The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 62, Spider-Woman in Dracula's Revenge, with Vanessa Guerrero

Episode Date: February 20, 2022

Seanbaby fires his podcast ray at Brockway and their special guest, G4's Vanessa Guerrero! Then he fires his Spider-Woman ray, followed by a sub-ray of Dracula and some light Discussion Beams and that...'s how he made this episode. It's about the 1979 Spider-Woman cartoon! That was surely clear.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred hot dog. Our podcast slams with maximum hype. Say hot dog podcast work. Yeah. When you taste that nitrate power, you're in the dog zone for an hour. Come on.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Do not remember. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine hundred. One nine hundred hot dog. One nine zero zero zero.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah. Nine thousand. Welcome to the Dog Zone 9000, the official podcast of one nine hundred hot dog dot com, the official only daily comedy website. I'm the internet's Sean baby from the World Web and my partner is a Frank Dukes in the streets and a Frank Stallone in the sheets.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Robert Brockway. Oh, I was going to ask if I could flip them, but either way, either way, that's bad. I'm Robert Brockway and here's a Brockway fact. I briefly ran a dojo until the corruption scandal. No follow-up questions. I would not be taking follow-up questions. I had so many.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Our guest today is a writer-producer on a program I used to actually host G4TV's attack of the show and like me and Brockway, she's funny and beautiful Vanessa Guerrero. Hey, how's it going? I know it feels like an interesting like torch pass day. Yeah. Yeah, to be clear.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Did she take it from you? Yeah, she did. Yes, I did with the Screema. With the Screema. Yes. Screema in the streets. Your husband is a Muay thai man, if I'm not mistaken.
Starting point is 00:01:46 He is. He's a Muay thai man and he's getting back into it. It's been interesting watching somebody like miss being punched in the head so much. And I saw that look in his eyes as he was like trying to get back into it. Now that it's happening, I can't wait to see if he gets any fights lined up.
Starting point is 00:02:05 But yeah, that's what he did for a couple of years in Thailand. We'd like professionally. Yeah, professionally. He actually got sewn up after a fight by a veterinarian because that's how they do in Thailand. See, they don't give a shit. You can get like into the ring in a bar.
Starting point is 00:02:21 They're like, who here wants to fight? Oh yeah, that happened at a funeral. Every funeral needs a fist fight. That's how you send somebody off. That's how you honor their life. You fight all of their loved ones to see who loves them most. But you're of course the master of a Screema is what you're saying. I wish.
Starting point is 00:02:44 It's mostly just I have drumsticks and I'm yelling. Okay. I wish I mastered that, but that's something that I would actually like to get into it. Any weapons based type martial art always appeals to me. And I've actually seen people doing it here in Los Angeles. The only thing is their initiations are like initiations. They're initial classes.
Starting point is 00:03:05 They're like kind of terrifying because they're always like, we're always so afraid somebody will bleed and then they'll leave. And I mean, I'm down to stick around. I'm just very squishy. Yeah. Everybody needs to believe that's a good funeral. It always bleeds at a good funeral too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:21 How do you feel about pinchecks a lot? Oh God. Big fan. Big fan of pinchecks a lot. One of my favorite things to see on camera. I desperately want more martial arts movies with pinchecks a lot. Right. Of course.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Are you making all of these up? No, no, no. That's what they use in the raid, which I'm sure you've seen. Okay. There is no way that was an established martial art that they used in the rage. That was, this martial art is just brawling. That's from the textbooks. If you open up a pinchecks the lack book, you're like,
Starting point is 00:03:50 oh, this is where the choreographer got that. Classic leg swing. A classic giant leg swing into all. Yeah. When you throw a guy off the third story. Drop into axe style. Vanessa, is there something you like to plug here at the top of the show? Because our show does tend to go off the rails at the end.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Oh, sure. I'd like to plug my podcast. It's called Kicking and Screaming. We take martial arts movies and horror movies and we put them together. We like to make them kiss because we think we think they're two genres, but tastes great on their own, but tastes even better together. And chances are, if you like one, you'll like the other. And so we kind of use it as a gateway.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Right now I have noticed demographic wise, it is more getting horror fans into martial arts, but every once in a while it happens in the other direction. You've of course done Brotherhood of the Wolf then. We recently. Mark Cascos. I love Mark Cascos. We just recently did Brotherhood of the Wolf.
Starting point is 00:04:43 We paired it with Wolf of Snow Hollow. Well, it's Wolf. Brotherhood of the Wolf does both for you. It does both for you. And since it was also like, since there were like some tones of masculinity and stuff, we paired it with a werewolf movie that had like some similar stuff going on. But we've been waiting to do Brotherhood of the Wolf for a while. In general, I've been trying to get more Mark Cascos on.
Starting point is 00:05:06 We still do only the strong. That's the fucking classic. Yeah, that is. Na na na wee. Na na na wee. Na na na. We'll get in sync as the podcast goes on. Yeah, I feel it.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Yeah, we'll feel the Jenga. So today we are talking about some wolf stuff because there was some wolves in this episode. We're doing, I guess we're beginning part one of our 16 part podcast series, Breaking the Glass Web, an audio herstory of Spider Woman narrated by treasured me and noted feminist, Sean Baby. So this is a cartoon that came out in 1978. So it's kind of before all of our times.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And Vanessa, as a proud woman of nerd, what were your thoughts on Spider Woman going into this perfect and amazing cartoon? It is perfect and amazing. My immediate thoughts were it was scratching every Scooby-Doo itch that has been left in my heart. I'd actually never, I'd like, I had no clue it was on Disney Plus. I'd never watched the show before. This is my introductory episode to it.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And I couldn't think of a better one for it. I loved how at the beginning I was like, okay, this is like Scooby-Doo. This is cute. And then how quickly off the rails it felt like it was going about midway point forward. I'm addicted now. Not mid. I'd probably say like quarter of the way in.
Starting point is 00:06:32 It was like a quarter of the way. I'm like, okay, it's a Marvel cartoon. And then I'm probably going to start from the beginning with my niece now because she's a big comic book dork now. And I adored this. Yeah. And this is what we used to deal with. This is how you had to be as an old school comic book dork.
Starting point is 00:06:51 You kids today. Existed. Like I was just talking about that with somebody earlier whenever I see people in like nerdier spaces now where I'm like, my, my Wild Wild West was like an uncontrolled internet in which I could either see like fun comic book facts or like a car accident that ended poorly. I can't imagine anybody from the age of before that trying to get what they could where they could. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:15 It was, it was desperate. It was pure desperation. Yeah. Just flipping through channels. Yeah. This is our superhero cartoons when I was a kid where they like, they couldn't punch everything was like a little bit wrong. The toys were like that too.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Like you couldn't just go out and get a Spider-Man toy. You had to get like Window Washer Spider-Man or Safari Spider-Man because everything had to have like this weird hook because they didn't think any kid actually watched cartoons. And nobody making these knew knew what the fuck was going on with these characters. Inconsistent stocking to trying to pick up those toys. You'd get like, maybe they'd have Spider-Man, but then they'd never carry it again. So you'd have Window Washing Spider-Man versus He-Man for like your entire childhood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:56 And that's a good fight. That's a good fight. I'm not saying it's not a good fight. Yeah. The episode we picked is episode 10. If you want to watch along at home, it's on Disney Plus. I think all the old Spider-Man shows are on Disney Plus. Check out Spider-Man's Amazing Friends, the old school 60 Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:08:10 They're fucking awesome. But this is episode 10, Dracula's Revenge. And I chose this one because it has a perfect example of the 16 secret Spider-Woman tropes. And as we discussed the show, Vanessa and Robert, you two will be trying to identify the 16 secret Spider-Woman tropes. Okay. You'll have to use your keen pop culture senses to deduce which things in Dracula's Revenge are specifically deranged and which ones happen around Spider-Woman all the time. Oh.
Starting point is 00:08:37 So. I'm so excited for this. Okay. So before we start, I do want to talk about the character Spider-Woman. Now in the comics, Jessica Drew had sort of a similar origin to the one in the cartoon. In the cartoon, she was bit by a spider and then given a special spider serum by her father. That was her second origin in the comic books. Her meta origin is Stanley was trying to prevent other people from stealing his great Spider-Man idea.
Starting point is 00:09:04 He knew someone was just going to fucking make Spider-Woman and steal it right out from under him. So he made Spider-Woman in your face. And they gave it to Archie Goodwin, who was the former short-term editor-in-chief at Marvel. And he said, I'm going to make it like a spider person. So originally he made it so a spider evolved into a woman. Oh shit. Yeah. Which is kind of insane in grotesque.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And she had a fear pheromone like a spider. You know how you just kind of grossed out by spiders. That was like something she had and they sort of had to deal with that in her civilian life. She eventually figured out everyone hates it. Yes. Everyone hates me because I have spider juice seeping out of me. So they retconned that. They fixed that and they gave her sort of a seductive pheromone.
Starting point is 00:09:49 They don't have this in the cartoon, but in the comic book. Oh, see how you always want to fuck spiders. Yes. Yes. So they, which again is kind of spidery. Yeah. I want to fuck every spider I see. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Absolutely. Raw spider sexuality. I'd say you mentioned that too often on the show. But there is a scientific basis to that because an orb web lady spider will wrap up a male. I know. And eat him while they fuck. Redback spiders will feed themselves to the lady after they mate. It's like part of their whole ritual, part of their whole survival mechanism is to make
Starting point is 00:10:19 sure the lady is healthy after she's filled with your sperm to promote your genetics. Hot. Anyway, spiders are nightmares. Yeah, but very, very hot. Also, I would say spider woman has one of the horniest costumes, like a red skin tight full cat suit is arguably more naked than naked. Oh, yeah. What I mean by that is if, yes, so much butt on this costume.
Starting point is 00:10:42 If I ran into a naked lady, I'd be like, Oh my God, is everything okay? Who took your clothes? But if I ran into a lady in a spider woman costume, I'd be like, Hey girl, is there a Mr woman? You know what I mean? Like there's also like an yellow hourglass shape on the producer with those spider facts. Oh yeah. She would love that.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I bet. Hey girl. I know about spiders. I know how many legs they got and I know they don't like to be stepped on. Swoon. I'm going to give you some head and then give you some head. Oh, damn. My head.
Starting point is 00:11:15 To be clear, I will take off my head and you will, you will eat it. Once again, this is breaking the glass web. A feminist podcast about spider woman. That's feminist. I was going to say that that hourglass shape on her costume is sort of aggressively nothing. It's just kind of hugs all of our Rajna zones. It's just so like, Hey, here are my titties. And then here's an arrow down to this part.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I just think it's extreme. Frank Dukes power move. Yes. It says a Frank Dukes designer costume. Let's all their flowing hair out. Like it's just very sexy. So anyway, this next part is almost word for word every comic characters history, but Marvel gave her a half effort comic for about four years, then killed her.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Then she was resurrected almost immediately. Then forgotten about also almost immediately replaced by a totally different lady with different powers and then brought back by Brian Michael Bendis to basically be one of the most important characters in the entire Marvel universe. So like I said, that could be any character in Marvel. Yeah. Um, but in the comics, she's basically super strong, can stick to walls, shoot spider lasers, squirt seduction spores, and she can kind of fly a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:26 So the spider lasers are from the condo. Those are canonically accurate. Yes. That was not to get ahead, but I thought that was just part of the show. Well, they did add the ability to shoot webs out of her fingers and she can conjure the magic fetish costume when she spins. Yes. She does a magical transformation.
Starting point is 00:12:47 She does the sailor moon into which I love that. Yes. It's wonderful. It's pretty excellent. So that is the background on spider woman. Now, of course, it's time to talk about Dracula's revenge, which is just so perfect. I love it from the title stage. It's episode 10 and it's already Dracula's revenge.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Yes. He has not appeared in the series. Some shows never even make it to Dracula. And we've already met your episode 10. You got his revenge. And it's an evolved Dracula. Reinventing Dracula lower on episode 10. Balls of this show.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Lasers. That is not one of the tropes three inventing Dracula lore. It opens with two doofus is bashing into Dracula's tomb. One of them like knows this is a bad idea. He's like, buddy, I don't think we should bash into Dracula's tomb. And because this is a world where spider woman exists and all of the strange things she fights. So they should probably figure Dracula is real, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:48 But one guy says they find the confidence, got a cute little bat on it, which I love. And he decides that you're now rich. He says people will pay millions of dollars to see the tomb of Count Dracula. But to be clear, this is a fully labeled crypt in a public graveyard that says Count Dracula. In giant letter. Yes. If anyone wanted to see the tomb of Dracula for any amount of money, it's right there. If there's a market for it, they'd be here at the tomb labeled Count fucking Dracula.
Starting point is 00:14:17 So can you identify the first trope here? Everything is labeled. That is true. But I did not have that in my in my tropes. That is a very universal thing to happen in 70s cartoons. I'm going to go with the villain is unleashed by bumbling. That also happens a lot. I didn't have that as a unique spider woman.
Starting point is 00:14:44 What I was what I wrote down as the uniquely spider woman trope is very specifically, no one thinks the shit through it all on spider woman. Super friends Birdman, Scooby-Doo, the heroes and villains, each hatch schemes that absolutely wouldn't work for anyone, no matter what. The motivations make no sense. And I guess fundamentally there's a better and more sane for everyone to do what they're doing. So that's the first trope. Anyway, they open the tomb of Dracula and he's immediately alive and free after 500 years. I guess he was just waiting for some regular Transylvanian hillbilly to shove the lid. Like I can't get out of here and it's just too malnourished peasants that slide up his coffin over with minimal.
Starting point is 00:15:31 They don't even grunt. I know. Imagine having the first thing you see when you wake up after 100. Oh, fucking thank god. 500. It was so heavy. That's an accurate act. I realize it's a bad accent, but that is accurate.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Accurate. Yeah. I thought maybe he just didn't even try it. Like after 500 years it never occurred to him to like, yeah, maybe I could just lift that. It was one big push. It was an awkward angle. I couldn't get with my elbows. It is elbow.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Wow. I tried to do a Dracula voice and instead it just became something else. No, that was a perfect for this show. Impression. You just had to be like a good 40 feet farther away from your microphone. For some reason the audio on Dracula is like they recorded him from the next room. He's just always. I'm a vampire.
Starting point is 00:16:28 That's it. That sounds like they run away, obviously. They were not expecting to open the grave of Dracula and find a live Dracula. And he turns into a bat and runs them down. Not to say, oh god, thank you guys. I was tracking there for 500 years, but to make them his first victims blah. And you know, whatever. They were desecrating his graves in the hopes people would pay to see his desecrated grave
Starting point is 00:16:55 instead of the well-maintained and clearly labeled non-desecrated one. It was a bad plan they deserved to be punished for this. Yeah. I can't imagine opening a Dracula tomb and being surprised that there's a live Dracula. If I know the name Dracula. Yeah, it's kind of Dracula's deal. That's kind of his only deal. I still die.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Fucking do it. The one thing. That's the reason you're looking for my grave. Which, yeah, falls apart at the premise stage. Exactly. Spider-Woman interrupts and she says, you'll have to deal with me. First, you vagrant vampire, which again is a weird thing to say because he's looking nice. He is in a full tuxedo and cape.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Like, he's not a vagrant. He is looking fancy. I think I found one of the tropes. What is it? Is it alliteration? Oh, it is. But I don't have that as unique to Spider-Woman. But this is the other time I need you to name the second Spider-Woman trope.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Does she always just jump out from something with no explanation? Hell yes. In act one, the Superman is just there. Put it on the board. I believe she jumps out from behind the tombstone. Yes. This is supposed to be like Romania. What the fuck are you doing in a Romanian graveyard if you didn't know Dracula was going to jump out?
Starting point is 00:18:16 If you watch the whole series, she'll just be in an African jungle. She'll be in an ancient pyramid. I didn't make those up. She's just always right there. Dracula shoots green Dracula lasers out of his hands and she dies behind the grave. Dracula ray. At this point, I was so innocent. I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:18:34 He has fucking Dracula rays. I could not even believe my future self looking back on this moment with just embarrassment and shame. You had no idea. So you can guess trope three here. Oh yeah, rays. Everybody's got a ray. Exactly right. Everything and everyone shoots unexplainable beams, eyes, rings, vampire hands.
Starting point is 00:18:56 I think this came about because in the 70s and 80s cartoons just had no punching. And so conflict sort of had to be resolved by shooting beams. You see this a lot on Birdman where one guy will shoot a beam and then Birdman will shoot a beam and then they'll have a beam war and they'll have like this. And a clash of energy. Yes. And the clash of energy will go back and forth in whichever side that ends on that guy's fucked, like the fight's over. It would go on to inspire every single episode of Dragon Ball Z, all 8,000 of them. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Oh man, I love that 7,000 episode fight. I like the 40 episode yell before it. I don't watch a lot of Dragon Ball Z, but I do know this trope that they just get ready for a fight for hundreds and hundreds of episodes. Beam wars. Not as good as the beam wars here. And beam wars. These are superior beam wars. These are classic beam wars.
Starting point is 00:19:47 So Jessica shoots him with her venom blast and Dracula just runs away. He blocks it with his cape, but it's like, oh, it's got light. So he just takes off. And then the two idiots, she's like, hey, I saved your guys's life and then they take off. They're like, who the fuck is this lady? I guess they don't have TV in Romania or Grumania, whatever the fuck they are. Well, yeah, Grumania. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I think that's a made up country. I didn't Google that. Right, because you don't want to get sued by Romania for implanting you. Why was it necessary to make up a fake country that sounds like the real country? Such a crazy decision. There is another thing cartoons at the time did where they didn't want to like name the country they were in. Like Birdman, they do this all the time where it's like, my nation's capital is under attack.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And you're like, right, but that's the Pentagon. You could just say America. Gromarica. Yeah, it's Gromarica. So Spider Woman's like, oh, I got to get back home. I have a date. And her date is with the co-stars of the show, Billy and Jeff. Billy is her nephew.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And Jeff has a date with Jeff and a boy, like a date boy. They brought a date boy along. One of the things to make room for Jesus in the middle. Right. Like he's there to keep things from getting too real. Like you're getting under the shirt, not with date boy around. That's all I have to say with Dave Boy. So that is her actual nephew.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And they're watching Alien Spider and just talking through the whole goddamn movie. Movies called Alien Spider, but they took her too. Yes, Alien Spider. Jeff is very condescending about how the spider isn't very scary, which is your clue for trope number four. Oh, is it that Jessica, everyone thinks Jessica is a coward? Just misogyny. I just had misogyny as a general concept.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I was going to go with Jeff as a piece of shit. Is that true? Yes. Jeff is a real piece of shit. He sucks so hard. He looks like he's just permanently dead inside. And he just says like the snittest fucking things. He's just, they didn't animate purposefully any life into him.
Starting point is 00:22:03 He's just mannequining around. There's a specific moment in which he reaches out to touch her shoulder. Yes. I like short circuited for a second where I was like, I don't think I've ever seen anyone touch another human being like that. Yeah, Jeff, there has to be like a plot point if the show went on that Jeff is some sort of alien plant. I mean that in both senses of the word.
Starting point is 00:22:26 He is an alien plant and he has been planted there in her life. I don't think they got to that episode, but I don't want to spoil any surprises. You still have 15 more great episodes to watch. But yeah, I just had misogyny because it's sort of just how we lived our life in 1978, I think, but Jeff assumes Jessica knows nothing about anything and can't emotionally handle even the horror of a movie puppet. So he's like, oh, don't look at the screen, Jessica. The spider might be too scary.
Starting point is 00:22:52 So and she and her secret disguise of ordinary reporter, Jessica Drew plays along with all of it. She's like, oh, Jeff, thank you for your advice. I'll not look at the TV. So happily, she just loves this. This is just an ordinary horror of her and I would assume every woman's life in 1978 and probably today. Sorry about everything, ladies.
Starting point is 00:23:10 But to be clear, in her in her secret identity, Spider Woman is a hugely successful reporter who runs a magazine that has a 30 story headquarters and its own jet copter. And with her justice jet cop, I was wondering about that because I did not know her back story. But at one point she mentions as her alternate identity, she mentions jumping in the just justice jet copter to like fly around the world. Are you supposed to be a fucking reporter? Where is the justice jet copter coming from?
Starting point is 00:23:37 That's just the kind of money they make at Justice magazine. And also, I want to point out that with her spider strength, when Jeff Patzer on the butt for doing a good job, it must feel like coiled steel cables wrapped around horse haunches. Like, he knows not to fuck with this woman, right? Yeah. He has to feel it vibrating in her sinews. He's got to be like, this woman could crush me with those legs.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And he watches himself. The presence of date boy is the only thing keeping him alive. So anyway, this guy, he watched himself get saved by a woman twice an episode, spends all this time with the world's wealthiest journalist, built like the world's brickest house, and he still defaults to, I'm better than girls because, you know, whatever, my genitals hardly ever bleed. So this is interrupted by a spider sense. Jessica gets a spider sense alert that old Dracula is at it again, which leads me to
Starting point is 00:24:30 trope five. What's, what do you think secret spider woman trope five is? Is it going to be, all right, I'm trying to think it's either Jessica disappeared for a long time and no one cares or Jessica uses a hot scoop as a way to get out of something weird. It's both of those things tied up with her spider sense, which it conveniently lets her get out of anything, but also tells her where the next plot device is. Like her spider sense has unlimited worldwide range.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Like she's sensing something across the Atlantic Ocean. In Grumania. Yes, in Grumania. This isn't like Peter Parker. Yeah, she's full of watching. It's not like Peter Parker who's like, oh, something's about to punch me. This is like, I'm seeing a psychic vision. Somebody's unhappy in Grumania.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Somebody was startled a little bit. The child dropped their ice cream cone in New York. So, yeah, so she sees three shadowy figures. Right. And so if these were people that Dracula was currently attacking, they're dead because she has to get from New York to Transylvania on armpit spider web wings, which is a 25 day glide. I Googled it.
Starting point is 00:25:46 She Googled armpit spider wing, right? Average miles per hour. She's going to land in France and find a vampire apocalypse. Like by the time she lands, she's going to be like, oh my God, I'm too late to save those three people I saw while I was in the movies. So, yeah, so she ducks out and they're like, oh, I guess she's got a scoop to get to. She, Jeff decides she's, she doesn't, and she was just afraid of the movie spider. She's not actually doing her reporting.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I told her she was going to do that. So she must be doing that. I mean, that's what a good woman would do. She's afraid of this movie. Her smooth, smooth brain couldn't handle seeing a spider that big. I like how it can help. How zero objections she has to all of this treatment. Like he says this shit and it just doesn't even play.
Starting point is 00:26:36 She's like, uh-huh. Yeah, of course. This is normal. It really is super scary, Jeff. Billy, you're a child. You watch it. So we cut to Groomania, I guess, where a Van Helsing descendant is hosting a dinner party and they're just explaining themselves and how they fit into the plot.
Starting point is 00:26:57 One of them's like, aren't you worried about the cursed Dracula put on your family? And he's like, no, Dracula fucking sucks. If he was here right now, I'd kick his ass. It's like, I think they've been doing this every night for 500 years trying to queue up a Dracula entrance. Because they don't know, like this wasn't brought up like Dracula's loose. Aren't you afraid? They don't know the Dracula's free. This is just their small talk they have at a dinner party.
Starting point is 00:27:17 He's like, hey, Van Helsing, aren't you afraid of that cursed Dracula put on your family 500 years ago? No way, dude. Not at all. I'm living in Dracula's castle and it will always be fine. Hubris. Hubris. Hubris. Some say hubris would be my downfall.
Starting point is 00:27:36 But I laugh. I laugh at them. It's lasers. Dracula's here. It's your downfall. Vampire lasers, your downfall. Which is exactly what happens next. Dracula shows up, presents himself wordlessly, and they're like, it's Dracula.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I just love this part of the show where he just kind of- They had to come ready for it. Transforms from bat into man and he's kind of just like, tada. Love it. They're ready. Great entrance. He turns them into vampires. That's it.
Starting point is 00:28:04 With? With? Of course, vampire lasers. Thank you. You have to say it every time. I have to say that he shoots a Dracula ray out of his hand and turns everybody into Dracula's. Now, I have a trope here that happens in this scene and in many other Spider-Woman episodes. What do you think it is?
Starting point is 00:28:21 Is it that when something turns evil, they just have arched eyebrows? That is not it. But it is a great guess. Because yes, they do. When they become evil vampires, they're just like, hey, hey, hey. They just sort of change their facial expression. I didn't talk to them. I think it's generally that people are turned into evil things.
Starting point is 00:28:41 They use pedestrians to turn into the new enemy. That's exactly right. Hell yeah. Her enemies always have a ray that transforms people into them. Mummies, fly monsters. It sort of makes sense for vampires, of course, but since he can't buy them. I'm assuming it's always be a ray. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Or beam. 100% always by ray. You gotta watch out for them beams. He goes, you are all my captives. And then Spider-Woman flies in, but not for long, Dracula. I've come to free them. So these are vampires. She has no idea how to fucking fix that.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Which brings me to trope number seven. Is it ignoring them and just leaving? That is what happens. That is what happens. But the trope is Spider-Woman has a lot of confidence and also no idea what she's doing. Yes. Which in many ways makes her more of a Spider-Man than a Spider-Woman. I just like that our first big threat Dracula turns these people.
Starting point is 00:29:44 It's all like 80 year olds. Everybody at the dinner is 80 years old and they turn into vampires and they're not like full beasts. They're just old people with fangs and green skin. Why would you do a vessel that fragile? Like, why would you make... Majority act for vampire force was floor through. Oh, thank God that you get discounts at the movies. So, let's see.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Where are my notes here? I have... He shoots a laser beam at her, a vampire beam and she gets out of the way and she says, that's a nice bat blast you've got there, Dracula. Let's see how it matches my venom blast. Because everybody's got a blast. Everybody in this world, everybody has at least one blast. Every one of those old people has an old person blast.
Starting point is 00:30:30 He gets very upset about the light of the blast. Not like, hey, that laser really hurts. Just like, that light hurts my eyes, turns into a bat, runs away again. Little bitch for Ratu. That's your new name, Dracula. So, she realizes she has to get back to Jeff and Billy at the movies, so she leaves. She just leaves. Completely forgetting her stated goal.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Can I just jump in and say, we're not like noticing something here. The cartoon actually goes back and shows all the vampires standing there. Is she coming? I don't think she's coming back. Do you want to go? I think we should just go. I bark laughed at that. We went back to the movie theater.
Starting point is 00:31:10 I was watching this at work on my lunch break and I had headphones on and I did not realize I made the sound that I made that loud when that happened. They had to have known when they cut back to all the vampires standing there. Like, are we, do we have a cue after this? Turn into bats and fly out the window after she left. Okay, that was a freebie. Thanks, spider woman. This leads me to trope number eight.
Starting point is 00:31:36 This one's a little more subtle. Can you guess it from this? I already guessed mine, which is that she just ignores the threat and they throw up. Is it that Billy and Dave Boy come along? Well, that is a part of it. That's the next trope, reckless endangerment of young Billy and Dave Boy. You always have to get back to Jeff and Dave Boy. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Nothing is more important than keeping her secret identity. It doesn't matter if she abandons people to be vampires, presumably forever. She's been in planes with them where the situation calls her spider woman. Instead of saying, like, guys, we're in a lot of fucking trouble. I got to let you know I'm spider woman. You got to keep this a secret. She will jump out of the window and let them think their dear friend and aunt died and then turn into spider woman like and come back and be like, oh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:32:25 I found Jessica in the water. She'll always be there. She's a sturdy lass that Jessica. She makes them think about what life would be like without her on a daily basis. On a daily basis. Like they're constantly in state of panic that Jessica died. She's also doing it. She'll do it like on the moon.
Starting point is 00:32:43 They'll be on a place where there's the only three people on the planet. And like Jessica will like jump into a pit and then they'll be like, oh, shit, Jessica's dead. When we get back to earth, I guess we'll have to figure out her funeral. And then like spider woman to show up and say, like, I found your friend, Jessica, who, you know, we have the same hair, lower face body. Yeah. I mean, you recognize this ass anyway.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Right. If you can't recognize Jessica in the spider woman outfit, man, fuck you. Identifying dump truck. I could pick that out of a lineup. Like she's got to well defined, strong, high up dump truck of a butt that you could put that under any costume. You could put a Groucho Marx pair of sunglasses and mustache on the butt. And I would still pick it up out of a lineup.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Yeah. And you should. If she was on the mask singer, she'd come out and not sing a note. I'd be like, that's Jessica Drew. I know that. Like, oh, fuck you ruined our show. Like Rudy Giuliani. I don't know if you heard about that, but Rudy Giuliani was on that show.
Starting point is 00:33:47 And like two of the judges, two of the judges just bailed. He took off his mask. I can't believe Giuliani. And they're like, oh, fuck this. Three weeks from now, when this podcast runs, we will have already forgotten about it. Broken that story. So everybody just revisit this in your memories. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:01 That was funny. That probably went around Twitter for eight or nine hours. Man. Anyway, back to spider woman. Jeff and Billy, they're leaving the movie. Jeff is telling Billy not to even describe the movie to her. He's like, you don't even fucking tell her about that part with the spider getting out of the egg.
Starting point is 00:34:18 She's going to lose her shit because she's a woman. And so she takes them to Grumania to hunt the vampire. She's like, hey, I got a hot tip about a vampire. Now, to be clear, this is her again, her alter identity had somehow gotten a hot tip about a vampire across the world. Right. It's the thinnest. It's the thinnest.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Excuse me. You could have possibly come up with. Jeff and Billy will buy fucking anything. And this was trope number nine, the reckless entanglement. Vanessa already got this one. Yes. So she's like, why the fuck do they go with her? There's not even an in show reason for it.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Right. She could have said, good night, guys. And then gone off to fight Dracula. But instead she's like, I need to do a story on Dracula. You take care of yourself again, Jeff. I'm not, I'm not coming up tonight. But like all ordinary non spider woman reporters, I do need to take my young nephew along. That's just how it works.
Starting point is 00:35:14 So meanwhile, Dracula is digging up a guy in a bow tie. It's Wolfman. He doesn't even get a line. He's just it's just a normal guy and then he looks at the moon and becomes quietly becomes Wolfman. And then Dracula goes, it's Wolfman. Love it. It's so synonymous with like the universal style transformations to before they could
Starting point is 00:35:37 afford that. So it just has that immediate like and a wipe into Wolf. Yep. He's a wolf now because we didn't know how to do morph spec then. This is a trope number 10. It's going to be tough to get on this wavelength. What do you think spider woman trope number 10 is? Everybody is dug out of a swamp in a coffin.
Starting point is 00:35:56 It does happen three times in this episode. I want to say that Jessica drew somehow accidentally becomes something else briefly. That does happen a few times. Yes. What I was specifically getting at is there's at least one too many things in every episode of spider woman. We didn't need a Wolfman. There's so much more.
Starting point is 00:36:22 There's one too many things this early. Yes. This is very normal. Like if there's a spider woman episode about underground spider people, they'll also be mind controlling a Loch Ness monster. Didn't make that up. That's real. The ancient mummies are on the attack.
Starting point is 00:36:36 They'll also be a Loch Ness monster beam. Yes. They have a Loch Ness monster beam. Of course they do. There's ancient mummies in one episode and it turns out their geometry mansors from space. All of these stories should be seven minute cartoons and the only way to fill them into a half an hour is having some absurd totally unrelated second or third thing pop up. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Again, this is a 20 minute animated cartoon and you're like Dracula is not enough. We need all of them. We need the whole lineup. Bring in the invisible guy. Three or four entries into like a spider man franchise when you're about to reboot it. Eight villains is not enough. We need more. Pack them in there.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Need a Wolfman. Get a Wolfman in. This will sell tickets. People love the Wolfman. Really quiet Wolfmans. So Jeff and Billy and Jessica are now in the graveyard of a Dracula's tomb and Jeff is just a fussy little naysayer just complaining about everything and then he mans up as soon as the lady's about to do something beyond her means though.
Starting point is 00:37:36 So he's like, oh, don't go in Dracula's tomb, Jessica. It's far too dangerous for a woman to go crawling around in a crypt. I think that's word for word. What he said. It says it's far, it's far too dangerous. It's far too dangerous for a woman to go crawling around in a crypt dot, dot, dot. Billy and I will do it. This is a job for a man who is absent inside and an overwhelmed child.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Not a woman. Not a lady. Not a lady with a helicopter. Jeff and date boy to the rescue. This is where Vanessa mentioned this earlier, where he grabs her shoulder from off camera and she looks horrified. It's just like instantly this is not a human touch. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:17 You were aware that this is like freezing cold. Yeah, I don't think that they even meant to do this. I think this was just a problem in the animation, but it added a real element of danger to this unwanted touch. It's in and you're like, is this the Wolfman? It's like, no, it's just sexism. So they find an empty coffin, like, OK, Dracula's gone. He must go to this coffin.
Starting point is 00:38:38 But of course, yeah, Jeff is like Dracula doesn't even exist. This is probably some fucking other guy named Dracula who got out of his coffin. Bill Dracula. Bill Dracula. And then Dracula and Wolfman are there in the tomb, just kind of behind him going like he might for a four year old's haunted house. They're so polite. They're just waiting.
Starting point is 00:38:59 They're just waiting. It cuts it to Jessica outside wondering what's going on and there's like magical conflict and there's like and she's like, hmm, I wonder what's going on in there in Dracula's tomb, which somebody she's fought twice already in this episode. So but again, this is what she'll do to protect her secret identity. She couldn't say. Why would Billy be using his Billy raise to check this out? I don't think there's been Billy raise, but I guarantee there are.
Starting point is 00:39:26 There's got to be Billy raise. So speaking of raised the Wolfman, she's fucking laser eye beams and she goes in and they're both Wolfman. Yes. And then I fucking lost my shit when they turned around. And I was like, there's no way they have Wolfbeams have fucking Wolfbeams. They shot her with Wolfbeams. I was so eaten by that point.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah, that's all that it's all in. This is my new favorite show. So she sees Wolf and Wolf Jeff and Wolf Billy and just like this will hold you and shoots him with webs. They're stuck. They can't get out. They go to commercial. Wait, wait, can I just point out the line really quick? She says, that should hold you until you get back to normal.
Starting point is 00:40:15 And then Dracula from offscreen says, but they are normal. You fucking body shaming. You're celebrating people's differences. They free them. She wasn't right about them about either of those things. They instantly get out over the commercial break and Jessica is about to shoot her venom blast again, because she knows Dracula can't take this. So Wolfman laces her hands and puts a force field on them.
Starting point is 00:40:43 And her exact words are sprouting spider hair. My venom blast is clogged. Wolfman clogs her blasting hands with his Wolfman raise. That's a wonderful. It's a wonderful clogs blasting hand. I couldn't stop repeating it to myself. It was like cellar door for me. This blast is clogged.
Starting point is 00:41:07 The sticky wolf blast got all over my hands. Trope number 11 is trope number 11. She will lose her powers. It is not it. No, that she will science her way out of something. Oh, my God, you're ahead of me again. But yes, that's trope number 13. Three. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And tropes. I literally was pumping every time I get. Yeah, I'm into it. I'm committed. Trope number 11 is beams do anything. They might do anything. They might obliterate something massive. They might turn you into a thing.
Starting point is 00:41:39 They might put you gently to sleep or knock you the fuck out. You truly have to wait and see. Clogging beam. Yes. You never know what a beam hits somebody, what it's going to do until they stop moving and tell you what it did. And so to that point, they double blast her with vampire lasers and Wolfman I beam. So she should technically be a very hurt vampire,
Starting point is 00:42:00 but instead she just can't move. This has to be the first time Wolfman and Dracula beams have hit a spider woman, but everybody's sure they know what's going to happen. They're like, oh, it should be paralyzed forever. Let's get out of here. I like her dialogue, which is that being part spider is challenging enough.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I have no intention of being part vampire also. That's that's your main problem. It's just that's no, come on. That's one too many things to be. Yeah. Can you imagine being a woman and a spider and a vampire? Much less. I'll let you do it.
Starting point is 00:42:34 A Wolfman. She was so worried about being one more thing. And now she is another three things. Yes, we're getting ahead of ourselves because before that happens, they're like, oh, she's paralyzed forever and they leave. And what do they go do? Oh, you're asking us.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I'm asking. We're paralyzed forever. They leave. They just leave. And they do you want me to jump ahead in the plot? Do you want me to they dig up Frankenstein? They dig up Frankenstein. Yes, we were trying.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I was trying not to jump ahead in the plot. Oh, yeah, no, thank you heroes to take over the world. This brings me to trope number 12. And it'll be obvious in hindsight, but I'm not sure if you'll be on the wavelength to get it. There is always a Frankenstein. It's not God, Dan, in a way. Oh, there's always two more things than there needs to be.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Is it always that there's a third guy? Not know what the answer I'm looking for is IP theft. They do not give a shit for a character created to protect against IP theft. Spider Woman, that's no problem stealing shit. Most of her enemies are just Star Wars characters drawn from memory. She has the same Wonder Woman transformation sequence
Starting point is 00:43:51 and also fought a team of Amazons, Time Amazons, since there's always one too many things. There's a time travel episode where a guy named Dr. T goes to the future to grab a group of Chewbacca's. Not Chewbacca like creatures. They're furry Chewbacca men with Chewbacca bandoliers. Like they just they're like fucking throw some more Star Wars guys in there.
Starting point is 00:44:08 So anyway, that's a Spider Woman. I was so happy when he opened that coffin, which again, you don't keep Frankenstein in a coffin. I don't know why. It's not part of the lore. But he goes at any moment now and the final member of our threesome will be uncovered. Yes. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I'm listening. And then it was Frankenstein. OK. Have me completely on board. I love how they draw him. They draw Frankenstein with this look on his face. That's like it's like my it's like you interrupted him while he's trying to count something all the time. He's real confused.
Starting point is 00:44:44 He's just confused and annoyed. Like, why is there a Dracula and a Wolfman? What is? We don't need all this. Stupid things. So back in Romania, Spider Woman just sort of wakes up an hour later. She guesses what she turns into a vampire werewolf. Fucking yes. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Those strange rays have turned me into part vampire and part werewolf. I was already part. I wrote down the quote trembling tarantulas. There's an evil force growing inside. Yeah, I got that. Oh, I like to like her. Her wolfman snarl was very kitty cat like it was very.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Was getting me so bad because I never know it was coming. Like I was trying to figure out what her cadence was for deciding to like talk and then snarl through it. And it was a little different every time. So I kept getting me. Yeah, sometimes it's at the end of a sentence. Sometimes it's between words. Like one time it was in the middle of a word like between syllables.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And it's always like. And like three times louder than the rest of the audio track. Wild. The absolute favorite. The whole thing was fantastic, but that was my absolute favorite part. The commitment to like the bizarre snarling. And then she's kind of flailing around with the beakers as she's fighting the evil inside.
Starting point is 00:46:10 But yes, now we have an evil force growing inside of her. So after we've introduced three enemies and some stakes, we now finally have a ticking clock element, something that was notably missing. So now the creatures on a rampage, the threesome is on a rampage. Dracula shows up and gets two skiers. And I love this part. I love that they're just hanging out on Dracula Mountain. We're going to go ski Dracula Mountain, everybody.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Oh, now what Dracula is what they say. Yeah, they're totally knows what's up. The second they know about Dracula. They were ready for them like they just had such sweet, such sweet powder up on Dracula Mountain. God, you can't pass it up. I know there's Dracula's out tonight, baby, but like gotta get in that fluff, though, right? Wolfman gets a couple of 16th century villagers.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Frequent dying, blasting them, you have to say it every time. He blasts them with his wolf rays until they turn into farm wolf men. Correct. Also, we haven't mentioned this yet. They reveal here that Frankenstein has electric neck bolts that Frankenstein people could die. You knew it was coming, right? It was I knew. But in my notes, like as I was taking this like stream of consciousness, I had no, he's not going to have a Frankenstein ray.
Starting point is 00:47:31 It's not going to turn people into Frankensteins. And then in all capitals, he has a Frankenstein ray. I went full death jam. I went full death jam. Like I could have done a lap around my desk at that point. I was so for it. So sorry, there's now a car alarm in the background. I think it's appropriate for this moment.
Starting point is 00:47:53 If you have an air horn, if Frankenstein has a ray that he shoots out of his neck. He's got an air horn ray. This whole fucking time, Frankenstein has Frankenstein beams saving. Saving it for this moment, because it was perfect. It was. I just want the lower implications of that are immediately so deep. But like it Dracula and Wolfman have like a contagion element built into there. Like if they bite, you become Frankenstein.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Absolutely. Absolutely. It does have as the opposite of that element, because everybody that he turns into a Frankenstein, but there must also like spring into existence in another country. A Dr. Frankenstein just for them that made them out of corpse parts. Yeah, that's exactly that's exactly the good point. Natural transition. If anything, it's like you need a guy with a garage.
Starting point is 00:48:50 You have to. Yeah, you have to produce a laboratory. You have to produce several other human corpses. You must produce an Igor produce like some lightning bolt to animate you. I mean, we have beams. So I feel like that's a good placeholder lightning. Fucking Frankenstein beam. I could buy a Dracula beam and even a Wolfman beam, but a Frankenstein beam. That's just a hair too far.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Also, the people that he turns into Frankensteins are fucking like Captain Ahab and like an Aquaman guy, a couple of fishermen having some beers at the dock in Frankenstein in like a Parisian cafe at a dock with a heaven like a wine. And then he comes up and fucking Frankensteins them. It's it's the best scene to get just air horned me one more gong me for that scene. It would be my pleasure. So Spider Woman jogs out to the chemistry lab, just snarling the whole fucking time. And this is where Vanessa made the trope call where science is just completely magic
Starting point is 00:49:50 and always works if a guy throws together some bubbly liquid and says, this should make me queen of the penguins. It will first try exactly as he expected. She makes an anti-anti-monster potion. She just says, I'm going to make an anti-monster potion and she does. It's an entirely new field of science, unlabeled chemicals, just mixing them. Blop, blop, and then drinks it, fixed and goes. To the library.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Well, of course, you have an anti-monster potion. Time to go to the library to figure out what to do next. Well, you have an anti-monster potion. The show's over. The library has Wi-Fi. The library has imagination. She does not use the Dewey Decimal System. She just goes into the stands and just pulls out three books right next to each other
Starting point is 00:50:36 and says, now to find out about Dracula, The Wolfman and Frankenstein. Before that, she says, the books I'm looking for got to be here somewhere. These are the books I'm looking for. There they are. Now, this is not a Spider Woman trope. Educational praise is not a normal part of the show. Reading is never the real hero. This is the only time she's ever done this.
Starting point is 00:51:00 So the world is under siege. Frankenstein is full on Frankensteining cops, Spider-Man. Frankenblasting them into other Franken. Frankenblasting the police into officer Frankensteins. It's fucking great. All cops are Frankenstein. In police code, it says zero, zero, one. If Frankenstein is turning cops into Frankensteins.
Starting point is 00:51:23 Highest priority is how police codes work. So Spider Woman read in a library book that to stop a Frankenstein, you get an electromagnetic grounding antenna. And this will drain the lightning energy that brought Frankenstein to life. So she shoots him with that. And and it's, of course, a beam, the antenna, of course, it's a beam. This brings me to trope number 14. I'm not going to make you guess.
Starting point is 00:51:50 None of this shit should work. Magic science are not every every time a Spider Woman episode gets to the climax, she she hatches a scheme that is so stupid and beyond reason, even in her universe's rules for an example. There's an episode I mentioned earlier about the space mummies and they're on the rampage and Spider Woman just kind of realizes that like something about pyramids, she's like, guys, I've got it pyramids. So she gets Spider-Man to use his webs to make cubes around the pyramids.
Starting point is 00:52:19 And it gets them so scared they fly into space, never to return. Because they're no longer pyramids. They're no longer pyramids. So they have to get out of it. Oh, we don't like those anymore. Get out of here. Bye. That's a bad joke. So Frankenstein lost his electricity because of the ray and he just leaves,
Starting point is 00:52:36 locks himself back in a grave and, of course, it just annoys him enough that he frowns and he turns around and he leaves. And the fucking show follows him all the way back to Frankenstein Castle where he opens his coffin, gives the camera a look like, fuck that. And gets back in his coffin and closes the door. He just grumpily reburys himself. So now it gets to the Wolfman, who's like really concerning himself with getting these two fishermen
Starting point is 00:53:07 under a bridge with his laser. He's just, I'm getting these two night boaters. With my wolf, with my wolf blasts. I am definitely Wolfmaning them with my wolf blasts. Wasting his whole life. They could go to a city center, just make wolf man's like crazy. He's like, I'm getting, I'm getting these two. Spider, Spider Woman shows up and, of course,
Starting point is 00:53:28 she read in the book that Wolfman gets his power from a full moon. So she, I don't, Vanessa, you want to try to describe what she does here? So we were back at the moon. What exactly happened at the moon? So I'm trying to remember exactly what had happened at that point because. How does one solve the problem of moon using spider powers? You make the moon go away. Correct. I had, she sprays non-moon rays on the sky.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Well, her exact words are, so all I have to do is create a spider eclipse. And then she shoots them in the eyeballs, which, by the way, sounds like a dirt bike. The second she said spider eclipse, I'm like a thousand percent sure that it is a dirt bike brand somewhere or like a best of some sorts. And it is a real fancy way to say, I'm going to fucking shoot you in the eyeballs. This, this brings me to the penultimate Secret Spider Woman trope. What do you think it is?
Starting point is 00:54:23 I, everything has to end in a big hurry. That is a real thing that happens every episode, but that's not what I'm getting at. I'm thinking, let's see, everything has to be hurry. Is it everything can be solved by rays? That is part of it. I think I would put that under rays can do anything from earlier, though. OK, what I'm getting at is Spider Woman has a new power every episode. Sometimes she'll get super senses.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Sometimes she'll suddenly be able to command spiders or breathe underwater once she created a web atmosphere. They don't care. They, and if you remember, Tropa Eleven, the fact that she shoots beams means she already has unlimited super abilities since they can do anything. Oh, my God, she's she's a God. She's omnipotent. She is absolutely overpowered and omniscient. Yes, that's true.
Starting point is 00:55:14 She has both the things that would make a God. So Dracula and some. So anyway, when she blocks out the moon or blinds them, whatever happens, all the wolf men turn back to human. So then we cut to Dracula and some wolf men. And in my note says, wait, how? They're attacking a couple of people in the truck. And the people in the truck have decided to deal with the situation,
Starting point is 00:55:35 not by like driving over the Dracula, but by staying put in parking and they're just dodging the beams as they come into the truck cam. I love that just like the wolf men in the scene prior, they're just completely enraptured with like two random hillbillies in a truck. And like all the armies of Dracula are like, we must get Jim and Kathy. Just fucking blast in this beat up truck. And it's not working. Randy, Randy and Kevin down there by the dock.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Did you get them? Oh, yeah, yeah, we said we said Wolfman. He got them. They were having a nice romantic dinner. Fuck that. Not on my watch. They have a wolf man romantic dinner now. Spider Woman shows up and Dracula explains to her like, hey, your light beams are really powerful, but there are too many vampires for you.
Starting point is 00:56:19 We're totally going to overrun you. And to be clear, there are three vampires and two wolf men and there are a hundred yards from her. She could fucking light them up. But instead, she flies over their heads. And Brock, will you try to explain this one? Well, she's spider blasts a nearby windmill so hard it turns into the sun somehow. Seems about right.
Starting point is 00:56:41 This annoys Dracula, just like Frankenstein. So he also leaves, returns to his castle and politely reburys himself. Sorry, returns to his crypt and politely reburys himself with the same grumpy look of like, I'll just go home then. I respect these guys so much. They know when there be. Yeah, they're just like, oh, OK, well, fuck me then. I'm going to go maybe in 500 years.
Starting point is 00:57:03 There won't be a fucking spider woman. Maybe it'll just be a Jeff and a Billy next time. And then they have fucking windmill lasers. I'm going back to sleep. I know when I'm beat. I don't want to drag it out wildly outclassed here. So Jeff and Billy, like they come, they turn back into non-wolfmen. They're in Dracula's tomb.
Starting point is 00:57:21 They're like, oh, hey, where's Jessica? And she comes back. Well, first, one of my favorite exchanges is they show up and Jeff super annoyed is like, Billy, where have you been? And Billy also weirdly annoyed goes, I don't know. I don't know that he's a true MVP in this for me. I don't know that he's a date boy, but like Billy on his own, real MVP. Billy, according to Billy's world, Jeff is date boy.
Starting point is 00:57:50 He's there to keep things from getting real. Yeah, Jeff is there to keep his aunt Jessica grounded. I don't know. Don't expect me to know where I was fucking asshole, Jeff. This is going to be hard to guess. What is the final secret spider woman trope? Jessica must always realize she was wrong to do all of the things that she just did. That's actually very, very close.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Yes, as a woman at the end of every episode, Jessica comes back. No one figures out she was the Jessica sized woman with the same hair and mouth who saved everybody. And then she figures out a way to assure big, strong man, Jeff, that he was the actual real hero, even though he probably fucked everything up through the whole episode. Yes, that's how they all end. She ends this episode with a shrug and going, I guess you were right.
Starting point is 00:58:40 There's no such thing as vampires. And then they cut back to Jeff just looking smug as shit. Yeah. Why did they do that? They animated this weird little smirk on his face that has never shown up anywhere else in the episode. Or that's just like Jeff's energy. I'm so disconcerted by everything that he does, every frame that he's in, every interaction that he has.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Like there's so many moments where I'm just on Jeff for too long. That it feels organic. It feels like something sinister in Jeff's aura. Yeah, he is an ominous for if she is God, then he is the devil. Jeff is the devil of this universe. One does not exist without the other. There is no spider woman without a fucking Jeff. Gather around the heart, younglings, to hear tell of the brave adventurers
Starting point is 01:00:10 who risked everything to cast the all powerful ring of evil King Dormair into the fires of Mount Hot Dog. These were the Supremes. Neo Font, who betrayed the party for Dormair's ring. Three finger Louis, Aaron Crossden, Adrian H, Aidan Moat, whose mind was swayed to betray the party for Dormair's ring. Alpha scientist John Armando Nala, Benjamin Syron, Bim Tulser, who betrayed the party for Dormair's ring,
Starting point is 01:00:48 but did later apologize. Brandon Garland, Brian Saylor, who betrayed the party for Dormair's ring and did not apologize, not even when pressed. Brianne Whitney, Brockway loves the meat milling. Sarah Chase McPherson, Chris Brower, who betrayed the party for Dormair's ring while on horseback. That's different. It's a vehicular betrayer.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Jurius Glare, Dan B, Dean Costello, Donald Finney, the ring betrayer, who was called that before the adventure for other reasons, but did betray the party for Dormair's ring. Dr. Awkward, Eric Spalding, Fancy Shark, Hambo, who betrayed the party for Dormair's ring and then put it on down there. Haraka, Hot Fart, Jaibur Al-Aidan, John Dean, who definitely betrayed the party for Dormair's ring.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Holy shit. John McCammon, John Minkoff, Josh S, Ken Paisley, K&M, all of whom betrayed the party for Dormair's ring. Laziest man on Mars, Matt Cortez, Matt Riley,
Starting point is 01:02:09 Mike Stiles betrayed the party for Dormair's ring, then betrayed Dormair to the party, then betrayed the party again. Mojoo, N.D., Neil Bailey, Neil Schaefer betrayed the party for Dormair's ring, but in a really charming way that they just couldn't stay mad at. Nick Ralston,
Starting point is 01:02:31 Nick H, Ozzy Olin betrayed the party for Dormair's ring, and then proposed with it, aw. Patrick Herbst, Rev, Rihanna, Rich Jocelyn resisted the power of Dormair and stood strong. He, hold on, I'm getting a newshawk.
Starting point is 01:02:51 He has just betrayed the party for Dormair's ring. Sarkovsky, Timmy Leigh, Tostigam, Tom Sikula, Tommy G., Yosaria, and Jellaho, who did not betray the party for Dormair's ring.
Starting point is 01:03:09 He, asked for a necklace, for which, yes, he did betray the party.

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