The Doug Stanhope Podcast - Episode #62: The Tard-Cast with Doug and Bingo!

Episode Date: March 25, 2015

It's a Post #TinCanRehab "Where Are They Now" podcast with Doug and Bingo!Support the podcast with a donation or purchasing some Stanhope merch. Recorded Mar 22, 2015 at the Fun House in Bisbee, AZ ...with Doug Stanhope (@dougstanhope) and Bingo! (@bingobingaman). Edited by Ggreg Chaille (@gregchaille).Links-IWFL (Independent Women's Football League) - - Intro music "The Only One Drinking Tonight" by Mishka Shubaly. Closing song “Gimme Dat Ding” by The Pipkins. Both available on iTunes.Support the show:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Doug Stanhope Podcast. Pass me the lampshade, I'm drunk again Blew my drug money on a quart of gin Well, I am a cultured man with tastes discriminating But I'll settle for a tall glass of anything well am I the only one drinking tonight
Starting point is 00:00:53 the only one drinking tonight the only one drinking tonight The only one drinking tonight Am I the only one drinking tonight The only one who's drinking tonight
Starting point is 00:01:26 It's the Doug and Bingo Tardcast! And I'm Bingo Bingaman. Hi, I'm Bingo Bingaman. It's only the Tardcast when I'm here. It's the Tardcast. We can do a Tardcast. This is basically a where are they now of the tin can rehab. Whatever happened
Starting point is 00:01:50 to that? Well, I'm glad to say that I am fully rehabilitated. I am a fucking walking miracle. And it's all through my faith that spending 30 days staying in a goddamn fucking tin can would pay off.
Starting point is 00:02:08 And it did. My love life is better than ever. I'm getting the fuck out of this town. Yeah. Bingo and I are flying up. We're taking two weeks getting the fuck out of town. We're going to go up to the northwest. We're going to see Andy Andrist, probably Christine Levine,
Starting point is 00:02:30 and definitely that fucking Marilyn Manson character. And then we're going to go to LAX. LA? LAX? Yeah, we're not just going to LAX. We're going to LA for a few days, and we'll fuck around down there. And then we're going to Mexico, which is, hopefully it's good. Because I don't, Shawnee and Gretchen, our friends here in Bisbee,
Starting point is 00:02:52 they go to Mexico all the time to different places. And every time they say, oh, you should go, you should definitely go to Mexico. And I go, no fucking way. There's absolutely, there's two parts of mexico there's the places that i've been which suck shit where to viarda the whole fucking that joe francis cunt when i had to film that uh the whatever the fucking halftime thing girls gone wild from girls gone wild island no it's not a fucking island it's a a chunk of shit property that's on the south of Puerto Vallarta. And yeah, it's an expansive estate.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Sure. Yeah. Nice chunk of shit. Fucking as soon as you walk out the door, you need fucking bodyguards. So yeah, it's that. I know that. And Cancun, which is all fucking garbage. It's resort, resort, shit, resort, garbage.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And then there's the other part of Mexico, which is where bodies are. Those are the only two that I recognize. Now, they say there's a third part where people don't get murdered and are not giant, filthy fucking resorts like puerto vallarta cancun so we're going to say it's some island i won't even try to pronounce uh it's uh it's got a j in it that sounds like a y and uh whatever it's a little island uh so we're going there and then i gotta start start getting some shit together. Well, first of all, your birthday's coming up.
Starting point is 00:04:27 That's why we're going to Manson. Woo-hoo! I don't have birthdays anymore, honey. But it's... Well, we spent my birthday with Manson, so... Yeah. Yeah, it just happens to be my birthday, and it was a good excuse. But, yeah, when you're in entertainment, if you have a birthday,
Starting point is 00:04:47 you're fucking embarrassing to me. If you have a birthday party when your entire life revolves around people paying attention to you anyway and celebrating you, yeah, don't have a birthday party. It sounds desperate. Unless it's a round number. round numbers you can get away with you know 40 50 60 i doubt i'll see so i'll probably do 50 if i see that i'll do 50 just out of yeah that's it last birthday party everyone i was trying to figure out how to do that, to have living funerals.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Because we've always talked about and we're working on doing comedy hospice. But to do, this is your funeral. What do you call them? A wake. Like, all right, you know, when I die, man, I don't want a fucking bunch of people crying. Well, they're going to. I want you to go out and just fucking party, man, I don't want a fucking bunch of people crying. Well, they're going to. I want you to go out and just fucking party, man. Just go out and get shit-faced because I'm dead.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Okay, well, do that when you're alive. And then when you do die, don't do anything. Don't even care. Hey, when I die, don't care because we did that thing. Go to the fucking desert. What was that guy, Parsons, Alan Parsons? Was it him that they made the movie about or he wanted to be buried at Joshua Tree or something?
Starting point is 00:06:12 I don't know. Well, you know what? Who gives a fuck? I'm not even supposed to. I don't have to do a podcast. Chaley's not here. Chaley's out doing his haunted house shit and he's too busy to even,
Starting point is 00:06:23 he's still fucking editing that pre prehab party podcast, which granted it would take a lot of. Edited to get that decent because we were really fucked up. So he's he's busy for another week. So I'm I'm doing this as a favor to Chaley and I'm going to go. Hey, Chaley, it's Christmas morning, love. Check your Dropbox. There's a little podcast in there. It's only a 30-minute. It's a TARDcast with Bingo Bingaman.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Hi, I'm Amy Bingo Bingaman, and I fall on my face and have seizures from eating too much pie. I'm just here running the board. You're running the board. You don't even have to talk. You're so meek on the mic. I thought you'd get all spicy if I started doing my... See if that pause button works. I want to see if that pause button works. I want to see that pause button work.
Starting point is 00:07:26 No, right. The one over right beside the one that hit that. I think that worked. Okay. All right. Levels going. Levels are on. Levels are going.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Okay. I think that Brian thinks that's how we fucked up last time. But it's always good to just assume that there's going to be no editing. Chaley can't edit and just keep talking, but that pause button should work because I'm going to need another cocktail. Yeah. I fuck. What are we?
Starting point is 00:07:56 Yeah, we get two weeks of fun and then I get a whole list of shit that I want to get done. I mean, I have one project that I'll be wrapped up for April and May, hopefully down here. You can't talk about this yet, can you? No, no, but it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:08:14 No one cares. But I won't be touring until Canada. Hopefully fucking Brian Hennigan is booking some weird shit because, yeah, of course, I'm going gonna go to the places i always go but i want to do a couple of weird ones and then i have no idea what uh europe uk is looking like that will be later in the year but we we had some weird offers uh and hopefully they pan out hopefully brian's not in too much weird no no like fucking slov No, no, like fucking Slovakian kind of Bulgaria. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Like a weird place. Fun. Yeah, I wouldn't want to do a whole tour of that shit. But yeah, dropping in. I like it. I like it too. And I don't know if we're going to do any US shit this year. Woo, that'd be great.
Starting point is 00:08:59 A whole year of no US. Not shitting on you, USA. But I get a fucking... This is such a problem now. I don't know how to deal with it, but hopefully as my head comes together, we have some ideas. But I have a fucking special that... I have a half a special that I had to cut out of the last special
Starting point is 00:09:20 that's rotting. And then I get this i i have an hour and 20 i've been doing that started out in canada that's what we're doing in canada we started that tour halfway through that tour this was all brand new shit and so most of the stuff i was doing on that canadian tour is not even i could do two fucking specials right now you could absolutely do two you've got and I there's some shit you're like I want to get this
Starting point is 00:09:52 out there fucking now because I see stuff and then you see just there was an article in whatever the Huffington Post and it kind of hinted at that whole bit and I love doing the bit before I have so many bits that after the fact like uh oh hookers you know get in a bad economy yeah if my whole the whole shit pussy thing like that
Starting point is 00:10:16 that became a huge news story where hookers were feeling the brunt and i had already had the bit out and i love that because there's nothing worse than having the fucking bit sitting there. This is my bit! And it's not recorded. It's irrelevant right now. Yeah, it's in that ethereal, is that the right word? I don't know. It said that nebulous place where you go,
Starting point is 00:10:38 all right, I've been doing this bit for a year, but it's not recorded, so I can't lay claim to it it's taking claim to i thought of that first no you didn't you're just the one first person to put a fist fuck joke in the middle of it and then sell it uh so yeah there's there's some bits i fucking want out there so uh so yeah we have some different ideas but nothing concrete i wish i if i i don't i don't know where do you want to film your next special here's the thing there was this is a specific guy and this is years ago but you remember when we played uh the funny bone in uh virginia it was the first time we played there. And some random guy said,
Starting point is 00:11:25 hey, can I come down and film? I'm trying to get a film. Was Wilkerson there? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But that was like really good looking tape. And that guy didn't interfere at all. He didn't have cranes and dumb shit
Starting point is 00:11:39 and fucking tracks. And it was really good looking footage. I don't know where it is. I'm sure it's on YouTube. If I dared look at myself for a second, I'm getting to an age where I can look at myself on the internet if it's old just because I go, oh, I'm irritating, but wow, my bald spot's not nearly so prolific.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Oh, look, my teeth fucking, my front teeth touched back then oh god so uh so yeah i wish i knew more about because i we would junior and christine and i never fucking i never jumped on that i've been trying to get junior and christine levine on tape because they both have a fucking solid, solid fucking hour to put out. Levine, especially. And then I asked one time, hey, if you guys were going to try to set something up in Austin for them to film specials. And then I just dropped the ball. But I asked, like, all right. I don't know how to ask.
Starting point is 00:12:46 All right, hey, who can do this on the cheap? And then a million people email you, and you go, all right, well, I should have asked or been more specific because people go, hey, I know my brother-in-law, Dave, he can do some shit. You know, it might not be so professional looking well I kind of want I want I want what the guy at the funny bone could do and well you could send me uh can you send me some some tape or shit you've done I don't know so we'll figure it out maybe we just do audio I don't know do. Do you listen to just fucking CDs anymore?
Starting point is 00:13:26 Does it have to be a DVD? I'd think you just want to hear my voice and not see my fucking head. My head and my voice together has to be a double whammy of negative. One or the other, but both? I have to listen to you. Can you just write this up? I'm going to put out my special in text format. Yeah, that I want to do.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I got to get those fucking... I have two things that I have to get out. I'm going to try to do them in different formats. We have some ideas on that. What else? We've talked about touring with other guys.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Maybe we do that after Europe. I don't know. I feel like a little kid that just graduated from high school out of a trailer, a vintage trailer, and I hatched. And now, you know what? I can go, hey, I'm going to enjoy this cocktail.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I'm not going to pound it down just so I can talk to people. I'm just going to not talk to people. Maybe that'll be the new me, the recluse years, the Howard Hughes years. I do think about that, Bingy. Yeah? Yeah. I think about just fucking locking the gate and putting my security cameras up. I'm thinking about putting security cameras up anyway,
Starting point is 00:14:56 just because I'd be curious to watch shit. I'm such a fucking Gladys Kravitz. Just a car goes down the street. I'm looking out the window anyway. So just to watch. But while we're gone, that could be fun. It could be fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I'm going to fucking get on Amazon. I've been pretty good about my fucking credit card bills. I came in. I'm pretty good about the hoarding. The caviar, I was a little excessive. What else have you been excessive with? It's still like six-something bucks a jar. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:27 But I've been eating a lot. My poop has never been brown. It makes you so happy. That caviar makes you so fucking happy. My poop is the color of your hair. It's like if your hair were... It's a different blue, but... Well, when it leaks, it turns into green.
Starting point is 00:15:41 But it looks like blue poop leaking green. I don't... I can't explain it. What did you say in the house right before we got out here about your poop? Oh, I don't know. Your butt. Oh, I was wiping my butt hole. And yeah, I was at a.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Oh, I said I always I do director's commentary on my poop really loud so wherever you are in the house you have to hear me and i title my poops and uh and uh yeah at some point i was i was I was just wiping my butthole in my my my asshole was yawning and then it just developed a lockjaw in the middle of a gaping yawn every now and then it feels like
Starting point is 00:16:38 your butthole didn't shut am I wiping the inside of my colon I don't know shut up butthole shut it down i'm gonna shut this butthole down we're missing some fucking bar rescue we're not missing it we have uh the dvr yeah oh wait is it happening tonight yeah we got we have to rush i had to get through my taxes i finally got them to a place. I just have to do some fact-checking. I never, every fucking year,
Starting point is 00:17:09 I fucking hate you so much for making me do this shit. Why am I a fucking comic? I have to know math and shit? Fuck you! It's bullshit! Or you can pay a guy to do what? I don't know what he's doing. I'm going to trust him to do shit?
Starting point is 00:17:25 I'll fucking figure it out. And every year I start from scratch and I go, all right, and I'll just, and you go, how did I do this last year? And it's fucking days of torture. And I think I'm almost done. Ah, fuck. No, we got to go through the States now. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:17:40 And this is just preparing the shit to give to my fucking high dollar accountant so he can take it from there. So I know there's an easy way to do this, but I can't learn. There's things that I just have a mental block and I just cannot fucking learn them. And most of it's technology, even though I can get math. No, never quit fucking school because of it. It fucking frustrates me to a point, just basic concepts of math, just little ones, not all of it. Little ones can, I don't get it. All of a sudden, it's literally a different language.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It's a sixth sense that I don't have. I'm a fucking blind person, And I try to make it work over and over again. When I get to a breaking point, then I go, alright, this is what I have, and this is what I don't understand. And fucking Australia via brown paper
Starting point is 00:18:37 tickets through fucking... They had to go through crazy shit. What was the exchange rate? I don't fucking. I saw footage of that fucking plane hitting. I was on Vice, the Vice show, If you guys don't follow and I don't read enough shit on there,
Starting point is 00:19:01 I'm too busy with my newser reading two paragraphs of stupidity just to entertain me i'm afraid to all right i'm getting fucking off topic i do this way too much i start eight sentences and finish none vice is such a good show uh and they had something uh they just started a new season they're like three in and they had something. They just started a new season. They're like three in, and they had something about domestic terrorism, right-wing paramilitary groups. Hey, there's that shot of fucking Patron.
Starting point is 00:19:36 There we go. I just get some hate and a smile on my face. I just started yelling. I'm like, oh, now I'm smiling. So I'm going, fuck you. That plane that crashed in the irs building they're blaming that on right wing fucking hate right wing who doesn't fucking hate the irs come on that's no wing i don't know i don't know what his diatribe was all about what where are there no left wing left wing people ever do anything violent in the name of left wingery
Starting point is 00:20:07 if they don't they should and if and if you're just non-partisan and you want to just go out and take people with you just draw up some poorly ghost written manifesto maybe that's what i can do i can ghost write left wing death manifestos and then you just sign your name to it like i just wrote your college paper you go all right i'm gonna i was gonna kill people anyway but hey oh you have a good left wing there's too many people that are going to bed hungry and that's why everyone at the mall had to die. So, yeah, even that out. Fucking. I see you did.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Now I don't have any goddamn idea where I was. You were talking about taxes. Oh, yeah. Taxes. Thank you. Thank you very much. What do you do when I'm doing taxes? Come on.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's the Dingo Dingaman Tardcast. What do you do when I'm doing taxes? Come on. It's the Dingo Dingaman Tardcast. What do you do? Well, oh, we're catching up on our stories. I think that's what it is. We're catching up on that. It's The Vice on HBO.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Very good show. It's in the news. I couldn't believe how that shit went down. I get out of the trailer. The fucking The Jinx on hbo oh yeah i watched the first two before i started that 30 days in the whole shit yeah i'm up with you now and then before i could even catch up when i get out it's in the news that just ended and now he's arrested and oh it's fucking good honey you have no idea yeah but we're on we're on chapter three and we're gonna go do that
Starting point is 00:21:45 after this podcast right oh my god what did you say retarded in the uh in the safe way where i go that's not the most retarded thing you've ever said and you go wait you're not being sarcastic that wasn't the most retarded thing i've ever said i can't remember come on what was it where the fucking line you were looking at the magazines something shit even if i could remember i'm not going to tell you on this podcast for christ sakes we've been very abusive today to each other yes we have so fucking fun yes we have it's one of those things i started early and i believe i said uh on the last podcast or one of the last few podcasts i was bitching about whoever might buy that house because it's right by our kitchen yeah where
Starting point is 00:22:31 we have the most yeah yeah conversations and we're like and people heard us talking out of context just walking by the way we're talking to each other today i think they were totally serious shut the fuck up then you dumb dick it's the dumbest thing you've ever done you dumb dick fuck you shut up come on help me honey why don't fucking ask me why you fucking get out here you're a woman that's why fuck you you dumb dick like it just sounds honestly we did that in the car we've been doing this all day but we did it in the car when those two homeless people were sitting there no go go no oh the two homeless people yeah and i and i called you a fucking retard really loud and screaming at you just for fun. And then we get out. Just on the other side of a parked car is two fucking homeless will work for food people in their pit bull. Hi, how are you?
Starting point is 00:23:37 You fucking retard. Hey, how are you? Hi, how are you there? No, I don't have any change. Just have credit cards. They still make cash. That's how fucking rich I am. You fuck.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Fuck you in your pit bull. You fucking gat queen. Blow it. Blow out another kid in a kidney with your fucking meth pipe and your port wine. That's a little riff from a mushroom trip 15, 20 years ago. Oh, nice. Yes, that was me and Becker. Nice.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I got hooker money and my life is still a shambles. I've seen that. You'd have to know. You had to have been there to decipher the blow out another kid in a kidney with your meth pipe and your port wine. But that's on word of mouth, right? Yeah. That's the end of it.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I watched that one night while you were on tour and I was here. The fucking last night. Bingo is going into Old Bisbee for Saturday night. They had the big Americana music festival. And then a lot of the bands were spilling over into Old Bisbee. They were going to hit some of the local gin joints downtown and play. So I dropped her off. And I was going to go to.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I did go. Anyway, I'm going to drop her off. It's like 8 o'clock at night. It's fucking pitch dark. Oh, I know what you're doing. Yeah. And we're driving down this side street by the tennis courts and all of a sudden this fucking kid like i always 10 the only kid i can ever mention that's horror movie like is the kid
Starting point is 00:25:17 from the ring coming out of the well yeah it's fucking likeyear-old girl in the middle of this street, dark street. Barefoot. Hit the brakes, and she's walking directly into my headlights. Yeah, without shoes. My headlights hit her. I think she will move. She does not move. This is a dark residential street.
Starting point is 00:25:37 This is Beaver Cleaver Street, pitch dark, and there's a kid walking towards my headlights, like a fucking deer in headlights walking towards them stunned fucking look doesn't move other than walking towards you yeah i stopped the car and she comes right up within you know six feet of the front of the car just to think about it it's so creepy yeah dead eyes didn't anything. 10 to 12 years old. Best I can give you. And within six feet of the car, she finally turns towards the driver's side, but still looking straight ahead.
Starting point is 00:26:14 And I roll my window down. I'm like, the kid's fucked up. The kid's shoeless. The middle of the night on Saturday night. No other people around on a dark street. And I go, are you okay? Do you need help? And then she just kept wandering walking dead style past and then i just then i was a fucking asshole i like well get the fuck
Starting point is 00:26:32 out of the road you fucking idiot and she did a little turn back in the rear view as i started to drive away but not with any and i should we fucking call the cops and nah i don't care that much and we did turn around but we got to the traffic circle and that's when we saw a cop car with its lights going siren blasting racing towards where we just came from and then we're like fuck it let's turn around and see if it's that weird fucking kid. Because that kid was disturbing all night long. Yeah. It's disturbing now. It is.
Starting point is 00:27:08 That was. But there was one other weird thing. There was that and then the cop. And then there was a third thing. They're going, is this whole night fucking? There's no full moon. Yeah. It's the third thing.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Anyway, so I have no idea. All you can hope for is the Bisbee police beat. Yes. Picks it up. Little Chad Shank. Chad Shank. I know busting his balls worked last time to get him on, but while we're away, I'm not going to be doing any podcasting
Starting point is 00:27:39 because I'm not bringing a bunch of shit. Going to fucking Mexico. I'm going to carry my passport in my ass like Christopher Walken in Pulp of shit. Going to fucking Mexico. I'm going to carry my passport in my ass like Christopher Walken in Pulp Fiction. So, yeah, if Chaley will be back the 29th, I think, and if you could get fucking HD Fatty to, I think Chad Shank is the only person that people would go,
Starting point is 00:28:05 yeah, yeah, no, as a guest host, yes, definitely. In fact, they'd probably prefer Chad Shank over me on a podcast. So if Chad Shank would fucking do a Doug Stanhope podcast while we're away, then I will promise to release some un-arable clips from the un-arable Marilyn Manson podcast that we did last year. Or I don't know. Was it last year?
Starting point is 00:28:31 Was it this year? It was sometime. It was when we went to his house, not his apartment. No, fuck. I think that was, yeah, it was probably a year. Who gives a shit? They don't know. It could have been right now.
Starting point is 00:28:44 This is happening live. Cut to and cut back. We can't cut, but we will eventually. Shut your fucking mouth, this fucking cat. You're my least favorite. I did not fucking top five today, and you were fucking number five. Out of five. You suck shit.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Even Henry Phillips, who just kind of abandoned me. What do you mean five? He stinks. I was the four pets and you. Remember this morning? Oh, yeah. Sorry. I'm just announcing randomly.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Right. If anyone could see how I act around you. Nobody would believe it. No. Nobody would believe it no i'm just fucking stupid baby talk disco dancing rapping in the morning yeah all sorts of shit i might my sense of humor is more tim and eric than anything i'm like on stage when it's just you and you and me hanging around the house. Goof city. We both got fucking upgraded on the second leg tomorrow. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:51 So I'm dressing like a wicked asshole. I get a burner suit. Hey, if you see me up in Portland, say, hey, leave me that green suit. You get a green suit. All right. That's stupid. We're going to close on a song. What are we at?
Starting point is 00:30:07 What's the time? 28. Yeah. Fuck him. 30 minutes. Yes. It's the, uh,
Starting point is 00:30:12 where are they now? Podcast bingo's faces healed up magnificently. Yeah. I'm lucky. I was so looking forward to the horror. After the stitches came out. Fucking cat just tried to jump up onto a four-foot laminated wood table and failed miserably right in the middle of that sentence.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Yeah, you healed up. You pulled out your stitches. Yeah, my friend pulled them out. And, yeah, you look great. You just had enough of a kind of an ex-shiner that you are wearing it. Last night she was wearing a knit, just a longshoreman's knit winter hat. And you had enough of a shiner that it just made you look like a badass fucking lesbian boxer chick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:00 It's too late now. You're too fucking old. But I always try to get you back in your youth to play either women's tackle football. Is women's tackle football still going on? Andy Andrus, you fucking used to keep up on the Sacramento Sirens. Yeah. We had the Tucson monsoon here. I tried to get you to try out for him, but you never did.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Well, we were on tour. Well, I'd have flown you back. for him, but you never did. Well, we were on tour. Well, I'd have flown you back. Women's tackle football, I think trying out was basically you got the job. It was like fraud telemarketing.
Starting point is 00:31:33 You have to really have no legs to not make the team. Yeah. So, yeah, it's too late now. You're old. I mean, you'd still make the team, but... And you have health care, so why not?
Starting point is 00:31:49 Why not go for it? See if the Tucson Monsoon... Hey, maybe they can be our... They're our sponsor. If Tucson still has an IWFL team, then they're the fucking sponsor of this podcast. If you have never seen live women's tackle football it's the fucking greatest except no one else thinks it's the greatest so you're
Starting point is 00:32:12 sitting there all alone it's one of those times where i go i wish people were more in the weird shit i'm into because this is only fun if there's people into it. So what are you going to do? That's our sponsor, our word of the day. Quickly, give me my glasses. Do you need your spectacles? Yeah, I need them right there in front of you. Word of the day. Oh, wait, no, we had one.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Didn't we have a word? Shit. I can't remember, babe. Augur. That stinks. Port portend prognosticate i use that all the time honey i'll just use that prognosticate to predict to foretell the future i use prognosticate all the time so now you know what it means or or vaticinate, vaticinate. Even better. It's to prophecy.
Starting point is 00:33:07 It's the same thing, but I don't know that version. So if I had to use, I can't use prognosticate twice in the same update, so I'll use vaticinate and sound like a real cunt. There you go. There's your big smart word. We're going to close on a song since we have a format. This is a surprise for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:30 You didn't tell me what it's going to be. When I thought of this the other day, I go, why did that not make the top 30 from the fucking 30 days in the hole? Is it one of our songs? Yeah. Okay. I just don't remember who did it, motherfucker. Look up who did it.
Starting point is 00:33:47 It's Gimme Dat Ding. Yeah. Hit it. Say, gimme, gimme that thing. Gimme that, gimme that, gimme, gimme, gimme that. Gimme that thing, gimme that, gimme, gimme that. Gimme that thing, gimme that, gimme, gimme that. Gimme, gimme, gimme that. Now sing it one more time, mama. Gimme that, gimme, gimme, gimme that. Gimme that thing, gimme that, gimme, gimme that.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Gimme that thing, gimme that, gimme, gimme that. Mama, what are you doing? I don't want to let you know my soul without you. You're right, you're right. I don't use my soul. What are you waiting for? You're right, you're right. I don't care. Well, you don't listen to me. I'll give it up. I'll give it up. I'll give it up.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I'll give it up. I got you. Give it up. Give it up. Give Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that
Starting point is 00:34:53 Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that
Starting point is 00:34:55 Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that
Starting point is 00:34:58 Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that
Starting point is 00:34:58 Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that
Starting point is 00:34:59 Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that
Starting point is 00:35:01 Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Give me that Thank you. Give me that thing, give me that thing, give me, give me, give me, give me that thing. I don't do the matrimony without a thought.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Well, you try and you do your best. I'll give it anybody, never tell him. Oh, you ain't the one that I told. I'll tell the rhythm written on the bar. Well, you see. I gave you the hope to know just where you are. Oh, you give me that. You want to make an old man happy. Yeah, well, give me somebody. Hit stop or pause. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:08 No, no, no.

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