The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 87

Episode Date: November 7, 2016

Joe, Rory, and Mal sit down during the Miami stop on the Rage Tour to catch up on all that has been happening. Sleeper Picks Of The Week: Mal: Jacquees "Want Your Sex" | Rory: Mike Classic "Whoosa" | Joe: Marsha Ambrosius "So Good" |

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Starting point is 00:00:00 My mic, my mic, my mic sounds nice, check one, microphone check one, two, one, two, I will name this podcast later episode number 87. Is it 87? Maybe. Who cares? Episode Miami. Oh, I'm all back on one. We are.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Yo, you was on one last week, Mo. We are, it's the episode 87, across from me is Rory Lanes, to my right is Mo. Yeah. How is everyone? Wonderful. Enjoying this Miami sun. All right, we are reporting live from Miami. So if we have technical difficulties with the sound,
Starting point is 00:00:34 our engineer is Parks at Parks Music. At P-A-R-K-S Music. And you can tweet him and let him know the fuck of a job he's doing with the sound. So, with that said, it was important to me that Maul and Rory fly out here. Because I'm on tour, but we still have to do a podcast at some point. We do. Because it's become important to people. Every time I refresh my mentions.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Seriously, it really has. No, for real. You know, when you miss a podcast, the fans will let you know that you missed one and how they were eagerly awaiting you to do a podcast. Right. And everything you tweet doesn't matter. I could tweet, oh, I just had lunch with my grandmother. I'm like, I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Fuck your grandmother, my man. Fuck your whole family. But you tweet. Yeah, but you tweet. Where's the podcast? So Rory was kind enough to fly out here here even though he's been away from home for the past however many weekends. Four or five weeks. Hennypalooza and
Starting point is 00:01:29 Hennypalooza Los Angeles is coming up, correct? Yes. I want to get all Rory's plugs out the way early. So, let's plug all your artists, your podcasts, your party. Your artists. I got a mixtape coming out at the bottom of the month. Here we go. What is the name of your mixtape rory it's
Starting point is 00:01:45 a work inside all right cool cool cool so his morris mixtape is coming wonderful so now so much shit happened which is another reason i wanted niggas to come out here so much shit happened but then we took so long that so much of it got resolved right wait how you want to talk about shit that got resolved i don't give a fuck I'm talking about it anyway So what's the first What is the most important thing that happened Wait These penguins is out here wildin' You know what's funny
Starting point is 00:02:12 I was just about to say Let's talk about the least important thing first But Maul Bust in my fucking Room this morning With a theory about the penguin video If you don't know what we're talking about There's a video Floating around From the National Geographic with a theory about the penguin video. If you don't know what we're talking about,
Starting point is 00:02:27 there's a video floating around from the National Geographic page about two penguins who were in love with one another. And it clearly was this whole ass penguin. Do y'all see how my theory from the last podcast came to fruition? About the bitch has to die? She didn't die like she didn't die she didn't die
Starting point is 00:02:46 but I have I have a theory though how do we know that he wasn't beating the bitch's ass like how do we know which penguin was male and which one was female
Starting point is 00:02:54 this is what Maul came in the middle of I'll chalk it up to National Geographic but we gotta we gotta dig deeper no we don't what if he was
Starting point is 00:03:01 beating her ass the theme here is bitches gotta stop cheating on with dudes that could whoop our ass. Nah, my theory is correct. These hoes ain't loyal. Penguin pussy ain't loyal.
Starting point is 00:03:13 That's crazy. If penguin pussy ain't loyal. First of all, I read something on penguins. I had to dig deep into the penguin world. So you did indeed read up on penguins. All right, good. I read that when they pick a a mate it's their mate for life like
Starting point is 00:03:26 that's true penguins are romantics they're known romantics that is true so that's why I'm saying this video now proves that all of that is bullshit
Starting point is 00:03:35 yeah if you can't be loyal in the animal kingdom how are we supposed to find a mate out here so this is what I'm saying the whole do you think the penguin
Starting point is 00:03:42 was a bartender no she was just fucking that penguin she was gonna get right back. Nah, but she left. No, she kept up the side. But she was coming. She was going to come back, though.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Nah, man. I wanted to see part two to the penguin. Then homie went in the crib. You see how he walked in the crib? Homie was like, hold up. He had to go in there. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:58 He walked in there like he had to ratchet up. Come on, man. No, he did. This shit is crazy. Penguin's out here wilding the fuck out. So then husband penguin went and tried to fight the nigga again.
Starting point is 00:04:08 The only thing, I couldn't tell who was winning the Penguin fight. One of them got fucked up. The husband Penguin got fucked up. Yeah, he was bloody. They both was bloody. No, no, no. I think it was his blood on the other nigga, though. The other nigga wasn't cut.
Starting point is 00:04:22 The husband Penguin was cut, cut ripped up all types of shit so then they both got very tired and exhausted i've been there when you're fighting someone and before the match is decided you both are pretty tired well the average street fight only lasts about 20 seconds 40 seconds the most yeah that's what you ate if you're listeners you can always tell who hasn't been in a street fight By their gauge of time During a street fight Yeah And when was the last time
Starting point is 00:04:48 You saw two people Square up for real Nah It's been a while That don't happen anymore right Nah Why You get snuck
Starting point is 00:04:54 And then hopefully You don't get knocked out With the sneak And then you end up On the ground I thank the lord That my jaw Has never been made of glass
Starting point is 00:05:01 Cause that's what would happen Now in the world star era Yeah That's my biggest fear If you get snuck Yeah Wait Didn't this just happen
Starting point is 00:05:09 The penguin yeah No Not the penguin Oh and the bean shit When beans got You get snuck Yeah Oh man
Starting point is 00:05:18 Man But anybody can get snuck though I don't respect that Yeah but the kids today Don't think like that Yeah I just don't wanna get on I don't wanna be world star They think you kids today don't think like that. Yeah. I just don't want to get on World... I don't want to be Worldstar.
Starting point is 00:05:25 They think you tough. My thing is, why am I getting snuffed? Because... No, that's important. Yeah, I mean, but a guy might feel like a one-on-one, he can't beat you, so he got to catch you while you're not looking. And because it can be recorded so easily now.
Starting point is 00:05:40 This goes back to our conversation last week about is Drake wrong for coming at cuddy like that and in a fight is all just fair like do we respect the snuff i don't my problem is i don't know what and i keep saying this i don't know what kids today respect i know that we never respected the snuff back in the day i still don't respect this i think today the snuff might be respected no i think it is i don't think it is because if you got a problem with somebody and what are you supposed to wait for them to prepare and get ready that's what the kids are going to say well no because most shit is just handled on twitter when they tweet each other back with
Starting point is 00:06:12 threats the fact that it goes to blows is respectable for these kids now whatever so what the wayne shit came and went and was resolved uh but it was a big deal. I'm sure you both saw the Dateline Nightline interview that Wayne did. Is it resolved? It is resolved. How was it resolved? Because he apologized? Well, yeah. The backlash came.
Starting point is 00:06:37 He dealt with it, and that was the end. But then they showed another clip of him speaking on the officer that saved his life. That was a white guy. Yeah, that was before this other one. Oh, it was two different interviews. Yeah, those were two totally different at different times. Okay. So I kind of understand what he was saying when he was like he don't see racism because.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I remember when the first one came out, that's what he said. Like all the black cops went past me to find guns or whatever and only the white cop. But this time it was a different interview and he was just speaking on Black Lives Matter. And it's not an excuse, but Wayne is crying for help. He's high as fuck. I don't understand how people can't see that. I can see that. Now, wait.
Starting point is 00:07:14 All right. So Wayne was high as hell. We don't need to debate that at all. But again, I've asked this before, so I'll ask it again. But again, I've asked this before, so I'll ask it again. How do we determine people casually using drugs and crying for help? What is the line drawn? Because he was high as hell.
Starting point is 00:07:38 So why aren't we saying Wayne was casually using drugs? Why is everyone saying Wayne was crying for help? Is it when you get high and act really stupid? He's had like six seizures already, and it's definitely from lean. Like, I don't understand how people don't see that it's a problem for this guy. No, I think people see that it's a problem. How do you tell the person that employs you that something is to their detriment without them being offended or without them firing you? I mean, at some point, you can't at some point you
Starting point is 00:08:05 gotta you can't even worry about that like if i'm trying to help you and you're my boss so now you're all right me so i want y'all to understand the task that you're asking of people you're asking people to put someone else's well-being before their own no no but you but you also have to look at it like you also have to look at it like if he doesn't take care of himself and take care of his health, he might not be around to be my employer anymore. So if he fires me, so be it.
Starting point is 00:08:34 But I don't want to see him, I don't want to see anything happen to him. That's very logical. I agree with that. So now he does this interview. My first question was why is Wayne doing this interview? What is this interview for? Wayne is not promoting a project. It's a book or some shit.
Starting point is 00:08:49 That's why he's been on this little promo run or whatever. All right, so he was there to promote a book, and they asked him a bunch of other questions. Backlash came from the interview like it naturally would. Charlamagne, I think, did a wonderful job on The Breakfast Club of just showing the hypocrisy between Wayne being so outspoken about that subject matter and then going against it. If people want to check it out, went through all the Wayne's lyrics where he's talking about black lives matter,
Starting point is 00:09:13 more or less talking about police brutality, talking about racism that he's felt, especially during the hurricane Katrina shit. Like it was just so much hypocrisy and what Wayne was saying to what he said before on record. All right. So, yeah, a lot of people on Twitter did that as well. They pointed out the differences. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Charlamagne broke it down very well. I would like to hear that. Like with the clips and everything. I'd like to hear that. So the backlash came. Wayne issues an apology. Context comes later. We find out that Wayne was upset about her using his daughter during questioning.
Starting point is 00:09:47 When she was asking him about his lyrics, calling women bitches and hoes, and would he like it if someone spoke to his daughter that way. And then he got agitated, and from that point forward, no thought was put into any question. I understand that. I've been there before. We've seen plenty of interviews like that from me, where the interviewer says something stupid, you're not invested invested and now you don't really give a fuck what happens
Starting point is 00:10:07 until it's released and now when it's released you have to deal with it and you're no longer in that mood not the joe i know so so we get that we get that part um cool this is such a slippery slope back to wayne getting high right i wonder i wonder how strong wayne's will is to live well i would think it's pretty strong i think that he i really think that when people like in this why would you think it's pretty strong well because he he obviously has wayne has seen his two artists that he signed and blew up alienate him
Starting point is 00:10:47 number one can we agree there or it appears that way we don't know but it appears that way yeah I mean but you know it's so much more
Starting point is 00:10:53 Wayne has been in record label friction with the man that basically raised him yeah but you talking
Starting point is 00:11:01 about business I'm talking about personal like he has an Incredible love for his daughter Granted raps are just raps Is everyone gonna skip over His verse on Solange's album?
Starting point is 00:11:11 He said he had tried To kill himself And he was upset When it did not work He did say that And we all kinda just Brushed over it Cause it was a hard bar
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah Yeah I mean We do that a lot in hip hop too We'll totally ignore Pride for Help If the bar is hard A.K.A. Future's entire career Yeah Yeah Yeah. Yeah, I mean... We do that a lot in hip-hop, too. We'll totally ignore Cry For Help if the bar is hard. A.K.A. Future's entire career.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah. Because you don't... No, Future made March Madness. Because you don't... Wait. That don't count. Future made March Madness. Didn't he though?
Starting point is 00:11:38 He definitely did. That's my point. So he has to continue to do whatever he was doing so that he can deliver that potent music that way. I agree. That answers your employer question for Wayne's people.
Starting point is 00:11:48 No, I want to hear what Moe was saying about Wayne. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, I just think that, I mean, you know, he probably is going through, obviously, some things in his career that is, you know, is bothering him and affecting him. But I think that he has, you know, he obviously loves his daughter.
Starting point is 00:12:05 He's always, you know... Oh, don't be the guy to tell me all the reasons that wayne has to live yeah no i'm just saying i i would we know the reason i would think that i would think that these are some of the things that he thinks about the fans see you as a fan have the luxury of separating personal and professional when it comes to entertainers. The same way you just said, yeah, but you're talking about business and your personal shit. Business. Your business indeed will affect your personal if it's bad.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I get it. I understand that. So now, as seeing someone, and I'm not just, this conversation, I'm not just keeping it hip-hop. As someone that has, all of my grandparents have passed so and but and i'm over analytical and i like to try to assess shit and think i'm smarter than i really am so
Starting point is 00:12:51 i think i see the difference and when people have uh just a unmitigated will to live like they just fight when their whole body is fucking their brain is, everything is dead and you just want to live and then God comes through with a miracle and you live. For Wayne to be doing these types of drugs the way that he's doing them with all that he's experienced and endured, I'm talking about the seizures and shit,
Starting point is 00:13:18 I do take that as a cry for help. The same way you do. But maybe he's going to get help. I hope he does because I thinkne is somebody that we need around yeah we we absolutely need wayne around like the the healthy mind right you know beast in the booth musician wayne i agree i also say on here a lot of times as consumers we ignore some of the things that our favorite artists self-medicate themselves with or just some, you know, you're taking these drugs, you're partying. You know, people don't understand they're mixing all of this shit in their body. They're taking uppers and downers.
Starting point is 00:14:10 And your body don't know what the fuck is going on. Sooner or later, your body is going to just shut down on you. And High Wayne made really good music, but it's been 10 years. And I'm sure that's taken a toll. Absolutely. And he can no longer go in the booth high as fuck and produce. Absolutely. Yeah, you got to get better drugs at that point.
Starting point is 00:14:27 When you take the same drugs. Great advice, bro. They don't deliver the same way. All right, so what else went on in the universe and then resolved itself while we were just fucking around somewhere? The debate, Hillary, Hov, and Beyonce were in Cleveland. That's about all that I know with that I know that
Starting point is 00:14:47 I know that J. Cole Big Sean there was a few other people there I admire the way that J. Cole is able to stay low by the way
Starting point is 00:14:54 I mean what is J. Cole doing that he's able to stay low that way I think Cole is going to do the Andre 3000 thing I think in a couple years
Starting point is 00:15:02 he's going to do that one verse a year shit J. think in a couple years He's gonna do that One verse A year shit J. Cole is In a couple years That's now That's J. Cole now How many Cole verses
Starting point is 00:15:12 You get a year Tell the truth Shit just Khaled This year right Nah he had some other verses Forest Hills came out No that shit came out Two years ago
Starting point is 00:15:20 Yeah Cole is due up For a fucking album You guys informed Speaking of Khaled You guys informed me That Bern Khaled, you guys informed me that Bernice kissed Khaled. I didn't know that
Starting point is 00:15:27 prior to y'all saying that. Yeah, in the video. Bernice has to lose bartender points for kissing Khaled. I don't care what happened in the video. Why does she have to lose
Starting point is 00:15:34 bartender points? You kissed Khaled, my nigga. Didn't Delicious lose points when she fucking kissed Flav Flav? Yeah, Bernice ain't no different. You can't compare Flav Flav to Khaled, though. Or Delicious at that time
Starting point is 00:15:42 to Bernice. You can't compare Delicious to Bernice. Why can't compare Delicious to Bernice. Why can't? No. Wait, hold up, man. Why can't? Does anyone find it funny that Public Enemy is directly responsible for the walkaway video on Instagram?
Starting point is 00:15:55 Public Enemy the group? There would be no Delicious without Flavor. And she invented the IG walkaway video. I don't know if I'm giving Delicious credit for Inventing the walkaway video I'm hating when bitches are walking away Yo do women know how we feel about This stupid shit that is occurring They don't care
Starting point is 00:16:13 No they care They're doing it for us No they're not They're doing it for the other women That's watching and creeping on their ground I don't want this to turn into our misogynistic shit.
Starting point is 00:16:27 So Meek dropped. Meek dropped. I'm apprehensive to talk about it because I can never talk about Meek without people twisting it
Starting point is 00:16:35 to be a certain way. But he dropped. I enjoyed the project. DC4. I'm glad because he fucking promoted enough. That record with him
Starting point is 00:16:42 and Tory is crazy. The Litty shit? That record is crazy. I think Joe should steal that Blue Notes beat. That shit is horrible. Rory does love it. That's another
Starting point is 00:16:52 dope record. He shot a video for that already, which means he cared about it. The Tory verse on that record is all about the Twitter girl.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Did y'all keep up with that story? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Invented Hatfish? She lied and said that he didn't know. Oh, my God. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yes. Hatfish is one of the funniest terms I've ever heard. She said Tory Lanez was Hatfish. But how is he Hatfish? But this is why I didn't understand that. Wait. But this is why I didn't understand that. Because we've seen pictures of Tory without his hat.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Plenty of pictures. That's our point. So how is he hat fish? Hat fish is when you've never seen a nigga without his hat. I have a friend. That's not what hat fish is. Listen, DJ Clue is hat fish. You have never seen Clue without a hat on.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I have. When? He had a scully and a headband on with it. You've never seen him full, just full fledged since he cut the hair off. No, he was getting a haircut. Okay. But you had to. We have the same barber.
Starting point is 00:17:48 You have the same barber. But I'm talking about in public, you have never seen DJ Clue without a hat on. No, you're right. Because I definitely said to, I asked the barber if Clue gets a cut with his hat on. Yeah. Because Clue never takes his hat off. Yo, listen. When I saw Clue playing ball, he had a stocking cap.
Starting point is 00:18:04 A do-rag, yeah. A headband. I said, yo, when I saw Clue playing ball, he had a stocking cap. A do-rag, yeah. A headband. I said, yo, what the fuck? He won't even hoop without something on his head. That is Clue. Clue is considered hatfish. You can't consider Tory hatfish. Hatfish is the same as catfish when you look different with a hat on.
Starting point is 00:18:20 But, yo, we've seen multiple pictures. And he looks different to the bitches I didn't say it man I'm not judging I get that but First of all, the term is funny Hatfish is the funniest term I've heard this entire year We can't say Tory is Hatfish though Because we've seen
Starting point is 00:18:37 We didn't say it Danielle said it man We can't let that live I'm glad you remember her name. No, he's not Hatfish. I follow her. He's not Hatfish. I follow her.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I follow the chick. Tori has done interviews without a hat. Maul, that's not what Hatfish is. Yes, it is. Rory, can you tell Maul what Hatfish is? Hatfish is when a guy wears his hat and a chick has never seen him without his hat on. And then he takes it off. Maul, tell me what catfish means.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Catfish means? It's when a bitch looked different than what you thought she looked because of her pictures. So now here's a nigga taking a picture with hats on and now here he come with his hat off and he looks mad different than bitches. I didn't make this up. No, no, no. But this is what I'm saying though. This is why you can't compare that because we've seen pictures of tori without his hat but we're not judging how we haven't looks catfish is when you've never seen this chick without a filter on her face
Starting point is 00:19:31 that's what cat we've seen tori without his hat on and he looks different to the women which would make him a hat fish no no but she was saying it like she was saying it like she had never seen it without yo we can't talk about hatfish or slash Catfish this long without at least talking about homegirl that we was talking about Catfish with. Just because that's funny when Maul got catfished. Yeah, man. We're not going to tell the story? We can leave the name out. We can leave places out.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Okay, yeah. Yeah, you can do it. She looked totally different from... Maul was sending good morning and good night texts to someone who was catfished. And the problem with that is once you start sending good morning and good night texts to a chick... You're invested. That's your girl.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Wait, wait, wait. You talk to her. We're not going to go that far. It's the truth. It's not your girl. It's 100% someone you talk to. Get the fuck out. We're not doing that. You know that's the guy, bro. It was not my girl. All right, no you talk to Get the fuck out We not doing that
Starting point is 00:20:25 You know that's the guy bro It was not my girl Alright no no no The wording is a little wild But Well I don't know the back story Tell me what happened You can't create it on your own with that
Starting point is 00:20:34 We would just No I want to know when he met her We were just communicating You know And we had never met And you know When we finally did meet It was like
Starting point is 00:20:43 What the How long did it take until y'all met? Not long. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, hold on. That's a gray area. We need what the how long is there. In a moral defense, it could have been the morning when he texted.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Maybe two weeks. So he said good morning. Two weeks. All right, see? Now, that's important information. My nigga, do you know? That's not long. Do you know how many good morning and good night texts you send to somebody in two weeks?
Starting point is 00:21:05 Nah. If you think they bad? If you think they bad? Joe is making it a lot worse than what it was. I've said that before, Mo. It was not that bad. It wasn't that many good morning and good night texts. He don't move that way.
Starting point is 00:21:16 All right, check this out. I don't see Mo as the serial good morning text. Yeah, I'm not. Joe is just. If I tell Joe, yo, I sent her a good morning text, he going to think that I was sending one every single day. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. See, that's not the part that was telling to me.
Starting point is 00:21:30 We four niggas in here with Parks. That's just four real niggas. Good morning. We've all sent a good morning text. Absolutely. The good night text. What, was she going to sleep? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:40 But if you're sending the good night text. But the good night text. Come on, my nigga. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But the goodnight text was in reply to her saying goodnight. It wasn't like I was saying goodnight. Only real niggas don't say goodnight first. Well, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Get the fuck out of here. I've never said goodnight first. Get the fuck out of here. Y'all niggas say goodnight first? I don't even know if I've said it back before. Yo, listen, I never say goodnight first. Wait, hold on. You cannot, I don't go to sleep until six in the morning.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Yeah, but sometimes you're put in a predicament where you'll have to say goodnight when you're not really going to bed. No, man. And then you can't get your tweets off. Yeah, nah, yeah, we've all been there. We've all been there. Alright, alright, so I guess it makes a difference that you're not initiating. So where did y'all meet at? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I can't disclose that information. Yeah, no, you can't disclose that. But we met, and it just wasn't, it was like. When I'm not sure about a chick. Where's the flower? Where's like, where's all the filters? When I'm not sure when I meet a chick, I'm never going to meet her one-on-one. I'm going to invite her to an event and tell her to bring a friend.
Starting point is 00:22:46 So I can avoid her, and I'm not now tied to her one on one I'm going to invite her to an event And tell her to bring a friend So I can avoid her And I'm not now tied to her If she's wack So if you don't Talk to these niggas Michael Roars If you don't know What this bitch look like Or you're skeptical
Starting point is 00:22:53 Invite her to an event When you and your friends is out But you know what Come to the bar Whatever whatever It wasn't really that serious And meet her at the door So your friends can't clown you
Starting point is 00:23:01 If that bitch is wack Yeah no no no I get all that But it wasn't It wasn't that It wasn't that serious Like the meet up wasn't It was kind of like Whatever you know door so your friends can't clown you if that bitch is whack. No, no, no. I get all that. It's a shame, Rory. Your brain thinks like that. It wasn't that serious, like, the meetup. It was kind of like, whatever. It wasn't that serious. If you're replying
Starting point is 00:23:11 with a goodnight text, my nigga. I mean, you have to. If somebody says goodnight, you have to reply goodnight back. No? Y'all niggas are savage. Y'all niggas are savage. Y'all let the goodnight text just sit? Yeah, absolutely. You niggas are savage. Yeah, because she's about to fall asleep. You niggas are savage Y'all let the goodnight text Just sit Yeah Absolutely You niggas Yeah because she about
Starting point is 00:23:25 To fall asleep You niggas are different You niggas are different If she's texting goodnight I'ma let it bake For about 90 So now y'all about To make me get
Starting point is 00:23:35 Real disrespectful Yeah No Y'all about to make me Get real disrespectful On my text messages Because if she's still awake In the 90
Starting point is 00:23:42 Alright then alright So from now on If somebody texts me goodnight I'm saying fuck that goodnight. That's what I'm over. Yo, fuck your goodnight. Yo, if somebody ever texts you goodnight, that means you have a 90-minute window
Starting point is 00:23:51 to meet a bitch you want to actually text with and talk to. And if not, then you hit her back. And women are so nuts, you give them an inch, they'll take a foot. If you say goodnight once, she's expecting goodnight every time she goes to sleep. I don't like when women do that. I've been down that road sleep. I don't like when women do that.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I've been down that road before. I don't like when women take your behavior over the course of the first two months and apply it to how you should be for the duration
Starting point is 00:24:14 of the relationship. No, we're mad nice in the first two months. Yeah. We don't want to act like that in month nine. Right. Courting is to get somewhere.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Once I'm there, there's no longer courting. So let's talk about courting for two seconds. Yeah, courting is to get somewhere once i'm there there's there's no longer courting so let's talk about courting for two seconds yeah courting turns into comfort as well uh mossy i didn't tell we didn't really tell you uh me and rory wanted to do an entire podcast dedicated to uh fucking young bitches appreciation and what a place to do it but Miami. How young? Contingent upon what your age is. Not stranger things. So like Rory's 27, right?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Same thing. I'm 36. So what's young for Rory and young for me? Well, you know what the problem is? That don't really count because it's the shit that young bitches do. That's annoying is annoying universally around across the board to all men of all ages. So the young bitches that annoy Rory, they would annoy me too.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah. But the young bitches have this stamina with the annoyance. Like a chick around my age, she only has, but so much energy because she probably did something that day. These young bitches could go, or there's no good night text for the young bitch. She's up all night ready to annoy you.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Well, Maul was just telling a story before we got here about how at one point in time in life, there was a younger chick he was dealing with, and she was a nympho, and she expected a lot of, you tell it better than me. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:25:40 She just wanted sex all the time, and I'm like, nah. I don't gotta take that talking. Nigga bust three nuts in an hour. And I'm like, nah. I don't got to take that talking. Nigga bust three nuts in an hour. You got to just leave me alone. Why do bitches think that you're supposed to be Superman? How come they don't know how dicks are built and made and how they work? They know they don't care.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I don't have four nuts in an hour, ma. Yeah, nah, they don't care. They don't care. And I don't care if you trash me about that. I used to care about that. Now I don't give a fuck. That's because you a black nigga. Yeah, now I don't care And I don't care If you trash me about that I used to care about that Now I don't give a fuck That's cause you a Whack nigga
Starting point is 00:26:07 Yeah now I don't give a fuck Now I don't give a fuck Go in your group chat Tell them I'm whack We know what's going on In the streets man Go in your group chat Tell them how your nigga
Starting point is 00:26:18 Ain't shit I don't give a fuck You get three out of me In an hour It's good night After that I don't care if it's Four in the afternoon
Starting point is 00:26:24 Leave me alone. I was saying to Rory at some point a few weeks ago, I was saying, I don't think that men are getting the credit that we're due for being faithful. Because all you got to do is open Instagram. And it's porn. It's like a whole variety there of women to choose from. I wish women knew that you're expecting us to be faithful,
Starting point is 00:26:50 and we literally can refresh something in our hand, and we'll see 20 new women, and I can also hit a button to contact her. Not only that, but on Instagram, if I see an attractive woman and I hit follow, they give me three other options of women that look similar to this one. I don't think women are giving us our fair due for being faithful. I don't. The world is crazy out here.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And they always be like, oh, my grandparents were together for 50 years. Yeah, your grandfather did not have an iPhone 6. Your grandfather did not know who Bernernice was yeah dead ass like and if he did he wouldn't be with your grandmother that's a fact so speaking of this very same topic man i don't know all the particulars because i try not to keep up with uh pop culture but they're making a very big deal out of tristan thompson and leaving his pregnant fiancee for chloe kardashian so now nobody's gonna give me my credit for calling all of this shit mad long ago on this podcast well not mad long ago but a few months and everybody shut me up because we shouldn't be talking about the kard But when I said hey I think that the ratings for the Kardashian show Are slipping
Starting point is 00:28:07 And it seems like every time Everybody's glued to a computer The Kardashians are making up a story I think there's something here But because I sounded like a faggot We didn't talk about it But now if you really look at what's going on here Why the fuck is Khloe Kardashian
Starting point is 00:28:24 Dating Tristan Thompson And they're engaged Was that a photoshop of him is Khloe Kardashian dating Tristan Thompson? And they're engaged. Was that a Photoshop of him getting Khloe tattooed? They're not engaged. They are engaged. No, they're not. The blog said they are, man. That was bullshit. But it don't matter. Once the blog say it, it's true. No, that was another athlete.
Starting point is 00:28:38 No, that was Photoshopped. No, that was another athlete and that was his daughter's name on his back. That wasn't Tristan. That was a whack-ass tattoo. That wasn't Tristan. Listen, come on. That was a whack-ass tattoo, either way. That was a horrible tattoo. You should go see Grin Stiles, who did all my tattoos. Shout out to Grin.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Shout out to Grin. Maul, defend this shit, since you out. Maul, defend every athlete and everything you do. No, but they're not engaged. All right, so tell me why Tristan Thompson is not engaged to Khloe Kardashian. They're not engaged. It was a rumor. They fucking, nigga.
Starting point is 00:29:01 No, they're fucking, but they're not engaged. And his ex is pregnant. His ex is pregnant. So now defend it, then. Let me hear it fucking, but they're not engaged. And his ex is pregnant. His ex is pregnant. So now defend it then. Let me hear it. What do you want me to defend? You're sitting here fucking playing the lawyer for the NBA FC or whatever it is. He's not engaged.
Starting point is 00:29:14 They're not engaged, number one. That was a rumor. Number two, okay, his ex-girl is pregnant. Look at this nigga's Brian Winhurst. They broke up. But I mean, so we know. So what if they were engaged? This nigga got the inside scoop on Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:29:25 No, but what I'm saying is we know that, we know Chloe. We know she's just having a moment. She's just having fun. She's dating. She has a boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:29:35 She's not gonna, this is not gonna really go. Is it a moment if it's been going on this long? Yeah, it's a moment. It hasn't been,
Starting point is 00:29:41 how long has it been going on? No, I'm saying her entire dating career. No, I'm just saying like that's, you know, she. First of all, why, I just want to know why you leave your pregnant girlfriend. We don't know. I mean, we're not in their relationship. Tristan Thompson, you are welcome to this podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:56 This is not the first time somebody has left their girl while they was pregnant. Give me the other time that happened. You don't know anybody that has left their girlfriend while they was pregnant? No, none of my friends even have kids. I've seen a bunch of single happened You don't know anybody that has left their girlfriend Type regular No none of my friends even have kids I've seen a bunch of single You don't have kids Corey don't have kids Pars don't have kids
Starting point is 00:30:11 I've seen a bunch of single girls at their baby shower Imani baby mom's crazy I've seen a bunch of pregnant girls single at their baby shower Did I leave my baby mother Yeah Was she pregnant at the time No no no So you left after?
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah, I'm real. How long did you wait until you left? What the fuck is wrong with Joe, man? I'm real. I'm real. You a real dickhead, man. No, you're going to have my kid, and we're going to celebrate, and I'm going to see him, and I'm going to do this.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I got to go. So now Rory's favorite Instagram model has got herself in some trouble. Oh, Tori. Oh, come on. Young Tori. I love when niggas act like they don't know who their favorite Instagram bitches are. Come on, Rory. Who is this?
Starting point is 00:30:54 Tori Briggs. Who do you like on Instagram better than Tori Briggs? I don't follow any Instagram bitches. Tori Briggs. And I don't know why this is It's really only news Because me and Rory Had to text about it
Starting point is 00:31:08 When it happened Because that's his favorite bitch And she's fine So there's no shame in that And she follows me I'm not sure who she is I didn't know who she was Until she followed me
Starting point is 00:31:15 She became my favorite Rory give the listeners The scoop While I show them all Well it's It's funny because I have something in my drafts That I meant to tweet
Starting point is 00:31:24 In bad timing I said that Young M drafts that I meant to tweet. In bad timing, I said that Young M.A. is about to take all of our hoes in front of our face, and we just ooh-oohing away like it's not going to matter. Put that in my drafts. Swear to God the next day, Tory Briggs is now dating Young M.A. No. Yes. This girl right here?
Starting point is 00:31:45 That's Tory Briggs' mom. She fine, right? Yeah, she's cute. She might have unfollowed me. Yo, I hate to be this guy. I really don't hate to be this guy. There was something else to the story, though, no? Didn't someone leak text messages? So Tori Briggs is allegedly dating young Emma, right?
Starting point is 00:32:03 Wow. Tori Briggs allegedly had a man that she was seeing for three years who was holding her down, who saw the story break about her and Young M.A. on Instagram, and then he had a bit of a fit on his timeline, and then he went on a rant, and the basis was he thinks that Tory is pay for gay. Gay for pay.
Starting point is 00:32:23 So that's what he accused her of. And then when he got a lot of backlash from it, he released some text messages from Tory asking him for some money. Well, that's kind of fucked up because he was offering her money. So this is why it's a fucking good movie. He offered her some money
Starting point is 00:32:37 and then she accepted it. And then he put the text messages out. Well, leaking text messages is just corny shit to begin with. I want to know why men do that. Tell me why you are leaking text messages of someone that you love. Because these are men with vaginas. I want to know why women date corny dudes and then get upset when corny dudes do corny shit.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Well, no, no. You can't date a corny dude and get mad when the corny shows up. That's not fair. I'm going to defend women on this one. Nope, nope, nope. That's not fair. Why? Because to defend women on this one. Nope, nope, nope. That's not fair. Why? Because, first of all, a little...
Starting point is 00:33:07 If a girl dates a nigga that she saw... Listen, if a girl dates a guy that she saw do some corny shit before, right? Like, she saw him do some corny shit on Instagram with his ex-girl. And then she decides to date him now. You can't be mad when he does some corny shit to you. You saw this already. You saw this movie. You can be mad, number one. that's how the human body works all right well you'll be you'll be dumb to get
Starting point is 00:33:31 mad number two a little bit of corny is indeed attractive to women that's number two corny but it's different types of corny corny like you know different degrees of corny. Corny like, you know. It's different degrees of corny, yes. Yeah, but like corny, like sending text messages, like showing text messages. Chill, so that's my third point. My third point is, how are you supposed to know that the nigga you like is corny enough to leak your sacred texts and pictures? Tell me how women are supposed to know that. As men, we put too much shit on women. How do you know that? Unless you've seen him do that with somebody,
Starting point is 00:34:06 and then in that point, I agree with you guys. If you have never seen that, how do you know that this emotional girl-ass nigga is going to take my naked pictures and share them with all of his stranger friends? That's a fair point. That's a fair point. But, of course, I'm sure they've gotten in arguments before.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And when you get in an argument with somebody, you see how they react and their emotions during that argument and if he's a little fucking zesty and sassy and a bitch about y'all little arguments there's a good chance when shit hits the fan he might leak some shit i still want to know there's behavior you can see what arguments leaking pictures or something i want to know the logic i want to know what is the objective everything is ego in my opinion behavior you can see with arguments. Leaking pictures or something. I want to know the logic. I want to know
Starting point is 00:34:46 what is the objective. Everything is ego in my opinion. Yo, I'm about to show all these strange niggas the bitch I love. Well, I'm not defending it. I'm just thinking
Starting point is 00:34:54 it's an insecurity. It's an ego problem. That's all I'm thinking. Alright, fine. I'm off. Says the guy that's fucking has 10 OLSs. Tori, I want you to be well.
Starting point is 00:35:07 I don't judge you for texting this man about a financial struggle, whether it's true or not. I saw a lot of people coming to Tory's defense saying, hey, Tory ain't broke.
Starting point is 00:35:17 She doing a whole bunch of work. I wouldn't give a fuck if she was broke. Any nigga that do that is just whack. You immediately tag lame. So new niggas out there i please please just know that when you are leaking things uh old older niggas we're judging you and
Starting point is 00:35:31 you're a faggot so now with that said let's get on to things of more more pertinent matters has anyone seen the cmas of course you haven't seen the cmas because who gives a fuck about the cmas definitely didn't see the CMAs. But black people were forced. That's fucked up, boy. White people gonna trick black people somehow. Black people was forced to pay attention to the CMAs. Hey, and don't think that I'm some whack nigga that was paying attention, because I wasn't. But I'm on the timeline like the real nigga I was.
Starting point is 00:35:59 The Knicks were playing. I wasn't gonna change that. And you knew that the fucking- The hoes- It was gonna be on the blogs. The hoes are on the timeline, sitting there waiting 90 hours for Beyonce to hit the CMAs. I'm sitting there like, what the fuck is the CMAs? CMT is real because they said Beyonce was opening up. For the Dixie Chicks?
Starting point is 00:36:17 And Beyonce never showed up. Oh, opening up the award show. Oh, come on. So everyone tuned in from the jump, like right on cue and waited for two hours. So Beyonce never performed? No, she did perform. So then what happened was the drama here was she performed, and amongst the viewership was racial tension.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I don't know why. The Dixie Chicks weren't black, Beyonce weren't white. They were saying Beyonce's not a country artist. If you let her perform, we're going to boycott. All of that so the next day the cmas erased any visual evidence of beyonce actually performing at their event which sparked all of this racial that's crazy it's safe to say beyonce won't ever be doing that again yeah beyonce probably won't be at the CMAs again. That's wild. I mean, but fuck the CMAs, man. There we go.
Starting point is 00:37:07 What did y'all expect? That everyone would have been like, great, Beyonce. I'm not sure that I knew what to expect, but if you make one country song and it is indeed a country song, it's a country song. And that is a country song. My Daddy's Shoes or My Daddy Cheated or whatever the name of it was. I love that song. That song, My Daddy's Shoes or My Daddy Cheated or whatever the name of it was. I love that song. That song is super hard. We'll stay on racial shit for a minute.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Just the other day, see, y'all two lucked out and y'all flew into Miami, right? So the other day, the tour stopped in Penicillin, Florida. Penicillin? What's the name of the spot? Thank you, Parks.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Pensacola. Penicillin, Florida is nowhere I wantin? What's the name of the spot? Thank you, Parks. Pensacola. Penicillin, Florida is nowhere I want to be. No, I didn't say that. I said Pepsi-Cola, Florida. Okay. No, I had to take that one. I got kind of real. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Pensacola. I want to talk about STDs to remind me. Pensacola, Florida. This was the only place. I was scared for my life in Pensacola, Florida. Like, you know all of the shit that you hear about in places that black people are not welcome? It was that. First of all, it was a bell going off
Starting point is 00:38:11 every hour from a church in some fucking isolated corner that looked like black people shouldn't have been there. So every time the bell went off, it sounded like they were calling for black people to get indoors or get next to your master. That's number one. Number two, there was a Trump convention there that night.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Apparently, Trump was rallying right next door to my hotel. I didn't know that. I should have been able to tell that from the 90s. We support Trump signs out there. It was real old white people wearing Trump T-shirts. It was real old white people wearing Trump t-shirts. It was white dirty niggas. And they were fat and dirty pickup trucks with Trump stickers and the fucking Confederate flag.
Starting point is 00:38:54 And they were cursing something about, get out of here, nigger. But I didn't really hear it. And I was scared. I was afraid. I was with white people and I was afraid. See? Well, they would have fucked Parks up for being with you. Me?
Starting point is 00:39:05 Well, we were outnumbereded It was only me and Amani We were the only black people there All y'all had to do was act like Clayton Bixby Y'all would've got right up out of there If y'all got y'all Bixby on I'm not sure if that would've worked It would've worked
Starting point is 00:39:14 Dave Chappelle is doing Saturday Night Live when? I don't know if they put a date They said this month though no? Well I just saw a picture The 12th That's soon Next Saturday
Starting point is 00:39:23 So that's probably recorded already. No, it's live. No, they do it live. Him and Tribe. Tribe is putting an album out. I forgot what the name of the album is. Wait, let's not get away from Dave Chappelle at SNL. I'm curious here.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Is he going to participate in the skits? Is he just going to do the monologue? No, he has to. You think Dave Chappelle is going to... When you host SNL, you have to do the skits. Let's just keep it a buck. It's kind of corny now. Yeah, no, they get one every now and then.
Starting point is 00:39:50 They kill all the campaign shit. The campaign shit is hilarious. Yeah. But when they funny, they funny. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When SNL is funny, it's really funny. I think their Hillary and Trump shit has been hilarious. That's true.
Starting point is 00:40:02 But I'm curious, is Chappelle going to be writing some of these? I just don't see him going with their script i'm sure he'll have some input on on the script you don't invite somebody like chapelle to your show with without being able to acknowledge that he should be writing with you or his writers should be writing with you or neil uh burning there yeah yeah exactly you don't play that man's genius like that and And he isn't being genius. But there has to be a specific reason. Because Chappelle just don't do shit. I think with the timing of this election, he has something to say. I don't think he's just doing this to do it.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Chappelle is one of those political brothers. So yeah, that's one. Yeah, I like that better than he's trying to help try and support their album. Well, I mean, he should do that anyways. Okay. All right, i'm rolling yeah there's got to be some i don't think he's going to hold back either and i think snl has been so pro hillary and anti-trump that they'll let chappelle chappelle i want when is soldier boy hosting um saturday night live y'all don't think soldier boy deserves to host Saturday Night Live? No. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Why would Soulja Boy deserve to host Saturday Night Live? Soulja Boy in recent weeks has given me some of my favorite hip-hop moments. Number one. I love Soulja Boy.
Starting point is 00:41:16 And I just want to tell all the listeners out there to stop calling him Soulja Boy number one because he's renegade Soulja. He's Soulja Boy. Now, if Rory thought that we wasn't going to talk about
Starting point is 00:41:24 Soulja Boy attempting to kill him. Listen. When I opened it Number one Cause he's renegade soldier He's soldier boy Now if Rory thought That we wasn't gonna talk about Soldier boy Attempting to kill him Listen When I opened it When I opened up Twitter And saw that I was so fucking confused Soldier boy
Starting point is 00:41:34 Or renegade soldier Soldier man Soldier man You gotta get fired Threatened your life He did What the Wait
Starting point is 00:41:42 How did that happen He tweeted that he was hacked Or that he changed his passwords And mind you I hadn't tweeted about The Soulja Boy shit at all I was just laughing Like everybody else
Starting point is 00:41:53 To myself And I was in an Uber In Houston And I read that And I said Fam You're not gonna pull The hacked shit
Starting point is 00:42:01 You was making videos Of yourself So Stop hating So stop hating then stop hating so i retweeted and said hating bro you were making videos of yourself right and then i want to say it was the next day uh i was in the hotel with my man kaz and i put my phone on the charger and then i refreshed my timeline after i got out the shower and i see like 99 plus
Starting point is 00:42:25 notifications and i see everyone has soldier boy's name in it wait time out time out time out time out man soldier boy just said something pause your story man first of all moment of silence for the fear that men feel in their hearts when they pick up their phone and have 99 new mentions yeah first of all it's never good. We immediately need to know what's going on. That's a fact. What is happening? I was so shocked when I saw it
Starting point is 00:42:49 and then I didn't even scroll up. I just saw mad Soulja Boy ads and I looked over at Kaz. I said, Kaz, I haven't looked yet, but I think Soulja Boy may have said something to me. Okay, tell us more about this.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Did you immediately feel like you had 24 hours to live? Yeah, before I kicked the bucket. Fuck it. I'm going to eat some fried chicken and drink a Nantucket. That's what I'm saying. You had to feel fear in your heart because there are pictures of Soulja Boy on Instagram with weapons. Well, here's the thing I had said in our group chat.
Starting point is 00:43:17 I got 10 push-ups on the man that Soulja Boy is going to shoot somebody. I think he's about it. I think Soulja will shoot somebody. I want him to shoot you. The somebody part is not what i'm worried about i want him to shoot you yeah i'd fucking retweet it i mean yeah yeah let's look i want us to just take up you know that as my friend i'm gonna tell you this no this is fucked up because i was in the trenches with joe through the ovo shit and then the moment another rapper come at me, Joe just want to retweet all the times that rappers have threatened me on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Look who I'm beefing with, a real nigga that get a billion streams. You beefing with Soulja Boy, who I think is a legend, but that's me. I may be in the minority. But let's look at your list of people who have threatened you and want to kill you. Soulja
Starting point is 00:44:04 Boy, Benzino. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Benzino want to kill you. Soulja Boy, Benzino. Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Benzino wanted to kill you too? But the funny shit about Benzino. Yes, he tweeted it. He replied to the tweet like a year later. Benzino replied to one of my tweets like a year later too.
Starting point is 00:44:17 So what happened was somebody tweeted, why does Benzino have a tattooed tear? And I retweeted and said, because he killed the source. And then. Oh, yeah. Benzino is going tattooed tear? And I retweeted and said, because he killed the source. And then... Oh, yeah. Benzino is going to kill you with Soulja Boy. And get another tattooed tear. A collab murder.
Starting point is 00:44:32 A love and hip hop murder. A collab murder. A collaborative love and hip hop murder. Soulja featuring Benzino. Love and hip hop Miami is coming soon. Hey. That's why we down here. Should I spill the secret? Yeah. No, that's not why we're... We're down here filming. We're not soon. Hey. That's why we down here. Should I spill the secret?
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah. No, that's not why we're down here filming. We're not filming and that's not why we're down here. I definitely expect to see Imani
Starting point is 00:44:52 on Love & Hip Hop Miami. He don't even live in my area. Yeah, I can see Imani on Love & Hip Hop Miami. Imani is the nigga to go fly wherever they fucking...
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yo, I live here. Yo, I live here. I didn't know y'all was here. Hey, Mona. What the hell? Good to hear you. Good seeing you.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Wait, all right. So, wait, all right. No, what was I saying before this love and hip hop bullshit? I don't care about that part. Soulja Boy killing me. Soulja Boy. All right, let's get back to that really quickly. Do you have a will?
Starting point is 00:45:23 No, I do not. I don't got much to leave. Don't you think you should? All right,. Do you have a will? No, I do not. I don't got much to leave. Don't you think you should? All right, but you should have a will, though. I have a won't. I have a won't. It's funny. You have a will?
Starting point is 00:45:36 No. I have a won't. I have a won't. Stop talking. I have a won't. Pause it after that won't. Yeah, do pause it, because I want to talk, but I don't know what I'm talking about next.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I'm firing through my topics, random rapid fire. Oh, somebody has to tell me about, oh, no. Somebody got to tell me about what happened with the big shit. That's the only story I have no idea about. The dude, the girl that killed her, the dude kid. Oh, I don't even know story I have no idea about to do the girl that killed her to do kid Oh, I don't even know if I want to talk about that No, that's a wild story No
Starting point is 00:46:15 All right, let's see how have you been on this tour? Have you been being faithful? Well me yeah, I'm always faithful Yo me and Imani we're talking And it's not in your case We're not recording By the way Oh we are Oh we are recording Oh shit
Starting point is 00:46:29 Alright whatever Alright so now You and Imani We're talking I never want to hear About the results Of a you and Imani Conversation by the way
Starting point is 00:46:35 But fuck it Let me hear it So you have been Posting all these pictures Of Sin And all this love shit Which is great Cause I love Sin
Starting point is 00:46:42 First of all I never said Anything about love I just posted pictures of my girl. Yeah, whatever. All right, bro. Yeah, all right. And you always know
Starting point is 00:46:52 that the guy that posts his girl, OD, and do all the faggot captions and all that shit is always the wild creep. Right. Let's think about that. That's a good topic.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Yeah. Let me think about this. And it may, I'm not saying it's in your case. The guy that posts his girl. OD. I love her. This is my girl.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I don't know. I don't think that. I don't know if that's true. I think the guy, well, for me, I could be wrong. I think the guy who has his girlfriend in his bio. If this is Dirty Mac, I apologize. Has been a creep and he has been caught creeping. So now you have
Starting point is 00:47:27 a lifetime bid of now you gotta just show your girl to all your bitches. So that's what I think when I see somebody's girl in their mind. How long before you date and before you tell a girl you love her? Shit that night. If the pussy good. That's real.
Starting point is 00:47:44 It's not real i respect that but white white niggas get away with that by the way hold up man that's another thing that white people get away with that black niggas can't get away with white people could just cavalierly say i love you yeah black people can't do that damn i didn't even know i had that no no you got man white people just comes with mad fucking perks So we were talking about The faithful shit You and I I think you went on
Starting point is 00:48:07 A Twitter rant And stole my fucking quotes What was I saying About Cause I'm mad faithful By the way Yeah but When you're faithful
Starting point is 00:48:14 The truth You sometimes have to Lie about the truth Because the truth Doesn't even seem Real That is true How hard is
Starting point is 00:48:23 It's so hard to be faithful That you have to lie About the truth Because the truth Does not sound believable I'm gonna just fucking Yeah tell Saying that this fucking stripper
Starting point is 00:48:30 Just wanted to check If I had good skin on my dick Mad innocently Yeah that's what I'm saying Right nothing happened She could work in skincare Yeah okay Let me know how that goes
Starting point is 00:48:40 For you bro Wait alright So yeah I did say that Maul was going on a rant that all the strippers that he liked turned into bartenders. Yeah, man. Every stripper that I
Starting point is 00:48:52 used to think was pretty. Hell yeah, I want pizza. We want pizza, baby. Yeah, we started talking about other bitches and Sin popped up with food. Yeah, that's crazy. Oh, hell yeah. You say Sin's name three times in the mirror, she pop it up. I ain't gonna kiss my food. Yeah, that's crazy. Oh, hell yeah. I'm sorry. You say Sin's name three times in the mirror, she pop it up.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I gotta go kiss my baby. Anyway. Yeah, so all of Maul's favorite strippers are now bartenders, and I'm telling him it's because... Every single one of them. Yeah, but why when a bartender is only half naked, is getting rained on,
Starting point is 00:49:19 and the other stripper who's ass naked doing cartwheels on stage is getting no dollars? I'm gonna be a bartender. Yeah, but... Strippers need a union. But it's for the sport. The other stripper who's ass naked doing cartwheels on stage is getting no dollars. I'm going to be a bartender. Yeah, but. Strippers need a union. But it's for the sport. Like, when you're a stripper, you got to die a stripper, man.
Starting point is 00:49:35 You know what I'm saying? If you start off stripping, they're supposed to carry you out on the pole. Wait. Oh, you know what's funny about what Maul is saying? And I did have this thought. And this is a wild thought. Yo, compassion should go out to women when they have to decide whether they want to pursue a career in IG modeling. Do you know what happens to the women that don't make it?
Starting point is 00:50:01 That's not like a job that you could try to do And then fail at Yo you know how many Aspiring IG thoughts I follow Where like they teetering On the line But it's just not quite All together there yet
Starting point is 00:50:15 Like alright One more Few more DR trips there And you'll get those likes now That's true No I empathize with women Y'all don't.
Starting point is 00:50:25 No, I empathize when she get ass naked and only get like 15 likes. I feel for her because she did all that and it didn't even work. Oh, there's man chicks like that. Oh, is there?
Starting point is 00:50:35 Yeah. What? Oh, I can't name no names, but there's a bunch of bitches like that. Nah, like they going for the gusto. They damn their ass naked on Instagram and they just touching 10 likes. It's a rough of bitches like that. Nah, like they going for the gusto. They damn their ass naked on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:50:46 And they just touching 10 likes. It's a rough life out here. Well, one of them 10 likes is mine. Wait, you got to be careful now. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I'll put that out there for y'all. Instagram is showing you when you like a picture now. They're showing you the people that you follow who like a picture.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Like my Jewish manager is under everybody's picture liking it, which made me say, all right, how much managerial work are you doing if you find time to like all of these fucking pictures, Ian? That's number one. Well, I know people saying that about me because I be letting them likes off. I never like. I never like.
Starting point is 00:51:22 I like shit I don't like. No, I'm a serial liker. Yeah, I don't like Yeah No I'm a serial liker Yeah I don't give a fuck I just let them off Nah it's the rhythm Of just scrolling And double tapping And my OCD kicks in
Starting point is 00:51:32 When I see like An odd number You have to I have to Even Yeah I have to I have to Like if I see a picture
Starting point is 00:51:39 Sitting on 99 I'm like come on Come on Cause you're not a hater Yeah I'm not a hater Give them that 100 like I feel like when you Give somebody're not a hater Yeah I'm not a hater Yeah Give them that hundred like I feel like when you give somebody Their hundredth like
Starting point is 00:51:48 You should get like Free data for like a week Or some shit like that I feel like they gotta find a way To kind of gauge that And put that in there What the fuck is that Yeah like it gotta be
Starting point is 00:51:56 Some type of celebration Like This is a hundredth like This is a big deal for somebody For the aspiring IG Yeah So if I'm the one That gives you that hundredth like, I should get like a free handy or something. Like, you should have to be like, yo, you got to get that man a handy.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Give him a hand. I know not many men are with me on this, and we're definitely off on a tangent here, but women giving the handy is normally whack. Nah, nah. You bugger. 90% of the time, a woman giving you the handy is whack. The surprise handy? The surprise handy.
Starting point is 00:52:29 The handy's only dope if it's at a spot that, like you're at the club and you're catching a handy. I don't care where it's at. If you're not expecting it, that shit is the greatest feeling. A surprise handy. How does that occur? Like if you saw your sneaker and a chick just grab your dick. I haven't met chicks that are that real.
Starting point is 00:52:48 But have you ever had a chick that was too horny and be giving you the mad, aggressive handy? Yes. I'm like, bitch, that's attached to me. Yo, what is up with y'all?
Starting point is 00:52:56 That does not pop off. And if you pull that shit like, a bitch gave me a handy so crazy one time, my belly button was like at my fucking, like the head of my my Like she was pulling everything I'm like whoa whoa whoa
Starting point is 00:53:09 My belly button ain't never stretched all the way down there You gotta relax That motherfucker had an any belly button Put more oil You need more oil in your palm Cause it's drying up Don't ever pull my belly button all the way down To my fucking balls like that
Starting point is 00:53:24 To your knee. That Mandy was wild aggressive. She looking at me biting her lip like, I'm about to cry. Like, that ain't sexy. I don't like this. I'm about to cry. Some bitches do think they be mad sexy when it's painful. Or throwing it back wild hard and that bone hitting your bone.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Oh, my God, man. I'm like, bitch, it feel like two rocks is in my stomach right now. Or throwing it back Wow hard And that bone Hitting your bone Oh my god man I'm like this It feel like two rocks Is in my stomach right now You throw that ass Back like that again I'm gonna kick you Off this fucking bed
Starting point is 00:53:52 Just be still Let me get this Y'all laughing Cause y'all know What I'm talking about No I'm laughing Cause I don't know What you're talking about
Starting point is 00:54:03 A chick never jerked you off so crazy that all your hair or your pubic hair was at the tip of your dick? No. I never even knew my skin could stretch that far. And she started doing the double jack with the two hands. I'm like, bitch, let all of my stomach go.
Starting point is 00:54:23 That's not my dick. Yeah, that's not my dick. That bitch belly button. That's not my dick. Yeah, like, that's not my dick. That bitch giving you the pepper grinder on your stomach. Yeah. What the fuck I do? We are here. I won't end this podcast. Later, crossing me is Rory Lanes.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I've got balls to my right. I'm just saying, bro. This nigga is fucking wild. So I feel like ever since, this is a hard left I feel like ever since That Kim Kardashian robbery Kanye has been walking off the stage I'm lying Somebody tell me I'm lying
Starting point is 00:54:58 Tell me that every St. Pablo show Since that robbery Kanye is not leaving For just no reason He had a sore throat yesterday that's actually a great reason to stop a show though yeah yeah if you're gonna stop a show and joe and joe acting like after the tax shit he ain't walk out of every fucking interview there's a pattern here oh we ain't even talking about the tax make shit that came out did we i
Starting point is 00:55:22 didn't see y'all something right no right? No, we ain't. Wait. Wait, wait. Oh, my goodness gracious. Wait a minute. I'd be wanting to stop a show with 500 people there, but won't because I feel bad. And I got a polyp on my vocal cords, so my voice leaves quickly. I can't. Yo, do you know the godlike feeling?
Starting point is 00:55:45 I don't know if y'all are really digesting this. No, the people paid $200 to stand under a stage. That was 20,000 people. That wasn't my show. Right, that's a fact. That was people who made a night out of this event. There was nowhere else to go.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Wait, I didn't see the clip. The stage is in the air. What did he say? Let me down? Wait. How did he come off the stage in the air? I didn't see the clip. He said the same thing
Starting point is 00:56:12 I said when Shorty was jacking me. Put me down. Put me down. This is over. I am done with this. Don't fuck off of me. That's a fact
Starting point is 00:56:25 Nah just let it run We doing Nori's podcast We just let this shit run Even if it sound weird That's a fact Oh my god No but how did he get down From the stage
Starting point is 00:56:38 That's in the air Put me down There's people under the stage No damn it Listen This is why it's really funny. He couldn't exit stage left. Because, listen, the stage
Starting point is 00:56:50 is in the air, right? So as he was telling them no, no, no. As he was saying, y'all, listen, man, my voice. Wait, I just got in trouble. Now, the phone. That nigga voice Wait I just got in trouble Wait Nah
Starting point is 00:57:07 Nah the phone That nigga said Did I just get in trouble What you mean Can I You have a moment with me No she said the Mophie Cause she have the Mophie
Starting point is 00:57:13 Nah the phone The phone go with the Mophie That was close Your girl just come in To have a moment with you With the Mophie During your podcast Has your girl ever said
Starting point is 00:57:22 Let's have a moment And it's been a pleasant No no I ain't gonna tell you how I just bit my lip so crazy Over here man I almost cried During your podcast? Has your girl ever said, let's have a moment and it's been a pleasant one? No, no. I ain't going to tell you how I just bit my lip so crazy over here, man. I almost cried. But I had to just suck it up. What happened? Eating this pizza, man.
Starting point is 00:57:33 I'm so hungry. I bit the shit out of my lip. Oh, shit. Now it's two pizzas left. God damn. So how did Kanye come out of cranes in this town? It was a good pizza. Listen, if I was at that show and Kanye stopped that show It would have been Wild cups on top of that stage
Starting point is 00:57:46 In the middle of the air I would have started Throwing merch All types of shit It would have been Hats, sneakers Though you're going to Finish this show tonight Kanye
Starting point is 00:57:54 You're going to go get you Some tea, some honey Kanye does perform On Cranes in the sky Yeah He's standing on a crane As Kanye was saying Yo yo I'm a bad man
Starting point is 00:58:04 I got to get out of here. The stage was lifting. I used to say, yo, I'll check you out later at your show. But listen, it wasn't lifting evenly. I guess, however, the crane pulls it up. Half of it rises while the whole. So he was mad, unbalanced, talking still. Only Kanye could pull that off.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Kanye might be the illest nigga that ever did. Honestly. Only Kanye Can pull that off That was Kanye might be The illest nigga That ever did Yeah Only Kanye Can pull that off Honestly
Starting point is 00:58:30 Alright wait Now what else Happens this last time I saw you two Fucking shitheads The Meek and Tax shit Oh yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:58:37 Alright how do we feel I feel like Yo Meek has done A good job of getting People to talk about him All the way up Until his release Yo the consensus Of that is A lot of people came away from that interview really liking Meek.
Starting point is 00:58:50 They really understand him. I liked him better. They understand him. They like him. And they kind of get a better vibe for who he is and his thought process and why he does things versus not do things. I thought it was dope. I thought it showed a side of Meek that needed to be shown. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Meek was never wrong. He was wrong how he went about it and then what transpired afterwards. How he behaved was wrong, but his point was never wrong. Right. So I think now Meek has finally realized to not go off emotion and just digest his feelings and then talk about it later. Right. Meek sounded really logical.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yeah. He sounded somebody who assesses well. He sounded like somebody who looks at the bigger picture. He sounded like somebody who's about his business. Right. He sounded like somebody who is empowering and encouraging the youth. He came off in that interview exactly the way
Starting point is 00:59:43 he would want to come off. Yeah. And then dropped the Fire album Right That's great And then sold That was wonderful Yeah he looked like
Starting point is 00:59:51 He came away from that And people feel like You know what I understand And I like him Yes You know what I'm saying And I think that was
Starting point is 01:00:01 I felt like that That was great for him I did I wanted to call him and apologize Right Well much more of us are like Meek Than we are like Drake And I think that was I felt like that That was great for him I did I wanted to call him And apologize Right Well much more of us Are like Meek Than we are like Drake
Starting point is 01:00:09 As far as environments And how we behave Oh absolutely It was just so funny That every All the memes and everything That you had hood motherfuckers Not siding
Starting point is 01:00:18 But siding with Drake You know what man Meek is a friend of the show Meek is a friend of the show Clap it up for Meek Meek is a friend of the show Meek is definitely A friend of the show Friend of the show We gotta send bottles to Meek He's definitely a friend of the show Meek is a friend of the show Clap it up for Meek Meek is definitely a friend of the show Friend of the show
Starting point is 01:00:27 We gotta send bottles to Meek Definitely a friend of the show I'd like to send Meek But where is Meek? Somewhere getting to that bag 10k for the walkthrough Meek I ain't gonna lie
Starting point is 01:00:35 Every time I see Meek He hanging out or something foreign man You gotta You gotta respect Meek Nah that's not as fun as it looks That's fun Nigga that That's not as fun as it looks I just saw a video ofga, that's... It's not as fun as it looks.
Starting point is 01:00:45 I just saw a video of that nigga, man, hanging out a Wraith. That looked fun, man. I want to do that. I want to hang out a Wraith with the doors open. Maul, you can hang out of a Wraith. You probably have hung out of a Wraith before, and it's probably not as fun as it looked. No. That looked very fun.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I want to do that. You can get in a Wraith. I've hung out of a Honda Hatchback before. You've hung out of a fucking Wraith, Maul. On the concourse. Yo, Maul be so... On the concourse. Yo, Maul is so good at... Yo, remember when the out of a fucking race car. On the concourse. Your mall is so good at that. Yo, remember when the concourse was popping? What happened to the concourse?
Starting point is 01:01:10 It still is. It's not the same. You'll get shot on the concourse now. You know what's funny? You saying what happened to the concourse. You always could get shot on the concourse. This is my first time in Miami in mad years, right? And my last time in Miami, I'm mad wack.
Starting point is 01:01:21 But my last time in Miami, Miami seemed like a destination spot. Like people were trying to be here as a bunch of bitches. It was a, it's a little dead now. Miami is the take me back IG caption. But you know what it is? It's off season. It's November. But I normally come to Miami during off season because that's the best time to enjoy Miami.
Starting point is 01:01:44 I normally come to Miami during off-season because that's the best time to enjoy Miami. And even the people that live here and normally are, that you just normally see. Right. Nah, this shit feel like some old 70s shit. Nah, you know what it is? I'm going to tell you what it ultimately is. It's just that we've seen a lot. It's over. Done a lot, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:01 It's over, right? Yeah, we just. Your life is amazing that way. It ain't over for me That's the same thing I said though Our 20s is our 20s Miami in our 20s Was Miami in our 20s
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah Even if it is still like that now At 36 I wouldn't be in a rush To come to Miami Yeah I don't wanna do that I'm chilling I'd rather just
Starting point is 01:02:18 Rory the only nigga I get excited about Hitty Palooza Miami Get to go out there Rory ready to go stand In front of wet willies right now. Yeah. Rory is wet right now.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Rory is wet right now is fucking crazy. Hey, Parks, that's fucking insane, bro. What does that even mean? That's crazy. Rory is wet right now That's crazy
Starting point is 01:02:49 We've had too much sun To backtrack to the Meek shit What did we think about Nicki's verse on DC4? I forgot the name of the record I don't know man I wasn't crazy about it. Nikki was tweeting some bars the other day that was Tritash.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Here's the thing. Nikki, I love you. Wait, wait. I'm not trying to hate Nikki. I like Nikki. But the consensus was that, you know what it is? When you tweet a bar, number one, we're not getting your, you know, Nikki's great with her vocal inflections, her delivery, her execution.
Starting point is 01:03:25 When you, I don't hear you no more When I've tweeted a bar Hey, Pars, give a reason why I just talk about nothing I've tweeted bars before that I thought was real dope And Twitter clowned me because you couldn't hear how I was saying it And you didn't get shit You tweeted the wackest bar recently You call him Lil Uzi Vert
Starting point is 01:03:42 But mine's big or something It was the wackest i threw a tomato at it when i retweeted but that's my point in my song or in the verse that line is hard reading the line it's a little check check oh yeah i'm back them nicky shits was tritted it and i don't know if they really were trash, but they read like trash. Rappers, be careful when you are writing lyrics. Because we're not really hearing how dope it is in your head. Are you still writing your own lyrics?
Starting point is 01:04:14 I shouldn't be. I am so fucking whack. But who's going to write my bars for me? Sin. You might be on to something here. You might be on to something here You might be on to something Oh How long have we been going, Porcs?
Starting point is 01:04:30 Who cares? Who cares how long we've been fucking going? Should we talk about Nori's podcast? I mean, it's out People know that we did it It's not out No, I'm saying it's out that we did it Three people tweeted about it
Starting point is 01:04:43 What do you mean people? It's out, people know Nobody knows anything My mentions are full of it it's out that we did. Three people tweeted about it. What do you mean people is out people know? Nobody knows anything. My mentions are full of it. It's because you tweeted like a fucking young hipster. Yo, never drinking Tiger Bomb with Nori again.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Like just an IG thought. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, this nigga's such a bird, right? Rory tweeted. No, Rory didn't tweet that. I put the address too. Rory tweeted
Starting point is 01:05:01 never drinking Tiger Bomb with at Nori again. I didn't say that. It's not what you said. All right, so what else did you say? Tell me what you said. I said, fuck Nori and Tiger Bomb. Thank you, Park.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Nope, nope, nope. Thank you, Park. Tomato. This nigga's a tiger. Tomato, tomato. That's the only reason I even know he tweeted it. Because he tweeted that Cause he tweet that And then niggas start adding me
Starting point is 01:05:26 That must mean that you guys Went and did the trick champs I'm like no Rory shut the fuck up Number one And deal with your hangover Like a man Don't try to tweet through it
Starting point is 01:05:34 Don't try to tweet Through your hangover Yeah we don't wanna hear That shit man Go ahead and do your business Get you some tea Get you some soup You be alright B
Starting point is 01:05:41 Yo so we have Get hangovers everyday Our Houston show Is next week Get you some soup. You'll be all right, B. Yo, so we have... Get hangovers every day. Our Houston show is next week. And, yeah. We in Houston on what day, Barks? The 8th? That sounds right, Dave.
Starting point is 01:06:01 All right, so we in Houston on the 8th. So come check us out if you're in Houston. Unless you're a really attractive girl, then don't come check us out. Because we all faithful men. They wasn't going to come to your show anyways, bro. Tomato. We in L.A. on the 18th. And if Roy has Henny Palooza on the 19th, right?
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yes. It's fucking lit. It is fucking lit. Mall is in L.A. on the 14th for reasons undisclosed. You won't even tell us. Unbeknownst. Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out what mall is. Oh, shit. Balcony Bay.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Is there an update on Balcony Bay? Oh, yeah. So the hotel that I'm staying in, we're going to wrap this soon. But the hotel I'm staying in, shout out to the good people over there at that hotel. There's a beautiful chick in the room next door. She balcony pay. And the balconies are literally like two feet away from each other. If that.
Starting point is 01:06:54 If that. Maybe one foot away. So, Maul ventured to the side of the balcony. No, so we was outside chilling. No, Maul. No, we was outside chilling. I'm not going to throw her under the bus yet. Me and Joe was on the balcony just chilling.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Don't on the bus. There was credit. She just walked out on her balcony. She walked out on her balcony and she outside chilling. I'm not going to throw him under the bus yet. Me and Joe was on the balcony just chilling. That was credit. She just walked out on her balcony. She walked out on her balcony and she was chilling. But Maul was cool at this juncture. See, I got to watch all of this. He didn't even look her way. He don't even know she cute at this point.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Yeah. He was too busy being cool. So I start talking to her because she's cute. But I can only say but so much because our balcony door to the room is open and center's right there and I want to live. And you would have been thrown off Yeah, I would have died So, I'm just trying to keep it light
Starting point is 01:07:28 More than want to jump in with the save No, I I started talking We had a conversation She was cool though She's from somewhere else She's from England She had an accent
Starting point is 01:07:42 Yeah, she's from England She was fine So hopefully we can see her at the show tonight She's coming to the show Yeah, she's never been to a rap show before She Yeah she's from England She was fine So hopefully we can see her At the show tonight She's coming to the show Yeah she's never been To a rap show before She said she's never been
Starting point is 01:07:48 To a rap concert Well tonight really won't count I was gonna say Yeah I don't know Shut up Rory So I'm like well She'll get a lot of bars Come on down
Starting point is 01:07:57 Tamate We got it We got it mom I love that commercial By the way I love that fucking commercial We really appreciate it So it's not the A It by the way i love that fucking commercial really appreciate so it's not the a it's the oh it's the tamate i love that fucking commercial i've never seen
Starting point is 01:08:11 that commercial because i don't have cable but yeah balcony balcony bae gave me her whatsapp i ain't i forgot are you is that what he gets she gave you yeah she has a phone yeah because i know i remember when people really used WhatsApp to talk to their friends and family that lived in other countries and not just to sell pussy. Yeah. All of our favorite apps are used to sell pussy now.
Starting point is 01:08:32 I'm having a hard time coming to grips with that. Yeah. I was solicited over, what was that trivia game everybody was playing at one point? Trivia Crack. I don't know what that is. Wait, bitches were selling pussy from Trivia Crack?
Starting point is 01:08:43 Yeah, bitches were selling pussy on Trivia Crack. Trivia Crack had it for the what that is Wait bitches were selling Pussy from Trivia Crack Yeah bitches were selling Pussy on Trivia Crack Trivia Crack had it For the low Bitches are finding ways Jesus Wait Trivia Crack Had it for the low You got 10 answers right
Starting point is 01:08:54 Bitches hit you up Like yo so where you from I don't know what game Trivia Crack is 10 questions I got right Get out of here You don't know what Trivia Crack is Joe
Starting point is 01:09:04 I don't know It's just a game That you pick different topics Listen, the only game That I've ever gotten on That I see the people play Or was popular Was Temple Run
Starting point is 01:09:15 Yeah, I never was a Temple Run guy And then that game was ass If you didn't have the code I don't run from nothing, nigga We got more Relax Fuck you mean You don't run into Temple Run nigga. We got more. Thanks. Relax. Fuck you mean.
Starting point is 01:09:26 You don't run into the test. Simple Run was whack unless you had the code to give you mad lives to live. Oh, the cheat code. Yeah, yeah. Because once you die once, you're just done. I used to get mad for it. But whatever. Do we have sleeper songs?
Starting point is 01:09:37 Oh, no, wait. Is there anything else we need? Did I forget anything? I don't think so. Let's see. I touched on the tour of Rage in the Machine album out right now. Go pick it up. Go stream it. Go do whatever you need to do with it as long as you's see. I touched on a tour of Rage in the Machine album out right now. Go pick it up. Go stream it.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Go do whatever you need to do with it as long as you hear it. I am perfectly content. The Miami show is going to be lit tonight. It is. I'm excited. It is. It is. Sold out.
Starting point is 01:09:55 It's going to be lit. Has the show changed? This is actually going to be. Oh, no. I saw you at BB King's. Yeah, but that don't count. Has the show changed since BB King's? Yeah, it's better since BB King's. That was the first show.
Starting point is 01:10:04 That was mad loose and wild. And while it's still a little loose and wild, we've oiled it up a little bit. Let me say this, man. I'm actually very, I wasn't around for the recording of the entirety of this project. I came into the studio when you had about nine songs recorded. Which they are, right? Yeah, but this album is really dope, man. I'm really proud of this album.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Thank you. I'm really proud of you, man. Real shit. It's got good replay value, too. Yeah. And they fucking with it out there in the streets. Buy really dope, man. I'm really proud of this album. Thank you. I'm really proud of you, man. Real shit. It's got good replay value, too. Yeah. And they fucking with it out there in the streets. Buy my shit, son. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:29 You know what I mean? It's a really dope album. Ain't nobody sad. We ain't depressed over here. We balling over here. I don't know what the fuck you niggas thought. Hey. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:36 What's up, Parks? All right. This weekend, let me see. This weekend. I don't know. When you want to, I don't know what day it is. I don't know what time it is. I don't know what time it is. I don't know shit, man.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Today's Saturday the 5th. Thank you, Maul. I'm just here happy to see my friends. At 3.40 p.m. It is good to see you. So Rory hit me yesterday mad hype about his sleeper record. Oh, no. I just wanted you to listen to me.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Shit. Where, Rory? That's how you feel? He was hype. He was hype. He was like, no, no, wait, Maul going to get it this week. Oh, damn. I got the text to prove it. All right, show it. Why would I do that it this week. Oh, damn. I got the text to prove it.
Starting point is 01:11:05 All right, show it. Why would I do that? You're my nigga. I'm not going to do that. Yeah, so do you want to save that for fourth, even though it's only three songs being played? Maul said he didn't have one. I got one.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Oh, I got one. Oh. I got one, Rory. What you trying to do, Rory? Don't look me in my eyes when I play my sleeper either, nigga. Yeah, nigga. Don't look at me when I play my sleeper either, nigga. Yeah, nigga. Don't look at me when I play my sleeper songs, nigga. Let me go see what I can do real quick.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Who I got? Oh. Yeah, man. I'm a mad whacker. I'm going to play my sleeper song, man. This is, I don't even know if it's a sleeper. I haven't heard anybody play this. Let's talk about it.
Starting point is 01:11:40 I played it. Oh. This is Jaquese. Oh, Jaquese Oh Jaquese That's our nigga With Dej Loaf We got another record With Dej Loaf
Starting point is 01:11:48 Called Want Your Sex What is Dej Loaf Doing with herself I don't know But I love this song The song is hard A Boogie took her lane Jaquese
Starting point is 01:11:57 Is that true Dej Loaf Want Your Sex I don't know man But Just listen to the God damn record A Boogie's a dude
Starting point is 01:12:04 I know but they sound Very similar A Boogie's a dude. I know, but they sound very similar. A Boogie is nice. You got to stop hating on my son. This all sounds like it's about to do something wild. Yeah. That's your iPhone 4. Yeah. Goyard don't even make phone cases.
Starting point is 01:12:38 I got your text. I swear it came out of nowhere. Send me pictures. I don't know where Sendin' me pictures Where you gonna find your I don't know where I want your sex Yeah, I'ma ride it Let you do the rest
Starting point is 01:12:50 I don't wanna hear about Daze Lope riding anything You want me to sit up on it Oh, oh, oh, Jesus I want you to kiss all on me Don't, Daze Lope You want me to sit all on it This shit hot
Starting point is 01:13:03 It's hard to find any girl Outside of Daze Lope Doing these things You want me to sit up on your face Walking with a limp Walking like you got a money ticket in You got it all in my jeans And we can make babies, baby I got good jeans You want me to take a time Fast forward, press rewind Who's easy girl, easy mind You screaming queen every time
Starting point is 01:13:21 Hit you from the back like I'm missing Get up when I'm with me Let's go, Imani. Imani gonna get him a version somewhere. Let you do the rest I'ma pull up on it, push up on it You want me to sit up on it These lips, those lips
Starting point is 01:13:40 I want you to kiss all on me Girl, I use my hands up, up reppin' down for pep talk You got that ecstasy, and I just need a dose Congress, baby, turn it up, baby I wanna go wild, sellin' your stomach, I'm fillin' you up He got my legs up, I got his head up I need a king, I know a boy, I told him man up You know I got the juice, I'm like Nanta
Starting point is 01:14:07 I know my place, I ain't worried about me He pull out his, and I look to the side What a surprise, lookin' as if, God damn, he so fine Can I tell who's visitin' mine? Since it's your age, you're gettin' it Don't you run, stay with me They tell me what you want I am your sex
Starting point is 01:14:28 I'm a body, let's do this You the rest 1019, brand new music. I'm Ja Queets featuring Dave Lowe. That was I Want Your Sex. Alright, we got some beautiful music coming up. Brand new music from... I'm mad insecure about my sleeper pic now.
Starting point is 01:14:45 I'm mad insecure. Who's your shit by? Afu Ra or some shit? What are you talking... Yo, what goes on in your brain? You don't know Afu Ra? Yeah, I know Afu Ra. Roy don't know Afu Ra.
Starting point is 01:14:58 He ain't hip-hop. This is Mike Classic. Woosa. Mike is from Queens. I want new artists to stop naming themselves Mike Anything. You know you got it What's your name, your size? I want your body Ooh, ooh, ooh, I want your body I said, yeah, I want your body Gang never seen Nah, nah Said, gang never seen
Starting point is 01:15:31 Changes, changes, whoa Keep it a hundo Why don't you fuck with your man and have some fun, though? Whoa, whoa, yeah Move aside, baby, just move aside Take it easy Whoa, whoa, yeah Move aside, baby Just move side Take it easy Whoa, yeah Move side, baby
Starting point is 01:15:48 Just move side Take it easy Whoa, yeah Move side Just move side Take it easy Yeah, yeah Slow down
Starting point is 01:15:58 Do it now Oh, fuck with me Banga Fuck with me Fuck, fuck with me Banga Fuck with me Fuck, fuck with me Yeah Banga, banga Fuck with me
Starting point is 01:16:10 Fuck, fuck with me Yeah, fuck with me Fuck with me Yeah, yeah, fuck with me Fuck, fuck with me We can hit the floor Or we can stay in the crib Yeah, yeah, far away. Far, far away. We can't hit the floor. Oh, we can stay in the crib.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Hey, girl, I'm a homebody. Shit, it is what it is. Remember when you heard it first? That is brand new from my man Afura. That one is called, Here's a new song that sounds like all your favorite songs. What's wrong with you? I'm just talking shit, man. Hey, no disrespect to the artists that made that song.
Starting point is 01:16:52 I like that song. I'm just fucking with Rory, so don't put a diss track out about me. He and Queenzy go long, you know. Good thing they're D's, man. I keep telling niggas about D's. They work. Listen. So do guns.
Starting point is 01:17:05 No, I don't want to be if somebody got a gun. I'm mad honest. Alright, so listen to this. While I do not have a sleeper record... Well, this could be a sleeper. This is a sleeper. Yeah, this is a sleeper. Hey, baby, it don't even matter. We can do whatever you want to do.
Starting point is 01:17:22 This is Marsha Ambrose. She's off the CD. The EP that she put out this was uh actually over a year ago this was the fuck and love ep if you know Marsha her voice is great if you want to fuck and love so this is called so good I haven't fucked or loved to it but I'd like to come here I can tell by looking at you That thing is good, good, good, good I can't help myself around you I wanna do everything I ain't gonna front, I'm up front
Starting point is 01:18:03 Playin' bout what I want I want you here right now, baby Two, one, two, one, two. I don't want to waste my days So make it rain and let it fall down on me I can't believe that your love's so good So good Your love's so good. So good. So good to me. Out of space, I'm on a high tune. She bodied this shit.
Starting point is 01:18:58 That shit is good. Some people are just blessed with voices that you want to have sex to. Marsha's one of those people. Real quick before we go, is De La Soul one of the most underrated groups ever? We had that talk in the van. I got to ask y'all.
Starting point is 01:19:11 I want y'all to think about your list of most underrated groups. Beat Nuts, I got in there. De La's definitely on that list. De La's in there.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Underrated. Camp Lo. Beastie Boys. Camp Boys Camp Lo Dead Prez Yeah Are the Roots underrated? No
Starting point is 01:19:31 I think everybody at this point The Roots are underrated Underrated you think? Because they're that great They get mad praise But they're that great That's why I can't say they're underrated They get a bunch of praise
Starting point is 01:19:42 Black Thought might be the most Underrated rapper ever Yeah right Joe Budden is the most underrated rapper ever. Yeah, right. Joe Budden is the most underrated rapper ever. I'm not rolling the fuck out of here. I would have to agree with that. Yeah, are you fucking kidding me? I think Joe is the most underrated rapper ever.
Starting point is 01:19:52 I'm not letting anyone else claim most underrated while I am alive. So kill me first. All right, well, diss Black Thought then. Why would two of us? Yeah, you would die. You'd have a death wish. I'll made this podcast Later Miami edition
Starting point is 01:20:07 I would like to thank Everybody for being out here We gonna fuck with These bitches It's cocaine I'm going to take a shower Showers are whack after cocaine And get some tomatoes
Starting point is 01:20:19 From Balcony Bay Hey Mall ain't real enough To just go knock on Balcony Bay door I told y'all To just go knock on Balcony Bay door I told y'all I told No don't do that
Starting point is 01:20:27 I said y'all was about To knock on the wall That's the cop out See wait That's the cop out When you start telling Bitch what you was About to do
Starting point is 01:20:34 That means you not real See you niggas Gonna make me turn Into somebody Y'all don't wanna see Listen bro Go shower her You ever seen
Starting point is 01:20:42 A nigga turn green Y'all know that movie The Hulk I was about to say That was that video Go shower her, Hulk. You ever seen a nigga turn green? You know that movie, The Hulk? I was about to say, that was that Clemenio at one time. Wow. I'm all, that's Joe Button. Yo, niggas got to stop acting like Clemenio's the end of the world. That's Rory.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Nah, just take penicillin. You out of here. This is mad curable. What'd you say? That shit clear up in 10 days. That's what I'm saying, man. You take some NyQuil and you good the next day. I'll name this STD later. No, you got to catch Chlamydia in time.
Starting point is 01:21:11 You leave the Chlamydia there and you fucked up. We out of here, man. Enough about that. We just talking shit. I'll name this podcast later. Miami 1. Rage. Hey.

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