The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 152, 28 Days Haunted with Lydia Bugg

Episode Date: December 6, 2023

To inherit Seanbaby's fortune, Brockway and guest, Lydia Bugg, must spend one entire podcast talking about a haunted Netflix show... and SURVIVE. It's 28 Days Haunted, the ghost hunting reality show someone fistfights a ghost! Multiple times!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 1,900 hot dog! 1,900 hot dog! A podcast slammed with maximum height! Say hot dog podcast worked! Yeah! When you taste that nitrate power, you're in the dog zone for hours! Come on!
Starting point is 00:00:22 You don't remember! 1,900 hot dog! number. 1900 hot dog. 1900 hot dog. 1900 hot dog. 1900 hot dog. 1900 hot dog. Yeah, 9000. Welcome to the Doxo 9000, the official podcast of
Starting point is 00:00:48 We are the only remaining source of daily comedy articles written by highly talented and multi-paid humans. Go to our Patreon and support us. The URL is Slash 1900 Hot Dog. All your donations go toward the final, low-embror of Joyful Media. I was making ANSI jokes when everything was 24,400-bodd BBSs, and I'll be here to make the AI Murderbots work for it.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I'm TV Shubbid from the internet. And my co-host is Dance Belt Quarterly's most-improved bulge of 2017. The great rubber brockway! I've been working on it. I've been working on it. I've been doing my bulge dips. My bulge lunches, of course.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I'm Robert Brockway. here's a Brockway fact. I actually had a ghost hunting show where I went to haunted places and I got incredibly high and we saw how long it took for me to believe in ghosts. No fall of questions. I guess I don't have any. Our guest is a novelist and comic writer
Starting point is 00:01:42 and she brings happiness to readers every Monday on the illustrious comedy website, 1900 Hot Dog. Robert Brockwayne, please welcome local favorite Lydia Bug. Yay my bowl just better. But mine's in proving that's how I'm sorry. It is pretty sweet. I didn't want to mention it, but Very classy of you. I know it's hard not to come up with that number one spot Lydia do you have something you'd like to plug? What we have everyone's attention Yeah, sure follow me on TikTok. I have 6,000 TikTok followers and I feel like the Queen of the world It's a hell yeah at. At Unilidia. Oh man, first time, first time we caught Lydia with a plug on a wears.
Starting point is 00:02:30 That's true, usually you have a... Your plug? God, her comic. I know, I'm so succinct usually. Tonight I was like, nothing. I have a plug. Um... I want to plug the new Howard the Duck's 50th Anniversary comic book issue. It features a story by our own Mer, K, and it's great. You can go buy it at a comic book store right now
Starting point is 00:02:48 if your city's lucky enough to have one of those. Oh, so cool. Congratulations to merit. Yeah, she's a published Marvel writer. I want to plug our site, which you already did. I want to plug our site again. That's a good idea. I want to plug com again because we are as as of right now
Starting point is 00:03:06 we are a little over $14,000 in pledges but Patreon is about to kick our knees out from under us as they do every month. So we will not stay there. However, however, if we can get back over that quickly enough, it will be a week. We will have a solid week of all ape content. That's the content you want. Tough choices to make. The kind of problem you want to have. Too much ape is a good problem to have when you have ape week. I'm calling it right now. We're going to do Congo again. That's my promise to you. We will cover in some way, shape or form. Maybe we'll just watch Congo again. We should just redo the Congo podcast and see, you know, the little nuances we missed the first time.
Starting point is 00:03:50 We should redo the podcast, the Congo podcast every milestone and just add one more person in. And so like a few years down the line, it's going to be like 10 people all freaking out about Congo at the same time. It's going to be. I would actually sign up, but I would say no. I thought, why would I say no? That sounds awesome.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Great. Well, for puppet week, Liddy, you did Tim Curry faces from the Muppet movie. I don't see any reason you couldn't do that for Congo. Someone in the Discord suggested that. Oh, God, you had this. I was like, fuck yeah, that's a good idea. Okay, yeah, that's happening for sure. For puppet week. And Curry's Congo faces. That's the kind of content we promise you listeners. We're withholding from you, unless we can meet our funding goals. See, for a puppet week, I brought you a surprise cannibal pedophile.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I don't think I have a cannibal pedophile ape. What? What? I've got a fine one. With your help, with your donations. All of our pledgles are such threats to the listeners. And to like your writers specifically. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:58 That's true. It's always a punishment. Today's a very spooky podcast. We all watched the first episode of the fucking stupid, absolutely dog shit. Fake ass goes tonting show on Netflix 28 days haunted. I actually watched the entire season just so I can sort of, you know, lead us through this conversation with more awareness. I watched the entire season also by which I mean I did watch the sizzle reel at the start. I think that's where they just show like about two seconds of every day
Starting point is 00:05:33 to get you hyped for the show. I can promise you that's a hundred percent of what happens in the show though. Like I know everything you do. You're exactly right. You're exactly right. I usually watch way more than you guys ask me to just because I get into things. Didn't happen with this. I'm good. Yeah, this
Starting point is 00:05:52 show is so terrible and kind of in a fascinating way. We'll get into it, I guess. But before we start, there's one thing we need to do. As the show is dumb as all fucking hell, I worry we're only going to roast it. So to put more of a positive spin on the show, I want you, Brock Wayne Liddy, to take on special roles as we discuss. So, I want one of you to be a TV producer, and the other one is going to be a real ghost buster. Now, let me explain. The TV producers job will be to give notes to improve this trash for broadcast.
Starting point is 00:06:20 You have no ethics of relationship with the truth, and for the purposes of this exercise, you have access to all of Netflix's money Which is obviously limitless if you the CEO or nothing if you wrote them the hit show. Oh please me please I have so many notes already okay Brock, wait you have any Problem with being the ghost buster. I'd know explain my role as the ghost buster though It is quite simple. Your job will be to ensure the safety of the cast and crew for the purposes of the cast and crew
Starting point is 00:06:50 for the purposes of the exercise ghosts are real in our world and you just need to make sure no one dies. Oh, that can't be done. Do you think you could take on that responsibility? I mean, am I held responsible for all the debts because they're willing to open it? No, nobody cares. Liddy has unlimited money. She can just bury any of it. Yeah, Netflix kills people all the time. It's fine. unlimited money she can just bury any of it. Yeah, Netflix kills people all the time. It's fine. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:07 So that I'm totally as long as we have some sort of back home to bury the bodies in bulk because these are all the worst ghost hunters I've ever seen in my life. Eat without a doubt. I watch the full season and I can assure you it's worse than you can. My ghosts aren't real. Let me say that. I don't believe in ghosts go start real I'm amazed everybody survived this yes I do it lady do you believe in ghosts I guess we should get that out of the way you know I'm like one of those people who's like I definitely don't believe in ghosts but when I go into a haunted house
Starting point is 00:07:41 hell now okay like that's gotta be it on it. So it's not like 100%. There's a part of you that at least has, do I even go snow? Am I gonna test it now? Yeah, you don't wanna die to a ghost. Yeah, like living in the South, I feel like so many people believe in ghosts
Starting point is 00:07:58 for some reason. When I worked at a major corporation here, I was in a meeting with a bunch of people that were like MBAs and you know, like just people you would think of as being really intelligent and they started talking about ghosts and they just all believed in ghosts. Like literally every single one of them. It's a really normal thing to believe in. I never got it. So I believe in ghosts, 0%. I believe is 0% of ghosts unless I get high and then it's 104% I
Starting point is 00:08:29 Feel like I kind of believe it goes like sort of as fun Up until like I was a young adult and then I think everyone eventually gets to this conclusion if they think about ghosts too long But I was watching a video about Harry Potter and it was a Christian video talking about it. Harry Potter was evil And they were interviewing the witch queen of like Austria or something like what to me a video about Harry Potter and it was a Christian video talking about it. Harry Potter was evil. And they were interviewing the witch queen of like Austria or something like to me has to be like the most powerful sorcerer on the planet earth, right? And they're like, they're saying, Hey, every Halloween, we just open a portal, fucking random portal. We invite any demon or spirit that wants to come through. And the interviewer says, so have
Starting point is 00:09:02 what's come through. And they go, Oh, nothing. And I thought, if you can taught the supernatural this hard, as the most powerful source on earth, and fully admit on TV that you've never seen a ghost, I'm like, okay, they can't be real. And it just sort of took all the fun out of it. It's just like, oh, man. For me, there's like very clear politics behind who gets to be ghosts and who doesn't. It's always about a 20-year-old white woman. That's it. I'm like, man, in a country where we had slavery, I think there would be a lot more ghosts of slaves. They don't have any unfinished business.
Starting point is 00:09:37 They're fine. I think the white privilege appears between men and specters. Yeah. Okay, I'm curious. privilege, there's a bit of between reality. Yeah. So gasp. So the show is, it's about investigators in a social experiment. They're facing extreme isolation and trauma in a hostile paranormal environment. Do not attempt. That's the fucking warning on the show.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yes, which I think is great because Netflix is currently being sued by two other reality TV show participants for torturing them. So to like open up this show and be like, hey, we're torturing these people, I thought bold move. Yeah, I just watched the penultimate episode of Squid Game and they did that Squid Game thing where they jump across the Glass Bridge and they dump those people through trap doors where they felt like 20 feet into nothing. And maybe there's a trap he's net or something down there, but I'm like, there's no material on Earth where that was pleasant to land on.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Those like some of those knees got shattered. Yeah, so many got nerfed damage from that show. So yeah, not great. Like I said, it's like not super concerned about the participants. They're basically the jigsaw of television networks at this point. Somebody's got to be I guess We talked about this super tease where the show just shows like clips from the entire thing
Starting point is 00:10:57 This cabinets opening and closing on day four a strange noise on day five a shadow on day six Feelings of dread on day seven a demon on day nine something spooky on day 11 a vision on day five, a shadow on day six, feelings of dread on day seven, a demon on day nine, something spooky on day 11, a vision on day 15. Spooky sounds on day 15, 19, 20, a chair, tumble like downstairs on day 23, a demon fight on day 25, a demon fight on day 27, and that is what I wrote down as my notes as quickly as I could. And that is 100% of the things that happen in the show.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Actually, no, that's way more than 100% of the things that happen in the show. Actually, no, no, that's way more than 100% of the things that have been the show. Way more because none of those things happened. Yes. Most of those are arguments with air and the chair, tumbling on the stairs, who's definitely the cameraman filming the chair, tumbling on the stairs. Um, anyway, on any notes so far, TV producer, I thought this looked pretty good. Anyway, any notes so far TV producer, I thought this looked pretty good. Yeah, I love this is all real, obviously, at the beginning. It's great.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I do have some concerns about what's gonna happen in between those things. My original pitch for the show I have to say was, if they're saying this is like an experiment, and they're the whole, what I wanted to do was one of these houses isn't haunted. You know, totally not haunted, we know for effect. Two of the haunted.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And then you have to figure out that if one of them is actually not haunted, that would have been better. They turned me down for some reason. Oh man. See, I would have really liked if there was more of a prank element too, like if producers had rigged the house, just to sort of, because I, I feel like these ghost hunters know, like, I think they probably believe in ghosts, but they also probably know when they're full of shit, at least to a certain point. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:36 So I bet they get feelings of dread and they're like, oh, I've said something, whatever. But I also think they probably, like, cheat and say like, oh, I'm sensing the ghost of the guy I looked up on Google, that type of thing. Oh, yeah, 1,000% for sure. So like if there's any way that we can see them like fake information about the house or if we can, you know, just get them to be like, oh, this house is so haunted.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And honestly, best if none of them are haunted, but I would go for two haunted and one not haunted. Okay, I see. What I was thinking though is that you would have the house rigged to actually make spooky sounds, to have like supernatural things happen through special effects that the people filming the ghost hunt weren't in on.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So they would, I would honestly help far you could push it before like the fake ghost hunters, they really thought they caught a ghost. Like this is the day of Holy shit, that's a joke. But I before like the fake ghost hunters, like really thought they caught a ghost. Like this is the day holy shit that's a row, but I feel like it the fact at any time it would become verifiable they would know that it was a prank. Just yeah, I'd like to add a wrinkle here. Okay. I'd like for the contestants to know that that's the premise of the show so that they are
Starting point is 00:13:42 aware there is the possibility that this is a non-hunted house and they look like assholes. I would like them to, I would like to see that fear and nervousness as they're like, and they're like, oh, I told me that the walls are bleeding. Probably, I guess it could have been nothing.
Starting point is 00:13:59 I guess. I mean, God, I'd love that. I don't wanna commit, I don't wanna commit to that. That's the kind of psychological trauma we hear at Netflix would love to see. I would, Lichet. Watch the hell out. I would watch that.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I won't watch any more of this show, but I would watch the hell out of that show. I'd be fascinated. Watch the psychological destruction that ensues as they try to both cover their ass and also maybe catch a ghost. Is they like just right up until the end when they're hovering and being assaulted by visible poltergeists.
Starting point is 00:14:32 They're like, this might not be the one. I don't know. I can't do it. Yeah, imagine the way for thin line you have to balance on when you're like, I think I'm hearing a voice or maybe not. You're fucking idiot I'm right here. Yeah, it's coming, something's coming through. I, okay so the fiction of this show, this, this show taking place in our real world is that
Starting point is 00:14:59 Ed and Lorraine Warren, they're very famous paranormal investigators. They're responsible for the Amityville Horror Annabelle and the Conjuring, a lot of shit, you probably heard of. They had a theory that it takes 28 days to pierce the veil between worlds. Unfortunately, they died before they could prove it. I guess it doesn't seem very hard to prove. Like, you could do this easily any month of any year
Starting point is 00:15:22 with any of the ambulance or gems you prepare. Just. It feels like after death would be a great time to prove it. Why did that. No fucking shit. So they have a whole ghost society they started and it's being run by their son in law in law Tony Sparrow. Uh, so he doesn't have any of their paranormal research blood, but he knew their daughter.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Uh, anyway. Anyway, the plan is to of course to spend to film people spending a full month in a hot house. So it's like an episode of that so Raven only times f**king 28. I wrote down it's like the real world when people stop being polite and start seeing ghosts. That's adorable. I like that better than mine. We'll use that. Your great TV producer. That's why you're the that's why you're the best Yes, thank you. That's why Netflix plays me the big money to do the torture
Starting point is 00:16:12 so As a real ghost buster broccoli. Do you have any notes so far? Or do you think? Well, I think this is a survival as the real ghost buster. I do approve of taking That's the real ghost buster. I do approve of taking actual people that already believe in this thing and then putting them into an environment where they're supposed to believe in this thing and then seeing what, oh my god, they might believe in this thing. Like that, that's foolproof. I can't believe they actually got results using that system.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Yeah, that's crazy. I do, and see, I'm also the guy that's kind of in charge of safety, and I don't know where that line is, so I would like to see these houses child-proofed a lot more. There are no children involved, but I do believe it could benefit from a lot less sharp corners, and maybe if things couldn't swing open quite as much, I do believe there are going to be some possibly ghost, possibly not fatal head wounds. Just good call. They probably do have a lot of kids go through here on the ghost tours, as these are all
Starting point is 00:17:16 pretty famous ghost haunted locations. Yeah, I just, I worry about each of these crews being left alone in a house if that was the end of the premise. Like if the, if the end of the premise was we've taken these three people and left them alone for 28 days in a home. Let's see if they survive. Without free chewed food, they might die. So if I'm in charge of all of that, this is a disaster. It's a disaster already. So isolation is the key to this study.
Starting point is 00:17:43 So the investigators, they need to be all stupid and crazy for it to work. So they richly hand in their cell phones while they're blindfolded in a car. Like we watched them blindfolded in a car, like solemnly passing over their cell phones. I'm like the cut. I'm talking to our TV producer.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Is there any way to make this more dramatic? It seems maxed out, but. I would love it if they had to cross a shark pit with those blindfolds on again. That was vetoed. I did like the way everyone was like, whoa, we're wearing a blindfold. This is spooky. Like they made sure to say it all loud. In case we weren't sure if it was spooky or not. That was a note that I gave them. I like that the cuts that they implied were they would show them the blindfold and they would do these nice long aerial shots as like the
Starting point is 00:18:25 scenery changed as the car is like as you would do in a movie to signify like a cross country trip so I like the implication that they come that came out to like a car put on a blindfold and then at just like four days of driving like they flew to New Jersey but they drove to Denver Yeah, and in one note I did have about the locations was that did anyone notice that the the biggest spooky is looking house had a enormous Christmas ornament on the roof. That's a go's or so many star and you know what I asked to take it down and they said, I thought that was adorable. I actually made a note of that that that was kind of the only spooky thing about it because
Starting point is 00:19:04 it was like kind of a nice well kept building in a beautiful neighborhood. Like this is a $5 million home in civilization. And the ghosts are something to start sure that's weird but it's otherwise like it's fine. They didn't even like tell the landscaper to take the week off so the lawn is all nice. I'm saying this place is at best haunted
Starting point is 00:19:21 by the ghost of a tech bro who died on a ski trip. This place is, it's fine. No one's gonna die who died on a ski trip. This place is it's fine No one's gonna die here. Yeah, that's fully a functioning bed and breakfast. Yeah problem with each of these places is that The premise of your show is can we can these people survive the 28 days of living here and the answer is yes They could survive many decades. There are people living here full-time absolutely survive many decades. There are people living here full time. Absolutely. So here's I guess they keep explaining the premise to us as they show the the houses. The first team goes, there's three teams, which again, is it's too much TV packed into one show. First team goes to Denver, Colorado. Second team
Starting point is 00:20:01 goes to Madison, North Carolina. Third team goes to Preston, Connecticut. How far is that from you, Broadway? Um, well, there's nothing very far from you in Connecticut. Connecticut. Connecticut. Connecticut is really just like a city. Uh, yeah, that's probably like, I don't know, 40 minutes. Okay. So you can hear the screams from there. The ghosts scream. Yeah. Yeah, I could. Okay, good. I got a holler. They say my hair. So while they're doing this, you know, explaining the setting, they give a lot more details on the theory.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So, after 28 days, and I quote, the barrier between the living and the dead will become virtually not existent. So all of these secrets will come flooding out one of the investigators explains. So it all takes us one February in the hot house, and there is no difference between you and a ghost. And I think that is quite a theory. I'd love to see the data they collected. I guess in my head I pictured like a paranormal scientist recording a centar ghost after two weeks and then he'd be like, oh I can almost prove it and then
Starting point is 00:20:54 they cut his funding and they're like, God damn it! We'll never know, we'll never know. Like the ghosts are shy and they're just not going to talk to you unless you've been around for a while. And like if you go outside to get the mail it's like fucking that counts. Start it from the top. One lady in the car. I loved she says She can it feels to her like the ghosts know they're coming which is great because my keen TV watching senses are picking up some Narcissism from her Yeah, we made sure to get some of those on board just like for every other reality. TV show, even though it's like a small group, you want the narcissist. Yeah, it kind of
Starting point is 00:21:30 doesn't work without them. Yeah, I think that's pretty self-selectic. I think that's what ghost hunting is about. It's not as nice as it's like you have found a way to get attention to yourself psychics. The whole the whole deal is so this is just really and it's just had on a hat really like let's find insane Narcissist worthy of reality television and Paranormal experts wait. Oh my god these vent diagrams are a circle who would who could have for say who would it guest Speaking of Narcissist Tony Sparrow has a paranormal paranormal journalist Speaking of narcissists, Tony Sparrow has a paranormal journalist, some fucking nerd on the control room with an Aaron Sagers. Hey, that is the bad boy of Ghostbusting, Aaron Sagers. He has a leather jacket. He generally looks to me like Ben Shapiro doing like a right-wing comedy sketch.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Anyway, it's just me to his thing, as I've ever said probably but this could change it everything for how Dorx make up spooky stories He seems to think he thinks all this is real and all of its science and their setup is its night trap Everyone knows the hits a gaseedy game Starting data play don't night trap. There's there's cameras in every room And they like jump between them to get all the empty room action So okay, that's you get it now. I want to start with, I don't think, like first of all, that's correct. All every time they will jump cut to something frightening, it is an empty room. But I was just reflecting like watching just this first episode, even if there were stuff in that room, like you
Starting point is 00:23:04 actually showed me a ghost in each of those rooms. I still don't think I would continue watching this. Like even if you had a special effects crew to do it, I would be like, I can't find a better horror movie than this. Yeah, feel nice there. Literally caught a ghost episode one. We'd still all be like, me.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yeah, I don't buy it. Yeah, it does. Thank you. It does like drop so much dishonesty on you right from the start, where you're like, oh, this is so full of shit that even if they showed you a ghost,
Starting point is 00:23:31 like no one would believe it. And in fact, we've had a guest, Eddie Dodie was on and he said at its end ghost hunting shows and he said that one time they had footage of something legitimately paranormal happen. They saw something like move across the screen and they're like, what the fuck? They all kind of agreed like, that's a ghost. Like that fucking can't happen. And the producer said, yeah, cut that, that
Starting point is 00:23:52 looks fake. So there might be ghosts out there and we catch them all the time, but it just looks so stupid. No one like shares it with anyone. So here we are in Denver, and Amy, the sensitive, she stands outside, and I have a clip of her. She says some pretty fantastic shit. There's like a really heavy feeling. It's like, because it's pulling my stomach, which usually indicates that there's a type of male that's here. Pulling from your stomach it means male.
Starting point is 00:24:25 What about female? She's my head. It's definitely got a story to tell. I can feel that from out here, you know. Hi. Girls pull on my head. Guys, they pull my belly. Ghosts are very heavily gendered, obviously.
Starting point is 00:24:40 As it is in life, so it isn't death. Ladies pull the head head men pull the tummy I love this she said something so goddamn dumb that even a nearby paranormal investigation What are you talking about when you get in this shit? Wait, hold on You want to elaborate on that one? What if it's a lady ghost? Oh my head for sure. He's like huh I guess it my life kind of unravels if I call bullshit on that So that's it we cut cut now to Madison and
Starting point is 00:25:18 They take off their blindfolds outside a dry goods country store But not like a wild west one like one that's still obviously operating today with an old-timey theme. Oh god these two were, I was so scared for that woman because the man in this for one thing only two people a man or woman who don't know each other don't love that to begin with. Right. And two, I thought I said the guy was a dermatologist and I was really impressed for a second. So you must have been real like that. Yeah, turns out he's a demonologist.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I got a dermatologist to do this. Oh my god. Oh, a demon. Oh, fuck. I was like, oh, someone with a real job. Oh, never mind. But like, whereas ghost hunters, I don't really care about demonologists scare me a little bit because whenever you're getting into like this person is actually a demon
Starting point is 00:26:07 I don't think that's good. Yeah, so I was frightened for the lady in this group. Yeah, it's real weird They they never did get any sexual tension which was comforting, but I Did like how Brandy she immediately says oh? It's like just feeling the psychic energy guy like you guys the fucking energy is so heavy here guys So and she she's like oh my god. We're in for way more than we bargained for but they were bargaining for punching a hole between worlds So what the fuck and what they got was a still functioning dry good store Why would I mean like they sell jam? Like there is a prominent jam display. Uh, when you are trying to punch a hole through to the other world, you could theoretically
Starting point is 00:26:53 reach over and offer them smuckers just like right right off the cuff. They stretched their own tapy. Are the energy. I can't stand another day in this dry goods store. Oh, did you, maybe I'll pick up some pancake mix while I'm here though. Yeah, that's nice. Blueberry, I'm all mixed in already. Is anything scarier than capitalism, you guys? I really agree. I immediately did not think Brandy was going to survive.
Starting point is 00:27:19 That's one of the things. So like, will she survive 28 days with Jeremy the demonologist? Because he has a real angry dude energy. like, will she survive 28 days with Jeremy the demonologist? Because he has a real angry dude energy. Yeah. But Brandy says she thinks something tragic has happened here, which I think is a decent guest if someone blindfolds you and drops you off in a hot house.
Starting point is 00:27:37 I love that both her and Amy come to the same conclusion, which is that something bad has happened to a woman here. You were in like a 300-year-old home with multiple rooms, and you're like, I'm gonna guess that something in history may have happened bad to a woman here. I'm gonna take a step farther and say, maybe a man did it. Yeah, that's safe too. Jeremy uses demonologist senses to say, yep, I was definitely afraid of that, which is demonologist for fucking duh.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Yeah, this is a note I had they didn't take. What about happy ghosts? And everybody was just like fuck off. The Connecticut Bros. kind of ran into some happy ghosts. Not just not violent ghosts, I guess. A couple. A couple. Well, they were bringing a real sensitive energy to their, to their, they were bringing definitely like maybe we're gonna,
Starting point is 00:28:34 gonna try to get something together with these ghosts. Maybe we're gonna try to. Yeah, they were kinda on the prowl. They were like, they were looking for lady ghosts. Like those are not people that were inspired by, like a Connecticut hall take or whatever. Those are people that were inspired by that one scene and ghost busters.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Yep. By Ray's Bullet, Ghost Bottle Job scene. Yeah, we're like, that's my thing. I saw that too young. Yes, that's his fetish. And it's a hard fetish to chase. You can't just like ask a sex worker to turn invisible. Yeah, we've looked into that in Netflix.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Yep. Invisible sex worker. I watched the pilot and I was like, yeah. This is a great thing. Not much to see. Yeah. So, ready, she starts taking a real big swing. She's like, I see a woman with two little kids giggling near her.
Starting point is 00:29:27 And just so much energy, guys. Just a lot of energy coming. Anyway, that's it for Madison. We go now to Connecticut, where the three bros are outside of a place called Captain Grants Inn, and they say, wow, the energy coming off this property is pretty intense. They're all feeling it, and only one of them is psychic. So it's pretty good, wild, just wild. So in the other, our professed self called tech bros,
Starting point is 00:29:56 like just board, you put board tech bros, you know, I mentioned, just, not safe, not safe. Again, we're concerned. Again, none of my concerns as the ghost buster, I am not worried about ghost attacking these people. And I am aware that this is a universe in which ghosts are real. I am much more worried about just pranks, just like just drunken, drunken falls on his, spills, ha sports. Yeah, hazing going out of control and sleeping guys
Starting point is 00:30:28 In your opinion is the ghost expert. Do you think ghosts would find them too lame to bother? Yeah, that's what I'm saying I think they're saying I think everybody here is safe except for maybe Amy. I think if Amy Says some shit like like males pull on my belly and females pull on my head like as a ghost I'm gonna pull on that belly. I'm gonna pull on my head. Oh my god. Yeah. You pull on that belly and be like,
Starting point is 00:30:50 ha-ha, I'm a lady. Yeah, like, you gotta, you gotta, I'm gonna pull on your elbow now and you can be like, fucking, I don't know what that is. I know, I know, that's a goat, maybe. Dead goat's everywhere. And maybe that's one of the pancakes. Oh my god. Uh, I think I'm gonna eat dead pancakes and must be in a Where? And maybe that's one of the pancakes.
Starting point is 00:31:08 God, think how many dead pancakes there must be in their dry goods store. And furious, none of them die well. Furious dead pancakes die well. Something happened. Oh, man, did it. Okay, so let's, they cut back to Denver and these guys are feeling a lot of energy. Now, the narrator explains that the guys aren't psychic,
Starting point is 00:31:26 but they can recreate psychic powers. The same psychic powers of Amy with sensory deprivation equipment. It's just like how many of the X-Men are just normal dudes until they like sit at the bottom of a pool. But Amy's a natural they make it clear. She doesn't need to float in a tank or anything to feel just wow guys You guys so much heavy energy She's there with Shane Pittman is the guy's name. He has the intensity of a 40 year old trying to get into his first
Starting point is 00:31:56 Disfight and he says when science can't explain it. That's where Shane comes in He has a family a wife and four kids, and he left them for 28 days. That's fucking crazy. And his sidekick is named Great Causey, and he says surviving this will be his greatest accomplishment in his career, and it's very sad, but I think it's more sad because I believe him.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Just surviving, just making it through this alive. We'll be the greatest thing I've ever done. So he has a wife and five kids. And so these two men left two women and a total of nine kids alone for a month. And here's what I know about being solo with multiple kids. After a week, those women would sleep with anybody just so there's a pair of eyes on the kids
Starting point is 00:32:42 while she takes a shower. I'm just, I told this to my wife who were watching the show and she was like, oh yeah, yeah, definitely. Like she let me know if I left for a month. Like to chase ghosts. She's gonna bring in some babysitter. We in my buddy, left for a month and cut off all contact with the,
Starting point is 00:32:59 couldn't even call. Yes, can't even call. To chase ghosts. To chase ghosts. But it's their career, you guys. I did write down this is everyone wants to make this into a career So you have to remember that they're gonna be career ghost hunters. There's a lot of money in that Their kids their five children will be set for life well Brandi hold on Brandi at the at the dry goods store does say She's a fifth-genic this generation psychic. So this is a con that you can pass down
Starting point is 00:33:27 through the family. It's a, it's a hereditary brain. She's a daughter's a psychic too. Yes. The daughter's a sixth generation wizard. On the planet earth, this planet. Six generation Kentucky wizard. And for some reason her daughter didn't want to be on the show.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Right. Yeah. No sign of her. So to give you an idea of how good these guys are at how it goes. They come in and there's a flicker flickering light and they're like, oh yeah, that's probably ghost. It's pretty spooky. There's a noise. I mean, it's probably ghost. Old houses famously have great electricity, so that couldn't be that could be the issue. Amy has some misconceptions. She wants to clear up. I have a clip of that. I'm a sensitive and a paranormal investigator. A sensitive covers a broad range of things. It's not just like, oh, I can see dead people or I can read your future. Like, I consider a sensitive more of an energy reader. With my abilities as a sensitive,
Starting point is 00:34:30 I am much more prone to spiritual attacks. Being here for, you know, such a long period of time and having, you know, potentially dark forces trying to overtake me, I mean, that can be really dangerous. Okay, as Legos foster, those are my exact notes. My exact notes are, I actually tried to get them to screen for this. I tried to say, please make sure none of these contestants take double damage from ghosts because they will be going into the ghost pool. So it's not, it's generally not great. It's generally not great if you're like,
Starting point is 00:35:09 a lot of time, I'm targeted by gocelot. Just like, I'm not about, just running errands. I do find myself getting attacked by gocelot, so I'm a little worried about this show where I taught murderous ghosts. Yeah, and as the TV producer, I circled Amy's name and I wrote bait question mark next to it. Can we make her yummy or to ghost somehow?
Starting point is 00:35:30 I really liked that even in this world where she has super powers, it only makes her a super victim. This is fucking lady. She later reveals that she's also partially deaf you guys and this this loss of kind of one of her senses it really has enhanced her other abilities like her psychic ones. I need you to say that. And as soon as Amy brings up her partial hearing loss, everyone's like, oh god, here comes the ghost shit. Now I do have, I do sympathize with them because I have been having a lot of problems with my eyes lately.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I've got chronic dry eye. So I do see a little more ghost than you guys. I do have, it's almost like, like I've lost maybe 8% of the effectiveness of my vision, but I have gained 8% ghost. That's incredible, incredible. Amy probably wouldn't react very well to that. She's kind of a wet blanket every time the other guys are like, I hear footsteps. She's like, no, dude, it's because we're walking here. But she is correct. It's true. I think
Starting point is 00:36:40 her exact words where she goes, dude, we're doing this. And she kind of does some steps. And so maybe she forgot the word for walking? I don't know. But the point is, she knows the old wiring is ghosts, but she draws the light of creaky floors. She's like creaky floors as people walking on the floors. Not ghosts. They hear some clicks in one of the rooms
Starting point is 00:37:00 and one of the, I think Shane, he says, oh, this is creepy as shit. So I really love that this is the terminology used. It's not like he says, oh, this is creepy as shit. So I really love that this is the terminology he uses. It's not like he goes, oh, we have a minor class. Class D Poltergeist manifestation. He's like, oh, fuck, this place has hella ghost. I meant to hear that footstep. Fuck. Dog, I bet this ghost is from like the 1800s dog My boys, and you're a woman. There's no no. It's a Native American. They're unhappy about something Not getting that part who's to say Probably we didn't bring civilization soon enough
Starting point is 00:37:39 Jamie we're just gonna go ahead and Jamie keep it in. Amy says that she feels like something and like someone died here. I wrote her wording down very specifically. I think what happened here is, I realized in this moment that someone can die, but when their ghost is haunting them, they become us something.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Like, you're something is here, but it's never not the ghost of a human. I don't know, it just wasn't interesting turn-of-phrase here that sort of like betrayed how there is a language that goes to under speak and she isn't fluent in it, I guess. But she's getting heavy trauma vibes, she says. Vision of a woman with blood coming down her face. I think Ray almost rolled his eyes. I reminded a couple times of like I think this motherfucker rolled his eyes when she said that which I loved Yeah, I think they should have played up the drama within the ghost hunters and like their little niche beliefs a lot more
Starting point is 00:38:36 That would be fine. I do like that was a good idea was to get So they're not all one true like I think I think that's true of each of these, is that there's some element to them that don't know each other. So now it's the narcissist competing for the most attention. And that's a good idea. That is a good idea.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Yeah. If they gave them knives, this could make some ghosts. I don't want to step on your toes, TV producer Litty, but I feel like one of these people could be replaced with someone who's like a full on voodoo doctor who's like never seen a phone and has no idea what the gadgets are. So then you get like the real specialization, you know? Like I want blood.
Starting point is 00:39:17 They're making UFC, I want blood sport, I want people who like, I only do ghost karate. You know, they don't like study all styles of ghost hunting. I think it was. Oh yeah, I would, like, I would love a old cramudge and he was like, oh, all your ghosts, tickets, don't work. That's a Pringles can, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I'll tell you, I'll tell you, when a ghost is here, my knee starts to aching. That's how you know. I think I think one of the ghost crews could be improved and you can pick which one by adding like maybe the Harlem Globetrotters Good idea that is a great idea. We could get the Globetrotters. They would have been there Day's and I'm on it. Manch with the Harlem Globetrotters because that's ratings that's excitement and like a ghost can win against Harlem Globetrotters And a team of ghost hunters ridiculous.. I mean, you're all-
Starting point is 00:40:05 Yeah, so they're safer because the Glob Trotters would just challenge them to a game of basketball and win. Yeah, you would trap the ghost in a crystal ball and then they do tricks with him. Exactly, exactly. We're off to Madison now. Those fuckers, Jeremy and Brandy find a coffin upstairs and they realize this is a combination drugstore funeral parlor actual regular person's home so How could this place not have ghosts like there's just so much ghost in this place Jeremy seems real tired. He's a firefighter and a demonologist. That's two 40 hour a week jobs
Starting point is 00:40:43 And he's just exhausted by how dumb his whole fucking life is. He is morbidly obese, and it's obviously having a pretty serious effect on his health. They find a picture of... He does come alive when he sees that coffin. He's like, I'm gonna put you in this. Oh yes, that's the first thing he does as the... This is his first idea's like, I'm gonna put you in that coffin That's when I would
Starting point is 00:41:11 Yeah, as the as the ghost buzzer's less safety manager. That's when I would get her out of that house Hold on hold on. Do you know her last name? No? You want to put her in a coffin? It's just it's a little too familiar. What's to do the whole theater of giving her last name? No. You want to put her in a coffin. It's a little too familiar. He wants to do the whole theater of giving her last rights and he has no real reason for it. He just wants to rile up the spirit. He just thinks it's a really pissing off. Just like pissing off. He just wants to tell you what, this coffin is a box. We're going to put some ghosts in it and I'm going to shake it. I'm going to shake it.
Starting point is 00:41:41 See what they did? Yeah, and pretend that she's at her funeral. Like that, why would ghosts not like that? Ah, ghosts hate funerals. Yeah, come on, come on. No, he doesn't know her, so he can't say anything about her. He's just like, we're sad that she died. Yeah, he seemed great. Yeah, real willing to do what a strange fire fighting
Starting point is 00:42:04 demonologist tell them The like getting coffins. That was great. She packed seven pairs of clean underpants Not anymore though. I'm sorry. How did you know? Already already found her on Facebook Okay, okay, we're off to Preston, Connecticut, and we in beat, we learn more about the psychic medium, Sean Austin, and the tech guru's Nick and Aaron. Nick is my favorite character because he's playing a role of a skeptic.
Starting point is 00:42:36 This is a full-time ghost-tunting man with 200 pounds of ghost-tunting equipment, and he's pretending like, I'm not sure any of this shit's real yet. Who has given up a month of his life to ghosts? And the first thing he says is, don't just touch my head. Fully implying that a ghost like poked him on the forehead and he's just like casual about it. But I don't hold it.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah, I'm like, this didn't turn my life around guys. I still think it could have been a really fat mosquito, but like, some, I'm just telling you what I feel. Anyway. I wasn't touched by the hand of death, but. But it could have been nothing. They all walk around the attic of this obvious tourist attraction
Starting point is 00:43:16 and they feel ghost pong at them. Like, ooh, something just punched me. But Sean Stens is the most energy on the second floor, so that's where they start. Now we go into the first night Amy does a thing called the SD's method now There's a lot of gadgets on the show and the bonus podcast we're going to do a gadget game to see if you two can guest What guess what all the gadgets are meant to do and then what they actually do?
Starting point is 00:43:41 But that's that's a later problem Right now the essence. Let me explain to SD's method. You blindfold yourself, then you put on noise cancelling headphones. Then you hook the headphones up to a spirit box, which is a cute little jukebox that scans frequencies that ghosts can manipulate. So you can hear them talk, I have a clip,
Starting point is 00:44:02 it's fucking awesome. I'm dead. Help. Help me. We want to help you. Please, so is how. I killed you. Who did you kill? Kill. What did he do?
Starting point is 00:44:23 He need help. Who? he need help? Who who needs help Help us if you need our help tell us where you are Kara The girl Get out. Go go. Watch me do it again. I don't feel good, guys. We gotta get him out.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I don't feel good. Okay, okay. Make some feel bad, sequence. And this may shock you, but that's a theme of the show. I love that this requires like all the setup to do all of this right all of the right. I put on the blindfold. I put on the headphones. I take myself like out of reality entirely and submerge myself in the ghost world. And then I absolutely add no verb to the voice acting. Like I created this entire theater and then I go,
Starting point is 00:45:25 well, I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm super dead. God damn it. I'm still dead. Kill death, kill death blood, blood blood, kill death, girl. Kill girl.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Hungry, hungry boner. Oh. Well, the ghost world that they're immersing themselves in is just like terrestrial radio, right? So they're just hearing like freaking Casey Kasim. Yeah, just just random Just random. I listened to that one as hard as I could. I rewatted a couple of times and all I heard for like one brief segment Was beatboxing. I heard some beatboxing in there and I would have loved it if he was just
Starting point is 00:46:03 Start on the Puerto Rican fat boy. You'd be would have just started beatboxing in there. And I would have loved it if he would just start down the bridge or reconfad point. You'd be would have just started beatboxing. Ghost won't mean to bike hell logs. I don't know. So it's fucking I also really like how they kind of debunk it as it happens because one person, they can't hear the people asking the ghost questions and the ghost is not answering the questions. So it's, it just proves that no one's really communicating with this ghost. It's just a guy. Right, this is terrible ghost theater. Like it's, yes.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Every aspect of it, it seems cool on paper. And then once you see it, put into action, you're like, oh, this just, this just does work. This is the better entertaining watch. I know for this would be like, don't wear noise-canceling headphones, you can fake the conversation, make it interesting, you know. Right. That's a good note. You could get a nice voice actor in to do a spooky ghost voice,
Starting point is 00:46:55 maybe Franklin Gella or, I don't know, the guy who did dark side in all the cartoons. I am a ghost, so my friends. You're hired. Thank you. I'll be there. And I'll work for three times what these people were paid, which is $40 and exposure.
Starting point is 00:47:14 It's $666. Yes. Yes. Amy tries this SD's method too. And the ghost scares her so she quits I don't know if that means she's a very good psychic or a very bad psychic like myself I don't know if I have any psychic powers, but I can put on headphones for an entire podcast We'd man up being two hours at the rate we're going and I never get attacked by ghosts
Starting point is 00:47:39 I can I can I actually have you beat oh This is like much like this show. It's a competition in narcissism. So let's, let's go. Since my eyes are going bad and I am more in touch with the ghost world, part of my therapy involves putting on a blindfold. And during that time, I do listen to noise-canceling headphones. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:48:01 So I am, I spend at least 30 minutes every day hanging out with ghosts. Just as valid, just as valid as this experience. And how do you find it? I find it pretty relaxing. I often fall asleep. I mean, that's, it sucks a little bit because I have to do it in like the middle of the day and I can really tank your energy to get submerged in the ghost world and get like nice and cozy in the ghost world for like 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:48:25 It's hard to get going again. Definitely need coffee. Often Connecticut, Sean is just getting voices from nothing. He no gadgets, just raw donging, psychic plane, and he is losing an argument to a ghost bro until he finally gets the name Adelaide from the ether, which you guys are not going to believe this, but I googled the place where they are. And Adelaide is the middle name of the main ghost from this world famous haunted tour location. The middle name.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yep. Her name is because they go out to the grave and they're like, this is Adelaide's grave and the grave says mercy. So I'm like, did they just make up the name Adelaide? And they're just fucking around with them? Oh no, it's mercy Adelaide grant or whatever. And I knew I was when they say it's tough to get last name psychically. I know somebody said I have a clip of exactly that. The name of that name Adelaide or something?
Starting point is 00:49:20 ZDR. Any of them giving you a last name, you know? That's tough to get last name, you know? Hmm. That's tough to get last name. It's psychic. It's real. Incredible. Real tough to get phone numbers, psychically.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I'd physically. Phys- I meant physically. Oh, that cracked me up. Like, and I love how like everybody has to yes and so constantly in this fucking environment. He can't just be like, why don't you just ask the fucking last name? That's the ghost or last name. He becomes really obsessed with Adelaide. He keeps mentioning Adelaide. He'll call to the ghost and be like, go, I don't help you get to the other side, especially Adelaide. It's every time. It's hilarious. If you were to do a drinking
Starting point is 00:50:05 game where you drag every time he said Adelaide, you'd be dead by episode three. No question. Well, he gets Adelaide to the other side, he's ruining their business. Exactly. And they do, it's funny you mentioned that because in the final episode, they put Holy Water on all the mirrors so all the ghosts can like get back to the spirit world because it got clogged up by dark energy Anyway, they get everyone back with the guys like god I don't know if we got all of them because like almost specifically to like Let the let the people know you could still like come here and take a ghost to it. We don't I don't know if we got all
Starting point is 00:50:38 We definitely got the one big famous one though. Yeah, so you're gonna have to do some major revisions To the tours. There's kind of like like we got John Lennon but Ringo's here. Sorry guys. I do ghost Ringo will definitely show up. I will say. I will say Ringo's the worst one. The theater of of their ghost haunting is fucking way better than the then the SD method. Like I love that. They made that little device, they get, he's like, well, it's like a spirit box, but it has an amp.
Starting point is 00:51:10 He put a fuck, he put a fucking amp on the ghost box and just cranked it up to 11 and that thing rules as a prop. It's so good. It's just like this kind of rules. Creepy of that in my notes. Little exact works. It's kind of rules. The crackle of the electricity.
Starting point is 00:51:24 It makes little crackling zaps. It's got a metronome element. It makes a really creepy noise. You're like, yeah, that's how you do it. He has to spin a little crank the whole time. Which is clearly unnecessary, but it gives him something to do. Yeah, I did not like that. I said, can we automate it?
Starting point is 00:51:43 He looks like an Oregon organ grinder with a little monkey No, never I mean you would rather him just sit there and look at it now He's got to have like a like a he's got to have a active role in it. I'm the guy you need me I crank the ghost box maybe like a maybe a keyboard. Can we just get something not as cute as a crank? I'm thinking it would just be a Just say it like just if you just brought this on stage as part of your your like industrial act. Yeah, I would still be like that Like a spooky one-man band
Starting point is 00:52:15 I like it. Yeah, they call this an electrostatic generator and they do explain that it boosts the ghosts like this That's what it's there for I also like these guys' theater, because any time one of them isn't on the screen, there's all kinds of unexplainable thumps and bumps from the other parts of the house. I'm like, they're always busy. Sean can't get a read on anything,
Starting point is 00:52:37 and he thinks that's because there's too many ghosts and they have too much power. I love it. I love that he said, I believe it's exact words where there's hundreds of ghosts. Yes. At some point, he says there are hundreds of ghosts here, like a whole army died here, right here in this house.
Starting point is 00:52:55 And they're all mad at me. It is next to like a Civil War graveyard. Oh, there it is. So these guys have gone through the house and like read the tours and pamphlets. They know, or they just fucking took their and like read the tours and pamphlets. They know. Or they just fucking took their phones out of the box and googled it. Well, yeah, if you can see this Civil War graveyard next door, it feels like a pretty big
Starting point is 00:53:13 clue. Or I agree. I don't want to poke too much of a hole in the mythology here, but maybe if you're selecting a cruise to go into these things blind, maybe you shouldn't have selected the one people whose profession revolves around knowing exactly these places and all of their stores. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:33 These guys have applied for a job as a tour guide here, at least five times. Yes. Their ghosts are not fucking messing around though. I took a clip and it is spooky. Oh my god, you there, woman help. I want help. messing around though I took a clip and it is spooky. That right after I said that it's freaking sane. Oh Chills man No escapes what the hell guys this is gonna get real and this is only night one oh Shit, oh They're little fucking jukebox said no escape like like clear as day, like that's, you guys are gonna die.
Starting point is 00:54:26 I think, I think because they are from different crews, like clearly the tech bros have just a better theater. They have this little, they have a little tape that they play with creepy Halloween sound bites on it. And show on the psychic is just like, fuck, wow, fuck. I think he does not understand that they're bringing their own game. There's ghosts in the haunted house.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Can you believe it? Oh, I've been faking it all this time, but I heard it. I heard that. Oh, fuck. We're all going to die in here. You got to give me out. Uh, back in Madison. The issue with that too is I had a note here where I said, can we improv some different
Starting point is 00:55:10 things because since they're all separate and not talking to each other, they're all doing the same get out, no escape, there's a lazy, there's blood. I'm like, can we do a unique one? Can you do like, I don't know, they're spooky fish here. It's a sea captain, something, something different than all the exact same things an entire rock band died here and they're gonna play tonight. Yeah. We need you to take over his base player. But to do that, you're gonna have to fly line. Yes, let's get some, they need to tell everyone, okay, house one is doing
Starting point is 00:55:48 get out no escape, house two, you're on blood, house three, you're on young screaming women, it's young women, okay. House three just fuck with Sean, just really, just really give it to him, he believes this whole thing, it's great. Yeah, house three, We're pranking Sean. We're all, it's a big prank. Okay, we're in Madison. Brandy's Thomas lays down in the coffin for this strange man, Jeremy. And she has a rampod, which is a device that lets ghosts change the temperature
Starting point is 00:56:19 that makes the box beat. So this, let's, ghost hunters have a very, take one side of a very leading conversation. This sucks. This device sucks. It sucks. It sucks. It sucks. It's got the words rem pod on it. It's got a brand name. Like you bought it. You bought it from fucking Milking Bradley. Yeah. That's what I said looks like half a Pringles can. The other boys built a fucking steampunk ghost amp. Like if you're gonna dedicate your life to this, you don't get to buy your props from fucking Costco. And Kudos to Rem pod for selling
Starting point is 00:56:52 what must have been 50 units of the dumbest god damn nothing that's ever been of unpaired garage openers. Okay. Okay. It is a cool idea though to have like a beep conversation with ghosts and there is another ghost hunting show that I've seen used that to their advantage. I don't know if you guys have heard there's this new ghost hunting show on Hulu when they have like all queer people hunting ghosts and
Starting point is 00:57:19 there's like a woman that goes into this bar where ghosts sexually harasses women and she doesn't ghosts sexually harasses women and she doesn't get sexually harassed and she's upset about it. She's like, what is my hair? Like, not or something about, I don't think you like my hair in the box beeps. That's funny. And she's like, oh my god. Like, they could have done that on this show.
Starting point is 00:57:40 They could do that on any show. Ghosts have good radar or gator, they know. They know what they know. Yeah. To leave you alone. So Jeremy starts performing Brandi's funeral and she's immediately surrounded by ghosts. She's like, holy shit, there's kids everywhere.
Starting point is 00:57:57 There's surrounding me. There's energy. Sometimes it's woman energy. Something happened to her due to a male, as what she says. Again, very safe bet in any era. Take it that wild stab, much like young husbands from 200 years ago.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Just, yes, yes, in this enormous, in this enormous house with multi-century history, I bet something bad did happen to a young woman because of a man. And yes, this starts to go off the rails. Jeremy starts doing an exorcism while she in sheer panic describes the Google results for this location. She keeps hearing the words get out. Something touches the top for head and they cut that's the that's how they go out on
Starting point is 00:58:43 that episode is like that that ghost, some ghost is killing this woman headfirst, tune in next episode to see if she dies spoiler alert. She does not die to a ghost. Oh, thank God. I was so concerned. Right. I do have some things I want to tell you guys about the show that I'm very excited to share with you.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Brandy hides outside for a full night because she gets scared of the house and she makes Jeremy move downstairs in the dry goods store where like the people in this bustling city, not bustling, but small town, can just walk by and watch them sleep through the giant panel windows. So you know they had to be such a fight about that where they were like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:59:22 you specifically said they would not be in the store during business hours. He gets possessed, Jeremy gets possessed by a demon and spends three days in bed. It's a very lazy demon and he has to like sleep it off and they do an extrism kind of. All the demon does his nap. His name is, yeah, basically. He kind of gets mean and like, brandy gets scared that he's gonna kill her. Like, he has a couple of really fake outbursts. Like, I can't remember what he says,
Starting point is 00:59:49 but he's like, I'm not gonna stop and kill you. And it's, he doesn't, they don't have the acting skills to pull it off, so it's like not as scary as I'm making it sound. That is a great, I don't know. Jeremy's got the calm down. Like if you are a violent, low impulse woman abuser, just call yourself a demonologist.
Starting point is 01:00:09 And then you can be like, it was the demon, it was the demonyeagermeister that made me turn. Another one got me. God, I've got to go sleep and eat an entire loaf of untosted bread. But I feel better today, ma, get in this tiny box. Get in the tiny box. In the call.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I'm going to put you in that call. In the final on in Denver, they do a say on and they call Cara and Mary Ann, who are two girls who are murdered there in the 70s. The ghost, one of them is just like, full on talking to the ghost, like, oh, go downstairs and look around. Oh, look, they kind of word it like it's a fucking beginner escape room clue, but it's like,
Starting point is 01:00:52 the ghost just says, just go in the fucking basement and investigate. So they go down there and they hear a bunch of screams in the wall and they're like, huh, what is this? What could this be? Nobody can act. And they find a newspaper article of a different murder. And then they blame it on the murder of their already investigating and tell all the ghosts they can leave. And they're very happy to give the families
Starting point is 01:01:14 closure. Now, when I say give the families closure, they blame their death on an unrelated serial killer. And when I say unrelated, they pull a different murder who was also not related to a serial killer. When I say unrelated, they pull a different murder who is also not related to a serial killer. Combine them into one serial killer of spree and say, Tata got it and they're done. So they Madison, so they then go and bring that serial killer to justice, of course. They, they, they, they, they, they, no, actually, nope, that's not what happens. Correct. They go. No, actually, nope, that's not what happens. In Madison, Jeremy has a argument with a demon that possesses him. Wow, so double demon possession, that's what he ran. Yeah, from the demonologist. It's the only one to be possessed by demons.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Both demons, what a coincidence. And a voice screams for help. And this is great because when the voice screams for help, Brandy's fucking out. She literally says the words, I'm out, she leaves. She's not to help the whoever screams for help, just gone. She's out of the drag good store and Jeremy sits down. So whoever screams for help, it will never arrive. Then he gets super mad at the air for making him scared.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Something falls off a bookshelf and he yells at the bookshelf that he will not flee from it. It's so fucking stupid and I love it. Um, and that is, uh, that's everything I wanted to share with you. This show could be so good. If you just had somebody go back over the frames and animate like little faces on the inanimate objects. Yeah. A little face on the bookshelf where like, ah, I will not play for you. I will not get out of here every time they hear a little bump, it's just like a naughty
Starting point is 01:02:54 teapot or something being on Koi. You could save it. You could. Any final notes from from you TV producer? When I googled the show, I saw someone say that like Jeremy had to go to the hospital. That will come up. That'll come up in the bonus podcast. Yeah, that happens. Yeah, and they said he came back the next day and had a giant Coca-Cola and two spring rolls
Starting point is 01:03:27 Yeah, he had an emergency spring roll He's like I gotta get to the hospital Nurse they won't let me have spring rolls on the show I Love that they one of the things definitely is being sued for is not feeding the contestants on love as well. So it's possible. It's possible they weren't feeding these people. It is very possible.
Starting point is 01:03:55 And Jeremy's body will eat itself if he goes 20 minutes without having his bring roll. Oh god. Okay. I just had to ask if that happened. It's true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. It's all true. teams in doing 28 days worth of haunted house. So I mean, if you do the math on that, that's, that's means basically nothing happens for about 45 hours at a time.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Which is incredible. Yeah, there's no way I would go insane from boredom if they really trapped these people in the house for 30 days with no internet. Like they said, and no, what are you doing other than. I think they did. I think that's what happened Yeah, like you're gonna find ghosts if the only thing to do is is improv with your ghost friends Yeah, I remember I remember life before the internet and before I had any amount of money It was mostly me in a roommate living in a mostly empty apartment throw in lighters at each other. We called it the lighter game
Starting point is 01:05:09 That's just what it looked like. I bet we would have invented ghosts. Absolutely. If my internet goes out for a half hour, I'm fucking faking a ghost check on every number of my family. Coming next year on Netflix, the lighter game. You greenlit kid. Oh, we're getting sued for that. Die Kraft ist nicht mehr ein Urner! Schick die In-De-Hunderzone, die ohre in der Stunde! Kupchon, du Kitschen du warst! I'm not a hunder! I'm not a hunder, frighten! I'm not a hunder, frighten! I'm not a hunder, frighten!
Starting point is 01:05:56 I'm not a hunder! I'm not a hunder, frighten! I'm not a hunder, frighten! Ja, ne it's not! It's Hot Dog Junction, America's last comedy, children's variety, trivia, Peahaw laughing for Christ. Now here's Robin Markey! Thanks, Yodel and Julius!
Starting point is 01:06:21 I'm Robin, my friend Markey here wants to tell you all about the supremeest cat this side of Job 410. Take it away, Markey! Aaron Crosston, Adrian H, Aaron Rowe, Alpha Sion's F- show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show!
Starting point is 01:06:53 Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha, Alpha, show! Alpha, show! Alpha,ler, and Sealer, and Rachel, Sarah, Joyce, and then Hey there, Carler, and then Clementine Danger,
Starting point is 01:07:16 Sarah, let's call it our day, Greg Lamont, Iris, and we, Daren, and're all so free! Take it slow! Team Costal! Trison! Just use Ratt total!
Starting point is 01:07:33 Eric, Freedom! Every Zerg! Horses arc! Oh, and doing really good! Here it is! Jell-ho! And cutting him. Hey, I'm moving.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I'm moving. Hey, I'm moving. Hey, I'm moving. I'm moving. Hello. Harvey Penn, waiting. I'm moving. Hard of first.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Hock. Hey, I'm moving. I'm not gonna get this one. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D.
Starting point is 01:08:18 J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. J.B.R.L.A.D. Joseph Seryles, Josh Piss, Josh Walker, and Hasey Kavidam, Fiery Hoodie Piss, Lisa, and Josh E. Schaffel, and Josh E. Schaffel, that's enough, that's Friday, that's Friday, That's cool! No color! I feel orange! Milk, stiles, houses are really hard! Okay, just close and starter!
Starting point is 01:08:51 Close you! And you! Be a little silly! Elchard! Rikkel's final floor! Nick Wilson's horse is floating! Patrick's heart! Patrick Hertz! Patrick Hertz! Patrick Hertz!
Starting point is 01:09:09 Yeah, I know everybody knows what's happening Hertz! Okay, Rachel, for you! Sparkofsky, Sean Chase, Scotty Recephan, Silverknock, Anten. Edit, hash, hash off. Hush, hash, hash, hash. I think don't do it. Don't do it.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Don't do it. I've got this. Hush, hash, hash, hash. Tom is all right. Tom is Kavatsos. Yeah, okay. Tom is here. Tostigol. Oh, hey, gee. We're in a ruffle. Cavazos. Okay. T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T Okay, hold on, I'm gonna do a good two-barch.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I'm just gonna do a fast-reveh. There you go! I'm gonna turn you hell. I'm gonna fuck this, I'm gonna go eat some kids. you

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