The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 26

Episode Date: August 12, 2015

First and foremost RIP to the great Sean Price, please take a moment to donate to his family here: Half a year of consistent episodes! Today's episode the trio discusse...s the NWA movie, The Compton Album, rappers on reality shows, marrying your child's mother, and of course; whats on our artwork. *****If you want to write into the show and ask us for advice on something going on in your life, or would like to tell us a story, or just tell us how much you enjoy our amazing podcast email we will pick a few each week and read them on the show!***** SUBSCRIBE at…i=335888425&mt=2 ....and rate, comment, etc!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're good to go. All right, and we are good to go. I will name this podcast later episode number 26 Uh, i'm your host joe budden. Uh, moddy the body is here. Rory classic kid is here And we have made it through half of a year half of a year of podcast because 26 times 2 would be 52 I'm a high school dropout self-educated. So i'm gonna assume that that's correct. I can't fucking read. You think I can do math? I was really perturbed by you texting me last night. Oh, my God, the dessert. And I was going to text a tip in there, like a tip, like we always want two servings of dessert.
Starting point is 00:00:37 There's two S's, but I think you knew. For the listeners, I Instagrammed a friend of mine who is a chef. I Instagrammed a dessert that he makes that's very good. And this is why I was mad. Because I knew that dessert was spelled with two S's. And because I'm a dropout, I always check things first. So then I checked to make sure that I was correct. And I was correct.
Starting point is 00:01:01 And then I typed it that way. And I thought I was fine and it must have auto-corrected back to 1S and I looked like a fucking idiot and here comes Rory. You guys say I'm a little tiny. He was so ready to send it to the group chat. I could have been super petty and went on Twitter and screen. I just hit the group chat. I didn't make
Starting point is 00:01:19 a spectacle out of it. Yeah, but then you didn't reply either. No, that was me dropping the mic. I was just like, yeah. Yeah, but then you didn't reply either. Oh yeah. No, that was me dropping the mic. Yeah. I turned my phone off after that.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Yeah, that was a cute little move there. But anyway, so fuck Rory. unfortunately, uh, way too many times this year has this podcast had to begin on a very somber note. Um,
Starting point is 00:01:41 Sean Price passed this weekend, Friday morning. Um,. Details are unknown. I'm hearing that he died in his sleep. And when I say hearing, I actually did fact check to try to find out. So rest in peace to Sean Price. My condolences to his family, friends and loved ones. My condolences to his family, friends, and loved ones. His home going is today. Today as in Wednesday. And I don't, I'm not quite sure where, but it is today.
Starting point is 00:02:14 So prayers up to Sean Price. This is one of the, this is, I was telling Rory over the weekend, this is one of the deaths that have really affected me. Typically, I don't really care too much when people pass that I wasn't very close with. But this is different. This is different. Sean Price, we lost a hell of an MC.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Amazing rapper. I'll always refer to him tearing me up on Hot 97 back in like 2004. But again, like I told Rory, there's never any shame in getting tore up by Sean Price. But I'm happy he went to sleep. Also, he's a GoFundMe
Starting point is 00:02:53 and I know they had a goal of $50,000. They've already surpassed that. He has three children that he left behind and a wife. Any little bit helps. I'm not familiar with it. As of right now, it's at $56,000, so I'm glad it surpassed the goal but that doesn't mean
Starting point is 00:03:06 that people still can't donate I donated this morning it's backslash Sean P and that's S-E-A-N-P so if you want to take a look donate anything helps
Starting point is 00:03:18 he has an album coming out this month as well I mean aside from from this getting behind it I'm sure it'll be great music he's never had a project that i didn't enjoy sean price has been great for a long time yeah um i'm not sure if some of the younger generation is aware of his days with helter skelter um
Starting point is 00:03:37 an entire fucking duck down but yeah rest in peace to Sean Price. So there, now that we have that serious portion out of the way, what's up? What about you two? Saw Straight Outta Compton last night. Did you? Let's hear your review. Amazing. I'm a bit jealous.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I am too. It surpassed my expectations. I already expected it to be good. I've seen great reviews. It's great. They told the story without feeling like you were kind of shortchanged. I know you can't really cram too much of a whole lifetime into a couple hours, but I really felt like we got a really good scope of it, as we talked about last week.
Starting point is 00:04:15 For people like us, we're aware of NWA. Like, my age group, we're aware of NWA, what happened with them. But to really get the full story was actually really cool. How are you aware of nwa your age group i don't think that's true no no i know you're aware but what i'm saying is i don't think it's uh normal for people your age group to be so aware of nwa you're what 27 28 now i just turned 28 but we know what they did i'm i'm very i was very well aware of the whole fuck the police and the censorship issues that they had like i've seen that. I've heard about that.
Starting point is 00:04:45 But I didn't live through it, so I didn't know how intense it was. I knew Easy passed. I didn't know how quickly that happened. A lot of those things, time frames and stuff, how Cube wasn't even with the whole group for that long. I didn't know a lot of that stuff. So it was really cool to be able to see that play out. And Cube's son did very well. I had really low expectations for him.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I keep hearing that as well did a really good job acting and it's just so crazy and eerie how the climate of the police brutality back then it just relates so well to right now it just perfectly timed out with everything that's happening because that's a major theme in the movie so it was it was it was really good i laughed i cried i learned stuff it stuff. It was good. Everybody was spot on. There was no like how the hell is that supposed to be Dre? It don't look like everyone. Shug looked just like Shug. They had Jimmy Iovine
Starting point is 00:05:31 which was like scary. I saw in the previews. He looked just like Jimmy Iovine. I was like is that Jimmy? Like it was crazy. Very very well put together movie. That's good to hear. Because a lot of biopics are hit or miss. They really are. I'm hating. Yeah, it was really good.
Starting point is 00:05:48 It comes out Friday, right? It comes out Friday. I will see it in Edgewater on Thursday. So this weekend, because I thought that NWA came out this past weekend. Such a bummer. So I go right to my movie phone app, and there is no NWA. But by this time, I had already gassed myself to prepare to go to the movies. So I went to see The Gift.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Not familiar. Me either. I went to see The Gift. What is that? Who's in it? Who is? And what's the substance? I don't fucking know. I don't fucking know. You took nothing away from that film? The guy is in it who is and what's the I don't fucking know I don't fucking know
Starting point is 00:06:25 you took nothing away from that film the guy is in it oh man let me tell you right now cause now I'm getting fucking I was about to go
Starting point is 00:06:31 annoyed find out who's in the gift let me tell while I tell the story so I went to see the gift and the gift is about a fucking guy okay
Starting point is 00:06:39 you know who's in it Rebecca Hall and Jason Bateman oh I like Jason okay okay whoevereman. Oh, I like Jason. Okay, okay, okay. Whoever the fuck they are. I remember Jason Bateman from some fucking 90s TV show that I don't remember right now. Something funny.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah, but I don't know how funny he was in it. But anyway, so I go and I see this movie, and the movie is about Jason Bateman met up with a guy from high school who he did bad things to. He was a bully. And now the bully is torturing his life. Doesn't really sound like a movie you'd have went to see on a regular basis. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Listen, listen, listen, listen. I'm pretty good at judging a movie from a preview.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Now, this preview was great, but I didn't expect great things from this movie. But I have a warped sense of humor. So I'm really good at going to see bad movies and enjoying them because I laugh at how bad. This movie might be the worst movie I've seen since. I can't even say this movie in the same sentence as Snakes on a Plane. Like, nah, come on. It's that bad? Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Nigga, when the movie ended, when the movie ended, the whole theater was like. What? No way. No way on God's green earth was that the ending to the movie. And my dumb ass, I walk in the theater and I saw people in there. And I went like at an afternoon showing. So I'm like, hey, people must really be hype about the gift. It's lit.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yeah, it was not fucking lit. So shout out to Jason Bateman in that bum ass movie. If any of you listeners out there even thought about going to see it save your fucking two hours and your eleven dollars
Starting point is 00:08:31 or however much it costs damn is that much for movies these days I wouldn't I wouldn't fucking know in the city it's like fifteen I want to see Trainwreck too I heard that's really good
Starting point is 00:08:38 that's Amy Schumer I'll send it to you oh you got it yes please I was so glad I went to see this movie by myself didn't subject someone else to your inquiry yes I would have them resent you I was so glad I went to see this movie by myself.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Didn't subject someone else to your inquiry? I would have been so embarrassed. And I know that's how you are, because you was copping police all the way to Caroline's. Like, I've never seen this guy perform. Don't put this on me. Yeah, I hold that stuff. That stuff weighs heavy on my heart. So what else happened this weekend? No, let me not get into the weekend just yet,
Starting point is 00:09:11 because I do have an interesting story about the weekend. Last night, as I'm home writing rhymes, and I was watching something important until the entire timeline started to talk about the game's new show, right? So like a fucking follower, I turn right to VH1, and I begin to watch game show She Got Game. Now, I was around for Flavor of Love. I was around for The Love of Ray J. This is the same exact show.
Starting point is 00:09:43 If it's not broke, don't fix it. Now, I'm a Game fan. You guys remind me of each other. Yeah, Game is like, I feel like my career would be identical to his if I lived in LA. Yeah, no, seriously.
Starting point is 00:09:58 That's how I feel about Game. Big fan of his and his music. So I'm watching his show. All those girls look, well, a majority of the women look like shit on the show. But he was very friendly. He was very nice. Very complimentary. Very charismatic, charming.
Starting point is 00:10:16 All of that shit. And it let me know why I couldn't do a show like that. Because I would just be dissing these women. You would. Which is why it'd be a better show. And you'd be having such a good time doing it. Yeah, I would be dissing all of these women. You would. Which is why it'd be a better show. And you'd be having such a good time doing it. Yeah, I would be dissing all of these women. But I watched the entire show
Starting point is 00:10:28 and there was one young lady that was fairly attractive. I don't remember her name. I think it was Priscilla. I don't know. And then I later come to find out that she is suing the show. Oh, that girl.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah. And she continued to do the show after the alleged incident that she's claiming that he sexually harassed her. Which, I mean, I don't want to take away from her. And she, promoting the shit out of it, too, so. Out of the show or the lawsuit?
Starting point is 00:10:50 Out of the show. So it's, like, how disturbed are you if. I don't believe that Game sexually assaulted this girl. Her claim is that he grabbed her vagina and buttocks while they were filming in a bar scene. while they were filming in a bar scene. And there was a hundred, like all the staff around, all the everybody,
Starting point is 00:11:07 like, wouldn't you have stopped, made a scene, freaked the fuck out, left, sued, not been a part of the show anymore if this guy's such a monster. Sounds like foreplay to me. Yeah. I mean, you signed up to date the guy.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I mean, okay. I don't want to make light of those kind of situations, but this just seems like a real money grab. Like, I know situations like that can happen, but that doesn't, because it's a dating show, doesn't give him the right to touch her like that, whatever, but that doesn't... Because it's a dating show, it doesn't give him the right to touch her like that, whatever, but I really don't think it happens.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Let me tell idiots, we're not making light of the accusation. Let me stop, because everyone already thinks I don't sympathize with women at all, and I absolutely do. On this show, you probably haven't sympathized with women that much. But I really do. People say the same thing about me on this show. I love women more than the average man, and side with them, but just for conversational purposes,
Starting point is 00:11:44 I'll laugh on here Okay, but that's what we do here. Yeah, um, but I enjoyed the show I don't know if I will continue to watch the show But it was pretty good now, which leads me to this. I saw plenty of people on the timeline Dissing the game because he was doing this show and Maybe I have a soft spot in my heart for when these type of things take place. But he's been on reality TV though.
Starting point is 00:12:12 He's been on reality TV. I have done reality TV as well. I don't understand for the life of me why people are of the belief that reality TV takes away from your ability to make music or rap maybe you two can help me here well if you look at the percentage wise i don't agree with them but i'll just see probably from their point of view the percentage wise is that a lot of washed up rappers yeah i'm gonna say that they put up people that don't already have a good
Starting point is 00:12:40 catalog they're going up there or that's not the case all the time but you could make a strong case that there's been some washed up rappers on reality TV and so I think it gets this I think it gets
Starting point is 00:12:51 the stigma that this becomes like the graveyard for these rappers and it's kind of like their last place so I think that because that is
Starting point is 00:13:00 of the belief then it just almost looks like oh okay so now he's washed up and his only check now is VH1 and he's a sellout, so
Starting point is 00:13:07 fuck him. And that's kind of the general consensus when you've proven quite clearly that you have keeping those two worlds completely separate and you've done your reality television and your music has not been about, you know, VH1. I saw a tweet that said, Game is ruining his legacy.
Starting point is 00:13:24 No. I didn't understand it. Game has always, just like you, which is why I feel like you guys are so similar. Game has always had his antics on social media and he's always been,
Starting point is 00:13:33 even in his songs, vocal about calling people out and just being silly and whatever. And to take that brand to television, and he's been doing television as well,
Starting point is 00:13:42 just capitalizing off of it. He's not doing anything. He's not tarnishing any legacy. His music is still what it is for... And I'll add this minor tidbit. He makes great albums. Yes! Very amazing albums. And he can continue to. Not only does Game
Starting point is 00:13:58 have great albums in his catalog, some would argue a classic in his catalog with the documentary. Well, I argued that on this podcast. Yes, that we did. That it is a classic. I certainly believe that the documentary, too, that he's working on will be an amazing album. I've heard nothing but great things.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Even on his song on Dre's album was fucking crazy. Like, you know, so it just goes to show, like, he's coming. He's good. Great segue. We listened to Dre's album this weekend, and Dre is Dre. It's phenomenal. I don't really know how much more we can say about it. It's so phenomenal that I have to call Dre a liar.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Dre went on Beats Radio and said that the detox was never released because he didn't like it. You think this is the detox? You just have to know when a lie is a lie. Yeah. Some people are iconic. Some people are legendary. Some people are geniuses. Dre just happens to be all of these things.
Starting point is 00:15:00 No way do I think that Dr. Dre worked on an album for however many years and did not like it. Especially when this album is amazing. Well, I mean, I told you my theory last time. I think maybe he just had the detox and he had been living with it for so long he became tired of it. I think this is a mix of everything. I'll tell you my theory. He started selling some headphones. He had hell with all this music.
Starting point is 00:15:29 He had this fucking idea, right? Didn't know if it would really work out. And he started selling these headphones and boy did it work. And when it began to work that well, the detox wasn't really very high on the priority list. No.
Starting point is 00:15:44 And he already had a bunch of artists he was working on. So it's not like someone could say Dre's not involved in music anymore. Right. Yeah. Dre would, um, I enjoyed all of the new, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:55 I'm normally pretty skeptical about listening to artists I've never heard before. All of the gentlemen that were on that album that I was unfamiliar with were very, very good. And Dre sounded different. He did. He did. Yeah, we talked about that this weekend. Yeah, we did.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Well, I mean, obviously, we know Dre doesn't write. He has typically the person that's featured on that record write the record for him. But it still sounded a lot different than Dre. Because even off of, like, example, The Watcher that Jay-Z wrote for Dre on 2001, he sounded like Dre. He didn't sound like Jay-Z. But then what's the record he did with Kendrick about Compton? This wasn't on the Compton album.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I think it was on Good Kid, Mad City bonus track. I got a brain freeze. Yeah, either way. He sounds exactly like Kendrick on that. Like the flow is literally exactly the same. He did. Yeah. But this one, it was odd. Like the flow is literally exactly the same. He did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:47 But this one, it was odd. He just didn't sound like the regular Dre, but it still sounded phenomenal. Like talking to my diary, I was listening to that on the way over here, and I was just like... Yeah, great album. If you do not have the album, if you have yet to hear it, go pick it up. Compton, amazing, amazing. Oh, did we get numbers back? Album.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Did any numbers come out? Yeah, the early forecast, and this was just after one day of trends, it was up to 305, like between 280 and 305 or something like that. Yeah, I didn't even want to ask because I know I lost. But that was, they said that can change greatly because he's doing a huge media blitz on ESPN and stuff like that. And Interscope expected 800,000 to a million. Jesus. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:22 So, once I heard that, I was like, okay. And he's gone hard on the promo. He did a plane with writing Compton in the sky yesterday, which was pretty cool. It's not very difficult to have a plane sky write that in the sky. He's going hard. He's just having fun with it.
Starting point is 00:17:38 There you go. Much better terminology. I will ask, was any of the compton soundtrack in the movie um it was really more just nwa stuff yeah it's really i thought maybe they might it's actually cool because now i want to go like buy all those albums and stuff like it really like reinvigorated like my interest in all this it's just so fucking cool like just oh shit and before we go any further i do want to mention that it's the one year anniversary of Robin Williams' passing. I forgot about that.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Rest in peace, Robin Williams. Which, to you listeners, it'll be yesterday. Time flies. Crazy. Doesn't feel like a year. It feels longer to me. When my mom reminded me that it was a year since
Starting point is 00:18:24 Eric Gardner's killing. I was like, no way. That flew to me. No way that's been a year. And Michael Brown, too. Same thing. It's crazy. Yeah, time is flying out there.
Starting point is 00:18:35 All right, we're getting somber again. So listen. So. It's lit. Fall is approaching. Uh-huh. Right? My favorite season.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I love fall. My favorite season, too. I'm not. Summer would be my least favorite season I love fall my favorite season too I'm not summer would be my least favorite season I have my own reasons for that every time I say it people think I'm a weirdo I want all the kids to go back to school I'm tired of these fucking fucktards just in the street
Starting point is 00:19:00 fucking fire hydrants just causing mischief I doubt that there's any fire hydrants coming off of Edgewater, are there? I don't spend my entire life in Edgewater. Only 99% of it. Okay. Traffic is insane in the summertime. Especially where you're area.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Crime rate is extremely high in the summertime. I've just got my reasons. Also, I'm a big fan of air as opposed to heat. When it's cold, you can put layers on. When it's hot, all you can do is get naked. You can't peel your skin off. So summertime is not my favorite time. However, whenever fantasy football
Starting point is 00:19:45 is near, which it is, and one day I would like to talk about that because I think I'm going to go out on a limb and pick a quarterback in the first round which I have never done. I think I'm going to go Andrew Luck. I think Andrew Luck is going to have one of those seasons.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Even if you're in the top three of your draft? I'm picking Andrew Luck. I'm picking Andrew Luck wherever I to have one of those seasons. Even if you're in the top three of your draft? I'm picking Andrew Luck. Okay. I'm picking Andrew Luck wherever I am in the first round if he is available. I just have faith in Andre Johnson and fucking T.Y. Hilton. I don't think Frank Gore's got much in the tank. I think Andrew Luck is going to bomb away. But anyway, when fantasy football season is near and football season is near in general,
Starting point is 00:20:28 it lets me know cuffing season is near. It is. Now, I, unlike other people, I like to start cuffing in the summertime. Yeah. So that way we're. You might extend their contract or not. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Gives you a nice head start.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Gives you a nice head start. So then when the season actually starts, you're somewhere in, you know, you're in mid-season form with whoever it is that you're. You're spying going into the season. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're playing right at the right moment while everyone is searching out there. A lot of prospects, a lot of prospects. Right?
Starting point is 00:21:00 So it saddens me. It saddens me. It saddens me. And I'm shocked that Marissa didn't make mention of Amber and MGK breaking up. Because I wanted to. Yeah. But they did. Yep, they did. Right when I was believing in love. I know.
Starting point is 00:21:17 That was drawing the line. That's when you started believing in love. Right when they were giving me hope. I'm bummed about it, honestly. She did it again. Amber fucking Ambered. Yeah. She Ambered. Right when they were giving me hope. I'm bummed about it, honestly. She did it again. Amber fucking Ambered. She Ambered.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I know. I was believing it. It was tough for them, though. He was on the road. Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. She dated Kanye and Wiz, my nigga. I know. And she had a real, like, the reason why her and Wiz started having problems was because he was on the road and that's where the issues came from.
Starting point is 00:21:44 So it was kind of like a bad taste in her mouth and, you know, Kels couldn't really devote his time to her. Well, I don't know Amber at all. Me either. But I will say, if I date one rapper and on the road is bothering me and then I break up with him and then I'm like, you know what, let me give it one more chance.
Starting point is 00:21:59 And I date another rapper and the road is still bothering me. I don't know if I'm going to go to another rapper. Right. Well, Kanye wasn't an example of that because that's when she didn't have a career. So she was able to be on the road with him. It wouldn't be an issue. So Wiz was the first time.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And then to your point, this would be the second time. And now she knows moving forward that maybe she won't do that. Yo, Marissa is so biased and full of shit when it comes to women that she fucking adores. I don't know how well Marissa knows Amber. Let me preface all of this like Rory did with I don't know Amber at all. She seems like a lovely genuine. Her personality seems great.
Starting point is 00:22:34 She seems like a fucking blast to be with. Good person. So it I'm gonna go out on a limb here. Listen, we're not getting her as a guest so feel free to say out on a limb here. Listen, we're not getting her as a guest. So feel free to say whatever the fuck you want.
Starting point is 00:22:50 No, she said she would because she wants to come on. I know. 26 weeks. And Peter continues to say, oh, Amber's my friend whenever she's in New York. I've seen Amber in New York plenty of times. Never at this podcast. But no, I do think that she's, from what I know of her, I do think that she's an amazing person. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I don't know why these things don't work. But that was the small point that I was getting to. So then we go to Safari. My man Safari, man. I don't know what's up with that. I was trying to follow that today. There's a lot going on. I can't tell if they're still together or they're breaking up, if it was real or not.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Well, he tweeted, you win some and you lose some. That's a very cryptic tweet. But I was trying to read Baller Alert's caption, and it was like that that was recently, not today, but it had the date of today. I just don't understand that. Look where Marissa fact checks. So I went straight to Baller Alert. Shout out to Steph. I listened to Steph. Shout checks. So I went straight to Baller Alert. Shout out to Steph. That's where I saw an app. Shout out to Steph.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Shout out to Baller Alert. So the new girl, I don't know how to pronounce her name. I mean, I was going to say, is it Zasha? But it sounds like. I didn't even try. It sounds very runway-ish, like Zasha. Like she doesn't have a last name. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:04 That's it. She really shouldn't have a last name. That's it. She really shouldn't have a last name. So Zasha. That's what we'll call her on the show. So Zasha. We're probably so wrong. Yeah, but it sounds great. We're probably improving the girl's name. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:24:19 What's her ethnicity? Spanish. Do we know that? No, we don't know her last name Zasha It's Spanish Yeah we're sticking with Zasha Alright so Zasha
Starting point is 00:24:29 Spanish girl Allegedly Cheated on Safari With a local Miami rapper The guy took pictures Which is always faggot shit In my book Everything he did was faggot shit
Starting point is 00:24:43 Yeah there's a new generation of men, I don't know if because he was a local rapper, he was looking for a quick come up. I don't really understand it. I won't try to add ration to it. But he took some pictures. He put some screenshots of their text conversations
Starting point is 00:24:55 that Sasha is saying have been altered and doctored. Right when I was believing in love. I feel bad for SB. He's taking an L right now. I get that my perspective is a bit unique. I don't see this as the biggest L. He was with this bitch for a month.
Starting point is 00:25:18 No, I just feel like Nikki and Meek have been on a campaign just shitting on him so hard that finally he's like, oh, he got a little footing. Fuck you. Nikki and Meek have been like on a campaign just shitting on him so hard that finally he's like oh you got a little footing you know fuck you I gotta well Nikki and Meek are full of shit and fucking needs to I got a thing about I got a thing about like today in this generation
Starting point is 00:25:33 and I've said it before people post breakup just rush to see who can be in a relationship and be happy before the other one yeah you want to see who can do it a relationship and be happy before the other one. You want to see who can do it first. Do I believe that Nikki and Meek are...
Starting point is 00:25:51 I swore to myself I wasn't going to speak about Nikki and Meek on this podcast. Do I believe they are as happy as they put out? No. I don't believe it at all. But I see that behooving them both Financially And as a business move
Starting point is 00:26:07 So whatever Did I think that Safari and this chick Were fucking all No Hokey dory and love And him on the end Of his diss record
Starting point is 00:26:15 Talking about Oh you see my new bitch Why would I be mad You see my new bitch You must have seen My new bitch Sasha That was the worst
Starting point is 00:26:24 West Indian impression I've ever heard. Yeah, that was great. That was amazing, Joseph. I don't think that that should have been included on this record. No, it shouldn't have. Yeah, I don't think so. But in his defense, he came out of a, what, five, ten-year relationship? Twelve.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Twelve-year relationship. Close to five. He's used to being with somebody. So he may gravitate to the first person that fucking is pretty. I mean, yeah, but I just feel, to Joe's point, i just feel like they're both just like using these new relationships as pawns like safari's fucking these bitches man like let's not get this fucked up he was just doing this with sofia two seconds ago yeah sofia body and that and now sofia body is fucking who was shitting on nikki minaj when she was fucking safari and now she's all gunhole nikki minaj adding her biggest fan
Starting point is 00:27:03 women are fucking crazy my nigga but anyway so shout out to cat body but cat body and oh we can't shout out cat body without chatting out valentina body and vanessa body yeah the bodies the bodies um barbecue it But, and off of that, so now we get to J.R. Smith. Oh, God. Now, I know that people think that I have nothing but evil and malicious things to say about J.R. Smith because he fucked Tahiri. You could not be more wrong. Oh, I was going to say Knicks fan. Yeah, I didn't know where we were going.
Starting point is 00:27:43 No, people think that. Like, I was going to say Knicks fan. Yeah, I didn't know where we were going. No, people think that. Like, I get mentions today. Yo, you fucking hate J.R. Smith because he fucks. I really don't. I'm not like that. I don't know if men are like that in the universe. Well, they are. I'm sure there are.
Starting point is 00:27:54 They are. I'm not cut from that cloth. But J.R. Smith. But from the Knicks fan cloth. I love it. I've been upset at him a few times. No, no, no. I was actually big on the J.R JR campaign Of not even getting rid of him
Starting point is 00:28:06 No he had to go He had to go he wasn't the same after that Boston I always just had fucking faith Blind faith for JR But because of fantasy football Like I'm a Giants fan But I have to root for certain players Because they're on my fantasy team
Starting point is 00:28:22 That's very much the case when A player that's fucked your ex is on your team. So contrary to popular belief, no one rooted for that guy harder than I did. Just a safe face? I'm a diehard Knick fan since 88. Listen, me and Tahiri have been together, was together for five years. That doesn't compare. Hey, and you know who was there when Tahiri left? The New York Knicks.
Starting point is 00:28:53 The Knicks. You better fucking believe it. So J.R. Smith, who, side note, should not have opted out of his contract. I don't think his performance in the finals. At all. He had a $6 million contract. He opted out of his contract. I don't think his performance in the finals. At all. He had a $6 million contract. He opted out hoping to get more,
Starting point is 00:29:09 and now he's on the outside looking in, still waiting to get a contract. And I don't know if Cleveland is trying to give it to him. But that's not what we're here to talk about. J.R. Smith. You little dog. Can I get the back story? Okay, so here's the back story.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on. You've got to commend this guy man No I knew you were gonna J.R. Smith is a real nigga man Yo every guy in my mentions was like yes Well you don't know what happened Okay so here's what happened He was dating
Starting point is 00:29:35 Well I only know what happened He was dating a girl Rosie told me and she's a gossip queen A girl by the name of Ashley for the last two years right They've been together Things have been great Blah blah blah blah blah blah They were together up until just two weeks ago They went on vacation together She was there for the last two years, right? They've been together. Things have been great. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. They were together up until just two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:29:47 They went on vacation together. She was there for the finals. All these great things. Then, over the weekend, he married, married his child's mother. One of them. No one else happened to Ashley. And here we are. That's kind of dope.
Starting point is 00:30:00 No. That's a real nigga. No. That's kind of ew. Now, this is only a story here because, and this is really not even a story because of J.R. Smith. To me, I know Ashley. Oh, well, let me not laugh at her then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:15 No, we can laugh at her. Okay. We can definitely laugh at her. It's probably a bad time to laugh at her. I'm sure she is sick to her stomach. Probably a bad time to laugh at her. I'm sure she is sick to her stomach. But this is only a story because Ashley was in the family and friends seats at the finals games.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Yep. Ashley was on Instagram. Posing with Savannah and the rest of the wags, as they call them. Ashley, you could not tell Ashley that she wasn't next in line to be a bad I was just about to say this sounds like a basketball wife career no she ready now she was I mean and I won't fault her because clearly Jera Smith did a good job of selling this he was selling looks like a they were they were rocking like she cut all her niggas off. You know how girls do when they meet a basketball player
Starting point is 00:31:08 and they want to fucking fit the mold and they start acting right. She did everything right. She did everything perfectly. I tried that with Michael Kors. It just didn't happen for me. Marissa, you were doing really good. Don't get kicked off the podcast, you were doing really good. Don't, don't, don't get kicked off the podcast, my nigga.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Like, for real. So, not only did they go on vacation, they had a blast on the vacation. They did. They were very happy. Now, mind you, I'm gauging all of this from Instagram pictures. But he was commenting on her pics too, like thumbs up and all types of
Starting point is 00:31:44 shit. And rumors And gossip And some people That I know That are in the know They had a great time And as soon as That vacation was over
Starting point is 00:31:55 He deaded it If that's not a real Nigga like you You guys Come on I feel for As she has got to But she's hurting right now
Starting point is 00:32:04 We don't want to hear Your woman bullshit. It's a one-sided podcast. Unplug her microphone. We don't want to hear what you feel for her. Is this news? I mean, outside of it being J.R. Smith. Is this news?
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah, it's being reported. Somebody in a relationship goes back with their baby mother. Is this news? I mean... I am applauding the way... Oh, please keep this family together. No. I don't care about that. Never met. No. I don't care about that.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Never met his kids. I don't know his family. I don't give a fuck about all that responsible, mature bullshit. I'm here to be petty. I am applauding... Nice atmosphere as a child. I am applauding how it was done. That was some bull fucking shit.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I don't know what I would do right. I would lose my mind. You've lost your mind for way less. Exactly! I don't know what I would do. Well, you would never be in that predicament. Oh, that's not nice. Shit. It's not nice.
Starting point is 00:33:01 One day... This is one of those times I wish we had cameras in here. Everyone's facial reaction In that Wait Wait you let Alright let's get to Maddie for a minute Now
Starting point is 00:33:10 Now we get to crack on Marissa Hold on Before we do that How did she find out? That's what I want to know We don't know We don't know Like did she find out
Starting point is 00:33:17 On Instagram? I mean we don't know We don't know that part Oh okay I think he told her Oh okay You don't know that You just said that
Starting point is 00:33:23 Imagine if she just saw The wedding picture When everyone else saw it There's no wedding pic yet I No they're married I know what part. Okay. I think he told her. Okay. You don't know that. You just said that. Imagine if she just saw the wedding picture when everyone else saw it. There's no wedding pic yet. No, they're married. I know. He's saying a wedding picture. There's no picture yet. I allegedly don't know that.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Oh, okay. Oh, you know that, though? I don't know that, allegedly. Okay. Now, don't try to get serious here. Back to laughing at Marissa. Now, Marissa, you lasted a month with the dude, Michael Kors.
Starting point is 00:33:47 It was like a month and a half. Can you give credence to her 15 days, please? Thank you, Rory. A. And B, I left out because he's as fucking boring as shit. But time out. Because people have been hitting me on this podcast, right? And they're like, yo, you fucking bash Marissa a lot.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Like, you really get on her case you need to let up you need to take it easy and even rocky fucking said yo i listened to the podcast and i may not be the biggest marissa fan but you're going hard on marissa so i want to say that me saying that marissa would not be in that predicament ever is not solely from a joking standpoint, but I'm looking at pattern. No, I took it as a... It's okay. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:34:33 But let's get into the pattern. We've got a month and a half with Michael Kors. We did have what seemed to be like a blossoming budding relationship with Fishbot. Oh, I did it that so badly,
Starting point is 00:34:48 it's never coming back from the dead. I've heard that before. No, I'm talking about he'll never probably ever speak to me again. What Marissa told me off air, if he goes back to Marissa, he's a sucker. If a woman ever said some shit like that,
Starting point is 00:35:03 what you said to him, I would never condone hitting a woman, but if you like that, which you said to him, I would never condone hitting a woman, but if you got hit, I would have been like, shit, well, you said that. Well, off air, you can tell me about that. Without knowing what took place, men get horny, and sometime in the ninth inning,
Starting point is 00:35:18 you hit somebody that you know you shouldn't be hitting. I know men do it. I could never do that. I'm speaking for myself here. Okay, so fist spot, that blossoming relationship got cut short for whatever reason be. Yeah. Cleveland, dude, you just fucking toss him around whenever you want to. Yeah, he's here now
Starting point is 00:35:33 and he's trying to bait me on Twitter by tweeting, I'm in New Jersey. I'm here. And I'm just like, nah. But I thought y'all had that relationship. I know. I just don't feel like seeing him because he annoyed me last week when I was in Atlantic City and he was there and I was with someone else. Oh, because you was with Ty. I was with Ty.
Starting point is 00:35:46 And Ty trumps everybody. Yeah, but no, I mean, just because of... Well, yes. No, but the way he sounded was like as if I messed with Ty. No, but I was kicking him with Ty. I wasn't suggesting that. And then it just then... Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Can we take that out? Take that out. Then he was hitting me and it was just a mess. Yeah, let's take that out because Marissa's not a real nigga like me. Marissa's not as bold as I am. But now that you say that, though, I had a girl do that. I had a girl, you know, women use tweets. Women, I'm determined to understand women.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I failed for 34 years, but I am determined to understand. Women use tweets as like bat signals to let men know things that we should figure out that we don't. I had a girl recently do the whole, hey, I'm in New Jersey. I mean, guys do it too. Very specific where she's at, what she's doing. I'm not doing anything. I'm very available.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I'm not with any guys. Boy, would I love to cuddle and have sex. Here are my coordinates. I'm also available to cook if anyone needs to call me. Is anyone's foot broken I'm really good
Starting point is 00:37:09 with dealing with that so if you need me what is wrong with women man no but don't say women because I just told you Cleveland did that shit too but I don't know him
Starting point is 00:37:17 percentage wise women probably do I don't know him yeah yeah percentage wise but I'm being biased there but I still do think that women do that more than men
Starting point is 00:37:23 yeah women do do it more than men. But it's easy. It's like beating around the bush. Let me tell you something. Men use Twitter to get these tweets off money. That's what we do. Women use Twitter for so much more.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Well, what's more funny than them saying that they're bored and want you to meet up with them is when they're pretending to have a lot of fun when they're out. That's more entertaining to me. I did that yesterday because after he tweeted that he was here and shit like that, I'm like, oh, hanging with my woes right now. And I was with one woe
Starting point is 00:37:49 and we weren't doing anything. When they're tweeting up a fucking storm about being out, it's fucking lit, they're drunk. Yeah, that was me yesterday. Hey, can I let,
Starting point is 00:37:57 let's take this time to let the women out there know that when you guys behave that way and you tweet that way and you have the fake fun that you have like we know like we've been out with you we know how you you react out here you're not tricking us no you didn't catch me women need more tricks b now that i'm thinking about it
Starting point is 00:38:19 that's all you got to say on behalf of the women the women? I was looking for Marissa to come to the aid of all women. I know, I tried to. It's funny, I read a meme this morning that said, do you really think the guy that treated you like shit cares about the memes on your Instagram? Yeah. Like, you really think he gives a fuck? That's why I have never posted a sad meme in my life. I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Wait, time out, because I really want to get into this. Hey, Joey Parks is at the door. Could you get that? We'll just keep talking shit. Yeah, like the guy that treated you like pure unadul- He's on the timeline like, oh shit, I wonder how she's feeling
Starting point is 00:38:55 right now. Let me just re-evaluate my entire life and how I've cheated her all this time. Let me hit her up and beg for her forgiveness. Now that you said it on Twitter, my bad. Now I know. Yeah, that's why I don't fuck
Starting point is 00:39:07 with those stupid ass memes and all it does is let everyone else know that you got played by a fucking sucker. So it's like, this is an announcement to the world.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Like, hey, guess what everybody? I picked another ancient guy. Lucky me. Like, I'm not doing that shit.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Never. So, I've gone through a few ancient guys. You don't say. Yeah, but I think, I think I feel good now. I'm in a clean space. And I won't understand.
Starting point is 00:39:30 It's not my place to. But women seem to be attracted to men that just aren't shit. You don't say. That's like an underlying sign that we're just not ready for something real yet. We think we are. But I realize that's why I go for all these bullshit. Because I don't really want anything serious with them anyway. Well, I know all the women
Starting point is 00:39:48 that have ever called me an ain't shit nigga, I gave them amazing dick. It was tough for them to leave. That was my issue with Fishpot. I get it. I can't do all this amazing shit that I'm doing to you and expect you to have enough
Starting point is 00:40:03 of a backbone and enough self-respect Leave it alone. It's fucking hard. Yeah, they come right back Especially when like it's like they'll do some fucked up shit and then they'll turn around give you a good dick good dick and say Some like real shit. That's like, you know, I'll be playing and all that like and then you just they kind of get in your head Like well, maybe they were just playing. Wow, is that all they got to say to Marissa? Yo, yo, I was just playing. Yo, about that shit. I was playing. You know when I treated you like shit?
Starting point is 00:40:30 But then I end up having real deep conversations with these people, like randomly. And then I'm just like, oh, maybe he really understands now. And then he never does. Well, that's why I fail with women, because I enjoy conversation and getting to know people. So women take that as me really trying to get to know them for a longer time. Well, that's one of the areas you fail with women. It's not giving yourself too much credit here. Joe gave me great relationship advice this weekend that I'm not going to use,
Starting point is 00:40:56 because it was way too logical. I don't even know how we ended up in that conversation. I don't know either. Rory came by. We were on the deck. We were just chilling. I was chain smoking. I don't know either. Rory came by. We were on the deck. We were just chilling. I was chain smoking. I was fucking tanning.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I was like... Well, we were listening to All Love Lost, so it got somber and relationship-based. Yeah, that's what happened. Yeah. We were listening
Starting point is 00:41:16 to fucking All Love Lost, and then I decided to try to save Rory from the destructive... From my downfall. He don't want to be saved, no. The destructive path that he was on. You hear this album?
Starting point is 00:41:30 You don't want to make this album. Yeah, exactly. My album is littered with I don't even know what to call it. Like I don't want to call it subs. No, you're pretty direct
Starting point is 00:41:45 yes just firing shots off well I Instagrammed I Instagrammed the other day oh I saw that shit the song that I did I saw that
Starting point is 00:41:54 and your caption was like something she deserved or some shit like that she asked for this yeah but the line some real dickhead shit the line the line in the vid
Starting point is 00:42:02 it was it said some Sandra Bland shit. Rest in peace, Sandra Bland. And then I was like, let me address a little movement. You in therapy, but I don't see no improvement, right? And then the vid stopped. So about five hours later, I get a text from Kaylin, my ex, and it says, I see somebody's got bars coming my way.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Oh, gosh. And I'm like, wait, no, no's got bars coming my way. Oh, gosh. And I'm like, wait, no, no. That wasn't for you. I know someone else in therapy. I don't even have a reamment issue anymore. And then we made peace. But I could see this album causing some confusion with people out there. But I could see it helping some people as well. It's a really great album.
Starting point is 00:42:46 October 9th, All Love Lost. And I didn't even mean to plug right now because you know I hate promoting. You know. Joe would prefer if no one heard the album. No, I just feel like the people that know, know and they will go and support.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And the people that don't know, it really ain't for them to know. Your fans are really fucking waiting too. I was just telling the guys off air, I tweeted earlier about this random fucking song that I like and someone just randomly replied right now, but it ain't Slaughterhouse though. Okay, that's lovely. Well, it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Yeah, valid. It ain't Ralph though either. It was a pretty good point. It was not Slaughterhouse. That is an actual fact that you gave me. Thank you, sir. He was correct. He's a sharp guy right there.
Starting point is 00:43:27 So off my all-love-lost shameless plug. Well, no, there was some shame in there. So I met a girl over the weekend. Oh. No, not romantically. Oh. I had a lot of girls at my house this weekend. And I had a lot of girls flake on me.
Starting point is 00:43:45 So that was surprising. I made fucking way too many burgers. You bitches owe me an apology. Fucking, I spent a lot of money on ground beef. And I had to freeze them. I had to fucking force feed burgers. I damn near fed the whole block because you bitches canceled.
Starting point is 00:43:57 But I had a lot of women at my house. And so, no, Saturday I had some people at my house. And then Sunday was like the calm after the storm type of day. And a couple of people came over, and one of these women, she was with a guy for, let's say, 12 years, right? Jeez. Let's say that the guy fed his family illegally. Let's say that, right? Because I don't want to give too much information out.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And let's say... Pharmaceuticals. Yeah, pharmaceuticals. There you go. And let's say that the guy is now or is about to be in prison for, let's just say, over seven years. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:44:39 She's waiting. She's going to wait. She says that. Good luck, Chuck. She's waited too. And she says that she's going's going to wait. She says that. Good luck, Chuck. She's waited too. And she says that she's going to continue to wait. Which to me begs the question, how long do you wait? I'm not putting myself in that situation.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Is this another time question for a relationship? Because women, women. We're not going there with you. We don't want another broken table, Joe. Because women, women. We're not going there with you. We don't want another broken table, Joe. Women, especially women, Dykeman women, fucking Heights women, Uptown women, Fordham women, Concourse women.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Okay, lots of women. Concourse women are the best. You guys love Dope Boys. Yeah, I've never had one. To your knowledge. Word. So I feel like when you sign up for that, you have to be prepared for a few things. And I feel like if you're a dope boy, the life that you afford your significant other,
Starting point is 00:45:34 you know, it's part of the upswing. That should get you something on the downside of things. I mean, look at Tasha. She ain't waiting around. Who? Tasha. Power. We have to discuss Power. By the way, they fucking killed the shit out of Sean
Starting point is 00:45:54 and Power. How can you believe he did that shit? Well, I knew Sean was going to die. Did you see Power? I did not see this last episode. Sorry. Well, Sean died. Did you just see my face when you said that? They killed the shit
Starting point is 00:46:07 out of Sean, man. I did see that coming, though. I mean, yeah. If you got a brain... You saw that coming. Yeah, yeah. You knew that that was coming, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:15 my problem with power... We go off on a lot of tangents on this podcast. You do, but fuck it. That's why they fuck with us. Was 50 in this past episode? Yeah, yeah. He was, he was, he was.
Starting point is 00:46:24 I wonder how he's going to take this. Yeah, we got to find out. You just got to watch this one. You just got to watch this. So my problem with Power, last season it was eight episodes, right? And I loved last season. And then I waited all year long for this season. And the numbers do so amazing that stars, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:44 they approve them for another season after one episode airs. So they are approved for a third season. They're shooting the third season right now. Oh my God. Don't fucking say that. I'm dying to get on that show. Do you know anybody?
Starting point is 00:46:55 I want to be like an extra. I got to beat somebody on that show. I'm going to text 50. Why don't you just text 50? Because it was like my last resort. I wanted to like go through the proper channels. And then you show up and 50's on set like, oh, hey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Fancy seeing you here, Fiff. I want to get on that fucking show. But anyway, so this season, you know, they got approved. The numbers are doing great. And it's 10 episodes. Are you upset about that? Yeah, like, what the fuck? I would have liked 12 or 14.
Starting point is 00:47:21 It either has to be longer or they have to come back faster. Yeah, that's a long wait in between. A year? Yeah, it's fucking crazy. So this week is the finale, the season finale. And then I got to wait till June again to see it. That's number one. Number two, because it comes on early on demand and because this is the finale, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I might want to wait and watch it at its normal airtime you know it comes early on it comes on Fridays right with it comes on it comes on Friday well Saturday morning at midnight if you have the stars app or some shit and you got to put in a code or whatever the bum shit ice does and if you hacks for everything. And if you have on demand, it's normally available in the morning, Saturday morning. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Which I think it's smart because some people aren't home Saturday night. It is a busy night and it is a great way to capitalize on ratings. So it is smart, but I may want to wait. Only problem with that is the people that see it early,
Starting point is 00:48:21 they get on the timeline. And ruin shit. Yeah, they give all the spoilers. That's like really uncool. I don't understand why people do that, for real. I can't bash them because I'm one of those people that do it. But I try to be, I try to not
Starting point is 00:48:35 be so dead giveaway-ish when I speak about it. And my apologies to anybody who has not seen the last episode, but if you're a true Power fan like me, it's fucking Wednesday, my nigga. You should have seen the last episode, but if you're a true Power fan like me, it's fucking Wednesday, my nigga. You should have seen the last episode of Power where they fucking kill Sean's ass.
Starting point is 00:48:51 We didn't tell you who killed him, so we got that going for you. Yeah, true. We didn't tell you that part. So I'm really excited about Power, and now because I have ADD, I don't even remember what I was talking about. We're talking about waiting for men that are locked up. Right. Oh yeah, let me get an answer to that. I don't have one what I was talking about. We're talking about waiting for men that are locked up. Right. Oh yeah, let me get an answer to that. I don't have one because I would
Starting point is 00:49:08 never wait for somebody. Alright, so there's that topic. I think the man's doing 10 plus. I think he should be selfless here and say hey, go do what you want to do. There's a relevant topic because Pap Hoos did it for Remy. Would you guys wait for your woman?
Starting point is 00:49:24 I don't know if Pap did. We don't know if Pap didos did it for Remy. Would you guys wait for your woman? I don't know if Pap did. We don't know if Pap did, but it appears he did. Yeah. I mean, and even if he didn't, like Rory said, if I'm going to sit for a little bit, right, it would be foolish of me to expect a woman to. Yeah, and that's just going to leave resentment and tension for when you do get out to maybe rekindle that.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Maybe find a happy medium where it's like, all right, you come visit me, write me, keep my commissary full, go do what you want to do. Yeah. No, you got to hold me down. You got to hold me down. And hopefully our foundation would be of that ilk that when I come home, we can reconvene and pick up wherever we left off. Yeah. Hopefully. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:02 I would never deal with that, especially the whole struggle of when you come home, we got home we gotta get you a job i'm gonna generalize here just for the sake of conversation are the women that are dating dope boys of this character some i mean dope boys do come home or they jump into the next dope boy i mean there's been instances where guys come home to women so someone out there is holding them down especially if she was in the know and was very much involved i don't know if she can say she's not gonna hold you down though that's kind of unfair i don't know rory raises a good point he does but i i got you know i'm not the best at uh picking women with character so i'm gonna shut up i don't think any of us are really doing too great of a job here but hey maybe uh well if's doing better. Well, if I have to add degrees
Starting point is 00:50:45 to how bad we're doing, that's a rank us here. I'm not getting hurt enough to make albums full of shit dissing everyone. Well, you don't make albums. That's valid. It's valid. And if you did, a lot of people would get dissed.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I'm putting you last on the total poll. I wouldn't have anyone to diss It's not like Do you have anyone You're dating now I'm talking with someone But there's nothing serious at all I'm dating
Starting point is 00:51:11 Rory's dating Are you seeing someone We're in these streets I mean I know Rory's sitch I don't know yours What's going on Sure you do But I won't
Starting point is 00:51:19 I won't broadcast it For the whole podcast The same sitch That's been a sitch I thought you was real I just said I thought you was real. I just said. I thought you was real. Well, I am real.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Oh, wait a minute. Wait, is my realness being true as well? Yeah, it is in question now. What's up? What's up? I thought you was real. What's up? I'm seeing the same person I've been seeing.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Oh, so bae. Yeah. Oh, I didn't. I thought, I didn't know. I mean, that's not just a simple conversation. I haven't heard about her, so I didn't know if she was still around. She was away. Oh, she's back.
Starting point is 00:51:46 She's back. Okay. Welcome back, bae. Welcome back, bae. Hello. I did. I saw her on Saturday. It was great seeing her again.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah, it was good. Shout out to bae. It was good. She was commenting on our pictures this week, and when we were taking group pics, she was doing heart-to-heart stuff. It was really good to see her, especially since all my hoes was acting the fuck up while she was gone. So it was good to come off of my energy with my hoes and get back to bae.
Starting point is 00:52:04 And you know what I love about bae the most when she's at your house? The hookah's always packed. I don was good to come off of my energy with my hoes and get back to Bay. And you know what I love about Bay the most when she's at your house? The hookah's always packed. I don't have to pack it. She did a great job with the hookah. I showed up. It was already lit. It was great. We had a great time. Do your exes know about like, does Kaylin know about Bay? I mean, not that it matters. I'm just literally curious.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Um, I don't know. It's never come up. Kaylin and I don't speak It's never come up Kaylin and I don't speak regularly No? Are you guys going to have to do This is kind of separate Are you guys going to have to do
Starting point is 00:52:31 Like promo runs together for this show? I doubt we would have to do anything together I mean, and if we did That wouldn't be a problem Kaylin and I are amicable We're perfectly fine As long as I don't put my dick inside of her We're good
Starting point is 00:52:43 And I haven't and I don't So yeah, no, that's fine I try to be good with my exes I'm not of that I'm not from that Mode of You have a relationship with somebody You build a bond, you love them, you trust them You fucking build memories together
Starting point is 00:53:00 Experiences And then you just stop talking to them and hate them Yeah I spoke to my ex on my birthday. We had a good convo. Yeah, I'm not with that. In the perfect world, I'd have all my exes in one room. I wouldn't give a fuck. I'd give a fuck. I would. That happened on my birthday. It was fine.
Starting point is 00:53:15 That's what made me think of it because I have a birthday coming. Yeah, it was no problem at all. Yeah, but you had a party. You had a date party. That's true. It's not intimate. I talked to all of them and spoke, and it was fine. I've had a few instances where I'll go on Instagram, and I see a few of my baes or current or old or whatever. They're all in the same room taking pictures together.
Starting point is 00:53:34 It's a little awkward. I don't know what I'm doing for my birthday. I don't think I'm having a party. I probably won't make a big deal of it at all. think I'm having a party. I probably won't make a big deal of it at all. Every year I just get on my knees and I thank God for me
Starting point is 00:53:49 making it through another year. This is 35? No, it's 29. I normally just get on my knees and thank God. This year, even more so than others because Sean Price was 43, which is very young.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Chinks was 31, which is very young. Yams was in his 20s, very young. Stack in his 20s, very young. Like, people are Bobby Christina, 21, very young uh i think 21 don't quote me on that but she was somewhere 22 yeah 21 or 22 she was somewhere in the area so i mean people are getting clipped out here uh life is not to be taken for granted so you know you should celebrate life however you see fit um for me i'm just an introvert and i don't know if i want to be around so many people that I don't regularly see
Starting point is 00:54:46 That's what fucks me up and the stress of planning a party Also not even planning but like having a gathering And then waiting for everyone to get there Well that's the other thing Normally the person that is throwing the party Is the only one to not enjoy the party Exactly it's so much fucking stress And it's like my birthday I'm supposed to be
Starting point is 00:55:02 Completely rid of all the stress That's how it always is Well not so much on my birthday just because it was a bunch of friends and family but so i think i'll just hang out on deck uh cook some burgers well you have burger meat so i certainly have enough supply and uh yeah and anybody that wants to come pay me a visit they can text me and they can do that they can see me in the confines of my own home um with that being said, I think we're at our time. Joey, where we at?
Starting point is 00:55:30 About an hour on the dot. We can do it. We gotta do it. Do we have, wait, wait, is there an album coming out?
Starting point is 00:55:35 Well, Migos, no, they already have their numbers. Yo, Migos got lost in that future Drake Meek shit. Yeah, they didn't do good at all.
Starting point is 00:55:41 What do you mean? Oh, their album came out? It came out. I didn't even know until I saw it on Instagram today. They were number, I want to say 15 and do good at all. What do you mean? Oh, their album came out? It came out. I didn't even know until I saw Instagram today. They were number, I want to say 15 and they did like 19.
Starting point is 00:55:49 What was their single? Exactly. I got a theory about like those, like Migos, that's one of those groups that... They're like single groups,
Starting point is 00:55:57 you know? They keep giving you hits. Just don't know how many people want to hear an album from them. Oh, of course. I think... Well, Future kind of changed that.
Starting point is 00:56:08 However, though. I think he went against the grain there. Because a few years ago, you could have told me, Future, I love his singles. I want to hear a whole album. Exactly. Not that I'm listening to it now, but everyone else is. But with Migos, they're independent. So that's actually a pretty good number.
Starting point is 00:56:20 They're independent. They're 300. And I know fucking independent. They sell it as one. Their distribution is through Atlantic. If you don't get the fuck out of here, 300 is independent? No. E1 is independent.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Valid. 300 is not independent, and we will not spin it as an independent. Well, I don't know much about it, but I was informed that they were independent. You were informed incorrectly. I was just thinking that yesterday as I was listening to the 25th Fetty Wap song on the radio. There's literally four in rotation right now
Starting point is 00:56:52 at Hot 97. Four. They're spending a lot of money at radio. That's crazy. With this kid. Yeah. And they're all hits though. I mean, people like it. Well, it's gonna be a hit when you spend that much money. But yeah, four in rotation. I think Trap Queen and let me again I gotta say this for the idiots. Fetty's from Jersey. None of this is hating. to be a hit when you spend that much money yeah but yeah for in rotation i think trap queen uh and let me again i gotta say this for the idiots fettys from jersey none of this is hating i'm
Starting point is 00:57:10 having an objective music conversation it's a shame that i have to say that trap queen was a very organic hit very um but if flex got behind it and moved it on that i don't know about that that was a fucking national fucking smash. It became that anyway. 678? 679. 679. That's a really good song.
Starting point is 00:57:33 They put some money into that one. My Way was a really good song as well. Very catchy. Drake came and hit that over out the park. Recently I just saw Fetty Wop on stage with taylor swift which was an amazing look we've seen him on fallon he's been getting look after look after look after look yes i want to just make this perfectly clear as happy as i am for him these are not
Starting point is 00:57:57 independent looks these aren't looks that you get when you are on an independent And for the people not in the know Fetty is on 300 And they're doing a phenomenal job with him And his career I support it I personally would like to hear a full feature album from him Something I do not know why that is not taking place It seems like he drops a record every week
Starting point is 00:58:19 Seriously on his soundcloud He just fills that shit up Does not stop I know he's like a machine. He loves pumping out music, but at some point, you kind of want to like... But if you have all this music... Right, do some. Get some money.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Three records in the top 15, two records in the top five on Billboard. Why are we not putting an album out? And it goes to one of the questions i've been asking myself lately are is music is music progressing to a place where the album is dying um and people are really just you know french has got a million records uh that are played in on radio and played in the club and one album yeah um i worked on a project with Swiss beats a couple of years ago and his whole mind frame was don't want to do an album. I want to treat every single like it's an album,
Starting point is 00:59:10 roll it out, do a video, do all this stuff, marketing plan. That's what I'm seeing. Yeah. I mean, that's Khaled's biggest thing.
Starting point is 00:59:15 He's never really sold albums. He sells crazy. Khaled always comes with a great single. Yes. And I mean, Drake is Drake. So it's really not even fair to mention him. Drake's got a lot of records that have not been on any album that are in rotation.
Starting point is 00:59:28 His albums have been significant. What happened? His albums have been significant. I think it's just Drake. Well, Drake is Drake, so he's a bit different. Artists of that caliber, they're going to sell albums. Cole is an album-to-album guy. You'll get a couple records in between.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Kendrick's an album-to-album guy. Your name in top of the crop. I know, I'm splitting hip hop right now in, I hate the word turn up, but in a single artist and an actual artist. I mean, that's just what it is. I wouldn't say that the album is dying because the top sellers are artists
Starting point is 00:59:58 that live and die off the album. Your name, listen, when you talk about Cole, Kendrick, and Drake, are we in agreeance that those would be the top three people right now, excluding Kanye?
Starting point is 01:00:11 Mm-hmm. Right? Yeah. That would be it. Yeah, so my point is to your point, or your question rather, was,
Starting point is 01:00:18 is hip-hop moving away from the album? I don't think you can say that because the top three artists have the album. If French Montana was the J. Cole of hip hip-hop then you could maybe ask that question but there are backstory there are a million artists i'm not going to take the top three and say as well i'm going to take the forefront i mean but i think that's a separate thing like can you repeat can
Starting point is 01:00:44 you repeat the question again i don't know i guarantee like but that's a separate thing. Can you repeat the question again? Some artists are guaranteed, but that's all they have is their body. They're not radio artists. They're not really single artists like that, like Cole and Kendrick. So there's these other guys that are single artists, and it's kind of almost like two different worlds. You could do singles, but we're not really looking for an album. We're looking for an album from you.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Your singles, we don't really care about. All right, let's get into this now. Kendrick dropped an album, right? No, no no no let's rewind kendrick put out a single it was i they really really worked it they did i don't think that radio picked up on it the way um tde had expected right if a white artist made that record it would have been number one in the then the album dropped the album such a good record the album dropped and radio picked the song that right? If a white artist made that record, it would have been number one in the entire world. That's such a good record. The album dropped and radio picked the song that they wanted to play from the album because you had this rollout with,
Starting point is 01:01:32 you know, Kendrick is of that magnitude where you can just drop out. Cole, I continue to hear wet dreams constantly. And well, he shot a video for it. If you want to call that a video, I if you want to call that a video I don't want to call it a video
Starting point is 01:01:47 I love the video though even though I do love dogs we talked about this didn't we if me losing my virginity would be a SVU episode not dogs but J. Cole dropped with really no rollout like we're talking about people that are dropping with no rollout
Starting point is 01:02:03 because they can't I'm speaking for the majority the people that need a rollout the people that need a single the people that and when i say transitioning i don't mean immediate i don't mean is this what the next phase of hip-hop will be in the next two three four five years but with streaming developing the way that it is and i say developing you know fuck developing streaming has taken over um i think streaming in combination with singles just going and being treated like an album i don't know if if i don't know how long the album will be around i mean it's tricky i don't think the... I don't know how long the album will be around.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I mean, it's tricky. I don't think the album's going anywhere for the top artists. But you have the internet now, where a thousand artists can come out every single day. Before, there was not that outlet. So only the top caliber could be heard. Now, anyone down the block can be heard. Okay, do you think Migos is in a rush to put another album out?
Starting point is 01:03:06 They actually just made headlines today that they're already finishing up their second follow. We don't care about that. Do we think that they're in a rush? Actually, let me not say them. Do we think the label is in a rush to put another Migos album out? No. However, do we think the label would be
Starting point is 01:03:21 in a rush to push another Migos single? Absolutely. Absolutely. Even Future, we spoke about on his podcast where L.A. Reid was ready to put out a single. And he was the one that had to put his foot down and say, no, they're ready for an album. And he was absolutely correct. Being a Future, I can play March Madness for three hours straight, by the way. I just want to put that on the record.
Starting point is 01:03:44 I know I said that last week, but I thought that that feeling may have passed. It hasn't passed. I can still play March Madness for about four hours straight. It that on the record. I know I said that last week, but I thought that that feeling may have passed. It hasn't passed. I can still play March Madness for about four hours straight. It's a good record. And not minded at all. And I can't even tell you everything he's saying on it. I just know that at some point, there's 200 miles on a dash.
Starting point is 01:03:58 I love that song. Anyway, we have emails. Yeah, we do. There's somebody named Marquise that was like OD, hopefully that you read it. Yo, we get a lot of fucking emails now, so it's tough to- Oh, really? It's lit like that?
Starting point is 01:04:11 Shit. Rory, read the fucking emails ahead of time before we broadcast. How about that? Okay. I'm busy, by the way. This isn't the only thing I do. It's too busy to read, because you know reading takes a lot of time for this guy. No, to go through all these emails takes a while.
Starting point is 01:04:27 It's a lot of fucking emails. There's a lot of bullshit in there too. So we do need an intern. Maybe we found out. Yeah, that would be cool. Alright, come on. Let's get to it because it's going to take Rory a while. Do we get music randomly sent too? Few times. Not as much because I always put don't send music or you'll be reported as spam.
Starting point is 01:04:48 All right. I'm not going to say his name. He's having a Joe Budden moment is the subject. I'm offended already. I know. That's why I wanted to read this one. Dick. What's up, guys?
Starting point is 01:04:59 Big fan. Not like it matters. Anyways, I was dating this girl. Hey, wait a minute. It does matter. I love my fans. I know. I agree too.
Starting point is 01:05:04 We do appreciate you guys. Anyways, I was dating this girl. Hey, wait a minute. It does matter. I love my family. I know. I agree too. We do appreciate you guys. Anyways, I was dating this girl for over a year. We broke up for about six months. In that time, of course,
Starting point is 01:05:11 I had my fair share of women. Real nigga. Is this a Joe Budden moment? Anyways, now me and her have been talking, trying to work things out. Then I find out
Starting point is 01:05:22 someone I was, air quotes, close friends with used my sexual adventures against me to my ex, and they ended up having sex. Long story short, a tap jaw would be an understatement for his punishment. I'm stuck in an awkward place. I love the girl, but I don't know if I can look past this. Any advice?
Starting point is 01:05:41 Wait, the girl fucked the guy? So his close friend dirty mack and then fucked the girl oh no fuck them both dead them both yeah nah dead them both dead them both I don't get niggas with the dirty mack shit even though that is something that's taking place out here I get pussy on
Starting point is 01:05:58 my own merit never by using someone else's name and women out there you should be wary of a man that's using another man's name to get pussy you should realize that you're dealing that's using another man's name to get pussy. You should realize that you're dealing with a sucker. And you shouldn't want to give a fuckboy some pussy. Never let the fuckboy do it. Yeah, take it from Marissa.
Starting point is 01:06:14 I'm giving way too many fuckboys some pussy, so don't do that. What do you think Marissa's sex talk is like? It's pretty great. Yeah, I bet. It might be great only because you're white.
Starting point is 01:06:28 No, I mean, you know, it's lit. White girls, oh, they're some real skanky shit. I say some wild shit. Spit on my fucking face. I do say that. Oh, my God. I love this nigger dick. Okay, don't say that.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Holy shit. But I'm trying to spit in my mouth. All right, Marissa, come on. I don't want to imagine that even though I brought up the conversation. Anyway, let's go, Rory. This one kind of backs off what we were just talking about with having certain people in your life. Getting rid of evil people is the subject. Sup, fam?
Starting point is 01:06:59 This is Juno. That's not his real name. Hey, Juno. He's from Oakland, California. Oakland, 510. All right, Marissa, relax, my nigga. That's the town, California. Oakland, 510. Alright, Melissa, relax, my nigga. That's the town? I thought Cleveland was the town. No, that's the land. She changes towns every
Starting point is 01:07:09 fucking week. No, they call Oakland the town. That is a thing. And Cleveland is the land. We got it. We got it, bro. Thanks. Anyway. Alright, he's from Oakland. The town! I wanted to say it again but I resisted
Starting point is 01:07:25 but just wanted to know how you guys go about getting evil people out of your life no this is a valid question go on Juno I'm trying to not always do relationship shit
Starting point is 01:07:35 you don't watch Criminal Minds you kill them bury the body throw it away burn everything make sure you don't nut anywhere
Starting point is 01:07:44 cause semen's how you get caught. Wear gloves. All right. So what if it's the closest people like your family, friends, et cetera, that you want in your life but really have no purpose because the only thing they bring is negativity to you? Or they're just naturally miserable person that is using you for their escape goal. The easy answer is to not have them in your life.
Starting point is 01:08:04 But we all know just by living life, nothing is easy as it is said. Thanks, fam. Wish you guys the best. I'm the wrong person to answer this. That's an interesting topic. I thought this was a good email. I'm like great at detachment. I mean, yeah, I recently went through that too
Starting point is 01:08:19 with a friend and we kind of just completely just stopped communication. But I'm not really an advocate like i we didn't have a whole conversation about it like i didn't come up to them like yeah you suck i don't want you in my life anymore i just kind of slowly faded out and did it that way i have no problem never speaking to anybody again you know even so much so that i've never used the block feature on the uh iphone i've never had to block anyone's number like i'm just real good at not speaking to people that i don't need to speak to
Starting point is 01:08:45 once I'm convinced that you're of that ilk. Well, I'm going through something similar with a friend of five to seven years now. And this is the first time in my life that I've gone through this with a male friendship. Usually it's women that I'm trying to dismiss or they're trying to dismiss.
Starting point is 01:09:03 It's kind of weird. I've kind of seen that he is literally not all there. That was the same thing. Wait a minute. He didn't really just make himself sound like the man real quick. Well, he did say that. That was a real humble brag. How was that humble brag?
Starting point is 01:09:16 I only go through this with women that I'm dismissing or that dismiss me. Yeah, whatever. How was that cocky? It was a humble brag. But no, I totally felt it because it was a girl that we cut off. And I'm just seeing that this person is literally not all there anymore. Is it me? No.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Oh. You've never been there. Okay. So yeah, I reached out to a mutual friend. I said, I know if I say this to him, he's going to take it maliciously. I said, I'll pay for his first five sessions of therapy If he goes I just don't want to deal with him anymore I've had enough
Starting point is 01:09:49 I need him out of my life I need a friend to pay for my fucking therapy sessions Same I don't think my insurance covers that I don't know if that will help you out Juno that's not really your name That's how I'm trying to deal with it It's tough and it's like once you realize You kind of outgrew somebody
Starting point is 01:10:04 Especially with someone you've grown up with since childhood And it's like once you realize you kind of outgrew somebody especially with someone like you've grown up with since childhood and it's like you realize you guys are on two very separate paths and you're not agreeing with their decisions
Starting point is 01:10:10 and it's just like what do you do because you do love that person but it's like I don't love who you've become. Like we're not the same person anymore. It's tough.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Look at you two being serious on this. No, that's like it was something that we went through. That's what this segment's for. All right, enough of this shit. All right, that's great. was something that we went through that's what the segment's for alright alright enough of this shit alright
Starting point is 01:10:27 that's great are you guys done with your fucking sentimental moments yeah it's fucking lit bro it's lit hey Joey maybe we should put
Starting point is 01:10:32 some fucking you know how on Full House when they got to the end of the episode they always had the fucking cute sad music
Starting point is 01:10:39 come on oh my god let's put that music on we should definitely put that music on during the podcast about to have the Will Smith drop
Starting point is 01:10:44 why he ain't want me no more yeah yeah we definitely need all that alright so no album Oh my God, let's put that music on. We should definitely put that music on during the podcast. About to have the Will Smith drop. Why ain't want me no more? Yeah, yeah, we definitely need all that. All right, so no album this weekend? No, but I think I bust y'all ass in that Compton Dre one. If these numbers come back. Wasn't I up there? I had the highest number. He had the highest, so he won.
Starting point is 01:10:57 I'm never going to win. And fuck everyone on Twitter who said I was crazy for saying that. I'm never going to win with streams being included because I'm just real bad at gauging that. There's no way for me to know, but I will try to get better. That saying that. I'm never going to win with streams being included because I'm just real bad at gauging that. There's no way for me to know, but I will try to get better. That's that. I don't think we're forgetting anything. This was a real fun-filled podcast. It was. We spoke
Starting point is 01:11:14 about a lot. Shout out to Parks on the couch asleep. Parks on the couch! Yep, me and Parks are going to the studio so I can record All Love Lost out. Wait, are you still recording for that or now it's just other shit? No, I'm recording for that. You don't have to turn it in yet?
Starting point is 01:11:29 I have to turn it in in a week and a half. Okay. I record until I can't record. And the mastering starts at that point? Yeah, I felt like something was missing. So I'm going to work until I just can't do it anymore. We played. Is a Maudie Monroe feature missing?
Starting point is 01:11:44 Absolutely. No. Oh, yeah. I text Joe the other day. I'm like, oh, they're playing Broke on Hot. And he was like, yay. I've heard Broke played on Hot. I've heard Broke about seven times played on Hot, right? And my problem is, not to be
Starting point is 01:11:57 such a pessimist, but they're playing it in mix show. They are playing it in mix show. I appreciate the support. It's just not a mix show record. playing i appreciate i appreciate the support it's just not a mix show record like they play trap queen then they play broke then they play i love bad bitches yeah if it's any consolation we played it in our our mix meeting oh that doesn't actually help we played in our mix meeting every week we have a meeting with the djs and we vote on records see if they're going to be you know brought in and everybody was like fucking like really excited
Starting point is 01:12:23 about broke like all of the agents were like yo this is going to be brought in. And everybody was fucking really excited about Broke. All of the agents were like, yo, this is going to be a fucking hit. Everybody was really, really excited about it. Yeah, I think it's going to be a slow roller. Oh, yeah. I mean, that's what me and Corey talked about from the beginning. We thought it was going to be slow. It's going to be a slow roller. It's one of those records that could live off of a Hot 97 too.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Yeah. And, I mean, my favorite thing. Why can't you just be white? It'd be so much easier. I know. Yeah, that would be great great then I'd be M they did say this is reminiscent of an Eminem record I'm like yeah we said that
Starting point is 01:12:49 my favorite thing about this single not to fucking spend this entire end of the podcast talking about this single we should talk about your music on the podcast hey guess what you're a rapper no no I don't want to do that my favorite thing about this single it is so
Starting point is 01:13:04 it so well represents the album I don't want to do that. My favorite thing about this single is it is so, it, it's so well represents the album. Like if, if you just said, you know, you try to pick a single that fucking gives some leeway to what your album will be about. If the title didn't do that,
Starting point is 01:13:17 all love lost, but this single is perfect. It perfectly describes some of the things we will get into on the album. And with that said today today maybe I'll go do a real mushy album intricate fucking Instagram post or something
Starting point is 01:13:30 I'm available for a feature if you want nah I think I got it under control not too many features on my album
Starting point is 01:13:36 not too many features on my album and a lot of rapping so much so that I think I may have to cut some songs because I think
Starting point is 01:13:44 an album can only be 70 minutes. Yeah, now they're shortening it now. Like it keeps getting shorter. Maybe digitally more, but there's a lot of rapping. If Parks was in here, I can't think of,
Starting point is 01:13:54 it ain't that many 16 bar verses on that album. Hell no. I think that, I get so taken for granted. There's some harmonizing and singing on there. It's not just total fucking
Starting point is 01:14:02 rappity rap rap rap. Yeah, but what I mean is it's a lot of rapping. It's a large body of music. I mean, each song is fucking seven minutes. I don't think there's a four-minute song besides Broke. 40 bar verses, fucking. Y'all are here. Can you reveal one feature?
Starting point is 01:14:17 No, I'm not revealing any. Yeah, Royce is on there. Shout out to Royce. Okay. No one saw it. You got Royce? How'd you get Royce on there? Whoa, that is a shocker.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Well, while that seems like it would be apparent, there's no Slaughterhouse feature. I know there's not. Well, the one record I suggested that should be on there, but I think they're using it for the Slaughterhouse album. There's no Slaughterhouse feature, and there's a Royce feature. So, I mean. Checking on the update. I do like Royce's verse a lot on that.
Starting point is 01:14:40 I'm just checking in on the update. Any update for that diss record that ended up being about me? We don't know yet. Still don about me? We don't know yet. Just because you keep asking, I hope it's used. Well, it's a great record, so I hope it's used. I haven't heard it. Parks maybe. Oh no, Parks doesn't have it. Alright, so that's it. We'll get out of here.
Starting point is 01:14:57 We've rambled enough and taken up enough of your time. This might be our longest one ever. No, it's not our longest one ever. I'll name this podcast later. episode 26, In the Can. I hope everybody has a wonderful week and a wonderful weekend. Please be safe. Bad, bad, bad, bad week to die. So let's try to stay alive out there.
Starting point is 01:15:14 And you stay classy, San Diego. Somber way to end. I know. Are you stealing somebody's outro? Stay classy, San Diego. Where have I heard that? That's from fucking Anchorman, you dick. Oh, yeah, that's where I heard that.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Yeah, I like that ending. Rory, you want to come end it the way Bill Burr ends his? They said that you stole another Bill Burr thing last week. Everything, Rory. No, no, you do. You do. I read it on Boxton. You do.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Even if you don't, you do. You're standing there looking shocked and appalled. You steal everything from Bill Burr. I don't remember what it was, though. You do. You even look like Bill Burr now. All right, we're good now. Bill Burr and Jace.
Starting point is 01:15:43 One. Bye.

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