The Joe Budden Podcast - Episode 535 | "Nah That's Hate"

Episode Date: May 18, 2022

The guys return this episode to recap their weekend, and Ice shares his experience at the weed dispensary (20:45). Joe and the crew also discuss the Billboard Music Awards (40:00), Joe's debut on A.M....P. (54:00), and an update on Freddie Gibbs allegedly getting jumped (1:17:40). Next, the collective sends condolences to the victims of the senseless shootings in Buffalo this past weekend (1:39:50); Joe praises JJ Redick and Patrick Beverly's commentary on ESPN (2:32:40) + MORE!!   Become a Patron of The Joe Budden Podcast for additional bonus episodes and visual content for all things J.B.P.: Tap in here

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys. What's happening? What's happening? Good day, sir. New show gang in the house tonight. What's that? We got two guys with new shows on the show. Oh, new show gang.
Starting point is 00:00:12 New show gang. That's hate. I'm with you. From who? From whom? It's hate. It's hate? I'm not hating.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I'm saluting y'all. Saluting is hate? Salute is hate. Huh? Am I wrong? Alex, I'm wrong. Nah'all. Saluting is hate. Salute is hate. Huh? Am I wrong? Alex, I'm wrong. Nah. Nah.
Starting point is 00:00:28 You niggas got to stop hiding. I'm not talking about you, Parks. No. You just allowed a beautiful runway for me. I used to get some shit off. I'm done with you niggas and your passive aggressive salutes. It's hating there. You're right.
Starting point is 00:00:42 What? It be hating in the salutes. Y'all niggas be hatin' with the jokes The bros have expanded beyond must be nice And trying to be like you I see you out there I see you out there And I'm mad that y'all did that
Starting point is 00:01:02 Cause when I said I see you out there I was saluting you niggas like I meant it but it's over now but y'all hateful hateful men for real but we meant so we gotta mask the hate differently right I come on here and I be thinking that we could just freely give off a little bit of joking hate. I'm not knowing that you niggas be seriously hating. I meant to bring it up the other day. Because I was outside. I seen what y'all did to Odell Beckham when all the girls wanted to fuck him.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I seen what y'all did. What they did. Oh, please. They put everything in the world on Odell. They called him a ch**. Chill. I got one thing. Thank you. They said, is he a guy?
Starting point is 00:01:50 Is he a girl? Is he bi? Does he have herpes? Oh, he only likes white girls. Everything you could possibly put on a man, they put on Odell. Odell, I'm sorry. It's true.
Starting point is 00:02:01 But they did that. Who do you think did that? Men, you hate hateful hateful men yo and I can't continue to be a safe space leader and not speak on it
Starting point is 00:02:14 brother-ish nah I'm trying to to that to that you say I haven't experienced that to that you say I don't know I haven't experienced it I don't that get shit for yesterday To that you say I don't know
Starting point is 00:02:25 I haven't experienced it I don't That get them in the game You know You know You know I hate on you Like a nigga walk up to you
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah come on It's getting the game Yo dog Yo I see you Yo I see you They don't really be saying I see you Because they happy to see you
Starting point is 00:02:35 You think people are happy for you Sometimes It depends on who it is It depends on the person Yeah It does depend on the person Yo I hate this side of the room Oh man
Starting point is 00:02:41 Whatever Do y'all know I hate this side of the room Whatever You probably do. I don't know. No shit, it depends on the person. So I don't know. If certain niggas say it, I think they'd be genuine.
Starting point is 00:02:50 They may, they may not be. I don't know. All right, but that means that you know the other side of the coin. And that's my problem with y'all. It's a possibility. And in this conversation, I'm talking about the other side of the coin. Y'all two especially, and y'all are full of shit. I don't
Starting point is 00:03:05 like to walk around viewing that everyone with the intention of everybody hating me but you you know some of that some of it is you can tell certain people you can tell and you know it'd be a vibe and you know why men are corny because men know who they're like cold haters you know some of these people we're just playing it cool. Nah, I know that, but I don't, I don't, I don't chop it up with them. Come on, let's go. Yeah, Scooby, yo.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I don't chop it up with them. Yo, when I get rest and sex, I can't get to it. Yeah, but y'all know what I'm saying. Yeah, but I don't bother with the business. go through the,
Starting point is 00:03:40 you can't ascend the way that Parks has ascended in X amount of years. I know this. This is not specific to person, right? You can't just, I'm aware that there's you can't just the way that Parks has ascended in X amount of years. I know this. This is not specific to person, right? You can't just- I'm aware that there's haters.
Starting point is 00:03:47 You can't just 5X out of the clear blue sky and nothing about, no area of your life changed. I don't like to walk around thinking that everyone that gives me a compliment is hating because those people are miserable motherfuckers too. You understand what I'm saying? But you're in a- You become a hater yourself when you think that everyone's hating on you almost i wasn't saying everybody i'm just saying you know yeah not everybody i can i can have three people i can have three people salute me or whatever
Starting point is 00:04:15 and based on the person and how that salute goes i know who hated oh yeah that's all we saying i'm not saying walking around assuming anything. When you get it from a certain person, you know it's... Word? Absolutely. Ish. It's terrible. Ish. Not today, yo.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I'm just saying that's terrible. I don't... That's... You must just say no. You definitely have to have accepted it. It's a possibility. I just don't take it as that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Like, I just don't. Man, I'm just here to salute my guys on their new endeavors. Yeah. I'll take a nice, sincere salute. Yeah. I'll take a to salute my guys on their new endeavors. I'll take a nice sincere salute. I'll take a sincere salute from my guy. I speak to this guy via text,
Starting point is 00:04:57 phone call, maybe even email. Sometimes, who knows if it's important, right? I have a rapport with this guy, work with this guy, right? It's not odd for him to fucking say, hey, man, good job, you were nice.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Some of you other niggas, man. You know what I mean? We not in a space for me to receive that. You know what I mean? Nah, son, you can't describe it. Just being in the space to have a nigga just say, it's like the girl
Starting point is 00:05:25 that hit you on your birthday to say happy birthday or the girl that hit you on Christmas while she know you laying in bed with your girl on Christmas and she don't talk to you
Starting point is 00:05:32 didn't spoke to you in three years now all of a sudden it's merry Christmas bitch keep that you can just spiritually send that
Starting point is 00:05:40 you can just put that in the universe you can pray that yeah you can pray that that's not our relationship today That's just getting with Boundaries And
Starting point is 00:05:49 Healthy shit like that If that ain't our relationship It ain't the relationship Ish To that you say Yo dog Why do you direct it to me I don't wanna be
Starting point is 00:05:58 Anti today I don't wanna play Tug of war But wait when I throw it to you It's not for you to be anti It's for you to just Create dialogue with me No you read my face I don't agree with that tug of war. But wait, when I throw it to you, it's not for you to be anti. It's for you to just create dialogue with me. No, you read my face.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I don't agree with that. I think that somebody, if you're not necessarily coming from a negative space just to say, yo, Merry Christmas. Happy birthday. Yo, I knew your birthday was XYZ day. I haven't spoken to you in months, but I can still say happy birthday. Or you could be laying in the bed with your wife and I'm saying Merry Christmas. Some people do use that as a springboard, though.
Starting point is 00:06:23 But if we don't talk like that at all. Some people use that as a springboard. Some people use that as a springboard to then like the next day be like, oh, yo, by the way. But that's adding something. I'm talking about just a minute at a time. I've never gotten a Merry Christmas text from you. Nor will you. You my man.
Starting point is 00:06:39 So then what the fuck are you talking about, right? And that's what I don't get about that pod shit. If you love somebody, then you should really let them know every day of your life. What are you saying? Here come the goalposts moving. You said, fam, you are sitting in the bed with your girl. That's what you said. I'm commenting on that.
Starting point is 00:06:57 That was just me. That's what I'm commenting on. That was just expert podding. No, I'm commenting on that piece. I'm saying, yo, I'll send out happy Mother's Day texts to people. You might just scroll through your phone. This person got a kid. I ain't trying to fuck you no more.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So I got to have a vagina to get a birthday text from you. No, he didn't say that. Let me ask you a question. What? You just told me I don't get a birthday text because I'm a man. No, I didn't say that. You said, yo, you've never said Merry Christmas to me. And I said, yeah, I'm not going to say Merry Christmas.
Starting point is 00:07:24 But why not? You love me. You're my man. And you love me. You don't necessarily say that. You said, yo, you've never said Merry Christmas to me. And I said, yeah, I'm not going to say Merry Christmas. Well, why not? You love me. You're my man. And you love me. Dudes don't necessarily do that. Yeah, I do love you. Niggas ain't sending they man a Merry Christmas text. You do that?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Yeah, sometimes. It's not a long list of people. I crack you with this phone. Yo, stop your fuckery. You're sending other men Merry Christmas texts? And the eyes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:42 That is how I communicate. You're lying. You are lying. Why am I lying? Has any man in here ever got a Merry Christmas from Joe? I. That is how I communicate. You are lying. Why am I lying? Has any man in here ever got a Merry Christmas from Joe? I know Joe lying.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I know he's fucking lying. Yeah. Mr. My guy. Yo, Mike. Mike. Mike. I know Joe is. I'm going to celebrate
Starting point is 00:07:54 Christmas with a white man. That's why we celebrate the day. That's why we fucking hit parks to send Merry Christmas to you. No. No.
Starting point is 00:08:07 That's why we celebrating a tree now. No. Might have sent it back. Yo, I know Joe Bullshit. He's Jewish. And Parks knows this to be true too.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And somebody knocking on the door because y'all loud. Parks knows this to be true too. Y'all ghetto asses. The old group chat. The old shit. Yeah, yeah. If somebody came in there
Starting point is 00:08:25 and said happy any holiday, what happens next? Fuck your whatever. Roy's roasting them. You getting smoked. You getting roasted. So I know we ain't doing that. Get your bitch ass out of here.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Ain't nobody wanting happy. Do y'all want grown, mature Joe today? No. No. All right, then I'm going to let y'all get this horrible group chat
Starting point is 00:08:41 point off because we could do a doc on where that group chat landed which supports my theory that when you let these toxic things exist you get toxic results nobody in that group chat speaks anymore and maybe because
Starting point is 00:08:56 nigga stop saying Merry Christmas I love you you should have been the one to champion the Merry Christmases everybody in that group chat hates each other now you know how tough have been the one to champion the Merry Christmas. Everybody in that group chat hates each other now. Holy shit. You know how tough it is for me to plan a go-out night? Hey, oh, he don't speak to him.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Oh, yo, I fuck out. He want to fight him. Oh, they want to fight me. Oh, shit. Okay. Okay. All right. Yo, nah, damn.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Might as well be faithful. I haven't gone back to think about that group chat in a while. That shit is- You can't even go out. That's kind of crazy. Ain't even nobody- Ain't even no niggas to cheat with no more that shit is fucked up
Starting point is 00:09:28 when you made that point yeah this fool said you might as well be faithful that group chat is a shambles niggas just left left group chat
Starting point is 00:09:38 no it was bad niggas still in there and who I'm just saying yo that's not talked about enough male group chats and what happened oh that's a show's not talked about enough male group chats and what happened
Starting point is 00:09:45 oh that's a show what happened what happened to the group chat I'm just a meme nah that's hard I'm not talking to no nigga
Starting point is 00:09:53 that is in a group chat with his boys that's a red flag and I ain't understand you're a girl I understand you're a girl
Starting point is 00:10:01 and they be in all the group chats that's the real show they're not supposed the group chats that's the real show that's the real show that's where the real toxicity is their group chat after the Miami trip nah but I'm not
Starting point is 00:10:10 I'm not combating that I've learned that when the women get together and tell you what they think is corny that sometimes you gotta roll with it
Starting point is 00:10:17 you gotta rock with it this is one of those where I'm glad I'm married I see their point I can see their point I'm glad I'm married I'm in like 500 group chats.
Starting point is 00:10:27 That's like when the girls come out. Alright. Get your bird shot ready. No, I can't say who I side with in this one. Why do you love birds?
Starting point is 00:10:42 It's like when some of the girlies come out and they be like, like you niggas that sit around and play games all day long. You niggas that lose and never fuck you broke ass. They be killing them.
Starting point is 00:10:53 How do you have time to play a game? Like, here come the gamer community. Oh yeah, ninjas making $9 billion playing games. Yeah, nigga, but you not, you
Starting point is 00:11:07 Sam. Sam always want to tell you what ninja means. Ninja. That's Antoine. What are you talking about, fam? Don't say nothing bad about ninja. I don't even know who ninja is.
Starting point is 00:11:24 That's him. I'm not He's him. Leave him alone. I'm not knocking Ninja. I don't even know who Ninja is to diss him. I don't know Ninja. Nigga, I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:11:32 He's him. Did you ever think if you spun around in a dark bathroom and said Bloody Mary that Bloody Mary would pop up? Did you fall for that one?
Starting point is 00:11:39 I don't play them games but no. Niggas, I don't play them games. He grew up in the church, man. He got played in Virginia. I don't play them games. He grew up in the church, man. He got played in Virginia. I don't play that shit.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Crazy nigga looking in the mirror. Oh, shit. Speaking of Ish being from Virginia, I learned something about Corey that we can never bring to the air. Oh, man. Oh, come on, man. Can't bring it to the air. This might be the worst fact you've ever learned about a friend.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Oh, shit. For real, no. He ain't no c**t. Anyway. All right. Back to it. Make sure I have my appropriate capes that I will need to get through this episode untroubled. In case you got, I don't need my hater blockers today.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Right? And we got a little bit of nice weather out I see I see the I see the spring colors oh I got oh yeah it's been a problem here we go
Starting point is 00:12:37 here we go how's it look how's it look eh beautiful yeah everything is a joke to men, yo. But that goes back to our passive-aggressive hater conversation. Niggas can't even look a man out without men laughing. Oh, you look that nigga out.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Oh, mic check, mic, mic, mic. Oh my check Mike Mike Mike My check once you want to make check back to what you Damn I ain't been broke in a minute. Don't get it fitted. So I have to roll in the billy. Fuck in your hole in the kitty. Fuck up the city. I do not dance or jiggy.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Gun is sucked under this finny. I like it, I spin it. I just came right out of the jewel of the ice on my neck and my wrist and my fist. I ain't finished. I was just working at Denny's. Came back and counted some millions. The bag I get in when it's nice outside.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yellow, green. Alex, we acting bad? See, I hate when rappers do that. I hate this bitch, she offended. Like, that's offensive. Yeah, I'd be mad too. Only rappers say some shit and act like, I fucked this bitch and he mad. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Well, yeah. What is wrong with rappers, yo? They never told us about, you know what? My stupid brain remember all the stories that, hey, they should come back and tell us what happened with that. Like what? We love Melly here. See, look what y'all made me do. Yes. The word of my life. back and tell us what happened with that we love melly here Fuck it up, stick it up, throw it back, fully wrecked, poke it out, stick it out, throw it back, fully rich She got a thing for niggas with money, she got a thing for niggas with money She got a thing for niggas with money But try to have a good time every day
Starting point is 00:15:08 Stick it out, stick it out, throw it back I got the baddest bitch out of the city She got my name on top of her titty I do my dance when I get jiggy I do my dance, I feel like I'm shiggy Hit the ball, do a trick Climb on top, do a spread She wanna do it on my dead Sit on my Mirris, I told her look out for the stairs Baby, let me Learned some really sad news at the strip club this week So sad, I don't even know if I'ma share it with my guys, man
Starting point is 00:15:48 Might change the course of history, probably Fuck it up Stick it up No back Fully wrapped Nah, I don't know if I wanna make you sad, man Do you wanna know the truth or do you wanna live in a lie? Lie
Starting point is 00:16:02 No, nigga, I wanna know the truth You wanna know the truth? She you want to live in a lie? Lie. See? You want to know the truth? Alright, Ice picked lie so I'm not going to tell him. Parks, what did Parks pick? I picked the truth. Alright. You know when the girls
Starting point is 00:16:24 are going to get lipo The doctor's asking them if they want to put the fat in their pussy I heard about I didn't know that that was the process Or what the doctor consulted I know girls are getting So Fat Mom wasn't really fat the whole time I know girls
Starting point is 00:16:45 begin to rejuvenation shit stop doing this can you stop doing this around me the fuck
Starting point is 00:16:55 nah they getting they shit um yo see how you tell a little you tell a little
Starting point is 00:17:04 bit of truth to men. Look how giddy. They get their shit on. Vaginas with their heads. Look at Parks. He's like a little fake fat pussy. I mean, I've never bitten one, but. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Now they get their shit tightened up. I don't even know if I want the ability to tell. Hey, man. This ain't being jiggled right? This shit ain't really. This is really thigh fat. Yeah. God, it's stupid. Er Erickson what you think about that
Starting point is 00:17:28 I'm with it See I know All these topics You go right to the Spanish Spanish nigga in the group There you go Spanish nigga in the group Going crazy
Starting point is 00:17:36 Okay Somebody on Twitter earlier was like, you know what? When it's a nice day out, you just forget about all your problems no matter how bad life is. I was like, yeah, or it could really highlight how shitty shit is right now. Because that's when all the good money records come out. I took all the water, sold it in front of two bucks. Then Coca-Cola came and bought it for a bitch. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Have a baby by me, baby. Be a millionaire. I write the check before the baby comes. Who the fuck cares? I'm stanky rich. I'm a die trying to spend this shit. Southside's up in this bitch. Yeah, I smell like the boat.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I used to sell dope. I didn't play the block. Yo, is this record respected everywhere else like it is in New York? No, right? Of course not. Probably not. No. Of course not. Definitely not. Rich on my reggae, gangsta, get a gang
Starting point is 00:18:30 Hit a head in a hat, call that a little rap shit Fuck the chit chat and the big, uh, bake the bread A bar bar, cut your head in mocks when I spritter that I blunt clod chocolate, not fucked with a kid It was special to me I get pissed with the cig, I can really lick You dig? Fine.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Microphone check. One, two, what is this? 535. 535. What numbers on the board? You heard? Welcome to episode 535 of the Joe Budden Podcast I'm your humble, gracious, grateful, highly favored, well-rested, well-nourished host Ain't good this weekend? Yeah, too much, too much
Starting point is 00:19:21 I got it I ordered chicken last night, that's how bad it's been Like for real steaks steak after steak what are you doing with your life yes like you don't have to constantly feel so heavy mmm I think it's metaphor it thinks like subconscious but sometimes when your shoulders are heavy you might order heavy like it's just when I think it's like subconscious. Because sometimes when your shoulders are heavy, you might order heavy. Like, it's just, when your mind is heavy, you just be greedy. Just bog down.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Get my voice up. That's your voice being down-ish. It'll be good. If I make one phone call, this voice will be right for the rest of the episode. Hey. That's a nutcase. And what I hate about you, y'all just be quiet and let him call me a nut.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I'm laughing at the joke because it's the truth. Yeah, yeah, this guy's great. Do you think that's the truth? Yes. Antoine, yo. Oh, man. These guys.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Everyone here thinks that. It is not just Joe. I'm, yo. Oh, man. And Ty, everyone here thinks that. It is not just Joe. I'm just delivering. I know. I was shocked. This entire room, the cameras. Ty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Everything here feels like. We synced it. We was here for that one. We synced it. We was here for that one, but it's fine. How's everybody doing? How was your week? Oh, weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Today's what? Tuesday? Yeah, Tuesday. Oh, yeah. I got it. What did I do this weekend? I didn't do shit. I didn't do a fucking thing, weekend. Today's what? Tuesday? Yeah, Tuesday. What did I do this weekend? I didn't do shit. I didn't do a fucking thing this weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:49 That's great. And you had a ball. And you had a ball. What? I love doing nothing. Hey, get you a good weekend. Just chill it out. It ain't got to always be event-filled weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Sometimes you just kick back, do nothing. Absolutely nothing. What you did, Joe? Well, you already told me. I ran around. A good, ran around. I ran around. You was outside. Yeah, no, you was outside yeah no I was outside I've been outside
Starting point is 00:21:08 I did my lawn nigga I did a couple things get in there well you did your inaugural cooling with ice oh yeah cooling with ice
Starting point is 00:21:18 my inaugural let's go first episode was Sunday shout out to everybody that came through I came through for a little bit Yeah, you know It's in the early stages
Starting point is 00:21:29 That was dope That was dope You just started talking about something That's when you know niggas is changing I've heard I've had enough conversation about In the last couple years It's in the early stages
Starting point is 00:21:35 It's gonna get better You know, we doing It's new It's new So it was a Head looking extra bald today Oh, shout out to my barber You know
Starting point is 00:21:43 He him He him Man, that shit about Ice Just looking and feeling good, man. Feel good, man. Go ahead. No, that's great. But no, the show, yeah, I had a blast doing it. I'm looking forward to keep going.
Starting point is 00:21:55 That's what's up. Next couple shows. Every Thursday and every Sunday. That's what's up. We out there. But also. Two a week. Huh? Yeah, two a week huh
Starting point is 00:22:05 yeah two a week I'm not playing with you come on man I'm going to get it why they think he playing with them it's a guy man I ain't playing
Starting point is 00:22:14 but um you figure out how to get the video game hooked up to you yeah oh okay yeah they walk me through everything
Starting point is 00:22:18 nice they handheld me so they made sure I was good um get me out of here man so you know um in Jersey recreational marijuana is now legal so I said um I'm gonna go all right buddy is it even called recreational yeah yes
Starting point is 00:22:38 so I said I'm gonna hit a dispensary just just for the experience sure see what it's like you know there's been a couple around but you had to have the medical card to go in uh now you can just So I said I'm going to hit a dispensary. Just for the experience. See what it's like. There's been a couple around, but you had to have the medical card to go in. Now you can just walk in. Did you get ripped? There wasn't no cobblestone roads around this dispensary, was it? No. That was edibles.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Seeing you mixed with like, that ended bad. You was face down on the cobblestone road, kissing the ground. Well, that's because no one told me you don't eat both cookies. I definitely told you. I told everybody. And then tried to force feed them to you guys. But you was just taking them shits. They was oatmeal raisins.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And met the ground. You seen raisins. Met the ground. Yeah, I met the window, the glass door. He's part of the reason these kids came up with microdosing. Damn, I made that too? Yeah, I meant the window, the glass door. He's part of the reason these kids came up with microdosing. Damn, I made that too?
Starting point is 00:23:29 Yeah, yeah. You megadosed. Hey, do you microdose? What, do you mean, can I not take real drugs without being a
Starting point is 00:23:36 loser and having to go to the hospital? Yeah, sure, I'm down. I ain't go to the hospital. No, Finesse did
Starting point is 00:23:42 that. Finesse went down. And I had to take them. Being grown. Yeah, Finesse did that. And I had to take him. Being grown. Yeah, that was the day I decided I'm just not going to be the best of friends to people.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Mm-mm. No, that was the day. Once I looked around and said, that was a kickback. Mad friends. I was like, well, who's going to take him? Oh! See, that was a kickback. Mad friends. I was like, well, who's going to take him? Oh. There you go.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Well, he can't walk himself. He surely could not. Yeah. That dumbass had to take him. The nigga was sitting in the corner. You went to the hospital for weed, though? Weed cookies. He was sitting in the corner just-
Starting point is 00:24:17 Trying to show off in front of girls. Trying to show off in front of girls. I've been there, but I just went to bed. See, in my instance, I couldn't go to bed. I had court the next morning and everybody told me if you sleep, you sleep for like days
Starting point is 00:24:28 off the shit. So I was afraid to go to sleep. They lied. And that's what made it worse because I stayed up. I was like, nah, I can't miss court. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:24:35 You just got a nice eight, nine hours. Look how he wanted to show up for court. That's what's just going to show up to the judge? No, it was just- What was the charge, too?
Starting point is 00:24:43 Let me see if you're a real nigga or not. I'm not. My charge was all traffic, baby. Anytime I was in front of the judge, it was just what was the charge too let me see if you're a real nigga or not I'm not my charge was all traffic baby anytime I was in front of the judge it was traffic but wait the traffic charge
Starting point is 00:24:50 had him breaking down it was that or catch a failure to appear you damn right I'm inside nigga talking you was fighting the charge what you did in traffic let me
Starting point is 00:25:03 what was it how he broke dang he didn't want to he didn't want to miss this only on the JVP
Starting point is 00:25:13 this said in the book 20 it was mandatory mandatory court appearance required you did some you did some bad oh so
Starting point is 00:25:19 job was suspended so they just put the word mandatory there and you feel like you have to do something yes it's called law abiding citizens mandatory yeah So they just put the word mandatory there, and you feel like you have to do something. Yes. It's called law-abiding citizens.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Mandatory. Yeah, some of us do that. Mandatory on the traffic. No. I'm busy that day. Now what? We'll show you. Evade the law.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Step out the car real quick. They'll show you on the next stop. All right, did I get made $150? Nigga. They little licensed this. Oh, I'll give you some points. The points. You gonna get points on your, ooh, what's that, the boogeyman?
Starting point is 00:25:56 I mean, kind of, but. Oh, please. All for the games. All right, he's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, come on. Am I running or did I talk did I walk it
Starting point is 00:26:07 like I talk it hold up did I walk it like I talk it both you niggas been around did I walk it like I talk it
Starting point is 00:26:12 I'm tired of y'all painting me hold up shut the fuck up but I did my bit I paid my debt to society that's the point
Starting point is 00:26:20 don't act like you just jumped out but I was a real nigga I did that that separates you inside the house, niggas, from niggas like me. You break down over the traffic. I go 10 years without it. Catch me if you
Starting point is 00:26:31 can, nigga. And then they catch your ass. And then I pay it and do what I gotta do and get a driver. Yeah, it's different. I just wanted to stab you with this phone. I know. Wait, so how was this place for you why
Starting point is 00:26:47 terrible why you're lying fam I walked in there and they got the frosted windows so you can't see shit from the street
Starting point is 00:26:55 no no you walk in they scan your ID right let you inside first question they ask you medical or recreational if it's medical
Starting point is 00:27:03 it's a like an advanced. No, no, no. It's just they're the same cashiers up front, but you get in this line, and ain't nobody in that line. So you walk straight up. You're next in line damn near. Recreational, you go over here, look like the DMV.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Oh, it's crowded. Oh, no, it was packed. So I get in line. Now, there's nothing on display in the store at all on one wall it's it's um lozenges
Starting point is 00:27:29 lozenges shit like that the other wall is merch hats t-shirts that's it so I notice everybody's on their phone
Starting point is 00:27:36 so I'm like fuck so I look you pull up the menu oh okay okay and to know what you want by the time you get to the cashier you tell them what you want they write time you get to the cashier.
Starting point is 00:27:46 You tell them what you want. They write it down. They go in the back and get it. Bring it out. You pay for it. You leave. It was- They had mad different flavors, didn't they? Because I heard that in Amsterdam, I've never been, but they said they'll tell you this
Starting point is 00:27:59 is XYZ weed and this is the effect that it has. Yes. Yes. So they do all that too. It's all listed on- Gotcha. What side effects or benefits, whatever, what comes with it. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Everything's broken down, whether you want flour, whether you want vapes. They got topical ointments. They had shit you could put in tea. It's all separated. It's like weed 101. Weed tea. Hey. So I just wanted to see what, being that it's legal now in Jersey, I just wanted to walk in and know being that it's legal now in Jersey
Starting point is 00:28:25 I just wanted to walk in and see what that experience but why why are you saying it's so horrible cause yeah it don't sound like a bad well yeah
Starting point is 00:28:33 but any store that I've walked in he wants to browse I could see product like even if it's behind a glass display case or something that's not fair that's not fair
Starting point is 00:28:41 that's not fair if I'm a brand new customer like I was I don't know anything about anything at least give me somebody that I can talk to oh see
Starting point is 00:28:51 this is up to the customer service part of the store that's cause you're a rookie that's the problem we're going mainstream nah but no no no it's the customer service aspect
Starting point is 00:28:58 there is none well that's probably just this particular store I get his point I get I know I rolled by one in Western Jersey and they had to have cops fucking managing the line. It was so long.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Wow. But I guess that's the web piece, though. If you could look online, you could see what it does, see what the effects are, see what the taste is, and keep it pushing. If the line is that long, they can't talk to any nigga in the line. I'm just... You saying this. It didn't feel like a store. It didn't feel like I went.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I could have did that at home. Exact same thing. The funny thing about the legalization of weed is we're going to get all the 38-year-olds that just now became potheads. And those are funny potheads. It's going to open the door to a lot of niggas that thought that they were breaking the law
Starting point is 00:29:44 about smoking weed and introduced them to weed.'s true it is the people that just get into drugs of any sort like late in life or it's weird it'd be weird because a lot of people law-abiding citizens they wanted to try it but it was against the law so now they're gonna fuck with it listening to this i feel like the guy complaining at the united desk about the plane that's about to shoot up in the air and take me X amount of miles away to a destination. Similar. That's what it sounds like right now. And it's different hearing y'all hearing it in this conversation because we've been outside for this, for this. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:26 for this right like i've been outside not to just tell on myself here but fuck it since the first one started popping up in the places it was legal at like we was in denver yeah when the first one popped up and it was fly but they had their restrictions that they had to go through the book and and i was complaining i was like it's not the same complaints but i was like oh cash only yeah and it's like yeah they're regulating us different they're putting different laws and restrictions on us so they kind of explained some of that to me i've been to the ones that don't have any product shown like that was in like some of the early stages and some are fighting laws and restrictions there too so it's like when you when you know that people have to
Starting point is 00:31:05 get adjusted to this new this new way it just wasn't what i expected it's a work of progress yeah that's all right i want to call it horrible because i was able to go a you said it was explained got it got you know exactly what i went in there looking for whatever how was it what do you mean the? The ism. The product. The ism. The ism. I like them too much. They get an old 10-minute block on the bar. Shit.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Well, I ain't seen the name of them or nothing. Antish. Oh. It was all right. It was all right. Now, we be kind of entitled, my nigga. Niggas just have to go buy weed off the street. Now, you can walk into a spot stand in line
Starting point is 00:31:45 buy some weed not get a charge word we just that's us we just and I hated that system too
Starting point is 00:31:54 I'm glad it's updated like that's why I can't really complain going to alright the best weed is on the worst corner yep
Starting point is 00:32:00 the best weed is on the worst corner someone that you don't really fuck with but he's got to kill right now yeah and no girl you just drive up they used to just make you buy it throw the shit in your car then i that was the update but that's my point that was the update and that wasn't the greatest rush your window just throw the shit in the car so I guess hearing that to get to this
Starting point is 00:32:26 you gotta appreciate then it was the update where now your weed guy is a livery like he's coming oh shit full service type of then it was all these other flavors being explained differently
Starting point is 00:32:42 now this weed menu that business to watch the evolution of it and what they are about to do to it now it's crazy yeah and i see now hearing that it makes me look at it totally differently because again i never took part in any of those things that you just mentioned so that was like i said i just wanted to see you can really walk in a store and buy weed. What if it's hot over here? What if I got a cop on my ass or a sheriff on my ass that just want to, like, no, there's nothing in here. And you got a vape.
Starting point is 00:33:17 You ain't got to fuck up with the seeds. This is my old van. Then we just literally came in a manila envelope with seeds in it. You got to separate that shit. You smoking the Acapulco gold? Yeah, like, yo. Now they can just go get a pen. A little $25 pen. Puff the Magic Dragon all the way home.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I think when I was buying weed, they might have told that shit in paper bags, some of them. The manila ones. Yeah. Yeah, the little small gold envelope thingies. You got to appreciate where it's gone. I take it back now.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Know what I mean? All right, well, since I'm taking back. And New Jersey got to play different than Cali. Damn, why is that? For a plethora of reasons. And I'm not, this is not weed expert episode. New Jersey already starts out,
Starting point is 00:34:11 starts out on the negative side of this because of our land. True. So, the weed over there, they already on a, we can't grow it. We're behind.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I got it. Yeah, so, I mean, that's one reason. Two, I guess it gets political. And it's new. It gets political. It's new. It's a kid I met. He a huge fan of the pod.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I was at a spot in Scot in scotch plains and he just gave me a fucking weed education and he was like yo this shit is crazy in new jersey like most people not gonna make money because they got in too late the political shit around it you know i'm saying like if you don't have a certain amount of money it's hard for you to even get bread like they sell in the room oh you get a license yeah they'll give you a license but you still not gonna turn a profit because you don't have the money to invest like most people don't got seven figures to invest in the weed industry out here right so you kind of cancel yourself out they'll appease you though and give you a license for nothing but you know i mean salute to everybody out there getting it
Starting point is 00:35:22 done though yeah true in True In this new blooming I didn't mean to say new blooming But it is new It is And salute to everybody Double entendre Salute to everybody Who went through all the
Starting point is 00:35:33 I still got it Steps that y'all were talking about I'm pretty sure They're a little relieved That I could just Just work You know It's a win for everybody
Starting point is 00:35:41 Fam The fact that you don't get a charge Is enough I don't give a charge is enough. I don't give a fuck you got to stand in line for an hour. You're not going to jail. And you can get as high as you want. Now, if we can just always remember to take our pistol out of the old bag on the plane.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Man, are we going to be so far as a people? No. I mean, it to be silly today I'm just telling y'all y'all have been trying to serious me out since before the pod started I'm here to be silly and mature though
Starting point is 00:36:13 silly and mature and with that said Ice have you fulfilled your yo if you give me your side pod money huh like they got 20 minutes they need to pay extra
Starting point is 00:36:26 to the dispensary I didn't say the name of the dispensary no I didn't advertise them but still I wanna walk
Starting point is 00:36:36 side pod money that'd be hard to get your shit off I gotta walk back you might have to walk it back too I don't know if we wanna start Well start there or not But that festival over the weekend
Starting point is 00:36:50 Lovers and Friends Yeah Yeah I apologize Apologize about what? Oh I killed them We called them That was gonna be another fire festival That shit not really happening that way
Starting point is 00:37:01 With all them Oh yeah that shit went crazy No that shit was insane I saw the pictures I saw a lot of videos A lot of pictures I read a lot of videos, a lot of pictures. I read a lot of feedback. They pulled that off.
Starting point is 00:37:07 They pulled that off two nights in a row. With top-notch talent. Yes, they did. And that's Snoop. So I just want to, I was wrong. Salute Snoop and everybody that was involved in that festival because y'all did an amazing job. It looked amazing.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Y'all dissed it? I don't remember. Yes, we dissed it. Yes, we dissed it. I'm telling y'all. I think y'all were just skeptical. Just making some jokes. Because it was top-notch names, right? It was top-notch names,
Starting point is 00:37:30 but niggas were saying, yo, ain't no way are they going to get all these shit. I watched certain people reporting. I was like, yo, we weren't the only ones to kill this. And it was like, niggas wanted this to fail,
Starting point is 00:37:40 which we kind of did because I had to came in here. I told y'all that was some bullshit. Uh-huh. So, yeah, I want to have that same energy See I don't have that in me Like I joke about I don't want the festival Personal but if Nick if it would have fell niggas would have came in here with a different energy I took y'all ass out they got fire festivaled again there'd have been
Starting point is 00:38:05 some Ja jokes he was one of the performers Ja Lashanti killed that shit but I'm just saying there would have been some jokes
Starting point is 00:38:11 waiting for the Ying Yang twins and Chingy and everybody to get out there and it would have been hundreds of people just sitting
Starting point is 00:38:17 there waiting like the Fivie festival we need more Fivie festivals yo when them white people didn't have the
Starting point is 00:38:23 right tink white privilege is so crazy yo wait that ain't the tint we saw yeah the white people they had a right tint yo they was mad no they was hot it was only so much that tequila could do i only bought about two hours, go send them over there to stand by the bar until we try to figure this out. Yeah, that didn't work. Yeah, I wish I would've went to that festival. Look, look. That shit look crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Now, apologize, yo. Nigga. You apologize. I don't remember sharing in that. Don't remind you. That agenda, like that wanting them to fail. No, I'm just saying we came in here very skeptical and told people it wasn't going to happen. With those names.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I need to see footage of me saying that. I kind of remember y'all saying that. Like, because the card was mega stars. A lot of them niggas was top heavy hitters. Look, here goes now. Don't try to abandon your brothers because if you fucked up now this was full of mega stars that shit was dope what i saw you know and i'm i'm kidding around but i don't remember any of that but i'm glad i'm glad it was great it's your man glad it was great who's that who's that drill oh come on you know i fuck with all eight members eight members of drill
Starting point is 00:39:46 it's a lot it's a lot it's a lot of apologize for joking it's a lot now you write back at jokes you gonna find some jokes somewhere i'm just saying it's a lot of people in drew hill now are we starting with the billboard music award why don't i even ask y'all anymore? Let's get to the Billboard Music Awards and then Frederick Gibbs. Right? That sounds about right, right? Where's my Doja Cape? See, I walked...
Starting point is 00:40:16 Oh, duh, I already got it on. I walked in like this. What Doja did, man? Won? Doja won all our R&B awards at the Billboard Music Awards. So the hate therein lies.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Well, that's the story. That she's not an R&B act is the Twitter take. So it got people in an uproar. Yes. Well, people being
Starting point is 00:40:40 Summer Walker who took to her socials to let us know. And that's where debate sparked. Summer felt like she should have. And let me not put words in her mouth. She just says, really clean sweep. All the R&B awards.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Doja Cat. To that, I understand what she's saying. Doja Cat is not particularly R&B. It's some type of hybrid, but... See, and that's the problem. Her music is listed under R&B. What'd you say? Her music is listed under R&B.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I double-checked. I went in Apple Music and all that just to see. I just was curious where they have her classified. And she's under R&B slash soul. All right. Ice, do you think that Doja Cat is an R&B act? No, she's a pop act.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Do you think that she is a rapper? No, she's a pop act. It gets hard. It gets hard. It's all blurred when she gets to the top. Yeah, but like Tank said, it's kind of hard to differentiate nowadays. Once you hit the top of that upper echelon, it's blurred. It's hard to differentiate it at the awards ceremony.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It's very easy. It's very easy. The awards. To differentiate it? Yeah. We're here. We're the differentiators. Not just that.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Yo, Doja Cat is here. What you mean? And that's what it is. And that's the thing. Let's not make this long. We know what this is. We know what time it is.. What you mean? And that's what it is. And that's the thing. Let's not make this long. We know what this is. We know what time it is. Who's showing up?
Starting point is 00:42:10 Well, no, this is the billboard shit based on chart. So it's just literally you can look at the charts and say, oh, yeah, she won because she had the most number ones or whatever. Got you. I don't know. If you're going off of what is said. I'm going off what I know of major award shows. Well, I think that's true in most cases. And I'm starting with Ice,
Starting point is 00:42:30 because even if Parks is right, which I haven't fact-checked, but if Parks is right, so why is there a Billboard Music Awards? Yeah. If Parks is right, I got 10 slaps, top 10. You got that. You got that. We've been recognized by y'all throughout the whole year. Then why is right, I got 10 slaps. Top 10. You got that.
Starting point is 00:42:45 You got that. We've been recognized by y'all throughout the whole year. Then why is there a war show? Because of what Ice is saying. And in that transaction, the same rules apply. Who's coming here?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Who's going to perform? Who's going to sit in these seats? Who's going to perform? Who's getting us views? Hey, you massage me, I'll massage you, man. gonna perform who's gonna sit in these seats who's gonna perform who's getting us views hey and that hey you massage me
Starting point is 00:43:07 I'll massage you man like that's just what time it is and I guess even with even if they was strictly chart based they could still move you around to whatever chart they want
Starting point is 00:43:15 to benefit the show so that makes sense it's their shit look at the data that is so you're telling me billboard has a hard time different
Starting point is 00:43:23 like it's y'all yeah but once you get but to ice's point once you get to a certain level like y'all damn oh no jackson used to clean up the awards i like where you at stop stay right there and even stay with michael jackson because you talk about a certain level michael Michael Jackson was doing that since he was four years old right so it's levels to this I like your point because there's levels to this it's not just all about music and art that gets us to these levels right it's about how you shake a hand how you smile how you take a picture what dinner you attend correct what cause did you donate to who's your agent who is your publicist who is your manager or back who is your lawyer oh your lawyer is this person's
Starting point is 00:44:14 lawyer oh yo your lawyer represents them over there i got this network of people this shit is a game that's not designed for the public to see right so it's really nothing to argue when you say the name Doja Cat because it's going to be the same names that win all the awards. Exactly. Like when award shows come,
Starting point is 00:44:31 the same names win them and there's millions of artists born every day. So I mean, that's not by, that's by design here. Meg won, I'm sure, something, right?
Starting point is 00:44:40 Probably so. See, I didn't watch this, but I could tell you who won. I could tell you who was there. Was Lil Nas X there shaking ass no alright he didn't win
Starting point is 00:44:50 but oh yeah but he didn't win he was mad he didn't win last time he probably gonna sit down for the next two years who else oh yeah
Starting point is 00:44:59 Mary I'm glad they gave Mary her shit wait look Mel Arden nominated Lil Nas X The Week, Ed Sheeran. It's the same names.
Starting point is 00:45:07 It's the same look. Olivia Rodriguez, Doge Caddell. And somehow they keep getting me to talk about it. Like when ESPN finds a way to shove the Lakers and the Cowboys in my face for absolutely no reason. Do you think the Cowboys will win? What did they say? Ten and a half. It's the over or under on ten and a half for the Cowboys.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Like, why do I have to think about that in me? Like, that's not crazy. Hey, come on. Moving on. Moves the needle, my nigga. Back to Ice's point, because I don't want Ice making a point that he didn't make, but... Summer is running around with her fucking boyfriend
Starting point is 00:45:48 that's what Summer's doing these awards are happening and Summer is on her insta story critiquing Black China's mom now I'm not saying this to be funny because
Starting point is 00:46:00 you can do whatever you want to do on your socials right Doja's not Because you can do whatever you want to do on your socials, right? Doja's not. Doja's at the dinner somewhere with the agency, with the right team, with the right people, rubbing the right elbows. That's what's going on.
Starting point is 00:46:25 So when you see things like this, hey, remember when our homeboy won that award that he shouldn't have won? And he went up there and then y'all killed him. He tried to offer it back. And who was that? The one, Macklemore? Yeah, Macklemore. Macklemore was at the dinners. Macklemore had the high-powered,
Starting point is 00:46:38 my manager also manages fucking Billie Jean. I'm just making some shit up. Right? Like, so there's a lot more that goes to this i think summer knows that as well but i'm with her she's been phenomenal both times at the bat both times at the plate she has been at the top of her field in r&b but boy does it suck now that i have to compete with the swiss army knife over there that's doing r&b but boy does it suck now that i have to compete with the swiss army knife over there that's doing r&b and a little more yeah and that was also tanks beef sitting here like damn why do
Starting point is 00:47:16 i have to now look at how the migos is putting songs together or how a future's writing the r&b records now it's like i'm not just competing in my field these are new age assassins that have been watching the greats and the goats for years which is why young blue think he could talk to fucking tank like that and he can't and blue's my man i don't even mean to say young blue because he changed his name no more young blue that's my guy he's got some shit on the way but you i want to allow the kids a chance to learn and soak, to get their own sauce and feel how they want to feel. If he felt like telling Tank that day, hey, nigga, fuck you done lately.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Then, nigga, that's just what it is right now. It ain't anybody's job to just come correct him. But this is a consistent message from R&B soul or like see it's getting tricky I don't want to say just R&B but it's like R&B
Starting point is 00:48:11 soul so now that opens the door for a larger conversation that why does putting the word soul there change it
Starting point is 00:48:19 devalue it or change it from what it is I'm off on a tangent y'all i'm just trying i was i was about to assess the the soul shit so you say like look at what they give us look at what and that goes i'm not i'm not here to make it colorist see i'm not but just look at the people at the forefront of r&b and look at the people that ain't.
Starting point is 00:48:46 There's a million reasons to guess why it is. So I don't want to be accusatory. But there's a theme of the people that's ahead of in the R&B pack. I'm lost a little bit.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Don't try to make me say it. No, I'm trying to think of the people that are in the forefront them doja pull up the billboards oh shit it's the same faces
Starting point is 00:49:17 the same people and even me trying I'm trying to not explain this because it's going to make me feel like I'm saying something that I'm not saying. I'm not saying these people are ahead because of this. I'm not saying that.
Starting point is 00:49:34 But, it clearly helps. And so, it clearly hurts a little bit. Uncomfortable conversation to have. I didn't think of that I see it though but look
Starting point is 00:49:50 and you think I'm gonna support K-Drill I'm asking a question no it's not for you you think I was a fucking gay jerk? No, it's real.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I'm done talking for the next 10 minutes. Y'all ish. That's real. Nah, I'm a great, yo, I didn't even notice it
Starting point is 00:50:14 until I started looking at the list of the winners. It's a nice little theme. You can see it. It's a nice little theme painted. I didn't think that was, to that you gentlemen said i i nigga i
Starting point is 00:50:27 you right i can't argue with it when i'm looking at it i never even looked at and thought that that was a one of the factors or a possibility but you can't make black you can't make all black r&b be neo soul like that's not what it is that's not what happened when neo soul came like that was a whole movement of a specific like type of i mean but you can't just turn black r&b into that now and say because we're not doing r&b soul awards right see and it's cheating because you say and i have my doja cape on still but doja putting r&b soul as the category is a cheat especially it's a cheat for her. It disallows you from having to compete
Starting point is 00:51:08 with the BTSs of the world. Well, and I'm not competing. I'm that already. I'm already that. I have to appeal to the people that I'm trying to appeal to, which is why Justin Bieber put that fucking Martin Luther King thing on his album.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I'm already a pop star. She can anything she could write country under there she could hey kanye did a sweep all the gospels gospel song gospel record gospel album and it was it wasn't we sat here and had the debate we did i went back on that it's not we had the debate. We did. I went back on that. It's not. We had the debate. We don't have to have it again, but he put that word there. For a reason. To appeal to whoever he was trying to appeal to and clearly there's a little plan work. Clean sweep.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Big fish, little pond shit. It's like the beef they had with Lil Nas X. Yeah. With the Old Town Road record. Yeah. He wanted to label it country and they was like, this is not country. Mm-hmm. No, it's not. You can't be wanted to label it country. And they was like, this is not country. Mm-hmm. Like, no, it's not. You can't be listed as a country act. And they was right.
Starting point is 00:52:11 They got us. They was right. I agree. They were right. Yeah. Yo, he was nominated for four out of the five Christian songs. Yo. I'm just saying man Like
Starting point is 00:52:25 Off the grid It's a Christian song And the best one of the year I didn't have to hear The rest of the Christian songs Hurricane won Wait Hold on before we do that
Starting point is 00:52:35 Ish What Hill song put out last year? I don't know What did the megachurches do? Yeah why they wasn't on there It's just tight Yeah that's just Get nominated
Starting point is 00:52:43 It's a little true That Virginia shit yo you gotta stop they're not even from Virginia that thinking is from Virginia that was it oh man alright so we done
Starting point is 00:52:55 yo dawg it really I think only like 30 people probably got nominated for the whole entire every category man if Puff wasn't here I wouldn't know
Starting point is 00:53:03 a thing about this thing all jokes aside I see the same names for every single category yeah and that tell you what this is yeah
Starting point is 00:53:11 that tells you yo this is us up here I tell you one thing though I did catch that Jasmine Sullivan
Starting point is 00:53:18 after 7 performance wow it was a performance yeah wow which made me want to ask y'all if you could take your and this was because it's the sample they did the sample right but uh disregarding that if you could take any current act and put them with like an old act, what would you do? And what would make sense sonically?
Starting point is 00:53:52 And we can think about that. Yeah. Come back to it. Snow. What else? What else? What else? What else?
Starting point is 00:53:58 What else do we have? We do have a bunch of shit to get to. I just got like 10 million things on his, on his topic list. I killed my show. You ain't even got to put this up. You ain't even got to put this up. You ain't even got to put, bunch of shit to get to. I just got like 10 million things on his, on his hobby list. I killed my show. You ain't even got to put this up. Yo,
Starting point is 00:54:06 you ain't even got to put this up. You ain't even got to put, you can put that down. The time for humility is always, is always,
Starting point is 00:54:17 is always, is always. Now give him some applause, Parks. Give him some applause. Give him some applause. I gave him some marihorns.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I gave him some drops. You know what I mean? Give him some applause. I enjoyed it. I tuned in for a little while. Nah, it was great. I sat out in the car. It was raining. Give him some applause. I gave him some marihorns. I gave him some drops. I mean, give him some applause. I enjoyed it. I tuned in for a little while. No, it was great. I sat out in the car. It was raining.
Starting point is 00:54:29 It was a vibe. Well, not watch, but I had the app open. Listen. If I didn't learn throughout many years of being robbed and fucked throughout this treacherous business to never say this, I would say, I can't believe I'm getting paid for this. That's like me careful that was like me saying no what that means twitter's free he is an idiot this guy here with that one twitter is free no it ain't no it's not but anyway you know that line has quickly turned into i'm underpaid for everything and i thought about that too like it's fucked up but i am no you are too I'm underpaid for everything. And I thought about that too. Like, it's fucked up, but I am.
Starting point is 00:55:06 No, you are too. Everybody's underpaid for everything. Facts. Look at Cap. That's how capitalism works. What's up? I ain't saying nothing, bro. I'm listening to you.
Starting point is 00:55:16 You saw him, right? You was ready. For what? I'm not. I'm chilling, my nigga. There's a pod. You can't chill. You have to talk to us.
Starting point is 00:55:24 I don't feel that. I don't. You said you're underpaid. I don't feel I'm under I'm chilling my nigga there's a pod you can't chill you have to talk to us I don't you say you want to pay I don't feel I'm going to pay for everything but can I feel that way about you pay me more then nigga
Starting point is 00:55:32 I'm welcoming it give it here you want to talk about it I'll take it I did you did what what you talking about what the fuck
Starting point is 00:55:43 are you talking about I'm right you know pour it on down you know i mean i'm gonna pause i'm gonna talk about that come on y'all don't say shit let me just go out and let you fucking stupid this guy's a nutcase yo moving right along man i want to find a way to say this because it's interesting like I always fuck myself in this but
Starting point is 00:56:07 we can talk about it right like there's like an art to negotiating but some people feel like why do you have to do that why do you have to do that dance
Starting point is 00:56:17 why do you have to like you have to say this even though you mean and I'm going to come back and give them my chance it's obnoxious let's be real like the art to it the art the shit that the posturing the that part that you know what it
Starting point is 00:56:34 is the dance yeah it's a dance it depends it depends um i think circum circumstantially you you you you handle it different Like the circumstances are different in every single negotiation. Of course. If you negotiating with... Now for me, if I see value in a nigga, hey, I'm going to send you
Starting point is 00:56:51 what I think the value is. And that's it. It's crazy. The numbers, you should get whatever the highest that the value is. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:57:01 That ain't for you to go and add some shit because the gesture is and I'm not talking about y'all I'm just talking about like I did it I sent it
Starting point is 00:57:09 I sent it already why do we have to gesture now off of this y'all know what I'm saying hold on to answer that it's who's stupid there
Starting point is 00:57:18 I don't even think it's stupid nobody I don't think nobody's stupid but to answer your question well that's why you hired professionals because they they came up with the posturing. True.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Very true. The posturing's there. Any negotiation I have to do, I'm not doing. And I guess I can't say that, because I believe in mannerisms at a poker table, so I can't say that. I can't say that. So let me ask you a question. Do you believe, see, and this is where it gets gray, and this is where it gets tricky. What if Spotify said they did that to you?
Starting point is 00:57:46 You don't feel that way. That's what I was kind of getting ready to say. You don't feel that way. What you think is the value versus what the person you're telling is the value. Time out, time out, time out. I love this. They would be totally within their right to say that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:58 So they could feel like that, and then I could feel different. A totally different way. Right? So for me, the result is result is well in that four year span who was right because we always got to see who was right no you won't because because the data will never be revealed to see who was right or wrong no and a lot of times it's still subjective whatever they offered me i felt i could beat on my own. With no support. With freedom, without any of the clauses
Starting point is 00:58:27 that they had attached. By myself, I think I can do better than that. But that, so then, that wasn't the argument though. Was it? That wasn't the argument.
Starting point is 00:58:36 That kind of is. Yeah. That's not the argument. The argument was the person that is negotiating. We started off on negotiations. It wasn't, yo,
Starting point is 00:58:44 can I do better? It was, yo, are you worth the person? person that goes into the negotiation yeah no no i no choice is going to the negotiation you can say yo fuck it i don't think you offering me enough i'm gonna hit the road that's what you chose but in negotiating the two people y'all could never come to a standstill but it don't gotta be a. Like, you get what I'm saying? Oh, but I'm not saying that was a dirty negotiation today. No, not Spotify. You were just throwing it out there generally.
Starting point is 00:59:11 They had, but I like that example. Yeah. They had a view of what they thought the value was. Right, true. And then I had one. So that's just a disagreement. There's nothing wrong there. But all the time, the negotiation is not predicated on value.
Starting point is 00:59:24 So you could, all right, let me give you an example in my business. You can know that this electrician hasn't worked in months. I hate when you use an example. I'm stupid. But go ahead. No. Electrician hasn't worked in months. No.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I'm going to use a rap, a music one. You know that this kid is going to blow. Or your analytics show he going to blow. Your judgment, I mean, not your judgment. What y'all call it? Like the data says that this kid is going to blow. Okay. But you know he live in the projects.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Okay. You know he desperate. You see value in him and you know he could potentially shoot up the charts. And be worth X amount to you. And you know he could potentially bring $100 million. But you also know where his current position is. And so his current position, he and his family are fucked up. You know that out of desperation, he's going to take this.
Starting point is 01:00:12 So every negotiation is not predicated on value of the person. It's predicated on circumstance. So I know that if Joe, and this is why I think Spotify might have paid you wrong. I know that Joe Button, well, I assume that Joe Button and this is why I think Spotify might have paid you wrong I know that Joe Button well I assume that Joe Button is this do I I don't think they would
Starting point is 01:00:30 ever say yo he'll go independent and say fuck it I don't think that they would have thought that so it's circumstantial I think that people will look at
Starting point is 01:00:38 your position and say yo he needs this money so huh and because they because they know that and that's an assumption they can offer you lower yeah i i'll give you i will give you an example i get i get what you get what i'm saying like i'll give you i'll give you another example when i remember i broke my ankle i'm
Starting point is 01:00:57 talking to the insurance you broke a lot of bones after you no i did not i'm talking to the insurance company and i didn't have a lawyer at the time. They know, okay, he doesn't have a lawyer. He don't know what that injury is really worth. So I can tell you, oh, they look at, oh, young kid here, whatever. Yeah, I'll give you a low ball off. All insurance companies do. All insurance companies, because you don't know. Especially when you're from a certain demo.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Exactly. They're looking at you like. Exactly. I went and get a lawyer. I explained the case to them the lawyer said no this case is worth this because he knows so now he went to do the negotiation with them
Starting point is 01:01:31 oh shit he got somebody that I can't run that game on that I would have ran on him you know what I'm saying it's knowing what something is worth but not trying to pay it that's where
Starting point is 01:01:43 it's not about worth it ain't about value because value is not a concrete number. Most times we can't quantify. Most times you can't quantify somebody's value. Most times. Sometimes you can't. But most times. We sat here the other week and said something about Tom Brady getting $375 million to be a commentator.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Can you really quantify it? You can't because a lot of football is going to be based on the teams that are playing on that particular day. So if the Cowboys are playing the Steelers and Tom Brady got the Jets playing the Jags, nobody's going to cut off the Cowboys-Steelers to go watch the Jets-Jags because Tom Brady's commentating the game. I disagree with so many things y'all are saying,
Starting point is 01:02:22 but it's happening rapidly in my head. When I get the $400 million deal, I also get the best football game that your channel has to air. So I don't have to think about that. No, that's a contingency. It's not guaranteed. No, it's guaranteed. It's not guaranteed because certain teams
Starting point is 01:02:39 have contracts with certain networks, etc. Tom Brady's contract with Fox, is it? I don't know. It's Fox. So that's NFC football. I'm saying whatever Fox's obligation is contractually with games, Tom Brady will get the pick of the litter from Fox's slate. It's possible.
Starting point is 01:02:59 What I'm saying. I agree. I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm just saying, as a football fan, we're going to watch the best game, the most competitive game. We're not going to watch the game based on... It'll be good if John Madden is over there
Starting point is 01:03:14 with Pat Summerall calling the game. That's dope. Because you know John Madden is animated, blah, blah, blah. It's dope to watch him call a game. I'm saying that we're not going to cut off this game over here of your favorite team because of that so it's hard to quantify but they felt his value was such can't not hard to quantify it if they want it to be hard to quantify i think in certain instances it's not
Starting point is 01:03:37 very hard at all i.e tom brady but that's a bad example because he's like pick of the litter he's an anomaly I don't like that example I also don't like your example of the artists and the projects whose value is through the roof but may need some development to get there because I don't know what the development costs that's what gets us
Starting point is 01:04:01 on our production company label versus artist argument all the time is, hey, I don't know what this production company did for five years for this person. To pop. And I credit the production company with knowing that this person in five years is going to become this. It's still business. See, I think that that's good business, right? It's still business. If in this, it is. It's still business. See, I think that that's good business, right? It's still business. If in this, it is.
Starting point is 01:04:27 It's still business. I'm agreeing. It is business. But look, so it's numbers too. So if you've been running a business, a music business for the last 50 years, you know what the costs are going to be to get this person to a certain level. Or you have a realm of what these costs are going to be. Let's say for five years developing this artist, we're going to be let's say it's for five years development and
Starting point is 01:04:45 developing this artist we're gonna spend 10 million or just we just throw in numbers now and we know that if properly developed he could she could make us 300 million you have an idea because you've been doing it for 40 years on what it's going to cost to get this person to the next echelon. You got the relationships already. You got all of that shit already in play. I don't like that. It's business.
Starting point is 01:05:11 It is. In every business, fam, we have a cost risk assessment in every business. And they're not going to put out more money to the developer artist knowing that they're not going to get it back. I feel like our points are moving all over the place. I'm just giving you an example. So in your negotiation, you can say, fam, I know it's going to cost me $10 million, but he can make $300 million.
Starting point is 01:05:32 I could give him a fairer number. But I won't because he's desperate and he needs the money. Fam, let's bring it to current times right now. We got NBA Youngboy with Atlantic Records. Now, he's been going on screaming for the longest how I hate Atlantic, fuck Atlantic. I'm not making no money off my YouTube. now he's been going on screaming for the longest how i hate atlantic fuck atlantic you know they i'm not making no money off my youtube there's reports going around now that he declined the re-sign with atlantic and they were offering him 25 million dollars that right there goes into your
Starting point is 01:05:56 negotiation tactic they might not tactic but uh discussion they might say yo you're worth 25 mil at this point see i like this example better and he might look at it and say right where it should be no i want i know i'm worth more than that based off of what i've done over the last couple years and let's leave it here because in this in this example it's not so convoluted right both sides have proven value to each other and they've proven chemistry with each other now how does this side feel versus this side and that's why I said hey
Starting point is 01:06:31 Atlanta offers 25 million allegedly because I didn't fact check that right right it's all alleged if he says no nobody's wrong right here in this instance but in the next few years you could be wrong because now it's not just guessing.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Now we have, hey, Spotify gave me five years and said this is what all my rights were worth. Now we back to that Drake conversation where he sold off whatever he sold off. Y'all know what I think in real life about it. But, can't tell nobody to say no to fucking $500 million. But for all things Drake,
Starting point is 01:07:15 music, all rights, like the publishing, the whole kid in Caboodle. Hello? No, no, no. Yeah, you can. Yeah, you can what? Tell them niggas to kiss your ass. You're not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I disagree. You're not going to do that in that moment. Please. I told Spongebob I kissed my ass in that moment. And the whole black community laughed. So? Very small percentage of people in that spot is doing that. But you're talking to people that may not be privy to all privy to all information or people.
Starting point is 01:07:50 When you start talking those types of numbers, people think you crazy. I remember fucking Terrell Owens and Latrell Sprewell and all them niggas. You was getting murdered. Terrell Owens like, yo, I need more money to feed my family. And what the media did was say, yo, you a four-year deal worth this amount of money but they didn't say yo we could cut you at any given time and you not owe the fucking dollar because in the beginning football money wasn't guaranteed still isn't a lot of times i know that's why now the signing bonus be the big part yeah but back then when terrell was bitching the media put a spin on it and said he was being greedy he makes xyz million
Starting point is 01:08:22 dollars a year yo everybody can't understand the type of business at that level that you were talking about so i don't give a fuck if black twitter or black instagram murdered you that could have potentially been a great decision for you just because they don't understand that we watch that don't mean it's not a good decision man when chapelle left exactly and they spun it and then he walked away oh he's a yo he's on drugs he did this he walked away from 50 million like you don't know what happened and i don't believe your young boy example you can't really tell who's right because now once they part ways it's a whole bunch of variables that come into play it depends on what young boy does with his free time it depends on
Starting point is 01:09:01 what the label does or does not do. Like, a lot of that shit comes as variables. You won't ever say who's right or wrong. Nigga, you could have potentially not signed the Patreon deal. You could have potentially went and hid it.
Starting point is 01:09:12 No, see, that's not true. If you say no to $20 million because you think you have a plan and then you go and the next six years you make $1,000 or something stupid, $100,000,
Starting point is 01:09:23 you were wrong. No, you might have stopped working. You might have did a bunch of bullshit. That don't necessarily mean that if you were staying that same... You might have stopped working. Yeah, like you could have stayed... You get what I mean?
Starting point is 01:09:35 You was wrong. If you stopped working, you was wrong. But the label would have made... You get what I'm saying? I don't get that as meaning you wrong. Yeah. I still...
Starting point is 01:09:43 It could have just been... There's no right or wrong. It's just the value that you say I'm saying? I don't get that as meaning you wrong. Yeah. I still, it could have just been, there's no right or wrong. It's just the value that you say I'm worth, I disagree with. And if we can't come to an agreement on something, then I walk. But the value is what you can get. See, we got to stop throwing around this word like it's the boogeyman. What you mean? The value is what you could get.
Starting point is 01:09:59 At some point, the value is what you can go out and get over the course of life. Yeah. When you subscribe to YouTube, they're not, and let me not say YouTube, but when you subscribe anywhere, they're not valuing you as a subscriber to this. They're valuing you at what it's worth how just how many dollars over this span can i get from you how much you could i shove in front of their face it's worth much more than the 10 15 dollars so that's what i mean about value over the course of some shit what is the value in this so at some point it gets to right, it's white and black on paper here.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Are you understanding what I'm saying or no? Yes. I get a little bit because I'm going to bring it to, like a lot of cable companies, internet providers, shit like that, right?
Starting point is 01:10:57 They say you're not a profit to the company within the first year. So if you sign up today, you know, they give you a little promo deal or whatever, that first year, they didn't make any money know to get a little promo deal or whatever that first
Starting point is 01:11:05 year they didn't make any money off of you once you hit year two now you're worth something to them i don't know what that number is but now they are now making money off of your subscription um a lot of people don't know you can after about a year or two in a car on a contract with one of these companies you can call them and... Renegotiate. Yeah, you can threaten to leave, renegotiate because you're worth something now.
Starting point is 01:11:30 They're making money off you. They want to keep you. So it's like, over time... This is a great conversation, by the way. I don't know if we're explaining it the best, but this is a real... I'm trying to explain it.
Starting point is 01:11:42 It's a little over the place, but it's cool. But yeah, but this is what you said. Over time, what can we get off of you why do y'all think so many podcasters are just running and snatching whatever's but and every time i have to have this talk people feel like i'm shooting at people i'm not but if you just look at the field right if everybody knows they're worth and their value because that's the cool shit going on i don't think niggas know they don't know no okay well then there's that but we can never have that conversation if there's no opening to have that conversation if nobody nobody's running around saying yo i don't know my value i kind of had a little bit
Starting point is 01:12:12 of that talk with math on his shit but nobody's running around saying that yeah everybody's running around saying that's ego driven that may not be absolutely that may not be knowledge driven definitely ego you know how hard it is for somebody to say y'all need help they may not know but they scared to ask you get what i'm saying that don't necessarily mean that they they that they feel that they know seeing that well that's the tricky thing about value at some point you got to make it come to life no you don't even know somebody somebody has to unlock something if not you then hey that's why in this case atlantic might feel like well yeah you were 200 million here a spotify might have felt like well yeah you were 200 million here or whatever the number was here with us because of our tools but without us
Starting point is 01:13:00 there you go then what the fuck are you worth true so stay there for an artist he would have to get to the action now see it depends on how much information he has and a lot of people
Starting point is 01:13:12 refuse to do the work I was about to say it depends on how much information he has that's why I don't judge on either side right like I can't I'm too broke to talk
Starting point is 01:13:19 about that Drake deal number one and number two all the work that you would have to do as an entity as a company as a business to get that 400 to get no to get what he should get well right yeah yeah it's a lot it's other
Starting point is 01:13:33 shit too i don't know that wealthy niggas is trying to live their life that way right now right like we was having that conversation when everybody was sending publishing off yeah it's like then this guy's selling his publisher for 100 mil 200 mil well yeah he's 60 years old 50 years old and not for nothing i mean if you get 400 million i don't know what the course of payment would be but i can immediately turn that into whatever my number is just off investment alone like dumb pub dumb pub conversation i wish i had more than one hit yo i will tell you no even with that what you just said is very very very very important some people don't feel like doing that shit some people don't want to work yo yeah i know you get i know you beating me but give me my money and i'm gonna just sit over here and chill for me
Starting point is 01:14:17 to maximize this value of my catalog i gotta do a whole bunch of work that i don't want to do and i'm 70 years old if i'm 45 give me the money i'm gonna sit over here and chill and you could collect the rest yeah that's fine yeah give me my 100 million and let me start planning my life differently and i'm chilling because that's really what it is you get 100 million dollars it allows you to look at life a little different so so so when you start the rest of life right that's my thing with maybe your kids lives he might have information that he knows i can make to look at life a little different. A lot different. For the rest of life. Right. That's my thing with him.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Maybe your kids' lives. He might have information that he knows I can make way more than $25 million myself. So I'm going to turn down your $25 million. Okay,
Starting point is 01:14:55 and that's when somebody wise should tell him that they will try their best to devalue you before you ever make a fucking footprint in that plan.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Because I don't even think it's that. Honestly, I think he might be looking at... What does that mean? They're going to step on your value. What do you mean so? That's the machine, bro. You're going up against the machine. It's a little harder, bro.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Give it to me. Don't dismiss me. I'm not enlightening you. Somebody could have felt the same exact thing about you when you turned down your Spotify deal. They did it to me. My point is that that don't mean that you can't circumvent what they trying to do. If he got enough, enough, uh,
Starting point is 01:15:31 uh, what you call it? Belief in himself. He can still say, yo, all right, I'm gonna turn down your 25 mil. I know y'all gonna do the fuck shit,
Starting point is 01:15:38 but I'm gonna show y'all on the other side when I make a hundred million. It might be harder, but I can still do it. Hey, there's a lot of people that would get out the escape room if you added two more minutes to the hour. True.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Right? Like, you're right. But, that's a good one. Who want to have to get through more hurdles now? You? That's me.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Everybody. I'm just giving you an example. Everybody ain't like that, yo. I'm not saying that they are. What I'm saying is maybe. We see way more examples every day of the guy that's not like that you're right and that's that's kind of what and they're way more 95 percenters than five percenters we're not disagreeing with that with his case i don't even think it's i have information that tells me i could be worth more i think he's scoring it could be that i came in y'all gave me however much to sign the deal and then i looked at
Starting point is 01:16:26 the course over the deal how much y'all made and that number looks like this and i didn't get none of that youtube shit after that so it's like no i'm not signing with y'all no matter what okay now you offer me 25 which is x amount of times the original deal but i watched you make that in a month or whatever the case may be so it's just it could just be past scoring like no I'm not signing with y'all could be
Starting point is 01:16:51 let's leave this because this is great and I don't want to be and yeah y'all stepped on my fucking praise for myself my Jesus but it's fine
Starting point is 01:17:03 the moment passed my show went great it was great I enjoyed your show still in the early stages yeah sure I gotta say though
Starting point is 01:17:11 I enjoyed your show because and I know you personally I know you do this I'm pretty sure a lot of fans wasn't expecting it like you wasn't just you played like
Starting point is 01:17:19 Seaside Records yeah like that's what was ill that's why I'm like you know Joe give you a fucking music lesson for real yeah you know he made this this this this and this but here go some fly shit yeah if i if i had access to like my actual music library but i understand what's going on with the
Starting point is 01:17:34 licenses and the business and so again shout out to amazon thank you amp and monday we back at it now we can run no more we can run no more from it let's just get right to it like when does the internet even forget things like most of y'all wasn't outside and let me just get my grievance out the way I don't like
Starting point is 01:17:58 what y'all be doing with my name yo I don't like that I be minding my business and a news story break and y'all just find a way that Joe Budden fits in this story somewhere. So Freddie Gibbs allegedly got jumped, was involved in a brawl. And all y'all had to say was, yeah, man, they treating Freddie Gibbs like new Joe Budden and Berg. Now, now I could understand why you guys put Youngberg in there the chain
Starting point is 01:18:27 went around I got it y'all don't let people grow but I only got hit once in 20 years god damn it one time and most of y'all
Starting point is 01:18:38 wasn't outside I don't really think that's a fair comp now that my shit is out of the way, back to Freddie Gibbs. What do you want me to say about this? I hope they squash this shit, man.
Starting point is 01:18:55 That's what I want to say about this. We said that. Mad times are ready. And they didn't. They didn't. We said it every week. But now that it's gotten- Twice a week.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Now that it's gotten violent a week now it's gotten violent and physical in person i really hope no this was still a pow pow yeah this was this was still a pat pat it's not what it could have been true i'm glad this is thank god round of applause round of applause i see that many people involved yeah you missed that you miss a good old-fashioned knuckle-up, even if there are 20 people involved on the opposing side, right? This could have went bad. Normally, when people want to make a statement this loud, weapons are involved. And if not anything fatal, then at least a brass knuckle,
Starting point is 01:19:40 some Chinese stars, a blade, a poker. That poker gets tricky right i was just talking to my cousin recently about that and he was explaining to me how he's seen cases where you know you get stabbed one spot real quick right in the back and you lose life because there are so many important things in your stomach and if one of because there are so many important things in your stomach and if one of them get punctured and leak enough blood before somebody can get to it you will die and he said i've seen times where somebody gets stabbed up 17 times and because none of that important shit is hit then they survive it but the stomach in the back liver
Starting point is 01:20:21 all that gets tricky all it take in a fight real quick is a we seen it we don't need to go through that here so thank god none of that occurred really happy about that whoever sanctioned this thank you for that part i'm not thanking them for sanctioning this thank you for making sure this didn't get bloody to the point where Freddie couldn't go on and do his show. Now that that's out of the way, what else do you guys think about this? I almost want to never discuss rap. I disagree with everything happening in rap.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Word. Everything happening, I disagree with it. I don't have a take. I don't want to keep coming in here twice a week to give you a take. I told these niggas to stop ages ago. And I'm saying these niggas, but we don't know who did this. We don't know who did this.
Starting point is 01:21:10 But, again, we can't ignore the fact that months ago, Gibbs is out there saying, and I got two back-to-back shows in New York this night and that night. Do something, pretty much. You're inviting. I said it back then. Shut up. I love Freddie Gibbs love i'm a gibbs guy but that's my man it's like you doing more this than than rapping right now i will not alienate him during tough times i'm the way that hip-hop is known to do i'm not doing that at all i'm not alienating alienating him i'm just saying bro you are i think the antique shit that i see from him reminds me of the shit that i expect to see from those who
Starting point is 01:21:54 have no other talent so you have to do something to get your name mentioned out there i gotta do the extra shit stick was nominated for a Grammy. Word. For best rap album. You are in a different tier than this. And it's just like, at what point does he stop? Like, what point
Starting point is 01:22:17 do you just leave? Anytime something happens involving Gibbs, you only hear from him. See, I like that part too, though. I like the fact that Jim kept it quiet. Whoever did this is keeping it
Starting point is 01:22:33 quiet. I do appreciate those things and what's going on. But I don't like what's going on. I'm saying it is, we don't gotta hear from him either. Keep this shit off the internet. We all, he's old,
Starting point is 01:22:48 he's in front of an NIH group. We came from everywhere you don't do, it don't go online. That's the other part too. In his defense though, it's tough to be quiet when you are actively moving around. Like,
Starting point is 01:23:04 when you're actively trying to promote back-to-back projects, when you're actively trying to sell a tour, when you're active in going to some of these casting auditions and shit that he's going to. Like, it's tough to be quiet. Like, I'm sure that his team and agent and agents and whoever's behind him is saying not to be quiet. Maybe not on these matters. That's all not to be quiet maybe not on these matters
Starting point is 01:23:25 that's all i'm saying maybe not on these matters i know you have to do your job but once the matter happens you have to address it then you have a team of people no you don't you had to go on stage that night you still didn't have to address anything you could get you got to go on stage he ain't saying shit on stage yeah all right listen when when famous people get in the shit if the blowback is wide enough from fans their people will encourage them to address this publicly kaylani she just had that back and forth with the interview about whatever that was but when she addressed it on her social she said i don't even normally ever address this type of shit but my team says i should so here here I am. I see that every week
Starting point is 01:24:05 with somebody addressing something that... We just had one of the biggest moments ever where Will Smith slapped the shit out of Chris Rock. Chris Rock said, I'm not addressing this unless I get a bag for it, and that's all y'all getting from me. Don't ask me nothing else about it. Great point.
Starting point is 01:24:22 So they don't have to be addressed. Great point. And I hate when y'all do that it's levels to this that's Chris Rock I'm talking about Freddie Gibbs Chris Rock has the luxury to be able to do that
Starting point is 01:24:31 which one Chris Rock's name as it stands still if he does nothing else for the next five years 10 20 I'm with you
Starting point is 01:24:38 he's gonna be Chris Rock Freddie Gibbs is not in that vote I know but who do you think had more pressure to respond that's what I'm talking about. Pressure? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Chris Rock had more pressure. You're talking about Prime. I don't think so. Because Chris is not as accessible as Freddie. And not only that, but he's a victim there. So nobody is urging him to come forward. He didn't. Well, got gotta get tricky,
Starting point is 01:25:06 yeah, can't say that, he's saved by the comedian tag, and that was at the Oscars, if you're asking me about who's pressured more in their circle, I think it's Freddie Gibbs, because that's why he went on stage that night, if you're asking Joe,
Starting point is 01:25:20 and you didn't ask me, but I'll share it, because I'm here, yeah, if there was one reason to not do the show, it's I am in physical danger in the city or I've been physically harmed. See, I think the opposite. Those are. I think opposite.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I think that the. I don't know. You know what I'm saying? So I think that what I've seen of him and the persona that he's created for himself alright nigga
Starting point is 01:25:48 y'all got it off I'm still gonna do my show I'm still gonna get my bread and I'm gonna talk shit on the stage that's the persona that he has given we don't
Starting point is 01:25:57 we don't have to die over these non-existent virtues I'm not disagreeing with you you don't have to die over his persona I agree with you I wanna break I wanna break some of that conditioning.
Starting point is 01:26:06 That goes back to my point from even the first incident that happened where he comes out and say, oh, yeah, because Jim is from New York. Yeah, I'll be in New York. I got two back-to-back shows, New York and Buffalo. And right after he said that, we came in here and said he should skip Buffalo. Saying that as somebody that said some shit in buffalo and they got it surrounded rather fast like you don't want to play out there you really don't want to play anywhere and that's the other thing yeah i'm here to just help the kids to understand culture and conditioning right like outside is now a buzzword see and i hate when things become buzzwordy because we lose the importance of what that stemmed from and how it was birthed.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Outside meant, hey, I am able to be outside in these numerous places because of the respect I give the respect i'm given i'm not threatened anywhere i have history in these places like that's what outside meant right and there is a privilege that comes with that as an entertainer you make your money by being outside right right and sometimes that window gets small like it could quickly but it could quickly turn from you making music at home or you tweeting on Twitter just about artists saying fuck shit. Bunch of niggas that have said fuck shit about me on Twitter. When I go to their bio, it says aspiring rapper. Right. Like it could quickly go from that to now you're surrounded by the people that you once spoken about now you outside hey where can you not be outside at that becomes like
Starting point is 01:27:51 a economic decision now fucking uh we've seen this back uh back with our trick trick oh they've told all the stories now about just you come to detroit you act a certain way you know the shit that him and royce was on yo now you can't come to Detroit, you act a certain way you know the shit that Tim and Royce was on yo, now you can't come to Detroit, no fly zone you can't move around here, we will make it uncomfortable for you, the Cardi B video that came out, yo, do you want it to be uncomfortable for you like, comfort
Starting point is 01:28:16 comfort Freddie Gibbs behavior to me and I agree with you, I'm just saying it differently it needs to match what I believe his aspirations are. Because when I look at him I see somebody with huge aspirations. And to do that
Starting point is 01:28:32 guess what you got to do? You got to be out. Exactly. So you don't make it harder for yourself outside. That's what I don't get. For what? I'm not saying that you're not tough, can't defend yourself, can't handle yourself. I'm saying fights win or lose are business decisions, yo. Whether you're on the upside or the downside of this.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Whoever's in business with Freddie Gibbs do not want to wake up the next day and see a bunch of clips going around of what we saw. And where was that? A little barbecue spot. Is that what it was? Yeah, it that? It's a little barbecue spot. Is that what it was? Yeah, it was. Barbecue spot. Allegedly.
Starting point is 01:29:10 You're lying. No. It sounds about right. Look at the beginning. When is the barbecue spot, when is the fire barbecue spot ever in the white part of town? You gotta go to where it's at.
Starting point is 01:29:24 And you're dealing with buffaloes, particularly the gentleman that he's been beefing with, are beloved and there's not much else that comes from that town. They might not even know them. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:29:38 But that's the scary part. That's the part about beefing. I don't gotta send that I don't have to send that yeah I only take one 15 year old I would've skipped this show I wouldn't have skipped the show
Starting point is 01:29:55 I would've skipped going to the local barbecue pit like I'm the man yeah you just gotta be hungry that day I know
Starting point is 01:30:04 little grub. Man, I got somebody traveling with me. Yo, go pick that up. Word. Because it don't look like the... No shot to Buffalo. I mean, no diss to Buffalo, but it don't look like the friendliest spot, nigga.
Starting point is 01:30:18 It look like the barbecue and they're banging. I was about to say, that's what you know. We know what that mean. That's what you know. Yeah. That's Miss Thelma back there cooking that barbecue. I'm always impressed with how fast word gets around the hood or the work that it went into to spot this person at this time. Because word goes into that.
Starting point is 01:30:36 I wouldn't be shocked if Freddie Gibbs got a few phone calls that day. Like, this wasn't a surprise. Like, even if you didn't know that the shit that you was talking all of these months might lead to this I'm sure a day before this show you got a couple phone calls that said yo high alert that's it cause you get those calls
Starting point is 01:30:54 you should know that in this particular instance I don't have to get a phone call at all I've been antagonizing the king of Buffalo for whatever reason. And now I'm going to Buffalo. It's an away game. To get money.
Starting point is 01:31:11 It's an away game. It's still an away game. To get money. You get the money. You don't want to be outside. I'm going to get money, but it's an away game to get the money. It's an economic thing. No, you can't get money in there. You can, but something's going to come with it. Yeah. You have to think about this every time you come here to get money.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Because what do they have? Back-to-back shows in Buffalo? No, you have to show in Manhattan. New York and then Buffalo. Buffalo. Back-to-back. I hope that Freddie Gibbs is good. I hope that this shit, I mean, he performed. Face was a little lumped up.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Hey, I got on Ustream with a lumpy eye, y'all said I had. I thought I was beautiful. He went, you know, he didn't like the fact that they were saying his chain got snatched because in there they were saying there was no rabbit chain. So he showed that he still got the chain. He put a picture up of it and then put a video up that he was at Icebox. Y'all, I don't care about you niggas' chains, yo. I don't care if y'all lose them shits, flush them down the toilet.
Starting point is 01:32:04 I don't care. I don't care if y'all lose them shits flush them down the toilet like I don't care like I don't care and I do y'all just care a little more about them than me nah yo do you see what like this is just called ignorance
Starting point is 01:32:13 nah you see what I'm saying no this the crazy shit my nigga he could've really lost his life there exactly like it only took two niggas to
Starting point is 01:32:21 to stab him in the right spots and he could've been laying down bleeding in that barbecue. One. I'm just saying, right? He gets online, and this is where. And again, I don't know the dude, so I feel a little funny speaking on him.
Starting point is 01:32:32 And the nigga that did it might not have been thinking nothing about a chain, dog. When it's murder on my mind, it's murder on my mind. And it could have been a 15-year-old little nigga just trying. Dog, and you get online instead of saying i thank god for my life you talked about these yo 28 y'all and y'all couldn't even get my shit come harder that's where i feel like i sound like the old old nigga in the club right it seemed like after this the first thing to do would hey get mutual parties to get somebody on the phone and get to it now this should show us that this could get a lot more serious if we both
Starting point is 01:33:05 decided to take it there or if one of us decided to and we shouldn't want that everybody got kids everybody got a family and i'm assuming you love them both or all of them more than you do your chain or chains and it might not again it might not even be someone that you know or contacted it could just be someone yo that's my man I hate taking shit to TV shows Canard killed Omar like
Starting point is 01:33:29 that wasn't even with the beef he wasn't with him little 15 year old popped Omar you get what I'm saying like it don't have to be the nigga you beefing with sent somebody
Starting point is 01:33:38 niggas can just know they don't fuck with you right now then he put a clip up the next day of him going to get another chain or something like that which let me know i thought he had the same chain no he was going to get something he had the same piece he said they didn't get the chain and he was going to get something but he was
Starting point is 01:33:57 at the jewelry store and he was excited about the ability to be able to or it seemed that way the ability to go right back after such a jarring event. Right? But my thing is, well, look at the life you've afforded for yourself. Wow. What a luxury to be able to go through that and the next day have disposable income to spend on jewelry. You're doing great. It seems like you enjoy the ability to do great and to be great.
Starting point is 01:34:26 So why put more hurdles there is all I'm saying. That's what I kept saying. Why make it harder for yourself with unnecessary confidence? I don't like seeing it. I hate it. I don't expect this from him. That's why I am keeping it on him like I'm a fan of his music. You are too good at
Starting point is 01:34:45 this type of shit you get from the ones who can't rap. And from kids at least. The kids. I expect that from them. That's in their bag. That's what they do. They get on Instagram and send shots back and forth at each other. Something happened. They come talking shit. Yeah, come harder next time.
Starting point is 01:35:02 That's their bag. The lyrical niggas be looking for a little schtick, too. They do. Yeah. It just goes different and looks different, but... Yeah, for some reason,
Starting point is 01:35:17 we don't want to see that. Yeah. You know what I mean? We don't want to see that. I'm just glad everybody was able to walk away though that part that's the most
Starting point is 01:35:26 important part somebody put a microphone on Kendrick while he's walking around Ghana man reading the news he not even looking at the news
Starting point is 01:35:35 yo I could have so much fun here but I won't get your shit on look at y'all get your shit on I'm with you.
Starting point is 01:35:45 I'm here with you. Look at my... Nope. Oh. Nope. Too great of a project. Too great of a man. But I mean,
Starting point is 01:35:53 my problem is I still have my sense of humor when I'm home. Did you see the video of him watching the soccer game? Yeah, I saw it. I saw him playing soccer. Yeah, I didn't know
Starting point is 01:36:04 he played out there too He's living life man Hey man J. Cole Played basketball Kendrick going to do soccer Sounds about right That's all Sounds about right
Starting point is 01:36:12 Let them do what they do They shoot this soccer game In 4K boy On the cement Make sure you get this shout out to Kendrick album's still amazing I think that's dope though
Starting point is 01:36:30 I'm not doing it that nigga's a megastar his album got better it got better and that's why I wasn't giving it to you it got better it did
Starting point is 01:36:38 I was vibing all weekend I'm not gonna lie certain shit you just can't give a take to not me I was busy listening to romantic shit but
Starting point is 01:36:43 his album got a lot better. When I put it on, I was like, oh, damn. This about to age like something else in this phone. He's good at that, man. The guy's good. Go ahead and play soccer, man. Go ahead. Yeah, rock out.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Have a blast. Get your shit off, man. I'm not coming over there. I'm not doing no interviews. I'm not even in the States. Oh, the album dropped? Cool, y'all enjoy that. Now that Kendrick dropped, though,
Starting point is 01:37:11 is there anybody that still has you highly anticipating their music release? Chris Brown. Is it a little outside of Chris Brown? Nope. Not for me, really. Not for me. I got Bad Bunny and Kendrick in the same week.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Drake, if he drops, I'll be... Isn't that sad to y'all that there's four people that get you really riled up before a release? Maybe five the most? I mean, no. There's other people that I would look forward to if they dropped. But these are the ones that they ain't dropped in a long time. We've been waiting for that. I'm looking forward to anything coming out of that Jermaine Dupri studio in atlanta just because i've been watching on instagram and it looks like a movie well and it's jermaine dupree so you know his brain when he's involved uh y'all know i was
Starting point is 01:37:54 waiting on that usher shit jd is involved i love the bad habits record i'm looking for that i'm looking for it he's skating all around and we can't get no music Division has been in that Jermaine Dupri studio working closely with him and Justice in there Brian Michael Cox like they having they having sessions
Starting point is 01:38:14 in there so I want to see it Ombre I know you're coming I'm waiting pause I'm waiting for it your girl
Starting point is 01:38:21 I have to pause I know she's coming I'm waiting for it Puff been talking about putting that album out for a minute I'm waiting on it Your girl I have to pause I know she's coming I'm waiting for it Puff been talking about Putting an album out for a minute I'm waiting on that Puff project So
Starting point is 01:38:30 Yeah He made me He made me like a Bryson Tiller tune On the awards I didn't hear the whole thing Like his name's I know coming That
Starting point is 01:38:38 I mean I'm excited for it But y'all know my Wheelhouse music Like I know Moneybagg Yo Is coming I'm looking forward to that It's a couple artists Again Yeah which I know my wheelhouse music. Like, I know Moneybagg Yo is coming. I'm looking forward to that. It's a couple artists.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Again? Yeah. Shit, he's coming. Can't be mad. Can't be mad. Yeah, but at this point, it's beyond anticipation. For me, now it's like, oh, if they drop, dope. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:01 Or if they announce, dope. Yeah, the only person that got me like, nigga, when is the date, is Chris Burr. Like, he said album come in June. I'm like this. That's it. The tour's been announced. Other than that, I'll take what I, you know, SZA, we keep saying SZA's coming,
Starting point is 01:39:16 but we don't know when. Actually, we've been saying that for two years now. Yeah, so that's on the list of, hey, I'll get it when it comes. I'm not anticipating, like, I don't have any concrete information that, yo, it's coming. We have a date. Now I'm excited. So,
Starting point is 01:39:27 that's it. And I'm waiting for SZA. Facts. I'm not anticipating it because I don't believe it's coming anytime soon. It's like Kanye
Starting point is 01:39:37 put the date out. We'll be excited, but we're probably not going to get it. We'll just get it when we get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:44 We spoke about Freddie Gibbs in Buffalo. Do y'all want to talk about the real tragedy in Buffalo? Absolutely. Definitely. Active domestic terrorism yet again. Mm-hmm. Captured alive. Yet again.
Starting point is 01:40:02 While armed. Yet again. I mean... Military grade ammo and weapons and armor and... Yet again. Yet again. In a state that don't really play that, by the way. Well, he wasn't from there.
Starting point is 01:40:16 No, he was from Broome County, which is about an hour from where I grew up. No, he was from New York. He was from New York. No, he wasn't from... I'm talking about where they're from. No. Ten people are... Still in New York State, is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:40:25 Gun laws are killed and three are wounded in a mass shooting at Tops. Teenage gunmen entranced by white supremacist ideology known as... See, I'm not doing this. I don't even want to read this. Because
Starting point is 01:40:41 that's just more media. And nah. I agree with that. because that's just more media and nah nah 18 year old man who allegedly shot allegedly shot and he streamed what do you say to this, man? Y'all say something.
Starting point is 01:41:08 This is bullshit, bro. That's what this is. I don't want to hear the sheriff going up there. This is pure evil. We know what this is. Y'all keep allowing this shit. I'm going to tell you my problem with it. And y'all know, fans, I'm the last one out of everybody in here to ever take it to the racial shit. But some shit you can't avoid.
Starting point is 01:41:26 This is racial shit. When they went down there in Atlanta and started shooting those spas up, we got an Asian bill really quick. I don't hear shit. I'll take it a step further.
Starting point is 01:41:42 You see these rappers currently in the news for Rico shit and how they get the information by looking at the internet and put them all together and found them. This guy had followers on Twitch, I'm assuming. He probably had followers on 4chan or whatever these sites are.
Starting point is 01:41:58 He probably followed other people. How are we not able to find these people and at least keep an eye on them? Yeah. The same way they're doing with Rico charges. Mm-hmm. Y'all can scour the internet and look for all the evidence you can over here.
Starting point is 01:42:13 Exactly. But when he's putting all the evidence up, and I don't know how true this is. I don't know how true this is. I did hear something about he was being looked at for, he talked about shooting a school up before or something. Yeah, I read that. So y'all even have something that he wanted to do before and was still allowed to just move around.
Starting point is 01:42:33 But y'all are monitoring the internet though. Right. When the suspect arrived at the store around 2.30 p.m., he was heavily armed, wearing tactical gear, including a tactical helmet along with plated armor. armed wearing tactical gear including a tactical helmet along with plated armor buffalo police commissioner joseph gramigalia sorry if i'm mispronouncing your name uh and had a camera that was live streaming his actions he used an assault weapon flynn said thank you flynn shit is nuts yeah i don't know i have no idea he was 18 what to say to this uh right besides rest in peace to the people that just wanted to go grocery shopping bro that day uh and i'm gonna say their names again apologize if i mispronounce any of these names uh celestine cheney 65 years old roberta drury 32 andre mcneil 53
Starting point is 01:43:31 katherine macy 72 morgus d morrison 52 hayward patterson 67 aaron salter jr 55 geraldine tally 62 ruth whitfield 86 pearl young 77 years old Aaron Salter Jr., 55. Geraldine Talley, 62. Ruth Whitfield, 86. Pearl Young, 77 years old. I ain't going to lie, that shit broke my heart. Same. I didn't want to watch it. I was trying to make a conscious effort not to see it. I didn't watch that.
Starting point is 01:43:57 I didn't watch it. I'm just saying, just reading it. This. Just reading these names with these ages. And knowing that everybody got a at that age what do you do besides go to the supermarket right go home watch your stories your soaps eat check on your kid like grandma can't go to the supermarket though bro somebody put it in a chat and um i just oh i know what it was so i just opened it up and it and
Starting point is 01:44:26 all jokes aside the shit looked like a video game and i think these young kids he was 18 they are being desensitized to death because it looked just like a video game from the point of view when you be uh what's the game that call of duty call of duty and all them shits they'd be running through on the point of view screen that's what it looked like I didn't know what it was when I first opened it up and he just started shooting
Starting point is 01:44:49 and people started falling I really still didn't know what I was looking at he went in the grocery store I'm like yo that shit look real like yo and with all these graphics
Starting point is 01:44:57 and that's it right there the graphics now on these video games dog you can see pimples on somebody's face you can see pores and they skinning all of that shit and they desensitizing these kids to death like this shit is crazy but yo I got a lot of other groups to get to before I get to the video games part and
Starting point is 01:45:15 of course no no no no no no I'm just saying that shit just looked crazy to me me it was it was crazy yeah I could I didn't watch it. I heard what it was and any video I saw that even resembled that it could have been that, I didn't click play. Same. I couldn't watch that. I'm going to try to get to a
Starting point is 01:45:38 higher level of thinking and functioning my brain with this. Because I mean, unfortunately, we continue to see this story not much to unpack about the story and where it stems from right i guess what fucked me up they all fucked me up but what fucked me up with this when we really get to try and unpack it right this kid is 18 years old a kid is 18 i mean you you just born yesterday so what do you know you don't know shit about shit you don't but impression you're highly impressionable you are being raised even trained trained taught to think this and carry this out right hold on stop right there
Starting point is 01:46:31 because i saw some posts of i guess it was he he wrote a manifesto as some of them do and one of the i don't know if this was the beginning. Why is it called a manifesto when they write it? See, I don't even like that. I don't know. It's not a manifesto. But go ahead. But one of the. A manifesto. I don't know if it was the start, but one of the lines said, I wasn't raised to be a racist.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Wasn't brought up this way, wasn't taught this way. I didn't become a racist until after I learned the truth and his quote unquote truth is kind of what is when we brought up the Roe v. Wade yes the Roe v. Wade it's all that's tied in together where they are really
Starting point is 01:47:20 being taught and believing that what's his name on Fox News openly talks about that they are really being taught and believing that the white... What's his name on Fox News? Openly talks about that. I don't want to say his name. I know you're dumb. I know you're dumb. But yeah, this is some shit.
Starting point is 01:47:35 This is like really happening here. They believe, yo, we got to... There's a segment of points that are absolutely terrifying. We are the master people. We're losing our place and we got to stop it. We got to balance the scales in some way. Indeed.
Starting point is 01:47:50 I didn't know that. So that was news to me. I've heard, you know, when you made that point. Oh, you thought it was rhetoric? Yeah, when you made that point. You thought it was conspiracy theory?
Starting point is 01:47:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But when you see someone say that and then go do what they did and to them they truly believe that I'm doing my part to help. Like, yo, people are fucked up. Kids. Similar to the kid in,
Starting point is 01:48:14 wherever that was, Kyle's in South Carolina. Yeah, Rittenhouse. Yeah, same shit. Some of these kids are, whatever, I don't know if it's... This happens so much that I'm confused on the case.
Starting point is 01:48:24 Yeah, no. Kyle Rittenhouse is which case? He's the kid in much that I'm confused on the case exactly is which case in the church to the protest no no that was the other kid that was still I don't even like
Starting point is 01:48:30 giving these people their names I don't like giving their fucking names fuck all their names fuck all them kids you're absolutely right now the crazy shit I'm thinking about
Starting point is 01:48:38 the dad and the son that didn't like do jogging Omar Aubrey rest in peace rest in peace like so when you say that in the sun that didn't like dude jogging like so when you say that and I hate to even try to unpack this when you say that they feel like if there's one less
Starting point is 01:48:53 black person if we kill one black person and we did the world a service they feel like they're playing their part in helping their race the numbers to help their numbers because they said after he shot all the people he got on his knees put his hand behind his head In helping their race. The numbers. To help their numbers. Because they said after he shot all the people, he got on his knees, put his hand behind his head and the whole shit, and basically just surrendered himself. Well, they showed the video of him apologizing to the white guy for almost killing him, saying sorry. And that is where you kill.
Starting point is 01:49:18 And boy, did that tick me off. No. Wow, he's so mannerable as he's committing. Like, boy, he's such a calm, nice, hospitable kid. No. But he's not. On Fox 5, they had a black preacher. And then they had a commentator on Fox 5.
Starting point is 01:49:38 And the commentator's like, oh, well, he's only 18. And do you think he suffered from some level of mental illness like you know when you're 18 you're not really that mentally mature blah blah blah so he went on giving some shitty borderline justifications for the kid not justifications but bailouts for the kid blaming it on mental illness and the black preacher was like nah he's a sound-minded body and he goes on to say yo he can vote he can go to war he could do xyz he knew well enough to drive that distance to a population where they were majority black to commit his crime so if you have same sound mind and body to do that then you not that crazy well then my point was fam you are of enough sound mind and body that
Starting point is 01:50:29 even once the shit kicked off you caught yourself not and not killed the white dude you get what i'm saying like you were in a rage you weren't just going shooting up everybody you were calm you were collected it was calculated because when you saw the white dude you even apologized even further than well further than that point because this is true but there also has to be some type of ledger being handed down or a sticky note passed around to say hey if you just are adamant in why you are killing black people you will be excused by the law i mean that is what it feels like no there's been there's been reports about like this is not a conspiracy theory or anything about uh white supremacists infiltrating uh law and politics circles like this is not i mean I'm not shooting from the hip. This is something that's proven and factual and known about
Starting point is 01:51:28 white extremists. They make it a lot more visible in 2022 for me. Facts. For me, the reasoning. He wrote on the fucking nose of the shit. Yeah, he did. He wrote. He took the Sharpie and wrote a bunch of shit that I won't say.
Starting point is 01:51:43 Hate crimes are up. This is not just, oh, we're seeing it more because people have phones. It's a fact. You can go to the FBI site and they'll tell you all about it. Racial crimes have been up a lot in the last several years. No, what I was about to say is it's not new for racists to be in public office. It's not new for them to be in positions of um authority no i'm just talking about authority like judges lawyers uh doctors like kk they was talking about yo imagine the kkk people that was coming with the sheets but then imagine the kk people kkk
Starting point is 01:52:20 people that was ceos or that was doctors letting niggas die on the table or you know what I'm saying? Shit like that. They in all areas of society. Shit, I saw people asking the question of when all the Ricos came down with YSL and everything. It was like,
Starting point is 01:52:36 why is it KKK now? Because it's them. That's why. Or they cousins. I want to know. What do y'all think? We won this shit. It's us.
Starting point is 01:52:46 Where did this kid work? Where did he get to work? Where did he work? I don't know. He's 18 years old. Where did he get that gun? Where did he get that gun and that ammunition? That's a good point.
Starting point is 01:52:55 Where did he get it? Good point. These are just questions that I have when these kids walk around with these war weapons. Man, the more I read into that one, yo, this dude went to that store multiple times. Like, this dude planned this shit out. Like, the security guard said, yo, my man, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:53:14 He said, I'm collecting consensus data. That's what he told me. And he wrote down, yo, I'm gonna have to kill that security guard. To go back to my point earlier about patrolling the internet in the way that they do and do not do at times. He didn't just pull this idea of getting this gun and the right kind of shit out of nowhere. He researched how to get the right tactical gear and the right gun and how to set up the stream.
Starting point is 01:53:38 But how do you... I'm with you. How do you effectively police that? If it's a million people searching up shit on the internet, you can't. I can't say the word Frigidaire without getting ads on my phone, of course. I know. When I open up, I'm going to have an air conditioner waiting right there for me. Suspect's history.
Starting point is 01:53:57 Neighbors of the Grendren family told ABC News that the suspect is a former student at Broome Community College, part of the State University of New York College system, a detail confirmed by a spokesman for the school. Police in Broome County were called by a local high school in June 2021 after they reported that Gringren threatened a shooting at graduation or during that time. Law enforcement sources familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News, can you get out of here with your exclusive reporting shit following uh following a police investigation that no charges were filed against grindren who received a mental health evaluation and counseling after the incident
Starting point is 01:54:36 see that's what my beef is stop right there. Right. Because the obvious question, if you're a black person sitting home reading and watching this for years and years and years, knowing the history of this country is. white person right but you can't ask that because it seems like you're asking something that you're not or implying something that you're not and that's where we always have our conversations right because white people don't need to ask that about us because every system in place is to protect them from dangerous black people or just black people that they feel uncomfortable around right and that's where it's tricky for me when I read this
Starting point is 01:55:36 I instantly thought of and I didn't watch the clip damn man we should get metal detectors and put them in front of tops grocery stores
Starting point is 01:55:51 think about that and I said that to myself and I heard my son like excuse me right like normally metal detectors you go through it
Starting point is 01:56:00 cause you wanna make sure that the people in here are safe but it's reverse it's like they put them shits around You go through it because you want to make sure that the people in here are safe. But it's reverse. They put them shits around when they think black people is coming in about to shoot some shit up. But like. We need to just keep them for like him. Whites need to start telling on each other.
Starting point is 01:56:21 But even even with that, yo, in this instance only, the metal detector wouldn't even have mattered. No. Like, he started shooting people from the car. So metal detector or not, once he started shooting people, he would have came past the metal detector. He had the gun in his hand. He wasn't trying to conceal it. Right. The metal detector is really only effective when you're stashing.
Starting point is 01:56:43 I wouldn't. No, I understand your point. Like, they put the metal detectors where we are. You just get to thinking. That's all. Our schools. Yeah. All of that.
Starting point is 01:56:50 They don't have metal detectors in certain community schools. They don't. They have them in ours. I mean. And as a black man, I don't want to hang my hopes on white people should start telling on themselves. I'm not saying on themselves. I'm talking about to each other
Starting point is 01:57:05 because I can speak as a white person that there's been plenty of times where some other white guy comes up to me and starts saying some crazy shit
Starting point is 01:57:11 thinking that I probably just think like him. That you subscribe to it. Yeah, and I think that any white person can probably relate to that. Now,
Starting point is 01:57:18 whether they do anything about it or say anything about it or bark back like even how J.J. Reddick did on ESPN to Homeboy, even though that was thinly veiled, different, but the same same um one of my one of my guys that works for
Starting point is 01:57:30 me he uh he's italian but he grew up in bradley court okay the only white boy in the projects in bradley court in newark and uh he a union taper like the you know sheetrock when they put the white shit on and he he italian heavy set big italian and he then got fired off a couple jobs for punching people because all his friends he don't have a one white friend he never dated a white girl in his life everybody in his circle is black and he said yo you'll be down south jersey and they'd be on a job and you're just gonna start talking shit because you think i'm gonna identify with you he's got fired off of mad jobs he's got telling me some story about a white old white couple to call the uber oh yes you ain't see it they call trying not to watch yeah so this couple called the uber
Starting point is 01:58:17 and the uber guy comes he picks him up they open the door and he says oh thank goodness you speak english or something like that to that effect and he was like huh and i'm like no no no i was just happy that you know you're one of us you speak english and he was like you know what don't don't get in and then they were like what do you mean he was like that comment was inappropriate and he was like are you serious and he was like yeah and then he the husband's there the woman the wife said it but the husband is standing right behind her and um and then the husband's like i should punch you in your fucking face you you nigga lover blah blah blah to the man and then he was like all right cool i'm calling the cops it was in pa and the people on the restaurant or some store in pa he's
Starting point is 01:59:01 like yeah you guys are the owners right cool i'll make sure to put that on the news and I'm calling the cops to report you guys. And he's like, so what? I'm punching it. And he called him a nigga lover. But then you say shit like, and this is not me saying it, but you say shit like in trying to explore how you solve some of this and like,
Starting point is 01:59:19 everybody. And everybody gets pins and needles. Because you can't say that blasphemy how could you even think that well yeah yeah i'm with y'all because who wants to do that but this this is disgusting it's just it has to be another way right not not as as, again, man, and it goes back to that KKK comment, as long as they the ones up there empowering office, man. And you can timestamp that one of those words.
Starting point is 01:59:55 As long as they the ones in office writing these laws and doing X, Y, and Z, what the fuck can you do? You can't arm yourself. More importantly, not writing laws yeah and that's why we have these conversations you and i especially or you and me you and cory where i say that it's about inclusion and it's gonna take time because we started from such a huge deficit that we're gonna be behind the eight ball for some time but i think we're gaining ground and some people say yes and some people say no i just think that we're going to be behind the eight ball for some time. But I think we're gaining ground.
Starting point is 02:00:27 And some people say yes, and some people say no. I just think that we're gaining ground because the more people in the room, the more inclusive the room gets. That's the only way to potentially. When you say we're gaining ground, who's the we? The black people, minorities, the disenfranchised. Some people like AOC. Some people hate aoc but aoc represents a huge population of marginalized people that she represents or speaks for from their perspective
Starting point is 02:00:55 and she goes hard and she goes super hard like i don't even i agree with some of the shit she says and i vehemently disagree with some of the shit she says. However, that particular demo is being represented in Congress. You get what I'm saying? And so I think the more inclusive that we are starting to become, I think that's when you see the real change. And some people will go, well, what they table scraps now? Sometimes we got to eat them. It might be one more fuck at the table. One turn into two, two turn into five.
Starting point is 02:01:22 Like, that's what has to happen, I think, for us to get some level of real equity. That's my personal opinion. Like, I just think that that has to happen. It's happening slower than a lot of us would like, but... And in the end,
Starting point is 02:01:35 there's the reason why, well, another reason why that takes a lot longer is the flip side to that is you get one of, let's say, us in the room, and you become them. That happens a lot.
Starting point is 02:01:48 Assimilation. It does. So we need ones that'll stay with us once they get in the room. I wouldn't give a fuck how y'all looked at me if we were just governed the same. No, but you can't say it. Why not? Because that's an oxymoron. How?
Starting point is 02:02:04 Because them looking at you in a certain way is why we're not governed the same you said I wouldn't give a fuck how you looked at me how they look at you determines how you're governed so
Starting point is 02:02:16 how we look at that's why I'm saying what I'm saying no but you can't have both if I get what you're saying hold on listen to what you said you might have worded it wrong. It meant something different.
Starting point is 02:02:26 No, I'm worded the way I want to word it. But go ahead. You said, I don't care how you look at me if we're governed the same. You need them to look at you in a different light to govern you the same. They don't look at you as you're the same. Yeah. It's a meme going around. And it says, yo, what did you do?
Starting point is 02:02:42 And it's a white boy in the back. No scars, no bruises, no nothing. He's in cuffs. It's a cartoon it's a white boy in the back no scars no bruises no nothing he's in cuffs and they're back it's a cartoon but they're both in the back of a police car
Starting point is 02:02:50 I saw it could you take 10 minutes and tell me about the meme come on and so I'm telling them the meme says yo what'd you do and the white boy was like
Starting point is 02:02:57 uh shout out for school what'd you do and he was like oh I had a busted tail light and the black dude is beat the fuck up that is based on perception and how somebody views you the black dude is beat the fuck up that is based on perception and how somebody views
Starting point is 02:03:05 you the black dudes are automatically viewed as a threat no matter what that's how they look at you so that's so we can't govern very clear and so that goes into governance no no no no that's not true this is a chicken and egg conversation i feel like yeah that's yeah no i'm with you that's not true you can hate black people all day long and uh the rules in which we have to live by as a society not reflect that that could be your personal choice and your personal right to run around and hate people y'all y'all are saying that it has to be combined well it's always been combined that's why we talk about systemic oppression yeah but the view we're not just talking about how you personally feel right like if you spoke to a lot of black people about what donald sterling said on that tape regarding the
Starting point is 02:03:49 clippers a lot of black people was like hey man was in private he could say what he want a lot of black people said he was in private that was fucked up she taped him he shouldn't have lost his whole business we say man foul shit in private i heard a lot of people say that, but the rules and how this is set up, I'm with Park. This is chicken and egg. Y'all are right. It's designed this way because they hate us, but our problem isn't with y'all hating us. I disagree. Hey, if he could go shoot 10 people and then somebody else could go shoot 10 people and they both are treated the same a then now we talking
Starting point is 02:04:26 then now we talking that's true but i'm talking about i don't think that ever stops based on how somebody is viewing somebody i think that the racism the impartiality the unfair treatment based is based on your view of me if one white kid gets pulled over he's going 100 and he gets treated like this and one black kid get pulled over and he's treated like this that's based on the view of black people that the people pulling him over have and i'ma even i'ma even go further than what you're saying and i don't pretend to know i'm not an expert in any of this. But if even that was the case,
Starting point is 02:05:08 then what the hell is he running around shooting people for? The setup, you got it. The setup, you got it. Y'all got it. Y'all got everything. You have to have a bigger plan than, hey, let's just kill them all. No, because his ideal is,
Starting point is 02:05:22 yeah, we got it, but we losing it. Him killing 10 people did what? Nothing. Nothing. 10 black people. What did it do to his plan? Respectfully speaking, in the big scheme of things. We don't know.
Starting point is 02:05:33 We can't speak to it. We're not allowed to move. People lost their lives, but in the grand scheme of things. I mean, for that murderous, treacherous, nasty little kid. Yeah, that's what I mean. In the grand scheme of things, nothing. He didn't do nothing. I want to know what he was trying to do.
Starting point is 02:05:52 But, dog. We will never know. If he... I'm trying to think how to word this. If he really believes this whole replacement theory thing they got going, and whatever group he subscribes to they all believe this too all right i went and killed 10 you you you got 30 you got this many you because this ain't an isolated event so you potentially think he's a sacrificial lamb yeah like that
Starting point is 02:06:20 they're looking at i did my part i'm playing a part in the entire in the big scheme of things it might be very a very very small part but you did a part you did a part and it adds up and we can shift
Starting point is 02:06:31 and make a difference that's what it sounds like this nigga's doing higher learning you remember how they reused the dude Remy on higher learning ta-da
Starting point is 02:06:41 they used him as a flunky to go do some shit to get a result so if you had a whole bunch of flunkies carrying out your bidding you could potentially over
Starting point is 02:06:55 a period of time make a dent in the population you don't remember Remy? yeah I remember him and they basically used this dumbass. No, I'm thinking. They used this dumbass to carry out a task. They didn't give a fuck about him.
Starting point is 02:07:11 They just used him. You're a white supremacist. You're going to eventually get outnumbered. You are. Because that's their thing, right? That's their thing. If this is the whole manifesto, whatever the fuck it's called, they want to stop integration from happening,
Starting point is 02:07:26 you're going to lose that battle, I'm sorry to tell you. You are. So you might as well... You've already lost. Actually, you've already lost. Facts. But if you want to talk about this country specifically, you're going to lose eventually. Worldwide.
Starting point is 02:07:40 Gotta be deeper than just that, man. I wish I knew. Gotta be more. Gotta be deeper than just that, man. I wish I knew. Gotta be more. Gotta be more. I mean, you won't know. We won't know sitting in this fucking room. If you control that. I don't like that manifesto shit. That shit pisses me off.
Starting point is 02:07:56 Hey, the DC sniper wrote some shit too. Y'all didn't call it that. Called it a plan. Manifesto sound. Mad, sexy, sophisticated. Stop far Manifesto Yo the wording
Starting point is 02:08:07 Even by the biggest people CNN All of the tops When you start looking At the wording It be crazy No doubt I think they're all complicit
Starting point is 02:08:16 Absolutely They're all complicit There's a little nasty Nasty ecosystem Going around Form Well not even going around Just right in front of us.
Starting point is 02:08:25 Both in politics and in media. You know, the beef between CNN and Fox and the beef between the right and the left, the Republicans and the Democrats. But when they write this shit, they're on the same team. Somebody did a split screen and put two articles up.
Starting point is 02:08:39 And it was like, 18-year-old black man accused of XYZ and then 18-year-old black man accused of X, Y, Z. And then 18-year-old teenager when describing a white kid. White teenager. Just little shit like that frames your mind as a kid. But that goes into the view that Joe talked about and how they view us.
Starting point is 02:09:02 I remember when Katrina was happening. And they had a white girl and a white guy in the water. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And they were carrying, like, food and shit. Looting versus... No, they had refugees, looting refugees versus... Thieves or whatever.
Starting point is 02:09:13 Like, starving people looking for... Yeah. Pillaging for food and shelter. And how you word that shit is based on how you view the people. Mm-hmm. So you can't effectively govern if you viewing me as a piece of shit already when I come into your courtroom or when you pull me over.
Starting point is 02:09:31 You're not going to talk to me like an adult. You're not going to talk to me like the cops talk to us like little boys, dog. They come to your window with an attitude from the rip. Where you going? Sometimes you don't got to say shit. They already be on 10 see that bothers me too now they say he's doing critical he's doing data census research census research collecting data what did he say he was doing um because then y'all show me or they y'all show me all of these
Starting point is 02:09:58 commercials come census time they show me all of these commercials trying to get black people to do the census and y'all never address why black people don't really feel confident in doing the census. And in doing that, we can never get the resources that we truly need. Because we're not doing the census. I'm not telling you how many people in my house. I'm not telling you. I'm not telling you shit. Go figure it out.
Starting point is 02:10:22 Yeah, but that's how we get our money. I know. So, but now we bought the beef. But we don't trust y'all with what y'all about to do with that information. That's true. We do not trust nobody. We don't trust with what you will do with that information. And, frankly, how much reason have we been given to trust?
Starting point is 02:10:42 You showed us nothing that says says okay, we got your best interest in mind. At all. Yeah, it's fucked up. You mentioned how they view us and stuff.
Starting point is 02:10:50 I flashback to one time you did a show SOBs and we were heading back to Jersey and um,
Starting point is 02:10:58 **** like his ****. I will blow nigga anonymity up on this. I ain't say, it's just the greatest yo can I get a round
Starting point is 02:11:06 of applause for Ish real quick let's just take a break it's just a man at that yo I got a worker Samuel he's Spanish he was born in 79
Starting point is 02:11:13 on this block these are views these are his friends 8 millions of people we can bleep the name we'll bleep the name yo the nigga was telling you
Starting point is 02:11:21 this platform's huge we'll bleep the name but we were leaving and we had just came out I wrote with him it was like his cousin nigga was telling you. This platform's huge. We're looking at it. But we were leaving and we had just came out. I rode with him. It was like his cousin. It was a group of us in the car. This nigga's doing,
Starting point is 02:11:33 the cousin of somebody's dropping. He's doing like 110. Coming out the tunnel on Route 3 in Jersey. We get pulled over. I'm like, I'm shitting bricks. Oh God, here they go.
Starting point is 02:11:44 Well, you stayed up all night for the traffic ticket so I sure did go ahead got it dismissed the next day but cop comes up to the car and he yo would you stop me for like attitude like you inconveniencing me nothing happened you know what I yeah my uncle's a cop something he gave shot him some name said whatever whatever cop said, all right, cool, just slow it down a little bit.
Starting point is 02:12:07 I was blown away because I'm like, nigga, I do 80 and two cop cars are pulling up off the rip. We was doing a buck 10.
Starting point is 02:12:16 We was supposed to be out that car and that shit told. And you was talking sassy and stuff. Yeah. Nothing happens. Man,
Starting point is 02:12:22 I'm walking from Onview last week. I'm going from Onview to Highwood. It's that game that Boston shouldn't have lost. They lost. They was at'm walking from Onview last week. I'm going from Onview to Highwood. It's that game that Boston shouldn't have lost. They lost. They was at home. They was up 12-4.
Starting point is 02:12:30 I'm walking from Onview. I think you also dub on that one, too. But it's all good. On that game? Yeah. It's all good. I think it was me and Corey that made the bet. It's all good.
Starting point is 02:12:41 He's right. He's right. I got a dub. A dub for each of you. Put it in the jar. I was right about everything. And that made the bet. It's all good. He's right. He's right. I got a dub for each of you. Put it in the jar. I was right about everything. And they won the series. Anyway, but I'm walking from On View.
Starting point is 02:12:51 I'm walking from On View to Highwood. I say to the fucking person I'm with, I'm looking around. It's a beautiful night. The fucking wind from the water. It just feels nice out there. And I'm like, like yo it's a lot of police out here it's more police like as black people you just you gotta know that's interesting i wonder what happened around here and i walk in highwood little do i know that they're having a
Starting point is 02:13:17 hennessy event and then shout out to val but that's when i text cory all y'all niggas in there all the niggas oh, it's a gangster party. I'm hugging everybody. And I said, hey. This is why the cops is here. Uh-huh. Now I'm mad. Yep.
Starting point is 02:13:36 Now I'm mad. Too bad. I don't have nothing else to say about it. Nah, I get it. I get it 100%. Somebody's been informed That They're congregating And there's some Hennessy going on You know Hennessy Get a nigga a little
Starting point is 02:13:52 On the other side I'm just saying A little agitated A little quicker My father used to say to me And I used to laugh him Out of the room every time Or just wherever we were
Starting point is 02:14:01 Yo When you learn How the world works You will learn Nothing is by accident here. Mm-hmm. Shut up, man. It's like the 50s and 60s. You bother me, I'm going to hit that old shit.
Starting point is 02:14:13 We used to really... We rocking out in that... Shit went back to the 60s in our lifetime. I mean, it was always there, but... Summoned shit, yeah. I remember having that mentality. You know what I'm saying? Talking to my parents the same exact way. You know what I'm saying Talking to my parents the same exact way
Starting point is 02:14:25 You know what I'm saying They were protesters and all that shit in the 60s And like oh man we over here chilling Super integrated crew We're not even thinking about that shit And then the last decade That middle America boy I'm telling you
Starting point is 02:14:41 That shit is different And we kind of oblivious A little bit Because we just live in a metropolis Where everybody's really living on top of each other I'm from here Yeah I'm from 40 minutes away from where this man was from
Starting point is 02:14:55 No I'm not talking about I'm talking about us Here I know Like and you're down here now Right So your neighbor could be Asian
Starting point is 02:15:02 Your other neighbor across the way could be Hispanic Melton Pot for real Your neighbor could be Like we're're in a melting pot and you could go over there and get some oxtail yo you're coming over yo bring some coronas bring your a-game we yeah that but in a lot of places in america fam it is definitely segregated it is definitely segregated even in the metropolis cities be clear it's still segregated. More interaction, though. More interaction. More interaction.
Starting point is 02:15:29 Definitely more. Working together, going to college together. I'm talking about states where it's 3% black. The whole state is 2% and 3% black. That exists in America today. For sure. You start fucking with them Dakotas, Wyoming, shit like that. Upstate New York. Yeah, but you saying that. Upstate New York. Yeah, but yeah, you saying that
Starting point is 02:15:46 and I get what you saying. Yeah, there's a point to that. But even in my hood, our hood, that one little stretch, they got the Spanish gang members
Starting point is 02:16:00 up there. If you drive straight this way, the Asians got the whole land, the market, this, that. The people that get the permits to put the buildings up. And yeah, I feel safe.
Starting point is 02:16:16 We're forced to integrate, though. Even in everything you're saying, you're right. Everybody has their little stretch, but we're forced to integrate. You're going to see, every day you come out your door, you're going to see some asians you're too great of a monopoly player for this no listen to what i'm saying if i don't have no property in the board how long can i integrate with you i'm not listening to what i'm saying i'm talking about something different
Starting point is 02:16:35 every day you come out your door you're gonna see white people black people spanish people asian people every day if you stay outside your door more than an hour, you're going to see them where you live. I'm talking about motherfuckers that never see black people. Never seen a Hispanic person in their life. Oh, I wasn't touching on that. That's what I'm talking about. Oh, I wasn't touching on that. I don't know nothing about that. And so that ideology mentally is being fueled by the shit that you're seeing on TV because you don't have to integrate with them.
Starting point is 02:17:01 Joe, you're not a racist dude because you talk to motherfuckers on a day-to-day basis. I've seen you walk through something. Yo, man, how your muscles get that big, man? What I got to do to do that? You seen me flirting with some niggas?
Starting point is 02:17:12 Wow. Wow. Wow. But even in that, on the flip side of that, because I can't speak to what Isha's talking about, I didn't grow up that way.
Starting point is 02:17:19 Like, I wasn't in that. But today, right, the black people that I see when I walk out the door and look out that ain't that's an altered that's altered perception
Starting point is 02:17:32 that ain't reality when I see the black people these are black people that have excelled in their fucking their career path did awesome
Starting point is 02:17:40 and decided to put a fish tank and all white marble in the kitchen like there's also mad racist people that ain't like in Queens alone they come from where you come from no facts awesome and decided to put a fish tank and all white marble in the kitchen. There's also mad racist people. That ain't like in Queens alone. They come from where you come from.
Starting point is 02:17:49 So their mentos aren't that. I'm talking about the mental capacity of these people. You know what I mean? I don't know where this boy's from. What's the name of his city? Conklin, I believe it's called. And he knew that it wasn't enough black people to kill around here
Starting point is 02:18:05 So they said he made A conscious effort To drive the fucking buffalo So where he's growing up His next door neighbor Might not be the cool black kid That sleeps over my house That's what I'm talking about
Starting point is 02:18:17 And that feeds that shit That's what I'm talking about It definitely does It definitely does I'm with you there Like you force When you start going to college On big campuses, like, you go to University of Maryland, University of Michigan, fucking LSU, shit like that.
Starting point is 02:18:31 Bro, you have no choice but to be dormed up with some mixed race. You're not just all around all blacks. You're not just around all whites. And now, guess what? Y'all might be in a group. All that being said, though, Queens is the most diverse county, I think, in the world and there's some racists
Starting point is 02:18:47 right over there. Of course it is. You know what I'm saying? Of course it is. But you get what I'm saying? There's going to be racists all over the place. Yeah, everywhere.
Starting point is 02:18:54 There's going to be racists all over the place. Divisiveness has been going around since the beginning of time. And there's no way to really spot them or point them out. No.
Starting point is 02:19:03 In Africa, it was tribal. You know what I mean? Like, you go to DR, it's certain Dominicans that don't like these Dominicans. You go to India, some Indians like these and they don't fuck with the other ones. It's just divisiveness is everywhere you go. You can't stop it. See?
Starting point is 02:19:19 I'm not trying to stop divisiveness. I'm trying to stop all others. We can be divisive. I'm an introvert, yo. I'm all for people wanting to be alone and not fucking with people. It's the extras. It's the other stuff. Like access to these weapons. Laws that incentivize these people to do these criminals.
Starting point is 02:19:42 But that's my thing, right? You think, you think think it's just arrogance you think the people that you murdered that this dude murdered don't have nobody in the family that's willing to ride i don't i never think that i never think that i often go to me and the people i know when like that type of you you're going to do something to somebody's family, yo, and somebody's going to take a ride. But now we got to think about the system that we got to deal with when we take that ride. We won't be able to go do that and get your gun back
Starting point is 02:20:15 and ask for it. Huh? All right, let me turn this music up. Yo, rest in peace to those that tragically lost their lives in tops. I don't wish that on anybody. Prayers, thoughts, warmth, and love to the families that have to now deal with that. And all the people that were just in the grocery store shopping that had to witness that.
Starting point is 02:20:46 And the people, yeah, the survivors. It's traumatizing. Change your life. What? Life-changing day. Life-changing day, and it didn't have to be. It's extremely unfortunate, and I hope to not have to report on this type of shoot. Yeah, yeah, honestly.
Starting point is 02:21:04 I think Brandy or Rip Jack Harlow. Wait, yeah, honestly. I think Brandy will rip Jack Harlow. Wait, wait, what happened? I think Brandy will get him. They want to do a versus? He don't want to do that with Brandy.
Starting point is 02:21:14 I don't want to do that with Brandy. I don't know. He don't have the longest night of his life. No, Jack Harlow learned on air that Brandy and Ray J
Starting point is 02:21:22 were brother and sister. Yeah. Well, more notably, that's what the headline said. More notably, he just didn't recognize Angel in Disguise to be a Brandy song.
Starting point is 02:21:30 I'm not mad at that. He wasn't born. Yeah, he's a kid. I was about to say, how old is he? He wasn't born. He's young. How old is he?
Starting point is 02:21:35 23, 22. He didn't know nothing about Angel in Disguise. I hate that we keep putting the kids in these spots. Do you know this Tupac? Yeah. This Tupac record?
Starting point is 02:21:43 He's a 24-year-old kid from Kentucky. Yeah, come on. So nothing wrong with that. But they had a little phone with that in the headlines and Brandy responded the other day saying,
Starting point is 02:21:54 I'll merc this dude and rap at 43 on his own beats and then sing his ass to sleep. Oh, shit. Don't do that to me. That's your boo-boo me sing me to sleep Brandy's angelic voice
Starting point is 02:22:10 wow see I can have a little fun too he he all love now great that she's having fun but Brandy has rapped and sounds great doing it great doing it that's all I'll say to that
Starting point is 02:22:23 cause I don't think that'll go any further. Yeah, that's not going anywhere. Ice, you had 30 topics on your list. I was just, with the Jack Harlow thing, I was just really annoyed at everybody saying, oh, you know, you're in this culture, you should know this and that. Like, fam, fam, what do you want him to do?
Starting point is 02:22:39 Go back and research everything that's related to R&B, rap, black music? You in this culture. What culture is he he in wait till i start the real podcast i'm gonna tell i'm gonna tell y'all whose culture it is i told him that y'all keep talking about i literally said why do you think this is y'all culture yeah y'all sold this culture a long time ago honestly for cheap and it was a whole argument over that and i'm just like yeah I got it I just left it alone you sold the culture that nigga sold the culture yes I don't need to watch it I watch drink champs and see the founding fathers of hip-hop on there mm-hmm what more I need to see hmm
Starting point is 02:23:22 I'll stick up patreon you disagree what is there to say about it oh yeah we can definitely go y'all can talk about it I'm not doing that I'm not your race bait buddy you will not get me into this
Starting point is 02:23:35 also I want to say rest in peace to Lil Key oh yeah Atlanta based rapper passed away at 24 years old. And the cause came out that it was liver and kidney failure.
Starting point is 02:23:50 Damn. So, yeah, it was, like, I saw a lot of his family, his friends, his fans. It just came out like he passed. Nobody knew what happened. Right. It was real sudden. You know, he's 24 as a kid. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 02:24:11 That's horrible. liver and kidney failure playing a serious stomach pain days before death why people get overlooked when you complain about pain i don't like hearing that afterward like kevin samuels complaining about chest pain did you see kevin atlanta i know you're not watching atlanta no man we don't go to the doctor. We'll just eat it and suck it up. Your fucking leg could be numb for four weeks. You'll just be walking around
Starting point is 02:24:32 on the funny legs. You know what I'm saying? And then some real serious shit will happen. We just won't go to the doctor. Especially black men, we got to start going to the doctor. Me included.
Starting point is 02:24:41 Like, we just overlook certain shit. But how do you tell us? It will. And we won't listen. We won't listen, though. We won't listen. Yeah, you think you're...
Starting point is 02:24:49 You think we can just tough our way through it. We've been taught, nigga. Yeah, that's true. Toughen up. Oh, man, it's just gas. No, nigga, you're having a heart attack.
Starting point is 02:24:57 Yeah, well... That's how we rock. No bullshit. No, I'm kidding. You're absolutely right. Niggas just think it's normal. They piss ain't coming out in one line. bullshit. No, you're absolutely right. Niggas just think it's normal.
Starting point is 02:25:05 Piss ain't coming out in one line. Your piss got a little sprinkler system to it. Shower head
Starting point is 02:25:15 on your dick. Yo, piss straight, my nigga. Yo, pee the right way,
Starting point is 02:25:23 dog. Or go to the doctor one or the other. Go get that looked at, fam. Oh, man. My son definitely learned how to pee on his own. Lex, he learned how to pee on his own. Watching you?
Starting point is 02:25:35 No, I got it. Because they want to be big boys. Like, so you watch, you know what I mean? I guess. They just want to emulate. I was so happy that he learned that, who cares where he got it from, but he started just going
Starting point is 02:25:45 to the bathroom and doing his own thing. And I like that as a dad. Be independent. Go do your thing. But, now, sometimes he just like
Starting point is 02:25:53 do shit I think to piss me off. he's pissed on the whole wall of the day. Like, now you're figuring out your dick. Let me see what happens
Starting point is 02:26:01 if I make a little left this way. Oh shit, I could direct this now? No, oh shit, you know why you right? Because sometimes I try to get fancy like an idiot, and I won't stand directly in front of the toilet.
Starting point is 02:26:14 Like, I stand sideways and try to be Steph Curry with the piss because it's a smaller basket. I try to be Lethal Shooter. Oh, my God. Steph Curry with the piss, boy. Yeah, so he going that try to piss from the fucking side then you can't do that takes years of skill and training yo jesus man shout out to my baby uh anyway b-real is mad at versus yeah and i don't think swiss went to that uh
Starting point is 02:26:39 that uh onyx versus uhpress Hills. Did Swiss go? I don't know. B-Real's upset, and I kind of agree with him. He basically said, like, this Versus wasn't streamed on Instagram Live. It was completely behind the paywall. This is the first one to be completely behind the paywall. So he said they took the versus and pretty much made this a side act
Starting point is 02:27:08 to their boxing event. That's what they've been doing. No, no, no, no. They only did it the other way around. Oh, you're right. The boxing opened up for the versus.
Starting point is 02:27:15 But they still promoted this as the versus. This was a trailer fight night and we got a Cypress Hill Onyx versus happening. So it was like they gave us the backseat to it and you put it behind a paywall so not a lot of people saw it so yeah he was upset
Starting point is 02:27:31 i've read someone tweeting that they did a different format tour apparently they did like three songs and then three songs yeah i heard there was a different format all the way down to the corner cypress did three songs and then onyx did three songs. And you had to save your hits for the end or something. There was a list of rules that they had this time. I said what I said last episode. Same. I ain't coming here to tell y'all what I heard about it. I didn't see
Starting point is 02:27:56 a peep about it and I wasn't looking for it. Mm-hmm. That got me already when Fredro battled Keith Murr. Which is still one of the greatest battles in history down around. Oh, but we got another one coming up. We'll talk about some more. that got me already when Fredro battled Keith Merck. But as... Which is still one of the greatest battles in history
Starting point is 02:28:06 down around. Oh, but we got another one coming and we'll talk about some more. Oh, I knew you. You good. But as a participant
Starting point is 02:28:14 here, I understand his frustration. Like, dog, I came here versus doing what it's been doing for the legacy acts and y'all hide
Starting point is 02:28:23 that shit over here where nobody sees it? Right. The fuck was the point of this he got paid be real it's the man yo he is Cypress Hill is underrated
Starting point is 02:28:32 group he got paid I like seeing them get disrespected I'm sure I'm sure they get paid but both Cypress Hill and Onyx are disrespected
Starting point is 02:28:41 on the totem pole of hip hop I think they got thrown into like shit that white people like category both Cypress Hill and Onyx are disrespected on the totem pole of hip hop. I think they got thrown into shit that white people like category. It did. Both of them. Which means they sold a whole lot of records, but they didn't necessarily get the
Starting point is 02:28:55 critical acclaim. No, the hood acclaim. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The hood acclaim. I feel him, though, and I understand. I get that. I understand. And it probably wasn't marketed to them that way.
Starting point is 02:29:08 You know what I mean? They probably didn't even know until the last minute. They thought it was versus versus. Yeah, they thought it was the same shit. Like dog, y'all got us. We not even on IG.
Starting point is 02:29:16 YouTube nothing. Y'all have had other versus joints that was on the the Triller app but you also streamed it on Instagram. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 02:29:23 You cut that for us. Why do you think they do that? So it think they do that they want the subscriptions over here at some point we have to allow Versus to make their money for sure so they did their deal and got their money now Triller
Starting point is 02:29:40 has to get their money so you're not going to subscribe to Triller if you go watch this for free on the gram? Yeah. They do that. They tried to first off, when they first did it, you get different camera views. You get the whole show. Higher quality production.
Starting point is 02:29:54 Yeah, yeah. You got that. And it wasn't enough. This shouldn't have been the first one that they did that on. I mean, someone has to be, unfortunately, though. Somebody's going to be the first one. On a bigger one but they should've they should've like did a a whole festival
Starting point is 02:30:07 damn near a versus to make it more appealing to people that would actually show up and pay cause if this was an undercard or the main card
Starting point is 02:30:15 and there was a bunch of other shit happening that day that I cared about I probably would've paid the three dollars again I think they running low
Starting point is 02:30:20 on people that's willing to do this oh I think that like if just hypothetically if they did the fucking you gotta subscribe we give you the Chris Brown Usher versus the subscriptions would've went through and low on people that's willing to do this. Oh, I think that, like, just hypothetically, if they did the fucking, you got to subscribe,
Starting point is 02:30:26 we give you the Chris Brown Usher versus. The subscriptions would have went through the window. You can't do that with this as your first versus behind the paywall.
Starting point is 02:30:36 Yeah, and again, no disrespect to these gentlemen. Yeah, I just think it's bad business. No, no, it's not. Not a shot at them at all. Those are legendary groups. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 02:30:45 That's a damn shame though. Yeah, you just don't do that to, like you said, somebody's gonna have to be the first group. You don't really want to start with a,
Starting point is 02:30:56 I don't want to call them smaller, but most people cannot name 20 songs from either group. Correct. There you go. I can't. Especially, Cy you go. I can't.
Starting point is 02:31:06 Especially Cypress Hill. I don't know the name of the Onyx songs, but I could probably sing 20 songs. I don't know. Again, that just tells me I think that Versus is slim pickings at this point. Yeah. I will always disagree when y'all say that. It's not slim pickings, yo. Slim pickings for what
Starting point is 02:31:28 they want to pay. Oh, that's a different thing. That's what I'm talking about. They have to make their money. Okay, but that has to be acknowledged by the fan base, right? When they was over at Apple, we're speculating here.
Starting point is 02:31:38 We heard a few artists come out and say, yo, we got a bag. And we know the type of bags that went around. Then they sold. And then we heard, I think that was 3-6 come out? Oh, not 3-6.
Starting point is 02:31:48 Swiss came out and was like, yo, y'all are charging. Y'all want money that y'all are not even getting at your show. You want us to pay it. What he's saying there is, yo, I got my deal. I got mine now. I'm not taking mine and going to dump it back to now pay y'all. This is a Triller thing now. It's not even my thing.
Starting point is 02:32:05 I came up with the IP and I could be wrong. Because I don't need people I know calling me. I'm just saying. I came up. No, Swiss is on a yacht. The big one with Magic Johnson somewhere. It ain't the little tiny rapper yacht that we on.
Starting point is 02:32:22 He lives in Iron Man's house. We need another name for those. I live in Iron Man's house, yo. You can't call them little ones yachts that we on. Like, they on. We need another name for those, too. He lives in Iron Man's house. We need another name for those. You got to stop calling them Little Ones Yachts. I live in Iron Man's house, yo. The Menno. You can't call them Little Ones Yachts, man.
Starting point is 02:32:29 The Menno. After you see the real yacht, it's just a boat. Nah, nah, yeah, I get another name for it. Nah, shit, it's the Menno from Gilligan and the... Yeah, something else.
Starting point is 02:32:34 Yeah. Nah, that's real. I'm just saying, it got to be a new name. They just said they on the yacht and where's the rest of the yacht? Yeah, these fans are fucking nuts. Hey, this morning I tweet,
Starting point is 02:32:44 I say uh hey JJ Redick and Pat Beverly need a show I got at least 20 people to hit me back and say yo you a network
Starting point is 02:32:51 get it poppin alright you're right you're right you're right play it out with me I wish y'all could not be fans and like we could
Starting point is 02:33:04 do this more often in real time. How much does one of them cost? A lot. And even if I had it, would I want to lose it? Would I want to go get it? You're right, it's an investment. But now we at the negotiating table just that fast. Hey, Pat Benfrey, I don't want to put numbers on him,
Starting point is 02:33:25 but it's going to be seven and not one. J.J. Redick, hey, pull out my little calculator. It's probably going to be seven figures, not one. I probably need a real nice set for that. I probably want to call J. Will and get him in the mix too. I'm talking about probably a $10 million, $15 million outfit. If you had it, would you want to put your feet in the ground and go do that work
Starting point is 02:33:48 or spend your money? That's true. And hope the ESPN picks that up and just watches. Enjoy it. Enjoy it as a fan. I'm with y'all. They do need a show.
Starting point is 02:34:01 They should get their own shit, yo. Do that. Y'all get their own shit yo do that yo y'all get that pop someone hook that up get that poppin yeah I would love to watch that these fucking fans man
Starting point is 02:34:13 these fans are great that was a great first take though I enjoyed that and they were on Get Out Pat Bev needs a Tom Brady contract for all I'm concerned
Starting point is 02:34:22 he's been up there not really but Pat Bev I'll watch whatever he's on and what I mean not really yes pay Pat Bev Tom Brady contract, for all I'm concerned. He's been up there. Not really. But Pat Bev. I'll watch whatever he's on. And what I mean, not really. Yes, pay Pat Bev Tom Brady money. Fuck I'm talking about, huh?
Starting point is 02:34:32 What the fuck out of here? He got on there and just was. Him and J.J. Reddick are great together. That's all I have to say. I don't even know what to say. They have different viewpoints but they both get right to it he spent the whole
Starting point is 02:34:48 he did like multiple shows I didn't like him dissing CP3 though I thought that was funny I like that first everyone was like yo Parker's gonna go in there and kill CP3 I'm like I feel bad now
Starting point is 02:34:57 actually like my man was getting slaughtered um I don't know y'all they call them what do They call him a street. What do you call him?
Starting point is 02:35:06 A cone. Call him a cone. When you see the cone there, and you make a move, what the cone do? That's not nice. That's what he said. All defensive teams, seven times. Like, stop. Stop.
Starting point is 02:35:17 Nine times. Stop. Yeah, stop it. What the fuck you talking about? There you go. Stop it, man. Know what I don't like? He just don't like this.
Starting point is 02:35:23 This is what I don't like. This is what I don't like. Go. Oh what I don't like. This is what I don't like. Go. Oh. I don't like that. You not good. Be clear. Every nigga in the NBA is good.
Starting point is 02:35:33 Every nigga in the NBA could walk in any summer league in the world and drop 50. But now we're talking apples to apples. You not good. Compared to your... The nigga that you are criticizing
Starting point is 02:35:44 is a first ballot hall of famer one of the top 10 point guards to potential yeah he's probably gonna be strong and saying one of the top 10 point guards to ever play basketball you can't sit there as a point guard and critique him get the fuck out of here yes you can no you can't not to me he can't why and and because if he if you listen to cb, where does that put you? You're saying what Matt Barnes said. Matt Barnes was like, we're both role players. CP is too accomplished for you to speak on him that way.
Starting point is 02:36:14 Indeed. I agree with that. Okay. But Pat Beverly can critique the game in a way that the other analysts cannot. I agree with that. Pat Beverly sees things in a way that the other analysts have not. Not JJ. Yeah, JJ too.
Starting point is 02:36:33 He sees things differently. That's what makes it great because it's two players, and they both have all the respect in the world for each other. JJ Redick, every time he's about to make a point, he says, Pat, and you know this. Yeah. He keeps saying, you've been in the locker room.
Starting point is 02:36:48 There is a, like me, I am not anywhere near as accomplished as some of the people I talk about. I don't talk about them because I think that
Starting point is 02:36:58 and I get that I get some hate from fans because it's like, all right, you sound like a hater because you never reached that amount of success. But the truth of the matter is, no, I've just been there.
Starting point is 02:37:08 Sure. And I see it differently. I'm just giving you a different way to look at it because I was in the locker room. I was in the game. I know the end of working in the system. Pat Bev can do that. He can. Now, what he should not do, but this is his first time as journalist man sitting here.
Starting point is 02:37:22 What you should not do, and you have to learn this, is to bring your personal gripes to your job and you're a rat you're right yeah you're at it on poor george come on man like yo dog this is my thing no you are a rapper you're a recording artist so there's intimate knowledge that you have about being a recording artist, but you have never gotten to the level of a Kanye, of a Drake, of a Jay-Z. So even in you being a recording artist, there's still unknowns to you because there's certain things that they had to deal with at the height of their careers or throughout their careers
Starting point is 02:37:57 that you have never had to deal with. And it's the same for him. I tap out when it's above my pay grade sometimes. But on the flip side of that coin, yeah, I've never reached that amount of success. But I've sat next to Drake and had conversations to where I might know some of the thinking. Indeed. I've sat next to Jay-Z.
Starting point is 02:38:17 I might know his thinking. I might know what the greats think in some of them. I know personal things about some of these people. Or what their stance would be on a specific topic. You're privy to different things. Yeah, I agree. That's all of them. I know personal things about some of these people. Or what their stance would be on a specific topic. You're privy to different things. Yeah, I agree. That's all of them. So what I'm saying is
Starting point is 02:38:28 there's some commonality. And I don't like when they do that. They shit on Kendrick Perkins. They shit on... He won one. He won one. Perkins killing it, too. No, he was a role player.
Starting point is 02:38:36 He's doing great. He's a good role player. But when you do great in this seat, it's because you got to come and do that and maybe alienate some friends some people you have
Starting point is 02:38:47 relationships with some teams that were good to you right like it's a tough spot it's a tough spot Pat Bev gave it up
Starting point is 02:38:54 a little too much I'm with you it's like you said Joe he was disrespectful he brought his personal shit to it he brought his personal shit to it
Starting point is 02:39:01 but you can even do it and that's where you're right I can't be disrespectful to Jay Z you can't do that. And that's where you're right. I can't be disrespectful to Jay-Z. You can't do that. Ever. Kobe, like there's some people that have earned. It's just blasphemy, dog, to say some certain shit.
Starting point is 02:39:11 Y'all got to shut up about them. Yes. Like they. That's what I mean. It's different. I think bringing personal shit is fair game. I feel like you, I think all of us have brought some personal shit. Yes, you have.
Starting point is 02:39:21 It's about drawing a line at disrespect when you bring the personal shit in there. I can't sit around. We might harp on someone that you wouldn't normally harp on. But you can't, because Pat Beverly's a starting, well, he ain't even a starter, but Pat Beverly's a point guard in the NBA. Pat Beverly has never bore the burden of carrying a franchise on his shoulders, ever. He's only been a role player in the fucking NBA. Right. You get what I'm saying? Yeah. And you just starting to get that because you kind of mouthy and now you sound like charles
Starting point is 02:39:49 barkley who said if you're not driving the bus and shut the fuck up you know i don't i don't even believe in that i don't believe in that again there's some commonality they share the experience they've been to college they've been high school all americans etc etc but now you can't talk about certain shit you never had to experience. There's this girl over there that works. Pat Beverly's never had to experience carrying a franchise. Chris Paul has carried four. That's true. Shut your fucking ass up, my nigga.
Starting point is 02:40:14 All right, come on. Let's move on from Pat Beverly because I do have other sports shit that I want to ask y'all. Also, on ESPN, you know, we have recency bias. They start talking about who's the best player left. Who's the best player left in the playoffs. And it was Luke all across the board. Are they out there, man? Who would you like to have the ball in their hands with the game on the line?
Starting point is 02:40:39 What's his name? Wardell? Wardell, right? What's his name? Wardell? How you say it? I think it's Wardell. I don't even introduce his name
Starting point is 02:40:46 to these topics yo like what the fuck and I understood their thinking but I don't no as long as Wardell
Starting point is 02:40:55 is playing why am I talking about Luka why am I talking about anybody else in best player let me throw this out there hot take
Starting point is 02:41:02 that's not such a hot take cause I told y'all what Wardell does he hears this I told y'all what Wardell does. He hears this. I told y'all that. And he get mad. And he say,
Starting point is 02:41:12 mental note. Now, you're facing a killer. But he's a young killer. You might not know all the intricacies of the gun yet. But, mark my words. I might even bet this one because I've been picking two right.
Starting point is 02:41:26 They're going to smack them one of these first games. Dallas's. I mean, go to the stadium and blow them out. One of these games, and if not the blowout,
Starting point is 02:41:35 Steph's going to do something that you've never seen before. Game one. Unless he did. I'm with Parks. They have an extra couple days off too. I heard all that shit
Starting point is 02:41:41 y'all been saying. I heard it. All right. Because this is the cheat code with the Warriors and I'm getting off of sports. Is Steph on the offensive end and Draymond on the defensive end? That's the one player.
Starting point is 02:41:55 Is Steph's ability with Draymond leading? Is Draymond heart with Steph? Hey, Luka gonna have to deal with Draymond at the end of the game. On him, defending him. Hey, do that to him. If you win, you win that matchup. But now Steph gets to roam free for the game. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:42:13 I'm sorry. I see what that did to Drew Holiday in that series, having to be Mr. Man on offense and then guard the best player on defense. It's tiring. Go ahead. I'm agreeing with you. I think one, Draymond has not had to deal with somebody like Luka. I mean, just go ahead. What?
Starting point is 02:42:35 Because he's the back-to-back MVP. Y'all tell me Jovic's the man every week. He's not sticking, Jovic? Guess the fuck he did. All right. He did. I just want you to be informed that you're saying he's playing. Luka brings the ball up.
Starting point is 02:42:50 Luka hits the three off the dribble. Luka takes you off the... It's a different ballgame. I'm not dissing Draymond. I like Draymond. I think Draymond's the engine for the team. I think the X factor for Golden State is going to be pool. I think the X factor for Golden State is going to be pool. I think the X factor for Golden State is going to be pool.
Starting point is 02:43:07 I think Steph's not going to be a- Oh, you think they need an X factor to beat Dallas? Yeah, yo. Dallas ain't no chumps. I think this is what I think. Listen, hit me up. Warriors are fine. Maybe.
Starting point is 02:43:18 Maybe six. Maybe six. No, I think Golden State will win. No, no. They take a game off. I don't think it's going be I don't think it's gonna be as sweet as we think they're gonna get up 3-1
Starting point is 02:43:27 and then go have a great night and chill out they're gonna win and get a farm I don't think it's gonna be as sweet as we think I think it's gonna be
Starting point is 02:43:33 close games I think that if cause Steph gotta play D it's sweet the rest of the way unless Boston makes it to the finals Steph gotta play D
Starting point is 02:43:41 unless somebody on Golden State get hurt I don't see this is sweet the rest of the way for Golden State unless Boston gets there to make final. Steph got to play D.J. Unless somebody on Golden State get hurt, I don't see. This is sweet. The rest of the way for Golden State, unless Boston gets there to make it tough, because matchups make fights. Boston is a good matchup for them.
Starting point is 02:43:51 Boston can't beat them. No. No, I don't think they can. No. Nobody left can beat them. Personally. I picked them before the season started. You did.
Starting point is 02:44:01 That's where I'm at. I think Boston is tough with their perimeter defenders and the big dudes down low like Horford and Robert Williams. No, the thing with Boston is... And the black coach. I love the black coach. The Jokers that are really, really, really good offensively, you kind of neutralize
Starting point is 02:44:18 them a little bit when you make them play D. In most instances, Steph don't really be having to D nobody. You feel me? He got to D them niggas in Dallas really be having to D nobody. You feel me? He got to D them niggas in Dallas. He has to D them in Dallas. Brunson can get 30.
Starting point is 02:44:32 Dinwiddie can get 30. He has to play D in Dallas. So we're going to see how it neutralizes him if it does. Who's going to have to play more D? Dallas. Yeah, who gets tired first? Yeah. Hey, we both got to play D,
Starting point is 02:44:47 and the man I'm sticking just started pulling from the other dotted line But that's not that don't tire you out Brunson them be attacking the basket that tires you out, you know, brother be down here with the giant Steph Curry is probably the best ever at moving without the wall That shit's annoying watching him, yo. Ray Allen. Yeah. Rip Hamilton. They move. Know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 02:45:05 Top three. Without the ball. Wow. So you don't put Reggie in the top three? Reggie's number two or one. Ray Allen. Ray Allen. Ray Allen moves without the ball amazingly.
Starting point is 02:45:15 And Rip Hamilton ran that baseline. Ray Allen is not in that mix. All right. He's number four. That's the mix. Could be. Ginobili's in there too. Without the ball?
Starting point is 02:45:23 Mm-hmm. Oh, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Nah, nah. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Round of applause. Round of applause, man. Congratulations. Shout out to Omar Cook.
Starting point is 02:45:33 Shout out to Omar Cook. St. John's legend. New York legend. Illustrious career. Yeah, don't go Googling stuff. Don't go Googling stuff. You know what I mean nah
Starting point is 02:45:47 not only that he broke some type of you got some type of record let me see what's going on Omar Cook number 4 all time in assists average in EuroLeague bids an emotional farewell to basketball I know he's still playing he was tough but even that's why I'm congratulating him
Starting point is 02:46:04 for us to be outside having to deal with Omar playing. He was tough. But even that's why I'm congratulating him. No, he was tough. For us to be outside having to deal with Omar Cook as a top New York athlete and then to see the end of his career. Like, we ain't that old, yo.
Starting point is 02:46:14 Look at Omar Cook. No, he was tough. Look, he crying saying goodbye. I love that, man. Shout out to Omar Cook. I love this. Imagine that.
Starting point is 02:46:23 Yo, I played basketball to feed myself my own life. This is all I did.. Imagine that. Yo, I played basketball to feed myself my own life. This is all I did. And goodbye now. Mm-hmm. Oh, shit. Yeah, that's sad. Why are you crying?
Starting point is 02:46:32 Yeah. He's been the man. He's been the man. From high school. Imagine knowing what that's like. From high school. Being the man. From high school.
Starting point is 02:46:38 Yeah, come on, man. Come on. Shout out to Omar Cook. Congratulations. Congratulations. What a career. Ice, did you have some more shit? LeBron? LeBron's albums? Come on. We can end this thing, man. We can end this. on shout out to Omar Cook congratulations congratulations what a career um I said you have you had some more LeBron LeBron's albums come on we can end this thing man we can end this thing
Starting point is 02:46:50 we can get we can take the patreon so I was like I said Parks LeBron James top five albums ever made the chronic doggy style black album life after death and um it was written but i have so many more to name for real he forgot uh he forgot a few but that's fine he could say he definitely could say huh i'm not i'm not mad at them that's a nice one before y'all answer this or speak to this did y'all see the meme going around now i'm meme culture reporting that fucking drives my gears grinds my gears i'll tell you um did y'all see that little meme that went around about hey why every time lebron james reading the book he's on page one yeah i've seen that every single and they went and found every picture it's always page one so you don't think you ever made past
Starting point is 02:47:43 the intro on none of these? Don't do that. I'm just saying, looking at this list, now, I won't try to ever play LeBron because I do believe that he really listens to a lot of music. A lot of music. I believe that. You don't be seeing him, Jimmy? But this list just looks like I took the album I think is best from the people I think are the best.
Starting point is 02:48:03 It definitely, it don't throw you. It don't throw you for a loop. It does not. But when you listen, all right, you got to remember his age. And when you look at top five all time from his age,
Starting point is 02:48:16 that's not it. Why not? Because Black Album ain't Hov's first or second best album. There are people like myself who have Black Album as Hov's number one. I don't talk to people like y'all. I'm just telling you that there are people that I get it. Everybody with a reason to doubt.
Starting point is 02:48:35 You don't have to. We still talk, though. We still got voices. But you ain't livid. You witnessed it from your folks pad, scribbled in your notepad, and created your life. It's still our favorite. It's number one for us. I'm not mad at that.
Starting point is 02:48:46 How old is Bron? My age. How old are you? 37. 37. You're one of them. The Chronic and Doggy style, Bron was 12? 10.
Starting point is 02:48:59 9, actually, probably. I think he went and did the science on that. I do believe him to have done the science. I'm just saying. That's 84. Chronic and Doggy. Those are not far-fetched to have done the science on.
Starting point is 02:49:13 No, on those two. Chronic and Doggy style. I ain't like the um before it was written either. I ain't like the um. I like that five. The Black Album don't belong in this conversation
Starting point is 02:49:25 same same opinion that's my only complaint about it mine too if I have to find a complaint but I know a lot of people love that album yeah
Starting point is 02:49:32 like it's when I do my Jay Z albums in ranking or the black album is always one what can you say to the person that says that
Starting point is 02:49:43 it's his opinion it's not my opinion black album not even in my top three or four Jay Z albums what can you say to the person that says that? It's his opinion. It's not my opinion. Black Al, I'm not even in my top three or four, JZ. I don't know if it's in my top six. That's perfectly fine. It might not be. The more I'm thinking about it.
Starting point is 02:49:56 Hold on, let's go through this. Now, I have a hot take opinion about Hov's catalog that I just don't share, but I might have said it before. What's that? I don't know if I might have said it before. What's that? I don't know if I'm ready to say it right here. I don't think Reasonable Doubt is the greatest album.
Starting point is 02:50:10 Me neither. Is Jay-Z's greatest album? I don't. I don't think it's his greatest album. I don't think it's the greatest album. I don't feel like that about that album.
Starting point is 02:50:18 No, that's your hot take. Me neither. That's high on my list. That's number one or two on mine. Yeah. You can switch that in Blueprint depending on what day it is. Shit. See, switch that in Blueprint. Depending on what they do. Shit.
Starting point is 02:50:26 See, I like... Volume 1 is also very high for me. I'm also weird because Dynasty is very high for me. Dynasty is high. Dynasty is super high for me. Dynasty is high for me too. American Gangster is a great album. American Gangster is a fire album.
Starting point is 02:50:37 It's a great album. So look. Ooh, this is good. I'm the Jay-Z guy. Mm-hmm. American Gangsta is amazing lyrically sonically
Starting point is 02:50:48 it's to me I'm getting scared I think I know where you're going yeah I'm getting my sleep early I'm getting my sleep I'm getting my sleep
Starting point is 02:50:59 I'm getting my sleep I'm getting my sleep I'm getting my sleep it's Kendrick Esk I know that's where he was going and I love American Gangsta he's he was going and I love American Gangsta he's saying that
Starting point is 02:51:06 the lyrics I love American Gangsta does not really make good songs I love American Gangsta but it's Kendrick-esque I'm looking for a sleeper so
Starting point is 02:51:15 I know where you're going it I'm a volume one dude me too same niggas be dissing volume one fam I don't know how or why
Starting point is 02:51:24 you like volume one super hard niggas be dissing Volume 1, fam. I don't know how or why. You like Volume 1? Super hard. Niggas be dissing Volume 1. That's number three on my list. I told y'all, my whole hot take. I like Volume 3 too. Niggas don't be liking Volume 3 and Volume 1. I like Volume 3.
Starting point is 02:51:34 Volume 3 is bottom three on my list. And that's... Yeah, yo, you was looking at the light bulb. We can fight about Hov on Patreon. I think we've had this exact fight. We've had this fight. We had a fight. We had a fight. What are we doing? I like that Nas had this exact fight. We had the fight. We had the fight.
Starting point is 02:51:45 I like that Nas had it was written. I mean, that Braun had it was written over Illmatic. I agree. Yeah, Braun is 12.
Starting point is 02:51:54 Again, you can't tell a person they wrong for what they got. Yes, you can. No, you can't. No, you cannot. No, you can't.
Starting point is 02:52:01 I just see where he's coming from. Same here. But that's fine. You can still tell somebody they wrong. You don't have to be right when you tell somebody they wrong. You can't tell I just see where he's coming from. Same here. But that's fine. You can still tell somebody they wrong. You don't have to be right when you tell somebody they wrong. You can't tell me that, yo, to me, this album is better than this album.
Starting point is 02:52:10 You can't tell me that. You can't. No, you can't. That's I can't. All right. You can't. You can say it. Exactly.
Starting point is 02:52:16 That's what we just said. We can say it. Oh, but you won't be right in saying that. You have to be right. Yeah, you can say whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. So? But see, certain albums you
Starting point is 02:52:25 felt them so if you wasn't outside when they really drop and that's why but that's why i gotta be careful about reasonable and that's why i was outside that's what it did and that's what i understand though how could how could you really feel the chronic i don't have you didn't feel what i'm not saying you brown was a kid the chronic was the chronic it was a feeling it was a movement it was like the south was i mean the west was like yo we here niggas the chronic was the chronic it was a feeling it was a movement it was like the south was i mean the west was like yo we here niggas the chronic was exquisite i was a kid and felt chronic yeah you wasn't a kid yo i was a kid in high school nothing but a g3 i wasn't in high school yes you was well you not wasn't 92 chronic i'm 92 you're not you're not in high school i was in junior high
Starting point is 02:53:01 school i don't even know if you're in junior high school i was in junior high school. I was in junior high school. I don't even know if you were in junior high school. He was 12. I was in junior high school. Oh. Well, maybe not. He was 12. 1991? 92. 92, 93. He was 12. When it hit Jersey, I was in sixth step of grade. That sounds about right.
Starting point is 02:53:14 I know that. That sounds about right. Yeah, because I had a little radio. That's how I remember some music, yo. Me too. I remember what grade I was in. I remember all of that. I remember everything. But I'm just saying, like, for us, it was videos. Because that's when the nothing some music yo me too I remember what grade I was in I remember all of that I remember everything
Starting point is 02:53:25 but I'm just saying like for us it was videos cause that's when the nothing but a G thing video I was in 12th grade I remember that
Starting point is 02:53:31 that's what introduced me to a lot of shit look now LeBron got a target I was in 12th grade I remember that but yeah I'm not mad at that list
Starting point is 02:53:39 I'll switch maybe two albums off of that but three out of five I'm rolling they on mine as well put what in what? I would take The Chronic out. I'd put Good Kid, Max City.
Starting point is 02:53:48 These are just my favorite rap albums ever. And Life After Death would come out for me. Put what? Wow. I'm not even saying what I'd put in there. Eazy-E? No. No, shit, go.
Starting point is 02:54:03 No, it's just my favorite. It's just a stupid band. I'm not saying what I'd put in there. What you'll put? I'm not my favorite. It's just so stupid, man. I'm not saying what I feel. I'm not saying it. It's us. It's not us, nigga. It's four cameras with millions of motherfuckers. No, it's not us.
Starting point is 02:54:12 Oh, man. You letting the fans. Not you. Oh, I've changed. You not letting the fans give you your opinion, my nigga. 101. Oh, man. 101 goes in for me.
Starting point is 02:54:21 Look at the world's coming to. To answer your question. You must know. I knew that. 101. Oh, Jeezy. Yeah, 101. Jeezy. Jeezy. That was a good album, man. 101 goes in there for me. Look at the world's coming to. To answer your question, if you must know. I knew that. 101. Oh, Jeezy. Yeah, 101. Jeezy.
Starting point is 02:54:28 That was a good album, though. That was a good album. Ice need to be from New Orleans or somewhere. Like, every time he say something about hip hop, I get mad. Why? Because. He had the no limit chain, for real, in real life. But look.
Starting point is 02:54:41 He really did. But look, look. See, the problem with that is my era we got all the hip hop from everywhere the world started becoming smaller around my era
Starting point is 02:54:51 like yeah y'all was literally just the music that was made in your region so casting LA was only here and that
Starting point is 02:55:00 casting the bay was only here and that casting Miami was only here and that once we started coming into our own and the music videos and the internet started that casting the bay was only hearing that casting miami was only hearing that once the once we started coming into our own and the music videos and the internet started rolling out a little bit more the world became smaller so now i'm hearing music from here from there from there i'm telling
Starting point is 02:55:17 you bro that's what like 89 it started blending in a little bit more that's when ice cube and them drop 89 90 i was a freshman i remember west coast hip hop started to really infiltrate over here 89 90 but a lot of that and again a lot of that time there was music their music videos were infiltrating over here that's true just hearing the music that's true no snoop and dre were huge mtv that's what that's what before them NWA had videos 100 miles a minute and all that shit they were MTV mainstream
Starting point is 02:55:48 afternoon Yo MTV Rap started going to LA and started interviewing rappers and shit like that so that was our introduction we were watching something that I've never heard before
Starting point is 02:55:57 that's true I ain't never heard this type of shit before yo MTV Rap was real influential and bring in West Coast and just and just combining
Starting point is 02:56:04 the world was a lot smaller by in West Coast and just combining the world was a lot smaller by the time we started coming into it if you didn't learn from outside then I judge you that's with me that's a me
Starting point is 02:56:13 I know that that is something that I do that I should get better at what did you say if you ain't learn your hip hop from outside if you ain't learn your hip hop from outside
Starting point is 02:56:20 then I look at it away I look at it away if you claim to be a hip hop historian. Because hip hop and this is I guess what the younger generation says to me about Kendrick. Like Kendrick makes them feel a way.
Starting point is 02:56:36 A feeling that you get when you listen to Kendrick. So for me I felt the way when the infamous would come on. I remember being outside all night with a fucking Walkman on listening to the infamous would come on i remember being outside all night with a fucking walkman on listening to the infamous i remember uh uh uh me against the world outside all night
Starting point is 02:56:52 standing outside i remember the only one in class playing protect your neck i was the only one going crazy i remember like you can't you can't learn wu-tang from mtv like you can't learn wu-tang from remember you can't i they can't even i disagree with all from MTV. Like, you can't learn Wu-Tang from... I remember. You can't. They can't even... I disagree with all of that. I know you do. I disagree with all of that. I remember...
Starting point is 02:57:09 I didn't learn Wu-Tang from MTV. The same way you was the only one in class, I was the only one in class playing Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. And they're like, who these fast rappers? This was before they was the only nigga in class. I was.
Starting point is 02:57:18 I know. Straight up. Not until that second album came out. Exactly. Exactly. Now, that fucking... I remember how it ain't hard to tell. Niggas was walking around the streets,
Starting point is 02:57:28 sneaker oozy on an island in my army jacket. I remember how niggas was like, what the fuck? Like this nigga was like, Jesus. Nas' first two albums, niggas in our hood
Starting point is 02:57:37 was like, this nigga is a different type of person. All right. They do not need us to unpack glasses. I'm just saying. Like, so it's a feeling that you glasses. I'm just saying. Like, so it's a feeling that you get.
Starting point is 02:57:47 I look at you a little funny when you, just a little bit. I just say, let people fall in love with hip hop where they fall in love with it at
Starting point is 02:57:54 and whatever matters to them, let it matter to them. Who are we to police? Oh, because you wasn't here when this dropped and you wasn't living this. That's what niggas is doing.
Starting point is 02:58:03 He's right. That's not true. That's exactly what y'all do. That's not true. It is policing. See, that's some new. That's what niggas is doing. He's right. That's not true. That's exactly what y'all do. That's not true. It is policing. See, that's some new shit that these new niggas made up. Nigga, it's policing.
Starting point is 02:58:10 You're gatekeeping. And I'm not gatekeeping. You are. I hate these buzzwords. It's not a buzzword. That's what's happening, though. He's hard with all the buzzwords. That's what's happening.
Starting point is 02:58:19 Your hip hop wasn't, or you're not a hip hop historian. Well, I hate that term. See, you pulling them, you full of them. He said it first. He said that word first. but what i'm saying is you just said i don't talk i'm not even talking to them who didn't get their hip hop from there don't matter where i got my hip hop yes it does no it don't yes it does this shit is a part of my life straight up how i
Starting point is 02:58:41 got introduced to it does not matter it does and that's what we did that's where we on the different side of the we'll differ dang we'll differ i want i want hip-hop is global you don't become this global by people not being introduced to it from all different facets of the world right you don't get to expand this way without that agree but how you're introduced to something or someone is all will always be important that will always be important what i'm saying is especially especially in hip-hop which started where outside on the street outside the park so when we talk about losing culture right let's go to patreon i'm gonna crack your mom no you don't let go to the picture. I just want to say this. I just want to say this.
Starting point is 02:59:31 Where you got your hip hop from has nothing to do with where I got my hip hop from. Don't matter. Parks could have got his hip hop from, like you said, it's global now. So people are pulling from wherever. Whatever brought you to it is what brought you to it. Sure. So whatever make you feel, whatever albums, songs, artists, whatever make you feel the way to where you love hip-hop, that's for you.
Starting point is 02:59:50 Same shit for you. It don't make you no better than him. It don't make him no better than you. It don't make your opinion more valid than his. It don't make his more valid than yours. Sure it does. No, it don't. No, he don't. He right. I initially agree with you. I'm not doing this here.
Starting point is 03:00:04 I'm not doing this here. All right, cool. I'm not doing this here. For the, for the, for the. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, we don't do it for the free. No, we don't do it for the free. All righty then. No. This little disrespectful thing.
Starting point is 03:00:20 We let Sabrina Claudio get her toxic shit out the way really quick. We let Sabrina Claudio get her toxic shit out the way really quick I made the perfect you in my head I should've broke this down on Patreon too Cause physically you are the blueprint But internally, god damn, you're a mess Physically you are the blueprint But internally, goddamn you're a mess So to stay with you I had to imagine That he is perfect, anything I give him he deserves it Rarely does he ever come to see me
Starting point is 03:01:09 But anytime he does he makes it worth it Like I'm dead, gotta love him And when I'm with you I can't help myself but only think about him I can't wait myself but only think about him I can't wait to see him again I would've hid all her other shoes I would've pulled the ish move out Separating those shoes up
Starting point is 03:01:38 I'm taking bags back Do y'all, you know what? Oh God, I miss him I want to know what? Who she tellin' that to? That's right. I wouldn't say the most toxic shit over beautiful music. Just get away with it My frequent visits would've been nice
Starting point is 03:02:16 But I don't want you knowing that there's somebody new Sometimes I give a crack at my mind But is it cheating if I love a better version of you? Cause he is perfect to anything I give him The visual, the actor playing the boyfriend in the video is who the boyfriend would have to be in real life to let these bars go off. Yeah, she'd say that to him. And when I'm with you, I can't help myself I only think about him I can't wait to see him again Oh my God, I miss him
Starting point is 03:03:13 And when I'm with you, I'm just thinking about How much I wish it was him I can't wait to see him again Oh Ooh My God, I'll miss him. And when I'm with you, I'm just thinking about how much I wish it was him. I can't wait to see him again. Sabrina Claudio, better version.
Starting point is 03:04:03 And I don't know who she's telling that to wouldn't work she wouldn't have said that to me she would have wrote she would have wrote a note and left great
Starting point is 03:04:14 but she wouldn't have been before I got a hold of her she's not gonna stand there and say that to you she's not gonna stand there at her girlfriend's house did you want to FaceTime with all that
Starting point is 03:04:21 not even nobody FaceTime me saying that what the fuck the fuck you talking about? Yo, when I'm with you, I can't help but myself. I think about it. All right, man.
Starting point is 03:04:33 I'm going to play something off this new Black Youngster album. It just came out last week. The album's called For Life. This record is called Nobody featuring 21 Savage. I got this man on the beat. Can't decide me if it's pussy or what's up. Still thugging, nigga. You know what the fuck up, nigga. You know what I'm saying? 21 Savage. How you keep that shit playa when they treat you like a nobatty How you bust that hoe head when she talk to you like a nobatty Free my nigga AJ, he got caught when he was a nobatty I'm gon' scream his name till they free him like he's a somebody
Starting point is 03:05:12 I put diamonds on my wrist cause they treat me like a nobatty I put diamonds on my bitch cause they look at her like a nobatty Put that boy in his grave, household name, he a somebody I ain't tryna be saved, I don't go to church listen to nobatty If I take your watch and your chain nigga how you gon' go about it? Is you gon' go run to them people or come and blow back? If you blow back You better know we gon' hit your folks back I can't come out niggas down when they upset like they don't got it
Starting point is 03:05:36 I can't wait till a pussy nigga try to play with me like I don't got it Face shot, man down, no date I'ma take out four bodies When I go to jail it's for none That's what they get me for And I got a million out of bun That's what they hit me for I'ma pay that shit like it's none That's in my ditty, boss It is rap shit, it was all a dream That's in my biggie, boss I can't let my niggas die off on my watch I'm too legit, thuggin' with that fire I might take my night in a super sleep Touch me, you gon' die I might hit you with my cooter stick
Starting point is 03:06:03 I'ma bust that fire If you run up on that stupid shit Yeah, if you run up on that goofy shit I come to the show to do the show, I'm not on group and shit Until she might rob you for that work if it on super hit Bitch gotta put her head off in her shirt if she ain't super thick Super thick, super thick 21, 21, 21 We came to your function with a super stick, pussy All savage rapper by body shooter shit, pussy Watch your mouth before I get your shooter hit, pussy
Starting point is 03:06:30 COVID over, I get 400 for a show, probably Still don't give a fuck, I put this chopper on to nobody They took his watch and he bought it back cause he a hoe, probably Heard them niggas shot the big dog and you ain't robotic They don't search me at the club, cause I'm somebody Nine times out of ten shit, I got my gun probably Nutted on the face and butt, I call it combati I fell victim to the drugs and all the gun violence I can't let my niggas die off on my watch, I'm too legit
Starting point is 03:06:58 Thuggin' with that fat, I might take my night in a super sleep Touch me, you gon' die, I might hit you with my cooter stick I'ma bust that five if you run up on that stupid shit. Yeah. If you run up on that goofy shit. I come to the show to do the show. I'm not on group and shit. Auntie, she might rob me for that work if it on super
Starting point is 03:07:16 hit. Bitch, gotta put her head off in her shirt if she ain't super thick. Super thick. Super thick. That's Nobody, Black Youngsta featuring 21 Savage off that 4Life album. Alright, I'm gonna play some new Flea Lord featuring Cormega. This is Pay Homage. Uh oh. Baby, we are a long way from being made in God's image.
Starting point is 03:07:38 My dudes were catching bodies, I ain't talking records. We are a long way from being made in God's image My dudes were catching bodies, I ain't talking records I mean, they were receptive, life's affection, death desires I whipped the flies, dressed wearing diamonds And rapid-firing weapons for any rival Jeopardizing their survival, they'd rather tell the lie You feel the resentment, but the fear inside was paralyzing Your man is live, but he was scared and rikers Acting civil in a savage climate
Starting point is 03:08:08 A real indictment of who he is, you can't deny it Truth is heavy for liars Lyrically I'm a thorough reminder of an era so epic it's timeless Even lions know courses required when venom is vipers And to decipher it becomes a different environment Instinct replaces sense of entitlement I'm the answer to the question like Iverson I finesse the mic, very inspiring
Starting point is 03:08:31 Handle, give it competition, anxiety Overwhelms those who think they are lyrically nice as me Yeah, pray for the evil three I do wanna call it a trilogy, man But we been working with legends, man I feel like we should just keep this shit goin' Yo, Mega, I appreciate you, whoa I was slingin' Dons and Nicks
Starting point is 03:08:51 When Mega had the Sterling Lil' clean two-fifth Stuff inside the Sterling I was reppin' Lil' Wiz right in my sock Yo, Mega, you a legend in the bridge and the rock We connected in the game Now perfection is the aim
Starting point is 03:09:05 It's looking like a mirror, reflection is the same It's an honor and a privilege, just started and finished To do a fucking song with godfathers and bitches Yo, Biscotti and Gelati got me coughing in the lobby Each verse worth a killing, bring a coffin for the body I bang on the right, used to slang for survival Big European thing with my name on the title Whoa! New music Okay It's um Una featuring Usher Okay This song is called Crush
Starting point is 03:09:46 Shout out to Una You call me on a lazy afternoon Asking me what I'm up to, let's find something to do Baby, I'll be down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down You know I'll be down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down I see you arriving in your car Chad Black Mercedes built in the 70s Classic like you and me I'd be coming down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down
Starting point is 03:10:50 I'll be coming down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down I feel a little rushed I think I got a little crush on you I hope it's not too much But moving on with you I hear my heart singing La la la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la Honestly, I shouldn't waste time no more Cause all these little boys you're chasing Did they break your heart?
Starting point is 03:11:42 I know you've been down, down, down, down, down Down, down, down, down I won't let you down, down, down, down, down Down, down, down, down I feel a little rush I think I got a little crush on you I hope it's not too much Girl, when I'm with you, I hear it, my heart's singing
Starting point is 03:12:12 La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh And I feel the same I see it in the way that you behave around me And I can tell What we have is different Anyone else
Starting point is 03:12:41 Cause you stop doing what you're doing When I call, you you come up to me running And I would do the same for you So tell me how you feel it too I got a little crush on you I got a little crush on you I think I got a little crush on you I'm going to watch you And when I'm with you I hear my heart singing
Starting point is 03:13:12 La la la la la la la la la la Oh yeah baby I'm going to sing la la la la la la la la la I think I got a little crush baby I feel it too I feel it too I feel it too I feel it too Featuring Usher Crush Good shit, man
Starting point is 03:13:39 You was dope I worked with her a long time ago, actually Of course you did You know what I mean? You're the man, bro. Alrighty, then. We are back. Well, some of us are back.
Starting point is 03:13:51 Like the ones that pick our sleepers organically. It's just still over there in the Spotify playlist room. Trying to find a little slap. I hope y'all enjoyed this pod today. Hey. What's everybody doing tonight, huh? I'm outside tonight.
Starting point is 03:14:10 Yo. Oh, yeah? Sit down, man. I'm outside. Sometimes you got to sit your little hot ass down. I'm always sitting down. That's why I pop out
Starting point is 03:14:17 every now and then now. So I'm going to go out tonight and that's it. I'm going to have to pop out tonight, man. I'm going out tonight. See where they put some of that lipo fat. See where it went tonight. I could have went my out tonight, man. I'm going out tonight. See where they put some of that lipo fat.
Starting point is 03:14:26 See where it went tonight. I could have went my whole life without knowing that fact. I asked y'all. I said no. I didn't tell you the truth. I told them. The people that were ready for it. That might be the one little fake.
Starting point is 03:14:40 I ain't so mad. Go ahead, man. Go ahead. Make Fat Ma a little fatter. Yo, man. Go ahead. Go ahead. Make Fat Ma a little fatter. Yo, man, keep us in your prayers, Lord. No. You know what I mean? They got fake lips.
Starting point is 03:14:52 Huh? They got fake lips on two places. That's crazy. Lip fillers. They be crooked down there, too. I want to talk to you about that. What you mean by that? They be crooked up here.
Starting point is 03:15:06 You said down there. Yeah, you said they getting... See, it don't feel good, right? That's what you be doing to me. I say a little... What you mean by that? Expanding? No, they getting fake...
Starting point is 03:15:15 It don't feel good, right? No, I don't care. All right, we out of here. Keep us in your prayers. Lord knows we need to be there. Until then, I bid you adieu. Farewell. Adios.
Starting point is 03:15:29 Arrivederci. Hasta la vista. Au revoir. Remember, Ice has two shows a week. Two shows a week. Cooling with Ice on Twitch each and every Monday. What time? Sundays and Thursdays, 6 p.m.
Starting point is 03:15:43 You know the fucking vibe. Oh, you can't do that. I'm soon going to be appearing on Amp. Everybody. Every Monday. What time? Sundays and Thursdays, 6 p.m. You know the fucking why you mad? Oh, you can't do that? I'm soon will be appearing on Amp. Everybody. Every Monday. Y'all know what he do. Every Monday.
Starting point is 03:15:50 Y'all know what he do. What time? What time? 5 to 7. 5 to 7. 5 to 7 every time. Yo, anybody looking for that smoke?
Starting point is 03:15:58 If anybody looking for that smoke? Hey, I ain't gonna hold you? All right. Why you looking at me? If anybody looking for that smoke? Hey, Ish.
Starting point is 03:16:04 You my nigga. Hear me out out Here we go Good It was about I guess about 45 minutes Of Joe on the amp shit I said I see why He was talking that way
Starting point is 03:16:15 He was talking a little spicy to you Why you see why He was Like I said This nigga was playing Seaside Records What's your point You can't
Starting point is 03:16:23 Why can't I Cause you're not him I know I'm me that's the difference between me and him I know Joe I've been outside a long
Starting point is 03:16:33 yeah I let this Joe Budden podcast shit alright I can't listen even in your life accomplishments list
Starting point is 03:16:40 you were too busy to ever be able to fuck with me why you think that cause I was I dealt drugs B&E's I was homeless I was in the streets i never had a job never went to college like i just had idle time to just ruin myself be self-destructive and listen to music you went to harvard del del drug you went to boston college too you went to nyu or what else you did you went
Starting point is 03:16:59 to law school like you did a man build Yeah, you build houses. You're alpha. It's the hood anomaly, yo. Freemason. This guy's mad shit. It's the hood anomaly. Why didn't I play Freemason? We've started a Patreon episode with Freemason. Yo, and Ish, anybody can get on amp.
Starting point is 03:17:21 Yeah. It's open. I'm going to get on amp With two people in my room Look That part don't matter I mean if you good at what you do They find you A good DJ at the spot Will make it feel great
Starting point is 03:17:33 Hey we left one spot That was popping They was Spanish music And me to death And I was like Alright I gotta get out of here Went to an empty spot R&B
Starting point is 03:17:40 Jammed out Jammed out A good DJ will do it to you Whenever you wanna see me I'm your friend. And I plan on being your friend for the rest of my life. So whenever you looking for me, I don't care how old we are. You can be 75 and feel froggy that day. Come knock on my little senior citizen door.
Starting point is 03:17:58 I'll send my... You going right to the upper room. I'll send somebody. I don't give a fuck if it's hospice. Hey, hospice, let him in. Hey, hospice. Yo, do me a favor. Hospice is a person. Yo, hospice a fuck if it's hospice. The A hospice. Let him in. A hospice. Yo, do me a favor. Hospice is a person.
Starting point is 03:18:06 Yo, hospice. Hey, yo, hospice. Let that nigga in. Yeah, hospice, let him in now. Nah, I was just... Hey, I... I'm not trying to... He's not trying to cause division.
Starting point is 03:18:18 I wasn't trying to do that. He's not trying to cause division. I was just like, damn, I forgot. He's just letting you know. His bag is kind of deep. I go deep in the bag. Yo, I do. With R&B. With R&B.
Starting point is 03:18:26 With R&B. You probably get me on something else. And, and-ish. I never, I never. You give me on folk music. Say that. You're right. On folk music, you try to get me out of here.
Starting point is 03:18:35 Say that. Say you never heard me play music. I haven't. Say that. Grab it all. Play something. I'm good. And I'm better.
Starting point is 03:18:44 That's it. That's just it, yo. We should have set that up, though. I'm good. And I'm better. That's it. That's just it, yo. We should have set that up, though. I'll get you right. Whatever you need. What you going to do? Download all my songs? Yo, each and every Monday, the guy that gets paid to really influence is doing it.
Starting point is 03:18:58 Like, I don't even want to have it. You know what I mean? No. We out of here, man. Everybody enjoy their week, weekend. I don't know what day mean? Nah. We out of here, man. Everybody enjoy their week, weekend. I don't know what day it is. Hey! Hey!
Starting point is 03:19:15 It's a hell of a stunt right there, too. Yeah, and hit him with the little Lex line at the end. What the fuck? Annoying, I know. N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-

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