The Doug Stanhope Podcast - Ep.#412: Comedian Glenn Wool and Goodbye to Peanut

Episode Date: September 30, 2020

Comedian Glenn Wool calls into the the FunHouse to promote his new dvd, Viva Forever, and breaks the news about the village goat. Thank you to MyBookie for sponsoring this weeks episode. Click the li...nk and use code STANHOPE to get up to $1,000 in free play! https://mybookie.agGlenn Wool's "Viva Forever" is available on vimeo - and through StandUp Doug's new book, "No Encore For The Donkey" available exclusively at - Out Doug's Weekly eBay Yard Sale listing - Sep. 29th, 2020 at the New FunHouse in Bisbee, AZ with Doug Stanhope (@dougstanhope), Glenn Wool (@GlennWool), and Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille). Produced and Edited by Chaille.We have no idea what the future holds so get on the Mailing List at When we know, we'll let you know.LINKS - Visit the Stanhope Store - song, “The Stanhope Rag”, written and performed by Scotty Conant for Doug Stanhope and used with permission – Available on Soundcloud - Credit - Brian HenniganSupport the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you to MyBookie for sponsoring this episode. At MyBookie, winning season means watching live sports and betting live sports all season long. Join now with promo code StanHoop and get your first deposit matched dollar for dollar all the way up to $1,000 so you can get a jump start on your winning season. You're listening to the Doug Stanhope podcast. Hello. Hello. Hey, how are you, man?
Starting point is 00:00:42 Welcome. Are we recording? We're recording. All right. Glenn Wool, live with us. Are you still in that same little Groundhog's Day town in England? Yeah, Finchingfield. I thought that was a temporary thing.
Starting point is 00:01:10 No, no, we're here for the foreseeable, and I don't want to alarm you, but Peanut the goat is dead. Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah, that's the big news in the village, Doug. In the village? It's not even a family goat. No, no. a family goat no no it was well it was a it was a village goat that kept it in a in a field right beside the uh church him yeah i think i ran for mayor every time i see one of those stories yeah always peanut goat yeah or peanut the goat is the uh uh eccentric billionaire who left all of her money to Peanut the Goat and everyone's enraged.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Well, here's what happened. It's actually not that far from the truth, Doug. Peanut's love was being courted. Was being courted. It was. Two of the elderly women in the village kept feeding peanut cakes, and they started competing for peanut's love. Now, peanut's not the only goat in the field. There was two.
Starting point is 00:02:20 The only one to die at five months old. Yeah. It did. It died of over caking. And they've had to post a sign saying, you know, do not feed these goats your own food. Because they're there for the pleasure of the village. They just slipped some shut like a Trent Reznor video.
Starting point is 00:02:44 But it's not just peanut that was affected by this. There was two pygmy goats that also keep peanut company, kept peanut company in the field. And they had to, they had to advertise because goats get lonely. So they on the, on like the Village Facebook page, they were like, if anybody knows of a,
Starting point is 00:03:10 and they put in parentheses, a neutered goat that could take, that could keep these two pygmy goats company. Yeah, there's one, one of them has four legs and one has three and uh and they missed peanut but now there's um there's several several goats were pushed forward are you thinking of doing like a benefit show and where you pocket like 80 of the money just to capitalize on the town's grief?
Starting point is 00:03:47 Well, it wasn't until you brought it up. I'm already, Tracy just ran out the door to start the peanut the goat merchandise, t-shirts, coffee mugs. Wonderful. Wonderful. Got to get ahead of the curve. Yeah. Conversely, one of the motorcyclists that converge on our village has also died.
Starting point is 00:04:17 He was squished under a huge truck. No name has been mentioned around the town. No signs suggested to be posted. People are just pretty blasé about the whole situation there. Just farmed for his organs. And yeah, nobody knows who he was. At the accident site? I hope so. I hope they took them out right into jars
Starting point is 00:04:45 keep them local what's your new special called? I missed I'm exceptionally high right now so I missed the first I think 10 minutes the opening and then I missed
Starting point is 00:05:02 a lot of things where I was kind of you made me think of something and then my head was off here and then i didn't understand the callback but what's it called it's called viva forever viva forever okay that's yeah that comes up in it yeah yeah always of course very funny you never thank you you you never cease to satisfy as i sang in the 70s uh i i don't know at first i was jealous and then i was like is that distracting or is it because i'm really high is that logo at the stand their comedy club logo the backdrop is the best backdrop of any comedy club ever in history yeah yeah fuck i never thought about doing something at the stand just to have that backdrop and then i'm like
Starting point is 00:05:52 i think that kid's looking at me so trying to tell me with the gun to its head you know he's a real kid and i yeah the guy the sound guy at the stand mac he um he did he did all those paintings and that's his little brother but he didn't tell any of us uh that and we went up to visit his parents up in the north of scotland and his little brother answered the door and all the cowboy had a gun to his head. Well, no, just normal. But we were all like, you know, you don't think anything of it. You're just going to meet some guy's family. And in all the comics were like, how do I know that kid?
Starting point is 00:06:38 And the kid just went. That's crazy. How old is he now oh he's a man now he'd be yeah that would have been i hope well yeah there's something up with that painting it's very no he takes chicks to the comedy club just to say that's me i'm serious come back to my house i'll show you a picture i'll bet you make her bet money to go back to your house it's scotland man you don't even have to do that are you gigging at all hang on what's the name of viva viva forever and where do people see this special? Vimeo.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And then, I don't know. Good, because a lot of my listeners are already onto the Vimeo because that's where I released mine. Oh, good. Yeah, so they already have some account that they thought they'd never use again. Now you're going to see Glenn Wool, Viva Forever.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Perfect. You can probably get it through Stand Up Records too. I think they've got a website of some description. We were lucky because you guys asked for the link yesterday. It turns out it's a Jewish holiday. holiday. We had to, Schlissel had to, you know, get somebody to turn this computer on for him. It's one of those ones where they're not allowed to use any electricity or anything. Dan Schlissel. Most unfortunate name for that speech impediment. I was watching Rudy Giuliani talk on the news where he said some dumb shit
Starting point is 00:08:27 and he's got the same thing Schlissel does and I was wishing he had a Cameo account so I could have him say happy birthday Dan Schlissel. I'm sure that's how it ends for Giuliani by the way. Cameo? Oh yeah. Dust. Cameo? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Dust-blown cameo account. No clicks. No interest. So, are you gigging at all? Doing little ones here and there. Liverpool, the club up in Liverpool, Hot Water, they had a few weekends. But I think everything's now, like, it's been closing across the... Did the Fringe Festival, did they, like, just set up, did they cancel and we'll tell you when? Or did they have some bogus dates that they're just crossing their fingers on? Yeah, no, they've canceled i don't know if it's canceled for next year but um yeah i have no nobody knows a goddamn thing i didn't think football was gonna happen until
Starting point is 00:09:39 a couple weeks before it started and i went fuck it's it's really happening. And now week three, there's one team with COVID. Two now. Well, two are closed. One was. Two separate teams and then Las Vegas got locked down because their opponents got COVID. See. So that's four teams already. Breaking news here if this wasn't pre-recorded.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Well, although cheap steroids are the – it helps. So I can imagine, you know, it's going to be fine. If steroids are the cure for it, you can probably just let them play. I mean, I like it because, you know, they let the wives and girlfriends and the kids in. There's like 250 people in a 60,000 seat arena. It reminds me of the CFL. Wait, is that, no, that would have ended now. They didn't play.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Oh, they couldn't get their shit together. They just, they, you know, they asked the government for a ludicrous amount of money, like at the silliest time in the, you know, everybody's trying to just, you know, figure out how they're going to make ends meet. And the CFL sniffed up to the, you know, can we have like a billion? Just a bit. Yeah. Yeah. Probably a billion is what we would have made this year
Starting point is 00:11:07 in our failing league. The government was just like, at any other time, maybe, but not now. When was your special taped? Oh, fuck. Do you know when it was? When I opened for you in Glasgow. Wait, that was the same show? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Wait, I didn't play the stand, did I? No, you weren't on the gig, Doug. Jesus. Oh, okay. All right. I thought I was on the gig, Doug. Jesus. Oh, okay. All right. I thought I was on the show. Sorry. I've forgotten more important events.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yeah, we edited out what I brought you on afterwards. Well, thanks, everyone, for listening. Now we're going to get your headliner on stage. Yeah, we shot it over three nights. Did different material for it. Got a special out of it. No, I remember that weekend that you were at the Hydro. I was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:17 So I opened for you that night, and then I had to take a cab to Attenborough. Fucking moonlighting. Would Reginald D. Hunter approve of that behavior? What Reggie doesn't know doesn't hurt him. Yeah, and then I did it on the Sunday when, yeah, you had gone away.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I slithered back into the stand. Yeah, it's just weird, like, watching audience members sit together like yeah this is definitely pre pre-vid yeah yeah it's um it's it's got a lot of um of the uh glasgow comedy glitterati in the uh in the crowd hopefully one day it'll be like a like a prior special remember prior had all those like they had oj in the crowd and all those dudes but they they um because they shot it over like four nights the the celebrities kept changing
Starting point is 00:13:23 like four nights, the celebrities kept changing. Oh, wow. Yeah, sometimes O.J. was in a couple of shots, then Jimmy J. Walker's in there, but not all the time. My agent said that he went to an evening at the improv taping back when that was on every fucking cable. back when that was on every fucking, you know. On every cable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:51 But he said that he went to one taping to see one comedian that was a client, and he said he's seen himself at least a dozen times on other shows because he's a big laugher. And Ralphie May, I saw Ralphie May in a bunch of crowd shots on, I don't remember what comedy show, and I'm like, of course they got ralphie may jiggle jiggle jiggle i think i'm uh i think i'm way off what the fuck we were talking about but who cares doing gigs all right oh doing gigs i don'm not opposed to it but uh there's there's not a lot of time in the day like you know you try and fit you try and fit an acid trip around
Starting point is 00:14:40 a toddler schedule yeah i guess that would be tough. I was, when I do edibles, it's close enough to tripping. I was just thinking this morning, going back, if I had six months that I was going to stay at home, I should be inside of my fucking brain all the time looking at shit.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah. Cleaned my house enough, but yeah, I should have spent six months tripping. I'm just afraid. Well, you know what happened to me? I, just with the new kid and I,
Starting point is 00:15:14 I ended up, I realized, uh, cause a friend of mine had, had a night out in London. So I went out and I took drugs and I'd realized I had not taken drugs in a year and it wasn't like it wasn't like some some like rehab or anything it was just I just hadn't gotten around to it for a year do you ever find anything do you ever find
Starting point is 00:15:42 an old list of things to do? Squirreled away in a drawer and you go, wow, I thought that was really important a fucking year and a half ago. Yeah. Well, it gave a little bit of perspective to it too. Because just the calm down, it took me a week to get over it. And I was just walking around going, I used to feel like this all the time just fucking droopy and I realized too I never ever let it get far enough away that I would have had like a week of just normalness.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It would have been like, and then I'll just, I'll just top some up. Yeah. I, I, I don't really want to go back. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Like when I asked you about the fringe, I don't really want to go back. I don't know. When I asked you about the fringe, how many people's one-person show is going to be about fucking life during COVID or some variation of it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think even if it does come back. I mean, I had my show written before it happened, and I'd done it as a work in progress.
Starting point is 00:17:12 So I felt like the one that's not even, like this is the one after Fever Forever, I'm going to try and keep as much COVID material out of it as I can, just because it was already there and, you know, not, not state it so much. Yeah. Unlike 9-11, COVID is fuck with a bull. Like 9-11, if they mentioned anything, it was, Hey, let's raise a glass for our first responders, but you couldn't make jokes. But I was this, everyone's allowed to make jokes, so they will.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I got a fucking narrow margin in 9-11 where I didn't give a fucking other people care. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be different, though. It'll be different than the Trump jokes, you know, or Trump.
Starting point is 00:18:05 It's just too fucking easy. Yeah. You know, I think that there, there are, there will be some, some good COVID jokes come out of it. I had a, I had a fucking pearl drop in my lap and I, yeah, I I'll, I'll tell you now, fuck it, whatever, you know, if you're, if you're going to watch the next special Tune out at the end Because I can't
Starting point is 00:18:30 Not tell this on stage It was Did you guys clap for the carers in the states? In cities I think they did Yeah where you Throw your windows open Balconies and shit yeah so i started getting worried about what my kids first memory was gonna be and uh so i was trying i was
Starting point is 00:18:55 trying to make the house nice and you know just i got an extra effort with them and it it got he started to realize that there was a time when we clapped and that was like it was a thursday and he's going like he's clapping all thursday and i'm like you're right you're right we are gonna clap tonight you so 755 comes he let him stay up a little later, throw open the windows, and it's this quaint little village with a green and a duck pond, and everyone else is starting to appear at their windows. And, like, everyone's nervous. And it was actually, I quite like clapping for the carers. It made me feel better.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And, you know, it wasn't the least I could do, but it was still something. And as we're all just waiting for it to start, the ducks from the pond. Have you ever seen ducks mate? Oh, yeah. It's fucking horrendous. Yeah. tremendous like three three male ducks chased a female duck into the middle of the green and held her down and it was just fucking feathers flapping everywhere and then a bigger like
Starting point is 00:20:18 stronger duck flew in and you were just like oh justice why they see like batman's gonna break this shit up just joined in just guy it just made it bigger you know this longer uncomfortable scene and every everybody's just horrified and then the clock struck eight and we all had to clap. People were like clapping extra hard to try and like get the ducks off of the duck. But that just perception wise to my kid is like, Oh, they, they really liked that.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I, uh, I think I just told this story, but I, I pulled up on a scene of that happening where I first noticed these bunch of old women in Minnesota at this lake throwing rocks at this scrum of duck rape. And I pulled up and I rolled my window down and I said,
Starting point is 00:21:31 it's okay, ladies. Ducks fuck. And the one woman just beet red screams, not like that. They don't. Holy shit. These fucking soccer moms are lit. holy shit these fucking soccer moms are lit well because this is the village that my wife grew up in um her parents she she sang a song when she was five years old she just like made it up herself because she'd heard the adults talking and
Starting point is 00:22:07 it's all about duck rape, but it's like a five-year-old like, and the ducks raped and raped and they're bad ducks. Like that kind of thing. And her dad found it so humorous that he managed to record it on whatever device he played it at our wedding in his speech. NFL football,
Starting point is 00:22:36 NBA playoffs and college ball all at the same time. Oh, winning season is officially returned at my same time. What? Winning season has officially returned at my bookie. It's time to celebrate the season with some extra cash in your pocket. Join now with promo code Stanhope and get your first deposit match
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Starting point is 00:24:07 Yeah, they're starting to follow me on Twitter now. They know who I am. They didn't know who I was for a while. They didn't know what Twitter was until you got there. Yeah. Yeah, that's good. That's good. We got on the internet. internet oh we should get that yeah
Starting point is 00:24:27 what'd you say is the town of 400 yeah yeah but i mean it's not like it's not remote it's not like 400 on an island in scotland like it's 400 and then you drive 20 minutes and there's a city there you know all right so it's like here yeah yeah you can get to a target or a walmart if you have to yeah but the good thing is it's um it's not close to any fast food places so i mean you can't justify a mcdonald's if you gotta drive a half an hour and then a half hour back. Like you might get it if you're going somewhere, but nobody's got anywhere to go. So what have you done for the summer? I mean, how about I?
Starting point is 00:25:19 The child is almost all that applauses for him without writing a fucking joke. They're not clapping for you. That's how we got addicted in the beginning, this fucking round of applause and a laugh. That kid's getting it right out of the gate. He thinks it's all for him. Yeah. Yeah, sometimes the moment's not about you son it's a callback
Starting point is 00:25:47 yeah well he's almost uh he's almost three but um he will have a sibling joining him in six months. Yeah. Get out of your fucking seat. Did you find another chick that already has a kid? No. Hey, it was a long lockdown. There wasn't much else to do.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Oh, geez. You procreated during fucking coronavirus? Yeah, man. No. No. We can't even work. Whatever. That's what poor people do.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Well, I'm a poor guy. I can't afford a family. Let's have another. Jams. Yeah. Come, it'll take care of them. I'm done. What are you drinking?
Starting point is 00:26:57 That's a gin and tonic. All right. Did you make the gin in the bathtub? Eventually. Old family recipe next time we do this i really want to well we'd have to do it very early to get daylight but i want to see what outside is like because i have a very specific image of it no all right we're doing hey glenn we're doing um I was wondering why you haven't
Starting point is 00:27:26 been chiming in at all. Oh, no, because I'm not a camera. I don't know if you know but I do want to say that Glenn, we do this happy hour streaming on Fridays. Oh, yeah. For all of our Patreon people and this Saturday, we're gonna do a brunch one. Oh, this Saturday? And we're gonna to do a brunch one. And we're going to do 9 a.m. our time, which is 5 p.m. Britain. So then they can actually, because it's usually super late at night for them, to join us live on the Patreon stream. And I just want to put this out there so that anyone listening on this podcast
Starting point is 00:27:57 knows that we're going to do one for the Patreon stream on Saturday at 9 a.m. our time for the Britain Brunch. Jams. You have to let my girl know about these items. I don't have that on my calendar, and I don't have a girl. Glenn will remind you. All right. I guess we got a day drunk plotted.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Yeah. I brought that up because you said you don't know what it looks like at where he's at. Well, the next time we're going to have to do one at one and start at one in the morning. So they have to get up at fucking 9 a.m. And get day drunk and ruin their whole fucking Saturday night. Yeah. Yeah. I'll do it i'll give a shit
Starting point is 00:28:46 not enough drinkers anymore glenn no no i've been cutting back myself yeah we have uh we've had a limited group of the original football people at a socially distanced rate, fun house in the patio. And I just, by instinct, I come out to check supplies. And I'm like, I don't think anyone even had so much as a Bailey's and coffee last week. Like, no one drinks.
Starting point is 00:29:25 But we drink. Yeah. I don't as much as I used to, but I've managed to turn this little gem into like an office. So it feels like a place that I'll be slithering off to. Do you have any friends?
Starting point is 00:29:49 I got plenty of friends, buddy. He's holding one right now. No, but I mean, they come over and stuff, like in town. No, nobody comes over. It's far enough away that nobody visits me. But I got plenty with the kids. I don't want to work there. We have just enough that we can sit and watch football and enjoy it and see other people but still be distanced.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And then there's a couple that just show up fucking uninvited don't even have my new phone number and then plop down between two distanced people and then make three not distanced people and i can't go you know you're not no get like it looks like i'm having a football Sunday, but no, not for you. You have to have an invite. You call before you come over. I don't have your number. Yeah, I know. There's a reason that you don't have my first clue.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I don't have your number. You know, I think it has worked out until the uninvited show up. We I'm not talking about the crazy crazy fan uninvited so i'm talking about people i know we have twice as many chairs as the people that do show up here on sunday oh that's my idea did tracy tell you no i was fucking high last night and i thought oh yeah you know the cutouts they're putting in all the baseball games of people. In the stands. Well, we are telling our listeners, if you want your cardboard cutout, get a decent quality one. And for no money, I'll put it in all these empty seats all over the property.
Starting point is 00:31:36 It could be a space filler. The fucking other patio that I've never even been on since I've been made. The dog patio. Yeah, the dog patio. You watch those fucking idiots will sit on the picture of one of your friends won't even even you know it's like it's like when you go into a green room and they don't have hangers and you're like yeah you just you look around you're like well i want to hang my blazer somewhere well i'll do it on the back of this chair just to see how fat the slob is who's going to come and sit on it.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Just out of nowhere. You're supposed to be in the green room. No, no, not really. Where does that guy come from? Send us a fucking, just from the waist up, what they use in the sports leagues there. It'd be great if someone sends one of Kenny, and then Kenny shows up and you go,
Starting point is 00:32:30 I'm sorry, Kenny, you're already here. That's funny. No, yeah, don't send Hitler and fucking, I'm not putting Hitler on my deck. Yeah, they did that with Bin Laden. You can test my boundaries if you're creative, but they don't go fucking easy like Hitler or
Starting point is 00:32:49 Osama Bin Laden or Trump. We have two spaces in the funhouse that is sequestered. Oh, yeah. You could be in the funhouse. Ten seats comfortably and five healthily.
Starting point is 00:33:07 All right. Well, yeah, there I got my pitch out. I didn't even remember to write that down. I just told Tracy to remember. I have a question for Glenn. Glenn, you and Brett Erickson are the only reason I started watching soccer, Premier League especially. And who's your team?
Starting point is 00:33:29 Well, it used to be the Vancouver Whitecaps, but it's just such a sorry state of affairs. Premier League, we want you to get in trouble if you have the wrong answer. Oh, yeah. You know, they're not even in the premier league anymore but i used to i used to root for hull because my ex-wife was from there that's right yeah that's right in many people's eyes it is a city but yeah they're they're terrible're terrible. Now they've been, they've been relegated a few times, I think, but I just, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like God.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I just watch the whole league and, and, and I don't cheer for anybody. I just, I just cheer for a good game. Although I'm, I don't like, I don't like man city. I don't like any, any of the cities owned by Arab conglomerates or if it's like a Russian oligarch. It's just like these dudes are playing a fucking video game live in front of, you know. I'll do the management game I know his name I buy
Starting point is 00:34:47 him and you can tell that they don't know anything about football because it is it is like they're buying guys like three years past their prime just going but yeah he was on the cover of FIFA. It's good. They're hosting the next World Cup. I know. And not one of them has figured it out. They're like, oh, we're going to air condition the stadiums. We're going to fucking fly drones in front of the sun.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And I'm just like, play at night, you fucking idiots. Actually, that'd be better for us. We can actually watch it live. I know. It's just, it works all the way around, but nobody wants to say, but like, even like I go to the Middle East a lot. They don't go out in the day. They go out at night. That's how they do it. You can, you can walk around. Like I was walking around at three o'clock in the morning i was drunk and they were sober so it was weird but yeah like they're all they
Starting point is 00:35:52 they they know where they live it's in the desert yeah it's not a secret i a whole country everyone can tell i i was in dubai once and i had a a terrible hangover but I was in one of those hotels where like a bottle of water is eight bucks and I knew that there was the 7-eleven two blocks away and I was like okay but I'd never been there in August, and I don't think I'd even been outside. Like, it's that they'll get you from the airport, they'll get you right in the car, and I'm just like, two blocks. How hard can it be?
Starting point is 00:36:36 I've got to hang over. I'll just do it. It was so fucking hot that I got a half a block and I had to go into a plumbing supply shop and act like I was interested in buying toilets in the Middle East
Starting point is 00:36:56 just for their air conditioning. Was that a crane? Oh yeah, I'll probably get a few of those. I don't know if I just lie down in the aisle for a while. Can you fill the bowls so I can test it? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Cut that trip in half. We actually started a conversation today at the patio table about how much I said I really like Dave Rader. And everyone chimed in with how much they like Dave Rader. And then it all devolved into like fucking with him without being there. But just stupid shit. He'd never eaten spam. He'd only eaten a deviled egg once in his life he'd never tried jerky he's from new york city it's a terrible place it's it's like a third
Starting point is 00:37:53 world country all unto itself of uh not necessarily poverty but a poverty of information culture like they think they have culture but but you never tried jerky? Hey, everybody. It's me, Brett Erickson from the Issues with Andy podcast. We love you, Killer Termites, and we hope you'll tune in and check us, Issues with Andy,
Starting point is 00:38:17 on YouTube. Yeah, it's not a podcast, right? Isn't it a vodcast? You're right. For once, Andy, you're right. It's a vodcast, which means it's a podcast fueled by vodka. If you love the shit you're getting here on the Doug Stanhope Podcast, get more shit with us on Issues with Andy on YouTube every Friday.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And, yeah, you keep listening and watching or however you do it, and we'll keep shitting Doug you've been to Dubai or no I wouldn't even take one of my crazy flights that would go I don't know what I've ever said that I could get beheaded for so it's the same as Thailand Middle East Thailand no not even close so booze is booze is verboten in in Dubai correct not not not totally you wait is there a law yeah there you can get it at the hotels mm-hmm so it is like you can't just buy it from 7-eleven or or uh or anywhere not available no but it's available you can get it yeah but yeah and then it gets it gets dicier as it goes
Starting point is 00:39:35 where it's where westerners are and plumbing supply you can get a quran in the united states but you're probably gonna sell to a certain market yeah but in in saudi arabia they used to do gigs there where they would um they would just send the coordinates to all the the westerners going okay the the marquee will go up in the middle of the desert here desert here you guys show up at seven o'clock and they would bury um ethanol booze they'd mix they'd mix uh ethanol and grape juice and that you could that's what the that's what you could drink i'm guessing you did these gigs before you had kids. Yeah. Were you playing in a tent? I didn't do the Saudi gigs. But yes, they did take place in tents.
Starting point is 00:40:33 But I mean, the last time I was there was about two years ago. But that's Dubai. Dubai and the UAE, they're different than saudi arabia like saudi arabia's fucking hardcore um i've heard i don't know like i think it was mickey d talking about doing gigs in serbia back closer to the after the war but being banged around on dirt roads and flatbed trucks in the back with soldiers and shit i mean there was a time i i would i would put it maybe the first three years of comedy i would have ventured that risk but fucking as an adult no yeah well i mean i've been i've been going to the middle east for a while and i had to i had to
Starting point is 00:41:27 peel it back um because they were i was getting pretty popular there and i i didn't i couldn't figure out why because i you know in canada i was a canadian living in england and like a lot of that is playing off you know people think you're American and go yeah I'm not American and they just go off on a couple of rants about America you know played well in England and then the the Middle East bookers took notice of us so I just thought it was you know because I was a good comedian but um anti-Americanism really plays well in the Middle East. Yeah, yeah. And they were, yeah, after shows, like, dudes were coming up and going,
Starting point is 00:42:14 yeah, we got, yeah, we like what you are. And it's just like, it's just jokes. I don't hate them, but the real the real the real, like, anti-American slant that you would get there, it wasn't even necessarily from the Arabs. It was from
Starting point is 00:42:36 the children of American workers there. Like kids that were being schooled there and going to school and sort of seeing America from the other side. So if you're wondering where your next attack is going to come from, Doug, it'll be from, uh, from the inside.
Starting point is 00:42:56 The calls are coming from inside the house. Yeah. Get out of that house. It's almost debate time. Oh yeah. Who you got? I got four or five proposition bets. I have. Wait, you made bets on the debate? Yeah, my betting service that I use online that I mentioned when they pay us.
Starting point is 00:43:22 There was a prop bet. Who will take a drink of water first? So I went with Biden. I was giving up odds. That was a minus 160. Biden will drink water first. We'll say it's water. I got a plus 175 on will either candidate curse.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And in the rules, damn and ass are curses. And I think Biden has a damn in it you don't give a damn i'm gonna say bullshit oh bullshit's obviously yeah but i'm saying he yes that's a safe bet you're safe bet i think i don't i i rethought it is the first debate so they might be you know they're not swinging haymakers yet but i still bet that did you say that uh trump is trying he tried to get it put in that they check each other for earplugs like um oh ifbs yeah yeah yeah and there's a trump yeah trump's camp is saying that biden. And I just think it'd be great if they did. Like, you know, like when they used to do that to wrestlers before the match,
Starting point is 00:44:30 you know, like check their hair. That's what it's come to, man. It's just, yeah, it's unbelievable where we've found ourselves in these interesting times that we're threatened of in the proverb. I think it's a very interesting time to be alive, and there's just no good way to watch it. I'm in a fucking paradise for this, but I really have no idea what's going on in the outside world.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Or if everyone's street, they just think the entire world is like my street. I hope not. I'm sure there's people in Portland that without the news wouldn't know that there's rioting going on and there, cause they're six blocks away in their own fucking little cocoon of desperation or happiness or whatever. Well, I certainly hope that the whole world's not like my street
Starting point is 00:45:32 because the whole world would be mourning peanut like when Valentino died. Well, this drink here is, it's going out to peanut the goat. Hey, let's all raise a glass to peanut. My son, who doesn't speak great yet,
Starting point is 00:45:59 keeps asking where penis has gone. It does. Like it's, it's like he's doing it on purpose. I think, I think he called it penis and then me and Alex laughed. It's like you say,
Starting point is 00:46:12 he realized where he could get his laugh. Wear penis. Wear penis. That will serve you well in life, son. Next time, clap. Get Glenn Wool special on Vimeo or
Starting point is 00:46:31 at StandUpRecords, I assume,.com, but Google StandUpRecords. Glenn Wool, Viva Forever. And we'll see you for Day Drunk on Saturday 9 a day drunk on Saturday, 9 a.m.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Pacific. Yeah. 5 p.m. Yeah, man. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:52 You drunk with us in the States or I'll send you a link, Glenn. I'll swing by. Yeah. It'd be good to see you again. And we took too much of a gap between the last conversation. You have more time for us now that Peanut's gone. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:11 In many ways, you are my new Peanut. Maybe I should send the people that show up uninvited Zoom links to the next time we have football. Like, okay, here, you can be amongst us on camera. You can do a Zoom football. No, they could just watch, just like they do over the fence.
Starting point is 00:47:33 All right. Night, Glenn. Catch you later, guys. Good to see you again. Got a pomegranate stem stuck in my goddamn straw. See? Those are stems okay bye bye now Thank you. សូវាប់ពីបានប់ពីបានប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពី Thank you. you

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