The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 72

Episode Date: July 13, 2016

After a small hiatus the trio is back with a wide range of current issues and topics covered....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 mic my mic my mic my mic my mic you sound fine shut up yeah do i yeah i just want to make sure you're fine i think we've i don't want to get comfortable all right am i comfortable all right mic check one two one two microphone check one two what is this i pay either one of y'all to tell me what song that's from come on bro actually i'm maybe i wouldn't pay you no do you want to i will no we're not gonna do that now we're not gonna start that maybe i wouldn't pay you you know do you want to i will no we're not gonna do that now we're not gonna start that way i haven't seen either of you in quite some time i will name this podcast later episode number 72 am i correct maybe i have no i think i only i only think i know it's 72 because plenty of fans have tweeted me where it is number 72 yo
Starting point is 00:00:43 and we skip one and everyone's like no more podcasts like damn we can't take one fucking week off i love the support and all that shit but god damn y'all are annoying really my mentions are full every five minutes asking if we quit the podcast yeah i don't understand the way now i have all right well let me explain it to you then since you don't understand it um we started doing something very consistently valid then my we stopped i mean we changed the day that we would change the day to thursday wednesday yeah but it being soundcloud backslash joe budden podcast and all the things that you've been doing in the past two weeks i think maybe they could put two and two together and say, hey, maybe they're doing some other things.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Well, you know what? So let's talk about it. Two weeks ago, whenever we missed the initial podcast that we missed, Rory and I made an executive decision because there was too much bullshit going on in the world. I didn't even know what to say. Yeah, I don't think either of us had digested anything yeah it was all so fresh it was like fresh to speak about and you know i wanted to wait for for new developments and i wanted to hear from some more people and i just wanted to see this story progress and continue to develop to develop about just the war in America. I mean, that's and I don't want to address it too much because of my thoughts on it.
Starting point is 00:02:15 But that's why we didn't originally do the podcast. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to address it. I had a hard time sleeping. It's a lot to digest. I had a hard time sleeping it's a lot to digest it's a lot to take in if you're aware of your uh if you're aware of what's happening in the world and uh we live here so you kind of should be this was a conversation I tweeted even um you know immediately because I no longer just think about it's not about me anymore my time on this earth is not it's no longer for me everything is
Starting point is 00:02:43 about my kid so I immediately rushed to think about my kid i call my child's mom yo where you at where's she at where's he at i'm coming send him to me uber we gotta talk now you can't do it man shit and he comes and my fucking kid and i say are you aware of uh uh, I don't even say anything to him. He starts talking. I say, are you aware of what's going on in the world? He said, yeah, they just was hanging some black guy. He started just giving me all the information. So clearly he's aware.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And then that scared me. That scared me that 15-year-olds are privy to such what is the word hold on because this is important such ugly information I can't there's another word I'm looking for
Starting point is 00:03:39 not privileged information not confidential information this is mature information that we are asking kids to digest. Actually, that's not true. We're not asking kids to digest it. They don't have a choice. It's things they shouldn't be exposed to. It's on your phone.
Starting point is 00:03:58 It's on your television. It's in front of your face. Can I give an optimistic opinion on how that may be better in some instances? A lot like when I grew up, of course, you really just only had the news and your parents and your family and how they thought. So if you do have a kid that happens to grow up in, for example, like an All Lives Matter house, and their parents are very strict on what is going on.
Starting point is 00:04:25 This is the opinion and all he can do is digest that opinion. Right. He now has social media. He now has the internet. He now has YouTube where he is exposed to other views of thinking, not just his dinner table. While that could be very detrimental, it could also be helpful.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I mean, of course it's case-by-case basis, but I don't think it's a total loss in some cases here. You know, I have to just address something that you said, because that's the only thing that's really, really, really confusing. Oh, no, all of it's confusing to me. Let me take that back. But this all-lives-matter retort. That's just a way to sum up a group of people that think a certain way that's why i use that example but that is one of my biggest pet peeves in life when you're you're addressing something
Starting point is 00:05:18 and someone's reply has absolutely zero to do with what i just said. I don't get it. It tells me interpretation skills are either A, on the poor side, or B, you a racist too, my nigga. That's just how I'm calling it. If you are a business and you not Black Lives Matter, then you the rest. That's how I see it. Well, I mean, there's a very scary contradiction, and we don't have to
Starting point is 00:05:45 go too deep into this but it's very troubling to watch certain news programs and people in media that have a voice that are calling for peaceful protests but not peaceful police stops hey let me tell y'all something I'm all with marching I'm all with protesting. I can't speak on its effectiveness when we keep asking for the same thing for over 300 years. That's number one. Number two, and this is all my brain. I've obsessed over all of this because I'm obsessive. I try not to even talk about problems unless I can offer some type of help or solution or suggestion. And it's important I be this way because, well, it's just important. But. So, yeah, protesting is great.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Violence begets violence. But I do understand everyone is not able to fully articulate themselves when they are feeling some of the duress that we're under. fully articulate themselves when they are feeling some of the duress that we're under. Some people, because of the conditions that we live in or the conditions that were created, that's a different conversation. All they know is violence. So some of the violence, and I'll say this for them, they are fighting for nonviolence. I don't want that to get lost to a lot of the white people who have a hard time understanding the logic and frame of mind of niggas from where I'm from.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I'm not with that either. But I do know that Uncle respect a dollar. He respects a dollar. Now, every Black Friday, they say, you know, they send those chain texts. And we see them every year. We should all join together and ban and boycott all of the major stores. And every time I see it, I laugh my ass off. While I agree with the intent, it's just not realistic. It's not realistic. You're asking an entire community and collective of people
Starting point is 00:07:54 to not warrant the things that they need for survival. And worked for as well. So, but I don't think they're too far off because I don't think this country respects anything but a dollar now one major retailer at a time is a bit more feasible to me but what warrants that specific real uh retail store it's one that we decide we change the fucking store every month don't get me on my pro black we built this shit and we'll tear it the fuck up well like i'm trying not to be that but the world that they are manufacturing around me is getting me close.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And while they've tried to paint this as a black thing with the violence, this country was completely built on people. This is their words, not mine. Threatening our freedom. We mount up and shoot back. So when a certain group of people feels like they are being attacked for their freedom and do the same thing, you now have a problem with it. The whole Second Amendment is built off arming against people threatening our freedom. So it's odd. I'm a dropout, so I don't know. What is the Second Amendment? Tell me.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Right to bear arms. Okay. I don't know. I'm ignorant in that regard. So it's just really. Meaning I don't have the memorized is what I'm saying. I don't need to be attacked right now. But okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:09:31 You've been to court enough. Thanks, Marie. No, but it's true. And it's just, you know, this country was built off white supremacy too. And I think a lot of the people that don't think they're racist then wake up and say, no, you know, I have black friends and I don't dislike black people. I don't give a fuck if people
Starting point is 00:09:45 saying they not racist, if you're not in support of, you against. That's just where I stand now. And I'm not saying that I'm all the way right in my head, baby. There's enough evidence to show y'all that there's some screws loose with me. I'm not able to articulate myself, nor do
Starting point is 00:10:01 I have articulate myself like Jesse Williams. I don't speak to that many people i'm talking to my people the way i know that they fucking understand now one retailer though at a time that may move the needle a bit now if we just start saying hey if we just start circulating a calendar hey uh december target bye bye black dollar to target they're not respecting our voices they only respect the dollar greed is a sin i'm telling you man god boy i don't let's not get on this too long but that is why we did not do the podcast so then the next week came which is also why i wasn't going to get on twitter and try to explain
Starting point is 00:10:45 why we didn't do the podcast i figured let's just wait and we'll address it like if you're looking at the world listen unlike some of these other podcasts talk about it no we are going to talk about it we are going to talk about it people are to be held the fuck accountable and that's my big i'm having that i'm having that conversation with people on my record label now mood music i'm having the conversation of people need to be held accountable for shit i'm not just putting a podcast out every week to put one out every week i'm not doing it because we need these fucking bevel sponsorships i'm not doing it because this is paying for something this is a passionate thing that we do i don't i don't want i really don't want
Starting point is 00:11:32 yo integrity and character is all is always priority for me that can be lost without context. I'm easily misread. Those two things, number one, they are paramount with me. So nah, when the world is fucked up, you ain't got to tweet me and ask me why a podcast is not happening. I'm looking at the world and I'm being a human first. I'm calling my parents. I'm calling my family. I'm calling my kid. I'm calling my child's'm calling my family i'm calling my kid i'm calling my child's mother and me and her ain't the fucking greatest but we co-parent well i need to make sure she's okay this is a time where we need to make sure our people is okay and if you got a fucking heart make sure some other people are okay it was heartwarming to me some people probably don't remember in new york when that big blackout happened oh oh three man for those of you too
Starting point is 00:12:32 young to remember in 2003 there was a major power outage in new york city major meaning there was no power in New York City. And the camaraderie of New York, like the brotherhood of just New York humanity, that just togetherness, that each one grab, pull, help, that shit was beautiful. I think the governor or the mayor at the time, and I'm not fact checking here and my memory is bad. I've done a lot of drugs in life. But the mayor at the time spoke to that the same way. Every time some shit to give the public unrest, the president get up there, whatever president is in office and they start speaking to America bonding together. I just don't hear too much of that shit
Starting point is 00:13:28 right now. And it ain't looking like that. And man, I swore I didn't want to talk about this. But wait, I'll end with this isn't a police thing with me. I want to be clear in that. Blue Lives Matter. Hey,
Starting point is 00:13:44 y'all do, but fuck out of here. This has zero to do with cops. This is not police just running around. I live in Edgewater. Them cops are pretty fucking awesome in Edgewater. Nah, they gave me a ticket on Sunday. Well, it is two of them that's dicks. Well, you had to pay for it because it was your house.
Starting point is 00:14:02 The judge is amazing in Edgewater. Shout out to the judge in Edgewater. I've seen him quite a bit, and he's a real nigga he's not black but he's real well to piggyback off your point completely with the mayor and the blackout and how great that was giuliani after 9-11 brought new york together better than i've ever seen a mayor do which is so hard to watch him do now to separate us. I don't know, A, I don't know who paid you, dog. Like, it's a whole, I mean, he's still a piece of shit,
Starting point is 00:14:32 but when 9-11 happened, he felt like he brought every last single New Yorker together. We felt like we were a city. Now you are clearly trying to separate us when it's not in your benefit because you are no longer the mayor well Giuliani has let it be known for quite some time what side of the fence he stands on
Starting point is 00:14:52 uh I want to tell all of my people listening to this podcast it's very important see I got some theories that technology keep getting smarter and smarter and as a people we keep getting dumber and dumber yet the future and everything about the present tells me that we will need to lend and lean on civility more than ever where the fuck we going that's what it seemed like to me if i'm just using foresight right but uh back to my point what was i saying but now they'll call you a socialist but go on no what was I saying right before that? I had a point. You were wrapping up and saying to close out your point about... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:33 No, go back and find it then. Let's go back. You were talking about the blackout. The mayor. Oh yeah, Julie. That's what I was saying. People, people, people. Not my people, but people in general. people of an open mind. We in a time. Oh, that's why I was talking about people getting dumber and dumber.
Starting point is 00:15:51 We in a time where it's real and it's going to be real important to be able to read subtext. People are speaking in subtext. And when I see we need to make America great again, I want to go and grab a gun and kill somebody. Because that's subtext to me. When are you referring to? Because there's a lot of comedic bits from white comedians that I fucking love that say they can't think of a time where you could rewind and go back and it was fun to be black Louis CK great bit and if he's wrong then let's figure it out right now so I can shut the fuck up well you're not gonna get that out of the two of us we're agreeing with you yes yeah so i yeah i'm just hey be aware pray protect love love love they trying to make us they trying to make us be who we are not
Starting point is 00:16:58 we not that i'm not that but if i'm, what do you think I'm going to do? That's the hood in me talking. Oh, to the people who are fortunate enough to have never been to the hood. You don't want to face a scared man. Scared men will do whatever they have to do because they are afraid. And that's where we are going. That's where we are going. Prayer. God help us. The next week came.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Let's even go with their rhetoric here. Let's say it's not a race thing. Let's say this is not a race thing at all. Oh, shut up. No, no, no, no. Did somebody say that? They. They. Fox News, they're not racially profiling anyone, of course.
Starting point is 00:17:51 But let's look at it this way. Oh, come on. Should a cop, if this is not a race thing, why are your cops so scared that they have to kill people? Exactly. Why are you body slamming a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit because you're scared? How about we raise the standard of a cop that you're hiring if this isn't a race thing they shouldn't fucking be
Starting point is 00:18:11 a cop if they're fucking so scared that they have to shoot a gun immediately and that's the force and that's the part i don't get either black lives matter black lives matter that simple fucking terminology is causing all of this panic, right? And for me, and I'm aware I'm missing a few screws, for me, that's the nice way to say it. That's the nicest possible, most vulnerable, non-threatening way to say that. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Because what happens when we stop telling you that? What happens when we just start showing you how much black lives matter? Y'all was scared when we was non-threatening. Nothing about this podcast is a call for war
Starting point is 00:18:57 like they will paint it out to be in a clickbait headline somewhere. I'm ahead of this. And if I die next week, I didn't do it myself. And my friends better investigate because my paranoid ass ain't leaving home.
Starting point is 00:19:14 And all the doors is locked and ain't no bitches in the bed. It's something else. That's what my paranoid, and I know that I'm crazy. I already know it. I already know it, but the world is catching up now. The world is catching up though. The world is catching up to that crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:32 I'm off this, man. I'm too passionate to even talk about this. I think we covered a lot of good things here. Yeah. It's plenty subtext in that freedom freestyle. I don't think we went on a tangent at all. I'm leaving that now. I think that was really good.
Starting point is 00:19:48 There's plenty subtext in that freedom freestyle, and it all be peaceful. Don't make me out to be a maniac because I'm aggressive in tone and because I'm vulgar. I need to work on that. I shouldn't be that vulgar. And my father, Benson, I need to stop saying that nigga word. But shit, I feel like in today, I need to say it as much as i fucking can but anyway all right the next week came and then i was in album mode i was in album mode in in that week right yeah no last week was all that stuff happening the week before was when it
Starting point is 00:20:20 became the thursday you guys did this and then i had to move out, and I caught a fly out. Yeah, life was happening. Life was happening. Life was happening, so we didn't do it then. And, you know, I was cool with that. I was cool with that. I haven't seen Rory in a while.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I haven't seen Marissa in a while. I don't know what Marissa is doing. No, you know. You know what I mean. In podcast. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know what Marissa is doing.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I haven't seen Maddie. We tried to link with Maddie on Saturday. Oh, yeah, she was being a ho. When we was at La Marina. She was being a ho. No, I La Marina. She was being a hoe. No, I wasn't. I was celebrating Zaha's birthday.
Starting point is 00:20:47 She was there. No, we were being hoes. Yeah. What day? Saturday. We went to La Marina. We just wasn't driving all the way to fucking Lower East Side to meet up with y'all. What a great day Saturday was at La Marina.
Starting point is 00:20:58 What was that? Everyday people? Mm-hmm. Shout out to Roblai. Everyday people. Shout out to Michael Paul. I went there to see my cousin, Michael Paul. Shout out to the good people that throw everyday people. It was at La Marina. We had an Michael Paul. I went there to see my cousin Michael Paul. Shout out to the good people
Starting point is 00:21:05 that throw everyday people. It was at La Marina. We had an amazing time, Rory and myself. Shout out to Amanda at the bar. It was just great. You guys missed Dom's birthday and I made a fucking amazing cake.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Hey, but wait, wait, wait. Before you get to that, that needs to be said in New York that, you know, because when Fab spit the La Marina bar, it was really over for La Marina. I told you he was making a comeback.
Starting point is 00:21:25 When you was on tour, I said, hey, it kind of looks like 2013. Do they have new management? No, I just think- New ownership? Something is different. It's a different crowd, different energy. Well, they're trying to do specific parties over there. Before, it was just La Marina.
Starting point is 00:21:39 It was just La Marina night. Now, everyday people is there. It's specific party promoters throwing at it, renting out that space. I like it. I do too. Now like everyday people is there like it's specific party promoters throwing at like renting out that space. I like it. I do too. I like it a lot. I had a great time
Starting point is 00:21:49 at La Marina again. Thanks to everybody and shout out to everybody that was there. And what do we do? They had a live band. It was great. It wasn't the typical La Marina.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Yeah I saw a fucking what's his name? Classic man was there and he didn't have a tux on. He didn't have a suit on. Could you believe it? I feel like I was hoodwinked like Santa Claus.
Starting point is 00:22:12 He was up there for doing joints he was up there for like three hours it felt like and i only know because it wasn't in a suit so i was watching like that is kind of a nice suit i mean to not be a suit but yeah he had the whole place rocking shout out to him i'm not hanging out with michael paul if he doesn't wear sleeves i'm gonna make to make that clear now. Oh, Michael Paul, man. Michael Paul did 80, 90 million push-ups and looked totally different. That motherfucker was in the bathroom just to keep his swole, just doing push-ups. Just because of that shirt he had on. You know what I don't like about Michael Paul? Every time I call him on it, you know what he says?
Starting point is 00:22:40 And this is such a cop-out. Hey, people, be aware of your people's cop-outs or people's cop-outs in general. They're used a lot. He says, he goes to, I got to do something to stay up with you famous guys. Michael Paul, first of all, I ain't been famous in 10 years. That's number one. Number two, you're a doctor. You live in Chelsea.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You're a doctor. Yeah, you live in Chelsea. You're 6'3". You have muscles. You got a beard like and you're a doorman at the hottest clubs in the world tell me you wouldn't trade lives and you're just like a nice guy he would trade lives with me he would trade lives with me he's like clean me he is he's just not really i said that to you a long way it's a way doper version of you he no you know
Starting point is 00:23:20 what it is and this is the problem because i've been famous for so long. I had to grow up and make all of my mistakes in front of people. People like him. He's a shit ball and nobody knows. My nigga, if I wasn't famous and nobody knew that I was a shit ball in my 20s, which I'm so grateful for, I needed to go get all that information. I mean, you still are one. My kid, Jesus, Marion, Joseph. But anyway, okay, so that's what's been happening. But Marissa, Marissa, baby, talk to me.
Starting point is 00:23:47 What's happening? Did you throw up in a McDonald's? Wait, wait, wait. I did so many things. Wait, Marissa, wait, wait, wait, wait. Because we did a podcast without Marissa. Yeah, that's what I was talking about. I got a fly out that weekend, so I missed it because I was in the airport.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Yeah, because every time I see you tweet anything, it's just something random and stupid. And then I'm like, I can't wait to talk to her. And then we never have a podcast, and I'm definitely not calling you. And I probably wouldn't answer anyway. I'd text you, like, why'd you call me? Never know, because I didn't call. Can't prove it. No, whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:15 All right, so what is happening with you? Did you move? I did a Jace, so there's that. We got to find out about you after Rich Homie Kwan. Okay. Because I don't want to rush by you to get to him. All right, let's talk about Rich Homie Kwan. Okay. Because I really want to get, I don't want to rush by you to get to him. All right, let's talk about Rich Homie Kwan and how dumb he was. So I was in the studio last night.
Starting point is 00:24:30 So, I mean, a couple nights ago. So I have, I didn't know. I didn't watch the awards. But. I rewatched them today because I was in the studio as well. It was so good. I actually was at a house with TV last night. My last night house had a television.
Starting point is 00:24:43 So we watched it together. Madi was used to that black box with the red numbers. Like, wait, these channels go past 72? Marissa, where are you staying, baby? I'm just, I belong to the world right now. So many of my young- I appreciate your honesty. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:24:57 No, no, I fuck with her. So many of my young woman friends are having home issues. I will tell this. It's a pretty great story when I get to it, but we'll get to it after Rich Homie. All right. So Rich Homie Kwan performed at the VH1 Hip Hop Honors that aired on Monday. Last, yeah. Specific to the women in hip hop.
Starting point is 00:25:15 It was so amazing. It was. Not his performance, but everything else. What was specific to the women in hip hop? It was honors. The hip hop honors. Oh, the awards show. Oh, we got it, got it, got it.
Starting point is 00:25:22 It was for Salt-N-Pepa, Low Kim, Queen of T-Firm, Mizzy Fiala. Oh, I love when VH1 remembers that they do hip hop. I love when y'all remember that. I was watching. I was like, oh, this is fucking great. And I ignored Twitter yesterday, so I didn't really get all the spoilers. And I'm watching it today like, oh my, VH1.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Every now and then you remind me that you're still VH1. They fucking nailed it. Everything, oh my God, it was amazing. And then all of a sudden, Lil' Kim comes on. And I was really excited because I love Lil' Kim She says Here's my friend, Rich Homie Quan And then I said And then she repeats it again
Starting point is 00:25:55 Because she knew we said huh She knew we said huh I need to know I'm just nosy I'm just nosy Hey wait a minute i did see little little kim has been fraternizing with uh this generation of rappers yeah all right and i like that so he comes out in a kuji so they're friends okay so all right i'm no longer mad at them he
Starting point is 00:26:15 comes out in a kuji and i'm like let me not prejudge right let me not prejudge and he starts with like the first few bars and i see he tried to do the little big voice cadence was big i said oh okay but time out before you because i want i want to i want to commentate as you tell this story stop why before we get to anything he did there's a million mistakes oh he's there let's not get to his mistake after the dust settled i sat there and i said wait why is rich homie kwan around any tribute to biggie and number two why is rich homie kwan around any tribute to hip-hop i want to wait stop stop stop i want answers to this i want answers somebody should be held accountable for this like who was like this sounds like maybe it's because i've worked in this industry you just have to sit there and picture a boardroom because these decisions don't just happen these are approved by layers and layers of departments and people who sat there and said
Starting point is 00:27:13 all right kim's gonna come out and do a tribute to herself i guess you would call it who's gonna do biggie's part oh rich homie kwan wouldn't that be great because that because those awards are filmed in Atlanta I'm assuming no it was in New York fucking city was in New York where the fuck was Fab 68th street I would have taken designer I would have taken anybody Fab was in Vegas VH1 yo y'all y'all gonna think I'm trolling Papoose was in the crowd Pap could have done that shit better than he could I do not no no but let's not say that. Let's not say that. I'm not trolling. Let's not say that. Before we get to anything that he did, I still put Papoose up there with Lil' Kim before I put Rich Homie Kwan.
Starting point is 00:27:53 That's what I'm saying. That's when Pap was in the crowd. I have to assume that in rehearsals, Rich Homie Kwan knocked this out the park. Now, as a performer, I know how it is when your brain is coasting you but it's not muscle memory i'm certain that in rehearsal he bodied that multiple times multiple times yeah i'm certain i'm certain i'm certain i'm just certain of it but if it's not muscle memory and how old is rich
Starting point is 00:28:19 homie kwan 26 oh i was gonna give him, who cares? 26, he ain't from here. Like, some of us older statesmen, we got to remember, we got to remember that we are older statesmen, right? Elder statesmen. Did I just say older statesmen? Whatever. I'll let you rock. Go ahead. We're here to stand up for New York, so I'm just going to let you rock.
Starting point is 00:28:44 No, no, no. Don't ever let me sound like an idiot like that. Some of rock. Go ahead. We're here to stand up for New York, so I'm just going to let you rock. No, no, no. Don't ever let me sound like an idiot like that. Some of us elder states, somebody, oh, gee, I'm not putting the onus on him, on Rich Homie Kwan is what I'm saying. I'm just not doing that. The only thing I could say maybe in his defense was Tiana Taylor tweeted only like two, three days ago, like, just got the call. I'll be honoring little Kim.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Well, I saw he had three days. So I don't know if they just made these last minute decisions. According to Twitter sources, he had three days to do this. Every award show is hectic until the last minute. Oh, yeah, of course. Every one of them. But everything made sense. You got Naughty by Nature to do the Queen Latifah shit.
Starting point is 00:29:20 You had Tiana Taylor to do Lil' Kim, which makes sense. New York. Why did we land on rich homie kwan for big like if everything else was fucked i would totally understand maybe but this wasn't i mean we don't know we don't know why but but i have to ask him but listen i want to talk used to fuck biggie why would you think rich homie kwan would maybe he asked her could he do it maybe he's friends with him and was like yo i love big well let me try this let seize do it what the fuck right anyone uh that's a good idea too we got to remember that some of our
Starting point is 00:29:52 some people that have collaborated on some of our songs that we cherish so much probably don't really fuck with each other today oh that's of course very true i'm not saying that about seize or anybody i don't have any inside information there, but you know, shit happens. So if we're looking at Rich Homie Quan, chances are there's a lot of educated people behind those scenes making some decisions. I'm assuming there's a reason why we were looking at him. So I'll bypass that.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Rich Homie Quan is there. I'm sure in rehearsal, he bodied it. He's young. He's not from here. Biggie is 94. I get it. I get it. I get all of that.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And there should be no memorandum on the music he makes because I killed Lupe a few years ago for doing the exact same thing he did it with tribe which which to me much more uh much more fucking there's another word i'm looking for cardinal sin in hip-hop basically a ramp you're wrong yes like there's a word i'm looking for it's on the tip of my fucking tongue but well yeah i mean lupe is a lyricist when you're clearly inspired egregious egregious egregious egregious egregious by by tribe it would make sense for you what is on my brain i have i'm just letting you rock a lot of rebels trying times we're in all right but um sensitive time lupe is a lyricist so you know and I was a lot younger when that
Starting point is 00:31:06 happened so I didn't I reacted the same way I'm seeing people react now until Lupe said I grew up in Chicago with these type of niggas and this is what I listened to and before the digital era where the music was readily available and guess what guess what what's wrong with that nothing that was perfect it we don't have to understand it we don't have to understand it i mean i do every music that's the beautiful thing about music it's so it's so much of it and you never know who it appeals to and what who is listening to but we are to assume that lupe is a student of hip-hop and his style definitely has some tribe stems there so i don't know i might call it assume that someone is a student of hip-hop
Starting point is 00:31:53 assumes a lot of other things as well number one it assumes that they have the time to be a student of hip-hop i don't know what lupe's life was like before he was famous. He makes tribe references on his records all the time. That means nothing to me. That don't tell me that he is affluent in tribe. Oh, well, I'll dead you here. They paid him to do it. Motherfucker, do it. Go rap.
Starting point is 00:32:19 They paid you to do it. If there is a knock to be had, and y'all just give me two minutes to rant, because I don't want to forget these two very important things. If there is a knock to be had, it's in professionalism. Rich homie Kwan is a professional. He's paid like a professional. He is presented like an official, a professional. I'm sure his team is intact that way. As a professional, you have to do better than that or turn down the opportunity yeah i know it's difficult i know we asking a lot of you young brother but you have to in respect of hip-hop oh you have to yeah we have fuck you fuck me yeah why that poor guy sitting on the train sweating his ass off at 7 a.m going to work we're asking so much of you to wrap a biggie verse
Starting point is 00:33:05 fuck you fuck you you know that's i'm standing up for the common man no no you probably got paid 10 grand to go wrap a fucking biggie verse fuck you i'm sitting on the train sweating to go make minimum wage rory is saying something very funny and don't think because i sound like this that i don't think it's very funny rory is very funny fuck you rory is a lot younger than common man so he's funny in bad times sometimes i don't care that he's funny rich homie kwan you owe it to hip-hop my nigga that's all that's all i'm saying just say no and i am only saying that and i'm able to empathize that way because I've been in that predicament throughout my entire 20s where we didn't want to do some shit. But it was a good look. But the label said, but you know how many times my last two times at the Breakfast Club, I didn't want to go to Breakfast Club at all. I was totally against it.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I was totally, totally against it. 100% fourth tooth and nail. Good old Allen. Hey, Allen, baby. Until you own your own, you cannot be free. I'm telling you. This feels so good. So I understand that position.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Especially a young artist. He's hot. Got joints. I get it. Rich Homie Quan, you have to say no baby just that's it that's it that's all i'm not gonna kill you now i want that to lead to my next point though because this is important it's important that the elder statesmen have that perspective right because this is the trend i'm noticing i've spoken about with some other ogs we don't like it
Starting point is 00:34:43 this is the trend happening amongst young rappers. Young rappers, contrary to popular belief, us old niggas are not mad or bitter or angry. Every time we say something, though, we're painted to be that way. So we now are apprehensive to say something. wants to appear angry or bitter but in times like this where it's this just this just just this bad now all of a sudden i saw static selector tweet um he tweeted uh yo any dj in new york playing rich homie quantum taking your serato simple as that i stopped for a minute i didn't know what to think or feel i said i get it i get it because that's old new york that's old new york and static is old enough yeah like remember when fuck your apology on instagram that's your man's body rope that's that's the new york that was new york like that's the new york like I very rarely feel it again like sometimes when Meno
Starting point is 00:35:46 talks I still hear it like sometimes people talk and I still can feel old New York energy through that tweet I read that even if I disagree with it I don't think that's his fault but young niggas y'all have to stop that y'all have to stop that there Y'all have to stop that. There's a, you are cutting yourself off from an entire bevy of information. Some of it that can be helpful. Each one teach one. I'm shutting up. Um, so from there,
Starting point is 00:36:15 what else do we need? Need, need, need, need, need, need to touch. I don't know about need.
Starting point is 00:36:23 I can certainly laugh at your man, Tory Lanez jump shot. Oh my God. Jesus. I believe- Show me, show me. I believe XXL- Pull it up.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Deemed it the sassiest jump shot in history. Yeah, to lighten the mood a little bit. Speak while I- I didn't get it either. I didn't get it either, man. And we have to talk about it because Tory's my man. I've been championing Tory.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I got a record with Tory Flex. Me tori fab uh me tori fab flex hey podcast promotion rapper shit look at that cross branding when you just own your own fucking shit and it's about time you actually are promoting i'm so proud i promote when it's mine and i'm paid for it i ain't been paid from rapping quite some time i make my money other areas that's what hustlers and real niggas do Why am I gonna go so hard To give all my shit to Allen So he can go fudge paperwork And never pay anybody that
Starting point is 00:37:13 Put their blood, sweat, and tears Freedom, freedom, freedom Freedom, freedom Marty, watch that I'm sitting in Park's house Rory says Tory Lanez Has the sassiest jump shot ever I thought Rory was just being funny He said, no. I'm sitting in Park's house. Rory says, Tory Lanez has the sassiest jump shot ever. I thought Rory was just being funny.
Starting point is 00:37:27 He said, no, I'm reading that. XXL put that as a headline. So I go to look at it because why are y'all dissing? I got my cape on, my nigga. Don't fucking diss my nigga Tory, all right? Don't fuck it. I will fuck it.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And then sure enough, he pulls it up. And what is it? It's Tory Lanez with the sassiest jump shot that I've ever seen in my life. Tory. lane with the sassiest jump shot that i've ever seen in my life tori he definitely did his nails before he shot oh my god first of all shut up flex with tori and fab out right this second itunes music entertainment for those that haven't seen tori's jump shot google it and then picture when you're at the beach with women and they're kind of by the shoreline and the water comes up and they have to jump up in the air that's how he
Starting point is 00:38:04 did that jump shot. But listen, the only reason this is really, really, really, really funny to me is because, like I told Rory, all of us have seen that guy before. Not Tory, but that guy who shoots like that and plays D like that and dribbles like that and looks like he'll never make a shot. And once he makes one or two on you, the whole park goes fucking laughing at you. Like, yeah, it's bad, it's bad, it's bad. and once he makes one or two on you the whole park goes fucking laughing at you like you're yeah it's bad it's bad it's bad don't let maul and marcus williams and brandon jennings start
Starting point is 00:38:30 actually telling y'all some stories about when the four of us used to go to 80th street park in north bergen when brandon was uh thinking about going to china and marcus was on the nets mad at jason kidd and everybody else you kind of got a little fruity jumper. Keep it a book. No, I don't have any jumper. No, no, no. Your form is kind of fruity. No, it ain't. No, it ain't. I mean, if this is for joke's sake, get it off. No, no, no. It's not. You have a fruity jumper. First of all, when have you ever even seen me shoot a jump shot? We were in Hoboken playing.
Starting point is 00:38:56 It's documented. Oh, come on. I'm talking about in a real game, jerk. Not me with my kid, who's a shithead. Hey, baby. Hey, Trey. So, yeah. Torey's jump shot. We got all for that. real game jerk not me with my kid who's a shithead this is hey baby hey trey um so yeah tori's jump shot we got all for that uh what else there's so much shit i bookmarked something oh oh wait to backtrack really quick back to black lives matter uh bow wow and i'm only saying this because i i fuck with bow wow why why do i fuck with Bow Wow? He's an idiot.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Why is he an idiot? Let's hear it. Because he's just a fucking pompous asshole and he's fucking constantly just posting shit for attention. Like 99% of Twitter. No, he's not. Like you and like everybody else on Twitter that I see do shit for attention. I have a confession similar to Madi's point here.
Starting point is 00:39:44 People said, because apparently Bow Wow said something that was smart. Is that what you were getting? No. Okay. Well, Bow Wow posted something. Someone's like, oh shit, Bow Wow finally says something smart. And I said, I don't want to hear anything Bow Wow has to say.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Right. And it conflicted in my head. And I said, okay, this is when everyone says, I don want to hear joe budden's drake this i don't care how good it is and i'm like why that's a horrible way to think and i thought it when it came to bow wow when he spoke that's my point and it clicked and i said that's a bad way to think you know what though i'm glad that you said that maybe unlike bow wow i totally get why people hate me. Oh, well, I get that too. I take full responsibility and all accountability for any negative feelings that people have about me. A recent revelation for me is I'm nothing without context. Nothing. You will never get me without context.
Starting point is 00:40:46 If I just dip in and out and there's no context, and when I leave that context to the likes of a Def Jam, a VH1, a Lovin' Hip Hop, a Mona Scott, a fucking Amalgam Digital, any of these people that have falsely represented or helped me to falsely represent who I am, because I was a piece of shit in my 20s. 30s too.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I was a piece of shit probably before my son. However. Well, no, to Ice's point, Ice made a great point. Did he? Oh, my God. Can I favorite it? Where is it? I know it was a tweet.
Starting point is 00:41:20 When you hate the messenger, you're not going to listen to the message. Oh, yeah. Well, that's just true. But you know what? But that's very ignorant too. Because you shut yourself off to listen to the message. Oh, yeah. Well, that's just true. But you know what? But that's very ignorant, too, because you shut yourself off to so much. No, no, no. The message is always more important than the message. He had context behind that with you and Drake.
Starting point is 00:41:33 No, I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. But go back to, let's get back after you covering up your 20s. We get it. What did Bow Wow do?
Starting point is 00:41:41 And I just saw this. I guess somebody DM'd him on Instagram and asked him to use his voice and his platform to address the current state. And he said, I'm minding my business. That's it. I've met Bow Wow on plenty of occasion. Bow Wow and I have fucked some of the same chicks.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yep, he just did an interview how he said he took Esther's virginity or she took his. Well, I'm denying ever being with Esther. Okay. Can't deny that spider woman day when she fucking broke into the house. I know what you're talking about. But anyway, Bow Wow is such a great guy every time I meet him. Like, oh, man, i'm so jaded some of the people that y'all hate as a public are great when i meet them and some of the people that y'all love as a
Starting point is 00:42:33 public are shitheads with great teams masking it bow wow is one of the people that every time i've met him he was nothing but a great amazing person bow wow Bow Wow was how old? 27, 28. I don't think that that is beyond doing things for attention, even though I'm not saying that he did or did not do that. But I don't hold that against him. Not to get too deep, but he was raised to do that. He was a child rapper. He was only taught to bring attention to himself. That's all he knows.
Starting point is 00:43:03 And as a child rapper, he was probably always taught to mind his business. That too, to knows and as a child rapper he's probably always taught to mind his business that too to shut the fuck up but bow wow we'll write something bow wow i'm not gonna rush your process uh nor am i that willful to think that i can just tell people what to do and it's the right way i'm not god I will say, though, is you do have an entire community of people who listen to you. And all you got to do is open a window and look out and look around you and turn the TV on. Whatever you're doing, just take a minute of your time and just look at what's happening to us as a people. You'll be compelled one day, one day to say something. Trust me, nobody is more on my business than me.
Starting point is 00:43:46 But we know I live by three things. Does it need to be said? Does it need to be said now? Does it need to be said by me? It was yes, yes, yes on all accords. Off of Bow Wow now. Oh, that was a segue to something? We don't have Bevel,
Starting point is 00:44:00 so I don't have any cool Bow Wow with Bevel. Probably why my beard is looking so bad. Bevel, you don't want to pay this episode, huh? Is Bevel Black on? Yes. And he's a great, great fucking guy. Tristan Walker from Queens. Oh, it's Tristan.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Yeah. Don't shit on Bevel. I told you I'm paranoid. I love Tristan. He's my nigga. I told y'all I'm paranoid. I told y'all I'm crazy. Madi, tell me about your Pokemon adventures being homeless
Starting point is 00:44:26 Let me hear you You know though my travels You should have all the Pokemon I have so many Pokemon because of my homeless family Nah I want to see your Pokemon count around that dead ass I'm not homeless I was just searching for Pokemon I haven't been back home As you get that right as you pull it up
Starting point is 00:44:42 I haven't spoken to Madi in quite some time I'd like to catch up about her My kid almost killed himself the other day trying to catch one of these pokemon yeah i almost like missed the boat ride that i was hosting and now as i'm as i'm in the nail salon this morning it's on the news the news is covering fuck you marissa the news is covering pokemon go right nobody's saying that that's dangerous. My kid, I'm already worried about how much knowledge his brain can store. I don't have a GPS. As if texting in Midtown wasn't dangerous enough. Yeah, why is he crossing the street on a busy fucking highway looking for a Pokemon?
Starting point is 00:45:17 I missed a gym yesterday. Hey, listen, see, this is why, as a parent now, I have to get hip to shit I don't want to get hip about. Because I'm asking all the questions I think I need to ask to make sure he's safe he says i think i can go get it dad i said well shit go ahead i'm gonna call your mother in case you die because you're not getting me in trouble right he crushed the street come back i said did you get it he said it moved when i got over there okay now i'm really confused kid he said now it's over there he walks over there to get it he comes back i, did you get it? He said, no, it went in the Chinese store.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And I'm scared I'm not going to go in there. Yo, what is this game having kids do? It's fucking lit. It's making us exercise. It's making you break the fucking law. You're going to get shot or killed. That wouldn't be nice, but I hope not. My kid wear glasses and can't see as it is.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Why is he looking for a Pokemon on his phone? Yeah, I did it at like a real light. And conspiracy theorist Joe has his own ideologies about some of the technology, no, some of the functionality that this fucking technology comes with. But I'm not getting, y'all already think I'm nuts. And I ain't scratched the surface. We should have B.O.BB on the podcast oh my god yes because he is nuts like me oh I was being facetious but no you know what is another amazing mind no I love BLB I just laugh at his twitter account because why he be saying a lot of real
Starting point is 00:46:39 shit the earth every nigga that changed the world they tried to paint is crazy did bob try to change the world or did he just say it's flat i'm not talking about bob oh i'm telling y'all i was talking about every nigga that has attempted to change the world they call crazy crazy is such a that's such a bold accusatory term to people who pay attention to mental illness. Go ahead, Dave Chappelle. Let them know. I hate to be so serious today. I thought we would have a fun, lighthearted fucking show.
Starting point is 00:47:11 We've had moments. I guess. Well, it's only you. You, All Lives Matter Rory. That is me. I can't even do that. It was Rory's idea for fucking R.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I just made mad points before this. Yeah, I'm phony. I'm phony. Yo, Rory is so black. Put the video together for freedom. Put the video together for freedom. Put the artwork together for freedom. Gave you the idea for freedom.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Let me tell you, man. Let me tell you. And I'm going to say this. And I'm going to say this in fear of sounding like the white person that says, oh, I have plenty of black friends. And if you think that that's what I'm saying here then i'm wording something wrong so i'm so you know god my god teaches me just to have gratitude in all situations i'm so grateful for the type of white friends i have that's important i don't really know how i would react or be behaving if and i hang out, I think all my friends are white now.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Imani left. Brandon is shacked up. Vern is taking care of his children like a responsible adult man. That picture ain't painted enough, too, in the fucking world. Karan is gone. Imani made me hate everybody else. Johnny is green. Ryan is white. Parks is white. Mar else Johnny's Greek Ryan is white Parks is white
Starting point is 00:48:27 Marissa's white Ian is white Rory is mixed I'm 100% Irish Until Hennessy Until it's Henny Palooza Then I'm a culture vulture No no because
Starting point is 00:48:43 In my new state of gratitude I want to take some time that was my evil white y'all as well shut the fuck up while i try to give you praise so i'm i'm uh no that's different praise so i'm real thankful to have white friends to get it that that that get it and allow me to vent and be frustrated and kind of feel like i feel i said i am grateful to have white friends that feel the same exact fucking way i feel right back to race which is another thing let me know it's just real easy for people to let you know where they stand when people tell you who they are believe them uh back to fucking marissa yeah pokemon go what's happening let me look at you I'm big on looking at people to see how they're doing
Starting point is 00:49:27 my mom in therapy taught me that as well I used to get so mad when people would say oh you look good bitch what you mean I look good no your features your eyes your living your health your air whatever so right here your hair ain't been done in a minute I know oh hold on baby I didn't get to because you guys
Starting point is 00:49:42 what does that hat say I don't know what it says, to be honest. It was free. Take over. Ow, that hurts my chin. All right, take over. All right, so what's happening with you? That says take care. She's OVO.
Starting point is 00:49:53 No. Did you find somewhere to live? I'm no longer addressing any of that from this point moving forward on this podcast. I want to tell my friends that in case I ever deviate from it. Okay. All right. So I was supposed to move out. That don't mean that y'all can't
Starting point is 00:50:10 get y'all jokes off. Oh, because we will. I'm just going to ignore them. You'll feed into them if we give you. Oh, no. I'm in rap mode now. Okay. On you.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Let me hear it. So I got back from... Actually, I was in LA and then I had... Oh, great. Glad you're doing great. So... I had two days to pack when I got back from, actually I was in LA and then I had a, I had two days to pack when I got home. I had to be out by Thursday, but then the guy I was curving in LA texts me like, y'all mad as hell.
Starting point is 00:50:34 You curve me. Like I need you to come see me. I'm like, fine. So then out of nowhere, Thursday I got the text, like, here's your flight info. So then I had to fucking pack all my shit in my car, park my car on the street, catch a flight, land to Miami. Time out. Stop right there.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Stop my time. I want to take a moment to salute and say thank you. And we appreciate y'all to all of the women who drop everything about their life when real niggas text you to say come now this is where i am hey there's the address like one of the biggest crossroads in maddie's life you guys i swear i fucking i had my suitcase in my head no actually i packed my backpack because i thought i was only going for one night so i had my backpack in my hand i turned around i gave like my apartment like that last glance like the fucking sitcom like on the final episode and I was like oh my god this is it and then I walked downstairs I called
Starting point is 00:51:31 my uber to my flight and it just felt it was a weird yeah I think it was at that crossroads where like the decision she makes today will determine where her kids go to school no she's like well I mean I could I got two days well first of I know Madi, and I know that was a crossroads, because I could just hear her texting or calling one of her homegirls or in a girl's group chat saying, oh, my God, I have all of this package. She might have tweeted that. Oh, my God, I have so much package to do, but I want to suck some dick. No.
Starting point is 00:51:58 That's what I read in your tweets. Yeah. So then I went to Miami. Was that the subcontext you were talking about? First of all, did you see Madi's pupils,-verbal communication they teach you this in therapy uh i immediately went down which i didn't even suck no dick i didn't suck any dick there i don't think i did all right what doesn't matter come on anyway well that was selfish of you right well it was just wait so wait so then what the fuck did you go for this guy knew you got a crisis in new jersey this guy
Starting point is 00:52:22 knew you got kicked out of your crib and was trying to do something nice for you to lift your spirits? He didn't know that yet. I told him when I got there. And I thought I was only going for a night. And it ended up being like two days. But we just chilled and watched SportsCenter for two days. It was pretty lit. And now I feel like a sports guru.
Starting point is 00:52:38 So I pretty much know everything about the draft. Oh, is that why you're tweeting all of this sports? Yo, hey, wait. Time out, time out, time out. Another moment of silence we again will salute the women that immediately turn into the dick they're sucking i like that now maddie is tweeting like she is fucking uh what's up brian winchester who she might not look too far i don't know the reference I can't be offended
Starting point is 00:53:05 the moment Madi tweets sources say then we know she's lost come on yeah come on Madi no I was actually tweeting like the argument that he had about LeBron about how LeBron
Starting point is 00:53:13 should leave Cleveland now because he only promised that one ring and then people were like giving me their arguments back to that and I had nothing further to say because he didn't give me
Starting point is 00:53:20 any further argument past that so I didn't know how to continue to argue that point speaking of this is a good segue sidebar and we'll get right back to what you're saying. Did anybody see the sass that Kevin Durant's ex-fiancee
Starting point is 00:53:30 threw at him? No, I didn't. Well, she Instagramped, and this is, they all want to give credit to sports at Sports Complex. Some credible. I follow them, but I don't remember. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This was a sports person. She said, not surprised Kevin went to the Warriors.
Starting point is 00:53:52 He's always been easily influenced by other people. Nail emoji. Can we do a weekly segment of sass? We should. Yes! Yeah segment of sass we should yeah the sass segment oh my god I like the sass report better no
Starting point is 00:54:12 Rory works in entertainment I'm a disgruntled fucking employee is what I am you work for hot the stock is plummeting let us do this let us do this I'm just us do it it is i'm just calling spade a spade uh so that's a joke that is such a joke but i mean i don't know if it's a joke i didn't fact check it i don't even care uh speaking of hot things are limiting i had such a bad thought
Starting point is 00:54:40 that i'll share because i want to get rid of the thought wait see what i mean about rory yo i had such a bad thought that i'll share because i want to get rid of the thought. See what I mean about Rory? Yo, I had such a bad thought that I'll share because I want to get rid of the... All right, Rory, let's hear it. You need a weekly segment, too. Rory's shithead brain. I love Rosenberg. I like him much more than you do. Me and Maddie share that same sentiment about Rosenberg. We think he's a really extremely good guy.
Starting point is 00:55:01 His rant on police against that officer was one of the best things I've ever, ever heard. It was amazing. I'm so happy it got shared everywhere. But then like a week passed and like I see hot just like still tweet Rosenberg goes nuts on police officer. I'm like, all right, guys, we're dragging this on pretty far now for ratings. No, they haven't kept tweeting it i guarantee by refreshing it's there right now i was just happy to keep i was happy to see it uh because it was so great and i know why they're they should continue to share it but i was just
Starting point is 00:55:35 like jeez guys yeah i'm not i'm not i'm certainly not gonna mock them for i think they should tweet it for the rest of the fucking year that message was so powerful and we ain't got no rosenberg and that right there is the difference. See, and this is why I'm conflicted from time, oh man, get your WordPress ready. Oh God. I'm smoking.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Sorry, Marty. Oh, come on. I'm sorry. I don't want cancer. But you can step to the side real quick because this is important right here. This is the first podcast you can ever smoke on.
Starting point is 00:56:02 I have to be able to word this correctly so that it's understood. Peter Rosenberg. Ooh, there has been a little undertone between the two of you lately. Oh, yeah, those tweets the other day, last week. You know what's funny? This is what I noticed. And I'm going to have a sincere moment of vulnerability and just be a person for a second i noticed that my podcast has strengthened some relationships that i thought were okay
Starting point is 00:56:37 that's what i'm noticing um mine and Pete's relationship, I don't know where it is because I don't like some of the fuck shit that I'm seeing from him. But that's my own shit. It has nothing to do with him. In public or? No, not in public.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Well, in public too. Like what? In public too. But I mean, that's neither here nor there. The difference though, and whatever, I'm not sensitive, so, you know, I love Pete in spite of however he may feel about me, whatever he may feel, whatever way he feels, if he feels a way. I'm just speculating from what I'm seeing. where I remember what made me fall in love with Peter Rosenberg when I first heard him in a small DC station in 2001. And I looked at him and I said, you would be great for New York.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Peter got to New York and though he is, you know, he's had some bad press with him here and there like we all have in New York. New York hasn't changed who he is at his core. Right. I love that about Peter Rosenberg. So I love that rant. His contemporary. You two are a lot more similar than you guys think. Pete and I?
Starting point is 00:58:01 We're very similar. What's Peter's sign? Leo, baby. You know that they say. Leo. You know that they say. Monty, can you shut. What's Peter's sign? Leo, baby. Leo. You know that they say, Monty, can you shut up for two seconds? Speaking of which, they changed the- No, please, shut up, Tommy.
Starting point is 00:58:10 You know that they say- They changed all those. They say that Virgos are sensitive, and I'm noticing that a lot of Virgos are sensitive. I'm just the exception and not the rule because my life been so fucked up that I'm numb to shit, so I'm insensitive.
Starting point is 00:58:21 But I love that about Pete. His contemporary, Charlemagne Tha God. Charlemagne Tha God. Charlamagne Tha God. Charlamagne, Charlamagne, Charlamagne. Get your word, press, ready. Let me say this and let me fix my tone before people think that I'm enraged when I'm not. That sounded like it was a bar that didn't make the Drake this. Which one? Your little Charlamagne rap right there.
Starting point is 00:58:44 What bar? See how you're just stupid sometimes we gotta eliminate that for me yeah thank you parks thank you parks which one which bar i said charlemagne charlemagne i'd be in the studio with you i know when you're like in your rapping shit that's how you start your little i'm trying to get my cadence oh yeah that is how i start oh but it's not a bar like i said some prolific shit alright sorry I take it back I apologize for the work listen Charlemagne
Starting point is 00:59:08 I'm noticing and I'm not going to spend much time on this because I'm not that invested in anything he does but I like to fix my mistakes and I've said on this podcast many a time that I deem Charlemagne to be a
Starting point is 00:59:23 very intelligent man I don't know if if if I'm just seeing that much new information maybe I thought a little too highly of him or maybe I thought a little too lowly of me clearly we are not progressing mentally at the same space Charlamagne every time he fucking opens his mouth regarding me lacks a lot of perspective in my brain that makes him not as smart or intelligent as I maybe once thought he was when I looked at him in a very small South Carolina radio station in 2001 and said, shit, that might have been before 2001. No, because why am I at a radio station before?
Starting point is 01:00:11 Yeah, it was 2001. And said, you would be great for New York radio. And while Charlemagne has been great for New York radio, I'm not sure how great Charlemagne has been for New York radio And I'm gonna end That with that And I'm only talking about You know it's just real easy to see
Starting point is 01:00:34 When niggas got they hands In other niggas pockets And niggas is puppets That's just real easy for me to see Charlamagne you know me well We don't text we We don't communicate often. But you know I respect you. You know we both assholes and dickheads.
Starting point is 01:00:49 And before I started a podcast, I didn't see too many unfavorable things said at the rate that they are being said in my direction. You are also very passive aggressive. You are also very passive aggressive. I'm having a problem with passive aggressive adult men as a 36 year old blunt over analytical Virgo. Charlamagne, if you like, if you would like some perspective. Because it seemed like all a nigga got to do is send you a couple bottles for you to start sucking dick. Is what it seems like to a real nigga nigga I'm open to being wrong about that I would like to think that I am wrong about that but my interpretation and and my just my picture of who I just deem you to be? I disagree.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Talk to me. Charlamagne, from my perspective, has always spoken for the popular Twitter crowd. He's always brought that to radio. And he continues to do that. And in your case, a lot of popular Twitter
Starting point is 01:02:01 has bad things to say about you. Charlamagne has created, whether he's doing this out of who he really is or not, he has created this character. It's the same way when an actor goes into a role, they can never get out of it. He can't really give perspective because he's become the same in a box. I have to say this outlandish thing or what Twitter is thinking. Because he's been accused of stealing a lot of Twitter shit and putting it on that radio station. I applaud Charlemagne for that. He is to be applauded for that.
Starting point is 01:02:29 So I don't like when people do that. I don't like when people take attributes and paint them to be negatives. I'm not saying it's negative. I'm saying that's kind of who he's become. The voice of popular Twitter on a major platform. See, I don't call it the voice. I call it a spotlight. And I applaud him for putting a spotlight on talented people without the opportunity. I'm saying purely on The Breakfast Club. I do love that he did that show.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Well, even on The Breakfast Club, I'm not going to look at it as plagiarism. He's a fan of a lot of the stuff he reads. And that was a a long time ago and he's done what he can but I'm saying in that case with you specifically if that's what you're getting at here that's not the popular opinion Charlamagne is not one of the Twitter personalities Charlamagne is armed
Starting point is 01:03:18 with some more information and I call to the carpet anybody who's armed with more information that for whatever reason mysteriously don't fucking sound like it. Now, if you have a rebuttal to that, I'm open to it. But him and the black Twitter shit does not respond to what I am saying. When has Charlemagne ever done that, though? When has he done what?
Starting point is 01:03:44 Taking information that a lot of people are not privy to and giving another perspective on the radio. The Charlamagne that I know has done that quite a bit. I'm open to being wrong. I'm asking when. I don't know something that he's broke that we didn't know about. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 01:03:57 All right. That's not what I'm saying. Something he's broke that we don't know about? You're saying he's privy to information that the rest of us are not? I think you might not be understanding. Well, he is. Yeah, but you're asking him to now have an opinion off that.
Starting point is 01:04:12 No, I'm asking him to have the perspective that his knowledge warrants. And I'm asking when he's done that, even though we know he's privy to information that everyone else isn't. Oh, you're saying when has he ever? No, I'm saying with the information he's privy to information that everyone else isn't. Oh, you're saying when has he ever? No, I'm saying with the information he's privy to have, he should have a different perspective. But he's continued to do that. I have heard Charlemagne give multifaceted perspectives, enlightening perspectives. I have too. I'll tell you one thing.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I've even heard his partner do the same. Andrew. Even though they give him shit, I like Andrew a lot. I like tell you one thing. I've even heard his partner do the same. Andrew. I don't have any. Even though they give him shit, I like Andrew a lot. I like both of them a lot. Andrew said some fuck shit one time, but I don't hold that against him. He's a comedian. Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He did go on that level. That was kind of hard. But, hey, everybody get a pass with me. I don't judge. I've been on the other end of that. I know how that feels. Got you.
Starting point is 01:05:03 We all get a turn. Somewhere along the line, Charlamagne, and I'm noticing it. I'm just fucking taking notes, my nigga. I'm taking notes. It's like real ironic you do this donkey of the day shit every day and you are becoming one of them. You are becoming that. That's the bar. You are becoming the donkey.
Starting point is 01:05:31 That's the bar. You are becoming the donkey. When I look at you and your new good skin, baby, and your new workout body, baby, I see what's happening, baby. I see you're making some changes. You're feeling good about life. You're getting money. I support all of that. I don't support puppets. And if you sound like a fucking puppet, then guess what you're going to hear about right here from the nigga that throughout all of the turmoil. Ain't done nothing but tell the fucking truth for 15 years. I like my word speaking on hashtag podcast better than I trust Charlamagne and all of the other niggas that think they are my contemporaries. Guess what? We are not. Let me make myself perfectly clear. We are not. I am honest and integrity and character still mean a lot to me today. You don't have to tell me what it means to you. You go to sleep with that. Mine is well documented. close wordpress next up i believe that's me put her phone down
Starting point is 01:06:29 see that's why we can't go too long without a podcast because all of you passive aggressive fucks hiding behind your celebrity and your careers and your twitter handles and your your fucking notoriety nah nah baby no no no no no no no some of us ain't stupid what else happened that we need to get on money you got your list yo every time i do the yo yo i'm a fireball for y'all every time i start wiling y'all all stupid quiet with your dicks tucked between your pants fucking speak up i just spoke to you about the charlamagne shit yeah that's true marty fix your fucking face i'm with the shits on this podcast if you not deuces well you gotta be with the shit you ain't got a home right all right so marty's in all right uh how do we feel about kevin durant i what i agree i agreed with stephen a smith do we care oh steven
Starting point is 01:07:25 a smith be passionate about shit oh well of course yeah he's that's just too old school huh um he'd be old school and shit but no i mean it was just a weird move when you when you came from a team that you really could have won with and then the team that beats you you just join yeah listen kevin durant yeah i'm off that way he keeps saying oh you love a team that beats you, you just join? No, listen. Kevin Durant. Yeah, I'm off that way. He keeps saying, oh, you left a team that could have won. Please. I know. He wanted to go to the Warriors, so you know what I mean? So I had originally said before Tim Duncan retired yesterday.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Oh, my God. Salute. The end of a fucking era. Tim and Kobe are gone. When Kevin Garnett is next, oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. So my opinion was he should go go if he wants to win right away go to san antonio you got tim duncan there that'll take a pay cut because he just wants to get more rings than kobe um and you can win right away at the spurs but of course he was probably privy to
Starting point is 01:08:15 the information that tim duncan was retiring and i was not but that was the move i thought he should make to san antonio and conspiracy theorist joe had tim duncan has more rings than kobe because tim dun Duncan and them really won the championship that the NBA robbed them on when Ray Allen hit the shot. And Kobe really shouldn't have won when fucking Sacramento
Starting point is 01:08:32 beeped him and the refs cheated. But that's conspiracy theorist Joe and we're off of that. Our beloved Knicks. Finally. I'm excited. We get to talk about real shit. Knicks tape. Knicks tape is back. I'm excited. We get to talk about real shit. Nick's tape.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Nick's tape is back. I take it back. I put it back in my CD player. Hey, all Nick fans, I caution you. Stop now. Do not do it. Spike Lee. Hey, Roy, stop it.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Spike Lee will try to get you to do it. Phil Jackson will try to get you to do it. Your friends will try to get you to do it. Do not jump out the window as Knicks fans. Hey, Joe Button fans do this a lot too. As Knicks fans,
Starting point is 01:09:09 we love jumping out the window and saying all this great shit and then y'all send the Knicks out there and they fail and everybody else laughs at the Knicks. Y'all do it to the Knicks. Y'all do it to Joe Button.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Stop putting these expectations on people. That's number one. Now, number two, what I will say is- And on this podcast since we missed a week. Hashtag podcast.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Hey, favorite that. WordPress that. I've been a Knicks fan since 1996. I know. It's a funny joke, Matty. Get your fucking- Matty, my nigga, seriously, don't give me blogger shade when me and Rory are saying funny shit. You're homeless.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Roll a roll. I'm not homeless. You don't even know the whole story. Then stop giving me blogger shade. I don't know WordPress. I've me blogger shade i don't know i don't know wordpress i've never opened it i don't know anything about it's just funny since when do bloggers need the whole story what do you mean joey just said he's not a blogger oh you rolling with rosenberg
Starting point is 01:10:01 rosenberg i love you no matter how you feel about me. Rosenberg loves you too. He sent me a text the other day that I ignored. Rosenberg is a great, great guy. Of course he is. He's like the greatest. A Jace. He's the word against him.
Starting point is 01:10:17 He's the greatest of Jace. I'm going to make him a cake for his birthday. When's his birthday? July 23rd. Oh my God, that means he's the winning new one. Is he doing Peter Palooza again? I love his birthday concert but it's in dc this year july 24th that was oh that was great peter i love you but i'm not going to fucking dc we're gonna bake him a cake i'm gonna drive down to dc and give it to him but he can't know that so don't tweet him about
Starting point is 01:10:37 that well he knows i don't think peter listens to this podcast anymore because he was jealous about the cake we made for mike Zombie because it was fucking phenomenal. And now he wants one inside. My nigga Zombie on the track. Did you guys see the cake? How old did he turn? He turned 24. Did you see the cake we made?
Starting point is 01:10:53 I saw the cake. It was great. That's beautiful, man. Did you see it, Joe? I don't know. I was looking at the girl that was saying happy birthday to him. That was cute. Who?
Starting point is 01:11:02 Pull up the picture of when y'all went, wherever y'all went. No, not the cake. No, I want to show you the cake, though. I'm trying to show you the picture of when y'all went, wherever y'all went. No, not that. I want to show you the cake. I'm trying to show you the cake. Can you compliment me on the cake? We worked really hard on this cake. Look at how cool. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Is that the artwork? The cake. Happy birthday. We put Dragon Ball Zombie because he loves Dragon Ball Z. I kind of. Yeah. And then like, we made the little balls out of fondant and I used it.
Starting point is 01:11:24 All right, but let's get to the good looking girls that were there i'm really happy for mike zombie mike zombie's got a project coming out humble genius is out yeah it's out humble genius it's on itunes humble genius out on itunes right this second uh flex featuring tori and fab on itunes right this second making of a murdererer, part one. Part one's very important. On iTunes right this second. Woke. Wake. Yeah, but I'm woke, though.
Starting point is 01:11:53 All of that. But I'm woke, though. He woke y'all up with Wake. Crazy wordplay. Oh, I'm crazy. Yo, I'm such a MC. Shut the fuck up, Rory. Wake, also on iTunes right now.
Starting point is 01:12:04 That's where we will stop because my Jewish manager keeps trying to get me to put all of my music on iTunes and I won't let him. We have to have patience. Patience. Patience. Patience. Patience. Patience, baby. We'll get to that.
Starting point is 01:12:15 So, what else? What else? What else? What else? The Nicks. I want to save the Nicks because I want to get I want to get Michael Mike Smith on the podcast to talk Knicks
Starting point is 01:12:26 I want to get some of the sports center people that I enjoy that I know hate the Knicks well they love the Knicks but they've been shitting on the Knicks because the Knicks are so bad I want to try to get somebody big
Starting point is 01:12:35 like a Barkley I want to get somebody to talk about the Knicks I do oh shit I know exactly who I want to get alright we'll do that we'll do that
Starting point is 01:12:42 we'll do that because Larry Johnson was ready for three weeks ago and then I cancelled I cancelled and how could you want to cancel on the right, we'll do that. We'll do that. We'll do that. Because Larry Johnson was ready for three weeks ago, and then I canceled. I canceled. And how could you want to cancel on the four-point play? Is that the guy in Space Jam? No.
Starting point is 01:12:50 That was Harry Bird. Sorry. Sorry. Yo, I'm serious. I'm very serious about our sad segment. Yes. I agree. Oh, wait, hold on.
Starting point is 01:12:58 I need to make a public plea for help so that maybe someone will help me. For a house? It's about my homelessness. Oh. A Jace. So me and Danielle are going to get a jace so me and danielle are gonna get a place but she's not ready to move until january 1st i was like all right cool no problem i'm gonna stay with my mom and then i'm sure i could just crouch on people's couches a
Starting point is 01:13:11 couple days yeah we're gonna do jersey city because she works in jersey city and i work in manhattan so danielle is moving from wherever she lives yeah yes all right so she's not ready till january 1st so i'm like okay I'm going to just couch surf a little bit. And then, where are you going? Oh, sorry. He's pissing. Yes. I'm listening.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Okay. And then I've done this couch surfing thing for like four days. And I hate it so much that I kind of want to slice my wrist and just fucking jump off a bridge. Move back home. No, I did. But home is two hours away, which is why. So my stuff is there. Well, some of my stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:44 And then I'm doing during the week in New York I can't be in Barnegat, New Jersey so I was like alright I'll sleep on the couch a couple nights a week and I can't
Starting point is 01:13:51 I can't so now I'm like searching for a room I signed up on like Roomster and I've been on Craigslist every day just trying to find
Starting point is 01:13:58 some temporary shit put a air mat buy an expensive air mattress keep it in your trunk no and who's ever crib you're staying in, blow that shit up. I want a place where I can keep my fucking shampoo in the shower every day. Like, I'm so tired of, like, washing.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Not that I've washed my hair in a few days. But when I do wash it, I don't want to put it back in my suitcase. And I don't want to fucking repack every night. And then even right now, I'm going to fucking see my boy that's in town for a show. I don't even really want to see him that bad. But I was like, you know what? He probably got a dope hotel i could stay in tonight now i know why monty monroe never made it because you couldn't handle tour life you want to shampoo your hair and put it back in the fucking bin so if anyone knows of a good place that i could do a month to
Starting point is 01:14:37 month that's my issue because every place is trying to help me in for a year i'm like nah i'm trying to do month to month until danielle's ready so a dope little month to month in like the jersey city manhattan you do realize that you're just going to get a mentions full of do month to month until Danielle's ready. So a dope little month to month in like the Jersey City, Manhattan, Brooklyn area. You do realize that you're just going to get mentions full of perverted guys that are saying they have
Starting point is 01:14:51 a room for you. You have to have like legit listings on like Reuters or Craigslist. Judges people for doing shit for attention. What do you mean? I'm trying to fucking find anybody
Starting point is 01:14:58 that might know somebody that knows somebody that got a good little spot somewhere. This sounds like a really bad Law & Order episode. I know. I'm going to end up on Law & Order
Starting point is 01:15:06 or on Forensic Files which I also watch. What did you say, Parks? Get on Tinder. You mean turn it on? She's on Tinder. I'm not on Tinder. Just open the app.
Starting point is 01:15:17 I was using so much. Open your app. No, it's too many white guys even though like... Open your... What was the old Spanish joint? Mi gente. Mi gente. Or Black Planet. I used both both of them i had to count on both of them
Starting point is 01:15:28 speaking of kevin durant did y'all see his black uh planet page that surfaced on the internet so cute yeah that was funny that was cute that was nice that was like prophecy it just it just reminded me of like my myspace page and i'm fucking oh my god i had little wayne wallpaper on my myspace it was lit all right so now this is going to sound like a dumb question but i'll ask it anyway because no question is dumb basketball heads golden state has had quite a few uh three threesomes that were amazing so i know they're saying this is a foursome here. Pardon the sexual undertone. I don't mean it that way.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Of course, I'm saying that to the immature people. Klay Thompson, Steph Curry, Kevin Durant. Yeah, I'm not even going to ask this against Run TMC, Richmond, Mullen, and Hardaway. And before that, that john barry fuck old basketball heads help me we're not gonna fact check this right now but the warriors have had quite a few group to be such a franchise that i'm just saying is not like the celtics or lakers they've had some squads that i enjoyed that jason richardson squad that be
Starting point is 01:16:41 dallas a baron baron davis that was still one of the best playoff series I've ever seen in my entire life entire life that's when Dirk won MVP right they snatched that shit I was so happy to see him fucking lose
Starting point is 01:16:51 Jason Richardson does not get the credit he deserves why is he never brought up in dunk contests like lists I see him I see him brought up
Starting point is 01:16:58 in dunk contests I don't ever see him brought up in dunk contests and when they was doing all the dunk contests you know before the all star game they always show
Starting point is 01:17:04 the old joints I didn't seen that one Jason Richardson one. And the Warriors were relevant. And no one even cared about the Warriors until he was on the fucking Warriors. He needs more credit. I'm starting to petition to... Oh, fuck. I'm starting to petition a GoFundMe
Starting point is 01:17:18 for anybody who supports Richard Jefferson retiring. Enough is enough. Enough. Because enough. If his knees work, get your money, man.. Enough is enough. Enough. Because enough. If his knees work. I don't care. Get your money, man.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Yeah, but no. Yeah. Get your money. Get it, my nigga, if it's there. But no, man. What do you think of Wade speaking of getting money? I like it. I was confused why people were confused.
Starting point is 01:17:39 He's never been the highest paid player on that team. Wade. Fuck Wade. I brought you rings without Braun and brought you Braun, and you still don't pay me. Fuck that. I'm going home. My knees barely work. I'm getting my money, and then I'm retiring.
Starting point is 01:17:51 Oh, let me say this, and I'm not going to speak on this a lot. I love LeBron the person much more than I love LeBron the player, which speaks in volumes because he clearly has a talent that we've, unlike anything we've ever seen. He's pretty good at basketball. But the person that LeBron is or that he seems to be, I love Wade getting his money. I don't like Pat Riley's treatment of Wade just like I didn't like Jerry's treatment of Mike.
Starting point is 01:18:19 I loved Kobe getting his money. I didn't give a fuck about what ESPN was saying about what they should do. When people are lifers, franchise lifers, when the whole organization is like the whole city, the whole fan base, pay them. Pay them. Pay them. I love Cleveland and LeBron. But that's no disrespect to Alonzo Mourning. making the room for Chicago to fucking sign Wade
Starting point is 01:18:47 and send the subtle fuck you Pat Riley middle finger to Pat Riley who did his best along with ESPN to make me believe that LeBron James was a piece of total shit leaving Miami
Starting point is 01:19:04 and how he left in the fashion that he left in the bad terms. You know, I was led to believe, yo, LeBron wanted to bring his whole squad in. Riley, this is a first class organization. They wouldn't allow. And I was like, yeah, Riley O.G. ain't with that shit. But you can't do that to Wade. And I still feel like that, because I don't believe,
Starting point is 01:19:27 I don't, I've never, I just, I just feel like I, I just don't believe it, I just don't believe it, I don't believe it. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:19:32 I mean, no disrespect to Alonzo Mourning, and Eddie Jones, but that Miami heat, Dwayne Wade is the Miami heat. I think everybody knows that, I think everybody knows that, we got sleeper songs?
Starting point is 01:19:41 Oh yeah, I forgot all about the, yeah, Parks, you got an oxford, or are you just going to play it next to the mic? Nope. You real.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Okay, so what we will do, somewhere I have a telephone. Mr. Telephone Man. There's something wrong with my phone. Wait, where is my phone now? It's down there.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Underneath the table, Joey. It's fine, we can? It's down there. I don't need the table, Joey. It's fine. We can play against the mic. I don't have a song. That's the only problem, so y'all got to go. You could juggle them with me, 1A1B, Marvin Gaye, Inner City Blues, what's going on? Appropriate.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Appropriate. Unfortunate that both of these records are so applicable all of these years later hey hey uh anybody who listens to this podcast that happens to think they have great taste in r&b music right because some of you know that um and rory does too so spotify soundcloud somehow somebody has to teach me how to do this playlist thing i'm into it i'm late to the party with a lot of shit i'm aware i'm a dinosaur i'm old gray hairs i got it but i want to do alan in e1 why do we ever want to speak about alan in e1 because when we were on you can't be free when we were putting out uh all of lost i created this
Starting point is 01:20:55 amazing spotify when they were doing their collaboration with genius and the artist playlist i don't know what the fuck happened to alan i don't i created you the most amazing spotify playlist ever that I've never seen. I've never seen the light of day. Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby. We just say prayer. I'll ask Rob what happened with that. We just say prayer. I pray for just everyone.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Everyone. I really enjoyed this podcast. It was good. Real good. I'm happy to get the band back together. I know. I feel like it's been forever. We're on a mission from God. We should do this next week. Same time, same place. place same time same place well same place if parks allows us back well parks would just be waking up so you could do like me i just came here in the morning i ain't texting my call i'm done you showed up i'm real that's fun or you could be like me and walk into the person's apartment upstairs and they're awkwardly looking at me while they're half naked haven't
Starting point is 01:21:44 you been here before no hey stop we're not gonna see it that's where white privilege comes in again black people ignore that you can't walk in nobody house right now and be safe just walk in some strange i shoot your fucking lights out white people get to do so much fun shit i'm telling you one day i'm just gonna go and put that's all my bucket list i want to go buy a red shirt and just dress and like a target employee and help people even though i don't work there i just want to do like a real i know you know what you know all things you're not to judge my bucket list uh people be safe out there holler back at y'all later uh be aware read subtext don't believe bullshit and untruth and false prophets. I'm out.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Salute. Hey, what's up, man? Brother, what's up? Hey, how you doing? Recording, man. Yeah, brother, like solid. Right on. What's up, man?
Starting point is 01:22:36 What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name?
Starting point is 01:22:42 What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name?
Starting point is 01:22:44 What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? What's your name? Mother, mother, there's too many of you crying Brother, brother, brother, there's far too many of you dying You know we've got to find a way To bring some lovin' here today
Starting point is 01:23:11 Father, Father We don't need to escalate You see, war is not the answer For only love can conquer hate You know we've got to find a way To bring some love and get here today Picket lines and picket signs Don't punish me with brutality Talk to me so you can see Oh, what's going on?
Starting point is 01:23:58 What's going on? Yeah, what's going on? Oh, what's going on? What's going on? Oh, what's going on? Oh, oh Right on Right on Hey man, what's your name? Right on
Starting point is 01:24:18 Right on Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Let's do it Beep, beep, beep Ay-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya Beep-be-doop, beep-be-be-doop Beep-be-be-doop, beep-be-be-be-be-be-be More than normal Everybody thinks we're alone Oh, but who are they to judge us?
Starting point is 01:24:49 Send the cause, I'll have my turn Oh, you know that we've got to fight Drink some understanding here today Picket line and picket sign Don't punish me, there's brutality Come on, talk to me So you can see What's going on? Yeah, what's going on?
Starting point is 01:25:19 Tell me what's going on I'll tell you what's going on I'll tell you what's going on What's going on? Right on, right on I ain't got no way I'm just moving Right on I ain't got no way I'm just moving Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

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