The Doug Stanhope Podcast - Ep.#336: Hate Mail, Ejections and the End of the Road

Episode Date: October 17, 2019

The last week on the road with Doug, Olivia, Tracey and Chaille finds them in Hattiesburg, MS in another winner of a hotel room booked by Stanhope.Doug's last DVD, “No Place Like Home,” is now ava...ilable on Amazon Prime - Oct. 11, 2019 at a Howard Johnson's in Hattiesburg, MS with Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope), Olivia Grace (@OliviaDoesBits), and Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille). Produced and Edited by Chaille.Some 2020 Tour Dates are made available first to members of the Doug Stanhope Mailing List. Join today at the podcast through our Patreon page at New subscribers will automatically have access to a Bonus episode every month plus access to all past BONUS episodes. Any level of support is appreciated. Thanks in again as your subscription helps keep this podcast going. Patreon page ( - ( episode is sponsored by 'POPOV VODKA PRESENTS' VHS TAPE - Merch Page - ( - ( -C.W. Stoneking - “Gon' Boogaloo” - iTunes Foundation - like what they are doing over at ( - Check it outSupport the Innocence Project - ( song, “The Stanhope Rag”, written and performed by Scotty Conant for Doug Stanhope and used with permission – Available on Soundcloud - the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 you're listening to the doug stanhope podcast yeah and they don't fucking clean up their parking lot you expect me to go outside to smoke when you don't have a fucking yeah we have i don't want to get ahead of myself you want armed security everywhere now yeah we have cops at shows where if there's no problems but then you hit yet another night off shithole motel this is not a bad motel we have our night off in hattiesburg mississippi why because we thought we were going to play the thirsty hippo in hattiesburg mississippi why because we thought we were going to play the thirsty hippo in hattiesburg we're going to fill an off night with a paying gig yeah we were going to do a pop-up well well no no no hennigan was trying to book this i go all right we're trying to do it
Starting point is 00:00:58 yeah that's it's a five-hour drive which is kind of a hump, but it actually went well. But what was the podcast that you turned on and made the drive go so fucking quick? Oh, let me look it up. I just found it because I knew you guys like death and murder and stuff. Last Day. Last Day. That was really interesting. Harris Whittle is a comedian that died of an overdose,
Starting point is 00:01:24 and his sister has a new podcast called last day it's about death and shit that kills people and it's really good really interesting she set it up for like this this chunk that we're it's four episodes in this chunk is opioid epidemic and how and then how it's touched just about everyone yeah sarah silverman and aziz ansari on the first episode talking about her brother and so it's a pet peeve with uh netflix documentaries with me where you go oh this sounds like an interesting story but the documentarian it makes it all about them yeah she doesn't do that she does you know where oh it's his sister talking about it and then it's gonna be about but it's not it's fucking really good she's a she's a natural talent and uh yeah made five
Starting point is 00:02:18 hours blow by to our off night in hattiesburg yeah no i i liked it i could tell that her point was she was she said early on that she's like this is to make people who've been through this feel less alone and you could that actually comes through as opposed to just saying it and then making it about and that there's about how widespread like there were more people who died of addiction since 99 than like car accidents yeah something's yeah and that doesn't count yeah i think that is opioid yeah or yeah because that doesn't count smoking and drinking yeah the numbers go through the roof with that yeah i don't know man it's but i think the point she was trying to make is that this touches everyone
Starting point is 00:03:06 I mean there's not a person like six degrees of Kevin Bacon kind of thing it's like one degree of or two degrees you'll find someone that you know it touches us right here at the fucking Howard
Starting point is 00:03:23 Johnson's in Hattiesburg where we're kind of shut in because At the fucking Howard Johnson's in Hattiesburg, where we're kind of shut in because there's some fucking, like, I wish there was, I had a cop friend who could park his car next to us in the parking lot. Cruiser in the lot. Yeah, the last place, when we left you last, we were at a piece of shit hotel,el it was the econo lodge east in
Starting point is 00:03:47 knoxville tennessee if you're in for waffles and moonshine and a place to lay your head i got a one-stop shopping we were so excited to get smoking rooms where we could just back the van up to the door the van which by the way we never mentioned the van which i got brand new for this tour fucking like the second week in cleveland someone fucking smashed into it left there pulled their bumper off dragging it out of the side of our van and i i could see like if a if a ship captain is coming into port and he gets it a little too close to the dock there and the momentum of a ship, it's just going to go,
Starting point is 00:04:31 it's great. Someone basically came up too close to the vehicle and scraped a bumper. Like a side panel kind of bumper. The rear of the back door to almost the middle of the back door to the almost the middle of the front door so they just kept going and they all they do is tap i remember walking out to go get taco bell breakfast for everyone and uh some ladies and i see the bumper right next
Starting point is 00:04:57 to the car and she goes wow someone fucked up or i go it's not from my car that's all I care about I didn't notice the giant gouge down the side that oh it is from my car yeah that's like you would think that if you realize you're hitting a car because the scrape is like two and a half feet long at least yeah yeah you would think that you would at least like it looks like someone's halfway through well yeah it's called a getaway there was enough it was enough of a connection that it ripped their fucking bumper off I know it was like one of those
Starting point is 00:05:34 plexiglass or whatever it wasn't metal I picked it up and I threw it over it wasn't a 1955 Chevy fully chrome bumper I'm saying it was light enough that i picked it up and hurled it over the fence that guards the dumpster i always love when they put up a giant chain link fence like you're gonna steal from their dumpster yet the uh everything
Starting point is 00:05:58 else is unguarded you can get in the hotel without a key and walk down the hallways but don't fuck with our dumpster uh anyway so yeah last we left you at the uh econo lodge east knoxville we were all glad we were making such hay with the pictures on twitter of the the the grill chained to the fucking post and the cigarette burns and the bloodstains and the crushed roaches on the wall but we were just still happy to smoke and then the aftermath of that last podcast if you followed my twitter was uh yeah me showing pictures of bed bug bites all over my back with which tracy got to and uh and everyone's going why don't you spend more on fucking hotels you cheap prick
Starting point is 00:06:48 because we could smoke in that fucking hotel and I'd go back to that hotel today I mean it was convenient to have a liquor store right next to it I'd spray it down with Raid before I slept in the bed I actually slept in my clothes until about 3 or 4 in the morning
Starting point is 00:07:03 I did that in my clothes till about 3 or 4 in the morning I did that in Nashville I was very pickled I slept in my full suit and tie I kept waking up to make sure my tie clip was still on because I didn't want to lose it in the bed why were there
Starting point is 00:07:22 so many scuff marks on the walls of our rooms that's what i wanted i want to know the story behind every scuff mark at the econolodge well there's no blood splatter like there was in cleveland oh that was that was terrifying i think we talked about that i think did we talk about it yeah okay good yeah because that Oh, on the ceilings. The ceiling. The cast off. Yeah. Cast off pattern. Yeah, but I, what, who is in there?
Starting point is 00:07:50 Like, how do you get, like, it was like furniture scuff marks. It wasn't just like someone, I'm bothered by this. I want to know who is in there moving furniture and why. And there was like
Starting point is 00:08:00 years of scuff marks. Hey, man. Does anybody have a theory at all? I have no idea. Jaylee, you have all the answers. Maybe they used to clean underneath the dresser. But there were scuff marks where there wasn't even any furniture. Like, how do you get a scuff mark eight feet up the wall?
Starting point is 00:08:21 Someone trying to get away. A failed escape attempt tracy's had to get uh like calamine lotion and wait did you get prescription shit for that no no that's lidocaine doesn't work doesn't work because mine don't itch what's weird is that's several days ago and i, I saw the, the bites the next day. And, uh, that's when I sent the picture out on the Twitter. And, uh, just tonight I had to pull up my shirt and ask Olivia,
Starting point is 00:08:52 Hey, those bite marks still there. She goes, Oh yeah. And it's weird that I haven't taken my shirt off in four days to shower, to do anything. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:04 You know, you, you look like you went paintballing. And lost. And lost. Yeah, but they don't, mine don't itch but it's probably because
Starting point is 00:09:14 I don't know, the layers of filth on my skin? I don't know. Maybe, yeah. Maybe it snuffed them out. But every time we talk about them, I start scratching my head. My scalp itches. So, I don't know. I don't think it's bed bugs. I think you got bit by something, but I don't think it's bed bugs.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I have no... Well, what else bites you? Well, a dog. Skeeters? A dog can bite you. Well, now I know from Nashville, sleep in your suit. Whatever stops people from hugging you. I'm just gaining more and more maladies. Fucking chalasians and fucking bug bites.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Doug will be at the merch booth tonight, but because of his leprosy, he's not letting you hug him. Oh, Chattanooga. Hopefully if they were bedb i spread actually no i was gonna shit on the hotel but the oh that's what i was gonna say the econo lodge east in knoxville i haven't done it yet and i don't know how to upload pictures real well but i want i'm gonna yelp review the fuck out of that trip advisor expedia five star reviews i'm just gonna sit
Starting point is 00:10:23 i'm just gonna hype that place. Yeah, so people stay there. Get a smoking room. They're the best. I mean, we stay there because we have an ulterior motive, and that's to smoke in the room, the podcast, and we can live low. Which we're doing right here at the Howard Johnson's in Hattiesburg only because, A a it's scary it's a nice room really
Starting point is 00:10:46 nice rooms for like 55 60 bucks or something uh yeah it's a really nice room and when they made me initial for the no smoking here it's only a hundred dollar charge they're like fuck yeah i'll pay that i would have uh but yeah it's it's your fault for charging so little and for making a dangerous parking lot there's like five or six people actually they keep coming in and out there's a u-haul parked out there it's sketchy as fuck they've set up like right out in front of our room we can't go straight to the highway from here we have to go all the way around to the back because they set up like highway barriers that they fill up with water so you can't go straight to the highway from here. We have to go all the way around to the back because they set up like highway barriers that they fill up with water so you can't move them.
Starting point is 00:11:28 That's what's right there. Yeah, I know. Between two parts of the parking lot. So that you can't just whip in one way. You have to go the long way to get to this side. So that makes me think that maybe there was some sketchiness. Here's the thing. Before they put a fresh coat of paint on it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I almost thought about calling the cops on the non-emergency line sketchiness well here's the thing before they put a fresh coat of paint on it i almost i thought about calling the cops on the non-emergency line and go hey can you do a drive-through and fucking scare some of these fucking people away and it's weird where you're like someone who's very pro drug but anti the people who sell them on a fucking parking lots but then i thought i mean there's as many fucking chicks in that you're coming and going and maybe they're hookers and it's like i remember where you go oh my my mother would make jokes about i'm gonna have to sell my ass and i go like you're fucking like a 55 year old fucking hacking smoker you're like who's gonna but then you you realize you watch cops and stuff and then you see the bedraggled
Starting point is 00:12:25 toothless women that are actually getting customers what are you doing doing in the car why was your head in his lap i don't know i just i'm on my way home yeah most hookers don't become hookers because they look like jennifer lopez but i'm saying it was like these gals i don't know what's going on out there fucking there was one gal out with in her underpants i'm not even kidding and i just kept walking don't look just go to the fucking door there's definitely some something sort of unsavory going on because you you had your door barred so we could all kind of go between rooms and things like that and some guy was actually floating outside of your room,
Starting point is 00:13:06 literally out right at the door for no, he, there was no reason he should have been there. And I think it was because it was like open a crack. And as soon as I poked my head out to see if my grub hub lady was here, who, by the way, also crazy as fuck.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And she wasn't there. But as soon as I came out, he walked away. And that's when I came over and told you about him it was too weird he was really like seen scoping out I didn't want anything to happen to you Doug
Starting point is 00:13:33 I love you I like that Chaley carries his podcast gear in what looks like a handgun case it does but none of us look like we're packing or could handle a gun yeah you guys all look like a band and i look like the manager or the roadie more the roadie i guess well i'm in fucking pajamas and a work shirt i haven't seen a single person in hattiesburg
Starting point is 00:14:02 besides you guys that didn't seem like they were on crystal meth. Oh, my God. Don't get ahead of me. Oh, fuck it. Let's just last night in Huntsville. Oh, yeah. Stand up live in Huntsville. Fucking good club.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Great time. Same owners as Zaney's in Nashville. You know, it's weird. I've never been to Huntsville, but the sound guy says, hey, it's good to work with you again. The big guy in the double-breasted. Tom knows you through the podcast. That's why he was wearing that
Starting point is 00:14:34 like double-breasted sea captain's jacket. Yeah, I didn't know that. I thought it was just his look. Yeah, he was a great guy. But he said it again as though we've worked together before. I think, yeah's he's friends with carlos valencia and a bunch of other comics that that are in those circles and uh it may have
Starting point is 00:14:51 been a thing where he saw you at one of the shows or you know he could have been up at nashville at zany's or something but they had a they had a a uniformed cop working there like uniform over uniform both venues like full bulletproof vest with the shit hanging off the front and fucking flashbang grenades I don't know what the fuck he had it was overkill for the and the first show
Starting point is 00:15:18 there was two shows and the first show was the dry bar comedy show it's like we don't drink show. You need a cop with fucking tasers and stuff? I don't think he was there for that. He may have been. Oh, he was.
Starting point is 00:15:36 He was. Yeah, because they ran a little long. So when we got there, the show was still going on. Yeah, he was there. Yeah, that's weird. It's very strange. He was cool going on. Yeah, he was there. Yeah, that's weird. It's very strange. He was cool as shit. I liked him a lot.
Starting point is 00:15:50 What was his name? Brandon. Yeah. It's funny because after the show, he's a private duty at that point, just uniformed security, but cop uniformed. He's got a taser and a fucking gun. but cop uniformed. He's got a taser and a fucking gun. Yeah, he's walking me around from the side smoking exit from the green room to the front where we're selling merch outside, which we did both at Nashville.
Starting point is 00:16:14 It's so funny when you sell merch outside on a sidewalk. It looks like a fucking late night yard sale. And he's walking me around, and we're going by a parked car and the cop goes on one side and this guy an older dude he's had to be in his 40s in a polo shirt or a button-down shirt he looked like and he goes hey hey i hate to ask you this but here here will you sign my bindle of meth and i'm pointing through the parked car at the cop that's right there i go other side no i don't think i'm gonna do that yeah because when you're holding it to sign it you are in possession of meth yeah i'm not gonna put my name on your meth
Starting point is 00:16:56 hey can i use your license to chop this up who Who's this Doug Stanhope fellow, the dumbest drug dealer ever? Is he new in the biz? What's his phone number on there? Phone number? Got meth? What else have I signed on this tour? Well, it's really weird. We were at, I can't remember where but the oh it was Charlotte
Starting point is 00:17:25 Comedy Zone and a guy came up and he goes I got four nipples oh Jesus put your flash on dude I'll take the picture but I don't need
Starting point is 00:17:34 a story here and he fucking lifts I mean this guy that's all he does every night waits till it gets dark and I have to start lifting his shirt
Starting point is 00:17:41 and he he had like two nipples where they're supposed to be and then about the width of a hand there's two more nipples he's as hairy as a fucking sweater so it's kind of hard to tell he could have just had two pieces of band-aids on there but he he did and uh you signed that and that was that was weird i signed someone's ankle bracelet that was uh that was just the other night in Nashville, out on the street. He had...
Starting point is 00:18:07 And once again, there was a cop there at Zaney's. Oh yeah, you told me that. And I didn't even notice, or I was drunk, both. He was pretty subdued, but they do have these cops there. And I gotta say, Chase and I were talking about it after the first night.
Starting point is 00:18:24 That's conducive to comedy. But I'll tell you what, on the second night when we were in Huntsville, boy, there wasn't a lot of fucking around when you wanted to get someone out of there. Oh, yeah, when you have the bomb squad cop. SWAT team looking guy. The alternative to that is You have the biggest guy on your crew Go over and tell that table to shut up
Starting point is 00:18:50 Or you know It works And another thing I noticed Two of the best rooms We worked were Not just the cop last night But Madison and Huntsville Both do that thing with the bag for the phones.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Not Huntsville. It was Nashville. The yonder. Yeah, yeah. That's what I'm sorry. Yeah. It was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:14 The cop was Huntsville. Yeah. The bag was Nashville and Madison. And it's a house rule. Comedy on stage. And this is so important for that rule is when a club you know makes that you get to put your cell phone in a bag and you get it back later or however it works it's not because i didn't know how it worked either and i watched i saw comedy on state because we had two days there
Starting point is 00:19:36 in madison and it was fucking seamless you didn't even know what was going on the first night because i told them don't say anything to doug i might go ape shit. No, I didn't know how you'd react, but I wanted to see if you even noticed people futzing or going. It was not a fucking problem. They give you the bag when you're walking in. You put your phone in the bag and there's a magnetic lock on there
Starting point is 00:19:58 like a security thing on a tag on a piece of clothing. You need a magnet to get it off. So you put your phone on vibrate you enjoy the show if something comes up and it vibrates you go out into the showroom which you out of the showroom out of the showroom into the lobby there's someone there to open it they just put it on the thing it opens up and then you make your phone call make your text or do whatever and then and then you go back in when you're ready to participate in the show. What's important is the club.
Starting point is 00:20:26 That's their rule. Yes. Because when I heard, oh, so-and-so is doing this now, well, then that makes the comic look like a dick. But if it's a house rule, then, hey, it's out of my hands. There's nothing I can do. But it's not even as much about recording and taking pictures. It's just people are so accustomed to playing with their fucking phone. Picking it up.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Checking it. I'm just going to check in. This bit's boring. I've heard it before. Whatever. I'm going to check my tweets. Oh, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Seeing someone looking at their phone, even if they're not filming or doing anything disruptive, just seeing the glow on their face makes me so resentful. Which you can see from stage because you look like you're haunting the place. Your face is white. It makes me so resentful and it immediately changes my tone. Charlotte, at the Comedy Zone, we were sitting in the back stage left, so we're like
Starting point is 00:21:17 way in the corner, usually where the staff sits when they're not busy, right? So there's a guy on the other side of the little wall, and him and his buddy are sitting there. And I see him just picking up his phone, just doing that thing. He's like, he's looking at the stage,
Starting point is 00:21:32 but then he's got this phone, and he's kind of doing this thing where he's flipping through. And you see him, and you go down. He's fucking texting, like during the show that cost $45. And it's like, I'm pissed at that, but I'm like, but if I go up to him now, he's going to go, oh, okay, text.
Starting point is 00:21:50 I go, there's no way. At some point, he's going to go, oh, yeah, I'll just record. So I waited. And I waited. And then finally, I see he's going to videotape you. Because he's gotten so used to that. And I'm right on him with that fucking big bright flashlight oh yes i remember this and i hit the light and i hit him with the light like i tap him
Starting point is 00:22:11 on the shoulder i go put that away right now like instantly he barely got his thumb over record when i'm like getting it's like jesus christ where'd the fucking batman come from and that and that was it shut him down but i just i was talking to tracy about it later i go if i would have told him hey cut it out texting it would have just it would have just been oh whatever whatever but he i knew he was going to record because everyone they get so used to that thing but and point being is that when you put the phone in the bag you can't even look at it you can't see it it goes out of your mind and your focus is on the on the show i think it's probably similar to how once i get on a plane i don't need to smoke cigarettes like because i know i can't so it's out of my head i'm not going to
Starting point is 00:22:59 be able to smoke for the next fucking 14 hours to australia i don't think about it until i land and like hurry up customs i need a fucking cigarette oh my gosh yeah but uh i think it's similar absolutely and what you're talking about is like uh chappelle was famous for starting he did a show or a couple of shows where they did that and i think yonder has a deal where artists can take them to certain events or like when they're going out on a tour they'll rent the system and they'll go out and do it but yeah if more venues start implementing
Starting point is 00:23:32 that rule I think you're right though because Comedy on State they said they've had no fucking pushback from it and Lucy at Nashville said the same thing no it's great they do it a little different there they let everyone walk in with their bag and their phone so that when they're there early
Starting point is 00:23:46 getting their food or whatever, they can still text and everything and then they go right on five minutes before they actually start the pre-show stuff. They get up there and someone says,
Starting point is 00:23:55 all right, everyone, put the phones in the bags. And it's a total honor system. And until someone fucks with it, it works. Well, and it also, in the venue's favor it eliminates the need for this dress down where before the show ladies and gentlemen are you ready to have a good time
Starting point is 00:24:16 you can do better than that you before you have a good time if we catch you filming we'll throw you out if you talk to anyone if you yell at the performers, we'll fucking staple on your eyes shut. What did that one guy say, Doug? He goes, Doug is very secretive with his performance. Oh, yeah. He blamed it on me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:38 He blamed it on me. Like other shows, you can just film all you like. But this guy. Yeah. He's got deep. he's fucking deep throat he's gonna tell you what happened with the ukraine he doesn't want it to be leaked i do i like the honor system idea a lot though because you're right if they have the bag and the phone and they're caught filming they they know it's like i wish i don't know if we already talked about get him out the fucking door totally yeah you've just the phone and they're caught filming they know it's like I should have been in a bag
Starting point is 00:25:05 I don't know if we already talked about it get them out the fucking door you've gone so far out of the way to break a rule that is so easy to follow no one's saying you have to sit there and you can't talk to anyone on your phone out in the lobby they're saying
Starting point is 00:25:21 respect the show that's being put on for you for whatever a dozen years that I've had to the lobby right they're saying respect the the show that's being put on for you exactly yeah yeah for whatever a dozen years that i've had to have different bits trying to stop people from filming usually when you say hey fucking keep your phone in your pocket most of the audience applauds because they're fucking sick of everyone with their phone even if they're tweeting on the side oh my god omg i'm right here third row you know it's making me think uh seeing the yonder thing uh like what other things we could do and i was like
Starting point is 00:25:52 all right listen anyone pulls out their phone and records no merch just throw something out like a dollar mower on all beer something that. Something. Then you'd get everyone to be like, come on, motherfucker, put your phone away. Yeah, yeah, right. Well, then, no, I've gone with that tactic where you're basically imploring. This is the problem is people aren't as smart as you. So you say something that leads people to go, all right i'm starting a fist fight without knowing it someone's gonna go you put that fucking phone away motherfucker i'll crush your skull last night the huntsville lady where uh she was front row and she was pretty pickled off of her frozen
Starting point is 00:26:40 fucking pina colada drinks and then i said something that triggered some synapse where she needed to share with me and i just instinctively put the microphone in front of her face and she went on some heartfelt diatribe of something and it was she's just and and and then but people are shouting her down don't shut the fuck up i go no no i'm just giving her a second she i go she's a little drunk we were she it was one of those things where the tv they have a tv in the green room so you can watch the show so these are front row center a couple and it probably don't get out much you can can tell. They saved up a lot of... Was it the guy with the hat?
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah. The guy that they were sharing a drink, you were going to make the double straw for him? The malt shop? Yeah. He had listened to the podcast. I'm pretty sure she'd never heard of you. And he had heard the podcast
Starting point is 00:27:39 and he asked who I was and how... And I said, Shaylee. He goes, what? He goes, how do you know Doug? And I'm like well maybe he's just tuned into the podcast or something because i don't expect people to know me yeah but if they've heard the podcast or they've been to one of your shows before they would know that i'm part of the of the group kind of thing and so i think that was his first time
Starting point is 00:27:59 being at a show uh yeah they seemed like first time like they've saved up to one day go to a show because vacation is out of the question in the in the in the short term of the next 20 years with the amount of kids they have but maybe one day we could save up to go to that one club that charges a thing well i guess now we answered the question though of like who wants to sit in the front row at a comedy show yes yeah uh they probably were there but the point was afterwards i i told the crowd to fucking leave her alone and i go she's a little pickled we counted how many of these uh pina coladas she had frozen frozen and she goes i don't usually drink like she shrank away from it like she wasn't i mean it wasn't like in the middle of a bit where she wanted attention to just
Starting point is 00:28:54 you know i get it she just she had something on her mind because she was a little chatty during my set too but not talking over me just if i had a beat where i paused she would have something to say but i don't remember what it was but it was always very sweet like something like i think at one point she said no you're doing fine we're all just racist here in the south you should have gave her the mic oh that's the guy that i didn't even hear that was chattanooga where oh my we're still guessing i get some hate mail we'll get into it in a second but we're thinking maybe that's the guy that i got the hate mail from in chattanooga because
Starting point is 00:29:30 someone yelled out during your show yeah fuck black people or something well what had happened was i was on stage and i was doing like a little bit of crowd work i think about like uh i was asking if everybody was gonna drive home drunk and they were like yeah and then i was like fuck the police right and then everybody was like yeah fuck the police and then i said something about like as long as they're not killing any black people right guys and they were like yeah and then it got quiet and he just went fuck black people and everybody went no like no like the visceral reaction from everyone was so like we all decided in the same instant it was us against that guy and then you're talking about your special needs sister and he goes fuck that retard or something yeah he said that and he was like doing that thing that passive
Starting point is 00:30:20 aggressive like cacklingling demon laugh of contempt when you have a punchline. But it was that sweaty guy with the fucking moon face in a suit or something. Came up to the merch table like he was planning a fucking manifesto to tell you. Yeah, he was just an unhappy camper from the moment the show started.
Starting point is 00:30:41 He was also very angry. He was shit-faced. I got a long email, which the more i thought about it i tried to troll the guy a little bit but i think he was wise to me after that because i i hadn't worked the comedy catch the actual comedy club in chattanooga since 2001 and i brought that up on stage talking to the owner there's a bit bit of a back story that we had. So I and this guy sent me a hate mail the next day. The two hate mails I got from Chattanooga.
Starting point is 00:31:14 No one from Chattanooga. This one where he said that was I've seen you and Chattanooga since 2001. And every time you come to Atlanta we're at your shows and I've never seen less effort put into a show and I'm never going to talk you up again and you shouldn't be rude to your fans after the show there wasn't a lot of people there. And the ones that were there fake laughing, you should pay them. It was obvious because he kept mentioning after the show, like he's a guy I didn't want to hang out with. Like saying, hey, let's go to a bar. I don't remember anyone after that fucking show.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I was talking to kid Dave Miller who I haven't seen since fucking 1994 or something. I don't remember you being rude after the show at all. And I wonder. It's usually me who is like, all right, guys, hey, thanks a lot. And I try and move them along. But they can, being drunk, they interpret that as somehow they're being slighted because they don't get this total face time with you. And I don't understand that because they see how many people. I drove all the way from Atlanta. Well, people drive from bisbee yeah way further all night i'll tell you what
Starting point is 00:32:29 that guy you're talking about the moon face guy that was he was kind of leaning tower of pisa you know at the merch booth that's why i thought it might be him but this guy was there with his wife yeah this guy was with oh was he yeah oh good no no the guy was there with his dad so he's standing at the merch booth you're still down by the stats, yeah. So he's standing at the merch booth. You're still down by the train car somewhere. You're not over there at the merch booth yet. Another one out on the sidewalk, right? So Tracy's like, that's the guy right there.
Starting point is 00:32:54 And I'm all just, Tracy's like, I'm not selling to him. I'm going to send him away. I go, come on, just relax. Oh, good. And I go, you can't do that because we'll take his money. Let's assume it's that guy then it is well because when in the email when he said laughing at all the wrong things is that what he said about the crowd he said no no he said they were fake laughing like he was
Starting point is 00:33:15 fake laughing that's what was bothering me more i shut that guy down at one point i goes hey get with peer pressure and stop laughing at my jokes because no one else is no he had the most contemptuous like haha i'm laughing at the wrong part laugh it was it was so disturbing well tracy got the last laugh because as i go to find doug to bring him over to the merch booth and he comes up and goes when's doug coming out to sign? And Tracy says, in about an hour, he'll be back. Oh, that's why? He fucking took off. Why are you so rude to your fans after the show?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Who's that fucking guy? I want to dox you and give out your fucking email. I thought that was great, though, because he was cross-eyed drunk. Leaning, like stutter-steutter stepping and there was no reason it would have just been a weirdness thing good all right that that mystery solved fuck you i'll just give you a fake name john smith oh so uh we started talking about things you signed no no i'm going to the second hate mail which okay was uh the fact that he said the least effort i've ever seen anyone put into a performance
Starting point is 00:34:34 i wasn't in the greatest mood which night was this chattanooga that guy but the next night in nashville which was a fucking blowout show someone fucking sent me email i wasted 250 i grew up watching lenny bruce and george carlin and rodney dangerfield and i expected new comedy and and and then it uh then it trailed off into, and I had a perfectly placed comment, and as soon as I said it, they told me to shut up. He must have written it drunk. But again, it's not about, because that fucking show, Nashville. That was a great show.
Starting point is 00:35:20 That was fantastic. Everything about that show. And I did do too much shit off the new special, which made me paranoid. Yeah, last time you can see it live. Well, I did fall into a lot of it, but if there was one that I put the least effort into, it was that one.
Starting point is 00:35:36 That's why I did three bits off the new special because it's not out yet. Unless you were in Vegas to see it performed. I haven't been in nashville for fucking years so i i whatever it was yeah he got told to shut up both of those guys in fact that guy did chattanooga guy got alfano the owner came over and told him to shut up and i said something about hey he's the only guy laughing or something uh but yeah the hate mail is usually routed somewhere other than because nashville yeah i didn't put a lot of effort in there i i went a little bit uh
Starting point is 00:36:15 autopilot but the crowd was so fucking good they were hot and i and i we spent the day with fucking bird cloud so yeah i didn't have a lot of notes in front of me when Mackenzie's hanging around. Sometimes those are the best shows, though, is when we're just relaxed and we don't put a fucking stress set together and try to remember everything. That fucking crowd was out of control good.
Starting point is 00:36:39 They always are at Nashville. And I've had a lot of shows where we hung out with Bird Cloud. Bird Cloud has a story, but it's not mine to tell I almost got her drunk enough to uh to do a podcast but I I didn't want to do that to her yeah we were close I don't that would have been one of those things where I'd have to not put it out yeah to hear it oh no I told her I said if you do it there's no i'm not going to take any you know fucking the old thing of the uh 24 hour regret no but uh she was there with uh she's been uh tour managing this guy that you had just downloaded yeah i found well i found his album on spotify and it's like before you before mckenzie before we got to nashville you had been
Starting point is 00:37:26 listening to this guy on tour yeah yeah i had been it was like one of my sort of like pump me up before a show playlist because it's like blues and there's like he said there's a lot of like cajun influences oh yeah it sounds like fucking robert johnson fucking crosses down at the crossroads yeah and i so and his album cover is him with the like skull face paint on and so until we got to nashville i thought that i was listening to a black man in the 1940s i had no idea that he was white and alive and australian and and she just got done almost mirroring our tour. They were in a bunch of the same towns, but not at the same time. They just got done with six weeks.
Starting point is 00:38:09 And so he came to the show and he talked. I remember being drunk saying, you talk like a didgeridoo. He had this weird voice and he sounded sometimes Icelandic. Tracy thought he was Creole, and he was very muted. Tracy thought he was Creole. Thought he was from Louisiana. Just like down swamp where you can't really hear him. Yeah, I try to get him to make full sentences because otherwise he's just kind of chirping.
Starting point is 00:38:38 He was so sweet. I loved him. Yeah, his name is C.W. Stoneking. Did we say his name yet? No. No, no, C.W. Stone King. Fantastic. He's got a couple albums out.
Starting point is 00:38:47 And the one you're talking about, I suggest, if you're going to listen to it, go on iTunes, download Gone Boogaloo, which is the one with the painted skull on his face. Yeah. I mean, it's an old timey photo. Like you dress up in the thing and they make it look like you're back in the saloon days. Oh, yeah. No, totally. I mean, it's an old scratchy photo.
Starting point is 00:39:05 So I can see where you think like, ah, this guy, we lost a good one with this guy. No, that's what I was thinking. I thought I was listening to some like old black guy I'd never heard of before. It made me so happy. I said that in the car today. I go, this guy is so authentic sounding that I kind of feel ashamed like I just watched a minstrel show and enjoyed it. It's almost to a place where I understand cultural appropriation. Cause yeah,
Starting point is 00:39:34 that's way too bucking on the nose. Well, the night after, after that show, I downloaded the album to listen to it. And I'm like, wow, man,
Starting point is 00:39:46 the whole time he was talking, you know, when everyone was talking after the show, I couldn't understand what he was saying. I was like, he should sing when he talks. Yeah, when you hear him sing, it's like, who was the, not Merle Haggard, but the one that stuttered. Mel Tillis. Mel Tillis.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Yeah, he didn't stutter when he sang but otherwise yeah that was great man it was nice to see mckinsey too and and fuck it today i get a bingo calls me and says hey uh she got a call from dana who runs the quarry in bisbee saying hey um lucinda williams is a huge fan of yours and she wants you to come by her penthouse for cocktails tonight and i go well where is she and bingo says nashville i go that's fucking two nights ago wow what a burn hopefully it was a lie i'm just gonna believe that it was a lie nashville would be i think one time we did Nashville at Zany's. We were there on an off night, and then we did the show. And it was two times ago, I think.
Starting point is 00:40:54 And that was cool, because we got to go... There was a time that... With Ralphie? Falco. Oh, yeah. We had an off night, because I remember Bingo was with us. So that was a while ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And that would be a place I'd like to spend an off day and actually do something another victim of my new phone chad riding sorry i just turned my phone on today hey can you sneak me into the nashville show none of you don't have the new number which only the fucking not vips but emergency only the chalice and the bingos and the fucking yeah is this business related because otherwise uh yeah that uh i don't know where you're going no you were talking about your hate mail you have uh oh yeah this is why i can't fucking check my email in the morning. Yeah. Like, if I just don't turn on my computer until fucking stabilized evening, happy hour.
Starting point is 00:41:55 All day. Check them then. Then I write back, hey, thanks for coming. I get a lot of great fucking Huntsville tweets and emails. Hey, thank you very much. I appreciate it it in the morning i don't appreciate shit i shit all over this guy i hope you you came back to the podcast i i duglet i didn't talk about this on it i don't know someone said hey duglet and it's a
Starting point is 00:42:18 fucking he had sent something i guess he's got some pending fucking court case and he wanted some supporter help he goes hey douglet and i go i've never heard that before douglet like piglet it's kind of cute and uh then he said i ignore it of course as if it's not pressing i don't necessarily get back to you but then he said two more me again douglet and the way i'm reading it the third time hey there douglet it's like some it sounded like a fucking bully going yeah really is that what you're gonna do douglet hey douglet so i was just reading it like that because i'm in my morning hates and uh and then i just wrote him back some fuck you. You sound like some fucking punk bully. I shit on him
Starting point is 00:43:08 and then he's like, I never met you and fuck you. He wasn't being demeaning? No, he thought he had a fucking cute name. He just came across as some fucking punk kid saying that. So I eventually apologized.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I did the right thing. You added too much anger. I think it's your fault for emailing me in the morning. Even if I haven't checked my emails for days, I don't know when you sent it, but I know I read it in the morning. I can understand though how by the third one, you'd be like,
Starting point is 00:43:39 is this guy fucking with me? Like it's almost as annoying as someone who does the same fucking punchline three times in a row. fucking with me like it's almost as annoying as someone who does the same fucking punch line three times in a row like andy tends to do where andy will like stumble into a fucking and then make it a call back like 15 times to where it's not funny anymore but this was like personal like you're just like i like douglet now i'm gonna get a million fucking emails hey douglet all right i get it now all right uh if you're done with that we can finish up well no you have some you signed would you have some huntsville stories or maybe you already covered them you said yes whatever i said you're gonna
Starting point is 00:44:16 write that shit down kaylee so we're gonna forget it's getting near it's getting near setting up the merch out in the uh outside after the huntsville show we were up the merch outside. After the Huntsville show, we were going to do merch outside because there's no place to really do it. And I go to the back of the room by the soundboard. What's up? She wants a cocktail. She's looking for glasses.
Starting point is 00:44:38 All right. If you want to watch that, why not? You can use it. Are you sure? Yeah. He's drinking beer. Do you want to take a break and get everyone set up? All right.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Let's take a break. Yeah, take a break. And then we can do a commercial. It's not a break for them. We're just going to be right back. We're going to take a break. Yeah. In fact, why don't you take a break,
Starting point is 00:44:56 even though we're going to, in one second, say, okay, we're back. But you get a cocktail, listener. You should always have a cocktail during this podcast let us hear your ice please hold we're back did you get a cocktail yeah we should have given you more time all right so uh huntsville after the show i don't even remember this. All I remember is going, write that down before we forget it. During the show, the security guard was there. Well, off-duty cop, armed, was there.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Off-duty only to him, to anyone in the room. He's on fucking duty. He's a servant of the community. I mean, if something goes down, he's there. So you were fucking with him a little bit. It was fun. He was enjoying the show and stuff. And I see him in back with the manager and this one guy wearing his, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:57 his going out to a comedy show shorts and skater T-shirt. And, I mean, this guy, he's in his 30s easily maybe a little older and uh patron not the cop yeah cop was a black guy you can't tell how old he is and so i i go over there and i go oh this guy's getting kicked out because they're like well no we'll take i got a tab it's like oh we'll take care of your tab right back here so they're they're checking him out and uh the cop is like standing there because i mean come on this is this pretty petty shit right and so he's like no no the guy tried to walk towards a wall to get out of there right the guy's all this way this way and so they get him out front and then now trace and i are out there and he's just sitting there
Starting point is 00:46:43 and he's he's fine but he's waiting for an uber or whatever right and he comes over goes how's your night going I go pretty good how are you doing all right because uh yeah I don't know I don't know why I'm out here though I go what do you mean because uh yeah they just they kicked me out i go well why because i really don't know i go all right level with me dude you're out you're not there's you can't appeal to me i'm not i can't get you back in just tell me the truth what happened he goes i honestly think they singled me out and they just kicked me out i go that, that doesn't work as a business plan. What the fuck, right? One guy each show.
Starting point is 00:47:28 One guy each show, Tracy says. And he really was like, I could see in his eyes, he has no fucking idea why they kicked him out. Formally escorted him out of there. And then right after that, this long-haired, tall dude, not the guy with the stuffed animal, but another guy. Oh, thank God that guy didn't fucking come to it. I saw him at the merch booth.
Starting point is 00:47:50 You warned me. Go ahead. So this guy comes out, and he's fucking on edge. Like, oh, fine. Okay. What did you say, Tracy? I'm fine. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:01 It's fine. It's fine. And then the gal that's with him is like, just trying to, I said, I'd take you here and I'll take you home, but you don't need to act like this kind of thing. You know? And she's like, just settle down. He goes, fine, fine. And I'm like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:48:16 So that's the second guy that get kicked out. And I don't, I don't know why. And he was going, yeah, that's fine. Fine. No, that's fine. This is the last time last time and this is all happening outside right there's no way to get back in and he said uh yeah i don't even fucking care he can shoot me in the fucking head i don't even care i told olivia i go yeah die for
Starting point is 00:48:40 comedy right you're gonna die for you want to want to go. Is this the Thursday you're going to, the hill you're going to die on? And finally they end up leaving. But he was doing this thing like, like showing like the girl that was going to drive him and settle this whole thing, taking him home. Doing the finger gun in his mouth. I'm like, what a fucking tool. How did he even get in there, right? Listen, Huntsville is evidently known for some smart shit,
Starting point is 00:49:10 like the Space Center and rocket ships and shit. But watching people leave at the end of the night, it's Alabama as fuck. People in the most broke-down cars, fucking pickup trucks like a 1988 with the chevy love yeah the the the bed is kind of half leaning off the frame and then squealing their fucking tires so when we got back in i found the manager and i said you gotta tell me the there was a guy that got kicked out. He goes, well, there was two. And I go, okay, the first one, the shorter guy with the skater shirt, I go, he has no idea why he was kicked out
Starting point is 00:49:53 and left outside to wait for his Uber. And he goes, oh, the guy who was whistling during the show? And I go, what? He goes, he was in the back row and he was whistling and finally someone alerted the the the staff and they go you can't and he just kept whistling so they kicked him out and it's like that's fucking drunk he was so drunk he was either laughing and making a whistle noise which come on that wasn't it he was i remember now, because on the drive home, I'm talking to you now, Tom Konopka.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I don't have to call you. I just talked to you on the podcast. Yeah, I came up as the Tom Konopka theremin whistle. I wish I could do Tom Konopka's whistle, but it goes through you like aluminum foil on a filling. But it's not appropriate during a comedy show.
Starting point is 00:50:48 It rattles your nervous system. But was it, okay, was it the sleeping guy last night? No, I'm satisfied with that. I'm like, sure, that guy was drunk enough that he could have been whistling fucking a musical and not know it, right? So then I go, what about the other guy oh that guy yeah a bunch of the staff came over and said there's a guy nodding off like well being that drunk
Starting point is 00:51:13 should have sat him with the meth guy but being that drunk or that bored at a comedy show get the fuck out he actually one guy said his head was on the table and that is it that's not boredom no i i'm saying as a as a let's do a little psa here if you are caught sleeping in a bar you should be anywhere but in that bar it's fucking highly illegal for a bar to let you sleep in a bar first thing that they'll do is go well are you over serving you know what the why is this guy fucking passed out in your bar so yeah he and that was the guy who just was going crazy outside with like god shoot me in the head it's like just because you didn't get a straight eight the night before don't don't fucking push
Starting point is 00:52:00 a cop to uh to uh you you arrest. I mean, come on. And he was pissed off all the way to the car where she was having to calm him down. It just didn't seem like that was... And both of those things happened without you knowing anything was happening in the showroom because they had a guy that took care of the situation immediately and got him the fuck out of the room.
Starting point is 00:52:23 There's been a lot of nights on this tour where shit has happened that i'm not aware of and it's not like we're in a fucking arena i my hearing's not good and i'm you know i have tiny fucking ears and i'm not paying attention to the back of the room uh but yeah i don't notice a lot of this shit. Well, I mean, the fucking cop. But the cop being in the room, it answered the question that Trace and I were talking to about it after the first night in Nashville of like, how effective is that to have, you know, a metal detector outside your bar
Starting point is 00:53:01 that kind of sends a message to everyone walking through the metal detector. Maybe we should go drink somewhere else. and the cop being there i think it's less about the fact that he's armed and more about he knows how to handle the situation and he gets a little an amount of respect that if i go up to you i shine the light in your face you don't see how small i am i can get away with it if i'm looming over you and go turn turn off that phone but i think that that is one of those things where that you don't see that happening and it's not because it's far away or something like that it's handled professionally and discreetly but there's other nights where there's the fucking what was uh it was uh funny bone in charlotte was it charlotte the mall uh no no
Starting point is 00:53:48 raleigh yeah no no no no no guys charlotte is a comedy zone syracuse no it was uh any one of the many funny bones is the big one and they're all in a mall it doesn't matter it doesn't matter but the we had oh it was uh you move the guy from the front row to the back row. Raleigh. Oh, wow. Yeah, that guy. So we had another guy that was popping off the whole time. And every time I went in the room, I didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:54:19 I'd come out and go, I don't know. It was like he was fucking with me. It's like taking your car to a fucking shop. It makes a tonka tonk sound. But when they try it, it doesn't do it. Your tires will open. I don't know. It's like he was fucking with me. It's like taking your car to a fucking shop. It makes it to Tonka Tonk sound. But when they try it, it doesn't do it. Your tires open. I don't know. But I couldn't get the guy.
Starting point is 00:54:30 But the guy was there. It was a problem. And no one fucking took care of it satisfactorily until the end of that when the show was over. And I found out, oh, that was the guy about the beer for. I didn't hear him heckling in there because I was out chatting with him in the bar while he was getting a beer. But it is one of those things where that doesn't happen in some of those rooms
Starting point is 00:54:51 because there's someone that's taking care of it. The funny thing about Huntsville, and I said it a couple times on stage because I'd point out one guy and the whole crowd laughed. And I go, does everyone know everyone in this show because it felt like that like is this an entire sorry to bring up the inbred thing about alabama but are you like an extended kinfolk but uh then after the show after i waited of professional courtesy till the guy that asked me to sign his meth bindle was gone and then i narked him out to the cop i just because it's a funny story you're right
Starting point is 00:55:34 next to a cop and you asked me to sign your meth and i so i said that to the cop and the cop turned on his heels went away then came back and this girl who kept telling me how cute she was, so she gets special privileges. She's telling you how cute she is. Yeah. Well, how else are you supposed to know? But Doug's eyes work. But the point is, she came back for like the eighth time at the end. Like, we're already wrapped up merch.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Okay, we're done. I actually said that to the cop who's standing behind me during merch. And I go, I kind of want to tell him that we're past curfew and you're making me close down merch because I'm sick of doing this. And he goes, put it on me. I'll be the bad guy. That's what I get paid for. And we didn't have to do that. Put it on me.
Starting point is 00:56:21 I'll be the bad guy. That's what I get paid for. And we didn't have to do that. But when we really were leaving, she came running over with one more poster that her friend didn't get signed. And I was about to do it. And he goes, no, it's over. You got to go. And I was not going to usurp his authority.
Starting point is 00:56:41 And then he walked back in. He goes, no, she's with the dude that wanted you to sign her meth. I'm like, oh, so everyone does know everyone here, especially the cops. Yeah, I got to tell you, the merch booth, Tracy runs the merch, and I try and just run us through the line as quick as possible. And I'll tell people that are listening, if you want something signed and we're doing merch don't lag because as soon as i see that no one's at the merch booth i have tracy start packing it up and then that's the time's ticking for you to leave because we we could be there all night and there'd still be someone waiting oh you are you closing up
Starting point is 00:57:22 are you closing up sorry i can't tell if I'm seeing a reflection. Yeah, it's Tracy. Don't worry. But it's one of those things where if you want to do it, get it. Get it early. Get it often. But don't lag. You won't have to worry about that on this tour because this will be going out while we're driving 14 straight hours back to Bisbee to deal with the Andy Andrist filming at the Funhouse debacle.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I'm looking forward to the product, but the fucking problems. So I had a question. Issues with Andy will be live in my house after a six-week tour and a 14-fucking-hour drive. I go right into real issues with Andy in your house and his crew of fucking six. I have to ask you, is Andy doing... How much time is Andy doing that he's recording?
Starting point is 00:58:18 I don't fucking know. Who knows? Andy doesn't know how much time he's doing when you say do 25 opening. He could do an hour just on a fucking regular gig. He could do nine. I thought he was recording 20 minutes. He's recording two different nights.
Starting point is 00:58:33 20 minutes. No. Okay. What? He's recording a special thing. I have no idea. That's the first I heard of it was when we were recording last week. He's going to record at whatever length of time he talks less editing
Starting point is 00:58:49 i don't know what he's doing with this i don't know if it's for the documentary i don't know i have no idea i just said yeah you can film in the funhouse the best shows we've ever had without fail have been in the funhouse yes you, you can record here. I'll invite people. Best or drunkest? We've had the fucking Farts Fest. Just Olivia Grace when she showed up for Thanksgiving. Yes, fucking killed.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Look at her today. Fucking Jeff Tate and... Everyone go there and try it. Come by. Jeff Tate and the girl he was... Emma Arnold. Emma Arnold. Oh, I did.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Olivia, you came out with... Jezelnik, Murphy. But Olivia came out the first time with... He's the... Eric. Eric Friedman. Yeah, Friedman. Never had a bad...
Starting point is 00:59:40 She had 10 people in there. Castle Rock Kenny's off and on but you know well he doesn't do the stand up but every fucking comic we've put on stage we just
Starting point is 00:59:50 there's the best fucking audiences ever it reminds me of the old the old roasts before they were popular
Starting point is 00:59:56 and were public where like no one's gonna see it the Friars the old Friars roast that you would cause it was always personal. Like, Jeslenak was cutting.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Oh, my God. He was so good. That was so fucking funny, man. But, yeah, it's always personal. It's about people in the room. We're going to try to beat them there because they show up the same day on the 16th late. Oh, is that why you want to leave right after?
Starting point is 01:00:22 Fuck you. No, not right after the show. San Antonio is going to be a fucking gas jay white cotton's gonna well this will already have happened by the time you hear this tell me so i know what to expect white cotton's been added to the bill he's coming down from austin oh yep and it's the last day of school those are always after a fucking tour like this so uh yeah yeah, next time you see me and Olivia and Chaley and Tracy will be those three nights in Florida. I think some of them are already sold out, but check.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Yeah, I haven't got word that they're sold out. So just go to Yeah, Tampa. No, it's Tampa, Orlando, and West Palm. And then Olivia won't be there, but we'll be in Hawaii in December. And that'll be fucking sweet. Bingo will be there. Not a day goes by I don't think about that.
Starting point is 01:01:18 And New Year's Eve. I don't know if New Year's Eve is sold out yet. It's very close. But the Plaza on New Year year's eve i'm looking forward to that all right after that there's other dates that have come out boston i think baltimore's out if you're on the mailing list get on the mailing list and be there first seattle is coming out we're adding all the uh yeah all those places you go what the fuck did you forget about us no no we did the unremarkable tour first.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Then we're building up to it. I should. Yeah. Well, you know what? I'll tell you afterwards, Jaylee. What? You have a surprise for me? Well, no, there's bits.
Starting point is 01:02:00 I keep thinking I should do some bits just for the podcast or especially for Patreon people. Like the bits that are just burning on any given night about the town or the situation. I should be thinking, oh, there's a fucking six minute chunk we can put on. We'll talk about it. But then it'll just be after the music. And we also, yeah, we have a well we have a full night of drinking ahead of us on our last night off we we're gonna talk about we talked about bonuses for patreon people other than just that one extra podcast we have some ideas so uh
Starting point is 01:02:37 yeah we might put that into play um because i can i can contact them through the Patreon interface. So I can put a message. Verify they are Patreon? No, it only goes to Patreon people. They're the only ones who can see it because they can log in. And we can do something for one of the last shows for Patreon people. That'll be at San Antonio. Good.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Yeah. All right. Do you want to? Oh, wait. San Antonio is Tuesday, though, isn't it? I can message them right to. Oh, wait. San Antonio is Tuesday, though, isn't it? I can I can message him. Oh, oh, oh, Patreon. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:10 All right. But that's the thing. When you're a subscriber, if I want to ask a question of the listeners, I just do it. And that's why I did. I did some more emails, got some more questions from Patreon. Olivia fucking killed it on this tour so follow her uh it's all of your social media is at your website so yeah yeah twitter's olivia does bits twitter yeah that's the one i use the most all right yeah but you'll go to your website and my
Starting point is 01:03:40 website well yeah i always put dates up and i'm planning some stuff and i think me and tom were talking about doing an arizona run in the spring like doing like phoenix and tucson so that'll all be up on my website olivia is all right thank you for this tour we still have four shows to go before uh before you hear this but uh i'm looking forward to it downhill run new orleans lafayette houston and san antonio hope you were there new orleans sold out which is awesome because that's a that's a big room you better fucking sell out new orleans i just got word i understand if fucking traverse city is a little light doing a convention in ve. There's so much to do in New Orleans. That's why they've never had a full-time comedy
Starting point is 01:04:28 club. It's the only city in my almost three decades that could never sustain a comedy club but could sustain professional sports teams. Yeah. Basketball and they got the Saints but fucking a funny bone
Starting point is 01:04:43 goes under in four months. There's enough fun to be had. All right, bingo. Bingo, you'll take us out of this. We only have one. We should get a million different versions of, okay, bye-bye now, because it fucking makes me laugh every goddamn day
Starting point is 01:05:03 when I call her on the phone, and then I say it, and then you say it. But bingo, give us the fucking beat. now because it fucking makes me laugh every goddamn day when i call her on the phone and then i say it and then you say it but bingo give us the fucking beat okay bye bye now សូវាប់ពីបានប់ពីប្រាប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់� Thank you.

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