The Joe Budden Podcast - Episode 174 | "The Free Money Card"

Episode Date: August 15, 2018

The Barbz are back! And this week Joe, Rory and Mal jump right into it and covers Nicki Minaj’s new album, “Queen” (5:12). Joe then addressees Nicki’s antics on social media and her beef with Gwinin’ (39:06) and how she exposed Safaree’s hairline transplant during her interview with Funk Flex (1:02:06). Joe also discusses Warner Bros selling their shares in Spotify for $500 million and how it affects creators (145:38). For those wondering, Joe’s passion is on full display this episode as the guys unpack what’s on the docket. Sleeper Picks of the Week: Rory: Joyce Wrice - “Goodmorning” | Joe: F5 - Left on Read Mal: Phabo - “Right Now” |

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 I don't think it's an amazing album. It's a good album. Let me get a lot of good songs. Relax, Mo. We ain't even recording yet and you trying to get me your Nicki bag. Damn. Barb's unite, my nigga.
Starting point is 00:00:10 You a Barb. You on video jamming to the Barbz. Yo, can I get into my... You don't have me on no video ever jamming to the Barbz. You on video jamming. Nicki killed... That is a fact.
Starting point is 00:00:20 She smoked this one. Get the fuck out of here, nigga. You a Barb, not me. Actually, this is the first time I've listened to a full Nicki album. Really? The first time ever. Swear to God. Swear to God.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Pause this because I'm not really down. And I didn't even download it. I'm just listening to it on Apple Music. I didn't even download it to my library. Shut up, nigga. Yo, all these lies. You ever hear a nigga just saying shit to believe his own words? Yo, I didn't even buy it
Starting point is 00:00:45 or stream it or hear it on anybody's phone. I never even, I never heard the single. I would never put it I just know it's the greatest album. Shut the fuck up. Cause I'm not gonna go back
Starting point is 00:00:55 and listen to it like that. Oh, okay. I forgot the fucking song I was talking about. I don't have that shit in my library. Oh,
Starting point is 00:01:00 ain't no way. Give me my shit. I don't need a fucking mall while the real queen, you know what I mean? I don't want to hear you. I respect that. I know, there's you. There's you, man. It's both y'all.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Mic check, mic check, mic check, you know what I mean? Ain't no way. Ain't no way, boy. Some of y'all have no idea who this is. Get Rory. Rory thinks it's Tiana. This the records that didn't make it on the album? He think this a Kanye sample by the flip and there's some ill shit. Word. When the drums come in.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Oh yeah, wood killer shit. Put Taleb on this. You mean Taleb lyrics stick to my ribs? Alright, hold up. Let me get in my bag Oh no Oh yeah Is the organ coming in? Yeah I can't
Starting point is 00:02:11 Yeah I gotta chill What happened to organs? This time Vinyls When was the last time You just seen an organ Laying around? I have
Starting point is 00:02:22 I'm sorry Hold up Hold up You don't have to do anything for me I am. Hold on. I'm for Rory. Hold on. Hold on. You don't have to do anything for me. Sure I do. Come on. I know you were a dip set nigga. It's a fact.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah, you're a dip set guy. Rory, you down with a lot of clicks on a lot. It's true. It's true, Rory. You're a crew hopper. Damn, I'm a crew whore? You kind of are. You Crew hopper. Damn, I'm a crew whore? You kind of are. You got bad chains.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Damn. Mike, Mike, Mike. All right, so we good. We good. Aretha Franklin is alive. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:02:56 That almost fucked the nigga Weekend up. Oh, dude. So we happy about that. Maul came in on some bullshit. So I guess we gotta address that too And I'm ready Yeah, this is my whole shit I'm playing all this shit
Starting point is 00:03:11 I don't give a fuck We gonna be here for a minute Yeah, Maul This song is like This is important You feel like Nicki's Gotten her respect With this album
Starting point is 00:03:21 You feel like she's done it Did she silence done it? Did she silence the critics? Hey, Nicki, I don't want to hear no more. Don't you utter Aretha Franklin's name no more. For real. Bad timing now. Come on, Mom.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I'm going to ask you a question. What? Do you think that she's gained her respect? Let me cut this off. Let's talk for a little bit. Let's talk for a little bit. See, I don't like when you go... No, no, no, Joe Button. No, Rory and Ma! Welcome to episode 174 of the Joe Button Podcast. I am your host, Joe Button, here alongside some of my nearest and dearest friends.
Starting point is 00:04:03 That would be Ma, Parks, Rory, Erickson. Savon went to the store for alcoholic beverages. And my son Trey is here. Hello, everyone. Hello. That's the hello. Maul, are you listening to the Nicky album? Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:23 No. I'm listening to you I was waiting for you to finish your little spiel Your bum ass radio voice I'm so confused Don't try to get professional now On episode 174 Welcome to the Joe Budden Podcast
Starting point is 00:04:38 Episode 174 I want to shout out to the YouTube viewership Is this my professional voice? Yeah I didn't know Maul was going to come in here With all this fuck shit 74. I want to shout out to the YouTube viewership. Is this my professional voice? Yeah. It is. I didn't know Maul was going to come in here with all this fuck shit. So once again, I'm... Yeah, man. I just interjected on a conversation y'all were having. I was in the bathroom
Starting point is 00:04:55 and I just interjected a little bit. Y'all was talking about something. I didn't come in here with that. Do you want to start there or do you want to start with... Whatever y'all want to talk about, let's talk about it. Where y'all want to start? I want to start there just because you talking shit now. I mean, Rory, fuck this nigga, man.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Let's talk about it. The Queen. The album or... Well, you referred to her as the Queen when you walked in. No, we wasn't even talking to this nigga. We were talking to each other. But we wasn talking to this nigga like we were talking to each other but we wasn't talking to you we were talking to each other and you walked in and said yo i hear y'all talking about the queen in there and it threw me all off like are you okay i'm good
Starting point is 00:05:36 how you doing are we allowed to talk about talk about it let's talk talk about whatever are we Are we worthy? All right. So, Queen. We are mortals. The album. It is out. And all your DSPs. Yeah, and all your DSPs. What are you guys thinking about the reviews you're seeing out there? Listen. Oh, wait. If you're new to this podcast or if you're going to be annoyed at the mention of Nicki Minaj,
Starting point is 00:06:08 Safari, Asian Barbie, Dream Doll, Self, who else? Who else? Just leave or skip to like an hour. Yeah. Me too. Yeah. This is mad shit. The clue is in here somehow. Envy's in there somewhere. Oh, yeah. Me too. Yeah, this is mad shit. The clue is in here somehow.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Envy's in there somewhere. Oh yeah, Envy. Ah yes, Envy. Charlamagne snuck in a dig. Oh, this is great.
Starting point is 00:06:32 So yeah, if you got a problem with any of that, y'all should leave right this second. We was about to talk about all this shit. Now,
Starting point is 00:06:37 the album came out to, would you say, mixed reviews, yes? Mixed reviews, yeah. I haven't seen a lot of reviews, honestly.
Starting point is 00:06:46 The main one I saw was what we all kind of thought it was better than what we expected for sure i thought it was uh judging by her energy yeah pushbacks let's start expecting this not to be that great i'm not really her demographic me either so of course we're all speaking of this objectively music fans uh but i thought it was pretty good i thought it was well executed as far as it was produced well. Wait, hold up, Parks. Hey, Ma, how come when the three of us say we not really a demographic, like you don't say nothing? Ben said that Nicky doesn't make music for us.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I'm just checking. Y'all like to make this ongoing joke that I'm a barb and all of this. Like, I don't even own any Nicky music. Like, I listen to it, but I don't listen to Nicki music like that. All right, did you hear the album? Yeah, of course I heard it.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I had to listen to the album. Is it in your contract? No, but I had to because everybody was talking about it. It was a lot of reviews, so I'm like, let me go see what all the talk is about.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I had to listen to it. It was like, it was a lot of reviews. So I'm like, let me go see what all the talk is about. But the act, I had to listen to it. Okay. Yeah. Where did you listen to it? Yeah, since you didn't. I was in the crib. But you said you don't have it
Starting point is 00:07:53 on your phone. Were you in the earbuds or the speakers? I didn't download it to my library, but I listened to it. All right, tell me about your
Starting point is 00:07:58 listening experience. What type of speakers were you in? I need to hear how you was vibing that night. Bluetooth? Yeah, the audio box in the crib.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Bluetooth. That's how you listen to music. I don't have a fucking studio set up in my house. Okay. You don't have the bigs? Yeah, I don't have the bigs in my crib. Sorry. So the first song comes on.
Starting point is 00:08:20 You in the crib, lights low. Gunja burn, gunja burn, gunja burn. You was like, hmm. Gunja bling bling. No, that's track two. Oh, okay. That's what you did. I didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I was listening. I didn't burn any gunja, though. I was listening to the album. I don't know why this is funny. That was a question I was going to have actually it's like the song that you really like
Starting point is 00:08:47 I just want to know why y'all hate Nicki so much come on we don't hate Nicki why is that the cool thing to do we was the first
Starting point is 00:08:53 people to champion not y'all I'm saying like why do people want to not like she made herself unlikable yeah I'm not doing
Starting point is 00:08:59 this with you again Mo we already did I'm just asking we've done 8 podcasts what people are doing, that doesn't affect
Starting point is 00:09:06 how I listen to music or how I view things. Mo, we're just laughing at you. I know, I know. I'm just putting that out there just so people understand where I'm coming from. Like, I'm not a bar of anything.
Starting point is 00:09:15 It's just that I don't fall into that it's cool to not like somebody right now at the moment thing. I don't do that. All right, so are you going to give us a deep dive on this album?
Starting point is 00:09:25 A deep dive? It's a good album. I think it's a good album. I think there do that. I'm just listening to music. Are you going to give us a deep dive on this album? A deep dive? It's a good album. I think it's a good album. I think there's some good records on there. There's a couple records that I'm really not a huge fan of, but there's a couple records on there where I'm like, okay, what's your top three joints? Or like you worded it earlier. I don't know the names of songs.
Starting point is 00:09:39 He wanted to know what you thought the standouts were for you. I don't remember names. But say standouts. I like the record with Sway Lee. lee i like that one i like it too i like the um obvious that's the one you came in here pumping up no that was that's a good record um i like the the um the old record she did i think she did she did a thing on that was you vibing to barbie dreams oh i don't know if i was vibing to it, but I think it's a cool record. She got a few records on there that I like, though. I was honestly listening to it thinking it was going to be a terrible album, but she did a thing.
Starting point is 00:10:18 It's a lot of good records on there. I think that a lot of people would like the album. I think so. It's very pop friendly. Yeah. I mean, I won't be jamming to it. I don't listen to it. That's not for me, but I had to listen to it just to hear what she did, and she did
Starting point is 00:10:32 her thing. You watch sports, right? Yeah. Don't look at my laptop. No, I watch sports. I'm trying to figure out why you asked me that question in the middle of this conversation. Because I want to ask you another question. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Kobe. KD. Kyrie. Pick a K. Pick a K. Pick a K, nigga. Which one do you pick? Kobe. It's definitely Kobe.
Starting point is 00:10:54 KD. Obviously. I mean, is it obvious? Yeah, we know ball. Me? If you're asking me? Ball. Come on.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Talk about ball. If you're asking me which one? K. Kobe, yeah. That's my pick. you are so trash ball all right so let's get it all right all right we're not gonna pull me we got we got the mall we got the mall deep dive i'm not one of those people no let's have an insightful conversation let's have a serious conversation i like i thought the album was cool i thought i thought the album was cool like parks and rory said nikki is not i'm i'm certain that she's not making records for me right i i am not her demographic
Starting point is 00:11:30 however i've been watching closely and uh i've been thinking certain things by you know just what we're seeing and piecing certain things together. And like with most artists, you can never really conclude anything until you get that final, that final piece, which is the album in cases like this. Right. So I purchased the album. I bought it. I didn't stream it.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Let me just walk you all through my process. The CD? I purchased. No, I went to the iTunes store and I pressed buy, double clicked on the side of my 10, tried to match my face. The phone didn't recognize my face. I canceled because I couldn't remember my password.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I eventually got my face to recognize it and I bought it. Anyway. You just got to ask Cyn what your password is. For real. Try her face too. So the album comes on, right? Album comes on. Let me tell you my gripes with this album this album comes on ganja burns i love it i'll be honest with you guys if i had to pick some of my ganja burns is one of my standout tracks on this album right but even in that that music and that and that just the beat and the feel
Starting point is 00:12:53 and the bop and everything made me think that okay you about to take us somewhere because normally an artist will tell you a lot with how they start their album. So that beat comes on, I think she's about to take me somewhere, and she don't, right? Like, hold up. Let me just make sure I'm not kidding here. Watch them cunts learn. Fashion icon Audrey Hepburn.
Starting point is 00:13:23 What the fuck is she talking about on here? Audrey Hepburn. But but listen I'm not mad at this first verse this first verse you setting me up great I just want to point no no no no come on long hook and let me just say Nikki will sing on everything Nikki will sing and do it no no it's a lot more as of late she's singing on shit she shouldn't even sing on She's sung on this For two whole minutes
Starting point is 00:13:47 After the song was over Alright so listen But we love that hook I love this beat I actually think she should sing I think she should put out Like more singing records actually I think she has a
Starting point is 00:13:58 A voice where she can make Like a whole album sing I'm still here with this hook And the first verse set up So I'm still here with this hook and the first verse set up. So I'm still waiting to hear where she's taking me. And then this happens. Are you kidding me right now? So I'm just telling y'all how I processed this album.
Starting point is 00:14:23 So when I heard that verse, it was alarming to me. Because on that verse, on that beat, on the dropout, you're supposed to do it now. You're supposed to make us feel something. You just named a bunch of niggas. What the fuck are you doing here? All right, but cool. But cool. I agree in a sense with where her career is at and how important this album was.
Starting point is 00:14:43 This is not the time for this. There has to be somewhat of a statement to start the album. Listen to this more honestly. Like, I don't need all these Cardi subs. Who are you talking about? It's not good. Just the substance and the verse. This song is still good.
Starting point is 00:15:04 This is still my standout track. But listen to this. Come on. Let me address that, too, really quickly. What is her problem with the people that aren't writing their rhymes? It's not a problem. She doesn't have a problem with people that's not writing rhymes. She's just tired of saying she doesn't write her rhymes.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And don't compare me to them because I write my own rhymes. Yeah. She doesn't have a problem with them. She's just saying, like, I write my own rhymes. Did you listen to the Funk Flex interview? Yeah. The whole thing, unfortunately. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:15:36 She did say she has a problem with people that don't write their rhymes. Exactly what you're saying. And her being grouped in that same category. Yeah, but I think it's more so that. Because people, after the Safari split, people said, oh, Safari was writing her shit. But you don't think she can make that point about herself without that? Well, that's been my whole issue with everything, is that Nicki is addressing too much bullshit. And I feel like she's above and beyond that.
Starting point is 00:16:03 She's so much of a superstar. She shouldn't even be paying attention to the dumb shit because I'm pretty sure every superstar if you they sit online it's dumb shit all in their comments and it mentions all the time so I don't understand why Nikki is responding to so much dumb shit I think she's beyond that that's what I said on this podcast maybe over a year and a half ago, that Nicki doesn't act like a star. She doesn't carry herself like one. I think that's why it never connected, even when she was at her peak and she was doing records with Beyonce and videos and shit.
Starting point is 00:16:32 It just never connected because she never acted that way. Right. She acted like a kid on Twitter. So this song comes on and me being someone who thinks that she's been working on an album and trying to release an album for over a year I recognize that song as a song that was meant for an album that was coming out last year I just don't think that she made that song anytime recently at all not with that sound not with that bop not with those drums not like that But that's one of my standout tracks, right?
Starting point is 00:17:06 What's track two? Majesty. Mall. This was a quick skip for me. Whatever you say, this is my... We can cut it. I'm cutting that off. How you let four words play and you cut a record off? Well, I'm not going to play all the songs here.
Starting point is 00:17:24 No, I know that, but I'm just saying. Oh, no, no, that's not what I did when I was listening to it. Oh, okay. When I was listening to it, I let Nicki rock. The beat bothered me because this is another one that sounds dated. I don't think you made this any time recently, right? That chorus, this just sounds like something that somebody tried to turn on in a Slaughterhouse session and make us rap to it.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yeah, I was going to say, the Eminem stimulus package where it's just a poppy beat with some guy singing or some girl singing. And here comes Eminem on the end of it, Eminem-ing. For me, that's going to be a no. But now I feel like, I'm two songs in now, and now I feel like that's two songs that you really didn't do. I'm two songs in now and now I I feel like that's two songs that you really didn't do I don't feel
Starting point is 00:18:06 I don't feel like Nicki Minaj created very many songs on this album that's my hot take and I'm not saying that that's a bad thing I
Starting point is 00:18:15 my trained ear just recognizes be specific about who created though cause it sounds like you're saying she didn't write her music
Starting point is 00:18:22 oh no no I'm not saying that you're saying song structure I'm saying Nicki for. You're saying song structure. I'm saying Nicki for quite some time has been insert verse. Right. A lot of people are. At that level especially.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Like on a pop level. Like who? Any pop singer for the most part. Name me. All right. I'm talking about hip hop. I feel like Eminem has been doing that for quite some time. Oh, no. That's not true. That's not true at all. Eminem has been doing that for quite some time. Oh, no, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:18:46 That's not true at all. Eminem has been producing all of his shit. He's been writing everything. He's been doing everything by himself. I'm saying with the actual music. He adds to them, obviously. But I think Nicki does, too. I don't need us to nitpick.
Starting point is 00:19:02 We got a lot to unpack. Y'all are trained enough here to know what I mean when I say insert verse. I know exactly what you're saying. So in song one, I think that was insert verse. In track two, I think we're insert verse is all I'm saying. Track three is Barbie Dreams. Nails on a chalkboard for me. That one is excruciatingly bad for me. for me but it did what it was supposed to do and
Starting point is 00:19:28 that's part of the reason it's excruciatingly bad to me because i don't think that an artist this big needs to attention seek at track three you put this attention seeking song at track three right behind eminem right off of your fucking Afrobeat bop shit. Like, boy, is this a reach three tracks in. It made me sick because I remember the Biggie shit. Right. You can't turn that into dreams of fucking one of these little rappers. I mean, can and did.
Starting point is 00:20:04 No, you can't. You can't. can and did. No, you can't. You can't. And it worked. No, it didn't. Yes, it did. It got... What was everyone talking about the day the album came out?
Starting point is 00:20:12 Right. That record. I'm not saying if it worked well or it was impactful, but that day, to get attention to that album, that's what everyone was talking about. I think...
Starting point is 00:20:21 All right. It's not something I'll ever play, but I get why it's on there. I think that that song should have been... I get why it's on there, too. No, that's my thing. All the songs that I'm naming, even. It's not something I'll ever play, but I get why it's on there. I think that that song should have been, I get why it's on there too. No, that's my thing. All the songs that I'm naming, even the ones I don't like,
Starting point is 00:20:30 I totally understand why they're there. Right. This song probably didn't need to be there. This song could have been a freestyle. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:20:38 If you put this song on there, why didn't you put the Barbie things on there? I probably just didn't. That song was hard. It didn't get the response they wanted. That's my point.
Starting point is 00:20:47 So clearly you're not just basing this off of what your ear is hearing. Because then this song wouldn't be there. But that's fine. Rich Sex. Hard Pass for me.
Starting point is 00:20:57 I didn't like it when it came out. It didn't work then. Didn't work now for me. Hard White. Love it. Now. Boy. Hold up. didn't work now for me hard white love it now boy hold up
Starting point is 00:21:08 this is another one that i love a lot i love this work hard just to get it hard back she's gonna sing on this hard ass beat You wanna listen to that track Work hard just to get it heard right Work hard just to get it heard right She's gonna sing on this hard ass beat I bust shots, don't duck if it don't apply So when I'm listening to this song, Mo, then I got, then I realized kind of what my beef was with Nicki, this album thus far at this point.
Starting point is 00:21:44 This is the Nicki I love. Boy, I love this Nicki. I think when we all loved Nicki, this is the bag she was kind to end. Right. So when I hear this song on this album, anytime she on one of these, she tearing that up. That one is out of here.
Starting point is 00:22:01 She's never hopping on one of them and not doing that, which confuses me because then it's like, well, Ben, why are you not doing that? Yeah, I could use a little bit more. You just gave me. I think she's trying to satisfy too many audiences. That's the point. And it comes off scattered in the album.
Starting point is 00:22:17 And that is what I'm saying. I'm listening to your album and. Are you guys going to use the hot word of album reviews and call it not cohesive? This album is not cohesive, but I'm going to explain why after I just go through this breakdown. Hard white, I love. She don't give that to me enough, Maul. She don't give me the hard Queens bitch who came up on hard times, and this is what it is.
Starting point is 00:22:42 I'm the best rap out. Bad, Ariana Grande. I wish something dramatic would happen to their friendship so they could stop. I'm tired of them too. I want them to stop talking. I want them to stop tweeting.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I want them to stop doing everything. Yeah, I do hate friendship, man. Nah, nah. That's crazy. Because this song could have been great. It could have been great. It could have been great.
Starting point is 00:23:05 It got an okay response. It was received pretty well. Received well. They fucking was. As compared to. They was out there working this shit for five years, my nigga. Yeah. Oh, I have a bed with your name on it.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Oh. So you don't want to see them at the bowling alley together. That's a no for me, right? And wait, let me just point out, I still don't think that she's created any song up until this point. I think all of these have been insert verse. Even Hard White? Yep.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yep. And when I read the credits, nothing tells me different. When I'm looking at- You say she created, didn't create, which you want her to do what with the song? You're talking about writing the concept I want her to go in there, come up with the concept,
Starting point is 00:23:50 and flush it out. You don't think she did that with Hard White? No. No. I think she got a hard beat from Who Did That Boy Wonder and Illmind. Yeah. I think that she had a writer in there i think that writer wrote something and i
Starting point is 00:24:08 think she sung it insert her hook then insert her verse and there we have it that's what i think has happened thus far and the next song is this at first i didn't like this song because i thought she was offbeat. Well, she is offbeat, but she's doing it on purpose. She just don't sound as good doing the offbeat on purpose shit like them niggas that be doing it like The Weeknd. But I do like this song. This is also insert verse. I have yet to receive Nicki on this album.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And this is your queen album. I'm waiting. I'm here. I like this song. I like this. But wait, don't fuck up what I'm saying. I like this song. And granted, the average person, Maul, is not listening to music like a madman like a scientist like this yeah but what i will say is
Starting point is 00:25:06 i think i think a lot of things that you're saying are you on point with a lot but i think a lot of it is is just well wait let me go what well no let me go let me go further because to to to my point i guess is 18 songs in this album and maybe the first half of this is real agenda based. The first half of this album is I have an objective. We got numbers to hit. We got shit to do. Let's handle the business. All of these songs so far, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:36 She's a pop star, bro. I'm not mad at her. I'm not mad. I don't think she had the room to even get too creative in the fear that it wouldn't work. She had to do the simplistic, I know fear that it wouldn't work. But see, she had to do the simplistic. I know this is going to play well. But stop right there, because that is what separates the men from the boys, the real from the fake. That right there. not be receiving this album the way they you know may not be feeling it the way they they would like
Starting point is 00:26:05 to is because whatever they expected from nikki is not present here i think the days of mc nikki menage are long gone those days are over finito meaning she can't make records like that or oh no no no the caliber the caliber of her lyricism is not on display on this album. No, but you said you think... So you're saying you don't think she's capable? I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. No, because you said you think that's far gone.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Just her motives? Well, if we're not hearing it. I mean, if we're not hearing it... I mean, but it's been that way since Star Chips or whatever that shit. Her direction has changed, man. I'm not, but I'm... Well, her life has changed. Time mean, but it's been that way since Star Chips or whatever that shit. No. Her direction has changed, man. I'm not, but I'm... Well, her life has changed.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Time out, time out. Don't do that. Don't get me off my point. I'm never mad at an artist for serving two audiences or two fan bases. I'm not mad at you doing dedication
Starting point is 00:26:58 and lollipop. I'm never mad at that. Young Money is the, they're the kings of that. Yeah, true. They created that shit, so I'm not mad at her having shit to hit they're the kings of that yeah true they created that shit so i'm not mad at her having having shit to hit bad boy bad boy definitely served to everyone has two genres one that's not genres two audiences you get the hard biggie b-side shit and then you'd get
Starting point is 00:27:18 the crazy sample that puff found yeah okay you're right but what i'm saying is young money is the first time that one camp has had total control over white people and black people on each one of their acts puff was kind of the only one making all that shit he was sending mace to mariah the locks like he was puffed uh total big like he was putting the rap and R&B shit together, but white people wasn't really, you know what I mean? No, I'll agree there. They wasn't fucking with big without the juicy beat, without the hypnotized beat, without the...
Starting point is 00:27:55 That's puff. Puff is a genius, man. I'm not saying that because I'm on Revolt. And it's also two different times because hip-hop has become pop music. When big was doing that, it wasn't. That's true.
Starting point is 00:28:07 So listen, because we got a lot of shit to get to. So we got Chun-Sue. Maul likes this record a lot. I'm not really into this record. I fuck with it.
Starting point is 00:28:18 LLC. She had enough of Cardi's shit. I like that one. She was rapping. No, no, I like that. I like that record a lot see but and that right there starts the Nicki Minaj album for me from ganja burns ganja burn ganja burn ganja burn
Starting point is 00:28:36 straight to fucking you did the reference hard white right here once you get into this This little LLC bitch Again that's back to the hard white shit That's back to the The Nicki that we all fell in love with Come up DVD Nicki I love this I love Good Form I do too
Starting point is 00:28:56 This second half of the album Was like a totally different nigga Well I mean that's part of You know what artists do though They You know it's usually a Side A side B You know what I mean that's part of You know what artists do though They You know it's usually Side A side B You know what I mean
Starting point is 00:29:09 So I think that she just You know like you said She got certain records Out the way and The bottom half is It's a different vibe It's a different feel now Think about this one here
Starting point is 00:29:19 This is Nip Talk I like this one This is one of the Standout tracks for me as well I like this song a lot But that's not why I turned it on I think she needs
Starting point is 00:29:29 An album like this though Like How you saying Like she's gonna sing On something Like I think She can really make A full album like that
Starting point is 00:29:37 Like a full project I agree I think she should I think she'd get killed For doing it Not if it's like this You're gonna get killed For trying anything
Starting point is 00:29:44 And as soon as it's dope People are If she just completely Stop rapping People are She'd get killed for doing it. Not if it's like this. You're going to get killed for trying anything and as soon as it's dope, people are going. If she just completely stopped rapping, people are... It's become popular to hate Nicki, so a little thing like
Starting point is 00:29:51 not rapping anymore. Nicki is not just a rapper. It is not popular to hate Nicki Minaj. I don't know why people keep saying that. Yo, when people are hating her, it's a reaction
Starting point is 00:29:59 to some hateable shit that she's done. Niggas ain't out here waking up saying, yo, fuck Nicki Minaj. Like some niggas, it was nine yearsn't out here waking up saying, yo, fuck Nicki Minaj like some niggas. It was nine years niggas was waking up
Starting point is 00:30:07 saying, fuck Joe Budden. Niggas ain't waking up. They wake up saying, fuck Wale. I can name a list of people they wake up saying, fuck, and she ain't on that list.
Starting point is 00:30:16 But I think it's becoming that. Yeah, that's what I was, I think the original point, people were really upset with the way she was making moves, but then that just grew, and now I think it's just
Starting point is 00:30:25 kind of cool to hate her. Exactly. Listen. Let's guess what. I saw people on my own timeline that I know that was calling the shit trash, and then told me
Starting point is 00:30:35 they didn't listen to the album yet. That's what people, which is why I'm saying I don't understand why Nikki. But you have those people with every album. You have those people with every album.
Starting point is 00:30:43 But this goes back to what I'm saying, why I don't understand why Nikki would sit online and entertain this shit. Because it's people that are not even listening that are going to say that. And then you're reacting to them. And then it's trickling over into your emotions and your music. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:30:57 Like, you're trying to address these things. And interviews, you're trying. It's like, fuck them. Like, make music like you're just in the studio and this is what you feel. And this is what came to you at the time It's like, fuck them. Like, I want, make music like you just in the studio and this is what you feel and this is what came to you at the time when you listened to this music. Like, fuck what people are saying about that.
Starting point is 00:31:11 They're going to have something to say regardless if it's a fucking classic album or not. Like, they're going to have something to say about it. And my thing is, she needs, she's such a star, she doesn't even need to talk about that type of shit. Like, you think people don't kill Beyonce for certain records she puts out? Nicki needs a rebrand.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Oh, absolutely. Would you say that? Absolutely. And I think Today took two steps back. I think the album was good, and that put her in a better light. I think Today with that Funk Flex thing, more the Twitter thing than anything, not even the Funk Flex interview.
Starting point is 00:31:44 That set her back. We're right back to immature Nicki. We're going to get into all of those topics, so hold up. More the Twitter thing than anything. Not even the Funk Flex interview. That set her back. We're right back to immature Nikki. We're going to get into all of those topics. So hold up. Let's get off of this album. But I think that fucked up the rebrand. You're just going back. I think she may have missed a golden opportunity here
Starting point is 00:31:59 for her rebrand, right? And what I mean by that is, she's doing this twitter shit with safari but here we go i've listened to your album i think whatever i think thus far and now i get to this song oh no no rewind the song then i get to this song right and kind of to that reporter lady's point that she was making about nikki this is the song that now you're supposed to get into your maturity back whatever you've gone through whatever meek did whatever was i mean we all been in love we've been there baby this is when this is your platform to share it
Starting point is 00:32:38 with your audience and know what she did she sung this bullshit that I love because I do love this for the whole song. The whole song until the end where we finally get a verse. Cool. This is the verse we get. She's doing sit-ups in the gym. Meek let herself go and he didn't represent O.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Just go. Meek was disrespectful to her. But he was special. She came off her pedestal for Meek. She came off her pedestal. We about eight bars in. What has she told you? What you mean, what has she told you? I'm just'm just telling you maul i'm not trying to poke fun i'm saying she missed she it was a missed the layup
Starting point is 00:33:31 because we were all waiting for an actual response from that whole public relationship you trying to fool me with your voice and your delivery but you're not you're missing this and then you end this by saying i'm gonna be the bigger person and keep a secret then shut the fuck up yes i know mad true bad bitches that are weak and bitter but that's all i'm saying i think she missed the golden opportunity right there and if you wanted to get into your vulnerable bag you could have done that with your cardi topic too and i only say that because that's a topic that's reoccurring
Starting point is 00:34:16 throughout this album so clearly it was heavy on her mind right but wait this is why i like this because that's nip tuck and then it goes to then it goes to this I like all of this because this is like the real progression of a woman's brain after a bad breakup it's nip and tuck where they talking they shit fuck you nigga you did me wrong then it's this where you get into your petty bag you don't think this is petty? It's petty, right? And when women are done being petty, then they get lonely inside.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Shoot that text out there. Then they want you to come back home. So I do like this. I do like this part of the album. I hate that song. Sir, Future. It's a hard no for me. And that's insert verse. Miami. I like this. I do like this part of the album. I hate that song. Sir, Future. It's a hard no for me. And that's insert verse.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Miami. I like this song a lot. Coco Chanel featuring Foxy Brown. I never want to hear that shit. And damn, I'm sad that I had to hear Foxy like that. You didn't like it? Never. I'm just asking.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I don't know what Inga was doing. I don't think Nicki liked it. Because then I had to hear the outro, which was the same as the last song I didn't like, but without Foxy. I was like, all right. She needed that because she was alienating herself from the female rap world, so she had to bring Foxy.
Starting point is 00:35:39 She had to bring another female rapper because she was on an island by herself. So that's why you get that record. So that's my take on the album. I do think the album is cool.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And I am going to go back to a few of those songs because I like a few of those songs. But outside of that, you know. This is a no. No, I'm not. But I'm not saying that. No, I'm just no. No, I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:36:06 No, I'm just asking. No, I'm not saying it's a no. Okay. I'm not saying it's a no. This is what I realized. This album, right, and Nicki, Nicki period. She's so polished. This album is so polished.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Like, you can't give me Ratchet no more. Like, you can't be that hard bitch no more. Because it's not you. Yeah. It's not you. It's not her. No no i do think it is her beyonce still wait i know you were saying the same thing i do think it's her i do think it's her however she's not able to be that she's not able to be that which is why you have the first half of this album sounding like that you have to play the game you're in the game she's playing the game so cardi is allowed to be the ratchet bitch and even on his album nicky is saying oh y'all like all that yes yeah we do but that's why now i'm i'm agreeing i i would like the lane for cardi and
Starting point is 00:36:58 the lane for nicky both y'all just stay in your lane y'all do something totally different now it's true they shouldn't even be they shouldn't even be in each other's... You know what I mean? It's over. It's over for that one. But I never understood that why people even made that comparison
Starting point is 00:37:13 or even was trying to put them against each other. Because I mean, that's what we do with all female rappers. You ever seen two bad bitches in a room together
Starting point is 00:37:19 that didn't know each other? Yeah, but it's different. See, where I'm coming from is because it's a different level, though. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's the only reason why I never understood why people were trying to pin them against each other and create this, like, to me, Cardi has to, she has to prove herself first before you can put her in that conversation with a Nicki Minaj or, you know, other female MCs or rappers or artists that have come before her.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Like, you can't just, just because you're the new female on the block, you can't just be put in a conversation with these artists that have done so many things. I think she has earned the right to be in the conversation. Cardi is the number one act on Atlantic. Hip hop.
Starting point is 00:38:08 But even in that, that you still can't put, to me, you can't put her in that Nicki conversation yet. Because Nicki is, of course, as much as her accomplished. This is right now.
Starting point is 00:38:22 You know what I'm saying? This is what Cardi has done, Nicki has done years prior. You know what I'm saying? This is what Cardi has done, Nicki has done years prior. You know what I'm saying? That's the music business. I don't want to get confused how this conversation even comes up. I try not to ever talk about Cardi
Starting point is 00:38:35 when we talk about Nicki. I try. But you put it up. So I was only saying I didn't understand why from the beginning fans were trying to pin them I was bringing it up
Starting point is 00:38:43 to acknowledge that I used to acknowledge that i used to do that a lot and now after hearing this album and hearing cardi's album they're so different it's like like y'all should chill y'all should chill y'all can work together right like cardi cardi could be your ariana grande like you don't have to keep forcing that chick down my like chill but whatever that's my uh that's my take on the album now since the album oh man the fun part this is a story that will go down in the love and hip-hop history books but what is the truth what is a lie no no we need both them bitches fuck that was this a case of
Starting point is 00:39:23 mendicis having his cake and eating it too? Oh, yeah, he definitely did. Because when he wasn't with Yandy, was he with Erica? When he wasn't with Erica, would he be back with Yandy? Talk about it, King. Because if both women carried a term, the pregnancies would have some overlap. Indeed. Boy, did they.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Oh, boy, did they. Boy, did they is right. Boy, did they. Boy, did they is right. Boy, there's a lot to get to here. All right, Moa, you're going to defend all this bullshit, huh? All right, so, allegedly. How you going to defend it? Because your man is all in this, so go ahead. I'm riding with him.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I know you are. I want to hear you defend it, though. Are you going to defend her? I'll take it? I'll take it I'll take it Let's do that Listen Maul
Starting point is 00:40:07 We all don't have great hairlines Like you Okay No but it's not even Well now I don't know If Maul's hairline is I mean That's a fact
Starting point is 00:40:14 You wasn't in LA For a long time Y'all got me fucked up No How do we know That that's your hairline For real Y'all got me fucked up
Starting point is 00:40:21 Maul Do you have access To $12,000? Yeah Do you be in LA,000? Yeah. Do you be in LA a lot? Yeah. Is your hairline almost perfect?
Starting point is 00:40:31 At 39? 36. Same. You have a birthday coming. Yeah. It's true. It's true. It's true. What do y'all want me to do?
Starting point is 00:40:40 You have a birthday. You got... Everyone has a birthday. No, you got hair follicle transplant removal additive, nigga. I would never do that. Yes, you would. I would never. Yes, you would.
Starting point is 00:40:52 I would get a baldy before I do that. I don't even understand how men... That's crazy. Like, I always say it's the craziest thing to me. Like, once you have a beard, like when niggas is losing their hairline, my thing is, yo, once you grow your beard and cop a baldy, you good. Kobe. KD Kyrie
Starting point is 00:41:06 Pick a K Yeah Pick a K Coach K She should've put Coach K in there Cool on that Which one That's my K
Starting point is 00:41:15 Coach K Krzyzewski He is the only Coach K What do we say just now We have to talk Oh Alright so Allegedly
Starting point is 00:41:26 So this is what happened And I don't really know What happened But boy have I been Glued to my phone Let me tell y'all I have been glued To my phone
Starting point is 00:41:35 More Like it was Like it was 2011 again Yeah today was a great day Oh man I had shit done Yeah I gotta salute Nicky man Round of applause for Nicky.
Starting point is 00:41:45 You should have turned it up out there. And I appreciate it. Are we going to call you a man? I actually turned up on Gwynnon. Gwynnon. Don't ever say Gwynnon in front of me. You're not Gwynnon? No.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Moe, you wasn't into Gwynnons? No, we are Gwynnon. We had a good podcast going. Is that what Gwynnon means? I think it's synonymous for winning, and they just weren't creative. They just put a G in front of it? They just put a G there. So what is the G in Gwynnon. We had a good podcast going. Is that what Gwynnon means? I think it's synonymous for winning and they just weren't creative. They just put a G in front of it? They just put a G there. So what is a G in Gwynnon?
Starting point is 00:42:09 For guap. Like if you win long enough, you get some guap. So you're Gwynnon. Because there ain't even a G in self. Like G is not the letter I would attach to self at all. They should have went back to the think tank on that one. Listen. Nikki woke up.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Can I round of applause her again? Sure. I am. Nikki woke up and said, nah, enough of Gwynon. I might have woke up and thought that. Holy shit. Subconsciously. Same.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Yo. Wait, so she puts herself on that Gwyneth Fett screen? Who ever... Oh, man. He was on the Gwyneth... He was on the Gwyneth Fett screen. The Gwyneth Fett screen. How big is the Gwyneth Fett screen?
Starting point is 00:42:56 For four inches. That's meant... No, it's smaller. It's much smaller than that. That shit is the size of Michael's TV on the office. Yeah. Because everybody on Gwyneth is small. Mariah Lynn is small. The Michael's TV on The Office. Yeah, because everybody
Starting point is 00:43:05 on Gwyneth is small. Mariah Lynn is small. The doll, Dream Doll is small. Chill, you're going to get ice upset. Webstar.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Webstar's not on a Gwyneth team. Don't do that. No, he definitely is. No, yes he is. He's affiliated.
Starting point is 00:43:18 No, let's call Webstar. Affiliated on the team is different. No, let's call Webstar. Oh my God. Let's ask him.
Starting point is 00:43:23 I don't know if he's Gwynn. I don't know. So if that's the case, we got to call like three more people because it's a few niggas I need to know. Yeah, but I don't have anybody following.
Starting point is 00:43:31 The Gwynn team. I have Webstar's number though. I don't ever want to be a part of anything called Gwynn. This is important. All right. I don't even know anybody named Gwynn.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Do I? You definitely fucked a Gwynn and was hype about it. It was really great seeing you the other night man I enjoyed your company man. Whoa this is the Joe Button from the Joe Button podcast and you're live
Starting point is 00:43:55 on the podcast please do not expose secret conversations we are live on air. Wait so where did he see you? Webb Webb I have one question for you because I'm trying to go over this timeline and get it clear for the listeners, but we just needed to confirm something. Are you Gwynon?
Starting point is 00:44:13 Am I Gwynon? Nah, bro. I didn't like that pause, Webb. I didn't like that pause. Wait, the nigga, You don't know When the nigga repeated Am I Gwynnon
Starting point is 00:44:27 What did you think I asked Yes Are you Gwynnon So the answer's no I just signed a nigga yesterday bro I just told you Alright alright So the answer's no
Starting point is 00:44:38 You saved yourself So you neutral In all this Nah I'm neutral bro Like I'm neutral on that one Because you know I don't care about Nah nah I'm neutral, bro. I'm neutral on that one because, you know, I don't care about your words
Starting point is 00:44:48 that much. We'll talk later, since you're not Gwynning. Goodbye. Alright, bro. Have a good show, bro. Love you. Alright, Webstar is not Gwynning. We figured that one out. We're going to get to the bottom of some things on this podcast. Rich Dollars, he might be Gwynning.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Rich is Gwynning. Alright, so, allegedly, Nicki Minaj goes to the studio 105 to fuck with Clue. They're from Queens. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:13 They got that Queens Bond shit happening. So, and Nicki's doing all press. Let's not escape that one. All press. Except for me
Starting point is 00:45:21 and Charlamagne. She's doing all press. She even look weird sitting next to Flex. Because you just doing a lot of shit you wouldn't have done. You wouldn't have done any of this. Mad internet radio shows.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And that's why it's good that me and her didn't do an interview. Because she sat there and the first 20 minutes of that interview just rolled her eyes and gave him the fucking hand like he wasn't nobody. Hold up now
Starting point is 00:45:45 let's slow this one down uh but that's cool fucking uh she goes to fuck with clue at the end of the shit clue was asking for drops because that's what you do with radio stations clue allegedly asked her to do a drop for self and that's when she had enough. Enough was enough at that point. So she didn't do the drop. And nope, the world would have never known a thing. But they had to take it to Twitter. I really love people who take things to Twitter that we would have never known about. Don't ever stop.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Everybody takes things to Twitter. Giving your personal business out there so we can laugh. Yeah, but sometimes they take things that they shouldn't take. That could have been a real sacred moment in Power 105, but now it's in our hands. And we mean none of them any good. So this is excellent. So they go to Twitter.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I'm just going to read what DJ Self has to say. DJ Self said, and I quote. Oh, I don't have it you're not quoting oh here it is and I quote took this to the gram he said
Starting point is 00:46:54 wait it starts with that no no no that's where he that's the platform he chose alright he said well there you have it I never asked for a hug or a drop truth is I said hi she said hi back He said, well, there you have it. I never asked for a hug or drop.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Truth is, I said hi. She said hi back. Never knew she had an issue with me. We only speak when she has a project coming. So by that, I know what my relationship is with her. Clue asked her to do a drop for DJ Self and she declined, which I wasn't in the room. Why would she not? Why would she not?
Starting point is 00:47:22 I have no clue. Double yeah don't even ask him how he goes on to say because i'm friends with safari triple question mark or dream doll who knows i'm just trying to move the culture here in new york if you're not with that way all right i don't care about your political bullshit uh if you're not with that wave please stay far away from me and that's very corny to me to have an issue with a person
Starting point is 00:47:46 who you have no relationship with and to beef with me to reality, ho, the same week your album drops. That's what Self says.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Self thinks that Nicki Minaj is maybe using him for promotional purposes. Yeah. Nah, that go. What I will say is Self is a weird...
Starting point is 00:48:03 I don't know if I'm rolling. Self, well, yeah, I'm not rolling with that one either, Self. But, that go. What I will say is self is a word. I don't know if I'm rolling. Self. Yeah, I'm not rolling with that one either, self. But who beats with self? So there's more to this somehow. Nikki replied, she said, he's mad because I refused to give him a drop or a hug. See, she think we stupid. Come on, mom.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Like, I'm with you. You can't defend this. He mad because I refused to give him a drop or a hug. He was just up there dissing the bitch, thinking that would make me fuck with him. LMAO. Jokes on you. Once again. All right, first of all, I'm not doing this any justice.
Starting point is 00:48:37 He mad because I refused to give him a drop or a hug. He was just there dissing the bitch, thinking that would make me fuck with him. LMAO. Jokes on you. Once again, dummy. Passed up on your meal. Passed up on your meal? Or your meal ticket.
Starting point is 00:48:55 That's a shot with the Cardi situation. Passed up on your meal ticket. Now you get crumbs from her table. You a reality TV hoe. Used to be a respected DJ. When was Self? No, he was. No, he was.
Starting point is 00:49:10 He did well. He was. He was. At one point, his slap. No, he was tearing the clubs up. And his ratings were doing well. I'm not. We not hear the shit on Self. Self was great.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Maul, do we believe that Self was mad that he didn't get a drop or a hug from Nicki Minaj? Come on, Maul. Well, a drop, yeah. I believe he was mad at the drop. Her saying no to the drop. The hug? No, I don't think the hug, no. Did he ask it like,
Starting point is 00:49:30 where's my hug at? I think him not getting the drop was more of a reason for him to be like, damn, you don't fuck with me? Like, what'd I do to you? Oh, because I'm cool with Safaree? But why would she...
Starting point is 00:49:41 If his opinion is Cardi's album is better than Nicki's and that's the rumor, that that's why all of this really happened. Why he can't just have that opinion? Like, why does she have to lash out at him about it? Why can't you do the drop? That's what she does. Well, if she don't fuck with him.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Well, yeah, I'm not, yeah. If she's not going to hug him, she's not going to give him the drop. He's saying that it's because of him being cool with Safaree. That's what he thinks. So if she not fucking with nobody that's cool with Safaree, I mean, that's, you know. If she made you pick, what are you taking? The hug? The hug.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Or the drop? The hug. Me? Yeah. Oh. I don't know how much a hug will do. She look like she smell good. She goes on to say
Starting point is 00:50:25 Where my hug at Where my hug face ass nigga This and another female rapper Won't make me like you You hold no weight in this city Nigga look at your roster I did Clue Show And he was up there looking like a sad kid
Starting point is 00:50:39 Asking for a drop Trying to get a hug I won't give you a drop You're not a DJ hoe That hug is holding a lot of weight a drop. You're not a DJ, ho. That hug's holding a lot of weight, man. Wait, she said you're not a DJ, ho? Or you're not a DJ, you're a ho?
Starting point is 00:50:53 She must have fire hugs. No comma, it's just caps. DJ and ho and caps. Implied comma. Oh, so that's his DJ, ho. It doesn't even rhyme with self. And why is the G there in Gwen Insta? We haven't got to the bottom of that one, but that's his new DJ hoes isn't it doesn't even rhyme with self and why is the g there in Gwynn Insta we haven't got to the bottom of that one but that's fine all right she goes on and say why you wait till I leave I got some hungry niggas with me bitch I'll be back tomorrow
Starting point is 00:51:16 energy I like that you like her telling DJ Self that she has hungry niggas with her and they'll be back to the radio station tomorrow. More. I like that energy. Will they still be hungry tomorrow? That's the hip hop I come from. I was going to say. That's O1 right there.
Starting point is 00:51:38 That's 12 I'm from right there. The Claw. That's O1. I like that. Shooting people outside High 9 7. Yeah, I like that. She goes on to say, you was just dissing her.
Starting point is 00:51:49 LOL. You will remain bitter and broke looking for scraps at VH1. You love my album and just said how it's the best thing ever. Was that a quote? This is all from her. You hoes way too emotional. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:05 She said that. I'm glad I ain't give your hoe ass no drop and no hug. Why does she keep calling this grown man a hoe? Say it to a real nigga face, hoe. Why does she keep forcing the hug currency? Holy shit. Yo, calling a grown man a hoe is hilarious, man. You hoe
Starting point is 00:52:25 Imagine you get into an argument With a girl and she call you a hoe More than once I don't have to imagine I feel like that's happened to everybody That is hilarious I like that I can't believe you're supporting that
Starting point is 00:52:40 The hoe Calling a dude a hoe is funny All of this shit is for laughs for me I don't give a fuck But calling a man a hoe is funny. All of this shit is for laughs for me. I don't give a fuck, but calling a man a hoe is funny. No, I think YG got her beat. YG got kicked off the plane
Starting point is 00:52:51 for being drunk and then made a video saying he wasn't drunk while he was drunk. Yeah, but that's drunk behavior. I like that. I'm not drunk.
Starting point is 00:53:00 I'm not drunk. It's the number one thing you say when you drunk. Yeah, everybody, no drunk man has ever said I'm drunk. That nigga looked drunk. It's the number one thing you say when you're drunk. Yeah, everybody, no drunk man has ever said, I'm drunk. That nigga looked drunk. He stumbled after he said it.
Starting point is 00:53:08 The workers was igging him. That's how you know a nigga been wilding. The American airline workers was just acting like they ain't even CYG. He's like, yo, racist. This ain't got nothing. You're drunk. Get off the plane. You're loud.
Starting point is 00:53:21 You're cursing. His man was shot holding down like, yo, you got your bag? Yeah, like, yo, I knew I was going to get kicked off this shit. Yeah, come on. Let's just go, my nigga. What's wrong with being drunk on the plane, by the way? plane you're loud yeah cursing his man was shot holding that like yo you got your bag nothing but if you're i'm guessing why she was probably disruptive loud yeah scaring the passengers i've never been annoying drunk on a plane i don't think i've definitely been the guy to almost get arrested off the plane oh for sure well we heard your perk story on the plane. Oh, that was only one story. We're not getting any more right now. But, yeah, because that's before I knew. No, that's before I knew that the flight attendant up there has a chart of where all the first class people should be seated.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Yeah. When I didn't know, boy, I thought I was seated. Yeah. When I didn't know, boy, I thought I was slick. No. Got that champagne, first sip of champagne. You're not slick. Get up. Mr. Chacheski. Huh?
Starting point is 00:54:17 You're trying to play it off. No. Joe Budden. My dumb ass. If you don't get back to 27G. Get up. Go sit by the bathroom. It's six seats. Joe think he hiding. Can't see me here.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I try to fool him and read the paper. The Wall Street Journal. Yeah. You're just staring at it. You're making it look like you're flying into business. Yeah. No, fam. Get up.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I look like I had no business in business. The fuck out of business, nigga? You have no business In business Being in business No Alright no What were we just talking about Before this bullshit
Starting point is 00:54:51 Self and nigga Oh so self So self being a hoe Yeah Oh yeah why'd you got him beat Why'd you drunk as hell Alright so I thought that was the end of that
Starting point is 00:55:00 Right And that Oh no That probably should have been The end of that But not when you are on gwenning so then uh mariah lynn chimed in right this is great oh what a great story this is so messy i gotta find all the mess that's just that's just a funny sentence and then mariah lynn chimed in All right, Mariah Lynn chimed in.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Jersey City. What, what? Added Nicki Minaj. Let's cock a gun. Let's fire. No, don't get scared now, mom. Don't get scared. Mariah said,
Starting point is 00:55:42 hey, add Nicki Minaj. What type of hold time are you on? Can we get a hold count? Crazy how you disrespecting a man who has helped so many people to advance and elevate their career. But I can't think of one single person that you have. Don't look dumbfounded, Maul. Ether, the shit that make your soul burn slow.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Is your soul burning slow? No. Alright, well, just wait. Mariah Lynn is not done. You're just getting started. Is your soul burning slow? No, I said a lot of bullshit on Ether. There's a whole nother story we was bugging and told to we were so bored
Starting point is 00:56:34 alright I know how I feel about Ethan alright we're not having that conversation now wait she says one single person that you have I've heard stories from Safari but now I see for myself you a real life corny ass bitch. The same way you said if Drizzy say get her, well, self don't even got to say that.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm not going to let you get that off. You can't even say that in my presence. I'm not going to let you get that off. I'm sorry. She did not say that corny bullshit, my'm sorry She did not say that corny bullshit My nigga She did not say that corny bullshit
Starting point is 00:57:08 First of all Can you stop hating What Can you stop hating My bad I'm trying to finish Alright go ahead Listen
Starting point is 00:57:14 I'm going to repeat that one Oh that's like a What is it that the Hitman Holla Be doing I'm going to bring it back I'm going to rewind this one I just discused She said
Starting point is 00:57:24 Slow it down The same way you said If Drizzy say get her dot dot dot that's important well self don't even gotta say that I am always on go for him oh that was on Instagram. Then she went to Snapchat with it. I'm sure she did. Oh, God. I don't give a fuck who you are. Do not come for self.
Starting point is 00:57:56 If you are a female, because I will have something to say. He has done so much good for so many people. I refuse to allow him to be belittled or his character be defamed in any way shape or form period how come every time i play it none of y'all pick a k i picked the k the first time but no that. No, but that's how you know. Come on, why she said that line like, come on, Maul. Because Laura Ben-Kroger. Who has ever tried to decide between Kobe, Kyrie, and Kevin Durant? Was that a play on all the mics?
Starting point is 00:58:38 Like, K? Tell me when you went in the barbershop and heard a nigga say, all right, who the hell is K?hop And heard a nigga say Alright who's the Hillest K What's your top 5 K Who's the best Who's the best K ever Nah
Starting point is 00:58:49 Deadass Kyle Corver Double K That's 2K Come on my nigga Kobe KD Kyrie
Starting point is 00:58:57 Pick a K Pick a K Pick a K Look the delay The delay I love the Kyrie Punching Wait she dropped the beat out
Starting point is 00:59:05 And delayed Kyrie Come on boy Pick a K Pick a K Pick a K Pick a K Pick a K No
Starting point is 00:59:17 Parks no Anytime a producer When y'all put this Oh it's climbing We in our bag now Marks, no. Any time a producer, when y'all put this. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, it's climbing. Oh, we in our bag now. Gunja burn, gunja burn, gunja burn. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:59:36 I don't know, man. I don't know. All that shit is Tom Foolery, man. Just like Drizzy said. What? Yeah. If you don't put your phone back in your pocket. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:59:48 No, there was more. DJ Self, Mariah says, I guess we are trending. I'll always be loyal to you to the very end and no threats. I guess we are trending. My mom. Would you shut the fuck up? This era is so fucked up. Would you stop, man?
Starting point is 01:00:02 Would you shut the fuck up? This era is so fucked up. Would you stop, man? I will be loyal to you to the very end. And no threats or comments can ever change that. I don't give a fuck about people's opinions. Because I have more loyalty in my pinky than they have in their entire bodies. That's a lot of loyalty. Nobody asked for her opinion
Starting point is 01:00:25 Could be a very big pinky She looks pinky Not even that big though Yeah She didn't think that far She could have said thumb at least Yeah There's not a lot of loyalty
Starting point is 01:00:34 In her pinky This is a great beef Wait We're not even to the nitty gritty yet We are out We're in We ain't talked about shit. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:00:50 All right. No, hold up. Wait. Now, somehow Safari got involved. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's too soon. That's too soon. Wait.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Then Dream Doll chimes in. Naturally. And Dream Doll said, I'm not even looking for what she said, but she said, yo, I'm going to keep it a buck. Oh, boy. No one ever keeps it a buck. I'm telling you what she said. A buck don't even get you anything. No, she was keeping it a buck.
Starting point is 01:01:18 She said, yo, I'm going to keep it a buck. Karen Civil FaceTimed self and said you want to know why you didn't get that drop from Nicki Minaj Dream Doll that's what Dream Doll Instagram any more information or just ended on that well then Karen chimed in
Starting point is 01:01:39 oh god and then Karen said look bitch y'all keep my name out of all that shit. Even if I said that shit, I'm not going to agree that I said it now. Like, duh. The fuck is wrong with you? Even if I said that, now no.
Starting point is 01:01:55 And keep me out your mess, because you messy. I was trying to support you. So that's what Karen said. And then the safari shit that was over until until Nikki went and did
Starting point is 01:02:09 the Flex interview which was awkward for me she's doing Elliot Wilson she did Elliot Wilson last night I'm sure Elliot got a better interview than that bullshit I watched at Flex I hated that interview
Starting point is 01:02:21 I saw a lot of y'all really hype about it like yo she really got into it she disposed everything what the everything there was no topic off guard like when you're in my mentions telling me oh my god yeah don't come tell me there was no topic off guard fam no uh but maul i was saying i was saying to rory that when her last album came out Maul, I was saying to Rory that when her last album came out, that back then I was saying that she probably shouldn't spend so much energy and focus on Safari on release week because she was doing that last album. And now here we are with this album, and she's back on Safari.
Starting point is 01:03:01 I don't know how it always ends up back on Safari. But wait, I'm defending Safari. so you tell me how how this is okay i mean i don't i don't again i'm going back to what i said i don't know why nikki addresses half the shit she addresses but since we want to talk about it i mean i think she just had a point where she's tired of the narratives that are flying around about what happened versus what actually did happen. I was fine with her addressing it and saying, listen, I wrote all that shit. Safar didn't write anything. And if she ended it right there, I would have been fine. Yeah, I was cool with that.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Get your shit on. But it's like, you know, she. But what happened next? Yeah, that shit went totally left. Hold up, before we get to going left. You know what my beef be with women and it don't even be women in a in a emo breakup talking to my ex bad getting some shit off my chest i'm not mad at that i get mad at the other women who now come and support it right let me just read you a few tweets that nik Minaj retweeted when I was home trying to figure out why safari was such a hot topic for her.
Starting point is 01:04:10 The first one she retweeted says, I hate women. I guess Nicki is fed up. I feel her. Ain't nothing like having to stay silent and listen to bums spread lies about you. having to stay silent and listen to bums spread lies about you. The next one says, why is it that everyone can have an opinion on Nikki and it'd be okay because it's an opinion, but when she claps back,
Starting point is 01:04:33 she's messy, bitter, and insecure. No. Glad sis got that off her chest. Yes. Oh, Nika,
Starting point is 01:04:41 we live for the moment of truth. No one can take that away from you. No one can take that away from you. No one can take that away from her. Come on, come on, come on. He's trying to take it away from some people and start in her mentions. I don't know what people are thinking, man. She want me to do it.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Let me tell you what Minaj Dev said. Okay, Minaj Dev. I'm sure he was really objective. Minaj Dev said, she took shit for years Bet not a single bitch Have a problem with her Standing up for herself
Starting point is 01:05:09 These niggas literally Tried to destroy her career Credibility It's dragon season Period It's dragon season Safari was home In his business
Starting point is 01:05:20 Yo somebody explain Just walk No come on Safari was home nigga He might have been No he was He might have been I don. No, come on. Safari was home, nigga. He might have been. No, he was. He might have been. I don't know what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:05:28 He was home. Don't do that, Mo. That's your guy. You might have spoke to him. I don't know. He was home shooting a Bumbleclot video that's coming. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Yeah. Why is she giving this nigga all this energy? I'm here for all of this. My sis was minding her business Living her best life for years While everyone talked shit Now she's back And she ain't lifting her foot up
Starting point is 01:05:52 Don't fuck it up Oh Don't fuck if it don't apply Whatever Do I need to go on more? I hate when women Try to support other women It's a bad sound
Starting point is 01:06:02 Cause listen to this You hate when women Are friends with each other No no no Cause this is bad Like what do you love About what women do sound you hate when women are friends with each other you know no no no this is bad like what do you love about what women do i love when women have one sensible friend i love when women have one good good fucking friend that can tell you the truth no matter what in spite of yourself in spite of your emotions about it in spite of how you're going to receive it from them you might even be mad at them, but your one good friend going to put some
Starting point is 01:06:25 fucking good sense into you. I like when all women have that. Because all women have... And you don't think David Minaj is the one for her? Minaj Dev? That's almost like a prerequisite for me.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Like, when meeting a girl, you have to have somebody who gives you good advice. Because we're gonna come into hard we're gonna come into hard times at some point and i don't need you to go to your crew of stupid chicks that's just gonna talk about hating me i need somebody to walk you back to the ledge and say all right baby right now that you're done crying i know yeah let's think it through. Yeah. All right, so yeah, that was all I had about that. Defend it more.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Tell me why we're... The Safari thing, I can't defend. That's just... I don't even know why she went there in the interview. But, you know, again, she has... You know, a lot of shit has been bottled up. She's been holding back. Obviously, she felt like she just wanted to let loose.
Starting point is 01:07:24 I mean, I think, again, I'm going back to what i originally said nikki does not need to respond to 90 of this shit ever like she doesn't need to that's just how i feel i don't think she needs to be spending much time on social media reading comments or it's just like, no. Because it's not good for her. It's just not a good look for her. I agree. That's just how I feel. Just focus on the music. You and Safari and Tiger went to the same guy. Why do you keep saying I have a fake hairline?
Starting point is 01:08:01 Because you do. No, I don't. I think you do. You do not think I have a fake hairline. What the fuck are you talking about? How you going to tell don't i think you do you do not think i have a fake hair what the fuck are you talking about you do not think that listen we the natural bodies on this podcast let's talk about i never look i've never really looked at safari's hair and like you you've seen that episode of love and hip-hop of course i did but you wouldn't see that episode and think that he's got a hair transplant,
Starting point is 01:08:25 he's got Beijing all on top of his fucking head, and if you see it on a nigga that's a lot taller than you, it's bad. He's man taller than me. I'm like, damn. Why can I see everything above you?
Starting point is 01:08:40 You shouldn't see Beijing on a nigga that's at least five inches taller than you. That's not crazy to you. That Beijing game is disgusting. No, don't do that because you love it on Ross. I don't love it on Ross. But you don't say it's bad on Ross.
Starting point is 01:08:54 It is bad on Ross. Then don't kill Safaree if you're not going to kill Ross. No, but I don't think, I didn't understand. We don't kill Khaled. I don't think Ross needed it, though. I don't even understand why he started doing it. I don't know why he's still doing it either. That nigga beard is fully there.
Starting point is 01:09:05 He's still just waking up drawing shit. Yeah, no, I'm not the Beijing guy. Beijing is nasty. Listen, I'm trying to pull up the Safari shit. I'm not pulling up the Safari shit. I'm going straight to Nikki's shit, because this caused quite the stir up in our group chat. Nikki says here, and she's talking about Safari. She says, you stole my card and told me
Starting point is 01:09:29 you thought it was an account with free money that I didn't know about. On God. Swag. God will strike you down and more for lying. Ha! Stop saying you packed and left. On Jesus, you came to my house crying,
Starting point is 01:09:44 begging to go with me to Europe to my house crying, begging to go up, begging to go with me to Europe to the EMAs. I said no, dummy. Why she wouldn't take him to Europe? Get out of here, Safari.
Starting point is 01:09:54 After he paid for hookers like that? I'm going to the EMAs. She can't prove that. You can't ride. No, she can definitely prove he paid for hookers. On a credit card,
Starting point is 01:10:03 you can 100% prove that. You can 100% prove that. You can 100% prove that. Well, that's the part that I don't understand. Let's clear up some misconceptions here. Ladies, I hear a lot of y'all
Starting point is 01:10:11 post-breakup talk about how your man is a nasty nigga because he was buying escorts and shit. Everybody's buying escorts. Sorry. Speak for yourself, bro.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Oh, please. Are you kidding me? You've never paid for an escort? No. No. Never in my life. I didn't know where you were trying to take this right there. I hope you wasn't trying to speak for all of me.
Starting point is 01:10:31 You on the ledge, bro. Wow, y'all are super trash. Sorry. I'm not paying for no escort. I'm sorry. That's just me. Nah. Same.
Starting point is 01:10:37 I'm cool. No offense. No judgment. I'm 100% cool. Well, you can't judge because all of you hang out with quite a few niggas that order escorts. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. That's true. I'm saying me. That's totally true. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. That's a job.
Starting point is 01:10:45 I'm saying me. I'm saying me. All right. That's great. But here on this podcast, I'd like for us to practice identification instead of judging. Y'all all sound like, oh, no, nah. Never me. Nah.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I can. Me, I'm not paying. What I'm saying is women say that shit as like a way for people to look down on the nigga. But it's a very common thing that's happening out there. It's actually more responsible. I don't think it was the act. I think it was he used her car to do it. Swag? That's not swag?
Starting point is 01:11:12 No. Yes it is. That's not swag. What do you think is that statement? Probably some company. You know what it is. Carl Intel? Yeah. It's even more swag when you say yo I didn't even know that was you. I thought this was the nothing account. The free money account.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I thought it was the free money account. Yo, I thought this was the account that just had the money. Because everybody got a free money account. Yeah, sure. I never even heard of a free money account. But if he got that off, Safari's ill, man. Safari's ill, nigga. No, he didn't get it off.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Yes, he did. He didn't go to Europe. He didn't get it. Exactly. He would have got it off if he still went to Europe, then he got it off. He didn't go to Europe. Exactly. He would have got it off if he still went to Europe, and then he got it off. He didn't go to Europe. I think the prostitutes are cheaper in Europe.
Starting point is 01:11:49 For sure. For sure. But listen, any prostitute that you can pay for on the card, that's a good one. That's a good prostitute right there. I don't know why she's trying to escort shame. No, she just didn't want it done on her card. It wasn't her card.
Starting point is 01:12:04 It was the free money card. We didn't want it done on her card It wasn't her card It was the free money card We didn't know I'm rolling with him on that one You can buy a hooker with a free money card Yeah it's free money It's just me It's like come on this is free Get rid of this shit
Starting point is 01:12:19 Sharika and I had a bet that soon as you knew Meek was about to come home You crawled back and you did. You did. She doubled up when we did. Came to my house crying. Joyce was there. Why was Joyce there? What was Joyce doing?
Starting point is 01:12:35 Joyce was chilling. Joyce and we're right now like, why? No, Joyce was like, no, I remember that day. But why my name? Joyce was there. My whole I remember that day. But why my name? Joyce was there. My whole glam was there. Left who? You getting aired out on Queen Radio 2, Thursdays, 9 o'clock.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Nah, man. No, she didn't say 9 o'clock. Okay, I was about to say, nah, she didn't do that. But it's the same shit. Why does she have a radio show right now, too? She's a queen. She's good. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 01:13:05 Mo, there's a lot of Nicki shit you can't answer. I can't. But we fuck with Nicki. Yeah. Like, I'm a Barb sometimes. When she in her ill bag, like when she doing it for real, like when she's winning. When she's winning. I'm a Barb.
Starting point is 01:13:16 No, when she's winning, I'm not a Barb anymore. I'm telling you, man, I just need one conversation with Nicki. I'm telling you. I'm telling you. I know how to fix this. I can't say what I would say. Let me get a drop. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:28 That's exactly what I would say. Where's my hug at? Yeah. Where my hug at? I do want to play the chorus on this song Miami real quick. Before I get off of Nicki. Because we've talked about her enough now. And I got way more funny shit to talk about.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Alright, here we go. This is the hook. All right, she was in Miami. She's the low on the perks and the zannies. Oh, you have to do them together now. And then she pulled up and got the addies. That's dangerous. That's a wild combo of up and down.
Starting point is 01:14:02 That's three pills and three bars. Yeah, I guess, yeah guess are you just even then so how come people look at me crazy when i say at some points during this rollout she's looked like she's exhibited pill head behavior all over every one of her songs she does nothing but talk about all the fucking pills she takes yeah she admits it that's why when they had that headline of us saying that she was a, quote, crack addict, which we didn't say. We didn't say that. I know, but you know, they flipped that shit.
Starting point is 01:14:29 I was like, dog, she says this on every record. This isn't breaking news that we're telling you. And of course she's addicted if she got the low on them. Who even does crack? Y'all ever had, y'all ever got a perk deal that was giving out good deals? You're going to get addicted. Especially with the free money card. Wow.
Starting point is 01:14:48 With the perks. I'm high as fuck. Yo, I'm addicted, bitch. If I got a free money card. Maybe it was a young money card. Oh, that's even better. He mistook it for free money card? Maybe it was a young money card. Oh, that's even better. He mistook it for free money.
Starting point is 01:15:09 It's baby's karma right there. He should have dipped off with that one. Imagine if Safari was baby's karma. Oh, that's even better. What if Safari the nigga that found
Starting point is 01:15:17 the fucking young money card with everybody's missing funds? Come out. He has all of Wayne's royalties playing page. And that's where the furs came from. Like, oh, I would
Starting point is 01:15:27 kill Safari. I made a boy furs and cocoa butter. With lollipop residuals. With the lollipop residuals? That's a sick purchase.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Safari's a sick dude, man. That nigga is sick. That nigga ride bikes and wear furs Safari walking
Starting point is 01:15:48 Through the mall right now I said he's so sweet Make him wanna lick the rap Fuck in the mall With no shirt and a jacket Remix that he big Nah nah That's when Kanye was dope
Starting point is 01:15:58 That shit got You should call him Kanye? Yeah You're wearing his shoes I didn't pay for him That's your guy You should call him Kanye? Yeah You're wearing his shoes I didn't pay for him What? I didn't pay for him
Starting point is 01:16:12 No I'm saying call Safari Oh you want me to call Safari? Mm-hmm You think I don't think he'll answer Try I think his phone's been I think he's got He's got a busy day... I think he's got...
Starting point is 01:16:25 He's got a busy day? Yeah. I think he's... I'll try and get him to get a little court thing. What am I asking? I don't really have nothing to say to him today.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Ask him. What did we ask? The free money card. I want to know about the free money card. What the fuck you mean? I don't care about the other shit.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Talk about his bummer clout? No, nigga. The free money card. Where and how? Where and how? How do we get one? Do we No, nigga, the free money card. Where and how? Where and how? How do we get one? Do we still have access to this free money card?
Starting point is 01:16:49 Dude. Safaree's not answering this shit today. He gonna answer. He banged on you right away. He bangs you? That nigga banged on me. That was his first ring. Damn.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Now you got a double call. You got a double call. Because that might have been an accident. Come on, man. What the Bumba Claude? The Bumba Claude ain't busy. There's no Bumba Claude going on today. He going through it.
Starting point is 01:17:13 He going through it. That nigga not answering. He sending you straight. He not even sending to the mail. He answering. He didn't hanging up. But just a few days ago, didn't Shiggy show us that safari was on nikki's page yeah what's wrong with that what's wrong with shiggy wait why did shiggy know that
Starting point is 01:17:31 yeah y'all be knowing shit i have no like yeah i'll be learning so much from you guys thank you no seriously i'll be hearing shit from y'all i'm like really that happened i didn't know that sorry mom i would have never known About the Mariah Lynn clapback You too cool to know About any of this stuff No the Mariah Lynn If Drizzy said get her That bar
Starting point is 01:17:50 I would have never heard If it wasn't for you I'm glad you said that Because great We started the podcast With Nicki Minaj Queen shit So we ain't really
Starting point is 01:17:58 Getting to our Our like Pre-podcast talks That we be doing So There's a lot of wild shit going on. Right?
Starting point is 01:18:09 What did you just say? Oh, the Drizzy, Drizzy said what? Yeah, Mariah Lynn said that. I didn't say that. The other night, I was home in bed,
Starting point is 01:18:18 like, watching television. Are you listening? Because it was good. Mm-hmm. And then you know how the commercial come on the show and then you just tend to your phone real quick but like you're not expecting nothing mm-hmm you just scrolling in your phone mm-hmm I picked up my phone to scroll during the commercial on the late night
Starting point is 01:18:39 too and it's like 11 and something later than that It was a DM From Drake About Rory though Not about a new record No New project No OVO Interviews
Starting point is 01:18:58 The Raptors DeMar DeRozan None of that Nothing Rory Rory Okay It was a fun night man
Starting point is 01:19:06 Don't cop please Don't Yo I hate when a nigga try to The plea store is not even open It's not even open right now I don't even have my free money card for the plea I'm ready to own it It was a video of Rory
Starting point is 01:19:24 First of all it was a video of Rory. First of all, anytime somebody send you a video of your friend, it's never good. It's not to be great. It's never good. And it said, I guess Rory was at the On The Run concert. You was there?
Starting point is 01:19:38 I didn't even know. He didn't even tell us. Yes, I was there. You didn't even tell us though. The group chat had no idea you were going. Ain't none of your business. I was just sad that I had to find out from Drake. I was there. You didn't even tell us, though. The group chat had no idea you were going. Ain't none of your business. I was just sad that I had to find out from Drake. I was with...
Starting point is 01:19:49 Why do I have to find out? Why do I... Honestly. The last person I thought I would have to find out where Rory is at is from Drake. Why is Drake telling me where Rory is at? Honestly. Because we were in the same place.
Starting point is 01:20:02 He sent a video of Rory and cam like rapping to hove right and that's not i mean nothing wrong with that yeah but i guess rory i guess rory was really into it yo like i was fatic no rory no stop joining the joke you're not in this one I'm trying to deflect no we are laughing at you for a second yo so Rory was getting in his hove bag so I guess Drake taped him and said man raps hove lyrics with his whole
Starting point is 01:20:36 soul I'm not even man I'm man You're now because you thought of man and teens. I'm not even man. I'm man. No, Rory, I'm man. You was doing man, man teens. Yo, Rory is man. I'm man now.
Starting point is 01:20:53 So I immediately hit the group chat and said, yo, Rory's man. Can we ever get to the bottom of what song it was? I can find out. What song was it, Rory? Don't make me press play. I don't know when it was taped with me. It was every song. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Now I'm going to find out. It was every record cover, the whole catalog. I want to know which one inspired the video. Let me see. Oh, nice. Oh, no. Nice. He was getting your back.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Nice. Nice. Got a nice little bop to it. Oh, ew. Nice? He was getting in your back. Hey, man. Nice. Nice got a nice little bop to it. Oh, hell. I thought it was something. You know what that's PSA? I got to see the video. I need to see if Rory had rapper hands.
Starting point is 01:21:32 No, no. Look at Rory. Rory, you had rapper hands at a concert? Oh, my God. Let's look at Rory. I still didn't even see it. Look at Ken. Hey.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Oh, shit. They was doing the match of Millie Rocks? Oh, shit. They did a Mill match of Millie Rocks? Oh, shit. They did a Millie Rock duet. To nice. To nice. To nice. To nice.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Wait. To nice. I ain't even. No wonder Rory didn't tell us he was going. Hey, didn't I just tell y'all that niggas be there acting like they there for hoes? That's a fact. He was there for nice. He was there for nice.
Starting point is 01:22:08 I'm calling it Beehive. Admittedly. Yeah, that's true. He has admitted that before. Yeah, that's true. We can't even laugh at Roy. He has admitted that. Too much.
Starting point is 01:22:14 All right. But no, that was funny. I wish you would have said something to me. It's only funny because Drake has admitted to the earlier days Drake going to see
Starting point is 01:22:27 Hov and having that same feeling so for Drake to be a fucking billionaire now and laughing at Rory's bum ass
Starting point is 01:22:34 look at this trash nigga look at this nasty nigga over here that's how I used to be moving his shoulders no moving his hips
Starting point is 01:22:44 you know you know Rory in my story you was you was Yo that's how I used to be Moving his shoulders No moving his hips You know You know where it was In my story you was You can't shake your hips Yes you can I knew the choreography It's just that That hook
Starting point is 01:22:53 And I'm nice So you gotta do something Where it's like You're kinda moving his shoulders Yeah it's like And you know Rory put his name in there Like Rory can do anything
Starting point is 01:23:01 Do you say over everything yeah you know him and Cam he definitely said DP he definitely said DP over everything wait so just when I thought shit couldn't get what was that note Mo? relax don't look at me like that
Starting point is 01:23:25 Relax Calm down I can't ever do nothing Relax Yo wait So that was Wait That was the funny
Starting point is 01:23:32 From the other night right But it got way funnier Than this a few days Before that Listen to Listen to this How this transpired Scrolling on the gram again
Starting point is 01:23:43 Sure The gram I got a DM from a chick Dangerous transpired. Scrolling on the gram again. Sure. The gram. I got a DM from a chick. Dangerous. Yeah, I'm the kind of faithful to where my heart start beating fast when bitches DM me. Yo, when shit start looking like it could have been something, I'm the king of it look like some shit.
Starting point is 01:24:02 All right, anyway, fucking chick DMs me. I click on her thingamajiggy. I go to a picture. It was a picture. It was a picture of. It might have to be the artwork, actually. Wait. Hey, podcast listeners,
Starting point is 01:24:27 I'm sorry that I'm taking a while with this. It was a picture of, let me find it. Y'all talk to something. I can find it quick. It was a skyline. Y'all talk. I didn't even see the story. Yeah, but somebody got to hold it down
Starting point is 01:24:38 while I try to look. I could find the picture quicker. I liked it. Yo, I'm sick of Rory stepping on jokes. Now you really going to get it. This is another Rory episode? Yeah. Yeah, but no, this is the segue.
Starting point is 01:24:51 I'm explaining the whole... Anyway, I don't even have to find it. It was a picture of the skyline, but a bad picture. It was through a car window. It was a shitty, shitty picture. Oh, my God. Look at this. This is like Kansas downtown.
Starting point is 01:25:09 What skyline is this? This ain't nothing cool. This ain't Toronto. This ain't New York. That's Utah, man. This is 100. Nah, Utah downtown is even. This is some bullshit.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Where is she? I think it was Miami. She's got to be in Man Talk or some shit. Man Talk. What the fuck is Man Talk? I don't know. I don't ever want to go to Man Talk. The Man Talk is disgusting.
Starting point is 01:25:33 It's the city on the show Pose. You're gross if you're from Man Talk. She looked like she was in Ozark. What the fuck she was at? Listen, so this picture is super, super, super, super trash. The chick got the reflection of her phone in there. It's super trash. And the caption just says, soon.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Right? So I was like, damn. I was in the middle of killing this shit. Like, this is the worst pic I've ever seen in my fucking. And then I saw Rory's name underneath the picture. I was thinking of my fucking, and then I saw Rory's name underneath the picture. And it said, liked by This Is Rory and 29 others. So I immediately hit the group chat.
Starting point is 01:26:15 Who is the other? Because what nasty 29 niggas is Rory with to like this bum ass fucking downtown Utah picture? First of all, Rory being with 29 other niggas is hilarious yeah nah they wild it at the PP that chick's gotta be
Starting point is 01:26:29 beautiful to get all that kind of love on a fucking chick is she fire? well there you go don't do that don't do that and look at me
Starting point is 01:26:38 don't touch me yo cause how come they see fire and it's 29 likes nigga bitch gotta break the triple digit likes barrier before we throw Yo, because how can you say she's fire and it's 29 likes, nigga? Bitch, you got to break the triple-digit likes barrier before we throw a fire out there.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Yo, wait a minute. First of all, what that number is at right now? It's still there. No, it's not. It's 29. No, it's not. Somebody just say God. It's not any more than that. Find a girl that Rory likes as Kansas man.
Starting point is 01:27:01 She better be at least at 1K right now. No, it's just still Rory and his mans. It's still man and mans. Man and wild mans. But wait, so listen. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Give her a credit. It's at 32 likes now.
Starting point is 01:27:14 Holy shit. Rory, you have numbers up. You are white trash, Rory. That's a fact, though. That changes everything, Rory. No, no, no, no, no, no, Rory and Ma. Rory, I'm going to buy this nigga a trailer. I swear to God.
Starting point is 01:27:31 You're going to put a trailer in Journalist Week. Rory is nasty. So wait. So wait. No, no, listen. Because it's not even about you. Because then I call Ma. I call Ma to laugh at you, right?
Starting point is 01:27:43 He follow her, too. But that's not the important part. Yeah, but he ain't like it. He ain't like that. You just out there liking just whatever. Yeah. Yo, so I called Maul to laugh at you behind your back. Thanks. And we didn't even say hello to each other. We just
Starting point is 01:27:57 started laughing. That's when you know it's bad. But Maul's laugh abruptly stopped. Oh, I ain't even get an update on that. But go ahead. Get the story off. I did ask for the update. Did you?
Starting point is 01:28:10 I said call me. I said call me. Oh, no. I did say. I don't care. No, but go ahead. Get the story. Maul's laugh stopped like quicker than mine.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Okay. But I thought the joke was still ongoing. So I was like, Maul, what's up? You want to chime in now? Oh, well, at the time, I thought I was... No, if you're going to do that,
Starting point is 01:28:31 then shut up. I'll tell mine. But you mean it. Tell the story. No, no, no, no. Well, at the time, no, no. I'm giving you the story.
Starting point is 01:28:36 No, no, no. Get in that moment, nigga. Oh. Get in that... No. Okay, so in the moment, in the moment, I was stood up.
Starting point is 01:28:43 All right, get the fuck out of here. No. Ma, stop laughing, right? So I said, Ma, I was stood up. All right, get the fuck out of here. No, Maul stopped laughing, right? So I said, Maul, what's up? And he said, man, yo, damn. Like, he was sad. I ain't never heard Maul be sad. That's important.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Maul was showing emotions. Yeah, he was like, damn, yo, I think I really just. He sighed? I think I really just, yes. He said, yo, I really think I just messed up bad, yo. Like, dude. I didn't say that. Get messed up bad, yo. I didn't say that. Get the fuck out of here. I didn't say that.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Yo, if I'm lying, you're dying. I didn't say that. Nothing. I'm just lying. I'm just lying. I didn't say that. If I'm lying, nothing. But yo, yes, Amor was sad.
Starting point is 01:29:17 So now I'm like, oh shit. Me and Amor was about to share a moment together. Like, we don't have these vulnerable moments. So I said, Amor, what happened? You're finally going to get to know your friend. Oh, you can say what happened, because I don't want to share a moment together. Like, we don't have these vulnerable moments. So I said, Ma, what happened? You're finally going to get to know your friend. Oh, you can say what happened, because I don't want to fuck that story up. No, it was, um. It was raining.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Oh, it was a nice day. Yeah, it was a nice day. But it was a nice day before it was scheduled to rain for the next three days. Yeah. So I was like, damn, I want to do something today. It's the last nice day. So it was like a random, it was like a random conversation. And it was, uh, it just turned into like a random, it was like a random conversation and it was,
Starting point is 01:29:45 it just turned into like, yo, let's hang out. Okay. So I didn't know what to do. So she said, let's go to the museum. I was like, oh shit,
Starting point is 01:29:54 that's dope. I never, my mind is not going to the museum. I've never gone to the museum outside of having to go. Yeah, more just be going to Spark Castle. But I wasn't even looking,
Starting point is 01:30:02 I was looking at it now, I'm like, oh shit, I want to go to the museum. What museum though? Mall would be going to the museum. Museum of sex? I was going to say, what is a museum of sex?
Starting point is 01:30:08 No, I wanted to go to the real, like, real. Mall and parks. Let's have some fun and figure out the places that mall would have normally went to, like the Afties. Get the fuck out of here. You definitely would. I don't even hang out that late anymore. I'm not going to no fucking Afties.
Starting point is 01:30:24 You'd be there early now. No. That's like when I used to be. Are you early at the after? I be at the earlys? Hey, don't play. Hey, don't play. I used to be in Sin City at lunchtime.
Starting point is 01:30:35 You were the king of Sin City at lunchtime. They got good food. That's sneaky. Fine. But niggas, hold up. We got to get into that for a second. Fuck the food. Niggas got to, because I feel like a lot of just nasty men hide behind the strip club
Starting point is 01:30:46 food thing. No, no. They have great food. That we are. Because when I go in there, you order chicken fingers and fries, my nigga. Chicken fingers and fries is the same everywhere. That's it. It's the same everywhere.
Starting point is 01:30:57 No, stop. Dream in Houston. Them wings different. Don't do that. No, but I'm just saying, dudes will be like, nah, they got great food at the strip club. And then you see them in the strip club and they're eating basic shit. Tacos. Yeah, they're eating shit you can get anywhere.
Starting point is 01:31:09 You're nasty. You want to see ass at 1 o'clock. Yeah, you're not even eating. You want to see ass at 1 in the afternoon. It's cool. Let me tell you something. I used to fuck them waitresses' heads all up with the chocolate cake and milk order. Yeah, I still don't understand why you would take that.
Starting point is 01:31:21 You're probably blowing up the city bathroom. You want me to bring the chocolate cake right by her clitoris? Yeah, just drop it right here. Drop it right here. Sir, she's sweating all over your cake. Drop it right here. Oh, please.
Starting point is 01:31:33 If you've seen the vagina I've ate. Holy shit. There was something wrong with you. You ever go to eat some pussy and you've already
Starting point is 01:31:43 committed to the act? Oh, my God. Like, damn. It's too late. I'm in the game. Holy shit. Yo, that is disgusting, man. I'm joking, bro.
Starting point is 01:31:59 What's your move? Niggas always, I'm joking. No, you're not. I am joking. No, you're not. I am joking. No, you're not. You're not in my story. You're not. Yeah, I bet I'm joking No you're not I am joking No you're not Not in my story You're not
Starting point is 01:32:07 Yeah I bet I'm not So what was that day Did you go to the museum No no no It was She ended up having to work Longer than expected See
Starting point is 01:32:17 But at first it was funny Because I said damn Joe Like I'm not even getting The response anymore This nigga laughing I'm like no But now I'm mad Because I want to go to, I was more mad about, because now I really wanted to go to the museum.
Starting point is 01:32:29 I'm like, now it's a nice day out. You can't go to the museum by yourself. Absolutely can't go to the museum by yourself. That's one of the few places you can actually go by yourself. Mo Mal doesn't think you can go anywhere by yourself. No, I go places by myself. Not the museum, not the movies. I don't like movies, but the museum, you can definitely go by yourself.
Starting point is 01:32:42 That's actually one of the, you know what I mean? Because if you want a picture with art, how do you take a selfie? There's mad people in the museum. I'm not asking somebody to take a picture of me at a museum. Why not? No way. Let me just rewind real quick. I've never handed a stranger my phone and said, take this flick.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Never. Never. Yes, you have. You crazy as fuck. Never. Why wouldn't you? I don't even hand my friends my phone and say, take a picture. Yo, I know you from Harlem, from the Dapper Dan era.
Starting point is 01:33:07 From whatever time, whatever. I don't even know where you're from, my nigga. You could be uncool sometimes. It's okay. I'm just saying I've never- Yo, I've never taken a picture. No, no, I said I've never handed a stranger- Is that the fuck up?
Starting point is 01:33:20 I said I've never handed a stranger my phone. I've never sipped out of a straw. Like, all right, all right. I'm just saying I don't do shit like that. I don't hand strangers my phone. I've never sipped out of a straw. All right, all right. I'm just saying, I don't do shit like that. I don't hand strangers my phone. I don't sip out of straws either, bro. You sip out of straws? Straws are nasty.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Nigga malls are idiots. Do you know they have paper straws? I didn't know that, but anyway. Okay. I didn't know that. That's where we're at now. Yeah, I just learned that. Paper straws.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Let's get some structure in here. Trying to cut down on the plastic. If it wasn't so much to talk about, I would tell y'all about my experience trying to purchase a TV the other day. Because boy, was it funny. But we got too much to talk about. I want to rewind really quickly
Starting point is 01:33:53 because I missed this very important one here. When Safari said, yo, how was I begging to go to Europe with you and you were in a full-blown relationship towards the end of ours? That's when you still want that old thing back. Like, you still searching for answers and closure. Shut up, nigga.
Starting point is 01:34:10 I knew it was a rap. No, you didn't. I still have the email when you hit me saying, let's spend Christmas together and work things out. So please stop. That's what Safaree said. Like, you could tell still a little bit of love there. You're being mad biased right now.
Starting point is 01:34:26 You screamed as Nikki. Now Safari got like the low voice. And Safari has never had that low, cool voice before. Nikki replied and said, Bitch, you hit me and Meek asking us to get your dick pic back from someone. LOL. You were playing with your dick in the shower by yourself with suds and shit.
Starting point is 01:34:47 I have the email where you said you couldn't pay your electric bill and why you lied on me. But go off, sis. That's so many individual thoughts. Why is Nicki calling grown men ho and sis, man? Wait, that's what you grabbed out of that? I want to know why.
Starting point is 01:35:04 You don't want to masturbate with suds. All that other shit, I don't care about a nigga masturbating with suds. Like, I'm not talking about that. All right. See, Maul's imagination does leave more to be desired. So let me take control here. Let's try to walk through Safari calling. Trying to get the dick pic back? First of all, how do you get a dick picked back?
Starting point is 01:35:25 Well, that's why we got to figure it out. How do you? This is a story that will go down in the love and hip hop history books. But what is the truth?
Starting point is 01:35:35 What is a lie? I just don't understand how you say asking to get the dick picked back. Was it a physical copy? That will be the only way you can get the dick pic back. And this is after breakup.
Starting point is 01:35:47 So Nikki was fucking with Meek already. So when she was talking to Safari, I'm sure she was giving him that energy like, oh, I got a new nigga, get off my dick. So they was beefing already and then they probably hung up on each other. And then a couple minutes went by and then Safari called back.
Starting point is 01:36:04 And Meek answered. Another thing! One more thing! See, that goes back. One more thing and then everything will be straight! Nikki, Nikki, you and Meek, we are not straight right now! Yo, that accent is trash. One more thing, Nick.
Starting point is 01:36:35 Another thing. Is Meek there too? I want him to hear this. Put this on speaker. Oh, Meeka, Meek and Nicky, both of you. I sent this pic out. Oh, Mika. Mika and Nikki. Both of you. I sent this pic out. Help me. She's not really kicking it to me, but she's a huge fan of both of you guys.
Starting point is 01:36:52 Love the single you guys got together. If you guys could just get that dick pic back for me. I'll greatly appreciate it. And email it. Email, I love your mom. Tell your mom it's all right. Holy shit. email I love your mom tell your mom it's alright holy shit get the dick pig back wait
Starting point is 01:37:11 wait wait cause now this is too great alright I'm getting off of this as far as shit no I'm not getting off of it yet wait he said
Starting point is 01:37:20 cause this is what's funny he said first off me and Tiger didn't go to the same doctor. We did it the same day, different doctors. Okay. Clarity. Tiger's somewhere like, fam, I'm still rolling with my shit as official.
Starting point is 01:37:34 Nah, but you know what's fucked up? Tiger's been having a great year. That's what's fucked up. He had a great freestyle. Nobody wants to say it, but that fucking taste record is hard. Kim Kardashian had it blasting by the pool, and then she remembered that she is hard Kim Kardashian Had it blasting by the pool And then she remembered That she wasn't supposed
Starting point is 01:37:47 To have it blasting by the pool And then she muted the sound But He's been having a good year And here y'all come Want to drag Tyga Into the mess Poor Tyga
Starting point is 01:37:56 They're just using Tyga And if they went to the same doctor Safari got a way better job Than Tyga Tyga's shit still look A little toupee-ish They showed the before and after And Tyga's shit was definitely Way crispier His shit was like Back here They got a way better job than Tiger. Tiger shit still look a little toupee-ish. They showed the before and after,
Starting point is 01:38:07 and Tiger shit was definitely way crispier. His shit was like back here, and that guy brought it to like here. Then what happened? They put a whole piece of hair on his head. That nigga look like he been letting the ganja burn, ganja burn, ganja burn. Yo, man. Look at what we're talking about.
Starting point is 01:38:30 No, but this was the funny part. I didn't get to the funny part yet. Oh, my God. Safari said, at least. I love when people say at least. It lets you know where their thinking is. At least y'all know I was trying to keep my nudes to myself now. Someone was trying to leak my dick pic for years, and I've been trying to stop it forever.
Starting point is 01:38:50 Let's really get into this nigga's psyche for a minute. Safari has been running around America and Jamaica, probably, because he doesn't know where dick pics are trying trying to stop the release they just spread across the country just everywhere he's been it's a treasure hunt he's been trying uh
Starting point is 01:39:11 diligently to stop this to stop the release of this picture of this pic of this said dick pic because it would just do too much damage
Starting point is 01:39:21 what's up with this nigga that's your man what you mean you with this nigga all That's your man. What you mean? You with this nigga all the time. Mo. You didn't help him with the quest? I don't like your usage of all the time. I'm not with Safari all the time.
Starting point is 01:39:34 Two days out the week. I'm not with Safari two days out the week. You're with Safari more than anyone in this room. What does that say? You're with him all the time in our story. If I look up and see you with Safari once, you're with him all the time. That story If I look up And see you with Safari once You're with him all the time That's true
Starting point is 01:39:47 I like Safari I know I just said that shit man You killing me for it Well time out I don't like Safari in furs I don't like Safari in Dykeman I don't like Safari
Starting point is 01:39:54 Replying to Nick Minaj There's a few instances Where I don't like people Like that's when I try to stay away Whenever people are doing some shit That I know I don't like You just tried to call him twice The funny shit about this Is it's coming from you And if we look at your past history to stay away. Whenever people are doing some shit that I know I don't like them for. You just tried to call them twice.
Starting point is 01:40:06 The funny shit about this is it's coming from you. And if we look at your past history and shit that you've been through, so for you saying, nah, I don't like that.
Starting point is 01:40:12 It's already been, I've been exonerated. No, you haven't. Your wholeness was not deleted. Yeah, your wholeness don't get deleted. I don't think
Starting point is 01:40:18 I was a hoe. What? That's a figure of speech. Okay. Mo just gave you the squint eyes. I know, but I can't talk about nothing that happened on tour. He could squint-eyed me, but I can't.
Starting point is 01:40:32 You know what I mean? I can't get into my tour. Squint again, nigga. Squint again. I wasn't squinting. I was thinking. I was trying to think about what you're saying that you're not a hoe. Like, okay.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Yeah, but fix the squint, my nigga. I was on tour. What is that? I don't care about you talking about anything about me, Joe Budden. What do you mean? I'm not scared of you saying anything about me. Why are you saying my whole name? You say your name all the time.
Starting point is 01:40:53 This is Joe Budden. I'm asking you why you are saying my name. I'm telling you that I don't care if you say it. No, we come from the era where full name meant something more. Come on. What's up? No, that doesn't mean anything. There's a door behind you.
Starting point is 01:41:04 No, because you're saying you've been exonerated. So I'm saying you haven't. I have been exonerated. No, you haven't. Not yet. You would have to like go to like
Starting point is 01:41:13 see Mother Teresa or something. Listen, all that shit from my past where I was wilding those was all the very dark days where I was letting the ganja burn,
Starting point is 01:41:22 ganja burn, ganja burn. I don't care what you say. All right. I'm, ganja burn. I don't care what you say. All right, I'm off at Safari now. I don't care about Safari. A lot of other shit has happened, so all right,
Starting point is 01:41:30 I guess, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:41:32 no. Man, do I want to be serious right now? Let me see what else is here. Yeah, you're kind of trash. Not really into the serious. I don't feel like being serious yet.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Me either. Let's talk about it. What else is on the docket? Let's talk about what Youngberg said about Rob Markman. Wait, did he say that in private? Oh, no. We had this conversation. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Oh, so great. I knew we had the conversation. Everything we say here should we say it in private at some point. I'd just be fucking cheering it all. Listen, I thought this was a valid question. Not a valid question. Well, I respected this was a valid question. Not a valid,
Starting point is 01:42:05 well, I respected him for asking. Yeah. But Youngberg wants to know, and this is funny because I think today or tomorrow or at some point,
Starting point is 01:42:14 Genius is doing a lyrical breakdown of Queen, the album. Mm. I wonder what boom shing-a-ling-a-ling means. You're trying to get me in trouble. So I'm not saying anything. Boom shing-a-ling-a-ling means. You're trying to get me in trouble,
Starting point is 01:42:25 so I'm not saying anything. Boom shing-a-ling could be hard. Fuck. It went over your head, but I'm just kidding. Oh my God, y'all are fucking crazy. You know what else?
Starting point is 01:42:40 This might be for albums too. See, that's what these new artists could do this shit. These new artists, they just get to upload whatever the fuck they want. The album is out. They make changes, edits, upload.
Starting point is 01:42:51 That's true. Why is Nicki saying- Oh, you think that shit trash? Here's a whole different song with the same title. Yo, that first song y'all love so much, Ganja Burns. I was rushing my shit, so that ain't even really the name of it. I'm going to fix it on the next go round. I'm like, wait, you was rushing your shit that is i've been saying ganja burns forever you want to take off the s yeah what else she said it was
Starting point is 01:43:12 another change i don't like these changes it's a new era man put the fucking album out it's a new era man you make music you put it out when you want to it's like it's like when kanye had rory fooled kanye you know you're such a loser you're wearing eas's like when Kanye had Rory fooled. Kanye, you're such a loser. You're wearing Yeezys. No, Kanye had Rory fooled with the concept of the ever-growing, maturing album. I said quite the opposite on this podcast. No, he was in. He was like, he's a genius.
Starting point is 01:43:37 He thought of the ever-growing, conceptually maturing. I said literally the exact opposite on this podcast. Every week there's going to be a new song. Shut up, Rory. You do know this podcast is recorded. I said the complete opposite. I don't care. Like, complete opposite.
Starting point is 01:43:52 He's never kidding. I don't care. This nigga never cares about nothing. Because who's ever going back to check? No one. Fuck. All right. What was I talking about?
Starting point is 01:43:59 Oh, yeah. Do y'all want to get serious? Talk about the Rob Markman thing. Let's talk about it. Oh, yeah. Oh, that's how bad my memory is. Oh, no. Youngberg just wants to know why Rob Markman is allowed to critique music when his music sounds that way.
Starting point is 01:44:13 That was a direct quote from Youngberg. I wouldn't have shared it when he texted to me, but then he tweeted it, too. So it's out there. Yeah, once he tweeted it, it was like, damn, all right, you stand behind that one. Right. Right. And that's all. That stand behind that one. Right, right. And that's all. That's all I had.
Starting point is 01:44:27 That's a valid question. Yeah, I want Rob to respond to it because I want to see Rob dance. I want to see the smoke. Yeah, I'd like to see a Berg diss. Yeah, you letting this R&B nigga get at you. Finish him, Rob. You want me to respect your little rap lyrics? That would be a young Berg diss.
Starting point is 01:44:42 If you can't finish Berg. Yeah, you might have to Cook Berg Rob The funny shit I don't know if Rob Could cook Berg Berg can rap I know Berg can rap
Starting point is 01:44:50 We just forget that he can rap Because he keeps stealing All the boys to mention Putting Jeremiah and Ty On everything Yeah I was like This is not KC
Starting point is 01:45:01 This is definitely What the hell This is Chris Reynolds This is not KC from Jodeci Or Dalvin Or none of them This is not KC. This is definitely Jody. What the hell? This is Chris Reynolds. This is not KC from Jody's team. Or Dalvin or none of them. This is Ty. This is Ty. This is Ty.
Starting point is 01:45:14 How I know all the lyrics to the song before I hear it. Bro, I better not let Bird cook them. On a 90s tone. That would be interesting. No, if Bird cook them, you got to leave Genius. You can't work for Genius no more. Now, that's true. If Bird cook you? Yeah, that's true. You can't work for Genius no more. No, that's true. If Bird cook you?
Starting point is 01:45:26 Yeah, that's true. You can't be a genius. Bird can't come out of rap retirement and cook you. That's crazy. Rob, I'm saying you got to go out
Starting point is 01:45:35 and do that, man. All right, listen. Warner Bros. Warner Brothers. The record label. Amongst other things. Yes. Congl other things. Yes. Conglomerate.
Starting point is 01:45:46 It's been reported that they have sold their shares in Spotify for reportedly $500 million. When that report came out, it also said that artists received zero. Zero dollars. came out it also said that artists received zero zero dollars so i'm a 10th grade dropout i'm bad at math but i'm following this shit 500 million dollars minus zero is still 500 million dollars so that article came out people were in an uproar when people are in an uproar you normally see things happen so the next article came out and said warner bros sells whatever stock 500 million dollars and they have set aside 125 million dollars for artists if yeah if they've recouped if they have recouped all of this is disturbing to me so let's try to have a nice serious 10 to 15 minutes right and let's put our let's let's try to use our imaginations right and let's
Starting point is 01:47:07 try to imagine a world where your favorite rappers had no problems with each other at all no problems no beef let's pretend they all we're all in the same in the same gang. Because, I mean, when I hear reports like this, I try to figure out what is stopping the artists from banding together and actually doing something about this. I'm having a hard time figuring out why that's not happening. I would be having a heart attack if that report came out and I were an act affiliated with Warner Warner Brothers that would be really really really really disturbing to me see and I'm saying this I guess this is not for the casual listener I'm saying this to the people that kind of understand what I'm saying for many many many many many years that's been the oldest trick in the book where we go somewhere and they tell us
Starting point is 01:48:05 that we're not recouped and we never actually have a way of knowing when we're recouped because they just fudge the money in all these different places you just never know shit so when they say that if they're not recouped i would imagine none of them are recouped if that article came out and niggas got zero dollars nobody's recouped i don't understand how nobody on that label are recouped if that article came out and niggas got zero dollars nobody's recouped i don't understand how nobody on that label is recouped but if i were an artist the question i would be asking is if we are making the music that provides the equity to the label that the label then in turn sells to the techie people why the fuck are we not why are the artists not trying to cut out the middleman that's why i can't i can't i can't look at leo or cohen a certain way because they all are cut from
Starting point is 01:48:54 that and a lot of your favorite fucking artists have voluntarily relinquished their rights and are perfectly fine only making tour and merchandising money that would be a problem for me i love this shit still i'm real passionate about this shit still so i would love if if somehow before i kick the fucking bucket on earth before i die if all the artists could just have a conversation and get this shit together i've seen an instagram post from um mr rugss out in Atlanta said, yo, niggas will come together and put money together for anything but a business.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Turtle tops. Tables at a club. Turtle tops are nice though. Drugs. Niggas will put their money together for anything in the fucking world. I don't understand why the artists or people who manage these artists or people who have a vested interest in these artists are not on the phone calling one another.
Starting point is 01:49:54 Niggas are being robbed. Niggas are being robbed. This is not new information. I know y'all tired of me saying it, but every fucking movie that has to do with music, pick one. And niggas is getting robbed in it. Right? True story. Five Heartbeats.
Starting point is 01:50:13 They robbing niggas. Straight Outta Compton. They robbing niggas. Pick any biop, the TLC, Paul Abdul took all that shit. Go to any, go to the 50s. They robbed us. 60s.
Starting point is 01:50:27 They robbed us. 70s, 80s, 90s. Paul Abdul took money from TLC? Yeah, that's the wrong name,
Starting point is 01:50:34 but. Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles,
Starting point is 01:50:38 Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles,
Starting point is 01:50:39 Pebbles, Pebbles, Pebbles, Paul Abdul, Paul Abdul, somewhere like, wait, Pebbles,
Starting point is 01:50:41 I'm sorry, not, I apologize. I didn't see a dime. I confused them too because they were uh each other's competition yeah uh but yeah pebbles not paul abdul um what's that saying uh just each era people continue to get robbed instead of learning i'm not saying anything new is what i'm saying i'm not saying anything new but now what's happening is like the tech companies are here y'all
Starting point is 01:51:04 right i've been saying the artists should be fighting to get a piece of some of these tech But now what's happening is, like, the tech companies are here, y'all. Right. I've been saying the artists should be fighting to get a piece of some of these tech companies, Apple being the main one, in my opinion. The thing with the music business, it just reinvents itself every so couple years. So finally when artists started figuring out how to do the label shit and they started doing their independent labels, they didn't need the majors, then streaming comes in. So now we have to have a whole set, a new set of rules that we have to relearn. The labels.
Starting point is 01:51:29 This has been tried though. Huh? People have tried to make changes and help the whole title situation. He was trying to give artists more money. Put your music here. We're giving you more money. And people ran from us.
Starting point is 01:51:45 But to get your music on to Tidal, you still need a label or distributor, typically. There's no direct contact to put your shit directly on. I don't think you need a label. People are just signed to labels. I don't think you need a label to have your... Typically, you still need some sort of middleman, even if it's just...
Starting point is 01:51:59 Yeah, Tidal is not like SoundCloud where niggas are just uploading. They don't have special packages for the independent creators. Okay, independent. Okay, I understand what you're saying. But my thing is... But you're naming Hov and Hov Techie Company. Yes, Hov can fight it.
Starting point is 01:52:18 Hov has been fighting it. Hov with his company. That is his fight. As much as he can. Because like I said, you still have to go through a label. Yeah, but I disagree with you i don't i do not think i think the artists have stood by long enough and have not put forth very much effort to try and do anything about this in any in any other field where this type of discrepancy exists they do something i watched the fucking teachers walk out of school i watched them
Starting point is 01:52:46 true i watched the fucking bus drivers say suck my dick yeah they left in any other field there would be a stoppage of fucking work right if this type of money were being exchanged without the fucking artist getting a piece of it you're right why is niggas still going on about the business of making music what business when all you niggas is broke y'all all broke i don't want to hear about the jewelry i don't want to hear about the chain spinning i don't care about the videos the entourages i don't care about none of that you niggas are broke and poor and the labels are now the new mom and pop stores. The mom and pop stores that the labels fucking got rid of. Guess what?
Starting point is 01:53:31 That's the fuck they are. I would like to see them still stand in the next five years if you fucking artist wise enough. And I'm indie. I'm sitting here passionate for niggas that's on labels. Right. Like I'm sitting here Passionate for niggas That's on labels
Starting point is 01:53:43 Right Well That's to the point What Dame was saying Yesterday Or last episode On the phone Was there's no one
Starting point is 01:53:50 Teaching These artists That's an issue There's no hierarchy That's telling artists You're gonna get jerked Don't do that contract Like that's gone
Starting point is 01:53:58 And Dame That's why he's so passionate About teaching the artists And fuck the labels The difficult thing About a strike two In our field is that there's so many people hungry and thirsty to get on
Starting point is 01:54:08 that as soon as we strike, there will be another 500,000 people with their demos in your inbox that will be willing to get fucked in their ass. Yeah. Because people are broke and they see an advance check and they take it without knowing the long run repercussions of doing that.
Starting point is 01:54:22 Right. A lot of it is just misinformation and not just learn. A lot of it is just misinformation and not just learn a lot of artists don't take the time to really learn the business they jump in it they just happy to be known when they walk outside they're happy to have a show somewhere and people know their music but they don't know the business behind it like they look at it like they should learn it yeah no they should but it's all about how do we go about that? Because we know what needs to happen. Now we need to know, okay, what are the steps we take to start making that happen?
Starting point is 01:54:50 What are the programs we put in place? Is it like a program where we develop people from the industry come in and just give seminars? Because those are available. They exist. There are people that give seminars. It's just that a lot of people don't go and check these things out. There's collegiate degrees in music business that exist also. Listen, if all of the musicians got together, it affects...
Starting point is 01:55:13 Everything. Of course. It affects the world, yeah. No, I agree. I'm just all about now. Not just the music. It affects the fashion industry. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:22 TV industry. It's hard to get five people to do something together well no that's where the dilemma lies you understand it's difficult
Starting point is 01:55:32 to get a bunch of rich people with egos to do anything together together they would all have to feel that there is a need but when reports like that
Starting point is 01:55:41 start going out that say we made 500 million y'all got nothing wasn't it another report that came out that Billboard did or some shit
Starting point is 01:55:48 that the music industry made 12% yeah 12% of 500 billion last year that's missing I mean that's not crazy why it's so important now
Starting point is 01:55:59 is music business is back there was a time when that shit was tanking there was no money in music now with streaming that's the reason why that's not crazy to me
Starting point is 01:56:06 is because in every other industry, the highest profit, I ranted briefly on Twitter about this, the highest profit margin businesses in the world are like lawyers and accountants,
Starting point is 01:56:15 which is like 18 or 19%. So 12%, it's not an exact definition of a profit margin the way they broke that down, but it's a barometer of what the profit margin would be as an artist 12 retail is like seven percent restaurants are like seven nine percent somewhere in there i won't say it's not a terrible profit margin it's all insane i watched
Starting point is 01:56:35 i watched all the retired nfl players get together and found some shit. I watched the O'Bannon brothers in college from UCLA. That's old nigga shit, but I watched them get together and foul that suit against college as a whole. Why are artists not getting together and fouling a class action suit? I think we should.
Starting point is 01:57:00 Yeah. There was a lawsuit. It takes a lot of creatives too. Not every creative has the business mind that's the next step there was a lawsuit in the early
Starting point is 01:57:10 or mid 80s when DATs and CDs were invented where the industry tried to sue to get basically a piece of every CD
Starting point is 01:57:16 in DAT that was actual physical because there was no loss back when it was tapes there was a loss when you made copies digital that doesn't
Starting point is 01:57:24 exist anymore they lost the suit so essentially that kind of fucked everything over i wish that someone would try to find a loophole within that lawsuit that they overlooked or something was that's something that should be looked at because i think that artists and creatives should be getting a piece of all these massive fucking tech companies because we are what sells Netflix, Apple, Apple TV, all this shit. They're selling equity that we are creating. Correct. They cannot create it without us. And they're selling expensive
Starting point is 01:57:52 fucking hardware with high profit margins so people can watch the shit that we create. It's like if I own Park Place and Boardwalk and Monopoly with hotels and thenopoly with hotels, and then I just fucking, every time somebody lands,
Starting point is 01:58:08 I just give the money to the person sitting to my left or right. Yeah. It is the same exact thing. You know, so for me, as I age in this hip-hop thing, part of how I judge rappers and artists now is not only by their music but what they did and how they maneuvered in the music business like now that i have so much information right yeah this isn't this is important it's very i'm i'm i'm gonna judge and look at you niggas some type of way if y'all just keep going on about your regularly scheduled lives and programs and this is not ever
Starting point is 01:58:46 addressed it would be alarming to me I'll put it that way like when I got to Def Jam as a 21 year old 22 year old nigga I didn't know shit about shit but when I heard rumblings that Kev and Lior might be leaving the building told me something might be wrong it just told me something might be wrong if I'm on that label and I hear that report uh it says something might be wrong it just told me something might be wrong if i'm on that label and i hear that report uh it says something might be wrong because newsflash hey let me tell you nigga something you're not affecting spotify spotify don't give a fuck nope they don't give two fucks about that who is being affected here i would really do some real deep soul searching if i were an artist on not only that label but quite a few of these other labels they playing real big chess with money that's ours because we allow it that was my argument though in the
Starting point is 01:59:36 leor shit uh back then not to backtrack but my argument was there's a list of them leor la sylvia any exec they all got nasty exec shit on them but that's the music business so if you are voluntarily I think what Dane was saying is only hip hop that Lior does this with that's what I think
Starting point is 01:59:55 yeah but my response to that would be I could easily make the case that there's a lot of white people that don't fuck with Lior because of how black people fuck with them I can black people fuck with Lior but Lior black people fuck with him. I can.
Starting point is 02:00:06 Black people fuck with Lior. But Lior doesn't even listen to hip hop though. Yes, he does. Joe doesn't listen to hip hop. Joe listens to hip hop. Lior listens like I listen. I don't think he does. He does.
Starting point is 02:00:19 Listen, this is my point. I've heard executives out of their mouth tell me, I don't give a fuck about rap, but be working rap. Right. Like, I have such a disdain for L.A. Reid because I've heard him say that out of his mouth. So when I listen to hip-hop, especially hip-hop that Epic likes, I can hear a nigga that don't really care about rap,
Starting point is 02:00:40 you care about R&B, and your rappers are kind of, that's dope. But, I mean, he's just not a place in rap, so you shouldn't be telling method man was hot for him is all that's not the case with leor but this is not a leor thing because i'm not i'm not getting back on that shit i don't give a fuck um yeah you're not affecting spotify they don't care you're not affecting apple they gotta pay out anyway you're probably not affecting YouTube. Like, and Chan's going to tell us Apple gave him $500,000. I don't give a fuck. 500 grand for the coloring book.
Starting point is 02:01:14 What did you get on the back? Where's the equity? Y'all want to start having real conversations? I know you went in your studio and it took you this amount of time to come up with this amount of project and 500 grand is indeed a lot of money for niggas like us right but what did that not to apple or that shit's like to own that anytime someone click coloring book i don't have to pay the artist yeah here's five hundred thousand dollars right i'll take that i'll take that listen in the next few weeks next week in particular but in the next few weeks uh people
Starting point is 02:01:50 that listen to this podcast um we're going to be talking about a few things we got some some announcements to make and we're going to be talking about a few things one of those things for me is why all podcasters have their shit on the podcast portion of apple i've talked about that on on our live podcast but yeah why they're not paying us they're not giving us information right so it's there for what now i need to really get in my bag of what I agreed to when I clicked the terms and services thing that none of us read. That's another thing. We don't read that shit. We on Twitter, my nigga.
Starting point is 02:02:37 We on our fucking phones giving up our rights. All of these fucking creators are just creating from scratch hours and hours of shit and giving it to Apple? For what? And it's streamed. There should be some sort of law that the terms and agreements should be not in legalese.
Starting point is 02:02:58 Those are streams. Yeah. Don't let this fucking verbiage confuse you people these are streams they're all streams and like we've been talking about in this podcast for a little while i gotta focus on this streaming thing baby because i don't know what the next what the evolution is from here this might be it yeah i don't know how they stepping on this. Yeah. Free. Very lucrative.
Starting point is 02:03:29 As far as manufacturing and distribution. Eric Sermon just did a whole piece talking about, what did he say, a million streams equals $8,000? Somewhere in that range, I think. I don't think it's that much. I thought it was generous. Yeah. I thought it was a little generous.
Starting point is 02:03:46 But I'm just saying, when you really dig into the crux of some of these terminologies that are out there, you know, they're fudging the money differently now is what I'm saying. And as artists, we have to be concerned with a little bit more.
Starting point is 02:03:59 And I'm not trying to be depressing. So for the creators that listen to the show and that follow, right? So how do we go about teaching them how to house their creativity where to put it where to place it where they're not robbed and they're not being taken advantage of more um that's a great question and it's a loaded question which deserves a loaded answer but the answer probably starts at a topic that we talk
Starting point is 02:04:25 about here all the time when you're a new act and you have your fetty wop my way record and then drake comes and says hey here's a verse what do you do like that's really where the start of that answer lie right because let me tell you speaking from my own experience and we'll delve into this next week when we start to announce on some shit but speaking from my own experience, and we'll delve into this next week when we start announcing some shit. But speaking from my own experience, I've gotten a lot of information that I have today. And I've gotten probably as far as I've gotten today just by saying no to things. Like I learned a long time ago, no gets me so much information. What's that fucking Drake line? Half the time I got it right, I probably guessed.
Starting point is 02:05:08 No, I wasn't guessing. I was just saying no, standing on on integrity and i learned some shit and took that information and went forward a creator has to be confident in his ability to create yeah first and foremost it starts there if you're not you're getting robbed yeah if you're not you don't believe you can't even create without belief you can't even create without hope you have to stand firm and the ability to say no i'm gonna do this my way like we big up bryson tiller all the time for doing things his way and not taking that deal right because things worked out for him doing it his way i always big up the creators uh that take a risk and are rewarded for it uh so i would start there we we can we can address that you know like we said in the coming weeks when we really start delving into this stuff think about yeah but yeah scary scary time scary times out there all of this shit that we talking about for rappers and entertainers in the industry it applies to you podcasting people too and you people that are
Starting point is 02:06:10 just creating on your own they're trying to flip the fucking creative rules on us in front of our fucking faces yeah you fucking right i'm going to sit with leo. Right. You fucking right I'm calling. I'm calling everybody I can call. This ain't the time to be isolated. You're right. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:06:34 As a creator. Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it. I mean, somebody's got to try to give a fuck about this shit. Right. Who knew that Joe Budden
Starting point is 02:06:42 would be? That's a trash here bro I ain't gonna lie I can't be the nigga To save any of this shit That sentence don't even sound right Yeah we gonna put Puff If it works
Starting point is 02:06:52 If the plan works We gonna put Puff's name And Hov All the niggas Alright damn it You gotta go left Oh Oops
Starting point is 02:06:59 Damn it Cockback Fuck Long week Hey Hey WJPB Welcome back to the Joe Budden Podcast Episode 174 Damn it. Cockback. Fuck. Long week. Hey. Hey. WJPB, welcome back to the Joe Budden Podcast, episode 174.
Starting point is 02:07:11 Got some brand new Gap Band coming up. This is not brand new. This is not brand new Gap Band. And it's not coming up because it is here. Lovely weather we're having out there. If you're in the New York area, a little bit of traffic on the West Side Highway. Coming up, we got some treat truth some brand new tunes from escape biggie said that shit about escape and his dreams i fucked rupaul before i fucked them ugly ass escape bitches and then got cool with escape yeah that's fine you gotta be careful
Starting point is 02:07:38 sometimes who which one of the rap niggas thought that Nicki was dissing them I saw she went on this whole rant about how you know these were friends and it was playing who really took that like and felt away who really thought that was come on
Starting point is 02:07:51 maybe Desiigner I think no she said that Flex shit that he posted that went on so I don't think it was him oh she said who it was I forgot though
Starting point is 02:07:59 cause I still didn't believe it I mean you gotta just know that that's Nicki just having fun she don't mean anything if you think that song's a diss then you didn't you didn't come out no you didn't believe it I mean you gotta just know That that's Nikki Just having fun She don't mean it If you think that Someone's a diss Then you didn't
Starting point is 02:08:07 You didn't come out No you didn't You wasn't outside When niggas was really Dissing each other Right On the block If you take that
Starting point is 02:08:14 To be a diss Like come on A lot of people Didn't take How to Rob As a diss And that was way worse Than Nikki fucking you You're right
Starting point is 02:08:21 That shit was way Fucking worse You know how You fucking worse you know how you know how you know how fucked up you gotta be to piss off like I don't know
Starting point is 02:08:32 it's some of them old it's some of them 80s R&B people that just be minding their business but you know if they get like really angry
Starting point is 02:08:39 like you probably shouldn't try them Monica's on that list too even though she's not from the 80s probably shouldn't try Monica I didn's on that list, too, even though she's not from the 80s. Probably shouldn't try Monica. I didn't know that Sam Smith was running around talking about Michael Jackson, right? Sam Smith should chill out, though.
Starting point is 02:08:56 Well, you know, you go through your whole rebrand and you lose a lot of weight. You know, you start feeling yourself a little bit. I don't think that that was the case I think that he was what did he exactly say well we'll get to it but let's crack on him
Starting point is 02:09:10 some more Sam Smith made Stay With Me which I love great song that album is great Latch yeah that whole album
Starting point is 02:09:20 is great but there's an asterisk next to the great album because everybody makes a great album because everybody makes a great album after a bad breakup
Starting point is 02:09:27 so and if you listen to that album whoever the gay dude was he tore Sam Smith's world
Starting point is 02:09:34 all apart he was a real jerk so then he you know then Sam went
Starting point is 02:09:41 glowed up he found a new guy. Was taking him to all the little award shows. And then I didn't really hear a song I liked from Sam Smith anymore. I didn't like his album after The Stay With Me One. Of course you didn't. So y'all don't like Happy Sam?
Starting point is 02:09:58 No. No, I don't. No. Actually, since you're asking. Fat, unhappy Sam Smith is... So this is... This is one for me. This is an article.
Starting point is 02:10:09 They're talking about Sam Smith doing some shit, whatever. It says, the two were seen soaking up some sun on a bar. He was on vacation with his lover. The two were seen soaking up some sun. Soaking up some sun is... Yikes. I don't think it was his lover. It was another singer dude.
Starting point is 02:10:24 His lover. Okay. If you're laying together on the beach, standing next to another guy... I don't think it was his lover It was another singer dude His lover Okay Alright If you're laying together On the beach Standing next to another guy So Hey When have me and you
Starting point is 02:10:31 Ever went to soak up some sun I'm not soaking up some sun I never soaked up sun With any of you in here That's a good point Not soaking up sun The two were seen And when you're seen doing it
Starting point is 02:10:39 Come on You can't be seen You're not even trying to hide You soaking up the sun Yeah You ain't got no umbrella over there, nothing. It's daytime. The two were seen soaking up some sun on a boat when Lambert panned over to Smith, who can be seen saying, I don't like Michael Jackson, but this is a good song.
Starting point is 02:10:57 The clip ended right after that with a few friends not seen replying, wow. scene replying wow not every day you hear someone admit to not enjoying michael jackson's musical catalog especially a musician and when the video made the rounds it didn't take long for the internet to do and that's where the shit cut off right cool and then stephanie mills got a hold of that stephanie mills is on social media you're not hearing me you knew that i didn't know that i had no idea i didn't know that I had no idea I didn't know Is that the real Stephanie Mills Cause Joe has a habit
Starting point is 02:11:29 Of just finding people With the same name And just giving them All the credit Nah she got a blue check Nah that's Stephanie Mills Nigga the queen I didn't even know
Starting point is 02:11:36 She was on social media Way to go Nick There's a lot of queen Shit going on out here Where did she post? That was the great I didn't know she had social media.
Starting point is 02:11:46 It'll be on for June. But she said, nah, I ain't even gonna play this. Wait, nah, let me let her drop at least. Let me just hear the drop. Ooh.
Starting point is 02:11:58 Ooh. If you was in the 80s and you had to do something cool with your voice like that, when you was one time Her, Anita, Roberta Flack All of them
Starting point is 02:12:09 Roberta Flack Oh, come on, Stats Nah All right, Alita Adams Yo, Moe, what's up with you? You know what's funny about you? You be knowing all the people I'm talking about
Starting point is 02:12:19 Yeah, you want to act like I'm some fucking music connoisseur You said Roberta Flack Roberta Flack wasn't the 80s But go ahead You soaked up the sun, nigga Shut upnoisseur. You said Roberta Flack. Roberta Flack wasn't the 80s, but go ahead. You soaked up the sun, nigga. Shut up. I'm just laughing. That's Roberta Flack. I gotta get you some flack for that. Your mom was definitely cleaning
Starting point is 02:12:33 up the bathroom. I was, nigga. Not my mom. Not me. What you was cleaning? The toilet, the walls, everything. I was up cleaning the whole crib, which was the basement, but I cleaned all of it. Turn that shit off. I smell bleach whenever I hear that fucking song, nigga. I was up cleaning the whole crib, which was the basement, but I cleaned all of it. Turn that shit off. I smell bleach whenever I hear that fucking song.
Starting point is 02:12:48 Turn that shit off. So Stephanie Mills, who we ain't heard from since that song, she been so quiet and low. That's why you got to respect when the quiet and low niggas don't be quiet and low. Stephanie Mills said, at Sam Smith World, don't come for Michael Jackson when you wish you have sold as many records and you wish you were the king of pop like he was, you bitch ass nigga. Ho.
Starting point is 02:13:12 She didn't say that. She did say ho, though. I'm so tired of you people studying our music and studying our artists and claiming that you don't like our music, go sit your one-hit wonder ass down and learn how to finish a tour. Holy shit. When you can sell as many records as the king of pop, Michael Jackson, you bitch-ass nigga,
Starting point is 02:13:43 then maybe, and only then then maybe can you say something. So I say to you, Mr. Smith, have several seats and come for me if you want to. Period. Damn, Steph. Stephanie Mills talks to you like that. Yeah, your day is fucked up. She don't even tweet. She don't even post.
Starting point is 02:14:06 I just want to know who doesn't like Michael Jackson. I don't even tweet She don't even post I just wanna know who What is Sam Smith For black bagging Just said I don't like Your shit neither What kind of sick fuck Are you that you don't Like Michael Jackson music You're entitled
Starting point is 02:14:12 To your own opinion No you're not But even if you don't Like Michael Jackson music Don't say it While you're soaking up Who doesn't like Michael Jackson music
Starting point is 02:14:20 But why are you Soaking up the sun though My nigga Yeah it's like First of all You ain't really Cut on to Michael Fire While you were So soaking up the sun though, my nigga? Yeah, it's like. First of all, you ain't really cut on the Michael fire while you were soaking up the sun. That's the perfect shit. They might have been out there playing the latter end of Mike's catalog.
Starting point is 02:14:34 The remixes and shit. Yeah. Yeah. Post hummus. Yeah. Post hummus. Post hummus. That's funny.
Starting point is 02:14:40 Yeah. Oh, why am I still playing this? All right. What else is quick that we got to get to? Let's see here. That's funny Yeah Oh why am I still playing this Um Alright What else is quick That we gotta get to Uh Let's see here Something else is important
Starting point is 02:14:50 Uh Power Y'all saw Power Yes Good episode of Power Finally yes In comparison To what we've been watching
Starting point is 02:14:58 To the trash That we've been having I just wanna We gotta just keep it All the way real Oh you about to You about to say exactly what I've been thinking. No, just.
Starting point is 02:15:06 Say it. Say it. Ghost is a rat, my nigga. Like, if we want to really get into Ghost's character, he do a lot of shady shit. Like, him recording that conversation
Starting point is 02:15:16 with Homie, that's rat shit. He sent Tommy to jail before, that's rat shit. He sent Kane into jail before, that's rat shit. Like, niggas don't really get in the ghost enough man like he's not this ill character this this g mob boss dude that he's
Starting point is 02:15:32 depicted to be like he does a lot of shit where you like yo this nigga's a clown no ghost needs therapy you said what no ghost needs therapy he needs but my thing is i'm just i'm over his character i'm just not on the ghost. I wanted us to just delve into Tasha really quickly. Someone brought to my attention that the way we have our mythical box list, that there should be an opposite list to explain to women with really, really, really bad vagina and intimacy and sexual habits, right? So they brought Tasha's name up from Power. And said she has a mythical box? No, and said she has one of the worst boxes ever.
Starting point is 02:16:14 And then I was confused, but then they got into their explanation. I'm rolling a little bit. She fucked the driver and couldn't keep him. Yeah, that's nice. You couldn't keep the driver, my nigga. I'm listening. Yeah, that's nuts. You couldn't keep the driver, my nigga. I'm listening. Wait. Okay.
Starting point is 02:16:30 Cool, right? Now you're having a hard time keeping the lawyer. The lawyer dude that just slobbed off behind your husband's back, right? That's what she says. It's a little shady. Shit, a few episodes ago, Rico Suave in the office nailed. Nailed. Shit, a few episodes ago, Rico Suave in the office nailed.
Starting point is 02:16:47 Nailed. No, he nailed Angela. He nailed Angela. Yeah, that was Angela. No, Tasha fucked somebody else. She fucked somebody else. Did she? She fucked somebody else.
Starting point is 02:16:54 I don't think she did. I don't know if she did. She fucked the driver. She fucked the lawyer. And her husband. Damn it, there's somebody I'm missing. And her husband, the one she's supposed to be fucking. Well, shit, she lost all three of them niggas.
Starting point is 02:17:02 Yeah, that is true. Come on. No, I'm with you on that. I'm with you. Her and Holly Berry. No, we ain't supposed to be for. Well, shit, she lost all three of them, niggas. Yeah, that is true. Come on. No, I'm with you on that. I'm with you. Her and Halle Berry. No, we ain't going to do that. Happy birthday, Halle Berry. No, I didn't do it.
Starting point is 02:17:11 It's her birthday? Yeah, today's her birthday. I'm psychic. I got super bad. Happy birthday, Halle Berry. Is it her birthday for real? Yeah. Why do you just know that off the top?
Starting point is 02:17:20 You're a little weird, my nigga. I'm a Halle Berry fan. I mean. But to just have her birthday in your back pocket? I knew today was her birthday. What do you want me to do? Niggas. Do you follow like a fan page?
Starting point is 02:17:29 That's crazy. No, I don't follow a fan. I just knew today was her birthday. You definitely do follow Halle Berry's fan page. I promise I don't. I don't believe your promise. It might be a good page. It might be.
Starting point is 02:17:38 You right. All right, that's a wild birthday they're having to talk, but that's fine. Okay, so that's Tasha. And then Insecure premiered. Did y'all watch that? Yeah. No, I didn't see it yet. I did. But go ahead. Y'all can talk about it. I'll watch it. No, I'm not going to talk about but that's fine. Okay, so that's Tasha and then Insecure premiered. Did y'all watch that? Yeah. No, I didn't see it yet. I did.
Starting point is 02:17:47 But go ahead, y'all can talk about it. I'll watch it. No, I'm not going to talk about it if you didn't see it. Yeah, I didn't see it. I only want to talk about the part at the end
Starting point is 02:17:54 where light-skinned Christopher Williams looking... I'm not going to ruin it for you. I'm not going to talk about it. But I only wanted to talk about this one most important part of the show.
Starting point is 02:18:03 Go ahead, take it away, Joe. There's only one part. Okay, go ahead. There's a part where it's just a line where Homeboy tells the chick that he's fucking that what him and his wife do is none of her business. And I only bring it up because when he said that, I thought it made all the sense in the world, but Sin looked at the TV confused, and then when I opened Twitter, all the girls on the timeline was confused.
Starting point is 02:18:26 And then I was like like only the men get it that's pretty logical does it even need an explanation? I didn't see why it did only the men get it that's one of those things that we're only going to understand why do the women always want to
Starting point is 02:18:40 it should be pretty easy if you're sleeping with a guy that's married what me and my wife do has nothing don't even say my wife's name. Or a letter that starts with, a word that starts with the same letter as my wife's name. Yeah, if I'm fucking you and I got a wife, you can't even use your Wi-Fi when I'm with you. That's too close to wife. Don't even use your, cut the Wi-Fi off.
Starting point is 02:19:01 Jesus always want to talk about the wife. Yeah. They was really mad. Of course they were yes chicks love being mad about shit all right but insecure was really good shout out uh shout out to isa even though i think i just canceled my um hbo off my files by mistake why would you do that i gotta log in i got i called fine i called files to have them come do a quick install they kept me on the phone for 50 minutes telling me my plan was out of whack
Starting point is 02:19:26 and they could save me a bunch of money. One of those. They deleted all the dope shit. So they kept me there for 50 minutes. You'll save money if you don't have anything. At the end, they tell me I've saved a grand total of $6.74. And by agreeing to this great change in savings
Starting point is 02:19:43 that I've agreed to renew my contract with them for two years. I said, no, the fuck. No, the fuck. I did not agree to anything. So you can put HBO back and I'll just send the extra $6.74 your way. Right. That was that. The extra $6.74.
Starting point is 02:19:58 Yeah, that was that. Oh, shit. Yeah, we got a lot of good shit we didn't get into. We didn't get into. I don't really want to get into. We didn't get into. I don't really want to get into Trump and homegirl with the leaked recordings. But I did think it was interesting that Omarosa said, and I heard this because she recorded it when homeboy stepped up. Like, yo, listen, black bitch, you got to get out the White House. I run this shit.
Starting point is 02:20:20 Everybody works for me. Nobody works for Trump. And she was like, have you ran this by the president? Does President Trump know you're handling me this way? I said, oh yeah, they definitely fucking. Finally, finally, they're admitting to fucking. Anytime the chick says,
Starting point is 02:20:41 does my man know that you're talking to me like this? Oh yeah, that's a chick with, yeah, she's laying it down with the president. i thought that was interesting that they uh she snitched on them and they were fucking that was great uh what else is great oh shiggy and the cheating shit i i that was my a topic before nikki came and took over because i'm just really shocked that why is shiggy cheating he's never he's not you know this is a new thing like he's you know shocked why is Shiggy cheating well he explained he explained it in video he's never he's not you know this is a new thing like he's you know
Starting point is 02:21:09 like shit I'm hot out here right now I want to see who Shiggy's smashing I want to see the chicks that no you could see on the timeline the girl that snitched no I want to but I want to see like all of the chicks I want to see all the my nigga yo he got that apology off all in one breath,
Starting point is 02:21:27 and it was about four minutes long. Yeah. His girl was definitely holding the phone. She was right behind him, for sure. She might have wrote that for him. Y'all would fuck a chick after Shiggy? You know what's funny? You probably have.
Starting point is 02:21:41 You probably have. Let's say this ever right now we should be sharing bodies with you might you might it's not far-fetched though this we in some crazy times right now that's true i'm telling you i ain't gonna wait do you have to give a clap depth to after you find out you smashed the same chick wait a chick ever share what you know that that you kind of eskimo brothers with somebody that's trashed And then you feel some type of way Yeah
Starting point is 02:22:06 Has a chick ever shared it No but I found out A chick has shared it with me And then I've gone It's a whole different experience And then I've gone to the 4040 And the nigga was there Staring at me all night
Starting point is 02:22:15 It was like There you stared at me So I was forced to head nod To nigga I gave him a little salute Yeah I know bro Yeah I know already, man. It's cool.
Starting point is 02:22:26 Yo, it's cool, bro. Yeah, it's all right. Don't worry about it. I wouldn't fuck up the chicken. Knowingly. But I'm just saying, I mean, listen, bro. This era is weird. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 02:22:38 I'm not from this era. No, but we're in the era. No, I'm not. I'm in parks. Yeah, okay. You're in the era. No, I'm not in this era. Okay. Nor do I abide by the rules that this era abides by. No, I'm not. I'm in parks. Yeah, okay. You're in the era. No, I'm not in this era. Okay.
Starting point is 02:22:45 Nor do I abide by the rules that this era abides by. No, that I don't, but. No, I'm the old nigga. I'm cool with all that. Okay. Rory had way more Shiggy jokes last week. Now he wanted, I mean. Well, they probably got cool.
Starting point is 02:23:00 Now he chilling. Yeah, no. They got cool. They got cool in a week? They probably got cool The day show Yeah he was in Detroit with me Rory did take Shiggy To the fucking Beyonce show
Starting point is 02:23:11 To dance to Nice I had an extra pass I had an extra pass I thought maybe He could do a dance for them Shiggy was your plus one Yeah Shiggy better hurt
Starting point is 02:23:19 That's how I met Drake Okay I would be nervous As the nigga that came up With like the dance that took over the nation because like once the dance is fading,
Starting point is 02:23:30 I would be rushing to take a sip of shit. Y'all would not want to record me in the bathroom mirror. You think I'm letting my dance die? Why do you think
Starting point is 02:23:44 he was fucking all those bitches now? Right, right. Let me get this in right now. It's working. For real. Is it easy to come up with? I'm not mad at him. Come on, Shig.
Starting point is 02:23:53 We rooting for you. Word. All right, let me hurry up. Is Maul and Rory ready to go home? Let me see what's going on. I ain't going to bed, man. I got to go to bed. Wild night of dancing, huh?
Starting point is 02:24:05 Yeah. It's exhausting. Damn. We trash, man. Wow. Good. Summer Man is seven. That happened.
Starting point is 02:24:17 Did y'all watch any of it? Yeah. Oh, no. Battle Rap. Who rapped? Was that the one I saw yesterday I watched? Goods versus T-Rock.
Starting point is 02:24:28 I don't think that was. I think that was. No, that was old. Thumb Man at 7, T-Rock Battle, Hitman Holla. Where do you watch this? What is Mook shit? I get the stream. From where? The plug?
Starting point is 02:24:38 On YouTube or some shit? You said T-Rock Battle, Hitman Holla? No, it's a pay-per-view stream. That's what I'm saying. Okay. It's a link. T-Rock Battle, Hitman Holla? He battled Hitman. Who won? I'm hearing Hitman Hollow? No, it's a pay-per-view stream. That's what I'm saying. Okay. Yeah, it's a link. T-Rock battle Hitman Hollow? He battled Hitman.
Starting point is 02:24:46 Who won? I'm hearing Hitman won. I'm hearing. He was talking some shit up there. Hitman is tough to beat. Yeah, I would say he's one of the- Hitman is tough to beat, and T-Rock has been battling everybody in the universe lately. Surf was supposed to battle Iron Solomon, but he got shot up, so he didn't want to battle
Starting point is 02:25:04 that night. Is Iron Solomon the white boy? Yeah. Yeah. JC battled him, and that was supposed to battle Iron Solomon, but he got shot up, so he didn't want to battle that night. Was Iron Solomon the white boy? Yeah. Yeah. JC battled him, and that was a good battle.
Starting point is 02:25:09 That was a good battle. A few other battles happened. I don't think Surf should be battling Iron Solomon. His battle with
Starting point is 02:25:14 Verb. I would never want to see Surf and Iron Solomon. I don't even know who put that match up together. Yeah, it's really
Starting point is 02:25:19 odd. Surf is, nah. Solomon was going to give that nigga all types of nerdy bars to the face. Surf's going to shoot that nigga 40 times. Nah, surf is nah. Solomon was going to get that nigga all types of nerdy bars to the face. Surf is going to shoot that nigga 40 times. Nah, surf can't have gun bars after you just got shot, nigga.
Starting point is 02:25:31 If you want to sit down. Oh, no, this is when you do have gun bars. No, this is when you do. Really? Yes. After you get hit? Of course. Now I need a gun.
Starting point is 02:25:42 This is when you have to write heavier gun bars. Yo, all right. All right. I'm done with y'all. Let me just close this podcast. Get well to serve too, man. Serve is well. Serve is right back on the scene of the crime.
Starting point is 02:25:55 Fam. On the scene of the crime. Joe, shut the fuck up, man. Went in a car with tinted window. The seat leaned back. Nigga, serve. You don't go back to your mom's house. Surf is on the scene of the crime.
Starting point is 02:26:08 Yeah, god damn it. Like he's standing outside chilling. Shut up, man. All right, what else is really important before we get out of here? Oh, Bow Wow had a... Yo, these chicks right here. Which ones are those? I'm not telling you, Royce.
Starting point is 02:26:23 Did I like the picture? No. Okay. Motherfucker. Did I like the picture? No. Okay. Motherfucker. I don't know who that is. You do know. You told me who that was. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:26:31 You told me. Wait, what did I pull my phone up to look for just now? Oh, I got it, I got it, I got it. Boy, my memory is bad. Bow Wow had a message to the hoes. Oh, my God. What? I think this stuff is important bow wow said it's sad to see you hoes glow up for
Starting point is 02:26:49 two months only to get dicked down and then passed down and then dropped off to where he found you talk about full circle god damn that's that's how he's typed it yeah you hoes gotta be smarter with who you give the pussy 90 of you hoes is uh 90 of you hoes 90 of the hoes you niggas lust over are 100 pure bums behind the my g post that's big facts y'all just in case you didn't think it was y'all going for looks but what can the bitch do for you besides look cute can't stand no dumb ass woman we don't get down like that over her no bum ass shit tolerated from everybody around me my crew my lady my daughter all that y'all hoes got four mouths to four months to get it together wait it's over ha ha ha ha this year about done y'all's got a prep for 2019 now and hope for the better wow holes have been selling
Starting point is 02:27:54 looking whack on instagram for at least six years this ain't changing i just thought that was pretty honorable of him to address the hoes like this way you said honorable but Bow Wow has dated these exact hoes he's talking about yeah Bow Wow did that so hopefully you won't have to go through that Shad did that yes he did he didn't go through nothing that hopefully I didn't go through. Shad did go through that, so you wouldn't go through it. Your mom's such a hero. I think Shad had probably been through the same things. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:28:30 Y'all share bodies. No, 100%. Shad has been rich since he was nine. He hasn't been through what I've been through. What does that mean? He hasn't been through what I've been through. What do you mean? No, we talking about the hoes.
Starting point is 02:28:40 Yeah, I don't. He's gone through quite a few. Dan, I covered everything. I'm finished, quite a few. Dan, I covered everything. I'm finished, but I really did want to get into this. There's a Drew Hill return. Like an album? No, it's weird. It's confusing.
Starting point is 02:28:56 It's Drew Hill, but it's not with Woody, the fat dude. And so it's one less Drew Hill, but then remember the group Player? So it's two of them and they like mixed it up so it's Drew it's like two niggas from Player and the new Drew Hill
Starting point is 02:29:14 I'm dying because they were performing in Detroit on Saturday when I was there and someone explained that to me and I said
Starting point is 02:29:22 what the fuck is going on a lot happens in Detroit when Rory goes. Word. Rory, don't go to Detroit. Yeah, yeah. Listen, bro. Yeah, so they formed.
Starting point is 02:29:34 Well, the lead singer from Player, he can really sing, so that should be interesting. And he can write, so I don't know what's going on. Are they calling it Drew Hill though? Or is they just giving a new name is this like Milestone
Starting point is 02:29:50 with that group Milestone with Babyface and After 7 and Casey and JoJo No that was No that was After 7 Babyface
Starting point is 02:29:59 and Casey and JoJo No Yes it was That wasn't really dumb that was like relative No it was them man wasn't really dumb. That was like relative. No, it was them, man. Look it up, man. They had a record
Starting point is 02:30:09 on the Soulful soundtrack. I know the record. Yeah, that was them. That wasn't somebody trying to be them. That was really Casey and JoJo and Babyface and After 7. I bought that soundtrack.
Starting point is 02:30:21 Soulful was dope. You know what I was super trash doing when I was a teenager? I bought the Best bought the best man Soundtrack And my joint But my joint was The title track
Starting point is 02:30:31 Like best man With all of them Oh with Tyrese You know him Genuine I can be The best man I can
Starting point is 02:30:39 I can be Oh I can be That was your voice man Oh No remember All of them I can I'm the, I can be. That was your voice, man. Oh. No, remember all of them? I'm the best man. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:30:50 I'm the best man. No, I can be. Yeah, that was my shit back in the day. I'm like some real trash back in the day. Let's end this podcast, man. I'm getting the fuck out of here. Let's just leave it right here. No.
Starting point is 02:31:01 No, I just put this on because I don't feel like Five Steps really ever got the props it deserves, especially from these new R&B people. So if they're going to make a new group, they should redo Five Steps. See there, they were spazzing on the end. Oh, come on. What's player going to do with this? Rory definitely wasn't outside. It's fine.
Starting point is 02:31:52 Yeah. I had to get back to real nigga records. All right. I think, I think we are finished with everything somehow. Yeah. Mellow, Mellow's on the rockets now. So if you want to go to Vegas and bet on exactly the amount of different fights that are going to happen on the road,
Starting point is 02:32:09 Dan, Tony, and Mello, it's happening. Chris Paul and Mello, they're going to all fight all next year. That sounds about right. I think so. You think it's going to start? And when Dan, Tony tries to make him come off the bench. He's definitely coming off the bench. Yeah, he should come off the bench. What's wrong with that? He's come off the bench. He's definitely coming off the bench. Yeah, he should come off the bench.
Starting point is 02:32:26 What's wrong with that, huh? He's coming off the bench. I don't think there's any shame in coming off the bench. It's fine. You're like 36, bro. It's okay. Yeah, but it's just for a guy like Carmelo when you've done so much and can score the way he can. You don't usually see that type of talent coming off the bench.
Starting point is 02:32:42 I understand it. It's time. But when you get to A certain age And any pressure is for it It's time I agree I'm just Hopefully he buys into it
Starting point is 02:32:49 Is all I'm saying Oh and off battle rap Real quick This weekend This weekend is Verb versus Mook You gotta tweet the link This weekend
Starting point is 02:32:58 Is Verb Can you put this shit In the group chat I didn't know This stuff was happening Word I'll put the link in there I don't be thinking
Starting point is 02:33:04 Niggas You know what I mean? I think I'm kind of off the battle rap thing, though. I'm a casual fan. I watch the bigger battles. Yes.
Starting point is 02:33:12 Like, I watch, I think, because I watched the, I watched that T-Rock versus Goods battle and while it was still, you know, it's just that I just,
Starting point is 02:33:20 I wasn't, I didn't feel that same interest in it anymore. I was just like, whatever. It's a bunch of just, you know, talking about guns I wasn't I didn't feel that same interest in it anymore I was just like whatever it's a bunch of just you know talking about guns
Starting point is 02:33:29 and that a rap yeah it's just like what I will say what I will say I saw at Summer Madness 7 was a lot of a lot of the
Starting point is 02:33:36 performers unprepared I did see a lot of that and it made it made it made for one of the more lackluster Summer Madnesses I will say that if Verb and Mook both come to perform this weekend, that should be a doozy.
Starting point is 02:33:51 Yes, a doozy. It's a funny word. I love that word. Because every time I see Verb in a big battle, he seems to be fumbling over his bars. He has a problem remembering. The last, I want to say, two big battles I remember him in, it was like he was stumbling and forgetting his bars. I know Mook doesn't do that.
Starting point is 02:34:12 He don't forget his bars. No, that's not happening. No, that's not happening. He'll leave a bit. I told Mook that I would call him from the podcast, but we've been rocking for too long with all this Nicky shit. So don't forget to check that battle out this weekend. Who y'all got winning that battle?
Starting point is 02:34:28 I got Moog winning. Moog. Same. Yeah, Moog. Yep, now that we got rid of that one. Oh, and my final question for y'all, because my memory is bad. What was the verdict on us canceling
Starting point is 02:34:46 Sabrina Claudio? Is she canceled? I never canceled her. She put a new song out that's nice. I never canceled her. I still follow her. I still like her pictures.
Starting point is 02:34:55 I never canceled her. Dying to take Sabrina to a museum. No, they killed me for still liking her, but I'm not going to hold what she did as a teenager. Y'all don't think it's funny
Starting point is 02:35:05 Maul on a date In a museum With Sabrina Claudio No with any girl No man museums Why is Maul Because what's Maul In his museum bag
Starting point is 02:35:18 Like when she get To one of the exhibits That's really doing it for her Like look at Maul What's Maul doing Nah that's not What's your perception? What do you see?
Starting point is 02:35:27 What do you see in it? Rory, relax, though. Calm down. I heard you the first time. You're going to have to double up on me now. What do you see, though? I heard you.
Starting point is 02:35:37 What's your take on this? Yeah, I think I'm just... Why do I think I'm just like so awkward with women? I don't get it. No, I know you're not. I've seen you with women. You're not low, but it's funny you want to date.
Starting point is 02:35:48 Get your shit off. Go ahead. Because we've only seen you with women at the crib. Okay. Not out socially. Okay. What did you think the author of this one meant with the grass? The author?
Starting point is 02:36:00 Yeah. That's his big word. Author is my... Author? Fuck you, Joe. You know the to, that's his big word. Author is my, fuck you, Joe. You know the fuck Joe all the way. Fuck you, man. That nigga been dissing me for months. That's my big word.
Starting point is 02:36:12 I never took a shot at your fucking education, though. I'm taking a shot at my education. You know how niggas get his big word back? That's not a big word. Author. Author. What do you think the author meant with this one? The author wasn't the right word, by the way.
Starting point is 02:36:25 I know. At all. It could be used there. Author. It's okay. What do you think the author was trying to do with this one? Yeah. Joe, shut up.
Starting point is 02:36:33 All right. Yeah, you're not closing with author. All right. I'm done, man. Joe was the nigga that had to get tackled for trying to touch the Mona Lisa. He's definitely the awkward guy in the museum trying to touch everything. Or knocking shit over everything or knocking shit over definitely knocking shit over
Starting point is 02:36:46 for sure spilling shit that would be me I remember when I was trying to run from the cops in them fucking LeBrons one time forget it
Starting point is 02:36:55 let's get out of here how many times have you ran from the cops in LeBrons that's his go to why is that your go to sneak he be in the closet
Starting point is 02:37:03 like I need the LeBrons the cops are here nigga put anything on your feet and get like, I need the LeBrons. The cops are here. Nigga, put anything on your feet and get out the house. Don't wear the LeBrons. Yo, when I was on Molly, I thought I needed the ankle support if I was going to run. That was like Sonny in Sandlot when he got his new kicks to run from the dog. Yo, Joe, there's something really wrong with him, man. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 02:37:23 He had a fisherman bucket on. Wait, what? A jersey. With camouflage shorts. I had camouflage shorts. I'm like, the Josh said they going to kill us. They going to shoot this nigga down like a dog, man. To go camouflage in the grass.
Starting point is 02:37:38 In LeBron. It was a dark, dark times. You changed to go run from the cops. Yeah. Yeah, you got to get your cop fit off. And then when I ran from the cops and broke my foot. Joe definitely ran away from home as a kid and then went back when he got hungry. I could tell.
Starting point is 02:37:57 Just by you throwing on a fit like that to run from the cops, you definitely ran away from home. I ran away from the cops and broke my foot while trying to run. Yeah, that was kind of funny. Then somebody had to help me get to the getaway car. Which you drove with your broken foot. No, that was Ish. He was talking about what happened.
Starting point is 02:38:18 Oh, my God. Yo, we got sleepers. Fucking me, what happened, nigga? My bone is hanging off my foot. Nigga, that's what happened. That nigga, you need me to drive? Yes, you bitch ass nigga. See how I take the bins?
Starting point is 02:38:34 That nigga pulled up to my house and let me out. I couldn't walk up the stairs. It's just a piece of shit. Alright, let's get the sleepers, man. I'm getting the fuck out of here. We were five steps all right back to the first one that ain't it play on your burn gunja burn gunja burn
Starting point is 02:39:00 every time i get high i just think about you Every time I get high, I just think about you. Every time I get high, I just think about you. Every time I get high, I just think about you. That's the harmony. That's it right there. Nah, you caught that. Oh, wait, am I playing a sleeper?
Starting point is 02:39:18 Let me play something. What am I doing? Do I have a sleeper? Hopefully. You know what? Let me get on. Pass me the aux. Pass me the aux Pass me the aux My nigga
Starting point is 02:39:27 No no the phone Pass me the phone aux I said this shit Like I'm ready You play something Alright I totally forgot to Do the sleeper thing
Starting point is 02:39:45 so I'm just gonna go this is an old record this is Joyce Rice good morning dang that was a trash intro I forgot to put the sleeper you're doing great
Starting point is 02:39:55 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Is it seven o'clock?
Starting point is 02:40:21 You got me looking at my watch every minute Because I'm waiting on you You got me looking at my watch every minute Yeah Because I'm waiting on you I said I'm waiting on you Make a move I'm waiting on you Seven o'clock in the morning All I want you to do
Starting point is 02:40:46 Is get on top of me Because I'm all up on you All up on you All up on you I've been thinking a lot, yeah I've been thinking about one thing mostly, yeah I want you to come on over, even if I'm asleep Wake me up in my dreams
Starting point is 02:41:23 When you love me, you must be what I'm asleep, wake me up in my dream Tell me when you're with me, when you're by me If I sleep when I'm dreaming And you come behind me, remind me When I am on a plane Fall upon it, early in the morning You deserve a man who will do it how you want him Fall upon it, early in the morning You deserve a man who will do it how you want him
Starting point is 02:41:42 I want you now to I need you now I need you now Ladies, if you feel me, throw your hands It's the seven o'clock It's the seven o'clock I want you now I need you now I want you now. I need you now. I want you now. I need you morning All I want you to do Is get on top of me
Starting point is 02:42:28 Because I'm all up on you All up on you All up on you All up on you WJPB That was brand new music from Joyce. Rice. Good morning.
Starting point is 02:43:11 Try to give you the ill fate out, but you know. You body that. That was brand new. Yeah, fuck it up. I'm sorry. Shout out to her. So I'm playing rap record. I'm playing rap record, even though I do have a lot of amazing R&B shit to play,
Starting point is 02:43:27 but I'm not going to do it. And shout out to Ro James. New Ro James out. New Ro James out called Excuse Me. Yeah, it's dope. Have you heard it? No, I haven't. It's not my sleeper,
Starting point is 02:43:39 but I just get you to bop a little bit. Is this a single or just a loosey? I would assume it's a single I think, maybe. Can I play the M one more? Yeah, no it's hard. Just didn't get it, don't know the same things I miss It's about you, I can't help it You had it easy but you just couldn't play your part Our heart was starving while you focused on so many parts Other than love, it's way too old to be acting up
Starting point is 02:44:22 So excuse me, what's your problem? That was brand new. That's Excuse Me from Ro James. I'm cutting it off because that wasn't my sleeper. So I don't want to confuse people. Playing a record called Left On Red by an up-and-coming gentleman by the name of F5. What I will say is this. Your beat can't be your sleeper.
Starting point is 02:45:03 I normally have a rule about niggas touching classic shit. And contrary to what the masses may think, this is a classic Joe Budden record downfall. So, I thought he did good. I thought he did great, actually. We shall see. Where you cop the downfall, D? Word. That's a good question.
Starting point is 02:45:27 Word without paying. Park's out here slinging old Joe Budden beats. Park, you gotta cut that shit out. I don't want to hear people rap over Joe Budden beats. Word. The way of Joe Budden rapping over Joe Budden beats. Look. Here we go all over.
Starting point is 02:45:44 This place is familiar Took the fork to foreclosures Paid respect to my realtor Remarks fell short I kept them in filters Big with suicidal thoughts This lesson's a killer Getting harder for me
Starting point is 02:45:55 To have to be the bigger man Will his pain remain? Is it part of a bigger plan? Sips out a flat split No hope in my past The therapist said I'm dismissive Attachment sociopathic
Starting point is 02:46:05 No, how dare you tell me I could never feel That would mean what me and Rel had wasn't real shit We loved each other just as much as we were able to Undebatable, would give her more if I was capable This my letter to women I hurt dating you Make concessions to be better, help aid a few K was the start, I put her through the worst Tried to get my heart, it might as well have been a hearse
Starting point is 02:46:26 Nikki said she loved me and I hope she's doing well Staring in her eyes, that's a lie, couldn't tell, pardon me now I can't talk you off a ledge, want the same shit you feel Love and thoughts that's in my head, the cost of being bred To see us part and way ahead, some gave me their hearts A few I offered to a stack, jumping all the herds Striving for the real, so I let the Lord drive and sit further from the wheel for her. I made a deal, show her love, make her feel, and it requires nothing other. I don't want to see her suffer, trust
Starting point is 02:46:53 I'll never bluff ya, authentic as it gets. In this world full of suckers, I was trying to be your buffer. Skip on the play with road dice, lost wages, stuck inside them cages, now we leaving Las Vegas. Lost wages, stuck inside them cages, now we leaving Las Vegas Look, last night I was left on rent, so I'm about to take this left on rent Last night I was left on rent, so I'm about to take this left on, this left on Last night I was left on rent, so I'm about to take this left on breath. Last night I was left on breath, so I'm about to take this left on, this left on, this left on. It's the return of, that's how we handle things.
Starting point is 02:47:35 Thought it would slow up, I'm feeling phantom pains. Call it moving backwards, weight past nerves. It's the morning after, there's no taking back words. I show care, lose faith, when you gamble it, the truth fares. Any cards you play, I gambit it. Gets lost when you gamble it the truth fares any cards you play i gambit it gets lost when you swear you got the upper hand a bit and try to write me off nah i'm not the manuscript it's like you know me then you don't at all yeah you think you know it all me i follow protocol ron's dangerous thoughts tainted it's offered fine i walk the line by high roads and truck design see i gotta pay a fee to halt a harsh decline.
Starting point is 02:48:08 All the best things in life free if the cost is mine. That yellow shines in high rise fashion. What good's a warning sign if we ride right past them? Hold the guard, I don't yield for pedestrians. No questioning, doors are jarred, no I'll let you in. Then the drama begins, we swear we off of it. Both played our part in it, but won't say say we causing it If all you left is burned bridges And your awfulness
Starting point is 02:48:26 At what point are you suspected As the arsonist? Paul Barrett started gathering the grave Sometimes them time seveners The amicable way You know I remember looking at my phone This was last year
Starting point is 02:48:38 Like who would tell such an elaborate lie? See even the lies we tell Give away we care more than we should, man. That we care what people think of us more than we should. I'm not going to play it all because he has a project coming. And this is not out. That project comes out this month. I'll update you guys later. That is F5.
Starting point is 02:49:03 That's F5 from Twitter. Yeah. Where's he from? Shout out to F5.'ll update you guys later. That is F5. That's F5 from Twitter. Yeah. Where's he from? Shout out to F5. F5 lives in Jersey. Somewhere. But he was in Florida for a little bit, I think.
Starting point is 02:49:14 I don't fucking know, but he raps. He's rapped for a long time and he sounds good. Oh, yeah, you gotta go crazy when this come on. I don't know, F5. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:49:23 Treacherous trenches, right? Check out F5. F5 know F5. I don't know. Treacherous trenches, right? Check out F5. F5. Left on Red off his project coming up. Moe, what's up? What you got for me? I need the aux. Somebody had it over there.
Starting point is 02:49:42 This is a gentleman by the name of Fable This is called Right Now I know that this isn't love Cause I know that I can't get you out I've been drinking more and more I've been smoking more and more Trying to match the feeling that you give me, babe Anytime you need me, I get nervous I just wanna keep you With you
Starting point is 02:50:35 If everything I've longed for in my life Is sitting right in front of me What could I possibly complain about? Girl, you can thank me in the morning When you wake up, begging me for more of what I put down last night I'm out of town for the weekend, but all I wanna do is have you near me What's the quickest way that I can get you here? I might be the inner sea
Starting point is 02:51:14 Might get a wind ring I'd give up everything all for you I got a pen now sweet for two I'll buy you a flight to me right now Can you fly to me right now? Can you drive to me right now? Call a ride to me right now Too fucked up to pull up on you right now
Starting point is 02:51:47 Can you pull up on me right now? It's everything I need right now 9-1-1, no way I'm copin' Love withdraws, I'm losin' focus You can run the world with your legs wide open Ruler run the world with your legs wide open Ruler of the world with your legs wide open I'm out of time for the weekend But all I wanna do is have you near me
Starting point is 02:52:18 What's the quickest way that I can get you here? Might be the Hennessy Might get a win-win I'd give up everything all for you I got a pen now, sweet for two I'll buy you a flight to me right now Can you fly to me right now? Can you drive to me right now? Call a ride to me right now
Starting point is 02:52:54 Too fucked up to pull up on you right now Can you pull up on me right now? It's everything I need Right now Oh That's Fable Right now No nigga relax Alright Alright cool You two weeks away No, nigga, relax. All right. All right, cool.
Starting point is 02:53:29 You're two weeks away. Do I go to roll call? Roll call. Yeah, he don't know. He don't know. When he ever went to pick up a ticket somewhere. WJPP, that was brand new for Maul's phone. Shut up.
Starting point is 02:53:51 I like that song you played. When you get your R&B back, I like it. I do. Thank you. And I see you trying to fill your beard out now. I see you. I see it. I see it.
Starting point is 02:54:00 Nigga's trying to look museum-ish in the face. That's not what I'm trying to look in the face, Joe. Safari did hit me back and say I could call him, but we at the end. That's not what I'm trying to look in the face. Safari did hit me back and say I could call him but we had the end just over. I still want to know what the free money card is. I need to access
Starting point is 02:54:14 one of those. Let's try it. Yeah, we might have to. Let's try it before we get out of here. Fuck it. That's swag though. The free.
Starting point is 02:54:23 I thought it was the free money card. I thought that was the free money card that you that was the free money card that you laced me with but you didn't apparently maybe Sim got one of them cards lying around
Starting point is 02:54:37 yeah she got money is this ringing turning something there I'm plugging Is this ringing turning something in? Damn. Damn, pump faked you? Nigga dubbed us. The Bumba Club.
Starting point is 02:55:03 Dude, same thing. Answering bang. Fuck Safari. I'm out of here. All right. Say bye to some niggas that you want to sound on down. I want to talk Safari. New Joe back.
Starting point is 02:55:19 All right. If you're in New York City on Saturday. A plug? Do say bye. Maybe he's got the fuck out of here, man One day only at Brooklyn Mirage
Starting point is 02:55:27 I think he's got the nerve to still be plugging some shit There's another do say palooza How many fucking do say paloozas are there? Get out of here Well, this one is Every fucking week With brunch bounces Man
Starting point is 02:55:37 One day only Oh, this is one day only It's one day only, Joe It's different, Joe It's different It's one day only It's only one day, Joe It's only one day They Joe. It's only one
Starting point is 02:55:46 day. They gonna start paying me to promo on this podcast. What you mean? That's Rory. I don't give a fuck who it is. Rory ain't gotta pay you to promo his shit. Why you don't? I did pump it up for free over there. What that gotta do with us? That was just... It ain't free all around the board, nigga. You ain't getting pumped it up for free and let me just promo on your shit. Fuck outta here.
Starting point is 02:56:02 Yo, whatever y'all doing Saturday, keep your plans. I'm putting... Keep your plans promo on your shit. Fuck out of here. Yo, whatever y'all doing Saturday, keep your plans. Keep your plans. Keep your plans. Do whatever y'all want to do. Oh, shit. We out. Talk to y'all next week.
Starting point is 02:56:16 One.

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