The Doug Stanhope Podcast - DAY 03 - Tin Can Rehab

Episode Date: February 20, 2015

DAY 03Doug's self-imposed rehab to quit smoking. Candy, PSYLLIUM HUSK and a secret stash are detailed in todays podcast.Support the podcast with a donation or purchasing some Stanhope merch. Recorde...d Feb 19, 2015 at the Fun House in Bisbee, AZ with Doug Stanhope (@dougstanhope) and Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille). Produced and Edited by Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille).Links-Ace Hardware Candy - VINE video - Intro music "30 Days In The Hole" by Humble Pie. Closing song "Breakdown Dead Ahead" by Bozz Scaggs. Both available on iTunes.Support the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, hitting the day three complete in the can. And, yeah, day three, just building into day four. It's hitting the candy stage, which I've done this so many fucking times. And you still forget the candy stage. And I don't even think it's a smoking thing. and you still forget the candy stage. And I don't even think it's a smoking thing. I mean, the smoking thing can give you, and you just eat just to do something with your hands.
Starting point is 00:00:58 But the sweets and the candy is not something that I go full bore on, except it's the alcohol. I think the amount of sugar I get from alcohol. Keep in mind, people, I generally generally for the last many years or decade or however long, average between probably 12 and 20 drinks in a general evening. So when all of a sudden you're going with two measured drinks, airplane bottle measured, your body's going, going wait where's the fucking sugar i where's that i need sugar so so yeah yeah i go to ace hardware it's i go to ace hardware store for bottled water the big bottles the sparklets bottles and candy and off in the water, because those big bottles, five gallons, last a long time with me. So oftentimes, I will go into Ace Hardware,
Starting point is 00:01:51 because they have the Jelly Belly, the offshoot, like the licorice shit, and those little raspberry blackberries, the good ones with the small nuggets, not the big nuggets. Fucking candies. They have candy corn that they don't sell anywhere. Well, they have the packets of candy. The $2.29 for a little packet. It's like gourmet candy, but it makes you feel like,
Starting point is 00:02:13 oh, this isn't shitty for me. It's $2.29 for like two ounces. But it's like a handful. It's a loose handful of candy. It's not like a Russell Stover's huge box. Circus Peanuts. But if they sold Circus Stover's huge box. Circus peanuts. But if they sold circus peanuts, it would be about seven. Which is
Starting point is 00:02:29 what you want. I want a little bit of really good, but I've just been fucking mowing it out here. Yeah, the fat stage is brutal. And the first time, I remember when I quit for a year, I did it where I just I did nothing but sit and drink and do Xanax on a couch in a fog. Literally for two year, I did it where I just, I did nothing but sit and drink and do Xanax on a couch in a
Starting point is 00:02:46 fog, literally for two months, and yeah, I quit smoking, and I had no idea, because I never changed out of sweatpants, so I didn't know that I had fucking ballooned up, because I don't have mirrors in my house except to brush my teeth in, and my teeth have been ballooned up for so many fucking years, giant fucking, but I grew into my teeth is what I did have been ballooned up for so many fucking years giant fucking but i grew into my teeth is what i did and i wore fuck yeah i'll never forget i indy was my first gig and i wore overalls did you at least wear a shirt yeah i wore a shirt okay but uh yeah it's pretty grotesque so i'm trying to fight that the fat thing i'm eating well except for the candy it's not like i'm just sitting here throwing nachos down my head like i did before uh so i'm eating
Starting point is 00:03:34 healthy i mean just the alcohol i'm not drinking alone has to make up for a lot of that fucking candy uh and otherwise i'm eating smoothies uh kale like jamming as much kale i'm i'm actually trying to make it worse on myself the same way i've been doing with alcohol where i'm drinking things i never drank like gin i'm trying to make my general smoothie regimen even worse by like taking fruit out and putting more broccoli and asparagus in it and it doesn't bother me but i've been working my way up to that so yeah the fucking we played tennis today finally chaley he didn't know i had a fucking torn hangnail on my thumb if anyone watched that vine video we put out you'll notice i had a fucking
Starting point is 00:04:26 a band-aid on my thumb because i yeah i smashed my fucking thumbnail and broke it and then try to do my own like i'm not gonna walk all the way over to the house to get nail clippers i'll just peel this off and i thought yeah it went poorly so that was really anyone who's ever played tennis at a professional level like i play knows that your right thumb, if you're a right handed, when it's your service, if you have a fucking bad hangnail, it was recently torn out on the left side of that right thumb. You might as well just, you know, that's a pivot. That's a pivot point of your right thumb. You might as well just, you know, that's a pivot point of your whole game. That is the crux of the biscuit, as Frank Zappa once said.
Starting point is 00:05:12 So yeah, I lost in straight fucked up sets because we had his girlfriend there. So yeah, we played kind of, we made up our own rules. And I lost at all of them. I should have had everyone pull out their fucking, pull a hangnail out of their thumb and then see how you would have done even it up and your girl got to pick the racket she picked my fucking racket oh was that yours no oh it's the most recent one you're looking for a reason all these tennis rackets have sat out in the fucking sun
Starting point is 00:05:42 here for like 10 years and and we've played four times. The way we play. Yeah, it does. We could be using branches. That's the great thing about tennis. Tennis, as long as it's competitive. If you suck shit, but you suck shit equally, like we can get it over the net.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Sure. But, yeah, there's no finesse. There's no masse shots. That's a great thing. When you play Becker, he will always try to be tricky and that's how you fuck him is you just you know lob something at him and he if he sees like a a a lone duck just sitting there what do you mean a lone duck like just a what do you what do you call it just a fucking air ball like just a sitting duck is what i was sitting down a sitting duck of a lob yeah that he thinks he can just smash yeah i'm gonna hit it with my racket sideways and it's gonna
Starting point is 00:06:30 spin that way he's doing bank shots on a tennis court in his mind just to try and then he fucks everything up and then you just sit there yeah yeah i think the tortoise beats the hare the longest volley we had was uh six total shots that includes the serve and that's that's that's a lot yeah we're doubled over going all right let's just play the end of this game well that's because the fucking i'm carrying all this fat i i chugged a 24 ounce smoothie that you watched me drink right before. As I'm sucking it down, you said, when do you want to go? I went now. And I put that on about 15 psyllium husk tablets.
Starting point is 00:07:15 If you want to shit, you see Tosh point out, talk about a no wiper all the time. You want a fucking giant, a shit that will make you call friends and family into the bathroom to go look at what i just shit take psyllium husk and that's psyllium with a p s y p y yeah p s y psyllium husk poop fiber tablets poop pills they get them and you can take the raw stuff and that'll really make you that's the like the metamucil type that you mix with water or metamucil is like fine powder yeah raw psyllium husk is like sawdust it looks like the stuff they take off of wheat before they make bread flour heavy pulp in orange juice yeah if you get to the bottom of a heavy pulp orange juice that's what
Starting point is 00:08:03 psyllium husk would look like if you left it in the juice. But you're going to stir it up quick before it inflates or otherwise. Yeah. And chug that. I have never shit the first time I did that. I always take three times the recommended dose. And I was dating this comic Betsy Wise. And she's like, again, I was quitting smoking.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I'm going to help you. She was one of those pushy quit smokings. This is the most I've wanted a cigarette is talking about her. And so she's like, yeah, you just mix it up with orange juice or water. And I just started scooping it in. And it was literally the first time as an adult that i had to call someone in to look at my poop like a complete ring uh you know nose kissing its own ass around the bowl a snake eating its tail it was fucking unbelievable i
Starting point is 00:09:00 haven't had that so yeah i'm out there tennis, and I know that I have all yesterday's psyllium husk, and it's not been pushed out yet. I don't know. I think it's all the fucking gummy candy I've been eating that's reflecting poorly on the good work of psyllium husk and fish oil and raw vegetable smoothies. Only meat I've been eating is a little bit of chicken.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Actually, no, I have some sliced turkey breast, too. So far, no red meat. So far, no fucking nothing. Fat. I'm getting fucking fat. You're angrier today. And that seems a little odd because you had all that activity. Yeah, I haven't been sleeping at all.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I've been getting fucking fat. I don't know how to weigh myself. No, as a drunk, I have a consistent pattern. You drink and then you smoke heavily. And then when you wake up, you're so dehydrated that you take your morning piss and then you weigh yourself in your underpants. And I'm usually around 153.8 to 154.6. And that's dehydration weight. You don't weigh yourself after you ate breakfast and drank something, chugged a half a gallon of milk.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Wait a minute. Hold on. yourself after you ate breakfast and drank something chugged a half a gallon of milk wait a minute hold on you you take like monster marathon pisses in the morning that's not dehydrated well that's all the alcohol from the night before that you slept it's everything that's processed through your body but you're not pissing straight alcohol you know how the body works right you're still dehydrated from drink all right but i mean you, you're taking that leak first, and then you're jumping on the scale. I can gain three or four pounds in a day. I don't know if that's normal or lose that overnight. I mean, clothes make a difference. Clothes make a difference.
Starting point is 00:10:59 The point is, I weighed in after I had not really drank. I weighed in late in the afternoon, and I was 157.6 when we started this thing. And then I weighed myself in the morning, and that was with clothes. And then I weighed myself without clothes the next day, and I was 158. I'm like, am I gaining? And then I weighed myself with all my clothes, like heavy clothes, and I was only8. I'm like, am I gaining? And then I weighed myself with all my clothes, like heavy clothes, and I was only 160 the next day.
Starting point is 00:11:29 So I don't know. With all the shit I'm taking, I know I have giant amounts of poop that are going to come out of me at some point. And I'm red whining tonight. Tonight is a red whining night. And I'm fucking whining. I'm losing more and more sleep like i've slept less and less tonight i actually took a xanax i added that into the charter you can have
Starting point is 00:11:54 fucking a xanax twice a week if you because i haven't slept at all i slept three hours last night with a big break in the middle of the three hours that I have actually written up as an update from my website that should go up in the next day or two. I'll let you read it there. And yeah, and the night before, maybe four hours. The second day, that extra I'm not shit-faced day that you add into a day by not drinking, it's getting longer and longer, and I have less to do with it. And this is as close as I've gotten to breaking. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You know what? Here's the thing. Here's the thing about quitting smoking. A, just don't have cigarettes, and then you can't smoke. B, always have cigarettes. I always keep two. American spirits. They have to be American spirits because if you get to that fucking breaking point where you're like, fuck this, fuck this whole month that I've been promoting and pushing.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I don't care if I look like an asshole. Well, you know what? You will care. So you keep two American spirits like a hatchet behind a fire glass. Break here for emergency. Because American spirits, you can make two American spirits last for as long as six cigarettes. I'm not a smoker. What is that?
Starting point is 00:13:26 I know the yellow. They just don't have all the gunpowder. They're packed tight, and they take twice as long to smoke. So you can smoke a third of American Spirit, put it out. Oh, okay. You panic later on, or you just go take another fucking few drags, and you still have a full cigarette. Yeah, I can make those last four cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:13:43 That hasn't happened yet, right? No, but this is as close. i'm looking at them right now they're in this room no okay so they're in they're in the big house the point is this is as close as i've come all right on late day four we're after yeah i thought we were actually wrote something up yeah i don't i never write it's way too early for me to be doing any writing hennigan's giving me shit about it we need to come up with a title for the thing you know yeah i had nothing but uh yeah hopefully that second xanax will just knock me out and i'll finally get a full night's sleep and you know harder than even cigarettes or alcohol by any means is when i come over here because I get to come over here to take a shit and whatnot, I'd say and shower. But I did that once towards the beginning.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I did take off my long underwear to play tennis. I didn't want to be foul the entire trailer down there. be foul the entire uh trailer down there jesus uh suzanne the neighbor down there by the fucking slab and the shitty the rehab tin can tuna can trailer rehab hashtag hashtag tin can rehab she was sweet she dropped some flowers by the door of the trailer which creeped me out at first because no one should know where the fuck that trailer is except for hers she lives right there except when you drive by it all the time and there's never a light on now all of a sudden there's lights on there's a fucking camping chair out front a swirl of smoke from the chimney i was yeah i want to have a
Starting point is 00:15:25 blower i was thinking that last night i should have a blower of smoke because it's a 6x12 old 60s trailer just a fucking a tuna can and uh and it's sitting on this raw cement slab with some structure that was half built that was supposed to be a house maybe 50 years ago it's all just overgrown with weeds on this and this trailer has been sitting there for a year a couple times people have crashed in it when i had too many people here and they get drunk and couldn't leave but otherwise it's been unused and now all of a sudden i get the fucking lights on. And I thought maybe I should just put a fucking blower of fake smoke out the
Starting point is 00:16:10 back and just wear a breather. I'm just coming in and out. Like make it all like, like I'm making meth in there. Oh, breaking bad looking like a respirator. Not a breather. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:20 A respirator. Yeah. Just some kind of toxic smell coming out of the fucking back of it. Or a scuba tank. Yeah, sure. With a mask. Let them talk. Let's give them something to talk about.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Talk about. I have those pictures of the trailer I can put on tonight. All right, yeah. We'll tweet those. By the time you hear this, they've been tweeted. But yeah, that's the hardest part is when I come over here. And I come over here in the morning to fucking take a shit. Brush my teeth.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And then just passing my own bed and a couch and the TV that has all my stories. And I know they're all backing up on the DVR. Four days without TV? That's the hardest part. But yeah, I'll sleep tonight. And that's that. I've a list of songs. I've been fucking putting down a list of songs
Starting point is 00:17:26 of weird shit from my iPod that I want you to hear but my iPod fucked me over so hard I mentioned it before when it happened so you'll know when if you listen to the podcast is back when we're on the road that's when we listen to podcasts is when we're driving. So I thought I'd take it upon myself and not bother Mr. Chaley, who does enough. Thanks for the donations. Keep them coming. He makes them giddy like a big fucking big belly baby. I thought, well, you know what? Why ask him all the time?
Starting point is 00:18:01 Because half the time he doesn't do it. Just all I wanted was Phil Hendry and Bill Burr. And that's all we'll listen to on the road for an entire three weeks, you know, eight, 9,000 miles of nothing but Phil Hendry and Bill Burr. Cause I'm, by the time I get out there,
Starting point is 00:18:16 we're four months in the rears on Bill Burr. So that just that alone. So I tried to do that. And so when I downloaded all these podcasts then it asked me in some innocuous language if i'd like to move this somewhere i never know what it's saying but i'll sit there before i say yes proceed or cancel where if i have a modicum of a doubt in the language i'll just say but it seemed like that's what you want to do and that's the one that's lit up i clicked that and every fucking song on my ipod is fucking gone so chaley went
Starting point is 00:18:52 in he did some recovery shit with my home computer some this is a pc i've had since literally 2000 1999 so some of the songs that i stole from napster are on there shit evidently but you got like 53 songs back but that did i don't know what's fucked up but all i know is i went through it again to try to find songs for this 30 days in the hole to give you some treats and uh some of them it tells me i have and i click on on it. It says, oh, we can't locate it. Do you want to try it more? I go, yeah, try it more. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:19:29 Well, we still can't locate it. I know. It never works. Do we want to try another thing? Do you want us to investigate this? It's never fucking going to work. So I clicked on it because I have all the time in the world sitting in a fucking trailer.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And the thing is, it won't let you rebuy them, because I'm the guy that goes, I don't fucking know, but I have 99 cents for this song. So fuck you. It won't even let you buy it. It already lists it as bought, so it'll say, do you want to play it? And then I'll go, if I can't buy it, yeah, play it. It's unable to locate.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I don't fucking sell it back to me. You fucking cocksucker. I really would. Like, that's why this whole when there's not someone to go to a physical location and intimidate. It's destroyed fucking customer service. You think they could do this to people? People would be going over the fucking counter at folks. The wrong folks.
Starting point is 00:20:29 But I'm saying if you read anything into this and you know who the people are, go, hey, that was really unfair of you to deal with a retarded guy in rehab with that standard of tactics and the dark forces have told me to bring a machete here and kill your office I'm not telling you to do that the dark forces
Starting point is 00:20:57 let's what what are we plugging Chaley you do the plugs. Chaley already got an offer on that fucking Last Supper couch. Sight unseen. Sight unseen. I'll come down from Phoenix.
Starting point is 00:21:15 I'll pick it up. Tell me a price. You got to send him a picture. It is a fucking. I already sent him one. Oh, good. Yeah. I sent him one.
Starting point is 00:21:23 And we've got, I mean, there's a lot of detail about the couch because of the wonderful tapestry, the Italian woven tapestry. Do you have notes on this? Do you have copy on? The silk-esque kind of under cushions. And then the, well, they also have a, the tapestry also is cut into like armchair covers. Oh, stop it. Just put a picture up on your dumb merch page.
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's solid wood. Hey, I know everyone always asks about the libertarian jersey I wore on No Refunds. And that was some tweaker guy in Cincinnati that made me a bunch and then fell out. And then I tried to get him done locally here and that guy in Cincinnati that made me a bunch and then fell out and then I tried to get him done locally here and that guy sucked and he made him cotton and the they just weren't the same shirt and I don't know how to get him redone and I don't know where the fucking artwork is for that I don't know if I can ever figure out how to do that again I'll put out a limited run for the presidential election uh but otherwise people have asked for the uh death of a salesman jesus on the cross shirt and abortion is green i don't
Starting point is 00:22:33 is there anything else i should put back up and by me i mean chaley on the website for merch uh or should maybe hey why don't you become inventive and creative and come up with a new thing that people might rejoice in? Oh, cunt cancer awareness shirts. We have until September. We just sell those during breast cancer awareness. But I like those. People ask for those.
Starting point is 00:22:57 There was the powder blue golf shirt with the stitched brown ribbon. Yeah, and it just says very subtly, cunt cancer awareness with a little brown ribbon. And to the point where I think only two times in all the time I wore those on airplanes. One was a flight attendant. I used the correct term. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:23:22 You could go to brunch and probably no one would. No one ever. I wore it everywhere. Yeah. And only a couple people. And one of them was, I assume, by the way, he stared and then looked directly back at the elevator door. But she's like, what is that? I go, well, because we want to raise awareness.
Starting point is 00:23:43 You had a patter to go with it? Oh, yeah. I just went right into the – and then because the only – her only recourse would be to say, well, why would you say cunt? But she's not going to say cunt. So she just went along with it and went, ah. To the best of my recollection, that's how it ended. But that recollection, me on a plane is not a fucking good source of information because i've been drinking which is the only reason i can't
Starting point is 00:24:12 fucking you know what i can i keep saying i can't i can do anything i made up this stupid idea i can go anywhere i can go fucking get on a plane and fly to Costa Rica and not smoke on a beach there. I'll still be in a plane. That's a tin can, tuna can, just like my trailer, about the same size. I can't lay down in the fucking plane. I can lay down at least in that place. Unless I can... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Train? I thought about taking a train. you can't smoke on a train really just stop get a sleeping car you can stop don't they stop every so often long enough yeah very rarely is it a long enough stop but yeah like that's not a temptation where you'd have to be in the perfect mood or been waiting for, and then you'd have to go find cigarettes. You're too stashed American spirits. Yeah, but I'd get shit-faced on a train. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Or a plane. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Costa Rica where you ended up smoking again after a long stint of not smoking? Yeah, yeah, it was. And that was based basically on cheap cigarettes and that you could smoke everywhere everywhere that's becker says uh they've cracked down you can't even smoke outdoors outdoor patios anymore i can't imagine anyone but the biggest tourist attractions enforcing that there's no law down there cops are like a schoolyard detention guy. He's a little short 22-year-old guy
Starting point is 00:25:46 with no weapon. He has a shirt that says Policia. He's really happy about it, but he doesn't care. He's not trying to enforce laws. Alright. Anything else I have to... Alright. This is as close
Starting point is 00:26:02 as I've come to breaking, people. What do you got? Just say it. Say it. Oh, I put the Manson Minute, that whole four hours, four hours and 20 minutes. Oh, you put it in my Dropbox? It's up in Dropbox, so you're supposed to start going through it.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'm so close. Last night, I was fucking so close to finishing emails, and I just burned out. I couldn't even think anymore. So, yeah, I only have like 237 left to folder or chuck or respond something cute to i love it so many of them were kickstarters that people asked me to uh hey could you help like oh sorry i missed out i'm i'm not good at keeping up with email even if i'd read it that minute you sent it to me i would wait a year to answer
Starting point is 00:26:46 i didn't feel good about myself all night you know that's one thing when you go jesus what have i done with my life that's a natural part of drinking the same way a wall breathing is a natural part of tripping. But if the wall starts breathing and you haven't tripped in years or days or months, I'm prepared for this. With a hard hangover, like what have I done with my life? I really got to focus because I have no direction anymore i don't remember what the fuck i've done for the last five years so i just keep doing the same shit
Starting point is 00:27:31 ah super bowl party and then okay time off time on the road and then we'll start in cincinnati you know let's we'll do all the cold places during the summer and then we'll do the warm place so i can't tell one year from now That's not what comedy is supposed to be like. I should be out there fucking things up and getting fired here and again. I should do that rather than sit home and be retired. I should just go fuck things up. Take some awful, awful chances in giant clubs. Hey, we'll start doing theaters because we can i just hate
Starting point is 00:28:09 him so why not fuck up a couple theater shows cat williams style not that not that bad not unprofessionally like the ones that you were glad to say you were part of that you were happy to see yeah i remember the time yeah it was 30 days out of the hole it was the biggest wreck i've ever seen oh my god i get fucking i hate to tell you chaley chaley why didn't the farts come up yesterday i thought yesterday you were gonna oh i thought you were gonna lead into it world class Farts that were just Like out of movies I could have gotten discovered As sound effects talent
Starting point is 00:28:51 I had one fart at the consignment shop In this giant cement warehouse Full of just trashed furniture And echoes That I embarrassed you from across That had to be 35 yards I kept walking I kept like two rows between us Because I know what you were going to do.
Starting point is 00:29:08 There was only one other couple in there. I know. You were waiting for me to get close enough browsing the antiques to sidle up next to the couple, and then you were going to stealthily walk by and just blast. These were of volume. If the high school tuba player could play a fart on the field that everyone thought was oh my god dude and and repeatedly dollar store bam bam bam aisle 213 crop dust and they were fucking rancid too i had a couple when you were in the post office i had to roll
Starting point is 00:29:42 down all the windows because i know you get disgusted real easy and you'll you'll you will vomit you'll actually puke and that that was a puker and uh today i've had some but uh yeah i really gotta get my system like uh synced up that's all the psyllium husk right and the kale and the doing it at like i do wake up in the morning come over feed trousers first thing is my favorite pet all the other ones suck shit and uh and she finds me so uh i go feed her i chug i go that thing that's probably a pint of water with uh psyllium husk fish oil b b12 and uh multi whatever's sitting around in the cabinet for years just put it all
Starting point is 00:30:29 now you're just shoving it down then drink a little bit more then uh i try to take a shit immediately if i can't i walk the dogs hoping i don't have to shit on the trail i had to do that once i had to fucking squat on the trail. Not this. Not for this rehab, but yeah, since I've lived here, just it crept up on me and it was going to be straight up penguin shit, wet spray diarrhea. Not splatter spray, just fucking
Starting point is 00:30:55 squirt. Like if you turn the shower head to that one that goes thump, thump, thump, thump. Yeah, it's that one. Like a straight line of just good fucking, you know, 6 14-inch spray straight up. I mean, it was so forceful while we were out about town spreading your smell that I was – But those are like bellowy. I know, but it's like i'm really surprised you
Starting point is 00:31:27 didn't have an incident well no psyllium husk i i know but it was it didn't sound like psyllium husk it didn't sound flappy it sounded like baritone yeah yeah but it was tuba farts yeah but yeah there's there's if there's were throwing it around like you didn't fucking care. And it's like, wait a minute, man. Something can happen here. I mean, psyllium husk, not only – you do get volume with that stuff. And volume, I mean, there is – Yeah, product.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Product will evacuate. I was a little impressed that you didn't duck waddle back to the car. I would get so backed up from taking all the Xanax and either driving or flying. Driving, flying, yeah, you get wicked dehydrated in planes. And you are going through a bit of decompression i mean or compression because of the you're flying at altitude and driving we just eat so bad and you're just always in bad states i drink no water so after like three weeks on the on the road i would take just shitters not not poop pills but uh you know what do you call them just laxatives laxatives
Starting point is 00:32:43 bingo and i would take laxatives after a road trip and then just like fight for the toilet oh jesus like cramping up to the point of pain and then just volumes of you know just ass piss just bull splattering just raining off the bottom of the toilet seat when you're done. And it'd be sometimes 18 hours if I'm not going within 10 yards of that toilet. But gave you every reason to sit on the couch and watch Netflix and just stay by the toilet. Sorry, I can't go out. I've got diarrhea.
Starting point is 00:33:20 All right. All right, we'll close on my diarrhea stories. Bond memories. I had to check my ipods you fuck if you get a computer don't use uh windows or mac i i itunes is mac right that's the same thing well itunes is both platforms you can do it on Microsoft. But isn't it owned by... iTunes. Apple owns iTunes. Yeah, Apple. Don't use Apple
Starting point is 00:33:51 or Windows. Are you suggesting Ubuntu? No. Linux? We're sponsored this week by Jimmy's Laptops and PCs. If you sign up now, you can get unlimited service all around Jimmy's neighborhood. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And CDs. I had to make sure that I had something. And since I'm fucking staring that goddamn American spirit yellow, and this is the first time I've had kind of a bad time, I've had kind of a bad time. I'm going to play another nugget that I fucking love and makes me happy. Enjoy Boz Skaggs' Breakdown Dead Ahead. Play it! I'll call you You ain't in What's this cold reaction
Starting point is 00:35:12 Where you been Ooh, baby Let it on the line This is the last call you say That's all you can take in fact Sorry but It don't make sense You're pulling your chest right out on
Starting point is 00:35:39 The first offense Ooh, baby Play it small Before you go Sigh with your big mouth And check your heart Danger, there's a big time That I care
Starting point is 00:36:01 Maybe you're in way above your head I may burn I may upset you But you know I never let you down I told you No more lies
Starting point is 00:36:29 No fun to the funny Stop your crying Ooh, baby I'm your man Before you go back to your sidetrack Baby, understand Danger doesn't break down Then again
Starting point is 00:36:55 And just maybe you'll Weigh above your head I may burn Might upset you Well, fuck your head I may burn, might upset you But you know I'll never let you down No, no, no No, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Danger has a breakdown to it And just maybe you know where I'm going
Starting point is 00:38:00 I may burn, I may upset you I love you. But the freedom never ends But just maybe you're way above your head I may burn, might upset you But you know I'll never let you down, down, down, down The freedom, the freedom, the freedom No, no, no Bye.

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