The Doug Stanhope Podcast - Ep.#514: "BEST ACTOR"

Episode Date: February 10, 2023

The Doug Stanhope Podcast #514 "BEST ACTOR" (AD FREE) Doug ventures out to Hollywood, CA to promote his upcoming Australian tour. Plus, a house update and a special announcement.   Thank You Patreon ...Subscribers. We could not do this without your ongoing support.    Recorded Feb. 8th, 2023 from Los Angeles, CA and Austin, TX via ZOOM with Doug Stanhope (@dougstanhope), Tracey (@Egglester), and Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille).  Produced and Edited by Chaille.   Stanhope Store FIRE SALE - Stanhope merch -   We have no idea what the future holds so get on the Mailing List at When we know, we'll let you know.   LINKS - - Get 20% off + free shipping with promo code STANHOPE at    The Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival - HRIFF 2023: Feb 22nd - Mar 3rd 2023 -  Closing song, “The Stanhope Rag”, written and performed by Scotty Conant for Doug Stanhope and used with permission – Available on Soundcloud -  Photo Credit - ChailleSupport the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 you're listening to the doug stanhope podcast hello good morning mr doug stanhope oh my god this is one of those mornings like like when you're like going to school where you just look okay i can sleep for four more minutes yeah you'll be able to get to my zoom call and it's uh studies have shown that's worse than just popping up i know you don't care about that but i've i looked into it and it's like if you just fucking get up and and just wipe it out of your eyes and fucking go grab a cup of coffee that is way better than eking out four more minutes where you really i mean i, I can go to sleep. No, first of all, I screwed up the math because I'm an hour earlier than I were. You're in Los Angeles right now.
Starting point is 00:00:50 We'll tell everyone that. I'm in Austin, Texas. Yeah, so I told Bingo to wake me up at 8. 8 her time? Yeah, I don't know what I told, but she thought 8 her time. So she got me up at 7. but she thought eight her time. So she got me up at seven.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And then by seven, I woke up five times or yeah, between seven and seven 30. I'm just like looking over. And then I realized my mistake and I went, oh shit. So now I can actually sleep till eight 30 and then go get breakfast. And then I'm like, fuck breakfast at eight 35.
Starting point is 00:01:22 So I, yeah, I just, I just had, I did some gay stuff with michael keaton in my dream and uh michael keaton from uh family ties no oh the actor michael keaton yeah batman yeah evidently we did some gay stuff and then he came back he wanted to do it another night and i'm like ah this is weird because i didn't want to have to tell him i don't really do gay stuff and uh but he brought me all sorts of gifts and i'm like uh so then i told him i
Starting point is 00:01:49 but i think he took it as like a not tonight but maybe we'll still do gay stuff in the future and i it was really awkward so that's what i'm just coming out of into this like a a pseudo gay fantasy with michael keaton or a pseudo well it was a one-night stand with Michael Keaton. Yeah, and he wanted. He wanted another bite of the apple, so to speak. Yeah, yeah, and I had to go, you know, hey, I don't think that's going to happen tonight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:18 But then he was, anyway, it was pretty in-depth. I think Brian was keen that something had gone on between us. He was rummaging his nose in it. Anyway, I did a lot of podcasts yesterday. I did Bill Burr and then Burt Kreischer. You did Annie Letterman also. Annie what? Yeah, that was the night before.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Okay. And I'm going to do Corolla today and zip on right from there, right back to LAX and then to my hotel house yes still fucking do i we're gonna have a day count on how long it's been since i'd be i'm going but i just got back from st louis the show finished with ghost ride and i realized that before we went to hawaii almost four weeks ago i was concerned that they were going to get too much done at the house that I couldn't get new wireless cable. So I was actually fretting about it. And then we got home from Hawaii and nothing had been done. Now it's been two plus weeks since then. And nothing has, no one has, I don't, i haven't seen anyone on the cameras i haven't seen anything
Starting point is 00:03:26 going on up there uh so i nothing i think what's going to happen is i'm going to leave austin earlier than expected uh and then just figure out what's happening because because i can't really do a lot from the road but if i'm home i can start you know figuring out what's what's going on and why we don't have people out there every fucking day yeah well here's i'll you know i won't even go i'll tell you what's going on i have to supposedly cash some more checks or from the insurance company i don't know that did i put on my doug stanhope disguise and go sign some checks no the point is i don't want to sign any fucking checks until they've done the work. You haven't done fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:04:08 In fact, you've signed the checks for the work that's been done. Yeah. And a little extra because that also includes them bringing all your shit back. So, yes, supposedly the checks have been distributed and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:24 They were calling me yesterday during fucking podcast hours and I said, well, yeah, the checks have been distributed, and I don't know. They were calling me yesterday during fucking podcast hours, and I said, well, yeah, text me the stuff. Oh, yeah, I'll just send all this in an email. They never fucking sent shit. But they're, like, giving me, like, fucking $120,000, plus I've signed, like, the $35,000, $40,000 worth of checks from the abatement. Like, you can build a whole fucking new house for that.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Yeah. As quick. That fucking, the gas station got built quicker than this. November 21st, so everyone understands, is when the house caught fire. And today is February 8th. So, so far they've done nothing but tear out the fucking ceilings and the asbestos and just leave this fucking empty fucking cold house oh well yeah they were waiting for approval they're always
Starting point is 00:05:11 someone's waiting for approval of something and he goes don't worry you're our you're our number one priority i go yeah with this kind of money i better be that's hard to believe that you're the number one priority when nothing has happened and i i hope doug that it turns out to believe that you're the number one priority when nothing has happened. And I hope, Doug, that it turns out to be that you and I just don't understand what's going on. But I don't think that's the case. I think just nothing's happened. Yeah. Yeah, nothing's happening. But I don't know who to yell at because there's too many people involved.
Starting point is 00:05:40 So anyway, I think I'm going to leave early because the reason I was here is for the cold open of the comedy. I think that's getting pushed back out here. When I got shit, I can get done out there. So you'll be there. I'll be there. And maybe we can get something started. Maybe someone can lift a hammer and swing it on the property. Yeah, I'll be back there for a day.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Yeah. I'm coming back. I'll come down Friday and then pick up bingo Saturday we'll drive back up to the airport and then we both fly to LAX for the Super Bowl she flies back right back after the game she's just flying
Starting point is 00:06:16 out to be my plus one at my own Super Bowl party for just me yeah free bar too then i head off to australia oh australia starts uh february 18th i wrote down here in brisbane yep um tickets are available at yeah about while we're doing tour dates i'll just i'll just mention them all uh february 18th starts brisbane uh march 25th and 26th is seattle but uh we added the second date because
Starting point is 00:06:46 25th has basically sold out and then uh april 28th is the start of the canadian tour which is is a shorter run but it's mighty and it starts in toronto yeah it might start in montreal hennigan city might add montreal all right i'll connect with him now that I'm back on radar. Be on the mailing list. Yes. Actually, yes. And people in Australia who were on the mailing list know exactly why you get on the mailing list because they got some inside information way early on. I found this last, I was walking through Tucson Airport. It's a nice walk up to the airport. I went up to get a paper because I always have the New York Times.
Starting point is 00:07:32 From your? My airport hotel, yeah. Airport hotel. Yeah, to get to the gift shop. It's like a 10-minute walk each way. A good 20-minute walk. Stretch your legs in the morning. Get my newspaper. And there's sidewalks the whole way. You're not going on a highway to cross it. You get a 20-minute walk, stretch your legs in the morning, get my newspaper, get my cross.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And there's sidewalks the whole way. You're not going on a highway to cross it. Yeah, but they fucking stopped selling newspapers altogether. LAX is the same way, at least the terminal that I fly out of. No, they don't sell newspapers anymore. Well, Doug, they also don't sell buggy whips. Yeah, no. Point being, I walked up there, but on that other side of the terminal that we never see,
Starting point is 00:08:08 Terminal A, they have a fucking new airline called Flair Airlines. And they just fly to like a few random cities in Canada. But I talked to a lady that had just flown. They're flying back. She said, yeah, we flew down on flare air from Fort McMurray, which is eight hours north of Calgary. Like in the Yukon. Yeah. Yukon stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Yeah. She said $125 one way nonstop. To where? To Tucson. They fly non-stop to a handful of places in Canada. At Fort McMurray, it would be the one I would go to. So I could book it right now. I almost booked it last night. I was so high and drunk after Kreischer's podcast. Yeah, for 184 bucks, round trip. So you're thinking of switching the Super Bowl party to Fort McMurray? No, no, this would be for when I get back from Australia.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I got a couple weeks there before Seattle. I could just go up for three days. This would be like going up Sunday and coming back Wednesday, I think. Maybe we could employ a local printer up at Fort, what is it, Fort Murray? McMurray. Fort McMurray, and we can run up there to get our merch and go to the first date in Canada. Buy local.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's cheaper than shipping. Yeah, she said it's good through March. I don't know if they just stopped flying here after March. Maybe it's an introductory fair where some of those airlines, they come online and they do new cities and it's $99 round trip or whatever. Here's my face again. Okay. I just hit one on news.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Massachusetts mother accused of strangling her three children to death before fracturing her spine in a suicide attempt. Oh, that would suck so much. You kill your whole family and then you go to kill yourself and you just wind up paralyzed. Yeah. Why didn't she just kill herself first? All right. See, this is why I shouldn't have my computer on while we're doing this. Yeah, well, it has to be on.
Starting point is 00:10:27 That's how we're doing this. I know, but I shouldn't have my tabs up. I had tabs to remind me about Flair Airlines. Yeah. You know Fort McMurray is going to be like fucking Dickinson, North Dakota, where it's just all fucking oil workers, and it's all fucking dude aggro testosterone with no place to go but it could be i didn't i i was looking for a hotel with a a bar in it and all the hotels seem to be
Starting point is 00:10:53 fucking seed and see any hilton's wow it is far up there dude it's like two-thirds of the of the from the uh u.s border two-thirds of the way up to uh i don't know what the end of the world up there i don't fucking know yeah yeah i don't think i'd find it as funny as i did last night last night i was cackling like a fucking hen just about to hit complete purchase because they went for 184 dollars if i changed my mind yeah you just ditch it yeah it's not like i've bought first class to fucking heathrow and then decided against bangkok well population in 2021 was 68 000 yeah so you could actually do a gig there i could but i wouldn't because then you'd have to go through all the bullshit of getting a work visa just to do something silly and i don't i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:11:43 want paperwork oh that's right we're gonna have to do that again when we get to uh the first date i would tell i would tell people hey uh if there's a a bunch of people in chairs and a stage maybe i might uh maybe i might walk up behind that microphone there but i'm not gonna charge for for tickets. Yeah, yeah. 68,000. They might even have a guitar center. Hi, Miss Tracy. Hi. Come here and say hello. You know what I didn't bring?
Starting point is 00:12:11 I was going to bring is Sober Me is a Coward. I was going to bring that up the road with me, and I forgot. What is that? Well, we were trying to get her into the Sky Club. I was trying to use any influence because she had that long layover. And so I called Delta, and I'm like, can I buy her way in? Can I do anything? I'm sure I had some story that it was my retarded daughter or something.
Starting point is 00:12:38 So I couldn't. But I have all my Delta gifts. I go, just go and try to bribe your way in and give them this and this and this. And she's like, yeah, I'll definitely do it. I'll definitely do it. So she had all that Delta stuff at her bedside. The swag? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:53 When I went back in after she left, I went in the bedroom, and she had left me a note on a napkin and Sharpie, sober me as a coward, and all this stuff was left behind. napkin and sharpie sober me as a coward and all this stuff was left behind so i have it up on the the tv screen because it works as a reinforcer for me in the morning just to remind me oh like an affirmation yeah yes yes yeah it's a shank monday motivation so to me as a coward we had we had a drunk tracy the other night um uh drunk enough to uh try to book a guest on the on the podcast oh yeah he's happy to do it oh jim florentine yeah yeah let's go out it's not usually whether someone will do doug's podcast it's whether doug wants to do it because
Starting point is 00:13:39 he hates doing zooms so um also uh drunk me tried to open my uber account again the other night if yours doesn't work for some reason uh stanhope store at gmail is the new email address i just went there like oh you got to confirm your email address so i hit the thing and then i went to the email i said hi doug i'm like oh no that's not not doug so i don't know. So just so you know. We could probably do the business stuff offline with passwords and stuff. Oh, yeah. Anything else you want to talk to Doug? That's it? Just a hello?
Starting point is 00:14:14 I had some fun, Steve. When's the last time we fucking podcasted? We didn't even podcast in Hawaii, did we? No, we didn't. We did when we came back. It's been two weeks. We do them every two weeks now because of the scheduling. And we don't have a studio
Starting point is 00:14:27 and we're not there. So there's a couple of reasons. But yeah, we're on it two weeks. Every two weeks. Oh yeah, we did it right before you left. All your stuff is still on the... And this one is to catch you before you end up splitting. I thought you were going to leave earlier. I was just out of it
Starting point is 00:14:43 while I was in St. Louis. So this is really good because we actually have a sponsor this week. We'll try and get them while you're gone, but we'll work on that offline. Figure out what we'll do. I saw that. It was on your Instagram. If you don't have Doug's Instagram, get on it. Real Stan Hope because Hennigan is forcing anyone and everyone around Doug to take video for that purpose. So he's going to try and be more active in 2023.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I love trying to poach other people's sponsors. That was fucking hilarious. I poached someone else's podcast and they have the same sponsor and i just yelled use promo code stanhope it's funny because i got that that clip sent to me from our new ad rep saying like wow this is this is weird i just i just signed this deal how did this happen i go he doesn't know he was trying to to disrupt what was ever happening no i knew you uh i mentioned it but i didn't know that it was this week because i thought it was going to be an another sponsor and then uh that one hadn't been signed yet so so we're good all right you want to take a break
Starting point is 00:15:55 and then talk about and then we come back and talk about your uh your uh podcast uh yeah let's take a please hold manscaped hey if you're still using your ball trimmer on your face listen up manscaped has just announced their brand new beard hedger pro kit the beer hedger gives you 20 hair cutting lengths all at the turn of a dial. No more changing out attachments. Sorry, Chaley, when I read 20 hair cutting lengths, I was still thinking ball trimmer. Yeah. How many different styles of ball hair are you selling there, Manscaped? Fashionable ball hair length.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yes. Now that you have that opportunity, now that you have that option, maybe you can do a kind of a feathering Sean Cassidy look on your nutsack. I want a Farrah Fawcett down in my fucking queen. Don't we all? Yeah. And it's waterproof, so you can shave anywhere in a windstorm, monsoon season. Don't worry. The fun doesn't stop there.
Starting point is 00:17:01 The Pro Kit keeps your beard nice and clean with Manscaped Beard Shampoo and Conditioner. And Manscaped's beard oil and beard balm will keep you looking barbershop fresh. And since Manscaped wants you to have all the tools for the job, they've thrown in a beard brush, comb, and scissors to make you look like a million bucks. So get 20% off plus free shipping with code Stanhope at That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code Stanhope at The Manscaped Beard Hedger Pro Kit, the premier solution to face grooming. All right, let's get back to it. I know I wish I hadn't told you this. I wish some of this stuff I could keep secret. But I was supposed to not say anything until they don't announce it till Friday, February 10th in two days. But this film festival that the my movie The Road Dog got picked up, its first festival it's been in,
Starting point is 00:18:05 movie the road dog got picked up its first festival it's been in the hollywood real independent film festival that starts uh this it's the end of february into the beginning of march and uh but they announce on friday what when we'll be actually showing our movie and where and uh but they the full full road dog Dogg movie, yeah, it's in the festival, but we don't know, what day it's showing, they announced that, at the festival,
Starting point is 00:18:31 not like for major release, or anything like that, right, at the festival, so, but yeah, they'll announce that, and all the awards, they don't announce,
Starting point is 00:18:38 the best picture of the festival, till after, or till the 24th, but they announce, all the other awards, so I, won best actor for the road dog in this festival this is going out before friday you can't do that yeah no they but they i'm sure they tell you that uh yeah they don't announce it but we're gonna tell you because
Starting point is 00:18:59 they want you to fucking do this oh they do i'm sure they do they say don't listen don't use this as a press release let me fucking what now you're reading you should have read it before you did your your no no i for the road dog people the people that made the movie are putting it on twitter so okay yeah they want people to start a buzz yeah like a whisper campaign yeah like why would they announce winners before the things already that's true like everyone's gonna shut up like someone's not gonna have a you know someone they're gonna brag to yeah i did get all those windbreakers made if that's what you wanted them for uh here's where in the in the uh announcement they made announcement to filmmakers yeah all of the more excitable award winners may spread the word
Starting point is 00:19:48 personally about any awards your film may have won, but don't take the HR... That's the film festival name. HR or something. Will not be announced until our awards winners to the public press on February 10th. Anyway, so yeah, they're
Starting point is 00:20:04 saying, yeah, you can go tell everyone in the world, but just don't use this as an official thing. Oh, don't release their release. Well, congratulations, Doug. Yeah, that was a lot of fun until I got here. Everybody's in actual major movies. Bert Kreutzer, The Machine is coming out
Starting point is 00:20:21 on Memorial Day weekend. But he wasn't the best actor now, was he? No. I like to think of this as more of an individual achievement rather than a group thing. And you got Best Director, too. I mean, you didn't direct it. Oh, yeah, Best Director. And we're nominated for Best Picture, which they announced on the 24th.
Starting point is 00:20:41 It's odd that we're up for Best Picture nominated, and so is that one that's winning all those other awards, everything, everywhere, all the time. Everything, all at once. Everything, everywhere, all at once. Yeah. Yeah, that's in the category. I'm like, why would they make this festival?
Starting point is 00:20:58 That's major release. Yeah, I think Hennigan guesses that they probably entered this festival long before they knew that they were going to be sweeping Golden Globes and shit. But yeah, that puts us a little bit probably as a long shot to win Best Picture. I mean, you're poised for it with Best Actor, Best Director, but that doesn't always mean that's automatically best picture. Yeah, but you know what? I have never been in a movie star in a film in a festival that I haven't won best actor. That is true.
Starting point is 00:21:38 A hundred percent. Yeah, you're batting a hundred or a thousand, batting a thousand. So I don't want to get my hopes up for Best Picture too. But either way, I think I'm going to tell him to stop putting it out there because I want to quit while I'm ahead. Yeah, yeah. Retire. I want to retire on top.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yep, yep. So how does that change your life, Doug? Best Actor. Wow. Yeah, probably the same thing that doing Louis C.K.'s show did. A lot of people going, oh, that was a really great job. And then zero off. You did get an accolade from Sir Robin Williams.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Oh, yeah. Yeah, people said good things, but it did not lead to anything. Well, you don't know that that didn't lead to this. What? People figured out that you could act. I mean, even though you don't think you can act, saw that and thought wow he can act yeah what does michael bean have you told him yeah he didn't he he didn't give me any she's just said oh cool he didn't give me like i was trying to bust his balls yeah it's saying hey fucking you get my coffee now bitch yeah
Starting point is 00:22:43 what award have you won lately? Best actor. What have you ever won a best actor? Let's look that up. I like that. I like the whole. Oh, you're basically going to use this award to rub it in other actors' faces. I'm going to rub this in everybody's face.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Do you think Bingo has gone one day without having to hear about this? Oh, I bet. Yeah. Maybe she'll get into a project. think bingo has gone one day without having to hear about this oh i bet yeah maybe maybe i call her up and tell her i'm dumping her and it's over and then she goes what i go see i'm acting again that was a sketch okay so michael bean has won for aliens in 1986. He was nominated for the Saturn Award. He was the winner of a special award in 91. 2011, he got a Life Career Award. That's not best. That's not a best actor.
Starting point is 00:23:33 He was nominated for Best Guest Starring Performance in a Network Cable Television Series, The Walking Dead, from 2010. This is the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. So he's never been a movie star that won Best Actor, not supporting a nearby actor.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Best Guest Star is the top thing. Well, he got Best Actor, but this is from the ASFFH. I thought those were nominations. Yes, he got Life Career Award in 2011, and in 1991 he got a winner, a special, but I don't know nominations. Yes. He got a Life Career Award in 2011. And in 1991, he got a winner, a special. But I don't know what that means. Special award. Come on.
Starting point is 00:24:10 That's like soccer. Everybody knows. I don't know. I'm not discounting Michael Biehn. He's great. I am. That's your job. That's not my job.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I didn't win any awards. Although I thought my performance as a bar patron heckler number two was pretty solid i even have a speaking line wait did you see this movie no i was there you had them give me a line remember all right i didn't know if that made the cut because i kept there i kept bringing different hats so my yellow hair wouldn't show up in every shot. Yeah, yeah. And they used me three different times. I had three different hats on me. Yeah, I was telling Bill Burr about the COVID compliance girl turned into the assistant director and had a role in the movie by the end. Yeah, everyone gets to wear multiple hats.
Starting point is 00:24:59 You literally. So I think Bingo wants to go. Bingo wants to go to L.A. when we find out. We'll talk about it on Friday when they announce when they're showing this. Because she wants to go accept my award for it. Oh, that would be interesting. I thought Johnny Depp should dress up like that Indian lady that accepted Marlon Brando's Oscar in 72. The Cherokee Indian gal?
Starting point is 00:25:22 I want Johnny Depp to dress up like Sashim Lightfeather or whatever fucking name he is. Can't he just go as Iron Eyes Cody or something? I don't even know where he is anymore. Yeah. I'll be around in Bisbee so if there's a... I don't know if I want to be Bingo's handler
Starting point is 00:25:43 but you probably should have one if you're in Australia. Yeah. Yeah. If you guys want to do an LA road trip. I mean, to pick up the award would be. Yeah. As you know, you know, the, the, the kids will be out there. I'm sure you Swain will be out there.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Of course. And Hannigan will probably go. Yeah. Hodge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I would assume. Hannigan's not going to in australia no oh well their ticket sales are spiking as we speak yeah no just uh uh alex oh yeah you got the local uh tour manager yeah i'm not good i don't know how to speak that's why i had to dip out yeah bingo can give you a tutorial she does she does her uh her australian accent yeah i don't get that joke but i still laugh hey uh why don't we talk about the podcast you were doing it was this a was this a junket for the film or is this the upcoming tour i mean why did you go do a ton
Starting point is 00:26:41 of uh la podcasts oh my god well uh yeah, it's to push Australia dates. Yeah. I mean, you're always pushing something. Sign my fucking mailing list so I could get off of goddamn social media. That would be so brilliant. I was thinking that. Why is fucking Rogan even on Twitter anymore? Because he doesn't have to sell his fucking show.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yeah, he can kind of just, I mean, I don't know. I'm not speaking for him. It seems like that could just coast at the level that he's at and it has enough momentum. But I mean, I don't know. I don't know shit about all this stuff. I guess everyone's on fucking social media.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I just remember when Louis C.K. said, you know what? I'm done with it. I don't, yeah, just get on my mailing list. I was so, it was the only time I was ever envious of a comedian. Like, oh God, you don't have to fucking tweet. I mean, it's, there's the aspect of being able to stay at least
Starting point is 00:27:39 in the front of some people's minds. But you have a pretty, like we've always talked about how like the same people that follow you, follow you no matter what. It's like the, the, the old joke you do about or the, the, the comment you make about the kid riding 200 miles on a goat to go see you. He's not going to stop just because you're on, not on social media being a fan here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I don't know how many new people we're getting all the time. But that's, I mean, it's not like I want to get rid of social media. I just don't want to feel like, oh, I'm like, perfect. Last night, I haven't read any of it. But when I ask people, hey, what the fuck is, what's up with Fort McMurray, Canada? I'm thinking about flying up there for three days in March just for no reason because it's only $184 round trip.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Non-stop round trip. Yeah, non-stop. We never get non-stop. You have to get off at some point and get on a dog sled? Nope. That's new. It is. I was hoping there was an airport hotel so you didn't even really have to leave.
Starting point is 00:28:43 The closest hotels are five six miles away 68 000 that's that's that's a pretty good population i grew up in fullerton california in orange county when i was a kid it was 70 000 you know i mean that's a good size town yeah but yeah and that well i guess they they know how to do it i was gonna say that time of year you can still probably have fucking eight feet of snow coming at a moment's notice, but I'm sure they're built to deal with it. I wouldn't want to get stuck at Fort McMurray.
Starting point is 00:29:13 That joke would get sad and old. Very quickly. Yeah. So, tell me about the podcast you did annie wood you did uh bill burr's podcast you did i came in fucking hot because i did hers on monday night when i came off the plane from tucson and fucking i packed a fucking i was packing so i could put uh i i usually check a bag but i i was gonna carry it on so i didn't have to fuck around a baggage claim at lax and then at the last minute i was lazy and didn't want to hump it through security so i checked it put all my heavy stuff from my backpack in it and uh and they fucking lost it they They sent it to Salt Lake City. Fucking Delta.
Starting point is 00:30:06 It wasn't lost. She goes, oh yeah, it went through Salt Lake City. I had a nonstop from Tucson. Why would you send it? She's like, I don't know. Maybe the plane might have been overweight. So sometimes they do that. I go, sometimes they do.
Starting point is 00:30:21 They just purposely send your fucking bag to where you're not going because your plane is overweight. We had a load of strawberries that needed to get to L.A. So we had to reroute your luggage. God, if it's just that's one of those times where if you just knew the person responsible that you could punch in the face, it would alleviate that rage. Yeah. Someone made this decision that could have said, hey is are you cool with letting your bag no we're just gonna fuck you on purpose knowingly and leave you high and dry with no i got my bag back the next day but
Starting point is 00:30:57 still i had all my shit in there i had all my vodka in there i had everything in there i had my straws in there i didn't even have a straw i had my cup in there fucking annie letterman doesn't have shit at her studio you have ice cups nothing wow it's brand new set yeah it's a brand new set well she doesn't drink i saw the set set looks great yeah and they're already thinking of moving i don't know but she doesn't drink so that's probably why that's not i don't know yeah fortunately hennigan had vodka so it was really interesting because your instagram came up with a a small clip a reel or whatever they call it a story and it said uh at jeff tate and flashed a picture of jeff tate because you made a mention yeah of jeff tate and all i saw was that so i immediately texted jeff tate going were you on the podcast because it's just a you know 30 second clip
Starting point is 00:31:49 and he's all no man i just got back from new zealand and in australia and he was opening for uh segura and i had no idea what was going on why he was on there but you made the mention that your balls were as hairy as jeff tate's beard yes which is kind of random because i don't know i didn't know why you would just say Jeff Tate. That's why I figured he was there. First thing that came into my head. Perfect. Great example.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I did not write the joke. Yeah. Now I wonder if you referenced it because you were talking about something earlier, but yeah, I want to watch that episode. It's Annie Wood and it'll be out. I don't know when, I don't know what their turnaround is. Turns out I'm, I'm an anomaly. I release things the day after we record them. And a lot of people don't know what their turnaround is turns out i'm i'm an anomaly i release things
Starting point is 00:32:25 the day after we record them and a lot of people don't do that it turns out yeah i've been uh i've been listening to a lot of podcasts yeah just the ones i'm doing bill burr chrysler like i don't and i i don't know how many podcasts anyone has because, remember, during COVID, people would have four or five fucking podcasts. Bert's cooking on something. Something's burning, two bears, one cave, and then BertCast. Yeah, also, I did Bert and Bill they were doing for a while, but that was just to kill time during COVID. I think Leanne has a podcast now, too. I heard him talking about it. Yeah. Uh, wife of the party. Once you have a good title.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah. Yeah. You might as well do at least 10 podcasts. Yeah. Um, yeah. It's up in the, it's up in the five hundreds. I think the latest one is a five 55. I don't know when yours is going to come up, but, uh, yeah, he's up there. I don't know. He's doing so much. Uh, but yeah, he's up there. I know. He's doing so much. But yeah, I got to start listening to more podcasts. It makes me feel like I'm a part of the comedy community when I know what people are up to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Get my head around some of these names. And it gives me more ideas for shit we can do when we do a Doug Stano podcast restructure. And maybe now I see what people's studios look like. I have some more ideas for the Funhouse, what we could do with that when I see what other people have done with their spaces. Are we using the Funhouse as a studio again? Obviously, we haven't talked about this. I don't know what's going on in your head. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:04 I mean, where else are we going to podcast? I don't know. But I'm saying now that I see the options, like Annie Wood is not very big for the studio. Those studios aren't. And that's bright as fuck. We're definitely going to bring bar lighting. I'm going to be on camera. I want to be lit like Brando in Apocalypse Now.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Like, you can only see half my face. You can't see my fucking neck or my mouth or my face. How would you put a big emoji? Or you want to wear masks on the podcast? Yeah, that movie Frank, I think it's called. The punk band and the lead singer just got a giant fucking fake. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't think anyone's ever made it through that whole movie, it's called the punk band and the lead singer's got a giant fucking fake oh yeah yeah yeah i never
Starting point is 00:34:45 i don't think anyone's ever made it through that whole movie but it seems to pop up a lot on showtime at odd hours and you're like what the fuck is this and i don't think anyone's ever watched it all the way through you're pulling it up no i know what it is i'm writing it down so in case uh i'm gonna reference it later because i remember the the face and i did not watch it i mean i'm into masks costume and stuff but i can't even remember it's probably my pre-cpap days where i was falling asleep every 10 seconds yeah i don't it was one of those movies that might not been about anything except yeah eraser head or something yeah it's just so so the annie wood podcast which is a new podcast for anything any any takeaways from it other than copping some of the studio ideas?
Starting point is 00:35:29 I watched the one she had done before me was Dr. Drew. Dr. Drew Pinsky. Dr. Drew moved to Austin, like at least part-time. He's on – it got really confusing. They tried to explain it to me, but he's on your Mother's House podcast. Oh, with Tom Segura and Miss P, Christina P? Yeah, but he's on it. He's like a medical consultant or something?
Starting point is 00:35:57 I don't know. I'm going to have to figure all this shit out. There's a third chair on that podcast where Dr. Drew is every week? Oh, Dr. Drew is like, I don't know how it works. Maybe he's under their network? And then I said what I thought they were saying to me, and they're like, never mind. You don't get it. So I'll do my own research after I do.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I'm just going to do Adam Carolla in an hour or so, and then I'm going right back to LAX. and then I'm going right back to LAX. I'm getting there very early to go to the Sky Club to make sure my buddy Jeff works the bar there and I want to make sure I'm not going to have any problems going in. For your Super Bowl thing. Yeah, for my Super Bowl thing on Sunday. So, yeah, I'll be back tonight. I'll be down there Friday to collect up the last of my mail,
Starting point is 00:36:44 pay any bills before i head out to australia where i'm going to be unreachable i'll deal with this fucking insurance company state farm your fuck i i did drop a state farm uh name in this hole i haven't lived in my fucking house that's not being fixed but i haven't gone full fucking drop the fucking nuclear uh fuck you yet well i think that's that's kind of what that was kind of my decision to go back because i know you're not going to be in bisbee for any long length of time so i being there i can go to the state farm representative in bisbee every day and ask what's going on today what's happening because i mean they can say well there's no one here to do that or whatever i mean i don't know i gotta find out i mean i know someone's gonna pot it off on
Starting point is 00:37:28 someone else is fucking adam carolla because he comes from a construction background and so when i explain the fucking problems i'm sure he's had to deal with insurance if he's been in construction so okay so so really quick uh a little role playing yeah so like what's going on over there at your house what are you going to tell him what but that the we have a metal roof that's burned from the ceiling up and it burned the supports for the roof so they have to take the metal roof off which means they have to get in touch with the solar people to take the solar off first before they can take the roof off so they can build better supports to put the same roof back on if they can use the same roof and then put the solar back on instead of support say framing they got to frame the structure but honestly doug the solar people
Starting point is 00:38:14 i'm in contact with they're ready to go we can't do anything until we find out what the construction crew is going to do about taking off and then reframing the house. We don't have a date for any of this stuff yet. And I've been very clear that the minute they have a date, tell me. The thing that was all fucked up yesterday that I couldn't deal with at the moment was this guy said, because before I was signing checks that the insurance company had sent them,
Starting point is 00:38:43 this guy from the DRI, the construction people said, oh, the insurance sent you the check. So we're going to need the money from you so we can get to work. Yeah. I don't know that I have any money anywhere. But I have to check my mail, which is in my mailbox, which is not in the same state as me. So I'll tell you if I get to check my mail, which is in my mailbox, which is not in the same state as me. So I'll tell you if I get a check. But in the meantime, I'm going to call my guy, my insurance guy and go, hey, should I be letting them, giving them fucking money? Do I have to give them money before they've done a job?
Starting point is 00:39:15 That doesn't sound right. Yeah, there's a breakdown in communication. It will be very interesting to hear what Adam Carolla says, because with removing the ceiling and then them doing the extra room, remember they were told not to do the office and the brand new two-year-old, three-year-old office, they took the ceiling out in there as well. Yeah, I mean, get whatever you can out of
Starting point is 00:39:35 him. He used to have a V-show about scamming contractors and stuff like that. Great. Thank you, everybody, for listening and i will uh maybe a little yeah we'll knock one out from fucking australia zoom is free yeah it brings the world together well maybe we can do another one before you leave for australia and then one because it because um we've got to get some just in case the australia thing work out their internet
Starting point is 00:40:01 sucks oh yeah yeah right i've heard that uh that rupert murdoch keeps the internet bad because he doesn't want the competition against his newspapers and sure stations all right get on the mailing list everything's there uh the merch store is still open we're still doing a fire sale even though tracy's here in austin i'll be taking that over. Go ahead and get on that mailing list for any extra added dates that are going to be used in last minute. And, yeah, Patreon. Get on Patreon because I'll post some pictures from yesterday dug out at the podcast. Yeah. Get in there.
Starting point is 00:40:39 All right. Okay. Take us out live, Big O. Okay. Bye-bye now. Terima kasih telah menonton!

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