The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 42

Episode Date: December 2, 2015

Misogyny, Mari has a ... story, some other shit, enjoy!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mic check, one, two, one, two, mic check, one, two, one, two, mic check, one, two, one, two. All right, let me know when we are rolling. You're rolling. All right, and we are officially rolling. I'll name this podcast later, episode number 42, I'm assuming, right? Is that right or wrong? Somewhere around there, yeah. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:22 It's somewhere around the 40 mark, but I think it's 42. Austin, do you know? I believe you're correct i'm normally correct yeah austin would know way to go austin way to co-sign me uh i'm your host joe button i have michael roars here with me um good evening everybody and finally i've waited an extremely long time to start a podcast without uh moddy monroe i said good evening like people only listen yeah yeah and we released this i was trying not to say anything about it's gonna let you rock out well it's evening time it's evening time when we're doing it so i i will take it uh moddy monroe uh due to traffic complications could not be here on time. And I certainly was not going to wait for her because it cost more in my parking lot, number one. Yeah, it goes from like 30 to 50
Starting point is 00:01:11 for fucking over an hour and a half or some crazy shit like that, number one. And the only problem, I guess, with Madi not being here is, I know a lot of you, while we have been taping this show, have been dying to know why Marissa is on the show. She should have never texted Start without me.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Unfortunately, when she's not here, it just leaves two extremely misogynistic niggas to ourselves. And that's probably all bad. The fucking He-Man Women's Hater Club now. And two Marissa gets here, she's going to hate women. Yeah, pretty much. I'm in. I'm in.
Starting point is 00:01:55 No, I do want to talk about sports while she's back here, so we can actually have a serious conversation about sports. And it's only right that we start with, you guessed it, Kobe Bryant announcing his retirement. Of course, that's not a secret to anyone unless you've been living under a rock somewhere. And if you did live under a rock, hopefully you have some Wi-Fi
Starting point is 00:02:17 so you can find out that Kobe is retiring. I, for one, am saddened, but I'm happy about it. I'm happy. He had a phenomenal career, if not the second best career of all time. As we see, his body's definitely taking a toll this year. He's not had the second best career of all time. Arguably. Not arguably.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Okay. Who would argue that? He's got five rings. This nigga's with 11 rings. This nigga's with fucking... Individual careers. Okay. Yeah, I'm talking about him. Who would argue that? He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings He's got five rings
Starting point is 00:02:45 He's got five rings He's got five rings Individual careers Okay Yeah, I'm talking about him I'm not talking about a team Yeah, it's pretty impressive I would say Kobe might be up there
Starting point is 00:02:55 He's up there I think LeBron may have him Alright, just LeBron's on his way We're ridding both of our Nick bias here. And I think that's part of the reason that I enjoy Kobe Bryant so much is because as a Nick fan, I spent Jordan's entire career hating him. Hating his guts. I hated Michael Jordan with a passion because if you're a diehard Nick fan, you should hate Michael Jordan with a passion.
Starting point is 00:03:16 It wasn't until very late in Jordan's career where you just had no choice but to respect it. Kobe was a bit different because he was on an entirely different coast, different team, only saw the Knicks two times a year, didn't stand in my team's way of competing for a title. There's a joke in there somewhere,
Starting point is 00:03:34 my team's way of competing for a title. Yeah. Picture that. I wish. But, yeah, so I'm happy. I know everybody wants to talk about his bad Shooting percentage This season
Starting point is 00:03:46 And I think this season Is a wash I don't really think That you should count it I'm gonna put an asterisk To it Yeah yeah yeah You shouldn't pay it
Starting point is 00:03:53 Any mind Define his career Yeah not at all He's too great Too great It's almost a shame That he only has One MVP
Starting point is 00:04:00 But I get it He should have more I don't know what number They're gonna retire For him Eight or 24 MVP, but I get it. He should have more. I don't know what number they're going to retire for him. Eight or 24. My guess is 24. He got more rings with 24, right? He got what, two with eight?
Starting point is 00:04:16 No, one with eight. Oh, they'd retire both of them. Yeah, that works. Well, I think eight is retired period from the NBA. I don't think he can be number eight anymore. Really? I think they got rid of it. Not because of Kobe.
Starting point is 00:04:27 I just don't think number eight is available. Oh, that's hard. Yeah. So, I mean, it wouldn't really matter. Well, why would number eight be available? I don't know. I feel like they did that. Or maybe I'm thinking when the NFL got rid of it, where wide receivers couldn't wear single-digit numbers.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Well, we don't know, and we don't fact-check on this show. No, not at all. Who cares? But I think they should retire both. But what do I know? Lakers not going to listen to me. That's one. Two, I was glued to my TV the other night.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I've been on tour, so I've been missing. I've missed all of my shows. I've missed all important sporting events. But Golden State starting whatever they started, 14-0, right? So eventually these guys have to lose. So last night they played the Jazz two nights ago for you guys. They played Utah. Utah's a scrappy, young, athletic, energetic team with bodies.
Starting point is 00:05:21 They can run up and down. They can play some small ball. They've got Rudy Gobert who can protect the rim. They've got Gordon Hayward who can get his own shot, create for his teammates. They got some talent
Starting point is 00:05:30 over there, Rodney Hood, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And they gave these boys a fight. They were up. And then fucking Steph Curry just became... Steph Curry, I don't really want to talk about
Starting point is 00:05:40 too much, but the point is they won. They're 19-0. And I think they're gonna do it gonna repeat or they're no no no no no no i don't think they're gonna repeat um i think they're gonna be i think they're gonna beat the bulls record i don't know are they on that that away trip currently where it's like like i think this is gonna be a big tell of that and how long they
Starting point is 00:06:06 can last because i mean obviously going on very long away trips can take a toll on a team that plays that quick find their schedule they're on the road right now they had utah on on a team that is designed on energy i don't know how long you can keep that up when you have 12 games on the road in 14 days. Well, they don't have 12 games on the road. They got a three-game road trip. I thought they had some long-ass road trip coming up. Well, that's not here yet.
Starting point is 00:06:38 They're on a three-game road trip. I don't know who they have. That's not the one I'm talking about. But it doesn't matter. They're already on pace to do it. I don't think who they have. But it doesn't matter. They're already on pace to do it. I don't think that they'll repeat because I just don't know if they have
Starting point is 00:06:49 what it takes to really get through the West if everyone is healthy. I like how OKC matches up with Golden State. The Spurs will always be there because I've learned to stop betting against the Spurs. What else has happened?
Starting point is 00:07:06 Who else is over there in the West? The Clippers look like shit The Rocks look like shit The West really ain't shit Nah, tables have turned You got fucking the Spurs, OKC, and Golden State I don't respect the Rockets What?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Alright, Rory See, this is exactly why we need to hire an intern Rory can't even pull up I can't talk and do this at the same time There's a lot that Rory can't even pull up. I can't talk and do this at the same time. There's a lot that Rory can't do simultaneously. Yes, I said simultaneously. Okay, so off that, now that we've got sports
Starting point is 00:07:31 out the way without Marissa, how can we bash women? Oh, I was talking with a woman that was trying to tell. Look how smooth a transition that was. How can we bash women? Well, I was talking to a woman. tell look how smooth with your addition that was how can we bash woman well i was talking to her all right let's hear it i'm in uh she was trying to tell me that women are more interesting than men and here here's where i was a bit drawn back by it. Men being interesting keeps the human race going.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I'm following. A man spends his whole life trying to become interesting, multi-layered, wealthy, so he can fuck women. That just makes him a more interesting person. Women don't have to be interesting. Because, now I'm not speaking for anyone in this room, but we all know men that'll just stick their dick in anyone that will allow them to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Women don't have to be interesting. They just have to show up. So I was thrown back that this woman really thought that women were more interesting than men. Being interesting is our survival. As horrible as that sounds. This isn't mis misogynistic this is the circle of life no it's misogynistic too it's 100% misogynistic and I'm trying to find something wrong
Starting point is 00:08:54 with what you just said this is why me and you can't be in the same I'm trying to find something wrong with what Rory just said yep I can't we have no choice but to be interesting we if we could just fuck without being interesting a lot of us wouldn't be interesting yeah you're right hey i can't argue it she tried you should have invited her here no no no no women do just have to show up that's it you know the type of shit well we become better let me not say men are better people than women that may be going a
Starting point is 00:09:31 bit too far but we become better because of women because we have to fuck them you know if we weren't interesting i don't think there'd be as many people on the earth. Yo, hey, Austin. Hey, remind me. Hey, remind me to never start a podcast with just me and Rory. Do you hear what this guy is saying? And do you hear what I'm just letting him fucking say? You can't. Even if this stuff is true, you're not supposed to say this stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:03 I did have a couple of questions about women. You? I had a few. It's about time. And though there's a woman here, I'm not going to ask her any of these questions. I'm just going to kind of throw these out in the air. Because I was doing my meet and greet at the New Jersey show. Which took fucking forever.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I actually thought I ran through it kind of quick. Shout out to everybody who came out in Stanhope, New Jersey. We rocked out there. Oh, you would have killed,
Starting point is 00:10:34 I'm so glad you didn't turn around while you're performing at NBA. Why? I was getting my fucking dab on. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Don't ever dab to NBA. It's a great dab song. Don't dab dab to NBA. It's a great dab song. Don't dab. No, it's a really good dab song. Why do young people have to dab? Well, I do it as a joke. I don't really do it. Yeah, but what happens is we start doing shit as a joke and it sticks.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Because lit is now in my vocabulary. Lit, we started just making a mockery of. That's how that started. No, 100%. And now I just say it 24-7. There's a few other things I say that started no 100 and and now i just say it 24 7 there's a few other things i say that started as a joke i think me listening to future started as a joke and now he's like the man i love it well i mean i said on this podcast before that future hive was a troll until it yeah that's that's another thing but yeah so i'm doing my fucking meet and greet and all these
Starting point is 00:11:22 girls are coming up and they're telling me their stories or whatever. And we're taking pictures. A few cuties in the crowd too. There were some attractive women in the crowd. I'm always intrigued by women and their sides during picture taking. Oh, yeah, yeah. You're referring to the angles that they need. Yeah, they have a good side and a bad side. Which is why we're way more interesting because we don't give a fuck about shit like that.
Starting point is 00:11:50 But why don't men have that? Because we don't care. Well, no, men are certainly insecure. Don't you try to defend women. Ah, but this goes right back to my first theory about men being more interesting, where we have to play to our personality and what we can offer mentally they have to show up attractive to get the
Starting point is 00:12:10 better man so they're programmed to pay attention to their sides and their angles. But don't they look the same on both sides? Not according to them. They don't look the same on both sides. I'm not saying to us to them they'll find imperfection. Monty just walked in and she looks the same on both sides. I'm not saying to us, to them, they'll find imperfection.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Monty just walked in and she looks the same on both sides. Sorry, part of my appearance. Asia just walked in and she looks the same on both sides. Asia looks great. Do you guys have a side that you take pictures on? Like, what's your side? Asia, that's Jen. Jen, that's Asia.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I do my mole side. Your mole side. Okay. And why is that? I don't know. It's just what I do. She thinks it makes her unique. No, I just, I don't know. It's just what I do. She thinks it makes her unique. No,
Starting point is 00:12:46 I just, I don't know. Asia, what's your side? Your right side. See what I mean? It's just stupid. Women are stupid.
Starting point is 00:12:58 It's not very nice. We were just bigging up women the entire time. I'm sure. The entire podcast. That was how a James face was saying. It was such a feminist.
Starting point is 00:13:09 No, I'm definitely joking. I'm definitely joking. Me and Rory can never start a podcast together again, but this is horrible. Just women bashing each other. Well, when I tell my story at my weekend, you're going to bash women even more because I was a fucking retard.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Oh, yeah. And if people wonder, well, I'm sure they don't wonder, but what me and Joe do when we hang out, it's this. Bash women. I love women, though. But no, when we're together, you guys don't bash. Maybe when we're around, you don't bash. Well, we're both super respectful to women and love women. But we just point out because we pay attention so much to them that we may find flaws quicker than other people do.
Starting point is 00:13:45 And I'd be talking about the hoes. Yeah. I'm not talking about women. I'm talking about the hoes. That's all. Can you take that fucking snorkel off? No, I'm sweating. You have an Oakland scully.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I know. Let me just paint the picture. You have an Oakland scully, a brown snorkel with red hair chucks and why is Asia here? Asia cause she's an intricate part of my weekend
Starting point is 00:14:12 Asia Asia looks like she's dressed like Raheem Devon's girlfriend yeah like who are y'all right now the hat right the fucking hat
Starting point is 00:14:21 yeah she's bugging for those that don't know who Asia is she's on the beginning of Love, I'm Good. I want to know why she's here. Because she helped me do my... You don't have the authority to invite guests here. She helped me fail miserably.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Unless I'm not here. Well, here she is. But I'm here. You are here. And so is Jen and so is Asia. She put a GPS on your winter jacket and here I am. What'd she say? She put a GPS on your winter jacket and here she is. It's she say? She put a GPS on your winter jacket and here she is.
Starting point is 00:14:46 It's a hoodie, by the way. Where is it? It's a hoodie. Oh, that. That's not a winter jacket, Asia. She doesn't know, see? Anyway, are you telling us a story, to me, a Rourke and Bash woman?
Starting point is 00:14:56 Okay, yes. I was really retarded. So as I told you guys. You were really retarded. I still might be. Okay. I was on a dating app, right? And I met this one guy off it who works
Starting point is 00:15:07 for an airline and he was really nice I didn't know if I really was feeling him that much we were texting can I time out during a story yep you can
Starting point is 00:15:14 how do you know this guy's really nice I'm just saying through text I don't really know but this is my point well this is he did me a favor so that's why he was nice
Starting point is 00:15:21 he was trying to help me so serial killers sure do a lot of favors fuck the fucking war okay but this that's irrelevant that's why he was nice. He was trying to help me. Serial killers sure do a lot of favors. Fuck the fucking war. Okay, but that's irrelevant. That's literally irrelevant to the story.
Starting point is 00:15:29 That's exactly how you bait people to get into a truck. I didn't go fucking meet with him, though. I never met him, right? So then, we're supposed to have a date this past Saturday
Starting point is 00:15:36 out in New York or something. He's all excited about it. So you have a date with a super nice guy that you don't know. This past Saturday, yeah. How the fuck are you supposed to get
Starting point is 00:15:42 to know people, dummy? You go on dates with them. God. Anyway, so, then, this past Saturday yeah how the fuck you supposed to get to know people dummy you go on dates with them god anyway so then I was on the phone with French on Friday he was like
Starting point is 00:15:51 yo I miss you haven't seen you in a minute no I'm just this is an important part of the story he's like I'm in St. Louis today I'm in Atlanta tomorrow
Starting point is 00:15:57 why don't you come out with me and then we're taking a sprinter back to New York blah blah blah blah blah and I'm like ah you know it's already Friday I can't catch a flight
Starting point is 00:16:04 to St. Louis I was like maybe I'll come to Atlanta. And he was like, yeah, you should. It's DJ Holiday's birthday. It's me. It's 2 Chainz. It's Ty.
Starting point is 00:16:10 It's all of you people. I'm like, word. So I didn't want to tell this guy. Heard Ty. Time, time, time. Did you say word? I did say word. No, you didn't.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yes, I did. I say word all the time. Can I see it? Can I see it? Show me the word. We were on the phone We were literally on the phone Oh okay
Starting point is 00:16:26 So then I'm like Alright well I can't cancel this date To go to a random Atlanta party Like he's gonna be like Bitch why? And I wanted to ask him For a buddy pass And I didn't wanna say
Starting point is 00:16:35 Just to go to a random Fucking party Let me get a buddy pass To skip our date To go meet up with rappers Exactly So I text Asia Cause she just
Starting point is 00:16:43 I tweeted that I wanted to skip town, and she tweeted me back like, oh, you know, where you want to go? And I text her like, Atlanta. She's like, I'm in Atlanta. That works out great. I'm like, perfect. I'm already honing. I know, I know. Tons of family. I know.
Starting point is 00:17:00 It's crazy you mentioned it. I'm with French tie. Two chains. Asia, when did you get back from Atlanta or wherever you were at? Sunday. When was Thanksgiving over? Thursday. Thursday. So you stayed.
Starting point is 00:17:12 With her family. Oh. Yo, Asia is like the mystery hoe. I'm telling you. Asia is a fucking hoe. But I can't prove it. Yeah. She's the OG. I'm telling you, but I can't prove it. Yeah. She's the OG.
Starting point is 00:17:26 I'm telling you, man. Her and Rocky together? Yeah. Oh, it's some fucking ancient hoe stories between the two of them. No, when she was telling us going down to your Philly show, she was telling us some OG, OG hoe stories. She's got some OG bulls, too. Asia. Yes, what is that?
Starting point is 00:17:41 She the queen of this shit. Wow, she's the queen, so clearly she. And that's another thing that's funny. This is what's funny. Can I finish the story? Time out, though. Time out, time out. Asia tells all of her whole shit to women.
Starting point is 00:17:52 She don't tell the guys. She told Roars. She told me. I must be a bitch. Well, it wasn't... Who would have been said you were a bitch? No discovery there. Nobody ever said that.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Nobody said that. Yeah. So sometimes it pops up randomly. Oh. It calls said that. Nobody said that. Yeah. So sometimes it pops up randomly. Oh. Okay. Yeah. So. What are you saying, Marissa?
Starting point is 00:18:10 So then I'm texting Asia. I'm like, all right, I really want to fucking come and I'm going to ask him for this buddy pass, but I need a good reason. So give me like a really famous Atlanta person and I'm going to say I have to interview them and it's a big moment for my career. She's like, oh, Rich Homie Kwan. I'm like, bitch, that's not somebody you go to Atlanta for. So I was like, Usher. Change my career. So like oh rich homie kwan i'm like bitch that's not somebody you go to atlanta for so i was like change my career so i was like usher boom so i
Starting point is 00:18:28 text him i'm like yo you know is it possible like tomorrow you could get me a buddy pass to atlanta like i know it's last minute and i know we have to cancel our date but we could do it sunday i got to come right back i got this huge opportunity to interview usher it's going to be really huge for my career so you're using your career to lie. Well, wait, wait, wait. It's even deeper than that. You're using your career to lie for a flight? Yep. I really didn't care about our date, and I wanted to just go party.
Starting point is 00:18:55 So, moving on. He was like, okay, cool. He's also a fucking sucker. So he gets me the buddy pass, right? How old is this gentleman? I don't even know. I didn't know him that well. We just know he's a really nice guy. Yeah, well, he got me the buddy pass, and we never even is this gentleman? I don't even know. I don't, I didn't know him that well. We just know
Starting point is 00:19:05 he's a really nice guy. Yeah, well, he got me the buddy pass and we never even met. All right, carry on. So he's like 28, something like that. So he gets me the buddy pass
Starting point is 00:19:12 and he calls me in the morning like, did you get on your flight? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I got this earliest flight like 6 a.m. And I'm like, yep, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Because you'd be thirsty, all right. Well, no, because you have to go on the first one because buddy passes are standby. In my story,
Starting point is 00:19:22 it's because you're thirsty. So I get there at 8 a.m. and Asia's asleep and my other homegirl who lives there, she's like, Wait, wait, wait story So I get there at 8am And Asia's asleep And my other homegirl Who lives there She's like Wait wait wait Why is Asia asleep at 8am
Starting point is 00:19:29 Her family should be there She was out till 5am In the strip club Wait wait wait Wait Wait no no What time out me right now But wait
Starting point is 00:19:37 I'm so confused I thought your family Was in a strip club With you My Her cousin That and that A couple of my cousins Yeah Her bros was in a strip club with you. Her cousins? That and that. A couple of my cousins.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Her bros were in the strip club. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Her homies. One of my... I know. We got it, Aja. We got it, we got it, we got it. So you were saying.
Starting point is 00:19:56 See how fast bitches just lie? So then I text my girl Emily. I'm like, you know, what time can you come get me? Because I was going to be staying with her that night. And she was like, oh, I can't come until three. I got to go to some game with my boyfriend's mom you're reliant on mad people i know i am i know this is ridiculous so i'm just like ah okay fuck it i'll just stay in the airport blah blah blah but then eventually she wakes up and she's like yo come to my family's
Starting point is 00:20:14 house whatever so as i'm going there i had already posted my ticket on instagram and somebody commented like cracking the fuck up you're just going for the ty dolla why are you posting a ticket i do that shit every time why are you questioning me can i tell my story in peace i know no no no i just want to know because women do that and then they put like the little plane emoji like hoes literally what i did but why i'm just showing what i'm doing it's my instagram it's what i want to do it's my page all right why would you put up a video laughing with eating cookies with just blaze who cares right it was funny no it wasn't funny it was funny um so i go over to asia's house right but so somebody had commented cracking the fuck up you're just there to see the tydallos sign concert and i guess he was like
Starting point is 00:20:56 stalking my page so i don't know if he looked up the flights at delta or whatever but he texts me like yo you're not gonna go and interview usher this is tydallos sign concert tonight you're going to that and i was like no no what do youlla $ign concert tonight. You're going to that. And I was like, no, no, what do you mean? And then he was like, I see Tyrone Griffin is on the LAX flight right now. And I was like, holy shit. How does he know that?
Starting point is 00:21:13 Who's Tyrone Griffin? That's Ty's real name. He's like looking up the Delta flights. He's on the LAX flight. Yeah, he was leaving LAX to Atlanta. What does that have to do with you? Right, that's what I'm saying. So then I fuck up, right? Because I got so fucking nervous
Starting point is 00:21:24 that I'm like, oh, nah, that's also Usher's manager's name I don't know why I said that Like that was the worst lie Wait, but why? I'm confused Wait, this is like a I hate young people Wait, wait, wait, hold on
Starting point is 00:21:35 Let's backtrack Okay Why did he look up Ty's name? Because he had a concert out there? Because somebody had commented on my Instagram Like you're just going to Ty Dallas Yeah, homeboy was on her Instagram But why would you reply
Starting point is 00:21:45 to him and say that's Usher's manager I don't know where wouldn't you just say what random name did you just search on to fucking lie
Starting point is 00:21:51 right I don't know why why why right and I'm like he doesn't even listen to hip hop like that I should be straight he's not gonna question it after I say that
Starting point is 00:21:57 and he was like yo you're fucking lying like Usher's manager has a concierge service with Delta that's not his name and I was like oh my god
Starting point is 00:22:04 this is bad. This is horrible. I'm just confused. He just spat out a random name to you, and then you just said, it's Usher's manager. I guess he looked up Ty's real name. Well, yeah, I'm sure it's not a random name he blurted. I'm sure he did his due diligence.
Starting point is 00:22:18 No, no, no. I'm saying, but if she wasn't lying in her sense, like, okay, you just said some random guy is flying on Delta. So it's, man, easy to catch thoughts and fucking lies. So, yeah. So they're like, so still. So you wait, wait, wait. I'm with Aisha at this point.
Starting point is 00:22:33 So you had a coach. Yeah. And you were bad. So I'm telling them like, oh my God, this is, they're like, just stop. Just stop. You're in too deep. I'm like, no, I'm going to keep going. Now I got to win.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Now I'm angry. And now I got to fucking win this argument. Wait, wait, wait. Time out. What? What are you angry about? Because he's proving me wrong. Wait.
Starting point is 00:22:46 I'm getting caught in my lie. What the fuck? What the fuck? No. This is an argument with a woman in a nutshell. I was getting mad that I was getting caught in my lie and I was determined to not get caught, right? Let's just say that one more time slower.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I was getting mad that I was getting caught in my lie and I was determined to not get caught. I was going to get out of this. All right. For the people that missed that, she was getting mad that she was getting caught in my lie and I was determined to not get caught. I was going to get out of this. All right, for the people that missed that, she was getting mad that she was getting caught in her lie by a dude who was kind enough.
Starting point is 00:23:14 He's a nice guy. We know he's a nice guy. Who was kind enough to just arrange her travel. Yes. Doesn't know her from a can of paint. Literally doesn't know me. She's mad at him.
Starting point is 00:23:23 So here we go. So I'm like, yo, Asia, here's the plan. I'm'm gonna change your name in my phone to tyrone griffin wait time out asia why are you still letting marissa dictate what the plan is at this point listen there were four other females in this house who told her to stop can i get the names of these four females who are these women my aunt fatima oh your family my aunt fatima my cousin naima all right so your family all right so your family i got it who told her to stop however she wanted to keep going so as a good friend even though every step of the way i said you should not be doing this i assisted her in the whole let me get to the next part this is what it gets worse i'm
Starting point is 00:24:04 still trying to wrap my brain around the usher man i don't know why i'm trying to wrap my brain I assisted her in the whole way alright let me get to the next part this is it gets worse I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the Usher I don't know why I fucked it up I'm trying to wrap my brain around this entire story so I changed her name
Starting point is 00:24:10 on my phone to Tyrone Griffin and I'm like email me right and put R-E and I'm sure you put the phone name too yeah I did
Starting point is 00:24:16 instead of trying to act casual about it and just put Tyrone so I had to do R-E interview 12 whatever date the date was so I had her email me
Starting point is 00:24:24 like hey Marissa I made her spell my name wrong. I made her sign it TG. I made her say that she was landing at 8 p.m., all this other shit. So then I replied so that I could doctor her email address to make it like T. Griffin, blah, blah, blah, and to doctor the time to make it the night before. So then she replied back to me so we could doctor it a couple more times. And we had like a four email thread. Am I wrong for thinking that Marissa's an idiot?
Starting point is 00:24:45 Am I wrong? I'm just committing's an idiot? Am I wrong? I'm just committing. At this point, I'm just committing. Honestly, because sometimes I feel bad. Like, damn, I'll be going home. But then she tells these stories. This is a great story, too. I'm glued.
Starting point is 00:25:02 The suspense is killing me here. They're all like, oh, my God. So I screenshot the email. I sent it to him. I said, I hope you feel stupid. And he just wrote back, okay. So I'm like, boom, got him. So I go about my day, right?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Like four hours later, I left Asia. My homegirl came to get me. We go over to the concert. So y'all balling. No, well, we separated now. So now I'm with my boy. He got me in the show. All right, so you balling.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah, and French didn't get there yet. So we're waiting on him, and I'm with my boy he got me in the show all right so you ball yeah and french didn't get there yet so we're waiting on him and i'm with my home girl and um so we're at this show and a fan from the podcast sees me there and he tweets like yo did i just see marissa mendez at beer and tacos and i guess he was searching my mentions at that time of course so he texts me like you're not interviewing him you're at the concert and i was like no i'm not and then the fan found me and took a picture with me right so he tweets it but i still was like, no, I'm not. And then the fan found me and took a picture with me, right? So he tweets it,
Starting point is 00:25:47 but I still don't retweet it. I'm not touching it. But he just, he looked at your mentions and then you took a picture with the source after saying you weren't there. So then I'm like,
Starting point is 00:25:57 all right, all right, I got this. I have a three-year-old photo. Wait, no, no. We're not going to just browse over that minor detail. You're quote unquote hiding from this kind man. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I know, I'm fucking up left and right here. And in your brain, the way to hide is to take a picture. I mean, I didn't tweet it, so I didn't think you... With the source. So then... Well, let me help you really quickly. I know I fucked up this whole thing. I fucked the whole shit up.
Starting point is 00:26:23 You fucked up a long time ago in this story. I fucked up everything. No, I think her you really quickly. I know I fucked up this whole thing. I fucked the whole shit up. You fucked up a long time ago in this story. I fucked up everything. I think her parents fucked up. I don't blame any of this on Marissa. Listen, when you... And I love her parents, too. Listen, but when you go to your Instagram, that little icon... No, it's not on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:26:42 It's on Twitter. He's checking Twitter. The guy that took a picture of you posted it where? On Twitter. And this guy and the guy I'm talking about from Delta. Oh, all right. So that's even easier. He just gets to click his name right there.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah. Go to his media and see what's going on. But the guy on Delta didn't even follow me, so I didn't even know he knew my Twitter. So I guess he's in my shit, right? So then. But you did know that. Earlier in the story, he was in your shit. No, my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:27:04 That tells you he's in your shit. Yeah, but not my Twitter. It's two separate things. Bitch, no, it's not. What are you talking about? What do you mean? If somebody's in your fucking Instagram, they're in your Twitter too. How?
Starting point is 00:27:15 Go on, Marissa. It's the same. And if he's researching that much into Instagram, I'm sure he's- Listen, we can explain it to you. We can't understand it for you. Anyway, so then I sent him this three-year-old photo of me and Usher that I made black and white because I was just trying to commit to this, right? No, don't take her mic.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I want to hear the rest of this. No, no. I want to hear the rest of this. No, no, no, no. We have to stop this insanity for a second. Let's just all- We need a quick recess. Let's just all gather ourselves. Wait, wait, hold on.
Starting point is 00:27:56 We'll tell the key points when Maddie gets the mic back. I keep thinking that the story has reached its climax in terms of just just fuck shit stupidity and like idioticy and i'm wrong actually i'll take it one further than that every time i think that i have seen it it all from Marissa. And what makes this worse is you had an older woman, one who I don't think Asia's stupid at all. No.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And I think Asia's been in these streets and I don't mean that in a whole way, but she's been in these streets. I don't think, Asia's actually far from stupid. So for you to have a coach She was gonna go along with it. The least I could do was help her get some of the details right because she was going to
Starting point is 00:28:50 do it with or without me. So at least let me make sure Usher's not tweeting from Germany. At least let me make sure he has the same hairdo. She's going to give him the picture anyway. Madi should have done that before she asked for the buddy pass. Listen, I think I'm hearing things wrong.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Before I took your microphone away, right, did you say that you took a three-year-old picture with Usher and made it black and white? And at this point, Maddie is thinking in her head, I'm killing it right now. Like, I got him now. Oh, wait, because Jen wants to chime in. I'm sure her hair is the only thing that looks different in three years.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Let me see the picture. And our fans will see it because that is going to be the artwork. I already decided in my head. Let me see the picture. Let me see. Let me see. Come on. see let me see come on i gotta find it all right well you find it so um i'm blown away i sent him the picture right and i'm like anyway so i'm about to interview him now i'll talk to you later what time at night is this it's like
Starting point is 00:29:56 6 p.m oh he's got mad time to learn wait all right they're looking at the picture. I wouldn't roll with it. No, no, no, no, no, no. Let me see. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 00:30:12 I sure don't even look like that. What are you talking about? What are y'all talking? Wait. Wait. When did you take this picture? October 2012. But where?
Starting point is 00:30:23 Oh, in Philly Oh Well wait How long was your buddy pass? From Friday Or Saturday Saturday morning to Sunday morning Okay okay So it was
Starting point is 00:30:33 Alright I wasn't I was thinking maybe you could be like No I'm interviewing him tomorrow Yeah no I already fucked that up So I sent him that But that's when he sent me back The fan photo He's like that's not even the outfit
Starting point is 00:30:42 You're wearing right now And I'm like Oh god damn I'm just I'm fucked And then I'm like, oh, goddamn, I'm just, I'm fucked. And then I was like, I changed. That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I said, I changed for the cameras. Then boom, he bust out three year old photo from my Instagram. He went all the way back to 2012 to pull that shit. At that point, I waved the white flag. He was like, your buddy pass is canceled tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, ooh, this is bad. This isn't good. So then. No, not so then. Not so then. Let's take another brief pause. So.
Starting point is 00:31:24 The photo that you used to trick this man. so the photo that you used to trick this man I didn't think he would go that far was readily readily available for public viewing on the Instagram that he's already said
Starting point is 00:31:38 he's been on I know he's already admitted to you that he's been on your Instagram and your Twitter. It's a few thumb motions. It's not that hard to find it. I have 1,500 photos. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Time out. Because I think. All right. Let me school women to something really quickly. Three years is not that far to go back for men. A lot of photos. Not really. I can get back to 375 weeks ago in 10 swipes.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe. At every single photo. Look at every single photo. I don't have to look at every single photo. How would he know that was from October 2012? Usher doesn't even look like this now. That's why. This is obviously not current.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I never saw the physical picture. He looks like Usher. I don't really know what he looks like now. So we happen to be sitting at a table with my boy, his friend. And I don't know what his friend does for disposable income, but he was like, yeah, you need a flight back? And I'm like, yeah. He's like, I got you right now. I'm like, I'm not even gonna ask questions.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And he booked the flight, and I had a flight home the next day, and we went out, partied, and that was literally it. There's literally no more, I'm not leaving out a part of that guy booking me a flight. Like, he, I don't even know his name. He literally booked me a flight, screenshot the shit to me, showed it to me.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Are you supposed to be interviewing someone in New York, according to him? No. It was literally, he was just, I don't know, like I said,
Starting point is 00:33:11 I don't know what he does, don't care, don't want to know, but I had a flight home. I got home in one piece at a decent time. I got home at 8 p.m. the next day.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Boom. Squad picked me up from the airport and I made it home. We went to the club that night, met up with French. We had a great fucking time. Got drunk. It was great. I'm home now.
Starting point is 00:33:27 I blocked him from my phone, the Delta guy, because I lost that. There's no coming back from that. Clearly, he's a stalker. Wait, what? Why is he a stalker? Wait. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:33:44 Time out. You know what's really funny about this? wait what the fuck time out time out time out time out time out you know what's really funny about this this is what's this is what I figured it out
Starting point is 00:33:50 Rory listen I figured it out listen to this Madi texted us and said to start the podcast without her yes
Starting point is 00:33:58 you and I started with sports that was some boring bullshit and then we were looking for a way to show our misog boring bullshit. And then we were looking for a way to show our misogynistic ways, right?
Starting point is 00:34:09 And we were a little lost. Mahdi comes in and gives us all, and Asia, and gives us all of this ammo to hate women. I told y'all it was going to make it worse. I think I figured out why Mahdi's on this show.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I have. To continue our misogynistic ways? Yes, yes. Because we hate her. Maybe we're not misogynistic. Maybe we're conditioned by Madi in this podcast. Maybe we're the victims. What?
Starting point is 00:34:43 We would just try. And this would be my problem with women. This be one of my problems. This always has a problem. This be my problem with women. Reason 15,435. Not just women, right? But people in general.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I do believe that people in general, everyone should have that good, good friend. I think that everyone needs a good, good friend. The good, good friend is the person that should tell you when you fucking shit up. I mean, Asia told me, but she was like, I'm going to help you regardless. That's what friends supposed to do. After you just said that entire story and then said, I blocked him, Asia chimes in with, yeah, because clearly he was a stalker ass nigga Like what?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Are you that stupid too? 154 weeks Jen agrees Asia are you that stupid too? I'm just I know you're not that stupid I'd like to believe That you are not that stupid
Starting point is 00:35:39 Again I did not agree With anything that she did However You're the reason she did it all. No, no. You the nigga that said, yo, I'm in the A. It's lit.
Starting point is 00:35:50 So that's my fault? So all of this is because of me? You could have prevented some of this. If I know Rory is a killer, and I say, hey, Rory, I'm over here in Griffin. Come through. And Rory comes through and kills someone. How is that your fault he's an adult
Starting point is 00:36:05 it's my fault I invited the fucking killer I know he's a killer you know Madi is uh is a special word that I don't really know
Starting point is 00:36:15 right now well I know the word but I love her so I won't say it you know Madi is whatever the word is special is a good one special
Starting point is 00:36:22 but wait can I alright alright and I'm done with'm done i'm curious why i just want the guy's name no well i'm gonna ask i'm sure he he listens to this podcast oh yeah he's going to no no no no no i want you to email i'll name this podcast later at i want to get your telephone number and i want you to call we want to interview you no no no no yes we do no he's not gonna come no You don't run shit on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Fuck you. No, we are not talking to him. We ain't homeboy. Nope. You email us. Me and Michael Roars would personally like to interview you. Because maybe he's hurt. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:36:58 I'll name this podcast later at But wait, listen to that. She don't give a fuck. This guy that's done nothing but get her a flight. She's curs listen to that. She don't give a fuck. This guy that's done nothing but get her a flight. She's cursing him out. I don't understand. Well, I'm also confused
Starting point is 00:37:10 that their confusion of his behavior to scroll back that far. Obviously, a guy that just gives you a ticket without meeting you is a bit strange to begin with.
Starting point is 00:37:19 So why is his strange behavior surprising you? I don't think it's strange. I don't think it's strange. I don't think it's strange at all. They're think it's strange. I don't think it's strange at all. They're saying it's strange. If I buy a bitch a ticket, which I'm a real ass nigga.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Well, let me know. I won't go there. But if I get a bitch like a buddy pass, I'm risking my job. You damn right I'm checking to see what she doing. Well, you're a fucking idiot
Starting point is 00:37:42 for just putting a stranger on there with your job. No, he's not. Yes, he is. No, he he is no he's not i'm defending him after the fact but he could have avoided this whole thing if he didn't just fucking say be a mutt and be like yeah i'll fly you down there listen knowing good and well if you're gonna go interview us or they pay for your fucking ticket but i don't i don't know that he knows that he He's not in the business that we're in. He may not know that. He works for fucking whatever, Delta, wherever the fuck he works for, number one. Number two, if he wanted to fuck Marty, that goes back to what we were just saying before Marty got here.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It does, yeah. If he wants to fuck Marissa, he's giving her the ticket. He's trying to be interesting for Marissa. I'm not knocking him for that. I'm knocking him for trying to be interesting for Marissa. Because nobody should ever be trying to fuck Marissa. Thank you. But, yeah, I'm not knocking him.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I got to talk to him. I want to talk to him. I do. Through the whole time, my aunt kept calling Marissa the crazy white friend. And then when she found out that her last name was Mendez, she became the resourceful Spanish girl. Did he like any of your photos in the midst of this? Did he like? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I wasn't posting anything in the midst of it. Well, he was scrolling. Maybe he liked something. Oh, no, he didn't. I got to find his IG and Insta DM him. No, and he blocked me on Instagram, too, after this. Is there a way for us to find him? Yeah, we got to find him. and I blocked him on Snapchat before that I do think he's going to listen to this podcast though
Starting point is 00:39:08 100% he listens to this podcast we got to interview this guy we definitely got to interview this guy what's his number I don't know I deleted the whole shit I'm going to text him we can always steal Marissa's phone I told you i deleted the
Starting point is 00:39:25 whole thing he's like i never i just want to be around for the day where you don't behave like this i don't behave like anything like it's cute now and it's kind of funny now but it's sad and shameful and no it's nasty i could change it anytime i want they can't i just want to have fun what was fun about that story? That was mad fun. It was crazy. Wait, wait, wait. Holy shit. You might need more help than I thought.
Starting point is 00:39:49 You and Asia think that that was you guys' idea. It was funny. That's not what I'm debating. That was you guys' idea of fun? I spent the weekend in the house. I didn't even go to the concert or the party. Flying somewhere that you just flying somewhere to go to a party. Okay, people do that all the time.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Yep. And flying right back. People do that too. That sounds like fun. You're right. Yeah. Okay. Not having the means to fly somewhere.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I had it. I just don't want to spend it. No, you didn't. Yeah, I did. I don't want to fucking spend it if someone else is going to do it for me. Then you didn't have it. How? Because if you didn't want to spend it. No, you didn't. Yeah, I did. I didn't want to fucking spend it if someone else was going to do it for me. Then you didn't have it. How? Because if you didn't want to spend it,
Starting point is 00:40:29 you ain't got it. No. I'm being cheap. Then you ain't got it. Okay. Nice logic. That's really great. Yeah, that's my logic.
Starting point is 00:40:36 You ain't got it. If you don't want to spend it, you ain't got it. If you can't afford to do it twice, then don't do it. Don't do it once. If you didn't want to spend it, you don't have it.
Starting point is 00:40:41 If you don't want to spend it, you don't have it. When you have it, you spend it. Rich people don't want to spend their money all the time. Yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Rich people didn't want to spend it you don't have it if you don't want to spend it you don't have it when you have it you spend it don't want to spend their money all the time yeah like wait whoa whoa whoa whoa rich people don't want to spend their money yeah like you sound crazy like other people's money exactly chance they get so i don't understand what so would you like to have this conversation because if you're comparing marissa getting a buddy pass from homeboy
Starting point is 00:41:01 rich people have money that they spend what i'm comparing they also are afforded free shit from everywhere probably because of who they are what i'm what does that have to do with if you don't want to spend it then you don't have it i'm not comparing rich people to marissa what i'm comparing is people who have money that they can spend on something but choose not to. If I don't have to, why would I? Many people who have it won't do it if they don't have it. I'm going to zip this
Starting point is 00:41:34 one up really fast. What tax bracket is Marissa in? Yes, you do. See how fast this conversation gets quiet? What does that have to do with anything? If you have to guess what tax bracket Marissa's in What tax bracket
Starting point is 00:41:47 Is Marissa in Exactly So anyway So listen So You go out there Not on your own dime Great
Starting point is 00:41:58 Now You lie To cover a lie To cover a lie To cover a lie To cover a lie To cover a lie And all of the lies is bad.
Starting point is 00:42:05 All of them. Horrible. And now you're stranded in Atlanta. Nah, for like five minutes. She got it, though. Yep. You should have told him that that was your homegirl texting from your phone. What?
Starting point is 00:42:17 That got me out of a few lies. That never works. I don't know how that line worked for you. I don't know how you got it right. I don't know how that line worked for R. I don't know how you got away with it. I don't know how that line worked for Rory. It could have worked for him. I want to be able to use that line and it work. My homeboy had my phone and he was texting.
Starting point is 00:42:34 I've seen that line work at least three times. Yeah, I don't understand how anyone believes that. It works still. That line has expired like a decade ago. Especially if all your friends have phones and they know it since T9 texting
Starting point is 00:42:47 women out there it was somewhat true there was some evidence there so that's why I got away with it and when is a nigga ever texting from another nigga's phone ever in life
Starting point is 00:42:57 right like what would be the purpose maybe their phone died you're a good dude maybe the phone died I tweeted from someone else's phone before so I guess that could happen
Starting point is 00:43:04 one that's married and lives with his wife Maybe the phone died. Maybe the phone died. I tweeted from someone else's phone before, so I guess that could happen. One that's married and lives with his wife texts from his man's phone. But he would text his wife. No. What? Oh, and he's cheating. And you were going to go interview Usher. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Joe is now doing laps around the studio Why are your pants so tight? Because Joe dresses like a 20 year old now My pants being tight makes me dress like a 20 year old? No you just do in general Just take the fucking joke It's been going on for a week Anyways My pants are so tight right Because joke. It's been going on for a week. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:43:46 My pants are so tight, right? Because fucking Jen. Oh, that's not nice. What'd she say? That you're getting bigger. No, actually, I'm not getting bigger. Smarty pants. But Jen fucking flies into town, right? Jen from Tampa.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Did you have someone to interview, Jen? No, Jen? No. Jen was here on business. And what happened? Did they pay for your flight? So Jen flies up here and I
Starting point is 00:44:18 see Jen and because Jen knows that I love fucking just comfortable shit, she starts telling me about some shit called fucking Lululemon. Have you ever heard of Lululemon? Of course not. I've never heard of Lululemon. Have you ever heard of Lululemon?
Starting point is 00:44:31 No. Of course not. I won't ask Maddie. I'm sure she's never heard of Lululemon. So she's talking about this Lululemon shit. Of course I don't know what the fuck Lululemon is. I'm thinking she's on some Tampa bullshit, right? So she says, oh, no, it's the best shit in the world.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It's like she works for fucking Lululemon. No, it's the most comfortable shit in the world. It's amazing. You'll fucking Lululemon. No, it's the most comfortable shit in the world. It's amazing. You'll never want to buy anything else. And I'm like, eh, whatever,
Starting point is 00:44:48 shut the fuck up. But fine. So then we go to a mall. Garden State. I'm always in Garden State. Yes, you are.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I'm in Garden State so much that I have this entire mall memorized. So then she starts saying, I bet there's a Lululemon in here. I'm like, nah, it's definitely not a Lululemon in Garden State Mall. And I said, I have this whole mall memorized.
Starting point is 00:45:13 There's no Lululemon. She said, well, it's not a little symbol like you never see a little red thing with a little upside down looking you? I'm like, nah, it's over for that. So then she does what no black person would ever do ever. She goes straight to the directory. And what's right there on the directory?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Lululemon? Lululemon. And to add insult to injury, you know where Lululemon is? Right next to the Apple Store. Oh, damn. Do you know how many times I'm in the Apple Store?
Starting point is 00:45:38 Yeah, but if you don't know what it is, you're not paying attention. So you wouldn't even know. Now, the way this store looks, I have seen it before cause I always I look at it and I say
Starting point is 00:45:47 why does this store look like that like it's just stupid it's not gonna attract anybody to come in like it's covered in gold like it attracts scammers
Starting point is 00:45:55 I'm sad that they don't have like a lemon symbol sorry it's covered in gold they got like really whack faggot shit in the window so nice
Starting point is 00:46:03 um aka your outfits for the past week yeah nogot shit in the window So nice A.K.A. your outfits for the past week Yeah No, no, not in the window So anyway, we go in there And she throws me these fucking sweatpants I'm like, alright, these are great She said, no, you gotta try them on
Starting point is 00:46:16 To see your Lululemon size As men, we don't try things Oh, it doesn't look like Lululemon It looks like Lululemon I think I typed in the wrong thing No, that's it Oh, that is it? That's it Oh, that It looks like Lululemon. I think I typed in the wrong thing. No, that's it. Oh, that is it? That's it.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Oh, that does look like a faggot logo. See what I mean? You guys are not. No. Lululemon Athletica. But anyway, so I go in the dressing room with these sweatpants. Now, Jen is fucking just throwing mad shit over the thing. Try this on, too.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Try this on. How does this look? Hey, here's a shirt. Look at these pants. Do you like this color? Here, take these. And these are some khakis and they're really comfortable.
Starting point is 00:46:48 And I'm now trying shit on. I'm the guy that's trying shit on and walking out of the dressing room to show my mom. to show my mom. Hand on the hips and shit. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah, that's what I'm doing. You're that guy. I'm that guy. I think I'm the only guy in the store at this point. And Jen is just standing there looking like she's a boss. Coaching you. How about this?
Starting point is 00:47:10 So after an hour. No, turn around too tight. Go back. After an hour in the fitting room. And she's like, what is this shit? What is this shit you fucking said? She said, oh, you're getting really good deals on this. And this is on sale.
Starting point is 00:47:24 And this is on sale. And everything is on sale. and this is on sale and this is on sale and everything is on sale and everything is on sale it's a sales let like she's very excited so I'm like alright I'm excited right cause now you're like
Starting point is 00:47:32 I got a deal I gotta get this so she takes all of this shit and when I say all of this shit it's a lot of shit puts it on the register
Starting point is 00:47:41 now I'm a man who likes nice things but you ain't got it, I'm a man who likes nice things. But you ain't got it. But I'm saying, I kind of know, you kind of know when something is going to cost.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Like, when I told that story about me going to Atrium and I went for the two hoodies and the cute girl was at the fucking front desk, I knew that that had the potential to cost something because I'm in Atrium. But I'm in Lulu fucking Limit. So how much could some sweats and a hoodie cost? Oh, and to add insult to injury,
Starting point is 00:48:11 she was supposed to be buying my damn sweatpants. My one pair of sweatpants that we went in there for. But anyway, to make a long story long, they ring the stuff up and she says,
Starting point is 00:48:21 okay, sir, that'll be $845. Jesus. Marion. Joseph. up and she says okay sir that'll be 845 dollars so i turn around look at shit like you got a really good deal wait how much was it a lot it was like 750 he could have flown you to atl and back some shit like that. Right? $750, $850 for some fucking sweats and shirts and a bunch of shit. That's all very nice stuff, by the way. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So, I was in the game at that point. Yeah, there's no turning back. There's no turning back. I'm in the game. I didn't want to be. I'm in the game. I'm at the register. It's rung up.
Starting point is 00:49:07 There's a pretty girl next to me. and the girl at the counter is like, Alright sir, how would you like to pay me that? You sit there, giving me a card, shaking it. I don't want any of this shit, and she shouldn't have brought any of this shit over here. So I pay for the shit. You didn't even pull the, that's not even my size, let me take this one back. Wait, no, no, I had a plan, I had a plan. Listen, listen, listen, listen, I had a plan, I had a plan. This is my plan, in my head.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Is it like Madi's plan? No. My plan will never be like Madi's plan. So I pay for this stuff. And we have these bags and we're leaving. And in my head I'm saying, well, I could always just go return this stuff. When Jen leaves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 By myself. Oh, that's why you were so upset when you burnt the hole through them i was trying to figure out why you were so mad no wait wait wait so so that was my plan in my head what does jen do the first second that she gets that we're not in a vehicle she rips all the fucking tags from inside the fucking sweatpants and the shirts and the tea I've never seen this I've never seen the panic in my heart when I'm looking at her let me put him in the washer-dry. Wait. So then I looked at her and all I could come up with was, why are you doing that? Why were you doing that?
Starting point is 00:50:32 Because I hung everything up in his closet for him so it wouldn't be all wrinkled. Because he was like literally wanting to wear it immediately. So I hung everything on hangers and put it in his closet. Oh. Very efficient, Jen. I wanted to wear the outfit that I went in there for, which was sweatpants and a sweatshirt. And the tags that they have, oh, I ripped this one out already. But the tags that they have in the back are, like, really long and skinny.
Starting point is 00:50:54 So, like, they're itchy and long. So, you have to, they're like tear-away tags. So, you tear them out. So, those are the tags. See, I thought you pop your tags when you go to wear your outfit. That's what I do. But. No.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Y'all talking about popping the tags this is like she popped the tag the thing the label she popped the label of the shit so i want to shout out to uh and then i burnt a hole in my fucking brand new fucking sweatpants yeah sweatpants that i couldn't understand he had a cigarette That was not ashed Hanging out of a window Going 45 miles an hour With his leg up And the ash went through So how did that even happen?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Like You had a cigarette In your hand And you had on sweatpants And the window was open I can't quite figure out Why you can't quite figure out Why the fuck
Starting point is 00:51:40 You know what Shut the fuck up First of all Anybody ask me Your fucking opinion Number one Number two I've been smoking for 20 years. I don't just have, I'm not the smoker that has like the cigarette holes in his clothes.
Starting point is 00:51:52 All this shit smells like a big cigar in Newport. My fucking whole house stinks, cars stink. I'm not that smoker. So I don't live that way. That's not a normal occurrence. It's fine. I believe you, bro. But anyway, so when I burned a hole in the sweatpants, I took them right back.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Oh, they took them? They checked your Instagram and saw that you wore them. Or did you tell them you got them like that? Listen, I took the gray sweatpants that I had already worn three days in a row because I was going to get my money's worth out of these pants. Right. I took the gray pants and the black pants were really a wrong size. So I put them together.
Starting point is 00:52:31 I folded them up and we went back to fucking Lululemon. Right. And I think I was by myself at first when I was talking to the lady. So I said, hi, I'd like to exchange this for a different size. And he said, all right, well, do you have the receipt? I'm like, no, I'm like to pretend this. I'd like to exchange this for a different size. And he says, all right, well, do you have the receipt? I'm like, no, I don't have a fucking receipt. But I have the card that I paid for it with. She's like, nah, we don't do that.
Starting point is 00:52:51 You need a receipt. I'm like, huh? But Jen put the receipt in the bag. So the lady said, oh, here's the receipt in the bag. I said, it is? Oh, great, it's lit. All right, so we got the receipt there. And she says, then she said where are the tags
Starting point is 00:53:06 and i said uh uh i don't have the tags but jen put one of the tags in the pockets the black ones so they were still there so then she was only doing me like one favor so that made it all right so I exchanged the shit and these are the pants. See? Look. Great. Nice. They're wonderful. They're beautiful. They're the most comfortable pants in the world. So these are like my $900 pants. I'm going to wear these pants all year. All year long. I don't know what else I bought. It's all hanging
Starting point is 00:53:36 in my closet but these are the pants that I'm wearing for the next two years. You bought this? I did buy this. I bought this hoodie too. No, honestly, they do have some really good shit in there. I do. But I'm done for my life. I was going to say that.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Wait, and then the girl had the nerve to fucking say after she gives me this whole big hassle about exchanging the shit. She says, wait a minute. Oh, I gave her my card. She says, wait a minute. You're Carlos Boozer. No. No, Rory. It's not what she said.
Starting point is 00:54:04 She said, wait a minute are you like Joe Budden like a white girl I said no
Starting point is 00:54:11 oh cause that was about to make my day really cooler I hate when people you should have taken that into play yeah
Starting point is 00:54:18 well that too said Joe Budden she wanted to know if I was that Joe Budden cause you look just like him and that's your name. No. See, that's where I would have used my fake fame to help.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Because you wanted to return the shit, all of it, and didn't have certain things. Oh, okay. I would have been like, yes, I am. That's like when... Why do you say that? It happened to me. What can you do for me? Pump it up.
Starting point is 00:54:41 No, no, no. Want me to rap right here for you? That's like when me, Johnny, Lux, Amani, it was a few of us. We went to Roscoe's, right, on a Sunday morning. Oh. It was packed outside. The wait was like 30 minutes long, 40 minutes long. So we put our name on the shit and we stand outside just kicking it and hanging out, right?
Starting point is 00:55:03 And the guy who's in charge of letting people in, he walks by and says, Yo, my man. Ain't you? Yep. And I'm like, nope. Yes, the fuck I am. I said, nope. He says, you sure, man?
Starting point is 00:55:15 You ain't on that show? No, not me. You look just like him, boy. Shit, if you was smart, you'd have said something. I'd have let y'all niggas right in. I said, oh, fuck. Yeah. And I walked over to him five minutes later hey didn't want to make a big deal about it but if that table's ready no i told these niggas i'm just used to dealing with like fuck niggas who will charge you for some shit and then want to take a picture oh my god
Starting point is 00:55:42 like nah fuck you so i was used to that and i fucked it up but we got in we ate we had a great time wonderful at the spot the night before they knew who you were too they were sending over cotton candy letting us ride the bull oh yeah i failed miserably at oh yeah adam that's a fucking comedy sketch that's what a recovering addict gets sent though he doesn't get bottles sent over to him well they sent me the cotton candy because i got like all excited that they sent it to another table because I'm five. Was there sparklers in the cotton candy? No, it was just
Starting point is 00:56:09 It sent Marissa cotton candy and Marissa was going to ride the electrical bull at Saddle Ranch in LA. Okay, I've never been. Well, they have an electrical bull that's like a tourist attraction where people go there and they ride the fucking shit. Marissa lasted for all of,
Starting point is 00:56:25 a millisecond. Literally. They pressed start and I was just on the floor. But wait, you know how the guy that controls the electrical bullshit,
Starting point is 00:56:35 the electrical bull, right? Sometimes he wants you to stay on for the beginning. Right. She fell on that part. Like, he leant the bull forward slowly and she fell i only know this because i had like half a cigarette left outside so i was watching the
Starting point is 00:56:54 progress i was like all right they just started so i could take this last pull and get in there and when i took the last pull she was gone like so you wanted me to go again i was like i'm good play i'm good i Play, I'm good. I was going to go. I actually did really good on that thing before. Did you? Yeah, but then all my friends called me a faggot, so I never got on it again. But why do you have to take it?
Starting point is 00:57:15 I did really good, and they have one in New York, in Midtown. I did really good. They do have one in Midtown. Oh, and on top of that, we did Escape the Room in LA. Oh, my God. That was fun. Didn't we talk about this in the podcast? Did we? Yeah, we did a whole LA podcast. Yeah, last week. And even the cover art was Hollywood. Didn't we talk about this podcast? Did we? Yeah, we did a whole LA podcast.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah, last week. And even the cover art was Hollywood. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't get to say I was mad about it. You were mad at Escape the Room? Why? Because you left me.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I left you? Y'all all left me. Oh, you didn't do it with us. I didn't do it with you guys. Why? What were you doing? I got kicked off the tour, remember? Her friend?
Starting point is 00:57:41 I got kicked out. Oh, yeah. Your friend was whack my nigga It was wild What happened? Asia brought around some This is the one that Monty was sleeping with in the car?
Starting point is 00:57:51 Yes Okay Asia brought around some I can't really call her whack Because I didn't see her be whack Like She was perfectly fine to me But
Starting point is 00:58:01 I guess on the way back from Oakland Oakland That's why I wear this hat She wore out her welcome in the car with Imani and Johnny. You know how much of an idiot you got to be for Johnny to not like you? Like, Imani doesn't like everybody. So I wasn't really paying him no mind. But when Johnny and Brandon don't fucking like you.
Starting point is 00:58:22 They're the most peaceful, nice people ever. They love everybody. Yeah, like Brandon likes people. I fucking have no idea why he likes these fucking people. But he does. Yeah, it was a really nice switch up. Well, what did she do? She just switched up.
Starting point is 00:58:35 She had her feet out. She had her feet out. Very unaccommodating and just being an asshole. She was too familiar too fast. Right. Okay. Just being an asshole She was too familiar Too fast
Starting point is 00:58:43 Right Okay She was too familiar And too fast And too Dickheadish With people She didn't know
Starting point is 00:58:51 Despite them asking her repeatedly That it makes them uncomfortable Can you please You know Imani Imani has a thing with feet Oh yeah So Imani's the one driving She got her feet
Starting point is 00:58:59 Right on the fucking Console in the middle First of all You shouldn't do that period Even if that's your friends She did that in Karan's car too And I was like Okay This is uncomfortable So I think Imani asked her console in the middle. First of all, you shouldn't do that, period. Even if that's your friends. She did that in Karan's car too and I was like, okay, this is uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:59:08 So I think Imani asked her, hey, do you mind? Can you move your foot? Or somebody did and she just kept her foot there. And then Johnny even tried to compromise.
Starting point is 00:59:15 He's like, how about you just move it halfway back just so we don't see it in our peripheral. She was like, why? Then I heard she was trying to DJ. She had the aux cord at one point.
Starting point is 00:59:23 She felt really entitled. Felt like somebody was supposed to buy her some shit. She was smoking on niggas weed and wasn't sharing the weed she had. Oh yeah, Johnny was upset about that. It was bad, it was bad, it was bad. Why you bring that whack girl up? That was going to be my next question. She's never been that whack. I've been friends with her for 10 years and she's usually really on point with everything
Starting point is 00:59:41 or else I would never have brought her around because Lord knows I don't want to hear about it for the next however many days. She's from Harlem? No, she's from Chicago originally, but she's been living in LA for a while. And I don't know what happened, but she just had this switch up and it was just really bad. Shout out to my Chicago barber. Which I did address her about after I just didn't want to do it in front of people. You know what I'm saying? I didn't want to check somebody in front of everybody. I was hoping that we had a minute alone to do that and that never happened
Starting point is 01:00:08 until it was too late. But I did address her about it. Oh, she did tell me to tell everyone that she truly and sincerely apologizes. Not that that means anything at this point,
Starting point is 01:00:17 but I definitely did address it. No, I love when people apologize to me for shit that I don't know what they did. So I'll take it. Tell her that's fucking right, man. Don't ever let it happen again either.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Alright, no, that's dope. I was trying to defend the girl, but I really couldn't. There was nothing to defend. She was wrong. Yo, so now that we've got that out the way again, New Year's Eve is right around the corner. I feel like the year has flown by.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Amateur night is approaching. Christmas is around the corner, but who cares? Everybody, it's a beautiful holiday. I love Christmas. Family time. Not me. I'm Muslim. No, you're not.
Starting point is 01:00:56 On Christmas, I am. This motherfucker has God's work tattooed on his hand. I'm Muslim-adjacent. Wait, what'd you say? This motherfucker has God's work on his hand tattooed it says Allah oh
Starting point is 01:01:08 no it doesn't well I mean if you do like this if you flip it you just don't get it and lick it from the side and why do you stitch like that
Starting point is 01:01:17 you got Jesus right there on your arm yeah you have Jesus Christ on your arm that's a lot too every way and I got Jesus
Starting point is 01:01:23 right here on my neck see told you that's a prophet in the Muslim religion. See? Told you. No, the only reason I... That's your bitch. I noticed that. First of all, Royce, stop looking at my body.
Starting point is 01:01:31 No, no, I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why I know that. Because I saw the fucking... I was trying to figure out if you had Wale's... If you had Wale's W or the baseball team's W. I was like,
Starting point is 01:01:41 why does Joe have that W on his hand? And then I had to look at it to read it. I would think it's the baseball W. Yeah. And I know you're a Yankees fan. That's a cross on your other hand too, right? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:52 That's the one that Buddha was crucified on. Right. Joe, shut the fuck up. I'm not a big fan of, not that I'm a big fan of Christmas. I'm not a big fan of traffic. And on Christmas, well, around leading up to Christmas. You sound like a fucking Scrooge. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Leading up to Christmas, there's traffic. I know my mom was putting Christmas trees up in my house until I was 13. And I was like, Ma. You don't like Christmas trees? I just put up my tree last night. But you're four years old. That's why. I bet Jen is going to decorate.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Are you decorating for Christmas? We really don't need a Christmas tree. She's a Scrooge, gonna decorate we really don't need a christmas tree she's a scrooge too we really don't need a christmas tree you give me one fucking gift you put it under the tree and then i gotta take this big ass tree now and clean this shit up like so we've been off that since i was like 13 and i have a little fake tree and like me and my mom are good to each other all year round so we don't really care about like doing that on christmas per se i don't know i think it's just a nice day to just be with family and to each other all year round so we don't really care about like doing that on Christmas per se. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:46 I think it's just a nice day to just be with family and appreciate each other even more than every other day. I kind of try to do that every day too. I know. To me, Christmas signifies
Starting point is 01:02:55 the end of eggnog season is near and I need to go and buy all of the eggnog from the white people. And pasteles. What's that? Pasteles.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I'm not going to do that, but yeah. Only make it around Christmas. Yeah. So what is everyone's New Year's Eve plan? I'm saying this now because I just want to,
Starting point is 01:03:17 I like to have it documented what people's plans are and then how their night actually goes. I'm going to church. That's what I do every year. Joe's reaction is a bit surprised
Starting point is 01:03:32 to paint a picture in the room. He's looking up at the sky with his mouth open. Joe seems a bit thrown back by what Marissa just said. She's going to church. I think she said that. There's nothing wrong with going to church. Yes. I think she said that. Going to church every year.
Starting point is 01:03:48 There's nothing wrong with going to church. Going to church is great. And I go with my best friend and her lovely family. It's about the other days in the year. I go fairly often to church. Living Word Christian Fellowship, Neptune, New Jersey. I can't wait to see you at the Pearly Gates. It's not very nice. You're going to have
Starting point is 01:04:07 mad explaining to do. Yeah. I have a great relationship How do you answer for these things at the Pearly Gates? What things? I live a wholesome life.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Well, that's exactly what I'm talking about. The wholesome life. Yeah, I have one. I think you missed the word play. Yeah, you're saying wholesome. I'm saying wholesome. Yeah, I'm talking about all're saying wholesome. I'm saying wholesome.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Yeah, I'm talking about all the wholesome shit. Am I hurting anybody? How do you know that guy wasn't hurt? Oh, please. Do we have to do Bevel today? No, not Bevel. We have to do FanDuel. We're still working out the contract for Bevel.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Good segue there. That was clean. Well, we already talked about sports. So I guess we can just move on to FanDuel. We didn't talk about the Patriots. The Patriots fucking lost. Believe it or not, I'm somewhat happy about it. Just because the pressure of an undefeated season is now gone
Starting point is 01:04:56 and we can all focus on the Panthers. Oh, what pressure. Did we talk about Kobe retiring? They already had an undefeated season. I know. They just lost in the Super Bowl to the Giants. Because they always lose to the Giants. Well, no.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I think I said to you before that I thought they were going to lose to Denver. So I wasn't really too surprised when that happened. Yeah, we just didn't think they would lose to Denver with fucking Brock. I was at your show in the back on my ESPN app flipping the fuck out. Yeah, but I think they got robbed. I think the pass got robbed. I mean, I only watched the highlights because I was watching you. Well, I saw the replay of the officiating, and some of the calls, oh, man.
Starting point is 01:05:35 My pops was texting me and kept saying, we're getting fucked. We're getting fucked. I was like, all right, something bad must be happening. Yeah, they were really getting fucked on the calls, but whatever. How was the last show? Really good. Yeah? Sold out, right?
Starting point is 01:05:49 Really good. Yeah, sold out. But fucking, it's just a weird venue over there. Where is Stanhope exactly? Like, what is that by? It's on 80 Exit 28B. Like, Mahwan shit? It's by Ford.
Starting point is 01:06:02 It's just past Patterson. It's like you're going to Patterson. It's by's by Ford it's just past Patterson it's like you're going to Patterson it's by my wands it's mad past Patterson no it's just the only landmark I know
Starting point is 01:06:10 so like northwest what's that big ass mall in Rockaway not Queens Rockaway mall maybe that's what it is it's right near that weird town
Starting point is 01:06:21 is it Rockaway mall I don't know I just made that up and he agreed sounds legit it's in Rockaway and it is a mall so J it Rockaway Mall? I don't know I just made that up And he agreed Sounds legit It's in Rockaway And it is a mall So
Starting point is 01:06:28 A J's Rockaway Mall That town looks like They do a lot of heroin Oh that's nice It looks like a really Like meth town That's beautiful
Starting point is 01:06:34 What the What is going on In the universe That's what it looked like To me You guys are just Offending people Left and right
Starting point is 01:06:42 Oh but the guy That calls stuff Faggot That's not offensive. Oh, real quick before we do this fucking, oh, no, we can do this first. Fine. Oh, wait, also, quick PSA, it's World AIDS Day. Well, yesterday was, now whatever.
Starting point is 01:06:53 It's what? World AIDS Day, so please go get tested and know your status. Thank you very much. That was all. You done? Yep, that was it. Because I already did my AIDS testing rant like two weeks ago, so. Just a reminder, get tested.
Starting point is 01:07:06 It's free. Thank you. Okay. I'll do it tomorrow. What? Get tested. It's good to know. It truly is.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Listen, as long as all my bitches are alive, I'm cool. No, that's not the barometer to go by at all. That is the least. That is not how it works. Yo, what's that Chris Rock joke? What's that Chris Rock joke? What's that Chris Rock joke where he calls every bitch? Ah!
Starting point is 01:07:29 Yo. Even Austin's like... That's horrible. That is really horrible and then it's not a barometer at all. That is really... Don't listen to your favorite rapper, folks. Do not go by that.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Yo, as long as he's got a call, all your bitches... Yo, you good? Yo, you alive? Crazy. All right, cool. You can take it. You got your doctor are like, yo you good? Yo, you alive? Crazy. Alright, cool. You got your doctor tested? Alright, dope.
Starting point is 01:07:47 What's that Chris Rock joke where he calls all his bitches during the in-between of his AIDS test and is like, is Tammy there? Nah, Tammy's dead. How'd she die? She got hit by a bus. Go Greyhound! What were we doing before you started With this positive shit Maddie gets really like
Starting point is 01:08:06 It's something with STDs That like triggers her Mental health You don't say What are you talking about I'm talking about I'm talking about Equality
Starting point is 01:08:14 Like you're random You're picking one thing That I'm going off on No it just seems When Joe wasn't here You went off on it before Because you were talking about Fucking bitches with no condoms
Starting point is 01:08:22 Like that shit is cool It's not cool It is pretty cool It is cool What the fuck are you talking about Y'all are so What you were talking about fucking bitches with no condoms. That shit is cool. It's not cool. It is pretty cool. What the fuck are you talking about? What is Florence talking about? It's not cool. What's better than cool? Can we think of an adjective?
Starting point is 01:08:37 You're right. It's not cool. It's like amazeballs. Okie dokie. Alright, alright. Come on, come on, come on. Maddie got some shit. She did do get pretty sensitive, right? When you start talking about that shit like that.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I'm just noticing. No, I'm just I care about real fucking issues and people like really maintaining their health and health goes with mental health, equality, all that shit is in one.
Starting point is 01:08:57 I'm really, you know, people need to keep their shit together. And if we have a platform like this, I like to use it for the greater good if at random times. No, use your platform for the greater good.
Starting point is 01:09:07 This is for fuck shit. We don't want to talk about the greater good over here. Well, that's why I gave y'all my Usher story and then I capped it off with getting an AIDS test. This podcast was started just for fuckery. It wasn't to be positive. This afterwards. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Yeah, we have to. We'll do the FanDuel and then we'll... Cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, cat, baby, baby, baby. Oh, cat, it's on. All right, let's do FanDuel. You want to play against me and my we'll... Cat, cat, cat, cat, cat. We gotta talk about this. Baby, baby, baby. Oh, cat, it's all about you. Alright, let's do Fanduel. You want to play against me and my fantasy football this week? Join my league on Fanduel. It's real easy.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Head to slash button. Just pick your player, stay under the salary cap and sit back on Sunday and watch your team rack up points. That's slash button to join my league and the spots fill up fast so make sure you get in before it's too late. I've won a couple of dollars on fan duel here and there but i'm more like a bad losing streak um so i'm not going to talk about my own personal experience too much but you can go to slash button yeah man i don't know what's going on it's just so fucking unpredictable
Starting point is 01:09:58 but i guess that's the point um special offer to new users for every dollar you deposit fan duel match it with up to200 That gets earned as you play That's a bonus of up to $200 Offers only good for the first 50 people That sign up for my league So Shout out to FanDuel Keep rocking
Starting point is 01:10:15 Word With that said Cat, cat, cat, cat, cat Yo Cat, cat I love her too Cat body, baby No, we love cat
Starting point is 01:10:22 That's why we have to do this Baby She needs to hear this This is gonna hurt us more than it hurts you, boo Baby, baby, body, baby. No, we love Cat. That's why we have to do this. She needs to hear this. This is going to hurt us more than it hurts you, boo. Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. Baby. I had the same thought in my head too. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Baby. Oh, I'm going to have to play that now. Why are there pictures circulating of Cat in a project hallway with a mink on and some Aldo boots? Oh, baby. And a bra. It seems she was conned into the Instagram photography of, I got an idea for a shoot. And then you end up naked in a project hallway. Thoughts on this?
Starting point is 01:11:01 Thoughts on this. Hi, Marissa no you're not supposed to read it out loud oh alright well y'all talk oh well anyways Kat
Starting point is 01:11:11 we do love you to death we think you're better than the project hallway photo shoot maybe do the Miami hotel room photo shoot and we'll start from there
Starting point is 01:11:19 oh the Miami hotel room it's a classic or scroll for the names or that one photographer that has a link to a studio and you can do the white psych one where you put on black panties and it's a classic or or that one photographer that has a link to a studio and you could do the white psych one where you put on black panties and it's the same put it
Starting point is 01:11:29 in black and white you could start there but the project hallway i think you are above that or even frank antonio and do the clock that they all do i just think kat at this point she's been uh on her little instagram thing for yeah she's cute got a great Got a pop in IG. I think she's above the Project Hallway. Do you think she was sitting in piss? No. Because there's a chance she could have been. She wasn't sitting in piss. I'm going to do that to Kat.
Starting point is 01:11:56 We like Kat and we care about Kat. I know. This is why I'm saying this. But Kat does a lot of stupid shit. The Ian Conner shit was one. All right. What are you going? I was just. The Ian Conner shit was one. All right. I was just talking about sitting in piss. Now you're naming names.
Starting point is 01:12:09 That was common knowledge. I'm not telling a secret. Shit, I didn't hear about it from her. I was online. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Now I'm looking at this. Y'all keep talking.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Damn, you read slow as hell. No, I'm looking at something. Oh, they provided the trailer y'all are supposed to be talking to them alright anyways Asia give us your backstory on all love lost love I'm good cause everyone asks me everyday
Starting point is 01:12:35 who it is on twitter ladies and gentlemen the one and only Asia hi guys you're welcome thank you for that Joe just asked me to come into the studio and talk to Hi, guys. You're welcome. That was beautiful, right? Thank you for that. No problem. I don't know. Joe just asked me to come into the studio and talk to people about what I thought love was. And, of course, they-
Starting point is 01:12:54 You realize you didn't know it? No. Well, what happened was, again, I know what love is. I've grown up in a household full of love. Ooh, beat drop. But we just went back and forth. They were asking me a lot of different questions. So we were in the studio for a while.
Starting point is 01:13:08 So a lot of that is all cut up. So it's just not one continuous thing. They cut a lot of things up into that. Joe's really enjoying his trailer. I'm trying to figure out why you decided to watch a trailer in the middle of recording a podcast. Marissa handed me this fucking bum-ass trailer, right? For this shit
Starting point is 01:13:25 that I will never go see. But, so this is called 50 Shades of Black. Why did you hand him a trailer in the middle of recording a podcast?
Starting point is 01:13:33 She handed me an opportunity for some people to come to the podcast and interview shit, but whatever. So I was reading shit and this is for,
Starting point is 01:13:38 it's a movie coming out apparently, Marlon Wayans movie called 50 Shades of Black. Oh God. Is it one of those fucking scary movie dance movie
Starting point is 01:13:46 yeah I think they're doing like a spoof a spoof but remember my take on Fifty Shades of Grey was that if that guy
Starting point is 01:13:53 wasn't that guy he'd have gone to jail so that's what they're doing so they got Marlon Wayans acting out someone who sees it's a whole different feel
Starting point is 01:14:04 he gonna go to jail I paused the trail acting out someone overseas. It's a whole different feel. He gonna go to jail. I paused the trail. I don't even see the end. He running through the park. He done snatched the bitch purse. Like, he gonna get fucked up at the end of this. But, yeah,
Starting point is 01:14:16 we can talk about that off air. What are y'all's... Hey, Austin, where we at, man? Yeah, what's... 74. 74? Yeah, that's not too bad
Starting point is 01:14:25 Nobody told me Marissa told me She was going to church For New Year's What are you doing For New Year's I'm not going to Convince you that
Starting point is 01:14:31 But I was partying Alright Asia what are you doing Some whole shit Not going to tell us Normally I'm out of the country But this year On the buddy pass
Starting point is 01:14:39 Wait wait wait You see how funny women are I said Asia What are you doing For New Year's Eve this year But Why is she telling me about what she does? I've been out of the country, but this year it's nice to do something different. I just stay home
Starting point is 01:14:58 If you have a house party, I'll probably be there I'm moving party I'll probably be there I'm moving damn that day that was funny cheapest moving company good thing I have that GPS in your jacket
Starting point is 01:15:13 damn man that's the same damn movie I'm a dick man I hope the traffic is not bad with me getting the fuck out of here
Starting point is 01:15:24 oh it's a nightmare hopefully next week Rory can remember what traffic is not bad with me getting the fuck out of here. Oh, it's a nightmare. Hopefully next week, Rory can remember what it is. I looked to him over the weekend and said, hey, remember this topic so we can talk about it in the podcast. And then we come to the podcast today and I ask him. He says, I have no idea. So when that happens, text the group chat. Yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah. Even if no one replies, just note to self, blah.
Starting point is 01:15:41 That way we'll be all in the progress. No, because on the low, I get mad when nobody replies. Well, I'll write back, okay, just for future reference. I'll do that. All right. Yeah, what was that? Where's my phone? Jen?
Starting point is 01:15:54 Where's my phone at, man? It's probably in your back pocket. Jen, whatever you see as man's was texting. It wasn't even him. Why? Are you going to go to the podcast chat? Well, first of all, yeah, I'm trying to. That mad text. Oh, it's y'all to go to the podcast chat? Well, first of all, yeah, I'm trying to. That mad text.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Well, I sent the podcast. We all stay when that fucking happens. Oh, look at Britt. Britt is coming to New York on the 13th. Hey, Britt. Hi, Britt. On the 13th? Am I going to be on the 13th?
Starting point is 01:16:19 What is all the shit you put in the group chat? The email, so we can discuss, and the cover art. Oh, yeah, like when I hit y'all last night and said, what time is the podcast tomorrow? Right. And everybody- But Rory replied when he woke up. I knew he was sleeping. I saw it last night, but I didn't have an answer for him.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Yo, yo. Whatever, man. I guess. So that's it, ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to get the fuck out of here. I want to go see that movie Creed. Oh, yeah. I didn't want to see that movie Creed. Oh, yeah. I didn't want to see that movie, but I keep hearing amazing things about it.
Starting point is 01:16:49 From women. I didn't even know that Michael B. Jordan was her name. I don't know if I can handle fucking Rocky Barboa at this fucking age. It's not about him. He's like a big character. Yeah, but I have to listen to him talk. You know Michael B. Jordan is from Jersey? Dork?
Starting point is 01:17:02 I didn't know that. I didn't know that either. It's also a great thing to support. Do you know he was also murdered in The Wire for being a snitch? That's cool but that's... What are we just going to blurt out random Michael B. Jordan? Did you know that his mom's name is Jen?
Starting point is 01:17:16 I didn't know he was in Hardball until I watched it when it was on cable recently. Is that the movie with G-Baby? That's the one with G-Baby. I watched a movie Called Hardball Yeah it came out When I was in 9th grade So you must have been
Starting point is 01:17:27 In like 7th grade It had the Illest soundtrack With Lil Zane Lil Wayne Sammy on the track Like come on Dogs It was all these
Starting point is 01:17:33 Little kids that played baseball I'm gonna talk to you guys Next week listeners You guys can stay here Talk about Hardball I'm gonna get going Alright I'll name this podcast
Starting point is 01:17:43 Later episode Number 42 Yeah 42 Austin Great job you did today ball. I'm going to get going, all right? I'll name this podcast later. Episode number 42. Yeah, 42. Austin, great job you did today, bro. Great hair. Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. You're the man, man. All right. It's lit. Bye. Bye, guys.

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