The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 72, Christian Dinosaurs with Katie Goldin!

Episode Date: May 4, 2022

Seanbaby asks Brockway and special guest Katie Goldin a simple question: If science is so smart, why are all dinosaurs Christian? We need to go through an exhaustive list of Creationism books to answe...r that question, and we don't get there! God: 1, Hot Dog: 0!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 1-900 HOT DOG 1-900 HOT DOG Our podcast slams with maximum hype Say HOT DOG podcast word Yeah When you taste that nitrate power You're in the dog zone for an hour Come on
Starting point is 00:00:22 You know the number 1-900 1-900 HOT DOG 1-900 HOT DOG 1-900 HOT DOG 1-900 HOT DOG 1-900 HOT DOG 1-900 HOT DOG
Starting point is 00:00:38 Yeah 9000 You're in the dog zone 9000 The weekly 1-900 HOT DOG podcast We have a website and a patreon We're funded by listeners like you I'm the internet's Sean baby from the online web And my co-host is Robert
Starting point is 00:00:54 The Wrong Way Brockway Krabaski Robert Brockway here's a Brockway fact I invented Heelys You know those shoes with the little wheels built in Not those A different thing No follow up questions God damn it
Starting point is 00:01:10 Well we're happy to welcome back our dear friend A brilliant writer and researcher For some more news and the host Of the creature feature podcast Our precious Katie did Katie Golden Hey guys Benvenuto from Italy
Starting point is 00:01:26 From America to Italy Benvenuto guys I love that guy Ciao Ciao come and stay I didn't know your Italian was that good You're like a local Un poco
Starting point is 00:01:42 I just I don't even understand it Without the hand gestures I need those I'm a visual learner Yeah are you gesturing? I mean they are pretty important Yeah So it's the middle of the night where you're at It's 9pm
Starting point is 00:01:58 So sure I guess that's not that late Italy's just starting to party I was a little baby If I was a stupid little baby With a bedtime of 9pm She's gonna go out after this Have lunch and take a nap and start drinking at like 4
Starting point is 00:02:14 That's right So what are you working on over there in Italy? I wasn't expecting this question This is how we banter I throw real fucking hard curveballs Yeah I mean it's mostly just Life Still doing my creature feature podcast
Starting point is 00:02:30 Doing my projects Trying to do some painting With gouache Paint Which is kind of like watercolor But it's thicker What are your subjects? And
Starting point is 00:02:46 New Italian then That's gotta be Italian New Italian men covered in insects Oh Very, that sounds really interesting It's niche but it Pays well Yeah I'd buy some
Starting point is 00:03:02 I'm down for some commissions The clients are willing to pay out the nose Just a little bit of insects on mine Chef with like full body Suit of Beatles is what I want I want just a beret the rest fully nude A beret of bugs Whatever you're feeling
Starting point is 00:03:18 Centipede, spiders, whatever Chef? What about like one ladybug On the nipple We're just covering the naughty bits One ladybug covering the naughty bits I want the opposite How big do you think ladybugs are?
Starting point is 00:03:34 Well let's see The size of one human naughty bits I might be revealing something about myself I look ridiculous naked So Why you're here today We're going to use your gifted And brilliant creature mind
Starting point is 00:03:50 To see if we can debunk Some of the myths I've learned from Or maybe science, I've learned from Creation science books Oh this is gonna be impossible It's pretty airtight Their science
Starting point is 00:04:06 So I read Six creation science books For years last night I read The great dinosaur mystery solved By someone in Ken Ham In 1998 Sorry, Ken Ham
Starting point is 00:04:22 Ken Ham He loves Ken Ham And he can ham So I didn't like this book Because about half it was appendix And the other half was bible quotes So I threw it out Then I read Exploring God's World
Starting point is 00:04:38 During the scientific mysteries of God's creation From the year 2000 Her name was Caroline Carroll So we've got Ken Ham And Caroline Carroll This book was mostly puns And it can absolutely fuck itself
Starting point is 00:04:54 And Michael and Caroline Carroll Can suffer forever in hell Then I read Dinosaurs of the Bible Barney And Beyond by Phil Phillips from 1994 And it's actually pretty good Phil Phillips We've got
Starting point is 00:05:10 Ken Ham Caroline Carroll And Phil Phillips And Phil Phillips This is like when somebody puts me on the spot to make up a name I just Bob Bob Bobbins
Starting point is 00:05:26 Is my name So I didn't like this one either Because even though it was great Phil Phillips spent his entire life battling against Satan In every form he takes Which is almost literally every form Including Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles The scientific method, whatever
Starting point is 00:05:42 So I figured this guy deserves his own Like episode if we're doing Phil Phillips So I eliminated him too So the three books on creation Science, Intelligence, Design I did include are, they're fantastic And in case I needed some era-specific context To decipher their very complicated science
Starting point is 00:05:58 I pulled three more books Not necessarily on dinosaurs, just on creation Science in general. So my brain is filled With Really bad, stupid shit right now You fucked up, this is a mistake You're not going to be able to fully unlearn this Parts of it for sure, but like 20 years from now
Starting point is 00:06:14 Some neuron will retain this And you will be like, yeah Tyrannosaurus are, they could talk They spoke Spanish and that's why God killed them He doesn't like that That's real, I think that was in at least four of these books I did not actually need These extra books on Creation Science
Starting point is 00:06:30 Because this stuff is very fluid Meaningless and beneath the contempt Of the dumbest third grader If you think there's anything at all to Creation Science Other than a few broken pieces of middle school Biology duct tape to God magic You're a fool, none of these books needed to be written Ignorance is smarter than this shit
Starting point is 00:06:46 So I guess Katie Are you familiar with this kind of stuff Apologetics, Intelligence, Design Yeah, a little bit, I mean I Didn't have a religious upbringing I was sort of raised By the forest Good
Starting point is 00:07:02 So I am A child of the woods So I don't I don't know Or I cannot conceive of religion My science is the sunlight Through dappled leaves But you can talk to butterflies
Starting point is 00:07:18 And I mean that's equal Yeah, exactly And so I But I have looked up Some intelligent design creationism Stuff online because it is Funny And there is one
Starting point is 00:07:34 Website I remember Where they have this picture of A human man Covered in Penises And the idea What's that website? What's that URL exactly?
Starting point is 00:07:50 I'm going to let me see Creationism Evolution man Man penises And you said you were open for commissions Like you could maybe paint that For me? I did find it
Starting point is 00:08:06 Covered in hissing cockroaches is kind of my thing Yes So So the Idea Is that They have actually A normal looking man called
Starting point is 00:08:22 Evolution man because His anatomy makes sense because God built him And God built you with 50 days Yes, his genitals are tastefully Covered with leaves As God dictates Because
Starting point is 00:08:38 As God dictates What's fun is that they're just Autumn leaves not like the big leaves So it's kind of fun and festive Thanksgiving themed naked man And then there's evolution man Evolution Vestigial
Starting point is 00:08:54 Dicks And he's got feet on his shoulders More dicks on his Like On his elbows I feel like I just have the link to this so I am Showing it to you it's too good to not
Starting point is 00:09:10 Thank you we'll put that in there Put notes So Yeah and then he's got like a On his body and he's very wide And stretched out and then he's got Like a couple of noodles growing out Under his underarms
Starting point is 00:09:26 So the Point of this is that if evolution Is just random mutations Shouldn't you just get a bunch of Penises on your arms Yes That's exactly right I did forget to mention his face
Starting point is 00:09:42 Is covered in a bunch of little Dicks which is cute Well as everybody knows The dick gene is extremely dominant If God wasn't here to keep it in check Everything in this world would just be dicks It is God's primary job To mitigate the rampant
Starting point is 00:09:58 Dick gene It is science I love that That is the essence of creation science really It's more designed to throw Enough doubt for a lunatic to point and say See look everything would be All dicks if God hadn't done this
Starting point is 00:10:14 For instance In the 1930s some people Found some human footprints in the same rock layers Dinosaur footprints in Texas You probably heard of this You heard about this You heard about this Monica Lewinsky you heard about this lady
Starting point is 00:10:30 Turns out they were wrong I can feel your chin through this The point is that There's no human footprints With dinosaur footprints and it was either a bunch Of people who were lying or very mistaken But every single one of these books Bring up that incident
Starting point is 00:10:48 The creation science version of proof Is someone making shit up 100 years ago But it also works as disproof So that's like The level of Proof we're dealing with I guess So if someone can draw a picture It's kind of like that
Starting point is 00:11:04 Is that kind of like that parable where it's like You're on the beach And then dinosaur Jesus carries you So there's only one set of dinosaur footprints That's Well the opposite of that But yes you're on the right track You're using it to disprove the theory
Starting point is 00:11:20 Whereas I'm using it to prove the theory But they're both equal and effective I think No I'm confused God damn I read too many I would rather walk with dino christ If that's the poll we're taking right now The point is all of this
Starting point is 00:11:36 Can be summed up in one sentence If everything's wrong and God Is magic and exists And that's it there's no reason to write a second sentence About any of this So If there was a second sentence it would be There would be dicks everywhere
Starting point is 00:11:52 Allow me to illustrate I love that That's a reasonable proof for them Like hey dude if evolution was real Wouldn't we look like this This is my idea of the perfect man And And they're not wrong
Starting point is 00:12:08 And that's the other thing about these guys Is their instincts are good Sometimes you're like it would be cooler If there were 50 dicks on your arm And dinosaurs And so you're like it's Sometimes you want to side with them But we're going to start with a book called
Starting point is 00:12:24 Dinosaurs and the Bible By Brian Thomas a very disappointingly normal name Could last forever You're sure it's not Brian What's column Tom Ham Ham Ham Ham
Starting point is 00:12:40 This was written in 2013 This is the most recent dinosaur bible book I have Which This is a couple years before some big paleontology moves So For example in 2015 I think Brontosaurus came back For many years we thought a patosaurus was
Starting point is 00:12:56 What we were supposed to call him and they're like you know what fuck it There's a different guy named Brontosaurus That guy his fan base is not catching on And Also scientists went feather crazy With the dinosaurs So this was sort of pre feather crazy But post feather theory
Starting point is 00:13:12 If you know anything about dinosaurs Or feathers then you probably know what I'm talking about I'm being very cagey Yeah they found some Evidence of that Dinosaurs a lot of dinosaur species Probably had feathers You know even things like
Starting point is 00:13:28 T-Rexes may have had feathers Juveniles And yeah so it's pretty fun And you know with a lot of colors A lot of fun things going on Yeah I like the fancy dinosaurs Like if we're voting to keep it I like the little You know Mardi Gras
Starting point is 00:13:44 Tyrannosaurus better I'm sort of Jurassic Park style I like my dinosaurs no feathers Like a Brazilian Parade like Carnival style Velociraptors that's what I like If you could accessorize with 50 dicks Then I'd be like okay
Starting point is 00:14:00 There's probably a nice variety Like there were probably still dinosaurs Especially adult dinosaurs That did not have Were not like covered in feathers Like I don't really necessarily buy Sort of the T-Rex is a giant chicken Kind of hypothesis
Starting point is 00:14:16 But definitely like baby T-Rex May have had this like downy Downy feathers which is I think adorable It'd be nice to pet them too There's a lot of benefits Okay so we've got two votes feathers One vote no feathers But I can get talked into it
Starting point is 00:14:32 So he introduces His book by saying Basically throwing Doubt on fossils in general He thinks that Basically all the fossils Alien discarded like Chicken bones that's my thing
Starting point is 00:14:48 Right a lot of theories get thrown around like that When I was a kid these people thought That there was That God put the bones there as like A trick to like test our faith I grew up in a religious house That's scamp But now
Starting point is 00:15:04 What's up YouTube it's me God Here's my news prank Left a bunch of old bones around Let's see how the humans do Oh my god they're totally buying it Oh my me I mean My name is 4 arm dick 50 50 50 Cam I'm here with
Starting point is 00:15:22 My react video of God's prank video Oh they're gonna They're gonna think those bones are real Oh god got them Jamie let's cut 70 layers of that bit I love how Like this version of God Who plants the fake fossils
Starting point is 00:15:38 Is just trying to trick Mankind into going to hell Like oh see see Are you interested in saying Gotcha now you go to hell You should have seen that God's work Coming classic God Yeah a little rascally God
Starting point is 00:15:54 I'm trying to follow along This guy's logic So this guy's his theory is that The bones Weren't put there as a prank But they're only like a thousand years old So he thinks Because again in the bible it says God made the world
Starting point is 00:16:10 Like in seven days And then later in the bible somebody's like Sort of casually references how like A dude for A god a day is like a thousand years So that became their standard And so they think that God made the world in a thousand years
Starting point is 00:16:26 Or seven thousand years And this is sort of a mad scramble To use their middle school biology To explain that Anyway I like that they capitulated a little They were like okay science you're right Seven days is ridiculous
Starting point is 00:16:42 We'll go to seven thousand years You've got to work with us there Right But if God is omnipotent Why would seven days Be ridiculous Right for a god I think it isn't
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's just that The theory doesn't work Like it's too easy to disprove that But it's harder to disprove seven thousand years Well not really But it's actually not though Like seven thousand years Would as well be seven days
Starting point is 00:17:14 When you are looking on the scale Of like millions and billions of years It's a nothing compromise It's like a ridiculous Why give anything at that point Well you guys Each have a point I think you might be right But
Starting point is 00:17:30 This guy Thought science was right Until he had a conversation When he was a science major in college This is a quote a non-science friend Is it true that a dinosaur Fossil is dated by the age assignment Given to the rock layer it's found in
Starting point is 00:17:46 But that this same rock layer is dated According to the million year age assignments Of the unique fossils it contains That's circular logic And this broke his brain That you can't use circular logic When God's law is real and the bible says
Starting point is 00:18:02 It's true so it must be true Because circular logic is bullshit So that's the intro That's just to let us You're setting me up for something That's just a window inside this author's head This guy Has a
Starting point is 00:18:18 Bachelor's degree in biology and a master's In biotechnology So that's um Apparently and then he's also From The institute for creation research I think is where he teaches or did teach And got those degrees I'm betting
Starting point is 00:18:34 I actually looked up their website And they don't offer those degrees so I think he has Secular degrees in science And Spoiler alert he is not Good at science like I feel like At no point in this book is Does this guy know more about science than me
Starting point is 00:18:50 And I just like studied in high school Uh so Uh Doesn't sound like it right um And anyway we'll We'll continue he hates the circular logic And so he kind of has this new spin That I get
Starting point is 00:19:06 Like that is not True the dating Of that that's that is In fact a lie like the way That you know Fossils and you know It is true that you can date things Through the sedimentary layers
Starting point is 00:19:22 But there you also are able to Determine the age Of rocks Through carbon dating we have And this was this book was written in 2013 right he could have googled yes And I'm really glad you brought that up because Uh he does say a lot of stuff
Starting point is 00:19:38 That's just wrong like he Acts like oh no here's what science says and then He gets it very very very wrong Yes I love the time frames on those when they're still Doing this in 2013 you're like those are the same Tactics we developed in like 1960 And it was fine in 1960
Starting point is 00:19:54 Because we didn't have All of the information Ever right at your fingertips in an instant you could pull this Game and like the game has to change Bro it's The con has to shift It does your notions 12
Starting point is 00:20:10 Now you have the same job will not work Like uh you know Uh when people tweet like Christians tweet this out a lot tim allen tweeted this Recently I mean not recently but like So it's true oh yeah no no I'm saying Tim Allen I'm not going with you over tim allen They'll tweet things like hey
Starting point is 00:20:26 If man evolved from apes how comes There's still apes and it's all shit You put that into google and it'll Tell you it'll tell you exactly why Did he make the ape sound after that Oh if he did then Fucking case close tim allen wins But uh he does
Starting point is 00:20:42 That thing where he sort of just adds a question mark To the end of something that's very very dumb And it's like that's that's fine That's that's the essence of creation Science you just you're just asking questions Questions that have been answered for hundreds of years But like still asking them there's still Some doubt right I'm going to quote from
Starting point is 00:20:58 Page 10 uh what exactly Was a dinosaur first they were reptiles Unfortunately unlike birds which all have feathers And man I agree I agree with you Katie Uh 2013 He should have been able to look up what a dinosaur Was uh
Starting point is 00:21:14 Birds which all have feathers and mammals which All have hair no reptiles Have no single trait that is totally Unique by which we can easily identify them We can say that they have scaly skin So do bird feet we can say they lay eggs But some do not and birds as well as some mammals Also lay eggs so the best
Starting point is 00:21:30 We can do is rule Out other classes of vertebrates To discern whether a creature is reptilian So um How sound does that sound to you Katie I noticed you said no a couple of times Yeah it's not great I mean first of all Birds are dinosaurs
Starting point is 00:21:46 So he's like classifying birds as a separate Group but birds Are actually Dinosaurs they are the last sort of Remaining dinosaurs On earth They were They basically branched off from
Starting point is 00:22:02 You know if you want to be really like If you want to give birds their own Category they are sort of like They evolved from dinosaurs But they are I think they're generally regarded as still being You know dinosaurs And dinosaurs
Starting point is 00:22:18 Are uh I mean first of all obviously not all mammals Have Fur or hair You know there are Plenty of marine mammals Such as citations Who really barely have any hair at all
Starting point is 00:22:34 Uh Mole rats and stuff there's plenty Well they could mole rats have some hair I mean if you're going to get technical about it How many dicks oh I got shut down I mean they have a tiny I would lose an argument to this guy I mean they do have They don't they have very little hair
Starting point is 00:22:50 That is true like they you know They have some whiskers and stuff but mostly no hair But uh the Yeah citations I mean You probably could find maybe some Sparse amount of hair On citations But even like you know
Starting point is 00:23:06 The thing that he's hitting on that Is somewhat true Is that it can be tricky to Form Classifications of animals And when you talk about fish Fish is a weird Term because there are a lot of
Starting point is 00:23:22 Fish that are more closely Related to humans than they are to Other fish because it's just such a huge Group of animals That are separated by You know many many Millions of years of evolution So you get you can get these weird
Starting point is 00:23:38 Classifications and He is also correct that dinosaurs Are a little bit strange because some of them You know some of them Are kind of different From others like some of them Were cold blooded but there is some evidence That some were warm blooded
Starting point is 00:23:54 And so yeah there is definitely Weird Weird kind of You know Different It is it is tricky to like classify Something like a group like dinosaurs And in fact some
Starting point is 00:24:10 Uh That we think of as dinosaurs Are actually not dinosaurs but Um But uh pterosaurs like pterodactyls Ketsocodilus Those were pterosaurs not dinosaurs So generally speaking
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yes but I mean to say that Uh you know You know that dinosaurs I mean dinosaurs are not Reptiles Uh or wait no they are Sorry sorry they are I guess technically reptiles
Starting point is 00:24:42 Um but like Modern reptiles And uh dinosaurs Evolved from like a common ancestor Right well I can Here's why you just lost that whole argument Uh the truth is very complicated And it took you a while with a lot of equivocation
Starting point is 00:25:00 To explain that but a real Confident lie is super simple Very fast You can come back and be just like Let me tell you Let me tell you how simple this guy makes it If god created something on day 6 It walked on land
Starting point is 00:25:16 And it counts as that If he created it on day 5 It flies So flying dinosaurs Uh like the ones you mentioned Pterosaurs uh Ketsocodilus Uh they're now called reptiles By scientists
Starting point is 00:25:32 But back then they were called You know flying dinosaurs And he just doesn't even know like the taxonomy And the point is Um The Hebrew word for bird Also means bats and pterodactyls According to this book
Starting point is 00:25:48 Uh anything that flies Got them And there's quote plenty of evidence That pterosaurs were around When people were around Because people talked about dragons a lot And like what else would that be Other than a fucking pterodactyl
Starting point is 00:26:04 All these books Talk a lot about dragons And how like the idea of dragons being in stories Is proof that we lived among the dinosaurs Yes these books Have moments of redness Um That whole spiel
Starting point is 00:26:20 With like education and facts And this guy's just like yeah but mine has dinosaurs And you lose We're actually probably alive When there were giant birds So Like uh terror birds And also Argentavis magnificens
Starting point is 00:26:36 Which was a huge Uh bird But that would be I think mostly in the Americas And Could you theoretically ride them? No I mean I don't think so I mean they were big enough Jamie let's edit that so Katie said yes
Starting point is 00:26:52 Absolutely yeah I would have been on your side You mean ride one on the ground Absolutely uh the terror bird Which was a flightless bird I mean you can ride ostriches Which are still alive But they would eat you I'm coming around to Katie again
Starting point is 00:27:08 You pulled me away I mean not me we'd establish a rapport We'd become fast friends Well here's some good news For people who love to ride dinosaurs On page 11 and 12 This guy talks about how dinosaurs were good Um
Starting point is 00:27:24 Because there was no predation Before sin There was plants they could eat And none of them wanted to eat anything else So all things lived in peace Until of course that That fucking idiot couple ate that Apple
Starting point is 00:27:40 Is that true? Is that something Christians believe That everything was vegan before Sin and And that makes eating meat a sin I don't think all Christians believe it but this one does That's a new kind I have not heard of that kind of crazy Congratulations
Starting point is 00:27:56 So Let's see I have in my notes Read paragraph 2 on page 13 Smug asshole I don't remember why I did this Um The discovery of fully functional flight
Starting point is 00:28:12 Features like the retractable Terroid bone And foldable wing construction Must disappoint secularists Since they have been searching for fossils To place onto an imaginary evolutionary path Of flight however Biblical creationists who believe the bible means
Starting point is 00:28:28 Exactly what it says when it describes how god Created each winged creature according to its kind Expected To find fully equipped fliers in the Fussles Checkmate Secular So there was some confusion
Starting point is 00:28:44 About whether or not these giant Terrorists were gliders or if they were capable Of flight And this guy's basically like The science adjusted to the new discoveries That's paleontologists discovered more bones And made smarter conclusions He's like
Starting point is 00:29:00 These fucking idiots they can't get anything right As soon as they figured out these things could fly They're like everything we know is wrong Checkmate They changed their minds With the evidence Right I do want to offer
Starting point is 00:29:16 An apology though Argentavis Magnificence Humans were probably not alive While the flying These were flying birds but whereas terror birds Think the terrestrial birds That would eat you up I think those were the ones that we were probably
Starting point is 00:29:32 Most of the ones that I could ride right Yes exactly I'm still on your side then Can Let's see what I just did I tried to put that really tactfully You tried to slip that in quiet while Everybody else was talking
Starting point is 00:29:48 Everybody's talking Let me wonder this out loud Can I fuck that big crazy bird I mean They do have a cloaca But I wouldn't recommend that Okay Fantastic
Starting point is 00:30:04 So On day five when God made all the Small animals or as I should Qualify the trinity made them And what that means is that God invented the animals Jesus Made them to be and then the spirit made it happen I don't know why he delineates these things
Starting point is 00:30:20 But it helps in the taxonomy of Animals which are day five animals And day six animals both of which are based On different words Several translations back Am I making sense Because I mean no but you know
Starting point is 00:30:36 So You've probably heard the word Heard the word whale right Yes If you backtrack a couple translations You get to a word that might have meant Dragon or sea monster So you see where Brian is going
Starting point is 00:30:52 There were totally dinosaurs and the Idiots who wrote the bible thought they might As well share a name with whales I guess So you got a dunk on those guys that Wrote the bible now to get your science Exactly you have to You're burning a lot of bridges here
Starting point is 00:31:08 Because it feels like if there's a dinosaur And a whale and I'm writing like the story Universe I'm going to Separate those two things This dinosaur is very Different than the whale No the people who wrote the bible Will just call it ocean thing
Starting point is 00:31:24 And they're like fine Idiots So he eventually explains how Dinosaurs became predators After the apple incident Yeah after sin because of sin gotcha So there was chaos There is a Q&A in this book
Starting point is 00:31:42 And we're going to see how good Either of you can answer these questions I'm going to ask them as they are Presented in the book How could Noah have squeezed The hundreds of different dinosaur species Onto the ark along with all those other animals God magic
Starting point is 00:31:58 How do you actually rank the kids? God magic God magic and shrink Those are both very good answers Invented by God Big That's shit We'll see if you're right
Starting point is 00:32:14 The answer is Noah's family Did not bring each species But two of each kind Now what he does here He admits the evolution Is kind of real but only post flood So he brings kinds of creatures And then they kind of breed with each other
Starting point is 00:32:30 Like you might get a liger Or a zorse He says that like There was some sort of prototype He brought a labradoodle A labrador and a poodle And made a labradoodle Yep, that counts as two dogs
Starting point is 00:32:46 And then he created all the Dog species and breeds after that Let me tell you I'm talking about species, I'm talking about kind You know the kinds of things There's horse kind There's frog kind And there's bird kind
Starting point is 00:33:02 And I think that's it Those are all three kinds So if you bring a horse kind You don't need any other type Because you already got that damage type covered You got horse damage You don't need a zebra damage You don't need a Neil damage
Starting point is 00:33:18 You got horse damage, it's covered Well he continues Paleontologists make careers Out of inventing species names But I don't know if that's true I don't think that's true I think that would be a great job That was true
Starting point is 00:33:34 I think he had like eight bucks A name, so like The dude who came up with The guy who did labradoodle Leaning back in his chair and being like What about Zirconflarex That's a cool name Just chasing the high
Starting point is 00:33:50 Of coming up He's the guy that came up with Tyrannosaurus And like his teens and he's just been chasing That high ever since Everybody thinks he's washed up That fucking wife came up with Argentinosaurus And he's like, God, I don't know why I let that woman Do anything
Starting point is 00:34:06 Utah, Utah Raptor That's nothing, that's just where I am Chuck Kingosaurus There were really only about 60 Different basic dinosaur kinds So 120 dinosaurs averaging The size of a sheep would have occupied A small corner of the vast vessel
Starting point is 00:34:24 Wait, averaging the size of a sheep I guess he brought babies Awww I guess they're very tiny dinosaurs Or maybe they were shrunk So God magic, shrinking and big boat You guys were exactly right I'm surprised that he didn't just say
Starting point is 00:34:40 Like he just brought the eggs You know Well That's a good idea I don't know why this brilliant biotechnologist Didn't think of that Question two How could Noah have
Starting point is 00:34:56 Fit enough food On board to feed all those voracious Dinosaurs for a whole year Just having fish So Fish and eggs Noah could have fed the dinosaurs Genesis one vegetarian diets
Starting point is 00:35:12 Which again, this is special plants that God invented At the dawn of time When they were peaceful I agree He's contradicting himself Did they save the herbivorous Dinosaurs I guess Or he like
Starting point is 00:35:28 Redverted them back I think after flood Everything that went on to the ark Went back to default Like he factory reset all of the morals So they're good guys again He may have even known which plant Products they preferred before the fall
Starting point is 00:35:44 Since Noah's father Lamech Could have talked with Adam about it Also reptiles are famous for Eating from food Dinosaurs probably ate less than the mammals Or birds on board I'd like the idea Of this moment
Starting point is 00:36:00 Where Where sin makes things eat meat now Because it's just It's such a good moment where you're God and explaining to Adam and Eve Like okay, well you just fucked up so bad That you see that thing, that eats meat now I love that
Starting point is 00:36:16 Good luck Anything that he can't explain It's just it's God magic But then he throws in Like well you know You only need like a snake Only needs to eat like once every few months So like
Starting point is 00:36:32 Dinosaurs are basically big old snakes So You can take whatever part of Science you want Or make up whatever you want Or say that the bible meant something different From what it said It's easy mode
Starting point is 00:36:48 It's science on easy mode Question three How could Noah have handled and husband Did such terrible toothy tyrants I'll tell you how I would have husband Did those tyrants It's like a box and you have them inserted Into the box and you get some good started gloves
Starting point is 00:37:04 And You just go to town You just fucking manually masturbate that tyrannosaur Oh my god, I've been on it I would say like a laser pointer Can you imagine Just like Cute little
Starting point is 00:37:20 Scampers running around After that laser pointer Snatching up your human children Once in a while it's adorable Well so we have laser pointers And manual masturbation The correct answer is It wasn't until after the flood
Starting point is 00:37:38 That God endowed animals including dinosaurs With a fear of man I think a lot of dinosaurs would be Afraid of man Well that's what he gave him After the flood he's like I'm going to make you all very afraid Of man. Perhaps this made their management Much easier during the flood
Starting point is 00:37:54 Meaning that you could just walk through The ark and they won't try to eat him I guess Just slap each of them in turn Did you know that T-Rexes could run really fast I did Yeah and I mean like What's cool is not only could they run fast
Starting point is 00:38:10 But they could run over long distances So if humans Were alive around the time of the T-Rex Is like we would have no advantage Over them because They could outrun us And they could outmarathon us So
Starting point is 00:38:26 Right but they're not allowed to eat you Unless you sin in front of them So as long as you obey the commandments Of God The first time you sin Yeah like you let a ball slip out You just like you both look at each other And are like oh fuck it's on now
Starting point is 00:38:42 The T-Rex give me like oh that's nasty I don't want to eat that Noah's father Lamech was actually old enough To talk to Adam and so he would have told His son Noah what Foods those T-Rex like to eat I think you're forgetting some of the important lessons We've already learned here guys you're just
Starting point is 00:38:58 I don't think you're taking this very seriously This is the final question that the book asks the reader How would the large dinosaurs like Diplodocus have fit The large dinosaur eggs I mean the right answer Is just the egg version Of it or the baby version
Starting point is 00:39:14 It's exactly The largest dinosaur egg is about the size of a football So even the big body behemoths Began small God would have Most likely selected sort of Juveniles Yeah it's so He eventually thought of egg but he didn't like go back
Starting point is 00:39:30 And fix the earlier entries Eggs It's too late I already typed this out on my Typewriter I can't go back and fix it Yes It's 2013 typewriter He absolutely typed this on a typewriter
Starting point is 00:39:46 I love that that was the right strategy Was just to figure out like a one working answer And stick with it until he got it Like he'll get there someday I honestly feel kind of foolish Trying to talk about the Like complexity Of classifying and sorting
Starting point is 00:40:02 Of animals earlier because I didn't realize That This is just going to turn into And then God magic Made sure the dinosaurs ate Vegetables And Adam told them what kind of Vegetables they liked
Starting point is 00:40:18 You thought you were going to be dealing with something A little bit smarter like still very stupid But in a smarter way Something that you know is like arguable But how do you just argue with like Well no he Got stuff and now they Vegetables and they're small
Starting point is 00:40:34 See Adam told him what kind of Salads the T-Rex likes And he likes to have His belly rubbed a certain way And that's science And how to call, you call them over By going pss pss pss Come on, come on sweet boy
Starting point is 00:40:50 Come on Now I want that Noah's Ark movie And if you swear it turns into Jurassic Park Now a lot of you probably are aware That dinosaurs no longer exist We call that extinction I mean there
Starting point is 00:41:06 There are birds so In my head but not my heart Well let me try to clear up some Misconceptions about the extinction If dinosaurs were really on the Ark and lived after the flood Then why do they no longer exist It was probably not an impact from outer space
Starting point is 00:41:22 That killed the dinosaurs as secularists Conjecture Other animals, dragons Of various forms Began filling the earth Immediately after the flood But people did not follow them at first Instead of obeying God's commands
Starting point is 00:41:38 To Noah Dragons started filling the earth After the flood Hell yeah they did We called it the time of dragons And that's kind of integral To the world building God was like first a big flood
Starting point is 00:41:54 And Dragons Well he says dragons in quotes meaning That these dragons are the Hebrew word for Flying thing Meaning pterosaurs And whatever Dragons
Starting point is 00:42:10 Dragons probably started filling the earth I mean If you think about it that's probably what happened He then Talks about a little Cryptozoology where he thinks That dinosaurs living today And
Starting point is 00:42:26 Man once they find one It's going to make secularists look so stupid For thinking dinosaurs are extinct Well no but I mean like a proper dinosaur Like a movie dinosaur Like the ones from the boat The bible boat Dragons
Starting point is 00:42:46 Okay so he sets out to disprove fossils For a while Scientists have a very biased and flawed World view Which is again one that involves God not making everything And so he sort of dances around different ways You can interpret evidence
Starting point is 00:43:02 And decides that the easiest Explanation is usually the best And there's no easier explanation than God made everything So It is just an endless collection Of force fields in an imaginary laser fight So I have
Starting point is 00:43:18 To read from his book but I think we're all We've all taken such a beating That we don't need to read anymore from this Um Yeah I got this guy's core ideas and I You know I like him I like him I like the dragon bits I like that you're Yeah I like that you're saying from dinosaurs
Starting point is 00:43:34 As long as you don't sin So I like that that gives us like a weapon Like a horror mechanic to use Uh Yeah he's got some good ideas Well I did want to read from page 31 It says During the years when Brontosaurus was considered
Starting point is 00:43:50 A valid dinosaur name common opinion held That sauropods the largest land creatures That ever lived were too bulky for their own skeletons To have supported their body weight Back then they reasoned that These giant four-footed supposedly Inadequate dinosaurs required a watery habitat To buoy their body's bulk
Starting point is 00:44:06 This idea better fits An evolutionary history where nature is thought To have invented creature features By blind trial and error Uh I just said they did a little shout out to kids Podcasts and I so wanted to include that But yeah so he has this theory That like since science sometimes
Starting point is 00:44:22 Had like misconceptions about dinosaurs That hey these dinosaurs are too big This must have sucked for them They probably had to sit in the water all day Again this has been more or less disproven Since that theory was Floated Uh
Starting point is 00:44:38 I guess his point is that Since science thought that at one point Evolution just makes A bunch of stupid shit And god doesn't do that Again I think it's the 50 dicks on your arm theory But we this is what's Funny about that is
Starting point is 00:44:54 With I mean first of all it is dicks So that is inherently funny but It is actually true that Evolution does result in Weird vestigial things Like dicks I mean there's I think something that needs to be
Starting point is 00:45:10 Probably most people understand this But it is one of the most Frequently misunderstood things about evolution And since like these are just random Mutations That you'll have And so everything is random And it's like well the mutation itself
Starting point is 00:45:26 Is random But the selection of that mutation What actually gets passed down Is absolutely not random It's driven by natural selection Uh and that can be From the environment From predators
Starting point is 00:45:42 From a need for uh you know some kind of Like environmental need It can even be sexual selection So it's sort of like You know you have The only random element is What happens with your DNA like the mutation that happens
Starting point is 00:45:58 But if that mutation Causes like your eyes to turn Into dicks You're not gonna probably Create or you will very much And we'll have a society Of uh dick-eyed people Dick-eyed wonderbeasts
Starting point is 00:46:14 Another reason you don't just have Like random like You would never have a mutation That turns your eyes into dicks because The way that Uh the way that like Embryonic development and Uh you know basically
Starting point is 00:46:30 You have certain Cells that can Transform into certain Body parts so like you can Sometimes have a mutation Where you have like an extra finger Or a webbing with your toes Uh but you're not gonna have
Starting point is 00:46:46 Like a hand Where your eye is supposed to be So Uh and it feels like this guy Should have known that uh Since he has a four year degree in biology I'm gonna just insist That uh that that's probably
Starting point is 00:47:04 From like his own like He started his own college like is the college The what's his name Brian Thomas Is it from Brian Thomas University You know BTU Uh it does not say where he got his Degree or his master's from So um he goes through and
Starting point is 00:47:20 He cites uh you're probably familiar With the behemoth which is something that Gets mentioned in the bible I am not uh and Oh well it's it's this Job um god's like hey Job the behemoth or the behemoth Yeah Job the behemoth he's great
Starting point is 00:47:36 He's a pro wrestler uh but no God said hey consider the behemoth He eats grass he's got legs like tree trunks He got a swing and tail And if I can make him then I must be Fucking fantastic right I'm paraphrasing Um so Christian scientists look at this
Starting point is 00:47:52 One passage of the bible where he says behemoth And they're like well he's obviously talking about dinosaurs Right like why else would you Yeah it's like an elephant Yes uh most regular people Assume it's a hippo because that's like The region uh hippo would have been the Biggest creature there
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yeah the swinging tail too very much For a hippo because they actually like Will helicopter their tails to fling Shit everywhere because they love doing that Yeah see that's an evolutionary Feature that's a that's a jack Sharks I mean how could I mean how
Starting point is 00:48:24 Could random mutation create such A perfect creature that flings it's shit Everywhere though Like if I'm not so great How did I create that thing look at it fling It's shit everywhere Fucking helicopter proof I'm the best
Starting point is 00:48:40 So um this This is brought up in every book About dinosaurs in the bible as like proof that They were these men were hanging out with Dinosaurs There's also a leviathan too Which is Oh I see you're saying it's a leviathan
Starting point is 00:48:56 As well I thought you skipped over Leviathan 2 Or the origin The revenge of leviathan Leviathan 2 is a prequel but that's That's the one we're talking about Son of leviathan So there's a leviathan in the bible that comes out
Starting point is 00:49:12 Of the water and it's just obviously A fictional sea monster He breathes fire And yet They still try to make it work Dude you know how like a bombardier beetle will like Shoot acid God could make something that fucking breathed fire
Starting point is 00:49:28 Bioluminescence That could explain his glowing eyes And like multiple heads what if it was just like two Crocodiles Like anything does just make it work What I don't get is like They're like God is magical But somehow I need to explain
Starting point is 00:49:44 Breathing fire with biology Just like Have the balls to say it's just God magic Yeah that's what I didn't get from The start too about the whole creation Is something like I get religion In the bible and just I choose to believe This other thing I don't fully
Starting point is 00:50:00 Get it but I some people do that And I understand it I don't get Where your place is in this world That you're like I want to Try to like make a lot of concessions That are going to make Christians unhappy And also will not win me any respect From scientists like what the fuck
Starting point is 00:50:16 Just why It seems like It's got to just be like early era trolls Like they just must love frustrating people Because I do feel vaguely frustrated Reading these books When I say vaguely I mean very I was furious reading these books
Starting point is 00:50:32 In a good way In the way that I've chosen to live my life Another thing he talks about is the Nachash Seraph I'm not sure I'm saying that right But there's these poisonous snake monsters From numbers 21 If you want to look this up
Starting point is 00:50:48 So God sent them to kill the Israelites And then Moses saved everyone By putting up a little snake statue Because these were like snake monsters And when they bit them they got poisoned A lot like a regular snake But Moses made a little snake statue And if you looked at it you get cured
Starting point is 00:51:04 So most people read this in the bible And they're like yeah those are snakes But this guy's like come on don't be stupid Like Let me read his exact quote Most assume they were ordinary snakes But that doesn't make sense Of all the biblical data
Starting point is 00:51:20 If that were the case Could the people have simply stepped out of the way While descending a desert trail recently My right foot came within an inch Of a huge western diamondback rattlesnake It is amazing how fast Even an exhausted person can move When he suddenly encounters a venomous serpent
Starting point is 00:51:36 I imagine that the ancient Israelites Were at least as agile as I am This and other clues open the possibility That the animals in numbers 21 were flying Serpents So he's going to sound crazy But he thinks No one has ever been bitten by a snake
Starting point is 00:51:52 No it's never happened I don't even know I'm so nimble that I can defeat any and all snakes With my agility Surely Ladies the Israelites Were as agile as me So he takes that agility
Starting point is 00:52:08 He got out of the way of a snake He decided this can't be snakes He decides it's a dimorphodon Which is a very big Very big dinosaur He could have been any flying reptile But he's like no no no I'm going to just call it dimorphodon
Starting point is 00:52:24 Probably a safe bet He also gives examples from history Like French naturalist Pierre Ballon He described weird things That definitely weren't dimorphodons But you know what Maybe dimorphodons Explain more than you think
Starting point is 00:52:40 There's another story in the Bible About a guy that gets swallowed by a whale And this is going to sound crazy Joey in the whale or something Yeah Joey Joey beans in his whale adventure So he suggests that That might have been a dinosaur
Starting point is 00:53:00 Why not But what? At the end That's another good point It's not any different Well he's When you're trying to make dinosaurs happen And the only source of data
Starting point is 00:53:20 Is the Bible Like you've got to just desperately grab For whatever the Bible says And the Bible never says dinosaurs But it does say whale a couple of times So that's probably it And poisonous snakes And they were
Starting point is 00:53:36 Giant flying reptiles I choose to believe Thomas Every time they say Thomas They meant dinosaur It's not off the cuff Just read the Bible right now And it mentally inserts dinosaur Every time the word Tom
Starting point is 00:53:52 The name Thomas comes up And it works The King James King James might have had a friend named Thomas Who was known as Thomas the dinosaur So he brings up a lot of Like a lot of these people do He brings up a lot of pre-scientific method mistakes
Starting point is 00:54:08 As evidence for how science is wrong Like all the time People used to think that rotten meat made maggots Science People are dumb Actually what's funny about that Funny about that is that The rotten meat making maggots thing
Starting point is 00:54:24 Was like One of the first really good science experiments Because It was They put a jar with some meat in it Without a cover And a jar with some meat in it With a cover
Starting point is 00:54:40 And then lo and behold, only the uncovered one Got those maggots on it And that was a really early Science experiment where you had Two, you know, the control And then it's like So these maggots must be coming From
Starting point is 00:54:56 The air I mean, what's funny is You could draw the conclusion that You need oxygen to create The meat maggots But, you know, nevertheless They were zeroing in on the truth here Exactly
Starting point is 00:55:12 That was a real bad example To bring up when you're trying to disprove The concept of science The meat must have sinned This meat Was a filthy pervert And that's why it tracks maggots Yeah, it all works
Starting point is 00:55:28 He spins this wheel for about 20 pages, which I will not Bother with, but yes, he basically Is like, since mistakes exist The Bible must be correct And That's kind of how he just Spirals off into nothing
Starting point is 00:55:44 Oh, I did want to correct one thing I said so that creationists Don't like jump on my dick and get really mad It's not necessarily Carbon dating used for Things like that are always Dinosaur fossils, it's radiometric dating Using different types
Starting point is 00:56:02 Of isotopes Because, you know Believe it or not That does come up in these books a lot Because carbon dating only goes back Whatever, 44,000 years And they're like, how do they do that? Because they use different
Starting point is 00:56:18 A different thing But yeah, I just didn't want to get Like, well actually Carbon dating only goes back God, can you imagine? I can Have you had creationists like Hassley on Twitter?
Starting point is 00:56:34 No, not really, I've only had Someone get mad at me for mentioning That vaccines work Well, I mean The science is still out on that I feel like we've done a lot of Dunking on These gentlemen, so I want to switch
Starting point is 00:56:50 From dinosaurs in the Bible Because 10 years earlier than that Book, a man named Ralph O. Munkaster That's a good name We got Ken Ham Caroline Carroll
Starting point is 00:57:06 Phil Phillips Phil Phillips Ralph O. Munkaster Brian Thomas And Ralph O. Munkaster So this Ralph O. Munkaster Wrote a book called
Starting point is 00:57:22 Dinosaurs and the Bible Now, he hits on many of the same points As Brian Thomas did in his book Dinosaurs in the Bible He says that there's How else would they know how to paint Dinosaurs on pots? Brian didn't bring this up, but there's a lot of pots
Starting point is 00:57:38 That have like monsters on them He's like, well this is very fucking obvious That ancient Greeks had dinosaur pets He also admits that maybe Maybe they also found some dinosaur bones And like went from there Or maybe they just drew red monsters That had nothing to do with their lived lives
Starting point is 00:57:54 It might be that life He does a whole bunch of both sides So he just sort of offers up Yes, I do that a lot too I've never met a unicorn But I draw them all day long He offers up these theories Of how everything is wrong
Starting point is 00:58:10 And he was born just a couple generations too late To have a best friend dinosaur Which again, I appreciate, I love this If you actually believed that and how crushing it would be I would write this book too I would be so fucked up by it I wonder if they're less like religious Fanatics and more dinosaur fanatics
Starting point is 00:58:26 And their dream is to somehow Have a dinosaur pet and so they have To believe that maybe At some point it was possible It's got to be it Because I feel like dinosaurs Are very rad and you want to believe In dinosaurs and the bible says
Starting point is 00:58:42 We don't have those that didn't exist You're like, okay, I gotta fucking reconcile this But these people took that extra step To be like, not only did they exist They would have been so fucking peaceful And we could have just Husbanded them all day But Ralph O. Munkaster has a
Starting point is 00:59:00 Sort of a different take on good Like in the other book, Brian Thomas was like Okay, dinosaurs were good until Adam and Eve ate the apple And you could just hang out with them This guy says that dinosaurs exist In a different morality as humans And it was okay for them to eat things Including other dinosaurs and still be considered good
Starting point is 00:59:16 So, oh, I get it I get that immediately So that's why there are dinosaurs in heaven Yes, so So he could still hang out with the dinosaurs Because they made it to heaven Hell yeah, that's so much Different dinosaur religion
Starting point is 00:59:32 Where it's like, sure though I shall kill, why not But that's okay for them So we'll be with them in heaven Oh, that's such a like If a six year old said that I would just, I would think it was the most Precious thing in the world
Starting point is 00:59:48 This is so cute when you think of it Coming out of the mouth of a child Of like, oh no, dinosaurs are still good Because they're allowed to kill So he has some different theories On how they got all the dinosaurs on the boat as well His first theory is, they didn't They wanted to stay before the flood
Starting point is 01:00:08 And he's, again, he also thinks There wasn't a meteor impact He thinks it was a mini flood Before the big flood and that killed only the dinosaurs So that by the time Manoa was making His boat for his flood The dinosaurs were dead It flooded from like seven to ten feet
Starting point is 01:00:24 In the air Was this like a Simba situation Where someone tricked all the dinosaurs To go into a gorge And then like flooded it It is very funny you say that Because he uses a bunch of dinosaur skeletons All in the same spot as proof
Starting point is 01:00:40 That like, that must have been what happened He's like, why are there so many species of sauropods In this one fossil that Katie, you're an excellent creationist You're a fantastic Apologeticist Yeah, I love that Like the dinosaurs are having there
Starting point is 01:00:56 It's like, well, it's time for our dinosaur Convention It's like a privately located gorge Where they're supposed to be Sunny today, but I do see some rain clouds Real quick, anybody learned To swim? No? Oh, we keep meaning to get on that
Starting point is 01:01:12 Yeah, well, then how does that Explain all the aquatic dinosaurs Dying? They all dodged that I looked that up in all of these books And not a single one of them Has any thoughts on why we do not have Whatever, mosasaurus or plesiosaurus
Starting point is 01:01:28 Seems like they should have been able to survive His other theory on how He got them all on the boat Is maybe babies or eggs Could have solved the problem, let me read from page 32 In light of what we've just seen It seems reasonable to suggest That baby dinosaurs were taken aboard
Starting point is 01:01:44 The ark, after all The reptiles of today have a slow metabolism And a growth rate slower than other animals Such as mammals, so conceivably They would still be small after their one year voyage On the ark had passed Researchers who have studied the metabolism Of dinosaurs have discovered, however
Starting point is 01:02:00 That it differs substantially from the metabolism Of today's reptiles, in fact They have concluded that dinosaurs had a metabolic Growth rate similar to that of mammals Most mammals reach 100% of their full growth Potential within a year, hence boarding baby Dinosaurs would not solve The space problem inside the ark
Starting point is 01:02:16 The only solution would be if God Had provided a special state of suspended Growth through hibernation During the period of the flood So, he got there Why do you even care about biology at that point If it's like, you know If it's God magic, why
Starting point is 01:02:32 God created dinopods For the ark But yeah, why You're setting up your own hurdles And then just running into them over and over again Just don't set up the hurdle, man It's fine, just go for a walk It's super easy
Starting point is 01:02:48 Ralph had his own take on the behemoth Situation too, which again, they all bring that up He sets out to prove that the behemoth is a dinosaur He admits it sounds a little bit like an elephant But he made a spreadsheet To, like, work it out So, um The characteristics in the bible are
Starting point is 01:03:04 Feeds on grass, and now a brachiosaurus An elephant and a hippo, all of them feed on grass Check, check, check It has strength in its loins All of them, yes, yes, yes Power in muscles of belly Yes, yes, yes Tail sways like a cedar, uh oh
Starting point is 01:03:20 Elephant lies under a lotus plant Sorry, brachiosaurus, you're out too Hidden in marsh reeds, again, just the hippo So by the time he's done with all 12 characteristics He's definitively proven This thing was a hippo And he really didn't want it to be Did not want to do that, he really fucked that up
Starting point is 01:03:36 But again, we can't go back There's no such thing as a second draft There's, you can't just redo something So one thing I've learned from all of your book collections Is that lunatics have never invented The second draft, like it would change everything If they did He thinks that the leviathan
Starting point is 01:03:52 Was probably just a crocodile Uh, that Breathe's fire was just like a probably A steamy breath coming out of his nose That's a jump Like even for an idiot He discusses He discusses whether or not
Starting point is 01:04:08 Dragons were dinosaurs a lot Probably since, um He seems to think that dragons were a symbol For satan, so when the bible says dragons It actually means satan Not poorly described, Quetzalcoatlis So inverse property true than satan Is a dragon, because I'll accept that
Starting point is 01:04:24 Because of that rules Yeah, that's sort of his take on it And he actually wraps his book up A lot better than brian He like has a real conclusion page Um, so here it is on page 42 The second to the last page Which again, great job
Starting point is 01:04:40 Only 43 page book He knew that the shit was easy Get in and get out Um, so number one Dinosaurs did not exist in the roman empire During the general time of jesus Evidence indicates that study of dinosaur fossils Was already flourishing in the region at this time
Starting point is 01:04:56 Okay Uh, so they did not exist during the time of the prophets About 700 to 400 bc Uh, or during the time of moses Uh Or during the time of abraham And they're not specifically mentioned In the bible
Starting point is 01:05:12 So I don't know why he wrote this book Uh, his conclusions ended up sort of disproving Uh, the entire theory Of dinosaurs and man cohabitating Uh, bad mistake For ralph among caster It seems like he didn't want that to happen Wound up at the end of it like, oh man
Starting point is 01:05:28 You gotta give him some credit For like sticking with it Though like, oh, turns out I was, I was wrong But god God still, you know He still made those cool dinopods though I'm pretty sure
Starting point is 01:05:44 Yeah, I still think he gave him that hibernation Yeah, I'm gonna bet his life didn't change after I bet he was still a creationist I bet he proved himself wrong at the end of that And was just like, huh Well, clearly I've fucked up somewhere in there Gotta, oh, I'll add another one I'll do this again, I'll work through this again
Starting point is 01:06:00 Sitting next to his typewriter Drinking some hard liquor Staring off into space like, my god What have I done No, you know what, this is a problem with the typewriter Well, let me read his actual I'm gonna get a different typewriter and try that again I wanna be fair to Ralph and read his actual conclusion
Starting point is 01:06:16 Well, we can't be sure what god had in mind with dinosaurs We can be certain That he placed them on earth at one time in history As part of his loving provision in creation Furthermore, we know that Dinosaurs have nothing to do with the salvation That god has graciously offered to human beings So, I mean, that's like, just
Starting point is 01:06:32 But they're all in that They're irrelevant Because they don't follow the same rules as us Wouldn't they be in hell though If they were pre-salvation Well, I mean, he allowed for a dinosaur To choose its own path So I think
Starting point is 01:06:48 I think the way that works is they would all be in limbo And then they would get the choice Once Jesus came along Yeah, too many people would want to go to like Hell, I guess, if there were dinosaurs In hell, because that'd be rad I think they were good and bad dinosaurs So, you know, Elvis is up there
Starting point is 01:07:04 And he's writing No, he's down. Elvis is in hell Writing dinosaurs in hell It's like a Flintstone situation You like ride down the tail of Brontosaurus Right into brimstone fire But like John Denver John Denver is certainly in heaven
Starting point is 01:07:20 Writing just a bitch in Stegosaurus I'd love it if the Stegosaurus Had the little John Denver glasses also It clearly does This next book Comes from 1990 By someone named David Unfred Oh my god, these
Starting point is 01:07:38 So not Fred Here's the thing, though Creationists Except for Brian, what's his name All have the best names Uh-huh Fantastic names One more time with that name
Starting point is 01:07:54 David Unfred So his last name is Unfred He's the anti-Fred Or like sort of decaf Like where you take the caffey now Maybe he unfred in itself He used to be David Fred He skimmed the Fred out
Starting point is 01:08:12 Waitress This David S. Fred Is this full Fred? I specifically said I cannot do full Fred Can you strain out the Fred? Katie, you want to guess what this book is called? We'll steal it Dinosaurs
Starting point is 01:08:30 Jesus's best friends Is it called Dinosaurs in the Bible? This book is called Dinosaurs in the Bible So uh All three books Yes, yes All of them This one opens up with a quiz about the behemoth
Starting point is 01:08:50 And all of the things that the behemoth had Including eating grass and the swing tail And basically just decides You must know it's a dinosaur It's just like here you go Swing tail eats grass What's the first thing you think about? Dinosaur, right?
Starting point is 01:09:06 Now he writes Here is an important lesson There is only one way that we can know anything For sure about the prehistoric That's quotes past From an eyewitness account Someone who was there has to tell us what happened The best eyewitness
Starting point is 01:09:22 Is someone who is fully knowledgeable And truthful God himself is our best eyewitness Now it doesn't get any better than that That's a hell of a premise to lay out He Also talks about dragons As proof
Starting point is 01:09:40 Sure, like dragons obviously mean dinosaurs And he brings the full weight of logic To the case Let me see At the time of the great worldwide flood God told us that he saved at least two of all kinds Of land animals on the ark Does this mean that dinosaurs know his ark?
Starting point is 01:09:56 Yes, at least one pair of each kind of dinosaur Was on the ark And he cannot lie So this book just rules He disproves Darwin I think with Every logical fallacy you can Have
Starting point is 01:10:12 This is at least the confidence That all you know shattered Darwin's quote Darwin's quote new idea About how life began Convinced many people who chose not to believe in creation But not Sir Richard Owen In fact, Professor Owen became a strong warrior
Starting point is 01:10:28 Against evolution His vast knowledge of fossils told him that there was no evidence For one kind of animal changing into another kind And he would still be correct Today Almost 150 years later, no fossil evidence For evolution has ever been found Now, my research
Starting point is 01:10:44 My research has shown differently But God can't lie You don't even believe me or him You don't even really need fossil evidence One of the cool things About Darwin's work is The infamous Darwin's finches Which were a trained troop
Starting point is 01:11:00 Of finches that Darwin had Who would peck out the eyes Of his critics No, they were the He glued beaks onto dragons I remember this from the Bible The finches That were observed
Starting point is 01:11:16 And Their beak shapes Would change not over Millions of years, but Generationally, depending on The frequency of Different Seed types
Starting point is 01:11:32 You could actually observe this Over the course Of decades Not millennia Which is really interesting It was one of those things that showed that Well, it's true Most significant evolution occurs
Starting point is 01:11:48 Over a massive time scale But it also does occur Like on a shorter time scale Sometimes when the change is Subtle And it has The driving force behind it is so Stark
Starting point is 01:12:04 Such as really forcing these birds To specialize more in a certain type of seed Well, let me see if this changes your mind On page 14 David unfred asks What day were the dinosaurs made? God tells us in the Bible that he made the universe In every living thing in six days
Starting point is 01:12:20 God could do this because he is omnipotent Meaning all powerful, his power is not limited God made all of nature from nothing He could have made the world in six seconds Or six billion years, but he didn't He took six days God tells us why he took this long In the Bible book of Exodus
Starting point is 01:12:36 God is speaking directly to Moses So I just want to like clear things up That like he could have just done whatever the fuck he wanted This is what he did, so suck it Darwin, and you're little fictitious This is what we've been asking for the whole The whole time though with those other books Like why are you equivocating? If it's God magic
Starting point is 01:12:52 Just say it's God magic, and finally Finally the unfred comes in here And he's just like, hey, fuck you It's God magic If you've got that tool Use that tool, why are you in a slap fight When you have a gun, just bring the gun He explains
Starting point is 01:13:08 Footprints, fossilized footprints As magic gods Which um, I don't know How else to put it Magic guns, man Perhaps, why then Have some dinosaur tracks turn to rock Perhaps this was an ordinary mud over which
Starting point is 01:13:24 The dinosaurs walked or ran In fact, this is true The mud churned up and laid down by the flood Contained many special minerals As the mud began to dry, these chemicals Helped to harden the mud into rock In the same way that concrete hardens So there you go
Starting point is 01:13:40 A little bit of magic God cement He spends a lot of the book Talking about like A pterosaur that some rail workers found In 1856 And a sea lacanth that someone fished up in 1938 1977
Starting point is 01:13:56 Some Japanese boat fished up a plesiosaur And of course there's a Oh, I never heard of that Yeah, no, it's totally real Someone dug up like a half a whale And it was just all mangled And some fishing boat was holding it up You might have seen the picture
Starting point is 01:14:12 Someone was like, yeah, that's definitely a dinosaur But it was just like a wad of Whale wad Classic whale wad It does look a lot like Like at the corpse of a plesiosaur So anyway, if Something makes scientists look bad
Starting point is 01:14:30 This unfred guy believes anything And I want to read his conclusion It's pretty fantastic Basically he talks about how the flood Killed everything and then made mountains Out of the remains as a Yeah, it's pretty
Starting point is 01:14:48 It's pretty fantastic Let's go Basically as a reminder of his Terrible judgment So he says God is patient His judgment will destroy the universe And everything in it, not with water
Starting point is 01:15:06 But with fire Even so, he patiently waits For all who will come to him God is love Our podcast is coming out And with Maximal and Chow Say, Frankfurt podcast Correct
Starting point is 01:15:38 Yeah The practice is not done without Send it to the dog zoo for an hour Come on, you can do it One hundred One hundred, Frankfurt One million new One hundred, Frankfurt
Starting point is 01:15:54 One hundred One hundred One hundred, Frankfurt One hundred One hundred One hundred Rev Chase McPherson likes medium length
Starting point is 01:17:02 Beach drives Okay, yeah, alright You get that one Chris Brower Dan B D. Costello Donald Finney Dr. Awkward likes horseback riding
Starting point is 01:17:18 On the beach, see that's how you do it Chase McPherson, that's how you do it We got Erichs Balvin Jello Ho Hambone, fucking loves the beach Their words, their emphasis Harakka
Starting point is 01:17:34 Hartfart Jacob Thornberg would make a love to the beach If only society would allow it Okay John Dean John McCammond John Minkoff, Josh S Ken Paisley is the beach
Starting point is 01:17:50 I'm not following on that one, Ken Oh, he's doing a beach impression now That's actually really good K&M Laziest man on Mars Mark Matt Riley races the beach to the horizon Every night and will do so until
Starting point is 01:18:06 He catches her Hey, that's beautiful Michael Lair Michael Wells Mike Stiles Moju NDE Neil Bailey writes, if you cut me
Starting point is 01:18:22 Is it sand? He's gutting himself now Good lord, it is sand, masterfully played Neos Schaefer Nick Ralston Nick H Ozzy Olin Patrick Herbst has just legally changed
Starting point is 01:18:38 His name to Beach McSlop I get beach, is there a significance To McSlop? No, he's shaking his head No Rain Vargas Rhiannon Sarkowski Spotty Reception just bought the beach
Starting point is 01:18:54 And no other contestants are allowed on it Baby, if you like the beach There is one game in town Ted H has just murdered Spotty Reception and stolen the beach team Looking back, this one was inevitable Tim Ilehi Toasty God has dynamite and a dream
Starting point is 01:19:12 Won't you make a new beach? Together? If that doesn't work on them Toasty God Tom Segula Tommy G Yosarian And our stunning star, the center of all This attention and deserves every bit of it
Starting point is 01:19:28 The gorgeous, the talented Jaybur Al Aiden Whose turnoffs include The Beach Oh, but wait, turn-ons? Dynamite, we gotta match, let's love Supreme folks!

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