The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 28

Episode Date: August 26, 2015

Hey we got a guest! Julz or @YesJulz as many of you know her as ... Joe vs 3 women .. INTPL version of The View...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're rolling. All right. And now we are rolling. I'll name this podcast later. Episode 28, I think, right? Yes. Wow. My memory might not be as bad as I thought.
Starting point is 00:00:12 That's what I was talking about when I was like, oh, I saw a flyer and it said something about this is a podcast. And you're like, I don't know what you're talking about. You haven't been introduced yet. Oh, sorry. Yeah, I don't even know who the fuck this person is. I'll name this podcast later. Episode number 27. I'm your host. Damn, I don't even know who the fuck this person is. I'll name this podcast later. Episode number 27. I'm your host.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Damn, just that fast. It's a short-term memory loss. We also did a mic check, by the way. We did mic check. We did. We did. He came in here and everything. Episode number 28.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I'm your host, Joe Budden. Madi the body is here. What's your name? Did you change your name to? Rocky Thunder with an A. I don't know why Rocky is still here, but she did all right last week. And some of y'all liked her. So she's back.
Starting point is 00:00:47 And we have a guest. So now, what do they call you now? I don't know. What did I just say? The Queen of Vibes? Yeah, I guess that's what they say. Introducing the Queen of Vibes. Wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I like these girls. I like these girls. Go ahead. Oh, wait. See, unfortunately, Rory is not here, right? I know. We miss you, Michael Roars. Michael Roars is not here I know, we miss you Michael Roars Michael Roars is not here
Starting point is 00:01:07 Classic kid He had to do some work shit, so now I'm stuck here with three women It's lit I'm glad he said women and not females, but we'll get into that later One of those And just that fast some woman shit has taken place Fucking Madi and Jules met all of two minutes ago
Starting point is 00:01:24 and now they're besties. She's getting this big grand introduction. How do you know this girl is not a piece of fucking shit scum? No, no, she looks pretty cool. I followed her. Her name is at Jules. I'm getting her vibes. This is Yes Jules on Instagram and she's the director of vibes.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Why is she the director of vibes? Because she brings the vibes to Miami. She curates the dope vibes. Curates the dope vibes. I like that. Says who? It's lit. Says Miami.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Say us. We say that, right, Jules? Says general consensus. Yeah, women just cosign shit with no evidence of it at all. Not necessarily. How do we know that she... Women are actually the last to cosign shit. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:02:00 So you have to have the aura and the vibe with you for us to... No, women cosign women It depends what kind of women Some could just be haters and be like, nah Okay, so let me tell a story about how Jules got here Because normally we don't even fuck with people on this podcast So me So Rocky and I Were in my living room
Starting point is 00:02:18 Right? Oh, you were with him? She's always with me for some reason And we haven't fucked. Could you believe it? Ew. Y'all best friends that are going to get married later. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not just throw the best word out there.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Gag me now. You're the killer of vibes right now. Who else was in my living room? It was me and you. I got drugs. I don't remember. I think Rory might have been there. No.
Starting point is 00:02:41 This was Saturday. I was, Brandon. It was a few people in my living room. Oh, Brandon. And Johnny. Johnny was there. I was, uh, Brandon. It was a few people in my living room. Johnny. Johnny was there. Alright, so we were in my living room and, uh, apparently Jules posted a picture and then Rocky with her gay
Starting point is 00:02:55 ass, cause Rocky's a faggot. And I take back faggot. I'm a repressed. Rocky, uh, then got Rocky then got enlarged the picture and made it all super big and said, Joe, do you know this girl? And I said, no. Why would I know this girl? But I do follow her.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Right. And I've been following you for quite some time. And then where do we go after that? Oh, I said, no, I don't know her because she's gay. Right. Oh, you're gay? Wait, wait, wait. So because I, no, I don't know her because she's gay. Right. Oh, you're gay? Wait, wait, wait. So because I'm gay, you don't know me?
Starting point is 00:03:28 That's weird. Well, there's not really much for us to converse about if you're gay. I can't try to stick my dick in you if you're gay. Yeah, but hello, there's two women sitting across from you that you don't stick their Oh, look at her getting, oh, look at the eyebrows going off. You about to get me. No, Jules, no, don't take anything I say seriously. Okay. Unless I'm serious. You'll know when I'm serious. Oh, Jules. No, don't take anything I say seriously. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Unless I'm serious. You'll know when I'm serious. Oh, Jules, you never confirmed that you were gay. Wait, we finished the story here. We will get into Jules. Trying to find out. So, I said to Rocky that Jules was gay. And then I went to go look at the fucking picture.
Starting point is 00:04:01 And it was a nice picture that she posted. I didn't know that. The yellow bikini? I didn't know that the yellow bikini i didn't know that uh i didn't know that jules was uh so easy on the eyes i follow i found i think it's the nicest thing i've ever heard him say and you ever will hear me say i don't say nice things about people come off no he has a bad trust me but it was the picture it was a nice picture soci The sociopath tendencies. So then, shut the fuck up, Marissa. He's like,
Starting point is 00:04:27 now that you're here in person, it was a picture. It was a very nice picture. Well, we're going to get to that. I tell amazing stories. You guys want me to finish my story. But, so, yeah, I said Jules was gay.
Starting point is 00:04:36 But then after I thought about it, that was real ignorant of me because I didn't know if you were gay. So I decided to do something that I never do. I shot a DM out there. The lies and deception.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Hold up, hold up, hold up. I'm not y'all. Wait, wait, wait. I'm not y'all. My DMs are just cleaned out by Instagram as well. That's my DMs right there and free for anyone to look at. As if you don't have a delete button like everyone else. I don't delete them. Have a blast. It's a bunch of bitches trying
Starting point is 00:05:03 to get sick from me. Oh, here's this freaking loser who tweeted you that I'm gay or some shit. Oh, God, don't let her read. Oh, wait. No, she can read it, but we have to wait. Other information that happened. No, he said other things. Yes, and which we will get into. I don't even know what we want to get into that.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I don't listen to things like that. I don't want to get into that from a woman's perspective. Oh, hell nah. Okay, she's reading his DMs. Oh, hell nah. And we'll get into this conversation little by little as we talk about her being. Wait, let me finish my story. Yo, I'm about to go in on this guy.
Starting point is 00:05:28 You did already. So I DMed Jules and I said, hey, quick question. Are you gay? Right? I do need you to be present for this though. All right. Randomly. So I asked Jules if she was gay.
Starting point is 00:05:43 She should have said fuck off. But anyway. Yeah. I really, I'm way too nice. Yeah, that's like a random ask. Let me teach you the ways asked Jules if she was gay she should have said fuck off but anyway yeah I really I'm way too nice you know random ass well no no no no I'm right on my wing here the industry's gonna harden me don't worry I started with can I ask you a personal question oh we're having a girly laugh moment you asked me the question I said can I ask you a personal question and she said sure and then I said are you gay I said you might as well I a personal question? And she said, sure. And then I said, are you gay? I said, you might as well. Because he already slid in the DMs.
Starting point is 00:06:08 So I was like, we're here. I didn't slide. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You did the. Sliding is when you're shooting your shot. Valid. I wasn't shooting my shot. Ma, do you know Joey enough to know he's doing wordplay right now?
Starting point is 00:06:19 But he may or may not have been like roundaboutly shooting his shot. I mean a Jace. He's roundaboutly shooting his shot. Wait mean a Jace. He's roundabout. Wait, what? He spinned the wheel and see what the fuck happens. He came around to the 360
Starting point is 00:06:30 and then went for the layup. Wait, I was in a roundabout way shooting my shot. I said, can I ask you a question? And then I asked her if she was dead. It could have ended up in a different answer.
Starting point is 00:06:40 She might have said no. Somebody else could have. Expect nothing and hope for everything. Exactly. First of all, Rocky, some people in this room should know that when I won it, I'm very straightforward about winning it. I get right to it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Your best friend of many years is disagreeing over there. She's saying false. And she's on her phone, so she's not contributing to this. All right. So anyway, Jules replied, and that was that. And then however many DMs later, Jules came back and said, hey, can I do a podcast with you?
Starting point is 00:07:10 So I said, okay, well, if she's going to do the podcast, I should probably know some things about her, but I don't because she could have been wagged, she could have been boring, she could have been all of this shit.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So then I hit Rocky and I said, hey, Jules wants to do the podcast and then Rocky, being the fucking dick she is, said, oh, Jules didn't just hit you and say she wanted to do the podcast. You thirsty motherfucker motherfucker you shoved in her fucking dms and you asked her if she could do it because you were the fucking all of this stupid shit that rocky said and she
Starting point is 00:07:34 was wrong and i sent her a screenshot to let her mildly why do y'all keep uh implying that that you're a mutt yeah we're gonna talk about that too so anyway uh and fast forward and here we are with jules who i spoke to a little bit yesterday and she's pretty interesting now i don't know why everyone else knows jules uh i follow jules because she posted a picture and it was a beautiful picture um the picture picture not Well, I started following Jules. Her pictures obviously popped up on the popular page a few times, but she also does this lunch. I forgot the name of the lunch.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Hashtag lunch bag. People go to the popular page? No, it just happens. Or when you go to search for a person's name, you'll see it. It does pop up. She does something called hashtag lunch bag where she feeds... Lunch bag.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I don't want to say impoverished. Okay, so she does something called hashtag lunch bag where she feeds. Lunch bang? Lunch bag. Oh, my goodness. And she feeds, I don't want to say impoverished. I'll let you speak on that. I just feed people who are hungry. And there's like a big misconception because at first, like my first few hashtag lunch bags, I was like, yeah, we're going to go feed the homeless. And then I actually learned a very kind of like a very touching lesson.
Starting point is 00:08:45 So we're like, we basically do it guerrilla style. We'll make lunch bags all on a table. You spread out the food. I invite everybody. My concept behind this, which was not started by me, it started in LA by somebody else. But I was like, that's so cool. We should do this in Miami and invite the cool kids to come and do it. Because I feel like it's just a bunch of zombies out here partying
Starting point is 00:09:03 and they really have no substance. And they're not happy because they have no substance in their lives so maybe they'll feel better about themselves if they give back so she's cool and she's conscious and that's why I thought she was dope so I invited like club owners video vixens Taz's angels like literally everybody you would never expect to give back to the community to come and feed the community and I was like yeah we're gonna feed the homeless and we're like we get the bags we put and feed the community. And I was like, yeah, we're going to feed the homeless. And we're like, we get the bags, we put them in the car, we're driving. And I see a family walking and they have clothes on like they like new clothes, you know, like they don't look like they're homeless. But I had a feeling that they might be hungry, you know, and I thought to myself
Starting point is 00:09:39 like, damn, you know, there are kind of many times where we were hungry in my family and we always had a home and I always had nice clothes. We just didn't have food sometimes. So I was like, maybe how do I go about asking this family if they want some lunch bags? And I was just like, yo, are you guys hungry? And they looked at me. They're like a kind of a little standoffish. And I was like, we just had a picnic and I have all this extra food, you know, so that they weren't offended.
Starting point is 00:10:00 So this is one part of Joel's story. Not the side that Joe actually cares about. Sorry, Joe. I want to spread that since there's a lot of people listening to this, you guys should do it in your hometown, too. Boom, boom. So now let's get to the nitty gritty. Not your food. Joe Burgers forever. I'm pretty sure the first
Starting point is 00:10:17 thing I did when I met you was give you my food. I was just about to say I feel a way because she just fucking fed me. Joel wants to feed the world. Like I was homeless. You know, I'm just out here trying to feed people. The family, it was really cute. The kids, the parents didn't speak because they were too proud, but the kids were like, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And I was like, oh man, like they're really hungry. So this is the conscious side of Jules. Now there's the cool side where she curates all the cool people in Miami and does these parties and uses a super soaker to like blast Hennessy and down people's throats. You see what I'm saying? Actually, so I just, that was like the first serious moment that we've ever had. I know.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah. I want it. I'm kind of just like, I don't even know how to bounce back from that. Wow. You're amazing. I want to get that off because that's why I'm so proud of her. It's very simple.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I mean, and Joe, honestly, like not even just, you know, tuning like my horn or whatever, you should do it because you have a cool group of friends. Do what?
Starting point is 00:11:06 Be very specific with Joel. Do what? Next time you have some people in your living room and you're looking at thoughts on Instagram, you should be making punch bags while you're doing it. He definitely feeds all of our thoughts. You don't worry about that, Joel. And some of them are homeless. The majority of them are.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Joe, give it back to the community. He puts a roof over a few potheads. I wouldn't miss that.. Joe giving back to the community. He puts a roof over a few potheads. I witnessed that. I give plenty back to the homeless. One BH one star at a time. Oh, my God. Oh, no, they're actually not BH one stars. Don't worry, guys.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Listen, hashtag lunch bag Joe Budden series coming up soon. Okay, so Jules feeds the homeless. We could do that in Jersey one time. She made Taz Angels come and feed the homeless, too. Yes. I invited them. They actually didn't come. Well, it was a thought that counts.
Starting point is 00:11:52 That's the part I was a little taken aback by. I was like, wow, Taz Angels came to feed the homeless? They're nice girls. They would, but they just didn't come. I'm sure they would, though. They were definitely busy looking for furniture for their home. Taking selfies. They do need furniture in their house. I don't understand the young people, these millennials. They were definitely busy looking for furniture for their home. Taking selfies. They do need furniture in their house.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I don't understand the young people, these millennials. They need furniture. Who needs furniture to be a thot? Right. The less furniture, the more twerking space available. They have a stripper pole. And that is all that they need. I saw Tazay Jewels, even though I think they recruited this new girl
Starting point is 00:12:21 who's actually kind of cute. I don't know her name, but I can't unfollow her. I keep trying to. They're all pretty cute. You know, I saw them in Griffin one night, and they just looked like my rambunctious 16-year-old nieces and daughters, and I was like, I couldn't see them as cute. Does your niece have a fat ass? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I never looked at my niece's ass. All right. Well, good luck. I don't think that any of them have fat asses. I don't know. I never looked at my niece's ass. All right. Well, good luck. I don't think that any of them have fat asses. I don't know, but I know how karma is in life. So I hope you treated women well your whole life if you're going to have a niece. She's trying to segue and not doing a really good job here. Go ahead with the question.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Ask them, Jules. Jules had asked her Twitter fans or Snapchat fans, which we hate, what should they ask you? Of course, they're coming with some thuggish, ruggish questions. Thuggish, ruggish, did you say? Thuggish, ruggish questions. Not only my fans, but my employees. I put it in our group chat and I was like,
Starting point is 00:13:16 hey ladies, I'm going to go do a podcast with Joe Budden. Wait, you've got employees? I know. From the hashtag lunch bag? I have an agency. We're a creative marketing branding agency. We produce parties.
Starting point is 00:13:28 It's the titles. It's coming together here. Joe's like, why does everybody know Jules? I don't get it. I saw the, and I didn't know that people, I didn't know your actual online reach until you were trying on all of these bathing suits and everybody killed you
Starting point is 00:13:45 well i didn't know oh my god yeah that girl that was pretty funny actually if it i probably would have said something like that to some girl too what happened what did the girl say so what happened was i was trying bathing suits in a friend of mine's boutique it's an upscale bathing suit boutique so it's not like usually when you try on bathing suits there's a there's a liner in the bathing suit that everybody uses you know know, like, wherever you go, there's always a liner. And it's the same liner. Because you're still using the same fucking liner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah, but at this place, they want you to actually see how the bathing suits fit. And they're tiny. So you can't really see with underwear on. So they hand you liners, like a stack of liners. Like, yo, here we go. Liners for everybody. You know what I mean? So I'm like, I'm trying on the bikinis.
Starting point is 00:14:23 They're panty liners. Liners are for the vagina, right? Yeah, so your vagina doesn't swipe on the thing. They didn't give you an ass liner. No, they didn't. My ass is not leaking juice. Yeah, like a vagina.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Like, prove it! So, anyway, I posted a tweet of three pictures of me trying on three different bikinis. I'm like, oh, which one should I get? You know, like usual thirst trap stuff. And this girl quoted it. Embrace the thirst trap.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I love it. And goes, well, all three since your pussy juice all in them. I was like, oh, first of all, that's very volatile. You know, I saw that the other day. I mean, everybody did because it's like viral. The tweet got like 2,000 retweets or something. And I was like, damn, this girl went in on me. I have a theory
Starting point is 00:15:06 about those types of girls, but go ahead. But I normally don't like hit back, but I just needed, I felt like my following needs to know I'm a very sanitary
Starting point is 00:15:13 human being. Well, not all the time. Like there's certain things that I do that are like, kind of like, I like to pick my nose. But aside from that, picking my nose is the greatest
Starting point is 00:15:22 thing to ever do. It's honestly, it's one of my favorite things. I did hear that. Yeah. It's one of my favorite pastimes ever. Picking nose and playing with toes is Joe's thing. My assistant bothers me about it, but I'm like, yo, leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Weirdo. So anyways, I'm like, I'm sorry. I don't know about you, but I had liners when I tried on these bathing suits. So, you know, don't worry about my hygiene. And she's like, dumb bitch. Every place has liners. And I was like, listen. I'm like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Like, listen. Why is she so fucking angry well that's the thing her pussy probably stinks cause it's Twitter her pussy probably stinks she probably has a ranted pussy because most of the time
Starting point is 00:15:51 when I'm on Instagram or someplace like for instance Gabe was on TMZ the other day for fingering his girlfriend at the park and all of the girls
Starting point is 00:15:59 who was like oh fishy pussy this that I always look at those girls like you must have the stinkiest twat if you automatically think of twat and think of stink. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Because I have Avion twat. It smells like nothing but the greatest H2O ever. So I don't just generally say what it smells like. You got to prove it. Oh, my goodness. Because anybody here just ain't going to keep talking about their pussy and their ass. And Jonah pop up in here like, yo, let me. But no, so I have to give it to her, though.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I ended up saying, like, listen, I don't know where you shop. And I kind of did something that I shouldn't have done. I was like, listen, this ain't Forever 21. It's an upscale boutique. I shouldn't have done that.
Starting point is 00:16:34 You said that. Because that's fucked up. I get my basics from Forever 21. But the truth is, Forever 21 is a huge brand that mass produces their clothes. And so they cannot afford, they sell things at a you know
Starting point is 00:16:45 at a very low price point so their customers they they're not they don't care about getting the customers are not paying to not switch up vaginal juices exactly if my bikinis are $300 i'm getting a fucking liner okay and like i'm trying them on if this bikini's $300 i want to know how it looks without my underwear so the girl's like oh now she's gonna throw this so i'm like listen all i'm saying i was like i totally get it that listen, all I'm saying, I was like, I totally get it. That is disgusting. All I'm saying is that wasn't the situation here. And then she apologized. Like, all right. Aw, keep your apology,
Starting point is 00:17:12 rancid twat. I do appreciate the fact that you seem well-spoken. Seem. I'm going to continue to say seem because I don't know very much about you. I'm learning. His compliments are very backhand.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah, right. When we were crossing the street and we saw you at the bagel spot, I said, that girl looks good from across the street. I noticed her nipples from across the street. I said, oh, yes, her nipples are out. Yeah, I was just looking at them now. She's braless. She brought the Miami vibe to me. And then Rocky said, what did Rocky say? No, she's a good looking girl.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I'm like, how the fuck do you know she's a good looking girl? Because you've seen some pictures? No, I can see good looking girl. I'm like, how the fuck do you know she's a good looking girl? Because you've seen some pictures? No, I can see her in her nipples from across the street. Great vision. You know how many girls have looked great from across the street? See, you're a woman. You girls don't fucking know. But now she looks great in person.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I know a couple girls who look horrible from across the street. I have great vision. I tweeted last night that I'm going to get a white girl and leave Dykeman bitches alone. That was the setup, Jules. Wait, what's Dykeman bitches white girl and leave Dykeman bitches alone. That was the setup, Jules. What's Dykeman bitches? Bitches from Dykeman. Dykeman is a street in Uptown. A street Uptown. Oh, don't do this to me right now.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Don't do what? I'm not trying to beef with any black girls listening to this podcast. I wasn't even talking about you. Look how quickly you personalized that. Well, I'm a white girl and I'm sitting next to you and you said that you're gonna leave Dykeman. And that's all Dominican chicks, by the way. So you guys interrupted me.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I dated a Dominican. The tweet was directed at my boo in my head, Abigail. Abigail who? I'll show you a picture. Yeah? Let me see. Yeah, I'm going to show you a picture. You just got very cheery, Abigail, whoever you are.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Joey scrolls through his imagination station over here and sets up Jules with the Jedi mind trick. So Jules is from Miami. She's a curator of parties and events and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now, when you were looking through Joe's DM, somebody mentioned Hold on.
Starting point is 00:19:01 She's looking at a picture. She's looking at Abby. Oh my gosh. Are those real? Probably go? She's looking at a picture. She's looking at Abby. Oh my gosh. Are those real? Probably not. She's from Degman. No, she's from LA. Does she ever tweet you back or not?
Starting point is 00:19:10 All the time. Oh yeah? It's Joe Budden. Come on. So how did you guys first start talking? We're not. We're not. Is it real bae?
Starting point is 00:19:16 No, no, no. It's only in my head. It's only in the DMs. But Abigail is a white girl. Oh, she is? Let me see. Oh, she's fine. Okay, moving right along. Don't hate Rocky. No hate, she is? Let me see. Oh, she's fine. Okay, moving right along.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Don't hate, Rocky. No hate. No shade. Let me see. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:32 She's pretty. Yeah. Abigail has lots of makeup on. She has a lighting ring on. Abigail come through with a natural, no makeup, no lighting ring. Is there a no makeup photo on the profile? Let's see. No girl, no makeup, no lighting.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Is there a no makeup photo on the profile? Let's see. My best friend's mom told me that she tells him to take a girl to the beach every first date. So that she has to get in the water and her face comes off. He told me in her track show. And you get the full body, like the no faja, no none of that stuff. I'm always prepared for the beach. Take the girl to the pool. Who's taking a girl to the fucking beach?
Starting point is 00:20:02 Purify her in Lake Minnetonka. You slide in the deal and be likenetonka before you bring her home. You slide in the deal and you're like, hey babe, you're so beautiful, you should be complimented by sunshine and waves.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Hello. We'll take you for a picnic. I asked you to move right along, Joey. This is your show. Well, every time I stop talking, I expect like one of you people to start talking,
Starting point is 00:20:18 but whatever. So, yes. All right, the point is, you saw my bikini pic, you thought I was gay, you said something, some loser tweeted you saying don't talk to Jules. Yeah, there we go. See, look. Come on, bring it bikini pic. You thought I was gay. You said something. Some loser tweeted you saying, don't talk to Jules.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Yeah, there we go. See, look. Come on. Bring it in full circle. Keep going. Thank you. So are you gay? Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:31 You're just going to go ahead and ask me, huh? I'm not gay. Sometimes, on Tuesdays. Listen, I am attracted to, I don't want to sound corny or whatever, but I'm very serious. I'm attracted to people who make me feel good when they're around. No, I get that. I get that. She's a classifier.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So you're pansexual? Do I think that I could be in a relationship where I'm going to get pissed if the girl doesn't comb home and shit? No. Have you ever had sex with a girl? You have kissed a girl. You're not the director of vibes and you haven't kissed a fucking girl. Knock it off.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I kissed a girl and I liked it. No, you didn't more than kiss a girl. We're going to get to that too. Listen, listen. Depending where the kiss lands. Hello. Can't nobody kiss like you. Can't nobody kiss.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I got to say, I'm always going to like guys because I like men. But I think women are more I like men but I think men I mean women are more beautiful than men I'd rather look at a woman than a man okay so you have fucked a girl
Starting point is 00:21:30 before in your life so I think we all if you don't want to talk about your sexual activities that's fine she's definitely fucked a girl before in her life
Starting point is 00:21:38 alright she's not answering that she wants to keep something sacred I understand that Jules has definitely fucked a girl before in life alright let's just
Starting point is 00:21:44 fucking put two into one that's a lot a lot of girls have all Jules has definitely fucked a girl before in life. Alright, let's just fucking put two and two together. That's a lot. A lot of girls have. All three of you have fucked a girl before in your life. Yes. So, I mean, let's just go on the space. All four of us have fucked a girl before in our lives. There's somebody in this room that has not fucked a girl before
Starting point is 00:22:00 and they're not at this table. Maybe. What? No. What do you think? She's our engineer, the fucking virgin. She kind of called Joey. Joey?
Starting point is 00:22:09 What's going on? Joey is such a great guy. Joey got caught in the crossfire. Poor Joey. I like Joey. He's cool. I was just fucking with him. So Jules,
Starting point is 00:22:18 because she wanted to be well-prepared and professional on this podcast for some reason, she asked her people to, because she doesn't know shit about me either. So she asked her people a whole bunch of shit
Starting point is 00:22:26 that she should be asking me. And I'm not quite sure I like the responses that she's getting. Well, maybe if you were nicer to the Snap, they wouldn't be saying these kinds of things about you. I don't like Snapchat. Snapchat is not- Why do you not like Snapchat?
Starting point is 00:22:38 Snapchat is not for adult men. Or adult women. Listen, I'm going to tell you something and I'm probably going to get backlash for this. But I agree. I do not. I wouldn't be attracted to a man who's Snapchatting. Yeah, it's kind of weak.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I wouldn't be. I have a lot of friends by Snapchat. Unless you're like, I don't know though. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. I use it as a platform to grow my brand. If you're using it as a platform to make money, I respect that.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Can't knock the hustle. If you're using it as a platform to take selfie videos all day day or fucking show people your shoes and hit up bitches on the thing hit up girls like send dick pics exactly then no that's why i can i don't think you should be on snapchat that's what i was gonna say because my artist friends i enjoy their snaps like i enjoy the little behind the scenes stuff there's a way to use snapchat like joe if you brought snapchat into the studio while you're recording that's dope because you're a rapper you're an artist it's also taking away from me trying to record in the studio right right however this whole thing with snapchat where people just lift up their phone and automatically start filming shit like i witnessed the other day rosie put
Starting point is 00:23:35 up snapchat while you were arguing with asia's boyfriend kind of saw that yeah i'm putting business why don't you do that yeah but that's what that's what snapchatters do and it's annoying it's disrespectful it's an invasion of space. I think you guys just have annoying, disrespectful people around you. I think Snapchatters are annoying. Well, I mean, listen, a lot of my friends think that, but they're my friends, and they don't think I'm annoying. I think that there's
Starting point is 00:23:55 a way to go about it. You gotta finesse. When we just sat down with you outside to eat your potatoes, you pulled out the Snapchat immediately, and I'm covering my face, and Joel's like, no! We're like, no, because it feels like paparazzi just jumped out at us. That's I'm covering my face and Joel's like, no. We're like, no. Because it feels like paparazzi just jumped out at us. That's what Snapchatters do. It's like TMZ for fucking. Crazy paparazzi.
Starting point is 00:24:10 He also sat down and went straight for my potatoes. So I felt like it was fair game. You're going to go straight for my potatoes. I'm pulling out the Snap. That's it. I told you on the phone I was coming to eat that fucking food. Snapchat is for the fans. I agree.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I don't like it when people put the phone in my face. And I'm that girl that's like known for snapchat so I think that there's a certain like at this point there is no protocol for snapchat that's the problem you just have to engagements just go well there's no rules of engagement for networking either it's kind of the same thing like if you're in a party and you're making friends you can't just walk up on people and jump in their conversation like there's a certain way to go about there's like a certain way to go about making friends and and communicating so that applies to snapchat twitter everything else as well so I think no there's a certain way to go about making friends and communicating. So that applies to Snapchat, Twitter, everything else as well.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Well, no. There's a difference between things being recorded down in history as opposed to just walking into a conversation like, hey, I'm bringing my vibe here and talk to you about whatever's going on and networking. Recording something. I may not want people to know that me and Maddie's over here talking about selling drugs. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, people shouldn't Snapchat that.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Which we don't do. Right? As if we don't for the do. Which we do not. But I think at this point, I'm not like, yo, let's get on the Snap. People are like, yo, Jules, let me get in your Snaps. It's a little different. And when I'm snapping, it's like my party, my meetings with my
Starting point is 00:25:18 agency, you know, like things like that. No, I get that. So there's definitely annoying people. Yes, like 99%. I don't watch anybody's Snaps except for Diplo because he's hilarious. Other than that, I get that. We get that. So there's definitely annoying people, yes. Like 99% I don't watch anybody's snaps except for Diplo because he's hilarious. Other than that,
Starting point is 00:25:28 I don't even watch my friends' snaps. So you agree 99% of Snapchat is rude and out of order. My one friend's fucking just a selfie-sick I would say a good amount of people are very annoying. I don't even watch some of my friends because I tuned in once or twice
Starting point is 00:25:38 and I was like, oh no. A lot of people just sit in the car and sing in the fucking camera and that's all they ever put in Snapchat. It's just a lot of annoying stuff. Although I do sing a lot. Arnold Schwarzenegger has Snapchat and his is like maybe the best thing that's ever happened. Dr. Miami has a Snapchat, by the way, where he shows his Brazilian partners.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I heard about that, but I can't. Which brings me to you. Oh, because it brought me to you. Dr. Miami, who was actually booked till 2017 because I've done my research. Really? What are you trying
Starting point is 00:26:08 to research for? I just need a little nip and tuck. Not need, but like a little nip and tuck. I'm going to be 40. I'm 37 years old. Oh, shit. I have an 18-year-old son.
Starting point is 00:26:17 No way. Which means I've had him at 18. Well, you look really great. I do, thank you. So I never had the chance to rock my 18, 19, 22 year old body because I had a child at 18 so I'm getting a mommy makeover
Starting point is 00:26:30 that's right I'm going to be the hottest 40 ever I'm going to shit on the 20 somethings but not back to you you're pretty voluptuous have you had any work done? no the booty is all yours
Starting point is 00:26:40 yes applaud I don't think it's called voluptuous when you have a fat ass I think I'm voluptuous I'm going to look that up what do you think is don't think it's called voluptuous when you have a fat ass. I think I'm voluptuous. I'm going to look that up. What do you think? Is it just breasts? Yeah. I think voluptuous. Curvaceous? I think voluptuous
Starting point is 00:26:51 is a word for curvaceous all over. Yeah. Anyways, listen, if I had anything done, I would definitely admit to it for sure because I think it's wrong that all these young girls are looking up to are just out here acting like they don't have fake lips and hips and everything else. And then girls in their 20s at that girls are looking at themselves like, why don't I look like that?
Starting point is 00:27:12 It's like ridiculous. But I would definitely if they're, you know, the moment something true and trustworthy for cellulite comes out, I'm getting it. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe there is. And if anybody knows, please. Well, in your 20s, I don't think that should be something you even consider. I'll go ahead and advertise it for you.
Starting point is 00:27:28 You know, just send me those free cellulite treatments. But no, I would love to get cellulite treatment because I have a big butt and I have big thighs and I have cellulite. She does. And for a moment, I was like, okay, she's in Miami. All the girls get dipped and tucked in Miami. So that must be a Brazilian. It's very.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I actually admire your ass. On camera, I haven't seen it in person as of yet you want me to stand up yes all right yeah i was just wondering here i was like wow because you look skinny can you take off the shirt and she's taking off the shirt hold on full of characterized by or ministering to indulge which i'll shut the fuck up but see here's the thing people swear it's fake but it wouldn't be this jiggly if it was. It is jiggly. That wouldn't do that. A fat transfer would make it jiggly. Wait, time out.
Starting point is 00:28:07 What's happening right now? You think so? She's proving to me that her ass is real. Well, not real. Well, real, yeah, with no fat transfer. Is that what just happened? Yes, that's what just happened. You missed it because you were looking up the definition of voluptuous.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Voluptuous. Great, that was great. Full of, characterized by, or ministering to indulgence in luxury, pleasure, and sensuous enjoyment. You should do audio books. So I am wrong. Yeah, that's body and total. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:28:29 So what am I? There you go. There's a lot of things you don't know, Joba. Listen, I have these conversations to learn. That proved that I'm correct. So Jules was in a club last night. Oh, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:28:41 So Jules was in a club last night sweating some nigga, and she said absolutely nothing to him. I did not sweat him. You Jules was in the club last night sweating some nigga and she said absolutely nothing to him. I did not sweat him. You gotta slide in the deep. And she tweeted that she was doing this and it led to a pretty interesting conversation between her and I because I don't understand women. And my goal in life is to understand women. So we've heard. So shut the fuck up, Marissa.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I always tell people to reach for their goals, but that's what I'm going to tell you to leave alone. Fuck up, Marissa. I always tell people to reach for their goals, but that's when I'm going to tell you to leave alone. So Jules likes to look at attractive men and say absolutely nothing to them, which tells me that Jules is hurt and she has some baggage somewhere in life. Oh, man. Wait, so you don't say anything ever? It's not just in person that you're scared, just period that you're scared? Let me just explain.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I'm not afraid of anything. I will jump off a building. will skydive i'll swim with sharks right i am the most talkative like outgoing person in the world until i i see somebody that i think is attractive i'm literally the exact opposite you'll jump on everything but a cock literally i mean yeah i i don't know how to act like i'm like cool girl that's, like, friends with everybody. And then the minute that I see somebody that I might like, I'm, like, my face turns red. Yeah, I'm a loser. Like, I don't know what to do. I just don't even know how to interact with people that I know how to interact with.
Starting point is 00:29:55 That's crazy. Like, I wish that I had that. Because I would be, you know, in love or something right now. But my face turns red, and I just ignore them at all costs. Those people that I like probably think I'm a bitch. because they'll be the only person in the room I'm not talking to. Everybody will be here. I'll be dancing with everybody. So you're socially awkward when it comes to someone that you like? So bad.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Well, what do New York girls do? I get anxiety. They just walk by. Yeah. And they just keep walking by. What do you do? I slide in DMs if I'm too shy to say it. Sometimes I might be a little shy. Depends on the situation. I don't really understand the people.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I'm afraid of the DM screenshot, so I don't do that. You shouldn't be dealing with men. Well, then, like, you shouldn't deal with a guy that would do that. You shouldn't be dealing with men that you think would do that. That's ugly. Well, I mean, I just don't trust anybody in that sense. So I'm not ever writing anything to anybody that can make me look dumb. Back to being hurt.
Starting point is 00:30:43 You don't trust anybody. Oh, my gosh. Joe swears because he's a little hurt. Everybody else is hurt. You don't trust anybody. Oh my gosh. Joe swears because he's a little hurt. Everybody else is hurt. That's right. Way to go, Joe. Keep going, keep going. I'm hurt.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yeah, I'm hurt. Actually, let's talk about this. I'm not hurt. You have a show coming up, right? It's like therapy or something? It is. Couples therapy. I'm on couples therapy
Starting point is 00:30:59 with Dr. J on VH1. So people that are hurt don't really need therapy, right? Oh, that's not true. Everybody needs therapy. I mean, that's true, but couples therapy? Everybody needs therapy. I mean, that's true, but couples need therapy? Everybody needs therapy.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I think it's just people trying to get our money. I think that you know what you need for yourself. That's not true. Not when you're a sociopath and haven't embraced it. No, everybody has underlying issues
Starting point is 00:31:18 that they could use some help with. I do think therapy is very important for everyone. The same way you go to get to the doctor to get a checkup, the same way you go to the dentist to get your teeth checked, I think you should get a mental health checkup. That is very important.
Starting point is 00:31:28 I think people downplay and make fun of mental health issues so much, and that's why people don't go, and that's why we have so much problems with suicide and all these different things because it's looked down upon. We're having another serious moment. No, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, man.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Another serious moment. That might be the first time in this podcast's history that I'm fucking proud of Marissa. Marissa said something. She gave her PSA. That was great. Who are you to tell? I got my fly out. I got my first fly out this weekend and changed my life, y'all.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah, you got flown out. Where did you get flown out to? I don't want to give too many details because I don't want to make it obvious. No, you got flown out for what? And to give too many details because I don't want to make it obvious no you got flown out for what and to where to fuck duh what do people
Starting point is 00:32:09 get flown out for no but yeah so let's not talk about it no but yeah oh so well you brought it up what was the destination not very far honestly
Starting point is 00:32:17 but it was lit it was lit you went to upstate New York so Madi Madi got flown out can I say where you were either transporting in a...
Starting point is 00:32:26 No, but it's funny because it was a one way. I had no luggage because I was coming back in a different route. Wow. And I really thought I was going to get stopped. The Greyhound? No. How did you get stopped? For real.
Starting point is 00:32:36 But let's just not go any further than that, okay? Okay. All right. Well, let me ask you this because I can't just stop when people say stop. I'll try to tiptoe on Gregory Hines my way around this. Do you think he was pleased with your visit? Yes. With your
Starting point is 00:32:51 channel. What a ho! This is great! Excuse me, why is she a ho? Because she needed to have sex. Right. I tweeted this article yesterday that I saw on the call of bitches because she... Listen, Joe, like, because she listen Jill you know what
Starting point is 00:33:06 I've been trying to be nice to you Jill you're a fucking guest but we can turn this shit up in here alright we can do it on my podcast if you want that can happen too
Starting point is 00:33:14 so now what's happening why is she a hoe because she needed to have sex she's a grown ass woman she has needs don't you thank you first of all that's debatable
Starting point is 00:33:21 that she's grown second of all yes people have needs. Okay. I don't think that people needing to have sex is what makes them a hoe. Okay. So what in this scenario where she flew out to see somebody she obviously seems to like, yeah? And I've been dealing with him for a long time.
Starting point is 00:33:37 And you've been dealing with him for a long time. I'm a really good lawyer, Jules. She said she didn't want to talk about this. We all want to talk about this. Something's going on here. I don't know why. I don't all wanted to talk about this. Something's going on here. I don't know why. I don't know what's going on either. Something's going on.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Well, Jules doesn't know that this is one of my favorite areas. Well, Maddie knows that I'm great at this. And if Jules continues to dig, this will get bad for no one but Maddie. I'm not going to dig because I don't want Maddie to get caught up. But all I'm saying is. She has her game face on. On your podcast. I mean, well, we can talk about this without't want Maddie to get caught up but all I'm saying is on your podcast I mean well we can
Starting point is 00:34:07 talk about this without talking about Maddie yeah okay so if a girl flies out to see somebody that she's interested in
Starting point is 00:34:13 and been dealing with who fucking cares how long do you know whoa whoa I didn't ask that so we could try to figure out
Starting point is 00:34:22 how many people care I'm trying to get I'm trying to put it in context. Okay. So here's the thing. Here we go. Jules guys can sleep with women. Men can sleep with women.
Starting point is 00:34:30 You can meet a girl. Oh, you're a double standard police. You were at your, no, I understand a woman, a woman's body is sacred and a woman should carry herself in a certain way. And that's how I feel.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Correct. But as I got, I used to judge women a lot, probably like you do. And as I got older and so you don't know that I judge women. Well, I feel, correct? But I used to judge women a lot, probably like you do. And as I got older... So you don't know that I judge women? Well, I mean, that's what all my followers are saying. You said probably, but your followers don't know me.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I know. So I said probably, just like you said I... Seem. Okay, so I moved to strike. I moved to strike probably, but go ahead. Okay. So as I got older, I stopped... I would look at a girl, maybe a friend that's like man I was at this party
Starting point is 00:35:06 and I met this guy and you know it's crazy I just I met him just tonight but we ended up hooking up I used to be like ew you nasty before you moved to Miami uh no um even while in Miami but no I think it's just as I got older and I realized like I went
Starting point is 00:35:22 like a year without like being with anyone. And then I found myself in a scenario where I was out at night and I met somebody and I was very attracted to him and I wanted to have sex with him. So I did. Yeah. So does that make me a hoe? I was attracted to somebody and I wanted to sleep with them. And we're still friends to this day.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Does that make her a hoe? Are you asking me if that makes you a hoe? Answer me truthfully. I don't think that because you had a one night stand, you're a hoe? Are you asking me if that makes you a hoe? Answer me truthfully. I don't think that because you had a one night stand, you're a hoe. Okay. So then what makes a woman a hoe? However, if you, well, I'm trying to figure out how long. He's trying to figure out how to call Madi a hoe.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Well, no, I call Madi a hoe all the time. But I'm trying to have this conversation without speaking about Madi. I believe that hoe is less about someone's sexual activity and more about decision making and behavior. That's what I think. I agree.
Starting point is 00:36:12 So, when you tell me I was abstinent for a year, I was out, I saw a guy, I was really horny, we had sex. No, I don't judge that behavior. I empathize.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I totally identify with that. However, if you were to tell me that that happened on a regular basis, then I would question your decision-making and then I would have to be forced to believe that you're all. That is true. I agree. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Right. That's number one. Number two. Um, I don't endorse the double standard that you speak to. Um, I do understand it, but no. I call men hoes all the time.
Starting point is 00:36:49 The word hoe is not gender specific to me. I really like the word thought for guys. Hoe, thought, it doesn't matter. It's not anything belittling. I'm just throwing it out there. They don't care. It's like, yeah, I'm a hoe. It's a badge of honor for a man to be a hoe.
Starting point is 00:37:03 You know what? I'm going to tell you a situation right now where I started to see tables turn. This is a good situation. So, like I said, I have an agency in Miami. Besides Headliner Marketing Group, if you want to do anything in the hip-hop arena or anything cool for tastemakers, you come to us. Headliner, get at me. You work with us. Headliner does it on a large scale, live, whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:23 We do more influencer-based know those kinds of things so if you're an artist or a designer or anybody like you definitely you work with us and if you don't work with us you want to work with us right so there's a guy good looking attractive dude he's a designer in miami and he has been wanting me to do his um clothing anniversary party right and i'm like i don't know i don't know if i really want to work with this guy like i don't know what his his personal situations are because i always kind of like see him around girls i really wouldn't associate myself with and whatnot but i was like you know what i'll do it mutual friends let's go so we start planning reel it in jules reel it in he uh he sends a dick pic to my assistant.
Starting point is 00:38:06 My assistant's 19 years old. Hey, can I just interject really quickly? Men need to stop sending dick pics with technology being the way it is. Like send a dick video. That immediately. Dick videos. Like I don't want to see your dick in my phone ever. Unless I asked you for it or unless we're in that space where like it it's okay no it's not even okay positively to it it's not even okay if i like you and i'm
Starting point is 00:38:29 dating you i still don't want to see a dick picture i do i do like a dick pic let me get to the point i've never seen a man ashamed of his like sexual relations or for being out there hitting on women i've never seen it so rewind he sends he sends my assistant a dick pic i find out she doesn't she she didn't want me to know because she knew that we were going to do this party for him and she knows how i am but i find out from one of the other girls so i'm like oh okay this motherfucker wants to send my assistant a dick pic and think that i'm still gonna get his brand popping. No.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Your thought, I'm not working with you, period. And I already know two other homegirls that you mess with in the same week. So I'm not doing your freaking release party, none of that. And so he wrote out a very kind, like he was ashamed, apology. And I was like, oh shit no he wanted he wanted your help and brandy i was like i made no no but he is like shun like he i made him feel embarrassed about him
Starting point is 00:39:33 and his sexual activities and i don't know if that's happened like i've never had that happen in my life where a man is ashamed about his sexual activities so it's like oh no i felt very good about that man are used to doing that like every time they get caught cheating yeah they know how to beg and you know make it sound good you don't make me feel appreciated or wanted but but are they like yo you know what you're right i have a brand maybe i shouldn't be out here slinging dick to everybody or like because he i felt like what he said he really meant like damn you know you're right he's an opportunist by nature obviously he sent the unsolicited dick pic so he was trying to check for opportunity maybe i'm naive for thinking that he really learned his lesson He's an opportunist by nature, obviously. He sent an unsolicited dick pic, so he was trying to check for opportunity there.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Maybe I'm naive for thinking that he really learned his lesson. I'm glad you're not working with him. How does your assistant look? She's cute, but she's just a tiny, like, she's a stick. She's not the type of girl that you would want to send a dick pic to. Some people like sticks. I don't get it. She's very innocent, child-looking.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Oh, his name has to be Tiger? I call her Baby Mel. Is this Tiger?'s very innocent, child-looking. Oh. We call her... Her name has to be Tyga. I call her Baby Mel. Is this Tyga? Wait a minute, wait a minute. Pause your life. I call her Baby Mel because she looks like a baby. I have to pause. Okay. Now, I've gone through your Instagram and I've seen conversations or chats with Baby Mel.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Baby Mel comes off as mildly promiscuous and prerogative in her tone. So, I can see why your dick pic would go her way. She's getting a little frisky and I'm about to lock her in the closet. I think what's happening is, is you're trying to babysit a young thot and you don't know it. No. She's not a thot. Oh,
Starting point is 00:40:57 baby Mel. She just posted a pic. You just posted a conversation between you and her. Yeah. I do that too. A lot of my girlfriends think I'm judgmental. I don't get invited to a lot of things because I do look at you like, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 00:41:09 People don't tell me that my entire team will know shit about each other and I just will have no idea. I'll be left completely in the dark. I just want the best for the women in my life. That's it. If you're doing something that I don't think is good, I'm going to tell you,
Starting point is 00:41:26 like, yo, you probably shouldn't sleep with five athletes in one year because you're trying to be a movie star, not a freaking world star hip hop honey. So we don't sleep with five athletes in two years. Yeah, you've got to spread it out over two years. Don't sleep with five athletes in one year. No, it's just... These New Yorkos are getting to it in like a week. So the unsolicited dick pic
Starting point is 00:41:46 that she didn't even want to tell you about, she may have kind of... Enjoyed it on the low? Not even just enjoyed it, but she may have suggested mildly that she's open for the dick pic. She let him on. Yeah, and I told her,
Starting point is 00:41:57 you let him on. What the hell do you think? I said, listen, I'm not 19 years old. Baby Mel should handle the thot accounts. You get that money. Baby Mel, you handle all the thotty accounts while Jules is over here with the guy You might be on to something.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Don't leave any money on the table. You don't have to be the thot. That's why you recruit thots. When you get to my age, you'll start recruiting thots. I used to recruit thots. I'll show you how it works. Young Jules. What has this turned into?
Starting point is 00:42:20 I have no idea. Joey, they got a bunch of like really girly bullshit you haven't interjected fucking going on so like he was saying let's get to this like joe was saying i asked my snapchat following because um i am the the snapchat ambassador of life and i love snapchat i asked him all right guys listen you know i'm usually prepared for my shit it's been a crazy two days for me. I'm having a podcast with Joe Budden. I don't know much about him.
Starting point is 00:42:50 I need to know what I should speak with him about. And she got a bunch of fucktard answers. I got a bunch of really great feedback, guys. From people that know nothing about nothing. Let's go ahead and start with. Oh, we're reading these now. Let's go ahead. All right. I'm in.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Where are the good ones? She can't find them. She's using the lifeline. She can't find them. She's using the lifeline. She can't find them. She's using the lifeline. You don't have to read them word for word. Go ahead. Talk to him about the Charles Hamilton freestyle battle. Oh, that'll be a lot of fun for people to listen to. Yeah. Nope, nothing fun there.
Starting point is 00:43:18 What the hell is that? Talk to him about... Oh, no, I'm gonna save that one for my podcast. Okay, so one of the people, Rosie from New Jersey, said, ask him why he treats women so poorly. Rosie from New Jersey. All right. Well, let's talk about it. Let's talk about it.
Starting point is 00:43:33 I heard you hit women. Who hits women? That's what they said to me. I'm just telling you what I read. I only hit women when I'm inside of them. Oh, listen to this. Here we go. Is this like...
Starting point is 00:43:42 Can I say this? Can I say anything on here? You can say whatever you want. You can say whatever you like. Ask him about beating up his pregnant wife who then lost her baby. That comes from B vitamins out of New Jersey. Oh, please. You guys keep listening to that.
Starting point is 00:43:54 He's never been married. And that's all I'll say. Y'all keep listening to that crazy girl if y'all want. Who is this girl? Esther. Esther's psycho. Esther, it speaks to women with some character issues. So y'all keep believing that if y'all want. I don't even know that that girl was pregnant
Starting point is 00:44:08 to be quite honest. She's a pathological liar and she has some issues. But did you be her? No. So why are people talking? So you don't hit women? I don't hit women at all. You've never hit a woman? No. Ever in your life? No. Did you do the choke hold? I'll shake them up real good. Yeah. I'll shake a woman up
Starting point is 00:44:24 real good. I mean, listen, you know what? No, I'll shake them up real good. Yeah. I'll shake a woman up real good. All right. I mean, listen, you know what? No, no, no. I've never hit a woman, but she did say that. She went on a whole campaign. I think that some women believe that when a man won't react, because I'm pretty calm in all areas. When a man won't react, you kind of do what you got to do to get a reaction.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And she went on a whole campaign bashing me. Why is it that you think you have such a bad rap with like women in relationships? I don't think I have a bad rap at all. And that's, that was the one thing that I got feedback wise. I was like, yo,
Starting point is 00:44:55 I don't know what to expect. You're like, ask him about his relationships. Do you hold you in a negative light? Oh, well, anybody in the, anybody in the spotlight or with some type of spotlight will have some negative headlines at some point.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Because from, I started following you on Twitter. I'm going to, I'm really going to lay my shit out right now. I started following you, I'm from Tampa, and I used to run the VIP at a club called The Drink. I wonder if she knows Jen. Oh, Jen. Now that's important. Did Jen ever touch you?
Starting point is 00:45:25 No no no Listen I know about this I know about this whole situation Because I do know Jen She knows Jen You have her phone number? Listen I was there that night
Starting point is 00:45:38 When you met Jen I was the VIP director I followed him I was the VIP director. This is wonderful. This is so different. I followed him. And I remember him tweeting about wanting to eat her out. Oh, yeah. I remember that tweet. This was years ago.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I remember. 2011. You were like, wow, she just looks like she keeps it right. Yeah, I remember that. I remember. She said 2011. She knows I was 21 when I was working there. I definitely ate Jen out, though. You did? And how was it? I'm sure I did. She said 2011. She knows I was 21 when I was working there. I definitely ate Jen out, though.
Starting point is 00:46:07 You did? And how was it? I'm sure I did. She was bad as hell. Jen was the greatest. Jen is the fucking shit. Yeah, you love her, too? Yeah, she sent me the greatest birthday gift that year.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I was his assistant, so she knew how to play the game, and she sent me a fucking beautiful birthday gift. What'd she send you? It had all types of cupcake stuff, because she knows I'm a fan. Not to eat. I don't like to eat cupcakes. I have to collect them like candles and shit. She sent me like necklaces of cupcakes.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I love that. It's like a beautiful card. So what was she trying to be? Wifey or something? Yeah, I think so. I mean, that's the movie. She was paying the gatekeeper. No, Jen was really, really dope.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Yeah, super dope. Everything about her was dope. So what was her report to you? Huh? What was her report to you? Well, like I said, I don't talk about... I thought Joe was cute. So I was like, let me follow him.
Starting point is 00:46:50 And then Jen came in the next day talking about Joe. And I just walked away because I didn't want to hear it. Come on, let's be a gentleman here. No. The first day you're just putting your tongue into my pussy? Yeah, that's very... That that's very that's a lot but anyways Jen
Starting point is 00:47:08 is one of the girls that I kissed actually hey Jen she likes fucking Jen go text Jen I knew I would like Jen that's right
Starting point is 00:47:16 I knew I would like Jen Jen is great Jen's number Jen was around yeah I do she was around when I was engaged
Starting point is 00:47:24 to a man wait I was engaged. To a man? Wait. I was engaged to a man, and he is the most beautiful man ever. And Jen thought so as well. Three cents! Down for the fucking three piece. I don't know. It sounded like some hurt is coming.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Now this broadcast is turning up. Oh, no. There was no hurt. Did you have a three cent? So wait. Did you and Jen have a threesome? I just want to know what happened with you and Jen. So you and Jen had a threesome.
Starting point is 00:47:48 So how do you know that Jen found your ex-fiancee attractive? Because they talked about it, I guess. Yeah. Who talked about it? It was part of the initiation. Jen is a real nigga, man. I'm telling you. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I like her. She probably dropped subtle, respectful hints. I think I do. You want me to text her right now? Because Jen... Because that might be the one you let get away with. Does Jen have an Instagram? Put her in my phone. But I will say, I met Jen that night at drink, because when you were telling the story,
Starting point is 00:48:11 I was like, damn, that sounds familiar. And she was really cool. She just knew how to carry herself. You spoke so highly of her. You did. She knew how to move. That's the problem today. Jen knows. And that part is apparent to a nigga with some experience.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Does she have an Instagram? So Jen was great. I don't know her Instagram. I came back to Tampa a few times. She came with me to Jersey a few times. I saw Jen at a couple of stops in between. And then I don't know what happened. I think Jen's number way to go Jen
Starting point is 00:48:45 you were falling into your other your summer boo over there oh yeah I was high so it kind of like faded into her this other crazy shit I'm tired of you
Starting point is 00:48:53 using that as a crutch by the way but I was high we're gonna talk about the drugs you do on my podcast I don't do any drugs but I was high
Starting point is 00:48:59 you did a podcast one time with Casey Chops in Miami yes I did the no filter podcast okay so that's how I saw you. Wait, can you also...
Starting point is 00:49:05 No, no, no. I'm back to taking control here. Enough with you guys with your fucking mascara girly bullshit talk. So Jen and... You and Jen had a conversation. Is that Jen? Yes, it is. Ah!
Starting point is 00:49:17 It's Leigh! Look at Jill. I got a new number, though, so she doesn't know who it is. I know. Well, let's tell her who it is. Tell her right now. Let's tell her it's me. Don't... Well, don't tell him that he's around. Let's see what she really has to say. Nah, it's too late. No, though, so she doesn't know who it is. I know. Well, let's tell her who it is. Tell her right now. Let's tell her it's me. Well, don't tell him that he's around.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Let's see what she really has to say. No, it's too late. No, no, Jen loves me. I already said, do we know that Jen's the last? I said, hey, I'm on the Joe Budden podcast, and we're talking about you right now. Jen would never say a negative word about me. Jen is a lady. Jen knows how to roll.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Because Jen and I had none but amazing times. See, and this is what I mean. According to you. Back to you. See, this is the thing about me. I like to think that people are able to put two and two together, right? So when you read things from the likes of a fucking Esther Baxter and other bitches who just ain't shit and they just start throwing these claims out here. Stupid me would like to think, all right, anybody with a brain could probably shift between this fuck shit.
Starting point is 00:50:01 But unfortunately, you have some people who cannot. Now, when you have people like Jen, Jen would never say a negative word about me. Maybe she was your soulmate and the one that got away. Maybe you guys are going to just reconnect and it's going to be amazing. I am. Look at this. What is she saying? What is she saying? She's worried because I was like, yo, I'm talking about you on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:20 She's like, who's this? I was like, Jules. She's like, about what? Tell her that the love of her life... I said said he said you were the one that got away way to go jen so jen's great all right so you and jen had a conversation about your fiance uh and both of you thinking he was great yeah so we'll just we'll just leave that alone from there so why y'all didn't work out? Her and Jen or her and the fiance? You and the fiance. He was an MMA fighter. And I'll just say that. There you go.
Starting point is 00:50:53 He was crazy. He was like, you wouldn't even believe if he was like literally raised by a pimp and his mom was a stripper. Sounds like he comes from a really good background. And I know how to choose them. And so same. I was like, save him. I got to save him, you know, and he was just honestly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life and so we tried it out and lived together how long were y'all together like a year and a half
Starting point is 00:51:13 okay and um and it didn't work no I'm too I'm too ambitious like for a guy like that he's the type of man that thinks that a woman is a chicken with her head cut off until she finds her man and gets the head and then she could go about life gracefully. What is his ethnicity? He's black and white. He has green eyes. He's tan. I've never been attracted to anyone else the same way that I was attracted to him.
Starting point is 00:51:39 But he's crazy. He literally would say, He's an MMA guy. I don't want you getting beat up if he hears the podcast yeah i'm good now we got protection over here but oh my god do you still speak to him um no no no so we don't speak to him yeah we don't speak to him but he uh he he's the type of guy that's like yo i'm the lion you're the lioness you're gonna go out and get our our prey and bring it back like i had three jobs and he's a fighter so you know fighters mentality because of his background yeah because of his background and whatever so i was like i
Starting point is 00:52:10 mean i have like three like three rules no and and and two of them went out the window when i was with him and only one remained like if he ever lays his hand on me i'm out of here like there's no i there's a switch and once that switch goes off i'm out and I never come back. Anti-domestic violence. He knew that. Shut the fuck up, Rocky. He knew that. When I met him he had just got out of jail for domestic violence and I didn't know until I already liked him. That is not clean.
Starting point is 00:52:37 So I was the only woman in his life that he didn't beat up. So for the long time that we were together, the fights we were in, he knew if he did he it was over so he never did but one time he shook me this was like where it ended he shook me and like the prerequisite grabbed my arm so hard that i was a waitress during the day and like running the club at night so i couldn't even like hold a tray and i was like yo i'm like at work and i just remember i'm not even going to tell y'all that I'm not even going to tell you guys
Starting point is 00:53:07 because it's too emotional. If she can't hold a fucking tray that's bad I don't know what type of shaking that is it's a good shake the shaking I'm talking about is when a bitch is attacking you I never said I wasn't attacking him hey knock it off I'm a man
Starting point is 00:53:24 stop it that type of shake not the fucking shake uh and fucking shake a bitch brain out or fucking shake a bitch brain out or anything but anyways so i i was at that time like started throwing parties and like you know you're a man and you see your girl getting dressed up and you're staying home and she's going out to go run her party and you know like there was a lot of insecurities insecurities there yeah
Starting point is 00:53:47 I'm yeah oh from Jen yeah is this live that I can listen to now or where is it no Jen
Starting point is 00:53:55 no Jen sorry Danielle she can call us she can call us can she call us I want to I want to reminisce with her about my birthday gift
Starting point is 00:54:03 I want to tell her I love her still yeah me too oh god I want to tellce with her about my birthday. I want to tell her I love her still. Yeah, me too. Oh, God. I want to tell Jen to keep running. I'll call me, Jen. Yeah, she's going to call. I just told her to call me.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Ask Jen what her Instagram is. Never plug the phone in if she calls into the jack. Oh, yeah. No, no. If she calls, we're going to get to that. So, anyways, long story short, I was a breadwinner, and he wasn't. And so he would, in Tampa, there like a lot of yankees during spring training a lot of like athletes and people where so where does that go this is jen what do we do
Starting point is 00:54:31 we plug it in oh my god my baby right there jen oh i could hear a little can you hear her can you hear me here yeah oh what's up jen nothing what's going on how you doing girl i'm good so what is going on there so joe slid into my dms and not like that i'm kidding not like that but we decided to do a podcast while i was here in new york and i admitted that I actually did know who he was since I was in Tampa. And I said, there was this party at drink. And he was like, drink, Jen. And I was like, I do.
Starting point is 00:55:12 I know Jen. And yeah, that's how the conversation started. And then I professed my love for Jen. Oh, my goodness. Who changed her number and never sent it to me. And then, Jen, I was talking about how you sent me an amazing birthday gift that summer. That's Marissa. Yeah, it's Marissa, by the way.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And then, Jen, I'm just saying how you should come visit me because I hear these great things about you. Hey, Jen. Jen, I never got a birthday gift where my kiss is not good enough or something. It's crazy. Whoa, don't talk to my girl that way. Give me this phone. Wait, Jen. Bang, bang, bang. Where the hell are you at? I'm in Tampa. I'm flying to Tampa. Are you single?
Starting point is 00:55:57 Jen, are you single? I am. You can call me God heard me talking about Jen last week. And here she is. Jen, why the fuck you never sent me your new number?
Starting point is 00:56:17 Or your Instagram. Maybe you weren't that great. Oh, that's foul. Hey, Jen. I switched phones and I don't even know if I have Oh, that's the. Hey, Jen. I don't even know. I switched phones, but I don't even know if I have a number. Oh, that's the curve. I got curved. Damn.
Starting point is 00:56:30 New phone. Who this? I have to see. So Jules was asking me if I beat bitches up in my spare time, right? And then she... Jen, because you know we don't like that. Then it seemed like she was about to ask me what Jen would say about me if we could speak to Jen. And I said, Jen would have nothing but amazing things to say about me if we could speak to Jen. And I said, Jen
Starting point is 00:56:46 would have nothing but amazing things to say about me. But now that you curved me with this new number bullshit, I'm not really sure. Well, I had to change my number because, you know, I had to weed people out. I mean, everyone does it. Didn't Jules just do that recently? Thank you, Jen. I don't know. I just met Jules. You gotta weed some people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Real talk. She did. She had to change. Yeah, she had to change her number. I just met you. You got to leave some people. Yeah. Real talk. She did. She had to change. Yeah, she had to change her number. I mean, you have to every once in a while. Okay, well, this is what I think. But. Oh, carry on.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Go ahead. No, no, please, please, please. Oh, God. You sound sexy, Jen. I have to say, I had a lot of good times. We had a really good time. It was amazing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I had a good time for you guys. It was amazing. I mean, we did a lot of fun stuff. What'd you really good time. It was amazing. I had a good time for you guys. It was amazing. I mean, we did a lot of fun stuff. What'd you guys do? Did he take you to nice places, Jen? Jewels, jewels, jewels, jewels. Did he take you to the hookah spot? Something should be sacred. Did he win you any stuffed animals?
Starting point is 00:57:39 Some things should be private. Okay. I do think that we should rekindle. Oh, God. I do think that we should rekindle. Rekindle? Yeah. This is great. I do think that I should have this new number.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I don't think I should be weeded out. Nope. I don't think that. No, you don't have to be weeded out. Oh, my God. I love you. Oh, my God. Ew, gross.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And I think that we should continue speaking when I'm not in front of these three morons. I have a request. Maybe you should come up to celebrate. You should come to your birthday party maybe? His birthday party is this Sunday. Everyone slow down. If you're available Sunday, Jen. Jen, get a foot.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Jen, get flown out. Oh, yes. Get that fly out. We advocate fly outs over here on this side. Get flown out. Oh, yes. Get that fly out. We advocate fly outs over here on this side. Get it blown out. Listen, everyone, I can't allow you guys to speak to Jen this way. We're going on like three hours here.
Starting point is 00:58:35 When this podcast is finished, I will text you or call you and we will speak, alright? Is that alright with you? Jen, don't worry. I'll give him your number. Break me up a piece. I have a request for Jen. Can I put in my request? Jen, can you hear me? What is the request?
Starting point is 00:58:52 What is your Instagram? She's not gonna do that. My Instagram? Yes. My Instagram is, I think it's j... I'm not putting that on the air. You know what? We don't want to put it on the air. We don't want to put it on the air. We don't want to put it on the air.
Starting point is 00:59:05 I'm not putting it out there for these morons. We got to save you for Joe. Joey's extremely selfish. No, I'm protective. But I hope that you are the unicorn that they say that you are. I am. And I would love to meet you.
Starting point is 00:59:14 You'll never meet Jay. That's Rocky, by the way. You know, he's so selfish. All right, Jen, I'm giving you back the jewels. I'm getting your number from jewels and we'll talk after this. I love you. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:59:23 That's why I'm the director of vibes. You feel me? And this is why I have you. Hold on. That's why I'm the director of Vibes. And this is why I have to stand firm on my stance with you and not ever having a woman of substance around because you will never introduce me to a woman of substance. Apparently,
Starting point is 00:59:35 Jen is that woman. And you're saying I will never meet her. Would you bring all the thoughts? Who is talking right now? I'm not saying that you would never meet her. All right, Jen, listen, I'm not going to take up any more of your time. I love you. I love you, too.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Love you, too. I'll send you the link to this. I would like to see Marissa again. Yes, Jen, I miss you. Sunday. Sunday, you can see her. She's getting flown out. I will be in L.A.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Get flown out real quick. No, no, Sunday, she'll be here. Yes, I will be here. All right, Jen, have a good day. Bye, babe. All right, you, too. Yes, I will be here. All right, Jen. Have a good day. Bye, babe. All right, you too. Bye, Jen. Oh, I feel like Jules and I just connected on this.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Come on, man. I would hug you. Yeah. That was great. That's okay. Hug her. That was great. That was a moment.
Starting point is 01:00:18 That was such a podcast moment. That was amazing. Okay, so that was a good dating game. That was great. Listen, if this goes somewhere. Now can you see how she's a director of Vine? What time are we on? I do this often. This is what she did.
Starting point is 01:00:27 I love it. Good thing I just so happen to be single at the moment. And Jen as well. What kind of odds? Look at God. Look at God. God is great. God is really fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I just need you to come through for me like that real quick. Come through, God. What's up? I came through for you last night and you didn't say anything. Listen, we're not sure. Look, girl, you got to slide into the DMs with a pretty selfie.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Say something witty. I'm never sliding into anybody's DMs. He was looking at me. All my girls were like, yo, he's looking at you. I'm looking at you. But he didn't come over. He has to just think about what would have happened for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Yeah, he has to meet you in the wind. That's right. You just sit pretty. Hey Joey, how much time are we at? We're at about an hour. Hey, for the listeners, I do want to apologize for this entire podcast sounding like the view. It was the view of Jace
Starting point is 01:01:22 today. It was like a bunch of girly fuck shit. Let's say some thug shit right now. I just want to let you know. I didn't get to bash Marissa or Rocky. Jules came. Well, I am proud of Marissa. You know, I'm proud of Marissa for her little mental illness rant that she went on.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Jules had a bunch of serious moments. And we never have serious moments on this podcast, by the way. So I commend you for that. I brought out the best of everything and everyone today I just want to say that about myself you just fucking over talked everyone so what did you want to say I'm just going to say that I'm not I'm going to put you on the
Starting point is 01:01:58 on the stool on my podcast after this wraps so if you have anything like I'm definitely going to ask you tons of questions so if there's anything else you'm definitely gonna ask you tons of questions so if there's anything else you want to ask me before we go out giving you a fair shot when I asked you some real shit you wouldn't answer
Starting point is 01:02:12 I did answer well we now know that she has y'all know my whole life story you know where I'm from you know about my ex-fiance Jules slept with my baby no not my baby. She just kissed her apparently. Where? We don't know,
Starting point is 01:02:28 but you don't have to let that out the back. No, no, no. Jenna's with the shits. Come on. Jenna's with the shits. Jenna's with the... Jenna's with the shits. Oh my God! No! Jules slept with my boo! No, I didn't, damn it! Well, then shut up then!
Starting point is 01:02:43 We can't say these things. I'm going to run for president, man. Jules didn't sleep with my boo. Oh, give me that phone number, though, by the way. I will. Don't worry. We're not going anywhere. Oh, yeah. We're together.
Starting point is 01:02:52 We're together. We're here. All right. So, Joe, was I what your friends told you? She's eating a bagel. Nobody ever told you that you're not supposed to eat on a microphone? No, I'm sorry. See, I told you, I'm cleanly when it comes to hygiene, but when it comes to other things,
Starting point is 01:03:07 I'm a mess. Do you have blonde pubes? What? What is inappropriate? No, her roots are dark. I'm going to just pretend like he did not ask me that. See what I mean? And that was just to prove a point.
Starting point is 01:03:18 She hasn't answered anything since she got here. Do I have blonde pubes? No. Thank you. What the fuck is so hard about that? Okay. I'm glad I could answer that question for you. Listen, I'm an open book.
Starting point is 01:03:27 You can ask me. You can ask me if I beat bitches. I can't ask you about your pubes? What the fuck is going on here? I mean, it's a little bit more of effect on our society if you beat women than if my pubes are brown or blonde. Well, we don't know that. The society hasn't seen your pubes.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Why does society see it? I'm not hurting anybody with the color of my pubes. Well, no, you know what? If I beat bitches up, I would take it a little more serious. Wait. She doesn't. There's little teeny little bikinis. She has little pubes. Rocky was zooming in on the picture. She knows. I've zoomed.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Did I zoom? I think I might have zoomed, too. Did you zoom? She's zoomable. I might have zoomed. Yeah, because that's... It's okay. Only in pictures, though. No, listen. That would have told me a lot about you if you were posting bikini pics and shit wasn't right down there. Yeah. That's very telling. Come on.
Starting point is 01:04:13 So I needed to make sure. Should we bring back It Might Be Over For Since We Don't Have An Email Segment This Week and We Haven't Done It In A While? Do you have anyone it might be over for? No. She actually has bad frames in her pictures yeah i did have somebody there's no matches on the ground yeah she does have furniture i did have somebody i thought it might be over for damn i don't remember i did too the other day i know i don't remember
Starting point is 01:04:36 we do a segment where it uh we it's called it might be over for and we pick somebody that like a celebrity or something yeah yeah it might be over for taiga no somebody that we think is a rapper. It might be over for Tyga. That's so known that it's kind of been over for. We try to do more timely ones. Something happened recently. She's like, no, no, no. What has happened recently with Tyga is he just got a tattoo on his thigh, which is very thotty and feminist, if you ask me.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I have a tattoo on my thigh. That's for bitches to do. What is the tattoo, though? The tattoo is a quote from Alice in Wonderland. Oh, that's right. Now, Alice in Wonderland was very metaphoric of pedophilia. The actual movie was based off of a young girl that Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland, who he used to sleep with at the age of 14 years old.
Starting point is 01:05:24 So it's really funny that he uses that metaphor on his thigh. I was a caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland, the play. Oh, showing that out there. Also a fun Snapple time. So what was the quote? A lot of weird shit. I say it's over for Tiger.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I think it would really be over for Tiger if he got like a Kylie tat. He does have a Kylie tat. He has her name on him. Yes. On his arm. On the inside of his arm. You know what I will say
Starting point is 01:05:48 is funny though and somebody made this point on Twitter. They say, they said, funny how people pick who they kill. Game is doing
Starting point is 01:05:56 the exact same thing that Tiger is doing. Oh no, he's dead to me too. It's disgusting. But nobody is saying a word to him. Wait, how old is, how old is Games Girl?
Starting point is 01:06:03 I think because she's not maybe as famous. Games Girl just turned 19 and was 18 and apparently Game was trying to get with her at 17, but if you look at the girl How old is Games girl? Games girl just turned 19 and was 18 and apparently Games was trying to get with her at 17 but if you look at the girl India Love she just turned 19. Oh the girl with the big titties? Yes. I saw her on Twitter. He's been dating her since she was 18 supposedly
Starting point is 01:06:17 or allegedly. I feel the same way about anyone that's in their 30s dating someone in their teens I don't care if it's 18, 19. To me, it just says that they need to manipulate a young woman. Yeah, but you know what? I don't want a sociopath. My therapist tried to accuse me of that. I served her ass up.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah, how old was Kaylin? Kaylin was 20 when she landed. Look at you knowing somebody's name. No, I think she was even younger than 20. She's from Miami. No, she wasn't younger than 20. Don't bet she wasn't younger than 20. Yes, I know about her because she came to my party. She was 20 somebody's name. No, I think she was even younger than 20. She's from Miami. No, she wasn't younger than 20. Don't mess. She wasn't younger than 20. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:46 I know about her because she came to my party. She was 20 when she came. That's why she wasn't able to talk on Love & Hip Hop. That's what we're saying. We're saying she wasn't younger than 20. So you can't talk on Love & Hip Hop unless you're 21? No. Kaylin was very young and didn't probably know how to articulate herself.
Starting point is 01:06:59 And she was high and drunk the majority of the time back then. But we all were. Who was supplying those things for her? Jules is the feds. That's a good question. Yeah, alright. I was the initial supplier. I don't know who the supplier was. But I don't drink.
Starting point is 01:07:15 You don't drink. According to Love & Hip Hop, I was the supplier of these drugs. I wasn't supplying alcohol to anyone. Like, I never purchased alcohol. But she was high, though. I think she was high when she landed here. She was more on weed. I was more on pills.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Okay. Like, it was two different highs. Okay. I certainly wasn't purchasing a whole bunch of weed. I was spending thousands of dollars on pills, though. What kind of pills? That was the summer of Molly and stuff like that. Oxy's, Molly's.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I took Adderall yesterday. And I was like, I don't know how the hell people do drugs I don't get it I'm literally I'm like petrified of drugs you only had one?
Starting point is 01:07:51 I've never had any pill ever I'm petrified of that shit I wish I did I mean I wish I did but I don't because I knocked out so much work yesterday that's what Adderall's for
Starting point is 01:07:59 oh my god I was like yo if I do this every day I'm gonna be a millionaire in two months yeah no that's what Adderall's for it's illegal cocaine for Wall Street when I tell you I answered like 500 emails, if I do this every day, I'm going to be a millionaire in two months. Yeah, no, that's what Adderall's for. It's the legal cocaine for Wall Street. When I tell you I answered like 500 emails, I'm not even kidding.
Starting point is 01:08:09 And I'm like, see, now you're branding Adderall. So you were at Adderall and still didn't bag the fine nigga at the club. What a fucking loser. Maybe that was when I was like coming down, you know. But I mentioned, as I mentioned, maybe you ladies can, maybe you ladies can. Oh, another girl moment. Maybe you ladies can relate to this. I don't feel comfortable flirting, like being in a flirtatious situation in front of my guy friends.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Nope. I don't mind. No. I told her that was the dumbest shit I ever heard. And then I accused her guy friends of wanting to fuck. And she told me I was crazy. They all have girlfriends. Although I do get a little worried in front of Joe.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Because Joe would just be the type to be like, yo like Yo ayo fam Maddie's trying to fuck you My man My friends wouldn't say Anything like that But they would kind of like Poke They would be like They would be like
Starting point is 01:08:53 Oh Jules I don't know What are you doing He would like walk up on me And this guy And be like Oh what are you What's going on over here
Starting point is 01:08:58 That's how you gotta slide off You have to figure out a way To just be at the bar Just hanging out by yourself So that a real man Can step up to you I just don't want my guy friends to think about me having sex.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Oh, they think about you having sex. Yeah, bitch. I keep telling her that. I keep telling her that. Surely they think about you all having sex. I talk to my guy friends about me having sex all the time.
Starting point is 01:09:15 But that's okay. You can't control people's thoughts. You have to let go a little bit, Jules. Just a little bit. I don't know. I think I'm getting there a little bit. Let it go. I'm going to put Jules under my armpit. You can have Jen. Let's not turn her out, though. I don't know. I think I'm getting there a little bit. Let it go. I'm going to put Jules under my
Starting point is 01:09:25 armpit. You can have Jen. Let's not turn her out though. I'm not. I'm just going to groom her. I never tried to take Jules. I just want you to know what I'm doing. Joe is very adamant about you guys knowing that he only thinks I look good in pictures. He did not really sign up for DMs and he never tried to take
Starting point is 01:09:41 me. Wait, wait, wait. Let's just go ahead and make sure everybody knows. Wait, wait, wait. None of this is ahead and make sure everybody knows. Wait, wait, wait. None of this is true. None of this is true because we did speak rather late last night. We spoke later than I normally speak to people last night. In the ungodly hours of the night. This is true. While my friend, me and my friend, we were leaving the fucking spot we were at. And my friend has a real sex problem.
Starting point is 01:10:01 He shall remain anonymous. Don't say his name. You don't say. So we're parked in front of my- A friend of Joel's has a sex problem. Do you know who. Don't say his name. So we're parked in front of A friend of Joel's has a sex problem. Do you know who? Yeah, she knows who. She knows who has a sex problem. Someone mouth it to me. So anyway, so we're in my fucking
Starting point is 01:10:14 driveway and fucking homies homeboy is like, man, fuck this man. I gotta get some pussy. I gotta fuck. What? I'm like, yo, you got a serious problem. Like, you gotta be horny because because in the three hour time that we've been together you keep looking at the ugliest bitches number one and number two you don't have to fuck you could just go home right now so then uh i think jules
Starting point is 01:10:39 had texted me right at that time right perfect time and i said oh no before that i said i said to uh i said to uh damn i was about to before that, I said to, I said to, damn, I was about to say his name. I said to do, I said, I don't want to fuck right now. I don't want to do anything of the sort. Then I'm like,
Starting point is 01:10:51 hey Joe. I want to go home. I want to get in my fucking bed. Like, it's too much. I don't want anybody next to me. Like, it's a time to fuck. It's a time not to fuck. This is not one of the times to fuck.
Starting point is 01:11:00 You need to get in your car. You need to go home. You live fucking 40 minutes away. Take your ass home. Go to bed. It's fucking three in the morning. What do you want to do here? And then Jules texted me. I said, hey, great. I'm going to go home you live fucking 40 minutes away take your ass home go to bed it's fucking three in the morning what do you want to do here and jules texted me i said hey great i'm gonna call jules and fucking mind fucker
Starting point is 01:11:09 and he said yeah because that's what you like and how did that work out for you joe um well you're here today aren't you no i did not attempt to mind fuck you then but at that point in the conversation that was my goal you just got saved by Jen by the way but anyway keep going we're going to get into this
Starting point is 01:11:34 before this podcast is over because I think my reputation precedes me here supersedes? I think it's precedes not proceeds so what's the difference between precedes and supersedes Precedes? Precedes? Precedes. I think it's Precedes. It's Precedes. Okay. Proceeds. Not Proceeds. It's Precedes. Precedes.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Precedes. So what's the difference between Precedes and Superseeds? Listen. I'm not. Precedes is coming before. Superseeds is more. Superseeds. I think it's like it advances.
Starting point is 01:11:54 It goes over their head. This is not English. Let's talk about it later. Listen. So I politely asked the girl a question. Uh-huh. Hey, are you gay? She then asked to come on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:12:04 I say, sure sure we'll do an exchange i'll do her podcast too but yet this entire podcast the two of you are trying to make this seem like something else now not once have i uh because i know my friend that's all i'm i'm i'm not trying to i'm just saying no rocky is rocky no rocky keeps and she keeps uh implying yes yes that there's more than meets the eye. I mean, because I know you, Joe. Hey, are you gay? Which means, hey, will you be willing to take my dick or not?
Starting point is 01:12:31 You know, and this is my problem with Rocky. Rocky has known me for quite some time. Rocky and I have never done anything sexual. We've never fucked. She claimed she saw my dick, but it was sleep. So that doesn't count. Rocky, do I just go around and stick my dick in places? Yes or no?
Starting point is 01:12:49 No. Then why do you speak to me this way? Wait a minute, I get that the people... Damn it! Enough with the woman shit. I get that the people that are in your Snapchat and on Twitter, and the people that don't know me, they're supposed to say that because they just think whatever they think.
Starting point is 01:13:05 They don't have any reason to think otherwise. Rocky who knows me knows that I'm not just trying to insert my dick in strange places. I think I have the answer here. Maddie, do I insert my dick in strange places? No, you actually are. You stuck your dick in several strange places. But you are actually pretty picky with your dick.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I'm probably one of the pickier niggas that either one of you know. I would challenge either one of you to find a nigga that... I wouldn't necessarily say picky. I think it's just another trait of your sociopathic traits and narcissistic traits where you use people's bodies as a masturbation tool as opposed to actually having an intimate relationship with people. I fucking love that. What?
Starting point is 01:13:41 This is just getting very deep right now. If you're not masturbating to a body, what would you be masturbating to? No, the body is a tool. It is more so a tool. She's saying you just use the body and you don't care about the soul. Rocky, oh my God. I think I have the answers here. I'm going to tell the truth.
Starting point is 01:13:57 We'll talk on your podcast. I'm going to tell the truth. As somebody who didn't know you personally and wasn't like a fan in the sense that I knew your whole life, I just know you on Twitter, right? You talk about women and sex a lot. So it kind of seems like you might be out here having tons of sex. I'm not saying like that. That's just a general perception.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I will confirm that he beats off more than he has sex. Yo, he fucking loves beating off. Pause. So let me tell you. Let me tell you. Let me tell you. Which is a narcissistic trait. I lost my porn fucking. Whatever. Let me tell you why that is. is a narcissistic trait porn fucking whatever uh let me tell you why that
Starting point is 01:14:27 is narcissistic trait he's narcissistic wait people who beat off a lot are narcissistic i'll explain that to you another time yes all right go ahead the dick is a muscle that needs to be worked out oh my god it is and if you don't work it out it will shrink i cannot put the link to this on facebook. As muscles do. Let me just point that out for the naive listeners out there. This has been the most random podcast ever. That's number one. Fucking, damn it just that fast.
Starting point is 01:14:52 I forgot what the fuck I was about to say. What did she just say? What did she just say? I was just saying that it seems like from general. Oh, okay. I got it. I got it. I got it.
Starting point is 01:14:59 No, let me tell you why that is. I try not to tweet anything of substance very often. Why is that? Because I don't need a bunch of strangers knowing my every thought, my every location, what I'm invested in, what I care about, who I care about. And then adding their two cents to his personal beliefs. So I tweet about a lot of things I could really in real life give two fucks about, like sex. This is what pisses me off about your fans, because they will like and favor and agree
Starting point is 01:15:24 with the most superficial bullshit. Like your fans are like retarded. Well, no, you say. And they only like what he says, by the way, so they hate everything else about like around him. Everyone that follows me is not a fan of mine. Joe says shut up Rocky on Twitter and it gets like fucking a thousand favorites. Why do you favorite that?
Starting point is 01:15:40 Because you need to shut up sometimes. So yeah, that's why that is. But I don't really care about strangers.'s why that is okay but i don't really care about strangers like i told you yesterday i don't care about what strangers think about me i more so care about the people that i actually care about so i'd be shocked when rocky and marissa start fucking just talking about me like i'm a hoe and they be with me and they know that that couldn't be further from the further from the truth i even said to uh jules in her dm i said i know this appears to be, this looks like
Starting point is 01:16:06 I'm shooting my shot. You're very calculated. I'm not shooting my shot. I know when people are calculated. Like, I don't know. Maybe, I don't know. I'm not going to get into it. So I'm alley-ooping Jules to myself at a later date by saying I don't want to fuck you. That is what you do.
Starting point is 01:16:22 You are the king of the ring. Just so you know, I didn't want to fuck you because Jules are the king of the world. Just so you know, I didn't want to fuck you. And that's what guys will do too. That rejection is the greatest aphrodisiac. He's a fucking mind manipulator. First of all, I can't even spell aphrodisiac. That's why he's like, yeah, I saw you from across the street. Because he knows that's going to open it.
Starting point is 01:16:39 A guy will know that's going to open them up more. Like, wow, he didn't try to fuck on the first night. I think I love him. He's really into me. I can't find nothing I'm not going to do for sure. like, wow, he didn't try to fuck on the first night. I think I love him. He's really into me. They know how to play. He's a smoker. And I'm not saying this is you. Where's your boy Rory when you do this?
Starting point is 01:16:50 Yes, three women speaking at once and I can't understand anything you guys are saying. First of all, Rocky, I understand that you think I'm a mutt. I think you're muddy. But some of you know a little better. Mutt tendency. Is pussy a problem for me? Do I really have to do all of that to get some pussy? Like, honestly. No, but I think that's all of that to get some pussy? Like, honestly.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Quality pussy is in question. I think that you don't, I don't think it's a, honestly, contrary to popular belief, I don't think it's a pussy that you care about. I think that you like mental games. There you go. And so, yeah, pussy might not be a problem for you. I like this girl. I told you I liked her. But getting somebody who's going to intrigue you and give you the runaround or keep you up late night on the
Starting point is 01:17:25 phone is something that is not easy to come by. So, maybe... Well, that's not easy to come by. Okay. I don't think it's not easy to come by for me. I just don't think that's easy to come by. I think he's afraid of that, honestly. I haven't met him. Where am I supposed to meet that? Jen! Jen, come over here, Jen.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Sunday. See you here. I don't know if you want to do this to Jen Jen call me first Jewel should come to the fucking party I told her that last night but she wants to go out tomorrow I have a festival
Starting point is 01:17:51 aren't you going to Miami this weekend? on Sunday you got a festival? yeah I'm going to Miami this weekend Saturday I have a festival in DC Trollectro yep lit
Starting point is 01:17:58 you know about Trollectro? yeah shout out my girl Kehlani headlining the festival I fucking love Kehlani she's amazing you love everybody Shut up
Starting point is 01:18:05 I love Kay I'll be in Miami this weekend For the VMAs So I will not Are you gonna be in LA? Snapchat's popping off It's getting me a lot of Very cool opportunities
Starting point is 01:18:14 Yeah I'll be in LA Hit me Yeah girl I'm gonna be there From Wednesday to Monday Such fucking thoughts You can go dot in fucking LA And I have Travis's album
Starting point is 01:18:22 Released in LA Actually on Monday So if you wanna come I love Travis Oh no I in LA actually on Monday so if you want to come I love Travis Scott oh no I would definitely come to that I'm friends with his team oh you know what
Starting point is 01:18:31 I really do I really do you've been in a busy oh my god I fucking love I love everyone you love I love
Starting point is 01:18:39 all the people you love I love shut the fuck up you talk about money by the way what am I saying hey Joey if you guys want to hear the rest of this conversation All the people you love, I love. Check the fuck up with this fucking shit. He's talking about money, by the way. What am I saying? Hey, Joey.
Starting point is 01:18:49 If you guys want to hear the rest of this conversation. I'm with you, bro. Let's end this fucking estrogen festival. Get me the fuck out of here. It's called a clam jam, bro. For the next episode of Podcast on Oxygen, tune into Yes, Jewels, Never Not Working. So I'm going to do your podcast now and tell your fans that I don't want to fuck you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Let's go do that. Make sure they know. They're very protective over me. Ta-da! All right. All right, so that was beautiful. Again, I want to apologize to you listeners out there for all this woman fuck shit. Hey, plug your couples therapy.
Starting point is 01:19:19 When does it come out? Why am I plugging that? I don't want people to watch that. Because that is going to be able to decipher a lot of shit here. No, it's not. It's just fucking Kaylin telling people that I beat bitches up
Starting point is 01:19:29 for no reason. Did you? All right. We'll talk about this on my podcast. Okay. All right. Let's get out of here.
Starting point is 01:19:34 All right. Wonderful. See you guys next week. Okay. Bye. Thank you. Do we have to end with women voices?
Starting point is 01:19:42 Yes. Can y'all just fucking last word. Follow your schoolsall just fucking... Last word. Follow your stools at your stools. Oh, real quick, real quick. Next week, I'm not sure that we'll be here next week. I think next week is when I will play just a bunch of songs for my album. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:19:57 So I don't think we will be... Oh, really? Yeah, so I don't think we'll be here next week. Then I might extend my LA trip to like one day. Okay, let me know though. Joe's plugging the album. I think. Serious moment. You might have to travel? Three serious moments on the podcast. No, I just want to be here next week. I might extend my LA trip to like Wednesday. I think. Okay, let me know though. Joe's plugging the album. I think. Serious moment.
Starting point is 01:20:06 You might have to travel? Three serious moments on the podcast. No, I just want to play my fucking album on the podcast. Okay. All righty. Okay. Like a stream. I like that.
Starting point is 01:20:12 All right, so I'll holler at y'all later. I want to thank Jules for coming by. We really appreciated you bringing some type of seriousness to this podcast. And Jen. I'm here for that. And shout out to Jen. Oh yeah, I need that number from Jen. Bring in Jen.
Starting point is 01:20:20 So listen, can you please confirm that I'm the director of Vibe since you, you know, put, I just made the love connection. That was a Vibe. That was a Vibe. Come on. That was a Vibe. Come on, Joe. Yeah confirm that I'm the director of Vibe since you, you know, put, I just made the love connection. That was a Vibe. That was a Vibe. Come on. That was a Vibe. Come on, Joe. Yeah, that was kind of dope.
Starting point is 01:20:29 That was a Vibe. It was. Okay. All right, let's really get out of here. Bye. Bye.

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