The Doug Stanhope Podcast - DAY 27 - Tin Can Rehab

Episode Date: March 16, 2015

DAY 27A daily podcast following Doug's self-imposed rehab to quit smoking.  Bar Rescue behind the scenes and Mr. Hennigan joins the rehab. Support the podcast with a donation or purchasing some Sta...nhope merch. Recorded Mar 15, 2015 at the Fun House in Bisbee, AZ with Doug Stanhope (@dougstanhope) and Mr. Brian Hennigan (@MrHennigan). Edited by Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille).Links-Casting Call Woe - Subscribe to the Bisbee Observer - Stanhope's #TinCanRehab Playlist - music "30 Days In The Hole" by Humble Pie. Closing song “In A Big Country” by Big County. Both available on iTunes.Support the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, that sounds like we're going. All right, that sounds like we're going. Hey, this is the talking rescue. Hey, what a big letdown. What a big disappointment, the whole bar rescue episode. We're all geared up. I felt like a kid and my parents were at my recital. And I should have known, but I didn't really remember.
Starting point is 00:00:48 As far as I know, I did that coming straight out of that whole... You did it coming out of... Oh, here. Show them how to get on the mic, honey. Show them where to talk. He knows. Yeah, stand there. Honey, move around here.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Sorry. We booked that coming out of Australia and New Zealand. Here you go. Move it to your height. Yeah, there we go. Yeah, we were just coming out of Australia, and they gave me, like, no notice. They thought I lived in L.A.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Like everyone does. All we ever get is inquiries. Hey, can Doug come to the studio? Yeah. All right, so it's like four uh four o'clock call time and i go i you know i don't live there oh oh yeah yeah then they did they weren't even gonna pay me anyway i went out there you you basically flew out at your own expense yeah i initially yeah i assumed that i'm getting union scale for the thing and i'm like fuck it i'll pay i'll pay for the airfare just to say i did that show after trashing him so much like he's such a regular reference in any act just riffing like
Starting point is 00:02:00 just are you what are you gonna fucking john taffer this place like what's wrong with it so the mileage we've got out of john taffer and his ridiculousness have you talked about this yet like what he's like as a person we we've alluded to it but it wasn't until i just watched that that i i kind of refreshed my memory on a lot of it because it's interesting because the lot of the twitter was implying that this all staged. But you say basically it wasn't really that staged. It was staged enough that Randy Leidke came out. We fucked him twice now.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Are you serious? Randy Leidke came out? Yeah. The first time we fucked him, he was going to open the show at the Comedy Store that Johnny Depp ended up bringing his kid to. time we fucked him he was gonna open the show that's right that at the comedy store that johnny depp ended up bringing his kid to and i had to shut down the whole yes i was there i'm telling the people there's an audience we have to keep in mind and uh yeah and i like all right i can't have the show going too long in case we're leaving with them afterwards so i i cut him off the show
Starting point is 00:03:02 after i just put him on the show the night before i had to call him next afternoon go oh by the way yeah you already got uh canceled sorry and then i couldn't tell him why that's right because i didn't want a bunch of people you know all right don't tell anybody but stand up cammy because johnny depp's gonna be there and i think i sent him a text saying that brandon walsh had screwed them. Anyway. So then this time, he's like, you're doing Bar Rescue? Tell me what bar it is. I won't fuck anything up.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I won't say I know you. I just want to be there. But they had the place shut down. So they had some regulars they allowed in. Right. I went out there. If you saw the episode, I'm sorry for the big letdown. But maybe, maybe honestly maybe they
Starting point is 00:03:46 actually saved me because i don't remember saying anything extremely brilliant or witty but it was i'm pretty much on the side of shitty bar so i say a lot of that stuff like like how terrified i'd be of him coming into my kitchen like if that upsets you the shit they were you sitting at the scenes where you're sitting in the car were you kind of sober i don't know i was i was sneaky bottling it so i'd go out to take a piss and then grab a dr pepper out of a you know out of a craft services cooler and pour half of it out and then pour three mini vodkas in there we're sitting in that van. I mean, whatever, the suburban for a good two hours, two hours, 20 maybe. And that's all legit.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Like the people in the bar don't know this is happening. No, they know it's happening. They know that bar rescue is coming. But they don't know that you're. But they have a guy at the door that's only. Well, hang on. Let me get to it. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:42 We sit in there forever. And the two guys that were doing recon couldn't get the guy into enough of a lather. Oh. And so, you know, I go in after that and go and order more food. And that's when the guy said, hey, it's after 10. You can't, you know, we can't serve you. And that lasted another 40 minutes probably of being at the bar ordering drinks and the other guy said oh well i'll make you some wings and he was going to go to the store for me
Starting point is 00:05:10 oh wow the the shorter guy yeah he was going to go to the fucking you know safeway or vans or whatever and i and i don't have an earpiece so i don't know what they want me to do so i'm just winging it and oh sorry so the guy did end up making me wings and i did bite into it and it was fucking like blood raw like that color of a chicken vein and i i was yeah but then there are people are yelling that i'm a fake because i wasn't wearing a bracelet. So evidently regulars could get in, but they had to have like an armband. So everyone kind of figured out what's bullshit. And so you're just trying to take them down. You're part of this show.
Starting point is 00:05:57 You're fake. People were shouting that. Yeah. It was obvious they were going to have to cut it. Gee. So your shit could have been cut just because of that, because they had unclean audio. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Right. When I said this bullshit, you can't put what they have to film to get a show and get reactions. There's no way you're going to be able to show that in reality without cutting some corners. It's a matter of how much are you staging so you don't have to yes and no when we showed up before within it like less than an hour before we start filming the recon john staffers get the john taffers get the staff all rounded up and he's like all right well what what do we got here? It's a castle theme.
Starting point is 00:06:45 What is that? What do we think? England. He is doing it on the hoof. He is, which if there's any part of it you should be staging is having a fucking idea. Yes. I've heard that about other ones that
Starting point is 00:07:01 they know what they're going to turn it into. Gordon Ramsay months before and they have the shit shipped in did you get any idea of how much money they spend no idea well because they're i was there day one i know they don't start doing okay so you're i they they seem to be the cheapest of all the uh you're only on this show because you have been you treated shit about john taffer no because i did on the charlie brooker i did a whole segment yes i mean trashing what a fake dick he is he's the worst dick in american tv because he's not even good at it yeah that's on youtube and it's uh you have to be a dick on reality tv yeah yeah reality tv needs assholes i think is the one and so but he was
Starting point is 00:07:43 he loved it apparently he said i love this and i'll get him on the show i think he was very disappointed because i get i was very polite you seemed that in the car yeah i didn't polite he didn't when i remember having a couple good lines that he didn't get and then walked over which is the worst that was yeah that standalone that was pretty good i wasn't exceptionally witty, but I get that overly polite thing. I know. Where at first I'm like, I'm going to go out there
Starting point is 00:08:10 and just completely fucking Shanghai the entire event. And you go, well, you're going to do something that's going to stay in the picture. Yes. Or something so outrageous that the story sells itself when you don't ever show up. And then you say they dumped you after. Well, afterwards, because now I'm starting to drink.
Starting point is 00:08:31 They get me out of that shot when he comes in at the bar. And then I'm watching over by the whatever RV that has all the sound equipment. The muckety muck sit. So I'm watching from there. And then he gets done and the guys moping around and yelling and he's moping on ice. Fuck this. And I'm done.
Starting point is 00:08:52 So I went to the bar across the street. They're closing the place down. So I went with the staff of the place over there. And the one girl, Anjali and Julie, she was talking to me, but she kept talking to me saying I was like a narc because they have to sign so much paperwork. You do any show like this as them and you have to sign so much nondisclosure shit. And they have that hammer of will sue you into poverty if you say anything.
Starting point is 00:09:21 And these aren't people who are used to that sort of shit. So there's not like you and I who'd be like, fuck that i know i'm trying to explain to the girl no this is how it works they have to say that and no you're only saying that because that's what they'd say if they want all right forget it just so yeah then uh yeah i was over there drinking with them as the staff was breaking and by the time i i turned around everyone was gone so i called the producer girl everyone kind of treated me like uh like i got treated in middle staff was breaking in. By the time I turned around, everyone was gone. So I called the producer girl. Everyone kind of treated me like I got treated in middle school
Starting point is 00:09:50 where I was a loose cannon. They kind of talked to me like a mental patient. There's some other experience we've had where that happened. I can't remember what the fuck it was where people were just kind of, you went on some show or other
Starting point is 00:10:02 and they didn't really want you. You know what I mean? Like there was an odd sort of, I'm trying to remember what the fuck that was. Sorry. Was it the, I don't know. There's so many. I get that all the time, but it's such an L.A. thing.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yes. Yes. Anytime you have a cocktail and you're not in a bar that's not lit. Yeah. Yeah. People, you walk into a meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon and you have a cocktail in your hand or a bottle waiting to make one people are look at us scans right i go to i i enjoy going to hugo's in west hollywood and having a having a drink at 11 just to watch people at the other tables go, he's drinking. And you have
Starting point is 00:10:52 been quite a bit. I've been drinking like a motherfucker. So ever since you started this rehab, I'm not joking I have been drunk more times this month than almost all of last year. I don't know
Starting point is 00:11:06 what it is. It's some sort of portrait of Dorian Gray or something weird thing happened where you went on the wagon and that gave me license in Los Angeles to drink every fucking day and go crazy. Well, it started with Erickson.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Yeah, Brett Erickson showed up. That definitely got me on the downslope. crazy well it started with erickson it started yeah erickson brett erickson showed up that was that was that definitely got me on the down slope and uh but since then i've been you know freestyling on my own and uh and uh yeah yes that first week when erickson was out we were pretty drunk quite a lot and you've taught him not to uh shit where you eat don't get really fucked up at the places that count until you're regular yes but we don't really hang out in that many places but uh uh it's yeah i'm talking about comedy clubs oh yeah yeah yeah yeah um but uh yeah so that mean and so we're we've been spitballing on our forthcoming magnificent soccer podcast oh i thought you
Starting point is 00:12:04 already started that no we've we've done a lot of spitballing on our forthcoming magnificent soccer podcast. Oh, I thought you already started that. No, we've done a lot of spitballing and brainstorming. All right. And then we've, you know. No pilot episode of spec? No, no, we did that. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So that's what I heard about that. The main thing is I can exclusively reveal the title, the name. All right. Which is Soccer Marmalade. That's what it's called, Soccer Marmalade. What was the original title? What was the original title? The working title, it was the Soccer Football Thursday
Starting point is 00:12:31 Show, which kind of has that Japanese bad English feel to it. It communicated it was soccer and football and it came out on a Thursday and it would be a show. But it seemed a bit overloaded. And then, what happened?
Starting point is 00:12:47 This is how things happen. We're having a discussion about how to do things on social media. And I said to him, look, for fuck's sake, Brett, I mean, this is how Twitter works. Let's just try and find a name, like Soccer Marmalade. And that's when that's how the name... Good. Soccer Marmalade. As that's how the name got soccer marmalade.
Starting point is 00:13:06 As good as anything. So me and Brett will be ruling the waves talking about soccer very soon. He is very excited about that. Particularly as I've got a lot to talk about now. The powers of his pathetic Chelsea
Starting point is 00:13:22 are on the wane and the mighty Manchester United are rising. He'd sit out here in the fun house and, uh, guide me through. Cause the soccer comes on your, your British premier league at like five in the morning or something. Yeah. English premier league.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah. Yeah. Barclays. Sorry. There was a B in there. I know. I know. And I always liked when,
Starting point is 00:13:42 when you get particular managers, for some reason they'd been trained well and they'd always say well competition's very tough in the barclays premier league because they knew they had to say that and i always think yes that's right you respect your sponsors oh i see yeah okay i get you now uh so uh he'd he'd guide me through it and go all right well what he did is technically this yes brian hennigan would say, and then I'd purposely say this to make Brian Hennigan mad. And I'd go, I can't wait to listen to that podcast. So it was, yes, fantastic.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Watching it without him, brutal. It was a couple of mornings he couldn't get up. He just couldn't. He was too wrecked from the night before. And I had to sit out here and watch it all by myself. It's like watching hockey without Tracy. Chaley's Tracy. Mrs. Chaley really she's huge hockey really love a fucking uh chick that's into hockey hardcore and can tell you the rules and then and then be pissed and muttering under her breath during the game not just for show all right not like a chick that knows enough football that she can get noticed even more by going,
Starting point is 00:14:48 oh, he was drafted from Fresno State. Boo. Smells like cow manure. Like, all right, everyone's looking at your tits enough. You don't have to. She's really into it. Watches it alone kind of chick. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And she, I know as little about hockey. Probably a lot of the same kind of rules too That Yes That I don't know It's a foreign game That's why I like soccer I don't I realized watching that
Starting point is 00:15:13 How little I know about NFL I don't fucking know what I don't know a cornerback from a safety I would have no idea Yeah And I've watched it my whole life I don't give a fuck It doesn't matter
Starting point is 00:15:24 No And it doesn't matter no and it doesn't matter with uh soccer either love the game love to fucking tweet about it get all the fucking english cunts riled up yeah i'd say play the bad american the stupid american but i don't i'm not playing much no i just know which angle to hype up. I know my stupidity and I know which part of it bothers you. Yep. When do we do this? We close on that. Oh, we close on that.
Starting point is 00:15:51 What we're doing, kids, at home is we're doing this without a net because we have no Chaley, so we have to do this without edits. Chaley can't work all his magic because he's selling plastic bugs at a fucking convention center in St. Louis and dodging Ferguson bullets.
Starting point is 00:16:09 So we're going to try to make this succinct. And I have a sponsor, but it's a real sponsor this time. But not a real sponsor in something I want to promote. And we do that afterwards. Oh, we do that after? Yeah. We talk for, what have we done, 15 minutes? We don't owe these fucking people a thing.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Oh, I know. That's a point I made. Or people that write and complain about the podcast. It's fucking free. It's like, what the fuck are you complaining about? It's just people like to complain. Yeah. See, that's why I need to be on that side of the conversation.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I chameleon up like that. If you haven't noticed that in all my habits, if you're the one who's like, these fucking people, they fucking, it's free. Then I'm the one that takes the high road and goes, yeah, just ignore him, Brian. Where if you weren't here, I'd be going, fuck this guy. Fuck that one fucking guy that just while I'm trying to live tweet
Starting point is 00:17:08 one television show that I allowed myself to watch in 20 fucking eight days. And you go, oh, I suppose you're supposed to be off the telly. Yeah, I fucking watched that so I could live tweet it because you can't live tweet it three days later, you fucking cunt. See, and this is where you tell me uh just don't pay any attention and you go yeah right you're right so yeah we we talk until that one low honey drink that man oh we're drinking tonight rob roy's yes which uh i swear we drank the same fucking drink that was called something else this is uh
Starting point is 00:17:48 chaley chaley's like a i'm like macaulay culkin here where chaley just left me with a drink menu i'm staring at one of these silver shaker things and the straining thing and the double-sided shot i don't even know i i assume it's one and one and a half ounces, where you do the tumbly shot there. Tumbly, tumbly. But I know parts is parts, so this is the Rob Roy. Two and a half ounces scotch. We're drinking Johnny Walker Black.
Starting point is 00:18:15 One ounce sweet vermouth. A dash of Angosturo bitters and a maraschino cherry or twist of lemon peel. Your choice. We both went with maraschino cherries, and then I panic bought at the last minute, and I put a lemon twist in too because I'm a faggot. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:33 You're going for the lemon and the cherry. Yes. Yeah, I went with both because I didn't know how to make a lemon twist, and then I didn't want to feel like I wasted it, so I put both in because I know no one's going to know. How did you do this? Alright, here's the recipe, honey. I thought I made enough for
Starting point is 00:18:52 two mid-show. I thought I had it perfect. Do you know how to parts is parts? Okay. So I swear that recipe for a Rob Roy. Scotch, vermouth. It is kind of odd.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I mean, it wasn't planned, but obviously I'm Scottish and Rob Roy is Scottish hero. You know that? No, I have no idea. It's interesting. I just noticed it just now. Rob Roy is like another William Wallace.
Starting point is 00:19:20 All right. You know what I mean? I had no idea. I thought it was a kid's drink and then I realized I'm thinking of Roy Rogers. A roy rogers i think is uh it's like a shirley temple but one little thing different like ginger ginger ale or i'm not sure we looked it up that's how bored we've been and you know by the way before i you know if i ever get lofty about that whole, I'm not watching television. I thought that not watching TV, as big a crutch as anything else that I do.
Starting point is 00:19:53 When I get home, I will watch Netflix. I'll watch everything backed up in my DV. Oh, I get five fucking bar rescues. I hate this guy. I can hate him all day. And so I thought it would force me into creativity. And then I realized last night I couldn't sleep. I was up till three something in the morning.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I spent maybe five and a half hours between and Expedia just trying to find a cool place to zip off to when you leave on Thursday after this is done. I just want to fucking fly in. I'm going to Africa, Cape Verde, islands off of the west coast of Africa. I've heard of that. What's this?
Starting point is 00:20:31 Okay, this phone's going off. The fucking shaker's going off. Jesus Christ. So much for no editing. Hey, guess what? It's fucking Chaley. So much for no editing. All right, that's shaking enough, honey.
Starting point is 00:20:45 The fucking home phones. We're in the podcast. Hey, alright, that's shaking enough, honey. The fucking home phones. We're in the podcast. We're trying to not edit. And hang on, I'll put you on speakerphone, fool. There you are. I'm just going to tell you to turn your ringer off and hit record. I think we're recording as far as we know.
Starting point is 00:20:59 We're recording, baby. Yeah, if we're not, we're going to say we lost gold. Alright, yeah, we're not we're gonna say we lost gold but all right uh yeah we're going and uh i'll call you as soon as we're done all right bye shaley calling right in the middle of the fucking podcast and you know what he called on the home phone so that means he called my cell phone first and go oh he's not. He knows where he's right after fucking bar rescue. What a dick. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Uh, yeah, I, we didn't like it. We talked a lot of shit about you coming in here and how much we're going to miss that guy. But what an overachiever that guy is. Peak too soon.
Starting point is 00:21:40 No kidding. Chili is over. He never around for fun. No, he's editing more and more i gotta put just more things in a drop and he's going all dark side of the moon on you yeah so any uh good stories from uh the uh the bender no i funny enough what was interesting was last night i was out in fucking this area of la called shermanaks, right? The area you never go in. Yeah, it's up in the valley.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah, and it's amazing how- I think that's where I had to go see Stan Daniels. Remember that 80-something-year-old writer I got paired up with when I was young with my fucking mullet? Yes. Oh, you're going to write a pilot with this guy. Go out to his house in Sherman Oaks
Starting point is 00:22:23 and just sit there in his den looking at hismys while he made mercurochrome references and like that doesn't make sense the anyway what was interesting was how how close you can be to la and not not be in la there's no fucking douchebags it's like you're you're i went in this pub crawl around three there's a place called the fucking chimney sweep which is fucking brilliant and then another place called the oaks tavern where they had these shots called hot snatches and you're sitting at a bar and it's not you're not surrounded by le douchebags it was fucking brilliant and i got i got cataclysmically drunk and yeah and. And you drove? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Uber. Hello. Oh, okay. All right. You said something about I shouldn't have driven somewhere at some point. Oh, that was on the way down here. From last night? Yeah, from last night. I was like, I don't think I should still be driving.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yeah, I've had a few. I've stayed at that hotel right at the airport going, know it's been 16 hours but still yeah still feel fucking hammered so that was that and then uh yeah just a lot of drinking and then obviously i'm as as people will know i've we're back on the market we're selling toronto we've got the uk coming up soon dates i've uh i've had a few uh cocktails that I've mentioned by name that I can have during the day that I don't think should count against having two cocktails as a social drinker. For example. Which have come to three to four. But like a Bailey's coffee, obviously.
Starting point is 00:24:00 A mimosa. Yes. Neither of those are alcoholic. No. A hard cider. I think during the day. It's basically, yes. If you're not piling it on with other cocktails,
Starting point is 00:24:12 if you have that a standalone during the day, and then you don't have your cocktails till the night, you had two cocktails that day. I agree. Yes. Yeah. Because there's something juvenile about cider. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:23 It's basically an apple drink. Right. It's a an apple drink. Right. It's a Bartles and James with a cooler name. Yeah. Hard. They put hard in there. I want to know if you can just take apple juice, pour vodka in it, and then it becomes cider. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:36 If you just say hard cider, you don't say it's a children's drink because you have the hard in there. Well, see, in the UK. Where if you called it a sissy whiskey. Sissy whiskey. You go, but it still tastes really bad. Well, it's a sissy whiskey. Right. Girls can drink it now.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah. And they're like. I have no idea where I'm going with that. Here's the thing. Here's a thought. Somebody once said this to me. Said the thing about whiskey is that i used to work in the whiskey industry uh whiskey is the one shot or like spirit that if you overhear somebody ordering
Starting point is 00:25:13 it at a bar you don't think what an asshole anything else you'll hear somebody asking for a vodka this or a gin this and and you'll go, what an asshole. Whereas whiskey is like a... A gin sling? Yeah. A coon. I know. Exactly. Whereas whiskey is like, that's a real drink.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yeah, everyone assumed I drank whiskey. It has almost my entire career, or my adult gravelly career. Really? Yeah. What's your whiskey? I don't drink whiskey. Everyone also assumes you drink tequila. Don't they?
Starting point is 00:25:50 I've never noticed that. Everyone kind of drinks tequila in the States. It's not that you don't. No one's go-to drink is tequila. Really? No. I don't know anyone that drinks tequila. Joby.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Joby's always drinking fucking tequila. Well, he'll have shots of tequila, but that's not what's in his hand. So, yeah, I've always been confused as a whiskey drinker. And now one fun part of Bar Rescue tonight was actually kind of giving a fuck about what the drinks are. Because in this 30 days in the whole thing, we've been making all sorts of weird fucking great. Hang on. I'm just going to. Did I do this last night?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Fucking rum smoothies, whiskey sour, gin fizz, blackberry margaritas. That was fucking great. Real blackberries. Tom Collins. I have not drank any processed shit. I've squoze every juice I've had. Oranges. I squeeze my orange. What was that verb? Squoze've squoze every juice i've had oranges i squeezed what was that verb squoze squoze yeah squozed i'm sorry i forget the d to make it past tense squozed
Starting point is 00:26:53 yeah we've just grasshoppers pink ladies oh yeah we've been home mowing it up and so you've been going for the all natural ingredients, the organic, decent juice and all that sort of stuff. No, we've, we've been over this on the podcast. Yeah. We got, we get a bunch of stuff from the farmer's market and then realized there's
Starting point is 00:27:13 no way one farmer can have all that shit. You can't have garlic and peppers and onions and three different types of citrus. He had everything that Safeway has. But just a little bit. And the ugly ones. Happy coincidence. So, yeah, I feel like it's all organic.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Because I went to the park and stepped over dog shit to get it. You don't get to step over dog shit at Safeway. We have some ideas for pranking the farmer's market. Like, well, Susan blackford evidently lost all respect for me she's the fucking bunch belly fucking she's the one that's running the plastic bag get the plastic bags back on shelves really campaign that's why it's still in the fucking right why she lost her respect for you because i went up and i spoke at that thing and well you know i i know he's a friend of yours,
Starting point is 00:28:05 but I lost all respect for him after that because he's just making fun of my plastic bag initiative. So does she run the farmer's market? No, I have no idea what this is. There was a segue there. All right. Yeah, there was. And now that you brought it up,
Starting point is 00:28:20 I hope it's natural to the people at home. Do you want to wrap this up? feel this uh terror to either keep talking or just wrap it up because uh chile's not around well like let's right let's let's see where we can go with what we've got i i get a i get a bunch of shit that's in case we have nowhere to go i had one of them all right what's yours mine was like again one of these things people post and it's it's this thing on uh somebody who collects uh genuine casting calls in la to illustrate how sexist the industry is and they're absolutely fucking brilliant like i've got oh good oh good yeah fucking actual content yes actual content i'll think of that so so that so it's again it's this
Starting point is 00:29:12 website and it's called uh casting call no it's called casting call woe w-o-e casting and this woman, I think, and again, collects the worst descriptions that are put out in genuine casting calls for actresses to illustrate how people are perceived and things like this one. Her scene will include
Starting point is 00:29:39 being screamed at by a clown and being gagged briefly. Ha ha ha! being screamed at by a clown and being gagged briefly. It involves some leather clothing to attract YouTube fans. She must be enough of a visual aesthetic to be believably the prey of a stalker. Because obviously only really hot people get stalked. You know?
Starting point is 00:30:08 Did you see the documentary about the old guy that used to make porn in the 60s? And now he's going to try to make porn again. No. Some would believe me. 85 people will tell us the answer tomorrow when you wake up. It's terrible. And the guys, they're the old Jew. Yeah. New York. will tell us the answer tomorrow when you wake up. It's terrible. And the guys, they're the old Jew-y Jew, New York.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I don't understand why they do what they do. You didn't even show the penetration. You assumed the penetration. I'm thinking Russ Meyer, not him. No, it's just some old... I finally turned it off. We tried to watch that for so long.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Isn't he supposed to be making his own porn at some point? He never does. You really have to put the extra effort in to make a documentary about pornography uninteresting. Yeah. I saw one about a Westboro Baptist Church documentary that was so bad. And I found the guy on the internet. internet and he said uh for press uh opportunities call 913 it was a fucking kansas number he's out of kansas and he was this uh reticent mo that just focused on the homosexual part of it there's a lot of different fucking branches to this tree
Starting point is 00:31:20 and i he answered the phone he said it says like they in craigslist it'll say serious inquiries only basically something like that honest to goodness press or no bullshit this time right i called him up i go how did you take such a fucking interesting topic and get nothing out of it how did you take such a juicy piece of fruit and squeeze fucking not one. Yeah. This is supposed to be for serious press calls only. He said that? Yeah, but this is terrible. You shouldn't have your number where you can find it. It was so bad
Starting point is 00:31:54 I found you. Believe me, your podcast is going to be bigger than any press you go. So, yeah. No, this was years ago. Oh, years ago. I felt awful about it afterwards. Like now, I feel, I don't brag brag about saying that because someone did that to me. It would make me very, very angry. Oh, geez.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I thought there was a person. So did I. See, that's why fucking Travers gets guns pulled on her. Yeah. That was a. That was the same thing. Sorry. I've fucking segued several.
Starting point is 00:32:24 That's all right right i got another one that's another casting thing she needs a full bosom large breasts are somewhat essential for a few bouncy scenes i'm just gonna just pause to tell you what i was the the one about this will attract youtube viewers leather we're doing this to it. That's what that old guy that does the point. They would try to explain that to him. Well, the internet is the new thing. We're going to do leather to get the YouTube.
Starting point is 00:32:56 What's a YouTube? Yeah. Sorry, I was just. No, no, you're entirely right. Anytime I can track my thought back to where it started, and now I'm way off base. You have to true detective your own thoughts. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Fucking that sucked so much. What, the end? No, the fucking new cast. Oh, I've not seen. America cried on Twitter. So the two guys that are, the new, it's Colin Farrell, is it? Yeah, and then Vince Vaughn. Is it Vince Vaughn?
Starting point is 00:33:26 All right. Yeah, I that that sounds right yeah did you see america cried on twitter yeah that was it when the they released the names of who's replacing it was worse than ben affleck as batman all because you i mean batman you you all right, this could go any which way. True Detective, you had fucking perfection. And then we're going to go with John Larroquette. Sorry, I'm friends with his son. I should not say that. But yeah, I think even his son would be upset of John Larroquette.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Who is John Larroquette? I don't know the name. In fact, he didn't. When his son has the podcast, he was here with Frosty Gnar. He's also Jonathan Larroquette. Oh, I see. Fucking fuck me if I can't remember
Starting point is 00:34:15 the goddamn name of that podcast. Okay, I'm proving hopelessly inept. Well, let's just cut to, you know, we've done enough for these people. We'll saddle up strong tomorrow night because after Well, let's just cut to, you know, we've done enough for these people. We'll saddle up strong tomorrow night because after this, there's only three left. I don't even, I'm going to have to fucking, I'm going to have to waste one of my fucking silver bullets on this one
Starting point is 00:34:36 because there's a song missing from this list that Chaley left me because we're not going to do that. I was going to fuck with you guys a little bit. Still might. Yeah, let's let's the sponsor for tonight's. I don't even have the information, but you guys can Google it. The sponsor. Do you love?
Starting point is 00:35:00 Hey, people, do you love Chad Shanks? Police beat from the Bisbee Observer? You can subscribe to the Bisbee Observer right there on your couch. Just go to your computer right now and go to Google and type in Bisbee Observer and then go to how do I subscribe to Bisbee Observer and you'll find out because I don't have that information in front of me. Everybody loves the Bisbee Observer Police Beat, and you can also see some stories about the Bisbee Unified School District
Starting point is 00:35:30 and how votes are going on whether to finance a tax increase to fund some books and whatnot. And then there's also, I look for it every year and a half, is the car auction so I can buy a new police car and driving around. So that's, police Bisbee, Bisbee Observer, and then about us and then how to subscribe and figure it out. And they'll be happy that, what the fuck? We just got like 18 new subscriptions in a day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:04 The Bisbee Observer. They'll be like, whoa. I don't know if there's a way you can say Doug Stano podcast sent me, but yeah, that would be fucking hilarious. And then they'd start printing some of my letters to the editor. I got one printed that was kind of funny, but not pushing any boundaries. And then everything else that I've written in, not so much.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Tell them about that one. Yeah. Yeah, I'll not so much. Tell them about that one. Yeah. Yeah, I'll tell them later. I know about that one. Yeah, he knows. Is it time for Word of the Day? So that was a sponsor of the Word of the Day. Brian Hennigan, English-speaking man, tell us your Word of the Day
Starting point is 00:36:37 out of the Roger's Thesaurus, Roger the Gayblade Thesaurus, Words for Intellectuals. Actually, you're the guy that gave me this book, as far as I know. Roger the gay blade thesaurus words for intellectuals you actually you're the guy that gave me this book as far as I know and if you're not then don't say anything because I've been telling people yeah that's not from you
Starting point is 00:36:56 I always call it rocket anyway anyway the word of today is imbroglio spell that I-M-B-R-O I-M-B-R-O-G-L-I-O imbroglio so you might think it's pronounced
Starting point is 00:37:12 imbroglio but it's actually imbroglio and it refers to something that is a sticky situation a predicament that is difficult to get out of kind of like that Bar Rescue episode. Kind of very like that, Bar Rescue. I couldn't trash it. You were an imbroglio.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I couldn't say no, but I couldn't be a jerk. No. So I was just an unfunny nothing. Yeah. You know what? I've learned this lesson so many times that I've unlearned it, and I have to learn it again. Here's to scotch whiskey, and here's to this song. You know what? Fuck it. I have to learn it again. Here's to Scotch whiskey.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And here's to this song. You know what? Fuck it. I said I wasn't going to play this one. But since you're here, this is for Scotland. For fucking Rob Roy. Yeah. And for fucking gay pride.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Kilt power. We're going to play big country in a big country. Sing along and turn it up. It's Monday morning. Fuck these people. Drink at work kick it i've never seen you look like this without a reason Another promise falling through another season Passes by you I never took the smile away from anybody's face
Starting point is 00:38:43 And that's a desperate way to look for someone who is still a child In a big country dream, stay with you Like a lover's voice, part the mountainside Stay alive I thought the way that you took things and really
Starting point is 00:39:08 got a bunch of girls that you went every single one of you had to
Starting point is 00:39:13 go I'm not expecting to grow flowers in a desert But I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime In a big country dream, stay with you Like a lover's voice, pass the mountainside Stay alive In a big country dream, stay with you Like a lover's voice, pass the mountainside Stay alive So take that look out of here, it doesn't fit you Because it's happened doesn't mean you've been discarded
Starting point is 00:40:20 Pull up your head off the floor, come on, scream it Right out the rough with me, you're everybody for me Pull up your head up the floor, come on screamin' Ride out for everything you ever wanted A fourth complaint, a two-foot fence, it really matters But you can't stay here with every single one of them Shadows Shadows I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert But I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime In a big country dream to stay with you
Starting point is 00:41:04 Like a lover's voice Far to the mountainside, stay alive In a big country dream, stay with you like a lover's voice Far to the mountainside. Stay alive. In a big country dream. Stay with you. Like a lover's voice. By the mountainside.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Stay alive. Outro Music

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