The Joe Budden Podcast - I'll Name This Podcast Later Episode 9

Episode Date: April 15, 2015

Episode 9 - Joe, Marisa, and Rory get into some popular news and discuss the recent Rihanna allegations, Drake & Madonna, the difference between "dating & seeing", as well as the return of the segment... "Is It Over For.." SUBSCRIBE at…i=335888425&mt=2 ....and rate, comment, etc!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Budden. Marissa, go ahead. Move it up, son. Word. Yeah. To all the killers and the $100 billers. Your eyes are red because you ain't got no feelings. Feelings.
Starting point is 00:00:21 All right, mic check. One, two, one, two, one, two. Look at her. And we are here, episode nine. Is this nine? It is. Nine. No, it's nine.
Starting point is 00:00:33 We're in nine. We don't know. Something like that. We're here in episode nine or ten. I'll name this podcast later with my unwonderful co-host. I don't even want to call you a co-host. Thank you. That was really sweet.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Motti the body. Ow. Don't ow, Motti. Did we have a good backstory on why your name is Motti the body? Yes, you told that in like episodes. Well, let me tell the people, to the new listeners that may be listening, Motti the body is called Motti the body because, why are you called Motti the body? You and Maul just randomly started calling me that when I used to live with you guys in 2011.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Oh, because of your lack of body. So it's really like a sarcastic thing. Right. But she doesn't treat it that way. She does what she just did. I'm not going to be like, don't call me that. So I'm just going to own it. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:23 So I need to think of a new name to piss you off. And we have Rory is here. For the Asian demographic. Yes. For some strange reason, Rory is here. Rory doesn't add anything fun. I really don't. I'm happy when he's here, though.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Just somebody who knows music. There we go. Well, first of all, I tried to hang out with Marissa on Saturday. Oh, I curbed him. Completely gave me the runaround. I did curve you. Oh, go. Well, first of all, I tried to hang out with Marissa on Saturday. Oh, I curbed up. Completely gave me the runaround. I did curve you. Oh, wait. Well, let's get in.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Then I went to hang out with Joey instead. Well, I do. Yeah, that wasn't really hang out with you. You left really early, Bill. I know. I was really tired. But I did want to ask everybody how their weekend was. Mine was really good.
Starting point is 00:01:59 So I guess we can start with you, Marissa, in case some whole shit happened. No, I went to church. I was reflecting. I planned my goals for the I was I went to church I was reflecting I planned my goals for the week you went to church Sunday yeah what church you go to um live in Baptist Church in Neptune New Jersey okay so
Starting point is 00:02:15 Neptune is far right that's quite the trip yeah it's um my best friend's parents own that church so just had to drop some white people stunt line on it. Actually, they're black. Well, you're white. Okay. I went because my best friend's parents own
Starting point is 00:02:31 Neptune. They own the color blue. Yeah, fuck out of here. Alright, so you went to church? Yeah, I went to church. That was really it. I didn't really do much this weekend. Spent some alone time, went on a hike. What are you, like, reflecting? I don't know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:49 What are you trying to find yourself? Well, every few weeks I just kind of like to get my goals back in line and make sure that I'm on the right path and I'm doing everything right for work. Do you know how destructive someone's life has to be for them to need to realign their goals every few weeks? Well, they're all short-term goals. Stuff for my site every month, projections for my site, goals for the site, site stats, numbers, those kind of things.
Starting point is 00:03:15 How many editorials I wanted to write a week, shit like that. Well, are your goals back in line? Yeah, I'm in a very good space right now, actually. All right. How's your celibacy going? Pretty great. Two months and counting. Alright. Going strong. Congrats. Thank you. Go you. I'm feeling pretty good
Starting point is 00:03:32 about it. Two months? Yeah. Hey, we gotta start somewhere, huh? I don't know. I feel like you were more fun. Well, it was more fun to crack on you and get you in trouble when you weren't celibate. I know. I like that I can't get in trouble. Well, you can get in trouble. Yeah, I could. If I attempt to get you in trouble when you weren't celibate. I know. I like that I can't get in trouble. Well, you can get in trouble. Yeah, I could. If I attempt to get you in trouble.
Starting point is 00:03:48 If I snatch your phone like this. It's locked. Yep, it's locked and cracked. Fix your phone. Anyway. I'm gonna. Rory. Hello. How was your weekend? I had a lovely weekend. Friday we went to Long Island. To Farmingdale, was it?
Starting point is 00:04:04 Oh, I went. Oh, yeah. I wasn't hosting. You were. Yeah, we went to Farmingdale. Yeah. Farmingdale. And no, that's my weekend.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Well, I was there. Yeah, you were there. Farmingdale was fun. And we went to a diner. We all decided that you steal everyone's bitch. Which is totally not true, by the way. They had some pretty strong points. Nah, they didn't.
Starting point is 00:04:27 They were just showing out in front of Bae. Oh, Bae was there? Yes. Unlike you two who are fucking sitting like that. Wait, let me just tell the people something. So listen, so every time we do a podcast and
Starting point is 00:04:43 we talk about Marissa's love life, she gets in trouble. I do not. It happened one and a half times. It happened at least three times. It happened one and a half. We've only talked about two people. Okay, no. We've talked about way more people.
Starting point is 00:04:57 But, and it wasn't even in trouble. Someone just caught feelings. No, no. And then the other one was just like, you know what? I can't be a part of this. And then he was back the next week. So, it was nothing. Nah, it's feelings. No, no. And then the other one was just like, you know what? I can't be a part of this. And then he was back the next week. So it was nothing. Nah, it's trouble.
Starting point is 00:05:08 No. So you get in trouble every time we talk about your... They felt some type of way every time we talk about that. Okay, that's called trouble. All right, fine. You have to care about
Starting point is 00:05:16 how the other person is feeling if it affects your life. It didn't. It did affect your life. I did call you like... You called me in a panic. You sent me screenshots. You sent Rory a screenshot. It did affect your life. I did call you like. You called me. You called me in a panic. You sent me screenshots. You sent Rory a screenshot.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I did. You cried. I did not cry. You did cry. Are you shitting me? I did not cry at this one. So, I mean, so Marissa is pretty afraid to speak on anyone else. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:05:40 That is in her life because of the tension. There is no. Joey is such a fucking exaggerator. That's what happened. Okay, yeah, but I first of all didn't cry at all. And second of all, I'm not scared to talk about anything or anyone. I think you are a little bit. Actually, a lot a bit.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Okay. I think so. And Rory, on his fucking first appearance, that was your first appearance, right? Yeah, two podcasts ago. His first appearance when he was talking about his weekend, or Marissa really dry-stitched on him is what happened. I did not. You did. You didn't play any Barton's?
Starting point is 00:06:17 You started it. You said, who did he walk in with? You said, I skipped into the club. But that's after Marissa had already opened the door to talk about Rory bringing a girl with him in the club. Now, apparently, Rory was not supposed to be in the club with a girl that night
Starting point is 00:06:33 because he had curved someone else or lied to them and said he was going to a funeral or some shit. This is all your opinion, by the way. Well, definitely. This didn't happen. 100%.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Well, it's my podcast. Rory told some girl he was going to a funeral and then he was in the club at midnight and yeah friday yes uh some young thug died and they had a really late funeral gangbanger and uh remember when that guy lied to me and said his friend got shot when i drove down to Philly. You are really a fucking mutt. In college, this kid faked his own death to get away from this chick that was living next door to me in the dorms. The whole college was crying for a
Starting point is 00:07:13 whole weekend. They were doing a ceremony because he got murdered in Atlantic City. Monday morning, shows up to class. Swag. That might have been the dopest curve I've ever witnessed in my entire life. Yeah. Mine was pretty bad, though. I mean, that was pretty epic.
Starting point is 00:07:28 But when I got home, I was so pissed. And then Joey tweeted him because he's like a singer dude. I forgot his name. He was like. It's his name. Oh, no, no, no. That's exactly. Oh, that's not his name.
Starting point is 00:07:39 No. I'm sorry. Oops, my mistake. Anyway, that was like five years ago. And then you tweeted him and said... Look at the disclaimer. Wait, look how she tried to clean it up for her fucking booze. Yo, you really shook the death out here.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Anyway, so then Joey tweeted... It's fine, Rizzo. I'm shook too. Don't anyway. I'm terrified with everything that gets said on this podcast. No, no, no. I'm not shook about my booze. I don't need my name connected to that.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Nah. So what do you need your name connected to? Not that. Well, you seem desperately trying to get your name attached to it. No. I was just recanting a funny moment. No one had to say names. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I'm thinking of in front of the fish spot. I'm confusing two different people. Well, I was going to say names just because I love to make things awkward. Yeah. We can leave that out. And you did it. You did it. What?
Starting point is 00:08:23 That's ex-bae. Yeah. It wasn't even a bae. I was just. Oh my God. All right. So anyway, I'm off of you. Interrupted fucking Rory's funeral story. Rory's friend died.
Starting point is 00:08:33 He told some girl he was going to a funeral. Rory then was in the club with the girl with the stripper outfit. Rory came to the podcast. Marissa snitched because she's not a real ass nigga. He used to. He opened the door. I didn't even mention rory being there you said it yeah i said rory was there and you said he walked in with a
Starting point is 00:08:51 girl it was no no no we could play that back document it we can play it back because i said rory was there and then you said oh yeah rory was there with the girl yeah you did that i listened to it multiple times and you did that you snitched so then multiple times, and you did that. You snitched. So then I continued to snitch. Okay. But then I said allegedly, so it wasn't really snitch. But anyway, so Rory is really afraid for his life right now. Terrified. Because, but see, this is what I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Monty the body. Mm-hmm. Are you single? I'm very single. Rory McNauty. What? I don't know what I feel like if Rory was
Starting point is 00:09:26 it doesn't totally rhyme though but it kind of does I kind of like it don't question my rhyming abilities sorry rapper Rory McNulty are you single I have no idea
Starting point is 00:09:36 at this point I don't even know anymore oh this is the Rory podcast now. This is definitely turning into the Rory podcast. That's fine. I'm in a good mood. My taxes hit today, so there's nothing you can say that can really ruin my day. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I need to borrow some money. Oh, you got money back? Yeah. I'm going to owe like 20 racks a day. Because I need at least 20 racks. You about to owe 20? No, I need 20 from Rory. Oh, I'm going to owe like four or five.
Starting point is 00:10:03 You can't say your taxes came back and then say you're broke. But anyway. It could have been 15 dollars. Well, I'm actually winning on a 1099 in my email. It definitely was not 15 dollars. But, so how do people get in this situation where they're unsure of their relationship status? If I had the answer to that question, I wouldn't be in this predicament. Well, I'm trying to figure out how you got in the predicament.
Starting point is 00:10:25 I'm not quite sure either. She got this nigga scared to even talk. I'm a bitch. I'm a total bitch. What the fuck? I'm shook. Be a man. No, I just want to be a bitch in peace.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And get some. That's all he wants. So we can't even talk to Rory about his situationship. No. And get something. That's all he wants. So we can't even talk to Rory about his situation, Chip. No. I can talk about my demise and how I think I've reached this point from 14 years old. Is this with the same girl from the club that night? No.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Oh. It's the one that I lied to. That you fucked? I did not. Fuck her. Look at that. Yo. Oh, my God. god I gotta take a picture
Starting point is 00:11:06 of these guys Rory's whole face is red right now that's my natural complexion no it's not it's my Asian complexion your whole face is fucking red right now
Starting point is 00:11:12 yeah it's like bright beet red it's hot in here no it's not it's freezing I'm cold that's gotta be one of the only
Starting point is 00:11:18 bad things about being white because being white you definitely know when you're under pressure yeah yeah your whole fucking face turns red well anyways so since these two are bitch-ass niggas,
Starting point is 00:11:28 my weekend was amazing. I went to Farmingdale for a gig. Went in there, a tad bit hood, but that was good to see. A lot of love in there, a lot of fans, a lot of support. A lot of attractive women that none of the people That I came with Bothered to speak to At all I don't really understand
Starting point is 00:11:49 The people that I hang out with Plus you saw a bunch of Beautiful women in that place Yes When I say a bunch I mean I saw more than Five
Starting point is 00:11:56 Okay How come no one invited me? I wasn't doing anything You were at church in Neptune I was at church on Sunday When is the day that you Came to hang out invited me? I wasn't doing anything. You were at church in Neptune. I was at church on Sunday. When is the day that you came to hang out with me? Saturday day. Like during the day.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Oh, okay. So yeah, a lot of beautiful women in there that none of my friends bothered to speak to. I don't understand these guys. I don't get it. Was Johnny there and Ryguy? Johnny was there. Ryan was not. Johnny was speaking to girls because johnny is gunplay so he shoots at everything yeah he's and he's like very personable good to talk yeah yeah he is so he was sure but other than that my friends are really weak so we
Starting point is 00:12:36 did that uh bae was there shout out to bae bae was there. See, unlike YouTube bums, I have no problem discussing Baes. I don't either. I just have nothing to talk about. Knowing that potential Baes could be listening. And I don't know why women listen to this podcast. Well, no, let me rephrase that. I don't know why the women that I speak to listen to this podcast. They probably hang on your every word if they're into you.
Starting point is 00:13:07 But they shouldn't. They should get something better to do. They know me in real life. Like, text me or call me if you want to fucking hear me talk. Don't fucking listen to a podcast. Yeah, but they want to hear what the hell you're telling. That's the problem. Yeah, but they can call me and say, who's bae?
Starting point is 00:13:19 And then I would answer. And anyway, to let the listeners know, bae is a term that amongst my friends is used very loosely. Extremely. It didn't look too loose in the diner, though. You seem pretty cozy. Oh, snitching. Look at Roy now. Look at fucking Redman.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Redman's got some things to say. Well, I was cozy because I've been in diners for over 20 years. I'm very comfortable inside of diners. That's a journey thing. Look how I got this guy. You guys can't fuck with me. So we were in the diner and I was comfortable ordering my food. And we had like 20 people.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And Bae was there. And then Saturday, what happened? What happened Saturday? I came over. You guys were watching golf. That was really great. Oh, the Masters. Yeah, and then we went
Starting point is 00:14:09 and then we went to get some hats. Oh, went to Cap City. So, alright. All of us had a really uneventful weekend. Yeah, basically. Roy, what did you do Saturday night? I didn't do anything. What did you do Sunday night? I didn't do anything. What did you do Sunday night?
Starting point is 00:14:26 I work. I was asleep Sunday night. Were you asleep Saturday night? Yes, I was. People sleep every night. At home? Yes. Alone?
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yes. He's probably lying. Maybe my phone is broke. Why? I don't know. The text that I got. Oh. My phone is broke. Why? I don't know. The text that I got. I don't know if I remember Rory saying, I'm home in bed alone asleep. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Saturday, you like went to the lituation of town. Yeah, I was in these streets during the day. So you were in the streets and didn't speak to any women. Nope, none at all. And didn't meet anyone new. Nope. And sleep with them and without a condom.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Well, I don't use those in general, but not that night. All right, so you guys are no fun to speak to. So what's going on? So what are we talking about now? Everyone is all in the... Everyone has their panties in a bunch this morning
Starting point is 00:15:21 because Rihanna did some coke. Yeah, but then she posted another video. Oh, no. Please, please. She did. She posted it on Instagram and she had to clarify that it was fucking weed. Well, or to try to clarify it was weed. Did you see the first video? I did.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I really couldn't call it. I saw the nose and I saw the white thing. A pop star doing coke isn't really news to me. Yeah, it's really not shocking either way, but I would like to think in my, or hope rather, in my heart of hearts that it was just...
Starting point is 00:15:51 So you guys did see a video. Weed, yeah. And you did see some white substance. I didn't see the white substance. I saw the straw, the white straw. Okay, have you...
Starting point is 00:16:00 When I first saw it, I thought she was taking tobacco out of a cigarette to put into a blunt. That's what I originally thought. For the record, I know nothing about doing cocaine or how it goes. Well, not that. Okay, have you ever smoked weed?
Starting point is 00:16:11 No. Yes. What are y'all just lying about? No, no, no. I've never been about it. I'm not the cops, my nigga. You can talk. Yeah, I've smoked weed, of course.
Starting point is 00:16:20 All right, did you ever use a straw to smoke it? No, I just smoked it out of a blunt. But she wasn't smoking it at that point. It looked like she was preparing it. Did you ever do anything with a straw regarding weed? Those cigarillos come with a straw. But they're not white. So, no.
Starting point is 00:16:37 No. Anyway, I'm with Rory on this. So. Yeah. No, I'm not saying it's. In the event that she was fucking getting high out of her fucking brain on coke. Like, so what? I don't think, I don't really think this is shocking or surprising.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I don't think anyone should be surprised by this. Now, in the event that she was doing it, because this is allegedly of course. She's probably a big enough super mega star to probably not want to broadcast it because kids look up to her. Definitely. Right? I will say that. It's also illegal. There's that. Oh, well, no.
Starting point is 00:17:18 It is illegal. But so is marijuana. A much different legal scale there. Getting caught with coke and getting caught with marijuana, you're not going to get the same result. Valid. Well, because they're different charges. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Because they're different levels of illegal. You could get a ticket for weed. It's okay to broadcast that you smoke weed. But I guess- No, it's not. It's okay to broadcast that you carry coke around with you. You're contradicting yourself right now. How is he not? How is he not he said and
Starting point is 00:17:47 it's illegal so then i named something else that's illegal and he's saying that's okay i mean that's exactly what he's saying the degree of it jaywalking is illegal murder is illegal two different scales of illegal things here so are you saying that it's okay to do one thing illegal and not okay to do something else that's no i'm saying it would not behoove her to broadcast that she does a drug of that caliber is what i'm suggesting well you said because it's illegal at a at a much higher rate than marijuana shit any marijuana is not even really illegal marijuana marijuana is illegal it's legal in some states.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I love young people. Yeah, what the fuck are they talking about? Look, you just... I'm confused at what you're confused about. Joey just wants to be right and prove the point that he's just saying these are both illegal acts. Yes, and Rory is just making the point. We're agreeing with you that yes, they're both illegal, but it is not illegal to smoke weed in some places, A, and B, it's not an offense that's going
Starting point is 00:18:51 to put you in jail. When I said, I don't think, this conversation at that juncture was me saying, because she's a huge fucking mega pop star, it's probably not the brightest idea for her to broadcast this because she has millions of kids that look up to her right rory interjected and said it's also illegal to me that i took that as she shouldn't broadcast it because it's illegal then he goes on to say oh but who cares if she smokes weed and broadcast that because it's illegal then he goes on to say oh but who cares if she smokes weed and broadcast that because it's a different level of legal are y'all not seeing my point yeah so if his argument is it's illegal then that shouldn't change it It should be. It's illegal. Well, maybe I think you were trying to say it in a way that.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Weed is illegal. It is. I get to you guys. It's trendy and it's cool. You can go to jail for weed. In most instances, you will not get a ticket if you are out in the streets smoking a blunt. That is not true in New York City. And I challenge either one of you to go and try it.
Starting point is 00:20:04 You will not get a ticket, I promise you. They are different charges, so they carry different consequences, of course, but illegal is illegal. That's what I'm saying. So now what are you two young people
Starting point is 00:20:18 not getting about what I'm saying? I didn't say no one got it. They are both illegal. So now that we have established that, who cares if she was... Yeah, this is so... It doesn't matter. And ladies and gentlemen, this is a Joe debate that goes on quite often. What's a Joe debate?
Starting point is 00:20:37 That. What, weed and coke? No, just the way that you debate. What are you trying to make me out to here? No, just the way that you debate, where I see where Rory's point was kind of not exactly what you were saying, but then you just wanted to be right with the whole, it is illegal. I get it. It is illegal.
Starting point is 00:20:51 No, no, no. Time out, time out, time out. I have a problem with that too. I don't want to be right. If Rory is right, then great. He's right. Who cares? Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:01 It is illegal though. Sure. That was my point. I know. So how do I want to be right for saying that weed and coke is illegal? Because I don't think Rory was verbalizing what he meant to say. Then say that. Then don't say, Joe wants to be right.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Say Rory articulated his point wrong. Like, cocaine is much more of a negative connotation, and being illegal, you'll do, it's just, it's just more consequences to cocaine fuck off cory and rory you're not even fucking chiming in like hello i'm how am i fighting your battle now has bowed out of this conversation i just wait what cory and marissa's digging a hole Basically you want to say That it's more socially acceptable I get it But Saying that
Starting point is 00:21:48 Whatever you were saying You went down a wrong road Well I'm trying to fucking fight Rory's dumb And I appreciate that Marissa But I've debated with Joe enough To know when to just
Starting point is 00:21:57 Shut up And just let him Think he's right Yeah That's my That's the part that I'm Having a hard time Understanding
Starting point is 00:22:04 Yo Are young people that Like close minded that's the part that I'm having a hard time understanding. Are young people that close-minded? So y'all would rather say, let's let Joe think he's right, than say, I articulated my point wrong, and that's not what I meant. Because I just recapped
Starting point is 00:22:25 exactly what was said and still we end at Joe wants to be right your arguing skills will make someone question their own first name at times so I don't even want to continue this conversation I don't so it makes it
Starting point is 00:22:41 you guys feel better just believing that I want to be right about everything. All right, so we'll roll with that. Whatever works for you fucking guys. All right, Joe wants to be right. I'm right. Just shut up, everyone. So then I was going somewhere.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Oh, this is what I thought was pretty interesting. With this whole alleged coke thing. Now everyone is a connoisseur on Twitter. Everyone is a Coke connoisseur. Of course. And it's really okay to do Coke now. I see a million people saying, oh, just a little Coke.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Why not? Oh, but when I'm the Coke head. Right. Oh, you fuck it. What do you know, you fuck it? You do fucking coke crack it, motherfucker. It's just interesting to me how when it's someone that people will cape for, everything is okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:38 We like Rihanna better than you. I think that's what it is. I like Rihanna better than me. I like Rihanna better than you, too. I like Rihanna better than you. Good. And you. We all like Rihanna better than me. I like Rihanna better than you, too. I like Rihanna better than you. Good. And you. Well, we all like Rihanna better than everyone at this table, then.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I wouldn't fuck her, though. Oh, okay, well. But I love her. Well, she's too skinny for you, though. Yeah, that's the only reason. Yeah. But she has this. She has great sex appeal.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Rihanna's sex appeal is through the fucking roof. I would love to be best friends with her you would fuck her no no not props if you fucked that ugly girl in your threesome when you had it you would 100% well she would need that specific person
Starting point is 00:24:18 to ask her to fuck Rihanna and oh yeah and if Rihanna offered you some coke allegedly no I would never in my life I'm too scared are you kidding me
Starting point is 00:24:27 are you kidding wait hold on wait wait wait no no no I have an issue with this why do you say I'm gonna admit I would do coke with Rihanna
Starting point is 00:24:33 hold on why are you saying it as if I would do coke with Rihanna I'm scared to take a I've never even taken a pill because I'm scared I'm gonna be that fucking dumbass retard
Starting point is 00:24:41 on the news that took their first E pill and died that night like I'm scared I've never taken a Molly so it's okay for you to be the dumbass retard as long as you're not in the news no i'm just too scared to fucking die on any drug i barely do weed because i hate the way that shit makes me feel all paranoid you get fucking pissy drunk i know that's cool that's so that's cool drinking is one thing a drug that's gonna to alter shit and chemicals and all that shit.
Starting point is 00:25:06 So the drinks don't have chemicals and they don't alter shit. I think we're coming back into the same conversation. Is today fucking... Yo, am I in the Matrix? Look, alcohol is legal. I'm happy to do it.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Why are you making me feel like this is a retarded argument? I'm happy to do it. Why are you making me feel like this is a retarded argument? I'm happy to do something that's allowed. I'm going to drink. I'm going to drink in moderation. And I'm not going to fucking do illegal fucking pills and shit. So you've never done a molly? I've never done a molly. I've never had an e-pill.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Wait, wait, wait. Time out. To your knowledge. No, I'm pretty. There was one time this summer that i thought someone put it in my drink and because i was throwing up for five hours off of one drink yeah what's up cory hey marissa i just want to ask you does alcohol kill people yeah was alcohol once illegal in this country yeah when prohibition back in like a bajillion 1800s do you know do you know why cocaine and
Starting point is 00:26:01 weed is not illegal in this country cory because the best because the best cocaine and weed is not illegal in this country? Corey, I don't want to have a fucking history lesson with you. Because the best weed and coke is not here. That's why. I'm gone. So you don't feel like you'll be the dumbass retard to drink the wrong mix and end up dead, but you are afraid to pop a pill because you may be the dumbass retard to end up dead. I might interact with my body improperly and kill me. to end up dead.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It might interact with my body improperly and kill me. The world is pretty obsessed with people who are mentally challenged today. Okay. Where are you going? Here's some backstory. I walk in to do the podcast. Marissa says,
Starting point is 00:26:38 yo, yo, homegirl asked about you. I say, who might homegirl be? Know what she says? Let's give her a shot to do it again. What did you say, Marissa?
Starting point is 00:26:50 Deez nuts. Got him. That's not how that works. You have to say deez. I know, but. And then say deez who? No, no. That's not how this meme that's going around is going.
Starting point is 00:27:03 It's not. Wait, so I look at Marissa as if she is five years old, like she is, number one. Number two, I'm like in some type of shock because I am 34 years old. And Deez Nuts was funny when I was in junior high school. It's still funny. So we're talking about 93, 92, 94 even. I was in high school by 94. But still, it was funny back then. I don't understand how a Deez, and she laughed hysterically for a long time.
Starting point is 00:27:40 She was the only person laughing. time she was the only person laughing I didn't understand how in 2015 I was getting hit with a deez nuts joke and someone was really laughing hard about it so she goes on to say because I be wanting to know people's
Starting point is 00:27:55 the thought process behind people's actions and Marissa who is mentally challenged herself she says and much respect to the mentally challenged people out there listening if they are. Well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:08 because that's the highest form of disrespect to them to call you one of them. But, so Marissa says, that's the meme going around on Instagram. So then I'm in
Starting point is 00:28:17 even more shock that her life is dictated by I'm not dictated by that. It's fucking hilarious. It's hilarious. And I was up all night looking at all those stupid ass videos. So your life is dictated by the memes on Instagram is not dictated by that. It's fucking hilarious. It's hilarious. And I was up all night looking at all those stupid ass videos.
Starting point is 00:28:26 So your life is dictated by the memes on Instagram is what you're saying? Last night I spent looking at memes. All right. No, that is not. So we're saying the same thing. No, we're not.
Starting point is 00:28:34 My life is not dictated by it. I looked at some shit. Moments of your life is dictated by it. Go ahead. One night. That moment was dictated by it. There we go.
Starting point is 00:28:40 No, that is the proper way. And it was funny to you because it was floating around on Instagram. Safe to say. And it's funny to a lot of people. A lot of people aren't present. So I'm dealing with is the property. And it was funny to you because it was floating around on Instagram. Safe to say. And it's funny to a lot of people. A lot of people aren't present, so I'm dealing with you. Okay. So it's funny to you
Starting point is 00:28:49 because it was floating around on Instagram. Okay. So it's safe. Never mind. So yeah, I was confused about that, and then she lets me know that homeboy with all the teeth in his mouth, the guy that says, who ain't got no holes? That's what he says, right? I guess. Yeah, that's his line. Who ain't got no holes? Or I what he says, right? I guess. Yeah, that's his line.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Who ain't got no holes? Or I got the holes. Or one or the other. I don't know because I'm too mature to keep up with that type of stuff. But he did his... He did a video. He did a video.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And a girl hit me over the weekend. Some girl I fucked last year who sells pussy. I don't even speak to her. Text me over the weekend, yo, shorty asked me about you. And I said, who sells pussy, I don't even speak to her, texted me over the weekend, yo, she already asked me about you. And I said, who might that be? And she said, Dee's nuts.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And I said, yo, you really need more hobbies. And she said, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. And then I never hit her again. So this is going around, apparently, because this guy who is a bit mentally challenged is doing it. So now we have him. We have homeboy. What's the other slower guy? A-Town. A-Town.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Who has a song? I didn't even know. About birds. Yeah. They like made his catchphrase into a song. So that's not his song. No, it is. He did it.
Starting point is 00:29:59 He did the song with his homeboy that sings. All right. So he did do a song. Yeah. Okay. He has a song. People are obsessed with this guy, too. Yes, they are.
Starting point is 00:30:08 He's hosting clubs and doing shit out here. Yeah, apparently he was in a club in New York City. Saturday, I believe. And I got that from Ish because Ish wanted to talk to this big titty bitch who was in the club, and he was also in the club, but whatever. That's neither here nor there.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Why are you obsessed with these people, Marissa? I'm certainly not obsessed with them at all. That's a weird question. I liked his meme. I have no idea what they do. I don't follow any of them. It delved much deeper than you liking his meme. You saw his meme, and then you reenacted it in real life
Starting point is 00:30:38 amongst people that you really know. So you didn't just like a meme. You're running around doing a Deez Nuts joke in 2015. And it's fucking great. And a lot of people are running around doing these Deez Nuts jokes. So you're a follower? Sure. Let me be one. Why are you okay with that? Because it's a
Starting point is 00:30:55 funny fucking joke and I enjoy it. Oh no, I'm all for the joke. I'm more on you being a follower and why you're alright with this. Because I'm not going to sit here and debate you with that because I did a joke that's funny right now. It'll just let you win again. Oh, you're just escaping. Oh, you guys are no fun.
Starting point is 00:31:11 The universe is escaping debates. Alright, what else happened? What else happened? What else happened? What else happened? What else happened? Coachella. Chella. Coachella happened. Yes. And I know absolutely nothing about Have you ever been how the
Starting point is 00:31:27 yeah i've been to one a long long time ago um i don't really enjoy the festivals i hate festivals like a festival person i get service is trash it's too crowded it's cold it's a mess if you're not a super famous celebrity that has access to every single thing it's a very uninjured or if on the other side, if you just like sitting in fields with people that are on drugs and just watching a bunch of shit and being standing. I get that these festivals
Starting point is 00:31:53 have commercialized today. For sure. So now everybody wants to be at every fucking festival. Coachella, South By, what's the artsy shit in Miami that they do? Ultra? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Ultra? Ultra is another one, but that's not what I was talking about. Art Basel. Art Basel. Governor's Ball. Well, Art Basel isn't really a festival. It's just like a weekend. I mean, it's still like an event that goes on.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yeah, I've been to it. It's a lot of fun. But it's not like a music festival. No, no, no. It's not a music festival. You're not condemned into a space. Lollapalooza. Lollapalooza.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Like, all of these are events that people who could really give two shits about. In our band, that started with Jay-Z. Jay-Z did that. Jay-Z's a pretty powerful guy. But, um. Well, no. But. What?
Starting point is 00:32:43 He made it popular in the urban that's what he said oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry um yeah uh so now you have a whole bunch of people who can give a fuck about these events just showing up at these events to be seen to be seen to be cool to be trendy to be in followers like moddy the body but whatever Yeah, so I'm not into all of that, but Sunday night I get in the house from wherever I was. I don't remember where I was Sunday night, but I get in the house at about 2 a.m. And I go on Twitter, not tweeting, just lurking.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I'm on a Twitter vacation. I'm not tweeting anything, but I guess I have to tweet this link out. That's going to be the end of my vacation. Fuck. But anyway, so I go on a Twitter vacation. I'm not tweeting anything, but I guess I have to tweet this link out. Yep. That's going to be the end of my vacation. Fuck. But anyway, so I go on Twitter and everybody's talking about Drake. So then in my head, I say, okay, Drake must be on TV.
Starting point is 00:33:34 That's odd that an award show is on at one in the morning. And my dumb ass turns to channel five and then seven and then four and then two. And I say, there's no award show on right now why is everyone talking about drake and then it hit me okay bong coachella apparently there was a live stream i didn't think there would be but there was originally it was said there wouldn't be one yeah yeah which is why i was confused how all these people seeing what what's happening but there was a live stream uh that was functional and people were looking at it. And Drake brings Madonna out and they kiss.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Yep. Now, that wasn't shocking to me because I've been watching Madonna kiss people on stage all of my life. Right. Since Vogue. And I was like eight when Vogue was out. Ten maybe. Somewhere around there.
Starting point is 00:34:22 So that wasn't news to me. I'm actually shocked that this is something that she has done all of my life. That was interesting to me. But down at the icon. But anyway, outside of that, so did you guys see the video? I did. Drake
Starting point is 00:34:38 did not look very pleased. No, I saw the link. I didn't click it. Yeah, there was a Yeah, it was... Yeah, he looked... Less than pleased. Very disgusted. But he says that it was because of the lip gloss.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I know, I know, I know, I know. We were getting into that. Can you not do my big reveal just because you're the blogger? I didn't know. That's my reveal. Okay, go reveal. I'll take it back. No, you did it already.
Starting point is 00:35:03 It's too late now, so you might as well go and get into it. What did he say? That it was the lip gloss or the lipstick. I only know what he said because it was on Life is Tremendous. Oh, see.
Starting point is 00:35:13 All right, all right. Just get on with it. Yeah, he just said that it was the lip gloss that kind of like threw him off and he wasn't expecting that. But he's, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:20 make no mistake, he's 100 for life that Madonna kissed him and he was very happy about it. That's what he said. Now, do you believe it? I do, honestly. Roy, do you believe it?
Starting point is 00:35:34 I don't care. I think that regardless whether he was disgusted by the kiss or not, that he wouldn't have meant to let it read on his face, just Drake being the person who he is, the actor that he is madonna being who she is and it was literally legitimately just a reaction to like okay well let's do let's do a csi crime scene investigation on what occurred he wouldn't have been disgusted at the kiss because clearly the kiss the kiss was planned although allegedly it wasn't but i know i'm just saying what they said. The kiss was planned. He's sitting in a chair.
Starting point is 00:36:10 There's a break in the performance. She's dancing over him, hovering, being the sexy grandma. Yikes. The gilf. She moves her hand. His head is back. This is orchestrated. This is planned. So he wouldn't have been disgusted at the
Starting point is 00:36:25 fact that madonna was kissing him that's number one number two do you think that drake is a novice when it comes to kissing women with lip gloss on right that's what i was thinking that well you clearly weren't because you just said that you believe that bum ass story yeah but i just don't so now that we're csi-ing this thing well you you said you believe it now ass story yeah but I just don't think you want to disrespect her so now that we're CSIing this well you said you believe it now you're changing
Starting point is 00:36:49 it to I didn't no I you did say you believe it I know he's kissed a lot but I just think that maybe I don't know
Starting point is 00:36:54 you know now I'm not you're right so back to my question do you think that Drake is a novice when it comes to kissing women
Starting point is 00:37:00 with lip gloss on so now your shoulder shrug people can't see what does that mean I would imagine he does it often yeah he does do it often to kissing women with lip gloss on. So now your shoulder shrug, people can't see. What does that mean? I would imagine he does it often. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:09 He does do it often. Very often. I would also imagine that Drake has kissed plenty of women with lip gloss on. And there is nothing about lip gloss. I have also kissed plenty of women with lip gloss on. But stage makeup is different than everyday makeup, so it could have been a different situation. I have also kissed women with stage makeup.
Starting point is 00:37:27 No. There is absolutely nothing disgusting or horrifying, because that was the face that he made. He was legitimately horrified. Yeah, he was horrified about kissing a woman with stage makeup or lip gloss on. That's number two. stage makeup, or lip gloss on. That's number two.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Number three, I think Drake is enough of a professional to whereas even if he were disgusted by air quotes, lip gloss, that look of fucking Nightmare on Elm Street would not be on his face in front of one of the biggest music festivals ever. Right. So, that got me to thinking, what could possibly have happened? Because my Virgo brain has to analyze every single thing that I see.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah. And here's what I came up with. I would love to know this. Madonna moves her hair back. Uh-huh. Madonna kisses Drake. Right. love to know this madonna moves her hair back uh madonna kisses drake right if you watch this video that is floating around drake takes his arm he attempts to run his fingers through her hair or touch her head or touch her in some type of way which is a typical light-skinned nigga move. I know this because I am light-skinned.
Starting point is 00:38:45 We want to kiss and caress. So Drake attempted to caress Madonna. She then took his light-skinned hand, got the fuck off of her, as if to say, don't fucking touch me. I think she then followed that don't fucking touch me i think she then followed that don't fucking touch me sentiment with either biting his tongue or spitting in his mouth or doing something that occurred i saw the spitting in the mouth during the kiss that hurt whatever Whatever she did hurt. And then that look happened that even a professional cannot help.
Starting point is 00:39:31 When you're in pain, you're in pain. Damn, and spitting in the mouth is awesome when it's the right time. But that would not have been the right time, I suppose. Yeah, no. No, that wouldn't have been a good time. And there's no pain like bite when I bite my tongue by a fucking mistake when I chew something wrong I'm fucking
Starting point is 00:39:49 that's the face that I make so that's what I think happened and of course because these two people are fucking huge pop mega fucking icons they can't say that and they can't talk about that and Drake has to say yo
Starting point is 00:40:06 let me keep this 100 with y'all yo i see what y'all saying out there it ain't even like that madonna is madonna i named the song after madonna it's called madonna and i kissed madonna yo so whatever y'all thinking y'all don't. So whatever y'all thinking, y'all don't even think that, yo. I'm going to keep it all the way 100. That's Madonna. He has to say that. Word.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Ta-da! That was good. That was really good. I need to work for CSI. You should. You watch it so much, you'd probably... Yeah, I need more shows in my life.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I need more shows. And I haven't really been watching the shows. Oh, a sidebar. I do want to say that TV is the best that TV has ever been in my entire life. TV is amazing. There are a million amazing TV shows. And it seems like there's not enough time in the day because they're all at your disposal because of DVR and on demand. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:08 There are way too many great TV shows out there. Um, but I haven't been able to see them. Um, I've been, uh, I have been offered. Let me say this in case any potential bays are listening out there. I've been being offered a lot of dates.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Oh, now here's the thing about that. I've been being offered a lot of dates. Now, here's the thing about that. I hate dates. I'm not a dater. Like, and this sounds weird when you say it to women. Like, women are looking at me like, you don't date? Like, how do you get some pussy? How do you get a pussy? How do you get a girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:41:46 How do you? There are plenty of ways to do these things without actually dating. Yeah, I'm not like a, yeah. I'm just not. For reasons that will remain unknown, we won't get into that. But, so, as I have been allegedly, not going on, as I've been being offered to go on dates, right? uh not going on um as i've been being offered to go on dates right if you go on fucking uh one two three four five if you go on like five dates a week yes i got my you're spending a lot of fucking money hell yeah on women that you don't even know if you want to continue to see
Starting point is 00:42:20 word it adds up and unlike rory i didn't just get my taxes word i just got my 10.99 though now i can go pay oh some money so then i had this big debate with quite a few people at the local hookah bar around my uh around my home what is the difference between dating and seeing And I will ask the two of you that. Oh. I don't know. I just be fucking niggas. That's so rude. No, but I'm not.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Oh, look, she's really stumped. No, because I was going to say, like, I just, I don't like the super fancy dumbass dates either. I just want to go to a restaurant and like go to a movie. I didn't ask you that. But is that considered, is that what ask you that I asked you the difference between I know but are you But you're talking about How it's cost so much money No that was
Starting point is 00:43:13 Stay here in the conversation I asked you a very direct question What is the difference between dating someone And seeing someone If there even is a difference I'm asking you your opinion I've never used the term seeing someone So there even is a difference i'm asking you your opinion someone so i'm not quite sure oh yeah you'd be fucking niggas you've never used the term and that's i feel like white people invented that term well okay well and you've never used it talking i
Starting point is 00:43:36 used talking to do you want can you relate that all right well adult adults use that seeing term sometimes okay but so you don't know the difference. Nope. All right, so let's go in your kindergarten world. What's the difference between dating someone and talking to someone? I think dating someone is a little bit more serious where you guys are consistently going out, doing things, talking to. It's kind of just like you'll text. Maybe you'll hang out once or twice. Maybe you'll fuck. You'll fuck, and maybe eventually it'll go somewhere,
Starting point is 00:44:05 but it's really not something that either one of you are investing any time in or money toward. See, this is why Rory is here, for when I just don't understand how your brain works. He just agreed with me. I just said fucking. What I want to ask, I want to hear him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Rory, is there a difference to you in dating someone and seeing someone? I've been sitting here trying to hear him. Okay. Roy, is there a difference to you in dating someone and seeing someone? I've been sitting here trying to think of a difference. I can't. Dating maybe now it would be somebody that you just met. And it could be the beginning phase. And then seeing maybe could be when it gets a bit more serious and you guys are still going out. But you guys are taking each other more serious, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Okay, let me help the both of you out here. Dating. Dating is when you are consistently going out with someone in hopes of you two getting to know each other. That's dating, right? Yep. Can we agree on that? Sure.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I feel like seeing is, and unlike you, I think seeing is akin to maybe talking to someone. They're close to each other. Seeing someone is when you have enough information from the dating to conclude that this is something you want to further pursue. So now we are seeing each other. I didn't get that from what you're saying yeah so the dating phase would be in the beginning when you're getting to know somebody and seeing would be
Starting point is 00:45:50 when you're taking it a little bit more seriously okay so now let's go with that okay you're right you did say that um look i didn't want to be right what do you know it happens sometimes uh so let's go with that now is seeing exclusive because when i was in this fucking hookah bar just hanging out i had this i was having a conversation with like eight people because that's what i like to do i like to bring strangers into my conversation so i can understand their train of thought um and this 22 year old girl said well first she said yo there's no difference between dating and seeing somebody and then i said uh how old are you? And she said, I'm 22.
Starting point is 00:46:28 And I said, all right, so I'm not talking to you anymore. So she didn't think that dating, that seeing someone, once I explained to her, should be exclusive. Well, actually, she was Dominican, so she thought that both should be exclusive. But I'm asking you two. Is dating, is seeing someone exclusive? Now, Marmadi, you may not have too much experience with exclusive So let me tell you what? Exclusive until you're completely committed and that's your girlfriend or your boyfriend I think that at one point when it's getting a little bit more serious
Starting point is 00:46:58 You should be a little bit more mindful of what you're doing blatantly and not disrespect somebody But I still don't think that you owe it to anyone to be completely exclusive until you guys completely agree upon the fact that you are exclusive and you are then in fact boyfriend and girlfriend that was some super like whole shit to say why i don't think anyone should be exclusive with anybody and that's both of you completely agree and when i say completely i mean completely both of you have to agree because then you gotta like be faithful to one person. And I don't even know if like you got. I have so many guys that I'm driving with that I agree.
Starting point is 00:47:29 You got to agree about that. And okay. Roy, what do you think about that? No, I don't think in the seeing phase. I don't think what Marissa said was wrong. In the seeing phase, no, you don't have to. It would, back to behoove. It would behoove you to do that
Starting point is 00:47:45 if you really want to get to know somebody the best way to do it would probably be to just talk to them that's what somebody that's what dill said to me so i totally disagree with that but it's okay so in that respect yes it may help you get more serious with a person but no you do not owe them that this person that has you scared to death to talk about how your weekend went in your life and the person that you don't know if you're in a relationship with them or not is that an exclusive relationship or let me reword that does she think it's an exclusive relationship you'd have to ask her yeah no for, because the girl's thinking typically tends to dictate how it goes. Like if two people are seeing each other and,
Starting point is 00:48:29 but it's not exclusive, but the girl catches feelings when the guy speaks to someone else, then he either has to conceal the fact that he speaks to someone else to protect her feelings, or he has to acquiesce to what you's saying and fucking just not speak to other people. So the girl, that's why I said that. I wasn't trying to be funny. The girl normally dictates how that goes.
Starting point is 00:48:52 And clearly, since Rory is scared to death to speak about anything, this girl has made them a boyfriend and girlfriend exclusive. You're doing that? Yeah. What time is, how long have we been going? We're almost at an hour yeah and i just 50 minutes cool really we've been talking a long time about absolutely nothing yeah i didn't even uh make it awkward for peter yet peat shout out to uh shout out to pete pete could not be here uh first of all uh and we didn't do
Starting point is 00:49:24 it might be over For last week. I know. People were very upset about that. Yeah, they were upset. I didn't know it was like a thing that we had to... Yo, y'all didn't even do It Might Be Over For. Let me find out It Might Be Over For. It Might Be Over For. Do you have It Might Be Over For?
Starting point is 00:49:39 I'm still dead set on Chief Keef. Just for the record, the views spewed by Marissa Mendez are not shared by anyone else on this podcast. Yo, speaking of that, did you see Vlad TV just put up an interview with Pinky? I don't see Vlad TV.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I don't watch Vlad TV. They just put up an interview with your girl Pinky. I don't fuck with Vlad TV. Okie dokie. I don't never even say Vlad TV. Vlad is a sucker to me. He's been a sucker for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:50:10 It's not journalism. He's like, I'm not going to say the word culture vulture because I don't use that terminology. But he's a sucker. Does he consider himself
Starting point is 00:50:19 a journalist? He's a sucker MC. He told me out of his mouth verbatim that he was a journalist. Yes, he did. Did he have a point? He's a sucker MC. He told me out of his mouth verbatim that he was a journalist. Yes, he did. Did he have a point, like an explanation on why he thinks he's a journalist? No, I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Him and I had a back and forth on Sirius XM radio a few years ago, and I challenged him on why he goes about things the way that he does, and his explanation was it's journalism. And then I replied and said, no, the fuck it's not and then I went in went in went in he had nothing to say about it and from that point on instead of trying to change someone else because you're only in control of you I just said okay from this point moving forward Vlad and I will have absolutely nothing to do with one another even though every single chance he gets,
Starting point is 00:51:06 he posts some Joe Budden shit. He does. He's been doing that since about 2009. When did he make that site, do you know? I don't know. I don't know when he made that site, but I don't fuck with Vlad. He got punched in 08.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Did he have the site then, do you think? No, he didn't have a site when he got punched. I took the picture that went around that had the blood on his face. That was my photo. I was there. Vlad, for those of you that don't know, Vlad got punched in the face by someone in someone's camp. It was Roboross's camp. 2008 Ozone Awards. He sued.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Yeah, it was the Ozone Awards. He sued. They settled. He got some money. I think he got about $ grand, something like that. And then I think from there he started his site, which I fucking can't stand because he just sits people on his fucking couch and tries to get them to say something that will fucking incriminate them or puts a wild headline. I just don't fuck with Vlad. As a person, as a human, as anything.
Starting point is 00:52:06 And if he wasn't somebody that would sue immediately, I would have been fucked him up. Ages ago. Like a long, long time ago. And I'm not the only rapper that feels this way toward Vlad. At all. So now Vlad works for like, he does freelance for like Complex. He does freelance for a few other places. Yeah, because just recently I read a rapper had an issue with Vlad.
Starting point is 00:52:34 And Vlad leveraged his relationship with Complex as a way to get said artist to do something for Vlad TV. Like, oh yeah, well wait till I tell Complex that you threatened, like, some more faggot shit he did, that you threatened their number one hit getter or some real corny shit. Like, he's just a real corny nigga. Ew, yikes. But what were you saying about him? I said all that to say that there was an interview with Pinky and that bitch looks fucking disgusting. And she talking about
Starting point is 00:53:05 she about to start shooting again being that fat and I was like damn Joe just had it hit the nail on the head I told you someone's gonna shoot at her
Starting point is 00:53:12 I'm telling you Pinky should not shoot anything I'm talking about she was like round and just plummet had a shirt that had
Starting point is 00:53:20 the hundred emoji on it and I was just like Pinky oh that was I saw that picture on my timeline that was Pink. Pinky. Oh, that was, I saw that picture on my timeline. That was Pinky. Pinky, baby, baby, baby, baby.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Oh, man. Pinky, baby. If you're out there and if you're listening, don't do it. I know. Just chill. Just chill. Don't even do it. Just go ahead, sit back, relax.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Yeah, I was going to start rapping Affirmative Action when I said sit back and relax. But anyway, so you did your It Might Be Over For. Yeah. Do you have an It Might Be Over For? No, because I want to see everyone win and I'm all about positivity. It Might Be Over For the New York Knicks. That's mine. Now, for those listening, I've been a diehard New York Knicks fan since 88.
Starting point is 00:54:16 The Knicks last night played against the Atlanta Hawks. They were tied with the Minnesota Timberwolves for the worst record in the league. They played a game against the Hawks in which the Atlanta coach said that he would start his normal starting five. So Knicks fans all around the country like me were very pleased that we would lose
Starting point is 00:54:38 that game. The Knicks won that game. The Knicks won that game and improved to 17 and a lot of fucking losses, whatever it is. I had the paper in front of me, so let me not be that negligent. I can tell you how many games they lost because they're such a piece of shit. But anyway, the Timberwolves lost last night because the Timberwolves do a much
Starting point is 00:55:01 better job of tanking than the Knicks. And the Sixers, actually. They do a better job than the Sixers at tanking, too. The Minnesota Timberwolves have been sitting Kevin Martin for the last seven months because he has a cold. Let me be perfectly clear, sports fans out there. They lost that game. Tonight they have a game against the Oklahoma city thunder who are fighting for a playoff spot.
Starting point is 00:55:27 The Timberwolves will lose that game too. Now, how this goes is have the Knicks lost that game and lost tonight. The Knicks would be guaranteed a top four seed in the NBA lottery coming up this, uh, we picked a, we see who gets to picks a mid May. I think it's May 18th, in the NBA lottery coming up. We see who gets the picks mid-May. I think it's May 18th, May 19th, somewhere around there. Don't quote me.
Starting point is 00:55:53 And the draft is in June. This draft coming up is really top-heavy. A lot of big talent in the top of the draft, not so much later on in the draft. So we have guys like Okafor. We have Towns. We have the kid in China, Mudei. Mudei, I'm not sure how you pronounce his name.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Six-five point guard, pretty explosive. Raw needs to work in his jumper, but whatever. D'Angelo Russell. Stanley Johnson. Fucking Willie Cauley-Stein. Fucking Frank Kaminsky. We got, you know, there's some guys out there that would really help a franchise. Justice Winslow.
Starting point is 00:56:28 With that win last night, in the event that the Sixers and the Wolves lose tonight, the Knicks go from having a 25% chance at the number one pick and being guaranteed a top four pick to a 16% chance at a top pick, and you are not guaranteed a top four pick. New York Knicks fans out there, hear my pain. If the Knicks manage to nick this up. I'm finished. I'm done. I'm not rooting for him. I'm not supporting for him. I'm not a fan anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:13 I'm retiring my fan fear. You can't make fucking fans out there endure this brutal fucking season only for you to fuck up the lottery pick and the rebuild. This is horrible. So if I can't trust a franchise to even lose correctly, then I need to find a new team. So New York Knicks, y'all are on the clock.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And y'all better lose to the Pistons tonight. I swear. Oh, God, y'all better lose to them fucking Pistons tonight. So, yeah, it might be over for the Knicks. And my fanfare for the Knicks. That's what I'm going with. Got it. Did I make everyone uncomfortable?
Starting point is 00:57:58 You really did. I'm like twirling my cord here. Okay. Sorry. You like Okafor or Towns for the Knicks? I like Towns. I do too. I like Towns for the Knicks.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I don't think that Okafor, I don't want Okafor's skill set with Mello. They say that Towns can potentially be 7'3", hits his free throws. Towns plays defense. Plays defense. Okafor has not proved that he can play defense. Hits a 17-foot jump shot and rebound the ball at the next level, I feel like. He's from around here, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, New Jersey. Jersey. Jersey native. So, yeah, I'm going for Towns. So, we'll see how this plays out. Because the Knicks might not even. Oh, who knows what the fucking Knicks might not even be eligible anymore.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Fuck around, get the ninth pick. Oh, my God. I will fucking tear my house apart if the Knicks get the ninth pick. Oh my God, I will fucking tear my house apart if the Knicks get the ninth pick. If the Knicks get the ninth pick
Starting point is 00:58:48 and end up with like Carly Stein, and I do like Carly Stein, but this- Not for the Knicks. The Knicks need, oh man, I don't even want
Starting point is 00:58:56 to talk about it. I'm getting frustrated now. So yeah, that was that. We want to shout out to my producer, Peter, who could not be here.
Starting point is 00:59:02 He's away with a family emergency. Prayers are with you, Pete. So everyone keep pete and his family in your prayers i really wanted him to be here so i could have made him really uncomfortable with this whole combat jack pete situation that now he wants to ignore even though he fucking went to the uk and did an interview and gassed it up and now combat jack is replying so he's like no let me leave it alone um but the guy had some valid points and i do want peter to fucking come to the stand and answer for your fucking transgressions, damn it. There we go.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I don't care that I'm fucking on your network and he's over there. We're going to fucking get to the bottom of this. There we go. We're going to make this as awkward as can possibly be and figure it out. Because what would life be without Joe making stuff awkward? Exactly. And where's Parks in there? Parks on the board. No, but who's that? Exactly. Is Parks in there? No, but who's that girl?
Starting point is 00:59:47 Why is Parks not here? I'm supposed to go to the studio after this. Parks on the board. Yo, I listened to Mad U this weekend. Oh, you must have really been trying to find yourself. Yeah, I think I saw an OLS video. Yeah, I was listening to OLS 3. Spring training, the hard part.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Oh, spring training and the hard part. I need to go give myself a spin. I was in my bag this weekend. I forgot about a few of those. Yeah, good songs. You were listening to OLS 4? What did Bae do to you? OLS 3, not 4.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Oh, OLS 3. Okay, no, that's like a club song to me. And I was there the whole era. I just watched it all play in my head when I listened to this shit
Starting point is 01:00:22 and how we saw what you call Odoo at the pool in Miami. Oh, yeah, when we saw Derek Ward at the pool in Miami Derek Ward that was so crazy like the fucking odds of that shit that was so random that was so crazy
Starting point is 01:00:32 man life yeah that was pretty cool and then me and him had like a real cool awkward conversation yeah and then somebody took a picture
Starting point is 01:00:40 yep and then I posted it on flex yeah yeah yeah I remember all of that Esther was such a ho you should uh you should re-release
Starting point is 01:00:47 the OLS box set oh my god with testimony behind the scenes I still have the text between me and Esther when she was trying to deny Spider Woman
Starting point is 01:00:55 oh send me that I want to see it yeah it's like she's like I can't believe you Marissa what do you mean I was at the house I'm like Esther
Starting point is 01:01:01 we talked in the house what do you mean oh Esther Esther baby baby, baby. Baby, baby, baby, baby. If you're listening out there, just stop it, all right? Great tits, though. Great tits.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Yo, you have to get this phone fixed. Oh, I see the tits. You have to send me that. Yeah. You shouldn't be running around with your screen cracked. I know. I'm getting a new phone this weekend. When you were realigning and getting your goals together, that should have been your
Starting point is 01:01:24 short-term goals. It is been your short-term goals. It is on my short-term goals. I made a list of things I need to buy this week. Had a blast. I feel like we small-talked this entire episode. We did. Yeah, that's cool. I like small-talk episodes.
Starting point is 01:01:34 This is one of those episodes where Marissa gets up and leaves and is unsure how the fans will feel about it. And all the fans love it. And then she texts me, yo, I was really unsure how they were going to react to that one. But, yo, they all love it. So since they love it, I love it. Like, she's such a fucking, you got confidence issues. So I'll name this podcast episode 9 or 10, whichever one it was, because we never figured it out. We will get back at you guys next week.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Signing off. Peace. One.

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