The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 34, Dirtbag Jeopardy!

Episode Date: August 4, 2021

Seanbaby pits the proven excellent mind of Jeopardy! champ and Secretly Incredibly Fascinating host Alex Schmidt against the proven garbage mind of nothing's Robert Brockway in a game of Dirtbag Jeopa...rdy! It's just like Jeopardy, but for and by dirtbags! Play along! If you're a dirtbag!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 One nine hundred hot dog. Hot dog. One nine hundred hot dog. Hot dog. Our podcast slams with maximum hype. Say hot dog podcast word. Yeah. When you taste that nitrate power
Starting point is 00:00:18 you're in the dog zone for an hour. Come on. Do not remember. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred.
Starting point is 00:00:34 One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero zero. Yeah. Nine thousand. Welcome to the dog zone. Nine thousand in the official podcast of one nine hundred hot dog dot com. I'm TV's Sean baby from the internet
Starting point is 00:00:50 and with me with a Brockway fact is Robert Brockway. The Lama. No follow up questions. I didn't even have any. That's plenty already. And our returning guest
Starting point is 00:01:06 our dear friend from crack from the secretly incredibly fascinating podcast the Jeopardy Champion Alex Schmidt. Guys it's great to be here. Also I was attending to my Lama before this because they're all bent out of shape. I don't know why trying to find out who did it.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Suplex the Lama. Oh. It's coming together. So even without the follow up questions we're kind of solving this Lama wrestling mystery. Yeah we're getting to the bottom of the case I think. Yeah. I did not cover my tracks well.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I left my name in Lama blood just right there on the ground. That's my signature. Secretly incredibly fascinating. It's great. We've been on twice for ham and for storms. I love the show. Well.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Today is a very special podcast. Normally we just kind of mess around but today we're going to showcase Brockway's giant brain and we're going to play a game. Your giant brain. That's what we're showcasing today. We're playing the 100 hot dog
Starting point is 00:02:10 Tretcher's Danger Threat Robot Quiz Game and the object of this game is to raise enough money to buy a robot body for Brockway's brain. Now here's some stats. The first upgrade kit is $16,700. Brockway needs to answer enough trivia questions
Starting point is 00:02:26 to earn that with the help of actual Jeopardy champion Alex Schmidt. Unfortunately robot law dictates all attack dance and rampage commands must be followed by whoever answered the questions leading to the fabrication of the aforementioned robotic housing. So although you're acting
Starting point is 00:02:42 as a team in this game, if Alex's help is necessary to earn more than half the money he will have total control over Brockway's future robot body. Now the rules are simple. Aside from the stuff I just said. We're playing the TV show Jeopardy with no daily doubles.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Alright, so I have a few questions. One, do I have to keep my garbage brain? Absolutely. That's a big part of it. Sorry about that. We can't place that with robot. Is this like a man with two heads in an area where he will have his own separate head on the body? Should this situation
Starting point is 00:03:20 arise? There's going to be at least two heads. Alright. That we can be sure about. Fantastic. Well then I'm in. God damn it, I'm in. Perfect. So basically we're playing Jeopardy. Brockway's going to try to get all the questions he has. He cannot miss very many.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Alex, you're allowed to help with any question you want. If you want, you could just jump in and say it ahead of him and take control of that part of his robot body. So each correct answer earns money and if the correct answers come from Alex, he will control
Starting point is 00:03:52 a significant portion of Robert's future robot. Yeah, it's dystopian hangman. I got it. Yeah. Dystopian hangman rules. And if you don't earn enough money, everyone dies. The robot has no brain and it will rampage. It has no targeting
Starting point is 00:04:08 commands. It will fire indiscriminately. Obvious. I have a question. I don't know if folks know, but I do not know a lot about this going in. Is there like a board to look at? It's a very visual show of Jeopardy. There is a board.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You're going to have to keep it in your head. There's obviously not going to be a lot of gamesmanship in selecting your categories. So you could just run a category if you want. You could jump around if you want, but you won't be able to see the board. And so that might just mess with your memory. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:04:40 This, this first round is called single treacherous danger threat robot quiz game. And the five categories are these are about the basic functions a robot needs to blend in among us. First one, drop in panties. Second category, be it
Starting point is 00:04:56 fucking numb. Third, funky grooving. Four, rhymes with brain. And the fifth one is history, specifically the history of 1964, which was the year Jeopardy debuted. I'm sure Alex, you knew that already. So
Starting point is 00:05:12 control the board goes to Brockway. But again, there are the rules are loose, Alex. If you want to jump in and pick something, go ahead. No one can stop you dropping panties dropping panties for 100 for 100 obviously picks the most
Starting point is 00:05:28 famous robot behavior, right? The obvious trope about robots. The obvious robot trope. It's going to be in my robot. So again, these are Jeopardy rules answer you say your responses to the formal question, but I don't care.
Starting point is 00:05:44 The judges are super loose here. Here's your here's your answer. Best selling author of how to pick up girls Eric Webber advised readers of this book 100 best opening lines to say this to very busy and productive female coworkers.
Starting point is 00:06:00 We're looking for a pickup line you'd use on a very busy female coworker. Oh, any pickup line? Any pickup line? I'm going to be real loose with the judging on this, but you got to you got hit at work for work.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Sean, did you say this is it's like one pickup artist book recommended this line from another book of lines? It's he was he wrote how to pick up girls, which is a very unusually bad book, but it was also best seller. They made a movie out of it, and then
Starting point is 00:06:32 they wrote the same book 12 or 15 times and all of those are very, very bad. This is from one of the bad ones. We covered it once on a bonus podcast, so Brock was familiar. They they come with these real flowery stories like you're in the park zoo animals escape. I don't have to I don't have to know the story
Starting point is 00:06:48 right because that's like 8000 words. You know, we don't have time for the story. OK, so the worst pickup line that I remember, shit, I'm never going to nail this word for word. They taught me in the Boy Scouts always help a lady across the street. That was the
Starting point is 00:07:04 pickup line if you're meet a woman at the crosswalk. Yes. That's not going to work in this case on this case. She's very busy. So you say, you know, going out with you would be like dating a herald. And then we did say what hear that one.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Was that on the podcast? You were supposed to intuit this just from the circumstance. This is the hardest question. This is the hardest question on the board. This is for a hundred. Yeah, I just I just wanted to like set the tone. I need this robot body so bad.
Starting point is 00:07:36 You only lose a hundred bucks. You can make money is this literally rotting away from under me. I want to drill arm so bad. If we if we collectively lose enough money, does he need two robot bodies? Like does he go to the point where he has to buy two.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Yes, absolutely. I have to work for the robot. It's like Butler rules. Yeah. So I'm going to give control the board to Alex because that robot did not drop any panties. Was one of the categories
Starting point is 00:08:08 funky dancing or something? Funky grooving. Yeah. Yeah, that one for sure. For the first time. He doesn't even know the fundamental aspects of robot. This is the only pattern button Harry Belafonte hits on his Casio keyboard.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I do not know a lot about Harry Belafonte. That last name rings a bell. Okay. Well, Brockway, you can't answer. You should because if Alex gets these questions, he will gain control of your body.
Starting point is 00:08:46 What is sleazy serenade? Sleazy serenade is a great guess, but Calypso was the answer we were looking for. Calypso. Does he not have the sleazy serenade button? He might, but Harry Belafonte, a very famous Calypso artist, had an album called Calypso.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'm going to keep going with Funky Groovin for 200. Shortly after the death of this star of the 1990 TV special, Seriously, Phil Collins. Phil Collins was interviewed and gave this touching eulogy. Yeah, he was a good guy, but it hurt. Those ropes, they hurt if you're
Starting point is 00:09:20 thrown against them. So that's what he said about a man who died. What is a 1990 TV special? What is some Phil Collins bullshit? That is
Starting point is 00:09:36 not correct. The answer we're looking for was James Hellwig or the ultimate warrior. His robot body is running away from you. God damn it. I think Brockway, I think you got this one though. Alex, feel free to help. I was thinking, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Brad Hart? I was thinking a deceased wrestler, but I didn't get there. Why did Phil Collins eulogize the ultimate war? They did a video together called Two Hearts Living in Just One Minds. Very silly. It's about sharing a robot body after you
Starting point is 00:10:08 per se. And then 24 years later, the ultimate warrior died and the AV club asked Phil Collins about it. He's like, hey, yeah. What about the ultimate warrior? And he goes, yeah, he just died, didn't he? And then he gave that very touching quote
Starting point is 00:10:24 about how he met him one afternoon and the ropes hurt. Boy, I'm sure they did Phil Collins. I'm sure they did. So Alex, if he needs help with this, feel free to offer some. This is the number of dicks in Phil Collins's 1985 mouth, adjusted
Starting point is 00:10:40 for inflation. Adjusted for inflation. I got to say it's all of them. We will offer the correct answer we're looking for is unknowably more than zero and your answer certainly fell within that. So I award you
Starting point is 00:10:56 $300. Sweet. What am I at? $300. Oh, I don't have like negatives to overcome. Sweet. We're not doing the negatives. I'm back in this. I can buy like a Roomba. I can buy a Roomba for $300.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I used Roomba. It will not be able to fight this combat robot that we have built. No, but it might be able to become its pet. That's my game plan now. For $400. Assuming Prince never lied in a song, this was
Starting point is 00:11:30 the best way to meet him in a hotel lobby. Man, I do I only have like the vaguest hints of apparently the coolest musicians. Isn't there something little red corvette or something? There's a hotel lobby involved in it. I could give you a hint.
Starting point is 00:11:50 There's no rules against that. It's from the song Darling Nikki is the reference I'm making. Oh, was she what is masturbating with a magazine? That's a perfect answer. Yep. Nailed it. Great. So that is $400 for Alex's side.
Starting point is 00:12:06 So he actually has more dominance in this robot body than Brockway. Only $100 worth of control, though. I mean, it's not the dick. He doesn't get the dick. It's a binary thing. Robots are in binary. He either has all the control or none of the control.
Starting point is 00:12:22 What? Yeah, there's no... Ex-robot or anything? God damn it. Now, this is a song you might not be familiar with. For $500, Funky Groovin. The hyphenated title of this 21 song by Ernie K. Doe
Starting point is 00:12:38 is repeated 28 times including the four times it appears between the words sent from down below and Satan should be her name. Uh, what is devil in the blue dress? It's not devil in the blue dress.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Damn it. Yeah, willy-willy. It is not willy-willy. It's called mother-in-law and it's just a weird guy singing mother-in-law calling her Satan. Um... And that was vital to the programming
Starting point is 00:13:10 of robots, as we all know. 100%, a robot needs to understand the concept of mother-in-law and, um... Yeah, that's how they teach them the difference between love and hate. Exactly. So, uh, control the board to either one of you. We've got Dropin' Panties, Viet Fuckin' Naum.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Rhymes with Brain and History left. Viet Fuckin' Naum! Alright. For $100, Frank Castle killed every last man at Firebase Valley Forge in the climax of Garthenis' sixth Punisher comic with this four-letter title. Uh...
Starting point is 00:13:42 Oh. What is but? That's close. Uh, born. The answer we're looking for was born. Punisher. But... Punisher. I would read Punisher, but... Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Yeah. For $200. Punisher arc. Really amazing. He really did a lot with it. He really went to town on that. Velasa Raptor. Uh, for $200, a cute marketing guy would call the box series this if Oliver Stone made
Starting point is 00:14:14 three platoons equals. Um... A cute marketing guy would call the... Boy. If there's four platoons, what would you call that? This robot. Uh...
Starting point is 00:14:38 Can I steal? Please steal. Either one of you can answer at any time. Absolutely. I don't know the rankings exactly. The only one I can think of is it what is Battalion? Ah, close. It's Company. Then it would have been Battalion.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Fuck. Then Regiment. Then Division. Do I get punished for stealing and then being wrong? No. In fact, to go over the rules again, you guys are working as a team and Brockway is supposed to give every answer right. And Alex is supposed to be
Starting point is 00:15:10 only answering when necessary. He still has control over this robot. But he might be able to sneak in some coaching. He absolutely has control over this robot. And he might be trying to steal control. There's no rule against him doing exactly that. But I was counting on his kindness.
Starting point is 00:15:26 But never take anything for granted in robot construction. Do I... At what point do I get kicked out of the game for missing all of the questions? Right? At what point? Well, you got one. You're ahead of me.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Is there a trap door that opens or do I... I don't understand. I think I'm probably not on the same wavelength of academic research as you're used to in your jeopardy preparation. I'm... I guess Idiot Dirtbag is generally what I'm categorized as.
Starting point is 00:15:58 But... I'll take Idiot Dirtbag for 500. So, this one is a thinker for $300 via fucking num. Is that Freedom Rock Man? Then turn it up, man. A.K.A. the first 10 syllables
Starting point is 00:16:14 of Fortunate Son. Oh. Um... I've got as the guitar line in my head. Rockway, do you remember? I don't remember the first 10 syllables of Fortunate Son. I know it's from the Freedom Rock Infomercial.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Is that Freedom Rock Man? Are you old enough to remember that, Alex? The Freedom Rock commercials? No, I don't know that. Oh, they're so good. It's just like these guys in a trailer park and one dude rolls up and he's just playing Creedence Clearwater
Starting point is 00:16:48 and the other guy goes, hey, is that Freedom Rock Man? And the guy responds, yeah, man. And then the first guy says, then turn it up, man. That's so ubiquitous. Every day, that was on 700 times on Daytime TV. I think...
Starting point is 00:17:04 Did you miss the albums on TV entirely? Was that... No, I had that. Yeah, yeah. Especially the Now series. And there was also like... the ultimate hair metal ballads one that was constant.
Starting point is 00:17:20 I love that one. I got the both barrels of like the New Age music. Oh. Just lots of... lots of beach vibes, lots of sailing, just everywhere all the time.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah, I like that music. We had so many stuff we just had in our house because my folks were particularly into Yanni when we went to our zoo, the dolphin show they did. The climax was set to Santorini by Yanni. So I saw a pretty fair amount of footage
Starting point is 00:17:52 of Yanni having a fan blow his lustrous hair while he rocked keyboards like at the Acropolis. Man, you were a Yanni family. I still got the yelling Native American guy stuck in my head like decades later. Decades later.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It'll just be with me till I die. Well, it sounds like we don't have this question. Some folks have on me to wave the flag. Oh, okay. Yeah, I didn't have that one. Yeah, I just forgot. Wow. It's a great song.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I only remembered the bad ale, just the up and down of the instrument. That was all I had. That's the Calypso button. If you hit the Calypso button on the keyboard, you'll just get that on repeat. But you shouldn't. It's sleazy serenade. It's way better.
Starting point is 00:18:40 For $400, what slang term would we have used for North Vietnamese enemies if they were called the Viet Dung? What would soldiers have called them? Right. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:56 I think I know the answer. And I think it would be a two-letter acronym. Does that sound right to you? Could be. You do yours. I'll do something if you miss it. You said Viet Dung, so it would be what is Viet D? Is that right? I would have accepted that.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yes, or Delta. It would be the two directions you could have gone with. Oh. Yeah, okay. Like Charlie. So I'm going to give that to Alex. He is pulling ahead of robot control.
Starting point is 00:19:28 What are the scores? Where are we at? It looks like Alex has 800 to your 300. Dammit. So much. This is another finger. For $500. After I love the smell of napalm
Starting point is 00:19:44 in the morning, this was the most important line of the Vietnam war. Wait, like it's a movie? I know there are movies about it, but you mean like it's actually a movie and it has slides? The most important line if this was a visual game, there'd be heavy air quotes around line.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Oh, like what, the Ho Chi Minh Trail or something? That's not it. We're just going to wrap that one up. That was the 17th parallel. That was the hardcore academic question. Yeah, I was never going to get that one. I was in the other gear, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:22 That was one of those brain questions. And as we have established, I brought the garbage one today. We're going to go back to dropping panties because I know this is just a strong point. Brockway. Called Women of Mystery and A Very Proud and Select Group of Women
Starting point is 00:20:38 by Christian pickup artist Don Diebel. They're also the longest word you can type with your left hand. The longest word you can type with your left hand. And women that Don Diebel wants? Yeah, they're Women of Mystery
Starting point is 00:20:54 and a very proud and select group of women. Witches? Not a real part of that works, immediately where I'm going. What are witches? It's not witches. It's stewardesses. He called them
Starting point is 00:21:14 birds in constant migration. He called them in his pickup book. He said to really pursue flight attendants. A lot of the people he told you to pursue were women who were paid to be polite to him. And I think he thought he'd like to guess. For $300 dropping panties.
Starting point is 00:21:30 It takes 38 Miller High Lives to make Sarah Huckabee Sanders go from a one to a two because of a side effect of being drunk that makes faces appear more this. More or less evil? Yeah. I don't know what magic to pull here.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Symmetrical is what we're looking for. But I'm going to give you points for that because I think you're right. I do think that you lose a lot of judgment on who good and bad people are when you've had 38 Miller High Lives. More or less evil.
Starting point is 00:22:06 More or less evil. How much do I get for that? Where am I at? You're at $600. Still behind. Alex is $800. But coming back. Closing up. Closing that again. For $400 dropping panties.
Starting point is 00:22:22 The term for manual stretching. This is the term for the manual stretching exercise that enlarges and lengthens the floppy unwieldy sex tube all the ladies love. What is jelking? Exactly right. Yes, jelking. There you go.
Starting point is 00:22:38 We're all doing it right now. So this is a hard one for $500. Yeah, it is. Dropping panties. And it is, of course, I can name three of the nine types of panties available at Victoria's Secret. You've all done some shopping
Starting point is 00:22:54 for ladies, I'm sure. Have you ever bought panties for a loved one? No, I haven't. Not at Victoria's Secret. I agree. It's better for women to pick out specifically panties. You can maybe get them
Starting point is 00:23:10 like a lingerie outfit. Day-to-day panties, that's a her job. Exactly. But it would demonstrate a lot of knowledge about the ladies and their style. That's a good question. Three out of nine, you say.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Mm-hmm. Who is this? Is this still to me? Anybody's game? It's a team game, but you're trying to beat Alex because if he gets the first... Got to have... If Alex gets those panties first,
Starting point is 00:23:46 he'll control the robot. There's a quick description of the day show. There's a trailer again. We'll start the podcast with that. Put just heavy echo effects on and make it sound real important. Let's get these panties! Okay, G-string,
Starting point is 00:24:02 certainly. Sure. Thong, right? Sure. And grandma. I can't accept grandma. They don't have anything called grandma. I'm not really thinking of
Starting point is 00:24:18 hip-huggers, briefs, or boy shorts. But you got two? I feel like that's close enough. Yeah. If he can get two, they aren't already there. I'll give it to him. It's my experience as an asshole that women are very forgiving.
Starting point is 00:24:34 If you get two out of the three panties, they're fine with it. They're going to come out with grandma. Grandma's the next lineup. Victoria's secret. Grandma. That old-fashioned. I like that.
Starting point is 00:24:50 That's cute. Grandma's grandma's. We're moving on to history. Specifically, the history of 1964. For $100, Alex almost certainly knows this cold. The answer to the very first
Starting point is 00:25:06 Final Jeopardy! question, which was in 1964, was Goodnight, sweet prince! The very first Final Jeopardy! question. I never thought to learn this trivia about the show. I didn't know that question or anything. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Who was Michael Cain? It is not Michael Cain. This was... Alex, do you know this one? Who is Michael Cain? See? Perfect impression. That's it. I forgot. I think you're supposed to just say Michael Cain and then that
Starting point is 00:25:38 you pronounce it exactly like he would. It's hand-less. Okay. Wow. I never thought to look that up. I know there's this great site called They just have a list of all the questions that have basically
Starting point is 00:25:54 ever been asked. If you're looking at random games, you'll see cash prizes for people and then if you go far back enough in time, the prizes are like a toaster and a cool refrigerator magnet. It's totally different in the past
Starting point is 00:26:10 what they gave for prizes. Did that change per question? Every question would be like a new prize. Oh, like it's dollar values in the game and then after the game they're like, you won. You get money and second place gets a toaster and now it's all cash. It's different.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Who was a nerd? Who was a nerd? This is another thing you're probably too young to remember, Alex, but on Wheel of Fortune back in the day, did you ever see it in the game? Do you know what I'm talking about? No.
Starting point is 00:26:42 They would win money and very few prizes. It was almost all cash money. But then at the end, they had to go through a showcase of overpriced nonsense and just buy stuff. So they'd be like, okay, I'll take that love seat and then Pat would be like, okay,
Starting point is 00:26:58 you got like 4,208 bucks left. And there would always be weird shit. You'd get these custom dolls with people's two-figure range. Anyway, it was great. Wow. I guess I'll be murdered by that doll. Yeah, thanks for the doll, Vanna. And it was like old school.
Starting point is 00:27:14 So they were like black and white, like dot matrix faces on just like featureless monster dolls. Yeah, you'll be murdered by that doll. $200. Wheel of Fortune doll. 1964 history. On June 18th,
Starting point is 00:27:30 hotel owner James Brock in St. Florida developed the idea of pouring acid into his own pool, which was this kind of pool. Is it above ground? I bet it all spells out. It was above ground. But for something more specific.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Body hiding pool. The answer we're looking for, whites only. Whites only. The black and white protestors broke in and his idea to clear out the protestors was to take a jug of acid and pour it in. It did not work because it's not enough acid
Starting point is 00:28:04 to like do anything. Yeah, but if it did work, like, if it did work, he just murdered a bunch of people. Right, to protect the racism of his pool. Anyway, I just threw that into like, let you know that the year Jeopardy! debuted, there were still a lot of very bad...
Starting point is 00:28:20 It's getting to be a bummer. What a bummer of a robot. That's kind of a robot. I just wanted to fucking drill our man. Come on. Did you take racist acid? It's like a power-up, I guess. I'm not really keen on that.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Secretly, this whole category was racist acid. 1964, the rise of Beatlemania gave Paul McCartney the artistic power to write this the worst song of all time containing the lyrics, so lift a glass, ah-ah, don't look down. What's that, what are those lyrics?
Starting point is 00:28:54 To lift a glass, ah-ah? Don't look down. And Paul McCartney wrote it. I'm not sure I'm pronouncing that. Yup. It's the worst song of all time. Man, it was always Ringo that wrote the dumb ones. I'm just a terrible Beatle sister.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I'm never gonna get this, Alex. He wrote it with the wings, just to be clear. It's not a Beatle song. It was just a loud... It was allowed because he was a Beatle. Quite certainly. I really don't know what it is. A heavy glass.
Starting point is 00:29:26 The song is called Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time. Oh, okay. Which I will not sing. You don't agree that that's the worst song ever written? It's fine, yeah. It's alright. Oh, okay. Well, agree to disagree. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:29:42 For $400, the Oscar winner of 1964's Best Picture, it shares a name with this star of Mars Attacks. It's... The winner shares a name with the star of Mars Attacks. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:29:59 The actor in Mars Attacks is the same name as 1964's Best Picture. What is the murderous Martian? We were looking for Ack! Ack! No, Tom Jones. Tom Jones. Well, I was pretty close.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Come on. Give me half the money. I know you're a big horse guy. At the Tokyo Olympics in 1964, Italian writer Mauro Ciccioli scored 64.4 to outscore his nearest rival by 8
Starting point is 00:30:32 to win the gold medal in equestrian dressage. What's your reaction to that? What's my reaction? What's the answer? I don't understand what the question is. What's the format of my answer? That's what you have to go on. What's your response?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Good job. What is good job? We were looking for who gives a shit. We were looking for who gives a shit. I thought that one was a lock. Let me tell you
Starting point is 00:31:07 when it's like a trivia situation, I've never experienced this before. It's a trivia situation and the question does not result in a question. It feels like falling off a cliff. It feels so weird. I was waiting for the shoot to drop.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I really hijacked your brain with that one which leads us to Rhymes with Brain the final category in single treacherous danger threat robot quiz game for $100. This asshole was so goddamn dumb he tweeted the coronavirus wasn't that deadly
Starting point is 00:31:39 two weeks after it killed him. Who was Herman Cain? That's exactly right. One of my favorite stories. They just co-opted his twitter account and then taunted him with his own ghost. Taunted his very recent death.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Like funeral arrangements with his cybernetic ghost. The bill still had to get paid on his coffin and someone's tweeting from his account. That thing that killed me wasn't so bad. Rhymes with Brain clubberlang's prediction for his title fight. Oh,
Starting point is 00:32:13 I think I, yeah. See the rhyming category that really helps. I think I know the answer. I don't just want to ale you, but is it what is pain? It's exactly right. It's pain. Yeah, yeah. I think it was a 40 second groan.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Rhymes with Brain the most influential yet uncredited crew member of the film is Maximum Overdrive. What is cocaine? That's exactly right. Is that the Stephen Cain one where he's like pretty wound up in the trailer? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:55 That's such a nice way to put that. Yeah, I think the paramedics that responded to that did describe him as pretty wound up. I did. I did. Medically pretty wound up. Broccoli was telling me how he like
Starting point is 00:33:11 did some interview where he had no recollection of the movie. No, no, he says, he did an interview where he says like there are years he has no recollection of. He doesn't recall, was it Cujo? He doesn't recall writing Cujo like at all. He was just like, what the fuck is this book?
Starting point is 00:33:27 Where did this come from? I'm making a lot of money. Good for him. I liked it. How did this get written? What? Oh, it's a cocaine book. Another cocaine book.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Think how many cocaine books you must have. Think how big his bibliography is. What are the odds that somebody is going to come up with another book that he doesn't remember? Somebody is just going to come out and be like, hey, red tide, you remember red tide? Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:34:01 Me? There's got to be another book he doesn't remember. It will be so believable if when Stephen King dies someone says, oh, hey, I found 45 unpublished Stephen King books. Like, no one would question that. Even him.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Hot tip for future grifters. They would channel his ghost and he'd be like, yeah, could have been. Yeah. For $400, Rhymes with Brain, this mutant is weirdly named after the thing that should prevent them. This new mutant, I could say.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Oh, it's like an actual character. Like an X-Men new mutant or something? Okay. Well, fuck I'm terrible. There's not normally this many hints in Jeopardy, but yes. Oh, I don't know the new mutants. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Wolf's Bane. She's Wolf's Bane, but she's a werewolf. Oh, okay. Very strange. I thought it was clever and it rhymed with Brain, and I think it's something every robot should know. Had a fight a werewolf and the irony
Starting point is 00:35:17 of how some werewolves named themselves after. I was going to say, irony is the more important lesson there. Right. If you teach a robot irony, it's from going into a terminal feedback loop when somebody presents them with something ironic, which happens all the time. That's how you kill an android every time.
Starting point is 00:35:33 So, obviously, we're circumventing that. The final question for $500 in Rhymes with Brain. Tom Noonan played him in RoboCup too, of course. Kane, who was Kane? That's exactly right. He played Herman Kane. That's really exciting.
Starting point is 00:35:53 He played Herman Kane on cocaine. So, let's see. Alex, you control exactly $1,000 worth of this robot so far. Okay. Brockway has, let's see, $1,200,
Starting point is 00:36:09 $1,516, $2,400. Yes, I'm back on that dick, baby. Back on that robot dick. At the end of single treacherous danger threat robot quiz game, you're running pretty low on money, but Brockway, you will have control
Starting point is 00:36:25 of this robot if it comes to be at this rate. Can we pause for a second and say, Shmini, have you seen RoboCup 2? No, I haven't seen it. I saw the first one. Well, this has just become the RoboCup 2 podcast. Wait, are all the rest of the questions about that?
Starting point is 00:36:43 RoboCup 2? No, you just need to know about RoboCup 2. That's where they make a RoboCup that's addicted to what is basically meth? It's like crystal meth. Or maybe crack. I guess it would be the better analogy. But yeah, he gets
Starting point is 00:36:59 addicted to drugs. It's like a rival robot that they... He's like an evil, evil man and they're like, well, let's see what he does in a robot. And it turns out he does a lot of drugs and he kills everybody. He kills a child in a pile of money and just...
Starting point is 00:37:15 RoboCup on drugs is the plot of RoboCup 2. Okay. You need it to know that. Everybody needed to know that. It sounds... I don't mean to criticize it, and you guys didn't make it. It sounds less rich than the original RoboCup in its themes.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah, it's a little... Let me tell you about RoboCup 3. In RoboCup 3, there's a ninja. Great. And I don't remember anything else about it. That's the whole plot. And the ninja is very, very good. In RoboCup, they just do a slow circle,
Starting point is 00:37:49 and instead of flipping around, the ninja just does a really slow ninja circle. And then that's 70 minutes of the movie. Wait, he flies, too, right? Oh, that ninja just... If RoboCup's not in the scene, that ninja is fucking amazing. No, I met RoboCup. I think RoboCup gets some jet pack.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Yeah, I think they give him some jets. Yeah, that's cool. So RoboCup just got better every movie. Agreed. So we're going to move on to single treacherous danger threat robot quiz. And in this, of course, the amounts are doubled. And
Starting point is 00:38:21 there's still no daily double. The categories are Beanie Babies, Kick and Dicks, Famous Explosions, Short Circuit, which is, of course, lines said to or by comedian Martin Short,
Starting point is 00:38:37 and last category, Enemies. So we'll give control of the board to Alex. Where do you think we should start? I guess enemies. Enemies. All right. Good impulse for $200.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Known to academics is Automata-Nephobia. It's the fear of things that look like this. Okay, I have a guess. All right. Let's steal this from Rockway. What is robots? It is humans.
Starting point is 00:39:11 It is fear of wax figures or so I can't award any score for that. And humans naturally don't need a robot. That was a trap designed to make you think it was about robots. Yeah. It's just like a robot.
Starting point is 00:39:27 It's a robot move. This is another famous robot downer. Famous for their cutely tiny motorbikes. The world's heaviest identical twins, Billy and Benny McCrary were overweight because of this. For $400.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Why were they gigantic? What is the hypothyroidism? It's not that. Childhood measles. Famous robot downer. That's going to my second guess. What is a lot of hamburgers?
Starting point is 00:40:01 I would have given you for a lot of hamburgers. It wasn't as good a guess. So, for $600. The enemies in this film series are in the following order. America, Vietnam, Russia, Burma
Starting point is 00:40:17 and Mexico. The enemies say it again. America, Vietnam, Russia, Burma and Mexico. All great films. I think I might know this. This might be another trap,
Starting point is 00:40:33 but is it the Rambo film series? It's exactly the Rambo film series. People always forget he's fighting America first. He fought the Hillbilly sheriff. His sheriff's partner. Then the Coast Guard, not the Coast Guard, the National Guard.
Starting point is 00:40:51 It's not the first one that throws me off. It's like, did he really fight Mexico? Yeah, the last one, he goes down and he got it so bad. It's so angry and not quite racist. Some people would probably call it racist.
Starting point is 00:41:07 I'm not a good judge of that. He fights the cartel, he goes down there and pisses him off and then his adopted daughter dies and he's super mad about it and he sets all these traps and they keep falling into the traps and they're just on full g-hogs.
Starting point is 00:41:23 There's like 80 dudes and they just keep dying in Rambo's traps and then while they're stuck in the traps, kind of dying from the trap, he'll run over and shoot him 10 times and he'll vanish into the shadows and they repeat that for 40 minutes. It's nightmarish. I am interested in traps.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I am a fan of man traps. You'll love the final Rambo. I'm a fellow trap food practitioner. Like a fifth Dan trappist. For $800, in 1982, Skeletor and these two man toys were the only foes
Starting point is 00:41:59 of He-Man. The only foes of He-Man. Does that mean they have man in their description? The host of this excellent show really hit that word so that might imply that. Okay. Oh man, I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Yeah, I don't know much about that universe but Brockway, I think you figured out the puzzle of it if you know the world of it. Beast-Man. I'm just drawing a blank. You do the other one. Who is Beast-Man and I really wouldn't know. I'd just mix them up.
Starting point is 00:42:37 You'd probably be right. Pancake Man. It's not pancake, it's Merman. I don't know, I sound right. Merman was that early? Pancake, yeah, he was Wave 1. Really? Merman? I would've thought it'd be Trunklops or Evil End but no, Merman.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Out of ideas on Wave 1, huh? Yeah, I'm like, what if he was a fish? I don't fucking know. Yeah, I just assumed that was way later. For the final enemy's question Russian performer Gregory Martyrosyan
Starting point is 00:43:09 was also known as Gosha the Magician and volunteered part-time as this. Oh, who was a magic assassin? That's exactly right. He was. A murderer. They're fantastic.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Classic robot downer. All right. I wish this was like a physical on-camera game show because then you could show the card that says magic assassin printed on it that somebody has to make. Magic assassin would light up.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Really exciting. It would light up along with my face. So we now have I'm going to control back to Alex, Beanie Babies, Kick and Dicks, Famous Explosions and Short Circuit. Oh, wow. Let's go, Beanie Babies.
Starting point is 00:43:57 I don't remember them well, but I at least know kind of where we're getting into. Then this is a bold category. Robots need to know about Beanie Babies. All right. Another murder question. This 2006
Starting point is 00:44:13 Beanie has the name of a murderer and the animal he took orders from. What? I mean, I don't know if I know it exactly, but I kind of know it. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Would it be a who? What is dog Sam? Sam dog? We are looking for Zodiac dog. Zodiac dog. Wait, the Zodiac took orders from the dog?
Starting point is 00:44:45 I thought that was Son of Sam who took orders from the dog. Oh, I might have just fucked that up then. Did you? I get the points. Yeah, you can have the points. I'll give you the points. All right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:45:01 The poem on this precious Ram Beanie with a three-letter name ends with I like to bang it in the yard. Good thing my head is so hard. A Ram Beanie. That's what I'm thinking about. The actual Zodiac, not the killer. Like, is it an Aries thing maybe?
Starting point is 00:45:21 I would steer that way, Brockway, but I don't really know. He's a three-letter name. He's a Ram. He likes to bang in the yard. I'm thinking like Ron Jeremy. So, Ron. Ron the Ram.
Starting point is 00:45:39 It's Bam. Bam, we were looking for Bam. Honestly, you're not getting as many as I thought you'd get, but I think you'll get this one. I bet one of you will just know this cold. For $600, the most sought-after beanie baby was made as a quote,
Starting point is 00:45:55 adorable tribute to who? To whom? Whichever of those. I think I know this. Yeah. Do it. Is it Princess Diana? It is exactly Princess Diana. Yeah, there you go. We've never gotten that in a million years. Oh, it's about to say Michael Jackson
Starting point is 00:46:11 Oh, okay. That's not the worst guess, but yeah. Yeah, that's not a crazy guess. For $800, page 99 of beanie baby stories says, quote, I never meant to get hooked. Actually, I inadvertently started collecting
Starting point is 00:46:27 beanie babies because I belonged to a fan club called Peace. Of course, when I found out there was a beanie baby named Peace, I knew I had to have it. And naturally, I fell in love with it. A short time later, I was shopping in Spike Baldy, a beanie baby eagle. Well, my husband is bald and he loves eagles, so I bought
Starting point is 00:46:43 Baldy. Shortly after that, I discovered Blackie. My dad always called me Blackie when I was a little girl, so I added the black circus bear to my growing menagerie. Before long, my collection had grown to 105 beanie babies and 12 TD beanies. Little did I know, when I
Starting point is 00:46:59 first started purchasing these cuddly critters, how much therapeutic value they would have for me. Due to my multiple sclerosis, I am frequently confined to my home. There is one room in our house that is my sanctuary, but these days we call it the beanie baby room. On days when I feel blue, I look around at all my
Starting point is 00:47:15 babies and they make me smile. What is the saddest fucking thing I've ever heard in my life? That was so much longer that I thought it would be. I was going to accept a comment on the sadness, or at any point, the correct
Starting point is 00:47:31 answer would have been, how long is this fucking question? Okay, so we're both right. So, Brackway was first. He could have it, yeah. For one? No, we both get that one. For $1,000 for
Starting point is 00:47:47 your courage in selecting the $1,000 beanie baby spot on the board and ask me what it's like being so handsome, you earn $1,100. Something like being so handsome. Oh, as you gentlemen know, it makes things very easy. $1,100.
Starting point is 00:48:03 See, I thought it was going to be secretly a curse. I'm even more unhappy now. I put in enough downer robot ones that I thought some of these should just have a real positive message. So, we now have kick and dicks, famous explosions
Starting point is 00:48:19 and short circuit. Famous explosions. All right. This is not quite an explosion, but for $200, in 1967, Evil Conevil ate total shit, total fucking shit. At this hotel casino.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Uh, the only one I could think of that would be around was like Caesar's Palace. That's exactly right. It is not a fun one to look at. I think that was the one where he knew he couldn't make it. He's like, you know, I'm not going to make it, but like fuck it, they paid to see the show.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And then he just like corpse himself instantly, like he hit and it just looked like a dummy fell off the bike. Like I think he just passed out from like terror terror and certainty of his own. Well, they came here to see a jump or a death. They're going to get one. I don't know why this is making
Starting point is 00:49:07 a click for me, but truly a few days ago we went to a motorcycle and scooter repair shop and the guy working there was wearing an Evil Conevil shirt. And I'm just now realizing that that's maybe the least responsible motorcycle driver he could have picked.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Right. You know, like it's a repair place. You ride a hog, Schmidt. No, a friend of mine rides a scooter like a moped kind of thing. Oh, yeah. That's pretty, that's pretty tough. Your friend rides a moped. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:39 He rides a little piggy. I know I'm already coming across as very cool on this show, but that's right, folks. I know someone with a moped. Not to brag. Not to. You only got 20% of the Beanie Baby questions, right? So that's pretty
Starting point is 00:49:55 hardcore. Like that's the opposite of whatever a nerd would get. That's true. Yeah, yeah. So for $400 famous explosions, the worst industrial accident in US history happened after a cargo ship carrying bullets and ammonium nitrate out of this state caught fire
Starting point is 00:50:11 setting off a catastrophic chain reaction of fertilizer bombs. What states biggest industrial accident in US history? Wow. Hundreds of death. Thousands of injuries. An industrial accident?
Starting point is 00:50:29 I, you know, it's weird. I know about a Canadian thing like that. So my mind jumped there. I have no idea. Texas. Canada's a state. This was what is Texas? You know what?
Starting point is 00:50:45 I'm going to give it to you as a variable to just taste it. Plus, you need this robot body. I do not want to have to fight this thing. For $600, the explosion from this 2015 James Bond film holds the Guinness World Record for
Starting point is 00:51:01 biggest movie explosion. 2015 James Bond film. Fuck. Is it Casino Real? Wait. What is Quantum of Solace? It is.
Starting point is 00:51:17 We're both very close. You circled it. I think you surrounded Spectre. I was just trying to remember the name of one. Wait, it's been that long since Spectre came out? 2015? Apparently, yeah. Time flies.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Time flies when you're not paying attention to the new Bond movies. That's true. I just remember the dumbest name one. For $800, in 1908, it exploded with the force of 250 Hiroshima's.
Starting point is 00:51:49 What is Russia? That's exactly right. Did you just know that cold? What was the name of the media? It was the media impact and it was... I'm blanking on it. It starts with a T. Tunguska? Yeah, it's a Tunguska incident.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yep, that's what it's called. Yeah, I knew that cold. Great job. Nice. Well, for $1,000, the Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 smashed into this 21 times with the combined power of 600 times Earth's entire nuclear arsenal.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Holy shit. I'm really not up and off on explosions. That's what I'm learning. There's very exciting stuff. You just fell into our scene. We'll take a guess. Incredibly fascinating. Yeah. Can you guess it?
Starting point is 00:52:39 It's 1994. It's smashed into this 21 times with just a huge amount of power. Hmm. You said it was a comet, did you say? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Was it one of Mars's moons? Am I picking that up? You're making that up. This is Jupiter. Oh, okay. But yeah. In fact, that helped scientists decide that that's probably why Earth is so intact in its cosmic catastrophe
Starting point is 00:53:11 is that Jupiter keeps eating all of our, you know, comet disasters. Oh, it's our body, Godly. It's our big brother. They're just taking out the bullies. Thanks, Jupiter. Thanks, Jupiter. We have two categories left.
Starting point is 00:53:27 We have kick and dicks and short circuit. Alex, control the word goes to you. I guess short circuit. Let's do that. Short circuit. And to remind the audience, these are lines said to or by comedian Martin Short. For $200, Martin Short whispered
Starting point is 00:53:43 God bless you for being in the army. Into the face of Tony Hale on what? What is Arrested Development? That's exactly right. Ding, ding, ding. Yes. I don't want to take the part of this. Finding something us nerds will know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:59 I love that so much when the dude's picking him up and he's like, shake them for her. And then water out of his face. I don't even know. I like legitimately and ironically love Martin Short. I don't know if people know this about me. I only reference him.
Starting point is 00:54:15 I love them in that role. Yes, it's perfect. Fire me. I guess I'll be shocked if this steps out a question, but I took a writing class once and it was about how to write for TV. And the example show we watched is a show called Damages on FX.
Starting point is 00:54:31 And the main... The professor just kept going off about, can you believe Martin Short is in a dramatic role on this? He's so good in this dramatic role. He's so deep in this dramatic role. He was just doing a normal face. He was fine, but it was
Starting point is 00:54:47 not mind-blowing at all. But he's so silly and funny. It was 40 years. 40 years building that up. Then you just got to show up normal one day and it's fucking crazy. I always thought comedic acting was the hardest thing to nail.
Starting point is 00:55:03 And if you can nail that, the other stuff is comparatively easy. Most comedians do want to have good actors. Was there a copyright problem or why was the show in Damages? You could pick any show. Do you know that? I truly don't know why he picked it.
Starting point is 00:55:21 It was not even the first season. It was in the middle, so we had to learn the previous seasons. He must have been script supervisor or something. Someone ask me about it. Someone ask me why I picked this episode. I'm glad you asked.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Maybe you want to be a writer. This is also the one that just made me give up. I knew I was never going to beat it. We had to try to write one. In this scene, Glenn close frowns. I don't know. You had to write an episode of Damages. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:53 The show is all structured across the season. We just do one, and then we all did a bad job. It was the strangest class. Imagine having the balls to be the guy that's like, and now you'll try to write an episode of Damages. Just his own world.
Starting point is 00:56:09 King of his own world. Wow. I would love to take that class. Just to learn about life. Pretty weird. I would take three semesters of Damages. Damages 403. Three semesters.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Right. Two years, no thanks. One gear, not enough. Three semesters. That's how much I beat it. That covers the whole thing. For $400, the first name of the actor
Starting point is 00:56:41 who said, you just digested the bad guy, and the last name of the actor who said, look at me like a human boy. Oh. I do not know this right. Who is Martin Short? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:57 That's who they said it, too. We want the first name of the actor who said, you just digested the bad guy. Combined with the last name of the actor who said, look at me like a human boy. Just digested the bad guy. It was interspace. It was Dennis Quaid, I guess.
Starting point is 00:57:13 First parts done. Who said, look at me like a human boy. It was when Martin Short was 40 years old playing a 10-year-old. I don't know who said it. I don't have your weird Clifford obsession. Charles Groden. Dennis Groden was the answer to the question.
Starting point is 00:57:35 We never get the second part. For $600, my favorite, Jiminy Glick, asked, what's your big beef with the Nazis? To this comedy legend. Okay, I have a guess. I'm going to say Mel Brooks. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Yeah, that was my guess. It can't be anybody else. I love Jiminy Glick because he's on a different level of improv. It's totally unfair because he's playing this completely insane character, interviewing them like they're the real them.
Starting point is 00:58:13 So everyone reacts to this differently. Some people turn into giant dicks and other people try to play along. You can't match that manic energy of Martin Short in a fat suit. All of these interviews are just total disasters. And Mel Brooks is,
Starting point is 00:58:29 for probably 30 seconds straight, he had no idea how to react to this man asking, what's your big beef with the Nazis? Because what joke lands there? There's no punchline to that setup. It's mean-spirited. It's so funny to me. Just torturing
Starting point is 00:58:47 torturing these comedy geniuses. All right, for $800 on this show, as one half of a men's synchronized swimming team, the first thing Lawrence slips to reporters is, I don't swim. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:59:05 What show? A men's synchronized swimming. This is obviously Saturday Night Live, a classic, can't believe you didn't get it. Everyone right now, go look up men's synchronized swimming Saturday Night Live. It'll change your life.
Starting point is 00:59:25 This was a bad category. Yeah, I really thought we'd just clean house on this category. And somehow until right then, I forgot that Martin Short has hosted SNL like 37 times or whatever. Yeah, of course, that's going to come up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:41 For $1,000, when Ricky Gervais said he looked like this nursery rhyme came to life, Jiminy Glick said, thank you, first of all, because I'm a big fan of that guy. That was my best click we've ever recorded. That was a really good click.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I had to stop and think. I was just soaking it in. It felt great. Is it Humpty Dumpty? That's exactly right. Humpty Dumpty. Ricky Gervais said he looked like an egg. And then he said it's like he's getting interviewed by Humpty Dumpty.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Which again, it's not great. I was looking for a funnier life. It can't be Humpty Dumpty because that's not very funny. Is it like Little Jack Horner or something? That's what I mean. No one can find their improv legs when they have to act across from Jiminy Glick.
Starting point is 01:00:33 And so he's just kind of being belligerent. And then Jiminy Glick is like, I'm just saying I look like Humpty Dumpty. I'm a big fan of that guy. He's a genius. What if it's that cultural divide thing and Ricky Gervais only has British nursery rhymes in his head
Starting point is 01:00:49 that we don't know? Ben Martin Short just has to be like, what? Can we stop? You look like Wanky Willie, don't you? You're a little Wanky Willie boy. Are you Prime Minister Custed or some made up thing that is not a nursery rhyme to us?
Starting point is 01:01:07 Oh, that's not a made up. That's the real one. Prime Minister Custed, yeah. Yeah, or it's a big custard thing. That's the Prime Minister, yeah. I slept on Prime Minister Custed Ben sheets. So our last category, very important for robots, kick and dicks for...
Starting point is 01:01:25 Save the best for last. For $200 in DC Comics, Val R. Moore is the master of every martial art of the 31st century. So naturally, he was given this a literative superhero name. Val R. Moore. Dick Destroyer.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Who is Dick Destroyer? It is not Dick Destroyer. His name was Karate Kid because he knew every martial art of the 31st century, which was... Where are the dicks in this? Am I in the wrong place? Did I wander into the wrong show?
Starting point is 01:02:01 $400 used to obliterate balls with Eastern cunning, Karate Do, literally translates to this in our language. Karate Do. Is this real or is this from a work of fiction? It's real. It's not a goof.
Starting point is 01:02:19 The Japanese words Karate Do translate to what in English? Is it... Oh, shit. Was it Way of the Fist or something? That's a little close. Alex, can you improve on that? Way of the Dick. It's Way of the Dick. It's Way of the Dick. I'll give it.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Way of the Empty Hand, which, if you don't have a dick in it, I guess... I'm going to give you Way of the Dick. It's a problem. Okay. For $600. Within 25, this is the number of acting credits Jackie Chan currently has on his IMDB,
Starting point is 01:02:53 Master of the Dick Shop. Wow. How many... What a fun guesstimate. I'm going to say... I'm going to say 175. That's exactly what I was going to say. Wow. That's really close. I'm going to say
Starting point is 01:03:09 200. I'm going to give it to Alex. Damn. You're only 35 away. Oh. He has 140. 140 acting credits. Which, again, it seems real reasonable. I would have thought 200 too, but... I thought 175 exactly.
Starting point is 01:03:25 We're on the same level. I'm also... It's a totally legit industry there and everything, but I'm going to surmise that the US website IMDB missed some Hong Kong credits. That would be my guess. I'm going to surmise that about half of those are not Jackie Chan.
Starting point is 01:03:41 They might have got a couple of Jackie Chan's in there. You got some Jackie Chan's in there. Jackie Chan. A couple of Jet Lies. They really don't care. I'm going to knock off humans in Hong Kong. Who like human beings?
Starting point is 01:03:57 Who like humans? For $800 as one of the most recognizable figures in pop and karate culture, of course I recognize the full names of six Chuck Norris films not including any made-for-TV bullshit. Can you men do it?
Starting point is 01:04:13 Oh. Six. Chuck Norris films. The most famous people to ever walk the lands of America in your name, Morris. Six of his movies. Sidekicks. There's one.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Delta Force one. There's another one. Invasion USA. Three. I don't know if I have more. I just know that one. Firewalker. Perfect. You need two more.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Two more. Wow. This is impressive. That one movie. Yeah, I don't know a lot of them. Does he have to be the star of them? No. If he was just in it well enough.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Isn't he a guy in Bruce Lee movie? And he fights him? If you can name that movie, I'll give it to you. It's one of the dragon ones? It's not just entered the dragon, is it? It's a different one. No. It's not a dragon. It's a great fight scene.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I don't remember the name of that movie. If you can describe the fight scene, I'll give you credit. He is... So it frigging rules, obviously. First, it's awesome. It's bare-faced and all of it like furry-chested. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:33 There's definitely a lot of chest and back hair. He gets some good hits, but he gets absolutely destroyed by Bruce Lee. And it's just, it's the best. It is. Bruce Lee adapts to his style of karate and kills him with a standing guillotine. And then like...
Starting point is 01:05:49 Somehow he allows it. It's pretty impressive that they talk him into it in the first place. It must have been a battle of egos and Bruce Lee won, clearly. Yeah. Alright, two more. Two more. I don't think I've seen two more.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Again, the fight scene is really cool and dope. Do we get credit for the fight scene? I don't know if you've ever tried it. It takes place in the Coliseum. It does. It takes place in the Coliseum. I would have accepted Delta Force II. Is he in action one, two, or three?
Starting point is 01:06:23 Top dog? Missing in action, that's what it was. That's what I was trying to think of. What was the name of the Bruce Lee movie? Way of the Dragon. Way of the Dragon. I didn't have it. There's a lot of the classics.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Slaughter in San Francisco, another classic. I've seen exactly the ones that I mentioned. Alright, this is the final question in Kick and Dicks. It's both a 400-pound killing machine and a common ingredient in Suck-a-Tash. No idea. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:05 The 400-pound killing machine. One of my favorite fighters. Responsible for giving Johnny Knoxville a concussion. Who is Butterbean? It's exactly right. Butterbean's a real thing. I gotta tally up these points.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Yeah, Butterbean. That's the same thing as a lima bean. You use it in Suck-a-Tash. So he's named Lima Bean? That changes a lot. He's not even built like a lima bean. I always think of Butterball the turkey because he's kind of built like a turkey.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Like he's sort of just a pyramid of like spiritual... I thought it was like just butter and beans. That's like the spiritual mass of that guy. But now he's named Lima Bean and I'm a little fucked up by it.
Starting point is 01:07:55 It's a little weird. You guys talk amongst yourselves. I'm gonna tally up these scores. I don't know if I respect Butterbean anymore. I had so much respect for him. I'm just like, now you're just a subpar bean. Why would you do that?
Starting point is 01:08:11 Right. How is it not a stable bean choice for his name? Right? You can't just switch it up. You could have any bean. They're not other bean guys. Yeah, Mr. Bean, I guess. But he's not specific. He could be any variety.
Starting point is 01:08:27 For a whole day would be amazing. You could have been for a whole day. Mr. Bean could have or Butterbean could have? He could have. Anybody could have. That's what I'm saying. Butterbean was specifically looking at beans, at targeting beans.
Starting point is 01:08:43 And he's like, this is the one. This is the bean I'm gonna go for. Are we still tallying this score? I'm telling. Yeah, I'm still doing some maths. Okay. It was hard when you guys were talking. Okay, is this another show that we trap? This is another show that we trap.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Here we are now. Brockway, you have $8,400. Wow. You have $4,400 from the help that Alex gave you. So you do not have quite enough for a robot. But there is a final single treacherous danger
Starting point is 01:09:17 threat robot quiz. And it is Brockway Facts. So we will just put it all in. And if you get this right, you will have a robot. And if not, you've doomed us all. Alex, you can help with this, but I'm not sure you'll be able to help.
Starting point is 01:09:33 This is specifically a Brockway fact. And it's an answerable question. All right, are you ready? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Is it me that's supposed to ant? Absolutely, yeah. If Alex didn't get it, awesome. I would be shocked
Starting point is 01:09:49 if he got this, but it's not impossible. All right. So in the 2009 article The Way of the Barbarian, you asked Bill Pullman, why are you on my ceiling, Bill Paxton? With absolute precision,
Starting point is 01:10:05 these were the first seven words of his answer. I can't do it with absolute precision. Why are you on my ceiling, Bill Paxton? What did he say back? Something about sleeping upside down to like make himself a genius
Starting point is 01:10:25 and also your fuck stick. I'm never going to get it with precision. You can't ask me to remember my own work. I know, that's why. I didn't want to have to use this question. Jermany, can you get it? Oh, not better than that, no.
Starting point is 01:10:43 The exact words were, this is how I sleep, fucking fuckknocker! Which I actually really loved and I'm afraid the robot is now on a rampage. It does not contain Brockway's brain but more importantly,
Starting point is 01:10:59 does not contain his compassion. We got so close. It is on a robot murder rampage. But I want to thank both of you for trying. Can't even get like a knockoff robot from like like the dollar store or something. Well, we'll have to find some way to defeat it.
Starting point is 01:11:15 But that's a tomorrow problem. Today it's just going to be running on the loose. Well, I can do a pretty mean impression of a little girl that learns to believe in herself. I guess, Shmini, if you could be like
Starting point is 01:11:31 a really sporty older lady that first harasses me and then comes to love me, we could probably team up and transform. Yeah, that describes me. We got this. Yeah, yeah. Alright. And I'll sit back and watch
Starting point is 01:11:47 because I feel kind of responsible. I shouldn't involve myself anymore in this. I made the robot. I unleashed the robot. I think I've done enough. You could be the obnoxious little pet mascot that initiates the transformation. That's within my acting range.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Yeah, okay, fine. And what's the phrase that initiates our transformation again? This is how I sleep fucking fuckknocker. Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first?
Starting point is 01:12:21 Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did
Starting point is 01:12:38 Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? Einstein, who did Frank first? YAAA! Noi Towson! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the 1,900 Hot Dog Dancers. These are your Supremes.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Brie Finger Louie, Adam Ruth, Adrian H. Ooh, doing the robot, it's Aiden Muat. Alpha Sciences Javo, Armando Nava, Benjamin Sirenin, Brandon Garlock, Brianne Whitney, Chase McPherson, Children Love the Meat Melee, yes they do. Oh, hey, also doing the robot, it's Chris Brower. Dan Bush, the artist formerly known as Devin. The laziest man on Mars, Dean Costello, Dr. Awkward. Hey, it's Eric Spalding. Oh, hey, third robot, it's Fancy Shark. Hi, Fancy Shark.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Haraka, Jaymer L. Aiden, Jamie Gordon, Jeremy Neal. Next up, it's the J-Squad, that's right. There's a dance troupe within a dance troupe. Here's John, John McCammon, John Minkow, Josh Paveon, Josh S. That's your J-Squad. K&M, Lyman, Mark, Matt Riley, Hey Mike Styles, Mojoo, N.D., stop. Stop doing the robot, N.D., we have enough. Neil Bailey, Neil Schaefer, Nick Ralston, Nick H., Patrick Herbst, Holly Poisuo,
Starting point is 01:14:06 Rhea, Rhea, come on, the stage is crowded with robots here. It's time. Rich Jocelyn, Timi Lahey, Toasty Guy, Tom Secula, Yo Sarian, Zachary Evans, Zadar Fan, and Flamenco dancing for us tonight. It's Matt Cortez, that's the robot, Matt. God damn it.

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