The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 156, Tulpa Creation Guide With Alex Schmidt

Episode Date: January 3, 2024

Brockway thinks really hard and out springs Seanbaby and guest, Alex Schmidt! He asks them to read the Tulpa Creation Guide with him for a podcast, but they have autonomy! Cursed autonomy!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 1,900 hot dog! 1,900 hot dog! A podcast slammed with maximum height! Say hot dog podcast worked! Yeah! We need to taste that nitrate power! You're in the dog zone for an hour! Come on!
Starting point is 00:00:22 You know the number! 1,900 hot dog! 1,900 hot dog! Welcome to the Dogs Zone 9000, the official podcast of 1900 Hot Dog. America's only website, we're the last one, it finally happened, just us. Hey, remember when the internet was fun? Me neither, but what we're doing is good. We employ the best, most brilliant humans
Starting point is 00:01:00 to write long form comedy about obscure curse media. It's, you might recognize it, the thing all major websites decided made no money. We're doing that, come support us slash 1900 hotdog out of spite for them if nothing else. We do take spite money, it spends, real nice. I'm a lonely only child, Robert Brockway, and with me is my ridiculous imaginary friend.
Starting point is 00:01:27 He's 7 feet tall, he knows Moe Ty, he's got a pink mohawk, there's no way he's real. It's Sean baby. I'm Sean baby with Sean baby fact, the hit animated show Hammer Man was based on me. See what I mean? Yeah, that guy doesn't exist. I mean, that guy up. I made that guy up to protect me against bullies like Jonathan Brandis made up Chuck Norris at one time.
Starting point is 00:01:49 He's exactly as fictitious as Chuck Norris. And anyway, here's our guest who will pretend to hear Sean baby in an effort to bring me back to reality. It's Alex Schmidt. Yes, whatever your imaginary friend said. Yes. It's not gonna work, Schmidt,
Starting point is 00:02:04 I mean, I'm never friend said. Yes. It's not going to work, Shmet A. Me playing. I'm never coming back. Yeah. It's so good to be here, guys. Thank you. This is. Yeah, thanks for coming on. I think I can say we are taping this on the date
Starting point is 00:02:15 of publishing a roundup of my columns from the year. And then I had me feeling really grateful about the whole year and prior times, too, of getting to be part of this wonderful, wonderful website that you two make and with others as well. I'm a small part and really glad to be. It's great. Me too.
Starting point is 00:02:31 It was great. And thank you for doing it. And you're welcome. I'm, I'm out of blast going through everybody's articles and just finding all your best ones that weren't already free. That was the criteria. And thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:43 It's such a treat. I know it might sound kind of joking about remember when the internet was fun, but for real though, this is the website that is still fun. Like this is the website that makes things that I want to read. And it's kind of the one. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:00 That's why. What is it doing? It's cool. It's crazy. We gave up on that business model of stuff you want to read. All right, before we get started today, what do you want to plunge? Where can people find you? Yeah, I have been tick-tacking most days and also posting it to Instagram Reels and sometimes making a video for Reels and then to tick-tack. I go all over the place,
Starting point is 00:03:24 but it's been a lot of fun to make short videos, mainly of things that we do on the podcast, secretly incredibly fascinating, but a new video of me sharing it in a new way and with some visuals, and I'm finding that really fun to do. So at AlexMedi on TikTok and also at SIFPOD, and then also my co-host Katie Golden is at Katie Golden, that's G-O- OLD, I.N. on TikTok and doing her own amazing stuff in particular the
Starting point is 00:03:50 animal sound game from her show Creature feature. So if you use that app at all, check us out. Brock Wayne, I are five-of-five on that animal noise. Like you play us a bird's mating call and each of us are just we just jump right on it. We know it all. Only mating calls though. Yeah, I don't ask why. If you learn other calls, feelings will get involved, right? So then, then no good, you'll get attached to the bird. We're just casual bird sex guys.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Hit it and quit it. That's what we do with ostriches, demus. Follow us on TikTok at casual bird sex guys. This is our very problematic website and podcast. No, this is the time of year where we're once again reminded to do TikTok and once again, most likely refuse. Sure. We'll start TikTok.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Why not? That's future Roberts problem. Yeah. And like, if I was not on this show, I would be talking about the website, what I'm 100 hot dog to. So I just figure everybody knows and I'll plug it other stuff. But it's a fun app. There's a lot going on and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:04 It's been fun to just go ahead and make that and have fun with it. I'm sure it's fun. I have like a four-hour window at night when everybody's asleep and that's when I work. And literally any second I try to do anything outside of that four-hour window I get interrupted. So the idea of me like sitting down and like, hey, let's make a fucking TikTok video. It has to be one second or it's going to get interrupted. What if that's the point though? What if it's I tried to talk about something before my my child Karate kicks me in the side of the head? That would, I guess that people would like that. That's pretty fun. I would love that. That would be my favorite channel.
Starting point is 00:05:40 If you tried to tell me about like some interesting piece of pop culture and then right as you started to like get into it, a toddler just karate kicked you in the neck and you had to like abruptly cut the video off and watch that video every time. Okay. I thought it was a good excuse, but now I guess I have to fucking do it. So it could also be a genre where your small angelic child has finally dosed off to sleep and then you start taping a video with a good morning Vietnam style Performance at the top of waking them up a shattering the quiet of the home And we count how many tiktoks that's the name of the the name of the account is how many tiktoks until I get divorced
Starting point is 00:06:21 Well, now I like it. It's a great pitch. Let's make it happen. All right. Speaking of things that are never going to happen today, we will be creating a Tulpa. Do you guys know what a Tulpa is? Yes. I maybe. Is that is that some kind of full-claw or being? Give me your best guess. I love it when you don't know. Just give me a guess. What is it? It's because it's sort of like a golem where you're infusing life into a being that you made, but it's not frank and sign story where you're chopping up human body parts.
Starting point is 00:07:00 You're making it out of raw materials from the earth. That's close. That is really close. That's close, that is really close. That's better than how I would have explained it. Yeah. Alex's best guess is way better communicated than something I think I've read an entire book on. I did spring a wiki how page on you guys once about telpas that was,
Starting point is 00:07:28 that was probably there. I think probably where I learned about it. Well, no, no, it was like it would be unlike a I think it was a bonus episode or something. I don't think it was on the site. Because I was saving it I was saving it for today, which is what we're doing today. We'll be reading from the Tulpa Creation Guide, how to create Ascension Tulpa using the power of your mind by Emily Steinbach, published in 2014. All right, some stuff to clear up right at the start. Alex, I don't think my wife will let me bang this creature.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So I think we should build this for combat and friendship, not for sex. Yeah, we're all, you know, we're on the same page there. Relationships, and I don't think we should pursue that. Yeah, great. And you and your partner, you have rules on extramarital, extramarital, topa, topa, in, rock, wave, what's the term? You have the book in front of you.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Topa fucking, I think it's just straight of you. Um, topa fucking. I think it's just straight. Straight topa fucking. It's extra. I read. Totally. That's easy. Extra merit.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Topa. That's what we'll call it. Yeah. But anyway, not allowed. And you're right. Combat friendship. I'm trying to think of other. Like still charisma.
Starting point is 00:08:40 You still want it to hit it off with other people. So all those. There's three of us. So we need a scrounger, we need a Bruiser, we need a Wildcard, and we need a Tactical Leader. So, we need four people. I feel like the Tulpa has to be one of these roles. I vote Tactical Leader
Starting point is 00:08:59 and the rest of us fight for Wildcard. That's cool, yeah. And then just extra Tulpa as if we need a Scroosure or a Bruful wild card. That's cool, yeah. And then just extra tell us if we need a scrounger or a bruiser. Yeah. Thank you guys are overthinking this. I think you're overthinking it a little bit. I think it's just Ghostbuster blowjob rules, right? Okay, so we're back to sex already.
Starting point is 00:09:18 So we are. Yeah, we have these rules in play. I'm assuming you have all, of course, discussed that's with your partners. I'm probably first date. What counts as cheating and is it ghosts? Because no, it's not. It doesn't count as cheating if they're dead. I mean, if they're physically, it doesn't have their own rules. But yeah, that's the general rule that you're allowed to bang a ghost. At least do a mouse down with a girl. Then you can put your hands through them,
Starting point is 00:09:45 but not in them. It's the rule. The old rule of thumb. All right, it's good that you're thinking along these lines, this is gonna pay off for you. First, let's get a disclaimer. There is a warning at the start of this book,
Starting point is 00:10:00 Emily Steinbach, our author writes, every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained here in, but the author assumes no responsibility for any errors or emissions, no liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of the information contained within. So this implies that there have been topa lawsuits.
Starting point is 00:10:24 She's protecting herself from one of the many topa lawsuits. One of the many one of it like this is her jackass style warning where kids at home kept making topas getting out of control with it. Somebody gets hurt and then you know, next thing you know, you're you're in court being represented by a topa. That's difficult. Yeah. Right, it goes up to the United States Court of Tulpeels and then you have to deal with it there.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I'm probably just gonna hunt for these the whole show, but we'll see. Break that energy. Love that energy. It's exactly the level of respect and effort this book deserves. Cool. I know.
Starting point is 00:11:03 All right, let me reach in the intro. So you're considering making a Tulpa. Perhaps you've heard about this rapidly emerging, age-old phenomenon. Oh, yes, sweet in the nation. I've got good news for you. You've stumbled across the number one resource available on Tulpas. By the end of this book, you're going to have a lifelong companion that you'll be able to talk to, share memories with, and even physically see, feel, hear, taste, if you'd
Starting point is 00:11:35 like, and touch. Okay. It's heavily implied by that touch. That's the G-rated version. I think it's more heavily implied by taste, comma. That's a good life. That's a good life. If I'm tasting my telpa,
Starting point is 00:11:52 that is a real sexual escalation. It goes on to say, sound crazy, it's sort of it's. I'm willing to bet you never even imagined such a phenomenon was possible, but don't worry having a telpa is 100% safe. I am worried because if it was, we would not need the disclaimer. I think we've already found a hole in the logic of the woman creating a being whole cloth from her own horny energy.
Starting point is 00:12:22 woman creating a being whole cloth. Yeah, yes, her own horny energy. I love when these cooks are also diligent about the rules and practices and legal situations. Like, I will love this book. Oh my God. It implies like a sophisticated liar that they're like, they've kind of actually put themselves in a world where this dumb bullshit is true.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And they're like, well, what would that look like? I guess you'd have to protect yourself legally from like Tulpa attacks or Tulpa Climidia, whatever it gives you. So yeah, I like that. I like that it helps sell the lie a little better. Climidia, thank you. Anyway, come on.
Starting point is 00:13:02 There you go. I was looking forward to it. I couldn't find it. You got it. You get the respect. The respect it deserves. The Emily goes on to say, let's be honest. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's huge. This is probably one of the biggest things you can possibly do. It's incredible and relatively unheard of. Military applications alone. Like, you could just make a platoon in your brain. Friendship, the mental health that could come from everyone being able to just make a best friend.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Never be lonely again. She says, heck, it seems too good to be true. Believe me when I say this, all of us were skeptical. I was especially skeptical. Yet I pushed through it all, created two telpas and wrote this book for you. Two telpas. Two!
Starting point is 00:13:52 Two! Two! Understand this. No matter how crazy all of this sounds, telpas are absolutely real and you will definitely have one by the time you finish this book. That's it, so it's a guarantee. By the end of this podcast, you will have a Tulpa. What is the square footage of her apartment that she can just make two Tulpas? It's got to be got to be living on a ranch.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I mean, they got a chip in, right? Yeah. Like it's roommate scenario, you're the free loading. I'm not going to imagine a free loading Tulpa. I'm going to imagine one with a good work ethic. Okay. You know, the free loading time. I'm not gonna imagine a free loading tolpa. I'm gonna imagine one with a good work ethic. Okay, you know what it is? Like, to help us touch. Do they merge to form one tolpa?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Or do they bounce off each other? Believe it or not, we're gonna get to that. Fuck yeah. Yeah. Okay. The title of chapter one is just that entire question. And then I'm going to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Emily goes on to say, they're absolutely real. But only if you believe in your Tulpa. This is both true now before you create your Tulpa. And while you're having trouble during the creation process, when things take longer than you feel they should, remember that creating a Tulpa is all about tricking the mind. You can't trick your mind into thinking something's real when you're constantly doubting its existence. Smart, huh? Creating a Tulpa is all about tricking the mind. You can't trick your mind into thinking something's real
Starting point is 00:15:05 when you're constantly doubting its existence. Smart, huh? Plus, it'll likely hurt your Tulpa's feelings when they find out you don't believe in them. I feel like we just entered a vortex of logic that we'll never escape from. Yeah, and it's just a rip off of Tinkerbell. I know this stuff from tinkerbell. This is
Starting point is 00:15:26 tinkerbell's idea. It's not Tulpa's idea. Give it back. Yeah, clap if you believe in Tulpa's, but don't give Tulpa's the clap. We've established it. That's on the poster, on the guidance counselors wall, in my brain, where the Tulpa exists. So yeah, you have to convince yourself that topa exists or the topa does not exist. And so in order for your topa to like interact with other people, they would also have to believe it
Starting point is 00:15:53 with the fundamental certainty you do. And they will, their feelings will be hurt if you don't believe they exist, but they won't exist if you don't believe that for their feelings. We're going to be here all day. Okay. Because I'm going to say, the truth is you will be deluding yourself at first. This is okay.
Starting point is 00:16:15 As time goes on, I can guarantee your Tulpa will become more and more real to you and will eventually reach the point where its existence is flat out undeniable. So until that point, you must believe that Tulp is real and believe that you will see progress so long as you continue putting forth the effort necessary. So it's a choice to be crazy and a deliberate training to go down the road with your goal being craziness. It's really something. You know what?
Starting point is 00:16:45 I think, I think that's the podcast because that's something. That's exactly 100% what is going to happen. That's the entire book. Congratulations on spotting the problem with this from the introductory two paragraphs. Not my first metaphysical book. Let's hope I rodeo. Not my first metaphysical book. Let's talk about rodeo. Not my first toporodio.
Starting point is 00:17:13 From the FAQ, what is a topa? A topa is believed by most to be a separate consciousness, not an imaginary friend. Yeah, it's an imaginary friend. Existing within the same brain as yourself. Topa is able to speak and move on its own without any input from you. A Tulpa is not a spirit or a demon and only has as much control or power
Starting point is 00:17:32 as you allow it to have. So I don't like that. Like it's like, hey, it's someone's guy, but like they are your brain slaves. Yes and no, we will get to why making a brain slave is unethical. Okay. Next question is creating a Tulpa dangerous.
Starting point is 00:17:55 No, once again, creating a Tulpa is 100% safe. I'm getting a little uneasy by the repetition of this despite that disclaimer. Creating a Tulpa does not cause mental illness, such as schizophrenia or disassociative identity disorder. It's also important to understand that Tulpa's are not negative in nature and will generally love and accept you and your decisions. Tulpa's cannot harm you physically and will not harm you emotionally. Now, I would, I'm not a psychologist. Like, I don't think I would diagnose this woman with anything yet.
Starting point is 00:18:30 But I do feel like it's functionally identical to DID or schizophrenia. If you are 100% convinced there's like a, an invisible being inside your brain. Like, whether or not you call it, yeah, multiple personalities or whatever or not you call it... Yeah. Multi-personalities or whatever you want to call it. It's, it seems like a... A perfect recreation of it, I guess,
Starting point is 00:18:53 a facsimile of DID. If you carefully nurture... I have a joke, I'm just within your brain. I'm just saying, like, this is as close to mental illness as you'll get, whether you're faking it or not, like like at this point, it's the same shit. You're still living your life as a crazy person. You're really trying to trick yourself into having a mental illness. What are the benefits of having a topa?
Starting point is 00:19:17 Topa's give you the full benefits of unconditional companionship, along with other abilities, such as having direct access to your subconscious and memories. This means they're able to help you make decisions or recall information you have forgotten. This makes problem solving, or taking a test a lot easier. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:36 So you devote all your life, you're waking moments to creating a being that will help you take care of some of the stuff you should have done while you were Creating that being I get I think I get it I Like they're smarter than you you imagine someone smarter than you to help you take tests That's a good logically To man who was smarter than me and lives in my brain
Starting point is 00:20:06 Like your teachers like what were you thinking in this question? Yeah, that was the topa did that. I know, I know you said at the start of the semester, not to let our topas. Because again, I feel like people are going to use topas in academic situations. So they're like, okay, tell yourself you have a Tulpa and then keep telling yourself that until you just start to have a Tulpa and the experience of a Tulpa will be an additional consciousness that you'll just know is not your consciousness, but is talking to your consciousness. This really seems like a pyramid scheme of self-talk. And I'm not into it. One bit.
Starting point is 00:20:46 It's a pyramid scheme, but the other member is the pyramid scheme where people you make up in your brain. And you know what? Some of them might be higher on the pyramid than you. Yeah. As Evan inspired, next question, possibly the saddest question with this context that ever it has existed in the history of man.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Will my topa like me? Dang. Oh wow. The crushing loneliness and insecurity. Your first question. If I make up a guy, he's not gonna like me, is he? I can't make up somebody that likes me. Yeah, artificial people generally hate me. The relationship between a Tulpa and its host is truly a special one. Unlike any relationship you've ever had before, you share a brain and your Tulpa
Starting point is 00:21:37 will know just about everything you know. No matter what you're like, it's almost guaranteed your Tulpa will accept and love you. Bear in mind they do have their own opinions, so you too may disagree on something, but they're generally tolerant. So no, it might not like you as the answer. Short answer, no, long answer, not even close. Listen, we know the Pyramid's scheme of self-talk sounds really hard, but also it might work out for you poorly
Starting point is 00:22:11 so You might have meant a guy that hates you and then you're stuck with a guy that hates you living in your brain That's like the I'm gonna say that's probably the worst place for a guy that hates you to live Yeah This is see this is the voice of an author who has already sold you the book. Right. If they hadn't sold you the book yet, it would all be sunshine. It would all be, this is nothing but great. You and your told by kicking it. And then once they sell you the book, it's like also many legal disclaimers.
Starting point is 00:22:41 And they might call you mean names from inside your head. many legal disclaimers and they might call you mean names from inside your head. It's possible. Feeling that a metaphysical author who creates fictional beings doesn't get a lot of pushback on their ideas. But there's not a lot of peer review on there. They have so many peers. All to help us. That's true.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I guess in a way, those are peers. You won't believe it. They all agree. This was a great idea. Next question. Can I make my Tulpa go away? This is telling such a story that you created a Tulpa that hates you and now you want to get rid of it.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Most Tulpas are willing to respect your privacy so long as you ask. You can ask them to leave when you're participating in activities such as studying for a test, using the bathroom or driving. You can get their attention again by asking, however, if you mean actually killing your Tulpa permanently, then yes, that too is possible. Oh my God. Wow, what?
Starting point is 00:23:38 We're gonna commit Tulpa murder. We're gonna invent a man and murder him. It feels like a like a Neil Gaiman story would be a topa that gets like attempted murder and like is now untethered from its topa creator. I feel like that, I feel like that actually is. Yeah, I can't almost name that. Cause is this like, I'm really curious if this author is just lifting this all from full
Starting point is 00:24:10 floor. I know they're I'm sure changing at a bunch and making it exactly what they want it to be. But like I feel like they're also just stealing an entire story from an entire culture at the same time. They were like, Nepalese. Can I cherry pick? So I think they probably, I think that the thousand year old Nepalese monks who helped refine this concept are probably not
Starting point is 00:24:37 using them to take tests. So I think or like asking them to leave while they're driving. So yeah, I think they're adapting quite a bit. Is it like a way to prove you have a topa? Like is there something a topa can do that where you're like, oh, well, yeah, that's a topa, obviously. Sort of put no. Okay. All right. I guess that's what I figured. You should create a topa if you are selfless. A Tulpa is far more than just a being inside your head. They have feelings, emotions, opinions, they react in a similar way to a person. It's possible
Starting point is 00:25:14 for your Tulpa to make its negative feelings clear. Your Tulpa can and will get upset with you if you give it a reason to. You cannot control its feelings. Your Tulpa is not a slave. If you're selfless and your intentions are selfless as well, you'll probably make a good Tulpa. If your entire purpose of creating a Tulpa is to solely benefit yourself, then don't bother. It's not fair to your Tulpa and it's not worth your time. Don't be self-centered about maybe the most self-centered approach to having someone to talk to. Don't be self-centered. Just double yourself. Just make an extra one of you.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I like that by far and away most of this is warning you that your Tulpa is not going to like you were not going to get along. Yeah, you were right. Over and over again, we've seen like they fucking hate you, man. What is like Tulpa's like most people, but if you're the kind of person who bought this book, probably not. Yeah, you're not like everybody except for the type of person that creates a Tulpa. They just can't stand him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I also love the idea of like someone, you know, you can't catch 20 Tulpa. They just can't stand him. Yeah. I also love the idea of like someone, you know, you can't catch 20 Tulpa. I love the idea of someone heating this advice, like reading the book and saying, I'm kind of a piece of shit, I better not do this. I bought the book like, like it's obviously a compliment to like, oh, if you're a selfless, like super smart, awesome book buyer, like then go ahead and make a Tulpa, but like, but if you're a piece of shit and you bought this book, well, like super smart, awesome book buyer, like then go ahead and make a telepuff. But like,
Starting point is 00:26:47 but if you're a piece of shit and you bought this book, well thanks for the purchase. First of all, don't create a telepuff further. Don't create a telepuff solely for accessing your memories. They can access your memories because they're also able to solve logic problems for you more quickly than you can.
Starting point is 00:27:04 It's a great benefit. It can't be the sole purpose of your Tulpa's creation. Your Tulpa is not a personal calculator and notepad. You guys. Okay. Don't create a Tulpa because you want to bring your favorite character to life. Many people are excited because they're able to control the base of their Tulpa So they try to use this opportunity to bring their favorite television or video game character to life
Starting point is 00:27:30 A Tulpa is a living thinking mind. You can't force it to be a certain character or act in a certain way Trying to force this upon your Tulpa Can cause the Tulpa to experience an identity crisis? I have some bad news. My topa is pregnant sonic calculator and I just learned I've done something terrible. You're so into him with his book. We're going to get to all the parts of that.
Starting point is 00:28:01 All parts of the crazy thing I just said is in this book. Yes. I mean, you're on part one of making your character sonic the head chalk or whatever. This book is like, no, no, no, it can't be sonic the head chalk. However, it does in the sentence by saying that's not to say your total can't be like another character, but it can't be another character. Okay. So you're phonic the head chalk. Yeah, legally distinct from Sonic the Hedgehog. Does it really mention Sonic the Hedgehog? My name. No, it does not mention Sonic the Hedgehog by name. Okay. I only have a link in place. Right. You're creating a
Starting point is 00:28:35 Tulpa. Don't create a Tulpa if you're creating a Tulpa for its form. Do not create a Tulpa for its form. You cannot force a romantic relationship upon your topa. The amount of time you take creating a sentient topa and then opposing it is not worth your time. And of course, think about what your topa will feel. How would you feel if you were created solely for pleasing someone else romantically? You would hate it and so well, your topa. That is why I was made ladies and you know it's coming I was I was waiting who was get gonna get to it first you won't believe it it was shot I think we're getting a backstory of of why there are so many sections about how your topa hates you. Mm-hmm. I think maybe this is Memento style out of order storytelling.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Yeah, they almost haven't said anything good. Right? They've basically only said warnings and dire ways this is gonna turn out. And all the ways it fucking hates you. And so those are all, I feel like I could go for semantic jokes. Like I feel like this is a person with a lot of wisdom
Starting point is 00:29:45 I want to know why she is saying hey, don't try to fuck your Tulpa like what did she do that brought her to this realization Wow did that Tulpa fall out happy yeah, now tell me tell me the move you made on your Tulpa I think we can piece it together Those are all of the dire warnings that have started this book, which are quite a bit more than you were expecting. So now we're going to get started forming our own Tulpa. I'm going to ask that you to cooperate on a Tulpa. I think you're a little ahead of me there.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I'm going to read you a step and you guys will discuss and decide what that means for your Tulpa. And then we'll break for the recommended amount of time to focus on that, to make that true. We'll cut it out of the audio so that it sounds like we never left. Smart. Yeah, not enough podcasts or generating Tulpas
Starting point is 00:30:38 in the episode, live. We're recording this Monday, December 18th. It is now 8.40 pm. We will probably be done with this podcast somewhere around the new year. So that is how we are spending our holidays. Yeah. Including all fair time. You are now going to get started creating a being. Step one is called called forcing which I don't like But that is forcing and that is what they call it when you create a Tulpa forcing in a broad sense is the active concentrating attention towards your Tulpa Uh, they need a plenty of it especially in the beginning. So we start with a name
Starting point is 00:31:23 Uh, she says that uh if you've ever been to a carhip, you may notice that the first thing all salesmen do is find out your name. When you address someone by their name, you subconsciously build trust and a bond with that person. Like she's getting that pop psychology of people like their names. That's the level we're operating on. So she says, the same exact concept can apply to topa mancers like yourself.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Here's my first pitch. Well, master Skywalker. I'm I'm really from realizing that topa mancer is the name of the creator of a topa. Hey, of course it is. Wow. It's the name of you, Alex. The name of it's the name of both of you your Tulpa mansors Right now
Starting point is 00:32:10 So let's come up with the name. I believe what is it that's on the table? Fuck master skywalk master skywalker any revisions to that ready You don't yeah, you don't mess with a perfect name. And I, you know, as a... Because the forcing, it made me either think of something against someone's will or star wars. So I guess this is both, baby. I'm glad we're leaning into the star wars that feels better. Yeah, let's do that.
Starting point is 00:32:40 No, it's both. Yeah. It's Tiger Skywalker. That implies both. Yep, it's both. Yeah. It's Hikers Guy Walker. That implies both. Yep, there you go. Final form, the details of your Tulpa's form will be ironed out when you begin visualization, but it's good to have a rough idea before you begin.
Starting point is 00:32:57 What form do you plan your Tulpa to take? Will your Tulpa be a human, animal, giant flaming robot with 12 arms? It is up to you. Is that from the book? Yes, that's a, that's what I said that. I said that and you're going to have to come over and kick my ass. I'm going to make a tulip, but I do it. I can inform it right in your home.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Oh, I probably not going to be able to take fuck master Skywalker from the sound of it. I think we should have it like designed for combat. Like maybe some extra limbs, maybe some spikes, maybe some chainsaws. Like a child robot with 12 arms. Yeah, like a child's idea of a robot, like a giant flaming robot with 12 arms. Yeah, I wanted to be able to beat up my memories. So. But this is a really good idea.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I need a topla that can take fourth grade in a fist fight. So, now we need to decide, would that require precision tool or like a sledgehammer? This is overall sledgehammer. We're not getting into fine details yet. You will have the chance to refine this. Just giving an overall shape For example, she goes on to say some people have worked with have even created topos with the form of a rock Your imagination has no limits
Starting point is 00:34:14 Because I was just about to pitch like what if it was just a bomb with a face And a giant flopping dog Oh, all right. A dog. Well, last part I was thinking of that Mario opponent that is like Chompy, you know, but you're, yeah, Chompy to that too. But the chain is a dog. Yeah, chain chomp, but it's tethered like some sort of sexual metaphor. It's tethered and limited by its dog by its humongous flopping dog.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I love that. It's powerful. Mr. Potato Head style accessories, cowboy hat, little arms. Too much detail. I think we're going with chain chomp. Okay. Tethered by it, tethered by its dawn. Okay, thank you for typing it so we don't forget it. It's a lot done. I'm typing all of this. It's important You're fuck master skywalker the chain chomp tethered by a dog Just right now it sounds like I'm dominating this brain-strung session like I just don't think if someone said oh Alex Smith made a topa. What is it called? Oh, it's called fuck master skywalker. It looks like a bomb with giant dog I don't think they're gonna take that sounds
Starting point is 00:35:27 like an Alex Schmidt idea. So I just, I wanna acknowledge that, I'm gonna take a step back on the next decision-making let Alex get more of his voice in our topa. Yeah, I think that's a good call. Okay, Emily just, I'll like say, this topa with glasses now. It's just a real.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Nope, that's going in with wearing a vision. I do like that. Glasses a great revision. Chainchomp tethered by its dawn with glasses. Has a charming intellectual curiosity. Emily says when I was creating my first Tulpa, I aimed for a minimum of an hour a day on forcing. This may seem like a lot, but it's more manageable if you break it up into sections.
Starting point is 00:36:10 15 minutes, four times a day. That's not too much work. Uh, yeah. It's great. You got a pombadoro, your tolpa. That's right. Yeah. I don't know if people know that productivity app called pombadoro.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Anyway, go on. So, well, that's a good spot to break. We're all gonna take a break for an hour to just really focus on fuck master sky walker, the chain shop tethered by its dawn with glasses. With glasses. All right. And we're back. I did nothing, glasses. With glasses. And we're back.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I did nothing, but think about that. I really feel like I have a start to this. I know I'm not necessarily involved with this, but I just want to be, I want to see it. You guys can interact with it. I want to see it. I did sit-ups because I just think if you did it four sessions, 15 minutes, sit ups rather
Starting point is 00:37:06 than imagining a Tulpa, then your life would be better. You might have abs, but you could have imagined your Tulpa has abs. Let's take another hour. Let's take another hour. Okay, I'm back. I just sat there. I ate a can of frosting the opposite of abs. I did sit hopes, which is where you do sit up, saying think about your top. It was great.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I did both. That's genius. Each time, each time I reached the apex of it, I gave it another personality trait. I gave it another necklace like Mr. T. So it's just like weighed down with necklaces now. Can we add that to FFK Master's Sky walker? Like, is it too early for the necklaces? Oh my God. Oh, make a note of it. We can revisit it.
Starting point is 00:38:00 All right, we're going to define our Tulpa's personality. Method one is to create a list. This method involves creating a list of 20 to 50 personality traits and then communicating them to your Tulpa. Keep it broad, avoid using personality traits that will directly influence their opinions. For example, you can say musical,
Starting point is 00:38:19 but you cannot say likes the Beatles too much. That's how you create an out of control, Tulpa that will attack you. That's why we got those losses. Okay. This is so much more work than every hobby I have ever tried. This is a lot. It's a response of me.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Problematic right wing leanings. I think we should definitely give our Tulpa. Hold on. I'll write that down, but Shmete is taking the world. Give me some personality traits yeah um also problematic left wing leanings to get it all that's real balanced just an inseparable centrist um I think they're like very interested in nature They're very interested in nature and also bad at identifying nature.
Starting point is 00:39:08 That's a flaw in the wish. They're like pasta, like pets snakes. Yeah, yeah, they love nature, but have been mauled by grizzly bears in the past. All right, give me a few, Sean. OK, OK. master boomerang. Of course. Uh, dang, right.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Uh, because if they miss, it'll come right back to him. It's a good, it's a perfect weapon for a Talpa. Uh, you can never, you can never prove a boomerang was thrown. It erases his own evidence. I mean, he's a butt guy. Let's just leave that, he's a butt guy. Let's just leave that vague for now. One of those things we can refine.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Yeah, yeah, I don't wanna like bug him down personality. Let's do one more before we break to focus. Okay. Poster. Right. Interposs, I'm gonna revise that and say on the Mediterranean diet. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Okay. All right, let's go ahead and break and think about Fuck Master Skywalker, the chain chomp with a panjolist on the Tethersim to Earth, wearing glasses, possibly weighed down by necklaces one for each sit-up. And he has a problematic right wing leanings, problematic left wing leanings, loves nature, but is bad at it. Master of the boomerang, kind of a butt guy, and on the
Starting point is 00:40:36 Mediterranean diet, maybe for cholesterol. We don't know. All right, let's do two hours on this. Okay, sure. Be everything. All right, let's do two hours on this. Okay, sure, be ready. That we're back, I'm so fucking tired. This is so hard. Yeah. It's four in the morning here. I gotta be honest, I focused way too hard
Starting point is 00:40:54 on the butt guy stuff. That was like an hour 59 of my time. Right, it just dominated. I think we have to listen to what the Tulpa is saying. And it's saying, but guy. It's gonna be a real long set of Tulpa. I don't know. I feel like I'm lock and shmitty out.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Was it more of a Mediterranean diet guy for you? It was a lot of learning about various filophils. And, you know, that's great. Like what? Okay. Okay. Yeah. I'm glad we gave them. A lot of answers so they can read any book and gain any information, you know, it's like when you put a
Starting point is 00:41:26 Sim in front of a bookshelf they can just do or learn anything, you know, I'm gonna bold Follophils and butt stuff Yeah, I think me and Sean were connecting those really yeah, yeah, yeah Okay Yeah, yeah. Okay, uh, next is uh, there's another thing called stuff. So even my unsuccessful food stand. It's just a name. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I'm successful because it needed a brick and mortar. Got to expand. Got to go big. I'm Scotty Pippin for falafel and butt stuff. Don't that ask, Pip? I was a child in that region and he advertised the worst products. Well, I was a kid. It was nuts. Like Michael Jordan reinvented advertisements. And Scotty was like, I found a juice box behind an alleyway. Would you like that? and Scotty was like, I found a juice box behind an alleyway. Would you like that?
Starting point is 00:42:25 I love that you have personal experience. Sean closes every one of our community movie nights with the commercial, with Scotty Pippin Hawks, just a god awful six foot sub. And then he's done at the end. Yeah, he fucking dunks the sandwich from its garbage. And the song goes, she can't go to the regional submarine. And Scotty Pippins like, this is one
Starting point is 00:42:47 six foot. I can't hand along my own. Ladies, let's have a party because they're ladies. And then they like to like crisscross into its style eating sandwiches together like really bored on the board. But a great commercial. I don't know what this has to do with
Starting point is 00:43:05 Tulpa. I'm just gonna write down Scottie Pippin Sam and commercials. That's fucking right. I've already thinking about that anyway. sandwich Tulpa. If nothing else that that feels like a good band name, Scottie Pippin sandwich Tulpa. Real quick, Method 2 for developing your Tulpa is parading. It's the act of putting words into your Tulpa's mouth.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I think that's what we just did. We just made them say, like that is the Tulpa. It seemed like it came out of left field, didn't it? Like we didn't, I didn't feel like it came from us. I don't even remember doing it. Yeah, that was Tulpa. That was fuck master Skywalker, the chain chomp who was tethered by his dog and wearing glasses. That's what he had to say.
Starting point is 00:43:48 He said, Scotty Pippin, sandwich, Shilpa. Yeah, he went to take the 1990s Chicago land advertisements on local TV. That's what it is. That's some TOLPA sh**. Classic TOLPA sh**. So now we're going to introduce ourselves. She gives an example. She says, this is how she introduced herself, Emily introduced
Starting point is 00:44:05 herself to her topo Sarah. She said, Hello, Sarah. Can you hear me? This is Emily, your host, and your friend. Together, we're going to force you into existence. We're going to work together daily to force you. I understand what is necessary to bring us together and I will do whatever I can to make it happen. No matter how long it takes, we will create you, Sarah. Jesus. Yeah. Why is this threatening somebody with existence? I feel like this book is always in the voice of threats
Starting point is 00:44:39 or an attorney, maybe because I'm thinking of 1990s, Chicago and local commercials where there were a bunch of attorneys. But like, it's always like, here's the fun of having a Tulpa. First, file a legal brief threatening them in the lawsuit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:55 You exist or else? Yeah. I like how much of a punishment exists and sounds like, which yet, oh, okay, fair enough, but we don't have to tell the Tulpa that while we're creating it. It's a real bad way to start, I think.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Speaking of, let's come up with a better introduction. How about, how much? Many, you are so lovable and kind. Surely you can come up with a better introduction than fuck you exist, which was in a heart in a nutshell. Yeah, okay. Hello, fuck master's guy Walker. and fuck you exist, which was in a heart in a nutshell. Yeah, okay. Hello, fuck master Skywalker. Welcome to Earth.
Starting point is 00:45:31 You are your own Tulpa being. You have the right of habeas Tulpas, and we're so glad you're here. That's beautiful. Good day. That's so beautiful. Look at that. That Tulpa will feel welcome.
Starting point is 00:45:44 If you will sit down in a chair, he will take his shoes off. Perhaps he would ask for some tea. Yeah, you don't threaten this being. You're about to put inside of your head all of the time. Right? It's like picking a fight with your neighbor when you move into a new neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Then you're just gonna see him when you're bringing the trash cans out. You don't have that. Yeah, I think we got where we're doing that, we're doing that memento storytelling. We're like, yeah, I see what we're having along with you. I see why there were so many warnings. There is a warning about how,
Starting point is 00:46:15 regardless of what method you choose your Tulpa, we'll likely deviate at some point in the future. They will change themselves without you willing it. This is perfectly normal and will happen to some degree, no matter how well refined they are. So you shouldn't be angry about it. They will become out nothing like you think, this whole exercise is waste.
Starting point is 00:46:35 That's already happened because I feel like our Tulpa is already mostly scottie-pippin at this point. He's no longer a chain-chomp-tethered. Wait, that is what scottie-pippin is. Ugh, a pippin is My chain shop tethered by his own enormous dog does he wear glasses now? I have to look it up my god there he is I'll bet he looks There was an NSA glasses fat at 1.2 no joke so yeah, I'll bet he has We're making us make we're making us back.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Specs on frame, but you know, it's that player. Yeah. Yeah. All right, let's get into visualization. Start by picturing the 3D outline of your Tulpa. Is it tall or short? Tall, skinning or fat? And a skinny kind of a monster proportions.
Starting point is 00:47:20 You know, those classic, those classic like freaky monster proportions. How is their body shape, monster? Think about an outline until you have one perfectly in your head. I think we all know Scotty Pippins outline. We could just add the dawns, the earth and I guess the glasses. We can picture that too. Once you have your turplish shape.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Holding a sandwich. Donking the sandwich. Donking us always don't think a sandwich. Hold on, we'll get to that. That's later. That's later. We're jumping ahead. We're just picturing him.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Just standing there. Once you have your turplish shape perfectly visualized at a bit of color to them. But before we can do that, we must picture our turplish naked. That's in the book. That's in the book. Wait, that's in the book. With pleasure.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Okay, I'm just going to put this out there. This might be me. This might be the Tulpa. Is the gigantic dawn tethering him to Earth the six-foot sandwich? Is that just me? It is now. I can't get out of my head now. God, this is the danger of making a topa. It's like these stray thoughts just stick to it. They told you what would deviate. Yeah. Right. We're almost coming to that Ghostbusters thing where they just had a stray thought about the state puffed marshmallow man. This is the
Starting point is 00:48:41 form of the destroyer. You're right. Alex. Did you just make Scotty Pippin into a marshmallow man? Emily goes on to say there is a myth in the Tollpa community that Tollpas are unable to change their clothes if they are not first visualized naked Classic rookie mistake is to imagine a tub with a shirt on. And it's just always that's called Winnie the Poohing. He'll never, he'll never have anything but that shirt. Well, this myth has been disproven by who by fucking Tulpa scientists. He's not what you're proving. It's still a good and safe idea to visualize your Tulpa naked first, because let's be honest, there's just sometimes in life where Tulpa's have to get naked. It's just telling a whole story. I was going to suggest that we meditate on our Tulpa's new body here. I think we have that
Starting point is 00:49:46 down pretty well. I think he's maybe a little marshmallowing. I think he's got a six-foot sandwich dome that tethers him to earth. Let's break for an hour and just really think about every detail of that. All right, we're back. The best hour of my life, I gotta say. So like the dick has let us in tomatoes and stuff, right? Like it's got the works. The works. The Anipepers, pickles. Yeah, all things. Bices, horses and the mood for Capacola. Right? Yeah. Tell you right. You're right. I know it's Scotie Pippin, but it's an Italian called gut combo That's that's what it is All right now, let's get into the details rather than focusing on utopas a whole I highly recommend working in sections
Starting point is 00:50:35 This is Emily speaking. This means taking one small section of utopa say They're foot and visualizing it perfectly from all angles Oh, I do she had something their foot and visualizing it perfectly from all angles. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I knew she had something. We're like body scanning the talp on now? Yeah, with special attention to foot. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Right, okay. Suspicious. Suspicious. I'm just saying it right now. Just let his, hey, let's make up a guy. He's naked. Let's do some foot stuff. Just some light foot stuff to start.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Working backwards, he's gonna hate you. He's gonna hate you eventually. What you're doing right now? Let's take an hour to think about feet. And we're back. I thought about nothing but feet. I don't have a foot fetish, but I think I'm I think I'm giving myself one. Yeah, I'm trying. I'm trying to develop this disorder. That's the theme of the tuple book rise to give yourself horrible disorders. Yes. Yes. Creeple fetishes. I would arguably become quentin Tarantolpa. That's right. God damn it. Everyone's a slammer. Everyone's just knocking him out of the park. There's some poor god damn Tolpa Manser in the parking lot just getting nailed by ball
Starting point is 00:51:56 after ball. Just why don't these keep hitting me? Alright, movement. I think we can skip this section because he is dunking that sandwich. That's it. I will say visualizing, she specifies is finally visualizing them putting on and taking off various sets of clothing. Of course, this step, this last step of them putting on and taking off various sets of clothing, of course. This step, this last step of them putting on and taking off various sets of clothing,
Starting point is 00:52:27 this step will easily take between five and 20 hours of productive forcing. So let's break for 20 hours. So think about Scotty Pippin, Scotty Pippin, fuck master Skywalker, the sandwich to Lepidon, Tether to the planet, five to 20 hours of that guy just taking on outfits.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Okay. All right. Guys, I made a terrible mistake. He's still new to my head. All I had to do was he kept taking out his feet and putting on marshmallows. Just foot marshmallow foot marshmallow. So I don't know if that. To me, I feel like that's the main tolpa now. He's a marshmallow-footed
Starting point is 00:53:05 uh, Scotty Pippin uh, with the sandwich dog. I'll be honest. I, I really drilled down into the sandwich dog. I was just taking, I instead of clothes, I was taking on, taking off and putting it on toppings. Okay. Like that, I, I guess that's what the clothes were for the dome. I try to look at the shit. Chocolate syrup, it was weird. It got weird. It's a rachimayo.
Starting point is 00:53:29 So my mind went pretty smoothly, but he did keep shifting into different 1990s Chicago Bulls role players. And so he is currently Bill Wellington in my head and is going to be Ron Harper, I believe next. So fantastic. Just watch out for that. When he gets to Tony Kucho, Kucho, that's when we got to be scared.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Scared of the Kucho. I really craved. Now, I just think Craig Hodges would dominate in the modern NBA. If you remember Craig Hodges, here's this guy. Oh, yeah. All he did is shoot three pointers, which was absurd in the 90s. They just put him there because-
Starting point is 00:54:08 Slavable. So you'd have to have one guy like far away from Michael Jordan, because otherwise you just have all five people guarding Michael Jordan, but if Craig Hodges is out there like god damn it, okay put a guy in your Craig Hodges so he doesn't fucking just shoot three pointers all the time. But now you watch an NBA game. Five guys throw on three pointers. Craig Hodges would be a superstar Right, they're just growing more Craig Hodges and test tubes back in the front office. Let's give Scotty Pippin Mr. Skywalker Craig Hodges hand just let's just try it out
Starting point is 00:54:37 To Hodges enchanted three point-sinking hands Plus two to long shots hands plus two to long shots. So we're on sound. You should now imagine a voice for your Tulpa inside of your head making sure it's very different than your own. If you make a voice for your Tulpa that is too similar to your own voice or mind voice, you may have a hard time telling if responses are coming from your Tulpa or you. Be your reason. Exactly As much as you like. So, uh, okay. Let's give this one to Sean. Sean, give me a voice.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Not Jack, can't be sure. I'm not gonna do, I'm not gonna do Shek. Specifically, I'm not going to do much to Keylonia voice. I'm Cregatius. I don't know. I don't know. I'm Craig Hodges. I'm Craig Hodges.
Starting point is 00:55:27 So it's Arnold Schwarzenegger, but specifically the scene in total recall where he gets Jettison down the airlock and his head is slowly exploding. That's exactly what I was going for. Precisely. We're on that Taupe Wavelength now, man. We're on T open it. And I know folks are saying that is the thousandth time I've heard the name Craig Hodges in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice right? Every hot guy has to be doing this. I know I know it's what the to the wants
Starting point is 00:55:59 okay we can't help it. You can't help it if he's basic. All right, well, Sean got the last one. So, Shmeddy, you're up next for, oh no, smell and taste. Oh, smell and taste. Yeah, you, Emily says you'll want to imagine an overall smell and taste for your topa. Smell them, taste them. What do they smell and taste like? This is up to you. Marshall, Abby. Wet, taste them. What do they smell and taste like this is up to you? Marshall, I'll be.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Wet, both answers. Let's take an hour to think about wet, both answers. All right. Okay, so I have just spent an hour thinking about eating scotty pippin's feet and penis. Both of the very wet according to Alex Smith. See, it's back to the sandwich again for me. I think I might just be hungry because it's been 76 hours doing nothing but thinking about scotty pippin. I was just thinking about how the bread is soggy. Like maybe it's, uh, maybe it's like a, like a dip situation. Which is a very Chicago thing. I think that's the top of telling me.
Starting point is 00:57:10 That sandwich is dipped. There's, there's some Jew. I love that, um, I feel like this, it seems to be like the point of the book is to just slowly escalate the insanity until you're in a place where we're eating an imaginary Scotty Pippin's penis, right? He's been dipping his sandwich dog in Chicago, Aju. Right, and I tell you, his beef style. That's what he says. You lay it, you want to try some Italian beef, and then just pull the warp, I just unspools
Starting point is 00:57:44 it. Like a fire hose. It is it's kind of a standing that we've gotten around to one of the primary menu items of the Portilla's restaurants which were very first very hot dog column was about. So that's fun. I really enjoyed the told us powerful after all. Tulpa net is real, man. There's a Tulpa connection. Let's move on to touch. Picture your Tulpa naked again. No, what? Yes, that's what it says. Don't even take an hour, just consider it done.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Emily says, picture your Tulpa naked again and place your hand on them. Imagine how their skin feels down to every attribute you can think of. Is it rough or soft, smooth, rigid, warm or cold? Feel various parts of their body, feel their muscles and their bones, feel their ears, eyes, nose, their hair. I swear to God, all right, I'm not making this next part up.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Okay. Imagine them stepping on you, hugging you. Imagine you holding them in the air, feel their weight. After a certain point, you'll want to put clothes back on your telpa and visualize those as well. Oh, who would even reach that point?
Starting point is 00:58:55 Right? Yeah, come on. I think we know what that point is. I think we know what point means in this scenario. The horneest book. Imagine them stepping on you is the first fucking thing. Yeah. I mean, she established herself as a foot lady.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Now it's like, yeah, very clearly. We know what's happening here, but it's part of the exercise. Let's take, let's take, let like stick a nice casual six hours to think about Fuck master skywalker the Scotty Pippin sandwich don Stepping on us in a sexual man. I'm so glad we gave him marshmallow feet You're right. Yeah, he was telling you. He knew he cares for us six hours Got him some time. I don't know about you. I'm so good in a pile of filth here.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Just it's been like a week doing nothing, but this, uh, I didn't say to take bathroom breaks. So I have not been. I just went right on the top. That's the top. Uh, like, like dissipates it. Oh, no, no, no. Quite the opposite. It's always around in it. But it's what it's into and, you know, it's not my thing.
Starting point is 01:00:13 None of this is my thing, but I'm just trying to make my Tulpa happy. Shmitty by association, this is your thing. I Sean put that thing to you. I'm realizing with this whole top of prez. It is only fun if you do it for fun with other people. And the book is telling you how to do it by yourself incredibly seriously. So I think we're the first people to ever enjoy this book in the whole world. No question.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And this book expects you to take literal months of your life doing nothing but this. Yeah. All right, it's time to bring him to life. Sentience is the next part. We begin with narration. Talk to your telpa about everything going on in your life. Fucking, fuck master Skywalker. The sandwich don't, the sandwich don't, king of Chicago does not need to know about my glaucoma,
Starting point is 01:01:07 like he doesn't need to, he does not interested in this shit. No. Uh, with a sandwich piss, medical sandwich piss, we've decided. Uh, Emily goes on to say many people find reading books to your topa or playing strategy games with them are very beneficial She's playing single player board games with her imaginary friend Who does foot stuff with there so how many? Almost sequential of the saddest images in your life has this book conjured up I want to say I want to say at least six of the top 10 saddest things I've ever thought about in my life
Starting point is 01:01:51 are I have happened in this book so far. Yeah, this is tragic. Like losing settlers of Catan to this is not a good. That was it. That was the next exercise, which straight you straight stolen it you've you've told them answered it right out from under Sean your next your next ask was to which strategy game are you playing with your Tulpa and do you win it settlers of cotton and no we don't we don't we don't I was no uh the same blue haven me and yeah longest road
Starting point is 01:02:24 I just need another six weeks to set up loom haven. So it was our toe book and play us in gloom haven. And you know how, you know how Scotty Pippin, Skywalker, Fuckmaster, Fuckmaster, Skywalk, whatever. You know how he wins a settler, so can tan? He slaps the board right down with his giant sandwich cock. That's right. He dunks it. Right. There's your longest road. He shouts. Yeah, I get it. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:02:50 It's kind of a dick, but you can't be mad at him with those marshmallow feet built for stepping. It's like we're speaking a entirely different language than we were an hour ago. Well this wasn't exercise to be fair, this book, and all seriousness, if it works as an exercise in giving or at least routinely simulating a mental illness on yourself, I think we've gotten to that point. It's amazing how well it works. It works beautifully. She does have a quick note here that if the Tulpa is trying to communicate with you,
Starting point is 01:03:26 you might feel head pressures. If you felt a bit of pressure in your head so far, while you've been forcing, this is why. That does make sense. In my Tulpaverse, Fuck Master Skywalker, the Scotty Pippin Sandwichong is resting the sandwichong on my head, and it's just driving me down into the ground.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Yeah. Like a steak, like a camping tent steak. I think that's how he's communicating. What's he trying to say? Yeah, that's implied in the text, yeah, for sure. He's trying to say, I'm my own man, don't make me step on you anymore. I'm not into it.
Starting point is 01:04:00 I'm not into it. You can actually have your to help and make decisions using head pressures by asking them questions You could ask them to instruct you that the pressure on the left side of your head is yes, and on the right side is no. Oh my god Try to try to direct your headaches into So long to finish this fucking game of set list of Catan. Then you can only communicate by pressing on your head with a sandwich dog. You're like, okay, in context,
Starting point is 01:04:34 fuck master's guy walker, what does that mean? Wait, does that mean wait, can I drink? Left side for one more, yeah. wait, can I drape you shiver will you? Yeah. It's like all dogs semaphore just. All right. She goes on to say emotional responses or sudden waves of emotion that seemingly occur from nowhere might be your Tulpa trying to communicate. The first time this happened to me was when I walked to a pet store and saw a nice kitten. I asked my Tulpa Sarah using head pressure. Was that you? It was. I found out later she really loves cats. Who caught a guest? She saw a kitten like the kitten. The top of agrees, yay kittens. That's an anecdote.
Starting point is 01:05:25 My head pressure. My head pressure, of course. My, uh, via what is clearly an undiagnosed tumor at this point. Right. Communicated. I like cats. We're like very ordinary sinus headaches. We're sometimes it's on whatever other side of your head. Like maybe there's a allergic to cats standard. Yeah. I would believe this story more if she's like,
Starting point is 01:05:49 oh, you don't like cats. You want me to eat the cat. You want me to go into this pet store and eat the cat in front of the people who work here. Let me make this, let me understand this perfectly, Tulpa. And then press on the front left of my forehead if I'm supposed to eat the cat. I'm telling you telling you the cat. I want you to eat the cat. Yes We forgot about the boys. You're right
Starting point is 01:06:13 I'm sad Do it yeah Okay, it's time to to bring them to life now that we have everything It's called imposition, which again, I don't like the phrasing. Yeah, it could have been a better word. Yeah. At this point, it's normal to wonder if tricking your brain
Starting point is 01:06:35 into hallucinating is possible. It is. You must believe. The truth is, you hallucinate every day. You just aren't aware you're hallucinating because you naturally assume the hallucinations are real because you don't take the time to question them. Sitation needed.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Fuckin' what Emily? This is... That's how we really see it. Most things Emily sees aren't real. It's perfect for her to see a cat and decide there's like spiritual warfare over whether or not it's adorable. Waging on her forehead. By now, you know that your telpa is completely real. You put a lot of time into creating them.
Starting point is 01:07:14 I've given you no reason not to trust me. So I ask again, trust that this is possible. It's time to impose that she says I recommend starting with sight. Of course, imagine them in front of you standing with their base form as you did in the first step. They will be fainted first without much detail and hard to see. They will become clear over time. Finally give the movement and pose walking, sitting, down, jumping. I'm going to put in parentheses, dunking their own enormous sandwichedong into a basketball
Starting point is 01:07:44 hoop of Chicago's you. That's what I'm gonna add to this. I love that Chicago's you somehow stuck. Yeah, how many chapters about Jarton era? Right, how much do we get into that? That's surprising amount. right? How much do we get into that? That's surprising amount. Eventually, we'll seem like they're actually there with you, whenever you want to be. When you completed the step, you will know it. Emily says, I personally knew I had completed it.
Starting point is 01:08:24 When I had imposed my Tulpa during a college lecture, she had gotten up out of the chair in front of me, got on the table and backflip off of it. She then ran out of the classroom and came back in through a window behind me when I asked her why she did that. She told me that she just wanted to sit closer to me. Apparently, just getting up and turning around was too easy. Silly, tell buzz. Oh my god. Oh my god, that's so fucking stupid. Oh my God. Oh my God, that's so fucking stupid. Now, and I'm also imagining this author, like wasting four years of college with Tulpa games,
Starting point is 01:08:52 you know, that's wild too. It's clear she was thinking about this in the lecture, like you're imagining, right, you're, your footstuff Tulpa sitting next to you because apparently nobody will. She took out loans. She took out loans.
Starting point is 01:09:07 To imagine a naked woman doing backflips through the lecture. Imagine coming home to your parents and being like, what did you learn in college? Well, it wasn't in the classes, but I learned so much. She's here now. Who's here now? What are you talking about? Sarah, reveal yourself. Show them your true form, your heaving naked bosoms Sarah daddy? Do you feel pressure on your head that Sarah don't ignore her? She means the world to me. She says I can feel her cats are nice Scanner style head explosion. It was too powerful, I thought. Interacting with telpas. Before you can do something as large as hugging your telpa, you must start with the little things.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Sit next to them and face each other. Feel their breath on your face. Feel the proximity between you two. Feel the vibrations as they talk. Poke them gently. Yeah, I like this. See, this is, I like this kind of escalation. Play a light game of truth or dare. Offer to maybe watch some pornography together. You know, there's like, can I just get things moving? A little. Four laughs. Just because it's funny, you know, they're acting. It's so bad, right? Let's play some strip twister.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Just see what happens. Sometimes you want to spice things tulk, you know? You just want to, perfect. Another home run right to Sarah's fucking dome. Craig Hodges from 30 feet. Just real quick, I want to add, it would be strip-settlers of Catan. We have determined this. Poke them gently, never apply a ton of force to your Tulpa, as your hand will pass right
Starting point is 01:10:54 through them. This is detrimental to your progress, as it tells your brain that your imposed Tulpa isn't actually real. Poke them gently and feel the way their skin feels against your fingertip, feel the resistance. Again, you must work on the smaller things. Begin running your fingers all over your Tulpa's body. Feel every inch of their skin, run your fingers through their hair, feel the area behind their ears and between their fingers, feel the area underneath their knees, the bottom
Starting point is 01:11:21 of their feet, and the inside of their mouth. Oh my God. Wow. Oh, so, so, so horny. But remember, it cannot be forced. Sarah loves it. This is like fifth date stuff. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:41 You know, but stuff before this, this is really intimate. Yeah, I mean, I recently read a very iconic article by Sean about the latest in D. Bull. And I'm thinking of how D. Bull will just vaguely, lightly rewrite a book to be a whole other book. It almost feels like this is a intimacy manual and then they just lazily try to turn it into a Tulpa book. At this point. Like, this is, so you can't find a partner. Oh my God, somebody should propose this to Debel.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Teach him how to Tulpa. Oh, fuck. Because he does like metaphysics. He's always trying to hypnotize himself in the mirror or use telepathy to get girls. Like he would, but send him this book. Yeah, he would just make a girl a problem. He would be so mad about the part where you can't make them like you.
Starting point is 01:12:34 He would immediately be like, well, then they're not going to like me. Yeah. All right. Well, let's think about the bottom of, of, of, of, of, well, let's think about the bottom of of fuck master sky walker, Scottie Pippin sandwich dunk feet and the inside of his mouth. Let's give that another 20 hours.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Oh, at least. And we're back. I love the sandpaper, right? I need it more. More than more hours. Yeah, it was a little underdeveloped. It was sandpaper, like a kitten. I think that that kitten talk gotten my head. The last four meals, the last four meals I ate were just things I found in Scotty Pippet's mouth. What were
Starting point is 01:13:14 they? Mostly sandwiches, but also sandwiches. Smaller chunks of topa, other topas that he had to be at. He's already, so we did design him for combat. That's been forgotten along the way, along with how much he's into butt stuff and his problematic political views. I imagine all of that comes into play with topa combat. Very political.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Very political. He's so deep. I love our topa. And now for the end game, possession. Jesus. Before we can get to switching, we must start with possession. Start by giving your Tulpa dominant access to the thoughts in your head. Check.
Starting point is 01:13:56 What I mean by this is, their thoughts should become more powerful than your own. Yeah, already. So far, this has been the opposite. Visualize this switch happening in a way that makes sense. Picture your Tulpa's voice moving from the back of your brain to your front. Choose whatever works for you. Just make sure your thoughts are dominant. Way ahead. One way to make sure you've done this correctly is to ask a question about yourself.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Your Tulpa should answer. So Sean, ask yourself a question. It's my sand and penis. And what is the answer? Yes, and vice versa. I don't know. I don't know if that's you. That could be you.
Starting point is 01:14:37 No, it wasn't. Freddie, let's dial in. Ask yourself a question and have your Tulpa answer. If I wanted to change up my glasses, Let's dial in, ask yourself a question and have your Tulpa answer. If I wanted to change up my glasses, could I day-to-day pull off the specs that Horace Grant wore as the power forward of the Chicago Bulls? And the answer? Of course. Yes. Anything is possible. It's beautiful. And then we have that. You said that. This is a test.
Starting point is 01:15:07 We know our telpa's voice. It is our anal shorts and anger when his head is exploding. You both failed. You're just not quite there yet. Oh, right. I mean, of course, of course, you can't. Yeah, there we go. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:18 There you go. Every team can use a second horse grant. If you've reached the state where your telpa can move your body without conscious input from yourself, you can now take this a step further. This is called switching. Switching will result in your Tulpa having full control over your body while you yourself take on the form of your Tulpa. Which can I say? Sounds like problematic mentally mentally that sounds like dissociation, but
Starting point is 01:15:49 I'm looking forward to being Scotty Pippin with a Scotty Pippin with a Fuck Master Skywalker six-foot sandwich dog. Mm-hmm and Marshmallow feet my feet kind of hurts. I can use that Yeah, to begin switching You must first visualize a topo-like body of your own. Way ahead of you. This will give you a body to use while your telpa is in control of your body. Your voice should be quieter and weaker as your telpa will become the dominant figure in your body.
Starting point is 01:16:20 This will be fair. Fuck Master Skywalker would absolutely don't me. That's no question. I guess it wasn't certain that it would be like a switch that we're like doing a full on like 18 again or a freaky Friday or whatever. You're a tell-po. Don't worry to regain control over your body.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Simply recall every one of the steps you've taken so far and do them in reverse. You guys remember all those, right? Of course. Right, I've been leaving the trail of breadcrumbs this entire time, just tearing off tiny pieces of bread. You know what, I don't believe you, but Emily says that's okay.
Starting point is 01:17:01 Don't worry, it's impossible to get stuck in a switch state. So you have no need to worry. If you've managed to switch, switch places with your Tulpa congratulations. This is the end goal for most, the end goal for most Tulpa Mansors. The end goal is to imagine some lady that likes cats jump into her body while she pilots yours and then nothing else. The end goal is to stop existing, is to step outside of existence and just give your life to somebody else.
Starting point is 01:17:39 That's the end goal of anybody who bought this book. This could have been like, this is so make believe it could have been anything. And it's just, I just feel like when you think it's hit there and imagine like powers you could have whether you could like shoot lasers from your eyes or control time. And this lady's just like, what if I was just a different lady nearby? I was just a different lady nearby Who's name or something exotic like Sarah didn't quite exist only one person knows about her It's like it's just it's so close to just kind of going to bed and never waking up
Starting point is 01:18:25 You know, it's just it really is it's that much better much better than I'm trying to make it sound No, I could I it's an upcoming column, but I read a book about crystal skull stuff and Rapidly realize that the authors are not fun or creative. So right you think it's gonna be crystal skull big swings And then it's just not they're just not having any fun somehow with the thing that should only be fun. It's, I think, I think a lot of cooks do this way, yeah. Crystal Skulpa, is that one? You're gonna hit it, Shmitty? It's okay. Yeah, that works for me, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:54 It's an in the park, all right, it's an in the park. Yeah, this is the saddest book. It is taking approximately four months out of your life, giving yourself just an absolute mental illness in order to go to sleep and never wake up. And I feel like I'm talking about... Yeah, tolpa amateurs. I feel like we nailed it.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Like I'm having a really nice time. I think our tolpa rules. Yeah. This was a great way to spend five and a half months. You know? Well, there are a few warnings that come at the end of this book after we have spent months. Let's hear it.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Here's a warning number one. In some cases, you may end up with another topa, whether you consciously created or not. While this is rare, topas are also able to create other tulpas either through pregnancy or through their own forcing pregnancy Sean I told you we get there Amazing I was just very stuck by the Another just just drilled in like like she's driving away from the park that bus
Starting point is 01:20:08 through the glass causes accident. I'm trying to leave. Bam right through the glass. Emily does say if they want to do this, you should let them because let's face it, they're more powerful than you at this point. I can't control of your body. What are you going to do? So, fuck master Skywalker can make his own fucking Tulpa. Now, we can't stop him. He might be pregnant. And you know what? He is pregnant.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Let's all break to give fuck Master Skywalker who is dominant in our brains. Let's give him about 20 hours to create his own Tulpa. Sure. Let's ask him about 20 hours to create his own topa. Sure, that's, that's good. And we're back. Sean, what's here? What did he do? What has he done? Okay, he made a topa and that topa recruited 10 topas of their own and each of them recruited 10 topas of their own and downline, down the line and down the line and all of that profit gets up through the line to me at the top. And so I bought a boat with top like ash, top bucks, top on coin, top going, top going, it's the new black chain sweep on the nation
Starting point is 01:21:30 Shmety what in fuck master skywalker create We hit the apex we hit the cook coach. We did it Finally The shiny the shiny Pokemon of the Chicago Bulls It's the cook coach. We got him. As a reminder, he just made like the cake boss, but he's called the sandwich boss. And he's, and what he does is he just makes all of these these sandwich tongs, which untethered from the top of just look like sandwiches, it's fucking crazy. But you know when you taste them.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Yeah, yeah, they're wet. They're real wet. They're real wet and dicky. And finally, our last warning here is telling your family and friends. Oh, they can get this. Whoa. Sean, wait, I can't get this. Whoa. Sean, way ahead of the book again. Before telling anyone, consider who you're talking to and view this from their perspective. To most people, tollple creation will sound a lot
Starting point is 01:22:34 like giving yourself schizophrenia or disassistative disorder. Of course, we know this is not the case, but others won't believe you, even if you tell them otherwise For this reason it's incredibly important that anyone you tell is open-minded and willing to actually take the time to learn about Tulpas and what you've experienced perhaps you can do them a favor and encourage them to buy this book Nice fucking sales pitch Little borrow your copy you already fucking made a whole other being. You don't need the book anymore. Make the next tolpa this book and you won't have to pay for it. So you get around I'd be property laws. You just, you just told them. It's hoped by yourself a laser disk of hard target and watch it any time. That's my Tulpa. Uh.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Uh. That's okay. She goes on to say the truth is, people are really close-minded. People will assume you're insane, despite the fact that Tulpa creation is a natural and healthy experience. These type of people may break their connection with you, resulting in lost friends or distance family. Distanced family members.
Starting point is 01:23:46 In some cases, they may even suggest, or worse, force you into mental treatment. Involuntary commitment to psychiatric treatment is legal in some areas of the world, meaning family can force you into seeing a psychiatrist against your will. Before you tell your family about topas, look up the laws in your area regarding this.
Starting point is 01:24:06 On the top of laws. Do you think I need help? Easily I could defeat a psychiatrist with an invisible Scotty Pippin. You wouldn't even stand a chance. With a side of kukoucch. Right, forget it. Set me up.
Starting point is 01:24:21 To get that set you up. For the fucking three pointer. Yeah. Yeah. Don't. And author use the verb force. But for the bad way, we all know bad. I think it's forced you to go see psychiatric health, which is great. Once again, I'm going to assume this is autobiographical. And you told your family about your Tulpa and got fucking committed. Yeah, she was a Tulpa the whole time. Sean. What? One final endorsement closing out this book from Emily Steinbock,
Starting point is 01:24:58 author, author of the Tulpa book. She says some other great Tulpa communities include. Tulpa dot info, credit dot com slash our slash topa. Of course. Of course. 8chan, topa. What? Oh, getting some problematic topas here.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Yeah. We gave it the views to fit right in. So that's good. Getting some some fascist telpas That's uh and of course I highly recommend visiting my own website Uh before you go to it, it does not exist uh maybe we have to imagine it into existing The tomatoes registered may still be available Yeah, so we we have to telpa this into existing. The Domea is registered, but may still be available. Yeah, so we have to Tulpa this into existing, wait a minute, no, I went to the Wayback machine. The first post was called an introduction to, and it read like this. Hello, everyone. My name is Joe, and I'm the owner of I've been Tulpa forcing for a while now and consider myself a fairly experienced Tulpa Manson.
Starting point is 01:26:08 I have two Tulpa's myself. Fulin is my first and the guy I spent most of my time working with. I'm also working in the early stages with my second Tulpa, Emily. Whoa. The Tulpa wrote this book. The Tulpa, I guess it's not impossible to get stuck on Joe That's fucking crazy. I was joking and I accidentally Predicted the twist
Starting point is 01:26:36 Wait, but topa's the whole time Ice Night Hundert Frankfurt! Ice Night Hundert Frankfurt! Unsiprakas, knalds! Un mebačamalim ša! Dāk Frankfurt Podcast! Konek! Konek! Jaa! Ekratis, nitratis, nit unas!
Starting point is 01:26:58 Šitdi, indo hundazau, Dio enastundas! Kupšā! Du kis, dino vā! Ice Night Hundert Ice Night Hundert Frankfurt! The Supremes were city's marked kids grifting their way off the street until they were framed for a crime they didn't commit. One 900 hot dog mounted an appeal to put them back on the street. This time in business casual as a private mercenary force.
Starting point is 01:27:39 Together they are, hot dog and Supremes. Starring, Erin Crosston, Adrian H. Aiden Moette, Alpha scientist Java, On Andy, Armando Nava, With special guest star Badger as Bone, Boney Sam, Sepson, Benjamin Sirenon, Vim Tolzer, Brendan Garlock, Barrito, Cerelle, Chase, Clementine Danger, featuring Craig
Starting point is 01:28:09 LeBoyne and Quavis as the Rappin Quakers, Dan B, David Schult, Dean Costello, Devin the Rogue Supreme. The role of naked president is played by Dracid. Dusty's Rad titles, Eric Rionne is the Master Ninja. Every zinc, fancy shark, Garrett is the Master of Ninjas. Jellahoe, Greg Cunningham, Hambo, Haraka is Ninja Master 9000, Harvey Penn-Gweeney, Ha, Fart, Hark, Javr-Al, Aiden, James Boyd as corrupt politician, James Boyd, Jeff Oresky, Jim Salter, John Dean, John McCammon, John Minkoff, Joseph Sears as himself.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Josh S. Joshua Graves, Justin B. as Type Void Urchin number 6. Ken Paisley, K.M. Kyle Campbell as, Ertren Master 9000. Lisa M. Jahishapel, featuring the musical talents of MC Mark Toronto Mack Mahoney. Mack Riley, Max Barore, Michael Lair, with special guest star Mickey Loman as the knife boy. Mike Styles, Mojoo, the role of Mr. Bob Gray will be played tonight by Mr. T in unoffensive wing. Indeed, Neil Bailey is Corpulent Louisiana Conman number 17. Neil Schaeffer, Neku 104, Nick Relston, Aussie Olin, Patrick Herbst, Rachel, Rianan is Corpulent Louisiana Conman master 9000, Kopsky, Sean Chase, spotting reception.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Supernought. Featuring 1010, the murderous Arangatan. 10H, Thomas Kabatzos, Timilei, Tommy G, Toasty God plays Judge Rageem McBlaster, Vilo plays Dr. Blast McRageem, Vouster, Plays, Professor, Stevenson, Whalen Russell, Yannis Io Knightis, with Special Guestar Bride Sailor Ed's, The Street Pope. I'm afraid it's your world against mine, Mr. T and who are they gonna believe some convicted felon?
Starting point is 01:30:43 Or the man who blesses the rats? No! Hoth dog ends up re-

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