The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 106, Shrunken Heads With Max Booth

Episode Date: January 18, 2023

Brockway shrinks Seanbaby and horror author Max Booth's heads, then commands them to do his dark bidding: Talk about the 1994 movie Shrunken Heads! They refuse! They turn on him and fucking eat him on... air, it takes over an hour.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred hot dog. Our podcast slams with maximum hype. Say hot dog podcast work. Yeah. When you taste that nitrate power, you're in the dog zone for an hour. Come on.
Starting point is 00:00:22 You know the number. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero zero.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah. Nine thousand. Welcome to the dog zone nine thousand, the official podcast of one nine hundred hot dog, America's last comedy website. I'm flame head Robert Brockway and with me is karate head Sean baby. Call me booger pud.
Starting point is 00:00:57 I always do and I'm just glad we finally have a reason for it. And oh shit, it's the head with a gun Max Booth. It's me. Hello. That was frightening. It's terrifying to see just ahead with a gun in its teeth. Max is the author of books like touch the night,
Starting point is 00:01:13 we need to do something and maggots screaming. Thank you guys for having me on. This is I have never seen this movie. I didn't even know it existed until a month ago and I am excited to talk about it. Well, is there anything you want to plug before we get started? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Right now I have a Kickstarter going on for my press. Ghoulish books. We'll are filling all of the books we'll publishing this year as one big like a pre-order bundle package. So if you go to Kickstarter and type in Ghoulish books, you can find it. Lots of fun spooky books, witches, zombies,
Starting point is 00:01:52 no shrunken head fiction, sadly, but I'll fix that in the future. Fix that. He's got your inspiration. Flaps. The two of you could correct a shrunken head novelization. I will put that out. I got a pitch.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Very problematic. What? Followed by very problematic things. Very problematic execution. We are of course talking of course talking about the classic shrunken heads from 1994. It's a full moon entertainment movie, which means it rules.
Starting point is 00:02:22 That's what that means. They did puppet master and transfers and to the bar has to be very high for this to be like notably weird from full moon. And it fucking is. Holy shit. It is so high and they clear it. They fly right over it. I actually really like full moon movies kind of sincerely.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Like they have these very, very dumb ideas and then they execute them like way better than they should have. And I feel like 20 years later, like Sharknado, that type of movie, the vibes are a little wrong for me, but like a full moon movie, you're like, this looks really expensive, like terrible and stupid, but like so sincere. And like this movie costs $800,000.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And this isn't really my air of expertise, but it seems like more expensive than that. It looks more expensive than that. Yeah. For the time and considering it's full moon, it looks amazing. Like it looks like it has a budget for again, for the time for what it is.
Starting point is 00:03:17 But it's like, it's like doll man levels up in here. Well, I think it's the company's Phil's theatrical movie too until then that they had gone to the theater. So they probably like hit the gas on this one and put everything they had into it. Yeah. This was their shot. This was their shot and how they landed on the script
Starting point is 00:03:38 and idea for shrunken heads as their shot is fucking astonishing. I have no idea how that happened. I wish I had that inside information for you. I don't. It must not exist. Somebody just came in and said shrunken heads. And that was it. Like I can't imagine pursuing this as like a party conversation.
Starting point is 00:03:55 If someone says, hey, what if there's a movie that's shrunken heads? But this conversation is fucking over. Well, the guy who wrote it, Matthew Bright, he also wrote a movie I know you guys must know about called Tiptoes. Oh God, yes. I've heard about it. I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I've of course heard about it. Gary Oldman in the role of a lifetime. So once I realized that he wrote that movie and also freeway with a Reese Riddlespoon. No, that one. That made a lot of sense that he also wrote shrunken heads. See, I still think this is his weird one. Like admittedly, I've never seen Tiptoe.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Like if the listeners don't know, it's Gary Oldman plays a little person in a movie about little people. And if I remember Matthew McConaughey, it's his older brother and Peter Dinklage is in it. And he plays a French person. And he makes a lot of very bold acting decisions with his French accent. And the writing is very, like someone didn't know much about
Starting point is 00:04:52 French culture. So like he like falls off a table and instead of saying something funny or weird, he goes, I wish I had that creep. I think that's what I took away from Tiptoes the most. Oh shit. That really happened. That's a real line.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I believe, oh, I have 100% believed you. There was no need to clarify. Why wouldn't that happen? I believe that happens in reality. I think people are overwriting their French characters and should just... Like in French traffic, you could just hear that coming from every car. I wish I had that creep.
Starting point is 00:05:30 This was directed by Richard Elfman, Danny Elfman's failed brother. I feel mean saying that, but I watched that behind the scenes documentary and he just, he knows that. There was a section where he talks about like how he had to get Danny Elfman to do the main theme for Trunken Heads and you see him just go completely dead behind their eyes.
Starting point is 00:05:50 He's a really animated guy. And then as soon as he has to talk about it, asking for a favor from his famous brother, he's like, yeah, it was really great of him to do that. That was the last favor I could ever call in. Trunken Head. I think it's okay to bag on this man because I was looking up some reviews from like a decade ago
Starting point is 00:06:11 and one pointed out how funny it was that back when IMDb had like a message build going on, Elfman kept going on and defending his movie and the comics and also defending Scientology. Oh, shit. Oh God, just both. He just needed to come in there and be like, these guys aren't giving it to me as hard as I deserve.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I need to let them know it's okay. I need to let them know it's okay to just pile on me. He cast his own son in this film. He cast his whole family. And did, had him do a full frontal scene. So that's something. Yeah, Booger's Bodie Elfman is son. One of the stunt doubles is his very young son,
Starting point is 00:06:56 Louie Elfman, who had another acting role in a movie I'm going to watch next and will probably be on the podcast Modern Vampires where he plays the role of paint huffer. That's his big, that was his big break was paint huffer in Modern Vampires. He also put his grandparents in. They were the old people like halfway through. It's just, this is an Elfman family affair.
Starting point is 00:07:17 It's stranger than that. It's the two, it's the old couple on the steps complaining about the smell. The woman is his grandma, but the man is his dad. Oh, that's right. That was a really weird call. But then they are playing a couple. It's not a, it's not a woman and her son.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I'm pretty sure. Yeah. So you had them. So he says, I want you to my movie. You'll have a lover. It will be your mother. Is that, can you sell that father? And he also had to call Danny and be like,
Starting point is 00:07:49 Hey, superstar brother, I need you to, the producers asked me if I would ask you, it's okay if you say no, but like it might cost me my job. You need to do the music. It is good though. Like you hear the music. You're like, Oh shit, this is a Danny Elfman song.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Because it's very. Yeah. Like instantly, you know that this is a Danny Elfman song. You're like, Oh, is he going to do the whole, no, he is not going to do the whole score. He is here for one song and that's his favor. And the rest of the music sounds like La La Land. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:15 The rest of the music is not, there's not nearly that good. So you just, it's like the mannequin soundtrack. Like it's, it's like wedding music. We have so much jazz music throughout and the sets look so clean the way everybody acts. I was surprised it didn't break out into an actual musical.
Starting point is 00:08:36 It does have that like musical vibe to it where they're clearly just on, on somebody's meticulous back lot. Very undressed movie set. Any town USA. All right. Let's get into the actual movie, which I watched on to be and there were no captions, which is how they say deaf people.
Starting point is 00:08:55 You're good. You can skip this one. You can just, you're good. You don't need to watch this. It is about Tommy, your standard boring good kid, his fat and therefore hilarious friend, Bill.
Starting point is 00:09:07 That's all the comedy you need in this movie really. And their black and asthmatic nerd friend, Freddie and Sally, who is a girl and that is her personality trait for the film. It's perfectly summed up. I have nothing to add. That's almost exactly what my notes say. It's just,
Starting point is 00:09:26 you couldn't get more like cookie cutter characters. And then I watched, again, I watched this documentary about at the end of the movie. It came with the original VHS. And the first thing is, is Richard Elfman popping up and saying, I wanted to make a movie with cookie cutter characters. Do you think he said that after everyone told him they were cookie cutter
Starting point is 00:09:46 cutters? Oh, that's totally intentional. Totally meant to do that. I liked how Freddie, the nerd didn't know who Green Lantern was. Like there's a lot of stuff like that that just kind of gnaws at your sense of reality where you're like, I don't understand their world.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Like there seems to be a lot of danger, but also it's very cartoonish. It seems to be a kids movie, but it's also clearly like an adult horror film. So it's hard to get, it's hard to get an understanding. It's like the shine. It's very much like the shining.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Just keeping you intentionally. I mean, that artistic level is what I'm trying to say. It's this and the shining, I think should be the most analyzed films. It definitely takes place in the modern day, in the mid nineties. It's filmed on a 1940s studio back lot and they act like the little rascals everywhere they go.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Like they have a palette crate fort and like nobody has TV or video games or anything. Everybody's just reading comic books, but all the comic books are modern comic books from the nineties. So it's either too much thought was put into like, I want to make this a special world like streets of fire, or more likely they just went with whatever set they could get and didn't fucking bother.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Right. You know how you can tell us the nineties is the girl, the 15 year old girl, wears a sports bra for a top at every scene. That's a very nineties thing. You know how you can tell us the nineties is because this was the last time we were like, yeah, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yeah, that's fine. The Alyssa Milano collection of tops. So the nerd collection now, Tommy, Bill and Freddie go to the newsstand for comics where they meet a magical newsie. Newsie. They meet a magical newsie and his name is Mr. Sumatra. That can't be right.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Hold on. Oh, that's right. They looked at a map of Haiti and they're like, oh, hey, let's call them that because that's the name of the big lake in Haiti. Yeah, I think that's what they did for everything and it becomes a problem so quickly. It becomes a major problem very, very quickly.
Starting point is 00:11:54 It's like naming someone Mississippi. Which you would do to a black man, which totally scans in the nineties. You would just name a black character Mississippi. Yup. Yo. My notes just say, oh no. Like as soon as he comes on and opens his mouth,
Starting point is 00:12:09 I'm like, oh no. He says he's a former cop, but he makes it very clear he was a voodoo cop. He's a former voodoo policeman. And this is the first of a few notably disturbing moments. What was his last job specifically? It wasn't voodoo cop? It was voodoo cop for the Tantan Makut.
Starting point is 00:12:38 That's right. The Tantan Makut. I did not Google that. Is that a real thing? Oh, I'm so glad to tell you about the Tantan Makut. No, I'm not. It's horrible. The Tantan Makut were basically the most famous
Starting point is 00:12:53 evil military police force in the world. Oh no. They were, they also, we'll get to this later. Is it weird that I think it's better it's real and not just some random like patois they made up? Let me run you through it and then you can say whether or not this is good. You can, you can save your assessment of good for the end.
Starting point is 00:13:15 The Tantan Makut were personal enforcers for Papa Doc and later Baby Doc Duvalier who were horrible fascist dictators. They were notorious for pulling random people off the street and hanging them and burning them alive. They killed something like 50,000 innocent Haitians just over the course of doing their job. Often with machetes which they, which they wielded
Starting point is 00:13:39 as part of their uniform. And one of their, one of their flagship moves of terror was just serial rape, was just mass scale serial rape. And this movie proudly, very proudly lists their one black character as a former Tantan Makut and he's a good guy. He's not only a good guy, he's like one of the main characters and the Tantan Makut will only be referred to as though they are fucking sweet ass super cops from here on out.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I would like to make, the text of the film says he's a good guy but I think we might point out that he's not. I think we might argue that this is not a hero character. Yeah, he does behave as though he was from the Tantan Makut but the film doesn't seem to know that. Right. Yeah, that's a good point. Like they're not on the same page, the characters and the script. So do we think the guy who wrote this even knew what that meant?
Starting point is 00:14:37 Or did he just like read that at some point in a magazine and go, yeah, that sounds cool. I'll just add it. Yeah, I feel like it's 1994. He probably wrote it earlier. Yeah, there's no internet. He didn't have the internet. You could have giant blind spots. We talked about this so many times but it's always true. Before I want to say 1998, there was maybe some sort of internet. You could probably go to a library but nobody fucking did that.
Starting point is 00:15:04 So you could just say that attitude was, I can do whatever in a screenplay in a book. Just make it up. Who's going to check? It's so hard to check that nobody's going to do it. And I think he looked up maybe three things, hence him being named Mr. Sumatra. And he's like, nobody will know that. And then he's Tantan Makut.
Starting point is 00:15:26 It says here in this Encyclopedia Britannica that those are the police force. I'm not going to read the rest of this entry. Got what I needed. I think let's name him Trinidad Voodoo Tobago. You know, Sean Baby, evil joking about this being close to the shining. But this guy is basically Scatman Crevils. Yes, he is poor man, Scatman Crevils.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Like Scatman Crevils, he delivers lines in such a musical way and such a cool, cool actor. And then this guy, if they give him more than like four words, he fucking flubs at least 40%. And so I love to help. It's like very George Lucas-y, these lines where he'll have to come out and say like, I will take you to the, I shouldn't do his voice. But like he has these long elaborate like,
Starting point is 00:16:16 like scientific explanations for the magic he's doing. And he's just, he can't remember all that shit. And so he's just fall out all over himself. I love it. I do want to talk about the local gang called the Vipers. Yep, they show up next. Let's talk about the Vipers. You're like a 50s greaser, greaser gang, of course.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And they're just like open criminals, like broad daylight running protection rackets on like some random asthmatic kid on a bike. And a guy gets out of a truck with a pipe, like an adult maniac is going to kill them with a pipe. And they have no idea they're in danger. Like I just can't get a handle on, on who thinks they're about to die in this movie.
Starting point is 00:16:56 So they go from like a near pipe fight to the death with a, with a strange man to like making fun of the kids for being nerds. They're like, oh, you're fucking reading comic books. We're high school bullies now. You're like, no, no, you, you guys run a protection racket. And then this is when we meet Mr. Sumatra, who like tells them to go away. Yeah, they asked him what they should do.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And he says, in my day, I'd report them to the Tantan Makut execution squad. And they're like, holy shit, Mr. from Sumatra. Is that an option? Newstand guy? Guy who sells us jelly beans? Those cocaine children.
Starting point is 00:17:35 So Vinny, the leader of the Vipers is also his girlfriend is Sally, who is definitely supposed to be the same age as the rest of these nerds, which would appear to be, they say in the movie at one point that she's 15, although this part of the movie, this first half, takes place earlier. So she's actually 14 and looks 13. And she's in a relationship with the leader of the gang Vinny,
Starting point is 00:17:58 who appears to be, I want to say 32. And no comment about anybody, of course, on this. So pretty authentically 90s, I think. Yeah, she's, she's definitely still in high school. And he is like a crime lieutenant in a, in a, in a crime town. Mr. Sumatra then gets some, some sort of revenge for the boys, but this service to just establish that voodoo is very much real. He blows like dust out of a jar and it causes Vinny's car to crash.
Starting point is 00:18:27 So right away we're like, okay, voodoo is powering this movie. What is the logic with the, the dust? Does it possess the vehicle? What is happening? Car crash. That is magic dust. There's a moment where, uh, like Mr. Sumatra knows this girl Sally.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Like everybody in this town knows you. There's only 10 people living in this town. And the way he says, he goes like, salut, all those boys bother. I was going to do his voice again. And he has the crazy eyes like any child would run from this fucking guy. And then he pulls out these cremated ashes from a milk bottle and blows them into the street. And it's just, it's just so much madness piled on top of itself.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Uh, and again, Sally doesn't care. She's like, oh, thanks for crashing that car with your magic dust or your. That contains my boyfriend who I still like. Yes. Uh, and it's clearly like their mom's car. Uh, and that's like the end of that whole thing. Right. And then Sally goes to our hero's house and climbs up this fire escape.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And then they make out. So like the movie's over, the hero one, the villains have like, had their car destroyed by the magic voodoo guy. And Tommy, who has displayed no personality so far, not even one trait is just run over. Like she's climbs that fire escape and is like, we're fucking making out. You idiot. And just get it.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Just powerhouses that kid. I just, I gotta say Tommy looks even younger than she does. He looks like he's eight. And I was really uncomfortable watching this extremely long scene. There's no part of this movie that fits together with any other part. Like ages don't match up. Characters aren't there. The towns, the times it's just a jigsaw slapped together of crazy things.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Again, for what it is, it manages to look pretty good. And that's a pretty substantial budget. So I have to assume these are either deliberate, Kubrick style, psychologically unsettled viewer choices, or they're fucking crazy. They're just fucking crazy. Well, with that make out scene in mind in the documentary that we watched, Elfman kept like emphasizing how good he is with kids. It was pretty.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Not a great, not a great thing to say. Yeah. What I want to point out is that this is probably a union set. Like it's a professional production, which means that they went by union rules and these children under the age of 18 when they're doing the sex style stuff had their parents there. So like their parents were watching them probably have their first kiss in front of this film crew.
Starting point is 00:20:59 She does say it was her first on screen kiss. I'm assuming that was Tommy's first and only kiss. They're 14 and attractive. The hot, these kids are so hot. So, I mean, they probably kissed before, but like, I'm just saying. Can you do that in the voice you're not allowed to do? Let me do it in the voodoo cop voice. Okay, from the top.
Starting point is 00:21:22 So this make out session is cut short by the nerd's plan. And the nerd's plan is to get the bullies to murder them. Just that's, that's gotta be the plan. It has to be the end goal. So they spot the Viper stripping a car and top they radio Tommy to stop his make out session and he does, which is the first bad move. And they for the for the walkie talkies, they use their code names, which are Tauntaun Makute one and Tauntaun Makute two.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Call them so they deserve to die. That's trying to make you lose sympathy for them. Well, it's amazing. It's amazingly effective. Oh, okay. Yeah. I don't care if you die, but so his nerd plan is to narc end of plan. He grabs a camera, finds the Viper's committing a crime, calls the cops and
Starting point is 00:22:15 then runs out to show the cops the evidence in front of the Viper's because he hates life and living it. And he's taunting them as they get arrested. And they tell him what they what happens that they tell him will be out of jail in a few hours and we're going to kill you. They're out of jail in a few hours and they kill them. I'm going to be skipping ahead a little bit. It's just, I love that they said exactly what they're going to do.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And then they did it. And then just to the surprise of almost nobody like, oh, yes, that is the next step in what just happened. I love this because it's so stupid, but it has this sort of flawless fast moving movie logic like a Disney show. Like, like this isn't how the world works, but it's clearly how this movie is going to work. And you can't find any plot holes.
Starting point is 00:23:02 You're like, those guys have a reason to kill them. They said they're going to kill them. They killed them. Yep. I think if the movie is from their point of view, this is your, just turn the movie off here. It's a job. Well done.
Starting point is 00:23:14 It's a happy ending. Fucking killed those kids. Every scene has a little button. Like, you can start this movie at any time and you're like, that was a fine, well-structured movie. So for, okay, they're not dead yet. I skipped ahead a little bit. Vinny goes to Big Mo for help.
Starting point is 00:23:28 She's played by Meg Foster in a huge fat suit in a pompadour. Which is, yeah, from They Live and Master of the Universe. They just put giant shoulder pads on her. And I thought, um, she's just playing a trans man. And one of the vipers calls her, she with like a laugh, like he misgendered the trans man as a joke. And I thought, wow, this is so weird. But then for the rest of the movie, they just refer to her as a woman.
Starting point is 00:23:53 So she's just like a, just a man. Like she's got a man-ish like personality and a hairdo. I seriously don't get it. Yeah, she's a Nick Foster. You want to play this like a dude. A butch lesbian, overweight greaser with a pompadour and a North Face jacket who fucking kicks ass. Kick ass.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Cause she is having so much fun. They're like, okay, play it up like you're like a, like the fawns. And she's like, oh, hell yes. I'm going to show you double fonts, triple fonts. Fucking five more fonts on top of that. I had such a crush on Meg Foster as a kid. I love her in anything. She had so much.
Starting point is 00:24:30 He was the best part of this movie. But also just, yeah, I'll, I'll, I'm down with that. I'm down with Moe. I'm down with any character. North Face jacket. It does it for me. Leave it on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:40 And she has like a real like fun menace to her. Like she's like, like she's having a good time, but clearly she murders a few people a day. And so when they bring Tommy and Tommy's like fucking, he still thinks he's in the Hardy Boys movie. He's like, ha, ha. I'm me and my detective club got you. And she's like, oh yeah, put him in the closet and murder them.
Starting point is 00:25:01 We're like, what the fuck? She gives him a chance though. She's like, he comes in like, ha, you're never going to murder me. I'd like to see you try. I'm a child. And she's like, listen, are you sure? I do murder kids. She's like, no, murder me.
Starting point is 00:25:16 I demand it. And then they card him off. But he has a chance to just like stop doing that. Well, they bring they bring in like these sacks of slips. What along these slips? We got like the bookie slips for local like, you know, bookie, bookie lines. And so the kids have the scheme to steal those.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And no, Tommy has that scheme. And the other kids are like, you're going to get us fucking killed. Will you stop it? And what I love is his idea is all these people will somehow know that the slips got stolen. And then they'll say, hey, yeah, my horse came in first. So you have to give me, you know, five to one on the bed I gave you, which was a million dollars.
Starting point is 00:25:57 So they think there's going to be some sort of class action fraud scheme if they can just move these slips out of the room. And again, in the logic of the movie, this, this is what would happen. So they're like, they took the slips. We got to get those fucking slips back. And then they gun them down. They take the slips, absolutely ensuring that they have no other choice but to be murdered.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Like they're not getting away with it. They see them like run away. And then it cuts to them the next day. The cuts are so quick here that it's fucking hilarious. It's one of the funniest scenes of child murder I've ever seen. But the cuts are so quick that they show them getting away. And then jump cut, you see them like on the curb reading comics. Like, yep, that was the end of our adventure.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Jump cut. The gang gets out with shotguns and fucking butchers them. Just blows them away. Fucking slow pan to a bloody asthma inhaler. I did. I did laugh at the CME feel that when Big Mo goes to the main grease. So I can't think of his name and she Vinny and she hands them
Starting point is 00:26:57 all these guns, but she keeps like grabbing them from this invisible pocket and little trench coat. She has a shotgun, like three revolvers. I think she's just pulling out. She rules. Big Mo's the best. It's not a fat suit. It's all guns.
Starting point is 00:27:12 All guns. And then they just leave the kids to die on the. Any town USA undressed movie set. And that's the end of the movie. It's the best move. No, Mr. Sumatra. Stop there. Stop there.
Starting point is 00:27:26 It would be a complete story. No, Mr. Sumatra sees some dead white kids and then it shows his face looking like I have an idea. Fuck. Wait, no, you can't infer that we're supposed to know what the idea is and you have no inference for this point in the movie besides the title, besides the title. Like if you were just watching it cold from the story, you're
Starting point is 00:27:49 just like, wait, what, why did you get an idea? Why did you get a really good idea from dead white kids, Mr. Sumatra? So he sneaks back into the funeral home. They're being displayed, not the cemetery where like he could do this in private. The funeral home where they're still on display for like family to come and see them.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I want to stop right here. I want to go back just two quick scenes. We did the 10 seconds of funeral. But before that, my notes just say Sally and the strange local newsstand owner hugging their bathrooms on the street by the child corpses. I just wanted to say that that's the notes I took. You're right.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I'm sorry I skipped that. I thought that was very strange that she's like, hey, local newsstand owner with the crazy eyes and the voodoo powers. I know we're underpants, but maybe maybe we should hug here by the head boyfriend of 40 minutes. And by the way, do you have any voodoo for this scenario? Turns out he does. So he sneaks back into the funeral home where they're still
Starting point is 00:28:48 on display and bone saws the children's heads off. He's a good guy. He's arguably the main character. And then he returns home to throw the heads in his voodoo vat which is always bubbling as all Caribbean people, I assume, have. So he owns a cauldron, a bunch of goat parts. In 1994, this required no explanations.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Viewers would be like, Haiti, say no more. Yeah, they don't even, I don't think they even comment on it. They're just like, yeah, you, yeah, you know, right? I love this because this is where the neighbors we talked about them earlier. They come and they complain to him about this, the stench from the boiling child corpses. And he's like, oh, yeah, this must be my cat.
Starting point is 00:29:32 He's got like a dead cat that he's like fucking around. Yes. You're like, okay, good. He's got it. This is part of his cover story. But no, he throws it in the pot. He's like, yes, toss a dead cat in there. He's making voodoo.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I don't think he knows what he's doing. This is just a fucking stew. It has to be ad-libbed when he says, I really want to do the voice. I'm not going to do the voice when he says the doctor of cats predicts he will soon be bursting with help. He also, he also keeps calling his home a condominium, which I think is really funny.
Starting point is 00:30:05 It's extremely funny. It's the funniest thing you could call it. It's what it is, I guess, but like it should be like a voodoo fortress or a cave, but the script is like, oh, let's make it like a little condominium. He has to be with his agent way for the cauldron. My home, even just saying like my flat lens, a certain like charm, I guess, but my condominium.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I retire to my condominium. Damn it. I'm doing the voice. You're doing the voice. It's so hard. So, okay. So the cat goes into the vat. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:37 He's just making a big mess. He has their heads and he's polishing the tiny heads. He's got these emperor Ming robes on and he's like adding his own blood and it's just like, I worry that if you were a black actor who could do a patois accent, you filmed this scene several times a week in 1994. So again, this is just racist shorthand at this point in human history.
Starting point is 00:30:58 But yeah, it's really fucked up. There's like all these close ups of the child head props and there's just all this ritual and all these magical things, but then they're just sitting on Folger's cans. So like that, I just want to reiterate, I don't think this character knows what he's doing. Obviously the filmmakers don't know anything about this stuff, but I think the writers trying to let us know that the character
Starting point is 00:31:21 himself is just fucking around. Yeah, I don't think he's made shrunken heads in the past. Right. He's following a recipe. He's looking off to the book. Now you think I could just use Folger's cans for this part? It says ceremonial ash. I don't have those.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah. This feels real. Got a little dead cat. So he's subbing the boys spirits to animate the tiny heads, but the fat one does not want to live. Like they quickly establish some like powers and personality. And they're like, Tommy's going to get electric powers. And the Freddy is a little reluctant, but he's trying his best.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Bill would rather be dead. He would just rather be dead. He doesn't want to come to life. He's like, your helpless heads in the basement of their green lantern salesman. So he taunts him back to life with jelly beans, which were his favorite snack, but then he puts them, they're called whizzo jelly beans.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And he puts them by his face and says, eat the whizzo. And that's, that's what that's the voodoo word that gets pulled back. And he immediately asks not to live anymore. He says, you're like, oh, he didn't want to live. And then he comes back and he's like, I don't want to live. Did you not get that? Did you not get that?
Starting point is 00:32:37 I wrote down a line. He said, I might do with the voice a little bit. He says, I have boiled you and I have lovingly dried you. I mean, that's what anyone wants. You fucking owe me your life, you little bitch. I fucking dragged your head off. You fucking, you will live and you will like it. Billy, his exact words were, this is so bad.
Starting point is 00:32:59 This is so bad. I'd rather be dead. I wrote that down. He immediately says the thing you don't want him to say. But then they learn they can fly. So now there are tiny shrunken child heads with some with telekinetic powers who can also, they can all fly. And they start zipping around the tiny room.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And now they're, they're okay again. And God damn it. I'm going to do the voice here in my condominium. You will be safe. Revenge will be your sustenance. And as your thirst for vengeance grows and blossoms and all traces of your humanity begin to vanish, you will find yourself not only able to fly, but to kill.
Starting point is 00:33:39 So good. Here in my condominium. I like how before they started flying, he's like, Oh, you're going to get some powers. Like I don't know what they're going to be, but they'll, they'll be something that he's pretty sure it's flight because he does throw them into the air like, like a, like a baby bird's mother.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Like just come on, figure it out. Just absolute blind luck that they could fly. We find out those powers next in a training montage of child trunk and heads, which is fucking great. Yeah. I want to say that's pretty clear. There's a problem in this town that, that the police haven't been notified that there's three kid
Starting point is 00:34:16 heads missing from the morgue. Like I just feel like I should have come to some cops like saying, what the fuck is going on in this town, even if it's just that. Yeah. We needed the scene of some family member, discovering these headless bodies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Even just like Sally mentioning like really fucked up what happened to Tommy. Like he didn't deserve that. I would love to see some missing heads, postills around the town. Like this would be a way bigger deal than the child murder. I think like child murder would make, you know, third page front page as somebody steals the child's
Starting point is 00:34:52 heads from a few, like that's, that's the mortician being like, look, it is. Once you leave the kid with me, it's not my responsibility to keep their head attached. I will make you a new head, but it's going to cost extra. And it's fucking. So the training montage, which is my new favorite,
Starting point is 00:35:06 new favorite training montage. It has them stabbing mannequins with knives, biting throats and shooting lightning. And then we realize eventually those are their powers. Tommy, Tommy gets to shoot lightning because he's the main character. Bill bites people. He's a bite expert, which is not a new power for a head.
Starting point is 00:35:24 He's chubby. So he has eat powers. Freddie. Oh, I just got that. Yeah. That's why he buys. Yes. I told you at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:35:32 The black one got a switchblade. I don't. I don't. I'm not comfortable talking about it. He got a switchblade that he carries in his mouth. And he has to carry it like concealed in his mouth. So he can't talk until it's time to spit the switchblade out and then carry it in his teeth and stab people as a tiny shrunken
Starting point is 00:35:51 head. Tommy is a fucking professor X and a. Electro. Like he has amazing powers. Fat kid can bite. He gets all the powers. And then. Fat kid, fat kid eats and black kid has a switchblade shrunken
Starting point is 00:36:07 head. There's a shrunken head flying around of a black child with a switchblade in his mouth. It's all you really need to know. Yeah. We cut to a year later. I don't know why that cracks me up so much that these tiny heads needed.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Why would you. Like it could have been a night or something for it. They didn't even need it. Like it's all so magical. Like they could have just come out of the fucking Folgers cans with powers and no one would have cared. But we. I would have loved to see like what type of routine that
Starting point is 00:36:37 was going on. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I would have loved to see like what type of routine they have now in the house. Like do they like help make breakfast. What's going on.
Starting point is 00:36:56 The only difference we see is now they call the guy master. They say yes. Now that's the only difference. Totally not comfortable with that. He called them his children and they were like yes master. But then like when they're not saying specifically that they're kind of like normal.
Starting point is 00:37:12 They're like joking and sassy. And then when it's time to address Mr. Master they're suddenly you know zombies. More just so many problems added in at every time there's an empty space with a shaped like a problem. They're like we could put a problem there. The problem in there. Fucking nightmare.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I also wonder how many times he's done this. Like how many how many of us boy heads are flying around the night right now. He makes it out like it's his first time. But don't check the closet. It's got 600 boy heads in there. All on their own separate quest. It's why we cut to a year later.
Starting point is 00:37:49 So everybody be clear that like these are crime fighting heads like like he's talking about vengeance but it's not specific vengeance against this one gang like like their superhero shrunken heads to just get vengeance on all evil and crime. And so when they go out tonight they're not they're not going out for specific revenge. They're just like patrolling the city like Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:38:13 To yes to murder and apparently it's their like first night. So they needed that year of hardcore training to go out into the night where they just immediately find a mugging and slash the man's throat. No they like he never sees that there's a head and he's just there. He's mugging somebody and then he's like spurting blood.
Starting point is 00:38:34 It's fucking samurai anime style. And then they come back to bite and electrocute and stab a nearby hobo who was who the movie I think forgot to imply was involved in this. I said I thought he was involved. But but you're right like I don't know if they had the training necessary to make that judgment call. He was standing like here's where blocking comes in
Starting point is 00:38:57 because he was standing like 30 feet away and was not in the establishing scene of them mugging her. So then when they come back to murder him it's just like who the fuck is that guy. But yeah. If I was a shrunken head with a with a mouth knife I would have killed him. But like again I have terrible judgment.
Starting point is 00:39:15 So I don't know. No body camps on a shrunken head. No body. But also what laws are these heads defending of like only going by the law to set this super cop used to defend back in Haiti. So yeah they could be. Maybe these people are talking shit about Mr.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Sumatra and he's like you're my taunta on the coop boys. They're not having fun. I should point out like these it's very robotic when they like tear these two men apart. Like they are training for it. Yes. Like there should be some sort of a joy in being a flying head that like if you were 15 and you're dead you're like
Starting point is 00:39:52 oh this sucks but I am a flying electric head fighting crime. There's a part of this that's awesome. Yeah it's it's it's part of the movies. Uncertainty about what exactly it is because so much of like the setup and pacing. It's it's like a kid's movie. It's like a kid's adventure movie.
Starting point is 00:40:13 You're supposed to think this is a grand adventure for children even if there's they're going to turn into shrunken heads or whatever you're like OK now the fun begins. But then they're like being drained of their humanity. So it is a horror movie. Right. But they didn't make a horror comedy. They made a horror and a comedy and just veered wildly back
Starting point is 00:40:30 and forth between. They're they're voodoo cop slaves. But Tommy still has a little bit of life in him. So he goes to his to watch his ex-girlfriend sleep. Of course because Tommy's a creep. We knew as soon as we saw him Tommy is a little creep. I actually booed at the TV. I did not like this.
Starting point is 00:40:48 He gets right in her face and I know it's a fuck this. He sees the locket that Vinny gave her. So like she went back to dating Vinny the guy who murdered him right back to it. And it hits him that. Oh he can't make this relationship work. And he says the master was right. There's nothing more for us here in this world other than revenge.
Starting point is 00:41:08 So he came there with intentions to like get things going again. He's like look I know I'm just a tiny head. But I think I can bring a lot to our relationship. But I do have lightning powers. That's something like maybe they tickle. We won't know until we try. It's not a locket. And now it's like OK.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Back to Planet Vengeance. Mr. Sumatra. Luckily Mr. Sumatra summons them all back by leaning out of his. I'm going to say Brooklyn apartment and blowing a Ram's horn. Oh my God. It's just some in the back like just somebody's got to lean out. What did you call this? It's a Ram's horn isn't it?
Starting point is 00:41:48 What did you call his home? It's condominium. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I called it an apartment. It's out of his condominium. The guys that they killed, they twitch and get up because this movie is fucking crazy. And when the shrunken heads kill someone, they turn it into like upright citizen zombies.
Starting point is 00:42:06 So they're like picking up litter and like doing like, I don't know, public good. And there's a little newscast about it. So the newscast is talking about these zombies that are doing all this civic good. But they have like low blood pressure. Like, like it's just in the text of the movie that people know about the upright citizen zombies. It's very strange. I love it. I love that you turned into a zombie.
Starting point is 00:42:32 If you get killed by the switchblade of the child head. It's not some red by bite or contact or even magical lightning. If he hits you with that switchblade, you turn into a fucking nerd. I love any time they kill someone with that switchblade because the head just looks so funny as it zips on through with the switchblade and slices. They like matched the speed perfectly for comedy and nothing else. Head with a switchblade has to be. The heads will sometimes be like a half an inch tall, sometimes be like a foot tall. If you're moving towards the camera, the atmospheric perspective just like ruins the entire illusion in violent ways that I think is very funny.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I love head with if nothing else. If I took nothing else from this movie, head with a switchblade is my favorite character. Almost in any movie. Except for Herkimer Homulka. Herkimer Homulka is still better than head with a switchblade, but only just the vipers next have to rough up Mr. Sumatra because he's not paying protection. They've taken over this entire neighborhood in that year and they did it by running the meekest goddamn line I've ever seen. Like they're so shy and worried about it.
Starting point is 00:43:48 They come up to him with like Mr. Sumatra. It seems pretty safe around here. You know, we did that. So if you want to chip in a little bit and he comes back with I will cut your tongues with bolt cutters and then he gets a laser eyes. Yeah, he tells them he's going to chill their brains to garnish the tongues. It's just like four or five steps too far to be a threat. And it's just like, okay, buddy, you're giving me the whole recipe for how you're going to eat my head. And then he gets the red eyes and they're like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And then he six his pet child heads on them, which I guess he takes with him to work like an office dog. The shotgun under the counter. He's got like a little boyhead case. He just flips it open in broad daylight. They just chased him down the street. So we're no longer like it just again, they set up these rules of like, you must patrol the night. And then he's like, well, fuck that. I need some boyhead action right here.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Well, no, that doesn't sound great. And I am out. All right. That's it. That was a good podcast everybody. That's an appropriate segue to the next scene. So after they chase them off, there's a weirdly erotic shower scene with the director's son playing booger. And he is just feeling himself up.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Nobody showers like that. Like you learn to shower from a shampoo commercial, I guess. Yeah, it's a or maybe like a Cinemax movie. Like if you replaced this with Shannon Tweed, you're like, okay. Yeah. Yeah, it's very, it's very PG 13. You know, recently in the news that Nepo babies have been trending like nepotism babies. And I have to imagine this is like the opposite.
Starting point is 00:45:32 This is a sex crime, possibly. This is like the scene that you take when you get off the bus from Alabama, you're like, God, I just need to get my foot in the door in Hollywood. Like, all right. All right. You can take your titties out in my movie. I'll give you a line. This is meeting Corey Feldman and the scene he gets you, but it's the director's male son. Force, forcefully erotic for no reason that pays off because he is, I mean, he's dead.
Starting point is 00:46:01 He's dead already. Yeah. This is actually something they did poorly in the movie. When they pull back to watch his throat get slit by the tiny shrunken head, you can see the shorts that he's got on. He's got him pulled down like just to the shaft and like you can see a bit of the shorts in the frame. Yep. He knows that I was looking. I just wanted to know if this director actually made his, his own son do full frontal in the film and he didn't.
Starting point is 00:46:25 He didn't. He's got little panties on. No sign. Just show some of the shaft. That's it. It's just, it's hotter. It's hotter with the little shaft. They don't like to see the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:46:35 We have to get off the shaft. He will have his son take the whole tip out and it's like, come on. Like when Chet Hanks is in the movie, balls and everything. I don't even know how to segue away from this. What do we, what do we do? They, they just immediately butcher these, these two that tried to shake down Mr. Sumatra and they reanimate as upright citizen zombies. We find, we find the friend coming to check on, on Booger who's been in the shower. He says for three hours.
Starting point is 00:47:08 So he's, and then he pulls back the carton to reveal Bill, the child, the fat child head, just sucking on his neck. So he's just been gently sucking on his neck for three hours, I guess. I do like how the friend looks in every possible direction except down. Got to check, try to check for flying heads. It's like 10 seconds. We feel he finds the body. So we cut to Vinny who runs into Mr. Sumatra and he's trying to get some banter going with Sumatra. And Sumatra is just like, you will suffer the torments.
Starting point is 00:47:42 He's, to which Vinny says, see you later, afro pops. That's so weird. It had to have been something like a different line. He flubbed like, what the fuck could that mean? I do want to point out that we skipped over something that happened during the shower scene. It cut back to Vinny who's in the car with his. We will never escape this shower scene. Yeah, it's very erotic.
Starting point is 00:48:05 And he's trying to talk her into losing her virginity in the car, like a well lit car in the center of the street that everyone's looking at. And he kicks her out and he says, I hope you get run over, you dumbass little bitch. That's a real quote. The punishment in 1994 for not putting out with your adult boyfriend was death. Anyway, that's just in the scene. Okay, so he takes off from Sumatra's newsstand after wishing, wishing all the best to his afro pops and finds his fellow vipers zombified and weeding the community garden. Booger comes around and tells him like, this is awesome. And he opens his mouth and a bunch of worms fall out and it's very gross.
Starting point is 00:48:47 And I learned from the behind the scenes documentary that Richard Elfman made his son do this for real. Just filled his adult son's mouth with worms after making him do a forcefully erotic shower scene for no reason. I'm so glad that that was an odd documentary because I had that in my notes. Like, what's that fucking real? That looked like somebody put real worms in that. That was real. And it's a close up on a mouth for that shot. So it could have been anybody, but no, it was actually the kid.
Starting point is 00:49:15 He was bitching about it a lot in the documentary. He was not happy. Yeah, you get the sense that they made him do maybe long takes and multiple takes of it. So like, maybe he was sucking on these worms for like a good six hours. Jesus Christ. We know who the favorite son is and it's not that one. It's whatever son isn't that one. It's also been a half hour.
Starting point is 00:49:36 So like, you wouldn't have like maggots growing in your mouth in that amount of time. So it's also like, it functionally breaks the movie. It's a bad scene that makes no sense. It's jarring in a couple of different directions is my point. So now it's perfect preparation for the next scene. Let's talk about the graveyard scene. I am confused by this scene. Really?
Starting point is 00:50:00 Really confused by this scene. He has a mind beam and he can implant his memories and someone else's head. So Sally comes to visit Tommy's grave and wishes for him to return. And then he immediately pops up behind her in tiny shrunken head form. And she fucking hates it because of course she's like, hey, good news. She's like, fucking holy shit. And he's like, no, no, calm down and uses his green like said, electro memory beam to show her his complete murder.
Starting point is 00:50:26 And then explain the entire movie again as though somebody would be lost. Yeah. So I love about this is you guys are you guys are both writers. You understand that in any movie, you don't want to do this. You like if one character is explaining something to the other character, the viewer already knows we don't need to recap it for them. But this movie does. This movie is like, let's have him explain it to her and watch the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:50:47 We're not going to fade away. Yeah, it's a crazy decision. A crazy decision. And then the only one. The only one scene and let's move on from the graveyard scene. Wait, no. Tommy says, let me be close to you now to share our last embrace. Sally foolishly asks not why or why won't you get away from me?
Starting point is 00:51:09 She asks, well, how do we do that? And then he zips up under her shirt and gives her a final dignified, tiny shrunken head motorboat and just motorboats her breasts. Before flying wordlessly off into the sun. Leaving her confused. My notes are all caps for like a hundred words. Give me all, give me all of them. He goes up her fucking shirt, shrunken head, grope and escape.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Fucking what the fucking fuck. That's how he, that's how Alfman pitched the movie too. Just a tiny shrunken head motorboat and titties the game in and just had a hot girl there and he motorboated her titties with little shrunken head. And it's like, this is real. I bought this. This would used to be a person. Let's make a move.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Let's make this fucking movie. So Sally goes to Simatra's place and just shoves her way into his condominium. And my condominium. She's in a lot of danger, I would say. All we know about this guy is he's very weird. He cuts the heads off kids and he makes weird voodoo soup. He comes from a voodoo cop background for war criminals. But she's just like shoves her way and she's like, God damn it.
Starting point is 00:52:29 I knew you made all this voodoo shit. She's not upset about all that so much as like, hey, how come you didn't tell me that my new boyfriend murdered my ex-boyfriend? Like you should have let me in on that, you dickhead. Do you have the line he responds to the exact line? Well, I don't know. He says, good and wholesome girls in their teens experience love and feelings in their hearts for evil doers, Sally.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Wow. End of line. What the fucking was? I didn't explain why you didn't tell me this, dude. Well, you see, Sally, all teen girls, all teen girls love murderers. Is that what you really just fucking said? Yeah, they love bad boys. They love murderers.
Starting point is 00:53:13 He tries to explain to him what the fat kid tried to explain earlier that this is cruel. This is terrible people. And he's like, no, no, no, no. They're not like real people. Fuck them. They're fucking dead kids. They don't have fingers. They're trash.
Starting point is 00:53:25 It's just he tries to explain it like it makes it the opposite of cruel, but it's the cruelest thing he said. Yeah. It's like, no, see, I don't care about them. So it's not cruel. I don't get what you're not getting. Yeah, like I don't give a shit. So but Sally does not believe that Tommy the Tom machine was truly gone because he motorboated
Starting point is 00:53:45 her like they used to do just moments ago. And in fact, let's do that again. Let's do that exact entire scene again, but slower and with more detail. So to prove they got a hopefully a chest double for this, right? Like they didn't use the little girl for this scene. I think clearly not because I think how they achieved this effect was to get an adult woman with breast implants and then have the actual child nuzzle up against her breast. So I don't think it's better than what you're suggesting, but it's bad in a different way.
Starting point is 00:54:22 No scene in the documentary will be actress says that was my fulsed on screen motorboating. And I think it went off just perfect. It is 40 minutes long. It is so much so troubling. It's so detailed. So it's all to prove that Tommy doesn't discuss her in his tiny disgusting form. So she turns away and opens her shirt all the way. And let's tiny Tommy had Tommy's tiny head in to like creep up her stomach, creep up nestle
Starting point is 00:54:54 against the booby really tuck into the booby. We're seeing all of this. We cut to Mr. Sumatra, who is watching in horror and confusion. He says, I'll give you some privacy, which before I was like, OK, maybe this is supposed to be like a motherly like bosom nuzzle. But then when he says that, I'm like, OK, it's definitely sexual. Like she's going to have sex with a little boyhead. He does watch it for like 20 minutes before saying, I will leave you alone. I've got enough privacy.
Starting point is 00:55:26 You kids have fun. I've done the voice for that one. There are two shrunken head motor voting scenes in this movie and all of them involve children. That's just that's just what happened. And one of them is watched by an old Kaburukop who's famous for war crimes. It's now a zombie movie for a few minutes because Vinny gets chased out of his home by the putt and the booger zombies. And here's another bold and strange choice is the zombies make a lot of fart noises. Like they're releasing gases, I guess.
Starting point is 00:56:05 But from now on, the movie is sort of a slapstick zombie chase movie with a lot of fart sounds. The whole city seems to be zombies. I don't think Mr. Sumatra thought this through to make little boy zombies that without any judgment or due process can turn anyone into an undead creature. So yeah, it seems to have converted most of the city at that point. That's at least the implication because Vinny is running from all of these zombies who are trying to bring him to Mr. Sumatra. And Mr. Sumatra has now gotten ready for this final showdown. And Sally asks him, we cut in on Sally and she says, is that really the uniform of the Tauntaun Makute? And we cut to him and he's dressed like a jazz pimp.
Starting point is 00:56:49 He's got blue blockers and a fedora. He's got a fedora and like a nice suit and fucking Blues Brothers glasses. And he says, yes, child. And I wore it proudly. Proud of those war crimes. Just a lot of a lot of lines that like if you wrote that and then two years later, the internet became a thing and you look up and be like, fuck. Oh, no. I wrote that he should have read the rest of that entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I was right there. He pulls out a gun and he asks Sally if she's ready to like fucking kill everybody. She's like, we're going to do capital punishment. Haitian style is how he puts it. And I don't know. This is just not at all we've been led to believe. Like we thought the heads would go take care of it with some sort of voodoo justice because he's like, no, we're going to go shoot everybody. They're here for distraction mostly while I murder people with a handgun.
Starting point is 00:57:41 And she's like, yeah, all right. But first, a very important question. She has to be careful how she answers. It's a very serious and dire question to ask a child. I'm going to do the voice. Is your maiden head intact? I got the rest of the court. I'm also going to do the voice.
Starting point is 00:58:02 He says to this little girl, only a female who has never had a male member inside her body can complete the spell. Thank you for having the rest of the quote. I was going to do it, but I didn't want to. I got your back. That's the absolute creepiest way to put it. Like if he would have said to the little girl like, hey, that little fucking head get its dick wet, like that would be better. You can't say the build inside to a child. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:26 It's a male member inside of her body. No. Like if you showed that clip of that actor to a cop, they would arrest it. They would open fire on site. They'd be like, I don't care what the script said for him to say. That guy said that out loud. Do you have the rest of this line? Do I have to do the rest?
Starting point is 00:58:46 Please, I want you to do it. Now go into the bedroom and dress in the gown in my closet. That's a hard no. Again, that's all one line. All of that. Yes, all of that is your main head intact. Only a female who has never had a male member inside of her body can complete the spell. Now go into the bedroom and dress in the gown in my closet.
Starting point is 00:59:10 You could not get a clear indication that you need to run or rather that it's already too late and you should have ran. You've made so many mistakes, but she does. She comes out in like a flowing like Clash of the Titans Virgin robe, just like I'm the goddess of the night. Let's fucking go execute this this gang. Voodoo cups, jazz pervert. Yes. It's just like the corpse at the back of a Cuban wedding is what he looks like. We can get Bernie's the grandpa into the back of a wedding reception.
Starting point is 00:59:43 That's the uniform of the tonsil of the coat. I looked it up just to see and it's not surprising. It's not. It's not. They wore like denim shirts and big straw hats and machetes. And so it's the opposite of that. They didn't wear the dark glasses usually, but that's it. They were not.
Starting point is 01:00:05 They were not jazz pimps. So Sally is just sexually strutting around in her robe. And then Tom Tom McCut guy blows his virgin horn into the night and then it cuts to a wiggling but like it cuts to big Mo's girlfriend in like a leotard outfit just shaking her butt for the camera. And so fantastic. And then the next thing that happens. Mr. Sumatra. Shoots his way in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:35 He knocks on the door. Someone answers it. He shoots them in the head and they come in. And Sally has like a halo of voodoo heads around her head. Like they're flying around and they're like so proud of themselves. And Tommy goes, Behold our bitch in chainsaw, Sally. Like great fucking mind. 10 out of 10 guys as they make themselves into a spinning lightning blade.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I just love that the very first thing you see after they go like we're on a crusade for justice. Is that this guy opens the door and they shoot him right in the fucking face. And like so Sally is like, Oh shit. But no, she's totally down with it. Rolling with it. Yeah. So then a big Mo just shoots Mr. Sumatra. She's like, Meg Foster is just this is fucking stupid.
Starting point is 01:01:17 We don't have to do all this. She shoots him. Then they just leave with Sally. They're now sort of a car chase, but not a serious one until they kill a bus of apocalyptic cultists like as a throwaway gag. They get cussed to them like as an airplane bit. Like, Oh, these guys are going to do something funny. They're like a cult, but no, they just get run off the road, hit the water. They sing.
Starting point is 01:01:37 No one escapes. I'm so happy Max gets to explain this to you. All the passengers on the bus will employees of video shops who had won a contest. Oh my God. To appear in the movie. And the cult leader was the director Richard Elfman. Amazing. Like a selling himself in the movie to all of these video store employees who won a contest.
Starting point is 01:02:00 That's why that scene was there. That's incredible. It's so much better than you could guess. I don't know what the contest was though. The contest was answered this. I was going to say email, but I guess it would be an actual letter answered the reply to this letter. Put a stamp on something and send it back to me that I want to be in the movie shrunken heads. And I don't have to pay you.
Starting point is 01:02:23 That's an honor for you. So we're in this high speed chase with a with a Buick Riviera, which is like a late 70s Riviera, not a great car for car chase. I love it. Stop speed. Freddie, the little head with the switchblade gently knife the tires. This does not work. Like five cuts over the course of I want to say two minutes. He's holding a switchblade to the tires, which do not pop.
Starting point is 01:02:51 And he has no other plan. That's all he does. Big Mo leans out to shoot him. So Bill flies up and suckles gently on her wrist before she explodes him with a shotgun. Again, having done nothing. And then Freddie seeing this floats underneath the tire in front of the tire where where nothing would happen to him. And will allow himself to be crushed because he I assume he just realized how useless he is even as a head. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:20 I was astonished because I didn't think they could be killed, but like just instantly defeated the second something hit him. Just one hit point. Nobody tried. Yeah. No one, no one thought to shoot them or run them over. Like, oh, these are just tiny heads, tiny child heads. Tommy does a lot better in this fight. He goes, he flies him for the car.
Starting point is 01:03:38 And again, he's just all he wants is Sally's approval. So he's like, look at me go Sally, look at me go. And he shoots to the windshield down Vinnie's mouth. It's just like he lets his rival eat him. But then he electric, electrocutes him esophagus first. And so they watch him slowly choke to death on Haitian magic. And that's how they kill Vinnie. Yeah, I guess that's what he deserves.
Starting point is 01:04:03 So Big Mo is going to kill Sally, but Mitzi, her girlfriend stops Big Mo and turns on her. Tommy, I guess his past all the way through Vinnie's digestive tract because he's back out now and he electrocutes her. So they retrieve the destroyed heads. Sally is fully on board with this entire premise now. She loves tiny flying heads and the murders they do. And she just wants her little head friends back. So I guess somewhere along the line, she no longer believes it's cruel torture. Like she said, the first time she saw him.
Starting point is 01:04:35 I'm not sure what convinced her it's not the middle. The motor. You're right. It was the second she said it before the second after the first one, which was just a tiny face against those titties. But it was that second slow detailed motorboating that really brought her around. And then the then the old voodoo jazz pervert asking her about her maiden head. She was like, this seems legit.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I like this. This is I'm on board fully. She is totally fine condemning the local criminals to an eternity of torment. And then Mr. Sumatra gives him or gives her the heads. He's like, here's this case. You take care of the head. So she's given control of them for any sequels or spinoffs to be determined. Still crossing my fingers.
Starting point is 01:05:17 It's been whatever. Not quite 16. 29 years. Not quite 16 and is responsible for the murdered child heads. So like that's her life sorted. Some some kids have to go to community college. Learn a trade. That's the movie.
Starting point is 01:05:36 There is a post credit scene, which is nuts. I would never. Yeah, I would never assume a post credit scene from this movie in this era. Like, why do you think you deserve that? Full moon always had a whole bunch of like extra stuff on their VHS tape. So I guess like they would be the people to really innovate for post credit stuff. Yeah, that's on the Roku channel. And as soon as the credits began, it began some of the movie.
Starting point is 01:06:00 He gave me no chance to see anything. The to be let me see all the garbage all the way to the end. That's why we love you to be the best. Yeah, that documentary would have been at the end of the tape too. So you would have gotten like a solid three hours of exhaustive knowledge about shrunken heads and who would do that? Who would even do that except for us right now? Which we just did.
Starting point is 01:06:24 We just did. What was the post credit scene? Mitzi just comes out later in her life. So I guess we've done three time jumps in this movie. One of them earned to find Big Mo and Vinny zombified and cleaning graffiti forever. So and then it like does a power zoom on him while she screams. So I guess the lesson is community service is worse than death. I guess also like this is weird because earlier he said,
Starting point is 01:06:52 no, I got something special for you. I'm not going to turn you into a graffiti cleaning zombie. You're going to get something much worse, but that's exactly the same thing as. He was talking big. You didn't have another idea. He had to go back to the recipe site. But it was all ads and he couldn't get to it and talking about like, well, my mom made this voodoo recipe first in 19.
Starting point is 01:07:12 He's like, fucking, I don't care. Just tell me a different thing. No, you know what? I'm just going with the one I know. If that's not the I don't know what the lesson is. I don't know what I learned here. I learned tiny shrunken head motorboating. I guess is not my fetish.
Starting point is 01:07:25 I'm really happy about that. It's not mine either. Max. I mean, I need to watch it again. There has been too much violence, too much pain, none here without sin. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Give me your artifacts. Hot dog supreme's. Give me your sexy sci-fi photo shoots. Your horrifying secret comics. And the whole untubed sausage compound. And I spare your lives. Just walk away. I will give you safe passage in the wasteland.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Just walk away. And there will be an end to the horror. Three-finger Louis. Put down your boomerang and go. Aaron Crossden. Adrian H. Aiden Muat. Alpha scientist Javo.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Just walk away. Anandi. Is your heat cliff truly worth dying for? Just walk away. Andreas Larsen. You could live. You could have children. You could eat them.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Just walk away. Bando Nava. Badger. Benjamin Siranen. There are so many dogs in the wasteland. You could pet them all. Just walk away. Bim Talzer.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Brandon Garlock. Brian Saylor. Breanne Whitney. You would be a champion in the Thunderdome. Just walk away. Brockway loves the meat milling. Burrito Mal. Cerell.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Rev. Look at this sweet dune buggy rev. You can have it. Just walk away. Chance McDermott. Look at that sweet dune buggy. You can still catch rev and take it. Just walk away.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Chris Brower. Curious Claire. Dan B. Devon the Rogue Supreme. I know a place with all the dog food you can eat. Just walk away. Dean Costello. Donald Finney.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Dr. Awkward. Eric Spalding. My war party is badly in need of gimp's. Do you have a gimp resume? Just walk away. Fancy Shark. Jella Ho. Greg Gunningham.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Ham Bone. Haraka. Haraka's already gone. Good job Haraka. See he walked away. Just walk over that hill. Both girls. You could make them kiss.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Just walk away. Hot Fart. Jaber Al Aiden. Jeff Orasky. John Dean. Your battle wagon is mighty. Everyone respects a radio flyer in the wasteland. Just roll away.
Starting point is 01:11:12 John Hector McFarland. John Minkoff. Josh Fabian. It would be a shame to destroy that mullet. Just walk away. Josh S. Ken Paisley. If you go, I will give you Joshua Graves' mullet.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Just walk away. K&M. M. Jahi Chateau. Mack Miserable. Do you want to be stripped naked and strapped to my war chariot? If not, just walk away.
Starting point is 01:11:44 If so, just walk away. We can work it out. Matt Riley. Max Baroi. Michael Lair. Michael Wells. Just hop away.
Starting point is 01:12:00 I am sorry we ate your leg. You can still hop away. Mickey Lohman. Mike Stiles. Mojo. Indeed. Neil Bailey. Robert Alston.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Ozzie Olin. Have you seen Barter Town? They have pig races there. It's adorable. Just walk away. Patrick Herbst. Rain Vargas. Rhiannon.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Sarkovsky. Sean Chase. Spotty reception. You don't have to die like your father. Butt naked and upside down Thomas Cavazos. Life is precious and the dead cannot whip. They cannot name a.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Just walk away. Timmy Lehi. Toasty God. Tommy. Whalen Russell. We all read your poetry out here. We all read it, right? It's like really good.
Starting point is 01:13:04 It makes us feel ways about rivers and old broken guitars and stuff. Just walk away. We hate to see you leave but we love to watch you just walk away. I await your answer. You have a full day to decide.
Starting point is 01:13:20 You will be safe in the wasteland. Except for you, John McCammon. You're so fucking dead, John McCammon. Oh my god. John McCammon. You're fucked, John McCammon. You can try to walk away. It will not work. You're so fucking dead.

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