The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 68

Episode Date: June 7, 2016

We're dropping a day earlier because I have to go to the Beyonce concert tonight ... we covered Mari being evicted, Summer Jam, 4pm in Calabasas, and more! Use code "JOEFREE" to get your first month f...ree at Sleeper Songs: Mari: GetItIndy "Stupid Juice" | Rory: Jesse Boykins "Light To Dark" | Joe: Rage & The Machine "[redacted]" | Link unavailable

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Bevel, the first and only shaving system designed specifically for coarse, curly hair and sensitive skin. Shave smarter and say goodbye to razor bumps with Bevel. Check out today and use code JoeFree to get your first month free at That's You come in here after you're out of breath. All right. You're here. What's up?
Starting point is 00:00:27 You had a bad day. Yeah, I got fucking evicted from my apartment, so I think I'm allowed to be a little late today. You are lying. I lie to you not. I don't believe you. I swear on everything. I told you to pay the rent. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:00:37 They found out I was doing Airbnb because I was fucking, business was booming. Oh, my God. And so they was like, yeah bitch you got evicted for airbnb i was about to feel really bad for you but now all i can do is laugh that's that's why i'm not that upset either because it's so funny hey a second no you will not escape this one that fast baby no I'm sorry also by the way
Starting point is 00:01:08 I can only hear in one ear you have way bigger issues than that to worry about baby alright so damn even that laugh was bad poor baby she's like no
Starting point is 00:01:17 I mean like it sucks because it's like for obvious reasons but you know you can come stay with me I just need a little bit of top first of all that's a joke I know it's a joke but that's disgusting to even make that joke me. I just need a little bit of top. First of all...
Starting point is 00:01:25 That's a joke. I know it's a joke, but that's disgusting to even make that joke. Duh, because I would never want top from you. And I would never want to give you top, dickweed.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Wait, you wouldn't give somebody top for somebody to stay? No! You stupid bitch. You stupid as hell, bitch. That's why you'll always be with JV.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Word. And you will never graduate. You will never graduate to varsity IG thought But no the only thing I'm really It's just that it was a convenient spot But I'm kind of happy because I never liked the decor It came fully furnished like that
Starting point is 00:01:53 And he's an old gay Puerto Rican man So it was decorated like an old gay Puerto Rican man's apartment Yeah but that was a great location In Jersey City It was very cheap And you and your greed had to airbnb and this is why this is the only reason that's funny because i'm going to say a prayer for you that you're not homeless but you won't be homeless because you got mad people that you
Starting point is 00:02:14 can call karen civil let you stay with someone why is that funny yo money would be ready to fire all right hold on let's start the pocket all right let's start over hold up let's breathe together let's breathe i don't hear you guys i was applying chapstick all right whatever all right i will name this podcast later oh i thought we needed some intro music. I'm sorry. You know what? You know why you're corny?
Starting point is 00:02:48 You know why Rory's corny, Marissa? Because he exists. That's why. Whoa, that's number one. That's the first and foremost reason he's corny, right? Are we recording? Yes. I've been sitting here with Rory for at least 20 minutes,
Starting point is 00:03:00 and he's been my best friend. As soon as we start recording and I start talking, he plays this song unbeknownst to him that i love this song yes we saw i love this song sounded inspired why do you sound like me i don't know what happened i think i'm so choked up that i got evicted that i what's up with you man that's summer jam man yo that shit was a mess all right we'll get to all of that we'll get to Summer Jam. My whole situation's fucked up here. I can't hear.
Starting point is 00:03:27 The mic's too high. Listen, baby. We got bigger things to worry about. Play with the knobs. Pause. Yeah, you do that. Fix yourself over there. I'll name this podcast later.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Episode something. A number. 68. Why are we still in the 60s? 81. Episode 81. Okay, 81. That's right.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I think that's right. I like 81. We just skipped the 70s. Skip all the 70s? Yeah, okay feels right i think i like 81 we just skip all the 70s yeah yeah that's hard though i gotta like that idea yeah let's skip them we could do what we want it adds character okay them other niggas ain't allowed to skip nothing huh elliot they do like four a week though elliot you're gonna run out of guests one day bitch Word Alright I'm joking Shout out to Elliot Now hold up now Elliot OVO too
Starting point is 00:04:09 OVO it is Damn this is where it gets tricky People are choosing their sides It's gonna happen Lines are being drawn on the sand Listen baby This is rage baby Alright so let's get to it
Starting point is 00:04:23 Where do we wanna start I still feel bad when we choose OVO. You bench OVO, you Chris Lowe. Kaz the only nigga still down. Holding me down out there, even though he's OVO too. We all OVO. I know. What's the name?
Starting point is 00:04:38 Raven? Raven Ben OVO. I know, that's what I'm saying. People choosing their sides. Bernice? Well, we know. Tahiri. Tahiri. I was going to say that. I didn't know if I could make that joke.
Starting point is 00:04:50 You're losing everybody to OVO. Trey. Trey's OVO. Trey is OVO. I lost Kaylin to Sage. Oh, my God. Oh, she was shaking it like a red nose. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I like some Sage songs, so let's not do that. And shout out to Kaylin. I like Gatsby. All right. No, no, no. Listen, listen, listen. See, y'all thought Joe Budden was bad. Rage is much worse nose. Oh, my God. I like some sage songs, so let's not do that. I like gas. All right. No, no, no. Listen, listen, listen. See, y'all thought Joe Budden was bad. Rage is much worse.
Starting point is 00:05:09 All right, so listen. I'll name this podcast later, episode number 81, because we fucking feel like it. Bitch! Where do y'all want to start? We're doing this one day early. Because? Early release. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Oh, I got two ears now. Monty, Monty, slow down, baby. We're doing this early today. Early today. I'm sure a lot of you think because a lot of important hip hop transpired during the weekend. Nope. Nope.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Nope. Nope. Nope. Going to the day early because Rory. I got to go see Beyonce tomorrow. Is down with the Beehive. Y'all can play with the Beehive if you want. I'm not going to say anything bad about them.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Rory rearranged our podcast scheduling so he could attend the beyonce concert i couldn't even mourn my eviction in peace because i have to be here for you to fucking go see beyonce well it's a distraction that's what you need and i was way too busy to even really read that so it wasn't until marissa uh text no when you put in the group text oh yeah yo Yo you really changing on shit To go to Beyonce's concert I was like yo Rory been kinda nail emoji-ish Super nail emoji Twitter Y'all can play with the beehive
Starting point is 00:06:11 Go ahead Okay I'm not Shout out to the beehive Yeah you shook now You wasn't saying all that In the group chat I'm feeling a little more navy-ish
Starting point is 00:06:19 I'm feeling kinda navy-ish this year Maybe that'll be the artwork Maybe I'll screenshot you Talking shit about the beehive He didn't even say anything about them. In my story, he did. The best song on Rihanna's album versus the best song on Beyoncé's album.
Starting point is 00:06:32 What is the best song on Rihanna's album? That's a good question. Kiss It Better, maybe? Yeah, I'm still on Kiss It Better. That's my favorite song on that album. I think Kiss It Better's probably the best song. And Contrary, not like all the ratchet hoes
Starting point is 00:06:43 that like the other shit. That Sex on the fucking, whatever, Sex With Me song that like the other shit that sex on the fucking whatever sex with me song yeah it wasn't even on the original I think it was only on like the deluxe
Starting point is 00:06:50 or the overseas that might be one of Rihanna's better songs it gets played on the radio so like not does it I don't listen to radio
Starting point is 00:06:57 oh so that's a single yeah yeah they'd be stupid not to make it a single right yeah and she needed a single I'm pretty good I can pick everybody's
Starting point is 00:07:03 single but mine why don't you go be in A&R Work is probably the collective favorite Off that album though Work work work Which one is work You literally just sang it
Starting point is 00:07:12 Oh the Drake record The party number record And the best song on Beyonce's album Is Freedom To me personally Sorry I think it would be the popular. I like the country song. I like that too.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I like Hold Up. I like the album. Yeah, I like that country song a lot more than people give credit for. All right, so off of that, because we're not doing the R&B shit. Actually, we are doing R&B shit. Are we starting with Summer Jam or are we starting with OVO? Let's start with Summer Jam. Summer Jam.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Knock that out. Mahdi, take it away. I mean... Give us the exclusives. jam or are we starting with ovo let's start with summer jam summer jack that out mighty take it away toss this to madi who's home i mean on the streets live she got put on that summer jam screen hey let's toss it over in the streets To Maddie Who's reporting live From her living room I mean Danny
Starting point is 00:08:08 I still have a living room To July 1st So fuck off Oh so you real You got about 25 days Approximately Give or take Ooh this one of them
Starting point is 00:08:15 This one of them 30 days Has September April June Ooh you mad It's only 30 days in June Oh poor baby And I gotta go to
Starting point is 00:08:22 Oakland and LA this month So I gotta like Do it in between that time. There's a dick that you're going to suck to stay somewhere. No, I don't really like to suck to stay somewhere. Every woman has the dick that they suck when the times get really hard. Because that's the dick that they may not want to be around and might not want to talk to too often. But I don't really need the money.
Starting point is 00:08:38 That dick can help. Just go rent another apartment. Hey, all bitches got a dick that can help. Dick in a glass box? I do have one, but I wouldn't ask them. Break for emergency? All right, so come on. Tell us about Summer Jam.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Okay, so Summer Jam. All right. Now that we're laughing. All right. Well, it rained. Now that we got that out of the way. Back to this over here. All right, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:09:01 So the rain dampened the spirits yesterday at Summer Jam in 2016. And it really wasn't the rain as much as it was the lightning. Wait, are we being that corny? We are being that corny, yes. The rain really dampened I'm reporting live from the street because of what we're saying here.
Starting point is 00:09:13 The spirits? Oh my God. I'm practicing my news reporter. Oh, Periscope is being just as corny. Summer Jam was washed. So it really wasn't the rain that was the biggest issue,
Starting point is 00:09:24 although it was torrential downpours at one point in the night. It was the lightning that was the big problem. What book did issue, although it was torrential downpours at one point in the night. It was the lightning that was the big problem. What book did you read? What is torrential downpours? Tell me what that is. It's really horrible fucking rain that you can't even drive or see. Is that what torrential means?
Starting point is 00:09:34 Yes. I thought it was a spider. No, that's a torrent. I hate you. What's wrong with you? So it was the lightning issue that was the problem during the pre-show, it would have been able to go on. The problem was once it was done and the big rain and the lightning was supposed to hit around 6.30 p.m. So once the pre-show was done and the fans would have been in the stadium, that's where the risk would have been.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And even during some of the time where we were just waiting inside the stadium, there was announcements that they had to evacuate the actual floor and bring them on. No, I'm trying to explain because Rory's bitch ass was like, oh, they fucking canceled Summer Jam because of a little bit of rain. It wasn't the fucking rain. It was the lightning. And that's the law. They had to do it. Oh, wait a minute now. I see what's going on, Rory.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I get it now. I was at Summer Jam supporting. Outside of this podcast, I see that your Hennypalooza hate, you got Hennypalooza hate for all the amazing Hot 97 Summer Jam stuff. I said a very nice tweet at the end of Summer Jam.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Look how fast I start being fast. Look how fast. I'm so phony. No, I tweeted that at one point it was drizzling and I said Hot 97 is acting like they have weave
Starting point is 00:10:43 in their hair. It's a little drizzle. Why are you canceling this shit? That's kind of funny, Marissa. Yeah. It was funny. But it was drizzling and i said hot 97 is acting like they have weave in their hair it's a little drizzle why are you canceling this shit that's kind of funny marissa yeah it was funny but it was a bad time yeah hot 97 who you are close with is going through a uh uh torrential emergency it's going through a torrential emergency it's a bad time for jokes to read them from your friend say sorry to marissa it's hurtful i apologize to you and anyone that wears weed yeah for my comment yeah you should apologize danielle apology because when i tweet my little funny henny palooza jokes y'all get mad y'all know i love y'all right because they weren't funny exactly wait how did this get turned on me because i'm fine all right anyway so the
Starting point is 00:11:20 pre-show was canceled or the festival stages called so that means designer was clipped uh justine sky was clipped post Justine Skye was clipped. Post Malone, Chance the Rapper. Wait, can I stop you real quick? Because that's wrong. Conspiracy theorist Joe says. Oh my God. We don't want that anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:35 See, I'm growing a fan base. What the fuck are you talking about? I'm growing a whole other fucking identity. Okay. Hey, conspiracy. Does this have to do with X-Men? Yes. Oh my God. And the planets. The planets conspiracy. Does this have to do with X-Men? Yes. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And the planets. The planets in Montana. The other planets they found. Did y'all see X-Men? No. So then I don't care about your jokes. I'm Apocalypse. Listen.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Okay, bro. The rain stopped all of that shit because the mood God fucking told it to. Damn it. Because you didn't like who on that stage? Well, no, I'll get into that later. Yeah, well, actually, there was one act that I was kind of happy that got canceled wasn't your boo supposed to perform wasn't tori lanes on the bill he was also he also got canceled tori had other things to do shout out to dougie f though and shout out to tori no anyhow um so then the music set was great wait i didn't get there yet
Starting point is 00:12:24 dick we but you're taking too long we don't care enough no there's people that care this one girl anyhow oh my god so then they also the music set was great wait I didn't get there yet dickweed but you're taking too long we don't care enough no there's people that care this one girl commented the other day and she said that she goes to our podcast
Starting point is 00:12:30 for current events and we need to give more backstory so I'm trying to give some backstory here anyway the weather Madi it's way too much important shit
Starting point is 00:12:36 this is important so they had to cut the show and they had to start it late and then there was a curfew and then it gets really expensive if you don't fucking finish by then what was the curfew 1.30 at that point it usually was 11 p.m but because of the delay
Starting point is 00:12:49 they were allowed to extend it to 1 30 and so but the delay was a lot longer than two hours right um the delay would have it would have started at 7 and it started at 8 30 it would have started at 7 is that the time that summer jam normally starts yeah yeah get out of town i always felt like it was such an earlier thing because of the priest the festival stage oh okay yeah and i'd be backstage fucking with bitches anytime i'm there anyway all of that you dope i wouldn't know you wouldn't know because you're ill all right so what else that's why future got cut and that's why uh usher didn't make it on stage Chance the Rapper And whatever But Kanye fucked up
Starting point is 00:13:25 Father stretched my Fucking torso So badly Why? He started rapping his verse In that little Cool intro they have It was the honest thing ever
Starting point is 00:13:35 And then in the middle Once he realized That the beat actually dropped Where he was supposed to rap He goes Oh I just fucked that all up And then Just moved on
Starting point is 00:13:42 One thing that sucks about Being backstage Is I can't really hear Or see any of the fucking show. Oh, that little fight that broke out right in front of me? Oh, that shit was nuts. God damn. That also is another reason why Future didn't get to go. Y'all do a great job of just saying insider shit and never expanding on it at all.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Oh, now I can't expand. What happened? I don't want to hear about the word. Don't contradict yourself. With Summer Jam. Now, a fight. Know your audience. A fight is what we would like to hear about the word don't contradict yourself with Summer Jam now a fight know your audience a fight is what we would like to hear about Rory take it away because I wasn't there
Starting point is 00:14:10 well right in front of me which was on the actual field part I was in section 140 all of a sudden you see a thousand people sprint away from the stage were they black people or white people because that's important in determining whether you will run with them or not. It was a mixed bunch.
Starting point is 00:14:28 And that point I said, oh God, someone has a gun. This is going to be bad. I'm not running yet from a mixed bunch. A lot of mixed people are faggots. And then everyone made it worse. Well, I mean pussy. I mean soft, not like gay.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah, thanks. Okay. Then everyone in the crowd started yelling, they're shooting, they're shooting. But there was no gunshots to be heard. So I wasn't quite sure where gay. Yeah, thanks. Okay. Then everyone in the crowd started yelling, they're shooting, they're shooting. But there was no gunshots to be heard, so I wasn't quite sure where they got that thinking of. But people were breaking chairs over people's backs. It was like some real WrestleMania shit.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Wait, why was there a fight? Whose people were fighting? I don't know. I didn't get any details. It was audience members, so it was just. Really? And it was kind of like the back. I love Summer Jam.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah, it was crazy. Summer Jam always provides a great hip-hop moment. The Hood treats Summer Jam like prom. They get limos. Oh, my God. They really go all out. There was some kids out there with bottles of rosé in a cooler. And I was like, really, guys?
Starting point is 00:15:17 You're going to stand on a cooler and drink bottles of rosé in MetLife parking lot? See, hip-hop does that to people. Hip-hop makes people do stupid shit like that. But because of that, there was a security hold placed on the entire venue for a solid 30 minutes. So that also pushed the shit back. Oh, they turned all the lights on like fucking Eli Manning was about to come out. They had every single light on in that building. They shut down all the food and all the beer when it happened to.
Starting point is 00:15:41 So I was upset. Of course you were. Everywhere. And I also when it happened to. So I was upset. Of course you were. Everywhere. And I also thought it was cool. They put, you know, in the little outside area, but still inside, like right through the gate. They put all like lyrics that have to do with Summer Jam. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that was.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And they put one. Oh, they put yours there? Yeah, but he was dissing Summer Jam. That's what I didn't understand. Whatever. I don't think they understood that bar very well. I met Kim Kardashian last night. That's good.
Starting point is 00:16:07 That was mage. I was on her live stream app, apparently. So that was my highlight of the night. Marissa, Marissa, baby, baby. Ty come. Check this out. Ty did come. Oh my God, I did see.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I saw Ty Dolla $ign last night. To both of you, baby, baby. Don't be mad that I saw Ty Dolla $ign. I love Ty Dolla $ign as well, but baby. Nope, don't baby me. Look, I'm having a bad day. Don't fucking hit me with a baby, baby. Don't be mad that I fucked an elephant. I love Ty Donaldson as well, but baby. Nope, don't baby me. Look, I'm having a bad day. Don't fucking hit me with a baby, okay? Does that hat say take care?
Starting point is 00:16:29 It says take over, douchebag, fucking Drake fan club number one over there. Ooh, killed you. Got you. Right now it's 7 p.m. in New York City. Don't talk about bae. All right, what else is there? I don't want to seem like I'm anxious to discuss something because I'm not. I could be wrong.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Somebody won last night on the game. The worry. Someone did win a basketball game. We're not talking about that yet. Hey, so Kanye West was doing a pop-up concert at Webster Hall and didn't tell anybody? And didn't tell Webster Hall? Didn't tell Webster Hall. Yeah, because, well,
Starting point is 00:17:06 what do you call it? Backstory. All right, so you know what? There are a few things I want to touch on now. Hold on. I was going to the backstory. He was supposed to perform at Governor's Bowl
Starting point is 00:17:12 and the entire day got canceled yesterday because of the rain. So he was doing that to make up for it. There's your backstory. He was causing pandemonium in the street
Starting point is 00:17:20 to make up for a delayed concert. Well, he was trying to do a free show to make up for the thing. No, he wasn't. He was trying to feed his fucking ego. I mean, that too. But I'm just trying to give you the generic story.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Let's just start calling a spade a fucking spade. Didn't they end up going to SOBs? I know. They better not. They showed up, but they didn't actually go in. SOBs holds 100 people. There was 10,000 people in the fucking streets in the picture I saw. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:17:38 What are we doing here? Well, no. Webster Grand Ballroom holds 1,500. Let's really get into that for a minute. Time out, though. Kanye West had 10,000 people stand on the street for him to pull his car up in the crowd. And wave like the president.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Stand through the window on top of the car. Wave to everybody and pull off. You don't understand the culture, bro. That's all. He wanted the ego stroke. We get it. I love you, Don. I don't need Kanye.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Him and Kim are a bit annoying with that. I mean, they're programmed. If anybody has been in therapy. But anyway, because then you can read through all that shit. All right, so off of them. That's one. Let's start some more shit. Chris Brown.
Starting point is 00:18:18 What did he do? Nothing. Oh. Okay. Yeah. He usually does some fuck shit. Chris Brown has done nothing at all but last week i wanted to touch on something i forgot uh his baby moms that put that letter out
Starting point is 00:18:33 yeah the letter that said whatever it said can somebody explain it to the people that missed it she didn't do a letter she did her first ever interview with like latina magazine or some shit and they were just talking to her about chris and she said there's been nothing positive about the situation whatsoever and um she also revealed in like comment creeping shit on baller and shit like that that um his mom was advising her to do the court appointed nanny and things like that it wasn't her and the mom was advising her can you put your mouth closer to the mic because i don't really hear you very well i hear me very well and you're very low and you don't sound very excited and I know you're homeless.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I'm not homeless yet. But when you give us the news, come on, this is a juicy story here, man. Come on, give it to me, juicy baby. Basically, she was just saying that Chris Zane shit and his mom was behind his back
Starting point is 00:19:16 saying he's on drugs, he's doing all this crazy shit, blah, blah, blah, and then when it came down to it, the mom hit her hand. See, that was the important part. That was what I was looking for there. Now,
Starting point is 00:19:24 she seemed to divulge a lot of information. Yeah, which is weird because I thought that they were not allowed to do that by the court. No, the woman get to do whatever the fuck they want in court. Ah. Yes, that's the low. The man can't do it. Chris Brown, who I think is one of the most talented people in the universe tied with probably jamie foxx if i really really really have to think um yeah i'm not i don't really want to think right now but jamie
Starting point is 00:19:51 foxx and chris brown are both like really talented so chris brown um how do i say this chris brown is probably uh on a lot of mood and mind-altering substances. He's definitely addicted to some drug. I think that that look is now stamped on him. Oh, he's looking like shit. Is anybody else recognizing this look? Oh, yeah. That I speak on?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yes. When his cheekbones are a lot more exposed Yeah, his skin is a lot more He's like dark circles and shits looking the eyes The makeup even I can see where they try to hide it It doesn't work. Who is his manager still? I't know, but I'm worried about it. It's this white guy. I don't remember his name.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Because sometimes in hip hop, things be right in front of your face and we ignore it. And then when some shit happened, we just all so fucking shocked. Chris Brown is not looking very good. Now, it hasn't stopped his production, right? Right. He still sounds amazing. Still touring. He's still touring.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Performing well. He can still dance his ass off yes he can but because i know a little a little bit about drugs and entertainment i'm willing to bet that those drugs are fueling him on his journey which means that he's going to crash at some point unless somebody jumps in there and i only know this because i identify with what i'm saying about chris brown and judging by the incidents that have happened with the home invasion robbery and just the people that he has around him,
Starting point is 00:21:29 it doesn't seem like he has any good people in his circle. The energy, I want to get back to energy because we talked about energy last week with Troy Ave. The energy that you just spoke of with Chris Brown, I don't know. I just would hope that I'm not the only one that notices that there is some type of stamped look on Chris Brown. And that's all I want to say about him because I love him and I think he's extremely talented and I pray for him and I just want him to get better. So off of that now, that's all I had to say about other people.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Anything else we need to jump on before we jump on uh besides ovio no oh well besides ovio yeah no i can't think of anything else did you have a list marty no i'm not gonna know you had a oh we saw each other no we don't care about that come on we don't care that y'all saw each other baby it's hard hip-hop beef here and you in here with all this fucking we saw each other that's very nice actually people care when we hang out with each other when y'all two hung out with each other we all three of us hung out when um friday night where at your house at your house why were y'all at my house you were there you were there i remember i remember it was a whole fucking mess oh that was fun yeah that was crazy that was really fun when i came downstairs and you guys were just in my living room with people. Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Good times. Yeah. That was a pretty good time. Yep. We had a mini homie court via text. Mm-hmm. Who went to court? Maddie did.
Starting point is 00:22:52 And Danielle, right? And Danielle. Yeah. Was I in that text? No. We did a squad of J's text and it was the squad and Roars. All right. The listeners don't give a fuck about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:00 They do give a fuck, actually. Maddie, you know. We don't, baby. Let's get to the nitty gritty here. Roy. Yes. a fuck about this stuff. They do give a fuck actually. We don't, baby. Let's get to the nitty gritty here. Roy, I'm letting you take lead here because I get us in trouble. You can't be objective. I can be objective, but nobody believes. You have too many
Starting point is 00:23:13 feelings invested in that man. As do you. You're going to disgust Drake for a long time. No, but we do need to address that he put out a record and that record may or may not be a couple shots at Joe and Puff. See, that's what people want to—I want to address the larger picture after that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:35 How people digest and consume music. How people interpret music. What people hear in music. That's what I want to get into after rory uh does this well let's we'll jump to you after yeah you can make a debate that he wasn't saying anything against you but i don't think anyone can say he was not speaking to puff daddy he dissed him over his own shit and at this point can you diss someone who openly says they don't write their raps and we know that they don't write their raps i feel like it was kind of
Starting point is 00:24:13 a cheap a cheap shot i don't like your dissing puff after well first of all y'all came out and said that y'all was friends again and then you diss somebody that doesn't rap how are we supposed to take that especially when you have pusher t baiting you for three years and he raps but then puff knocks you out and you rap i don't know if that matters matters because Drake is kind of in the same boat as far as people questioning his pen. Not to the extent of Puff. Because Puff is, we know, he knows, he's admitted it. He doesn't write anything.
Starting point is 00:24:57 So what is he to do now? Hire someone to write a diss track to Drake? Do we believe that Puff punched Drake in the face? Or do we believe there was an altercation? Yeah, I believe there was. I believe there was too. Do we believe that... It was some time ago too. Yeah. It's an
Starting point is 00:25:14 odd moment to now address it. 0-200, the background story here is that Puff sent Drake 0-200 to write for Puff. To write for him. And then Drake put it out and it was a smash. And then Puff was mad 0-200 to write for him. And then Drake put it out, and it was a smash, and then Puff was mad about it, right?
Starting point is 00:25:30 That's the alleged report. I don't know anything about any of that. But I do believe that there was an altercation. And I do believe that there have been behind-the-scenes altercations between them two because it just wouldn't make sense to me that he's still dissing Puff. And he clearly is dissing P in the most passive aggressive see no no see all right no you go ahead first well no my just to my point i'm not sure where we see this going or the point of it it was a great record. I really enjoyed the record. But what is the end goal with dissing Puff and addressing it now?
Starting point is 00:26:08 It's been over. And Puff does not rap. So how are you going to start throwing shots at someone that cannot reply? Do you have an answer for it? I thought about it. Do you have a theory for it? It's smart. Hey, I want to be very clear that all of this shit
Starting point is 00:26:26 that we say on this podcast is speculative number one uh we don't know shit we just guessing we just looking at some shit like y'all looking at it and guessing that's one two okay well I'm just curious why puff now because there's been plenty of people that you've been baiting with and that have baited you, and you're now choosing the person that does not rap. I don't think there have been plenty of people that have been baiting him that he's been ignoring. Well, Push is the first one I'm going to say. That's a pretty big one. All right, plenty is more than one.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Maybe Kendrick. Contrary to what people keep saying, I don't think Drake is scared of Kendrick at all. I don't think he is either. I do think he threw two not shots. Drake has been subliminally dissing Kendrick for quite some time. It's just at the point now that Kendrick's superstar is at a point where now you look petty if you continue to diss him. So he don't. that's the difference yeah he had a line about kendrick in uh in the 4 p.m show right yeah he did what was the line again yeah but that line wasn't that line wasn't about kendrick though
Starting point is 00:27:37 no i know but i i could be over analyzing it but if there was something in the background happening it seems like drake would be setting it up i'm already sunning you i took you on the road okay it's a little condescending when he said it this i could be totally over analyzing that's actually the vibe but i felt like it was a little little jab okay so now i see how you can get that now i no one has over analyzed this more than me oh before you go again uh what was the other shit he just put out where he flipped uh the callous shit he kind of did uh you made it a hot line i made it a hot song shit like there's been two back-to-back kendrick references in the last two things he's put out is that to be ignored how does that coincidence go again uh on kendrick shit he had a little interlude where it's like
Starting point is 00:28:30 this dick ain't free and he keeps saying that and then drake flipped that um that line and made it into the song yeah but that callous shit was whack oh you're bugging that shit wasn't whack wasn't not whack yeah it wasn't whack but it was just okay mean, for the hype that Khaled did is what I'm saying. I was waiting for Khaled to drop some shit for three weeks because he built it up that way. Maybe that just speaks to how amazing Khaled is at building shit up. And it just failed my expectations. But that's fine. Because that Drake was cool.
Starting point is 00:28:57 That was cool. Now, this Drake, would you like? I've overanalyzed this since it's released, of course. I'm obsessive. Of course. To the people that, but wait, not just with music. I'm obsessive, period, to the people who don't know that about me. When I'm on shit, I'm on it.
Starting point is 00:29:14 And when I'm not on shit, it's like invisible to me. It's not even there. So, I am going to give my interpretation because I've tweeted some things and a lot of people seem confused. You would seem confused. Start with Puff and then we'll go to you. I don't have anything to say about Puff. I have nothing. There's nothing for me to say about Puff.
Starting point is 00:29:36 All I have to say is about Drake and I only have to say shit about Drake because he addressed every single thing that was said right here that that's why so let's start it and i'll give you my interpretation of that i'm not real skinny it's the big shirt i dress different this is my laundry day swag i'm talking to periscope i weigh about 217 that's down five pounds 10 pounds from when I was overweight yeah 215 somewhere around there but anyway shut the fuck up Rory alright so here we go now mind you
Starting point is 00:30:13 before we play this I want to be very clear with y'all on the setting I was in the studio were you there? I was there I was talking to you I was in the studio I were you there i was there you were there yes i was talking to you we were talking yes i was in the studio i was talking to rory we had been listening to ovo radio because
Starting point is 00:30:32 i love drake we heard the gucci record great we heard the other shit great just as we thought the show was going off and we started to talk about hoes. Hi, Sam. Yep, Rory's talking about hoes. As we started to talk about hoes, that song came on OVO radio. And while I wasn't really listening, as soon as I heard it for two seconds, I immediately paused Rory, correct? And I said, let's listen to this.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And the more I listened and the more I listened and the more I listened, that guy's great. He got you the fuck out of here. Drake is great. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. This is why this kid.
Starting point is 00:31:28 No, let me not even get to him yet. This is what's confusing me about fans. If fans think that Drake is as great as I think he is, which they probably don't. How what are they listening to if they can't hear that kid directly speaking to me here on this podcast? Well, I'll even take it a step further than that, Rory. And be clear, there's two sides of this to stand on. The side that says Joe is a lunatic and crazy and Drake is not thinking anything about Joe Budden. I'm aware I'm not a strong thing. I'm not delusional.
Starting point is 00:32:05 No, that's a strong opinion out there. And, hey, that's cool. Y'all are entitled to that. And then there's the other side that says, Joe has been accurately guessing all of this shit and the universe has been reacting to it. So those are the two sides. Now, start this drink.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yeah. All you self-prom promoters a janky we establish stop it who's he talking about self promoters that are Jackie yeah all right good one worse who's he talking about? Tell me. This was a class. This is a class. This is a hip hop seminar. I said that this was going to be a hip hop seminar today. All right. So y'all don't have much to say. So I'll take it away.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Y'all don't have much to say. These are your theories. Yeah. Yeah. But that's why I have to compare with people who don't have the theories. I mean, that's chalked up. It could be anybody. No, no, no, no oh no no no no no no no no it cannot could be anybody with someone who is that meticulous no not anybody all your self
Starting point is 00:33:14 promoters are janky but that certainly could be puff right well what is puff has been accused of just standing in niggas videos and fucking self-promoting so it's very easy to think it's very easy to think that he's talking about puff time out before we even get back to this one of my biggest criticisms about uh drake lately has been how his brain is so multi-layered and the music is not now him the, the content, the rap is not. It's very surface. It's getting dumber and dumber and dumber, right? Remember that?
Starting point is 00:33:52 Mm-hmm. Okay, cool. So keep playing it. You got to turn it up, and you got to start it over. We're moving militant, but somehow you the one. Yeah. All you self-promoters are janky. We established like the Yankees. This whole fucking game, thankless. We're moving militant, but somehow you the one yeah all you self-promoters are janky we established like the yankees this whole
Starting point is 00:34:06 fucking game thankless we moving militant but somehow you the one tanking no limit to where i could take it and you know me as a crisp bottle sender your sound is off it sounds bad or is that my headphones it's probably your headphones all right fine all right so it's my headphones uh all you self-promoters are janky We established like the Yankees When's the last time Puff has tanked? His last album didn't do well It kind of came and went Tank?
Starting point is 00:34:31 No A tank? No But if you're throwing a shot You can embellish a little Alright So I'm still rolling with Puff Actually
Starting point is 00:34:39 Keep going Actually no Don't keep going Self-promoter Yankee Self-promoter Yankeey self-promoted janky right and that uh tank shit let's say that he's talking about puff he then goes on to say and you know me as a chris bottle uh sender check picker upper this is vulnerable drake right? Can we agree here? That could also be a shot at Chris Brown.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Well, no, that's a quadruple, that's a triple entendre, that Chris line. Because you know me as a Chris bottle sender means you know what I do when it's war. One. Two. Puff made Chris famous. Big. Yeah. Yeah. one two puff made chris famous big yeah yeah we's popping cristal yeah that was big jay took that from big big big did that jay took that from big so on this bad boy tribute because this is what it is he's a chris bottle sender right uh and what's the other one what's the other one oh and chris brown and chris brown three three three that's a triple entendre so but he's vulnerable here he's not in aggressive
Starting point is 00:35:52 attack mode this is the therapist in me breaking this down by the way did he pick up your check at starlets drake has always been nothing but a gentleman to me i don't ever remember having to pay for anything around Drake. And I'm sure there's been bottles. Shooting at you. Wow. Can't even go Dutch with a kid. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:36:10 But the guy's a gentleman, period. Nail emoji. So he's a gentleman, period. So he could be talking to anybody. I don't pay for anything when I'm with Drake. Maddie, because you don't know hip hop, don't interrupt a good one here. And that joke's not even that funny. Listen.
Starting point is 00:36:21 So up until he gets to even got the OG's trying to check me if he's talking about Puff then why do we even have the OG's trying to check me tell me I'm sorry say that again this whole time
Starting point is 00:36:36 if he starts talking about Puff then when we get to even got the OG's trying to check me ha ha ha ha you're saying that that whole oh that was almost bad you're saying that Then when we get to even got the OGs trying to check me, ha, ha, ha, ha. You're saying that that whole, oh, that was almost bad. You're saying that that whole piece.
Starting point is 00:36:52 This is what I think. Forget about that. I think that this entire thing is like art. I think it's beautifully written code. That's what I think. I don't think he's talking about Puff until he says, even got the OGs trying to check me. Right?
Starting point is 00:37:12 So now, keep playing it. That's me. Absolutely. This is me. This is me. That's me too. Stop. Now, I thought that all of that was about me before I even caught that.
Starting point is 00:37:32 They hold demeanor just spells envy line. If that was in fact the line, we'll break down the line for the listeners that don't know. They hold demeanor just spells envy. I'm assuming that he's talking about looking at my demeanor. demeanor just spells envy i'm assuming that he's talking about looking at my demeanor uh joe jealous ones envy their whole demeanor spells envy i don't think that's an accident so just when i thought that this is a hard-ass boy just when i thought this entire part may have not been for me, but I knew it was for me because he's not in a vulnerable place dissing Puff. So this whole, you know me as such a good guy,
Starting point is 00:38:12 I thought we was better than this. That's not how he feels toward Puff right now. And it would be a weird comparison to say that Puff is jealous or envious of you. Puff has done a lot in his career. Puff has a lot more money than you. That's why I know that part. There's no way that is about Puff is jealous or envious of you. Puff has done a lot in his career. Puff has a lot more money than you. Yeah. That's why I know that part.
Starting point is 00:38:28 There's no way that is about Puff because that's just a dumb thought to have. So when he gets to even got the OGs trying to check me, ha, ha, ha, ha, which I think is beautiful because ha, ha, ha, ha. Listen to how lazy and fucking condescending. It's not like when Pusha was imitating Mace. Listen to Drake's ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha ha the listen to how lazy and fucking condescending it's not like when pusher
Starting point is 00:38:45 was imitating mace listen to drake's ha ha ha ha ha from can't nobody hold me down you puff yeah y'all can't hold me down it's just such a asshole ha ha but anyway play it some more the higher i get the less they accept me even had the ogs trying to impress me ha ha ha ha no way out because i'm already in it no way out, that's a Puff album by the way Good business can clean millions I got division Back then when Puff was hot, no scrubs Stop, stop, stop, stop
Starting point is 00:39:17 He's back talking to me now This is back to I'm gonna inspire the mind That can change the universe. This is to me questioning his every move. Everything he says from this point is to agree with Rory's argument in our very first Instagram clip where Rory said, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:39 I think that he's just focused on making amazing music and taking over the world. That's what he's saying to right here. And he's saying, yo, that same shit that you tried that you saying you trying to do. I did that when I wasn't this hot. Kendrick, him. Yeah, fucking ASAP. Yeah, that was happening.
Starting point is 00:39:57 I was doing that. It's a very clever way to address all of these things that people may not have heard if you did not listen to this podcast. Keep going. He's still talking to me. And I always thought my mother gave the greatest advice. Look at me now. They look at me like the golden child Can't nobody hold me down Especially not right now Certain shit is just too wild to rest in
Starting point is 00:40:34 Take that, take that, no love in their hearts So they fake that, DiCaprio level, the way they play that Damn nigga, what is that? Y'all don't hear no songs, they hit my phone like you did You can hit my line, you can hit my line Some of those shit, we can act in favor when my bitch at This is definitely puff I've hit Drake multiple times And said I love you And your music
Starting point is 00:40:47 I thought that was a shot at you And I'm never looking For my bitch with Drake Yeah but it's a shot But not at me You've spoken on this podcast Stop it stop it That you have
Starting point is 00:40:58 That there was a conversation Between the two of you About Tahiri And her being in Dominican Republic With him That's why I think That was a shot to say You only you about tahiri and her being in dominican republic with him that's why i think that was a shot to say you only call me when you need a favor or to ask where your bitch is at i've never asked him for a favor number one it's a shot it don't have to really be true see that's that's where i disagree though it doesn't have to really be true you're right
Starting point is 00:41:21 however my context in that you couldn't be switching that because my context was yo i know you fuck my bitch i don't care i think that he's coming from an honest genuine sincere place i do think that he fuck one of puff bitches i mean if you want me to call a spade a spade and i'm just being honest drake done fucked a lot of hoes puffed and fucked some hoes i think they fucking got some hoes in common because drake got a lot of hoes in common with niggas me there's a few of us out here with a few hoes in common i think they got some hoes in common because Dre got a lot of hoes in common with niggas. Me. There's a few of us out here with a few hoes in common. I think they got some hoes in common
Starting point is 00:41:47 and all of this shit. I don't think it's over no fucking zero to 100 but I don't know. It's none of my business. I don't care about none of that shit. I only care about
Starting point is 00:41:53 that shit that pertains to me. This shit right here ain't talking to me. He talking to Puff. Keep playing. Where she been at? Costa Correa's. I got her kidnapped.
Starting point is 00:41:59 She ain't sorry and I ain't sorry. It's too late for sorry. Green, white, and red on my body because I'm dipped in Ferrari. All she want to do is get high And listen to Party She complain
Starting point is 00:42:08 I tell the driver to drop at Barney's Drop at Barney's My summer diet is just rosé and calamari Drake loves calamari Too much calamari Wait, wait, wait Back to me Rewind, rewind, rewind
Starting point is 00:42:17 Rewind, rewind Wait, you done got me started Which I love that line One of my favorite lines in this song It's back to me Go from there I tell the driver to drop at Barney's My summer diet is just rosé and calamari Look now you got me started Started, which I love that line. One of my favorite lines in this song. It's back to me. Go from there. Hey. Roy, would you please stop smoking, Lala? Cameras pointing every time I look up. So I got a duck on my shoulder just to hit the kush up.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Sponsorship dollars are sky high. He be like Drake when you... Bro, would you please stop smoking, Lala? Do we have to end this whole thing? Oh, wait, yes, we do, because the end is about me. It's a Wednesday. Architects taking dimensions. They redoing the entrance. Ay.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah, redoing the entrance. Kind of like when you niggas drop on some again and again shit. And you still never quite get it. Ay. Meantime, Drizzy over there trying to make you dance to this Can we get to the end? I don't care about all this Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop Yeah, we don't care about this Yeah, leave it, right here
Starting point is 00:43:17 Uneasy nowadays Tell you my life and you don't believe me when I say Stop it, that's the second it. That's the second Instagram clip. That's the second Instagram clip. What has he told you different from take care to now? He's answering you. Well, he's answering me anyway. There's a lot that he answered.
Starting point is 00:43:34 It's too much. We don't even have time for me to address all that he answered. But if you heard the podcast. Oh, keep playing it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. I mean. Talk to say something. I'm agreeing with you. oh keep playing it say my stories for down the line stop it stop it stop it i mean talk to say something i'm agreeing with you i'm just letting you get your words out but we can't
Starting point is 00:43:51 hear you everybody's quiet i know you're speaking i know i know that drink is the golden child but we can talk fuck that nigga we can talk about him shit no i'm letting you get your thoughts off and being a DJ. All right, I'm calm today. But listen, if you heard the podcast, I don't really see where the question is here. What is the other question if you heard the podcast? So I don't think this is a diss. But you of all people should know that, well, I don't think it's a diss.
Starting point is 00:44:16 This is not a diss. But of course, Drake has a million casual fans that did not hear the podcast and only think you don't pump it up. So that's why there's that many people are saying, is Joe Budden delusional? Oh, because I look delusional. fans that did not hear the podcast and only think you've done Pump It Up. I'm not talking about the casual fans. People are saying, is Joe Budden delusional? Oh, because I look delusional. I get that. It's a casual fan, but we don't care about casual fans. Well, I mean, you are delusional. Well, I am delusional. That's true.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I think it's interesting that this guy is addressing this podcast. Why? Nikki addressed it? No, she didn't. She tried to be slick. She addressed it. Hashtag podcast tried to be slick she addressed it hashtag podcast have fun with your little podcast whatever
Starting point is 00:44:49 she killed us I didn't take that as killing anything she just sounded real stupid she just sounded see that's how we just hear different Nikki sounded real stupid
Starting point is 00:44:58 and I know she's stupid cause she likes stupid niggas cause Mika's stupid okay what I'm just giving you my interpretation I don't hear and see shit like the rest of y'all i don't so her saying have fun with your little podcast while every major mind in the country is doing a podcast it speaks to your level of unawareness
Starting point is 00:45:19 or she's just throwing a shot right which back back Right. Which would still speak to your level of unawareness because you stupid. The older I get, I just have a problem with stupid people. I interpret it different. She's in the Barbie hive. Which still means you stupid. I'm not condoning. Because I like your music, bitch, don't mean it's okay for you to be stupid. And it's not.
Starting point is 00:45:42 So from there, and I wouldn't about nikki when i'm saying bitch i'm just saying period but i have to say that to the people because they think i'm mad they think i'm all right so that clip's getting online and it's not including that last part you just just yeah joe button calls nikki minaj bitch let's be very clear about something i'm not like i don't care if the clip gets online y'all i don't give a fuck about none of that but anyway off of that that addressing it sending a shot at the podcast and doing an entire record or half of a record i don't think it's really the same thing and this record is not my concern my concern has always been the french record yeah that's my concern was that a rumor this record rumor yeah no he confirmed it they confirmed it oh on the show the ovo and three and no no no french announced this
Starting point is 00:46:33 in three weeks got it they are putting out their record that i have personally been waiting to hear for quite some time like don't instagram no clip with some pump you dealing with a different level of mc don't play with me because but i told rory i do see how meat got cracked upside the head that part i do see because he's so passive aggressive i can see how you get antsy and anxious and jump out the window and then you could just and then just get your fucking face knocked off i can see how that happens so i'm chilling but when that french record drops in three fucking weeks if i don't like what i hear which i don't anticipate that i will because why the fuck is you saying pump it up and especially now after you already addressed it because you addressed it here and i love it.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I love it. This is hard. We all should love it. Actually, the takeaway from this should be, whether you think Joe Budden is crazy or not, you didn't get this Drake on his album. No, not at all. That was the first time I've heard him rap in a very long time. That's it.
Starting point is 00:47:41 You're welcome, guys. That's it. And I'm not even taking the credit. I'm not even taking the credit for it. You're welcome, guys. That's it. And I'm not even taking the credit. I'm not even taking the credit for it. But the big thing when we put that podcast out was inspired. Some people that the line was blurry on what I even meant. When you hear this, the kid that wrote this cannot. That's why I don't pay mind to the drake has ghostwriter shit because even if he has ghostwriters where if he could pick pick one of
Starting point is 00:48:11 them up at the drop of a dime and get one of these yeah so don't tell me about quentin miller i don't think quentin miller can write this this was so multi-fucking layered. It was beautiful. But if I don't like what I hear when that French record comes out, I'm not taking prisoners. This is throwback beef because I think I'm being fairly considerate considering I feel like I've gotten dissed or addressed and I certainly ain't the rapper that ever was just the nigga that got...
Starting point is 00:48:43 I love this type of shit. So if I'm letting it rock and not rapping yet, and you keep firing with your little fucking friends. I'm excited. And I say that as calm as can be. You look calm. I am calm. The mission is a great one.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Let me tell you something. Oh, take that back. Let me, everybody, let me tell you something oh take that back let me everybody let me tell you something real quick i think that that kid that i heard on that freestyle sounds real in spite wait somebody tape it save it let's take it but that'll be our teaser let's tape it come on oh man yeah they playing they playing. They playing. Three weeks. Damn, nigga, just dropped my phone. Oh, my bad. So hungry.
Starting point is 00:49:30 You're taping video, right? We are recording? Here's what I think. I think that that kid that I heard on that freestyle sounds real fucking inspired. That's what I think. I listened to that freestyle all the way to Boston. fucking inspired that's what I think I listen every step multiple times 40 vinyls you sound good sellinyl. I think Alan Ritter also plays it. Alan Ritter. Vinyl's an Alan for you, guys.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Guys, the great... Drake. The great dude. Hey! That was Drake I missed. Are you real? Listen. I feel like Rory Rumble
Starting point is 00:50:25 is coming in hip hop let's be clear Rory Rumble is coming in hip hop are you saying Rory Royal Rumble not Rory Rumble
Starting point is 00:50:34 ew what type of gay porn is Rory into I don't know but you really sounded like you're saying ew that'd be an ill porn name
Starting point is 00:50:40 Rory does gay porn called Rory Rumble oh shit that's nasty caught me I hope Sam never lets that happen By the way Hey Sam
Starting point is 00:50:47 Yeah hi Sam Yeah I feel like Rory Rumble is coming to hip hop I feel like all that Friendly unity shit Is finally coming to an end I feel like That future Wicked video
Starting point is 00:50:58 Is an Apple Music video Yep It's a great video It is It's a really good video And who the fuck That's what a really good video and who the fuck that's what did anyone ever find out
Starting point is 00:51:06 who that was who the fuck asking for Rory who is the girl Jesus Mary and Joseph
Starting point is 00:51:17 yeah since y'all tweet us so much shit do us a favor hey if you know the ad of the girl that's in the future video let us know.
Starting point is 00:51:27 The Warriors are beating the shit out of the Cavs. That's right. Go the land. Phony state. You so phony. We discussed this last week. I switched sides. Oh my goodness gracious.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I have more friends in the Bay that I have to support. Oh, please. No, they're going to have to support you now. That kind of fucking place is fake. Hey steph is beating the shit out of cleveland let's hope wednesday that cleveland makes this a fucking interesting series um i feel like something else really big in hip-hop is coming oh well that's not what i was thinking about but my show at bb kings is monday uh meet and greets are still available tickets are i think bb king's holds what 11 1200 we had about 9 50 sold which technically is a sellout because they count walk ups i personally am asking them to put tickets to the side for the people that uh are last minute
Starting point is 00:52:23 buyers people that think they well buyers. People that think, well, and I'm not mad at you for thinking that you should be able to buy a Joe Budden ticket on the... Yeah. You know what, Rory? What? I wasn't even going to say anything.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Yeah, but just shut up then. I'll be at the show. A lot of people will be at the show, actually. I'll be at the show. Squad will be at the show. Yeah, all the women that I've fucked in the last decade. Squad got to buy tickets, though.
Starting point is 00:52:41 They'll be at the show. Buy this dick. Yeah, you do have to buy tickets, though. List is tight, bro. I ain't going to lie. I get to get to the Joe Budden. I get to volunteer and be at the show List is tight Yeah you do have to buy tickets List is tight I ain't gonna lie I get tickets Vomit here People to the Joe Budden show
Starting point is 00:52:47 Yeah so that show Is Monday In DC Howard Theater That is the 15th That Wednesday That Wednesday So we're gonna have
Starting point is 00:52:58 A real good time Make sure you come out The energy will be Really really really good I still feel like I'm missing something Rest in peace to Muhammad Ali of of course.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Jesus, Mary and Joseph, let's not be that fucking caught up in our own lives to forget such a legend. I don't even know what there is to say. I followed some things that Laila Ali was tweeting and a couple of sports analysts, and they were saying how of all of his organs, Muhammad Ali's heart was beating for 30 minutes after all of his other organs
Starting point is 00:53:28 failed him. That's crazy. And that's just God. That's just God speaking again. I think God gives us so many, just so many, so much evidence that he's just up there somewhere, but that's just me and my own shit.
Starting point is 00:53:42 You know what? Speaking just to end the Drake thing you know how he's had everyone's been loving his new beard and now that we know he listens to the podcast is there a connection with the new beard and Bevel? man listen man
Starting point is 00:53:56 fuck all that that nigga done stole the kickball from me and my beard my long trench this nigga's just taking my whole me and Craig David he's taking all of our shit and just making it dope. And it started with Bevel. It did start with Bevel.
Starting point is 00:54:10 It started from the Bevel, now we're here. Thanks, I'm here all night. That was worse than my mission. You're homeless. Really? You have no choice. You're here, man. That was so good. You're kind of forced here, Ma. That was so good.
Starting point is 00:54:25 You're kind of forced to be here. That was so good. Sorry. So now that you got kicked out, are you still going to give me a ride back to Jersey City? If I move there again. Well, more importantly, Bevel is so great, Madi. You don't even need an electrical outlet.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Oh, that's so good. It's like a dude in the street that I live in. Yes. You don't need a bathroom, walls walls bevel is just that amazing so rory turn the fucking brightness up on the glass i was about to die and i had to play god to plug it i don't have my charger with me uh all right just have a conversation we want you to be comfortable i did that because of the bitches that do it i don't understand how that happens when a company texts you something it's horrible
Starting point is 00:55:09 and you copy and paste it and put it on the Instagram like Jesus Scott Disick did that recently yeah he did it too a friend of mine did it too and I had to text her and say you can't be that dumb
Starting point is 00:55:25 what's her name right yeah I'm not gonna say her name I know I was thinking about it if I wanted to say her name cause I do love her to death but she's great and I do love her too and she held me down
Starting point is 00:55:31 to South by we took great pictures together damn I kinda just said it I know exactly who you're talking about now that's horrible anyway we shouldn't be this silly
Starting point is 00:55:41 I gotta get off this thing we? yes we cause y'all making me laugh why are you sweating like a fucking bitch? Because the air is not on. The air is not on. I'm not sweating.
Starting point is 00:55:49 You're white as shit. And so what does that mean to do with sweat? Can you tell them about sweat? Why are people shaving their fucking beard, please? You're homeless. Is that going to be the running joke now forever? Until you get a home. But I'm not homeless.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I have one. In retrospect, not having cable wasn't that bad. Well, see, now I did it for a reason because I don't even have to cancel anything. Damn. All right, no, bevel. For real, for real. Bevel. That shit is hard.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I be shaving with that shit all the time. Keep my beard. Keep my beard. Are you being a rap song? Mad fresh. My line mad sharp. And all the ladies love me. And when they ask me how my beard got to be so fresh
Starting point is 00:56:26 to motherfucking death what you told him joey i thank you marissa you're welcome i told him yo ma bevel and if you want to know where to get it for some of your side dudes that's get and i'm such a real nigga that if you use the code Joe Free, you even get money off, baby. Damn. Damn, Zaddy. Oh, Lord. How do we feel about Jay-Z and his damn Daniel line? I thought it was clever.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I mean, it's like when your mom tries to use the cool slang. It was a little sad. Yeah. No, I like the white van shit. That was hard. It was a good bar. When is the Hov album coming out? Listen, was he supposed to do Summer Jam, Monty?
Starting point is 00:57:09 That was the rumor. There was no conversation. Hey, here's something real wild that somebody knowledgeable texted me the other day. Somebody, because now people text me their conspiracy theories. Because you're nuts. Or because I'm right. Right. So somebody texted me a clip of some
Starting point is 00:57:25 Meek Mill shit and asked me to listen to it and see if I thought Jay-Z wrote it what record? I'll play you the clip I don't want to share it
Starting point is 00:57:36 on the podcast oh it's not out yeah but I don't want the podcast to know what clip I'm talking about oh okay um but that's not such a far-fetched theory Yeah, but I don't want the podcast to know what clip I'm talking about. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:57:49 But that's not such a far-fetched theory. Not that Jay is writing any of Meek's rhymes, but Jay being in the studio and offering tutelage, I don't think that that's so far-fetched. And in this clip, you'll hear it. Well, it's his client. You got to help him. Jay's helped me in the studio I've known
Starting point is 00:58:05 I've known Jay to help some other people so are you saying that you had a ghostwriter no I've never had a ghostwriter what they found an Instagram girl
Starting point is 00:58:12 found your video chick oh really let me see gotta love the internet man let me see so let's shout out to Apple Watts oh she apparently is like
Starting point is 00:58:22 that's a screenshot so there's no scrolling oh okay Apple Watts is that Miracle no Watts? Oh, she apparently is like... That's a screenshot, so there's no scrolling. Oh, okay. Apple Watts. Is that Miracle? No. Cool. Any relation to Miracle?
Starting point is 00:58:30 No. I only wanted to see her in the video. Okay. I'll beat off to it. It's different. It's different on Instagram. It's inappropriate. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Did anybody beat off to Dre's Instagram this week? Let me just ask. I can't say I did. No, I don't think that was on my list of things. You can't say you did. You got a girlfriend. Did you? No, I can't say that i did either oh yeah you need privacy um i didn't okay that's good but i could see how someone could okay you're making me hot looking at you pause i knew you wanted me hey back to that somewhere to stay thing.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Oh, no. I'm not coming. Nobody wants you to come. No one wants to go live with you. Then fucking shut the fuck up. You said it. It wasn't even me. Anyway, I have to go because I have to meet Fab in the studio.
Starting point is 00:59:19 And I didn't. I didn't. Pay for the meter. All right, let's go sleep. Because the meter was broke. Yo, do sleep, Madi. If you. Madi. If if you first of all
Starting point is 00:59:26 fuck you guys because now you have all these little fucking people making these jokes and it's not funny because that shit is fucking
Starting point is 00:59:31 the payola shit it's not funny like y'all could joke about it but these kids can't no but it's not funny when people that don't listen to the podcast see it in the comments
Starting point is 00:59:39 and they think that I'm just fucking alright can I ask you a question yes in the event that this podcast grows and gets bigger which which is our goal. Obvious. And more kids start.
Starting point is 00:59:48 I meant to say obvious. And more kids start to do that to you. See, but it's certain jokes. Like they're going to joke about me being homeless. That's okay. That's fine. But the payola thing, that's like a sensitive topic. I wish I knew how to gauge, Marty.
Starting point is 01:00:00 They can joke about me not having a place to lay my head. But God forbid I took a fucking dollar because i i put it out there so it's like fine make the jokes i said it but money we also know that well i don't think you're taking payola i just think you have bad taste in music until it stops see that's why i think you that's why that's my point you was doing too great i have a wide range of things i listen i know but i don't want to hear tokyo drifts for third single i don't know who that is my point i don't know who your fucking spain guys are anyway i don't know why you can go back now you let the fan now the fans think that rory has the best one see look now he's taping first of all i have been killing in the sleeper song Since we started it
Starting point is 01:00:46 You know how many tweets I get a day about my sleeper songs Yeah me too they're all in my favorites You can go look Anyway I'm back to my shit Self absorbed My girl this week is I don't know if she goes by Indie or Get It Indie I discovered her online last week
Starting point is 01:01:02 Nefta Farrell posted a snapchat or instagram And it was this song and i'm like what the fuck is that it's amazing and in the comments it said it and it's called stupid juice and she's from i guess the bay somewhere yes the bay fuck y'all and this is it beat you bastard I got the juice, juice, I got stupid juice. Yeah, I got the juice, juice, I got stupid juice. I got that anecdote tagging my nigga stupid. I got that anecdote tagging my nigga stupid.
Starting point is 01:01:41 It's a good Dej Loaf impression. I don't have Dej Loaf at all I don't Dej Loaf at all. Where's Dej Loaf? I don't know. Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute. I got something else I want to address real quick. I'm tired of Big Sean and Jhene Aiko already. Yeah, I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Already. Already I'm tired of them two. It's a lot. Now, is anybody else tired of it or no? I just don't understand what's happening Because I feel like Is it a publicity stunt? Are you going with this?
Starting point is 01:02:12 Are you not? Like I'm just getting aggravated Well the only reason I'm not going to say It's a publicity stunt Is because clearly Big Sean Might like those tiny girls No that's for sure But I just know that
Starting point is 01:02:22 Jhené was married to Dot the Genius So I'm so confused That who? Jhené was married to Dot the Genius So I'm so confused Jhené was married to Dot the Genius so I'm just confused like when did that stop because they were just married this is a rekindle
Starting point is 01:02:30 they went on one date they said they went on dating before let me not say some okay alright let me ask you this because I'm not tired of them I don't want this to blow up
Starting point is 01:02:38 I don't care about how people conduct their love lives but what I am saying is is do we think they're intimate with each other I can't tell and it's really frustrating that's why I'm frustrated of love life but what I am saying is do we think they're intimate with each other I can't tell
Starting point is 01:02:46 and it's really frustrating that's why I'm frustrated alright well probably that's a good cliffhanger we'll find out and for you to find out
Starting point is 01:02:55 stay tuned to as what's the name of this shit oh I'll name this theory Jesus Christ someone go to their next sleeper song
Starting point is 01:03:04 cause you fucked that all up. Oh shit, that's what we were doing, Sleeper song. No man, make Rory go. I'm going last. I never go last.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Fuck Rory. Rory always thinks he got some great shit. I know, he always thinks he got something great. What did you guys think of Indie? Joe? The song you just played? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:18 I didn't like it. Why? I love the record you played last time. Yeah, that was amazing. Ocean Blue Fable. Yeah, that was great. That was a good song. I listened to that afterwards. I like Indie you played last time. Yeah, that was amazing. Ocean Blue Fable. Yeah, that was a good song.
Starting point is 01:03:26 I listened to that afterwards. Well, I like Indie. She's dope. I didn't come too prepared today, so I'm just going to go with Jesse Boykin's Light to Dark because it's a good song. He listens to some weird shit.
Starting point is 01:03:37 He's weird. You just played I Got the Juice and I listened to some weird shit. It's called Stupid Juice and it's dope. Someone has to... I only play these Neo Soul records so we can balance out the ignorance you guys play. I know this is a bit above. Yo, what the fuck is up with you two today
Starting point is 01:04:06 What do you mean My headphones I keep forgetting Yeah I wanna diss it but my headphones are bad Everything sounds bad You're gonna diss Jessie If you hear what I'm hearing in these headphones My headphones are twisted
Starting point is 01:04:22 Learning forgiveness hear what I'm hearing in these headphones. My headphones are twisted. Learning forgiveness. Guess I'll wait till the beat drops. Holding on to the climate. Oh, damn. Amber Rose broke up with her boyfriend. Who? Terrence Ross. Or whatever. Terrence. Terrence Ross. Or whatever. Terrence.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Terrence Ross. Raptors player. Oh, yeah. Is he on the Raptors or Houston? Raptors. All right. All right, that's enough of this song. Yeah, I'm not really.
Starting point is 01:04:57 This is trash, too. Yeah, what the fuck is happening? I feel like I'm like an alien. Go ahead, play a Tory Lanez song. Well. Actually. I was going to play Bay, but because Bay put two new songs out. This motherfucker just plays Chris Brown or Tory Lanez song. Well. Actually. I was going to play Bay, but because Bay put two new songs out. This motherfucker just plays Chris Brown or Tory Lanez.
Starting point is 01:05:08 He did a remix with Kehlani of the song you played last week, I think. Oh, did he? That's what I saw, but I saw some tweet that day. Play a little August Alsina record, and we can get out of here. Oh, I want some Arizona iced tea and a sandwich.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I want something to drink to. That sounds really good. Oh my God, there's so much happening in my head. 101.9 DJ verified. Oh my God, there's so much happening in my head. 101.9 DJ Verified. Oh my God, you're such a loser. How are you friends with him?
Starting point is 01:05:31 And I present to you Sleeper Song. Can't play yourself. Why? I've got music. Is this part of the rollout? No. Why are you playing this?
Starting point is 01:05:43 I'm cutting it off before work, come on. Oh, okay. I just don't have a sleeper phone and since i do have uh since we do kind of have a plan over at operation button as far as uh when to launch the mission i'm not talking about that mission i'm talking about the real mission so this makes sense are we good. That's a good idea, Mark. This sounds like shit in my headphones, too.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Yo, your sleeper song is whack this week. Ay. It's so great that I haven't dropped music in so long that nobody has any idea how I sound.
Starting point is 01:06:20 I like it like that. I like it like that. All right, and that's my sleeper song. It's 101.9. It's brand new from a new guy. Gentleman calls himself Rage. Hopefully, we'll hear some more from him coming real soon.
Starting point is 01:06:35 PayPal me a stack, and I'll email it to you. That's all? A stack? Oh, that reminds me of my fucking $20,000 sneakers that I'm going to try and sell. Why do you have $20,000 sneakers? Because I think Em sent me some sneakers, and I don't really care about sneakers like that. So if you're asking me if I want the sneakers or the $20,000. Put it toward my housing fund.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Jesus Christ. Whatever. Anyway, anything else we need to hit? Is there any birthdays coming up? Anything that we missed? Anything? What, what, what, what, what, what, what? Yep.
Starting point is 01:07:00 What, what, what, what? Any birthdays coming up? July 27th, a star was born. Her name is Marissa Lynn Mendez hello he took off his headphones I guess that means I'm out
Starting point is 01:07:11 bye y'all peace y'all

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