The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 18

Episode Date: June 17, 2015

Episode 18: The return of Joe Budden! Joe is finally back from his spirital journey; the trio discusses Rachel Dolezal, Troy Ave's first week, Wale having beef with Marisa, and much more! *****If you ...want to write into the show and ask us for advice on something going on in your life, or would like to tell us a story, or just tell us how much you enjoy our amazing podcast email we will pick a few each week and read them on the show!***** SUBSCRIBE at…i=335888425&mt=2 ....and rate, comment, etc!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back 45 minutes of this podcast. That's not very fair. I've heard enough of you. And to my surprise, I've heard enough of Rory. Thanks, man. I've heard enough of Samira. Did she even talk on the podcast? Yeah, she did. She did.
Starting point is 00:00:40 And she was just here. She was here. That was enough. I've heard enough of Peter. I've heard enough of Peter's Joe Budden impression. I've heard. I've had enough of all of it. Unfortunately, listeners, I'll name this podcast later.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I wouldn't know what episode this is because I gladly skipped over the two episodes that I missed. We had some very important conversations. Well, let me answer each of you individually. How do I know they were bad? Because the first week that I was gone, I said, hey, let me check out my podcast. And I played it. And I cringed. And I played it and played it and played it until I could not take any more.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Did you get the Ty Dolla $ign phone call? We're going to talk about all of these things. I missed you. I missed all of this. In the second week, because I was present at that 2002 interview that Peter and myself did, I really didn't want to hear that either. It was cool for the novelty of it. It was pretty cool. But I looked at it as you guys did such a fuck-ass job while I was gone that we just had to do something.
Starting point is 00:02:01 We had to syndicate something. It wasn't that. It was more like give the listeners Joe because that's really why they're here and we can't give them the real you because you're gone. So here we are. Stupid me. I put maybe a bit too much faith
Starting point is 00:02:16 in you guys' brains. Guys, I think we held it down. That is the problem. That is exactly why we're having this conversation. You think we held it down. That is the problem. That is exactly why we're having this conversation. You think you held it down. Now, off of that, I won't bash my contemporaries for too much. That's a lie. I will bash them regularly throughout this show.
Starting point is 00:02:38 But good to be back. We're glad to have you. I don't need your applause. Why am I the only one applauding right now? I'm sorry. I'm checking emails. I don't need your applause. Why am I the only one applauding right now? I don't need anything from either of you. I just want to listen to me talk to the people for all of two minutes because I don't have much to say. I was away. I was on a sabbatical for a little over two weeks, closer to three weeks.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And I was away with no phone and no Wi-Fi and no television. So I was, oh, no, I got my phone for about 40 minutes a day. But you can't really text all your hoes in 40 minutes. 40 minutes really flies by when that's all the time that you have. And I'm joking. I don't have any hoes. Convicted murderers get more time on the phone than you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Do they really? They get more than 40 minutes a day? Yes, they do. Nice country, this America. Yeah. Way to go, America. Speaking of America, and I don't talk politics, and I certainly don't plan on doing it now, but Jed Bush is running.
Starting point is 00:03:38 So is he the son or the nephew? What is that? He's George Bush's brother. Brother. I don't care. I just care that his name is Jed. No, it's Jeb. It's not Jed. Is it Jeb? It's Jeb. Oh my god,
Starting point is 00:03:50 man. I'm team Hillary. I don't want to... I'm team neither because can I get a different last name to lie to me? Why does it have to be Bush's and Clinton's for the past fucking 10, 20 years? Can I just get a new last name? It's been a lot of Bush's. I need Michelle to run. Can a new last name? It's been a lot of bushes.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I need Michelle to run. Can a new last name lie to me for a change? Michelle from Lust? Yeah, definitely. That's who I want. Wait, Titties and Beer Michelle? Yeah. I love her.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Well, that's why I was asking. Yeah, she should run too. Shut up, Marissa. She should run too. Yeah, I don't want Jabba. What kind of name is that? Like some hillbilly shit. All right, so that's off on a little side rant.
Starting point is 00:04:29 So yeah, I have no idea about anything that has occurred over the last month or so. I was released. When was that? Friday? Yeah, Friday I returned from my spiritual journey better than ever. A brand new man, even. And all that's occurred since then is Rachel, the transracial girl, and Troy Ave's album sales. Those are the only two things that have occurred, which kind of makes life seem really meaningless.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And I don't have a take on either. Do you want to get in? Anyone else want to get into any of those things? Well, I need to talk to Rachel and tell her how great this being white thing is. And she should really embrace it. That shit is so nuts. And they're comparing it to Bruce Jenner and his trends. I know. Transgender.
Starting point is 00:05:26 And I do see people and I do see people saying that those two situations are absolutely nothing alike. And I disagree. I do think they're alike. I really can't call it. Does Marissa's grill, hoop earrings
Starting point is 00:05:41 and red hair put her in the transracial category? What? Marissa probably might be one her in the transracial category? What? Marissa probably might be one of the first transracial to be. You really led the path. You know, honestly, you're another one that doesn't embrace your whiteness. I do embrace it. I'm very proud to be half Polish. I don't think you are.
Starting point is 00:05:59 No, I am. You have on a dip set mesh basketball. Like a red jersey. I found this. So I made this in 10th grade, and I found it in my mom's house this weekend when I was visiting, and now I had to wear it. You have on a dip set mesh basketball. Like a ref jersey. So I made this in 10th grade and I found it in my mom's house this weekend when I was visiting and now I had to wear it. It has my name on the back too. It says Rissa. Okay, so you made that four years ago.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Or 12. And now you're wearing it here. Yes. That doesn't necessarily scream Polish. Your earrings. What do I have on today? You have these big hoop claire's earrings they probably are honestly from claire's they don't necessarily scream polish maybe forever 21 you've got a nose ring that really doesn't scream my aunt linda has a nose ring she's very 100 polish your nose ring
Starting point is 00:06:41 doesn't you have a nose ring uh coupled with a grill in your mouth. I don't have a grill in right now. You have the fangs in. Or are those just fillings? No, that's my retainer. Oh. It's a permanent retainer. But you do wear a grill.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yeah, on occasion. No, no, on more than an occasion. On mad occasions. I do quite often wear a grill. Yeah, and then you take pictures with it showing it off like you're fucking... You've got an identity complex. I don't. But that doesn't scream Polish.
Starting point is 00:07:06 You've got... What else doesn't say Polish about Marissa? I don't know. What is supposed to... Am I supposed to wear the Polish flag and eat a pierogi every time I see somebody? Do you have on dunks? No, these are vans.
Starting point is 00:07:17 That could be Polish. Yeah. What else is about you? Nothing. Burgundy hair in a bun? Yeah, but that's not... Your job doesn't scream Polish. Yeah, I mean... Peter Rosen but that's not... Your job doesn't scream Polish. Yeah, I mean, Peter Rosenberg's Jewish.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Your love life doesn't scream Polish. I do love me some black men, hey. All right, I'm all for Marissa. So the transracial girl. Yeah, I agree with Rory on this one and Louis C.K. because I won't let Rory fucking plagiarize ever again on this show. Did Bill Burr say that? No, Bill Burr did not say that. You got to make let Rory fucking plagiarize ever again on this show did Bill Burr say that Rory no Bill Burr did not say that I gotta you gotta make sure Rory hasn't
Starting point is 00:07:49 listened to Bill Burr um but but yeah I'm sure he would agree though I've never been white shocker shocker really shut up Marissa um but I would assume that being white is pretty cool yeah it has its perks but But I can't appreciate... Black people... I got an issue with black people. So the white girl dresses up like a black girl to help black people. And black people are mad.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I don't think it's that. It's the part of... I don't get it. Don't you dare help us! No, I think that part is appreciated. That part is appreciated. It's just the fact that it's such a heavy fabricated lie that it's like, how fucking psycho are you? Like, you fucking hired a dad. And like, she really went all out. And then she made up a history about getting whipped in Africa.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I saw that somewhere. Like, she's really like, we're being a liar. A good liar. There's plenty of liars. I mean, I guess she's really playing the part if that's the case. That's a pretty good liar to me. She's a really good method actor. I would think so. Yeah. Well's plenty of liars. I mean, I guess she's really playing the part, if that's the case. That's a pretty good liar to me. She's a really good method actor. I would think so.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah. Well, she's a woman. Women are meticulous that way. We are. We make up really good random details. Yeah, exactly. That's one. And two.
Starting point is 00:08:55 And we're too lazy to fact check. Yeah. As men. We don't really give a shit. Two, I'm sure she's done. I saw her exit letter that she wrote. It was very well written and i'm sure she'd done some great things for spokane the spokane department of the naacp but does anybody really
Starting point is 00:09:14 care about this like i'm just sick of the fucking fake outrage like you know she's gonna fucking cash out on this though she can do all these um interviews she's gonna write a book where did people first learn about this? I think her parents just randomly did an interview. I don't know how that got to mainstream media though. Her parents, I think, released photos of her being white
Starting point is 00:09:32 and no one gave a shit until the interview went viral when they asked, are you African American? And she paused, O.D., and was like, I don't understand the question. I was like,
Starting point is 00:09:42 are you African American? The video looked edited though. And then she walked away. No? Oh, I don't know. question. It's like, are you African-American? The video looked edited, though. And then she walked away. No? Oh, I don't know. I only saw like the 15-second long clip. I didn't take time to watch the whole thing. It's like, how can you answer that like that for real?
Starting point is 00:09:52 So the parents support white power and they're haters. Well, what I'm hearing now is that her brother was accused of rape and she's defending the accuser. Oh, yeah, feminist Twitter was going nuts over the brother possibly being a rapist because it has to be true.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Well, she was, no, they're saying, no man could ever just be accused of it. she's defending the victim and that's why
Starting point is 00:10:15 the parents outed her. Yo, real quick, I love the way that we relay information to the listeners. Yo, what I'm hearing out there.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Like, that's all we got? Like, is that what we're giving them? Yo, what I'm hearing out there. That's all we got? Is that what we're giving them? Yo, what I'm hearing from some sources. Yo, the brother. AKA my timeline. The brother was wild. That's a person I just started following
Starting point is 00:10:37 that I know nothing about. That is what that means, right? That is absolutely what that means. I definitely saw everything I just said on Twitter. Okay, so that's all I've got. When it's topics I don't typically care too much about I will only get my information from Twitter. If it's something that I think maybe I need to
Starting point is 00:10:52 know more about I'll go on to a credible news site. Like Troy Ave's album sales. Great segue there. That is a great segue to speak about Troy Ave's album sales. Yes. Did we get a final count?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Because it has been a week now, no? I thought we did. Today is Tuesday. I hear. No. What did the timeline say? The clarification of that was the $4,500 was because it was- A short week. Yeah, it came out on a Friday, and then they calculated that on a Sunday.
Starting point is 00:11:19 So that was three days worth of sales and zero days worth of physical sales because it was not out until that Tuesday in stores and the 30 that were sold were only for mom and pop shops that put it up for sale ignoring the actual date that it was supposed to be out. I think he did 10,000. That's not awful. No, 10,000 first week for independent artist is really good.
Starting point is 00:11:38 There's a reason why anyone else, I'm sure Twitter, I mean Twitter always jokes on people, but specific to Troy Ave and how he's presented himself to us makes him a very easy target if he doesn't even sell 50,000. See, I don't understand that. He has not been very humble. I'm not calling him a failure, but I get why he's getting the jokes to him.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Why does Troy Ave need to sell 50,000? Oh, he doesn't. I'm saying why he's being attacked. I see why he's being attacked. I'm jokes to him. Why does Troy have need to sell 50,000? Oh, he doesn't. I'm saying why he's being attacked. I see why he's being attacked. I'm not attacking him. I think 10K, first week independent artist with one single was great. You got a lot of money off of that, right? I mean, I'm not into counting other people's money.
Starting point is 00:12:19 But what I did notice that was pretty interesting, which kind of speaks to Rory's point, is all of this talk about Troy Ave's album, which is out currently. You can go get it. Major Without a Deal. BSB Records. Nobody spoke about whether the album was good or not. Only people from Connecticut bought it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Are you guys in your... Are you guys in..., you guys are down. No, no, it's dabbling and jokes. Dabbling and jokes. No, no, not dabbling. So you guys are down. Y'all are down with the Troy Ave hate. No, I tweeted the clarification.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I even made a post about it, about how we are jumping the gun on making fun of him because these are not the official numbers. I do understand that Troy Ave, shout out to Hovain. I fuck with Hovain. I fuck with Troy. I do understand that, that was my disclaimer. I do understand that Troy Ave makes himself an easy target for people to dislike him. And I do understand that he has alienated himself from quite a bit of huge fan bases so when it looks like he has failed and i don't think that he failed at all actually i think that he
Starting point is 00:13:35 should be jumping up and down i think 10 000 first week independent your fucking first project is pretty good i think he's got a lot of credible features on there. Like, I don't really see what the big deal is. I haven't heard it yet because I was away. And I will listen to that. So I wish I would be able to give a critique of the actual album. Because it's a shame that music is released and we don't talk about the actual music and the content. But whatever. where was i going
Starting point is 00:14:05 so i do get you know he's he's he's dissed countless really big rappers and i'm probably not one to speak about that because i too have dissed countless pretty big rappers but you back it up with talent and rapping. His, again, this is going to make me look like I'm on the Twitter side of this. When you're on a radio station saying you don't fuck with these weirdo rappers and they're corny and they're whack and you are bringing New York back.
Starting point is 00:14:37 He said today he saved a generation. You're saving generations. You brought fur coats back, all this, and you sell 4,500. It's going to go to Twitter and get jokes. There's no way you can say all that and escape 4,500 copies being sold and no one saying anything negative about you. No possible way. Well, the problem with dissing weirdo rap is that that's the state that we're in right now is weirdo rap.
Starting point is 00:15:06 So when you do that... But when weirdo rap is going platinum, it's tough to say that they're whack and you're better. I think you can still say it. No, but when you diss a rapper, you can rap. I get that you need an air of arrogance especially in rapping
Starting point is 00:15:22 and New York. Especially as a New York Brooklyn rapper that allegedly comes from the drug game you're supposed to be cocky I think he takes it to a different level that makes you not even like don't we want our rappers to be arrogant yes but we want our rappers to back up
Starting point is 00:15:36 what this arrogance is and have some humbleness to them at the same time but in his defense how has he not backed it up bringing New York back is not no no no no no no no no no no not backed it up? Bringing New York back is not... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not rolling with bringing New York back. And I'm playing devil's advocate here. Because I do think his first week was a success.
Starting point is 00:15:53 But I'm just going to argue the other point. But I'm saying Troy Ave had All About the Money, right? Well, it's Manolo's record. A record that he took. But it's his. It's his. It's his. Hey, newsflash to you people out there.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Rappers take records. That's true. That happens. I don't think that should be an indictment against Troy Ave. He heard a record from a kid that nobody knew. It helped them both. For sure. So we can stop pretending like Manolo Rose wrote this fucking hit,
Starting point is 00:16:24 gave it to Troy Ave, and it did absolutely nothing for Manolo Rose. I've actually spoken to Manolo Rose about that. And he, out his own mouth, will tell you that him giving Troy Ave that record has indeed helped him. So I don't really want to hear that shit. People take records. Whoopty fucking do. So he had All About the Money, right? He had Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do. Was that About the Money, right? He had
Starting point is 00:16:45 Was that like really a hit though? No, it's not a hit. I don't think that Troy Ave on an independent needs a hit. Yeah. I don't think he needs a hit. Let me tell you, Red Cafe has done pretty well for himself throughout his career with local
Starting point is 00:17:01 hits. With tri-state hits. Well, he's consistent. With tri-state hits. Well, he's consistent with his tri-state hits. News flash to you listeners out there, which is why it's difficult for me to talk music with people. You don't really need a hit. You don't. And the funny thing is people think that you're really broke and struggling.
Starting point is 00:17:16 That's why people make the jokes on you. They think that you're not doing shit, not making shit, not living shit. I always think it's... Let me just tell you people. He doesn't rap anymore when people make the joe budden pump it up jokes right and the one hit jokes and he ain't shit jokes i often laugh along with you guys because my life is great my life is pretty fucking awesome. And it just speaks to the naive. The fans.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Naive. It speaks to the fans being naive. Yeah. There's a word for that, but yeah. Yeah. Naive. No, naive. I was trying to come up with the fucking other.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Well, let's stop right now and let you come up with it. Let's hear it. I want to hear it. Is it naivety? Nevity? Fuck off, everyone. Fuck you. Okay, so it speaks to the fans being naive about certain things.
Starting point is 00:18:09 You just really don't need a hit to get by, especially in this era of technology. You don't. So some people with very consistent, loyal fan bases, i.e. me, we do pretty good. Tech N9ne is a really prime example of that shit. Tech N9ne's amazing. But damn, I'm off on a tangent now. I gotta get my Tech N9ne verse. He owes me a fucking verse.
Starting point is 00:18:32 But the guy tours like 364 days out of the year. Seriously, he's a touring machine. He makes a lot of money, too. He breaks records with that shit. And he sells way more merch than 80% of rappers. Than everyone. He sells more merch than... He's literally fucking living.
Starting point is 00:18:44 But Wiz is up there with merch too. Yeah. He's pretty good. But that got me off of my... All right, so Troy, he had something else. Another record? Outside of do-do-do-do-do and It Ain't About Money. Oh, that Lloyd Banks record.
Starting point is 00:18:57 She like my style. She like my flow. He had that record. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I like that record. Yeah, I actually like that record. That was the roller skating video, right? I like the one with Tony Ayo, too, where they took it in the club.
Starting point is 00:19:10 That was the first one that kind of set him off a little bit in New York. So, I mean, my point is, how's he not really back it up? Well, those coming came and went. I'd say what's tangible now is All About the Money, because that was on iTunes, and you could buy it as a single. I'm not sure Doot Doot and the other one were available for sale. I heard Doot Doot Doot Doot Doot on ESPN every morning. Every morning it plays on First Take.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And New York supported that record. Which in turn, I'm sure Connecticut supported that record. What is it that Connecticut loves these rappers? In turn, I'm sure Connecticut supported that record. What is it? Connecticut loves these rappers. Well, Connecticut, I would guess and say that New York and Connecticut would be Troy Ave's prime marketplaces. But do we know why?
Starting point is 00:19:57 Connecticut literally makes you Michael Jackson. I went there when I used to work with French in like 08, 09, and he went in the street. In New York, it's like whatever, French. But he went in the street and like you know in New York it's like whatever French but he went in the street in Connecticut and these kids literally fucking like passed out they're from the outside
Starting point is 00:20:09 looking in well French started that way too Connecticut French and Max yeah like they're like Connecticut
Starting point is 00:20:16 oh they could've made a living just yeah like CT really like what's that place Toad's Place that's not Connecticut
Starting point is 00:20:22 what is that Toad's Place is Boston no there's there's a Toad's in Connecticut. Oh, no. Toad's is Connecticut. I'm thinking of fucking Middle East. Toad's Place is in Connecticut. You're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Yeah, they have some. So, anyway, my point is I don't want to go off on a tangent here any more than I already have. But I would think that that is backing up whatever shit that you're talking. Now, as far as bringing New York back, I'm not really going to get into that. As far as you fucking bringing furs back, I'm not a fur guy. I don't really care about any of that.
Starting point is 00:20:53 What about saving kids from drugs? That was a bold thing. Maybe it is. I mean, I don't know. I think his point there was all these other rappers talk about Papa Molly and he doesn't. I think that's what he was getting at. But he talks about selling drugs. I'm not going to i can identify troy ave is young and i'm sure one day in the future when he's older he'll look back and say all right i could have done a few things a bit differently
Starting point is 00:21:18 like not dissed asap and kendrick and all of these people. Like, yeah, I could see that. I could see that happening. And I can identify because I was young and dissed a bunch of people that I probably shouldn't have dissed. But whatever. So off of that, let's stay on rap, though. Because we came in here and Mahdi the Body began to tell us a story about a rapper who I like, by the way. And I love his album. Wanting to beat the shit out of
Starting point is 00:21:46 Madi the Body. But yeah, Wale. Shout out to Wale. Oh, you just ruined the reveal. Sorry. Well, there it was. What a horrible fucking storyteller. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:21:58 I didn't know that we were doing a big build-up reveal here. Don't you work at radio? Yeah, well, no one briefed me on that one. So why would you give the reveal a top of the story well we could take it out instead of the story no we're gonna leave it now to let people know that you don't know how to do a fucking reveal all right guys i don't know how to do a reveal anyway okay go ahead so um i was in my car listening to this
Starting point is 00:22:16 song twerk it it's like i don't know project pat ty dallas sign and wale shocker shocker and the wale verse came on and i was like really jim and so i'm like yo like low-key this dude Pat, Ty Dolla Sign, and Wale. Shocker, shocker. She's listening to Ty Dolla Sign. All right. And the Wale verse came on, and I was like, really, James? So I'm like, yo, like, low-key, this dude has some dope verses. So I tweeted about it. But I'm not really a fan of him personally. I've seen, you know, I just don't like his antics over the years with the whole complex shit and the shit at the game. Fuck off.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I just think he's very entitled. I just don't like the way he's presented. I've seen him spezz out on somebody personally. When I met him one time, he was just a douche. I just don't like his personality. Like his music, though. So I tweeted that. Didn't add him.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Wasn't trying to troll him. What was your exact tweet? My exact tweet was, yo, on the lowest of keys, Wale has some really dope guest verses. He's still a douche, though, but a talented one. Okay, so now let's stop right there before you continue your story. Do you not see how that can be offensive? I don't care if it's offensive. I didn't ask you if you cared.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Sure, it could be offensive. It's called you a douche. So you can see how that can be offensive? Sure. Okay, so it probably shouldn't have been a shocker when he was offended, right? Yeah, it should be because, A a why are you searching your name you don't follow me i didn't add you is entitled to search his name okay valid you do it but and knowing the personality that he's put out to the world yeah it shouldn't be a shocker that he
Starting point is 00:23:35 searches his name so he uh texted not only rosenberg but ebro as well like yo what's up with her man i do all this shit i'm so nice to everybody. Blah, blah, blah. And he was like really in his feelings. And it just went to prove even more what I said. That that was a pretty douchey thing to do. Do you think what you did was douchey? I don't understand people. No, I don't think what I did was douchey.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I can't share my fucking opinion on my Twitter page. Well, he was sharing his opinion to his friend. No, it's not an opinion. He hit them up and was like, what the fuck is up with her blah blah blah all types of shit threatens threats and shit like crazy so you can offend him because you did acknowledge that what you wrote was offensive sure and he can't respond why are you worried if i think you're not a great person because he's entitled to that the same way if someone thinks i'm a douche i'm not gonna like sit there if you think i'm a douche and you think i'm a douche but if I think you're not a great person? Because he's entitled to that. If someone thinks I'm a douche, I'm not going to sit there.
Starting point is 00:24:28 If you think I'm a douche, then you think I'm a douche. But if you think I'm a talented one, then cool. That's not necessarily true. I've seen people listen to this podcast and tweet how much of a douche you are, and you fire back. No. I have seen you fire back on multiple occasions, so that would be a lie. When they have a specific account, like, oh, you don't know about such and such. Then I'll be like, yes, I do, because blah, blah, blah, how the fuck are you, who are you to say that?
Starting point is 00:24:48 But when you just say, point out blank, someone's a douche, then okay, fine. I have an issue with a few things. So, I don't care what you say. I have seen you fire back at people that have called you a douche. Or not a douche, exactly. But they have dissed you they have been offensive and you fire back immediately on Wednesdays especially you'll do it about five or six seven times so I don't understand that is one there is and then there's a level of they're coming to me looking for a
Starting point is 00:25:18 battle or looking to fucking fuck with me I was just tweeting I wasn't adding him I wasn't trying to bother him troll him whatever I was sharing my opinion but when but when you are offensive toward one individual you welcome that what is it wait so you threw the rock and hit your hand but then when it hit him like you're saying what yo how'd you see me yo like what are you saying i mean i'm not whatever he saw it i think it's and also the people that call you quote unquote a douche and you fire back really serve no purpose. You working in media now have some form of influence of where his music is played and talked about. I still post his shit. What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:25:53 I said I still post his shit. But you could see where he gets offended because it wasn't, you were not a random person. Nah, valid. Oh, now I'm not regular. I know, I'm using your own argument against you. Yeah, now I'm not regular. So which one is it? I'm saying, own argument again now. I'm not regular so which one is it? I'm saying you you can post it
Starting point is 00:26:05 I well you know that brings up and I do have some more points I want to make about this argument that on the story that she said, but that's one of my big issues too that people in I don't wanna call Marissa media. I don't think she's media, but she is media kind of media but she is media, kind of. Media Jace. Plugging me out. I was making a joke. How do I unplug everyone's microphone?
Starting point is 00:26:34 Did I do it? That was a good sarcastic joke. I can still hear them. I think he just unplugged our headphones. Fuck. Oh, I ruined the moment. Check this out. I never want to hear that word on this podcast ever again in life that's number one
Starting point is 00:26:47 I have a problem with people who are in media in some whatever capacity shitting on people people would influence shitting on people musicians fucking whoever
Starting point is 00:27:03 it may be because they personally have a disdain for these people shitting on people, musicians, fucking whoever it may be, because they personally have a disdain for these people. No, I feel like I could do that all I want. I'm sharing my opinion. I'm not going to be fake and sugar-coated, but I'm also complimenting him. I'm not going to completely hate on his craft
Starting point is 00:27:16 when I do think he's a talented guy. I just don't think he's a good person. Your opinion is not an objective one. It's yours. Okay. And I'm not telling anyone else to feel that way. I'm sharing my opinion on my Twitter and I'm entitled to do that. Yeah. But, you know, it would lead one to believe that at some point your personal dislike for him would cross over into your professionalism.
Starting point is 00:27:48 for him would cross over into your professionalism the same way the people that you do really really really like personally crosses over into your professional play favorites or play the opposite of favorites shit on them while doing my job yeah well that happens everywhere and i like i said i still post them so it is so I still do my job. Yeah, but that shouldn't be a credit to him that you post them. You post them for whatever reason you post them. You post them for fucking clicks. Well, then where else would I be able to? He's an established artist, so it behooves you to post them.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It doesn't behoove him. No. I mean, I don't have to post that he's hosting a Seinfeld thing. It doesn't really matter. Sure it does does didn't get any clicks on my site any okay but you know how you know that because you put it there for it to get clicks that's number one number two seinfeld is seinfeld if seinfeld fucking walks up the street you should be posting that story yeah so i don't really see how you can... And by the way, him on TBS hosting that Seinfeld thing is huge. That is dope.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And I picked him up in the post. That's cool. You would look a little nuts if you didn't post that, all that Wale Seinfeld stuff. All right, so that was number two. Number three, on the lowest of keys, Wale has amazing guest verses. Yeah, plenty of people think Wale is trash bags.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Plenty of people think a lot of people are trash bags. That doesn't give it any credence. Against popular opinion, Wale is actually talented, was what I was saying. Against the opinion that I see standing on most of my timeline. Okay, see that's where... Okay, and that's all I'm... I'm talking Twitter. I'm not talking to the whole wide world. I'm talking to my Twitter
Starting point is 00:29:21 that I see. See, this is the fucking problem here. So that's the popular opinion I see on my timeline. So on my timeline, I'm sharing my views. Marissa, Marissa, Marissa, let me help your ignorance for two seconds. We're in this fucking time where, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:37 if Twitter says it, it's true. Which I've tweeted multiple times. The world is bigger than your timeline. There's an entire universe out there And that's why I'm only tweeting it I'm not making my world revolve around my thoughts around Wale You're responding to something that I haven't said yet So you don't know what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:29:53 Well if people on my timeline think he's trash I'm saying no actually he's not Okay that's great Kudos to you but when you say things like The popular opinion is he's trash yes why is that why is all right that changes amongst the people i said that five times amongst the people that i follow not against the whole world i didn't say everyone thinks wale is trash i said on my twitter timeline the people that i follow that follow me they have a lot of them have said that wale is
Starting point is 00:30:19 trash so i've been talking to them and talking to people that i follow and follow me that's what i was saying i would like people to acknowledge that the world is much bigger than Twitter. And I don't really think that people can make a case for Wale being trash. That would be a hard argument to make. Well, I'm not here for that because I think he's actually talented. So I can't help with
Starting point is 00:30:38 that argument. I would challenge the people that think that Wale is trash. Get Steph on the phone. She thinks he's trash. No, because Steph thinks, Steph has a lot of personal opinions on people that are really amazing. Not to say Wale is really amazing, even if he is.
Starting point is 00:30:56 But, yeah, Steph thinks a lot of things about people, so we won't get her on the line. Oh, and finally, my last point about this is, I don't know how i feel about people who dislike someone personally so then they dislike everything about them their music they're like everything well it's not me because i like his music so yeah i don't know about that i i tweeted that i like his music no you tweeted on the lowest of keys which i don't know about that. I tweeted that I like his music. No, you tweeted on the lowest of keys, which I don't know if that's on the lowest of keys. Wale's on a lot of fucking great records. And he's never put a bad album out.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Haven't listened. But that's my point. You're acting like I dissed him, though. That's kind of my point here. No, you're acting like I dissed him, though. That's kind of my point here. No, you're acting like I dissed him. I don't know if you're credible enough in the Wale department to say, on the lowest of keys, Wale's
Starting point is 00:31:51 got a few good guest verses. How about Wale's just got good verses? No. Because? No. You haven't heard the albums, but no. Well, I'm not talking about his albums. I said guest verses. That was my key words there. Well, it wouldn't be on the lowest of keys there, either. He's got huge fucking guest verses. Well, I'm not talking about his albums. I said guest verses. That was my key words there. Well, it wouldn't be on the lowest of keys there either. He's got huge
Starting point is 00:32:08 fucking guest verses. Well, I was saying it like I never really thought about it and now that I think about it, he's pretty dope. I like some of his guest verses. Because when I heard the Maback music, I almost turned the thing thinking it was Rick Ross because I don't really enjoy his guest verses too often. And then I heard it was Wale and I was like, oh, let me actually
Starting point is 00:32:23 listen to this. So what did Ebro and Rosenberg say back? Ebro ignored him. And Rosenberg was like, oh, what did she say? Oh, I'll ask her. Oh, okay. And then he asked me, like, dude, what did you do? And I was like, ha, ha, ha. What?
Starting point is 00:32:39 And then, yeah, that's about it. Weren't we trying to get Wale as a guest on this podcast? Yeah, wouldn't that be cool? We were. We could talk face-to-face about my feelings. I would be curious for them two to have this conversation. I would. I don't hate him.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I don't think he fucking deserves shit. Are you two with... Oh, my God. I would love to have a great conversation. The fucking youth of today. Hi, Wale. All right, let me ask you two geniuses a question. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Is Wale coming to do a podcast now? What are you talking about? Well, first of all, I didn't... I would love to hear Marissa and Wale have this discussion face-to-face. Why? Yeah, then he can come here and we can... What the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Where in any of that sentence did I say, he's definitely going to come on the podcast to have this conversation? I said, I would love to see them two say it face-to-face. Money the body. I also didn't even say it was on the podcast. I just said I'd love to hear them two say it. People go to radio shows body. I also didn't even say it was on the podcast. People go to radio shows all the time when they know
Starting point is 00:33:27 one of the hosts don't like them and they still sit there and it actually makes for an interesting conversation because they have to state their case of why and they have a really good Well, artists don't need
Starting point is 00:33:34 to stop by here. They would need to stop by a radio station. Yeah, I don't understand some of the things that she says. We didn't say we were. I did say it.
Starting point is 00:33:42 We had a fucking guest the entire time we've been here. We haven't say we were. I did say it. We had a fucking guest the entire time we've been here. We haven't. Although, we did get Ty Dolla $ign on the phone two weeks ago. Wish you could see Joe's face right now. And we had Royce the Five-Nine, too. Shout out to Royce. His hand is in his bald head.
Starting point is 00:34:02 You're going to just discredit Royce like that? His bald tan head. Pause, pause, pause. I have such a problem with fucking retardation in the universe, man. Oh, man. We'll never get a guest here with Marissa and Peter. Oh, speaking of. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Speaking of guests, right? So while I was away on my journey. His journey. Yes, I had to go and learn about myself. But while I was away, an anonymous source told me that he had a conversation. Oh, damn it. I've ruined it. Anonymous isn't supposed to be, not supposed to tell a gender.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Darn it. Oh, I mean, it's still not. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. An anonymous source. Don't want to get into this. An anonymous source told me that they made a suggestion for a guest on this podcast. And they were shot down immediately. And they were fucking jumped and told how horrible of an idea this was. We're going to save the reveal of the actual
Starting point is 00:35:06 artist. Should we reveal it? Because I still want him to come on. Wait, I don't know. Back to the Wally point. I don't think he'd want to come on after shitted on by half of the other podcast. Yeah, maybe we won't. Maybe we can just hint.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Maybe we can hint. But I would like to have that conversation now. I'm confused with Marissa and Peter, to be quite honest with you. Wait, I don't know who we're talking about. Well, Rory, can you fill Marissa in, please, here, so we can have this discussion.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Alright, Rory's gonna type something on the computer and ignore it. But can you tell the listeners about this story, please? I ran into this gentleman, who is a Grammy nominated artist. Oh, Lord. ignore listen but can you can you tell the listeners about this story i ran into this gentleman who is a grammy nominated artist um at a club in new york city to watch game one or two of the nba finals uh we have so much somewhat of a rapport i wouldn't say we were friends but you know we see each other around i said hey we do this podcast with joe budden it would be great
Starting point is 00:36:03 if we could have you on he said of, of course, I've heard of it. Would love to be on. Exchange contact. Hit him the next day. Gave me his availability. I then texted the podcast group me and said, hey. Which would be, just for clarification, Marissa and Peter.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Peter. All right. And Corey's also in the group. All right. But it's Marissa and Peter. You two are the focal point of the story. So I said, hey, this guy is ready to come on. He seemed excited too.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Get no reply for a few minutes. Then Peter, no, Marissa goes, why? He brings absolutely nothing. I said, word? And Peter's like, Marissa's not wrong. He's kind of boring. He's cool as a person, but he's not going to do anything
Starting point is 00:36:48 for our podcast. He's really cool as a person. So I was sitting there like, but he could bring another element. He has a large following. If he tweets this out, that's some more audience. No, not really.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Not anything that we don't have. And I was a bit confused, but I just tabled it and let it happen are you and peter retarded really that that's a serious question uh is there something is there like a murmur no i just think he's boring is there something happening to whereas something is slowing down the development of you and Peter's brains. Nope. That's racist. It's because we're
Starting point is 00:37:27 white. Now, I disagree. I do have a reason that I believe this is happening. I'm white. I do have a reason that I believe this is happening. So let me ask you, because I didn't believe Rory when he told me this. Is this true? Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Can you elaborate? No. I. Can I, can you elaborate? No. I'm just thinking, what is he going to talk about? He's not really doing much. It was my only, that was my thought. You're like regressing. What does that mean? I mean, I know what that means, but in reference to what?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Something is, something is really, I don't know. Your train of thought is regressing. Why don't you ask Peter why he also agreed? Obviously, I'm not the only person in the world that thinks that way. Well, yeah. I kind of have a theory. And he and I weren't in the same room or anything. I kind of have.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Well, you... Peter and yourself both work... He doesn't even have 200... Okay. He has 16 even have 200. Okay. He has 168,000 followers. That's not a ton. That's 164,000 more than me. Marissa and Peter.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Something out of you. And it's a whole new fan base. I think you guys have like a really old school traditionalist train of thought to where, as you guys think that because someone does not have a current record in heavy rotation, that there is nothing to speak to them about. I don't feel that way. Well,
Starting point is 00:38:58 that's the only cast at that. Cause it's not a radio interview. It's a conversation. You don't just have to talk about music. Yeah. So that is a little that's the only logic that i can apply to you saying that this particular gentleman would have nothing to discuss this guy's fucking loud with personality have you ever met this guy yeah all right so you met him so you know that he's loud with personality, number one. He's been on fucking arguably your entire timeline's favorite TV show ever created in life, number two. Number three, like Rory said, he's Grammy nominated.
Starting point is 00:39:35 He's fucking, he's got a project coming out. Why is there nothing to talk to this guy about? I'm confused. I don't know. He just. See, that's kind of my point. When you say a mm or I don't know, like. I don't know, just the thought of him bores me. That doesn't give me. I don't really. He just, that's kind of my point. When you say, or I don't know, like that doesn't give me,
Starting point is 00:39:47 I don't really have a valid, I didn't completely say fuck him. Never in my life. I just, that was my opinion. Rory asked, what do you think of him? I said,
Starting point is 00:39:54 no, I think you guys should kind of want to have like credible arguments, uh, to back up your thoughts. Like, uh, and, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:02 I don't know. That was my thought. i just think he's boring and that was my opinion i gave it in the group chat that was it okay okay but i didn't really need to have a full powerpoint presentation as to why i think he's boring oh i did i did because the way your brain works affects things here not really we still could have had him well when both people in the group me are completely against it me bringing him up here would be extremely counterproductive because you two would not have been into it at all and i would have been just me and him talking yeah i can't wait to speak to you and peter together because
Starting point is 00:40:33 i'm because peter's gonna give me more than yeah and i don't know like peter will at least tell me why how he formulated this thought so i can completely fucking bash him and shit on that process because that's a little alright job man but anyway all for that because Madi's getting sad I'm getting sad I can always tell when you're getting sad and fucking offensive and about to cry inside
Starting point is 00:40:56 I don't cry inside I know I got it so what's happening here we got some emails wait sports listen this is important I got it. So what's happening here with... We got some emails. Wait, sports. Listen. This is important. The Cavs are going...
Starting point is 00:41:10 So you're just going to skip over the emails? You're just going to say fuck it? No, I think we've always kind of closed out with the emails though. I thought we always closed out with it's over. It might be over for. We haven't done that in a few weeks actually. Well, I haven't been here in a few weeks. It's also valid.
Starting point is 00:41:23 It might be over for you two niggas ever doing this podcast when I'm not here. That's mine. But anyway. Well, you need to always be here. Or we can go on the road with you. Or I can just record it on my own without you guys while I'm on the road. That's why I'm actually a little upset that you're attacking me in particular. Because I was very adamant about us not doing it and you buying a $125 mic and doing it on your own.
Starting point is 00:41:42 For that 40 minutes instead of going on your phone. And I wasn't there, so I don't know how much free time you had. There was always cameras on. Again, that was not able to take place. If it were able to take place, that would have been an option, but that was not an option. And I'm really bashing you because
Starting point is 00:41:58 I'm just disappointed, man. I expect certain shit from Madi. Like, when I leave, I expect Madi to call the entire squad and come up here and squad, squad, hey, squad. And tie dollar sign and all these other fucking people to call. I expect chaos from her because she just doesn't know any better, as we've fucking previously already proved. You, on the other hand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Oh, man. For the first episode, you were gone. Peter seemed to be excited to be the lead mic here. I was fine with that for the first week. He led. I did regular side shit. Marty brought the squad, which, which you know i brought a third so then the next week i saw what happened with that podcast and i said hey we need to come up
Starting point is 00:42:52 with something different peter suggested this interview with you which i thought was cool the interview was interesting i said me and maddie will just do 30 minutes on summer jam because it was super relevant and we did summer jam what happened on summer jam summer jam was fun anything good i heard fab with a whole bunch of people out and that was great that was raw um 30 minutes on Summer Jam because it was super relevant and we did it on 97. What happened on Summer Jam? Summer Jam was fun. Anything good? I heard Fab with a whole bunch of people out and that was great.
Starting point is 00:43:08 That was raw. Fetty closed it. Troy Ave closed it with him. Oh, Fetty closed. That's great. And Troy Ave closed? It was like after Meek's set,
Starting point is 00:43:18 Bobby Trends brought out Troy Ave for three songs, Fetty went for three songs and then dead. But Fetty didn't know that it's a very hard out so he didn't get to do Trap Queen, and he was pretty upset about it. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Wait, huh? Yeah. Fetty Wap got to close and didn't do Trap Queen? Yep. They told him 10 minutes. They had the counter there, and he did 6, 7, 9, My Way, and then he did a song we didn't know, or most people didn't know. That's disappointing. It was't know. That's disappointing. It was Lights Out.
Starting point is 00:43:46 That's disappointing. It was. I think there's both parties to blame on that. Yeah. Fetty, but I'm not going to blame him because he's a new artist, and I'm sure he's not used to looking at a clock when he's performing, especially in a stadium. So I chalk that up to him being a very new artist. But in Hot 97's defense, I'm sure it's a huge fee if you go overtime.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Oh, yeah, no. 100%. Yeah, it's not a hot 12. I think the hard out should have been communicated. Yeah. That's how it's always been. French Montana one time, he didn't even get to do his set because of how it ran over. Especially at Summer Jam.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Summer Jam normally has a hard out. Yeah. Like every year almost. Damn, man. Trap Queen in New Jersey to end it. Would have been epic. I mean, it went really well.
Starting point is 00:44:30 He got to do the festival stage. That went pretty good. Well, really good. It was a really huge crowd out there bigger than they've had. But yeah, so it was a bummer. And it sucked too because he did the festival
Starting point is 00:44:39 and just had to wait around all day for that moment and he didn't even get to do that. Here's my unpopular opinion about that. And I don't want to talk about Summer Jam because it's fucking weeks old i'm just gonna update because i've been gone but that festival stage has been taking the steam they've been on up for quite a few years now this year was like i feel like they gave a number in like the 10,000
Starting point is 00:44:58 the festival stage used to be the stage where it's like, all right, give me the fuck out of here. The delinquents. Yeah. Why am I over here, man? But that stage now. That parking lot was filled this year. Completely filled with people. It was crazy. Yeah, for a few years now, that festival stage is, you know, I know some people that would prefer to perform on that festival stage than go on at fucking 4.30.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah. And it's a less harsher crowd, too. Yeah. It's real a less harsher crowd, too. Yeah. It's real fans at a festival. Yeah, those people actually want to hear music. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And they'll probably know every record, too. The ones in the stadium will boo the fuck out of you if they feel like it and they'll just stare at you if they feel like it. Okay, I was going somewhere
Starting point is 00:45:38 before we started this summer jam shit, but I forgot, so we can get to the emails. Yeah, I think you were shitting on us. I don't know. Mighty, do you mind reading these
Starting point is 00:45:45 today? Because my throat is killing me. What were you doing? Right. I don't know. Had a long weekend. I didn't get a lot of sleep. Ooh, this is an interesting name. Kokezo Kabini. Hello. Good day, family. Kay here, all the way from South Africa. I use the Elias
Starting point is 00:46:01 Kay because I know y'all are going to have a bad time pronouncing my name. Hello. So anyway, this is what's happening. The alias? That's what he said. He said Elias. I didn't know what Elias was. So it's different? Yes, Marissa. Elias and alias are different.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Oh, okay. This is what's happening. A while back, I started pursuing this fine young thing whom we, my homie and I, rate a great 8 on our fine scale for pure natural ability. I'm sorry not to interrupt, but the subject was, do thing whom we, my homie and I, rate a great 8 on our fine scale for pure natural ability. I'm sorry not to interrupt, but the subject was do I deserve to be in homie court? Just so we have some background. Yeah, should I be charged or not? Well, anytime somebody asks that, they
Starting point is 00:46:33 definitely deserve to be in homie court, by the way. I finally got her marinated enough to come through to my spot and get her ankles knocked loose. Cue bandit gang Marco tonight. The day finally arrives. We discuss where we'll meet up and drive to my spot after I was done at work. Is this a guy?
Starting point is 00:46:48 Yeah. It seems like it. Yeah. Okay. I head out to her and let her know that I'm at the meeting spot. Tells me she'll be down in a bit
Starting point is 00:46:53 so I wait. Five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes. Just know when I'm about to say fuck it and bounce I see her silhouette
Starting point is 00:46:59 in front of the car. All is forgiven and we head to my spot. We get there and she requests alcohol. I oblige. Sometime a flirtatious conversation passes and I manage to strip her down to her underwear
Starting point is 00:47:08 I'm hard as a diamond this feels like a fucking story I'm hard as a diamond and I can feel she's wet as a marine mammal so just when I was thinking it's time to dive in she says to me after I fuck your brains out
Starting point is 00:47:24 you're taking me and my two friends out for drinks, right? I told him we're picking them up in three hours. This is when I removed her from on top of me, tell her to get dressed and get the fuck out of my place and go hang with her thought homegirls. When I told my homie the next day, he said I deserve to be tried at homie court and given the harshest sentence for not smashing. I say not. What do you guys think? Side note, yo Joey, that ad lib raw scream that you have going on in your records always gets me amped as fuck. How did you come up with that?
Starting point is 00:47:47 That is interesting. I don't know if you could take some money to homey court for not smashing. I mean, if she said some dumb thought shit, get the fuck out of here. I'm not rolling. Yeah, I think you're good, bro. If that's the case, I'd be in homey court forever. You should be able to not smash if you don't want to smash. I don't think I'd ever be mad at my friend if he was like, I didn't feel like smashing if you don't want to smash i don't think
Starting point is 00:48:05 i'd ever be mad at my friend if he was like i didn't feel like smashing why are you gonna take your friends to homie court actually why are your friends so concerned with who you smash and who you don't smash do an answer his maybe they're not doing enough damn smashing his yelling question uh no i'm not answering that what is that noise that keeps every so often beeping? Oh, that's my email. Wonderful. Is there another email? Good to actually. I like the fact that there's some order in here today. You two are not just here to fucking run amok and scare listeners off.
Starting point is 00:48:40 It sounds good. It sounds peaceful. Sounds like there's some type of control. These things are nice. I like it sounds peaceful. Sounds like there's some type of control in the room. Like, these things are nice. I like it. Okay. This one is titled Marissa's Grill and deleting social media for a significant other. Wait, do we have to talk about Marissa's Grill? No, it's actually not a positive thing. Someone needs to take that shit
Starting point is 00:48:58 from her fucking please. Love her as a person, though. Thank you, Chantel. Okay. Anyway, so my guy and I have been together for two years. He's 25. I'm 22. We are great. We hardly ever argue.
Starting point is 00:49:08 We have our shit together. Good jobs. A house. Three cars. Two dogs. Jesus. Both of us are attractive. We're best friends.
Starting point is 00:49:14 The only problem we seem to have is that he wants me to delete my Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Because he says he doesn't want other guys looking. Which started after this random black guy called me beautiful. I feel like if I don't have anything revealing up and it's clear we're together, I'm not acting up online, then he's just being controlling and insecure. The biggest thing, though, is I think he really thinks I'm going to leave him for a black guy because one time, like four years ago, I put a post about black guys and Latinas
Starting point is 00:49:37 on Twitter as a joke. We are both Puerto Rican. I've only ever dated Puerto Ricans, so I'm not sure why this is such a big problem. We all have these things going for us. Am I crazy or is he really being insecure? Should I delete my social media? I feel like deleting my social media isn't going to fix the real problem. I love this man to death. I don't know why
Starting point is 00:49:51 he thinks he's going to lose me. CJ. Girl, he insecure as shit. And he's racist. Well, he's insecure. He's racist. He's insecure, but he's right. You don't fuck a black dude. I mean, just so we're clear, i get your argument i understand oh he's wiling you never did nothing but one tweet years ago all you ever did was put a re i i
Starting point is 00:50:13 comprehend very well but you'll fuck a black dude and he knows it same way that there's uh what's that bullshit that's never accurate uh oh woman's intuition intuition. There's men's intuition. I actually like to say that men's intuition is probably a lot more accurate than fucking women's. Oh, yeah, because ours comes from a logical place. Women's comes from some deep emotion
Starting point is 00:50:37 that we can't quite figure out. But to answer your question, I do not think you should delete your social media. Fuck that shit. Don't have to change who the fuck you are because he's insecure it's bullshit guys so she's mad so she's madly in love this could be her future husband and soulmate they have two dogs that's love they have two dogs and here comes marissa saying girl fuck that nigga don't delete that shit yeah uh if you've ever listened to this podcast you probably know that one person you should not get your relationship advice from here would be the person that you started your email
Starting point is 00:51:13 dissing the shit out of. But she said she loves me, though. That girl is really weak. I like my girl. It would be really great if you were in like. I don't care. Whatever your answer is, I don't care because I love it. If you were in like
Starting point is 00:51:29 96 I'm just bringing the vibes back. No, it's really bad. And you open your mouth, you show it off like it's dope. I don't really understand it, but whatever. This one I think is about a rapper. Let's get it. Advice for female needed
Starting point is 00:51:45 Oh, okay Anonymous please, seems like a long story but bear with me Backstory, years ago I met the man in question And after about six months we became a couple You a hoe We were basically living together and had about one solid year But the couple years after that were spent on and off But our bond while together always remained strong
Starting point is 00:52:01 Throughout the years, even during months separated I continue to remain 100% loyal and have let go of my friends and social media just to satisfy his insecurities. What the fuck is up with these dudes, bruh? I'm a homebody with a naturally amazing physique, plus my wife's skills are thorough, oh, through the roof, and he knows this, so I'm 100%
Starting point is 00:52:18 sure he'll want me back yet again. Once he returns from the summer tour that he Oh, once he returns from the summer tour that he kicked off a few days ago. He's done this before. Oh, it might be like a ho tour. I'm not naive to his rapper ways, so I'm fine with whatever he does while on tour. I've been supportive and understanding of his career since day one.
Starting point is 00:52:35 I've compromised a lot, so naturally I'm in need of more commitment as time progresses. I fear that I'll be stuck in this cycle where I have to keep getting used to doing things at this time pace. Is it time I take an L? How can I get them to get it together? What are your thoughts and advice on my situation? Is it Hoodie Allen? He just went on tour with Wiz Khalifa. Before we start, I've noticed that since we shit on these people
Starting point is 00:52:55 so much, how much detail they go into about how amazing they are before they even ask the question. Well, we do always ask the question. You know, I got lost in the story. I'm more so concerned with that bitch sounds amazing. And she dates rappers.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And her naturally amazing physique. And she's cool with rappers fucking other bitches. And she has no social media. And she's loyal. No social media. Yeah. Yo, email them digits. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:53:29 And she's Spanish. And she's Spanish? Well, not... Email them digits for a friend. Not for me. But, yeah. Anyway. For Armani.
Starting point is 00:53:39 He's here. Yeah. Maybe for Armani. I don't have any advice for this girl. Yeah. I forgot what the question was. Oh don't have any advice for this girl. Yeah. I forgot what the question was. Oh. Walk away?
Starting point is 00:53:48 She should continue staying. I can't tell somebody when it's time to leave their relationship. If the tour is the last straw and he ends up actually being successful if he's not successful already, he's going to keep going on tour. I don't know what her deal breakers. She doesn't mind the tour. That's my point. I don't know what her deal breakers she doesn't mind the tour that's my point I don't know what her deal breakers are if you're okay with him fucking other bitches
Starting point is 00:54:06 if you're okay with him not really being present in a relationship then what the fuck is your problem I think that's what it is though she I mean the fucking other bitches
Starting point is 00:54:13 thing is whatever it's like is he gonna really make a formal you know girlfriend or wife out of me or am I just kind of sticking around for to end up with nothing
Starting point is 00:54:21 in the end good question ask God how the fuck would I know what's going to happen in fucking nature? Yeah, it's a tough call, boo. I mean, if you're good now, if, you know, but just I would say keep your options open for other guys. Don't be so loyal because he's not doing it to you.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Yo, let me just let everybody know. Listen to Marissa's advice. What? It's valid. Keep your options open. Keep your options open. Don't put all your eggs in one basket if you're not sure that he's putting his eggs in your
Starting point is 00:54:46 basket. That's like real thotty advice. No, it's not. She's already cool. That means keep a few guys just in case. What is she supposed to do? Just sit around and wait? She's supposed to be invested in her working relationship until she's no longer invested.
Starting point is 00:55:02 And her question was, how long should I be invested? Not anything to where you would be like, keep your hands open, keep some niggas. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? What's happening in the universe? Whatever. So then we're done here, right? No one else needs Marissa's relationship advice.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Please, please tell me they don't. Well, not a lot. A few people have complained that we only do relationship stuff. So I have one that maybe you can mentor outside of relationships. Oh, listen, I'm chitting on Marissa, but I don't need to mentor anybody either. relationship stuff so i have one that that maybe you can mentor outside of relationships oh listen i'm chitting on marissa but i don't need to mentor anybody either well maybe for my my uh sabbatical maybe fresh off my spiritual journey i can help one of you lost souls out there hey guys i'm currently 23 years old living in southern california as i grow older i'm noticing
Starting point is 00:55:41 that i set myself in earlier. What? I don't like when people don't write sentences that make sense. You got to get worse in glasses. I am noticing. I know, right? I'm noticing goals that I set for myself in earlier years are not coming to fruition as quickly as I imagined. Of course, goals include not only financial success, but also personal success, relationships, and happiness. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:56:03 What a loser. That's not nice. He hasn't, wait, hold on. Can you read that sentence again? Come on to you, Ricardo. We're not shitting on our fans anymore. Ricardo, I feel you. Success in anything. Sometimes it doesn't happen in the timeline that you want.
Starting point is 00:56:15 My finances, your relationship, your home life, church, like everything is going bad. God, how old is he again? 23. Oh, all right, that's okay. All right, I take it back. I take. God. How old is he again? 23. Oh, all right. That's okay. All right, I take it back. I take it back. What's his name?
Starting point is 00:56:29 Ricardo? Ricardo. I take it back. At 23, it's still allowable that you're a loser. As someone who's relatively successful. I'm joking. As someone who's relatively successful in your field, what advice would you give? He's talking to Rory.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Clearly. He's talking to me.. Clearly. Relatively successful. Fuck you. I am relatively successful, you dick. I know, I agree. I agree. Why is that offensive? That's a good thing that somebody is relatively successful.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Is Madi relatively successful? I am relatively. I make a living. I don't know. I'm looking up relatively right now. What advice would you give those of us who are still trying to reach a point where we are satisfied financially and personally? Y'all talk to each other. I want to look up relatively to see if you guys are relatively successful.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Well, I'm 25, so I probably know more about this than these two old fucks. I'm 27, bro. Being a dick. These things take time. As long as you are staying busy and staying focused you'll be as relatively successful as I am hey hold on now that I've found the definition
Starting point is 00:57:35 of relatively right I just want to clear this up I am not relatively successful bitch Ricardo you're not a bitch relatively in a relative manner a relatively small difference in proportion hey fuck you ricardo but anyway what's the advice for this guy i got caught up you're only 23 bro you'll be fine what advice would you give
Starting point is 00:58:05 to those who are still trying to reach a point where they're satisfied with their goals financially and personally? You sound like an overachiever. You need antidepressants. That's my advice.
Starting point is 00:58:14 No, get an Adderall. Focus. You'll be all right. No, don't get Adderall, man. That doesn't even fucking work, really. Look, because Marty takes mad Adderalls.
Starting point is 00:58:21 No, because my little brother had to for his ADHD. Oh, way to ruin the mood. Yeah. Way to ruin the mood with some serious shit. No, because my little brother had to for his ADHD. Oh, way to ruin the mood. Way to ruin the mood with some serious shit. I don't know, bro. You're 23 years old. I'm not going to tell you to just do whatever the timeline says.
Starting point is 00:58:36 You've got some time. Time is on your side. There are some things you can do to where as it would be the difference in your life being amazing and your life being really, really shitty don't think uh i don't think your 23 years of relative success is enough to get you down in the dumps don't wallow in your own misery get up get out there be productive and hopefully you'll be able to sing a different tune in two years there that's my that's my amazing advice where i agree and disagree with some people when they say, wait, you know, your 20s are about figuring things out.
Starting point is 00:59:05 By 30, you'll understand all that bullshit. People use that as an excuse to float in their 20s, and then they become 30, and they're the exact same person they were at 20. So take some time to actually do things in your 20s that are going to have some tangible success. I can't wait to see you two in your 30s. Well, I don't know how often I want to see Marissa in her 30s That's not very nice I'm going to be a very great mom I'm going to be cooking things
Starting point is 00:59:31 I'm going to be doing arts and crafts Every day with my kid Making dioramas and shit Well a couple of people have told me you're a great mom now To who? Wait how am I a great mom? They say you do alright with the kids. You dick.
Starting point is 00:59:54 She walked right into that one. And she seen where I was going there. I couldn't figure it out. I didn't know where you got it. You do really good with the kids. You hear me? But anyway. Alright, so we're done with the emails, right? Do I have to listen to Marissa do sports? Do I have to?
Starting point is 01:00:10 I mean, all we can say, I can't even give an accurate one because last night. Golden State's playing the Warriors tonight. Last night. Yeah, but that's last night now on this podcast. And so I don't know what's going to happen, but I just want everyone to know that it's Go Cavs. The land. Well, this is the one game that know that it's go Cavs. The land. Well, this is the one game that I'm rooting for the Cavs because I want to see it go seven games.
Starting point is 01:00:30 It's been a great series. I will ask you guys the question that has been floating. Oh, no, I won't ask you guys anything. Oh, thanks. No, actually, I won't ask Marissa. To backtrack, I do would like to know where you think I'll be in my 30s, but that's neither here nor there. At a bar. Creepy pickup line.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Do you think that in the event that Cleveland loses this series, that LeBron should get finals MVP? Yes. Yeah? He's been carrying his whole team. He's been carrying that team. Look at Mercer. Yes. And DK is from Cleveland.
Starting point is 01:01:05 So I don't see why LeBron. I don't see why he wouldn't get it. been carrying his whole team. He's been carrying that team. Look at Mercer. Yes. MGK is from Cleveland. So, I don't see why LeBron I don't see why he wouldn't get it. Why wouldn't they give it to LeBron if they hurried MGK's album before?
Starting point is 01:01:14 Then, of course they should get it. And he's dating Amber Rose now. So, that's another reason LeBron should get it. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Wait, I said a valid thing. He's been carrying his whole fucking team. Got it. Especially with Kyrie out now with a thing. He's been carrying his whole fucking team. Got it. Especially with Kyrie out now with a fucking injury and shit like that. It fucking sucks. That was his only real help.
Starting point is 01:01:30 I mean, the other guy. This is where it gets tricky. Hold on. As soon as we get rid of the famous people. Come out here. Come out. Kyrie's been out. And, I mean, the other guy.
Starting point is 01:01:39 The other guy, he played pretty decently in game four. Who is the other guy? But then, like, in game five, they only gave him, like, five minutes of play. Who is the other guy? But then in game five, they only gave him like five minutes of play. Who's the other guy? DeLaDova? No. No? He had a really bad game four.
Starting point is 01:01:53 He did. Yep, that's all I got. But there was a guy on Cleveland that did pretty good. Joey, where are we at, man? Really? You're at an hour right now, right? It seemed like it kind of breezed by there. I suppose.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I watched Game 5 on YouTube. You two, even everything about you guys' demeanor today seems very different than what I heard in that first podcast. It sounded like a substitute teacher was in that day, and you guys just got to. That's how it came across my headphones. You came back like the dad and we threw a house party. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:31 And you're pissed. Yeah, like you guys, you guys got fat while I was gone. These guys got to run amok, throw fucking spitballs, fucking invite your friends. That was literally what happened. Classes that don't belong. Yeah, talk about whatever. You will talk over each other. It was fucking great, right?
Starting point is 01:02:51 These fucking dicks. Now that that's out of the way, here's my, you know, I'm going to start giving a weekly rap update because I don't rap anymore. That's the cool thing to say. So, my update this week is I am going to the studio now.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Hey. See? Right now? Look at that. After this? Yeah. Sweet. Well, every Tuesday,
Starting point is 01:03:17 I go to the studio, by the way. Is Parks here? I don't see Parks. No. Parks on the floor. I knew Parks would be late, though. I knew it. I knew Parks would be late, though. I knew it. I knew Parks would be late when I text him at 11 and said, hey, are you meeting me at
Starting point is 01:03:29 the podcast? And he said, oh, yeah. Like, what time? The same time that you've been coming every week for the past couple of months. Your studio's around here? Or you go back to the one that you went to that time? No, my studio's not around here, number one. Number two, I would never disclose the location of my studio on a podcast.
Starting point is 01:03:44 I was asking you the location. I was just saying, is it around here? No. It's not around here, number one. Number two, I would never disclose the location of my studio on a podcast. I was asking you the location. I was just saying, is it around here? No, it's not around here. But don't worry, Joe Budden fans, content is coming soon whenever Parks comes. So that's my music update. At Parks Music. Yeah, if you want to. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:00 We could definitely do that. If you want to at someone and express your displeasure with the lack of music, it's at Parks, P-A-R-K-S, music, M-U-S-I-C. How come he hasn't changed it to Parks on the board? That shit would make so much more sense. Because it's mad longer than Parks music. Valid. That's would make so much more sense. Because it's mad longer than parts of music. Valid. That's number one.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Number two, Dad, a really good question that, damn, we're at the time limit, but I had a funny question to ask you guys, right? And I had a really funny story to go along with it.
Starting point is 01:04:36 I just wasn't sure that I wanted to share my story because then you guys might call me a faggot. Ah, probably. I call you a faggot without the story a lot. Yeah, but I don't want to give any credence to the argument that I'm a faggot. Probably. I'd call you a faggot without the story a lot. Yeah, but I don't want
Starting point is 01:04:45 to give any credence to the argument that I'm a faggot. But damn it, it's a good one. All right, so you know what? I'll just ask the question. This didn't happen to me. Sure.
Starting point is 01:04:57 A friend of yours. Asking for a friend. Of course I'm asking for a friend. And Joey, you can partake in this too. And maybe we can get further in detail, go further into detail in this next week. But okay.
Starting point is 01:05:10 My friend is so ashamed. Okay. Men. And I guess I can ask Madi too because she's been with men. Valid. And women. Okay. Wait.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Well, I mean, yeah. Like a thought. But anyway. Women women. Okay. Wait. Well, I mean, yeah. Yeah, like a thought. But anyway. Women and Jays. Valid. Is there ever a time ever in your sexual lives? I'm talking to Rory, Joey, and Imani, who's not on the mic. In your sexual lives ever since you've lost your virginity That at any point during sex
Starting point is 01:05:52 Your leg has been up What no Just a leg up or Or two legs up. Wait. Any leg up. Am I on my way to a new position? Or is my leg up part of the position?
Starting point is 01:06:14 I challenge you guys now because a chick has never sucked you off and you have put your fucking leg on her back. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's not having my leg up.
Starting point is 01:06:23 That is a leg up. No, that's a resting leg. That's a leg up. That is a leg up. No, that's a resting leg. That's a leg up. That is a resting leg. My point is a leg off of the bed. When a leg is not, huh? Not as an adult, though. Hey, just to clarify here,
Starting point is 01:06:41 what I mean by a leg up is both legs or a knee no support both your legs no that's gay if you have two legs up at any time during sex it's gay i shall remain anonymous but when i was very young a spanish woman my first experience with a Spanish woman, she tried to lick my ass. In her trying to do that, she raised my leg up to try to get up underneath where that was. I think that's a very natural story.
Starting point is 01:07:17 It was very uncomfortable. It was very uncomfortable and I never wanted to be in that position again of climbing the walls and having a woman chase me around trying to lick my ass but she did put my leg up. It was very
Starting point is 01:07:32 awkward and uncomfortable and I felt like this is wrong. This should never happen again. See now that's a natural story. I have that same story with my child's mom when I was fucking 17 years old and I was like whoa does this supposed to feel great? Because it doesn't. And this will never happen again.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Bitch, get off of me. But, you know, somehow, and again, let me go back to if you are getting ahead and you are picked your leg up to rest it on the chick's back, that is a leg up. Just, I want to have a point of reference so people are not confused when I say a leg up. But, right? A friend leg up. But right. A friend of mine. This friend.
Starting point is 01:08:09 A friend of mine. Your friend crazy. I don't even know how that position happened, man. Your friend doesn't know. Well, I mean, yeah, that's what he told me. Did your friend initiate it or did she initiate it? Well, that's just the way it gets tricky. I don't I don't think the friend ever
Starting point is 01:08:26 initiated this. Oh, if that would happen, I think I know what happened, man. You're not remembering the story? But the problem here is, and you know what? I'll just go ahead and say it. It was a really great position, man.
Starting point is 01:08:42 It was amazing. Like, that shit felt was amazing. That just felt fucking wonderful. We'll talk about it next week. On your truth. Joey, you didn't answer the question either. No apologies. If it felt great, then it was right. It really felt good.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Marissa, have you ever put a man's leg up? Well, Marissa's done some wild things, so this is where we're going to exit this one. Let's get out of here. Because I never want to talk about Marissa's sex life ever again on this podcast. Because I don't want her to get angry and crying time. All right, all right, let's go. And all her mentors text her and say, oh, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:09:18 You're exposing too much. Can we go? Can we go? Well, you can go. I can still talk. I've been gone for two weeks. Get the fuck out or you don't want to be here. What happened?
Starting point is 01:09:24 Is it over for? Yeah, it's over for you and Marissa ever doing this can go. I can still talk. I've been gone for two weeks. Get the fuck out or you don't want to be here. What happened? Do you have a... Is it over for? Yeah, it's over for you and Marissa ever doing this podcast again while I'm out of town. That will never happen again. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:32 That's it. We'll talk. You know what? Next week, because we've put this off for too long, a million years, I said I was going to do
Starting point is 01:09:40 this R&B bracket, and I do have the R&B albums, by the way, but I've been putting it off to see if there are any albums that I am forgetting. So next week, I'm going to run down the list that I have. And you guys can help me if there are
Starting point is 01:09:54 any classic R&B albums that I am forgetting, and we can get to the bottom of it. I've got about 69, 70 albums. I think I want to try to get to 96. So, we'll get into that next week. I think I want to try to get to 96. So, we'll get into that next week. I promise I will not forget. Yes, Rory, you look like you want to say something.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Yes, I know feminist Twitter is itching. It's getting really close to that holiday that they can't stand. Father's Day. For the one time in your estrogen filled bald headed life, just let men have a day. You don't have to be the center
Starting point is 01:10:26 of attention you don't have to say happy father's day to all the single mothers out there we can celebrate that on mother's day just give fathers a fucking day you don't have to be the center of fucking attention all the time you don't have to be outraged
Starting point is 01:10:41 this isn't a misogynistic holiday we're celebrating men yes for 24 fucking hours. You can just be fucking quiet. I like that Rory rant. I like that Rory rant if it is indeed from Rory and not Bill Burr. I'm sure he got it from Bill Burr.
Starting point is 01:10:56 If that's not from Bill Burr. I can guarantee you that's not from anyone but me. Well, you said that about the one that you stole from Bill Burr too. Okay, go subscribe to Bill Burr and find that fucking rant. I mean, you did say that about the one that you stole. So,r, too. Okay, go subscribe to Bill Burr and find that fucking rant.
Starting point is 01:11:06 I mean, you did say that about the one that you stole. So, I mean, I don't know how I can take your word. But if that rant is indeed from Rory, I appreciate it. Women, I've had enough of you guys ruining Father's Day for all the amazing fathers out there. You're not the center of attention on Sunday. You tell them, Rory. Just be quiet. Alright, and we are out of here.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Good to be back. I will talk to you guys next week. Goodbye. No, no, no. You were done. You've been done in this pod. You don't need to exit. You don't need a goodbye. Marissa, don't make me... I'm out. Alright, thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Bye, beautiful people. I will speak to you guys next week. Feels good to be back. I missed you all. Parks is still not here, but fuck it. We gone, Joey. Thank you. What?

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