The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 64

Episode Date: May 4, 2016

Views From Our Podcast....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mic check 1-2-1-2, mic check 1-2-1-2, I'll name this podcast later, episode number 64. I'm your host Joe Budden. To my right I have Madi Morabadi, how are you? Great. To my left I have Rory Lames. What's up? How are you? I feel great. Yeah, we're being serious.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I'm being very serious today. We start with rest in peace of Phoenix Shakur. Absolutely. That's very important. Afini Shakur. Absolutely. That's very important. Unfortunately, I can't expound on that today because today is important. Today.
Starting point is 00:00:33 My birthday, right? Oh, happy birthday. By the time this goes out, it'll be my birthday. It is Rory's birthday tomorrow. My little unhappy, excited, yay. I'm a little excited. Michael Rohr. 26 years old. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And yet you still find a way to be 12 in your head. 26 at midnight. Wonder what's next for me. Hey, segue. No. No. So listen. You got to work on that.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Work on that. Views. Views. Views. Views has consumed my life since its release. Views has consumed my life since its release. Everywhere that I go, every person that I see, no matter the age, no matter where, Drake transcends hip-hop. So in small talk, it was barbershop talk everywhere.
Starting point is 00:01:18 When he puts something out, you stop what you're doing, right? Absolutely. And the line everywhere was, so what did you think of Views? Of course. Literally between everybody. I was trolling women all weekend saying that Drake got Beyonce the fuck out of here. Yeah. In one day.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah, because there wasn't any more Lemonade. It was Views. Did you hear it? Did you hear it? More so I feel like Lemonade is a women conversation. Have you heard? Or men to a woman. What did you think of Lemonade?
Starting point is 00:01:42 But this is universally like everybody wants to know. Well now, let me just add my perspective to that. Yeah, we all stopped talking about Lemonade and started talking about Views, one, but Beyonce's job was done. Absolutely. Oh, I'm not taking that away from her at all. We're not done talking about that album. We're going to be talking about it for the remainder of the year.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Absolutely. Hell yeah. It was a troll, and I want to be clear, Beehive. I was joking. I just mean generically. Okay. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Yes. Yes. I don't mean like this specific way. You know what I'm saying? But I'm just like, everybody wants to know who thinks what. People now that people that listen to this podcast enough and people who I don't talk music with everybody. So to some people online know I'm I never, ever, ever give an opinion on music right
Starting point is 00:02:24 away. never, ever, ever give an opinion on music right away. That's just not how I choose to interpret and receive and process and digest music. Maybe because I'm an artist myself, I put more stock into what artists are going through when they create their project. These people are putting their mind, heart, and soul. A lot of times, a lot is at stake. A lot of times, family relationships falter. A lot of times, you know, we have to self-medicate.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Artists go through a lot to create. So I never, ever want to just judge just the music. I like to know where people are. Some artists you'll never be able to tell. Some artists you'll never be able to tell. Some artists you can. Sometimes that's their whole thing as an artist, is knowing exactly where they are at the time. Drake, for me, you can. You can.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Well, at some point you can. So now, let me start with me. I know everybody won't get to hear this whole thing because we live in a microwave society where people don't really want to hear all that shit. So let me get to my end point because I'm going to rant and I'm going to say a lot. My end point here is I love Drake. If you don't know, if this is your first time hearing me speak about Drake, let me inform you. I am one of the biggest Drake fans that there is.
Starting point is 00:03:47 He knows this about me as well. I go way back. I'm well documented. I don't need to get into all of that. So let's start. What's Drake's classic album? I don't think he has one, but his best one would be Take Care, in my opinion. Okay, so this is how I got there.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I think and I have always thought that drake is special yes the other people that i think are special all of them have a classic right that got me to thinking i even asked you and your friend now keep up with me because my memory is bad but my brain goes in overdrive and sometimes I can't remember what I was saying. I even told you and your you and Cam. I think that was right? Outside the hotel? Yeah. I said hey why isn't Take Care a
Starting point is 00:04:35 classic? And you both had very respectable answers. It wasn't timeless. It wasn't seamless. It was almost. It was very, very, very close. Very close. Hey, I agree. That album is take care, done bad.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I'm talking about his part. It's take care, bad. It's not taking care. That album is not taking care. It's not taking care. That album is not taking care. And as a Drake fan, somebody who thinks that his responsibility to music is greater. I think that what I heard was a man that was so far gone from himself. I'm not looking at now. I'm looking at where this is going and where it's headed.
Starting point is 00:05:22 And to see where it's going, we have to look behind us. And when I look behind me, I'm scared to death at where it's headed, because where it's going, we have to look behind us. And when I look behind me, I'm scared to death at where it's headed. Because where it's headed, they're going to finish the job that Napster started. They're going to finish that job. And it's not going to be enough income for all the niggas running around getting bread. I'm glad y'all think that don't apply to y'all that move around in this industry. But it does. You don't see very many rappers getting what they got
Starting point is 00:05:48 to do walkthroughs and shit. Know why? Because much like Napster, when all of these escorts and hoes came and started taking $200, we didn't really need the rappers no more. And that's a really bad example, but the same point, it's the same impact. I was the first
Starting point is 00:06:03 person on this podcast to say that streaming this looks very scary what's about to happen so i can't laugh with you i i feel that way everything that you're talking about drake right now did you say about jay at volume three i'm playing devil's advocate here i'm just put pointing out a point here and for everyone on twitter don't kill me i'm not not comparing Jay and Drake. I'm saying in their runs as artists, did you put the same amount of pressure on Jay-Z on volume three? No. This is where they are as far as albums go.
Starting point is 00:06:37 No. I'm saying the cohesive amount. No. They're there. No. No, that's not true. one two three four albums volume three views well if you let me get to my point i wasn't i wasn't this age i wasn't this age i was not this age now this age is when i'm starting to see things a bit differently. So I wasn't concerned at that age.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I, much like you, was just concerned with the music. And as I got older, my beef with Hov was, damn, he's the only one that they probably like enough to let get. No, no, no, I'm not talking. No, no. He's the only one they probably like enough to let get a seat at the table. And that'll be real big as like a black rapper, the best, a seat.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Of course, of course, of course. That'll be huge. And then he got there and I'll, you know, be careful what you wish for. I, that's when our shit began. But he got that seat. And he's continued
Starting point is 00:07:37 to hustle ever since. I mean, Jay is- And I would say Drake is probably in that seat because Jay had gotten that seat and so on and so forth. But I'm just saying, albums wise, you count them in their discography. We're at volume three.
Starting point is 00:07:50 And I don't think fucking Jay got this heat. We're not going to. We're not going to. I get it. We're not. Let's get off of this. Yeah. But I'm.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Oh, shit. Wait. We got. Hold on. Because I want to be clear. There was fucking. Be clear, New York. Oh, God. be clear. They was fucking talking about my voice. Be clear, New York.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Oh, God. Oh, was that good? It is real good. That was good, right? No. No. I'm not talking about you. I'm just talking about the juice. I think that Drake's ceiling is even greater than he sees it.
Starting point is 00:08:18 That's my end point. I think that Drake, as a kid from Toronto, who at one time was looked at as a real whack ass nigga. I think he prides himself in making Toronto as big as can be. I think you have succeeded in that mission, Drake. I think your business is exactly where your brand warrants it be. Your team of people is amazing. I think you are the only one suffering. This is only my take. I don't want anybody to listen to my opinion and change your opinion. I hate when people do that.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I'm not doing this for outer sensationalism or because I have a project coming. No, I do this. This is why I'm doing this. My son being in my life has changed my perspective a bit, I think the adults probably need to be the adults now, so sometimes we need to listen to our criticisms, I need to listen to mine, all that fucking around shit I was doing on Twitter, no, I need to separate myself, because the kids need the adults now, the kids now, my kid, right, who I've been out of his life for 10 years, music is our connection, him and I. I'm seeing the influence that music has on my child, not only on my child, but all of his friends. My kid is 14, freshman in high school, all his friends.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I think music has an influence on children that a lot of times even the parents don't know if they don't tell us. Right. And a lot of times they don't. I didn't tell my mom when I started doing a whole lot of times even the parents don't know if they don't tell us, right? And a lot of times they don't. I didn't tell my mom when I started doing a whole lot of shit. I know I'm getting off topic. I'm talking about for me, for me, Drake is fighting a bigger fight than Toronto. He no longer only belongs to Toronto. He's fighting for a lot more of us than
Starting point is 00:10:08 just Toronto if you ask me my opinion I think Drake can be the fastest to a billionaire ever yeah he just made um he finally just made Forbes uh wealthiest in hip hop this year. He knocked out 50 Cent. Fuck Forbes. And speaking of 50 Cent, and I'll get into this later, vital mistake Drake made, ignoring 50 Cent. This is what I mean. To know what's coming, you got to look before you. 50 built his empire off of people thinking he is stupid. Right? Can we agree? Explain that, because I don't.
Starting point is 00:10:48 You don't think? Alright. When 50 was... When 50 put out How to Rob. Alright, we're going that far. Okay, okay, okay. Now I see. I'm sorry. I thought you were saying when 50 was really introduced to the world, not to us. He was perceived as stupid.
Starting point is 00:11:02 The executives thought this was some stupid dumb nigga from Queens. Just some thug. He was blackballed. They didn't want to get killed over the shit. Oh man, did 50 out think them all. He made his empire off of people. That's in the 48 laws of power. This ain't me talking.
Starting point is 00:11:19 If you don't believe me. So that's what he did, right? Now, Drake, I think that You don't believe me. So that's what he did. Right now, Drake. I think that meek Drake thing is important here to look at. What's the J line on light it up? Drake, here's how they're going to come at you with silly rap feuds trying to distract you. Put me on record here. No offense.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I don't want to disrespect anybody. Meek is an idiot. Meek is not the brightest bulb. That's just what it is. That's my opinion. He's not. I dropped out in the 10th grade Listening to him speak
Starting point is 00:12:07 He's just not Of a higher level of thought Right He is a pawn I believe This is only my belief That he was sent I absolutely believe that
Starting point is 00:12:18 He was sent To distract that man Drake Right This is my belief Yeah we discussed that I think it was addressed On the 30 for 30 freestyle Me to distract that man Drake. Right? This is my belief. Yeah, we discussed that. I think it was addressed on the 30 for 30 freestyle. You and I were the only two people at first that said 30 for 30 freestyle is not about Meek.
Starting point is 00:12:34 That is about Jay-Z. Yes, Rory. See, that's why I'm so invested here because I have been obsessively watching Drake before his career started. I have been obsessively watching Drake before his career started. I have to. Drake, Cole, Kendrick, those three move the needle. Those three transcend music.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Those are the three people that my grandparents, my parents and my child would ask me about together. That's a unique set. There's some other people that are making their way to that group. But those are the three. So I have to watch those three obsessively. And they all stand for a cause, a very important cause. We need these three. Kendrick's cause we can see it we don't have to question it and we don't have to question what his agenda is of course at all this is a case of be careful what you wish for because I was the first person to say that I didn't really enjoy Kendrick's last album but it was a masterpiecerick's last album, but it was a masterpiece.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And he took a risk with that. It was a masterpiece. I said that when it came out. So here we get Drake's album, which I enjoy. I like it. I don't want that to get lost in what I'm saying. I really, really like Drake's album. But, nope, not enough, I have too much invested in him,
Starting point is 00:14:25 Drake, Cole, Kendrick, some of us elder statesmen in rap rely on y'all, We are depending on y'all. The fight that we started last decade is the baton is in your hand. So let me talk to the people about who I am. Am I still being concise in my points? Yes. Absolutely. Let me tell the people who I am and who a lot of musicians are. At in the height of my career, my success, when Kevin Louse and Leo Cohen were trying to make me be someone I did not want to be, when I couldn't walk nowhere without a million
Starting point is 00:15:00 people following me. I hated it. That's who I am. I think today we need to change the narrative of who I am to y'all because some of the people that know me know where my spirit lie. Drake know himself. I think he has a good idea of who I am at my core. Not a bitter bit of blood run through my veins. Everybody's not built to deal with stardom that way. I am not. Self-awareness is important. That was uncomfortable for me. Marshall, I've spoken with him because all the shit I'm getting, I'm getting from other geniuses too. This ain't just me talking. I'm just a vessel. Marshall, in confidence, told me he'd love to go pump gas one day.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Guess what? I fucking believe him. I believe him. that have been afforded the universe crave for those small moments that seem like nothing to the average person. Can we play this lighted up verse, Rory, please? Because I believe to see what's about to happen, we need to see what came before. And no disrespect to Meek, but Drake, where you sit is very important. Understand your opponent this time is not Meek. Oh, back to that 50-cent point before you play this. My point with that was, didn't Drake show the world exactly how meticulous he was during that beef? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:16:46 1,000%. A lot of people that didn't know. Some of us knew. Some of us that watched knew. A lot of people that didn't know found out how slick that boy can be, right? When he asserts himself, right? I think that that was vital information to whoever it is that is against him in his mission. I think whoever it is against him, I won't name names.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I think whoever that person is, I think they would like to know how meticulous Drake can be. Because I think whoever that person is, is an adult. And they are far more meticulous than your brain is now not later your fight is greater than that I think Drake can be iTunes that's what I think I think Drake I've seen Drake create a genre of music Drake the weekend party divisionnd, Party, Division, Madrid, Jordan. He could have really bust his ass if he wanted to go get Bryson Tiller. Drake has the influence to beat iTunes, if I'm thinking bigger, which my therapist told me to do.
Starting point is 00:17:58 So I apply it to everything now. I think Drake, did we play this clip? No, we didn't play it yet. Oh, of Joe Budden TV or Light It Up? The Joe Bud this clip? No, we didn't play it yet. Oh, of Joe Budden TV? The Joe Budden TV? No, we didn't play it. We didn't play nothing? Well, let's play that. Play that. Let's play that. I get every laugh on Joe Budden TV
Starting point is 00:18:16 and look who it is. Yes. Drake wanted to be here. Drizzy, Mr. So Far Gone. You've taken over New York City. Yup. And you didn't just catch me out here, too. I came to be here. Drizzy, Mr. SoFar gone. It's come. You've taken over New York City. Yeah. And you didn't just catch me out here, too. I came to support Joe.
Starting point is 00:18:30 For real, just for the record, man. And I appreciate it. Yeah, I came to support Joe. Thank you very much. Now, you asked me how the area was feeling. Yeah, I did. I need to ask you how you're feeling. I feel humble, man.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Definitely. Sorry. Listen, don't. Don't. Listen, don't pull this up. Listen, listen. Don't political. I'm giving you the not right real. What year is this? I'm giving you the not right real. 2009, it says on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:18:56 You happy. I'm honored. April 2009, which means really 2008. I mean, so far gone. Fresh into 2009, right? So far gone was picking up a lot of steam. Stop it. Right there. That's what I want. Right there.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Right there. That part is very key, y'all. Please listen to me. Hey, pause it. Pause it, Rory. Pause it, please. Hey, again, I'm only giving you my thoughts on my podcast. I'm only speaking to the people
Starting point is 00:19:23 who understand and are watching at a certain algorithm. I'm speaking to the people who are able to look deeper. Everybody's brain ain't that fucking developed. Play this shit right here. It's great. It's great. I never, I definitely never thought it would go this far. Stop it. Right fucking there. That's my point. Drake is still, hey, I go back to when every Drake video was bad. I go back to when Drake dressed like a piece of shit. I go back to when the flow was still a little choppy and he still really didn't know where to insert those melodies.
Starting point is 00:20:04 But you could tell it was coming.'m one of those drake fans i'm qualified to speak here in this arena drake now i remember i come from when he was on all the memes the bad way. That nigga's so ill, this is only my opinion, I think every time he's on a meme, it's him doing it on purpose. I think that's planned. I think all the hotline room video, I think the last album cover,
Starting point is 00:20:38 Head in the Clouds, I think this album cover, I think all of that shit is planned by him and his team. His team is amazing! Well, I don't know if you know, those memes and the sad clown and troll shit that people
Starting point is 00:20:52 did on Twitter was before Take Care. And then Take Care came and he went full-fledged sad. He just bought into it right away. Yeah. And it sold crazy. That's how calculated he is. So that was a very calculated move
Starting point is 00:21:06 in that sense. He even said that about, he literally said about Hotline Bling, he knew it was going to be made into memes and GIFs. He knew that. He wanted that. The dancing shit was 1,000%
Starting point is 00:21:16 to go viral. He wanted that. He did that on purpose. Yeah, yeah. That part is apparent. But I'm saying it goes back to before Take Care, before he was,
Starting point is 00:21:22 of course he was very emotional on So Far Gone and Thank Me Later. But he bought into that 1,000% and put before Take Care, before he was, of course, he was very emotional on So Far Gone and Thank Me Later. But he bought into that 1,000% and put out Take Care, which was the saddest fucking project ever. And we all ate that shit up. Play from there. Oh, wait, because my point with this right here,
Starting point is 00:21:37 I want to stay on my points because I have a lot of them. My point with this is I believe him when he says that. He could have never imagined. This is after So Far Gone. You don't think that this kid feels like he's at the top of the world right now? Nigga, no. No. No.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Too much is dependent on you. For me, anyway. I love it too much. And after streaming, there's nothing left. There's nothing next, y'all. I gotta talk to Drake, Cole, and Kendrick and hold them accountable. Because back when we had motherfucking
Starting point is 00:22:15 8-tracks after 8-tracks, 45, 45 records, records, tapes, tapes to CDs, I never knew what was coming next. We know what's coming next and we wasn't getting paid before as artists. If nobody want to talk about it, let's keep it a buck. It's time to change the narrative. It's time to recondition how we think. It's only but so many artists that are making a great enough living to afford themselves the lifestyle in which they portray. Does it take me to say that to y'all?
Starting point is 00:22:55 No, right? Certainly not. I'm not getting my information from somewhere that y'all can't pull from. I'm just judging him or more than the music. Play from here. I think you can have more, Drake. I think you are like the fucking golden child. I think you are so much greater than me. So much. Guess what, though? You couldn't be greater without me. There's a whole line of MCs from last decade that laid their blood, sweat, and tears for the ground that y'all can walk today. Last decade, they told me I had to act a certain way and dress a certain way and record a certain way I told him niggas suck my dick. Fuck your record label nigga
Starting point is 00:23:50 as an emotional 22 year old Who applauded when holes came in Def Jam because he was breaking barriers We want a black successful rapper at that Jewish table. That's what I'm saying to Drake right now. There's a whole nother table. You think Hov has stopped? Somebody answer me.
Starting point is 00:24:13 You think Hov is at his final table? Hustler Hov. Huh? We know who he is, right? Hustler Hov. You think he's chilling? Or you think he sees something coming no i think he's planning he's planning right ridiculous in the moves he's making right now
Starting point is 00:24:29 drake let's look at this point look at this point and this is conspiracy theorist joe this is where i get a little weird look at this point though back to drake can be itunes dra, I believe in energy. Drake has a different type of energy. His energy has attracted the likes of Beyonce repeatedly. His energy has Rihanna on his dick for a long time. Right?
Starting point is 00:24:58 His energy caused some type of energy between him and Chris Brown, someone who I think, while disturbed, is one of the most talented people in the world. He just has an energy with the other megastars in the world. Jay don't have that fucking energy. Jay is a hustler.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I'm not giving you my opinion. I'm telling y'all. I'm telling, yes. I'm telling y'all What we know about these people Jay Has hustled His way To
Starting point is 00:25:29 His empire See How we live it Is how we get it Drake Play this Because he goes further Play this
Starting point is 00:25:37 When do you see your first disc coming? Hopefully like Back to school times Like you know Early fall Alright no You think I said disc Disc Oh disc Yeah When do you I heard the line Disc me Not gonna reply Hopefully like back to school times like you know early fall. All right. No you think I said this disc
Starting point is 00:25:45 Oh this yeah, when do you I heard like this me not gonna reply Somebody's gonna send a shot like you man. I'm a nice guy I'm nice, but you're just too witty for your own. I'll be beefing with losing it I be people loser sensitive And it's my job as a rapper To let niggas know That they can't If I get this It's gonna be
Starting point is 00:26:07 It's gonna be a female Trying to get at me I bet Some irony there With the behavior Why? Listen to me Look at him
Starting point is 00:26:18 Alright so I tried to get this nigga To say who he was Gonna diss Somebody is going I'm not going to diss. Diss me and you'll never hear a reply from me. We heard the line.
Starting point is 00:26:27 That was just a line. Somebody going to say some shit. Yeah. And you're going to feel some type of way. And the MC and you. I'll be honest, man. Everybody that, you know, they try to keep. You know, I'll say one thing.
Starting point is 00:26:37 They keep trying to create a problem to me. Me and Cutty. I love that guy, man. I listen to his music. I think he's great. I think he's talented. I think he's talented. I won't have a problem with him. You know, see this new generation?
Starting point is 00:26:48 Stop that. We don't care about what he's saying from there. We don't care about what he's saying from there. I just want to show his mindset. It's women. If somebody diss me, it's going to be women. And, nah, my nigga, I'm so good. Somebody diss me, I'm cool.
Starting point is 00:27:02 No, that was then. People develop. See, because some people Gonna say to me Joe people are supposed To change No we supposed to evolve And improve on ourselves
Starting point is 00:27:11 We not supposed to lose Who we are Right Play light it up please Cause all of this Is foresight Me talking to Drake Having that conversation
Starting point is 00:27:20 Ain't nothing but foresight. Triple Enchandra don't even ask me how. Connected to a high power. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, no. No, no, no, you won't fool me that way. Because Hov is too much of a genius. So let me see this computer. Oh, that was smart, Joe Budden. Yeah, that was.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Tell a nigga what you do with your ass. Yeah, I fucked up where it was. He's got the fucking lyrics on the screen. I know, I know. He could have just read this shit. All right, come on. I try to take this. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Rewind hold. I'm sorry. Rewind hold. I'm sorry The wine Hove I'm sorry Man of the Ow Triple entendre Don't even ask me how Con Edison
Starting point is 00:28:11 Flung connected to a higher Stop it Stop it Stop it Um And this ain't no Illuminati shit But like I believe in energy too
Starting point is 00:28:19 And as of late I've been into numerology I looked up Hove I looked up motherfucking Drake too Right But I believe that Hove Is in the energy as well. I'm just throwing paint in the wall. Keep playing it. None of this matters. We don't care about this.
Starting point is 00:28:43 None of this matters We don't care about this Oh, let's listen Nope, nope I just run the town I don't do too much Let's listen now Let's keep listening, y'all Let's keep listening. He has. He's talking to you. That's you too. He's still talking to you And he's still Shut it off
Starting point is 00:29:25 Now of course Of course I'm fucking around I don't know what he was talking about All of that But I do I like where you're going with this No no no
Starting point is 00:29:35 It was a good lighter moat In this podcast No but I do believe in energy And I do believe that Hov has seen it all And done it all I do believe that So
Starting point is 00:29:44 This song to me, someone who's looking deeper, is a clear indication that right here, Drake's mind is on the women, Hov's mind is on the bigger picture. My point is Hov is not me. He's very meticulous. Let's get to views. He sounds so uninspired
Starting point is 00:30:00 on views. Let me tell you, here's my other conspiracy theory about views. Track one You can't fool me baby No no no No no no No no no Drake I think you're too much of a genius
Starting point is 00:30:12 For me to think That you talking about A bitch's perspective On track number one I don't believe it I think that track number one Is a stream of consciousness I think that track number one
Starting point is 00:30:22 Is your way of sending shots To the public like a bat cry for help in the air, nigga, you talking about yourself. I don't think you have a confidant that you can fucking confide in to talk about these feelings. And just when I thought I was wrong, you said that to me as you closed the album out. Thoughts too deep to share with a therapist. Nigga, I could have this conversation as if you was in front of me. And you've been in front of me. So you know that this is love.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Me and you play truth or truth. I left that truth or truth. Truth or truth is a game I play to gauge people's brains. You're real good at it. I left that truth or truth game saying that boy is different. It confirmed Me thinking you Was the golden child But it told you
Starting point is 00:31:07 I was different at two Your brain Is different So I think It was a stream of consciousness On track number one right Track number two Might be the worst
Starting point is 00:31:15 Follow up To track number one I've ever heard On any Drake project And I love that song Okay That song is indicative Of my point
Starting point is 00:31:24 Drake Who has been On my list of a nigga who has not had an undeniably whack verse in years I didn't even give him one until my way with Fetty that was my first time giving him a whack verse you can it's not by coincidence That there's a string of records now With horrible lyrics I turned the six upside down It's a nine now No, no, no I'm not defending that
Starting point is 00:31:57 I'd rather just Go the overall picture here Of this album and not go track by track We're not So let me close with the beginning and end Because this album and not go track by track and we're not bar by bar. We're not. So let me close. So let me close with the beginning and end. Cause this will get us on a tangent.
Starting point is 00:32:09 That's my, I, that's my thought on track number one track, the last track views. It ends the way every Drake album normally ends. As far as the braggadocious triumphant background music, it ends all of his projects in that way. This time, it was different.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I couldn't feel it. I didn't believe it. What I was getting from the words was different. Now, on So Far Gone, which is his classic, on So Far Gone, he didn't have none of that shit he was talking about. But God damn it, I believed him. Now he has everything in the universe. I didn't believe his voice, his tone, in the words he was saying.
Starting point is 00:32:56 And I thought that his meticulous ass was closing that album, trying to tell us something different. So, I want to define introspection right now because he is the air quotes king of introspection. And I define words even when I know what they mean just because the context of the English language is lost today. Anytime you ask somebody what a word mean, first thing out their mouth is Well to me it mean No bitch I want to know what it mean
Starting point is 00:33:28 Introspection Observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state Mental processes The act of looking within oneself Now Since take care to now, can anybody tell me that Drake has done that? No.
Starting point is 00:33:50 But we can tell you where Kourtney works. Hooters on Peachtree. I give Drake more credit than that is what I am saying. And if there's one place I'm qualified to speak, it's on introspection. So now I'm on my podcast right now. Give me two seconds. I'll call you right back. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:19 It's on introspection that I can speak about. And when I met Drake, you know what? I'm going to I'm going to wrap here. But can I tell a story? Can met Drake, you know what? I'm going to wrap here. But can I tell a story? Can I just tell a Drake story? I just want to give backstory. Always good to hear. I called Drake.
Starting point is 00:34:33 I want to give backstory to that YouTube clip. I called Drake when he was leading up to So Far Gone being released. Before he put it out. And I said to him, you are the one. You are the one. Stay this way. Stay. It's you. Like I had that talk with him. And then I said, I would love to work with you. He said, I'm in Toronto now, but I'll fly up and we'll get something done. I said, cool. Wait, self-awareness is important. I want to tell'm in Toronto now, but I'll fly up and we'll get something done. I said, cool. Wait, self-awareness is important.
Starting point is 00:35:07 I want to tell the people out there, just so y'all know who I am. I asked Drake, Kendrick, and Cole for verses early before anybody knew who they was. They couldn't ever do it because their superstardom got too big. Nobody's happier about that than me. No, but I'm not one of them. I'm not one of them hating niggas. I'm from a different time. So anyway, Drake never came not one of them. I'm not one of them hating niggas. I'm from a different time. So anyway, Drake never came to do that verse.
Starting point is 00:35:28 But he did come up one day for that party that we was at when we filmed that. He came up for that. And I said, yo, we going to get that verse done? He said, no, I have to go and do this. Hov called me to the studio to do what's the joint? This was the wax song. Off that? Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Off that shit, that shit That wasn't When Hov didn't let him Get a verse Cause he might wash it When I heard that song I was disappointed I was sad Because I was like
Starting point is 00:35:52 Damn Then he wore Mad Tims afterwards Yeah Yes Rory Madi I had so much fire
Starting point is 00:35:59 Planned for Drake and I That day Cause we were so much More alike Than we were different As far as I'm not talking about a success level. See, people going to speak for where I have failed, but that's fine.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I want yesterday. I want tomorrow to be better than yesterday. Nobody's happier to me that the Warriors have broken the Bulls record. No. Why? Because none of us thought we could ever see it. It was impossible. That's all I'm saying. ever see it it was impossible that's all I'm saying I need Drake to fight the impossible fight the one I failed at because I was too emotional the one a lot of us failed at because we wasn't talented enough the ones a lot of us failed at because the people wouldn't listen we had the same point but the game and the time was different now is the time and the climate is now for that fight to be fought. Okay, with that said,
Starting point is 00:36:48 did he not do that on Views? Is that what you're getting at? Views tells me something is wrong. Okay. So you're saying he's not hungry anymore? No, no. Oh, so that was my story. In Sin City one night, when I was
Starting point is 00:37:03 in Sin City, Drake calls me while I'm in Sin City one night, when I was in Sin City, Drake calls me while I'm in Sin City. What year are we now? What was this? 5 a.m.? 5 p.m. in New York? This is something. Not 5 p.m. in New York. What was before that?
Starting point is 00:37:15 What was after Dallas? That one. That was the one. What year did that come out? 2011. He called me. I was in Sin City. Had to be 2011 because I've been stopped going to Sin City.
Starting point is 00:37:24 He called me and he asked me some shit that will remain between him and I. And when he finished, I said, Drake. That shit that you just did was amazing. How? For me, I was trying to get inside information, if you want me to be honest if i'm being totally transparent i was trying to see how someone who had it all still was that inspired to rap like that to mcs i'm telling y'all out there that just judge music the mcs for a lot for a long period of time was looking at drake like an immortal that's how he. I still think he's that. Maybe I'm wrong and holding on to false shit.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I still think that boy is the one that will change the way music is received in 50 years. I'm open to being wrong. I am. I am. I know I sound a little nuts to some people. But what was I saying right before that? Because I want to finish that point and then we can end it. Oh, my story.
Starting point is 00:38:30 So he said, yo, if you want to be honest, I'm still hungry. And he might as well have stabbed me in the heart as an MC because I couldn't understand it. I lost my way in this game. I wanted to leave as soon as I found out what it was. I'm too much of an introvert. So for him to say that, it was like God telling me there was a stronger version in front. A nigga was going to get it done. That Drake is no longer, is what I'm saying. Okay. Well, I totally get exactly what you're saying in the sense that he is not hungry as an MC, which may have been apparent on views.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I don't think it's because he's had it all, too. I don't think it's because he's done it all. I think he's uninspired. I think it's different. I think he felt like he's just gotten to a point where he's too polished to take a risk. Is his hunger in a new area now? That's what I'm looking at. My point here is he's in a new area now. That's what I'm looking at. My point here is
Starting point is 00:39:25 he's developed a lot. Everything that has come up to this point has shown me that views did not surprise me at all. Everything that was on that album, I thought was going to be on that album because if you've looked since his last fucking take care
Starting point is 00:39:38 was the last time we thought he was really rapping. You think? For me. I know, for you I'm saying. And Rory knows everything has told me that he's going in this direction
Starting point is 00:39:48 and as calculated as you just say that he is and how hungry he was at that point who's to say that this is now his direction
Starting point is 00:39:56 or his view no pun I think he's equally his hunger could be there let me reply to that let me reply to that I'm one of the people that ran to download
Starting point is 00:40:07 everything drake ever put out ever without hearing it i didn't need to know i'm the person that ran the slaughterhouse in 2007 8 i think 8 8 2008 and said yo listen to this kid they thought i was nuts right i like risk drake and i don't i think he's at a place Where it's no longer a risk That's what I'm saying When he put out Hold on we're going home Loved it Any record he's done like that
Starting point is 00:40:34 Loved it I don't care whether he wrote it or not The R&B music I love all of that I love the dancehall shit on this album So not to interrupt you But right there Just hold on we're going home.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I think we've talked on the podcast, I think his quote was, I want to make a wedding song. I want to make something that transcends my regular hip-hop. What a genius, right? Yeah. Okay. So, he's seeing that he wants to go in that direction. He does the trap shit, because that's popular within the urban market. Let me keep my fans here.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And that's not true. Because I'm clearly trying to go in a different direction with my pop music, but I'm trying to gather everyone. I saw Views as the My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Let me appease every fan that I've gathered on the way here. That's how I saw this album, which is why I wasn't shocked. And while I do understand your energy now is within passion, mine is in his understanding.
Starting point is 00:41:26 I have logic and understanding as well behind mine. I didn't say that. I don't think he's making this album for you, for the rap fan. I think he's making this for some global shit. Wait, why are you boxing me as a rap fan? Don't do that. No, I'm saying what you're expecting from him. I get what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:41:39 I know you like more than that. That's not responding to me. I don't think he's making it for the day one rap fans. He's making this for some global shit. Body weight. Look at the single now. He's got his high short and he's happy. Wait, y'all, y'all.
Starting point is 00:41:51 I have to interrupt y'all. Wait, or you. Okay. I'm not ever saying it. I'm not addressing what you're saying. I agree. I think Drake is trying to be the best artist in the world. I agree.
Starting point is 00:42:04 So why is that? How is that counter to what I'm saying? I think Drake is trying to be the best artist in the world. I agree. So how is that counter to what I'm saying? No, but we're not saying that you're wrong. We're just saying the point of view. We're looking at the understanding and his mind frame in doing these moves because you're saying that he has lost hunger. He's not inspired. I'm just saying his inspiration may be in another place now. That's all.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Where is that other place? Tell bigger yeah pop pop music stop repeat what you just said two more times repeat exactly what you just said bigger into pop music that sound like more reason to be more motivated and inspired than ever i'm talking but his artist. He did Hotline Bling. Work was fucking the number one record. Which, by the way, Rihanna. That's not his record. That's Rihanna. That's his record. That came from his camp. That's his record. I know Rihanna made it Rihanna. Hotline Bling and One Dance
Starting point is 00:42:58 are his two highest charted singles of his career, though. Everything he's doing now says my hunger is in pop music and everything. This is what is a little frustrating. Drake is going to sell more records than ever. Okay. Well, I'm not talking about his success. And I'm not talking about how amazing.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I love those records. No, we're not. We're not disagreeing with you at all, Joe. We're not disagreeing with you at all, Joe. We're agreeing. We're saying where the – he could be hungry just not for the change in lyricism and the more – being more introspective and showing growth in that way. Okay, Rory and Marissa, what I'm talking about is who I think and who I know Drake to be at his core. I think that's – I'm talking about who he is.
Starting point is 00:43:42 He's such – he's not a one-tr trick pony, so he makes all these amazing records. Of course. But him, him inside, I keep saying, I miss the Drake that pushes the agenda, not let the agenda push him. He who he is inside is what created all of this. Now what has created all of this is now, is eating at him. And I'm talking about artists. See, sometimes we ignore artists because they artists, but we keep seeing them die.
Starting point is 00:44:10 There's a reason for it. There's a reason that artists are popping pills. There's a reason for all of that stuff. Artists be going through shit. You think Drake don't feel? Let's not be stupid. He hasn't told us anything about any of that. That's point number one Point number two
Starting point is 00:44:26 To your point Rory This is what makes me look at him a little funny Every chance he get He diss niggas Who don't sell no records Yet he seem to me like He feels like he needs future for something I think that's to
Starting point is 00:44:43 Hold on to the fan base That he doesn't want to hold on to the fan base that is the urban trap music while he does the pop shit. Because if he doesn't do the future shit and knows he's going in the hotline bling one dance lane, he's losing a lot of fucking people. And he's at such a point now that he can't please everybody. He's gathering every aspect of our genre. Great, then stop dissing the niggas you holding on to. It's rap. He's just talking shit. Yeah, but to
Starting point is 00:45:11 us deeper minds, I want to believe you and when you dissing the niggas that you grabbing on to for dear life, it makes it hard for me to believe. That's number one. Number two, that proved my point too. Because my only point here is I think Drake is greater than even Drake knows for himself. I don't ever feel like and I and future is amazing.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Drake is different than us. He's different. He is. I I make it akin to power to the people that think I'm hating. To me, it's equivalent to power when ghost who's the man got a little too arrogant and lost himself and then that white nigga took his club from him and then told him like I'm telling Drake the nigga I know would have never lost that club the nigga I know can make this album that he put out without a mouth. Rappers know that. You can't fool a real nigga is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:46:14 It's time we recondition the masses. That's not okay. We need the niggas that are great to be great. Because the kids today are going to have kids tomorrow. That's what I'm saying, y'all. Can I raise a point? Not an opinion? And I think I'm done with my points. You would say everyone would agree that Drake is a relatable artist and has been relatable
Starting point is 00:46:41 his entire career and that is what's drawn people to him? No. You don't think Drake is relatable? I don't. As a regular human being that walks... That feels shit
Starting point is 00:46:52 and... Yeah. With the girls. Don't overthink this. I have an answer. You haven't let me answer it. I don't. Oh, my answer was no.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Yeah. I think half of his career has been that way. That's what I'm saying. I don't feel like there's a certain point I feel like it stopped. Hey, why we don't hear Drake and Cole no more?
Starting point is 00:47:11 They don't need each other. They don't. They don't need each other. They're in two separate lanes doing just fine. Did they need each other when they did Joe to see that? I don't separate to that point, but remind me to come back to my point. Oh, then do it now. So with Drake has been very relatable,
Starting point is 00:47:24 and I think that's why people have grasped towards him right off rip because he's very vulnerable and shows himself and people relate to that. Now, he is not a relatable person. And I think Drake has given us his life to a certain extent on record. Wait, why is he not a relatable person? Now. Now it could be a lot more difficult to be relatable. So on views, going into the studio, this is all I have no idea. It's just speculation making a point.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Going into views, knowing his whole career has been based on people connecting to exactly what he has to say, he doesn't have anything to say to the average person walking in that studio. he doesn't have anything to say to the average person walking in that studio. And that right there, young people, is the point that I want to drive home. Because the hip-hop that I fell in love with was old hip-hop, of course, but it was hip-hop with a message. Rappers and MCs, and I can speak on MCs because I'm an MC. So I'm not speaking to Drake the artist because I'll never be that artist.
Starting point is 00:48:28 He's too amazing. None of us, a lot of us won't be, but the MCs reported from around the world. Drake, the MC we fell in love with. He told us about where he was from, his point of view. He told us about, let me tell you something. Why can't this be a point?
Starting point is 00:48:43 Everything that you love about him and who he is and the passion he has in his music, what you're saying, you felt lacked in views because you didn't feel it. No. That is a reflection of where he's at right now. And Rory, my counter to that is I disagree. I think he is fighting a huge fight behind the scenes, but he has to tippy-toe. He can't tell us. That's similar to what Mad tippy-toe. He can't tell us. That's similar to what Madi and I were saying.
Starting point is 00:49:08 He can't tell us. I'm saying when he digs deeper and finds another way to get over that hump that many of us failed at because we weren't equipped, and when he does that, he'll be able to mass produce himself this way and it never lack feeling or merit I think Drake has a lot to talk about I think that that very meticulous man keeps hinting at something he just won't tell us because he keeps talking about hoes and while I get it while I get it that may be who that part of who he is too loving to fuck all the big booty bitches and really having you know that may be who he is too
Starting point is 00:49:50 but once he gets past it i got caught up too i'm not exempt we humans my nigga i lost myself that was about to be my point i lost myself yeah he's the golden child but he's also the biggest rapper in the world right now that has everyone saying if you don't drop a classic, you're whack. Which is why the adults need to be the adults. I can't sit home and look at my kid, look at hip hop, and tell me about all the fuck shit his friends is doing, right? And feel like I'm out the game because I'm not playing the game. But that's not true. Because I'm reaching niggas that's playing the game, uh-uh, no, no, no, I can't,
Starting point is 00:50:36 I believe in energy, these are my beliefs, so while the world can say Joe Budden has no right to speak on Drake because he's never done it, no, I've never done it because I wouldn't do it, I need a more, we need a more equipped version. And since that man has told me out his mouth how much I have inspired and influenced him at some point in life, because he's one of them geniuses where I'm sure many people have inspired him. This is how energy works to me. have inspired him this is how energy works to me and inspired me because Tupac said Tupac said who I love we I don't have to change the world I just got to inspire the mind that does so inspired me inspires Drake inspired Drake uninspires me and uninspired Drake in turn inspires and uninspired me, which will inspire him. That's how I feel. Me. Only me.
Starting point is 00:51:35 I need Drake to be the greatest. I need Drake to be greater than he even knows he can because his plight is for our lineage. We won't be here. Music will. That's why I'm this invested. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's too big.
Starting point is 00:51:54 It's too big. It's too important to me for me to allow y'all, not this time, for me to allow y'all to diss the messenger and ignore the message. I'm way too invested in music. I've said too much that if you take music off this planet, you have to take me with it. If I believe what I believe, I have to be this way, Rory. Yeah, and I hear that. And back to the point of your thinking and your energy is in the passion of what's going on. Mine is in the understanding.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Right. So what don't you understand? No, no on. Mine is in the understanding. Right. So what don't you understand? No, no, no, no. The understanding of why this happened. No, no, no. I understand exactly what you're saying. I'm saying why Drake put out views and why it sounds the way it sounds. Did you think that was cohesive views?
Starting point is 00:52:38 I think 40 was the star. It could have been more cohesive, but I think the production was phenomenal. 40 was the star um it could have been more cohesive but i think the production was phenomenal but i think with to run back to the point of grabbing all these audiences in doing that with these pop records and not the introspective drake that we love he has to grab them to do this bigger mission that you're speaking about because he has to get the masses here my point here beyonce could not make lemonade without four She needed to get everyone On board with her To put out this story
Starting point is 00:53:07 Yes Lemonade would've fell fucking flat If she was just some R&B singer See Wow So Drake needs This mission He could be on the same thing
Starting point is 00:53:15 See Roy This could be way more calculated But wait Before y'all Before y'all say that I'm not gonna pull it up of course But on this very podcast Cause we've been documenting this
Starting point is 00:53:25 for a long time, for a year. Oh, yeah. We all sat here and agreed that Drake was already at that position and this was the album, right? We said it here. We all said it. I'm not saying this in lieu of him having an album
Starting point is 00:53:39 that maybe I didn't think was his greatest work. I've been obsessively watching this for a year on this podcast do you hear me y'all have been with me we've said this is the one right but he has a ceiling that i'm not saying that oh well hey this wasn't the one so fuck drink never will i ever ever ever ever be that foolish that man knows where i stand with him but i know we've said that a thousand times but now in retrospect i don't know if that's very fair right and i think i know we keep using hove as an example just because he's this generation's closest thing to hope and we
Starting point is 00:54:17 gotta stop that not his music but how people love him. Yes. This is my whole voice. Push the agenda. Don't overthink that. I'm just saying who he is. But just like you said, Drake doesn't even know his ceiling. He could be bigger than what he already is. He's already, you know, you said this could have been the album, but there could be another album past that that could do even more than that.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Of course. Not if he stays like this. If he don't think bigger than this, that album will never come. This is global. That's what I'm saying. It's not necessarily the rapping Drake that we knew or the pushing the agenda Drake. I get that. You're telling me about his popularity, and I'm talking about where his popularity should be.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Again, ours isn't passion. Ours isn't understanding. Exactly. No, mine is just coming from having been in this fight. I'm looking through a different lens. I need the fans the same way 50 went to the radio a while back and just brung sound scan up there every fucking week and recondition how fans think. No,
Starting point is 00:55:19 somebody got to change that. We have to stop judging just the music. The niggas that we love are killing themselves. Chris Brown looks nuts. I love Chris Brown. And I love his music.
Starting point is 00:55:35 And I think he's one of the most talented people in the world. I'd be damned. I just lost Prince. I'd be damned if something happened to Drake because he feel like he don't have no one to talk to. Just go listen to the end of views. Don't don't. I'm not telling no. I agree with me.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Nobody believe me. Nobody ride with me. I'm just telling how Joe Budden feels on Joe Budden podcast. Listen to the end of views for a nigga with the world. It just don't sound believable. There's a feeling missing throughout the entire album. I won't stand for it. He's greater than that.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Fuck that. Nope. I'm done. That's all I got. It's funny. That reminded me of a bar on Club Paradise. Damn, my biggest fear is losing it all. Remember how I used to feel at the start of it,
Starting point is 00:56:23 and now I'm living a motherfucking fairy tale and still trying to keep you a part of it. Back to what I was saying where people connected with Drake so much, and he is now not that person. He can't tell me about an average relationship anymore, so hence views. Lost feeling because he may not have the same feelings that I have as a fucking average 26-year-old person.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Rory, I agree with you. I think views for him is all love lost for me. Albeit on the biggest scale in the world and mine's on the lowest. I think views is an uninspired Drake giving us, giving the people what he thinks will work. On all love lost because I'm older, I was uninspired and telling people I am dying. I'm speaking about art and artists. They all are weird for a reason. I'm not judging just music.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yes, I am an over analytical Virgo with OCD. I know y'all think I just fuck bitches and tweet ignorant shit Well, you do that to my butt No longer, no longer, no longer, no longer You trying to change the narrative, I'm not Because I love you I love you too, dog, but I hold Drake to too much I will end with that, I don't want to hold this hostage
Starting point is 00:57:42 I hold him to too much I totally understand what you're saying. And I'm open to being wrong. But I live with the result of being wrong if all I'm telling my brother to do is be great. Be greater than. I live with being wrong. I mean, if y'all gonna call me a hater for wanting somebody to be great,
Starting point is 00:57:58 so be it. But a lot rides on Kendrick Cole Drake Joe Budden I'll name this podcast later Y'all wanna close With something? Uh we should do
Starting point is 00:58:09 Sleeper songs I don't think we have An aux cord But we should keep The tradition going Who am I to fuck Tradition up Yeah I mean
Starting point is 00:58:15 Um but yeah In closing I totally I think we're on The same page 1000% understand What you're saying Yeah
Starting point is 00:58:23 There was certainly A feeling that was Not there Yes In the Drake album. We can all agree with that. But I totally understand it. And while you may have a point with this uninspired thing, my only other point that I cannot prove because I do not know Drake or anyone in his camp, his focus and inspiration could be going in this direction purposely.
Starting point is 00:58:43 This may be what he wants to do yes that's all i am there okay i'm still gonna watch obsessively and document for the people who are looking the way that i'm looking uh for the internet out there that is gonna listen to this can you pull up a bunch of drake pictures and just photoshop joe creepily watching in the background so i can enjoy that. And then tag us in the place. I don't give a fuck about what you gotta say. I'm trying to keep light skin niggas on top.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Parks, we don't have an aux cord or anything, do we? Whose phone is that? That's my other phone. Why do you have two phones? Cause I got two phones, one for the plug and one for the hoose. No, I don't know. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:59:26 I'm not rolling. Hey, Mom. All right, well, I'm going to play a sleeper song through my phone to the mic. But it'll get the points. It's on Sunday, asshole. It's on Sunday, you dick. Tell your mother I said Happy Mother's Day, too. Tell her I said hi, Ms. Faye.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Hi, Ms. Faye. Marissa and Rory said hi, Mom. I'll call you in 10 minutes bye oh oh my new bae dm'd me back hello oh my god um all right so i'm just gonna play it towards the mic hopefully it works yeah that's fine i like it better like that anyway this is my sleeper song of the week. I think it's appropriate. This is Drake, Closer to My Dreams. dreams no tolerance cut you at the house and have a hollis six get bored quickly he stayed grown so the ph drone had to get poured quickly ex-girls tripping i can't stop a new girl tripping but i
Starting point is 01:00:33 can't drop her because i need something to balance out the fact that it's hard to find a woman when you're talented and black when you hollering at labels and they silencing you back because you fail to thoroughly discuss some violence in your track well gunshot for the young guy on the seat The funniest part about the Comeback season cover Is where Drake looks By far the oldest And it's the youngest Why he look like a fucking
Starting point is 01:01:00 40 year old single Guy with a daughter that be creeping in the park Drake close to my dreams I'm gonna try to do this better than I tried before my sleeper song of the week is a sleeper mixtape of the week
Starting point is 01:01:18 which was Mike Mike Posner's 2011 mixtape called The Layover I had a bunch of tracks on I'm gonna just probably play one but he had a lot of features Big Crits on and Slim Thugs on Mike Posner's 2011 mixtape called The Layover. It had a bunch of tracks on it. I'm going to just probably play one, but he had a lot of features, Big Crits on it, Slim Thugs on it, B Major, Casey Veggies, Machine Gun Kelly, So High the Prince. A lot of good stuff on it.
Starting point is 01:01:36 He did a cover of Wonderwall, which is really dope. But I think one of my favorites was this song called Attitude. I can't even pronounce it. With KC Veggies. And this is it. But to be clear, my pick is the whole mixtape. Mike Poser is way more talented than people give him credit for. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:08 And I'm so happy he has a hit single now. And we look alike. Make us hot again, Mike. He's hot. Top five song in the country. And he wrote Boyfriend. Yeah. For Bieber.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Doesn't that sound good when y'all keep talking over it I just don't want to get Pulled over by that Shut up This is a mixtape So And there you have it
Starting point is 01:02:33 That's brand new Mike Posner Or old Mike Posner Posner Mike Posner Or old Mike Posner WJBMC 101.9 Right here for commercial Free Rush Hour music
Starting point is 01:02:43 Alright Monty Come on man Damn Trying to fucking Posner me to death Posner me to death God damn it 9.9 right here for commercial free Rush Hour music. All right, Monty. Come on, man. Damn. Trying to fucking posner me to death. Posner me to death. God damn it. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Mine, because I'm a real ass nigga. No, I'm going to go with, where did we go? Oh, man. I'm so stupid. All right. I'm going to go by the gentleman. I've picked one of his before. Ro James.
Starting point is 01:03:02 I like what this brother's doing out there. I fuck with him. I fuck with him and his music, and his before. Ro James. I like what this brother's doing out there. I fuck with him. I fuck with him and his music. And his album comes out soon. Soon as in like two weeks soon. You can go to iTunes now if you pre-order it. There's a song on there called Burn Slow. This was my first time hearing Ro James sing at a faster tempo.
Starting point is 01:03:20 And it gave me a little Frank Ocean in the beginning. But after that, oh, yeah You ain't never had it like this before Rolling my sheets while we rolling paper Trying to get you high in them scrapers Cash or vibe, cash or papers You should call it sick, you should call it favors I promise You ain't never had it like this before, no, no
Starting point is 01:04:02 So don't you lie, don't you tell me that you gotta go to work baby because i can pay you for the whole weekend baby hey there you have it wjbmc 101.9. That's brand new for my man Ro James. Off that project, coming in two... Goodbye. Shut the fuck up, Marissa. Yo, Power comes out next month.
Starting point is 01:04:33 So do you think this will go viral?

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