommy Jean.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Waylon Russell. Yossarian. Armando Nava. You're actually doing great. Gold Star. Don't attack the other children with the Gold Star.

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