The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 11

Episode Date: April 29, 2015

Joe, Marisa, Rory, and our guest, super engineer, Parks, sit and discuss Mayweather/Pacquiao (with a special guest call in from rapper/boxing expert Royce Da 5'9), Bomani Jones calling "Life After" the most overrated album of all time, and Joe challenges Rosenberg on his producer work for this podcast. Was Jay-Z just tweeting through it? Is it too early to call Tidal a failure? Who is it over for? *****If you want to write into the show and ask us for advice on something going on in your life, or would like to tell us a story, or just tell us how much you enjoy our amazing podcast email we will pick a few each week and read them on the show!***** Do not send music or troll, you will just be sent to spam and it'll be a waste of time out of your day where you could have done something productive. SUBSCRIBE at…i=335888425&mt=2 ....and rate, comment, etc!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Budden, Marissa, go ahead. Move it up, son. Word. Yeah. To all the killers and the $100 billers. The rep is who ain't got no feelings. Mic check, one, two, one, two. Mic check, one, two, one, two.
Starting point is 00:00:25 I'll name this podcast later. This is episode 11, I want to say. Yeah. I really hope it is, because I'm tired of getting the number wrong. You're right. All right, this is episode 11. We have Madi Mendez in the building. Why, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I've been saying that for 11 weeks now. Rory is here yet again. Rory is here yet again. I think Rory has become like an unofficial part of the podcast. He plays hooky from his corporate world. Allegedly. Allegedly. For about an hour, hour and a half, and comes to hang out with his hood friends. That would be me.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yeah, I was going to say. And we have a special co-host. It's Parks. Yep. It's Parks. It's Parks. You guys have no idea who Parks is. Some of you do. Parks is my engineer. Parks is a producer.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Parks is a DJ. Parks wears many hats. He should have been here when we were having our hip-hop discussion that Mari Mendes offered nothing. I said something. Yeah, but it wasn't very much. But big week. Plenty to talk about this week for some strange reason. It would almost seem like I did some planning for this one, but I didn't.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Whoa. I didn't. It's just a very busy week. Avengers comes out Friday. Look, nobody's excited about it. No one cares about Avengers coming out. No, it's not just me. There's a world of people.
Starting point is 00:01:48 That movie's going to break a lot of records. It'll probably do a billion. I'm just not interested. It might break fast. Fast and Furious 7. It might come close to that or break it. Well, you guys just like, do you like comic books? What was wrong with your childhood?
Starting point is 00:02:01 No. The Kentucky Derby is this weekend. I don't know much about it, but a horse will win. Good prediction. Give him a nice hat. You've been watching ESPN. Let me address this. Last week, I made playoff predictions.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Last week. And I'm all wrong. All of them were wrong and horrible. I didn't take into account some injuries Milwaukee is pushing Chicago to fucking six now I didn't see that happening I did guess
Starting point is 00:02:31 the Warriors sweep they didn't sweep them yes they did I guessed that I guessed I didn't see Toronto not wanting to play at all
Starting point is 00:02:39 but I'm happy because I didn't want to see fucking Drake on Instagram celebrating what else but now you get to see W Drake on Instagram celebrating. What else? But now you get to see Wale on Instagram celebrating. Nah, but I can deal with Wale celebrating.
Starting point is 00:02:52 His celebrating is like, it's not as exaggerated. It's not as obnoxious as Drake's. Yeah, Drake just be too excited that the Raptors have won something recently. Right. And I don't like it, because I'm a Knicks fan. But anyway, oh, the Yankees won in uh in the subway series two to one beat the man i know like you people i don't know maybe i'm just more into sports than uh some other people that was like a real big deal to me oh hearing something hearing something feedback feedback what's happening what's happening in the world crackling crackling
Starting point is 00:03:17 what causes that i think it's a fucking uh the macbook air out of here it never made a problem first of all no man even has an air get Get the Air. It ain't even mine. Well, why do you have somebody else's laptop? Because my job gives me an extra MacBook. Then it is yours. Aren't you fancy? Well, it doesn't belong to me, but it's yours. And the, pardon me, I hate to burp in the podcast, but the big fight.
Starting point is 00:03:39 The fight is Saturday. Tell me you guys don't care about that. I care. I absolutely care about that. I'm going to go to a fight party. Yes. You're such a bird. Listen to why you care about one of the biggest
Starting point is 00:03:49 fights in boxing history. I also care because it's also a big deal. That's why you care. Why is it a big deal, Madi? Let's hear it. Because they're both... Exactly my point. Let's get your account out of the way. What fight party are you going to? Let's hear it. My friend Samira, she's just having a party at her house. Alright, so why don't y'all lose in the house watching a fight party?
Starting point is 00:04:09 Alright, great. Nice. I don't even have a rebuttal to that. Rory, where are you watching the fight? I'll probably, if I don't find anything, try to convince you to buy it so I don't have to buy it. You guys can come to our fight party. Nobody's coming to your fight party. It's really fun.
Starting point is 00:04:23 No, no, no. We're going to have a taco bar. It's going to be like a Cinco de Mayo fight party. Nobody's coming to your fight party. It's really fun. No, no, no. We're going to have a taco bar. It's going to be like a Cinco de Mayo fight party. No, no. We're not doing that. Who do you guys have winning this fight? Mayweather. Mayweather.
Starting point is 00:04:33 So, this fight, Mayweather could get jerked. And here's why. If it goes to decision, he could get jerked because there's double the amount of money if Mayweather loses. If he wins, he can retire and get the fuck out double the amount of money if Mayweather loses. If he wins, he can retire and get the fuck out of here. Boxing is the most corrupt sport ever. So, if it's
Starting point is 00:04:54 just a straight up fight, I'm taking Mayweather. But if it comes to decision and he gets jerked, it's not going to surprise me because now we can do part two, Pacquiao, Mayweather. This shit was on the front of my Verizon bill. You know how much money this fucking fight is bringing in? how much is your Verizon bill I paid it today 130
Starting point is 00:05:09 what do you got on it no Verizon that's actually pretty cheap for a cell phone no no yo grow up my nigga
Starting point is 00:05:15 oh my god it's not like we haven't seen weird happenstances in boxing before so that wouldn't shock me at all I think Mayweather It's not like we haven't seen weird happenstances in boxing before.
Starting point is 00:05:27 So that wouldn't shock me at all. I think Mayweather is extremely prideful. Yeah. I do think that zero means a lot to him. I don't think he would throw the fight for money. I don't see his ego allowing him to do that. Yeah, so if the funny shit happened, I don't— It would be from boxing. I don't think it would be from Mayweather.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yeah, it'd be from the judges. Pacquiao would have to keep it extremely close. I'm not sure that he can. I don't put as much faith in Pacquiao as everyone else does, to be honest with you. I get it. Mayweather 38. Pacquiao's 36. Pacquiao hasn't had a knockout since
Starting point is 00:05:57 08-09 against Cotto when he beat the bloody shit out of Miguel Cotto and I felt like I was watching Apollo Creed and Rocky. I wanted to stop that fight. I did. It was really, really, really bad, and Cotto's my guy, so it was horrible.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Yeah, Pacquiao hasn't had a knockout since then. We've seen him fall asleep. That's an understatement. Mayweather is just too much of a tactician Yeah, he's certainly one of the smartest fighters ever And he seems angry Oh, they don't like each other That's what I do like the most about this
Starting point is 00:06:34 They just generally do not like each other It's not certain boxing matches where you're supposed to hate the person They just fucking hate each other Now, I'll touch on a topic that I probably shouldn't But Joe's gonna Joe Shocker. I'm a little confused as to why ESPN seems to be running a smear campaign. On Mayweather? Yes. It's odd. And you know what I've also noticed is the feminist groups. When Mayweather allegedly
Starting point is 00:07:00 was beating women, it didn't matter. But now that he has a fight, it's the biggest story in the fucking world. Like, you're very selective with your outrage when you see people being successful. Then you have to bring these things up. The timing is a bit weird to me. And I don't think I've ever seen it happen this heavy before a fight. I've seen this at least five times a day on ESPN for the past week and a half. I watched the Outside the Line story. Interesting story. Didn't really give me any new information.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Mayweather allegedly beat a bunch of bitches up since 2001. Great. And I don't want to sound insensitive toward that because I'm not. I don't condone it. I don't agree with it at all. But I don't know, I guess it makes it hard, there are a lot of people who are having a hard time separating Mayweather the boxer from Mayweather the person, so let me make my stance very clear, I hate Mayweather the person, and I don't use that term very loosely, he's very, he's very egotistical, he's very shallow, he's very arrogant, he's very, he's not just not, he doesn't reek of intelligence at all. That's my own personal take. You can't take anything away from his
Starting point is 00:08:10 boxing skill. And I'm going to order the fight and I'm going to enjoy the fight. I don't care about what he does in his spare time. And that's that. Parks, anything? That sounds accurate. I mean, I feel the same way. I don't like Mayweather as a person I think he's a piece of shit
Starting point is 00:08:26 but I actually don't like watching Mayweather box what do you expect from a boxer now Broner I totally understand
Starting point is 00:08:33 Broner is very arrogant what do you expect from a boxer you don't expect a boxer to be arrogant as fuck if you go into a fight
Starting point is 00:08:43 I was about to say clean that up edit that out what do you expect from a boxer he's supposed to beat the shit out of bitches
Starting point is 00:08:49 I'm talking about the arrogance I know I know I know I'm just saying I almost misinterpreted that
Starting point is 00:08:56 whoops what do you expect he's fighting all the time so what if she didn't clean the kitchen this is horrible but yeah all right arrogance okay great yeah do you not expect him especially to be perceived that way as arrogant he should show the public how arrogant he is he's a fighter but when brona does it it doesn't really work
Starting point is 00:09:18 because brona gets beat well brona gets beat and brona does not work half as far as Mayweather. And Mayweather is the richest athlete. As of now, yes. Currently. So he is able to do the whole braggadocious thing a bit different from other athletes. But I don't know. I guess my thing is when you've been to the end zone,
Starting point is 00:09:45 when you get to the end zone, act like you've been there before. It's not a shocker that this guy has 20 cars and a big, beautiful man. It's surprising. This is what you're supposed to have. It just seems too exciting for me.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I don't know. I'm one of the down-to-earth guys. So you're more into Pacquiao's political singing career? No, no, no. I don't worry about Pacquiao. Would you do a song with Pacquiao's political singing career? No, no, no. I don't worry about Pacquiao. Would you do a song with Pacquiao? No.
Starting point is 00:10:08 No. Yeah, you would. I would invite you to. How much does it pay me? Exactly. How much does Pacquiao pay me, first of all? I might be the biggest... Where's Pacquiao from?
Starting point is 00:10:20 The Philippines? Oh, yeah, I'd be a sensation. There we go. I'd be a Filipino. Pacquiao! Holla at Oh yeah, that'd be a sensation. That'd be a Philippian. Pacquiao! Holla at me! Get Corey on the phone. Holla at your boy. So I want to call
Starting point is 00:10:33 a dear friend of mine who I defer to when it comes to boxing. Now this guy's been in the studio all night and hasn't slept. Shocker, shocker, shocker. But I'm going to call him just to get his take on this fight because I do respect his boxing opinion
Starting point is 00:10:50 and because Pete is a piece of shit and I want him to have nothing to do with this podcast. Where is Pete? He's on the way. He's in traffic. Pete has a car? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yeah, I've been in his car before. You've been in his car before? I've driven with Pete before. Is that weird? Yeah. Friends don't drive. You've been in his car before? I've driven with Pete before. Is that weird? Yeah. Friends don't drive. You've been in Joe's car? Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Hey, Nickel. Hold on. Let me get my shit together over here. What do I have to press? One and two? It'll be on one and two, but I don't think... Is it plugged in all the way where it's... Yeah, it's plugged in.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Sometimes the case fucks with it. Hey, Nichols, say something. What's up, y'all? Yo, yo, yo. Is that good enough? All right, that's good enough. Royce the Five Nine on the line. Royce, how are you on this beautiful afternoon?
Starting point is 00:11:38 I'm doing good. What up, dawg? What's the deal? None much. I'm here with Parks and Rory and Marissa but she's not going to provide anything thank you alright what up y'all what's up Royce
Starting point is 00:11:49 so we're talking about the fight and I just finished telling people I always defer to you because you are like a boxing fanatic you're very knowledgeable when it comes to this I'm a little confused and Rory brought up the same point. I want to pick a winner on the fight,
Starting point is 00:12:06 but politics has me afraid to do that. Yeah, I mean, anytime you're talking about a fight that is magnitude, you're talking about the bullshit.
Starting point is 00:12:16 There's going to be some bullshit somewhere. You know what I'm saying? That's why I feel like Floyd just needs to stop him. And I think that's what he's trying to do. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:12:22 That's why he's chopping wood and doing all the shit that you see fighters do when they're trying to build power or they're trying to just go in there stronger than they would normally be. I don't think he's going to play with them. Yeah, yeah, it seems he's taking this fight a bit more serious. He seems really determined and certainly is preparing well. So when you say stop, you mean knockout?
Starting point is 00:12:44 Yeah, I mean, he's going to have to stop him. Like, the ref's going to have to stop it or he's going to fight. If it goes the distance, it's going to have to be so unanimous and so one-sided, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:12:55 Like, it's possible for him to do that, but I don't know. I don't see Manny not winning those first three, four rounds. I don't see Manny not winning those rounds. That's interesting. You have Manny not winning those first three, four rounds. I don't see Manny not winning those rounds. He's going to come out like he did. He's going to come out like the Tasmanian devil does. That's how he lose this one.
Starting point is 00:13:20 That's what he's going to do. That's his only shot. He can't box for it. You know what I'm saying? He's going to have to go out there and he's going to. That's his only shot. Interesting. He can't knock Floyd, you know what I'm saying? He's gonna have to go out there and he's gonna have to outwork him for a whole bunch of punches. That's the left hand,
Starting point is 00:13:33 left middle is gonna be, gonna catch Floyd with that a lot. You know what I'm saying? Once Floyd adjusts, it's pretty much, man, he gonna be, he gonna get wild reckless and then Floyd should be able to stop him.
Starting point is 00:13:44 If he wasn't gonna apply himself like that. Hmm. I think my phone is going in and out, but we ghetto, so we're just going to keep the conversation going. Do you think this fight is hyped to the point where it could potentially be a letdown to a lot of people? Yeah. I mean, it's the, what is it,
Starting point is 00:14:06 like the biggest sporting event ever, maybe? Like from a numbers standpoint. So yeah, it's definitely a possibility it could be a letdown. I don't give a shit if he get in there and find out. Where Manny came, boring this thing, he can take full advantage of it. He's not going to give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:14:23 The fans say nothing. I mean, he's been a real vocal debt talking about how he wanted to walk away from boxing with all the marbles. You know what I'm saying? Like, in the way that he didn't preserve his body over the years. I mean, shit the same, shit on him.
Starting point is 00:14:38 He ain't special. You know what I'm saying? Floyd had the most problems when people make him fight. You know what I'm saying? When people make him, you know what I'm saying? Because he's such a great technical fighter, people can't seem to figure it out. But when they put pressure on him, you know, you force him to show you other cards.
Starting point is 00:14:56 You know what I'm saying? And I think that's what Manny's going to do because he's fast. His footwork's crazy. It's going to be a good fight. All right, so give me your prediction. I'm going with Floyd. Well, I know you're going with Floyd. You're going with
Starting point is 00:15:09 Floyd in what? 10? In boxing, you always got to go with ski. There's a little more ski for fighter. I think that's Rich's phone.anny. I think that's worse phone. I don't think
Starting point is 00:15:26 that's my phone anymore. You should see Joe trying to hold this phone at all different angles right now. I'm trying to get this phone to fucking work right. It's upside down.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I'm asking for the prediction. This is important and I can't hear. Everyone should hear. Damn it. I wanted this prediction, man. Get back on that line. Oh, man. Get back on that live. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Tell him to text you. Oh, that's horrible, man. What the fuck? See, that's why we need a producer on this fucking show. Look who's arrived. Oh, there he is. Who, Joey? Nope.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And now something... What's happening here? I think it's your phone. Let me just turn my phone off and we'll edit out all that staticky bullshit. Okay. Now that that call in went so wonderful. Whoa. Let me just speak to the people that are in the room.
Starting point is 00:16:23 So speaking of ESPN, Bomani Jones, are you guys familiar with who this man is? Are you looking at me? Are you guys familiar, the three of you, you just happen to be right across from me?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Actually, Rory is, but... Just answer the question. No, I have no fucking clue who that is. All right, so you have no idea. Why don't you say that instead of giving me all this fucking extra shit? Of course you know who Bomani that is. All right, so you have no idea. Why don't you say that instead of giving me all this fucking extra shit?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Of course you know who Bomani Jones is. Of course you know. Bomani Jones, for those of you who don't know, is the co-host of a show called Highly Questionable with Dan Levitard, I want to say is his name, and his father. You know, you've seen the show before. And he seems to be pretty hip-hop savvy for the most part. Very sarcastic, very intelligent individual.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I appreciate his humor on Twitter. I think his Twitter handle is Bomani underscore Jones. I'm not sure, and it's not that important for me to check it. But he made some interesting comments last week that i would just like to discuss about life after death he said that life after death by biggie smalls for the younger for the younger listeners out there um is i want to quote him but my memory's bad he said it's one of the most overrated albums of all time. I don't think it's overrated. It's certainly not the most overrated album of all time.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I don't think it's necessarily held as the best ever. Let's bring up the track list. Since it's a double disc, I can't remember every song that's on there. Pull up the track list, that you say that double disc funny that you can't remember every song that's pull up the track list but let's not go over it just yet uh in order to to um figure out uh if this if this statement had some type of validity at all i i then asked myself where is life after death? Or Parks may have asked me that, and I just fucking regretted saying that.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Somebody asked. Somebody said, where is it rated? Where is it rated? That's my question. I mean, we just had the tournament online, and it went out, what, maybe second to last round or something like that. Life After Death is a classic album. Made it to Sweet 16? I think so.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Would the entire room agree that it's a classic album? Yes. Absolutely. How could it not be? It's got like six at least classic songs that they still play today on it. I don't see how you debate it. Classic status. Peter can help out with this.
Starting point is 00:19:04 No, I don't want Peter to have anything to do with this podcast forever yeah I want to fire him oh I can oh I can Peter that was a chess move for bringing Parks in today we have an engineer now it's a classic album
Starting point is 00:19:24 so how could it be overrated you know what let's do some let's do let's let's provide some backstory here now my timeline's a little off in 1991 or 92 uh the movie who's the man was released and stupid me for some reason got the soundtrack. Actually, it was a great soundtrack, by the way. But that's when I first heard Biggie Smalls, Party and Bullshit. And that was unlike anything I had ever heard
Starting point is 00:19:56 from a rapper at that time. Didn't know how this guy looked, just heard this weird voice with gutter rhymes over like a party beat, which party and bullshit back at that time, that was a party beat. So I was hype and I was anticipating the album from this guy.
Starting point is 00:20:20 So now let's speed this up a little bit. Ready to Die comes out, classic album, we could all agree, right? I loved Ready to Die comes out. Classic album, we could all agree, right? I loved Ready to Die. It was like, you know, we all know what Juicy did. If I had to pick one record, and we had this conversation, Parks and I, if I had to pick one record to explain and represent hip-hop to someone who was totally unfamiliar with hip-hop, it would be Juicy.
Starting point is 00:20:44 That's my pick. What's you guys' pick? I might still answer on that. Yeah. It has a lot of elements of what hip-hop embodies in one record. I agree. It's definitely top five, if not top three hip-hop songs of all time to me.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Yeah. I don't think anybody could be mad at that. So yeah, Ready to Die comes, Biggie's the fucking man, Suicidal Thoughts, back when I wanted to kill myself. Oh, I was hooked. I was hooked.
Starting point is 00:21:08 This was amazing. Then I go away to high school. Now I'm fucking smoking angel dust and I'm doing all types of wild shit. Who shot you? Oh, my fucking goodness gracious. Biggie's just the buildup. And I don't even want to call it a buildup, but he just seemed to do everything right up until life after death.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Like, there was no down period at all. Like, New York was his. Hip-hop was his. Oh, my God. And then before Who Shot Ya, I think I want to say, and this is where my timeline gets a little funny, And then before Who Shot Ya, I think I want to say, and this is where my timeline gets a little funny. I wasn't the biggest One More Chance guy album version.
Starting point is 00:21:53 No, not album version. I love the album version. But they put out one with a... I wasn't the biggest fan of that. But then, then, when I thought Biggie could do nothing else amazing, when I thought he couldn't do anything greater than what he had already done, what does he do? He puts out a fucking vid, changes the beat, faces on the hook. Every famous person's in the video.
Starting point is 00:22:17 They had a brownstone in Brooklyn. Oh, my God. This guy is the fucking greatest. Oh, I watched that video a million times i went searching for the single and you couldn't get it you couldn't buy it nowhere it was a hit before you could buy it this is before itunes before any of that fucking fuck shit so this video was in heavy rotation this song was in heavy rotation and you couldn't fucking get it. Oh my, I thought it was genius. I forgot how I got it. It eventually came for sale.
Starting point is 00:22:48 From Tidal? That's exactly where he got it. Maybe he taped it on the radio. Oh, we got to get in the J too. Oh, J. Oh, that damn J. So yeah, back to my point. Biggie just seemed to do everything right
Starting point is 00:22:58 up until Life After Death. He put out that freestyle I still play to this day. You know, over the fucking Murder was the Case beat and the fucking, I'm having a brain fart right now. Real do real things. Somebody said that, an anonymous person. I don't know who said that. I want Pete to have nothing to do with the show.
Starting point is 00:23:17 But, yeah, real niggas do real things. And then Life After Death comes, and, you know, it's in the midst of the whole Biggie Pac shit. It was a bunch of pock this this is in there um and outside of biggie's man jermaine that was the only problem that i had with life after death uh uh biggie's man that uh fuck niggas over the ass and throw them over fuck niggas in the ass and throw them over the bridge um no that was Gutter. Yeah. Jermaine. What was Jermaine doing? Dark Skin Jermaine.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Well, yeah, Gutter. I want to stay far away from Gutter. I don't ever want to meet him. I wouldn't particularly want to hang out with him. Yeah, I don't even want to talk about. Let me just shut up right now. For Gutter fucking busting this room. Start wilding.
Starting point is 00:24:01 But that was my only problem with that album like I even liked Play Haters at the time so that's just to give the younger people some point of reference as to what was going on then and I think that album aged
Starting point is 00:24:19 pretty well, Ready to Die not so much for me personally it's quite a few records on Ready to Die that... There's only a couple I skip, but... No, no, I listen to them, but they sound like 94. Yeah, I guess. I see what you're saying. Carry on.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Life After Death. Nah, I could put What's Beef on right now. Yeah, and a lot of those still get played on the radio. I could kick in the door. People still turn up when they come on the video. All right, let me get the track list. Let's see. How many songs on there?
Starting point is 00:24:54 It's a double disc, so it's going to be a second. Oh, just shut up. Somebody's Got to Die. Oh, my God. Everybody knows Somebody Who's Got to Die. What a genius title. Yeah, come on. He's so ahead of his time.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Wow. Hypnotize. Classic record. Still plays. Yep. Kick in the Door. Classic record. Fucking you tonight.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Still plays. I sure hope I'm fucking somebody tonight. See, it's all relevant. Last Days with the Lox. Oh, yeah. Hey, now let me just say, the bootleg Life After Death, well, not the bootleg. It leaked early when it came out. On Zippy Share?
Starting point is 00:25:37 Huh? On Zippy Share? There was no Zippy Share. On Audio Mac? There was no Audio Mac. And there was a harder version of Last Days on that particular leak. I don't think I ever heard that one. Yeah, it was harder.
Starting point is 00:25:49 It was. I'm telling you. I'm saying this for a fact. You never heard of it? Yeah, yeah, no, it's hard. They kind of changed the beat up a little bit, changed the order, but whatever. That was a hard version. Jersey City Heads, because that was back when, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:02 Jersey City niggas would take fucking every... Hey, there was a story about that, actually. A Clue story about the Life After Death leak, because Clue leaked those records. Yeah. We should call Clue. He's probably too scared to talk about it. Yeah. Because of gutter.
Starting point is 00:26:20 All right, let's continue. What else? I Love the D the dough which I think is a very underrated record with Jay Z I love that record you know I played that record the other day
Starting point is 00:26:33 and it felt good to hear Jay rhyme over that style of beat which he didn't particularly do it's been a long time since he rapped over that style
Starting point is 00:26:40 yeah definitely definitely definitely and he bodied it what's beef love it more money more problems classic and let me just over that stuff. Yeah, definitely, definitely, definitely. Anybody. What's Beef? Love it. More money, more problems. Come on. Classic.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And let me just tip my hat to Pusha T, who, you know, I normally tell people to stay away from classic records, but that Pusha Diss with Dream, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Over the What's Beef, right? Oh, my God. Oh, when that record came out. Oh, Slaughterhouse was on tour we wanted to dish somebody that record was fucking that's a great fucking record but anyway uh the word marissa park's eye and peter cannot say bleed oh niggas bleed oh because niggas do bleed the word we can't say oh you guys I got a story to tell well let's hear it
Starting point is 00:27:28 no that's the name of the last record on disc one that's great you can't overrate that you can't overrate that entire disc that's just disc one well let's get a quick rundown of disc two Notorious Thugs amazing
Starting point is 00:27:43 miss you classic reflective biggie track Disc 2. Notorious Thugs. Amazing. Oh my god. Miss You. Classic, reflective Biggie track. I could do without Miss You. I like Miss You. That might be the first. Yeah, I could do without it, but I get it. I like it. KG. Another. I didn't hear that, Peter. Peter's not even in the room. So much I'm holding
Starting point is 00:28:02 back on saying, by the way. I'm not lying here. What's the next one another with Lil' K oh yeah okay going back to Cali classic classic Ten Crack Commandments
Starting point is 00:28:13 classic yeah Player Hater classic to me yeah me too I'm not skipping it Nasty Boy
Starting point is 00:28:19 oh that's my shit Sky's the Limit which I think could be on a top five biggie track on a top five Biggie track. Definitely a top five Biggie track of all time. Yeah, I agree. The World is Filled with Puff and Too Short.
Starting point is 00:28:32 With Pimps and Hoes. Adding Too Short to that was great. Too Short. My Downfall. Yeah, come on. Long Kiss Goodnight. Yeah, come on. Bomani Jones.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yeah. The only part to me is like the first couple songs I've heard enough after Notorious Thugs is like I thought it was cool with RZA and Biggie
Starting point is 00:28:50 yeah that was dope at the time at the time I was a Wu-Tang head so that was dope and one of my personal favorite Biggie songs you're nobody
Starting point is 00:28:58 till somebody kills you yeah come on that is not an overrated album at all Bomani Jones you have to stop trolling, bro. Like, I get that people sometimes say things just for the headline, but I don't think he was doing that.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I think he believed that. Like, he went on a long rant. He's just one of those Wu-Tang boot camp heads that really was so anti-bad boy that it clouded his judgment. He was anti-Shiny Suits. But I know so many guys that are Wu-Tang Boot Camp guys that... I can appreciate. I was one of those guys, but I still love...
Starting point is 00:29:32 Let me just tell you guys, Parks is fucking backpack city, man. This guy here, he's probably got a room just full of backpacks in his house. He's a purist. Don't you try to talk to... Oh, he fucking hates you fucking whippersnappers out there. No, that's not true, though.
Starting point is 00:29:51 How old are you, Parks? 31. Oh, you're still... But it's different. Yeah, yeah, no, no. It's a different 31. No, but I'm like mid... Peter's more of a backpacker
Starting point is 00:29:59 than me. I don't know who Peter is and I want to talk about him. I'm trying to get... You want Bobani on the show? No. You don't want to ask him about this to his to get... You want Bomani on the show? No. You don't want to ask him about this to his face? I think we already just got him out of here.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Pete, Pete, let's have a heart-to-heart really quickly. Can I come to a microphone? No, I don't even really want you to respond. Heart-to-heart, that's a heart. All right, let's have a heart. You have been absent from this show, Marissa, for how many weeks? I want to say only the last two. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:30:30 That's incorrect. Including a family death last week. And out of town the week before. Oh, and then you were with the kids the week before that. Well, I am for the children. How many weeks has Peter been missing? That's three. That's not in a row
Starting point is 00:30:45 Three in a row? Yes No Corey's saying four Bullshit Corey go fuck yourself you're on fire You're on fire
Starting point is 00:30:53 you piece of shit He has been gone for four the last episode he was here was Alma No no no No no no No but he's been gone
Starting point is 00:31:01 for four weeks That's a month Seven eight I think he missed eight, nine, and ten. He missed four. No, I didn't. There's no chance I missed four. That is a fucking lie.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Actually, he was here for eight. Wasn't that a hip-hop combo? Yes, I was in that episode. All right, so he missed seven, nine, and ten. I don't know that eight was the hip-hop combo. It was. It was. It was the most heralded episode of all time.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah, he was here for that, but he missed the week before. That's why I feel sick for him. Because he didn't really talk that week either. Well, he did, but... My point still stands. You're not doing a very good job at producing this podcast. I disagree with you wholeheartedly. This podcast is doing fantastically.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Thanks none to you. No. At all. And now we're having heart to heart but you gotta the people can't just they want to hear
Starting point is 00:31:48 an argument back and forth why you didn't argue back with Combat Jack don't argue back with me oh that's why you're bad because you wanted to hear no no
Starting point is 00:31:56 I'm just making a valid point he gets to run around and say whatever he wants you don't say a fucking word back now I reply to you I respect you four weeks
Starting point is 00:32:04 valid three or two four weeks how many weeks you've been going yet i've i've heard you i was listening to 98.7 espn talk radio i heard you i heard you this week yes on saturday then i saw you like you've been on a tour, it seems like. I've seen you and heard you everywhere but the podcast that you, air quotes, produce. There's been not one guest on this fucking show, but besides Alma, my fucking sixth grade crush. Who I never could have topped, by the way. You haven't attempted to top it. Actually. I worked very hard this week.
Starting point is 00:32:46 I'm not going to lie to you. I don't want to get into it because you're Joe. No, because I'm right. Don't put this on Joe. You haven't been here. There hasn't been a guest. I went very hard this week for two high-level guests, and both should have happened, and neither did,
Starting point is 00:32:58 and that's a shitty situation. But I'm talking about like a series of emails. I did more work on a guest this week than you've had to do outside of the show in 10 weeks. I failed, but I put in work. He did, and I do. She witnessed it. I sat there pressing.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I don't need your high 97 bias. Don't, don't. You know what? You should make it worse. Okay. Just don't help me. You're going to make it worse. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I come from the school of results or excuses. You've yielded no results. That's not true, Joe. So then show me some. Okay. The podcast. Do we have a guest for next week? Of course.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Who might that be? It is. That's my fucking point, Peter. But by the way, then we need to have a conversation, which is a good format for, a good form for, of what your expectations of producer are. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. See, this is weird. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:33:44 You're not gonna know who knows more about what a producer does joe not a record producer a radio producer you or myself well you're adding credence to my argument i am because before our conversation that we had prior to this podcast taking place and now this is this hard time is lasting too long on my fucking podcast but uh when we had our heart toheart prior to this podcast being birthed, I thought that you knew quite a bit about producing. You haven't produced shit. You gave me an engineer, which I already have.
Starting point is 00:34:16 He's right here, Parks. That's my engineer. I can do this shit in my fucking studio without you, and then I'll have to see Rosenberg Radio at the bottom of the fucking shit every fucking week. If you're more comfortable removing the Rosenberg Radio, feel free. No, I'm more comfortable with a producer producing and if you're not going to do that, then let's get somebody on the job that will.
Starting point is 00:34:31 So do you just mean showbooker? Because that's a separate job. What is producing? Let's get a clear understanding here. Okay, producing is this. And have you done it? I see Joe Budden. Joe Budden says,
Starting point is 00:34:43 I've been thinking about doing a podcast. I go, Joe Budden, you should do a podcast. You'd be amazing at that. Is that producing? No. So why are we talking about that? Just tell me what a producer does. Well, sets up the infrastructure of the entire show.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And that's it? That's a pretty big start. That's a pretty big start. How would you have gotten... We're in a room with two microphones and a fucking engineer. What are you talking about? And who is the person here who knew how to set up the relationship with iTunes and SoundCloud
Starting point is 00:35:08 to connect those things and have a podcast that's now highly ranked in music? So, listeners, let's be fucking clear. First of all, Juan Epstein is retired for all intents and purposes. Y'all do one episode a fucking year. We do one a week. Oh. More fucking credence to my argument. So you're very much present for your podcast.
Starting point is 00:35:24 No, I missed last week week I missed last week as well oh by the way again to the world of human beings I had a death in the family that's why I was gone last week you can't use last week you can only use the other two weeks I can't no I was home for a funeral I missed radio for three days that's not
Starting point is 00:35:40 reasonable you know you're a good arguer that's not a reasonable point to argue you've been gone for three weeks. Okay, so the other two weeks will count. One was in Los Angeles doing my- I could argue that funeral thing, but I'm not that insensitive. I know you could. I know you could.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I'm not that insensitive, so I will not. So listeners out there, just so we have a clear understanding, because I don't want to drag this out any longer. It's kind of entertaining, probably. this out any longer. It's kind of an entertaining problem. Pete is a producer because he set up the infrastructure and SoundCloud
Starting point is 00:36:11 and iTunes. That's a piece of it. And a studio. I thought you wanted a studio to be at to do the show. And a studio. I didn't know you wanted to trouble Parks every week
Starting point is 00:36:20 to do the show. He already has to do enough bullshit with Joe Budden every day. I thought we'd have a different place for you to do your podcast. No, Parks is a friend of mine. He's a great engineer. He's a fantastic engineer. I'm with him all the time. I'm with him do the show. He already has to do enough bullshit with Joe Budden every day. I thought we'd have a different place for you to do your podcast. No, Parks is a friend of mine. He's a great engineer.
Starting point is 00:36:26 He's a fantastic engineer. I'm with him all the time. I'm with him all the time. So I wouldn't have any trouble. By the way, you didn't have a good response to my... You can't completely take away the setup of the infrastructure of the show. That is a reasonable and legitimate claim to production.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yo, anybody in the fucking universe can set up SoundCloud and fucking itunes no but not not not set up the connection between the two so the podcasting this is a shame that this is what you want credit for my nigga well so tell me this is bad who are the six like the fact that that you are sitting here fucking uh of the seven people here who would have done it of the seven people here who would have done it because those are the only people in the universe anyway those are the only people in the world and by the seven people are you would have done it. Because those are the only people in the universe. Anyway. Those are the only people in the world. And by the way.
Starting point is 00:37:05 The seven people that I should speak to. Are you going to tell the audience that you have also said, quote, you know you know tons of people, but you're not asking any of them to be on your show yourself? Of course. I don't back down from it. I'm Ted Danson. That's my bar. I stand behind it.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Okay. Yeah. But that's a stupid fucking bar. Pete, own your fucking shit. This is my problem with you. This is mine and Combat Jack's problem with you bar. Pete, own your fucking shit. This is my problem with you. This is mine and Combat Jack's problem with you. You don't own your fucking shit. How can you tie these things together?
Starting point is 00:37:30 Because you don't own your shit. You are dead wrong in this instance. You are not producing shit. I disagree. And me and Marissa are here every week slaving. I'm going to leave here and go to the fucking studio. Slaving pro bono while you're fucking tweeting your dick on ESPN talking about
Starting point is 00:37:47 fucking sports. Those things are not related at all. They're related when I relate them. Okay, fine. How about this? They're related to me. When I'm in my fucking car coming from the Gwadi airport, I turn the radio on, I hear fucking Peter Rosenberg. Why am I listening to Peter Rosenberg in my fucking car? I've been
Starting point is 00:38:03 looking for Peter Rosenberg for weeks. Oh, Death in the Family, can't see him for three months. Like, I'm not rolling with that. Okay, wait, hold on. That's not acceptable. Can I give you an admission? You're right. You wanted me to help you get guests.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I haven't gotten you guests yet. You're right. That's a failure on my part. That's a failure on my part. Ta-da! Finally! But that's not doing nothing for the whole fucking show, Joe. You go one notch further.
Starting point is 00:38:25 You say I do nothing. No, I have not delivered on the guest, which I told you I would. That's a failure. But the show itself is off to a pretty good start. I think everyone said that this is building nicely. I think for the show to get where it needs to be, it needs all participants to exhaust all they can. Okay. I agree.
Starting point is 00:38:47 And you have not. Have not exhausted all. You have not exhausted shit. No, I've exhausted some, but not enough. Well, we can agree to disagree, but. You're right, okay. Well, guess what? How about I take your challenge, but you have to be clear.
Starting point is 00:38:59 What you really want the most of from me is guest booking. That is what, just say that. Is that what you want the most of? No, I also want you to be present because you haven't been. But that's only semi-relevant compared to,
Starting point is 00:39:10 in my opinion, once this thing becomes- But you asked me for my opinion. Oh, fair enough, fair enough. Can I give one? Sure. Yeah, don't fucking sit there.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Don't with your Hot 97 alliances. You fucking got to beef with this nigga too when you're sitting there all fucking quiet. You ever beef with me too, Marissa? I want you to get us guests. Okay, okay. You fucking got to beef with this nigga too when you're sitting there all fucking quiet. You have a beef with me too, Marissa? I want you to get us guests.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Okay, okay. And I've discussed that with you by myself on this podcast, all of those things. Hate to make it uncomfortable in the room. No, that was great. Joe, please, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:39:36 By the way, we all went through the Alm episode. Uncomfortable is amazing on this. You have no interest in calling Bomani Jones about this argument. That's not producing.
Starting point is 00:39:42 He gave me the phone number. I have it right now. We can get him on the show this second. You were talking about it. Are we going to call him right now? Of course. Why not? I just said, can we call you right now for Joe Bumgarner's not producing. He gave me the phone number. I have it right now. We can get him on the show this second. You were talking about it. Are we going to call him right now? Of course. Why not?
Starting point is 00:39:47 I just said, can we call you right now before you go to the audience? We can't call him from my phone. We can call him from my phone before you go to the audience right now. I mean, listen, I don't know if that's considered producing.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Let's call him. He's getting a guest on the fly. He's excited. I still wish. He's got Bomani Jones on the right here. Ladies and gentlemen, hold the press
Starting point is 00:40:05 I'm still sad you you sit tight in your seats I'm still really sad because the two potential guests that we had would have been the most
Starting point is 00:40:13 like literally my dream yo do me a favor stop telling me about the fucking potential guests that we had I don't want to hear about potential well I'm depressed about it potential when you do nothing with it
Starting point is 00:40:21 is fucking it's oh there's a phrase of that yeah yeah yeah you don't say yeah are we calling this guy give me the give you yeah, yeah, you don't say. Yeah. Are we calling this guy? Give me the,
Starting point is 00:40:26 give you the cord? Even though I don't, I thought we were all for a life after death thing, but I'd love to hear his take. I just want to hear why he thinks this is over. Because I have to tell you,
Starting point is 00:40:33 when you guys broke it down, just then it did seem to be a pretty unreasonable claim that it's really stupid. By the way, Syphus, yeah, Syphus Sounds puts,
Starting point is 00:40:41 don't plug your Juan F. Stein, Juan F. Stein brother on my fucking show. We don't want to hear about what Syphus is doing. We don't want to hear about what you're doing. Stein, Juan F. Stein brother on my fucking show. We don't want to hear about what Sypha's doing. We don't want to hear about what you're doing. We don't want to hear
Starting point is 00:40:48 about your fucking sports show. We don't want to hear about your fucking song. I didn't mention the sports show. We don't want to hear your song you made about Duke. We don't want to hear any of that shit.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Dude, he's old-ass, dude. What the fuck? Who the fuck about any of that shit? Get a fucking guest. Oh, here's a guest. He doesn't count. We already had
Starting point is 00:41:02 our first guest now. It's Royce. Shout out to Royce. Who I got, by the way. Yep. I could call someone right now, too. Well done. That's not going to do anything for us.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Oh, this guy's guest. Oh, this is great. Is it going straight to voicemail? What happened? I did a machine. Come on. Oh, I'm going to blast Pete. Well, Marty, no.
Starting point is 00:41:20 The subscriber you have called is not available. Oh, my fucking goodness. You know what I mean? Take your phone. Take your phone. Oh, my fucking God. You know what I mean? Take your phone. Take your phone. Unplug it, please. Take your Orioles jersey. Go far away.
Starting point is 00:41:31 You got an Orioles jersey, and the Orioles games are fucking canceled. That's fucking amazing. Postpone. Jay-Z, right? Title is how you pronounce it. Yes. Tidal is how you pronounce it. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yes. Now, there's been all types of fucking reports and articles circulating about the failure of Tidal. Now, Parks and I talk. I make it seem like Parks and I talk a lot, right? And Parks is of the mind. Well, Parks is here. He said that it may be a little too early to call it a failure. I completely agree with Parks. It is way too early.
Starting point is 00:42:05 It's been a month. It's been a month. One month. And they got, what, three quarters of a million subscribers? But that's this generation. Everybody wants that right now, instant gratification. Well, let's be clear. Time out. No, they expected Jay-Z to deliver that because he has in the past.
Starting point is 00:42:16 See, that information was a bit misleading, that they have three quarter of a million subscribers. Because of the free sign-up thing or whatever? It's also been around longer than a month. It's just Jay-Z took it over. He purchased it with 550 million subscribers. Okay, well. So that part is a bit misleading. I'll still take a quarter of a million people in a month.
Starting point is 00:42:43 That's $10 a month? At $20 a pop. For something that you did not market very well and you still got that going on. Now that. I think he even admitted that they're like, you know, they're growing and grow with us and all that shit. Yeah, but saying that we're growing and saying we marketed this all wrong are two different things. I was happy to see that even the almighty Jay-Z is not. He's human. I was happy to see that even the almighty Jay-Z is not. He's human. I was happy to see that even he has to tweet through it sometimes.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I was very surprised by that. I was really excited. Jay is the man. Like, let's be clear. And on a Sunday afternoon, just log on my app and see Jay just going through it. Let me tell you guys, we're a success, damn it. Give us time. I'm like, yes.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Tweet through it, ho. I was really excited about that. But I think one of the main reasons that people speak so negatively about Tidal and all that's been happening since Jay-Z purchased it is that this is the first time that both uh spotify and pandora have simultaneously held spots in the top four app uh category like they're three and four respectively together and i guess in that world and mind you i don't i don't claim to be uh this for this to be my air expertise but but I guess that was unheralded, un-fucking-charted territory.
Starting point is 00:44:09 They got Candy Crush out of here. That's definitely crazy. That's a big feat. That's definitely a big feat. I think the free concerts with Cole was great. Yeah, that was cool. And I want to see more of that. That could turn into a festival.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Wait, who did that? Tidal did that last night. Tidal, yeah. I thought that was great. Did anybody see it? I saw pictures of it. Yeah, exactly. Instagram. That's? Title did that last night. I thought that was great. Did anybody see it? I saw pictures of it. Elliot Wilson. That's what I got. I watched Elliot's timeline.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I can get you Elliot Wilson for the podcast. Pete, you're not going to sucker me in with your sense of humor, bro. It takes more to get me than that. What about my very strong feelings about title that I'd like to express to you and see your thoughts? I guess, man. It's title
Starting point is 00:44:47 and I don't mean to go at Hove hard as I tried to avoid on the radio. Oh, don't make more enemies for this podcast. Do it on yours. It is
Starting point is 00:44:54 the most ridiculous shit in the world. The idea that you are charging $25 two and a half times for the best version. For the version that they say and the Joe Budden voice, the quality that I need.
Starting point is 00:45:08 That's what they say. This is their special quality. Let me play devil's advocate here because their lower quality version is still said to be a better version. Better enough, just as a consumer, to make me want to leave the one I've been with for three years and spend $10 a month. I don't even think about it. They have everything I need and want. That's my problem. They marketed, and this is why he said he fucked up because he knows he did.
Starting point is 00:45:31 They marketed it on this concept of help the artists. That's not what the fuck consumers care about. You just show me a press conference with 50 rich people, including Madonna, sitting around being help us. No, help the fucking consumer. They got it completely fundamentally wrong. And you're charging, even at the lower price point, double what my Spotify account is. It's only $1.
Starting point is 00:45:54 There's an $11 version? It's $9.99. I went on the app and did not see a $9.99 version. There's a $10 and a $20. Did they change that? They changed it to $ 10. That's updated. Okay, when I first went on, it was $19.99 or $24.99. And I said a big fuck you the second I looked at that.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Well, we had similar feelings when it first came out. We talked about it on the podcast. Pardon me. And we had similar feelings, but I don't think that's to say that it's done for. Oh, no, I don't think it's done for. No, it's not done for. It's been 30 days. It's way too early.
Starting point is 00:46:26 But why? Why? What are you offering that's better? Why did you jump into a crowded space that's old? This is already a space that's five, six years old and people have been doing it.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Why did you jump in besides the fact that you don't believe artists are getting enough? No. And you're not even focusing on young artists who aren't making money.
Starting point is 00:46:41 You're focusing on 50 rich artists who already make a shitload of money. That's not it. That's not it. Because Jay has these artists together and they have stake in this, which means they can do things like Jay Cole's concert. It doesn't necessarily
Starting point is 00:46:53 mean artists, hey, pay us. We don't get paid enough. It's to say, hey, we're all together and we can offer you guys way more than a Spotify or a Pandora can do. What can they offer me? A random J. Cole concert that I'm not going to go to? Right. Exclusive things that... Or are you going to
Starting point is 00:47:10 offer me a music video that's going to go online anyway a week later that I'm still going to see? Yeah, exactly. You guys are in denial about what people use their streaming services for. This is for the fucking gym. People want to work out and hear the music, man. They're not trying to see a boxing event on Tidal. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:47:25 And I will say, it's extremely difficult to have exclusive content. Exactly. All niggas I know are going to see that J. Cole concert on Worldstar a day later. And they said it hurt Rihanna's video plays for the American Oxygen because she premiered it there. I'm saying to go to there.
Starting point is 00:47:42 You can expand that significantly. That's obviously a baby step in what it could be. I agree. Well, he said they're going to offer, you know, he did name subscribers. If you had a chance for a Made in America type style concert with every artist that was on that stage, and you had to pay $20 to get involved in this community, and you could go to that concert for free. Is that not enticing?
Starting point is 00:48:06 Is that what they're doing? No, but it seems to be that that's the step that they're taking. Well, you know what? It's so early. Of course, that's not what they're doing, but this is what they could do. While these artists seem to be very united currently, I need to see how united they will be
Starting point is 00:48:22 when the firestorm begins to happen. And when I say that, I mean iTunes is going to retaliate. Of course. Spotify, Pandora, well, really iTunes, for real. Because I don't know that all of these artists are prepared to just not need any services from iTunes. And that is what's... I think Spotify is more their direct competition.
Starting point is 00:48:51 iTunes has already done that. They said that anybody that works with a direct competition, they're going to be taken out of the banner ads and all that shit. iTunes is about to, as Joe alluded to, do you know something already? Yeah, you know it. I know about it. They're about to unleash something that's a huge, huge thing. Now, whether it works,
Starting point is 00:49:08 we don't know, but it will create direct competition. It sounds pretty cool. And on top of that, Jay has his deal with Samsung, and I've read this in one of the articles. Apparently, and this is just the type of games that you have to be prepared for when you get into this type of war. Apparently,
Starting point is 00:49:24 Apple delayed the download for Tidal to iPhones. Yeah, they let it go to Android and they took time to deny the... Yeah, yeah, yeah. To approve the app in the App Store. That's what the problem was. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Good for you, Apple. And then they also said that they screwed up Rihanna's things too. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, I mean. He's definitely jumping into a pool of sharks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I'm not sure he's capable of swimming with. But Apple's on a, I feel like they're behind the smear campaign, too. Well, he said that. They probably all are. Well, he tweeted that. Yeah. He tweeted that there were smear campaigns being ran against him. But, I mean, that's what's supposed to be happening.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yes, how's that? And there's Jimmy Iovine. And there's a lot of players who have fucking power who have been around a long time. The beats play. Yeah. Hey, I mean, I commend them for even giving it the puncher's try. I, too, am not
Starting point is 00:50:17 going to say that it's over. It's an uphill battle. Do you see him walking away from it at any point? Do you see him walking away from it? Yeah point? Do you see him walking away from it? Yeah, once it's not making any money and it doesn't look like there's any potential to make money, he'll walk away from it, absolutely. Interesting conversation to add to this.
Starting point is 00:50:33 What has Jay-Z come out with? Because I said in the room the other day, I was like, listen, Jay-Z's a marketing genius, and someone in the room goes, is he? I don't think he is. Right, so my question is, what has Jay done outside of his own music that really was a monster success?
Starting point is 00:50:49 I mean... Rock-A-Wear? Rock-A-Wear and Rockefeller. That's mostly Dame. Rock-A-Wear was a... Well, I wasn't in the office, so I can't say. But he was a partner in it, so I'm going to give him some credit for that. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:51:01 And... And it was pretty successful after a run. Yeah. It did well. Made some money, for sure. It's still around. Is it? It pretty successful after a run. Yeah. It did well. Made some money for sure. It's still around. Is it? It's still afloat.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Yeah. It wasn't other artists. Music wasn't particularly a huge success point for him. Armadale didn't really. No. Oh, that was Dame. That was all Dame. And that wasn't.
Starting point is 00:51:19 On a lower scale, the 40-40 clubs were pretty popular. He marketed them as the cool spot to be at and the one in New York still is legit yeah it still has events I haven't been to any
Starting point is 00:51:30 other ones didn't he do a Kodiak too? if you ask the question was it a huge success? Duce is that his? I thought so Duce is his yes Duce has done well
Starting point is 00:51:38 I think he's just a name behind it he had the champagne too I do know Memphis Bleak is a brand ambassador there we go. Well, in itself, it just seems...
Starting point is 00:51:48 Samsung, did it increase anything when he did that? It was innovative. I'm going to give him... That was innovative. It failed miserably. It was cool, but what did it really do? The app crashed
Starting point is 00:52:03 and the people that got the album... I forgot how it worked, but it wasn't from the app., and the people that got the album were... I forgot how it worked, but it wasn't from the app. I know I got the album the same day. Yeah, I got the leak right when it went on. Yeah, so... I'm going to give him marketing credit for the Nets. I'm not giving him the ownership that he owns the Nets, that perception.
Starting point is 00:52:18 But to market the Nets, they became pretty popular. A much cooler brand than they were previously. Way cooler. But they also moved to Brooklyn, so it's kind of a lot of... He has a lot of layups, no pun intended. But he really just slapped his name on that. I feel like title is a different...
Starting point is 00:52:34 It's like a concept. I'll tell you where he is impressing me. Rock Nation Sports. He's got a lot of great players. And you know what? And he a lot of great players. He does. And you know what? And he's getting them great deals.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Yeah, they are doing something good. Yeah, he's giving kind of like title to now, I'm not sure how you pronounce it. Title. He came in that game
Starting point is 00:52:57 and Scott Boras and the rest of those guys wanted him to fuck out of there. And he's signing. Yeah, they really were trying to give him shit in the very beginning. Yeah. That's why he had to give up his small percentage of the. Yeah. And he's signing. Oh, yeah, they really were trying to give him shit in the very beginning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:06 That's why he had to give up his small percentage of the Nets. Oh, right. It was a conflict of interest. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But no, I think he actually
Starting point is 00:53:13 is doing really good and then he brought Pecos over. I think that was a good move. Oh, my God. Come on, come on, come on. Well, I think she has to do an industry name drop.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Come on, let her do it. I'm just saying. I know Pecos. I actually do think Why is that a good move? Tell us why him bringing Pecos over is a good move. Because he has the relationships, too. And I just think that they're actually—
Starting point is 00:53:31 I mean, Pecos sits front row at every big basketball game. He does. What does he call him? Woody Harrelson? Yeah, there you go. I don't know what he calls himself. I love Marissa. I love you, Marissa.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Thanks. No, but I— Pecos power move. Oh, my God. I think it's Pecos. And. No, but I. Pecos power move. Oh, my God. I think it's Pecos. And Pecos is my guy, but I mean. Pecos is great. Knock it the fuck off.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Pecos is no one. Super nice guy. Yo, one day when I really want to retire and don't care about music at all, I'm just going to do like fucking Corinne Steffens. I'm going to just start exposing all of these fuckity fucks. Just write a book then. That have been robbing the fucking industry for so many years, making a fortune. And boy, I'm calling you out just randomly dropping.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Pecos is a nice guy. Pecos is my guy. I know him well. To me personally. To you personally, yes. I wouldn't describe him as like he just runs around helping the needy. Pecos can fucking stunt the fuck out of you in a heartbeat. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Follow him on Instagram. Exactly. Pecos is my guy. It's just hard for me to view him as the stunt master because I'm fucking, you know, Kaiser brought me into this fucking game.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Stunt master number one. Kaiser is fucking, yeah, exactly. For those of you who don't know, Kaiser is just important and he stunts a lot. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:39 For those of you who don't know, they're the two random dudes who at like the All-Star game have the two best seats in the house. And you're like, who are these two random dudes? They keep showing. That's Kaiser and Pekka.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Who are these two dudes that everybody knows? Who's dapping up every player and celebrity. That I've never seen. Is he a former member of the Terror Squad? Is he still behind Little Burger on Thing? Does he still use that? I don't know what Little Burger is. Is that our guest?
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah, is that our guy? No. No. But Monty's doing his radio show until 2.30. Sorry, apologies. Pete, what are you here for, nigga? I'm so confused.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I don't understand. Yo, so it might be over for, right? Check this out. I was trying to figure out who it might be over for. I got mine. I came prepared today. Some kid emailed me a list
Starting point is 00:55:22 and I hate the whole list. We don't care about who emailed you, alright? We don't care about your personal fucking endeavors. It wasn't a personal. It was from Twitter, and I hate the list. We don't care about who emailed you. We don't care about your personal fucking endeavors. It wasn't a personal. It was from Twitter, a fan of the podcast. We don't need to shout out
Starting point is 00:55:29 a fan of the podcast who emailed you randomly and didn't have a million people emailing you. We don't need to shout everyone out, damn it. Not to produce, but it's actually not a bad idea
Starting point is 00:55:37 to shout out the people who are into the podcast. Which I was going to announce after we were going to discuss. Some kid emailed me. Do you remember his name, Marissa? No idea. Forget it.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Joe, continue. This is a good transition. Before we do, is it over for? I made a Gmail account. I'll name this podcast later, For people to write into us, don't send us music. You'll be reported as spam. It'll be a waste of your time.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Don't troll because that's just taking time out of your day, and I'm just going to delete it. But if you want some advice from this intelligent group of people so smart write into us and we will i'll pick three maybe and we will discuss it and make a segment out of the podcast maybe every other week or when we feel like it yo now we remember now check this out i i'm a high school dropout i left in the 10th grade i'm not the smartest person in the room, but that was producing. What do you fucking know, Rory? Thank you for producing some shit while Peter tries to get Bomani Jones on the phone
Starting point is 00:56:31 to talk about a topic that we closed 40 minutes ago and he didn't even answer this fucking shit. What is Peter here for? Don't put Rosenberg Radio at the bottom of my fucking art. I swear to God, this podcast will be canceled forever. I don't want to see Rosenberg Radio at the bottom of that fucking artwork. I swear to God, I will fucking, this podcast will be canceled forever. I don't want to see Rosenberg radio at the bottom of that fucking artwork. Huh?
Starting point is 00:56:48 I have an idea for artwork now. I don't want to see Rosenberg radio at the bottom of that artwork. I swear I will boycott this shit. Roryberg radio? Don't chew me. Well, actually, I have an idea for artwork, by the way.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Oh, leave Marissa alone. Oh, yeah. Here we go. Here we way. Oh, leave Marissa alone. Oh, yeah. Here we go. Here we go. Oh, my God. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Is this what I think it is? Here we go. Is it her awkwardly standing behind High Dollar Sign for no reason? It was not for no reason. They called me into the room. Here's what happened, though. You got called in. It was super awkward. And then there was nothing else to follow up on, so you just had to slide gracefully away. Yeah, but it was so weird.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I just stood there awkwardly and then I wall slid. I was not being a bird. We were interviewing him. When people look at the picture, will it be safe to assume that you look a little birdy? No, I was answering a question. Doesn't look like it here. Well, the fans will look at it. They'll see the picture.
Starting point is 00:57:41 I'll text it to you right now, Rory. So I was thinking about it might be over for, right? And I'm so petty. They'll see the picture. I'll text it to you right now, Rory. So I was thinking about it might be over for, right? And I'm so petty. Oh, petty next door. Here comes petty next door. Petty Krueger. And I was remembering
Starting point is 00:57:53 I know. I was remembering when we did it might be over for Makonnen, right? Uh-huh. We were right. Of course we were.
Starting point is 00:58:04 We were right about that no he has a show he has a show tonight here in New York I think I saw it on Twitter it didn't go well last time if I recall somebody asked
Starting point is 00:58:11 who's going to the Macombian show and got killed on Twitter and I don't even I don't even hear anybody going up on Tuesdays anymore nope nope
Starting point is 00:58:18 never it was even at one point kind of cool to like fuck with him now it's not even like you're not it's not even close it's over
Starting point is 00:58:23 it's over for the people that even like him. It's over for everyone involved in McCoy. Sorry, it's over. Sorry, Drake. It might be over? Nope. I do. Yeah, but you always be getting niggas in trouble. No, no, no. Can we hear it first? Because you're the last one.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Do you think that Jada kissed me? I don't know, bro. Which I could argue. Let's not argue it. Let's not argue it let's not argue okay today i opened up my news app and it said that the mta could go up to 310 what so if they don't get in line with the politicians in new york and they don't pay for the rest of this 32 billion dollar project they're trying to do they're going to raise the tolls and raise the fare to $310. The tolls are already...
Starting point is 00:59:09 If y'all don't get this shit together, I'm done with MTA. I will fucking walk 50 fucking blocks. No, you won't. I'm not buying it. Nope, you are. I'm going to pay that $310 and be angry about it. And who might it be over for, them? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Every day? No, I said this is more frustration for me. It might be over for me and MTA. Yeah, there you go. There you go. That's just Rory's mad today. Different segment, guys. I'm producing.
Starting point is 00:59:34 New segment. Rory's mad today. So, if it goes up to 310. Well, what is it now? 275. Oh, you bitches. But the fucking tolls are 14 dollars now
Starting point is 00:59:46 well that's what I was about to say that shit makes me sick the toll goes up way higher than that 35 cent if it goes up and I'm still getting
Starting point is 00:59:53 delayed express trains tracks are down what you gonna do about it what you gonna do Rory wants Starbucks and plasmas no I want the train
Starting point is 01:00:02 to fucking run on time and jazz music playing you can't lower the service and raise the fare. Oh, yes, the fuck they can. They are. They'll show you. Have you seen what they've done lately?
Starting point is 01:00:12 Wow, way to come together as New Yorkers. Dicks. We're from Jersey, so. Oh, no, I'm actually from New York. Hi, Gaps. Hi. I haven't taken a train
Starting point is 01:00:20 since ever. This is for the working class listeners. Yes, it's like 97. Not to S class listeners like the last time I took the train there were tokens
Starting point is 01:00:28 well if you keep if you don't change your tires and there were a dollar I ride a train and I don't want to pay $3.15 I do both
Starting point is 01:00:36 I pay tolls and ride trains and I don't want to take either one are you frustrated a little bit yeah I've had enough
Starting point is 01:00:40 what are we gonna do alright well go fucking boycott go write a letter or something. Hey, MTA, the revolution
Starting point is 01:00:46 will not be televised. Go write. Too soon? By the way, I'm naming the Rory segment what you're trying to kick knowledge. That's the Rory segment.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Yeah, because that's exactly what, Pete, stop trying to be funny on my fucking podcast. You laughed already. You laughed already. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:01:00 and you got your fucking, why is fucking Cypher here? We're doing a podcast after your podcast, okay? After your podcast. That's why heher here? We're doing a podcast after your podcast. That's why he's here. But more importantly, Gabs is here. No one knows who Gabs is. I know, she's wonderful.
Starting point is 01:01:12 You like to name drop a lot. It's just Gabs. But you name drop people that these people don't know. Well, so? So it's safe to assume, listeners, that Pete could be here currently because he has to do his podcast after this podcast.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Oh, God. You could argue that. But I would have been here anyway today, Joe. You know why? Because there wasn't a death in my family and I wasn't traveling. And that's why I'm here. Yo, I'm going to say this at the expense of,
Starting point is 01:01:43 at the risk of sounding like a fucking total dick. Not you. Yeah, not you. Oh, God. Where are we going to stop here? Yo, people die. Three days later, we know the funeral. The wake and the funeral, we know the information.
Starting point is 01:01:57 And you're white. So if the person that passed away, God bless their soul, is white, I'm assuming it was done properly. I don't know was done properly. I don't know what that means. In the right time frame. I'm sure it's not like when James Brown died and they have to ship his body to South Carolina. It took a month. We was like, where is the funeral?
Starting point is 01:02:14 I don't think white people are going through that. So you've been gone for three weeks because y'all had this fucking untimely death? No, it was just that one week. It was just one week, Joe. He was gone three... I'm only taking one away from the death? No, there was just that one week. It was just one week, Joe. He was gone three days. But I'm only taking one away from the death. No, that's not true because the first week, and I had the group text to prove what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Okay. You said, guys, can't make it. Family sick. And I said, okay, family sick. That's valid. Then the next week, yo, he died. That's two weeks. You're right.
Starting point is 01:02:46 So why do you keep trying to make it one week? I't realize that you're right it is two weeks but now that just made you more of an asshole i think i don't think you worked against me well i don't think so because they were both legitimate i swear to god why would i lie why would i come to the first seven and be you know what fuck this podcast why would i do that no no no I'm not saying that you lied about the deaths in your family. And believe me, I have a heart. So I do care. But I just find it very fucking, very weird that this was the only engagement that you ever missed. Outside of your three fucking, three times that you were absent. But I missed the morning show.
Starting point is 01:03:22 I missed my main job. For three days, you missed it. Okay. Not three weeks. By the way, I'm not going to bore you and explain the exact time. I don the morning show I missed my main job for three days you missed it not three weeks by the way I'm not going to bore you and explain the exact time I don't want you
Starting point is 01:03:29 to explain it I just want the listener to be clear and recognize bullshit when you hear it not bullshit that someone passed
Starting point is 01:03:36 I'm not that much of an asshole you're not to keep qualifying I know you're not saying you don't care about that you're just an
Starting point is 01:03:39 asshole in general I probably am an asshole so you're still getting sick so you're still packing things up as you do this let me tell so you're still getting sick so you're still hacking things up as you do this
Starting point is 01:03:47 no let me tell you why I'm getting sick because fucking bae right real quick quick bae story you wouldn't know
Starting point is 01:03:54 you wouldn't know because you heard here but anyway bae comes over can't breathe out her fucking nose she looks sick as shit
Starting point is 01:04:03 I'm like fam don't touch me don't kiss me where's my i don't need to get sick i rap i gotta record i need my voice she's like oh boy you're treating me bad i'm like oh come here give me a kiss and now i'm fucking sick so my nose is fucked up everything is fucked up right and until then bae comes over and she's oh you're sick too bad i didn't do it because i'm not sick at all. Fucking motherfucker. Yeah, I hate when women do that. Hate it, hate it, hate it.
Starting point is 01:04:27 The most interesting part of that story was that, and maybe you guys already know this and I apologize if I missed it, but that when you did an impression of bae, she didn't have a Spanish accent. Oh. Oh. You always. There's always a poppy something. I gave a little away.
Starting point is 01:04:45 I gave a little away, didn't I? Who knows? I still have not. I have to meet. I'm going to just show up one day. Just meet her. You won't be let in. Babe is wonderful.
Starting point is 01:04:53 For Joe's amusement, here you go. Yesterday, I saw Machine Gun Kelly. Hey, is Machine Gun Kelly dating Amber Rose? Yes, and I am so fucking here for it. Since you've missed weeks. I don't think that that's happening, by the way. It is happening, and it's very happening. I saw your two posts.
Starting point is 01:05:07 No, no, no. I saw them. And I saw them hugged up, but I've seen Amber be hugged up with people. That doesn't tell me that they're dating. Take it away, Rosenberg. Yeah, no, I was on a date with them last night. Double date. They're doing something.
Starting point is 01:05:18 I'm not saying they're together, but they were out together. I think that people should be allowed to be out together. 100%. And or fuck one another without the rest of the world making them a couple. I agree with you on that 100%. But when I was hanging out last night, I was telling Amber that she should come on
Starting point is 01:05:35 the Joe Budden podcast today. In doing so, I started talking about Marissa Mendes and how crazy she is, right? So MGK, who knows her, jumps in and we both started talking about how crazy but lovable this Marissa Mendez is. And how does Machine Gun Kelly know that you show up everywhere Ty Dolla $ignals?
Starting point is 01:05:54 How does even MGK know? He's like, oh, Ty Dolla $ignals tweet, I'm at Roscoe's and she'll show up at Roscoe's. I have never done that in my life. Never? No, I've never shown up. Never? No, I've actually been at Roscoe's and he's walked into Roscoe's and I've put that on everything. That happened one time.
Starting point is 01:06:11 First of all, let me be clear. People that don't have that much shouldn't be able to say I put that on everything. That's not nice. You're totally not an asshole. He doesn't ever tweet about his place. He's not a tweeter like that. He's one of those generic like, hey, check out my Pepsi promo.
Starting point is 01:06:28 He doesn't tweet about like, oh, I'm in the studio today. He's one of those guys. Do you buy Pepsi when he does that? No, I don't. I don't drink soda. I don't drink anything carbonated. Can we be clear? First of all, I'm rolling with Machine Gun Kelly on that one.
Starting point is 01:06:37 I don't. I believe him. I didn't know where you were going with that either, by the way. I know, which is why you were behind the microphone shaking your head. No, please, no. Don't say anything. No, don't. Don't. Don't. And I'm like, don't worry. I got you. He's just were behind the microphone shaking your head. No, please, no, don't say anything. No, don't, don't, don't. And I'm like, don't worry, I got you.
Starting point is 01:06:48 He's just saying you're a psychopath stalker. We're not going to let everyone know you're a fucking thotty bird. But you're still shaking your head. It's okay. We still didn't finish It Might Be Over For. Do you have one, Parks? Nah. I thought you might have a sports one this week, Joe,
Starting point is 01:07:03 but there's a lot of sports this week. You know what, man? And I hate to do this again. I know you might have a sports one this week, Joe. There's a lot of sports this week. You know what, man? And I hate to do this again. I know we got to go. But, oh, man. The Knicks again? I just keep bashing ESPN. And I love ESPN.
Starting point is 01:07:15 You know what bothers me? Well, one of the many things that seems to bother me. Certain good people on ESPN, their viewpoint on certain things is as white as it can possibly be. Now, Kevin Love. Kevin Love, Kelly, whatever his name is. Y'all saw it.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Well, if you didn't see the game, they both diving for a loose ball. Kelly fucking puts him in a Ronda Rousey wrestling move and dislocates his arm. And this is why I fuck with Mike, the first Mike from Mike and Mike. Not the football player. Mike, the one that I like. Greenberg.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Is it Greenberg? Who's the other one? Greenberg. Golik. Yeah, yeah, no, no, no, not Golik. I like Greenberg. Greenberg is an amazing radio person. But, and I'm sorry, that's your competition, but he's great. No, no. Well, you bro told me he was. Well, it's on the same time slot. That's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:08:08 You know, ESPN family of Jays is different. Many people on ESPN said that this was a basketball play. Said that they both were diving for the ball. Heat of the moment. And it's a freak accident. Kelly Olin and Olofsky-Misch, dating back to his college career, only has one technical foul. Not a dirty player. His reputation is squeaky clean. So he's beyond trying to do a dirty play to Kevin Love, even though this series has been scrappy the entire time. And that game was particularly nasty. Oh, that game was much worse than the series. But, I mean this series has been scrappy the entire time. And that game was particularly nasty.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Oh, that game was much worse than the series. But, I mean, they've been scrappy. It's been a physical. That's a wrestling move. I'm a Celtics fan. That was a blatant, clear attempt to hurt, to mess. I'm not saying injure him, but hurt him 100%. 100%.
Starting point is 01:09:03 And it just baffles me that some of the people on ESPN can't even imagine that that would be a possibility because this guy has one technical foul throughout his entire career. Well, it also got, I think it got, the J.R. Smith foul looked so bad that it ended up overshadowing it. He basically knocked him out. He basically landed a backwards knockout punch, which I've never seen before.
Starting point is 01:09:27 And you know what my thing is with that? All right, so they injure Kevin Love. Immediately when it happens, he runs straight to the locker room, not even to the bench. He doesn't say anything to anybody. He felt it pop. He's in the locker room, right? Now you send in the enforcer.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Here comes Kendrick Perkins. That's what they signed him for. Not even two minutes into the game, LeBron goes to get the ball. Kendrick Perkins looks like he's setting the pick. He wasn't going to set it. He grabs homeboy by the neck, throws him on the floor, stands over him as if to say, what, nigga, I'll fuck you up right here. I loved it. Bush League, call fuck you up right here i loved it bush league
Starting point is 01:10:06 uh call it what you want i loved it um because kendrick perkins will not be necessary for the rest of the players you don't need him to do anything but beat people up he can get suspended he can foul people whatever jr smith however i don't know if the if the calves can win without him uh and he's out two games now. He's been suspended two games. I... Because it's J.R. Smith, because it's J.R. Smith, I have to feel funny about it.
Starting point is 01:10:33 But if it's anybody else, I support that. I think Cleveland, and particularly LeBron-led Cleveland teams, have been deemed soft by a lot of the people in the league. So I enjoyed seeing kendrick perkins and jr smith fucking uh fucking uh stand up for the guy uh one of the star players uh now
Starting point is 01:10:52 the downside to that is you got chicago next uh if they beat milwaukee which they should chicago uh with the exception of the rookie kid that's injured uh they're healthy and they're firing on all cylinders. You got a lot of people that picked Chicago to beat Cleveland before the season started, before the Freak Rose injury, and they're looking like that Chicago again. Without Kevin Love, who will miss the entire series, that was reported this morning,
Starting point is 01:11:18 and J.R. Smith for two games, LeBron and Kyrie and company have an uphill battle. But that leaves me to what it might be over for. And I hate to say this, Rondo. That's my guy. Oh, this is a great choice. It might be over. That's my guy. Rondo. I've seen Rondo a few times in the strip club.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Cool guy in the strip club. But a lot of people are cool in the strip club. That, by the way, that doesn't always equal, like like best professional. It was off season. If that counts for anything. I don't want Rondo on the Knicks.
Starting point is 01:11:55 I think he blew himself, and I say that to say great player at one point. At one point, a friend of mine was arguing that Rondo was better than Steph Curry, and it was an argument to be had. And y'all can add him and tell him how stupid he sounds. His name is AtMall3. Sounds really stupid now.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Rondo took the most potent offense in the NBA, and that's what the Mavericks had, and ruined it as soon as he got there. Ruined the locker room, and that's important because the have a lot of locker room guys it's difficult to ruin a locker room with tyson chandler jj berrea dirk novinski uh shit everybody with chandler parsons model citizen i mean with the exception of monte ellis who's a fucking uh never mind. It's pretty hard to be a cancer to that locker room, and he did that even. His jump shot hasn't improved. He can't hit a free throw.
Starting point is 01:12:50 People are not guarding it. This is a player that was demanding max money at some point, and I don't think he's going to get it. So even though it's, you know, he'll have a career, of course. I'm not stupid. But what he was, it could be over. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And by the way, again, Celtics fan, love Drondo.
Starting point is 01:13:01 If it was, it could be over. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And by the way, again, Celtics fan, loved Rondo. Made me realize just how fucking great the Celtics did at keeping him together. Because he's a fucking mess now. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry, Rajon Rondo.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Joe Bud says it might be over for you. I like him too, but sorry, bro. All right, you guys got anybody alright I think that's it I'll name this podcast later at oh wait wait wait wait wait let me just let you guys know I am working on my
Starting point is 01:13:35 my R&B album bracket we have 64 albums but there are so many that we missed we're extending it to 96 we'll have that done in Ready to Rock next week, just to talk about it. That's one. Two,
Starting point is 01:13:52 next week, most overrated places to have sex. Hey now. There's a bunch of them. Trust me. Who's our guest next week, Rosenberg? Bomani Jones. Who's not going to answer the phone next week, Peter? Whoever you want.
Starting point is 01:14:08 I can get any voicemail you want. Alright, this was great, Parks. Thanks for sitting in. Marissa, thanks for nothing. You're welcome. Rory, you got to get back to work. Rory gets to take fashion risks that I can't. And I'm a little jealous of it.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Like the polka dots. Yeah, I think it's nice cool nah it's cool Pete alright get your life together I know
Starting point is 01:14:31 I will no for real I'll do better I'll do better for you next week he's gonna have a guest for us and it's gonna be good because I don't want
Starting point is 01:14:38 I don't even know who the fuck you named in that group chat that one time who was that do you know by the way whatever she's saying
Starting point is 01:14:44 is gonna end up looking bad on her, I guarantee it. No, because Rory told me he had no idea who that was either and then he thought I knew. What was the sports person
Starting point is 01:14:52 that Joe would care about? It probably wasn't for either of you. No, it was a chick. It was? Yeah. I just forgot the name. Maybe it was a female,
Starting point is 01:14:58 maybe it was Serena Williams. Yeah. Reach. All right, episode 11. I'll name this podcast later me and Parks are off to the studio to make great fucking music
Starting point is 01:15:08 that you guys will never hear and and that's it it's just a hobby at this point yeah peace bye

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