The Joe Budden Podcast - #AfterThoughts w/ Eric Bellinger: "This Gon' Be Your Favorite Song"

Episode Date: April 14, 2018

#AfterThoughts w/ Eric Bellinger: "This Gon' Be Your Favorite Song" by Joe Budden, Rory, & Mal...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mic check 1-2-1-2, mic check 1-2-1-2, never understood why they didn't go to 3 on a mic check, but that's beside the point. Alright, check this out. Joe Budden, oh, we're not even doing a podcast. We're doing Afterthoughts. This is Afterthoughts. Hi, YouTube people. This is when we just talk without caring. We do that on a podcast too. This is when we just talk without caring. We do that on the podcast too. But we missed you guys last week in Afterthoughts and didn't want to leave you high and dry this week. High and dry is another one of those phrases that I shouldn't say. I have a very special guest in the building today.
Starting point is 00:00:42 My gunshot. I have a very special guest in the building today give me my gunshots you may have heard this young man on a song called nude i like that song people probably didn't hear that song because that was one of your earlier songs. That's the song that introduced me to you. Nice. Nude. I always wondered that about just people in general.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Like, I wonder which one. Nude is the record. Eric Bellinger is in the building with us. Yeah, yeah. This is a real spontaneous pop-up. Eric Bellinger, do you know that we don't take guests on our podcast? I haven't seen it. You don't know that because you're on a promo run promoting your new album
Starting point is 00:01:32 that is in stores now. Easy call. That's right. In stores now. You know what I miss? Remember the days where artists would shout out the label? That doesn't happen anymore. You don't give a? Remember the days where artists would shout out the label? That doesn't happen anymore. You don't give a fuck what the label is.
Starting point is 00:01:48 The artists don't give a fuck about the label. What label is this? I know already, but I have to ask. Yeah, this is Empire. Hey, hit my gunshot in this bitch. We like Empire. We like Empire. So that means you're making a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Yeah. That is what that means. Somehow I'm lot of money yeah that is that is what that means somehow I'm still making money from the Rage album that I put out on Empire like that's amazing
Starting point is 00:02:15 that all of these years later Empire is doing what everyone said E1 was doing back back when they were never doing it
Starting point is 00:02:22 remember when everyone said E1 would give you 90 for your album so about kotch first yeah kotch kotch same company yeah kotch well yeah but um but i hear you had to shoot people up there to actually get your money um and i would like to talk i'll talk about e1 later but But Empire just kind of pays you. Yeah. So I know why you are perpetuating R&B. Why is that?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Well, Empire got to do it. Because Empire pays. Empire pays. It doesn't behoove us To beef on a major When you're really gonna see The residuals From that one But beefing on Empire
Starting point is 00:03:11 Now I'd like to think I started that blueprint A little bit I had a single With Fab and Tory And I had a beef with Drake And I was on Empire I thought that that would work
Starting point is 00:03:23 It didn't work for me How is this working for you? You dissing a nigga that wasn't as big as Drake though. Yeah, see I look at it like I look at it like I'm on the musical defense side
Starting point is 00:03:39 of things. I feel like mine is the response. Mine is the you feel me No, don't give me any answer that I heard on Rap Radar. Mine is the response. Mine is the... You feel me? I don't know. I might have went a little harder, but... Alright, you're doing that LA promo run shit, so let me get the tough New York questions.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Eric Bellinger. What do you have to say to the people that say you are perpetuating beef to sell records? Oh, man. I would say you're right. I mean, this is the thing. This is the thing. This is the thing.
Starting point is 00:04:15 For so long, I was like, I'm not going to say nothing. You know what I mean? I was letting a lot of things slide. And then it got to the point where it was like, yo, they really want to hear something from me right now. And if they're going to listen, I got the attention and my album happens to be coming out in a week.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm going to throw it in there. No, you shot a video. It's not happens. It's not if it happens to be there. I'm saying the album was already coming out. Got it. So you said, fuck it, I got to get this nigga some smoke. Yeah. Alright. Now, did you consult with your team first? So you said, fuck it, I got to get this nigga some smoke. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Now, did you consult with your team first? Because I know that could be a big thing. Yeah. No, I didn't. I mean, when the joint first came out, I literally went to the studio. Like, his album came out Friday. That joint was done Sunday. Sent it to the team.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And they was just like, nobody really cares. You know what I mean? Like, nobody really even knows that he went at you. Like, his album, you know, the song on the album, it's not a big enough story for you to just go at him. So we kind of just had the joint. It tucked away. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:05:23 After I seen a couple of interviews that he did, I was just like, You ain't like them interviews you seen? Yeah. How'd you feel in a way? A little way. You had enough? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:31 It was time to defend yourself. Pretty much. It was time to come on and really show him who's the R&B boss here. It's easy. Memories don't die, but I can't say the same for you. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, he killed him. He can't say the same for Tory. Out the gate. Tory died. You think Tory's dead? Or was that just like one of those metaphor things?
Starting point is 00:06:04 I don't know I ain't heard nothing from him Since Boy got a whole album out He said I ain't heard nothing I ain't heard nothing from him Since You didn't hear the album?
Starting point is 00:06:16 I heard the album But I'm saying Since I dropped the vibe It's been quiet Okay It's just been a little quiet I hear that You think i'll reply i don't think he should i think we should just leave it be i feel like he said his piece i said
Starting point is 00:06:35 my piece wait i didn't hear his piece yeah you gotta listen to his album i heard i heard it that's why you ain't here peace yeah i'm, I'm with him. Because you ain't hear the album. That's what I'm saying. I heard his album. Because a lot of people are feeling like I'm just coming out the blue, but it's like, yo, he gave me like 45 seconds on the album, not a mixtape, not a track. Well, which part on the album do you feel like was about you? I heard the album.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah. It's on a beat, the same beat that I'm on. Well, what did he say? Oh, man, let's pull it up. It's too many. Let's throw out one line. But why? I'm trying to figure out.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I'm only paying this for the people that are unaware, number one. And number two, I want to know why you were so certain that he was talking about you. Because he's been beefing with a lot of R&B niggas. Yeah, so I, cool. He said the whip. He said the I-8. He said the blonde hair. He said, this is going to be your favorite song. All of y'all have blonde right, cool. He said the whip. He said the I-8. He said the blonde hair. He said, this going to be your favorite song.
Starting point is 00:07:26 All of y'all have blonde hair, Eric. Except for when I say it, it's really the people's favorite song. That's not a direct shot. You can give him a gunshot. All right. Wait, repeat that last part of what he said. This going to be your favorite song. This going to be your favorite song.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Except for when I say it, it's really the people your favorite song This gonna be your favorite song Except for when I say it It's really the people's favorite song Which to me Is J Now we're getting to that This is my label This is my You feel me
Starting point is 00:07:55 This is my company This is my whole vibe I don't know that he was talking to Eric Bellinger When he takes his tagline And says when I say it It will be the truth. Who else is he talking to? I'm about to say, that's kind of a direct shot.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Other niggas say this is your favorite song. See, you didn't even hear it. That's why it's like a complete, you got to hear both in order to give it even a fair vibe. But this was my question. The thing is, people is only hearing mine. So it's like I'm coming out of nowhere. I know you know the minute marker. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah, start at three minutes. Go ahead. 301. I didn't think you would know the minute marker. It's wild. Yeah, it started three minutes. Go ahead. 301. I didn't think he would know the minute marker. 301. Damn, 301. Yeah, man. Yeah, he definitely hit the group chat with that one.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Easy call. They was hitting me. I couldn't even. I'm chilling somewhere, vibing out. They're like, yo, yo. It was, I'm like, okay. I got to go shout out to streaming and Mark's Wi-Fi. You should connect to the Wi-Fi.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I got to see what this is about. Tori. All right. Going to wait for Rory's computer to pull it up. With that said. All right, way to go, Rory. Yep. Give a fuck about who get pissed about my samples and skits Niggas mad, I'm remixing they shit Fuck outta here, niggas, stop being a bitch
Starting point is 00:09:09 I think it's time we cut the silence by niggas that's talking violent Speak in silence and give them coffins and violets I'll be niggas with Cisco haircuts, wildin' and stylin' and dissin' Guess they just tryna go viral, I feel em This your favorite song, this gon' be your favorite song Except when I say it, it's really the people's favorite song You did a vid diss in the Flex I ate He could have flexed the Ferrari on Eric. Eric running around flexing the i8. How do you feel when he addresses you this way?
Starting point is 00:09:44 You know But you know You're not the beef type I'm not Then what the fuck Are you doing It was just too many shots At some point
Starting point is 00:09:51 It was like At some point It's like listen Enough is enough Enough is enough It's like If a producer put out a beat And they said
Starting point is 00:09:58 Mustard on a B-hole I'm for sure Certain Mustard would say something Same thing for We the best If Cali If a nigga just started
Starting point is 00:10:04 We the It's You know what I'm saying It saying this is weird and then say now we actually the best that's what he said that's what i'm saying we actually i hear you cali what you've been on but yeah i see they have phones and everything this is this is where it gets tricky for me um tory raps and sings right So he dissed you in a rap. Mm-hmm. So how can it be R&B? Because you're not a rapper. You're a singer.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Correct. So do you take that? I didn't say it was R&B. That's why I just started off. Like, yo, I'm just responding. Got it, got it, got it. I'm just kind of giving my piece on it. Because in hip-hop, you're able to be braggadocious this way, and people now take it as a diss because because of the
Starting point is 00:10:46 competitive nature of hip-hop but i guess that's changing now i guess when rappers are r&b singers as well yeah whatever uh tell me tell me something about tell me tell me a little bit about about prior to this album yeah coming out because i followed you for a long time yeah you and i have music together yeah uh you're on my all love lost album we we rock up here but you've been doing your behind the scenes thing for a while this is actually the first time i've even seen you really go hard at promoting a project yeah this is the first the one that i'm calling it an album. I've been like, this is an EP.
Starting point is 00:11:27 This is a mixtape. For whatever reason, not feeling like I needed to call it an album for the sake of being compared to certain major artists, but I just feel like them days is over. People don't know the consumer. Look at it like an album is an album,
Starting point is 00:11:41 and we judging you. Your sales is your sales. So I've just been like, mixt been like mixtape mixtape ep but now i'm trying to compete and it's my decision to be independent therefore i have to live with my decision whether it's in my favor or not okay yeah does your wife do music your significant other she used to she used to yeah i know that part yeah yeah nah so i'm trying to get her to just do a song i figured why not just put a song. I figured, why not? Just put a song out for the sake of it.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I did a song with your significant other. Dope. In 2000. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It didn't make it, but I wanted to use the song. But I wondered if y'all wrote together, like recorded together. I wondered if y'all did the music shit together,
Starting point is 00:12:22 or do you keep that separate? It been separate for the longest, but I just feel like, why not? We live in a totally different day and age right now. It's a different time. Yeah, we could just throw something out. And I feel like with the combination of, I hear her singing in the car. You know what I mean? I hear I'm ear hustling, so I'm like, bro, if we just do a joint, it might, who knows?
Starting point is 00:12:42 You know what I mean? I'm going to make sure that shit is extra fire but what if it's not extra fire does that cause like strife in the house like i mean i feel like i feel like i feel like if it's not we'll keep it we'll keep it a hundred you know i mean because her whole thing is i'm not even trying to sing no more like you got it you know i mean i'm not trying to be out here like nah you you you got it so it's more so me just being like let's just do a song to do it regardless of what happens because if it do stick we good if it don't it don't even matter right tell me about the event that you throw in la that every time i see you post i wish i was there but
Starting point is 00:13:15 i uh i've attended one actually me and amani went to uh hipster ass nigga it was a great fucking event you kind of stole his swag with overwe It A Night If we keep it in the book We're not keeping it You need to We're not keeping it We're not keeping it When were we keeping it in the book? Since when do we ever
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah we're not We're not keeping it in the book But tell me Tell me about About that That looks great Yeah it's a dope Little R&B night man
Starting point is 00:13:39 That we got called Malibu Nights I had a song called Malibu Nights I recorded it in Malibu Rented an Airbnb, and I feel like that whole week, all the songs that I did birthed the whole theme of it, and I wanted to just take that on a roll, so I did the Malibu Nights tour
Starting point is 00:13:55 and also started a residency out in L.A. Why were you beefing with Rakim? Wow, that was wild. So I put out a project. I remember everything. I saw that. Yeah, yeah. I saw that. Yeah, yeah. I'm asking about it. I put out a project. I remember everything. I saw that. Yeah, yeah. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Yeah, yeah. I'm asking about it. I put out Eric B for President. Rakim? Rakim? Yeah. Hey, boy, I'm asking the tough questions here today. I never knew about that.
Starting point is 00:14:14 The questions they won't ask on the club. The club. Yeah, no. So I put out Eric B for President. Which is a Rakim album. Yeah, but I... And you knew it was a Rakim album. Yeah, but I... And you knew it was a Rakim album. And you still put it out.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I started it off with... Make them clap, like all the... Biting off a Rakim. To show I'm... To show you the real Rakim. I'm not trying to feed you like that. It's more so a... It's going to be your favorite song, Rakim.
Starting point is 00:14:42 You know what I'm saying? Rakim ain't want it to be his favorite song. That's crazy. Man, he was bugged out, man. How did that conversation go? Nah, he just started tweeting. He went to Twitter fingers. Rakim has a Twitter?
Starting point is 00:14:54 I think it was Eric B. Oh, okay. Yeah, it was Eric B. I'm telling somebody he stole his name, but my name really isn't Eric B. I understand the for prez part. I understand that's his whole vibe. It was on purpose. I remember this.
Starting point is 00:15:04 It was on purpose It was on purpose Plus Hillary and Trump Was running for president At the time And I just was Was thinking of a way That I always do this When I put out music
Starting point is 00:15:12 I'm going to piggyback On something Because I'm going to be You know Forward thinking Because of the You know I don't have The biggest budget
Starting point is 00:15:19 So what I'm going to do is I'm going to piggyback On something that's already Getting promo You feel me And just kind of vibe off that Like a real hustler vibe from Compton. Like, yeah, I don't mean to, you feel me, do nothing crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:32 It was just like, yo, man, Eric B for president. I'm Eric B. It was all kind of Dickie for president. You've seen all kind of for press, for press, for press campaigns. So did y'all swoop it over? My boy did with him. He ran into him like, hey, homie, that's my boy, Eric B. What you doing?
Starting point is 00:15:47 He was like, oh, I didn't know. I just think the youngsters be out here. You know what I mean? They don't respect the OGs. It was on something like that. And it was just like, nah, I actually had talked to his son on Twitter. I'm sure he had no idea about that. But I reached out like, yo, I would love to get your father's blessing.
Starting point is 00:16:05 He was like I'm gonna set it up Just never did But I'm sure he just kinda Might not even have been him You know what I mean He might have just been Cause I can't see him
Starting point is 00:16:13 Pulling out the Blackberry And just You feel me Just going off real quick I just can't That's funny I hope he wouldn't have A Blackberry
Starting point is 00:16:19 I just see it With the scroll on the side Would you ever do Love and Hip Hop LA? Man You know I was all the way against it in the beginning days. And then, you know, I started looking at the way the world works and looked at it like, man, that might be actually a look for a minute. You know, took a couple meetings.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Maybe I went to like two meetings and then didn't end up doing it. But I don't know. I always go back and forth. You know what I mean? Because for one instance, you can be in the homes of so many people. But you just always got to be careful because the company you're around could also harm your character. This guy's whole voice is real media runnish. Let's turn up a little bit moreish do you think you're better at football
Starting point is 00:17:09 than the Migos no he played ball you played ball right yeah but that nigga offset is nice what'd you play
Starting point is 00:17:15 he was I swore I read he was going to USC or some shit so you're better than them look at Rory with the
Starting point is 00:17:21 I didn't see it I felt like the Angela Yee question honestly honestly didn't see it. I felt like I was. The Angela Yee question? Honestly. Honestly, I seen they had to. That's funny as fuck. With the Angela Yee question. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Look at Rory Yee. The Angela Yee question. That's funny. Nah, I seen Quavo was having a joint for his birthday, and he was just like, damn, I wish I could get out there. I don't know none of them niggas, though. Nah, but you. What happened?
Starting point is 00:17:44 I'm laughing. Just laughing still. I don't know none of them niggas, though. Nah, but you. What happened? I'm laughing. Just laughing still. I don't know none of them niggas, though. Next year in Quavo, you feel me? Yeah. Were you about to say something? No, no, no. I was just going off what Eric said about playing football.
Starting point is 00:17:57 All right. So you weren't about to say shit? No. Shocker. All right. All right. Now, listen. So I'll ask you this question.
Starting point is 00:18:06 It sounds like a generic question, but it's not. I want to ask you what you think about the state of R&B. That's a DJ Envy question. But I'm not asking you that. Let me walk you through my thought process. Some people today say that hip hop is greater than it's ever been, better than it's ever been. It's also more melodic.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And I may be one of those people. I may be. I haven't really thought about it yet. You're not. And it's definitely more melodic. You're not. Am I not? You just screamed.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Forget it. So R&B, right? I do think hip-hop is better than it's ever been today. Let's continue with the question you asked. And because I think that, the same premise that allows me to think it made me think about r&b in this way hip-hop i feel is greater today because it's all there everything is there uh whatever you're looking for hard backpack uh
Starting point is 00:18:57 mumble club the women it's all there if you're looking for it that's what i mean in r&b with all of this influx of sounds and it feels like it's a new one of y'all every week on a friday right i feel like a lot of people sound the same in r&b they do sound the same but the same type of sound it changed to a darker type shit it's not like the love songs that it used to be but just like in music now so i want to say there are love songs if you look for them. Then there's all those R&B acts that sound the same if you look for them. You have the older acts that are still rocking if you look for them. So maybe not, is this the best period of R&B?
Starting point is 00:19:36 Because of course we know the answer is no. But is there more to choose from in R&B now than ever before? Yeah, I think so for sure, man. I'm a big fan of different artists for different things, and I think that's what made R&B great in the 90s. You know what I mean? Like you can go to Kalani, and you know that her tone is going to melt your life away like some butter on a toast.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You know what I mean? And then you can listen to SZA, and you're going to get the feeling. You know, you're going to get the emotion. You're going to get the jazz, you know going to get the emotion. You're going to get the jazz, kind of like a Brandy would give you, but still she'd be having big records like Rihanna when she does her R&B joints. Even from the Daniel Caesars to the Khalids.
Starting point is 00:20:19 You sound like you keep up with a lot of shit. Yeah, yeah. I always make sure. That's my feel. That's my feel. You know, that's my homework. And I started off behind the scenes, you know, as far as getting my break. So I still approach the game from more of a student, you know, aspect. You still fuck with Chris?
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah, I do. On a personal level, we haven't gotten in a lab in a while. But I think just time. And every time we see each other,'s that good old we gotta get in so you know I know it's still on a positive level you fuck with Kevin McCall
Starting point is 00:20:47 at all I fuck with Kevin we straight I didn't like that tone Eric you tell him a nigga tone yeah
Starting point is 00:20:56 you don't fuck with that nigga I said it in a way in that way because it's like he get a lot of slack he get a lot of slack as he should
Starting point is 00:21:04 he does a lot of stupid shit a little off in the slack. As he should. He does a lot of stupid shit. A little off in the head is how he's coming off. And I fuck with Kevin. Yeah, I guess that's what I mean. I fuck with Kevin for quite some time. So to see him do this nut shit is a little off. That's all. I know that, Kevin, too.
Starting point is 00:21:19 The hungry, let's work, let's get in the lab. So let's clear up some of the stereotypes that I'm sure R&B niggas go through. Yeah. How many times have you gone through a woman's phone? Nah, nah, nah. That is a lie. Nah, nah, nah. You have never gone through a woman's phone?
Starting point is 00:21:35 Nah, it was not. Man, if you wouldn't, maybe two, but like four years, five. Not even like, I'm talking about years ago, though. Like, you know, I don't want to know, you though. Like, you know, I don't want to know. And I don't, you know what I mean? Like, I don't want to look. I'm more so like if my phone is like right there, I'm just like, here. You feel me?
Starting point is 00:21:53 I don't even, it's just not even, it's cool. You feel me? All right. All right. How much R&B shit do you do during intimacy? Like, do you sing? I don't sing. Rose petals?
Starting point is 00:22:05 I'm definitely going to do all the little candles and the rose petals if I can, if the situation allows. It's not like an everyday vibe, but for sure, you're going to get some special treatment
Starting point is 00:22:16 a lot of times. Sin asked me to put some music on the other night. I looked at her, she's like, she had five heads. When's the last time y'all went and put some music on during the deed?
Starting point is 00:22:27 The deed. The deed. The deed. I don't know if I've ever done the deed. Yeah, I don't think I've ever done the deed. Y'all have done the deed. No, I've never done the deed. It's a deed every time you do it.
Starting point is 00:22:37 I definitely like the music, though. The deed. Huh? Maybe that's an R&B thing. No, I like music. I like music. I like massage. like music I like massage You know the massage
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah That sounds like That sounds like a great time A massage too? The relaxing vibes You know what I'm saying Just throw them on It's gonna feel very pleasant
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yo in your experience Who's more emotional with women? Rappers or R&B singers? Man That's a good question You know Niggas Yeah it's half and half Cause everybody different Rappers or R&B singers? Man. That's a good question. You know. Niggas.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Yeah, it's half and half because everybody different, but maybe more you would think R&B singers. You know what I mean? You would think that just off top because we singing. But I think the rappers is a little bit more territorial because maybe they, you feel me? Like, you know, so maybe, maybe rappers too. Are you going to be for some more niggas?
Starting point is 00:23:28 That's not the plan, man. I'm not, that's what I said. It was never the plan, but sometimes you just got to go sing a nigga to death.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah, if somebody say something, I'm not just going to chill. You feel me? I'm not just going to chill. Yo, what's up, do you want to harmonize battle?
Starting point is 00:23:41 No. See, that's the thing though. I'm going to do it how I do it. I'm going to do it how I do it. You feel me? I'm going to add a lot of extras on there that niggas can't do because that's my gift. If I that's the thing, though. I'm going to do it how I do it. No, don't. I'm going to do it how I do it. You feel me?
Starting point is 00:23:45 I'm going to add a lot of extras on there that niggas can't do, because that's my gift. If I don't do that, then I'm going to sound like everybody else. That's why I don't really feel like I fall into the sound like everybody vibe, because I'm doing five-part harmony, beat drops, going to a falsetto note, go down to a low tone. You hear that, E? I'm doing all that. Killing. Doing all that.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Killing the money. God damn it. I know. all that. Killing. I'm doing all that. Killing the money. God damn it. I know. So last week on this podcast, we were talking about songs that maybe made you groove a little harder than you wanted to in the club. Yeah. Like songs that really just impacted you in the club. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Like, I ain't going to lie. One time, I don't remember what year it was. It was many years ago, but I went to a Columbia, South Carolina club with my cousin, Michael Paul, who lived down there at the time. And Foxy Brown Get You Home came on in the club. You were hard? You were actually hard? Yo.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Wait. Then you would have thought That this nigga was Foxy That nigga was What up boo It's always It's always a woman's rap song That's the one that you get caught Just wild Like hey
Starting point is 00:24:57 That's true Wait I gotta find A woman rap song I gotta find Nah this was crazy I have to find the word A woman rap song Get you out of your element
Starting point is 00:25:03 That Bodak I'm sorry I'm mad there wasn't cell phones woman rap song will get you out of your element. That Bodak, I'm sorry. I'm mad there wasn't cell phones then. Oh, that's the one that do it for you? So it gets you going? Bodak gets you there, it takes you there?
Starting point is 00:25:13 I can't even, I can't even hide it because the thing is, you know, it's, it's, it's catchy. It is,
Starting point is 00:25:21 it is. It's catchy and she's saying some real shit. This had you in your zone? Hold up. Michael Paul was in the club, tall, dancing alone with a drink in his hand saying, What up, I? Let's take it from the top.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I, Fox, gets my swerve on. Florence Pure Rocks. Yeah, I was looking at Michael Paul. Let me join in. Wait. Let's go back and forth. What are you doing? You don't even have pure rocks. Yo, I think another time I might have caught Michael Paul jamming too hard to single ladies.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Oh, no, no, no, no. Come on, man. Not single ladies. Not single ladies. Niggas can't jam to single ladies. single ladies niggas can't niggas can't jam did he know the dance yeah he was rocking i'm sorry michael paul michael paul gonna fuck me up i thought you were rocking no i never rocked the single ladies you never rocked foxy you know why single ladies was always funny to me single ladies and damaged by danity kane was always funny to me. Single Ladies and Damaged by Danny D. Cain was always funny to me. Those two records. I love
Starting point is 00:26:25 that Damaged song. Single Ladies Beyonce was married and loved. She wasn't single. She fooled all you bitches and y'all fell right for it. And that's there. But the Damaged song, I never saw so many women in a club jam to being damaged. That song
Starting point is 00:26:42 was the song that made me feel like I can do it as a writer. It's my cousin's. Yeah, the bitch is stupid. No, my cousin's. I wrote that. What? Oh, this is what works on them?
Starting point is 00:26:51 Yo, I'm just saying, since he bring that shit up. My cousin wrote this song. So I was like, wait, how did you just do that? You know what I mean? And that opened my eyes to a whole Justin. You know what I mean? And Jado, all the brothers. So it was just crazy to see them do it.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And it was just like, I just got to shout them out, man. All right, so I want to ask y'all about some of the songs that really got y'all in your groove that maybe you shouldn't have been jamming to. I know for me, and I spoke about this a little during the week, 2001, 2002, Planet Hollywood Lost Boys Lights, Camera, Action That was a big record though
Starting point is 00:27:31 No, I see y'all not respecting it No, that was a big record I don't think we're disrespecting it Please, not another Don't tell me I don't have it You want to go back there? How can I not have lights, camera, action? Do you want to take yourself back to those years?
Starting point is 00:27:48 Oh, yes. Wait, hold up. Lights. Do you have them or are you deaf? Tell me. That is shimmy. I don't have that record in here. But let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:27:58 When that song came on in the club. All right, now I'm in the spot where I want to be. What? Keep going. Honey, spit. No, no, no, no, no. Tis the fun of me. All right, now I'm in the spot where I want to be. What? Keep going. I don't know. But man, was I hitting the shimmy when that one came on.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Nigga, that was a big record. I know, but I felt like... Nah, it was okay. Was it okay? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:23 back then it was okay. But they never caught one of them type of records. It was okay for Deuce to dance back then. What are you talking about? They had a bunch of big records. No. I said one of them type of records. They had a bunch of big records.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Like a club record? They had club records. It was a different type of... What big club record they had? Fucking Ben's... That's not a club record. It's more of like a hip-hop club record. That was a street record.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Nah. The Lex Coos, the Beamers, and the Bens? It was just a 94 club record there's a street record the Lex Coops the Beamers and the Benz it was just a 94 club record well listen Lights Camera Action was a club
Starting point is 00:28:51 there was no denying that that was a club was there a feature on that record no oh no wow that's how hard
Starting point is 00:28:58 I was jamming I jammed to the remix too the remix it was a remix with Missy yes yeah that was crazy so I wanted what are some of the songs y'all jammed to too. The remix. It was a remix. With Missy? Yes. Yeah, that was crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So what are some of the songs y'all jammed to harder than you should have? I already know Rory's. Well, we talked about it before. Amory, one thing for Rory. Wow. I still go do a little
Starting point is 00:29:19 too much of that. We're talking about past songs, right? What you do, Rory? You do a little what when that song come on? Wait, now we're making this This my pick Nah one thing was hard Come on Rory
Starting point is 00:29:29 It's a great record Ayyy Got the DC flow Ayyy I can see Rory Nigga With his Heineken in his hand He was a lot great
Starting point is 00:29:37 If Ducey Palooza was out then Oh shit we still play this Ayyy We still play this shit It's the Kogo bop Wait who was the What's the producer That did Crazy in Love for Beyonce Shit we still play this Ayyy We still play this shit It's the Coco bop Wait who was the What's the producer
Starting point is 00:29:48 That did Crazy in Love For Beyonce Rich Harrison Wasn't that a big beef Rich Harrison did this too right Yeah Rich Harrison Rich Harrison was fucking
Starting point is 00:29:55 I mean A. Marie I don't know bro He was in this story He was In this story he was I think that's what Ended A. Marie That story, he was. I think that's what ended A. Marie. That story.
Starting point is 00:30:07 That Rich Harrison was intimate with A. Marie, and he was working with her, and he gave her a joint, and they knew that one thing was a smash. But then he gave Beyonce the joint. It was a big thing back then. Yeah, they sounded the same. Yeah, they sounded exactly the same. All right, enough of serious stories.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Y'all tell me what song y'all was twerking to in the club. Not twerking, but I'm so into you, Tamia, for me. I definitely get into a groove. What song? Tamia. Which song? I'm so into you. It's definitely pleasant.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Good record. It's butterflies in the air. Nah, you could get into your two-step thing. Okay, okay. That's cool. I might have done a little too much Okay, okay. That's cool. I might have done a little too much to Fat Joe, What's Love. I might have done a little too much to that record.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Got to do with it. Got to do. It doesn't even matter what record Rory said. Just me picturing Rory getting into his bag. Mine's getting your bag. It's hilarious to me. Wait, got your door knockers on With your name in the middle That was getting you excited about it
Starting point is 00:31:09 Oh her name is right there Yo Rory that is What's love What's love got it popping in Miami though That was a good one That was a great record That shit is popping right now Let's start with
Starting point is 00:31:20 Alright Maul Come on what lady of rage record Yeah y'all being too cool laughing at me Lady of rage I know you got some boss record. Um, some boss record?
Starting point is 00:31:30 Recipe or some shit. I don't know, man. That Amy Marie record was big, though. That was big. That Amy Marie record
Starting point is 00:31:37 was big at that time. You never caught yourself Thank you, Maul, for telling me a big record. No, no, I'm just saying,
Starting point is 00:31:40 that's probably one record that I would, I would like groove to. You never caught yourself rapping Nicki Minaj verse in Monster Monster and been like, oh, wait, hold up. Nah. Nah, nah. We talking years ago. That stopped me.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Wait, nah. I tore Rory's birthday party up that one year when Monster came on. I was in the back, though. The party was over after that. Oh, he closed it down? Absolutely. Wait, man, niggas did that Monster verse, though. That shouldn't count.
Starting point is 00:32:05 That's kind of like a nigga verse. In the club? Nah, not in the club. In the crib fucking around, in the car. In the club, he wasn't doing it. You ever see a beer pull up somewhere with the light and see a rock and a mad artist? That was way too animated. It's like you had to do too much when that verse came on.
Starting point is 00:32:19 You never did nothing that was animated? Not to Why Don't We Fall In Love? No. Definitely not to Why Don't We Fall In Love? No. Definitely not to Why Don't We Fall In Love. Yo, what's love with Rory? Dip it low with Rory. Listen, man. I had a crazy teenage.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Rory's got some wild little selections going on. But I mean, it's cool. Eric, I feel a way, a good friend of mine. Y'all know Corey moved to LA? Yeah. Yeah, I actually just talked to Corey a couple days ago. Good friend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Why are you looking around like that? All right, apparently I'm the only one that didn't know that Corey moved to LA. I didn't know. Okay, well, Parks didn't know. Yeah. Y'all do a lot of talking to niggas. Eric, how do you feel about it? Y'all do a lot of talking.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. How do you feel about the trend of everyone moving to L.A.? It's big. Do y'all notice it out there? What? Yeah. North Hollywood? Niggas go straight to North Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Is that where people move to? That's the hub of music, for sure. That's the Williamsburg. the arts industry in general from dance studios to acting classes to musicians institute schools to just every studio. A lot of people have a studio in North Hollywood. And it's definitely infested, but the cream rise to the top. You learn quick who's nice. They get around real quick.
Starting point is 00:33:43 Everybody, the word is out. I don't know if the cream rises to the top so fast i think so in the i think in the writing in the songwriting world like i know who's nice in the songwriting world maybe the artist maybe the artistry i just said to you that this is my first time seeing you heavily promote an album yeah and you've been dope out there for years and years and years wouldn't it seem like it i mean it would seem like it's easier to get lost in the sauce out there. I'm saying as far as, I don't know, writers.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Like, people, I get, I be hearing about the writers. You know, I don't know why people tell me, like, hey, have you worked with this person? A lot of people just put them on my radar. You know what I mean? I definitely don't do the searching, you know, but anytime somebody will tell me something, they'll fly it to the DM and I'll check them out instantly just as far as on that tip. But it definitely is flooded. You know, it is.
Starting point is 00:34:33 It's definitely flooded. Did you fuck with Sabrina Claudio before all of this bullshit came out on her? Yeah, we did a joint. We did a joint together. Are you going to put it out? I don't know. I wrote it. You know what I mean? It was a joint for her Are you going to put it out? I don't know. I wrote it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:46 It was a joint for her. It's one of those. So many songs that I've done over the years, man, that I wrote and didn't get a copy of. I'm just like, what happened to that song? Chris Brown sessions. Just random sessions. Like, hey, can I get that copy? You put anything toward people saying that Chris Brown is making the same song over and over?
Starting point is 00:35:08 I ask you this because you've written for him. Yeah. You know, it was interesting because I listened to the last. I don't know if I finished the last one. But when I was listening to it, it's just hard to not sound repetitive, I think, when it's so many. So maybe he got that on his last one. Plus, his voice is a very distinct, high-pitched voice that if you hear 45 times in a row, it's going to sound the same, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:35:34 A few weeks ago on this podcast, Young Berg was here. And Berg is a friend of the podcast. And he played a record from you. Yeah. It was ridiculous. Yeah. It was a. Yeah. It was ridiculous. Yeah. It was a great record. It was insane.
Starting point is 00:35:49 A lot of people... I have that record in my phone somewhere. I won't play it because Berg won't let me play unreleased music. But then when I went to your album, I didn't see it. Right. And I'll be honest with you. It should have been there. Yeah, nah.
Starting point is 00:36:04 I mean, that was for something else. That was for should have been there so tell me why don't let Berg pull that shit no it was no it is like Ty already cut it and Jeremiah cut it it's going to be one of the songs on the My Ty album got that why couldn't we get a song from Berg
Starting point is 00:36:21 to go on your album you know it's interesting because I never brought up working on my album over there. You know, so many people go over there, you know, as far as just artists and producers and writers. And I just went over there to kind of get back in the sauce with the writing. You know what I mean? I took some time off and chilled from it for a while and just focused on my artistry.
Starting point is 00:36:45 But when I went over there, I never wanted to be like, hey yo, what's up? What we doing for my album? I kind of was waiting for the moment to just happen. Like, yo, let's do something for your shit. And I've learned that that's the best way to do it for me when I want to work with somebody. Because most times, if I'm there, they just really want to try to get some songs off for the placements for the fact that they can get a solid producer deck. You know what I mean? So, you know, I never really pressed it. Because when it do happen, I'll be like, yo, can I get that joint?
Starting point is 00:37:13 And they'll be like, nah, it's just a weird vibe. So I just kind of didn't even mention it. Which side are you more passionate about, the artist side or the writing side? Boy, this interview is sounding like some Zane Lowe. But I mean, fuck it. No, I mean, I started off with the artistry. I started off doing the boy band singing groups, back-to-back groups. And then I started doing the writing thing.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And I love being on stage more than anything, just performing, being able to sing, because the things that I do in the moment are the craziest to me when I'm live. So when I'm doing it live, when I'm writing the songs in the studio and I'm in the booth, more so freestyling the records,
Starting point is 00:37:52 it's just me in there. You know what I mean? And people hear the records for what they are but they don't hear them for what they actually, you know, in the actual birth of them.
Starting point is 00:38:02 It's definitely his tone of voice just has a Beats Radio feel. You know what it is? Because I listen to a lot of podcasts now, especially it's the new thing. And when I'm listening, I'm like, okay, cool. I like, okay, he has a mellow tone. You don't want to do nothing.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Just sound cool. So it could be an easy listen. You know what I mean? I see what you did there. No pun intended, huh? Easy listen, easy call. You know what I mean? I see what you did there. No pun intended, huh? Easy listen, easy call. I see what he did. You know what it was.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Did you hear Justin Timberlake's Man in the Woods album? He's a prominent R&B act. I figure I would ask him about some other R&B. Did you hear? What's wrong? What did you hear? Nothing, man.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Go ahead. Did you hear it? Yes, I heard hear nothing man go ahead did you hear it yes I heard that shit yes what's up with you man I'm just laughing at your line of questioning this is crazy
Starting point is 00:38:51 did you hear Justin Woods man in a wood Justin Tillich man in a wood his name should be Justin Woods now his name is Justin Woods
Starting point is 00:38:58 did you hear that album I heard it he put his head down when he said that I heard it your nigga won't say a word he said that. I heard it, man. Your nigga won't say a word. He about to get the high pitch. What? Like this?
Starting point is 00:39:09 He's trying to get Justin at Malibu Nights. You see him? Yeah. Nah, man. It's just, it's not the vibe. You know what I mean? I feel like he wasn't true to what he felt in a moment I feel like he was more so chasing a sound and chasing a Stylization that the people would fuck with rather than doing what he's good at just being talented like has every artist done that though
Starting point is 00:39:36 Chase the sound I know there was a point in my career I chased the sound and not because it was the sound I wanted to chase but I was signed to some killers who wanted me To sound like that so i just did it and it came to a point where i was in a strip club one time and a song i did called roll your backyard came on while i was in the strip club now this was a strip club that that i frequented like i was there every other day like i tested new music here like this was my spot right i never wanted to do the song Roll Your Backyard I don't think I ever heard Roll Your Backyard don't do that
Starting point is 00:40:08 that was me I never heard the song we can't find it somewhere? Kwame produced that song and that beat was super hard and fucking Web and Nitty Killer asses made me fuck it all up with club bullshit I wanted to kill that beat.
Starting point is 00:40:26 But anyway, I bring that up. And shit, I forgot why I bring it up. You were talking about JT. Oh, yeah. So that day in that club, mentally, because I was embarrassed when the song came on. I was embarrassed and I was like, okay, this won't happen again. This will never happen. okay this won't happen again this will never happen today forward I will never make another song that I do not that beat is hard turn this up Kwame had a
Starting point is 00:40:54 run with beat the car yeah that beat is that beat is hard now it's clearly it wasn't mixed back then Roy wants to hear it I was gonna have it just lay in the back row But then you said turn it up It's mixed bad It's horrible But anyway From that day on I said
Starting point is 00:41:13 I will never make another song That I do not want to make Right Because I'm gonna have to hear it Right I'm gonna have to hear it somewhere Yeah And it's a representation
Starting point is 00:41:21 Yeah it's a representation of me And that Roy in the backyard is not me. So I say that to say Has every artist done that? Have you had a period? Major label artists I feel like they go through that often because it's the major label's budget.
Starting point is 00:41:40 It's their money that's invested into the radio, the video, the styling, everything. Have you never been compelled to be one of those major label acts with the big budget, with all that? I mean, I always think about it just because it's something that I've never done, and I've always been dolo on everything. And I ask a lot of my peers just about, like, I feel about it or you know individually collectively and the answer is it's interesting because a lot of them be like man I just can't wait to go and independent to like you know I mean I'd be like what okay okay so I just never
Starting point is 00:42:19 yeah you know a couple offers but the offers was also like not the greatest offers. You know what I mean? It was like, nah. You put out a project called Eventually, right? Yeah. You should have pushed it more, I felt like. Yeah. That project probably has some of my favorite Eric Bellinger songs, this one being one of them. Yeah. This album is the only album I ever released that didn't have not one feature.
Starting point is 00:42:47 This album is the only album that, or the closest album that got nominated for a Grammy as well. It was like the last little bar to be, you know, on the whole nominees list. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable in the room. Yeah. Last night when I, oh not last night, but the other day when I was reminding Sin Who's room. Yeah. Last night when I, oh, not last night, but the other day when I was reminding Sin Who's King. Hello.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I put this song on. I did. The song is called Mood. And I'm so trashed when I'm trying to set a mood. You put on a song called Mood. Mood.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Mood. Nah, he killed this shit. This is one of Eric Ballinger's better songs. You put on a Stunt Pop song, baby. Yo, hey. Nah, he killed this shit. This is one of Eric Ballinger's better songs. I don't know why. I don't understand niggas, man, but whatever. Hey, man. Can we get an extended version of that?
Starting point is 00:43:36 I know, man. Shout out to Extended Versions and you hopping on R&B Singer. I miss Extended. Hey! That was my shit! Yes, yes. The verse was crazy. Remember extended versions? Why is that not a thing anymore in music?
Starting point is 00:43:50 I'm about to do an extended version on a song that I'm putting out. It's on the album. But it was interesting because Don Kennedy actually, it was his idea. We was in the studio working for him to get on the song. And he did an intro and he did an intro and he did an outro and he was like cool so let's put that
Starting point is 00:44:10 one on the album and then when it's out we'll throw the verse on it and I was like alright it was like an on purpose vibe but it's dope
Starting point is 00:44:18 because the people is loving it and now they're gonna get something new for the video mmm a little extra Dom Kennedy that's rory's that's
Starting point is 00:44:26 rory's guy since when i don't know do you know what we're doing i like the yellow album i thought i thought you were going before i wasn't even trying to be funny yeah i thought you did yeah i'll with that a lot of it was with solid Did he fall off? Did Dom fall off? I'm asking the room. Yeah, go ahead. He had his last project was like, it wasn't what I was hoping for. Which Dom did you get? Which Dom was this collab with?
Starting point is 00:44:56 I feel like, man, it's interesting because I know people's perspective and I know people's mental. perspective and I know people mental and it's like when when you really really just in your own bag and you're not into the the the the Instagram and the trying to go viral and you really just creating from your heart it's like man it's just a different outcome of of life in general because you know you're not you know your expectation is ain't it ain't nothing it's just like i'm putting it out for the love and i think the passion that i don't know that comes along with it is it's just it's outweigh it outweigh you know what i mean like the chase vibe and i and i and i was there for so long i think and that's why you feel me, now I'm understanding more to do the things that actually make a difference in my personal happiness, because leaving it up to the world, no matter how
Starting point is 00:45:52 crazy you go for them, like, okay, they're going to love this, they're going to love that, I'm going to do this, they're going to do that, I'm going to do that, and then you get them, all it takes is for one slip down the elevator to be fucked up, and everybody is like, ah, this nigga's trash anyway i think everyone looked for dom for that summer music after yellow album and i don't think he wanted to be in that box of just the summer artists yeah he fucked it up he should have stayed in that box that's what they wanted that yellow that was a good that was a good box to be in yeah so so this song is on your new album, right? Yeah. This song is called Roleplay.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah. And this is one of my favorite songs, no pun intended, on your album. And it made me think of a conversation we had on this podcast recently when Maul and Rory were telling us how much they loved roleplaying. Get the fuck out of here. So now I want to ask you you do you actually roleplay pause or was this like a cool song because I have a loaded question coming next what a loaded question coming next if you do indeed roleplay yeah are you doing roleplay yeah but not me no you yeah but not me I do but it's more so like the wife doing her thing
Starting point is 00:47:07 and i just get to receive no no that's not roleplaying your wife roleplaying is not roleplaying you both have to roleplay she don't just get to roleplay and be katherine zeta jones and you just receive some shit i mean it's been working out Real nigga shit I'm gonna have to Alright This nigga ruined My loaded question He was about to Try to paint you
Starting point is 00:47:30 In a crazy form Nah cause I was just Cause Maul was Tom Cruise You know Honestly Honestly it's not even Something that I don't know
Starting point is 00:47:39 Like I'm with whatever You feel me Like we I'm on a different vibe I feel like Because I have an actual Like this is my wife Like, I'm on a different vibe. I feel like because I have an actual, like, this is my wife, like, let's go crazy. You know what I mean? I'm on a let's go crazy vibe, but it just ain't came up.
Starting point is 00:47:52 But it probably will. You know what I mean? It's just a different level of intimacy, and it's a different connection that is like, I'll do whatever for her. You know what I'm saying? Sin been waiting me to hit that go crazy vibe. Yeah, bro. This has been waiting me to hit that go crazy vibe.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Yeah, bro. The more I look at it like, man, the more you give, the more you shall receive. I have not been going crazy. The more you give. I've been so sane in that house. She is definitely about to leave me. You crazy. You got to go, bro. You got to go crazy, bro.
Starting point is 00:48:23 All right, all right. That's good. That's good. She going to go crazier. How got to go crazy, bro. All right, all right. That's good. That's good. She going to go crazier. How many Instagram DMs have you unsent? Oh, man. Well, I do it all the time for typos.
Starting point is 00:48:37 I still got an issue with typing an I, and then I press the face bar. He's good. I can't trap him. I can't trip him up, huh? I do. I do it all the time. That's a married man right there. For the typos. Yeah, word. Nah, but it's not even nothing going crazy. That's a married man right there. For the type of us. He's pulling it to you. Yeah, word.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Nah, but it's not even nothing going crazy. It's nothing going crazy at all. You know what I mean? I definitely respond to everybody. But, you know what I mean? If it's a disrespectful vibe, I don't know. I might hit him with an LOL or something. I'm going to respond.
Starting point is 00:49:02 I don't know. I'm one of them people that don't like to see 74 unread text messages. I hate that. That drives my OCD crazy. That little red ball. I hate the red ball. Remember that period and I don't want to say remember that period because it might still be happening, but remember
Starting point is 00:49:17 that period where women were just purposely leaving a high number on the unread messages. And then screenshotting to show the timeline. What a bunch of fucking losers. timeline. Yo, what a bunch of fucking losers. First of all, you a loser for giving
Starting point is 00:49:29 your number out that many times not to talk to somebody. To niggas you don't want to talk to. Why do you have 97 messages you haven't read?
Starting point is 00:49:37 Them bitches trifling. Tell me you don't remember that time. It's still happening. That's why I'm laughing. It's still happening. That's some loser shit. Bitches be doing It's still happening. That's some loser shit.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Bitches be doing loser shit, man. That's some loser shit. I had another question, but I forgot now because I'm thinking about this girl I used to deal with that did that shit. I was like, all right, enough of dealing with her. She really thinks this is cool. Are there any other R&B niggas you hate? Nah, it's not niggas that I hate.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Pull us a little bit. Or think it's whack? Think it's trash a little bit? Is there a trend happening in R&B that you think is trash? Is there some marketing tools? I think samples.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I think when people do, I think samples are good, but when people sing the entire hook, I think that's not cool. When people sing the whole. Yeah, like they say,
Starting point is 00:50:24 yeah, it's like a cover song. But not really. What do y'all mean? Like when you sample the song but then use the hook for the song for the sample for the hook?
Starting point is 00:50:31 Oh, that's trash. He's talking about Tory. Yeah, he's talking about Tory Lanez. Oh, he's dissing Tory. Nah, I'm not. Shocker. Wait, Tory does that? Nah.
Starting point is 00:50:41 I don't think he does that. Wait, what? Does he? I don't know. His whole mixtape was that. But Eric, this is my thing with you? His whole mixtape was that But Eric This is my thing with you His whole mixtape
Starting point is 00:50:48 You can't You have to be careful On how you diss Tory Lanez Because y'all have music together That's why I'm saying I'm not dissing I'm not talking about Tory But you did diss him
Starting point is 00:50:57 You did diss him On that Okay I diss him But y'all have music together Yeah but How can you diss someone That you have music with? Nah, man.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I was with Joe. I don't know if you're the right person. So if somebody came at you, you wouldn't say anything back? Let me explain something to you about Joe. You don't even have to come at him and he'll say something to you. More, I have never beefed with anybody that I have a song with is what I'm saying. That you have a song with? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:23 What if they came at you? Outside of Slaughterhouse. I was going to say Royce. Not Slaughterhouse. You did a song with? Yeah. What if they came at you? Outside of Slaughterhouse. I was going to say Royce. Not Slaughterhouse. Even if you have a song with them. You did a song with Game after the beef. It don't matter.
Starting point is 00:51:30 If they come at you, you're not going to not say nothing. You're not. That's what people are forgetting. They're just hearing the diss or the response or whatever because it's just
Starting point is 00:51:39 people like to hear it. You know what I mean? Like that shit, it gets the people going. But wait, he responded to you I think, in an Instagram video
Starting point is 00:51:46 in a Wraith. Why y'all like that? That's a new way to respond. You have to be in a Wraith on Instagram. You have to be in a Wraith. Your stars ain't in there. No stars,
Starting point is 00:51:58 no bars. Yeah, them niggas make me feel a little way not having stars on my roof, B. Right?
Starting point is 00:52:03 Like, I feel like i deserve stars i'm putting stars in the crib next week oh my god one time i went to a chick's crib right like she had the sticky joys my nigga anytime you go to a chick crib and she got this she got the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling you yes you for. You for sure fucked it. Oh, and I fucked that night. You nigga, dog. I fucked that night. I didn't want to fuck.
Starting point is 00:52:28 The green stars. Wait, this bitch had the ball that spins around that puts all the stars on the ceiling? Oh, yeah. The little planetarium? Yeah, that you get from, what's that store that has all the future gadgets that break easy? She definitely didn't wear a condom. She got it from Sharper Image? Yes!
Starting point is 00:52:44 Oh, my God. Sky Ball? She it from Sharper Image. Yes! Oh, my God. Skyball. She had a Sharper Image planetarium ball. That bitch had a Sharper Image universe on her ceiling. With that bum-ass head she gave. That's a raw sex. Yo, bitch had trash shopping Sharper Images. Fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:53:01 That is nasty and disgusting. And I'm ashamed that I even told that story Now Alright what else is there Juicy for us to get Pause At juicy What else is there
Starting point is 00:53:10 That's good to get to With Eric I've heard his album I've heard his album So I mean What else is there to get to What's it good I liked it
Starting point is 00:53:21 I liked it Mace was there I want you to stop doing This Kid Ink shit that you do. Which part? It's a few songs that just sound Kid Ink-ish. Hit-y? No.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Okay. What you mean? There's a Kid Ink sound. I associate it with an L.A. sound. You probably talking about the 90s. You know all of Kid Ink's records. You talking about like a 90s BPM bop. You might be talking about She.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Let me see what I'm saying. It's definitely a West Coast. Yo, what's up with T-Fly, man? Oh, right here. Hold up. I just did a feature on one of his joints for his new project he got coming out. I like T-Fly. This one? Tell me that that's not Kid Ink. It could be.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I mean, the beat selection is like, you know, yeah. You know, like, maybe like a Kid Ink and Promise. I hate Kid Ink. Type beat. I don't want to hear Eric Bellinger do Kid Ink. Yeah, man. This is just, it just feels good and it sounds good. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:54:19 I don't know. Like, I don't think I'm taking his, I'm singing it, though. No, I will never say that Eric Bellinger is taking Kid Ink's style. I'm taking his. I'm singing. No, I will never say that Eric Bellinger is taking Kidding's style. I'm just saying I'm singing. I'm still singing, though. Like the pre-chorus, you get to the hook. The pre-chorus is super R&B. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:54:34 It's a little. It's some inflections of that. Show me. I definitely hear what you're saying. And it's definitely on purpose. 100% on purpose. Let's not. Yeah, because that kidding shit work.
Starting point is 00:54:46 It's the 90s BPM, like that mustard, you feel me, knick-knack did the beat. So knick-knack did a lot of the, you know, I wrote it with Bobby Brackens too, so it's all the elements.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Well, when can I get eventually Eric Bellinger? Because that's the thing, normally niggas that rely on only doing those kidding type of records can't do other type of records. Yeah, there's only two of those on here.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I know. You can. But all the rest, go ahead and listen to Silent Treatment. Why didn't you give us a ballad? I did. Listen to Silent Treatment right now. Take your time. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Go ahead. Listen to Legs. Listen to Ancient Egg. Everything is R&B. It's only two ups. That's a vibe. Right there. I don't know if I'm calling this a ballad, Eric Bellinger.
Starting point is 00:55:37 That's hard. That's not a ballad. Legs? The intro ain't a ballad? All right, Eric Bellinger doesn't know what a ballad is. Are you talking about just a big, slow, like... That's what a ballad is. Nah, not on this podcast. Joe needs something he can light 79 candles to.
Starting point is 00:55:55 This is a ballad. That's all I'm saying. It's not a ballad. He wants some real pretty shit. He wants you on just a grand piano. What's all these'm saying. It's not a ballad. He wants some real pretty shit. He wants you on just a grand piano. Role play. What's all these ordinary people shit? Role play, I would say, is probably the closest thing to a ballad.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Okay. Nude is a ballad. Nude is a ballad. Okay, no, I don't got none of those on this. I wouldn't. Mood is a ballad. Okay. There's a few ballads on that record.
Starting point is 00:56:23 What about By Now? What's that? Because that's a ballad. There's a few ballads on that record. What about By Now? What's that? Because that's a smooth one. That's a smooth one. It's in that. Give it the beat. I got you. Hold up.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. I got you. That's why I said. I think anytime you have those drums, it's no longer a ballad. Yeah, that's why I said I think anytime you have those drums It's no longer about that
Starting point is 00:56:46 That's why That's why I paused Because this is hard too Right No matter Now that's hard That's hard That is hard
Starting point is 00:57:04 But yeah it's hard. That's hard. That's hard. But yeah, it's hard. It's because of the drums. I get, alright, I understand what you're saying. Because if you took the drums out of this, I could understand. Yeah. How this would be a ballad. Are there any R&B niggas you like?
Starting point is 00:57:26 Like that you want to work with? That you want to invite to Malibu Nights? Daniel Caesar, SZA, somebody? Yeah And do you care that SZA said She's not putting out any more music? Last album Next album, last album This next one is her last one?
Starting point is 00:57:35 That's what she said I don't know if I believe that Right, right, right I really enjoy I would hate that I enjoy her music the most Everybody, really. I fuck with her.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Me too. That would be unfortunate. She was at the show the other night. I just did a show in LA. I didn't get to meet her. Are you touring this project? Yeah, touring. June, July.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Doing my radio promo swag right now. Getting the word out. We good plus 15? Easy. Easy call. Y'all good, man. You already know y'all good. It's a lot. Getting the word out. We good plus 15? Easy. Easy call. Y'all good, man. You already know y'all good. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:58:09 It's a lot. Did you perform while you were in New York? Or was it promo? I did. One Oak Sunday night. Yeah, when you hit me. Oh, Eric hit me. Oh, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:58:17 That's funny. Y'all know I go to bed at 8 o'clock. Eric don't know that, though. Y'all just hit town. What's good? One Oak later. What we doing? But Joe, you wake up when- That was my But Joe, you wake up when one oak is popping.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Ah, that's true. More. I still haven't said anything yet. Yeah, but you took a picture under there. I was at one oak. I never did that. Fuck out of here. You did.
Starting point is 00:58:39 With a peace sign. Yeah, tough. Joe to Connecticut today. Hand drove right back. It's just that one. Drove to Connecticut today and drove right back. It's a definite vibe with the radio. Do you like all of this promo shit? It's different from behind the scenes. Because I hate it.
Starting point is 00:58:53 It's so different. But I've been doing that so much that it's just a good different. Because I'm just happy to be doing. Now I'm in a car and I'm looking at, staring at the different mountains and the different city structures. So it's cool. Plus I don't have to, you know, when I'm away, it's a lot less of demand on me. When I'm at home, when I'm in LA, it's like, wow.
Starting point is 00:59:14 I got, can you do this? Can you do this? I'm just doing 20 things a day. Now it's like I do feel like I get to chill for real. Not being home. Yeah, being on the road is like that. That's the nice thing about being on the road. Yeah, i agree i agree yeah well eric is one of my favorite people and i definitely want to invite him back here when he starts to hate some more things hey you know what to keep it ahead like you know when the first question you asked was how's that doing for you you know and the answer to that is it's doing
Starting point is 00:59:49 great i didn't expect that i honestly was just like all right i've had enough i'm going to the studio boom then you were being passionate yeah you were being artistic still and then once i seen it go out and the response and Elliot Wilson, I'm like, what? This is what it took? Here's my question. Let's put out 15 mixtapes. Literally 15. This is what it took?
Starting point is 01:00:14 Yeah, man. This is crazy. And then now it was like all the doors, all the doors that was like, damn, we need to get on this. We need to get on this. We need to get on this. It's just like, bro, you got to play game you feel me my last question because i forgot this and i don't i don't how are people able to sell other people's music because it's happening a lot well like i bought your yikes record uh-huh yeah but it's off it's already off uh itunes yes catch me if you can yeah pretty much
Starting point is 01:00:44 you know so we put it on there. Unless you're paying a grip before. Because I also got the beat reproduced. So somebody else made the beat, but they wasn't happy about it, so they took it down. But it's interesting because at the time when it was up there,
Starting point is 01:00:58 my whole catalog was trending on Apple Music for the four days that it was up. So that is a worthy risk. That's my question. On Apple Music for the four days that it was up. So that is a worthy risk. Hell yeah. That's my question. When they come to you and tell you to take it down, it's just take it down, right? Yep, it's down. It depends what that record do.
Starting point is 01:01:16 It depends on how much money you made off it. Are they taking the money? Blurred lines, they went all the way there. I thought I was cool just because we did get it reproduced, but they was like, no, that's the same beat. Same chord progressions. I was like, all right. It was a sample.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And even speaking of the sample, we can't leave out the fact that the song that Tory came at me on, he also took from somebody else. It was crazy. I just wanted that to be known to it because I'm an asshole. I like R&B. I like R&B. I love R&B. I love asshole. Pause.
Starting point is 01:01:51 You know what I mean? It's all love though, everybody. Hey, I've been here. We got to get Amani to diss him now. So now if Tory come back at you,
Starting point is 01:02:02 you got to come back after your next record because I know you're going to go back at him. You have to. I don't know if Eric is. I wanted to get Amani to diss him now. So now if Tory come back at you, you got to come back after your next record, because I know you're going to go back at him. You have to. I don't know if Eric is. Eric is not. Because Eric is not a big fan.
Starting point is 01:02:09 I wanted to get a one and done vibe. I really wanted to get a one and done vibe. One take him. Yeah, man. I was going. Yeah, but if you put out a dope record. If you put out a smoker. If you put out a smoker, I got to go back in.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Right. Exactly. But that's cool. But that's cool. You don't think we got a smoker coming from him, huh? A smoker? I don't know. It just don't make no sense.
Starting point is 01:02:30 It just don't make no sense. It's like, yo, you went first. I went second. Chill. You want to keep it going? It's like, bro, I'm going to do it. I'm going to go crazy again. I'm going to go very crazy again.
Starting point is 01:02:38 I'm going to go very crazy again. So it's cool to just be like right where you at. You know what I mean? Just leave it alone. Just leave it alone. Because I'm cool. I got it off. You got it off.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Unless you want to go. Because the culture needs it. That's it. Hey. You're in here first. Ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, man. Eric B for president. Chill. Did yeah man Eric B for president did you
Starting point is 01:03:08 say Eric B for president beef no B okay not beef I spent I spent my I've spent my whole career beefing and I saw where it got me so I wouldn't want to wish that on anyone else especially now one of my favorite artists I want you to continue to make a man more positivity more R r b music i'm a lover not a fighter i'm trying to be out here you know you know giving you music to play when it's time to get it popping you know i mean that's missing and can we get a mood part two easy easy yeah yeah the next one you know what i want to do is the rebirth too you know and that was like the biggest R&B project for me. Yes, the Rebirth.
Starting point is 01:03:47 That the people loved me for. The Rebirth was crazy. Reward is like my favorite song. That's my shit. Yep, same. That record's awesome. Yeah, I love Reward 2 after I heard Rory play it. Yeah, that's my favorite one that I've done, like on an album,
Starting point is 01:04:02 like one of my songs. If you are unfamiliar with Eric Bellinger's catalog just type his name in iTunes or YouTube this man has been putting it in for a long time pause and he's got a lot of good music um I'm really happy that your new album is out I'm really happy it's on Empire I'm really happy that you tied to the shit with these fucking niggas yeah I'm happy that you get that you get into the sh with these fucking niggas yeah i'm i'm happy that you get that you get into the shit you know for a long time you know a lot of time the writers when they play the artist game too it doesn't really pan out it doesn't pan out all the time so for
Starting point is 01:04:36 for it to be working for someone who i deem to be immensely talented i'm really happy about that thank you i wish you all the best with your album. Easy call. In stores right now. Let me hear my gunshot on these bitches. Let me turn the volume up real quick. Hold up so y'all can hear my gunshot. Easy. Maul, you got anything before we exit?
Starting point is 01:04:57 No. Rory, do you have anything before we exit? I think that's it. Rory's jeans. anything Before we exit I think that's it Rory's jeans Is the deal closed My podcast is closed E You don't want
Starting point is 01:05:12 You don't want Just nobody before we leave Do you want to promote Anything before we leave Is that that easy No I'm good man I'm super solid
Starting point is 01:05:22 Appreciate y'all having me I know this is a special Exception And I don't take it lightly You know what I'm super solid. Appreciate y'all having me. I know this is a special exception, and I don't take it lightly. You know what I mean? Thank you. I know y'all going crazy. Do y'all think, you know, congrats to y'all as well. When I come out to L.A., do I have to hit you to be put on some type of list for Malibu
Starting point is 01:05:37 Nights? Negative. Or I can just show up? Yeah, we like that, man. I think I paid when I went last time. You know, you just hit me today. I think I paid the cover charge. You know what I'm saying? Pull up. I didn't know. Because I wanted to hit you just hit me today Last time I think I paid the cover charge Yo
Starting point is 01:05:45 I didn't know Cause I wanted to hit you It was Amani Amani said he was the plug I wanted to hit you the other night But when you said You was at 1-0 Popping
Starting point is 01:05:54 I didn't want to let you know That I was That whack That I was in bed So I just didn't hit you Nah It's all You already know what time it is
Starting point is 01:06:01 Deep connection You know Nah Put that Go to that Malibu night shit If you in LA Yeah I'm coming to Malibu Night shit if you in LA. Yeah. I'm coming to Malibu.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Keisha Cole popped up and killed that shit last time. Nah, it's like once, one Wednesday out of the month. We usually just kind of pick which Wednesday, depending on who's in town, you know what I mean, who's down to just hop on the mic, because every week we got somebody the first week. You definitely want to check that out this year. And we had T-Pain. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:06:21 We had Ne-Yo. We had R. Kelly. We had, you know, so many just crazy people. Keisha Cole. Yeah. The women pull up. The women pull up heavy. You feel safe saying R. Kelly's name like that?
Starting point is 01:06:33 Yeah, man. I don't know what's going on in the world right now either. You know, I'm in promo mode. So, you know what I'm saying? Everybody got to. I'm seeing all of the little gossip late. I'm like wait what What happened
Starting point is 01:06:45 And like bro That was three days ago That's old Well you about 15 years late On R. Kelly my friend On that note Easy call
Starting point is 01:06:54 Out Mountain stories now Eric Bellinger Thank you for stopping by Appreciate you Rory's going to watch The Dippin' Low vid Absolutely
Starting point is 01:07:03 Can't go to sleep without it Can't go vid. Absolutely. Can't go to sleep without it. Can't go to sleep without it. Can't go to sleep without it. Maul, take that fucking hoodie off. Why? It goes with the strings. I know. Why?
Starting point is 01:07:14 No reason. Wear the pink print hoodie. It's fine. All right, and that is our afterthought segment of the podcast. Erickson is happy that we are finished. Me too. That we are getting the fuck out of town I want to thank
Starting point is 01:07:27 our special guests Rory and Eric Bellinger and we'll see all you fucktards and fuckettes next week Joe Budden Podcast salute good shot
Starting point is 01:07:40 WALA WALA WALA

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