The Doug Stanhope Podcast - Ep.#419: I Was Only Trying To Help

Episode Date: December 2, 2020

Day 4 of Doug's 40 for 40 (no smoking / drinking) and he explains the power he has harnessed and the pointless advice he is offered. Doug's new book, "No Encore For The Donkey" available exclusively a...t - Out Doug's Weekly eBay Yard Sale listing - Nov. 30th, 2020 at the New FunHouse in Bisbee, AZ with Doug Stanhope (@dougstanhope), Tracey (@egglester) and Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille). Produced and Edited by Chaille.We have no idea what the future holds so get on the Mailing List at When we know, we'll let you know.LINKS -We like what they are doing over there at the Bisbee Animal Shelter. Donate if you can to Bisbee Animal Shelter - the Stanhope Store - song, “The Stanhope Rag”, written and performed by Scotty Conant for Doug Stanhope and used with permission – Available on Soundcloud - Credit - Brian HenniganSupport the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 you're listening to the doug stanhope podcast how are you uh here we are uh geez that's uh very late at the end of uh day four of 40 for 40. Is it four? Yeah. I got to get a calendar. Yeah. Friday was day one. Yeah. Saturday two.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Sunday three. And Monday night football is taking us down. Night four. I told you I wanted to do it early. I'm at early. And then when I got up early, I went,. And then when I got up early, I went, no, because when I wake up early, I feel fucking great. I'm all zen, and that's no fun.
Starting point is 00:00:53 And usually, by this time, I fucking hate people, but I don't. I've been working my balls off all day, and I'm somewhat exhausted, but I can drum up that hate all I have to do is look at one tweet I tweeted something about doing this about 40 for 40 yeah something about like
Starting point is 00:01:15 this is probably a terrible idea that I'm doing this for 40 days just the idea that doing this I thought well I have the time off. I should take advantage of it and do a little, you know, a fucking sober streak, get a little bit healthy, get rid of that cough. And then when you quit smoking, even for a small amount of time, a week or two, you feel a lot better. And then you stop smoking all the fucking time.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Oh, I realize. Oh, even when I cheat, when I quit and I would cheat, I'd go, oh, okay, I smoked two cigarettes yesterday. I feel like an asshole, but I also realize, oh, I can get away with only two cigarettes. Kind of on a fucking pack and a half. Like a reset. Yeah. Yeah, the two is enough enough but that would have been during one drink like in the yeah in the four times the downside i realized once i started is that
Starting point is 00:02:14 that's all i've had to do as much as i've you know boasted about how much i enjoy covid and i don't miss the road well that's because I was sitting around doing nothing, which I love, except for drinking and smoking. Those were the two things actually getting me through this, but I still feel all right. But I knew when I tweeted that, I go, I remember every time I've done a sober October kind of thing or the few, you know, dunks into the healthy world. I just get every fucking moron sitting there tweeting me what I should do. Well, you know, okay, this is the bad way to quit smoking is what you do. Oh, if you're going to not drink, what do you need to do?
Starting point is 00:03:04 You should have another thing that you just shut the fuck up who the fuck do you think you're talking to you're talking to a fucking professional bee pollen will exactly you fucking you know what it can be dangerous if you drink no fucking shit you sit there, you fucking ticketless fucking turd. Oh, Mike Tyson, I heard you're having a rematch. Listen, at your age, you should really stretch a lot before you exercise and hydrate. Shut the fuck up. I appreciate that a lot of you are trying to show support.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I appreciate that a lot of you are trying to show support. It's just so much of it is just you're saying dumb shit that I know. That's why I don't like I have read like three in order to know. Oh, wait, it's just going to be endless amounts. And so-no. I will tweet, but I will not read your fucking comments. Some fucking lady who, she sent it by email. I wouldn't advise, you know, as much as you drink. I didn't ask for your fucking advice. I know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I've been here before. You've done this multiple times. I'm a fucking 50-something-year-old heavyweight. It's not a comeback. It's an exposition. It's going to be a draw come early January. Pay your 50 bucks and fucking give your opinions to each other in the sportsbook lounge. Other than that, I felt fucking fantastic.'s amazing i like uh oh my god just i
Starting point is 00:04:48 started to write down all the shit i did today and then i just got too busy and i forgot i was washing windows i was wiping down all the fan blades of every ceiling fan do you know that sober people now that i'm visiting your world on a i world, I'm taking nothing in order to experience a different reality. I'm in your world now. Do you know that come wintertime, you have to turn your fans so they go clockwise, summer counterclockwise, winter clockwise for your ceiling fan? Because what it does, all the heat stays up in your ceiling and when you put the fan on clockwise it sucks the cool air up into the heat mixes it all up like a porridge i and i was i had i am on the opposite direction so the heat is basically
Starting point is 00:05:39 coming down and cooling as it comes down and hitting me. And I'm putting on a blanket. Yeah, I'm figuring shit out. I'm working endlessly. I organized my junk drawer. Who does that? Went through all my spices. I'm a guy who doesn't use spices. But somehow I had like three bags full. Like Safeway full bags after 15 years.
Starting point is 00:06:04 You probably bought them for like one thing and they've just bingo's mother do you have ground mustard wait who doesn't have nutmeg all right i'll go to the store i do have mustard packets that are so old they're dried out and i can grind them but i don't have ground mustard let me run to the store for you, and 15 years later, I'll throw them away. I am busy as fuck. I have not sat down except to buy a couple things off of Amazon in a hurry since 8.30 this morning. Almost 12 hours. Are you doing like that Swedish death cleaning?
Starting point is 00:06:40 Where like you're getting rid of stuff so that you don't have to deal with it later? Or are you basically just going through and spring cleaning? No, I'm doing cleaning I've never done in 15 years again that's spice cabinet that's a cabinet i didn't even know like i had to get a little step stool to get to the back of the top shelf like what is this shit i had three different things of apple cider vinegar oh Oh, it's good. For what? Take a shot. I think it cures hiccups. 11 years old, I think, one of them. Expired, so it had to be older than that. Oh, wow. Vinegar expire.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Everything. Washing windows. I washed the outside of a lot of windows and then didn't get to the inside because I found something else. Because I found out that I needed brown gravy. This just keeps going. just don't stop moving that's how I that's that's how I get through this and I've uh I just took an edible took one yesterday right before bed uh which is at
Starting point is 00:07:42 like an earlier and earlier time yeah what time are you going to bed now oh i've been going to bed i think roughly the same time 10 or 11 but like last night i woke up at 2 15 in the morning i went ah fuck then i don't care i don't have anywhere to be yeah it's good and i fell back asleep the day before the day before 4 40 the day before that. The day before. 4.40 the day before that. So like when you get up early, it doesn't really, it's not very descriptive because you're early sometimes is super fucking early. Like at 4.40 you got up and stayed up. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:17 So when you say, hey, Shaylee, let's do the podcast early, that's a whole different thing. Even for me, and I know you're early. That's what I said. Text me when you get up. But by the time you said you were going to the dump, I was on the other side of town with the dog. I've been walking the dog twice a day, even though as it gets – because it doesn't start warming up until maybe 10. Yeah. So I'll take the dog out at 10 or 11. And it gets dark and cold around
Starting point is 00:08:46 5. So I take the dog out again at 4. So I'm walking the dog twice a day and he barely has time to rest in between. Is she still up for it, the second walk? Oh yeah. She'll keep going. But she's
Starting point is 00:09:02 fucking completely deaf. I was asking Tracy Tracy do you think Henry Phillips is bored unhappy or just dying Tracy says yes I don't know what to think she's got a spring in her step if your hand just goes
Starting point is 00:09:23 towards a leash she somehow can see that but she can't see that the door is open and you're in front of it going come on come on through yeah she'll race in three or four times from the time i'm about to wake up or normally would wake up she'll race in to see if i'm ready to take her out and then i'll feed her and then she'll fuck off and then she'll you know an hour later she'll come bounding in like she heard me call her which i didn't and then run right past me not seeing me because she's mostly blind too and then i have to go up and touch her and then she freaks out does she ever ask about barnabas no no uh it. It's been a couple days, but I still get videos.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Oh, good. Of that dog playing. And I know that he's probably sleeping in a fucking thing while she's at work. A crate. Yeah. He should. That'll shit. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Breaks my heart. I ignore that. You've got free range animals, so you're just not of that philosophy. I, this morning, because I've been going down a bean hole, like when I do wake up at 4 in the morning, I throw on a fucking Michael Biehn movie. It's been since they came out for most of them. I just started.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I did The Abyss, which I knew I loved. I just didn't remember it fucking great uh i i had uh the the terminator i had that all fucked up in my head i was thinking the robert patrick and i'm like yeah a cop from the second episode yeah yeah i fucked it so yeah that was uh and this morning and he he's, like, texting me. He knows what I'm doing. So, I was like, hey, just one day and one edible at a time. He's texting me.
Starting point is 00:11:13 That's so sweet. I forgot that Bill Pullman was in the beginning of Terminator. Because that's where... Yeah, Paxton. Yeah, Bill Paxton is in both... No, no. Not Paxton. Wait, which is Chet from Weird Science? I don't know. But it's Bill Paxton is in both. No, no, not Paxton. Wait, which is Chet from Weird Science?
Starting point is 00:11:26 I don't know, but it's Bill Paxton because he's in both the beginning of that and he's in Aliens. Yeah. But I forgot about that until recently when I saw it because I don't remember seeing the beginning of Terminator. Yeah. When they come out naked. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And when you go through the
Starting point is 00:11:47 Paxton you're right I'm sorry yeah he's in he's like oh he was in the dark backward yeah he's also in Tombstone
Starting point is 00:11:56 oh yeah yeah yeah they've done three movies together at least they were they were really good friends. He had the same open-heart surgery that Bean had.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Bean was saying, yeah. One big difference. Yeah, when Alex was about to get it, Bean was over. And he's like, yeah, don't worry about it. No one dies at that age from that surgery except for Bill Paxton. except for Bill Paxton. So I was watching Aliens this morning and Bingo came over.
Starting point is 00:12:30 She can't watch movies, but she tried. She doesn't have the attention span, but she got there almost when it started. You've seen as much as I've seen, honey. Why is that there? What's that?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Why are they going? What are they doing? I don't know. None I've seen, honey. Why is that there? What's that? Oh, man. Why are they going? What are they doing? I don't know. None of us know, honey. That's why we watched the whole movie. That's why we're quiet. So I paused it, and I went, and I got my sock drawers. Any sock drawers?
Starting point is 00:13:03 I have a lot of socks. Your walk-in closet? Yeah, no, no, the old closet. Old closet. But so I would always throw, like, if I didn't have a match to a sock, I'd throw the spares up on top of the thing. And then before I went on the road, I'd figure out what matches I have, what pairs I could make out of the pile.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Well, I haven't been on the road in fucking nine months, so that pile is falling over. So I swept it all into a laundry basket, and I brought it back in, and I put the aliens back on while I sorted. And then I went through all my sock drawers that are supposed to be, like, put together properly. I have the different colored socks for my different colored suits. And then I'd organize those. I had like
Starting point is 00:13:48 200 pairs of socks. And yeah, I got through most of the movie organizing socks while Bingo asked questions and then finally left. That's not including the new socks. Well, I mean, maybe it's a good time to pare down some of the socks.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah. I mean, they're already in a big garbage bag. Just one quick trip. Well, I'm really doing good at paring down shit, but the socks, you know, I'm probably going to have to go back on the road. Just to get rid of the burner socks? Well, the burner socks, I probably have at least 80 pairs of, like, you slide off the, yeah, the Ross dress for less. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And then mark down at $3.50 for 10 pairs. That's 35 cents a pair. So I have, like, I could put them back on the rack. They're still, like, wrapped up in the thing. Well, I mean, I don't even know what to say, man. You're the Imelda Marcos of socks. I'm getting rid of a lot of underpants, but I go, I should sell some of these. Oh, thanks, Saks.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Oh, yeah. You got the smalls. I got the mediums. Yeah. And we both got a pair of trunks, swim trunks, which are so fucking comfortable. I thought we should do some kind of, I don't know, trivia night podcasts at some point. Like, shit, I'm not going to put in an eBay yard sale, but like, all right, you get my used underpants.
Starting point is 00:15:23 No, no one wants that. No, no, they would. They would. Used underpants no no one wants that no no they would they would used underpants no they don't know what they're getting oh i'll give them the grab bag yeah i'm saying they're they're not paid it's not on ebay it's like a trivia night where you get some doug stanhope uh oh you won memorabilia good guess i'm not gonna give away other stuff but i found a bunch of stuff where i go i wouldn't sell this but someone would probably like go oh my god he fucking sent me this ridiculous thing with a note yeah again i am unearthing some shit uh i have
Starting point is 00:16:01 i know who's going to win it like when I found it I go alright this is definitely eBay yard sale and I know who's going to bid on it because of something that they've won before that this is the perfect companion piece to football related?
Starting point is 00:16:20 no it's sports related are we guessing? is this part of the game? I don't want to win any underpants. It was one of the other times that I was on a bit of a health kick. Last summer. It was something that
Starting point is 00:16:40 you used, sports-wise? Like ping-pong rackets? Ping-p pong rackets. I was up in Tucson. Biking? Yep. Biking outfit? Bike shorts. The whole kit.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Oh, your whole outfit. I got the whole cycling kit. I don't have the helmet, but you know what? Cyclists, a real cyclist doesn't wear a helmet. What? I'm just saying that to whine. Yeah. But yeah, I bet the guy who won the four-wheeler.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Four-wheeler? Three-wheeler, whatever. The cat. Yeah, I bet he'll definitely want the kit. I don't know. That was, what's his name in Florida? I forgot his name. That won the bike?
Starting point is 00:17:22 The three-wheeler? Bingo's? Yeah. Bingo's trike. I'm not gay. That won the bike? The three-wheeler? Bingo's? Yeah. Bingo's trike. I'm not gay. Once used bike? Roush. Joe Roush.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah. Roush. Roush. Yeah. It's just finding crazy amounts of shit. And I'm going to keep going. The problem is I know that this, again, this has been four days where I,
Starting point is 00:17:48 Olivia showed up to pick up some mail, and I was just jabber-jawing her. You know what? And now I'm raking dog shit. You know, I'm raking dog shit. I'm not going to pick it up. I'm putting it in piles. Maybe I'll have, and I was just, I go,
Starting point is 00:18:00 I'm a meth head right now. That's what happens. Fucking complete meth head. No cigarettes. No alcohol to speak of I did have two cocktails at bedtime last night for medicinal purposes that's always been part of it
Starting point is 00:18:17 maintenance drink for physical reasons but this is going to level out. I've done this before. And this will level out where the mania goes away because you get used to not smoking and drinking. And then you just become a fat slob. And that's one thing I realized today is the edibles.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I go, oh, I've never done this with edibles as a backup. But quitting smoking itself, then you get your appetite back. And then you add edibles on top of that. Oh, boy. I think I'm already five or six pounds up. I was going to ask you what you've been eating lately. You eat like a bird. You eat nothing. ask you what you've been eating lately. You eat like a bird. You eat nothing.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Did you see his meal? Tracy, he made one single deviled egg tonight. Oh shit, your chicken. He made one egg. To go with his chicken. But he made one single... He's not eating a half a dozen. Yeah, but I have to get it in time. I know. I'm in the mood for a deviled egg.
Starting point is 00:19:23 I would eat easily. Easily sit down'm in the mood for a deviled egg. But you don't – I would eat easily, easily sit down. If I had a dozen deviled eggs there because I would make a dozen or eight like a human. If you're going to boil one, you boil eight. And then I would eat all of those eggs. Yeah, but I'm eating constantly. And when I get high, then I'll just – like, I'm eating all that dried fruit I bought. I got some gummy bears that came out of here. That's a terrible thing.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I've been eating trail mix. Woke up, had a breakfast taco and, you know, smoothie. I think something's wrong with your scale. I don't think you've gained five pounds. Yeah, I did. wrong with your scale i don't think you've gained five pounds yeah uh i did uh i did keeping on some water weight now that you're not dehydrated all the time from drinking that's true yeah i've been drinking quite a bit of water but that's one thing that no one tells you on twitter with your fucking smart fuck hey you know what hydrate extra because remember now that you're
Starting point is 00:20:23 not drinking you're not getting that three trays of ice cubes you used to get as water. And that's going to come from somewhere. But no one tells you that because you've never been here before. Everyone wants to engage with you. I remember I said, I know that you're being supportive for the most part. A few of you just think you're smart fucks one of the ones I did read was I can confirm
Starting point is 00:20:50 as an addiction counselor myself in California I can confirm he used that I can confirm that what you're doing is white knuckling it wait I didn't say I was doing that so you're not confirming shit everything you just wrote in your fucking tweet was flawed.
Starting point is 00:21:09 And, you know, my patience, you know, that's one way to do it. There's a lot of different ways. And then someone else jumped on him, so I didn't have to say, shut the fuck up. You do this for a living, so what? Doesn't mean you're fucking accurate or right. A lot of people do shit for a living, so what? Doesn't mean you're fucking accurate or right. A lot of people do shit for a living. They're wrong.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Point being, he wasn't trying to make a point. He was confirming. Like the other girl said, I wouldn't advise. I didn't ask for your advice. And I didn't ask for a confirmation because I didn't say anything to confirm.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Other than that, I'm doing great. As long as I don't listen to you fucking assholes. Doing fantastic. Never had more energy in my life except for when I was young and had a lot of energy naturally. Yep. As far as I know. So what we're going to do, I'm going to go eat this fucking chicken. Cheese and broccoli in it.
Starting point is 00:22:09 There's your, yeah, all that broccoli. He's putting on the broccoli weight. Oh, yeah. This is early this morning. Well, late this morning. Walking the dog and two cyclists in their cycling kits couple the fucking bright yellow reflective jackets keeping them warm ambling past me and the dog and i just get this snippet of conversation as these fucking
Starting point is 00:22:39 sober people on their bicycles are going by and the guy is saying, but, you know, to have the FBI and calling in a special investigator, that's what sober people do. They get on a bicycle and they still talk about fucking politics from a distance away from each other, yelling at them. Across the street from each other yelling and across the street to each other so it's really cute to have this sojourn into your boring fucking sober world because it makes me laugh as long as i don't look at twitter and you don't try to communicate with me to walk amongst you to see what you're yeah it's infiltrating yeah it's it's really really and funny. And you're fucking lazy, too.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Because I would drink half of my awake time away and still get everything done I needed to get done. And you just bitch about it. I don't have enough time in the day. Well, then you're doing things slowly or sloppily or poorly. Because I'm doing what you do, and it it's fucking easy and I can't get enough. Doug's like, Doug right now is like in Walking Dead where they figure out if they put the slime of the zombies on them, they can
Starting point is 00:23:54 walk amongst them as long as they don't make sudden movements to tip anyone off that you're... Stopped watching after that episode. Yeah, yeah. Never watched it again. Yeah, I knew. Because it rained and then they go, oh, the zombies are fucking going to get me. Well, it still works. Just use it again.
Starting point is 00:24:10 They never used that trick again. And that's why I left. I see a lot of the problems in everything now that I'm sober. Oh, boy. You and Shayla should get together and watch a movie then. That was just one commercial I saw.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I'm going to bitch about that on a fucking podcast, but I forgot what it was. I had cream of wheat today. That's one thing I had. Cream of wheat. The red box? Original, no flavor? It's original, no flavor. But they tell you to put salt in it.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I remember I'd just make it as a kid and dump shitloads of brown sugar into it. Or white sugar or whatever. And then when I just bought it as a lark for nostalgia purposes, I just ate it plain, tried it with the salt. And I'd over-salted it. I'm like, I'm just going to eat this all salty. It's great. But today, I put some blackberry preserves into it. And that melted right in.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Just like a teaspoon. and then some fresh berries. Fucking monster. They used that flavor, and I had banana was the flavor I would always get. It was really good. Banana and malt-o-meal? Yeah, yeah. But I wouldn't, not malt-o-meal, cream of wheat. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:19 It's wheat germ is what it is. I washed my porcelain cutting board with scrubbing bubbles. No, I was looking at my other shit. With scrubbing bubbles? Yeah, toilet cleaner. You know why? Because it never worked on the toilet, so I thought, what could it hurt
Starting point is 00:25:37 on the cutting board? Okay, how'd that work out? I don't know. I tried to get the fly shit off the funhouse window. I get a lot't know. I tried to get the fly shit off the funhouse window. I get a lot of projects. You need a razor blade for that. I have to get back to my thing. So what we're going to do...
Starting point is 00:25:51 Moving forward, going into the 40 days. Yeah, so I have to do this 10 more times. This four days. Four for four I've done. So we're going to have to repeat this nine more times. I'm going to just do, I'm planning on just doing a few 15-minute podcasts here and again with, more often than, we're not doing every day like we did with 30 Days in the Hole. I think I'm just going to do, we're going to do, the next one's going to be with Bobby,
Starting point is 00:26:21 Bobby Caldwell, at Notes from theen or So he gets 15-minute phone calls from prison. So I think we're just going to record a bunch of those as we go through the holidays because he ain't going anywhere and I'm not going anywhere. He's not drinking and smoking. I'm not drinking and smoking. So, yeah, we're going to – Parallel lives. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:43 We're going to share the holidays together and we'd like to share it with you also friday uh what was the date for that that's the fourth december 4th is the next uh happy hour friday that will be at 5 p.m mountain time that's the day after you can legally have weed in arizona so we should all be high as fuck. All right. Yeah. High as fuck. Oh, and that's a Q&A for the book. Make sure you get the book at and use your free credit if you haven't signed up and get the no encore for the donkey.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Listen to it because we're doing a Q&A for people who've listened to the book. So we're going to make this available to everyone, not just Patreon. The Q&A. I hadn't thought about that. I don't know how that works. But I think anyone on Patreon. No, let's do the first Q&A fucking Patreon. Patreon, but we'll do all tier levels.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Yeah. Yeah. However, I don't know how that works. I figured I'm going to have to talk to Henningen at some point. Wow. Smoke-free podcasting. I didn't even think about it. It's really not that hard as long as you fucking delude yourself.
Starting point is 00:27:58 And you're not around anybody who's drinking and smoking. I know. I have cigarettes right there. I can touch them. That's how you quit smoking. Knowing that you have cigarettes right there. You have a full bar right there. Instead, you take an edible and a couple Benadryl and tuck in for... I hope Michael Biehn has more movies.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yeah, you're going to have to go down some rabbit holes. It's crazy. The Reagans. I'm watching the Reagans. Every Sunday night is always HBO or Showtime. If they have anything good, it's fucking Sunday night. And I'm always too drunk by the end of football to bother watching it. I'll wait until Monday because if I watch it now, I won't remember anything.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Now, last night I go, oh, I can watch the Reagans. I went, nah, I'm doing shit. I'll watch it tomorrow. I still haven't watched it. Sober as a judge. I feel like, now I feel bad for yelling at people because I don't mean it right now,
Starting point is 00:29:04 but I meant it earlier and i go oh i should save that for the podcast rather than fucking tweet each individual person seek them out and tell them they're stupid i'll say and now i'm not really angry that's how comedy works that's the flaw in stand-up comedy is you meant it once now you just have to pretend Every fucking night Forever Yeah Alright I love you all If you're You can jump on board
Starting point is 00:29:30 You know what It's You can do 30 for 30 You can do Sober December You can just do 30 Random days in a row Jump on board And
Starting point is 00:29:43 See you on the I'll see you on the live Patreon I'm not going to check my tweets actually I just won't check the comments maybe I'll check tweets but not the comments I don't know what I'm talking about we've got the eBay yard sale going
Starting point is 00:30:00 on right now you gotta mention that because it's a short one it's going to be over Wednesday night so you'll by the time this goes out you'll have time sale going on right now. You got to mention that because it's a short one. It's going to be over Wednesday night. By the time this goes out, you'll have time. Yeah, check it out. Yeah, sorry. Multiple items. I was talking about the cycling kit and the other things I'm finding. That'll be later in the month.
Starting point is 00:30:17 But the one that's going right now, eBay yard sale, I think we have nine items. They all end on the same day, on Wednesday. There's a Led Zeppelin CD that Bernsie got autographed by Robert Plant. It says,
Starting point is 00:30:33 To Stanhope, autographed by Robert Plant on a Led Zeppelin CD. And I held onto that for, I don't know, 15 years going, well, this is pretty cool. I'm not even that into Zeppelin. I don't listen to CDs or music. And it's just going to sit there. Someone else will find far greater joy out of this than I.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Sorry, Burns, if you're listening, but you're not. We've got some people are starting to bid now on the mother's x-rays. Oh, yeah. Those stalled for a little bit. I'm about to see a tub of mother shit. And one was this giant thing of x-rays. Like the ones like, yeah. I thought about using them as like blackout shades for my windows that I can't reach.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So I don't, yeah, there's a bunch of them. And one of them said cervical. So maybe you have an x-ray of mother's vagina. Where did you find these? Those pictures were in there. I pulled them out. Three of those smaller x-rays are of your mom's head when she was a kid. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Those are the pictures, the reference pictures for when they took the x-rays. Oh, wow. Well, you're going to leave those in. I want to give you the chance to leave them in or not. Alright, well, that's not... No, no, but those two other ones? Yeah, no, that has to go in. Oh, these are fucking great.
Starting point is 00:31:58 It's mother with her fucking head in like a phrenology machine. Oh, that's wicked good. Yeah, you have to put those with the extra. I'll put them in there. But we've got Chad's diplomat beret. Oh, yeah. That's the beret that he wears
Starting point is 00:32:15 on the t-shirt. One of my favorites is the Funhouse Starter Kit, which is signs, assortment of signs. Yeah, well, not all the stuff, but a bunch of the signs we took off the wall when we repainted. Well, let's keep it simple.
Starting point is 00:32:34 So, yeah, you can have your own Funhaus. The Twin Tower commemorative model signed by both you and Michael Biehn. That one's good. And then the suit, obviously obviously is a big ticket item yes i gotta that suit is got everything it's even got the shoes oh those are brendan walsh's shoes i i threw in brendan walsh i made a big deal on twitter back when he had his uh own account about sending me and duncan Trussell these special brand of shoes, which I thought it was a Twitter thing at first, just him being goofy, until those shoes showed up.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And I said right then, oh, these will one day be in an eBay yard sale. But just to make sure they go at a high price, I put an entire suit with it. Game-worn, fucking perfect. It's a nice brown plaid. Stage outfit, man. Great for the holidays. Get on it. One of the most viewed items in the top three is the portable minibar.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Oh, that is so beautiful. Which I figured out what it is. That case that holds the three bottles, that case is made to look like it's a transistor radio. I just, I didn't even think of it when you started saying it. So it's a little disguised, sneaky, but the bottles are like, that's a lot of liquor. Yeah, well, a transistor radio was a big fucking unit back then. Back in the day, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:04 So yeah, there's a lot of good stuff. I might have to bid on that. radio was a big fucking unit back in the day. Yeah. Some of your listening to the Brooklyn Dodgers on. I'm going to bid on that thing. I love it. Yeah. Everyone's checking it out. What do they look for? Stanhope yard sale? Go to eBay and it's
Starting point is 00:34:21 Stanhope underscore podcast. That's the only seller that's us. Yes, the official. Well, that's the only one selling the stuff we got. So, yeah. Yeah, that ends Wednesday, 5, I think 6 p.m. It starts shutting down. Our time, Mountain Time.
Starting point is 00:34:43 What date is that? That's the Wednesday the... Second? Second. Second. Of December. December. 2020.
Starting point is 00:34:51 2020. COVID. All right. Go get your chicken. I'm going to go get my chicken. Chicken's going to burn. Hey, thank you all for listening, and don't freak out out there. We'll get through this.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Take us out, big dog. Okay, bye-bye now. សូវាប់ពីបានប់ពីបានប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់� you

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