The Dogg Zzone by 1900HOTDOG - Dogg Zzone 9000 - Episode 94, Piledriver with Dennard Dayle

Episode Date: October 5, 2022

Seanbaby dares Brockway and special guest Dennard Dayle to step into the ring with Piledriver: A collection of music videos by, about, or criminally infringing on professional wrestlers of the 1980s. ...Listen to Koko B. Ware sexually threaten you! Listen to Strike Force sexually threaten you! Listen to Jimmy Hart sexually threa-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 1-900-HOTDOG 1-900-HOTDOG Our podcast slams with maximum hype Say hotdog podcast work Yeah When you taste that nitrate power You're in the dog zone for an hour Come on
Starting point is 00:00:22 You know the number 1-900-HOTDOG 1-0-0-0 1-900-HOTDOG 1-900-HOTDOG 1-900-HOTDOG 1-0-0-0 Yeah, 9000
Starting point is 00:00:43 Welcome to the dog zone 9000 The official podcast of We have the last comedy website Support us on Patreon Or don't And avenge internet jokes after we're gone I'm the world's first Sean and best baby Sean baby
Starting point is 00:00:57 And I'm joined by Maximum Bobby Robert Brockway Here's a Brockway fact I once drop kicked a man so hard I never saw him again No follow-up questions I don't think I need one Our guest today
Starting point is 00:01:10 Is a writer for The New Yorker A columnist for the 1-900-HOTDOG And author of Everything Abridged Buy it now or avenge books He is too much dinard Dinardale Hey, it's me I represent, you know, concerned parents everywhere
Starting point is 00:01:26 Is there anything you'd like to plug? Anything I'd like to plug? Yeah, I'll just plug the book again I think Everything Abridged Buy me is good It's true, it's a great book It's very dense with wit and wisdom And it's his birthday
Starting point is 00:01:41 It's his birthday Not when you're listening to this Don't go wish him a happy birthday You know what, do Wish him a happy birthday I'll take the bloated ones It'll be a few weeks off It'll be a nice Wednesday gift to me
Starting point is 00:01:53 In October, running up on Halloween Well, happy birthday I got you a gift It's a gift So I'm just going to have to explain it to you Because I'm delivering it in the wrong medium It's like, it's Jackie Chan And he turns to the camera
Starting point is 00:02:08 And looks at you And has to say like Not quite, but you're getting there And then he gives a little bit of a thumbs up Alright, I'll take Jackie Chan's muted approval That's like the right level of Paternal love from Jackie Chan Yeah, you're 31, right?
Starting point is 00:02:22 That's what you get at 31 I'm not getting any of those 14-year-old hugs Or 28-year-old bailouts from Chinese prison, you know? Yeah, no But you're getting there You're making a little bit of progress And he thinks that's okay That is a good present though
Starting point is 00:02:37 When he gets you out of Chinese prison That's what I got for my 17th, 22nd, 25th And 34th birthdays At some point he's going to renounce you And send you right back But you get one I only got that for my 12th, good job Thanks
Starting point is 00:02:52 Well, I got a big crew A big support staff behind me I appreciate them They're very concerned parents Today we're talking about music Specifically the music of pro wrestling But not how you're thinking Specifically the direct consumer
Starting point is 00:03:08 VHS cassette, Piled Driver, the Wrestling Album 2 Songs performed or inspired by The WWF's hottest stars Or inspired by Something that's skated right by me Until I watched this Dude, I went in expecting Maybe like just new music videos
Starting point is 00:03:27 To entrance thieves And I was blown away by what I got to say It's the weirdest fucking thing This was 1987 So this was like a totally different era Let's go through everyone In 1987, who was your favorite face And your favorite heel
Starting point is 00:03:43 The year this came out Danard, start with you Alright, so this is Me looking Four years before I was born I think, yes So your mother Then your mother's favorite face
Starting point is 00:04:00 And heel That makes that by diffusion I have older brothers Who would put me in a sharpshooter If I did not just represent the heart foundation For both roles And he was a partner With Jim DeAnvil Nightheart at this time
Starting point is 00:04:16 They were the heart foundation They were the heart foundation Is this one they were with or split from Jimmy Hart Which is a very confusing thing I mean, they would have been No more than a couple months split from him They were with him most of the time around this era So yeah, no
Starting point is 00:04:32 No heart foundation in this video But a fucking ton of Jimmy mouth to the south heart And you know what I'm gonna put them in the face column Contracting most of their run because After the demolition Video and this I have to make My favorite heels
Starting point is 00:04:48 I can't look away from that It's so good That thing made me smile so much So you'd call yourself a tag team specialist I guess you picked tag teams for both of your Both your picks Yeah, I guess I'm a tag team specialist You know, it has that special flavor
Starting point is 00:05:04 Where Vince cares a little less So they're a little freer Makes sense There's two men with the supervision of one man Exactly I really liked Strike Force Because that was sort of Tito Santana And Rick Martell who basically had no gimmick
Starting point is 00:05:20 At the time, they were just like I don't fucking know Tito Santana Sometimes you say Arriba, so I guess you're sort of like A Latino dude and Rick Martell is just Fucking average guy in panties But then they make Strike Force See the jackets for a second Things like a Miami Vice thing, but it's not
Starting point is 00:05:36 Not really Yeah, he was a model for a little while and he carried around Like a bug spray thing of perfume It was really fucking weird Like an aerosol pump Anyway, like When they were solo, they didn't have great gimmicks But together as Strike Force
Starting point is 00:05:54 They were so special Because Tito Santana would just get completely fucked up It didn't matter by whom They'd be just in Tacoma and some random guy from the crowd Would beat the shit out of them And Tito Santana would make the hot tag And then Rick Martell would be on fire Like right here
Starting point is 00:06:10 When Rick Martell comes in it just busts up To random Tacoma jobbers Yeah, that's the formula You have one guy that suffers And one guy that avenges That's like the best way to do it Brockway, same question to you Oh, I never remember
Starting point is 00:06:26 Eras and who was Which, but In general Macho Man Randy Savage Of course, it was all the way Ride or die with the Macho Man Yeah, it was I can pinpoint the moment He had on this glorious fringe jacket
Starting point is 00:06:42 Thing And he took it off And then the fringe stayed Because it was actually unlike his bracers And I was like, oh my god, that's amazing And then he did his flying elbow drop And I just remember My memory has it in slow motion
Starting point is 00:06:58 It is all the majesty of a child's memory Of just this fringe Floating against the lights I swear to god it sparkled somehow Of just him dropping slow motion Fringe trailing like a comet And I was like, this is This is my guy
Starting point is 00:07:14 This is my guy forever That's good, I think there's a nice thing In the arc of aging where Around when you lose Santa You get Randy Savage Yeah, that was For that era, like I feel bad for The kids of today who are denied
Starting point is 00:07:32 A noble replacement figure For Santa Claus Yeah, yeah, that's like why you gotta keep circulating The tapes, you need to like fill that void And then you Who do they get now, like fucking a YouTuber or something It's tragic Oh man, you get PewDiePie instead of
Starting point is 00:07:48 Santa, that's rough Yeah, that's worse Maybe I would turn to extremism Yeah, you get extremism Light I think probably I never dug too many of the heels I guess Jake the Snake Roberts
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah, he was great Yeah, he never felt like a heel to me though Like he was You might get thrown on technicality with just Macho Man Because he was a heel for a little while Right, like that's what I mean by I can never keep track of errors when who was Who was face, who was heel
Starting point is 00:08:20 But Jake the Snake Roberts was always like Even when he wasn't supposed to be full heal You were like, yeah, but don't trust him He's He's wet, he's got a snake Like there's a lot of red flags It was such good judgment He was finishing where he was to put you to sleep
Starting point is 00:08:36 And then just put a snake on you It's just Even when he's not fully supposed to be a bad guy You're like, yeah I don't trust him If you're like a great enough heel People just slowly gravitate towards loving you There is something like
Starting point is 00:08:52 That is wrong in human history That is really captured in that Yeah, I think Undertaker invented that They were like, this guy's a zombie You're gonna hate him and they're like, no, this guy rules We love this undead monster As long as you kick enough ass You're just
Starting point is 00:09:08 Yeah, give us Exactly, give us a zombie frankin sign We need more Wyatt Irv And then there's a stone called Steve Austin Of course that did the same thing And I would say ruined a generation of children I think that's a real dark era
Starting point is 00:09:24 Of all human society I'm an American So in 1987, my favorites were Hulk Hogan And Andre the Giant But if I'm not allowed to pick the super obvious ones I'm gonna say Ricky the Dragon, Steamboat And Ravishing Rick Rude Because I think an evil playgirl hunk
Starting point is 00:09:40 Is like the perfect heel It's crazy there aren't like five of them At any given time He would come in and in his robe And he'd be like all coy All right, I want all of you fat At a shape Huntsville sweat hogs
Starting point is 00:09:56 To keep the noise down Let your lady see what a real man looks like And then he'd pull out like fucking 14 pack Just That is sweet And down every single one right in front of him Yeah He feuded with Jake the Snake Roberts
Starting point is 00:10:12 And he actually put Jake the Snake Roberts wife On his tights He brushed her face on his dick All right, I'm coming around I'm changing my choice Man, COVID is really helping Your wrestler voice Thank you, yeah
Starting point is 00:10:30 I'm glad we scheduled I'm glad you climbed COVID for this podcast I'm glad you're also surviving It so far as far as I can tell You know, I'm actually testing negative My daughter popped positive And I'm just like riddled with symptoms Like I have every possible
Starting point is 00:10:46 COVID symptom there is There's no taste, but everything else Does it feel like the test is gaslighting you when that happens? Yeah, it's like come on test I'm fucking like the kid I spend all day with Got COVID and I'm like oozing snot on my ears and they're like Okay, it's a no
Starting point is 00:11:02 Okay, okay COVID test Donard, if you were a wrestler What would your gimmick be? That is a This has to be something you've thought about before I have Hold on, it's his birthday So I'm gonna give him one second
Starting point is 00:11:18 To think That's the birthday promise Mine would be jet ski I don't know how that works But I would come in somehow On a jet ski I would talk a lot about jet skis And you're goddamn right
Starting point is 00:11:34 I would just fucking power drift And peel out on my jet ski after I won the match And that's all the time you get to think Happy birthday You know what I think I would just try to apply what I know And just try to go for sort of a psycho fan boy Kind of thing, I think that there's
Starting point is 00:11:50 An untapped potential there Like for anime That's just like my given opponent Of the week, do you remember they had that whole thing I think Mickey James had like a really politically Uncomfortable like sort of psycho lesbian gimmick For a while You'd be like swim fan
Starting point is 00:12:06 I'm gonna be the swim I'm gonna be like the stalker Of footage from like Such a good idea Like I've been watching your indie matches From like 2004 man And I know you inside Just make them really uncomfortable right from the start
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah like I want my promos Like just cut from television half the time I don't want them to touch me brother Can I just go Yeah and after I get enough complaints I would probably switch to maybe like Maybe some kind of like stand up max cast a ripoff I think that could also be fun
Starting point is 00:12:38 Those are very interesting choices I actually was pro wrestler for a little while And I was captain party I was a super powered frat boy I had a waterproof jumpsuit For a maximum waterproofedness I had a belt that dispensed PBRs I was supposed to be the bad guy
Starting point is 00:12:54 But generally people liked it Because I was drawing fear off my belt People hate parties It was a bad challenge This was like in the 2000's I thought people would really hate like A frat boy And so I was like
Starting point is 00:13:10 But no, no I ended up being the face I was I did a show At the Ash Street Saloon in Portland Our first show was there Hell yeah I've been kicked out of there Great place to get kicked out of
Starting point is 00:13:26 My buddy Anthony did the pro wrestling Training with me and he was probably 130 pounds So I could do fucking anything to him We were like powerhouse moves All through that bar He kicked me in the back of the head And I did a front bump off the stage
Starting point is 00:13:42 Which is probably I wouldn't recommend it That might be why my shit is still wrong All these years later You gotta try it You gotta try it out It was for me But I pursued a different career
Starting point is 00:14:00 That sounds like a wonderful time I think that what must have been miscalibrated Was I think people Frats and abstract And dislike the side effects And consequences of frats Right For turning these themselves they're a lot of fun
Starting point is 00:14:16 You go there and it's just a bunch of people That went to college Under the pretense of learning But really just want to drink every night You're like okay I can get on board with this I can relate to that and then you open the newspaper Two weeks later and it's like oh It happened in the attic that time
Starting point is 00:14:32 Okay Just don't Keep them to one story No basements, no attics No walls maybe Maybe just like an open space Like if there were only frat apartments That would work out
Starting point is 00:14:48 Every frat should just take place In an open arena that you can tag in And out of as needed Maybe just a big Zion I think I just designed like two reality TV shows that should happen I think we just invented wrestling
Starting point is 00:15:06 I think we invented wrestling Let's talk about this pal drama Video I love this thing so much I've been wanting to talk about this for years It was It's so weird Like we say some of the videos are inspired by wrestlers
Starting point is 00:15:22 And not about them And it's introduced by some guy named George Stevens Who's the producer of it Okay is he Anybody in wrestling? Is he an announcer? I've never seen him before in my life I need to talk about this guy because he kind of
Starting point is 00:15:38 Makes me feel a little insane What makes me feel completely insane Like that is not an actual human being That's like somebody missed Programmed a Disney animatronic It's His delivery is insane His fucking hair is insane
Starting point is 00:15:54 He never really makes Kai contact with the camera Yeah I guess he's probably reading Q cards But like no broadcast skills And he comes on to explain something that Like does not need explaining This is wrestling videos Wrestling music videos Like that's weird enough already
Starting point is 00:16:12 Like coming in with like just some behind the scenes guy Reading us the table of contents Like you don't fucking make it less weird by adding a second Unprecedented thing It's strange It's such an intuitive easy concept Like okay some pro wrestlers and musicals like you said And then he comes in to add this whole layer saying
Starting point is 00:16:28 I am The Real fake producer Of these real fake music videos But in our universe these music videos are fake Right But we had real production issues Making them
Starting point is 00:16:44 I don't like how much he talked about the way they made him feel Before and after It was just It was weirdly like almost too sensitive Into it too He's like I did not feel safe filming I mean yeah It's a wrestling but of course he wouldn't feel safe
Starting point is 00:17:00 But like You don't need to tell me that in between the introductions Or like this might be feel very tense During this video It's a good point that it adds this other Element of fiction That we don't have a handle on Like we get that we're supposed to pretend these guys are really
Starting point is 00:17:16 Like whatever gladiators that fight each other But now They are not being paid for this Video Or they I don't know why this has a Crypt Keeper He's very much Crypt Keeper with flesh
Starting point is 00:17:32 Like a flesh covered Crypt Keeper Not as cool Not as cool of course Like he wouldn't Yeah he would not party with a Crypt Keeper So He goes to The construction foreman
Starting point is 00:17:48 Who's not a wrestler He was just I think According to this guy was the real construction Foreman where they filmed a bunch of wrestlers as construction workers Yeah why wasn't this a wrestling You had so many chances for wrestling skits This should have been a wrestling skit Instead they I thought it was going to be
Starting point is 00:18:04 A wrestler pretending to be the foreman And I was like oh yeah here we go And then it was just a foreman like complaining about Complaining about how Everybody who works for him is a huge Posing I guess They're not as tough as the wrestlers These fucking wrestlers I tell you what they come in
Starting point is 00:18:20 They're so huge My guys they was real scared I tell you if I had a crew Of real wrestlers don't tell my boys this But if I had a crew of wrestlers oh boy oh boy We could really build stuff I remember the best quote Actually that was probably the best quote The second best quote was
Starting point is 00:18:36 When those boys hit the site And It describes it like This van of Party orcs hit his construction Site and every second of it Makes me smile like honestly All of the sort of discomfort
Starting point is 00:18:52 Of the announcer kind of Melts away as I walk into this Construction Nonsense world that this first video was in I do agree that setting it up like A bunch of wrestlers showed up and then All of the real construction workers were like They're going to pretend to be
Starting point is 00:19:08 Construction workers this place is Tumbling down around their ears like this building Is going I got to get the fuck out of here Yeah And Coco beware I was Aware of this song like it's Existence
Starting point is 00:19:26 But this video kind of made him my hero Yeah he's Coco beware was kind of a weird guy Because I never really got him like What was his What was his gimmick He'd come on tv about every 15th Saturday mornings and like plow through some random
Starting point is 00:19:42 Jobber but it was like God I don't even know like in the 80s The WF stars Would fight totally random guys Like I mentioned earlier it's just like Hi I'm Jung Hansen Theme unknown I'm here to fight Coco beware and he was just getting fucking plowed
Starting point is 00:19:58 And I guess Coco beware was like a parrot I don't quite get he called himself the bird man But he didn't fly that often his finisher Was a brain buster And he never really feuded with the other wrestlers So we did a promo Yeah he had ski goggles and
Starting point is 00:20:14 He had a funny jacket and he had a bird With him A head cannon for him And it's just me entertaining myself not in accusation So much But I see him with that bird and I kind of like to Imagine they just had a Really sort of
Starting point is 00:20:30 Unappropriate idea of who this guy was going to be And then someone said no you've got to scale that back Like keep the bird or whatever we're not doing This African pirate thing Right they just this was Right before they had the great Kamala if you're familiar With him I love that you were like they must have
Starting point is 00:20:46 Rethought this offensive idea in 1980s Wrestling and scaled it No they didn't Yeah the idea you had It wasn't to scale it back it was to give it To a different guy because the great Kamala was like Just every Haitian and African Stereotype in one giant
Starting point is 00:21:02 Wizard he ate a live chicken On air once Like a full life He used a magical place We got to scale this back let's just have him Eat the live chicken But not the cockatoo Let's save the cockatoo for Coco
Starting point is 00:21:18 Let's just kind of make him like a Parrot man Yeah that's what I mean it seems like It seems like they don't want to commit to an idea Or it's like they had half of an idea And then ran out of time He's got to go on now though To just go with the bird
Starting point is 00:21:34 The bird is all we had You're a guy with a bird And he's the main visual I need Because I am an impressional moron I have to ask a question About Coco beware specifically because I have a handle On the other ones like Who's faking and who had some
Starting point is 00:21:50 Vocal or whatever role Does he have any Human input into like this song's existence God I would I would imagine they went through the Cast and said who can sing this And they had Jimmy mouth of the south heart And nobody else
Starting point is 00:22:06 Like Coco you're black You must have had like church choir or something He's like whoa whoa whoa whoa that's racist But uh No and I can't sing they're like you're Perfect But you're the bird guy like singing Is kind of the bird thing
Starting point is 00:22:24 We never even settled on what that gimmick was Maybe that makes sense Is there like Sheet music that exists for what he's saying In this because I feel like they just almost said Feel it out man what's in your heart Can you even pronounce the word argument Coco
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah sure argument Get out there and sing pal So I guess For the listeners I hope I should Establish that this song has There have been a lot of expressions for Love hurts as a lyrical Concept
Starting point is 00:22:56 And I don't know how it took us till 1987 to coin it hurts Like a pile dryer Well I do have a clip of this song here Let's let everyone hear this This is Coco singing You can make a little What a hero
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah nobody took a Second pass on that and Are we sure That love sounds like you were using Wrestling moves on your woman Are we sure It is a domestic violence song right Like this is not about like an argument
Starting point is 00:23:58 This is how like love sometimes is Normal sex and sometimes you're beating the Hell out of your wife because you're a Drugged up wrestler that's what the song's about It's a really one sided move To use for a love metaphor Like only one person is getting Slapped at a pile driver
Starting point is 00:24:14 Not to take this to too Dark a place but when the neighbors Become a problem and I go over to check That everybody's alright I'm pretty sure The first thing the guy says is Sometimes love sounds like a fight And that's when you call the police Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:30 Sometimes love sounds like A band move you know Yeah police you gotta Get over here yeah he said Sometimes love feels like a fight He's got a bird he's kind of like a parrot man I don't know you gotta hurry You gotta get here for that
Starting point is 00:24:46 Officer this guy I can only describe Him and all his friends as one walking Steroid Just a big massive steroid Making a strong case for how Their love sounds like a fight The only way that this is okay And I think there might be a way that this
Starting point is 00:25:02 Is okay that we can joke about Is if it's two wrestlers In love with each other I don't think it was ever truly Specified this as you know a small human Woman who will not Physically withstand a pile driver But all this is
Starting point is 00:25:18 Is like 20 wrestlers on a construction Site just having a good time So mentally I'm going to substitute it with their talking About being in love with each other And this is what wrestling love feels like Now you have like a sun shinier World and I guess if you kick out
Starting point is 00:25:34 At two you know you work things out Is that the metaphor here? Yeah there we go Postponing orgasm To make your lover have a better time Kicking out is now Call it edging now P.W.G
Starting point is 00:25:50 Master edging There we go I like when Coco hits the high notes Which he absolutely cannot They would cut to footage of him like hitting The bird buster on some guy which is like I sort of took it as the WWF version of Auto tune like it's like okay ignore how
Starting point is 00:26:06 We can't hit the note look at him fuck this guy up But now I'm thinking maybe that was Like an extended visual metaphor Of the love he feels for that guy He's bird bustering That's cutting away to the sex scene It's like imagine if this was any other 80s pop song and like fucking
Starting point is 00:26:22 Brian Adams is out there on the beach And then it cuts away to Brian Adams At the most romantic point in the song Holding hands with a woman in the sky Or something Well now it's Coco beware Given the bird buster Imagine Brian Adams
Starting point is 00:26:38 Lifting a guy up for the bird buster Bringing him down on the back Of that neck with so much romance And love I know it sounds like a fight It sounds a little bit like an argument This was so dense With skits which is all I want All I want out of a wrestling
Starting point is 00:26:56 Anything is I just want Heavy with skits and God there were so many antics Like when the whole college turns And sprays the foreman with Cement They even set that up enough with them Saying oh yeah he held up a cement gun
Starting point is 00:27:12 That takes two guys all by the hulk's Theirself You know like yes he's 300 fucking pounds of steroids We figure he can carry a two man It takes two men just to work that awful Awful thing and he blasted That poor old man with it He just drowned that old man in quick dry and cement
Starting point is 00:27:28 As each testicle just shrank A little bit more every minute And they never found that guy again He's still in the foundation Of that strip mall they built Keeps this video in the charm zone Is that There's a route that could have gone
Starting point is 00:27:44 Because like it's very much In that music video thing where it's like Oh look you know the hooten and holler And the ladies or whatever But I kind of like in this Video that they are all like Still ineffectual construction workers In this universe like
Starting point is 00:28:00 Of no attention and that's Kind of in its own Twisted cartoon way unironically funny I agree I like There was one where the women were walking by And at first they're kind of sexy like they have like You know short shorts And they start coming by in like 80s business suits
Starting point is 00:28:16 With like big shoulder pads like Like I don't know sexy they're still sexy but like Not in the way you'd think You'd make a woman sexy for a construction Worker music video I think Hogan sees one of them and like Violently eats a sandwich
Starting point is 00:28:32 I cannot destroy this woman In public so I will destroy this sandwich And you will understand that the sandwich Is the woman Yeah and it's I guess it's just kind of work because like There's supposed to be like these ubermench In these universe and here they're all like
Starting point is 00:28:48 Horny 12 year olds who can't talk to a girl And that's There's another layer to this in that Every wrestling skit falls apart completely Think about it like they're just They're just executing like Basic trope ideas but they They don't have comedy
Starting point is 00:29:04 Instincts or any oversight whatsoever Or the time to do like a second draft So the whole Like cat calling women Trope skit thing that they're doing We're like oh we're gonna go cat call women That works because construction workers are like Up on a building out in the city
Starting point is 00:29:20 Here they're still on their one rented closed Construction site so they're in the middle of Like a drainage pipe in like a dusty lot And business women Are walking by and they're like They're walking through the construction site Itself Journey is 1980s google maps
Starting point is 00:29:36 Sedaniumed them through I'm just gonna hop the fence And walk through this construction site Oh no cat calls Apparently it goes so I'm gonna jump In this drainage ditch and follow it To the quarry just fucking Take a shortcut to work through there
Starting point is 00:29:52 It occurred to them that like we rented the lot So it all takes place on the lot But we gotta have a cat calling scene and nobody was like That doesn't really make sense like get the fuck out of here We got 30 seconds Listen we do not have time for rewrites Reshoots, re-anything There is no re in this video
Starting point is 00:30:08 You wanna see how it's done son? A Hulk eat that sandwich like you're horny Go and we got it one take Why are the best Terry? I'm very happy that this DVD opens This particular song first off The coke will be where just not singing
Starting point is 00:30:24 Kind of sets my expectations like Okay I'm not looking for like Van Halen 2 Here we're going to skit We're kitchen I like how he smashes things Whenever there's an emotional climax in the song Like he has a sledgehammer and he'll just like break a Piece of wood
Starting point is 00:30:40 All those construction workers were right to flee He just Every time there's an emotional moment he turns around And knocks part of a building out I've been on I've been on a construction site destroyed By wrestlers before but not again You won't get me again
Starting point is 00:30:56 There's a really weird part at the end Where the foreman goes into the porta potty With a dirty magazine I guess he's just gonna Fucking rub one out during the work day And then they come and they forklift him up And they cut to an interview of him Like oh boy I knew the boys had control Of the forklift so it was rough
Starting point is 00:31:12 And so like What the fuck is this? They cut away before the punchline And then they had him deliver the punchline They had him reflect on the punchline In a post-punchline interview This is a fucking Cosm in Metacom
Starting point is 00:31:28 Why would anyone put a person in that Like behind the door of a thing And it's like boy there were no dang point to it But I was sitting in that closed porta potty With no safety equipment while they filmed that dangerous stunt That's a fucking thing you should believe viewers Like it's crazy It felt like he was missing the setup too
Starting point is 00:31:44 He wasn't doing anything like That feels different to the Sort of cat collar going on so far Like he's probably even a better person For maybe keeping his cranking to himself Hulk's out there just cranking that sandwich We know what that sandwich means Hulk that is indecent
Starting point is 00:32:02 Exactly but he's getting Like this sort of comeuppance gag And I'm just sort of tilting my head Thinking did a transition Get cut here or am I just High or... Right there was like Three parts of a joke out of order And missing the fourth
Starting point is 00:32:18 It was a crazy way to end that Luckily we had fucking George Stevens to go Everyone had fun Making this video Except for Honky Tonk Man But we'll get to that in a minute He Adds so many questions
Starting point is 00:32:34 That did not need to be added to this And also in this whole Honky Tonk Man I don't know if I'm breaking our flow It just is sticking in my head He does the most painful Explanation of the joke I've seen of anything in a while It's fucking frustrating
Starting point is 00:32:50 Like he's there A clip of his interview I'll play this But that's okay I shouldn't complain Because see the Honky Tonk Man's got women Like that everywhere They all want to see the Honky Tonk Man undressed And when they do you ought to watch him scream
Starting point is 00:33:20 You ought to see him faint And I want you to watch this video The best one ever made That's so fucking good Like just cut Can we start from the top Honky Tonk Man You are fucking out of your mind I suddenly understand
Starting point is 00:33:36 How he was the longest Dental champion ever All the ladies want to see him get undressed That's how I thought that his entire Character, his entire bit Is doing an Elvis impression So they found a guy that can't do an Elvis impression
Starting point is 00:33:52 Like that's the only thing that you're supposed to do Maybe you sing, you dance Oh no I can't sing or dance Can you do an Elvis voice I can't do an Elvis voice Well you're perfect He's like Jerry the king Lawler's like cousin
Starting point is 00:34:08 Or I think cousin Probably And I can only imagine The game of rock paper scissors over Okay so we've got these two wrestling gimmicks One is a king And one is pretending to be Elvis For the rest of your life
Starting point is 00:34:24 And then they both fought over Elvis You fought over Elvis Oh man I looked up who wrote these songs And the Piled River song was written Like most of the songs in this album By a guy named James A. Johnston And his credits include only
Starting point is 00:34:44 WWF songs Because even the songs he wrote That weren't specifically about wrestling Are here on this wrestling album It's like he's pleading with a listener He do non-wrestling music But it turns out he never did And probably can't
Starting point is 00:35:00 It turns out he proved that he can't And then he sold that proof to everybody Can I just double check Double fact check to make sure I'm not gonna go off On an idiot tangent This is the same Jim Johnston that did Like all the Atterra like DX theme like Stone Cold theme
Starting point is 00:35:16 Okay so seeing His face was this weird Out of body moment for me Why does it keep this guy completely backstage One time I guess it's what hurt his feelings But he just looks like a dork He just sort of looks like a dork
Starting point is 00:35:32 Looks like the kind of dork that writes Wrestling music I don't know I guess I always pictured Like someone like a giant wrestler Writing the wrestling music Macho man back there just writing it down Real quick Leapy Lanny Papa was back there
Starting point is 00:35:48 I thought it was He secretly had a Music production degree or something I don't know Yeah I think They kind of build Their universe, their pocket reality And makes you think that way and
Starting point is 00:36:04 Jim Johnston is kind of an This whole video and him is kind of interesting for me to think about Because there's this marketing thing This idea that they sort of Lean in and out of every decade or so Where they tilt the windmill of What if all the media That our fans consumed was only
Starting point is 00:36:20 Wrestling When they had the last round of the network They tried to make it so they had their own version of punk And mad tv and all that shit And I see I guess this whole video is them thinking Can we make our own MTV All wrestler MTV
Starting point is 00:36:36 I mean Cindy Loper kind of Worked it And Lou Albano for Two videos That's enough to To try to start your own network Sure They made their own Twisted Metal
Starting point is 00:36:52 I don't know if you ever played WWE Crush Hour They made Twisted Metal They made a WWE Twisted Metal It's always fascinating to me the random things they think like This but wrestling It's never connected to wrestling at all It's always fucking Mario Kart
Starting point is 00:37:08 Or something But even that would have made more sense I don't know You would love Crush Hour So it's like Jim Ross recording things And then they splice it together with Lag between all the lines so it'll be like Rikishi Has picked up
Starting point is 00:37:24 The Twisted Rockets And the whole game is like that Just laugh out loud funny the whole time you play And it's not even the wrestling moves They fire rockets at each other It has to be like If your car could execute a flying elbow drop That's something
Starting point is 00:37:40 I'll do that It's just a bunch of wrestlers on Segways And they have to use wrestling moves on each other Okay That'd be great Even if it was just like a foot race and they're all just Wait is that just a match gimmick It might be a match gimmick
Starting point is 00:37:56 Fightin' hurdles It's solitaire But you have Ted DiBiase's hands Okay I guess when we talk about the song The same thing sucks It's about how he's the fucking Honky Tonk man At one point he literally just says
Starting point is 00:38:18 I'm just a Honky Tonk man 15 times in a row And this is a 3 minute song So that's like what you're dealing with He can't dance for shit He's being electrically tortured by the Viet Cong And then it ends with a disclaimer That the women were paid to cheer for him in the video So like that's a whole other fiction now
Starting point is 00:38:34 That like oh this takes place In the universe where people aren't normally paid To be in music videos but they were here And that's a scandal It's fucking crazy In the world of pro wrestling, yes Like you could have gotten away with not paying all of these people By just skipping town as soon as the match was over
Starting point is 00:38:52 But this loser stuck around To pay everybody Yeah when Our cryptkeeper is Deriding him for the sin Of paying the members of his music video But Well let's
Starting point is 00:39:08 Dissect how that joke was executed The video ends with a text Crawl over the top that says Disclaimer these women were paid To cheer or whatever So that's the punchline to the joke And then no It turns out that's the setup to the joke
Starting point is 00:39:24 And then George comes back On to be like It turns out those women were paid If you read my disclaimer at the end It's set up to the joke when we've already had the punchline And it turns out the punchline to the joke Is those women were paid to do this To do punchline setup
Starting point is 00:39:40 Set up punchline again Well fucking what And he delivers it with like the importance Like if they were transporting powder Across the border I'm like okay yeah He paid them to cheer for what the fuck you think this is It does it, it's such a scandal to this guy That someone
Starting point is 00:39:58 Made a music video and paid the performers It even in the little He draws a diagram to explain that He had paid these people Like that's how far we go to explain This weak punchline that has already happened Twice But the third time with the diagrams
Starting point is 00:40:14 It even like points to members of the band It's like he paid these people You didn't think you should even pay the band And he lays out And did you know he wasn't really playing guitar In that video and I'm just like That was the joke in the video In the video you made for children
Starting point is 00:40:32 That children can understand His hands weren't touching the strings We fucking caught it pal The punchline was the setup For him to deliver the setup And then the punchline It's an absolutely maddening structure Of comedy that I don't even know
Starting point is 00:40:48 How you would arrive at that accidentally He starts complaining And then shuffled them wrong That is really frustrating As a comedy writer to see this video Yeah And I have to get at this This thing in the lyrics by the way
Starting point is 00:41:04 I know that getting at the honky-tonk Men's song for the lyrics Might be low-hagging fruit but I'm gonna pick it Please Cause I really just love someone in their own theme song Saying I'm cool, I'm cocky I'm bad 40 times if I recall
Starting point is 00:41:20 I'm really neat And people genuinely like me These are not bragging statements These are just personality traits I have narcissistic personality disorder Like, I don't know If there's a song about how you're gonna fuck somebody up Which most of the songs on this album are
Starting point is 00:41:38 I feel appropriate for a wrestler to sing But if you're just like, hey I really like toy trains Here Okay, cool So it didn't make the video But I I'm gonna put one on the Wikipedia page just to see What the other two songs that were in here were
Starting point is 00:41:54 And like, dug them up on YouTube So have you guys heard like the Jimmy Hart thing on this? I'm not sure So the album has this Jimmy Hart track And it's a lot like The slick track in that it's just About him crushing ass I guess
Starting point is 00:42:10 Hell yeah, Jimmy Hart Oh yeah, Jimmy Hart, only I guess That he goes for more of like a I don't know, it's 1987 I don't feel in one kind of thing It just Makes me think about it Actually, why didn't that make the
Starting point is 00:42:26 They didn't get the rights I was surprised because Jimmy Hart is all over This video in like random clips But his song isn't And it's better than songs that made it Like the fucking Honky Tonkman song This should have been thrown into the ocean Well skipping
Starting point is 00:42:42 A little bit tying this in To the next song, the demolition one This is the first time I realized They could not actually Get all the wrestlers that are in this video To be in this video Right Like immediately you see
Starting point is 00:42:58 Uh oh, this is how it's gonna be now You had wrestlers in two of these songs But then the third song They don't show up And you're just like, yeah, George goes When I asked them what they wanted to see In their video, they said Bombs going off, buildings
Starting point is 00:43:14 Being destroyed, and clips of our matches And so stock footage They politely requested not to be in the video And that you play stock footage instead And they did exactly that It's amazing I have to apologize to George here Because
Starting point is 00:43:30 The fucking idea of just Talking to these two Mad Max Cannibals And they just list Explosions and various acts of violence That they want in their videos It's funny to me, just straightforwardly Yeah, just like on the phone with them
Starting point is 00:43:46 Like, hey, guys, it's George from work The only thing funnier would have been We're tearing rabbits apart with our bare hands To the video to do that skit Yeah Would be nice But just, yeah, it's clearly I don't know why that song
Starting point is 00:44:02 What you were talking about was cut But I'm gonna assume somebody decided It was too good for this compilation Much like Yeah, they're not doing that for this Yeah, come on Yeah, I'm just saying that leather jock Is not casual work
Starting point is 00:44:18 Like they said, it's just Bombs going off But weirdly, a lot of it was atomic bomb Testing Which kills the vibe of awesome destruction But because they used stock footage It was also just photos of Disaster
Starting point is 00:44:34 And it's just like It's just like It's also just like photos of disasters And things, and there was one point where they Pained across like a town That it actually burned down And it was just actual people picking through the wreckage It's just
Starting point is 00:44:50 So they're driving rock songs like, yeah, look at these Sad people looking for their missing dogs It felt like If Judas Priest made Atomic Cafe Yeah, it's like In the hands of anybody else I would have said this was like a Nation of war or glorifying war, I guess
Starting point is 00:45:08 But uh I can't give it that much credit Yeah, I get That vibe, like just Random like nuclear safety videos Like superimposed over Acts of violence, very strange Um, very strange
Starting point is 00:45:24 And for all the jokes I've made At its expense, I think this is what my like Action movie subconscious looks like And Maybe sounds like And maybe sounds like just Here comes the axe, here comes the smasher That's not the melody, whatever
Starting point is 00:45:40 It's close, it's very close It feels like a first draft That he came up with on the way to the studio He's like, okay guys, I got something like this We're demolition They're like, that's fine, fucking come on, Rick By the way, this was Rick Derringer's song
Starting point is 00:45:56 He's a legendary guitarist, famous for Making rock and roll Hoochie-Coo He also produced the first WF music album, along with Hulk Hogan's theme song Which of course everyone knows, Real American That was a very weird album, Junkyard Dog Had a rap song on it called Grab Them Cakes
Starting point is 00:46:12 And Rowdy Piper Grab Them Cakes And Rowdy Piper did a cover of Fuck Everybody Only he changed it to For Everybody Which is Cartoonishly strange So anyway, Rick's back Making this song
Starting point is 00:46:30 Which like I say, it's kind of like If Whose line is it anyway, if they asked Wayne Brady to do an Alice Cooper song About like, taking the dog to the vet or whatever It's just, it sounds like he's just making A fucking, like, real Gentle metal song
Starting point is 00:46:46 Yeah, rock and roll Hoochie-Coo First of all I Feel like I float a little bit away from This universe when I say the title and I try to Sign meaning to like, the phonemes In it The video is this
Starting point is 00:47:04 Amazing improv comedy Mess It was great, I mean the second The very second because I lived in the 80s And I've been primed for this So the second that teacher appeared on screen I was like, she is going to strip She's dressed as like a conservative nerd
Starting point is 00:47:20 And she has her hair out and I'm like, she's gonna flip Her hair out and start stripping Because of the power of rock and roll And immediately, like three seconds into the video Exactly what was going to happen We should set this up They do do, they do perform rock and roll Hoochie-Coo Mean Jean Okerland, the
Starting point is 00:47:36 Announcer performs it So it's the overplayed song from 1973, only karaokeed By some guy who can't sing very well In like a classroom setting They set this fucking whole thing up Like, oh, I'm here to teach you Beethoven And Native American buffalo lips
Starting point is 00:47:52 He said some fucking weird shit And then he has a blue Like, bob cut Record scratch But we're gonna start with rock and roll And Mean Jean in the blue wig and mirror shades Like he's a fucking Dreadnock
Starting point is 00:48:08 But he still got that weak Chin and the old man posture It's like, okay guys, what are we doing here And then the teacher gets up on the desk And just literally starts Pulling a dress up to show her panties to the children And I'm like, did you guys all forget Where the fuck you are?
Starting point is 00:48:24 Like again, they knew The foundations of each of these Things that had been done before, like yeah The teacher gets overcome with the power Of rock and roll and becomes sexy Like the classroom rebells But you can't like combine all of these things Into the same scene so that she's
Starting point is 00:48:40 Becoming sexy to her children It's all signifiers Sort of stapled Gun together in a random Order But there's a point in this Where they have to Improv a little dialogue
Starting point is 00:48:56 And he turns to Mean Jean and says Did somebody say keep on rockin' Mean Jean? Mean Jean Musters all of his rock and roll to say I think so, Rick Just It's just
Starting point is 00:49:12 It's as much as rock and roll energy as he can bring Super rockin' Hulk Hogan shows up in the middle of the video to play bass Which is pretty rock and roll Yeah, he's got a lot Of clips of that across The different songs actually, cause he was in Some kind of band before he was doing the wrestling
Starting point is 00:49:28 Big bit, right? Probably, I don't know He'll do anything if you let him play the bass He'll show up and She's gonna strip for her kids Can I play the bass? Alright I think that just conjures Hulk Hogan
Starting point is 00:49:44 If you're a teacher and you stand up on your desk With all your underpants to the kids Hulk Hogan just appears With a bass guitar This is just I am a real American So we gotta try it I guess
Starting point is 00:50:00 Oh wait, hot female teacher Hot female teacher And they have so much pride In the fact that he can sort of Semi-accurately bob of the bass Or maybe he's actually playing out, fuckin' up But they Have the best two songs
Starting point is 00:50:16 There is just a lot of Hulk Jammin' it, so to speak Right, because they know Intrinsically, that's the best thing They have to offer Is the image of Hulk Hogan Rockin' out Everybody's gonna love that
Starting point is 00:50:32 And just put that in everything I do love it Well, I hate that song I wanna move on to Girls in Car Before we do, I wanna cover two things First, it ends perfectly With a freeze frame on Mean Jean Smiling to the camera, like a Jackie Chan movie
Starting point is 00:50:48 And I've argued many times and I will argue it again That's the perfect way to end anything Sure And also, the segue We come out and George goes I agree with Mean Jean when he said Thank you very much, Mrs. Brooks She made the video fun for me
Starting point is 00:51:04 That's kind of like Weird as, I don't even know How you're supposed to deal with that shit That he brings to like I enjoyed the possibility Of seeing her butt and vagina And on that note, let's look at some more butts And possibly vaginas
Starting point is 00:51:20 And then it's madness The exact intonation He said that with like You expect a detective to say Tell me where the bodies are, George Time for your game This is a bad human impression If I was in the woods and somebody started talking to me like that
Starting point is 00:51:36 That's okay, you're an alien You're not passing, you're not pulling it off Just, you know, get the probing done Let's not play games Some wild rubber mask stuff Going on there But okay, girls and cars Girls and cars, they really let us into the creative process
Starting point is 00:51:54 With Jim Johnston Written by Jim Johnston Who graciously granted us this interview We're here doing a remix of girls and cars For Rick and Tito's entrance music When I first spoke to Rick and Tito About writing the song for them Every idea I brought up to them
Starting point is 00:52:10 They shot back girls at me So pretty soon we were talking about Only girls Who do you like to fight? We were talking about driving around in our cars And the girls we see and how you want to try to chase them down But you never seem to be able to find them again We got our good friend, Robbie Dupree
Starting point is 00:52:24 To sing it for us He did a great job singing it And we're really happy about the way it came out All you girls, you've gone a bit too far I'm not safe behind the wheel of this car Let's watch it right now God damn it We're just playing the whole thing
Starting point is 00:52:40 Who's going to sue us? Nobody owns that I love that story I was interviewing these two megastars And yeah, they are the two most desperate folks on the planet They have not touched a butt since the 1960s Can we Hold on, let's analyze the videos we've had so far
Starting point is 00:52:56 Full effort With Kokobi Ware Appears, sings in it Just a whole force of wrestlers Some effort, honky tonk He shows up, it's pretty It's not great But he sings it, he's in there
Starting point is 00:53:12 Demolition did sing that song Did not bother to show up for the filming of the video Now we're to girls in cars And the wrestler's presence in this Is a single still image of them That they managed to capture In the introduction of the song They appear nowhere in the video
Starting point is 00:53:28 And do not sing the song It's more like They endorse the idea Of a song about their lives But not specifically Their names are not mentioned In the song That would cause money, I guess
Starting point is 00:53:44 Yeah It almost makes you wonder if they want to try to dodge This whole project I wonder what the attitude is going into this album Or I guess you probably have the Whole human range Between maybe Randy Savage Said get this shit away from me
Starting point is 00:54:00 And that's why there's no sign of him here And some people are like Listen, I'm not going to be in that But if you want to mention me And use this one photo Okay And then Coco be girls Just don't twist it
Starting point is 00:54:16 So that I'm trying to To run down women in my car To molest their corpses like James Spader That's all I ask I was reading this article About Strike Force And what they ended up being Was great
Starting point is 00:54:36 And this is like Total dirt sheet nonsense So maybe it's bullshit and I'm going to get sued for this Let's try Are you listening to Tito? This tag team was evidently Sort of pitched As they were going to do sort of a border patrol
Starting point is 00:54:52 Kind of thing and then Some headlines came out where the border patrol Did but it always does And corpses pop up And they're like, okay, let's You're two guys now So they were going to make Tito Santana A border patrol agent?
Starting point is 00:55:08 It doesn't sound like a great idea It doesn't sound very Cool to do Was it like an odd couple pairing where one is a border Patrol agent and I'm not going to finish this I'm not going to finish this Yeah, we'll just cut that off Jamie, you got to cut the last 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:55:24 That's what Brockway said I remember there was this comic book That came out, I think it was like 2008 That tried to do like an action border patrol thing And the thing that hack writer will always do To try to add like, I'm going to tap into The moral ambiguity of the scenario Is have like one of the primary
Starting point is 00:55:42 Like two or three people You know, be like Mexican or South America or have you And it will It just does not scan the way they want it to Right, everybody sees immediately What you're trying to do Yeah, there's no shell game here
Starting point is 00:55:58 Where you come out like You've really made me think About race in America And the expectations we put On our law enforcement officers To be perfect in an imperfect world Except for by the racists They love that and will always say that
Starting point is 00:56:16 Oh yeah, they're 100% behind it They wonder why all art isn't just this But And if you are a racist, all art is just that You have your special channel That is just that and people make Movies with starring Gina Carano and
Starting point is 00:56:32 You can just live in your bubble And speaking of problematic Nationalism, I think the performer Of this song, Robbie Dupree Looks like Turkey tried to make their own Kenny Loggins I just love that it literally The whole song is This dork wandering around
Starting point is 00:56:50 Being like, I'm gonna chase you down my car Like those lines That's the chorus of the song Is all you girls have gone a bit too far I'm not safe behind the wheel of my car I'm not responsible for my actions Because of the effects you have on me It's like Bingo Loggins
Starting point is 00:57:06 Is belting out this nonsense song About like, it's their fucking fault Like we have to chase you in our car It's your fault All the lyrics are about how all the women Are interested, but they're doing that on purpose To drive you crazy I really like how there's long montages
Starting point is 00:57:22 Of girls not in cars Like aggressively not in cars Like walking, riding scooters, sitting And Bingo Loggins is out there on the beach Just like birds attacking him It's such a weird video I do have a clip
Starting point is 00:57:46 Oh yeah Just they are pretending Back to the top I'm gonna hit you It's your fault ladies How fucking dare you In cars Take it away James Spader
Starting point is 00:58:24 Once again This isn't an accusation It's just how the art content Comes off It sounds like This hilarious Vice City synthesizer In cell anthem
Starting point is 00:58:40 These fucking girls in their fucking cars Are we sure These sirens tempting me Why did we let them drive It's so erotic So erotic when they drive I can't help myself I imagine him in this
Starting point is 00:58:56 Almost a Miami Vice version of a Phantom of the Opera Mask just pawing at his car's window Just saying one day my sweets One day I love that song A song that's just girls in cars 50 times Saving them for your stocking
Starting point is 00:59:12 I love it in one-two directions That distract you while driving The fact that it's sort of based around things That Tito Santana and Rick Martell are into That's fine, that's enough for me As a wrestling fan Slow dance the night away Next up we have a song by Slick
Starting point is 00:59:28 Who It's pretty problematic I wanna play a clip of his intro Just to picture We start on a close-up Of his greasy mouth As he's eating a bucket of fried chicken And we pull out from there
Starting point is 00:59:44 What is this I can't believe it I can't go anywhere without Bright lights Television cameras But I don't blame you It's continuous Everybody's talking about
Starting point is 01:00:04 The hottest album in the country Right now Of which yours Truly is featured With the number one hit on the album Jazz Soul Bro The number one hit And you know what
Starting point is 01:00:22 I don't blame you for following me around Because after all, I can beat Coco be worth singing I can beat Robbie Dupree singing I can beat Jimmy Hart singing I can beat them all And not only can I beat Them singing but I can beat
Starting point is 01:00:38 Them dancing too I can dance so good That I can beat Michael Jackson Dancing And you guys won't even let me From a yard bird In peace I'll tell you what
Starting point is 01:00:54 I like in the middle of All this minstrelry He still gets his wrestling promo in He needs to get that Yeah, it was almost Respectable How many things he got done there I didn't like any of them
Starting point is 01:01:10 But he got a lot of them done at the same time Like the efficiency, and you know He might as drumstick a chicken Yeah, that's what I'm saying He got a lot done I don't think he should have done any of it But he got a lot done and you gotta admire Just the ability
Starting point is 01:01:26 Well, I don't want to say juggle in this scenario The ability To multitask several things That he should not be doing You might assume I'm gonna talk about his pipsuit Or his hyperdrawl here Or his
Starting point is 01:01:42 Man About Town thing Or again his pipsuit But I cannot look, this thing is zoomed All the way into his mouth and I said please Give me all the races you want Just please zoom back for this 20th verse of a nation Just zoom out for a lot of God
Starting point is 01:01:58 I really like highlight The dissolving mush in his mouth And linger there for a bit Until you're like, okay I understand I understand where you want me to be Spiritually when you start this Yeah, it's a
Starting point is 01:02:14 It's pretty gross As long as about how he Lies to his friends and he's an untrustworthy scoundrel And it was written by David Wolfe Who was Cindy Lauper's boyfriend and manager For several years Really? Yeah David Wolfe also wrote Grab Them Cakes
Starting point is 01:02:30 For Junkyard Dog on the first album He sort of looks like He's got a theme He does When they need like He's the WWF's go to hip hop guy And I want you to picture him He looks like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Starting point is 01:02:46 And you're done picturing him He secretly recorded his rap songs Under the name Captain Chameleon Which is I have a clip of the song too If you'd like to hear Let's hit it That was a big one
Starting point is 01:03:14 Big one I think Maybe it can't take no more So she threw me on the floor in a bigger pool Sing a gospel A gospel You're a gospel A gospel
Starting point is 01:03:36 And you never get nothing in the end It's like Obviously terrible but by 1987 standards That's a radio hit Like that's a You see I'm torn on how I View the rapping because this is the same year This is the exact same year
Starting point is 01:03:52 That fucking straight out of Compton came out Yeah let's give some context Wasn't that good Could you imagine them running into this guy Like sharing studio space And watching him finish up his Like recording before they went in They would not be able to disagree
Starting point is 01:04:08 Like yeah he's Driving in that This guy is jive as fuck We were talking 77 If we were talking like Blondie tries to rap This would have been perfectly acceptable Right
Starting point is 01:04:24 But I believe we had a decade of rap technology At this point His dancing like also isn't bad Like he wouldn't ruin the party In a family reunion But like better than Michael Jackson Come on slick He's better than anybody else
Starting point is 01:04:40 In this video It's just It's like bragging that I can Fight anybody in the cancer ward Maybe He does have 200% more moves Than anyone with two exceptions First off
Starting point is 01:04:56 These cowards didn't put Vince McMahon's dance Along to stand back on this Video And second off I just think that Randy Savage Is three seconds in this film count And he has so much Presence
Starting point is 01:05:12 He's the best He makes me smile so much My favorite wrestling comment Yeah you mentioned stand back That song was performed by Vince McMahon Very badly I say I mean you wouldn't expect it to be good Obviously and it does not surprise you
Starting point is 01:05:28 It's definitely somebody's dad's first try Yes Do I really sound like that honey? Somebody's very Vince McMahon Like he's like oh I'm Vince McMahon You know when he does that growl He brought some of that to the song It's a song about Andre the Giant
Starting point is 01:05:44 The courage of him kicking people's ass I have a clip of that song And I'm very sorry for sharing this Ball tracks I don't have the musical theory To back this up anymore Because my brain is a rotting carcass But there is some like
Starting point is 01:06:22 Melodic overlap In like the vocals With the fucking honky tonk I'm blah blah and bad Whatever they get It's kind of amusing to me Yeah I feel like Jim Johnston didn't Take enough effort to make these songs
Starting point is 01:06:38 Too different from each other It's like an all dad band In a garage It's not being entirely serious About their practice time Like it's enough to get mom Come on out here honey Shake your money maker
Starting point is 01:06:54 Incredible It's very notable To me that a lot of these Became like the topics Theme song for whatever amount of time Because they dumped money into this project But they looked at Andre And said let's not ruin
Starting point is 01:07:12 The Andre the Giant thing with this It feels like Yeah let's check back in With our progression So we've had wrestlers fully Eager writing involved In singing in the video And then has devolved to
Starting point is 01:07:28 Just singing the songs Has devolved to willing to be In one custom still image So that the piece can be inspired By them to stand back And he would not even give them A custom picture here There is no part of him
Starting point is 01:07:44 That appeared to endorse this In any way shape or form This is a song by my boss About a guy he knows named Andre the Giant Who did not know they were making this And would not approve If he did So if the listeners at Hope
Starting point is 01:08:02 Have the time The purest version of this The Andre the Giant clip show But the I am your boss And I will do whatever the fuck I want Video of Vince McMahon Singing or lip syncing this live Backed by a phalanx
Starting point is 01:08:18 Of wrestlers all fake Playing the saxophone And there is A thing I noticed about their saxophone playing Which is How good someone's fake saxophone Is tracks Weirdly closely to their promo ability
Starting point is 01:08:34 And probably how well they fuck Yeah I was gonna say That's definitely at least to the foreplay I mean you know the old saxophone Structural connection is well established by science It's a We've all seen the sunglasses in the photos Hell yes
Starting point is 01:08:52 This last song I'm not gonna lie I kind of love It's called If You Only Knew And it's It's a song about how the wrestlers like You should be Afraid of what they're gonna do to you But it's also a love song
Starting point is 01:09:08 Only if you were in love with kicking ass Right It's got a lot of whimsy to it It's something a very brave blowfish would sing In a Disney movie It's It feels like They're threatening you yes
Starting point is 01:09:24 And you're in a lot of danger But not really there's a lot of ways this could turn into love You know what I think I'll just let George Uh Explain this one By the way pick up the album It's great listening Incredible
Starting point is 01:09:40 So good I have a clip here I'd like to share I've earned a lot of Bible chatter That really doesn't matter to me A lot of you guys want to see me in agony Slick it's like we are the world They all kind of But the measure of a man
Starting point is 01:09:58 Is more than your common pattern It's the way I'll make you Eat those words that matter If you only knew What I'm gonna do to you You'd be running out of here As fast as two feet could carry you Your destiny
Starting point is 01:10:20 Belongs to me If you only knew I love it so much It's a love letter I'm in love with the abstract idea of kick and ass I love you Kick and ass and I don't care who knows it It's incredible
Starting point is 01:10:40 It's like the full house sitcom intro To beating people to death Beautiful And they gave the first chorus to Jimmy Hart Who's you know a very small man Just belting out this kids bub version of a death threat I fucking love it I fucking
Starting point is 01:10:56 This video is so funny dled His lip syncing is It almost makes it for King Losing video for his entire Sort of glam rock field And go Watch with Macho Man allah
Starting point is 01:11:19 Watch with Macho Man нос Learn from Macho Man You've been talking too much too long too long, but you ain't scaring nobody You see, talk is cheap when you can't hear any of your promise of destruction I think you'll see, because of me, you'll need reconstruction If you only knew, what's gonna do to you You'll be running out of here, fast as two feet could carry you
Starting point is 01:11:55 Your destiny Oh baby, I love punching you Feel also me, if you only knew It's a perfect piece of music for this universe Yes, I love your destiny belongs to me It's such a dark turn And they're like, hey Elizabeth, you take this line, she's like, alright, I'm gonna make it real fucking sexy No, no, no, no, no, no
Starting point is 01:12:23 But yes, the whole song is real sexy and it's about hurting you It just really lets you know that these wrestlers have blurred the line between pain and pleasure It's a very Hellraiser wrestling cenobite of a song Yeah, yeah, yeah, demolition just has an honest version of that, you know It's all just like, brother, we don't know the difference between fighting and fucking anymore It's all kind of the same thing, can we write a song about that? We can write a whole album about that, alright I was making the point that your destiny belongs to me, it's such a dark line
Starting point is 01:13:01 It's so powerful and evocative, it's like a real momentum stopper If you're like talking with a guy and you're about to fight and you're like, fuck you, what you gonna do? And the guy says, your destiny belongs to me Alright, you're a vampire, you're fucking vampire Whoa, record scratch, what the fuck was that, man? Yeah, that's some real Alistair Malachi black kind of stuff like that That's very much like deleted from Fifty Shades of Grey, forgetting too real Have you seen that Key and Peel sketch where it's like the MMA guys giving each other promos
Starting point is 01:13:36 Like, I'm gonna go out there, I'm gonna fuck them up And the guy's like, I will tear the life from the last of his breath God's gifts are so beautiful And it cuts back to the first guy's like, did he say God's gifts are so beautiful? He knows which is talking, right? Yeah, it's very much like, oh, okay, that's too far All of these songs are too far and especially if any of them are directed towards women Especially this one, that feels like it's directed towards a woman
Starting point is 01:14:04 And like, just, just run If my name was like inserted into this song, I'd probably just leave the state And my entertainment by a song such, I kind of wish like, maybe every ten years Who's had whatever version of the roster they had do a cover of this Oh God, I'd love that, just like the annual, if you only knew Here we are the world, they could all get together in the ring And it'll be for charity for all the many wrestlers that died to wrestling over the last decade And they'll make the best of the worst versions of it
Starting point is 01:14:40 Oh God, did you imagine if they did a version of this with Eugene? He was the wrestler that was still out We know, I don't think you're allowed to say it, I think we've said enough I don't know, I don't know how I could even describe it at this point I guess you'd have to say like, he was the one who pretended to be disabled, right? Yes That's the best way to put it, maybe And no more, no more expression
Starting point is 01:15:02 At the exact right time, like, where he did it for like a year and everyone's like I can't believe they're fucking doing it, and then the world just agreed overnight You absolutely cannot do this You know, maybe because of that Maybe he was the change we wanted to see in the world Exactly, you know Was it, was he over with that or? Oh God, he was a huge hit for, like I say, about a year
Starting point is 01:15:24 He'd come down and like, you know Do like all the little motions and he would like talk to the voices in his head And, you know, do a little funny like He remember Rosie O'Donnell when she did that movie Writing the Bus of My Sister And it was just like this, like offensive like impersonation It was like that level Simple Jack
Starting point is 01:15:50 Simple Jack, yeah, right Yeah, that wavelength, okay Yeah, we can cut all this There's just no way to, like, even describe what Eugene was Yeah, what's the punchline we're gonna go out on here? Well, everyone, as a wrestling fan Born after Eugene's peak, I still apologize on the behalf of the community For Eugene-based content
Starting point is 01:16:13 Yeah, plus we already had Hacksaw And he was like the real deal Ice Knight Hooded Frankfort Ice Knight Millionaire Ice Knight Hooded Frankfort Ice Knight Hooded Frankfort Ice Knight Millionaire Yeah, knowing ус
Starting point is 01:17:02 August was Dolomite month on the Hot Dog Discord So we thought it'd be fun to let Dolomite write one of these Mules have kicked them, didn't bruise their hide, rattlesnake spit them, they just crawled off and died. They handcuffed Lightning and split the raging sea. These here are the motherfucking hot dog Supremes. Three finger Louie. Aaron Croson is a bad motor scooter.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Adrian H. Aiden Moat. Alpha Sciences Java, you rat-suit-eating motherfucker. UnAndy. Andreas Larson. Armando Nava. Benjamin Sironin. Ben Talser. Brandon Garlock thinks you need to move over and let him pass before they be pulling these
Starting point is 01:17:44 hush puppies out your ass. Brian Saylor. If Brian Whitney ever sees a ghost, she'll cut the motherfucker. Brockway loves the meat-millie. Aw, hell yeah he does. Sarah. Rev. Chance McDermott don't wear no fucking cotton drawers.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Chris Brower. Curious glare. Dan B is so bad he kicks his own ass twice a day. Dean Costello. Dr. Awkward. Eric Spalding knows why I'm not doing the voice. Fancy Shark. Jell-O-Hope.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Greg Cunningham is his name and fucking up motherfuckers is his gay. Ambo. Haraka. Hot fart. Jay Burrell Aiden is a low-down, oh I can't say this one. Jacob Thornberg is a snake-eaten yellow, no I can't do that one either. James Boyd saw a white woman, nope. Jeff Haraske is so black, no.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Jeremy Neal once dated a pastor's daughter and he's, oh god. My man John Dean's wife is so, not doing that one. John Hector McFarlane met this deaf girl one time and holy shit Dolomite, no. John McCammon thinks you're such a mama's boy, you know skipping that one. If John Minkoff was in Mississippi, no. Josh Babien is a motherfucking, no, can't see any of those words. Here Josh S hopes you eat as cold as the windy city because the way he feels now baby, he sure could warm you up.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Oh that's a nice one. Thanks for getting this out of that Josh. Ken Paisley, K&M. M Jaihi Chappelle just wants to see a honky dance. Matt Riley, Max Barroil get behind you, getting in front of you too. Michael Lair, Michael Wells, Mickey Lohman, Mike Stiles. Moji once walked from New York City to the deep, deep South just to slap a son of a bitch straight in the mouth.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Andy Neil Bailey, Neil Shaffer. Nick Ralston wants you to listen and listen well. He's that bad motherfucker drove the devil out of hell. Nick H, Ozzy Olin, Patrick Herbst, Rain Vargas. Rhiannon's been known to rise up, but we'll cool down later. Sarkovsky, Spotty Reception, Ted H. Timmy Leigh is a no-business, born and secure, jock-jawed motherfucker. Toast to God, Tom Sikula thinks you're bad and you ain't got no class.
Starting point is 01:20:16 He's gonna rock this shotgun up your motherfucking ass. Tommy G, Waylon Russell. Yassarian wants you out of here in 24 hours and baby, 23 of them are already gone. Donald Finney don't want no dilapidated, seep-sannin' pigeon toe to cross-eyed it's bolegged son of a gun's a messin' with him. And he was prob'ga like 130 pounds, so just I could do fuckin anything to him. So just I could do fuckin anything to him. I could do fuckin anything to him.
Starting point is 01:20:46 I could do fuckin anything to him. I could do fuckin anything to him. I could do fuckin anything to him. I could do fuckin anything to him. I could do fuckin anything to him. I could do fuckin anything to him.

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