The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 75, Is Anime Wrong? ...with Lydia Bugg!

Episode Date: May 25, 2022

Brockway likes anime, but does not trust it. So he tricks Seanbaby and guest Lydia Bugg into watching the worst PG-13 anime he could find, and then asks the question: "Is it wrong, to like anime?" The... answer may surprise you! It's yes!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 1900 charges A number hidden Just someone's Uuuhhhhhh 心開け そう口も開けて 満たされる 怪しいイングディエンス
Starting point is 00:00:37 イングディエンス 手を取り走り出そう 始まりの地へ 動くなら ミストラリで お腹を満たそう オッダークはリアルなの それとも理由なの
Starting point is 00:00:55 でも関係ないよ 幸せなら それでいい 答えはすぐそこ 研究客のアッダーク 秘密のナンバー のことに移し去 全国のアッダーク
Starting point is 00:01:17 僕らのナンバー おのかだとどうしきつく おのかだとどうしきつく 1900 hot dog Hi, I'm the internet's me and website has been kidnapped by anime week dogzone 9000 is no exception
Starting point is 00:01:41 are you a bad enough dude for Brockway because that's his intro here's Brockway here's a Brockway fact I thought I was hosting today we run a tight ship here tight ship, hey if you want to host take it from the top
Starting point is 00:01:56 let's do multiple hosts was that your intro or are you all done did you have more bits do the rest of your bits I have no more I was going to introduce our very special anime week
Starting point is 00:02:05 episode guest do that let's do it and again sorry about anime week but today we have our own beloved weekly columnist she loves pumping fakes
Starting point is 00:02:16 and smashing cakes Lydia bug hello again I'm here again I won't say thank you for having me alright ready we're going to do second intro
Starting point is 00:02:27 here we go this is the dogzone 9000 the official podcast of 1900 hot dog America's last comedy website I'm the giant robot who is also your mom Robert Brockway and with me is the beefcake
Starting point is 00:02:38 who can summon a second beefcake to stop time Sean baby and of course the talented and wonderful woman who can turn other women into swords Lydia bug yes hi
Starting point is 00:02:49 I am here and now listeners you can pick and choose which one you like better we're leaving both yours was nice yeah let's leave them both in why not
Starting point is 00:02:58 yeah yeah I like the sword thing it's a choose your own adventure at home my notes say for this part of the show banter what do yours say like let's
Starting point is 00:03:09 I wanted to ask since it is anime week again I'm sorry about anime week to you too on the podcast but also to the listeners at home it's it's not something I thought I would have to
Starting point is 00:03:21 apologize for but as we will soon come to realize yes it is I just wanted to know like this was your first choice you're like I won't have to apologize for this my first choice is the most awful thing that's ever been we're getting into it
Starting point is 00:03:33 we're waiting we're going to enjoy this time that we have away from it as long as we can Mike's white notes for just what's like your experience with anime Lydia what do you know about anime do you watch anything
Starting point is 00:03:45 have you watched anything I've watched a few like of the really popular things like cowboy bebop of course I've seen and I think it's great I've seen when I was a kid
Starting point is 00:03:55 I watched Sailor Moon and the other day for some reason my husband asked me like what's Sailor Moon about and I had to try and describe the plot to him and I realized just how
Starting point is 00:04:04 bonkers that show is from what I can remember which I don't know if it's correct but haven't watched it I never I always like at that era it was definitely when I was like
Starting point is 00:04:14 very young kid to teenager and I didn't watch it I watched like Dragon Ball Z instead but my wife had me watch all of Sailor Moon and I got totally hooked
Starting point is 00:04:23 it's so bonkers it's the craziest god damn show yeah it's like aliens and reincarnation all kind of mixed into one thing and it's and there's like the whole
Starting point is 00:04:33 kind of Buffy the Vampire Slayer ask like child who appears from nowhere who's like a key to another dimension if I'm remembering it right I believe she is the moon yes I believe that's what the Sailor Moon is
Starting point is 00:04:46 it's great everybody should watch that show yeah but other than that I do not watch much anime yeah so you're like medium anime you're like the normal person
Starting point is 00:04:56 today anime you know a couple of things about it not much Sean what's your anime what's your anime experience oh wow anime resume I grew up as a comic book illustrator
Starting point is 00:05:09 and so I really tried to enjoy anime because I sort of like maybe not the anime style but I love the western artists inspired by anime style like Joe Madderera and Ed McGinnis and so I was like
Starting point is 00:05:21 let me try to get these guys's influences and try to understand them and so like I saw Akira which I think everyone saw and then Ninja Scroll which I actually sort of enjoyed there's a Street Fighter 2
Starting point is 00:05:33 the animated movie anime that kind of fucking rules and then everything I tried after that annoyed the shit out of me I just I couldn't stand it I had a roommate in college who worked at a comic book store who brought home anime every night
Starting point is 00:05:44 and I just tried so hard to like it never could do you remember anything that you tried that you hated oh jeez probably everything the thing you gave us to watch for sure yeah
Starting point is 00:05:58 I mean like from that era like in your early times was he like I brought home I don't know fucking Naruto or something yeah probably after the time when I'd really tried
Starting point is 00:06:07 Vampire Hunter D I feel like I watched the first Dragon Ball before it was a Z and I was like this is almost cute I remember being so bored by that just like I couldn't believe anyone liked this shit
Starting point is 00:06:19 it's really funny to me that like I assumed that you liked anime like if we're going to have an anime week I mean I'm kind of a nerd in a lot of ways yeah I just I feel like how did we end up having an anime week probably just bully everyone in okay yes
Starting point is 00:06:36 yes that's exactly what happened well I feel like my love of irony like doesn't translate because it feels like real normal anime is already very very strange to like my sensibilities and so then someone says no you got to see like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Starting point is 00:06:50 it's totally crazy I'm like yeah but it's all totally crazy so what's the what's the foil it's playing against I don't speak the language so if you say nonsense in that language it's just the same thing yeah like I don't understand what's a pun and what's a bad joke
Starting point is 00:07:05 and what's a good joke and what's a total failure that's perfect see that's perfect and that's kind of what I assumed like that's perfect that you're an anime of anime from way back and it's kind of what I assumed because at least coming out of this now you can be like
Starting point is 00:07:20 okay that was bad that was a bad anime and now I have a baseline for the rest of the things because now you can differentiate between other anime and what I've given you this week I don't think it's hard to differentiate between this and anything else that is bad
Starting point is 00:07:35 yeah I don't need any context to know that this is bad alright well before we get into it and we're going to get into it no matter how hard you try to get away Lydia is there anything you want to plug before we get started uh
Starting point is 00:07:50 uh yeah I mean I work for a really cool website called where I recently wrote an article that I really liked about how on the show Brideszillas the brides get mad and punch their wedding cake like every three episodes
Starting point is 00:08:06 and it's one of my favorite things ever it's like a weird yeah I really liked writing that and it's a thing that I thought like everyone knew until I was talking to my friends I was like the TV trope were on Brideszillas they always punch their wedding cake and she was like what
Starting point is 00:08:22 and then I was like oh god I gotta inform everyone of this I think the article is great but I think we did a disservice by having gifts because you gotta watch like a clip of that I went and looked up a clip of that there's like a smack when they punch a wedding cake when you punch a good cake
Starting point is 00:08:38 it's just like oh that is satisfying that's a cake it's so satisfying I looked up I was doing the graphics for that and I was gonna do like the cute little ad at the end of the article so I googled smashing cakes just kind of as the start just to sort of
Starting point is 00:08:54 visually inspire myself and I realized that smash cakes are a thing that you give to babies for like if it's a one year old's birthday you make a tiny little cake just so the baby can fuck it up and someone in the comment section explained to this whole phenomenon and said smash cake is what you give to a baby
Starting point is 00:09:10 and the article is that it's very clearly staged like here's the wedding cake but then here's also like a tiny little wedding cake over here just for the star of this TV show to smash and so they made the point that that's kind of like a smash cake for a baby like this stupid bride
Starting point is 00:09:26 comes in and gets her own little baby cake to smash and I thought that was so funny so I don't even know what I'm talking about I really love smashing cakes and here's like a way to enjoy it on a higher level yeah the comment section for that one yeah it was
Starting point is 00:09:42 it's a gold comment section because someone also said that they were like a cake baker and that a full-size wedding cake would be like impossible to actually punch because it has like thick dowel rods in it and that just made me really want to watch one where a bride like lays into the cake and breaks her hand
Starting point is 00:09:58 or something Jackie Chan on one of those training dummies just walk walk walk just think of how satisfied that like groom to be would be just like oh sweetheart your hand will be okay and he's just like looking into the camera like yeah she finally got what was coming to her
Starting point is 00:10:14 he lost a fight to a cake oh I know oh they got the flowers wrong oh poor thing all right Chan what do you want to plug I also love the website and I do have a bone to pick with it I was working this week on a Bill O'Reilly
Starting point is 00:10:36 biographical comic book and it like legitimately fucked my brain up because by the end of it I think I understand Bill O'Reilly like it was accidentally a very good biography that's not what whatever we make yeah I wouldn't say I'm sympathetic to him but
Starting point is 00:10:52 by the end of the comic I'm like oh I get exactly why he did this I know the truth of this lie because the thing about Bill O'Reilly is he's not like like a full liar like Donald Trump he just makes shit up he's like a spin guy so something sort of happened when he tells a lie you're like okay what's the element of truth there
Starting point is 00:11:08 and so for example he tells one of the stories there's only like two or three anecdotes in here and one of them is his most heroic story is the time he made sure a black guy in his college got a bad grade and let me tell you this story so he heard a rumor that there's this sensitive teacher
Starting point is 00:11:24 in quotes who gave all the black students B pluses already off to a solid yeah already it's like it feels like you're counting the non-white people Bill O'Reilly and keeping track of their grades like why are you surveilling the non-whites Bill so he heard this rumor
Starting point is 00:11:40 and see this is where I understood Bill O'Reilly well enough to know that this was not a rumor this was him who somehow he's doing this himself obviously he saw one black guy get a B and he was like that can't be right okay so you get him for sure because yeah that's that's my
Starting point is 00:11:56 more cynical point of view is that this is just a small sample size of one dude so his theory is that she gives B pluses to all the black students so he meets a guy a named Nate and he's a giant dick and he knows Bill O'Reilly's sucks but the thing is Bill O'Reilly does suck
Starting point is 00:12:12 like in his own biography everybody hates Bill O'Reilly and he admits that he is sitting next to this guy just for this undercover sting like he's here to expose the reverse racism of this class and so this guy knows like why the fuck is this guy staring at me
Starting point is 00:12:28 this terrible like sex pest that everyone on campus hates is sitting next to me and staring at me I hate this so he semesters over Nate apparently wasn't a great student Bill O'Reilly did not list all the details of the surveillance
Starting point is 00:12:44 but he got a B so whatever like theory broken this is science the theory was he'll get a B plus he didn't get a B plus you've just proven your hypothesis but he's like a right wing pundit so he doesn't exactly use the same science as us so he got a B so that just means
Starting point is 00:13:00 the same thing he thought it would mean except now he sucks so hard the teacher couldn't even get a B plus so he confronts him after he writes a column for the fucking school paper about how this teacher gave him a B and he didn't deserve a B because
Starting point is 00:13:16 he's not white but basically I don't want to spin it too much but basically that's it it's it's as racist as you can be it's just very directly racist but he's using it as an example of how he's not racist how he's still color blind he just wants to make sure all the racists get the same grades
Starting point is 00:13:32 according to their color so so here he is this is like one of the best stories he has to tell in his own biography that's how significant this event was in his life this is like the second experience with race yeah that's what it says in the book
Starting point is 00:13:48 second experience with race the first experience with race and this is a story he tells in the comic book was he met four black dudes when he played football in college and two of them were kind of funny and that's it he's just like he's so not racist that he keeps track of every non-white person he meets
Starting point is 00:14:04 yeah make little notes about him about who was funny and who got to be plus and yeah they're just like us the other the lesser racists Bill Rowling fucking knows and he kept track of their grades I think
Starting point is 00:14:20 he confronts Nate about it and Nate's like oh I'm not going to get this quote exactly right but he says I don't care about no jive-ass course like it's very racistly written and he basically doesn't admit to it but he says I do not care about this non-elective
Starting point is 00:14:36 course that I took like whatever fucking geology one-on-one whatever the fuck this was I don't care it's a B who gives a shit and Bill Rowling took that to be proof that like haha I know you coasted by on your skin color because you know how like everything's so easy for non-white
Starting point is 00:14:52 people it's just like you go to class everyone's giving you B pluses because you're black especially in what I'm going to assume it's the early 70s when this would take place it might have been late 60s things are real easy breezy back then for people's color for sure
Starting point is 00:15:08 that you could have straight up found like a whites only pool yeah like it's fucking a racist world this guy's living in Bill Rowling's like I'm not gonna let you get passing grade you non-white because I'm not racist I just want everything to be fair so
Starting point is 00:15:24 this guy basically admits it according to Bill Rowling and then just yada yada at the very tail end of like a text bubble like he eventually dropped out of school and murdered a policeman anyway moving on like like
Starting point is 00:15:40 he told that lie so yeah so casually just like yes this dude that maybe I didn't make up maybe I did went on to murder a policeman and here's my next story one time I met a Chinese guy at the grocery store and he was you know he was he didn't know kung fu
Starting point is 00:15:56 that was weird right anyway he murdered a policeman yeah anyway yeah so that was like my experience with Bill Rowling and the thing is when I got to that story I'm like okay this is what I'm writing about but then as I was like reading it and pulling clips from I'm like oh my god like I like get
Starting point is 00:16:12 what the truth is in this lie and it makes him even more racist than like when I went into this thinking I'm gonna write an article about this so anyway that um that kind of wrecked me so for a couple days I just sort of living in Bill O'Reilly's head and that can't be good for you well that yeah that piece
Starting point is 00:16:28 is gonna come out a day after tomorrow so well before this podcast here so everybody will have seen it by that point and I'm not spoiling anything when I say what got me about this comic was I'm gonna assume this is a result of the writer of the comic just grabbing
Starting point is 00:16:44 like Bill O'Reilly's biography and then pulling out all of like the non non dialogue text and kind of paraphrasing the action so that it fits in like a comic book page so when you take out like structural pieces of Bill O'Reilly's like nonstop bullshit and just say
Starting point is 00:17:00 like the things that he's actually saying happen it makes him look way fucking worse than maybe he meant to look that's what I have to assume happened because he looks like such an asshole and it's not it's a no spin zone everybody he looks like such an asshole in the book
Starting point is 00:17:16 like he'll just beat people up for no reason he's blatantly racist to people he counts blacks which is just generally not a great thing to do and he ends the comic by saying like looking to the camera and saying I'm gonna die alone you're like fucking what how comfortable do you have to be
Starting point is 00:17:32 to like acknowledge in your autobiography that you're writing and saying anything in that like people don't like you and that's specifically you're going to die alone specifically call that out yeah he doesn't think it's believable that he's likable
Starting point is 00:17:48 part of the key element to understanding him was learning that he thinks his misery and everything that's been put upon him like when he totally sucks and everyone hates him he thinks that's like a badge of honor and so as you go through the comic book and he's talking about being a giant
Starting point is 00:18:04 asshole he tells the stories that he's bragging as if he's like look at how hard my life is nobody liked me and I was always punching people in the face and that's what makes me strong and that's what makes America great and it's just like I don't know it doesn't make sense when I say it out loud but like when you're there
Starting point is 00:18:20 when you're inside his head you can like see the threads and how they connect also it was written by a madman every time I do one of these articles and I like make the mistake of googling the fucking author I find like you turn over these rocks and you're like oh no this person's a madman too so this guy who wrote this comic
Starting point is 00:18:36 also wrote a Glenn Beck and the Laura Ingram and a Donald Trump book and so he's kind of a right wing nut job but he's also like a karate man and he is very obsessed with this movie called the martial arts kid which is the most fucking karate kid knockoff that could ever be
Starting point is 00:18:52 it's like a directly translated karate kid knockoff from turkey there are like several other synonyms that you would have to work through to get to martial arts if a boo kid would be there you're like karate chop kid I think someone made that oh I like that
Starting point is 00:19:08 but yeah so they just landed on the martial arts kid they cast every 80's like martial arts like I don't want to say has been but like people pass their prime that you can get to show up for 20 grand for an hour shoot anyway he wrote 47 articles about just random
Starting point is 00:19:24 cast decisions so it's like he wrote like hey Don the Dragon Wilson right then the next day this guy wrote a song for the martial arts kid and that's a whole feature article he did this for like fucking 2 years straight so that's crazy right and so I'm just trying to like how do I fucking
Starting point is 00:19:40 I gotta stop the article and just do an article and how crazy this is right so again like never google the maniacs behind the maniacs this is the lesson I would argue it serves as a nice little intermission when you're like god I'm so sick of Bill Arati oh let's get sick of this guy for a little bit
Starting point is 00:19:56 and then once you are we go back to Bill O'Reilly and it's like the ginger in between rounds of sushi just a little pickled ginger to refresh your palate like oh okay and I've been doing this so long that's just instinct I didn't even think hey I should fix the structure of this article it's like no I just like
Starting point is 00:20:12 do that on instinct alone like I'm in a Bill O'Reilly hall and then my fingers just perfectly structure these comedic articles so there's like acts and waves and you're so lucky you're so lucky that guy turned out to be a weird maniac what if he was the one
Starting point is 00:20:28 one time you get a normal guy just all it has to do is happen once and you're fucked god what a terrible week that whole article would have fallen apart this was really sucked for you to like do you did Bill O'Reilly and then you had to watch this shit yeah that's true that's a good transition
Starting point is 00:20:46 out of the Bill O'Reilly because it's maybe time to talk about Kenno yeah that was the fun part of the podcast and it's over I didn't mean to I wanted to empathize with Bill O'Reilly now you did this well I'm going to get my plug out of the way
Starting point is 00:21:02 I want to plug our merch store something I promised that I would forget to do and I did but now I remember p-o-x-c-o store you know that word put us on and in your body
Starting point is 00:21:18 still haven't been that tagline alright well what else could this be like brain pills or something that's like the key to the good podcast money we sell some essential oils making good at karate
Starting point is 00:21:34 I assume you were all selling pills I would actually buy a bottle of that yeah I'm good coming up with product ideas I'll be the product idea guy I just can't make it but I'll give you the ideas we could probably sell some crystals
Starting point is 00:21:50 I bet karate crystals just add karate to anything and it sells itself we'll make a really mean spirited joke and then it'll be okay that we're selling them that's all you really need to justify it but I see you I see you still trying to distract
Starting point is 00:22:06 we're starting anime a week I just keep thinking about all smoothly and quickly when you asked Jason Pardran if he also wanted to do this podcast clearly without checking his schedule at all he said I'm busy that day yes he did
Starting point is 00:22:22 but then I would remind you he went on to watch this he went on to watch at least part of this without having to do it for a podcast I managed to not do it until last night like I knew this would be bad I didn't even know what you guys were talking about when you were discussing it I'm like
Starting point is 00:22:38 I'm not watching it until I fucking half yeah I did it like three hours ago here is my thesis as the only person here who knows and enjoys anime I felt like a certain journalistic responsibility like to be fair and balanced so I tried to go into this podcast
Starting point is 00:22:54 like what looking for the subject matter with my thesis being what if I'm the one who's wrong to like anime like what if that's wrong with me what if I shouldn't and you guys are right with that in mind I asked you too to watch a show called
Starting point is 00:23:10 Kennel Tokorozawa starring Jimmy Onishi and that should be fun Jimmy Onishi is our favorite rashie little cobalt of a man from the Japanese reality comedy fight show Documental he's just great he's a confused and constantly
Starting point is 00:23:26 afflicted older man who breaks every joke he touches and goes out immediately and we love him and it's great so for Anime Week the three of us we all have that in common we've done the documental things I figured let's do the one anime that Onishi has ever done in his life
Starting point is 00:23:42 this was apparently important enough to make it the one anime or maybe there's a very good reason it was just one anime they're clearly, god I remember when we did the last documental I said I'm not going to do another documental one and it's like you tricked me into doing another documental
Starting point is 00:23:58 yeah this is very very much this is going to be a feature play with documental I want to make a comment right off the bat where when his voice came in I kind of recognized it but it also sounded like this might have been like a fan dub of the movie like Jimmy took a regular cartoon
Starting point is 00:24:14 and changed it because the audio quality was super bad it was his audio quality worse it was so much worse it sounded like than everybody else in the show like I'm the juggernaut bitch version of a cartoon about a dog yeah he had like a laptop like in 1997 that he's recording on
Starting point is 00:24:30 yeah so just to be clear he fucks up everything on everything we've ever seen him do including just be the be the voice for a cartoon he's somehow fucked it up well in kennel toko rizala he plays the starring role as the dog rintintin and it's a
Starting point is 00:24:46 romantic comedy about a young girl and her dog erotic comedy I think it's more he does the dog does want to fuck her yes that is what I was struggling to put into words but sure I mean that's yeah the whole plot is that he wants to fuck her
Starting point is 00:25:02 and comically is like thwarted at every turn and that's the joke it's just like the dog wants to fuck the girl it's very fine and to be clear this is not pornography in any traditional I'm sure it's somebody's pornography there's no more than
Starting point is 00:25:18 there's some new there's some butt crack and there's like like breasts with steam over them it's not over I think it was still sold just like in stores or shown wherever well who would show this and why but I think they could theoretically I mean this was supposed
Starting point is 00:25:34 to be as calm as but it's drawn like another tiny version of him yes so nothing is is quite over I don't think that makes it better no not like personally but technically it does well like that that's what I'm saying is that this is not
Starting point is 00:25:50 supposed to be something to jerk off to it is supposed to be a good laugh for all in Japan I can okay right off the bat he says hi my name's Rin Tin and he's talking like directly to the camera and he explains how his name sounds like penis in Japanese so I look that up
Starting point is 00:26:06 and slang for dick is chin chin and if you get to chin chin from Rin Tin Tin maybe you just have dicks on your mind like like if like snow dogs didn't open up with Cuba Gooding Junior going okay I get it audience our movie sounds like blowjobs hi I'm Cuba Gooding Junior like
Starting point is 00:26:22 that's that would be crazy and yet that's how this dog fucking opens his car I have to imagine that's that's the inspiration for it if nothing else somebody was like Rin Tin Tin did you say chin chin and they're like no not at all why would I have said that
Starting point is 00:26:38 go with me go with me what if the dog's name was dick and he is obsessed with Chikako his owner and the daughter of a couple that owns a pet store that they take care of and he opens the show by saying he's like head over heels for her but in a
Starting point is 00:26:54 platonic way and then there's a long beat and he looks to the camera and says who am I kidding platonic and then he pulls the blankets off of her and starts perversely just staring at her panties until she catches him beats him ferociously hits him with an alarm clock
Starting point is 00:27:10 and throws him down the stairs classic Tom and Jerry comedy I mean just I want to I want to pause here because I had a lot of trouble understanding the rules of the universe they seem to exist in a world where people don't have sex with dogs right I and yet
Starting point is 00:27:26 this seems like something that happens to her all the time like oh god my perverted dog is trying to have sex with me I will beat it yes this is they're established like everyone else kind of treats the dog like a romantic option for her though so I didn't know
Starting point is 00:27:42 if this was like a world where sometimes people date their dogs they tell her to give him a chance you're both right and that's what's so messed up about it this is a world where you like our own people don't fuck dogs on an average
Starting point is 00:27:58 on like an average basis and yet also in this world everybody really wants Chikako to fuck her dog like all of her friends the first the next thing that happens is she goes to the shower and he sits outside panting unpleasantly
Starting point is 00:28:14 and that's when you know this whole show features a lot a lot of audio like really subpar quality of audio of Jimmy Onishi just panting lustfully so like if that's not your thing and it's not this that's not anybody but like the next thing that happens after
Starting point is 00:28:30 seeing still in the beginning she talks to her parents about how she's a little upset that her dog always wants to fuck her and they just could not be more down with this idea her dad pauses and says well that's what yeah that's what happens when you live together nature may well take its course yeah they're like
Starting point is 00:28:46 you already live with him and it's like that's your fault like you're her parents you bother the dog and then they're acting kind of like well you moved in with the dog into our house that you live live in so how can you live with it one of the purest
Starting point is 00:29:02 loves of a child and in their pet and how like wonderful and pure that love is and then someone in Japan said what if they were fucking yeah and then several animators said we'll draw that I was and then several maniacs said oh we'll do the voices for that
Starting point is 00:29:18 I was so offended on behalf of dogs because like the implication is the only reason he hangs out with her is because he wants to fuck her and like dogs are so great and they went like my dog cries if I go to the bathroom and she's like let me in
Starting point is 00:29:34 like I have to be seeing you or I'm gonna die and like in Japan they're like that means dark context to bring up that story oh no we've got to recontextualize that do you see how it taints such a pure joyous love
Starting point is 00:29:50 it's ruined with a dog thank you it's all ruined now so the next scene follows her as she could go to school and starts ogling her ass while they do their morning calisthenics and he shoves his face in her crotch and she punches him out in front of all of her
Starting point is 00:30:08 girlfriend so this is like a public wacky joke to the locker room where her friends like we've mentioned are then pressuring her to have sex with her dog at which point they say aren't you a little curious about how it would be he's so devoted that it'd be nice to give him
Starting point is 00:30:24 a chance Jesus Christ I don't want to be a lunatic apologist but I took that as her friends fucking with her like hey hey you want to have sex with that dog come on like they're busting her balls not like being genuine but again
Starting point is 00:30:40 I don't know and that's part of my problem with anime is I didn't grow up with this culture I have a feeling most Japanese people don't have sex with dogs but like is this like a running joke that they have like I think maybe when a kid becomes 17 it's like oh you should consider having sex with a dog
Starting point is 00:30:56 it's a little joke I thought the parents were teasing her and then she gets to school and her friends are also like maybe you should fuck the dog and I'm like does everyone in this universe is everyone in this universe okay with it there's one teacher that's very upset about it and that's it
Starting point is 00:31:12 everyone else is like yeah we get to like she just in the middle of the cafeteria just started going to town on the dog would people be like whoa whoa we were not being serious this is fucking crazy we're lucky that this is
Starting point is 00:31:28 what like 40 minutes long so that they can explicitly explain no we weren't fucking with you they all want her to hook up with the dog like they make that abundantly clear in time my notes say it's six minutes and we've already had three events to establish the pattern of the dog
Starting point is 00:31:44 going in for actual sexual assault and her reacting by like beating it physically and like that's a very strange pattern to just establish right off the bat that's what I was saying with the Tom and Jerry thing like you would need to internalize that because that's how the show works
Starting point is 00:32:00 this show thinks that's enough to hang our concept on is like this cat and this mouse hate each other and they're just going to fight it out so we're going to explore all the ways that that happens well here's the thing this dog wants to fuck his owner that's just what's going to happen so we're going
Starting point is 00:32:16 to explore every aspect of that all right so they leave they leave the locker room and Chicago's best friends looks at Rin Tin Tin and says don't give up again expressly about how he wants to fuck her human friend she's rooting for him and
Starting point is 00:32:34 the cafeteria is all of us with talk about her and the dog being an item again they mention because they live together and everything is a quote like most people keep separate apartments from their dogs in Japan I'm not sure what there are no other dogs like
Starting point is 00:32:50 maybe no other dogs existed this universe because there's no other dogs at the school but him he's the only dog there wait I just had an idea what if someone like came out of the woods and they said hey have you been living in a like a feral animal
Starting point is 00:33:06 your whole life would you like to write a cartoon and then they said sure and then this is what they wrote like now it sort of makes sense right it's a romantic comedy where you don't really want to fuck this dog but everything you know around you wants you to yeah that's what happened like the world I know from the woods
Starting point is 00:33:22 where I was raised by wild coyotes I'm going to further pause it that that feral animal was Jimmy Onishi and then everything makes sense oh yeah it's 100% come together now we discovered the origin story of he's always itching he's got weird diseases
Starting point is 00:33:38 he looks like he came from the woods here we go that's it the unifying theory of Jimmy Onishi how do you explain his fucking hungry hippo head though impossible there's a there's a thing I'm gonna get to later that will explain that
Starting point is 00:34:00 okay so back to the cafeteria for some reason all the other girls are clearly jealous about the implications of like her living together like as though she's very cosmopolitan to have this possible relationship with her dog and then as Shawn mentioned the teacher
Starting point is 00:34:16 comes over and says are you a dog lover and she goes says well my parents own a pet store so he's like a human to me and then the teacher breaks down in tears and says you can't marry a dog you're only in high school and it runs away yeah everyone's jumping to a lot of strange conclusions in this conversation
Starting point is 00:34:32 right and that's it aside from like some judgments that's the only person that thinks you probably shouldn't fuck dogs in this yeah and she's gone never seen again the voice of reason is fucking out of the universe out of the way like eight minutes into the show and that's gone
Starting point is 00:34:48 soon she's so scandalized she says she won't be able to attend school anymore because of all these fucking rumors that are everybody else is so into and some local tuffs hear about this they corner her on the rooftop and they're like oh you're into dogs you must not have heard about men
Starting point is 00:35:04 which is just a wild assumption to make like well what do I tell you about men you'll be alarmed again if you wrote this it's not gonna never met a man and you lived your whole life in a coyote den then maybe this is a normal thing to say
Starting point is 00:35:22 again this all holds true so she calls for her dog's help he charges upstairs and you know barks and attacks him drives him away she says I'll repay you later and he starts air thrusting graphically at her so she jump kicks him unconscious and he goes this is the thanks I get
Starting point is 00:35:38 wacky sound effect yeah and he don't forget his catchphrase his famous catchphrase which he says every episode which is hump hump hump which he says while he humps hump hump everybody hump hump I bet that was a Jimmy Onishi
Starting point is 00:35:54 adlib it's his did I do that it is it's all plain too it's like structured just like a cartoon would be would just this is the thanks I get wacky sound effect catchphrase except for it's about fucking a dog
Starting point is 00:36:10 this was 1992 we haven't mentioned that this is 1992 this is like some like edgy weird anime from like some dark pornographic close and it's not mainstream really like the internet ruined everything and we would expect the internet
Starting point is 00:36:26 to have fostered this in some way but this is pre really rise and ubiquitousness of the internet so there is no excuse yeah seemingly broadcast on TV where people and children yeah because there are like there are ad breaks
Starting point is 00:36:42 where they're like they assume there would be an ad here which is fucking a nuts assumption why you well while you're drawing this you have to pause me like well it's in certain ad break here this is like really just examining the pacing in our dog fucking
Starting point is 00:36:58 show this is probably where the advertisers would want to come in right I think I would be real surprised if I like random mouthwash company or something and I got a letter saying hey I I saw your ad on my dog fucking cartoon and I want to thank you for making such a great product I'd be like wait
Starting point is 00:37:14 wait wait is it is it weird that I suddenly when you said it was 1992 was like what year did airbud come out was this is this a very wrong swing at capitalizing on airbud but it came out in 1997
Starting point is 00:37:30 so if anything this inspired airbud yeah yeah that's definitely inspired that one scene in airbud everybody knows maybe Chicago and and Rintintin's children are a airbud and that's how he's so good at basketball because he's got
Starting point is 00:37:46 that much human DNA in him god damn oh really sorry to myself both of you but also to myself you don't get to be upset you did this to us yeah we can have a reason
Starting point is 00:38:02 discussion about this show this shouldn't have been made and anyone who would suggest it is a monster and then we're done podcast over thanks nope we're still going if anything we are at the start jika wants to become a dog groomer in this bit in this episode
Starting point is 00:38:22 and she has to practice and her friends encourage her and you probably know where this is going even if you wish you didn't and wish you could stop it they call Rintintin 10 to be their guinea pig bye does anybody remember how they do it oh I have this in my note okay go ahead
Starting point is 00:38:38 Sean after you please oh okay well to call in the dog that's not in the room they grab the girl's skirt and crank it up so that her panties are showing and that is how they call the dog into the room not hey Rintintin here are the panties
Starting point is 00:38:54 she's like no here's a a waft of crotch air from a different room and that dog is there instantly and goes for the mount so that's 100% yeah just like he took that as the I don't even know what you'd call that
Starting point is 00:39:10 a dinner bell I don't know it's disgusting there's no rational way to describe it but yes they show the panties to the empty room and that summons a dog from a different room for sex and I believe that's when they call him Japan's most sexually perverted dog
Starting point is 00:39:26 which has to be the tagline of the show right that's also in my notes lady a Scooby Doo name it's like Scooby Doo where are you Rintintin Japan's most sexually perverted dog I like that they have to specify
Starting point is 00:39:42 just Japan we're not making qualifications about the rest of the day you're not fooling me because I can't see you're Japan's most sexually perverted dog alright so the grooming scene they shave him they pierce him which just seems odd and tattoo him they put one tattoo across his belly
Starting point is 00:40:02 that says sex pistas lower case A and S sex pistas most multiple sex tattoos one of the tattoos just said sex so it's on everybody's mind it's supposed to be sex pistols but sex pistas okay
Starting point is 00:40:22 and then they say don't laugh at him he's very sensitive and they reassure Rintin by saying you look so good Chika might be up for it just again so that's a real like well translated like expression you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:40:38 that's not like that's the other thing about these subtitles is they were very westernized they weren't like you know broken English like she might be up for it is real conversation yeah the subtitles are of a great translation quality which is bonkers on its own I've seen a lot of anime from
Starting point is 00:40:54 1992 that was much more mainstream than this it certainly didn't have anybody fucking their dog and their subtitles were just utter garbage like you couldn't make heads or tails of what they were trying to say so for this one to get such a careful I gotta assume it had an audience of something
Starting point is 00:41:10 otherwise why all of at least one pervert one one pervert with a lot of money it was like we're doing this right yeah I really I'm sorry say one very smart pervert who's just spoke really good English and then was able to translate it well
Starting point is 00:41:28 okay so that brings us to our he does fuck dogs but he talks well so that's he's got his good quality he really somehow he learned to speak in that forest and and he came out with a bunch of money I don't know where he got it that brings us to our first ad break and that's where the big splash
Starting point is 00:41:44 screen shows up and it says it's not easy growing up but don't give up people shut away what it's not easy growing up but don't give up people as though this is a coming he's like talking directly to the children yeah hey you know when you're like trying to impress the human you're
Starting point is 00:42:02 trying to have sex with as a dog and they give you a bad haircut and no one's attracted to you anymore that's just part of growing up not only implies that they had advertisers or expected to have advertisers which is a wild swing but that it's directed at somebody that still has some growing up to do
Starting point is 00:42:18 yeah it's like is the dog the protagonist or is the girl the protagonist and it's saying like because she learned she's not a good dog groomer like who oh this is only from the dogs yeah the dog says this whole to the audience
Starting point is 00:42:34 yeah okay so yeah this is our one the dog viewer insert is the dog we're the dog and again I'm gonna I'm gonna go back to Tom and Jerry archetypes we're like maybe most of the time we're supposed to root for Chicago to not be talked by a dog but every once in a while
Starting point is 00:42:50 they throw in an episode where you're like yeah you're rooting for the dog now never rooted for the dog I don't know if we're supposed to root for the dog we're supposed to relate to the dog okay neither and never thank you I said supposed to
Starting point is 00:43:06 I'm not saying hey I really see myself and read the next bonkers things after that ad break they head to McDonald's and I believe it's an actual McDonald's like I don't know if they show the name but they show the golden arches and that's coming straight out of like him mounting her panties and just
Starting point is 00:43:22 it can't have been allowed right they got sponsored by they call Ronald McDonald we use McDonald's in our cartoon they said sure what's it about it's about a dog having sex with a little girl they're like sweet of course and maybe eating fries like right after one of those like
Starting point is 00:43:38 just really associate closely associate show like a close-up of her opening the little package with the burger so that they're like mmm McDonald's all right so her friends are now chiding her for giving the dog a bad haircut and making him lose faith in his manhood and they say exactly
Starting point is 00:43:54 Rin Tin Tin needs your love now not as an owner but as a woman and they buy her a gift certificate for a hotel so she can go there and fuck her dog and they was that a gift certificate I had in my notes they just gave her a lot of cash they're like here's
Starting point is 00:44:10 some hotel cash go get maybe they give it to her they'd say here's a gift certificate like for a hotel right and then yeah and she point is she does it she gets a bed and breakfast a romantic getaway at the coast with her before that she looks out the window to see
Starting point is 00:44:26 Rin Tin Tin is suicidal he's on top of a highway overpass contemplating suicide because he can't marry her and have puppies with her which I just I know that's part of it it's worse that you spell it out though and so he's gonna kill himself she runs to save him slips
Starting point is 00:44:42 I have something in my notes that I think is important oh well when he dreams of having puppies with Chicago they show a little fantasy like his his mind's eye and their puppies are actual dogs not human dog centaurs or baby wolf men like I just want to make that clear
Starting point is 00:44:58 that he pictures her as a dog not as a human is that she's like the best dog which is I guess it's almost cute but let's remember what's at stake here yeah and he pictures like a full Christian wedding for them where she's in
Starting point is 00:45:14 a white wedding dress and he's at a little tux and like a dog with yeah and there's like a little church like as if the church is going to bless the union of her and a dog so he thinks of her as a dog but himself as a human yes and neither
Starting point is 00:45:30 of them as a crime against God as they have the full Christian God's blessing anyway there's a wacky antique where she slips and knocks him off but he was just faking he's nearly killed by a truck and now all of her friends pressure her after that show you certainly have to do it and she
Starting point is 00:45:46 kind of has to give in at that point she's like okay she agrees I don't want to but let's at least go see what happens my country's customs demand I have sex with a dog for that yeah this is like I guess I should say that I spent the week before this
Starting point is 00:46:02 watching really good movies at a film festival for like two minutes here right at this point I was like is this like a metaphor for like the pressure young girls feel to have sex before they're ready because there's just like this guy hanging around her that like won't go away and all of her friends are like
Starting point is 00:46:18 ah he's been around for a long time maybe just give it a shot he seems nice like is it a metaphor for that but then I was like yeah no it's just about the dog trying to fuck her yeah I agree with you I feel like
Starting point is 00:46:34 searching for deeper art in this is a mistake and can only lead to a mistake that many anime fans probably made I have to assume we cut to a beach the dog says is this a sentimental journey and wind blows Chika wonders what am I doing here
Starting point is 00:46:50 I liked that sentimental journey there's no Japanese word for that so he says sentimental journey which I thought was I thought that was kind of cute and then a crab pinches renton's nose and he runs away making goofy noises because they're just wildly
Starting point is 00:47:06 shifting tones within scenes they go to a soda shop where Chika sighs wistfully and says I just want to die very documental joke like that's that must be really funny I feel like a Japanese culture
Starting point is 00:47:22 because they said that a lot of documental too yeah it must be like there must be ways to say it where you're like I just want to die is like what a bad day and I just want to die I want to kill myself because the waiter overhears this and he relays it
Starting point is 00:47:38 to the owner and they decide they need to save a suicidal girl and so the waiter has to follow her out of this soda shop to prevent her suicide so it's got to be taken seriously in some way I had that same thought that maybe it's just like
Starting point is 00:47:54 it is weird that both of the main characters they do like a suicide joke with them in the course of like three or four minutes it's troubling yeah this is very much about dog fucking and suicide is what this show is about this is like heart and top and Jerry esque comedy
Starting point is 00:48:10 so A plot, A plot of course whose idea was this? whose idea was it to watch this? I wish I could remember so A plot for this show is maybe I should fuck my dog and B plot is everybody is suicidal the good times we had
Starting point is 00:48:26 the young girl who would rather kill herself than fuck her dog and the waiter trying to prevent her suicide who is comically mistaken for a love interest and it's a PG animated comedy in Japan that's what we're watching my notes have something about an octopus are we at the octopus part yet?
Starting point is 00:48:44 you have to explain that part I can't wait to hear that so before Rintintin in the only bit of the show that I like until I don't until the octopus part and I really don't but I like the bit where he keeps finding like gross sea creatures and bringing them to Chica
Starting point is 00:49:00 and she's like what are you doing and he just says they're my friends which is that's totally what a dog would do Tomodachi I did like that too actually I like the seal bit this is Tomodachi like every time they're my friends so he brings her like a half dead sea cucumber
Starting point is 00:49:16 and she orders him to dispose of it and he makes his way to a cliff and she's just directed to and suddenly she thinks he's going to kill himself even though she was like you get rid of this and he's just going to do it she rushes after him yelling his name which again kind of sounds like penis
Starting point is 00:49:32 so the waiter thinks that this girl just broke and started yelling dick and went to leap off of a cliff so he goes to save her and he catches up to her and she tries to play it off like a chance meeting and she says something like my problems are bigger than the sea
Starting point is 00:49:48 but then she thinks he's in love with her and they should go out for tea it's a lovely Hugh Grant of a misunderstanding if not for the dog fucking this is the octopus scene so Rintintin now that we've established he is just kind of finding gross half dead sea creatures
Starting point is 00:50:04 he's wandering the shore and he finds an octopus and he goes to pee on it but the octopus attacks his genitals and this turns on Rintintin so he orgasms into the attacking octopus and then I think I have this right he leaps in the air
Starting point is 00:50:20 does like a power ranger's pose and says I'm alive again then the octopus comes off and we see his erection and it has his face perfect yeah that's exactly what I had in mind that's what happened so this having just happened
Starting point is 00:50:36 Rintintin goes to see Chica and he sees her with the waiter and he hates this so he runs up and has his octopus blast her with ink and God probably still some of his come and then he flees while the cute waiter boy tries to console her and this is just like
Starting point is 00:50:52 this is now the this is now the show's pattern is that she and the waiter are about to like fall in love and then he cock blocks her with a strange sea creature on his head this is a running bit where there is now I believe one of several love triangles
Starting point is 00:51:08 between somebody that either doesn't want her or she doesn't want and a dog trying to fuck her so the waiter promises he's going to see her later in the night and he will show her his turtle and for some reason she thinks that means dick
Starting point is 00:51:24 also do you have like a did you look that one up Sean you want to go ahead and explain that one no I did not I took that to mean that this waiter had just a weird little dick that sort of looked like a turtle and when he got an erection it went from
Starting point is 00:51:40 2 inches like a turtle like a turtle poking his head out like they're on a beach and it didn't even cross her mind that it might be a literal turtle when they've seen so many sea creatures that day already and he specifically promises that it's going to help her realize
Starting point is 00:51:56 how precious life is which is just a totally normal thing for a man to promise a woman about his penis that's true I want to make the point that it's not impossible she thought he was going to like bring a turtle like he's going to just bring a turtle out
Starting point is 00:52:12 and say like okay I'm going to just ram this up your skirt and that's those are the rules of your universe that I don't know that's not impossible it's a bad don't do that at home you'll get salmonella it's not great but um
Starting point is 00:52:28 I don't know maybe you have sex with your doll because he deserves it I mean it's been a long time don't you think it's funny when you phrase it here's what does happen so she goes to the beach like expecting this waiter to show up
Starting point is 00:52:44 and she's like in like a little nice dress with spaghetti straps because it was 1992 and then something from the shadow dress I love that dress that she was going to show up to lose her virginity in she looks real nice in it a lovely dress for losing your virginity on a sandy beach
Starting point is 00:53:00 and so from the shadows comes something that starts taking off her clothes and she's like tearing my clothes off and she's into it and you live in a world where a dog is constantly trying to have sex with you we know what this is as the audience and they don't reveal for a very long time where we're like oh my god
Starting point is 00:53:16 what was it 20 minutes before they finally show yes of course it's the dog and she's you know being molested by a dog and then here comes the waiter and he's not there just for a solo turtle night he leads turtle breeding tour groups
Starting point is 00:53:32 and there are people with him that turn on a flashlight on her and like oh here's where this this human lady has sex with dogs next to the sea turtles and they all get freaked out good for them and leave and do you have what he says to her before they leave
Starting point is 00:53:48 of course I do I'm glad you asked the dog goes love grows through adversity that's the splash screen what the tour guide says to her is he looks her dead in the eye and says don't kill yourself you're right
Starting point is 00:54:04 I didn't skip that she chases after him saying it's not what you think but it is though it's exactly what they think yeah it's exactly what he thinks and then the splash screen again let's reiterate a break for advertisers and rinton tin says love grows through adversity
Starting point is 00:54:20 pump pump that's part of the dialogue yeah he does yeah I like that he says it every time we come to our thankfully last episode Chica is on a field trip with a 43 year old teacher
Starting point is 00:54:36 who looks 74 she trips on the steps and rinton tin instantly mounts her in front of everyone going pump pump as he does wacky wacky stuff and she runs that dog is just so horny for it just has no control in public and she runs and clings to her teacher
Starting point is 00:54:52 for safety and her teacher looks intrigued so he has mistaken this for a romantic advance yeah he's instantly like oh she's in love with me and this and he's not horrified at this and worried for his job
Starting point is 00:55:08 he is super into it and so this becomes a love triangle between a much older man trying to have sex with a student and the dog trying to have sex with her and their love triangle and again now let me describe the elegance of the writing like at this point
Starting point is 00:55:24 the writer knows that he has to have some sort of like comical misunderstandings lead to this teacher like getting the wrong idea so he's teaching derivative equations which is very advanced for a 17 year old dog fucker and she stands up and she has like some questions about it
Starting point is 00:55:40 and then while she's standing up talking to the teacher the dog comes up behind her and just starts sucking her asshole there's just no gentle way to put it I put a little gentler I said he's dry humping her crotch from behind okay sure
Starting point is 00:55:56 that makes sense so she's kind of embarrassed by this and the whole class is looking right at this there's no reason the teacher wouldn't see this out of like 70% of his vision and she's like oh a little embarrassed trying to still ask about the derivative equations and
Starting point is 00:56:12 he sees this blushing and he's like oh wow this kid is so into me and now he thinks she's falling in love and then she sits back down again it's not a normal way to ask a question I don't think is to stand up and then walk to the front of the class with a dog
Starting point is 00:56:28 just fucking face deep in your butthole with that comment without being like stop it that's their like threes company style like comical misunderstanding well yeah and it's again everyone's just like very supportive of this relationship of the teacher and the student
Starting point is 00:56:44 the 50 year old teacher and the student just like they are with the dog it's like if anyone in this world shows any romantic interest in this girl they're like you should go for it you should bang your teacher but maybe give the dog a little bit first I mean he's
Starting point is 00:57:00 somebody in this does look at this and says what a stupid love triangle which I feel is understating it dramatically it is funny that the side characters narrate the whole thing just to like clear up the audience like this is what's happening like I don't want you the viewer
Starting point is 00:57:16 to misunderstand like the dog and the teacher both trying to fuck this little girl yeah that would ruin our viewing experience if we didn't get that the dog and the teacher both trying to fuck this girl and yet by making that decision they have now like to have the classmates all aware
Starting point is 00:57:32 of this and narrating this it makes them seem super into it like we have a vested interest in like making this happen and watching it so now everybody's at fault and there is no good man left in the world so they go on a field trip so they go on a field trip
Starting point is 00:57:54 now and it's night time in the woods and there's a courage test game where a boy and a girl must work together to find a sign hidden somewhere in this area and the teacher I have one question about that is it all like older male teachers and female students or are those students too
Starting point is 00:58:10 I think those are supposed to be students I think he's the only teacher there they're possibly just an excuse to try to bang a student well one of the girls said I want the English teacher and I was like does that mean there are other teachers there I don't know yeah maybe there's a non-pervert
Starting point is 00:58:26 teacher that they could have had well let's not make any sense he could be in his own anime about trying to fuck his cat we don't know coming up next on the next episode of the dogs out not that bad wow with special guests
Starting point is 00:58:44 change to a radiator linear bone you did not want to watch it so the teacher and Chica are paired together he grabs her hand and leads her off into a graveyard there's so much wrong with this and I'm not finished with the setup all the other students see this and they hate Chica for it
Starting point is 00:59:02 but only because they're so jealous because they pretty much get what's going on and they want to only let it happen but watch still not done with the setup the teacher wants Chica to be scared so that she'll run to him for comfort and jump into his arms but uh oh the dog that wants to fuck her is here too
Starting point is 00:59:18 whose arms will she jump into I am done with setup that's what we're dealing with those are the stakes all the children watching from the bushes know these stakes no one calls the police everybody loves it yeah and the dog
Starting point is 00:59:34 and the teacher keep shooting laser eyes at each other because they both know that they want to fuck the girl and she seems kind of oblivious like there's no way you can be oblivious after having been mounted so many times well yeah yeah but like to the teacher
Starting point is 00:59:50 she's just kind of like I don't know I don't think she was really just kind of triage I like the laser eyes because I sort of like the cartoony cuteness of it but also it's so heavy handed that it helped reassure me that none of this was a metaphor none of these things
Starting point is 01:00:06 are symbols you should get it by now this is yeah this is this is just what's happening there's no second level for you to escape to mentally and try to try to examine themes like you're not in it you're just in it you're in the trenches now so there's some wacky shenanigans
Starting point is 01:00:22 where she gets scared runs to the dog or the teacher each have terrible consequences anyway you cut it and finally the teacher finds the sign but he throws it away so that he can keep pursuing this devil's three way with a student and her dog and that's when
Starting point is 01:00:38 a snake bites Chica oh I I do want to talk before we get to the snake there's a scene where he he knows his romantic rivals a dog and he knows the dog's weakness is bones so he throws a bone but the dog like retrieves it and comes back
Starting point is 01:00:54 too quickly so he frantically starts digging for more bones I gotta find a fucking bone gotta find a bone but they're in a graveyard so he accidentally defiles a human grave and pulls up a skull and then they that's like a little jump scare like a skull
Starting point is 01:01:10 and then like they're just back to the previous cartoon where they weren't digging up human so there are antics I don't know if it was a jump scare or like a punch line the punch line is human skull I was quite terrified it worked on me is when I'm making
Starting point is 01:01:26 terrified from the start to the finish I'm not a jump scare level but I'm much worse slow burn level that uh that just poisons me from the inside much like the snake bite Chica got on her ass I wish you could not see where this is going but you do you do
Starting point is 01:01:42 yeah everyone saw where this was going and it takes fucking 30 minutes to get there like we're like okay somebody's got to suck the poison out of the ass it's like no the show does not get there as quick as the view it's a big deal and we've got to dance around it for a long time but they they go to war over who should suck the poison out
Starting point is 01:01:58 of her ass either her this old man teacher or her dog are the only two options her friends are all there well I think plan A was to go for help but neither one of them wanted to go for help because that would leave the other alone with her and they would fuck right which is what I mean is like plan A was
Starting point is 01:02:14 not sucking the poison out plan A was to go get like a snake bite doctor and plan B is she flees this entire scene like trying like I don't want either of you to suck my ass please and they won't let her they tackle and bring her back and then play rock paper scissors
Starting point is 01:02:30 to see who can suck the poison out of her ass yeah she tries to escape that's an escape attempt yes he does make an escape attempt to be clear the teachers says either out loud or an internal monologue that he pulled her back so that no one could see like he's not
Starting point is 01:02:46 pulling her back out of some weird instinct to keep her from moving he pulls her back because they're at a place where he knows no one can watch him molest the child it is an extremely dark show and yet still being played yes it's in the the text of the cartoon
Starting point is 01:03:02 what's happening and still being played for yucks and giggles just as a big wacky cartoon so they play rock paper scissors suggested by Robert Brockway they play rock paper scissors because the dog can only do what paper and yeah that's what
Starting point is 01:03:18 he twists his arm into being rock wackiness the dog wins and she bears her ass to the dog and he licks her and she screams where are you licking kicks him in the face the teacher says where did the dog lick you she screams
Starting point is 01:03:34 that's not important but it did it does happen it does happen uh if she would have said it he would have got off right there if she would have said my crotch go go go go there's a big slurping I just want to point out this is the most danger anyone has ever been
Starting point is 01:03:50 she's dying of a snake bite and there's a dog and an old man who are much more interested in molesting her fighting over who gets to molest her corpse is what they're doing I'm saying if you take this show seriously they have never been higher stakes this is so much danger and they're worried that as
Starting point is 01:04:06 she's dying of the snake bite if they go and get help she'll fuck the other one whoever's left yes and this is it the big final comedy bit that closes the show dog cunnilingus while her teacher watches this is it big big joke everybody
Starting point is 01:04:22 and to close it out the dog and the teacher are both bitten by snakes because they get what they deserve I guess and her friends rush in and they say you won rent in tin you're the best I gotta say I did laugh at the dog and the teacher both getting bit by the snake
Starting point is 01:04:38 because the snake is still there the whole time they don't go any she gets bit they don't leave they're still standing there the snake's still there then it bites the teacher then it bites the dog then finally her friends who've been watching the entire time as these people
Starting point is 01:04:54 are bit by a snake finally intervene and come and easily apprehend the snake if there's any sort of a get some merit in law in Japan and I'm going to assume there is not based on this the existence of this show somebody should have stepped in and stopped it if it was but all
Starting point is 01:05:10 those kids are going to jail forever for just watching all of these atrocities they watched the darkest sex crime that's ever been with a snake involved and they're just like now let's see how this plays out I'm bored you guys didn't mention the dog got bit on the boner the dog got bit but it was on the dog
Starting point is 01:05:26 faced well that happens that happens a little bit later after they all rush in and they say you're the best we're in tin tin and he does his power ranger pose with his dick out that looks exactly like him and then the snake bites him on the boner and that's how we close the show that's how we how we go out we go out on
Starting point is 01:05:42 the snake biting boner that looks like the dog we close on a touching pop song over credits flashing back to all the adventures we've had so far each and everyone about a young girl trying not to fuck her dog alright so after the show there's and I'm not fucking kidding there's a program
Starting point is 01:05:58 to dissect the show for fans like they do for the walking dead or Game of Thrones or some other flagship program it's live action it's called at home with Akiko our host and she says I think that translates to talking dog fucking
Starting point is 01:06:14 she opens this post show by saying if you don't want to see more just turn your TV off it's a good idea she introduces her first guest as Rin Tin Tin himself which is a man in a dog costume not even trying to match the show I think it might be a bear costume
Starting point is 01:06:34 it's Jimmy it's Jimmy Onishi and he crawls on all fours into the set and immediately molests the host he jumps on her he thrusts at her legs it's terrible it's a terrible way to start fucking nightmare it's like a twin piece nightmare
Starting point is 01:06:50 it's absurd but also very threatening she calls out his shitty costume so he threatens to molest her again so he knows that it's a threat and I'm going to skip over a lot of the interview unless you really want to cover it she says Rin Tin Tin has a great
Starting point is 01:07:06 sense of smell and then they set out three women's shoes and have him guess which one belongs to her yep and he's still in the dog costume he's like I'm like this is very clearly someone's fetish this guy had a dog costume smelling all these shoes if you didn't guess that it was
Starting point is 01:07:22 a fetish thing before with the entire show you really need to get better at guessing you need some guessing practice because it definitely you're busted you thought you got away with it just making the cartoon about a little girl fucking a dog but when you put the shoes out you're busted buddy once you're smelling feet we know this is
Starting point is 01:07:38 a sex thing yeah like most of it was so normal but this part was really weird this is actually in the shining we know what's going on this is this is a scene from the shining there's a long segment now we're a grown man in a budget dog costume huffs women's shoes while making excited hump hump noises
Starting point is 01:07:54 they they he picks the red shoe and they check to see if he's right and he is and then Akiko reveals the shoes belong to Jimmy's manager so he like well effect the effect throws up at some point though he was married to his manager so I guess the joke is that he hates
Starting point is 01:08:10 his wife but he would love to huff the reporters shoes which is just a Jimmy Onishi quiet dignity kind of move like this seems like a watching this I was like oh this guy probably begged to be on documentary like he loves this
Starting point is 01:08:26 he loves being humiliated all the time they start to like phone out of the segment and Jimmy breaks character to demand another line because all he said so far is hump hump which like yeah you probably don't want to go down in history like that so you let him have the chance he pulls the dog mask
Starting point is 01:08:42 off turns the camera and says I don't get it but it's a great David Lynch ass way to end this fucking shoe huffing nightmare 100 yeah holy shit what if you played it all in reverse maybe it makes sense he goes uhhhh
Starting point is 01:08:58 puts a mask on hump hump finds a shoe but it does make sense fuck that's perfect back out of the room slowly on all fours so now it's an interview with Jimmy himself but you like some coffee David should you keep me now they're interviewing Jimmy himself
Starting point is 01:09:14 but he doesn't get to change out of the dog costume I'm gonna assume like that's his choice he's naturally very itchy all throughout the interview because I think that's how he lives his life they ask a series of questions to him and if he's doing a bit about how
Starting point is 01:09:30 sad he was to take this role it's a very convincing bit every answer is the saddest answer you can possibly have to every question they ask I really liked how he said the hardest part of acting was reading like it seemed real genuine like no I can't
Starting point is 01:09:46 fucking read they ask how he the hardest part of voice acting illiteracy you fucking asshole it's still illiteracy these signs say important things that I can't read so
Starting point is 01:10:04 they ask how he felt to lay in their role does anybody have that one down oh I think didn't he just say it was good to have money he said I was just happy to have a job as far as he elaborates he doesn't continue on after these
Starting point is 01:10:20 these one sentence answers are his answers I didn't write any notes about the interview itself the only note I put was that she talks to him like a child but she should be more concerned like he's a 200 pound man with the mouth of a hungry hippo and the impulse control of a horny cartoon dog
Starting point is 01:10:36 and I feel like she's in more danger than she thinks she is he's supposed to be method acting as a molesting dog specifically and she's locked in what appears to be a closet with him so they ask how he tackled the role and since you don't have any notes I'll just fill these out
Starting point is 01:10:52 he says made a lot of humping sounds I do remember that I didn't have to take notes on that because with artistic inspiration that profound I'm like oh I'm going to remember that I can take this with me into my work every one of those things I think you can see him grow more demoralized so she asks
Starting point is 01:11:10 if he thinks it went well and he says you saw for yourself yeah it was a mess lady you know hump hump isn't even like a what do you call it like an onomatopoeia he could have said bonk bonk
Starting point is 01:11:26 like not to give the show notes but if you're going to make a humping sound I think bonk bonk is better than hump hump well you risk losing the real young kids that way they might not get that the dog wants to have sex with the woman
Starting point is 01:11:42 that's it oh my god was that the is that what was going on? oh that makes sense she asks so you wouldn't want to do this again and he says I don't think I'll get the chance yeah I didn't know if you meant that because he's going to die
Starting point is 01:11:58 because he lives in the trash I think I'm going back to the woods after this and I burned a lot of bridges there there are some bears that are real men to me do you have advice for aspiring voice actors and he says do it if you think you can wait also remember
Starting point is 01:12:16 that she tagged on to the other questions she like whispered to him I heard you're going to be involved with a 2 if there's a 2 and he just kind of shrugged like he knew like there's not going to be a 2 lady and I'm not going to be around to see it let's be real I think you're paying me
Starting point is 01:12:32 enough that I can just overdose on opioids it's really rare to see someone on TV with this little media training he has no idea how to answer a question in an interesting way he's obviously illiterate maniac dressed in a dog costume
Starting point is 01:12:50 in a closet dressed in a dog costume with just shoes that have made him very horny she's like hey smell these shoes and then let's just see what happens a lot of people have died after this though fair warning this is kind of my incredible Hulk trigger
Starting point is 01:13:06 right here anyway they close out that interview and there's a contest where you win prizes it's a spot the difference contest they throw to Jimmy for the rules and they did not tell him he'd have to do this before
Starting point is 01:13:22 so because he stumbles out watch the video like those are the rules and then they roll the video and it's the octopus coming scene which is arguably in a show of all worst scenes
Starting point is 01:13:38 it's one of the worst and they now think we will watch it at least twice carefully trying to spot the difference they think they can demand that of you they think they have earned that right I want to make it very clear that he pees on the octopus
Starting point is 01:13:54 and it latches on to his butthole and that's the entirety of that scene no no he does clearly orgasm in it well okay but I'm saying like in this series of actions like these are the two verbs you use P and genital latch
Starting point is 01:14:10 and so like orgasm your brains wrapped around the concept and now they're saying hey what's different with that scene and this scene and then they show a clip where there's like a sea cucumber and a crab and a seal and it's just like well yeah everything that wasn't those first two things is different
Starting point is 01:14:26 like when the background changed and suddenly the octopus was a crab biting him on the nose like that's a different thing and well it sounds like you spotted all the differences is it sarcastic? yeah no I did pretty good I think
Starting point is 01:14:42 well that's great news my point is I just don't think that if you have a brain formed enough like if you're six months old you're gonna ace this test if you can recognize what an octopus is and how it might be different from a thing that's not an octopus like you're done
Starting point is 01:14:58 oh hey we changed an element of the background is my point the dog also does there's four windows on the lighthouse like no no no the octopus is now a crab and it's biting him on a different part of his boner we should say too that when the dog does orgasm
Starting point is 01:15:14 he flies through the air sort of like the transformation scene in Sailor Moon like kind of does like a little mid-air spin and the background changes like he's turning into a moon princess but it's just him orgasming with an octopus on his like dick
Starting point is 01:15:30 oh my god is that what the transformation scenes were supposed to represent? maybe Sailor Moon makes sense no no I'm not anyway it sounds like Sean is ready to win himself one of a hundred kennel toko rizawa mugs that's the prize for the spot the difference contest
Starting point is 01:15:46 those exist jimmy onishi dog fucking mugs that you can win there were a hundred there better still be a hundred and that's somebody out there somebody out there has one find us find us a jimmy onishi dog fucking mug
Starting point is 01:16:02 nobody ever drink out of it oh my god there's definitely an autographed one out there too well there's an X on it yeah you can't write that's true she closes it out by asking what jimmy onishi's plans are for the future and he says
Starting point is 01:16:18 I'm thinking of becoming a pimp which is a great answer he says goodbye and he turns to her and says good luck to you ho yeah with like a real aggressive voice like he's like oh here's here's the bit I call you a whore you're like whoa
Starting point is 01:16:34 and they say they hope they see us again in the sequel which I don't think ever happened and jimmy they painted on jimmy waiting for him to do it and he does sadly say hump hump the end not bonk bonk not bonk bonk
Starting point is 01:16:52 which is better anyway uh happy anime week and good luck to you hoes play this podcast back again and try to spot the differences and a shunde love is in the air tonight at 60, count of 60 singles by for the attention of one
Starting point is 01:17:50 lovely mate takes a king to rule a country but only love rules supreme it's love supreme let's meet our competitors three finger louis erin crossden adrian h
Starting point is 01:18:06 aiden moat likes long walks on the beach oh cook that one early step up your game singles alpha sciences javo andreus larson alpha likes short walks on the beach oh big swing benjamin syronin
Starting point is 01:18:22 vim tallsie ryan sailor likes running on the beach hey alright brian whitney rockway loves the meat mille yes he does zero rev
Starting point is 01:18:38 chase mcpherson likes medium link beach drives ok yeah alright dr rower curious glare dan b ding cus dello donal finney dr awkward likes horseback riding
Starting point is 01:18:54 on the beach see that's how you do it chase mcpherson that's how you do it we got erics balvin fancy shark jello ho hand bone walking loves the beach their words their emphasis harakka
Starting point is 01:19:10 hot fart jacob thornberg would make a love to the beach if only society would allow it ok john deem john the camon john minkoff josh s ken paisley is the
Starting point is 01:19:26 beach not not following on that one ken oh he's doing a beach impression now that's actually really good k&m laziest man on mars mark matt reilly races the beach to the horizon every night and will do so
Starting point is 01:19:42 until he catches her hey that's a beautiful hat michael lair michael wells mike styles moju nd neil bailey writes if you cut me do i
Starting point is 01:19:58 not bleed sand he's cutting himself now good lord it is sand masterfully played neil shafer nick ralston nick etch patrick herbst has just
Starting point is 01:20:14 legally changed his name to beach mcslop i i get beach is there a significance to mcslop no he's shaking his head no rain vargas reyannan rich jozzler sarkovsky
Starting point is 01:20:30 spotty reception just bought the beach and no other contestants are allowed on it baby if you like the beach one game in town ted h has just murdered spotty reception and stolen the beach looking back this one was inevitable timi lehi
Starting point is 01:20:46 toasty god has dynamite in a dream won't you make a new beach together if that doesn't work on them toasty god it worked on me tom sakula yosaria and our stunning star the center of all
Starting point is 01:21:02 this attention and deserves every bit of it the gorgeous the talented jayber al aiden whose turnoffs include the beach but wait turn on dynamite we gotta match let's love supreme folks

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