The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 50, Expository Movie Songs II: The Revenge... with Zak Koonce!

Episode Date: November 24, 2021

This description is about the sequel to a podcast about songs that are about the movies they're in! It features the original Seanbaby, the rebooted Brockway, and Zak Koonce from The Auralnauts who is...... uh... who is... the sequel that takes place in space or something? Zak Koonce is the space one!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred hot dog. Our podcast slams with maximum hype. Say hot dog podcast work. Yeah. When you taste that nitrate power, you're in the dog zone for an hour. Come on.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Do not remember. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero zero.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah. Nine thousand. Welcome to the dog zone nine thousand. We make the acclaimed and Patreon supported Hilarity website one nine hundred hot dog. I'm Sean baby joined by fellow internet treasure Robert Brockway. I'm Robert Brockway.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Here's a Brockway fact. There is a character named after me in a triple A video game. And if you don't kill him, he'll kill you. No follow up questions. Seems like I had one obvious follow up question. And you'll never get it.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I have to watch every video game for Robert Brockway. He's coming. Well, back on our show, the voice and co-producer of our theme song, three of our four theme songs, one half of Oral Nuts, Zach,
Starting point is 00:01:23 Loose Moose on the Spoons Coons. That's how I'm, that's how I'm being referred to for the rest of my life. I would demand it in every writer. It's an earned nickname. It's like a, it's a purple belt. It's like a purple belt of nicknames.
Starting point is 00:01:35 That's where I die at every discipline. So that's perfect. Forever purple. Yeah. You got a purple in the, in the jujitsu. I was competing in black belt for years, but I was just like no ghee. So they just all assumed I was a black belt.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I'm like, no, it's not how it works. How'd you do? Did you get a, did you okay? Oh yeah, I've golded. Yeah, third. I've also been like eliminated right out of the gate before too. I've seen it all.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I've seen all placements. What, what is a purple belt? Is that high? Is it high ish? It's two away from black. It's, yeah, there's only five belts. So pretty high. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:02:10 If you get like a bunch of purples, you can just layer them and it'll be black. Yeah. I think that's how that works. That's how it works, yeah. You just watch the shoes. Highest I've ever gotten was a, was a yellow belt and that was out of pity
Starting point is 00:02:20 in a made up martial art. A made up martial art. Yeah. It was a American Kenpo. I believe it was. Okay. Very nice. That's a callback for people that are
Starting point is 00:02:32 dedicated listeners. Now, Zach, when you, like when you won against black belts, did you like whisper in there like, I'm only a purple belt? No. I didn't want them to like really kick my ass. I just always assumed that like,
Starting point is 00:02:46 I got lucky somehow and that they were like, their full potential was buried. What a, you're a very humble man, which means I'm going to do the plugging for you. You and Craven, you guys do very high quality, I think the terms mashemups, redubs, music videos, that type of thing. You find them on the YouTube if you haven't.
Starting point is 00:03:05 That's oral knots with an AU, like the hearing oral, not like Zach's sweet wet mouth oral. Yeah, you can hear it when we say oral, oral knots. Sweet wet mouth is a different website. But it's a fun one. You do great work on that one too.
Starting point is 00:03:24 This is, of course, a sequel episode to one of our favorite shows. Zach is our guest. Do you want to do the honors of explaining what we're doing here today? Yeah, we're just returning to the concept of pitting expository movie songs against one another for,
Starting point is 00:03:41 based on loose rules of engagement and just having fun with some shitty old songs. I tightened up the rules of engagement just a little bit. I like them. I feel like they're going to get better every episode. I think they're shifted. I think they're shifted. I wouldn't...
Starting point is 00:04:00 Tightened. Hightened and tightened. Rightened? Yeah, while we're talking about music, I do have to clear the air on a little thing. A few episodes ago, you, Shawn sang a fantastic song about Bruce Willis movies. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And then in the episode, you just admitted to like, there's a thing about being a bad singer. You had already said this. And so then on Twitter, I followed up with like, hey, as a fellow bad singer, here's some things I learned.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And you were right on. And then Robert was like, I don't think Shawn is a bad singer. I thought it was okay to say that. Now I feel like a huge asshole. Well, it's also that I'm the worst singer and also music listener. I'm like, bad at listening to music too.
Starting point is 00:04:48 That's how bad it is. You're like, everybody wants anybody to try. When people start singing, I'm like, oh shit, that's really good. Yeah. Well, it's like anybody. I probably sang Air Supply like four times at karaoke. Obviously at karaoke, I'm super hammered,
Starting point is 00:05:03 which gives you some false confidence. There's also like some echo effects. And usually your friends are kind of singing along. So you can't tell you're bad. I was kind of shocked when I heard the playback and realized this wasn't good at all and made me think like, have I been terrible my whole life?
Starting point is 00:05:17 So it was kind of a confidence shaker. It didn't help that you came on Twitter and said, yeah, you totally suck. Yeah, I heard it. I heard all the suckage come through. Yeah. It did shock me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:28 It made me feel better. Yeah. I got to do with it. I'm not super insecure about it. I'm not a singer. I am passable. Usually when we leave karaoke people have a good time. They're not like, dude,
Starting point is 00:05:40 I was really upset you sang that much. They gave you props. They're like, man. Yeah. That version of toxic was really good. Maybe the best I've ever heard. Yeah. And I don't usually get that.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I have my sweet spots. Yeah. Air Supply is absolutely not one of them. But like if I do like a Michael Jackson impersonation, there's a few songs where people are like, wait, that was kind of like a thing. You have a weird talent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And like if I do Billy Idol, that's like, okay, that's what you sound reasonable. Billy Idol. So I already believed that you and I occupy almost kind of the same pitch zone. And I feel like we are not great singers in this same way. And Billy Idol is also one of my go-to karaoke ones. I can, I feel confident with white weddings.
Starting point is 00:06:20 So that's, yeah. Is this possible Billy Idol is not a great singer? Probably. I know it's going to shock everybody listening. That might be. I do the same thing when I sing though. As long as you're like, you find something that you can fake sounding good.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And for us it's easy because it's in a funny way. I just do the like the Matt Stone and Trey Parker school of over the top kind of epic ballad voice. Like the hot dog night song is all, all that. Yeah. That's a sexy song. I was going to say, Zach, when you were, when you were saying we have the same pitch,
Starting point is 00:06:54 I was going to say like you and I could probably do a faceoff and our friends and lovers wouldn't know for months is what I'm saying. Which one is the real, there's two of them. I'm saying we've been in enough conversations where we finished each other's sentences like, I don't know, a hundred times. Easily. Today though, I want to explain the rules. The new rules are here's how you decide whether or not this
Starting point is 00:07:23 expository movie song is good. You consider what happens when you take this song and you walk into the wrong universe. This is the first of them is the wrong universe criteria. Now you've just walked into the universe where the movie does not exist. You perform the song to a group of people who maybe let's say even say it's a universe where they don't do songs like this, where just movies do not have songs written that explain them.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And you're just singing like, for example, Ghostbusters and you just fucking boom, here's a song about a bunch of people who catch ghosts and how brilliant. What would they think? How extreme would their reaction be? And again, this, this is about extreme reactions, not necessarily good or bad, but either direction as far as possible. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:06 If I'm making sense. The other criteria would be the wrong movie. Like say the studio came back at the last minute, long after your song has been written and produced and they changed the movie like crazy. It's a whole new genre, maybe new stars, new plot. How fucked is your song? And then the final criteria is the wrong performer,
Starting point is 00:08:25 which is this song was given to Paula Abdul, Weird Al Yankovic and Van Halen. I tried to pick like era specific people because most of our movies come from the 80s and 90s back when they made songs like this. And so those three musicians, artists performed your song in their style. How fucking weird is that? I guess. So the criteria again, wrong universe, wrong movie, wrong performer.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Each of our songs will be judged by that. And then we'll declare winner as gentlemen. And scientists. And scientists and well, one musician and one very bad singer and one very complimentary music critic in Robert Brockway. Producer. I think that's what they call him. Yes, producer.
Starting point is 00:09:12 So who wants to get started and what category are we going first? We should probably go same order, right? Commercial, deep cut, wild card. That seemed like it worked. Yeah. Yeah, for anybody that hasn't listened, those are our three categories of songs like commercial, big budget appeal. Everybody should know that one.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Deep cut just from a movie maybe you haven't heard of. And wild card is doesn't quite adhere to the principles of the expository theme song in some way. Yeah. All right. So Zach, do you want to just get us started or take one of us? I feel like the order for commercial. I think it would make sense if it was me, you and then Robert.
Starting point is 00:09:49 That seems like a good cascading effect there. I went with weird science for my first one. The Oingo Boingo. Very nice. The Oingo Boingo film, in scene classic when they were building the hottest woman I'd ever seen at that point. This song guided it through. There's no bullshit fact about me.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I can actually recite this entire movie. The entire movie? Really? The entire movie. I believe it. I might make three to four mistakes, but gun to my head. I could just tell you weird science. Like ready player one style.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Like you would be scoring high on the boards. I would totally crush it. Is there a story behind that or is it just you love it so much? I just loved that movie when I was a kid. I had that in summer school on VHS and those were like... Summer school. Heavy. I might have mentioned these.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah. From back in the era when you would have like a movie and that's what you would have. You'd own a movie. My brother also, he did the thing. I think a lot of people or their brothers did this where there's a titty in the movie and then you pause it and there's a scene in weird science where a woman gets yanked off a piano and up into the chimney and my brother fucking wore that tape out trying to get a shot of that side boo.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Oh yeah, the jerk-off static. It was a blink and you miss it, Titty, for sure. Almost didn't believe it. Like wait, she had some clothes on a second ago and now she doesn't. Yeah, they still got the PG rating because it was just a fleeting side boo. Lighting fast, yeah. Can't slip it past a what? Seems like primary.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah. Yeah, I think that's about how old he was. I was a little younger. I don't think I was like as interested in it. I might have been young enough that I was like, all right, she took her shirt off unless she was going swimming. Yeah. I was under the, all that Kelly LeBrock promised over actual tangible, visible tit.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Like I didn't need to see anything from Kelly. It was everything that was like implied. Yeah. Her mind. Yeah. I wasn't, I was in it for her mind and her ability to guess booze at a young age. David Lee Roth's lips and Einstein's mind. They programmed her with everything.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah. Beethoven's fingers. Dave TV. Ready? That film is out of all the John Hughes movies has aged probably the best out of all of them. Yeah. It's not great. It's not a good look that they're like, I guess supposed to be like 14 or 15.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Those boys. 15 years old. Yeah. 15 years old. Yeah. And then the actors were 15. A slave woman. So like, it can't, it can't age that well.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Right. She was like really in control the entire time. Yeah. She was pretty progressive. If I want to, if I dare use that word as far as female characters go. And I think she maybe got to second base with Wyatt. Like I don't think that like there was any hanky-panky. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:46 We did get some disturbing shots of Wyatt in women's panties. And that was, I think he was 15 when they made that movie. Right. This wasn't like an older guy playing down. Yeah. I recently looked it up because I watched it and I was like, yeah, this is weird, but I guess aside from one kiss, like that was, that was it. Chet's reaction to that was probably the correct reaction.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Bill Paxton. God bless him. This song though is catchy as hell. I want to go boy and go. I'm sure it's probably everyone's like favorite fact that this is, this is Danny Elfman's band, the acclaimed film score maestro. This is back when he was a- I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Oh, you didn't? No. No, this is, yeah, that's Danny Elfman on the, on the pipes. Really? Singing his heart out about weird science. And he looks like that. I can't believe you didn't know that. Are you fucking with me?
Starting point is 00:13:46 I don't know what he, Danny, I don't know, man. Yeah, it's Danny Elfman of Tim Burton's go-to guy fame. And he's, he's the main guy. He was the singer. He's the singer. Yeah, this is what he did. He's a boingo. He's boingo.
Starting point is 00:13:59 I have in my notes that this is like, it's good that they did a mock Frankenstein kind of theme for it, football for the movie and for the video. Video. Because like he didn't need to dress up like Igor at all. He just shows up looking exactly like the part. And he had like kind of a lab coat, but it was also like that 80s coat too. That like mid-length trench with the sleeves rolled up. I'm convinced he did no preparation.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I think he just showed up like that. Yeah. That's the look. They just showed up in his basement. He was big in the, in the, the cameo world. He showed up in the Rodney Dangerfield movie back to school too. They played a, they were diagetic in that scene. Oingo Boingo was playing a party, dead man's party.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Oh, who could ask for more? So as far as the lyrics go, he did a good job. He kept it vague enough, but still relate, like relatable to the film, the film beats it themselves. Like voodoo dolls and chants. I'm like, wait a minute. Well, no, they kind of did a voodoo doll thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:58 All right. That tracks. Yeah. It was very ceremonial. He even said that. They were like, why are we wearing bras on our head? He said, I got ceremonial. Ceremonial.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah. Pictures from a magazine, diagrams and charts, mending broken hearts. All of that happened. All that was on screen. Yeah. They really went all out. Living tissue, warm flesh. That's just to make it clear.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Like they didn't make a robot. Like they made a genie. They made a real creature. I bet there was a first draft of that script. I bet there's a first draft of that script where she was a corpse. Oh, they dug someone up. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I feel like, because there's obviously the Frankenstein references. Wait a minute. It just doesn't make any sense that they computerized nothing. Yeah. They conjured her from just a. They 3D printed someone in the 80s. Yeah. With a telephone.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Somebody realized at the last minute, like Frankenstein is a story. Doesn't play out the same if Dr. Frankenstein is trying to fuck Frankenstein. Right. Gets his dick ripped off. They just pulled that out of the script. There's some. Scrunch up my Frankenstein holes and rip your dick off. Do you recognize that reference?
Starting point is 00:16:08 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, good. Mr. T was Frankenstein's monster. Right. Is that what's going on? Yes. That's Eddie Murphy.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Don't look at listeners. If you don't know what I'm talking about. Great. There's nothing you guys talk about that isn't going to get flagged by a more sensitive person. That's true. Like just this movie. They go to that scene where they go to the bar where it's like heavily implied to be like a black people bar.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yes. You got Anthony Michael Hall like doing a voice by the end of it. Yeah. He does like a 20 minute black scent. Yeah. And it's it. Which I know by heart. I'm not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Are you sure you're not going to do it? No. No, you're not going to do it. Last year I was insane for this crazy little eighth grade bitch. Crazy. Insane. Cut. The whole thing, Jamie.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Cutting all that. So here's the great thing about it. As long time listeners will know there are some black people in my family household that but always got a kind of a big laugh. It's just so ridiculous that you're like, I give it to that kid. He's harmless. That's fine. So it's.
Starting point is 00:17:18 He's real. It really holds up. It's almost like he's trying to do all about it. In the 80s. That's harmless. The voice of the big like cigar heavy smoking guy. It was almost like he was just trying to impersonate him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And he didn't do it. Because they had that guy that was like the. He had like that really is like scratchy like. Yeah. And then there was the guy who sort of talked like Fred Williamson. Crazy insane. Like that guy. I think it was that Steve James.
Starting point is 00:17:45 He goes like. Not every day. Every day. Night. On the night. On the telephone. And then. What's this boy talking about on the telephone.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And then. Explain it to him. Explain it. On the telephone. Stop doing every. We're going to do one voice now you're doing like eight. Oh god. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:08 One of those guys was from. The American Ninja films too. He's great. He was kung fu Joe and I'm going to get you sucker. He's. Yeah. He's a good dude. So this song.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I mean. I think. I think it does very well. Cross universe. Like you got a kind of an 80s ish track. Like if you. If you brought this into a universe that like. Had the 80s.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I think this song does very well. Like just on its own. It's just vague enough. Yeah. It's vague enough. Yeah. I don't know. He's just talking about like thrift stores or something.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Exactly. You don't know. Yeah. It's got that nice 80s sound to it. There is a funny thing that happens with only go boy and go that. Like. They have scoff. You know, you've got scoff people scoff fans try to claim it.
Starting point is 00:18:53 And it's just it's not a good. You know, they have scoff notes. And then they use a horn section. And I think that's about. Boy and go boy and go sounds like a like a scoff. They do. They do. But that's the sound they produce though is so much like.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Leagues. Out ahead of just the genre of scoff music. I think it's. I agree. It's like music. like it's like when Justin and Scott got caught with like a blackface photo from it from like the past and racists were like oh he's one of us it's like well he's still a lot more likable than you guys like that was fucked up but it's
Starting point is 00:19:29 like he's different all right let's just he gets a pass so it's he gets the Anthony Michael Hall pass yeah yeah yeah I think I think Oingo Boingo has transcended ska music for sure but despite how hard they try to keep that one like there it's one of the good ones for sure yeah one of the good I appreciate in the video that they needed to show like some science stuff so they three 3d rendered smart things right and their smart things were a clock a clock yeah the theory of relativity yeah and an eyeball that's kind of all they did in the movie though too right the theory that the relativity was like played big
Starting point is 00:20:10 clock screen and an eyeball yeah they went in they hacked the government's computer because they needed more power and it was like a 3d hallway and they opened up a door and that one had a skull in it like oh no we went down the wrong door then they open the next door and it opened up into like a 3d rendering of equals mc squared because that's like super smart thing to have and that's like what computers have is just then maybe the equation floating around like the time and eyeball are smart things though like smart people see stuff and they know what time it is I do like the the check is a good interesting thing
Starting point is 00:20:44 to extend you picture this the security agent on the other end that was trying to deal with this whole thing as it was as they were like just suck in the plant dry or whatever it out the hell they were doing with this real to real high powered computer did that guy program the skull in there he's like yeah he tries to fuck with this system yeah get the skull and like what is the real fate of someone who gets the skull other than just like go back and try the next exit dying the computer you die in real life everybody knows that that's true first rule of hacking it's a friend in the 80s okay so all right now we got to go to
Starting point is 00:21:22 the second criteria which is wrong movie right like say weird science was just changed to a romantic comedy mm-hmm and now you're singing a song about making a flesh-and-blood creature out of your son out of your science science and voodoo I feel like you're a madman now I feel like this is really aren't you just Peter Gabriel plastic tubes and pots and pans I mean you're just Peter Gabriel yeah like that it's weird in in a way that the 80s was already doing even at the line ending broken hearts in here too so I feel like someone with enough motivation could spin this yeah it's vague enough that it could be like I'm just a weird
Starting point is 00:22:05 guy like Peter Gabriel rather than this is really a love song when you boil it down to it to its elements it's about how we have to create our own love and like you could bullshit yeah through it they were like good job boingo you're on the sound now I do think you're kind of fucked in the next category though wrong performer as a Paula Abdul song this might how does weird science play this might slap as a Paula Abdul song yeah I think you're right I think all the way up to Van Halen it might not play I think weird Al can kind of naturally slide a weird once this is like half a weird L song but Van Halen is not gonna
Starting point is 00:22:47 do this he's stumbling a little bit on this you really think so I feel like this could rock pretty hard yeah a song I think a song about making a woman is is a real like David Lee Roth thing in fact they used a lot of David Lee Roth to make Lisa in the movie oh that's true you might have it on technicality there yeah yeah so maybe it's a bad Sammy Hagar song it's a bad song yeah like yeah see I have that in my notes too when you introduce that I was like there are two very different panhandling we must consider that there's otherwise this is science the guy from extreme was with them no there's not briefly cut that we'll
Starting point is 00:23:24 cut that too Jamie shut their Van Halen shut that shit out it's and I didn't say that yeah didn't happen alright so this song would just agreed it would fucking rip no matter in anyone's hands because Danny is that competent of a songwriter right and composer I was like I remember this as a worst song in my head because I remember it very well everybody of course forever is a very well but re-list actually sitting down to do nothing but re-listen to it I was like shit this is really good it's a good song man's got some chops yeah so I think he's going places I think this performs very well in all these
Starting point is 00:24:06 categories so Brockway let's let's run yours through the ringer what did you bring for your commercial let me find it yeah I okay for my commercial choice I brought fight to survive by Stan Bush because well well obviously obviously there you go because we did not we everyone wanted to choose a Stan Bush song for the first episode and because everyone wanted to do it none of us wound up doing it and it was just such an obvious mistake like you listen to that waiting for Stan Bush to come crashing out from nowhere and then he just wasn't there and it's just you can feel that absence in your heart had to
Starting point is 00:24:49 be corrected and all your listeners that know you better than you know yourselves were like what the fuck yeah I'm listening to we caught some flak for that and we're like what I have like eight choices here from Stan Bush who basically invented this and if he didn't need stole it straight up stole it did I ever tell you about the concert I saw of Stan Bush at Comic Con no he was no but that's great he was just off in the deep corner of Comic Con and it was like I'm gonna play a song in like 11 minutes or whatever so we got a picture with Stan Bush very excited to meet Stan Bush unironically and then he starts to
Starting point is 00:25:22 sing and he sings like acoustic versions of the Transformers song so he said he does dare and he does you got the touch and then he was kind of like does anyone have anything else and I was like kuma take kuma take I'm three feet from Stan Bush he's looking right at me pretending like he can't hear me and I don't know if he thought I was making fun of him but he like completely pretended this fucking song doesn't exist I don't know why he sang I think he's saying you got the touch again and then they like physically moved him they're like up we gotta you gotta get out of this time I couldn't hear everything
Starting point is 00:25:57 they're saying but like no more it's gonna get out of hand like if he starts playing that live in a crowd that crowd is getting too pumped up like that's there's also a chance that Frank Dukes is lurking around at any point in all times waiting for him to just break the embargo of whatever the arrangement was on Bloodsport and he's wearing socks the exact color of the wall what's the color what's the color of the socks Navajo white Navajo white I was like what was it Indian creed gotta be problematic gotta be a problematic tell it from Frank Dukes in some way just a man with no ankles and you're
Starting point is 00:26:35 like that that guy's no threat to me oh he's got ankles baby the kumite legal team is there they're whip smart they're ready to go stand by that's my story about about this song weirdly enough it feels like Stan Bush doesn't like this song I don't know why I can't be I think it must have been concerned for the well-being of everyone around if they start a group chant of kumite a kumite is guaranteed to break out it just happens I love in the lyrics you wrote them down and it's just kumite times eight yeah that's my favorite part it's like all the rest of the lyrics are I would say they're
Starting point is 00:27:17 pretty generic like this this I'll just go right into my categories if you put this into the wrong universe I think it holds up just fine for the most part like all these lyrics are my mind is ready my heart's on fire I'm gonna push it over the wire that's every 80 song every 80 songs about just taking hold of a moment given strength by the breath of life this is all fine Colombian drug lord could do cocaine to this it's yeah it's like you could you could drive an I rock to this like this it's it's super 80s and fine until the middle where the entire song stops so that just a crowd of people can go kumite kumite kumite like
Starting point is 00:27:55 you can't you can't pass that off it's something like if people didn't know this movie this movie didn't exist to introduce the concept of the kumite to the world like you you would have to I don't know if you wouldn't know what it meant you don't have to make it like the studio or something right yeah I was gonna say the studio or like an earth-winded fire you know body ah kind of thing you don't think you have to be like it's a good gibberish word it just means you want to fuck a horse or something kumite all night all day wait what that was the studio about yeah fucking a horse okay I thought so no I
Starting point is 00:28:32 actually have a joke for this it's what a normal word sounds like with a dick in your mouth yeah it's my Phil Collins cutting that cutting all that this is this but we've been recording for a half hour this podcast is two minutes long throw it all in the garage about 90 songs we're bringing our 90s comedy sensibilities with it yeah you have to get a little 80s with talking about the 80s song we're all gonna end up on the Joe Rogan tour after this wrong movie wrong movie I think it's still reasonably fuck same thing like it's got to be a nonsense word or something otherwise yeah it could be I could be about any kind
Starting point is 00:29:12 of 80s movie where you have to believe in yourself to overcome something which absolutely this is every AMX like movie perfect maybe not break dancing but like any anything with a race I mean anything with a fight it's perfect and yeah any sports underdog story all day yeah if you even if even if it's like a romantic comedy and you got to like go get the girl somehow you know it doesn't matter yeah I'm sure you want all right I'm starting to think kumite even in those situations works it's like a like a hokuna matata kind of thing like it could mean anything it's what it what are you going through then if you brought
Starting point is 00:29:46 this movie over to a universe where blood sport didn't exist I think they would make this movie this song into a movie and that movie would be blood sport I think this is how you would introduce it that's like it's an inevitability that's like that I was like any universe without blood sport will have on a long enough timeline will have blood sport it's inevitability yeah every universe has blood sport they must fucking it's a nexus event the nexus kumite in which fighters from every dimension meet that's our arena remake nexus kumite all right wrong performer stan bush just he just fucking owns
Starting point is 00:30:31 every inch of this song but it's also oh it's so generic it could such a good Paula Abdul song right you can turn that kumite chant into like it's something butt-shaking the way the way you could shake a butt to kumite if Paul Abdul is like my body's ready my heart's on fire like she's got eight dance moves already planned with like 40 people behind her doing just tight choreography you could already see it's her backs to the camera she says perfect timing and then she whips her head around looks right at the camera is tight as a drum tight as a drum times eight times getting erotically charged
Starting point is 00:31:04 now I just know but I just know how Paula's gonna throw it down that's all and we're now yankovic character in there you know imagine a weirdo yankovic song parody of the blood sport theme song and it's just like it's my dream yeah I'm trying to think of what he'd name it kumite yeah it can be kind of like a food related thing or what do we got here we're crude a tank you can name a crew to take it there you go that's perfect that's it oh shit I'm we're down where are you at yeah call them up we got it all right there you go weird L would kick the shit out of it in Van Halen your old movie the soup is ready
Starting point is 00:31:46 flambé's on fire fucking done right there let's let's send it's not too late let's send it to weirdo yeah let's email it weirdo after this crude it weird pitch weird guy here we go and here's where we I love it either Van Halen I think crushes this song I think Van Halen like is just shames Stan Bush into retirement with the with the Van Halen version yeah see I don't think it's both versions though this is where in my notes I'm like I do think Van Halen would shred the fuck out of it I don't know about a David Lee Roth version this feels like Sammy Hagar I don't say that lightly I don't like
Starting point is 00:32:30 Sammy Hagar like that that's the inferior it's the store brand Van Halen right but he's he's the better Van Halen for this song for this song yeah he's he's like he's the more a little bit bush of there's a whiff of the butt about it and he sings more from the butt yeah I mean you obviously won with kumite yeah I won at the start but I like to explain yeah no I I love it I this is my villainous monologue well I brought from my commercial song Bobby Brown 1988's on our own from Ghostbusters 2 I think most people know this song it kind of followed an impossible act because Ghostbusters was obviously one
Starting point is 00:33:17 of the biggest songs in the world I think it was on the radio multiple times an hour for months when I was like eight years old I remember I'm gonna tell another stupid childhood story I remember the song was so big that a kid in my third grade class his name was Eric Brewster was just obsessed with it like it'd been out for a few days and he just wouldn't stop talking about Ghostbusters he begged the teacher to play it even though we're like dude we fucking heard the song a million times and so he we all sit down awkwardly and she did it and so we're just sitting there silently listening to Ghostbusters and it's like
Starting point is 00:33:50 maybe my first memory of just raw secondary shameful discomfort like I'd never like I didn't even know that I learned about shame that day just be so embarrassed for someone and he was like vibe vibrating and like kind of almost singing the whole time and I realized soon that he was waiting for the part where Ray Parker Jr. goes busting makes me feel good and I didn't I didn't know as possible but I might just to cringe like that like it was the first time that I experienced that but anyway the point of the story is that the song was huge enough to like break educational protocol where we would just listen to
Starting point is 00:34:25 music instead of learning cursive or whatever and that's that's just the world we lived in where Ghostbusters was that big it was more important than learning children it is time to learn of the Ghostbusters and so Bobby Rand couldn't couldn't you know follow that and he didn't not even close but I think this song is fine I think it's good attempt yeah I think it's fucks no it does not belong at all it fucks way too much for the Ghostbusters sequel like I don't disagree with that but when you put it like that you're right it's a good it's a good song it's just it's it's fucking everywhere and the Ghostbusters
Starting point is 00:35:01 if I'm going to the ninth grade dance and I'm waiting for my big moment this song comes on that's my moment like yeah I'm doing it to the choice yeah good choice I got my silk I got my button-up silk shirt with no collar on you know the one I'm talking about hell yeah I think Bobby Brown wore that in the video that's probably what he's wet right yeah that's that's what he wears all the time I did the thing I like this song is that it's kind of insane and stupid in the good way where it's about the movie sure but it's also about specifically solving problems by yourself which is almost exactly the
Starting point is 00:35:34 opposite of the movie's theme which is that we all need to work together like they have a positive attitude to defeat the slime yeah this was not about the movie at all then he did not he had this song written right and then they said you got a song for Ghostbusters and he said I've got a rap breakdown I get a tax of Ghostbusters type shit on the end of it I've got 30 seconds for Ghostbusters what happens in the movie well they're they start off as like birthday party magicians okay got it and there's slime with the slime under the building because that rhymes with children I don't I don't think I like this so far
Starting point is 00:36:07 Webby Brown no no listen they find out about Vigo the master of evil you try to battle my boys that's not legal that's my favorite line because there is being a Ghostbuster yeah no kidding also because Vigo the Carpathian undead master of evil right probably doesn't care that it's illegal to fight the Ghostbusters like sir sir this is illegal oh sorry I'm gonna get back in my painting I've been gone for a while I wasn't aware sorry my bad my bad it's a misdemeanor to confront the duly deputized contractors Carpathian we fight spook contractors all the time in the painting again I am from the
Starting point is 00:36:45 painting I'm not from here I don't know your rules I like also that Vigo has what like 15 titles in the movie and he picks master of evil which is not none of them none of them he could have said the city is under attack by the sorrow of Moldavia you try to battle my boys you lose your trachea or you're nuttier than macadamia the point is I don't think Bobby Brown reads a lot and the thing I like is that the video films during the brief period of time where he would carve like a Gumby slope into his flat top mm-hmm which is just my favorite hairstyle it's exactly what I would do if my hair was thick enough
Starting point is 00:37:20 he wore new Jack energy that's absolutely the new Jack energy he wore the neon suits with no shirt which is how I still dress for weddings or for funerals for heroes who died well so my point is I love it it's can't beat Stan Bush I don't even know why I'm talking we could run it through the ringer but you take this into another universe and people are like that's a great song what the fuck happened during the rat breakdown you lost mine we're talking about how we're like in control of the situation and we're you know coming back up and then you've just fucking start talking about ghosts and fighting ghosts slime
Starting point is 00:37:56 and you got a slime chill are you gonna slime children Bobby Graham what the fuck is your problem the birthday party clowns fight the slime from I don't understand the song I also just all of his rhymes are soft rhymes to children yeah building the olden evil and legal you just got you had a you got a slime under the build run yeah then he'll pay yeah macadamia carpathia I might have made that one up I'm hating you there's you know you could have made it work yeah he could have made it work this is this is easily this is like modular though because then if you change the script up you just take that chunk off right the
Starting point is 00:38:38 rest of the song replaced that last chunk with something just a lazy rap about whatever the new stuff is and exactly that's a weekend to work yeah yeah and I think Paula Abdul was born to perform this song yeah oh hell yeah she probably covers it yeah yeah weird Al obviously has a ton to work with mm-hmm I would have let I don't know if a Van Halen version would be good but I would like to hear it yeah I'd like to hear it but I I'm almost certainly certain it would be terrible yeah yeah I don't think I don't think you get the Van Halen on this one Aerosmith might have been able to handle it they did a little rap
Starting point is 00:39:13 stuff back in the day they might have been able to mm-hmm to wrestle with this last part here yeah if it was like a screeching like breakdown where Steven Tyler would like fight Vigo mm-hmm instead of rap about him I think that would be good yeah that seems fair all right so I took that one right a hundred percent I didn't get a single point last time I have to take the easy point yeah I mean you cheated by bringing Stan Bush just like I did last time I'm bringing TURTLE power yeah too strong yeah you brought the machine gun to the knife fight I think on an academic level you probably didn't win but just on a sheer who the
Starting point is 00:40:07 audience like you take it you know this is I will I will never judge a contest where Stan Bush doesn't win does that make sense that makes sense yeah it's all predetermined yeah so what does that take us we go deep cuts next is that a deep cuts let's do deep cuts yeah all right Brock where you want to start this one oh I'm sorry I thought the Zach started how we do how you're mixing it up yeah let me go find mine just in case there's an advantage to going first or last right right that just means I need to find it in my dog is all I could do some more impersonations from weird science please you're stewed but what no I found it I
Starting point is 00:40:45 found it I'm bringing deepest bluest yeah cool J rep from deep you see fucking real excited about this this is another one everybody just took us to fucking task for forgetting this one everyone knows best right you're never gonna matter what you picked it was gonna be wrong sure yeah no see I think we pick some great ones there were there were two conspicuous missing and that was we tried to be we tried to be tricky you know we try to subvert expectations fans don't like that shit so I think we all just assumed everybody else was gonna pick it just like with Stan Bush we were like oh no you're gonna pick it
Starting point is 00:41:23 all right I tried to go weird yeah that's exactly I didn't even put it in my notes yeah like so deepest bluest is how long did we have in this podcast we're gonna need longer I mean the the metaphor the central metaphor that anchors this entire song is my hat is like a shark's fin I don't quite understand it but I love it I guess I get like this is what you see before you die it is but it is a character is a chef right so he's talking about like a kitchen hat I think is the oh see in the video he's wearing just his normal right but he fucked that up though he should have just been so here's where he fucked up
Starting point is 00:42:09 he's he was very clearly coming from this as I was in this movie and I played a chef so my hat is like a shark fin but he's like but I'm not wearing that hat in this music video I'm here to be sexy L.O. Cool J so yeah see I thought it was his hat currently I get it if it's had is like a shark's fin it's chef's hat you see it sticking up above the crowd you're like oh I gotta run from that chef I do that all the time but yeah if I'm breaking the tie I'm on Brockway side I think he's talking about his regular L.O. Cool J hat and how like that is as deadly to see coming as a shark's fin because his his rhymes are that deadly
Starting point is 00:42:45 or or he's coming to get your girl I think it's stupor than that I think he's talking about a chef's hat he's so dumb he's a dumb man like that's this he's not I think he wears the hat while he swims and you could see the hat coming right in the water I think he found a hat that was just like a shark's fin Halloween costume right and my head is like a shark's this gives me an idea for a song it could have at least had a sharks like the team was at a hockey team you could have just wore that you know anything else than not wearing any sort of headgear that left any doubt in someone's mind I think he's just one of
Starting point is 00:43:24 the video he's just wearing a durag right is he even wearing a hat in the video he might just be wearing a durag I think he's just do yeah and he doesn't even have waves why are you wearing a durag LL you're balder than I am this man makes no sense the song whatever hat he wears it's like a shark's fin this upset by this song this is yeah I also I love that I love this song so much because of the progression right it takes like I brought a song before where like we're Wild Wild West it's great because they're like a few tax you can take when you're doing an expository theme song we're like I'm either just
Starting point is 00:43:59 talking about the movie or I'm rapping as a character in the movie or like I'm rapping about a character in the movie right like in this song he does not know any of those things and so he starts rapping strange threats like I cause you to sink down 40,000 leagues bleeding to death with no arms and short sleeves because somebody gets their their arms bit off in the movie and you're like oh okay is it he's just talking about but then he's kind of taking the persona of the shark then I cause you to sink down like I am the shark my head is like a shark's fin but he doesn't stick to that doesn't if he slowly throughout the
Starting point is 00:44:41 song it morphs into I am the shark but I'm still LL cool J and there's a he goes go ahead I just want to mention how many times he make reference to the shark being like genetically modified by my man like it's it's really important that LL cool J he keeps mentioning it so it is the plot of the movie but he does not but he also doesn't get the plot of the movie and he changes it so that this song slowly becomes about LL cool J becoming aware shark which again not the plot of deep blue sea I won't say it's it's worse than the plot of the like I would watch that but he wraps up looking for human flesh to rip my teeth
Starting point is 00:45:26 through other fish in the sea but barracuda's aren't equal to a half human predator created by an eagle so he says here half human now in they were genetically modified a little bit to have like slightly larger brains that's all song the half shark half man alligator yeah now he's a half human shark but then he he's very clearly the shark he's more shark than man with this with these descriptors he's he's definitely like feasting on the bounty yeah all you see is trails of blood even God won't intervene nightmares of darkness my appetite is heartless like he's still getting lap dances though he
Starting point is 00:46:07 didn't forget about the simple things in life get in the lap dance while I smash through your boat that's a hard-working dancer right there no that's a scene in the movie somebody's getting a lap dance on the boat and then the sharks sharks get him so he's still like I thought he will talk about like I'm about lap dances still but let's not as a shark in the ocean I'm getting shark shark but I'm not gay all right I still like to get it you know now ladies if you're giving a lap dance to a shark you got to keep stroking in the same direction shark skin gets very rough and course if you go the opposite direction
Starting point is 00:46:42 and just not have to keep it moving or you will die that's how they breathe I like how this song is all it's all about the shark right except one moment where he he still gives props to barracudas for being just as badass as sharks like a propose of nothing he's like other fish in the sea but barracudas ain't equal he's like barracudas are they're pretty mean pretty tough they're pretty tough they're everything else sucks but I can't speak for barracudas is he like put casting shade on a different rapper there do you think is there like is that like a ludicrous reference that he's the barracuda I don't know I don't think he's
Starting point is 00:47:20 smart I think I think he's just like what's another tough fish I think he we had Google back then I think he probably googled what's a tough fish his biggest I think was with Jamie Foxx which is which is colored a lot of my opinions on LL Cool J because Jamie Foxx was just so relatable about like all the things that I didn't realize bothered me about LL Cool J like I was like he gave voice to it I was like oh yeah that guy sucks he's always licking his lips isn't he can't stop so glossy so he's kind of like full of shit so that comes through with these lyrics like in a big way yeah a lot of a lot of lip licking
Starting point is 00:47:58 you can sort of sense it in some of these lyrics yeah you got to get get ready to spit the rhymes right right you guys I'm sorry I'm sorry that was can we just cut that no I think you said that right I think it's yeah I think that was fine okay so to continue his morphing he says they switched my DNA trip me into cool J I can't fight the feeling I'm born to kill prey so very clearly LL Cool J is now aware shark mm-hmm yeah like it is now directly LL Cool J he's not rapping from the perspective of a genetically engineered shark anymore the shark is LL Cool J yeah that's a better movie yeah it's a
Starting point is 00:48:38 way better movie it rules he has like some versus about how sharks will like leave their weapons behind and fight with their minds which I don't think they do yeah they use it all like why give away any advantage I just I don't think they can leave their teeth behind so somehow I also just I don't think they fight with their minds very much but I'll give it to him created by a needle the killer's cold blooded his names LL like yeah yeah I'm the shark I'm the shark and of course oh he says the line is the killer's cold blooded his names LL you don't really want it I ate your ancestors the ocean is haunted the ocean is haunted
Starting point is 00:49:23 I ate your ancestors the ocean is haunted and you're telling me that's not a great song that's the best line it's so good yeah it's a good bar for sure does it make the whole song I don't know he yeah he's got this weird obsession with that I ate your ancestors the ocean is bringing in other movies into this now it's uh LL Cool J shark versus the titanic though is uh that's another film I'd like to see I would watch I would watch this whole series and of course at the end of the video I love the end of the video so much because they he splices in like the scene where they're all watching this killer shark like all the characters in the movie are watching the killer shark come towards them and he replaces it with himself so that
Starting point is 00:50:04 it's just LL Cool J swimming towards them and they're all like oh fuck LL Cool J swimming towards us now and then at the end he morphs himself into a shark it's just when you picture this do you picture well let me tell you what I picture and see if you agree I picture just a regular shark but with LL Cool J's arms and legs and instead of a shark fin it's his hat that floppy hat yeah that's spot on yeah okay it's a cool shark that's the LL Cool J wear shark that uh that we have created in this song street sharks from that old cartoon do you remember that one yeah a lot a lot like that yeah that's basically street you basically just same pants what if you the joss what if he was just watching street sharks he might do any street sharks voices
Starting point is 00:50:48 you're not allowed to do any street sharks voices i never i never really like kind of crossed that line i was assured like in the same way that i knew the panthero was black i just i know they're gonna be it's gonna be an issue i don't know if street sharks present a race at any point can we can we can we find out more about that shot can we stop to google let me let me google what race street shark impressions white people allowed oh here's it here's a google says okay okay great white shark wrong wrong universe criteria uh LL Cool J i think he made a better movie but he did abandon this movie halfway through so like i think if you ported this to the wrong universe they would already have that movie about LL Cool J turning into a wear shark yeah i like
Starting point is 00:51:43 they would have it would be a weird song about like Alzheimer's sharks accompanying their movie so they'd be like oh oh this is for that okay i think that he made it enough about himself by the end to that if even if they didn't have that movie they'd be like oh this is just you know your run of the mill LL Cool J song LL Cool J is a wear shark and we must hunt him this is the guy that wrote a song about there was all like really gross sexual in your windows about cereal like i don't i don't have a hard time buying this one as a standalone LL Cool J project yeah it's just LL Cool J being his wear shark self yeah living his wear shark life yeah 100 they'd be like yeah this is this is the perfect song for our film fish cop yeah that's what i'm saying that it makes sense for something
Starting point is 00:52:28 they have because it doesn't make sense for this already so i think by starting off wrong it gets this category uh if it was if the movie was different it's already wrong it's already wrong he already changed it yeah he was ahead of that one but imagine how wrong it'd be if the movie took the shark out now i am a wear shark i need you guys to know that i've been genetically modified to murder LL Cool J we we changed this to a drama it's about a guy trying to learn to swim again after having a stroke he's like so we call it stroke get out of here i'm sorry everybody we call it stroke sold i'm the sole investor the wrong performer uh i'm just i'm totally slayed as 81 trying this is like shon and i try to do witty houston at karaoke night like it's
Starting point is 00:53:25 yeah no it doesn't work it's a disaster yeah paul abdoul couldn't dance to this weird owl couldn't make it any funnier stranger david lee roth just wouldn't do he wouldn't sing he would just start scatting or something god i would hate it just the ends of david lee roth scatting about sharks so yeah or what now now that you saw oh did i talk you into it with that a little bit no i eat shit on the wrong performer category here yeah that's i got two out of three but all right uh zack you want to go second on your on your deep cut are you sure yeah i'll go i went out i pulled up the last dragon for this one berry gordy's the last dragon yeah but the song is just the last dragon this is uh i don't know how deep of a cut it is i feel like everybody is at least
Starting point is 00:54:11 aware of this movie but i don't know how many people actually have you are you would be amazed every time i mentioned this movie nobody nobody knows what i'm talking about i don't know that there's like a harlem-based kung fu fight movie that was also music no and and driven some people have the audacity to say i don't want to watch that when i when i describe it you may not be selling it right let me hear your pitch how do you pitch this movie i exactly it's a harlem-based kung fu movie it's berry gordy it's berry gordy's the last dragon it's like motown it's bruce lee do you tell him the the lead character's name show enough the good enough is the lead character but who's the hero show enough you and you are not going to convince me of this
Starting point is 00:54:58 bruce lee roy is a great like i would just say it's a guy named bruce lee roy and they'd be like oh i'm in bruce lee roy yeah that sounds like i kind of want to see this maybe i'm not supposed to root for the villain but if if you i wasn't supposed to root for show enough i i don't want to live in that world show enough is great um now if i did a bruce lee roy impersonation that's actually racist twice or is it not racist anymore i think it yeah i think you clear the racist hurdle on that one and because he does spend the entire movie doing he's appropriating the whole movie right an asian voice yeah yeah and it's it's a very very bad asia's full on like be like water with his yeah motivation right like that's well no he does say it like wata wata yeah he's yeah it's not okay
Starting point is 00:55:48 and he wears like the frog button jackets and everything he goes he goes all the way i actually i've actually have hung out with dudes like this i feel like everyone went to high school at junior high with a person that treaded just got a little too kung fu got a little too bruce lee with their kung fu enthusiast yeah absolutely exactly um i go to china so often i actually sort of picked up an accident for my training and a girlfriend of course um yeah timak is a kind of a new york thing too they did roadhouse live was it was here for a while and he was the lead so he would actually drop in there's stories of timak and like the local jujitsu seen here and he would come in and he'd be like he wouldn't really be there to learn jujitsu he would be there
Starting point is 00:56:34 to try to convince you that it was stupid okay you should try this move instead and he would do like pressure point stuff and like trapping you know like jit kundo trapping and we're like i'm just gonna arm bar you bro like that's just you science and like you know observable results like this is cute and it's really honor to meet you but it's time to sleep yeah you made one break where the glasses no he just had like the uh you the dude to his credit did not age like he looks fantastic yeah he looks great mm-hmm he was not wearing glasses he was rocking a blonde uh patrick swazy wig though oh not all right i'm i'm bored with that a little bit but uh was he do it was he still doing the
Starting point is 00:57:17 voice he's doing the voice yeah he might as well have been he was still very much like trying to live out like within that bruce lee roy skin you know like that's who he's like that's who i am that's that's all i ever that's the biggest thing i ever did so this is what the people want and it was pretty big to be fair it was i uh i love this movie it's got my favorite and possibly only instance of a kid escaping from his bonds with with nothing but pop lock yeah that's a solid move i think it would work i'd be willing to try it yeah yeah you escape i have my wife ties me up all the time yeah you're not in a sexual way i just like to help me pop lock just to pop like at it or just to like kind of chill you out for a little bit and you're like it's not gonna work
Starting point is 00:58:02 you know this i could watch this already we both know what's gonna happen i'm gonna fucking pop like out of this you can't pop unlock till i can worm straight out any bond yeah that um there's like both of the erdie ray's junior wasn't that one i think he's popped up in your podcast before uh his dad his dad was also will again erdie ray's senior uh actually gets kicked in the face by erdie oh yeah he said it good for him this movie's got all kinds of shit going for it and the song this fucking song has aged incredibly well in my opinion i love this this song fucking is fire i never i never realized it was like an eight minute it's eight minutes i've only ever heard like chunks of it and i i honestly thought this was like three different songs from that movie
Starting point is 00:58:48 because i only ever hear it in chunks and they play different chunks throughout the movie so i thought this was like three or four songs to hear it it's all one just like journey i feel like this was written as if it was movie score they're like we need this to score this is the theme of the movie and there isn't a real song exactly as long as the movie got it yeah i feel like i i i have a strong opinion that that freddie mercury could take this song and run with it if we're talking about other oh fuck yeah other performers like he this is like would fit in that echelon and it's kind of about you know it's clearly written for the movie it's about the movie but it also kind of rides that line that all these songs do where it's about like you know oh yeah
Starting point is 00:59:31 these lyrics could be any rush song that's like the power inside you is a thing that's like kind of it's a huge cliche i don't know where it started but it may have been with this song like the glow is this like physical like representation of the power that was inside you the whole time like that's that's just kung fu shit kung fu shit yeah you believe in yourself enough you you glow the other guy stops going because you know your swagger is just so much stronger than his now his glow actually shorts out like a like a light bulb that's going out it flickers and and and shorts as yours grows shorts out his evil glow shorts it out yeah swagger aura who's the master i love that the last the last five minutes of this this eight minute song are just you are the
Starting point is 01:00:15 last dragon you possess the power of the glow yeah this would be a really bad karaoke song oh yeah people would be like people would be looking at their watches that's that's always a bad side in karaoke when the watches come out people don't wear the last dragon times 88 that's how it should next 56 measures i do like uh something happens with the in the song when they you'll you'll find the time of need and then there's like church choir comes on they go the glow like they they they represent it with the absolute like the correct amount of reverence it is a pure prog rock opera like you can see the stage how they've set it up that church choir comes in you know they're like standing in the background the lights come up this kind of is
Starting point is 01:01:06 unfair though because a lot of the shit we've made fun of um with these songs are our unfortunate disasters of like a composer that had no business trying to do rap songs like come on up with a rap they're just like classically trained orchestra conductors and like they just their hands were tied this was like motown's finest we're behind this one like these guys like produce all the tracks of the temptations like mary j blige like they've been like all over the place and so for this what they just kind of they probably just farted this one out but as far as expository songs goes it like has a huge unfair advantage right a lot of talent but the criteria doesn't necessarily reward goodness oh no not at all this is just uh this is just me horrifically
Starting point is 01:01:52 overselling this song so when people go listen to it they're like this fucking song what is this smoking there's no way that everyone's gonna love this song yeah this song you'll get pumped up i will yeah i will i will put on three pounds of muscle just listen to this song and it's all on the dick it's all dick muscle i think this song crushes it in wrong universe and wrong movie i don't think it needs any context to be uh magical right i don't think paul abdoul could i think one thing fucks this song up and it's weird al i think weird al takes this song and just like just my whole my whole entry is in shambles now yeah paul abdoul couldn't do it i don't i am and maybe maybe a hagar van helen no no like david
Starting point is 01:02:39 lee roth would would would have a good time with this one he's not this inspirational like croon like it's not croony enough he could make it's just he'd find the croon now this is a this is a hagar van helen this doesn't mean it's better you're like no that's dang you get the hang on what would weird al song be like you possess the power of the what oh yeah what's the thing yeah the power of the the below like it's a big no it shoots like extra yeah wind yeah no it's it's nothing just like me you fall apart in the performer category you got the others got the others and weird al just fucking cut me off at the knees what if what if it's the power of yo-yo like that's reasonable right like that he could have done that yo-yo the power of yo-yo like the yo-yo like a yo-yo
Starting point is 01:03:31 like a physical yeah you get like the torah tom yeah you get tom's mother's on the yo-yo man right yeah like you could change the lyrics but there's nothing that's going to change that this is an eight-minute prog rock opera so this is going to be an eight-minute prog rock opera weird al song i don't think that's going to happen i don't know he's he's got a pretty wide range damn you weird al but you're right i think it's fucked i think it's fucked once in the hands of any of these artists it's a i gave up a long time ago i appreciate that you kept like riding for it as long as you did but well sure it's over this fucking last dragon is asleep well let me uh i'll do my deep cut all right now i did restless heart by john par which is the song uh you probably
Starting point is 01:04:19 know it comes on at the end of running man when um when like running man has nothing but great moments and then you get to the end and you're like well that movie's so good and then it then the song comes out like this is no game and you're like oh fuck yeah this song like i forget about it every time uh now that i have that my notes too i have like i i forgot about this song i swear i heard you calling my name so this was written for the movie the lyrics originally were way more about it uh the trivia about it was the lyrics originally went uh would you bet your life on the running man but the producer said oh see i had that in my notes like this is not about running man at all but it it is and it it's only not because they asked him to make it
Starting point is 01:05:01 less about running man they decided why would you do that i agree but they said it was too close to the film and to downbeat and they'd gotten paranoid about the title like they thought they might change the title so uh they say the new version tells the story of what happens when the film finishes this is all quote from uh an interview that uh john par gave so uh they filmed a music video for this that is fucking amazing i don't know if you guys remember this or saw it but it's like john par uh he's in like a jiffy lube uniform from the cyber year 2000 and it's he just fucking he can't even come close to dealing with how powerful his emotions are he like crouches down and like holds his head this is straining to keep this passion contained
Starting point is 01:05:44 within his head and heart and he fails his passion is fucking everywhere he plays an american flag guitar but like not usually just kind of holding it and spinning with it and shit explodes from the hit film running man while he's doing that as if to say hey every other music video ever made fuck you he's playing explosions on his american guitar it's so fucking good the shit it's it's crazy just stuff from the movie they show the finale they shoot fireball they strobe flashes of action scenes in he runs into an american flag up against the wall like he's just fleeing from his own emotions and then decides no he's gotta turn and face them and they they dissolve between shots of arnold running and him running just this like sort of they are one in
Starting point is 01:06:31 the same yeah like i'm just i'm just like the running man it rules it's like he saw running man he's like yes i'm gonna do fucking exactly that but four percent more richard marx and it's like maybe the 80s thing that's ever been is this video and zack i bet when you close your eyes and you dream of the perfect world of the perfect music the perfect aesthetic you're just picturing the restless heart music video i'm just sitting here running an original soundtrack just just quietly nodding just like yeah yeah you got me figured out this is got me yeah this is my heaven yeah so you remember in when richard dawson called into the zone and he's talking to arnold on the video conference billboard private call right when he's uh yeah yeah he's like i turned off the cameras
Starting point is 01:07:12 anyway they edit the music video so so that he shows up on that john part shows up on that it looks like arnold is watching it it's fucking amazing and then inspired yes and more than once footage from the movie is reflected from his like cataract surgery jackie chan's on glasses and so like if you only have four minutes to explain what was great about this decade it's it this is it put this fucking music video on the voyager send it to space let space know about what we can create he shoots lightning from his guitar and it goes into the movie and it hits arnold and maria conchito alonso like from the scene where like dynamo is shooting at him it's just like so he hits the good guys with his all right he shoots the bad he shoots the good guys and
Starting point is 01:07:56 we does this guitar solo arnold watches it from the billboard he just can't fucking believe it and then he like looks into the camera like yeah you get to die with that majesty in your heart arnold schwarz nigger and like and you know like when you're in an empty american flag warehouse and you stretch out your hand to reach for your dreams because john par does he does it the whole video that right there his dreams all you have to do is grab him john roll the dice make a brand new star and the best thing is it knows when to quit after four minutes of just fucking perfection it just fades out just like i love it i love the ladies fade out for like 20 seconds it takes to fade out like it sounds like something's wrong with your speakers it's
Starting point is 01:08:38 like there's some kind of a passion valve on the universe that someone finally released it's just like it's john bar and let you know how empty and sad your life is gonna be at about 10 seconds see i get the complete opposite take i think the 80s fade out like the song has no end and it's like you're moving away from the song and this song and this world he's just gonna keep doing this it never stops right forever like that this is just going you're gonna come back and visit it and then you'll leave again it'll fade out no more lonely nights this is aliens that's my favorite part because it's a restless heart what's the what's the i'm blanking on the chainsaw guy's name buzz saw you like had half the name already i love when he says no more lonely nights and it cuts
Starting point is 01:09:25 two buzz saw on his motorcycle with chainsaws driving through fire yeah and it's like no more lonely nights nothing can keep you apart from this murderer with the chainsaws they'll be in love forever and then he he pulls up on a motorcycle like that was me yes with the chainsaw yes i think he's the bad guy of running man in this video he's just the apotheosis of running man he is all elements of running man at once and that's so good i love it because i don't i don't know anything about john parr like as much as i love this song i don't know if you ever did anything else you may not yeah i felt no words to look into it yeah like i feel like this is complete like this is you i know who you are i think that was just that was an unconscious decision on all of
Starting point is 01:10:12 our parts i don't think anybody i looked into every other artist on this one and just this one felt just fine the way it was yeah yeah complete i don't need to know anything else about you after this it only goes down from there yeah he's probably like some horrible sex criminal we're like oh this guy rules but we're never gonna look at him he's the great beam of being that ever lived but do not prod outside that bubble so i think you take this song to the wrong universe who gives a shit yeah this song could be about anything takes over that universe yeah yeah uh i think no matter how much they change running man it doesn't matter because they they change this song anyway um i think yeah it's about nothing it's about just all the stuff that 80s songs are it's
Starting point is 01:10:52 about like running and being afraid of stuff and then winning like fuck yeah i think paula abdule uh does not do a good job i think that's a bad song uh we're now yankovic um it's probably called like jogging man or something fucking stupid there's just no hook there for him to like guys guys restless farts we're done we're now yankovic fucking Nobel prize for that and then van halen is probably the greatest song they've ever done either van halen right yeah uh i i feel very good about this category but i'll leave it up to you guys yeah no just the description alone may have just rocked which is still only got we all we all got two out of three and biffed it on the exact same camp like it's all the performers we never we never nailed it but i think you nailed more
Starting point is 01:11:46 than we did i agree we gotta go back and i also know it's there's i feel like there's at least one that got all three performers that's uh also uh i know it's not science but there's just rules so yeah you got a description that so you got it shan clearly put a lot of heart and soul into it to to to take this very passionate about this yeah this is it i actually i'm trying to win this there's a there's a kid that i played video games with and he's like in his late late 20s now i think but he just didn't have a lot of this kind of thing in his life so i've been slowly just like dude you're gonna have to watch running man at some point if you want to be my friend like this is it's the only way it's gonna work out if i push anything else on you it's this movie like i i if
Starting point is 01:12:31 i had to pick one thing and you finally watched it and he enjoyed it at least that's what he told me i have no reason to believe that he didn't and now this song is also in his heart as well so i bet we've probably quoted 40 to 50 percent of running man to each other playing easily borderlands yeah destiny mostly dynamo dynamo is pretty much my go to get you thought it was pretty funny out there in the zone didn't you bitch he's so awful he's the why aren't you laughing why aren't you laughing that poor guy died before the film was even released too that was he never got to see the the wait no that's his legacy no that cannot be his legacy apparently a very accomplished opera singer but his legacy is but no he's an electric rapist electric rapist
Starting point is 01:13:20 hey christmas tree hey light well he had no good burns for him either he had the word easily the worst cut downs for dynamo he was kind of like you know he was he had to act quickly he was running fast he was trying to prevent a rape like he didn't have a lot to work with so yeah because it also the movie contains maybe one of the best one lighter some arnold which is here lies sub zero now plain zero which is so ponderous but great at the same time like no one in the world could pull that off no other than arnold oh that's it maybe ll cool j maybe write a good song about that my sub zero is like a plain zero turning into a wear sub zero my hat is a hockey helmet i wish that was ll cool j's career with every song was just about how his hat is a different thing
Starting point is 01:14:10 half zero half man all right i think we should move on to our wild card yeah and we might be running short on time so um let's let's make a quick yeah we'll make it quick well my wild card is human tornado uh from the film human tornado uh it's two and a half minutes long by rudy reymore the star of the movie uh and one of those minutes is just funky ass walk up walk up walk us with trombones and i think pheromones zack you're the musician you might know if that was a synthesizer or a therman but it's just like wow wow wow and it's just perfect for a dolomite movie because it's a bunch of weird rhymes about how badass he is and then just hilariously clunky musicality like like it all just falls apart and you can't quite tell what parts he's being serious about
Starting point is 01:15:02 like in the middle of his rhymes about handcuffing lightning and splitting the raging sea he says he doesn't want any dilapidated c-sap and pigeon toadid cross-eyed bow-legged son of a gun's messing with him and it fucks up the song real bad it does it's i feel like it fucks up his flow like when he does it it fucks up the song and uh it's an impenetrable insult followed by three very specific birth defects so that has to be like an actual person like someone dilapidated who saps sees and whose mother drank during pregnancy and rudy reymore fucked up his whole movie's theme song just to call him out specifically without actually using his name which is both very mean and very kind-hearted right again i love it it's it's the dynamism of rudy reymore encapsulated in a song
Starting point is 01:15:49 i hear the song and i think the people have so much fun making this uh and it's kind of the only coherent theme about the human tornado is that like whatever was the most fun that's what they did and so i think that's uh what this song is about i think the the dilapidated c-sap and thing was maybe his attempt to uh to follow up on the classic rat soup eaten honky motherfucker that's uh yeah it just didn't have the same the panache you know that's right like he calls himself a bad motor scooter which is great i love it it's so it's so cute i don't have any notes on it but like it made it feel like he's trying like he's trying to make this radio friendly because he there's no swearing in it is he like this is gonna kill on the radio yeah it's like he tried to make
Starting point is 01:16:37 ghost busters ten years before ghost busters you made a two and a half minute song for the radio at that time and half of it is just like the opening to a grindhouse movie and then the half is as you insulting like a disabled man you're like the radio is gonna love it there's no graphic sex acts being depicted um it's a whole new it's a whole new dolomite i love that he rhymed later with tornado very very bold to change two words to make the rhyme with each other and either one of them threatens to murder everybody and is that but immediately followed by like but we can hang out though yeah and it's got like that old timey like that dolomite shit where he's talking about like his historical ass kickings like i picked up the rock and killed the giant goliath and whooped
Starting point is 01:17:28 old nero's ass we're sitting roam on fire and you're like what are you when you talk so you're like three thousand years old yeah this is time travel i've been kicking ass through time i'm every bad ass who's ever lived yeah it's all been me rudy raymore i i think um if you take this into the wrong universe uh that's fine it would just sound like a regular rudy more thing right uh that you couldn't really put it in the wrong movie because human tornado really is aggressively nothing there's just there's nothing that happens in that movie that makes any sense or that corresponds to other things that happen in the movie uh it's perfect for romantic comedy why not uh or a horror movie i think paul i have dual um makes a big mess out of this i think she
Starting point is 01:18:13 i think she walks on this whole concept with this song she's like i was with you guys until this point but now i just feel like you're insulting me can we change dilapidated seasap and pigeon-toed cross-ided bow legged son of a gun's a messing with me to no we can't we can't change that at all all right honestly i feel like she she'd hear that and and like her choreographer mind would just like if she couldn't help herself she would have to like create dance moves for it to get a bow leg a pigeon toe across it's all yeah it's all very there's no way to make a sexy one yeah she's she's doing like the tootsie roll to the bow legged part she's like yes and she's got like finger guns for the for the end of it uh huh she's like god damn it okay we're doing this if
Starting point is 01:18:55 there's a dance she's in yeah yeah she's in uh i think weird ale and van helen also uh don't do a great job with this uh yeah this is i'm not expecting a more song i just i i love dolomite and um this sounds pretty good i wanted to include some dolomite there's something to be said for a man that just owns a piece of art completely right this is this is rudy ray moore yeah that's what special about him nobody else could step in and do this mm-hmm if ll cool j tried he'd be half tornado half man by the end of it yeah which is which is less than all tornado all man like wouldn't you just rather be full tornado yeah you started off a full tornado man can only go down my hat is like a tornado it doesn't work my hat's a tornado
Starting point is 01:19:42 spins around on your head you got like a propeller hat you talk about a beanie all right all right it's tough to judge this one this is a great entry but like hard to really we'll have to let's hear the other two and see how it goes yeah it goes all right i think i think i'll i'm this i'm up second here again i think or uh sure yeah go for it this is this could very easily be seen as as an attempt to try to like follow up the success of the dragnet song but this is not this is just how i read it yeah i wasn't trying to do that like the same thing it just happened to be another goofy ass song all my wildcards are just like shitty raps about cop movies i guess but uh this is police academy for citizens on patrol by the uh the la dream team
Starting point is 01:20:28 and michael winzlo so that's if you don't know he's on the show guys he's on the show today it's holy shit michael winzlo dude huge fan thank you he uh if you if you didn't grow up in the police academy era michael winzlo is the guy that makes mouth sounds like that's his that's his thing he's really good at it uh and that's really all he ever did so this half of this song is is a man pretending to be a whole recording studio he's the producer yelling instructions he's the guy saying like just give me a second i'm going to really throw it down then he throws it down then he's the guitars then he's the bass
Starting point is 01:21:17 he's other wobbly machine noises it's all like the classic michael winzlo arsenal of sounds he's got kind of a go-to bag of tricks and they all show up here um i don't want to like yet in the 1980s this was enough to rule the world for like two years he it is i don't want to uh come down on michael winzlo but there's a video that uh kind of goes around the internet every few years where he like i think he does a lead zeppelin song with his mouth on some talk show and it's really funny at the beginning of it he's like i believe i'll do it in the original artist's uh key of g minor or something like he like he sets it up like he has like all this all these options right and it's just like oh oh dude is he's trying to he's trying to cause like a sophisticated like yes i understand
Starting point is 01:22:05 music like and i'm yeah and nobody's playing along with that like there's no band that has to match him it's just full on like uh if you're an idiot you might think this sounds really smart anyway and then he does something completely fucking impossible with his mouth so like yeah he saves but like he might be an asshole i can't tell yeah you're like that's not a g bro come on he uh he he ruled the world at at this point i think this is where he started to rule the police academy franchise uh citizens on patrol was the last one that steve gudenberg was in so i think this might this song may have killed it for him he may have been like that i've come out got too big for it yeah and michael winzlo maybe just he may have had like a steve urkel kind of
Starting point is 01:22:48 thing where he started to like have some real pull and he's like i need this other guy out like it's just there's not enough room for both of us anymore he doesn't do mouth sounds uh that's kind of my thing that's kind of the police academy way so it's me and tackle barry from now on hi tower hi tower lady that lady that always says don't move dirtbag just the one line every movie she has to like find her in her badass every movie yeah every movie and then of course bobcat gold weight i think he came back as a good guy in this he did which was an interesting uh revolving door kind of situation because he was very clearly a bad guy and the last time we saw like a full maniac he was like a gang leader like he was definitely he was like from a fucking mad max
Starting point is 01:23:30 movie like he walked in from the wrong universe and he almost like completely just destabilized the entire city i think so now he's a cop uh he's on a uh an on-ramp program for citizens to become police officers yeah yeah it's accurate along with the uh the the big guy from wildcats he's in a high tower yeah what's his name bubba smith no no no the the fat kid from wildcats the young oh okay yeah i said big guy i was trying to avoid but then you were like yeah the high tower like no no no the other the other big the other kind of big um yeah this this song kind of uh uh has that all the all the feelings of like another composer that had to make a rap song but i don't think that happened they got a real rap crew together the la dream team are like real guys
Starting point is 01:24:20 they were like west coast rappers from like the party era you know before crack was like introduced and gave us gangsta rap and this is kind of just how they sounded it's like indistinguishable from like a corny white guy's idea of rap because it's just this is where the corny white guys got their idea of rap was from the la dream team so it's kind of their fault that they're now lumped into that group but uh this um this this was dangerous and scary back in the day though yes it was these guys got a mugger in an alley in a junkie named sally see you better go home we'll leave you alone we're citizens on patrol i didn't even and i wrote citizens on patrol every time they said it i didn't do that multiplier
Starting point is 01:25:08 bullshit i didn't take the easy way out and it looks like in these notes it's spelled wrong every single time oh yeah citizens yeah i copied and pasted the wrong one look at that that's how they said it it's colloquial it's racist that's how i knew you were lying yeah so wow literally every single time it said yep i did look at that mm-hmm i'm i am amazing the brain knows what it says though so you had to transcribe this i did yeah there was no lyrics i had to put this out there but i was already doing the same thing for uh i had another pick that i ditched because it was just this times ten in terms of difficulty level like right what i was trying to do with the other song that it was way too advanced for me there was like a
Starting point is 01:25:51 crowd there's the break beats were too loud i you know it was iced tea iced tea was mumbling a lot so my hopes were dashed yeah citizens on patrol it's a piece of shit song i i really uh you know i threw it out there i thought it'd be a lot more uh entertaining but just like after the whole dragnet thing it's kind of uh it kind of flops you know it's not as funny it's not as good in in the wrong ways could you do the michael windslow noise based sketch oh did i put it in there no i didn't transcribe no could you could you perform it could i could i would really save i think it'd save the whole bit if you could do like a really solid michael windslow thing is that that's close right this is so fucking good this is the type of thing you'll find on oral
Starting point is 01:26:37 knots if you go on the on youtube it's all it's why they're called that all mouth sounds wet mouth sounds i do think i do think you could do something good with some old michael windslow footage and then redub it to to be just extra insane or or very very normal yeah very normal would be great normal yeah there's there's plenty of ways to just just struggling like it's his first day trying this the problem would be the people would be like why who is this fucking guy you're trying out yeah all of a sudden what happened to our own knots we're like well we just well our our heads went too far up our own asses what are you gonna do what happens fuck it this song i'm just gonna go ahead and say a collab i'm over it at this point i kind of
Starting point is 01:27:21 just want to talk about the other songs now so it like it collapses we don't even gonna run it through the ringer yeah it doesn't do well van halen might kill it though i think paula abdu will be fine with this she'd do all right with it yeah it's got all the same kind of music cues that with the caveat that that each performer would have to do the noise they have to do the mouth sounds paula abdu would have to do the mouth sounds i feel like she might surprise us for sure she'd probably do some of them with her armpits i can just i can hear david lee roth's already he's got yeah he's got some mouth talent yeah he does all right uh last one my wildcard is are you ready for freddy uh the freddy kruger it's from
Starting point is 01:28:14 i didn't even make the notes it's from dream warriors right four no it's gotta be uh dream warriors is three right it's from the fourth film right dream warriors is three child no that's the fifth film uh fourth was freddy on patrol this is the citizen's on patrol of nightmare industry films for sure yeah it's got it's got the beat of every anti-drug psa ever filmed just a real a real accessible beat that you've heard in elementary school uh here's here's why it's a wildcard uh it's the only one i could think of that with actual rap verses from the lead monster in the movie that's right uh several times freddy kruger himself shows up to do rap verses in fact he introduces it by saying elm streets the place if you got the time listen
Starting point is 01:29:02 to this you'll bust a rhyme freddy kruger i think he's better than two of the fat boys yeah absolutely this is not high competition uh but man man i loved i love this song revisiting this song i love the video did you transcribe this i can't understand a fucking word of this song uh no i didn't transcribe this this is the actual lyrics this was ready to go okay that's good fred kruger the myth or freddy kruger the man it doesn't matter because i'm still rapping about him understand so sit back jack i'm gonna bust a rhyme grab a hold of your friends it's kruger time i fucking love that robert england showed up sat in a makeup chair for however long it takes to do freddy and showed up for this song with and i guarantee you yeah
Starting point is 01:29:52 i guarantee you they let him write his own bars he didn't do a bad because well yeah he did but for the time it was no worse than every other like compared to like the family lyrics like he has a few in the chorus he has a few little bars here and there and then he has one big breakdown where he says you see my name is freddy and i'm here to say yeah that's i'll wrap you up and take you away and if you feel like you're tired and ready for bed don't fall asleep or you'll wake up dead i like the ending there that's fine yeah freddy coming together on a classic he raps like a grandma intentionally embarrassing her grandkids like at the pool or something yeah in front of their friends and i'm here to say like that's a you're in fruity pebbles territory right there yep this
Starting point is 01:30:37 is 10 years after that was totally not okay to do anymore yeah and they were still selling this as a horror franchise and i just i think it was starting to get goofy here but that's the end of the horror franchise when you see the monster rapping and he starts to rap like your grandma you're like oh okay we're not well this isn't a horror movie anymore this was directed by like a real like a real shit show got reny harland made this and he's he's come on to ruin a bunch of franchises he did die hard too um well cutthroat island not a great movie uh he also did my girlfriend and i tried to uh we were gonna have like a fun marathon day we were like gonna watch the intentionally bad movies that there's like a wwe series of movies called 12
Starting point is 01:31:28 rounds there's like three of them i think the first one has john sena um he made that and it's just maybe the worst action we've ever seen when you have john sena and you can't save it and you can't do anything with him it's you yeah you're fucked up it's exceptionally bad filmmaker so that's that's did he also direct this video because it's all he may have it's got all the hallmarks of a of a harland joint let me let me walk you through the video real quick before we exit because i love the video i love that it starts with the fat boys rolling up on their custom moped which was extremely cool in the 1980s just like it is now like it is today right only one of them is like what like 2021 you'd call like problem overweight the other guys are like
Starting point is 01:32:15 yeah their fatness did not age well even though many of them died early right including but you look at them now you're like this is some pretty average sized dudes yeah all dead at like 15 so yeah we eat too much corn and bread in america is my point it's half the rap half the rap is about corn and bread uh we do my favorite thing in this video which is it starts with a skit where the rappers interact with an old white man yes it's good every time that starts off and it's this is a perfect trope it's a can't can't lose yeah you're always in for a good time if rappers in the 80s talk to an old white man usually i meant that he's like you can't get this uh you can't get this inheritance until you spend a night in the haunted house i'm like yep that's perfect yep yep that's
Starting point is 01:33:04 uh not the plot of the movie you are actually making a rap for a horror movie and you made up the plot of a lesser horror this is the plot of the fat boys that's all you i also argued that's such a cliche that like they didn't need to explain it they could have just had this guy like point it the piece of paper and then go to the house and we'd know what that was so they wasted a minute and a half explaining it and what they accidentally did here was they said it's uncle frederick's house as like a wink to the movie without thinking right but freddy krueger is a child molester who murders children right so your your uncle is a child molester what i what i do like though at at some point freddy krueger had a brother or sister that uh dated a brown person i like i like that
Starting point is 01:33:49 imagery i wonder how freddy as jimmy krueger likes his coffee dark that was hard for mixed race couples back then it was so yeah they really their their love persevered despite even with that murderer brother creep of a brother yeah right yeah despite their pedophile brother not making things easier destroyed their family's name uh then the the rest of the video they have wacky shenanigans they they hide under the covers but get this you guys they're too fat to pull it off oh they run away but they're too fat to really run away they trip over things like fat people do i want to mention that freddy does a dance move here where there's like a long beat between lyrics and he fills that beat with like he twirls his hands around and like throws his head back like a
Starting point is 01:34:35 muppet moving off the camera and i just love it so much it feels like it's all robert england's decisions like no choreographer would have told him to do these moves just feel he filled every moment of the silence with fantastic again the actual monster the actual actor the actual monster in in the expository theme song about the movie just completely ruining it yeah for everybody and i like that the challenges you got to spend the night which usually in any other sort of narrative structure would imply that things are going to go badly over time freddy fucking shows up the instant that dude closes the door like it's on from from beginning to end like it's a no one the one thing the one thing he does not wait for them to do is fall asleep which is the only thing
Starting point is 01:35:20 he does yeah yeah so this is not dream freddy it's it's just the actual freddy just he's there yeah he has no powers he's just a a fucking guy chasing him he's just gonna kick the shit out of you glove knife yeah um that's that's what he did against jason when jason pulled him into the real world he just did like moi tai he was doing like sock tong elbows and right freddy's got hands he will mess you up in the real world too don't get it twisted he doesn't need to use them in the dream world but but he knows fat boys anyway uh john i know this was very important to you do you want to describe how this video ends oh my god this it ends so special they run out of the house i guess forfeiting the inheritance and some dude is showing up with some groceries we don't know who he is
Starting point is 01:36:03 and they trample him and that he's kind of left for dead but then the biggest fat boy comes back and he pulls out a box of smashed donuts from under his head not to save him to get one of them donuts save the donuts and he starts eating the donut smiles right at us and that's how it ends just he just goes back and eats a donut and they're like that's the punchline done that's a full joke you can't eat the donut i think the fat boys are fat first before anything else before any survival instinct before for wrapping selfless gestures of heroism you know i would say uh like real talk the sound mixing on this is so fucking bad that like i swear i heard like car sounds and like like dogs and cats like it what what the fuck was going on with this it might have
Starting point is 01:36:56 just been recording it on set yeah this neighborhood ambiance of the of elm street those are the sounds of elm street anyway to wrap this up uh wrong universe i feel like a fun rap by three fat men and a murderous psychic child molester actually means this is the wrong universe we live in the wrong universe and it did happen we somehow were able to figure it out so i think it gets a pass yeah yep uh wrong movie i don't know the video like it gets fast and loose with the plot of the movie but the song does reference several specific scenes it's about like it's a tv screen there's a girl if she dies on the tv screen you won't forget that like i that's pretty specific yeah i don't know you can change the plot of the movie i just don't think it would last fair enough yeah but it's also like
Starting point is 01:37:47 if this was like who can understand this song yeah i'm really struggling to remember the dream master like what fucking happened in this one was this the one with the woman got like that she turned into a cockroach and she i wouldn't know one girl got all of her friends dream powers so she could fight freddy with the combined might of her all of her friends is this the one that feels like three three was nobody three was the one who never solved this mystery cat that was the one in the mental institution for kids that was uh okay okay yeah i don't remember that these are good these are good dream or i think that's the the main point here we're i remember to shout out a dream war because i don't remember anything after this this is where freddy was the cop and uh he freddy
Starting point is 01:38:30 cop he was a citizen cop uh yeah that's what was happening he was he was a gang leader he was a criminal and then he turned his life around became a homeowner i am going to talk myself out of the wind here uh wrong performer i feel like this is a fat guy song like i i don't know if that's a problem to say that i just like it was written by the fat guys to be a fat guy song i don't think paula abdule could do it justice like weird i could probably weird i'll could probably put on that fat suit yeah but i don't know if he wants to go back to that well you also have and freddy like does he show up does he provide his his vocals with every artist does he do what with all of them or do they have to do freddy's parts too yeah like i'm not getting freddy for every one of them i
Starting point is 01:39:19 think freddy's there for all of them he's there for all of them he's down and i think for weird al i think he's like in a costume like he's a cowboy freddy or something right train conductor he's he's he's doing whatever a bit weird al is doing but as freddy kruger yeah freddy is like he's like the eager improv student he's he's down so weird al's are you ready for spaghetti and then freddy kruger is like uh an italian chef mm-hmm yeah there you go that's perfect let's send all of these ideas to weird al he's gonna love it he's gotta be i bet weird al loves receiving ideas he i bet he never gets every every person loves receiving ideas yeah weird al as as a fat guy no one has it worse than weird al when it comes to like
Starting point is 01:40:02 unsolicited well like ideas that all changes tonight he's about to get the yes email he's ever gotten he's about to get an entire album it's his life about straight to his recorded and everything all these out okay as as a fat guy song uh yeah vana hillan could do it but it's sammy hagar i think sammy hagar and freddy get along really well i think david lee routh and freddy clash they don't even get this fucking record they both want to be cock a walk yeah they're the same personality i don't have room that for those egos and that recording it's gotta be hagar joint yeah uh but there'll be a craze like behind the music about that we just won't get that single okay so who that mine who fucking wins this i got you know what this is gonna sound crazy i vote for
Starting point is 01:40:45 um ready for freddy i think i i hate that more than almost anything else yeah uh i think it's an extreme reaction what was yours again sean let me uh mine was uh human tornado human tornado yeah you know it's ready for freddy yeah you're right yeah all right and i just i think i understand like fucking phoned in our picks like human tornado is great but it's also like so shan that it's like not even trying really right just like yeah you guys are really cool not trying and stuff i tried so fucking hard on this i needed this one so hard last time that's like yeah it's eat shit i took this i took this from you new
Starting point is 01:42:04 thank you all for coming today our community has suffered a great loss but we will never forget the brave performers of the hot dog field jets gay stunt team the supreme please stand for a list of the honored dead three finger louie we hardly knew you i i didn't mean that to rhyme i'm so sorry erin crossden adrian h adan moan alpha scientist java we're still looking for his face by the way uh everyone check your intake filters armando novel benjamin syronan brandon garland brian whitney chase mcpherson children love the meat i know this one is hardest on your kids you're gonna have to find someone new to love now i suggest jesus chris brow curious glaire dan b laziest man on mars dean castello dr awkward eric spaulding you will be missed but everyone
Starting point is 01:43:02 gathered here today has to admit that was a sick clip fancy shark jello high fly in haraca you flew too close to the sun by which i mean jet ski too close to that cruise ship hot park jayburn al-aida john john mckinnon john mancon we're retiring your number nobody will ever be number one again in our hearts or on our life vets josh s ken paisley a&m lineman all the doubters said you'd never land that 920 superman backflip and they were right still waiting for you to come down buddy mark matt quartets matt riley mike styles mix master mojo dj of the sea your spin and discs for jet ski jesus now nd neil bailey neil schaffer nick ralston nick itch patrick herbst rev who never told us his real name and would only answer to the sound of a jet ski motor redlining rihanna
Starting point is 01:44:05 rich joseph zarkowski donald finney timi lehi you should not have tried to make two jet skis fight while also riding them but if you'd listened you wouldn't have been our ten toasty god tom sakula usarian and josh fabian the worst jet ski mechanic who ever lived you might have killed all your friends but there's one thing a poorly maintained jet ski can never kill and that's our memories we'll miss you most of all

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