The Joe Budden Podcast - Episode 514 |"The Cards You've Been Dealt"

Episode Date: March 2, 2022

Joe and the guys kick things off by speculating The Game's forthcoming interview with Drink Champs (26:40). The crew also shares stories of times they've witnessed or experienced racism (59:45). Joe w...ill not be closed in by Hip Hop's stereotypes (1:20:35), public disputes with ex-partners online (1:42:50), and the guys connect with listeners during the new segment "Part of the Show" (2:06:20) and MORE!   Become a Patron of The Joe Budden Podcast for additional bonus episodes and visual content for all things JBP: Tap in here   Sleeper Picks for Episode 514 Joe | PJ Morton - “My Peace” (Ft. JoJo & Mr. Talkbox) Ice | Payroll Giovanni - “Drug Stories” Parks | Jynx716 & Che Noir - “Electrifying” Ish | BayRay - “See Who I Am”

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yo that's what women don't understand about cheating yo it don't be us like it be the barbers yeah the barber get you right yo if the barber gets too crazy with your beard and your cut and it's sunny out like oh. Don't hit the car wash. Oh, my God. How do you not cheat under these circumstances? Then the algorithm's just showing you everywhere. The side of the phone says she's one mile away. Like, shit. They start going crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Oh, man. How much restraint do they want us to have? Oh, God. It's so stupid, yo. Anyway. Oh, man. How's everybody doing? Good.
Starting point is 00:00:52 How you doing? Hey, right there. Everybody good? Yes, sir. Feeling good out there? Feeling great. What's up, man? Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. I mean, the fuck?
Starting point is 00:01:02 You know what I mean? What's up? Oh, man. No, no. We're here. I'm just letting y'all know we're here. No, we're here. You know what I mean? What's up? No, no, we here. I'm just letting y'all know we here. We here. We are here. A little down and out the last pod. Got a pod through it, right? That's right. But know what I realized?
Starting point is 00:01:18 What you realized? I'm so slow. I am so slow to the party, yo. I think people like when I'm hurt. Wait, you just getting that? Yes. Fam. They like when you was hurt as a rapper.
Starting point is 00:01:34 No, but that's different. No, it's not. No, it is. It's different. It is. And I want to be able to compartmentalize. That's not fair. That is totally different.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'm talking about, I'm not talking about people that get a good song from when you go through duress. I understand that that's self-serving. A lot of this shit is self-serving, but I get that. I understand. I get that selfishness as a music lover. I do it. Okay. We all do it.
Starting point is 00:01:59 We say it about Mary. You fucking right. Keisha Cole, I can go down the list, Lil Mo. There's a bunch of niggas on that list, too. Lucky Day is coming. You niggas better watch out. You fucking right. Keisha Cole, I can go down a list, Lil Mo. There's a bunch of niggas on that list too. Lucky Day is coming. You niggas better watch out. He is coming.
Starting point is 00:02:09 But anyway, pause. Yeah. Lucky Day. That's crazy. But what am I saying? Oh, so,
Starting point is 00:02:17 yeah, music lover, I got that part. I'm talking about people as humans. Like, getting some type of hormonal satisfaction. Now they do. They do.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, now hormonal, of course, you don't understand. But gratification. Why do you think that is? I don't know. Ask them weird niggas. I don't do no shit like that. I say it's the same, bro. The closest I do to that is going back to see, like,
Starting point is 00:02:46 somebody you cheated with, like, 11 years ago to see how they doing today, and you just be happy that they trashed and fell off. That's the closest thing I do to that. Oh, yeah, glad she didn't glow up after I left. That would be a killer to deal with. Well, I mean, if we get to it today. I still think that's different, though.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Nah, man. I mean, I think it's when I say it. I didn't know that people was getting satisfaction or gratification out of my real life hurt. Yes. I heard niggas say, yo, Joe said he was hurt, but nah. Wait. Wait. Oh, shit. You know what? Let me tell you what. yo Joe said he was hurt but nah wait wait oh shit
Starting point is 00:03:26 you know what let me tell you what I've been to enough sessions that's dismissive you can't say that yes they can yeah fam
Starting point is 00:03:34 they want you to come up here and express it exactly they want you to come up here and be emotional he's right off the rails that's what their enjoyment is
Starting point is 00:03:41 he's right fuck what you fuck what you dealing with yo y'all are right but I think I'm still saying something different no y'all are right but i get your other point y'all are right i think there's your other point when you are going through it yeah they'd be like yes i think i'm talking about that so you mean i didn't get no product from it oh yeah no yeah no product through it you're not getting a product from it oh yeah no just the fact that you're going through it you're not getting a product from it
Starting point is 00:04:07 you're just happy that somebody that me specifically is going through it oh you hurt and I think on the other side of that and I've heard women express this to me and I learn a lot from women
Starting point is 00:04:19 I think on the other side of that is when someone comes off so hardened right when someone when your perception of someone is so uh tough guy can handle it yeah you don't which is interesting being that i'm probably the most vulnerable rapper to exist ever up there so it's nuanced because you have but as a podcaster, you're not. No.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I don't know about that. I don't know about that. See, that's what I'm saying. I don't see too many other podcasters crying on air. Exactly. No, but your persona as a podcaster. I ain't seen not one of them cry on air. Multiple times.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Over another nigga's publishing. But your persona as a podcaster. That's the guy that's stealing. And that's the nigga that, that's what they were saying basically on twitter all week nah nigga you body everybody else let us see you getting body like yo nah nigga you you give it up for everybody else i want to see one of your rants for these niggas see but this is not a body to me i'm not that's just silly when they think that you're hard and like how you yell and you scream and you do all of that, that is the perception. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:26 You get what I'm saying? That's the perception. For them, it's probably, I like to see him humanized. Maybe he's too confident. Maybe he's too assertive. Maybe he's too loud. It's the confidence. It's the confidence.
Starting point is 00:05:41 He's too cocky. The arrogance. What has he done? Narcissistic, all that shit that he's playing. Yeah, all of it. Yeah, definitely it but to ice's point it's both because we get enjoyment out of out of celebrities going to being fucked up yeah nigga so we talked about summer walker album she says she can't do some of the records because of the space it put her in but everybody loves those records like yeah we want you fucked up no matter what your product is whether you're
Starting point is 00:06:08 a singer rapper or podcaster when you are personally dealing with some shit and you put it on wax or on the mic whatever they love it they want to see you dealing through dealing with it i agree you know what I love? Hate to get mushy. But I love when you can trust someone enough. Like I saw the fans kicking y'all ass. They was kicking y'all ass.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I told you that one before we even walked out the door that was going to happen. I was, yeah, but that's cool. I knew it. I think it was 70-30. No.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Maybe not in your mentions. Matter not matters none my point is i was so glad y'all did that you know you sit in you part and should be happening in real time so you learn shit in real time and you start going through shit in real time and i don't ever think you should respond to something in real time if you respond at all. Never. Go sit down, think. Sit with yourself. Silence is golden. There's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:07:15 So, but what I loved is, I loved that though I totally disagreed with y'all in that moment, I know you two niggas love me. So, I'll just listen. And you did. That's what I love. When your head space is free of thinking about what somebody's agenda is in this moment. What somebody could be looking for in this moment. What somebody's jaded opinion or perception. Maybe they telling, maybe they projecting.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Maybe they telling me some shit from their experiences. maybe they not really considering me in this moment when it's void of that valuable and fucking round of applause i appreciated that shit and i'll give him a little something before i start the part i'll give him a little something before I start the pod. I'll give him a little something. Sign off on that. That's what I'll give him. What you mean?
Starting point is 00:08:15 Whatever your sentiment is, you want out of some shit, you want nothing to do with some shit, tell your lawyer, sign off on it, send it over. That's what I got. Okay. And otherwise, on it send it over that's what i got okay and otherwise
Starting point is 00:08:29 hey i used to steal cars can't turn around later and be mad at the guy running around stealing cars you gotta understand check check oh we here today i like all that shit yo me too i like seeing that any a music doc I'm in here I'm in there I'm glued to it especially don't let it be someone as prolific
Starting point is 00:09:09 as Kanye nah when you go from excuse me when you really literally go from a rags to riches story that shit is inspiring you know what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:09:20 like that nigga's probably at the top of the brass financially he is well I think he was second. You see all the shit. The rapper money list.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Not no more. Huh? Not no more. What you mean? He's number one. No, he's number two this year. From the list I see. 21?
Starting point is 00:09:38 Hov is number one. Hmm. Well, we can find out. We can find out. Maybe one day you'll be a star. Well, we can find out. We can find out. That's how I'm feeling today, man. I'm in the 90s with mine today. Bred different back then.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Mic check, one, two, one, two, one, two, one, two. Ho, babe, I ain't feeling good, feeling great It gone Who's hot, who not? Tell me who rock, who sell out new stores You tell me who flop, who cop the blue drop Who juice drop, drop, who mostly go shit down Who crack, the same old pen New York, what up?
Starting point is 00:10:18 You know ain't nothing changed but my life See my name on the blimp, guarantee me It's a shame some of this shit you got to look out for nowadays. Like, you can't. You got to. Oh, my Jesus. You got to be careful on the subway because a nigga might just shove feces on your fucking face. Disgusting.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Disgusting out here. Hey. Alex, how old was you when this was out? Three. 97. He was one. He was one. Wait, he was born when?
Starting point is 00:10:54 96. He was one. He was one. What month? Oh, shit. Oh, about to say. No, he was born. I'm just saying. Just listen to me.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Listen to what you're saying, yo. He was born. Yo, look, we got to share the earth with people like that. Huh? Yeah. Just because you can read off Genius don't mean nothing. Yeah, you got it from Genius. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Don't mean nothing. Oh, man. I love that pump his shit off then Alright, I'm here to tell the truth, or a little bit of the truth today Hey, shout out the niggas that was outside back then I got money much longer than yours Been a team much stronger than yours Ballet me, that's a B.O. day We don't play, mess around, be D.O.A.P. on your This ain't came on in the verses yet, though.
Starting point is 00:11:50 No. No, it wouldn't. None of the performers had a verse. Kiss was smacking him in the head with some bad boy shit that was flagrant. Alright. All right. Shout out to anybody in the car listening. Oh, come on. Hey.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Come on, you're not even real if you're not spelling right now. That's crazy. Yo, cut the pod off if you wasn't spelling. Yo, Alex, what you was doing just now you were spelling I'm glad I was there for that. Well, not really. I was in rehab when I came out. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That song right there is what made me say, you know what? I'm running away tonight.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yo, wait. Are you hearing this song right now? What was it? Yeah, Ish, don't do that. I hate when you do that, yo. Can me and you have a good pause today, yo? Please, please. Of course, of course, of course. What happened?
Starting point is 00:13:09 Now I was asking, what about that made you want to run away? To go get some more money and get more problems? Oh, shit. What the fuck did you talk about? Damn, this ties right into our $500 start a business conversation, but fuck it, I'll give it to you. In the rehab, shout out to the rehab I wish out of mouth but I don't know what it is still I'm gonna go to take a trip up
Starting point is 00:13:32 there one day but anyway on Saturdays they made us wash cars outside hand towels for free right by fucking Lions Ave by Prince Street I'm running away yo wait a second I just want to give you the energy in the summertime in the summertime we was by Prince Street washing cars
Starting point is 00:13:58 now I'm for Jersey City wait he's on my Prince Street in Newark yeah nigga how many other Prince Streets and Lions Avenues you know the one they don't
Starting point is 00:14:08 but that's why you know what the fuck is going on it ain't too far go ahead I'm listening but anyway
Starting point is 00:14:16 yeah so we was washing cars and them niggas must have been getting money because it was nice cars coming
Starting point is 00:14:23 through and shit tops was dropped ton of money. Tops was dropping. Jewelry was on. The niggas was playing this shit. And my goofy little 17-year-old ass is getting a towel to dry some shit off with the rest of these fucking... Well, that's Derrick Licks. This is good car wash music. Niggas is getting their car washed and then pulling off to go have fun. And me and you talking like, yeah, pass me a towel.
Starting point is 00:14:51 That's another car. It's another car coming right now. You get that one. I got back in the inside. Like, what do you want out of life, yo? Put it on. Wave your rollies in the table. What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:15:04 Yo, these niggas was flagrant. Facts. Nigga, you missed a spot on my rims. Go BBSs. Go BBSs back then. TV, all that shit these niggas talking about? Yeah, no, I'm not going to keep watching this. No, I'm leaving.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I'm back in the bag. Tonight or Monday, one of these days, and I'm not going to keep watching this. No. I'm leaving. I'm back in the bag. Tonight or Monday, one of these days, and I'm getting the fuck out of here. I'm walking back to Jersey City. Oh, man. That's funny. Mom going, did you leave? You fucking right. I'm out of there, buddy.
Starting point is 00:15:37 So you was inspired. That's good. I went to Jersey City, found a little weed dust spot. Found all the little spots. Here we up now. Leave me alone, dog. Watch this. I got shit, dog. Watch this. I got shit to do.
Starting point is 00:15:46 More problems. You can keep this Lincoln High School shit. Funny, the other day on YouTube, I'm watching one of the little gang war stories and my face popped up. I said, holy shit. Cut it off. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Cut this shit off. Yeah, I ain't talking about it. Get that shit out of here. Yeah, you know. It's there. It's on YouTube. But anyway, everything's on off. Yeah, I ain't talking about it, dude. Get that shit out of here. Yeah, you know, it's there. It's on YouTube. But anyway, everything's on YouTube. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Welcome to episode 514 of the Joe Budden Podcast. I'm your humble, gracious, grateful, and highly favored or lowly favored host, depending on who you talk to and when. Host Joe Budden here with a few of my nearest and dearest. Parks is here. Ish is here. Ice is here. Corey's here. Young boys in the back, y'all good? Yeah Alright, alright, alright, how's everybody doing?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Fantastic, same as usual I don't know how you usually are, you know black men don't share Yeah, you're sharing, that's what he said You're doing great, Parks is great I'm feeling really good Ice is great, Corey don't believe in God What's going on with y'all? Y'all good. Everybody's good. All right, let's get right into it.
Starting point is 00:16:47 What are we starting with? Oh, yeah, Rick Ross. We're not starting with this, but we can do it. Jim Jones and our dude Rashad and these niggas. Earn your leisure, our guys. They was having a conversation And Rick Ross responded underneath With businesses that you could start
Starting point is 00:17:10 For $500 And Rick Ross said A car wash Dinner plates out the kitchen Or lawn service $150 mower I'm with him $100 edger
Starting point is 00:17:21 I'm with him You could do that You definitely could do the Landscaping shit on a small scale that You definitely could do The landscaping shit On a small scale Absolutely Yeah You could do the landscaping shit
Starting point is 00:17:29 As a start I'm with him on dinner plates Yeah you could do that I'm with him on the car wash Yeah you could do the car wash Well Well tell me Tell me where you set up at
Starting point is 00:17:38 So I can drive by And see how it goes No no no Set up nowhere Mobile nigga I come to you It's mobile car wash full detailing sets. Nigga got a van.
Starting point is 00:17:49 But I'm just saying. And that van ain't fine at all. We all done gave the fiend some money to clean the car off. And he did a damn good job for $5. They the best. No, I didn't. That was the windshield. You washed the car.
Starting point is 00:18:01 That was the windshield that they cleaned for me. OK. You're bugging. See? You're the state. I didn't. Listen. He was the one washing the car. No was the windshield that they cleaned for me. Okay, you're bugging. You, see, you're the state that they had y'all. No, y'all was over there. They had y'all over there. Wait, who said that? Yo, don't do that to Jim.
Starting point is 00:18:13 No, somebody's getting fired. Who said that? Who just said that? Somebody get fired on air again. That was the issue? Yo. Fuck one of y'all. Y'all gave a fiend money to wash your whole car? The best of the best. Nigga, are you... Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:43 What? I don't even want to know where he got the water from. I'll keep it a buck. Tell me the truth. He just showed up with a bucket. You could eat off the rims. Fuck the carpet. Word is born.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Cleaner than you've ever. Yes. All right. It sounds like you got a trusted fiend that did this. They won't steal nothing. Your money be in the. I'm lying, dog. Your money be in the fucking thing. dog Your money be in the Fucking thing
Starting point is 00:19:05 Them niggas get busy Yes they do They be mad If they can't get some shit out Yo you Yeah bro He right Yo where hood you from
Starting point is 00:19:15 Jersey City They was up there too Nigga I was in an apartment building They was up there We ain't even parking space What you talking about Man nigga them fiends Y'all know nigga
Starting point is 00:19:24 Y'all in Newark had driveways and all of that shit. You can do that shit at the barbershop. He walk in with the bucket. Yo, who need that shit? Yo, I'm right there, dog.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Niggas was getting stuck up and beat up and romped at the barbershop. Who had time to wash cars? Nope, too. So? If you ain't really
Starting point is 00:19:40 had that issue, you ain't had that issue, bud. Yeah, exactly. What? Nah, the fiend definitely washed the car. I promise you, dog. All right, you learned me. You learned me. you ain't had that issue, bud. Yeah, exactly. What? Nah, the fiend definitely washed the car. I promise you, dog.
Starting point is 00:19:46 All right, you learned me. You learned me. I'm not saying it don't happen. I'm saying I never did it. Don't try to outcast me. So I'm going to rock with you. I'm rocking with you. I'm going to rock with Rick.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Yeah, no, car wash, I'm still here. I'm still here. We talking small scale. You could still start the business. What other ideas did he have? If one of y'all start a car wash for $500, tell me. Don't try to Fucking serious out my joke Yo no that's funny
Starting point is 00:20:08 I wanna drive by And see it Go get some turtle wax For you You know what I mean They have all that shit too Everything Right on the bucket
Starting point is 00:20:13 Bruh I still be waiting Away at the waterfront Oh we here to bother them Hey I used to make them Turtle wax niggas So mad When I pulled up
Starting point is 00:20:22 To the gas station They was out there You pull up There's they was out there. You pull up. There's a dude out there. It's turtle wax. That shit really works. So you buy one.
Starting point is 00:20:32 But they there every day. And it ain't the same kids. So you buy one. You buy two. You know they can buy one, get one free. So you got your turtle wax. You ain't just everyday turtle waxing your shit. So now every day you pull up to the gas
Starting point is 00:20:45 station it's a different crew of kids with a pitch you don't hurt the bitch now you're like hey get out of here man i got it already and now that's every day moving forward i hate that i had to explain that just now but yeah they used to hate me i still don't know what you're talking about yeah i know that's some jersey that ain't happening no they ain't had a turtle wax to sell they was trying to wash your car. What are you talking about? I'm moving on. That's not buzzing Jersey City.
Starting point is 00:21:09 That was a couple summers ago. Oh, that's a different area. I ain't never seen it. Turtle wax. This ain't an ad. Come on, anyway. Let's stay on Rick Ross. Come on, let's stay on Rick.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Before we talk about something serious. Rick was talking when he was walking. Motherfucker told him 10 grand to cut down the trees. He did it himself. That's a business you can start for 500. Rick Ross won our favorite rappers, right? Absolutely. Yes, he is.
Starting point is 00:21:37 I'm telling our audience that may not know what's going on with this, because this is not a story that just comes up in hip hop at all. Rick Ross bought Rick Ross purchased Angus. One Angus. And I think he plans on getting
Starting point is 00:21:57 more. More. Gotta get more. You got to? Yeah, because they'll die from loneliness or some shit. That's what happened in Jurassic Park. No, E. Jurassic Park or some shit. No, E.T., right? E.T., one of the movies where a nigga was lonely. E.T.?
Starting point is 00:22:13 Fucking E.T. Fucking alien. Yo, it's a movie where the guy was lonely. What was it? It was one of them little rug rat movies. E.T.? What was it? The Munchies?
Starting point is 00:22:22 E.T. had no holes? Somebody was lonely, man. E.T. was was it the munchies E.T. had no holes somebody was lonely man E.T. was down there Dolo E.T. was Dolo oh man
Starting point is 00:22:32 as an adult somebody tell me the premise of E.T. fam I still please please I have no idea
Starting point is 00:22:39 say the stranger things I think but the stranger things just well I'm about to get us. Kids running around trying to find a killer.
Starting point is 00:22:55 We could wait. They got stranger things still on. Them kids look 30. Them niggas is six, seven. Talk about the kids. their kids alright come on moving on Rick Ross got some Angus
Starting point is 00:23:11 he's really embracing and wants to get more cowboy so he's cutting down trees and I guess he made some phone calls and they charged him a thousand dollars per tree
Starting point is 00:23:22 he has ten trees he didn't want to pay the ten stacks. He got online, got on his socials. You know, that's what we do now. We get right to our socials and then tell. Y'all, ain't nobody's a snitch. Niggas get right to the phone and start telling,
Starting point is 00:23:40 speaking facts on the situation. He didn't want to pay the 10, so he said, I'm cutting it myself. And he went out there and got with a chainsaw and a hat, and it showed him cutting down one of the trees. It took him a little second, but the tree fell. And then the video stopped.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And then I was home confused. Oh, no you don't, Rick Ross. What happened to the stump, Ross? That Rossy. What happened to the stump, Ross? That Rossy. What happened to the other nine trees? I think it went in the house. And the big-ass tree that you the nigga deal with. Show me your rich ass getting rid of that tree.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Get it out of here. Nigga, that pay off. Now you got to cut it up. They had it cut up. No, show me you cutting it up and get... No, see, he cut it it off i want to see the fun i want to see him cut it up and get that out of there because a thousand dollars a pop for that is is a great price that's a pretty good deal yeah it's a pretty good great price
Starting point is 00:24:37 yo i i i looked into this at the compound right when it was the soccer field back there yeah and i was like how do you cover this trees that's what all the rich people do in the suburb they get the trees they plant them shit so that's when i investigated trees and that's when i got learned by trees nowhere near cheap and if you do it artificially, it's not cheap. Yo, that big ass tree? Yeah. It must be. This is a great price because that's where they was trying to bang me at. $1,000 a tree is cheap.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And let's not forget about the stump. No, they got the little thing that rolls over. They chew it up with the spit all out. I mean, it was dope, though, to see him cutting the tree down. I fuck with the entrepreneurial shit, but that's funny. This is hilarious. That nigga's too rich. That nigga's too rich to be out there cutting that tree down. That's what I entrepreneurial shit, but that's funny. This is hilarious. That nigga's too rich. That nigga's too rich
Starting point is 00:25:25 to be out there cutting that tree down. That's what I'm saying. What is he talking about? See, I thought the boss shit was reversed in this. He said, no, it's the boss.
Starting point is 00:25:33 But he's right because he's on that shit. He's on that shit. So he's right. This is earn your leisure-ish type shit. Why would I pay 10 grand for something I think
Starting point is 00:25:44 I can do myself, especially if I'm home doing nothing. If I'm doing nothing. I'm home doing nothing. I'm staring at the yard. Hey, not for nothing, if you're going to live
Starting point is 00:25:50 the country lifestyle, you got to go out and cut a tree sometimes. He got lucky as hell, man. He ain't putting a wedge cut in there. Yeah, word. He got lucky as hell
Starting point is 00:25:57 because that could have went left. That blade gets fixed in that tree. Yeah, he got lucky. Man. Ross watched YouTube before he cut that tree down. No, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:26:07 He had a wedge cut in there if you watch YouTube. And get a rope to pull it in the right direction and shit. To guide it down. All right, I hate to be the guy, but I'm probably just too big to continue with this as the first topic. They hate when I say it. They be tearing me up. Don't you fucking tell them
Starting point is 00:26:26 what to talk to. That's literally what I'm here to do. That's my sole job here is to do that. And while I've got a bunch of shit to talk about, I don't.
Starting point is 00:26:39 So it was the game Drink Champs interview that has yet to happen. But boy, did Eclipse have us riled up that has yet to happen. But boy, did eclipse have us riled up? I can't wait. Indeed. Now ice has an interesting take here that you just,
Starting point is 00:26:52 I just need to be educated on. We're going to get the best and most extravagant lies we've ever heard in our lives on this episode. I'm with you. This is going to be amazing. I'm with you. I don't care. I'm just here for the lies. This is going to be amazing. I'm with you. I don't care. I'm just here for the lives.
Starting point is 00:27:07 It's going to be great. Now, call me naive again. Why do you think that? Why is it guaranteed that we're getting lives? Yeah. Because it's the game talking. This is not a shot at him, but he's very extra. He puts...
Starting point is 00:27:23 He lie. Everybody know he lie. But they be good lies, though. They do be good lies. Like what? The Tupac picture. That was one of the best lies ever. Oh, come on. Y'all still holding that against him? Yes. Fair. Wait. You can't do that. I'm not holding it against him.
Starting point is 00:27:38 No, we like it. We like it. That's not fair. What? That's not fair. You photoshopped yourself on someone else and put a picture out with you and Pac. It's Pac. But it's not you. But this was man long ago he did this. I'm going to still laugh at it.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Yeah, this is still funny. Oh, please. I've seen women make their waist look like this with a little snap of a button. That's funny, too. That's a lie, too. God damn it. All right, all right, all right. We don't crucify them.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I woke up out of the coma 2001 around the same time Dre dropped 2001. Game lyric, right? Yeah, that was a lyric. Are you about to tell me that 2001 didn't come out in 2001? It did not. Came out in 99. But so what if I'm writing my rhyme? I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I'm going to defend game, yo. Fuck it. We on the same side. Nothing better to do. I can't address anything I really want to. That's the crazy part. We on the same side. I am looking forward to this.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Not for nothing bad. This is going to be great. You're going to come be great yo say some shit yo you you niggas that check the lie and the rhymes yo and y'all pick and choose
Starting point is 00:28:50 when to do it and when not to do it if I'm writing my rhyme and I wanna lie and it rhymes you know what time out time out
Starting point is 00:28:57 nah I actually appreciate someone that's gonna do whatever it's gonna take to make this shit happen which is what Game does he's gonna lie whatever the fuck
Starting point is 00:29:04 he's gonna do to make this shit I guarantee which is what Game does. He's going to lie, whatever the fuck he's going to do to make this shit work. I guarantee you that Game figured that line out, those lines, those bars, and then somebody told him when the album came out, but I'm not changing my rhyme, yo.
Starting point is 00:29:16 We don't want you to change it. It sounded great. I don't want you to change it. All right, so what else you got for me? You want more game lies or just lies? I didn't... BSK.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Dogs. We be right there. I knew we were going to believe it's a little joke. He put the picture up saying that a sheik in Dubai or something gave him all these bottles of Dom Perignon
Starting point is 00:29:43 with all these watches on them. And then the guy whose picture it really was was like my man that's my picture yeah but how you found me but how did you find my page my g he did that for real yes yeah but this is when it was fun this wasn't the internet was different good times times. Game and Bow Wow did some amazing shit. Game and Bow Wow did some amazing shit with other people's pictures. So? Fuck them niggas. Yo, all of y'all home watching Anna's shit, investigating Annie.
Starting point is 00:30:22 That's what she did. I like her. I like her. We like her. I like a good lie, yo. she did. I like her. I like a good lie, yo. So do we. That's why I can't wait to watch this. That had to be a good lie. They was her pictures.
Starting point is 00:30:34 It wasn't her money. Look, I'm taking a picture next to Warren Buffett. I ain't say I got money. You assume I got money because I'm with him. You think he gonna lie now no yeah yes all right fine i'm off i'm over it i'm off but this is a great these gonna be great lies though i think that i think that we will get a vulnerable game and i think that did you watch the clip yes you heard him say kanye did more for me in the last two weeks than Dr. Dre did my entire career, right?
Starting point is 00:31:06 I interpret that as him being vulnerable. I interpret that as him lying. Or some introspective shit. Nah, see? That's somebody that's hurt speaking. He's hurt. See, in hip hop, we very rarely do we look past the surface. We just take some shit that the publicist said. You publicist groups been on my ass all week suck my dick the fuck is wrong with these niggas
Starting point is 00:31:31 uh anyway yeah we gotta look past the surface with some shit you don't think that's a hurt man that's saying that 100 don't make it not a lie i'm just yeah but the but you got to get to the root of a lie is fine why is why is the lie happening you got to get to that part and in hip-hop we don't we don't do that the lie is happening because he's hurt and affected by something that not too long ago on his socials he said he was not But with the line of questioning and the clip, we could tell that's a serious thing for him and probably has been for his career.
Starting point is 00:32:14 So now if we want to talk about, and now I'm not talking about game, now I'm just getting into therapy. Now if you're just talking about how someone responds to abandonment, because now that's Dre Because now that's Dre. Now that's 50. Damn, is somebody else missing from that list?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Where you could say, Game has felt abandoned before by some people and he don't respond to the greatest. So I think that that's vulnerable. I don't think it's going to come out the best, especially if Licker's involved. And I think Game puts the extras on shit. Like, he'll say a name.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Like, he'll divulge something that probably wouldn't be divulged. And he's well-respected. Yeah, again, nothing I'm saying is dissing him. Yeah, we like game. We like game. I'm just saying, this is Hurt speaking. I'm saying that. Because you can't make sense of it.
Starting point is 00:33:06 This is going to be the most entertaining drink champs in a long time. He went up here looking like yay. With the mask, the glasses, the all black on. He know what he's doing. So I apologize. So I apologize to each of you. Clearly, it's going to be niggas dressing like bats.
Starting point is 00:33:22 No, no. I owe y'all an apology. No, that was my bad. what the fuck do i be thinking sometimes i'm naive again yo everywhere he go now you just got faith nah you know what he's like the what it was like a superhero it's like the like rogue like he makes people just people just start dressing like him as soon as he leaves the that is a power yeah And that's why it's funny watching the Kanye doc. Because everything is consistent throughout. Even the doofiness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Now, I just go to show you that the masses is so influenceable. You could just do something. I remember one time you and one of your exes was arguing. And Pop was there. And she was like, And, and, and, and she was like, nigga, you ain't got no style.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And he was like, but who creates style? And you told her like, yo, us weekly. You got a stack of us weekly beside your bed. If Beyonce came out here and tied a belt around her head, all you bitches who he went and felt around y'all head.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Oh my God. Can you put a dollar in the cup please yo every time you think he's saying something that'll get you right yeah you be right yeah come on man yo but that's true yo vim if somebody famous do some shit everybody follow suit facts yeah i don't care it don't matter how outrageous it is well it's got to be a certain level of fame though. Certain people will get praised for it. Certain people will get praised for it.
Starting point is 00:34:51 It ain't even really got to be that famous. Have you mega famous? Cassie wasn't that famous. She was fine. What'd she do? Shaved half her head. And they went crazy with it. She was fine. She was fine. Still fine. You're going to reiterate? Say it one more it. She was fine. Yeah, she was fine.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Still fine. You're going to reiterate? Say it one more time. She's fine. He's right, though. No, no. You don't say. No, but... Someone that fine does some shit
Starting point is 00:35:14 that other people can try to do. You know women want to hate each other, but sometimes the girl comes along that's too beautiful, and all the women have to agree to it. And she ain't do nothing wrong. She don't speak in public. You just sound like an asshole hating on her. Yeah. That nothing wrong. She don't speak in public. You just sound like
Starting point is 00:35:25 an asshole hating on her. Yeah. That's true. She was so dope. Oh man. Nah, come on. Come on. Yo, the woman will pick
Starting point is 00:35:32 what they champion though. I know where you're going. The woman also get a nigga shot. We can really party if we wanted to. I'm trying to think where you're shot. I'm trying to think. We can really party. We wanted to. I'm trying to think where he going. I'm trying to think where he going.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Let's just move on, man. I'll just turn it for the interview. Yeah, I can't wait. This is going to be an amazing dream, champs. I already know. I'm looking forward to it. You know it's going to be good. Because Nori's really hype about it.
Starting point is 00:36:08 know it's gonna be good because nori is really hype about it and the only person that has all the footage and knows how great this is gonna look is nori is nori yeah nori is also coming off an amazing kanye interview so he really shouldn't be this hype about a game interview. Unless... You know what you got. Did he love and light text you yet? Who? Nori. Not a day of drop. Thursday morning. On a day of drop, he gonna hit you with the love and light text?
Starting point is 00:36:39 He ain't gonna hit me with that text this week. Nori? Not at all. Them niggas don't play with me when they know I got something to talk. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That text this week. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:50 No, see, I don't play. I don't do that. No, you got to be. I don't do that. You got to do that. I don't do that. You have to do that. I don't.
Starting point is 00:36:57 When they go low. That's not going low. That's your man. Of course that's my man. So that's not going low. Them niggas is rendezvousing him and Kanye, running around, they having smoothies. Somebody wrote it in the comments.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Did you text Joe Pug? See? Yo, somebody wrote it in the comments. Nah, but they don't play with me when I got something to talk. They only play with me when I'm just here with y'all. Then they want to start texting. I'll be like, nigga, y'all niggas done had Kodak, Black, Trippie Redd, y'all done had every rapper in the world.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Why y'all picking with me now? Oh, it's cool. Hey, the second I... Yo, they be kidding me because I got to come sit here and talk twice a week. Don't let me get to flying around. Let's just start talking to people, nigga. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Oh, man. I would definitely hit him with a love and light text. I ain't going to hold you. Not even on no petty shit. That's my man. And I know definitely hit him with a love and light text I ain't gonna hold you not even on no petty shit that's my man and I know you're joking with me when you do it that's petty shit
Starting point is 00:37:51 fuck you man nah not petty not negative petty it's good petty it is good it is good it's fun petty he would get that text
Starting point is 00:37:58 I ain't doing that but nah Nori got some good shit coming I can't wait to see it and that's fam for the people that think this is anything else. Have to account for them.
Starting point is 00:38:08 The audience is large. And people misinterpret all the time. Every time. How could he think? Let me just pretend that what Game is saying is true to him. How could he think that? Which one you talking about? The Kanye?
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yes. I don't want to just dismiss it. Because, again, we don't really know it in this context. So he might be saying him hanging out with Ye, right, the last two weeks on some, again, more introspective shit might have taught him or shown him or enlightened him more than being around Dre forever. Ye be rolling around with some nice things, too. Game is from L.A.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Wait, time out. Because I want to tackle one thing at a time. Y'all ain't going to sneak none of this by me. What are you saying? I'm saying, like, in talking to Kanye. Because you know Kanye is a deeper level of thinker. So in the last two, three weeks of hanging out with Kanye, he might have got more introspective, more worldly views than being around.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Because he didn't necessarily say, he said, yo, he's done more for me in the last two weeks. No, no, no, no, no, no. He said he's done more for me than Dre's done my career. So this is a career-based statement. He might have given him some Bitcoin. No, he might have gave him a way in which to be independent.
Starting point is 00:39:27 You get what I mean? Like, financially independent. Kanye's on a different level of thinking than any artist. I have a nice
Starting point is 00:39:33 squad around me. That's all I'm saying. Yo, you horny or something? No, I'm just saying. You went from Cassie like,
Starting point is 00:39:38 she's fine as fuck. She is, but she's fine as fuck. might be a little horny week. You know, married niggas get a little horny and I want to challenge that
Starting point is 00:39:48 but I don't do that we got to start calling spade a spade around here and there's some of the fans running around posting the meme and the pictures it's a thousand you's it's only one of me
Starting point is 00:40:03 dog her ain't her. Let me just make the... Hello? I know this nigga's influence is strong and powerful. Her ain't her, yo. That ain't that. You think so? Yeah, it's me. Yo, they gotta stop
Starting point is 00:40:23 that ish. Come on. Nobody knows better than you. Come on, speak to it. Sam, I'm chilling. I'm letting you rock out. Don't let me rock with nothing. That's like when the little CRX niggas used to pull up next to the Lex Coupe. It's the Chrysler pulling up to the... It's the Chrysler 300.
Starting point is 00:40:40 This is... Yeah, this is... That ain't that. What, Genesis? What, Cat Williams said it looked like a Phantom? Until a Phantom pull up. parts of 300 this is this is that ain't that what can't what can't William say it look like a phantom until a phantom
Starting point is 00:40:49 pull up until a phantom pull up and be like yo but it don't you know when you lead a relationship and be horny
Starting point is 00:40:54 and just start fucking shit you don't normally fuck that's what it be yo and that's what we saying
Starting point is 00:40:58 yo that let me mind my business let me mind my business this ain't and even if we fucking we ain't supposed even if I'm even if we fucking we ain't supposed to be
Starting point is 00:41:06 holding hands right now hello they ain't holding hands they ain't holding hands well don't look like we holding hands make the cameraman get the right angle
Starting point is 00:41:16 the cameraman caught that a little too early I just made old girl old girl me and her I made her the ice sculpture like it was a movie going on and now you jump right to this.
Starting point is 00:41:26 He's too great. Agreed. He's too great. He's just outside, man. Nigga, me and you wouldn't do this. I would never do it. I wouldn't do none of the public shit. Of course you wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:41:34 I've never had it in my life. Yeah, I wouldn't do that. But she's tough, Joe. You don't just do that. No, I'm just saying, like, I don't want to. The nigga said the CRX. You call the bitch a CRX you called him the CRX yeah
Starting point is 00:41:47 what's up with you today he is letting it fly anyway moving on cause they uh G's and I and Golder it's still
Starting point is 00:41:57 it's still levels it's still levels it's still levels you can't leave you can't leave your billion you know yeah
Starting point is 00:42:03 no now you at the CRX level. That's what I'm saying. And you know. No, you at the Chevette. Niggas about to drive. Niggas about to drive Chevette to Omni's. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Oh, my. Corey, I'm lying. Yo, these niggas is old. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They said Omni, bro. Corey, I'm lying. Nah, niggas at Omni. Yo, we hear they stopped making the Omni.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I don't know, but I know niggas. Fam, the 14-year-old drug dealer in my hood, Omni, bro. Corey, I'm lying. Nah, niggas ain't Omni. Yo, we hear they stopped making the Omni. I don't know, but I know niggas were- Except for- Fam, the 14-year-old drug dealer in my hood, they first joint was a Chevette and an Omni. Look, it had some systems in it. If you was really getting to it, you got some rams. I said Omni? Omni, yo.
Starting point is 00:42:40 A Dodge Omni. Yes, nigga. 14? In my hood, I think it was financing. What Infinity? Was that a J30? Or the I30? Shit looked like a bubble.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It was the J30, right? It looked like a bubble. A little bubble look. Oh, man, it was... The shit that was your dream car back in the day is some bullshit. Damn, in the 90s? It is some real bullshit, yeah. You can pee on that shit now.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Yeah, it's disgusting. Look at that. Look at these Buicks. You couldn't tell me my mama wasn't rich when she used to go up to Buick. She used to go up to Buick and leave with a car. What are you talking about? I was just shit, though. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:43:18 That shit is disgusting. What, infinity? That. That J30 is horrible. Not in 90. 97, that shit was popping. That was the one for me. That J30 is horrible. Not a 90. That shit was popping. That was the one for me. That shit was hot.
Starting point is 00:43:28 That was real nice. That's hilarious. But the cars, that shit up, the new Malibu blew my breath. I was like, wow, look at the air in here. Like, it didn't take much for me to maxima. Anyway, moving on. Enough of cars. Hey, love and light to everybody in their situation out there.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Fuck who you want it for. That's right. But you ain't got to be so public about it. Nah, because that's their way of saying, like, I'm not thinking about that. Nah, that's a hurt talk. Yeah, it's hurt. It's hurt talk. It's hurt.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I got to show you I'm not. I'm doing all of this because I'm off that. I have to show it. I'm trying to prove it to myself. Back the game real quick because we left that and we probably on it for too long. But let me just say this As a guy who couldn't sniff A Dr. Dre beat
Starting point is 00:44:08 In 2003 Looking at someone come out With all Dr. Dre beats You tight? I think I was in I'm just saying I understand the perspective I'm not tight
Starting point is 00:44:21 Like you get the hand that you dealt Hey sometimes you get no spades Don't you Who you gonna be? The guy that played a hand and try to play it cool or the guy that before the hand play hey what do you do if you get a hand with no spades you one of them niggas you ain't never heard me say that i didn't say you was i'm saying nigga you got a face card you playing that hand get some books nigga yeah fuck is you talking about don't matter what's in that hand i'm playing it and i'd be liking to think, if I ain't got no spades, it's lopsided. My partner better have 10 of them.
Starting point is 00:44:49 I'm going to know about how cool he was. I'm going to know right away who got all the spades. Yeah, yeah. Because that's when they start doing their shit with their shoulders, stomping their feet. All right, now is the time. Yeah, did y'all bid? Bid.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Niggas want to rush you to bid. Now niggas got to take 20 minutes To decide if they go in the 10 They got 13 books They got 13 books Yo what you got I got 6
Starting point is 00:45:12 No way No you got 6 And you can't You can't Cause I got 5 and a Hold up let me count Yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:45:21 I got 5 and a shot Hold up hold up I got 5 We can do this Hold up You said you got six. Yo, you want to go? You sure?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Well, nigga, y'all done counted the 12 in a pop a million different times. How long you want me to sit here with this bad hand and look at this bullshit? Bitch-ass dog. Look what you made me do. Fuck! Do it count if you talking to guys? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Oh, man. That is something. All right, that's funny. I got a little dolly here too That's how I knew The strip club was bad The other night I went there with
Starting point is 00:45:49 Singles It was bad So I went to another Strip club With the same singles That I started from home with And then went home With singles
Starting point is 00:45:57 Oh shit That's tough to do No it ain't For who? Normally when a nigga Walk out with some singles His plan is to get rid Of the singles He ain't for who normally when a nigga walk out with some singles his plan is to get rid of the singles
Starting point is 00:46:08 he ain't trying to go home with the singles that's optional yeah I don't know what you talking about that's optional I'll leave the spot with some singles
Starting point is 00:46:14 they going home yeah I'm just saying as the guy that knows how difficult it would be to smell a Dr. Dre beat or a session or that snare or that drum
Starting point is 00:46:22 or that mix you had an album yeah you had an album of that and then your career and more yeah your career and more i'm not then he got more but i'm just saying that was your that was your push from the go line that was your introduction like i did whatever i could do uh i did whatever it is i could do with the success from my first album like moving forward. That's where you had the goal line.
Starting point is 00:46:46 What you going to do now? Label problems, regime change. Same with Game. Like, Game has been through a lot, and he's withstood a lot. So for him to stand where he stands, I just, I'm disappointed that we have to hear a hurt game, especially on topics where you're talking about people that you got over 20 years
Starting point is 00:47:06 with now or close to 20 years like i like to see the reconciliation in hip-hop i would hope to see more of it i like when baby and wayne did it i'm hoping that hov and dame would do it one day maybe kanye could be the conduit there um who else is man people that that beat that Just made up And I'd like to see it Show that to them Don't just show people That we just fight And we shoot niggas And we kill each other
Starting point is 00:47:32 And we beep Dipset That was another major one The Locks and Puff Yeah Was there for that Holden Fat Joe Jay and Nas
Starting point is 00:47:41 50 and Fat Joe Jay and Nas was bigger Jay and Nas Yeah 50 and Fat Joe. Jay and Nas was bigger. Jay and Nas. Yeah. I agree with that. Yeah, I want to see more of that. Again, I hope it's just not clickbait.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I want to see. No, no, they talking. In context. I'm talking about the Dre shit. I want to see it in context. I want to see it in context. All right, so moving right along. What else is important?
Starting point is 00:48:05 What else do they need Our opinion on I got a list somewhere Okay There ain't too much on here Let me see I got some sports shit They got rid of it Still on music
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah let's stay on music We gotta clap it up for Snoop Snoop now owns The Masters to the Death Row catalog as well I was wondering if that was gonna come They said It came a little afterwards
Starting point is 00:48:23 They said that that was one of his motivating factors for even taking over Def Roe was that once he got that spot he was going to be able
Starting point is 00:48:32 to have control of the Masters and potentially get all his shit back because he said he never got paid. So now if you own your own shit
Starting point is 00:48:40 that's your shit to get paid from forever. And having that catalog is different. That's a nice catalog. That's major. There's a couple... There might be a diamond in there.
Starting point is 00:48:53 A couple. Might be a couple diamonds in there. Close to it. All eyes on me. Ain't tricking me to talk about ownership on air again. Oh no, buddy. We just give a Snoop his props. That's all.
Starting point is 00:49:06 You ain't back and got Death Row and the catalog? That's gangster. That's full circle for your ass right there. He might be pushing a bill now. If he controls that, he should be pushing damn near a billion dollars. Agree. With all other shit he controls that, he should be pushing damn near a billion dollars. Agree?
Starting point is 00:49:28 With all the other shit he got going, he should be knocking on it. Sam, Chronic. You can't turn on the TV without seeing Snoop. He might be up there. At all. At all. He quietly should be up there. He should damn near be there.
Starting point is 00:49:38 He's going to be one of those that I don't let y'all know what I'm making. Uh-huh. I don't need to be on your list. That's pocket watching. Oh, Chronic and All Eyes on Me, not in that. And Machiavelli, not in that. Oh, so it's... It's okay.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Who has those, I wonder? Pocket State, maybe, I guess, and then Dre. The Pac projects are owned by Pocket State. Amaro Entertainment and the Tupac Estate. Okay. And Dre gets the chronic back to him in 2023. Oh, okay. That's seven day theory,
Starting point is 00:50:09 yo. Y'all can't fuck with Pac dead. That Machiavelli album. Bro, 25. Oh my lord, yo. He goes 25 when he pass. That Machiavelli album is still still. That's one of them. Oh, my Jesus.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Even for me, not a Pac fan, that's still one of them albums. It's just so well put together, it is. Mm-hmm. All right, anything else in music? I would say rest in peace to Snooty Wild. Absolutely, yeah. That's also music related. For those that don't know, Snootyoty Wild was he was shot over
Starting point is 00:50:45 the weekend I believe it was I want to get the date correct Friday February 25th a lot of people know he had the Yeo Yeo record he was signed to
Starting point is 00:50:56 Yo Gotti back in 2014 15 era so yeah I don't know if there's any other details out yet, but rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Rest in peace. 36 years old. 36. Young, man. Still young. His record was at... Oh, come on, man. Oh, that was him?
Starting point is 00:51:21 Yeah. That used to ring off in the strip club too. That was one of them. That used to ring off That shit come on That shit still ring off That shit still ring off The strip club I hate it every week We gotta do this Yo I was saying It bothers me
Starting point is 00:51:31 When I heard about it I was like yo A rapper a week yo We average damn near A rapper a week Definitely one a month But that's nuts That is crazy
Starting point is 00:51:41 36 years old Found in a ditch On the news this morning they said they caught they caught Alpo Alpo's killer really
Starting point is 00:51:51 yeah and they're saying it was over real rage I just find that so hard to believe yo I do too that sounds insane that sounds insane to me
Starting point is 00:52:02 Alpo I'm not he was in I can't say it you can't say it now you're right it's sensitive time stamp killer
Starting point is 00:52:16 yeah it's sensitive we can't say that I maybe shouldn't even say that the traffic stop shit is hard to believe but yo shit get wild at traffic time, yo. I think it was 3 o'clock in the morning in Harlem. No.
Starting point is 00:52:31 No, no, no, no, no. Whatever traffic shit happened, happened. And then he laid on them. Yeah. He laid on them. And then he caught them coming out of here. But the traffic exchange was like three weeks earlier. He hit him on his motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:52:48 And they say he was known for riding erratic on his bikes and all that shit. He hit the dude on the bike. The dude had some words. And he laid on him. Taking pictures of him, looking for him, following him, shit like that. And then just so happens, on Halloween, dude was coming out of one spot. And he was in the deli with his people. He was like, oh shit, that's him right there.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Wow. That's the story. That's not me saying that. And the boy was 27. A lady, young niggas alone. Yeah, I was getting ready to say it. Young niggas, yeah. Young niggas is going, go.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Tighten you right on up. I'm good. Pardon me, big guy. Yeah, but. Pardon me, big guy. You got to leave humans alone Yeah but the young niggas I understand what y'all saying
Starting point is 00:53:28 I understand what y'all saying But listen Cause that's how you get into this Right And I'm imagining And speculating I wasn't there But I've been in traffic altercations
Starting point is 00:53:38 Where Shit got thick And you don't really know Who's who While niggas are seated Behind metal doors Or you don't know Who's who period Period You don't seated behind metal doors. Or you don't know who's who, period. Period. You don't know who you're talking to.
Starting point is 00:53:48 You don't know who this nigga got. But listen, you gotta just use your imagination for this. Alpo said, nah witness protection, I'm going home to the same place. You gotta put your... That's the person that is riding around
Starting point is 00:54:03 on his motorcycle, nice day or whatever and now yeah I'm driving wild cause I've seen that too now the niggas that's driving wild but say something to them that's common so now you done
Starting point is 00:54:18 the young nigga that said something to Albo it's Albo like just imagine imagine how that goes I could see the young nigga leaving tight
Starting point is 00:54:25 I don't think it went smooth if I'm guessing it ain't go smooth on my motorcycle you little young you know the fuck you got the head out yeah that
Starting point is 00:54:37 no I'm leaving this but I'm leaving this alone the 27 year old nigga got but that's what we saying that's what I'm saying some stain
Starting point is 00:54:43 and other nigga like boy you don't know that's what we're saying. That's what I'm saying. And I have a nigga like, boy. You don't know who's who. Man, we watch Carlitos way. Vinny Blanco ain't give a fuck. Nigga, what? All right. That's always how it goes, yo.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Yeah. Or completely unrelated. That's always how it goes. I don't want no sauce. I'm cool. That's just wild, yo. And we be telling my driver to fucking drive recklessly. See, look at y'all.
Starting point is 00:55:10 You do? Yeah, you be on your driver ass. You do? Yo, a speed, a little high speed chase is fun. Like, I can see how driving a little. You 22. Well, yeah, it's not fun at 40 it ain't fun in your 40s fam
Starting point is 00:55:26 you woman you good Ice broke his wrist going upstairs we don't even that was a wild we're not even getting into that
Starting point is 00:55:35 but anything else in music 50 Cent is going off on Stars again what he said he put a video a bunch of shit
Starting point is 00:55:44 put a clip up of a dude packing his bag he said this is me packing my stuff stars oh shit sucks my deal is up over here i'm out they renewed high town and forces the highest rated show they have sitting in limbo if i told you uh if i told you how much dumb shit i deal with over here you would think they all went to school on a small yellow, but you can't say that, 50. You can't say that, but this is what 50 does, and I don't think
Starting point is 00:56:10 this means he's leaving. No. I think this is how he negotiates, and he's powerful enough that he's able to do that. So, that's that. But,
Starting point is 00:56:18 what he did say, back to what I told Ish, Hightown was getting renewed. Hightown was that shit. Hightown was getting renewed. It was was that shit Hightown was getting renewed It was a late I could see it Burner
Starting point is 00:56:27 Like it came and Not people knew about it But once everybody Jumped on that Wait y'all think Force is trash I'm caught up now No
Starting point is 00:56:34 I don't think it's trash I don't think it's trash at all And they teeing Ice Ass Up in the comments Why is Force But tell me why it's trash It's too much going on Too fast
Starting point is 00:56:43 Like it's the same thing I said from episode one. Okay, I like that. I like it as well. I like that. And in this microwave society, you got to get to it quick. But you also told me the best thing he do is character development. You can't rush character development.
Starting point is 00:56:56 And I feel like this is being rushed. But if you don't, niggas going to be like, man, that shit corny as hell. They say that for the first two, three episodes. And then when shit really pick up, it's like, oh shit, it now but i don't think that about the last five shows i watched i don't think the character development is rushed me either i have a very good understanding of who everyone is it just takes you a second the sun coming around a little too early the irish sun he's come around to their side a little too early They should have did that later on in the season. Spoiler alert. That's it.
Starting point is 00:57:27 To me. I think it's dope. I like, and I understand the people that say, yo, this shit is stupid. This brother's black. I get those people. I don't mind that part.
Starting point is 00:57:35 I don't mind that either. I like that the brother's black. I like that the son is a murderer or another. Like, I just, they got some, they got, yeah,
Starting point is 00:57:44 they paint a nice picture, and I'm not mad at it so far. I like the beef between the CMB brothers. Yo, CBI. Not CMB, CBI. CBI. New Jack City. This could go literally...
Starting point is 00:57:55 No, CMB. This could go a hundred different ways. You could get three, four more seasons easily off of this first season. Uh-huh. You could have the Irish brother and sister beefing. Yeah. Tommy left the... Not a big fan of the Irish season. Uh-huh. You could have the Irish brother and sister beefing. Yeah. Tommy left the...
Starting point is 00:58:06 Not a big fan of the Irish sister. Side story. I think she's kind of dope. But that could go somewhere. Of course, Tommy's going to pop the sister. Huh? The Irish girl's getting popped. She's a lesbian.
Starting point is 00:58:20 I bet you she'd get popped before that. What does that mean? I bet you she'd get popped. She's getting stuck. You not fucking lesbian? Who says she a lesbian? She might go both ways. Wait, let me just know who I'm talking to in here.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Tell me who never fucked a lesbian in here. She might just go both ways. You get what I'm saying? She's getting popped. The brothers, of course, are beefing. That could go anywhere. And I liked the younger brother's man. Like, the story could get tricky, liked the younger brother's man like the story could get tricky
Starting point is 00:58:47 because the younger brother's man is loyal you know what I like I'ma keep it a buck I like how 50 always look Jeremiah out I love that like even when
Starting point is 00:58:56 the industry really fuck with him like that he makes sure Jeremiah's on a single or he looks Jeremiah out I fuck with that that's who you talk that's the younger brother.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Jeremiah and MF Doom. Rest in peace, MF Doom, man. As wacky as my brain is, I still ain't come up with a better hip hop trick than that shit they did. Is that who that is? That's Jeremiah. That's Jeremiah. I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:59:17 He's singing the theme song. Nah, I know he's singing the theme song. I didn't know that's who he was. Yeah, that's him. Oh, wait. Who is he in the show? The younger brother. His man. His man. The one with the braids. Oh, shit. I ain't know that either. That's dope. Yeah, I ain't know that's who he was. Yeah, that's him. Oh, wait. Who is he in the show? The younger brother. His man.
Starting point is 00:59:25 His man. The one with the braids. Oh, shit. I ain't know that either. That's dope. Yeah, I ain't beep. Yeah, no. That is him.
Starting point is 00:59:31 And he doing a good job. Mm-hmm. I ain't know that. But, nah, this could branch off to a whole bunch of seasons. You can get a whole bunch of seasons out of five, six episodes. I'm sure they will. And I'm going to watch them. That's dope.
Starting point is 00:59:39 But so far, I'm not really that intrigued by this season. Me neither. I'm still going to watch. I'm still watching. All right. Right to the goodies. House passed its bill to make lynching a federal hate crime in 2022. Round of low vote. Fam.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I'm not. You know the crazy part? Yeah, I do. Lawmakers approved. I saw 22 to 3 votes. There were some people voting against this. I want to know who voted against that. The three people need to have their names out there.
Starting point is 01:00:06 They're out there. Someone posted earlier. I forgot. Wait, somebody posted the names of the three people that voted against this? No, no, they got it up there. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yo, take me from Earth. Move me to somewhere else, please, yo. Thomas Massey, Republican from Kentucky, Chip Roy, Republican from Texas, and Andrew Clyde,
Starting point is 01:00:23 Republican from Georgia voted against that. Oh, see? I wish you would've said that. I hate when people eliminate my option of guessing correctly. Nigga, I would've said Georgia,
Starting point is 01:00:37 Texas, and Kentucky. I would've said like Alabama. Georgia and Texas was the first two. Georgia and Texas would've definitely been in my opinion. I would've said Florida.
Starting point is 01:00:44 You was watching NCAA in the 90s. You seen Texas would have definitely been in my opinion. I would have said Florida. I would have said Florida. You was watching NCAA in the 90s. You seen them Kentucky teams they was rolling out there. I did. Come on, yeah. I wouldn't have picked them over Alabama, though. Hey, that was in the 90s. That was when Darvin Ham was jumping over niggas.
Starting point is 01:00:54 They were still picking white boys. That's racist, yo. Yo, you see this? Y'all know my critical race theory. That's how it started. Talk. You can't just watch Darvin Ham jump over people and then pick the white boy. Something's off there.
Starting point is 01:01:09 But anyway. This shit says the House passed a legislation Monday that would make lynching a federal hate crime after lawmakers failed to pass anti-lynching bill more than 200 times. That's crazy. Yo. This has been brought up. And why y'all think that's crazy in America well
Starting point is 01:01:26 you right I should you right we have we speak from from big city privilege it ain't really but seven of us
Starting point is 01:01:35 in the country that operate this way that's true a little more updated in our beliefs and our thinking right
Starting point is 01:01:42 when you drive through the country and I know, because we have taken a cross-country trip with no license like idiots, you quickly learn what's going on out there. You just pulling over to get gas and get some snacks out the store. And them niggas are quickly. Y'all all right?
Starting point is 01:02:02 Y'all lost? Right. What's going on around here? Where you going? Nah, some niggas was looking out. Yo, y'all alright? Y'all lost? Right What's going on around here? Yo y'all Where you going? Nah nah Some niggas was looking out Yo y'all should get out of here
Starting point is 01:02:09 Oh nah let me tell you We was in Y'all should go Man we was in Jersey Wait we confused Wait why we just Real hard Bring this up real quick
Starting point is 01:02:18 Alright yeah but Y'all should get out of here This should be y'all last stop Yo wait what time is it? Nigga It's 9am Fam But boy the wind Smelled racism-y Y'all should get out of here. This should be y'all last stop. Yo, wait, what time is it? Nigga, it's 9 a.m. Fam.
Starting point is 01:02:27 But boy, the wind smelled racism-y. Once he said that, you could smell the racism. Dog, we were in Jersey down Black Horse Pike. Oh, I'm not playing that in Jersey. I get a gun. And we was taking a back road to go across. Sound good for real. Look, listen, listen.
Starting point is 01:02:43 We was taking a back road to go across. Sound good for real? Listen, we were taking a back road to go across from like just going to Atlantic City, but not getting on Atlantic City Expressway. Cop pulled us over and was like, yo, what y'all doing around here? Oh, no, we coming from whatever city going to Atlantic City. Stay on the expressway.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Don't come back this way. I'm going to let y'all out of here. Go get on the expressway and don't come back this way. Okay. I'm going to let y'all out of here. Go get on the expressway and don't come back this way. Okay. I'm ignorant. See, I don't be thinking that nobody should play like that with us in New Jersey after them niggas made that video they made. Remember that video they made that we can't say that they made?
Starting point is 01:03:21 But it was a lot of them speaking for Jersey. And they was speaking and it was like it was like laws being laid out I'll tell you off the air I told them but
Starting point is 01:03:33 it's some niggas that did a video and told you to leave New Jersey alone North Jersey no that particular hood but them niggas have cars niggas ain't going down there like that
Starting point is 01:03:44 but if they did what would happen they'd light their ass up light Christmas who would light But them niggas have cars. Them niggas ain't going down there like that. But if they did, what would happen? They'd light their ass up like Christmas. Who would light who up? Them boys in blue down there. The other boys in blue. The stink troops. Oh, you talking about the police and the police? Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Oh, yeah, because they got friends in high places. They're the biggest gang. It's them. Niggas know where to play and where not to play. All right, so we need some Crip Cops. We got to even this out. Hold up a second. No, for real.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Y'all told me that that was the benefit in our college frats. It's like you join the frat and then you look out for your brotherhood. They do. In life. They do. All right, so why is that exclusive?
Starting point is 01:04:19 It's not. They have cops. It's just the minority minority. What part of South Jersey is this? Bro, I'm going to give you a story. This is a true story. Two of them. I was in college.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I went to Morgan State. Show off. No. Always throwing your education in the nigga's face. I hate that. Think you better than me, nigga? I hate when he do that. Yo, Morgan.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Yo. Scholarship. My history professor was like, yo. A weird scholarship, like a Bowling Scholarship. Like a draft. Some weird ass shit he won with his smart ass. Nah, the professor asked us one time,
Starting point is 01:04:53 she's like, anybody from Jersey? She was born and raised in New Jersey. She got all of her degrees from Princeton. She said, yo, you know you live in the most racist state in the union, right? And I was like,
Starting point is 01:05:03 she said, yo, up until late, New Jersey had the most active Ku Klux Klan members. New fucking Jersey, dog. Yo. Well. Listen, my peoples used to go to Glassboro State.
Starting point is 01:05:16 It's called, they changed the name. Rowan, I think is the name. Rowan, Rowan, exit three. Bro, they used to have to leave on winter break and spring break. You had to leave in a group so that y'all hit
Starting point is 01:05:25 the highway together because if they would catch your ass down here by yourself and do something to you it's my fucking new jersey though not to joke around but when you get into the history of new jersey you learn that yeah like i learned that in my montclair research like when i got into the history of montclair montclair was an important part in that whole thing. I'd have to Google it to remember. But also, you know that about New Jersey, because there's just mad tribe names of cities. All Indians. All Native Americans.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Yeah. They got ran out. Yeah. Dog, this shit is real. But again, think about we live in New Jersey. Dog, imagine when you go to Alabama, when you go to Mississippi, when you go to Florida, certain parts of Florida. Dog, this shit gets real. You ain't got to tell me that.
Starting point is 01:06:16 You could go to Clark. Didn't Julio Jones go to Alabama? If y'all looking at him some type of way, then I don't stand a chance. That guy's a man. That nigga's a robot robot y'all judge him y'all don't think he's great alright
Starting point is 01:06:31 and they lying them three they still gonna lynch just so we're clear I think they made that kind of clear hey we objected y'all did what y'all
Starting point is 01:06:44 wanted to do we gonna run our shit the way we wanna run it we wasn't reporting the lynchings anyway I think they made that kind of claim. Hey, we objected. Y'all did what y'all wanted to do. We're going to run our shit the way we want to run it. We wasn't reporting the lynchings anyway. Yeah. Why y'all think we reporting that? That's a good point. And that's some real... A black person just don't think of that crime.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Hang him from the tree? For no other reason than what you look like yeah no no that's disgusting yo that's nasty I wouldn't have lived very long back
Starting point is 01:07:12 in the past I bet you would've you think so yeah nigga you got good common sense I'd have said something I shouldn't have said to somebody
Starting point is 01:07:19 no you wouldn't y'all wouldn't have been allowed to say I'm not right now y'all would've got killed y'all would've shut y'all asses up y'all would've let me get to say, I'm not right now. Y'all would have got killed. Y'all would have shut y'all asses up. Y'all would have let me get killed. You would have shut your ass up too.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Yo. Right along. You wouldn't even have known these freedoms that we have. I think I would have been partly responsible for our great escape. I would have been with that. But you wouldn't have been talking back. It's like now you see me out here
Starting point is 01:07:46 trying to introduce people and really teach them about the fucking benefits of ownership and you see the resistance I'm being met with imagine freedom I'm dead ass though
Starting point is 01:07:57 yo we could leave no no no stay here yo I have a I got a plan I think you've tasted ownership that could get us
Starting point is 01:08:04 yo we could we don't have to live like this. It's more of us than them. And it would be niggas telling me. No, chill your ass out. Go out there and have to deal with the laws and find food and get shot and sad to be. Now you go. And that's why it's nothing wrong with people just being built different. I'm done fighting about it, yo.
Starting point is 01:08:27 You will not get me at my big old fucking age to start convincing people what shit you're supposed to feel like, yo. I can't. Hey, if you don't get it, you know better, you do better. Yo, listen. If somebody never got no head before, you can't tell them how head feel. You've owned some shit. I can tell them. They not going to ingest it, Paul.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Like, yo, fam, they not going. They never got it. So somebody that's never owned nothing and had any financial freedom. Yeah, you're so great at pardoning my baby. They don't know what that's like. Boy, you work my fucking brain. You know what the difference is-ish? The difference is back in school, the nigga that never got his dick sucked,
Starting point is 01:09:08 he wasn't trying to hide. We knew that that was the nigga that never got his dick sucked. He wasn't blending in over here with niggas. I know because that was me. Y'all niggas was doing nasty shit way ahead of me. I was still trying to figure out homework and drugs. Y'all niggas was out learning your bodies y'all had girls in school that liked y'all these niggas is you right then shut the fuck up about ownership
Starting point is 01:09:32 and the importance of it and what it garners and what it means then shut up about it be the nigga that never got his dicks up stop confusing it stop doing the consumer facing and making it seem like, you know, just regurgitating some shit. It sounds good. Yeah, but fuck all that. Because niggas don't want to appear to not know today. No, it sounds good. But you don't know that you still appear to not know. So you don't know what you don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:57 You don't know what you don't know. In 2000 and whatever year that was where I was broke responding to some hating ass nigga on Twitter. And I just responded, Oh yeah, well I made such and such after taxes. Take that stranger. I was probably high, right?
Starting point is 01:10:15 And I thought I did something in that moment. I was lying. Number one. And number two, if you was going to lie, nigga, lie to the max don't just lie with this bum ass numbers
Starting point is 01:10:29 I made 700 grand nigga shut up you don't the person that's doing the lie don't know until they get with a nigga who know who know
Starting point is 01:10:40 you know who know the people that have passed that point of having to behave that way. But the masses. So why wouldn't you trust that fucking person, yo? That's what I'm saying. Yo, if you come back. No, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:10:54 No, let's do it. You fucking going to make me mad. We'll argue today. I don't want to argue with you. We'll argue today. Ish. If you. Yo, you know what?
Starting point is 01:11:00 I'm going to crack you. You're going to lose. I'm giving him a heads up, y'all. You're going to lose. Go ahead. Yo, you know why you're going to lose? Because of real life, right? Me and you used to sit in a car on the way to the spot.
Starting point is 01:11:10 And I used to say, plain as day, yo, we too smart for this show. Indeed. A million of those conversations. That's what I'm saying. You smart around, right? Get your shit off. I don't even want to do this. Give it to me.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Enlighten me. Teach me. It's going to hurt me more. No, I want to hear what you have to say on the matter, honestly. All right, personal. I feel like this is an astounding point. Personal situation. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Joe moves. Yeah. How many years ago? I move man times. The most recent. Probably about three. Three years ago. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:11:40 He says, yo, I like the spot. I want to buy the spot. I said, now's the time to buy. What was your response? I like the spot. I want to buy the spot. I said, now's the time to buy. What was your response? I don't remember. No, my white accountant told me, this ain't the time. I said, yo, your accountant is a fucking dodo. Don't call people names.
Starting point is 01:11:58 He crunches numbers. Jesus, man. Jesus, man. He crunches numbers. He don't know real estate investing. Do it. Did you listen to me? Then, no.
Starting point is 01:12:10 But shortly after, I said, all right, this guy knows who you're talking about. Because the numbers double. So now I know what I'm talking about because the number literally is double. Nah, nah, nah, yo. Nah, yo, you talking about numbers doubling. Quick, quick, quick story. Hold up. So that's like trying to explain ownership to somebody who never owned.
Starting point is 01:12:32 They not going to listen. I do this. I told my man do something. He said no because somebody else told him not to. You're right, but you're not, right? Because I was still searching for the information i i passed step one which is admit i don't know i don't know this is not my field so i was just getting information from different places and didn't know which way to go so you're
Starting point is 01:12:56 right that was my position look at you you're just gonna take the white man word over i was just getting ready to say that you're talking to a person that do this though versus a person that don't. Well, I'm talking... They white ice. They genius. I'm going to let Ice paint. I mean, I'm going to let Ice paint his little picture.
Starting point is 01:13:12 But it's just my friend who's a professional in this field versus somebody that I pay to give me this advice. So like, it's weighted differently. Like, even if Ish is right, well, that presents a whole nother problem.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Mm-hmm. Now you pay him for something different. There are other things there are other things i must say you don't pay them for that though you don't pay them for that you pay them for something different yeah i pay for expertise but anyway but my point about that is it's still me searching for the information and maybe having a hard time in in in what to do with me that i don't know and it's in these ownerships talk ownership talks and what to do with me that I don't know. And it's, and it's ownership talk, ownership talks. It don't be that it, it don't be people in search of the information.
Starting point is 01:13:49 It's people just resisting the information. That's more aligned to me resisting whatever Bitcoin was doing when it was introduced to me in 2010. Hey, can I buy real things with this? Like it's more along the lines of that. Sometimes it could be who the information is coming from. It could be the messenger versus the message.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Now, if it's coming from you, just no matter what you're saying, right, wrong, left, right. But because it's coming from you, but if he tell me, oh, okay. And he could be completely wrong all the time. We see that happen a lot. That's one of the biggest, biggest casualties. But this is what I was going to say to you before you made your beautiful point. I haven't been with you step by step to see how you got all of your real estate expertise. I haven't seen that.
Starting point is 01:14:37 That's true. If we both started at Go, and I literally watch you. I'm looking step by step step i'm still at the strip club bugging i'm i'm stuck in this year and you go just be great or carve away or take the fight the bumps and bruises the duress that comes with whatever your path is and now you come say something to me i'm more apt to follow you'll take that a little different I'm more apt to follow And that's where Unfortunately in our culture That's where the shiny shit comes in
Starting point is 01:15:10 That's where the shiny shit comes in Because we pay A ton of attention To the shiny shit You right So Joe's my man Joe knows I've bought houses
Starting point is 01:15:20 Since he's known me Right But I don't really do I don't do shiny shit You don't do the shiny shit If I pulled up In that motherfucking G-Wagon And we went from
Starting point is 01:15:28 The white van To the G-Wagon No we need a G-Wagon No They keep getting tougher and tougher Yes they are I don't understand Bravis too
Starting point is 01:15:37 Bravis bunched shit up Nah come on We gotta do it one time for him I don't speak French Nigga you You would be the first To get the Bravis G-Wagon. Don't do that.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Hey, listen, here go this fly shit just in networking. No, not even in networking. I'm just standing outside smoking. And in these little nice neighborhoods, we joke all the time. Everybody's car is nice and really ain't nobody moving around
Starting point is 01:16:01 but too much. But at this particular moment I'm outside smoking, this nigga's moving He's shaking Nigga pull up on me In the Range Rover Roll the window down
Starting point is 01:16:08 He's uh He's something else He ain't black And he said Joe right Yeah He says You used to um
Starting point is 01:16:19 Used to live down That side I said yeah He said I'm such and such I remember You used to live down at that side. I said, yeah. He said, I'm such and such. I remember I used to own a crib right up the hill over there. One time you came in and you were looking at it. You were thinking about it.
Starting point is 01:16:39 I was like, in my head, I'm saying, no, I wouldn't. No, I wouldn't. I just like to look at it. I just like to look at it. I just like to look at it. I was looking at it. Yeah, I was. Never was I thinking about it. I was looking at it, but I wasn't I just like to look at I just like to look I just like to look I was looking at it yeah I was never was I thinking about it I was looking at it
Starting point is 01:16:48 but I wasn't looking right it's my old habits I was kissing it hey how you doing man you have an amazing memory that was enough for me I was satisfied
Starting point is 01:16:56 in the conversation he continued like most these niggas do boy but I loved it though he continued I said you don't dad you don't look but so old.
Starting point is 01:17:06 How old are you? He said his age. He said, yeah, that was back when I was doing apartments in townhouses or whatever. I got this one, the one we talk about. I got this one for 2.5, and I'm putting a million into it. He said, I'm putting my mom in there. You lying. That one? Yes. I'm telling a million into it. He said, I'm putting my mom in there. You lying. That one?
Starting point is 01:17:28 Yes. I'm telling you something right now. Goodness. Listen, he said, listen, he said, I'm putting my mom, this for my mom. And right now I got her staying up here. She's on my ass every morning. And why'd he say that to me?
Starting point is 01:17:42 To me, that's God working. Shut up, Corey. Shut up, atheist Corey. you think humans made these moments how could this man i said yay hey as it turns out hey my mom is staying with me she's on my ass too i said well how'd you do all this how'd you do some like because he's just been buying shit up. Yeah, bought this, flipped this, bought this. I flipped this, put this over there, put this. And he naming the shit. I can't get into it because it would give location.
Starting point is 01:18:13 And he said, I don't even do that no more. Now I just do commercial real estate and apartments, small. Development. Small, yeah, stuff like that. And my little hoe ass see why you can't get mad at hoes
Starting point is 01:18:27 let me get your number daddy yo I'm such a bird yo I am yo yo it didn't take much, yo. Oh, man. Take me right now, make sure I got it. I'm going to take you right now, so you lock me in.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Lock me in, okay? Lock me in, okay? Oh, man. This guy, yo. See? Fam, but why he stun on me like that during a smoke break? Yo, why you telling me that you paid 2.5 and you putting a million into something? Know what's funny?
Starting point is 01:19:13 I told my mom the same shit. She said, you mean he got rid of all that beautiful stuff that was in there? I said, man, you talking about all that old 80s money looking shit? Yeah, get that shit right the fuck out of there, yo. No, but that means... She said, that was so nice. I said, man, no, no, no. You're looking at this wrong. This is a flip.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Oh, yeah, that's what he said. He said, in a year and a half, I'll get double. I'll get double for what I paid. I was just about to say, so the number that they told you three years ago is damn near triple. Considering that conversation you had with old boy. See? You're going to just go ahead and listen to me.
Starting point is 01:19:53 We got to talk. No, I don't want to talk to you. We got to talk. I don't want to talk to you. Nah, we got to talk. We got to talk, yo. Come on, pull out the fucking meme. Black, black. We can't even put our money together for a bottle at the club.
Starting point is 01:20:09 How can we get real estate? How can we get real estate? Yo, and anybody out there having a bad day or just feeling down about life, yo, think of the guy that created memes who's just sitting home not getting paid for any of it. Right. That's crazy. That's crazy. That's business. Slap some words on this
Starting point is 01:20:28 shit to have everybody using my shit. Oh, I got such a great correlation. Who named it a meme? Him. He's memed out. See, he was doing it for the art. Right. Have fun.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Have fun doing it for the art. At some point you learn that there's business attached to the art. Hey, I came in that way. I understand niggas that call me a hypocrite. I came in. Hey, I'm not thinking about that. It's just a beautiful. It's just a passion of mine.
Starting point is 01:21:02 It takes as long as I can live and breathe. I get it but then you keep seeing all the people that you make rich cause of your carefree attitude with your talent you take it for granted because it's your talent you do it so effortlessly
Starting point is 01:21:19 but no enough of that enough of that and that's just what separates start to separate the shit. And I'm going to stop because I'm going to go on a whole different type of tangent. But this is what get me in most of my shit. And y'all not going to have me a slave to the Joe that y'all were introduced to or whoever I was back then. It's just not. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:21:40 We can't keep doing business that way. It's not. It's not for you to be angry at Joe. I'm compartmentalizing. Like, our time was our time, whoever that is, whether it's an ex, whether it's a... We did what we did,
Starting point is 01:21:55 and if we had a blast enough, I'm never going to say a bad word about you ever. Right. That time is, like, encapsulated with me. We share a space. But girls do this. Dudes do this. Fam, you moved on.
Starting point is 01:22:11 If they didn't move on, they still in that same... Again, you at level 10, right? Y'all were at level 10. Pardon me. If you at level 20 and they still at level 10 they still thinking like level 10 thinking they still moving and acting and running around on level 10 you might be at level 20 going to 25 you're looking at 25 and 30 they looking at 11 so you they still in that same mental space as well as the same financial space a lot of them that's why girls or guys when when when the significant
Starting point is 01:22:42 other leaves if they don't level up they stay bitter but if they level up they'll see you like hey see you kid you looking good because they leveled up with you
Starting point is 01:22:51 if they don't ever level up then they tight that's the resentment because they didn't personally level up I know and I keep looking at it like the end of BMF
Starting point is 01:23:00 with Meech and Big T when Big T was like yo dog this ain't my pound I want to do something else I don't desire I got a kid like I don't whatever we doing just lives and lives to BMF with Meech and Big T and Big T was like, yo, dog, this ain't my pound. I want to do something else. I got a kid. Like, I don't want,
Starting point is 01:23:08 whatever we doing, just lives and lives, I don't want to do this no more. Imagine, that scene really didn't do nothing for me because they going to keep loving each other. What is this? This scene does nothing for me. Somebody that you love
Starting point is 01:23:19 wants to do things differently than they've done it in the past. Now what? I'm going to shame you for it or i'ma try to hold you hostage to who i know you to be i'm gonna try to leverage some some other shit to get you to behave in a certain yo dog is that ever gonna happen with me no come on man come on no, come on,
Starting point is 01:23:42 man. Come on. That's why I liked that. That shit was last week. Like that's who you want to be. You want to be that, that person. And you want to have people in your corner that support, whatever the,
Starting point is 01:23:54 whoever you want to be, that has to align. It got online. That's why on that topic, we was talking about, uh, the dirt interview when, uh,
Starting point is 01:24:02 Gillian, them niggas went out there and I was sitting there saying, Oh, I can't be in that. And y'all was like, why not? It's a mover. For me, it's awesome. we was talking about the Dirk interview when Gillian and them niggas went out there and I was sitting there saying, oh, I can't be in that. And y'all was like, why not? It's a move on. For me, it's, well, I can be in that, of course.
Starting point is 01:24:13 I come from being in that. But where I'm going, maybe that's off thinking. I don't think so. I don't choose to be there. There was a point in time where when the strip club was over, we was at the Afties. Today. No way.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Never. I couldn't imagine it. I couldn't imagine it. In five years, I don't, if I'm just picturing myself, I don't want to be at the Afties, yo. And I'm not going to be mad at nobody that still want to be at the Afties. Of course not. Koi sitting right here, this nigga will tell you how miserable I was running around doing shows for $2,500 and doing hostings on Friday, Saturday. And I was miserable.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Parks was there on tour. I hated all of that shit. Facts. I hated all of it. Yeah, I wanted to try and do something different. Thank God it worked. But niggas skipped that part of it could not it could not and then when it worked you just turn into the bad guy right somehow for a lot
Starting point is 01:25:14 like nah fuck that fuck that no you can't you can't there's a lot of space between x and x and z i don't want nobody around me that's going to try to make me feel ashamed of blessings. I know it's a lot of that going on. For women, they get to play around with the memes and the song lyrics. They get to do all of that shit. They call it being girly and catty.
Starting point is 01:25:40 The second a man do it, they're going to say, hey nigga, act like a man. Men can't do it so you gotta peep the hurt differently that's why i peep the game shit differently because it's hurt you know where can he go be hurt he's gotta go back to the block and be be tough he gotta go to the studio and have all them niggas in the fucking studio he gotta go home and pay all the bills for his entire fucking family he gotta go be a dad to all his beautiful fucking children when do you get to be hurt it's a valid question men don't get that word yeah so it has
Starting point is 01:26:12 to see so it seeps out it seeps out differently it see it seeps out in other ways and if you don't recognize that that's all it is then you just don't know you just don't know but and i certainly don't fault nobody for how they choose to express their hurt. Nor do I know what anybody's situation is. I don't know what make niggas get out of bed. I don't know what make Is jump up and leave the pod right now. I don't know what make Ice call out.
Starting point is 01:26:38 I don't know what, you don't know what nobody's shit is. I had a family fucking friend last week You don't know what nobody's shit is. That's true. I had a family fucking friend last week hit by a tow truck. New York City. Legs gone. Damn. Hit and run.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Fuck. Caught dude. 20. No insurance Panic No registry Too late now Dude was such a stand up dude at work When he ain't show up
Starting point is 01:27:19 You just knew something was wrong Your character speak for you All that Fuck all that telling me you ten toes down Your behavior gonna tell me If you ten toes down Or not Nah that gotta be we gotta tell the kid we gotta you don't know what nobody going through it could change in a heartbeat niggas got real life shit going on only in hip-hop do we want to focus on such minuscule shit who would better
Starting point is 01:27:39 hey who did that nigga uh Y'all not gonna keep Slaving me The fucking hip hop mentality Cause that shit is small And boxed in the way They want it to be And if you don't get that Cool
Starting point is 01:27:55 No beef That's a rant You pretty sure Sorry No no no I'm sorry Wouldn't matter that way That was good
Starting point is 01:28:02 I'm sorry That was a quick rant Um Alright we had some other shit That I thought was important No, no, no. I'm sorry. It wasn't mad at that one. That was good. I'm sorry. It was a quick rant. All right, we have some other shit that I thought was important. Y'all want to cover sports real quick or you want to get into it later? What do we have? A list of the highest paid hip hop artists of 2021. Jay-Z, 470M. Kanye, 250M.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Diddy, 75M. Drake, 50M. Wiz, 45M. Travis, 38M. 50M Wiz 45M Travis 38M Khaled 35M Cole 27M Tech N9ne 25M Ty with Doja Cat with 25M
Starting point is 01:28:35 Birdman with 25M Tech N9ne still getting buckets and Wiz that was the one that shocked me on the list. Who else I expect to be there? Wiz? I love it. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:28:53 This is how this should look. This is how this should look. I mean, Hove, Ye, Diddy, Drake, to be expected. Same with Travis. You can look at Khaled and tell that that's what's going on. Dre's not up there for the first time I've seen
Starting point is 01:29:11 to be in the top 10. Dre's usually in the top 10. Yeah, that's interesting. Regardless if he got something coming out or not, he's typically in the top five, actually. I laugh because all these numbers
Starting point is 01:29:23 are the reported numbers. Guest to me. Right, right. Yeah. Moving on, what else is important? What else is important? Don't get me mad staring at all these niggas making 50, 70, and 80 million dollars a year.
Starting point is 01:29:36 That's not what I should stare at. Now I feel like I'm back washing cars on a Saturday on Prince Street. No, sorry. Ice, take it away, yo. Come on, it's your shit. Wake up.
Starting point is 01:29:50 It's your shit. It's my shit. It's your shit right here. You're right, you're right. This falls kind of in my wheelhouse a little bit. YellaBeezy challenged the murder rappers,
Starting point is 01:29:59 the artists who rap about killing people, to join the service since y'all want to kill. No. No. Wild ass funny. Here's his statement.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Let me just read his statement first. All that killing y'all be doing over them beats, go join the service. Your calling is finally here. You can finally prove to them fans you about them lyrics. Well, let me just tell you,
Starting point is 01:30:28 Yella Beezy, they've been proving to the fans that they bout the lyrics. Some of them silicon say, bout it, bout it. Yeah, they've been proved that part.
Starting point is 01:30:34 We not questioning that. Not just that. The dude overseas is not my op. I don't know him. He not. Might be cool. Might be cool as hell.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Might be my man With this nigga right here Yeah Yeah Yeah Wait who they want us to go fight I'm not fighting Anybody
Starting point is 01:30:53 Nobody What side are we supposed to be on If y'all couldn't get niggas To do jury duty Man You can try your luck with this I hate to be the one to tell you You're not getting people To leave their When was that working In the 60s Who y'all got My grand luck with this. I hate to be the one to tell you. You're not getting people to leave their family.
Starting point is 01:31:06 When was that working? In the 60s? Who y'all got? My granddad with this shit? Oh, the draft? Yeah. Y'all not drafting the guy. Hey, y'all, imagine if they tried that right now.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Imagine if they tried that right now. The draft wouldn't go well. Just imagine. You see what they did over in Ukraine? They won't let the men between a certain age leave the country. They getting to it over there, though. Yeah, but I'm just saying like men they between i forget the age range you cannot like women children y'all can leave y'all can get out of here men y'all have to stay here because y'all gonna have to strap up and that's 10 toes down they get into it they got all the tools down i saw a video of a dude, they had a mine
Starting point is 01:31:45 in the street. I seen that too. So my man got out and picked the mine up and walked it. With a cigarette
Starting point is 01:31:51 dinger. Yeah, with a cigarette dinger. You lying. No, that ass. So that their
Starting point is 01:31:57 military vehicles and stuff can still get through. They changing the signs over there, like go back to the street
Starting point is 01:32:02 signs, like on the highway. Be like, Russia's back this way, motherfucker. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:32:06 they about it. Nah, they outnumbered by a lot and they getting to it. Thoughts and prayers to everybody going through that horrible situation over there.
Starting point is 01:32:16 It's terrible. For sure. We'll say that. Yeah, it's terrible. Anytime masses of people just getting murdered. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:32:23 it's nasty. It's disgusting. Yeah, it's no other way to word it, word it. Yeah. We don't need no outstanding music. I'm not playing it. No, but we kind of,
Starting point is 01:32:33 I meant to say some other stuff when we were talking about when you start leveling up and you kind of start leaving people behind or people start feeling this type of way when you leave them behind. We were talking off mic about Bel Air.
Starting point is 01:32:46 In the latest episode of Bel Air, Will had his man come from Philly. So they got in some shit in Philly and the kid that they got in some shit with,
Starting point is 01:32:54 spoiler alert, died. Which is, you ain't watching it yet? I haven't seen it. You going to watch it. I am going to watch it though. Yo, nah.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Be clear. This is one of them. I was joking on one of them older pods about Bel Air but I am going to watch it. No Yo. Be clear. This is one of them. I was joking on one of them older pods about Bel Air, but I am going to watch it. No, no, no. In Jeffrey role, that's when it's going to get tricky. But Will had his man come to Bel Air. Yeah. How many episodes of this is out?
Starting point is 01:33:16 Five. Five. Oh, shit. Yeah, five. Yeah, they moving. So Will had his man come from Bel Air. Uh-huh. Cool.
Starting point is 01:33:22 So he shows his man around. Shit is dope. Super fly. So- Mistake mistake yes and no he brought his man out there to protect them from the killer in philly the killer dies i like bizarro belly no no no no no no no no no no the killer died before he even got out there i know no listen the killer died like right when he was about to come out there all right so he still comes anyway so he's like yo now you could come back to philly blah blah is dead we're gonna be back the team ain't shit we need you da da da da da so will
Starting point is 01:33:55 says yo kind of thinking about staying so this man's like what he's like yo i don't really kind of like the opportunities that i see now here are plentiful. Right. So I'm kind of thinking about staying. His man blasted him like, yo, you just going to stay here rich, nigga, and you're going to leave me in Philly broke. Fuck you. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like all selfish shit.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Yo, the team ain't shit. You're going to just leave the team stranded and abandon the team. you're going to just leave the team stranded and abandon the team so I'm supposed to go back to West Philly and turn down
Starting point is 01:34:30 all these opportunities my father about to be the DA my uncle about to be the DA his sister is a heavy content creator just opportunities there that he's never seen in his life right
Starting point is 01:34:41 and the people that could basically be a catalyst to get you to a next level of success. His man blasted him for that shit. So to make full circle to the points where
Starting point is 01:34:51 we were talking about like yo dawg sometimes there's people around you and they not really trying to level up or they can't level up and they tight at you
Starting point is 01:34:58 because you busting your ass to do so. You know what I mean? And they be your closest his mother felt the type of way. Yeah. His moms felt the type of way. I was just going, yeah. His mom's felt the type of way. He called his mother and said, yo, you might think about staying.
Starting point is 01:35:09 And she was kind of tight. She was having a conversation with Aunt Viv. And she was just like, nah, what you mean have him stay out there? Like, no. He coming back to Philly. He comes back to Philly. Also, Peacock, quick 25, 30 million subscribers. Quickly. Rather quickly. They doing great shit over there.. Also, Peacock, quick 25, 30 million subscribers. Quickly.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Rather quickly. They doing great shit over there. Shout out to Peacock. I fucking... Well, also, listen, back to y'all point. Like, you said leave behind. And while I understand what you're saying, I just don't like that terminology.
Starting point is 01:35:41 It's a bad term. It's a bad... Because you don't have to be left behind. Because it's back to our Argument we used to have with Ice Right Ice used to come in here And be like yo
Starting point is 01:35:48 I'm fine with certain shit I'm content Right And we used to be like Well how do you know You don't You don't know So it's creative
Starting point is 01:35:56 Differences is what I'ma call it Like you just have a different path For what you trying to do And I have a different path For what I're trying to do and i have a different path for what i'm trying to do but i'm gonna pursue mine not even that i think that sometimes even if that's by way of feeling and moving to the mansion and creating a better yeah but you don't even know that's a lack of information until you get out there like will say on the show
Starting point is 01:36:20 one thing it was even i don't know if it was a conversation with his aunt somebody but he was like yo I'm realizing there's more to life than these 12 blocks 12 no I didn't know
Starting point is 01:36:30 that there was more outside his mother said it to him when she was trying to convince him to go to LA she said Will you need to experience something outside
Starting point is 01:36:39 of these 12 blocks of West Philadelphia right it was college-ish no no in the beginning it was college it don't matter, no, in the beginning, it was college.
Starting point is 01:36:46 It don't matter. The point is the point. So when he comes back and calls his mother and she's trying to make him come back home, he then takes her shit and says, Mom, you told me
Starting point is 01:36:55 I need to experience opportunity and adventure outside of the 12 blocks of Philadelphia. So when Joe said in the beginning when Ice used to come on here, and I've told Ice this off camera,
Starting point is 01:37:07 dog, when the opportunities start presenting themselves and you start getting more money, your thoughts change. Like you can't be mad at Ice because Ice knows what he knows. Even if it's not money, exposure. Because you might not have the money
Starting point is 01:37:19 you can be exposed to. True, true, true. So I think the lack of information sometimes, even our Baby and them argument, the Baby and Jay-Z argument, I think that when Jay-Z and them reached a different demo, the opportunity started to arise. And now my exposure to different shit
Starting point is 01:37:39 changes my overall mindset. Not just the money, but... What that had to do with the baby i remember the argument because i'm you were saying like baby didn't do xyz and i said oh baby not the baby the baby's old no no baby all right got it got it so again i just think and that's one of the best things i say with with black people like if you went to school with all blacks all your life i encouraged them to go to a white college and vice versa if you went and you grew up in a suburb with a bunch of white people i think you should go to all black hbcu i
Starting point is 01:38:11 think people should experience diversity i think the diversity in the in in the the information that you're now privy to makes your overall better person makes you more well-rounded absolutely and that diversity you're gonna need it in the real world that is true you hear what i'm saying so i think that this is will shot at being from west philly gonna be around these rich motherfuckers in la and i just think it's dope you have to meet whatever your fate is you have to meet the universe halfway like indeed you have you still have to you still have to make the right decision when faced with the blue and red pill to even get you where you like i was in new jersey for x amount of years i never knew anything about an alpine what is that until i was exposed to a little bit more and no i didn't have the money
Starting point is 01:39:00 to purchase an alpine well now i know what that is and now that i've seen it and heard about it and been around there hey maybe for a stretch of my life i want to purchase a home in alpine and live out there and be next door neighbors with some of the celebrities and the network now when you go to get the paper you can have a money talk right in the morning some of that shit like i just said when you step out the house and the nigga start talking about real estate and what he did over here like the same shit but you don't even know the value in that stuff
Starting point is 01:39:28 if you don't know it if you don't know it the same as the dude that said he paid five million for the Bugatti but
Starting point is 01:39:35 made 30 million from the conversations and the clientele like it's the same exact it's just the same shit that's true so everybody gotta learn that different.
Starting point is 01:39:45 If you don't learn it, though, you don't learn it. I'm not never mad at nobody for whatever their decision is for themselves. Because you got to live with that. You got to sleep at night. What's the universe shit you said? That was pretty good. Meet the universe. You're a rapper.
Starting point is 01:39:59 Shut up. Yeah, but you got to meet the universe. No, that was dope. They can put every opportunity in front of you. Yo, we do this in Monopoly, right? monopoly right sometimes hey a nigga get mad good deals you just lug up land on all the fucking spots you just get everything you need to do but now you want to get clever you want to get tricky you're the game right in front of you right it's telling you buy that buy that get him out of here get him out of there no, we in our minds. Start overthinking some shit. Yeah, so it's like, yo, and that's why I say everybody just got to do what's best for them.
Starting point is 01:40:31 I can't speak for what nobody's situation is. But it's going to always be creative differences. Always. Because people want different things in life. Art is art. It's unique. It's one Parks. It's one Joe. It's one Joe.
Starting point is 01:40:45 It's one ish. How niggas see things is how they see it. But it's how we come together. How do we work in concert and unison? Can we align? Can we escape the room together?
Starting point is 01:40:55 Can we get past this little, can we get past this little trick? This little task right here. And often, because we've never had shit, right? I'm talking about black. Black. Our culture. Black's us. we've never had shit right i'm talking about uh black black our culture blacks us we've never had shit sometimes we don't know how to respond when
Starting point is 01:41:13 our man is exposed to it or when we get exposed to it we don't know what to do we might go shoot our man it happens we've seen that that's that story before it ain't it don't be so much congratulatory shit it'd be a lot it'd be a lot to handle for people but then it's like what are you doing that spot because all you could think about is you staying at that same level yo i could go war story for war story with the best of like if we just start talking about history and our past and our experiences and what we've been Yo, I could go war story for war story with the best of them. Like, if we just start talking about history and our past and our experiences and what we've been through, our rock bottoms, like, our darker moments, I could go back and forth with whoever's out there. Why would you want to do that?
Starting point is 01:42:07 Like, if you really experienced that and been through it, why the fuck you be planning my kid would be 21 yo i don't look at shit the same as i did when i was 31 i'm not just living for me now nigga my daughter just turned two and i'm in the same mindset no you ain't in the same these little 20 year olds these niggasas talking ass for shit a whole lot more. No, what I'm saying is... God damn it, they don't stop. And they can interpret your face when you want to say no, but you don't. They looking at you right on face time.
Starting point is 01:42:33 No, I'm just saying it's different and living one way and now you realize there's a life that depends on you. That's what I'm saying. It is different. It changes your whole mindset that fast. Every decision I make that I made before I might have made differently before my daughter was born
Starting point is 01:42:47 so of course he's right let me try to suppress the rant oh it's coming out oh a rant is coming but you're fucking right yes he's right and we gonna,
Starting point is 01:43:05 I'm taking it off of, I'm taking it off of parents and children. And now I'm just talking about niggas that lean and niggas that don't. Niggas that rely and depend on, can't get traction going, can't get it moving on their own. Y'all don't trying to turn this into a shot. This is a productive black male and parks conversation that we have.
Starting point is 01:43:29 But what my point is, those people will never view things the same. I went through a stage where it was okay that I could borrow the amount of money that I needed from anybody in my network. I went through a phase where that was okay. And then it wasn't. The phone keep ringing. People get busy. You'll get to a spot where you need to have your own back
Starting point is 01:43:57 and only your back. Self-preservation time. Those people not never going to view it the same yo it's a bunch of people out there with like creative differences just in how you go about viewing business handling business receiving business and enough is enough of this shit because when joe has enough nobody do every fucking time document it over the years get up and go get it he just get up and go i don't try to bring nobody with me convince somebody or something i pick myself up and go and take what falls with that there's some people out there we laugh and joke about relationships with romantic
Starting point is 01:44:41 relationships where somebody might not be might not be happy but you can't leave because it's convenient can you can't leave you gonna sacrifice some of that happiness because you know the first is the first every fucking month that ain't me that ain't me i've slept in parks i've slept in cars i've slept in Dill's one room Belvedere Ave. Jack. With Hilfiger jackets hanging there. Give me that jacket. Let me look good when I go out.
Starting point is 01:45:14 They ain't got to know we sitting there sleeping like this. I'm just saying it's men out there. Yo. And that's 10 toes. See to me that's 10 toes. You, to me, that's 10 toes. You ain't got to say it. You could just see it. You could just see it through the action.
Starting point is 01:45:31 There's no manipulation. There's no agenda. I'm out. I'm taking whatever comes with me. No spades in the hand. Let's play the fucking hand. I might get four. I got three aces and a king.
Starting point is 01:45:40 My partner nice, he might let the queen something go. We could get these niggas yo That is the difference No I lose respect for niggas That don't have that Like nigga thinking That nigga
Starting point is 01:45:51 That nigga shit Where you tighten it up And just get up And go fucking get it You know what it is A lot of times Niggas never had to And that's why they don't have it
Starting point is 01:46:01 They never had That 50% shit was a bar They never had to You gotta meet the was a bar. They never had to. You got to meet the universe halfway. This nigga's calling me a thief that somehow missed me working nine jobs. You missed it. In hip hop, only do we look at the surface shit. You can't call a nigga that that's tightened his belt that way and went out there and just got it.
Starting point is 01:46:31 Nine different times but i won't judge you for it because we all was mad we all you all get mad you go through my first record deal i was mad i wasn't the only one my first record deal we ain't like it hey it wasn't enough know what you do go get it go get it till that ends Some of the niggas that just ain't go-getters Ain't gonna understand what I'm saying It's gonna sound like lunacy To you But until you get the fuck up off the porch And gotta go do it Man don't fucking talk to me man
Starting point is 01:46:57 You know how many niggas I take care of You know with all of them The number can't go lower That's a goal You know with all of them The number can't go lower Like don't really get to talking in here yo If I was really getting Oh man let me not do that I might trigger y'all niggas Come on let's move on
Starting point is 01:47:17 Niggas got kids Child support Baby mamas that might not Niggas got real niggas stole from you yo man don't insult me yo don't insult my work ethic and how I've gotten to it
Starting point is 01:47:32 for so long man one of these days I'm going to tell the truth come on move on where we at come on y'all you don't need me riled up yeah we don't need you riled up
Starting point is 01:47:39 no no no good but when we say riled up I think because of my history people think that I'm going to just start but no yo no I get it just some shit When we say riled up, I think because of my history, people think that I'm going to just start. But no, yo. No.
Starting point is 01:47:48 I get it. Just some shit. Shut the fuck up. It's okay to say. Y'all don't even know. I don't know. Only here do we just got to pretend to know. I want facts out of hip hop so bad.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Facts, yo. That's facts. Yo, that's facts. You niggas are liars. It's lies and lies and lies and those facts and a nigga can't pursue the facts no more. Oh, no, you said that.
Starting point is 01:48:13 I said facts. No, you said facts. It's facts. You can't question it. Huh? You fucking ignorant. Get me the fuck away from this shit, yo.
Starting point is 01:48:23 Just get me out of here. Put me with adults. Put me with adults. Put me with adults or smart shooters. Put me with niggas that got shit to lose. Put me with some niggas that had to go
Starting point is 01:48:36 to just understand. Get it? Just get it. And the ones that don't, send niggas somewhere else, man. But leave me out of it I'ma get to a point where it's like Cardi B Cardi B told Shayla
Starting point is 01:48:49 hey Staz hit me off your fucking platform you fucking motherfuckers y'all hate me stop talking about me Shayla all of them she told all the blogs that
Starting point is 01:48:56 I feel the same way stop monetizing off my likeness y'all don't fuck with me y'all don't post nothing positive why y'all just get I know how your business works keep my name off of that shit and it worked a little bit i think they pieced it up but anyway moving on moving on where we at uh y'all want to get into x's beefing online
Starting point is 01:49:14 that's where i was going oh well we've seen this play out on the on the timeline over the last couple weeks like i've seen exes just firing at each other like you gotta love when they make it public no you don't I know
Starting point is 01:49:31 I love it I love when they make it public they be funny sometimes I pray people never stop bringing they shit to the timeline like it just makes it entertaining
Starting point is 01:49:39 it's a great show to watch I might disagree with your tactics but I'ma watch fuck that i don't watch that channel no i'm gonna watch that show yeah dog to me i think it's the ugliest shit on the planet i think it's the most immature shit on the planet yeah it is of course it is we're agreeing with you i just think you're a classless doof airing your your your dirty laundry or your clean laundry i just think it's whack.
Starting point is 01:50:06 It's my personal opinion. I think, Parks, I agree with you. Yeah, I don't want to see it, but I'm going to watch it and laugh. But if you're going to do it, I'm not going to turn away from it. I'm going to watch. That's all I'm saying. One of my favorite things to watch. Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 01:50:20 They're good. People doing something online they're not supposed to do. Yes. Yes. There's a business in that and it's just fun to watch on a Sunday afternoon mmhmm oh shit what he did to her
Starting point is 01:50:32 she going off you can always tell kind of like who fucked up just by how they're both handling it you kind of kind of clear there
Starting point is 01:50:42 one is harboring a little bit more so they shooting a little harder. The other one is peacefully moving about their day. Like, oh, you got some unresolved shit over there. You mad because whatever. Something. Whatever you mad at. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:54 But yeah, I personally, I don't, I don't want to call you out. I ain't got a dollar for the cup. I don't say the word. But a lot of you dudes are acting like the cup. Like you can't love somebody and then turn around and shit on them for like appearances and what they look like.
Starting point is 01:51:19 Oh, no. That's what you saw? I saw that. Oh, that's kind of crazy. That's hurt. It's just hurt. It's hurt. It is hurt see it's hurt it is hurt if you learn how to read hurt
Starting point is 01:51:28 you'll understand most of this shit going on it's hurt but that's why I'm saying it is hurt take your L's privately and peacefully
Starting point is 01:51:39 close your bedroom door lock it close the drapes and take your L without telling the phone or following yo there's no hey we all taking l's we just don't have to show them all we're in this we're in this era where they want to broadcast the l's the wins just everything has to be broadcast immediately everybody feels like they are the Truman show where everyone's tuned into your
Starting point is 01:52:08 life we don't care this goes into the young girl with the Uzi on TikTok what happened 15 year old girl was in her grandparents house in Mexico somewhere found the Uzi was holding it
Starting point is 01:52:24 and having I believe it was her brother take a TikTok video for her and it accidentally discharged and she's no longer with us and a few weeks ago I don't remember where
Starting point is 01:52:37 a dad left his five year old and nine year old just by himself they found the gun, one shot the other one. This wasn't fatal. But I watch the news too much,
Starting point is 01:52:51 I don't remember where it was. But yeah. A five and a nine? Mm-hmm. Year old. Kids. But I just brought it up because it went with your point
Starting point is 01:53:00 about just recording everything, Truman Show. That's how powerful it is that the girl in Mexico wanted to put it on tape and have somebody view it. You know what I'm saying? Some shit you know you ain't got no business doing.
Starting point is 01:53:15 Shit I did when I was little, I didn't want nobody to see. I was a sneaky little motherfucker. You ain't going to record me being sneaky. And what they're saying about this particular area of Mexico is they are so in love with narcos and that El Chapo on them yeah that
Starting point is 01:53:31 subject like people are imitating that like that's the hit thing out there so anything to look like that is what they're doing so she sees a gun ta-da it's here too and it's like oh good I can look like I'm in narcos and yeah it's here too it's like, oh good, I can look like I'm in Narcos. It's here too.
Starting point is 01:53:47 It's everywhere. We got here from a fun topic somehow. Word. I just want to point that out. Effortlessly, y'all get serious. You got on the subject for just everything being recorded and just everyone trying to broadcast everything to the internet. I'm starting to think the internet might have been a mistake. I've been thinking that
Starting point is 01:54:05 for a couple years now. I know there's a lot of good come from it, but I think the bad outweighs the good. I don't agree with that, but I think it's a deep dive, but I don't agree with that.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Y'all gonna find the deep dive. I'm trying to move on and not even respond. Yeah, we can move on. Okay, so great. Let's move on. The ex-boyfriend that is slamming his ex-girlfriend on the internet do we allow him the benefit of the doubt and say that
Starting point is 01:54:31 maybe throughout the course of the relationship he just started to see things for what it is with shorty and now he's just making it public see things for what it is. Maybe it's this hard piece of crust in the lower left side of her lip that just won't move. It's stuck there. Missed it underneath the club lights. But now that we're here, I can see it. Yeah, but I didn't see that before. Still no? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:54:58 Yo, I ain't. Yo. Dog, these. I ain't see that your whole, like the whole whole Like four back teeth was missing in a row Like Now I'm starting to see it You wifed her I'm starting to
Starting point is 01:55:09 But I'm starting to see things for what it is now Nah you just tight So now you want crack You cragging on her now Yo you wifed That be my thing I didn't see it before yo The same time when the girls be like
Starting point is 01:55:21 Oh he got a little dick You was fucking with him for four years Oh Tongue kiss Huh Just Same time when the girls be like, oh, he got a little dick. You was fucking with him for four years. Oh, tongue kiss. Huh? Just tongue kissing. A lot of it. A lot of eating.
Starting point is 01:55:35 A lot of eating, buddy. You little dick niggas keep a bib on. Yeah, so whatever he was going, you get what I'm saying? Like, I just think it's corny. I think that. It's super corny. It is. Shitting on your ex's super corny. It is. Shitting on your ex's looks is crazy.
Starting point is 01:55:47 It's quack. In any type of way. Your wife though. Yo, anything that happens in, in this is my opinion, I really stand by this. No,
Starting point is 01:55:54 look, any judgment, like, if you a dude, we all been off the porch a long time. We all been in the game a long time. You would, you would hope that your judgment allows you not to pick a dodo so now if you pick the dodo you got to be mad at yourself if you pick the bird you got to be mad at yourself for lack of judgment
Starting point is 01:56:20 That shit fire though. It's like, the fire get you low. The birds do the fire. You know that shit is fire. The bird be fire. I wouldn't care if the, it was a inferno.
Starting point is 01:56:30 Down me, you wife him. Sometimes. You might accidentally wife him. I mean, I've been there where you're not wifing him, but you're making him think you are. Yo.
Starting point is 01:56:41 That's what I mean. It gets, it gets, hello? That is Joe Budden. That's not joe that wasn't even joe budden who was it our guest here he is he just came in welcome you said yeah yeah come on no i don't think i don't i just think for men particularly like women do that i don't think it's okay but it's women do that they'll get on their slander they x and all that shit i don't think you should. I just think for men particularly, women do that. I don't think it's okay,
Starting point is 01:57:06 but women do that. They'll get on there, slander their ex and all that shit. I don't think as a dude, you fight, you fire back. I'm sorry. I'm laughing at y'all now. Y'all never gave somebody the wifey experience
Starting point is 01:57:17 that wasn't wifey? Hell yeah. Yes. Okay, great. What? I hate to fucking laugh at that. I was part of the game. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Yeah, scratch a little beard, nigga. You got beard butter on, still scratch, scratch. Your shit look smoother than ever. That's a fresh line though, too, ain't it? Nah, you know what he doing. Nah, we got a podcast group function we hitting after this. All of us going to be together. What's wrong
Starting point is 01:57:45 with this car man oh man oh come on come on let's move on what else what else is important
Starting point is 01:57:51 I never even heard of that I'm just here listen you never did you know exactly come on Stacy that's the I'm asking y'all
Starting point is 01:57:59 what that is I can't ask y'all what that is nigga if you know that fiends clean the car good then'all what that is Nigga If you know that fiends Clean the car good Then you know
Starting point is 01:58:08 What this is But We'll end up We'll end up Come on tell them what it is Alright You ain't never been You doing some shit with Shorty
Starting point is 01:58:18 That you would usually Only do with your girl He know what time it is man But she not your girl Brooklyn Chubhouse Is opening time square man Come on What we talking about What we doing with your girl. He know what time it is, man. But she not your girl. Brooklyn Chubb house is open in Times Square, man. Come on, what we talking about here?
Starting point is 01:58:28 What we doing? Yo, I want to talk about him so bad, yo. I be letting him live. I want to talk about him so bad. That's his problem. He keep having fun. I'm not having fun.
Starting point is 01:58:39 I'm at work. You better chill out. I'm not having fun. You better stop making work look fun. I am at work. Say no, I'm miserable. Nigga leaning out. I'm not having fun. You better stop making work look fun. I'm at work. No, I'm miserable. Nigga leaning out.
Starting point is 01:58:49 Nigga getting skinny. That stress skin. Nigga got the scotch and soda little light blue. Carolina blue kicks hottest nigga on the block. Used to wheelie bicycles since I was... Ice with it in the air. Come on, yo. You better mellow it down.
Starting point is 01:59:07 I am chilling. Hey, this is just like Goodfellas. He told them, niggas, yo, don't buy no furs. Don't buy no cars. Why don't y'all just chill out, give me 90 days,
Starting point is 01:59:19 whatever he said. Mellow it out. Think they listen? The nigga came in with a Cadillac. I said, her mama name. What the fuck? Yo, she came in with the fur coat on.
Starting point is 01:59:31 He took the shit off her back. How you let another man take your wife's fur off? Yo. Oh, man. Snowfall came out. Y'all liked it? Started a little slow Yeah I hate y'all Why?
Starting point is 01:59:49 It is Cause every first episode Of something Y'all say That was kinda slow This is season four Five I don't think it started slow
Starting point is 01:59:56 I think that shit Was on a track meet I'm with you The last two seasons Started off fast This one too He murdered motherfuckers In the first
Starting point is 02:00:04 I The only thing I like About this episode They two seasons started off fast. This one too. He murdered motherfuckers in the first episode. Only thing I like about this episode, they put too much of a gap between where he left off and where they picked up. It was a lot of space in the middle. A lot of growth. A lot of everything. I'm still trying to figure out who his girlfriend is. Where did she come from? I don't know who she is. She's pregnant. He love her.
Starting point is 02:00:22 I'm like, did I miss something? I don't know. Jerome got. She's pregnant. He love her. I'm like, did I miss something? I don't know who that is. Jerome got Versace on. Like, what the fuck we miss, nigga? You went from the track jacket to Versace? That's my whole thing. Like, they just jump. He own businesses.
Starting point is 02:00:37 He got offices and all of that. He know how to fly a plane. Yeah. That one fucked me up. You fucked me up. That one fucked me up. I said, whoa, whoa. What you? This nigga's flying a plane, too?
Starting point is 02:00:45 That's my whole thing. I think it's too much growth in between. They could have had damn near a whole other season to get him to where he at now. Well, that's the first thing I said when I saw it. I was like, all right, buddy. Black pilot. All right. Search that plane.
Starting point is 02:01:04 Yo, some of the industries, they don't love us. They don't. Moving along, I enjoyed Snowfall and will continue to watch. Oh yeah, I'm still watching. Let me get my old nigga news out of the way.
Starting point is 02:01:17 Hey, somehow Steve Harvey court show is gone. Y'all better bring it back before I go get a gown and gavel. That was a great idea. That was Joe? Great dog. Oh, and while I was outside
Starting point is 02:01:31 on the break, Nori texted me. Oh yeah? Love and light? Please tell me he said love and light. Nah. Congrats.
Starting point is 02:01:41 That's big. Ah. Did you reply back lovingly? No. Zanz fucked up. You let him beat you to the punch. Yeah, see, that's why you should have did it. That was a good one there, Nori.
Starting point is 02:01:53 He was anticipating that. Let me give you this. He's good, man. He got this shit out the way real quick. Yeah, yeah. I'm not playing with this nigga. I'm not waking up to a text from Joe, man. Shout out to Nori.
Starting point is 02:02:02 Then Puff gave him a car. What you call it over the weekend? He shouldn't be saying shit, yo. No, he didn't. What happened? You asshole. Puff gave him a Maybach for his birthday the other day. No, he didn't.
Starting point is 02:02:17 Even the young boys is like, no, he didn't. No, break the story. Break the story. No, go ahead. Get your shit off. This is the phone game Right now This is Paul
Starting point is 02:02:27 Paul Why Hell no We're here dog This is Paul Breger It's exclusive Give him some air horns And shit
Starting point is 02:02:34 Hold on Hold on No Did you play this With the sound on Or you just looked At the video Yo It's yo It's yo You don't have to do this Yo Did you play this with the sound on or you just looked at the video?
Starting point is 02:02:46 Yo, Hitsch, yo. Hitsch, yo, you don't have to do this, yo. That's how you know he be fucking during the week. He don't have no time to do shit, but look at, oh shit, he must have gated after him. No, nigga, I read a headline that said that Puff gated nigga a car on a forest road. All right, but what do you say to the people
Starting point is 02:03:04 that say that you too intelligent the nigga a car on Forrest's birthday. What do you say to the people that say that you too intelligent to learn from the headline? We are talking about the internet era, Muff. What? You know I'm a shit freak. I'm in here and read. I asked you what you say to them, not me.
Starting point is 02:03:17 Never mind, bro. I ain't even going to get into that. That's Nori's car, though. And I guess technically you're right because Nori works for Revolt. No, they didn't say it like that. He pays them well so
Starting point is 02:03:26 and it's a beautiful car these niggas are turning Miami into something else yo these niggas just got A-Buy out in Miami facts as opposed to what New York
Starting point is 02:03:42 yeah nobody wanna live here It's cold over here Okay Touche Yeah you got a point I wanna go to Miami All the New Yorkers
Starting point is 02:03:55 Is down there You know what I like You know what I like About Miami I love Atlanta No the New Yorkers The New Yorkers No I was like
Starting point is 02:04:01 You know what I like About Miami Miami I would hate for Everywhere I go Actually it's my last time In Miami The New Yorkers. No, honestly. You know what I like about Miami? Miami. I would hate for everywhere I go. Actually, it was my last time in Miami. That happened. Everywhere I went, I just kept bumping into Norrie and everybody else.
Starting point is 02:04:14 Went to Prime 112. You go to Norrie Cross Street with his jogging gang. Hey, Joe. I'm like, oh, fuck. I wanted to be alone right now. Hey. Yo, come here. I was like, all right.
Starting point is 02:04:23 Got it. You run over here. You run in the pub yo get over here oh okay I just wanted to kind of be alone when Steve Stout was up here with us
Starting point is 02:04:31 he said you you go into that Miami you come up there and play on the other Miami you don't see none of them niggas level up get your bitcoin up no
Starting point is 02:04:39 Steve Stout is a different nigga yo nigga was like I don't see none of you niggas Steve Stout just see what he's let's just see what he's he told you yo you playing on the wrong nigga I don't see none of you niggas He told you Yo you playing on the wrong Miami
Starting point is 02:04:48 I don't have money like Steve Stiles has by the way Just tell me what the man says I'm just gonna call Steve Stiles See how much money he got in his pocket They gonna say why are you calling me right now If it's not about money now If it's not about money Yeah if it's ain't about money Why
Starting point is 02:05:08 Steve's in a billion dollar meeting right now Word Joe Joe Get your regular Uber out of here Call you later That's what he said That is what he said he's probably busy
Starting point is 02:05:32 I think so just a wee bit leave a voicemail not gonna call back either probably don't see the phone in the shower where the voicemail at nigga I was about to say
Starting point is 02:05:48 that's a different phone that ain't that Star Trek right there alright now I hung up after 90 rings that's the point if it's important enough you're waiting
Starting point is 02:05:59 that's some billionaire phone he got going on oh god alright listen man round of applause for our part of the show it's part of the show part of the show we got going on. Oh, God. All right, listen, man. Round of applause for our part of the show. It's part of the show. Part of the show.
Starting point is 02:06:09 You could be a part of the show. Ice, you're getting good, man. Hey, Adlibs is important now. What's up, man? Adlibs important. So listen, a few weeks ago, I don't know if that was here,
Starting point is 02:06:22 Patreon, I don't remember. I don't remember either. I think it was... Patreon. It might have been Patreon. It, Patreon. I don't remember. I don't remember either. I think it was Patreon. It was Patreon. We had a young lady by the name of Denise who said, amical breakups versus pushing the relationship past expiration. For example, I'm currently trying to express to my husband that we should separate while I'm in the mindset that i'm not
Starting point is 02:06:46 mad or feeling resentful i feel like we would co-parent and be friends if the separation turns into divorce but it's also possible that it could remind us both why we fell in love and miss each other but maybe we should just live in separate homes but my best friend who's a guy damn i don't remember that bar yo don't go asking no fucking dude about me dog don't go asking your best male friend about me gotcha yeah if that's a legitimate no but you get the best information from the nigga that been around i agree but i don't if he really let me keep going but my best friend who's a guy he feels like we should work it out in the same home. That it will be tempting for me to get a new man.
Starting point is 02:07:30 She says I'm too damn busy for that. Or vice versa, which I don't give a damn. He ain't no saint anyway. He also made points about staying together would be the best and safest way to raise our kid. I have another layer to this question. Do y'all feel that some women plan their breakups or would you respect it more when it's not during an argument?
Starting point is 02:07:50 My homeboy laughed when I told him I already started separating our finances and for the past year, I made sure whatever shared debt that we had was paid off. So the only thing tying us together was a paper and our son. I think I'm being thoughtful and preventing him from doing something
Starting point is 02:08:05 petty out of emotion. That was so compelling to us, audience, that we called Denise. And Denise answered and said, Hey, can't talk right now. I'm out with my man.
Starting point is 02:08:25 Which left me a little confused. Then I tried texting her another time. She was on a flight. Denise moves around. I think she's fine. Denise getting that money. I think she's fine. Denise getting that money.
Starting point is 02:08:36 I can't ask her. So we're going to call Denise again. And really get to the bottom of what she's saying here hmm friend of the show part of the show you could be
Starting point is 02:08:53 hello this is the Joe Budden podcast may we please speak with Denise hey oh you sound like your relationship beating your ass. Oh, man. Damn, what he did. Yo, what happened, Denise, yo?
Starting point is 02:09:13 I just cut you out like an hour ago. But I just want to let last time we spoke to you, y'all was together out eating buffalo wings. Sushi. Sushi. Dancing to music. a black what happened girl um so i had a date because my best friend he told me to like give a example of what i mean
Starting point is 02:09:38 for a date and i did that but while we were out at dinner he was lying and shit i'm just like hold up hold up go back you said what wait what he was lying he was lying about what i asked him a question i already knew the fucking answer and he lied with detail and i'm just like that's the best line you gotta you gotta have some details details Details make it sound more useful. So you mad at him for lying? Yeah, because it's like, why don't you just say, I don't want to do this, or I don't like this, or I would prefer to go a different route.
Starting point is 02:10:19 So don't make it seem like it's not happening for a whole other reason. Yeah, but why you ain't just learn that from me cheating? I don't care about the cheating. So what he lying about? He lied about setting up therapy. All right, so hold up, Denise. Yo, Denise, yo. Let me ask you.
Starting point is 02:10:41 When you initially wrote in, said that um you were already planning the amicable breakup you had paid off the debt and you had done did all of those things so your best friend who's a dude told you to discuss this over a date no he said i need to chill i need to show what's pissing me off like showing what I want him to do and I guess I give examples of how to step up in our relationship and what I need and I did those things and I told him we still needed to therapy like because you'll do these things for five days and then you'll go back to doing the same shit and I want you to understand why I'm asking you to do more And why you should be doing more
Starting point is 02:11:25 How long y'all been in a relationship? 10 years Married 9 You said 10 years? But we only been parents for like 2 Hey Denise get your ass back in there You don't want to be out there in the streets Go home yo
Starting point is 02:11:41 You got a man that loves you Go ahead back home, girl. It ain't nothing out here but us. And niggas like us, Denise. And we don't want your best. We don't have the best interest. Your best interest at heart. Deal with the lie from the nigga that you know and that you've been with and that loves you.
Starting point is 02:12:01 And y'all can work through it. Maybe he didn't call a therapist when he told you he would. But it sounds like he's committed to calling a therapist. I got to be careful where I respond to you because I've been in this spot before. He got the therapist. He got the therapist. We did the one session,
Starting point is 02:12:16 but then today, after the therapist told him, most men don't see the houses burning down until they see the fire. And the wife and the kids are leaving out the house and you just still sitting on the couch. And he said he understood that. But then today he was like, oh, what are we doing on Friday? We are in the middle of selling a fucking house. I was like, we're unpacking the house and we need to get it ready to be put on market.
Starting point is 02:12:42 and we need to get it ready to be put on market. It was like, oh, well, I'm trying to go golfing with my friend and his wife won't let him go any other day. I was like, okay. And I was like, but we have a house to sell. So go sell it then. Don't listen to Joe. Why the fuck you bothering me for while I'm golfing? Sell a house.
Starting point is 02:13:03 Hey, Denise, don't listen to this fool. But Denise sounds well-spoken. Go in there and sell. She said we got to pack the house up. She can pack it. Man, we're going to pay somebody to pack the house up. It sounds like he missed the other part of calling the therapist, which is you got to blow a bag on your partner.
Starting point is 02:13:18 I would not mind paying someone to sell the house, but he will not hire them. He expects me to hire them. Oh, we getting somewhere now, Denise. It sounds like he's struggling. No, no, no. We both make good money. He's just lazy.
Starting point is 02:13:37 Why do I got to call everybody? Because you want the house sold. I'm on his side. Denise, you make it sense. We both want the household. Yeah, let me try this from another angle. Your male best friend that's coaching you through keeping your marriage intact, it's just platonic, right?
Starting point is 02:13:55 Yeah, we've been friends since like 10th grade. Oh, hell no. Well, I'm the only one reacting to that? 10th grade? Get the fuck out of here. Hold on, hold on. Well, I'm the only one reacting to that? Tim Gray. Get him the fuck out of here. Hold on. Hold on. F*** all my friends.
Starting point is 02:14:10 It's not even like that. Get rid of him. You weren't supposed to say his name. Get rid of him. Get rid of him. I'm uncomfortable with you. Nah, you bug me. Nah, you bug me.
Starting point is 02:14:19 Nah, get rid of him. Hell no. I don't have no nigga with seniority over me coaching you through how to stay with me. Get him out of here. I've been with you for 10 years. You better be lucky coaching you how to stay instead of coaching you to leave. I think...
Starting point is 02:14:30 She said the nigga said, yo, y'all need to talk about it. You should stay with the nigga. That's what we say. Most of my girlfriends said leave his ass. I hate girlfriend advice. Don't ever tell me about what your girlfriends say. They always wrong.
Starting point is 02:14:44 Are they single? Miserable? Depressed okay one of them is miserable so i stopped listening to her because when she started talking about her man i was like oh no girl yeah don't listen i'm not gonna i guess i'm not gonna compare her relationship to mine because what she's willing to put up with and i'm not willing to put up with is different because i've had an example i don't know if y'all saw my other um submission now wait see what's your instagram go ahead later but i sent a submission About fathers And I was just saying Like I know what a man
Starting point is 02:15:28 In a household Is supposed to act like And do So I'm not gonna put up With someone that's not Doing the things That a man should be doing Oh so this stuff
Starting point is 02:15:37 Is basically Yeah So you're saying Y'all been together 10 years Y'all had a baby Only 2 years Uh huh This is based around
Starting point is 02:15:44 All baby stuff For the most part Y'all had a baby only two years this based around all baby stuff for the most part y'all were happy prior to yeah like i mean as far as what i do i can handle myself i've been always very independent but when it comes to like being a father and what you should be doing in a household and setting example i don't feel like you're doing that is it both of y'all first child he come home and he'd be like what you what chore you want me to do so i could go out and play versus i know what i'm supposed to do around the house like i don't want to be your mom like you should know what you should be doing around the house you should know what you should be doing with your child like i don't want to manage you and manage our child and manage the household and manage going to school and manage
Starting point is 02:16:25 making this money and manage like that's too much. No, I understand what you're saying now. I think this help is so extensive. I got to DM you to help. I can't even respond on air. Like, yo. She laughing. Denise,
Starting point is 02:16:42 there's so much I want to say to you but we're speaking publicly. I have so much help to offer you. I've been through this. I mean, just stay on the line. Oh, please. Stop it. She didn't give me a joke.
Starting point is 02:16:55 We got to help her. I know. I'm trying. Hey, Denise, drop that zero. All right. She's got a year and a half. And I'm done. Oh, a year and a half And I'm done A year and a half
Starting point is 02:17:09 A year and a half What are you talking about Huh Denise Chill out Yo you stupid Denise There's nothing I can say
Starting point is 02:17:20 Nah If this stuff is predicated on a kid It just sounds like He wasn't ready to have a kid You said he comes in the house And says yo Tell me what chore I can say. No, if this stuff is predicated on a kid, it just sounds like he wasn't ready to have a kid. You said he comes in the house and says, yo, tell me what chore you want me to do so I can hit the streets. Hey, you know what would have fixed that nigga up?
Starting point is 02:17:32 Step out on him one good time. All the chores would get done. Hey, Denise. Hey, Denise. Joe ain't got no bell money. Joe don't have no bell money. Don't listen to Joe, Denise. I'm telling you how to get the chores done in the house.
Starting point is 02:17:44 Once there's another nigga around, hey, make sure you wear different sneakers too, like some weird shit, like New Balances, something your man just can't fathom. He gonna get them dishes done fast.
Starting point is 02:17:53 He might go from cutting grass to cutting your ass. Don't listen to Joe, yo. That's not funny. Nah, Denise got this, yo. Because he got a male best friend. He'll be there in a heartbeat. 10th grade best friend, dude.
Starting point is 02:18:03 How tall is your best friend? It don't matter. How tall? Six five. Yeah, he's short. He's shorter than my man. It don't matter. Oh, he's short.
Starting point is 02:18:13 Denise. Short niggas be trying to infiltrate. Get away from my relationship. Denise, is this both of you's first child? Yeah, it's both of our first child. And we tried for like six years to have him so it wasn't unplanned now he's just not accustomed to not being a father be patient be patient with that please that's it's a learning curve and you're going to be a year and a half she said a year
Starting point is 02:18:38 and a half give get that man a year and a half you know this child is two how long is a learning curve that's still early but how how old of your. How old are you and how old is your husband? We're the same age in our 30s. Early 30s. Early 30s. Yeah, he's still out. And he makes a decent amount of money. He goes off in his early 30s.
Starting point is 02:19:00 He's just not used to being committed in that fashion. Denise, it sounds like you might still be in a vulnerable place by the time the tour gets to Virginia. What part of Virginia? Whatever part she in. We're going to go check it out, man. Denise, I don't think we offered any help, but I certainly enjoyed speaking to you.
Starting point is 02:19:27 Denise fixed it up already. She said she's staying for another year and a half. I know. Before she said I'm out of here. And we're going to check back on this relationship to see how it's doing. We're going to check back. And by we, I mean one of us. Oh, Lord. Y'all, I hope that this talk don't get you in trouble.
Starting point is 02:19:43 Do he listen to this shit? No, he don't But he get mad Because during my pregnancy I was listening to y'all podcast The whole time And he was like I swear I ain't gonna think
Starting point is 02:19:52 That Joe is his daddy Yo get this hater nigga out of here Yo get this hater nigga The fuck out of here Joe A year and a half You got bucko Denise good luck We appreciate you And thank you you for finally answering the phone.
Starting point is 02:20:07 You were tough to get to. I mean, man, I like traveling. Y'all went on vacation together? No. He don't like to go nowhere. I love traveling. Wait, hold on. Talk about hold on.
Starting point is 02:20:21 So you went on vacation without him? On a plane? A plane vacation, not a local that you could drive. I mean, I only stayed away, but I had a four-day weekend off. I told him he didn't want to take a four-day weekend off because he wanted to be at work. Okay. Fam. I like her style.
Starting point is 02:20:42 I mean, we're going gonna check back with you We gonna check back with you Denise Go home to that king No It's imperative Goodbye Save this number He gonna kick my ass
Starting point is 02:21:03 I was joking I was joking. I was joking. Just kidding around. JK, JK. JK. JK. LMAO, manos. Oh, look, we got action.
Starting point is 02:21:18 We got action. Hello? Hey, Joe. What's up, man? Hey, Steve. I'm live on air air so don't say anything incriminating i didn't want nothing did you call me when you was live on it yeah i called you because ish ice and park said that you make too money to answer my too much money to answer my phone calls anymore so i wanted to prove them wrong but you didn't answer so it was like oh i hate it i hate what niggas do yo they try to turn you they try to turn niggas against each other yo no that's black on black crime man yeah yeah yeah it's nasty how you doing man
Starting point is 02:21:59 doing fantastic man i'm in new york when you called me i was in the middle of a meeting and as soon as i got the meeting I called you back like I'm supposed to. See? Come on. Round of applause, man. Round of applause. That's what he said. They tried to have me go right at this track, man.
Starting point is 02:22:16 Yo, you in New York, you saying? Yeah, I'm in New York today. I left Miami. I came up here. Had some meetings. Boom. I'm really disappointed in your team coming down on me like that. What do you guys have to say for yourself?
Starting point is 02:22:33 They weren't begging you off, actually. Yeah, we were saying you was busy. No, I wanted to know if the meetings was a couple hundred. No, but, you know, it's like a backhanded compliment. Like, nigga, you so rich you forgot about niggas. I hate that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:46 No, look. Your name came up that we were talking about miami and joe said every time he in miami he keep running into the rappers and i was like well steve told you you in the wrong part of miami you need to go to the real miami and i said steve has a hell of a lot more money these are also facts steve those are facts but because i respect our relationship and the anonymity that comes with it. You know what, Joe? You know what this is telling me? You guys miss me. You want me up there again.
Starting point is 02:23:11 I get it. Oh, man. That would be great. Steve, we would love for you to come back up here, man. I learned a lot last time you was here. You helped me navigate through some turmoil, and I got through it. You learned what Ubers are used. I got through it. I'm on thebers are used? I got through it.
Starting point is 02:23:25 I'm on the other side standing. I'd love nothing more than to see you. Your reception is terrible, by the way. Oh. Yeah, sorry, AT&T. It's fine. Can you hear me now? I hear you perfectly.
Starting point is 02:23:36 All right. I was saying I'd love nothing more than to have you up here. Last time you was here, I was down and out. I was feeling sad. You helped me navigate through some shit. I appreciate that, my brother. Yeah, you should come back. I think what you're doing is fantastic.
Starting point is 02:23:51 I think the shit that you talk about is great, and I love it. I'll be a regular. I don't give a fuck. I don't care about over it. There's no such thing as being overexposed. I love it. No, if I had a problem paying some of my old guys, then there's no way I could pay you, buddy. There's no way on earth.
Starting point is 02:24:09 Yo, last time I was with you, you had like some, this is how I knew I was broke. You had a watch flown in, like the watch flew from London or some shit. Yeah, well, by the way, when you said that story, it was really funny because I forgot about that. And we were sitting in the club by the way that when you said that story it was really funny because i forgot about that and we were sitting literally sitting in the club and the guy with a british accent comes in with the fucking jewelry and i'm like you know that's true that's but it doesn't change anything joe you know i aspire yo one day, yo. One day. See, and that's my fucking point. When you got friends like this or people like this in your life, this shit should inspire you, yo.
Starting point is 02:24:50 Absolutely. That's your motivation. Absolutely. Absolutely. How you going to hate on the fancy fucking piece of jewelry flying in from London, meeting a nigga in the club at 1.30 in the morning? How you going to hate on a nigga that came from potentially where you from? That comes from where you come from.
Starting point is 02:25:02 That comes from where you from,. Identifies with everything you identify with and has reached this level of success. Because earlier, Steve, we was talking about just like relationships between men and sometimes when a dude just go off to pursue his own career path or his own fate, how that could come with resistance from like people that you fuck with,
Starting point is 02:25:23 people that you love and care about. And then when you make it man that's that's always a big problem because you i tell you this from personal experience when i uh started doing like going into the advertising shit moving away from music a lot of niggas stopped fucking with me and i got started giving me a bad reputation and i didn't understand exactly what I did wrong. But it really was pursuing my dreams or pursuing something different made people question themselves. So they just rather than question themselves, they shit on me because they're shitting on me for reasons that made no sense. And then I started to get my flowers like 10 years later, like, damn, this nigga's dominating that shit or whatever. But in the beginning, it was ice cold.
Starting point is 02:26:08 Like, nigga, you get the fuck out of here. Insecurity is a drug that's deep, man. It's the biggest one. That shit is huge. Yeah, I know. to be so macho machismo and tough and can handle it all that you know niggas don't really show when they when they have a tough time dealing with something or when they're insecure about something or just you know it's tough it's just tough that's it well and and and the truth of the matter is at the core level there's an overall lack of mentorship so yes you know everybody's running in packs
Starting point is 02:26:46 um it's not like you have if you have mentors well ogs or whatever it may be at least somebody could coach you up so that you don't have that kind of mentality um but in hip-hop when you run in packs anytime anybody does something different, then automatically the hate comes out because that's separation. And we're supposed to be running in the pack. This guy always drops a few jewels, man.
Starting point is 02:27:15 This guy's good. Steve, thank you. We appreciate you. Always. Have a blast. That's dope. We all wolves running in the pack. And when you try to go elsewhere, we're going down. All right, take it easy, man. Have a blast. That's dope. We all wolves running in the pack. And when you try to go elsewhere, we going down. Jump here, dumbass.
Starting point is 02:27:30 That's sick. That guy really is a wealth of information. He is. He really is. And I was a part of it. But he's right. I was a part. I was in hip hop when we just shit on Steve Jobs.
Starting point is 02:27:40 I remember that. I remember that. I remember that. They was calling him a culture vulture. They was saying all that shit. All types of shit. a culture vulture. They was saying all that shit. All types of shit. All types of shit. They was saying all that shit.
Starting point is 02:27:47 But to stick around long enough and do some different things to where now they speaking some different things on your name or your perseverance. I remember just even the time when It Was Written came out.
Starting point is 02:27:57 Fam, no. He was a catalyst in crossing the hip hop artists over to other markets. To branding. To branding. To markets. To transcending just our community. He was influential in that. the hip hop artists over to other markets to branding to branding to markets to transcending
Starting point is 02:28:06 just our community he was influential in that and the reason he get his flowers later is because then they get to see now they saw it now they see it
Starting point is 02:28:15 now they see your vision oh shit I see it now but when they don't see your vision you're some weirdo what the fuck is you doing fuck out of here 200 million later
Starting point is 02:28:21 now you understand us there you go yeah even podcasting I'ma throw you a flower or two I'ma catch it Yeah No dog
Starting point is 02:28:31 Even when you and Nori Cause y'all was first For the most part Ice-T was first I mean but on a bigger scale I know what you're saying Right Then Combat Jack
Starting point is 02:28:39 Combat Jack Combat Jack Rest in peace Yeah but I'm talking about I know what you're saying That broke ground Right You was running around
Starting point is 02:28:45 niggas like yo this nigga look like a fool now you see all these tough guys quote unquote all got podcasts you get what I'm saying like yo
Starting point is 02:28:53 everybody follow suit once I see the success or once I see the vision but initially I didn't see that and now everybody jumps on the what's your tough guys
Starting point is 02:29:02 it's literally everybody running to a podcast no I agree I'm just saying. No, no, no. I say that because... In sports, we got to keep the machismo. So you can't really have real conversations about your hurt or your mental health or your whatever.
Starting point is 02:29:16 Now that's all that's saturating the market is that men do cry. Yeah. You look at... He was being vulnerable as a rapper for years it took I want to say what Kanye
Starting point is 02:29:29 Kid Cudi Drake really Drake when Drake popped because of that now you got everybody putting their shit out on wax so it's the same thing
Starting point is 02:29:39 once they see the success in it then they'll follow suit that's it shout out to Steve that's the reality shout so originate the reality Steve um is there anything else that we need to get to that we're forgetting about I don't believe I'm pretty cool I
Starting point is 02:29:59 am pretty cool I've ranted enough for the day um I hate to do it, but I really don't. So I won't. No, I will. Y'all know I got to play every PJ Morton record. Featuring JoJo. Featuring Mr. Talkbox. This is called My Peace.
Starting point is 02:30:19 Some of you ladies listening have no idea what he's talking about. Actually, turn this shit off, man. Turn this shit off. Rewind this. That's when you stump her in the argument or in the middle of the deep conversation. While she's getting all her shit off, you just interrupt. Yo, do you even know what my love language is? You got that Robert Glasper album too, man.
Starting point is 02:30:42 It's great, right? It's great, right? It's great. You're tricking me now. Trying to figure this out. You can blame it on me. It's all my fault. But I gotta go. Can't take it no more. It don't even matter.
Starting point is 02:30:57 I ain't keeping the score. Gotta be all about me before I'm all about you. If I don't take care of me I'm no good to you I can't sacrifice my feelings no more Gotta be careful who I let through that door I'm changing things that give peace all night So if you're not heading to my hide I'm gonna have to tell you goodbye Cause I'm done Cause I'm done, I'm done, I'm done, ay, yeah, yeah If you tryna take away my peace, I'm done
Starting point is 02:32:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah Oh, yeah Sorry, I'm just tryna vibrate highly So if you're not just step aside please Something is always trying to try me Ooh, try me Gotta be all about me Before I'm all about you
Starting point is 02:32:34 If I don't take care of me I'm no good to you I can't sacrifice my feelings no more Gotta be careful who I let through that door I'm changing things around this time Oh I'm doing things that give peace Oh my
Starting point is 02:32:59 Oh You're not heading to my heart I'm gonna have to tell you goodbye I'm done Yeah If you're trying to take away my peace I'm done I'm done I'm done
Starting point is 02:33:25 It's brand new music from PJ Morton and JoJo featuring Mr. Talkbox, what's good? All friends of the show, that record is called My Peace If you're trying to take away my peace, I'm done PJ Morton hasn't missed in a little while Spotty Yachty,ottie Yachty. Spottie Yachty, Dopealicious might be the most iconic melody of our time. What'd you say? Spottie Yachty, Dopealicious might be the most iconic melody of our time.
Starting point is 02:33:53 It'll never lose for me. It'll never lose. It'll always win. I can't think of another song that's been reused more times. I'm going back to Detroit. Yeah, come on. How could you lose with that they killed that they killed it i'm going back to detroit again man i don't know what it is about this detroit rap i love it but uh it's always is a hub of music man yeah man they just they just got the fire yeah um this is payroll giovanni off his last album g Giovanni's Way It's a little older
Starting point is 02:34:25 Well last year It's called Drug Stories For one Saw my first kush bow Keys had it We was at Fresh and Dre Mama Cree a bag Flint don't school me On the prices and shit I was from the dope game Making cocaine flits My first kush, Bo, Keys had it We was at Fresh and Dre, Mama Cree a baggin'
Starting point is 02:34:46 Flynn don't school me on the prices and shit I was from the dope game, makin' cocaine flips I got into the kush game, had my money in pistol Bought my first zip with Flynn, got it from McNichols I'm handin' handin' grams right off McNichols St. Mary's, it was low-key, no issues Baby had a bag, truck loads on deck Had all the dealers in the city coppin' east to west Niggas buyin' fifty pounds, they was spendin'
Starting point is 02:35:07 the check Everybody in the room had Uzis and texts I came across a gold mine where I could get money It was one problem, no, this shit was out the country Over there in Canada, across the water They had crack spots, boomin' like the Carter My Canada Connect had a mule I could use A white old lady that could slide right through I met her at the Marriott and gave her the work She brought it right through, we got the going berserk Work was moving fast, I was living paid in full
Starting point is 02:35:34 That's when betrayed me, a whole movie pulled I had a marauder but I wanted some rims And with the flip from this coke I was buying street spins The money got fucked up, he rocked me to sleep I found out the details, that's when shit got deep I'm outside, it's mama crib, gun in my hand That's when Tim Tripp called like, don't do it, man Y'all, I was hurt, this nigga was fam I was beefing with some Puritan niggas for this man
Starting point is 02:35:58 We go way back to the first damn grade In middle school, I would let him wear my platinum chain Anyway, damn, I'm all in the past I got a Cali plug, we was gettin' some cash Movin' kushbo's, 32 a piece Ain't want my name in the streets so I put niggas on they feet All you buyin' QPs, well here go a pound Had a spot in my hood where we broke shit down My left wrist is crowned, I had a gold presidential Had a heroin plug, this to be continued This my drug dealing stories
Starting point is 02:36:28 This my drug dealing stories This my drug dealing stories Let me tell y'all a drug dealing story This my drug dealing stories This my drug dealing stories That shit hard as a motherfucker right there Payroll Giovanni, man. I'm telling you, bro.
Starting point is 02:36:46 Some late 80s Dre shit. Yeah. I'm telling you. That just sounded amazing. Yeah. That was mad hard, boss. Yeah. Them drums never lose.
Starting point is 02:36:54 He was talking that shit. Yes, he was. And Call Me Crazy, I think that was a drug dealing story. I think he told us where he was taking us with that one. That's hard. Yeah, that was dope. I'm going to play something
Starting point is 02:37:06 off this Jinx and Shade Noir album. This is Electrifying. Electrifying. Ay yo, I see a lot of fuck shit and we ain't endorsin' it Tryna go from a empty garage to havin' a portion in it Black man in this crazy world, we be feelin' lost in it To land a fortune, the things that we would do is unfortunate It was smarter ways to get it, but shit, we didn't care
Starting point is 02:37:37 The disadvantages had him look at life like it isn't fair It's crazy, they got no dedication, but thoughts are gettin' there The information was on the table, you left it sitting there We glorify the streets so some of them is slack Moving too fast, you should be jogging but you running instead Hustlers that don't have a vacation, they don't wanna lose bread Never felt sand between his toes but felt the gun to his head That's wild, this nigga's that been locked up so long from the stress they dying
Starting point is 02:38:02 They say that they about that life but but I know best they lyin' They invest in iron, leg it flyin', get caught and be testifin' When the judge come down, it's electrifying Just be the real you, cause goofy niggas standin' on the block Prayin' they gon' get rich and need to stop Thinkin' it's all glisten, glamour, arm and hammer when the ballin' stops The judge come take some years off your clock, just don't be shocked On top of that, you need to stash more
Starting point is 02:38:26 Try and stay in the moment Life just seem to be in fast forward Some niggas gone do they best Others gone do the worst Both should know the universe Gon' give em what they ask for Just don't be shocked But some people's different It's up to them highest measure But you can't play the game if you dead or you get arrested They don't know how to fall back when the streets as hot as a desert I've been trained to think ahead so the future's really my present
Starting point is 02:38:48 I got two kids and my goal is just being someone they're proud of Chasing a giant goal is too risky so they don't bother You just want a good job, that's cool, go ahead and be a scholar Could get you raised every year, shit might not even be a dollar Niggas around me keep me level headed, just out of decency And I ain't did nothing they ain't proud of As far as recently Hit my boy in North Carolina
Starting point is 02:39:09 And even he can see That I'm on better vibrations A different frequency I'm more hesitant to jump in something that's not legal It's more pretenders than there are winners That's how I be though Ain't nobody perfect So I don't judge when I spot evil
Starting point is 02:39:23 Disappointed so much I cherish moments, not people Just be the real you, cause goofy niggas standin' on the block Prayin' they gon' get rich and need to stop Thinkin' it's all glist and glamour, Arm & Hammer when the ballin' stops The judge come take some years off your clock Just don't be shocked, on top of that you need to stash more That's Electrifying, Jinx716 and Shea Noir
Starting point is 02:39:44 That was hard too Ish, what you got for us? That's Electrify and Jinx716 and Chez Noir. That was hard, too. Dish, what you got for us? Artist's name is Bayray. And the song's, I mean, the name of the song is. It's all right, bro. Take your time. Shut up, man. See who I am.
Starting point is 02:39:59 This guy's a fool. Right on your ass. Right back at you. fool. He does. All right. Hey. Leaving me lonely, to count our moments, yeah Baby, please tell me Who could imagine that love could be so tragic? Ironic how romantic the rose before it withers But I picked it, can't be mad if I'm picked by the thorns One-eyed door, let's sail with the eye of the storm Excuse me, miss, I can't say goodbye
Starting point is 02:41:04 But if I must, please take care Though I'm sure I'll be lost with no guidance A joyful home, now tainted with silence Little therapy could probably really fix all our problems But we ain't raised like that Too black and too proud Probably should've been, told you this here shit for a while You still my blessing, urgent songs hit different now
Starting point is 02:41:23 I'm skipping confessions Tell the truth There's a thin line between love and obsession I try not to cross it, easy when you blurred by the passion This my version of three stacks, vent verse to McJackson Breathe thin, then I exhale And if I fail to get you back, I hold it in Black and I'm brown You said you truly see who I am So why can't we stay young? You gotta make up with her. You gotta just apologize.
Starting point is 02:41:51 That's my bad, mom. I ain't even gonna do that shit no more. I was wildin'. Totally out of character. Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is the shortest fight ever. No, I was wrong.
Starting point is 02:42:09 No, I was wrong for what I did. Let's see who I am. What you said I am. What I did. Let's see what I did. That was crazy, yo. No, I ain't do that shit no more. Ever.
Starting point is 02:42:20 Ever again. No, come on. Look at Tess. Don't do that. Don't turn your back to me and your shit looking all glistening beautiful. ever again don't come home look at that don't just don't do that don't give me don't turn your back to me and your shit looking
Starting point is 02:42:28 all glistening beautiful not with that nah with your little spine indentation don't play yo yo they be playing dirty
Starting point is 02:42:36 they play dirty yo I hate bitches they got the spine indentation yo why y'all be playing with niggas that little dimple let me put it there she got the attitude she gonna poke it out
Starting point is 02:42:44 like come on yeah the little lower back dimples. Come on, man. Now I'm trying to be mad looking at that. Nigga, I'm putting my thumb right there. What the fuck is you talking about? The bell? The bell?
Starting point is 02:42:54 Both of them. Both thumbs. She be mad. Just press these thumbs around them back dimples. Oh, man. She be mad. I'm back there lifting ass cheeks up playing games. Go ahead.
Starting point is 02:43:04 Don't talk to me Play around Rubbing them thighs Oh man Man You ain't right there He gone gross Play around
Starting point is 02:43:13 Oh man Pardon me Oh I guess I gotta Play some music Yeah you got it I was waiting for Alex I was waiting for Wake up
Starting point is 02:43:21 Hello I was waiting for Alex To tell me how we could locate that young lady. Make her a part of the show. He was caught up in the horny. Yo, it's horny week, yo. Not for me. I ain't joining you in your horny week mission, man.
Starting point is 02:43:40 Yo, game, I love you, man. I know you're going to catch some flack when this interview comes out. I know you are, if I'm just listening to Ice and shit. But I think it's important to cover niggas in love, even in times when you know they about to get killed. But me and Parks were saying it. We were not saying it to be negative to us. I know you weren't.
Starting point is 02:44:00 We fuck with him. I know you do. I know you do. I know Parks does. The problem with that is we don't get to dictate the impact of our words when somebody else is going through something. It ain't even that, bro. Like, when they don't like you, it don't matter what you do. Like, game ain't the most liked. Let's be real.
Starting point is 02:44:19 So, no matter what happens. Get to the back of the line. Don't skip that. Don't skip the line of not being well liked. But I'm just saying. So, you said he's going to get killed for line. Don't skip that. Don't skip the line of not being well liked. But I'm just saying. So you said he's going to get killed for this. Don't matter. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 02:44:30 Well, yeah, I'm saying that. But I started with you. I just love you. Like, even if you don't get killed, I think it's important in this week to say, yo, I love you and I hope you're good. Hey, yo, you a bad boy. Oh, and just that fast, we have found her. Less than 7,000 followers. Oh, and she be doing laundry?
Starting point is 02:44:55 Oh, yeah, no. Alex, you good, boy. How you found her so fast, man? We joking around. Keep us in your prayers. Lord knows we need to be there until the next time i bid you adieu farewell adios arriba dirty hasta la vista hasta la vista au revoir au revoir and all that good stuff remember life is a series of moments and moments
Starting point is 02:45:20 past so let's make this one last as if it's all we have. Or we ain't got to make it last. We can dead that shit. Just let me know. It's okay. Last but not least, the baddies are insecure. The stagnant women want to travel. And the closed-minded women want you to teach them things. Grab a Tylenol, you'll have a migraine soon.
Starting point is 02:45:41 I can take you higher. It's not that I can't stop. It's that I won't stop. I make it higher. I do it. Totally aside from the Dre beats, it was 50 hooks. He had a lot of amazing shit going on on this album, yo. And that's that.
Starting point is 02:45:58 Dre beats, too. Yeah, he had. He had all-star, all-star. He had everybody. Who did that hate or love beat? No, actually, that's not the everybody. Who did that Hater of Love beat? No, actually, that's not the beat. That's not the beat I'm talking about. That's not the beat I'm talking about.
Starting point is 02:46:09 I think that was cool, Dre, though. This is what I'm talking about. Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up. Yeah, Game. I want to see Game in the verses. Absolutely. I just don't know against who. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:46:21 This is what I'm talking about, right? Yeah. Who did this beat? Let's go. Here we go, this is what I'm talking about right here. Who did this beat? Yo fam, yo. I understand his point, but these are the beats he had on his debut. Bam. But I hope that you don't get those. Yo. I woke up after that coma in 2001.
Starting point is 02:46:54 About the same time Dre dropped 2001. All right, I'm leaving that lie in there. I'm sorry. I'm with the lie. Hey, and it's an opening lie. It's still a lie. No, I'm leaving that in there. Rap critics, politics. Want to know the outcome.
Starting point is 02:47:04 Ready to dial reasonable doubt. Doggy style and one. I feel like Pac after the Snoop Dogg trap. a lot. Nah, I'm leaving that in. Man, this is ridiculous, yo. He put this out in 05. This is 2005, yo. Not only did he have all the great producers, but he had Dre mixing this shit. And let's not be... This is going to be a great beat regardless,
Starting point is 02:47:28 but having Dre put his mix on it... And be clear, that nigga rapped. Yeah, facts. That count. That nigga rapped. You can have all that. Yeah, yes, yes.
Starting point is 02:47:37 Wait, that counted? What were you doing? No, I'm just saying, he had the great producer, the great mixing. He still went in here and rapped his ass off, too. No question.
Starting point is 02:47:44 No, but to answer Ishi's question, absolutely that count. No, I was talking about the mix. Yes, that went in here and rapped his ass off too. No question. No, but to answer Ishu's question, absolutely. No, I was talking about the mix. Yes, that counts. Oh yeah, it's very important. It's mad important. Oh no, the mix. Yes, it counts.
Starting point is 02:47:58 Y'all hold it down out there. Same time, same place next week. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. same place next week

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