The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 57

Episode Date: March 16, 2016

Episode 57! A lot of healthy conversation, how our SXSW prep has been going, some quick therapy, living in your 20's, Karrueche, and much more! ***We're LIVE this week at SXSW, March 19th! tickets are... available at*** Use code "JOEFREE" to get your first month free at Sleeper Songs Of The Week: Joe: Marcus Canty "Stay In Love" | Mari: THEY "Back It Up" | Rory: NAO "February 15 EP" |

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Bevel, the first and only shaving system designed specifically for coarse, curly hair and sensitive skin. Shave smarter and say goodbye to razor bumps with Bevel. Check out today. Use code JoeFree to get your first month free at That's How you doing? Rory Lanes. I really love that name.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Like, really, kudos on that. That was good. Yeah, Rory Lanes and the Greek End are my two favorite names. Can I have a celebrity of Jay's name? You're not dope enough yet. There isn't one that's like mine either. And if it was... There probably is one out there.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I mean, if I really rack my brain yeah but uh no i'm a professional oh god what is wrong with this gentleman please feel free whatever is whatever your preference Who is this guy? Please. I don't know you today. Everyone feel at home. All right. What day do you go?
Starting point is 00:01:14 Nice little mellow podcast today. Stop smiling. You're making me smile. What day do you go down? Smiling's contagious. Stop it and answer my question. I'm smizing. Why do I know that word?
Starting point is 00:01:30 That's like one of those words where, oh, wait, are we recording? Hey, just hit record, man. Yo, why do I know the word smizing? I don't know, and I've never used it ever in my life. Yes, you have. That's a lie. That 100% is a lie. If you shorten words like delish, what's the other bullshit
Starting point is 00:01:49 you shorten? Century. You shorten a lot of bullshit, Marissa. Yeah, I do. It's pretty enjoyable, actually. I enjoy it a lot. Rory, do you know
Starting point is 00:01:57 what schmizing is? Why do you have one sleeve? Oh, you're doing both. You know, he's trying to do the classic white guy, gentleman shit. Show a little bit of the sleeve. I can't say I know
Starting point is 00:02:04 what schmizing is. So you've never heard the term schm a little bit of the sleeve. I can't say I know what shemizing is. So you've never heard the term shemizing? I think I have. I couldn't tell you the definition of it unless you used it in context. Roy's lying. Are you Irish? How long have we known each other? Are you excited about it?
Starting point is 00:02:15 All right. All right. I'm done talking to Marissa. All right. So we are live. I will name it. Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Wait a minute. Oh, there we go. Oh, I was doing a mellow podcast. I didn't even check my shit. Mic check. Mic check. Snap. Everybody get a quick snap of the fingers.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I'm doing something new where I'm recording all the pre-show bullshit that we go through. Yeah, no, I think we should. Yeah, I think so too. We lose a lot of gems with our pre-show bullshit. Yeah, I agree. We do. And I think it's different. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Different. Now it feels live-ish. Oh my God. Nervous. Hold on. This camera. What is this going on again? This is for Fox and...
Starting point is 00:02:48 Why is Fox here? Because they're doing a segment on podcasts. Yep. They're just going to bunch us in with the fucking rest of the group. Wait, is this like fucking Lisa Evers Fox or is this like Donald Trump Fox? Megan Wright Fox. Which Fox are we on right now? I just said it three times.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Megan Wright. No, Megan Wright is a friend. Oh, yeah. She does Midday at Hot 97. I know who Megan Wright is. Oh, you're telling the people who she is? Yes. And she also has a show on Fox 5.
Starting point is 00:03:13 So we want to be friendly for this camera. Yes. Well, it's B-roll. They're not really going to hear what we say, right? Right. It's just like, hey, look at us. So shock my dick. They're going to use that right there, and she's going to be speaking nicely over it.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Hey, Fox 5. All right, no. All right, so let's get into it. I'll name this podcast later. I didn't start with my normal or right because I said that we were going to do like a mellow podcast. Like a real smooth podcast. We're going to snap our fingers the whole time. After Rory and Marissa were total shitheads last week.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I was a shithead at J. Well, whatever you want to call it. I think we have a nice mellow mood today. I'll name this podcast later. Episode number, what is this, 58? 57? I don't know. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah. It's in the 50s still. Now that we passed a year, we should just stop counting. I'd just be happy that I'm mad episodes ahead of the other podcasts. I mean, if we're really being frank about it, that's the only reason that I care about the number that's there. So I'll name this podcast later number 50-something. Close to 60, nigga. Not like you, who at 51.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I'm petty today. It doesn't matter. So we're doing a real mellow, smooth podcast today. I have my lovely co-host. Oh, thanks, Joey. I know we're doing mellow but this is just fun I'm trying something new here man Thank you, fuck you Rory
Starting point is 00:04:30 Can we slow ease into it Like a whole 180 I mean let's be good to the people we love and care about We never get the roses while we can still smell them Right, so back to me being lovely Come on, come on, come on No, I want to change it now I'm putting this on periscope That's a I want to change it now. I don't want to keep it lovely. I'm putting us on Periscope.
Starting point is 00:04:45 That's a heads up to everybody. All right, that's fine. On my right, I have a wonderful human. Thank you. Thank you so much. It's me. Madi the body. That is I.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Scheduled to get more body this summer. That was way funnier than I think everyone knows. To my left, I have Michael Roars, a.k.a. Rory Lanes, in the building. I guess I just got to stick with that now, huh? No, it's just kind of who you are. And here we are. What's up, guys? Hey.
Starting point is 00:05:18 What's new? What's pertinent in the universe? I'm excited about South By. All right, let's not get to South By yet. What's on my mind? I'll leave it at 6 a.m. Well, you know, I fucking overpaid for my fucking South By. We're not going to talk about South By yet.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Oh, no, no. I do want to hear this story, though. But we're not going to talk about South By yet. Okay. We can talk about it. Can we talk about that story yet? Or are we going to just wait the whole thing? No, we're not doing that yet.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Okay. Last week, in the midst of me being mad at Rory and Marissa, I totally skipped over something that I did want to talk about. I wanted to make mention of the Maria Sharapova girl getting busted for drugs. Yeah. Now, I know that nobody cares. We'll give the background. I don't know much about it.
Starting point is 00:05:56 America kind of brushed that one under the rug. Maria Sharapova is the white girl, the highest earning female athlete. Okay. What type of drugs? Like performance enhancing or like she was blowing lines in the bathroom? No, no, not blowing lines. Some performance enhancing shit. So that was already a thing that Serena has beaten this white girl that you white people propped up here about 18 out of 21 times.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And still Serena doesn't get the respect that Maria Sharapova gets. So that was a whole big thing for a while. Or the endorsements and all that shit. Like, yeah, Serena was on the verge of, like, breaking all types of records. And she just don't get the props that the other girl gets. So that was a big thing for a while. So now the girl has tested positive some type of way. This is weeks old now, maybe a week and a half, two weeks old, for whatever the fucking substance was.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Well, they pick and choose these drug things. Peyton Manning, right before he won the fucking Super Bowl, had the drug accusations. We just brushed that under the rug so he could go off in the sunset and win the fucking Super Bowl. No, no, no, no, no, no. They was trying to hang Peyton. No, they was not trying to.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Yes, the fuck they was. The same way they tried to hang the Patriots for an ounce of air in a ball. That type of hanging. They brushed that shit right under the rug. You heard about that maybe once. No, that's not true. Because all I could say leading up to the Super Bowl was, wow, man, they just going to hang one of their great ones. They're going to kill one of their great white people.
Starting point is 00:07:21 No, no, it wasn't a hanging because he won the Super Bowl. Had he not won that Super Bowl and that Tennessee charges, rape charges, that No, no. It wasn't a hang-in because he won the Super Bowl. Had he not won that Super Bowl and that Tennessee charges, rape charges, that was nasty shit. It was getting ugly for Peyton. It was. In my opinion.
Starting point is 00:07:33 But that's neither here nor there. The Maria Sharapova girl. The Maria Sharapova. First of all, anything Tom Brady related only gets blown up because the NFL hates, Roger Goodell hates Tom Brady.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. For sure. That's one. And America. I mean, they get sick of watching him win. Had the Patriots sucked, that would have went right under the rug. The Patriots now are like... They're like the Spurs.
Starting point is 00:07:57 They're like on Michael Jordan level, whereas you hate them because they're great, but you respect them. And that's that. I don't even really hate them like that because unlike the fucking, unlike Jordan, the Giants beat them. Yeah, twice. My Knicks never quite got over that. But I just thought it was crazy how the whole Maria Sharapova thing got like, I don't want to stay on this. It just got brushed under the rug to never be spoken about. And I don't play the race card very often.
Starting point is 00:08:22 But had that been a black girl, had that serena jesus mary and joseph and be clear i do not play the race card that is so my dad not that is so not me well i'd be i'd be uncomfortable going in this corner yeah i know they say black people can't be uh racist what is the word for when we're racist since we can't be racist? Whatever that word is, my pop might be that. Making a good point? Yeah, my pop might be that, but by mistake I have to understand it because of how that generation was and all that he's seen and then that gets in the whole
Starting point is 00:08:56 thing about how the world split up and we don't have time for all of that. South by Southwest is this week. It's lit. It is. Rory and all of his genius. This is me about to be unfiltered. Rory and all of his genius calls me while I'm like third leg deep in some pussy, I think.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Oh, come on, fam. And I don't know this to be accurate, but I know that whatever I was doing was so much more important than Rory calling me. Okay. And I don't want to offend any of my bitches so I don't shout out to his so I don't know that that's what was happening but it's more compelling when I say that so I'm gonna say that so don't text me about it later I do love I don't want to offend any of my bitches but continue I mean I'm sure they love it like a reverse type of thing we don't have any bitches But anyway So Rory calls me No just a bitch
Starting point is 00:09:45 And I don't want to offend him Yo Marty and motherfucking Steph At 11-8 What up Steph Marty and Steph Want us to go to South by And do a live podcast
Starting point is 00:09:54 We only got a week What you think I'm with you That's not what happened So yeah that doesn't sound Doesn't even sound accurate To be honest I said well
Starting point is 00:10:02 I don't know I'm kind of rolling with you On this one He says alright I'm to do my own homework. Then I'm going to talk to Maddie and motherfucker Steph 11-8 later. I'm going to see if it makes sense for us to go. And then if it makes sense, I'm going to hit you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:17 That was all right. All right, cool. Right? Yeah. That was that. Okay. I'm in now. We got it together.
Starting point is 00:10:24 No, no, no, no. Then it gave another call. Okay, oh, this is great. I love these now. No, no, no. Then he gave another call. Okay, this is great. I love these stories out of the blue. No, this is great. Because I can't wait to tell what really happened. So then podcast listeners out there, bum-ass Rory, right?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Right. Then he calls me to say, all right, I did all the math. He talks just like that. And I did my research so this was i was at work at my desk talking like this this is how it would make sense for us to go okay we got a motherfucking 99 to 1 split so all we got to do is sell one ticket and we're gonna make 50 million dollars
Starting point is 00:11:02 one ticket and we're going to make $50 million. Now, is that what he said? Of course not. But with whatever I was already preoccupied with, that is kind of what I heard. I said, but Rory, where are we going to stay? He said, don't worry, my G. I already got the Airbnb set up Friday night. Saturday, we gangsters, so we don't even need the Airbnb set up. Friday night. Saturday we gangsters so we don't even need the Airbnb. We just gonna
Starting point is 00:11:27 thug it out on South by Strip all day. Then do the podcast. Then fuck with bitches and go to the airport. Duh. Fuck with bitches and go to the airport. That was my plan the whole time. Fuck with bitches and go to the airport. And we're not gonna do the Airbnb. We're gonna fuck with them on 5th Street. Until my flight comes. And I'm gonna speed this up
Starting point is 00:11:44 because I don't want to tell extra long stories. But the last call, and this is how I ended up in this conundrum here, which leads me to my Marissa fucking 360 degrees of separation in the Oh, what is it? 5 degrees? 6 degrees. 6 degrees. 6 degrees of separation in the fucking
Starting point is 00:12:00 universe. Did you say 500? No, I said 360. Oh, alright. I was thinking of Grand pool i was gonna say 360 yeah i'm so hip all of those things yeah and wayne's so fucking my last call that i get from bum ass fucking rory lanes is all right yo remember all of that money we put in that account? This is what I need to do. I need to spend all of it on me. Now, if you can take care of you, then we'll be good. Now, I'm not saying that's what he said.
Starting point is 00:12:40 But with whatever I was doing, that's what I heard. So then I said, because I know I'm bad at this, I said, Rory, hit me in another hour and remind me of this rory then hit me in another hour i forgot i even said that to him so i cursed him out for hitting me in an hour he told me i told him to hit me in an hour and then that was that so he's now updating me about how the ticket prices are fucking astronomical. But I'm not the guy. I'm so not the guy to buy a ticket. I'm just not. Same. After a contract was signed.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I'm not. I was doing a billion other things outside of buying a ticket. Oh, the airline ticket. I kind of didn't want to tell the real story because I was just so entertaining. We can just leave the fans with that's what really happened. So listen, so I didn't buy a ticket, right?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Because, well, kinda, no, here's why. Here's another reason why I don't think I'm this retarded.
Starting point is 00:13:33 I kinda was trying to figure out if I could get from Austin to LA for Rory and the Henny Palooza shindig that's happening in LA,
Starting point is 00:13:43 Los Angeles on Saturday the 26th. Which tickets are almost sold out if you want to grab them. Great plug. If you're out there, it looked like a blast last time just from the pictures. I was not there and I may or may not be there this year.
Starting point is 00:13:57 He just spent his life savings on a flight to Austin. I'll take the money from the podcast account and pay for the flight and I have an Airbnb. Yeah, exactly. And then you be homeless in LA. Listen, even if I go to that- It's mad warm.
Starting point is 00:14:10 You don't need a fucking place to stay. Even if I do attend that Henny Palooza shit, I'm telling no one that I'm going to Henny Palooza and I'm landing like the day of. Like, y'all ain't fooling me. What's been happening
Starting point is 00:14:20 too many times, quick sidebar, is I go to LA. I only have two days in LA and I have 100 LA bitches and all them trying to cram in my two days. I don't want to see all y'all. The Nervida bitches. Jeez, you're so popular. I don't want to see all these women that you have.
Starting point is 00:14:33 How does that happen? I'm so jealous. So back to, so I don't buy a ticket at all, right? No, why would you? Then I say, you know what? Why would you do that? I have to, I gotta, this was Saturday? Yeah. When did I hit you
Starting point is 00:14:45 that was Saturday oh my god so Saturday so Joe hits me with a yo and I'm like what the fuck does he want he never texts me for anything time out
Starting point is 00:14:52 before I even hit you though I'm already have been on Virgin America Jet Blue Spirit United Southwest
Starting point is 00:15:00 Standby American Frontier if you name it. Megaboss, Peter Pan. Yeah, fucking DMing Floyd Mayweather. Anybody who had a plane. Fucking single Cessna drug mule.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yeah, I text Flo right at Flo. What's up, what's good, my G? Wheezy. Hey, how you been, man? So I did all of that, right? And all of them shits Was like Nah A stack
Starting point is 00:15:26 Okay A stack A stack Yeah A thousand dollars No way around it I tried every trick in the book Imagine if someone
Starting point is 00:15:35 Reminded you twice That you should buy your flight Because the prices Have gone up a hundred dollars In an hour Imagine And then you get mad at them For reminding you
Starting point is 00:15:41 Imagine that Imagine if that happened So now Ladies and gentlemen Podcast listeners I know This is like some new shit I'm doing where I'm starting a story inside of a story. Yeah. Now I want to tell you guys in this little segment that I have appropriately titled how good guys become complete fucking idiots. And this will tell you why I did exactly what I did so many moons ago. How good guys become complete fucking idiots.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And this will tell you why I did exactly what I did so many moons ago. I have to pull out my phone because Joe Budden documents everything. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Did you get the plane guy? Oh, man. So he texts me. He says, yo. Wait, wait, wait. What's his number?
Starting point is 00:16:19 Damn. Can we type his number in here? It was Delta. Did you get Delta to fly him out? Yeah, well. Oh, yeah. Let me search. He searched Delta. He texts me for, he said, yo. get Delta to fly him out? Yeah, well. Oh, yeah. Let me search. He searched Delta.
Starting point is 00:16:26 He texted me for, he said, yo. And I was like, what? Oh, wait. I'm kidding. This really happened? Yeah. Oh, I'm so intrigued. He was like, I need your Delta hookup.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I got it. Here we go, baby. And I was like, I don't have a Delta hookup anymore. You should remember the story. You don't remember the ending of that story? Ladies and gentlemen, here's how good guys become complete fucking idiots. I hope you're not the good guy. So let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:16:46 When am I ever the good guy? So let me tell you guys my thinking. And this is horrible, but it is true. I thought to myself, well, if that guy that Marissa had that encounter with at Delta is still in fact at Delta then Marissa took advantage of just someone who was being a good guy well that was established
Starting point is 00:17:12 so if I double back to the good guy in good favor and good manner with a proposal and he were to accept because I'm not Marissa and I'm actually a good guy you have now just opened the door to countless resources and just in good faith and good favor now that was my thinking I don't want to ruin the ending here did you two run off
Starting point is 00:17:39 on the plug twice yo but time out podcast listeners i know that i'm retarded sometimes is that thinking off no that's completely appropriate and yeah well well he would have to know who i am because he knew who bum ass marissa was and his bum ass tweeted in the midst of all the podcast shit i'm not trying to get famous i just want my Wait, if he were so willing and eager to help Marissa, who did nothing but dangle fucking vagina from snipe shooter distance, it wasn't even directly in front of him
Starting point is 00:18:16 and he wavered quickly. He wavered quickly for Marissa and Marissa box. So if I'm coming to him as a real nigga, that was just my thinking podcast listeners. So I hit Marissa and Marissa box. So if I'm coming to him as a real nigga, that was just my thinking podcast listeners. So I hit Marissa. With a yo at four O's. I say yo. That's how you know he wants something.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Any of my people know that yo says so many things. So many things. And one day we should have a podcast where we introduce the slang and the multiple layers of definitions that come with it. Your yo is like a drunk girl's hey. By the amount of whys is pretty much how drunk she is, a.k.a. what you need. Yeah, by your amount of whys. What is Joe asking me?
Starting point is 00:18:59 The O's are going to let you know. So I yo'd Marissa. She immediately yo'd back like a bird. You're my friend. No, no, no. Wait a minute. Hey, podcast listeners, I'm joking about that. Marissa's my friend, so I'm not talking about her like that.
Starting point is 00:19:13 But as a man, I will be honest with you, ladies. When you hit back really, really fast, there's like a microcosm of my brain that says, no, she a bird. She replied to her friend Hello Yo hey Take a minute What a bird Take a minute Before you yo me back ma
Starting point is 00:19:32 Because I'm judging you But I'm kidding of course But I'm allowed to Because I'm his friend Yeah you're my friend So I was very happy That you yo'd back immediately So you yo'd back
Starting point is 00:19:39 And I said yo Yo'd back I'm not reading Mine and Maddie's text But it was yo Are you still periscoping? I said, yo, what's up? You still got that Delta Connect?
Starting point is 00:19:50 Right. And I said, don't you remember what happened? Of course, I don't have the Delta Connect. And I said, send me his number or something like that. Yeah. Long story less long, Madi sent me his number, right? Here we go. You know my thinking already.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Let's get into Delta. I got a text and then it got out of here. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Hey. Roy, you're such a
Starting point is 00:20:16 thought for Paris. Wait, who am I looking for? It's my version of Snapchat now. Oh, Delta. Delta. That's my keyword. All right, Jim Roy. Oh, so we're just going to go all balls to the wall.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Can we bleep that out, please? Why? He's stupid. Wait, I hope the flight is booked before we shit on this guy. Did we mute it out last time? We never said his name. We never said it. I don't want to give him any more fame.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Well, I think the name Jim Roy is weak, so I'm saying it. Sounds like an undrafted player from Duke. This whole story, this nigga moved like a Jim Roy. And that's kind of my issue. So you had a real nigga named Joe hitting a nigga named Jim Roy. Right? And this was his lone opportunity to be a real nigga. Where have I heard this before? I've heard that exactly what I just said.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I think Raymond Reddington said it. Raymond Reddington is like Bill Burr to you for me. Okay. to be a real nigga. Where have I heard this before? I've heard that exactly what I just said. I think Raymond Reddington said it. Raymond Reddington is like Bill Burr to you for me. Okay. That's fucking horrible. Raymond Reddington
Starting point is 00:21:12 give Bill Burr the fuck out of here. But anyway, so I say Jim Roy. Is it one word? Yes. Or is it Jim and then Roy?
Starting point is 00:21:20 No, it's Jim Roy, one word. Okay. You still work for Delta or Nah? Nah. and then no it's Jim Roy one word okay you still work for Delta or nah did you put yo before it with Matt O's no just that first message exactly what I said I don't fabricate in my text readings wait did he know who the number was
Starting point is 00:21:39 that was the first of course not so he said Wait, he didn't say, well, who is this? Then I said. Is this the federal government? Is this what I'm telling you? Is this what I'm dealing with? Then I said, this button. You still get deals over there or nah? God.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Then he said, Joe Button? LOL. That's a fair question. Joe Button? LOL. That's a fair question. I wish the podcast world could see my face at this fucking, at this very instant and very moment. I wish y'all could see the look of utter and bitter disgust at just everything that has an R-O-R and a Y in it. In the world.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I hate it. Why? world. I hate it. Why? It's a fair point. You're like such fucking Irish scum sometimes. That's horrible. That's horrible. That I understood that he asked Joe Budden? Is that what you got from that, Rory?
Starting point is 00:22:41 Can we just continue? I would like to hear what happened in this text message situation. Can you believe that he said, how many fucking buttons are there? Of course I can believe it. He's a fucking retard. That's why I did what I did. Back to you Rory. I'm sorry. How many buttons are there? I've met a lot of your family and they have the last name buttons. That is valid.
Starting point is 00:22:56 There's a lot of buttons. There is a lot of buttons in your family. Alright, so who of them would be closest to the tree of talking to Jim Rory via text message is my point. You think my fucking great granddad is stopping his poker game in fucking heaven to come resurrect, dig out the fucking grave and text a bum ass fucking Jim Roy? Michael Paul, I'm sure, takes flights. Michael Paul has more money than everyone here.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yeah, that is true. And he's not hitting Jim Roy for a flight. So anyway, Jim Roy says, because I'll speed this up, Joe Biden, question mark, LOL. I say, is that a yes or a no? LOL.
Starting point is 00:23:36 He says, LOL. This is not how you finesse a stranger into getting a flight. I'm not trying to finesse him. I'm asking him a direct question. I can afford this flight myself. I'm just trying not to. I agree. Go ahead not trying to finesse him. I'm asking him a direct question. I can afford this flight myself. I'm just trying not to. I agree.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Go ahead. Which is what I did. I don't know why I got so fucking... Because you lied. So it was fun. I was about to be very transparent. Yeah, well, I had a date. I had to get out of it.
Starting point is 00:23:56 And I thought that what was understood didn't need to be said. Like, if he was such a great person for you, why would he not do that for someone who indeed will reciprocate it but whatever he said lol after that episode with your girl i keep buddy passes to a minimum lol now if you want me to look up flight info etc i got you why the fuck would he want you to look up light? In that very moment, I thought to myself, holy shit, this great guy is now an idiot. Well, come on.
Starting point is 00:24:32 This man who started out as wanting nothing but to help someone from the kindness of his heart has turned into a complete idiot in that quick of a span. What the fuck? I said, man, I can look a flight in front of my fucking cell phone. What are you talking about, Jim Ray? What the fuck was Jim Ray talking about? Maybe your Wi-Fi was down. Maybe. And he said, LOL, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I do have a theory about, that I don't get into because it's too exhausting, about just the different personality types and the different people in the universe. Some are very short-sighted. Wait, near-sighted is which one? When you can't see far. Yeah, near-sighted and short-? When you can't see far. Yeah, nearsighted and shortsighted. You can see near. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Far is tough for you. Yeah, some people are extremely nearsighted, if that's correct. Hopefully it is, and we don't fact check you. Don't kill us on Twitter when we're wrong. Because we don't give a fuck. But some people are so immediate, like instant gratification. Ryan is like that. He loses every Monopoly game that exact same way.
Starting point is 00:25:51 People could just never see past their own fucking fuck shit. That is where Jim Roy has fallen, unfortunately. Sorry, Jim Roy. So I fucking never hit Jim Roy back. I blocked the number and got rid of Jim Rory from my life. Right? Because we want to be around smart people and people who make smart and wise decisions at 35 years old.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I then go on fucking JetBlue. Some type of way in my clicking around, and I know this is taking a long time, so let me just get to the bank. This is a great ad for South By. That's why I haven't stopped. Man, fuck South By. I'm so mad at fucking South By. Anyway, I get to JetBlue. Man, fuck South by. I'm so mad at fucking South by. Anyway, I get the jet
Starting point is 00:26:27 blue some type of way and all of my clicking around, I think I find a flight for $150 that I booked. Bitch, you thought. To get there because I was going to do one way
Starting point is 00:26:36 and one way. Yeah. Come to find out, I now have a ticket for April 19th. I did the same thing. I did the same thing. And now I got a cold
Starting point is 00:26:44 Delta, so I called him. Did Jim Roy pick up? I say, no fucking, fucking Jim Roy. Delta gets on the phone. I say, listen, can you fix this while you're at it? I'm trying to do it like round trip. I'm trying to get there this day, leave this day. They said, okay, Mr. Button, I can do it for you for, I see in my computer it says with those dates,
Starting point is 00:27:01 you can do $1,100 and and 200 something stupid dollars i said suck my dick jim roy i'm not doing any of that so then i got on jet blue and said fuck it i have to do it and i ended up doing it 800 850 dollars i found you one that was like 560 but it was connected yeah but that was like was it like a 24-hour layover no it wasn't even bad that was like... Was it like a 24-hour layover? No, it wasn't even bad. You slept in Chicago for two days? That was like a mighty tax bracket flight. And it wasn't really like... It didn't really fit for you? Well, only because the kicker in here where the asterisk goes is...
Starting point is 00:27:40 The caveat is... What is it? I don't know. Oh, that we don't have a hotel. That we don't have a hotel. Yeah. That we don't have a hotel for that Saturday. So that's very important. And you fucking bastard,
Starting point is 00:27:52 the Spurs play the Warriors that Saturday. So major. In San Antonio? That's important. Yes. But I don't care. I have to watch that game. Like physically there?
Starting point is 00:28:02 That is the best. No, I just have to see it on the television and we don't have anywhere to be. We can go to Zami's. Well, it's going to be a nighttime game. Our podcast is in the nighttime. No, we're at 10pm though, so I don't know if it's going to be like that. We are not going to be on stage doing a podcast at 10 o'clock. Are we being realistic here? Yep, we are. But we can go to Zombie's Crib.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Out there? And the guy also said we can check out anytime we want on Saturday just as long as it's not too late into the evening. Well. Well, the game comes on in the evening, but that's neither here nor there. So fucking up. I remember that my cousin Geneva lives in Austin. OK.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Wow. So I bought a ticket. Not like Marty's fucking fuck shit. She tried to have me on. I bought a ticket. I I leave seven in the morning on Thursday. Oh, so you'll be there. And I land there 10 in the morning.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Thursday. Oh, dope. I'll be there same time. I am going to Thotteround. Same. Okay. I may drop my bags at my cousin's house and go Thotteround. I'm supposed to get with I have a tentative meeting with a few people. And you're being productive?
Starting point is 00:29:06 This is great. Yeah, I'm supposed to try to get with Tori out there. He's out there. I'm going to try to get with a few people out there. Maybe I shouldn't stop by then. I am going to try to get with... Thursday night, there's a dope party. Of course, I'll go out around with Nikki Heaton and her manager for however long I do that.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Thursday night is Manny Fresh, Nas, Calit. If people are going to be there, I probably want to stay home. Oh, I don't have a home. Yeah, you don't. I'm not going to go there because I don't want to. I think there's going to be too many people there. I'm going to go to a different concert. Yo, I have a thing with people, man.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I know it's weird. I don't like going where people are. Yeah, no, that one is going to be a cluster. I don't like cluster fucks. And that's going to be a cluster fuck, so I'm going to go to this Southern Hospitality Showcase. Well, it sounds bougie when I say, if there is a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:29:53 is there somewhere where I can sit away from them? That's what I was wearing, and are they going to step on my sneakers? And some people perceive that as you being bougie. No, I just don't like people in particular, and if I can't do that, I'm not going to go. And I'm also socially awkward, and I'll be by myself, so it's really going to fuck me up. I'm going to just be standing there like a fucking weirdo.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Shit. Throw in an outlet and a charger. I'm at the event. I'm bringing two Mophies. My phone will never die in this moment. I'm happy to hear that Nardwuar is feeling better since we're talking about South By. Yes and he always has a very dope rollout at South By. I'm looking forward to his interviews.
Starting point is 00:30:24 You get like three great months of content when he goes to South By. Yes, he just keeps pumping them out. Pause. I always had like a fake beef with Nardwar because he wouldn't do me. He's never done yours, Paul? Really? Yeah, he's never done me. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:30:37 How could a Nardwar not do a Joe Budden? You're very worthy of a Nardwar interview. You are, and you know what would... I'm going to tell you the negative part. He follows me on Twitter. Time out. Do you know how many niggas have mentioned me in a Nardwar interview interview. You are. And you know what would I'm going to tell you the negative part. He follows me on Twitter. Do you know how many niggas have mentioned me
Starting point is 00:30:47 in a Nardwaur interview? Oh, have they? I don't know. I'm not being a dick. No, no. I'm really asking. Tons. Tons.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Tons. I don't know if maybe He even did Travis Scott. I feel like you would like you've done Travis Scott's big. Yeah, he's big but he did Travis
Starting point is 00:31:02 like two years ago. But that's my thing about Nardwaur. He usually does everyone before they really pop. Yeah, he don't, but he did Travis like two years ago is what I'm saying. But that's my thing about knowing one. He usually does everyone before they really pop. Yeah, he don't really do big. He don't strike me as somebody that goes for that. And that's neither here nor there. Again, I'm just happy that he is feeling a lot better because that's important.
Starting point is 00:31:15 That was a big deal when he, what was that, a stroke or a heart attack? Yeah, it was something. It was something really bad. Listen, strokes, heart attacks, seizures, I ain't playing with none of that shit. The older I get, the more of a hypochondriac I become. I got a little crick in my fucking spine in my back that I feel like I need to go get a prostate immediately. Well, you should be worrying about your sugar intake too, sir. I'm doing less sugar.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I don't even drink these, by the way. If I told you the story behind it. Yo, if I told you the story behind it. Oh, my fucking God. I have figured out What it is I don't like about women He said that in the elevator too
Starting point is 00:31:49 While we were amongst A bunch of old women And they were like Oh And they looked all scared So please do So 35 years You finally found out
Starting point is 00:31:56 I didn't realize And that's exactly what I said In the elevator Rory I said 35 years Going on 36 years on earth And I have just figured out What it is today That I despise about women
Starting point is 00:32:05 which is important because the therapist on couples therapy attempted to tell me that my disdain for women stems from uh the relationship with my child's mother i could see that which made a lot of sense that makes a lot of sense that argument makes sense and i have always you know what they're capable of yeah and that's a scary thought for me to give a woman that type of power where you just have no control. I speak to a lot of the men that are in those situations out there. So when she said that in therapy is all about being open to new ideology, I was open to it. Clearly, I feel some type of way toward women. And it's not from anything that Tahiri and I have ever gone through ever.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I know that that's fun to joke about, but it's not from anything that Tahiri and I have ever gone through, ever. I know that that's fun to joke about, but it's just not from that. The baby mother thing, that made sense. But her and I are okay today, and I still have that kind of like, and I figured it out. Well, do tell.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Also, can I ask a question in the middle of this before you figure your point? Is that song Angela about her? Yeah. But no. Oh, shit. We we went to court for that uh no i wouldn't talk about anybody i like that that's a fake song and a fake story about a fake person okay uh yeah i really went to court over fucking that that's horrible but anyway i had a pretty up and down career here it don't matter it don't matter when you only got one baby mom you can't blame it on somebody else but anyway this is what I despise about women. And I'm giving it this big buildup.
Starting point is 00:33:31 It's not really that great. I'm at the edge of my seat right now. But this is it. And Rory, I know Rory well enough that he just will agree. He doesn't have to know exactly what I'm saying. Okay. I'm a feminist. He doesn't have to know exactly what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Okay. I'm a feminist. Women get to be attractive, desirable pieces of absolute shit. Not all of us. Yes. That's valid. That is true. That is true. Men do not.
Starting point is 00:33:59 It is a double standard. For all the double standards that women speak about men having, and do acknowledge they exist ladies i'm aware they exist well that point is within this point here where they can be bad at our double standards but theirs don't really know how many and when i say piece of shit because that's relative damn who was that in the crew that said relativity is relative was that johnny when in one of his stupid moments what up johnny but anyway i know that that that piece of shit part is relative but i mean bitches who have women who have no goals no aspirations no self anything self love self respect self awareness no integrity no type of foundation
Starting point is 00:34:47 no acumen right and still win and still be desirable and still get fucked and still bag niggas and still get tricked on and still
Starting point is 00:35:01 get wifed and winning is super relative there as well yeah winning is very relative because I feel like a lot of those girls are empty inside because what is winning like getting your bills paid yes
Starting point is 00:35:11 but what if that's a win in the long run you don't have love that's near sided you're like empty inside wait huh if the lotto came to me today and said Joe Budden but the point of the lotto let me at least let the listeners hear my point. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And before you argue it. If the lotto came to me today and said, Joe, for the next 20 years, I'm paying all your bills a month. We're taking it. But then you got to fuck the lotto too. The point of the lotto is to give people money. Human interactive supporting and giving you financial stability is a very minuscule part of a human interaction and that's all you're getting from a man when you behave a certain way we just gave tlc five fucking hundred thousand dollars a few months ago and we ain't seen a dime
Starting point is 00:35:58 of that damn money so what the hell is that we didn't give it to them we didn't see i'm still waiting on that damn album they promised us. I fucking funded some of that shit. Yeah, but they're actually good people, so let's not use them as an example. Well, I just wanted to go on a TLC rant. It probably wasn't even relevant to Rory's point. Sam just told me to shut up on Paris when I made that point. Sam, well, yeah, Sam.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I thought that was a really good point for respectable women that I just made. No, but it is true, though. It's not true. It's considered winning because they got a couple bags in a house or whatever the fuck, but it is true, though. It's not true. It's considered winning because they got a couple bags in a house or whatever the fuck, but their life is empty. Oh, no, please.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Fucking devil. Whose life is fucking empty? Okay, so let's do it like this. Because relative is not a, that's not a complete sentence, no period there. Relative to blank. It would have to be the person
Starting point is 00:36:41 in particular that we are speaking about. And if we're speaking about someone with no acumen. That's right. They might be happy and that particular that we are speaking about. And if we're speaking about someone with no acumen, with no cool, with no... I mean, we've had this age-old argument about some of the holes, some of the hard-working women out there
Starting point is 00:36:56 despising the holes because of the lifestyle that they seem to portray, not knowing some of the pitfalls that come along with it. If you actually speak to some of these bartenders, I don't think y'all would be so mad at them. Listen, man. You know what I want to bring back? This is off on a tangent, too, here.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I want to bring back bitches with cars. Shit. I have a car. I think I missed it. At least I have one. I do have one. It's like a car of Jace. The fact that you had a car is like saying Fred Flintstone had a car.
Starting point is 00:37:30 No. He had a car, but was it a car? We're in New York City, so it's different. I'm so tired of that line, too. Oh, no, Rory, you're the only one at this table without a car. Yeah, well, I'm in New York City every single day. So am I. You two are not.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And Rory's young and trendy enough to be part of the, hey, I take the train and make it look cool crew. Yeah. Like the Ian Conner crew. I've been taking the train my whole life. The Ian Conner crew. Yeah. Hashtag Joe Budden.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And Uber. There's really no point. Shout out to Ian Conner. He's so cool. Who again is shouting me out. Your man crush every day? No, I'm his uncle. Oh, uncle.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Did I tell the listeners that I'm Ian Conner's uncle? I did somehow. Well, somehow well we saw the strip club when he approached you and said why don't you like me and we have managed to keep a relationship somehow well he facetimes you every day so I'd imagine
Starting point is 00:38:13 does he really he does not facetime me every day he facetimes me when he has naked women in the shower shout out to Ian Conner bro you should come on the podcast
Starting point is 00:38:20 and I just saw him on Instagram and he's so down to do the podcast but you know what I get a lot I get a lot of people telling me I'll do the podcast And then they just never follow up I'm like really my nigga
Starting point is 00:38:28 We're friends You're gonna industry talk me Or do you not follow up Is the other question Oh I don't follow up either They don't know when to show up I don't follow up either But at this point
Starting point is 00:38:36 I don't follow up Cause you're usually in the position Where the other person follows up Because you're usually I gotta catch Angie Who I just saw Is releasing a book That she's been working on
Starting point is 00:38:45 my voice and it's out May 17th it's available for pre-order now and Angie's bio at Angie Martinez on Instagram and Twitter and it's going to chronicle her life growing up as a single mother in Brooklyn her her job at not hot 97 her are you reading this off no but I just read it today and I'm so fucking excited like My body is trembling. I fucking idolize Angie. It's so fucking cool. Yeah, you can pre-order now. It's through Penguin Books. Angie, I am extremely proud of you.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I love you. I would text this shit to you, but you know how me and you feel about text or whatever. She should totally come on. Hopefully somebody will mention to you in your mentions that I mentioned you here. She's amazing and we need to have her on. All right. I'm stopping Periscope. Wait, no, don't stop it yet.
Starting point is 00:39:29 They got to listen tomorrow. Yeah. They're getting the whole thing right now. Oh, no, but this was good. Why give them the cow or something like that? How did that freeze go? Give them the whole cow?
Starting point is 00:39:37 I don't know. Oh, wait, so I should turn mine on. How many viewers did you have on there? At 1.200. Now I'm down to 95. We got to do it, man. Fucking, I was on taxes instagram he just makes his shit look much better than i do well he has the label we're independent
Starting point is 00:39:51 he's got pictures on the brooklyn bridge i'm like that's really brooklyn of him yeah i can take a picture on a jersey bridge that's what i was i was thinking i need to go like woolbridge and like take pictures he's got fucking pictures with hove i'm like oh man i can't take pictures with Hove. I'm like, oh man, I can't take pictures with Hove. Well, never mind. I have pictures with Hove, by the way. Smart ass. I have a picture with Hove. Post beef? Post pump it up?
Starting point is 00:40:14 Yeah, so there's that. Yeah, it was post. I have a pre-pump it up photo with him. That's such a silly beef to have. No, I have a post pump it up photo. He's still a fan of yours, by the way. Who has a fucking Jay-Z beef? That's the dumbest thing in the universe.
Starting point is 00:40:26 We should call him up. Anyone can do it. You know how young and stupid I was? This guy. Yo, some know honestly out there, podcast listeners, with age, you really have to learn how to get out of your own way. Really? Oh, yeah. You know how many years it takes to learn that?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Yes, that is exactly what your 20s are for. I went on a 20s rant today on Twitter. Of course you did. No, but just your 20s, you have this perception. Well, the ambitious ones, I would imagine. I can't speak for the people that aren't ambitious. You have this perception that if you stop, you're settling. So you always are trying to go to the next thing and never really appreciating what's happening in your 20s the learning you're doing the growing you're doing that's true so it's
Starting point is 00:41:10 actually kind of a catch-22 because if you know you keep going you'll never be happy you'll never be satisfied with what you're getting you'll go to one step go to the other and always not feel fulfilled and you never get to live in that moment and i'm very nervous because i have that mentality and i feel like maybe i'm not appreciating what's happening right now in my 20s. Oh, yeah. No. No. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:41:31 No. What are you about to be 26? Oh, baby, baby. No. Because that's one of the worst mistakes you can make in life. And you never know it until it's too late. It's like the saying you're normally the last one to know when you're not hot anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:48 But no, I mean, it sparked from when someone was tweeting about how they planned on having a home and two kids by the time they were 25. And when you're 18, that sounds so good. Like, oh, yeah, I'm going to have that by then. I'm going to have a car. I'm going to have a family, this and that. And then life happens. But I don't think that's a bad thing because you're not going to think the same way or you shouldn't think the same way five ten years from now right you should your goals should rearrange you shouldn't have the same goals at 18 i think there should be a
Starting point is 00:42:15 longevity in in your plan and young people say oh what's your 10-year goal what's what's your end goal i don't i mean i think it's supposed to rearrange you're getting new information you're becoming a new person you You're thinking differently. That may not be what you want to do anymore. You're going to run into some fuck shit in five years. As short as Joe would think that is. Hell yeah. Someone from 20 to 25, that's a huge transition.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Me coming from a high school kid to now being my own adult in a five-year process. Five years is a long time to me. Even three. From 25 to 28. I have learned so much. For me, five years is a long time to me. Even three, from 25 to 28. I have learned so much. For me, five years is the gap between four and five years. That's when our generations are very different. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Four to five years. Me and Johnny were just having this talk. Because a 10-year-old and a 15-year-old, that's a huge gap. Johnny is 30. I'm 35. Rory's 25. Oh, wow. My older brother's five years older so i'm i'm speaking on that from firsthand seeing the ages where all right you were old enough to
Starting point is 00:43:15 want to go out but you couldn't go out you knew what was happening yeah you was watching your brother go out but you were seeing from the window to i mean you were always you kind of saw but you ain't really know like it was countless fucking Big Daddy Kane lyrics I didn't understand until way later just because you're a kid at that time so yeah yeah I could see it
Starting point is 00:43:37 well yeah that was my rant good point though did I get too serious? You shouldn't live that way this is actually becoming one of my favorite podcasts I like the ambiance the podcast you shouldn't live that way no I'm actually this is actually becoming one of my favorite podcasts I like the ambiance the atmosphere the feel
Starting point is 00:43:48 in this podcast for some reason at all but you shouldn't live that way you have entirely way too many good things going on for you and I know that fucking
Starting point is 00:43:56 I don't want to get too fucking therapeutic here but I know part of your demon is to beat yourself up or paint just this just this pessimistic perspective.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I know that because I share that. So it's very important to be aware of that and fight it. You got too much good shit going on in life for it to pass by. I have a quick therapeutic moment. I was interning at Dev Jam at 19. So I started doing things at 20 that people at 25, 28 were starting to do. So then I started thinking to myself when I saw these 28, 25 year olds moving to the next step, I thought at 20 years old, I need to follow them in those same steps. That has always been my problem.
Starting point is 00:44:38 But I was 20 years old. My brain was not developed enough at that 28 year old. That's why he was making that step. Yes. And I just kind of shorted myself and said, fuck this. I'm going to go do that. But I wasn't ready. And I think that's where a lot of people that are, I hate the word ambitious at this point, it's been ran into the fucking ground, but have a lot of goals fail. They get ahead of themselves and they think, hey, I did this already. That means I can do the next step. And they compare a lot too. That's a false sense of perception. You don't have it all together. You may have achieved something, but it happened quick. That's exactly why I'd be wanting a nickel every time somebody in their 20s tells me that I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I mean, we do have some good points randomly. But yeah, no, that happened to me too. And then I would compare it to my older peers that got the bigger opportunities i'm like why the fuck am i not getting that opportunity and i'd be staring at their shit and what they're doing and stressing over that and then when i'd get something good to me it's not important it's not good enough because they already did that and they got past that and then it took me a long time to realize you got to kind of put the blinders on and focus on your own thing and yeah you should be more aware of that yeah you should be as aware of it as I am.
Starting point is 00:45:46 I can't wait till you're my age so I can leech off you. Yeah, and like I said, that was like my mid- That's why from 25 to 28, I have learned so much about just myself. Yo, can I just interrupt and say, that would be so nice to have somebody to leech on. Leech on? Start bartending.
Starting point is 00:46:00 No, for real. Look how everything comes full circle. Yeah, look at that. All the conversations. It's like an episode of Curb mean i like that and that that's witty what you did there but that would be so nice to just have somebody like leech on or like a trust fund that's almost like if i fuck up like a rich bitch a rich girlfriend johnny told me this whole long story about some fucking billionaire bitch that he fucking met in uh florida she's like 90 years old no that's what's flirting with him gave him the number and johnny with all his
Starting point is 00:46:31 good characters yeah but i can't do that what am i supposed to do did you fucking idiot you're supposed to send her to her grave the happiest woman ever what is wrong with you i'll be a fucking what do you call it if that's a sugar mama and a sugar daddy, what is it when you're? A sugar baby. There's like a website. Yeah, you're a sugar baby. I feel like episode six of this podcast we went on the website. I'd be that in a heartbeat.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I want to talk to feminist Twitter and put them all in indecent proposal. I know some of y'all are too young to even know that movie. That's Michael Douglas, Demi Moore. That is a classic movie. That is when Michael Douglas stepped to Dem moore's husband who was uh he was famous too well who was that kurt russell with some money it wasn't kurt russell but anyway you know what the deal he said yo i want to fuck your wife one night a million dollars what you gonna do they was fucked up and broke and made for an excellent movie i'd be wanting to put feminist twitter
Starting point is 00:47:19 in that situation a million dollars no no i'd be wanting to know the number oh i'd be wanting to know the number i'd be wanting to talk to number. Oh. I'd be wanting to know the number. I'd be wanting to talk to all the people with all this fucking character and all these fucking morals and all these wonderful, amazing attributes and find out what their number is. Is the husband in on it, too? There's so much that I'd be wanting to know, but I'm so glad that I don't know it. What's the number to rethink the revolution? Like, when are we going to stop? I wish I was Floyd for like a day. No.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Oh, my God. He got all his bitches in Miami right day. No. Oh my God. He got all his bitches in Miami right now. Then I would find out. Then I would be so ignorant. God knows who to make have money and who to not.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I just snitched on a few bitches that I follow on Instagram too. Who? Why'd you do that? It's basically a common thing on all the fucking Instagram blogs. No, she did it with I don't think she meant to.
Starting point is 00:48:01 What? But you're just going to see a bunch of women on your feed all together in Miami and now know. First of all, I don't know why they're What? But you're just gonna see A bunch of women On your feed All together In Miami And now know First of all I don't know why They're literally
Starting point is 00:48:08 Reporting it on all the blogs You're thinking too much into it It doesn't matter that much If we had more time Because that was A great segue For the fuck of a night That I ended up in
Starting point is 00:48:18 Saturday night Fucking with catfish Bitches from Instagram Ooh catfish bitches Oh my god Why are you still Getting caught up In a situation like that For my friends For my friends For my friends catfish bitches from Instagram. Ooh, catfish bitches. Oh my God. Why are you still getting caught up in a situation like that in 2016? For my friends, for my friends, for my friends, for my friends, for my friends. For my friends, for my friends, for my friends.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Y'all have never been able to penetrate for my friends. Still, there's no way to do it. I've said for my friends. Now you reply. What can you say? Nothing to disprove. That is for my friends. You're a fucking liar. Women as a whole,
Starting point is 00:48:46 y'all are as bright as y'all are. There are several men key lies that judges have yet to penetrate for my friends is one of them. So now for my friends, Marissa, now what? I still don't believe you. So it doesn't matter. Oh,
Starting point is 00:48:55 it doesn't matter. I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to fucking have you believe me. You definitely got catfished in 2016. No, it's not about what you know. It's about what you can prove. And you can't prove that this is not for my friends.
Starting point is 00:49:04 See how petty my brain is out there, listeners? But anyway, yeah, so I'm not going to tell that story. We don't have enough time to tell that story. And that exchange between Madi and I is exactly why some women feel it's difficult to speak to me. Yeah. Some women. Some people. Oh, shut the fuck up, Rory.
Starting point is 00:49:21 So you're not going to tell the story? Or should I? I mean, we have time. I don't know if we had enough time To even tell the story I still want to get into The Amber Beyonce thing As well
Starting point is 00:49:28 Oh I mean we don't have all that time Oh she did say that They got to pick one or the other Bruh bros And how do we I wanted to talk about Chris Brown and Karrueche too Yeah I want to talk about both
Starting point is 00:49:37 Well look Where do we at? Alright so real quick We don't care about where we at Let's just talk real quick Okay I'll save my story Because that's not
Starting point is 00:49:44 That's not important right this second. Well, hold on. The last time you told a story at a live podcast. Yeah, I'm not telling a story. I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. I 100% am not doing that. I plan on siding enough to have stories.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Should we fly Johnny down? So this is my quick question to the listeners and everyone out there. I am probably well documented as having an affinity for thicker women. For hoes. Thicker hoes. That doesn't affect my data, right? Thicker hoes.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Yeah, no, not if you have Wi-Fi. Right? Thicker hoes. So it's difficult for me to answer this question, but I think the time has come for us to ask if we have not already asked. On a scale, on a scale because I don't want to offend
Starting point is 00:50:26 anyone. Offensive statement coming. Offend them. Then what? They're offended. Get them. On a scale from I'm going to say this facetiously. On a scale of Matchbook
Starting point is 00:50:41 to Boris Kojo. You're going to have to explain that more to our viewers. Doesn't Boris Kojo have herpes? The women hate when that happens. That happens every time I say that. They say, well, why do you say that? Boris Kojo has herpes.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Isn't he like the spokesperson for herpes? Oh, we don't want to spread that rumor. But anyway, listen. How fired do we think Karuchi's box is? Like, honestly. I think the time has come. Well, skinny bitches,
Starting point is 00:51:08 they say, could take really good dig. Well, my theory is... Like, hasn't the time come to ask that now? Karuchi probably does have good box, but I think Chris Brown's ego
Starting point is 00:51:17 is more delicate than Karuchi's box is fire. And she's also like... Because we've seen it with one guy. Like, with Rihihanna we have evidence that plenty of men have gone nuts over her rihanna box is up there with erica badu box but i think uh karuchi also who else who else's box is uh who else's box is up there it's erica badu at the top
Starting point is 00:51:40 right yeah hi erica hey baby i love erica yeah i think any real nigga loves erica by do right by the way we need to get her on the podcast but anyway she lives in texas so erica erica by do box is at the top tippity tippity top right rihanna's box is pretty up there too i would say so yeah at the bottom of the barrel whether it's true or not we have holly berry okay that's not you can make a Berry. Okay. That's not. You can make a point. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Let's just, we're going to leave that. I'm not going to touch it. Well, I'm telling you how men view. I get where you're coming from. The perception. Yeah. I'm just telling you about perception. I don't know Holly Berry. I would love to meet her one day.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Okay. She's a beautiful woman. I'm just telling you about immature male perception. All right. Bottom of the box. And even that immature, it's kind of valid. If a nigga,
Starting point is 00:52:27 if you're that beautiful and that fine and that accomplished and that successful, a nigga just keep leaving you? All right. That's what we're going with until I can disprove it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:34 And Holly, if you would love to prove me wrong, DM a real nigga. You know what I mean? So anyway, so that's the bottom. So in this middle tier, who are we questioning?
Starting point is 00:52:45 Where does Karuchi fall here? It has to be fire like rory said we don't have enough tried and true we only have one guy but she's also been like super ride or die and taking care of him and like from what i've read and again this is totally just internet fodder but she's done weird like the not that threesomes aren't weird but like fucked his friends in front of him because he's into that shit like all that kind of yeah but that's real bitch shit. I love that. Yeah, nah, it's dope. Hey, you're just a real bitch.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I get confused. Some of these new niggas, like the niggas that were raised by YouTube, some of them, like they fucking up a game for real niggas out there. But he's clearly fucking, like he thinks he owns her because his fucking response to her is like,
Starting point is 00:53:24 oh, but how'd you get these famous friends? How? How you're straight to dvd movies and did it like what the fuck is she supposed to be first of all any real woman would have stayed and helped him raise that child because it takes a village right to raise a child he's acting like she's forever indebted to him like yes you put her on okay and now she's supposed to be condemned because she's going to pick up the pieces and fucking continue on her career and do what she can one big piece of the puzzle you're missing here what chris brown is mad talented don't give a fuck about none of that bullshit but so to your point i do believe that chris thinks he made her and that is why his my argument is trumping yours nope no it's true no we don't care.
Starting point is 00:54:05 You can be right for the next 20 minutes. Chris Brown is talented and we will continue to adore his talent. Right and his little fucking weird stans will put Carucci down. Chris Brown is one of the people that I just go and buy it. I really love Chris Brown too. Remember by the time you guys beefed over his bow tie? I really like him too. That was such a whack
Starting point is 00:54:22 beef. So corny. Who have you not beefed with? Right. I've beefed with like everybody And then his Then Chris Brown's diss was like Pump pump pump it up Oh got you Got you the fuck out of here Got him Chris
Starting point is 00:54:33 You did that I went to the movie theater last week And heard Pump It Up Playing from the Meet the Blacks I texted you Cut out behind me I thought I was being trolled And it was pumping up playing
Starting point is 00:54:45 so while we are in the midst of our pumping up jokes uh they better cut my fucking check yeah word let me call my publisher what movie did you say you should be meet the blacks like not as a won't it come in your like quarterly residual check when it when it comes and you look at the breakdown and all that shit but still i want to see where's that though i heard it do you is it like a big check for that? movies yeah what about TV shows? well unless Joe's deal is fucked
Starting point is 00:55:09 well I've been fortunate enough to have my shit in like everything two movies that I'm like the bootleg I'm the bootleg Tyrese okay in that Tyrese
Starting point is 00:55:20 is actually in movies Tyrese but no Tyrese is not just in movies okay Tyrese is in two of. Tyrese. But no, Tyrese is not just in movies. Tyrese is in two of the biggest chains ever. Right. Transformers and Fast and the Furious. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:32 So I'm like. Damn, he's living. Oh, yeah. No wonder he has Benihana in his crib. Why do you think he's talking all of this fucking shit to fucking Tank? And that's an interesting thing that I want to get to. That's an interesting thing that I want to get to, too. But, so I'm going to bootleg him in the sense that Pump It Up.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Are you Periscoping again? Pump It Up. I haven't turned it off. Pump It Up for me was in Stomp the Yard and Mean Girls. Those two flicks never cut off. It was in You Got Served. Yeah, that's what I meant. I said Stomp the Yard.
Starting point is 00:56:02 You Got Served and Mean Girls. Yeah, exactly. Those two meant. I said Stomp the Yard. You got served and me. Yeah, exactly. Those two movies never cut off. Ever. They just have played for the duration of my fucking career. Yeah. That's great. I love it.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I'm cutting this off. Well, because what you call its thing was just in The Simpsons last month. And I was wondering, that's probably a big check, right? Have your song on The Simpsons? Oh, 1,000%. Shout to Zombs. 1,000%. Zombie's great.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I'm rolling with Karuchi. Shit is probably pretty fire, man. I'm rolling with his ego. And she's not my type of woman. She's not my type of woman. I'm not physically attracted to her. A lot of the thinner women that you guys really love, don't kill me for it.
Starting point is 00:56:43 It's my own personal preference I'm just not naturally attracted to that body type doesn't mean I can't find them attractive
Starting point is 00:56:52 like Rihanna's GQ cover what is that that she just did she just did something real big Vogue every cover ever Vogue I think whatever it was
Starting point is 00:57:01 that bitch looked like the like the first bitch ever like God's greatest woman well her sex appeal Whatever it was, that bitch looked like the first bitch ever. Rihanna is gorgeous. Like God's greatest woman. Well, her sex appeal trumps her body type.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Oh, yes. Her sex appeal is unmatched. She just oozes sex appeal. I just want to lick her. And you know she got fired. Niggas was fighting in the club over her. I would fuck Rihanna. Everybody's fucked Rihanna.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I wish I did. There's a reason. Yeah. Niggas don't keep running back the bullshit. Everybody's fucked Rihanna I wish I did There's a reason Yeah What do you think Niggas don't keep Running back to bullshit Rihanna shit is Jesus Mary and Joseph
Starting point is 00:57:33 And you know Drake Did that work shit Just to get back in there I feel like Amber's box Is probably super fire too I was gonna say Amber's is probably up there She just looks like
Starting point is 00:57:41 It's great So Amber Kanye was really hurt Over that shit That's true Yeah I feel like Amber's up there And I feel like Kanye is great So Amber Kanye was really hurt Over that shit That's true Yeah I feel like Amber's up there And I feel like
Starting point is 00:57:47 Kanye is still really hurt about it Yeah Yeah And Wiz was super in love I think his shit was just He was just young Well that's gotta be a bad spot To be in for Kanye
Starting point is 00:57:54 Because And I'm not gonna spend Too much time talking about Another rapper's family Because I'm just not that person However But With that said
Starting point is 00:58:02 However Since we're here Well it don't take a genius To point out that Amber is a sex symbol at this point in her career. Yep, for sure. Right? Which is a great segue into it. And if anyone has seen Kim Kardashian's sex tape, if they have seen it, I have. I was pretty bored.
Starting point is 00:58:17 It wasn't the greatest performance. Not to say I know anything about how Kim Kardashian performs. Please, TMZ, don't misword me. But if you want to put our podcast on there, misword the fuck out of him if you like it. Joe Budden says Kim Kardashian's box is trash. The consensus on that was you were slammed. So now Kanye is in an interesting predicament where you have this woman who's worth a good billion dollars. What number is that?
Starting point is 00:58:40 A good billion. Okay, that's good. Her family, her likeness, her everything. Everything. Like, it's a good look., her likeness, her everything. Everything. Like, it's a good look. It's a good look. It is. Niggas are getting married for business purposes.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Let's be clear. I'm not saying Kanye did that. But I can name a few niggas that have gotten married for business purposes. Same way bitches in the hoods are getting married for green cards. Hey, marriage is a business nowadays, people. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's what's happening. Always was. So you're stuck between a great, amazing look, like someone that's just amazing,
Starting point is 00:59:05 and probably some of the greatest sex you ever had. That's an interesting predicament. And I bet you Amber's more fun. Like, just overall. Yeah, with Amber, he was drinking Henny on a carpet. Right? That's fun. I would rather have fun in a relationship.
Starting point is 00:59:16 That was the best Kanye in the... It was. That Kanye is top... Let me be clear on this, because this is about to be monumental, like what Mark Jackson said to the Warriors, had the best shooting backcourt ever. So I want to be clear on this because this is about to be monumental, like what Mark Jackson said to the Warriors, had the best shooting backcourt ever. So I want to be clear on this. That Kanye, top five swaggy rappers ever.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I don't even use that word. So swaggy, let's see. You got to say slick, Rick. You have to. You have to. You have to say big I agree Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:47 After that Who do we have to say I'm bad at this So don't kill me For forgetting people You're going to disagree with me But not cause of Jay-Z Jay-Z because he made people
Starting point is 01:00:00 Switch fashion a lot I'm not saying he was When he went out Everyone was like Oh we gotta fucking So I'm not rolling with that He switched When he went out, everyone was like, oh, we got to fucking... So I'm not rolling with that. He switched the button-up thing, the jersey thing. His own style, though, is not very...
Starting point is 01:00:09 That's why he's not in this argument, because he wins in greatest trendsetter ever. Okay, Cameron, Cameron, Cameron, Cameron. I agree with Cam being in there. Yeah. Well... Dipset as a whole. Yeah, dipset as a whole. I'm throwing in dipset as a whole Cause they were responsible
Starting point is 01:00:25 For New York fashion Period For a long time If we're putting I'm not just talking about The pink shit I'm talking about The belt wallets
Starting point is 01:00:32 The pink splatters The bananas The fucking Ed Hardy shirts All the tight Oh god All the bullshit So glad I never
Starting point is 01:00:38 Bought into that trend I bought into all of it Puffy Oh yeah Puffy Oh Puff 100% Puff Gotta go P. Oh, Puff. Yeah. 100%. Puff.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Got it, though, Puff. Sleeper. Puff might be like one. We're very biased because it's all here. No, we're not at five. Yeah, you said Kanye, Big. No, no.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Let's start. We're excluding Kanye now. We said Slick Rick. Big. Big. I took Jay-Z off. Yeah, Dipset as a whole. Yeah, he's a trance.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Dipset as a whole. Diddy. Puff. And now we have, well, I thought we were still concluding. All right. Is there anybody that we feel has to be there before that Kanye?
Starting point is 01:01:10 Probably so. My sixth man is Ghostface. Hmm. Ghostface is a swaggy motherfucker. But that's my New York bias. I think we should throw someone from Atlanta or the West Coast somewhere in there.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Hmm. 3K. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. What are we, bugging? All right, so that Kanye is top 10 swaggy. I can't say he's top five. But I did want to say
Starting point is 01:01:31 to the other point, though, that when people kept saying that Amber downgraded from Kanye to Wiz, it's like a total... Which, by the way, Kanye's in that top five. That's relative, too.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Because Kanye... Kanye's in that top five. Once Amber left Kanye, he was a different dude. Wait, hold up. How is he in that top five too because Kanye Kanye's in that top five once Amber left Kanye he was a different dude wait hold up how is he in that top five Kanye completely changed to this day
Starting point is 01:01:51 how people dress period oh stop okay you're changing my argument within hip hop you're changing my argument he just meant like
Starting point is 01:01:57 their swag not their influence yeah we're going okay we were talking about that Kanye that was drinking Henny with Amber before the red carpet
Starting point is 01:02:04 like that type of swag he's not influencing other kids to drinking Henny with Amber Before the red carpet That type of swag I'm not talking about his influence I don't think that I don't think that Kanye and the Kanye today Is the same Kanye at all So I'm talking about just as far as Just swag I thought the polo and the Louis backpack was
Starting point is 01:02:20 Ew I thought that was swaggy He came with a whole different swag. Ye is in that top five. Yeah, but Ye is there. I feel like Kid Cudi should be there now. As fashion? No. I feel like fucking that's exactly the same shit.
Starting point is 01:02:38 They look fucking... Maybe music. I can make this argument, but I'm not going to make it. But all right, so forget about that. You're putting Kanye top swaggiest over who? Name the five again. Over three stacks, you'd put Kanye? And he was our last name, so let's do that.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Three stacks. Well, shit. Yeah, yeah. All right, go ahead. Three stacks are staying in there. Yeah. Dipset's definitely. Wait.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Then we said Slick Rick. Mm-hmm. Big. Does he stay or go? What do you think about it? We have to keep him there. Yeah, he Slick Rick. Mm-hmm. Big. Does he stay or go? What do you think about it? We have to keep him there. Yeah, he's fucking ill. I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Then we had Big. You will not. I know you like sensationalism and fucking clickbait. Shock, shock. I know you like it. And I know I just threw the alley-oop there. Don't fall for it. Please, you my man.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Do not say that that Kanye don't. Because I'm not going to dignify it. We're just going to endoop there. Don't fall for it. Please, you my man. Do not say that that Kanye don't. Because I'm not going to dignify it. We're just going to end the podcast. And that will be it. You're not moving big from there. So that's. I mean, he was only Gucci down to the socks. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:03:38 So that's big. Who did we say? Three stacks. Slick Rick. Puff. Shiny suits, man. Forget about it. Puff right now is the fucking best dressed nigga.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Puff every era. Puff for mad generations has been the best dressed nigga in the room. I'm agreeing with Puff. I'm getting Dipset out of here. No, fuck you. I'm getting Dipset out of here. Dipset was a here. No, fuck you. I'm getting Dipset out of here. Dipset was a reflection of Harlem swag. They just
Starting point is 01:04:08 dressed like everyone else in Harlem. Kanye was a reinvented swag that we had never seen in regular hip-hop culture at that time. Cam started the pink shit on his own. No, that's not true. Yeah, but your argument is flawed because once they started dressing
Starting point is 01:04:24 like that, Wayne started dressing like that. Everyone started somewhat dressing like that at that point. That's my point, which makes it not regional. Yeah. Which makes it not New York. Kanye had a way larger... You're changing the context of our argument. No, but you just brought that into it.
Starting point is 01:04:38 No, you did. I'm replying to you saying... We're having a great podcast. This is going to turn into a debate. No, no, no. I'm only replying to you saying that the Dipset influence was more so regional. That's all I'm replying to. I'm not starting a new point.
Starting point is 01:04:49 I was just replying to that. Fab, I was going to mention once we were done with this. Fab is top 10. Because Fab can keep up with every generation. Yeah. Fab is top 10. I was on Fab's Instagram page yesterday. Hey, have you texted him about coming to this podcast?
Starting point is 01:05:02 No? Cool. Thanks. I have texted Fab, but about something else. I was on Fab's Instagram yesterday, and I was looking at a picture that he took of his face, and I was really mad at his fucking face. He still looks like he's fucking 25?
Starting point is 01:05:14 Yes. I know. I was upset. I was angry at it. No, I'll tell you guys why. I was mad, for real. He looks like he's 25 years old. So does Nas. And Nas is a perfect one because he, both of them, shave with Bevel. Nas is actually an investor in the company. Would you look at that? And what is a perfect one because he, both of them, shave with Bevel. Nas is actually an investor in the company. Would you look at that?
Starting point is 01:05:29 And what is Bevel exactly? Why don't we tell the people? I think Joe knows a little bit about Bevel. I want a list of all Nas' investments. No, Nas is... He invests in like a trillion things. Every time I hear about Nas investing in something, it's always like something amazing. His manager, Anthony, is one of the smartest
Starting point is 01:05:46 music managers, period. But all for that. We'll talk about Nas and his investments later. Oh, actually, we'll talk about it now. Why don't we talk about... Wait, did you like Illmatic?
Starting point is 01:05:57 Well, then you'll love this. Then you'll love this. Start shaving smarter today at We've got a special offer this month. Use the code Joe free at checkout to get your first month's membership free. You can't lose.
Starting point is 01:06:11 That's Tell them that I sent you with the code JoeFree. And if you've seen me lately, I'm sure you've said to yourself, wow, that guy's face looks remarkable and his skin is so smooth and symmetrical. Is that what they said hopefully not if you said that stay the far to fuck away from me and don't talk to me how does joe smoke three packs a day and have such great skin i'm so down to not smoking three packs a day or one pack a day for that matter i'm proud of the progress that i'm making in that in that uh
Starting point is 01:06:40 universe so is there anything that we that we missed, we missed the Amber Beyonce. We want to close on that. I really enjoyed this podcast. Much better energy and just a flow. Much better flowetry. Flowetry. Okay. I might want to bring back. It's not a sleeper if it's a flowetry record, though. I love that.
Starting point is 01:06:57 But it's a sleeper. Some people may not. They're sleeping on it now and the kids may not have ever heard it. I have to find my song right now. What record do I want to put out there for the universe? Hmm. Yo, I was so jamming earlier. I would tell people to check out Kevin Costner's Fell Out of Love,
Starting point is 01:07:16 but it's only like an interlude version that he actually put out. I had to press him in the studio one day for him to give me the full version that he never released. That's super amazing. So I can't tell people to check put out. I had to press him in the studio one day for him to give me the full length version that he never released. That's super amazing. Let's leak it. Let's leak it. So I can't tell people to check that out.
Starting point is 01:07:29 That would be a good leak. I do want to leak that and fucking I'm Not Perfect by Imani because Imani's a piece of shit. That never came out? Oh, long story. I feel like I've heard it
Starting point is 01:07:38 so many times. Oh, of course you have heard it so many times. But, yeah. So what? Do you guys have a song i yeah i thought you guys were gonna oh no i'm not i'm so not prepared to go just yet oh well mine is more again i'm going with the ep i'm cheating again but it's a really short ep so i'm going to consider it's only five songs um the artist i'm probably going to pronounce her name wrong uh nao naio
Starting point is 01:08:02 nao uh her fe Her February 15th EP Is phenomenal It came out I don't know Maybe like Seven months ago But it's great And you should listen to it
Starting point is 01:08:12 I will put the link In the description And you can jam tomorrow Maddie is now looking for A tie dollar song No I can't make it sound Joe is now looking for anything No
Starting point is 01:08:21 My sleeper song is They And it's a song called Back It Up They is dope What kinder song is They, and it's a song called Back It Up. They is dope. What kind of song is that? It's like a sing-y song.
Starting point is 01:08:32 That sounds like some fucking I kind of think we need to add like a snippet into these. I think I could play a snippet. I feel like we do need to. I don't want to hear a snippet of they. No, they're dope. Yeah, this is just saying it's kind of weird.
Starting point is 01:08:42 There needs to be a snippet. We should do snippets, though. Can I play a little snippet of it? Do you have to? Yes. I liked Madi's Ty Dolla $ign sleeper one week. And the kids were fucking loving my Neftafaro sleeper, too. Sounds good so far.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I know my shit. Alright. I'll do 30 seconds. They. Back it up. I'm into it. Want the aux? Oh, because I have to play something? Pass me the aux. No, because I think that means that I have to take my phone out of this fucking case.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Yeah. See, that's why I hate doing that. All right, well, we'll just play your snippet in our minds. Oh, fine. I'll take it out of the case. Because I hate to be the party pooper here. Yeah, you are being that. Rory, shut the fuck up. Rory, there was another guy that I figured out that you look like, and now I don't remember
Starting point is 01:09:50 who it is. I look like a leprechaun. He definitely looks like, what's the guy's name? Betavucci? Steven Bonavucci? I don't know the crazy white guy with the fucking red beard and the red hair? That fucking Earth Slam somebody. He's got a show on one of those channels. I literally...
Starting point is 01:10:08 Oh, my God. Wait a minute. All right. So we're going to do this, and then we have to get into something else really quickly because I so forgot to mention this, and I'm way too excited about it. So where's the fucking song I just had? Oh, you know what I'll do? I want to do Marcus Caney.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Okay. That's what I want to do Marcus Kenny. Okay. That's what I want to do. So let me find that song. If you have ever been on my Periscope or Blog TV or Ustream, you have 100% heard this song because I play it often. This is just such a fucking... Yo, all the sappy, light skin, I lost my bitch songs. I love them.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Oh, yeah. Shocker, shocker. Shut the fuck up, Rory. Oh, don't tell me that, baby. Is he cute? He sounds like he's cute. Don't break the... Nope, he's not cute. I can't argue with you.
Starting point is 01:10:59 It's all relative. As soon as I hear him sing the hook, we can cut him off. But that's when you hear feeling. I need songs feeling oh he's taking too long let me fast forward oh here we go oh come on oh so baby can we stay oh my god whoever he's talking to that good pussy too let's go oh jesus so that's marcus can he in Love. This is not a new record at all. This is years old, but every time I play it, it's just a good fucking music. Good music.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Every time I play it, I wish I had an X that I missed. Is it my go? Yeah, it's your go. I'm done. Unplug your aux. Yeah, I'm done. I already said who mine was. I'll play the record Golden.
Starting point is 01:11:44 It's not as sappy and sad as Joe's more of a good weather record why would I ever want to play a good weather record it's a summertime get some fucking pussy and go home that's the little beat Joe button just t-shirt buttons oh yeah he killed you. I'm not going to break the mic stand and scream over it like Joe does with his. Loud. Not loud over here. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Make the mic. Things vibrate. No, that's just your vibrator vibrating. I don't use one. That's probably a problem with you. So that's it. This song sounds pretty cool. It is. ep is good ep is called february 15th uh her name is nao i don't know how to pronounce it and i'm not going to try now that sound like that sound like a song that that was playing in purple rain in that club in minnesota and prince
Starting point is 01:12:40 walked in and watched them perform it it sounds like one of those why don't I know the name of that club that they performed in? So this was a pretty good podcast. I enjoyed it. Oh, really quick, I just want to say, since we're leaving here, I find it amazing, and I say this as an adult of age who remembers this time, and I continue to talk about it on this podcast. I think it is amazing the job that they are doing with this OJ shit. Oh, I can't.
Starting point is 01:13:04 I am rushing from this podcast to go home and situ are doing with this oj shit oh i can't i am rushing from this podcast to go home and situate myself for this oj shit the cast is phenomenal the acting is phenomenal the editing is phenomenal i can't begin to sing to say enough uh to sing this show fucking down to set design it looks identical like that's the part that bugged me out two weeks ago it's and don't just say oh it's because it's a courtroom like no it looks identical like that's the part that bugged me out two weeks ago it's and don't just say oh it's because it's a courtroom like no it looks like no everything about everything you're looking at is 90s everything top to bottom they didn't miss a beat so i'm rushing home to that and i'm just in awe of that because you know what's gonna happen um which makes it even better
Starting point is 01:13:42 though i mean even I remember watching that race you're that fucking compelled to something that you know the result of I put so many people on last week two new watchers were watching it
Starting point is 01:13:52 and you know now because the trendy thing to do is to talk about the OJ shit or cases period after making of a murder on Netflix of course yeah how many episodes is it?
Starting point is 01:14:00 what? the series this OJ series I don't know they're on seven tonight tonight is the seventh episode. And I love, they surprise me every single time.
Starting point is 01:14:08 It's like getting head when you didn't expect it. There's always an extra 15 minutes at the end. Like it goes an hour. Just when I thought it was ending. Yes, every week.
Starting point is 01:14:15 I'm like, yo. It's like when you keep sucking. Like it's the greatest ending ever. Like yo, it's only 1044. Yo, use that on Fox by the way.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Um, yeah, so that, yeah so that show's coming on tonight they're doing an amazing job I'm rushing home to watch it and there are a million documentaries and things of that nature floating around I know Dateline has their version out that I watched that was pretty good this one did a real
Starting point is 01:14:38 good job the one on FX that showed it looks like it should not be on FX at all by the way that show should be on another network but this show did a really good job of touching on some of the minor shit that maybe were glossed over or wouldn't have been touched over on some of the other documentaries. Like that Marsha fucking hair thing. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:14:58 That was really a big deal. And I didn't see that touched on on the Dateline uh OJ special that they did or another one that I saw uh that came out prior to all of these I didn't see that either so they're just doing a good job all around the board salute to the cast my only gripe in the beginning was like I couldn't really see Cuba as OJ but he doesn't really talk that much like he kind of the main character is not OJ Simpson yeah which I think was the case with the trial, too. It was certainly more on the team of lawyers than it was them. You kind of just saw it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I'm sorry. My law and order ringtone. Yeah, no, I totally agree with everything you're saying. So we're going to rush out of here to go check out the O.J. shit. Daredevil comes back this month. This month, the new season of Daredevil on Netflix. Make sure you get that i say that because i uh asked a few podcasts ago when that's going to come back and the the fucking netflix gods
Starting point is 01:15:50 heard me so that's back uh what else is coming anything else happening this weekend no just uh we will be at south by on saturday let's get that plug out come join us laugh with us uh argue with us talk about your feelings maybe we'll do a bit of crying. I'm going to do a lot more. We'll have some cocktails. I'll probably have some thought stories to tell about them. We'll skip church in the morning. It'll be like an Irish Christmas.
Starting point is 01:16:09 I'm going to do a lot more interacting with the crowd no matter how much you guys annoy me. Yeah. Yeah, I think that's fun. That's the fun part of a live show. Yeah, and they will annoy me.
Starting point is 01:16:19 I'm certain of it. No, let's be in high spirits that day. Well, no, I'll be in high spirits. Yeah, and then that way you can get less annoyed when you're in high spirits. No, no, I'll super be in high spirits. The thotting I'm doing Friday night. Well, don't out-thot yourself.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Don't come on an empty tank. I think I'm going to out-thot you, though. I'm about to go in in Austin. No way, because all my bitches is better than anybody you fuck with. Actually, no, and all my dudes are going to be in Austin at the same time. So you can never out-thot me because your quality is mega weak. No, my quality is A1. I'm mad y'all are comparing Joe's bitches to Madi's dudes.
Starting point is 01:16:51 That's such an odd comparison. I know, it's not even the same. Yeah, I'm having a whose dick is bigger contest. Like your 4am is way whacker than my 4am. Yeah, that's just crazy, my ego tone. All right, so I had a blast. We're getting out of here. I'll see some of you lovely people this Friday in Austin.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Nope, Saturday. I mean, this Saturday in Austin, March 19th. My apologies. I may or may not see some of you people at the Hennypalooza LA Shindig on the 26th of this month. Tickets are actually really close to being sold out, so I don't even really need to plug it. But if you do want to go, I'd buy your tickets now at Oh, so I thought I was being a good friend. So fuck the Hennypalooza shit, 26th you ain't gotta go they don't
Starting point is 01:17:28 need they don't need no more body they gucci my nigga yeah i mean and that's that moddy uh yo uh it's real yeah i mean sloppy toppy so wait what's your name moddy is it moddy the body squared if you have more body coming no i just want to make that like a thing even if squared if you have more body coming no I just want to make that like a thing even if it's not true I wish I had more body coming
Starting point is 01:17:47 yeah but in my story maybe you can okay so then it would be Monty the body and Monty the bodyer Monty more body
Starting point is 01:17:54 Monty more body I like that I like Monty more body Monty more body I like it I like Monty more body we're gonna go with that one why did you come in
Starting point is 01:18:02 this week which is great because I should show you a picture of Mighty. I'm actually losing body. Mighty More in LA who's on my Instagram somewhere with the fattest ass in the universe. So that's pretty funny. That's kind of cool. You like a Mighty More or just?
Starting point is 01:18:13 Yeah. I've been losing weight though, but I'm wearing baggy clothes until I can debut. I see you trying to get your summer body right. Yeah, I'm trying. See what's going on. Looking like a little thotty, huh, Jim Rory? You really fucked up, Jim Rory. You fucking piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:18:26 I'm out of here. Bye, y'all.

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