The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 47, How You Xanadu-ing? With Lydia Bugg!

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

Special guest Lydia Bugg lays an expert trap that ensnares both Seanbaby and Brockway: It's Xanadu! The movie, the musical, the box office bomb, the reason people make fun of bad movies to this day, t...he... secret horror film?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred hot dog. Our podcast slams with maximum hype. Say hot dog podcast word. Yeah. When you taste that nitrate power, You're in the dog zone for an hour. Come on.
Starting point is 00:00:22 You know the number. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero zero.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah. Nine thousand. Welcome to the dog Xanadu nine thousand. The full Xanadu podcast of one nine hundred hot dog dot com. I'm the internet's Sean baby and I'm here with Xanadu super fan Robert Xanadu Brockway.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Xanadu. Yeah. It's in my head forever. For the rest of our lives. It is. Hold on. I have a Brockway fact for you. I love Xanadu. I will accept so many follow up questions.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Oh, I'm going to have a ton. First, this week we're joined by chief Xanaduologist at UC Xanadu. She's a writer for the trailer park boys comic of one nine hundred Xanadu weekly columnist Lydia Xanadu bug.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I'm alive. That's the only other song I could remember off the top of my head. Sean is finally getting his musical episode that he's finally I have been trying to make this happen the whole fucking time. Let's plug something where people
Starting point is 00:01:46 can come see your work. I work for this great website called one nine hundred hot dog dot com. Oh fuck yeah. I don't really have anything extra this time. What about the trailer park boys comic? Let's plug the trailer park boys comic.
Starting point is 00:02:02 You can check out the trailer park boys second comic book which is out. I wrote the first story in it. It's called the trailer park boys bagged and boarded. It's still available. We also just did a successful kickstarter to combine the first the two issues into a graphic
Starting point is 00:02:18 novel type deal eventually. And you can follow me on twitter. You can follow me on twitter at you knowlidia like UK and OW Lidia. I don't want you to worry this is going to be a recurring bit Lidia but how are you Xanadu
Starting point is 00:02:34 I'm saying a great I've been looking forward to this all week and I feel like I have a deeper understanding of why you like doing this to me. Yes. This was Lidia's idea for the podcast not exactly revenge for making you watch Conan but I would say spite
Starting point is 00:02:50 spite maybe vengeance. No I genuinely love this movie. I wanted to share it with you. You got to hear so many good songs because of me. It's true. I actually knew most of the songs because the soundtrack was ubiquitous. I think this movie was
Starting point is 00:03:06 almost instantly like a shorthand for a joke about bad movies like I think this movie was a critical failure but also like a box office failure and the year after this came out was the first razzies and it was directly inspired by Xanadu like it
Starting point is 00:03:22 Xanadu invented the idea of hating on bad movies. Just like half of what we do here is we owe it all to Xanadu. So I'd never seen the movie just because it was so like on my radar of like oh this is a bad movie I'm like yeah okay we all we all get that it's a bad
Starting point is 00:03:38 but after watching it I think it's way more complicated than that and I'm very excited to talk about it. This was like the gender swapped Conan. This is like a big cultural event that like most people experienced but like it's still fun to discover. So Brockway
Starting point is 00:03:54 and I are discovering it. We just watched it for the first time like last night. See I didn't even know the soundtrack. I knew nothing about Xanadu. I knew it was something disco and I think that's about it and that it was supposed to be bad and that's it. I never knew anybody that watched it. I never heard any of the songs. It's just
Starting point is 00:04:12 not in my wheelhouse at all. That's so crazy to me. But you were aware that it was like a financially devastating bold failure, right? No, I wasn't even aware of that until just now. Wow. Have this didn't light the world on fire? What? That's
Starting point is 00:04:28 crazy to me because like I grew up with this because of fun Lydia fact my dad was a new wave musician and he loved electric light orchestra. So he loved this movie because he liked the soundtrack other than the Olivia Newton John songs.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It's kind of like tailor made for me. I love roller skating. I love Olivia Newton. You travel by laser? Yeah, lasers are great. I love pinball. There's like a big pinball scene. It's just like Greek mythology. For no reason.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I love things for no reason. Which is much of what this movie is. Kind of upbeat and pretty but don't actually have a plot. It's perfect. It is absolutely perfect. And it shouldn't have failed, I guess. We'll get into all the magic that happens in the movie and the insanity but
Starting point is 00:05:16 this was Olivia Newton John just post-Greece and Gene Kelly is obviously from Greece to Greece. From Greece to Greece. That's my clever thing for the day. I'm out. Wow, good job.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Fantastic. I love it. And Michael Beck is more complicated. Michael Beck played Sonny the male lead here. Rockway was like, where do I know that guy before the show? And I was like the warriors. He was the main warrior. That's exactly what it was.
Starting point is 00:05:48 But listen, what else Michael Beck was in? He was in a movie called Megaforce and another one called Battletruck. He looks like a Battletruck guy. He's a Battletruck guy. He played a ninja alongside
Starting point is 00:06:04 Mako in The Last Ninja and he played a Native American in a movie called Trams with a man called Horse. So that's the versatility. He can play a Japanese man or a Native American man and then he just kind of fell off the map doing bit parts like to the point where
Starting point is 00:06:20 he was such an unknown actor a few years after this movie that he played three different characters on Murder She Wrote. They're just like, ah, no one will know who this fucking kid is. The range on this guy, he can play any race. I feel like I recognized him from Murder She Wrote in the back of my brain because I also love that
Starting point is 00:06:36 show and he has like Murder She Wrote face. Yeah, he's very like 80's handsome. I think he's an objectively beautiful man. Yeah, I bet this dude just left a trail of panties in his wake. No question.
Starting point is 00:06:52 See, I feel like that was what they wanted you to think about him but I didn't really buy it. I think he's the only problem with this movie. There's like 2.5 problems and one is him trying to be like a macho cool guy but he's also like an artist and he's roller skating
Starting point is 00:07:08 constantly which like you cannot look cool while you roller skate. I like that he tried to look pissed off like he tried to look really mad while he roller skated. Yeah, he looked tough as shit. He was like intensely roller skating around, yeah. Prayer of the roller voice disagrees.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Yeah, but I didn't buy him. I didn't buy him as an actor and I didn't buy him as like a macho man. See, I have a lot of things in here but I didn't see me was too. So I think maybe he's just appealing to the wrong demographic. Maybe he left a trail of boxers in his wake. That could be
Starting point is 00:07:42 because I thought his hands was fucked. I'm a straight guy but like he's my type. Like I look at him and I'm like that's a beautiful way. Definitely. Yeah. So he can get it. That's my theory. I also think he's a great actor. I might be biased
Starting point is 00:07:58 because I think the Warriors is probably in my top 10. Like I think that's one of the best movies. I thought he was playing an idiot here and he did a great job. He did such a good job. Oh, that's a take. He completely believed him. Like I thought his delivery was really flat a lot of times and I thought it was kind of not fair to put him next to Gene Kelly
Starting point is 00:08:16 who has so much personality and he just seemed like... Yeah, that was a little... If I were going to go on a date with another him or Gene Kelly, I think I'd pick Gene Kelly. Fair enough. To be fair, he was accepted into like a prestigious
Starting point is 00:08:32 London acting school and was a renowned actor. Like he did a lot of stage work. So to be fair, you're wrong. I mean... I'm saying he's a well-trained actor who many people find to be very talented. I thought he was
Starting point is 00:08:48 great in this movie and that's I think what I love about Xanadu is it's insane in everything I see in Xanadu. I'm like, I bet 50 different people would interpret this like 25 different ways. It's so weird. Yeah, I don't know. I'm always trying to pick it apart and find what the problems are
Starting point is 00:09:04 that like made it so such a failure and I kind of just landed on him at some point. I was like, if you replaced him with like Steve Gutenberg, I feel like it would be a better movie. Whoa. That's a savage burn. That's not cool.
Starting point is 00:09:20 That's a cute face. He looks sweet like an artist and this guy just wasn't selling it to me. That's really funny. I'm rethinking it. I think you might be right. So much that I think what did work about the movie is the tone. It really felt like a horror movie to me.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Yeah, that's how I have it too. She was about to drop. And part of that is Michael Beck. There's a scene in here where his boss is talking to him and he's supposed to sort of be like this weird artist and his boss is talking to him and he kind of gives him like this look
Starting point is 00:09:52 that he's just going to fuck him up. I'm like, oh, boss, you got to get the fuck out of here. He's going to kill you. And there was a lot of scenes where just weird stuff's happening and he had this look on his face like he knew it was coming. And I was just like, yeah, this is a horror movie.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Also, it's produced by Lawrence Gordon who he made Die Hard and Predator and of course, Kevin Spacey's K-Packs. And it's also the name of the bad guy from SAW which comes up first in Google if you're wondering what kind of legacy you get from producing Die Hard.
Starting point is 00:10:24 So, yeah, that also just added like a horror element and I'm like, wait, Lawrence Gordon, that's the bad guy from SAW. I agree on all accounts. This was a horror movie. I think it could function as that, yes. A very brightly colored, kind of like
Starting point is 00:10:40 Midsomer style horror movie. Yes, it was supposed to trick you with how fun and upbeat and colorful it was. But definitely a horror movie throughout. And it was the director's first film feature, so that might have had something to do with it. He just didn't know how to
Starting point is 00:10:56 set the tone or direct actors. But after this, he did almost all documentaries, so I guess Xanadu turned him off from exploring the... It is the one story I had. I was kissed by a muse. Well, my take was that it turned him off from the whimsy of imagination.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Xanadu and he's like, okay, that's enough of for me. I'm just going to fucking film Walmart employees talking about union busting from now on. Oh, man, I can't imagine this being your first film because there's such a big, like so many big choreographed scenes that you have to deal with.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Tightrope walkers and jugglers and choreographing all that. Technically, slackrope walkers. Oh, excuse me. Our first fight, Liddy. I love this. Let's talk about the Xanadu font. This is the most perfect
Starting point is 00:11:44 post apocalyptic motorcycle cyborg movie font. Yeah, it's great. It's kind of got some flash Gordon to it, too. It's anything but what this is. If I saw that font on a poster in, like, 1985 or something,
Starting point is 00:12:00 I would be like, I know exactly. That's battle truck. People classify it as sci-fi, and I'm like, it's very much not. It does have, like, a weird UFO intro. I don't know what that is, but I think they just look at that font and are like, oh, it's a sci-fi movie.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Right. There's kind of a sci-fi element to a couple of the costumes, but, like, they're full on, like, Greek gods. It's pure fantasy horror. Yeah. Unless we're supposed to think that the Greek gods are aliens or something. Right. I don't know. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:12:32 There's a lot of neon. I think the neon throws it. Yeah, there's lasers. Olivia Newton John travels by laser a lot. Yeah. That's sci-fi. That's just how the Greeks did it. I have, in my notes, I sort of have the plot if we want to go through the movie, like, chronologically and talk about everything.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Absolutely. Yeah. Okay. I'd love to do this then. So we're opening up on Michael Beck and he's struggling with his art. He, it's not conveyed very well to the viewer that he's like out of ideas, but he's just sort of painting everything in many different styles of art, and he just finally
Starting point is 00:13:04 throws the shit out the window. He's like, I can't do it. Like, God, what's the line? He says, ah, what the hell, guys? Like, me shouldn't dream anyway. Yeah. He throws it. The first line of the movie, then he throws the paper out and that leads to a mural coming to life
Starting point is 00:13:20 where... They drift throughout town on the wind. Sure. These weirdly superimposed scraps of paper. Like, we couldn't get scraps of paper to blow. We had no idea how to do that. We had to green screen it in. Right. To like, what... The soundtrack is so bizarre, even in the
Starting point is 00:13:36 non-song parts, that this is like I have it as spooky bowling music. Like, if you're going bowling in Halloween and it's like the 80s, this is the music they would play. It's just, it's bizarre. It's a bizarre vibe that they set right off. Yes. And we've only had one
Starting point is 00:13:52 line in the movie and already a mural has come to life with a bunch of like eight Greek goddesses coming to life. And, and Liddy, if you think I didn't notice that one of those muses was Conan's own Sandy Bergman. You're crazy. It was? Sandy Bergman. Yes. No, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:08 You knew. This was like, this was the plan the whole time. It was a trap. I was going to test your knowledge. I was going to show you up in a minute. I was going to be like, did you know that was Sandy Bergman? Oh, I knew. I've been planning this since you accepted. I think I got infected with, after we watched the director's
Starting point is 00:14:24 commentary of Conan, I got infected with their obsession over Sandy Bergman. Because every time she came on the screen, they're like, oh, look at Sandy. Oh, God, Sandy. Oh, the way she moves. And so, like, I think some of that just rubbed off on me. Like, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Pretty good moves, I guess. Fantastic dancer. Is she a dancer? Is she a savage creep? That's all they do in that scene is dance. So I'm assuming she's a dancer. Yeah, she came out and was doing beautiful pirouettes, I think is what they're called. She knows how to dance. And yeah, fantastic dancing. You don't have to be a creep
Starting point is 00:14:56 about it, but she knows how to dance. Oh, her dancing. Look at that pirouette. Look at that move. Oh, you used to have sex with her. I thought we would do one without the Arnold impression, but I was wrong. No.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Impossible. So it's almost like too much, like all these glowing, perfect women spinning and loving life. And I ask you both, can any soul withstand such beauty? Like, can anyone look upon Xanatou and remain unchanged?
Starting point is 00:15:30 That's my question to you. They turn into beams of rainbow roller skating life. How was this movie a failure? I don't know. I literally think it's all about timing because Disco is on its way out and this is a Disco movie, sort of. Oh, it's Disco's.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Fuck, yeah. Even the Rock Elements are Disco. I was sold the second they all turn into the flash. It was like the same effect they used like Tron and the flash. It's like, oh, shit. Oh, it's real now. Right off. We got we got Flash Ladies. And then the Flash Ladies zooms
Starting point is 00:16:02 into the real world and just starts zipping around, stops right on my back. Now she's on roller skates. Yeah, on roller skates. Because why wouldn't she be? That's how everyone gets around in this movie. It's like, there's the only way you can travel is roller skate. No notes on that.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Great decision. She kisses him. They fall in love in two seconds and then she just fucking skates away at laser beam speed. Yeah, she turns into a laser beam right there and he sees it. Right in front of him. He watches it go and it does not occur to him that this is strange
Starting point is 00:16:34 because he is very handsome. He's so handsome. And he's just like, yeah, this is what happens to handsome people like all the time. You're saying that sarcastically. He is very handsome. Michael Becky. He is super handsome. I'm being sincere. I believe that
Starting point is 00:16:50 this is how handsome people experience the world. I believe magic happens to them all the time and they just think like, huh, all right. I can vouch for that. This happens all the time. I've been laser beam kissed six times today. And you just don't even blink. You just go like, all right, well, I'm going to the store.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Shrug. So he's part of an art production studio that they recreate album covers much larger for record stores. What the fuck is that? I think like date this movie more than that job that he has. It's so specific.
Starting point is 00:17:22 It's not paintings. They're photographs. Why aren't you enlarged? Did we not have the technology to enlarge a photograph so we had to pay like eight people to paint it for like three days? I do think that there was a record store in Venice that did that. So they kind of
Starting point is 00:17:38 had like these posters, but it's like one very specific store that I would imagine you would need a guy to do it. You would need a whole studio to do it. You would need a whole studio of people like full time. You would need to spend like $8,000 per album that comes out.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Right. It's the most insane operation. I spent the whole movie trying to like figure it out. And eventually like halfway point, they say like, I enlarge album covers with paintings to hang in front of a record store. Just in my notes, I have what?
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'm a hundred percent sure that was a studio note or like a note where they showed it to an audience and the audience was like really distracted. Like what does he do for a living? And so they had to add that scene where he like explained to Gene Kelly what he does for a living. Right. What is this fucking art
Starting point is 00:18:26 sweatshop? What is happening? My take on that is that I think whoever wrote this movie drove past that record store and saw like a big painting of an album and thought, I wonder who did that? Must be a whole industry. World they're a part of. I assume it's an industry
Starting point is 00:18:42 and I'm going to go off that. Yeah. And they wanted him to have a job that was art but that was also soulless in some way. Yes. That was his boss's thing is like fuck your art. Don't do art. Art is bad. Now go paint me an album without doing any fancy art.
Starting point is 00:18:58 No arts. No arts when you do this. Make it look like that art but with no extra art on top of the first art. And he can't say anything. If I feel an emotion. He was like, stop doing such a good job to the guy. You're doing too good of a job. Just paint faster
Starting point is 00:19:14 and it wasn't that good of a job. It looked exactly like the album cover he was painting. Yes. But something about it he could tell. He's like, now you did a little artistic take on that. Knock it the fuck off. It's sold in this. It moves me. You piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:19:30 And so he gets this album cover with Olivia Newton-John on it. And so he's like, wait this is that laser beam woman kissed me earlier. I got to figure this out. So he goes to the photographer. It wasn't weird until then. Then he's like, oh, okay, this is weird. Yeah. He's like, I got to get to the bottom. But not in a weird way.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Like, I got to figure out what's happening. Am I going crazy? It's just like, you know, I got to meet this laser. He just wants to say hi. Yeah. And so the photographer's like, oh, here's the thing. This this lady magically appeared in one of the frames. He took like a thousand pictures. Sexy roller skate ghost.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Fucking ghost. And that's what I'm saying. He's so handsome. He does not have any questions. He's like, I conjure women all the time with my handsomeness. It's just totally normal. So where is she? Where's the sexy roller skate ghost? Yeah, that's his only interest is finding her.
Starting point is 00:20:18 He doesn't care that it's like creepy that she kissed him without asking and then like disappeared and then reappeared in his life. Like she could be stalking him and he's just like, I am in love with her. And you're like, why? That's what I'm saying. Very sinister. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Very sinister vibe. The cameraman especially, his delivery is very much like, I don't know where she came from. I'm worried. My worldview is shaken and I am afraid. And he's like, cool. Do you have her number? He's like, no, this is, I think she's from space or something.
Starting point is 00:20:50 He's like, groovy, man. So then the second, I love here there's a, for the second time in the movie, someone tries to offer him a woman like unrelated to their circumstances. One of the girls he was painting with was like, hey, you've got to meet my friend. She's like so horny.
Starting point is 00:21:06 And this guy's like, hey, check out these pictures of my daughters. And he pulls out like a folding bunch of photos from his wallet. That is so weird. Offers them to Sonny. And he's like, yeah, that's great. That's what he says. He's like, that's great in leaves. And the guy's like, yeah, man, he's going to fuck one of these. Just like, fuck my friends and family.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Sonny, my God. Anything. If like, if the people specifically can have sex with them, they just want to be involved in his sex life somehow. He sees Olivia Newton-John on Venice and he chases after her. He steals a bike from two hot girls
Starting point is 00:21:38 and they're like, yeah, fuck yeah, you can have a free motorcycle. As long as you bring it back yourself is what they say, which I'm like, how would he get it back to you without bringing it himself? Yeah, don't hand this off to someone less handsome. He meets Gene Kelly playing, just playing the clarinet, I think.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah, on the beach. Playing the clarinet. Old people used to do. And I vote they resume doing it. And I just want to point this out because it has one of my favorite exchanges of like, these are the two lines. I'm not going to omit anything. But Gene Kelly says,
Starting point is 00:22:10 boy, oh boy, they sure don't make rocks like they used to. And Michael Beck says, you want some popcorn? Hand of exchange. And they're best friends forever after that. That's how they meet and become friends. That's how they meet. So Olivia Newton-John like full on vanishes
Starting point is 00:22:28 and then reappears to lure him off a pier. So he drives the motorcycle off the pier and it's a pretty sweet stuff. He completely destroys it. Yeah, fuck your motorcycle hot girls. He does like a 720 into the ocean. Gene Kelly takes him for coffee
Starting point is 00:22:46 and my note here is the charm on these two. How did this movie fail? Watching Michael Beck and Gene Kelly have coffee, I'm like, this movie is a delight and I love it. It's so great that you forget that he just stole a motorcycle
Starting point is 00:23:02 and destroyed it and then walked away without a single thought as to what happens next. Walked out of the ocean on a date with Gene Kelly. This is handsome life. This is life when you're very handsome. It's just, hell, workout. Let's go get some coffee. He guts outside and some dude in a van
Starting point is 00:23:18 is like, hey, where are you going? And the guy goes, ah, shit, I'm going east. I'll take you anyway. So when Marty McFly's on his roller skates on the back of the van. Skitches on roller skates. That's the scariest fucking thing I've ever heard. It's dangerous enough on like skateboards
Starting point is 00:23:34 but on roller skates specifically that are not built to go more than like eight miles an hour. And he says to the guy, don't forget I'm back here. Like he's worried about him just getting on the highway or something, I guess. Or taking a sweet jump.
Starting point is 00:23:50 He doesn't know what this guy's going to do. So he sees the abandoned theater from the album cover and he's like, oh shit, this is that thing from the album. Bye. And he just lets go of the van. The other guy's like, okay, I'll abandon you here.
Starting point is 00:24:06 And he walks in and there's Olivia Newton-John roller skating alone in the dark. I think. I would like to point out that in all of these scenes he is now wearing his roller skates around his neck and even show it, he is walking through a condemned building in his socks because he's so handsome.
Starting point is 00:24:24 It's true. When you're that handsome the world leaves your feet alone. Skating through life. Just skating through life. Speaking of that's like Olivia Newton-John is like full on like pixie sprite just
Starting point is 00:24:40 whimsically fucking with him. He's like, hey, who are you? And she's like, oh, who's anybody? Like just won't answer any questions. Fucking inferior. This is the original manic pixie dream girl. Absolutely. She doesn't have any personality at all
Starting point is 00:24:56 ever through the whole movie and that guy just relentlessly is in love with her and she does nothing. I bet she has 20 lines in this movie. All she does is sing. No personality. When he beats her she's roller skating sexually to herself in a condemned building. That's all the personality you need.
Starting point is 00:25:14 It is dangerous to have more. He still has no like care in the world. He does not think this is anything. He doesn't think it's a supernatural thing. He doesn't think it's a grift. He's going to be murdered by this strange woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Has he never seen a movie? But things are just fucking easy when you're this handsome. He's just like, you come to this abandoned warehouse a lot. You weren't going to date. And she's like, no. No. What's a date, Giggle?
Starting point is 00:25:46 Get out of my warehouse. He goes back his boss's name, Simpson, which I love because he keeps saying, oh, I got to paint these Simpsons albums, which is really funny to me because it just changed context. Yeah, it changed the context a lot. I just want to say it here because
Starting point is 00:26:02 I'm going to be praising them throughout novelty swipes. The novelty swipes are so on point. Oh, you're right. This one is like blinds closing. They swipe away. It's so good. Yeah, it's like home improvement. Or like when someone,
Starting point is 00:26:18 when you're a kid and you first get access to like an editing software and you're just kind of experimenting with all of them, they're like, we're going to use every single one in this movie. You're like star wipe, dazzle wipe. Yeah, they're like breaking the shapes and then the shapes will shoot off.
Starting point is 00:26:34 It's no normal way to end a scene. It's so good. How did this movie fail is the point. So his boss is complaining that his art is too good again for probably the third time already. Like it's still early in the movie and he's given him that warrior's attitude where I was like,
Starting point is 00:26:50 this is where the boss is going to get fucked up. Like you're bringing the wrong attitude to the wrong movie, Michael Beck, but somehow still works. His boss really is just a dick for no reason. And he lays out sort of the theme of what
Starting point is 00:27:06 seems like could be a movie, but is not this movie, which is how art is totally stupid and capitalism is better. And it feels like, okay, this is the theme, right? No, it's totally ready. No, nobody argues that. I mean, he doesn't like it, but nobody argues it. There is literally
Starting point is 00:27:22 no antagonist in this movie. A couple of bumps here and there, like this, this is a complication that he knows a guy who doesn't like art, but it has no effect on his life. Yeah, you're right. It is strange, right? He gets yelled at a bunch, but he's never fired for it or anything. He's just...
Starting point is 00:27:40 There should be an act, too, where like everything goes wrong, like the club is about to fail or whatever. We'll get into that. Just a bunch of stuff just keeps happening. I think that's what I like about it. I tend to like movies where not much happens and it just kind of looks good. Like, I like Sofia Coppola movies a
Starting point is 00:27:56 lot, so that makes sense why this appeals to me more now. Yeah, it's just a lot of pleasant stuff happening in a row. And all the annoying stuff just washes right off, has no effect on the plot. So now Gene Kelly, a charming bachelor,
Starting point is 00:28:12 takes this hunky boy home and they listen to some records. That's the whole thing. He just comes out of the record store and... For 15 seconds. 15 seconds of a record and then says, Hey, see you later. Well, they also show you that he's very rich
Starting point is 00:28:28 and his house is super nice and looks like a cheesecake factory. That's true. It is opulent and old-timey. And it has like a real sweet, innocent tone that my bonner brain just cannot process. Like it... 100% right here in my notes says it just...
Starting point is 00:28:44 a shoe is going to drop any second. This motherfucker's going to hiss, no put on the mask and take off your pants. Or he's going to like hand him a drink and black out. It's not him that's like the horror think because he reveals that like he had the same muse, not like another muse, but the same woman
Starting point is 00:29:00 and he recognizes her as this woman that inspired and abandoned him to like not necessarily ruin his life because he's rich now, but it ruined his artistic life and like ate his inspiration and left him and just kind of left of destitute and the guy,
Starting point is 00:29:16 he's just so handsome, he can't pick it up. It's like, yeah, all right. Cool. Sounds good, man. Yeah, sounds like it happened to you, but like... Sorry you lost all your artistic inspiration. I was just going to say that Gene Kelly seems so happy and again, in a way that I don't trust,
Starting point is 00:29:32 but I think that's just me not like the artistic intent. Like I think he's meant to be like happy and content and he's obviously very wealthy and relaxed. Anyway... No, it's a weird vibe. This is the setup stage of a horror movie.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Like when everything's a little too idyllic and you just... you know something's coming, you know what movie you're watching now. Right. And that's my point. I think I was expecting him to wake up with like an asshole son to his face, but instead he just like leaves
Starting point is 00:30:04 and the camera lingers on Gene and here's where it gets really strange to me. Hold on because it's important to the plot. He first asks him, for no reason, he asks this just handsome man who he met on a rock and likes popcorn. Do you want to be my business partner and my realtor and find me
Starting point is 00:30:20 a musical venue because I want to get back his business partner then? He asks him to find a space and then once they find the space, yeah. Yeah. Will you be my realtor handsome man who likes popcorn? Because he's got a good eye.
Starting point is 00:30:36 He's got a good eye. I like that... I like movies that don't give a shit. They know that they need to have these two characters together and sort of building a club together and they're like, I guess we don't really care how or why. We don't need to connect these dots so much.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Fuck it. And so I'm fine with that. But here's where the movie gets weird for me where Gene Kelly starts talking to the record player and he's kind of doing a weird little thing and they're like, oh, he's crazy, that's it. It's very like American Psycho where he's explaining
Starting point is 00:31:08 Huey Lewis, it has that kind of a vibe. And then he sits down and starts reliving a memory of him performing with Olivia Newton-John at like an old USO show and it is... He fucking air flutes to his parts. It is the tiniest micron
Starting point is 00:31:24 from like a really well-made horror scene. Like it's just almost almost there. But no, it just turns into a tap-dancing number. It's a great volume element. He gets this... To join it, he gets this like horrified
Starting point is 00:31:40 distant look in his eyes and he freezes for a second and jumps to his feet like he's like pulled. It's just there's something weird and supernatural in that moment, is what I'm saying. And then he like goes into this tap-dance number with the memory or
Starting point is 00:31:56 ghost of this muse woman. Yes, and I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with him. I'm like, is he a tragic figure? Is he like a lonely has-been? Is he a killer? What is... What's happening? No reason. They just need a tap-dancing number. You don't speak musical.
Starting point is 00:32:12 That's the issue. In a musical, when people are having strong internal feelings, it becomes an external dance number. So that's what that is. Reliving it and we're going into his memory with him and he's doing a tap-dance, which is killer. And I can't believe how good
Starting point is 00:32:28 he is at dancing still at whatever age. Is he like 70 in this? Yeah. At like 70, he's still a killer tap dancer. But yeah, I think that's... I agree. I agree completely. Yeah, totally adorable.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Not for me, but like I wouldn't use the word riveted, but I wasn't bored like I generally would be during a tap-dance routine. I was like this this is... I'm on board with him top notch whatever this is. The ghost in the spirit plane? Sure.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I'm not qualified to rate it, but I give it a 9 and a 10. So Sonny goes back to the art studio to paint and when I say paint, he takes dry brush and rubs it against leaving Newton-John's hair for a couple of times. But she's there somehow inside the studio.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Again, doesn't give a shit. Fuckin' ninjas out of the shadows in a clothed studio after hours and he has no questions because he's too handsome. And she's wearing the most bizarre outfit ever, which she wears for a lot of the movie, which is kind of a cloth diaper
Starting point is 00:33:32 and her dress is cut so high that you can see it, but it's the same color and everything as her dress. So it's part of the dress, but it's like her underwear and you can see it and her butt. Right. If you put any of this, any of these actions or outfits on a not-beautiful
Starting point is 00:33:48 woman, you are like, this is a fucking crazy person. I need to get away. Yeah, it's a homeless woman's like weird reg. Like makeshift clothing. I wrote apron diaper combo because the dress kind of has an apron vibe. That's a good way to describe it.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I think they might have been going for like a Toga element. But again, but you're closer with an apron diaper. It's like it was a madman's take on a Toga. And then so they put on the roller skates and they go, this is a painting studio, but they do have like a cyber booth in the
Starting point is 00:34:20 center of a poorly explained like X-Men Danger Room. It's a fucking submarine bro. Shit. They have a little station to plug your psychic powers in. They have like props to send from the ceiling and there's like simulated
Starting point is 00:34:36 environments on all the walls. And he explains it all by saying, yeah, no, go ahead. Yeah, bands play here and they like they use this for inspiration. Yeah, he said for inspiration and I'm like, so what someone's going to come and like sit in a desert set and think that's the idea.
Starting point is 00:34:52 And here's the thing, Liddy, I don't watch musicals much, but I do know that if they were just to go into a room in a painting studio and all of a sudden the different environments, I'm not like, what the fuck is happening? But they're trying to like say, this is a room that actually does that in the painting studio
Starting point is 00:35:08 to inspire bands. And I'm like, that's what makes it crazy to me. They didn't need that explanation. They should have, it should have just been there like skating around this big empty room and imagining all of these places like that would have been way more normal.
Starting point is 00:35:24 And it's a full roller skate dance number with no good tricks. Like there's just like neither one of them are competent. Competent is strong enough for it. They can roller skate. They do fly for a moment. They do fly a little. They jump and then they just unexplainably
Starting point is 00:35:40 fly. And again, no questions. Sometimes they fly. It's great. Their tricks are like going up a small ramp and then coming back down gently. And then, yeah, the CGI, well, I guess not CGI, but however they made them
Starting point is 00:35:56 float. And you can tell like in a movie like this, you don't normally see performing, right? Like you can't ever tell when someone's acting in like a big feature film. But Michael Beck is concentrating real fucking hard on roller
Starting point is 00:36:12 skating. Like it's really funny to me. They have a big giant fake train in this painting studio. It's really inspiring to the bands to sit on a park bench about to be hit by a train. What the fuck was that said? That was the weirdest one for me. I was like, how is a big train
Starting point is 00:36:28 just the front of it inspiring? That doesn't make any sense. Well, they sit, they sit on a park bench and the background is dark and then a prop of a train comes out of the dark and it starts firing mist. You're like, why would you have a park bench that gets hit by a train
Starting point is 00:36:44 to inspire your bands? I don't. That's where the train comes from. They were at that studio. Oh my god, that's it. That's where the band got hit by a train on the bench comes from too.
Starting point is 00:37:00 It's madness. Again, this film is the work of mad men. They go to a theater, the theater, the abandoned ones. Where she nests. My notes here, they say they're really, really intimate, but not
Starting point is 00:37:16 two people that are about to fuck. They talk like they're an old couple who settled into being best friends. They hug and they, but they don't kiss. It unnerved me that they still haven't fucked. You know what I mean? Yeah, I think that was in her contract.
Starting point is 00:37:32 They kiss once in a while, but she always turns away. No, I don't like it. Again, he doesn't have any questions. Well, you're probably going to like it later though. Cool, don't worry about it. I feel like if you're on a fifth date with someone you have this much chemistry and you go to kiss them, they're like, oh no, I can't kiss you.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Are you like married or something? Yeah. I guess he does that later in the movie. Wait, are you a monster? Are you a great monster? Yeah, I knew this was a fucking grift. You're going to drop like a briefcase of money any second. Are you going to eat the logic center of my brain and make it so I don't have ideas anymore?
Starting point is 00:38:04 Because that's what you did to that last guy. I thought that was a little weird. That was kind of a red flag, kind of. Yeah, kind of a red flag. So they show the place to Gene Kelly and Gene Kelly's imagination immediately conjures the bandstand.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Now, Michael Beck imagines a rock band and Gene imagines the bandstand and Michael Beck imagines the rock band and I have here Michael Screams six guys wearing electric orange synthesizer, heavy percussion electric guitar and that was
Starting point is 00:38:36 amazing to me. They had the rock band that they invented has never existed. It's like it's like somebody that was deep into disco and had never heard of rock and roll had been explained rock and roll and they're like, this is what it looks like, right? Well, I think that's electric light orchestra,
Starting point is 00:38:52 isn't it? And I think that part of the reason that seems so weird. I think I just explained electric light orchestra. Because he has to describe he's supposed to be describing a generic rock band, but he is not at all. He's describing electric light orchestra. Yeah, there's only one of those.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yeah, there's only one of those. Not every rock band wears bright orange absuits, my friend. Right. Like eight synthesizers. It doesn't happen. I would argue that this scene sucks pretty hard. Oh my God, this is my favorite
Starting point is 00:39:24 scene in the movie. What are you doing? Okay, let me give you, let me give you, if this was on America's Got Talent I think it would go through, but the judges would have notes. First of all, the band stand part is fine and the rock band part is a little silly, but like they clash so hard, it's like
Starting point is 00:39:40 they play one and then it's like someone hits stop and then hit play on an unrelated tape. Until the end. For sure. Then they mix like in the last 10 seconds of it. They were from different worlds and you think that they're going to fight. They're going to fight it out
Starting point is 00:39:56 when they see each other and start moving towards each other. But then they like fall in love and they kind of dance together, which is Lydia, correct me if I'm wrong. That's how you say fucking in music. Yes, that's them fucking. And this stage like kind of sexually clicks together so that it's all
Starting point is 00:40:12 one stage. Right, I understand what they're trying to do and what they, I'm saying the execution was very poor. Did anybody else notice that they invented Billy Idol and Cisco and the rock dancers? I
Starting point is 00:40:28 definitely saw a Billy Idol. An exact identical vibe to Billy Idol and Cisco. I did not find Cisco. I don't agree with that. To me, this felt like someone trying to represent two very different musical themes 20 years away from their understanding in each
Starting point is 00:40:44 direction. So it was like someone who really knew 60s music, trying to do 80s music and 40s music. And you didn't like getting it. You did not like that. I thought it was a failure for what I was trying to do, but if I'm trying to pick the moment of this movie that's closest to my
Starting point is 00:41:00 interests, which is like hilarious failure, that's where I think Xanadu shines. Did you perhaps miss when a woman leaps into one of the dancers' arms and he plays her like a guitar? Did you miss that one? I also like when the woman
Starting point is 00:41:16 Yes, that's the one I like. I love that part. That's really funny. And then they pretended to turn knobs as if he was making music with her. I was like, okay, that's fucking crazy. When I'm watching this movie, all I'm doing is waiting for this scene to happen and then
Starting point is 00:41:32 it's over. I'm a little bit sad until the clothing montage, which is my second favorite part. Yes, that is fucking amazing. So okay, I'm glad we have I honestly think everyone's take on Xanadu is going to be very different. And that's maybe
Starting point is 00:41:48 what I love about this movie the most. And maybe that's why, like, if I was a film reviewer in 1980, like, I would have no idea what to fucking give this movie. Because I don't know. Anyway, the point is Gene Kelly loves this idea and he's like, okay. Which he announces by
Starting point is 00:42:04 saying, I love it. So he's been standing in this empty room just imagining rock bands fighting big bands. And then after like 20 minutes, he just goes, I love it. I'm on board. Michael Beck knew too, like he was sharing the same delusion.
Starting point is 00:42:20 That's what's great about this movie is it takes a musical and it says what if all of it was literally happening and that's what we get. So here's the guy he met on the beach, Gene Kelly met this guy on the beach who's putting no money into this
Starting point is 00:42:36 and he's like, you're a 50-50 partner, kid. And in that scene where they figure that out too is we got to say like 10 minutes long, right? It's like two full music videos long. Easily. To which he has to explain
Starting point is 00:42:54 after which he has to explain what a partner is to the very handsome man. I'll tell you what a partner is and he says it's like being married without the good part. Oh, God, that was so creepy. Run away. That's a crime. This man wants to do crimes to you. He like winks at him after he says that
Starting point is 00:43:10 and I'm like, does that mean... He doesn't get it. He's too handsome to get it. He should have made it clear he was not like trying to get with him earlier in the movie. Like if you meet a guy on the beach he's like, let's get a cup of coffee come back to my place. You're like, oh, sir. Yeah, I don't know. That's not for me.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I know I see what you're doing and that's very nice, but no. But yeah, he just didn't get it. He's like, yeah, everyone tries to fuck me. Especially the Gene Kelly. This is my life. Yeah, it's my whole life. So Kira's ghost, Living Newton John's ghost appears and she's like starting to say a
Starting point is 00:43:42 poem about Kubla Khan's Pleasure Palace. Yeah, Kubla Khan by Coleridge. And Gene Kelly knows it. So she reads the part with Xanadu, which is how she gets the name Xanadu.
Starting point is 00:43:58 So this is how she inspires. She just shows up and says, hey, it's called Xanadu. He's like, oh, all right. Xanadu, like that poem. Yeah. And this is where I feel it is clinched that this is a horror movie because again, she comes out of nowhere. Nobody,
Starting point is 00:44:14 they didn't bring her here. She just shows up because again, this is where she nests and she starts reading Kubla Khan, which is not just about like a bitch in place. That's it. It's obviously open to interpretation, but here's how that poem ends. I'm going to read you some poetry.
Starting point is 00:44:30 You did not think was it going to happen in this podcast. I knew the whole time. Oh. That's the poem she started reading to him. Yeah. She is the saying right here. Hey, remember that I'm beautiful and everything's beautiful, but I'm also a monster. I'm a terrible monster
Starting point is 00:45:04 and I'm going to kill you. It's a horrible indictment of Xanadu. And then she's like, you should name this place Xanadu. Yeah. I love it. That's what's going to happen to you. So we're 52 minutes and we finally found out this is a fucking movie about opening a club like we now have a plot.
Starting point is 00:45:20 So the roller ghost is helping him open a club with her magic powers. She's clearly causing this to happen with her magic powers and it's her like duty as a cosmic being. So
Starting point is 00:45:36 Michael Beck fires himself from his poster production company and he finally kisses Olivia Newton John and she stops him and he's like, okay, cool. No big deal and they get back to casual conversation, but then they turn into cartoons.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Well, before that he starts actually asking questions possibly for the first time in his life and you can see it hurts him. He's like, okay, but what's your name? Okay, but where do you live? What do you do? She says on the second floor. She says she lives on the second floor.
Starting point is 00:46:08 The sketchiest answers. Just every red flag and he's like, okay. Yeah, but then they become fish. So you know that it went well. Yeah, then she kisses him and they turn into a cartoon. And this is really good animation. Like, aside from all this being insane,
Starting point is 00:46:24 it is wonderfully produced movie. By passionate artists there should have been an audience for. It had no reason to fail. It is so much better than like Mama Mia or Les Miserables. Am I saying that right? And it fully less miserables.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Right. It fully tears the head off of fucking Dear Evan Hansen and steals his husband. Like, everyone who made Dear Evan Hansen should write a suicide note that says we should have and could have rebooted Xanadu. As far as I can tell, this movie is a masterpiece of the genre is my point.
Starting point is 00:46:56 And yet after this, it killed movie musicals, apparently until Mulan Rouge. Right. Oh, again, another tie-in because Red Sonya killed fantasy movies for just, God, Lydia, this was such a masterful play.
Starting point is 00:47:12 It's perfect. It's absolutely the girl Conan. I think that's true. I like that the entire animated sequence, the entire cartoon sequence where they shrunk down and danced through a forest and everything and they turned into all of these creatures. And the one thread was that all of the
Starting point is 00:47:28 the boy creatures wanted to fuck the girl creatures and all the girl creatures did not want to be fucked. And then it ended. That's real. Nothing was resolved or changed when they came out of it. This was just, she told him through animation, stop trying to fuck me. And he was like, all right, see you later.
Starting point is 00:47:44 He was like, firm. No, I'm still going to try. He's getting some mixed signals, though. I mean, let's be fair to poor Michael Beck. He does. He's getting some whiplash because I mean, you can only laser roller skate someone like
Starting point is 00:48:00 while you fall in love for so long before they're like, I think this person might want to kiss me. Is my point. But if you say firmly no through an animated sequence, you have to respect that. Yeah, I get it. It's just hard to understand where they're coming from. It's like they must have taken
Starting point is 00:48:16 like a vow of chastity on their face. Like it's a very strange. Yeah, it's hard to understand because she has no personality. You know nothing about her. You don't even know her name for so long into this movie, I feel like. Right. Except that she's in his life every
Starting point is 00:48:32 moment on his lap. Every time he sits down, like this woman's completely in love with him, but can't kiss. So anyway, very confusing poor Michael Beck. The rest of his life is really easy, though. I should assure you that being handsome. He's got no troubles except this one.
Starting point is 00:48:48 So they go to the construction site and they're weak into building it. Things are going great. They're having champagne. Even the foreman's like, you're really building a dream here. Like they're just it's such a pleasant movie. They start fantasizing about what Gene Kelly should wear
Starting point is 00:49:04 on opening night. And here's where we get to they say he needs it's got to be slang. They say you need a suit, man. A glitz. He asks a glitz. Where do I get a glitz? And they say you get it from a franchise glitz dealer. Yes. Yeah, what what the fuck's that?
Starting point is 00:49:20 The franchise glitz dealer line has always confused me. I can't even imagine what that is. I'm sure I could now google it and somebody would say like, oh, that's what they used to call stores. Why did they call stores franchise glitz? Well, I kind of wondered if like franchises were
Starting point is 00:49:36 new. So like it being a franchise would make it like super fancy. It's probably like a glitz dealer. It's probably like code. It's probably like casual sex code or something. I don't know. It's like that's your heroin dealer. Your franchise glitz dealer is
Starting point is 00:49:52 like where you get your heroin. That sounds right. Yeah, I think I'm going to make a use for franchise glitz dealer now. That's what I'm going to. I'm just going to call my drug dealer that and see if he shoots me. And if he doesn't, then it's cool.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Yeah, good plan. I'm sure I'm sure we all love the musical montage that they go there. That's so good. Sassy mannequins come to life and then Gene Kelly tries on outfits each one slightly different than the last and he does like a little dance for each outfit. Yeah, just
Starting point is 00:50:24 a little bit. Some of them exactly the same as previous dances, but many of them different. He's 70. Give him a break. And one of them he fucking pulls out in a Rolls Royce and comes out in cowboy tassels on roller skates. And that's when like pure fringe white sequined cowboy. And everybody's like, yeah, this is
Starting point is 00:50:40 just changing. Yeah, this is the changing sequence. And that's the one everybody's like, yeah, that's fucking it. And it feels like we're done, right? But no, they invented this whole musical montage. Like before this, I don't think this existed. And then they shattered the template in the middle of it,
Starting point is 00:50:56 because after they decide on the outfit, they keep going. He comes out in like several more. And I don't I don't care for this art. I'm a little bit bored. I'm unmoved, but I'm 100 percent certain this is the best version of whatever this is, it can be. There's a spider god crawling
Starting point is 00:51:12 through the legs of spiders. Yeah, he's stalked by fucking rare beasts. There's a cat woman. It's like they morph into a giant pinball machine. Well, yeah, obviously the best part is there's novelty wipe after novelty wipe. I love when he's playing the pinball machine and then he's in the pinball machine. Like in the pinball machine inside
Starting point is 00:51:28 the pinball machine and he's just happily punching the pinball stuff. Oh, he's having so much fun. There's hat magic. There's laser hat magic. There's a woman that comes out of a clothes rack and just starts doing these isolated pelvic thrusts and they linger on her for like
Starting point is 00:51:44 solid 10 seconds. And then like a mostly naked hot lady comes out and just sort of just rides for the camera while they purve out in her body. I'm like, this has something for everybody. Truly. Can we all agree that this is madness because I believe that's what this represents. I think
Starting point is 00:52:00 the consequence because the Greek no Greek mythology creature is ever like fully okay. They always have something kind of monstrous. I think the muse drives you to madness and I think that's what this dance sequence is. Like that's like
Starting point is 00:52:16 she's starting to eat his brain a little bit and he's going crazy. They're being consumed by Xanadu and this is that's like as they're building it they're being consumed by it and that's what this scene represents. Because this is the turn of the movie where it was one movie for a long time and then after this it's a whole different movie.
Starting point is 00:52:32 I mean it's much danceier and that's for sure. And I like you three because when it pulls out from this scene it's just Olivia Newton-John and Michael Beck slow dancing to the musicless sound of Gene Kelly's business like they're just like face to face fully in love.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Well he's just like yeah I need the parts of my tomorrow. No music. And everyone's like admiring them for it and not being like what's up with those two. They don't kiss but god damn but I've never seen anyone so in love. That eye contact that is her eating the logic centers of
Starting point is 00:53:04 his brain. Devouring him. So Gene Kelly's nervous about opening up the club. Like he gets alone with Olivia Newton-John and he's like Olivia's like you know what you need to do is pretend it's 1945 again the last time you opened up a club and he goes I don't have to pretend
Starting point is 00:53:22 it is 1945 all over again with like a real menacing tone and I'm still thinking something terrible is about to happen. Cause he's saying I fucking know I know it's you I know what you're doing you're not going to take this one you're not going to take it like you took me.
Starting point is 00:53:38 She's just like yeah you got me She leans over and says it is 1945 again. Like what the fuck is that? She could just take time from him. She's like I can throw more than you could possibly imagine.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I could make you into a fucking zygote. So then it cuts to her and Michael Beck and they say I love you to each other but she still won't kiss him and then she reveals that she's not allowed to love and just basically lays it out like I'm a fucking muse like from
Starting point is 00:54:10 the stories there's a pantheon of magical beings yes my dad is there I live on Mount not Olympus they had some other name for it. She says she's there specifically to make Xana do happen Yes they just to make a fucking nightclub open up. It seems really strange
Starting point is 00:54:26 and like especially since he's a painter you would think that she would be there to inspire him to make a great painting or something right but she's actually there to get him to like basically give up on his dreams to do this other thing yeah she does not inspire him in any way she shows up
Starting point is 00:54:42 and says he doesn't even want he doesn't pick the theater he doesn't want to pick the theater she just says no you're doing it you're picking that theater he's like no no I don't know no that's it and then she names it and then she picks his partner it's just it's very strange
Starting point is 00:54:58 she tells him to look up muse in the dictionary and it has a message for him so now she's revealing that she's got full on like science powers like she has the TV come to life and the characters on the TV are talking to him and this is not regular musical rules so I think that everyone else watching TV at that time
Starting point is 00:55:14 was having was seeing this and being like what the fuck happened to my old movie I agree and right and then she says she's not allowed to love him it's so hard to understand here and it just doesn't happen you can really see him I mean he just doesn't care he's like I'm a mythical creature and he's like
Starting point is 00:55:30 do you still want to make out? I'm into it and I'm really handsome so like it's good basically handsome pretty much so I think that we're a great couple I don't see why they can't make it work they both scream I'll love you forever while she turns into a laser and leaves
Starting point is 00:55:48 it seems like if that's not loves what it is and no reason for her to leave at that moment either because Zanadu hasn't opened yet so she just decides to pop out I guess I just love his look after she mews beams out of there he's just kind of a huh
Starting point is 00:56:04 look like huh alright okay I get huh yeah I happen sometimes it's Taylor Watt in her face I feel like he has real Taylor Watt in her face yeah that's kind of mean but I agree so Gene Kelly finds him on the beach like Gene Kelly is literally
Starting point is 00:56:20 searching all of Venice for him in his suits just walking through the sand like I know he's out on one of these rocks and he was he explains that dreams don't die we kill them which maybe is the theme of this movie I still can't find the theme
Starting point is 00:56:36 which again maybe is why this movie failed because it breaks every rule of storytelling and film structure I think that's a good thing so that's what they intended to be the theme of the movie maybe so Gene Kelly tells him to find his girl like hey go to Matt Zerklaun
Starting point is 00:56:52 where the fuck there's gotta be a way to get there and that's when he goes over to the mural where she lives well he doesn't go to it he just finds it during his like angry roller skating that looks a lot like her and is like that she must live in this mural and so instead of I'm like
Starting point is 00:57:08 okay I kind of got that he was immediately going to loony tunes into the wall but I thought it would be better if he painted himself on there I think that logically would have made more sense that makes a lot more sense would have been great instead he roller skates out for like
Starting point is 00:57:24 100 feet of build up and just face first no second guess is right into the wall and like of course he goes through the wall but how amazing would this movie be if he didn't if he just fucking bashes his head into the wall and then the movie's over
Starting point is 00:57:40 yeah he just privately decides that it's platform 9 and 3 fourth rules where you have to go into it as hard as possible you can't just like touch it and try and gently ease in yeah it's back to the future rules anything less than 30 miles an hour you bounce right off the portal
Starting point is 00:57:56 it is a very handsome solution very handsome solution just bold insanity straight ahead with full power that works out so he's in Xanadu and she's happy to see him but like she's like dude what the fuck are you doing here it's just a land of nothing
Starting point is 00:58:12 it's just lasers in Olivia Newton-John which again, paradise but like he's stuck in like a little prison like a little like Krypton prison cell laser prison what's great about Michael Beck is
Starting point is 00:58:28 he's a great actor but he was not trained in Mime so when he's trying to like say oh I can't get out of the prison it's the most pathetic entry level like oh gosh I'm stuck like he's making fun of the process of acting which is very funny to me and then he calls out
Starting point is 00:58:44 Zeus who's a total dick he's like wait could I say his line when he calls out Zeus oh please do it's just hey Zeus that's it well and then Charlie says Zeus shows up
Starting point is 00:59:00 and he's like we don't use those dated names anymore and it's like okay what am I supposed to call you fucking come down here Zeus fucking Dr. Goodfellow from Buck Rogers that's actually the actor oh really
Starting point is 00:59:16 so they do a bit where Zeus and Hera who like are fully omnipotent and they know everything they watch the earth they run a dream granting organization they don't know what feelings are he's like we feel love for each other and they're like what what's feelings you're like what are they fucking like robots now
Starting point is 00:59:32 it's fucking so weird they make a joke about how they learned about feelings in mortal class yeah oh now it's a comedy what the fuck is happening here so they send him back to earth and Kira living in
Starting point is 00:59:48 John is left alone to sing a sad song motionless in a land of lasers and I would argue about how sad she is that she didn't get to eat a beautiful man it's great it it's so bad I think objectively it's the first dud of the movie
Starting point is 01:00:04 like there's just nothing you can get from this other than crushing boredom but it does work on Zeus maybe Lady do you like this song in the beginning of the movie if you know like EL it says music by electric light orchestra and then after it it says
Starting point is 01:00:20 Olivia Newton John's music by someone else and you can tell that she had someone else write this song for her right and they really wanted you to know they were like no no no don't put this on me don't say music by EL yeah that's not cool
Starting point is 01:00:36 and so but yeah it sucks to us but Zeus loved it is I guess what we're getting at and so he's like okay I will let you go back to earth and fall in love with Michael Beck maybe well he says she can go
Starting point is 01:00:52 forever or for a moment but he can't remember he keeps getting those two mixed up so it's possible that this movie actually doesn't have a happy ending I do have a take on that but before I want to talk me too and I think we're going in the same place
Starting point is 01:01:08 I have to get there Xanadu's opening is very strange to me because I think they opened a roller rink I don't think this is a nightclub I think this is a roller rink it's just a big circular thing with kind of a bar on the side it's a disco roller rink
Starting point is 01:01:24 hedonism palace is what I have done yeah okay but it's definitely not a normal nightclub it's all roller rink for sure but there are also normal people wandering in and out of the roller rink to get killed are you assuming such a bad idea
Starting point is 01:01:40 so they just sort of roller skating numbers there's a big crowd of people going in two different directions there's karate roller skates just for a moment just so the filmmakers let us know they thought up karate roller skaters also hey there are we opened this scene with a band
Starting point is 01:01:56 of juggling mimes forming a gauntlet and that's how you have to get into Xanadu you have to run between the juggling mime gauntlet I think I think the mimes are just for that opening like I think that they won't be there every night just a special occasion
Starting point is 01:02:12 you bring up a good point though that there's a lot of performers I don't think there's a customer here this is opening night I can't I could not spot a single person that would be a customer everyone there was like a drumline roller dancer or
Starting point is 01:02:28 you know some sort of a performer to this weirdly like militaristic song and then they're punching in unison and doing key eyes in unison for a while it's just it's like turned into cult training somehow if I watched into this building
Starting point is 01:02:44 I would know that in this world there are no rules or laws and that everyone here was already dead like I would know instantly I could do anything I wanted inside of Xanadu and I think that's what they're going for yeah that's definitely the vibe they hired a whole circus or like piecing it out
Starting point is 01:03:00 and having them do their little acts in pieces all over the room while everyone else were roller skates around them yeah it's just it's pure chaos this is how I would define chaos like if you told me if you gave me a massive budget and a lot of time and you were like I need you to visually
Starting point is 01:03:16 define chaos for me like the concept I would do exactly this moment and I would put you in the middle of it and you'd be like yes this is I need 120 pairs of roller skates and one traveling circus and and so they're all doing all this stuff roller skating jumping
Starting point is 01:03:32 this is Olivia Newton-John at the peak of her greatness she comes out and performs the titular song it's beautiful and transcendent this this is a dream realized for hundreds of dancers and sideshow performers this movie is huge and every person in this knows it's the greatest thing
Starting point is 01:03:48 they'll ever do or maybe that will ever be like so much went into this scene and I love the big zoom out from her and there's just a girl spinning like rapidly on a harness from her teeth but there's only one it's not like
Starting point is 01:04:04 part of the whole vibe she's just fucking she brought this harness from home and it's like I'm gonna fucking spin as fast as I can in this nightclub and she's right at the front too like weirdly close to the camera it's just pure madness I love it
Starting point is 01:04:20 and then it takes a sexy rock turn and now living Newton-John's song about Xanadu turns into a song about how the listener is a loser wherever you go you're a loser fool fool fool fool but first it cuts to this weird just for like a minute
Starting point is 01:04:36 it cuts to this weird like lynchian number where they're all dressed like cigarette girls it's like this distorted synthesizer Calliope Circus music and she like starts to dance for a second and then it's over and then it's a rock number oh my gosh that's weird
Starting point is 01:04:52 that's one part of this movie that I'm like why did they do a cowboy number where she's got a cowboy hat and a little fringe jacket on yeah she's like Jean Kelly's outfit we never get to see Jean Kelly in his fucking cowboy palette and outfit again but she has
Starting point is 01:05:08 he wears a tuxedo to the opening so that scene was completely worthless yeah it was totally pointless they all agreed on the outfit and he's like nah fuck it it's over so this is like the fourth or fifth full costume changed by the entire room
Starting point is 01:05:24 and it was so weird to me that it took me out of the scene and I couldn't help but remember that this was all set up by ancient gods who don't understand us or our feelings and it made me think that this film was the work of a true madman like it's so fucking weird and then another costume
Starting point is 01:05:40 changed for an avant-garde like sci-fi fantasy featuring actual magic like they're doing real magic with people turning into lasers and shit and then everyone vanishes except for Michael Beck and he's just staring at it empty glowing pedestal
Starting point is 01:05:56 because she has eaten his creativity I think she ate his brain I think that's what artistically it's saying is that they wiped his memory because the people start trickling back in just sort of randomly appearing he sits down with Jean Kelly and Olivia Newton-John is a cocktail waitress
Starting point is 01:06:12 and he looks at her like he's meeting her for the first time he's so clear he doesn't like remember and she pretends not to remember him and he goes along with it so either that's a weird crazy game they just agreed on or like yeah she ate a big part of his brain because this is a fucking horror movie I definitely don't mind that interpretation of it
Starting point is 01:06:28 I think it adds a little an extra layer to the plot kind of makes it more pleasant So how did what do you think happened here at the end, Lydia? I mean I think so he says to Zeus and Hera that he wants one more moment with her
Starting point is 01:06:44 and they say we can give him one more moment or forever I can't remember which is which because time is not a concept for them or whatever and I think that the ending is supposed to imply that they have sent her back and he thought it was just for a moment so when she disappeared at the end of that song that's why he's sad because he's like
Starting point is 01:07:00 she's gone forever and then when she comes back I think it could kind of go either way where like he she's some girl who looks like the muse and they're gonna be together now or it's like her and he's they're just kind of messing around and like this is...
Starting point is 01:07:16 But your theory would require there to be a second Olivia Newton-John and that's impossible, come on I guess that's true or a mortal version of Olivia Newton-John She would not allow there to be two one would kill them Yeah the inner contract, you cannot duplicate me
Starting point is 01:07:32 my power is too much I think he got, I mean Olivia Newton-John's great muse to have but he could have had Sandy Bergman just he threw those papers into just an angle to the left just one degree to the left he would have got Sandy Bergman I bet Sandy Bergman would have won a big painter Sandy Bergman would fuck
Starting point is 01:07:48 Yeah, she would at least kiss him and she would let him stay a painter and not make him open a nightclub So yes! What a great horror movie I'm so glad that you watched it Thank you for forcing that on us You're so welcome, anytime It would have happened very appropriate for the theme of Xanadu
Starting point is 01:08:08 to be forced into this to be tricked and then changed against our will just well played And then to lose our memory of it, what are we talking about? How handsome you are all the time and what your life is like Yeah cool, yeah I get that, that's pretty normal thing people say to me A lot of nice things happen to me
Starting point is 01:08:24 A lot of weird supernatural shit too I don't have any questions about it And with Maximal in the chat Do you want to see the Frankfurt podcast? Correct! Yeah! The practice is not done without Send it to the dog zoo
Starting point is 01:08:48 4 hours Come on, you can do it One hundred One hundred, Frankfurt One hundred, Frankfurt One hundred One hundred, Frankfurt Yaa
Starting point is 01:09:08 Noi, Towson Thank you, thank you No, you're beautiful Well, it's been a great run here at the One nine hundred Hot Dog Hotel and Casino None of it would have been possible without The groovy Hot Dog Houseband Let's give it up for the Supremes
Starting point is 01:09:24 Three Finger Louis Aaron Crosston On Kita, Adrian H Hey, there's Aiden Moet Alpha scientist Java London, Nava, Bibbidi-bop, bop, Bibbidi-bop, Benjamin Sirenad, second keytar, let's give it up for Brandon Garlock, Rianne Witt, Chase MacPherson, children love the meat millie, ooh yeah they do, Chris Brower, Curious Glare, Dan B, on rhythm keytar, laziest man on Mars,
Starting point is 01:09:58 not lazy on that keytar, I'll tell you that much for free, Da-da-da-da-da, Dean Costello, Dr. Awkward, Eric Spalding, Fancy Shark, ooh on backup keytar, it's my man Gell-o-ho, what's that? Oh I'm sorry, he informs me it's pronounced Gell-o-ho, Gell-o-ho ladies and gentlemen, won't forget that, Haraka, Hot Bart, J. Braal Aiden, Jeremy Neal, Skibbidi-bop, Skibbidi-bop, Skibbidi-bop, Skibbidi-bop, Skibbidi-bop, Skibbidi-bop, John, also John McCammond, John Minkoff, Josh Fabian, Josh S, and Paisley, K&M, hey that stands for keytar now man, that's right, that's right, alright slow it down, Lyman, Mark, Matt Cortez, Matt Riley, Mike Styles, Moju,
Starting point is 01:10:52 D, Neil Bailey, Neil Shaffer, Nick H is rocking that lead keytar, look at those digits dance, Patrick Herbs, Rhiannon, Rich Jocelyn, Sarkovsky, Ditherin, Donald Finney on the double keytar, Timi Leyte, Toastie Gadd, Tom Sikula, and last, certainly not least, your man, my man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, you know I love that vicious keytar, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man,
Starting point is 01:11:27 Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne, on drums, I'm just messing with you man, Yosarianne,

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