The Doug Stanhope Podcast - Ep.#516 - "Smoking Award"

Episode Date: March 9, 2023

Doug steps off the plane from Australia and admits he is a changed man. Chaille delivers the HRIFF Best Actor award Stanhope.  Check out the Press phots from the HRIFF awards Ceremony -  Thank You Patreon Subscribers. We could not do this without your ongoing support. Recorded Mar. 5th, 2023 at the Hotel Home in Tucson, AZ with Doug Stanhope (@dougstanhope) and Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille). Produced and Edited by Chaille. Stanhope Store FIRE SALE - Stanhope merch -  We have no idea what the future holds so get on the Mailing List at When we know, we'll let you know. LINKS - Closing song, “The Stanhope Rag”, written and performed by Scotty Conant for Doug Stanhope and used with permission – Available on Soundcloud - Photo Credit - Alex HodginsSupport the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 you're listening to the doug stanhope podcast hello fresh off the plane cheers from the down under and not even uh not even hung over like exhausted if anything i think it was 20 i think but at this point 28 hours from airport to airport it's time zone now but it's day zone when you get. So I had to fly, get up at 6 in the morning to get a 9 a.m. flight in Melbourne to go to Sydney to have a four-hour layover to get on the 13-hour flight. I didn't even consider that. And then a five-and-a-half-hour layover.
Starting point is 00:00:43 So, okay, yeah. But fucking Australia, it's like the UK, even the Sky Clubs. Oh, could I get a double vodka, double and soda, like a vodka soda? They don't have juice over there. Come on. They've got juice. They don't have mixers. Oh.
Starting point is 00:01:02 They don't have cranberry or grapefruit. That's what you, a vodka soda splash of apple? No. Orange, if that's my other choice, yes. That's your choices. I'm sure if you went to a store, you could find mango or passion fruit. Fuck you. I might, a little dragon fruit.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah. Why apple juice? I don't't know that's a thing no they do have the worst parts of the uk over there that's a uk thing dude cranberry juice what isn't that how that started don't have kidneys they took the worst parts of the uk and put it in australia i fucking love australia uh the only thing that I had to bitch about that I didn't, because it was the only thing, there's sushi. And this goes for the UK, too. It's pretty much, if you hate it in Australia, it's in the UK,
Starting point is 00:01:54 but it's the least of your worries in the UK. Fucking sushi. They have salmon, and that's pretty much it for raw fish, which is what sushi is. It's fucking raw fish. They have more fried chicken sushi options. Oh, like when you go get sushi at the border in Mexico, and it's Philadelphia cream cheese and panko crusted and everything.
Starting point is 00:02:21 There's very little fish. They have deep fried. They have fish. They have deep fried. Salmon is the only authentic. That little fish. They have deep fried, like they have fish, they have deep fried, they have salmon is the only authentic. That's raw. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Nagiri style. They have tuna that's Subway. They got it from the Subway next door. It's fucking tuna salad cooked canned tuna with mayonnaise in a roll.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Fuck you. Yeah. Fuck you so very much. So what did you eat? Subway tuna fish sandwiches? I didn't eat a lot and it's weird because I didn't smoke, which you probably know this. Yeah, I had a fucking lung problem when I got there. Worse than the one that you've been listening to for the last several years.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I haven't smoked in 18 days and i haven't started like eating like usually after about day four then i go i'm eating everything in my face of quitting yeah smoking yeah but i didn't over there because everything's pretty terrible uh and you know when you're anxious about shows and you're more anxious because you know i don't quit smoking like the day before tour starts like it was the day before okay i am i i'm waking myself up at night with my wheezing and gurgling and i can't stop coughing the at least the first two shows, probably three, it got better. But like the second show in Brisbane, a guy like came to the stage on his way to the men's room and put his asthma inhaler on the stool.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I'm like, I don't think that's going to help. It was just. Yeah. It feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest. Oh, it's bad. It's really bad. Like, scary bad. So you get over there.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I know we had a show that was added last minute, wasn't it? Well, yeah, the first show. The first show wasn't added last minute. Well, I mean, it was announced. It went out to the mailing list before everyone else. Oh, my God, what a fucking horror show. The way we talk about never again shows this would have never been this was the one that you recorded on stage your acceptance speech for
Starting point is 00:04:32 and we'll get to it later no that was the second one that was the second one that was the coffee i don't know about the first one yeah this was like okay here's like a whatever 80 seater for him to work out his shit the night before the official tour kicks off and i i went in and went i think if i could walk out on this gig and just say no i've had it upstairs there's no green room there's no backstage it's like an upstairs box above a bar that only serves beer. But whatever. The point is, it's like where you go to. I think the opening thing I said was even a middling karaoke person would come up and go, not here, not here. And it's fucking you're standing on the equivalent of a banquet table. You have one bright spotlight in your face where you can literally see nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:39 It was the equivalent of doing comedy to a cop that's shining his mag light in your face when you're drunk driving. License and registration. And that's all you can see is the light. And you're standing on the equivalent space of a fold-out banquet table, but it's black. And so you can't see. If you step off it, you go down two feet either way. So you can't move comfortably other than a box step.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Sure. A small foxtrot box step. In a dance club that's already full to the brim where you have to make a short box step. It was like that. And you can't see anything. And people are talking to you. And you literally can't see anyone. Yeah, that was the first one.
Starting point is 00:06:18 That sucked. But that was kind of just a warm-up, shake off the jet lag, right? Yeah, it added jet lag. I mean, they still paid full price. Yeah, no, I don't ever ask what they're paying. That would just be another burden on your fucking head. Like, oh, my God, how much are they getting? We got through it. Great.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah, so. I know you went from Brisbane, which was the second night, and then you were, I was in Austin at the time. You flew from Brisbane to Perth, and it was a two-hour time difference. Three. I think it's three. I think it was two. But three, you're right.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Yeah, it's the same. Because it's a five-and-a-half-hour flight going that way. It's L.A. to New York. And we're flying Virgin Australia where Virgin Airlines used to be. Like this is back. I remember Branson. Yeah. Richard Branson was the original Elon Musk.
Starting point is 00:07:18 He was doing flights to the fucking moon and he's doing all this crazy stuff and breaking. You know, I'm'm gonna win sale and break a record and also i'm gonna open up an airline and a record label and he was yeah he was the original elon musk hopefully your tesla doesn't look as bad as a fucking virgin oh wow really plane yeah they have a thing that what you where you can bid to bump up to first. So it's the highest bidder? Yeah, yeah. OK, this is.
Starting point is 00:07:50 It's like a blind auction. Alex was our tour manager over there. And he's like, I think if we bid just above the minimum, probably people bid the absolute minimum, $150 or whatever, depending on the flight. We bet 110 bucks over. So we were doing that and winning. But so we're first class, which is only eight seats. And I'm like, do you have a...
Starting point is 00:08:13 That's a commuter plane out here. That's a SkyWest. But this is cross country. Five and a half hours. There's no TVs. And I go, is there a USB port i could charge my phone not nisso bad that was the flight attendant what was her name i have no idea was she smoking through her tracheotomy hole but conversely on a short trip, even, like this, Melbourne to Sydney, which is LAX to Tucson.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, on Virgin, you're still getting a full choice of meal. Sandwich for lunch. For an hour flight. Careful, the plate is hot. It's a Cajun chicken sandwich with stuff. I'm like, I barely have time to eat this yeah but and three drinks they give you a pre-flight drink sparkling wine or water and then a regular cocktail and would you like another before we land so fuck a usb port yeah i'm just saying that the airlines that
Starting point is 00:09:21 what used to they they just had a cool like lighting element to them and now it's virgin it was a like a kind of like the jet blue came out and then they were like kind of the u.s version of i think the jet of the virgin but i mean branson sold that property a long time ago he sold some of them i had to go because when I realized how much like Elon Musk he was with the fucking going to Mars or going to space. I think he was going up into the upper atmosphere. Yeah, he did. He actually did, I think
Starting point is 00:09:54 the passenger flight. I think people actually went to lower outer space or whatever. I looked it up. I don't know. I want to hear about you. You guys. I just went to Delta Sky Club.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And both of the bartenders, the ladies there, Isabel and I can't remember. We met Isabel last time we were there. Yeah. We had just seen her for Super Bowl three weeks ago today. But the other one, I can't remember her name. She's like, where's your partner and i i don't know if she's talking about you or hennigan or a guy i i'm there with a lot of people she goes you know the lady oh blue hair yeah bingo she's not on this one but
Starting point is 00:10:36 she goes oh we love her so all right oh, please hold. Yeah, and I forgot. Oh, that's right. You were just there for the... Yeah, we got out. Academy Awards? What was it called? Something Awards. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:58 The Hollywood Independent... Hollywood Real Independent Film Festival. And we were in town just barely enough time to do that. And it was pouring rain the whole fucking time we were there that day. Well, and you got lucky because if a higher elevation, it would have been a snowstorm in LA. Yeah, it would have been horrible. But it was great.
Starting point is 00:11:20 All right. What do you want to hear about? I want to hear about it. to hear about all right i'll wait on this okay i'm getting my reading glasses to look at this i'm so fucking angry i wasn't there for this i know man i can like if i canceled australia all right yeah it would have been a huge financial hit it would have been a stupid idea but'm never going to win a fucking award for a movie that I starred in again. But I was happy you were there. It was great being there.
Starting point is 00:11:52 It was a little weird because I thought Bingo was going to be out of control drunk, and she wasn't. She really maintained. It was really good because I think she felt there was a little too, because everyone was really ecstatic about the placement and everything that was going on. But at the same time, they wanted you to be there. You could tell. It would have been worse if none of us were there, because it would have just been they won or someone accepted for them and
Starting point is 00:12:19 stuff like that. But this was a big deal for the people. But this was a big deal for the people. There were a lot of movies that won awards where people came up and accepted them. This was a thing. I mean, this independent film is a huge thing. And they're very insular in that they all work really fucking hard, like we saw. And then we, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I saw pictures of crew, like both the Erics were there. God damn it. God, fuck. I'm glad I wasn't there because I probably would have said something really stupid and tried to make it more about me. I really fucked up because I should have just recorded because they said, hey, before we start, we'll let you know Regal Cinemas has a policy. There's no recording of any kind in here because we're basically in a theater. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:07 And everything was down at the base of the screen. And the two hosts would rattle off everything, and you'd just go through it. And they did it relatively fast. We were in there a very long time. But everyone wanted their spot, you know. And I'm like, ah, fuck. I want to follow the rules. I should have just fucking put my camera in my coat or something.
Starting point is 00:13:28 But I didn't do it. Because your fucking acceptance speech got the fucking greatest laughs. But that's recorded. Oh, I don't hear the laughs. You didn't hear the laughs. And then someone told me they had it. And then it turns out they turned it off when they meant to turn it on. And I do have bingoos, except in speech.
Starting point is 00:13:45 And maybe we'll put that in here. But it was pretty funny. Bingo. She was nervous. And she didn't know she was going to have to do it until right before we walked in there. All right. For the listener just catching up, because we did tell you that one best actor and Greg Liena won best director. That was announced. That's been on a podcast yes uh and and it was announced we were also nominated for best picture best full length picture all
Starting point is 00:14:16 right well but that's the one we didn't know yeah and we're up against that fucking everything everywhere all the time that has literally been nominated for over 400 awards and won 276 i looked this up because i was gonna originally do the uh acceptance speech like a stop bullying psa and directed at them hey asian asian american film stop bullying my small picture you already fucking won academy awards golden globes and now you're in my little fucking tiny only fucking hill i can plant a flag in you fucking assholes stop bullying pull out of this picture and i thought we're obviously not gonna win But then we won. Last year, I believe it was best director and best actor were the same, but did not win best picture.
Starting point is 00:15:16 So I'm all, well, this isn't very common. But even if it gets that far, they still don't get best picture. I mean, there's no way to judge it. I'm just trying to kind of soothe what might happen. Evidently, we have access to this which i guess i did know but i didn't want to watch it maybe because we don't have a house still we'll get you about that to watch this movie which movie the one that you just the road dog yeah okay the road dog the Well, no one told us that. I wanted to see it with you.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And then when we were going to this, I'm like, well, second place is going to watch it in a... Chaley and I were like, bingo. She says she wants... Because you had to sit through the whole awards ceremony before the only showing of my movie, which was right after that. It was about an hour and a half. And we're like, bingo, she's going to be drunk.
Starting point is 00:16:09 And you go, oh, you know what? Let's just go back to the hotel and we'll watch it in the fun house. And she'll be fine with that. But she didn't drink. So you had to go watch it. She really represented well. And she was as dynamic as she is in those situations there was a huge line to get in front of this step and repeat so someone would take pictures and everything
Starting point is 00:16:30 and uh she got in there and represented you for for when the cast and the crew all got in there so it was good but i mean she i think she felt the pressure as well that you know we're here representing doug don't don't fuck up so yeah she called me and uh she said oh well i screwed up i just got done with a gig and all right what happened oh i screwed up because i went up and i was only gonna say four words this is my best friend and then but i thought i was gonna go up after you were up, but you haven't been up yet. And so I said this, and then I said this, and they got confused. And she just gives me every, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:15 I can't figure out what she's saying detail. And I have no idea what you mean. And then she goes on another tangent. And I go, that's my flight crew uh uh sorry that's my my flight crew i go uh they're staying at the same hotel i go i'll be over there but uh i got you guys uh i hooked you up at the bar so i went and told mickey and rex at the bar they're coming down hook up my flight crew. Anyway, bingo. And at some point, I go, but what about, so who won best picture?
Starting point is 00:17:52 And she goes, oh, yeah, that was your movie. I'm like, what? You just spent this 15-minute song and dance about how your fucking pants weren't fitting right when you went up there. And I hope I didn't look stupid. And I tried to say a thing, and then I said another thing. Well, they had questions for her. They kind of riffed with her a little bit, and I think that threw her off because she thought she was just going to go up
Starting point is 00:18:13 and say four words and then grab a thing and then leave. Who hosted it? It was two dudes. One older guy that seemed kind of rooted in the film industry and then another guy who knew a lot. They both were very knowledgeable and the older guy was actually producing and producing
Starting point is 00:18:34 his own independent film now. They all had connections and they were funny and engaging and it went rather quick. It wasn't one of those things where it was like, Jesus, there was no one to play him off. Everyone was very respectful and it went rather quick. It wasn't one of those things where it was like, Jesus, there was no one to play him off. Everyone was very respectful and it was good.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Bingo went up and she didn't know she was going to go up and then it's like, well, shouldn't Doug, his video go first? Well, hang on. Brian Hennigan was supposed to be there and I was in very sporadic communication from Australia with hennigan
Starting point is 00:19:05 yeah and he but he did say oh well yeah no i'm driving in and then i i didn't realize oh because fucking la was in a fucking snowstorm snowpocalypse yeah yeah so he so he had to bail out which is good because he would have been stuck and then so we didn't know what was happening but they said bingo you're gonna go up and accept for doug she's like oh do i have to talk it's like so she you know now she's just killing herself she's stewing on how what she's gonna say and then i go now do you want to go for this let me know what you're gonna say she goes i got it four words four words which i don't even know what those my best friend? My best friend is three. That's my best friend.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Okay. She never said it, but she said she was confident. I go, as long as you're confident, that's fine. And then when they were going to do best actor, they made a big thing about, okay, here we're going to do best actor. There were three left, best actor, best director, and then best picture. And then it was over, right? And Bingo was going to go up and say something but we didn't know when and i thought in my head well they'll have doug do the acceptance speech first and then bingo will go that's my best friend and then take it which she thought that out perfectly that would
Starting point is 00:20:17 that's not the way it went they they brought her up and she, that's my best friend. They're like, who? They're like, wait, oh, so it's not your husband? And she's like, yeah, that's my husband. It's like, wait a minute, who are you? He's your friend? It's like, no. And then somehow it came up. She said, well, I'm fucking him, but I mean, I'm not fucking him.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I'm not fucking him. And it was weird because she cussed more in her small acceptance speech than you did in your big one but then after that they rolled it and then and then they then it happened but what was very interesting gave away best director which i'm like well then why wouldn't they just give away best director before the best actor and then best picture well they already announced it on their website. But they still give the award there and everything. I thought they should just mix it.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Then I talked to the guy after. I had notes. And I said, why don't you just switch it? And he goes, we just figured we'd just do them both at the same time at the end because after Doug did his speech, which that guy said that made the presentation, was your acceptance speech. And then they brought both director and best picture up at the same time, and then the whole cast went up there.
Starting point is 00:21:32 People took pictures. Other people were filming, and I didn't do any of that. Yeah, Brisbane, if there's a good takeaway from that fucking ratso-rizzo fucking cough-mania show that I was doing there, just trying to get through any bits without wheezing and dying. Well, you guys did the, when I go,
Starting point is 00:21:56 Hey, you guys want to be part of this? I got to film an acceptance speech. I don't have it, but I'm going to riff it. And they were, thank you. You guys killed at the uh riff
Starting point is 00:22:07 the hollywood real independent film festival h-r-i-f-f riff and there should be pictures up there if there are put them in the um in the i'll put them up on the screen or whatever but um yeah it was then after that you know everyone was just elated that they took the top three, what we consider the top three, I guess. Michael Biehn, because I gave him shit because he turned down that part at the last minute that he put himself up for. Fitz Simmons part. Fitz Simmons crushed. I remember that day in the basement. And he was talking the whole time.
Starting point is 00:22:43 You and David had small, like affirmations or something like, yeah. Oh yeah. That was a good time. And Fitzsimmons just killed it. It was so good. And seeing it,
Starting point is 00:22:55 you know, seeing it being, when I have a deal that we're not going to talk to anyone about the overall of the picture, like details until they've seen it. Because we were taking it back a couple of times. Well, if we – It was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Hang on. We got ads, I guess. You can if you want. Well – Oh, not this time, but yeah. Those are from before you left. They sent those. Yeah, I did a couple podcasts over there where they had one of them had Manscaped.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I'd go, use promo code Stanhope. Steal their promo code. Yeah, when we get a new fucking fun house or a real house, we'll talk about that at the bar. Then, yeah, we'll do a fucking Bisbee showing. Yeah. Oh, that's not on my list. then yeah we'll do a fucking Bisbee showing yeah I still don't know what's going on because I was talking to you Swain and I said I don't like to
Starting point is 00:23:52 not have answers when people ask on Patreon and stuff when they message me about what's going on so I just tell them that you're still submitting to festivals privately oh I know Shawnee and Gretchen so well when it becomes available I think we would love to have a showing at the royale or something out there and they're like yeah and they are submitting to more festivals and i think
Starting point is 00:24:14 winning these these awards will probably help uh entree into uh more festivals michael bean like guys like trying to rub it in his face oh yeah oh and uh that best actor thing yeah also one best picture i was really fucking excited and i know it's he's like well more people should know about it well first of all that's the festival's problem yeah that's not yeah i yeah i would love it if you google doug stanhope best actor and that was the first thing. If you put in a Hollywood Film Festival, other film festivals come up that are not the Hollywood Real Independent Film Festival. And that's there. You know what? Hollywood Real Independent Film Festival, if you go into your junk folder, there's a million things.
Starting point is 00:24:59 They go, hey, we want to make you number one on Google. Maybe you should click on that fucking fish bait. You're listening to the Doug Stanhope Podcast. I'm yacky. You know how Becker would get when he'd come from Anchorage after fucking 18 hours on two? Yeah, I'm like full of a million things. So here's your certificate.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Oh, I just wish I had a wall to put it on. And best actor. Alright, that's faced the right way. Yeah, I checked it. right, that's faced the right way. Yeah, I checked it. Yes, that's just a little bit smaller than my Delta Million Mile. Hennigan sent me a picture.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Anyway, it's classic. I have things that go with it. Yep. Anyway, it's classic. I have things that go with it. Yep. Hannigan sent me a picture of the money guy, Daddy Warbucks, was holding. And he's like eight feet tall and 800 pounds.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And so he's got fingers this big. And it's just a picture of the Best Picture Award. He's holding it. I'm like, that's going to be this big. Oh, it's Cameron's holding it. That's why he's got giant fucking sausage schnitzel fingers. Well, we were very happy to represent you there, and we're stoked that we could actually see it, because it is something different.
Starting point is 00:26:42 When you're in the room and you see what's going on it's much different than getting a phone call about you know yeah what may or may not have happened where are you going i'm just uh refreshing my drink oh yeah it did it sucked to miss it uh but i did i thought um i would have probably showboated a lot and then hated myself in the morning for showboating yeah i would have probably because here's the thing it's not my fucking bring the vodka over here it's not my crowd that's what i said to them before we started filming when i taped the acceptance speech i go you know what i hate that i'm missing it but at the same time that's a bunch of fucking movie people that that's the reason i left la i just haven't i would have treated them like they're my crowd you're my crowd do you mind filming this and they were
Starting point is 00:27:35 nice yeah they were bunches of punches uh yeah did you go to the after party at all no we went to the movie and then after the movie, it was still pouring, pouring buckets. And we were only two blocks away. So I said, I asked Bingo what she wanted to do. And we just went back to the hotel bar, which the hotel was great. And we sat there and had a drink and hung out. It was great. Yeah, she did have fun.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah, we had a good time. Yeah, she was a good time. Yeah, she was laughing pretty hard. I mean, she was happy that she was a part of it. I think she really liked seeing everything, like how it all went down and everything like that. And we were just happy. We just didn't want to go to another thing where we don't know anyone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I don't know if anyone else went, like the producer, director. Maybe. But, I mean, they're all there. They're Hollywood people. Yeah. I don't think Christine. I go, Christine's probably. No, she cut out early because I think she had some flooding at the house
Starting point is 00:28:34 because of what was going on. But it was interesting because, well, we'll talk about that once you see the movie. I don't know that I have. I think we can leave this one fucking short. Yeah, that's fine. Go down, get some happy hour at the hotel transient station. What do you call that? I just read a book about it.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Yeah, I have way too much information and not enough focus. Books I read. Well, you got a month off no not yeah no i was like i have plenty to talk about on the podcast and then i sat down and i go i had too much to talk about on the podcast well you're home for a while we've got plenty to talk about regarding the house and some other stuff too so yeah yeah welcome home hey austral. Thank you very much. Fucking Perth, Canberra. Outstanding. Perth, I've always known.
Starting point is 00:29:29 But this hotel in Canberra, oh, my God. If you have that room 602 at the airport looking over at the top, 601 would be better. And I know that. Wait, this was an airport hotel. Yeah, airport hotel. I don't know if we tweeted the thing it's just it's this kubrick like hotel anyway it's like just looking out because at the end of summer it's like having a very cool weird hotel overlooking wyoming montana at the
Starting point is 00:29:59 end of summer and not a city part like oh that's great yeah that's kind of like when we stayed at the vancouver airport it's kind of out on the outskirts yeah that's it although there was casino there yeah that's it that's not like this at all yeah anyway but uh ollie thank you very much thanks for uh sitting through my whooping cough fucking val Kilmer from Tombstone doing open mic all the way until I was fucking healthy. And I think Melbourne was the only time I actually felt like I wasn't losing my mind. And I still felt like I was losing my mind a bit. So there's still tickets available for the second night in Seattle.
Starting point is 00:30:39 There's a few left until they're gone. Oh, shit, I got to call Betty. Someone out there, remind me to call betty lindstrom she wanted tickets and it's so i don't know i'm not dealing with fucking phone calls text messages from australia at&t my fucking phone i want to give them shit like i couldn't even call anyone and no one could call me for what yeah i had to talk to you all the time whatsapp yeah it's way better but i'm saying you couldn't my phone wouldn't work and people couldn't call me i had to give my tour manager my other phone which i could call my two u.s phones if he had my other
Starting point is 00:31:16 phone and then that stopped working and then but he couldn't whatsapp me at first till all of a sudden when our phones didn't work, he could WhatsApp. And it's just, fuck AT&T. Fuck a lot of people, but not tonight. I'm in a good mood. I just traveled 30-something hours home. Canada dates are all up. All the dates are solid now.
Starting point is 00:31:40 The packing thrift store shit worked beautifully. This. We were ending. I knew there was more. Yeah, I know. I'm just saying. The packing thrift store shit worked beautifully. This. We were ending. I knew there was more. Yeah, I know. I'm just saying. That's the backpack.
Starting point is 00:31:58 After three weeks on the motherfucking road, I packed all thrift store shit, dollar stuff, most of it. Just throwaways, right? Yeah, throwaways. And Ross dressed for less clearance socks. Oh, 10 pairs for $3. And fucking underpants. I even ditched some stage mans over there. The polyester ones.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I like the cotton ones. The polyester ones make your balls feel a lot sweatier than they should. So I dumped a couple of pairs of those. I think those are more for more active wear. You're not active. No, I'm not. But is activity, like, does that aggregate, like, over a course of time? Like, okay, I didn't run a bunch of stairs, but if I wore the same pair for a week, does the activity build up?
Starting point is 00:32:40 Well, yeah, it feels like it on your balls. So, yeah, I brought a thrift store bag a five dollar roller bag with a bunch of fucking dollar clothes and then slowly threw it away till the end and then came back came home with just a backpack right off the plane i'll give you some queer looks when you're going through uh through customs coming back oh I see this show all the time. All right. Let's get the fuck out of here. Okay, Canada.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Canada, Canada. We've got stuff going. We've got all the dates up now. All the cool places. All the dates are up there. Do you mean London? No, no. Not London. That's not.
Starting point is 00:33:18 What about Ottawa? No. I love your team, your hockey team. But no. No. Montreal, Toronto. is that really cool? No, that's the fucking money gig. But I love the Danforth.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And then Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver. Yeah, I know where I'm going in fucking Canada. Yep. Yeah, and I hope you can make it summer there. And that way you can compete with Australia. I want it to be summer and desert. and that way you can compete with Australia. I want it to be summer and desert. That way you could probably compete with. We had big discussions about, okay, Canada, Australia, equally cool,
Starting point is 00:33:54 but which city is which? Sydney is Melbourne. I mean, Melbourne is Toronto. All right. Sydney's kind of cooler than Melbourne because Melbourne thinks it's cool. What would Sydney be? Perth is Vancouver. As far as cool goes, this is a dumb conversation.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Email me. Put it out as a Twitter poll. I got to take a shit and go down and talk to the fucking flight crew. All right. Fucking eight more gigs, and then there's going to be big changes in this motherfucker. Eight? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Well, nine. I don't know. Fucking, I'm doing Washington. All right. I'm doing Seattle and Canada. And look at my schedule after that. Not a, not a fucking thing. Stay tuned.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Okay, bye-bye now. សូវាប់ពីបានប់ពីបានប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពីប់ពី Thank you.

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